#maintained bog garden
aphroditesmoon · 2 years
hello love! they say you need some jace reqs soo i wanted to try. if you don't mind ofc. jace, being a lovesick puppy he is, is absolutely whipped by his betrothed. but one day he's just too tired/annoyed/riled up so when she does something stupid to make him smile he loses it. a stupid childish fight. yet he says smth harsh/rise his voice too much and as a result he has to witness her crying. his beloved. crying. because of him. cliche hurt/comfort but who doesn't need this boy to comfort them? sorry if you doesn't like it. thank u, though. your works are still fascinating!
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jacaerys velaryon x reader
warnings: angst w fluff ending
a/n: I'm sorry this tookm me so long my dear! and thank you for your kind kind words (⁠◠⁠ᴥ⁠◕⁠ʋ⁠)
Andromeda's was his favorite type of flowers. A type of bog rosemaries. You remember how proud he was to show off his intellectual knowledge of flowers once he found out how keen were of plants and flowers.
The Red Keep's garden was barely a grand view, but he notices how you cherish them anyways.
You loved how much he loved to learn about you, about your interests and your views.
You'd imagine being betrothed without familiarity would make him distant, but he was more kinder and full of care than you could ever ask of.
You also loved how he loved you.
His beautiful rose, how he'd prick his whole body if it'd meant he'd get to hold you.
Though some days, it didn't feel like he would.
Not when he's not even listening to you talking or walking away when you've barely got a hold of him.
You feel your heart shrink at the subtle yet obvious pull of attention from his side.
This is it. You thought. His affections for me are being withdrawn as it always does with everyone else.
You'd thought it'd be different with him, but it seemed only silent trees wouldn't push you away of company.
His mood was solemn with everyone, you shrugged of your insecurities and wonder if you're overacting.
"My love, you haven't touched your meal at all." You remarked, watching him pick on his food and drown himself in his 5th glass of wine that night.
Abruptly, he stands up, glancing at you for a second before his eyes turn to the hallway.
"I shall leave to bed, I feel my appetite have lost." He answers shortly.
Immediately you stand and rush over him, your usual smile graced your face with a sprinkle of excitement.
"I'll accompany you!" You exclaimed, linking your hands with his.
He pursed his lips, trying to hide his tiredness with a barely spread smile at you as you finally reach your chambers.
The smile drops as fast as it comes as his hand leaves yours.
"Thank you for your company, I-" His words halted as the door of his chambers open.
His eyes squinted before it widened.
"Who- You did this?" His voice turns accusatory as he turns to you.
You maintained your smile and nodded. "Don't you like it? They're your favourite." You noted at the Andromeda's spread on his bed and placed on his bedside lamp.
He rushes inside and pushes the flowers off his bed as you walk behind him.
"Don't push it like that!" Your voice grew louder as panic laces it.
His eyes glares into yours as he faces you and pulls you out his room with a grab of your wrist.
"Don't pull this kind of shit again, I don't have time for your nonsense, [name]." He grits out as his grip losens.
You shake your head and feel your eyes burn. "I only wanted to make you happy, I- I wanted to do something for you, do you not loved them-" your voice cracks and you feel your eyes wells up.
His eyes widen again in rage. "Happy? I'm happy when I'm being left alone. I'm tired and now I have this pile of shit to clean." He snapped and slams the door on your face before you could get a word out.
Your held breath releases as tears fall down your cheeks.
You had no idea how many lurking servants had heard his outburst, and you did want to know.
You hold in your breath and your sobs as your feet drags you to your own chamber, head hung low, not daring to look up.
It was almost like you couldn't do a single thing right, just as your father had always told you, just as the whispers of the court ladies have always reminded you, it seemed that embarrassing yourself is only becoming more of you, if only you had kept to yourself.
The next two days, you had not seen your betrothed anywhere, not that you made any effort to search for him. You surrounded yourself with books in the library, and took your meals alone in your room.
You owed him peace, and that was what you'd gave him.
His peace however, was cut short when he finds you in the corner of a bookshelf, sitting cross legged, head in a book.
"I thought I'd found you here." His voice woke you from your reading trance.
You find yourself silent as he takes you in.
His smile sheepish as his eyes bird guilt.
"I- I have not seen you, for a few days." He started.
You voice still struggles to speak, so you nod as an encouragement for him to continue, your eyes looking away from his.
He stops himself at first, kneeling down and sitting next to you.
His shoulder bumping into yours when he moves to look at you. Too close for your own comfort, his anger towards you still a lingering fresh memory.
His eyes moves from your face to the book you're reading.
"Old valyria history, you could've just asked me to tell you about it if you're ever curious." He says.
You couldn't help the snort that left you.
"So you could scream at me again?" You'd words beat you to the chase of your patience.
His flinches as if you've slapped him and his gaze turns pained.
"I hadn't meant it." He whispers lowly.
"And yet you haven't apologized either." You snapped.
"I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I will beg for it still." He starts.
Whatever remark you've prepared, died on your throat as his hands clasps yours, raising it to his lips, kissing it before splaying it on his chest.
"I've been the biggest idiot the world's ever known." You huffed, a smile threatening to break free.
"I wish I could take it all back, and I wish you had known I picked up every petal I pushed off my bed to keep safe in a vase, near me when I sleep. I didn't know why I blew up on you, but you were never the cause of my anger, and you should not have to deal with my wrath, my immature, stupid wrath."
His voice turns somber.
"Will you forgive me, my sweet love.* He attempts, eyes begging at you with so much sincerity you could not do anything but nod.
"I'm sorry too, I only wanted-" He interjects before you could finish, shaking his head.
"Never apologize, not to me, not to anyone. You're actions were as pure as your heart, It's I that should be groveling at your feet, and yet you spare me the misery."
You sniffed away tears and laugh shortly at his antiques.
"You're so dramatic Jace, I forgive you my prince, I always will." A smile finally appears on him as his hand moves to remove a strand of your hair away from your face.
He leans forward and bumps his nose on yours. "Does this mean you'll finally grace me with a kiss my lovely?" He teases, voice still quavering.
You giggle and answer him with your lips indulging his. His warms tongue not hesitating to slip in yours as his hands pulls you up into his lap.
He groans as your fingers laced his hair and pulls it as he sucks on your bottom lip.
"My pretty flower, what have I ever done to deserve such a gift as you." He mumbles against your throat as his lips moves down you neck, kissing and biting.
You grin at his words and close your eyes, relaxing in his touch.
"Do not fret, know that all is forgiven, you have of as much power over me as I do to you." You replied before laying your head on his chest, his arms fast around you.
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b-blushes · 5 months
Surprise project reveal: POND!!!
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Since the start of the year I’ve been working on turning one third of this flowerbed into a pond, hopefully for wildlife! I’ve done all the research, planning, and buying, and my dad has pretty much done all the manual labour due I’m disabled, ginormous shoutout to my dad! And to my friend for coming over to help me start digging out dead plants which needed to go before we could get started! <3 As you may know, I have been wanting to see tadpoles soooooo badly, and also have a patch of garden that is too large for me to manageably maintain, so I decided to try and create a new habitat for a plethora of creatures! I researched native plants and what they add to the environment (hiding places for tadpoles, baby newts and any other critters that end up in there, attracting pollinators (good for pollinators and also good for creatures that eat them!), plants that newts like to lay spawn in, what kind of plant will provide year-round shelter and cover, etc) and designed the pond according to which I liked. On two sides of the pond we made a ‘bog garden’ lined with pond liner with a couple of holes poked in it so there was a liiiiiitle drainage, and then filled with aquatic soil.
