#mainly on twt but again just in case
ghost-bard · 1 month
Maybeee maybe ankarna and cassandra will bring the rat grinders back??? Bc as goddesses theyd understand that they were literally under the influence of a corrupted ankarna and/or manipulated by a man trying to make himself into a god??? Maybe?????? I really hope that this wont be a like “oh well they shouldn’t have worked with porter and jace sucks for them” kinda deal bc. We know its more than that? And it would hard core suck narratively if they just permadied for being easily manipulated kids when they could easily be brought back by any number of people or as like a miracle like. Cmon. Also their deaths arent even that satisfying bc we KNOW they arent really equipped for actual combat, idk.
I liked the episode dgmw but i kinda just feel. Bummed out knowing theres a decent chance of them just being misunderstood and manipulated, and never getting to be kids or getting like rehabilitation or whatever.
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beemers-hell · 3 months
I've seen a lot of fashion doll posting on your twitter and like, I don't exactly know how to ask but if you ever want to infodump about it on here that would be so genuinely interesting
Not pressuring you in any way of course! I just like seeing your fashion doll posting
rubs my hands together maliciously
Ok so I don't actually have anything I feel like talking about doll wise atm, I prefer making one off posts here n there about the dolls I'm into on twt more than tumblr cause I feel like twt is better suited for one off thoughts while tumblr is better suited for dedicated n thought out posts, at least with how I use it. Which is why you see a lot more wips/shitposts from me on twt than tumblr. so instead I'll just show yall my current collection!!! ANYWAY long ass post time
I've been working on finding and filling out various release lines from different doll brands im fixated on and have been rearranging my collection set up a lot cause of it lol. My shit is scattered all around my room because of how me and my little brother have divided up space for us to display both of our separate collections of things (we are both autistic and insane about our special interests) so there's gonna be a lot of photos lol
TO BEGIN: here's my display case of all my old g1 Monster High dolls I managed to hold onto since I was a kid! I got all of these back when MH initially debuted (when I was around 8 or 9) and all of these dolls have survived through my childhood/teenage years, hence why they're not in super great shape unfortunately lol
the only exceptions to this being the Día de Muertos Howliday Skelita, since obvs that's a recent release, as well as the misc. dolls I have scattered around the top of the case, those are dolls that s0uless has gifted to me over the past 2 years teehee
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Moving on, to my current collection of dolls I began purchasing for myself over the past year: starting with this set of shelves next to my bed! I'm mainly using this as my Bratz shelf, but I ran out of room to fit my Skultimate Secrets Fearidescent Dolls where I usually keep my Monster High dolls, so they're there for now.
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I only have Jade's reproduction doll because when the Bratz reproductions first began releasing, I was being strict with myself about not indulging in dolls again so I only let myself get Jade since shes my fav. Which I'm sad about, cause I'd love to have all the girls together for both their 20th anniversary reproduction dolls and their Alwayz dolls together. Also, there's a spot left empty next to my Alwayz Cloe bc I have Not been able to find Alwayz Sasha in stores like ANYWHERE for the past 2 months, so I gave up and ordered her online. She'll be arriving here in a couple days!!
Next up is this series of shelves above my dresser that I mainly use to display misc. figures n other shit I've come to own since I was like 12 (you can tell bc of the MHA stuff lmao) but I recently cleared some space so I could fit my Skultimate Secrets Series 1 Dolls (and Spa Day Lagoona + Scare-adise Frankie and Draculaura) somewhere, as well as having a place to display my current set of LOL OMG dolls! And also Bank art doll cameo lmao
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Then we have the top shelf of my desk, which mostly has various Knicks knacks compacted into a corner but I put my two LOL OMG Tweens together there, as well as my single Licca doll that s0uless got me for this past christmas and the custom doll they made of my sona for me! <3
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(fun fact me and s0uless are currently in the process of making more custom dolls of Eb, Bank, and the triplets but you'll have to wait n see on that one hehe)
And finally for dolls, here's my desk setup, where I display my main Monster High dolls! I mostly just display each Signature Doll + Their Core Refreshes here, but Monsterball Draculaura didn't have space anywhere else so she gets to chill there too lmao
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Thats it for my actual dolls, but I have two other photos to share, which is just how I set up my Skultimate Secrets Series 1 Lockers + where I put the posters that come with each Bratz doll I have lmao
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ok thats all I'm done now, ill update this when Sasha gets here lmao
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just-antithings · 4 months
It's official, antis are now attacking published authors.
Oh this has been happening for a while, mainly within booktwt circles (booktok too but I haven't personally seen much of it and can't name off the top of my head drama I've seen there).
Some instances have gotten big enough to end up being noticed outside book twitter (it's almost always YA booktwt too...) like when some YA authors bashed their old English teachers for making them read "problematic" classics, or when Becky Albertalli got harassed so much, she came out as bi (and then get attacked again by an ex-Buzzfeed youtuber that said Albertalli had still been privileged for "appearing straight" and insinuating closeted queer people are inherently in a privileged position compared to out queer people). Then there were the booktubers and bookstagammers harassing Leigh Bardugo about writing a rape scene in her first adult book Ninth House, to the point that Bardugo felt the need to talk about her past trauma. One booktuber I've seen apologized in a later video, though based on some of her later videos, I have doubts she's trying to change /that/ much.
