#which is pretty wild but well it‘s back
silverysnake · 1 year
Tagged by @pumpking64 thank you so much!!
Share your wallpaper: It‘s THIS art by @neverland-in-space (not gonna put it here bc I don‘t wanna repost)
The last song you listened to: I have a playlist with my favourite songs from this years eurovision that‘s just on repeat the whole time so I‘m gonna put the six songs that are in it here: Cha Cha Cha by Käärijä (Finland), Queen of Kings by Alessandra (Norway), Promise by Voyager (Australia), Blood & Glitter by Lord Of The Lost (Germany), Who the Hell Is Edgar? by TEYA and SALENA (Austria), Carpe Diem by Joker Out (Slovenia). Cha Cha Cha and Queen of Kings are definitely the two I‘ve listened to the most tbh bc I keep putting them on repeat until I remember that I could listen to some of the other songs too.
Currently reading: Started rereading Good Omens for idk the sixth or seventh time now and spatort fics of course
Last Movie: Stereo. Please don‘t ask me what it was about it was some weird german movie I found in the depths of netflix, the only thing I know for sure is that there was a ghost that was played by Moritz Bleibtreu. The last movie I‘ve seen in the cinema was the new Guardians of the Galaxy which made me cry my eyes out.
Craving: Some coffee and for my schürk/ross wg fic to finish itself bc I can‘t find my motivation
What are you wearing right now: cargo-pants and a batman-shirt
How tall are you: 173 so pretty average haha
Piercings: Had earrings since I was six
Tattoos: None, but I wanna get one soon
Glasses? Contacts?: Nope
Last drink: Water. Stay hydrated guys!
Last show: ‚last‘ ist good, I‘m watching seven shows rn (and yes I‘m gonna elaborate on that): 1) Spatort, 2) Soko Leipzig, 3) Polizeiruf Swiecko (the sad gay german cop shows, no one should be surprised by this), 4) Magicians with some friends (how does this show have so much plot I still don‘t understand?!), 5) Dark (every time when I say „hey this would be a funny thing to reveal but actually please don‘t i don‘t want the situation to get worse“ that exact thing is revealed like in the next one to three episodes and by now I‘m just horrified by everything), 6) Mord mit Aussicht (my bestie pressured me for weeks until I gave in and honestly it‘s pretty entertaining and another german cop show), 7) Supernatural bc for some reason I thought that is a good idea
Last thing you ate: some bread for breakfast
Favourite colour: Purple and green :)
Current obsession: The already mentioned sad gay german cop shows
Unrelated obsession: Norse Mythology
Any pets: Nope, but my parents have two cats and I‘ve missed them every day since I moved out
Do you have a crush on anyone: Nope
Favourite fictional character: It‘s been Loki for years so I guess he deserves to be on here (not just the Marvel version but in general) and I guess currently it‘s Adam Schürk haha
The last place you traveled: Spent a week in a village near Burg (bei Magdeburg) last month :)
Tagging: @shadow-of-a-cloud @homoromoacecase @neverland-in-space @lyxchen @anotherobsessedfangirl @schuerk-wie-schurke @ancient-namess and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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not me updating this post (it's more likely than you'd think)
Dust and debris spread like a fine mist through the air. 
Harry can see the storefront across from him. The window’s glass has large looping letters, their outline gilded and just catching what little light shines through the smoke clouds, but he can hardly make out the words. He feels so dizzy.
What’s going on?
At first the world is straight, if a little blurry, and then it is not. He’s tilting—no, falling—Harry is falling; he’s been pushed, shoved? The culprit is running off somewhere into the smog, and he catches himself with his hand on the brick behind him. He thinks it must hurt but can’t really feel it. 
There’s definitely something going on here, Harry nods almost to encourage himself. And he’s sure of it because, even though it‘s painful to look at (now that he’s seen it - he can’t stop staring), spellfire is sparking up and down the alley. Probably a fight, but who’s fighting? And - what’s that?
A large chunk of rubble, he realises. Then he corrects himself—chunks. 
They make an impressive line through all this dust and whatnot to the point where things actually seem visible. And now that he’s sort of able to see and mostly paying attention, Harry’s noticing that the chunks aren’t coming from nearby buildings; they aren’t falling from the sky.
He watches, brows raised, as the ground a bit off in the distance breaks, cracks, and almost crumbles out of itself. The massive stone tears straight up and away, shooting at harrowing speeds towards—something, Harry’s certain. Their mass is being used as projectiles. 
Woah, he thinks and hopes he says it out loud because whoever’s doing that needs to hear this, now that’s wicked. The magical strength required to do that must be enormous, but judging by their wavering and almost wild flinging energy, it lacks in any refinement or skill. Whoever is doing that is desperate. Scared. So, not wicked, probably.
Harry’s tempted to find the poor bastard and give them a pat on the back, maybe take them out for a pint. Hell, he could use one right about now. He’s feeling pretty desperate and—well, maybe not scared—but definitely confused, too. 
Which brings him back to: What’s going on?
Waking up in the middle of an ongoing fight is what Harry had been expecting; what he hadn’t been expecting is waking up in the middle of what looks like Diagon Alley if he squints a bit and tilts his head to the left.
Deciding he’s overstayed his wall welcome, Harry straightens up, cautiously keeping his hand on the brick for steadying. He dusts himself off rather pointlessly and gives his Auror robes a quick pat down. No wand. 
That’s a problem. Nothing he can’t work around, but it’s a problem long term. Thankfully, he isn’t out of practice with wandless spellwork, but it vastly limits what he can do to lend a hand with whatever the hell is going on here. 
And he’ll really have to lend a hand and get out of here as quickly as possible. Ron is no doubt losing his mind with worry, and they still have to take care of some rouge wizards reaping havoc on a small wizarding community in Alfriston. If Harry really is in Diagon, he’s a long way away from there, so time is of the essence. 
Seriously, what happened anyway? What did that wizard throw at him?
It occurs to Harry then that he should probably give more attention to the wizards currently throwing things at him because one of those large pieces of rubble abruptly interrupts his train of thought and sightline. He gathers whatever magic he can and prepares to apparate away from its path, but—
He tries again. And again. It’s getting closer. 
Then on his fourth attempt he feels something grating against his skin and realises—anti-apparition wards. 
Something is not only going on… but is very wrong. 
Harry’s eyes widen, and he ducks, rolling out of the way and further into the street. The world continues rolling even when he stops, vertigo crashing over him all too suddenly and forcing him to catch his breath; Merlin, Harry feels like he’s dying. 
He only gets this way after portkey travel or long-distance flooing—how he got here does not agree with him at all. And watching as that stone impacts the shop window he stared at earlier, Harry startles at another simple revelation. 
He can’t hear. 
He takes a deep breath and coughs, tries again until he feels calmer and doesn’t choke with every lung full. He can hear, but it isn’t anything substantial, only a low-volume, high-pitched ringing noise that echoes around in his head. He feels nearly delirious. And a bit like he’s going to be sick. 
Mindlessly, Harry steps back and out of the way of a nasty-looking violet spell, its shade almost neon. He takes a moment to assess his body more carefully.
Fingers, toes—check. All limbs, head is on straight, joints are bending the right way—he’s perfectly fine. He doesn’t feel any major injuries but forces a pitifully weak healing charm from within - out. He’s shit at wandless healing even though everyone swears otherwise, so it doesn’t ease up the nausea, but it does fix his hearing. 
He almost wishes it hadn’t.
Screaming louder than banshee cries, whizzing spells, explosions echoing, the dull droning of the wards, buildings breaking, shouts, crying, pleading—the world is so much louder than Harry is expecting, and he flinches, holds his hands against his ears at the onslaught. 
It takes some time, more than he wants to tolerate, and a few more close calls with ugly spells, but when Harry finally gets his bearings, he jumps into the fray. 
It’s hardly a thought to magic away most of the debris in the air, and with it gone, he takes in his surroundings. His head whips back and forth, taking stock of what’s newly visible. Harry’s unsure where to begin and who to ask for an explanation of what is even happening. He can’t spot any familiar Aurors, but there are definitely people scattered about in uniforms…
Harry nearly pauses at that. Yes, there are definitely people dressed in uniforms. Ones that are dark and black and flow like ink and look eerily familiar, and others that look strikingly like Sirius’s old—
Harry’s eyes unerringly find the source of that scream—a young woman clutching a child. 
Their backs are up against the broken remains of a side alley, and her body is trying to cover the kid, hide them, to the best of her ability. A wizard in dark robes blocks their only way out, wand held stiffly in a tight grip - it’s pointed straight at them. 
Harry’s already moving, but his eyes squint, disoriented as he catches the unmistakable glimmer of silver reflecting off sunlight from the side of the wizard’s face. And this does make him pause. It makes him pause just long enough to feel and humour the stomach-swooping horror of recognition—of wrongness—that sight causes. 
It’s certainly a good thing that Harry has gotten to be so proficient at pushing down and sealing away horrors of all types and that he continues to be fast on his feet, quick on the draw. Helpful, too, that his wandless stupefy is still in top form. 
The wizard crumples to the ground, and Harry’s assist goes unnoticed in all the chaos. Yet the woman finds his eyes anyway, obviously having noticed him earlier, maybe even calling out for Harry specifically. She peers up at him, relieved and overwhelmingly grateful, but stares for a beat too long. 
And Harry, long used to prolonged stares, gives her no mind. He quickly comes over to help escort her and the child somewhere safer. She mutters something as he lifts the mute kid into his arms, their eyes wide and blinking. Harry balances them mostly on his left - his right hand holding their back steady, but he wants to keep it free to cast just in case. 
“What was that?” Harry asks while waiting for the kid to get comfortable and finish tightly wrapping their arms around his neck. He releases his hold on their back once they settle, and he takes a gentle but resolute hold on the woman to help guide her out of the alley and any direct fire. 
She’s shaking violently, but when she repeats herself, her voice is more confident—louder. “I- I didn’t know you had become an Auror, James. I thought you only g-graduated this summer?” She asks.
For a moment, only a moment, all of Harry’s battle-hardened instincts fall away. 
He feels his shoulders drop from their tense hold, and he—he just can’t believe what he’s heard. She doesn’t look anywhere close to his parents’ ages had they still been alive, even by wixen ageing standards. Really, she looks much closer to Harry’s age, maybe a couple of years older, give or take. They had probably gone to Hogwarts together for a while, so then why—
Why does she think he’s his father? James, she called Harry, like they are friendly. Like they know each other. 
Shock. Harry can excuse this as shock. He sorely wants to, but that feeling of wrongness is rearing its ugly head once again. 
So he decides not to say anything at all. Harry stays quiet and focused. He stuns anyone suspicious they come across and brings them both to a mostly unharmed shop out of the way with a blessedly working floo connection in a warded office in the back. 
The kid gives him a big hug before they leave, still mute, still blinking with wide eyes, and the woman turns to Harry, puts one hand on his arm, squeezes him once and says, “Stay safe, James.”
He watches them leave.
Breathe, Harry, he tells himself. And it almost works because he can hear the wet gasp and feel his chest move up and down with it. Yet he remains breathless, his mind whirring and unable to catch a thought long enough to actually think—until his feet start moving.
Harry exits the building and, with a clarity he doesn’t truly feel, rounds the corner. He’s confident that Twilfitt and Tattings should be just here, only a few feet away. When he arrives at the distinct shop front, still standing on what Harry can only guess is unadulterated rich-pureblood spite, the store looks nothing like the clothing shop he’s seen hundreds of times before. 
Unsettled but always willing to take a gamble, Harry sticks to the edges of the alley and makes his way further up Diagon, closer to Horizont. He avoids bouncing spells and crumpled bodies and casts when he has to all the way until he spots the familiar sign of Ollivanders. 
With careful hesitation and a churning deep in his gut, Harry tries something with no small amount of hysteria. He holds up his hand right before the shattered glass of Ollivanders’s main window and says:
“Accio Harry Potter’s wand.”
Harry stands there foolishly for a moment, lingering. Nothing happens. 
A short laugh rushes out of him; vicious relief nearly causes his head to sway, but he can’t help it. For a breathtaking moment, he had almost convinced himself that he’d felt something like a tingle, like a response from his magic that something was about to happen. 
Shock, Harry reminds himself. She was just in shock. 
He shakes his head to clear it of whatever madness had briefly held him and readies to shoulder open the door and commandeer a temporary wand. Even an incompatible wand will be better than nothing if he continues lending a hand to the Aurors on the scene. But before he can even take a step, his eyes catch movement in the darkness of the shop. And—Oh, that’s coming straight at me. 
“Whoa!” Harry ducks and turns to watch as a wand takes an arching turn and bounds straight towards him again. But this time, Harry is ready; he catches it with a smart thwack to the flat of his palm. 
The immediate warmth and pure magic radiating from this wand floods his veins unlike any other—but that’s a lie. It’s exactly like one other. One other wand from when Harry was eleven. His very first wand. 
He looks at the fine holly wood in his hand, feels the blazing heat of what is no doubt a phoenix feather core, and the familiar curves and juts of its crafted exterior, and conjures no happiness at the sight of his old friend. Harry feels dread take hold of his very being, leaving him cold and wrung dry. 
“Tempus,” Harry mutters, and like delicate clockwork, the spell casts flawlessly and more naturally than any spell Harry has cast in ages. The time of day and month are troubling enough, but the year really causes its own upending. 
Harry takes a deep, steadying breath in. He locks all the terrible and horrible things he’s feeling away in a small corner of his mind, shoving it all into a cupboard under the stairs. And he takes a deep, steadying breath out. 
He nods once to himself and holds his wand in a textbook grip. Logic and Auror instinct, but more prevalent, war instinct, sinks its familiar claws into the still healing scars of his mind. 
He leaves Ollivanders and makes his way carefully up Diagon Alley, distantly acknowledging that he hasn’t done as good a job as he’s hoping at concealing his anxieties. His casting is too accurate and decidedly not as innocent as it’s been. He trades stupefy for spells that may lean a little darker than any Auror really should be using.
He can’t say he has the element of surprise on his side. Still, the terrorists attacking the alley aren’t exactly looking out for an Auror dressed like Harry, so he has a precious few moments of them treating him like a civilian before realising their grave error. 
But, by then, Harry has blasted them halfway across the alley. They’re face down on the cobblestones or missing a limb or two by the time their ah-ha moment of ‘civilians don’t normally fight like that’ echoes in the quiet of their unconscious minds.
As Harry gets closer to the heart of the battle, picking off black-robed wizards one by one and gathering appreciative and perplexed looks from Aurors, he realises that faces are beginning to gain an awful familiarity. He wants to hex himself—of course faces are starting to look familiar. He knows an ungodly amount of wixen who fought in the First War. He’s heard numerous stories of their bravery and seen photographs of them, after all, and Harry really should have known that seeing them would be inevitable, even now—even when he isn’t ready.
But he hasn’t ever travelled this far back in time, so can anyone blame him for being caught by surprise?
Because—there she is.
She’s fresh out of Hogwarts. Classes must’ve only ended a month or so ago. And she’s standing at the heart of the battle. The August sun lends an unfairly clear day to the gruesome attack and shines on the brilliant auburn of her hair, all tied back and away from her face like a flaming whip. Gods, there she is.
Harry is shocked still, eyes locked on the sight of Lily Potter.
And he pays for it with a gnarly gash to the side of his ribs.
Gasping out, he quickly breaks from his trance and curses his inability to stay focused. Harry fires back with his own cutting spell; of course, the much nastier sectumsempra won’t be nearly as easy to bounce back from, but Harry just can’t muster up the fucks to give at the moment. 
Mum—Lily—is the one who stops his next assailant, though Harry doubts she even notices her assistance. It turns out she’s the one ripping stone out of the earth and flinging it at anything silver and moving. And, Merlin, it’s nearly charming. He’s going to throw up.
It takes a blue spell, its colour vibrant and just off enough for Harry to connect that it isn’t anything friendly, barely missing her, for him to decide enough is enough.
Harry centres himself and pulls at his magic. He aims his wand at the ground beneath his feet and chants until small spikes start erupting around them like saplings from the cobblestone. He doesn’t stop until they grow taller and taller until they tower over every head and every thatched roof, and until all the ruined pathways around Diagon Alley have become impractical and claustrophobic. 
Startled cries come from every direction; Harry thinks he hears bones snapping from those who can’t thread the needle before the spikes grow too close, like a dense forest. No one is spared of his sudden anger…
…no one except for Lily Potter, who stands in a small circle of safety. The spikes around her have curved inward, lending shelter. When Harry finally catches her gaze—oh no, oh no, oh no—he finds that her arms are raised. Almost like Harry’s a robber, and this is all just some kind of hold-up. He feels the urge to laugh die as quickly as it comes.
Not a soul moves, but Harry isn’t one for inaction. He lifts his wand and casts a sonorus; he speaks, “If you are a follower of-“ Harry mindfully avoids His name, unaware if the taboo has been enacted, “the Dark Lord, I believe you’ve caused well enough damage today. Leave.”
It’s silent for a long moment. And then, suddenly, the sharp snap of the anti-apparition wards shattering is all Harry hears. He can almost feel the rain of its magic falling down all around them, preceding the sounds of loud pop-pop-pops from the Death Eaters tucking tails and running away. 
Harry is a little shocked that simply demanding they leave works. Then again, turning all of Diagon Alley’s streets into some giant’s version of an Iron Maiden in the heat of his anger is probably something to be wary of. When the last pop fades, and all is quiet once more, Harry transfigures the cobblestones back. Once again, marvelling at the easy control with his holly wand.
It dawns on Harry, now that the battle is cleared up as best as he can manage, that he has no way of returning to his time and nothing to immediately keep that thought from taking hold and consuming him whole. He stands, mind racing and paralysed, as multiple hesitant thanks, thank you so much, you saved us, are whispered his way. And he could really do without the reminder of how irreparably fucked he’s just made the timeline, but, you’re welcome, he supposes. 
Then, through the whirlwind of his breakdown, he feels two gentle hands on his arms, pulling him out of the dark and into the eye of the storm.  
“Excuse me?” Harry looks up at green, sage and fresh like a vegetable garden, like summer’s grass on a quidditch field, like sprigs of thyme on a holiday roast surrounded by family; he looks up at the eyes of Lily Potter and startles at the sound of her voice.
Is this what she really sounds like? Harry remembers her voice clear as day from—well, it’s nothing he wants to think about now. But he doesn’t remember it sounding like this. So bright and so…
“So young…” Harry mindlessly replies. And Lily Potter’s answering frown is enough to leave him sorry for the rest of his miserable life.
She turns her careful attention to Harry’s bleeding shoulder, and he finally realises she’s trying to heal him. He doesn’t mention that he isn’t too worried about it and that the gash on his ribs is way worse because she starts speaking again, and all Harry wants to do is shut up and listen to her voice forever.
“Speak for yourself, firecracker,” she says. “You look about my age and handled yourself better than any of these Aurors.”
Firecracker? Harry mutters soundlessly. He’s bewildered at the idea of his mother giving him a nickname like that, his mother giving him a nickname at all. Something screaming and rotting and twisting in his soul mourns the loss of it until now.
“This doesn’t look as bad as I’d thought. Do you feel any intense pain? Any sharp shooting down your arm or back?” She asks.
Harry shakes his head slowly and in a daze. She hums, doubting, “Well, even if it doesn’t hurt too badly, let’s get you to St Mungo’s and patch you up—“
Harry steps back and out of her gentle hands, shaking his head with much more clarity. “No. No doctors. I can heal it myself well enough.”
Lily’s eyes widen, and something on his face must scream that he’s planning on making his great escape—it doesn’t matter where as long as it isn’t here in front of her of all people—because she suddenly grabs his wrist tight enough to bruise. “Wait! I’ll listen! I won’t force you to see a healer, but please,” she grips him even tighter, “we haven’t had a… a victory like this… in a long, long time.” 
Her eyes pry into him; they search and search, and she must find something because she steadies her panic and softly demands that he - “Don’t go.”
Harry can only stare, horrified, at his own mother standing before him, young and alive and begging him not to go.
He’s saved from answering as they’re interrupted by a loud shout, “LILY!” 
A man full-on tackles Lily Potter with force strong enough to pull Harry with them, but madly, all Harry can think is that - Mum has quite the grip.
And now that he’s so close, Harry quickly deduces that the new link to their growing chain is none other than James Potter.
