#magnus instute
Okay so I'm obsessed with The Magnus Archives, and the Black Tapes Podcast is my current podcast. The issue? I'm running out of episodes in the Black Tapes and I need a new podcast to listen to once this is over. Does anyone have any recommendations that fit the vibe of BT and TMA????
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An urban explorer marked The Magnus Instute as "cleared" for an unknown reason. Danny was into urban exploration before he died.
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moonlightmagical · 7 months
sam: aw damn, sucks that i can't find anything more about the magnus institu-
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beesforabrain · 7 months
ok so aside from the obv fucking bombshells of ep8, what else do we know?
celia has some sort of affiliation with georgie and podcast (technically not confirmed to be wtg so we may be getting played)
celia is doing research about time travel and alternate dimensions for the mentioned podcast
something about a magnus instute gifted child program or smth?? supposedly gerry was apart of it and sam said it was the reason for contact (given he isnt bsing us), which may explain sams interest in the institute
continuing above, that wouldnt explain why sam seemingly doesnt know nything about the fire or its taboo nature
gerry lives with gertrude (99% sure its confirmed to be her, tired while writing this lol)
gwen has not been given further info about her promotion, or she is willingly keeping it from alice
gwen did not know about collins mental health leave, why?
no mention of gerrys awful dye job, a true shame tho understandable due to the format
what is recording these convos outside OIAR? is it sam or something like the tapes in tma eith web (this honestly may just be a story framing device, a way for us to get info about it as the characters do not acknowledge it all, so iffy bout this one)
celia is apparently prominent enough to show up when researched, specifically for this podcast, not just sime fb or linkdins
celia specifically is looking for like AU and time fuckery statements for the podcast which diverges from our understanding of wtg from tma (at least mine)
gwen accuses alice of leaving on talkers to annoy her (i dont think this is important but i think it makes their dynamic more fun and enemies to lovers)
mention of architecture specifically made to create a certain effect, extremely similar to smirke imo
i think this is all? if not pls comment or smthn but im doing this off memory
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Welcome to the Official Magnus Instute blog. Through this weblog, we will be answering questions, taking statements, and doing updates. You may ask questions to most of our archival staff (Jonathan Sims, Timothy Stoker, and Martin K. Blackwood), as well as Elias Bouchard.
(This blog is not associated or part of Rusty Quill UK, Johnathan Sims or Alexander J. Newall. This blog is run by 2 OSDD systems. if you have any questions for us our mains are @glaivesys and @sonarsys!)
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just-an-enby-lemon · 9 months
Job Requirements to future employees of the Magnus Archives (and tips to nail your interview):
- Be part of the LGBTQIA+ comunity.
- Be neurodivergent
- Have personal trauma (a little bit of trauma is enough but the more trauma the best)
- Have a small or even better non-existent support group outside of maybe other Institute Employes if and when Elias sees fit (he will break your friendship and you won't even notice).
- Better yet just make very clear that the chances of someone noticing your sudden disapearance is something between "almost none" and "zero", same for looking for you if they somehow notice.
- Be extremely nervous and specifically afraid of Elias during your enterview. (Yes, the Head of the Instute does all the job interviews personally, no it's not for quality test he's just hungy and really enjoys the fear of being known and truly seen that comes from job enterviews in specific).
- Deep wish for knowledge
- Opticional: Have a college diploma and some high academic credenciais. Don't worry you can straight up lie, Elias will know but he will hire you for the lols (and because your anxiety of if someone noticed and when everyone will know you're an impostor is a really fun snack).
- Have no idea how to run an archive
- Cassete Tape Expertise
- Some level of distrust that will ruin your friendships (Martin is the exception because the lie anxiety was a rly good snack and Elias subestimated him).
* Specifically for the Head rchivist position we also recomend you have previous supernatural trauma to pair with your normal trauma, be hard to kill but easy to hurt and be incrledibly easy to kidnapp.
- Have cold grey eyes (alternativally have no one that really rembers your eye color all that well).
- Jonah Magnus considers you to be actractive and healty.
- Answer the question: what the people around you would think if your personality suddently changed with "preffer it" or "they wouldn' notice" or even better some mix of both.
+ Bônus: DON'T try to enter to or act as someone from HR, the HR people are either not real or just Peter Lukas dressed as a slutty secretary after he lost a bet. He hates it. You hate it (you better do or the Fog will get you). Everyone hates it (except Elias because of fucking course Elias is fine). If you try or even if you just do something that looks a bit like HR's job you will be the one testig whatever it is they're testing in artefact storage right now.