I'm not sure if the other anon is talking about Nyla K when mentioning the author who got their books taken down from Amazon (it wouldn't surprise me if it's happened to plenty of other authors), but Nyla K has been called pedophilic, primarily because of their m/m/m stepcest/twincest (twin teens and their stepdad, pretty sure) book, where the twins are underage (17? I think?). The booktuber I mentioned above called her writing "pedo incest" in passing, as a "gotcha" because Nyla K is friends with another author said booktuber was ranting about.
Then there was what happened with Ava Reid's book Juniper & Thorn, her twt thread saying it almost didn't get published, due to some of the dark topics in the /gothic horror/ book.
And all the authors I've mentioned other than Nyla K are traditionally published. While many publishing houses have their own drama and issues, harassment like the above isn't going to hurt as badly as if they'd been self-published. Nyla K having their books removed from Amazon has likely hurt their earnings, and while it looks like they've leaned into it (their IG last I checked says "banned & proud"), it's still a fight they shouldn't have to fight, just because the neopuritans decided their books shouldn't exist.
And in the case of the publisher first thinking Reid's book was "too dark", I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have worried about that if Reid was a man. It's been said over and over, but all of this backlash from antis is hurting minorities the most.
as it always does and always will
also they’ve been attacking neil gaiman for a good while now
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frankenjoly · 5 months
lucy and/or sigma for the character ask game?
First impression: i remember thinking her ability's quite cool, and the fact she was doing it all to not be alone again,,, ouch.
Impression now: i love her so much, i'd fight for her.
Favorite moment: cheating bcs it's not just one but pls, all the ways she's helped the ada??? they give this girl proper thanks.
Idea for a story: don't have a plot yet but,,,, kyoka and lucy besties,,,,
Unpopular opinion: i don't think this is in any way unpopular but... her being pissed at atsushi post-guild arc at first is very much understandable with the info she had.
Favorite relationship: atsushi!!! another case of "i ship this, but like both platonic and romantic depictions" kind of thing. also this is a reach/more based on hc than their 2-3 canon interactions, but kyoka pls. same with alcott, except sadly in this case there's... none on-screen...
Favorite headcanon: trans bi lucy (though this is kinda a cheat card bcs i have 9283498) of those. and one i internalized via osmosis, aka her being colorblind.
First impression: cool design, very intrigued.
Impression now: another character i like quite a lot (though there's few i don't like/don't care about), very relatable.
Favorite moment: sigma facing fyodor/tachi and teruko respectively, like,,, think of yourself as much of "just a random someone" as you want, but that shit takes courage.
Idea for a story: aus aside, post-current arc sigma moving to New Home. like, both my heart and my brain say ada sigma, but judging by the kinda house he pictures i doubt the dorms would fit sigma's tastes laksdjf.
Unpopular opinion: (i promise i can do more stuff than complaining about takes i've seen on twt mainly) i don't like when the only thing ppl keep is the nervousness/anxiety, bcs precisely one of the things that makes sigma so interesting for me is how despite that he carries on (oh, to be).
Favorite relationship: nikolai, partly bcs how they get in kahoots in canon and bcs of their personalities combo. same with dazai, tbh (and yeah, more cases of "things i ship but also see platonically laksdjf i'm a big-ass multishipper).
Favorite headcanon: they will have to pry nb sigma from my cold, dead hands. and ace+arospec while we're at it. also i think he likes pretty hairdos with braids and buns.
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junjiie · 7 months
ok got too excited for a sec and unfollowed you ignore that- but long awaited sol opinion time???
batter up wasn’t bad. idm the song tbh and at some point it might grow on me but overall the sound was boring tbh… no hate at all to the girls and stuff bc they’re so young but i feel that the company hyped this gg up for so long and with the reputation of being the next gg up yg after blackpink, the final product is less of a “this is trash” and more of a “this was all you could really do?” bc i know for a fact they probably have newer sounds kept away in the basement somewhere.
the vocals, rap, and dance are all great. but the main issue is that a lot of them are still minors. mainly the youngest who is 13. her voice will change a lot as she grows older and i hope yt know how to accommodate that properly bc i know for a fact that companies will force artists to sing in a certain range for their whole career bc “it’s what the people want”
i saw people complaining about not having a storyline to their group and tbh, i don’t think a group needs a story to be popular. i get that having concepts like that is what makes k-pop what it is, but if you focus too much on a storyline for your sounds, you lose part of the musical ascent and limit yourself to certain topics. im actually glad in this case that yg didn’t didn’t end up going with a storyline path bc it would restrict them further and with again, how they all are, having to make a concept that will fit the members for the whole long run is hard.
