#magical unicorn coloring book
romelialungusblog · 5 months
Magical Unicorns coloring book: A unicorn coloring book for girls to develop gratitude and mindfulness through positive affirmations
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anthonyspage · 2 years
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solbit-fox · 8 months
New Filly Cuties (Funtasia) chibi stickers and colouring pages
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that1garrulousfan · 3 months
(Playtime Co. doesn’t exist, the Smiling Critters actually live in a society n stuff)
After attending an awards ceremony and seeing his friends get praise and recognition for their unique talents, DogDay feels envious and worthless.
How come they’re so special and he isn’t? Was he really that boring?
Picky can make delicious pastries, Bubba is a genius, Kickin has charm, Hoppy is very athletic, Bobby has a heart like no other and CatNap can put anyone at ease.
E D I T : Crafty is artistically talented
CatNap soon finds DogDay sitting by the river, clearly having a breakdown. He approaches him, hoping he can help in some way. It was almost anticipated. It was what he was good for.
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“I’m supposed to be the leader… I should be proud of everyone… not upset. This is so stupid…”
“That’s not stupid, it’s normal. And besides, who needs a dumb skill anyways?”
DogDay takes that reassurance the wrong way, in other words VERY LITERAL.
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Basically, he managed to become a dictator in the span of less than 24 hours. Which honestly isn’t very surprising. He’s already the leader to begin with.
He convinces his friends to give up their talents and act as equals. (Which dulls their colors in their appearances, much like citizens in the song above).
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Bubba is forced to perform at the same intelligence level as everyone else, it’d be unfair if he were remain the smartest of the bunch.
Kickin is now more reserved and awkward, unlike his popular charm he once had. (I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t give him the Will Byers haircut I’m sorry—)
CraftyCorn can no longer be as creative as she once was. She is also not allowed to use her unicorn horn magic due to the fact that no one else has that advantage.
Hoppy has to slow down her pace in order to blend in with the crowd. Instead of hopping, skipping or running from place to place, she needs to mirror the average speed of everyone else.
Picky’s food isn’t as appetizing as it used to be. She often overcooks, undercooks, adds the wrong ingredients, forgets some ingredients or even ignores the recipe.
Bobby has trouble encouraging her friends because she can’t necessarily do it properly anymore.
CatNap is still processing what’s going on. Very confused to be honest.
This AU takes inspiration from the episode, “The Cutie Map” from MLP and the book “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut.
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Feel free to ask questions if you want to!
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
little kid Charlie seeing a drawing of a unicorn and excitedly comparing her own cloven hoofs and long wiggle tail to it. Unicorns as her heroes, able to heal people and help them, symbols of all things good and bright and happy
little kid Charlie spending a few years convinced she must be part unicorn, finally asking her dad about it- Lucifer not getting context at first and being all "you can be whatever you want Char-char~" only to realize too late she's being serious and she's gonna be crushed so he just changes the subject whenever it comes up trying to let her have fun as long as she can
(he also doesn't tell Lilith, bc Lilith will tell the truth and Lucifer can already picture the sad little look on Charlie's face when she hears..)
Charlie growing up and slowly noticing that a unicorn's tail is soft and fluffy and tasseled while hers is leathery and jagged and sharp. Looking down at her cloven hooves and realizing they're blood red. Staring at both her horns in the mirror, neither of them fluted, nothing magical about them- just a sign she's throwing a tantrum today
Lilith finds her hugging her fav fairytale book and crying and Lilith listens when she stumbles through the whole unicorn thing, how Charlie thought she was one but she's just a monster instead
so Lilith tells Charlie older stories about other unicorns. Dangerous wild and powerful creatures who came in strange colors and weren't always soft or gentle but were still beautiful. she turns little Charlie sideways between the wall and the light and shows her how two horns can look like one from the right angle
little Charlie cuddling into her mom's arms feeling better because her mom thinks she's perfect
but it's still a heavy thing, bc Charlie doesn't want to be wild or dangerous. She likes the kinds of unicorns who frolic through flowery meadows and summon rainbows with every step. Nice ones no one ever thinks of as scary
years later Lucifer has shut himself away and Lilith has vanished and Charlie's slipping into bed with a sigh, picking up a book of fairytales to read until her buzzing thoughts are quiet enough to let her sleep
next to her in bed Vaggie is giving her spear a last look over before it's time to lean it against the wall within easy reach
the shadow of the spear falls across the bed and onto the wall and Charlie lifts her hands to make a shadow puppet horse's head without thinking, combining the two until the spear becomes a horn and the shadow horse turns into a unicorn
Charlie giggles and Vaggie turns, smiles, spends the next few minutes trying to figure out how to give the unicorn a body without dropping the spear
eventually they're both laughing to hard and the shadow unicorn collapses. Snuggling up for sleep, Vaggie murmurs off handedly "I've got the best horned and hooved lady right here anyway. Unicorns could learn a thing or two from you, sweetie" before drifting off
Charlie all grown up and thinking about how she bandaged her girlfriend's eye the day they met. How always on edge Vaggie can spend an hour before bed checking exits and her weapon, but then relax and fall asleep the moment Charlie cuddles her
It's a pretty good magic to have, all grown up Charlie decides, much better than just summoning sparkles or rainbows
(a few years on from this and she looks down at the woman who cut out her girlfriend's eye and feels her horns and hooves and the urge to break bones with them, and she is more close to being like the wild, dangerous unicorns of her mom's stories than she'll ever know)
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sailorgoon13 · 5 months
Theodore Nott
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Full Name: Theodore Nott
Nickname: Theo
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 4 November, 1979
Heritage: English/ Italian
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Blackthorn, Unicorn hair, 11 3/4", Slightly Flexible
Hair Color: Dark brown, a bit fluffy
Eye Color: Striking baby blue
Skin Tone: Olive
Height: 6'
Body Type: Lean and athletic. Tall, well proportioned
Style: Well-fitted jeans or chinos paired with a crisp button-down shirt or a cashmere sweater. Accessories are key to his look, with luxurious touches like leather loafers, silk scarves, and perhaps even a designer watch or cufflinks. His color palette leans towards darker tones like charcoal, navy, and deep burgundy
Features: Confidence, Mysterious aura, Sharp wit, Distinctive voice, Leadership
Traits: Reserved, Loyal, Manipulative, Intelligent, Emotionally Complex
Likes: Privacy, Fine literature, Refines tastes, Debates, Chess
Dislikes: Arrogance, Lack of ambition, Betrayal
Hobbies: Quidditch, Reading, Playing Piano
Fears: Vulnerability, Rejection, Turning to the Darker side
Family and Friends:
Father: Mr. Nott
Valued Pure-Blood status
Supporter of Voldemort's cause/ Death Eater
Mother: Mrs. Nott
Died when Theo was young
Instilled his love for literature and fine art
Taught him Italian
Friends: Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Lorenzo Berkshire, Mattheo Riddle
Special Abilities: His father taught him darker magic when he was young, though he doesn't like to use any of it. Particularly good at charms and hexes
Boggart: A memory of when he witnessed his mother dying
Patronus: Fox
Polyjuice: Would look velvety black with sparkling flecks of gold and silver. Smell like earthy Italian herbs and leather books with a hint of roses. It might taste like dark chocolate infused with hints of espresso and blackberry, with a subtle undertone of smoky oak and vanilla
Amortentia: Bergamont, Sandalwood, Freshly Brewed Coffee, Dark Chocolate
Theodore Nott was born into a prestigious pure-blood wizarding family, his childhood filled with the enchanting landscapes and rich cultural heritage of Italy. His mother, a talented witch with a passion for art, literature, and music, imparted upon him a love for the finer things in life. She taught him how to speak Italian, play the piano, and appreciate the beauty of the magical world around them.
