#main issue im having now is nerves and the fact that im supposed to be going to a house viewing at 5 on wednesday
kurthorton-moving · 1 year
very excited very nervous
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Liu Qingge/Zhuzi Lang: Both these dudes are from Scum Villain's Self Saving System, which is a chinese novel by the author MXTX (I cannot remember the full name im sorry).
Liu Qingge is known as a 'war god' and he's, to put it lightly, Fightsexual. Boy's got IQ specifically geared towards getting into and out of fights. He was one of the strongest characters in the story (like, 3rd strongest if you dont count the protagonist's dad who was uhm 'retired' by the start of the story lol). He's also Incredibly Princely Pretty.
Zhuzhi Lang is a half-snake demon with self-esteem issues and can turn into a large snake, and can also probably give Liu Qingge a good fight! ngl I just love Liu Qingge and I ship over half a dozen people with him. Zhuzhi Lang is a top contender though because he's a sweet guy, can totally get into vore, can give Liu Qingge a challenge, and also probably has 2 dicks-
Naruseku: Yeah i can gurantee this is the only submission for them for Some Reason. Because no one ships them. Like i have searched the internet far and wide and turn up with like. Close to literal zero. And here's the thing, this is entirely illogical. They work together in this evil group and their deals are essentially that they're. Unhappy people. At first you think they're just annoying but actually they're annoying snd Extremely Miserable. In silly ways, they are such losers and so cringefail. I could write an essay on both of them individually, but basically i love how their focus isn't on being better people, it is on being happier. Individually.
The show is divided into clear parts of who is the main antagonist at the time which really makes you FEEL how unhappy they each are. They're a group but they're also not bc they choose to be unhappy ad get on each other's nerves about it and that's a prime focus of their characters. Anyway, these two make me insane, they spend a lot of time together during the middle part of the show, bc the first villain is gone so now it's just the two of them and their leader who isn't doing much yet. After this part, one of them, narcistoru, is defeated so he's gone for the time being. But these two, they hate each other SOOOOOOOO much it's insane. This is because Narcistoru is an annoying bitch and Secretoru hates that. And they're both generally insane people with dumb beliefs and issues that they view wrongly. It's just so glorious to see them annoy each other so much. Post Narcistoru's main screen time, he gets his conclusion episode. He escapes from prison and Secretoru is supposed to retrieve him. But like not because they need him, in fact, they absolutely did not care that he was arrested because none of these people give a flying fuck about each other. It's just that he wasn't supposed to be a risk. Secretoru and Narcistoru have a rather petty and hilarious fight. Because you see. Now they don't have to get along. They are not on the same side. So the hostility is really thriving here. In fact, she manages to capture him, and while fighting the pretty cures (magical girls), hensays some annoying shit and she goes "actually i changed my mind" and shoves him off this rock in order for the monster (they always summon one) to fucking kill him. Like she tries to murder him in cold blood soley because he's annoying and this was entirely inevitable actually. She wants that twink obliterated. They don't bring this up again in the finale when they're both in prison. They just. Kind of hang out now. They've reached a level of tolerance.
And you may think "why do you ship this" LOOK. THEIR INTERACTIONS. ARE SO FUNNY. IT'S JUST. A VERY FUN SHIP. BECAUSE THEY'RE HILARIOUS. The hostility is so great and i think it would be neat if they had some t4t hatesex. It would solve nothing. They mske each other so much worse. But it would be very hot. Also secretoru has a general "can you shut the fuck up" attitude towards him. I don't even technically ship it but i ENJOY the ship.
And yet. I am so alone in this which is insane because i definitely expected ship content for them even before i actually wanted it myself.
But no, of course people ship Narcistoru with actual fifteen year olds. Like so much. And there is ZERO content for the ship with the other Actual Adult that he interacts with on a regular basis and who he has a fantastic and entertaining and INTERESTING dynamic with. So basically, i am not just sad, i am also SO SALTY. They are so insanely rarepair despite being an absolute epic duo. Awesome crackship, 10/10, literally comedy
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sukirichi · 3 years
suk *ehem saeren (new pseud is sexy btw and also your new theme vvv sexc bestie!!!😌😌) okay so when i read chp 7-8 i was like ‘y/n c’mon. give kita the chance he deserves i mean IT’S THE MR. KITA SHINSUKE WTF WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK?!’ but then oh god, the museum scene holy fuck. no because the cherry blossom tree works so well as an analogy for the main couple’s love story. yeah, cherry blossoms signify new beginnings and are mostly adorned by many when they bloom. why? aside from the indication of renewal, it only stays for a certain period of the year which is always a sight to see and because of the limited time frame, everyone knows the beauty it exudes will be gone after the time passes (death). going back, suna and y/n’s routine of spending time together to being away from each other’s presence is the recurring theme for them to grow. seeing them say too many goodbyes brings that anxious feeling of ‘ahh. it we will be back to square one again'  (also, not the fact that broken record connotes annoying repetition of something is aksjalks🤧) 
also yeah, when you love a person, the one should make you feel calm and secure and only then you can distinguish whether you truly love them or just merely an infatuation. but in y/n’s case, whether she has that rose-tinted glasses on or not, identifying the blaring red flags is hard to accept notice if that same marker is the one that brings her comfort due to its familiarity. and idk where to put this in my last ask because i don’t have enough brain juice to make a theory, but the way suna is nervous for his first date with mari, he should have second guessed why he’s acting like that when the happiness he felt with y/n is way more different with mari (should have listened to osamu and aran and ooh im sorry i assumed they samu and suna were schoolmates in high school when they are not akhfak). sure, he’s nervous out of excitement but for what? it's like foreshadowing that he needs to put up a front with mari just to keep her (but we all know that is not the case) in those 3 years they spent together, did he feel more on the edge than relaxed tho? 🤨
and for someone who loathes her half-sister, nagisa sure is invested with the happenings in y/n. it’s like she’s always on the lookout for her mistakes and dote it on her until her last breath. the mari and nagisa connection is possible though and it is not like they live countries apart but their meeting, from the way i see it, is like a silver lining for nagisa to topple y/n lol🤪 and aah, now it get why nagisa called y/n whore at the restaurant. when i read that part, i thought that they have somewhat lived under the same roof for some time but the succeeding chps showed they did not and was still confused because she has never shown any interest about what is going on with her affiliated family except hatred and then that happened. i guess when she burst out at that moment, it was when the two had met? 
it’s kinda disheartening to see how lucy subtly(??) controls y/n’s love life. maybe because she doesn’t want y/n to fall under the same category for marrying out of love when she is the one who refuses to divorce the dad (= she shouldn’t). should have filed that divorce, not doing so is a recipe for disaster itself. and mari 😤😤WHAT DID I SAY?? (well in this case, it is shunning others away from suna) i cannot, for my peace of mind, be able to be in the same vicinity as her. for all i know, i could be dragging her on the floor out of pure disgust. i can’t wait to find out who died and who is in critical condition. though, that critical scenario lead to afterlife too, so no wishful thinking here. but, ahh are we getting a background story for suna too?🥺 this is where i'm betting my wish at. while we’re at it, i wonder how atsumu will react to suna impregnating mari. i imagine he would say ‘dude wtf?! she chose you! how could you?!’ i know he is happy with his gf but can’t help to be caring as ever to y/n.
reading chps 7-9 in one go was a pleasant experience 1.because school😔🤢 2.angst is way more comforting than comedy 3.no more anxious thoughts of why and how this happened because at this point, i’m just playing hidden mickey here. but i truly love the story, can’t believe it’s already ending by the next update. saerennn i hope ur okay bub?🥺 and get that hashbrowns after finishing the series or while working for the last track. u deserve it!! luv u~💕💕
my egg anon, hello !! I’m so sorry for the late response, my asks were piled up and I got busy with school :<
AND AAAAAH THANK YOU I’M SO HAPPY YOU GOT THE MESSAGE OF THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS!! it was actually taken from the music video I linked back to the end of the chapter and my friend and I were discussing it because I think there were lots of symbolism on it. the one about new beginnings because the cherry blossoms only come for a certain time of the year before a new season comes also represents how YN and Suna keep going back and forth to loving, getting complicated, forgiving, getting complicated and so on and so forth. I love everything you said because it was exactly how I wanted the story to be like <33 the part about being anxious too !! that’s why YN keeps saying ‘this cycle never ends.’ and YESSSS THAT’S ALSO WHY I CHOSE BROKEN RECORDS AS THE TITLE. the ‘records’ refer to them playing love songs and then apology songs to each other over and over but then the song stops and they start to have new stories :<<
oooooh yes, totally. judging from my own experience, I can tell too whether it’s love or infatuation. when I’m with someone I love, I feel totally at peace and safe with them. it’s comfortable, it’s not supposed to be scary or nerve wracking. even if something wrong happened, you’re assured by the knowledge they’d be patient and listen to you. AND THIS PART WHERE YOU SAID THIS ABOUT SUNA ‘whether she has that rose-tinted glasses on or not, identifying the blaring red flags is hard to accept notice if that same marker is the one that brings her comfort due to its familiarity’ ITS 100% ACCURATE. same goes for suna tbh. YN was the one who broke his heart when they broke up but she was also the only able to comfort him. it’s hard for them to let each other go because they’re both a source of pain and familiarity that they struggle to find in this world. yes there’s some slight foreshadowing in how suna reacted with mari. he was on edge and he didn’t know what to do most of the time because he doesn’t understand mari the same way he understands YN. as for him being on edge, he most definitely was tiptoeing because mari placed a lot of boundaries such as keeping YN completely out of the picture and making her presence a bare minimum.
NOOOO BECAUSE THAT’S SO TRUE. Nagisa is always updated with YN. YN is the one who updates her about her life because she’s always trying to make conversation, but Nagisa pretends to be ‘uninterested’ although don’t let that fool you because she remembers every little detail just in case she can use it against her half sister. nagisa and mari met after mari broke up with suna in ch1 so yes, nagisa already knew the situation !! that’s why she called YN a ‘whore’ because if she ‘was with Suna’ then why is she also ‘dating’ Kita? so in nagisa’s eyes, YN is just the same as her mom.
lucy was half and half. sometimes she has good intentions but most of the time she’s also just messed in the head and she really fucked with YN’s trust issues. HMMM I WANTED A BACKGROUND STORY FOR SUNA TOO TBH but I didn’t know where to fit it and I didn’t want to add random, unnecessary details :<< AND FOR ATSUMUUUUU…. atsumu crushed on YN real hard… until now, even though he has a gf (now wife in the timeskip) you can tell he still cares about YN
NAUUUR angst is way more comforting than comedy sobs. and yes baby, I’m doing okay !! just a lil busy with uni work but nothing I can’t handle <33 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS EGG ANON, I REALLY LOVE HEARING YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT BECAUSE YOU HAVE SUCH A BIG BRAIN AHHH I love you, stay safe too bb <33
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floralkittygambler · 4 years
Reposting for reasons
Response to Honest’s post here: Doing this to spread this awareness more as I know theres a bit of a rift in the critical community - plus I really fucking go on. Im PISSED and I do apologise however it NEEDS urgent addressing. I know people will hate me for it but Im used to hate and honestly? Hating rather than helping to solve the issue only furthers my fucking point here. So yeah this is so more people are aware (no offense to any of those involved in said rift either, but this is an important message. Thank you for understanding and if I can do anything to make all sides comfortable, then please message me and I’ll do my upmost.) “ More awareness of this is needed. Even if it’s your favourite, you can’t justify their shit but rally against another’s shit. Have people tell you you’re experiences arent real or invalid because, like Husk, people have - in real life - shipped you with someone you are far from comfortable with but you still treat them like a person. Because you have basic respect. And people force you to accept harassment, touching, stalking, advances for THEIR satisfaction. People use you for their fantasies. But you’re just a ‘tsundere’ for it. Or you have addiction issues but people think being with another addict will ‘save’ you because you’re apparently too incompetent to save yourself. Love isnt some magic fuckin cure so stop romanticising it as a fuckin saviour. It’s gross and fuckin creepy. Get stalked and have someone NEVER accept your no just because you show youre still decent enough to not treat them shitty or any different from anyone else. Try having someone way older or way younger (both in morally fucked up ways) advance on you and people encourage that. People you’re supposed to feel safe around.