i think storyline are wonderful if you’re able to show subplots and different meanings within the songs without having to stick to that one story; each song is a tale itself. ateez and txt pull these off well imo just bc of the way they storylines are already so complicated, meaning you’d have to dig deeply into things for the lore. it’s not constricted to one side of things. idk if any of that made sense-
the mc was. boring… idk like i feel like the could have done so much more to show case them? the rap line had a good part in the mv where they got more physicality but the vocals just. stood. idk. maybe that’s just my inner performer who was told to use up the stage a lot coming though LMFAO
omg i hope you enjoyed this little spillage of my thoughts. i don’t think i’ll follow baby monster just bc it feels odd? to follow them when again, over half the members are younger than me TwT
ok soju show coming to you… sometime. that channel… always so late to things smh
SOL OPINION TIME!!!! iput my Glasses on and fought away the eepiness for this 🤓
1 - !!! THIS !!! i don’t think it’s a bad song at all. i did think it sounded a little like. quiet? but that’s j me probably ive had my headphones in p much all day at tinnitus inducing volume so. Yeah ❓ from what ive seen most people don’t think it’s bad or anything, the complaint is that it’s boring. like. lazytown snoozefest big yawn boring. they put people through that long of a wait and built up that much suspense and excitement for it to just be. That???? kind of giving low effort laziness i fear.. like at least make it a little bit life changing damn
2 - THIS ABAINNNNN more groups need to start making music for the sake of it being music my god 😭😭 the lore and storylines are cool if you’re into that but if you’re a more casual listener and you don’t wanna get into all the things you feel like you need to know prior to a release bc of all the importance the story has to it then it kinda sucks ??? take sticker for example (ijbol) . that was not complicated intricate story telling . they were cunty cowboys and taeil had a dog
3 - the mv erm… it was there idk 🙁 someone said if u told them it was a nugu group w $10 and a dream they’d believe it and lowk i would too 😭 some bits were cool ig but i was thinking…. its called “batter up”…. so couldn’t they do sth fun and . yk . baseball themed?? taking terminology from a game and then not hsing thatgame j sounds kinda stupid like i get u want them to look perfect and cool but its Right Thre .
THANKU FOR SPILLING UR THOUGHTS BSF!!! sry if i wasnt v coberent im tired lmao. i wont b following them either i j wanted to see what other people thought abt it :o
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apriiciitty · 1 year
people of the internet,
the eighth sense has me hooked.
I literally didn’t even know what the hell it is with this bl but I feel so addicted to it.
it radiates so many common feelings and situations that seem to be familiar to todays youth. it’s so fresh, relaxing and comforting the way they portray so many common problems with which we can relate, I just love these specific details a lot.
mainly because I find my own self relating to certain points in an extrem level however, besides that, the whole series’s just so gripping?
you get sucked in it pretty quickly.
let’s talk a bit about jaewon and jihyun because I love their characters so much:
overall, I think we can all agree that both characters carry their own interesting personas right? they are very unique and carry their own stories and weight on their shoulders. they are both pretty commonly written, but also extremely extraordinary at the same time?
Jihyun seems to be a person who just goes with the flow. we saw how he directly got a job right when he moved in Seoul, he tries new things out, he’s ready to explore his environment and I believe he is willing to take chances. He seems to like quiet and peace, is very honest and curious.
I believe that, even though we are on episode 6 already, we still haven’t seen much of jihyun though. And that’s where jaewon jumps right into. I think that we will get to discover jihyun’s sides through jaewon.
as for jaewon,
I think I could write pages and pages on his persona. jaewon’s character is a bit more developed because I think the series’s taking part on his point of view, current me if I’m wrong. That’s why i believe that he is the one who will unfold jihyun’s persona. His story is more detailed and -not so much but actually so much-complicated.
the fact that he wears a different mask on his daily routine in order to please everybody around him, makes me feel sick and tired, imagine being him. that’s just too much. besides that, today we came across his trauma which left many questions behind but also gave us a few answers for some specific points, mainly about jaewons behaviour.
and that’s how we stumble on jihyun again.
I believe that in this case, jihyun is the one to actually make jaewon feel like himself without having to be pretentious and pretty much fake.
both of them are like a puzzle, who only they can place together out of each other.
i don’t think that we will get a sad ending, that’s not really the vibe we get of the show. I am not very sure as to why the incident with jihyun took place, I guess this will be a break-point where jaewon will overthink their relationship and will have second thoughts? maybe because he wasn’t able to help jihyun when he was drowning and so he’ll feel like he is dangerous for jihyun OR he’ll actually save jihyun and maybe he will find peace within himself, for when he wasn’t able to help his little brother? idk
I am just mentally not ready for anything dramatical to be honest and neither are you.
twt: @o0rageade
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cocoducker · 2 years
Ah it's pretty nice to be back here again! But, because of unfortunate circumstances TwT
Hi my name is cocoducker I'm an artist I mainly do furry art but sometimes I do draw humans, from time to time! I'm a bisexual lion but I also stream on twitch!
I have 4 fursonas
I mainly use the lion his name is cocoducker
My second one is a polar bear his name is ursine
The last two are shiba inu's you'll see them really soon.
Anyways I might start posting my art here just in case Twitter goes bad! So welcome everyone I hope you guys enjoy what I do here!
Here are my other socials if you wanna follow!
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explodingstarlight · 1 year
Tag 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better 2: Electric Boogaloo
So I got tagged by @snailsnaps to do this thingy and y'know what? Why not? Thanks for the tag! 💜
CURRENTLY READING_____________________
I'm pretty much constantly reading fics (hello hyperfixations), so there's a lot in progress, BUT here's some Rise fic recs:
Alpha Stage by @/snailsnaps
New Hardware by @/west-brooke
I Almost Remember by ExploringEarth (AO3)
pretty much all of the "future!leo is sent back in time" fics (Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis, Odd Man Out, you know the ones /pos)
A Tale of Spirits by @/unorthodoxx-page
Desiderium by KodeezNutz (AO3)
Me Before You by Anoichoria (AO3)
These are all so very lovely and scratch the found family itch in the back of my brain--do please mind the tags though especially if the Kraang goopiness was not for you. ���️
FAVOURITE COLOR_____________________
Hmm, ngl black is probably my go-to, but I do enjoy maroon, most shades of purple, and forest green.