However, Theodore's childhood took a tragic turn when his mother passed away, leaving him with a profound sense of loss. Compounding his grief was the revelation that his father, though also deeply devoted to his family, had been a follower of Voldemort. With Voldemort's downfall, Theo's father met his demise, leaving Theo with conflicting emotions and a sense of isolation.
Despite his father's past affiliations, he distanced himself from his family's dark legacy, choosing instead to honor his mother's memory by embracing the values she had instilled in him. He found comfort in the company of his friends, particularly during Christmas vacations and over the summer, when he would often stay with classmates Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, and Enzo Berkshire.
Throughout his years at Hogwarts, Theodore excelled academically and athletically, distinguishing himself as a talented and ambitious student. His keen intellect, strategic mind, and refined tastes set him apart from his peers, earning him both admiration and envy. Despite facing teasing and discrimination for his softer side and Italian accent, Theo remained resilient, drawing strength from the bonds of friendship that sustained him.
He discovered a passion for Quidditch, becoming the star keeper for the Slytherin team. With each dive and save, he felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration, leaving behind the weight of his worries and losses, if only for a moment.
Best Subject: Charms
Favorite Subject: DADA (But he won't tell you its really Astronomy)
Favorite Professor: Flitwick
Worst Subject: Ancient Runes
Least Favorite Subject: Divination
Least Favorite Professor: Slughorn
Student Life:
Academically excels in his studies, particularly in subjects like Potions and Charms
A regular fixture in the Hogwarts library, spending hours poring over ancient texts and refining his magical skills, teaching himself a new language, (Or really just hiding behind a romance novel)
Respected by his classmates for his intellect and admired for his cool demeanor, though some may find him enigmatic or intimidating.
He enjoys spending time in the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch, honing his skills as Keeper
He also indulges in his love for art, literature, and music
Girls at Hogwarts are drawn to Nott's confidence, intelligence, and refined tastes, finding themselves mesmerized by his cool demeanor and mysterious aura
While he remains discreet about his romantic interests, there is no shortage of girls vying for his attention and affection.
Template: @hazyange1s
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lilboylavender · 19 days
this or that: agere edition!
i’ve never done one of these but i wanna try :3 you just reblog and either copy paste the text and bold the ones you like, or list the ones you like in the tags. let’s go!!
🦄 Unicorns OR 🦕 Dinosaurs
🍼 Baby bottles/Sippy cups OR 🧃 Juice boxes
🖍️ Coloring books OR 📺 Cartoons
🧸 Stuffed animals OR 🤖 Tech toys
🍭 Sweet OR 🥨 Salty
🛝 Park/Playground OR 📚 Library/Bookstore
🛌 Naptime OR 🛀🏻 Bathtime
🎨 Creative prodigy OR 🔬 Science wiz
🩺 Play doctor OR 🏰 Play royalty
♟️ Board games OR 🎮 Video games
🛼 Rollerskating OR 🪁 Fly kites
🪄 Magic show OR 🪩 Dance party
(i hope this is good 👉🏻👈🏻) (maybe ill make more for different kinds of regressors) (by that i mean like,,,, the less “typical” age regressors, liek regressors that wear facial piercings, regressors that enjoy horror movies, etc) (age regression doesn’t look like one thing!!!)
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kradogsrats · 2 months
Aaravos, Leola, and the Entire History of Human Magic: Revisited
So I last dumped on this topic right after s5 released, and came up with a rough series of conclusions that were largely correct, as far as interpreting what information we had been given so far. Now that s6 has dumped some new delicious and crunchy twists into the mix, let's take another look.
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The Unicorn's Gift
Going into s6, we had 2.5 accounts of the gifting of primal magic to humans: the Book One: Moon novelization, Tales of Xadia, and Ripples. In Book One: Moon, and Tales of Xadia, we learn that humans received primal magic from the/a most selfless and compassionate unicorn(s), against the advice of the elves.
Unicorns were always the most selfless of the Xadian beings. There came a time when, filled with pity, they desperately wanted to help the struggling humans. After all, it was not the humans' choice to have been born without magic. But the First Elves were wary. They warned the unicorns that kindness was not always returned with kindness; it would be a mistake to trust the species. After all, if humans were supposed to use magic, they would have been born with it.
