#anyways the post was miraculously still there when i just opened tumblr
silverysnake · 1 year
Tagged by @pumpking64 thank you so much!!
Share your wallpaper: It‘s THIS art by @neverland-in-space (not gonna put it here bc I don‘t wanna repost)
The last song you listened to: I have a playlist with my favourite songs from this years eurovision that‘s just on repeat the whole time so I‘m gonna put the six songs that are in it here: Cha Cha Cha by Käärijä (Finland), Queen of Kings by Alessandra (Norway), Promise by Voyager (Australia), Blood & Glitter by Lord Of The Lost (Germany), Who the Hell Is Edgar? by TEYA and SALENA (Austria), Carpe Diem by Joker Out (Slovenia). Cha Cha Cha and Queen of Kings are definitely the two I‘ve listened to the most tbh bc I keep putting them on repeat until I remember that I could listen to some of the other songs too.
Currently reading: Started rereading Good Omens for idk the sixth or seventh time now and spatort fics of course
Last Movie: Stereo. Please don‘t ask me what it was about it was some weird german movie I found in the depths of netflix, the only thing I know for sure is that there was a ghost that was played by Moritz Bleibtreu. The last movie I‘ve seen in the cinema was the new Guardians of the Galaxy which made me cry my eyes out.
Craving: Some coffee and for my schürk/ross wg fic to finish itself bc I can‘t find my motivation
What are you wearing right now: cargo-pants and a batman-shirt
How tall are you: 173 so pretty average haha
Piercings: Had earrings since I was six
Tattoos: None, but I wanna get one soon
Glasses? Contacts?: Nope
Last drink: Water. Stay hydrated guys!
Last show: ‚last‘ ist good, I‘m watching seven shows rn (and yes I‘m gonna elaborate on that): 1) Spatort, 2) Soko Leipzig, 3) Polizeiruf Swiecko (the sad gay german cop shows, no one should be surprised by this), 4) Magicians with some friends (how does this show have so much plot I still don‘t understand?!), 5) Dark (every time when I say „hey this would be a funny thing to reveal but actually please don‘t i don‘t want the situation to get worse“ that exact thing is revealed like in the next one to three episodes and by now I‘m just horrified by everything), 6) Mord mit Aussicht (my bestie pressured me for weeks until I gave in and honestly it‘s pretty entertaining and another german cop show), 7) Supernatural bc for some reason I thought that is a good idea
Last thing you ate: some bread for breakfast
Favourite colour: Purple and green :)
Current obsession: The already mentioned sad gay german cop shows
Unrelated obsession: Norse Mythology
Any pets: Nope, but my parents have two cats and I‘ve missed them every day since I moved out
Do you have a crush on anyone: Nope
Favourite fictional character: It‘s been Loki for years so I guess he deserves to be on here (not just the Marvel version but in general) and I guess currently it‘s Adam Schürk haha
The last place you traveled: Spent a week in a village near Burg (bei Magdeburg) last month :)
Tagging: @shadow-of-a-cloud @homoromoacecase @neverland-in-space @lyxchen @anotherobsessedfangirl @schuerk-wie-schurke @ancient-namess and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
A Bargain Struck
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Summary: Inspired by this post on Tumblr and the lovely @angryschnauzer. You’ve struck a bargain with something unholy, and now he wants his due.
Pairing: demonic!Geralt x female!reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: angst, demonic rituals, selling souls, everyone’s over the age of 18, this is a sort of medieval AU, use of horns for leverage during sex, transformations during sex, probably a lot of blasphemy?, it’s filth yet fluffy? Soft!Geralt is definitely a thing here. Let’s get weird. Uh, size kink, wing kink, demonic tongue fucking, definitely monsterfucking.
Ao3 Link
A/N: I was too excited to share this one with everyone. I know @deandoesthingstome wanted a tag (I think anyway, I didn't hallucinate that, right?) but haven't tagged anyone else to read. Let me know what you think, in gif form or otherwise!
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She can’t help but feel joy when her sister, younger than her by only a few years, bursts through the door of their cottage, laughing as Dotty nips at the hem of her dress. It is a relatively new sight to behold, to see Emily filled with such life, when only weeks before she had been expected to die. “The moon, Y/N, did you see it?” she gasps, coming to a stop at the table, leaning on it with her hands to stare out of the window. “It’s so pretty!”
“I’ve seen,” Y/N replies, turning away from her sibling so she doesn’t see the worry in her eyes. It’s a blood moon, huge and pinkish red, filling the horizon in a stunningly clear sky. You have until midnight at the blood moon, he had said, the formless voice in the darkness that had granted her wish for her sister to live. She knew the price when she sought him out; it was clear in the ritual. Her sister’s life for her soul, bound to him for eternity.
A price she would gladly pay again.
“You’re quiet,” Emily murmurs, pulling out a chair as Dotty jumps around her. “What are you making?”
“Venison pie for supper. And I’m just concentrating.” The pastry around the edges of her creation are not playing ball, and they need to be perfect. This is her last meal with her family, and she intends to savor every moment of it. “Would you mind setting the table?”
She’s spent the last three weeks worrying if they will cope without her. He had given her assurances of a long happy life, but the what ifs and maybes still linger, nibbling at her thoughts until she was consumed with anxiety over it.
Emily hums as she gathers the dishes and cutlery for dinner, making Y/N smile as she finally gets the pastry to behave. The oven billows out a plume of hot air when she tugs the door open, and she shoves the pie in. “There we go,” she mutters, wiping the grease off of her hands onto her apron. “It should be ready when Mother gets home.”
“She’s still at the church?” her sister asks.
Chuckling, Y/N locates her cup of tea, happy to find it still warm enough to drink. “Well, your recovery was nothing short of miraculous,” she sighs. “Mother just thinks she needs to pay Him back.” She could have told her, of course, but their mother had always fallen on the more devout side of religious, and she didn’t think any good could come of confessing her deal with the devil, or something like him at the very least. The last thing she needed is to be locked up for being a witch - if she wasn’t there to pay the price, he could take back what he’d given, and she would not let that happen.
The cottage fills with the scent of the pie as it cooks. Y/N prepares the vegetables, listening to Emily chat about her day, wiping away an errant tear as she soaks in her sister’s excitement and zest for life. She wishes dearly that she could be there to see her grow and learn, maybe get married and have children, and hates even more that she won’t be. As the time to say goodbye creeps closer, she feels her nerves churning into an uncomfortable ball that sits in her belly, filling her with dread.
Their mother comes home just as they are plating up the meal, and the conversation revolves around her day at the church. She makes them say a prayer before supper, though Y/N keeps one eye open because she’s certain no prayer or God can save her from what she’s giving herself to. 
As her family continues to chatter obliviously, she tries to keep her focus on them, to enjoy the moments she has left with them. Emily is talking about a local boy she has a crush on, and Y/N feels her heart in her throat when her mother asks if she will be going to the market in the morning.
“I hadn’t given it much thought,” she mumbles, cheeks rapidly warming. “How’s the pie?”
“Wonderful as always,” her mother replies. “I don’t know where you get your cooking skills from, certainly not me.” The joke is supposed to make her smile but Y/N only feels regret that she’s leaving them.
“You’re a good cook too,” Emily insists, grinning at her sister who manages a weak curve of her lips.
She’s trying so hard not to show her grief. She should be happy. Her sister will live a full and happy life. Y/N couldn’t think of anything she wanted more.
Dinner is over quickly, and once everything is cleared away, Y/N looks out of the window. The moon is a deeper shade of red now, hanging ominously over the trees in the distance. It’s bright enough that the whole valley is bathed in an eerie crimson, and she shudders as she looks towards the forest and the darkness waiting to greet her.
She still has time. Her sister is already in front of the fire, needlework in hand, humming again like she is prone to do since her recovery. Their mother reads, glasses perched on the end of her nose to make her look far older than she is, and Y/N smiles as she sits between them, letting the warmth of the firelight wash over her.
“You should take the rest of those apples to the market tomorrow,” Mother says quietly, and she nods, even though she knows she’ll never go to market again. The apples will probably rot in the basket. 
The night draws on. Mother retires first, kissing her firstborn on the top of the head as she passes, before taking Emily’s hand and looking at her fondly. Y/N watches her go with a heavy ache in her heart, wishing she could say goodbye, and not just leave them without resolution.
“You’re still being quiet,” Emily observes, putting her needlework away. “What’s wrong?”
There’s a second where she’s not sure what to say. She can see herself spilling the truth, dragging a promise from her little sister that she would live her life, fall in love, do all the things Y/N would never get to do. But she can’t say it because then Emily would know, and she couldn’t bear the thought of her sister carrying the weight of that guilt forever.
Sitting up, she smiles, shaking her head. “I’m just tired,” she says, getting up to take over the seat their mother had vacated.
Emily watches her for a moment longer, obviously deciding whether to prod at the subject. When she makes her choice, she sighs, rising from the chair. “Well, I’m tired too, so I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Y/N.” She turns, then pauses before crossing the room to lean down and press a kiss to her sister’s temple. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Y/N whispers, tears in her eyes. If the younger woman notices, she doesn’t say anything, quickly retreating and leaving her sibling alone. 
She waits a while, watching the fire die out until there are only a few embers remaining. Once the red glow fades, she gets to her feet, making her way to her mother’s room first, and she finds her in a deep slumber, one arm slung over the edge of her bed. With a smile, Y/N pulls the door shut, moving to the next, and Emily is asleep too. She lingers for a second, wishing once more that she could say goodbye, but time is running thin, so she closes the door and moves on.
It didn’t seem worth the effort to take anything with her, and it’s easier to move silently with just her cloak. She fastens it at her throat and makes her way out of the cottage, careful to lock the door behind her, slipping the key into her pocket through habit - it’s unlikely she’ll need it again. Pulling her hood up, she walks away from the village and towards the forest, keeping her footsteps light and quick. Her cloak catches on the undergrowth as it gets thicker, and soon she’s picking her way along the narrow path between the trees, feeling more anxious as the darkness crowds her. Further along, the trees are so dense that the moonlight cannot penetrate their leaves and she has to slow to avoid tripping on unseen hazards.
Her destination isn’t all that far. The ground grows steeper, and she has to be more careful as she searches for the ruins in the dark. It helps that she has walked this path before, when she made her bargain, and she knows she’s there when she finds the first stone, stuck upright in the ground with strange symbols she traces with her fingers.
The ruins are empty and dark. Huge stones mark the circle, with some lying flat in the middle, almost like an altar. She doesn’t know what they once were but she can feel the electricity in the air, taste it like iron on her tongue.
“Hello?” she calls in a shaky uncertain voice. It must be nearly midnight; if she looks up, she can see the moon high above the trees. The wind rushes around her, and she shivers, tugging her cloak closed. “Are you here?”
Everything falls silent. A twig snaps, and she spins, peering into the dark thicket of trees between two of the largest stones. She’s about to call again as two golden eyes suddenly become visible, and instinct makes her pull back.
“Hello?” she whispers this time. For some strange reason, she doesn’t feel afraid, just apprehensive and uncertain in the face of something so unholy.
“You are ready to finish our bargain.”
She casts her gaze back the way she came, sorrow heavy in her heart. “I am.”
“The price was agreed,” he murmurs, golden eyes shining in the darkness surrounding him. “Yet I see tears in your eyes. Do you wish to take back what was given?”
Horror fills her, the image of her sister dying slowly still imprinted in her mind. She doesn’t want that. “I’m never going to see my family again,” she replies softly, wiping at her eyes. “Are you so unfeeling that you cannot understand grief?”
He chuckles at that, and she can hear him shifting around. “I understand perfectly.” Squinting isn’t giving her a clearer view of him, though her eyes are still adjusting to the lack of light. “You’re not afraid.”
It’s a statement, made out of curiosity, and she lets her shoulders relax. “I don’t think so,” she whispers. She’s uncertain what faces her, but it’s difficult for anything to overcome the despair at leaving her family. “Can I see you?”
There’s a pause, more rustling, and he clears his throat. “Have you ever seen a demon before?”
“No,” she answers truthfully, even as her mind conjures images of disgusting beasts and eldritch creatures.
He harrumphs under his breath. Y/N watches, unsure what to expect, and then he steps forward, letting the darkness melt away. At first he seems huge, and she hears the rustle of wings, but as he comes closer, he seems to shrink into a more human shape. He’s still tall, broad, rippling with muscle underneath a black shirt that clings to his skin, and the only things that indicate his otherworldliness are his golden eyes, his long white hair, and the two thick black horns curving out from the sides of his head. She sucks in a breath at the sight of him, and he stares at her with a hungry look in his eyes.
“Are you frightened now?” he asks.
There is fear but it’s inspired by a new feeling inside her, something raw and primal, something that’s telling her she belongs to this creature, and she’s not sure if it’s magic or him, or something else entirely. “No,” she says again, shaking her head this time.
His lips curl into a smile. “Curious,” he rumbles. “I knew there was a reason I answered the summons.”
The comment makes her frown. “Aren’t you compelled to?” He laughs, and it’s a sound that makes her insides quiver with need. There’s something strange about him that draws her in, and she takes a step closer to him, tilting her head. “Do you have a name?” she asks boldly.
He watches her in amusement, like he’s never encountered anyone like her before. “Geralt,” he concedes.
It feels more comfortable to have a name to use, though she’s no closer to understanding what is happening. If he didn’t have to respond to the ritual, why did he? The thought makes it out of her mouth before she can stop it, and the amusement doesn’t fade from his face.
“The ritual only binds the one whose blood is used,” he murmurs, closing the distance between them. “You are now bound to me, Y/N, for what I have given you. Do you understand what that means?”
Her mouth goes dry. “You take my soul,” she rasps, eyes watering again. “I have to die.”
There’s a second where he seems confused, and then his knuckles are brushing her cheek, wiping away the errant tear that escapes. “What gave you that idea?” She stares at him, puzzled by his words, and he’s suddenly right there, looming over her, one meaty paw cupping her face. Her heart is racing at his proximity, and she begins to understand exactly what he wants from her. “You’re mine now,” he repeats softly. “I will only ever protect you.”
“I-I don’t understand,” she breathes, lifting her hands to brace them against his chest, to stop him getting closer or just to touch him - she’s not certain which. He’s real and solid under her palms, and she’s surprised when she feels the dull thud of his heart in his chest.
“I’ve been alone for so long,” he hums, dropping his head just enough to nuzzle the tip of his nose against hers. “I was growing weary of solitude. Then I heard your plea…”
His lips brush hers, and she stuns herself by lifting her chin, allowing him to initiate the kiss. It’s not like she hasn’t been kissed before, she’s just never been kissed with such raw need, and before she can register it, he has her body pinned against his, held in place with a hand on her lower back. She can barely breathe when he breaks away to look down at her; his eyes are nearly black and it’s too hard to pull her gaze away.
“But you’re a demon,” she mumbles.
He answers in a gentle tone, almost amused by her dazed reaction. “I cannot help what I am.” His hand is around her hip now, keeping their bodies pressed together, and she can feel something hard digging into her belly. It takes a second for her to realize; her eyes widen, but she doesn’t pull away.
“You want me to be your companion,” she says slowly, acutely aware of how large he is. “For me to - to -”
Geralt smiles, and it’s a hungry smile, exposing his sharp canines. “Yes,” he confirms, voice thick and syrupy. “I knew as soon as I heard your plea. You are lonely too.”
She wants to be indignant at that, to deny it, except she has always been lonely. Once she thought she had found someone who she had been prepared to give her whole heart to, only for him to shatter the dream and walk away. Since then, her only duty had been to her family, and though she loved them dearly, she had never tried to be anything but the perfect daughter and sister.
“You see?” Geralt draws her back to the present. “You ache for someone to love you. To care for you. It’s why you were so ready to sacrifice yourself for your sister.” His hand somehow covers the whole side of her head, which should be terrifying, but she’s leaning into it, finding comfort in the touch. “You’re mine, Y/N.”
She nods, almost in a daze. He pulls back, taking her hand to lead her to the altar-like stone in the middle of the ruins, and she follows without question. When he sits, he drags her between his thighs, and the angle is much friendlier to her neck when he kisses her again.
“I need to hear you say it,” he growls, unclasping her cloak to let it fall to the ground.
Her eyes lock on his. The golden in them is nearly entirely eaten by black, and a rush of warmth ends right at her core. “I’m yours,” she manages weakly, suddenly acutely aware of the pounding of her heart and the blood in her veins. She feels like she should resist simply because he’s a demon, but she doesn’t feel any danger from him at all.
He tugs her dress up, slicing through the fabric that gets in his way with sharpened claws that are gone by the time he finds her flesh. Heat floods her face when he rubs thick fingers against her sex, and she flings out a hand to brace herself against his shoulder, leaning to the side as he sinks a single digit inside her. It’s thicker than anything that’s ever been inside her before, making her squeak and cling to him, and a rumble of amusement echoes in his chest.
“I’m not a virgin,” she whispers, suddenly in fear of disappointing him.
“Neither am I,” he replies in a quiet laugh. She gasps as he works a second finger into her, and she begins to think that if his cock is bigger than this, he might not fit. Somewhere in the back of her mind, there’s a part of her that rallies against the idea of intimate relations with a demon, but she ignores it in favor of his touch, gasping as he thrusts his fingers inside her as deep as they can go.
She can hear how wet she’s getting, and he can too, grunting his appreciation when his fingers come out glistening. When he pushes them into her again, she whimpers, rocking her hips to meet his movement, focusing on the fire he’s igniting in her belly. She’s felt it before, just not this powerful, like she’s forgotten how to breathe, and before she can vocalize the pleasure, her pussy clenches and she’s dripping down his wrist. He moans, almost covering the squelch of his fingers as they keep sinking into her over and over, forcing her to ride out every wave of her orgasm until he’s satisfied she’s done.
He withdraws, allowing her to rest as he tears his shirt off, but her attention has moved to the bulge in his pants. Reaching out, she brushes her fingers against it, looking up sharply when he growls low in his throat and slides his hand to the fastening. His cock springs free the second it's able, and she swallows around the lump in her throat, still uncertain she can take him.
Her apprehension must have been plastered across her face. He catches her chin, forcing her to look at him, and she sees reassurance in his eyes. “It will feel good,” he says softly, taking hold her hand to guide it to his shaft. It’s warm to touch, solid under her fingertips, so she grasps him in her hand, tentatively stroking down then up, smiling when he moans. “That’s it,” he purrs, pressing his hand between her thighs again.