LAST SONG_____________________
If you mean like, the last song I listened to, then: Cotard's Solution (Anatta, Dukkha, Annica) by Will Wood and the Tapeworms
LAST MOVIE_____________________
I went and saw Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) for the second time with my buddy! Honestly can't recommend it enough--the animation alone is STUNNING /sooooooo pos
As a general rule, I lean towards savoury foods, but I can do sweet and spicy (to an extent). I do enjoy sweets, but ngl my sweet tolerance is pretty damn low like, a bite of cake is generally enough for me to be like "okay, that was nice, i'm done. 👍"
This doesn't extend to beverages though--I am a sweet beverage FIEND.
CURRENTLY WORKING_____________________
Various & sundry art (mainly ROTTMNT, Amphibia, and a lil TOH)
Planning/considering a DTYIS for 3k+ over on insta & twt
Finishing up a Amphibia fanzine with two lovely co-hosts/buddies (we're almost done!! just had more contributors to contend with than anticipated ahsahjfd)
--- Okie dokie, that's that! ---
Thank you again for the tag Snails, it was fun to do one of these! :3 /g
Uhhh so pretty much anyone who wants to is welcome to join in! I'll tag/silent-tag a couple moots off of the top of my head though, just in case this sounds fun (and you are ofc very welcome to ignore it as well; no pressure either way ^^):
@avephelis @cerealsnail @/nyellyscious @/pastadorable @/ren-mielthebee
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blehbelikereder · 11 months
Fic ideas, writing at the moment, putting it here so I won't lose it on twt just in case- Assclass tired thoughts idk what the ship name for karasuma and karma is- karakaru? Anyways I want them to live together at one point, perhaps it's something like post class e since karma doesn't have a support system, with his negligent parents, he goes to karasuma since he's basically his only stable, available adult figure and he honestly doesn't know if he can handle being completely alone at the moment while he's filled with grief so to prevent any impulsive bad decisions he ends up staying with karasuma, at first it's fine with karasuma just allowing him in and giving him basic care, which hasn't really happened before with karma and he likes it a good amount but then more and more attention is given as they started to get more accustomed with each other and it's something that karma Realizes he deeply craves, so he's more willing to spend time with the older man and actively seeks karasuma out randomly- the response he gets is positive and it makes him ecstatic so he seeks it out more and more, getting into personal space and touching more often just to feel that care and warmth of another, it's something that's addicting, rushing back from school just to say hi to the man right as he got off work, staying out in the living room rather than his own room so that there's more of a chance the elder will pass him sparking up conversation randomly, even causing trouble in the house just so karasuma stops working and scolds him- it's not enough time though, it's not as close as karma would want especially at night when he wakes up randomly to a bed with only him in it,
One night he actually does seek into karasumas bed, just to see what'll happen, just to feel that warmth- karma knows that obviously karasuma immediately knew that he came in but he doesn't tell karma to leave, he just allows the red head to slip under his arms Nightmare, trauma, there could be plenty of reasons why karasuma would allow karma in his bed, karma doesn't know the answer but he hopes it's because of care, this happens again and again and again although it's stopped from karma going into the bed at the middle of the night To him just going there when he starts to get even the slightest bit tired, over and over constantly being held to sleep, and it's still not enough- he's getting a little more than he did before but he wants more from his ex-teacher, he wants to have more attention
More physical contact, so he starts to touch the older man wherever he can, he starts to take more clothes off before he goes to sleep- getting even more physical touch without boundary, he starts to ask if karasuma can take more of his clothes off too And for some reason, the older just goes along with it, he asks if karma's okay occasionally mainly which makes karma's heart burst with joy but overall he just allows karma to touch, to come close, to hold on tight, even when karma feels though his boxers he just allows it even as karma sinked down under the sheets he gently looks at the red head, even as karma swallowed his length to taste- to fully touch a part of the man completely karasuma just puts a hand on his head, and karma feels alive, to have a part of the elder in him A part of the person that truly cares in him, it's something that karma never knew he wanted but is so excited that he got it, to live in a home with another, to fully be cared for and allowed to taste the other- to swallow something made in the others body, it's something That he thinks he might cherish, something that he thinks he'll stay with for as long as he can- he doesn't care about his old house anymore, not even his parents, it's never held him so tight at night, it's never made his stomach feel full and his heart beat out of his chest It's never giving him markings of affection in the form of purple splatters across his skin, for once he wants to be somewhere truly, the pain of being left behind is no longer a thought- he's cared for, karasuma gets annoyed when he's late because he cares, he touches karma and allows karma to touch him because he cares, he allowed karma in his house in the first place because he cares, he fills karma's body completely because he cares, pressing into karma with his cock, pouring his essence into karma, no one else does this to karma except him because he cares for karma, no one else praises karma for this or holds karma so tightly, no one else marks him like karasuma does, this is care- the care of an adult and karma doesn't want to leave
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tenelkadjowrites · 2 years
ahahahhaha no don't worry, my signal was in fact acting up (i'm on an island) so i decided to send the ask again just in case when i still remembered what i wanted to say! (also totally knew what to expect before i clicked the link 😆)
i know some people hate mullets with passion but i had no idea people were so nasty? his mullet literally attracted me to the group lmao. despite being a fan for a long time i only joined atiny spaces at the beginning of 2020 so i had no clue.
