#magicians voyage <3
thrill-seeker-vn · 9 months
🖼 - Which of these paintings does your oc relate to the most?
for any/everyone (using any painting(s) you want, not just those from the link)
I can't find the link anymore to the original painting, so I'll try to find a few off the internet!
Hannie (various cat portraits by the amazing Vanessa Stockard):
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N (Stephen Darbishire, Eli McMullen) :
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Oli (Falling Star, Witold Pruszkowski):
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Dont tease us like this anon, tell us what you learned!/
To start with, we have the two mainly accepted orders;
the publication order:
1. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950)
2. Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia (1951)
3. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1952)
4. The Silver Chair (1953)
5. The Horse and His Boy (1954)
6. The Magician’s Nephew (1955)
7. The Last Battle (1956)
& the chronological order:
1. The Magician’s Nephew
2. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
3. The Horse and His Boy
4. Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia
5. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
6. The Silver Chair
7. The Last Battle
Upon searching more, apparently there was the order in which they were originally written where the The Horse and His Boy being written first before The Silver Chair and The Magician's Nephew being written last:
1. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
2. Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia
3. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
4. The Horse and His Boy
5. The Silver Chair
6. The Last Battle
7. The Magician’s Nephew
Excerpt copied from https://decentfilms.com/blog/narnia-right-order :
'...Lewis apparently wrote The Horse before The Silver Chair. However, he had The Silver Chair published first, presumably to maintain the continuity between Eustace’s two Narnian adventures. The Silver Chair references the tale of The Horse and His Boy, promising a story to come.'
According to The Magician's Nephew wiki (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magician%27s_Nephew):
'The Magician's Nephew seems to have been the most challenging Narnia novel for Lewis to write. The other six Chronicles of Narnia books were written between 1948 and 1953, The Magician's Nephew was written over a five-year period between 1949 and 1954. He started in the summer of 1949 after finishing The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, but came to a halt after producing 26 pages of manuscript and did not resume work until two years later. This may be as a result of the autobiographical aspects of the novel, as it reflects a number of incidents and parallels very close to his own experiences.
He returned to The Magician's Nephew late in 1950, after completing The Silver Chair. He managed to finish close to three-quarters of the novel, and then stopped work once again after Roger Green, to whom Lewis showed all his writing at the time, suggested there was a structural problem in the story. Finally he returned to the novel in 1953, after finishing The Last Battle in the spring of that year and completed early in 1954.'
And then there's this: https://youtu.be/oQ8yYewlJKM?si=7_xPohXsSIbSh3si
Thank you for the update ^^
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reasoningdaily · 7 months
6 Black Gods of Ancient America You Should Know
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"Several Indian nations, such as the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas, worshipped black gods along with their other deities, and the Mayan religion particularly exemplifies the high esteem in which the negroes were held." --Harold G. Lawrence, The crisis, 1962
Why were all indigenous religions and spiritual systems deemed as "pagan" or "evil"and were replaced during colonizations? It would be hard to subjugate a people who were previously worshipped without replacing old traditions with new ones. Lets examine some of the anicent gods found right here in America before colonization. "Many Scholars have noted, the Black gods of the Americas are typically gods of
medicine and healing, trade, or music and dance. According to these scholars, these associations are based on the traditions introduced by actual Black people."
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EKCHUAH, was the sixth most commonly depicted deity in the Mayan codices, protrayed at least forty times. He is painted Black with thick lips, His name means "Black Star" (ek means "star" and chuah means "black" in Yucatan Maya). Flod Hayes III reports that among many of the Indians of Guatemala, "the black Christ is referred to in private as Ekchuah," who Harold Lawerence describes as "black and woolly-haired" and "unmistakenly Negro." In Africa and the Discovery of America, Leo Weiner connects the Mayan god Ekchuah to the African Nama societies of the Malinke and Bambara people of West Africa. Ekchuah may have been based on an older Black god, known to us only as God M.
2. GOD M
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God M is represented throughtout the ancient codices as a Black god, specifically an "old man" with a toothless jaw or one tooth. He appears to be a trader, often shown carrying goods on his head. In volume III of Africa and the Discovery of America Leo Weiner says West Africans like Malinkes and Bambaras made voyages to the Americas long before Columbus. He identifies many of the Mayan and Aztec gods as being derived from the reverance paid to these Black visitors.
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Frederick Peterson, In his 1959 work Ancient Mexico, remarked: " We can trace the slow progress of man in Mexico without noting any definite Old World influence during this period (1000-650BC), except possibly a strong Negroid substratum connected with the Magicians. "
The Magician may have been West Africans who traveled to Mexico or a class of Black people who could ONLY marry among themselves, effectively presereving the African phenotype over untold generations. This reverence for Black people may have something to do with why many Native Americans, inculding the Mayas, respected enslaved Africans and revered Black gods that represented the principles of healing and good fortune.
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Tezcatlipoca was one of the most important gods in ancient Mesoamerica. He began as important diety for the Toltecs and later became the supreme god of the Aztecs. He was seen as a Creator, the god of sustenance, a patron god of warriors, and the bringer of both good and evil. "Black Tezcatlipoca" is the most feared and highly revered. The earliest representations of him represent him as black. His priest would cover themelves in black soot or charcoal to associate themselves with the Black god. They would also paint the newly appointed king black to associate him with Tezcatlipoca.
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Kokopelli is a well-known fertility god and hunter among the Hopi and Zuni people of the America southwest. As the spirit of fertility, he is seen as responsible for introducing corn (agriculture) to various peoples across the Americas. Kokopelli was first found in Anasazi rock cravings, but he also appears in Missippian artifacts. Throughout South America, he is known as Ekoko. He is believed to descend from the Mayan Ekchuah. Kokopelli is identified with the southwestern Tewa people's god Nepokwa'i, a great hunter who is described as "a big black man."