People touch you when you pull away or show discomfort. Follow you home. Have pictures of you and wont accept you dont like them like that and it’s not ‘playing hard to get’ or ‘the thrill of the chase’. Fuck. OFF. In fact, Im not only disappointed in the fandom. Im disappointed in the entire team who some should know better from their OWN personal experiences - or at least the bare minimal of being a fucking adult. Im disappointed in especially females (sorry idk whether girl or woman is more appropriate here-) who statistically are more likely to have experienced something similar at some point in their lives think this is a cute gay moment. No. Angel is made out as a fucking predator - Im not saying he is, Im saying that his persistence is very fucking unwelcome like one. People like Husk dont need that fucking invasiveness. They/We need patience and someone on our level. Angel’s I know are the fuckin polar opposite - and some of them I know are very sexually harassing, including unwanted touching. It’s a shitty way to present gay people. Gays are fuckin people. Some are cunts and some arent. It’s a HUMAN thing. But considering the shit theyve been subjected to, presenting a gay as a victim only to also show them as a perpetrator is insulting! And for those Ive seen argue this about how people like AD wouldnt know how to express their love normally and whatnot? His pig. His best friend. He’s in his fucking 30s. There are literal real life criminals who get molested as kids and then go on to molest kids. Not all who grow up like that turn into nonces. Stop just fucking STOP justifying and romanticising this bullshit! I used to see the good in AD but now he makes me fucking sick. Especially with my verrrrrry fucking real traumas and connections. But fuck me, eh? Because this fictional guy matters so much more. Fuck real victims. And whilst we’re at it, fuck AD too when it suits your fetishes! Sarcasm aside, the fans and the team need to straighten up their abhorrent behaviour. Stolas. Fucking clearly having an affair, knowingly fucking up his daughter’s mental health and bribing a guy into sex who only wants the book and nothing more. He even has a fucking warning button over Stolas- Guys, how do you think any of this is cute? Even the team gross me out- I genuinely see potential and talent and it’s all gone to shit to satisfy horny teens, horny adults, and literally everyone who doesnt for the life of them understand being an adult is more than sex, drugs, violence and swears! I REALLY want to keep enjoying HB/HH but it’s getting harder and harder with such ignorant and bordering lazy creators (note: lazy as in wont do the fucking research or actually listen to real criticism and victims), such despicable fans (yeah, some HDers fuckin mocked that they triggered my ED, yet they had the fucking NERVE to support Angel’s potential ED AND laugh and blame me for me getting treated so badly for actually having the balls to call Angel and the teams hypocrisy. I got told to kill myself, that my problems arent real - oh but Angels apparently is! Which... They *are* but AD isnt real so technically only onlookers will suffer and not a drawing  - and they just excused their toxic behaviours. These people are like “aww poor angie babey!” yet fuckin INSULT sex workers. All this red in Hazbin yet it feels everyone and they mama colour blind. The issues are getting worse and fans are outright becoming EVIL, VILE, Vindictive little bullies - from kids to adults. You SHOULD be ashamed of yourself if you conduct yourself in such a manner. And you need to readjust your attitudes and behaviours because the only fuckers getting hurt are actual fucking victims. Ever been violated and been gaslit so much you STILL fucking question it’s reality? So you drown that shit out yet somehow it’s effects still hit you? Fetishise it. Make it your uwu gae couple goals, you’re no better than people believing Harley and the Joker werent toxic af. If this shit happened to you, most of you would actually SEE where we’re all coming from. Also, stop making gay a fetish - you’re like those creepy old men in the alley heckling lesbians to make out so they can wank off. Gays, no ALL the LGBT+ are fucking people too. So dont give me that bullshit then start turning everything just gay or just straight to mentally wank off to. It’s degrading and dehumanising. And yes, fiction does effect reality. You crush on a fictional character? Mourn one? Support one? Hell, fuckin jerk off to one - that’s affecting reality. Remember how in fiction all blacks were treated as villians? Look how theyre treated IRL. JAWS, great classic unfortunately their was a spike in shark killings over a fucking movie - the shark in the movie wasnt even real for the most part because they dont behave like that! (Also the animatronic was so shit they genuinely had so many issues - I think they even took to naming each one! Some fun trivia there!). Tiger sharks are more nasty than great whites as tiger sharks will hunt and eat a human. Great whites prefer seals and dislike human flesh, they just mistake us for seals. Hell, theres the toothless basking shark - theyre often SWAM WITH by divers for being so friendly. Yet Jaws made people think all sharks are bloodlusting over humans. Slenderman was created for a fucking contest and that influenced a stabbing (NOT Victor’s fault). Watch a horror movie that isnt based on a real life event and tell me that at least ONE has left you peaking over your shoulder. Stella may be a bitch - we dont know for certain - but try getting cheated on. Y’know what? Try growing up in such a broken home like Octavia. Yeah reaaaaaal fucking cute now, huh? Funny how as well y’all petition for male victims to be taken seriously then laugh when fictional males experience this abuse, further adding to stigma. You can be hit on by the hottest mf on the planet but if you arent interested, that should be respected! Also we’ve all been inspired by at least one fictional character so yeah. Yknow, since I was little Ive been fighting for sex worker and homeless rights. But HH/HB treatment of both leave a bitter taste in my mouth. I’ll still fully support sex workers and the homeless, but that’s the fucking effect this show is having. Bearing in mind I wont ever share everything Ive been through - and I shouldnt fucking have to in order to be believed and validated (obvs proof is required in a legal case but that’s a whole other topic). Why should I share MY fucking pain especially when you fuckers have belittled and triggered it more so? We have our rights to our secrets but fuck ME you lot NEED to start acting appropriately and like decent fucking humans. ‘iTs HeLl’ yeah and welcome to Earth- the team and yourselves live HERE. You obide by THESE rules. And as someone with beliefs (and a LOT of ancient fucking texts and studies on this shit) their Hell isnt even a proper Hell! It’s closer to purgatory and even then it’s not. Regardless, it’s a poorly built world with the lore consistently changing per episode and tweet, with many plot holes, and is apparently easy to get into - even via accidentally watching porn according to a stream. If youre gonna parade youre a fucking expert and research into demonology and use real believed figures, at least get THAT right. In fact, Lucifer and Lilith (and Stolas tbf) are ESPECIALLY risky as theyre a lot more complex than most easy access texts will tell you. Likewise, Stolas’s first introduction and main focus is sex. He’s one of the FEW Goetia demons that dont have some involvement in relationship issues at ALL. He’s known for astrology, crystals and herbs but hes also known to aid MONEY troubles (it’s lesser known but it’s true! HB Stolas is an insult to the Prince). Turning Vodou into something evil is vile considering it’s powerful and liberated slaves. Pentagrams are nothing to do with Satan, they’re magic based sigils. Upside down cross is the symbol of a SAINT. It’s just some edgy attempt to trick people into believing they know more than they do. Also you should NEVER dabble and doodle sigils without knowing the meanings or respecting what they behold. Vox and Val, real fuckin cute way to make them look like a stupid fucking highschool drama instead of a fucking SEX TRAFFICKER (note: real pimps often target YOUNG folks too - aka minors - and groom them into sex work. Theres different types of pimp. Viv has shown barely any understanding of ‘the game’ and its a fucking insult to injury. Yes we KNOW what a fucking pimp and prozzie are! We dont need to see it. We need REAL AWARENESS.) and a fucking scheming bastard of a CEO salesman botman. And yet even THEN lets go a step further and make some yandere wuv on boyfweind aboose! Fuck off- Now I love a good anime but these tropes are getting fucking dangerous now. And unrealistic to real love and relationships. Kids nowadays know fuck all on a healthy relationship (neither did the fuckin 50s tbf) and Im seeing more romaticism and glorifying abusive situations. Like the show ‘You’. Ok, there’s a fuckin bloke online who slaughtered innocents and kidnapped yet people commented how cute he is on his IG and that they want to be kidnapped or killed by him next. Dont believe me? Look up Peter Manfredonia Connecticut and the comments people left him and then tell me why shit like whats being presented in HH/HB ISNT fucking concerning - because it is. For a series about redemption, it’s brilliant at the opposite (Quote from the creator herself, Viv has posted that it’s influencing her bad choices. Even as a joke, proof’s in the pudding). And the overall focus on sex in the way Viv does is so immature and really creepy, and this is from an ADULTS perspective. From one adult to another, Im concerned as to why any of them think this is a normal fixation. Then again they’ve hired quite a large amount of dodgy folks and even a child. Most of this shit gets avoided with a basic background check like most companies run. I DO like Hazbin. Or the premise. I love some of the cast and spite the others. In Helluva, I just like a tiny portion of the cast. And I critique it so harshly because Viv DOES need a wakeup slap, grounding to reality, people who arent going to big her up or kiss her arse for once and shape her up to be the best she can be. The actually reach and even surpass her potential. And to reach where you need to be, there’s a lot of harsh lessons youll face. That’s life. Shes chosen one of the most HEARTLESS industries and if she blocks out critique as ‘hate’ then she’s not strong enough and wont last. It’s just another unprepped YanDev again (except I dont believe Viv to be a nonce. Even with her dodgy past and dodgy present, I think her perspective on sex and relationship with sexuality is FAR from healthy BUT I dont believe she’s a pedophile. Ive bled my fair share and so far, I just think her sex perspective isnt healthy or mature for her age. But there’s little to nothing to suggest actual noncery - dont worry about accusations there. But YanDev is totally a dirty predator. Just clearing that up). Viv NEEDS some harshness and stability if she wants to do things right. And it’ll make her fucking cry but if she loves these projects as much as she claims to, then you’ll sacrifice blood, sweat and tears for that shit. Even the strongest points are mediocre at best when properly observed. She CAN do more, but she’ll have to face the harsh music. Viv wont see this, but if she does, I dont care if it upsets her. Why? Because this is that much of an issue - something she’s cultivated - that she needs to take action and not ignore it or be secretive about it. She needs to grow up and get tougher skin. Im not saying this to cause her pain. In fact, I wouldnt waste my fucking limited time if I DIDNT care. Trust me, I have duties to be met at a certain quota every single day. I say this shit only because I give a shit and care. If we met, she’d fucking hate me. But people like me are good for shaping people up to their potential. And we arent always this ‘tough love’ either. But when someone needs that level of harshness to help themselves, we’re not afraid to lose people or cause upset if the results end up being the best for them. If she ever saw this, she needs to re fucking evaluate her message, her story, and those she’s choosing to welcome into her circle. And all Im seeing is one rookie mistake after the other. Her paid patreon discord. Just like the messages Honest has posted on her side of being harassed (not in Vivs fyi), Ive experienced shit and bullying and even stay silent on their for being attacked for a group I fuckin paid to be in and yet I feel isolated. It’s all arsekissing and ‘thank you viv’ (thats an actual channel-) and it feels like a place of borderline worship and people trying to appease her 24/7 whilst kicking others with different opinions down. There’s so many I love but I aint kissin yer fuckin arse. Ask the closest friend I have - we’re fucking raw and wont just side with each other just because. We’ll call each other out if we think they’ve fucked up and then help each other build themselves up better. Because real fuckin people who actually care wont just want to be adored by you. They’ll care enough to point out your bullshit and help you, even if they upset you at the time. They’re real and upfront with you. People like us arent always the easiest to be close to either because we arent afraid of upsetting someone if it’s in their best interest and to help them. Likewise, we dont go out looking for fights either. Most times, we’re fuckin soft bastards- All this shit listed is the fuckin surface level of the real life hell of this fandom. And unsurprisingly, those who experience little to no toxicity have always been higher on that popularity ‘food chain’ - enough admirers and shared opinions that people wanna arse kiss regardless of their OWN feelings as well as neutral perspectives. I’d say you’re the lucky fans, but you’re not. You’re sheltered, and that isnt always the best way to be sadly. As for the fans. If Ive upset you. Well... I dont care. Because many of you have actively sought me out and weaponised my traumas against me. You never cared about my feelings then. Why should I care about yours? Im not doing this out of malice. Im fed up of humans behaving so pathetically yet claiming to be high and mighty. Most of you have been arseholes to those in and out of the community. The victims and non-victims alike. Hardly any of you considered once my real suffering. You put a drawing over a life. Many lives. You had the audacity to tell me Im full of shit. Some even using my real traumas to make a mockery of me and those Im around with a very similar history. Some with traumatic histories that differ from my own. You hardly ever considered the real lives of those effected. So no, Im not sorry for having the fucking balls to this day to still stand up for our rights and give us a voice that’s long been stolen. Im not sorry for being a fucking victim. Im not sorry for saying what desperately NEEDS voicing. And Im not sorry for not conforming to you or any fandom just to belong. We deserve better than to constantly be your fuckin arse monkeys (well... the trope is butt monkey but yknow-) and to be mistreated, misrepresented and harmed by you. You’re no different to the school bullies who give speeches on anti-bullying day. And I hope every single one of you starts looking into yourselves and improving. PS: Depending on the texts you read, Lucifer is said to have been redeemed or to be redeemed. Fun fact to haunt yalls with~ “
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shotos-kettle · 4 years
My dearest Friend.. (M)
Chapter one.
*Trigger waring: violence, rape(in further chapters) p.s.... im sorry for writing this but It just happened and I cant get the plot out of my head.
Based off the inspiration that this photo gave me.
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'I'm not too sure when it all really started, maybe a few months after we started school together, but… Kaa-chan has always picked on me one way or another, whether for my intellect, my appearance or the fact that I was born a quirkless nobody…'
Pin pricks of ink dotted around in a general area of the journal as Midoriya ran a hand through his soft messy green locks, a long sigh slipping past his lips as he tried to go deeper into his thoughts, wanting to make his entry tonight mean something more than just mindless drabbles. 
'When we got into middle school it started turning into something more than just light teasing, maybe it was because Kaa-chan's body was changing inside so his brain really couldn't tell him it was wrong. Even though I really didn't mind the teasing. At the end of the same day he was still Kaa-chan to me and i was still Deku to him, that was fine right? That's how it was supposed to be between the two of us.'
"Midoriya! Everyone's already downstairs for dinner, are you coming out of your room or not?" 
Setting his pen down for a moment Midoriya turned to look at Kirishima who had popped his head into the room, and with a smile on his face he nodded and gave him a small thumbs up. "I'll be down in just a minute, I'm just finishing up some homework that Sir Nighteye gave me during today's work study." 
He watched as Kirishima's face took on an unreadable expression for a moment before the fiery red head nodded and smiled before exiting. "Just don't take too much longer, Tsu made dinner tonight and you know how she gets when you skip her meals."
Midorya laughed slightly as he scratched at the nape of his neck. "Yeah yeah i know!" As he stared at the door waiting for a few moments his smile dropped as he thought back to the expression that had crossed over his friend's face for that brief moment, he could only imagine what the boy had been thinking. Turning back to his journal he picked his pen back up and let out a heavy sigh, pressing the tip into the paper to finish off his entry for the night.
'I don't really know how much longer kaa-chan is going to be like this towards me, whether this more aggressive side of him is just a phase or.. if he really does hate me for being picked by all might just like he said. I can never tell if he's being truthful or just saying something to get me off his case. Anyway, we are still friends, no matter what I know he still cares.. I can tell he cares, he just has a strange and unethical way of showing it.' 
He closed his journal and finally stood from his desk, taking a glance around the darkened room he gingerly slid the thin journal underneath his heavy mattress. "Alright, time to eat." He murmured to himself as he finally exited his room, taking careful and quiet steps down the stairs to the main hall where he knew everyone would be gathered. 
"I'm sorry if I'm late guys! I was almost done with my homework." Midoriya slid into one of the open seats and looked over at Tsu as she set a plate of food in front of him. "Thank you, it looks great as always Tsu!" He let the compliment roll off his tongue, a wave of an undesirable feeling washed through his nerves as he felt daggers digging into the back of his neck. He didn't have to turn around to know where it was coming from, he knew it was Bakugo, it was always Bakugo. No matter where he ventured, whether it was into the city or within the confines of their dorm house he was always there. 
His head lowered as he sank into his seat just a little bit more than usual. "Don't thank me Midoriya, I just wanted to make sure you got your dinner  too. I heard you have some training today with Mr. Aizawa." It was great that she cared, he enjoyed having friends around him that would care for his well being since gods knew he wouldn't do it himself. Even his mother, Inko would always call him once she knew he was out of class just to make sure he hadn't skipped lunch that day. Bless her heart, she was always so concerned about him and it was a good thing too. 
He had to admit, if it weren't for Uraraka and Tsuyu he didn't think he would be able to keep up his strength as well as he had been on his own.  "Yeah.. but still Tsu, thank you. I'll enjoy every bit of it!" 
As he went to take the first bite of his breakfast a wad of paper landed on his plate, the snickering from behind him caused a shiver to run down his spine. He squirmed uncomfortably in his seat as he set the paper aside and picked up his plate, slowly standing. "I think I'm going to eat on the porch this morning.." he whispered solemnly as he lowered his head, attempting to scoot past the grumpy blonde. But the second his foot caught on something he landed face first into his plate of food, eyes scrunched  to not get anything in them. 
"Watch where you're going you damn nerd." Bakugo hissed as he knocked his foot into Midoriya's side, just barely missing his hip bone. It was on purpose, and Midoriya knew that… Everything Bakugou did to him was never unintentional, and it hurt. He quietly pushed himself up off the floor, leaving his ruined plate as he rushed out of the common room and into the nearest bathroom, heart pounding as the tears that threatened to spill over just kept building up. He slammed the door shut behind him and pressed his back against it, trying to clear the food away from his eyes so he could open them.
It wasn't an issue of the torture that Bakugou always put him through, no that wasnt why he high tailed it out of there. There was something so much worse going on that pressed further into his mind. Something he would never let come to light. It was painful, to have someone who he considered to be his childhood best friend treat him in such a manner, to bring these feelings forward, and it was even worse to admit to himself that he enjoyed the pain that Bakugou put him through. Though he had to admit it, even if just to himself…
The lock clicked behind him as he pushed away from the door, refusing to look at himself through the mirror as he turned the sink on, beginning to wash the wasted food off his skin. Some of it burned, having been fresh off the stove. Tsuyu must have kept it hot for him while he had been finishing his journal entry for the night. When he finally lifted his head to meet his own eyes he simply stood there, staring back at his own reflection.  He felt like a failure, couldn't even stand up so someone he considered a friend despite everything they had done to him over the last few years, but how could he? When the same pain inflicted upon him by that very friend brought him so much sickening joy.
He brought a hand down to press over his now bruised hip, hissing as his fingers dug into the area. Lifting his shirt he examined the blotches of purple and yellow that were blossoming against his skin, his eyes slowly drifting to the tent that had formed in his shorts and a heavy hearted breath left his lips. 'Why am I this way?' He began to think to himself as he rid himself of his clothes, stepping into the tub as he started to let the water fill up. Sinking down to his knees once the scalding water began to rise. 'I can't stop it anymore, why does this keep happening? Why him of all people?' 
Midoriya's mind was far too flooded to think rationally as he clasped his fingers around his growing erection, a needy breath leaving his lips as he squeezed the base of his cock. The water that continued to lick as his thighs only egged his arousal on further, his eyes fluttering closed as he leaned back, propping himself against the back of the tub, one leg pressed against the side of the porcelain that framed his body. His hips rocked in time with his strokes, jaw taught to keep himself quiet as his head tipped back against the wall behind him.
His free hand slipped down between his legs, hips lifting as he pressed two slim digits past the tight ring of muscle and deep inside of himself. Wiggling down further into the tub as his back arched, one hand working desperately to stretch himself out and find that spot deep within his ass that would bring stars to his closed eyes. This is what he had become, a disgusting version of himself that got off on being bullied and beaten by one of his closest friends and he hated every second of it. There was something wrong with him, something within his mind had changed over the years and he wasn't sure when it had started but it did. 
A gasp left his lips as his climax finally hit, spurts of cum mixing with the water than now came up to his chest, he pulled his hands away and started to tear up again this time the tears spilled over and streamed down his cheeks, soft sobs and hiccups left him as he sat there in his own filthy water, fingers curling into his green locks. "I'm disgusting.. I'm so sorry Kaachan.." The words came out broken as he tried to speak through his own sobs. Bakugou could never find out about any of these feelings, it would surely mark the end of his life if he ever found out.
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angstytieflingbard · 5 years
Platonic THB x Child!Reader Angst
Request: “hi! thb anon here - loved the finale you wrote!!! if it isn’t too much to ask, could i request a lil thb x child!reader angst??? like the boys are out on a mission and reader somehow gets involved and/or hurt?? im in the mood for some angst and you’re one of the best writers out here lol - much love!!! ♥️♥️♥️”
Summary: You’d only wanted to help. But when the mission went south, you ended up getting hurt. Worse, even after you’ve healed your friends still treat you like glass. 
Warnings: Some Angst, implied canon-typical violence
A/N: I don’t know about you guys, but I always assumed that the boys had other missions in between the main arcs of the story. Obviously the Bureau was focused on the Grand Relics, but I also think that when particularly destructive cults or artifacts popped up, the Bureau was more than happy to send Regulators/Reclaimers to fix it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! This ended up being a bit of a hurt/comfort by the end, so I’m sorry if this wasn’t what you were hoping for. Shoot me an ask, tell me what you think, or if you want me to write something else, and remember I’m always around to talk! 
The mission had been going so well at first. 
You’d finally managed to convince Taako, Magnus and Merle to let you go along with them for once. It was supposed to be simple, retrieve the artifact that had drawn the concern of the Bureau, and return with (hopefully) no casualties or significant property damage. Of course, that wasn’t how the boys operated, and despite having retrieved the artifact with almost no issue, that record just couldn’t last all the way back. 
You didn’t remember much of the fight. Between the adrenaline making your heart pound and your blood rush in your ears, and your shaking hands as you drew back the string of your bow, everything seemed somewhat hazy after the fact. What you did remember, however, was when Taako ran out of spells, backing up with a curse as a few cultists closed in on him. You remembered dropping your bow and dashing forward, sliding in between Taako and the hooded figures just as one of them tried to bring their sword down on your friend. 