miss tenelka, taemin is my ult as well so i know what you're talking about, i've been a shawol for ages! though my feelings towards hwa are a bit different since taemin is like my bestie, my soulmate (i know, dramatic, i just relate to him and key a lot), and hwa is... my ideal everything... but i theory obviously
their first concerts were something else, i would love to see them again though, but so far it hasn't happened and probably won't for a while 🙄 (glad you're free from your ex)
ahhhh i see, honestly the gossip girl aspects didn't matter to me much, i liked htat the focus was more on the characters, but i understand where you're coming from. i definitely felt the presence of the city in arrow in the dark.
i used to have a hwa side blog (it's sadly gone cause tumblr is a bitch) and i still have hwa centred twt account. i mainly post(ed) about him, made gifs, edits, fan art and some people treat me like a solo stan it's baffling. i won't lie and say he isn't my fave, because he is and i love him the most, doesn't mean i dislike other members, smh.
in the end you have to post and create whatever you want, i'm sure people who bias other members and perhaps don't really read seonghwa fics are a bit jealous because you're such a great writer. so i can't blame them for wanting to read a story about their fave from you! but yeah they just need to deal with it. there's no use writing something that you dislike or feel like isn't authentic
yeah, it was mostly instagram comments whenever he would post a selfie. the comments were usually pretty negative and i remember being disgruntled over it and happy he didn't cave to pressure and change his hair. that's one of the reasons i love hj - he always wears what he wants and does what he wants to his hair and that's that. he's had hairstyles i've not been a fan of but i always love that he does what he wants stylistically boldly. and now newer atiny love the mullet and i constantly see them wishing he would bring it back so i feel vindicated in a way lol.
twitter is overall a pretty negative space. i use it mostly for shitposting because it's just a mess. sorry you had to deal with ppl thinking you were a solo stan. i don't understand the logic in that because there is such a diff between being a solo stan and having a bias, you know? if you ever start posting on there again, let me know cuz i am always kinda looking for good hwa accounts on there.
yeah sometimes i feel a little bit of the odd one out in the fanfic community because i know you are sorta expected to take requests, write for every member of a group, etc and i don't. i'm also shy and keep to myself and i struggle with any sort of attention me (i try not to be too aware of how many notes or followers i have because it gives me anxiety lol). most of the friendships i've formed thru the blog is because people have messaged me first altho i try to overcome my shyness and message people if they've written a fic that i've read and enjoyed a lot. i understand if someone likes my writing style but doesn't wanna read a hwa fic they could be a little frustrated i haven't written for other members but as you said, my writing is an extension of me and it's important that i write what i want and what feels true to me. the work is better for it.
thanks for always taking the time to send in thoughtful mesages.
EDIT: also i completely forgot to reply to the taemin part of this message omfg, sorry about that.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
timing anon here! xD i can’t attach image with anon ask but i saw tweet like this: “ㅋr이님 아니고 타이밍인가??? 애매 근데 넘 죵니니같아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. ㅠㅠ” which translates roughly to “not kai-nin but timing? but it really does seem like jyongnini”
korean language uses words derived from english all the time called ‘loanwords’, like ‘fork’ (po-keu 포크) and ‘juice’ (joo-seu 주스) just to name a few. ‘timing’ is one of them and would also be pronounced with its hard consonant ‘t’ like ta-ee-ming (타이밍).
watch workman ep 102 on yt for an example! scroll to 4:54 and you can see subtitles and jsk using 타이밍 with it’s english derived pronunciation and meaning.
the only case i can think of right now where a more korean pronunciation with ‘h’ in place of a hard consonant for a common loanword is ‘fighting’ (hwa-ee-ting 화이팅). my korean is a bit rusty so also correct me if wrong!
as for laugh: yes! i agree he has a very nasally voice! but his laugh is a bit different to his speaking voice. again, i can’t explain with words but it’s just my opinion! i don’t have sources or anything, just discussing.
mainly, the nom print shirt is the nail in the coffin for me. there’s a video on twt merging nom image over print on the guy’s sweater and to me it matches down to the glow/back light behind ji’s head in the image.
from this, assuming it’s nom merch, ji mentioned in the tdwj live with jungnm and na pd that he only made and gave merch to staff he worked with. he was showing a black hello stranger sweater but we can assume it applies to all his k4i print merch since it’s not for sale at the moment. so from what we know, it’s only possible that he and maybe some close staff could have a nom print sweater the guy in rose mv making video was wearing.
assuming all above, my personal analysis is that only ji would wear it to ks’s mv filming. knowing korean culture, i find it hard to imagine even the closest friend to ks deciding to wear ji’s merch and shorts to visit him.
korean culture has high regard for appearances and fashion choice to look presentable. blatant kpop merch and shorts is not something someone is likely to wear out in public where they won’t be filmed to promote it, especially to a film location where ks works and people would know they’re tied to ks himself. from this, we can assume it’s not a staff member because they have strict clothing regulations or a friend because it’s just not appropriate socially.
ji himself has been seen wearing k4i merch quite often, so it’s not hard to imagine him putting it on without much thought because it’s his own merch and he’s used to it. and given all above, that’s why i think nom print sweater guy is ji. this is just my opinion!!!
