#by the love of god please just open your eyes liv
harringtonstilinski · 2 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Three: E Pluribrus Unum (Bonus Scene)
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 3,169 Warnings: angst, mentions of blood, steve getting his ass kicked, steve and robin being drugged, italics is steve hearing liv's commentary, tiniest bit of foreshadowing 👀 ?, non-canon hallucinations (not mentioned in story after this), Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! Y'all voted for a bonus scene, and I'm here to deliver! Main focus is Steve and Robin's scenes. If you like this bonus scene, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Steve’s Pov
As soon as Liv, Dustin and Erica were out of sight, Robin and I were flung through the air to the wall next to us at the door being shoved open. Once we got our bearings, we raised our hands, Russian guards standing in front of us with their guns drawn. Ahh, crap.
They hauled us to our feet, essentially dragging us to separate rooms. My only thought as they kept asking me questions and punching me when I gave them my answers was that I was super glad Liv wasn’t here to hear or witness this. She’d be losing her shit.
As they punched me in the face, yet again, I groaned in pain, again thankful that Liv wasn’t here to try and kick the shit out of these Russian assholes. After we confessed our love to each other, my need to protect her increased tenfold. I’m sure her need increased, as well.
Feeling blood dripping from my mouth, I groaned, “That one stung,” before gasping for air.
What I’m guessing is the main head honcho for these buttwipes asked, “Who do you work for?”
“For the millionth time, I work at Scoops Ahoy!” Bringing my head up, I breathed out, “Scoops Ahoy,” doing my best to gear up for the next hit to the face… that didn’t happen. That hit went to my stomach, a pained groan coming from my throat before I yelled out, “What the hell?! ”
Bending over, I said, “Look at my outfit! Look at my outfit! My girlfriend might think it’s hot, but look at it! You think I just wear this?! Think I’m a spy in a sailor’s uniform?” Another punch to the stomach.
I can hear Olivia now saying, “You assholes! I’m gonna kill you!” or “I’ll take his place!” while struggling against another guard.
With a stone face, the head honcho asked with an uninterested tone, “How did you get in?”
Gasping for breath, I was bent over as I grunted, “I already told you,” before sitting up to say, “I told you before.” I gasped for air again, hearing Liv’s voice in my head saying, “Lie again,” before repeating my words from earlier. “My delivery didn’t come, and my friends and I, we thought that it was left at the loading dock, so we went into the room, and it tuuurrrrned into an elevator, and then…”
“You have to be a better liar, Steven,” her voice said.
“And then we dropped and then next thing we know, I open my eyes and we’re in this… wonderful facility.”
“Oh my god. Shut up, Steve.”
“But I swear to God, nobody knows about us, nobody saw us. You could just let us go, alright? And I’m not gonna tell anybody about this, okay? Shit happens, life goes on. And uhh… ice-ice cream. Ice cream, okay? You guys know what ice cream is.”
“They’re Russians, not aliens from space, Steven!”
“Everybody loves ice cream. I don’t know if you have Russian ice cream or if that’s considered gelato-”
“That’s Italians, Steve!”
“I don’t know what’s what, but whatever you guys want, seriously. USS Butterscotch, I mean, you gotta try it. It’s out of this world, I’m telling ya!”
Head honcho and the guy that was repeatedly hitting me just started… laughing? So, I joined in, as well. More nervously, of course.
“I like this guy!” Head honcho said. “USS… Butterscotch.” He laughed again, it turning into a chuckle as he bent down a little, resting his hands on his knees.
All I could do was look at him nervously, scared for what was to come next as the room fell quiet.
“Who do you work for?” he enunciated.
Well, shit. “Oh, come on,” I all but whined, eyeing the other guard. “No, no!  No, seriously!”
Black was the very next thing that I saw as that douchebag hit me in the face… yet again.
I don’t remember much else after literally being knocked out, but what I do remember next was waking up to Robin’s voice calling out for help. 
“Hey,” I said, groggily. “Would you stop yelling?”
I could feel her relief from just hearing my voice as she said, “Steve! Oh, my god!” before panting out my name. She was leaning back as I was leaning forward as she asked, “Are-are you okay?”
“My ears are ringing, I can barely breathe, my eye feels like it’s about to pop out of my skull, and Liv’s voice is running through my head, but ya’know, apart from that, I’m doing pretty good.”
“Well, the good news is that they’re calling you a doctor,” Robin said.
“Jesus, you two are idiots.”
I looked around the room, which looked liked a… ya’know, a doctors room. “Is this his place of work? I love the vibe.” Robin chuckled as I added, “Charming.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. So, okay,” she said. “Do you see that table over there to your right?”
I turned my head to the left. Don’t ask why. 
“Babe. Your other left.”
“No, your other right,” Robin said.
Turning my head to my correct right, she added, “Yeah, okay. Do you see those scissors?”
“Uh-huh,” I confirmed.
“Yeah, well, I think that if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into your lap.”
Picking up what she was putting down, I said, “And I could cut the binds.”
“Yeah, and we could get out of here.”
“Gotcha. Okay, yeah, we can do that.”
“Those morons. They left scissors in here?” I asked, turning my head side to side.
“Yeah, morons,” Robin added.
“Total morons,” I added to my own statement, adding with determination, “Okay.”
“Okay, so, on the count of three, we’re gonna hop.”
“O-okay, good, hop on three. I gotcha.”
“Alright. One.. two.. three.”
We both hopped towards the table, a little happy that this plan was actually working. Robin and I counted to three again, our excitement building at the fact that we were almost to the table… and I was almost to the point where I could hug and kiss my girl again.
Counting to three again, we hopped for a third time… only for our fucking luck to bite us in the ass because we ended up falling, our heads towards the table, our feet towards the door.
Robin and I both groaned at our heads and arms hitting the ground before I heard her crying.
“A bunch of fucking geniuses.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t cry. Robin.” Instead of hearing her cry, I heard her… laughing? “Are you laughing?”
She laughed harder before saying, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry. It’s just… I can’t believe I’m gonna die in a secret Russian base with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington. It’s just too trippy, man.”
“We’re not gonna die,” I reassured. “We’re gonna get out of here, okay? Liv wouldn’t let us die anyway. She’d kill every single Russian down here before they could kill us. Just– you gotta let me just think for a second.”
It was quiet for a moment, my thoughts running through my brain before Robin asked, “Do you remember, uhm, Mrs. Click’s sophomore History class?”
I lifted my head, shaking it a little before asking with an annoyingly curious tone, “What?”
“Mrs. Clickity-Clackity,” she said. “That’s what us band dweebs called her.”
Sighing, I pressed my forehead into the floor, remembering when I was an asshole to everyone, the guilt eating at me in this moment.
“It was first period, Tuesdays and Thursdays, so you were always late.”
Even though we weren’t as close during that time, Liv had ended up scolding me more than a few times for always being late. “Goodness, Harrington. Don’t you own a fucking watch?”
“And you always had the same breakfast. Bacon, egg and cheese on a sesame bagel.”
“I know we’re not close anymore, but you could still bring me a freaking sausage McMuffin!” Since Liv scolded me the last time, every Tuesday and Thursday she’d find a Sausage McMuffin in her locker. 
“I sat behind you, two days a week for a year,” Robin said. “Mister Funny. Mister Cool. The King of Hawkins High himself. Liv being your Queen.”
“Ugh! Don’t bring that up!”
“Do you even remember me from that class?”
I didn’t know what to say because… well, I didn’t remember her. I didn’t care about anyone else or anything during high school. Other than the girls I’d bang, being in basketball and on the swim team, or being with Nancy… or being friends with Liv again.
Robin’s chuckle brought me out of my thoughts before she said, “Of course you don’t. You were a real asshole, ya’know that?”
Feeling incredibly bad, I said sadly, “Yeah, I know.”
“The biggest asshole, babe.”
“But it didn’t even matter,” Robin continued. “It didn’t even matter that you were an ass. I was still… obsessed with you.”
I could hear Liv’s scoff as she said, “Everyone was.”
“Even though all of us losers pretend to be above it all, we still just wanna be popular… accepted, normal.”
“If it makes you feel any better, having those things isn’t all that great,” I said, sniffling. “Seriously. Liv can tell you that… even though she… didn’t grow up the same as me.” Taking a deep breath, I sighed it back out as I said, “It just baffles me. Everything that people tell you is important, everything that people say you should care about, it’s all just…” I lightly chuckled before adding, “...bullshit. But I guess you gotta mess up to figure things out, right?”
“I hope so. I feel like my whole life has been… one big error.”
We both chuckled, a smile crossing my face for the first time since yesterday. 
“Yep,” I agreed, a small smile on my face. 
“At least it can’t get any more messed up than this,” Robin said.
“Ya’know, I wish I’d known you in Click’s class,” I said. 
“Really. I do.”
“Olivia humbled you,” Robin whispered.
“Yeah. She did.” I smiled a little, thinking of my girlfriend and how grateful I am of her. How happy I am that she gave me a thump on my head when I needed it most. “Maybe you both could’ve helped me pass the class. Maybe instead of being here, Liv and I’d be on our way to college right now.”
“And I would have no idea that there were evil Russians beneath our feet, and I would happily be slinging ice cream with some other schmuck.”
We chuckled, I guess because we’ve accepted our fate.
“Gotta say, though,” I said. “I liked being your schmuck.”
“Uhm, hello?!”
I chuckled lightly at hearing Liv’s commentary in my head. “So did Liv. It was fun while it lasted.”
“It was.”
Our come to Jesus meeting was over at the sound of the buzzer and door opening. We looked up, seeing the Head Honcho walk in with three other people… and then he chuckled.
“Where were you two going?” he asked, brows raised and arms out to his side for a moment.
“Ugh! Just go somewhere, asswipe. You’re kind of annoying.”
He clicked his tongue before the two guards lifted us up, setting the chairs back on their feet. I could see it now; Head Honcho holding Liv back, struggling to get out of his arms. “Don’t you fucking touch them, Russian bastard!”
Head Honcho bent in front of me again as I felt Robin’s head leaning on my neck as he asked, “Try telling the truth this time, yes?”
“He is, you ignorant freak!”
“It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful,” he continued, stroking the side of my face.
Again, I could see Olivia struggling in my mind, yelling at the doctor. “Don’t fucking touch him, you sick bastard! I’ll fucking kill you!”
Touching a sore on my chin, I winced, once again, seeing Liv in my mind struggling against the guard, her hair all around her face as she cried in sadness and anger. Head Honcho chuckled again before nodding once to the doctor.
I turned my head to watch him walk around me, a big ass needle in his hand, with blue liquid inside of a small vile. Fear started showing through as I looked at it, saying, “Wait a sec, wait. Hold on. Okay! Wait, wait, wait! What is that thing?”
The ‘doctor’ was standing next to me with the needle gun thing as he said, “It will help you talk.” He grabbed my hair and tilted my head to the side.
“Did you even clean that thing?!” I yelled, before screaming at the needle being punctured into my neck, the liquid seeping into my veins.
After they had done the same thing to Robin, Head Honcho and his pack of bastards left the room, leaving Robin and I by ourselves for a moment. What was weird was that I couldn’t still see Liv, but not hear her in my mind anymore, my brain feeling more fuzzy than ever, almost like I’d smoked a joint.
Robin moved her head against mine a few times, as I just stared at a spot on the wall, seeing Liv every now and again as she paced in front of me. “I’m gonna kill them. I’m gonna fucking kill them.”
“Honestly, I don’t really feel anything,” I said. “Do you?”
“Really, Steven?”
“I mean, I… I feel fine,” Robin replied. “I feel normal.”
“Yeah, I feel-I feel fine,” I agreed, before slurring, “I kinda feel good,” before we both chuckled.
I wish I could say I actually  felt Liv’s hands on my cheeks, but in my mind… I did. “Steve. You’re high as a fucking kite. Keep your mouth closed. Don’t say anything.”
“Wanna know a secret?” Robin asked.
“What?” I asked.
“I like it, too! And I’ve been seeing and hearing Liv!”
“Me, too!” I said, laughing.
“I feel good.”
“Morons! They messed up the drug.”
“Oh… my god.”
“They messed it up!”
As Robin leaned her head back, I tilted mine forward. “Morons,” she said.
Robin and I looked at the door as I loudly said, “Morons!”
“Hey, morons!”
“Moron! Mor–” she said at the same time I said, “Hey!”
“Whoa-oh!” I was still smiling and laughing, closing my eyes for a moment. 
“Oh, no. There’s definitely something wrong with us.”
Amused, I said, “Somethin’s wrong.”
“Ya’think! Fucking idiots.”
That damn door buzzer sounded again, but I kind of didn’t care because of how good I felt as the Head Honcho and the Doc walked into the room. What did grab my attention was watching Head Honcho walking around Robin and I on her side just for him to stop and stand in front of me.
I turned my head after looking at him for a moment, watching the Doc mess with his bag at the table. Whatever he sets down makes Robin chuckle a little as he grabs a freaking medical bone saw from his bag.
“Would now be a good time to tell you that I don’t like doctors?” Robin asked.
The image of Olivia hastily walking around to Robin flashed in my mind, her hushed voice saying, “Robin, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’ll send you to the Upside Down for a full-ass week!”
“Let’s try this again, yes?” Head Honcho said.
I licked the inside of my tongue, feeling to see if it was still there as I nodded and murmured out something while nodding my head. 
Without missing a beat, he asked, “Who do you work for?”
“Scoops,” I said, looking at a random spot as Robin chuckled, my own joining. “Scoops Ahoy.”
Robin’s giggles were quiet as he asked, “How did you find us?”
I looked up at him, saying without missing a beat, “Totally by accident,” before lightly laughing… again.
He said something in Russian as I looked down for a moment, picking my head back up at the sound of something being open and closed, the Doc making his way back to us. “What is that shiny little toy?”
“Where are you going with that, Doc?” Robin asked.
Even in my high as a kite state, fear jumped through my body as he brought the clipper looking things to my fingers, grabbing onto my fingernail. “Whoa, whoa, hey, hey. Wait! No! Wait! Wait!”
“There was a code! There was a code! We heard a code!” Robin shouted as I jumped and tried to get away from the Doc.
“Code,” Honcho said, walking around to Robin. “What code?”
“The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. Blah, blah, blah. You broadcast that stupid spy shit all over town, and we picked it up on our Cerebro, and we cracked it in a day. A day! You think you’re so smart, but a couple of kids who scoop ice cream for a living cracked your code in a day, and now, people know you’re here.”
“Who knows we’re here, suchka?”
“Uh, well Dustin and Olivia know,” I said, looking off into space.
“Shut. The fuck. Up.”
“Hey, Steve?” Robin said.
“Yeah, Dustin and Olivia, the Henderson’s, they know.”
“Dustin and Olivia Henderson,” Honcho said, walking around to stand in front of me. “Is this your small, curly-haired friend? As well as your short, curly-haired girlfriend?”
“Oh, curly-haired. Great hair. Small. Kinda like a ‘fro, yeah,” I said. “Where are they?”
“Oh, they’re long gone, you big asshole.” Little did I know. “And they’re probably calling Hopper, and Hopper’s calling the US Calvary. They’re gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazin’, and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You’re gonna be two pieces of toast.” With the drugs in my system, I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah,” I said, matter-of-factly, before Robin and I laughed, Honcho joining in.
It all stopped at the sound of an alarm going off, all of our heads turning to the door. At the sound of Russian’s yelling, I turned back to Honcho and shrugged my shoulders, as if I were telling him told ya so.
Honcho left the room, telling the Doc to stay put… I guess. I don’t know. I don’t speak Russian. A couple of minutes went by before the door slammed opened, Dustin charging through with a zapping device, putting it against the Doc’s chest.
Olivia and Erica walked in after him, my eyes following all of them before landing on Liv’s, seeing her stand between Dustin and Erica, her eyes on the doc that fell to the ground. She turned to face me, seeing my eye bruised and swollen.
“Hey! Henderson!” I said, excitedly. “That’s… crazy, I was just talking about you.”
Sighing, Liv undid the bonds that were around my arms, hands and legs before putting her hand on my cheek. “What happened to you?”
“Oh, my god,” Robin said.
“Get ready to run!”
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note: not doing normal tags at the bottom since this is just a bonus scene.
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on April 4, 2024
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milfswriter · 2 years
CEO!Rhea Ripley x Reader
Summary: Rhea’s deadly when projects are not done on time, so her employees need a distraction.  
Notes and warnings: Smut, daddy kink, spanking, Hate everyone but you trope, strap on.
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You got into RipCorp, one of the most prominent tech companies in the country whose CEO you had the pleasure of dating for the last 3 years. You pulled your car over in front of the entrance, the valet guy you saw everyday opening the door for you, waiting for you to get out the car before parking it underground. Just the usual treatment for the boss’s girl.
You smiled at the thought of seeing Rhea again, it had been a very stressful week for the both of you in addition to her being in Paris for the past week. You missed her so bad, hence the skirt you wore today. (iykyk).
Before you got the chance to reach your VIP elevator, you noticed Dominik, an employee of Rhea’s, coming your way looking disheveled. “Y/n! Thank god, you’re here!” he panted as he stopped in front of you.
“Hey, Dom” you smiled softly at him, knowing Rhea must have been tormenting him about this project she assigned them to do, giving them one month to complete it.
“I just know I’ll be firing someone by the end of the month” she told you the night before she left for Paris, your head on her chest in your shared bed.
“So, Miss Ripley’s gonna be coming to see our project and it’s not done yet! We need you to distract her! Just 20 minutes please” you raised an eyebrow, knowing Rhea’s previous prediction is probably coming true today.
“You should know better than to leave a project undone when working for Rhea Ripley, you know that right?” he gulped, nodding. “We just need to get another generator to power it properly, 20 minutes will be more than enough to do that and test it before she comes. I’m pretty sure she’s on her way right now” he looked around for any sign of black suit and lipstick and sighed in relief when he found none. Damn, they ARE scared of her.
“Please?” he begged, his face yellowing “fine” you smirked as you thought of the perfect distraction for Rhea. “THANK YOU!” He whisper-yelled before running back to where he came from.
You got in the elevator, pressing floor ‘50’, where her office is. You were greeted by a fairly quiet floor, apart from the constant typing on keyboard coming from her assistant’s desk.
“Hey, Liv..is she in her office?” you asked the blonde girl. She looked up at you and pushed her glasses back against the bridge of her nose.
“Miss Y/n, hello! yes she’s there” you thanked her before walking a few meters and knocking on the big, double door of her office. “Who is it?” her deep voice echoed through the speaker next to the door.
You leaned your mouth closer to the speaker, “take a guess” you teased, smirking at the silence you received before the double door opened by itself, each door sliding to the side, revealing you to her.
She said nothing as you stared at her, walking into the office. Rhea propped her chin on her hand before you saw her press the button on the control panel she installed on her desk, closing the door automatically.
“Morning” you grinned, looking very..very suspicious. “Darling..” she spoke, her voice ever so hoarse before she stood up from her chair, squinting her eyes at you before rounding her desk and walking to you.
You met her halfway as she towered over you, your hands resting on her waist instantly. Her stare softened the longer you looked at her. “How was Paris?” you asked, the distraction plan begins right. now.
Her tattooed hand cupped your jaw, “Awful, I missed you” she leaned down, kissing your lips so softly you couldn’t believe she was the same person the employees outside were quaking at the mere mention of.
