#mainly cause I can’t draw animals lol
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some scene redraws + doodles for the skulmerayer Amphibia AU I’ve been having WAY too much fun with 😊
(read the tags 👇)
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signedmio · 4 months
Hello! I saw you were doing match-ups for Hazbin Hotel and wanted to give it a whirl!
I'm AFAB, and use she/her pronouns. I do have a preference for males, but I wouldn't mind being paired with one of the female characters in the show.
Personality wise... I'm an introvert and do prefer time to myself, but I love hanging out with my friends and family immensely. I hold them very closely to my heart and would do A LOT for them. I'm a music lover and have a preference for rock/alternative music. I'm also a bit of a smart-ass and can't stand bs, lol. I will gently call people out for being hurtful or dumb, or both. I also have a soft spot for animals of all kinds. They literally deserve the world. 😫
My style is more casual and comfy?? Like leggings, sweatpants, fuzzy socks, a nice fitting tank top, with a hoodie or sweater on. I have been wanting to get into more styles like Y2K Grunge and Goth, but haven't found pieces that would fit me. (I'm a bit curvy and have a hard time finding stuff that won't suffocate me)
My main love languages are Quality Time and Acts of Service. I just love the idea of making food together or doing chores while listening to some music. Singing along, either seriously or goofily, lol.
My hobbies are mainly daydreaming, singing and dancing, and listening to music. I used to draw but haven't in YEARS. I have thought about getting back into it, but am kind of apprehensive about it. It just brings back a lot of anxiety.
My interests are as stated above, along with history. I love learning about different eras and about different parts of the world. I also like to talk about philosophies and converse about different perspectives people have and why.
As for name stuff, I won't add my name here, but I do love when the people I'm close to give me nicknames. It makes me feel special and warm and fuzzy. ❤️
Appearance wise... I'm a medium brunette, with gray hairs, that goes past my shoulders, but I have recently been wearing it up with hair clips. I have light blue eyes. I'm 5 foot, 5 inches. I also have a bit of chub, thick thighs, and am a DD. (If I could get a back and shoulder massage, that would be great, lol. And I would also LOVE if my partner buried/laid their face on my chest while we cuddle. It would be the BEST feeling)
Thank you for taking your time if you get to this, and take care of yourself!
i knew right off the bat who i was doing lol, you’re paired with…
Vox !!
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Vox loves your introverted-ness, it’s a contrast to his life that’s mostly spent on set or through a screen, his time with you feels so much more real, cause more often than not it’s just you and him, also your comfy style makes him feel very safe and at home haha
Vox also loves your smart-ass self, and it’s fun when he gets to be a smart ass back, you both kinda just go back and forth yk?
Vox will definitely dedicate an episode of his show to talk about at least one of your interests, whether or not you catch on though is debatable…
Despite the fact you’d most likely much rather stay in bed, he’d really want you to pop on his show, not just for the status of saying he has a partner, when he sees you sing and dance around the living room as you sweep the floor he thinks your pretty fucking talented, pretty screen-worthy tbh, and if you can’t do that, at least maybe draw something? He just doesn’t wanna see all your talent go to waste, but he would never force you
Also while cuddling, his screen definitely goes into your chest and yk how the bottom of a laptop heats up a lot after being charged for a long time? Yeah it’s like that, but with his face, on top of your chest
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Introducing my jaytim fanfiction series Chained!
This is the largest writing project I have ever attempted! Currently (March 29th, 2024) it sits at a length of 153,000 words published and some back of the napkin math puts the final product in the ballpark of War and Peace’s 500,000+ words. halp lmao! This post is designed to serve as an introduction to what the story is about, what my Tim and Jason are gonna be like, and what parts of canon I’m sticking to
"So, what’s the premise ya dorkus malorkus?”
Jason is set in front of a contract that will grant near omnipotence over every facet of reality. The catch is that it requires the person who actually gains the power to be permanently bound into the service of someone else. Afraid of what this could do in the wrong hands, Jason asks Tim to be his new Master.
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(a picture of Jason with the halo and armor the contract grants him that I drew :3 also, have a link to the fics!)
After many hours of intense negotiations (the entire first fic in the series), they produce a subcontract designed to maintain Jason's basic rights as a person while still granting them enough power to overcome whatever whatever caused the contract to be written in the first place. Now all that's left is to destroy the evidence, win the fight, and start remaking the world in their image...
Expect to read about: extensive theological discussions complete with readings of the Bhagavad Gita, shape shifting, hijinks, Harley Quinn being a menace to society really good therapist, redonkulous amounts of time travel and time loops, murders most foul, webs of lies and deceit as Oracle works to uncover their secrets, angst, fluff, hurt, comfort, and I’m gonna stop there before I overpromise myself, turn into a puddle, and never manage to finish the damn thing, lol
The draw of the premise for me is exploring the constant renegotiation of boundaries between Jason and Tim as they navigate a truly terrible idea of a romance. This is slow burn in that it takes them a really long time to get together properly due to the aforementioned terrible idea part, but they know they’re in love very early on.
“Lay out the dynamics there hoss”
I reserve the right to fuss with these, but my intention is:
Jason/Tim = the genius fragile human made of pure spite and determination and their sentient bodyguard/servant monster who they like lowkey have a thing with. Think Integra Hellsing and Alucard.
Barbara Gorden versus Tim Drake = genius versus genius 5D chess headgames war. Think L and Light with Jason as Ryuuk. But like if Light was into Ryuuk.
Tim/Jason versus [MAIN VILLAIN SPOILERS] = warring Gods. The source of a new mythology.
Honestly, just mark down Hellsing Ultimate and Death Note animes as major influences.
“What’s a folk gotta do ta get some headcanons and characterization in this joint?”
For Tim I’m going mainly with him in his Red Robin run where he finds Bruce, blows up the League of assassins and shit like that. I love how absolutely arrogant this man is, and I find the way he struggles with the ethics of the job really neat. This version of Tim seems perfect to act as the commander: always tempted to do more, tempted to go further into the dark with power, but also having a lot of self control and dedication to doing right.
In terms of personal headcannons I am making him trans (cause I can), ADHD/Autistic (because it makes sense), and a dabbler in mild, lowkey amphetamine abuse (The coffee chugger who never sleeps of fanon intrigues me, but also caffeine kinda doesn’t do that, whereas adderall definitely does. He’ll use both stimulants as available and needed. I like a man who knows he badly overworks himself but who can’t realistically say he shouldn’t be overworking himself.)
Jason is a much harder cat to herd because writers have long been playing tug of war with his characterization, dragging him over the line to unhinged villain then back to just another bat over and over. I always like Jason, but I think he’s at his weakest at both extremes of the spectrum. He’s a good villain/antagonist in general, but a phenomenal one when he has real goals and morals. He’s a good anti-hero/tenuous ally in general, but a phenomenal one when he and the family have serious disagreements and Jason is still a killer.
I’m keeping this fic as canon compliant as possible, but there is a bare minimum amount of rearrangement necessary to make Jason consistently morally grey rather than an ethical checkers board that looks grey when you turn it sideways and squint.
Headcanons for Jason include chronic pain (I just think being blown up should screw with a guy’s nerves), trans (cause I can), and having schizophrenia (cause I see some possible canon evidence and he’s had a LOT of ableist stuff thrown his way and I don’t really like ‘well I’m not actually mentally ill’ as a resolution point to that. I am leaving it ambiguous if this has anything to do with the Lazarus Pit, but I intend it to be very unambiguous that it has nothing to do with why he has beef with the rest of the bats. His grievances are not delusions. His moral positions are not delusions. He will hallucinate and I may have him develop delusions, but he’ll also take medication for that and employ coping mechanisms like real life people with schizophrenia do. The mental illnesses are something he deals with, not something that controls him into being evil, no matter their source.)
Oh and it should go without saying that everyone has so much PTSD!
“Cut ta the chase already jabrony, give us da timeline”
Crisis on Infinite Earths, Final Crisis, Infinite Crisis, Flashpoint, Convergence, and the Rebirth changes happened in this fic's canon. We are dealing with multiple multiverses. If you’re familiar with the concept of ‘Hypertime’ used to facilitate the Elseworlds series and elaborated on during the Dark Knights: Metal stuff, I’m building off of that. If you’re not, don’t worry about it, there will be a far better explanation in the fic as the characters discover this shit for themselves.
This takes place during the "Rebirth" era of DC comics canon in a fanfic universe I made up within that canon multiverse called Earth 69. Earth 69 is my idea of what the pre-flashpoint timeline might have looked like if flashpoint never happened. Essentially I'm taking the post crisis stuff and extending it by acting as though that timeline just kept going, with plot points from New 52 and Rebirth canon welded onto the end of it. Keep in mind though, Earth 69 only coincidentally mirrors pre-flashpoint events; that canonical pre-flashpoint multiverse still exists!
Now lets go through just Earth 69′s timeline, focusing on Tim and Jason
Based on the letter Jason sends to Kid Devil, I put the year of his death as 1985. Ten years have passed since then at the start of this fic, making Tim 23 and Jason 25. The influence of alien tech and supergeniouses accelerated cultural and scientific growth such that while the fic takes place in 1995, every bit of tech and culture from 1980 to 2024 is fair game to show up. I find it fun to play around with laser turret drones and microfiche spy tactics all in the same story, so our heroes listened to My Chemical Romance on their smartphones while watching the fall of the Berlin Wall on live TV.
Batman (1940) issues #419 - #429 aka Jason’s post-crisis Robin years happen almost identically to the comics, except that Jason is a trans man and it was the Penguin that got Willis Todd locked up for life and then killed instead of Two Face. Bruce eventually finds out he’s trans and is supportive if understandably clueless. He raises Jason as his son. It’s important to me that Jason’s beef with Batman not leave either side objectively correct. Their relationship and hurts are a lot more compelling to me if Bruce isn’t transphobic.
A Place of Lonely Dying and the Robin (1993) series happen with very few deviations, with the understanding that I've read less of this than would be ideal and might get some things mixed up as I go along. Those deviations include Tim also being a trans man. Because he was looking into transition care for Jason, Bruce already knows about puberty blockers and HRT and supplies them to him. That becomes a big part of why Tim’s Dad is so freaked out by Tim being Robin. In this timeline, one of the major reasons Tim is so attached to the role of Robin is that it’s the first role in his life where he gets to be himself.