You woke up in the medbay of the Bureau of Balance, hazy and confused. The healers explained what happened to you, how you’d gotten injured on a mission with the reclaimers, as they called the boys. It only took you two weeks to heal, but you were put on double that time of involuntary medical leave. You had the suspicion it was at the behest of the boys, though you hadn’t actually seen them at all in the time you’d been healing. In fact, they were suspiciously absent, supposedly not on a mission but very pointedly not in any area you were in. 
It was at the end of your third week of leave that you finally managed to track one of them down. 
“Taako!” You called out, the gradually saddening expression you’d been wearing since you’d woken up in the medbay three weeks ago disappearing at the sight of your friend. Taako, on the other hand, winced as soon as his eyes met yours, though he didn’t make any escape attempt as you approached him. 
“I haven’t seen you in weeks. Where’ve you been? Angus said you were around this whole time, but…” You trailed off. Taako didn’t respond for a minute, glancing around almost guiltily. 
“...Sorry, kiddo.” He said, finally. You blinked, used to his normally playful, ribbing tone. You weren’t sure you liked this new development, if you were honest. “I’ve just been… Busy.” He added a moment later. 
“Oh. Are you okay? You seem down.” You ask hesitantly. You had a sinking feeling in your gut, the physical manifestation of your suspicions. You already knew what was wrong. 
“It’s nothing, kid.” He paused at your disapproving frown, and sighed. “Okay, okay, kid. It’s just… It was my fault you got hurt. All our faults, really, but mine in particular. Just figured it was best I wasn’t hanging around to keep being a bad influence, or whatever.” He finished somewhat lamely. Your frown twisted even more until it was a near grimace. 
“It wasn’t your fault. I chose to do what I did.” You said through gritted teeth. He looked ready to argue, but you turned on your heel, walking swiftly away from him with your head down, not wanting to show the hurt look on your face. 
They thought you were made of glass. Or at least, they were treating you like it. You didn’t know where Magnus or Merle were, but you knew they wouldn’t see what happened any differently than Taako did. Hell, Magnus might have taken it worse, knowing how hard he can be on himself. It was better for now if you just rode out the rest of your leave in the comfort of your own room, you decided. You needed to be alone. 
“(Y/N)?” Angus stepped into your room, shutting the door softly behind him. You’d been gone for the better part of the day now, and based on the even more dejected expression on Taako’s face, Angus knew something had happened. 
“Go away.” You mumbled from your place buried beneath a heap of pillows and blankets on your bed. 
“Nope. You need to talk about what happened. And before you tell me nothing’s up, I just saw Taako and he looks like someone told him spiced meat wasn’t his invention.” You found yourself giggling softly at the mental image despite yourself, and Angus grinned triumphantly as you sat up and faced him. He waited patiently for you to talk, patting your arm reassuringly. 
“They think I’m fragile. The boys, I mean.” You started. Angus nodded encouragingly. “They’ve been avoiding me ever since I woke up in the medbay, and when I finally managed to talk to one of them, they tell me that they’re off feeling guilty about me being hurt, acting like I’m too fragile to take a hit or something.” You pouted. 
“Well, to be fair, you did pass out.” Angus reminded you gently, and your pout started to twist into a scowl. 
“Yeah, well, you would too if you got hit by a sword at point blank. And they still let you go out and do things! I feel like I’ve been grounded or something, and they haven’t even talked to me.” 
“Maybe they’re worried you blame them too? And, you know…” Angus sighed. “The reason I don’t get treated like that is because by the time they met me, I was already a trained, at least semi-capable fighter, and a detective at that. I don’t think I ever really registered as a kid to them. But you didn’t start training to be a rogue until months after you came to the Bureau. And even then, they’ve still protected you and treated you like you were their own child.” You listened as he explained, anger and sadness starting to fade with every sentence. You’d never thought about it that way. 
“You’re probably not gonna get them to drop the overprotectiveness anytime soon, if ever. But maybe you should go talk to them? You’re still friends, regardless of what’s happened.” He suggested. You gave him a soft nod, smiling gratefully as you slid out of bed and started to head towards the door. 
“Thank you, Angus. I’m gonna go talk to them.” You told him, and he grinned, giving you a mock salute. 
“Tell me how it goes!” 
You rode the elevator down to their suite in silence, taking a deep breath to calm the nerves building in your gut. The elevator came to a stop, and you stepped out into the suite’s living room. 
All three of them were hanging around, and you pointedly made eye contact with each of them in turn. They all looked away, varying levels of guilt on their faces. You sighed, deciding to start first. 
“I get that you guys are upset about what happened, but avoiding me didn’t help anything.” You began. “You guys are my friends, you’ve practically taken care of me the entire time I’ve been here. You’re not allowed to go off and sulk and ignore me just because you’re upset I got hurt. That’s shitty.” Magnus gasped at your language, and Taako and Merle chuckled in the background. 
“Hey, we’re sorry bud. These two were too busy wallowing to come see you.” Merle sniffed, faux arrogance in his tone.
“Hey, you didn’t go see them either. You don’t get to pretend you’re innocent here, old man.” Taako narrowed his eyes at Merle, and you found yourself laughing, the remaining tension in the room dissolving almost immediately. 
“We are sorry though, kid. You’re right, it was wrong of us to avoid you, and we should have known better.” Magnus told you seriously, and you smiled reassuringly at him. 
“It’s okay. Just as long as you don’t do it again. And, you know, don’t treat me like I’m made of paper or something.” You grinned and the man returned it, standing and swooping you into a hug. The other two joined quickly, and you groaned playfully. 
“You’re squishing me.” You complained. 
“Welcome to the family, kid. At least no one’s tried to chop your arm off yet.” Merle replied, and Magnus scoffed indignantly as the hug finally broke up. 
“I chopped your arm off one time! And it was to save your life!” 
“You didn’t even hesitate, you just lobbed it off without even a second thought!” You laughed along with Taako at the antics of your friends. Your family. 
Family was alright, you decided. The overprotectiveness might not have been what you imagined, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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dndfuckhouse · 2 years
Session 38.5 / Part Three
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Before We Leave the City I Have A Few Things To Say....
Psalm and Han’s Date - 3/26 🧾🎭
Cimmorro and Keva Get Dinner - 3/28 💎🗡
Psalm and Finn Social Link Restoration - 3/27 🤝💦
Psalm says Farewell to His Mothers ft. A Friend - 3/22 🎊👓
The Helpful Timeline Diagram
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Psalm and Han’s Date - 3/26 🧾🎭
As the next day dawns Han rises early in the morning, though she wakes up quite early everyday, today she woke up even earlier than usual. She’d considered pestering Cimmorro for date tips but then by the time she decided to ask he’d already left for the morgue. She sits vibing in the clean main room of the inn, kicking her feet and waiting for psalm to wake up.
Psalm: he descends the stairs and is on the hunt for breakfast when he spots Han. "Oh, hey Han." He takes a seat at the counter and stretches. Han: "morning. sleep well? want sausages?" Psalm: he has truthfully not slept well in like, 5 months. "Well enough, and sure. You eat yet?" Han: "ye, its pretty boring in the morning" ._. “even cimmorro abandoned me... * fake crying sound *" and she goes n gets psalm some grilled sausages n whatever tf else Psalm: "Eh its peaceful so when its boring so.." He shrugs. "Where'd he head off to?" Han: "atleast SOMEone could get into fight to spice things up.." she sighs "he went to the morgue with willow and duram" Psalm: "Kinda morbid for early morning." 🤨 Han: she shrugs then twindles her thumbs "you still wanna try date today?" Psalm: "Yeah, that's why I'm down here so early. Did you have anything in mind you wanted to do?" Han: she breathes a sigh of relief "i dunno if mints theatre is doing .. stuff right now but i wanted to go again.. or the pier is nice..looking at weapons?? i wanted little chain for charm too... i dont know what people do for fun" progressively gets more embarrassed again as she talks “is this supposed to nerve wracking, why am i freaking it" 😵 Psalm: he smiles at the mention of the theatre, "They're still doing runs of the same play from before, I actually went yesterday with my parents. I wouldn't mind going again, seeing a production multiple times is no issue because each performance is special. And you were on stage last time, I'd recommend watching it as part of the audience ^_^ " He kind of "hmms" along at Han's other suggestions. "Pier's fine too, so is shopping. It's not really about what other people do for fun, it's about what you want to do. And I enjoy plays so it works out." he snorts, "I mean yes, if you were on a date with someone you were interested in then I imagine it'd be nerve wracking for some, but it's just me so you can relax." Han: han perks up with psalms agreements, like yes im getting a good grade in dates something that is normal to want and possible to achieve, she falls over the table dramatically "but what if i do something sooo unromantic youll be like * bad psalm impression * no han, dont ever go on dates again you're too bad at it" ue ue ue Psalm: The impression makes him smile a bit. "That seems kind of extreme. I wouldn't say that though, it's really not that serious." Han: still kinda fake crying "also, do we have to fuck afterwards? stella said to never put up on first dates but i dont know what that means... no offense but i think i would break u" Psalm: he fr just starts laughing "No we do not! Who told you that.” he’s like ‘who's stella again?' in his head before he remembers the ball then says, "It's 'put out', which just means to have sex basically, and no we don't have to." He snorts “You don't have to do anything really, as a matter of fact" <-- he's still laughing Han: "aster did... then stella said the other thing..." 😥 phew "theatre sounds more fun anyway" Psalm: "Great I think I'd like to uh, remain in one piece ^_^ Not sure who Aster is but they might've just been lying to you ☠ And you can "put out" (he does finger quotes here) whenever you want by the way, just don't feel like you have to." Han: she sighs "they probably were... they're the person i travelled with before staying in shorewater." han seriously nods at the put out comment, mental note made Psalm: he's finishing his food but he's still like, chuckling somewhat on and off to himself Han: han just watches him eat n laugh like 😑 then she goes "oh, also you said you like books and poetry... i know one shop, if you wanna go? i don't know if its good..." Psalm: At that he kind of perks up (idk how else to visualise this than like when a cat is suddenly interested in something sorry i tried to write it another way and couldn't). "I guess we'll find out if it's good when we go." Pushing his plate aside he goes, "See? You're not so bad at this. Remembering what I like and making a suggestion based off of it ^_^ " Han: she puffs up proudly but still a bit pink "this date shit easy" 😤 "i was curiously about the poem stuff you said too.. its similar to songs, isnt it? i wanted to learn more.." gets embarrassed again Psalm: Just nods like yeah exactly "Sure, what'd you want to know? And some of them are actually performed with music, like if you've ever heard a bard perform a ballad or something, so they're similar to songs but not all of them." Han: "i was thinking of bard ballads, thats why i thought to ask" :D "umm.. i guess like... what are some cool ones..???" Psalm: "I think when we visit the bookstore it might be a better idea to just show you..? I left all my favourite ones at home before coming here." Han: "oh, that makes sense... books are heavy...." nods Psalm: "Yeah, and I don't have a bag of holding like Plum sadly or I would've brought everything with me 😥 " he gets up and stretches again, stifling a yawn before he says, "So where to first? We can do the play last since they typically run in the evening." Han: "bookstore, then?" han stops in her tracks "oh wait, we gotta hold hands" holds out her hand to psalm Psalm: "Alright, lead the way." He pauses, snorts and just takes her hand. "Out of curiosity where'd you hear that from." ^_^ Han: "cimm said yesterday, but hes totally right!! i see people holding hands all the time" huffs Psalm: "Oh right, he did say that didn't he." :y
The two march off through the business district hand in hand, hunting down the bookstore of legends.
Han: han swings their hands occasionally partly bc hehe holding hands and partially bc she feels like that would annoy psalm and it would be funny, but she goes "how come you went travelling with your friend? back in ackran" Psalm: “Because he wanted to." Han: "oh? you mustve liked him to follow them like that" Psalm: "I mean one typically likes their friends, yes. ^_^ " Han: "i dunno, i still have some friends i would just up and follow like that... maybe thats just cause--" she drifts off not finishing her thought Psalm: "Cause what?" Han: she goes pink "remembered its bad to say on date" Psalm: 🤨 Han: she makes no eye contact 😗 Psalm: lowkey kind of concerned but not gonna ruin his day!
Psalm: "Eh, we've been friends for years. There was no reason not to." He shrugs. Han: "how come you stopped travelling together then?" :0 “unless that friend is ghester and you've been pranking me this whole time" Psalm: “Heh.... :y” Han: 😥"WERE YOU?!" Psalm: "It wasn't Ghester. We just stopped travelling together because it was the end of the journey." Han: han turns back to psalm and studies him for a moment, then gently goes "did he die?" Psalm: he whips his head up to look at her like  "No, of course not. [tails.jpeg] Haven't heard from him in a while though, honestly." Han: "oh" ._. "i just thought why else would journey end if you both wanted to go..." * embarrassed * "wait, aster left me without dying too this checks out, nevermind" Psalm: "So then...?" <-- unimpressed "I mean, traveling requires money which I don't really have a lot of." He pauses to think. "So I didn't feel like continuing is all. Nothing that dark." Han: she raises an eyebrow to think "right, not everyone wants to sleep on street... now that you got money, do you wanna go back?" Psalm: "To traveling? Not particularly. It was just the one time anyways." Han: "hmmm... wanted to try something new huh... what do you wanna do now then? aside from vorde gig" Psalm: "Uh, well I wouldn't say I 'wanted to'. I only went because my friend wanted me to." He shrugs. "There's nothing I want to do at the moment. If a new opportunity arises after whatever Vorde has planned I'll probably just do that." Han: han blinks at him "youre shockingly easygoing" Psalm: "I'd say it's more the opposite...I have a lot on my mind so it's easier to just go with the flow for some things, so I can focus on others.“ 🤨 Han: 🤔 "is that so... what are you concentrating on instead then?" 🤨 Psalm: "Oh you know, the being of smoke taking residence in my head for starters." Han: han laughs "okay, yea, that makes sense. wait, does that mean you dont even know where ghester is from? you just got him one day??? randomly???" concern growing in her voice  Psalm: "Yeah, have I not said that before? ^_^ Whoops." Han: "that is actually freaky, dude...." 😟 Psalm: ^_^ "Don't want to shrug it off but you kind of do get used to it." Han: "hes pretty cool nonetheless...... i guess i would be ok with it too after a while..." 🤔
As they chatter the eventually reach the storefront, Han gracefully showing it off to Psalm.
Han: han brings them to the store, going tadaaaah like she built it herself, and goes "ive only been here once, i dont really know what books they have.." Psalm: "Oh did you stop by that one time for anything in particular?" he's going to nod at the shopkeeper and begun perusing Han: "ferrie sent me here for book she ordered, i think it was about dwarven recipes..? i didnt really stick around to see what else they had" 😥 Psalm: "Well thats why we're here now :y " Han: "hehe" :D
After searching around the shelves a bit, Psalm finds the book he’s looking for. He holds it out, a small pink book with no title and a crude drawing of a bow and heart arrow on it, towards Han.
Han: han looks like :y Psalm: "Before you ask, yes those are love poems. But some of my favourites are in there. Especially the sonnet on the 14th page." Han: han looks over psalms head to read them alongside Psalm: "I'm not so big on the theme of love so much as I am the endless ways people choose to write about it, in all honesty. My favourite poem ever is actually about death 😃 " Han: :O "how many ways can you write about love?" han hmms "i feel like death is closer to my soul.. you think we could find it here?" Psalm: "I meant it when I said endless. For example that sonnet I was talking about compares it to eating a delicious pie. It's funny." Han: han gigglesnorts "to pie? i dunno... is there love that good out there?" Psalm: psalm raises an eyebrow like he's thinking and goes "Yeah" then regarding death "probably pretty easily, it's a well known one. It's called "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"
Psalm hands Han the love poem book as he goes searching for the one he’s just mentioned. Han starts reading it, struggling with common and asking Psalm for some meanings here and there. There are some intermittent poems in infernal in there as well, she asks him to translate them for her.
Psalm: "Found it." While the shopkeeper isn't looking he just quickly copies it down into a journal he carries. Han: han clearly seeing something illegal going on but not understand why its happening, she whispers "what are ya doing?" Psalm: "I don't remember it by heart so I just figured eh, why not. Something to read when I get bored." Han: "oh.. could i read your notes too?" han reads do not go gentle into that good night quietly to herself and think for a moment "..i dont think ive ever seen anyone die peacefully" Psalm: "No, sorry, those are personal. Nothing too interesting in there anyways so you're not missing out much." Han: "ah, my bad, i meant the poem notes" 😅 Psalm: "Oh, give me a moment." He starts a fresh page and copies the poem out for her too. He thinks on the death comment before saying, "You know I think I agree. I'm not to torn up about it though, are you?" Han: "... depends." Psalm: "No one I care about has died might be way." He shrugs and tears the paper out of the journal before handing it to her. Han: "oh, thank you" she throws a half hearted grin, mind on the poem, and puts the page away next to cimms dress sketches "i feel torn up about it when im the reason why they die" Psalm: "I guess we share that fear then." Han: "i know the letterheads were gonna crazy zombie murder us and whole town or whatever, but, like... was killing them our only option?" she sighs Psalm: "Probably not." Psalm says kind of flatly. “Not gonna lie and say I care too much that they died though." Han: han hmms "i think i care more that i killed them, more than what of their life" Psalm: "Oh, I see. Might want to consider a change in career then...?" He hopes that comes out as sincerely as he means it. Han: she sighs "ye, maybe i should stick with animals..."
