#main event jey uso on RAW????
ucetheones · 9 months
Jey Uso X The Judgement Day!Polycule. | Found Family.
as you can tell, that segment really got my brain WORKING. because jey w tjd?? y'all know that's right up my mf alley!! ive only written jey x dom and like,, barely; but w.e!! eat ur fucking food <3
unedited cos yeah.
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Joining The Judgement Day could've been the biggest mistake of Jey's life, it could've easily been the worst choice he's made. Turning heel again after such a short time being a baby face was by far the oddest part for the Samoan.
But, despite all the people telling him he was wrong for agreeing, despite all the ways it could've gone badly, Jey stood alongside them only weeks following Dominik's proposal. It was so far an amazing choice. 
Of course it wasn't truly as easy as just agreeing, they wanted to set boundaries from the jump. Jey did too.
He needed to know he wasn't trapping himself, he couldn't handle another situation like that of The Bloodline. He voiced this.
In turn, they made it clear should Jey want out, he was free to do so, they weren't taking prisoners. They were family. They also made it clear that they'd always fight with him, and never against him, no matter what issues they may be having in the back. 
For their unwavering protection and devotion, the faction demanded one thing. That one thing being Jey keeps the true nature of The Judgement Day's relationship to himself. It wasn't uncommon for co-workers to date, but it was uncommon for entire factions to find themselves together. 
Jey agreed. He had no issues with what they got up to. 
Unsurprisingly, bonding with Dominik was the easiest of the group, the younger man was much different than his on-screen persona. He was gentle, sweet, and incredibly tactile. On numerous occasions, Jey has woken up to find Dom wrapped around him, knocked out and drooling onto the spare hotel pillow.
The first time, Jey startled, jostling the sleeping male in the process, who merely pouted and shuffled closer. When Priest had returned to the room, Jey scrambled for an explanation, only to be met with a low laugh, and a quick, "Get used to it," before he was passing Jey a cup of still hot coffee.
After that, Jey found himself in that position at least twice a week while traveling with the faction. 
Slowly, Jey got closer with the rest of the group, he and Finn found an easy rhythm training together, while he and Damian worked out strategy. 
Rhea was harder to find an entry with, both tried countless times at conversation, and building a connection; but to little avail. It was starting to grate on Jey's nerves, but he knew it wasn't the woman's fault. It wasn't his either. Or maybe it was, he couldn't say for sure.
Still, it frustrated him to no end.
He and Rhea went on that way for nearly three months. Three fucking months. Until the first time he'd seen Jimmy outside of promotion. He hardly remembers locking eyes with his twin before the elder is pushing his way through the small crowd to try and talk to him.
Jey hasn't spoken to Jimmy seriously, since before he joined The Judgement Day. He doesn't want to talk to him, or anyone from his family for that matter, but Jimmy is determined.
"Aye, Uce! You don't answer the phone no more? What's up wit' you?"
Jey wants to tell him he got a new phone and number, wants to tell him he only kept the other phone for the day he felt ready to face his family again. 
He says none of this, because his breathing is picking up, and his hands are starting to shake.
Jimmy doesn't quit, to the shock of no one. 
"You join The Judgement Day and now you too good fo' yo' own twin? You know, bein' on RAW just temporary, baby bro. I'ma get you back." 
Before Jey can shake his head, and force out a reply, he feels Rhea's hand slipping into his; offering him both a lifeline and relief. 
"You think cornering Jey in a place where every member of his family is, was a bright idea?" Rhea's voice is firm, fierce in the way she only gets when one of her boy's is in potential danger. 
Meaning she sees Jey as such. She sees him as family. He doesn't show it, but he is slightly surprised. But he knows he probably shouldn't be, he wouldn't have lasted as long as he did with the group if she hadn't. 
Moreover, without looking, Jey knows exactly where Dominik, Finn and Damian are. He knows they're currently surrounding all exits should Jimmy try something. He feels comforted by the knowledge. 
Jimmy sucks his teeth, his tone clipped as he speaks, "you ain't his family, Rhea. Don't start tripping. Y'all can pump that family bullshit on RAW and have the fans eat it up, but you don't know Jey. You don't know shit 'bout him. You don't know how to comfort him after a bad day, you don't know shit 'bout what my twin been through!"
In reply, all Rhea does is tilt her head and hum once. 
"I know him well enough to know what he looks like when he's had a nightmare about the day you kicked him in the face. We know him well enough to know why Jey can't sleep with his back to the door anymore. We know what he looks like when he's feeling safe, and carefree."
Jimmy grows visibly upset at her words, a soft growl bubbling from his chest. The implications of what she said rang loud and clear.
All Jey can do is inch closer to the woman, his lips pursed as he gives her hand a gentle tug. A silent plea for something Jey isn't even sure of. 
Still, she seems to understand if the way she smirks is anything to go off of, "You might not have a Mami, but Jey does. And Mami? She takes care of her boys, unlike your Tribal Chief. Remember that next time you think you can just step to Jey when he clearly wants nothing to do with you."
They don't give Jimmy the chance to respond before Rhea is ushering him away. 
It should embarrass Jey that Rhea is younger than him, and had essentially taken on the role of protecting him, but it doesn't. 
It makes him feel warm inside, valued in a way he never felt amongst his own blood. She cared enough to stick her neck out for him, to show she wasn't going to leave him high and dry outside of matters of the business. 
Hell, he wasn't even aware Rhea knew anything about him, let alone such intimate things.
When they meet up with the rest of the group, Dominik latches onto Jey like he's afraid he'll vanish; effectively burying his nose into the Samoan's neck as he mumbles, "He's lucky Mami went over there and not me, he'd be meeting my foot up his ass, Amor."
Jey can't help but flush red before bursting into laughter alongside the others, the absurdity of Dom's words hitting them all at once, they all ignore the way the younger man sputters his defenses. Finn is the only one to offer him any apologies, ruffling his hair in the process.
Back at the hotel, Rhea pulls him aside. She's silent as she stares at him, before she's tugging him into a hug, her accent thick with emotion, "we've got you now, Jey. You can exhale, you know?"
His knee-jerk reaction is to question what she means, but she continues before he can, "you've been wound up so tight for so many years…you can let us carry some of that burden. You're not some tag-along. We sought you out, we saw you. You don't have anything to prove to us, or anyone else…"
At that moment, it dawns on Jey that in getting close with the others, he might've unintentionally been steering away from Rhea, trying to prove himself as an asset to her by working well with the others. As the only woman in their faction, her opinion was highly favored, one declaration of Jey being unneeded and he'd be gone. 
But here she was, telling him without fear that the opposite was true.
With a shaky nod, Jey wraps his arms around her frame, exhaling softly when he feels her fingers begin to card through his curls. An action he's seen her perform on Dominik to bring him back down to reality when things get too loud in his head.
Jey can see why it works for Dom, because it definitely is for him.
He's relaxing against the Australian woman, finding warmth in the gentle vibration coming from her chest as she begins to sway their embraced frames.
The first person to kiss Jey is coincidentally Rhea. They were all drunk, and incredibly touchy. Which was fine for the original members of The Judgement Day as they were all dating, but it should've been weird for them when Dominik demanded to sit in Jey's lap. It should've been weirder for everyone when Rhea leaned down and pressed a messy, albeit passionate kiss to his lips after doing so to Dom first. 
It wasn't at all weird that Jey didn't hesitate to return the kiss, earning a breathy moan from the Australian.
Instead Finn gasped loudly and began frowning, "Rhea! You skipped tha' line! Ya'know I wanted ta' be first! I was gonna ask Jey in tha' morning."
Rhea merely laughs, the sound slightly mischievous but excited, "Ya' snooze ya' lose, baby!"
Jey is quick to voice his confusion, along with his approval, "I ain't sure what's goin' on righ' now, but if one of ya' don't kiss me again, I'm leavin'."
In turn, Damian doesn't waste any time scooping Dom out of Jey's lap, passing him off to Rhea; before he's claiming Jey's lips in a kiss. The room fills with whoops and laughter.
It was undoubtedly different from kissing Rhea, if for no other reason than because he was leading the kiss with an ease Jey couldn't keep up with in his drunken haze, but he was hellbent on trying his best.
Before he can fully lose himself in the kiss, Finn is huffing and easily replacing Damian, quickly spurred on by the small whimper Jey can't hold back when their lips meet.
Much like with the others, the kiss is over far too soon for Jey's liking, but he's unable to express his disdain before Dominik is pushing his way past Finn and Damian to reclaim his place in Jey's lap. 
"Ah, the best for last! Unlike these animals, I'm a gentleman, with manners. So, Jey, may I have the honor of kiss—" the elder silences Dom by capturing his lips in a heated kiss, ripping a wanton whine from the male as his arms wrap around Jey's neck.
The rest of the night goes by in a blur of random kissing, ending in everyone passing out on Jey's bed; a mess of tangled limbs greeting them the following morning. 
From then on, things between Jey and the faction only grew stronger. They'd made things official a few days after that fateful night, Jey easily falling into the fold, completing their relationship in ways none knew they'd needed until the Samoan was taking his rightful place alongside them. 
The night Jey won the Intercontinental Championship, Damian and Finn were at ringside, cheering him on and keeping the members of Imperium at bay. 
Rhea and Dominik were noticeably absent, but Jey knew beforehand they'd be recovering from their own matches that night. 
He was pleasantly surprised when his girlfriend had slid into the ring, shadowed by Dominik who was beaming and gathering him in a tight hug.
Rhea gave a speech, declaring this only the beginning of their dominant reign on Monday Night Raw, with every member of their faction holding gold, it was only a matter of time before one of her boys would be plucking that title from Seth Rollins. 
Breathing heavily, his arm and title raised above his head whilst the rest of his family celebrates his win, Jey can't help but feel reaffirmed that he made the right choice in joining their mismatched family.
It worked in ways no one aside from the five of them would ever understand, and Jey was more than okay with that. He didn't need to explain himself to anyone. Not with his three boyfriends and spitfire of a girlfriend in his corner. 
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von2dutch · 1 month
Sugar Baby | Jey Uso
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Synopsis: Sex is not a big deal. ...You can have a no-strings-attached arrangement with someone you don’t care about.
Pairing: Jey uso X Black Fem reader | word count: 3.1k | warning: smut, toxic behavior , protected sex | 18+ ONLY
A/N This is my first time writing on here so bear with me I’m new to learning the app I hope you all enjoy it it’s also my first time writing a Jey uso fanfic so please go easy on me. A few writers inspired me to want to write about him I’m not sure if they want to be tagged I don’t want to seem disrespectful but if they do I’ll gladly @ them!
Series master list
Lastly , Enjoy
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Dakota groaned in discomfort, "Ugh, jeez, I'm so sore, I can barely stand..." Jasmine chuckled in agreement, "Haha, I know right? I didn't expect that workout to be so intense.
“Me neither, my whole body is killing me right now…girl remind me to never come to the gym with your ass!” Dakota Murmured in a low breathing trying to regain her breath, her hands kneeled down on her knees taking each breath one at a time. Before standing tall grabbing her water to follow jasmine lead to the front desk.
“girl please all that ass you got you should want to be in shape for your old man sugar daddy.”
Dakota stopped in her tracks staring a hole into her best friend of 6 years in the head, with a mug plastered over her face she spoke again “Omg for the last time that man isn’t that old and he ain’t my sugar daddy!”
Jasmine looked back pursuing her lips together looking at her best friend like she was dumb “whatever you say ms.like em’ old.”
“But ion blame you because last time you came to me with your wig completely fucked up after seeing him, fuck he got super dick?”
