#make barson happen
its-just-me-chey · 2 years
Alright last on from this episode
He checked her out! He checked her out! He CHECKED HER OUT TWICE! Also I like to believe he looked at her lips eek! I’ve convinced myself that he did that look at the way he glanced downwards! Losing my mind! The Uncle Rafa comment has my heart in knots everytime! He came to check up on them and I love it! Barson needs to happen… things need to be forgiven 😭😭 this is to much
Liv has her family 😭💙😭
Honorable mention the jaywalking deer comment 🤣🤣
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youling-the-ghost · 25 days
sfth incorrect quotes pt.9 because the brainrot is getting to me
Luke: Thanks for not telling Tom what happened. AJ, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this. Tom: Anyone down to take couples counseling and see at what point the therapist realizes we barely know each other? Luke: Idiots to lovers, 20k words, angst with a happy ending. AJ: I know what a prism is! It's where you put bad people. (I just realised that I already had this quote in a past post)
AJ: Okay, what does A stand for? Luke: Arson. AJ: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for? Luke: Barson. Sam: *laughter* AJ: What stands for C? Luke: Commit arson. Sam: Oooo. AJ: D! Luke: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson. Sam: *more laughter, slightly more evil this time* Tom: Hey, check out my Spongebob umbrella! *Tom opens his umbrella while indoors* Sam: Tom, that’s bad luck… Tom: Chill out, Sam! Luke, kicking down the door: WHO SUMMONED ME?!?! Tom and Sam: *screams* (Senor Pork-core) Tom: Hey, are you free? Sam: No, I’m expensive. Store Worker: Would a “Tom” please come to the front desk? Tom, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker, pointing to AJ, Sam, and Luke: I believe they belong to you? AJ, Sam, and Luke, simultaneously: We got lost. Tom: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me- Luke: Tom, when’s your birthday? Tom: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me? Luke: ...So I know when to wish you a happy birthday. Luke: But also so I can plan your downfall. AJ: So, what is Luke to you? Sam: The reason I wake up every morning. AJ: ...That’s adorable. Luke earlier that morning, barging into Sam′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!! AJ: *stands in trash can* Sam: AJ, not again! You're not trash, you're at least recycling! (I like to think that AJ just wanted to stand in the trash can) Sam: Big day today, Tom. *holds up two identical flannels* Mustard stain or ketchup stain? Tom: Mustard, looks less like blood. Tom: Yeah, I find it quite emotional. In like a cool way. Sam: Did you just say it makes you cry in a cool way? Luke: *writing a letter* Luke: Dear Santa, I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...and it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard. Tom: Damn, the power went out. AJ: Don’t worry, I got this. AJ: *stomps foot* Tom: What-? AJ: *Sketchers light up* Sam: You can’t have a gun on stage! Luke: WRONG! I can have a gun, and I must have a gun, that’s the rule of Chekhov’s Gun: have a gun. And now that it’s been seen, I will have to shoot someone before the end of the play. (Sam's just jealous that he doesn't have a gun) Tom: Oh no! I’m doomed! Sam: Seriously? All you have to do is not insult Luke at his own memorial service. Tom: Exactly! It’s impossible! AJ: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, that’s fucked up. Like c'mon, you know I’m dumb as hell! Luke: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby. Tom: What baby? Luke, crying a bit: Me. Tom: That's not funny. Luke: I thought it was funny. Tom: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
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harpers-tartarus · 8 months
I am straight up about to write a barson svu fic lmao. Highlights:
Rafa and Liv were totally roommates at some point before their relationship developed
People are still under the impression that they are roommates and not husband and wife, but that paperwork was filed in total silence
Does anyone know Liv's husband's name? No, but that's what makes it so funny
Rafa hates Elliot but who doesn't lmao
I feel like the first time anyone finds out about their relationship is like so subtle like Rafa's like: I'm needed in court, and just kisses his wife and leaves???? Carisi is shooketh
Or Rafa walks into the precinct with Noah swinging his arm and telling his Papi what happened at school and everyone does a double take
Liv: trying to testify and not thinking about the fact that her husband wore her favorite three piece suit of his and that she's definitely going to be ripping him out of it later
"Counselor" and "Detective/Sargent/Lieutenant" get thrown around as much as their damn names and its so funny
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unromancable-favs · 1 year
A BUNCH of dark brotherhood incorrect quotes i got from the generator
listener: If I ever had a child, I imagine they would be a lot like you.