Han: han leans over and points to a line "what does this one mean... how do words fork lightning" Psalm: "They don't literally do that. It's a literary device, so they mean it figuratively." Pausing to realise his explanation is difficult he then says, "it's just another way of saying what they actually mean. Kind of the whole point of poetry, to say what you mean without actually saying it..I guess?" Han: >:T "what does he actually mean then?" Psalm: "The fun thing about poetry is that unless you're a scholar, or the literal poet, a poem can mean whatever you want it to." He deadpans. “So basically, I have no idea." Han: han gives psalm such a withered look.......... Psalm: "I'm no expert." He shrugs Han: "ill think up what it means on my own then" Psalm: "By all means. If I had to hazard a guess though I think it means that nothing really amounts to anything when you're about to die. Kind of a hopeless reading though." Han: she gives it a good long thought "i think they cast light on fork to go into that good night, even though its too dark" she nods decisively "i like this poem, is good" Psalm: "I guess the author doesn't have darkvision. and yeah, it's a good one." ^_^
Psalm ends up purchasing the book of love poems, the very same he has at home at his moms’. The two then trek to a smiths to get Han a chain for her charm, they spend a bit of time idling at the pier afterwards before returning to the theatre to see Mint’s troupe perform A Mid-Spring’s Spell once again.
Cimmorro and Keva Get Dinner - 3/28 💎🗡 
As the two trounce about town on their date, Keva finds herself exploring Shorewater’s nooks and crannies all day, bored with nothing to do at the inn. The sun is just about settled into the horizon, casting long shadows on the evening shoppers strolling through the business district. She now finds herself weaving in and out of shops.
She finds it weird being a welcome face instead of a suspicious one. She still eyes the shopkeeps carefully whenever she enters, watching to see how they react to her, if they'll shoo her away. But of course, most don't recognize her. It's almost boring, but she's not complaining. As she steps back out onto the street, she spots a familiar figure breeze past her, the glint of scales and jewelry and the tail trailing behind are hard to miss.
Cimmorro walks lost in his thoughts, he finds he loves his duties, he really does. They’re his pride and joy, and after being away from it all for so long, he's ecstatic to be part of it all once again. But with the large scale job he and his peers have to deal with here in Shorewater, it's hard not to feel a little overwhelmed by it. After all, back at the temple it was usually only about one or two bodies every other day, three at most. not to mention identifying all these corpses and breaking the news to their loved ones is the hardest part, but one that needs to be done.
Surely the goddess will allow him, he thinks, to cool off from it all after the long hours of tedious work... an aimless stroll around the city before tucking back at the inn, with jasper cozily curled into his resting hood. He enjoys the fresh seaside breeze Shorewater has to offer. Who knows, maybe the stores have some new arrivals, something he may have missed, or some entertaining performance to witness by the square.
Keva: must have just gotten back from whatever work he was doing. keva slips into the stream of people just a few paces behind him, waiting for something to catch his eye before she rushes up right behind and says loudly, "BOO." Cimmorro: his thoughts get interrupted, however, when keva decides to play a little prank, earning a yelp from him (and jasper) in the middle of the crowd. his hands are up as he turns around, ready to strike, but as soon he recognizes his 'assailant' he loses his guard with a groan. "aughhh--- it's just you... by the goddess"  Keva: keva snickers at his reaction, brows raised seeing him put up his fists between them. "be careful with those, you might hurt someone," she jokes dryly. she's seen him try to lift--they both know he wouldn't do much. "done with work?" Cimmorro: he responds to her comment with a (noncommittal) annoyed huff. "i could've purchased some very convenient poisonous nail paint, you wouldn't know. and yes, i just got off actually." still being in the middle of the crowd and likely blocking the way for most, he starts to walk again assuming keva will follow him now. "and you? got tired of brooding in the room all day?" Keva: “yeah, it’s harder than it looks,” she snorts as she matches his pace, peering at jasper in his hood. “must be busy, you were already gone when i woke up. your guests still working, too?” keva notes she hasn’t seen them around the inn much either. with the amount of bodies the letterheads racked up, they probably will be kept busy for a good while. Cimmorro: "nah, but it's been a long day so they've went straight back to the inn. they're not really the 'impractical stroll' type of folk. duram, especially." his mouth twists a little like a half-hearted pout as he says that but gives keva a quick glance after. "must've been out for a while if you didn't catch them come in. find anything nice?" jasper doesn't move much from her little cradle, content watching all the people around as they walk. Keva: keva gives jasper a gentle scratch on the head before focusing on the path in front of her. “hmm, not really, not that i had any use for anyway. the people were interesting to watch tho. they let just about anyone in here, huh?” she remarks, glancing at the variety of people still out and about. “anything you’re looking for in particular?” Cimmorro: she hears him snort. "hard to believe that the unspeakable occured in this city not too long ago with how many people still come and go despite them knowing. though... i suppose it could be considered a tourist attraction as well." he glances around all the stores and kiosks around the district and hums. "not really... it's more like i'm bored and waiting for anything interesting to come find me." he laughs before continuing "apparently, that's you"  Keva: “sorry to disappoint,” she says as she watches someone try to reel back their dog from trying to eat off someone else’s table. “i don’t think you’ll find anything more interesting than cleaning up after a cult.” Cimmorro: "well, it's a good thing i'm looking for something the opposite of that." he pauses in thought, eventually deciding he's not really that keen to tell her about how his job has shaken him up a little. "even being around people like this will suffice."
Keva looks from where she's going to Cimmorro once or twice, finding his muted energy a little strange. It makes sense, given his long work day and his line of work. Instead of continuing the conversation, she lets the bustle around fill in the silence for a moment, despite Shorewater being rather different from her hometown the sounds of the city are similar enough, only here there's the added sound of the waves. Keva thinks she likes it.
Keva: as they walk, she spots the restaurant the group had lunch at together--what was it called again? the fish something? "does food you have to pay for sound interesting?" Cimmorro: although the question surprises him, he doesn't really stop walking but he does gives her a quick curious look then a fake gasp. "are you inviting me to dinner?" a small but impish smile finds its way on his face. Keva: she responds without missing a beat, "i'm about to uninvite you." Cimmorro: "aw, it's okay. you're shy and starstruck. i get it. 😌 " even if he continues to prod at her, he does appreciate the invite. all he had was a sandwich just before work ended. "dinner sounds good. I'll let you take the lead teehee." Keva: she flashes an insincere smile for just a second, hmm'ing as she does, before she drops it entirely. "you're lucky you're carrying your cat," she says as she turns toward the fishmonger's beau, tho she only recognizes it by appearance rather than name.
The same cheery triton waitress greets them at the front counter and takes them to an open outdoor table. She leaves menus and lets the two know where to call for her when they are ready. Keva takes a menu, but only to idly fiddle with it in her fingers as she looks around the other patrons. it was fairly busy, for a thursday evening. Perhaps people were eager to return to go out again after the recent crisis.
Cimmorro: cimmorro puts jasper down on one of the empty seats by their table and she curiously glances around, sniffing at all the different fishy dish scents. "we've eaten here at least 3 times by now but she seems like she ain't sick of the food here yet," he cackles and turns to keva. "oh, this time i can read the menu for ya" he starts to scoot his seat a little closer to lean over. Keva: keva looks at cimm a bit meekly at his offer to read for her, but slides the menu over between them, muttering a thanks. "though i probably won't know what half the things are. fish is all the same to me." Cimmorro: "at least order something different to last time! and it's not all fish! look, they have shellfish here too" he points at them on the menu. "didn't you say you haven't tried them before?" Keva: "are they expensive?" Cimmorro: "nah, all of them are about same as the sea bed... err, unless you count that as expensive." Keva: keva snorts to herself. all of it would have been unaffordable not too long ago, but she pushes it to the back of her mind. "shellfish it is, then," she decides, sliding the menu all the way to cimm. she leans back in her chair to watch jasper and enjoy the gentle evening breeze. Cimmorro: cimm pouts. "i didn't even get to tell you what kind they are. also, there's prawns and lobster too." he leans over to jasper and read out the menu for her to which she responds with either folded ears, a confused head tilt or a bubbly meow. once satisfied, he gives keva a grin and goes, "we're ready to order ours. don't you want a drink too?" Keva: "i'm not picky." she pauses to think about the drinks cimm read aloud. "how much is the honey pine dew?" Cimmorro: "that's... two gold pieces! dang, that's the most expensive drink here, as a matter of fact." Keva: keva scoffs at the price. while keva's never paid for the drink, she knows for a fact that's not how much it cost in sharden. so much for a taste of home. "fuck that, water's fine."
Cimmorro blinks for a couple of seconds before slowly nodding and calling the waitress over. He gives her their order as they agreed (cimm and jasper ordered prawns) at the last part though he adds the honey pine dew.
Keva: keva looks at him in surprise. "you really do like your drinks expensive. have you ever had honey pine dew?" Cimmorro: "i have! quite delectable. though, i'm sticking with water for today. i try not to upset my stomach too hard with the strong flavors all in the same week." he looks off dramatically in the distance as if to avoid talking about his little drunken endeavor recently. Keva: keva stares at him. is he looking away on purpose? "i'm not paying 2 gold for that." Cimmorro: "and i didn't say you were. my treat to you because i'm a super awesome date like that. heh, all parents approve of me" he poses in his chair in a very obnoxious way but intentionally humorous that i would have drawn had i been on my computer Keva: keva makes an exasperated noise. "you're a little shit is what you are." she turns to look for the waitress to try and wave her over. Cimmorro: he perks up and asks "wait, what are you doing?" though he can already guess. when keva successfully grabs the waitress' attention he starts doing a cross sign with his arms as if trying to tell the waitress to not come over. he keeps yapping at keva to convince her to stop and the scene is like all in slow motion except for the two of them only because he's starting to ramble in full speed "you can't cancel the drink! what are you, 5?! you're making her work shift harder than it needs to be! can't you see she already has her hands busy with all the patrons?! she's not getting paid enough for this!!"  Keva: keva looks at him with her mouth agape. "me? you're the one who ordered something i didn't want! she could have just gotten two waters and been done with it." Cimmorro: he glares at her "you wouldn't have asked about it if you didn't want it!" Keva: keva only glares back, "yeah, and then i found out it was 2 fucking gold. what part of 'fuck that' did you not understand?" Cimmorro: he looks more stunned than agitated really "and i said you're not paying for it??!!! why are you being so difficult??!???!!" Keva: "i don't want you paying for my shit!!!! i already owe you enough!!!!" Cimmorro: you know that scene in toy story where buzz was lore dumping at woody and woody is like.... WHAT??? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUTTTT??!???! that's cimm at keva saying shit abt owing shit to him but he's doing it through gritted teeth to keep hush. Keva: "you keep-- ugh, look, just- just-" keva's hands flex from open hands and closed fists as she talks "do me one last favor, and stop doing me favors unless i ask for them, okay? if anything, i should be paying for your shit" she says 'okay' as if it is already decided. all the while the waitress looms closer Cimmorro: he makes the most confused face, shaking his head and makes vague hand gestures in pure disbelief. what is she even complaining about? he's not even been keeping tabs of anything much less ask her to pay him back? by the goddess, he just wanted to have a pleasant dinner. why is that such a herculean task with anybody in this group. he sighs exasperatedly. "i ordered the drink because i knew it was something from sharden, i remembered you're from sharden and figured that's why you wanted it! i know if they had krenic flavors here I'd want them too! so i thought you'd at least appreciate it!! it's hard being away from home and these little things can help make it feel less lonely!!!" he's basically out of breath as he finishes the rambling, and slouches over the table with his face planted on the surface in defeat as he grumbles. "but fine, tell her what you want if it bothers you so much. i won't stop you anymore"
At this point the waitress arrives at their table with a polite smile, probably just assuming they're having a lover's quarrel and doesn't point out Cimmorro's current disposition.
Keva: keva doesn't seem to notice the waitress at first. all she could do was blink at cimm while he went on his "tirade," and now that he's done, she stares wide-eyed at him, not really sure how to respond. after an awkwardly long silence, she finally turns to the waitress and speaks, and it's in a much gentler tone, "can we make that two cups of honey pine dew?" she turns back to the table as the waitress leaves, starting to fiddle with the hem of her shirt. she's not looking at cimm, instead looking off into the plaza, but she speaks before he can, "it comes in small cups, you'll be fine." Cimmorro: cimmorro turns his head just enough to peek at keva, surprised at her relenting. he continues to stare at her for another second or two before sitting back up with a barely restrained smile on his face and his wail wagging a little. "if i get nauseous it's not just going to be my problem, you know" he jokes, referring to how both keva and han room with him. jasper seems to have relaxed now too after getting perplexed herself at their exchange a few moments before. Keva: noticing him sit up from the corner of her eye, she turns to look at him and openly scoffs at how quickly his attitude changed. it almost makes her want to laugh as she shakes her head and looks back towards the people going this way and that while the sky continues to dim. "you're the doctor, i'm sure you can figure it out." Cimmorro: "hmm," he pretends to be deep in thought "nah, I'll make you figure it out. could be your next lesson: home remedies." he nods sagely Keva: "it's not going to make you throw up," keva says decisively. Cimmorro: "you don't know my medical history! i could have a sensitive digestive track!" jasper backs his statement with a nod from her seat as she loafs Keva: keva turns a bit to look at him, her lips starting to curl up the smallest bit. "i've seen you eat. you don't." Cimmorro: "oh.... what's this.... you're admitting you've been observing me?" Keva: in swift motion keva brings up a foot to the seat of his chair and kicks an attempt to topple him over Cimmorro: as he laughs, keva finds that as an opportunity to topple him over his seat with a WAH and causing him to wobble for balance eventually falling onto the ground, leaving one of his legs still hanging by the chair. from below he looks up and glares at keva with an accusatory "HEY" before getting up, straightening his clothes, pulling his seat farther away from her and sticking his tongue out as he sits again. "I'll remember that you didn't deny it. hmph" Keva: she’s propped her head up with a hand covering her mouth while she tries to appear like she didn’t just kick him and he fell completely out of his own clumsiness, but cimm can see her shoulders lightly shaking with laughter. she rolls her eyes at him as he takes a seat. “oh please, i’m starting to think those bandits noticed you for your jewelry and beat you for your mouth” Cimmorro: "tsk. i was going to get beat either way. least i can do is nag their ears off if they're going to take everything away from me" his mouth twitches more irately being reminded of it as he keeps dusting his robes from the fall. "i'm not going to cower and beg for my life as they're not the ruby mother." Keva: keva only hnh's in response, tho in a way that suggests she can respect that. "you should consider always having a bodyguard then" Cimmorro: he snorts. "it's easier to find bandits who want to beat me than finding a decent bodyguard." he looks off to the side at nothing in particular and folds his arms "if, in some miracle during my journey, money wasn't hard to come by, one I'd hire would eventually end up swindling me. not every clergyman is as lucky as my mother when it comes to kavach. oh yeah, there's also my stellar personality too, s'why no one really sticks around long enough. what was that thing finn likes to say about me? scum?" he laughs Keva: if cimm was looking, he'd see keva's face twitch a bit in confusion and surprise. cimmorro? this peacock of a man? speaking poorly of himself? she doesn't have long to think on it before the waitress stops by with their small cups of honey pine dew and lets them know their food would arrive shortly. she waits until the waitress has walked away before saying lightly, "surprise, surprise, we do have something in common." she picks up the halfling drink and holds it out towards him and waits expectantly for a clink. "to people not sticking around Cimmorro: he looks at her for a bit and smiles amusedly in a 'for real?' way. "you're pretty comfortable for someone who just threw me off my seat," he indulges her with a clink "that's not something that I'll let fly past me, y'know? cheers" he takes a sip and his brows immediately raise up as if to say 'not bad' at the taste. Keva: she also takes a sip of her drink, holding it on her tongue for a bit before swallowing. the familiar taste gives her pause as she looks down into the cup. how long have she and orin fantasized about leaving, never thinking it'd ever happen? well, at least she never did. and now, despite everything that place put them through... she sniffs before speaking, "and for the record, considering all we've seen from finn, i wouldn't take anything he says too seriously." keva looks up at him with a small smile and adds, "you're annoying as shit but, that's the farthest i'd go." and she takes another sip Cimmorro: "don't worry duram was far worse when he first came to the temple. nothing finn can say about me will really bother me, i believe." it's nice to see her somewhat interesting way of trying to console him, he thinks. he relaxes into his seat with a carefree smile and a snort. "but I'm afraid that i fail to see the difference between 'scum' and 'annoying as shit'" Keva: "well, 'annoying as shit' is talking like everyone is trying to flirt with you, while 'scum' is looking down on someone for never having seen platinum in their life. pretty big difference, don't you think?" Cimmorro: he lets out a loud but warm laugh. "i understand now, I've learned something valuable today" Keva: keva gestures with her hand and lowers her head a bit, as if in a miniature bow "you're welcome"
Cimmorro: he chuckles a bit into his drink before he seems to have recalled something. "that reminds me, finn asked me a couple of weeks ago to contact vorde. y'know the sending spell?" he adjusts his position in his seat as he speaks "he said they were on their way to irondor at the time. seems like they were on a ship, I'm assuming from the background noise. they should've arrived there a while ago already." jasper makes her way on his lap to lounge on. "i also assume he is with your friend? orlan.... orin... olaf? anyways, thought you'd like to know" Keva: "it's orin. olaf is pretty good tho. and thanks." keva is quiet for a moment before asking, "where's irondor?" Cimmorro: "ah, orin. it's the capital of krenic. so our airship should land there. have to wonder if they're still around by then... might be a stretch but, eh" he shrugs Keva: "he told us to meet them in antessa, so i imagine they'll probably keep moving." in her hand keva holds the cup in place and turns it with a finger, staring at the patterns on the inside as they turn. she's quiet for a bit before opening her mouth as if to ask smth, and then deciding against it. she starts to speak again, instead asking "what's it like?"