The intrusion of his fingers is familiar now her body has adjusted but he takes his time to open her up properly, bringing her to the cusp of climax after climax. By the time he is hauling her into his lap, she’s a panting mess, yet she still hesitates as he presses the wide tip of his shaft to her entrance, using his fingers to position himself. His golden gaze fixes on hers when he begins to drag her down, and for a moment, she’s convinced he’ll break her, then the first inch is in and she practically begs for the rest. He sinks up into her slowly, letting her pussy drench him to ease his path, and when he’s finally buried deep, she can’t breathe for the pressure in her belly. Her walls hug him tightly, cockhead snug against her cervix, and he keeps her right there, grinding inside while she can do nothing except accommodate him.
“How does it feel?” he asks in a gravelly voice that makes her feel like he’s holding something back.
“You’re -” She still can’t control her breathing, almost shivering through overstimulation. “You’re so big, I -”
“Hmmm.” He sounds amused, watching as she gasps and splutters, pressing her hands against his chest before sliding them to his shoulders. “Would you like me to move?”
She whimpers with a nod. “Yes,” is all she can manage, and he chuckles, putting his hands to her waist. The first slow pull away from him has her digging her nails into his shoulders, but her body is quickly acclimatizing and when he’s almost fully withdrawn, she only wants him back inside her. He gives her exactly what she wants, filling her again, and she cries out in ecstasy, drowning out his low possessive growl.
There’s an electricity in the air when he begins to fuck her, overriding her meager strength to manipulate her body until she’s almost out of her mind with pleasure. The intensity of it makes her feel like she might die if he stops, or if he doesn’t; either way, she’s craving more and more, and it seems he is more than willing to give it. She comes for him easily, easing his path into her slick channel even more, and she’s sobbing by the time she’s done, prompting him to slow just a little.
He growls as she leans back just a little, held in his grasp. “I want to see all of you,” he grunts.
A clawed finger tears down the front of her dress. The fabric falls either side, exposing her breasts, and Geralt doesn’t hesitate, curling his long tongue around one stiff peak as she moans decadently. She reaches up, letting her fingers slide over the horns either side of his head, tugging experimentally. It inspires a moan that vibrates out against her sensitive skin, so she does it again, using the slight leverage to lift off of his cock before sinking back down.
He doesn’t stop her when she does it again. His hands tighten around her waist, giving her assistance on each stroke, bringing her down hard until she’s stuffed with him again. “I want to see all of you too,” she whines, resting her hands at the base of his horns. “I want to see what you really look like.”
Releasing her breast, he meets her gaze, baring his teeth slightly as she keeps moving. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he murmurs.
“You won’t,” she promises desperately.
His grip on her waist tightens, forcing her to slow. She gasps, watching the slow ripple as he relinquishes the control over his form, whimpering when he pulls her down hard on his cock as it grows with him, pushing her to her limit. Large black wings sprout from his back, his teeth become sharper, and his eyes glow; he’s breathtaking and terrifying, or he should be, but she feels no fear, only the need for him.
“Is this what you wanted?” he asks, holding her down on his cock with clawed hands.
“Yes,” she hisses, panting and wriggling to relieve the unbearable pressure in her belly. He grabs her hand, pressing it down against her gut, and her eyes go wide. “Oh -” She can feel him, right underneath her palm, throbbing inside her.
“Like you were made for me,” he snarls, rocking his hips again so she can feel the thick girth dragging against her walls. “You’re mine.”
He moves before she can react, finding herself naked and pinned underneath him on the stone altar. His wings expand then contract, surrounding them as he slides down her body, covering her aching cunt with his mouth. She yelps when she feels his tongue probing her entrance, thick and long, wriggling, and it’s a new sensation that curls her toes as he pushes the flexible organ inside her. It doesn’t fill her like his cock does but it seems to touch every hidden part of her, and she can’t catch her breath, panting hard as she reaches a new high on his tongue.
She’s shaking from head to toe, yet he doesn’t stop, groaning against her pussy, nuzzling against her clit. The additional point of stimulation makes her reach down, sliding her fingers around one horn, and he snarls, fucking his tongue into her with a little more vigor. Her back arches at the unexpected force, and she can feel her heart hammering hard in her chest. She screams and writhes, but he holds her in place until he’s satisfied, and she’s boneless, eyelids fluttering as she fights the urge to pass out.
Withdrawing slowly, he climbs up her body, lining up his monstrous cock once more, and she feels like she’s looking up at a god instead of a demon. Her thoughts are swept away in the next instant when he cants his hips forward, burying his cock to the root inside her aching channel again. She falls apart in seconds, crying out until he silences her with a heady kiss. 
Time is meaningless. Every thrust sends her spiraling, raking her nails over his biceps as he claims her body along with her soul. She can’t think between bursts of ecstasy except for one driving need to feel him come inside her.
He growls as his strokes become sloppy, harder, faster, and finally, he buries himself as deep as he can, punching a choked cry out of her lungs as he spills into her. It’s hot and thick, and she groans as he keeps her still, riding out his orgasm and grinding deep until he’s done.
Her head rolls from side to side as the pleasure resides, though she can still feel him buried inside her, keeping his seed deep in her womb. He doesn’t move yet, coaxing her into a soft kiss as he remains with his wings sheltering them from the cold air. She hiccups a sob against his mouth, letting her fingers tangle in his hair, and when they part, she gasps for breath.
“Do not fret,” he murmurs, nuzzling into her gently.
She doesn’t feel up to anything like fretting at that moment, even as she looks up at his demonic countenance. Her limbs feel like jelly, and she’s certain she could fall asleep in the warmth of his hold. “Will they be alright without me?” she asks, because she has to know, and she trusts him to give her the truth.
He nods, kissing the corner of her mouth. “Yes.”
It’s all she needs. Her eyes flutter shut as she curls into his chest, contentment washing through her as the demon holds her close, lifting her from the stone to carry her towards the darkness he had come from.
When dawn breaks, all that is left is her cloak and a few tattered rags.
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Thanks for reading! Please, please let me know if you liked it 🤗
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crookinspine · 1 month
Genuinely might leave tumblr at this point, for whatever reason my ipad just doesn’t like this hellsite? Like I have my “necessary” tabs open all the time, DA, bluesky, toyhouse, and this one, and whenever I click on this one and it auto-reloads, it shows the same shadow vs knuckles fanart post. Like please this single post has been haunting me for what’s probably been months now and I don’t know why. Man I don’t even like sonic. :’) (Sorry to those who do, I only like Sonic Boom tbh) At the same time this post has been haunting me, some of the site’s assets just. Aren’t there. When I manually reload the site it takes suuuper long, and that usually works, but it’s just a hassle, yk? Like I’ve tried having the tab closed for about a day (maybe more, I don’t remember) or so and it’s still just the same thing. Idk man. I don’t really want to download the app either honestly, I prefer to keep my art sites in tabs.
I’ve pulled tumblr up on my old laptop before and it seems to work just fine, so I guess I’ll just frequent this place for fanart anymore.
But anyway, unless this just miraculously fixes itself at some point, I think I may actually stop posting on tumblr.
Edit: I got a screenshot of it
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
I'm Back!
Wow, so Lent is over now, so my tumblr fast is also over and I'm still a little in shock, lol. I had hoped the past six weeks? I don't know, Time is weird, would be more productive but at least I got SOME stuff written/posted. Anyway, I have one more month of school and then fucking FINALS so expect sporadic updates at idiot-o-clock hours of the night, and maybe yell at me to sleep, eat, study, or drink water whenever i do post 😅
I am up to SO EFFING MANY wips rn on so many different fronts you guys have no freaking idea 😭 so here's a status report for EVERYTHING on or going on sardonic_sprite. (Its gonna be a monster post, y'all, bear with me)
in absolutely no particular order:
Wayne4Ham: We have a LONG way to go with this one, so just be patient and I'll slowly but steadily plug on through. Aaron Burr, Sir, should theoretically take me no longer than end of april
Wayne-Crazy: there's like 4 specific requests on it, plus a few 'series' i started, but after those, say 6-7, i'll probably mark as complete and only re-open if someone offers me an idea
Batman Beginners: i'll tell y'all up front, this one will take me forever. i don't even know what all I intend to cover, but know that i'm halfway done with the DITF arc, and it'll probably come out in the next two months
Just A Kid: this was my shits-and-giggles fic that got like 3000 notes in a weekend lmao. it's something i do intend to continue bc its so fun and i enjoy the concepts in it, but i don't have plans to actively write more of it in the immediate future.
Rev Wayne: just gave y'all Jason's fic, so the next probably won't come until late in summer, extrapolating from my few data points. if anyone has ideas for timmy's intro, let me know, i'd love some inspiration
Celeb Batwaynes: reported separate from wayne-crazy for reasons. i think theres like 12 specific requests plus 2 ideas of my own. i may put out a poll for the next one to write, but not until after school's out, because these fics are HUGE time-eaters for me. speaking of, are non-tumblr-users able to vote on polls?
Welcome to Gotham U: this was again, me doing shit bc why not. will probably add more in the style that i first posted, but i doubt i will write any prose for it. if you would like to give it a try, please reach out, i'd love to see what you write!
One Diamond: every time i touch this i make the cliffhanger worse lmao. i finally do have a direction, but execution is gonna have to wait a while.
The Young, Innocent, and Righteous: this is mostly just for me anyway, but i'm just gonna say that i'm waiting until i finish watching miraculous season 5 before i go any further
AS you wish: i have 5 more requests to do and i am so sorry to everyone waiting you do not deserve this lmao. i promise im trying, i love your ideas, it just takes me a really long time to fill in the rest and then actually write it. the next one on my list is particularly hard to pin down and so it's halting the ones behind it to. if not before, then after finals i will sit and bang my head on the keyboard until something good comes out
Light Isn't Fadin': soooooo many people have asked me about this one oof. SOMEDAY, i swear. right now its a huge, nebulous, hulking monster and im sorry it's just not happening yet.
A christmas carol: wait until december. please
Father's Day: june.
A Little Problem: over the summer, i will watch marvel movies until they once again hijack my brain and fuel this to completion. maybe.
easter eggs: how the fuck did i forget this lmao. i'm doing as much as i can in april, but when the month is done, i'm sorry, we'll all be waiting until next lenten season. hopefully it won't come to that.
aaaaand i THINK that's finally it. there's also a bunch of random paragraphs in word and google docs that may appear, not to mention ideas that kidnap me in dark alleys. but i also have like a good half dozen other wips for other places that im trying to attend to, so please be forgiving if it seems like its taking a while to post something as sprite.
as always, i love questions, comments, concerns, even some complaints, so feel free to interact.
See ya when I see ya!
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trustmeifyoudare · 2 years
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I posted 6,213 times in 2022
That's 5,768 more posts than 2021!
334 posts created (5%)
5,879 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,076 of my posts in 2022
#ml spoilers - 103 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 45 posts
#yes - 35 posts
#miraculous ladybug spoilers - 30 posts
#wbw - 29 posts
#ask game - 18 posts
#kotlc - 18 posts
#shitpost - 18 posts
#random - 16 posts
#amazing - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the moon is gone the moon is gone the moon is gone the moon is gone the moon is gone the moon is gone the moon is gone the moon is gone the
My Top Posts in 2022:
have you ever thought about what it would be like to be a kwami
to live forever, watching the world be born and knowing that you will eventually see it crumble into dust. to be surrounded by people bigger than you. to know that you can never interact with those people because than your holder will be affected. to be a kwami in the middle ages and watching your holder be burned alive because someone saw you. to know that your holder is eventually going to die and that you can’t stop it. 
to have no control over your power. to always be in fear that your next holder is going to be abusive, that they will leave you with no freedom. to live in fear that your next holder will be a terrorist. to live with the memories of when you had an abusive holder. to know that your power has been stripped away and probably will be again
have you ever thought about how terrible it would be?
34 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
The Stranger
It’s 12 am an do write this in an hour and this is the first fic I write on a phone. Enjoy
It was the night shift and barely anyone was inside the café. Luka absentmindedly played with a pen as he waited for his shift to end. He couldn’t wait to get home.
The door opened, snapping Luka out of his daze. A lone person walked in, all dressed up in a suit and tie at 2 am in the morning.
“One earl grey tea, please,” the customer said, yawning. A streak of dirt was on his face.
Luka silently made the drink. He handed it off to the stranger and they parted ways without saying a word.
Luka had seen stranger people during his night shifts, so the man from early soon left his mind. He had better things to think about anyway.
A month later, Luka was back on the night shift. He was left alone because his coworker bailed to go to some party on the other side of the city. That meant that Luka was going to be by himself for the next eight hours with nothing to do. Yeah!
Barely anyone came in, but right at 2 am the same guy from before walked in. He was still wearing a suit, almost he was about to go to a fancy ball but had to stop and get some tea.
“An earl grey,” the man said.
“Sorry, but we don’t have any more. Can I offer you a coffee instead?”
The stranger glared at Luka. “Coffee? Coffee? Are you trying to kill me? You dare suggest that I have that drink that thinks it is better than tea?”
“Chill out, Dude. It was just a question.”
The stranger grunted.
“Well, what can I get you?”
See the full post
40 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
online friends are weird because it is either “congratulations you have unlocked my second fake name” or “here is what I look like this is the city I live in and I will give you 200$ a week to stay”
53 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
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i can show you the world
55 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
season 5 won’t be aired out of order
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175 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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obscuremechala · 2 years
testing testing 123
i just got here so i wanna test things out, probably won't keep this post in the long run but maybe i'll forget this is up or something idk
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this is my profile pic, i drew it myself real quick and i don't feel like elaborating why. the url is a tad different bc i was thinking of sharing it on instagram (i didn't tho) and tumblr doesn't allow underscores apparently
but i digress
i don't have much to talk about but that's 'cause i don't have a prompt or anything this was just meant to be a test
one day i'll ramble about my story stuff bc there's a lot going on there but there's still a lot i need to figure out
hmm maybe ill do an intro or something
but probably not here i don't think it'll fit
ill test things in the meanwhile
italics? oooh yes
[redacted] (huh would that be unredacted or what is this a paradox)
awelkhfas ooh different fonts too
point 1
point 2
there are no points
what am i doing
idk man
i just got here and want to learn and maybe interact
i tend to just lurk on socials but i am capable of interaction
i just usually don't
friends are nice, i wish i could interact with mine more
testing testing one two three
moths are cute, i like moths
one of my fantasy races/species are inspired by moths but that's for another time
i don't expect anyone to actually read this
tho i do expect it'll take me some time to get used to things here
ive seen a lot of posts on pinterest while looking for writing advice and character design inspo, tho now my feed is 1/3 transformers, 1/3 pokemon, and 1/3 misc. tumblr posts
i also like robots and transformers
what if moth robot
hmm lemme think
i could def make it work in my universe, i shall ponder
anyway more tests
ooo smol
wonder what this does
color text nice
this song is great i found it a few days ago and have listened to it several times on loop
however i don't have spotify i just have youtube music
sad that they deleted google play music, at least i could listen to music outside of the app and with my screen off without paying money
i haven't actually played undertale, i watched a neutral run playthrough and have played deltarune, if i get the game id probably do a pacifist run
undertale music is good tho
there is no 2
what did that do
i don't really get it
maybe it'll do something when i publish this
ooo i should post some art
i don't have a lot tho
maybe i should redraw my old art bc i looked at some last night and yikes
apparently i only recently discovered decent anatomy/proportions and that was via mostly guesture poses
i have recently been shown the way of shapes and im watching a lot of character design and redesign stuff along with my hermitcraft
i never really got into miraculous ladybug but for some reason watching people tear into it and redesign the characters tends to pull me in like a moth to a light
it's funny bc i have no investment in what people are complaining about but im interested in how they make things better/different
also taking notes on what not to do so
i wish i could draw my characters, a good chunk are robots and hard to design, 90% of the rest of them are homemade fantasy races/species i have to actually conceptualize, and then the humans are kinda just there
bc i do have humans there just arent a ton bc i must make everything hard for myself
dw its fun for me it just takes a long time to actually hammer out
i wanna talk more about them but im thinking of better ways to actually organize my thoughts that just vomiting words on a page that no one will see anyway
it's gonna take some tome to figure out this place
maybe ill make separate blogs for original and fandom stuff idk ill explore the features more and get back to
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huge-enthusiast · 3 years
Miraculous fic recomendations!!
This is just an excuse to show all my bookmarks? Yes. Yes, it is. I'm pretty sure most of this fics are really popular, but try see if you find something you didn't knew about!
All of the fics will be rated Teen and up audiences or lower. Also if I don't put the author's tumblr is because they didn't put it in the fic or/and I couldn't find it.
Pairing: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
knowing you by emsylcatac (they are not really the author of the fic but that's the account that says in the fic, the actual author doesn't have an account).
After dropping their transformations months ago, Marinette and Adrien see each other for the first time after being apart. They've both left too much unsaid and have to work to pick up the pieces of their confused hearts.
Chapters: 1/1
Post-reveal but mostly ladynoir, light angst with happy ending.
the last day on earth by Reiaji
The first time Marinette sees Chat Blanc, she's fourteen years old. The second time, fifteen—the third time, seventeen.
The closer she grows to Adrien, the harder it is to save him.
Chapters: 1/1
Post-reveal lovesquare, kinda heavy angst, hopeful ending.
tell me something i don't know by carpisuns (@carpisuns here on tumblr)
Do you think it still means something? To love someone, even if the universe said you had to?
The odds of having a soulmate are about negative one billion (or something like that). But somehow, like they always have, Marinette and Chat Noir find themselves together. They’re ready to finally tell each other everything, but it turns out that even soulmates have to keep secrets, and while their bond draws them together, duty forces them apart.
Chapters: currently 17/28 (WIPs can be exhausting but this one is 100% worth the wait!)
Mostly marichat but almost all of the lovesquare sides make an appearance, soulmates au, mostly fluff but it can get angsty if it wants to.
One Thing After Another by SKayLanphear
Marinette notices that, sometimes, Adrien acts a little out of the ordinary--like the time he stood in a cardboard box for no reason, or when he actually hissed at Nino. It's only when she starts to notice the similarities between Adrien and a certain feline that she begins to get suspicious.