— Book One: Moon
One heart took pity on the plight of humanity. A unicorn, unique among her own rare kind, saw the strength and ingenuity of the human spirit where others saw weakness and beastly ignorance. Her name was Leola. While elves warned that if humans were meant to wield magic they would have been born with it, she gifted the wisest humans with secrets: the language of the dragons and the runes that shaped spells.
— Tales of Xadia
What's interesting is how inaccurate both of these stories have turned out to be. We also don't even actually know whose stories these are. By the time of the series events, it's no longer even remembered that humans had primal magic, aside from primal stones. It's a truth forgotten on the human side, and either similarly forgotten or deliberately suppressed in Xadia. Despite the brightest, most constant star in the sky still retaining the name "Leola's Last Wish," neither Callum nor Rayla know who Leola was.
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Ripples obliquely acknowledges the vagueness and changing nature of these stories, opening with:
Like all the oldest tales, time has bent its shape and blurred its color. It is a fable whispered on some tongues and shouted on others. While one may say it ends with a sunrise, another will insist it ends at nightfall.
— Ripples
So rather than directly telling the story of humanity's acquisition of primal magic, Ripples deals with the aftermath. We learn that humanity had been, implicitly or explicitly, forbidden primal magic, and in the wake of them receiving it, a star fell.
It happened long ago, when humans had only just learned to hold fire in their hands without burning. They nurtured their precious primal flames secretly—in the dark of night, beneath shadows and shrouds—as cultivating its glow drew the eyes and ire of monsters. Eventually, for the audacity of their fire, they were hunted, and—though they looked to the stars for salvation—the stars, too, looked down upon them with disdain. Humanity had been given something it was never meant to have. And so there came a calamity.
— Ripples
The story told in Ripples turns out to be the most accurate, based on what we have learned from s6. Humans acquired primal magic, and a star was cast from the sky. (A tiny star, if you want extra emotions.) It makes no mention of how humans learned primal magic, only that they did, and—unlike the other stories, where the elves caution against giving magic to humans but take no other action—the are hunted by monsters for it.
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Elarion, fading bloom, afraid to wilt and dim and die, she searched the dark for but a spark and caught the dragons’ hungry eye.
— Midnight Star
The Order of the Stars
One of the main things, possibly the main thing, we learned from s6 is that we were given a glimpse of the stars as the god-like authorities that have been hinted at in a lot of Aaravos-related side content. It's not a good look. (It never was.)
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It tells us succinctly why primal magic was forbidden to humans: in the timeless gaze of the stars, humans acquiring magic dooms the universe.
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(Of course, it is the attempt at averting prophesied doom that actually brings it to pass, but that's just standard stuff. For all their omniscience, the stars apparently still lack genre-awareness.)
This "cosmic order" is likely what the stars have built that Aaravos seeks to destroy:
I hope the stars were watching. I hope they saw it: the moment their perfect reflections turned warped and ruined, churned to chaos by the touch of a single human hand.
— Ripples
And when everything they have built lies shattered, I will savor their fall from the sky.
— Patience
Snitches Get Stitches, Even Dragons
The other major curve ball s6 has thrown into the story as we understood it is the involvement of the archdragons, Sol Regem in particular. According to Aaravos, the testimony of a young Sol Regem is the only evidence against Leola.
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At the time, Aaravos seems to take this at face value, and argues that anything Leola may have done was out of love for humans and the world, not defiance of the cosmic order. Maybe this is because Sol Regem/Anak Arao is an archdragon of the Sun, the primal source known for the light of truth.
I, however, have to wonder if he was lying. Taking a look at Ripples, again:
It happened long ago, when humans had only just learned to hold fire in their hands without burning. They nurtured their precious primal flames secretly—in the dark of night, beneath shadows and shrouds—as cultivating its glow drew the eyes and ire of monsters. Eventually, for the audacity of their fire, they were hunted, and—though they looked to the stars for salvation—the stars, too, looked down upon them with disdain.
— Ripples
Apparently, the first primal source humans accessed was the Sun. It could just be that Anak Arao was a rules-obsessed hall monitor and... but what if it wasn't Leola who gave humans that secret? We don't even see Leola doing any magic of the kind she's credited with giving humans—no runes, no spells of any specific primal. If someone did teach humans the runes and Draconic words for primal magic, it seems unlikely to have been her.
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But as heir to some kind of position of authority, could it have been partially Anak Arao's responsibility to keep his primal source out of human hands? Was it maybe stolen out from under his nose, and he sought to shift the punishment away from himself? (And boy, would it sure be a real uno-reverse to have this story loop all the way back around to a literal theft of fire for humanity.) Or could it have been lost/given to humans by someone he wanted to protect from the same cosmic justice?
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There have been hints about a larger human/dragon conflict in the past, most notably the Midnight Star poem. In a hiatus-era interview, Aaron Ehasz describes an early version of the setting as being essentially humans/unicorns vs. dragons/elves. The low-key emphasis on humans and dragons in opposition that we get from some of these materials is a) interestingly not mentioned in either of the "unicorns gave primal magic to humans" stories, and b) not actually what we see as the primary conflict in the setting, outside of Sol Regem's personal grudge.
It gets especially weird because, like... there's no reason to think all the other archdragons we're aware of (except Zym) weren't there, too. Sol Regem is cast as a bit older, but not "of an entirely different generation from the other archdragons"-older. So like, you'd think Zubeia would remember, at minimum, that primal magic was forbidden to humans by the cosmic order. Maybe, given the implied departure/loss of interest by the stars, no one cares anymore? Maybe dark magic was considered a much more serious issue, as far as perversions of the natural order are concerned. Or I guess it's possible that there was some special relationship between the stars and the line of the archdragon Sun King, and the other archdragons weren't privy to the machinations going on in the heavens.
Basically, there's been a big new mystery introduced as to the geopolitics of Xadia and the heavens in the distant past, in addition to Aaravos's personal relationships with all the archdragons.
Book and Key
So overall, I don't actually know what to make of this:
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But I have a couple wild theories to put forth.
First of all, Aaravos has been referred to as "archmage of all six primal sources," and this is reflected in the pre-s6 promo art series featuring the book and key.