You kissed back, your hands squeezing her waist, pushing her back until she fell back on her chair. “Eager, aren’t we?” she grunted, “unfortunately, love..I have something to do..give me half an hour and I’ll be right back” she stood back up but you stopped her from walking any closer to the door
“They can wait, can’t they?” you pouted, pulling on her tie to kiss her as you stood in front of her. You felt her breaking under your spell, you just needed to push more. You didn’t know why you were doing this for her employees, but you took it as an opportunity to get fucked by Rhea asap and not have to wait for another 30 minutes.
She looked at you softly, “what are you doing, doll?” taking your hands in hers and kissing your knuckles.
“Distracting you?” you giggled, standing on your tip toes to kiss her hard. She furrowed her eyebrows, “What?”.
“They need more time..” you admitted and she snarled, letting your hands go and was going to make her way to the door again and you sighed, letting her open the door before calling out for her.
“Rhea please” you gave her sad, puppy eyes causing her to freeze at the door, turning her head to look at you with a stone cold expression, closing the door back and walking back to you. You really didn’t know when she was just stop thinking about this damn project and take you on her desk.
“They can’t use you against me” she shook her head, gripping your jaw in her tattooed hand. You always like to rile her up so she fucks you senseless, but it never used to take that long for her to crack. What the hell is this project that’s been filling up her mind?.
“oh, please..don’t be dramatic..they just need 20 minutes” You chuckled making her scoff, letting go of your jaw and rounding her desk again, typing on her computer before viewing live security footage of the employees rushing to wire the generator. “pathetic” she spat, closing the footage before turning back to you.
“They need time?..fine..I’ll give them more time” she pulled you by your hand into her, turning you and bending you over her desk while she sat on her chair.
You moaned, “finally” you whispered, feeling her hand sneak its way under your short skirt, lifting up to reveal your black lace panties, a dark stain in the middle.
“Oh, baby..I’m going to eradicate you” she growled, her hand landing hard on your cheek making you wince in pleasure more than pain, she rubbed your cheek before smacking it harder and harder until both cheeks were red.
She pushed her chair backwards, away from you.
“On your knees” she commanded, and you turned immediately to do as she asked. You gasped lowly, seeing the bulge through her trousers and she sat with her legs spread, leaning to reach the control panel on the desk and pressing a button to lock the door.
Her hands then went to unbuckle her belt and unzip her pants, pulling them down enough to get her faux cock out. She loved it when you looked at her like this. You’re hers, but she loved it when YOU knew it.
“Open your mouth for me, princess” her thumb stroked your bottom lips and you did as she asked, letting her thumb in your mouth and wrapped your lips around it, taking it to the knuckle in your mouth.
She took her thumb out of your mouth. “You know what to do” she leaned back against her chair and you gave her a small smile, taking the base of the strap in your hand and made eye contact with Rhea as you took her whole length in your mouth, your nose hitting the soft fabric of her black button up shirt that’s been tucked tightly under her pants.
“Yeah, baby..take my cock, let them have their time” she hissed, pulling your hair to take her cock deeper into your mouth, fucking your throat harshly, the other end of the strap rubbing against her clit in the most delicious way possible.
As you gagged, your hand went to grab her free hand as a sign that you needed to breath causing her to immediately let you go. You panted heavily with a grin directed at the glorious woman in front of you.
“Stand up, dove” you did as she asked, she reached for your side zipper on your skit and pulled it down, pulling it off you before pushing you onto the desk. she moved her chair closer, spreading your legs with a lick to her lips.
Oh, but of course. She had to be a tease. She kissed and nipped on your inner thighs. “Please..daddy” you knew what that name did to her, and you always took that to you advantage.
"Please what?”
she moved your panties to the side but stayed still. “please eat my pussy” that seemed to satisfy her enough as she dived in, groaning at the taste.
“hmm..so wet” she pressed her thumb to your clit harshly. “all for me, babygirl?” you nodded frantically “mhmm”. She continued licking at your pussy, her hands now going to your ass, squeezing it like a stress ball.
You were a moaning mess, squirming underneath her as she sucked the life out of you. “oh, god, daddy..please”
“keep looking at me..open those pretty eyes” her accent’s thicker than ever now, and you did as you were told, making eye contact with her the entire time she feasted on you cunt.
You know she needed this as much as you did, this company would be the death of her if you didn’t keep it under control. “I’m..I’m gonna cum daddy, please..please” she sucked your clit harder, not stopping even when you pulled on her hair, your legs shaking on either side of her as you screamed her name, knowing well that her walls are very..very soundproof.
You let out a whine as she moved away from you only to thrust her cock into your sensitive pussy, bottoming out and staying there. “oh, god!” you pulled on her blazer to stabilize yourself. “good girl..such a good girl for me” she leaned down so her body was against yours, kissing you hard.
You moaned at the taste of you on her lips before she lifted your chin to reach your neck, biting and nipping on it. “They’ll know not to approach you” she growled, “Ever. Again!” each word was emphasised with a thrust of her hips and your eyes were already rolling to the back of your head at the stretch.
The strap she chose was not so big, but she knew it was your favorite. not too long but girthy to stretch that tight little hole of yours. “you’re mine, damn it!” she lifted up your shirt, taking everything in her not to rip it apart right then and there.
“no bra?” she pinched both of your nipples, her pace quickening as you pulled on her shirt. “You knew my intentions the second I came in, you just kept teasing me!” You complained, arching your back as she took your nipple into her mouth, the other squeezing the other boob.
“You’ve become quite talkative, no?” She gave you one hard thrust.
“Shit, baby..it’s been more than half an hour now..I think they had all the time they needed, I should just leave you here to squirm and whine in my office while I go skin them alive for even thinking about talking to you!” You realised that you holding her back from her employees in her own building wounded her ego, so you just played along so she doesn’t start edging you.
“I’m sorry, daddy..j..just keep fucking me. It’s so good, GOD!” You screamed as she raised both your legs on her shoulders, causing the strap to get even deeper inside you.
She buried her face in your neck, breathing heavily as the base of her cock rubbed against her clit again. “Oh, no..sorry won’t do it” her hips began to falter and your legs shook at the same time.
You pulled her tie so she kisses you and when you both made eye contact, you whispered “cum for me daddy” and that was enough to send her over the edge, growling in your neck while you whined.
She kept her head there even after pulling out of you. “Was I too rough?” She whispered, kissing your jawline softly.
You ran your fingers through her jet black hair, shaking you head. “You were perfect” You kissed her lips, her black lipstick smudged around her lips.
“Lets get you cleaned up, baby” she picked up, taking you to the bathroom in her office.
After you got all nice and clean and she took off her strap. She told you to wait in her office while she tells her assistant to get you something to eat until she actually goes to check that project.
“Fine by me” You grinned at her and she left, you wished you could access the cameras to see their interaction but decided it was better off to be clueless than the second-hand embarrassment you’ll get by watching them get yelled at by her.
A few minutes later, her assistant came in with a bag of food and handed it to you before leaving.
It was not 15 minutes late that Rhea called you, “come downstairs, we’re going home”.
As you went downstairs, you saw Rhea already waiting for you in the lobby and took your hand to walk out to her car. You looked behind you, eyes scanning the lobby for Dominik and raised an eyebrow in question when you found him.
He gave you a thumbs up and you grinned. Rhea was impossibly hard to please, but just because she learned to please you, you did the same.
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@obsessedwithwwewomen @children-scareme
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pedrito-friskito · 7 months
strawberry wine - joel miller x ofc!liv stone/fem!reader
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after - part thirty-one
you keep going. you have to keep going.
a/n: so I haven’t been on here in a hot second BUT I’ve been writing this story like a crazy person, lots more to come, thanks for all the love 🤍
word count: 7.2k
warnings: lil smut for your saturday, big emotions, ellie and liv forever 🤍
✨@friskito-library for updates on new parts/works✨
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Joel knows that he’s dreaming.
He hasn’t let himself dream for a long time now. Every night, he’s feigned sleep, while you insist on taking watch, Ellie even offering herself up a few hours at a time. It’s partially a conscious decision, partially not. There are nights when he wants sleep, wants to drift off just for a few hours, but his body won’t let him. He lays there with his eyes shut, trying to keep his memories at bay, but it always takes more effort than he expects, and before he knows it, the sun is rising once again.
But right now? Definitely dreaming.
It’s a strange sensation, being conscious of a dream while you’re in it. But it’s the best dream he’s had in years, so he begs his body to stay asleep a while longer, just so he can see how this plays out.
He’s home. Back in Austin, not your shared apartment in Boston, but his old house, his old bedroom. More specifically, sprawled on his bed, mid-morning light filtering through the curtains. The mattress feels so real beneath him, the springs creaking as he moves, but it’s only a backdrop to what’s really happening.
You, wrapped in his arms, back pressed to his chest. He swears he can feel how sweat-slick your skin is, smell the scent of your hair, hear the rapid thunk of your heart beneath his palms. He’s buried in your body, deep as he can go, your back arching with the force of him, whines falling from your lips as you beg him for more.
“Please, Joel,” you murmur, one hand reaching back to fist the hair at the back of his head. “Oh my god, please, I’m—”
Never one to deny you, waking or asleep, he lets one hand drop, skimming the curve of your stomach and finding your clit with ease. You keen as he draws little circles, burying his face in your neck, kissing at your throat.
“C’mon, baby,” he rasps, teeth scraping your jaw. “Lemme feel it, lemme—”
A crashing sound rings through his ears, making his whole body jolt, and the dream vanishes, his eyes shooting open.
“Fuck!” you curse, and Joel turns to see you crouched near the old desk in the corner of the watchtower. One of the drawers has fallen to the floor — obviously the source of the noise — and you’re trying to scoop the contents back in; maps and notebooks and random photographs. Joel groans as he sits up straight, lifting his body off the mattress, and you look at him over your shoulder, brows shooting up to your hairline. “Shit, baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—” The drawer literally collapses in your hands and Joel has to stifle his laugh as he gets to his feet. You groan at the mess on the floor, head dropping back on your shoulders.
“S’okay,” he tells you, reaching for your arm and pulling you up to stand. Your stance is sure now, but it’s old habit for him to support you, though your leg has healed. You��ve been in the tower for two and a half weeks now; the first two had you laid up in one of the mattresses, Joel and Ellie both refusing to let you up unless it was absolutely necessary. Your leg is still wrapped in a bandage — fresh ones from the first aid kit you found in the tower — but there’s no blood bloomed through, and it looked almost completely healed when Joel checked it last night. You’re out of the woods, and he knows you need to get going soon. You’re antsy, and he can see it. He’s just as bad.
You sigh into his grip, reaching up to drape your arms around his neck. “But you were sleeping,” you say with emphasis, and he knows you’ve been watching him just as much as he’s been watching you. “I didn’t want to wake you at all.”
Joel shakes his head, leaning forward to tuck his nose into your neck, lips grazing your jaw. “Slept enough, baby,” he murmurs, pulling you close to him. “Just interrupted a dream I was havin’.”
“A dream?” you repeat, and he hums, grabbing your hips and pulling yours flush with his. He’s hard, pressing against the zipper of his jeans, his whole body nearly shaking with need. Your lips part softly, a quiet inhale that makes him even harder. “Was it a good dream?”
“Lemme show you,” he replies, reaching for the button on your jeans. “Where’s the kid?” 
“Downstairs,” you tell him, tilting your head to the door. “Told her to stay down there, to let you sleep.”
“Well, I’m done sleepin’, baby,” he grits as he unzips your fly. He brings his hand to his mouth, sucks two fingers past his lips, then slips them down the front of your pants, right past the band of your underwear. “Fuck, when’s the last time I touched you like this, huh?”
He watches your face, the way your bottom lip quivers, and right when he thinks you’re actually going to answer, he pushes his hand lower, curls his fingers up and into you. You squeak, nearly collapsing in his arms, and Joel can’t help the satisfaction that roils through him.
You clench around his fingers as he pushes deeper and your knees waver, your hands clinging to his shoulders. “Fuck,” you curse again, moaning when he wraps his other arm around your waist, pulling you closer, getting a better angle. “We need to be—” You cut yourself off, eyes rolling back when he finds that spot, the tips of his fingers rubbing circles. “Faster, Joel.”
“Faster, huh?” he almost taunts, but gives you what you ask for. “You want it just like this, huh? Y’know, I was dreamin’ we were back home, that I was fucking you in our bed. You were beggin’ me so pretty.”
“Please,” you gasp, your hand fisting the front of his flannel, pulling him close enough to make your noses brush. “Fuck me, please, baby.”
You whine when he drags his fingers from you, but he doesn’t waste any time, turning you around and pushing you against the table in the middle of the room. You plant your hands, bending over the edge as he shoves your pants down, just enough to see the shine of slick against the inside of your thighs, the evidence you need this just as badly as he does. He doesn’t have time to strip you down completely, but one of these days, he’ll—
He frees himself from his jeans, his cock aching and leaking as he kicks your legs wide and lines himself up. Your whole body stutters as he drags himself along your heat, coating himself with your wetness. His other hand finds your hip, digging his fingers in hard. You call his name again, your voice a rasp in the air, and he pushes into you, breathy exhales filling the space between you as he fills you to the hilt. Just as fucking tight as he remembers, just as hot and perfect and…you.
The need and the desperation get the better of him, kicking his pace into high gear the instant he’s buried to the hilt. He can feel the shift, gripping both your hips, and your hands cover his, keeping him in place. Your head turns slightly, eyes meeting his, big and wide and just as full of lust as he feels. 
He gets you impossibly closer, keeping his hips tight to your ass and thrusting so hard your boots nearly lift off the ground. It pulls the most delicious sound from your mouth, your hand shooting back to dig your nails into his ass. “Jesus Christ.”
Joel hauls you up, banding one arm under your chest, his lips at your ear. “Yeah, baby? Tell me how good it feels.”
“So fucking good,” you babble, squeezing his ass, canting your hips back into him, driving him deeper. “Missed you — ah! — touching me like…like this.”
He had more words, more dirty things to murmur in your ear, but you take his mouth for your own, squeaking against his lips when he moves his other hand between your legs, thumbing at your clit. You clench around him, your teeth sinking into his bottom lip so hard he’s sure you’ll draw blood, confirmed when he tastes iron a second later. But he doesn’t care, too engrossed in the way you twitch in his arms, thighs quaking around his hand, the breathy moans that fall out of you. 
How is it possible to miss someone who’s been right beside you the entire time?
It hits him like a ton of bricks as he works you through your orgasm, his movements sharper, trying to draw out your pleasure as much as he can. Your body goes lax, your lips still kissing his, both of your mouths smeared with his blood, but Joel doesn’t care.
His own body goes tight, pleasure creeping up his spine, slithering through his aching bones. The pain in his chest hasn’t made an appearance since you found the watchtower, and in this moment, he doesn’t even remember what it felt like, too preoccupied with how good you feel, your body wringing pleasure from his the same way he did to you.
You pull back slightly, just enough to see his face, darting between his bloody lip and his eyes and back again. You kiss him again, sucking his bottom lip between your own, laving your tongue along the curve. His hips snap against your ass, that peak growing closer and closer with every touch you offer. He sees the recognition in your eyes, the spark of knowledge as you tighten your grip on him.
“Baby,” you murmur, your gaze softening, the corner of your lip curling up as his pace stutters. You cover his hands with your own, squeezing your fingers around his wrists, pushing your body back into his. “You fuck me so good, love me so good.” You steal another kiss. “Love you so goddamned much.”
His brow furrows, hands tightening on you, fingers curling against your ribs. He growls into your mouth, nerves set alight, the feeling barrelling up and down and side to side, making his toes numb in his boots. He cums with a shout, one you catch with your own lips as he staggers, nearly losing his grip on you as he spills himself deep. It makes you hum, your grip going tighter, and now it’s you holding him upright, your lips all over his cheek, one hand lifting to brush through his hair.
Once he’s caught his breath, you let out a little breathy giggle, your arms still around each other. “Well, that was unexpected.”
“Sorry,” he mumbles, feeling his cheeks heat as he slips out of you. “I just…needed that.”
You reach up, running your thumb over where you bit his lip. “You definitely don’t need to apologize for that, Joel. I’m sorry for biting you so hard.”
The corner of his mouth twitches. “I liked it.”
As you clean each other up, finding spare rags to clean the mess between your legs, wetting another to dab at the blood on Joel’s lip, he forgets, just for a moment. Forgets about the world outside, the terror and the violence that seem to follow you all around. For a moment, you’re just two people in love, as desperate for each other now as you were when you first met twenty-two years ago. You’re just…you.
You pull your jeans back up, inspecting your bandage after you do. Joel steps close to you. “Okay?”
“Yeah,” you tell him, a relaxed smile on your face. He doesn’t remember the last time he saw you look like that — relaxed.
As you straighten, he pulls you back into the circle of his arms, fitting his arms around your shoulders. Your hands slip under his flannel, palms flat against his skin. He tugs at your hair, lifting your face until his nose brushes yours. Your lips part, words on the tip of your tongue, but he beats you to the punch.
“I love you,” he whispers, well aware that his hands are shaking. You nudge your nose against his, pulling him closer. He drops his jaw, capturing your lips again, but softly this time. He adjusts his grip, hands lifting to cup your face, thumb swiping across your cheek. The cut on your face has also healed, a thin scar left behind. Joel traces it as you deepen the kiss, your tongue touching his.
Ellie clears her throat in the doorway and you both jump apart, you covering your face with your hand while Joel braces his hands on his hips, staring at the floor. She doesn’t say anything at first, stepping into the tower and tossing her gun onto the table in the middle — the table he’d just—
“What happened to your mouth?” she asks suddenly, brow furrowing at Joel. His head snaps up, brows rising.
“Your lip is bleeding.”
“Oh.” He lifts his hand to his mouth, feeling his cheeks heat. “Uh—”
You stifle a laugh, turning away with a guilty look on your face, finding something in the corner of the room infinitely more interesting.
The kid’s eyes dart between the two of you, and then she makes a face. “Gross.”
One month later, on the outskirts of Cody, Wyoming…
You’re all dragging your heels. 
Ellie’s asleep on her feet, and Joel is so overtired that his senses are in overdrive. You can see it in the way his head swivels on his neck, eyes flitting every direction, coasting over where you’re stood on his bad side, bat over your shoulder, gun in hand. He’s still carting the rifle, knife at his hip, and Ellie has her not-so-secret gun. You feel better knowing she’s armed and feel shitty knowing how fucked up that thought process is.
Since you left the tower, winter has caught up with you. The snow came and left, then came and stuck, and it was very quickly apparent that the jackets you’d carried with you from Boston weren’t going to cut it. The chill in your bones had you detouring through neighbourhoods, reminiscent of your smuggling days, picking through houses over the remnants of people’s lives. You make Ellie and Joel keep watch most of the time, wanting to keep them safe from whatever horrors might be lurking behind closed doors.
You get lucky. You find a thick leather coat for Joel, wool-lined and worn in. For Ellie, what you think might have been a boy’s winter jacket, but it’s heavy enough to keep her warm and fits her fine. For you, one of those ridiculously patterned flannel-sherpa monstrosities you’re sure your mother had six of back in the nineties. It’s almost not warm enough, but you manage to find a few more layers to wear underneath and it works. 