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Among the Navaho, there is a deity known as Black God. He is not widely-celebrated, but is very important because his knowledge of medicine saved the rest of the Navaho gods from certain death. Black God is the Navajo god of fire. Perhaps because of this, he is also considered the creator of the stars. He is often depicted as black "like space" and wearing a crescent moon on his forehead, with the stars of Pleiades dotted on his temple. But Black God was most likely a medicine man before he came to be known as the god of fire.
Article Source::
Black God: An Introduction To The World's Religions And Their Black Gods by Dr. Supreme Understanding
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xaharadesert · 8 months
Kidnapped MC Turned Bandit Leader - Headcanon Pt 3
Asra Alnazar x Reader
A/N: last part! I’m so fucking tired. Thank you to everyone who gave me vague and unspecified attention on my last post, it’s good motivation :) Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes!
TW: every headcanon set for Asra ends in angst, and this is no exception
Now I’m not saying that Asra is the only person who would never stop looking for you if he knew you were kidnapped
But I am saying he would have the highest chance of actually finding you
And he knows this
Which is why it doesn’t even take him a day to pack up everything and start tracking you across the globe
Unfortunately, he’s only human, and needs to rest, so as long as your kidnappers are on the move, he’s still a step behind
But his spells and connection to you help him stay determined, even when he feels he’s not making any progress
Eventually he would fall behind, maybe by a week or two, during a more intense part of the voyage— maybe sailing across the sea, or commandeering some horses was what put your kidnappers ahead of him
Either way, there comes a time when he realizes that you’ve stayed in one place much longer than before
This is his chance to catch up, and he does his best, but he knows that it will still take time, and he can’t be reckless
A part of him is terrified that there’s a much more sinister reason for you to stay in one place so long, but he tries to keep those thoughts out of his head
He’s exhausted, physically and mentally, and now that the end of this ordeal is in sight, his body is ready to shut down and grant him the longest nap of his life
But he pushes himself just long enough to finally find you again
The relief he feels when he sees that you’re unharmed— and now apparently in charge of a group of bandits— is enough to quite literally knock him out
After the world’s longest nap, he wakes up and feels an equally strong rush of joy when he realizes that it wasn’t just a good dream
You seem genuinely happy, and he listens with equal feelings of confusion and happiness on your behalf as you tell him your side of the story
He tries to suppress any negative judgements he may feel toward your new friends; a friend of yours is a friend of his, but he still has a lot of worry than he now has nothing to do with
Asra asks if this is really what you want to do— travelling around with bandits is a dangerous life, and if you ever change your mind, it’ll be hard to settle down again
If you decide that this life isn’t for you, and that you’d really rather return home, he’s quick to whisk you away back to Vesuvia and its associated safety
He doesn’t at all blame you for the temporary life of crime; you were under stress, and honestly, as long as you weren’t harming the lower classes it’s none of his business
Needless to say, he’s not a fan of the bourgeoisie and encourages theft from the society’s most fortunate
He also makes sure to establish some sort of way to communicate with your bandit friends, in case you’d still like to keep up with them
It may not have been the best circumstances, but some of them seemed genuinely kind, and Asra’s grateful that they took care of you when he couldn’t
But if you truly want to stay with your new friends in the first place, then he’s right there with you
He’s always up for adventure, even if he’d rather take the more scenic routes
To be honest, he doesn’t really participate in a lot of the actual crimes, since he would much rather spend time with his own hobbies
(He’s a magician, after all; you can’t expect him to just abandon his magic practices in the name of a life on the run)
But he’s always waiting for you with open arms after your excursions
And if you ever decide to turn away from crime once more, he’s got a list ready of all the places you won’t be recognized
(If he’s being totally honest, he would rather the two of you have a steady home to return to. He can sleep much better knowing that you’re both safe and won’t purposefully be running into danger every other day)
Overall, Asra does his best to adapt to whatever life you decide to live. He has his own thoughts on living a more dangerous lifestyle, but he keeps them to himself
He feels like he owes you. This isn’t the first time he’s failed you, and he doesn’t think he’s done enough to earn your forgiveness for his earlier mistakes; the road to self redemption just seems to grow longer every time he messes up, and he’ll eternally be trying desperately to fix it
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theinquisitxor · 3 months
June 2024 Reading Wrap Up
I read six (6) books in June, and was able to get through most of what I wanted to read. I ended up reading several books that all take place in Britain, in a similar time-frame, which was completely coincidental. I read 4 fantasy, 1 historical fiction, and 1 nonfiction.
1.The Magician's Daughter by HG Parry (5 stars) This was a delightful standalone novel that is a coming of age story set in Edwardian era in England. When I first read the blurb about this novel, I thought it was going to be a retelling of The Tempest. It is not-- but it is an original story yet classic in its own way. While I would consider this a 'cozy fantasy' it does have its darker moments. I also really enjoyed the lack of romance in this book.
2 & 3. The Greenhollow Duology by Emily Tesh (4/5 stars) This was my Random TBR Pick for the month of June, which I was very happy about since this duology has been on my tbr since 2020. This was exactly what I was expecting- folkloric, woodsy, queer novellas following fairy lore and mythology. I'm glad I finally picked this up!
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4.1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed by Eric H. Cline: this was my nonfiction book for the month, and this book takes a look at how an ancient civilization collapsed, and ushered in the first 'dark age'.
5. The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry (4/5 stars) I found this to be a very atmospheric period novel set in Essex in the 1890s. This is the type of novel where you can tell the author did a lot of research on the time period, and I felt transported right into the time period. Each character was very distinct and different from each other, and I enjoyed the hint of the fantastic in the novel surrounding the Essex Serpent.
