#making fends
look its making fiends in south park
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cwispihae · 3 months
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Baby Sanuso for day 3
;3; ❤️💕✨
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darkwicksbbygirl · 5 days
I like to imagine that as mc trains with Sho and Alan, they get more determined to catch up to them in terms of fighting skills and strength, kinda forgetting over time that they're ghouls, ofc they're stronger. their goal is to get one of them to at least stumble over their stance or smth as they spar. but anyways, my point, once the MC has graduated from darkwick, I'm imagining, what if someone tried to attack the MC and MC absolutely beats their ass thinking, damn I forgot humans are way easier to fight than ghouls lol.
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leconcombrerit · 4 months
About Por
This episode focuses a great deal on how the boys felt about the situation ; it emphasizes Jin's guilt and anger, Fluke's fear for himself and himself only, and Tee's guilty conscience (no wonder he's the most scared of all in the current timeline if that's how Non disappeared). Not that it keeps him from enjoying their little success. We get close to nothing on Top, as usual.
But we get a few things on Por. I don't think he cares about whatever happened to Non. It's been established that only being impaled on a branch and slowly bleeding out had the power to make him feel anything about him anyway.
He looks to be proud of himself ; after all, he got what he wanted. The movie is a hit, Non's name was written out in favor of his, his parents, his father especially, are proud and finally acknowledging him. And yet...
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I would gif the entire scene if I could, cause damn if he doesn't go through a face journey. Victory doesn't taste as sweet as you thought it would, Por ? Is being acknowledged for something you didn't do iffy ? Does it feel bad to realize that your father would think Non more deserving to be his son than you ? Is it bitter to know that you'll always have to be a fraud to get his love ?
Now I'm not defending him. His father loathed the way Por used his money and social status to get everything done instead of putting in the work, and what did Por do to fix it ? He used his money and social status to get the movie done instead of putting in the work. And I think, I hope, that this little moment above is when he started to realize it.
It's not his moment, and he knows it.
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pokeberry5 · 6 months
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i really wanted lynx to kill king snake in war of the dragons
redesigned her look a little:
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notes + ref below
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i adapted the dialogue from 'tec #685
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i thought lynx's outfit was boring here though and adapted the outfit from her earlier appearances (modified the leotard but kept the short hair. what's up with leotards in 90's comics??)
she also doesn't actually have a push dagger, but that was the only thing i could think of to make the panel work
i also used photos of current UFC strawweight division champion weili zhang as refs bc i wanted lynx to have that mma fighter build (i should also note that i don't believe king snake should have abs but he doesn't deserve a character sheet)
@deepwithintheabyss requested a panel redraw of the panels below, from DC vs Vampires, and this is not that lol -- but i did use them as refs!
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gale-in-space · 2 months
“Narcissists will butter you up and shower you with compliments in order to lure you in so they can abuse you!!!” No, we heavily compliment people because that’s the kind of stuff we wish people would do to us. I gush over people and try to be specific with my compliments because it's how I want people to treat me. I desperately want to be seen and to feel loved and appreciated the way I try to make others feel. Why is this so hard to understand
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pondhue · 7 months
thinking about morty's stats and remembering back to when rick talked about "morty waves"
no wonder they "cancel out" because they're both so intelligent it's like trying to link two magnets together. they repel each other. like fucking duh we knew this already, but it's nice to see it confirmed to us in s7ep7
morty isn't dumb, he's just a different kind of intelligent that's on the same unique level as rick. what makes it doubly unique is that rick (or rick's in general) are unable to truly understand it so they brush it off/downplay it
i like to think that both morty and rick are coded to be autistic, and their special interests shown reveal that. rick's special interest is science and engineering, morty's is art. i'd like to think it's art since he loves video games and is naturally very creative. like yeah he's a 14/15 year old boy so obviously he loves video games but i mean it in the sense of how he appreciates them as an art form/story telling thing and not just something to play to pass the time
i love rewatching "rest and ricklaxation" because this is shown so clearly as rick is "creating a new element" and morty is practicing pottery
they're literally two sides of the same coin
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scrawnytreedemon · 4 months
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"Gerudo man acclimates cats in unethical manner: more at 5."
Behold! The nuclear family.