Basically, Adrien acts like a cat when he probably shouldn't.
Chapters: 15/15
Mostly adrienette with one sided reveal by Marinette's side, miraculous side effects (by both sides wich is really cool!), it's fluff with a lil tiny angst for drama.
This would take some getting used to by Codango (@codango here on tumblr!)
Adrien peeked out from behind the chimney even as the magic of his own Chat Noir mask fell away.
She was still visible, her dark hair bobbing under the street lamps a couple blocks away.
Adrien blew out a confused breath. His fiery Ladybug… was the quiet little mouse who sat behind him in class?
“What. The.”
This… would take some getting used to.
Chapters: 8/8
Adrienette with one sided reveal by Adrien's part, awkward flirting, just fluff, nothing to worry about.
comfort food also by Reiaji!
In Marinette's house, cooking is a language of love, and Marinette loves Adrien more than most.
Chapters: 1/1
Adrienette with a little of ladynoir, super super fluff, a lot of insight into Marinette's chinese heritage.
The right side of his face by walkingonthestars (@hamsternamedmarinette here on tumblr!)
Marinette and Adrien are able to remain in their new seats in the back of the room at the end of Chameleon.
Chapters: 1/1
Adrienette, fluff with light angst.
it's a long way forward so trust in me by aloneintherain (@captainkirkk here on tumblr!)
“You’re not the only strong one around here, Chat,” Marinette said. She looked a little winded, but she wasn’t struggling to hold him up.
This close up, he could see the freckles on the bridge of her nose. He could see how that smug smile lit up her eyes. He could feel the strain of her arms—and wow, okay, he really wasn’t the only person around here with muscles.
Six times Marinette carried Adrien (plus one time he carried her).
Chapters: 1/1
All the sides of the lovesquare! Fluff with LOTS of mutual pining.
a fight that you were born to lose also by aloneintherain
When the prosecution starts throwing around the word victim in reference to Adrien, he has to stuff his hands under his thighs to keep himself from bolting out of the courtroom.
Adrien had felt unsafe during those last few weeks, but, until he had woken up and seen Father silhouetted in his bedroom doorway, that had only been paranoia. Father was controlling and cold, but he wasn’t hateful. Adrien was isolated. He was often hungry. And some weeks ago, when he had snuck out to visit Nino, sitting thigh-to-thigh on his bed while Adrien cried in that silent, crumbling way of his, he hadn’t argued when Nino put a hand on his shoulder and said, tentatively, That’s abuse.
But Adrien remembers being small and Father touching his hair after he’d aced another test; Father holding his scribbled drawings like they were something precious, and framing them around his office; Father, dressed as Hawkmoth, his eyes wild behind the mask, lashing his sword against Adrien’s baton; Father, collapsed against Mum, crying into her ashy hair.
Adrien finds out Gabriel is Hawkmoth, and Gabriel gets to bring his long-waited plan into action.
Chapters: 1/1
This one doesn't really focus in the ship that much as is an Adrien character study and an exploration of his relationship with his father, but they're still there so I put them here. Really heavy angst (this is one of this fics that haunt me in the middle of the night) with a happy ending. ❗TW: parental abuse, eating disorders❗
Supercut by LNC
Marinette loves her friends and Adrien can't deal.
Chapters: 1/1
Post-reveal lovesquare, again light angst, an exploration of Adrien's insecurities, Marinette Dupain-Cheng deserves the world, happy ending.
Madame Snare by jettiebettie
“Sounds like a lot of work for nothing. She should take this as a sign to have a relaxing weekend with no responsibilities.”
“It's a lot of work she put her whole heart into. It wouldn't be right for it to go to waste,” Adrien whispers to him. The look on Marinette's face is enough to cause Adrien's own heart to ache. If anyone deserves the satisfaction and pride from a job well done, it's her.
“Too bad there isn't anyone else who can walk in those death traps,” Plagg says. Adrien hums in thought, tapping his chin.
“I could.”
Chapters: 1/1
Marichat, episode-based, Chat Noir in a dress!!!, light angst but it's mostly just idiots being idiots and a lot of fun.
in the same sun by peachcitt (@peachcitt here on tumblr!)
"It’s hard to believe that I saw you last at the peak of summer, when the sun was close and warm - and so were you. It should go without saying that I miss you. I miss you something terrible."
"It’s been seven months to the day since I’ve seen you. I wish you were here more than anything else."
Two letters, signed with initials instead of names, found in Paris, France.
Chapters: 1/1
Ladynoir, just angst, that's it, written like letters. No ending, just pain.
an uncurtain discovery by Missnoodles (@ladyofthenoodle here on tumblr!)
When he returns from school on Wednesday afternoon, Adrien discovers the darkness in his own home. He struggles to come to terms with it. To his utter mortification and delight, Ladybug is nearby to rescue him.
(He does not discover that his father is supervillain. That will happen on a different Wednesday.)
Chapters: 1/1
Ladrien, it says it's crack, and don't get me wrong, is super funny, but I also found it sad as fuck?
An Open Secret by Kasienda
Adrien whirled around toward Marinette. She smiled at him.
He couldn’t smile back. He stared at her like the dumb blond model that he was often accused of being.
Something shifted in her expression. And her warm open Marinette smile transformed into Ladybug’s grin. He was looking at Ladybug right now.
He knew Ladybug’s name!
Her name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
And he couldn’t say anything! Not to Marinette! Not even to Plagg, who had confided two weeks prior that Master Fu was growing increasingly paranoid since the location of his home and hideout had been compromised. Their master had apparently decided that Chat Noir and Ladybug would have to give up their miraculouses if they ever discovered each other’s identities.
It wasn’t fair!
A fic where they both know, but can't openly talk about it.
Chapters: 4/4
Post-reveal... but is it? Mostly adrienette and ladynoir, fluff with light angst and them being absolute idiots at hiding their secret identity.
golden (like daylight) by okayanna (@anna-scribbles here on tumblr!)
Friendship, Adrien decided, shaking off the mental image of Marinette’s hurricane eyes and hesitant mouth, parted in a small, careful “o.” He had a very strong friendship with Marinette. That was all.
Adrien thinks a lot about words, love, and Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Chapters: 1 + epilogue
Adrienette but has lots of ladynoir, another Adrien character study because I hate myself, it tries to not be angst but the writing will punch you in the guts and make you cry, it's so good.
Strangers in the Bright Lights by poodles (@ladybeug here on tumblr!)
Adrien is about two drinks in when he sees a girl at the end of the bar wearing black cat ears. It's kind of weird, so he watches her, and although it's crowded he can see her face when she turns around. She’s wearing a Chat Noir mask. He takes a quick look around- nobody else is wearing a mask. Just her.
Adrien finishes his gin martini and heads over to her. He could use some company tonight anyways, he hasn’t told anyone he’s back in Paris and Nathalie won’t arrive in town for another month. And it’s been a rough day, okay? A rough move! He’s not sure he wants to be back yet, and he spent most of the day in the Agreste mansion sorting through some photographs of his father he found in the study. Maybe he wants a drink and some stranger to tell him he’s pretty! That’s not a crime, is it?
Chapters: 1/1
Adrienette but it's also ladrien??? I think??? It's super super angsty but they're both drunk the entirety of the fic so it's also really funny.
Pick-Up and Chase by also SKayLanphear
After she accidentally trips into Adrien and apologizes about "falling for him," Marinette learns that he's no match for cheesy pick-up lines--whether they were unintended or not. And while she finds it flattering that he turns into a flustered mess with only a few words, Marinette comes to regret making him uncomfortable. That is, until she learns he's Chat Noir. At which point the phrase "just deserts" becomes a permanent fixture in her everyday plans.
A story in which Adrien is flustered, Marinette is smooth as glass at dropping lines, and Chat Noir gets the romance he was always asking for--even if he doesn't quite know how to handle it.
Chapters: 10/10
Adrienette with one sided reveal by Marinette's side, it doesn't say it in the tags but I'm pretty sure the characters are much older than they actually are in the show, so much fluff and so much flirting.
Pairing: Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe
Nino Has Done Nothing To Deserve This by GuardianKarenTerrier (@guardiankarenterrier here in tumblr)
It's nothing, really- just an innocent comment, a joke. But when they hear it, Nino and Alya come to a realisation.
There were, in retrospect, dozens upon dozens of hints. Now that they're suddenly aware of all their friend's flimsy excuses and rushed explanations, they're not only sure how they've missed it, they're not sure how anyone else has either. They realise that it had to be magic protecting their friends- and that same magic has ceased to work on the two of them.
Well, this means they'll just have to start watching over their friends themselves.
Chapters: 7/7
This is more a found family fic than anything else, Alya and Nino are the mom friend, has light angst but it's mostly identity shenanigans in the most bizarre way. ❗TW: eating disorders❗
christmas lights by demistories
Nino checks up and down the street, checking to make sure there’s no raging akuma headed his way before he crosses quickly and ducks inside the small café. He closes the door quickly before the icy air can blow inside and tugs his beanie down over his ears. He spots Alya sitting alone in the corner.
Chapters: 1/1
Just fluff!! Really short but really sweet.
hold on, i still want you also by Missnoodles!
Written for the @thedjwifizine ! Wich I also recommend if you wanna binge a lot of djwifi fics while also looking at amazing art!!!
Five times Alya ran into her ex, and the one time he stopped being her ex.
Chapters: 1/1
Light angst with a happy ending! I don't really like the ex-lovers to lovers trope but this one is the only exception.
I will continue to expand the list in the future! But by now I hope I was helpful in the search of new fics!
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billieinspace · 2 years
Just a Bit More Time Please.
Viktor x Reader One-Shot
CW: Angst, mentions of death, depressive themes.
WC: I’m not sure, mobile doesn’t lemme word count 😅
A/N: Brewing some angsty AU ideas and using tumblr as a vent until my friend gets home to hear them, oh and this is def not proof-read, sorry!🥲
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Time is never justifiable, it’s never consistent, and it definitely isn’t fair.
Time was cruel, the capabilities of tearing people apart for no gain other than some life lessons or emotional regulation.
It didn’t take long after he got sick; the constant push and pull of being lovers was something that kept you both grounded and provided the added ability of shutting the rest of the world down.
You spent more nights in his hospital bed, gentle fingers brushing against his arms, watching as the machines worked to keep him hydrated and comfortable. He would smile at you softly,
“You’re too good to me, love.”, as you fought back the urge to cry. You’d give anything to make him better.
Jayce understood your lack of contribution to Hextech right now, he was prepared for the worst and felt it wasn’t his place to tell you what you could do with your time.
Each day was similar. You’d walk to the hospital, special desserts in hand, a book, some flowers, and the same green Post-It Notes with ‘Viktor, I love you so much!’ scribbled on it.
Last week Viktor could sit up properly, this week, it took effort and help, but he still managed. Your legs criss-crossed on the bed as you shared your dessert and whispered sweet nothings; as you read stories and cuddled; as you gave him a tender kiss on his forehead, and a chaste one on his dry lips, you stayed on that bed - until you left late at night with an ache in your thighs from the prolonged position.
The week after, it changed again. Viktor could hardly speak; he was fatigued and could barely lift his arms to wipe the tears that fell from your eyes.
“Please, just…just a little longer, Viktor.”
You whispered, knowing it wouldn’t do much, but the hope was still there that he’d miraculously recover and be back to the young, intelligent, mobile man he was when you first met.
He took his time to reassure you that he loved you.
“Dear, despite the circumstance, I will love you even if time ceases to exist for me…”The softness of his lips touched your knuckles as he spoke, “Do not cry, it will be okay.” He was lying, but you trusted him anyways.
No one prepared you for death. Not Jayce, not your family, not even Viktor himself.
The last time you saw him was the day he had left the world. His body still and cold, but yet, his face was peaceful despite the shallow dips and shadows that signified his weight loss over the past few weeks.
Normally, you wouldn’t have been allowed in there at that time, but the nurses took pity on your desperate cries for more time.
You curled up in the bed next to him as you talked to him about what you’ll do from here on out, flitting a tiny note from his bedside table. It was ornate in structure but delicate; the familiar handwriting across the folded piece read ‘My Dearest Y/N’. You ended the day with one last kiss to his cheek, promising him that you’ll do no wrong from now on, and then left. The bittersweet tears streaming down your face as a mournful goodbye left your lips toward the nurses.
Three weeks later, time got away. The darkness of your bedroom was suffocating but welcoming, the tears that stained your cheeks were just as strong as they were the day he passed, and the mess of quick snacks and half-glasses of wine were evidence that your coping mechanisms weren’t working.
Finding yourself groggy and achy, your mind slipped back to the note that remained under your pillow. Curiously, it took some mental preparation before shaky fingers played with the edge as it was opened.
‘Y/N. by the time you read this, I will have probably been gone for a while. I may not have been the best for you, but I guarantee you were the best for me. I know you think time is unfair and that my sickness prevented a long and happy lifestyle that most dream of, but I promise every second with you, was worth it. You gave me an experience I was scared to ever pursue, and I fell in love with you, thank you for giving me that.
I know when I am gone, you will want to isolate yourself; please don’t. Jayce needs you. You are my legacy, my future, and I know you will take it far; you are always amazing and brilliant. I want you to spend your time without me just as vibrantly as you did with me, whether it be in love, or enjoying the things that life has to discover. Until we meet again, I want you to have fantastic stories to share with me.
I mean this fully when I say this,
I love you, Y/N, no amount of time can change that.
Yours dearly,
P.S. Keep Jayce in check, we both know he has a tendency to get side-tracked.’
You cried yourself to sleep that night.
When you woke, the birds and the sun indicated it was still early. Keeping Viktor’s words in your head, you slunk out of bed, showered, ate, and got dressed. Your final step before heading out the door was a wishful thinking that you had to keep going for him, as you stuffed the letter in your pocket as a reminder.
Jayce wasn’t expecting you to walk into the lab that morning; a warm smile on his face as his long arms wrapped around you, telling you that he’s missed you. You took a deep breathe as you looked at the familiar but different lab with a sad smile,
“It’ll be okay, Viktor said so.”
He nodded and you two slipped into a quiet routine, enjoying each others company as an honour to your gone but never forgotten partner.
Healing takes time, but when there’s love and hope, it makes it just a little more bearable.
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btsmosphere · 3 years
Crossing Paths - drabble from the Crossfire universe
request from @excusemyuwus -
I remember Tae said he had a crush on her while working on that project so now I kinda want to see his pov of that time and how he was holding being around his crush lol, not gonna lie gangster Tae all nervous bc he like someone is something want to see (also imagine how much the guys would tease him uwu)
tumblr ate your ask when I tried to answer it, sorry! this is the only part I had copied, but if it ever resurfaces, I shall answer there. for now it is still refusing to cooperate so I am posting like this! (update: the ask just returned, it is here)
~pairing: taehyung x reader ~word count: 1.4k ~pre-relationship, fluff, angst, slice of life, mafia au, college au ~rating: g ~warnings: vague mention of gang activity, this is a gang au after all, but it’s not particularly prominent
~a/n: thank you for your great request! this was so nice to come back to, I am so sentimental about this series as my first bts fic🥰takes me back to when I was just getting into bts… it felt hard to do it justice! because of this, sorry it took me a while to write, but I wanted to do it well, and again I kept the theme of making my ‘drabbles’ wayyy longer😅final big thanks to the site being frustrating and eating drafts and such🙃🙃but here it is, finally seeing the light of day! I hope you enjoy it x
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“I can tell something’s on your mind, Tae.”
Jimin stared coolly at his friend. Looking over his shoulder guiltily as he unlocked the door, Tae found the other boy with his hands in his pockets, looking expectant.
All Tae could do was shrug as he elbowed the door open, heading to ditch his bag.
“Hey, Jimin’s right.”
A light flick on Tae’s forehead made him startle, looking up to find Hobi grinning, though his head was tilted to one side in question.
“What is it?”
Jimin’s shoulder nudged his own as they sunk into the sofa.
Tae checked his phone.
“It’s just a project for class, don’t worry about it,” he pocketed his phone, ignoring their gazes, “I gotta meet with my partner in an hour.”
“It’s okay, I wasn’t staying that long anyway,” Hobi slumped down too, having helped himself to a drink from the fridge, “I’m on watch with Yoongi across town.”
As the discussion turned to this week’s jobs and deals, Taehyung rested his head back against the sofa. The sounds of his friends’ conversation was like static. Instead, he was picturing the scene in class earlier, as the slideshow was flipped to show the project partners on the screen.
Tae hadn’t been too fussed, idly playing with his pen lid as he searched for his name. But when his eyes fell on it, he sat up straight.
Having only bumped into you a few times in class, he had never expected his heart to be hammering quite so hard as he quickly scanned the room for you. Sliding his things away, he had walked towards you as everyone began to file out, meeting you halfway as you did the same.
Leaning against a desk to keep his jittery hands occupied, he grinned at you.
Your returning smile, he noticed, was much more nervous, only flickering into existence for a wavering second. The two of you had only a brief conversation to sort out when you would meet, before you had practically scurried away.
His eyes had lingered on you as his smile slowly sank.
Unconsciously poking his tongue against his cheek, Tae wondered if you were afraid of him.
A finger clicked sharply in front of his face. He blinked back at Hobi’s grin, Jimin bursting into laughter at his side.
“Just a project, my ass,” Hobi shook his head, dumping an empty bottle on the coffee table, “don’t wanna be late, do you?”
A radiant smile was tossed over his shoulder as Hobi left the room, front door clicking soon after.
Sending his best friend a knowing look, Jimin also gathered himself to stand.
“Have fun tonight, yeah?”
He winked. Tae protested, shooting up from the sofa with an affronted look.
“So it is a special someone?” Jimin giggled.
“You’re impossible,” Tae grumbled, trailing after him to the door, “it’s just a project, I told you.”
Jimin hummed in a way which made it very clear he didn’t believe him.
“Don’t scare them off, tiger,” he remarked, stepping outside.
Tae’s shoulders slumped. He was certain that was just what he had already done.
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“I’m busy tonight. And my house isn’t free, so I can’t have anyone showing up here.”
Namjoon chuckled across the line.
“All this for a college project?” Clearly he had heard about this from the others. “If you could lend Kook some of your commitment to school, that would be great,” he teased.
Sighing, Tae spun around to survey the road outside his window, ruffling his own hair.
“You’re very funny, but I need to go. See you tomorrow.”