Dakota chuckled at her best friends antics seemingly use to it but without jasmine in her life she wouldn’t have any entertainment without her silly jokes.
“No he just knows how to work this thang!” Dakota laughed before sticking her tongue out as the two walked up to the front desk.
While Dakota was focused on making another week ahead for the gym next week, Jasmine eyes were stuck on whoever just walked into the gym.
Jasmine Nuged Dakota shoulder before she turned around with a mug irritated already by her bothering her with Dakota already being tired and trained from an intense workout the two just had “Ain’t that your boy or should I say ol’ man.”
Dakota knitted her eyebrows together in confusion and also curiosity as she turned her body and attention to wherever jasmine focused was and there he was.
Jey Uso
In the flesh there he was looking ever so good , his presence so commanding and charismatic that she couldn't help but admire him with his twin brother Jimmy and a little behind them was their younger brother solo, walking. As they approached a group of men, it looked as if they beckoned them over with friendly gestures.
As Dakota glanced over at Joshua, she couldn't help but take notice of his impressive attire. He was sporting a pair of blue Nike shorts that hugged his body in all the right places, along with black Nike socks that were neatly tucked into his white gym shoes. On his head, he wore a fitted black bloodline hat, which was turned backwards and allowed his mullet to peek through the back. The red tips of his hair added a touch of boldness to his overall look, which suited him perfectly. As he stood there with his bare chest on display, his chiseled abs were impossible to miss. Tribal tattoos adorned his arms and chest, with two more visible on his back. All in all, Joshua's appearance was a sight to behold.
She watched as he greeted the three men before grasping both hands onto a pull up bar his palms facing away from him lifting his entire body going up and down up and down as she watched closely.
She couldn’t help but to stare at his bare back moving ever so smoothly, he hung his body up back and forth downwards she got a flashback from their last meet up two months ago which made her bite her lip titling her head slightly watching as he kept going.
“Move yo hand this what you wanted right?” Jey responded to Dakota as she pleaded for him to slow down she tried to push him back away from her as he dicked her down so deep she could Hardly breathe.
she burried her head into the white colored sheets of the hotel room she couldn’t help but cry tears of joy but also pain as his strokes got deeper and deeper from behind “Jeyyyy…b-baby slow down…ugh.”
“Nah you talked all that shit on the phone, I wanna see you take all this dick don’t run from it.”
“Ion even know why you like to play with me princess, you know I’ll fly yo’ ass out to fuck you up.” Joshua spoke with Venom in his voice as his chest heaved up and down, chest beaming with sweat. he pushed a hand down on her neck to pin her down further her ass purked up nicely in his view.
It all started with Dakota missing him which resulted in her being a bitch towards Jey, calling him out his name as far as a “bitch” because he hadn’t been paying her no attention at all the past few weeks. She knew he had a tight schedule as a professional wrestler which has his undefined attention at all times but she also wanted his attention as well even with her just being a sugar baby known as a woman he just used for sex and entertainment when he wanted it.
Now here she was ass up face down and burried into the white sheets of his hotel room as he fucked her viciously from behind pining her down to the bed so she couldn’t run with no where to go. He wanted her to feel all of him from anger slightly misplaced with lust.
“Nah baby use this dick and fuck me back , daddy ain’t going no where.”
Dakota did as told throwing her ass back on him but with much more force while she occupied her fingers underneath her playing with herself. She felt so much pressure and pain all in one her feet became hot with them curled up as he went deeper with each stroke he took.
Taking her breath away literally.
“Mhm you taking this dick like a good girl huh?” Jey rasped slamming into her making Dakota let out a loud moan.
She could feel her body become hot as she felt a knot in her stomach indicating she was about to cum.
“shit!” She cursed under her breath, Jey thrusting into her wet gushy insides.
Joshua watched his dick slide in and out Dakota’s hole, her white creams painting his beautiful Carmel dick, his balls slapping against her clit with every hard thrust he took.
Dakota let out beautiful whimpers, her ass and titties jiggling with the rhythm of Jey’s hard strokes.
Jey grabbed Dakota’s hair, wrapping it around his fist as he thrusted into her harder.
Josh pulled on her hair, forcing her head up as she looked at herself through a the mirror which was in the corner of the room. Her make up smeared with tears , hair all over the place she knew she would need a redo on her hair when she got back home to Atlanta. Her mouth agape as she let out loud moans which couldn’t be heard outside of the hotel room from how thick and sound proof the walls were.
“Uh huh, daddy deep in his pussy ain’t he?” he questioned panting, his tattooed chest heaving up and down.
when Dakota didn’t answer Jey yanked her hair making Dakota let out a loud moan.
“shit! Y-yes daddy it’s fucking deep!” she cried out as tears cascaded her pretty Carmel cheeks.
Jey smiled deviously at her through the mirror, sliver jeweled grills peaking through. feeling her walls clench around him he groaned. he sent a hard snack to Dakota’s ass, “you throwing that ass back like a big girl , baby? You gon’ keep taking this dick like one too.”
Dakota did as told, her taking control again as she bounced back and forth on his length, Joshua bit his lip watching his dick disappear into her whole every time.
The one thing he missed the most was her ass jiggling from behind as he buried his dick deep inside her, her smooth toned back arched ever so slight but at the moment her chest laid flat on the bed while he continued his torture.
“fuck!” Dakota moaned with her face planted in the bed, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she continued rocking her body.
“Un huh, Baby take this dick.”
“you gotta cum, ma?” Jey questioned, grunting afterwards.
“yes!” Dakota whined reaching her hand underneath her and rubbing at her clit once more, her legs trembling outrageously.
Jey bit his lip harshly, blood drawing as he groaned at the metallic taste.
“gon head Dakota .” He rasped, on cue Dakota and Joshua reached their limits. Her white creams painted all over his dick, her juices squirted out of her and onto Jey’s lower stomach.
Flashback over
“Dakota!” Jasmine's voice echoed through Dakota’s empty ears as she called out to her best friend Dakota, who seemed lost in thought. "Dakota! Dakota, Dakota?!!" she repeated, her tone growing more urgent and annoyed with each call. She wondered what could be occupying Dakota's mind so much that she didn't even hear her friend's voice.
Then it hit her. Jey he was who had her so snapped out of it she watched her best friend bite her lip in daze a, watching him do repeated pull ups.
Finally After staring into the distance for a while, Dakota was brought back to reality when she heard someone calling her name. With a confused look on her face, she looked up and stuttered, "H-huh, what did you say, Jas?"
“I said there go ya’ boy and there he is right now making his way over.” Jasmine said as he indeed was making his way over to them while Dakota mouth hung low she tried her to best to maintain herself. She often felt nervous around Josh and she herself didn’t know why because she wasn’t a shy woman but with him? He had her shy like a school girl.
“Wassup jasmine.” Jey greeted Jasmine with a friendly head nod and a warm smile, before turning his attention to Dakota. With a mischievous grin and a wink “and hey pretty mama.”
With a mischievous grin, he knew exactly what to say to make her radiant smile light up the room. As he gazed at her, he couldn't help but notice the intricate details of her gym outfit, appreciating the way it hugged her curves and highlighted her strong physique.
She wore Black gymshark vital seamless neck sports bra with vital seamless black shorts that hugged her body waist down ever so gently which showed her ass out more flaw. Her breast glazed with sweat as it stucked together almost peeling out of the sports bra her nipples hard as ever from how cold the gym was. Accompanied with white socks and grey gym shoes.
She looked damn good.
“Hey Josh.” She smiled dimples ever so deep into her skin that her pearly white teeth showed all of her teeth from how big she smiled. Gushing with butterflies in her stomach if she was any lighter you could see how red her face was from blushing.
“Hey Josh.” Jasmine mumbled mimicking her with an eye roll immensely laughing at how shy her best friend was. In 27 years of knowing her she never saw her best friend so shy she was always a Fierce Woman, very outspoken. So to see her like this so gushed over this man was surprising and undoubtedly hilarious.
“Shut up.” Dakota mumbled gritting through her teeth while she tried to keep a smile on her face.
To break the awkward silence Josh spoke “Uhh so you leaving?”
“Oh yeah me and jasmine are finished for the day and go grab some food then head home and shower. I see you’re with your brother.”
“Yeah he wanted to come to the gym before the big night Monday.”
“Well it was nice seeing yo— nah we ain’t gon end it like that ma gimme me a hug uce.” Josh insisted opening his arms for a hug she embraced him her hands rubbing against his bare back.
His entire body felt so soft and warm along with his significant cologne he always wore that drove her crazy with how good he smelled.
Josh hands snaked down to her ass grabbing it gently with a soft smack before leaving a wet kiss on her neck before whispering. “You might wanna cover that up uce.” He chuckled at her eyes bucking at the embarrassment she felt when she realized he was referring to the hickey on her neck that her gave her last month.
Gasping she quickly covered it with her hand before grabbing Jasmines hand leading her out the door “Bye Josh!”
“Girllll that man got you whipped huh!” Jasmine joked laughing at how school girl he had Dakota before unlocking the doors to her Mercedes Benz truck both hopping in.
• Instagram story
Dakota.Valentine • 25 secs ago
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“Bye Josh.” Dakota chuckled at a TikTok he sent her via message, before hearting it smiling ear from ear. It was a TikTok of a man buying his girlfriend chicken wings when she asked for wings as in pads for her menstrual cycle but he got her wingstop with jey replying with a “Gon be me when you come back over my house, yeet!”
“Oh you in love.” Jasmine affirmed looking at her best friend blush at her phone something she did their whole lunch.
“I am not!”
“Is too!”
Dakota fixed her posture in her seat now facing jasmine directly placing her phone face down on the table giving her undefined attention “and what makes you possible think that?”
“Hmm well for starters the man bough you a mirror vanity with a Chanel purse and a basket of fruit all because you said you wanted to show yourself this year and do beauty content for social media.”
“Then he buys you roses every month even if he misses a few days he buys dozens for each day he missed along with a stack of money, he as well spoils you with gifts, paid for you to go to talum for your birthday, bought you a ring and also rented out a mall for the both of you so you could shop dedicating the whole day to you with a massage, paid for your hair , nails, AND makes sure you eat paying for every meal plus he took you on how many dates?”
“Shall I go on?”
Dakota sat there taking in everything her best friend was saying with nothing to deflect with, she was right Joshua did all those things without her having to asking for anything he just did it because whatever he saw that he thought would look good on her or what made her smile the biggest he got it.
“Then you cook for him everytime he’s in town for his Monday night raw and smack down shows in Atl kota.” Jasmine stated pursing her lips together while she waited for a response. Dakota sat there with a dumbfounded expression.
Thats when realization sat in she realized she was in love, he did so many things for her that she never had done before not even in past relationship. He was there for her in so many ways than just sex, he was there emotionally, physically , and mentally. He cared deeply for Dakota as much as she cared for him. They’ve Had deep conversations about life and marriage something neither ever done with anyone they connected on a deeper level than Just sex he was there for her when she lost her mother a few months back and ever since then he never left her side he was always there.
Despite his best efforts to hide it, Joshua was undeniably smitten with Dakota. Though he was a more mature and experienced man, he couldn't help but pour his heart out to her, showering her with a level of affection she had never before experienced in her life. His love for her was pure and genuine, and she could sense it in every little thing he did.
Despite her best efforts to be difficult and toxic, he always handled her with care and honesty. He was the type of man who never played games, especially when it came to business. He led with authority, yet he had a soft and gentle side. He was dominant without being aggressive but real smooth but you knew he ran shit. His charismatic and funny personality, his loving nature, and his hardworking aura made her focus on him completely. Whenever she was around him, she felt safe and comfortable, knowing that he would always be there to protect and support her.