But, interestingly, we also see in s6 that in order to truly commune with the heavens, the Celestial elves have to remove themselves from the influence of the other primal sources, specifically the Sun and Moon.
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So, as powerful as they are, I think maybe Startouch elves don't have automatic access to the other primal sources. Maybe not even the magic of the Star primal, as it exists harnessed by rune spells. The book is probably how Aaravos himself built connections to primal magic while in Xadia.
(This would mean that the reason it was at all believable for Leola to give the secrets of primal magic to humans is because Aaravos was exploring those secrets—something it could be that the stars resented?)
Anyway this could also connect up with any number of wild theories about the nature of primal magic or primal elves, though we see a Moonshadow elf among Leola's friends so it seems primal elves are already present at this point. Being me, if Aaravos and Leola's home was actually in what is now Duren, I at least personally want to believe that he was seeding the frontier with magic.
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Anyway, as always: some answers, and even more questions. Catch y'all later when the post-release interviews and Q&As inevitably make everything even weirder.
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waughymommy · 4 months
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Once again this story was completely revised and edited by myself with the help of online tools to do so. I decided to take this road because finding someone to proofread it is really complicated and apparently my last story was pretty well-written. It is probably too far from being perfect but I promise that I try to improve my writing skills every day. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading.😘😘 Waughymommy
Another… night… Another workday.” Princess Luna said while she stretched walking to her bedroom preparing herself for the daily duties of an alicorn princess like her.
“Hello, sis. Everything ready for the night?” Princess Celestia said while she walked across the corridor to take a well-deserved rest after a long day of duties.
“You bet! The moon is raised and let me tell you that tonight’s stars are few of my best ones…” The dark blue alicorn said proudly.
“Great! Dreams realm patrol then?” Celestia asked.
“Dream realm patrol,” Luna affirmed. Soon both sisters said goodnight and left. Princess Luna, had, like every single night, to lay down on her bed while she used her special magic powers to patrol the dreams realm to find dangerous nightmares and help ponies with all their troubles and nighttime fears. After all, that was her main task as the princess of the night and it was pretty important to keep her subjects safe and sound. Sadly, this task was getting more and more boring with time. For some reason ponies were sleeping less, dreaming less and having more boring dreams each night.
“Time to work.” princess of the night after all. She had to find out something related to the sacred part of the day that she guarded, not just being the sidekick of the princess of the day. That'd be humiliating...
Luna thought that if she was going to change her way of working, she had to find out how and soon. She returned to her bedroom and turned on one of those new machines recently installed in the whole castle. Every worker there apparently has one. Those were called computers and were getting pretty popular in recent times. They could help the ponies without magic writing faster and better. It was possible to read books on it without visiting a library. But maybe most important, thanks to the technologies team of the Princess Celestia School for gifted unicorns, it was possible to navigate on a thing called Magic Network of Machines or MNM… Usually just called MagicNet to abbreviate. The same theology that connected the dreams or magic of unicorns from long distances was now able to transmit information through the air. Amazing, huh?
Princess Luna used then her magic to turn on and control the strange device. In the first weeks, it was hard to control, but with the time it was easier than levitating feathers in magic kindergarten. Luna entered in the MagicNet with the hope of finding a good way to make the nighttime job more interesting. At first, she was looking for recent researches about magic. There was a curious study about the effects of changing the horn’s shape in unicorn's magic powers. Suddenly, moving across different sites, she found something completely unexpected in one of the ads.
“Canterlot Legends? What is that?” Luna said to herself surprised when she found that screen with several shiny colors and a detailed description. “Create your own powerful pony and fight with your team against other players in tremendous battles. Completely free!” She read. Luna had heard about this too. Apparently, there was also some kind of games in this MagicNet. Like those arcade machines where you could beat your own score in silly games like jumping across lateral maps or eating small balls in a maze. In other circumstances, the princess of the night would be probably not even close to being interested in this foals' stuff. But the boredom was at an extreme level, there were still three hours before the sunrise, and she had to do something.
“Okay, let’s try out this thing.” She said to herself. Clicking on the start button quickly brought her to another screen where she could create her own pony character. Apparently, she was able to choose the whole appearance of the virtual creature. She wasn’t too creative and simply created a pony as close as possible to herself. Once that the character was completely customized, she was able to choose a class.
“Attack, defense, balanced, tank, health…” Princess Luna said as she tried to find the logic behind those words. She simply chose randomly the defense class and started to play. Her character appeared in the middle of a virtual battlefield and she had to move it and apparently attack other players tapping on them. Even if the game mechanics looked too simple, the screen was somehow full of numbers, bars, statistics and buttons to press. The princess though decided to ignore them and just continued attacking other players.
The low skill level of the newbie princess simply ended in an easy victory for the rival team. With the defeat letters on the screen, Princess Luna felt disappointed by the game, she was about to leave it. But before she could realize, another match loaded, and suddenly she defeated one character and another… And another one more. After five minutes, her team won the match, and before she could even realize that again… She was in another match… That night, without a doubt, the hours passed faster than ever.
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greenwitchcrafts · 11 months
November 2023 witch guide
Full moon: November 27th
New moon: November 13th
Sabbats: None
November Beaver Moon
Known as: Digging(or scratching) moon, Deer rutting moon, Frost moon, Whitefish moon, Mourning Moon, Dark moon, Blotmonath, Fog moon, Mad moon, Moon of storms, Herbistmanoth & Freezing moon
Element: Water
Zodiac: Scorpio & Sagittarius
Nature spirits: Subterranean faeries
Deities: Astarte, Bast, Black Isis, Hecate, Kali, Lakshmi, Mawu, Nicnevin, Osiris & Saraswati
Animals: Crocodile, jackal, scorpion & unicorn
Birds: Goose, owl & sparrow
Trees: Alder, cypress & hazel
Herbs: Betony, blessed thistle, borage, cinquefoil, fennel, grains of paradise & verbena
Flowers: Blooming cacti & chrysanthemum
Scents: Cedar, cherry blossom, hyacinth, lemon, narcissus & peppermint
Stones: Beryl, cat's eye, citrine, yellow sapphire, topaz & turquoise
Colors: Blues, grey, sea green & silver
Energy: Deity communication, cooperation, death, divination, focus, passion, healing, preparation, secrets, sex matters, taking root & transformations.