Tae was certain he would never hear the end of this from the others. It was true that he had firmly set aside time for your meeting today, even if it was only for a minor college presentation. But it was important to him.
He knew that this was the only time he would get together with you, and though it would end as soon as the presentation was given, he couldn’t help but want to make the most of it. At your last meeting, he had been largely distracted by the dizzying height of your apartment, leaving him shying back from any windows.
So this left you with his house today instead.
Arriving soon after Tae’s phone call, you were both soon seated on his floor. Though you mostly worked in quiet with occasional, quick conversation, it was not awkward. Your legs lay close together under the coffee table as you scribbled away diligently on its surface.
Glancing over the lid of his laptop as his fingers hung idly, Tae sighed. Watching as your pen swirled across your notebook, he let his eyes drift across your focussed features.
He swallowed as he did so, teeth tugging his lip. A light frown came over your features. He couldn’t take his eyes away from your lips as your pen lifted to your mouth, resting between your teeth as you mulled the work over, eyes flitting about the page.
Eventually, the lack of tapping at his keyboard must have got through to you. You raised your head.
Too late to divert his gaze, Taehyung cleared his throat and muttered a proposal for a break. Eager as well to put your work aside, you clambered from the floor to join him at his offer of a drink.
Moving through to the kitchen, he made casual conversation, asking after your dad. Last time there had only been a brief meeting, as he met Tae at the door before you hurried him away.
Picking up on his offer to chat, you teased Tae for his fear of heights, giggling over how he had screwed his eyes shut whenever he had come within sight of the view from your windows.
Of course, Tae tried his best to roll his eyes at you, but the smile dragging the corners of his mouth refused to be suppressed.
He poured your drinks. When he turned away to put the cartons back in the fridge, he took a breath, trying to settle himself. Why did he feel so flustered?
Squaring his shoulders a little more, he turned back, only for his hand to catch one of the glasses. It clattered against the surface, barely leaving time for him to jump back and avoid being splattered with its contents.
You hopped from your seat, ready to help.
Swallowing down his shock, Tae scratched at the back of his neck to hide his slightly trembling hand.
“Don’t worry,” he quickly muttered, flashing a nervous smile as he gathered towels and set to cleaning up.
Soft laughter followed from you. Still, you reached across to help.
Righting the glass and taking one of the cloths to clear up, your hand came concerningly close to Tae’s own. He kept his eyes firmly fixed on the countertop, his cheeks warm even as you finished and he was rooting in the fridge again for a refill.
You seemed miraculously unfazed by his flailing, though, he noticed as you finally settled beside each other sipping your drinks.
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“So it went well?”
Jimin nudged a reluctant Tae, eyebrows wiggling all the time.
“Yes, fine,” Tae groaned, trying to shrug him off.
Jimin did stop, but only in favour of staring at his friend with doleful eyes.
“Don’t be like that. You’ll see her again. You literally share a class!”
“It’s nothing like that,” Tae refuted.
He even halfway believed it.
You had got on well together, but surely not more than could be expected of most classmates? He sighed a little as he thought of it. It had been fun, but there was no excuse to spend any more time with you.
Besides, sparing one night to work on a project was a little different to becoming friends, or even more…
There was a reason the bangtan boys stuck to themselves.
But as he reminisced, he knew he had a soft spot for you, even if it should come to nothing. The project was over, the presentation given, but he still remembered the way you bounced with excited relief after you had finished talking to the class. Your face was glowing as you high-fived him with a grin, the work having paid off.
There was still a hint of nervousness though, and you had only given a timid smile and a small ‘see you later’ before heading out of class.
And that was the end of it.
But Tae smiled to himself. It had been fun, and he knew he wouldn’t be sorry if you ever crossed paths again.
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Thank you for reading! Reblogs and comments super appreciated always!!
Taglist: @aianloveseven​ @preciouschimine​ @un2-verse​ @ddaechwita​ @taegularities​ 
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I’m back!
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So, I kinda quit using this blog a while back. There are some notes about it in my old pinned post and probably on my fanfics, lol, but basically, I felt overwhelmed by fandom and everything going on irl and I crashed. I just withdrew from like, everything. I still logged in on Tumblr but I just liked things to later view them with the boyfriend or laugh at them again myself.
Honestly, it’s not that fun, just doing that, and not really that fair to people who put effort into their posts like art, music, writing, etc., or even just people who are very passionate about a subject and may want it to reach others that are the same. Because I know I’m like that!
But anyway, this is going to be my new pinned post. So! (More under the cut, please keep reading!)
About Me
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You can call me Prowess, I’m a FtM transmasc (he/him please)! I use this space to elevate my personal works, such as art or writing, while also occasionally posting about topics I am passionate about. I realized I was trans in 2020 at the age of 19 years old, in the midst of a pandemic and college fallout, so as you can imagine, I’m still riding the rollercoaster of emotions that come with that. I’m also ADHD... so expect some posts about those sort of things.
But that is hardly the focus! I am big on art and writing. While I am mostly obsessed with Pokemon, I am a lover of stories, and so generally, I love most fiction, even the really bad stuff. Along with my Pokemon stuff, you can expect posts involving ARK: Survival Evolved, The Tales of Miraculous Ladybug & Cat Noir, animated movies (Luca, Toy Story, Spirit - you name it, I probably love it), and plenty of other stuff.
While I have too many older posts to go through and try to sort out the unclean tags, going forward, I am going to use these sort of tags: subject (whatever the post is about, for example, Pokemon), characters depicted, media (whether it’s art, writing, animation, or a mix), and any warnings that may need to go with it (for example, cussing when stronger language is involved, or racism if racism is getting discussed, etc). Memes or one-off posts will likely be tagged with simply “memes.” While this is pretty true for most any blog, this is so you know if you need to block certain tags! For example, if you hate Miraculous Ladybug, you’d just blacklist ‘Miraculous.’
I will also reblog a lot of posts asking for help or boosting awareness. I will try not to inundate the blog with these, but as I will likely have to make a post asking for help at some point myself due to unfortunate irl circumstances, I want to pay it forward in advance. These will be tagged with simply “help needed!”
Below are some projects I’m working on + what you can expect from this blog.
Pokemon Retold
By far, my biggest project to date, is Pokemon Retold.
This is an expansive written anthology of all the pokemon mainline games as far as generation 8. Red, Heart of Gold, Omega Ruby, Platinum, Black, Black 2, Y, Ultra Sun, and Sword are all intended to get rewritten and posted on both my FanFiction.Net and Archive of Our Own accounts. I may also post some chapters here, but I admit Tumblr makes that difficult sometimes.
These stories are very personal to me, as I started writing them when I was struggling in college with undiagnosed ADHD, and felt like my life was falling apart and I was alone. I started writing a retelling of Sword, but the more I wrote, the more disappointed in it I felt, so I started writing Black instead and scrapped Sword altogether.
I’ve had some rough road since, but Black is complete, Black 2 is also complete, and Ultra Sun is (mostly) complete (but with plans to be heavily altered), while Red is underway!
WARNING: These stories can get DARK, and I would rather my readers be over 18. They are not dark with the intent to squick out or upset people, however; they are dark with the intention of exploring thoughts and ideas I find too difficult to think about directly. There are more personalized warnings at the beginnings of each story. With that out of the way, please just try and move on if you find yourself disliking a specific story or part of a story of mine... If you want to give constructive criticism, you are more than welcome, but tearing into me and my writing just because you didn’t like something helps nobody. Keep in mind I write these for fun and as a form of self-therapy throughout some of the worst years of my life.
Furthermore, I edit them a lot. And I do mean a lot. My FFN profile acts as a “changelog” for what has changed in the stories over the course of the time they’ve been posted.
Pokemon Retold posts are tagged “Retold.”
My FFN Profile
My AO3 Profile
Pokemon Retold: Black has been added to TVTropes! I honestly don’t even care that this person digs into it a couple of times, I was so incredibly flattered they took the time to do that at all. (But be warned the page does have some spoilers!) I have no idea if you enjoyed the story or not upon reading over that page, kind stranger lol, but I really appreciate that you took the time to do that nonetheless! <3
Creatively Destructive
This incredibly well-titled story is an idea I have for a retelling of Miraculous Ladybug. I know, I know - absolutely never been done before /s
While I know there has got to be a thousand retellings of this show by now, based on just how.... terrible, the writing is, I want to try anyway. Because I genuinely love the premise of the show! I’m just constantly disappointed by how it seems to never go anywhere with its plot or characters.
So, Creatively Destructive will be a fanfic, and when I have more information on it, I’ll post it under the tag “creatively destructive.”
Me and my boyfriend love to RP a lot. From Monster Hunter to Pokemon, we do a lot of different stories. Sometimes, I really get inspired by what we come up together and I want to share it with others! Be it quick art based on a scene from the RP or a quick rundown of what occurred in an RP, you can catch these in the ‘Prow RP’ tags.
Currently, we are having a lot of fun with an RP based on the Hoenn pokemon games that I am sure I’ll be posting about!
I may also be open to RPs with others in the future :> Don’t be offended that I’m not open to them already... I’m just a very easily overstimulated person.
The Ballad of the ARK
ARK: Survival Evolved is a lot of things. It’s an amazing concept, an open-world game where you befriend dinos and fight alongside tribemates against other tribes, or work together to survive the hostile environment. But the true tragedy of this game goes so much deeper than that, and I want to explore that in writing, starting with my story, my experience, and then graduating to where I think the issue primarily stems from. 
This strange memoir will be posted under the tags of “Ballad of ARK.”
I hope to take commissions for art and writing in the future!
However, I need to figure out the parameters of what I’m willing to draw (and what I can feasibly draw), as well as what I can promise when it comes to writing, not to mention pricing.
That’s not to say I’m not open to ideas though! Feel free to message me/send me asks anyway and we’ll see if we can work something out. :)
Although I am not in a financial disaster just yet, I feel like I am not far from one. This is why I hope to try to build on commissions in the future. I know they will never support me, but I would still like to try to be useful and helpful to some. I currently live with my grandmother, having left my abusive home with my father, and although she generously allows me to live with her for the low cost of merely helping with some electricity and my own food, I struggle to remain abovewater financially due to difficulty finding work (thanks to issues with ADHD and physical problems following a bout with COVID in early January 2021).
If you would like to help anyway, feel free to subscribe to my Patreon, or make a one-time payment via PayPal. I promise no matter what or how much it is, your generosity is greatly appreciated!! <3
My Patreon
My PayPal
My Ko-fi
(Note that my Patreon is... very outdated and needs to be updated. I will do that soon!)
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venator-arts · 3 years
a comprehensive list of fanfics/wips I've completed/am actually working on and how much im working on them (not in order)
(also I will update this every now and then when I write some more lmao)
• skybridger aladdin au - update: 7th chapter is finally up!!! (after six months... oops) anyways at a good point in the story, big time skip ahead
• finn fic - is there, maybe rewatch tfa and read some finnpoe then i might get inspired but wont post for agessss
• infinity stones - also there, working on it in bits and pieces, plan to have all chapters written out before posting (like 6 or 7 chapters - one for each stone and then maybe branch out in future for more worldbuilding idk)
• one-shots and snippets of execute order 65 au - the idea is there and i have things i want to explore but idk man it'll be longer than skybridger before i get to it
completed and posted fics:
Execute Order Sixty-Five - order 66 fix-it
rosi's spectres and skywalkers (series) - includes: reminders of people lost, i never lost hope, Younglings of the Rebellion and Wait For Me
Full of Hope - rouge one alternate ending
imagine all the people livin' life in peace - tros alternate ending
• mlb hbic au - starting to organise written snippets into order and connecting things together, lots still missing despite the 20ish pages worth of content, nothing posted but art is on tumblr
• anatis and grimalkin spin-off (from hbic au) - it'll happen as we go, bits and pieces will click together eventually ig and i can go off of ideas in hbic au
• akumanette - not a lot but some basic concepts down like trigger or akumatisation and some other points but wont be done done for a while
completed and posted fics:
rosi's miraculous one-shots (series) - includes: the motorcycle is actually a great idea, sweet dreams (are made of this) and i used to hear a simple song
• more of jim's perfect timeline au - mainly just a fic of barbara adopting all of jims friends with a healthy dose of half-troll mother son bonding
completed and posted fics:
jim's perfect timeline au (series) - includes: time in the hall of the mountain king and like mother like trollhunter
witcher daemon au - it won't leave me alone so I'm super excited for this one!!! there's a lot of worldbuilding that needs to be done to work out the mechanics of how daemons with work with witchers and mages and super powerful monolith breaking princesses; also coming up with names and animals for each character aksdsadj excite
completed and posted fics:
Soldier Poet King - aka jaskier writes soldier poet king in the witcher universe
completed and posted fics:
Keep Smiling For Me - peter and hope during the What If... Zombies ep
Little Lampbug and the Spider - aka natasha dies, yelena cries; yelena finds out nat's dead
completed and posted fics:
rosi's pjo one-shots (series) - includes: jackson & gardner and a god's power stems from belief
• evil!raven au - a fair bit is happening, plot points are there and i know where i wanna end up but so much is missing still but we getting there ig (now that I think about it it's not so much evil, maybe more feral raven constantly going apeshit)
• spirit blessed sokka & katara - will probs rewatch atla to get a feel for what i want as its gonna go through show events with some changes ig but a look into their powers is done in my notes and like the start is finished, may have to read some moon spirit!sokka fics (particularly zukka)
artemis lance (not the title but maybe it will be we'll see) - hehe Artemis gets adopted by dinah lance when she's a kid cause Paula gave her up for adoption to try save her from growing up in a family of criminals au; gonna be so much spitfire and mother/daughter bonding you won't even know (with a dash of team as a family, connor being a big brother and ollie abt to do anything for his girls)
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fanartfunart · 3 years
Fly Away
Episode 3: Despair Bear
Ao3 - First - 2
(Féline Sombre & Paon Lilas designs)
Summery: An AU where Adrien never went to in-person school, not getting the cat miraculous, and found the peacock miraculous. -Chloé, determined to be allowed back to visit Adrien’s house, and discovering Adrien is visiting Marinette, sets up a party to showcase just how nice she can be. (posted in full for tumblr while I have power/internet on my computer :P)
Duusu was sitting on top of Adrien’s shoulder when he pressed play on the virtual hello from the class he was almost able to join. Adrien handed him a dried mango chip and he happily munched on it.
 Chloé, of course, was the first person to show up on the video, “Adrikins Hiii! I miss you already~”
 The camera turned around to show Sabrina, who must’ve been recording. She waved “Hi!”
 “Sabrinaaa, camera focused on me. Meee.”
 “Oh, right!”
 Chloé spent at least a third of the video showing him the building as if she owned it. ...Adrien was surprised it didn’t last longer.
 It shifted from the single-take style into more professionally edited together clips of various classmates. Adrien assumed this was where the boy interested in filmmaking had taken over.
 “Yo, I’m Nino, hope you get to hang out outside of school one of these days dude. If you ever need a DJ I’m your man! See you around someday!”
 “Hi, I’m Alya, investigative journalist-”
 Chloé scoffed offscreen, “You wish.”
 “Chloé I will-” the video cut out whatever happened after that. Alya stood a bit prouder, “I run the Ladyblog and am the head of the school blog! If you ever have any curiosity about the school news or superhero news, just check those out! Leave some comments if you want and I’ll get back to you asap! Keep it classy."
 The rest of the class’s videos went about the same, until the very last one. The girl from the bakery frowned at someone off to the side out of sight from the camera.
 “Come on girl, before Chloé comes back.”
 “Hi, I’m er, Marinette. I’m uh, an aspiring fashion designer and my parents own Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. I suggest trying out the macaroons! I brought some on the first day, uh, but I tripped so there weren't many left anyway so you probably didn’t miss anything!” She giggled awkwardly. She trailed off, giving a pleading look towards someone behind the camera. “Alya, I don’t know what else to say.”
 “Whatever you’d say to a new kid!”
 “Uhg, get better friends than Chloé?” She covered her mouth as Alya and Nino laughed from behind the camera. “I- mean whatttt Chloé's er, Chloé. Great evil-er friend… to er, to be setting up this videooo….ohmygosh. Can you edit that out?”
 “I would’ve, but now I’m keeping it.” Nino said. Marinette gasped in offence while Alya and Nino giggled more.
 “What are you all giggling over?” Chloé complained off-screen. Marinette gave a pointed look to the camera, and the video faded into a written message.
 “Sorry I couldn’t properly finish my message. I wish you a wonderful year, and hope you can build great friendships, even without going to school. At least you don’t have to worry about being late! Good luck Adrien -Signed, Marinette.”
 “Awwwwwwww, that’s sweet,” Duusu cried.
 “Yeah, it was.” He got out his phone to text Chloé a thank you. He sighed as he looked at her many, many, many messages of upset about no longer being allowed over anymore. He was just glad she didn’t get akumatized over it….
 He got up, glancing at Duusu. "How about we go visit the bakery and see if Marinette is open to hanging out. My father can't ban me from bakeries, right?"
 Duusu giggled, "Sounds like fun!" He frowned, "Are you only choosing to visit Marinette because she has a good place to tell your father you're going to?"
 "...No… She's just the only person in that video who mentioned a place I can visit at all."
 Duusu just giggled like he knew something Adrien didn't. He shook his head with a smile and grabbed his bag. "Come on, let's go."
"Marinette," Sabine called, opening the trap door to Marinette's room. She waved to the group of girls doing a miniature fashion show there. "Your friend's here."
 Marinette looked up from the blog post Alya was showing her, as the other girls continued to put on various jewelry pieces. "Who? I didn't ask anyone else to come over?"
 "A boy named Adrien. I can tell him you're busy if you want me to."
 "Adrien… Agreste?" Marinette tilted her head. He was Chloé's friend. The one that visited the bakery and fell/she pushed. Wait… he was also the guy who she made a feathered hat for who had a feather allergy wasn't he?! Why on earth would he want to visit her? Did he have some sort of ulterior motive? Was he Chloé's spy? Did he want revenge for the feathers?! "Er."
 Alya, Rose, Juleka, and Myléne all oooh-ed at the same time.
 "Oh hush. What uh, do you all think?"
 Alya grinned "Good with me, girl. I wanna see how this plays out."
 Rose nodded enthusiastically and Juleka gave a thumbs up.