You find a few hats — one of which you have to all but force onto Ellie’s head — and leather gloves to match Joel’s jacket. It’s easy enough to find boots for you and Ellie, the tall, lace-up kind that hug your calves and keep the snow out. For Joel, every pair you find isn’t the right size, or the soles are worse off than the ones he’s been wearing. What you do find is duct tape, and he wraps his boots in it, waving you off when you try to help.
Part of you wishes you’d stayed in the watchtower. It wasn’t the perfect place — it got drafty as hell once the temperature started to drop — but you had a good vantage point. The supplies you found would have lasted a bit longer, and you could have gone back to Omaha to look for more. 
Part of you wanted to stay, but a bigger part wanted to go. Once your leg was healed, you just wanted to keep moving. Whatever this is, you want to see it through. You’ve lost too much since leaving Boston, you refuse to tuck your tail between your legs and just give it up. 
Another part, a part that’s small sometimes, and so big sometimes you think it might swallow you whole, that part doesn’t want any of this. It wants to find a place, somewhere safe, somewhere far from FEDRA and the Fireflies and the past you left behind, just for you. For you and for Joel and…
And for Ellie.
You can’t deny the protectiveness you feel for her. Right from that first night, you just had to keep her safe, had to keep her as whole as you possibly could in a world that wants the polar opposite. You look at her, remember what you’ve agreed to do, to just hand her over to the Fireflies. What will they do with her, what will they…?
Never mind your own feelings, but you’ve seen her and Joel lately, since you left Kansas City. Something’s changed, shifted. You know Joel will be the last person to admit it, but there’s a kinship, a kindness between them that didn’t exist before. He’s still your gruff old man, through and through, but his edges that were once soft only for you have smoothed out for her, too. It’s little things — passing a can of soup back and forth, Joel making sure she’s got a good grip on the warm metal before letting go — and the bigger ones too. When you first left the watchtower, shortly after the first snow, Ellie had nearly tumbled down the hill, but Joel had been closer than you, and he’d grabbed her before she could fall, hauling her back and onto steady feet, keeping her pressed to his chest until she caught her breath again.
You saw the flicker in his face when her arms wrapped around his middle, and the twinge in his expression when she let go, giving a shaky laugh and stepping away from him.
They’ve gotten closer, but Joel’s different on his own. He still has those pinched expressions when he thinks you’re not looking, looks of pain that he forces mild when he catches you looking. The closer you get to Cody, potentially to Tommy, the more antsy he gets. You know he’ll never admit it, but you know exactly what’s going on in his head. You’ve come all this way, and what if…
What if you don’t find Tommy?
Or worse, what if you do find him and—
No. You cut the thought short. You can’t let yourself think like that. No good will come of it.
You’ll find the Cody Tower. You’ll find Tommy and he’ll help you find the Fireflies, and this will all—
You’ve only just reached the outskirts of the city. Wrapped in your own head, your mind going a million miles a minute, you didn’t realize you’d gotten close to the buildings, the flattened cityscape that looks like something out of an old Western. Joel grabs you from behind, clamping a hand over your mouth and wrenching you backwards, your boots scuffing against the pavement as he drags you, stifling your surprised noise when you see the sight before you.
Off in the distance, the control tower is plain as day. Your mind paints a taunting image of Tommy perched on the top platforms, speaking into a radio, talking to you and to Joel, telling you where he’s gone, what he’s doing. 
The town below is less taunting, more nightmare.
Clickers, everywhere. 
As far as your eye can see, wandering and twitching their way through the streets, tripping over abandoned cars and cracked hunks of pavement. The odd screech reaches your ears, sending chills down your spine. You let Joel drag you back, your body going willingly, pushing yourself back into his arms as you go. Ellie is frozen in place as you pass, her eyes glued to the sight before you, and you grab the hood of her coat as you pass, pulling her along with you.
Joel doesn’t release you until you’re back over the hill you’d just crested, until you’re out of earshot, out of sight. Your heart is racing, thumping against your ribs, and you get your bearings, letting go of Joel enough to grab his hand and Ellie’s, pulling them off the road and into the forest lining the road.
But Joel doesn’t move.
He’s still as a statue in the middle of the road, the hill stretching below, a straight shot through Cody. Even at a further distance now, you can hear them, those awful noises, like some kind of demonic birdsong. Ellie grips your hand tightly and you put yourself between her and the town below. “Joel, we need to move,” you say, tugging on his wrist. Nothing. “Joel—”
“He was in Cody,” he murmurs, his voice nearly carried away on the wind that sweeps through, ruffling your hair and his, making goosebumps rise on your skin. “He was there. D’you think that he…”
He doesn’t finish the sentence. The rifle falls from his grip, hanging against his shoulder, and his hand flies to his throat, boots sliding as his body tilts. He’s white as a fucking ghost. You pull your hand from Ellie’s, reaching for him. He grunts as you move in front of him, bearing his weight, trying to keep him upright.
“Liv—” Ellie starts, but you cut her off.
“Go to the trees,” you tell her, giving her a pointed look. “Go, and don’t move till I say, you hear me?”
She nods, her face nearly solemn, and heads for the tree line.
“Joel,” you call, and he gives you no response, his hands on your shoulders and his breath wheezing out of his chest. It’s coming fast, his entire body shaking with every inhale, every exhale. “Joel, honey, I’m right here.”
“What if he…” He trails off again, his eyes moving past you, back to the town. “Tommy…”
“Tommy’s alive,” you say, making your voice as stern as you can be, ignoring the panic rising in your own chest. “He’s alive and he sure as hell isn’t down there. We need to get someplace safe, okay? We need to figure out where to go next.”
“But he—”
You grab his chin in your hand, force his eyes on yours. “Your brother is a smart man, Joel, much as you hate to admit it. And he left Boston a long time ago. He wouldn’t have stuck around long enough to get caught up in something like that. He’s alive, and we’re going to find him. You hear me?”
His chest is still rising rapidly, his hands shaking as they move down to your biceps, squeezing so tight you feel it through your jacket and sweater. “I don’t know what…” He shakes his head, some of the colour returning to his cheeks. The wind howls and his eyes finally drop, pinched shut as he relaxes slightly into your grip, his breath starting to come a touch slower.
“I know,” you tell him, pressing your chest to his, hoping he’ll feel your even breaths, that his body will respond and try to match them. “I’ve had that thought more times than I care to admit. We have to believe he’s alive, Joel, and that we’ll find him. We will.”
His shoulders sag and he pulls you against him, his temple against your forehead as he exhales slowly. “We will.”
“We’re lost.”
“We’re not fuckin’ lost,” Joel grumbles, swinging his bag from his shoulder. He pulls out the map, shoves it in your direction, and you give Ellie a glare as you unfold it, the lines and dots instantly giving you more of a headache than you already have.
“Really?” she quips, and you let your eyes flutter shut, pushing the map back at Joel. “Then where the fuck are we?”
He gives you a pointed look, brow raised, but you ignore it, scrubbing your gloved hand over your face. It’s fucking cold. You feel like you haven’t slept in three days — realistically, you know that’s not completely true, but the little sleep you have gotten hasn’t been nearly enough, and the thrum in the back of your mind has been near constant. You’re burning out, desperate for some real food, water that hasn’t been hastily boiled over a campfire, and at least eighteen hours of sleep. Hell, even eight would do the trick.
You’ve been walking since sunrise. Almost three days past Cody. You walked through (past? You can’t be sure…) Yellowstone a day and a half in, and you’re all dragging each other along. The roads are hell, covered in snow, the blanket of white a welcome repaint to the landscape, but it helps hide the things that go bump in the night. Infected aren’t the only things you have to worry about in the mountains.
Joel furrows his brow at the map, yanking his gloves off to trace the path he’s after. You’ve been following the map, using whatever landmarks you can to find the next town. Joel mentioned Jackson, you thought maybe Yellowstone would have a camp of some sort — the park was big enough they could have put up some sort of outpost or camp when the outbreak came — but your path proved otherwise. Whatever had been set up in the park’s boundary was long gone.
There’s a marked path Joel’s been trying to follow, but the snow is not helpful. You think you’ve been sticking to it, but with every step, you feel more and more unsure. What if you’re going in the wrong direction? You trust Joel, you know he’s good for this stuff, that he wouldn’t risk it — risk you — if he wasn’t sure, but after his episode outside Cody, your worry for him has only grown stronger. 
But you have to keep going.
It’s Ellie, that spots the cabin off in the distance. Small, tucked behind a wooden fence you’d guess is about chest height. Smoke pours out of the chimney. The relief that floods you is tinged with wariness, but it’s the first sign of actual living human life since you left Kansas City, and part of you wants to grab onto it as tight as you can.
The other part knows you can’t be stupid about this. You have to be careful.
By the time you get close enough to scope the place out, night has nearly fallen, and you make camp just inside the trees, out of line of sight from the cabin, but still able to keep an eye out. Joel insists on taking the majority of watch, and you let him, honestly too tired to fight with him otherwise. The little sleep you get is fitful, too many noises in the forest keeping you awake, Ellie’s murmurs in her sleep putting you on high alert, listening closely for any sounds of distress. You huddle close on the sleeping bags, keeping each other warm while Joel paces the small camp you’ve made.
You’re up with the sun, feeling like you barely got back to sleep when you’re being pulled out of it, and Joel has a plan. “It’s an older couple,” he informs you, scratching at his forehead, passing you a cup of coffee. You’ve rationed what you found back in KC best you can, but you’re getting down to the dregs and the grounds are more and more stale. But it’s caffeine, and you’re grateful all the same. “Husband looks like a hunter. I say we wait it out, wait for him to leave, then get in there. Get the wife to point us in the right direction. Figure out where the hell we are, if they’ve ever heard of Tommy, if he passed through here.”
“What if she doesn’t want to help us?” Ellie asks, and the waver in her voice pulls at something in your chest. You stare down into your coffee.
Joel pulls his gun out of his pocket, bare fingers curled around the handle. “We make sure she does.”
“Joel—” you start, but he shakes his head.
“We’ve been walking for days, Liv. I know you’ve been thinkin’ the same as I have. This is the first real thing we’ve found; I won’t walk away until we’ve found all we can.”
You swallow hard, the coffee bitter on your tongue. “Okay,” you nod, “but we ask politely first.”
His jaw ticks. “Yes, dear.”
Florence lets you inside with little issue. She actually laughs at Ellie’s whispered what the fuuuuuuck when you step into the cabin. The warmth that floods your body nearly makes you crumple on the spot, but you keep upright, taking in the log interior, the animal skulls and all manner of tools and equipment hanging from the walls.
Joel pushes ahead of the two of you, gun raised, scanning the space. “Anyone else here?”
“Just me,” the older woman says, almost smiling. “You waited until Marlon left.”
“He looked like a shoot first, ask questions later type,” Joel says, and she laughs again.
“He is.”
Keeping the gun at hand, Joel steps through the cabin, poking around doors, heading up to the loft to make sure it’s empty too. You and Ellie stand there awkwardly, teeth chattering as your bodies get used to the warmth.
“Sit down, girls,” Florence instructs, getting out of her chair with some effort. “I’ll make you some soup.”
“You don’t have t—” you protest, but she waves you off as she heads to the kitchen area.
“It’s cold out there.”
Joel comes back down the stairs, satisfied with his search, and Ellie sinks down on the couch, clearly unable to resist a soft seat. You’re tense, and Joel stands beside you, one hand in the middle of your back, the other still holding his gun aloft.
“Joel,” you start, but he shakes his head again, just like he had.
“Where is she?”
“Making soup,” Ellie answers and his brows shoot up. 
It’s a good few minutes of quiet, and you sit down beside Ellie, every bone in your body creaking as you hit the cushion. Joel puts himself between the two of you and Florence, her back to you, the clatter of dishes the only sound.
“We don’t want any trouble,” Joel says, “just need to know where we are.”
The woman nods as she turns back, two bowls of soup in her hands as she walks back toward the couch. You and Ellie accept them with mumbled thanks, and she goes back to get a third bowl for Joel before sinking back into her rocking chair, regarding the three of you.
“You got a map?”
About an hour later, the bowls are empty, you can feel your toes again, and Ellie’s cheeks are not nearly as rosy as they’d been when she woke up this morning. The map sits on the table in front of you, and your eyes are trained on the spot Florence had pointed to. Joel is still rigid, pacing the cabin with the gun in his hand, ignoring you when you tell him to put it away.
Florence is still in her rocking chair, and she pauses mid-rock, head turning toward the door. “He’s back.”
“Ellie, upstairs,” you say, and she shoots you a wide-eyed look, but you press. “Now.”
She sighs as she darts upstairs, like she’s annoyed to not be in the line of fire, and Joel pulls you up off the couch, bringing you with him into the kitchen, out of sight of the front door.
The man you assume to be Marlon steps through the front door a beat later, unzipping his coat and setting a hunting bow down on the nearby table. Florence just watches, rocking back and forth in her chair, but you don’t miss the way her eyes meet his and then flick to the pair of you tucked to the side.
Marlon takes a step forward, and Joel moves at the same time. “And the gun, too.”
Your brow lifts. You hadn’t noticed the holster at Marlon’s belt, but Joel had. “Who the hell are you?”
Joel steps around the room slowly, his own gun lifted and pointed at the older man. “Just someone passin’ through.” You stay where you are, watching the scene unfold before you. Joel stops, gestures to Marlon. “Take the gun out, two fingers only, put it outta reach.”
You have to admit the thread of power in his voice makes a shiver race down your spine. And it’s not from the cold.
Marlon does as asked, pulling the pistol out almost mockingly, shaking it in the air before setting it down — out of reach, like Joel said.
“Why didn’t you shoot ‘em?” Marlon asks, jutting his chin at his wife.
“Gun’s all the way over there,” Florence replies, looking toward the kitchen. You realize she could have — when she went to make you all soup, she easily could have grabbed the gun and started shooting. Three against one wouldn’t be an easy fight for the woman, but it would have been something. “He didn’t hurt me, by the way,” she tacks onto the end, her voice almost sarcastic.
“Yeah, I got eyes,” Marlon grumbles, and steps a little closer, gesturing at the table in front of the couch, your empty bowls of soup and the map. “You made him soup?”
“Yeah,” Florence replies, “I did. It’s cold out.”
Marlon sinks down into one of the empty chairs, and you can see Joel’s patience wearing thin. “I’m lookin’ for my brother.”
The old man scoffs, pulling his hat off. “Well, I ain’t seen him.”
“I haven’t told you what he looks like,” Joel retorts, matching his tone.
“He look anything like you?”
“A bit,” Joel answers, and you can’t stop yourself from stepping forward.
“Not really,” you say, and Marlon’s brows shoot up as you make yourself seen, your own gun dangling from your hand. “Darker hair, a bit shorter, more mustache than beard.”
Another scoff. “I ain’t seen him.”
“They’ve got a girl with them,” Florence says, lifting her chin toward the loft.
“Can I come down?” Ellie’s voice floats down, and Joel bristles.
“No,” he calls, his voice stern, and you both look up to see her lean over the railing.
“Ellie!” you call, trying to strengthen Joel’s command, but it doesn’t work. She comes bounding down the stairs, gun rattling in her hand.
“Ooh-wa,” Marlon grumbles, and both he and Florence start laughing.
“What did I just say?” Joel grits and you sigh, rubbing your hand over your forehead.
“Joel, come on,” Ellie retorts, almost rolling her eyes. “They’re like, a thousand.”
“Who’s this little psycho?” Marlon asks, gesturing to Ellie, looking between you and Joel. “Your daughter?”
“She’s—” you start, but Joel cuts you off.
“Never mind her,” he says, stepping forward and poking at the map on the table. “I need you to tell us where we are.”
“If you got a map, why you lost?”
“Must have missed all the street signs in the enormous fucking forest,” Ellie bites out, and you grab her shoulder, yanking her backward and beside you.
“Ho-ly,” Marlon laughs, and Florence chuckles. The whole scene is making your head hurt. It’s like whiplash.
Joel gives you a pointed look as the older couple laughs. Your jaw goes tight and you shake your head ever so slightly, gripping Ellie’s shoulder as he leans in again, pointing at the map. “We’re somewhere here. Exactly where? And your answer better be the same as your wife’s.”
Marlon stares at Joel for a long moment before his eyes cut to Florence. “You tell him the truth?”
“Yeah,” she says, still rocking back and forth.
“You tellin’ me the truth?”
Another glare from the old man before he leans forward in the chair and pokes at the map. Exactly the same spot Florence had pointed out. Middle of fucking nowhere. You can feel Ellie’s eyes on your face, but you can’t bring yourself to look in her direction.
With a sigh, Joel tucks his gun away. “Well, you found a great place to hide, I guess.” He sinks down onto the couch, putting his head in his palm.
“Hide?” Marlon laughs. “Came here before you were born, sonny. Get the hell away from everybody.”
“I didn’t want to,” Florence interjects, and despite it all, you laugh. 
Marlon waves her off. “Listen, I didn’t mean to upset you about your brother, but if you’ve come this far, then you know what’s out there. You’ve seen Cody?”
At the mention, you step away from Ellie, to the other side of the couch, hovering near Joel’s shoulder, reaching out and curling your fingers in his coat. Ellie sinks onto the corner of the couch and answers for you. “Yeah, got close enough. It’s crawling with Infected.”
“Yeah, Laramie and Wind River Reservation,” Marlon tells you, his eyes flitting from Ellie to Joel to you and back again. “Anywhere people used to be, you can’t go there no more.”
You can feel Joel tensing under your hand like a drawn bowstring. “So you haven’t heard the name Tommy? Tommy Miller?”
“What about the Fireflies?” you ask, finding your voice.
“We get those in the summer,” Florence answers innocently.
“Not the bugs,” Ellie bites out, “the people.”
“There are firefly people?” the old woman asks and the pair starts laughing again.
Ellie has more to say, but you call her name, your voice as stern as Joel’s had been, and this time she listens, shrinking down onto the couch.
“You got any advice on the best way West?” Joel asks, and you can feel his shoulders going tighter and tighter.
“Yeah,” Marlon answers, “go East. But you never go past the river here.” He points at the map, not far from where he’d pointed before. “Ever.”
“What’s past the river?” you ask, stepping around and sitting on the arm of the couch, your hand still squeezing Joel’s shoulder.
“Death,” Florence says, and an icy chill shoots through you. “We never see who’s out there, but we see the bodies they leave behind. Some Infected, some not. If your brother’s West of the river, he’s gone.”
Joel deflates. You feel it beneath your hand, the slump to his shoulder, the defeat that starts to roil through him. You know him too well not to see it for what it is. He’s giving up.
And Ellie is staring at you. You let yourself meet her gaze, and see your own fear mirrored in her eyes. But despite it all, what comes out of your mouth is, “You aren’t gonna scare us.”
“Scared him,” Florence says, chin lifted toward Joel.
Marlon laughs again and Joel snatches the map up off the table, moving out from under your grip and getting to his feet. “We need to leave.” You move to follow, grabbing Ellie by the shoulder again. You grab your bags from where you stashed them near the stairs. Joel swings the rifle over his shoulder and as he steps past you to get to the door, you hear the wheeze in his breath. Without another word, he steps out of the door, Ellie following.
You turn back to the older couple. “Thank you for the…hospitality.”
Marlon gives you a strange look. “Don’t get yourself killed out there, girl.”
You give a curt nod before turning on your heel, following Joel and Ellie. Ellie is nearly running to keep up with him, a dead rabbit hanging from her grip — where the hell did she get a dead rabbit?