Great Analysis anon!
You're amazing!!
So Yes also for Anon The Guy in Nom shirt is Ji !
Though our opinions are different but you have provided great detailed explanation instead of yelling hate!
I love your elegant sense of discussion and giving opinions diligently and in full respect I love it! .
And with the evidence you have provided to enhance your words! That's amazing of you.
Thank you for your ask anon-nim 👌🏻
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mmx-code-crimpphire · 2 years
OKAY SO- to explain why the christmas thing has been delayed almost a month
Mainly because I was still waiting on Cereal, but I’m being patient, you know- I let my other VAs take their time, even if I have a soft deadline, meaning I have a date set, but if the other VAs have problems, I let them take their time.
In this case, I was getting worried and I debated on asking her if she was okay multiple times to myself. Then I just legit asked her if she just wanted me to upload it if need be
I voice some of the filler lines for other VAs lines so I can fill them in when I need to, but if they don’t feel mentally well and not having a good time or something else came up, I can just leave my filler voice in there when need be, or have someone else fill in.
so it’ll be uploaded in a few days!! Apologies for those waiting, but I’m happy y’all are so patient and bless Cereal for trying her best in wanting to voice but not having the greatest time mentally rn. I won’t go into detail, but give her some love~.
her tumblr is @soltycheerios
give her some love, I command it
lol see ya later and stay tuned for the thing finally!! Again sorry to keep you waiting but it’s no one’s fault but my own TwT even if I shouldn’t be at fault either but I’m taking blame anyway lmao
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elytra · 4 years
Hey idk if you heard but dream is ableist :( he straight up said the r slur on his Twitter and made fun of his autistic and mentally ill followers when they said that it was a slur (this was a few months ago so idk if the actual tweets are deleted or not)
i have a lot of things to say abt dream and the discourse he's been in tbh, im going to try to say it as eloquently (?) as possible (under the read more cause it's a bit long)
idk what the whole background is cause im not hyper active on twt and im not actually following dream atm (yes, due to drama), but apparently he recently said he has adhd, which is cool, me too etc. people with adhd can reclaim the r slur. 
people with millions of subscribers, many of which outright defended a6d when he refused to stop saying the r slur, should probably not say the r slur as it normalizes its' use. he's fully within his right to, but he really shouldn't cause he has a lot of young followers.
i think he clarified that he never actually said the slur, just defended its use (by a6d, again) a while ago, and has since changed his stance on it? but ive never seen him actually criticize a6d for his use of the slur, which disappoints me a lot cause, yknow, man's got 11 mil subscribers, he could use them for something other than hiking up the glow squids votes. the whole "a6d is my friend" thing didn't impress me either tbh.
also, im assuming that when he tweeted the r slur, no one knew he had adhd, so doubly not it. i don't know about him making fun of others who tried to call him out on it, but i think recently he joked about another streamer having a fidget spinner, and it turns out that streamer also has adhd, and a lot of people got very upset about it because it seemed like he was making fun of her for stimming? 
personally, i think in this case people are blowing things out of proportion (like the squid) cause i joke about fidget spinners too even though i have like 3 (they're good to stim with), because it was a meme for like, months. what i feel like people don't discuss enough honestly is his (and a LOT of his fans') inability to take criticism.
Like a couple months ago when he did a "war cry" and indigenous people said "hey that's offensive, don't do that please" and he got really aggressive about it, before apologizing a bit later. saying things are just a joke and not offensive and that people shouldn't be "overreacting" is just a scummy thing to do; if he said something homophobic and tried to defend himself the same way, i don't think as many people would have come to his defense. as it is, a lot of (mainly white) stans crawled out of the woodwork to belittle and invalidate indigenous people's concerns on the issue. 
i don't really want to get into his apologies and suchnot because i'm personally very bad at reading tones, but he has apologized for stuff he's done. i don't think he apologized well, but hopefully he's learning from his mistakes. i really hope stans can also stop taking criticism of ccs they like personally, because like, dream isn't gonna personally email you a thank you note for it, and you're just hurting other people by constantly defending him when he makes mistakes, plus he won't learn and grow.
um so yeah again sorry if this is really long i just have a lot of Thoughts about things and frankly the racial insensitivity thing from him and his fans has been bothering me a bit :) i like his content and im not saying that people should like, be condemned for liking him, but you can and should enjoy something or someone and still be able to criticize them, those things r not mutually exclusive
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brotato-chibs · 4 years
Genuine question: why would that person in twt even think shinichi is gaslighting anyone?? He holds back the truth but in no way does he outright say "no you are wrong and your memory/senses are failing you." A little confused with how they thought Shinichi was manipulative?? (Maybe they thought that by making those phone calls like in the white valentine or the case when ran stayed up trying to unlock conan's phone was considered "manipulative"???Genuinely would love to hear your thoughts on it
I don’t really have the brain energy to type a proper comment on this, sorry.
But honestly. I don’t think OP really paid attention to the show or the fact Shinichi is legit trying to get back to normal and to stop hiding the truth from Ran. They seem like a kid who’s just tossing around the word gaslighting as if they know the meaning. If this is how they react to Shinichi hiding his identity from Ran, idk how they react to those superhero movies where they hide their identities with simple disguises and shit. 