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I also added a shallow area for bees and other creatures to drink (I will add some more rocks to this though as the water level is high at the moment!), as well as making sure that anyone gets into the pond can also get out of it. I filled it with rainwater, so hopefully it will establish soon and I will start to see pond beasts in my garden!!!
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The brooklime planted inside a container within the pond, and surrounded by gravel and shallow water, will grow across the pond to provide cover. Unfortunately I picked up a non-native horsetail instead of our native one by accident, but nonetheless it will be perfect for dragonfly nymphs to crawl out of the water and moult to become dragonflies!
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I placed one water forget-me-not in the water itself, and another in the bog garden to see which they prefer. The one in the photo on the left went in to the bog garden first, and is flowering! Followed by the one in the centre photo in the water which is a couple of weeks behind. In the section of the bog garden pictured in the middle, is a native iris and a native marsh marigold (closeup on the right) which will both flower yellow - behind these I'm going to build a log pile as additional habitat and a place for any creatures to take shelter in a cool, damp, protected place.
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Also in the bog garden (along the long side of the pond) is native water mint which will flower pink, and a corkscrew rush which appeared in one of my mums flowerpots so needed to be transplanted somewhere else. (It's being shadowed by another self-set teasel, that one should flower next year!)
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Water crowfoot inside the pond! These will grow much bigger and have white flowers too! The pond is very fresh (the water has only just cleared enough from planting to be able to see to the bottom properly in the last couple of days), so I’m looking forward to all the plants getting huge and seeing flowers too. It’s also within an existing flowerbed, so this year it looks as if at least one self-set teasel will flower next to the pond (they flower in their second year), and I also planted an ornamental sage to provide shade to one end, as it’s in quite a bright spot and I have another of these growing elsewhere which overwintered really well and is so bushy! It was also buzzing with bees and other guys last year, and flowers for a really long time.
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I think that's everything! I'm so excited to have gotten to this point, I've been dreaming of my own pond for years, and I'm hoping I designed one that will end up being home to lots of creatures that I can watch! :') I can't wait for it all to establish and hopefully becoming a bustling ecosystem.
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ravenvsfox · 7 months
gonna ask an absolutely insane question but at the same time i feel like ur the only person who can answer it properly. how do u figure out and measure pacing and rhythm in ur writing? to this day i can't think of anyone who does it so well
hi millie I have good news this is an extremely normal question AND I'm very flattered that you asked me!!! I don't feel that pacing is my strong suit so this is a tasty little confidence boost ilysm
I think the biggest piece of advice I feel confident enough to give you is this: you can end a scene as soon as it starts to feel like its energy is waning--you don't have to put a neat button on it. Sometimes my scenes/chapters are truly only a few lines long (and then I hit em with the ------ line break).
Don't be afraid to break things up into bitesized sequences, bc you can always go back in and string those scenes together/beef them up, but if your point is getting lost in filler soup, it may be harder to meaningfully condense during the editing process.
(I also mostly work short form tbf, and rhythm feels easier to maintain in smaller bursts 😅)
If you can isolate what absolutely needs to be said in terms of exposition/characterization/theming, you'd be surprised how easy it is to see what's superfluous or awkward. It's the same as having a strong thesis statement, and noticing what supports that statement versus what is essentially just clutter.
Also, if you feel bogged down by your tempo, or unable to reach your point, you may be following the wrong 'route' to your destination. I always remember that piece of writing advice that went like: if a scene stalls out, the problem likely isn't the next line, it's something you wrote ten lines ago. I'm aaaalways reading things back so I can find the tangent that may have taken me off-course.
tl;dr make sure each scene you write has a goal, and don't linger once that goal been accomplished!
AND if pacing just isn't cooperating, read your writing back. always. so much. weed your narrative garden.
I hope this was even a little bit helpful, I have no credentials!
love you, thanks for valuing my thoughts, good luck out there pacing warrior 🫡
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learnplants · 2 months
Today's plant is very special! I mean they all are, but this one more so! This plant is called "Pteridium Aquilinum" but more commonly called brake fern or bracken! It's a plant that's native to the UK, but can live literally everywhere except for Antarctica!
In terms of conditions to live in, Bracken doesn't care! It's been found in the middle of forests, road verges, bogs and swamps, on the coast, in land, anywhere! It doesn't care about pH, soil type, amount of sunlight, wind etc!
It looks quite different from regular plants as well! Bracken grows great big green fronds that are divided and alternate down the stem! New fronds grow from the base of the plant, unfurling as it goes until it stands upright at about 2 metres tall and 1 metres wide! However, it doesn't last! In the colder months of autumn and winter, the fronds turn a brownish-red and die back down to the base, but if it's still warm enough, they'll stay for the winter!
The stem, or for the more fancy term, the "Rachis", looks hairy as it grows and pushes up in the spring to help form the fronds! The root system, or the "Rhizome" grows about a metre downwards but can spread out over hundreds of metres, allowing a large area of bracken to actually be a single plant!
Here's the most unusual thing about bracken, it does NOT produce seeds! It instead uses a much older method of spreading young plants... Spores! Like a fungus! They collect in these spore cases called "sporangia" underneath the fronds and let the wind carry the spores out! How cool!
Bracken provides good nesting material for birds and provides cover for amphibians, birds, reptiles and mammals! Fritillary butterflies love bracken, and are usually seen flying about them in April all the way to mid-August! It's also a good source for a massive variety of moth caterpillars, such as the garden tiger and the orange swift!
In mythology, Bracken is mentions many times over! For example, there's a legend that says if you hold the spore on st Johns eve, you'll become invisible, which is even referenced in William Shakespeares Henry V! It's also thought that witches hate bracken because if you cut the stem in half, it makes the greek letter for X, which was a symbol of Christ!
Uses now a days include culinary! Some Asian countries will eat the young fronds like vegetables or in a soup! But this is very risky, you'd bracken fronds contain Hydrogen Cyanide, which as you can probably guess from the cyanide, is not very healthy! You can get very very sick and possibly die from it, so it's probably best not to try it yourself! It even contains some carcinogens that can cause throat and stomach cancer! Other than poisonous food, it can be burned for ash to make glass and soap or it can be used a fertiliser!
Bracken doesn't have any pest or disease issues, but it does however cause issues for other plants! Because bracken is so damn good at growing, due to it's massive root system and it's use of spores, it tends to completely dominate it's environment! Which means we all need to try our hardest to maintain our ancient forests, by donating or otherwise supporting organisations that do this, such as the woodland trust in the UK!
Overall, Pteridium Aquilinum, or Bracken, is a very unique plant that grows massive, and causes a fair amount of disruption to forests! But without any more delay, here it is!
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Stupid question: Do you have a large yard? Five hours to mow your lawn seems extreme. Maybe tell the neighbor that she can borrow your lawn mower if she wants her own maintained
It’s about 800 square meters, the problem is it hasn’t been done I’m a king time because it took six weeks for the gardener to tell me his mower was broken. So it’s very long. So long the mower can’t really get through it. And I kept having to take breaks out of the sun to avoid heatstroke because it was 32C and… the UV index where I live is extreme. So it takes a lot out of you, pretty much. Once I’ve got it under control it won’t take that long to do I hope. It’s just getting it under control because the mower keeps getting bogged down.