 Myléne smiled, adjusting her hat, "He's a professional model right? He probably could give us some tips!"
 Marinette rolled her eyes, lowering her voice to a harsh stage-whisper, "He's Chloé’s friend."
 "The one we made the video for, yep," Alya nodded, "Exactly my point. You said it yourself, he needs better friends than her." ….On the other hand, instead of a revenge-seeking spy, he could simply be that lonely sounding boy they made a video for, trying to escape the clutches of the evil Chloé. Marinette could be the only non-Chloé & minions person he knows! Marinette sighed heavily.
 Sabine sighed softly, "Marinette… he's waiting downstairs. Yes or no."
 "Okay! Okay. I'll go down and bring him up, I guess." Marinette trudged down, ignoring the giggling girls.
 Adrien was wandering curiously around the bakery, hands politely behind his back. He noticed the door open and waved enthusiastically to Marinette. She squeaked and closed the door. Sabine raised a brow.
 "You can always tell him you're busy."
 "Nooo, it's fine." Marinette sighed and entered the room. Adrien’s confused head tilt turned into a smile. Like a… puppy. An incredibly patient puppy waiting for someone to play with him.
 "Hi Marinette. I watched that video today! Thank you, it was really sweet of you guys to do that. I hope you don't mind me kinda just… showing up."
 "Oh er… you're welcome. I was actually hanging out with some of the girls who helped make that."
 "Oh! If you're busy-" He gestured awkwardly to the door.
 "No, no, uh, we were just hanging out, you can join us."
 He immediately perked up, "Cool! That sounds like fun!"
 Marinette stared at him in his enthusiasm and nodded. "Come on up."
 Adrien climbed up into the room, Marinette shortly after him. The group of girls all immediately hushed their conversation upon noticing them and dissolved into giggles.
 He chuckled and waved, "Well hello. You all are wearing some lovely hats, is this a fashion show?"
 "We're helping Marinette take photos for her Instagram." Myléne said.
 "And future blog!" Alya added.
 "They've been great models for me," Marinette smiled.
 "Oh really? May I see some of the photos?" Alya handed him a phone immediately. He scrolled through some of the photos, nodding."These are great," he smiled and glanced at Marinette, "You made all these hats?"
 Marinette nodded, giggling. Rose bounced over to Adrien, showcasing a necklace. "She makes jewelry too!"
 "Those are lovely! You're really talented!" He gave Marinette a dazzling smile. She giggled and stuttered something, which was almost a thanks?
 "Hey, you're like, a pro model, right?" Alya asked, "Do you mind helping us? Got some insider tips?"
 "Oh, uh, sure!" Adrien smiled. It would be fun to help them. Probably more so than a regular photo shoot.
 Chloé gasped at her phone. Her Adrien in a picture on Marinette's Instagram post? All squished in a group photo with her little squad?! Why is he hanging out with her!?
 She called Adrien, anxiously tapping her nails against the back of the phone.
 Adrien picked up and Chloé did not waste a precious minute. "Why are you at Dupain-Chang's?"
 "Hello to you too, Chloé. I'm just hanging out. Marinette and her friends wanted some help with modeling her fashions."
 "Humph, that ugly stuff? Far too kind of you to do that for her."
 He sighed, "Maybe you could benefit from being a bit kinder, Chloé. It's not that hard."
 She heard a few hushed whispers in the background over the line. She balked. "I- But why would your father let you visit her and not let me, your oldest friend, over!"
 "Marinette didn't steal a book from my father's safe and get him upset enough to get akumatized." Adrien's voice was level. Gentle even. Chloé felt that was probably worse than any direct anger.
 Marinette's voice in the background squeaked out "Chloé’s book belonged to your dad?!"
 "Oh." Chloé muttered. "But actually Sabrina-"
 "I don't care if you got Sabrina to do it or not. I care if you learn from this kind of stuff and become a bit more considerate," Adrien sighed, "Maybe if you showcase some better behavior my father might let you come back over more again. But until then, I can't do anything about it. Sorry."
 "I…" Any defences or retorts died on her tongue.
 Adrien waited a moment, "I gotta go Chloé. Talk to you later, okay? Goodbye."
 Adrien hung up and she plopped onto the couch, staring at the earlier text messages between her and Adrien.
 Chloé blinked away tears.
 Adrien sighed, turning towards the group of girls, "Sorry. My father kinda banned Chloé from coming over to my house and she's still… very upset about it…"
 "She…" Marinette coughed, "Um. What was that about a book?"
 "Chloé and Sabrina came over and uh, Sabrina got caught taking my father's book. It was important to him. Apparently they lost it… I was hoping they could find and return it and they'd be allowed back but…" He glanced at the floor and shrugged.
 "Right. Right. And where did your dad get this book? Er… Maybe we can get a replacement?" She giggled awkwardly.
 "I don't know. He didn't explain much about it." He waved a hand dismissively, "Anyway, you were uh, suggesting food?"
 "Right!" Marinette cheered, "Shall we raid the kitchen? Maybe dad can teach us a good recipe and we can bake something like we were supposed to at school today." She opened the door and gestured for the group to file out downstairs.
 "Yeah, before the fire alarm interfered," Alya said, walking down.
 Rose took Julika's hand and they made their way down, Meline and Adrien not far behind.
 Marinette waited for them to get out of earshot before whispering for Tiki to come out. She zipped out as Marinette grabbed her purse. "If Chloé got the book from Adrien's house, why did Adrien's father have the spellbook? He was akumatized so he can't be Hawkmoth right?"
 Tiki shrugged helplessly, "You'll have to go over and ask him."
 "Ugh, why is tracing down who had this book like a game of evil telephone?" Marinette groaned.
 "Marinette, are you coming?" Myléne called.
 "Oop! Be right there!" She opened her purse for Tiki to zip into it. She raced down the steps to catch up to her friends.
 Jean-Claude arrived with chocolates and Chloé tearfully popped them into her mouth. He lingered despite his job being complete. "May I ask what has upset Mademoiselle?"
 "Adrien doesn't wanna be my friend anymoreeee," She whined, "He's making new friends with other girls. How can he do this to me, Jean-Michel?"
 "Uh, my name is- nevermind. Perhaps Mademoiselle can see comfort with Mr. Cuddly?" He offered the stuffed bear with a light flourish.
 She gasped and grabbed the teddy bear, cuddling it close.
 "If you don't mind my asking Mademoiselle, did he say why?"
 "Something, something kindness and consideration." She waved a hand. She pouted. "What do I do Jean-Yves?"
 "Perhaps Mademoiselle remembers Mr. Cuddly when she was a little girl and how he was always nice to Mademoiselle when she was a child?"
 Chloé pursed her lips, eyes shiny, and nodded.
 "Mr. Cuddly is always kind, even when it doesn't directly benefit him. But that has made him a very good friend. Perhaps, Mademoiselle can follow Mr. Cuddly's example and Adrien  will see how good a friend Mademoiselle can be."
 "Oh you're right Jean-Jacque, Adrien wanted me to show his dad I'm considerate, so I'll show him! Then I'll get my Adrikins back and he'll stop hanging out with Dupain-Chang! Er…. How...should I do that?" She giggled awkwardly.
 Jean-Pierre sighed heavily, looking exhausted already.
 Adrien was covered in flour and giggling about it. Juleka wasn't even halfway through a mumbled apology before he was forgiving her. Marinette wasn't sure how he was supposedly friends with Chloé in the first place. Was he mind controlled or something by her?
 Alya slid next to Marinette and grinned "So, are we thinking friendly boy or boyfriend here?"
 Marinette rolled her eyes and shook her head "I am not competing with Chloé over her infamous 'Adrikins'. Blegh."
 "That wasn't a 'ew no' though~ You can't deny he's cute."
 Marinette huffed, "Like, in a cute puppy way."
 Alya snorted and nodded, "Fair enough."
 The group's phones all pinged with the exception of Marinette's.
 They each got out their phones. Adrien raised a brow. "Chloé's hosting a party?"
 "Did you all get one?" Juleka asked, looking around at them.
 Myléne nodded, "It looks like it. Maybe she's taking Adrien's advice and is gonna try to be nicer."
 Marinette scoffed, "Please, it's probably some sort of joke or prank."
 "Did you get an invite?"
 Marinette looked at her phone and shook her head, "No…"
 Alya chuckled, "Well that means it's real and not a joke, doesn't it, hm?
 Marinette made a disgruntled face. Then her phone pinged, "Eeew! I got invited!" She threw her phone, then stumbled to catch it before it landed in the batter. Adrien stumbled and caught it for her. They crashed into each other, pinning Adrien between the counter and Marinette. She immediately backpedaled. He giggled awkwardly and handed the phone to her, stepping back out of her space.
 "This is gonna be so much fun! There's gonna be dancing!" Rose looked up, smiling at Juleka.
 "Wait, you guys aren't seriously considering going, are you?" Marinette squeaked.
 "Why not?" Myléne muttered, shrugging, "Maybe she's really trying to be nice."
 "Chloé? Nice?" She shook her head, "Eugh, whatever, you guys can go but count me out."
 Adrien shrugged, idly fiddling with the dough. "I've known Chloé for a long time. She can be cool, sometimes, really." He looked up. ...Wait, did he have baby-doll eyes like Manon or something?! What is this sorcery? He smiled softly. "Maybe give her a chance, Marinette."
 Marinette pursed her lips and sighed "Yeah, yeah, fine, I guess." Alya’s teasing smirk didn't help at all though.
 Chloé had it all planned. She had set up a section for adults as well, having sent invites for some of the teens' parents. Namely, she needed Adrien’s father to see how great of a person she could be. Unfortunately the main person she wanted there...was not. But hey maybe this could work with word-of-mouth…. Parents talk to other parents about how nice random kids are, right?
 So while the adults mostly stayed around the tables talking, the teens danced and played in the ball pit. Jean-Paul had been practically following her around with Mr. Cuddly, reminding her what Mr. Cuddly would do. But, Adrien was there! And! Adrien smiled at her! Every time she was nice! So the plan seemed to be working.
Until he left the dance floor to talk to Marinette and her friends. She barely contained her rage. Actually, she didn't contain it at all. Chloé abandoned her dance with Kim and started marching toward them.
 "Oh, I do need to get some of your guys' phone numbers or something so I don't have to make surprise visits all the time," Adrien said, giggling awkwardly.
 Alya nodded, "Yeah for sure, I'll give you Nino's number too, he's DJing-"
 Chloé was so close to pulling Adrien away until Jean-George blocked her path.
 "Mademoiselle if you-"
 "Move, Jean-Marc!"
 He pulled out Mr Cuddly, and spoke in a squeaky voice, "Oh, Chloé dear, Mr Cuddly is very proud of you-" Chloé gasped and tried to bat the teddy bear away.
 "Is that your teddy bear Chloé?" Kim laughed, leading the traitorous group of teens.
 Chloé gasped and pulled Jean-Louis into the kitchens.
 "I've had it with you and your stupid advice! Ive had it with you, Jean-whatever your stupid name is!"
 "Mademoiselle I was only trying to help."
 "No more Mademoiselle, no more help, no more anything! You're fired!" She marched out, leaving Jean-??? clutching the teddy bear. Somewhere, a very patient Hawkmoth (who purposefully declined an invitation in a subtle attempt to make a teenage girl more frustrated and anxious and make a villain at her party eventually) grinned to himself.
 Sabrina was just chilling, really. She'd helped set up the entire thing and now they'd much rather just sit and drink her juice. Just as content as Plagg with an extra piece of cheese.
 Until a teddy bear clamped onto her leg.
 Chloé utilized her excess frustration to pull Adrien away from Marinette. "Come on, we should dance."
 "Right now? But, I was talking to-" Adrien half heartedly protested, already stumbling along.
 "He doesn't have to go with you if he doesn't want to, you can't just drag him around," Marinette interrupted, grabbing Adrien's other arm.
 "Chloeee," Sabrina called, brandishing a hair brush like a weapon, "Come here. Let me brush your hair. It won't hurt I promise."
 "Don't you see I'm busy?" Chloé huffed. She tugged on Adrien's arm, except this time she got resistance. Adrien pulled his arm away, frowning at Sabrina.
 "Uh, something's… wrong with Sabrina," he said.
 Sabrina smiled, and leapt toward Chloé.
 Marinette intercepted Sabrina, brows furrowed in determination and flipped her onto the ground. Adrien stared at her.
 "Oh. Wow," He breathed out.
 Sabrina blinked and sat up, "Huh? Why am I on the floor?"
 Marinette frowned, looking around the room, "Er… you were… trying to attack Chloé."
 Sabrina gasped and scrambled to a stand. "Ohno, I… I uh, I need to go." Sabrina anxiously smiled and then ran off.
 "Me too actually… I, uh ...too much orange juice." Marinette ran off, leaving Adrien with- ….Where did Chloé go?
 He glanced around, and found her swatting away… some kid Adrien didn't know. He was pretty sure they were in the video somewhere.
 He frowned and glanced around, before running off to the stairwell.
 Marinette shook her head as she hid in the bathroom stall, "Looks like Chloé upset someone. Guess it was only a matter of time. Tiki, Spots on!"
 Sabrina raced into the kitchen, "Oh I can't believe I was just mind controlled by an Akuma. Poor Chloé!"
 Plagg cackled in laughter, "You have the power of destruction and you were about to chase Chloé with a hair brush. I can't believe it."
 They rolled their eyes, "That's definitely a good thing. Plagg, Claws out!"
 Adrien closed the door to the stairwell, checking that no one was there. Duusu zipped out with a cheer, "You love Marinette!"
 "I- what? I er-" He blushed and glanced to the side, "No I don't," his voice came out squeaky.
 "Yes you do, I know it!" Duusu giggled, gesturing to himself, "      Emotion     Kwami." Duusu tilted his head, "Do you intend to tell her? How? Maybe a cute letter or something? Oh you two would be just so cute together! And we could have more fresh pastries!"
 He sputtered and shook his head. "Focus Duusu. We need to help Chloé," Adrien said, fixing the brooch to the front of his shirt.
 Duusu giggled more.
 Adrien took in a deep breath, trying to calm his own blush. "Duusu, Spread my feathers!"
 Ladybug and Féline Sombre were already there… Well that was fast.
 "You finally showed up! What took so long!?" Chloé cried towards the two superheros, as she peered from her hiding spot behind a pillar. ...Or maybe it wasn't fast? Did Chloé call them or something? She has mentioned being their friend. Often. By the annoyance from Ladybug, he guessed she wasn't a very good friend if that was the case.
 "What, not excited to see me?" Paon Lilas asked with a grin.
 "Oh yeah you too." Chloé waved a hand, apparently having just noticed him. ...Paon really needed to work on some dramatic entrances.
 Nino threw a CD disc towards Chloé and she shrieked.
 Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around Chloé's leg, pulling her back and into the ball pit. Féline Sombre leaped up to restrain Nino.
 Nino blinked in confusion, "Huh?"
 "Oh, sorry," Féline Sombre let him go, looking for the teddy bear controlling people.
 Another boy threw a chair towards Ladybug. "How about a game of flying chairs?" He taunted.
 "Love to but," Paon kicked the chair away, landing in a wall, "shouldn't music be involved?"
 Ladybug was grabbed from behind and she pushed Alya off, spinning around to find the teen reporter blinking in confusion.
 A boy raised a table above his head, and Féline Sombre extended her staff to knock it out of his hands. Paon grabbed the table before it flew into any civilians and dropped it on the floor. "Careful kitty."
 "Whoops... But, where'd he go?" Féline asked, turning around.
 Ladybug looked around frantically, trying to find someone who was acting off. Paon Lilas grabbed her hand.
 "What are you doing?" Ladybug tugged away. Paon pulled back, making her stumble forward. "Oh no."
 "Ooo, pretty earrings." He made a swipe towards her earrings and she shoved him back, making him stumble.
 "Knock it off, bird brain!" She exclaimed.
 He growled and tried again with a punch. Féline Sombre vaulted in on her staff and kicked him back into a table.
 Paon Lilas plucked a feather and grabbed a plastic spoon from the table.
 A floating marionette rod was summoned. The strings wrapped Féline Sombre's arms and legs. They gasped as they were dragged forward towards Ladybug.
 "Hey!" Ladybug cried, "What are you doing?"
 "I'm not doing this!" Féline shrieked. She threw a punch towards Ladybug, "Sorry!"
 "Paws off kitty cat!" Chloé called, pushing Féline over.
 "Thanks!" Ladybug called, "Lucky Charm!" And… got an over large crochet hook.
 Paon Lilas growled and motioned his head, the senti-marrionetted Féline being flung back towards Chloé. He charged toward Ladybug.
 Ladybug glanced between the marionette rod and the teddy bear. She grabbed a marionette string with the crochet hook Féline passed her and twirling the hook to properly tangle the string, threw it into a wall. The string snapped, giving Féline control of one of her hands.
 "Féline," Ladybug called. Paon kicked her and she jumped back, "I need you to cut some strings soon!" Ladybug and Paon Lilas fought. She shielded, he swept her legs. He went in for a strike, she blocked.
 "Sure thing, Bug," Féline raised a hand, summoning her destructive power, "Cataclysm!"
 "Now, Chloé if you could be so kind-” She gestured to the captured marionette strings.
 Chloé nodded, taking up the hook and diving for the teddy bear, catching a loop on its back. She tugged and threw it back to Féline Sombre. They touched the Akuma string with their Cataclysm.
 Paon blinked as the Akuma was destroyed, halting a punch. He took in heavy breaths, stumbling back as a wave of fear hit him over the receding fog of mind control. "Ladybug? What are you doing?"
 Fear was quickly replaced with relief and pride. Ladybug grinned, "Just saving your feathery hide with our new sidekick." She looked at Chloé.
 "You haven't defeated me yet!" A small voice squeaked and kicked Paon Lilas in the chin.
 "Watch your step!" Ladybug readied her yoyo to capture and purify the butterfly that was fluttering away.
 "Can someone help me out here!?" Féline Sombre yelled. Paon glanced at the senti-monster strings attached to her feet and hand and then at the spoon he was carrying. His miraculous beeped. He snapped his fingers, pulling the amok from the spoon and dropping it.
 Ladybug threw her crochet hook into the air, "Miraculous Ladybug!" The swarm of ladybugs returned everything in the room to normal. Ladybug and Féline Sombe high fived. Paon Lilas ran. Before either of them turned to look his way.