Lost Days happens as it did in comics except for two changes. Firstly when Talia sleeps with him, it's not sex, it's fully clothed cuddling and actual sleeping. I think this compromise preserves the important emotional conflict that I identified in this reading of her motivations, while sidestepping some of the problems the sex caused. The second change is that Jason won't have ended Lost Days by going to talk to Hush...
Because I HATE Thomas Elliot as a character. I hate how he was implemented. I hate that he kept showing up. I hate that they killed off Harold. I hate Hush. So it never happened on Earth 69! Instead I'll be emphasizing Tim and Jason's later fights, which have some similar emotional beats.
Now, whether or not Jason held a knife to Tim’s throat is kinda fucking important to how their relationship is interpreted! Most people, understandably, make this a serious event between the two. However, in all the comics I’ve been reading, I have seen zero characters ever acknowledge that Jason was involved. Tim hasn’t thought or said anything about it, even when it really seemed relevant. Jason technically tells Batman he did it in UtRH, but it's never brought up again and at this point it feels almost like Judd Winick tricked DC into publishing a headcanon that applies nowhere else lmao. Therefore I feel fine with just ditching this and putting more emphasis on their later fights which have similar emotional beats.
Under the Red Hood happens, with one modification. He knows about Stephanie's death and treats it with the gravity she deserves. He is targeting Black Mask because of Steph's death, and something very similar to the excellent fanfic 'hangman is coming down from the gallows' by nex_et_nox happens.
Young Justice (1998) happens, except for some of the mythological encounters. They did watch Santa get blown up, but I will be taking liberties with how the Greek Pantheon operates, and holy fucking shit, no they did not meet the goddess Kali like that, what the fuck, did no one even try to do a basic level of cultural sensitivity research?!? Anyways.
Jason does fight Batman, Green Arrow, and Mia as told in Green Arrow (2001) #69 - #72. Roy does hear about this, but he hears about it the way that Mia herself tells it when asked about it in the comic, i.e. “He didn’t hurt me. We just talked.” So he's not exactly all that freaked out about it.
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Roy Harper and Jason first meet in Outsiders (2003) #44 - #46 where he helps Roy and Dick exonerate Black Lightning with no ulterior motives, as in the comics.
Teen Titans (2003) #29 (The Titans Tower fight) happens as it did in comics. i.e. It was a fair one on one fight in which both participants understood that the other was not trying to kill them and both combatants walked away with nothing more than superficial injuries. Tim came away from that with a black eye and a grudge; Jason came away from it thinking Tim was pretty alright in his book. The writing on the wall was either Jason’s own blood, or red paint, because there is simply no earthly way that was Tim’s blood.
Teen Titans (2003) in general happens to Tim, though there’s a lot that connects to Countdown to Final Crisis (which can only have happened in the canonical pre-flashpoint multiverse) that may or may not need to be edited and removed.
The combination of events from Countdown to Final Crisis and Teen Titans (2003) #47 also happens, in which Jason attempts to save Duela Dent from murder, fails, connects with Donna at her funeral, and then is interrogated by Tim and Dick who suspect Jason murdered her. Oh and also it's where Tim kicks him in the pants lol. Obviously the reason Duela died and who murdered her has to be different, but all that should be details that don't matter for the fic's purposes.
I've already mentioned that Robin (1993) was being considered canon to Earth 69′s timeline, but make special note here of issue #177, in which Tim sends Jason to jail (his first prison stint, yay :D). One modification here: Jason's plan is to manipulate the established mob families into fighting the cops, leaving the local communities to govern themselves, not to use "kid gangs" to soften up the cops and the mob like happens in the comic. Because like... the on panel plan makes no sense, either logistically or for his character, and idk why but the way the author uses the concept of “kid gangs” leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Nightwing (1996) #118 - #122 aka Brothers in Blood aka the one where Jason becomes a tentacle vore monster happens exactly as depicted in comics. Exactly. As. Depicted. Well okay not exactly, I need him to not have threatened to bomb a building full of innocent people, that is a bridge too far, but everything else stays!
The Red Robin series happens as depicted, except for how Tim got the costume. The Red Robin costume that Tim wears in the pre-flashpoint multiverse was from that multiverse’s Earth 51. On Earth 69 the Red Robin costume was what Bruce made for Jason in anticipation of him wanting to outgrow the Robin mantel one day, like Nightwing did (tho uhhh great job reframing why the Nightwing mantel exists there Bruce lmao). When Dick gave the Robin role to Damian, Tim took the Red Robin outfit for himself from it’s pedestal next to The Memorial Case. There was a considerable amount of spite towards multiple people involved in that decision.
Battle for the Cowl is where it gets trickier. I am going to gut most of the plot of BftC and combine a few plot elements from it with the Batman and Robin (2009) series in order to create a much longer lasting conflict that preserves Jason as an anti-hero and his partnership with Scarlet/Sasha as a competing vigilante force to Dick and Damian.
After Bruce’s “death” Dick super does not ever want to be Batman. No one does really. Jason hears Bruce's post-death message and is understandably fucking devastated. He decides to say fuck that noise, Bruce is gone now, and I'm gonna be Batman since no one else seems willing to do it, and I'm gonna do it my way! Another Batman running around shooting people dead forces Dick’s hand and he takes up the Batman mantel to fight him. Batman and Robin (2009) #3 - #6 happen roughly as depicted, but with Jason still claiming to be Batman, and he doesn’t have red hair. (I’m so sorry white suit + pill helmet costume, but I must leave you behind for the sake of continuity). Jason's stint in Arkham and then Blackgate happens. Batman and Robin (2009) #23 - #25 happen as depicted, minus the part where Jason rigged the entire fucking civilian tram line to explode. After Jason and Scarlet fly off into the sunset together, they come back to Gotham and keep fighting.
Sometime after he's free again he does Roy a favor. I haven't decided what exactly, but it's big. I’ve toyed with the idea that he broke him out of prison because he doesn’t want to see Liam grow up without a dad in a move very similar to the Outsiders thing and roughly analogous to how he meets Roy in Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011), but that seems a lil repetitive and why would Roy even be in jail, so idk.
By this point the events of Red Robin are over and Tim has joined Dick and Damian in fighting Jason. Sometime before the climactic battle, Scarlet leaves for [FANFIC SPOILERS] reasons, so it becomes just Jason again. He goes through with something like the plan from Battle for the Cowl, luring Tim to his Batcave and offering him a place as his Robin. As in comics, Tim's answer is to pick up a crowbar and wack Jason across the face with it! Jason wins the fight and stabs Tim in the chest, knowing it's not gonna kill him, but fine with it leaving one hell of a scar! Dick's fight with Jason afterwards, and Jason jumping from the train into the harbor, happens as it did in BftC #3 with the exception of Dick wearing the Batsuit instead of Tim.
Starfire contacts Roy for help with a lengthy, off planet mission - one that absolutely needs a Bat on board. Every single Bat is up to their eyeballs in fires to put out and projects to run... except for Jason. Roy knows a lot of other Heroes with very good reasons to hate him, but in his personal experience, Jason’s always been a reliable if shady and asshole-ish guy working for the greater good. Ya’know. A Bat. It helps that they both think Bruce treats Dick like garbage sometimes and thus are inclined to be sympathetic towards Jason's beef with him. Roy vouches for him and brings him on board. They work well together, they save the days in outer space, and after a particularly dangerous mission they have a "thank fuck we're not dead" threesome together. This replaces the New 52 version of Red Hood and the Outlaws.
During the trip back to Earth, Jason confides in them about his woes and they encourage him to sort his shit out and get his life back together. Jason agrees and after considering it for a while he asks Roy and Starfire to help negotiate a truce between him and the rest of the Bats. They agree and thus begins two years of ceasefire and getting more friendly with the other Bats.
During those two years, the events of Dark Knights: Metal occur. The Source Wall is broken, and all the peoples of all the earths are plunged into a nightmare world. No one really remembers what happened, it’s all very vague and drifty, like remembering a dream, unsurprisingly. People have been referring to this event as The Nightmares.
This two year period also contains my version of Rebirth Red Hood and the Outlaws. Jason attempts to infiltrate Black Mask’s gang because the real Black Mask should be super dead and super unwilling to work with him. He’s a LOT more competent about it than in comics tho.
The biggest change is what goes down with Cobblepot. Jason’s original intention was to fake the penguin’s death and take all his power and assets from him, as he did in comics. However, he loses Artemis and Bizzaro before he goes through with that plan instead of after. At the last minute he switches the blanks out for lead. The Penguin is super dead.
He fights back when Bruce confronts him, but it's still a brutal fight and ultimately Roy has to separate them. Then Jason follows his father’s trail to the experimentation prison thing like in comics. Roy doesn’t die along the way, we don’t have the scene with Bruce at the diner, but in the end it turns out that his father is actually dead. No one survived that place. He only found boxes of dusty, decaying files, a grave out back, and Dr. Fate. Once he was convinced there was nothing more to find, Dr. Fate took him to John Constantine and The Contract, and that’s just about where our story begins!
Have another link, and I hope some of y’all enjoy what I’ve got so far!
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thatskindarough · 13 days
Oh it was only 3 actually, counting that one animatic on YouTube (that BTW i had no idea was yours! I was pleasantly surprised <3)
And I found it so funny that you have somewhat an idea of who I might be PFFF you can throw the guess, it would be funny if you get it right (don't have to say my name if you don't remember it, you can just go for something you remember NFKDSJ)
also time for an actual question since i'm already here, what program did you used for the animatic? I've always wanted to get into animating but most softwares cost money or are free but really bad so I could use some recommendations 👀
Good to hear there is no imposter lol. I should probably start using the false pfp so people know it’s me but I’m too lazy to change them all 💀 also my guess was right as to who you were but probably mainly because I put on my Aziraphale detective hat and you were the last notification before the ask inbox notification and your icon had a red beanie. We meet once again.
As for the animatic I used procreate for drawing and capecut for composting. Not the most efficient method but I liked it. I ended up segmenting off each camera angle into a different canvas and making any animation for the shot that way. I love capecut because the free version has every editing function you need for an animatic and the watermark only appears as a black screen at the end so it’s so easy to crop out. It’s probably the best free editing software I’ve found. (I also used a screen recording device to record the audio cause even if you buy a song it sometimes doesn’t allow you to put it in the program.)