Additionally this woman needs a walker to go out and get her mail some days. She’s not about to go and do her own lawn 😂😂😂😂
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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To the lighthouse
Country Life | Published 29 July 2020
Guest-Edited by HRH The Princess Royal
The Princess says: ‘This garden is slightly off the beaten track! The photographer picked a very good day to capture it. This is Northern Lighthouse Board territory—I’ve been there three times now and sailed past it on a number of occasions. The garden is looked after astonishingly well.’
THERE are two ways to reach the lighthouse at Rubh’A’Mhail, or Ruvaal, on the north-east point of Islay: by boat or by walking for more than two hours across The Hill, a windswept wilderness of cotton-grass bogs and heather moorland riddled with gullies, waterfalls and burns. Those that make the journey to Howard and Suzanne Cobb’s one-acre garden, where salt-laden storms can sometimes topple a grown man, will be amazed at what has been coaxed into growing in this barren landscape of exposed rock and topsoil that is, in places, only 1in deep. They will be even more surprised that this horticultural miracle is the work of a slender, 5ft 1in-tall, 75-year-old woman—yet the indomitable Mrs Cobb, who made and maintains this garden pretty much singlehandedly, is a gale force to be reckoned with.
Rugosa roses cock a snook at the wind and mounds of improbably delicateRosa Alba Semiplena and soft-pinkR . Celeste have braved the odds to become 5ft-plus-high bushes. In the shelter created by the shrubs and trees, bistort and buddleia, astrantias, nepeta and hardy geranium are a few that have made this rugged ground their home.
Tucked into precious pockets of soil are masses of small bulbs that light up the garden in spring. On the upside, the Gulf Stream holds off all but a couple of frosts a year and old-fashioned favourites, such as lupins, sweet williams and pinks, generally thrive in this fully organic garden. Everything is generously enriched with homemade compost —enhanced by the secret ingredient of seaweed that’s washed up on to the beach by the winter storms, gathered into rich trailer loads and transported home behind a quad bike.
Due to the secluded and modest nature of the garden at Ruvaal, Mrs Cobb was astonished when she learned The Princess Royal had singled it out as one of her favourites. ‘Princess Anne must go to so many wonderful places and yet she’s picked my humble garden,’ exclaimed Mrs Cobb, before explaining that The Princess first visited 25 years ago, as part of her role as patron of the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB). ‘The garden was still in its infancy then, although she did admire my cabbages. When she next came, she noted how everything had grown and the third time, she seemed quite impressed—I think because it’s in such an exposed and unlikely location. Or perhaps it was the chocolate cake I served on that occasion!’
Even the insect life is undeterred by the remoteness. Butterflies adore this garden. Last year, Mrs Cobb counted 57 painted ladies on one privet. Regulars include the marsh and dark green fritillaries, small copper, small blue, peacock, small tortoiseshell and red admiral. The hummingbird hawk-moth feeds on the red valerian and bumblebees love the cotoneasters, which do well here.
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Birdlife proliferates. Golden eagles soar above and sea eagles fly past, with smaller birds—yellowhammers, meadow pipits, reed buntings, dunnocks, redpolls, whitethroats, stonechats and goldfinches—congregating in the shadow of the lighthouse, too. There are also resident blackbirds, a nesting song thrush and swallows that nest in the porch. However, the most unusual visitor is the cuckoo: one year, Mrs Cobb counted three.
‘I had wanted to live on the west coast of Scotland ever since I was 11 years old and came here with my parents,’ admits Mrs Cobb who, until 26 years ago, resided in Buckinghamshire. When her husband’s work began to involve regular travelling, which meant that there were no longer restrictions on where they lived, the couple decided to look for somewhere fairly remote with a bit of land close to the sea. One day, Mrs Cobb spotted an advert for a former lighthouse keeper’s cottage on Islay, which had views of Colonsay, Mull and Jura, and they felt they ought to take a look.
The cottage (originally two, knocked into one) stood in the curtilage of the 112ft lighthouse, which had been completed in 1859 and was fully automated in 1983. There were few windows, which made the rooms terribly dark, and the water supply was described as ‘spasmodic’. Indeed, it was so poor that the Cobbs would not have been able to run a washing machine. The garden consisted of nothing but one redcurrant bush and some rogue potatoes in the former vegetable patch. Nonetheless, despite the inaccessibility of the site and the fact there were only two small co-op shops on the island (there are, happily, plenty of distilleries) the Cobbs were smitten, and have never looked back.
‘Howard was away quite a lot at the beginning, so I had to learn how to handle a boat pretty quickly,’ Mrs Cobb recalls. She soon had the measure of a 19ft Orkney Fastliner, in which she ferried the workmen back and forth, negotiating the Atlantic swell at the jetty. Eventually, when she was ready to move in, Mrs Cobb and her black retriever-cross Tara brought the last of their belongings to the island in the Fastliner, using her wheelbarrow to make the many journeys up and down the hill from the beach to the house.
On board were some cuttings from her garden in Buckinghamshire, a classic village garden with cottagey plants and winding paths. These weren’t nearly enough to fill the barren acre, but there was much generosity and goodwill from the islanders. A forester gave her a heap of rugosa roses, declaring they should grow well. He also gave her some pines and firs.
Not wanting her to be disappointed, a kind old seafarer who saw her load the roses into the boat said: ‘Ye’ll nae grow roses out there, lassie.’ One day, when Mrs Cobb was setting off home from Port Askaig, an old boy threw a sack of montbretia corms into the bottom of the Fastliner. ‘They’ll spread and protect other things,’ he told her.
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The obvious first move would have been to plant a shelterbelt, but, with the garden open to the sea on three sides, complete protection would have spoiled the views—on a clear day, as well as the islands, it’s possible to see the mountains of Glencoe 65 miles north on the mainland. Instead, Mrs Cobb planted the evergreens on the land side and put in rowans and birches that grew into multi-stemmed bushes. After a slow start, the evergreens took hold and stand a good 20ft high today. The rugosa roses have spread, filling the garden with scent, and both Rosa Alba Semiplena, perhaps Mrs Cobb’s favourite, and Celeste have proved tolerant of the salt.
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The NLB’s boatman offered some cuttings from his escallonia hedge—which have now blossomed into 6ft- to 7ft-high bushes. Hebe cuttings gathered from a shrub outside a former police station 30 miles away have also thrived, despite an early loss: one exceptionally strong gale uprooted a small hebe, sending it bowling across the garden and away over the wall, never to be seen again.
Fuchsia magellanica grows well here, too —both the deep-pink variety and a white that was given to Ruvaal by a friend who was digging out some of hers.
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Incredibly, some plants, such as foxgloves, arrive of their own accord, with Mrs Cobb counting 63 digitalis in one bed alone. Other wildflowers—such as celandine, common orchids, scabious and thousands of bluebells —proliferate on The Hill.
For many years, she enjoyed her cedar-wood greenhouse, starting seeds off there and using it to grow tomatoes and cucumbers. Eventually, however, after suffering more than 20 years of Force 10 and 11 gales, it blew down, forcing Mrs Cobb to overwinter her scented-leaf pelargoniums in the lee of the house. Most sweet peas are grown under glass, as, after September, it becomes too windy outdoors for a wigwam. These are now in pots on the table outside the back door where they trail instead.