Harry’s eyes blink slowly; a bone-weary exhaustion takes staunch hold of him as he listens to his father ask after his mother’s well-being. Finally, Lily speaks over him firm and unyielding, “James. I am fine. Where on earth have you been?” 
“I was dealing with some Death Eaters towards the mouth of Knockturn—but that doesn’t matter! What matters is that you promised to stay by me, and in less than two shakes of a fairy’s wings, you were nowhere to be seen.”
Lily scoffs, “I cannot believe you are blaming me right now when you are clearly the one who wandered off first! We agreed to stay near the centre, and, oh wow! Would you look at that? That’s exactly where you found me, isn’t it?”
Harry cannot believe he’s watching his parents have their first domestic argument, and he isn’t even technically born yet. This is cruel and unusual. Wait, are they even married? 
“Okay. Agree to disagree,” James nods. Lily’s got that look on her face that Hermione sometimes gets with Ron, like he’d better say the right thing in the next four seconds, or he’ll get a nasty left hook to the face. Harry feels his stomach drop right out of him at the thought of never seeing Ron and Hermione ever again. Oh god. And then, James continues, “We are both at fault.”
James’ eyes stray towards Harry, looking long and hard at his face. He finds Lily’s tight grip next and asks, “Who’s tall, pale, and ready to be sick standing beside you here?”
“What?” Lily asks, and her eyes fall on Harry, too. Her mouth parts in a horror Harry feels immensely. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry; I promise I didn’t forget about you. It’s just that James is so distracting, and oh merlin, I haven’t even introduced myself—“
“Lily, take a deep breath. And maybe let the man go?”
“James, you have no idea what happened. But you would if you’d have been here.”
Harry clears his throat, “Um,” James and Lily both turn and give him their full attention. Oh, that’s awful. How does Harry simultaneously feel like the youngest and oldest person here? He’s clueless about what to say next but settles on, “Um… I’m Harry.”
“Harry,” James and Lily say it together. Perfect unison. Lily’s eyes are wide, but her smile is wider, and James looks extremely confused and nearly half as put out. His brows furrow until they almost touch, and he comments, “My grandfather’s name was Harry.” He frowns and corrects himself, “Well, his name was Henry, but we all called him Harry.”
Oh. Should Harry have given them a fake name?
“James…” Lily murmurs. She isn’t quiet enough for Harry to miss her following words, “He looks a bit like he could be your brother, doesn’t he? Even a bit like Charlus?” James silently and slowly nods, his eyes still locked on Harry.
“What did you say your surname was again, Harry?” James asks with all the subtlety of a hippogriff, like he’s trying to be slick. 
And Harry, no stranger to risky bets, replies, “I didn’t. But it’s Potter. Harry Potter.”
The silence that follows is the loudest he’s heard yet. Wasn’t he nearly deaf earlier?
Until—“Lily. You got a good grip on him, yeah?” James asks.
“Of course,” she nods like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
James grins. “Hold on tighter, then.”
The sudden gathering of magic in the air has Harry’s hair standing on end. He knows what’s coming but doesn’t truly process it until he catches sight of James’ wand out, and by then, it’s too late.
They apparate out of Diagon Alley.
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randomblog444 · 2 years
Pinky Promise
Billy Hargrove x female reader
tw: mentions of abuse, bad writing lol
This piece is kind of inspired by the song „I was made for lovin‘ you“ by Kiss. It was also written after a few to many drinks, so please don’t judge if it is bad haha.
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„I was made for lovin‘ you baby“
The radio of her Impala blared into the night, as she took off from her house. She couldn’t believe, that she was actually doing this; leaving her old live, her home, her friends, her family. And all of that just for a stupid boy. Well not just any boy, her boy.
„You were made for lovin‘ me“
The truth is, she would follow that boy everywhere, even to the end of the world. To him she was just a friend, a best friend even, but to her, he was her everything. Or so she thought.
Her heart broke the day, he told her he had to leave. His father deciding to start a new live, in a shitty small city in Indiana. He never wanted to leave, but they both knew, he had no chance against the asshole, that was his father.
„I can’t get enough of you baby“
The two weeks she spend without him, were hell. Nothing feeling like it was before. The cigarettes she had before school, suddenly tasting like shit, because he wasn’t there to light them. „Pretty girls never light their own cigarette“ he told her all the time.
She still remembers that day he first told her, like it was yesterday, the afternoon sun making it‘s way down the horizon, finding its way behind the waves. He was looking at the view, meanwhile she was looking at his side profile. The last ray of sunshine kissing his beautiful face. That day she finally realized, that she loved him more, than just a best friend.
„Can you get enough of me?“
The boy still had no clue, that the girl he was so madly in love with, was now on her way to him. Ever since he had to leave, his life went downhill. School days feeling longer than ever, because she wasn’t there to distract him. His little sister being even more annoying, because she wasn’t there to calm him down. The beatings of his father hurting more, because she wasn’t there to clean his wounds and wipe his tears.
Thinking of the way her eyes teared up, when he told her he had to leave. Feeling like seeing all the happiness he has created over the years, being shattered in just seconds. He knew that he would never forgive himself for leaving.
„I will never leave you“ he told her, back when he was just a little boy. Their pinky fingers linking, sealing the promise she thought he would never break. Even though he broke her heart by leaving, she could never hate him.
So many promises were made, throughout the time of their friendship, and this one was the first he ever broke. They both knew, he couldn’t do anything against the idea of his father moving states, to start a new life. She always swore to kill his father one day, for hurting him so often, but taking him away from her was the last straw.
„Tonight, I wanna see it on your eyes“
The last hours were hell, feeling like her body would give out any minute. Only taking a break when really needed, because the thought of wasting more time without him, killing her even more.
Welcome to Hawkins, the sign in front of the small city read. From looking at the time, she could tell he was almost done with his day at school. She knew exactly which school he went to, remembering all of his complaints.
Just a few days ago he shared his thoughts of the school on one of their late night calls. „Hawkins High, truly the worst place in this shithole of a city, outside of my home of course“ he told her, she could hear from the tone of his voice, that he was truly meaning every word he was saying, probably taking a lot of beatings from his father again. That night she decided, that she couldn’t live without him anymore.
„Feel the magic, there’s something that drives me wild“
She parked her car in front of the building he called hell multiple times before. His distinctive blue Camaro standing only a few spots next to her.
His school day was nearly over, he couldn’t wait to get home and hear the addictive voice from the girl he was missing so much. As the bell rang, he almost ran out of the school building.
Last night he tried to call her, no one answered, he was confused. Her parents were barely ever home, he tried to convince himself that she probably had to take over a coworkers shift. The thought of her forgetting or simply not wanting to talk to him, hurt his heart even more. But she wouldn’t do that to him, he was sure.
He rushed out of the door, already taking out the cigarette that he stuffed into his pocket earlier. His eyes fixated on his car, not caring about anything else then getting home as soon as possible.
„And tonight, we’re gonna make it all come true“
Ignoring his surroundings, he got into his car, fishing in his pockets, searching for the lighter the girl gifted him as a parting gift. His mood visibly getting worse, knowing that without his lighter he wouldn’t be able to relief one of his needs right away.
„You can take mine if you want“ he hears the familiar voice from the passenger side, that was empty just moments ago. Not being able to believe his ears, he turned his head looking into her beautiful eyes. The girl he was so desperately wanting, no needing sitting down right next to him.
„‘Cause girl, you were made for me“
No matter how hard he tried, there weren’t any words coming out of his mouth. His thoughts running wild looking deep into her beautiful eyes. „I expected a bigger reaction to be honest“ she said, her mouth curling into a big smile, „I mean, I just spend hours coming all the way here, you could at least say something“
He can’t take it any longer, basically jumping into her arms, needing to be as close to her as possible. „You never told me you would come to visit“ he said into her neck, the movement of his lips sending shivers down her spine. „I am not visiting, I will stay here with you“
He pulled away, looking back into her eyes, swearing he could see the whole universe inside of them. In his eyes, she could see, that he wasn’t trusting, what she was telling him. „I promise you, I will follow you, wherever you will go“ she said stretching out her pinky to him.
Wasting no time, he linked his pinky with hers, just like he did so many times before. „You‘ve got to seal the promise somehow, or else I won’t believe you“ he said more as a joke, staring at their interlocked fingers.
And now she was so sure, she was never this sure about anything, she placed her hand on his cheek, causing him to look at her. Their eyes meeting once more, she slowly inched closer. Before he could register what she was doing, her lips were on his and he swore, his heart jumped out of his chest.
His hands find their way to her waist, pulling her flush against him, deepening the kiss. Both of their minds spinning as they finally got, what they were longing for, for so damn long. Each other.
Their hearts beating the same rhythm as they continued to kiss on his front seat, all of the bad thoughts long forgotten.
„And girl I was made for you“
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speakeasy8 · 2 years
[004] Fujii, K. (through the eyes of Zuzzu, his manager)
Kaze’s Autumn Fest  
(TL: This is a 4-part entry covering the LASA Concert @ Panasonic Stadium Suita of which I’m only doing the second one, because it’s the most interesting.) 
- Staff journal entry dating 28 October 2022, by Zuzzu 
The first time I saw Kaze perform live was at a show with an audience of about a hundred. Advance tickets were sold out. Setlist was comprised of well-known covers and the original songs he was already performing live back then were NaN-NaNw and Choshinochatte.  The immensity of his skills needs no introduction, and whether it be witnessed within videos on YouTube or live in front of an audience, his desire to entertain and deliver high quality enjoyment to the audience is an overpowering one. 
From that point at the very beginning to the LOVE ALL SERVE ALL Stadium Live four years later, it’s been a long journey of carefully finding ways to introduce the existence known as Fujii Kaze to the world. It’s a process that involved many long discussions, sharing of ideas and working around issues which were all done as a team (Kaze himself included, of course), and it still continues to this day.  I could tell from the get-go through the very first performance I experienced that Kaze already had it all: singing ability, piano skill, audience engagement, you name it. But the more I learn about him as a person, the more apparent it became that he isn’t somebody who can or should be simply thrust to the world, as the chances of it leading to grave misunderstanding is pretty high.  As such, I figured it‘d be wiser to first show people what he is able to offer as a musician, instead of simply suddenly unveiling to the world who he essentially is as a person. It was just a gut feeling I had. 
Another aspect I had to consider was the fact that he’s been uploading videos of himself performing piano covers on YouTube since little, so anyone who knew him from those would only know him as a cover artist there, as he hadn’t shared any of his own original works. As someone who got to hear his original songs pretty early on, I had to tackle the issue of how and when best to present them, as I felt the initial performances that would introduce him to the world should be centered on them and not the covers that he does.  If a number of people got to hear his music first, then perhaps the time for us to introduce him to a wider audience would come. But would people really understand simply from listening to his music? 
See, even for me, it took a while before his nature finally sunk in. In the earliest stages, I didn’t know anything apart from what I was able to see on the surface. Even now, I cannot confidently claim that I know everything there is to know about him.   The way he thinks and lives and the fact the he is a vegetarian, I couldn’t help but to stop and ask myself how old this kid really is. Based on physical appearance alone, he doesn’t look particularly out of the norm age-wise, but the moment I got a better glimpse of his mentality, the number my mental calculation came up with was 109. And the more I got to know him, the more certain of it I became. What’s scary is, this was the impression that I got right from the time I first met him and, even until now, it hasn’t changed. I know I sound absurd but even as the depth of his soul seems bottomless, there are also very simple things that he’s somehow managed to remain completely ignorant about. This yawning gap that he has, it‘s pretty astounding.   This is veering off topic a little but here’s a recent example:  Kaze: Would ye mind stoppin by a convenience store? Ah wanna withdraw me some monies.  --At the parking area of a convenience store-- Me: Aite, imma wait here for ya.  --5 minutes later-- Me: (What’s taking him so long? He said he was only gonna make a withdrawal.)     --A wild Kaze then hesitantly appears at the entrance. Looking lost, he shuffles his way back.-- Kaze: Ah couldnae wit’draw nothin. None o’ these cards seem ta work. :((   Me: Wha? Why? It clearly says ATM there on the entrance.  --And so I ended up going in with him-- Kaze: So ah wuz tryna insert mah card in ‘ere... Me: ...this is a Loppi. It’s a ticket machine, not an ATM.  Kaze: Ooooh! No wonder it wuz spittin out tix instead~~!  And this isn’t the only example. Things like this happen a few times on an almost daily basis. Anything that doesn’t bear a significant interest to him, he is completely ignorant about.  
HELP EVER HURT NEVER was released in 2020.  And in 2022, it was followed by LOVE ALL SERVE ALL.  Both albums carry his core message. It is delivered musically-- embedded within the words, melodies and music videos. According to him, everything he feels he wants to sing about up to this point, has already been sung.   The LOVE ALL SERVE ALL Stadium Live in October is where we wanted to showcase everything Kaze had to offer musically. But just as we were thinking that, in came the docomo future project “KAZE FILMS,” through which the song “grace” was born. What’s even more amazing is that the director, after listening to the song, proposed that the music video be shot in India, a place that bears significant meaning to Kaze, being a big part of his roots. (I’ll be talking more about the music video itself in another entry.)  The origin of Kaze’s mindset, I feel, lies in India, where his family visited while he was still just a foetus sleeping within his mother, and where they went again to give thanks not too long after he finally came into the world.  
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When the idea to hold this stadium concert was greenlit, Kaze and I first spoke about making it something that introduces both albums, with an emphasis on LOVE ALL SERVE ALL, and we’d base the infrastructural setup on Kaze’s mindset, turning it into a visual representation of sorts.  All the things that make Kaze who he is: his vegetarianism, his love for animals, and his Indian-based mindset, how do we apply these concepts to this stadium concert?  All other aspects other than the musical one were still only WIP right up until the beginning of September, and while whatever we could move forward with we did, the design aspect was still cloudy so it was absolutely serendipitous that we somehow ended up actually being able to visit the country mid-September.  
I intend to journalize this trip here someday but for now, I’ll just say that the people who went with us were the film crew who shot NaN-NaNw in NYC, Universal’s Higashi-san, the graphic designer behind all of Kaze’s professional releases and merch so far, Motty Marui-san, the cameraman Ono-san, and the hairstylist-cum-makeup artist Matsuno-san, who was joining a Team Kaze project for the first time. With the creative team in tow, and through the sights that we all took in together with Kaze in India, we were finally able to determine the direction of the overall thematical design to take for the show.  The LASA flag, the staircase leading up, the décor in the SERVE ALL Area, the fresco decorating the stadium itself, the décor in the LOVE ALL Area, the smaller flags and banners, the sounds and the smells.   
With this, the time where we can finally show to the world Kaze's inherent nature in the most visual form possible is finally upon us.  
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Photos by: Yosuke UEYAMA 
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fisherrprince · 3 years
do you have more thoughts on keyblade fighting that you need to put somewhere, because i have two hands ready to catch Should The Need Arise
anon: hey I heard you mention you’d analysed the combat styles in KH and what you said in the tags was already alluding to really neat stuff, but I for one would love to hear more of what you came up with!! so if you ever wanted to share any of your analysis then the floor is yours
Okay, so first some words on “standardized wielding styles”. These are styles shared by Terra, Aqua, Vanitas, Riku, and Xehanort and every other scala and daybreak kid. I will make the argument that the red style is the fanciest standard style, while the purple is seen often to make it easier on the little chibi sprites. BUT, I cannot discredit Eraqus, who uses the purple variant in bbs, nor can I discredit half of the Foretellers (Gula and Ava, at least, use this. Invi and Aced use the first type). So, two standard styles. For simplicity, let’s say one for primary offense, one for primary defense. The standard offensive style really wasn’t popular before Scala-era society.
check this difference out, specifically between ava invi and gula:
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then between eraqus, hermod, and xehanort, and eraqus and terra.
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These two were likely popularized and standardized for education in Scala ad Caelum for their predominant lack of obvious weak spots.
After this, we have unique styles. Those include Sora Kairi and Xion’s (similar to standard defense, but more mobile at the expense of form — Kairi takes after Sora but less confident, she hasn’t been hit that heavily yet), Ven’s (backhand, heavy range and mobility), Roxas’ (modified for two keyblades, but takes after Sora), and Axel’s (taught himself, comfortable with chakrams).
So! Let’s go.
Standard (offensive)
All styles have sub-variations, of a sense. Different wielders can choose where their keyblade points, and how they hold it exactly, based on what makes them most comfortable. Terra and Aqua point theirs downward, while Vanitas and Riku hold theirs above their head. What is recognizeable to this style is a hand for the sword, and a hand for guarding/blocking/items/magic.
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It’s incredibly efficient. With only one hand on the weapon, you not only free up a hand for other things, but increase your range of movement with said weapon. Test it out yourself! The keyblade hand is always your dominant hand, held behind you for increased power when attacking (since you lose a significant amount of it by choosing not to grip with both hands). This style also decreases the speed of the defense you have, but with that increased mobility and swing power, along with a hand free to brace against the keyblade (defense strength up!), it makes up for it. Many people who use this also have strong barrier spells — both a testament to their preference for coverage and an acknowledgement that any directional block will take a little longer and be weaker if they try it with one hand.
The pointy end, though. What difference does it actually make, the height it’s at?
I think it’s half a matter of attack style preference and half intention. Riku, Vanitas, and Xehanort stab quite a bit. Aqua and Terra slice more. Not that they don’t do both, but it’s the first instinct. Aqua and Terra are also likely taught to hold their keyblade neutrally, in a safe position, until someone starts attacking. It’s polite! Eraqus also holds his one-handed, neutrally, until he gets into position. Riku and Vanitas learned to fight assuming everyone was out to fight them. Invi and Aced may like this style because of range (i hc she’s blind and strikes very very quickly, and he’s already very powerful with just the one arm and wants better motion).
and on character specifics: Terra often switches to two-handed, to copy his dad and add extra power to his hits without always sacrificing the empty hand. Vanitas likely was forced to relearn how to fight, as instead of solely being trained to be better at withstanding, he was constantly being made to better his own attacks. The moves Xehanort uses would best be replicated in the same style. Vanitas is wild for holding the massive spiky x-blade like that.
Now, what‘s good on this style does not correlate to what’s bad in the other. The two standard styles simply have different ways of dealing with each con they create or taking advantage of each pro.
(Here’s an interesting side note — Gula uses standard defensive, but in this instance, swaps. One hand… likely to display confidence! Wrong move, but hey. He got cocky. He’s also doing it wrong, and swaps back to two-handed to take Aced’s attack.)
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Standard (defensive)
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The main detriment of this style is the lack of ease of long range movement. Hold a wrapping paper tube out in front of you with both hands, then run. It goes to the side, or tucks in to your stomach, right? Dodge. Your legs will get in the way unless you know where to move that sword. It requires, interestingly, a little more discipline. You’d think Aqua would like that, but no, she wants movement and practicality, and she loves magic, and remember that you must take a hand off this style to grab a potion. You’d think young Eraqus wouldn’t, but remember that he’s a fancy royal lad.
The main draw, though, is tankiness, readiness, and power. You don’t need to move as much if nothing dares hit you! Ava and Gula might be attracted to this style because they’re not as physically strong, but want protection in close-quarters fighting. Using this style when your muscles aren’t as big but you still want to Hit Things Good, or when you want to be a boy you can’t knock over with a pail of water (horse stance rules), is probably solid advice.
Traditionally, this is a lot less like fencing, and a lot more like a samurai sword or kendo. Your blade is held in front of you, giving you very easy access to blocks and frontal attack/defense. In losing some twirly spinniness, you gain power and minimize your opponent’s ability to parry and block.
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you gotta dodge master Eraqus so mcuh
All styles will swap between one and two hands for different moves. Eraqus, notably, swaps to a stance very similar to Xehanort when channeling a metric ton of magic.
Both of these styles require a degree of upper body/core strength, as does all swordfighting. I would be interested to see someone whose keyblade style relies on leg strength.
Sora, Xion, and Kairi
please look at the difference between the foretellers’ or eraqus’ two-handed grip and Sora’s. Do this with your shoulders and a top-heavy object.