The Beaver Moon gets its name because it is the time of year when beavers begin to take shelter in their lodges, having laid up sufficient food stores for the long winter ahead. During the fur trade in North America, it was also the season to trap beavers for their thick, winter-ready pelts. 
Other celebrations:
• Lunantishees
November 11th
Also known as: The day of the Sidhe
This day celebrates the Lunantishee Faeries & honors the sacred blackthorn tree that they protect. It is said these faeries dance around their host blackthorn tree or bush by the light of the full moon in which they worship. The Lunantishee are closely associated with moonstone as their name of Moon-Sidhe or moon faeries suggest. These faeries are intensely protective guardians who highlight to us the need to protect our homes & our personal energies/ourselves.
In some traditions people would leave offerings like cakes, milk, honey or ale to avert any mischievous behavior from the faeries & if you had a blackthorn tree leave blackthorn blessings upon you.
During this time it is advised to not pick, cut or prune these plants under any circumstances or else misfortune would be placed upon them.
•Night of Hecate
November 16th
Though many choose to honor the Goddess Hecate during this day, there doesn't seem to be any historical evidence suggesting this particular day has any traditional associations or events & likely was mistaken from Hekate's Deipnon which takes place during the dark phase of the moon. However modern practitioners use this day to honor Hekate despite this.
Some celebrate by having a feast filled with wine, mushrooms, bread & more while also leaving some at the threshold of their front door to symbolize the crossroads between indoors and outdoors.
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
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k-hippie · 8 months
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Well, well, well ...I know ... I was not supposed to make some artworks but as I build and manage terrains for 2 months now, I think I needed to make something else, for changing, as a break ;)
So here comes our Artworks update, since some of those artworks are 8 years long ! And this post is going to be long too :D
Let's face it : our Sims, the ones who are ex-students of Hogwarts and other schools of witchcraft and wizardry such as Beauxbatons or Durmstrang, are a bit lost when arriving into a new Sims World and some of them are eager to bring in their new home as many wizard stuff and things as possible ... These Artworks are some of these things and stuff ;)
But let's begin with something new ... Some of the Arts included into the game HOGWARTS LEGACY and let's rock in Hogwarts ;)
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Modern technology bringing back to life the history of Hogwarts ?! Well, if we can’t read History of Hogwarts, we’ll take whatever Hogwarts Legacy can give us … 
Those 22 Artworks all somehow related to Hogwarts history. Some are explicit, where you can see the castle or its grounds, some are completely up to your imagination with skulls or fruits. Some are pieces of lost tapestries, part of a larger story ( and fully based on Gryffindor dormitory in Harry Potter movies which are themselves based on vintage French Tapestry Hanging Needlepoint of the Lady and the Unicorn ). They are all beautiful and will enhance any room.
This object is a new mesh, it doesn’t override anything, and works fine in-game :)
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We added 4 more paintings, we slightly modified the colorimetry and we refined the textures :)
Yes, we agree : enchanted paintings are superb and you don’t need to be an artist or art-lover to appreciate any of the paintings from the Hogwarts Staircases. In fact, the paintings don’t ask to be seen or admired. Wouldn’t be awkward for anybody to stand before a moving painting all day long ? :D
But art is art and the Artist behind the impressive gallery of headmasters deserves attention. Thus, we made a series of headmasters portraits. They have been painted by Rembrandt, Vemeer and Van Eyck ... They don’t move but they are just as beautiful. Incidentally a good topic of discussion at evening with friends :)
“ Is that brooding man your ancestor?
– Headmaster Snape?! By Merlin’s beard I hope not! ”
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Attention please : we do not guarantee that you won’t feel judged by any of these portraits. Hang at your own risks ...
This object is a new mesh, it doesn’t override anything, and works fine in-game :)
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The Hogwarts Vertical Artworks have been updated with more artworks and diverse visuals. Wand permit from MacUSA or extract from a famous Howler, an artistic rendition of Dolores Umbridge torture ( can't believe that happened ), special editions of the Daily Prophet, Ministry of Magic recommandations and book covers and details. Now you have up to 21 artworks to choose from. Colorful ( or not ) and unique.
Many of those Artworks are based on the fantastic work of minalima ... the ones we admired in every Harry Potter movie ;)
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Many Hogwarts students, after their studies, moved out to many different places, including some Sims Worlds ( yes, it’s true ! )
So, you can imagine how good it is to remember Hogwarts and its famous houses wherever you can live, as Wizard/Witch, and as Sim. And all the memories related to Platform 9 3/4, the Hogwarts Express, etc ... By the way, in which House the Sorting had sent you when you were 11 ? :D
This object is a new mesh, it doesn’t override anything, and works fine in-game :)
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The Hogwarts More Artworks series have been updated and augmented with new stuff and 10 more artworks. Yup, you read that right. More Daily Prophet front pages, education decree, book covers and various artworks ... International Quidditch World Cup poster or exemple of famous Howler. There's something for all taste in these complete sets. Wondering what the small characters are ? Zoom in ! Mesmerized by the details of the famous Marauder's map ? Have a look in big ! Studies in propaganda ? Oh boy are you in for a treat …
Framed posters are a good alternative if you are a wizard ( or witch ) living incognito in the muggle world. Who would suspect the Daily Prophet to be a "special" newspaper with its weird headline of a defeated dark lord named You-Know-Who ? Muggles might even think The Quibbler cover to be a nice modern art. And they haven't seen the sad Ministry of Magic propaganda when Lord Voldemort ( he's dead, we can say his name now ) took over the government.