I honestly recommend procreate if you have a device that supports it. I think it’s still only a 10 dollar onetime purchase. But if you don’t have a device that supports it, I have used things like flip a clip which is free, and the paid version is pretty cheap. I have also dabbled in an app called rough animate, also free (you don’t have to pay for the onion skins) which was also okay. I got frustrated cause of the lack of brush choice but other than that it’s not bad at all. If you can’t pay anything at all I’d recommend this because, unlike flip a clip, you don’t have to pay to unlock the a lot of the really helpful features. Ibis paint also added an animation feature I think so that’s an option. Idk if you need the paid version for it, but I remember only having to watch ads for a minute to unlock all the brushes so maybe it’s the same for the animation feature lol.
If you have a computer set up, I’ve also heard nice things about Krita for animation. It’s free and from what I remember it had a really good timeline set up. I actually tried to use it, but my computer at the time was old and slow and it lagged to much, and then I had a shitty no screen tablet and my hand eye coordination when it came to drawing and writing is quite bad, so it just wasn’t a good set up for me personally. But I know people make it work. I mean, people make this kinda shit in MS paint, if you’re dedicated enough you can technically do it in almost any program (though you may not be able to make it as polished as you’d like.)
Then there is Clip Studio Paint, which does cost money but is way less expensive than like, harmony or adobe. The EX version which gives you a second of free animation per project is a $5 monthly subscription for once device, PC MaC IOS, and the Pro version (which is more expensive) gives you unlimited animation animation access for I believe around 10 -15 dollars a month (still less than most streaming services lol). There’s also a one time purchase version that is $50 dollars, but it goes on sale A LOT for $25! Although I don’t think it gives you more than a second of animation. CSP also has a very long free trial period, for EX it was legit like 3 months. so if you try it out and like it, I’d definitely suggest finding a way to pay for it. It’s actually used in some professional studios in Japan, so if you have any professional aims for your work it’s a good starting platform to get into industry software. However a lot of the nice things CSP offers for animation are not needed in the story boarding/animatic stage, so if that’s as far as you wanna take your animations it maaaaaaay not be worth it unless you love it.
If anyone else has other cheap or free recommendations feel free to add on. I have attempted to make animatics on procreate, rough animate, and flip a clip; all of which I have uncompleted projects on. It just so happens that procreate is what I was using when I finally made an animatic I liked enough to see until completion. Whatever software you do use, just make sure you learn how to use it before attempting a big project. Do some smaller stuff before you try anything big.
Edit to check the comments! We got other good recommendations for computers!
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Fondant Mahou Me
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So this has been stuck in my head since @popatochisssp​ posted about Mahou Au. Sadly I can’t draw and both these don’t quite capture my idea but they come close. The top image is more casual normal villain outfit. Second is more heroic/ actually making effort outfit
So Here is the breakdown of me in Poppy’s AU
Name: Sass (yes same Sass from Discord)
Villain/Hero Name: Decor
Power: Creation of items and shapeshifting
Status: Is a minor Villain
Food: Fondant
So Sass mainly just uses her powers to make items and sell them. Thing is while Sass can make literally anything it is technically made of fondant, very strong fondant, but still fondant. So usually Sass sells the item, takes the money, and leave before the person can figure out what their holding is basically fancy edible clay. 
Sass is sure she can shapeshift but it to scared to use that power. The first time she tried shapeshifting was her finger into a key. It worked but felt weird and took more effort than her other power. Main reason she didn’t try after that was that it took 2 hours for her to finally get her finger to go back to normal. Kind of had a full panic attack and developed a fear that if she shapeshift she would get stuck or if she did master it that over time she would forget what she really looked like.
Story wise Sass kind of does her own thing and is ok being more of a crook then a villain. Sass doesn’t really do fighting and only really does so if she can’t flee. When Scorch starts trying to organize villains obviously Sass was approached. While she doesn’t really have much in terms of reputation she is known enough that smart villains will try to recruit her occasionally because her powers could definitely be used in much better ways then scamming people. 
Sass said no.
The scamming is Sass’s livelihood. If she lose her powers that means getting a normal person job. Which is work and effort that Sass rather not do. 
However Sass can be bought. If Scorch could guarantee that Sass would be set for life. That she wouldn’t have to worry about money when she losses her power she might be willing to help out his cause.
Under Scorch Sass is encouraged to use her shapeshifting powers under the idea that if anything happened then she would revert to normal when all the Mahou are taken away. Sass still isn’t very comfortable with the power by the time Scorch’s plan falls apart.
When Scorch flees he keeps in contact with Sass. After all they basically made a deal that Scorch would be Sass’s sugar daddy (not sexual lol unless 👀...). Scorch helps Sass become more comfortable with her shapeshifting until she uses it just as much as her other power. 
Lol eventually Sass ends up with a job anyway as one of Scorches most useful allies/minions. Sass also has played messenger enough too that Slate and Papy probably can identify her even when she is transformed.
In season 2 Sass probably gets the redesign in the second image and is a bit of a hero but is still working for Scorch in some kind of B plot of the series that is used to reintroduced him toward the end of the season. Many fans argue over Sass. Things like how OP Sass could be if the writers weren’t terrible. About how ugly her outfits are for how much potential there is for her powers. Ship arguments. How while she wasn’t in the first season much there was enough there that the writers of season two are totally messing up her characterization. There is a handful of fans who calm the fandom with a fanfic that explains difference between season 1 and 2 and a few people who use her as a base to explore fashion ideas.
Drawings are made using : 
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shinahbee · 1 year
Spring favorites 2023!
------------------------------------------ GREETINGS ------------------------------------------ May 27/ 2023
Hello, it's been 3 months now, but I’ve been busy with other things, mainly shop prep and convention prep since I will be attending my local anime convention as a vendor this year! I was so happy I got accepted because let me say the job hunting has not been going well and I thought that I was cursed or something.
I'm like well at least one thing turned out well for me this year so far... I have updated my shop content and would very much appreciate the support!
thank you so much for the support if you purchase anything, and now on to the long blog post because there is a theme of trash people this month...lol.
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waiting for my friend to come back from vacation to finally finish the last of us, this is the problem when you watch something with another person and they leave for a while...lmao I watched the game play so I'm good in terms of plot but imagine if you never did.
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I’ve been out of the drama loop for a while but I have been watching boys plant, which s the rebranding of the produce series...its still the same in my opinion, the way they focus only on people that are popular because they are trying to make you pick them, while others have zero screen time at all.
ugh...I watched it but felt nothing, not like when I really was invested in X1, they had so much potential as a group to grow but Mnet did them dirty and I'm still pissed off at that. I had no favorites anyways, these boys don't really know what they are getting into. The only one that surprised me was pentagon's leader Hui came onto the show as a contestant and how he got there was because he didn’t get that much work after coming back from the army and noticed that his group had become irrelevant, which is really sad cause I remember he wrote songs for the last produce series and now he’s on the show not as a mentor but as a contestant to compete with other younger singers who cater towards the new k-pop fans.
sigh...I hope everything goes well for him even if he doesn’t make it into this group.
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MANHWA/MANGA/WEBTOONS --------------------------------------------
I’m just going to put up the ongoing list only. I also eliminated some titles because they are now completed or I dropped them for now Ongoing
Liveta (hiatus)
Pearl boy
Kings Maker (S3)
One night mate (hiatus)
Night fragments (hiatus)
The pizza delivery man and the gold palace
the foul
killer crush
Instatiable man (hiatus)
I became a lousy side top
tread lightly on thawing ice
Updates on ongoing titles:
Okay so some updates are happening I'll save the most controversial for last.
the pizza delivery man and the gold palace:
it's been on hiatus since January but it's finally back with some steamy scenes between woowon and seoan, they are both really precious and I really like how thier relationship developed over the course of the story so far. I have never really realted to another character before woowon and I'm hoping to see more of how he will overcome his life struggles, because right now I'm also going through some sh*t and it's really important to have support from people you care about, like seoan.
wowoon has not dated for 6 years and is a little overwhelmed by the affection seon has been showing him with and they are so cute....I'm going to present you with a spicy screenshot and they way they look at each other is...chef's kiss perfection. lol.
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kings maker S3:
kings maker is back finally with wolf gang and shin's daughter, well I guess it's wofgang's baby by blood cause of the ritual in which they used his blood or something...I don't remember the details, but he got a cute baby girl and she's so adorable, I might draw fanart of her soon cause I can't resisit.lol.
so far it is through her point of view as she is went from small baby with incredible strength to a little toddler wanting to be queen soon and the fastest possible way is to get her dads to retire and married off lol.
look at her, she's so cute!
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so far we just follow her around the palace and see what shenanigan's she's up to but there’s not actual plot as of yet, but it honestly just come back a while ago so it's really too early to say. all I'm hoping for is to see some more sys and randolph content, i’ve been deprived of that for a good while so that would be cute to see.
sigh ...now for the most controversial...Pearl boy
of course this would bring all sorts of people to the threads with it's recent chapters, I think the last time I left off was when dooshik was in the middle of saving jooha from the captives..the porn crew. In the end a human is a human and dooshik was brought down by the daehwi the twin with the long hair, with a gun...my man was shot and was lieing there getting beaten by ugly ass thugs. Jooha in this situation had realized that dooshik was the one who saved him from the same thing that happened 4 years ago and you get to see a bit of backstory behind that and how that interaction went. dooshik also had  a flash back to when his mother was around and how his life had fallen apart when his mother essentially only cared of herself and possibly put dooshik through a lot of things..ie. growing up fast and having to take care of a grown ass adult, possibly getting him to quit judo, the way that he looks at his jacket made it seem like it was something important to him that he had to give up.
I can't imagine everything that he went through and still believed that life is essentially still worth living, especially when he told jooha the best way to take revenge was to live a happy life. Ideally yes that would be the right way to go, but in this situation they are dealing with  a person with power, reporting him to the police is not going to do any good cause we all know one thing...police suck! they only speak money, they care more about getting a higher rank in the field than actually helping people in trouble, just reporting pilwon would only put him in jail for 1 day and then he's free cause bail money...
so it's not going to do any good, dooshik realizes this and after a heartwarming moment between jooha and himself while in the hospital bed recovering, he finally lost all his senses and became enraged. Let's just say that he used almost the same method the porn people used on jooha but with the twin that he captured " the short haired one -daekwang" who I honestly don't get why people like...you don't even know his character well yet. now this was the most controversial chapter that made people really hate dooshik, morally yes it was inhumane and nobody wants to see it because it's unsettling.
but  people seem to have forgotten this daekwang guy is involved with kidnapping young men with his porn filming crew since a long time ago, years ago when jaeil was almost involved with these people...but managed to get out of it. they drug these boys ( dooshik's ex boyfriend was drugged and ended up dying from overdose) and make them film porn to sell to old rich creepy men...this was their "business" and suddenly there are people defending his ass...I'm like what are you on about? dooshik should not give them a taste of thier own medicine because it's wrong...did you forget what he did not only to jooha but other people? some people were like he should have just killed pilwon and it would be fine, yeah pilwon should die, but these people are also doing his dirty work for him, that man never needed to lift a finger to get what he wanted cause he had subordinates that were desperate enough to follow him.