They’re both in a hard stance, but hon. What are you, a gremlin? Anyways, a traditionally taught master would have… better form, even if it’s harder to learn at first. It’s habitual. Sora nearly crouches, and holds his keyblade back-pointed with two hands, which makes it easier for him to dodge roll, push off his feet quickly, and pull off those spinning combos he loves. It‘s really gonna hurt his muscles, in the future, though, since he’s doing a squat for like…. hours. Pulling on those shoulderblades and neck. Xion, too. Replicas had better have correct muscle dynamics. Kairi is brand new, so… maybe Aqua can teach her how to hold a sword so it doesnt hurt you.
Okay, now look at the grip itself. Held in front versus held to the side-back. They’re really attempting to combine both standard styles subconsciously, giving themselves more attack power while really wanting to keep that hard defensive parry, wanting to prevent all attacks to the front while also wanting mobility. It’s working for them really well, they fight like an anime character, and manage to get the best of both, with a minor sacrifice of length range that they don’t care about. We’re flexible and full of magic, baby! Holding the blade like this makes it pretty easy to let go with one hand without sacrificing that crouched defense position.
Now, Sora, specifically, is very adaptive. He’s had two keyblades, claws, guns, yo-yos, and a giant shield, to name a couple. He retains a bit of that alert crouch no matter where he goes, but Sora knows how he wants to attack and how to balance that with the most effective way to use his current weapon. He’s a smart kid! Sora has the most ridiculous shotlocks, which are also probably due to not always wanting to go standard for it. He also prefers to keep his focus on the enemy, which is evident in his reprisals and lack of very many effective “escape” moves.
Xion is very similar to Sora, but she does have some moves that are all movement. She switches to one handed for strikes a lot — using two for defending, one for smacking. In her data battle I’d swear some of those heavy hits are claymore-like. But anyways, since we’re magic, Xion cares not for the laws of exhaustion, and will ping about as a ball of light everywhere. Short range? Up in your business. Mid-range? In your business with one hand. Long range? Throws a boomerang. Hit her? No you dont. Ball of light. She’s above you and wants to bash your head in. (Vanitas also does this! A lot. It’s an easy way to catch someone off-guard. I’ll argue that the soras are very tough and strong, but not tanky. they want to avoid being hit a lot)
Another interesting note about Kairi. I say “unconfident” not because she doesn’t hit hard, but because her stance is also often tilted back, ready to dodge. It’s two handed, but almost all her moves are one. She does love spinning and throwing the thing! It looks like she’s been taking notes from the wielders she knows. It would be easy to teach her a standard style, I think. See here, she lets go on the strike, and by trying to do both, actually ends up with an advantage (being confusing) and disadvantage (losing both the power of two handed and versatility of one handed).
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A counter to Sora and Xion is difficult to pin down. Time? Probably. Lack of heating pads. Something that takes all their attention is about the only way to get a sneak attack in, and then you have to hit hard. A counter to Kairi would be anyone who can knock her off balance. She needs a sturdier stance. .
Roxas is interesting. He takes after Sora for the one blade. Wielding two, however, nets him a totally different way of fighting. Roxas’ clavicle muscles n… deltoids and stuff must be Ironclad. Also, two handed means you are very fast and sharp all the time. He has the advantage of standard defense (horse stance), and the advantage of offense (range of one sword, but twice).
Roxas generally attacks in two ways — simultaneous hits, and follow-up hits. Either he hits with both at once, or hits hard with the first one, and adds the second one as a bonus smack. He can attack by hitting in opposite directions with the two, like a drum, but that will be a little awkward and leave him prone to being tangled. That established, the follow-up hit method means he spins a bunch. As do we all.
Roxas gets a little complicated because we are not in the real world. We have magic and turning into light and physics that let you become a circular saw. So, typically, disadvantages would include: being unable to let go of a weapon to grab something or use an item, having just a very big silhouette to attack on, having difficulty with close-range attacks because Oathkeeper and Oblivion are kinda long, and convenience. Roxas gets to dodge #1 (keyblades can be unsummoned) and #4 (keyblades can be unsummoned). Speaking of dodging, he also gets to skirt the difficulty of dodging and rolling with two swords because he turns into a beam of light. But he can’t dodge how difficult it is to use two swords effectively — he needs to concentrate on fighting, and nothing else, or he risks messing up. He has to be very, very coordinated, and undistracted. Luckily he’s pretty good at making his opponents shut up, most of the time. Blocking is another thing — theoretically his blocks could be strong, but Roxas has no real brace: crossing your blades and taking a hefty stab might smack one of them back into your face. He mostly uses reversals and dodges, because of this.
The takeaway to this is Roxas is built for speed and power, and he is very strong. He’s a mid- to far- range fighter who if you’re not careful can snap you in half if you’re too close (be SO careful of that cross blade scissor).
A perfect counter to Roxas would be a tank that can grapple, and also be very distracting. If you can take hits, be talkative, and get close enough to stop his blades, you have a chance.
This is a bizarre choice, my guy, but I get it.
Backhanded weapons are very impractical for a lot of... attacking, mainly in mid-range combat, and Ven likes to either fight very close or throw the keyblade like a boomerang (and hey, backhand gives it a good whip for throwing). His attacks aren’t meant to one hit KO, but they do come with a bit of power to them, especially on the backslash. Like holding a knife for gouging. It’s for very close defense — pretty good when Wayward Wind and Missing Ache have hooks.
Backhand also, while retaining that empty hand for potions and guarding, gives you an extreme coverage boost. By which I mean Ven’s sword hand now has a nearly 270 degree sweep of “I see you, don’t touch me”, very quickly, based on just flicking his wrist. It sacrifices a ton of strength/sturdiness, but you don’t need that if you’re dodging. You also don’t really need to block, which is slower, but relatively sturdy when Ven does it, as he blocks with mostly the chunky hilt between crossed arms. He sacrifices (again) a bit of strength for coverage — an attack would hurt his arms, not his chest, if he were hit head-on.
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His attacks often have him flip the blade around in his hand, too. Quick swaps between standard moves and backhand ones. Basically, Ventus is built for moving, protecting himself, and quick attacks that wear down the enemy, not outclass it. Likely because he’s good at fighting, but everyone he’s fought hits harder than he can! It doesn’t matter how he holds it, getting hit will hurt. So he just. Doesn’t. He’s not a buff little guy — but he is a persistent one. Ven very likely made this up on his own, in Daybreak, and it was too hard to fix his whole style, but it was enough to correct most of his form so he doesn’t hurt himself too much. He is going to have to really stretch that shoulder and wrist (maybe get a brace), though. At least his neck is ok. … not sure about his knees tho dang boy that crouch
A perfect counter to Ven would be someone big and fast, who hits hard mid-range. He’s already been sparring with Terra, though, so when in doubt, try scruffing him?
Theres not a ton to say about him — he‘s not a swordfighter. He uses his keyblade like it’s a frisbee. Because that’s what he’s used to! His neutral is behind his back on his shoulder, which is terrible for readiness, but okay for chucking the thing. It’s good it has a sort of… ripstik like… boomerang quality.
Axel’s fighting style is completely made up, like most of the self-taught wielders’. His strengths lie in some of the benefits of standard offensive style (one-handed), and some of the same coverage stuff as Ven, having a cocked wrist most of the time so no one can sneak up around him without risking getting whacked very quickly, and having an interesting range due to the pointy end being basically on a spinny swivel wherever his hand moves. He’s not going to be good at close-range and he knows it — his attacks are mostly distance. And the guy has ZERO defense, combined with zero coverage when idle, so it’s for the better.
Distance-wise, though, he rocks. Treating the blade like it’s a flaming throwing weapon means his idle is actually great for sudden flick-tossing and attention-guiding for sneakier attacks, and his stance itself (…nonexistent) serves a different purpose: bait. Basically a big "come hit me". Fun, when you have a lot of fire magic and two friends who are beasts and love to take advantage of a distracted enemy — distance on the blade, proximity on the burning.
A perfect counter to Axel would be someone pinging around very close <—> very far and circling him incessantly. Like, data Xion could wreck him, as he has to wait for the boomerang to come back -- he no longer has two spinny wheels. Also someone with water magic.
SO! In conclusion! Having a teacher who teaches you correct sword usage rather than instinct may detract from overspecific styles that benefit you most but leave weak spots, but your muscles and your oversights will thank you. Everyone is glad we have the power of the Mouse and anime on our side.
Keep in mind again that I have done cursory research, and have had minimal actual sword instruction, I am not an expert and this is all for fun anyways :]
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cafecourage · 3 years
The moment they realized they loved you. (Isekai Au Edition) Part 3
If you want more information on this AU here is the Link!
- It confusing and full of yearning.
- The Fae Folk are very affectionate in nature. Physical touches and platonic kisses are just normal. Hyrule growing up briefly with them had adopted this habit.
- You are like that as well so you’re the one to take care of Hyrule when he wanted affection. Since other then Legend, it’s awkward to ask the others.
- He finds however while he still asks/gives you affection. He gets more flustered and embarrassed when you initiated contact.
Admittedly Hyrule never had a clear understanding of Hylian social norms. Some things were easy to pick up when he was just traveling by himself. However, there was a lot that conflicted with Fae social norms. While yes, the Fae were more mischievous and could be borderline malicious, they are very affectionate creatures. Which was the one of many things Hyrule picked up when he was being raised by the Great Fairy.
Before you join the chain, he had to hold himself back from being overly affectionate with the group. Yes, when he had chances, he would give a quick side hug or ruffling of the hair for the younger Link’s. But nothing on the level of cuddles or small peaks on the cheek and forehead. You though! You were the one to lay the affection on everyone thick. Most if not every Hero has melted from all the complements and physical affection.
Hyrule was living his best life now with you! Cuddles are a must for the two of you. Especially when one another has been having a rough day. You’ve also gotten the others involved with this newly formed ritual. He just over all feeling comfortable and loved.
Which then leads to Hyrule’s issue. Slowly he began to feel embarrassed with every peak after he heals you. Then his heart begins to race when he is cuddled up resting his head against your chest. Even holding your hands became hard for him to stand! It felt so warm but also made him fearful. He was scared of losing you. Losing this warmth. This comfort. He wanted to keep it but scared that this feeling was to good for him.
“-and that’s what happen so far.” He was visiting the Great Fairy Cotera of Wild’s Era. He had visited her each time they visited Kakariko. Cotera gently hummed messing with his hair. “What should I do?” He looks up to the giantess worriedly. His small sisters surround him ether sitting on top of him or by his side.
Their mother hummed as she thought about his problem. “My dear sweet child.” She started after a long pause “this human… do you feel different compared to your other friends? Or with your siblings in the forest?”
Hyrule thought about it after a while shook his head. “No… I did used to feel embarrassed with the others but it was different. This is more… warm?”
“Warm?” She urges him gently to continue. “Do you hate it?”
“No…” he sounded like a child, fidgeting in his seat “I hate how anxious it makes me now.” You meant a lot to him. Hyrule knew you meant a lot to everyone too, but that normal! You’ve helped them all in some sort of way! Yet he was deep in that unidentifiable emotion towards you. He adores you. All of you. Even during your more impulsive actions he didn’t mind having to heal you. Of course, he would truly rather not heal anyone with his magic. Yet… with you giving his payment in kisses on the cheek or forehead… he can’t stay mad at you.
“Chin up little one.” Cotera lifted up his head “your feelings are valid and has a simple explanation.” Hyrule pouted slightly making her giggle a bit tapping lightly on his nose. “You my dear seem to love your sweet human.”
It was like a lanterned was just lit in a dark cave he was wandering in. Finally revealing a path out. Everything thing slowly explaining itself. “Oh…” was all he could say as he was comprehending it. His sisters were giggling at their brother’s expense causing him to blush. It all made to much sense.
“Roolie! Are you nearby?” He and the Great Fairy both perk up when they heard your voice. He stared up at the Great Fairy expectingly.
“Well?” Cotera nudged him off of the petals of her fountain. “What are you waiting for little one?”
- Well, that was embarrassing and he knows once he starts perusing you. The more his siblings of the forest will start to tease him. Not only that but the chain also catches on pretty quickly.
- He becomes a blushing and stuttering mess around you, not pulling away from your touch but leaning more into him.
- It will be a miracle if he confesses but he will! And he will do it in a more intimate manner though, with or without help.
- It took long to accept but filled with soft cotton fluff.
- Isn’t canon in the manga that the colors (minus Vio) straight up try to impress a girl they just met?
- Now I’m not saying he is like that now a days, but old habits die hard right. He probably doesn’t even recognize that he still does it.
- Honest to God the resident brain cell is the only one that new point blank what was happening. Having a “not again” moment.
It’s been a while since Four was back in his forage. He missed every second of it. The smithing process was the one hobby each color had in common. As Link they found it relaxing, something to get their mind off of things.
That morning was no different. Traveling on the road was stressful even for a seasoned adventurer. Traveling alone was boring which was the upside according to Red. It relieved them of responsibility Green was used to taking upon himself to carry. Blue was at least a lot calmer with having to be on alert all the time. Vio had pointed out this was mainly because of You.
The chaos came back full force. The same argument has been happening recently, it was about his feelings towards you. Now they all liked you as a friend. Four knew that for a fact. He was only six when he felt your presence and this situation, he was in was as if an imaginary friend became real! At least that’s what Red felt.
No matter if they were unified or separated, Four could trust you to help him out of even the messiest situations. So, what if some of those situations were caused by him trying to impress you? That doesn’t mean anything!
Just because Blue became a stuttering mess when you surprised Four with a flower crown just meant he was taken aback at your kindness! He isn’t good at showing his emotions. Yeah, so what about Green becoming a soft mess when you first showered him in praise and affection. Wouldn’t any person do that from someone that been through hell and back with them? It doesn’t count that Red craves your affection! He is like that with everybody and just because it makes him feel different it doesn’t count. Someone saves Vio from this.
Four was conflicted which is why he was working so early in the morning. They wouldn’t shut up about their own feelings. It was a chaotic mess inside his head as soon as he woke up. A weight on his back clued him back into reality “Good morning!” You while looking down at him smiling still holding on lazily. “How is the most beautiful person here doing?”
Ah. There goes most of composure out the window. Vio was the last one standing with Green and Blue almost hanging on. You loved to tease him and he was never able to get you back. “Don’t know how are you?” Four was really struggling to keep unified and calm. He was shaking because of the other three’s nerves. You stared at him wide eyed.
“Jeez look at you!” You give him a squeeze before finally let go of him “you’ve grown! If only you were that smooth towards Erune.” You teased.
The blush he was so desperately trying to beat down started to flare up this time out embarrassment. “Can we not talk about that?” Four could only cringe when he thought back at that bit in his adventure. Him and Erune have been close friends since then, but the colors were really trying to play the hero in front of the poor girl back then. Their antics truly were really not impressing anyone.
Green was really happy he grew out of it. Seriously it‘s not like Blue really cared about it anyway he was just a kid! Red was just happy that he got a long-term friend out of it! The audacity the others had was killing Vio. They are still just as bad and it seems like no one was listening to reason.
An explosion of emotions and thoughts collided in Four’s skull. Three denying their logical side’s claim all while getting thrown every instant in their faces by the odd one out. “Whatcha making anyway?” You were observing the short knife blade curiosity not seeing the other’s internal debate. Vio felt like he had to spell it out to each of them. Pulling up memories of their actions towards the outlander. Four struggled to focus on what you were saying but it was too loud!
“Woah there.” You turn him away from his project letting it sit safely on a cooler section of the work top. “Breath Link.” You where kneeling down in-front of him holding his hand. He focused on your warmth. The way you rubbed small circles on the back of his hand. On your voice that instructed him to breathe. In for four, hold for seven, let out for eight. Repeat. Slowly the divide melded back together. Soon the voices faded out. “There we go.” You whispered “good job Link.” Four stared back at you still tired from everything but nonetheless happy that your here with him.
Man, he loved you so much.
- It was definitely an I told you so moment.
- Four as a whole though is still struggling to come to terms with it, even though he had already admitted his feelings.
- Another case of: drown him in affection until he realized. Not because of him not believing you! It’s just you have four people in a trench coat here! If one is conflicted then four as a whole will feel that subtly.
Bonus (just Headcanons):
Wind (finding out that a Link has a crush on you)
- The little gremlin is going to have a field day! He was thinking about messing around but the other hero is doing his work for him!
- The only one saved from this Black Mail harvest is you. He does have a few things but you mostly let him off the hook when he gets in trouble anyway sooooo…
- Not the best wing man but he honestly isn’t trying. He is just enjoying the journey.
- He might be tempted to help if he was asked but there isn’t much he could do. You are his right hand after all! Why would he let your secrets go so easily?
- Imagine Wind just vibes with you when the other Link is trying their best and you literally ask if the other hero was ok since they are acting weird around you. It would take Wind a minute to get an answer because all he is thinking is: ‘are you dense?’
- Or on the flip side. If you know about their feelings. He would definitely be on board of helping you out. Again, you’re his right hand! Of course, he’ll help you! (Favoritism)
- Wind: “Don't worry. He likes your butt and fancy hair. I know. I read their diary.” (Y/n): “He thinks it's fancy?”
(Part 1) and (Part 2)
My First Request is now done :D! That was fun. Thank you Pinky and Star for the request <3
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pandaponderart · 3 years
Underrated Anime Part 1:
Hello my fellow Weebs, I’m back for some more Anime blogging, this time to talk about so not so well known ones. Some that have got forgotten with time, some that new Anime fans have maybe never heard of and the ones that I feel deserve more love and recognition. I’ve been watching Anime for about 13 years so I’ve seen a lot so this will be in at least 3 parts, so hopefully you like this and look forward to more. Til then enjoy, hope you can find some new anime you’ve never heard of thanks for reading and look forward to part 2!.
1. Azumanga Daioh(2002)
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Starting off with an older Anime, and one of the best and earlier comedy, slice of life Anime that paved the way for a lot of other Anime in the same genre like Nichijou and Daily Lives of High School Boys. Off the wall and highly unrealistic, this comedy is completely over the top in the best way possible. it’s old but gold and should be crowned as one of the best comedy Anime to exist.
With the most lovable cast, you have Chiyo the 5th grader who is so crazy smart she gets placed in a high school class, then there’s Osaka, who’a real name is Ayumu Kasuga who’s named that because she‘s from Osaka. Osaka isn’t the smartest and neither is her other classmate Tomo Takino who will do anything to avoid studying. Then to balance out the cast is Koyomi Mizuhara aka Yomi, the smart one who keeps everyone in line and Kagura the sporty one. Then of course can’t forget to mention the teachers Yukari Sensei who is anything but the normal responsible teacher and to balance her out Minamo Sensei the responsible one. There’s no real plot with Azumanga Daioh but there’s not meant to be it’s just an over the top comedy slice of life, with moments that will make you laugh from your gut. It’s all about the characters and the ridiculous situations their put in and each one is a lovable idiot that really drives the show. Give this one a shot if you want a show that will put a big smile on your face the whole way through.
2. Eden of The East (2009)
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Another older Anime, not everything on this list will be older Anime but there’s so many good ones like this!. Eden of The East is an action, mystery with elements of romance with one of the most unique stories I’ve seen in Anime. It’s a short watch being only eleven episodes with two movies following after which I recommend watching because they continue the story. I’m really surprised not more people know or talk about this show but it need to be talked about more!.
With one of the funniest and most bizarre starts to an Anime, our lead charcter Saki is on a trip to Washington D.C, when she gets in trouble for throwing a coin in the White House’s fountain she’s saved by a naked man who claims to be a terrorist. Not only is this mysterious man naked and claims to be a terrorist, he also has amnesia and is carrying a phone with 8.2 million dollars. Saki befriends this strange man and throughout the story they try to uncover more of his past, his involvment in an incident called careless monday and a dangerous death game with other players. They must also spend all of the money as instucted by the mysterious voice in the phone Juiz as well as try to save the world.
3. R.O.D The TV( 2003)
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Ok I know I said this list wouldn’t only be older Anime but I guess the older Anime just has my heart and this one has a special place in mine. One of my all time favorites and one of the earliest Anime I saw and it still holds up to me til this day. It is hands down probably the most underrated show on this entire list and if you only watch one of these Anime please make it this one. The story is completely original, the characters are complex and endearing, there’s action, heartwarming moments, comedy and mystery, I wish there was more Anime like it, it deserves to be a classic.