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As you can see, we added really a lot of Artworks ;)
This object is a new mesh, it doesn’t override anything, and works fine in-game :)
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Download Hogwarts Legacy Artworks here
Download Hogwarts Paintings here
Download Hogwarts Vertical Artworks here
Download Hogwarts More Artworks here
Have fun playing witch and wizard :D
Show your support ( we accept sickles and galleons ) : ko-fi // paypal
Made with Sims4Studio Dates of Release: August 28th 2015 Date of Update: February 5th 2024 Expansions: Base Game Category : Buy > Decorations > Paintings
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evelmiina · 1 year
Love your work! I wanted to ask what your process is like when it comes to coming up with a design/composition to a piece? Do you have any specific methods you use or it is more improvised:)? Thanks!
I'd say both - method and improvisation. To me all pictures are basically shapes organized in a pleasing way. Even when I draw lines I think more about overall shapes together and how I feel about them. There's a lot to consider about design and composition, some pretty smart books on the subject are Marcus Mateu-Mestre: Framed Ink and Hans Bacher: Vision - color and composition for film. I'm still learning all the time and I make mistakes but I think method to making composition comes down to: readability and narrative intention, moving from simplicity to complex. But it's also fun and important to play around and see what works, that's why my process is not always the same and I can show some examples. Here are the sketches and final I did for my Magic card illustration:
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This is my go-to method when I want to rely on tried and true process and I know I won't get lost once I start drawing/painting because I can rely on my steps. I don't always do things this way, but for paid work I want the client to have as clear idea of my intention as possible. The reasoning why 3 worked the best is because it's more dynamic and dimensional than 2, but more readable than 1. It also best showcases how the tower is supposed to be huge, something that was important for the design.
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This on the other hand was personal work and I approached it in more relaxed way just to see where it goes. Still I think what made me want to finish it is I liked the variety of shapes and rhythm of the room, like how the screens lead towards the doorway, lot of rectangles but varied in their size and angle. If it was client work I probably would've been called out in the sketch, because the focal point is this empty wall that makes no sense. I came up with the idea of shadow of a window while making it and in the end it worked, but it was an example how I made a big design problem for myself that I was gambling on to figure out.
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This one had very specifically just one photo reference, but I did the sketch to put down the essentials of what I was seeing in the photo. In the end I referenced dog's face and pose more from the photo so it looks more natural, which was also funnier than my own initial interpretation
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Sometimes the initial comp just doesn't pan out exactly. I did the sketch for this Unicorn fanart and I even drew the interior at some point, but it just Did Not Work for me, I also discarded the idea of medieval dragon in the statue for same reason. So it sat in my folder for a while until I could look at it again and after taking a break, I still liked the statue and the general idea, but decided to make the surroundings easier to look at so that the statue stands out better.
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When I did the sketch for this dragon I wanted it to feel big and heavy, like lifting its head from the ground. But I didn't want to do vertical picture which lead me to painting over digitally and extending the picture, then painting the whole thing traditionally anyway.
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anthonyspage · 2 years
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pxrty-crxsher · 2 months
He never knew when to stop. Florean was a giver. Students knew when they were upset, he would be there for them. And give out free ice cream. He’d constantly take care of other’s, putting their needs before his own. He didn’t think he had many needs, anyways.
Sitting in the Ravenclaw common room, bouncing his leg and trying to get his work done. But he just couldn’t concentrate. He needed to write a paper on… Oh Merlin knows what the herb was. He couldn’t even remember, and he was already a paragraph in his homework. Florean was a smart boy, one of the top of his class next to the boyfriend, August, and hardly ever had trouble with his homework. Normally, he’d get it done quicker than it was handed out.
But he just couldn’t.
“What’s wrong, love?” August asked, walking over to the boy sitting on the couch, putting his arm on the back of the couch, looking at his shorter boyfriend’s homework assignment. “Oh is that the unicorn hair assignment?” It wasn’t even a fucking herb he was writing on. “You’re looking in the herb section..it will be in..” he hummed, flipping through the pages of the text book, “magical creatures hair, feathers and claws.”
Florean lifted his fingers up to rub the bridge of his nose, looking to the clock on the wall and sighing as the time read 6:43. He’d been looking at his assignment for more than hour and had hardly gotten much done. “I’m fine..” he whispered, balling up his parchment and starting a new one, where he’d actually know the ingredient. “I just..can’t focus very well..”
August knew something was wrong..he was wonderful in potions class. “What’s on your mind?” He said, reaching his hand up and running his fingers through his boyfriend’s curly brown hair which sprouted from his caramel colored skin.
“It’s nothing I- I just need to..”
“Florean..” August murmured, “you can’t just disregard your own feelings… if you can’t concentrate..” he said, reaching over and pushing the assignment away. “then let’s talk about it..you matter just as much as anyone else. And even more to me.”
“I got a letter..from my father this morning.. my mother has fallen ill.. and-“
August hated to see him like this, and he’d been keeping it inside all day. He held his arms out for him and gave him a gentle hug, “you have two more days to do this assignment..let’s just go back to the dorm. Yeah? We’ll talk about it in bed. Just let me take care of you…you do so much for other’s..you deserve a break.”
“Okay..” Florean said, taking a gentle sigh out his nose, feeling a little weight lift off his shoulders. “Thank you..” he murmured, standing up and leaning into him to head to the dorm.
“That’s just what I’m here for. No need to thank..” he whispered, pressing a lingering kiss to his forehead, lacing his fingers to hold his boyfriend’s hand and leading him up the steps to Floreans dorm. “After you let it all out..let’s get ice cream..”
“I love ice cream.”
“I know, love.”
( @yourlocalbadgerscales requested ship! We should figure out a ship name! Maybe something like florist? Because Flor(ean) - (Aug)ust
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ticklemerainbows · 1 year
Aestheticore Legacy Challenge
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Hullo friends! I have been searching for a little while for a legacy challenge that I could also use as some sort of perfect genetics challenge and I figured, why not make my own. So the aestheticore legacy challenge was born! As you can tell from the title, this challenge is centered around differed aesthetics. There are a ton of aesthetics out there so it was hard to pick just 10, and some of these I’ve never heard of before so I’m excited to try this out! 
If you decide to do this, tag me ticklemerainbows or aestheticore challenge so I can see! And feel free to let me know what you think. This is my first challenge so if there’s things I could do different/better let me know!