6.The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie (3/5 stars) My brother got me the series for my birthday, after he read the books and enjoyed them. I will admit, that this type of fantasy is not necessarily my favorite, but I wanted to give this series a chance. I thought it was fine overall, but I can tell it's not my cup of tea. I have seen things about the second and third books being better than book 1, so I am hoping to continue. Glokta is my favorite and I would start book 2 just for him.
I have also been reading River Horse: A Voyage Across America this month too, but I've only been reading a few chapters at a time. This is a travel narrative about a man who traveled across the US by river. I'm enjoying it so far!
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Those are the books I finished this month!
Books I'm hoping to read in July:
The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah
A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett
Thief Mage, Beggar Mage by Cat Hellison
Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones
second First Law book by Joe Abercrombie
finish River Horse by William Least Heat-Moon
Most of these I have access to the audiobooks, so I'm hoping to read at least one via audio. I kinda fell off reading audiobook lately, so I want to get back into it.
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interact-if · 2 years
hi 🥺 so i was wondering if you know of any cyoa’s that have gender and pronouns seperate, a lot of them don’t and even the ones i’ve found that do limit it to the non-binary option.. personally i really like playing as female and use they/them but i’m not able to in a lot of games
Hi there!
We hear you, and found multiple games that would be right up your alley! We've only included projects where this option is currently implemented.
Superstition: Season 1, Season 2 by @13leaguestories
Checkmate In 3 Moves by @checkmatein3moves
Fellow Traveler by @robotvampire
Esper: Fugitive by @esper-game
Greenwarden by @fiddles-ifs
Hollowed Minds by @shai-manahan
Larkin by @larkin-if
Magician’s Voyage by @magiciansvoyage
Our Life (VN) by @gb-patch 
Project Hadea by @nyehilismwriting
Siren’s Call by @the-siren-call
Speaker by @speakergame
The Black River by @theblackrivergame
The Moonless by @moonless-if
The Northern Passage by @northern-passage
The One Chosen by @parrotwatcher
The Spirited: Origins by @yuveim
Vespertines by @mondaysandwich
Virtue's End by @virtues-end
The One Chosen by @parrotwatcher
The Masked Defenders by @ian-lythe
The Spirited: Origins by @yuveim
Wayfarer by @idrellegames
Zorlok by @zorlok-if
Please note: This is a searchable option in our Database too!
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thequeerlibrarian · 10 months
Read in 2023
1. Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian - 5/5 ⭐
2. The Silmarillion by Tolkien - 4/5⭐
3. Seide und Schwert by Kai Meyer - 5/5⭐
4. Lanze und Licht by Kai Meyer - 5/5⭐
5. Drache und Diamant by Kai Meyer - 5/5⭐
6. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5⭐
7. The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller - 5/5⭐
8. The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis - 4/5⭐
9. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis - 5/5⭐
10. Chain of Thorns by Cassandra Clare - 5/5⭐
11. The Horse and His Boy by C. S. Lewis - 2.75/5⭐
12. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5⭐
13. Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5⭐
14. One last stop by Casey McQuiston - 3.5/5⭐
15. You Deserve Better by Anne-Marie - 3.75/5⭐
16. Lady Smoke by Laura Sebastian - 5/5⭐
17. Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia C. S. Lewis - 5/5⭐
18. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader C. S. Lewis - 5/5⭐
19. The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis - 5/5⭐
20. The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis - 4.75/5⭐
21. King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5⭐
22. Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5⭐
23. Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Book by Suzanne Collins - 5/5⭐
24. Summer poems by Hermann Hesse - 5/5⭐
25. Star Wars: Brotherhood by Mike Chen - 4/5⭐
26. Harry Potter 1 reread for work
27. Harry Potter 2 reread for work
28. Harry Potter 3 reread for work
29. Babel by R.F. Kuang - 4.5/5⭐
30. Poems ll by Hermann Hesse - 4/5⭐
31. Poems by Shakespeare - 4/5⭐
32. If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio - 5/5⭐
33. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka - 4/5⭐
34. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams - 4.75/5⭐
35. Coraline by Neil Gaiman - 4/5⭐
36. Watership Down by Richard Adams - 4.5/5⭐
37. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum - 4.5/5⭐
38. Star Wars: Stealth by Karen Miller - 5/5⭐
39. Star Wars: Wild Space by Karen Miller - 5/5⭐
40. Crush by Richard Siken - 5/5⭐
41. Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno - 4/5⭐
42. Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers - 4/5⭐
43. I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki by Baek Se-hee - 5/5⭐
44. Was fehlt, wenn ich verschwunden bin by Lilly Lindner - 5/5⭐
45. Dracula by Bram Stoker - 4/5⭐
46. Hamlet by William Shakespeare - 4/5⭐
47. Die Farbe der Rache by Cornelia Funke - 4.5/5⭐
48. Star Wars: Siege by Karen Miller - 5/5⭐
49. The girl who decided to go for it by Alice Bromell - 5/5⭐
50. Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen - 4/5⭐
51. Star Wars: Jedi Quest - Path To Truth by Jude Watson - 4.5/5 ⭐
52. Macbeth by William Shakespeare - 3.5/5 ⭐
53. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater - 5/5⭐
54. Murtagh by Christopher Paolini 4.5/5⭐
55. Star Wars: Jedi Quest - The Way of the Apprentice by Jude Watson 4/5⭐
56. Star Wars: Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray 4.5/5⭐
57. Just eat it by Laura Thomas 5/5⭐
58. The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde 5/5⭐
59. Star Wars: Padawan by Kiersten White - 5/5 ⭐
60. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
61. Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
62. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
63. Star Wars: A New Hope Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
64. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
65. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
66. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - 5/5⭐
67. Star Wars: The Trail of the Jedi by Jude Watson - 4/5⭐
68. Star Wars: The Dangerous Games by Jude Watson - 4/5⭐
69. Über mir die Wolke by Clara Louise - 4/5⭐
70. The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater - 5/5⭐
71. Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater - 5/5⭐
✖️ Star Wars Episode I
✖️ A Court of Thrones and Roses by Sarah J Maas
✖️ A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair
✖️ Luft nach unten by Aron Boks
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guide to tarot
general information ;
- 78 cards in total
- every card has two different meanings based on if they're reversed or not
- sometimes reversed cards reflect the original meaning in a more bad/evil way
the lesser/minor arcana
- 56 cards
- divided into cups, swords, wands and pentacles
- they answer questions of everyday life, they are advisors and their meanings are not as drastic as the cards of the major arcana
- every section of the minor arcana consists of king, queen, knight, page, 10, 9, 8, (...) and ace (of the section)
the major arcana
- 22 cards
- they answer questions about people, the universe, power, magick and myths
0 - The Fool
folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy
reversed: negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, vanity
1 - The Magician
skill, address sickness, pain, loss, disaster, self-confidence
reversed: mental illness, disgrace
2 - The High Priestess
secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed
reversed: passion moral or physical ardor, conceit & surface knowledge
3 - The Empress
fruitfulness, initiative, the unknown, difficulty doubt, ignorance
reversed: light, truth, public rejoice
4 - The Emperor
stability, power, aid, protection, a great person
reversed: benevolence, compassion, immaturity
5 - The Hierophant
marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy, goodness, inspiration
reversed: society, good understanding, concord, over-kindness, weakness
6 - The Lovers
attraction and love, beauty
reversed: failure
7 - The Chariot
war, triumph, vengeance, trouble
reversed: riot, quarrel, dispute, defeat
8 - Strength
power, energy, action, courage
reversed: abuse of power, weakness
9 - The Hermit
prudence, treason, corruption
reversed: concealment, disguise, fear, unreasoned caution
10 - Wheel Of Fortune
destiny, fortune, success, luck, felicity
reversed: abundance, superfluity
11 - Justice
equity, rightness, probity
reversed: excessive severity, law in all departments
12 - The Hanged Man
wisdom, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy
reversed: selfishness, a crowd
13 - Death
end, mortality, destruction, corruption
reversed: sleep, lethargy
14 - Temperance
economy, management, accomodation, moderstion
reversed: things connected with the church, religions, sects, cults
15 - The Devil
inner conflict with oneself, ravage, force, fatality
reversed: evil fatality, weakness, pettiness, blindness
16 - The Tower
misery, distress, ruin, calamity, disgrace, deception
reversed: the same but in a lesser degree
17 - The Star
loss, theft, privation, abandonment
reversed: arrogance, impotence
18 - The Moon
hidden enemies, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, error
reversed: instability, silence
19 - The Sun
material happiness, fortunate marriage, contentment
reversed: the same but in a lesser degree
20 - The Last Judgement
change of position, renewal, outcome
reversed: weakness, simplicity, sentence
21 - The World
assured success, route, voyage, emigration, flight, change of place
reversed: stagnation, permanence
sources and other articles
answering yes or no questions with tarot
thoth tarot deck vs rider waite smith - how do they compare?
easy guide for a rider waite based reading
other tarot guides
/ written by @occultem
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terapsina · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @isagrimorie (thanks, this looks fun 🤩).
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'll just copy-and-paste from ao3, cuz I'm not writing all that down.
The Vampire Diaries (TV) (25), Legacies (TV 2018) (12), Person of Interest (TV) (9), Once Upon a Time (TV) (9), Leverage (US TV 2008) (7), Shadowhunters (TV) (7), Doctor Who (2005) (5), Arrow (TV 2012) (4), Merlin (TV) (4), Captain Marvel (2019) (3), 苍兰诀 | Love Between Fairy and Devil (TV) (3), Batwoman (TV 2019) (3), The 100 (TV) (3), Willow (TV 2022) (3), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) (2), The Magicians (TV) (2), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (2), Supergirl (TV 2015) (2), The Originals (TV) (2), Star Wars - All Media Types (2), The Old Guard (Movie 2020) (2), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (2), The Good Place (TV) (2), Avatar: Legend of Korra (2), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) (2), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) (2), Charmed (TV 2018) (1), Angel: the Series (1), Wednesday (TV 2022) (1), Star Trek: Voyager (1), Teen Wolf (TV) (1), Star Wars: Rebels (1), Sweet/Vicious (TV) (1), Star Trek (1), Star Wars: Ahsoka (TV) (1), Lost Girl (TV) (1), Legend of the Seeker (TV) (1), Hustlers (2019) (1), Stargate SG-1 (1), Revolution (TV) (1), Sanctuary (Canada TV 2008) (1).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
5 Times The Doctor Talked About River Song With Graham (+1 Time The Fam Finally Met Her) - the 13/River fic where Graham finds the Doctor's missing wedding ring and she gradually opens up about her wife.
“Her name was River Song.” She says once he’s already taken a few steps. He stops, turning around, giving her the opportunity to continue or not as she needs. “She was an archaeologist. And a professor. And a criminal. And she was brilliant and absolutely mad.”
“She must have been. Married you didn’t she?” Graham jokes before he can help himself.
But Doc just grins like she agrees and laughs to herself.
Something uncoils in Graham’s chest at seeing Doc’s face regaining its natural brightness, however tinged with grief. The grief isn’t new either, he’s seen shadows of it in her all along but this is the first moment she doesn’t seem to be trying to hide it. Or maybe the first time she’s not trying to hide from it.