It‘s a one of a kind show about the paper sisters Michelle, the oldest bubbly bookworm, Maggie the seemingly intimidating quiet giant. Then you have the youngest sister Anita who unlike her sisters hates books, she’s a bit rough around the edges but loves her sisters. Although they aren’t actually sisters they have a detective agency to help find lost books to help pay for rent while also doing odd jobs like being body guards. Their first assignment is to protect the author, Nenene Sumiragawa who is being threatened to be killed at her book signing. The paper sisters aren’t called that just because of their love of books, they can turn paper into weapons and whatever else they please, but each having their speciality. Nenene finds out they‘re paper sisters just like her friend who ‘s missing, Yomiko Readman and asks them for help finding her. They try to help Nenene find her friend, while solving other cases and saving the world with the power of paper.
4. Baccano(2007)
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Probably the most well known but also I think one of the most under appreciated Anime, from Durarara’s creator, Baccano. I feel like most newer Anime fans won’t know this one and although it’s a beloved series by many, I still feel it’s underrated. Also another bias opinion shocker, it’s one of my absolute favorites but that’s why it’s here. It’s once again a shorter anime with only 13 episodes but it somehow manages to combine all of the storylines cohesively, it’s a wild ride full of mystery, murder, and magic that will keep you on board the entire time trying to piece everything together. Also warning it jumps around a lot so make sure to pay attention everything pieces together!.
Based in the 1930’s in the prohibition era you have several stories involving different characters going on but they‘re all connected to one thing the transcontinental train, the flying pussyfoot. Yes that’s actually the name of the train, why, still no idea but all these characters from different walks of life end up here somehow. Now to introduce some of these crazy characters, first off the goofy thieves in love Isaac and Miria, who aren’t the brightest but can steal just about anything. Lad Russo the sadistic hit man who loves to see people die, including fantasizing about killing his fiancé one day. Then you have the ones involved in gangs, all In different ones, but nonetheless involved in some sort of crime. First there’s Firo, the youngest of the Martello family and one of the immortals in the show, then there’s Jacuzzi Splot and his partner Nice, Jacuzzi is a big wimp and crybaby but will protect his loved ones with all he’s got and Nice is a bomb expert and his childhood food. Those are some of the main characters it’s such a large cast it’s hard to name and explain them all. This one is a must watch especially if you liked Durarara, jump on the hype train of this wild show.
5. Black Cat (2005)
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Now quick disclaimer before I begin talking about this one, I haven’t watched this in years so it may not hold up as well as I’m remembering but when I watched it I really enjoyed it so that’s why it’s here. This was one of the earlier Anime I watched I’m pretty sure my friend showed me it but it caught my interest from the beginning. It’s not the most groundbreaking show to exist and I’ve heard that the manga is apparently better but that’s for almost every show. It’s got cool action, funny moments and a great cast of characters, plus not gonna lie I had a crush on train when I was younger. its just a fun show and definitely worth giving a watch!
Train Heartnett is an infamous cold blooded assassin who works for the organization Chronos, and because of his lack of empathy for killing he’s named Black Cat. But after a chance encounter with a bou hunter named Saya Minatsuki, they become friends and Train decided he wants to leave Chronos to pursue an honest living as a bounty Hunter. However chronos and particular his fellow member Creed Diskenth are not pleased with this and try to get Train to rejoin Chronos. Along the way Train teams up with fellow bounty hunter on the brink of broke Sven, the bio mech weapon and little girl Eve and master thief and seductress Rinslet Walker. Together they try to escape from Chronos and get enough money for their next .
6. Arakawa Under The Bridge(2010)
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Where do I begin with this one first off, this is one of the weirdest Anime I’ve ever seen but just like Azumanga Daioh that’s what make it so good. Beautifully animated by Studio Shaft with some of the most colorful and visually appealing animation I’ve seen, it’s pure eye candy. it’s equally as strange as it is hilarious and it’s just a fun time that’s not meant to be taken seriously. So if you want a good laugh and something thats truly one of a kind in story and characters give this crazy show a shot.
The show begins with one of our main characters Kou Ichinomiya getting stuck by his underwear on a bridge by some kids, he falls into the river and is saved by a mysterious girl. Kou is the son of a wealthy businessman and his life motto is to not be indebted to anyone, so when he’s saved by this girl he asks what he can do. He finds out that her name is Nino and what she wants is to fall in love, so she asks Kou to be her boyfriend. At first Nino seems like a regular girl but she claims to be an alien from Venus and lives in a box under the bridge, not wanting to be in debt Kou agrees and begins living under the bridge with Nino. However Nino isn’t the only one who lives under the bridge there are many other strange characters like hoshi, the aspiring musician who wears a star on his head, and the captain who’s a human in a kappa suit. I highly suggest watching this strange sci-fi romantic comedy for something different and fun to watch.
7. 91 Days (2016)
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The newest Anime on this list so far, see I told you it wouldn’t be only old ones!, this is also the darkest Anime on this list so far. This has been highly overlooked since it’s release in 2016, it reminds me of baccano and in parts like death note. If you like mafia movies or just a dark gritty story with some light hearted moments, it s short show but nothing is rushed and it’s solid from front to back and keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Just like Baccano, 91 Days takes place in the prohibition era in a town called Lawless where crime is rampant and illegal alcohol sales are thriving. In this town our protagonist Aviicio‘s family is killed by one of the mafia families, The Vanetti Family. He receives a mysterious anonymous letter telling him to return to lawless to infiltrate The Vanetti Family. He tries to befriend the families son Nero, to find an opportunity for revenge, the story keep you constantly guessing if they’ve truly become friends or if he’ll kill him. Please watch this wonderful mafia crime drama of friend vs foe.
8. Yamada Kun and The Seven Witches (2015)
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This is one of the ones that I still really want to read the manga for because I just couldn’t get enough of it! i’m still hoping for a sequel one day! The premise of body swapping has been done many times in Anime and cinema as a whole but this one adds a unique enough of a twist to keep it fresh and interesting. I looked forward to watching this weekly each week meeting a learning about each new witch and learning what power they had.
Ryuu Yamada is a high school delinquent who wants a fresh start at a new school, despite the intention to start with a clean slate he soon falls into old habits of laziness and getting into fights. One day he trips on the stairs which leads to an accidental kiss with fellow student Urarara Shiraishi which causes them to switch bodies. Another student Toranosuke Miyamura learns that they can switch bodies and recruits them to his Supernatural Studies club. There they learn about the other seven witches that all have different powers
9. Arslan Senki (2015-2016)
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The second to last of the list comes from the creator of my all time favorite Anime Fullmetal Alchemist, while it’s a very different series and not quite as good as FMA it’s still deserves a spot on this list and deserves your time. It’s hard not to compare it to FMA but it really is it’s own thing, and it actually came out before Fullmetal, it’s a historical drama about war and strategy and a character growing into his potential. Just as Hiromu Arakawa is known for there’s still some comedic moments and some great character development and a well done story, Plus if you like this there’s two seasons so there more to enjoy.
Ok I promise from this point forward I won‘t say anything more about Fullmetal Alchemist this is about Arslan Senki, here’s the story. In the year 320 the Kingdom of Pars is at war with the neighboring kingdom Lusitania. Pars is ruled by the ruthless king Andrangoras III who has a son who’s the complete opposite of him Arslan. Although he doesn’t know how to fight Arslan tries to prove his worth by joining the battle, but things take a turn for the worst when one of the kings officials betrays him. The once prosperous Kingdom of Pars is seized, and since Arslan is the kings son he must flee to avoid capture. So he sets off with his loyal bodyguard Daryun to find allies to help take back the kingdom. Knowing that Arslan is still alive he is still faced with pursuers from other kingdoms and the head of the Lusitania army, a mysterious man with a silver mask who knows a secret that could jeopardize Arslan‘s succession to the throne. Arslan is a gentle, kind person that doesn’t enjoy fighting, he must learn to fight and protect himself and gain the courage to lead an army to regain his home.
10. Shingeki No Bahamut: Genesis (Rage of Bahamut) (2014)
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Leaving one of the best for last, not to be confused with the popular series with a similar name Shingeki no Kyojin(Attack on Titan) this show is just as good. One of the first shows from one of my favorite Anime studios, Studio Mappa. I had low expectations when I heard this was a card game adaptation from a new anime studio but I decided to check it out despite that and it was the best decision. This has all the elements of a great anime, the beautiful animation, the unique characters and the compelling story and all the cool action scenes are just a plus. There is a second season too but I’ll leave that for another time, ok time to stop gushing about this wonderful show, time for the story!.
Years and years ago the ancient powerful dragon Bahamut reeked havoc on Mistarcia, a land where gods and demons lived harmoniously with humans. The gods and demons manage to seal away Bahamut with the god key and agree to split it to keep him sealed. Now that the the peace has been restored we meet the main characters and one of my favorites the orange Afro haired bounty hunters Favaro Leone. Favaro is constantly on the run from his adversary and fellow bounty hunter Kaiser Lidfard who‘s main purpose in life is to get revenge on him. One day both of their lives are thrown into chaos when they meet the mysterious girl Amira who holds half of the god key sealing Bahamut and wants help reaching the land of Helheim. I also can’t forget to mention my other favorite character and the fourth member of this unlikely crew Rita the zombie necromancer little girl she is just the definition of cool. Then there’s the characters that want to steal the god key the demon Azazel and the knight Jean D’Arc who are constantly in the characters way but you’ll find out more about them in the show. These unlikely heroes must face the threat of the battle of gods and demons, the pursuers of the god key and incoming threat of Bahamut awakening.
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slashnatic · 4 years
NSFW ALPHABET [Brahms Heelshire]
@modimabundle asked for this a while back, so here you go :) i’m not entirely happy with it but i don’t think this will get any better for now, so yeah...
warning: non-con is mentioned
A = Aftercare (what they‘re like after sex)
Brahms’ aftercare is a little odd. He likes to take care of you after you’re done (as long as you haven’t been too naughty) but in his very own way. He isn’t actually a dirty person, he prefers things to be clean and tidy, but the circumstances under which he lives always make it hard to actually stay clean. He got used to this and being not-so-clean became a habit. Due to his questionable hygiene he isn’t one to clean you up afterwards. In fact he prefers you to stay covered by or filled up with his cum.
He wants to cuddle afterwards all the time. It’s partly out of pure sweetness and partly out of possessiveness. Either way it’s a must, but a pleasurable one. He likes to massage you too, most of the time it’s more an excuse for a second round rather than selflessness though.
B = Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner‘s)
Brahms’ favourite body part of himself are his hands. They are useful for many things, such as playing the piano (semi-good) to impress you, to kill someone protect you, to make you make all those pretty sounds, you name it. Brahms fingers are very long and he can do unimaginable things with them. He loves to see you cumming all over them. One day he gets the idea to make you lick your own juices off of them and from that day on it becomes a rule.
His favourite body part of yours are your lips. He loves your body entirely, sure, but your lips are his favourite part. Most people like kisses, mostly when they’re in a relationship with someone, but Brahms takes it to another level. There are so many different ways to kiss, it’s incredible. Your lips can flash him the most innocent smile; your lips look so sinfully beautiful around his cock. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum basically) 
There isn’t a way to cum which Brahms doesn’t like. As mentioned before he’s a dirty boy, mostly when it comes to sex. He likes to cum all over you. His favourite place to cum is your face. To him it’s a way of marking you as his and besides, your face looks so pretty glistening with his seed all over you. 
Of course he likes cumming in your mouth a lot as well. It feels great and it looks great. When he cums in your mouth he wants to be in a position where he can watch you. 
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Where to begin? Is there anything which could be considered a dirty secret which Brahms doesn’t have? Are they even secrets?
Brahms has done it all: Watching you undress, watching you shower, watching you masturbate, looking at every single piece of your underwear, smelling your underwear, jerking off on your underwear, jerking off to you doing whatever, while he watches behind the walls. He. Did. It. All.
It‘s not a secret that Brahms is a stalker, but he took it a step further with you. Many nights he sneaked into your room and watched you sleeping and once he analyzed your sleeping habits enough he climbed into your bed with you for a short time. He humped you in your sleep as well, a long time before you got together. He still does it.
The one thing he is actually ashamed of is the one thing which is rather innocent compared to the others, and it’s the one thing he tries to hide the most. He took one of his old stuffed animals, the one which represented your body best, and drew a picture of you (as best as he could) and sticked said picture to the head. He cuddled with it most nights. The reason he’s so ashamed of this is how it clearly displays his loneliness and how much he actually craves affection. Of course, he did jerk off on that stuffed animal too, but that’s secondary.
E = Experience (how experienced they are)
He surely has had a lot of experience with his own hands and whatever could be used to imitate you and/or your body, but other than that he didn’t have any experience. He’s a virgin.
This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know anything about sex. He’s not so literared when it comes to kinks and fetishes, how to properly perform them, everything that comes with it, but his imagination has the extent of the imagination of a child and throughout his masturbation journey he came up with a lot of things he finds arousing. 
Having never actually touched a partner’s body before makes his lack of experience evident when it comes to precision work, but he’s got a lot of excitement and ambition to make up for this.
F = Favourite Position (their favourite position, could possibly include a visual)
When it comes to sex Brahms has two completely contrary sides, which usually mix up. One side of him is classy. He has been raised in a high-class household, his parents were elegant people. He carries a certain pride with him, which has its effect on his behavior during sex. The other side of him is dirty, downright filthy, and animalistic. 
The classy side of Brahms enjoys classical missionary sex. The animalistic side of Brahms wants to fuck you senseless from behind. While Brahms has that certain pride, the beast in him takes over most of the time. Therefore he usually ends up on top of you, you on your knees, face pressed into the pillow, while he fucks you hard and fast.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Brahms is never goofy, but he isn’t entirely serious either. He behaves way more grown under the sheets than usual, but he can get very excited and playful.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Brahms does not shave. This is partly caused by the habits he picked up over the time and partly by his missing desire to do so. He never actually had ‘the talk’ with his parents or learned anything which could even remotely be associated with sex from them. Since no one ever introduced him to private parts-shaving he doesn’t consider it as necessary, in fact he doesn’t consider it at all.
If you want him to shave he will do it, but only under the right circumstances. You just have to know how to talk to him to get through to him. If you do, he will obey your wish or just let you shave him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? romantic aspect, etc.)
As mentioned before, he behaves much more serious than outside of the bedroom. He is concentraced, but he is also loving. Brahms isn’t the vulnerable type in the bedroom, he truly has sex for satisfaction, but this includes emotional satisfaction. He wouldn’t have sex with you if you weren’t special to him, he’s just not the best at showing it. Nevertheless, he is always at least a little bit romantic.
Sex with Brahms is very often possessive sex. His behavior mirrors his intentions almost completely.
Jack/Jill Off (masturbation headcanon)
Brahms often jacks off multiple times a day. Even an exposed shoulder could get him going.
In all seriousness, Brahms is an extremely horny man and it doesn’t take much to make him horny once he’s laid eyes on you. And of course he masturbates when he’s horny. He doesn’t cover it, he doesn’t ignore it. He simply takes care of it.
Once you are in a relationship he will masturbate a lot less. Instead he will just take you right there. He doesn’t care that you’re busy, he doesn’t care that that delivery guy is still on his way out, still in the house, he doesn’t care that it’s only a bare shoulder he saw and that a shoulder is barely a reason to be horny. He wants you and he takes you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Where to begin? First of all, Brahms doesn’t know what of his turn-ons is a kink and what isn’t. There are things that turn him on and he has fantasies, that’s what he knows and he doesn’t care about anything else.
Brahms is a voyeur. He loves watching you do about anything and enjoys it more and more the less clothes are involved. He enjoys it the most when it’s non-consensual. He doesn’t know or care why, but watching you pleasure yourself without you knowing he sees you does things to him. 
Voyeurism is his biggest kink, but he is actually also a bit of an exhibitionist, although very conflicted when it comes to the topic. He does consider sex a private thing, he is possessive and he also doesn’t like sharing you under any circumstances. The latter are both the reasons why he doesn’t like and why he does like exhibitionism. Fucking you while someone is potentially watching, willingly or not, showing off what he can do to you and what you let him do to you makes him go wild.
While those are some of the things he enjoys there could actually be made a list about kinks he has or would like to try.
L = Location (favourite places to have sex)
This is something where the two sides of Brahms get mixed up again. Sex is a private thing to him, partly because it’s classy to say so, partly because he doesn’t like sharing. Then again he likes to let the world know that you’re his. Therefore it depends on his mood if he prefers the privateness of your bedroom or if he fucks you in the kitchen or hallway right in front of a window, for everyone passing to see.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Absolutely everything.
Your shirt slipped down a bit and he can see your shoulder? Boner. You are wearing a skirt shorter than usual? Nut. You bend over in front of him? Get a rag and a bucket because the house is about to be flooded.
Brahms finds almost everything arousing which can remotely be interpreted as sexual. From accidental things to well planned scenarios, he loves it all.
N = NO (something they wouldn‘t do, turn-offs)
It’s an incredible turn-off for Brahms if you turn him down. He is used to and likes getting what he wants, not getting what he wants makes him whiny and petulant. A little teasing is just fine, but don’t overdo it. 
Once again, he is the possessive type. Hearing you swoon over someone else, no matter if it’s a guy you walked past while grocery shopping, your favourite musician or that one character from your favourite movie, he doesn’t like it and it makes him angry.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Brahms likes both giving and receiving. Of course he enjoys the feeling of your pretty mouth wrapped around his cock, the view is even better, but he also likes going down on you. He likes teasing you and making you beg, the feeling of being desired and needed, you putty in his hands.
Brahms going down on you is always messy, not because he is extremely bad at what he’s doing, but simply because he likes it that way. The messier the better.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
As with most things, there are two sides of Brahms. He can be very sweet, very vanilla, if he wants to. He‘ll go slow and be careful, kissing and touching you tenderly. And then there is the other side that just mercilessly pounds into you, fast and hard.
If there isn‘t any reason for him to be rough he‘ll start slow. Most of the time he gets carried away though and at some point he loses all self-control and just destroys you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Quickies with Brahms aren‘t an unusual thing, since he is horny almost all the time.
He does like to take his time as well though. It mostly happens in the middle of the night when he is calm and relaxed. He feels safe and likes to take his time. Throughout the day he feels more rushed, but at night he likes to take hours to please you.
 R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Brahms is very experimental as long as he has at least a little control over the situation. If he tells you what to do or if he tells you what to do to him, it doesn’t matter. He brings up a lot of new things himelf, most of the time not even asking if it’s okay since he’s had that fantasy for so long that it’s absolutely normal to him, no matter how kinky it actually is.
Sex with Brahms can be dangerous. He doesn’t actually want to hurt you, but there are some things he enjoys which will most likely end up hurting you. You can talk about it with him if it’s too much though, you just have to know how.
S = Stamina (how many rounds they can go for, how long they last...)
Brahms’ stamina isn’t endless, but he can still go a couple of rounds. He doesn’t have any actual experience, but he jerks off so often that he can last quite long. He needs a break sometimes, but he won’t notice if you don’t tell him. He is very eager and his eagerness outweighs both his body’s powerlessness after some time and acknowledging the fact that his stamina is not endless.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Brahms doesn’t own actual toys, but he’s creative and definitely tried making himself toys out of whatever he could get. They are rather for visual experience than feeling, like drawing you or taking pictures of you, stealing underwear and putting it on whatever he can get to represent your body. He will ditch them after you‘ve been intimate for the first time though, if not earlier.
He doesn‘t want you to own any toys at all. He‘s got his dick, he‘s got those hands, he‘s got his tongue. What more do you want, Y/N? If you own toys he will steal them and throw them away or destroy them. You got him and that‘s enough. If you get mad he will also throw a tantrum; his overreaction caused by his jealousy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to play with you, but he‘d never label it as teasing. He touches you whenever he can, the more private the spot he touches the better. He doesn‘t do it to tease you though, he does it for his own entertainment and satisfaction. He enjoys doing it and gets off on it himself, but it will most likely have a similar effect on you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
He isn‘t exactly loud, but he does make a lot of sounds. During foreplay he talks a lot, always trying to convince you to skip this and get straight to the point. When you finally give in he doesn‘t hold anything back. Not that he did before, but it‘s way more noticeable then. He grunts and whimpers a lot and there‘s lots of heavy breathing.