Don't know if you are aware but there are so much manhwa/manga/webtoons with a similar plot where the bad guys never suffered their repercussions and get off Scott free, I'm glad that at least in this webtoon people do suffer for their actions. Most manga that focuses on revenge in the end never follow through with it.
if your boyfriend decided to get revenge for you for being r*ped by having his men to do the same to one of your assailants ...how do you really feel? most people put their morals before what they actually would do and say things like yeah it's wrong, It's not going to change anything...yeah it won't change the fact that I was a victim, but I won't think that it's wrong...cause in a way what goes around comes around and instead of waiting for a higher power to deal with it, if you want something done do it yourself....am I against it? no...that's because i'm petty and to have my assailant feel what I felt in that moment, it would make me feel better, even if what happened would not change anything...I hope that makes sense.
me though...I would have chopped off his dick...
but some people...they keep saying he's turning into pilwon and that is so not true, that a-hole can and will probably die a mundane death after his lackeys aren’t around anymore. Dooshik cannot process the pain that he's in so he became a person using interrogation as an act of revenge and committed himself into torturing and murdering to get what he wants, which is to get rid of all of jooha's demons. Does he find this enjoyable? NOPE look at his face, he looks like someone who witnessed his loved one die. People started making sh*t up saying that he was enjoying watching someone get r*ped...and that caused others who can't read korean look at the raw images and deduce the same thing without reading the actual chapter and understanding the dialogue exchanged and looking at character expressions.
I can't with this fandom, I know every fandom sh*tty people but this one in particular has a bunch of them, I don't interact with anyone for the very reason that if you say one thing another person will be quick to bring you down.
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sigh....it's honestly really sad to see someone whose so strong really lose his sh*t and mentally suffering after being with him for 80 chapters...I want to see this part of him even if is ugly since I have been saying since the early chapters of pearl boy that dooshik's character is one of a kind. this boy made me cry....I don't cry for any fictional being. lol
anyways i'll let you decide on what you think of him with that, the story is far from over so there’s lots to unfold still, so I wish people would honestly just f*cken wait till the story is done to start spewing non sense and making up false theories
see trash segment for examples of some dumb sh*t....
I swear these people are all minors or something, y'all should not be reading this at all if you think this is going to follow a shounen anime plot..eww. go watch your anime and stick to that.
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to some spicy reads (21+) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- okie dokie onto some trash titles, lol. not really I have another segment for that, this months theme is " trash semes ...but are they really?" the answer is yes they are trash humans that do inhumane things but I can't completely hate them. in contrast to dooshik and what he was doing...the first two are literally absolute a-holes, they let you know that from chapter 1 onwards
because it's been three months and I had to narrow it down for once and just stick with a theme. forgive me if I forget some of the plot cause its been that long and I don't want to revisit these stories to get every detail since they are so long.
1)Beware of the full moon in march
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"Ex-convict Park Mokhwa wants nothing more than to keep his head low and stay out of anything that has to do with his past. However, his new-found tranquility as a florist is shattered by the appearance of Kim Nakwon, corrupt cop and unabashed hedonist. Nakwon is sure that Mokhwa’s the key to cracking an important case, and he’ll do anything to get the taciturn man to talk. The best way to make someone confess is to cause them pain, and Nakwon thinks he knows just what’ll hurt Mokhwa the most. But despite Nakwon’s best efforts, Mokhwa continues to stay silent. It’s not often that life doesn’t go the way Nakwon wants it to, so his obsession with Mokhwa only grows stronger..."
Yeah the summary pretty much says it all, mokhwa is an ex convict that was wrongfully put into jail for killing his step sister's boyfriend and after his release was shunned by his aunt and uncle and is now just working a a local flower shop as a florist. he was approached one day by a cop named nakwon and was accused of still being involved with his ex mafia boss, whom nakwon is looking for.
nakwaon forces himself onto mokhwa and assaults him to really strike fear and embarrassment within mokhwa so that he will cooperate and tell him what he needs to know. Yeah ladies and gents this guy is a big duche from chapter one onwards, he's a corrupted cop and uses force and humiliation on suspects in order to get them to admit their wrongdoings and arrest them, but he's a dick for the assault part cause that was unnecessary, he just thought because mokhwa is technically bigger and a criminal that that's what he gets. I'm like sir..where is your proof? another reason for hating the police... nakwon will not take no for an answer and so he begins to do monitoring on mokhwa and even told his boss that he is under suspicion.
his boss is a nice lady who treated mokhwa like a little brother and so he calls her noona (sister) even if they aren’t related. nakwon came to visit mokhwa everyday and noticed little things about him that usually people will leave in their thoughts but he was just complaining about everything this man was doing form his customer service skills to the way that he dresses...
but because they visit each other everyday, mokhwa started to get accustomed to nakwon's company, even if he is unlikable. mokhwa had been shunned by his actual family and had always been alone so having this person come and see him every day, made him feel a little better. nakwon really wanted to get info out of him and so spends most of his time watching nakwon do work and sometimes providing help when his customer service skills were lacking. one day when nakwon came to visit there were a bunch of other men in the flower shop with mokhwa and it turns out they were mokhwas men when he was still in the mafia, the guys heard that he was out of prison and works here so they came to see him, it turns out his men have been doing other things since he was in jail and they became a moving service and does deliveries...this part I don’t really remember, think they are still in the mafia but doing other things.
mokhwa had to prepare some flower baskets for parents day and so there were a bunch of orders to fulfill which then his men helped out and nakwon reluctantly took charge since non of them knew how to do it. even if mokhwas men knew that nakwon was a detective they think he wasn’t a bad person and so treated him like a "friend of the boss" they even went to eat bbq and drink all night. nakwon at this time had started to have weird feelings towards mokhwa, it seems like he's just confused as to why he's so interested in him? they spent some time together in a small hotel and nakwon felt weird that mokhwa was the most exposed he's ever been in a bath robe and it made him want to tough him. mokhwa was so shocked that he just let him do it and so they just toughed each other and instantly regretted it after. nakwon took some time away from mokhwa and some news of the mafia boss visiting him made him doubt that mokhwa had nothing to do with the mafia anymore and so he felt enraged/betrayed by that and went to assault mokhwa again....f*cken dumbass, I hate characters that take their anger out on others because they can't understand their own feelings...its so stupid.
well anyways, he kind of felt bad after he saw the condition he was in and tended to his wounds...which makes zero sense after what he just did. mokhwa easily accepts the offer reluctantly, that is when nakwon realizes that even if he’s treated like utter sh*t you treat him a little well and he will forgive you...which made him feel terrible, well at least he has somewhat of a conscience..
nakwon was busy trying to put this case to rest and actually met with the former boss of the mafia but under a different name at a social gathering, turns out this gut had a lot of money and was starting a new business, but of course like all mafia is doing shady things under ground. nakwon got informed by one of mokhwas men that one of the old subordinates has turned on them and was going after mokhwa. mokhwa was then captured and drugged along with his noona and to spare her he open the door to the car and pushed her out before they knocked him unconscious.
the florist noona was brought to the hospital for treatment and someone witnessed her pushed  out of a car. Nakwon was dealing with finally arresting someone involved the mafia he wasn’t supposed to do anything with mokhwa's case but hearing that he knew about the kidnapping and risked a big shot getting let go and went to essentially track down mokhwa.
he finally was able to locate the warehouse where mokhwa was taken but during that time mokhwas was being torutured by one of his old followers which turned his back on mokhwa during his time in jail. when nakwon arrived he saw that person next to a beaten and bloody mokhwa and literally went feral...lol
if you kill/injure a person you will have to step down from your position but he didn’t care one bit...he made sure that mofo was dead! so in a way i'm glad he's committed. after he finally processed his feelings and loss, he bawled his eyes out wanting mokhwa to come back to him alive and broke his own had as an act of repayment for the time he injured mokhwa's hand out of anger...this guy is dramatic as hell. if you can't guess it, mokhwa is okay, he was barely breathing but he was able to be taken to the hospital in time when the other police officers got there. Nakwon had to return the gun a step down for the time being while this whole thing is being investigated and he was okay with that, after accepting the fact that mokhwa became his world he broke off prior engagements with his ex-girlfriend and began working at the floral shop while mokhwa was in the hospital at the time. When mokhwa was released from the hospital he was wondering why nakwon acted that way, he was half unconscious but still heard him pleading for mokhwa to wake up, he was sure that he was someone who will be alone forever but after seeing nakwon wait for him to return back to the flower shop he was glad that he still had a home to go back to.
and that is the end of season one, there is still many things unanswered like the issue with the ex mafia boss and mokhwa and how they knew each other, why mokhwa is not saying anything pertaining to his ex-boss and finally will we see nakwon in his true form..lol. I mean expressing his feelings for mokhwa now that he knows he's in love with him.
2)Love history caused by willful negligence
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"The only flaw of actor Lee Wooyeon, who is on the road to success without facing a single slump, is that his manager never lasts. With a time period of three months to observe him as a manager. Choi Inseop becomes Lee Wooyeon’s manager in search for revenge. He was not the Lee Wooyeon who was loved by people, but another Lee Wooyeon. Inseop had to uncover the truth. Because he had made a promise."
Firstly, I just wanted you all to know that wooyeon let's you know what kind of dick he is right in chapter one, he does not get any better than this so don't expect much. He is the kind of person that knows how to manipulate a social situation in his favor without letting anyone discover his true nature. When I mean true nature, it just means that he has a lot of inner thoughts about people...I would compare him to the protagonist in the netflix series "you" the guy stalks a woman he's interested in and has this whole narrative of how she is supposed to be in his eyes. Woo yeon just has disturbing thoughts about people and sometimes when people push him over the edge they get their asses kicked.lol.
to be honest, I can't hate the guy,I mean how many times have you thought a person deserves to get their asses handed to them? or in my case how many entitled a-holes you had to deal with on a daily basis at work.lol. some times you just want to kill them and wooyeon does that...with a brick  in an alley way...
he's like i'll see you in the alleyway later my friend ...