And without further ado, the challenge.
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Generation One - Cottagecore
Your favorite thing about living on family land is the garden. It’s been around for at least the last 10 generations, and you want nothing more than to keep it going, but living in a city isn’t for you. So you pack up, take a keepsake plant from the garden and move to a quiet town in order to grow your own garden that will hopefully last for generations to come!
Requirements:  The Perfect Garden
Live on a small (no bigger than 30x30) lot
Maintain a garden for the entire generation
Reach level 10 Gardening
Make a living off your plants
Suggested Traits: Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors
Color: Green
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Generation Two - Auroracore 
You try your hardest to help your parents on the farm but you can’t help but have your head in the clouds. Fairy tales are your favorite genre of anything, and while living on a farm is all fine and dandy - you absolutely love your horse, you did raise it from a baby after all! - you always wonder if there’s something more. Like, a unicorn, perhaps?
Requirements:  The Fairy Tale Finder
Raise a horse from foal to adult
Reach level 10 in the Riding Skill
Have your horse get the Friend of the Herd Lifetime Reward
Search for a unicorn anytime there’s an aurora
Suggested Traits: Equestrian, Animal Lover
Color: Lilac
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Generation Three - Light Academia
Being raised by someone who’s lifelong mission was to find a supernatural creature was surprisingly not as chaotic as it would sound, though you still prefer to stay more…grounded. While your parents were out hunting, you preferred to keep your head in the books, earning a scholarship to get into University. 
Requirements:  The Perfect Student
Get on honor roll as a child/teen
Earn a scholarship in any subject
Buy the bookstore
Suggested Traits: Socially Awkward, Workaholic, Perfectionist, Bookworm
Color: Beige
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Generation Four - Fairycore
Your grandmother always told you about her times with her unicorn friend, and while you never quite believed her, you fell in love with the idea of supernatural creatures altogether. Magic, fairies, it all sounds so fantastical that you even begin trying to figure out if you can turn yourself into a magical creature!
Requirements:  Alchemy Artisan
Reach level 10 Alchemy
Visit the arboretum once a week to search for fairies
Befriend a fairy
Use an elixir to become a fairy
Suggested Traits: Supernatural Fan, Gatherer
Color: Pink
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Generation Five - Comfy/Cozy
Life around magic has been a whirlwind, and you are anything but all that excitement. Having a grandparent who owns a bookstore has its perks, and you spend most of your time curled up with a good book and a warm cup of tea. Leaving your house to work doesn’t sound too appealing but you don’t have to go outside to write, do you?
Requirements:  Professional Author
Join the bookclub
Visit the library at least 3 times a season
Reach level 10 Writing
Write a best selling novel
Suggested Traits: Bookworm, Couch Potato, Artistic
Color: Orange
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Generation Six - Decora
You always get asked how you turned out so outgoing when you were raised by homebodies, and you never have an answer for that. You just love being around people, and more importantly dressing those people up. You want to fill as many peoples lives with as much color as possible.
Requirements:  Fashion Phenomenon
Change your outfit every season
Reach level 10 Painting
Makeover at least 10 sims
Become best friends with one of your clients
Suggested Traits: Charismatic, Artistic, Excitable
Color: Magenta
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Generation Seven - Jamcore
You love color just as much as your parents, but not so much the fashion part. Your clothes get way too messy as you experiment in the kitchen, after all. Creating yummy, colorful dishes are where your passions lie and you are determined to learn as much about the culinary arts as you possibly can.
Requirements:  The Culinary Librarian
Cook meals for your family every day
Grow a fruit orchard on the family farm
Have a personal recipe library
(Optional) Use the Grandma’s Canning Station once a week
Suggested Traits: Natural Cook, Bookworm
Color: Yellow
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Generation Eight - Nautical
See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls ye. You’ve always been drawn to the water, so much so that your family jokes that you might be a mermaid. Swimming, fishing, boating, it all appeals to you. You’d live on a houseboat, if given the chance. 
Requirements:  Presenting the Perfect Aquarium
Own a boat
Install a pond on your family land
Move into a houseboat
Reach level 10 Fishing
Suggested Traits: Loves to Swim, Angler
Color: Blue
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Generation Nine - Wanderlust
Your parents loved the open sea but you want to see what’s beyond that! Visiting other cities, and even other countries. Learning and immersing yourself in the culture. You’ve read books about it, watched shows, and now that you’re old enough it’s time to dust off your visa and visit those places for yourself.
Requirements:  Seasoned Traveler
Reach level 10 in Photography
Collect a relic from each location
Go on at least 1 adventure in each country
Marry someone from a foreign country
Suggested Traits: Adventurer, Perfectionist
Color: Red
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Generation Ten - Synthwave
You spent your life in other countries, other cultures, and you have to wonder, what more is there? You’ve inherited a love of traveling but is it possible to go to other timelines, or even the future? There’s not much research on it now but there’s only one way to find out. To the future!
Requirements:  Made the Most of My Time
Become best friends with Emit
Reach Level 10 in Advanced Technology
Complete the Time Keeper Legacy Statue Challenge
Create a time machine
Suggested Traits: Friendly, Adventurer
Color: Black
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deanoheartspie · 1 year
Sunshine 5
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Pairing: Cowboy Sheriff Dean x City Gal Reader
Summary: After your family cut you off, your great-aunt Laura invited you over to her ranch you often visited when you were just a child... You drive through the beautiful town until you accidentally graze a horse that just so happens to be the sheriffs...
Warnings: None
A/N: I've gotten some feedback on my writing! So this is my first attempt at trying to make it better and make it make sense for all! I really do appreciate suggestions with writing/about the book, also love hearing what you have to say about the characters.
(MIGHT REWRITE!! Depending on how I feel about it)
The beautiful grassy fields, full of bright colorful flowers, and the clouds in the most beautiful blue sky ever seen. It was like it was picture-perfect almost too good to be true. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't you'd never know for sure.
Most of all though... Dean. He was a good man, you could tell by just the way he carried himself or the way he cared about others.