W = Wild Card (a random headcanon/imagine for the character of your choice)
The dim moonlight shone through the curtains into your room, illuminating your skin. You looked like an angel with your body only partly covered by the sheets, exposing your heavenly body. It wasn‘t a new sight to Brahms, he had seen you like this many nights before, but this night was different. He was certain he had watched you often enough to know how to not wake you up, his desire for you had become unbearable, and so he decided he would join you for tonight. He wouldn‘t take it too far, he only wanted to be close to you. Just for tonight. His steps were light on the old floor and he barely made a sound, the bed creaked just a little when he climbed into it. He was cautious, the only thing on his mind not to make a sound. That was until he turned around and saw your body so close to his. He could hear your breathing clearly, he could even feel it. This was too much. The longing for you was stronger than his will and he reached out to you, his fingers softly dancing over your arm, massaging your shoulder and then softly stroking your cheek. It was even better than he imagined. With his eyes on your face, sleeping and unaware of his presence, he kept stroking the soft skin of your cheek with his one hand, while the other slowly moved lower and lower until it slipped under the waistband of his pants. He knew he needed you, he knew he never wanted to spend another night in any other way and yet he kept lying to himself. Just for tonight.
X = X-Ray (let‘s see what‘s going on under those clothes)
He‘s way above average in length, but pretty standard in girth. His dick is similar to his body build, in a weird way. It doesn‘t hurt when he enters you, but his thrusts can get a little painful if he‘s extremely excited, since there is quite a lot he thrusts with.
Y = Yearning (how high their sex drive is)
Brahms is always horny. Always.
Besides his routine he wants to jump you at any given opportunity. He will get used to you and to the fact that he can have sex with you everyday (most likely, i mean who wouldn‘t want that?) and once he adapts to that he‘ll give you a bit more space and peace.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes a while for Brahms to be actually done. He always wants more and doesn‘t care how worn out he actually is. His body might be finished, but he is still horny. It will take him hours to calm down.
If he realizes you‘re calling it quits for today or if he‘s actually so worn out that he can‘t ignore it, he‘s asleep in less than five minutes. He‘ll just wrap you up in his arms, not caring if you need to go to the bathroom, and falls asleep like that. (He also has an iron grip. You‘re going nowhere once he‘s drifted off.)
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sum tired writing for y’all
suga would be lying if he said he wasn’t tired. he hadn’t slept properly since exam season rolled around.
the amount of extra studying he was forcing into his schedule, combined with practice and trying to control the first and second years, seemed to have simply sucked his will to work.
“seemed to” was the wrong terminology. it definitely had. he’d been staring at the same page of this stupid math book for an hour. he’d reread the first line about twenty times, and so far hadn’t managed to get half way down said page without realising, his brain had been elsewhere, and having to start from the top again.
so yeah, he was pretty tired. suga was pretty damn worn out.
honestly, if he hadn’t seen that it was daichi’s name glowing out from his phone screen, he wouldn’t have picked it up. but, it was daichi, and suga was more than aware that if he didn’t pick up, daichi would be hammering down his door within the hour.
he took a split second to compose his voice. if he sounded as dead as he felt he’d be yelled at for not sleeping enough.
“hi daichi!” the chirpy tone to his voice didn’t sound forced in his mind.
“hey suga,” daichi said, in such a way that suga knew daichi knew he was sleep deprived.
suga’s eyes moved toward the alarm clock that was glowing beside his bed, the bright green numbers burned his eyes.
23:45, which was an entire hour later than he’d thought.
“what are you even doing up at this hour daichi?” suga asked, leaning forward on the table, carefully propping his head up on one hand, the other hand holding the phone to his ear.
daichi laughed, rather stupidly, before responding. “you know, i actually rung you to ask that same question.”
suga’s tired brain wasn’t quite sure it fully understood what daichi had said. “how did you even know i’m awake? what, do you have cameras in my room?”
“what, no-”
“oh my god! you’ve been stalking me! daichi how could you?”
“no! it’s nothing like that!” even through the phone, daichi sounded flustered. “and keep it down, you’ll wake your parents up.”
suga rolled his eyes. “yeah yeah, but, seriously, how did you know i was still up?”
“went on a stress jog.”
“at quarter to midnight?”
“shut up, like you haven’t rung me at this hour whining about tv shows.”
suga huffed. “okay, fair, but may i ask if there was a purpose for this call, other than insulting me?”
“yeah, i’m still outside your house, i figured if neither of us are sleeping we might as well do something.”
“oh? what on earth might you be suggesting daichi?” suga purred, adding a teasingly lilt to his voice.
“get your brain out of the gutter, suga,” daichi snapped, suga only snickered in reply. “i was just thinking, i don’t know, we could go see if that twenty four hour ice cream shop is open.”
“repeat that sentence to yourself a couple times,” suga said, flicking his eyes back to the alarm clock, before letting out a light sigh. “i’ll be down in a minute, just let me get a jacket.”
he didn’t let daichi get a response in before he hung up, shoving his phone into his pocket as he stood up.
he paused to glance in a mirror. he looked like a lunatic. there were seriously heavy shadows under his eyes, and his hair looked like a bird nest. eh, he was pretty sure he was rocking the look.
despite that, he did pause to try shove his hair into place. he told himself it was because he didn’t want to walk around in public like that, even though he knew it was far from the truth.
he snatched up a pale yellow jacket off his bed, as well as an equally pale grey scarf, tugging them both on before slipping out of his room and down to the front door.
“daichi!” he hissed into the cold air, white clouds forming in the air when he spoke.
“wow you really haven’t been sleeping huh?”
suga pulled a face as he turned to look at his friend. “you aren’t any better,” he said, a hand snapping out to hit daichi in the side. daichi shifted to dodge, successfully.
that was a lie. daichi looked, well, suga’s drowsy mind couldn’t really pull the right words. handsome? pretty? somewhere in between?
he was hardly dressed to the nines, but as usual he looked drop dead gorgeous in that stupid all black jogging outfit. suga would have been jealous, had he not enjoyed looking at daichi as much as he did.
daichi rolled his eyes at the comment, letting out a vaguely unamused huff. “i’m sure,” he drawled, before grabbing suga’s hand and dragging him forward. “come on, then, i’m craving cream anmitsu.”
“i don’t understand how you like the chestnuts so much,” suga mutter in reply, his tone hardly matching the bouncing steps he was taking as he followed after daichi.
daichi rolled his eyes rather dramatically. “says the one who always steals them.”
suga huffed, and his free hand swung out to smack daichi’s ribs, this time daichi failed to dodge, and let out a grunt as suga made solid contact.
“i’m not apologising,” daichi snickered. “hitting me is not going to help.”
“blah whatever. i stand by the fact that chestnuts are gross.”
“yet you eat more of them than i do.”
a puff of white air was all daichi got in response.
the bantering continued most the way to the store, though at some point their positions had shifted, suga’s arms ended up wrapped around daichi’s waist, and daichi’s arm was slung over the silver haired boy’s shoulders.
the girl sitting behind the counter gave them a grin as the bell rung. suga thought it looked a little more genuine than most customer service smiles, and he wondered if they were the first customers she’d had.
“hey boys!” suga decided they were definitely her first customers. her tone was too chirpy.
“it’s a bit late for ice cream is it not? you’re the first not-drunk customers i’ve had since i took up night shifts,” she continued.
the poor kid can’t have spoken to anyone for awhile, because the minute daichi responded, and gave their orders, she was off. didn’t shut up. not that suga minded all that much, she was friendly, mainly groaning about trying to keep up with sleep while she worked night shifts and spent six hours at school. then about how she didn’t have much choice because she had to get money somehow.
suga, who was very much used to his teammates ramblings, ended up droning her out while he sat at a tiny table, daichi seemed torn between doing the same or entertaining her, suga was pretty sure she was just using them as an excuse to talk. he honestly doubted she’d care much if they didn’t listen.
quite honestly, suga was rather distracted watching daichi’s expressions. the way his lips twisted into a smile every time he tried to not laugh at the employee’s struggles, the roll of his eyes as he got caught up in her stories. she seemed to notice suga’s eyes, a quiet quirk of her eyebrow snitched on her for watching him just a little too closely.
“anyway, i just haven’t spoken to anyone outside of classes in, like, two weeks.”
suga snickered as he heard daichi’s terrible attempt at stifling a sigh of relief.
“so thanks for not telling me to shut up! enjoy your ice cream boys! and uh, might i recommend getting home soon? it‘s a friday,” she paused to look at a clock, “a saturday morning. there’s gonna be drunk idiots running around and believe me, they aren’t fun to deal with, particularly when, well,” she flicked a hand towards the pair. something in the movement made suga wonder if she played volleyball.
daichi turned to say something to her, but she’d already disappeared out back. suga took advantage of his distraction and snatched a chestnut out of his bowl.
“you know, she has a point about drunk idiots,” suga mused, glancing out to the dark streets.
“think we’ll run into coach ukai and takeda?”
“hah! they’ll both be in ukai’s house getting wild by now!”
daichi made a face of disgust and threw a scarf at suga’s face. suga simply laughed.
by the time they’d finished their ice cream, and opted to just try and sprint full pace back to daichi’s (which was closest, suga sent a text through to his parents, as he had already decided he was not going to try reach home in the dark), the subject had somehow switched to what school ice cream girl had gone to.
“she had a shiratorizawa look.”
“isn’t it a boarding school? she wouldn’t be able to work a night shift if that was the case. she looks like an oikawa fangirl, seijoh.”
“she was pretty cheery, johzenji?”
“nah she looks like she’d hate the colour yellow.”
“how?” daichi tilted his head, squinting his eyes.
“the shadows under her eyes were too purple for her to be the kind of person who would willingly be near that uniform,” suga shrugged. “seijoh.”
daichi, seemingly unable to argue that, hugged and nodded. “okay you win. for now, we can probably just ask her next time.”
“next time?” suga smirked at daichi. “my my, is Mr. Responsible Team Captain really suggesting he’s going to take me on a second irresponsible midnight date?”
as he spoke, he tilted his head down, staring up at daichi with a jokingly flirtatious face, hoping it would smother the pure joy his heart felt, or at least stop it from shining through on his face.
daichi made a strangled noise, his hands moving to hide his face. suga could see the red colour burning the tips of his ears, even with the miserable lack of lighting.
“don’t say it like that,” he mumbled, sounding less like an intimidating captain and more like an embarrassingly lovestruck teen, which had suga giggling.
“you really are easily flustered daichi,” suga murmured, leaning gently into the other’s shoulder. “it’s cute, really.”
the rest of the night lapsed into a peaceful sort of quiet, the sort that one could only ever really feel with someone they were entirely open and comfortable with. the rare kind that regularly reassured suga that he and daichi would be beside each other forever.
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aurora-nuova · 4 years
Rude Love
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: Naruto  
Universe: Modern AU
Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara (main)
Senju Hashirama/Uzumaki Mito (side)
Characters: Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, Senju Hashirama, Senju Itama, Uzumaki Mito
@madatobiweek Week 4: There was only one bed OR Not realizing they are already dating
Summer sun, cool waves, a beautiful beach. Nothing could go wrong on this long awaited, blessed holiday to the sea, right? W r o n g!
Madara should’ve just pushed his best friend off of that cliff they had been playing on as kids when he had the chance.
Read on AO3
Chapter 01: Something new
Madara startled awake with a curse on his lips when a cheering Hashirama‘s elbow hit the pillow his head had been resting upon but momentarily got distracted by a female speaker announcement.
“—and gentleman, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position and your seatbelt is securely fastened—”
Ah, apparently it was time for their airplane to land. And surely, looking out of the window confirmed it as no clouds were greeting him. Instead, the ground was rapidly closing in on them. 
Turning his head away from the window, he threw Mito—who was sitting on Hashirama‘s right— a tired but bemused look that she promptly returned when her husband started making quiet hooting noises at the bumpy arrival at their destination.
What a child, he thought fondly as he acknowledged a warm feeling making its way through his body. Though such mushy thoughts were only allowed in the privacy of his mind and were never to be discussed out loud or lest he got made fun of by Izuna or his other siblings.
Looking at his best friend, he sometimes wished he had half as much, well, or maybe only a third of his positivity. At least on his good days.
Though, on second thought, it sounded rather exhausting.
Maybe his slightly more realistic approach to life wasn‘t so bad after all, he mused as said best friend turned around to him with a beaming smile, not even having noticed that he had been the cause of his interrupted sleep in his glee. Returning a sleepy smile, he realized that Hashirama probably was positive enough for both of them. Or rather both of their close families, if he were to be honest.
It still amused him to this day that no sane person would expect this child of a man to be a renowned paediatrician but sometimes people were apparently wrong. Very wrong.
Because jokes aside, fortunately, Hashirama indeed could be serious when his patients and their parents trusted him with the children’s life. And doing so, he tended to them with unmatched enthusiasm and passion.
So all was good, he guessed.
Stretching his stiff muscles through a yawn, he noticed familiar tresses of long, dark hair sticking out from between the gap in the seats in front of him. Zeroing in on it with a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips, he nimbly stuck his hand through the gap to pull one of the bigger chunks of hair, only to immediately receive a satisfyingly high pitched yelp.
“OUCH! You ass!” Izuna screeched turning his head back around to him and hastily reclaimed all of his hair with a scowl, making Madara huff in amusement.
“Oh please, stop being such a drama quee-” the older of the two started retorting when suddenly his younger brother turned around in his seat somewhat—seatbelt still fastened, making the endeavour pretty awkward looking as he smushed his face between the backrests to make a grab for Madara’s own hair.
“No!” he groused out, leaning away from the squiggly hand. “Stop!”
“Payback‘s a bitch, Nii-san!” the younger Uchiha snarked back, voice muffled by the seat and continued to make grabs for his hair that Madara defended by slapping his grabby hands away.
“Children, please,” Mito‘s exasperated voice suddenly broke through their argument, making both of them stop—Madara crossing his arms while Izuna turned back around and untangled himself from the space between the two seats, arm almost getting stuck in the process.
“I‘m not a child, he is!” Izuna grumbled out as he was facing the right way again, missing the red head‘s amused but quiet laugh.
Wondering why the biggest child of them all hadn‘t joined them in their squabbling and actually kept quiet for once, the Uchiha looked back at Hashirama, noticing that he too had an arm moving, but in the right gap between the seats in front of himself. The Uchiha made a confused sound and nudged the taller man who then looked at him with a questioning smile.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to wake up Tobi and Itama, I saw them asleep when I left for the bathroom a few minutes ago,” the brunette answered with a sunny smile as the Uchiha hummed in acknowledgement as people around them started to get their luggage from the overhead stowage spaces to leave the plane.
Finally exiting the airport‘s sliding doors with their heavy luggage to walk into a metaphorical wall of humidity as the sun tried to roast them alive only made Madara close his eyes in misery. The heat was so much worse than he had anticipated.
To be completely honest, he hadn‘t even wanted to come here in the first place, would have instead preferred a milder, more enjoyable weather for his long-awaited vacation but unfortunately, he had lost in the poll their two families had held to determine what this trip‘s destination would be as everyone except Itama and him had voted for this dreaded hot climate as their travel destination.
Surprisingly even Tobirama—currently dressed in long pants with a long-sleeved sweatshirt‘s hood and a pair of sunglasses covering his face—had wanted to come here.
Whatever, he would make the best of this holiday.
As it was, unfortunately, not all of their siblings had been able to come with them due to scheduling difficulties. However, they had already agreed on another trip in winter when hopefully their schedules would align a bit more smoothly with much more desirable weather, at least for him.
He already looked forward to it.
Something he could live without though, was the planning and scheduling part as arranging things for the six of them had been a logistical nightmare already. What with Itama having to hand his last thesis in the day before while Izuna and Tobirama respectively had to write their exams a few hours before their flight took off.
He himself probably wouldn’t even have been able to take time off on such short notice if his position at work as detective hadn‘t been so high and he himself and his good reputation hadn’t been so well regarded amongst their ranks and—no, he was joking. In reality he still had a few open favours with his boss and promptly used one of them to be able to be here with his family and friends when Hashirama had texted him the booking confirmation.
His boss obviously hadn‘t been too happy. But after Madara had helped out countless of times, sacrificing his free time again and again when needed, raked in so many extra hours, that he had accumulated a lot of those favours. And just to be on the safe side, had tied all loose ends at work in preparation which thankfully had swayed the man to agree in the end.
The Uchiha briefly wondered how Obito and his fellow colleagues were doing before Izuna chatting him up caught his attention.
Next thing he knew, they were leaving their rented cars parked outside an Italian restaurant and taking their seats around a big but crammed table as Hashirama had rejected the friendly personnel’s offer to push two tables together because apparently he wanted to cuddle in this inhumane heat or who knew why tree brain hadn‘t wanted the second table because Madara for sure didn‘t.
Smushed between Izuna and Hashirama, he could already feel the sweat run down his back as he pushed his sunglasses atop his head, tangling up a few strands of hair that he couldn’t care less about at the moment in the process.
“Get anything you want, it‘s on me to celebrate the end of the semester for our three youngest and of course, the start of our amazing holidays together!“ his best friend exclaimed when everyone had received their beverages and toasted all of them, resulting in clinking of glass and various intonations of gratitude amongst them.
After Madara downed his glass in one go and lowered it back on the table with a loud clink, he rummaged through his pockets to find a godforsaken hair tie. His hair was already uncomfortably sticking to the back of his neck. Frowning, he gave up when he came up empty.
Hashirama probably didn‘t have one on hand, as he only tied it for work and Mito used hair pins, which left him with only Izuna who was typing away on one of his social media accounts. Leaning over, he saw a snapshot out of the airplane window.
“Pretty picture.”
Izuna immediately shot him a dubious look.
“Okay. What do you want?” his younger brother asked with an expectant look on his face.
“Can‘t I compliment you without wanting anything?” he asked bemused.
“Oh please,” the other huffed out.
“Alright, whatever. Do you have a hair tie?”
Izuna took a terribly amused look at his horribly mussed up hair. The stupid humidity wasn‘t doing the older Uchiha any favours, making his usually wild hair poof up and stick out in an even crazier mess than usual. He was well aware but the brat didn‘t even try to stifle his derisive snort.
“Yes, but know that this will cost you a third of your dessert,” the little shit haughtily replied as he took a tie out of a bag between them.
“A fifth and you have yourself a deal,” Madara huffed, holding his hand out.
“A fourth and you have to order something I actually like,” Izuna countered, holding out the desired hair tie just out of reach.
“Deal,” he heaved out with a heavy sigh, accepting the cargo and tying up his hair into a messy ponytail, immediate relief flooding him, as the slightly less warm air of the ceiling fan caressed the back of his neck. Much better.
Madara shot his greedy brother and his mostly immaculate hair an annoyed look, when the other happily turned back to continue typing away on his smartphone.
He would need to steal whatever the little shit had used to wrestle his own mane into submission out of his luggage and use it on his hair tomorrow when the other inevitably would still be snoozing away the morning, since he liked to sleep in.
They had the same hair structure, after all, but he wasn‘t willing to pay the unreasonably high price his sibling surely would come up with as soon as he asked him about the product he must‘ve been using to tame their family brand of crazy hair.
Under no circumstances would he walk around like some caveman after today, though.
Right now everyone was still tired and mussed up from their flight, even elegant Mito, so his crazier than usual hair wouldn‘t be noticed too badly.
But starting tomorrow, that excuse wouldn‘t fly anymore, as everyone would attempt to look presentable for the undoubtedly many pictures Hashirama and Izuna would take in the span of their holidays. And seriously, latter didn‘t need even more blackmailing material, as he already had more than enough of that stowed away already.
But more importantly, tomorrow Tobirama wouldn‘t be so exhausted anymore that his head would look like it was ready to loll onto the table.
Seriously, the poor guy looked ready to fall off the chair any minute if it weren‘t for Itama on his left, holding him up in an embrace while happily chatting with him and Izuna squished in on his right, forcing him into a somewhat upright position.
The younger Senju seemed way too tired to even notice much today, belatedly reacting to any verbal or physical stimuli as far as he had seen.
In fact, the exhausted albino probably couldn’t wait until they finished their food and finally drove to the hotel so he could catch up on all of that lost sleep tonight. However, that also meant that the albino‘s sharp eyes would be scrutinizing and analyzing everyone and everything starting with tomorrow, so he needed to look presentable if not a bit nicer than usual at least.