In past relationships Dakota had never felt safe nor comfortable with men but with Josh it all felt so natural.
The two meet at a bar in Pensacola , Florida where Dakota was in town visiting a client of hers for styling. She was a celebrity stylist, she loved fashion and always dreamed of being a fashion designer or stylist. While she sat at the bar alone josh couldn’t help but stare at the young women, her soft brown legs shined with baby oil along with a black dress that hugged her body so tightly and well , a face a man would die for but he thought her face was better to nut on in his dirty mind.
He walked up to her with a few smooth and flirtatious words which pulled her in instantly jey was always smooth with the ladies. A ladies man of course. With that he prospered to her a deal that he spoiled her of course as well as have sex with her but no string attached as well kinda friends with benefits or a sugar daddy which he wouldn’t call it more so tricking with sex alongside.
Jey was 32 years old and Dakota was four years younger than him at 27. Despite the age difference, the two were still deeply attracted to each other. However, when Dakota was first presented with the proposal that she didn't quite understand or want to accept, she hesitated. The idea of doing something like that was foreign to her, but a little voice in her head, which she recognized as Jasmine's, urged her to "get that money, bitch!" Despite already having her own source of income, Dakota eventually agreed to the proposal.
Starting from the summer of July 2022, the two individuals became inseparable. Their bond grew stronger as they spent time together, and before they knew it, January 2023 had arrived, marking the beginning of a new year that they brought in together. Despite the initial plan to spend only three months together, Josh kept extending their time together, much to the surprise of his companion. She found it odd that he was reluctant to part ways and kept prolonging their time together, but she couldn't help but wonder why.
Was he also in love?
All I really want to say my darling
Today is a special day we call our own
So take me in your arms and hold me
And tell me you love me
And I'll be there for you
The soft lyrics of Tony! Toni! Tone! Played throughout Dakotas high rise apartment while she finished up on the last touch’s of the cornbread. Dakota was cooking baked macaroni, yams, collard greens, fire chicken with a side of duffeled eggs.
A loud thud on the counter went off as her phone ding with a text message from Jey.
Yeet master jey!❤️
I’m here come open the door lady uce!
After meticulously washing her hands, she swiftly dried them off to ensure there were no traces of germs left on her skin. As she reached the door, she saw Josh standing outside, holding a beautiful bouquet of roses in his left hand. A wide smile appeared on her face as she approached him, and he opened his arms, inviting her in for a warm embrace. "Jey, I missed you!" she exclaimed before jumping into his arms. He caught her effortlessly with just one arm, and the two of them burst into uncontrollable laughter, filled with joy and happiness as they held each other tightly.
“I missed you too ko.” Dakota heart warmed at the small nickname he gave her.
“Aww are these for me?” She smiled widely taking the rose from jey she walked towards the kitchen sitting them on the counter. “Of course gotta get my princess something.”
Cheesing to herself she inquired him with a question “Mmhm when were you going to tell me you was in town?”
“Well I was tryna surprise you but I saw you all at the gym looking gorgeous.” He stated wrapping his arms around Dakota from behind he moved her hair out her face leaving a few wet on her neck she responded with a low moan.
“Unt unt let me finish cooking Josh.” She chuckled at his antics of trying to seduce her but she had other plans in mind.
Stepping back with his hands in surrender he spoke “alright alright but how you been? You’ve been eating?” He caressed her cheek staring into her brown hazel nut eyes. “Yes jey I have.”
“You better.” He pecked her lips a few times before moving back looking over her admiring her body.
Dakota has fell into small depression she thought maybe she was too big and wanted to be slimmer so she stopped eating to lose weight and also in the gym but Jey put a stop to that immediately because she was perfect the way she was and she wouldn’t want her any other way.
“I missed you.” Jey spoke with their soft eyes looking directly At Dakota.
“I missed you more.” She responded softly turning her body to face him.
“Missed you so much girl.” He embraced her into a hug, hugging tight as he wrapped his legs around her like spider man hanging his feet in the cabinet while she laughed at his goofy self “It’s all you girl!”
“All you girl!”
“Omg Joshua what is wrong with you.” Dakota laughed once more her stomach hurting from much she laughed her cheeks sore a bit from how hard she smiled. She was in love.
Letting her go he left a few kisses all over her face till she laughed Again before asking her something “So umm…I got a show tomorrow and I want you come.” He asked shyly as if it was the first time he ever took her one of his shows to watch him to wrestle.
“Of course! I’d love to watch you beat some ass.” She smiled punching at his chest playfully.
“Good cause Jimmy been asking about you “where koko?”josh mimicked his twin brother Jonathan earring a small laugh from Dakota.
“Aww my good ol’ friend can’t wait to see him tomorrow.”
“Plus tomorrow is raw XXX tomorrow you know it’s gon be lit.” Smiles thinking about what was in store tomorrow for the fans which included the bloodline with Sami Zayn.
“Oh tell your little girlfriend stop messaging me I’ll hate to beat a bitch.” Dakota scolded Josh rolling her eyes.
“You know who”
As jey stood there in thought as if he was dumb he then realized who she was talking about “oh Chanel?” He said still acting clueless.
“Who the fuck else Joshua!” She raised her voice slightly removing his arms from around her.
Chanel was an old mistress of Jeys and he broke things off with her two months in but she couldn’t take him leaving her due to the contract ending so she stalked him and was a bitch to every new woman he used for sex and entertainment which was Dakota. It all started in September when Josh and Dakota where out at a restaurant having a few drinks and dinner when Chanel popped up on the two “Oh so this why you’ve been ignoring for this new bitch?!” Channel shouted in the restaurant cashing a scene.
Which escalated in her and Dakota having a back and forth because in all Dakota wasn’t fighting over no man especially not jey no matter how charming he was she wasn’t but the disrespect she took from Chanel wasn’t going to keep happening.
“Look I told you she ain’t my girl and plus ima handle it.” Jey reassured Dakota waving her off.
“You better because I’ll hate to gut a bitch eyes out. Keep fucking with m— What I say?” He cut her off glaring at her with dominance.
“Okay I heard you.” She pouted “but you better handle it cause I don’t have time.” She sighed wrapping her arms around her chest.
Pulling her into an embrace he wrapped his arms around her body rubbing up and down her sides soft and smoothly. “I said I got Dakota don’t worry okay?”
For a while there was some silence the only thing that could be heard was the music being played from her speaker that was a till she broke the silence with a question “can I ask you something?”
“Yeah , go ahead.”
Dakota started to think back on what Jasmine said was she in love with Josh? Was he in love with her? The question lingered in her mind so much she needed to to know. Even with them not supposed to falling eachother because of the agreement of no strings attached she couldn’t help but fall for him.
“Do your ever….think maybe we could be a couple?” She questioned with pleading eyes but also wanting honesty with anything he threw at her.
Jey thought long and hard for a min before giving her an answer “Honestly no, I mean you’re a gorgeous and talented woman but Dakota we both know this isn’t what we agreed to no strings attached and after a divorce I went through a year ago I ain’t ready for another relationship.”
“You’re just another one of my clients.”
Everything hit her deep in the heart like someone stabbed after hearing those words everything shattered for her. What was she thinking? She didn’t know she even thought he would ever slow down things for her just because he had sex with her but she had hoped
Maybe she wasn’t in love.
To be continued.
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I hope you all enjoyed this! More to come let me know if you want chapter two of this series? Also leave comments.
Opinions on jey, Dakota, jasmine , or even Chanel?
How we thinking about the relationship of Jey and Dakota will they fall for each other in the long run?
Lmk and again thank you for reading I hope you all enjoyed! Excuse any mistakes please till next!🎀
Also if you want to be added for a tag-list comment and I got you!
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ohhtani · 2 months
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CM PUNK & JEY USO - boys night out ! 040224
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593 notes · View notes
samijey · 28 days
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Jey Uso - WWE's Backlash 2024
429 notes · View notes
foreverlyjay · 1 month
God is good!
He really took his time on Jey
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romanreignsbae · 9 days
Stressed out - R.R
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Warnings💗: daddy kink, unprotected p in v, 69ing, rough sex, multiple orgasms.
Requests are open!
Y/n walked through the doors of her home, in her waste state yet. She had just had the shittiest day at work. She started off the day, without her husbands goodbye kiss because he had to hit the gym early. Which only made her start her day crankier, then she headed to work, and got caught in a massive traffic jam causing her to make it to work barely on time. Then all her patients we’re ordering her back and forth to do tasks for them. Then to top it off her boss told her ‘she needed to learn to do her job more efficiently and act like she’s grateful for it.’ Like jeez, could she catch a break?
“Hey baby!” her husband said while walking into their main hallway. She didn’t even have the energy to respond and walked towards him and fell in his arms. “Damn baby what’s up with you?!” Joe playfully asked Y/n. “Shut up and hold me” she grumbled into his chest. He chuckled at her words and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked to the kitchen. He sat her down on a island stool and began preparing her a snack.
After a few minutes of Joe shuffling around the kitchen, he came back to his wife and placed what he prepared in front of her. “Thanks” she said lowly and began eating. “So..you gon tell me what’s bothering you?” Joe asked cautiously. The last thing he wanted to do was make her upset. She sighed before she began speaking. “It’s just everything has been getting on my nerves today and I just feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed..” she explained. He took notice of the sadness on her face. He hated seeing the most important person in his life upset in any shape or form.
Joe knew that feeling all too well, especially with his busy schedule. “I know babygirl, I know.” he said understandably while stroking her cheek a few times. “But…ya know…you could take some of that frustration out on me..” he said with a smirk coming to his face. She looked up at him and without a word she pulled his shirt and brought him in for a passionate kiss. Their tongue’s both fought for dominance, and Joe let her win, just this once.
She pulled away gasping for air. “Lets..go upstairs.” She took Joe’s hand and led him up to their bedroom. Once they got into their bedroom she pushed him down onto the bed. She crawled on top of him and began slowly undressing him. Joe was growing inpatient but he knew she’d been having a bad day, so he’d let her have her fun…for a little.
Once they were both fully undressed, Y/n moved her body closer and closer to him until she was fully sitting on his face. She then leaned forward and started placing mini kisses on his tip. Joe took some action too and grabbed her hips and started rolling them onto his face. He nibbled at her clit causing her body to jerk and move upwards. He grumbled and kept a tighter grip on her hips. “Lemme eat my pussy in peace” he grumbled with his mouth full. While Joe was devouring her, Y/n moved his cock deeper into her throat and started taking him as far down as she could. His hips jerked upwards causing his tip to hit the back of her throat. She gagged around his cock and removed her mouth.
She then started using both of her hands to get him off. After a few more of his hip thrusts his cum came out altogether and landed on his thighs. She cleaned him up with her tongue and then focused on her own orgasm. Joe started pushing his tongue in and out of her at a fast pace bring her closer to her climax. “Uh yes daddy!” she moaned out. He hummed, causing vibrations to go through her. “I’m gonna-” Y/n got cut off when her body starting shaking in ecstasy. All her stress piled up from the day left her body almost immediately.
She felt Joe continuing to use his tongue to lick up every last bit of her cum. “Mm sensitive!” Y/n squealed out while trying to get off his face. Joe finally let her up and laid her down on the bed beside him. He climbed on top of her and kissed her passionately. The kiss was cut short when she pushed his chest back. “Hey! I thought you said I was in control!” she told him.
“Shhh” he cooed while pressing a finger to her now bruised lips. “Let daddy make you feel good.” He lined himself up with her entrance and began sliding in slowly. He groaned feeling her tightness fit around him perfectly. She sighed out in pleasure and gripped his arms. Once he was all the way in he pulled back out and slammed into her.