 Ladybug turned, finding the other miraculous wielder missing. She sighed, "He flew off again."
 Chloé cleared her throat.
 Ladybug blinked and looked at her. "Oh. Er, thanks for helping me back there…. It was very nice of you."
 Chloé smiled, dusting off her jacket, "It was, wasn't it? Did you hear that, Jean-Pascal?! If Ladybug says I'm nice then Adrien and his dad have to believe it!"
 "...Mademoiselle I must admit I have no memory of what just happened."
 "Basically you turned evil and I saved you. Without me the superheros probably never would have succeeded." Chloé explained.
 Both Ladybug's and Féline Sombre's miraculous' beeped.
 "Gotta go," Ladybug said, running up the stairwell to the roof.
 "Same here," Féline said, giving a polite nod to Chloé and Jean-Something. She ran out the doors.
 "Hm. Maybe some of this nice-stuff of yours makes some sense….. Jean-Baptiste, I've decided to keep you on. Don't let the guests all run away, they don't wanna miss what's next!"
 Jean-Pierre nodded "Thank you, Mademoiselle, I will Mademoiselle."
 Adrien sighed as he watched Marinette finish her macaroons. He was too tired to make his own. He sat in a chair to avoid any sudden dizzy spells, resting his head on the table.
 Chloé slid next to him, looping her arms around his shoulders. "Sooo Adrikins, I'm really nice now, did you notice? I even let Marinette's dad finish teaching everyone how to make those messy macaroons."
 He pulled his attention from Marinette and nodded. "Yes, it's very nice of you." He smiled a little. She frowned…. Usually smiling causes the opposite response.
 "Ugh, what's wrong? You're not like, super happy. I did everythingggg."
 "Oh uh," he glanced at Marinette again, before looking back at Chloé, "It's nothing."
 Chloé followed his glance and pouted, "Did she say mean things to you? Do I need to tell her her macaroons are appalling or something?"
 "No! No. Please no. We just talked about being nice."
 "Oops! Right…. Wait. You don't like her do you?"
 He blushed and looked away, shrugging.
 Chloé gasped, "Nooo! Ughhh, why couldn't you fall in love with someone unattainable? Like Ladybug or somebody."
 "Huh?" Adrien crinkled his nose, "What?"
 "Nothing~ Fine, fine. We're still best friends forever right though?"
 He huffed a smile and nodded, "Yeah, Chloé, best friends forever."
 "Pinky swear?" She held out her pinky in front of him and he linked their fingers.
 "Pinky swear."
 She let out an exhale of relief, "Okay, make sure to tell your dad I'm the best influence ever now."
 Adrien giggled and nodded, "Sure. I'll try."
 "Perfect. You promised," She grinned and waltzed over to the bakers and began listing off what was wrong with their goods. Pausing at Marinette, she glanced at Adrien and simply passed her by without a word…. Marinette seemed offended anyway.
 Adrien shook his head. Oh, that didn't cause spots in his vision. Good. Satisfied with the conclusion the worst of the battle weariness had passed, he got up to see if Marinette might share some of those cookies. Then, if he had the energy, repair some of Chloé’s emotional damage.
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@galahadwilder​ (AO3)
Galahad is a large poster on Tumblr (I’m actually surprised when I refresh my dash and the first post isn’t from him). On about 111 works total, he has 95 works for Miraculous Ladybug only! The others are mainly from the DCU. Many of them all are WIPs, but hey! Who doesn’t have WIPs?
Here’s my Top 10 (because I have to stop, eventually...)
Wisdom Teeth:  Words:7605 - Chapters:7/7 Summary: Adrien FaceTimes Marinette while high on painkillers after wisdom tooth surgery, and lets something slip that he really shouldn’t have.
What I liked: Marinette driving Adrien insane :)
Personal Space :  Words:6342 - Chapters:3/? - Updated:2020-10-25 Summary: Adrien Agreste was never taught to say no. Never allowed to have boundaries. So when someone finally pushes too far, Ladybug is left with a partner in pain, a crush in need of the kindness he’s never received...And a former idol she needs to murder.
What I liked: Marinette going into bodyguard mode, Adrien’s friends opened minds, DJWifi banter over the phone. Can’t wait for next chapter!
Inconceivable : Words:2537 - Chapters:3/? - Updated:2019-07-19 Summary: There are two things of which Gabriel Agreste is absolutely certain. The first is that there is no such thing as a soulmate. Everything he knows about both science and magic claims it impossible. The second thing is that his son somehow, infuriatingly, has a soulmate anyway.
What I liked: Gabriel POV, Gabriel actually having good intentions towards his son, Sabine plotting with him, credible explanations for canon
Notes to Self: Words:22911 - Chapters:16/? - Updated:2019-10-23 Summary: Adrien finds out midway through Oblivio that his assumption was wrong, and that Marinette is NOT his girlfriend. So he decides to do leave a message calling himself out for failing to properly appreciate the most incredible person he’s ever met. Now, having been confronted with his mistakes, Adrien has realized that he has a lot to make up for—and a girl who needs to know exactly how much she means to him.
What I liked: I think I’ve read this fic 3 times now, and can’t be bored of it. Adrien figuring out he was in love with Marinette from day 1, Oblivio-Adrien calling himself out, Tom and Sabine’s open mind about their super-heroing. Bonus: Kagami wanting a polygamic relationship and Adrien admitting looking at Luka’s butt 😂
Officiated: Words:7562 - Chapters:9/? - Updated:2020-04-28 Summary: The aftermath of an Akuma attack leaves Ladybug and Chat Noir legally married.
What I liked: mostly the originality of the akuma. The fic might update, but it also feels complete. You won’t be stuck on a cliffhanger.
Children of War: Words:8295 - Chapters:7/? - Updated:2019-05-03 Summary: Something dark is coming to Paris, and Master Fu has been lying to Adrien and Marinette. What happened to the previous Team Miraculous? And how did Marinette's aunt Bridgette really end up in a mental hospital?
What I liked: Gabriel’s intentions to save Paris, the integration of the Quantic Kids, the strong angst. Can’t wait for more!
Sick Days (series):  Works:2 - Complete: No Summary:  Adrien comes home after a long photoshoot to find Marinette Dupain-Cheng asleep in his bed, running a horrific fever. What is she doing there, and how did she get into his house without setting off any alarms? (And why does she keep mumbling his name?) / Marinette’s cold is passing, but the embarrassment is not—they may be dating, and they may be partners, but she still can’t keep it together around Adrien the way she can around his alter ego. Which is a problem, because he’s caught her cold—and the absolute lack of filter that came with it.
What I liked: the delirium shenanigans (read Out Sick by @sweetsweetsweetie​ if you like that too), the Dupain-Chengs actual A+ parenting. Please, Galahad, don’t abandon this fic!!
Wingman: Words:11211 - Chapters:10/12 - Updated:2019-08-06 Summary: Hawkmoth's Akuma have been acting strange lately--every single one has been an obsessive LadyNoir shipper, much to Chat's horrific embarrassment. Ladybug hasn't noticed, but Chat can't quite get over the fact that Hawkmoth seems to have redirected his supervillain antics to setting him up with the girl of his dreams.
What I liked: The humoristic scenes (Nath scolding Gabe was my favorite), Gabriel trying to parent properly, Nathalie caring for both Agrestes. “I swear this fic was supposed to be a comedy”
The shirt: Words:16503 - Chapters:20/? - Updated:2019-10-22 Summary: On a cold night in January, Chat Noir lends Ladybug his jacket--only to find Marinette wearing it to class the next day. And that's just the beginning of the trouble.
What I liked: the fluff over the fluff, Chloé working on her redemption, the post-reveal banter,  "Tell... my father... he's a diiiiiiick..."
We Break Things Down Just to Build Them Back Up Again: Words:7916 - Chapters:5/? - Updated:2019-11-05 Summary: Adrien promised he'd have Marinette's back, but no matter how badly she needs him, he won't take any kind of action to protect her—or, for that matter, himself. When Marinette discovers WHY he finds it so impossible to stand up to bullies, she resolves to put aside her crush to help him escape his abusive household. But the less she thinks about Adrien, the more she thinks about a different blond boy in her life—and the more time she spends taking care of Adrien, the more he starts to see her as more than just a friend...
What I liked: Marinette’s mom friend override, Adrien’s hurt to comfort (even though Chat’s part is yet to come), Tom telling Adrien he’s proud of him, and Adrien’s reaction to that just made me cry. I’m craving for moooooooooore!!!
Honorable mentions:
Moving Forward (series):  Works:2 - Complete: No (I already wrote a rec. about this one. Read it here)
I’m Your Heating Pad (And Other Uses for a Cat Boyfriend):  Words:3045 - Chapters:1/1
Memories:  Words:1110 - Chapters:1/1
Waking Nightmare:  Words:1667 - Chapters:1/1
The One I Depend On:  Words:1420 - Chapters:1/1
Next to me :  Words:3033 - Chapters:1/1
I know what you did in the cat-acombs : Words:4869 - Chapters:1/1
Stress Relief: Words:3407 - Chapters:4/?
It’s Just a Nickname:  Words:4552 - Chapters:7/7
The Future Lands Soft:  Words:6043 - Chapters:8/?
Overworked and Overwhelmed: Words:4628 - Chapters:1/1
All's Fair in Love and War (And Turnabout's Fair Play):  Words:4835 - Chapters:3/4
Futures Trading: Words:1651 - Chapters:1/1
Kitty Missed the Message: Words:3351 - Chapters:2/2
Broken Masks: Words:3320 - Chapters:2/?
We Are Miraculous: Words:6543 - Chapters:5/?
The Agreste Letters: Words:13809 - Chapters:14/?
Before and After: Words:21192 - Chapters:14/20
I’ve been reading non-stop since my previous Fic of the month special. I have many regrets in life, but reading Galahad’s fics wasn’t one of them!
Thanks for so much work and efforts! I really love the variety, originality and consistency between the fics, even if they have different stories. I really love the hurt to comfort too, and how many mental troubles and disorders are depicted. 
Please read, share and leave kudos on his works!
If you know ML writers you’d like to shout out, or are a ML writer yourself, please contact me!! @clawsout83​
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a million little times
fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
pairing: Adrien Agreste/Kagami Tsurugi
word count: 900
warnings: angst and fluff, implied/referenced child abuse, self confidence issues, secret relationship, jealousy, bittersweet/angsty ending,
summary: “Being in love was difficult, but Kagami wasn’t afraid of hard work.”
A character study of Kagami, because I love her, and because adrimi holds a special place in my heart
author’s note: I wrote this a week ago while I was waiting for the episode “Lies” to come out, and now I’m posting it here because I can’t believe how much I got right. I’m in pain but at least the show confirmed that I understand adrimi.
the title is from “illicit affairs” by Taylor Swift
Read on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30455871
or click Read More to continue reading on Tumblr
Being in love was difficult, but Kagami wasn’t afraid of hard work.
She certainly wasn’t afraid of Adrien. If he said he loved her, he meant it.
They were both brave enough to try and smart enough to be cautious, so it wouldn’t end badly.
It wouldn’t. She refused to let it.
True, that was easier said than done with her mother tracking her every move, and with Adrien’s father conspiring to keep his son as miserable as possible. Regardless, Kagami refused to give up. If they had to keep it a secret, then so be it.
Every meeting was a dangerous dance, a complex equation, a high-stakes gamble. The thrill was part of the fun, though. At least, it was fun at first.
Their relationship was built out of tiny fragments. A sliver of time was freed up by hurrying through assignments. A rose appeared in Kagami’s fencing bag when no one was looking. She texted Adrien “good morning,” before the sunrise, so he could delete the text before anyone else saw it. Their hands touched for an instant.
Second by stolen second, they built something for themselves.
Sure, Kagami could have felt bitter about the nature of their relationship. She could have hated the way that she had to fight for every moment with Adrien. But it wasn’t new to her. The system of secrecy was how Kagami did almost everything, from exploring the city to watching movies. The only way to live was to avoid being caught. At least now, she wasn’t doing it alone.
She loved Adrien, so much it hurt. She loved the way he smiled at her, like she was something worth noticing. She loved how much he trusted her.
More than that, she loved how much she trusted him . It was strange, but nice, to be able to have a conversation that didn’t feel like a battlefield.
They fit together perfectly, trusted each other instinctively. They both knew how to hide, to lie, to pretend there was nothing between them. They put their walls down around each other, but they could put them back up in an instant.
Adrien could be blushing bright red with his hand intertwined with Kagami’s, or laughing so hard he snorted, when he was interrupted by a video call from Nathalie. No matter what, by the time his phone hit the third ring and he answered it, any trace of Kagami was gone from the camera’s view. His expression, his tone of voice, and his words were all calculated to seem natural.
It was almost scary how good he was at lying, except that Kagami did the exact same thing. She had to, to survive.
It was good that they were both skilled actors, she told herself, because it let them be together without getting caught.
It also meant that she knew what Adrien looked like when he was lying
She and Adrien had fenced enough times for her to know his tells by instinct. She could feel when he was about to move and when he was watching her intently. She could sense when his focus wavered, leaving him open for an attack.
Just like him, she was more alert in times of danger, more aware of her surroundings. No matter how hard she tried to ignore it, she could feel the shift in Adrien's attention that came sometimes. He’d glance at his phone or at the skyline, and his focus suddenly left her. He was good at subtlety, but she was better. She couldn’t miss his instant of panic before he’d make a smoothly crafted excuse and leave.
Kagami noticed the time when an akuma appeared, and Adrien’s focus immediately shifted to Marinette. He never focused on her in times of danger, but apparently Marinette was different.
It shouldn't have hurt. Their relationship was about choosing to be together because they liked each other, not being each other's bodyguards.
Somehow it stung anyway
Sometimes, Kagami couldn't remember why they were hiding this. She was sure it was her fault, because Adrien didn’t seem to like sneaking around.
Why did she feel so guilty sometimes? They hadn’t done anything wrong.
She spent more than one night staring at the ceiling, wondering why it sometimes felt so fragile, like she was going to ruin Adrien if she pushed any further.
Maybe he just hated lying. He was a better person than her, after all.
Maybe he loved too deeply to keep it a secret. But then, what did that say about Kagami? When half of their lives were fake, why did she still trust him so much?
Maybe he was under too much pressure, and a little romance wasn't worth the insane amount of stress. But then, how pathetic was it that Kagami needed it?
Then, he’d pull her into a hug, or bury his head in her shoulder while laughing, or cup her face in his hands while smiling at her, and she’d remember. This—whatever she had with Adrien—was brilliant, and rare, and hers . She couldn’t risk losing it for anything, even when it hurt.
Relationships weren’t      supposed     to hurt. Kagami knew that. She wasn’t stupid. Love was supposed to feel good. But that was their whole issue. When life hurt—when existing hurt—how could you even find the difference between “good” and “a little less bad than normal?”
Was there even a difference?
End Notes: lol can’t believe I predicted the entire episode ;;
Thank you for reading, Reblogs are not required but they do help spread my work <3
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emotionalsuppork · 4 years
⁂Bokuto⁂    Soulmate AU
Okay so I remember seeing a couple of tumblr posts talking about hair soulmate AUs way back whenever - Specifically the whole ‘when you dye your hair the other persons hair changes’, or ‘when you turn a certain age your hair mixes with theirs’, even a ‘your hair colors switch’ - but I totally forgot about it until I read a Bokuto one-shot about it by oreosmama and couldn’t get this thought out of my head.
I wrote this a little differently and I didn’t really explain how any of the soulmate stuff works, but it’s fine. 
❤ their blog  and  their one-shot❤ 
Tumblr media
A girl ran into the empty entrance hall of the gym. She probably figured everyone had left since practice had let out a little while ago and, to be fair, everyone had already left.
Well, almost everyone.
Bokuto had stayed behind. He got caught up talking to the coaches, and he was practicing way before any of the others showed up to practice. Of course, he was going to stay late too. And he worked hard; he rightfully deserved the hot shower. 
He went through this rant when he was in his (hard-earned) hot shower.
It was only when Bo walked back into the locker room that he realized he was alone, and nobody actually cared if he stayed late. 
He got dressed and repacked his gym bag, taking out his phone to text Kuroo and ask what time he wanted to meet for lunch.
While waiting on Kuroo's response, he made his way into the main entrance hallway, strolling towards the vending machine. He dumped his gym bag on the bench sitting in between the vending machine, deciding against a snack, and instead fumbling for his wallet to buy himself a drink. That was when the door was flung open, and he watched the girl run in, her jacket held over her head as a makeshift cover from the rain outside. She walked a few feet into the hallway before collapsing against the wall, sliding down to sit on the ground after a few heaving breaths. She whimpered once, a broken sound, then pulled her knees against herself, burying her head into them and hiding her face from view.
Bokuto didn't know what to do. He only came out here to grab a drink from the vending machine.
She didn't even notice him; he could technically leave.
He sighed quietly to himself. Her jacket was completely soaked. It was slowly slipping off her head. Luckily the rest of her clothes, a thin-looking shirt, and skirt paired with (thankfully) thicker looking leggings, seemed more or less dry. He sighed again, defeated, and slid his phone into his hoodie pocket.
He really didn't want to leave her here alone.
He walked over and finally got a good look at her. Then immediately froze and choked on a breath.
Her hair was just like his!
Well, okay, it was styled a little differently but still! He broke out into a wide beaming grin. His soul mate! He found her! and she was....crying?
Oh shit.
His grin slowly faded, and a deep frown crept into its place. Her shoulders were trembling, and he could see her stuttering, uneven breathing, could hear her choking on little sobs. He slowly inched his way closer, and she seemed to be alerted to his presence by the time he got in front of her. When he stopped in front of her, she glanced at his shoes and curled into a tighter ball.
"Hey, uh, are-are you okay?" she sniffled softly and rapidly nodded her head up and down. He hummed and crouched down to try and see her better, with no luck.
"Are you sure?" he tried again. This time she took a moment, then shook her head side to side and back again. He dropped down to sit cross-legged in front of her.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" She didn't respond, and he started to panic a little, "Or-I mean, you don't have to actually, like, talk. Maybe I could guess or-or something?" He shook his head at his own stupidity. He was making a damn fool of himself. But she let out a quiet huff, and he forgave himself. At least he got her to laugh. Sort of.