Cimmorro is beginning to notice a pattern. Since he left, every time orin is brought up, Keva's mind seems to go elsewhere, somewhere dreary and unhappy. It mostly seems like worrym it usually doesn't last long. Keva doesn't seem keen to share her troubles, not yet anyway.
Cimmorro: he studies keva like a little lab rat and hmmms mostly to himself. "are you asking about irondor? why spoil the surprise, we'll get there eventually" he snickers "our main church is there, that's all i'll say" (because thats all jez can say) he continues to smile vaguely Keva: she shrugs, still turning her cup like a dial. "would be nice to know what to expect, especially after all of this." she gestures at nothing in particular, tho she knows cimm will catch her drift. she looks up momentarily at the mention of the main jasidian church. "is it taller than the one near sharden?" Cimmorro: cimm gives keva a wild look for a moment before stammering "w-well i wouldn't know if there was an uprising of cultists there!!! i sure hope the fuck NOT! oh my goodness i havent been home in so long now I'm worried... " 😩 he clearly seems to be in panic but not for too long and manages to relax himself. "i think they'd be stupid to do anything funny like that where the main church resides. and yes! big! glamorous! the hokage of the church is there!" Keva: cimm's sudden change in expression makes keva raise her brows and laugh a bit in surprise. "that's not what i was suggesting" but who knows, at this rate, she thinks. look at all the churches here. she's not going to say that out loud tho. "you know, sometimes you just say words and i can't tell if they actually mean anything." Cimmorro: "heh. i need to keep some air of mystery in me... that's how they keep coming back. 😌 " he is just saying words now for real Keva: keva snorts as she catches sight the watiress approaching with their food, "which is it, do they never stick around or do they keep coming back?" Cimmorro: cimm merely smirks at keva as their meals get served. Keva: the smell of garlic from the dish as it's brought to her makes keva's mouth water, but the sight of the clams themselves makes her pause. cimm had described them to her during their visit to the shore, but she wasn't expecting the inside to look like... that. isn't it supposed to be an animal? she picks up one by the shell pokes at the meat curiously. Cimmorro: cimmorro was in the middle of giving jasper her share of the prawns, which she very much enjoys (a bunch of tiny nyamnyamnyams are heard as she chews), when he notices keva scrutinizing her meal. "you eat the inside, the soft part you're poking not the shell. also don't expect anything like fish or chicken meat" Keva: "right... the 'mush'" as she remembers him calling it. she pulls out the meat with her fingers, being surprised as the ease and then wincing a bit as the hot butter drips down her hand and arm. no matter tho, she simply gives it a quick lick and continues looking at the clam from several angles for any sign of feet or fins or some other way the clam might move. how the fuck do these things get around? did they just let the water take them wherever in their shells? Cimmorro: "yeah, the..." he trails off distracted by her licking her arm the way she just did and his face just looks like 😨 "you can use these..." he slides some of the table napkins to her. Keva: keva's about to try and peel little morsel of meat open to see what it looks like inside when cimm speaks. looking up and seeing his face, she notices a nearby diner also giving her a bit of a strange look. she throws them a "what are you looking at?" look to get them to mind their own business, but decides to just her food like she's supposed to. she is curious... she pops it into her mouth to chew on while she takes the napkin cimm offered her, cleaning off any remaining butter while she chews. she expected it to be softer, given how cimmorro described it, but it had a bit of a bite to it. not bad. she picks up another clam to pull out its meat with her hands, this time a bit fixated on the part of the shell that the meat is attached to. Cimmorro: cimmorro seems to be frozen at keva's display, a piece of his prawn just held in air by a fork in his hands not too far from his already agape mouth. "no, your... your fork, you can use it to- wait, ahh-- let me help" giving up, he puts his own food down and rolls up his sleeves, reaching for keva's cutlery demonstrating how to pick the mollusk's meat with them. he presents it at the end of the fork to her with the meat. "see you can just do it like this. this way you make less mess and don't burn yourself." he waits for her expectantly to take the cutlery from him. Keva: she's taken aback a little when cimmorro takes over, but doesn't put up a fight. she licks her fingertips a bit as she watches him pull the meat out. muttering a thanks, keva takes the fork from him and eats what's on it before moving onto another clam. "these things are so small. how many of these do people eat to get full?" Cimmorro: he snickers softly as he chews and swallows his food. "depends on the person. though i usually like to pair them with something else. ever had pasta?" Keva: "i've seen it around. never had a chance to eat it tho."  Cimmorro: "ehhh? why not? it's usually good and i say that because there's a lot of different kinds... you should be able to find at least one that you like." Keva: keva just shrugs as she eats. "just haven't gotten to." pasta certainly looks good, given that restaurant diners usually didn't have leftovers to take. "maybe at the next royal ball i get invited to," she snorts at her own joke. Cimmorro: "hah, hoping you don't lose your shoes on that one :y " Keva: "not the worst that's happened" she says with a wry smile as she takes a drink from her cup Cimmorro: he looks up from his food and stares at her with curious concern "wh... aside from getting drunk?"
Keva: she laughs a bit "wow, the other night really did a number on you, huh?" going back to picking at her clams, she adds "i didn't love someone pretending to be me to stab someone else" Cimmorro: "oh that! pffft... i was talking about the one recently. but yeah what a time that was." he grimaces at the memory as he continues to eat. "why wait for another ball anyway? those parties tend to be boring." Keva: "yeah, see, the joke was i don't get invited to parties at all," she says as she picks up a clam that hasn't opened. "i wouldn't really know where to look for pasta. how do i-- what happened to this one?" Cimmorro: "wow you're a real social butterfly huh. also uh, might just be the way it was cooked," he tilts his head "could be bad too. does it smell bad?" Keva: "oh, can't you tell?" keva kinda laughs as she brings the unopened clam to sniff. "what does 'bad' smell like for clams?" it does smell a little weird, but... what are they supposed to smell like? she just feels silly "oh whatever" she tosses it to the side to go back to the clams she can get to. there aren't many left since she eats pretty quickly. Cimmorro: "well, usually your body would naturally reject the scent if food is bad. hah. but best leave it be..." he'd hate for her first impression of these things go awry. "you could get them to replace your plate though, you paid for it and you can't even enjoy it all." as he suggests that jaspers paw comes up to pat his arm with a meow as if to ask for more prawns which he is quick to feed her. Keva: keva smiles a bit as she chews seeing the paw slowly come into view. she shakes her head at cimmorro's suggestion, continuing to eat "it's fine. it's just one. wouldn't want to make the waitress' job harder again." Cimmorro: "suit yourself, at least you have an idea of it now. and you do look like you've taken a liking to it! heh heh" he seems satisfied and proud watching her eat as if he had anything to do with it. "next you could try is pasta 😌" Keva: keva looks at cimmorro a bit strangely for a moment, seeing him be happy about her trying clams, but doesn't comment. he's so strange. "sure, why not. they didn't have any here on the menu, did they?" Cimmorro: "didn't seem like it, nope. surely there's a restaurant here that serves em.... (where are the fantasy italians) or maybe you can request from ferrie chris." he laughs a little before eyeing his food and back to keva. "oh have you tried these?" Keva: keva's got her fork in her mouth after just putting some of her own food in when she stops to look at his. "nope," she says, but it comes out more like 'mope.' pulling the utensil out without the food that was just on it, she continues, "what are they? they look like giant bugs with tails." Cimmorro: "ahaha, well i guess they are kinda like underwater bugs now that you say it. but these are called prawns, shrimp. they're curled before they were cooked and not orange" he carefully places one of it onto keva's plate, while jasper was giving her the stink eye for a moment........ she must really like her prawns...... cimm also looks at keva, more curious than anything. "i think at this point it'd be easier to answer what food you're familiar of...? 🤨 " Keva: a surprised laugh slips out seeing jasper's flash of anger. so she's not always so obedient.... keva makes a note to give her treats later to make up for it as she pokes thru the prawn with her fork. she didn't protest at him offering since she figured they'd just get into another useless argument about it. "sharden just isn't close to the ocean. and besides, i don't care what it is as long as i can eat it." and with that, she takes a bite. not as chewy as the clams, but meatier than she was expecting. she dips the remaining piece into the garlic sauce that came with her clams, and decides she likes that much better. Cimmorro: cimmorro watches and hums as he eats as well. "not being a picky eater is a good trait to have.... but does that mean you have no preference? no favorites? how do you live?! 😩 " he seems to wilt at the idea... life without the indulgence of food is not a life to live, he thinks. at the mention of sharden again though he looks up in thought. "what's your life like back in there anyway? seems like you get into a lot of trouble just going by that sword alone" he snickers though it's without malice Keva: keva pffs a bit as she goes back to eating her meal. "no, but it's easier to not care" she doesn't bother to explain more than that, but after a very brief pause, she adds, "i like roasted quail tho. it's small, but that's what makes it easy to get compared to other meat." she lifts her cup to drink from, but pauses at cimmorro's question. "no, we're not doing this," she dismisses quickly as she takes a gulp. Cimmorro: he seems to agree with the quail before pouting at her being dodgy."boooooo would it hurt to share a little? :-T not asking for a whole biography here..." he whines and seems like he's just genuinely looking for something to talk about. the last of his prawns find its way to jasper and her happy mlemmlems continue. "mmm... what about orin then? you seem like friends... gasp, maybe even lovers.... is that why're you're so mad at finn too? ohh.." he brings a hand to his face playing a little scandalous Keva: keva briefly scrunches up her face at the theory of her and orin being romantically involved, finding it a bit funny at first until he tries to connect it to finn. the amusement then disappears and turns into disgust. "please, i just ate." she pokes at the empty clam shells on her plate. "orin's family. not by blood, but. all the same" Cimmorro: "ooh? ah... my bad then," he offers an apologetic smile. "how'd he get the job with vorde? you don't seem to know them at all yourself" he leans his back on his chair, tilting his head a little. Keva: keva shakes her head a bit before saying, "i don't know. it happened after..." she trails off for just a second, still pushing shells around. she wonders briefly why these shell are so much duller than the ones they found on the beach. "after we were separated." Cimmorro: "oh so you didn't know? and he hasn't told you either? thought you guys were close.. 🤔" after some thought he goes like 'waahhhh' and brings his head all the way back to look at the stars. "as if this job wasn't already shady enough...." Keva: at cimmorro's first comment, keva's lips pull into a half smile so weak, it looks more like a twitch, and with a long sigh she sinks into silence. it seems like she won't say more for a minute, but... well, it's been rattling in her head for so long. she may as well get it out to someone. "he mentioned that vorde found him in sharden and offered to help him learn about his new... magic." she puts down her fork having arranged the clamshells in smth of a face, and picks up her cup to drink the last drops of honey pine dew she has left. "what a noble would want with us other than a quick rumor or cannon fodder is beyond me."  Cimmorro: cimmorro doesn't seem to move or react at all for a moment until he lifts his head up again and goes, "wait, magic? what magic?" Keva: keva shrugs as she looks down at the bottom of her empty cup. "said he woke up with it after almost dying. doesn't remember anything that happened between when i last saw him and then." she glances up at cimmorro for a moment before looking back at her cup, "i, was wondering if you knew anything about that. psalm mentioned something about a pact." Cimmorro: cimmorro looks actually intrigued now for once and seems to focus more at the subject. "hmm, magic can come from a lot of places. it's not impossible he might have met a patron... perhaps even the deities took an interest to his little adversary. they can be playful like that... it could also originate from some kind of focus he might've come into contact with, maybe a cursed item or something that's just loaded with the arcane." he folds his arms as he continues to ponder. "the memory loss is concerning though. did you not see him use this magic? ....i can't help but wonder why vorde would know anything about this magic too..." Keva: keva's brows knit together a bit in worry as she listens. what the fuck happened? and what does vorde want with him? she shakes her head again at his question, looking a bit guilty. "i was already gone by then. and i haven't seen much of him since we found him in the withered bone, thanks to his 'masters'" she says the last word mockingly, but the bitterness on her face dissipates into smth else. there isn't any dew left in the cup, but she tries for one last sip anyway.
Cimmorro: he can't help but give keva a sympathetic smile. must be hard to be in the dark especially if their parting wasn't exactly pleasant. "well, you'll see him again soon enough. you can corner him and get all the answers you need. and if you need to zone of truth him, then I'm your guy." he smiles a little more playfully like P: as he points a thumb at himself. "i research and archive about the arcane so I'm pretty curious to know where it's coming from too." he stares at kevas cup and adds "want another?"' Keva: keva snorts softly at cimm's attempt to comfort her, and shakes her head for more drink, launching the cup to slide a bit ways away from her. she leans her head back bit, noting the familiar constellations in the sky. after a moment of silence, she asks quietly, "do you think he's safe?" Cimmorro: "hmm, he seems capable. i can't imagine finn letting someone work for them that closely if he can't carry his own weight. hah." he laughs and looks up at the sky again too. "but... why ask me when you can ask him?" he looks at keva again with a welcoming grin and presenting his holy symbol to her. "you can greet him a little hi if you're worried." Keva: keva snaps her head to look at him with surprise, wide-eyed and almost...embarrassed? "i-- i don't really have anything to say. he's probably busy anyway." Cimmorro: her reaction seems to get him by surprise as well, though he lets a small laugh out. "who's too busy to say hi back to family... cmon. and, I'm just saying btw, i didn't need to use a lot of my magic at work today so i can service tonight. think of it as my thanks for keeping me company."  Keva: keva seems hesitant. "i-- i don't really know how any magic works. what can i even say?" truth be told, she'd love to check in on him. it couldn't hurt, right? though he hadn't left too long ago. she might be bothering him. plus, he said he would have vorde help him write a letter on his behalf, so maybe he doesn't have anything noteworthy to say yet... Cimmorro: "anything ya want. any more than 25 words it'd get cut off though. but i'm sure that's not a problem with you" he jokes while petting jasper who is currently preparing for a nap on his lap. Keva: "do i say it or does it have to go thru you?" Cimmorro: "through me. remember how han tried it the other week? just like that. i can keep a secret though..... 😇 " he smiles vaguely just to josh on her and not to actually hide anything Keva: keva mouths 'oh' and says "right" quietly as she remembers the failed attempt to reach han's sibling. well, while she doesn't love the idea of having to go thru someone else, better someone she sorta knows than someone she doesn't. "okay, um..." feeling put on the spot, she starts to chew on her thumbnail in thought before catching herself "shit, okay, uh, hi?" she snorts and shrugs a little in discomfort dictating her message as if cimm was orin. "um... tell him that... we're leaving soon and............. hope he hasn't died yet" Cimmorro: cimm just kinda watches keva like o_o before also snorting when she does, finding it all amusing. "you look more nervous than you did when the palace adviser had us for interrogation! i'm not going to bite!" he makes no comment at how short her message is but he does have a look of 'knew it' on his face. "all set, then?" Keva: she shrugs and says "you never know" before nodding to confirm that she's done, watching cimm cautiously but also curiously.