She yelled out. “Daddy! Slow down!” she barely managed to get out. He lightly slapped her face. “Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” He began thrusting out of her at a animalistic pace, with her moans coming out in sync. He looked down to see tears on the verge of falling from her eyes. He then finally stopped moving altogether. “Hey, baby you okay?” he asked softly. “No! Why’d you stop?!” she yelled out. He chuckled and spoke lowly. “Don’t say I didn’t warn ya” he slammed into her roughly causing her to scream out.
“Your so tight baby! Fit perfectly around daddy’s cock” he said into her ear. After a few more thrusts he felt her squeezing tightly around him, signalling she was close. “You gonna cum for daddy?” “Yes!” she moaned out. He rubbed down between their bodies and rubbed her clit. She started shaking uncontrollably and after a few more thrusts Joe filled her up.
He collapsed on top of her. She laid there for a second and then pushed him off. He fell onto the bed beside her and looked at her confused. She climbed onto him. “Aren’t you tired yet?!” he asked.
“It’s my turn now” she said with a smirk.
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xiamentshoneypot · 26 days
What I’ll do | Jey Uso
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Synopsis: Things change, people change and we all make mistakes, what matters is what we do to fix them.
WARNINGS: Cursing, graphic depictions on sex (hopefully vivid detail) ( usage of pussy, dick ect) drunken sex, p in v penetration, oral sex fem and male receiving, Unprotected sex( be safe)
Please let me know if I missed any
Cleopatra zoned out her whining cheating now ex- boyfriend on her phone not saying much of nah thing after blowing up her friends and families phones carrying on.
Rolling her eyes as she sat at her vanity re-applying her lip combo rubbing her plump glossy
“Yup” she said before hanging up and blocking the number she was going out tonight, she needed some fun in her life again.
“Girl I don’t even know why you picked up the phone for his ass anyway.” Her longtime friend Jazzy said walking over to the minor fluffing her hair.
“I don’t even know but how that’s over where we going?” Cleo asked standing up and checking her purse making sure she said everything.
“Out the Uber is here” she said taking Cleo hands making her smile.
“Damn it’s one of those nights.”
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Liked by YkJazz and 9,582 others
I’m prettier than a mf hoes be looking okay
YkJazz they not fucking with you fren
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The music was hitting, the drinks starting to taste like juice bodies swaying to the music in the sea of people. Bryson tillers “Don’t” playing through the loud speakers. Cleo making her way to the bar getting ready to go home.
“Excuse me I’d like to pay my tab” She waved the bartender a quite handsome young man but not her type smiled back to her.
“Someone’s already paid it for you but I can get your card for you.” He said before reaching around to grab her things still confused.
“Can I ask who?” She asked with furrowed eyebrows.
“The guy In the VIP over there in the white windbreaker and the grills” he pointed in the dark section to the man on the couch in the sea of people around him. He was kind of hard to see but once Cleo’s eyes set on him she couldn’t take her eyes off him and by the looks of the staring contest they were having he couldn’t either.
Joshua didn’t know how long he had been looking at the beautiful woman sing and rap out, the way her body danced and her glossy lips moved it felt like everything was going in slow motion. That she was the only woman in the club deciding to man up he went over to the bar to pay her tab and hopefully bump into her in the sea of people.
Only was the contest broken when Jazzy came stumbling over. “hey girl Mozzy is here to get me are you going to be okay home?” Jazzy said giving a drunken smile pointing over to the entrance where Maurice stood looking over that them.
“Nah I’m okay boo I’m heading out to” exchanging a final “ are you sure” before She and mozzy was out looking back over to where the fine man was, and unfortunately she couldn’t see him anymore.
Taking the L and deciding to just go home she gathered her purse and stood to walk down the platform stairs in her heels. Only to miss a step preparing, to go face first she closed her eyes when the impact didn’t come she opened one eye and peaked. Earning a chuckle from a deep voice.
Suddenly aware of the bigger, stronger tatted arms around her face. Opening both eyes to see the fine ass man that paid her tab.
“You okay ma?” He asked looking her in her eyes snapping out of a daze she nodded her head. Then he let his grip on her waist faulted and she already missed having them there.
“Look I’m not trying to sound too forward but I just wondering if you wanted to get somthing to eat and chill for a bit?” He asked keeping eye contact.
“You promise you’re not a killer?” The girl with the big brown eyes asked again leaving him laughing.
“Nah but if it makes you feel safer my name is Joshua Fatu and I live in Pensacola, Florida.” He said quickly but firmly.
“Okay where are we going?” She bit back from looking at his juicy pink lips reminding herself that would be weird. Apparently not to Joshua because his eyes fell on to hers licking his before his deep voice rang out.
“Whereva’ you want ma”
Everything was going so slow and yet heated, you couldn’t get out of the car and into the hotel fast enough, getting the key felt like forever.
The heated kiss broken by the ding of the elevator, opening the door hands on her waist tapping her butt twice signaling for her to jump.
Carrying her to the bed laying her down, her back on the bed legs on Joshua’s shoulders, who was on his knees slowly lifting her dress and parting her legs looking deep into her eyes as he took his big hands up her thighs and taking her lace panties down her legs with his hands.
Placing teasing sloppy kisses around her wet lips, a soft whimper Cleo let out made Josh’s dick impossibly harder. “whatcha’ want ma” lips in a pout.
“Please Josh fuck me” immediately diving in josh holding her legs in place as he began hungrily eating her pussy. Sucking on her clit earning a moan from Cleo.
Taking his tongue and stretching all the way out and in her pussy hitting all the right places and discovering a few new ones. The knot in her stomach the high getting stronger and stronger from the stimulation.
“Give it to me” he mumbled into her wet heat and then she shivered as she squirted all over his face as she came and he lapped her her sweet juices.
Standing up he undressed himself in a hurry getting on the bed laying back, Cleo positioning herself between his legs before taking his long curved dick in her mouth.
Bobbing her head up and down pumping what she couldn’t fit in her mouth with her hands slurping him up. Eyes snapped shut, toes curling as she took his soul making a makeshift ponytail before he started fucking her face as he came deep down her throat.
Continuing to suck him up taking a step further taking his balls into his hands. Spit and cum dripping off of her chin down his balls his dick was still standing tall.
“I’m about to fuck you up” grabbing her placing a messy kiss to her lips before leading her to all fours before entering him.
“Oh fuck” Joshua moaned out feeling her wet spongey walls squeeze around his dick taking her two legs into his two hands then, his hands moved and gripped her ridden up dress as she threw her full ass back into his pelvis.
“Oh shit” she breathed out with each and every stroke the mountains of please resting in her stomach. “Yeah, you like that?” He asked taking his free hand to grab her jaw forcing her to look up at him.
“Huh ma? Whatcha say I can’t hear you?” He teased relentlessly beating up her pussy eyes going back and forth between her beautiful blissed out face and the creamy mess she was making over him.
“Fuck- I love it, please keep fucking me” she finally found her voice to say putting a devious smile on Joshua’s face flipping her over missionary style moving one of her legs over his shoulder going even deeper his tip kissing her g-spot her eyes rolled deep in the back of her head as she lost her voice once again as she came all over the him.
Not too long after Joshua came behind her filling her up collapsing beside her taking a rest as she began to fall asleep he grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom and cleaned the both of them up before getting in the shower and leaving.
Hi hi I know the ending was very abrupt (I feel like) I just didn’t know how to end it and I’ve been excited to start this fic hope you enjoyed.
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firemanbecksworld · 1 month
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Jey Uso || Monday Night Raw (04/22/2024)
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msbigredmachine · 9 months
The Return (Jey Uso/OC)
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You have your own reasons for wishing he just stayed his ass on Smackdown. Jey Uso/OC one-shot.
Warnings: SMUT
Word count: 3.6k
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His baby girl is a stunning sight to behold, so much so that he stops in his tracks to drink you in from his vantage point next to the equipment crates lined up along the hallway backstage. The long locks of your honey-blond wig frame your beautiful face. Your world title belt gleams on your shoulder, shining as bright as the star that you are. Your eyes twinkle and your smile is wide and warm as you chat animatedly with Raquel Rodriguez. That smile used to be preserved for him and him alone, once upon a time. 
He may have come over to Raw to break away from the Bloodline, but it’s not the only reason he’s made the jump. Cody brought it up during their rather bizarre phone call, the American Nightmare weaponizing this information in that annoyingly eloquent manner he has perfected…
“I know you’re looking for a fresh start…but not just in the ring…I’m pretty sure there's a certain new Women’s champion you’d like to reunite with…”
Jey has been separated from you for a long time, admittedly by his own doing. It’s been torture. The hours have felt like days and the days like weeks. He’s yearned for your touch, your scent, the warmth of your smooth, soft skin, the taste of your lips. He’s stumbled through the rougher days by thinking about you and what you mean to him. He’s fantasized, and even pleasured himself, to mental snapshots of his past sexual adventures with you, paying tribute to the most incredible orgasms he’s ever experienced. He misses it all; the shudders of your voluptuous body, the pull of your wet, tight pussy around his dick, your fingers dragging across his hair and skin as you come apart for him, as he comes apart for you. The pillow talk and sweet words and soft kisses as you bask in the afterglow together.
The memories are beautiful, but he doesn’t want just ‘memories’ anymore. He’s made mistakes and he wants to fix them, and he only hopes you will let him. Five months is way too long to be without his favorite girl. He has to tread lightly, because even the nasty glare of Drew McIntyre and the conflicted countenance of Matt Riddle are tame compared to the wrath of a woman scorned.
A chill zips down your spine out of nowhere. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up. A familiar men’s cologne invades your nasal ducts. The knowing look on Raquel’s face right before she slips away confirms the reason your body is reacting so strongly. Only one person does this to you, and he just debuted on Raw as a solo act.
Against your better judgment, you turn around. For what feels like an eternity, you remain frozen as his gorgeous, expressive eyes lock you in, bleeding out your surroundings and everything else until it’s just him, and you, and the pain and hurt he caused all those months ago. 
"Sup, champ," he greets, his hands in his jacket pockets, leveling you with his breathtaking smile. 
Clearing your throat, you break the trance and present him with your most platonic smile. “Welcome back. Cody must really like you to do what he did, considering y’all’s past.” 
Jey shrugs. “He surprised me, too. But whatever I gotta pay back to him, it’ll be worth it.” His eyes travel down the length of your body, appreciating the up-close view. You have on a cropped black tank top and a tight zip-up denim skirt that stops mid-thigh. Your legs are ensconced in knee high boots that have him biting his lip. However, the oversized biker jacket hanging halfway down your arms looks like it belongs to someone else, specifically a certain Señor Money in the Bank. Jey has heard the rumors. Apparently, you’ve moved on. He plans on testing that theory. 
“You look amazing, Y/N,” he compliments, his tongue darting out over his lips reflexively.
So does he. Your gaze wanders for a little longer than you’d like. The added bulk to his frame makes him look more intimidating and sexier. His abs are on full display behind his black hooded jacket. Then the dimples and the cheekbones and the full, kissable lips...He’s more mouthwatering than ever, calling out to you to take a bite.
When he moves in for a hug, you flinch and back away, maintaining your cold expression when he pulls back with disappointment. “Come on girl, don’t do me like that,” he sighs.
“Like what? Just cuz I said hi don’t mean I forgot about how you did me,” you answer coolly, “I’m being the bigger person here.” 
“Aw, babe, you breakin’ my heart right now.”