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His company ceo and his company manager were worried that they will not be able to cover his ass any longer so they decided to go look for the perfect candidate to become wooyeon’s personal manager. wooyeon had a knack for switching managers every few weeks because they keep quitting, it turns out they cant handle the pressure of dealing with wooyeon and he manages to get them to quit on their own accord. The new manager showed up pristine and on time, his name is inseop and he is a self proclaimed fan of lee woo yeon...this is going to go well, like any celerity this automatically does not sit well with wooyeon cause he could be a "sasang fan" - extreme stalker fans and so he was on guard and will eventually get inseop to quit on his own soon.
But as time goes by wooyeon notices that inseop knew exactly what he preferred in terms of music and expectations of a manager and it made him curious as to how he knew everything. Inseop claims he is a fan of his but sometimes it seems like wooyeon suspects that it wasn't the case because he didn’t get that feeling form him.
inseop was in fact somewhat of an acquaintance of wooyeon back in their college days and this whole scheme to become his manager was to really avenge his friend that was treated badly by his possy of friends in college. So inseop was planning on exposing wooyeon’s affairs to the public through a news article but it wasn't enough to change public opinion so he needed his " weakness" in order to expose the fraud celebrity. Okay just a little tid bit...i don't think public opinion matters that much, celebs do dumb shit on a daily, exposing someone isn’t going to stop people from liking them. they might be cancelled for that one thing but It won't really ruin their career unfortunately.
but this matter was a lot more complex than on the surface as inseop's friend jennie was already suffering from mental health issues and that whatever happened in college lead to her passing and inseop cannot let her death be in vain.
after getting involved with wooyeon’s life he just wanted the necessary info for his exposure and just go back to America like nothing happened, but he found out that the more involved he was with wooyeon the more he began to see certain good aspects of him, sure he was a dick, but wooyeon had saved him from a couple of sexual assaulters he had encountered in a quick stop bathroom. Due to some past traumatic experiences with a past attempt at assault he was reminded of the time when jennie has saved him then. Inseop didn’t want to be grateful because he was going to essentially backstab him when the time comes, but internally he was very grateful. Then these a-holes came back later and attacked wooyeon and he almost drowned, but inseop dived into the lake to save him, this made wooyeon even more curious cause in his mind he was like " isn't this what you wanted? you wanted me to die didn’t you?"
I'll mention this now but it's explained later on that wooyeon is a sociopath, so he does not understand the feelings of other people, he does not understand what is considered right from wrong in a social context and how to deal with people. so he does not get why inseop would save him even though he clearly does not like him.
I guess this was the starting point of them starting to be interested in each other, not romantically but you can tell it was some sort of attraction. Inseop had saved him again when wooyeon's horse for a drama was scared to death by something and started to swing wooyeon off, inseop injured his hand trying to stop the horse, he didn’t have to but he essentially took his role as manager really seriously.
This is when it was explained how inseop knew about wooyeon and their encounter, so jennie was in love with woo yeon, or phillip as he was known in America, he was a quarterback who played football and was famous for his looks and dated some cheerleader...ya'll have seen american shows right? but jennie like other people who liked wooyeon dreamed of communicating with him and essentially gathered info about him to present to her friends...lol as you do, that friend is inseop..or peter which is his American name. Peter had a frail heart which made it difficult for him to go to school and so daily activities, he would offent have to get check ups so that his heart failure will not worsen and was he was spending most of his time bed ridden. Jennie came to visit him and they became best friends, she would often tell him about phillip and what he looked like and make up scenarios about thier encounters. Inseop was curious as to what this "prince" looked liked since he can't go to school often he has no idea who that is.
this part is so cute to me...when peter's mom asked him to get oranges for her marmalade, he went to the local market and grabbed a bag of oranges and saw a bunch of boys play basketball across the street near the market, there was a guy who stood out amongst them and somehow...he knew that was phillip I don't remember if the ball almost hit him and he ran off and almost got hit by a car or something but phillip saved him and inseop tossed him an orange as thanks.
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he quickly got home and headed to his room cause he felt weird after that encounter. lmao inseop silly...it's called falling in love. I really liked that scene cause it was such an innocent and cute encounter, like how a novel would be written. he them met phillip again when he was able to go to school, his father wanted inseop(peter) to be apart of the korean association  that meets every Saturday, mainly to be in touch with his heritage as a korean-american.
lol. can relate cause I had to go to chinese school on Saturdays. he then realized that Philip was part of the korean association as well and was in his class...and sat beside him...okay raise you hands...how many of you sat beside your crush in class?..like a seat away or in front or behind them...he was called by the teacher to read a poem and peter could not get those words out of him head, he memorized the sound of his voice to his handwriting and would steal glances of him when he wasn't looking, he didn’t tell jennie any of this because he wanted this moment to be in his memory.
if you can't tell by now, inseop despite whatever happened between them in college liked and have always liked wooyeon (Phillip). This of course is still prevalent in the current time line as he admits that he has thought about being in a romantic situation with him and dreamed of kissing him but he decided to but his feelings down for the sake of avenging his friend, which is a terrible thing to do considering what happened to jennie was not wooyeon's fault at all. She became delusional in believing that letters she exchanged with someone was phillip, but in fact it was a bunch of the petty mean girls that were apart of his clique that got a hold of that letter and decided to bully her by writing to her back adding to that delusion. When inseop pointed out that he doenot think its phillip cause he knows what his writing looks like jennie didn’t believe him, that added to the mental instability she currently has made her depression worse and she began to have mood swings. inseop didn’t know how to deal with her sudden change in temper all the time that it made him anxious..
okay PSA time, please get professional help if you are struggling, there are a lot of phone services you can use to talk to someone, if you don’t want to do that, write it out...write whatever comes to mind and don't leave it all inside, you will honestly feel a lot better. But unfortunately for jennie her mother was abusive and not even seeing a therapist was going to stop the abuse, she only had peter as her friend and it was hard for him to bare all of her suffering when he isn't doing well himself, I can't imagine how inseop must feel knowing his friend was suffering and there was nothing he could do about it. But blaming wooyeon is not the answer, so i'm guessing he's only doing this so that he can put an end to his feelings for both wooyeon and jennie, I think he knows in his heart that wooyeon is awful but he’s not a bad person and revenge is pointless when the person you want to avengee is no longer in the world you live in. So we are at the point where inseop finally got the " weakness " he was looking for and now he is planning to give that to the reporter and go back to America.
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sigh...but its really just hurting him cause he's been in love with wooyeon for so long, even saying to himself that he's an sh*t person when he does not believe that. ugh...someone needs to protect this boy, I have read the novel and it has it's ups and downs, but i still think the ending was worth reading so I really hope this novel gets published in English, cause those original book covers are so beautiful, I want the whole set.
I will leave it a this for now cause season 2 just got started and we are in for a ride.
--------------------------------------------------------------- Trash segment (21+) ---------------------------------------------------------------- a.k.a the part of the series where I shit on your favorite manhwa/manga/webtoon etc. Joking but not really, you have been warned.
This is the new section where you’re going to find titles that I dropped and the reasons why I discontinued the series all together, fair warning if you triggered by people criticizing your favorite series then you may want to skip this section all together. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not every series that is “popular” or well liked by others will be like by all...therefore if there is content that makes a person uncomfortable enough to stop the series, that is on them and please don’t judge them for their morals. to those who consider quitting series, if it bothers you then just stop! no one is forcing this down your throat you can quit whenever, but don't harass the creator on social media if you dislike their story it's disrespectful.
Trash List:
So to recap, the series that I mentioned dropping so far are
Love or Hate
Yours to claim
Wistful summer
The sound of fire
Kiss damnation
Cherry blossoms after the winter
Chasing Mr. CEO
Who’s a sweet cheater?
Another sequence
Love is a fantasy
Missing love/married man
My reason to die
This month there is no trash manhwa to present only trash people...insert every possible eyerolling meme here...
yes, I'm calling out some people on their dumb comments that literally are just there to start something and they clearly have zero knowledge on the plot but saw a bunch of people commenting on certain screen shots and decided to jump on the bandwagon of hate.... I was going to blur their names but nah whatever...lol.
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this person clearly does not read the manhwa, just saw some screen shots and made their own theory and spat nonsense....this is what I'm getting because if you actually read the webtoon you wouldn’t be telling dooshik to die...lmao I can't... it's so stupid...I hate it the most when people just call him "the seme" I'm like he has a name and if you don't know it t clearly means you don’t read it.
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this person says it s a terrible plot, and goes on with really bad grammar that i have no Idea what on earth they are saying...using terms like the top and bottom..instead of their names when you are trying to prove a point... I literally have never seen these people before in any pearl boy thread it's like they came out the ashes one day just to cause trouble...I'm literally like...who are you?
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this person just needs to leave...they have been tweeting dumb comments for the past two weeks I'm honestly sick of seeing this troll every time I use the hashtags, ended up having to block them cause the tweets were annoying me.lol.
but nothing tops the comments that are like...and this is why I don’t read it anymore and still provide screen shots of the recent chapter...well clearly you did cause you bought the chapter. LMAO. I'm like no one cares if you stopped reading or not...just stop, why are you still here? I had to mute some people on twitter because they started going on about it and it really pissed me off.
that's like waiting in line for 2 hours to tell an actor you hate them...you waited in line and spent money on this...you know when your teacher use to say there is no such thing as a dumb question? that maybe true but there are such things as dumb comments.
Please don't be one of these people, if you have a problem with the story and don't enjoy it anymore just leave, do not go on the writers/creators social media and cause trouble just cause you don't like their story...ugh.at the end of the day this is all just fiction...
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Oshi no ko and skip to loafer currently watching these two only and so far really enjoying them, I will review it when I finish but that’s all I have to update so far. though I will say one thing, I did not expect things to turn out the way it did at the end of episode 1 of oshi no ko, that surprised me and I can see why people are hyping this up, but we shall see as it continues.