He opened his mouth, racking his brain for something funny he could say to lift her spirits, but he snapped it shut when she raised a shaky hand to point at her hair. She dropped her hand back on top of her knees, still hiding her face from view. He physically wilted, feeling unbelievably heavy all of a sudden. I made her cry? What did I do!?
"Your soul mate is the problem?" She slowly nodded her head again. He didn't notice his hand reaching out for her until it was hovering over her head. He promptly snatched it back, instead using it to tug the hood of his sweatshirt over his damp hair and pull strings a little tighter. He cleared his throat. I'm not hiding, I swear.
"What happened? Do you know them?" She shook her head again and took a deep breath.
"N-no, but I-" She took another shuddering breath, "I'm sorry. I'm having a bit of a rough day today." He was stunned. Her voice was so pretty, and melodic, and soft, and...and pretty. He shook his head.
"No, don't be sorry! I mean, I'm sorry! For-cause you're crying and it's-that's not....fun." He groaned quietly and dropped his head into his hands. A damn fool. He was so insanely lucky that Kuroo wasn't here. Oh god, he'd have a field day with this.
He sat there like that a few moments, silently swearing at his own anxiety, only snapping out of it when she started giggling softly. He paused and peeked through fingers. Her face was still tilted down, and he couldn't really see her through the veil her monochrome streaked hair had made. But he could tell she was smiling a little, and his heart squeezed just shy of painful. He made her laugh for real!
"Hey, are you cold?" She stopped crying, but she was still shaking. Bokuto just realized how wet her jacket really was. He scrambled over to where he left his gym bag on the bench next to the vending machines, only tripping twice on the way. Tearing through it, he managed to find his other hoodie. He peeked a glance behind him before discreetly smelling it. It wasn't that bad for being stuck inside his gym bag. Miraculously, it didn't smell gross, just a little like his deodorant. He jogged back over to her and prayed she wouldn't think he was creepy for doing this.
"Uh h-here! Why don't you-I mean, do you feel comfortable taking off your jacket for a sec? It's really wet, and you seem kinda cold?" One shining eye looked up at him, face still hidden. He held up the hoodie in front of him. "I thought this might be more comfortable for you? I-if you want! I mean, I won't make you take it or anything." Please don't think I'm creepy, please don't think I'm creepy. please, oh please don't be scared of me.
"Thank you. That's very kind of you, um" she tilted her head to the side, her hair moving with her. Damn it.
"Oh! Bokuto, I mean, Kotaro. Er, I mean, my name is Bokuto Kotaro, but you can call me Kotaro. Please." She nodded and started to peel off her jacket. He sat back down in front of her. Her shirt was only a little damp, luckily, but it did seem pretty thin. She swiftly tugged the hoodie down over her head, pausing to roll up the sleeves when she tried to rub her eyes but found her hands lost in the fabric.
"Thank you, Kotaro, you're very sweet," He stopped breathing when she said his name, and he swore his heart stopped when she finally pushed her hair away from her face to look up at him. She continued speaking, seemly oblivious to his internal meltdown, "My name is (Y/N)."
"You're..." He trailed off and just sort of stared for a minute before she cleared her throat and tilted her head.
"I'm?" she furrowed her brows and almost pouted in confusion. Gorgeous, adorable, driving me crazy, killing me softly.
"Stunning." Is what he settled on. (Y/N) startled at that. Looking at him with wide eyes. He watched a blush wash over the apples of her cheeks, across the bridge of her nose. He sighed. She was so fucking pretty. Not to mention the fact that she was wearing his hoodie, with my name and number on the front and back in big, bold letters.
"Wait, what?" He fell gracelessly back down to earth and realized he was probably freaking her out.
"I mean-fuck, I'm sorry that was creepy I-" she rapidly shook her head and waved her hands in front of her.
"No, no, it's honestly okay. You just surprised me, that's all. Since my hair changed a few weeks ago, people have been a little, um, impolite, about my looks." She wrung her hands together in her lap and looked away. He furrowed his brows.
"People have been bullying you about your hair?" He felt heated anger and fierce frustration bubble up when she admitted it. His hands curled into tight fists and he took a few deep breaths.
Don't scare her.
"Is that why you were crying?" She tilted her head away from him again. Yes.
"They can be quite volatile..." Was all she said.
"Well, maybe you should dye your-actually no, I shou-your soul mate should dye their hair so you-" (Y/N) giggled softly again at his irate tone. He paused, and she took the moment as an opportunity to gently enclose one of his big hands with both of hers. Her hands are freezing! Bokuto unconsciously brought his other hand up to join in, turned his enclosed palm around to warm her skin.
"Honestly, my hair isn't the problem. It's just-I'm usually a little shy. Having that much attention is stressful, plus its negative attention." Bokuto looked up to watch her, but she just stared at their hands resting on her lap with a tiny smile. When had she lowered her knees? He shook his head to shake away the thoughts and focus on their conversation.
"That still sounds like your hair is the problem." He pointed out. She looked up at him. Fucking hell, she was gorgeous.
"Actually I-well, I kind of...like it." She smiled shyly but held his gaze. He tried not to visibly perk up. Instead, he raised his eyes to her monochrome hair. Black and white streaks a little wet and stringy from the rain outside. Bokuto looked into her eyes again and nodded once, resolute.
"You should. I think it suits you!" He paused and decided to finish his thought, "I think anything would suit you."
Her nearly faded blush washed back over her face, and he beamed at her when she stuttered her thanks. His wild grin softened considerably when she continued smiling at his hands, still cradling her cold fingers. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to prepare himself for his next question. He didn't see her watching him curiously.
"Do you-I mean, If you-er no, are you...?" She just stared at him in amused bewilderment. He closed the one eye he had opened to gauge her reaction and tried again.
"(Y/N), when you meet your soul mate, will you be mad at-" he stopped and bit his tongue at the words that almost escaped his mouth, will you be mad at me?, he soldiered on, "at him-at t-them?"
A moment passed where her gaze wandered, and her lips pursed slightly. Please stop doing that, I can barely think around you as it is.
"No. I don't think I have any reason to be," She said it with such finality. Like that was that, and it would never change.
"Really? But he's the reason why you went through all this. All the attention and the stress, I mean, I just found you crying in a hallway, you can't convince me that this isn't hard for you." Bokuto realizes he's basically giving her permission to hate him, which he can't even think about it hurts so bad. But I made her cry! Sure it was indirectly but still! Shouldn't he be punished or disciplined or something? Should I go run laps? Akaashi made me run fifteen laps around the gym when I accidentally made one of the first years cry.
Her voice broke him from his thoughts.
"I don't think I could ever hate them. No matter what." His heart wrenched, and this time it was painful.
"Are you sure?" She smiled and nodded at him.
"Of course I am. Who am I to judge someone I haven't met yet for having eccentric hair? Maybe they're just an eccentric person." (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders, and Bokuto was desperately fighting the urge to tug her into his lap and kiss her senseless.
Bo gathered his strength. He squeezed her hands tight once, twice, then after a moment a third time.
It still took him another few moments to actually speak.
"(Y/N), I think-I think I'm your soul mate." He had tilted his head up to the ceiling as he spoke, hoping it would help him to not cry if she got mad.
A moment passed quietly before she squeezed his hands once, twice, and a third time. He kept his eyes on the ceiling. Don't get your hopes up. (Y/N) cleared her throat and tried again, he didn't budge. She huffed and took her hands back. He heard her shuffling around. Two warm hands cupped his face and guided his head down so she could see him again. He still wouldn't look at her face.
"Kotaro," She was giggling, "Please look at me."
"Nuh-uh," he murmured. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, almost fondly. Not that he could see it.
"Am I allowed to take off your hood? Please, Kotaro?" He shut his eyes tight but agreed.
Her fingertips lingered on his skin as she pulled her palms away. Nudging under the cinched line of the hood, she gently stretched it out again and let it fall to rest against his back once more. Her hands dropped to his shoulders. For a few heartbeats, It was silent.
"That's why I feel so safe with you." (Y/N) whispered, proceeding to run her fingers through his clean hair. I might have throw out my hair gel and permanently leave it down if she keeps this up. She lightly scratched behind Bo's ears, and he noticeably shuddered. Never again. I will never again put gel in my-
His eyes snapped open, and he stared down at where (Y/N) had shifted onto her knees so she could reach his head.
"D-did you just say that you felt safe? With me?" He didn't make a move to look at her, and she (thankfully) continued brushing through his hair.
After a sharp intake of breath, Bokuto raised his hands and plucked hers off his head. Running his thumbs over her knuckles, he finally worked up the courage to look at her once more.
He felt like crying. (Y/N) looked so dazzlingly beautiful, kneeling in front of him in his hoodie, wearing my name and number. She was beaming at him, but her happiness quickly turned to panic as she yanked her hands back and flitted between stroking his cheeks and rubbing his shoulders.
"Kotaro! Darling, what happened? What's wrong?" She babbled, sounding alarmed. What?
"What are you talking about?" His voice cracked. Oh shit, I actually started crying.
Bokuto started chuckling, quiet hiccups interrupting him periodically. (Y/N) still just looked panicked, which only made him laugh harder.
"I'm fine, I swear!" He flapped a hand at her to wave off her concerns and then rested it on her hip. "I just-I was so scared." He confessed, and she finally settled on rubbing his shoulders.
"You were scared?" He heard the unspoken 'of what?' and sighed.
"I accidentally made you cry! I didn't know what to do, let alone how to fix it. I was seriously thinking about running laps around the gym as punishment." (Y/N) laughed loudly at that, and Bokuto joined in after admiring her for a second.
"You were going to run laps? Why?" She asked breathless and incredulous.
"I don't know! I panicked and-I don't know!" She was leaning on him heavily at this point, laughing way too hard to hold herself up. Bokuto wrapped his arms around her waist and coaxed her into his lap after she began to tip over. Then he just watched her, brushing her monochrome hair away from her face. She called me darling.
After her giggles faded out, she looked up and watched him right back. She slowly leaned closer, and he followed her lead, letting his eyelids slide shut. He patiently waited for her to lean that last bit closer, trying to respect her boundaries. However, the sentiment flickered out when she changed directions and merely pecked his cheek before attempting to wiggle out of his hold and stand up. He narrowed his eyes at her poorly concealed laughter and held fast. She's fucking with me!
"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?" Keeping her in place with one strong arm, he used his other hand to tilt her chin towards him, quickly sweeping down to kiss her. At once, she stopped struggling and fell completely pliant, allowing him to further turn her and get a better angle. (Y/N) gasped when he licked at her bottom lip and let out an adorable, soft noise when he nipped the same spot. Bokuto broke the kiss before he got too carried away trying to draw more sweet noises from her lips.
"Do you tease all the boys you kiss this bad?" She stared at him wide-eyed, looking a little dazed, before shaking her head. Bokuto raised an eyebrow.
"No? Why am I getting teased then? Huh darling?" He pouted at her and held her closer. (Y/N) opened her mouth, then closed it. Blushing at the fact he actually caught her pet name she had slipped up with earlier. She pressed her face against his shoulder, mumbling something he couldn't catch.
"Yeah, I got none of that."
"You're the only boy," She trailed off, "My first boy."
Bokuto perked up and crushed her against him so tightly she squealed.
"I'm your first kiss?" She squirmed as she nodded, and he loosened his grip a little. She looked up at him and laughed at the look on his face.
"Why do you look so happy about it?" Bokuto shrugged and tried to look less worked up. He couldn't find it in himself to look the least bit guilty, though.
"I'm sorry for stealing your first kiss. I should've asked. I'll ask next time, promise." (Y/N) looked stunned, then smiled sweetly up at him. It's gonna be so hard to keep my hands off her.
"Don't be sorry. I wanted you to have it. You don't have to ask either," She tilted her head to the floor, "They all belong to you now anyway."
Bokuto guided her lips to his again and stopped when they were a few centimeters apart. (Y/N)'s eyes had fluttered shut as soon as his fingertips pressed against her cheek, but they opened back up when he lightly tapped them against her. One glance into her sparkling irises let him know his advances were definitely welcome. After running his thumb along her soft bottom lip, he decided to make good on his earlier thought of kissing her senseless. She sighed into his mouth as soon as their lips met. Her hands moving from her lap to curl in the fabric around his neck. He pulled her tighter, promised himself to never break these sugared kisses.
Only he did. Suddenly breaking away at the abrupt, loud ringing of his phone. (Y/N) laughed when he groaned and begrudgingly fished it from his hoodie pocket, glancing at the screen. Damn it Kuroo! Leave me alone!
"What?" (Y/N) lightly smacked his shoulder at the rude tone of voice.
"Jeez, sorry for bothering you, your majesty," Bokuto growled into the receiver, "But are you done yet? We were supposed to meet up for lunch thirty minutes ago. Or are we just ignoring my texts now?"
"I'm a little busy right now, Kuroo-" He quickly got cut off.
"Yeah, I can see that. The poor girl's practically getting eaten alive." Bokuto flinched and whipped around to gape at the glass doors of the gym's entrance. Kuroo's smug face stared back at him.
"You son of a-" Kuroo hung up the phone before he could even think of finishing what would most likely be a rather vulgar insult and stepped inside, shaking off his umbrella and wiping off his shoes. Bokuto looked back at (Y/N), but she just looked confused. A little embarrassed once she noticed Kuroo walking towards them. Bokuto scrambled up, carrying (Y/N) with him, and set her down gently on her feet. Kuroo stopped in front of them, and his eyes skimmed over (Y/N)'s hair and Bokuto's hoodie draping over her, nearly covering up her skirt entirely. He spared Bokuto a glance before holding out a hand to (Y/N).
"Kuroo Tetsuro. He's much nicer in person than he is on the phone, hmm?" Bokuto rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue. (Y/N) laughed as she shook Kuroo's (stupid) hand.
"(Y/N). And I wouldn't know, we uhm, just met a little while ago." Kuroo smirked at Bokuto and clicked his tongue.
"Have you no shame, Kotaro?" Bokuto groaned and pulled at his hair. Kuroo (the bastard) just laughed and turned to (Y/N), "Would you like to join us for lunch? If we're even still going." He grumbled the last part in (mostly) pretend annoyance.
(Y/N) lit up and looked to Bokuto for permission. He brightened once more.
"Yeah! Would you?" Kuroo snorted at his eagerness, but he ignored him.
"Sure! I'd love to tag along, if it's okay with you, Kuroo?" Kuroo nodded and reminded Bokuto to grab another umbrella from the storage cupboard in the locker rooms. At the same time, (Y/N) gathered her forgotten jacket, and the bag Bo didn't even notice her carrying.
When he walked back into the hallway with the largest umbrella he could find, they were already waiting outside. Bokuto grabbed his gym bag and dashed out to follow them. He stopped and watched in pure horror as Kuroo wrapped an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders and pulled her under his open umbrella. They both laughed at the look on his face, and Bokuto made sure to point out Kuroo's 'demonic' guffaw whenever he stomped over to tug (Y/N) underneath his own umbrella. She simply smacked his shoulder again.
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mxpseudonym · 4 years
Too Many Questions
Pairing: Tommy x OC 
Reader Gender Expression: Male Reader (if you don’t mind straight up characterization)
Length: 4406 words (allegedly)
Warnings: None
A/N: Very self indulgent, it’s just an idea that came to mind. I’m writing a part two because this was getting too long for a tumblr post. Part II is sappy and possibly spicy, we’ll see. 
Edit: It was irking my soul that I split this piece into two parts so I combined them and now Part II doesn’t exist. 
Tommy’s Betrayal 
"What the fuck did you just say?"
Tommy's eyes snapped away from their leisurely journey tracing the lines on the man's face to his cool, unyielding brown eyes.  
"Do you keep thinking about her because she was your last chance at salvation?"
The question was sharp and unavoidable. It was inappropriate. It was not a question at all, but a statement disguised in the most palatable way possible. Most importantly, it was telling. Who knew Tommy Shelby better than Jack Brewer? Only Polly Shelby, probably.
If he were honest, Tommy didn't even know how it happened. Jack was young, only just approaching his late twenties, yet he was the puppet master of London Town. His utterly charming but never quite polite disposition only helped unnerve gangsters and politicians alike when he monitored them like chess pieces. Rumors overtook facts, leaving the miraculous path Jack took from being a banker's apprentice to untamed royalty a mystery of folklore proportions. To add to it, Jack's boyish, handsome features made him unassuming.
"Don't mind the priss. He's just bein' a nuisance in the corner," Alfie Solomons grumbled as he led Tommy into the office. The rum runner nodded his head towards the back of his office, revealing a clean-shaven 22-year-old in an expensive suit.
"You're grumpy today, Alfie. You still skipping breakfast?" Jack asked, an airy arrogance to his tone. He didn't look up from the folder he was reading from while Alfie barked a sassy rebuttal, but when Jack did, his eyes locked with Tommy's. Suddenly he was standing and approaching the businessmen with an outstretched hand. His manner was as relaxed as his firm yet comfortable handshake. "Thomas Shelby, how are you? I'm Jack Brewer."
"I'd say nice to meet you, but I don't know yet." Tommy watched Jack's eyes sparkle.
"This has already made my day."
"Do you mind? We have a meeting?" Tommy motioned to Alfie, not bothering with many pleasantries. Jack looked to Alfie, a playful smile on his face.
"The kid's my partner anyway. He's a puppeteer and a walking omen if you can believe it," Alfie, in his own way, vouched for the boy.
"Anyone could have predicted the war between the Jews and the Italians. You just have to think," Jack said with a shrug.
"What kind of partners are you?" Tommy asked as he unbuttoned his suit jacket. Jack's eyes flickered down to take in his figure for a moment, not minding for a second that Tommy caught the motion. He even looked him in the eye after.
"Alfie provides security for me, and I help him out with projects here and there. He can let you know which ones."
"Ah, there's a lot of trust between you then." Tommy nodded.
"Not really. We just understand each other. If I were to betray Alfie, I'd lose business, reputation, and all the dark rum I can swallow. If Alfie were to betray me, it would be in vain, and I'd make sure he wouldn't be able to leave more than a glimmer of false hope to his kin when he passes. Right, Alfie?" Jack looked back to Alfie, his smile still reposed and bright.