astrid: Aww, thanks—
listener: Which is probably why I’ve never reproduced.
astrid: Okay, can we all stop saying stupid shit for a moment, please?!
arnbjorn: Alright.
cicero: Hey, I-
astrid: SHUT UP!
arnbjorn: It was bound to be stupid.
listener: cicero, how could you possibly have gotten into this much trouble in one day?
cicero: It... It didn't take me the whole day...
listener, looking at their reflection: Now, that's rubbish. Who's that supposed to be?
cicero: Well, that's you.
listener: Me?! Is that what I look like?
cicero: You don't know?
listener: Busy day.
arnbjorn: Why do you not believe that ghosts are real?
veezara: Never seen one.
arnbjorn: Okay, I mean, there’s a lot of things that you can’t see that are real.
veezara: What can’t I see?
arnbjorn: You can’t see gravity. That’s real.
veezara: Yeah, I can drop an apple.
arnbjorn: Fuck.
cicero: Astrology is fun because i can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
nazir: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
listener: What are you eating?
nazir: You wouldn't like it, it's really salty.
listener: I like you, don't I?
astrid: *visiting the squad* Hello, I just came to-
astrid: *sees cicero shoving veezara into the washing machine while listener records and nazir watches*
astrid: *retreating* Something suddenly came up.
(doesnt really make sense, but if it were a modern au? 👌)
cicero: What’s sexting?
astrid: I'm not having this conversation with you.
arnbjorn: Would you rather kill cicero, or—
astrid: Yes, kill them.
arnbjorn: I didn’t say the other thing—
astrid: I don’t need to hear it.
cicero: …I’m feeling a little unsafe.
cicero: *writing a letter*
cicero: Dear Santa,
I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...
And it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard.
cicero: And I’d love to be sorry for that, but we all know I’ve done much, much worse.
nazir, to the rest of the brotherhood: And remember, if I get harsh with you it is only because you’re doing it all wrong.
cicero: If you see me talking to myself, go away! I’m self-employed and we’re having a staff meeting!
listner: That shirt looks great, astrid.
astrid: Thanks.
listner: But I bet it would look even better on arnbjorn's floor.
arnbjorn: Are you hitting on astrid... for me?
nazir, handing out popsicles: Which flavor do you want?
babette: Blue flavor!
nazir: Uh, you mean Blue Raspberry?
babette: Blue flavor! Blue flavor!
nazir: Blue is not a flavor!
babette: BLUE FLAVOR!
astrid: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly.
arnbjorn, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
listener: Nice rock.
cicero: Thanks, nazir gave it to me.
nazir: I threw it at you!
cicero: Aren't they the sweetest?
nazir, to cicero: All right, let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. I’m going to go first– I hate you.
nazir: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done.
astrid: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real.
nazir: They're not.
astrid: Haha, very funny.
nazir: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?
astrid: No... what happened?
nazir: ...Why would you fall for this again-
(nazir is a girlboss)
listner: I was put on this earth to do one thing.
listner(LDB): Luckily I forgot what it was so I can do whatever I want.
nazir: Okay, what does A stand for?
babette: Arson.
nazir: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for?
babette: Barson.
astrid: *laughter*
nazir: What stands for C?
babette: Commit arson.
astrid: Oooo. nazir: D!
babette: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson.
astrid: *more laughter*
nazir: I just heard babette call the dog a “fucking liar” because he barked like someone was at the door and no one was there.
(By the dog he means arnbjorn/j)
*cicero is comforting arnbjorn*
cicero: Stop crying because it’s over. Start smiling because astrid is someone else’s problem now.
listner: Hey, cicero, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
cicero: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
listner: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
cicero: Can't really say I have.
listner: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.
cicero: Sorry, listner. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
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charxthekoopaking · 1 year
Heads up this is after Vander becomes warwick when warwick is mentioned
Warwick: I haven't seen Vi and Jinx for fifteen minutes now.