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my friend had been listening to NCT's new unit's new song perfume...so that’s all I hear when we hang out together lol. ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ending note:
Omg sorry for the 3-4 month wait, I'm seriously burnt out on writing anything, to be honest I could have finished this sooner but I have been leaving it on the back burner until I felt like writing again.
  I've been preparing for a shop update and also a convention coming up...It’s my first time as a vendor! didn't think that I'd get in cause the selection is supposed to be a lottery, but I did and so now I have to make a good stock ready for that event in july. I doubt any of you are know of it, cause its a local convention for me, but i'll announce it on my social media closer to the date.
anyways, I'll try to be on time but can't make promises please let me know if you are reading this by liking the post, cause I feel like I'm writing into a void lol.
thanks, Sheena
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1 note · View note
rocketandonuts · 1 year
I wanna draw comic but I,,, just can’t today
Therefore I will be here brainstorms some trivial ideas of the siblings
Their weekends during high school:
Jules mostly spent his weekends on part time jobs. Occasionally hang out with his friend also (they’re both busy they majorly just hang out at school a lot)
Viv used to go outdoor to keep herself looking busy to Jules (she didn’t wanna let him know she’s a loner) and sometimes she’d spend time taking long trains to places and bought stuff back for her bro pretending that she went on trips with high school friends. That gets too costly and meaningless over time tho
Then after a while she started to look into cooking. It’s mainly to save money (their family isn’t particularly poor but for reasons after they moved out their parents supports them very little.) They don’t get to have fancy food outside, let alone Viv’s crazy appetite. So she tried to make them herself. That later becomes what she does the most during weekends especially for complicated recipes that can take a whole day to prepare. (She’d also like to try baking but their place doesn’t have an oven)
Tho for the time near the beginning of the comic she’s became less active and a lot of time just lying in her bed doing nothing while time flys away (there were other special factors that caused her inactivity. But I guess she count as being depressed at that time)
When it comes to food:
A funny little thought I’ve been considering putting into the main comic if I could at some point is that they dont order pizza.
Reason being it’s a lil bit expensive (in my country) and also that viv feels bad and unfair when they do. Cuz Jules would have like 2 slices while viv would end up eating the rest
It’s not news that she eats a lot but even so she likes to keep things “fair”. And what she do is whenever they have any meals together she’d have just slightly more then him for the main dish, then eat along side when a huge amount of carb like white rice or noodles or a whole loaf of bread
But they can’t really do that with pizza. Even if they intentionally leave a few slices leftover she’s gonna eat the leftovers soon anyway
Jules likes animals. Almost all animals. Viv doesn’t really have anything for animals.
Jules would pat stray dogs and cats and Viv’s just watching him do that. He once thought about actually have a cat as pet and even asked viv about it. But after some discussion they decide it’s not that easy to just own a pet like that. So he continues to just petting animals outside
Social media:
Jules likes taking selfies but it’s only for his own entertainment. He’s not good at social media in general.
Viv prolly has a priv Twitter or a blog only for following things and venting thoughts
Itll be funny if she also writes short stories sometimes. Secretly. But idk that’s prolly not too in character
Their grades at school:
Viv has average grades for all subjects except math. She’s insanely good at math. She just thinks it’s the most simple thing ever
Jules has bad grades in general especially sucks at math. The thing is I wanna say the only one thing he’s quite good at would be English(or any second-language kinda subject) but that’s cuz I’m not American and so English is the main second language thing we studied at school… it would not make sense in a comic I already writing in English lol. So too bad he just sucks at everything now (Except sports and art if those count)
Speaking of such
Sports and art:
They’re both good at sports. Not to a point to stand out, but alright. Neither of them do work-outs but they both naturally have nice muscle mass
Jules actually can draws quite decently. But he never really developed it. Viv doodles but it stays on a normal doling level
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trinrose3 · 1 year
Fun facts or design notes about any oc? Any based on a person in your life or an aspect of yourself? What inspired you to make them?
Amelia is very much inspired by myself! Mainly when it comes to her interests and personality. And the vitiligo of course
it wasn’t intentional at first but I noticed that Owen looked a lot like Archie and (TinTin a little) from the comics and I liked the way that looked which helped lead to more if my current style! You can see where that click happened I’d you look back through my art lmao.
Liam also went through quite a few changes, He and Owen actually did a bit of personality switch! I try not to base my characters off of real people cause it feels a little weird to me but sometimes when you draw a character you might see pieces of people you know which is interesting but I think I’ve avoided that well for the most part lmao
I’m free real estate tho when it comes to thatDSKSEK. I do think it does make developing certain characters harder especially like villains because I can’t relate to them or their actions or just don’t find them as fun to work with which is definitely something I need to work on
usually I come up with some sort of au or I question something about another series/common troupe does that makes me think “what if similar concept but extremely different in plot/lore” like The Neighbors started off as a slice of life au and snowballed from there, my storyline with Alexander stemmed from what if mutants/superpowers became the norm thousands of years ago(technically modern day was the thousands of years ago so it’s set in the “future”), what would that look like (MHA anime came out shortly after that and is completely different in plot and tone (kinda) but still oof) and turned into a dystopia thing lol. The cryptid county was also an idea for an au but I just made that into its own plot line as well
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
I am here to ask for some goooood Doom content 🙏🏽
I decided to do relationship headcanons because why not lol 
@mxndalorians also requested these headcanons 
Commander Doom relationship headcanons //SFW and NSFW//
Doom may seem like a hardcore badass but he’s a big ol’ softie 
He’s a sweetheart but he’s also a flirt 
Luckily, Doom is smooth as fuck 
You don’t even know he’s flirting he’s so smooth 
He’d definitely be the one to ask you out first 
Of course in a romantic way 
Doom would take you to some nice dinner 
He’d continue to take you on sweet dates, most being romantic walks and such 
Doom would eventually woo you into a relationship 
Your dates would then start being at your apartment 
It would mostly just be you two relaxing at your apartment 
But he still takes you out sometimes, his hand in yours 
Doom doesn’t care about pda. He is very handsy, especially in public 
You’re his! Why hide the fact? 
Sometimes, while cuddling, he’ll tell you stories from his many battles 
He loves telling you stories. It’s one of the ways he shows off 
He loves to impress you in many ways.
Sometimes Doom will try to make you dinner! He can only cook a few things though 
So I hope you like pasta! 
If you ever make him food you’ll never get rid of him
Doom basically moves in with you once he comes over like twice 
He’s like a big stray cat  
You take him shopping to go buy some comfy sleeping clothes and some civilian clothes 
Doom loves shopping and style. So you two are out for a while 
He makes you see everything he tries on, just so he can show off 
He gets a lot of new clothes that day. 
Doom won’t wear a hood if an outfit has one. He needs to show off the many earrings in each ear!
He takes pride in his piercings.
Also loves his dreads and showing them off! 
He’s very into the punk look, and damn does it fit him 
Doom loves leather jackets, but also shirts where he can show off his tattoo sleeves 
He has two tattoo sleeves, both have forest and nature like designs 
He loves it when you trace them, especially when you two take bubble baths 
Doom loves bubble baths, he enjoys relaxing in them with you 
Plus he thinks they’re romantic 
He is always calling you by pet names!! Especially “My heart.” and “My love.” 
Doom is very level headed and pretty relaxed, but he still has PTSD
So he has trouble falling asleep and he has bad nightmares
When you cuddle him, his head on your chest, he sleeps like a baby most of the time
He’s an open book, he’s always willing to talk about his emotions and issues 
Doom is always up to listen to yours, and he’s very very supportive 
The romantic show off is actually a great listener, believe it or not 
Doom has two different colored eyes. 
His left eye is a bright emerald green and his right is a dark doe brown 
You had no idea he was color blind until way later in your relationship 
Doom is very embarrassed by it, and he tries to not let it affect him 
Everytime you call his eyes beautiful he blushes like a fucking fool 
He always compliments you, but when you compliment him he doesn’t know how to handle it
It’s adorable
Remember how I said he’s very handsy in public?
Well if you grab his ass or anything in public he’s a blushing mess. 
It’s very easy to fluster this commander 
Doom would probably say “I love you” first 
He’d always remind you of his, mainly by actions 
When he’s away on missions he tries to comm you often, just so you know he’s alright 
Doom is touch starved as hell, so it makes him kind of clingy 
So after missions he needs cuddles! He missed you and your touch so much! 
Once Doom falls for you, he falls hard 
Doom will love you with all of his heart and he’ll never let you forget it 
Mr. Romance knows a thing or two 
But you’ll still have to teach him some things, but it doesn’t take him long to learn 
Doom has that good clone memory and he learns quick 
After a lesson or two, he knows your body perfectly
Doom soon learns that he absolutely loves pleasuring you, he can’t get enough of your noises 
Some nights he’ll draw orgasm after orgasm from you, but other nights he’ll tease you till you’re almost in tears 
He’s a big teaser
Since he’s a show off he might tease you all day with simple things
He’s an asshole and he fucking knows it 
Doom will 100% tease you in public, he can never keep his hands to himself 
If you tease him back in public it will most likely lead to public sex, 
At first he gets flustered and such at first, but then he just gets needy 
He isn’t afraid to fuck you anytime, anywhere. 
Doom is very very patient, but if you do the teasing he loses all patience 
You two end up playing a lot of games, mainly ones where you see who snaps first 
Doom is kinky as fuck, so he will try anything you want to try 
Like I said, he’s an open book. So he’ll talk to you about his kinks 
He loves trying things out with you! It keeps things interesting!! 
You know what else keeps things interesting? His nipple piercings
If you even touch one of the silver rings he gets riled up. They’re very sensitive 
Doom is a switch. So when you top him make sure to tease those rings 
Also grab his hair. He has pretty long dreads that are perfect for grabbing 
Doom is pretty vocal, he never holds back his pleasure 
He moans like a slut when he’s being topped though  
Doom has many kinks, but he really enjoys bondage and games 
His favorite thing though? Oral. 
Doom is a god when it comes to giving oral 
His mouth is so skilled it’s dangerous. 
He always wakes up before you do, it’s his favorite way to wake you up
Doom cannot get enough of your taste!! 
When he isn’t giving you oral his lips are still attacking your skin somehow 
Doom can’t help but mark you up
Doom loves receiving oral, but he can lose control 
If he’s not tied down he’ll end up fucking your throat 
Doom has a breeding kink, but he doesn’t want children until after the war
So he’ll cum anywhere! 