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eggwishing · 6 days
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All i really seem to draw nowadays is anatomy practice… i feel like i’ve lost my way with art. I want to tell stories, that’s the whole reason i’m doing this! i don’t just want to make shit that looks nice! but i don’t know how to put myself in a headspace where i care enough about things that were important to me before Or the way they made me feel
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silverskye13 · 4 months
Listening to "Look My Way" on repeat while writing the next chapter is healthy and will not affect me (or the chapter) in any way I'm sure.
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tswwwit · 1 year
Wait, does the cheating thing on the bond always works? bcs that would be kinda freaky for R!Dipper like imagine you get pinned down by someone in the corner of a br or smthng and then said person kissed you and proceeded to explode into red mist and you literally have no idea what happened.
Also, would the constellation mark be a "cursed" Mark over the years, like you would give birth to a baby and the doctor says "😟 I am so sorry ma'am,,, I'm afraid your baby has the Cipher Companion mark. ( could also be something equally as science-y like Ursa Major, Constellation Calamation, etc idk)" And you just burst into tears.
Would that mean that dipper would get into a special program(demon wrangling program or smthng, demonologist? Maybe)? Or would the parents hide it away hoping that Bill would never take their child away?
(Sorry this au is just very interesting to me,,,, I hope u get more motivation, keep writing author 💪)
These are all options! The fun part of reincarnation AU being left ambiguous is that technically any of them could happen.
#Answers#Okay but for full transparency#I never really figured out what the 'cheating' consequence is#It's a nebulous concept since I've never had to write it happening#And left ambiguous because neither of these two are into anyone else - and as a writer I like to leave my options open!#I would assume that one of the few things they agreed on when making the contract was that unwelcome advances didn't count as cheating#But that the villain in question would get what was coming to them. Very Violently. They wanna step on a landmine? Let 'em have it#Dipper would have made a frowny face at the violence but agreed. Privately thinking well that's actually a *bonus*#A built-in defense system of sorts#(Something Bill was also thinking but absolutely phrased in the possessive aspect)#Whether or not the Consequences kick in before they meet again - their equivalent of their vow renewal - is up for grabs#Dipper trying to fend off someone only to have them burst into flames and/or blood would feel a terrified sense of relief#Who knows! Maybe Dipper has protection but has a chance for other actions before they meet again!#But the odds of that occurring are very slim. Partly due to his general awkwardness#And distinct hesitation on Dipper's part. Even though he *thinks* he should be enthusiastic#He looks at the person he's in bed with and just. It feels weird. Maybe because he hasn't (in his memory) done this before#Great job Dipper!! Someone in your bed and the best you can do is kinda grimace. Real sexy.#If he does ever manage to get up to something it's not even a tenth of the time he has with his husband#Dipper reincarnations are all very unfortunately attracted as hell to Bill Cipher and they're deeply alarmed by it#I do like the idea of different parental groups finding Dipper's birthmark and having different reactions#Perhaps a random incarnation of one of his family members ends up in charge of him one time#The results would vary *wildly* depending on who it was#On a scale of Mabel Mom to Ford Uncle how are you preparing this person for his invitable enhusbanding#(Stan remains pretty much the same but has a lot of bad marriage advice)#Wow that's a lot of tags even for me#I am going to queue this and sleep
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botsusann · 4 months
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“There’s an old robot in the abandoned workshop he left behind… they wont touch it.. sometimes i think i see it staring at me.. how strange…”
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echosong971 · 2 years
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so there’s this game idea i had…
It was completely based on this dream i had lol
The game is more in the style of a 3rd-Person horror game, rather than Destiny’s usual FPS format, and this is the premise:
You are Andal Brask, Hunter Vanguard, stuck in some snowy, mountainous wasteland in the aftermath of Taniks the Scarred’s first ambush on you, and now you must either find a way to kill him or find a way to get back home in one piece. Taniks’ initial attack left your Ghost damaged and your connection to the Light is wavering at best, leaving you without a surefire way to heal, much less revive yourself. Consequently, connecting to coms and transmat links has proven to be nigh impossible—the blizzard you find yourself stuck in proving to be no help in the slightest—and has left you cut off from the rest of the world, your only company being your broken Ghost. To make matters infinitely worse, your ambusher continues to stalk you through the storm, hot on your heels and hellbent on finishing what he started.