Cimmorro: "so little faith in me.... boohoo" pouting as he gets his spell prepared... sending transmission to orin beweoowoeoweow..... "hiiii orin it's the most gorgeous guy you've ever seen forwarding a message from kevvy~ she hopes you're properly breathing so say hi also we're... leaving shorewater soon- oh. hm." Keva: keva goes from twisting her face at cimmorro's introduction to winding up in her seat to prepare for smth mildly violent at his use of his nickname for her before she blinks. "'oh?' 'oh' what?" Orin: you hear the sound of footsteps as the spell cuts in with a confused stop "uhhh... hello?" a brief shuffling sound of movement follows "uhh who is the most gorgeous guy i've ever seen exactly... did you mention keva..? boss can you hear this?..... what'ja mean only-" then it cuts out Cimmorro: "oh nothing, it just cut off the last couple or so words- i think i confused him though... he sounded much like emerick did the first time i ringed him. 'whhwaa? who? what? where? keva?' is basically what he said" he's trying to hold in a laugh Keva: she stares wide eyed at him before letting out a sound of exasperation as she plops back fully in her seat. "so, nothing then?" tho she herself didn't have much to say in the first place, she can't help but feel disappointed... Cimmorro: cimm raises a brow "aren't you glad to hear he responded at least? also he did mention his boss, so one can assume he's still with vorde nice and easy. sounds like they were having a walk" Keva: "yeah of course i am, but--" she huffs a bit. she's not about to tell cimm she was hoping to hear more from him. after a moment of silent looking out into the emptying plaza and a little shake of her head, like a mental 'whatever,' she finishes more softly, resigned "never mind. thanks." she mainly just wanted to know if he was okay, after all. Cimmorro: cimm shrugs, there's only so much he can do with little she gave to him "yeah, okay, one second though i'm not done with him-- [bweooweowoew] you tied me up real raunchy just a few weeks ago and you don't even remember me? shame on you, orin" he ends at that Keva: insert dialogue-less manga panel of keva's chair mid-falling over as she lunges for cimm's collar while she 💢💢💢💢💢💢 Celebrity Guest Aqua: roll to hit improvised weapon @Dungeon Master ?)
Orin: as the message cuts back in you hear the tail end of something orin is saying, though you don't understand what, and a pause as he seemingly stops walking again "i remember you! just not your name...all of you blended t..." you hear him pause again and ohhh in response to something before replying again after a few seconds "keva's there right?...uhh say hi.... be well....love you....four... eat good be merry!" it then cuts out Cimmorro: he just yelps with one of his hands on her wrist trying to pull it off and the other waving over his face going "wah- ahh-- ahh!! i have a score to settle with him!! CMON-- WAIT LET GO HE'S TALKING" Keva: keva stops jostling him around but she is still holding him up from falling backwards by the collar "i swear to the all of the gods if you are lying" Cimmorro: at this point jasper's in mid air looking between the both of them while cimm wrestles against keva's  hold. "no!! no!! i'm not!! let me go--!!" while wiggling he seems to get a glint of mischief before he hugs himself and goes "ahh darling not in public like this~~~!!" Keva: keva's face twists into a mixture of mortification and anger, and without hesitation she just opens her hands to let gravity do the work for her. she then swivels on a heel and starts to walk away Cimmorro: he straight up just falls over and bumps hhis head a bit maybe idk ill roll a d4 for that. while rubbing the back his head and groaning cimm will call out "HE SAID HI! AND LOVE YOU AND HOPE YOU'RE EATING WELL BY THE WAY! BE MERRY! which is the opposite of what you're doing" he grumbles the last part mostly to himself as he gets up the second time this evening Keva: cimm can hear the slamming of coins on wood pause briefly at his relaying of orin's message. only the waitress can see a smile tug at her lips before it disappears again just before she gives her quiet thanks. she walks back out into cimmorro's view, stopping once she reaches the main walkway. "i'm leaving you behind if you don't hurry the fuck up." Cimmorro: he looks at keva like this but with his brows mildly furrowed---> (smiling crying emoji lol)  then he lets jasper curl herself around his shoulders and gulps the remains of his honey pine dew as he also hands his coins to the waitress with a little tip for the ruckus they caused. (1 gp) making his way out to meet keva he pointedly pouts at her more and shaking his head "so violent. tsk, but now you're going to learn how to treat a bump on my head so... i win." sticks a tongue out as he paces a few steps ahead of her as if to avoid her lunging at him again Keva: she rolls her eyes at his childish display but follows behind him. "oh yeah? should i add a few more so i can get extra practice in?" Cimmorro: "hmph. if you do that badly enough... which i'd assume you'd only do on purpose! cause it's so easy! even a baby could do it! i'd think you'd just want to keep getting my attention if it ends up going awry" he replies with very animated hands as he speaks, not even looking back at her until the last part before he smirks. Keva: she makes a mocking face at him when he looks back at her "shut up and watch where you're going" jutting her chin out at a foldable sign he's about to trip over Cimmorro: he looks forward and goes 'ah!' barely dodging the sign, snagging it the slightest bit but mostly safe. "you could at least laugh. it's free yknow?" he huffs, still rubbing the sore spot, as he marches on and mindlessly glances around the stores, slowing his pace a bit to let her catch up before speaking again. "hmm, i'm going back to the inn... up and early again tomorrow, as you know by now." Keva: keva gives an insincere "aha h ah ahahh" as she walks on. catching up to him she says, "my plan was to head back too, so guess we're stuck together for a little while longer then." Cimmorro: cimm also makes a half-hearted laugh as she does. "ehe hehe. a stroll back home it is then" he nudges one of his arms towards her as a jest, expecting she'd slap the offer away Keva: she 100% rejects the offer, only she makes a face and says "no," both containing an equal amount of disdain, before pushing his extended elbow away Cimmorro: he laughs as he retracts his arm back "you're going to regret rejecting an offer like that one day, kevvy" after she found her way back into his hood to cradle in, his hand reaches for jasper's paw lounging on his shoulder instead as if to make up for keva's rejection Keva: "my name, is keva" is all she says in return
Plenty more banter is had between the two are they slowly but surely make their way back to the Swallow’s Perch.
Psalm and Finn Social Link Restoration - 3/27 🤝💦
As Han and Psalm make their way back to inn from their date, Han finishes telling a story from her life that's related to the play and how it made her feel, with so many sound effects one completely loses the thread.
Han: once she reaches the inn steps she goes "wait, does this mark date being over?? i need you to mark me and tell me what to improve" Psalm: Psalm is following along Han's story with concealed amusement although he is definitely confused. At her question he just crosses his arms and says, "I suppose it does, although there really isn't anything...? I guess if you're seriously asking though, maybe don't..talk about death so much. But since it was me it's fine this time." Han: 😥 "you brought it up though....?" she sighs and walks into the tavern "okay, noted.... this was fun tho, i should go on more dates, what the fuck" she throws psalm a huge grin Psalm: "Yeah, that's why it's fine I said." ^_^ He smiles though and says, "Well, I'm glad you had fun :). Thanks for taking me up on my offer." Han: "duh!! i wouldve taking everyone dates if i knew it was this fun... you think rokka would come with me?" Psalm: "I don't see why not? You seem close enough to me." Han: she hehehes happily, clearly planning something, and goes off into the kitchen in search for food, from the kitchen everyone in the inn hears a "WAIT, PSALM" as she comes barreling back out "one more question!! what about kissing?????" she looks distraught Psalm: he does the eternally deadpan equivalent of jumping a foot in the air in surprise (i.e he just starts a little) before going, "What about it...?" 🤨 Han: "isnt that thing you do on dates?? kiss?? does is apply here...??? and its like, kissing separate from sex...????" doing maths rn Psalm: "Yes, it is a thing you can do in dates. No, it does not apply here. You know for someone who claims to have no dating experience you sure do seem to know a lot." Han: "ruel and layne say i should get out and date, stella gives me stupid tips, i know SOME stuff..." getting embarrassed now "also i get bored at shifts and watch people" 😅 "when does it apply then...?" 🤔 Psalm: "Well if you have fun then I don't see why not. When you're interested in the person you're on a date with romantically, which is not the case with me I would think." Han: "i have no idea what that means, but noted" 😄 Psalm: "Well actually, it doesn't even have to be that complex. If you're on a date with someone and you want to kiss them then feel free to ask or do so." He shrugs. Han: "can i give you kiss then?" still like 😄 Psalm: psalm like is there something in the air recently why all my coworkers keep coming onto me... he just thinks on it for a bit before he deflates and goes "On the cheek is fine." Han: she hehes triumphantly and gives him a kiss, then immediately noogies him "haha, sucker" and skips off happily back into the kitchen
Psalm: "Well if that's all I'll be heading to my room." He calls out to her. Han: she hehes evilly and loudly in return "get some food if you want!! there’s more pie than ever" Psalm: "Before that, could you come with me for a second? I have something to give you." Han: shes got a plate of pie already when she pops out of the kitchen "ya? sure" Psalm: he eyes the plate like, "You can bring it with you."
The two head up to Psalm and Finn’s room, Han following Psalm obediently. Though it’s his room Psalm also knocks to be polite.
Finn: "come in" you can hear the eyeroll in his voice Psalm: "Oh, hey Finn," Psalm says before he makes a beeline for his stuff. Han: thru a mouth full of pie "hi finn, whats uuuup" Finn: finn grimaces at the both of them "oh brought your date have you?" but he quickly realizes he can annoy them at least, so he forces his brows back into their neutral positions "you really shouldve told me this is what you had planned psalm... i wouldve left the room vacant and everything" Han: han chews her pie staring at finn Psalm: he just snorts and says, "No need, this'll be quick." He's already copying the poem + some others on a clean piece of parchment. Han: "OH! he thinks we're gonna fuck" 😆 elbows psalm laughing Psalm: "Not sure why you're laughing when you thought that earlier yourself ^_^" Han: she laughs louder "i asked to confirm, and got my answer" Psalm: "Maybe some other time /s " Han: han finally catches what hes doing "why are you making more?" Finn: finn looking between the two like this is a free mini play unfolding but as soon as the topic moves away from that he yawns "what’re you bringing her up here for then?" Psalm: at han "I'm writing out some more poems and so on since you said you wanted to see my notes earlier." then to finn “Parting gift ^^." Han: "oh" 🥺 "okay, ill wait" she leans patiently against the wall Finn: "uh huh. so then han... why dont you tell me about what you got up to on your date? id love to know if psalm is as boring in that department as he is to play with" Psalm: he pauses his copying momentarily but says nothing and resumes. Han: han can hear the weird vibes but decides to ignore them "it was great!! we went to book store, i got small poetry book psalm recommended, went to jewellers, walked on pier... then watched went to mints theatre, it was great watching it in full" shes genuinely incredibly excited the more she goes on about it Finn: finns enthusiasm dwindles even more. that sounds quite like a nice date. like a date hed like to go on really. good for han, he thinks, almost at least. he doesnt like her nearly enough to let her have that in good conscience but a part of him also doesnt really want to drag her into this weird drama hes created between himself and psalm "Is.......that so. good for you good for you..." he mumbles, hoping she'll stop going on about it at some point Han: "thanks!! you said you never been too, right? maybe you can get psalm to take you too" ☺ Finn: he nearly chokes at the notion and briefly avoids looking at han "no, that is quite fine, ive seen enough of shorewater..............." Psalm: he looks up and says, "Really? I wouldn't have minded since I'm still new around here, but if you say so." Finn: finn makes a mental note to berate psalm later for this "i mean ive already seen the theatre" he waves her off "besides, uncle vorde, orin and i got around enough as is. if anything, i could probably show psalm something new here 🙄" Psalm: (Back to copying) "I don't doubt it.." * distracted * Han: "oh, really? maybe you and i should go on date" she gets excited for the possibility Finn: "i, uh" he fumbles there thinking about psalms fucked up answer "huh? well... i usually dont go on dates with women" he seems absent minded in his answer Han: "hhmmm, my loss i guess..." she thinks for a sec "we dont have to kiss OR fuck, if thats what bother u" Finn: this gets a weak laugh out of finn "that is not exactly the problem... i just dont like making that kind of effort if theres nothing to gain by the end" he gestures vaguely  Han: han hmms "i think i gained lots from this, learned lots about psalm, and poems and plays.. what iambic pentameter is..." she shrugs, she pronounces that syllable by syllable Psalm: "It's just a fun day out. Nothing more. Maybe cool it with the interrogations actually, felt like I was on trial /s" Han: "but cimm said learn about each other...!!" 😥 Finn: "you learned about a what" Han: "ay-yam-bic pentá-méter" she punts psalms hoof "am i saying it right??" Psalm: Small oof, "Iambic pentameter. Eh. Right enough." Finn: "ahhh" Han: mouths it to herself a couple of times Psalm: "It's a specific type of poem er.. rhythm. A line of five pairs of unstressed syllables followed by stressed ones." He raises an eyebrow like I hope this makes sense.. Han: han is just like hehe i got it.. im cultured now... Finn: finn nods "i was aware of what it was, i just didnt catch that properly from han" admittedly he has heard that before in one of his classes hes sure, but he absolutely had no idea what it was in detail Psalm: He chuckles "True she is kind of butchering the pronunciation." Han: han wrinkles her nose and says something in giant, it sounds petulant Finn: "what was that? ^__^" Psalm: Psalm like "haha..." Finn: "i learned common late, okay" >_< Finn: "ah, no, that is quite fine... that was not the easiest set of words to say after all" <- genuinely means this (diversity win! the bully respects your language level!) "i wouldn't have taken you for the type to be interested in poetry though" Han: "i like ballad and song more to be honest... but i never had anyone to talk about, it was exciting when psalm mentioned he likes this stuff" she sounds fond Psalm: "Feel free to come to me if you ever want to talk about it more ^_^ " Finn: finn nods as he listens..... "oh? how nice of him, isnt it? perhaps you and psalm ought to stick together on this journey and explore the local cultures together then" Han: han thinks and hmms "maybe? if psalm wants to, maybe we can" :D Psalm: "Sure why not, if my expenses allow for it. I kind of owe Cimmorro a really expensive drink so it just depends on... how expensive." He gives Finn a weird look though... like 🙂 Finn: finn doesnt say it, but hes hoping that cimmorro will drag psalm into bankruptcy over one small drink. his smirk might say it for him thoug, he tilts his head like whats your problem Psalm: MY PROBLEM? THE AUDACITY
Finn: "did you take han out? if yes, then perhaps she ought to repay the favor next time... no worries about your financial status ^_^ " Han: han leans to psalm to mock whisper "repay what favor? was date favor??" Psalm: "No, he's asking if I paid on your behalf for things, like the play ticket, your poetry book etc. which would imply that on a hypothetical next date you'd pay for me." @ Finn "We just paid for ourselves since you're so curious." Han: "oooh... people do that, huh..." i understand (she didnt understand shit) jpg Psalm: "Yes they can, like if we had gone out to dinner I could've paid the entire bill, or vice-versa. I actually prefer to, but since I owe Cimmorro that drink I have to be careful with funds." 😀 Finn: "ah... so chivalry dies for expensive drinks...how unromantic" finn scoffs, wildly amused though Han: han snorts humoursly "its ok, i can pay for myself" Psalm: "I'll make up for it in other ways." ^_^ Finn: "by apparently being evasive to more dates.....because of that drink 🤨 " Psalm: Psalm just turns to Han and goes, "You had fun, right?" Han: "i did!!!" shes almost offended u ask Psalm: Turns to Finn like, you see? Finn: finn smiles like this ^__^ Psalm: "It's not being evasive, just... cautionary ^_^ " Finn: "mhm" finns tone is like. anything but genuine. condescending but he waves psalm off "i dont doubt you of course, it is not my place to tell you how to conduct your dates either... i just couldnt help but feel like..." he puts a finger to his chin "like youre almost sugar coating it... oh well! i digress!" Psalm: Psalm just thinks to himself didn't seem like that earlier "I mean, I quite literally am. I'm fearing for the worst considering the fancy shit nobles and the like like to drink. Here you go Han," he hands her the parchment. Han: han looks btwn these two amused n bemused, finally settling on psalm "i can pay for next date, if you that worried" Psalm: He just waves his hand like, "No need, I'm just being dramatic." (No intention of buying the drink yall) Han: 🥺 she licks crumbs off her fingers and takes the papers gently "thank you...! ill go read them" :D she says her byes but stops in the door @ finn "date offer still on table if you ever want" grins at him and leaves you alone.. ✨ Finn: finn shrugs, "ill consider it" he snorts "have fun" (<- considering himself polite for his standards) Psalm: * waves *