If you tease him in public enough, causing him to ruin his pants, he’ll punish you real good 
Remember how I said Doom loves praise?? Well if you praise him he loses it!
He has a praise kink, both receiving and giving 
Doom is very romantic, so after a romantic evening he’ll fuck you slow and intimately 
He loves those soft romantic nights, but he’ll still take you roughly 
He may be romantic, but he loves his animal sex 
Doom loves bubble baths, which mostly lead to bathtub sex 
He just thinks they’re fun 
Remember, Doom will fuck you anytime, anywhere. 
This means he’s fucked you everywhere in your apartment
Doom is very caring with aftercare 
He mumbles sweet nothings to you as he cleans you both up with a warm rag
If you two have energy he may even suggest a hot shower
No matter what, you’ll fall asleep in the warm embrace of your loving commander
Tags: @leias-left-hair-bun @royalhandmaidens @cherry-cokes-world @iamassbuttkingofhell @catsnkooks @mxndalorians @colorfulloverbatturkey @ahsokatano-thetogruta @peacefulwizardfox @jedi-mando @julyzaa @strangebroadwaykinks @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @jedi-nila-rhyn @fyrepen33 @mistflyer1102 @kamino-mermaid @commanderrivercc-3628 @ct7567329 @simping-for-fives @blue-space-porgs @my-awakened-ghost
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This going to my first rant hurray😃 (pls don’t bash me lol)
So like I realized that my younger sibling and I have some things in common like enjoying manga/anime or playing videos games and all that stuff. But I also realized that she likes those text-tuber videos between anime characters as she uses my phone to watch them (for example she mainly watches the haikyuu text videos), So I’m like ‘why not give a go! she seems to like them so they can’t be that bad!’ And I was partially wrong some of them are good getting straight to the point and are quite funny, but those videos, the so fucking highly suggestive videos where they claim for them to be adults but use the teen version of them are so fucking unsettling, and you might say ‘well the characters are teens so it’s normal’ and you’re right it is! But not to the points were you suck dick on a public bench or grope them in a crowd of people, better yet they are still children! Also the lyric pranks, omfg, turning songs about a cute love story into something sexual, half of these creators are in middle school😃, why are they romanticizing this shit and making it sexual, groping isn’t all haha hehe, that shit happens in real life. And the skit videos are so fucking frustrating, like for example Hinata as Emma from tpn as his past or whatever, so they make him trans as you know ftm, only to fucking refer him as a girl, no matter what past or not he should still be referred to the gender he always was, a male. And the Encanto skits, the between the 3 characters is so fucking forced at this point, like we fucking get characters 1 and 2 don’t want them to marry character 4, you might know who the creators I’m talking about are at this point. So I decided download the app Wit mainly to see if it gets better and not just to judge of the YouTube ones, and once again, I’m wrong, the glamorizing and romanticizing of such important things that aren’t cute or healthy like r@pe, sa, etc. and abuse. I almost fucking cried cause wtaf is wrong with said people, they act like it’s fucking romantic or shit as if it’s fake or whatever. This just the main fandom of wit I noticed I don’t even want to get into the others on there. Also the major ship bashing on tiktok and pinterest for ships that aren’t mainstream are fucking ridiculous get off your fucking high horse and let people ship ships that aren’t illegal, for characters let’s say I find ship art of Sakusa and Hinata or Suga and Oikawa, you literally don’t ducking say ‘this is cute but I like yadayada and yadayada more🥺’ IDGAF if you like sakuatsu or iwaoi more, someone put their fucking time drawing that piece of art of the ship they like, just leave it at ‘this is cute!’ or ‘this art is nice😄’ none of that ‘i prefer’ shit, they don’t cater to you and aren’t entitled too. Same shit goes for tiktok, if I wanna ship Iwaizumi and idk Hinata and ship Daichi and Asahi, im going to ship them, idgaf if it’s not daisuga or kagehina, you can suck my toes.
Anyways how was your day😄!
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noxeorn · 2 years
A little bit about me! Pinned post with useful info
Hi :)
I’m Noxeorn and I’m small freelance digital artist who does funky fanart in free time :D
My non fandom art includes a lot of dragons! So may be sometimes I'll post them too (but they're not my main point of interest here, so it's gonna be once in a while)
I always read tags and comments and really appreciate them, as well as reblogs in general!
I also have an ask box open, so feel free to ask me dumb stuff (especially about OCs), may be I'll reply with sketches even
My main fandom: Invader Zim (it somehow happened that I draw mainly tallest and ocs tho :”D but I don’t mind to make content of another characters whenever I have ideas!)
My secondary fandoms (can be pretty inactive there): Homestuck (fantrolls to be precise), Hollow knight, MCYT/Minecraft
My art tag: #Noxeorn art
Other places you can find me
Twitter - I post literally everything there, and also talk.
Twitch - I do streams! Mostly art one, so feel free to drop a follow and come to hang out
YouTube - Occasionally I do animations, animatics and timelapses and post there
DeviantArt - Another place where I started to post everything again lol
Ways to tip me
Unfortunately cause of my unluck to be born in a dumb country, I can't use a lot of stuff to accept tips (including tumblr ways)
But fear not! There are still some ways
Boosty - you can donate on the left any sum you want. It accepts USD, but paypal currently doesn't work
Patreon - I have a tip jar there, so feel free to use tho I'll need to figure out how to withdraw
My boundaries
In general - just don’t be a weirdo and you’re alright.
Tone indicators are totally fine and really useful cause sometimes I can’t tell the difference between jokes, sarcasm etc. But if you don’t use them it’s fine as well!
Regarding art - just credit me if you want to use some of my fanart on your pfp or header. If you want to study my piece - go ahead, just give a credit and keep in mind that you’ll also learn my mistakes.
The only thing I’m not okay with is when you edit my art or use it for AI learning, that’s all
Full list of my boundaries can be found here
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I am currently running on no sleep + I only know of DR, DDLC, and OMORI, so I'll solely be analyzing you on those specific kins (sorry /gen /nm). I've been maybe planning on opening up kin analyses in the near future, but if this is inaccurate in any way, shape or form, please don't hesitate to say so /gen /nm /nf
You most certainly put others first before yourself. You usually do, at the very least. Whether it's in the form of lifting a supposedly heavy burden off of someone's shoulders by doing something for them, completing work and tasks to a solid T, or so on, you rather put the needs and wants of others first before your own
Speaking of work, you're a very hardworker, and a good worker at that! Perhaps... you're too much of a hardworker. Whether this is because of strict parents, past bullying, previous trauma/trouble with past failure or the fear of failure, and/or self-loathing simply getting the best of you, you tend to overstress and overwhelm yourself easily when it comes to any kind of work (but more specifically, academic work). And when that happens, it can greatly affect you emotionally/mentally. Even a sign/hint or the possibility of failure scares you and causes you to self-loathe, making you believe that you're a horrible and/or dumb person (when you're not either one of those things)
You tend to keep self-loathing/self-deprecation more to yourself (whether that be due to the first thing I stated or because it's not that bad and/or frequent), but when it leaks out, it's nothing too heavy. It's not a sprinkle, but it's not overly concerning either
You sometimes see yourself as average. When your self-loathing isn't bad/when you're not distressed, you sometimes find yourself wondering what others potentially see in you. Talent? Skills? What could they possibly mean by that? You're just some average individual and that's it (that's what you might think btw; not what I think /lh /gen /nm)
You enjoy trying new hobbies/things, but can sometimes be a bit hesitant depending on the circumstances and/or overall mood
It doesn't take a whole lot to fluster you and to boost your mood, making it a benefit for others whenever you're feeling down. Of course, this may also most likely apply vice versa; it may not take a whole ton to cause you to become sad either, though this specific tidbit is a hit or miss
You enjoy nature, literature, outdoorsy things, cute things, and anything that has a fresh, reassuring, adorable/neat aura to it
You can be pretty creative, and you'll sometimes experience sparks/spikes in creativity more randomly than intentionally. This isn't to say that you don't welcome said random creativity though!
You're the type to sort of cheer on and boost the moods of those around you. Again, this could be due to the first thing above, but I also think it's because you genuinely cherish your relationships with those around you (platonic, romantic, and familial). You like making others you care about smile and happy; it makes you smile and happy, too!
You probably have a handful of hyperfixations, and if anything, hyperfixating is probably common for you (not /neg)
You're not super outgoing and out there, but you're not necessarily shy either. Mainly in the middle, but you possess a warm, friendly aura to you. You're an approachable, reliable person, even if you don't think so at times
Hmm... that's all I can currently think of? This is probably really bad lol, so sorry! /gen /nm /lh
You’re honestly so accurate about that- I tend to be like the mom friend to anybody first and it usually takes me hours before I say “hey by the way I’m kind of sad too” /lh /neu
Ahahaah... *Looks at Kiyotaka, Shuichi, Izuku/Deku, Hero* You’re very right about that too. I was literally known to all of my teachers to get everything done a day early or on time from the due date and whenever I have to do things like my teachers have to remind me it’s not the end of the world even if I think otherwise. This kind of comes from my dad and as well as being the “gifted kid”
This is right too, but if I do experience extreme sadness or extreme anger than the extreme versions of my self loathing does come out, but usually that resolved itself on my own or with some help
I’ve had many moments where I do consider myself as “boring” so yeah this is also accurate, and I’m glad to know you don’t think of me like that /gen
Also very true about me, I’ve been wanting to learn an instrument since forever but I’m always hesitant because of, a lot, but I’m trying to stop that /gen
The flustered part is especially part, I mean, my partner could say anything romantic or cheesy and I just become a tomato, and yeah the sad part is also true about me (though I try not to be sad because I don’t like to be sad) /lh
So true and so right about me!! I really enjoy things like cottagecore and I do like to write sometimes!! And yes the cute things I love cute things- I’m a sanrio enjoyer <//3 /lh /pos
And that’s true as well! I sometimes go days without feeling like I want to draw or anything but then there’s also days I can’t seem to stop wanting to draw something-
And that’s right!! I genuinely like to make everybody I love feel nice and warm, and whenever it works out I feel all nice too!! It’s cause and affect positivity addition for me- /lh /pos
Ahahaha *looks at DR Omori and now animal crossing* yeah <33 /lh /pos
I have been told I’m like that, and while I do kind of struggle to see how I’m approachable (self loathing), it still does make me go “:0” to hear /lh /nm
Overall this is very right about me, this is a kin call out I’d say <//3 /lh /pos
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xxxcasey · 3 years
Get to know me!