With no ammo, no way to heal and no one out here to save you, can you find a way home before your killer finds you?
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I don’t think people realize how all consuming October 7, the war and the rising antisemitism is to most Jews right now. I was just on a five day family trip and nearly every single conversation ended up circling back to what’s going on in Israel, across the world and at home. My mom knew Vivian Silver, an incredible peace activist thought to be held hostage and I had to sit there and watch her realize that not only was Vivian murdered at her home 38 days before but that she was likely burned if it took this long for her body to be identified. I was forced to sit there and watch my mom, my favorite woman in the world, watch her face crumple. We were sharing updates, accounts to follow, venting and releasing frustrations. It is a constant unbreakable struggle right now for me and most Jews I know to not be glued to our phones, to not pay attention. Because we’ve seen what happens when we don’t. Because we can’t afford to turn our backs on what’s going on. And there’s a deep ever present grief not only for the victims of October 7th, the innocent citizens of Gaza, the hostages and also for my own personal sense of safety and security. I am also grieving what is a shattering beyond measure of my present and future trust in people as I’ve witnessed how easily well intentioned kind hearted people have decided to say nothing, publicly or privately, or who have quickly fallen into vicious antisemitic rhetoric. I’m just sharing into the void at this point but it’s been unimaginably hard on a personal level. I’m not the same person I was when I went to bed on October 6. It’s as though I’m a shadow, made of grief and anger and tiny fractured bits of hope. Every piece of joy feels as though it’s been muted because of how quickly it fades. And even the moments that last are related to my Jewish identity somehow. I am not sure where I go from here.
Have a cat gif for reading all of that
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goldenstarprincesses · 6 months
ok ok I like and prefer older brother America
But i love and am obsessed with older sister America
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
I know 'person with secret to hide spots other person with secret to hide but doesn't say anything' is like. Thee trope in superhero crossovers, but come on! Some of these guys have been doing this for decades! There's tons of heroes that have gone to pretty extreme lengths to be Completely Imperceptible in civilian life.
Don't you think it's scarier, after all is said and done, to sit there and think I didn't notice a thing? I wouldn't have ever realised? I would never have known? To know that someone you were familiar with - close with, even! - had this whole other personality and skillset and powers and experiences and life just behind the curtain, and they hid it so completely you didn't even see it was there.
'I always knew there was something off' what if you didn't. How world shaking would it be to be so utterly blindsided? To know that this person had somehow learned to so deceptive?
#Strongly inspired by the dp x dc where Danny knows what up IMMEDIATELY or a bat clocks Danny as super suspicious within mins of meeting#Or the amount of reveal fics caused by the hero slipping up in some stupid way and getting themselves doxxed against their will#Like come on!! Full time heroes like superman or batman or Spidey go to great lengths to construct an entirely separate civilian persona!#And yes I know they've had their idiot moments when it comes to their identities but they've kept their secret rock solid for irl DECADES#What's an identity reveal without drama!! Shake it up! Stir the pot! Not a slow and gradual build up of suspicion and stress#But two high speed trains coming at right-angles and the audience is the only one who can see the incoming crash#Twist the knife in if you want. Make it HURT. Make it completely rewrite what they believed.#Short ID reveals are great for this because you can SEE the ripple effects spreading out as the story ends. Just BANG.#But also no ID reveal at all. The main character goes through the story regularly interacting with and developing character right alongside#A hero in hiding and no one is ever the wiser. You're a worker in WE fending off attempts to steal your inventions and Bruce Wayne#Invites you to his office to discuss security and he walks you back to your office when you get nervous about a break in.#You're struggling with school bullies and getting into trouble over your photography hobby and Peter Parker is right there alongside#You complaining about rich kids and fiddling with the outdated finicky lenses you got from the school.#You're a reporter unpicking a mystery scandal and you ask resident tank Clark Kent if he's able to play bodyguard if you go somewhere shady#The reader knows. No one else notices a thing.#And besides focusing on the civilian side is a nice change of pace! Let's see how they manage leading double lives!#What do I even tag this#batman#superman#Marvel#Dcu#spiderman#secret identity#identity reveal#long tags#captain marvel#miraculous ladybug#I know I know#hero and villain
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