The Suspicious Case of Tribbles - the 13/River fic where River tries to "borrow" the TARDIS for lil'bit.
"Don't mind me. Carry on!" The woman says, dropping a bag of something heavy that sounds like a bag of rocks to the floor and hurrying towards the TARDIS controls. "I'm only here to establish an alibi. A short hop over to the other side of the hemisphere and some 38 planetary hours in the past should do it. I'll send you lot right back to him none the wiser. It'll be our little secret."
She's Come Undone and Set Free - Elejah, Bonbekah, Klaroline and Elena/Caroline/Bonnie/Rebekah friendship story that deals with Elena and Caroline getting to be angry and making Damon pay for what he did to them, as well as supporting each other and beginning to heal. (WIP, but there's only 2 chapters to go).
“I want you to know, that’s not why I will always hate you, Damon.” She strengthened her hold on his face at the look of caution that was surfacing at her words, likely because he’d just now been remembering that not that long ago she’d broken his neck. “I won’t even hate you because of the sire bond. Though I wasn’t lying, it felt like being a slave to your every desire, whether or not you actually voiced them. And the funny thing? I’m not sure I’ll ever know how much me there was when I was making any of the choices that lead to Jeremy dying.”
“What’s your point?” Damon asked and grabbed her hands in a vice-like grip that made it impossible for Elena to try again what she'd done nearly two days ago when she'd regained her humanity. But she'd already known there wasn’t a point trying now that he'd be expecting it, so she didn’t fight to escape him.
“She’s my best friend, Damon. I will never forgive you for what you did to her,” she said and did absolutely nothing as Damon’s eyes widened and he tried to turn around. He wasn’t fast enough. He’d been too consumed by Elena to pay attention to any other heartbeats around them, and despite her age, Caroline had always been an unusually fast vampire.
Morai's Call to Hope - my Star Wars, time travel, Snips and Skyguy fic where Anakin gets pulled into the World Between Worlds three days before his Fall, watches as Darth Vader is about to kill Ahsoka... aaaaaaand jumps forward to stop him. (WIP and I'm very ashamed about it, because I loved writing this story and really hope to get back to it someday)
From behind Anakin there comes again a whisper from a different time: ‘I would never let anyone hurt you, Ahsoka… never…’
But in front of Anakin comes something else.
‘Then you will die,' the Sith says in direct contradiction to everything Anakin has ever promised both aloud and inside his own heart to the closest thing he’s ever had to a little sister or a daughter. And every single cell of his body rebels against a time where he would ever utter those words to Ahsoka. So even as the red lightsaber ignites in the Sith’s hands, Anakin rushes forward and through the fragile line of a portal separating his reality from theirs.
As the Sith’s lightsaber finishes the arch of its blow instead of encountering Ahsoka’s white dual sabers it’s stopped by the intervening block from a blue lightsaber in the hands of the Anakin Skywalker sixteen years out of his time.
You know who you remind me of? - the 13/River fic where the Doctor is in the middle of hiding under a table with Yaz for plot reasons when she hears the sound of her wife's laughter and is immediately distracted from the mission that brought them there.
The laugh is thick with mischief and a galaxy of secrets.
She knows that laugh.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to. I adore comments and really truly appreciate receiving them, so I do try to respond to them. But sometimes I get into a kind of slump where replying just feels exhausting. And by the time I'm over that, it might have been like two weeks, and then it feels embarrassing to respond.
And sometimes I just don't know WHAT to say.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Last Words. I do have quite a few angsty fics but I usually end them either happily or with an open ending that's got light at the end of the tunnel. But this once I came up with an idea for soulmate-identifying-last-words and then wrote a Korrasami fic for it.
Asami had known that Korra was her soulmate. And like everyone else she was in no hurry to see it proven. And there she might be counted lucky, because she did not learn it for many years to come. They survived the war with Kuvira, and then returned from their vacation in the spirit world, and survived many more battles beyond that. The Avatar lived a long life.
But Asami Sato lived a longer one.
So that has the saddest ending.
Well, that, or maybe what's the point of greater good, which is my Queliot (with a side of Wickoff) story where Julia talks to Quentin during the time Eliot was possessed by the Monster.
She finds him stubbornly looking through the mountain of books, searching for any and every scrap of information on Enyalius they can get. He looks like he hasn’t slept since the moment weeks ago when Eliot managed to surface for those brief few moments to tell them he was alive. Hope’s a bitch that way.
“We need to stop him Q.” Julia says, from behind him.
Quentin’s shoulders freeze in place and he leans forward, hands clenching the spine of the book he’d just been about to pick up.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Like I said, I tend to mostly write happy endings. But if I have to pick what I considered as the happiest one, then here's a story that's full of angst in the middle, which made the ending feel even happier because of the contrast.
6 Times Bellamy Tried to Forget That He Was in Love With Clarke (+1 Time He Couldn’t Anymore) - exactly what it sounds like. My big look into Bellamy's head through most of the seasons. Canon almost to the end, where I sharply switch tracks and give Bellarke the happy ending they goddamn deserved.
The first thing he saw as the delinquents pulled aside the sheets of scrap metal to let their two missing people in was Clarke running in front, scraped up but seemingly uninjured. He wished that the relief that overtook him was entirely selfish, that it had to do with the fact that he had his partner back and he wouldn’t have to carry the burden of their people’s lives all by himself. But that was crap.
It was vastly overpowered by the simple joy of seeing that Clarke was alright.
“Hey, we heard an explosion. What happened?” she fired out rapidly as soon as she was in front of him. Face serious and eyes focused entirely on Bellamy, - and it was something that had gotten to be so familiar to him that it almost felt like having her there was akin to getting back a missing limb.