“They don’t know anything,” she’s saying, like she’s trying to reason with him. “Never heard of the Fireflies.”
They’re at the fence by the time you catch up, your boots nearly slipping through the snow. Joel’s stock-still, one hand reached out, gripping the wooden fence for support.
“Joel, are you okay?” Ellie calls, and you hear him grumble at her to shut up. “Holy shit, are you dying?” She whirls, panic in her eyes as she stares at you. “Liv, is he dying? This is the second time.”
Joel shakes his head, the movement almost frantic, eyes squeezed shut. “I’m okay,” he wheezes, and you step past Ellie, moving beside him. “Okay, okay, I’m fine.”
“Joel,” you call, your voice soft, reaching for his free hand, threading your fingers through his. “I’m right here.”
“No, no, but are you okay?” Ellie continues, her voice climbing. “Because just a reminder, that if you’re dead, we’re fucked.”
“Ellie, stop it,” you snap, squeezing Joel’s fingers as your head whips in her direction. The anger that spikes through you is there and gone in a flash, but you see it flicker across her face all the same.
“I’m fine,” Joel repeats, lifting your joined hands to his chest, rubbing your knuckles against his sternum. “Just the…cold air, all of a sudden.” He’s still panting, his breaths still wheezing, and he bends slightly, still gripping the fence for support.
Ellie’s still staring at you. The guilt is immediate as she ducks under the fence, putting distance between the pair of you. “Alright, uh, so let’s go and find Tommy and the Fireflies.”
Joel straightens, taking a deep, even breath, and you relax slightly, turning your attention to him fully. His lips form the words I’m okay and you wish to God you could believe him, but his eyes tell a different story. One you don’t have time to hash out here and now.
“It’s gonna be easy,” Ellie is still carrying on, nearly crawling up the hill that leads away from the cabin. “All we have to do is cross the River of Death.”
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crimson-calligraphyx · 4 months
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Tag List: @cheyfi @kingdomof-omens @daylightlvrs @blade-in-red @jay02bo @itsmrsfuentes @cncohshit @catj422 @lma1986 @chels3a-smile @kiwi475 @cookiesupplier @timid-raccoon
I've been miserable ever since Noah left for the make-up shows from when they had to cancel due to his illness. Sleeping was hard without him, having been using him as a body pillow—we didn't think to grab an actual body pillow, not realizing how reliant I was of Noah for sleeping purposes.
Which is exactly why I was currently dragging one through the front door of our home all while simultaneously grabbing the mail. And grabbing my phone from my back pocket now that Noah was calling.
"Hey," I huffed into the receiver once through the door and threw the pillow onto the couch. "How are we doing?" he asks, a smile evident in his voice. "Good," I smiled lightly to myself; I loved hearing him say 'we' instead of just 'you', knowing he was not only asking about me, but the baby, too. "Tired, but good." "Still not sleeping well?" "Nope, so I bought a body pillow. Hopefully it helps." "Hopefully. But hopefully not too well that you won't snuggle me anymore," he laughs.
I put my phone on speaker and chuckled, shaking my head as I sat down on the couch with the mail in my hands, and flipped through it. There were mostly pre-approvals for credit cards amongst other junk, but one piece in particular caught my attention. It was addressed to me, the returning address of my childhood home back in Virginia, but the name made my heart skip a beat.
Warren Foster
"What the fuck?" I questioned under my breath, immediately tearing it open to read the letter and coming face-to-face with my name written in an all-too familiar script. The first few lines had tears pooling in my eyes and my hands trembling.
My dearest Heather Olivia,
If you are reading this, then I am no longer on this earth, but I am still watching over you. I had Mom keep this so she could give this to you when you needed it most.
My lips quivered and I squeezed my eyes shut, tears now rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't bear to read the rest of it right now and put it back in its envelope, tossing it on the coffee table. I brought a hand to my mouth and tried to stifle the cry I let out, but it was of no use. I couldn't hold my emotions back.
"Liv, why are you crying?" Noah asks calmly before his panic-stricken voice cuts through my hysterics. "Oh my God—are you in labor?" I shake my head 'No', though he can't see it. "Do I need to book a flight back home?" I choke out a 'No'. "Answer me, please, you're freaking me out." I suck in a choppy breath and let out one last sob before trying to answer him. "I-I got a letter from...from my dad." "What the fuck?" He sounded just as shocked as I was. "But your dad is—" "I know," I cut him off. He didn't need to say it.
Dead. My dad is dead, and I never got to see him before he went. Each time that thought crossed my mind, it was like a sucker punch to my chest. I'm back to hysterics in no time.
"Fuck, Olivia, I'm sorry. What did the letter say?" "I-I couldn't read it," I whimpered. "I read the first two lines and put it down. Said he gave it to Mom for her to give me when I needed it most." In a sense, it was comforting. Dad was thinking of future me before he passed, Mom was thinking of me during my pregnancy. She knows the doubt that I sometimes feel, and I'm assuming there was something in that letter that would be uplifting. But I couldn't read it. Not alone.
"What can I do for you?" Noah's voice is soft. "Bring my dad back, just for a minute," I mumbled, fresh tears welling in my eyes. He sighs deeply. I can picture him combing the front of his hair back with his hand. "You know I can't do that, love. I wish I could." "I know," I whisper dejectedly. "I can't wait for you to come home." "I'll be home to you two in no time, I promise." I sniffle, wiping the back of my hand under my nose. "Okay. I'm gonna try to relax some," I huffed. "Are you sure you're alright?" he asks warily. "Yeah, I'll be okay. I love you." "I love you, too. I'll call you later, alright?"
We hung up and I picked up the letter once more, bringing it and the pillow with me into our bedroom. I shoved the piece of mail into my nightstand so I didn’t have to look at it; it was tempting to read, but I know that I wouldn't be able to contain myself if I read it alone. I couldn't have it tip me over the edge and lead to...that.
I sighed and made my way to my bathroom, deciding to take a quick bath to help calm me some. I ran the water and threw some Epsom salt in, all while making sure the water didn't get too hot. I stripped of my clothes, piled my hair on top of my head, and carefully lowered myself into the tub.
It took a moment or two to get situated, trying to find a comfortable way to rest as he wriggles about in my belly. "I love you, but you gotta chill out, dude," I chuckled quietly, and I swear he retaliates with a swift kick to my side. "Asshole," I glare at my stomach, only to laugh at my foolish banter with my belly. I ran a hand over my bump, feeling him start to settle a bit, and I let out a slow breath as the warmth encased me, my eyes falling shut.
I didn't bathe for very long; one of the downfalls of being pregnant is that I couldn't for more than 15 minutes, and I loved taking long baths. As short lived as it was, it certainly helped me calm down—after dressing and getting comfortable with the body pillow, I was out like a light.
After a few days of using it, the pillow was easily becoming my best friend, and when I felt it begin to slip from my grasp, I grumbled and clung onto it. I nuzzled my face into the side of it, my arm and leg hooked over it tightening their hold. There was a muted chuckle as I sighed peacefully once I got comfortable again, feeling myself start to fade back into sleep.
In my sleep riddled haze, I can feel the bed dip behind me, but I paid no mind to it. Not until I felt a comforting heat on my back, a ghost of a tingle running down my spine when my hair was brushed away from my neck, a pair of warm lips left in its wake. I whined, bringing my shoulder up to hinder them from tickling me, and a deep chuckle vibrated against my back.
"Hey, love," Noah's velvety voice whispers in my ear. With my eyes still shut, I smile. "Hey. You're home early." "I am," he concurs, leaving a kiss on my cheek. "Took the earliest flight that I could after the last show." I shift, blindly bringing my arm behind me to lace my fingers through his hair, scratching lazily. "Why?" I peek my eyes open, and I can just barely make out his face from the moonlight filtering from the skylight. He grins at me. "To make sure you two are alright," he tells me simply, his large hand splaying over my belly.
I hum, giving him a kiss on his chin, and my eyes flutter shut once more.
"I take it the pillow worked well for you," he says after a moment of silence. "Mhm. I might choose it over you now." I muse, smirking. "Oh, hell no," he grumbles playfully. He slips it from between my legs and tosses it off the bed, landing in a soft thud. He shifts so he's on his back and gently rolls me towards him, my leg instinctively settling over him. "Mine," he states, tightening his arm around me. I laugh, shaking my head against his chest, laying a kiss wherever my lips landed. "Yours."
In the morning, I woke up in the same position; his arm around me, my head nestled against his chest and my leg over top of him.
I glanced up at him, admiring the peacefulness painted on his face as he continued to snooze. With his jaw slack and lips parted, quiet snores sounded from him, and I knew he was exhausted from returning home in the middle of the night. The sunlight pouring over him hadn’t bothered him one bit—usually he’d wake up the second it hit his face.
I carefully removed his arm from around me so as to not disturb him, trying my best to roll as gracefully as I could off his body. It wasn’t quite as easy as it used to be, now with a basketball for a stomach, and I more or less scooted my way out of bed praying I didn’t wake him. When he didn’t so much as stir, I made my way to the bathroom before our son decided to wake up and kick my bladder.
Once I had finished my business and exited our bathroom, I was surprised to see Noah had woken up, him lazily rubbing his eye with his fist. “Good morning,” he croaked, and I immediately apologized for waking him. “You didn’t wake me,” he tells me with the shake of his head, but I’m almost certain I did. “Did you sleep alright?” I smiled lightly, making my way back over to him. I raked the front of his hair back and leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Best sleep I’ve gotten in two weeks.” He takes hold of my hand and presses his lips to the back of it. “Good,” he mumbles against me, and I can feel his lips curl into a smile.
It had been such a short amount of time, but God did I miss waking up to his sheepish, sleep-filled grin and hooded eyes, and the raspiness in his voice that came with the day’s first words.
“Would you like some breakfast?” I asked him. He groans quietly as he sits up, stretching his hands high above his head. “Sure, love, that would be great.” I grin at him before making my way to the kitchen with him following behind me. "What do you feel like having?" "Whatever you feel like having," he sidles up behind me, his arms snaking under mine with his hands settling on my belly. His thumbs run against me in gentle sweeps as he kisses the back of my head. "Hmm...how does French toast sound?" "Sounds perfect."
He unravels himself from me so I can start cooking, persistently asking if I'd like help. I denied him each time; eventually he gave up and parked his ass at the table like I kept telling him to.
With Noah off my back, it doesn’t take very long to set plates down for both of us, and I join him at the table, taking the syrup after he was done dousing his toast with it. He digs in as I put a normal amount of syrup on my breakfast, and I chuckle when he groans after the first bite.
“Good?” I smirk. “So good,” he mumbles through a mouthful. I rolled my eyes, wishing he’d stop talking with his mouth full. “I haven’t had a home cooked breakfast in far too long.” I snort, shaking my head. “It’s been two weeks, Noah.” “And? I missed your cooking…amongst other things,” he winks.
Heat rises to my cheeks at his insinuation, and I hide my smile by taking a bite of the toast. He laughed, and I knew he could see the blush crawling over my face.
“Sorry, I had to,” he snickers. “On a serious note, have you read your letter from…your dad?” He hesitates on the tail end of his question, and my heart leapt to my throat from the mention of it alone. “No, not yet,” I mumble dejectedly, my gaze dropping to the food in front of me. I circle my fork through the puddle of syrup on my plate, swirling the trail of cinnamon into it. “I’ve been waiting for you to come home. I can’t do it alone.”
“Hey,” he says quietly, his fingers grazing over my knuckles to gain my attention. I bring my eyes back to him, seeing his chocolate irises glistening with generosity. “You don’t have to do it alone, I’m here now.” “I know,” I nod shallowly, placing my fork down on my plate to lace my fingers with his.
He gave my hand a squeeze to which I returned, a faint smile grazing my lips as a sense of security washes over me. He was the courage and comfort that I needed for a moment like this, and I was more than grateful for his understanding about it.
I decided after breakfast that we could read it together. He helped me clean up, loading and starting the dishwasher as I wiped down the counter and put the ingredients back to their designated areas. When we were finished in the kitchen, he took my hand in his and asked where I wanted to read it, and he guided me back to our bedroom when I answered him.
I opened the drawer that I had shoved it in two weeks prior and took it out—it was the heaviest thing I have ever held. My eyes immediately watered as I stared at my father’s name on the returning address. Noah slips the envelope from my hand and places it on the nightstand before taking my hands and sitting on our bed.
“Come here, love,” he says in a hushed tone. “Let’s get you comfortable and I can read it to you. How’s that sound?” All I could do was nod as he sat back on the pillow he propped up, his hands pulling me gently into his embrace. I rest my head on his chest, and he reaches for the letter, bringing it to his view. “Ready?”
I take a deep breath, nodding against Noah’s chest as fresh tears fill my eyes from anticipation. He gives me a reassuring kiss on the top of my head before he flips it open, clearing his throat. He read the first two sentences that I had beforehand, and I closed my eyes, my tears spilling and staining his shirt.
“From the day you were born, I knew just how special you were. You easily became the littlest love of my life, my precious baby girl, who later became my Christmas Angel…I’m sure you remember that one time we took down the tree trying to put the topper on it.”
I couldn’t help the choked-up giggle after Noah read the last sentence, the memory was still so fresh in my mind. He pressed his lips against my head once more before he continued reading.
“You blossomed into the most beautiful, courageous, and strong-willed woman that I know you still are to this day, and I enjoyed watching you grow as the years passed. I cherished them.
I remember all the tough days you had when you were in school, how badly you wanted to give up when studying became too overwhelming, or when you didn’t get the grades you wanted on your tests. But with tears in your eyes, you pushed yourself through it, and you passed with flying colors by the end of it all.
The same thing goes for when you got the job for the city. I knew how scared you were, I knew you were afraid of letting me down or not meeting my expectations or whatever it was dragging you down, but you never let that stop you. But I am so, so proud of you for never giving up, and I admire you for your strengths.
If I was half as strong as you are, I wouldn’t be lying on my death bed writing this letter to you. I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to be able to watch you continue to grow, I’m sorry I succumbed to this disease and left you.
If there is one thing that I want you to remember, it’s that you truly are unstoppable; there isn’t a thing in this world that you cannot accomplish—I said that with my chest, and I took that to my grave.
If there is ever a day that you are doubting yourself, I want you to read this over and over until you find who you are again: the strongest, most beautiful, and courageous woman to walk this earth. The woman I am so proud to call my daughter.
I love you so much.
Until we meet again.
I was a blubbering mess by the time Noah finished reading the letter to me. He puts it back on the nightstand before wrapping his arms around me, rocking me back and forth ever-so-slightly while I cried it out.
In all reality, it wasn’t that bad of a letter, but it made me miss my dad that much more. It made me regret following in his footsteps, which ultimately lead me down a path to where I never got to see him before he passed. I was weak then. Oh, so very weak—and at times, I believe that I’m still weak, unlike what his letter had been telling me.
It took me a long time to recover, and I ruined it after three whole years of being sober. That is weak; I wasn’t the strong-willed person my dad thought I was. And even if I’m strong enough to be sober now due to the pregnancy, there’s always that thought in the back of my head that worries I’ll relapse after having him. But I can’t let that happen.
I won’t let that happen.
|Chapter 24|
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litgwritersroom · 11 months
Hiii I love your page, can you please write something for Jamal or Lewie where the producers stop them from following us out when we gets dumped? I would love to see the behind the scenes
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Jamal / MC - 2400+ words - @tammyisobsessedwith
When the girl he was falling for gets dumped, Jamal is almost ready to walk out the door after her.
“The Islander who will be leaving the Villa tonight is… Olivia.”
Shocked gasps reverberate in the still night air as the whole group hears those words, Ozzy’s voice sounding hollowed out as he reads the name in the text message. 
It takes a moment for it to sink in, Jamal looking across the firepit as their fellow Islanders react to the shattering news: the softly whispered ‘no’ coming from Bella sitting next to him, so at odds with her usually upbeat and loud personality; how Amelia’s whole body seemed to coil in on itself, her hands coming up to cover her lips as her eyes immediately shine brighter with unshed tears. Grace looks shell-shocked, like she can’t believe what’s happened as she stands there with her mouth hanging open, her hands still tightly wound around Olivia’s. The other boys’ reactions are all in the same line, the absolute bombshell news rendering everyone speechless as no one saw this coming.
As for Olivia… Liv seems petrified, eyes wide and her lips just slightly parted as if her breath was stolen away. She looks as if she were in a daze then the next moment her brown eyes sharply meet Jamal’s over the blazing firepit and he can feel so many different emotions passing through the air between the two of them with that single look that it almost knocks him over.
“No way,” Jamal hears himself saying it, but he can’t really recognise his own voice. Blood rushes in his ears and there’s a tightness in his throat that actually makes it a little hard to breathe.
The sound of a text coming through brings reality crashing down on all of them. Olivia recovers somewhat from the shock as she reaches for her phone with slightly trembling hands. “Olivia, your time on Love Island has come to an end. You have thirty minutes to pack your bags. Please say your goodbyes and leave the Villa.”
“Oh my god, no!” Amelia exclaims, getting up and out of Roberto’s arms as she crosses over to her twin sister in a few rapid steps, her high-heeled sandals clicking loudly on the wooden floor. She throws her arms around Olivia and buries her head in her shoulder, her sister stumbling slightly on her feet with the force of this sudden movement, then she hugs Amelia back and gently pats her on the head.
That seems to put the whole Villa in motion again, everyone getting up and crowding up around Olivia. The other girls join the two sisters in a group hug and everyone starts talking again, saying how it can’t be real and how there must be some mistake.
Jamal is still reeling, as not only he’d just lost his best friend from the Villa when they’d sent Lewie and Chloe home just a few minutes ago, but now his girl is also leaving. The other boys come with comforting pats on his back, even Elliot walks over with a grimace on his face as he offers his sympathies. 
Even though the gamer had picked Olivia at the last recoupling, she had remained loyal and unofficially coupled up with Jamal the last few days, as they slept out in the daybeds or in the lounge and they’d still been spending a lot of their time together. Despite the newest bombshell’s efforts, Elliot wasn’t able to turn her head, as Olivia was simply friendly with him but she made it quite clear that her eggs were still firmly in Jamal’s basket.
But now… It doesn’t seem fair. It was supposed to be a matter of time, just waiting until the next recoupling before they were officially back together, as it always should’ve been. How could they be sending home the one person who personifies the heart of the Villa and this whole Love Island journey? And for Jamal specifically, he doesn’t see much of a point in staying if she’s leaving.
After all, that is the name of the game. And listen, he isn’t one to talk about fate or destiny and bullshit like that ─ that’s the sort of thing Ryan was always going on about in his flowery speeches or song lyrics. Jamal believes that we make our own lives and he has created his path from scratch, with his own hands and the skills he has after a lot of hard work. He’d thought coming on Love Island would be 1) a laugh, 2) a great opportunity to put his brand on the map, and 3) a chance for a cheeky summer fling, at most.
But what he’s found with Olivia is unlike anything he has ever experienced before. Not only is she drop-dead gorgeous and one of the hottest women he’s ever met (and trust him, he’s met a lot of hot women over the years), but she can also make him laugh and enjoy the little moments together while also dreaming up big things for the future. He loves her ambition, how she has so many topics she feels passionate about and all the projects that she wants to implement through her social media presence and the charity she works with. He loves her energy, how she wants to be everyone’s friend and how much she enjoys taking care of people and hyping them up. She’s so upbeat and charismatic that he can’t help but fall under her spell, his own smile shining so brightly whenever he manages to make her laugh.