“Like you did mine?” you snap, “I ain’t your baby no more. You made sure of that.” He’s lucky you’re even addressing him after everything he’s put you through. Just this April after the Draft, Jey made the decision to leave you all alone on Raw and stay exclusively on Smackdown with his family. The same family who ultimately stabbed him in the back, something you would have never ever done to him in a million years. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back after two years of the most intense, deliciously chaotic entanglement in which you were a source of…comfort…for him, during his tumultuous time with the Bloodline. But, as you soon discovered, so was Kayla, and Liv, and Jakara from NXT, and some other chick named Rashida that he claimed was his childhood ‘bestie’. Somehow, you were roped into his weird harem of revolving women. But you stayed because he needed you…he told you so. He cared for you, he said, and like a fool, you believed him, because you wanted so badly for him to feel the way you felt about him.
Feel about him.
Shaking your head, you resolve to stand your ground. Nope. You will never be used again. You will not give into whatever game he’s trying to play, not this time. You don’t know why he’s come to Raw and you don’t care. You’re the Women’s World champion now. You no longer have room for fuckbois in your life and you need to let him know so.
Jey huffs, looking away for a second before turning back to you. “We need to talk,” he says.
“About what?”
“About us,” he whispers, licking his lips. “I miss you.”
His words cling to you, embracing you. But you shake them off. “Right. Miss me, or my pussy? Them other lame bitches ain’t tight or wet enough?”
Exhaling heavily, Jey meets your death glare head on. “Baby, I fucked up. I admit it. I been fuckin’ up when it comes to you. It’s on me, and I’m sorry. I wanna make things right between us, especially if we’re gonna be on the same show together.”
Scoffing at the words you’ve heard before, you toss your hair back haughtily. “Might be a little too late for that,” you inform him smugly.
“Really? Why? Cuz of your new man? Where his big ass at, anyway?” he taunts, looking over your shoulder for an unseen entity. 
“What are you talking about?” you retort, brushing off the guilt lurking for not being honest with him about Damian. Why feel guilty about someone who wasn't honest with you?
“I know about you and Priest. I know that’s his jacket you wearin’.”
You glare at him, incredulous. Is he seriously doing this? “You got no right to be jealous, Jey. Who I am or am not fucking is none of your business. And it’s not like he and I are official yet, so calm your tits.” You pause, wondering why you’re giving an explanation when you owe him nothing.
His lips pull into a smirk. “Huh. So you sayin’ I got a chance...”
“No, I did not say that!” You thought you could get through this unscathed. That a quick ‘Hello’ would suffice and you’d both move along. You didn’t expect him to lay it on you this thick and this quickly. He knows exactly what he’s doing, making you vulnerable with his sugary sweet words and his penetrating stare that sends a shiver of longing down your spine. 
"Stop looking at me like that," you hiss at him in that husky voice of yours that raises goosebumps all over his arms. 
“Can’t help it, baby. You beautiful as fuck,” he counters smoothly, stepping closer to you. 
“There you go again with the sweet talk. So am I supposed to just forgive you? Forgive and forget and fall right back into your arms? You got me fucked up, boy.”
It’s clear that you have no plans to make it easy for him. He doesn’t blame you. He’s done some unscrupulous things at your expense, none of which you deserved. But he can't stop his body from thrumming at the way your eyes speak volumes to him without using any words. He loves how your long lashes try to hide the real emotions swirling inside you, the hurt peeking through the bravado. You clutch your title to your chest, as though protecting yourself, hiding your body, forgetting that he’s since mastered every inch of it, every inch of you. He’s studied you long enough to detect your defense mechanisms. That’s how intimately he understands you. He has come to the realization that the connection he and you have is a lot more than just sex. His feelings for you run deep, far more than any other woman he’s messed around with.
He just needs to convince you that this is the case.
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Taking your hand in his, Jey pulls you close, relieved when you don't shy away this time. He smiles down at you and has to stop himself from kissing your full lips. "Come kick it with ya boy later. Let's grab some dinner after the show. I got a lot of apologizing to do and I want to earn your trust back," he implores.
Just as you feared, your entire resolve starts to crumble at his plea. This is a bad idea. You’ve managed to recover from him once, and you risk relapsing if you allow this to happen. But god, he looks so good and smells even better. You can feel his chest rising and falling in rhythm with yours. Your gaze flickers to his lips, remembering how soft they feel against yours, his tongue dancing sensually with your own…
Jey sees through your hesitation and cranks up the pressure. "I promise I'll be good, I'ma keep my hands to myself if that's what you worried about." He releases your hand for emphasis.
As always, when it comes to this motherfucker, your emotions prevail. “Fine,” you concede with a roll of your eyes. “I got a backstage segment with Rhea in twenty minutes and then I’m done for the night. I’ll meet you right here afterwards.”
The smile that lights up his face thaws your heart a little. “A’ight. I’ll be here,” he says.
“Dinner, Jey. Nothing else,” you remind him sternly.
“Scout’s honor. I gotchu,” he says, as you turn away. He looks on with a smirk as you walk down the hallway, sensing your reluctance to part from him. “Let your man know you’ll be home before midnight!” he calls out.
“Whatever, Uso,” you shout back. “And stop staring at my ass!”
Jey snickers at that. He likes that you know him so well.
"Mmmm, fuck!"
Your groans trigger his own, the deep, guttural sound filling your ears, thick with need and exertion. Your fingers thread through his blond mullet, pleasure surging through you like potent aftershocks as he pounds into you with breakneck speed, the movements rocking the Chevrolet Equinox marooned in a secluded corner of the empty parking lot. 
"God, I've missed this good pussy," Jey pants heavily against your neck, inhaling your intoxicating scent, “Fuck, you so wet. Missed you so much, babe.”
Damn it, you should have known…Known it was all a big set up from the jump. You should have smelled trouble coming when he let you order your favorite meal from the obscure little diner you frequented whenever you came to town; that it was a trap when he opted to invade your space by cornering you in the booth and not sitting across from you; You should have known better than to let him rub on your thigh all through dinner, should have steered the conversations back to less intimate, sexual topics. You should have pushed him away when he leaned in for the kiss he’d been seeking all night, knowing damn well that once your lips touched, you’d become so desperate for him that waiting to get to the hotel would no longer be an option. You should have known he rented this big ass SUV because the backseat would be more comfortable and private than any dark alley you could sneak into. You should have known better than to think tonight would turn out any other way; He’s learned a few tricks from his Tribal Chief cousin and carefully and deviously orchestrated this outcome knowing that you could never resist the charms of the man you are, deep down, still hopelessly in love with.
Jey pushes your legs back further towards your head, taking advantage of your famed flexibility, and plows his thick, meaty cock in and out of your pussy, creating the sexiest, filthiest wet noises. Each thrust is deeper and more demanding than the last as he bears down on you, his big body hunched over yours, making you take every inch of him. His grunts and your moans are the only things spoken, the only language understood right now. The smell of sex permeates the thinning air inside the car, the heat of passion scorching, suffocating you both in the most sensuous of ways.
Jey looks down between your bodies and smirks at what he sees. "Damn, look at that, look how wet your pussy is. You definitely missed Daddy," he groans, parting your legs wider for a better view. "This dick feel good, right baby?
“Aw, yes Daddy, you feel so good, fuck me,” your words trail away with a whimper, and you sink your nails into his newly tatted back as he obliges your request. Your eyes roll in the back of your head, lost to the sensation of his big dick plunging deeper inside your wet heat.
Truth be told, you have never had a lover like Jey Uso. Rough. Tender. Chaotic. Gentle. Primal. Passionate. He is all-consuming, a Samoan whirlwind of sexual energy and skill and stamina. He makes you feel like nothing else matters but you and him and the orgasmic moments you share. One look into his darkly luminous eyes and you’re gone every time, a puddle of ruined panties and pussy juice. He never fails to turn you upside down and inside out, expertly coaxing endless orgasms from you. You’re his marionette and he’s the puppet master, the true owner of your body and your soul and your entire being. 
And this is a stark reminder of that.
“Damian fuck you like this? Huh?” Jey asks, his sweaty brow furrowed with lust and a hint of curiosity as he scouts out his competition.
Definitely not. Damian is not bad in bed - quite the opposite, in fact. But his efforts can never compare to this. Too wrapped up in ecstasy to speak, you manage to shake your head no at the question, but it's not enough for Jey. His palm slips from your breast to swat your inner thigh, causing a stinging pain that reverberates through your heated skin and surges straight to the pressure point of your clit. 
“Use your words, baby,” he orders. He wants to hear you say it, to confirm what you’ve both known all along.
“No, Daddy…” you answer, your mouth falling open in a silent moan as he angles his hips, grinding himself right up against your g-spot the way you like it, his long, determined strokes hitting just right... 
“I know he don’t, cuz he don’t know this pussy like I do. This my pussy, baby girl. I can tell you missed this dick too, you grippin’ the shit outta me…”
As much as you hate to admit it, he’s spot on. You haven’t been fucked like this in so long and your kitty is singing for joy. This animalistic side of him as he drives into you is making you delirious. Waves of pleasure wash over you as he reverts to hard, steady, pounding thrusts, lodging his dick in your stomach. You glide your dainty hands all over his chest and abs, letting your fingernails scrape his sweat-slick skin. The slight shudders of his body and his whimpering groans as he reacts to your touch leave you all giddy inside. You dare to cradle his bearded face in your hands and hold his gaze. What stares back at you is so deep and intense and full of emotion, reflecting everything you’ve felt for each other in the past two years. 
“Jey…” you whisper after a long, charged moment.
“My baby girl,” Jey breathes back, “I lo-”
You don’t let him finish, tugging him down for a sloppy, unhurried kiss, winding your hips to match his thrusts and ride that edge with him as he moans into your mouth. This spurs him to nudge your thighs even further back with your toes touching the roof of the SUV, opening you up to more pummeling thrusts until your legs tremble in the air and you have to break the kiss from how breathless he's leaving you.
“Uh huh, you comin’ for me, baby?” he asks, brushing your lips together again as his own release creeps ever closer. “I know you 'bout to nut. Lemme have it, come for Daddy.”
With one hand, he grips the seat above your head, his hips snapping into you, drilling you faster, harder. You're soaring higher and higher, and then, you crash, contracting around his throbbing shaft as you come so hard you start to convulse. Stars explode behind your eyelids as your arms tighten around his neck, holding on for dear life as you tumble headfirst into the sweet cavern of euphoria.
“Ahhh shit, goddamn, Y/N…” Jey moans along with you as his dick twitches inside your warm depths. You’re still coming all over him, your pussy squeezing and suckling every inch of him to the point that his body tenses on top of yours, and he grunts out, "Gah, finna come!"
Ripping himself out of you, he scrambles upright and pumps his slippery dick in his hand, releasing himself on your lower belly. Both of you moan at the sight of his warm, milky cum gushing all over your brown skin. His groans of pleasure are music to your ears. He keeps massaging his cock, ensuring he’s all emptied out, while his other hand runs up and down the back of your upturned thigh in a sensual, soothing touch.
“Fuck, I almost nutted in you. This pussy too damn good, babe," he pants, resting the semi-hard length on your pussy lips. Feeling it pulse temptingly between your folds, you close your thighs together before the thought of going another round can creep in. You squirm into a seated position and slowly start to clean yourself up, adjusting your clothes as Jey does the same with himself. When you’re both done, his arms come around you as he sweeps his lips, soft and inviting, over the crook of your neck, your cheek, and finally landing on your lips. Inevitably, you melt into his embrace, enjoying the warmth and affection that you’ve needed from him for months.
“You wanna know the real reason I switched brands?” he speaks up after a few moments, waiting for you to look at him. “It wasn’t just to get away from my family. I did it for you.”