The original NLB vegetable patch is in full use, despite the predations of two pheasants, which appeared from goodness knows where and have caused such a nuisance that workmen had to make a wire cage to protect the brassicas. Of course, the wily birds soon got around that. ‘I grew kale last year and the wretched pheasant just sat on top of the cage pecking at what grew through the wire,’ laments Mrs Cobb, who, this year, decided to grow a dwarf variety instead.
When the couple first moved in, Mrs Cobb was warned that she would never grow apple trees, but, typically determined, she did and, as have the blackcurrants, these have been a huge success. Mice and voles do help themselves to some French beans (it’s too windy for runners), yet not enough to be a massive problem. Luckily, the deer and rabbits are kept out by the stone wall. ‘The red deer stand there gazing enviously through the gate,’ observes Mrs Cobb, without a great deal of sympathy.
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I’ve been busy.
Yeah, this is an older photo of the schoolhouse - but I’ve been beating myself senseless to return it to this earlier, pristine state.
Beloved Cousin Holly from Columbus Ohio is arriving the first week of June - and I cannot believe she will be here with us in Ireland!
Cousin John from Las Vegas will be arriving the end of June - and I am overwhelmed. What can I POSSIBLY find to entertain, beguile, or enchant these good people from a land where things happen? Where there is food, restaurants, theaters, and events a’plenty?! I am so worried that they will take one look around at how we live, and feel they’ve made a terrible mistake by spending their precious vacation time with a pair of old bog-monkeys…..
And so…in the spirit of bright subterfuge and infinite deception - I have spent the last two weeks scrubbing the face of the old house and yard - attempting to look as if we are civilized folk who employ lawn-care workers and professional painters to maintain their home.
I am nearly dead now…
Spent four solid days on my hands and knees digging out the roots of every weed embedded along the perimeter of the house and into the driveway. Mowed the yard (and it already needs doing again..) - washed all the windows. Have dragged the ladder around the house, climbing up and down - and painted every inch of exterior wall and trim. Bought new plants and filled the planters with new blooms..painted the lawn furniture, dragged heavy bags of pine bark mulch up the hill and laid it across the garden areas by the studio. Spent yesterday painting the bathroom, ceiling and all - and then touched up all the paint in the interior of the house. I sanded the thick wooden countertop beneath the bathroom sink, and laid down two coats of new varnish to brighten things up. Scrubbed all the stone floors on my hands and knees with a scrub brush.
As we get closer to the arrival time, I will scrub all the pine floors, dust everything, vacuum like mad, - stand back, and hope for the best.
My hands are so stiff that I can’t close my fingers, every joint is hollering in pain, and I’m bloody exhausted,
I will NOT have what is left of my family see the sad shabbiness of our lives. It’s enough that I look and feel horrible - as gawd is my witness, I will not be embarrassed by our home here in this strange old world…
Doing my best, and hoping to survive.
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paranormalglass · 2 years
okay. so. Obviously a wizards beard could potentially host a fully realized ecosystem within its voluminous depths, with organisms spanning from single called organisms to your average horticulture nightmare. However. Not many wizards are actually good at gardening or biome care. They are more suited to dusty and barren towers where their many tomes and lightening rods may remain unmolested. By creeplers. However. Witches and hags are very prone to living in and maintaining bogs and the like. So. And this is just my theory. If a wizard (or sorceror, we dont discriminate) should find themselves with a flourishing garden in their beard. Due to lack of hygiene care. As a result of being induced into terrorsleep. By me. A helpful hag. May come to divest them of their beardbiome. To preserve it away from the hapless fuck. Thank you.
this is poetry thank you
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How Does Coco Peat Export from India Work?
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Coco peat, also known as coir pith, is a versatile and sustainable growing medium made from the fibrous husks of coconuts. As global demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products increases, coco peat export from India has seen significant growth. India is one of the leading producers and exporters of coco peat, supplying this valuable resource to various countries around the world. But what does the export process entail? Who are the key players? In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of coco peat export from India, dive into the coco peat export data, and identify the leading coco peat exporters in India.
Why is Coco Peat Export from India Important?
What Makes India a Leader in Coco Peat Export?
India is one of the largest producers of coconuts globally, providing an abundant source of raw material for coco peat production. The country's advanced processing facilities and expertise in converting coconut husks into high-quality coco peat make it a significant player in the global market. Coco peat is widely used in horticulture, agriculture, and gardening due to its excellent water retention, aeration, and soil conditioning properties. As more countries shift towards sustainable and organic farming practices, the demand for coco peat continues to grow, solidifying India's position as a major exporter.
How Does Coco Peat Benefit the Environment?
Coco peat is an eco-friendly product that helps reduce agricultural waste by utilizing the byproducts of coconut processing. It is a sustainable alternative to peat moss, which is harvested from peat bogs and contributes to environmental degradation. By promoting the use of coco peat, India not only supports sustainable agriculture but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with traditional farming practices.
Who Are the Leading Coco Peat Exporters in India?
Which Companies Dominate the Coco Peat Export Market?
India is home to several leading coco peat exporters who play a crucial role in supplying this sustainable product to global markets. Some of the key exporters include:
Fibredust LLC: Known for its high-quality coco peat products, Fibredust LLC exports to various countries, including the USA and Europe.
Allwin Coir: A prominent player in the industry, Allwin Coir exports coco peat to major markets, focusing on consistent quality and sustainable practices.
Coir Green: Specializing in organic and eco-friendly coco peat, Coir Green has established a strong presence in the international market.
Sivaguru Coir Products: This company exports a wide range of coir-based products, including coco peat, to countries across Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
These exporters are instrumental in driving the growth of coco peat export from India by maintaining high standards and catering to the specific needs of different markets.
What is the Role of Small-Scale Exporters in the Coco Peat Industry?
In addition to large-scale exporters, numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute to the coco peat export industry in India. These smaller exporters often focus on niche markets, offering customized products such as organic or finely processed coco peat. Their flexibility and ability to cater to specific customer demands make them an essential part of the industry, helping to expand India's reach in the global market.
How is Coco Peat Export from India Conducted?
What Are the Steps Involved in Coco Peat Export?
The process of coco peat export from India involves several key steps to ensure that the product meets international standards and reaches its destination in optimal condition:
Harvesting and Processing: Coco peat is extracted from coconut husks, cleaned, and processed to remove impurities. It is then compressed into blocks, bricks, or bags for easy transport.
Quality Control: Before export, the coco peat undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure it meets the specifications of the importing countries. This includes testing for pH levels, electrical conductivity, and moisture content.
Packaging: The processed coco peat is packaged in a way that ensures it remains uncontaminated and retains its quality during transit. Packaging options include compressed blocks, loose-filled bags, and grow bags.
Documentation: Exporters must prepare and submit necessary documents, including certificates of origin, phytosanitary certificates, and commercial invoices, to comply with the import regulations of the destination country.
Shipping: Coco peat is shipped via sea or air, depending on the destination and the urgency of the order. Exporters work with reliable logistics partners to ensure timely delivery and maintain the product's quality during transit.
What Are the Challenges in Exporting Coco Peat?
Exporting coco peat from India comes with several challenges, including:
Quality Standards: Different countries have varying quality requirements for coco peat, which means exporters must adhere to specific standards to avoid rejection at the destination port.
Logistics and Shipping Costs: Transporting coco peat, especially in large quantities, can be costly. Exporters must carefully manage logistics to keep costs down while ensuring timely delivery.
Market Competition: With several countries producing and exporting coco peat, Indian exporters face stiff competition in the global market. Maintaining high quality and competitive pricing is essential for staying ahead.
What Does Coco Peat Export Data Reveal?