Man, he could go on and on! To be honest, he can’t really explain what it is about this girl that actually made him run around gathering flowers to spell hearts and make grand declarations. He just knows she’s someone special and that she’s brought out feelings that he’d never felt before, and since he doesn’t have his camera or his skateboard to express himself, it needed to come out somehow. Luckily Liv thought it was the cutest thing, she still keeps a bunch of the wilting flowers on her bedside table and refuses to throw them out.
All of these thoughts swirl in his mind as he thinks about what it will mean for the two of them now that she’s leaving. He doesn’t really know how he ends up sitting down again, but the firepit is quieter as everyone else walks away and she’s with him now, kneeling on the floor between his legs as she looks up at him with a small smile.
“What the fuck, Liv.” He says, his voice still sounding strange to his own ears. “How can you be dumped?”
“It’s part of the game, babe,” she says with a casual shrug, almost as if she’s convincing herself of her own words. “We never know how we’re coming across to the people out there.”
“That’s bullshit,” he says with a mirthless laugh. “You’re the best one of us, if people don’t love you then they’re just wrong,” he adds defiantly.
“You’re just sweet on me, you’re biassed,” she counters with a teasing smile and he can’t help but smile a little in return. “Listen, you stay and have fun,” Liv says, her voice just above a whisper, her eyes shining brighter.
“Without you?” He grimaces at the thought. “Doesn’t sound much fun.”
“Yeah I know, but you should stay,” she insists with a gentle tone. “You have so many things you want to accomplish…” 
She doesn’t need to say it out loud, he knows what she means: the more air time he gets, the more exposure, the better chances he has to make deals once he’s out of Love Island to get his brand off the ground.
He feels his heart hurting at the thought that she’s still thinking of him first and all the plans they were making for the future. He knows it’s a big decision to make, but right then the fact that she wants him to stay makes him want to go even more.
“I’ll be waiting outside,” she continues with that small smile. “And if you happen to find someone here who absolutely blows your mind─”
“Not gonna happen,” he interrupts her with a shake of his head.
“We never know,” she counters with a shrug. “All I’m saying is… I’ll understand. You know I only want the best for you, right?”
“I’ve already found the best,” he argues back, running his hands through her hair before cupping her face and kissing her gently. Olivia lets him pull them up to their feet, their arms wrapping around each other as their lips meet in a gesture that’s sweet and comforting, something that they’re so used to by now, as if kissing each other was something they’d been doing forever and would spend another eternity doing together.
Their lips pull apart, but they’re still in each other’s arms. Olivia lays her head on his shoulder while Jamal buries his nose in her hair and inhales deeply. Her familiar scent is enough to ground him a little.
“You know I think you’re pretty amazing, too. I may be leaving the Villa, but I’m not going anywhere,” she says with a smile into the curve of his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his warm skin. “Relax and have fun with the boys. I’ll be waiting outside.”
Jamal shakes his head despondently then kisses her quickly one last time before they turn and head up to the Villa. They rejoin the group as they sit around and help her pack her bags and in almost no time at all they’re stood by the front door as Olivia says her final goodbyes.
Amelia is a complete mess, tears running down her face as she hugs her twin tightly one last time. Everyone gives her the biggest hugs as she makes the rounds and she saves Jamal for last, whispering the same comforting words that he should try and have fun and she’ll be waiting for him.
Even after the door is closed and she’s long gone he’s still staring straight ahead, a frown on his face. “It feels wrong,” he says to no one in particular. “It almost feels like a break up. I mean, not that I’d know since I’ve never been through an actual break up, but I imagine this is what it feels like.”
“Hey, just sleep on it,” Ozzy offers with a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Tomorrow you might feel better. But if you still feel like it, you just do what you gotta do.”
All the girls give him hugs and the lads clap him warmly on the back as they turn from the entrance back to the bedroom. Jamal lingers, eyes still on the closed front door and a frown on his face as his hands reflexively clench and relax by his side.
He is the first one called to the Beach Hut to give his impressions on everything that has happened that day. He initially thinks of putting up a front, trying to protect his ego (and his heart), but when he’s actually sitting there on the couch he’s a little surprised at how emotional he feels, as it seems to sink in that Liv is really gone.
He feels pretty raw when he leaves the Beach Hut, exposed and emotionally exhausted in a way that’s never happened before. He feels like he could sleep for days but at the same time he’s wired and wide awake, the many possibilities of what he could do next buzzing in his mind and demanding his attention, so for a moment he just stands there in the hallway, leaning his back against the wall before he notices one of the producers leaving the production booth next to the Beach Hut. He’s seen her a few times now, usually coming around to retape something if the wind interferes with catching what they’re saying or to admonish them when they have long conversations without their mics in the pool. 
The woman offers him a sympathetic smile and removes her headset before she comes to stand just next to him.
“I just wanted to say, I know that was hard,” she says softly. “And I know you’re thinking of leaving.”
“Yeah, I really am,” Jamal says with a heavy sigh, rubbing his fingers on his temple. “In fact, I was just thinking of asking someone from production if I could pack my bags and go.”
“Technically you can, we’re not gonna stop you if that’s what you really want,” she answers, a small frown marked between her eyebrows. “But I really, really think you should stick around, at least for a few days. You’re coming out of this whole thing right now, a little time to process it might be good.”
“It’ll just feel so weird in here without her, y’know?” Jamal says, running a hand down his face in a tired motion. “She’s so much part of my journey here, from day one. And everything we’ve been through? It’s like this is another test and I’m failing.”
“You’re right, it could be a test. Or it might be the thing that makes you stronger than ever,” she counters, her voice soft. “Sometimes these things happen in relationships and how you handle it makes all the difference. For instance, you and Olivia live in different cities. How will you handle spending time apart and doing long distance?”
“I─” He starts to answer reflexively, before pausing and frowning a little. “I don’t know. We hadn’t talked about all of that yet.”
The producer nods, knowing that would’ve been his answer. “You could use the next few days to think about all of that, it might give you the clarity you need,” she offers with a casual shrug. As he remains frowning, she lets out a small sigh before continuing. “Just trust me on this one, okay? Don’t make any rash decisions that you might regret later. Plus, she did tell you to stay and have fun.”
Jamal simply nods back at her, so she smiles once more before heading back into the production room. He thinks the producers just want to make sure he stays as everyone watching at home will be tuning in the next day to see if he stays or if he leaves and it will make for good TV drama.
But Liv wanted him to stay and have a good time. Well, he doesn’t know how much of a good time he’ll have without her around, but he figures he owes it to her to at least try.
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ladylooch · 9 months
Oh my God, that’s simply - break to drink cold water and take a deep breath - very hot!
I also think of them in a situation like:
Em is in an appointment and Timo is going to pick her up, so when he parks the car, instead of greeting her he is usually already playing his role as a stranger and flirting like “Hi, in need of a ride?” 🤣🥵 (Yes Timo, please take me with you)
- 💜
Honestly, that was so hot last night. I was going feral. In my inbox. On my blog. In my DMs. Not enough water to cool this girl down 🤣
It’s Emma’s first client appointment after having Liv. She is living her best life, strutting out of her meeting on cloud 9 at being back to her normal routine. She slows her steps when she sees her husband’s expensive car out front. The one he only brings out when it’s just the two of them. Car seats don’t exactly match the luxury leather… or fit in the back seat.
Timo leans against the passenger side, tilting his face towards the sun. His sunglasses hide his blue gaze but when he hears the click of her heels, he adjusts to watch her approach.
“Heard you needed a ride, beautiful.” He calls to her. She feels his eyes rake along every curve of her body in her tight dress. She grins. 
“Who told you?”
“Your husband.” He responds, taking his sunglasses off.
“He staying out late again?” She murmurs, holding her purse with both hands in front of her to avoid touching him. 
“Yeah, he sends his apologies.” 
“And who has the babies?”
“Someone named Nico?”
“Ah…” She nods her head, biting her lip to prevent the laugh that bubbles in her mouth. “So where is this car going?” She reaches out, running a single finger long the buttons of his shirt. He smirks, reaching for her wrist and bringing it to his mouth. He kisses her pulse there, then sinks his teeth into the delicate skin.
“Wherever you want.” He says after another sweet press of his lips.
“Think there are any hotel rooms open in this city?”
“Should we find one?” Emma takes another step forward as Timo pushes off the car. He wraps a large palm around her waist, pressing her completely to his front. 
“Mrs. Meier, your husband know you’re such a tease?”
“No… it can be our little secret.” She tugs his tie, bringing his face down to her lips. They smooch- hot and wet, until Timo’s moan breaks them apart.
“Get in the car and take your panties off.” Emma widens her eyes, glancing around as Timo opens the door for her. He watches her through the windshield of his car as he walks around to the driver’s seat. She hands her black panties over to him when he gets in. He puts them in his pocket, then grabs her chin to kiss her again. The I love you is on his lips and Emma shakes her head. 
“I know you can last longer than that.” Her tongue teases at her teeth after she speaks. The challenge makes his eyes sparkle as he turns back to the road. He flicks his blinker on, then tears down the street to the hotel room he booked last night.
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Someone great 💚P21💚
Loki x Divorced! Female Reader
18+ | contains a lil smut
Previous Part Next Part
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Opening your eyes, you pulled away with a disgusted expression painting your features. You wiped your lips thoroughly as if they had just been contaminated with some sort of lethal chemical. You stopped yourself from gagging, standing to your feet and stepping away from Bucky as he stood up too. You felt overwhelmingly nauseous, incredibly sick at the audacity of James Buchanan Barnes.
“Don’t you ever EVER do that to me again or I swear to god I’ll get a restraining order.” You spat, speaking before Bucky could.
“I’m not your wife, your girlfriend or your friend for that matter so stop with this there for my girls bullshit because I’ve had enough of it, enough of you.” You scoffed, shaking your head. “You’re going to leave and you can come back in the morning.” You instructed.
“Y/n, please—”
“Leave” you cut him off “and by the way, me and Loki aren’t fucking, we’re having passionate loving sex because I love him” you began, taking a step towards Bucky “I love Loki.”
Bucky’s jaw clenched at your words as he looked down at you for a few moments before finally breaking eye contact and stepping away from you. You released a breath as he did so. He turned away, beginning to walk off before he paused as if he was going to speak again before you did.
“And tell Alexis before I do, she deserves more than a cheating bastard.” And with that, Bucky left.
You made your way back towards the coffee machine before making one and taking it with you to see Olivia before you settled for the night. Reaching her room, you placed the coffee down before kissing her on the forehead and whispering a goodnight. You still felt terrible, how could you not have known something was wrong? Despite what everyone said, you felt like an incompetent mother. You took your coffee out with you as you made your way towards the accommodation rooms before taking your phone out and debating whether or not you should text Loki. You had ruined things with him, perfect things. You practically sided with Bucky earlier and completely shut him out. He didn’t deserve that, he deserved better. What a great start to your relationship you sighed inwardly.
Sitting on the bed, you began typing a message to Loki but deciding to delete it before sending it. You went through a vicious cycle of typing out a message, only to backspace the whole thing and exit the chat. What if he didn’t want to speak to you? What if he wanted the relationship to end? You felt deeply connected to him now, you loved him, you couldn’t picture your life without him in it now and now things were ruined. You wished you had realised sooner, admitted your feelings to him sooner. You typed out a simple I love you message before backspacing again as you remembered his reaction to when it accidentally slipped out last weekend. He didn’t seem like he reciprocated your feelings. You didn’t deny that he liked you but loved, that was pushing it too far. You decided that you’d forget about the whole Loki situation at least until after you and Liv were back at home. Putting your phone down, you swapped it for your coffee before you got a notification.
Loki💚: Hope you’re okay :)
You smiled as you read the message. Wasting no time, you called him.
“Y/n” he began, answering the phone almost instantly.
“Loki I’m so sor—” you cut him off.
“Don’t—” he answered.
“No I need to—”
“No don’t” he stated again before taking a deep breath “it’s fine, I understand you’re going through a difficult time and I’m sorry that—”
“You don’t need to apologise Loki.” You interjected incredulously. There were a few moments of silence, both of you pondering on what to say next before he finally spoke.
“Do you need me to bring you anything?” He offered.
“You Loki, I need you.”
“I’m on my way.”
You hung up the phone, unable to contain your small smile. Yes, you were overjoyed that Loki was coming but it didn’t change the situation you were in. It did however make you feel less alone, better, knowing that you hadn’t completely ruined things with him and that he was willing to be there for you. You wondered if it was better to just stay friends with him, at least you wouldn’t have to worry about feelings getting in the way or another stupid argument jeopardising things. If you were just friends, you’d always be that and he’d always be in your life. That was better. A promise to always be there. You could learn to fall out of love with him, to at least suppress you’re feelings for him. To remain friends. That’s what you’d be, well, it’s what you thought you’d be as you paced the room thinking until you looked up seeing Loki standing there and you knew it was too late, you were too far gone, you were deeply in love with him. Your heart told you so when it started to beat faster. Your brain told you so as it quietened down, only focusing on Loki. Your body told you so when you began stepping towards him, wrapping your arms tightly round him as he hugged you keenly, kissing the top of your head. This felt like home, not Buckys embrace but Lokis.
“How did you get here so quickly?” You finally queried, lifting your head from his chest.
“I stayed in the carpark incase you needed me to bring you anything or drop you home or something.” He replied, his hand smoothing up and down your arm.
“Your lip.” You gasped, seeing it cut before noticing his nose looking a little banged up too.
“Does it make me look more intimidating?” He chuckled.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” You laughed, grabbing his hand and directing him to the bed. The best part about being injured in a hospital was the access to first aid kits. You grabbed some cotton balls and rubbing alcohol before cleaning away the dry blood on Lokis face with it. You stood between his legs as you dabbed at his face, your eyes occasionally meeting. Once you had finished with his lip, you dried them before kissing them softly.
“Thank you.” He spoke against your lips once you broke the kiss.
“Will you stay here with me tonight?” You asked, unsure whether or not he’d say yes.
“Of course.” He nodded.
“And I need to tell you something.” You added, brushing your lips against his.
“I love you Loki Laufeyson.” You finally admitted properly, unsure what his answer would be and not really caring. You loved him and you had to tell him. His next move surprised you as you yelped, being pulled onto his lap as he kissed you passionately, his tongue pushing past yours.
“I love you more.” He answered before kissing you again. You were certain his admittance was more welcomed than Buckys one on your wedding day. You changed your position so that you were straddling Loki as you continued to kiss. His hands moved over the sides of your body, under your shirt before he lifted it over your head, his lips exploring your exposed chest. You rolled your hips against his, his evident erection poking at your core. You really did feel wicked now knowing that you were about to literally get railed in a hospital but you were too madly in love to care plus Loki was literally rolling one of your nipples between his fingers as he licked the other one, rational thought had left you quicker than your first boyfriend did when you pranked him saying you were pregnant.
“I love you.” You spoke in Lokis ear as his hips rocked against yours, filling you slowly as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. You softly scratched his scalp, revelling in the sensation as he repeated it, lifting his head to kiss your lips. His movements were so slow, so consuming, it was crazy to think that this wasn’t even the first time you had had sex with him today and yet now it felt completely different, as if there were higher stakes. You wrapped your legs around his hips, needing to feel him closer, wanting to stay enveloped by him. Once you both finally came, it was intense, gratifying and one of the best orgasms you had ever had, all things aside. You and Loki both laid in the bed, wrapped around one another as you continued scratching his scalp.
“I want there to be no secrets between us so I should tell you that Bucky kissed me earlier.” You admitted. Lokis jaw clenched for a second before he kissed you softly.
“Well then I’ll have to replace his kiss with a hundred of mine.” He smiled against your lips. He knew there was no point getting angry now, that wasn’t the focus. The focus was you, your daughter; his new family.
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Uncle Thor time soon 😂 y/n’s daughter is in hospital and she’s like getting railed in the next room
@mischief2sarawr @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @mcufan72 @el-zef @trickster-maiden @mochie85 @lovingchoices14 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lucylaufeyson3 @michelleleewise @salempoe @moonlightreader649 @fluffybunnyu @littlemarvelmenfan @eyesbluelikethetitanic @geeky-politics-46 @lulubelle814 @lokiprompts @fictive-sl0th @vickie5446 @supraveng @theunwantedwriter @peaches1958
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
He’s A Yankee Doodle Sweetheart, But She’s His Yankee Doodle Girl 
A Following Team Orders One Shot 
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Song: Best Day of My Life by American Authors 
Word Count: 2.2K
Summary: It's Steve's birthday and he doesn't want to celebrate. He just wants a day with his girls. But he should know, always expect the unexpected, especially on your birthday!
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff; SMUT; mentions of traumatic delivery
Mood boards by me but dividers by @firefly-graphics
AN: A surprise one shot to celebrate Steve's birthday. To the people in the States, Happy Independence Day! To everyone else, Happy Tuesday :)
Taglist - I'm including everyone on the current taglist from Sliding Into Home but if you would like me not to do that, please let me know.
@patzammit @texmexdarling @slutforchrisjamalevans @firephotogrl74 @before-we-get-started @jennmurawski13-writes @tinkerbelle67 @bunnyforhim
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Steve Rogers doesn’t like his birthday.  
Never has.  
Never will.  
Sure, it lands on the 4th of July and there are fireworks and food, but it’s always about the holiday and not his birthday. So why bother? 
He hasn’t been home on his birthday for a few years now anyway, a race is always scheduled during that time.  His mother makes an effort to make it out for said race and Olivia has tried to make it special in the seven years they have been together. But he hates that its always overshadowed.  So, this year, he asked if they could just not.  His mother is staying the states this year and he, Olivia and his girls take a couple of days in Austria.  
The night before, his wife lays next to him and they cuddle, exhausted after running after their three-year-old twins. God, he loves his girls, but Davina and Matilda are mini Olivias and well, the world is not ready for them.  
As he drifts off to sleep, he dreams of the day when his girls are older and ready to be put into race cars. Liv had retired when they were born, wanting to raise them and allow him to pursue his third championship. They traveled with him now, at least until school starts.  Then they would be based in California. They never talked about having another, Liv saying that what they had was perfect.  Steve always dreamt of having a son to carry on the Rogers/Williams legacy. But he wouldn’t voice that to Liv.  Her pregnancy with Davy and Mattie was difficult at the best of time and at the worst, he almost lost all three. No, he wouldn’t let that dream out. His girls were enough.  
His dream morph in the middle of the night into something more pleasurable.  Dreaming of his sexy baby momma, riding him hard, soaking him to the bone. He moans in his sleep, fuck it felt so real. She slipped off of him and slide down, taking him in her mouth.  She sucked her arousal off of him. Fuck, Livie, baby, such a dirty girl, he moaned.  My good girl.  He reached for his cock to pump it in his sleep when he felt a tangle of hair bobbing on his rock hard dick. He opened his eyes to see his beautiful wife staring at him as she swallowed him whole.  
She popped off as she continues to pump the base of his cock.  “Happy birthday Stevie.”  She went right back on him as he tangled his fingers in her hair.  
“Fuck, Livie, that mouth is so warm, so good,” he praised her like he knew she would like and she moaned, the vibration radiating down over his cock. “Shit, baby, c’mere.”  He pulled her off of him and pulled her on top, kissing her hard.  He flipped them so he was on top. “You are a naughty one, Bug.” 