He almost, almost fell to the instinct to pull her into his arms because he was just so damned glad that she was alive that the only thing that saved him was the fact Jasper got there first.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not a lot. But there's been a few occasions where I have gotten some, yes. Mostly the 'this was a waste of my time' variety.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not... really? On a few rare occasions I've written a bit of spice but I don't think that people that read smut would give me more than 2.5⭐ out of 5⭐.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes. When the idea for one strikes. And I don't know if I'd say it's the craziest one, but definitely a fun one is my Stargate SG-1/Leverage crossover where the Stargate Program needs to recruit some thieves.
The Homeworld Security Job. (incidentally this is also the fic that got me the most amount of hate comments).
“I know, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that no one at SGC can go, you need thieves for this mission. And this is a big planet, you guys must have some good ones between those 7.5 billion people. You get me a few of them and I can teach them how to play a wealthy minor Goa’uld long enough to get in and out. But I can’t teach someone to be a good enough liar to not get caught. Not with the time we have here.”
“What do you want us to do, Vala? Grab a bunch of criminals off the street and hope they don’t decide that stealing a Stargate and selling that to the highest bidder instead would be a more lucrative business plan?” Cameron asks.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Once. My Lunarry fic the ones that seek and find (six years in the relationship of harry and luna) has a translation into Chinese Mandarin 探寻和发现(哈利与卢娜相处的六年).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. It's always sounded kinda complicated.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I do NOT have a one single favorite ship. But there are a few that I will probably never let go of and those are: Elejah, Swan Queen, Hizzie, Bellarke, Spuffy, Doctor/River, Clizzy, Bering and Wells, Kahlan/Cara, Parker/Hardison, Graylora and DFQC/XLH.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them 😭.
But especially the Star Wars time travel one I mentioned earlier. I love that one so much. And I want to go back to it and finish it. But the stars aren't looking all that bright.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd like to think that I'm good at getting into characters' heads. Their inner monologues tend to be the easiest part to write (it's the dialogues and surrounding scenes that trip me up).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar. English isn't my first language, so the fiddly parts of the grammar is what I've picked up through osmosis while reading, which isn't exactly... a flawless way to do it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it a few times (mostly in my Clizzy fics, because Izzy's character peppers a decent bit of Spanish in her dialogue on the show) and have nearly always kind of regretted it (I've needed to do fixes nearly every time, had to learn that google translate cannot be trusted the hard way).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If I remember correctly, then I think that was a very terrible attempt at a BtVS/Stargate SG-1 crossover that has been deleted since then.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is a very predictable answer but that's She's Come Undone and Set Free, I'm just really proud of this story for a lot of reasons. And though there are a few other of my fics I love more than others, this one is just... my favorite of all of them.
Tagging: @vorpalmuchness, @jennifersminds, @muse-oleum, @amandamonroe and whoever else wants to.
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disasterpenguin · 11 months
Shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs!
Tagged By: @mmoosen
1.) Ghost Story (With All Time Low) ~Cheat Codes, All Time Low
2.) DArkSide ~Bring Me The Horizon
3.) HONEY (ARE U COMING?) ~Måneskin
4.) Over and Over ~Three Days Grace
5.) Someday ~Milo Manhiem, Meg Donnelly (ZOMBIES CAST)
6.) Hold Me Like A Grudge ~Fall Out Boy
7.) Until The Day I Die ~Story Of The Year
8.) I heard You're Worried About Me ~The Honest Heart Collective
9.) We Don't Have To Dance ~Andy Black
10.) West Coast Smoker ~Fall Out Boy
Your top 15 favourite shows can say a lot about your personality (list your top 15 shows)
In no particular order:
1.) Supernatural
2.) Star Trek: Voyager
3.) Teen Wolf
4.) Merlin
5.) Star Trek: Enterprise
6.) The 100
7.) Law & Order: SVU
8.) Hannibal
9.) Shameless
10.) Young Royals
11.) HeartStopper
12.) Star Trek: The Original Series
13.) The Magicians
14.) NCIS
15.) The Walking Dead
Tagging: @kitjosten13 @sydney-winchester @th30ra3k3n @thiamfresh @thiamblogger @thiamsxbitch @theskelemorgue @sazamz
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 months
Book Tracking Check-In 7.30.24
GOAL 1 BOOKS: OWNED & NOT READ (9 as of 7.30.24, 1 is preordered)
Oathbringer - Brandon Sanderson
Dawnshard - Brandon Sanderson
The Sunlit Man - Brandon Sanderson
The Wee Free Men - Terry Pratchett
Nona the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir
Mammoths at the Gates - Nghi Vo
Morning Star - Pierce Brown
The Adventure Zone - Suffering Game
[What Doesn’t Break (Bells Hells)] - preordered
GOAL 2 BOOKS: BOOK CLUBS! (2 as of 7.30.24)
The One - Julia Argy
Greta & Valdin - Rebecca K. Reilly
GOAL 3 BOOKS: RE-READ OLD BOOKS (27 as of 7.30.24)
Peter and the Starcatchers
Peter and the Shadow Thieves
Peter and the Secret of Rundoon
In Cold Blood
The Wish List
Walk Two Moons
Bud, Not Buddy
Adam Bede
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
The Princess Bride
Olive’s Ocean
Our Only May Amelia
The Valley of Secrets
The Girl Who Played with Fire
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest
Gathering Blue
The Host
Beloved - Toni Morrison
Mama Day - Gloria Naylor
The Accursed - Joyce Carol Oates
Ivanhoe - Walter Scott
The Cricket in Times Square
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Charlotte’s Web
The People in the Trees
Paladin's Grace
Discworld [11]
The Locked Tomb [1]
Gods of Blood and Powder [3]
The Singing Hills Cycle [1]
Red Rising [4]
Brandon Sanderson [8]
Kate Alice Marshall [1]
Critical Role [2]