Feeling eyes bore into the side of his head, he inwardly startled at being caught staring, as his eyes slid back over to Izuna who was wiggling his eyebrows and pursing his lips at him in an imitation of a kiss.
“Shut up!” he quietly hissed and shoved at him, hoping no one had noticed the idiot.
“But I‘m not saying anything!” the brat cackled, as he bumped into an unresponsive Tobirama next to him, subsequently rattling Itama who shot them a quick bemused but confused look.
“Just stop it, you ass,” he grumbled out, refraining from hitting his younger brother upside the head to avoid any additional spotlight from the chatting couple by his side to keep the cause of the start of the situation under wraps.
There was no need for Izuna to spout lies about him ogling the light haired man like he had a crush on him or something similarly stupid. Definitely lies. Shut up.
He avoided looking in the albino‘s direction for the rest of their duration at the restaurant, even when Izuna stole more than a fourth of his dessert.
But apparently things were still going too smoothly and the universe wanted to punish him for whatever sins he had accumulated over his life at once because right before they entered their hotel to check in, Hashirama abruptly planted his feet on the searing hot concrete under a palm tree and waved them over.
Oh god, what would this be about?
Judging by the massive grin on his face, it couldn‘t be anything good.
When everyone was situated around him, Hashirama clapped his hands.
“Alright, since we always, well, almost! Since we almost always do the same room distributions, I came up with an idea this time,” he revealed giddily.
“Wait, what?” Madara exclaimed confused as the taller man started rummaging in his pant pocket.
“We‘re drawing straws!“ the idiot exclaimed joyously as he held out a fist of sticks, receiving mixed reactions from everyone around him.
“Please tell me you‘re not serious?“ the oldest Uchiha replied with a sinking feeling.
“Why not?“
“Mito, your wife, is the only female in this group?“ he tried reasoning to no avail.
“Oh yes, that‘s why we‘re sharing a room!“ the stupid tree answered him cheerfully.
And it was that moment that Madara actually took a look at the sticks in his hand and noticed that there were only four of them. Opening his mouth, Hashirama immediately interrupted him.
“Because we booked on such short notice, they only had one room with two single beds, the other two are double beds. Mito and I will take one of those but there‘s still the question of who will get the other two rooms each,“ the older Senju explained with a smile.
“Still, it doesn‘t make any sense why we should draw lots in the first place. I don’t care in what kind of bed I sleep in with Izuna,“ Madara said scowling as he crossed his arms.
“But Itama and Izuna want to try something new and right now you’re the only one not agreeing,” the brunette said pouting.
“You didn’t even give me a heads up— Wait, what? Since when does snowflake agree to your stupid ideas?” he asked, throwing the two Senju brothers in question a confused look. One of them half asleep and not even listening, the other one pouting down at him.
After all, out of the siblings Tobirama was the only one stopping Hashirama’s mischief on a daily basis when things looked like they would get out of hand while the two younger ones loved to indulge in their eldest brother’s silly antics.
“Anija asked him on our way to the airport,” Itama helpfully supplied, the corners of his mouth twitching.
“Do you really think that‘s fair? Snowflake has been closer to a walking zombie than a human being!“ he groused out, scowl intensifying.
Tobirama very belatedly pursed his lips in a pout and softly furrowed his brows but didn‘t react any further, making the older Uchiha feel all sorts of fuzzy and mushy things. God no. Trying to not show any emotion besides annoyance on his face was getting harder by the second.
“No offence, but that’s a very underhanded tactic for you, Hashirama. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days,” the older Uchiha accused to hammer in his point.
“But that’s the only way he agreed for once,” the older man admitted with a chuckle.
He zeroed in on Izuna when he too chuckled.
“And since when do you like trying out new things?” Madara accused his sibling.
“Excuse you! I try new things all the time and you would know that if you followed my social media accounts like you said you would!” the younger Uchiha answered scandalized with furrowed brows.
The older Uchiha groaned. Not this again.
“Is it too much to want some fun on this vacation?” Hashirama asked with one of his better renditions of a puppy look directed at him while Tobirama slinked off to sit down next to Mito on a bench not far from them.
Huffing, he shuffled his feet, looking around and tried to think of a way out of this.
Izuna would be his best bet of course. But if he had to share a room with Itama, things would probably get awkward pretty fast as they never had spent time on their own until now. However, Tobirama would be an even worse pick. Not because he had anything against the younger man but because of other things that he didn’t want to think about at the moment.
No, he wouldn’t play Hashirama’s stupid games this time. Why should he? Especially when his idiotic friend easily had taken himself out of the equation. Unfair. He was here to relax and enjoy himself.
Having decided against his best friend’s plea, he looked back to said friend only to freeze at the triumphant look on his face.
Oh no.
“Have you forgotten? You owe me!” the idiot exclaimed with a wry grin.
Now it was his turn to furrow his eyebrows in incomprehension.
“You lost that bet at our last poker evening weeks ago,” the tan man replied giddily.
Madara’s eyes widened. He was right but he wouldn’t, would he?
“Are you seriously going to waste it on something like that? Hashirama, you wouldn’t, right?” he asked, rubbing his forehead to soothe his growing headache with a grimace.
He knew he was doomed, when three grinning faces met his.
“I absolutely would and I am henceforth officially claiming the favour you owe me!” the childish tree trunk of a man exclaimed laughing in glee, hands on his hips.
Suppressing another groan, Madara felt more sweat trickle down his back. Honestly, he could’ve done worse, he guessed. Hashirama could’ve used the favour to send him off to do much more horrible or embarrassing things. This was absolutely not ideal but whatever. What were the odds of him having to share a room with Tobirama, after all? Two to one against it, not bad at all. And he surely could make it work with Itama, too.
Being already fed up with the situation and the sun searing what felt like holes into his back, he decided that he didn’t care anymore as long as they could go inside soon. Preferably right this instant.
“Fine,” he conceded defeated, receiving surprised looks at his unusually short lived refusal and hooting from Hashirama.
“Alright, youngest first! There’s two short and two long ones,” the excited man exclaimed, holding out his hand with the sticks to Itama after he had shuffled them behind his back. “Don’t reveal them until everyone has a stick!”
When it finally was Madara’s turn, he didn’t have much choice but to accept the remaining stick as the oldest of the four.
“Reveal your sticks on the count of three! One, two, three!” Hashirama exclaimed excited.
Madara blanched when all of them unfurled their fists to showcase each of their picks. Had he seriously ended up with one of the short sticks? Wait, if the other two had the two long ones, that meant that Tobirama and he—
Hashirama clapped him on the shoulder with a huff of laughter.
“Looks like you and Tobi share a room!”
“Okay, now I need those back and the winner team picks one of two to decide who the winner of the room with the two single beds is,” the older Senju exclaimed.
When Itama picked the longer stick, Madara despaired internally.
How could his luck be this bad? Had he seriously just lost two times in a row? Also wasn’t the looser supposed to get to pick first and—
Oh no.
His eyes widened and he paled even more when suddenly the realization hit him that he had to share a double bed with his cru- Tobirama for the upcoming two weeks here.
He was doomed.
Suddenly he didn’t even feel warm anymore.
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melodianaartist · 4 years
So She-Ra finale huh?
I literally raced up three flights of stairs when we saw Hordak finding that crystal. (Also thanks writers, I completely forgot that „What have you done to me?!“ In context of a super grump staring to have feelings is a trope I would take a bullet for)
We got a goodish Catra redemption and A KISS. The whole season I was thinking „Damn, this is barely even subtext“ and then they just- just WENT THERE. HALLELUJAH NO QUEERBAITING HERE
The first horde clone they talked to was pretty creepy.
Also Bow and Glimmer huh? Well I always thought Perfuma understood him more but it makes sense.
I really liked the focus on Entrapta (the other princesses trying to understand her was nice) and Catra’s Pet was awesome
That last moment with shadow weaver made me cry. I..still don‘t like her or think that this death somehow redeems her, but it was just so powerful. Seeing her smile honestly...damn.
Hordak recognizing Adora was pretty cute. It‘s kind of really sad that he didn‘t get his design back.
Scorpia has PIPES.
The Seamista moments were beautiful. I adore this idiot, I am so glad I was wrong about him dying.
Also on the topic of „predicting deaths“, I am so happy we got some focus on Spinerella and Nestossa and that I was wrong. In fact, I feel like the chipping was such a good choice narratively. I had little sympathy for the victims, as we knew early on they could recover but it was terrifying. I was constantly looking for people‘s necks.
Also „Little sister“ . I never thought that these words would scare me as much as they do, but here we are. Prime‘s insistence on calling people „brother“ or „sister“ is especially terrifying for me, because I am very easy to manipulate. My first instinct is always to think of Petnames as good and that’s just an extra knife in the back everytime Prime uses it.
I additionally really like the ideas behind the designs. Mostly She-ra and Catra. For Catra, I think the implication that Prime cut her hair is a really powerful one. Catra’s Hair always emphasized her wildness. It made her seem more intimidating, at least to me. He just took all that. It also reminds me of the play „Andorra“, where this happens to the female lead in the end and it solidifies that she has gone insane or become at least mentally unstable, due to the gruesome events she had to witness. (there also might be a religious reference in there??). As for Shera, I love the overall more ethereal look, representing that She-ra belonged to Etheria and was part of the magic. But mostly I love the ponytail and inclusion of the hair-poof. It finally feels like it’s Adora. In the old costume there was no wonder, some people didn‘t recognize her. It was nearly identical to Maaras She-ra, it really felt like a copy-paste design, which fit since that form was connected to the sword and that was made by the first ones. The first ones didn‘t care about a person, they only cared about the heart of etheria.
Hordak! Hordak is Fine and with his Labpartner and he stood up to prime and we even got a sort-of right, like I had literally dreamed of.
Kyle‘s Crush on Rohelio was a nice touch. Rohelio liking Kyle was hinted at before on his locker and this was just really nice comtinuity
And lastly I could ramble on for years on how I adore Wrong-Hordak, but let’s just say I claim him as my son and will forever protect him.
Also the implications that even emoting is a privilege is dark. And the fact that it was Entrapta who taught him that is sweet. Wish they had more of a connection, tbh. Also i would kill to see how Entrapta explains to Hordak that she also befriended and turned another Clone into a rebel. (And that he is called „Wrong-Hordak“)
So what didn‘t I like?
DOUBLE TROUBLE was such a waste of potential. They set them up to come with the rebellion and then this absolute treasure of an actor just..disappeared?? They returned to posing as a Clone apparently? Didn‘t they just say that was not for them? Was This for the Rebellion? I doubt it because that would have given them some really important information. So who were they doing this for?! I am that person whining for DT appearances, but I think if they hadn‘t appeared at all, it wouldn‘t have been so jarring. Also I was praying for a scene in which they could meet Miccah and see his ability to also change into people. I think it would have been funny.
Hordaks arch felt rushed. I understand he is part of a hivemind aka. his own thoughts are 0 but idk man it would have been nice to get a bit more of him and less of „btw he is still there and slowly remembering“. And out of „how this will go on2 I feel like he is the most lacking. Yeah, the best friend squad is traveling the galaxies, the woods are regrowing but what will happen to him? Is he regaining his individuality? Traveling the stars? Will he reunite with Imp? (Who was with Kyle and co. For some reason??) For someone who fought back in the end, it’s kinda lackluster.
I didn‘t like the ending as a whole. What would happen to Etheria? What about the clones? I would have loved to see a glimpse of the new normality. Now it‘s just too open for me? Like Noelle really wanted to bait more content...I am not elaborating it further because the more I think about it, the more upset I will get.
This is a pet peeve but Prime always focused on Adora beeing a first one and i wish they had picked up on that and worked with that more. Adora may be a first one by blood but like that’s it? She fights for Etheria, she has her family on etheria, she rejected the plans of the first ones for etheria, so by all means she is an Etherian. Catra made a Good Point. It’s always Adora who has to fix things and in the end, that’s still how things are resolved. I like the climax, it’s fine, but I feel like acknowledging that Adora chose Etheria as her home, could have balanced it out a bit?
The lore. The lore got a bit to confusing at the end for me. If Maaras friends were a thing, why didn‘t she say anything to Adora? I understand, she didn‘t want her dying but it just seems reasonable? Maara was so worried about not setting off the weapon, you’d think she would have mentioned a failsafe. Also what is Grayskull? Are the first ones still out there? I mean Adora is a young adult, it couldn‘t have been too long since that portal opened. Unless the time flows differently at the first ones‘ place. Talking of first ones what is Prime‘s gripe with them? Are they as old as Prime? Where did he come from? He seemed to be an evil spirit at the end?? I thought he was a kind of cyborg, that could just download his conscience on whoever was online, but that wasn‘t the case? Also how were people chipped? That was never on-screen but could you just put a chip on someone‘s neck and *bam* there you go? Another petpeeve, when they were on the ship and worried about beeing tracked, didn‘t nobody thing of Wrong-Hordak? I mean, yeah he wasn‘t connected to the hive mind, but you‘d think hivemind would have some kind of tracker chip on them just in case. And the whole planet has a conscience??
They used a lot of deus x machinas, even for She-ras standards. It‘s just a small complain,tho.
Chipped!Miccahs instistance on calling Glimmer „babygirl“. Jesus.
If I were to give this finale a rating I’d say 7/10.
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jiminsfault · 5 years
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Can I put my head on your shoulder? | jjk
⇁ pairing: best friend!Jungkook x reader
⇁ genre: a tiny bit of angst (?), fluff
⇁ word count: 3k
⇁ summary: Jungkook has been your best friend and crush since kindergarden. So when he gets dumped, you‘re his shoulder to cry on.
⇁ warnings: lots of tears, Jungkook got his heart broken, feeling guilty, they‘re adults but they act like teenagers ugh, kissing (I know right? Ew), the author trying to be funny and failing
⇁ A/N: this is my first fanfiction here on this blog, so I really hope I didn‘t disappoint! (I also don‘t think there should be any problems with the time tenses but if there are, I‘m sorry!) Thank you for reading, enjoy :)
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You were deep down in your slumber, dreaming about the greatest things, when at about 2.30 am your phone started to ring loudly and disturb your sleep. You, thinking that it would be your set alarm in the morning to wake you up for your part time job at a café, automatically went to shut off the obnoxiously loud ringtone. But slowly you realized that in fact, it was the weekend and your phone usually wasn’t supposed to wake you up on these special two days because you allowed yourself to recollect the sleep that you had lost over the previous week. With a fuzzy look on your display you saw Jungkook’s name shining into your face, letting you know that his calling was the reason for the disturbance of precious sleep. As you picked the phone up, planning to ask for the matter of a call this late at night, your voice still drunk on sleep, he announced his presence with loud sobs, seemingly hiding his face behind his sleeves to cover them up, causing your heart to wrench.
„C-an you— can we meet up?“ he almost shyly asked you, his voice tight and shaky. You never thought you could wake up from your dreamland as quick as you just did. Your immediate instinct was to ask him if he‘s fine, if he‘s hurt.
„Kind of, yeah.“ That was all it took for you to know what was up. You told him to meet you at the playground you used to meet up almost everyday when you were younger, ever since kindergarden. It‘s not a far walk from both of your places and you knew that at this time, you‘d surely get the much needed privacy due to the absence of all the kids and their parents.
This is where you were sitting on a bench now, looking at the trees across from you, behind the sand and the slide, everything dunked in the dark of the night. Jungkook was hunched over next to you, hiding behind his arms and crying into his long sleeved plaid shirt. It‘s probably much too cold, the way he‘s dressed. After all, it was a winter night. At least you assumed this from the way he was shaking, even though it could be reasoned with his heavy crying as well.
When you arrived, he looked at you with red eyes and tear stains on his cheeks, seeming like he‘d break down again right in front of you. You simultaneously went in for a hug, tight and warm. He had stuttered a few words into your ear, along the lines of „how could she— she just..“
After that you didn’t need him to explain much more, you already figured out that it has to be the thing that you always had anticipated for most of your teenage years.
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Jungkook had been in a relationship with his highschool crush for years. When he was fifteen he bravely confessed to her after weeks of you having to repeatedly assure him that yes — she’d definitely accept his confession. After all, Jungkook was very popular, fawned over by nearly every girl in his grade. His shy demeanor and pretty face made them all melt on spot, his cute bunny smile tempting to just pinch his chubby cheeks. So of course she said yes immediately, blushing and hiding her face away from the cute boy who had turned around to where you were standing and watching on, not noticing your jealousy and throwing you a thumbs up with a big toothy grin. As his best friend all you could do was be happy for him so you regarded him with a smile and an ‚ok‘ sign.
They stuck with going on cute little dates for a long time before he had the courage to officially ask her to be his girlfriend. And that she was proudly. Well, up until just tonight. Or actually, up until she started to attend the University of her dreams overseas. After years of being highschool-sweethearts their relationship shifted after she moved away, studies keeping them both busy and time zones making it impossible to keep up with each other properly. You witnessed all this standing on the side of Jungkook, always supporting and encouraging him to initiate something romantic that will lift the spirit in their relationship up.
He had complained about this and that a few times, always very considering of her wishes and dreams like the perfect boyfriend, but soon having his fill. He‘d often wanted to visit her but as she‘d profusely and repeatedly went against it, they started fighting. She wouldn‘t want him to spend his money on her, she surely would be too busy to even spend the time with him well. He‘d gotten angry at her and she said that it wouldn‘t make much sense anymore, putting all this effort into a relationship as lost as theirs already was.
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That‘s at least what Jungkook told you in the past fifteen minutes, throughout multiple times of tearing up just at the thought, before his voice finally broke and he wasn‘t able to hold his frustration back or stop his deep sobs from erupting.
As you sat next to your childhood best friend, your mind raced. This is what the thirteen year old you was waiting for all these years, having to stand by and watch your crush falling in love with another girl. Back then, when Jungkook first told you, red cheeks and shy doe eyes, you were extremely disappointed about the news of him crushing on a girl that wasn‘t you. So naturally one would think you would be glad about these news and you probably would do Jumping Jacks right about now, if it weren‘t for the circumstances. You couldn‘t exactly say it made you happy to see Jungkook hurting like this. It has been a pathetic thought of yours, the hope that he‘d be ready to fall into your awaiting arms and in love with you as soon as he‘d get out of his relationship.
You shake your head slowly, realizing your ignorance over the last years. You yourself had become great friends with Jungkook‘s girlfriend over time, often tagging along when the two of them were going to the movies or doing study groups at the library. Just hoping for their relationship to fail behind their backs was unforgivable of you and if Jungkook would know about it, he wouldn‘t be searching for comfort in you right now.
„You know... it uhm..“ you started forming your sentence without really knowing where you wanted to get with it, putting your hand on his still hunched back in a soft, comforting gesture. „It will get better.“ you decide to say after a short pause, it being the only thing you‘re sure of right now. „You will get over her, or maybe you guys will make up again?“ planting hope for a reconciliation wasn‘t exactly what your heart wants you to say, not at all.
If you‘d allow yourself your heart's will, you‘d be risking a friendship that‘s much too important for the both of you. You wouldn‘t allow yourself to ever choose that path, choosing your feelings over his in this moment would be ignorant and unfitting, you kept reminding yourself of this.
„I‘ll be there to help with that,“ you suddenly blurted out. You weren‘t sure if your mind was playing tricks on you or if you actually planted a suggestive tone into the phrase, but when Jungkook suddenly sat at full height, pushing your hand off of him with the abrupt movement and looked very much stunned over at your figure, you realized that your mind did not trick you at all.
„Wh-what do you mean by that?“ he croaked, his voice hoarse now from all the crying and talking he did. You blushed, feeling every part of your body heat up and as you retreated your hand from behind him, layed on the bench from being kicked off, you started to fumble with your open jacket. „Uhm.. I mean that I..“ you exhale. „I‘ll play video games and binge watch the star wars series with you, of course! We always do that when one of us is hurt, right? Always have, that‘s our thing!“ your nervousness clearly showed through your hectic blabbering, he picked up on it.
„Y/N.. are you sure that‘s it?“ he eyed you suspiciously. Your words just sounded to...allusive. „You sound delusional right now, what else would I mean by that?!“ you angrily replied and huffed, putting up your arms across your chest in a childish manner. Jungkook‘s lips formed a hint of a smile at that, your behavior taking away a little of his frustration. You always helped to lighten up his mood, even in his darkest moments.