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kasscosplays · 6 months
Genloss ranboo goes the magnus instute to give a statement about what happened with showfall but show fall is making him do it to feed the eye. And ran hopes that maybe Jon will help him but it’s like season one so Jon doesn’t believe him
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speyeralship · 3 months
tell me about your s/i now or im sending more doorkeay posts to our server
Hey now I’m just a little guy on my birthday you wouldnt send doorkeay to a little guy on his birthday would you?
I will be using this ask as an excuse to infodump tho I hope you know that, so for the sake of not having a giant wall of text I’m gonna put this under a cut
So, This is Maddox Gold (all pronouns), archival assistant at The Magnus Institute, avatar of The Spiral. (I feel a little weird using a real person face claim but this old edit I made is the only image I have of her 😭 I’m planning to commission real art at some point when I have more money)
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Ok, so I should should probably start at the beginning for things to make sense so, quick backstory before The Magnus Instute recap.
Once upon a time Maddox was a normal(-ish) guy. Xe starts collecting vintage technology as a young adult. Which leads to him eventually coming across and purchasing an old radio in an antique store. Unfortunately for cer, the radio is an artefact of the spiral. (Not revealing a ton here yet, because I plan to write a statement fic about this one day) This radio is Maddox��s first true undeniable interaction with the fears.
It spends the next several years slowly delving deeper into the world of the dead powers, and starting to become part of this eirself as a developing avatar of The Spiral.
By the time The Great Twisting comes around, Maddox is in deep enough to be there. But it goes wrong. And as Sannikov Land is swallowed back into non-existence, like so many of the other spiral avatars there, he’s torn out of reality as well.
That is until 2016, when Maddox manages to find xer way back to reality. The radio (now residing in artefact storage at the magnus institute through an unknown* chain of events) acting as an anchor of sorts to pull him back.
Unfortunately though, it turns out when you literally haven’t existed for years, and most records and memories of you have vanished because of said non-existence, it’s very hard to just go back to a normal life. Ei ends up convincing Elias to give her a job at The Magnus Institute (unknown to Maddox, the reason being that at this point ((mid-season 1)) Jon has not received a mark from The Spiral yet, and now a spiral avatar has conveniently dropped into Elias’s lap)
And that’s how Maddox came to work at the magnus institute and wow that’s a lot of text oops, I guess this post is going to be just backstory now
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nonbinaryeye · 3 years
You know how Elias sounds smugger and smugger as the show progresses? I like to imagine that he also starts to wear more ridiculous eye attire...
He goes from your boring boss in dark green three piece suit to bright green or combination of gold and black. And also extensive amount of eye jewelry from rings to earrings and ties with eyes...
The archival crew takes it as a mockery.
The rest of the Institute simply thinks he is going through a mid life crisis.
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chekhovs-marbles · 4 years
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Enjoy the kayaking, king. 🙏
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thunderfcknroad · 5 years
We can laugh and make fun of jon for being paranoid in s2 but you cannot deny how Correct he was.
Like tim and martin DID in fact have secrets that directly related to their jobs AND THE OTHER 50% OF THE PEOPLE HE WORKED WITH WERE IN FACT TRYING TO GET HIM KILLED.
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turbonicflaws · 4 years
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Let’s say, hypothetically, Gerry attempted to run away from the Magnus Instute with his spiral boyfriend being the only person to keep him company. And for the sake of hearbreak and angst, let’s say A new eye growth appeares on his skin everyday, causing him multiple hospital visits, immense pain and a connection to the institute that can’t be broken and will continue to hurt him more the longer he’s away from it.
This is the au I was talking about last night! I believe Hatch and I agreed the name of this funny ol au would be called “Eyes Like Flowers”, or jsut “ELFTMA” for short! If we make any more art (which we probably will) or write about this au it’ll be under that tag. So enjoy!
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anissapierce · 5 years
Hey what are some story podcasts you would recommend?
OK so I'm including only the ones that I rmbr well enough to rec.... most of these are indie or if they're part of a network its not gonna b ....a big one. Pm me for more info/my thoughts abt ne of these. Also so sorry for ne1 in the tags seeing this :
Magnus Archive (though ngl i have no idea who ne of the characters n its been to long to ask, I like the stories told though)/SCP Archives/LeVar Burton Reads (shhh i kno Stitcher may as well b a big podcast network but this is so good )/ Monsters out of the Closet/Nightlight/uncanny county/NoSleep (lol most everyone knows this one but I think its good n when its amazing its amazing ....)