*Outside a nearby window, a car without a driver inside is seen rolling down a driveway, with Vi and Jinx running after it in a panic. Warwick doesn't look outside at all.*
Warwick: That probably means they're getting into trouble.
Warwick: I hope you have an explanation for this.
Vi: We have three actually-
Jinx: Pick your favorite.
Vi, to Powder: If you see Mylo, give him this message *makes a neutral face*
Vi: He'll know what it means.
Powder: oh, and Vi said to give you a message.
Powder: *makes a neutral face*
Mylo: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Warwick: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?!
Vi: It's kind of complicated, but Jinx-
Warwick: Got it. Forget I asked.
Jayce: Regular soda is too sweet!
Vi: Diet soda has a weird after taste!
Jayce: No! Ugh, oh my god. Diet soda is THE BEST! It doesn't have sugar! It's SPICY!
Vi: It has other weird stuff in it! I'll take REGULAR sugar in my REGULAR soda!
Jayce: It's SO SWEET like it's a dessert though! Diet feels more like a drink!
Vi: I'm going to physically attack you.
Jayce: Which is better, Caitlyn?
Caitlyn: Oh, I usually drink water!
Vi: Wha- NO!
Jinx: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.
Ekko, used to Jinx being dumb: Sure...
Jinx: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Ekko: Okay?
Jinx: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Jinx: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Ekko: Jesus, that one is a little-
Seraphine, interested: No, no, Jinx, keep going.
Caitlyn: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically.
Vi: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes.
Jinx: Self care is stealing someones birthday cake just to eat the frosting.
Vi: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Ekko: Ooh, somebody has a crush
Jinx: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Seraphine I just think she's cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about her.
*Later that night*
Jinx, very much awake: Uh oh.
Jinx, watching power lines fall down: Vi, Warwick! The town is exploding and it's very pretty!
Vi: What would Warwick think?
Jinx: Ok, that’s an interesting thought, but hear me out: what if… we ran an experiment where we spent the rest of our lives finding out what happened if we never told him?
Silco: Okay, what does A stand for?
Jinx: Arson.
Silco: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for?
Jinx: Barson.
Sevika: *laughter*
Silco: What stands for C?
Jinx: Commit arson.
Sevika: Oooo.
Silco: D!
Jinx: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson.
Sevika: *more laughter*
Vi: Caitlyn won’t come out of her room!
Jayce: Just tell her I said something.
Vi: Like what?
Jayce: Anything factually incorrect.
Vi, shrugging: If you say so.
Caitlyn, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
Jinx: I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about our relationship.
Ekko: These are handcuffs.
Jinx: Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime!
Jinx: Hey, wanna help me commit arson?
Seraphine: What the hell!?
Jinx: Oh, sorry, my bad.
Jinx, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson?
Seraphine, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
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h4nn4hra · 2 years
Incorrect quotes
Horace: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Will : Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Leander: I dare you-
Crowley: Halt is not allowed to accept dares anymore.
Leander: Why not?
Halt: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say.
Will : Halt, I am questioning your sanity...
Horace: I never questioned it, I knew their sanity was missing from the start.
Halt: Are they stupid?
Will : Yes, but they prefer to be called Horace.
Horace, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs?
Gilan: It means like in hand-to-hand combat.
Horace: Ohhhh-
Will : Both of you get out of this kitchen
Horace, when Will walks in: Oh, hey, I'm just making pizza.
Horace: *accidentally smacks Halt in the face with the baking sheet*
Will : Why did you guys dress up as each other for Halloween?
Horace: Halt is the scariest thing I could think of!
Halt: Horace told me I should pick the dumbest costume possible.
Halt: Guys where did Will go?
Horace: They got arrested.
Halt: How the hell-
Will: *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
Will: Okay, what does A stand for?
Cassandra: Arson.
Will : Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for?
Cassandra: Barson.
Horace: *laughter*
Will : What stands for C?
Cassandra: Commit arson.
Horace: Oooo.
Will: D!