The notion has lingered in your mind ever since you saw him return two nights ago at Payback, but to hear it uttered out loud ignites a reaction neither of you expect. 
“Don’t. Don’t do that,” you warn, shaking your head.
“Do what?”
Tears inexplicably fill your eyes as you speak. “That. You do it all the time. Say shit that sounds sweet and amazing only for you to do the opposite. I’m over that shit, okay?” 
A look of hurt clouds his handsome face. “Baby, I know I made a lot of mistakes that I regret. I own that shit. I also know I’d be a fool to fuck this up again. Real talk.” His beautiful eyes are sad and hopeful and pierce your soul. “I really miss us, baby girl. Truth is, I don’t feel right with no one else but you. I miss you. Don't you miss me?”
At this juncture, lying is pointless. “I do,” you admit, a tear slipping from the corner of your eye. “But I can’t handle you hurting me again, Jey. I won’t let you.”
Jey reaches up to catch the tear with a brush of his thumb, letting his hand linger on your soft cheek. “I know. That’s why I’m here. For you. I’m sorry about everything and I want us to start over. Can we start over?” He gazes intently at you, wanting to say more, but he holds back, shelving it for a more appropriate time. “Take me back. Give me another chance, baby. I’ll be better than I’ve ever been, I swear to you,” he continues softly. 
This man always makes you question how strong you really are. Each time you think you've escaped, he finds you and reels you back in, like steel to a magnet. Your brain wants to reject him, but your heart is desperate for him, craving to fall back into him and his empty promises. He has a hold on you that you probably will never be able to break free from, and maybe it’s time you accept this fate.
“I’ll think about it,” you conclude.
“I can grovel if you want. That's fine with me, baby. I’ma grovel as long as you want me to. I know you like the things I do when I’m on my knees.” He winks cheekily as you gasp, blushing profusely.
“Matter of fact, you comin’ back to my suite with me. I’ma show you just how good I can grovel,” he adds. His straight white teeth sink into his bottom lip, and the heat that simmers in his eyes leaves you weak-kneed.
“Oh my god. What am I gonna do about you?” you lament.
His chuckle is joyous and relieved as he holds you tighter in his strong arms and repeatedly, playfully kisses your cheek. “Whatever you want, my baby girl. Whatever you want.”
You roll your eyes in response, but you fail at masking your grin as the thrill of reuniting with your man warms you all over. You figure that a couple extra hours in his company won't hurt. One night only.
Just tonight.
That's it.
Thoughts? Should she believe him?
Please leave feedback/comments. I appreciate them as they help me improve my writing.
Thank you all so much for reading!
Banner made by me. Jey gifs by @jeygif and @jeysuso respectively.
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punksdoll · 6 months
hii, just wanna say I love ur blog/aesthetic so much! ur so talented and I eat up all your stories!! hope ur having a great day!
was wondering if I could request a Jey Uso x reader fanfic? where you are normally the chill one in your relationship and' he is usually the protective one but you and rhea have a rivalry going on with your war-games match and rhea first with jey to get in your head and get jealous of rhea flirting with him but he just tries to calm you down and tells you that's what she wants.
and you try to listen to him until you have a promo with jd and she touches him and you lose it and beat her ass. and jey lets you gets your hits in before him and the rest of your war-games team pulling you off her and taking care of your injuries and tells you he loves how you care for him (and that he also found it hot lol).
~~~𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆
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gif not mine like, comments, & reblogs appreciated
𝑱𝒆𝒚 𝑼𝒔𝒐 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ^owner of gif
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝒔𝒉𝒆’𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅…𝒐𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒆?
𝒂/𝒏: 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕, 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒎<𝟑𝟑𝟑 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒔 𝑰 𝒅𝒊𝒅. (𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝟓 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒆) 𝑺𝒐 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈<𝟑
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂 𝒇𝒍𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚/𝒏’𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒏, 𝒋𝒆𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒕, 𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝑨𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒂 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒓 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚/𝒏 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒛𝒊, 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈, 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇.
2/2 request down. 2 more to go as of right now:)
not proofread
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Y/n lets out a loud dramatic gasp as she watches Rhea stand in front of Dom and rest her hand on her boyfriend, Jey Uso’s, chest. “You’re joking me.” She says as she looks at Michael Cole and Corey Graves, “You’re joking me.”
“It seems like…” Michael Cole lets out a laugh as the three at commentary watch as Rhea pushes Jey back, slowly and flirtatiously, “Mami is flirting with Jey Uso.” He chuckles.
Y/n narrows her eyes as she watches Rhea’s lips move as she says something to Jey who makes eye contact with her before looking away and back at Rhea. Y/n takes off her headset and gets up, storming around the ring and where Jey is, getting in between Rhea and Jey, slapping her hand away.
The crowd lets out a bunch of o’s as they watch Y/n and Rhea have a stare down. Dom behind Rhea and Jey behind Y/n. Jey looks at his girlfriend with a shocked expression.
Between Jey and Y/n, Y/n was the more calmer one. She was laidback and she never got protective or jealous at any woman that talks or flirts with Jey. Most of the time is because she trust Jey completely and because he always brushes them off. So seeing y/n react this way was a total shock to him and the rest of their friends.
The rest of the judgment day group pile up behind Rhea as they stare them down. Following in their footsteps, Cody, Seth, and Sami follow in as well behind Jey and Y/n. The crowd is going wild as they watch Rhea and Y/n stare each other down.
“Ma…” Jey Uso voice cuts through the tension as he wraps an arm around his girlfriend’s, “It’s all good…don’t worry bout it.” He reassures her as the judgment day break away from them.
Y/n breaks eye contact with Rhea and looks at Jey with a glare before walking away from him and back to commentary. Jey looks over at Sami who looks just as confused. “Talk with her after the match?” Sami suggests and Jey nods slowly, taking a glance over at Y/n to see her with the headset on and staring Rhea down as she talks to Michael Cole and Corey Graves.
Y/n wasn’t familiar with this feeling and nor did she like it. She didn’t know what she felt when she saw Rhea lay her hand on her man’s chest. She thought it was annoyance but she only gets annoyed when people talk too much. So that was off the list. She thought it was irritation because of Rhea’s presence, but that was also off the list cause her irritation was already there when she came towards the ring. She had an idea about what it was but she didn’t want to admit to it.
“Bae.” She is snapped out of her daze as she feels a hand lay on her cheek, “you ok?” She realizes it’s Jey and she immediately scowls as she pulls away from his hand.
Their in their hotel room and ever since they got there, y/n had been giving Jey the silent treatment. He was beyond confuse of this behavior coming from y/n.
“You…” He trails off as he pulls her right back towards him, “have been ignoring me since we got off work.” He drags her down onto their hotel bed, forcing her to lay down as he looks down at her from above.
Y/n looks at his chain that dangles above her and with a glare she says, “You let her touch you.”
Jey raises an eyebrow and can’t help himself but laugh, “Is that what you mad about?” He laughs harder.
Y/n huffs in annoyance and shoves him away from her as she sits up and stands up to walk away but is immediately caught and taken back down on the bed.
“It’s not funny.” She frowns, “She was touching you and talking to you…flirting even. That’s what Michael said.” You sigh as you play around with his chain.
Jey smiles down at her and cups her cheek, giving her a kiss. “You know that’s her way of tryna get to you right? Make you so angry that you get distracted and that’s all you think about.” Jey rubs her cheek with his thumb, “Don’t worry about it, ok? She’s tryna get inside that pretty head of yours and make you mad. Don’t let her do that, ok?”
Y/n makes eye contact with him and slowly nods, “Ok…”
“Promise?” He raises an eyebrow and she can’t help but smile as she connects her pinky with his.
Y/n never broke a promise. But she was really considering on breaking this one. Ever since that day between y/n and Rhea, Rhea, in fact did, try and get in y/n head. She would flirt constantly with Jey every dam day and every dam second. Y/n could feel her patience running thin as each day goes on to the next.
Today was the day that Jey’s team and The Judgment day will have their promo one day before the big match.
Y/n watches on the screen as The Judgment Day make their entrance down towards the ring. Y/n keeps her eyes on Rhea, watching as she puts on a smirk to show her dominance.
“Whatever she says today…” Jey starts as he throws his arm around his girlfriend’s shoulder, “Don’t let it get to you, alright? I don’t want you to get a mouthful from our boy Adam, feel me?” Jey asks.
Y/n looks up at him and nods, “Ok…” She smiles almost immediately as he leans down and gives her a kiss.
“You lovebirds ready?” Sami strolls over with the rest of the team.
“Yes we are.” Jey gives her one more kiss before going out to his entrance. One by one each one walks out to their entrance and it leaves Y/n to be last.
“Do not let her get in there…don’t.” Y/n repeats Jey’s words before walking through the curtains with a smirk on her face as the crowd cheers for her.
Jey smiles and throws his arm over her shoulder before they all walk down the ramp and towards the ring where the judgment day are watching them. Y/n eyes trail over to Rhea who is already staring at her with a smirk, and y/n then decides to keep eye contact with her even as she gets inside the ring.
Everyone gets a microphone and Cody takes the lead and starts talking. Promos usually aren’t a big thing for y/n since she’s more of a fight now talk later type of person and with this new big feud going on, she barely has time to do that. Each and every member talk either towards one of them or at the crowd, trying to keep the crowd going and entertained.
It’s Rhea’s turn and y/n feels herself churning as Rhea walks closer to her and Jey with a smirk plastered on her face. Jey narrows his eyes and keeps y/n close to him with his arm still around her shoulder.
“Y/n, long time no see after what had happened last week. You remember?” Rhea smiles, “I sure remember the feel of Jey’s strong and hard abs against my hand as I pushed him away from my dirty dom.” Y/n feels herself twitching to get at Rhea but she keeps herself glued to Jey’s side. “Would you like to know what I said to him?” Rhea questions, “I offered him an opportunity to join the Judgment Day, to make a name for himself, and to be free from anything that has to do with the bloodline…and you.” She laughs inside the mic and Y/n could feel herself lose her patience the more Rhea talks, “I told him how he can have way more fun with me instead of being stuck here with a bore like you.”
Fuck that shit.
Y/n lunges at Rhea and starts attacking her as the crowd cheers her on. Finn, Damian, Dom, and JD take that as their cue to go ahead and attack the rest of Jey’s team. But Jey’s team were very well prepared for it as they all take down the men on the team. Jey hitting JD with a kick and leaving him on the mat as he watches his girlfriend beat Rhea down. He knew he should have stopped it just as soon as she jumped at Rhea but wanted to let her take out the anger that he knew was piling up by the minute.
“We should stop her before she gets seriously injured.” Cody snaps Jey out and it’s then that he realizes the rest of the judgment day are down. He nods and they all rush over and pull the women a part. Jey throws a thrashing y/n over his shoulder as he walks out of the ring and up the ramp, keeping a tight grip on her because of how much she is thrashing.
“Don’t you ever say some stupid crap like that you Uncle Fester!” Y/n shouts as loud as she can from where she is positioned as Jey leads the team away from the arena and towards the back.
Jey leads you all the way towards the medical room to take care of your nose that is currently bleeding and a bruise that’s already forming on your jaw. He walks in and sets you down on the medical bed and with a smile he watches as you mumble under your breath while one of the medical people gets some tissues to stop the bleeding.
“Hold this.” The nurse tells Jey who doesn’t hesitate.
Y/n suddenly realizes where she is and she makes eye contact with Jey who is looking at her amused. Y/n sighs and shakes her head, wincing a bit at the pain she is now feeling.
“I’m sorry…I broke the promise.” Y/n sighs.
“You was jealous.” Jey chuckles, “You was jealous because another woman was tryna land a claim on me, admit it.” He says.