What Insights Can Be Gained from Coco Peat Export Data?
Coco peat export data provides valuable insights into the industry's trends, growth patterns, and market dynamics. According to recent data, India continues to be one of the leading exporters of coco peat, with significant exports to countries like the USA, the Netherlands, Australia, and South Korea. The data also highlights the growing demand for coco peat in countries that are increasingly adopting sustainable farming practices.
Which Are the Major Coco Peat Importing Countries?
The major coco peat importing countries include:
USA: One of the largest markets for Indian coco peat, driven by the growing demand for organic and sustainable gardening products.
Netherlands: As a global leader in horticulture, the Netherlands imports large quantities of coco peat for use in greenhouses and nurseries.
Australia: With its focus on sustainable agriculture, Australia is a key market for Indian coco peat.
South Korea: The demand for coco peat in South Korea is driven by the country's increasing adoption of eco-friendly farming practices.
The data also shows a steady increase in exports to emerging markets, indicating the expanding global footprint of Indian coco peat.
How Can India Strengthen its Position in the Global Coco Peat Market?
What Strategies Can Help Boost Coco Peat Export from India?
To strengthen its position as a leading exporter of coco peat, India can adopt several strategies:
Enhancing Product Quality: Investing in advanced processing technologies and quality control measures can help Indian exporters produce higher-quality coco peat that meets the stringent standards of international markets.
Expanding Market Reach: By exploring new markets in Asia, Africa, and South America, Indian exporters can diversify their customer base and reduce reliance on traditional markets.
Sustainable Practices: Emphasizing organic and sustainable production methods can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers and boost demand for Indian coco peat.
Collaborative Efforts: Partnering with international agricultural organizations and participating in global trade fairs can help Indian exporters showcase their products and expand their market presence.
How Important is Innovation in the Coco Peat Industry?
Innovation plays a critical role in the coco peat industry. By developing new products and improving existing ones, Indian exporters can cater to the evolving needs of global markets. For example, the introduction of coco peat-based grow bags and biodegradable packaging options has opened up new opportunities for exporters. Continuous innovation ensures that Indian coco peat remains competitive and relevant in the global market.
Coco peat export from India is a thriving industry that capitalizes on the country's abundant coconut resources and advanced processing capabilities. With growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products worldwide, India's position as a leading exporter of coco peat is set to strengthen. By focusing on quality, expanding market reach, and embracing innovation, Indian exporters can continue to meet global demand and maintain their competitive edge in the market.
1. What are the main coco peat importing countries? The main coco peat importing countries include the USA, Netherlands, Australia, and South Korea.
2. How do coco peat exporters in India ensure product quality? Exporters ensure product quality through rigorous quality control measures, including testing for pH levels, electrical conductivity, and moisture content.
3. Who are some leading coco peat exporters in India? Leading exporters include Fibredust LLC, Allwin Coir, Coir Green, and Sivaguru Coir Products.
4. What challenges do exporters face in the coco peat industry? Challenges include meeting varying international quality standards, managing logistics and shipping costs, and competing in a crowded global market.
5. How can India maintain its leadership in coco peat export? India can maintain its leadership by enhancing product quality, expanding into new markets, focusing on sustainable practices, and fostering innovation in the industry.
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outetooling · 4 months
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The Ultimate Tool for Your Toughest Jobs: Powerful Chainsaw
When it comes to tackling the toughest jobs in the yard or on the job site, nothing beats a powerful chainsaw. Whether you're felling large trees, cutting through thick logs, or simply tidying up your garden, a powerful chainsaw is the ultimate tool for the job. With its robust engine and superior cutting capabilities, a powerful chainsaw can make quick work of even the most daunting tasks.
One of the key features of a powerful chainsaw is its ability to maintain high performance under heavy loads. This means you can cut through dense wood with ease, without worrying about the tool bogging down. Additionally, a powerful chainsaw often comes with advanced safety features, ensuring that you can work confidently and safely, even in challenging conditions.
For professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike, a powerful chainsaw offers unmatched versatility. From construction projects to landscaping, the applications are endless. Investing in a powerful chainsaw means investing in a tool that will save you time, effort, and frustration.
Don't settle for anything less than the best. Upgrade to a powerful chainsaw today and experience the difference for yourself. Your toughest jobs just got a whole lot easier!
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astrailblazing · 4 months
Sudihara Saikou
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Name; Sudihara Saikou (note; Sudihara is the surname) Species; Human (Japanese) Age; 32 Gender; Male, he/him Sexuality; Bisexual Callsign/Alias; "Sakura" Rank; Lieutenant Ship; The Yamato (In the Captain AU, that takes place after the original series/2199, he's captain of a small freighter/survey ship called the Kisaragi.)
Physical Basics; Lightly tanned skin, dark brown eyes, and chocolate brown hair worn in a low ponytail. His hair is perpetually a mess from the time he spends either in a helmet or working on his ships. Generally fairly lean, but not for lack of strength; he's got a parkourist's build. His left leg was amputated above the knee, so he wears a prosthetic. Tattoos/Scars; In terms of distinct scars, he has some pretty intense burn scarring all on his left side, prominently on his left leg and arm but it goes all the way up his neck and stops just below his ear. He got it- and lost his leg- in a really nasty plane crash back on Earth. As for tattoos, he only has one; a sakura bloom on the back of his right hand, in memory of his sister, who was killed in the first bombardment of planet bombs. Posture; For the most part, he maintains a strict military posture, but if he feels like nobody's paying attention or he's off the clock, he has a tendency to lounge. He also tends to put his weight on his right leg, due to his prosthetic.
Personality; He likes to face the world with a cool head and a polite smile, even for his enemies. He's not particularly friendly, exactly, but he treats everyone with courtesy and dignity. Though he's calm and level-headed, he's also stubborn to a fault, refusing to give in or back down even against impossible odds. It's the only reason he wasn't chosen to command Yamato's Black Tiger Squadron, because his flying is otherwise impeccable. He's loyal beyond belief, and he'll stick by someone even if they prove not to have his best interests in mind. Likes; He has an endless fascination with the mythology of stars. He loves flying- anything; space fighters, large ships like the Yamato, even slow, sluggish cargo freighters. He just loves being in that pilot's chair. He also adores gardening, though he doesn't get to do much of that these days. Dislikes; He has a debilitating fear of fire. Not, like, lasers or anything; specifically fire. If he sees it too close to him, he freezes up. He hates it for this reason. He also really doesn't like the feeling of rock on his skin. Strengths; Even in the most perilous or panic-inducing situations, he's very good at keeping a cool head. He's good at not getting bogged down in 'what-ifs', just seeing what to do and doing it. He's also incredibly compassionate, refusing to leave anyone behind. Additionally, he's quite a mechanic, so he's good at figuring out solutions to technological problems on the fly. ... pun not intended. Weaknesses; As mentioned, his fear of fire will cause him to freeze up, and his stubborn streak and intense loyalty can get him into trouble. His compassion can also cause him some grief, because he'll always, always walk right into the trap if he thinks he can help someone by doing it. Motivations; Without any family left back home, his primary motivations now are to protect Earth for his friends on the Yamato and their families. Personal motivation wise, he wants to become a Captain, because that's what his father was and he wants to follow his father's footsteps.