You've never laughed as hard or had genuine conversations as you had this afternoon with no other than the gruff cowboy. Family members never really cared or even tried to seem interested in what you had to say but when they did they were only interested in how it'd affect their precious images.
After he left though, grumbling about having to chase some dog again earning a laugh from you and a simple 'good luck' he ran off after walking me back. True gentleman I must say.
“Hey, Laura do you need help with anything?” You tiredly ask desperately wanting to drown yourself in a nice hot shower.
The older woman looks up from her knitting and smiles as she shakes her head “No thank you sweetheart, how did today go? Did he go easy on ya?” She asked as she went back to what she was doing glancing up at you a few times.
Easy? Maybe he did? He didn't seem as bossy as he usually was had they talked to him?
“You could say that... He did teach me a lot. I appreciate you guys letting me stay here” You thank them probably for the one-hundredth time this week.
“That's good. He's very good at what he does, and quit thankin' us we are family and family helps one another. Now shoo! Go relax, you are probably exhausted its getting way too hot out there”
You smile and nod, giving her a quick hug before running up to the room.
Drying off your hair, tossing a tank top, and your favorite soft pajama pants that most definitely would get ruined here if something were to happen.
The creaking wood floors, announce you to everyone downstairs causing Dean and a little girl to look at you... Smiling at them you wave.
“Who's this little one?” You ask but can see the resemblance between the two, was this who Lina Linda Lisa was? Whatever her name was talking about that day on the sidewalk?
“My daughter” His usual gruff and annoyed voice was non-existent. He sounded happier.
The big ole green-eyed little girl had the biggest smile on her face as she leaned back and forth on her plastic princess heels. She was practically a carbon copy of Dean, but as a young girl and boy was she adorable.
“Hello! I'm Rory” She stuck her tiny hand out, You gently shook her hand the same smile stuck on your face.
“Nice to meet you, Rory! I'm Y/n”
Rory quietly thought for a moment, it felt like a mini interview, and god that made you anxious.
“Do you like ponies?” she asked squinting her eyes, acting as if she was asking the most important question ever.
Dean rolled his eyes and shook his head while he had a small smile of amusement wondering how this would go.
“Hm, are they magical ponies or normal ones?”
She tapped her chin, before reaching up to her father who knew the look she gave him probably way too well because right away he handed her a unicorn stuffed animal. “Obviously the ones that can fly!” Aurora said in a duh tone, pointing up at you, you look around curious as to what/why she was exactly pointing for.
“Aurora what did I say about pointing? It's rude.” Dean's voice echoed from the hallway, he was on his way into the kitchen.
“I like her, you date her?” She said, causing Dean to spit out his coffee and start coughing his lungs out. Your eyes widen in surprise, who would've thought a simple question about magical freakin' horses would lead to this?
“You can't keep doin' that, sweet pea. She's my friend, and that's all.” He explained, cleaning up his mess while the little girl nodded before shrugging.
The rest of the night went well, You and Rory played for a bit while Dean cooked. Giving him credit where it's due, he's a pretty damn good cook if you must say yourself. Though half the things he does make will mostly take 30 years off your life. That donut burger was worth it though...
Bedtime came around, and Aurora fell asleep in your arms safe and sound. Following Dean up to his room after he offered plenty of times to take Rory off of your shoulders after you refused not wanting to wake the young lady.
What you hadn't noticed before when you had woken the man up this morning was the little princess bed on the other end of the bedroom full of toys and stuffed animals.
“Sorry,” He whispered pushing everything off to the side neatly, grabbing a big t-shirt and gently putting it on Rory, before taking her from your arms and tucking her in.
Oddly enough this felt normal. Though it probably shouldn't have. Friends, friends are what we are and that's it.
“Good night Dean.” You say halfway out the bedroom door when he says something that caught you off guard.
“Will you have a drink with me?” He asked standing up straight and walking towards you with a tiny smile.
A drink with Dean? That actually sounds kinda nice.
“Sure. Though I'm surprised you still haven't learned your lesson from last night's drunken mess” You tease, flashing off your pearly whites as he rolls his eyes guiding you downstairs out to the front porch.
He hands me a nice cold beer before plopping himself down onto the front porch stairs, looking up at the starry night sky. Even at night, this place was beautiful.
“So, you never told me why you're here in the first place Darlin',” He said breaking the silence, putting his full attention onto you.
“Runaway bride.” You say shortly, with a tiny shrug before taking a sip of the liquid. Dean's were wide before he broke into a fit of laughter, shaking his head
“No really why are you here?” He asked again calming himself down, the smile still on his face and his face all red from the laughing.
“Runaway bride.” You say slower this time, in all seriousness. The smile was quick to leave his face and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his face.
“Your fuckin' with me right? That stuff only happens on telenovelas” Dean was leaning his head back against the railing, still in shock.
“Y/n why do you sound so calm about this? What'd he do to have you run off to the middle of nowhere and pick up horse shit for the rest of your life” Dean asked, running his fingers through his hair before finishing off his beer.
“It was set up, arranged marriage. Didn't want to go through with it so I left plain and simple.” You get up stretching your arms grabbing the small blanket from the swinging couch, wrapping it around yourself.
“You shock me every day. I won't have some crazy man comin' here demanding you right? I ain't gonna get in a fight for you sweetheart pretty and all but I have a kid and I'm already on thin ice.” He seriously says while never once looking away from you.
“I don't expect you to get in a fight for me and no, there should be no man coming here to fight you” You roll your eyes, men were stupid sad thing was you did want someone to love, and protect you. But then again that only happened in fairytales, this was fair from one.
“Glad we are on the same page. But as the sheriff, I'd have to help ya out so just gimmie a call”
----Tag list----
@deans-spinster-witch @leigh70 @mrsjenniferwinchester @ladysparkles78 @hobby27 @khaleesihavilliard @foxyjwls007 @lucidlivi @jc-winchester @globetrotter28 @beskarfilms @the141bandicoot @alysinwonderland-at-tea @randomgurl2326 @ambergoddess444 @westernwinchesters @lemmons1998 @julie040904 @nic-kolas @raisinggray @alternativeprincess
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