Either that or they don’t understand the looming threat of ‘if you fuck up, and everyone you know could get killed.’ It’s a lot of pressure and Shinichi is just a high school kid. And again. Just. a teenager. Idk why the hell people expect him to be perfect??? Sure he knows how to aim a soccerball like some aimbot mofo and can come up with good plans or impromptu. 
He’s still mainly, a teenager. Period. 
Second... It’s fiction. I’m just dumbfounded when people can’t seem to separate that from reality. 
sorry for the ramble. I just cannot even comprehend these kinds of people anymore with their bad takes. It’s pretty easy to keep those sort of thoughts to yourself. If you hate a character or how things are written, fine, but it should be kept in mind people actually like that character. Why shit on them by saying these sort of things????? Ugh.
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sukipershipper · 5 years
Next in Line (TWT Fic)
(Note: Okay, so I was in the mood to write a bit about the Funk Trolls, mainly D. So I decided to make this, please tell me whatcha think)
Far away, hidden deep within troll forest, is Wire City, home of the Funk trolls. Like every other troll type, all of the residents looked the same, long necks, lanky legs, striped fur, crooked teeth and matted hair on top of their heads. The Funk trolls were by far the most bizarre of all trolls, no one knew where they came from, and they often get treated like trash. Nonetheless, they continued their parties in the safety of their home, and under the protection of their two leaders, King Quincy, and Queen Essence. 
Before they ever became the head honchos, Quincy was the son of the great King James, while Essence was the daughter of a farmer. Quincy found her alone one night by a pond and decided to sit by her, ask how she was, all of that usual good mannered stuff that every royal member had to know. The two began to meet up more and more each night, in the same spot, and soon the two found themselves bound the strong chains of love. Later in life they got married, they were given the royal titles, and they ended up having two beautiful baby boys. Unfortunately, one had gone missing during an escape from a bergen, and it was a tragic loss for the whole kingdom. Quincy vowed from that point on that in their new home they were all safe and made a rule that no one was allowed to leave Wire City, unless it was for resources. No free roam, no waltzing with the animals, none of that. 
Everyone was happy with the rule that was set, everyone except Prince Demetri, or D as he preferred to be called. Having to grow up stuck in the boundaries of his home was not easy, and it certainly not fun, D found his mind slowly slipping with boredom each passing day. All he longed for was to get to know the world beyond his home, unfortunately his parents were very strict on the rules and refused to let him leave, lest the same thing that happened to his brother happen to him as well. D understood his parents meant well and he never hated them for doing what they did, he was just disappointed he'd never get that chance.
D woke up with a yawn and stretched himself in ways that were unimaginable to most trolls. He walked to the window, drew back the curtains and smiled as the sun shone into his room. D took and deep breath in and sighed, "Good Morning, Wire City" he said to himself as he trotted over to his vanity, tidying up his messy, blue dreads, looping golden rings around a few of them. When he was finally ready, he walked out of his room and quietly peered into his parents room. "Still asleep" he whispered, he smiled as he tiptoed downstairs into the kitchen, where he was greeted by another Funk troll, Marcel, the chef. "Morning your highness! So, how are the parents?" Marcel quietly asked, "Morning Marcel, I just checked on them, still sound asleep" D replied.
"You sure you want to do this?" Marcel asked him
"Absolutely" D answered, "I just...want to do something nice for my parents, that's all"
"And you're not worried about getting a little...messy?"
"Pfft, nah, now are we going to do this or not?"
Marcel laughed as he got out a few bowls, pans, spoons, cups and spatulas while D got out the necessary ingredients. The two soon got to work and the sweet smell of breakfast was soon drifting through the castle and into the upstairs chambers.
 Quincy stirred slightly as the smell drifted into the room, he sniffed the air and his eyes lightly fluttered open. He sat up and gave a yawn as he gave a gentle kiss on his partners head. 
"Wakey Wakey sleepyhead" Quincy chuckled, Essence opened her eyes slightly and shut them again when a glare of light shot in her face. "Mmmm, five more minutes babe" Essence replied sluggishly, but Quincy was so easily deterred, "No, come on now, don't make me" he teased, getting nothing but a scoff from his wife, "You wouldn't"
"Oh, but I would...and I will…"
Quincy was soon tickling his wife's neck, it was the most ticklish spot on her and he enjoyed watching her squirm and giggle. "Knock it off! I'm up!" Essence laughed as she took a few breathes and sat up at last, "Finally, took ya long enough" Quincy laughed. The two had hopped out of bed and gotten into their signature outfits, before heading downstairs, seeing Breakfast placed on the table in front of them, a pitcher of juice and another of water and ice. 
"Morning Mom, Morning Dad!" D called as he joined them at the table, carrying another plate of pancakes out. "Morning champ, did you make all this?" Quincy asked as D set the plate down, "Well kinda, Marcel helped me-", "IT WAS HIS IDEA!" Marcel called from the kitchen. Essence smiled at her son and placed a kiss on his cheek, "This is so nice of you darling" she said, D blushed a little and smiled back at his parents, "I just wanted to do something nice for you, as a way of saying thank you," he explained, "Now hurry up and eat, the food will go cold of ya don't!"
Quincy wasted no time and dove right into the food, Essence laughed at her husband as he got a few pieces of food for her plate. Soon, most of the food was already gone, "Hey son," Quincy started, his words were muffled due to the food still in his mouth, even as King he forgot his manners every now and again, not that anyone seemed to care,
"I was thinking that...Maybe later today we could have a stroll around the city, have a chat, just me and you, how does that sound?" 