"Yeah, yeah, I've heard you. Now quit your yapping and get over here, Tommy." Alfie motioned to the chair in front of him. Before he could, a hand reached out and placed itself on Tommy's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. It would have been warm if Jack wasn't seemingly wicked at heart.
"Don't worry, Tommy, I won't interfere. I've got work to do back here."
That was a good four years ago, and now Tommy sat shirtless on a chair in Jack's posh, surprisingly well-used kitchen. Just a moment ago, Tommy was musing about how he felt robbed. It took showing up at half past midnight with a knife wound to see Jack with mused hair, wiry glasses, and a long-sleeved thermal pushed up to his elbows. Now, Tommy was looking at that same boy as if he'd lost his mind.
"You've got a lot of balls, Jack, and you're toeing a fine line. Why would you say that?" Though it was a threat, Tommy in no way thought Jack would be intimidated. Just as he suspected, the young man remained unfazed by his tone as he clumsily splashed iodine on a cotton square.
"You've always wanted more than any man could have. You loved and married an aristocrat who betrayed you because she wanted the clean version of you, and you wanted to be that clean version. I believe we'd call that a pacemaker of sorts, someone to keep you going in a certain direction. Doesn't really work that way when you're the type to risk anything to meet your goal. But it was a good try. Be brave now," Jack said, mumbling the last part as he leaned in and focused on Tommy's arm. It was only a flesh wound, a narrowly missed shanking from a rival gang's guerilla attack turned into a jagged slash on his left bicep.
"You're an insufferable bastard," Tommy said finally.
"And you suffer plenty. Is that why you like me?" Jack's eyes shifted to meet the icy blue ones for a moment, and gave Tommy a cheeky smirk.
"When did I say I liked you?"
Jack thought to the many times they'd spent together in offices, various properties they owned, hotel rooms, and the occasional Bently. He nodded and gave a knowing smile.
"You're right. I'm presumptuous."
Jack could have just about anything he wanted- a spontaneous parade that would block traffic or a shady election alike. But despite their murky history, it was no secret that his favorite carrot on a stick was Tommy Shelby.
Jack would be dead if the tables were turned, and Jack had done what Tommy did to him. An attempt at betrayal that was now years old but still fresh in Tommy's mind by the power of something akin to regret. But Jack was a different breed of man, one that Tommy yet didn't have a grasp on.
"If you hadn't tried to betray me, you wouldn't be the opportunist I thought you were. And that would have been disappointing," said Jack after revealing what he knew back then, which was everything.
He didn't ask Tommy for so much as an apology. Instead, he was here handling Tommy like he was made of glass. Tapping the iodine against thickened skin was almost too gentle. It was unnecessary. Still, Tommy sat quietly and took it because it was past 1 AM now, and he was tired, and he liked it. In the glow of the kitchen lights, Tommy let his shoulders relax and his mind wander.
He always figured he'd end up at Jack's actual apartment. Not a safe house or his third most frequented London flat, but his real home. Thinking back to when Jack first opened the door, Tommy wondered if he'd gotten one over on the man. Jack looked surprised for a moment before rolling his eyes, holding the back door open, and telling Tommy the entry cost was getting his wound dressed. It wasn't every day he could outsmart Jack. Tommy spent a considerable amount of time pinpointing the address he'd been quietly holding onto for the better part of a year. Using it now gave away some leverage, but it was worth it to see this side of Jack, calm with the haze of sleepiness inside an equally quiet house.
Were they opposites? He often felt a pang of dreadful isolation, even when his family was bickering around Arrow house's large dining table. But Jack seemed so content in his home alone, not a soul around. He'd even sent his small staff of three away on holiday for the week to avoid being asked if he wanted tea throughout the day because it drove him up a wall.
Would he like to be in a place like this, Tommy thought? Padding through the house barefoot, a warming drink in hand. The bigness that signified luxury traded in for the gift of holding a conversation with someone in the next room and smell what's cooking from his bed. And with Jack. That would be something.
"That's why you let your guard down, isn't it?" Jack brought Tommy's mind back to the present as he finally secured the bandage. He always did that. "You're not usually this careless. Were you thinking about absolution? Did you see her again?"
"You talk too much. And thinking you're always right's going to get you killed."
"No, it's not. Aren't I right anyway?"
Jack hummed, looking Tommy over for a moment. He leaned down, one hand grasping Tommy's wrist, letting his fingertips graze over the delicate skin. The other found its place on Tommy's thigh, only the smallest indention made from his fingertips.
Jack leaned into him, centimeters away from allowing their lips to brush. Instead, he inhaled softly. His nose grazed against Tommy's cheek, then his jaw, down his neck to his collarbone then up again. Tommy could feel his heart rate speed up. How could this youngin possibly get a rise out of him like this?
"You don't smell like opium anymore, Tommy. I'm proud of you," Jack spoke softly in his ear and let his thumb stroke the inside of Tommy's wrist. Those for words made Tommy's chest leap. "That means you aren't hallucinating her because you're high. And it seems like a little more than just residual love."
"You shouldn't talk about her that way. You of all people don't have the right."
A warning.
Jack pulled away far enough to see the glossy eyes of the man he let in. It was a strange feeling to be looked at with undeserved tenderness, Tommy thought. Moreso, it was unusual to be cared for.
Are you sure you vetted your new house staff properly?
Did you take precautions at your new factory?
That ciggy's not your lunch, is it?
Whether in meetings, in passing, or on purpose, there were always questions for Tommy. And when Jack felt Tommy exceeded his usual recklessness, he let him know.
And now, Jack was asking more questions. Prying. He tilted his head slightly. A warning from Tommy Shelby wasn't to be taken lightly, no matter who you were. Jack just happened to take the weight in stride.
"I shouldn't talk about Grace like what?" Jack asked.
"Like you know how she was in this world, and how she stays with me now. You don't know anything about it."
"Tommy, you know I'm thankful to her for taking care of you. I was at the wedding, wasn't I? No ill will. This isn't about her anyway; it's about you. Who else do you talk to about her? You just keep it in, don't you?"
"Gonna refer me to another head doctor? Don't waste your breath," Tommy scoffed.
"I'm going to refer you to the best psychiatrists I know as long as we both shall live. I'll make you sick of me."
"Too late."
"Well, I have nothing to lose then."
Jack straightened, reminding Tommy that he was being held only because he missed the feeling as Jack went to the liquor cabinet. He muttered something under his breath as he grabbed two glasses. That's right.
Jack was condescending, smug, even mean at times when it came to business. But when it came to Tommy, the one who sat shirtless in his kitchen with his shoulders relaxed and eyes carefully observing him, Jack had never spoken words too sharp at him. It was unnecessary, Tommy thought, because he could take it. But perhaps it was more of Jack not wanting to treat him in a way that Tommy had to brace himself to take.
"That'll help you sleep," Jack said, placing the drink in his hand. Tommy stood, gulping the small amount of brandy with ease.
"Where am I sleeping?"
"So, you want to stay?" Jack raised an eyebrow. "I can call you a cab."
"Come off it, it's unbecoming to not host a guest in a house like this," Tommy motioned around him. The phrasing made Jack's cheeks warm. Unbecoming, like some sort of debutante being scolded.
"Is the most becoming thing to do offering you my bed?" Jack leaned in close once again, giving Tommy his big eyes full of faux innocence. When he wasn't in his high-end suits or talking quite frankly, Jack had to capacity to look adorable.
"Aren't you being presumptuous?" Tommy asked. Of all the things he could have said, Tommy didn't expect that to be the one that made Jack reel back like he'd been hit. The young man moved to lean against the wall and pointed to the stairs.
"I have several guest rooms. I don't know if the beds are turned down or what that even means, but they're there."  
It was late, Tommy remembered, and Jack wasn't energized enough to keep the banter going on. Not like this. Jack took a sip of his drink and waited for Tommy. He was always waiting for Tommy.
"Is your bed turned down?" Tommy asked.
"I just told you I don't know what that means," Jack said, setting down his glass then stretching. He let his arms rest above his head. The motion revealed a toned stomach and just how low on the hips Jack's cotton bottoms actually hung.
"So you'll have to come to check for yourself, old man."
At nearly 2 AM, the only thing either of them had the energy to do was sleep. Any other revelations about Jack would have to wait until morning, and Tommy wasn't disappointed.
As he moved Jack's head from his chest and arm from around his waist, Tommy found that Jack was dead to the world when asleep. He was also prepared no matter what, evident by the new toothbrush and folded note sitting in an empty glass on the bathroom counter. The message read, 'Tommy, suit in closet, red hanger.' Did Jack know he'd wake up before him? Tommy scoffed but dressed anyway.
"What the hell are you still doing here?" Jack said through a yawn as he stumbled into the dining room at noon, where Tommy was sitting with a book and a coffee cup.
"Do you want me to leave?"
"It's fine. Taking all that smoke in your lungs is probably going to kill you," Jack said, motioning to the cigarette that was still smoking in the small ashtray on the table while he passed through to the kitchen.
"Taking its time, isn't it?"
"Don't say that. You're the only one making this fun."
"This whole race to the top we've got going on in this city. Or the world, I guess."
"You don't have a legacy you want to leave behind when you grow old," Tommy asked. A moment later, Jack was standing in front of him with two water glasses and no willingness to accept no as an answer when he encouraged Tommy to drink.
"I'm not growing old. Someone'll get wise and kill me off before that."
Jack was as confident about this as everything else he said. He was more cynical than Tommy thought. He thought back to the one time he asked the man about the war and if he fought. Jack's answer always intrigued Tommy. Jack averted his gaze, and before quickly changing the subject, he said, "Just a bit." Whatever happened, Tommy figured it changed him.
Jack sat and made no mention of how the table's head was always his place, but Tommy could have it for now. He pulled a pastry from a dish sitting in the middle of the table and placed it in his mouth to free his hands. One picked up the paper that had clearly been read through, and one shamelessly commandeered Tommy's coffee cup. A bite of the buttery crust washed down by the coffee that made him grimace gave Jack the energy to try and read the paper. Tommy watched as the young man shuffled the pages, becoming more disgruntled by the minute.
"Why did you do this?" He asked Tommy, exasperated as he tried to find which loose insert continued the front-page story. Once he gathered it, he folded it together correctly and took a large bite of his pastry, only to be interrupted. Tommy tried to smother his growing smile and laugh to no avail. "What?"
"You're a brat."
Jack's eyes widened. He blinked for a moment, both because he never expected Tommy of all people to call him that and because he'd never seen the gangster laugh so heartily before. His mouth still full, Jack asked to clarify,
"A brat?"
"Through and through. Fussy from the moment you woke up," Tommy chuckled again. Heat crept up Jack's neck and face, but he let himself huff in amusement.
"I'm just particular."
It was a surprisingly eventful news week- horse races fixed to perfection and hollow speeches from political figures made to the public. And yet Jack found himself more interested in the unchanging man before him. He rested his chin in his palm and took Tommy in.
It was true that he hadn't expected Tommy to show up on his doorstep. But, if Tommy hadn't found his address by now, he would have been disappointed. Showing up like he did, however... Well, Jack had wanted to invite him on his own accord.
The whole thing with the Changrettas and ultimately Solomons was finally over, and Tommy could come back to him in London. They'd planned to meet on Tuesday, something about golf. Yet here, Tommy was instead, being somewhat of a nuisance. He hadn't asked if he could smoke in the house and didn't ask where the coffee was before he made. Not to mention, he handled his grouchiness with a bite of his own. A smile reached Jack's eyes and radiated through his body- this was an excellent second choice. It was like Tommy belonged there.
"Try not to look so enamored; it's off-putting," Tommy spoke, not looking up from his book on... political influence? Something happened...
Jack reached out and placed a hand on Tommy's neck. His fingers moved up to feel the texture of his ridiculous hair cut, finally earning a glance. Jack could only imagine what Tommy would look like if he actually grew it out. The newspaper was an afterthought as Jack leaned over from his chair and pressed his lips against Tommy's. Soft, chapped, and chaste, but just what he needed all the same.
"Do I put you off?"
"All the time."
"Why are you wearing this?" Jack's hand moved to the collar of Tommy's shirt. Well, the shirt he got Tommy. The suit itself was expensive; a Belgian tailor with magic hands met Jack's requirements from the light gray color to the silver cufflinks.
"Didn't you tell me to?"
"Mm, I did. But if you're staying, then I'm just going to get you out of it."
"So straightforward."
"Says the man whose means of seduction involve alcohol, white lies about petrol, and some variation of 'let's fuck.'"
"Didn't say it was a bad thing."
"I'm making more coffee."
Jack had only placed his (formerly Tommy's) mug on the counter when the well-dressed man caged him in from behind.
"Are you not going to keep your promise?"
By nature, Jack was fearless in a way that surprised Tommy. If one believes death to be an inevitable luxury, there isn't a situation that could faze them much. In Jack's mind, either the consequence was easy, i.e., death, or it was difficult but something he'd get over at some point. Either outcome led the young man to do precisely what he wanted always.
The first time they kissed, they stood in Jack's office. Tommy was leaned against his desk, and Jack wasn't shy about leaning into him. Now in Jack's kitchen, he held that same energy. Turning in Tommy's arms, Jack wasted no time pressing their lips together again, with the older man meeting him halfway.
Tommy wasn't exactly sure how Jack managed. His kisses were dangerous- straightforward yet teasing, intense yet languid. It was helped only by the fact that they fit well together. Hands cupped a young man's face as a bold pajama-clad thigh moved between legs to press against the front of trousers. Thoughts of money were pushed aside as an expensive waistcoat was clenched between eager fingers, now a simple tool with a single-use: making them closer.
Even when he was dangerously close to light-headed, Jack considered this a worthy moment to push himself. The short breaths passed between kisses would have to suffice for now. For all Tommy called Jack bold, the young man couldn't help but let out a chuckle at how expertly dominant Tommy could be. A hand pressed to the small of his back, moving Jack and his eager thigh that brushed against Tommy's trousers closer while kissing down his neck.
"Enough," Jack breathed. Tommy looked up, unsure what he meant until Jack pushed their lips against each other again and let his hands rest on Tommy's belt. "Do you want a bed or a couch? Because I could have you right now, and I will if we go further."
The couch was closer.
Tommy's ability to concentrate was dwindling with each undone button. Open-mouthed kisses landed on every inch of available skin, making it a battle of moving fast enough to continue and not getting overwhelmed by so much contact after being touch starved. Maybe that was Jack's strategy. Sharp pain sinking into his shoulder made Tommy wince. It was a reminder that he'd been gone for a while. It was illogical and unnecessary to aim for exclusivity in whatever they called their relationship. Surprisingly, that's what made it all the more desperate.
"If I have a craving for Tommy Shelby, it doesn't matter who's around."
Jack ran a tongue over the indents of his canines and dragged it up his neck to stop and bite Tommy's earlobe.
"Hurry up," he breathed his command.
"Did something happen?"
"I don't know." Jack shrugged and tapped his cheek. Irritatingly patient, he was. They were in front of the fireplace in the den now, a fur blanket draped over them both as they laid in their underwear.  Early afternoon sun poured through the windows, illuminating the swirling smoke that left Tommy's lips.
"Then why ask?"
"Because I could know, but I always like to give you a chance to tell me voluntarily. It makes me feel less like you'd be lying to me every day if you could," Jack said, always casual, before stealing Tommy's cigarette. "Go ahead."
It wasn't that Tommy was interested in lying to the man all the time. In this instance, it was more that this was a problem Tommy got himself into and had to get himself out of. A problem that Jack had no doubt predicted like he predicted everything. Tommy thought back to his business with the Russians. Jack's first time in the Shelby Company Ltd. offices and Tommy's first time seeing the young man's face drop happened concurrently.
"Tommy," Jack almost sang his name, which only added to the tension. Tommy was a child about to be scolded for doing something he shouldn't have. "Am I too boring for you, Tommy? You had to go to the Russians?"
"A pest, always. Not boring though," Tommy said as he cleared his throat. He went to light his cigarette, giving it more concentration than required. Looking up, Tommy almost paused at the expression in Jack's eyes. There was no smile, genuine or otherwise, only the man he'd heard the haunting rumors about. What was the look he was getting? Annoyance? Disbelief? Frustration?
Instead of speaking on whatever it was, Jack placed a hand over his mouth and looked away. He swore under his breath and mumbled a few words before looking back. Maybe Jack should have told Tommy he was stupid and that the plan wasn't worth it. Doing something like this would be the nail in the coffin for any hopes of an utterly above-board business. But Jack, for once, chose his battle.
"That Tatiana Petrovna knows everything about you. The details of you being a widow, your brand of tobacco, the way you like to sin," Jack said instead. "And don't leave any weapons around. She's crazy."
Jack was good at being one step ahead or quickly recognizing when he wasn't and course correcting. But, though Tommy knew Jack wasn't a stranger to killing a man point-blank, there was still a grit that he was missing. Too eloquent and methodical to handle the Italians from New York. So he told Jack everything and how he was victorious using his Romani prowess. Jack wasn't the only strong one.
"Ah, so you're here because Polly threatened to lock you out of the safes again if you didn't take a holiday," Jack mused. That was his real question from earlier. Why the hell are you still here?
"Something like that." Tommy nodded.
"What are you going to do when you start shaking again? And hearing things?" Jack asked, offering the cigarette to its original owner.
"I'll deal with it if it happens, and it might. Nothing gin can't fix," Tommy said. He reached for the cigarette, only for it to be snatched away and tossed into the flames.
"That was a test. You failed." Jack rolled to his side, propping himself up on his forearm.
"I'm not sick, hm? I've shut the door on the war. I'm not Arthur. I can manage." Tommy could feel himself warming with anger, no, defensiveness at the idea that everything he did was to be questioned.
"I'm not letting you run around here like a dog catching rabies."
"You don't have a say in as much as you think you do," Tommy reminded him. Jack smiled in response, his eyes lightening up. He shifted his fingers then brought them to Tommy's temple in the shape of a gun.
"Go to a doctor, or I'll kill you myself. Bang."
He made a shooting motion then pulled his hand away, blowing imaginary smoke from his fingers. Tommy wondered if Jack ever made jokes. No matter his tone of voice, he always said what he meant and meant what he said. There was no getting out of this.
"What, are you my father now?
"Would you like that?"
"Not quite him, either."
Tommy Tag: @soleil-dor;  @amysteryspot​; @captivatedbycillianmurphy
Peaky Blinders Tag List: @lilymurphy03
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