Dress; He wears the black-and-gold uniform of Yamato's pilot division, though in casual settings he prefers loose clothes that don't restrict him too much, like tank tops and shorts. In the Captain AU, he just wears his Captain's coat on top of his old uniform. Weapons/Tools; Aside from the regulation-issue energy pistol he wears on his belt, at his hip, he carries a smaller, hidden pistol in one boot, and a knife in the other one. He carries a small mechanic's toolkit on his belt, too, and has a number of lockpicks hidden on his prosthetic. Skills; Aside from piloting, mechanics, and stellar cartography, he's skilled at a number of less-than-legal things too, like lockpicking, forgery, and pickpocketing. He's awful at hand-to-hand fighting, barely passing the required course to join Yamato's crew, but he's very skilled at parkour. (You would think this would make him prefer 'flight' over 'fight', but no... he is, after all, a stubborn bastard.)
Sudihara's journey starts as a street kid on Earth, which is where he picked up his illegal talents. (It does not start here. It starts with a loving family and a beautiful little house in Japan, with a mother who died giving birth to a little sister who was the sweetest little girl in the whole world, and a father who was doing his best. Sudihara does not talk about this, because they are all gone now.)
In order to get off the streets, he joined the Navy. He bounced around a lot before he ended up showing a talent for flying, where he fell in love with being a pilot. Not even the crash that took his leg could dim his enthusiasm, and that's where he's been ever since, up until the infamous mission of the Star Force. He volunteered immediately, having nothing left to hold him back and itching to do something to stop the suffering he saw growing up.
Now, he's one of the best pilots in the Black Tiger Squadron, determined to help Yamato on her quest to Iscandar.
Sorry for the shitty photo quality...
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[ad_1] Promoting a house may be an amazing job, particularly if you happen to're hoping for a fast sale. One option to appeal to potential consumers and enhance your probabilities of promoting your private home rapidly is by staging it correctly. Residence staging is the artwork of making ready and adorning your private home to showcase its greatest options, enchantment to a variety of consumers, and create an inviting environment. On this article, we'll talk about some important ideas for staging your private home that will help you obtain a quick and profitable sale. 1. Declutter and depersonalize: Step one to staging your private home is to declutter and depersonalize the house. Take away any pointless gadgets, comparable to extreme furnishings, toys, and private pictures. Potential consumers need to envision themselves dwelling within the house, so it is essential to create a clear and impartial atmosphere that permits them to take action. 2. Clear and clean up: A clear and well-maintained house is far more interesting to consumers. Deep clear each room, paying shut consideration to kitchens and bogs. Take away any odors, comparable to pet smells or cooking odors, and think about portray the partitions with a contemporary coat of impartial paint to brighten up the house. 3. Maximize curb enchantment: The primary impression your private home makes is important, so do not forget concerning the exterior. Give your entrance yard a makeover by mowing the garden, trimming bushes, and planting colourful flowers. Be certain that the entrance door is in good situation and add a contemporary coat of paint if needed. Take into account including a welcoming contact, comparable to a brand new doormat or potted crops. 4. Organize furnishings strategically: When staging your private home, the association of furnishings is essential. Create an open stream by eradicating any pointless or cumbersome items. Rearrange the remaining furnishings to maximise the house and spotlight the room's greatest options. Intention for a balanced structure with ample strolling house and a transparent focus in every room. 5. Let pure gentle in: Pure gentle could make any house really feel extra inviting and spacious. Open up curtains and blinds to let in as a lot pure gentle as attainable. If privateness is a priority, go for sheer curtains or blinds that enable gentle to filtrate whereas sustaining privateness. Take into account including just a few mirrors strategically to mirror pure gentle and make the room seem greater. 6. Add some ending touches: To create a welcoming environment, add some ending touches to your staged dwelling. Take into account contemporary flowers, scented candles, or a bowl of contemporary fruit on the kitchen counter. Take note of particulars like freshly laundered towels within the bogs and ornamental pillows on the couch to create a comfy and alluring atmosphere. 7. Search skilled recommendation: Should you discover staging overwhelming or time-consuming, think about looking for skilled assist from a house stager. They've the experience and data to showcase your private home's greatest options and appeal to potential consumers successfully. Keep in mind, staging your private home is all about presenting a clear, impartial, and alluring house that permits potential consumers to check themselves dwelling there. By following the following tips and investing some effort and time into staging your private home, you will enormously enhance your probabilities of promoting it rapidly and at an optimum worth. [ad_2]
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factorysdepot · 11 months
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In the ever-evolving world of gardening and horticulture, finding sustainable solutions for cultivating plants is essential. One such innovative solution gaining popularity among plant enthusiasts is the use of Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags. These eco-friendly alternatives are not only revolutionizing the way we grow plants but also contributing significantly to environmental conservation efforts. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags and why they are becoming a preferred choice for gardeners worldwide.
Understanding Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags
Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags are made from the fibrous husk of coconuts. The coir is a natural byproduct of the coconut industry, making these grow bags an eco-conscious choice. These bags feature an open top design, allowing plants to grow with ample space for their roots to spread out. The porous structure of coco coir promotes excellent aeration and drainage, ensuring optimal conditions for plant growth.
The Advantages of Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags
1. Sustainability: Coco coir is a renewable resource, making it an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional growing mediums. By using Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags, gardeners contribute to the reduction of waste and the conservation of peat bogs, which are crucial ecosystems.
2. Excellent Drainage: The open top design and porous nature of coco coir allow excess water to drain easily. Proper drainage prevents waterlogged roots, promoting healthier plant growth and reducing the risk of root rot.
3. Aeration: The natural structure of coco coir provides excellent aeration to the plant’s roots. Well-aerated roots absorb nutrients more efficiently, leading to stronger, more vigorous plants.
4. pH Stability: Coco coir has a neutral pH, making it suitable for a wide range of plants. It acts as a buffer, maintaining a stable pH environment for plants, ensuring they receive the nutrients they need.
5. Versatility: Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags are versatile and can be used for various types of plants, including vegetables, flowers, and herbs. They are ideal for both indoor and outdoor gardening, offering flexibility to gardeners with limited space.
Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags have become a game-changer in the world of gardening. Their sustainability, excellent drainage, aeration, pH stability, and versatility make them a top choice for plant enthusiasts and commercial growers alike. By opting for these innovative grow bags, gardeners not only invest in the health and vitality of their plants but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable planet.
At Everan International, we are proud to offer high-quality Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags that meet the needs of modern gardeners. Experience the difference of eco-friendly, efficient plant cultivation with our premium grow bags. Embrace sustainability and nurture your plants to thrive with Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags from Everan International.