Cassandra: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson.
Horace: *more laughter*
Halt: What about Horace?
Will: Don't worry about them.
Will: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
Jenny: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Alyss: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Jenny: Not when you’re playing with George, it’s not. They put words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
Alyss: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Will without them noticing?
Horace: Hey, Will, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny.
Will: *takes and swallows tracker* Pay up.
Crowley: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something.
Crowley: I need my socks.
Will: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Horace: I'm usually that person who has no idea what's going on.
Halt: I came out here to attack people and I'm honestly having such a good time right now.
Gilan: And now for a gay update with Crowley and Halt.
Crowley: Getting gayer.
Gilan: Thank you, Crowley.
Halt: Who knew getting in trouble would be so impossible?
Horace: I gotta give you credit, Will. You make it look easy.
Will: Years of practice.
Duncan, to Halt: your so small.
Halt: *proceeds to kick them in the shin*
Crowley, walking past: Rule number 1, don't call Halt small.
Duncan: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Halt: I'm a knife.
Crowley, from across the room: They're the little spoon.
Cassandra: The moon looks beautiful tonight
Horace: Yeah, but do you know what's even more beautiful?
Both: *Sigh* Will
Crowley: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ *hugs Halt from behind*
Duncan: This is so cute.
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321pm · 3 years
Every long running show should do a ‘What If’ episodes like Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, etc. And I really think Law & Order: SVU/ OC should jump at the opportunity to do a few ‘What ifs’ episodes. 🙈 Like can you imagine the possibilities!!!!
What If….
Amaro was able to take the Sargent exam. He had to moved to a different unit, but him and Liv get lunch together regularly 🤞🏽bestfriends🤞🏽
Mini Dodds never died…still got shot a few times tho, but still at SVU.
Elliot left, but came back when he and Kathy divorced. Eli live with him in the city.
He still work for OC has PTSD, but from shooting that child. Bell still his partner, her fine ass. 😍
Cassidy took over Tucker position and been doing great at IAB, no longer a dumbass and doesn’t go undercover anymore. Still madly in love with Liv tho.
Big Dodds and Liv playfully flirt more and more, but as friends tho 👀😬 Barba, Elliot, Mini Dodds, Cassidy & Fin doesn’t like that shit. Sonny, Amaro, and Amanda do. 🤗
El found out about WL when him and Amaro got into a kerfuffle over who Liv #1 partner was. Barba sides with Amaro cuz he doesn’t like Elliot. Amanda laughed cuz she’s Liv #1 bestie and know Liv’s best partner is Barba.
Amanda was the one crushing hard on Sonny and constantly shoot her shot. 🥰
Liv and Barba kissed by her door after Noah was returned safely. 👀
Barba never killed that baby, he was on his way becoming the DA or judge…
Peter Stone is Noah little league coach, but Liv found out he was an ADA in Chicago when Barba brings it up in a jealous manner. After watching Peter flirt with Liv and adoring Noah.
Sonny is just Sonny he does everything great he doesn’t need a ‘what if’. 😅
The same goes for Fin 🤣 literally him and Sonny are perfect can’t see much changing except more screen time and lines.
I just feel like that would be a good ass episode. And it’s filled with everything we wanted from L&O over the years. 😩😩😩 I need this to happen ASAP!!!!
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roseinutopia · 8 years
Tumblr media
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unicornmagic · 6 years
Q: Will Raúl Esparza (Assistant D.A. Rafael Barba), who exited last season, be back?
A: Yes.  I can promise you that.
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r-osehips · 7 years
idk what it is about smut and smut-adjacent writing, but exploring the genre (if that counts as a genre) has allowed me to think about and write SVU fic without unbearable canon-caused pain! Which is more than I can say for when I try to write normal SVU fic. 
anyway, here’s a bit of squad fluff with just a hiiiint of Barson smut, enjoy: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14086536
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vanessaparker8 · 7 years
Early episode again
Humm ctv present 19x12 tomorrow instead of wednesday. Thanks god I love my country sometimes
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impossible3girl · 2 years
Olivia Benson in the SVU season 23 finale
"... and he [Elliot] always had my back."