“Only for you,” she replied with a smirk.  
“Fucking love you, Livie.”  He kissed her as he spread her legs and slid right into her soaked heat. “Favorite place in the world,” he moaned as he thrusted gently.  
Liv sank her nails into his bacl. “More, Stevie, fuck me more,” she moaned.  
Steve smiled as he pinned her hands by her head and thrusted harder and deeper into her. “I love you baby so much.”  
“I love you.  Stevie, shit, gonna come.”  
“I’ve got you Liv. Go on, baby. Give it to me.” 
Liv arched her back as her legs shook and her release washed over her. Watching Olivia cum was the most beautiful thing Steve had ever seen and always caused him to follow right behind her. He grabbed under her ass to lift her slightly as he chased his end and cummed harder than he imagined.  
Their bedroom was silent, bar the heavy breathing as they came down from their highs.  
“So, good start to your birthday?” 
Steve laughed hard as he held his wife and kissed her head.  “The best.”  
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As Steve stirred his coffee, he smiled as he heard the soft sounds of his girls waking up with Liv. He loved his girls, truly, but they were sassy as fuck. Luckily, he did have his nephew, Simon, Bucky and Natasha’s boy, to get his “son” energy out.  A pitter of feet hit the staircase at their vacation home and the girls bounced into the room.  
“Happy Birthday Papa!” 
“Thank you, my Angels.”  He kneeled down to receive their hugs. He pulled back to study his girls. Davy took after him, blonde curls, and his nose. Mattie took after her mother with her dark curls but both girls had his ocean blues. 
“Papa, we go for a swim?” Davy asked.  
“Gonna make me a picnic?” 
“Momma says we will,” Mattie offers.  “Pwease papa?” 
“Its sounds like a perfect day Angels. But let’s have some breakfast before we get ready, ok?” 
The girls scramble to their safety steps to help make breakfast with Steve. He put their bowls out and the fruit they would use.  He loved teaching his girls healthy habits in the guise of helping papa with meals.  Once he had them settled in their booster with their breakfast, he scrambled some eggs and bacon for himself and Liv.  
“Baby, it’s your birthday.  I wouldn’t have done it,” Liv says as she comes in, typing her hair up.  
“It’s just another day, Bug.” Steve smiled. “Buck, Nat, Frank, Sam and Tony are stopping by later for a drink but otherwise is, this is all I ever wanted for a normal, non-celebration day.”  
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After jumping and splashing all day with his daughters, Steve relaxed into the daybed chair, his daughters asleep for their nap.  Liv came over, beer in her hands for him, a soda for her. “Hey baby.”  
“Hi love.” He took one of the beers and clinked with her glass. “It’s so calm here.” 
“It is.” She took a slip and laid her head on his chest. She sighed, the sound coming out a little despondent.  
Steve frowned as he lowered his sunglasses. “Livie, baby, what’s wrong?” 
“Been thinking about stuff.”  
“What stuff, honey?” 
“Just future stuff.  Wondering what you would think.”  
“About what?” 
“Just,” she sighed again. “Maybe I just miss the girls being babies is all.  They are going to be four this year and we have to start thinking about school and stuff…” 
Steve smiled softly. “And you miss your babies.”  
“And I miss my babies.” She went quiet for a moment. “We never talked about whether we wanted another after…” 
“After you and the girls almost died,” he said softly. “Baby, I didn’t want to bring it up because you were so scared after. The post-partum was so bad, and I was just scared that you would spiral again if I brought it up.” He pulled her all the way onto his lap. “Do you?” He swallowed.  “Do you want another?” 
She looked up at him and gave a small nod. “I mean, if you want.”  
“Honey, it’s your body.” 
Liv looked at him pensively. “I think I do.”  
“I loved seeing you pregnant, and experiencing all the changes, feeling the girls kick,” Steve said with a smile. “So, let’s try for one more.”  
She snorted. “One more. You and your super sperm gave me two.”  
He smirked. “What can I say? I’m an overachiever.”  They laughed and Steve hugged Olivia closer to him.  
Maybe this was his chance. 
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As Liv went to get the girls ready for their guests, Steve was picking up from the art project the girls decided they wanted to make for their aunt and uncles. He loved that his girls got his art skills. The doorbell rang and he went to let his friends in.  
“Hey punk, happy birthday!” Bucky reach for his best friend to give him a one arm hug as Simon was in his arms.  
“Thanks, jerk.  Hey, my little man, how are you?” He took the 18-month-old from his father’s arms and tossed him in the air.  It made him excited that he would get to do that with his own little one again in the near future.  
“Hey guys,” he greeted as Nat, Sam, Tony and Frank came in.  “Liv and the girls will be down in just a few minutes.  We had an incident with some finger paints.” He pointed to the art on the table. “There is one for each of you.”  
“I’ll take the pink one,” Nat said. “I know they thought of me when they made it.”  
“How do you know they weren’t thinking of me?” Frank asked.  
As the friends began to bicker, Tony handed a bag to Steve. “Here you go.”  
“You didn’t have to get me anything.” Steve looked at the bag with a sigh.  
“It’s your birthday, you get a gift.  Them the rules, Rogers.”  
“Thanks Tony.  No Pepper?” 
“She had to head back to the London office early.  Something about an Ultron program going haywire,” Tony waived his arm like it wasn’t important. “Anyway, open it.”  
Steve opened the bag to see a 25-year-old scotch. “Tony, wow.”  
“Figured you might need it with the mini Olivias around.”  
“I heard that Shell-head,” Liv said, holding her daughters’ hands as they walked down the stairs.  All the girls squealed as their company was scattered around the room.  They greeted everyone as they sat to chat and have a couple of drinks.  
Mattie grew restless with her sweater.  “Momma, can I take this off now?” 
Liv bit her lip.  “I guess so, baby.  Have papa help you.”  
“C’mere, munchkin one,” he said as he picked up his daughter and sat her on his knee.  “Let’s get this off.”  He pulled it off and saw a pink shirt with writing.  He pulled it taut and read, ’Rogers #1’ 
“This is cute,” Steve said. “C’mere Davy, let me get yours off too.”  He pulled the sweater off and straightened her own ‘Rogers #2’ shirt.  “Very cute Bug.”  
“I thought you might like them.” Liv blushed.  “I know you said no presents, but I got you something.” 
“Bug,” he sighed, “you promised.”  
“I know but I think you’re gonna like this one.” She handed him a small blue bag. He took it warily and gave a tight smile.  His friends all looked, well kinda smug.  He shook it off and opened the bag.  Inside was a bracelet box and a blue shirt.  He opened the box and froze.  
“Livie,” he swallowed, “baby…” 
“So, remember in Montreal I wasn’t feeling great,” she started. “Turns out, I’m pregnant.” She chewed on her lip as she waited for Steve’s mind to catch up with his eyes.  Eyes that are fixated on the positive pregnancy test in his hands.  
“We’re having a baby?” 
“We’re having a baby.”  
Steve pulled his wife into his arms. “We’re having a baby!” He kissed her hard as the group wolf whistled and yelled out their congratulations.  
“You didn’t see the other thing in the bag,” Liv said.  
“Don’t much care,” as Steve continues to hold his wife.  “A baby.  I can’t believe it.”  
“But Stevie, you gotta look,” she insisted. Steve rolled his eyes and pulled the blue cloth from the bag. Its smaller than he expected but he shakes it open.  
Rogers #3, Like Father, Like Son  
“A b- a boy?” 
“They did genetic testing, everything is fine,” she reassured him, “but they were able to tell me the gender. Now we have our boy. I know it’s what you wanted.”  
“How did you know?” 
“I see the way you are with Simon.  You’re a brilliant girl dad, Stevie but I know you wanted a boy as well. And now we have both,” she said with a loving smile.  
“How far along are you?” 
“Eleven weeks. Been dying to tell you but with our schedule and flying and the girls I just didn’t have the chance. Are you mad?” 
“Mad? No Bug, I’m not mad.” He kissed her softly. He looked back at his friends who were standing to start hugging. “They all knew?” 
“Well, someone, Tony, heard me talking to Mom and your Ma and couldn’t keep his mouth shut. So we set this up because it’s your birthday and…” 
He stopped her with a hug.  “This has been the best birthday ever.”  
“Really. Thank you Livie.” 
“Happy birthday daddy.” She pat her stomach as his girls came to hug him around his legs. “We love you.” 
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Everyone here at the FIA are sending their heartfelt congratulations to Red Bull Racing and their driver Steve Rogers.  The team announced that Steve’s wife, former champion Olivia Rogers, has given birth to a healthy baby boy, Christopher James. Team principle, Andy Barber confirmed that mother and son are doing well, and that older siblings Davina and Matilda are excited to have their brother join the family.  Rogers is set to return to defend his third world championship in March in Bahrain. We wish the Rogers family all the best! 
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marchtomydrums · 2 years
Summer Fun
Olivia Benson x Alex Cabot x Reader
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With summer coming to an end your wives promised you a mini vacation to celebrate. Olivia and Alex both have been working nonstop with some hellacious hours so there were days your paths didn't even cross.
However, Alex was now home and waiting in the bedroom for you to show her the bathing suits you ordered for the trip. The blonde beauty was in the middle of packing while she waits. Olivia strolls in earlier than usual smiling as she sees Alex.
“Hi, baby.”
Alex lifts her head smiling at her “Hi. Your home early.”
Olivia nods “Yeah Fin said he's got it covered. Besides we leave tomorrow night. Where's y/n?” she asked looking around.
“In the bathroom. She ordered some bathing suits for our trip and wanted to see how they looked.”
Olivia sits on the bed taking off her shoes along with her badge and gun as she listens to Alex explain.
“So what your saying is I made it just in time for the show?” she asked raising her eyebrows.
Alex chuckles “It would appear so captain.”
Their playful banter is interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door opening. Stepping out you smile at them both. The color of the suit made your skin glow. And with the tiny strings, there was no way you were getting tan lines.
You smiled at the two women whose mouths hung wide open.
“What do you think?”
“Turn around.” Olivia orders.
You smiled turning for her.
“Your whole ass is out!” She shouts.
You chuckled turning back around.
“Well duh. It’s a thong Bikini Liv.”
“There is no way you’re wearing that.”
You rolled your eyes “Well sorry to tell you MOM but I am.”
“You’re not walking out on the beach for the world to see your ass.”
“What does it matter?! It only belongs to you anyway!” You shout back at the brunette.
“Hey!” Alex shouts with a pout.
“And you.” You chuckled winking at the blonde.
“Baby please don’t wear that. I’ll have to fight off gross men all day. I’d like to actually relax on this vacation.” Olivia whines.
You giggled walking towards her straddling her lap.
“Olivia. I promise you the only person I care about looking at me is you and Alex. Okay??”
The brunette nods her head and sighs “Yeah okay.”
“You really don’t like it?” You asked.
“I love it, baby. Just not for others to see. You’re mine.”
“Your right I am yours. So think about it like this. All of those people who look my way they only get to look. You on the other hand…well you get to do much much more.” You husked rolling your hips in her lap.
She chuckles smacking your ass cheek hard with her hand causing you to gasp.
“Fine. But if someone touches you I swear to god…”
“No one will touch me. Unless it’s you.”
“Hello!” Alex shouts once more.
You chuckled rolling your eyes at her.
“You know what I meant.”
The blonde chuckles “Yes I do. Now come over here so I can see that ass up close.”
You giggled crawling across the bed to her. She smiles spinning you around so your face is buried into the sheets and your ass is on display for her. She looks you over one good time before smacking your ass hard causing you to moan.
The blonde smirks looking over at Olivia.
“You have to admit it Liv…her ass looks delicious in this suit.”
Olivia chuckles shaking her head “Yeah that’s what I’m worried about.”
Alex laughs giving your ass another hard smack.
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queenmiarys · 10 months
The Royal Romance none Royal
Mini series: through hell and back
Face claims: Elyse Dufour as Olivia Nevrakis, Steven Strait as Anton Severus
Synopsis: Olivia falls in love with a successful businessman, everything not  as perfect it seems. 
Pairing: Olivia and Anton for now.
Rated M 
Warning: some chapters will contain domestic violence, Emotional abuse, NSFW (lemon) , 18+ Only
Most characters belong to Pixelberry , Amelia Rys, Juliana Beaumont belong to me.
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Song inspiration : hell and back. 
Part 1: First impressions
It  was 5 am. Olivia hit her alarm and jumped out of bed "Ki,  are you going to work out with me today?"
"OMG, Liv really it's 5am." She says barely woke good, she barely opened one eye to check her phone 
"It's the best time." Olivia said. 
Kiara turned back over and covered her head with her blanket. "Get up ki, you've been begging me to start helping you to get in better shape,  so get  your lazy butt up, I'll give you 5 seconds.
"Oh God really Liv?"
I have my ice cold water ready, don't make me use it."
They got to  Piedmont park, and worked out for a good hour.
"Can we please go home?"
"Come on ki, to look this good you gotta put in effort, besides I know you have your eyes on a certain someone." She said with a wink. 
"Hmmm and who is this someone?"
"Really ki, don't think I haven't noticed your eyeing our new neighbor across the hall from us, I saw you checking her out."
Kiara rolled her eyes."I'm not even sure if I'm into girls or just sick of men."
"Ki, you'll figure it out you're only 20 in a few months, how about one more lap around and I'll treat us to a non fat Latte."
"You should start with a latte, but I need food,  that blueberry smoothie gone."
As they came around the last lap,Kiara noticed a man sitting watching them "Liv, I believe one of us has an admirer."
The man noticed they caught him staring, he placed his glasses on and walked over. "Hello beautiful ladies, sorry for just staring at you it's just rare to see someone so natural these days.
"I'm Kiara and this is Olivia." Olivia nudge her side, giving her an annoyed look.
"Well it's nice to meet you Olivia." He said as he brushed his lips across the back of her hand. "I know you don't know me but I would love it if you had dinner with me sometime, here's my number if you need some time to think about it."
"Ki, come on let's go." 
Once they made it to Olivia's car Kiara looked at her in disbelief. "Really Liv, you haven't been out in almost 3 years, look I know you loved or still love Drake, but just giving up is not the answer, you are only 20, and that guy is totally handsome and into you, at least consider it you deserve one night to be treated like a queen."
Later in the week. 
Liv placed the paper with Anton's number on top of her desk, asking herself should she actually give him a chance. It was now Thursday and it had been 4 days.
She picked up the paper, staring at it for a while before finally deciding to call him. 
"You reached Anton, sorry I've missed your call, please leave a short detailed message at the tone and I'll return your call as soon as possible, And as always have a wonderful day." 
She hung up, and laid across her bed. 
3 Hours later. Olivia was half asleep when she heard her phone go off, Good Afternoon this Anton with tech support. How may I help you today?"
He immediately recognized her voice. "I'm so sorry I have my cell connected  to my work phone, just in case someone runs into problems and they transfer them to me."
"So what do you do?" 
She could hear him  yarning through the phone. "I'm the CEO of world tech, my family owns it."
'Wait you're Anton Severus?' 
"That would be me, wait you heard of me,?" She could hear him smiling against the phone."
"My father owns PC tech, I have an upcoming meeting with you next week to explain our brand.'
" Oh wow, I can't believe I didn't recognize your name, but I gotta be honest I expected Mrs.Nevrakis
She became quiet for a moment, and charged the subject, her mom died of stage 2 lung cancer, five days before her 12th birthday. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to upset you, are you still there 
"Yes I'm here, it's okay my mom passed away a long time ago and you didn't know." 
"Again I apologize."
He yawned again. "Olivia I'm glad you called me, I would love to take you out sometimes, is that something you would like?" 
"Okay I'll love too."
"Perfect, send your address and I'll pick you up Saturday evening around 7, is that okay?"
"How about we meet up, I'm still getting to know you Mr. Severus, just in case you turn out to be some psychopath I will have a way home." Olivia joked.
He didn't say anything for a minute. " Very well then, I'm just glad you accepted my invitation." He yawned again. ..
"Good night, it sounds like someone needs to rest."
"You're right, I do, been up since 5 am."
"Wow, please go get some rest." They hung up and she turned to see Kiara standing in the door." How long have you been there?
"Long enough to know that you finally decided to call him." 
She threw a pillow at her. "I know when I'm not wanted. Kiara said while sticking her tongue out making a silly face. 
"Ki, wait since you're all up in my business, what about you, have you introduced yourself to the girl next door?"
"No, I haven't even seen her again." 
"Come with me Ki?"
"And just where are we going?" 
"To meet her, she's been here nearly 2 weeks now."
They stepped out in the hallway and walked to the women's door and knocked on the woman door. 
"Be there in a second." The woman called out. Once she opened the door wearing a yellow and white sundress. Kiara ran her eyes up and down her body sending chills down her body
She noticed Kiara checking her out and blushed. " Sorry to interrupt your day, we live across the hall and just wanted to meet you." Olivia spoke.
"That was so sweet of you to do, I'm Hana Lee nice to meet you, and you are?" 
"I'm Olivia and this is Kiara."
"Would you like to come in?" 
"Maybe another time, for me at least but perhaps Kiara might want to stay, I have an early day tomorrow. She nudged her side
Saturday evening.
Olivia had got home and showered and changed into a sexy black and red dress, on que Anton texted the address,at the same time phone rong. 
"Hello?" Hey Liam, how are you?"  you want to meet Sunday?" Okay I'll be there." 
Another call came through. "Max what's up?"
"A little bird told me you have a hot date tonight." 
"Damn ki, she mumbled under her breath."It's just dinner 
"I'm happy for you, that you're getting back out there, for a minute there I thought I was going to sign you up for speed dating on tictoc  or something."  He laughed. 
"Max I'm a big girl, I can manage my own dating life." 
"Okay got it boss."
"Max it's after 7 let me get out of here, before he thinks I abandoned him." 
"Later Liv." 
It took her 20 minutes to arrive at the restaurant, it was a very  upscale Greek restaurant. 
"Good day Ma'am' I'll take your car and this gentleman will show you to your table Ms. Nevrakis
"Wait, how do you know my name?"
"Mr. Severus has brought out the entire restaurant for the evening for just the 2 of you." The man said
"Thank you." 
"Wow, fancy, all this for me?"
"What can I say, I really like you a lot Olivia." 
They sat and ate dinner and talked.
"So why did you buy this place for just the two of us?" She was curious.
"I take it you don't read teck today?" 
"No sorry, but I believe my father does 
"Well I was on the cover 6 months ago, I have strange women wanting to take pictures and to meet me. I have this one who asked me to marry her, even though I know nothing about her, so for your sake I didn't want them heckling you." He said with a smirk. 
"Wow, I'm really enjoying myself here."
"Did you believe you wouldn't?"
"Honestly I didn't know, I went on a date a few months back and had a terrible time." I was left fronting a $100.00 dinner bill this guy climbed to have lifted  his wallet at home."
" That, sob I'm sorry, that happened to you."
"Would you like dessert ?"
"Love some."
After leaving the restaurant Anton offered to follow Olivia to make sure she got home okay.
"That's okay, I'm fine we live in a safe neighborhood." 
"Please,  I won't feel comfortable leaving you alone, even though it's only 11:00
She let out a sigh. " Come on, you can follow me.
Once they got to her apartment, they stood at the front entrance. " Would you like to come in?
"Sure I would love it if it would get me more time with you." He said, smiling down at her.