My Reading Stats in 2024 So Far: 55 TOTAL
Promise of Blood
The Mighty Nein Origins - Fjord Stone
Words of Radiance
The Last Hero
Harrow the Ninth
The Narrow
A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings
Red Rising
The Crimson Campaign
Lord Byron’s Novel: The Evening Land
Mistborn: Secret History
Night Watch
Arcanum Unbounded
Golden Son
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
How Long 'Til Black Future Month
The Mighty Nein Origins - Beauregard Lionett
Into the Riverlands
The Autumn Republic
Apostles of Mercy
The Mighty Nein Origins - Caduceus Clay
No One Can Know
The Dispossessed
The Robber Bride
The Glass Hotel
Wylding Hall
The Unsettled
When We Were Orphans
The Riddle-Master of Hed
The Emperor and the Endless Palace
Parasol Against the Axe
A Psalm for the Wild-Built
The Magicians Nephew
The Hobbit
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Horse and His Boy
Prince Caspian
Crime and Punishment
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Blithedale Romance
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The Silver Chair
The Last Battle
The Left Hand of Darkness
The School Story
GOAL 4 BOOKS: CONTINUING SERIES/AUTHORS [5] (Most included in Goal 1)
The Rise of Kyoshi
The Shadow of Kyoshi
Dark One
Dark One: Forgotten
Ninefox Gambit
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sawthefaeriequeen · 2 years
I just. I feel VERY strongly about the Narnia reading order of:
1) The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
2) Prince Caspian
3) The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
4) The Silver Chair
5) The Horse and His Boy
6) The Magician’s Nephew
7) The Last Battle
And it makes me so sad that basically NO publisher puts them out like that anymore.
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 7 months
9 Fandom Peeps To Get To Know Better
I was tagged by @emilykaldwen, @godswood-girl, & @rainwingmarvel7 , lmao thanks guys
3 Ships You Like: Starkpoole, Rhaenicent, & Nedbert (fellas, is it gay to call your bestie "muscled like a maiden's fantasy" when you're both men?)
First Ship Ever: Bro, I literally have no idea. I never did a lot of shipping when I was younger (call that being aroace "they're just besties" pilled). Maybe NaruHina? I think that might be the first thing I got really into outside of "this is definitely obvious endgame" stuff
Last Song You Heard: Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil
Favorite Childhood Book: Big Chronicles of Narnia kid, huge. I still reread the books sometimes. My favorites were always The Magician's Nephew, The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe, & The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
Currently Reading: Fire & Blood by GRRM, & Throne Of Glass by SJM (one of these is definitely better than the other, but I am making fun of both. F&B isn't bad, but it is comical how hard it tries to make One-gon look like a Gigachad)
Currently Watching: 1670, Inuyasha, Sanrio Boys, & AOT
Currently Consuming: Water
Currently Craving: the Robert Eggers Nosferatu remake to come out already
Idk who to tag, so if you see this & want to do it, consider yourself tagged
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zalrb · 1 year
did you like chronicles of narnia? i don't think I've ever seen you talking about it and i would love to hear your thoughts on the movies and/or the books if you have anything to say
hmm, yeah, i don't think i've ever spoken about the chronicles of narnia, i liked it a lot as a kid but it never really stayed with me as an adult probably because without getting into the blatant religious overtones, it really is quite heavy-handed and very much for children although i did write a paper in high school basically saying that while i was a fan of harry potter, the books just treaded on a lot of what narnia and lotr already did hahaha. some notes my teacher had about my premise, which is interesting
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the first thing i ABSOLUTELY need to say about narnia is that as a kid, i read the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe many times. i read it at home (there was this actually this one audio book that me and dad listened to when that i really loved because of one line when lucy takes them to the wardrobe and it's still just a wardrobe and peter in the most sarcastic voice goes, "what a surprise" and i BURST out laughing particularly since i don't think that's even in the book??) then we read it in my grade 3 class and one day my teacher brought in turkish delight and i was freaking the fuck out because i always wanted to know what was SO good about turkish delight that edmund would sell out his entire fucking family, i was like i need to know what this tastes like. my teacher, miss k, took out this really pretty red tin and i was excited AS FUCK. then i tasted it. i don't think i have ever been more disappointed in my entire fucking life. i HATED it, i hated the texture, i hated the taste, i was furious. and i remember talking to my teacher because she was like you have to understand that they're growing up during the war and things like candy were a luxury and i was like fine but for THIS candy? no. absolutely not. no. nope. NOPE. flashforward to about three days ago, i'm scrolling through IG and there's this one reel where this woman was like, ok we need to discuss edmund and turkish delight again because i know we ate it and were like this is a mediocre treat (for me i actually almost threw up when i took a bite so a bit worse than mediocre) and she reread the passage where he eats it and c.s. lewis describes it as basically once you eat it, you just want to eat more so the woman in the reel was like edmund basically gave up his family for the kiddie version of cocaine so we should be more lenient and i was like LMAO fair.
so, for the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe i remember thinking the movie was pretty much exactly how i pictured the book. except for the white witch that's not how i pictured her but i was like, that's absolutely edmund and lucy and susan and peter, that is great casting and i particularly liked when mr. tumnus gets lucy to sleep because i thought the movie really elevated that part of the book and really leaned into the eeriness and creepiness of it. aslan's death was also very stressful for me.