Finn: "so" finn leans back and crosses his arms "what was that about?" Psalm: "What, the parchment? She asked to see some of the notes I keep in my journal but since it's private I figured I'd just copy some of the poems I keep in here since she said that was what she was interested in reading anyways. Not my poems. Other peoples'." Finn: "not that" he sighs "what was that about you casually saying you wouldve gone to see more of shorewater with me. are you out of your mind?" he grimaces Psalm: "Oh." He begins to put his stuff away.*"At the risk of sounding redundant since I am always responding to your questions with more questions, why would I be out of my mind?" Finn: "at least youre self aware" he mumbles before going on "we are no longer getting along well. what would make you say something so inane? in front of her no less." Psalm: "..............We're not?" Finn: finn just looks at him like this [tails.jpeg] "surely youve noticed how ive been treating you?" Psalm: "Well, yes, but you kind of treat everyone like that on and off, so I honestly didn't think it was..." voice getting quieter..."a big deal." He clears his throat. "And it was Han's suggestion, I didn't bring it up in front of her, not that I really see why that matters." He pauses. "Actually I see now why that matters if you think we're not getting along haha." Finn: finn would be touched that psalm didnt think much of it if he wasnt so committed to actively making things worse "......im glad youre finally following my train of thought" he sighs again and resorts to the franziska sleeve grip to cope with his irritation "im surprised i had to spell it out for you but now youll be aware at least i trust?" Psalm: "Just barely, considering I don't even know why you suddenly seem to have an issue with me. And here I thought we were getting along 🥺" Finn: finn snorts weakly "perhaps in another life" he should end it there but his need to overshare is dangerously close to overriding his grip on the situation "we're in a professional arrangement. thats all this needs to be." Psalm: "Damn, ouch," Psalm says frowning. Then, "Who in their right mind propositions their professional arrangement? Seems like more trouble than it's worth if you ask me." Finn: finn does get a tad more irritated at the mention of that "youre not the only one whos out of his mind at times! im doing my best to rectify that" Psalm: "One, I'm not out of my mind. Two, you rectify this by....picking fights with me ㅜ__ㅜ). Forgive me being unable to see the attempt being made here." Finn: finn clicks his tongue "you dont get it, do you? you will come to dislike me psalm, everyone eventually does. im making the journey there easy for you and youre ungrateful for it to top it all off!" he breaks eye contact "what i said to you at the night of the ball doesnt even matter that much. this is simply how things ought to play out" Psalm: "Uh, 🤨 don't know who told you that but I'd prefer you not make assumptions about who I like or dislike, without even giving me the chance to decide for myself, thanks. And this is definitely not 'making the journey easy', you're being mildly annoying at best." Psalm snorts, "seriously, you should try harder if you think me hating you is how this is going to end." Finn: finn blinks a couple times, thinking before responding "ah- no. no, no. there you go again sugar coating things! for the sake of our professional relationship i assume. uncle vorde will reward you all the same no matter how you feel about me. in fact, im sure hes aware how the group as a whole must feel" he gestures vaguely with his hands now "i really dont need you to do that" Psalm: "Not sugar coating anything, I am simply just telling you the truth. Maybe it makes me a bit strange but I dislike...disliking people. It's a waste of time." He shrugs, "I would imagine regardless of how your Uncle chooses to pay us he doesn't want us mistreating you." Finn: "strange indeed" finn huffs "so this isnt even about me. you just dont want to dislike anyone for the sake of disliking them. well, see for yourself where that takes you i suppose" Psalm: "Oh no, it still is. I would say that me choosing not to dislike anyone would apply to.." he thinks for a bit. "Someone I have no personal grudge against, like those cultists we fought. I neither like or dislike them, despite everything." He narrows his eyes at Finn, "you on the other hand, are my companion for the next several days whether you and I like it or not, so I'm determined to get along with you at least on the level of say, friendly acquaintances." Finn: his facade is slowly starting to crumble.....hes desparately thinking about how he shouldnt be vulnerable, especially with someone like psalm, especially since hes convinced that psalm should dislike him. but... its visible on his face hes affected by the conversation "so...even though i propositioned you, youre seriously telling me you wont gossip behind my back and...well..." Psalm: "I have absolutely no reason to do that whatsoever." Psalm just makes up his face. "Wouldn't even know what I'd get out of that honestly. Might've let it slip to some of the others that rooming with you might be," he thinks of a way to sugar coat it, "awkward though. But no specifics ha... ^_^ " Finn: finn feels like somethings not quite right about that but he wouldnt know what exactly. he fidgets with his clothes a little and breaks eye contact, clearly at a loss for words "i, uh... its not like anyones eager to anyway" he tries meeting psalms eyes again "if..if youre really telling the truth then..................." oh no... no... not like this.. why did vorde leave him here again? this was the worst. if wishes psalm was a liar and hated him openly and passionately instead "then i....." nearly through gritted teeth "apologize" PHEW "for picking fights with you the past couple days" hes grimacing again, unable to bear the burden of apologizing Psalm: "You must really have a low opinion of me if you think I'd go around telling people that. 😥 " Psalm says sarcastically. "I'm not really one for gossip," he starts before he remembers that no, he actually did kind of rat on Cimmorro before. "Well not normally anyways. There are some exceptions." At Finns apology he starts smiling. "Wow that really looked like it hurt you to do. If it makes you feel better I am telling the truth. I'd be happy to- well, actually let me not get ahead of myself- I'd be fine rooming with you again if you want, and I accept your apology." Finn: "its not a matter of having a low opinion, i simply would not say that i know you so well... to trust that you wouldnt use something like that to your advantage. if our roles were reversed...i would probably not be so kind" he awkwardly scratches his neck at the mention of his shitty apology "thats because it did hurt me to do" <- saying this like its the most normal thing "thank...you for accepting though" finn clears his throat "as much as i like you psalm, i hope for both our sakes that we will not have to room with anyone again for the remainder of this journey" Psalm: Psalm just starts laughing like, "So you not only do you not trust me, but you're a hypocrite as well. Noted /s." Psalm just places his hand on his chest like 😳 but sarcastic like "You like me? I'm shocked. And I agree, I would honestly love nothing more than a room to myself. I was just saying that to be nice to you ^_^ " Finn: "why does that make me a hypocrite 🤨" finn rolls his eyes but he isnt seriously cranky anymore or anything "im well aware of that, you know? i thought i told you to be honest just now..." Psalm: "Just that you'd gossip about me if I'd pissed you off. I guess not hypocritical but still kind of funny how vindictive that is. I'm being honest, IF we had to room together, I wouldnt mind :y At this point it makes no difference, since I haven't had real privacy for a while though." Gestures at his head. Finn: "not like id go ahead immediately...im the type to wait until its beneficial" he smirks regardless of how shitty this is of him to say and do Psalm: Psalm wrinkles his nose, "Funny you'd even resort to blackmail when you can just charm people honestly, but I suppose it is more permanent." Finn: "well, let me put it like this psalm" he limps his wrist "lets not call this a favor but...i will certainly remember your decision to not gossip about the ball night. if i ever were to learn about something unfortunate about you, id simply forget, if you catch my drift. not like id be so stupid and tell you about participating in blackmailing willingly if i planned on doing that to you" he sighs softly “perhaps a physical roommate is much preferred after all, hm?" Psalm: "Thanks, although I'm not sure how to take you propositioning me is somehow means for blackmail." Psalm says, he blushes a bit and frowns."That's concerning." re ghester "Honestly, it's like he's not even there so I cant compare the two." Finn: "id rather not give you ideas, im starting to think your lack of creative thinking in such regards is a blessing" finn frowns as well "not for you though" Psalm: Psalm sighs 😥 “Lucky me” Finn: "^__^" finn sighs and lies down more comfortably in his coffin "um.....seriously though, im... im relieved this is resolved. i didnt think that was possible...so, thank you" Psalm: Psalm doesn't even know WHAT was resolved exactly but he does not say that or course. "Aww didn't think we'd kiss and make up? ^_^” Finn: finn cringes at the wording "youre getting a kick out of this after all huh?............" Psalm: "Of course." Finn: "not like i can tell you off for this.......... well..... a small price to pay for peace i suppose" Psalm: "^_^ Well its been a long day so I'm going to get ready to sleep." Psalm stretches. "Let me know if you actually do want to go around Shorewater with me though, I prefer not to watch plays and the like by myself 🤔 " Finn: finn hates that he cant stop himself from smiling "if its like that, i dont mind accompanying you... perhaps one last trip around the city wouldnt be so bad" hes also getting ready to pass the hell out! Psalm: "Alright, later then. There's another theatre I've been eyeing actually because theyve been doing this production of a short story I really liked where-" <-- starts to ramble while getting ready for bed
Finn listens to Psalm’s rambling, hmm’ing occasionally before he eventually drifts off to sleep...
Psalm says Farewell to His Mothers ft. A Friend - 3/22 🎊👓
A few days later, Psalm decides it would be good to spend the day with his parents before they go their seperate ways again. He gets up, shuts the door quietly behind him and heads to their room, then knocks on their door.
Esther: as you give it a few knocks you briefly hear some shuffling behind the door before Esther clicks it open, she gives you a smile once she sees you "oho has our gracious son decided to give his ma's a visit?" Psalm: "Yes at long last I've arrived." Psalm says as he leans in and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Figured you'd be getting by poorly without me around to carry whatever souvenirs you've bought for you." Esther: she laughs and pats you on the cheek in return "well isn't that sweet, knew we had you for a reason psalm" she leans back and opens the door so you can walk in Ruth: inside you see ruth staring quizzically at their open luggage playing storage tetris Psalm: “Afternoon Mom." Psalm says @ Ruth. He's not even going to pretend to offer help with whatever that is she's doing down there. "By the way, when did you two say you were heading back home again?" Ruth: she looks over at you "oh hello psalmy, making the rounds heh?" she continues her task on the floor Esther: she replies "we'll be setting off in the evening, shame we cant stay longer when you wrangled us last minute" she rolls her eyes humorously Psalm: "Yes, unfortunately. I can't say I was busy with anything too pressing yesterday so I should've come by earlier. I'll stick around and see you off thought of course, it's been a while since I've you know..seen you two." Esther: she pinches your cheek in response "it has since you never come visit us enough, always the cryptic letters with you!" she sighs dramatically but theres no real bite to it Ruth: on the floor ruth laughs "im getting those gems you sent back put in a ring yknow, i'll show you next time you come round" Psalm: "Hmmm, I'll be heading east in the coming weeks but I can afford to be less cryptic these days, so expect enough letters to get sick of them." @Ruth Psalm is pleasant surprised. "Oh yeah, I'd like to see that. Glad you liked them enough to want to do that, red isn't really my colour so I wasn't sure what to do with them. ^_^ " Esther: she smiles again "oho, our mailbox better be stuffed to the brim in a weeks time then" Ruth: she smirks afterwards "they were real nice, i figure it'd be a shame just selling em off, maybe ill get you a matching one" she laughs as she stands up again slapping one of the suitcases closed Psalm: "If I find anymore I'll send them over. Any plans for today before you head out?"| Ruth: she gets a glint in her eye at the mention of more Esther: esther responds to the question putting a hand to her chin in thought "maybe swing by the stores one more time before we head off, no sense idling at the inn" Ruth: ruth adds in after "we could watch the sunset at port if we get there a little early too" esther nods pleased at the idea as ruth slaps the last suitcase closed Psalm: "Oh great, I'd been meaning to head down to the shops before leaving Shorewater myself :]." Psalm also nods thoughtfully, "You know, I was telling the others I liked things like watching sunsets and they were surprised but now I see where I get it from..." he says good naturedly. Ruth: ruth wags her finger "two birds one stone" Esther: esther smiles afterwards putting her hands on her hips "a mother can only be proud when she passes down her good sense of aesthetics to her children" as they chat the two quickly get ready to leave the room now that ruth's seemingly satisfied with their luggage situation Psalm: he snorts at that and just idles by the door until they're ready to leave
The three head out and hit the business district together to browse the stores. After a full afternoon of shopping, Psalm and his mothers finally head back to the inn where Ruth continues her round two of luggage jenga (she ropes esther into it this time) once they're satisfied Esther dusts her hands and hands one over to Psalm for him to carry.
The three of them make their way out of the room and downstairs where Ruth flags down Ferrie Chris, thanking her for her kind service. They banter a little until they step out onto the street with Psalm in tow, walking their way over to the port district as the sun begins to set. Ruth seems to be mumbling to herself to make sure nothings been forgotten as Esther turns to Psalm again.
Esther: "-and dont forget you'll need to launder it carefully if you want to be wearing it again. good fabric like that's prone to some real wear and tear" Psalm: "You'd think the more expensive it is the more hardy..." Psalm says somewhat forlornly.
While they've been walking there Psalm is thinking to himself about whether it's worth it to tell his parents the truth about why he's been so avoidant about his whereabouts and travelling the past couple years or so, and why he's even in Shorewater to begin with. Although he's doing his best to keep up with their conversations he is somewhat distracted, and also feeling really, really guilty.
Esther: she shakes her head amused "that only applies to armour i'd say" as they continue walking on she gives him a glance as if expecting a reply thats a little late "...feeling a little off psalmy? are you missing us already" she smiles again Psalm: "Of course I am," he says although he attempts to remain stoic as usual, it ends up looking more like  since he's a bit frustrated he can't be honest. "I just feel...how do I put this? Sorry I've been such a bad son as of late, it comforts me that you two kind of take it in stride but I can't reciprocate without putting you in danger because I did something really fucking stupid. Which is why I haven't been around. And how I ended up here." Esther: esther looks at you a little surprised while ruth looks back at the two of you again "oh dear what's all this now? y'know only i get to call you a bad son" she ruffles your hair gently Ruth: she speaks up curiously "the stupid thing involve you getting involved in heroics against 'yer will?" she pats the side of your leg as she walks Psalm: "I don't think you've ever called me that in your life," Psalm snorts ,"and no, it's before that actually. The whole heroics thing actually hasn't been terrible so far albeit some er- close calls here and there." He decides not to tell them about the time he nearly died fighting Theyord “Although you know me, I'm not really one for publicity..." 🤨 Esther: esther nods with a smirk "it's a very illustrious title you haven't quite earned yet, quite exclusive" Ruth: she replies laughing at the publicity line "oho well thats nice, i'll get ready to be invited to more fancy galas in the future then when you save the next town from mortal peril" she eyeballs you at the mention of 'before that' like 'go on...' Psalm: @ Esther he just looks at her like 😥 @ Ruth "For your sakes I'll withhold the details, it isn't worth your getting caught up in it but I got involved with an uh...group.  Well, both Basil and I did, it was his idea, I can't really say no to him you know how he is. And things just ended up going poorly with them, kind of my fault, kind of not. And sticking around home became dangerous so I just took the first available ship to Shorewater, purely by chance by the way, not that I'm complaining because I like the ocean of course, and here we are," he rambles. He feels a bit guilty about leaving out so much but it is what it is for now. Esther: she shakes her head clicking her tongue "ah you're always getting pulled into other people's business aren't you psalmy" Ruth: she laughs and pats your leg again "sometimes saying no is good for the soul dear, basil always seemed a little the overzealous type." she leans in a little conspiratorially "anyone me and your mother could talk to a little for you?" she says it half as a joke but you know if you said 'yes actually' she would roll up her sleeves Esther: she follows after "dont even need to give us names dearie...." she gives a wink Psalm: he just sighs loudly and hangs his head, somewhat defeated. "Yes, I am. I was trying to see a play the other day and ended up saving the whole theatre from financial ruin, can you imagine. And I'm sure you can tell the whole hero of the city thing I've got going on with the others was definitely not my idea." He knew they'd react like this though, which is partially why he didn't want to tell them, although he does laugh a bit at their idea of 'talking’ “Overzealous is a bit of a nice way of putting it, but yeah. And no, actually, it's something I need to work out on my own." Granted he has no idea how he's going to do that but something will work out and they don't need to know that. "It'd be safer that way anyways." Esther: they both 'hmmm' out loud to themselves but let it be, esther pinches your cheek again "so long as you come visit once its blown over hm?" she says it with the expectation that its already definitely going to happen, Ruth: she goes on "maybe you can help out the old store across the street from financial ruin when you're back, what with the track record you're starting to build here"
As the three of them continue walking on, before they know it it seems as if they’ve found themselves in the port district when they weren't paying attention.
Psalm: "Yeah, once it's dealt with I'm going straight home," Psalm says like it was even a question. "Or at least I plan to. I'll try not to get pulled into something else at random." He hmms himself at the mention of the store... "The theatre was..kind of a special case. I'll think about it though, I'd be sad if it actually closed down for good." at the multiple airships there psalm will just look around at them like whoaa omg Esther: esther smiles "ill get your bed all primped and nice looking for when you do"
As the three walk on through and eyeball the ships, Ruth points to one of the numbered piers with an airship docked at it in the crowd. The size of the boats here dwarfs those milling about below, the sound of seagulls and dock workers labouring away distant in their ears amongst the chattering and moving crowd of travelers.
Ruth: "aye that's our one i think" she shuffles in her pocket to check their tickets "-and we managed to get here a little early, we can have a nice sit and watch the sun go down at that fence i say"
Esther eyes where she points next, a little cobble barrier lining the edge of the ground and the ocean. As they walk ahead and sit down, Esther plops down one of their suitcases and turns back to Psalm.
Esther: "anything else eating you up inside or you want to give you maz a nice big hug instead" she spreads her arms out and open expectantly Psalm: "A bit of both honestly," he says as he leans in for a hug "This being arguably more concerning than the previous situation." Realising how that sounds, he amends, "Although there's no cause for concern. It's kind of hard to explain." <-- repeating himself at this point Esther: she squeezes him tight rocking them side to side playfully "ohh? dont make me too curious now dear, im a delicate flower" Psalm: "Ha ha of course you are," he says dryly. Well. There's really no delicate way to explain this, "So I think I'm... being possessed.....is how I would say it. I don't really know." feels kind of silly to say out loud. Esther: she leans back holding you by the shoulders now, giving you a curious look Ruth: down below ruth looks up at you and squints as if scrutinizing "...possesed?" she pokes your leg briefly Psalm: "Yes. I have no idea how it happened but," Psalm sighs, "uh." He draws a blank. "I'm fine, by the way, no reason to be concerned, seriously but Ghester you're just going to have to take it from here because I have no idea how to explain this. right as I was leaving Ackran he just kind of...appeared."
The two tilt their heads confused, especially at the mention of a name they don't recognise and the lackluster explanation, though on cue Psalm’s friend makes himself known, quickly speaking in their heads.