Once they entered, they were greeted by the door man, in order to use the elevator you had to have a pass key or a guest pass key, they reached the 22nd floor, and walked to her apartment 2203. "How about we can watch a movie or we could talk some more." She said nervously.
"We could do that, I won't try anything,  you don't seem ready for right now, but do you mind if I kiss you?"
"I suppose that would be fine, and thank you for understanding." 
He didn't say much, they made out and found a movie on Netflix. Before they knew it they were both sound asleep on the sofa when Kiara returned home at 3am. 
Olivia heard a noise and quickly jumped up on her feet. "Who's there to speak now?
"It's just us Kiara peeped from the kitchen, followed by Hana.
"What the hell are you two doing at 3 am?"
"I was just showing her around, then we went to this new club about 3 blocks from here."
Kiara smiled. "I assumed you had a good time, you usually don't bring a date home."
They didn't hear Anton but he was standing in the doorway." I'm glad to hear that this type of thing isn't normal for you either." They all jumped at the sound of his voice.
",Hello again Kiara right?. And I don't know your name. 
"I'm Hana, the new neighbor across the hall. Nice to meet you, and you are?" 
"I'm Anton." 
"Olivia, I'm so sorry I fell asleep on you, but I must say that's the nicest sofa I ever slept on." 
They all laughed. Well it's 3:30, lucky I'm off the weekends but I would like to get home and get some rest."
Well I'd better too, get home myself, nice meeting you."
Olivia walked him out and Kiara walked Hana to her apartment.
Once Olivia made it back upstairs Kiara was waiting. 
"So how did your date really go?"
"Ki, nothing to tell, he was a gentleman the whole time." 
"How about you and Hana?" 
"That wasn't a date, besides I don't even know if she's that way yet." 
"Good night Ki, I need some sleep if I'm going to meet Liam and Mia later."
"Okay love you, night."
"Love you more."
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harringtonstilinski · 3 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Three: E Pluribus Unum
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 1,757 (short chapter this week) Warnings: angsty Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! We get a lot of Dustin and Erica in this chapter <3 Also, no Steve gif this chapter! We're getting a Dustin one 'cause of this iconic line!! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Dustin looked up at me - well, past me to look at Steve, both of them saying, “The gate.”
I backed up from between them making my way back down the steps. “Ya’know, Dustin, I really hate being doubted.”
“I don’t understand,” Robin said. “You’ve seen this before?”
“Not exactly,” Steve said.
“Then what, exactly?”
“Trust me when I say it’s really bad,” I said.
“It’s really bad,” Steve added.
“Just said that, babe.”
“Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad,” Dustin said. 
“And you know about this how?” Robin asked.
“It’s a long story,” I said.
“Uhm, Steve,” Erica said. “Where’s your Russian friend?”
I turned around to look at the ground behind me, seeing that the guy was indeed gone. “Sweet shit.”
Next noise to hit our ears was the alarm blaring, Steve rushing to the door to open it and look out into the hub space we sneaked through moments earlier. I heard “Halt! Halt!” before Steve closed the door, saying, “Shit!”
We ran through a couple of doors that led us straight to the control room, all of our feet stopping when the men turned to face us. Looking to my left, I saw another flight of stairs, running towards them.
“Come on!” I yelled, hearing Steve’s voice repeating the word go. I ran down a walkway, screaming as I pushed one of the hazmat suit guys out of the way, stopping once I reached the end, almost falling to my untimely demise.
I felt Dustin’s arms around me, pulling me back, both of us repeating, “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!”
I breathed in deep before I screamed out, “Holy shit!”
“Guards! Go!” Erica said.
I turned around to face the rest of the group, my arm being tugged by Dustin as Steve yelled, “This way!” and led us down another set of stairs, pushing a guy out of the way before pushing a set of barrels towards some more guards.
I rushed towards him, running past him and to another door, leaving it open for the rest of our group to run through. Hearing it close, I turned back around, seeing Steve and Robin leaning against it to keep some weight on it.
Dustin and Erica went to a vent cover, opening it, Erica yelling out for us to come on. I looked between my brother and boyfriend, wanting to protect both of them, but knowing I’d have to leave one.
“Liv, go with Dustin!” Steve yelled.
“I– I–” I stammered.
“I’ll find you,” he said. “Go!”
“Go, get out of here! Go get some help!”
I wanted to rush to him, to plant my lips upon his, but knowing I couldn’t against his struggle on the door. Feeling myself being pulled up the stairs, I kept my eyes locked on Steve before I had to look away, almost falling into the vent shaft. Looking back at Steve, I yelled, “I love you!”
“I love you!” Steve replied before I ducked into the shaft, closing the cover as I heard Robin yelling out, guns being cocked.
“He better not die,” I muttered, following after Dustin and Erica down this vent shaft.
Sitting in front of a giant fan, Dustin explained to Erica what happened that first year when Will went missing and then explained what happened a few months ago with Dart and the demodogs.
“And now, for some insane reason, these Russian assholes want to reopen it, for God knows what reason,” I said, using my hand to fan myself… even though we were by that giant ass fan. “Destroys everything we’ve risked our lives for.”
“By we, you’re including Lucas?” Erica said.
“Yes. Even Lucas was there. Matter of fact, everyone was there, aside from our mom, your parents and Mike’s parents.”
“So, all that shit he told me, Lucas was there?” Erica asked.
“Yes, Erica, he was there.”
“My brother, Lucas Charles Sinclair?”
“Yes!” Dustin and I exclaimed.
“I don’t believe you.”
“Wait, wait, hold up,” I said, sitting up a little and facing the young girl. “You mean to tell me that you believe everything about El and the gate and Dart, but you don’t believe the fact that Lucas was there helping us protect Hawkins?”
“That’s correct.” She looked from me to Dustin before she asked, “You need help with that?”
“No,” Dustin replied.
“Well, I mean, it’s taking a while, so–”
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.”
“Dustin Wade!” I exclaimed.
“Alright,” Erica said. “So, if we don’t find a more efficient method to stop these fans, we’re never gonna find help, and your ice cream buddies, slash boyfriend and best friend, are screwed.”
“Yeah, with that attitude, they are,” Dustin and I said.
“Jee-zus,” Dustin added.
“I’m just being realistic,” Erica said. Looking at her watch, she said, “I mean, we’ve made it about point-three miles in nine hours. Then we had to walk three hours down that tunnel, so I’d estimate ten miles back to the elevator, which should take us approximately twelve-and-a-half days.”
I looked at her with a stunned expression as she did all that math that quickly. “Holy shit. You just did all that… in your head?”
“I’m good with numbers,” she deadpanned.
“Holy shit,” Dustin said.
“You’re a nerd!” we exclaimed.
“Come again?” Erica scoffed.
“You,” Dustin said.
“Are.” Me.
“A.” Dustin.
“Nerd,” we both ended.
Pointing her finger between the both of us, Erica said, “Okay, you better take that back, nerds.”
“Can’t put that truth back in the box,” I smiled.
“But it’s not the truth.”
“Okay, let’s examine the facts,” I said, scooting a little closer, holding my fingers out while I counted the facts. “Fact One: You’re apparently a math whiz.”
“Pretty straightforward equation.”
“Fact Two: you’re a 10 year old political junkie.”
“Just because I don’t agree with Communism as an ideology–” 
“Fact Three: you love My Little Pony,” I said, grabbing her backpack and turning it to face her.
“And what does My Little Pony have to do with this?” she asked.
“Ah, let’s recall the ponies’ latest adventure, shall we?” Dustin said, which caused a confused look to come from me. “The evil centaur team and Tirek turns Applejack into a dragon at Midnight Castle, and then Megan and the other ponies have to use Moochick’s magic to defeat his rainbow of darkness, saving them from a lifetime of enslavement. All the pink in the world can’t disguise the irrefutable fact that centaurs and castles and dragons and magic are all standard nerd tropes. Ergo, My Little Pony is nerdy. Ergo, you, Erica, are a nerd.”
“Bro, what the fuck?” I murmured.
“And how do you know so much about My Little Pony?” Erica asked.
“Because I’m… a nerd,” Dustin said, taking the panel off the wall that he unscrewed during his little rant. He pulled the wires from their slots, the fan next to us powering down. “Let’s go… nerds.”
After we crawled through the blades of the fan, we made our way down the vent shaft. Whenever I spotted holes above us, I started feeling around for a loose square. Once I found it, I pushed it up and out of the way, climbing out of the shaft and onto the floor that we were crawling beneath, seeing a whole bunch of that green stuff they were putting into, what I’m calling, a gate drill.
“Jackpot,” I said, helping Erica and Dustin out of the shaft.
Spotting what seemed like a golf cart, I smiled and made my way towards it. “Hell yes!” “Do you even know how to drive?” Erica asked.
“Of course,” I said. “I’ve been driving on my own for a year. Damn it. There’s no keys.”
“You seriously thought they’d just leave keys in there?”
“There’s always a spare,” I said, more to myself. I started looking around, hearing Dustin’s rustles as he helped me look.
“Hey, Hendersons,” Erica said.
“Yeah,” Dustin and I said, getting out of the golf cart to look around more.
“How big did you say that Demogorgon was?”
“Huge,” I said.
“Nine feet or so,” Dustin said.
“Why?” we both asked.
Dustin moved to another panel box, using his screwdriver to open it, grabbing a key to the vehicle inside. “Found ‘em.”
“Dustin,” I said. “Look.”
What I was looking at was a crate, big enough for a Demogorgon. 
“Ah, shit,” I said.
“Erica?” Dustin and I said, jumping at the sound of a loud zapping noise.
“What the fuck?” I breathed, holding my hand to my chest.
“What the hell is that?!” Dustin yelled.
“A deadly weapon,” Erica said, almost like she was in love with it. “Could be useful.” She zapped it again, Dustin and I jumping once more.
“For what?”
“What do you think? Taking down Commies, saving your friends.”
“Thought you were more realistic than that, nerd?”
I took the keys from him, not wanting to hear anymore of their banter for the moment. As I got behind the wheel and put the key in the ignition, I said, “We don’t even know where they are, and even if we did, there’s a million guards up there with way deadlier weapons. The best thing we can do is get out of here and find help.”
“Easy with that,” Dustin said. “Our chance of surviving, and theirs, rises substantially. Just trust us on this. Please?”
Stopping at a certain point, I got out of the cart and looked in the back, seeing boxes of that green goop sitting in it. Grabbing a couple of them, I walked a few feet in front of the cart, taking a deep breath. “Steve… this is for you.” Slamming the glass containers on the ground, I watched as they shattered, the green stuff once again eating away at the floor.
I quickly made my way back behind the wheel, trying my best to speed off. Stopping a few feet from a door, I told Dustin to charge in with that laser thing, to which he immediately did.
I charged in after Erica, standing in between her and Dustin and watching as an evil looking doctor fell to the ground. I turned to face Steve, seeing his eye bruised and swollen.
“Hey! Henderson!” Steve said, excitedly. “That’s… crazy, I was just talking about you.”
Sighing, I undid the bonds that were around his arms, hands and legs before putting my hand on his cheek. “What happened to you?”
“Oh, my god,” Robin said.
“Get ready to run!”
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note: i absolutely love it when gaten screams shit. it's the best thing ever, lol
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on April 2, 2024
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soulsam · 3 months
Sam Winchester x multiples of 5 for the ask game!
LIV!! hi!!!! yes thank you i will always take an opportunity to ramble about samuel william winchester my darling my beloved my everything
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
oh my god this is such a tough question because there are multiple ;-; one is definitely bubblegum bitch because of that legendary edit. another is "something super sweet" by rory webley which as YOU already know is my season 8-9 sam anthem of choice. there are also like a whole bunch of coldplay songs that i think of right away...trouble is probably the biggest one, but paradise and hurts like heaven are definitely up there. and those are not even the only coldplay songs on my sam playlist akjfhdjkfhdjk he's so coldplay-coded. to me. and just for you. just because it is you who asked this question. forget to remember, by mudvayne. from the saw II soundtrack.
(i did an AWFUL job answering the original question but idc!!! i love music, sue me :P)
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
yes. my toxic trait is that i honestly do believe i could be besties with sam winchester. when i'm watching the show i often find myself saying stuff that sam then says seconds after me. he and i could be true crime girlies together (leave me alone okay i promise i'm normal about it). we have drift compatible autism i just know it. we could therapize each other i think
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
ok now you're just indulging me :P the answer is and has always been and will always be WINCEST. SAMDEAN. THE BLOWJOB BROTHERS. how can you not love them. they're brothers they're mother and son they're best friends they're coworkers they're affair partners they're married they're divorced they've got puppy crushes on each other and they have the deepest and most profound love in the universe. they're everything and i love them and i'll never get them out of my brain as long as i live. when i get old and develop alzheimer's i will forget my own mother's name before i forget about them, i just know it. i have never been more autistic about anything than i am about them. to say they've altered my brain chemistry would be the understatement of the millennium. they are everything and i owe my gf my ENTIRE LIFE for showing me a post about sex and violence and opening my eyes to the truth of the wincest gospel
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
oh no this is a tough one too...especially because i haven't finished the show yet ;-; but just from what i know so far...i do think i have to pick rowena. i'm biased as fuck because i think they should have let sam learn to do witchcraft but also. they're just really funny together. and i think crowley and dean would both be really pissed.
honorable mention goes to pre-ahbl ava because i love ava and i've also seen hunted like six times for. um. reasons. and they're just so cute when she's helping him investigate ;-; meg 2.0 might also have been kinda funny.
conclusion: give! sam!! a girlbestie!!!! please!!!!!!
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
ok this one is slightly unfair because i went in knowing i was and would be a samgirl. i had technically seen some of the show before i started for real last october (though i only remembered pieces of the pilot and pieces of mystery spot) and because sam is ~the intellectual one~ (and the one with longer hair. lmao) i was almost certain he'd be more my type than dean.
BUT. INTERESTINGLY. i do think i was actually kind of a stealth deangirl at first. either that or i'm just Easily Manipulated cause i totally fell for dean's unreliable narration and let myself get mad at sam for things i don't hold against him at all anymore. that's not to say i've turned my back on dean, i adore him, but sam !!!! sam!!!!! he's my everything and he's never done anything wrong in his LIFE.
also. fun and terrible fact. back when i was still watching the first few seasons i used to cringe at any screenshots of him in seasons like. 11 or later. i hate change and convinced myself he looked terrible for the entire latter third of the series. can you believe that. it's so funny though because now i'm like. ok. best sam look, mid-late s8. but SECOND best? SEASON 12. HOLY SHIT SEASON 12 SAM. JESUS CHRIST. i finally saw american nightmare the other day and they hit me with the back-to-back priest outfit and red sweater and i was about to faint like some kind of victorian maiden. hoooooly shit. something something frog in boiling water or whatever but oh my god. late seasons sam. cannot believe i turned my back on him for so long. shameful!!!!
anyway !!! THANK YOU for sending in this ask aaa im sorry i went so crazy on it shfdkjhkdjfhdk i'll really be making the lightest commentary in my tags and almost zero personal posts and then someone sends me an ask and all of a sudden i become the world's chattiest cathy. yes this is an open invitation for anyone to send me asks at any time btw. give me more reasons to be chatty (if you dare)!!!
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thechangeling · 2 years
Oh love, I'm sorry if I smothered you
Cw: Brief mention of self harm and mentions of self injurious stimming. If you want to skip the mention of self harm, skip the second paragraph. Emotional dysregulation and a suicidal ideation mention.
Title is from the song Smother by Daughter
As soon as Kit leaves Blackthorn Hall, Ty nearly suffocates under the weight of the quiet. Kit's final awkward words to him ring in his mind on a loop. He wants to scream, even just to break the silence. To pull his hair out, to chew off his hands, rip and tear at flesh until he finds peace. He just needs to do something to release this feeling inside of him. This paralyzing, burning agony.
His skin boils underneath his hoodie. Everything is too hot, too disgusting. He wants to rip it all off, to shed his skin like a snake. God he hates this body. He always has. With it's damp, sticky warm skin, gangly limbs and tender bloodied heart.
He wishes he could just leave it behind.
Distantly he registers Livvy talking to him, asking him if he's alright, but he just ignores her. There was just no way Ty could form the words to speak to his sister. To say anything coherent at all. Instead his gaze falls to the kitchen drawer that holds the steak knives. He fights against the all-consuming urge to open a vein with one of those knives.
Ty remembers what Alyssa had told him the last time she found him in a similar state of distress, ready to end it all.
Breathe deep. In through your nose and out through your mouth. This feeling will not last forever. It will not have power over you forever. It will pass.
Ty closes his eyes and attempts to ride out the waves. But all he can think about is Kit's face when he saw him again. Cold and hostile.
What are you doing here? he had asked. Alyssa will be furious when he tells  her. The sheer audacity of him to demand an explanation for being in his own ancestral family home. Ty tries to summon that same anger. The blinding fury and hatred was so much easier than this, this heartbreak. It was comforting.
But it will not come. All he can feel is pain.  It's as though there is something inside of him, burrowing and tearing at his heart, feasting on the flesh. Ty feels everything and it is undefinable. To sort through the noise and the chaos would be impossible.
Amongst the buzzing in his head and the ringing in his ears, Ty has a distant thought.
Is this what love is supposed to feel like?
Livvy floats closer towards him, "Ty please talk to me," she begs.
He doesn't want to talk to Livvy. Livvy won't. understand. No one would. He feels something cool against his wrist and realizes he has been digging his fingernails into his wrist hard enough to draw blood. 
Why can't he just cry like a normal person?
Kit's voice rang in his head.
No. Not now.
It had taken everything in him not to beg. To fall to his knees and plead for Kit to forgive him. Or maybe he should have asked what he need to do to earn Kit's forgiveness. Ty's always so much better when he has a task to complete.
But what about Ty's forgiveness? Did Kit even care about that? Does anyone?
Aly. Of course.
He would've gone to her. Only she was currently in New York visiting her family and he doesn't think the Reyes' would take to kindly to him showing up at their door.
He collapses down onto the kitchen floor, resting his back against the table. He finds the pain is starting to drain out of his insides, leaving him numb and apathetic. Livvy stares at him from above, her eyes full of concern, a slight crinkle between her eyebrows. It's the same one she gets when she's worried about him.
And she's always worried about him. Not that she doesn't have a reason to be.
Ty sighs. "I can't do this anymore Liv. It's just too much."
Livvy tilts her head to the side slightly. "Do what exactly?"
Ty gestures vaguely. "This! Any of this! It's too much. It just hurts."
Livvy looks confused for a moment, then her eyes widened. "Ty please, you don't want your life to be over believe me!"
Ty rapidly shakes his head. "No, I would never do that Livvy, we have no way of knowing what my death would do to you. I would never take that kind of risk."
And Ty would never leave his twin. Not after everything he has done so that they could be together.
It seems his words do little to comfort her though. Livvy stares at him stone faced, as if she's waiting for him to say more. "Don't you value your own life?
Ty bites his lip. "Sometimes. It depends."
"On what?"
Ty laughs humourlessly as he realizes he has no idea. The wound on his wrist has cauterized and the blood is dry. He licks it off his wrist and Livvy wrinkles her nose at him. The gesture feels reminiscent of their younger years as twins when things were simpler.
Not that things were ever very simple.
"I don't know." He fixes his gaze on a spot in the wallpaper that has a slight imperfection in it. One of the miniature roses is missing a leaf. He stares at it absentmindedly as he flicks his fingernails.