Yeh sure apart from the 10 years were he did not once talk to you. The 10 years were you got kidnapped, your son got kidnapped and god knows what else happened to you. It's probably easier to list the things that did not happen.
But you know who had your back since you know him?
Right! Rafael Barba the guy who loves you unconditionally. He even stayed in contact after he left and was making sure you were alright like after what happened with Tucker.
And yeh maybe it was not right defending Weathley (haven't seen any of the episodes yet so I don't know the whole situation but I am also not avoiding spoilers) but I know Rafa loves you unconditionally and he would never hurt you and do something like that, that probably also conflicts with his morals if there was not a higher reason like the alternative being even worse for you. All that man wants to do is protect you.
From what I can tell based on the last scene he loves you so much he would give up a future with you so you can be with Elliot if it means that you are happy. That's why he told you about your feelings for Elliot even though he loves you. That is, having your back. Not what Elliot did these ten years and from what I have seen since he is back. He is so self-centred.
And don't get me wrong back in the days I shipped Bensler but I think Elliot had his chance and missed it and your relationship has become way too toxic for you to be happy especially compared to Barson.
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rahleeyah · 2 years
Leah, this ask is going to be bit controversial (and long sorry) but please hear me out. Devil's advocate here.
Everything Barba said to Liv in the season finale was right!
How? Liv told Amanda that she and Kathy became really close friends. Based on seasons 1-12 , that was hardly true. Liv cared for Elliot's family as a whole. She wasn't chumming around with Kathy. Liv said she's known Elliot's kids since they were in diapers. This is not close to being true. All of Elliot's kids were of school age when they met. BUT if we accept this as canon, Barba telling her to get herself together makes complete sense.
"This dead woman was your close friend. You've known her kids since they were babies. Now you have feelings for her husband? And you're putting your career on the line for him. Pull yourself together!"
If I had just started watching SVU at the beginning of season 22. Based on how this was written, (including the Burton situation), I would think there was something seriously wrong with Olivia. And wonder why Elliot is even a part of her life.
We are aware that this is Warren being shady but it is out there. It's canon. If the new show runner chooses to start from where he left off, it's not looking to good for her and Elliot until she "works on herself".
Warren has done this from the beginning. And just as this whole fandom automatically accepts as canon Elliot being a POS who ghosted Liv despite the fact that it was WAY OOC. It could have easily been written that she talked to him off camera. Nick and Fin were talking to Munch off camera all the time. But we all agree before they get together, Elliot needs to explain doing something that he would have never done to her in 1.0. Then shouldn't we just accept season 22 and 23 Olivia Benson as canon, understand that season 13 to present Elliot may not be the best choice for her and make way for Barson or someone else?
Remember, Devil's advocate so please don't chew me out. LOL
so, to start off with, the framing of your ask feels incredibly manipulative. you've come to me claiming that you're just playing devil's advocate; first of all, no one asked you to, and second, your arguments come across pretty plainly as your personal point of view, not a position you've taken up just for the fun of debate.
a debate which, remember, i did not sign up for. you came into my house, you started a fight, and then you told me how you expected me to behave based on the rules of engagement you laid down. i'm not allowed to chew you out bc you said the magic words? i didn't sign a treaty, and i'm not gonna abide by someone else's rules after they purposefully, unprompted, stirred the hornets nest.
i don't tag my posts, so they don't fill up the general tags. i don't go on other people's posts, or into their inboxes, picking fights. i stay squarely in my lane. you came to me.
but let's get into it, yeah? let's do it. i'll take it line by line.
Based on seasons 1-12 , that was hardly true
olivia didn't say "we were really close friends." she just said "we were really close". which, given that olivia saved kathy's life, helped deliver her child, convinced her to stay with her husband, given that kathy calls her liv after all this, and given the show's penchant for randomly referring to things that happened off camera well after the fact - like for example the retconning they did with murphy and rollins - is it really such a stretch to think that they were "close"? olivia shows up at the queens house and convinces kathy not to leave and you think kathy listened bc she isn't close to olivia, doesn't care what olivia has to say, doesn't trust her? why can't it be true that they were close? why don't you believe what olivia says? bc we didn't see it? we didn't see a lot of things that are still true.