„I just..“ he started, turning more towards you. He saw that you really were upset at him, which confused him even more. You rarely got defensive like this over such a small thing.
You started to get a little shaky. Why was he pushing this so much? You never made an indication of you being into him, you were sure of that. Yes, sometimes you looked a little bit too long when you two went swimming or when you sat on his bed waiting for him, just getting out of the shower because he was running late for your movie nights. But he wouldn’t have noticed, not with always being too focused on his girlfriend. Your thoughts were running wild. What if he noticed? What if he also had a crush on you?
Hope sparks in your chest at that, until — no, you remind yourself. You need to pull yourself together! Jungkook had a girlfriend until this very evening! He would‘ve never been into you, with or without a girlfriend. You're his best friend and it will never be more than that. Snap out of it!
Once again you shake your head at your thoughts, you couldn’t believe how ridiculous you were acting.
With a curious look on his face, tears long forgotten, he watched you fight with your thoughts. He placed a hand on your knee, ripping you from your train of thought. „I‘m just worried, you know. You seem upset?“ the way his voice raised towards the end made it sound more like a question and the look in his face, not red anymore but slightly puffy now, just confirmed this. Your mouth gaped at the contact he initiated. Skinship wasn't unusual for the both of you, you often hugged or bumped against each other while playing video games. But somehow his big hand on your knee seemed so intimate and his hand looked so attractive and made you all giddy. The overexcited girl in you wanted to take it into your own smaller ones, but the mature side of you knew that this would only worsen the situation.
„This isn't about me! You're hurt and I want to help, will you let this go and just allow me to do that?“ you almost pleaded, very desperate to move on from this little slip up.
He eyed you, analyzing your face and how you‘re beet red by now, deciding to drop it for a moment. „Well, alright.. but never put yourself on second thought just for me, I shouldn’t be your priority,“ he stated with a soft tone which made you want to cry. He was being the best friend he‘s supposed to be, asking you about your well being even if he‘s the one who‘s been crying the Pacific Ocean.
You felt so bad about your crush and you didn't know if it would be better left unspoken or if he‘d deserve to know. If you‘d be in his position, you can imagine that you would want to know about your best friend crushing on you. But then again, you could call yourself biased. You would want him to fall for you, after all.
„But you are my priority, Jungkook.“ What was it about your mouth today, just letting these things slip out? A decade of treasuring and hiding them away from him and now of all times, your mind decided that it‘s time to speak yourself?
Your confession made his eyes go big again, this time his mouth gaped and formed a little 'o'. This time you realized, it wasn't necessarily bad to tell the truth about your feelings. It actually felt good, finally letting somebody, especially him, know about this. You never had trusted anyone of your friends enough to keep this secret, they all would've been way too enthusiastic to tell him about the great news they have for him.
„I hope you know how important you are to me, even though we‘re just friends..“ you mumble, now back to your shy demeanor. You looked down to hide that you‘re eyes glossed over at that. You had to remind yourself in what place you belonged, you were only here to be a friend, placing little signs for him is not what you‘re supposed to do.
„I do know that, Y/N. You are to me too! I love you–” Even though Jungkook's voice was soft and adoring, you knew that he meant all this in a platonic way and you didn’t want to listen to it. You pushed his hand off of your knee and stood up.
„Please don‘t say that. Your girlfriend just broke up with you and this doesn't help the situation!“ you almost screamed at him, cringing at yourself when you turned your back on him. You’re clearly rambling and you know that you’re overreacting. All this was making you upset and you don‘t want to keep up this conversation.
„I came here because you were sad. If you don‘t feel sad anymore, I‘ll just go home.“ you state, pouting in the dark because you didn’t want to hear about how Jungkook loves you as a friend anymore.
He whispered your name, probably considering the time and place you were at, not wanting to disturb the people living around the area. „I‘m still sad, really. Please stay?“ you could hear in his voice that he more so plays it up now, but you still turned around to face him again.
He knew how to get you to stop being grumpy very well and he always used his charm to his advantage.
„If you love me, you have to hug me! Come on, Y/N! Show me how much you like me!“ he teased and the only reason why you could tell that he‘s smiling his big toothy grin, is because of his damn white teeth that are clearly shining in the far away street lights that dimly shined it‘s way over to you.
Maybe it‘s the sleep deprivation or the stressful week you just suffered trough but your mind and body really didn’t get along well tonight. Once again you ran on auto pilot, slowly walking back the little bit you went away from Jungkook, your hands fiddling with your sleeves. You stopped in front of him, he was looking up at you and his eyes widened just like they always did on multiple occasions.
Your breath stuttered as you leaned down, slowly putting your hands around his neck and kissing his puffy cheek. You retracted, staring back with eyes just as wide. He started to stutter your name but you relished in this moment, going in for another peck on the other side this time.
„I really wanna show you how much I love you but I don‘t think I can“ you murmur, knowing he would understand you because of your close proximity. Jungkook was still struggling with his words and you giggled quietly at him. Deciding to sit down next to him, you exhaled a big breath. Your nerves were on high alert, you never would’ve imagined to be as brave as you just were.
„You don‘t have to react to this,“ you start. „I didn’t plan for this to develop in any way, I just wanted to show you how I feel.“ He stayed quiet, just listened to you explain yourself. „I think there isn’t a better opportunity than this just was,“ is what you decided to end your half ass confession. You braced yourself for the worst, expected Jungkook to scream at you or tell you that you should leave him alone. But non of it ever came.
„I always kind of knew that you liked me more than friends do.“ His voice was hushed but you still heard his humor trough. „Was kind of wondering if you‘d tell me when I‘d be single again.“ He sounded so smug, you wanted to punch him.
Your mind was too fuzzy to think of a proper response. Should you laugh? Ask him if he hates you now? But before you could act on any of your instincts, he leaned in. Jungkook touched you cheek with his lips, just the lightest illusion of a kiss.
„I‘m really tired now, Y/N“ he stated. His head turned so you felt his fluffy hair graze your cheek, just where his mouth has been before.
„Can I maybe just put my head on your shoulder for a while?“ The question itself had a sense of innocence in it, he never asked you for affection as openly as he just did. The weight of his round head pressed your shoulder a little down and you couldn’t help but to rest your head atop it hair.
„Let‘s stay like this for a while, yes? We can talk about it when my voice doesn’t crack anymore like when I was in Highschool.“ Jungkook laughed at himself and you tagged along.
„But that was always so hot though“ you overly sighed to put up an act and placed your hand where your heart was.
„Stop that!“ he almost screeched because his throat was so dry and you both couldn’t keep from laughing loudly.
Silently you smile to yourself as the two of you just sit in silence. You feared talking about it, so the comfortable silence around you soothed your still shaking hands.
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gayiconwaluigi · 4 years
Tracking the dynamic between Argo and Fitzroy from ep 5-8.
Episode 5:
Argo: So, but—but what would be the first word? Fitzroy: Butter! Argo: Butter mine!! 
Argo: What about “battle line?” Fitzroy: [gasps] Ooh. That‘s not really a phrase. Argo: Oh. I didn‘t know we were playing Wheel of Fortune. [laughs] Fantasy… Wheel…
Fitzroy: What, Slim Jims? Does anybody have Slim Jims? Argo: Maybe he wants to go to the gymnasium? He‘s hungry to work out and get ripped, maybe?
Fitzroy: Um, Ar—Argo? Can you take a— Argo: Mm-hmm? Fitzroy: Can you take a picture of the rift, and… Argo: I was just thinking that would be a good idea. I think somebody back at the ol‘ school might find that interesting.
Summary: Argo and Fitzroy are literally idiots, or Argo is only saying “Butter mine,” to make Fitzroy feel better about his bad guess. But when Argo makes a guess, Fitzroy mocks him even though Argo eventually figures it out. Argo also figures out how to get the Xorn back to his own elemental plane. This is definitely something Argo would���ve remembered for his interview with Althea--I mean, he intentionally took a picture to show the people back at school.
Episode 6:
Argo: We've still got pictures to develop off the glasses from, uh… a New Year‘s Eve party.
Fitzroy: I'd looove toooo. [sarcastically] Argo: Boy, you gotta get that cloak back.
Fitzroy: Um… anyway, I guess we should go tell the boys. Go start packing up our baby dorm and get ready to move up to the big leagues, huh?
Fitzroy: I've got… big news! Argo: What is—before you do, can I just say that I love how the three of us have like, come together? Y'know, life on the sea can be a solitary exi—no, that‘s a lie. It‘s not a solitary… in this case, to not be surrounded by so many other people, just a nice, tight-knit group of three… it‘s like we've become a… I don't know, dare I say it, a family. And I appreciate your friendship, and I appreciate you two. Fitzroy: Um… that was very— Argo: Go ahead. Go ahead, what were you gonna say, Fitz? Fitzroy: Uh… oh, I—it‘s not—y'know what? It can wait.
Argo: Yeah, I like that idea. But you're not… but we‘re our own bosses, right, Firbolg? I mean, is it—is that how this franchisin‘ works? I mean… he doesn‘t get to boss us—
Argo: Well… I… [sighs] Well, I'm—I'm not crazy about it, but… by god, if Firbolg here thinks it‘s a good idea, I don‘t—I mean, what are the options? I mean, that you guys leave, and… I… I mean… I stay? Doesn‘t that kind of break up the team? 
Argo: Y'know, I think we need to go back to that lawyer. I think we need to go see that lawyer and get something written up, like a prenup or something, because… y'know, not—just because, y'know, we have so much mutual respect for each other. But I just—y'know, I just wonder about this… and I'm willin‘ to do it! I'm willin‘ to go in there. But… are you—y'know, I'd like it on a piece of paper that says, upon graduation, you will forfeit your portion of the… franchise company to me and the Firbolg. Fitzroy: Now, hold—this is— Argo: Well, you just said it‘s just to get you through the school! Right?
Fitzroy: Uh, get that for me, will you, Argo? Argo: What? You're not the—oh, I guess you are. Fitzroy: Yeeep.  Argo: Alright… 
Summary: Argo lies about what’s on the glasses, so he knows what’s happening is suspicious. Argo also comments on how uncharismatic Fitzroy is. I think it should be noted Argo suggests he and the Firbolg go and bond, but he doesn’t seek to spend one-on-one time with Fitzroy any other time throughout the remaining episodes. Fitzroy refers to the Firbolg and Argo as “the boys,” which is endearing. Argo continues to call Fitzroy “Fitz.” Unfortunately, Argo has just said something really nice and great, but nobody responds to it. Argo is worried that Fitzroy is going to have power over them. Argo really doesn’t want to be separated from Firbolg and Fitzroy. Fitzroy pretty much says he’s gonna go off and do his own thing after graduation, which obviously hurts Argo because he immediately says, “We need a prenup...” okay, buddy. Then Argo is really not enthusiastic about Fitzroy being the villain and them being the sidekicks.
Episode 7:
Griffin: Um… [sighs] I'm wondering if we've been trying to concoct some sort of harebrained scheme to catch the… interdimensional cat, to bring it with us to the new room. Um, I know that Argo is very afraid of it still, and I think I take a great deal of delight in that. So if we can continue that arrangement, even after we move on up, um, that would be very—that would be very good for me.
Argo: Why—why don‘t we go somewhere? Why don‘t we go out, y'know, to the… are there beaches?
Fitzroy: He thinks that I don‘t see him, but I sleep with my eyes open, and so, he appears in sort of my dreamscape. And he‘s not half lobster, so I know that he‘s part of like, the actual, tangible world. And he just always seems to be creepin‘. I'm wonderin‘ if Argo has, uh, taken a lover? Firbolg: Hmm. Or… no, yours is best. Clint: [laughs] Fitzroy: I don‘t want to pry, but I just find it somewhere curious. I thought we were… y'know… friends, at this point.
Griffin: And I scribble in the back of the uh, the Notebook of Farspeech. ―What‘s… what‘s up? Where you at? Love, Fitzroy.
Clint: ―Dear Fitzroy. “How R U?”And he wrote it, “how,” and then the letter R, and the letter U. Uh, “―I am fine. Running some errands. Getting tattoo finished up down at the Hedgehog Pin. See you back at the room. Friends for life, Argo Keene.” Griffin: ―”Sounds cool. Have a cool summer. Love Fitzroy.” Yeah, I don‘t feel the need to really… press him on—like, obviously, he‘s been sneaking out at night, but I have no reason to believe that it is… anything like, below board. 
Summary: Fitzroy takes pleasure in scaring Argo. Argo wants them all to bond together. Fitzroy thinks Argo has “taken a lover” ??? He then proceeds to end both his messages to Argo with “Love, Fitzroy,” while Argo suggests they are now “Friends for Life.”
Episode 8:
Fitzroy: Uh, hey there, Argo. Uh, you've got some sort of like… y'know, supernatural thief sense, right? What‘s your gut telling you? Is this a trap? I don't know why I'm asking you this! It would be wild if it was. It‘s the front door to a place of healing. Argo: Pretty sure—yeah. Pretty sure that the imps wouldn‘t be able to put a lock on the outside. Now, if it were on the inside, maybe. But I mean, this… this seems pretty straightforward, for a change. I say we send the Firbolg up to unlock it.
Griffin: I don't know what I was doing, grabbing this bird. Like, I'm treating this like fuckin‘ Pokémon. Like, I'm not gonna catch this bird and use it later. Um, so, I'm going to… uh… I'm‘a gonna smash. I'm gonna—I think seeing Argo get so thoroughly dunked on, uh, just pushes me sort of into an instantaneous kind of rage mode. So, yeah. I go rage, and I'm‘a smash the bird that I am holding. But first, something silly‘s gonna happen.
Argo: Alright, well, I thought maybe you inherited some of these, or you got a—y'know, like it‘s a family magic or some shit. Fitzroy: It‘s all family magic. Here‘s an idea. And this is gonna sound… just super villainous. But… a controlled burn? ‗Cause I do know Fire Bolt now. We can burn this whole building down with all the imps inside it. Bada bing, bada boom. Listen, one of them just bit Argo so hard that he was nearly chopped in half. So like, I don‘t like our chances of clearing out all 20 rooms of this labyrinthine place of medicine. Argo: Except maybe that they want to use it as a hospital again someday? Fitzroy: Well, they should've thought of that before they let it get all filled up with imps and the like, shouldn‘t they have? Argo: Well, you're the boss villain. You tell us.
Argo: Y'know, he makes the Firbolg happy. Maybe we should just keep him around. Can we keep him? Fitzroy: This entourage already has an unconscionable number of pets. So, um… Clint: Well, then I stab him with my rapier.
Argo: And you did almost kill us. So…
Fitzroy: Sweet prince. You hate to see it. [choked up] We lost another one. Argo: Well, I thought you should‘a just stomped on it, but y'know, that‘s me.
Griffin: Hmm. Uhh… I—I nudge Argo, and do a little sneaky pantomime. And I point at the three birds, and I point at his sword, and I point— Travis: They are in imp form, by the way. Griffin: I point at the imps. Imps, birds, whatever. This dude stabs eyes. You got an eye? He‘ll stab it. I point at my eye, and then at them. And then his sword again.
Fitzroy: Yes, and in phenomenal form. But we've gotta work on our like… our formations!
Summary: Fitzroy trusts Argo’s rogue skills to help them out, and seeing Argo get hurt pushes him into a rage. Argo has started his investigation into Fitzroy’s past. Argo also defers to Fitzroy seeing as he is the villain although Argo absolutely knows Fitzroy is dumb as a box of rocks. Argo considers keeping the imp until Fitzroy says no. Fitzroy almost kills Firbolg and Argo with a dumb plan. Argo also questions Fitzroy’s unnecessary use of magic. Fitzroy tries to get Argo to do an attack, which the Firbolg does instead, and Fitzroy proclaims that they’re really not working together well.
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ladyaj-13 · 5 years
Six Sentence Sunday
By dint of being so late replying to @booking--it‘s tag, it’s now Sunday again! Who says procrastination never pays? :D
I feel like I keep giving you guys snippets of things that I’m a million miles from posting, which might be annoying? But why mess with a winning formula - have six sentences I literally just drafted which may or may not become a bigger fic at some point...
A shadow falls across the grass to his left; probably the police, but it stays back, and there’s always the worry that it’s a gawker who’s slipped through the net and seen something they shouldn’t - or can’t handle. He looks up.
Oh. Well, that’s… the man casting the shadow is young, and quite improbably pretty in the morning sunlight. It catches on his wild hair, turning what is probably a mid-brown to golden and red by turns. His face is half shaded, and Max finds himself twisting, away from the body, wanting a better look.
“Are you the pathologist?”
Let’s just keep this game going ad infinitum, I love it. So tagging people who have probably played before, but grab another few sentences if you feel like it! @not-easy-being-green124, @jasmiinitee, @dangerously-human, @littlecello
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Ayato Sakamaki (Story 14 + CG)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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We put Ruki-kun and Shin-kun in an abandoned house and went to the church.
Karl Heinz-sama has left us behind in 『the place where magic gathers』 as he says.
However, Subaru and Laito-kun also fainted, probably because of their memory return.
If they’ll remember when they wake up, we couldn’t afford to leave them, but there was a limit to walk with them on our backs.
So we decided to hide in a cave we happened to find on our way—
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Place: Outside — Cave
Shu: We’re back.
Yui: (Shu and Reiji-san, who were on reconnaissance, seem to have returned)
Shu: I looked around here and there, there was nothing unusual. I want to rest for a while now.
Reiji: In conclusion, this reconnaissance was pretty useless. We don’t know if anything ever happens.
Ayato: You’re also back at acting like you usually do, just like a very dull-dull man.
Shu: Can’t disagree.
Yui: I know we’re all tired. Thank you very much for your hard work. It's better to take a little break...
Reiji: You really shouldn’t worry about us. If you work this much, I won’t be able to make up anything you did.
Shu: ...
Ayato: What? Don’t tell me you suddenly care about what happened when your memories were wrong? It at least sounds like that!
Yui: (I see. He still thinks about that time when his memories were weird)
(He might be bothered by the fire which hurted Ayato-kun...)
(But it wasn‘t his fault in the first place)
Shu: Don't worry about the past, everything‘s fine. We need to worry about our current situation for now. All we need to do is continue to move, that‘s all.
Yui: Shu-san...
Shu: So, how are they doing? Did Subaru wake up yet?
Yui: No, there is no sign that he’ll wake up at all.
But, I’m pretty sure that he fainted because of his memory return...
(But, I'm worried because his breathe isn’t as good as it’s supposed to be)
Reiji: If it doesn’t happen, we can’t be helped. Maybe we could ask any nurses for nursing care once we‘re home?
Yui: Yes! Of course.
*time passes*
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Yui: (They still couldn’t wake up yet? They’ve lost their consciousness for quite a long time compared to Ayato-kun and Reiji-san.)
Ayato: Hey, how are they doing?
Yui: Oh, Ayato-kun. They’re still sleeping.
Ayato: I see.
Yui: If they won’t wake up soon, I'll be very worried about them.
Ayato: They’ll be alright.
Yui: However, if I think about it, this could be forced to prevent someone from waking up forever...
Ayato: I said it's alright. They aren’t dead, they’re just sleeping.
Those guys would never give up that easily.
Yui: I see... that’s right, thanks.
Ayato: ...
Yui: Oh, Ayato-kun? You’re actually very worried about those three, aren’t you?
Ayato-kun might be absent, but I’ll notify you as soon as they get up.
Ayato: No, I’ll stay here too. I won’t let you alone anymore. You’re as worried as I am about them.
Yui: (Are you really that worried about your brothers, Ayato-kun?)
So? Well then, let’s wait here together.
Ayato: Even so, I’m totally surprised by this situation.
Yui: ... Yes
Ayato: — I never expected my father to turn into Kanato.
Yui: Me neither. I don’t think that Karl Heinz-sama purposely came out either...
Ayato: Did he say that he’s bothered and wanted to observe it? What's so interesting, in being locked in such a place.
Yui: Hmh... I wonder what‘s the thing that has attracted his interest so far in this world?
Besides, we aren‘t experiments or anything ...
Ayato: Well, no one knows what our father's idea is. We should stop thinking about it.
Yui: Y-Yes
Reiji: Are they still sleeping?
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san. Yes, there’s no slightly difference.