"Sometimes when my brain is so utterly enamored with something, or someone, I just become so euphoric." He tries to not let his voice crack as he says the word "someone."
"It's almost as if I forget every bad thing I have ever experienced and I just float in that feeling of bliss, and I always think it's going to last forever." Ty scowls. "But then it doesn't. It doesn't, and that elation becomes crushing despair and I drown in it."
Livvy nods sympathetically. "Yeah I remember. You've always kinda been like that. I remember you punching that mirror after dad died and I remember you throwing your toys clear across the room when Helen sent word that she was staying in Italy longer than we expected." She reaches for her hair and begins to fiddle with it. A habit even death hasn't been able to get rid of.
Ty stares down at smooth opaque tile. It's remarkably well kept considering how old this building is. He wonders how many generations of Blackthorns have walked across it. How many of them sat exactly where he was sitting now?
Ty wonders if any of them were as much of a mess as he is.
"But I also remember the way you were when Kit first came to the institute." Ty flinches, but Livvy continues. "I remember the look on your face when he told you he wanted you to give him his first rune. You always get high with the highs and low with the lows."
Ty knows that's true, but he really doesn't want to think about Kit right now.
"I remember the way I was a little jealous because it felt like he was stealing you away from me."
Ty shakes his head, directing his gaze back to her. "Nobody could ever replace you Liv. You're priceless."
Livvy gives him a look. "And I appreciate that Ty, but did you really have to prove it by dragging my essence back from beyond the grave?"
A jolt goes through his chest like a dagger, spreading hurt everywhere like locus. "What are you saying?" He hates how weak his voice sounds. "You don't want to be here with me?"
Is the one person he always thought he could rely on ever since the day he was born about to betray him?
Livvy closes her eyes for a moment before opening them again. "Ty I love you. Of course I want to be here with you." Ty can see the tension in every muscle in her body as she clenches her fists shut. "But you never asked me what I wanted. You just brought me back because it was what you wanted."
Ty recoils in fury, glaring at his sister. "So you would rather be dead than have to spend an eternity with me? Is that what you're saying?"
Livvy purses her lips in annoyance. "No Ty, that's not what I said."
But Ty isn't listening anymore.
"Alyssa wouldn't mind," he childishly throws in her face.
She laughs coldly. "That girl values her autonomy and independence more than anything else. She may love you, and lets face it enables the fuck out of you but make no mistake Ty-Ty, if you try to put a collar on that wolf, she will bite your head off."
Ty jumps to his feet, fuled by adrenaline and rage. "Enable? Is that what you call being  there for me? Sticking up for me? I thought you were on my side!"
Somewhere in the depths of his brain where logic still lives, he knows he's being unfair and Livvy probably has a point. But in this moment all he can feel is abandoned and threatened.
Livvy shakes her head. "Ty there are no sides. There's no clear right or wrong person here. You both fucked up. And just because I love you doesn't mean I won't tell you when I think you're wrong."
Ty's nostrals flare. "Leave me alone."
"Ty!" she protests.
Without thinking, he grabs whatever is nearest and heavy, a vase on the table, and throws it directly at her. It just goes straight through her and breaks apart against the wall, shattered glass flying everywhere.
Livvy groans. "Now look what you did!"
"I told you to go!" Ty shouts.
"Yeah? What are you gonna do throw some more vases at me? I'm translucent!"
Ty hisses at her. Something he hadn't done since he was a child. "I'll exorcise you, and then you can be dead, really dead this time. Is that what you want?"
Instantly he knows he went too far when he sees the wounded look on her face. She almost looks afraid. Instantly the rage starts to die down and all he is left with was regret.
Livvy gulps. "Fine. If you want to be left alone. I'll go."
Ty shakes his head. "Livvy wait! I'm sorry!"
But she's already disappeared.
The silence is deafening.
Ty has no sense of how many hours it had been when Jules finds him later. He's sitting in the same spot he had been before, staring aimlessly at the wall. The vase still lay in peices on the floor.
Julian sighs as he observes the scene in front of him.
"So I see you won the fight against the evil vase."
Ty scowls. "Don't mock me Jules. I'll clean it up later."
Julian's eyes soften. "I'm not mocking you Ty, I understand. I know sometimes you just need to break something. I feel like that sometimes too."
It's not the same, Ty wants to say. Because Julian and Dru, or whoever might feel that way sometimes, but he's the one who always losing himself like this. Ty is the one who can't control his emotions.
Ty's the one whose broken.
He knows Alyssa would kill him if she heard him say that. But he just can't help but feel this way sometimes, when everything goes wrong.
Jules crouches down beside him. "Is this about Kit?"
Ty flinches as he tries to ignore the twisting in his chest. "Please Julian I don't want to talk about it."
Julian's hand finds it's way into his hair and Ty relaxes into the feeling of nails on his scalp. "It's ok," he coos. "I understand. It's gonna be ok."
Ty wonders if he really does. If his brother knows by now how he's horribly in love with Kit Herondale. He wonders if everyone knows.
"Hey," Julian's voice brings him back to himself. "Come with me ok?" He stands up, offering his hand to Ty.
"Where are we going?" Ty asks, allowing Jules to pull him up.
"You'll see."
Julian leads him out of the building into the woods behind Blackthorn Hall.  The sun is starting to go down and Ty has to be careful not to trip over any rocks or roots. If it were anyone else, he might be a little concerned they were leading him to his death.
They walk deeper into the woods until Ty can no longer see Blackthorn Hall. Then suddenly Julian stops and turns to face him. Ty can barely make out his face in the darkness.
"After the dark war, things were really hard for me," Julian confesses. "I was twelve years old and had just killed my father to save myself and my siblings."
"I remember," Ty grumbles. He really isn't quite sure how this is supposed to make him feel better.
"I was responsible for all of you and I had to do it all on my own. Emma tried to help but you were my siblings. My responsibility." He sighs, running a hand over his face. "Sometimes the stress got to be so overwhelming I couldn't take it anymore. So I would go down to the beach at night and just scream."
Ty cocks his head to the side. "Scream?"
"Yeah. Scream. Just let it all out. I think it might help you. At least a little."
Ty pauses. He supposes it's worth a shot. He tries to summon the energy to let out a deafening yell. He thinks about Kit. That day at Lake Lynn. He thinks about Annabel stabbing Livvy with the mortal sword. Trying to bring Livvy back.
Not if you do this Ty.
No. Not now.
You never asked me what I wanted.
I love you Ty. I love you.
He didn't want to say goodbye to you.
You don't know what you've done.
You only thought of yourself.
I wish I had never known you.
Ty screams.
Tagging: @lavender-scented-rat @littlx-songbxrd    @have-a-holly-jolly-angstmas @amchara @wagner-fell @sandersgrey @the-wckd-powers @spooky-drusilla @arangiajoan
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Hey hey, another Thursday!
Starting off with OC, ive seen the promo pics and tbh, im excited.
Jet looking amazing in green.
That was the WOOORST job putting a necklace on EVER. Like, not only was it over the hair, but it was not properly lined up for the reveal…
Just casually walking around the streets of nyc with a severed hand.. nbd
Are you seriously telling me that dog devoured that hand in that little time, bones and all?
How and why is it that these hardened career criminals always fall so fucking hard and fast for the UC cop!?? Like, you should have your guard up a little bit shouldn’t you??
Okay, so…. Can we talk about ayanna’s nails for a hot second? She clearly a pillow princess with those claws… LOL
 THANK YOU JET. THANK YOU for fucking calling out that stabler has done SO much worse than KISS someone while UC.
Man this whole sending an agent cop into the field UC to be the romantic interest of a perp/mob/mafia and the cop ends up crossing a line or two, fucking things up and falling for said perp… all while the guy playing Doyle is the main mob boss?? Hmm… this is a little too familiar, like even jet’s wig…
Is she faking this?? Okay, yes, she is. Called that.
This ep is super Ayanna jet heavy and im LOVING it thank fucking god
Also loving ayanna’s apt
Okay the wig coming off would not be that big of a deal in today’s day and age, tons of girls wear wigs all the fucking time. ALSO, why was it not wigcapped, pinned down and secured??
Welp. Cant say im not surprised by the ending. But I am glad that jet’s getting to do more.
As of right now I am paying ZERO attention to mothership. We’ll see if that changes when sam pops up or not.
Okay, the black & tan number Samantha has on close to the end? It looks like it’s a two piece outfit with her midriff hanging out… good job wardrobe…
Ooo..od’d… yeah… called that…, also Nolan that was some of the worst cpr compressions ive ever seen on tv.. cmon
OKAY. Paying attention now!
We REALLY had to watch that machete attack again!?? WHY
Jfc that opening…did we have to go that graphic?? Is this gonna continue to be a new thing?
I cant figure out if they’re trying to test out muncy/Velasco with the fandom and see what way we go, or of they’re teasing the relationship, or if they’re just playing on the brother/sister vibes, because all im getting is muncy being a brat, which is accurate. Also that scene would’ve been a lot less awkward if there was any kind of background noises/music, like when there’s elevator dings on grey’s, you know what im saying?
Loving the purple on Velasco tho
“you wanna keep a stray puppy?” “you got to keep one!” LOL
So bruno’s here to stay?
#1: wtf is this bucket hat.
#2: why is it pulled down so far over her eyes?
Bro those crutches are way too short for this dude
“A funk?” carisi then gives the “who’s this guy” look to liv. LOL.
Man the writing this ep is great.
I appreciate that we’re getting more into muncy’s personality aside from being a lil teasing brat, like, there’s gotta be a lot of grief in there, knowing that her mom died and im pretty sure it was when grace was young, so she’s probably been bottling shit up since then. Also still and always really hoping that they don’t push her & Velasco, let the brother sister bestie vibes win please.
Glad we’re getting lots of muncy this week
Bruno is growing on me….
“sometimes though it’s hard to make a u-turn” IS THAT THE ONLY FOLLOW UP WERE GONNA GET?! (I say that as someone who is 100000000% NOT an eo shipper, but I do think it’s strange that *that* happened last week and like, fin didn’t even ask how noah’s drive back to the city was kinda thing. Yeah, sure there was enough going on in both episodes, but like, there was literally ZERO follow up to everything. Jeeze.)
 Joe looking hella cute in that toque
Man this just keeps getting worse…
Okay… hold up.. grace says “a great one” about Velasco being a liar and liv just flies right passed it AS IF THEY ALL DIDN’T FIRST MEET HIM WHEN HE WAS UC AND NONE OF THEM BELIEVED HIM. Like homeboy WAS working majorly UC for how long??
Though we DO know a tidbit about his previous gang involvement… so I honestly don’t know what direction theyre taking this… it’ll be interesting to see.
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joy-of-life88 · 1 year
Lace & Leather [a Damian Priest story] 20 Screwed up
Katja POV
"Kat? Oh my God Kat!" I heard a familiar voice call behind us as we made our way to the catering.
I spun around, just in time to see Liv run up and jump on me. She hugged me tightly as I tried to keep my balance so we didn't both hit the hard concrete floor.
"Hi Liv," I giggled.
"Where the hell have you been? I have the urge to kick your ass!" she said as she let go of me to look at me.
"Hey, language please!" I scolded her and immediately I heard the low chuckle from Damian.
"Huh? Why?" she asked while looking at me in confusion.
I took a step to the side, closer to D, to give her a view of the stroller with Hazel still fast asleep.
"Holy Sh- Sorry! Holy mother of God! You had a baby? Why am I just finding out now?" she began, her eyes wide.
But just as I was about to reply, I heard Hazel begin to whimper. I turned to her, but of course Damian was faster than me. He picked her up with a big grin and held her to his chest to soothe our little one. It only took a few seconds for Hazel to calm down. Now she started to give her daddy the smile he had been missing. In his eyes I saw how happy and in love he was.
That alone, this one moment, made the whole trip and the hassle worth it. I was so lost in thought that I totally forgot about Liv. Well, until she cleared her throat loudly to get my attention back. Reluctantly, I took my eyes off my family and looked at her.
"Yes, I have a baby. It's a long story. I'll tell you about it sometime. That is if we're still friends." I replied.
"Hello? Of course we are. I'm pissed, but.... I missed you anyway." answered Liv as she hugged me tightly once again.
I sighed in relief as I returned the hug. It felt good to have at least one friend left. Because I had no idea how the others would react.
But as it turned out, I had had no reason to be nervous about the girls. They took me back with open arms and were totally smitten with little Hazelnut. She had taken the hearts of her aunties by storm. Everyone wanted to hold her. Much to the displeasure of Damian, who was extremely reluctant to share his daughter. It was so sweet that he was a little jealous. But when I stroked his lower back soothingly, I quickly felt him relax.
"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I said to D and gave him a kiss.
"Okay. I'm going to head outside with Hazel. We'll wait for you at the door." he replied.
That was a good idea. That way we could spend a few more minutes alone before Damian had to get to work.
"Fay! What a pleasant surprise! I thought I would never get the chance to see your beautiful face again." I heard someone say and immediately it ran ice cold down my spine.
Slowly I glanced over my shoulder and saw that it was Theory who came striding towards me with his disgusting grin. My insides tensed up involuntarily. I couldn't even stand the sound of his voice. And the closer he got, the worse I felt. I wanted to keep walking, but somehow I was frozen. It had been so long since I had felt like this. Not since I knew Damian, actually. Part of me probably thought I had gotten over the fear of being around men, but God was that wrong.
"Leave me alone," I croaked weakly.
"Honey, don't be like that. I'd love to work with you. You know I have excellent connections with the boss. Just one word and we can do great work." he said as he now stood very close to me.
Theory took a strand of my hair between his fingers and twirled it. Just like D often did, but the feelings it triggered in me couldn't have been more opposite.
But before I had time to process what was happening and react, the guy was already torn away from me and pushed back against the wall.
"Get your filthy paws off my girl, you bastard! I'll crush you like a bug, you pathetic kiss-ass. She's mine. Is that clear?" growled Damian at him as he grabbed him by the collar. Theory's legs dangled in the air as he stared at D in shock.
My brain began to function again. The first thing I heard was Hazel crying. She was probably scared. Carefully, I lifted her out of the stroller and gently rocked her up and down. Then I put a hand on Damian's shoulder to calm him down. I didn't want him to do anything stupid. I didn't want him to get in trouble.
"D! Damian! Let him go!" I said softly as he turned his gaze on me.
It took several more seconds, but finally he let him down. Immediately I pressed the baby into his arms, because I knew that Hazel's little face would calm him down. I reached out and pushed the stroller as I put my free arm around his middle so we could leave.
"Yes...that's right! You better go.... Let your little bitch protect you." Theory muttered behind us.
This time, however, it was surprisingly me who had had enough. I saw red when I turned around, went back the few steps and faced him. He smirked arrogantly. Until I lashed out with my fist and punched him square in the face.
Immediately Theory held his nose as he stumbled back a few feet.
"You better shut your mouth and stay away from my family! Or I won't hesitate to knock your teeth down your throat personally. Then your selfies won't look so good. And I don't give a shit how far up Mr. McMahon's ass you are. I'm just surprised they don't have to drag you back out by your feet every day. Don't you dare mess with my family. You hear me?" I hissed.
"Miss Fay! Have you lost your mind? Violence against a colleague? I will not tolerate this behavior in my company. You are fired!" said an unmistakable voice that quickly approached.
Deeply shocked, I stared into the cold eyes of the boss and realized that I had really screwed up. But better me than Damian. I was sure about that.
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eddieheart · 2 years
Talking Heads
Tumblr media
Fandom: SVU
Pairings: Rafael Barba x oc
Description: Virginia sees a familiar face, an unpleasant one. She needs help filing a restraining order.
Cheaper one:
Virginia was nothing if not a dam good actor. Her whole life she’s been pretending, pretending to be happy, to be safe, to understand, to be okay with the subtle sexism of her job.
Of course today was no different, she pretended to be happy, pretended to be safe, pretended not to see his face in the crowd.
She kept her head down and sped to the office. She pushed inside the building in a blur, not even saying hello to Carmen. She put everything she had on her desk and sunk to the floor.
Her skin was flushed and she was out of breath. She brought a hand to her face and let out a shaky breath.
She stood and raised her head to face the door. She could see him in front of her, she was startled and she jerked back.
He smirked and walked closer, she stumbled back and whimpered.
“Hey there slims.” His face twisted into something ugly as he took another step.
She let out a soft scream and pushed back into the wall. It was by the Grace of the gods that Carmen knocked on the door.
“I’m sorry Virginia, I didn’t know you had company. I can come back if now is a bad time.” She said sweetly staring at the man.
She shook her head rapidly and stood up straighter.
“No, no, sorry Carmen he was just leaving, wasn’t he.” His smirk fell and he glared at her, turning to walk out.
She let out a breath of relief and faced Carmen. 
“Thank you Carmen, if you see that man again please let me know. Also please call Lieutenant Benson and tell her I’m on my way.” She voice was shaky as she spoke.
Carmen looked at her, concern written clearly on her face.
“Are you all right Virginia?” She asked kindly.
“Yes, thank you again Carmen.” She gave a curt nod as Carmen left the room.
She took a breath to steady herself, she must’ve spent at least 20 minutes curled up in a ball by her office desk. She eventually stood back up and hailed a cab.
Normally she’d walk, she enjoys the brisk morning air. She didn’t want to chance it this time, not with him lurking around.
She made her way into Manhattan’s 16th precinct with a confident smile, even though on this inside she was screaming.
She strolled into the precinct and made her way to Olivia’s office. Like always she knocked and opened to the door without waiting.
“Virginia, Carmen said I should be expecting you. So, is this about the Stevens’ case?” She smiled politely.
“No actually, this isn’t business it’s personal. I need help getting an order of protection.” Liv’s eyes widened, shocked.
“Are you alright, against who?” Olivia leaned forward quizzically.
“I’m fine, it’s a man named Riordan Watts. I can’t file it myself, so I need you’re help. I used to have one but it expired recently.” Liv seemed confused but didn’t question her.
Virginia took a deep breath.
“Did he threaten you in any way, harass and or abuse you?” She knew this was just parent of the procedure doesn’t mean she liked it.
“Not recently, because of the last order.” Olivia nodded, wrote something down and looked back up.
“And what’s your relation with him?”
“Nothing by blood, look this is all in the other order, I just need help extend it. I’m not allowed to do it for myself. I asked.” She looked down, confidence faltering slightly.
Liv took her glasses off and sighed. She nodded and looked up to her.
“I can get this to Barba, he can get an extension.” Her heart skipped a beat.
She didn’t want her hero to look into her past, but she didn’t really trust anybody else. She nodded and stood, thanking Liv before leaving the office.
It was only a few days later, when Virginia was on her way to court, that Rafael showed up. Clad in an expensive, pristine suit and his signature smirk.
Virginia grabbed her bag and was about to head out the door. Rafael slipped into her office. She turned around and was startled to see him there, she laughed softly at herself.
“Hello Rafael, I’m just on my way to court. What can I do for you?” She smiled in his direction and his smile faltered slightly.
“It’s about the order of protection, I filed with the court. Judge denied, said that it’s been long enough that he isn’t a threat anymore. I’m sorry.” Her smile fell.
She looked down and grabbed her things more frantically. She violently stuffed files into her bag and approches the door again.
“Thank you Rafael, but I’ve got to get to court.” She walked past him and didn’t look back.
Chapter three:
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