Long running stories
Caravan/The Far Meridian/The Van/Station to Station and all other Procyon Podcasts /The Family Tree/Blood Crow Stories (s2 is so good....s3 as well...kinda anthology so far as each season is different) l/The Family Tree/ The Once and Future Nerd (soooooooooo good ? The writing rlly kicka up mid s1 n its such a good deconstruction of fantasy tropes)/Archive 81 (the sound design is a dream n a half horror wise)/Greater boston/station blue (look ... I'm a sucker for a creator who deals w psychosis ....making media tht deals w tht)/Point Mystic/Unwell/The Bright Sessions (again v hyped up but IMO its worth it), The After Disaster Podcast (the show I couldn't help but think of my whole time listening to E@rth Break ... Its v dear to my heart )/palimpsest/ mabel/lake clarity (s2 rlly hit me hard ? If u liked until dawn .....this might b 4 u)/eos 10/the dark tome/congeria/alba Salix/Aftershocks (the podcast set in an instution tht i was talking bout)/a Scottish podcast/freed/the penumbra podcast/the white vault/steal the stars/the vault
Also I like the stuff that Radiotopia/Gimlet/Night Vale Presents/MaxFun usually puts out ....
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thegeminisage · 6 years
i dont normally make these posts but i need to process here's my review of the finale:
the good:
not that i like bad things happening to magnus but i love that he gets this depth??? he had a bad childhood! he wasn't raised by monks! i mean you could definitely make an argument for him being an abuse survivor there and i think that's rad. his voice even broke once during the ep, idr when, but i loved that, i loved it
i also really REALLY like asmodeus. he’s charming, amiable, and can turn terrifying on a dime. he’s eccentric enough to make me believe he’s magnus’s dad and i fully yelled when he flashed the cat eyes. you get a lot of sense about who he is just from a very short time spent with him and his actor really delivered his lines well. he’s very..................charismatic. (i’d like to take this opportunity to tell cathy to shut up in advance) anyway it’s Good
magnus BEAT. LORENZO’S. ASS. i was so sure he’d stop at one attack once he realized how bad he fucked up but he got pissed and he went all in and i couldn’t be more proud. normally i think he’s a little Too perfect - that the writers never allow him to make dumbass mistakes. so this was a great refresher.
magnus being mortal also presents some veeeery interesting plot possibilities but it depends on how much of a bitch alec is about it. his trope is a trope i love, and i don’t have any real worry that it’ll stick, but i also think giving up something big like that For Alec (for jace, but it was for alec, yk) is also a dumbass mistake when i don’t think alec is always the best and most supportive boyfriend he can be back to magnus. it’s hard to remember they’ve only known each other for like two months
speaking of alec, i liked him more in this episode than i have in half a season. their goodbye before edom was very sweet and so were all his interactions with jace. i wish he could be like that all the time - more like he was in season 1 - instead of like...how he is now. not necessarily more repressed just in season 1 you got the feeling he was a jerk because he was miserable and now you get the feeling he's a jerk for no good reason
becky coming the fuck through for simon??? A+++? idk about everyone else but that felt SO fucking real to me. siblings, especially if they're close in age, especially if they had a single parent...there's no one in the world who will understand you as much as someone who grew up with you. there's no one else you can be on the level with like that. it felt so organic the way she went from confusion to fear to acceptance. that's her little brother, you know??