Liv said she's known Elliot's kids since they were in diapers.
you're right, that the first four kids were older when liv first met them; maureen was probably a teenager, or close to it. the twins are younger, but probably not younger enough that they were in diapers at that time - although liv & el had been working together for like a year, or thereabouts, before s1, what if it was more than just one year? what if the twins were in the process of being potty trained? that would shift it to two kids in diapers and two not. and eli certainly qualifies, since olivia literally assisted in his birth. so is this a generalization, made in the heat of the moment, an exaggeration she makes while trying to emphasize how long she's known this man? is that out of the question? if it is out of the question, then it's worth remembering that this was written in 2.0, by a team of people who disdain 1.0, and don't spend a lot of time trying to be faithful to it, and so i think we can hardly hold that against her.
"This dead woman was your close friend. You've known her kids since they were babies. Now you have feelings for her husband? And you're putting your career on the line for him. Pull yourself together!"
Do you think that barba was telling her not to be with elliot? do you think that the purpose of that conversation was him saying she needed to choose her romantic partners more wisely? or are you not talking about the finale, are you talking about christmas, and the problem with being an empath conversation? (which, interestingly, barba tells her he thinks she's being a doormat after she's stood up for herself; she doesn't need him to tell her to do that. she's done that already. he has no idea) the thing about barba's last appearance was that it was him arguing that she ought to forgive him - really ought to say that he hadn't done anything wrong at all, since he doesn't think he did - and him being hurt that she continues to support her own position, and elliot, over him. he is hurt, and he excuses liv's behavior as her simply being in love with a man barba doesn't like, instead of acknowledging that the root of olivia's anger is that he didn't listen to her. she tells him she didn't ask him to protect her, and he says no, i guess you didn't, but it is dripping with regret, as if he thinks she should have. he's still not hearing her.
now you have feelings for her husband and you're putting your career on the line for him.
literally she has always had feelings for him, and she has always put her career on the line for him. that is what liv does. we already had an ask last week (or possibly the week before, what is time?) where i discussed this, that it is plain throughout 1.0 that olivia has feelings for him. this is not new.
it is new for barba; are you arguing that from his perspective he's right, or are you arguing, as you state, that he simply is right?
it has been my position, all along, that barba is acting based on the information he has, but that because he does not have the full picture he is not in the right. and bc he does not listen to liv, he continues to be in the wrong.
If I had just started watching SVU at the beginning of season 22. Based on how this was written, (including the Burton situation), I would think there was something seriously wrong with Olivia. And wonder why Elliot is even a part of her life.
frankly, if you had only watched from s22 of svu your opinion wouldn't count for very much. you can't look at one tiny sliver of canon - particularly, crucially, a sliver that doesn't show us any of liv's prior relationship with elliot - and make reasoned judgments about it. your imaginary viewer's perspective is severely limited, and i shouldn't have to sit here and argue with this strawman you've set up when they don't know what they're talking about.
but since you put them in front of me! let's knock 'em down, shall we?
if you had only watched from s22 of svu, you'd see someone who mattered to liv come back. you'd see her be shaken by him. you'd see her defend him to people that don't seem to trust him. and instead of asking yourself why does olivia care about this man, instead of thinking olivia is the strong, empathetic, compassionate beating heart of this show, if she cares about this man, if she is defending him, maybe there's something there worth defending, you would decide there's something wrong with her. ok that says a lot about you, tbh. but even if that's where you started, you'd see him being sweet to her at the wedding. you'd see her continuing to seek him out. you'd see her feeling possessive of him. you'd see how well they work together. if you're only watching svu, and not oc, you're not getting the full picture - which is again your strawman's fault for not engaging with the full story - but the pieces are there.
you'd wonder why he was a part of her life; is the fact that she wants him to be not enough? why don't you trust her judgment? why don't you want to?