Reiji: I understand, I would be troubled if it happened.— but, this isn‘t a situation which can be held by the chief.
Let's make a strategy meeting about the future, for only those members who can move from now on.
Ayato: Yes, let’s do that. We can’t just sit around here and do nothing forever.
*time passes*
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Reiji: Well, the church will be the center of this world, where magical powers gather, as our father said.
Yui: The church...
(The place where I slept. Where everything started...)
But do you really have magic gathered in that place?
I woke up in that church and I didn‘t feel anything special.
Shu: No, I guess he‘s right. That old man put such a clue on purpose.
I don‘t think it’s a place that doesn't matters at all. Surely he‘s observing even our next action, which probably grabbed his next clue.
Reiji: If we‘d break the church which is nuclear, at least this world shouldn’t hold it’s shape anymore.
Yui: The church... so you mean, we have to break the down the whole building?
If that’s so, this should be very hard.
Shu: Well, we can't break that power now, but if we can do it, we could find another clue.
Ayato: That’s true, the floor of that church was made out of glass. If so, we can easily break it.
Shu: Can we really destroy the nucleus with that degree of destruction?
Reiji: It's a subtle place, but I think it’s probably fine. As long as we release the magic power which is stored.
Shu: Hmm. In other words, if it’s possible to crack the container that has trapped the magical power...
...This world will explode, or not?
Reiji: It’s as Shu says, father will be probably trying to stop us on our way out.
Ayato: Then let me do it! I‘ll break down the church and protect everyone like that, I'm not going to look stupid anymore!
Reiji: That’s the reaction I expected . I can’t leave it to you.
Ayato: What? Why not?
Reiji: Even if you break this space, I don’t know what kind of influence will be produced.
It’s possible that the space is twisted or something which could fall on the person who breaks the church.
Therefore, those who can cope with sudden changes should take this role.
You should quit acting selfish for now. If you continue like this, you won‘t be able to protect her, will you?
Ayato: ...Tch!
Yui: (These words... are exactly the same as Ruki said once we came back from a reconnaissance)
(Because of his personal emotions, he was told at that time ...)
Ayato: ... I understand
Yui: (Huh? Uncommonly Ayato-kun didn‘t go against it, he just accepted it...)
(In addition, it‘s his expression that changed after hearing that .... he knows the situation is different from usual)
Ayato-kun... ?
Ayato: ...
Reiji: I will accept the role of the one breaking the church. I think, I can cope with something such extent on my own.
Shu please support me. If I won’t be able to cope alone, I will rely on you.
Shu: Yes.
Reiji: Ayato watch her from being taken away by anyone.
Don't do anything more than that. Got it?
Ayato: ...
Yui: (Ayato-kun...)
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The mission meeting ended with this monologue.
As a result of the discussion, the members who could move went to the church, and even if they investigated everything in details, they decided on the future policy to destroy the church if there was no other way to escape.
In the case of aiming for the church, I was taking a nap so that I could think about the emergency and save my physical strength even a little.
If we just could return to our hometown by breaking the church .... I went to sleep while praying for success.
end Monologue
Yui: (... Hm?)
(Agh, I just woke up...)
(Because I slept alone, I could see everyone from here ...)
(Wow, even Reiji-san is sleeping right now. It's really weird seeing them all sleeping together)
(Oh, Kanato-kun looks like he’s being scolded. Is he facing a scary dream? Is he okay...?)
(Ayato-kun, Ayato-kun is...)
(Ayato-kun is gone!)
How and why!? Where did he go?
Place: Outside - Cave entrance
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Yui: (Where... ! Where exactly did he go?)
(He left me alone and probably went to the church ...)
Ayato: ...
Yui: Ah! Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Agh! Don't make such a loud noise. But, why are you awake?
Yui: When I got up, I was surprised because Ayato-kun wasn‘t there.
Ayato: Then don’t surprise me all of the sudden.
1) — worry (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
2) — complain (black)
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— worry ♡
Yui: Because I was very worried, I wondered why you left me alone.
Ayato: What was that? I wasn’t leaving you, I was just going out.
Yui: That's ..., fine, I‘ll believe that.
(But if we‘re in such a situation, of course I‘d be worried if you suddenly left the cave)
Ayato: You‘re still not convinced with what I told you. I'm sorry that I left you without telling you, okay?
If so, if it‘s okay for you, why don‘t you just come with me so you‘re able to watch me?
Yui: Ah, wait! Alright!
...but, where are we going?
— complain
Yui: Don't act selfishly. I was so worried about you!
Ayato: ...Shut up. I'm getting insecured by all your screaming.
I left you so many times and I never told you about it. Why can't you trust me about that?
Yui: That’s wrong, I do trust you but in this situation...
Ayato: ...
Yui: ... but, where were you planing to go?
end Choices
Ayato: I just thought about it. Let’s go somewhere completely different.
Yui: Did something happened? You‘re acting strange once again.
Ayato: ...Nothing... special. Even now, I can’t let it easily off my mind.
Yui: (But certainly, he was already acting weird before I went to sleep, it might be related to that)
Ayato: Let's talk a little. Should we sit down here?
Yui: S-Sure.
Ayato: ...
Yui: (Ayato-kun, he’s looking up at the sky, I couldn't bring myself to say anything. Just what are you thinking?)
Ayato: I‘ve always been looked down from someone like my father. He looks at me and laughs.
Yui: Hmh... don‘t say that.
Ayato: Being in Kanato’s body meant that he was able to see everything.
Yui: ... Yes
Ayato: I was crazy about your blood and I was sucking your blood like a wild beast.
I wanted to prove my power, I even tried to fight against Shu and at the end I lost.
That’s why I was scorned and preached by Ruki—
I bet everything, that he would‘ve been laughing at me the entire time.
Yui: (Ayato-kun...)
Ayato: Earlier, Reiji told me the exact same thing as Ruki did. I'm just way too useless in this situation.
Yui: (After all, you really remembered that time)
Ayato: Two people told me the same thing. The other guys, even an old man, they all think the same.
Then I was also told by Shu. That I just want to satisfy my own desire.
I thought so much about that, which caused me not being able to sleep because I was angry.
Yui: Getting angry... against Karl Heinz-sama?
Ayato: ...That’s wrong... at myself.
Yui: ...Ngh
Ayato: He rushed and destroyed everything. I finally understood that.
As a result, even you, the most important person to me might be in danger.
Even though I should‘ve already understood, I should‘ve thought about this world, I thought—
After all, I‘m still getting frustrated, I’m trying to run away from this feeling.
Yui: (He was thinking that way the whole time. He thought about me, he was suffering so much...)
Ayato: Ahh, I finally said it. Hehe, I kinda feel better now...
Yui: — That‘s not true!
Ayato: What is it? Suddenly you‘re so loud.
Yui: Because if Ayato-kun didn't move, nothing would’ve happened.
I also had a strange memories, about someone killing everyone here.
Because Ayato-kun was there, we were able to get back the memories of Reiji and Shu-san.
Karl Heinz-sama also taught us about the church.
Ayato-kun's strength is so much more, how can you say you‘re being useless!
Thanks to you, we might be closer on being able to go home. That's, Thats why...
Ayato: ...You...
Yui: So don't say something like that about yourself again!
Because Ayato-kun remains unchanged to the Ayato-kun I love so deeply.
You’re the one I love no matter what you think about yourself!
Ayato: Hehe, hey, keep your voice down.
Yui: ... But I feel like I couln‘t tell Ayato-kun ....
Ayato: Listen, if you‘re heard by Reiji and Ruki now, they‘d both preache you. So stop being so loud!
Yui: ... But, it is...
Ayato: Haha, so you’re also afraid of Reiji‘s sermon?
Yui: W-Well, of course I am...
Ayato: Haha... certainly...
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Ayato: I really should thank you, Shu and you were able to understand me.
My father might‘ve appeared because of the forcibly abdication from Kanato.
Even Subaru and Laito haven’t recovered yet.
I've received such huge compliment from you, which made me happy. So you’re okay with me, right?
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Ayato's mouth: Thank you very much!
Ayato's back: Those were the best words I ever heard, you really know how to cheer me up.
Yui: Sure. Because you‘re the one I love Ayato-kun.
Ayato: I see. Maybe I didn’t understand it well. Maybe this is the result of my training.
However, when I sucked too much of your blood and even hurted you, I wanted to run away.
I had no choice because my body didn’t belong to me.
I'm afraid, but I never want to see you crying again.
Yui: Ayato-kun...
(Ayato-kun's mouth can‘t normally bear saying such things ...)
(I feel that he has grown much more than before, he became more cool in my opinion)
Ayato: I still don’t understand well, but I wonder if I‘ll soon. I don‘t want to be called stupid anymore, being looked down on.
...but, I know exactly what I can do. As long as you‘re with me, I can do anything.
Yui: Yup! We‘ll try everything, one by one together. I’ll always be by your side.
Ayato: Really? You know, you can‘t turn back what you just said —
*CG fades*
Ayato: Then prove it right away... *kisses*
Yui: *kisses*...
(Ayato-kun's lips gently overlap with mine ... I’m very happy)
(I'm thrilled ... it's like the kiss of vows)
Ayato: *breathes*
Yui: *breathes*
(Ayato-kun smiles. Just that alone, makes my heart jump higher than it should)
(...I’m way too happy...)
Reiji: ...Hm, you've really grown a lot for the time being. If that’s so —
→ Story 15
← Story 13
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novantinuum · 5 years
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Words: ~2K
Summary: In another world, he doesn’t have his mother’s sword or shield to hide behind when Bismuth lands her strike. The bubble pops.
Steven falls apart.
Chapter summary: In which everyone's panicking, and honestly Steven can't blame them.
Chapter 2: Knowing
Thankfully, they’re not alone when they warp into the temple. Pearl and Garnet are sitting at the counter, caught mid conversation, and Amethyst is flopped lazily across the couch with her arm hanging over the edge. Still shivering, Steven clings ever tighter to Bismuth’s arm, glancing with tear stained eyes between his Gem self and Garnet, the only one in his direct line of sight.
She shoots to her feet. Her mouth twists into an expression laced with more raw panic than he’s ever seen her convey in his life, and that thought alone hurts enough to shoot a physical pang through his nerves.
“Steven! Bismuth!"
“Ah, there you are,” Pearl greets amicably, and begins to turn to face the warp pad. “We were wondering where yo- oh good heavens!!"
“Dude...” Amethyst says as she shoots upright on the couch, her face turning a paler shade of purple.
He feels Bismuth’s form grow tense at their now inescapable attention, her fingers wrapping around his prone body just a little bit tighter. The pink clone generated by his gemstone glitches, the edges of his hard-light form morphing to fuzzy static that phases in and out of shape. Simultaneously, Steven winces at the uncomfortable sensation of pins and needles tingling through his limbs.
Any and all shell-shocked confusion dies at the unquestionable sight of a cracked Gem. His family rushes across the room to the warp pad in no more than a nanosecond flat, their shrill, panicked voices and Bismuth’s overlapping each other until he can barely pick out what any one of them is saying. His ears begin to ring. More arms than his disoriented senses can count dance under his back, and before long a thick blanket is wrapped around him, (is that his entire bedspread?), and he finds himself secure in Garnet’s hold, halfway across the room by the loft stairs. Safe! Admitting it leaves his stomach gnawing with nausea, because it feels so much like a blatant betrayal against the forgiving, accepting person he aspires to be, but it’s a relief to no longer be in the mercy of Bismuth’s grasp.
The Gems continue to fuss and argue about goodness knows what, their faces blurring in and out of focus as the seconds tick on. Notably, Pearl’s voice rises above all the others. She kneels next to Other Steven, wrapping her arm protectively around him. (He may be imagining it, but he swears he can feel the phantom whispers of her touch on his own shoulder.) He’s mostly gotten used to that baseline dull ache left behind in place of his gemstone by now, but whenever his counterpart’s form flickers and warps due to the crack that’s no doubt splayed across the rose quartz’s surface, that ache spikes into sensations uncomfortable enough to make his toes curl. If this is the pain he’s able to feel without his gem altogether, then what kind of agony is Other Steven in? His eyes brim with hot, sloppy tears, a sharp whimper passing his lips. The others are far too busy arguing to notice.
“—took him to the lower forge alone?? What were you thinking? It’s far too hot for him down there!”
Bismuth pales. “I’m- I honestly didn’t think about—“
“‘Kay, but literally none of this explains this freaky clone action,” Amethyst butts in, jutting her finger towards the pink Steven standing motionless in Pearl’s embrace. “Somehow he split entirely apart from his gem, so—“
“Enough!” Garnet says. One of her hands gently strokes his forehead, a stark difference from the impatience etched within the tension in her face. “This entire conversation is irrelevant, we should be—“
“Y'guys,” he croaks, but they're all so caught up in argument that he's brushed right over, which... kinda hurts. A lot.
“—how can he fuse with his gem half again if he’s completely hu—“
Pearl bristles. “It is not irrelevant, something terrible’s happened and Bismuth hasn’t explained herself!”
“Pearl, I’m trying, but you won’t—“
“I don’t care how any of it happened!” Garnet roars. Even though it’s not directed at him, he flinches at the harshness of her anger. “His gem is cracked!!”
The room falls silent.
He nuzzles his head into the crook of her arm, feeling ever safer in her embrace. "Thank you," he whispers. She responds with a gentle squeeze.
To his side, Bismuth squirms a little, nervously folding her hands together and apart over and over...
“This is all my fault,” she says brokenly. He’s almost positive there’s tears budding at the corners of her eyes.
“This isn’t about us,” Garnet says, more sensitively this time. “This is about helping Steven.” Then, in a whisper only for him: “Hold on. You’re gonna be all right, I promise.”
Steven gets the sense this comment is more for her benefit than his. He’s unsure if that should scare him or not.
(How many futures has she just watched where he di- No, he thinks. Not going there, nope nope nope.)
Amethyst hobbles up onto the warp pad then, urgently gesturing for everyone else to join her. “Well come on, no time to waste, yeah? We gotta get the two Stevens to Rose’s fountain!”
The other Gems agree readily, and follow behind. Bismuth’s steps are stiff and stilted. Meanwhile, Pearl leads his quiet pink counterpart by the hand, assisting him up the stairs of the warp amid his glitching. Out of everyone, the blank shock written clear as day across her face suggests she’s especially haunted by the existence of that hard-light version of himself. More so than everyone else. Carefully regarding her as Garnet carries him— still wrapped like a burrito— in his blanket, Steven can’t help but wonder why.
The warp activates, enveloping them in its glow. In seconds, they’re all coursing through the warp stream at record speed. One thing he knows for sure: he’s super glad he has his bedspread with him, because this strange little pocket of space hung between dimensions has a knack for being chilly, especially outside of the stream. It’d suck to start shivering again right after finally settling down.
Reassuringly, the promise of sunrise greets him in vibrant stripes of pink and orange as they promptly arrive at their location. It‘s night back in Beach City, but he’s pretty sure Mom’s fountain is somewhere in Europe. Maybe France? So, the sunrise makes sense. Large trees and shrubs block out the horizon in every direction, growing wild without constant nurturing. Still, it all looks leagues nicer (and infinitely less threatening) than the first time he came here. A spike of tingling runs up his nerves, reminding him that unfortunately, with his gem cracked, (and still no clue how he split apart from it in the first place), now’s no time to waste sightseeing. His chest tightens as he suddenly realizes he’s missing one crucial family member. One family member he— even if it’s a bit of a childish thought— really wants holding his hand right about now.
“Wait, I need Dad,” he speaks up, voice hoarse and shaky.
Garnet hugs him closer to her chest at that admission. She presses her forehead against his, whispering some reassurance he can’t quite catch.
“Amethyst, go back and fetch Greg,” Pearl says. “You can meet us at the fountain.”
She nods, for once not even arguing with her orders. “On it."
Her long white hair ripples in waves behind her as she sprints back to the warp pad. Soon enough, he spots a column of cyan light shooting up into the sky. His fingers knead the edge of the blanket he's wrapped in, desperately trying to keep his mind from entertaining all the worst possible outcomes. It's becoming harder to ignore his pink double's suffering, even though he's remained near-silent this whole time. Anyways, he really, really hopes she'll be back with his dad soon.
Steven's attention returns to the others, and he watches as Pearl’s eyes narrow slightly, her glance sliding back to Bismuth. “When all this is over, we’ll be discussing things like upholding sleep curfews, practical safety tactics, and the key differences between Gem and human anatomy.“
Her brow tightly creasing, she smooths out the front of her apron. “Yup. Received and understood.”
“We’d also appreciate more context on how all this happened in the first place,” Garnet says, gesturing between him and the Other Steven hand-in-hand with the tall, salmon haired Gem.
Without any other forewarning, Other Steven’s previously glassy expression snaps into alertness. “Breaking point,” he blurts out for the first time since the forge, tone flat. “Bismuth cracked me—“ a particularly violent glitch overwhelms the stability of his hard-light body, his words fragmenting— “htiw a gnikaerb tniop.”
The strength of Garnet’s hold on him triples, as if in her fury she’s unintentionally forgotten about how she’s carrying him in the first place. He winces, totally not thinking about how he’s watched her poof corruptions by squeezing them. Nope, nosiree, not at all.
“Uh, Garnet?”
“She did what??!” Pearl says, whirling towards the individual in question.
“Okay, okay!” Bismuth backs a few steps away, terror curling across her face at the sight of her looming anger. “So I know it sounds bad, and well, it kinda is, but I swear if you give me the chance to I’ll expla—“
The stone pathway splinters under the hard-light Steven’s feet as he yells, tipping everyone off balance. Pearl and Bismuth stumble and fall. Garnet takes a knee, and somehow avoids dropping him. Around them, a handful of frail limbs on a nearby tree crack and collapse to the ground. Bewildered and genuinely frightened by this display, Steven desperately locks eyes with the other him, watching his form endlessly warp and morph and flicker into impossible shapes. For a fragment of a second he swears his double’s irises flare hot pink.
“You TRUH mih!” Other Steven shouts at Bismuth, his fury pinning her in her spot, even in garbled phrases. “Uoy deirt ot RETTAHS—“
He disappears with a poof of smoke, retreating into the rose quartz gem. His gem. Immediately all phantom pains recede, settling back into that dull emptiness sitting in the pit of his stomach. For but a heartbeat, the gemstone remains airborne, its facets glittering in the glow of the morning sun. It’s big, larger than even seems possible, the exposed pentagonal surface only counting for a fraction of its full size. Somehow hidden within him this whole time, the sides of the pink gem flare outward and jut into a steep point. Pearl audibly gasps, slamming both hands over her mouth. Garnet and Bismuth recoil at the sight.
Then gravity asserts control, and it tumbles down, down, careening towards the hard stone like dead weight. Before it can shatter entirely on the ground, Pearl dives with the finesse of a polished gymnast, catching the gem and clutching it tight to her chest as if to obscure it from the others.
“Pearl?” Steven croaks.
Her face is white as milk, and her slight frame is shuddering. “You were never supposed to...”
“B-but this doesn’t make sense! That wasn’t- you’re not a rose quartz,” Bismuth stutters, carefully standing to her feet. His stomach sinks at the accusation, his brow furrowing with confusion. “That gemstone, it’s—“
In all the years to come, he doubts he’ll ever forget the visceral fear laced within Garnet’s whisper, fear not for him, but of him:
“—it’s Pink Diamond.”
Cracked/glitching Gem Steven's dialogue, for ease of reading:
“Breaking point. Bismuth cracked me with a breaking point.”
“NO! You HURT him! You tried to SHATTER—“
Basically, he was in such poor shape that he retreated back into his gem (in an futile attempt) to heal. He was exerting far too much energy there in his anger, poor thing.
Note, none of the CGs actually suspected Bismuth intentionally hurt Steven until that bombshell. Before that, their assumption was that she took him on a lil' midnight sightseeing trip and he got cracked/split by accident. I figure they'd have no reason to suspect any foul play before that.
And Gem Steven... he finally spoke up when he had information of relevance to add to the conversation. Garnet outright requested more context on how the two Stevens split, gesturing towards him as she did, and so he told her. The argument in the temple was more of an argument about him, and not including him, so he remained quiet. And then later, he's calling Bismuth the heck out on her attempt at squirreling away from the blame. He's... very, very protective of his other half.
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