Ghester: "hello there madams, apologies it took so long for me to introduce myself" Ruth: at the voice the two jump and look around alarmed, ruth putting a hand to her ear as she speaks "w-whoa! what in the realms..." Esther: esther darts her head from side to side quickly as if looking for someone  Ghester: ghester quickly speaks again "no need for alarm madams, i am an ally and compatriot of your son, my name is ghester, i would shake your hands though i dont quite have a physical form at the moment" Ruth: the two of them keep looking about suspiciously, somewhat less alarmed, until they both begin poking at you again psalm, ruth mumbling under her breath "...are you doing this psalm?" Esther: esther responds "i'd almost guess you were doing some kind of...magic ventriloquism..?“ Psalm: Psalm just kind of makes "a you see what I mean" face at them "Since when have you two ever known me to be interested in ventriloquism...?" Esther: the two of them continue scrutinizing your body, almost checking to make sure they aren't being pranked as esther replies "well you've never been quite into ...possession? either...." Ghester: as they keep circling you ghester speaks again with a chuckle "ahaha, the only control your son has over me is in my summoning, otherwise we exist quite separately from one another." he hmms to himself with a ghostly echo "think of it as me providing him aid, the power of the arcane as a tool for his many brave daring deeds. you've no cause for worry, it is my lifes duty to keep him both safe and happy" he says it quite pleased with himself Esther: at this esther raises a brow curiously at the phrasing "...quite the polite possession psalmy" Ruth: ruth puts a hand to her chin thinking "...you didnt sign any strange contracts in a back alley did you dear... i heard about marigold's boy getting caught up in some duplicitous witching scheme like that" Psalm: "Touché. And yes, I guess polite is one way to put it. But it's as I said, one moment I'm er- alone, the next, well-" He gestures at his head. "I didn't sign any contracts like that, although now I'm kind of curious what that's about. A story for another day I guess." psalm in his head like wow Ghester sounding so gallant here forreal lmfao Ruth: she squints like 'okay....' not quite believing you didn't roll into this via shenanigans somehow before nodding her head "i'll write you a letter about it, it was the most ridiculous thing" shes shaking her head recalling it Esther: she hmms and speaks up again, staring around at the empty air "you have our son's best interests at heart?" Ghester: he replies "on my word madam, should i fail in my current duties, then i'd fail my purpose itself" Esther: she blinks like she doesn't quite know how to respond to that depth of that before turning back to you psalm "he's quite serious isnt he, how'd you get attached to something like that" Ruth: she speaks up again staring up at the air "you might be a voice in the air but i'll track ya down if he goes missing anytime in the future" Ghester: he chuckles in response "i would expect nothing less madam" Psalm: "Your guess is as good as mine. At the risk of sounding a bit self depreciating I'm not sure what I've done that warrants any of this." Psalm is just lowkey embarrassed now like the three of you are embarrassing. “But anyways, that's all I had to get off my chest at the moment. Nothing that major, you know how it is. /s" Ruth: ruth pinches your leg at the joke "mhmm the next time you pick up some impermanent knight or some such dont neglect to put it in a letter or two" Esther: she laughs a little "he doesn't seem too malevolant…its almost like a pet, you let us know if that changes though. i might not know much about magic but my son deserves only the best of guides" she wags a finger seriously Ghester: psalm hears him pipe up in his head only this time "...she called me a knight?" he seems amused and somewhat wistful at the idea Psalm: "I wasn't sure this was the kind of thing I'd be able to explain in a letter alright but yes, of course. All the updates you want. Ill be travelling a lot though so the instant telegram might be more convenient." @ Ghester psalm just snorts at the fact he ignored the pet thing Esther: she smiles satisfied Ruth: she nods her head seriously "good good, i'll put aside some spare change for it then" she snorts as she spreads her arms open for a hug now Psalm: >Psalm leans down to hug Ruth Ruth: she squeezes you nice and tight like esther did, though no swaying this time, before slapping you on the back and letting you go "dont forget what we were saying about the laundry" as you stand again esther continues "the tearing dear!" Psalm: "I won't. " he smiles at them "Honestly Im not sure when I'll get the chance to wear that again though.. " Esther: she nods pleased with herself "any occasion's a good occasion" Ruth: she nods, agreeing with her sage advice as she stares out over the water "ah, what a lovely view of the ocean at sunset" she turns back to the two of you "reckon we should board now, any longer and im sure we'll get distracted" Esther: esther laughs "no faith in us i see!" Ruth: ruth snorts in reply Psalm: Psalm just kind of nods like "Yes, a very lovely view." All while experiencing a weird sense of nostalgia.... He gets up from the bench and turns to them. "Thank you for making the journey." Ruth: she responds "anytime psalmy, and like i said im expecting more!" Esther: esther laughs "anything to see our baby boy get paraded around in front of a crowd" the two of them snicker as they pat you on the back beginning to pick up their bags Psalm: "You're only saying that because you know I'd hate it but I'll try my best ^_^" Esther: she smiles "i would never 😌 "
As the two laugh they pull Psalm into one last group hug between them before letting him go. They start off, beggining to walk down the length of the pier towards the crowd near the airship.
Ghester: as they head off you hear ghester say "safe travels madams" to the two of them Ruth: they wave back as ruth shouts "stay safe dear!" Esther: she also shouts back "and eat healthy!" as they trudge onwards Psalm: "I will!" he yells. "Stay out of trouble!" Esther: you hear esther laugh back with a shout "only because you asked!"
Eventually he sees them sink into the crowd out of sight in front of him, gone with a last cheery wave.
Ghester: in your head you hear ghester speak up again as they dissapear "lovely ladies, your mothers" Psalm: "Yeah, they're great. Sometimes I think they're too good for me honestly." As he says this he's just going to head back over to the bench and sit down.  Ghester: "never took you to be bashful type, i can see where the prickliness comes from" he chuckles again  Psalm: "I'm not bashful," Psalm mumbles  kind of petulantly
Psalm sits there for a bit in the dark of the quick approaching evening for a bit, and when it seems like no one is around he turns invisible and starts to quietly cry to himself.
Ghester: after a minute or so of silence you hear a ghostly voice pipe up "ah.....there there" Psalm: He sniffs kind of like a laugh. Ghester: he chuckles back "ive no hand to console you with, but you've always my presence" a pause "and a hilt i suppose"
Slowly the evening begins to encroach, and the horns of the airship sound off peacefully in the distance.
0 notes
smuttybronde · 7 years
Genre- Smut
Group- Astro
Member- Moon Bin
Admin- Aussi
My nose wrinkled with distaste at the smell of sweat and alcohol. No one else seemed to be bothered by the fumes so I tried to ignore it. I was still unsure why I allowed myself to be dragged into this position, Jin Jin insisting that it was something I needed to experience. I could have gone to clubs if I wanted but I never saw the point in it. Who would want to look at people everyone else could look at? There was no intimacy and I wasn't interested in it. MJ decided to tag along, saying he hadn't been to one in a while. Jin Jin didn't tell me the club's name, just bragging about how it was his favorite.
I didn't realize what it really was until I saw the name ‘Black Kitties- Swingers Club’, “No.” I said sternly, looking at the boys who were grinning widely, “No no no, I am not going in there!” I hissed. Jin Jin parked the car, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of it. A normal club I could deal with, but this? No fucking way.
“It will be fun!” MJ assured, helping the other drag is into the club. They showed their ID’s and mine before paying and dragging me in the building.
Girls were on poles, dancing in skimpy clothes like every guys dream, yet I held no interest in any of them. Girls dressed in underwear and pasties were modest compared to the rest. There were tons of girls wearing no clothes or wearing sexy lingerie but not a single one held my eye. The attraction everyone talked about was nowhere to be found. I couldn't say the same about every other guy in there though, my escorts included. MJ led us to the center of the room and sat down at a table in front of an empty stage.
Yellow lights suddenly lit the stage, all eyes flickering to it in curiosity. When the woman walked onto the stage my mouth went dry-she was gorgeous. She was by far wearing more clothes then all of the other girls. Maybe the fact that she didn’t need to be scantily clothed to stand out is what drew me in. She was dressed in all white and gold- a goddess.
She wore a long skirt with large slits that showed off the lovely skin of her legs. It was matched with a bra-like top with gold accents. She made it look incredibly real. She didn't look like a goddess she was one. And I wanted nothing more than to worship her.
It was like someone flipped a switch so that my eyes were locked on her figure. It was physically impossible to look away. My heart thumped in my chest at a dangerous speed as Hyuna’s Roll Deep blasted from the speakers, the girl immediately beginning to dance to the chorus.
Her movements were perfectly on time and not only entranced me but admittedly turned me on. Not only was she beautiful but she was talented, making me question why she worked here. She dropped to the ground, doing small hip thrusts and crawling on her hands and knees. I squirmed in my chair at the feeling of my boner’s restrictions. Her body twisted as it gripped an invisible shirt.
When she looked me directly in the eye while making a move I could feel my pants tightening. The song ended and even when the woman disappeared but my problem remained. Jin Jin and MJ laughed as they noticed my issue.
MJ leaned over the table to yell over the music, “Do you want us to book her for a-” he wiggled his eyebrows and smirked, “personal dance?” My head shook quickly in embarrassment.
“H-hyung i'm fine!” I quickly replied. Jin Jin ignored me, conversing animatedly with MJ.
“Let's just book it. He needs to relax and she seems like the perfect way. Besides he seems interested in her.” The eldest pointed out, making MJ nod. Both boys stood up and walked away to talk to a staff member, handing him money and coming back with self satisfied grins.
“What the hell!” I growled, blushing. The troublemakers just smiled smugly, grin widening when a man walked up to us- me more specifically.
“Sir, if you would follow me.” The stranger said respectfully, gesturing to a door. My friends looked like proud parents, giggling excitedly at each other. I looked pleadingly at the two, who made shooing motions with their hands. With a defeated sigh, I follow the man, listening as he babbled off the rules.
The hallway wasn't well lit but perhaps it was supposed to be mood lighting? It made me nervous nonetheless. The room I was led into had a large bed, the table beside it equipped with condoms, lotion, tissues and lube.
Seeing that there was nowhere left to go I found myself sitting on the bed, heart beating anxiously. What if she saw me and decided I wasn't good enough so she left? What if I wasn't any good?
The door opened, the goddess stepping through. Her top was still on but her skirt gone, only her underwear in it's wake. It was a simple white with a bow, causing me to gulp. She looked even more gorgeous up close, making my boner twitch. I put my hands over it, embarrassed, “Hi, im Lia.” the woman said. I waved nervously, forcing a smile. She laughed wholeheartedly, “Are you nervous?”
“I’ve never done this before.” I said sheepishly, she just smiled softly, thumb brushing my hair soothingly.
“I’ll try to help you relax.” She soothed, unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down. I wiggled to kick them off. Lia moved to sit on my lap, lightly moving to grind her hips on me, her hands playing with the short hair on the nape of my neck. I felt my pants tighten abashedly but she payed no mind, beginning to suck on my neck.
My breath came out in loud pants, my Adam's apple bobbing nervously. The nerves quickly ebbed, being replaced with a more powerful feeling. Lust.
Her hips rutted against me, body beginning to heat up from arousal. She was gentle and I desperately needed more friction. She looked into my eyes, “If you don't like anything, can you tell me?” I asked.
Lia seemed startled for a second as if the thought of her being uncomfortable was a shock. Or maybe the consideration I showed as a shock. She composed herself, smiling, “Okay.”
I flipped her over, grinding down. My breiefs had a wet spot from my precum, reminding me the effect she had on me. My hands pulled off her underwear, tossing the useless fabric. I could now look at her fully, hair sprawled around her. The urge to kiss her was nearly unbearable but I restrained myself. Kissing was against the rules and I didn't want to get kicked out. Not now.
I took a condom off the side table and fumbled with it. Lia laughed at my antics, making my heart flutter slightly. I slowly pressed into her, not being able to wait. 
She was a lot more wet than I anticipated, my cock slipping right in. A loud moan left my lips at the feeling of how tight and hot she wrapped around me. I waited for her to say she was okay before I began to thrust, my muscles tensing.
Lia moaned, hands tightly gripping the sheets. She really was stunning- face flushed under me, moaning. I felt myself blush again but continued to thrust. She was very vocal, moans alerting me when she really liked something.
I pressed against her walls and began to swivel my hips. It was like a form of dance, our bodies rutting heatedly against eachother. I made sure my cock pressed hard against her walls, as I did long thrusts. I couldn't help the small moans that came out of my mouth, she felt too perfect. It was if she was made just for me. She spread her legs wider so that I could push deeper, my hips fitting perfectly between.
Then she looked up at me, eyes hooded, lips pink. I leaned down to kiss her, lips moving fervently. She hesitated for a second before kissing back with just as much intensity. We both were painfully aware of how dangerous this was but that almost made it more exciting.
I smiled into the thrusts, moving my hands to lace them with hers. She complied easily, gripping my hands back. I angled my hips, eagerly swallowing the moans it brought me in reply.
She clenched around me, urging me to cum. I moaned loudly and Lia smiled, trailing kisses from my mouth to my cheekbones, making me giggle. She pressed a quick kiss to the wrinkles around my eyes before re-locking our lips. Our tongues slid against each other, my thrusts speeding up a bit as I drew to my end.
Lia continued to squeeze around me, trying her best to make me cum. I just continued to thrust, determined to make her feel good before me no matter how hard it was. My hands slid under her top, thumb brushing across her nipples. She let out a loud moan, causing me to grin at her sensitivity.
I moved down to lick a nipple, sucking on it for a moment before she screamed, clenching tightly around me. I get out a loud groan at the sensation, my mind dissolving into a hot white oblivion as I released into the condom a few seconds later.
I pulled away to get off her, both of us laughing at how awkward it was. I placed the condom in the garbage can before picking up my clothes and slowly redressing. She stood to retrieve her underwear but I handed it to her, practically throwing it into her hands after realizing, “Sorry!” I cried. She just giggled and rolled her eyes.
“We just had sex, you holding my underwear is no big deal.” She hesitated, “You never told me your name.”
“I'm Moonbin.” I said, bowing at her. She just smiled, walking out, “I’ll see you around! Have a good night!” I called. She just paused before walking out.
As soon as I stepped into the main area again I was attacked from both sides, MJ on one and Jin Jin on the other, “How was it?” Jin Jin questioned, eyebrows waggling. I brushed them off, keeping my head down.
“His ears are red!” Shrieked MJ, chasing after me. They slung their arms around my shoulders as we walked out. The boys’ badgered me with questions for a long time, none of which I answered.
“Can we go back next week?” I asked quietly, my only reply being loud yells of victory from the two elders.
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heehaw-heehay · 7 years
I'm not good with words but here's how today went because I gotta remind myself how lucky I am 3h lab session trying out Spartan which made me feel so lost and afraid really really afraid idk how I'm supposed to come up with a lab report but alhamdulillah for amazing coursemates that are willing to help me out I'm rlly thankful for the ppl in ntu. So ya this lab session was the main reason for making me feel shitty thru out the day but I know it was that other reason that was bothering me as well because if not for that reason I won't be so triggered by a lab session. It's kinda just little things start to get on my nerve because I'm quite bothered by that one thing. So ya psych tut after that was a slight mood booster bc I like this mod :~) Then biochem lect was really a drain because I just wasn't in the mood for it and ppl around me were talking and idk I get headaches easily when I'm trying to focus in lecture but there's a lot of noise so ya I got a headache trying to drown out the voices and trying to focus on carbohydrates. My mood just kept going down throughout this lecture because I kept thinking about this issue that was bugging me idk how I can get so bothered. I hate it man wish I could stop overthinking and worry less. Then meeting with Fadhlin ULTIMATE MOOD BOOSTER the hug she gave me when we met was all I needed I miss it so much AIGHT SHIT IM FEELIN LIKE CRYIN weak ass boi. We talked and caught up and things started to be better I love you Fadhlin ❤️ so Glad to have her really Went home in a good mood from Clementi to Boon Lay eventho I know once I hit the bed thoughts will run wild and overthinking begins la those nonsense things While waiting for the bus got a call WAS REALLY BAFFLED because he doesn't ever call except for when he was still in camp. So we talked and talked and lowkey cleared things up with him over THAT issue insecurities and shit like that. Tho I still am cautious to not get too attached it really warms my heart to know he cares and I'm so glad so thankful for this friendship and for how I feel now it's really different. I really have no words to describe this because I'm JUST RLLY GRATEFUL BECAUSE IDK I've gotten so comfortable now and stabilised myself over how I feel and it's comforting :~) the love I feel is a really different kind of love like legitly platonic and ahhhh warms my heart I hope it stays this way And the fact that I discovered what I felt isn't what I thought it was feels so good and freeing if it makes sense thank You Allah. He's a sweetheart and this friendship is too precious to be tainted by love and its implications FUI WORLD SIA CHEEM WORDS I really can't put my thoughts into words but ❤️❤️❤️ will pray for us insya Allah and the relationships I have with my loved ones So started off the day with the possibility of crying meself to bed tonight but it took a twist and I'm gna cry happy tears instead alhamdulillah :~)
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