Tagged by the incredibly wonderful @kattlupin ♥️ (also known to myself as my tumblr crush, lol)
1. Name: Casey
2. Nicknames: I have yet to acquire any (feel free to call me whatever you fancy)
3. Zodiac: Gemini (yes, I am a tad insane)
4. Height: 5’4”
5. Languages: English, French
6. Nationality: 🇺🇸
7. Favorite season: Winter (mainly bc I spend the entire time snowboarding, which is what I am currently on vacay for and why I haven’t posted a new drawing in a minute, I’ll be back in like a few days with a new one)
8. Favorite flower: orchids, cause idk, they look pretty floating in the water, ya kno?
9. Favorite scent: mmm, marshmellows by a campfire on the beach at midnight with stars like everywhere, Is that a scent?
10. Favorite color: lavender
11. Favorite animal: fox, red panda— but also sea otters bc they are adorable
12. Favorite character: you can’t make me choose, but Remus Lupin in love with Sirius Black
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Hot Chocolate as a treat, but coffee on the daily
14. Hours of sleep: what? What is that? Sleep? Never heard of her.
15. Dogs or cats: Dogs. I have one Great Pyrenees and one husky/st Bernard (so massive pups) My entire family, not me, is allergic to cats so I never got to enjoy them, but honestly I think they’re mystic af, bc Egyptian culture and all that, so yeah cats are dope but I mainly admire from afar.
16. Blankets: yes, unless it’s 2am and I’m hot then only half a blanket just over one leg
17. Dream trip: I went on my dream trip to Bali two summers ago and honestly would still consider that my dream trip to return there! The people were the sweetest. I really just love traveling to immerse myself in different cultures and just learn. I’m an anthropology major and sort of obsess over these things.
18. Blog established: oh, who knowwwsss? I’ve created so many over the years and then forgot about them. This is the only one that’s stuck and people have actually talked to me on, so... here’s hopin this will be the last lol
19. Followers: um, yes? All three of them, hi, you lovely humans.
20. Random fact: butterflies taste with their hind feet. Tomato sauce was sold as medicine in the 1800s as medicine. A donkey will sink in quicksand, but a mule won’t. And my absolute favorite that I just came across yesterday; in Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband, but may only do so with her bare hands. (All of these are facts, google said so, don’t fight me on this)
Tagging: @ravenclaw-reblogs @blitheringmcgonagall if you’d like to share, of course! 🥰♥️
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fansofvow · 4 years
Fan Spotlight 🎉
Today’s Spotlight is shining down on @ja-lin​, an incredibly talented artist whose work has shared over and over on Tumblr. They chose the following image to represent themselves:
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Handle: jalin
Nationality: Asian American
Where can we find your art? Tumblr, I also cross post to IG
How/when did you discover Lovestruck? Saw Love & Legends pics somewhere online and downloaded the APP to play it cause I just finished the Crown & Flame from Choices and wanted to read more fantasy. Then I found more stories in the APP and cool characters.
What was your first route? Astraeus. You’re supposed to read Hades, but I skipped Hades cause I just wanted to read Astraeus. I still haven’t read Hades to this day.
Are you currently following any route? Yeah, a lot. Sevastian, Lyris, Nav, the entire Sin w/ Me crew
Which route is your favorite? Can’t decide, I have a lot of favorites. Alex Cyprin from Astoria, Renzei from Villainous Nights are some of my top faves.
Were you aware of the writers’ strike when it was happening? Yea. I just decided to try to draw fanart for all the characters to show my support.
Who are your Top 3 LIs according to the app? Helena, Alain, Altea
Are they still your top three? No. My top 3 that I’ve read a lot would be Renzei, Renzei, and Renzei lol… Jokes aside, I’ve also re-read Andi quite a lot!
What piece of art are you most proud of? Cyprin and a deer in a forest.
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What artist inspires you? Yoshitaka Amano, Takehiko Inoue, Paul Madonna, Gabriel Picolo.
Paul Madonna uses pen and ink and does urban landscapes in the SF bay area, he’s the main reason why I started paying more attention to not just the character, but the backgrounds in my art. Cause the background can tell a story. I think that’s the same reason I like Yoshitaka Amano, the main artist for the Final Fantasy series, his art flows with movement and tells a story. Gabriel Picolo does Beast Boy comics and I love how he also pays a lot of attention on the entire composition of the drawing including lots of detail in the background. Takehiko Inoue is a Japanese manga artist who is known for Slam Dunk and Vagabond. I’ve been following his latest manga about wheelchair basketball.
What is your favorite Lovestruck CG?  I have a lot of favorite CGs, but a recent one would be Lyris with wings.
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Do you have a favorite screenshot? GAY BRUNCH! GAY BRUNCH!
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Do you read / create art for other fandoms? Pokemon, FFXIV, other Final Fantasy series, Avatar the Last Airbender series, some misc. Anime/Manga. I mainly follow those fandoms on Reddit, Twitter 
What would you say to someone considering reading Lovestruck? There are a lot of amazing characters, stories and the artwork is beautiful. The way each group of characters interacts with one another creates a sense of family that’s unique to the game.
Finally, one LI, 24 hours to do whatever you want: Andi from Villainous Nights. We are going to get gay brunch and order everything off the menu from the boob pastry to the dingaling eclair. Then go to every single boba shop in San Francisco and order everything off the menu.
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galeslament · 3 years
talk about your muse! || Always accepting! 
From @of-diffxrent-wxrlds​ like... awhile ago loL 
send 🍯 for a food headcanon
         While Gale is vegetarian when outside his home, he’d actually an omnivore! Although it took him a long time to try meat again, due to associating it with trauma. The animals he does kill, are low on the sentience level. Even then, he does it quickly and without pain on the animal’s end.
send 🏡 for a home headcanon
        Gale’s home is like a contained Chaos. None of the furniture matches, (except for he table and chairs in his kitchen) and the walls have been scribbled on through the years. Doodles done by children mainly, although some of his fully grown patients partake in the wall drawing as well. Of course, he can’t let it get too bad-- and changing the color, or removing a drawing from the wall, isn’t difficult with his magic. Although he does take a picture of the wall in question before clearing it. He’s even made a little scrapbook with all the pictures. 💜
send 🍬 for a family headcanon
        Ahhhh someone finally asking the important questions. Whomst the fuck are Gale’s parents. Short answer: he doesn’t have any. 
        So for a long time, the reason he didn’t have any was because I did ‘Oh hey, I don’t have to design family if I just kill them--’ thing. Although for his redesign, I went a lot more in detail about it. A lot of it is headcanon based, and is easily cut-able if I interact with a Discord or another noodle-dragon Oc.
        Essentially, Draconequus’s aren’t made naturally. There is no father, and no mother. Instead, they are made with a long forgotten ritual. Grogar made Discord, in order to wreck havoc and strengthen his rule. Until Grogar was vanquished, and suddenly Discord was without a master. Therein began Discord’s rule of Equestria. 
        Because of Discord’s rule, many resorted to various extreme measures. One of which, was to make a Draconequus that would be his opposite. This is also why Gale is a solid color, as opposed to the colorful Lord of Chaos. It was half a success, and half an utter failure. A large group of mages had traveled to the Dragonlands for the ritual, and it ended up consuming all of them. They lacked some of the required materials, (they only had most of the scroll containing the spell, and some of it was too aged to read) and so the spell took from what was around it. It was able to complete itself, and an egg was produced from the spell. Although it immediately went into hibernation for the next 50 years. Only becoming active, when Ivory Wings stumbled upon it. 
          The Draconequus that was the result of that spell, Gale-- was both weaker than Discord magic wise, and didn’t possess in-laid knowledge of how to use his own magic. Not only that, but the mages intended result, went against the nature of the magic they were conjuring. This is why his magic levels are much lower, because while his mind is awake-- it counteracts his connection with chaos. This is also why his emotions influence his magic. Especially ones of distress, like anger, sadness, guilt, etc. They cause an inner-chaos in his mind, and allow him to channel his magic further than normal.
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howlingchains · 3 years
Careers I've thought about pursuing but couldn't/didn't.
I'm just gonna make a list cause my mind is racing atm and my meds don't work sooo buckle up.
1. Big Cat Vet - I wanted to go to africa and check up on the tagged big cats like Lions and Cheetahs and make sure their health was good.
2. Graphic Design - I wanted to be apart of video game companies and help make characters but I can't draw humans for shit.
3. Pro Gamer - speaks for itself but I'm not that good even after practicing.
4. Modeling - I was doing it right out of HS but mental health got in the way and stopped. I still have some photos from photoshoots.
5. Horse Trainer - I loved being around horses growing up, they grounded me when I needed meditation but childhood trauma stopped me.
6. Interior Design - I loved drawing floor plans and coming up with cool ideas. Sims came out and let me live my dream in a video game. Went to college for it but stopped due to losing interest and mental health.
7. Own my own coffee shop - Still a big dream of mine but now with a little twist.
8. Professional Drifter - I wanted to be one of those girls that had the Fast & Furious cars. Now I just want my cute anime car that makes peoples heads turn.
9. Own a business - I created a clothing store (AestheticThreads) with my designs on them for a little while and I did for a little while on Etsy making stickers and keychains but stopped after fixation was long gone.
10. Photographer - Something about capturing special moments made me happy but started comparing myself to others so I stopped.
11. Youtuber - I had a Youtube channel for gaming in like 2017 but stopped due to pregnancy and moving. Mainly lost interest. I was making Roblox videos and one got to like 300k views which was cool.
12. Conductor - I wanted to have my own train and travel the world. I have memories with my grandmother about this so I still hold this close to my heart.
13. Pilot - Something about being in the air flying felt freeing to me.
14. School Teacher - I always played pretend and I was the school teacher, I still think about this as a career sometimes.
15. Astrologer - I wanted to know what the fuck I was talking about lol
16. Psycologist - Mainly jsut wanted to know what the hell was wrong with me, but having toxic parents I was able to learn pretty quickly on some things. I still read about it and always learning it.
17. Writer - I had this cool story about Red Riding Hood being an assassin ( sorta like levi ackermen ) and had this cool plot but I never finished it and then tried writing a fan fic with Bokuto but stopped. Still a cool idea to me.
This is all I can think of off the top of my head but I'll keep adding when I remember or find my notepad with all my dreams :) ♡
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