speaking of simon good on him for yelling at jordan i want everyone to yell at jordan forever hes done some stuff thats like...like him offering his jacket to mia seemed like a weel-meaning but awkward gesture where most people, if they made a fuss about it, it would be like "wow what's ur deal hes just trying to be nice" & same with his little love confession or w/e...but maia AND simon BOTH told him he was full of shit and they SEE what bullshit he's playing at and i am SO HERE for it
i mentioned this once already but the jace and alec stuff was SO good like alec, previously resigned to killing jace, now resigned to dying himself, using his last few seconds to try and say the things he knows jace will need to hear, and in comes mganus with the dramatic rescue, oh man. the fight was brutal the dialogue delivery was on point, every beat was perfect. full n*t
AND THE BEST FOR LAST...CAN WE TALK ABOUT CLARY THOUGH...she's in HANDCUFFS and she's dominating the field. things dont go according to jia's will or the angels will they go according to HER WILL. SHE decides when valentine lives and dies. she busts her own goddamn self out of death row. you know who that reminds me of? valentine locked up in the instute's basement and still running the show. a-maz-ing. she comes up with the plan to trick lilith into killing herself. she leaves breadcrumbs for the people looking for her. she was in charge of her own fate the entire time. she was a major goddamn player. she was the only player. i am SO proud of her. y'all remember 1.04? when she had to be told where to stand on the pentagram? holy shit she has come so far
the bad:
where the fuck is maia
what's with those pilgrim outfits
i really would have loved for valentine to stick around long enough to lay eyes on jace that would have been amazing
y'all not gonna give maryse a blade? seriously? SERIOUSLY? i would die to see her fight
not a big fan of luke having to choose between his job and clary, his pack and clary, over and over again. it just feels a little tired at this point because this same guy has been making these same arguments practically since he became an alpha
i don't like heidi but i feel pretty bad for her and lilith's FEMINISM thing fell kinda flat with me
simon telling his mom he's DEAD is not doing either of them a kindness, and in fact, it is literally probably the cruelest possible thing he could do. there were so many ways around that. he could say he was moving to iceland or that she never had a son or WHATEVER but this presents a bunch of logistics problems on top of being horrible. like i did well up but im not a fan
izzy's "we'll get through this together" felt a little out of nowhere to me like that was just worded kinda weird. i get that they're endgame and im trying to keep an open mind so i dont totally hate it and be miserable when it happens but like.......he's with maia rn like Please
i wasn't really SUPER invested in will tudor like everyone else but im VERY offended about the recast on your behalf
two episodes at once is too many i need time to Process
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bornthissola · 7 years
toughts on Shadowhunters tonight
even tho no one cares lol
-I spent the whole episode saying that Isabelle was gonna solve this and that every other shadowhunter was being stupid, i was a bit bias cause Izzy is my fave but WAS I WRONG!? NO! she solved it!, with help, but still...
-Climon is still a NOPE and you would think that it’s because i want Clace to happen but i’m surprisingly ok with Maia and Jace making out, there was just so much sexual tension during the whole thing it was TOTALLY going to happen. but i don’t want it to be a thing you know like, get it out of your system and that’s it.
-MAAAXXX is still the cutest and i feel this was foreshadowing and him and Izzy are gonna probably have more scenes together and i’m going to cry at the end i just know it.
-i knew Dot was into Magnus the second she walked in, i’m glad Magnus was like NOPE i love my boyfriend, sorry, the dancing was cute though.
-i usually don’t care about Raphael (sorry i just don’t i don’t know why) but i’m glad he and izzy clarified what happened last episode (which was obvious but still) also Meliorn! he looks GREAT!
-we could do with less Climon and more... ANYTHING ELSE! Malec? LUKE? the lightwoods being siblings? literally anything but Climon thanks!
-can we have at least a LOOONG Malec kiss? i mean AT LEAST!
-Simon singing was better than i expected (not the voice part i know Alberto can sing) just the scene and the song was cute, and IZZY was there watching, then Raphael ruined it, but still, she was there!
-Imogen... i was just starting to like you, also Jace i was disapointed in you but then you fixed it so we’re cool.
there’s more things that i can’t remember at the moment, i’ll have to watch the episode again,but it was a decent one, not the best but ok.
ps. Sarah is TOTALLY THE SEELIE QUEEN or at least it sounded like her in the promo, i hope they don’t show us until the episode i like to be surprised.
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nonbinaryeye · 3 years
Do you think Jonah was first Eye avatar starting his own Institute or that he copied someone's else idea? I mean yes the classification of fears was put together by Smirke but the Entities and their avatars existed long time before.
We know that US version of Magnus instute is Usher Foundation in Washington DC founded some time after 1952.
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And also that China version of Magnus instute is Pu Songling Research Centre in Beijing.
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We also know that Magnus instute has certain amount of connections with both of the institutions.
At first I wanted to speculate how much the institutions know or ate interested in his plans because of course it would be kinda funny if other servants of the Beholding were more interested in knowing for a sake of knowing and saw Jonah|Elias as that annoying self absorb british prick...
But upon closer examination of the little lore about other supernatural research organization we have there's also this part:
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Jonah|Elias was discussing his Archivist with other servants of the Beholding which implies they are at least approving his plans for Watcher's Crown if not actively helping him.
However the question still stands. Was Jonah the first start an Institute and did he helped found the others? Did he copy the idea? Were these institutions created independently on each other and decide to cooperate because of having same patron and the same goal?
I haven't seen lately any discussion about this topic which is shame there is really quit a lot of potential...
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