If the new show runner chooses to start from where he left off, it's not looking to good for her and Elliot until she "works on herself".
this is literally the point of the scene with lindstrom and i don't understand why your tone makes it seem like a bad thing. the scene with lindstrom says that liv has been struggling, that she's been holding elliot at arm's length, that until she is willing to try with him she can't move on. isn't that a good thing? isn't olivia taking the time to work through her issues, olivia trusting that maybe happiness is possible for her, a good thing? she didn't think happiness was possible for her and lindstrom tells her to try with elliot, to try for happiness, and rollins tells her to just fuck the man already; isn't it encouraging, to think that in the future she might consider taking some risks, and see her bravery rewarded with care? that's a compelling storyline, and one i'm looking forward to.
And just as this whole fandom automatically accepts as canon Elliot being a POS who ghosted Liv despite the fact that it was WAY OOC
let's be careful, always, with assuming that the whole fandom accepts anything. everybody has different perspectives. and let's consider for a moment, as i have discussed many, many times before, that it is NOT that out of character for elliot to have made a sharp break. that is another post entirely, but i'm sorry, him ghosting her doesn't automatically make him a piece of shit, and isn't even automatically the wrong thing to have done in that situation.
It could have easily been written that she talked to him off camera. Nick and Fin were talking to Munch off camera all the time
this would have been a little awkward and anticlimactic, imo. it makes for better, more compelling drama, if there is a solid break, one that hurts, one that liv has to work through.
But we all agree before they get together, Elliot needs to explain doing something that he would have never done to her in 1.0
we don't all agree. i think elliot has explained. olivia doesn't need him to hold her hand and walk her through every step of his decision making process. she understands what it means that he killed a teenager - something too many people overlook - what it means that his pension was on the line, what it means that IAB was gonna make him jump thru hoops. she says it herself in s13 that he'd tell 'em to go to hell. she understands why he left. and now he's told her why he didn't answer. bc she was the only force on earth that could have brought him back, and he couldn't come back. why is that not enough? i'd argue she understands why he couldn't, because she understands him. that is one of the most important parts of their relationship, the extent to which they understand one another, their hearts and their motives.
Then shouldn't we just accept season 22 and 23 Olivia Benson as canon, understand that season 13 to present Elliot may not be the best choice for her and make way for Barson or someone else?
so i don't accept any of the points you've made, really. s22-23 olivia benson is canon, but she exists within a broader framework. we can't throw out s1-s21. hell, even s22-23 liv is still choosing elliot, and we can't disregard her choice. s23 ended with olivia being told to reach for him, with her reaching for him being tied up with her future happiness. why should she cast him aside? why should she throw away someone she cares for, someone who played such a huge role in her life, someone who hurt her but is back and is trying to be good for her? someone who heard her tell him to be better, and made a concerted effort to be better?
and honestly, narratively, why should we want to? god, isn't it satisfying to think that after all this time she can find a soft place to land with someone who meant so much to her for so long? that those old wounds can be healed, that they can find happiness together? isn't that better than just some random "someone else"?
why should it be barba, who apart from getting jealous when he finds out she's with someone else - the way he reacted with tucker springs to mind, there is precedent for his jealousy - hasn't exactly been around for her either? barba who defended a man who not only was responsible for killing kathy, but also crashed olivia's car on purpose and hurt her? defended him by casting aspersions on olivia and elliot's credibility, defended him despite olivia asking him not to, ignoring her wishes in the process? how is that better than elliot? at least elliot listens to her.
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charmingly-evil · 2 years
I love Barson, But those fans are forgetting that Stabler just lost his wife. I doubt Liv would ever date Elliot. Liv had so much respect for his late wife and his marriage. Liv knows Elliot has to grieve. Liv and Elliot are just friends with too many complications. The only complication she had with Barba was the Wheatly case, I think he took that case out of stupid jealousy. Barba was there for her during her worst and best when Stabler left SVU.
Hey I don't come on Tumblr so I'm not sure about this Barson/EO war and hate that seems to be going on. I think it's important to say that everyone has a right to ship what they want and I think in many universes out there, there's possibilities for Barson and EO. The show basically confirmed that both guys love Liv.