D looked at his father and gave a small smile is response, "Oh, yeah of course!" D said, "I'd like to get out of the house" Quincy nodded as he finished his mouthful and pretty much everything else on his plate. "I'll tidy up, you boys go" Essence said as she began to pack up the dishes. 
Quincy and D began walking their way through the city, many other trolls waved to them, some even screamed in delight when they saw them pass. "So how come you wanted to have this walk, Dad? You always have a reason" D asked, Quincy thought for a bit and sighed, "Son, you know that your time as King will be soon, and...well, I thought maybe we could have a chat, in case there was anything on your mind, anything that has to do with it. So?" D had to think about his answer, the only real question he had on his mind was the same he had for years, and it had already been given its answer several times. 
"Dad...don't get me wrong I love it here but...there really isn't anything new for me to learn here...I want to explore...you know, see the outside world, my heart just...just-"
"Wants to be set free, I know, but you know  don't want you leaving, the last thing I want is to lose you too" Quincy cut in, D sighed, "I mean, besides, being King is a huge responsibility and I do talk even know if I'm up to it, I don't even have a queen!", "Well the queen part is on you, no girl here really seems you appeal to you" Quincy said. 
"That's because they're all so 'In-your-face', I want a girl who's calm, but still funny, and kind, you know, like mom!" D explained, Quincy smiled at that and gave a small laugh, "Well I guess you're gonna have to keep looking, takes ages to find a girl that good", D laughed along with his father, "And about the whole 'Up-to-it' thing, you'll be fine" Quincy told D.
"How...how do you know?" D asked, "Because," Quincy started, he brought D to a statue in the center of the city, it was a statue of a guitar, similar to the one his mother has. "I've seen how you are, you are lively, you are a little reckless but you are also generous. You help trolls around you, you are understanding, you have integrity, you are respectful of others and most importantly...you love family. This is the most important thing to me when it comes to being a king, every troll here, they look up to you, they're like family, and as their King you need to be there to guide them, and not just as a king, but as a friend too."
D looked as his father with wide eyes, "I...never really thought about it like that," he admitted, Quincy nodded "Sometimes we see too much of our bad sides that we can never see the good side that lies within...I'm sure that you'll be a great King son, just remember, your kingdom is like your family, you can't leave them behind to find something that's probably not even real" he explained, D nodded in return as the two continued on their walk.
Night had soon come and D sat in his room, staring at his reflection in the vanity. He looked up to the top right corner and saw a picture of him, his parents, and his twin brother, the one who was lost during the escape from the bergens. "God I bet wherever you are, you're having more fun than I am bro" he murmured to himself, he sighed as he put one his paws/hands (idk) to the picture. "I miss you bro" D said, wearily making his way to his bed, and falling into a deep sleep.
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
Now do 11 to 20! :P
OwO Well alright then!
11. Gives nicknames to others
I could see all my characters doing this, some sooner than others! Aarushi and Ambrose, it would take a bit of socializing before then, Ulva loves doing things like making up nicknames, eddie is again, a more modest and shy character who would take time, and I think Aidan, when he CAN talk XD (sorry he too babey in my head right now) would probably love making up nicknames, especially for the family’s cats and such!
12. Likes to talk to code
Errr the only one I think I can see doing this is maybe Ulva... for fun! I mean, her father is a former soldier, so he might know a few secret code language things! >:3
13.  Doesn’t open up to others very easily
Oh lord, quite a few! Aarushi, Ambrose, Eddie, and Aidan!
14. Is painfully obvious on who they like
Oh jeeze, most likely everyone except my original first two, Aarushi and Ambrose. XD I mean, yeah Ambrose has BECOME an absolute THOT for Eddie, and has had lots of experiences in the past sexually as well, but those times were for the sake of stress relief mainly when looking back. Yes, lust and having sex can be just stress relief and not always out of wanting the other person! XD And even Ambrose had to come a ways before realizing that, but otherwise, he became quite solitary and didn’t really open up to anyone until Eddie. And Aarushi’s case is pretty obvious by now. They just don’t like people in that way! Only out of friendship and familial bonds to they find interest in someone, and nothing more! ... Meanwhile, Eddie, Ulva and Aidan likely are completely OBVIOUS about who they like! X3
15. Would get a tattoo on a whim
YRHTYFUYGU ULVA IS LIKELY THE ONLY ONE DUMB ENOUGH TO DO THIS XD she will likely get stopped though before she does it!!
16. Has a strong eyebrow game
JDFUYJGFG the only answer to this is Ambrose >:3 as he definitely inherited it from his thotty mum. XD 
17. Would jump off a building
🙈 again.. likely Ulva would try...
18. Likes to travel
Ooo I think they ALL like to travel really! Though currently babey Aidan may be the only one not into it, as it takes a bit for him to adjust to new surroundings TwT
19. Likes roses
I think they all like roses! >w<
20. Talks in song lyrics
Pfft um, I can’t really see any of them doing this. Maybe Ulva if she manages to remember the lyrics correctly and is feeling extra goofy??
“Feeee, I can show you the world! Shining, shimmering, splendid!~” 💖
XDD again, thank you for sending this anon! I’m really, really happy to have something to do today/tonight!! And my inbox is open always! 🥰
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