OKAY. prince caspian. i haven't seen prince caspian since i saw it in theatres so i'm only going on what i remember from the movie, which is that i didn't like it, i didn't like the peter vs. caspian (ugh demon eyes) thing because that's not what happens in the book if i remember correctly and it seemed unnecessary and it made me uncomfortable because susan and caspian were having their little thing whatever that was and peter felt like his authority was threatened and it oddly felt like a weird love triangle because susan was caught in the middle and i was like i don't like any of this, please keep it. and i didn't like it so much that i didn't bother watching voyage of the dawn treader.
i really liked the magician's nephew, which is probably the most overlooked book of the series even though it starts it, i was obsessed with the wood between worlds as a kid, i just loved the way it was described
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kind of like how i was obsessed with the ents in high school, lmao, i just harp on things sometimes, out of all of them, i actually think it's the most magical book.
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silverysnake · 1 year
Tagged by @pumpking64 thank you so much!!
Share your wallpaper: It‘s THIS art by @neverland-in-space (not gonna put it here bc I don‘t wanna repost)
The last song you listened to: I have a playlist with my favourite songs from this years eurovision that‘s just on repeat the whole time so I‘m gonna put the six songs that are in it here: Cha Cha Cha by Käärijä (Finland), Queen of Kings by Alessandra (Norway), Promise by Voyager (Australia), Blood & Glitter by Lord Of The Lost (Germany), Who the Hell Is Edgar? by TEYA and SALENA (Austria), Carpe Diem by Joker Out (Slovenia). Cha Cha Cha and Queen of Kings are definitely the two I‘ve listened to the most tbh bc I keep putting them on repeat until I remember that I could listen to some of the other songs too.
Currently reading: Started rereading Good Omens for idk the sixth or seventh time now and spatort fics of course
Last Movie: Stereo. Please don‘t ask me what it was about it was some weird german movie I found in the depths of netflix, the only thing I know for sure is that there was a ghost that was played by Moritz Bleibtreu. The last movie I‘ve seen in the cinema was the new Guardians of the Galaxy which made me cry my eyes out.
Craving: Some coffee and for my schürk/ross wg fic to finish itself bc I can‘t find my motivation
What are you wearing right now: cargo-pants and a batman-shirt
How tall are you: 173 so pretty average haha
Piercings: Had earrings since I was six
Tattoos: None, but I wanna get one soon
Glasses? Contacts?: Nope
Last drink: Water. Stay hydrated guys!
Last show: ‚last‘ ist good, I‘m watching seven shows rn (and yes I‘m gonna elaborate on that): 1) Spatort, 2) Soko Leipzig, 3) Polizeiruf Swiecko (the sad gay german cop shows, no one should be surprised by this), 4) Magicians with some friends (how does this show have so much plot I still don‘t understand?!), 5) Dark (every time when I say „hey this would be a funny thing to reveal but actually please don‘t i don‘t want the situation to get worse“ that exact thing is revealed like in the next one to three episodes and by now I‘m just horrified by everything), 6) Mord mit Aussicht (my bestie pressured me for weeks until I gave in and honestly it‘s pretty entertaining and another german cop show), 7) Supernatural bc for some reason I thought that is a good idea
Last thing you ate: some bread for breakfast
Favourite colour: Purple and green :)
Current obsession: The already mentioned sad gay german cop shows
Unrelated obsession: Norse Mythology
Any pets: Nope, but my parents have two cats and I‘ve missed them every day since I moved out
Do you have a crush on anyone: Nope
Favourite fictional character: It‘s been Loki for years so I guess he deserves to be on here (not just the Marvel version but in general) and I guess currently it‘s Adam Schürk haha
The last place you traveled: Spent a week in a village near Burg (bei Magdeburg) last month :)
Tagging: @shadow-of-a-cloud @homoromoacecase @neverland-in-space @lyxchen @anotherobsessedfangirl @schuerk-wie-schurke @ancient-namess and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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glowing-disciple · 1 year
Reading List - 2023
Books Read:
Abbot & Barley: A Perfect Place by Silvia Vecchini
Abnormal Occurrences by Thomas Berger
Abstract Expressionism For Beginners by Richard Klin
Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Art Styles for Kids by Various Authors
Avalanche! by Arthur Roth
Beginning x64 Assembly Programming by Jo Van Hoey
Bronze Age Swamp Thing Vol. 1
Bronze Age Swamp Thing Vol. 2
Bronze Age Swamp Thing Vol. 3
The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Dada & Surrealism for Beginners by Elsa Bethanis
DCeased: Dead Planet
DCeased: Hope at World's End
DCeased: Unkillables
DCeased: War of the Undead Gods
Dispatches from a Public Librarian by Scott Doulgas
Doom Patrol by John Byrne
The Five Solas of the Reformation by Andy McIlree
Fowl Language: The Struggle is Real by Brian Gordon
Fowl Language: Welcome to Parenting by Brian Gordon
Fowl Language: Winging It by Brian Gordon
The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
The History of the Church by Eusebius Eusebius
The Horse and His Boy by C. S. Lewis
How do you go to the Bathroom in Space? by William R. Pogue
Introducing Op Art by John Lancaster
The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis
Letters from Father Christmas by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis
The Martian by Andy Weir
Op Art by Cyril Barrett
Plankton by John Wood
Pond Water Zoo by H. Peter Loewer
Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis
Psychedelic: Optical and Visionary Art Since the 1960s by David S. Rubin
The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis
The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis
Surrealism by Natalia Brodskaya
Swamp Thing: Tales from the Bayou
Tranny by Laura Jane Grace
Teilhardism and the New Religion by Wolfgang Smith
Venomous by Christie Wilcox
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis
The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman
Why Can the Dead Do Such Great Things? by Robert Bartlett
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Year's Best Fantasy by David G. Hartwell
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