She stares at him baffled as the nurse comes back and pulls the tissue away and cleans her nose and mouth with some wipes.
“I wasn’t…” Y/n cuts herself off as she stares at Jey who gives her a look, “…a little?”
“A lot.” He smiles as the nurse hands him an ice pack before walking out to give them some privacy.
“Uh uh.” Y/n shakes her head stubbornly.
“Don’t get all sassy with me girl.” Jey sasses her making her smile a bit with a little giggle. “If ima be honest with you…” Jey looks towards the door before back at her and whispers, “That was pretty dam sexy.”
Y/n raises an eyebrow and smirks, “oh really?”
“Pssh, hell yeah. You showed, in your words, Uncle Fester how it was done.” Jey nods with a proud smile.
“I called her that?” Y/n eyes widened.
Jey laughs and lays the ice pack on her jaw, “You sure as shit did.”
Y/n purses her lips and leans against the ice pack, “Hm…am I a bore?” Y/n recalls the word that Rhea used to describe her.
Jey raises an eyebrow and smiles a bit, “Nah, I think you’re the most funnest entertaining woman I ever known. As well as sexy as hell.” Jey gives her head a kiss.
Y/n smiles a bit and leans over to lay her head on his chest, “I love you…”
“And i love you.”
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jeysbvck · 4 months
no but he's actually everything to me
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135 notes · View notes
von2dutch · 20 days
Sugar baby | Jey Uso
Part three
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Synopsis: Sex is not a big deal. ...You can have a no-strings-attached arrangement with someone you don’t care about.
Pairing: Jey uso X Black Fem reader | word count: 2.1k | warning: smut, toxic behavior , protected sex | 18+ ONLY
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If anyone doesn’t want to be tagged anymore please let me know!
Lastly, Enjoy.
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As the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon inside Jey’s hotel room , a chorus of birds greeted the dawn with a symphony of chirps and songs. The melodic sound filled the air, announcing the arrival of a fresh day full of possibilities.
The calm and tranquil feeling in the bedroom is one of comfort and safety, as if the world is at peace. With Dakota by his side of course.
Joshua slowly opened his eyes to a warm and radiant morning light filtering through the window.
As Jey looked over at Dakota, he saw her sleeping peacefully beside him. He couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his heart as he watched her snuggled up against his chest, her arms wrapped around him tightly. The moment felt serene, and he took a deep breath, savoring it. He couldn't help but admire Dakota's beauty in that moment, as the soft glow of the moon illuminated her features and added an ethereal quality to the scene. It was a simple yet beautiful moment that he would always cherish.
He gently pulled her close with his arm, and planting soft kisses all over her face and neck, waking her up slowly but lovingly.
Jey had felt horrible about how he treated Dakota especially what he said to her a couple weeks ago when discussing being with her more than just a client.
He initially took in what his brother was saying and realized he loved Dakota not just what she did for him sexually but what she did for him mentally and physically because as much as he was there for her in those needs she was also there in those needs of his. With him being on the road 25/7 it sometimes gets lonely and sad but she always made sure to brighten his day even when she didn’t know she did.
His affection for her was not just a fleeting infatuation. It was a profound feeling that surpassed any previous experience he had ever had. This love penetrated through the depths of his heart and soul, and he had never felt anything like it before. He was completely consumed by her, and she had become the center of his whole universe. In his life, she was the beacon of hope that illuminated his path through even the darkest of times.
She's got him wrapped around her little finger, and he'd do anything to see her smile. He just needed to show her more than tell her and he was going staring today.
“Mmm Josh stop.” Dakota groaned moving her face away to stop the kisses he repeatedly left on her cheeks.
Chuckling he kissed her exposed neck annoying her even more “Ko baby get up I’m bored and I miss you.”
Opening her eyes staring back at his brown precious big eyes she could almlsh Melt into them but at moment all she felt was her love fading away from him because like he said she was just a client. “Josh don’t think cause we had sex last night that every is all dandy and cool cause it’s not.”
Joshua, sighed flustered, sat up abruptly. "Ko, I apologize. What more do you want me to say?" he asked, his tone reflecting a hint of desperation.
Getting out of his grasp she folded her arms looking at him like he was stupid “It’s not about what else I want you to say, I want you to acknowledge what you said.”
“Matter fact I’m done explaining myself cause remember I’m just your client it isn’t nothing else to it so it don’t matter I’m leaving.” Dakota attempted to get out of the bed to grab her clothes and leave but Joshua grabbed her pinning her arms down on the bed hovering over her as his sliver chain dangled in her face he stared in her eyes deeply.
“Dakota, you're more than just a client...I can't be away from you, can't go without seeing your radiant face or hearing your angelic voice. I want to be around you, soak up life with you, and just be beside you. Losing you would kill me. I love you with all of my heart.I don't want to miss a minute without you by my side. I love you Ko.”
“I want you and I’ll prove it by showing you then just telling you.”
That was it. Those words was something she thought she’d never hear but she did. All Dakota could do was stare back into his eyes taking in everything he had just told her. He was in love with her but she was also hesitant to believe maybe he was right he did need to show her.
“Joshua you don’t mean that you’re just telling me that because you want me to get over what you said.” Dakota said being stubborn no matter how much it melted her heart to hear him say those words she just couldn’t believe it.
Laughing to himself softly he knew she would be stubborn and he could handle it he just had to show her how much he meant it “Ko I mean that shit and if it takes me a million hours, years, or months to show you I will. I apologize for I what said I love you and I’ll show you.”
As he hovers above her, his gaze never wavers.He stares down at her with such intensity and passion, as if he owns her.He wants her back in his home, alone, just the two of them for a whole month.
He wants nothing but her all to himself, without any interference or distractions.
“That’s why I want to ask you to come back home with me while I’m off for the whole month just me and you…that’s if you want to mama.” He asked with pleading eyes.
Dakota pondered for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts and doubts. She wanted to believe him, to trust that he was sincere in his words. Could this be his opportunity to prove it? She took a deep breath and looked up at him, searching for any sign of insincerity. When she saw only a warm smile on his face, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. With a smile of her own, she answered, "Yes, I'll go with you."
Instagram Story • Dakota Valentine
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“It’s so beautiful here.” Dakota covered her eyes from the hard sunlight while she admired the beautiful landscape of Pensacola, Florida. The beautiful trees and water was something that amazed her how beautifully it was.
After a long flight from Atlanta in Jey’s private Jet alone just them two the more they spent alone the more she became to believe he actually meant what he said.
“Here ko.” Jey handed Dakota the keys to his home while he grabbed her luggage from the car his driver sat in. “Go unlock the door and chill I got everything and you better be laying down Frl ko.” He glared at her knowing how much she didn’t listen.
Rolling her eyes she caught the keys walking towards the door she threw the middle finger up at him “You already did.” He shot back smartly.
As she turned the doorknob and stepped inside, she found herself mesmerized by the sheer beauty of his home. Every time he had flown her out to his place when he was off, she was left in awe at the stunning interiors and the breathtaking exteriors. It was as if the first time she had visited his home was replayed in her mind every time she visited.
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Dakota walked towards the refrigerator grabbing a drink of water before she plopped down on his white comforting couch she watched as the sunset rose in more beautifully the water waving softly the trees flowing through the wind she was so caught up into the sight that she didn’t hear Josh calling her name.
“Mama you good?”Jey asked sitting next to Dakota on the couch, gently and lovingly takes her feet into his hands.He removes her blue Dior slides and begins to gently rub and massage her feet, caressing every inch of her soft, smooth skin.
He places a gentle kiss on her foot, sending tingles through her body, before rubbing the other foot. She leans back into his hands and sighs contently as he spoils her with this attention and affection.
With a gentle nod of her head, she replied, "Yes, it's just that this place is so breathtakingly beautiful. It's been quite some time since I last visited, and I almost forgot how much I missed it."
“I know I changed some things around here too, remember that painting you wanted back in September when I took you too that art show? I got it hung up right there for you Ko.” He pointed towards the white painted wall where the panting hung.
“Aww thank you baby.” She blushed cheesing happily resting her head and back against the couch.
The two of them sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, Jey spoke up, his voice soft and gentle, breaking the comfortable stillness that had enveloped them. As he looked into Dakota's eyes, he spoke with a sincerity that could not be denied, “Dakota I meant what I said earlier.”
Sighing she looked back at him “I know but I want you to show me Joshua not tell me.”
“And I will trust me.”
Park West Beach
“Joshua you bet not have me at no damn water park! For me dressing up when I should be sleeping some damn where.” Dakota stressed as he had his hands covering her eyes leading her towards the beach she felt sand at her foot.
“Dakota shut up and be patient.”
“You shut up! You better not throw me in the water cause I feel sand at my feet and we are at the beach sir.”
Huffing Joshua smiled finally being at the location he desired for her he spoke “okay ima count to three and then I’ll uncover your eyes aight?”
“Yes.” Dakota answered softly geeked with anticipation and eager.
“1,2,3.” Removing his hand from her eyes he stood back watching as she took in what was in front of her.
Dakota's face lit up with a wide smile as she gazed at the mesmerizing sight in front of her. She could hardly believe that he had gone to so much trouble just for her. The ambiance was absolutely perfect, with flickering candles casting a warm, inviting glow all around them. Her favorite foods were carefully laid out on the table, tantalizing her senses with their mouth-watering aromas. The comfortable chairs beckoned to her, inviting her to sit down and relax. And all around them, fragrant roses bloomed, their delicate petals bathed in the soft light of the moon, as they sat beside the tranquil waters.
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“J-Joshua you did all this?” She looked back at him with tears filling her eyes that she so desperately wanted to held back.
Smiling he embraced her into a hug leaving a few kisses on her face “Yeah I had Jimmy and trin help me, you like it?” He asked nervously, he was worried that she wouldn’t like it considering he wasn’t much a romantic partner but he tried and he always with over and beyond for Dakota no matter what.
His love ran deep for her that some would say he was infuriated with her.
“Do I love it? Of course!” She jumped into his arms Jey caught her with one arm wrapping her legs around him he held her tightly then two laughing.
“I can’t believe you did this for me.” She gushed once more before he sat her down gently on the circle chair he sat beside her holding her hand.
As she glanced around she couldn’t help but ask what did he do all this for? Was it to apologize? Because if so she wasn’t accepting it from him no matter how beautiful everything was.
“So what is all this for?” She asked knitting her eyebrows together while she looked into his eyes waiting for an answer.
“Well that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” He took her hand into his moving closer to Dakota he stared directly into her eyes watching as she became nervously because she was biting her lip which he took notice of a few months back of when she was nervous.
“I know what I said a few weeks ago hurt you Ko and I apologize but not only that but I wanted to confess my love for you Dakota.” Jey left a few kisses on her Hand before taking a deep breath.
Jey's eyes burn with the passionate fire and desire he's had for Dakota for so long. He wants to express his love for her with a burning intensity, wants to claim her as his, and make her his in every way possible. It's not just an infatuation anymore, it's something so much more than that.He's obsessed, addicted, and obsessed with her.
As he watches her, he's hit in the gut with the depth of his feelings.It feels like a burning hot flame that's raging within him and he can't deny or stop. He's consumed by his love for her, intoxicated by her beauty and presence.
“I love you with every breath I take, with every beat of my heart", I couldn’t imagine life with you Ko and no matter how stubborn you are I’ll show you I mean it.” he confesses.
Jey holds her hands. He looks at her with pure adoration and devotion, his feelings so deep and his love so real.
"Dakota Kamire Valentine..." he whispers, taking a moment to take in her whole beauty and being.
He takes in a deep breath and continues. "Will you be my girlfriend? My partner in life? My soulmate?"