For more info, visit:https://factorysdepot.com/product/easy-grow-bag/
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swldx · 1 year
BBC 0431 14 Aug 2023
12095Khz 0357 14 AUG 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55445. English, dead carrier s/on @0357z then ID@0359z pips and newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by Eileen McCue. Niger's coup leaders that toppled President Mohamed Bazoum said late Sunday they would "prosecute" him for "high treason" and "undermining the security" of the country in a statement read on national television. Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso announced Thursday that a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) team will assist in the investigation into the murder of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio. The mission of the U.S. agents will be to aid the Ecuadorian authorities in determining the motive for the crime and identifying the perpetrators. Lahaina, once Hawaii's royal capital, is now a crematorium. Close to 100 deaths have been confirmed, making the Lahaina wildfires the deadliest in the US in more than a century. But just 3% of Lahaina's charred ruins have been searched so far, stoking fears that the death toll will continue its sharp climb. Ten years ago, hundreds of people, mostly civilians, were killed when Egyptian forces violently dispersed a sit-in protest by supporters of the recently ousted Islamist president. The crackdown on followers of Mohammed Morsi was one of the bloodiest incidents of its kind, and one of Egypt's darkest moments. Memories of that day are still raw. Taiwan will not be afraid nor back down in the face of authoritarian threats, the island's vice president told supporters on a U.S. visit that Beijing has condemned, while reiterating a willingness to talk to China. William Lai, also frontrunner to be Taiwan's next president at January elections, is in the United States on what is officially a transit stop on his way to Paraguay for the inauguration of its new president. Paraguay is one of only 13 countries to maintain formal ties with the Chinese-claimed island. China’s property crisis worsened as state-backed developer Sino-Ocean Group Holdings missed interest payments and shares in developer Country Garden slumped further after it suspended trading of some onshore bonds on the Hong Kong stock exchange. Argentine voters punished the country's two main political forces in a primary election on Sunday, pushing a rock-singing libertarian outsider candidate into first place in a huge shake-up in the race towards presidential elections in October. A small-town Kansas newspaper said its 98-year-old co-owner died Saturday after local police raided her home, seized her computer and other equipment, and separately grabbed phones, computers and other material from the paper’s staff. National press organizations have condemned the raids on the offices, staff and owners of the Marion County Record, a 154-year-old weekly paper serving Marion, Kan. and its namesake county, home to 12,000 people. @0406z "Newsday" begins. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W, Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2257.
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mprojects22 · 1 year
Log Homes In South Africa Log Cabins South Africa
It is of the utmost significance to maintain our guests and employees safe and guarded at all times. Strict precautions will be adopted adhering to the Covid 19 protocols as laid down by the Government. In this quick evolving setting we continually attempt to stay abreast of latest merchandise and improvements on the market so that we can provide our clients one of the best options out there.
Enjoy a family braai overlooking the park with an outdoor braai facility. Enjoy a romantic weekend away at Kragga Kamma Game Park whenever you stay in our self-catering Zebra Cabin. Sleeping up to a most of two adults, this cabin is ideal for a magical getaway in the wilderness. T&B supply all necessary materials to complete the home including all drainage, sanitaryware, electrical wiring, built-in cabinets log cabins, glazing and all paint and varnishes if required. Where it's needed, T&B can provide technical assistance and, when working in partnership with a model new contractor, that is at all times provided. Each room opens onto its personal wooden deck which steps out onto our lovely garden and are within proximity to the kids’ playground, mini journey golf and tennis courtroom.
Rates are subject to change without discover. The rates displayed are the standard charges - please be on the lookout for specials and promotional provides which will apply. Wake up at personal leisure and enjoy a full spread buffet-style breakfast (included) served within the Gecko Lapa.
33 x River websites with power factors and eighty three standard sites with energy points all serviced by three neat ablution facilities. Paraplegic Male and Paraplegic Female bogs located subsequent to ablution 2 - keys out there at Front Office (for the bodily paraplegic friends only). Two Bedroom Unit - One Level This secluded cottage is a completely geared up self-catering unit with a private patio and braai with excellent view.
The Bungalow provides accommodation for up to four visitors and consists of 1 bedroom with ensuite shower, bathroom and basin, open plan lounge, kitchen and dining space and is fantastically furnished providing you every little thing you want for a comfortable stay. Our log cabins are arced in form and comes in completely different thickness 16mm, 22mm and 32mm. A cabin can have any number of bedrooms you might want. It can be 1, 2, three or 4 Bedrooms with bogs, kitchen, lounge and/or veranda.
"Perfect place to get away from it all and positively perfect for a romantic getaway. We found probably the most wonderful rockpools. We might have stayed for days. Will definitely be back." "The setting is unbeatable - a spot you do not want to go away. The owners are wonderful folks, extremely pleasant and useful." "I literally didn't want to go away at the end of our vacation, the mountain view is breath taking and the lodging was perfectly quaint and rustic with every little thing you need. I will certainly be returning, this is a new favourite spot."
3 Bedroom
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sodelusionchild · 1 year
What Are the Characteristics of Swamp Azalea?
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Ever wondered what makes the swamp azalea, a native North American shrub, so special? This part shade-loving plant boasts captivating features, including fragrant white flowers and lush dark green foliage. Standing tall at up to 6 feet, it graces wetland areas like swamps, bogs, and stream banks, attracting wildlife with its vibrant blooms. The swamp azalea's stunning appearance also helps in managing stormwater runoff. But there's more to this beauty than meets the eye. The swamp azalea thrives in wet environments, making it an essential component of delicate ecosystems and supporting wildlife. Its adaptability and resilience in its habitat make it a favorite among nature enthusiasts across the continent, thanks to its alluring scent and striking appearance. So get ready to explore the captivating world of swamp azaleas as we delve into their unique characteristics, native plant availability, and widespread distribution. Let's dive into their enchanting realm and discover why they hold such a special place in our natural surroundings, attracting wildlife with their beautiful bloom and flowers.
Native Habitat and Distribution of Rhododendron Viscosum
Native Habitat Distribution Wetlands and swamps Eastern United States Stream banks and ponds Southern Canada Wooded areas Mid-Atlantic region Moist, acidic soil Northeastern United States Rhododendron viscosum, commonly known as swamp azalea, is a native plant species found in the eastern United States. It has distinct characteristics that allow it to thrive in wet soil habitats and attract wildlife with its beautiful flower bloom. - Native Range: Swamp azalea can be found from Maine to Florida along the eastern coast of the United States. - Moist Soil Conditions: This species thrives in moist soil conditions, particularly in wetlands and low-lying areas. It has adapted to these environments and can withstand periods of high humidity. - Water Sources: You can often find swamp azaleas growing naturally near ponds, marshes, and other water sources. These locations provide the necessary moisture for their growth. - Sunlight Tolerance: Rhododendron viscosum can survive in both full sun and partial shade environments. This adaptability allows it to grow successfully in various lighting conditions. Swamp azaleas are an excellent choice for gardens or landscapes that mimic their natural habitat. Their native plant availability makes them suitable for creating beautiful displays while supporting local ecosystems.
Growing Tips for Swamp Azalea: Climate and Soil Requirements
Climate Requirements Soil Requirements Moist and humid Acidic Partial shade Well-draining USDA hardiness zones 5-9 Rich in organic matter - Prefers a cool climate with mild winters and moderate summers. - Requires well-draining acidic soil with a pH range of 4.5 to 6.0 for optimal growth. - Planting in an area with good air circulation helps prevent disease issues. - Mulching around the base of the plant helps retain moisture and regulate soil temperature. Swamp azaleas thrive in specific conditions, making it important to consider the climate and soil requirements when growing these beautiful plants. Here are some essential tips to help you create an ideal environment for your swamp azalea: - Climate: Swamp azaleas prefer a cool climate with mild winters and moderate summers. They do best in regions where temperatures remain between 60°F (15°C) and 75°F (24°C). These plants may struggle in areas with extreme heat or cold, so it's important to choose an appropriate location. - Soil: The right soil conditions are crucial for swamp azaleas. They require well-draining acidic soil, typically with a pH range of 4.5 to 6.0, to thrive. Ensure that the soil is rich in organic matter, as this will help maintain proper moisture levels while allowing excess water to drain away. - Air Circulation: Good air circulation is vital for preventing disease issues in swamp azaleas. When selecting a planting spot, choose an area that allows air to flow freely around the plant. Avoid overcrowding by providing sufficient space between each plant, as this reduces the risk of fungal infections. - Mulching: Mulching around the base of your swamp azalea offers several benefits. It helps retain moisture in the soil, ensuring consistent hydration for the plant's roots. Mulch acts as insulation, regulating soil temperature and protecting against extreme fluctuations that can harm the azalea.