I agree that there sre complications with Liv and Elliot. It's been a year and I don't think Kathy is the big barrier anymore. I think it's trust Elliot after he left, and Elliot still not being available for her. Elliot's asked Liv out multiple times, yes. But they haven't talked. They still haven't talked about Lewis, or how Liv adopted Noah, or her relationship with Ed, or anything. It's infuriating. So in a way, he has no right to date Liv when he barely knows her now, he doesn't know what she's gone through They're still holding onto their friendship by holding onto the past. Also, Elliot is such an arse now. He's more cold, inconsiderate and selfish. He never genuinely checks in on what's happening for Liv. It's so out of character from how he used to be, back in Season 7 when Elliot came rushing over, crushing Liv in his arms and whispering, "I should have come back sooner." Now it's like he doesn't give a damn, but somehow loves the woman?
I blame the writers for the shitty writing for Elliot and lack of time and attention they're giving to EO to create any sort of relationship. Makes me mad cause it makes me feel like they'e just dragging the fans along and baiting us, but never actually going to give in, because progress is tiny, if at all.
I agree that Barba has always been there for her and never wanted to hurt her. I also believe he wanted to protect Liv during the Wheatley case. I think Barba is parallel to the kind friend who loves and watches from afar, knowing Liv is in love with someone else. It's sweet but also heartbreaking, especially when Barba said he'll be waiting for her.
Ugh I admit I'm a Barson shipper now and a Bensler shipper. I just want Liv to be happy, you know?
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barson--is--life21 · 3 years
So,I was re-watching some old Barba episodes. I noticed, that in several scenes despite the whole squad there, everything focused on Liv and Rafael, while they stared at each other. I think it symbolised, that despite the fact they haven't admitted their feelings, sometimes in the room no-one existed,but them. As I said that's why I love Barson. Not only Rauliska's amazing chemistry,but also the fact that he was the only man she wasn't forced with. You could feel the love between them. Without even trying. They were porpusaly trying to make us ship Olivia with the rest of the men, despite she and Chris have so amazing chemistry. The Barson ship is the most 'natural', the most healthy, the least forceable. That's why I want Barson to happen. The character he has is the best suitable for a woman like Olivia. I feel like she trusted him more than anyone else. And although they had their differences,no one tried to insult or hurt the other. Plus they changed for the better. Olivia makes Rafael a better man. Rafael makes Olivia a better woman...
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homo-beehive · 3 years
Rating my tics bc why not ✨
“fuck you!” — 4/10 rude, and i’ve gotten a lot of glares for it, but it’s kinda funny
“yip-yip” — 6/10 cute, but very repetitive and gets old fast
the Neck Thing —2/10 have pulled neck muscles bc of this /neg
“FUCK” — 4.5/10 loud and strains my vocal cords but also pretty funny ngl (it has a very specific trigger that, due to the situation, makes it funnier)
“beans” — 5/10 got it from thistrippyhippie (obviously), doesn’t hurt but really stupid
“oh lovely mud” — 3/10 annoying as hell. fuck you mrs wishy-washy
“hello” part 1 — 5/10 kinda cute, why is it british though
“hello” part 2 — 4/10 basically the first but louder
“fuckin zoomers yo” — wtf/10 what does it mean why am i complaining about my own generation
“inky!” — 6/10 that’s my name bro don’t wear it out
“yeAAA” — 6/10 it sounds like an offended cat and that’s fuckin hilarious
“that’s KING shit” — 9/10 idk i just think it’s funny lol
“BEES oh my god” — 8/10 bees are great i love them
“bitches” — 6/10 i mean it’s kinda funny but why ??
*slaps something* “bap!” — 6.5/10 weird but kinda cute i guess, i’ve never hurt anyone
aggressive clapping — 2/10 it hurts so much whyyy
“BARSON!” — 9/10 not loud enough to hurt me and genuinely hilarious in my mind
double middle fingers — 3/10 doesn’t hurt but mean and i don’t like it
“fuck you too!” — 5/10 if someone tics fuck you” tthis happens so it kinda fits lmao
*new jersey accent* “oh  h o n e y” — 7/10 needs no explanation
“love you!” — 6/10 cute but also once it starts it doesn’t stop oh my god
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