He stares deeply into her eyes, waiting for her answer, his heart pounding and aching.
Dakota's eyes widened in surprise as she gazed back at him, feeling a mix of emotions bubbling up inside her. She tried to avoid looking directly at him, scanning the surroundings instead, to control her tears. It was hard to believe that Jey Uso, the Joshua she had grown to know so well, was confessing his feelings for her on a picturesque beach, with just the two of them as witnesses. The beauty of the moment was almost too much to handle.
He wanted her and only her and he was going to show he meant it.
“Y-yes I’ll be your girlfriend Josh.” She stuttered tears leaving her eyes Jey embraced her into a hug before wiping her tears away she kissed him deeply.
“I can’t believe your silly ass just asked me to be your girlfriend.” Dakota chuckled wiping away her tears pushing at his chest playfully while smiling at him shyly.
“Yeah it took me a while but I had too I couldn’t stand you possibly being with someone else other than me Ko, I love you.”
"Josh, why did it take you so long to come clean about this? Was it because you were hoping I'd forgive you for what you said, or was it because you saw me at the club with another man and felt guilty? I need to know the truth, Josh," she said, her arms folded as she fixed him with a curious gaze.
“To be honest… It was because of what my brother said.” He spoke “I had realized that I fell in love with you ko and I was scared to admit it because of past experiences as far as my divorce I had a year ago I didn’t want to go through another heart ache if we never worked out Dakota with me being on the road I feared you’ll fall out of love with me too and find someone else new.”
“I feared that maybe you didn’t want this as much or I wasn’t enough but most importantly my one fears made me push back my feelings for you but no matter how hard I tried I always seemed to fall for you deeper and deeper.”
"You probably think I’m bullshiting, but there is truth to these words..You are the air in my lungs, the light in my eye, the smile on my face. You are everything to me, and without you...I feel lost and like a ghost of who I used to be.”
“Your gaze upon me is simply enchanting, it's like a magnet pulling me closer to you. Your mere presence ignites a flame of passion inside me, and I feel alive in your arms. The warmth of your touch sends shivers down my spine, and it's a sensation I never want to lose. You're the missing piece of my puzzle, the one who completes me in every way. I can't imagine my life without you; you're my every breath, my lifeline, and my everything. I love you more than words can express, Ko.”
Dakota couldn’t even spare a word to him after hearing him confess his love for her. She was stunned she couldn’t believe it that the one thing she wanted was happening before her eyes.
She love him just as much as he loved her.
“Aww Josh you gon make me cry…I hate you.” She said playfully before she wiped her tears falling from her eyes. She was in such awe.
“Don’t cry ma I just want to tell you how much I love you uce and I meant it.” Jey kissed her, her lips so soft and so sweet. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close against his chest, the heat of their bodies making them close and intimate. He touches her body slightly, caressing the curves of her hip before letting his hand rest on her ass. He stares at her with desire, wanting to never stop touching her.
Dakota's eyes sparkled with love as she gazed at Joshua. "I love you, Joshua," she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "There's nothing else in this world that I want more than this moment with you." As she spoke, she reached up to caress his face, her fingertips gently tracing the contours of his beard. The touch was soft and delicate, but it conveyed a deep sense of affection and intimacy. Joshua felt a surge of emotion as he looked into her eyes, knowing that he was the luckiest person in the world to have her by his side.
While the two sat and watched the waves of the water flow by quietly Josh spoke “I got something for you.” He said before grabbing a gift from the side of him it was red roses and a jar full of poems of letters that he wrote confessions of his love for her.
“Since you said you liked hand written notes, I decided to do this , here’s 365 hand written notes.”
“Jey you didn’t.” She smiled grabbing the jar opening it she read a few notes in complete awe she couldn’t wait to tell Jasmine she was going to flip about this.
She chuckled softly, unable to contain her surprise as she looked at him. 'You really do have a memory like a steel trap,' she murmured, a hint of admiration in her voice. 'I said that months ago, and yet you remember it like it was just yesterday.' Her laughter was infectious as she leaned in to kiss him, grateful for his thoughtful nature.
“But I did and I wanted to it’s always the littlest things that matter and this is one of them baby.”
Jey gazed at Dakota with a look of compassion and sincerity, and spoke in a gentle tone, "I want to take away any pain that you have ever experienced, Ko. I want to help you heal and feel better."
“What if I told you that you did.” She admitted.
“You Frl ko?”
“Yes I’m Frl, when my mom passed you were there for me every step of the way Jey. With you being on the road and busy 24/7 you still made time for me, you still made sure I was okay no matter how many miles away you were from me it always felt like you were there with me. You made me feel whole again through those dark times and I appreciate and will always love you for that.” She stared at him watching him smile brightly hearing those words.
Jey looked at her, an adoration in his eyes as he stares.
"You deserve all the happiness in the world.”
His eyes are soft and tender, yet there is a desire in them.
"I only want you to be happy, Dakota, even if you'd be happier with someone else."
They both were in love and there wasn’t anything getting in the way of it.
Lovers till the end of time .
To be continued…
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Hey my baby dolls I hope you all enjoyed this lovely chapter! I told y’all he would do better but next chapter will be not so great that’s all ima say na!
Happy Mother’s Day as well hope you all are having an amazing Sunday with your families.
Till next time. Love you all for tuning in🎀
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maineventpapiuso · 2 months
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samijey · 12 days
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Jey Uso - Monday Night RAW 20/05/2024
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foreverlyjay · 8 months
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romanreignsbae · 12 days
I’ll help you - R.R
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Me and my boyfriend Joe of 2 years now have always supported eachother no matter the circumstances. More recently Joe's schedule has been hectic as ever, because football season has started and he has a minor problem consuming him.
Since he came into college on a full ride scholarship for football this doesn't mean grades don't matter. He's an student athlete so his grades are always took into consideration before football.
Me and him have basically have all our classes together. In one class specifically, he's been struggling and is on the verge of failing, if his grade goes any lower, he will be taken off the football team until it goes back up and he can't have that.
We have a test in 2 days that's worth enough to bring his mark back up, so here I am in our dorm room trying to help him study.
I'm explaining the question thoroughly to make sure he understands. "So, Joe do you get it?" I ask him. I get no response so I look up at him seeing he's staring at me in awe. He then keeps eye contact while pushing my hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear. I blush profusely.
"Your so gorgeous baby, you know that" he talks in low voice while questioning me. But no- I can't fall for this right now.
"No Joe don't try to sweet talk your way outta this, you gotta get your grade up otherwise you won't be able to play" I remind him. He groans loudly before throwing his head back clearly annoyed.
I don't blame him because this is a pretty hard class, even for me. "C'mon Joe-" I get cut off with lips being smashed onto mines.
I try to pull away but he only deepens the kiss. I decide to let him get everything outta him, before I lecture him a little. He pulls away smiling at me with a proud look on his face. He reaches out and runs his finger over my now bruised bottom lip.
"Joe now seriously let's do a few more questions…then we can lay down and take a nap together" I try to compromise.
"Alright fine" he replies. What takes about 30 minutes we get through about 4 questions and I can see Joe's kinda starting to get the hang of it.
"Can we finally lay down?!” he pleads me in a whiny voice.
I nod my head and leads me to our bed. I lay down on my back and he crawls on top of me, laying his head on my chest. I start running my hands through his hair and within a few minutes I hear light snores. Before I know it I feel myself falling into a deep sleep too.
I wake up the next morning and get ready for my first class. I always wake up earlier then Joe because I like a fresh start to my day. I usually wake Joe up around 15 minutes before we leave cause he barely takes any time to get ready.
We get through all our classes and before we know it, it's break. Me and Joe hold hands walking through the courtyard. Usually during break we just sit under a tree and chill. I read occasionally if he wants to throw a football around with his friends. But it's rare cause he claims he would rather spend his time with me.
We place ourselves down under the big tree that gives a shadow to block the sun. I open my book bag and pull out the text books we need for him to study.
"Babyyyy nooo, not during break" he whines. I try not to giggle at his tone.
"Yes Joe, you have a practice that runs late tonight, when you get home your not gonna wanna study and the test is tomorrow, so you need to study" I explain.
He surprisingly complies and nods while he leans his head onto my shoulder.
"Ok so I'm gonna give you a few practice questions, and if you need help wait until the end, I want you to try these yourself at first" I announce.
I grab my notebook and write out a few questions. I hand the book over to him and I see him writing. A few minutes later he hands me back the notebook.
He had a confident look on his face and I hate to burst his bubble but these were all wrong. "Joe sweetie, these are wrong, but you got all the steps right, your just rushing the end" I exclaim.
He's truly so smart he just needs to try harder, and if he did I'm confident he would be doing phenomenal in all his classes.
"I know, I just don't have any motivation for this type stuff" he tells me. He leans forward and tries to give me a kiss. I back away and he groans.
"Y/n baby, please let me kiss you" he begs. A idea then pops into my head.
"Okay Joe, how bout every question you get right, you get a kiss, but… don't rush otherwise you won't get one" I compromise to him.
His eyes light up. He shoots up and sits up straight. "Yeah yeah lets do that, gimme some questions" he says almost excitedly. I laugh at his excitement.
I hand him the notebook and this time he takes about 20 minutes, I calmly read waiting for him.
I look over the answers and squeal. "Yes Joe! These are all right! I'm so proud of you, your gonna do great on the test" I exclaim.
He smiles at me proudly "that's because I have the best tutor" he tells me. He then quickly pulls me by my sweater and smashes his lips onto mine. We share a mini makeout session, until I feel my head throbbing in pain.
I quickly pull away and keep my eyes shut, the pain is so bad. "Hey! What the fuck man! Why the fuck would you do that" I hear Joe yelling.
I open my eyes and see that a football is right beside me. Great. I've had a football thrown at my head.
"Owww" I whine out while trying to contain myself from crying.
Joe collects all my books and puts them into my bag, he then picks me up and I nuzzle my face into his neck, his cologne calming and distracting me from the pain.
When he stops walking I open my eyes to see we are in the nurses office. Joe explains what happend to me to the nurse.
She quickly tests me out. "Ok well, it's not a concussion, but I suggest you rest now, stay home from school tomorrow and go back if you feel right" she tells me.
I thank her and we leave, while we walk to our dorm room, Joe's shit talking the guy who through the football at me, and about how he's gonna beat him up during practice.
When we get back Joe lays me down on our bed and gets a ice pack placing it on my head.
"I'm gonna stay here, instead of go to practice today" he lets me know.
I feel guilt wash over me. "No no, go Joe I'll be alright" I try to convince him. He doesn't budge at all though and pulls me onto his chest.
The rest of the night we spend cuddled up in our bed watching movies and order takeout.
The next morning I wake up before Joe per usual and decided I don't feel good enough to go to school. I wake up Joe and inform him he needs to get ready, but I'll be staying here.
He offers to stay with me, but I protest since he has that test today.
"Your gonna do great baby, just remember take your time and double check your answers." I tell him.
When it's time for him to go he kisses me softly before asking if I need anything before he leaves, which i refuse to.
I spend my day reading a book I've needed to get to, I took the opportunity since I had nothing better to do.
I look at the time and see Joe should be back any minute. While I'm finishing the book I hear the door slam open. I turn to my side to see Joe with a massive smile on his face.
"Baby, baby! Look what I got on the test" he practically yells. He walks over to me and sticks his hand out. I take the paper from him to see '93%' bolded in red in the corner of the page.
"Joe, you did it! I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!" I tell him excitedly.
The rest of the night is a calm night, I decide I need some fresh air so I sit on the bleachers reading during Joe's practice. And we spend our night embraced in each other's arms.
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