Care Guide for Swamp Azalea: Watering, Pruning, and Fertilizing
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Taking care of your swamp azalea is essential to ensure its healthy growth and beautiful blooms. Here are some important tips for watering, pruning, and fertilizing your swamp azalea: - Watering: - Swamp azaleas prefer moist soil, so it's important to keep the soil consistently damp. - Water your azalea deeply and thoroughly, ensuring that the water reaches the roots. - Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Check the moisture level of the soil before watering again. - Pruning: - Pruning is necessary to maintain the shape and size of your swamp azalea, as well as to promote new growth. - The best time to prune your azalea is immediately after flowering. - Remove any dead or diseased branches, as well as any crossing or overcrowded branches. - Use sharp and clean pruning shears to make clean cuts, and avoid cutting too close to the main stem. - Fertilizing: - Fertilizing your swamp azalea can help provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and vibrant blooms. - Use a slow-release, balanced fertilizer specifically formulated for azaleas. - Apply the fertilizer in early spring, just as new growth begins. - Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for the correct dosage and application method. Remember to regularly monitor the moisture level of the soil, especially during hot and dry periods. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly to ensure your swamp azalea stays healthy and hydrated. Additionally, keep an eye out for any signs of pests or diseases, and take appropriate measures to control them. With proper care and attention, your swamp azalea will thrive and reward you with beautiful flowers year after year.
Companion Plants for Swamp Azalea: Creating a Beautiful Landscape
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Pair swamp azaleas with other native plants like ferns, asters, or cardinal flowers for a natural woodland look. These plants complement each other and create a harmonious environment that mimics the beauty of nature. Consider planting them alongside other acid-loving plants such as rhododendrons or blueberries. This not only enhances the visual appeal but also ensures that all the plants thrive in the same soil conditions. Create contrast by combining swamp azaleas with evergreen shrubs or ornamental grasses. The lush green foliage of these companions provides a striking backdrop to highlight the vibrant blooms of the azaleas. Incorporate different bloom times to ensure continuous color throughout the growing season. By selecting companion plants with staggered flowering periods, you can enjoy a dynamic display of colors from early spring to late fall. By carefully choosing companion plants for your swamp azaleas, you can create an enchanting landscape that showcases their unique characteristics while adding diversity and interest to your garden.
Attracting Wildlife with Swamp Azalea: Hummingbirds and Butterflies
The characteristics of a swamp azalea make it an excellent choice for attracting wildlife to your garden. The fragrant flowers of this deciduous shrub serve as a magnet for hummingbirds, which are drawn to the nectar-rich blooms. Butterflies are captivated by the vibrant colors, enhancing the biodiversity of your outdoor space. To maximize the allure of swamp azaleas to pollinators, consider planting several of these shrubs together. This creates a larger target area for hummingbirds and butterflies to find, increasing their chances of visiting your garden. By providing additional food sources such as butterfly bushes or native wildflowers, you can further support a diverse population of wildlife. Swamp azaleas not only attract pollinators but also offer benefits to other creatures. The white flowers and fragrant foliage entice bees and other insects, ensuring a bustling ecosystem in your backyard. Furthermore, the dense shrubbery provides shelter for small mammals and birds. When selecting an ideal location for swamp azaleas in your garden, opt for areas that receive full sun or part shade. These plants thrive in moist soil conditions and can even help mitigate stormwater runoff due to their ability to absorb excess water.
Common Pests and Diseases of Swamp Azalea: Prevention and Treatment
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- Watch out for lace bugs, aphids, and spider mites that may infest the foliage of swamp azaleas. - Regularly inspect leaves for signs of damage or discoloration caused by pests. - Treat infestations with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil following label instructions. Swamp azaleas are susceptible to various pests and diseases that can affect their health and appearance. It's important to be vigilant in identifying and addressing these issues to ensure the well-being of your plants. Here are some common pests and diseases you should watch out for: - Lace bugs: These tiny insects feed on the underside of azalea leaves, causing yellow stippling or white speckles on the foliage. To control lace bug infestations: - Inspect the leaves regularly for any signs of damage. - Use insecticidal soap or horticultural oil as directed on the product label to treat affected areas. - Aphids: Aphids are small sap-sucking insects that can multiply rapidly, leading to distorted growth and sticky honeydew residue on the leaves. To manage aphid populations: - Check for clusters of aphids on new growth or undersides of leaves. - Consider using insecticidal soap or horticultural oil according to package instructions. - Spider mites: These minuscule arachnids thrive in hot, dry conditions and cause yellowing, stippling, or fine webbing on plant surfaces. To combat spider mites: - Look closely at leaf undersides for tiny moving dots or webbing. - Apply a miticide specifically formulated for spider mite control if necessary. In addition to pests, swamp azaleas can also be prone to certain diseases like root rot. Proper sanitation practices play a crucial role in disease prevention: - Remove fallen leaves and debris regularly to minimize potential sources of infection. - Avoid overwatering and ensure good drainage to prevent conditions favorable for root rot.
Incorporating the beauty of Swamp Azalea, also known as Rhododendron viscosum, into your garden can transform it into a vibrant and captivating oasis. This native plant thrives in wetland habitats across North America and offers several characteristics that make it an excellent addition to any landscape. To successfully grow Swamp Azalea, it is essential to consider its climate and soil requirements. This plant prefers moist conditions and acidic soil, making it ideal for gardens with adequate drainage. By providing the right environment, you can ensure healthy growth and abundant blooms. Caring for Swamp Azalea involves regular watering, pruning, and fertilizing. Adequate moisture is crucial during dry spells, while light pruning helps maintain its shape. Applying a balanced fertilizer in spring promotes vigorous growth and enhances flowering. Creating a beautiful landscape with Swamp Azalea involves selecting suitable companion plants. Consider combining it with other shade-loving species like ferns or hostas to create a visually appealing garden bed that complements the azalea's vibrant blooms. Swamp Azalea not only adds beauty but also attracts wildlife such as hummingbirds and butterflies. These pollinators are drawn to its nectar-rich flowers, creating a lively ecosystem in your garden. While caring for Swamp Azalea, be mindful of common pests and diseases such as lace bugs or powdery mildew. Regular inspection and prompt treatment can help prevent damage to your plants. To enhance your understanding of this remarkable plant further, we have compiled some frequently asked questions below: FAQs How tall does Swamp Azalea typically grow? Swamp Azalea usually reaches heights between 4-8 feet. Can I grow Swamp Azaleas in containers? While possible, growing Swamp Azalea in containers requires careful attention to watering needs due to their preference for moist soil conditions. How often should I water Swamp Azalea? Watering frequency will depend on factors such as rainfall and soil moisture levels. As a general guideline, aim to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. When is the best time to prune Swamp Azalea? Pruning is best done after flowering, typically in late spring or early summer. Are there any specific companion plants that pair well with Swamp Azalea? Yes, some suitable companion plants for Swamp Azalea include ferns, hostas, and astilbes. We hope this information has inspired you to incorporate the captivating beauty of Swamp Azalea into your garden. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy its stunning blooms and create an inviting sanctuary for both yourself and local wildlife. Read the full article
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