#making this set made me realize the set dressing behind matt changed in between shots for some reason lmao
spidey-boyy · 1 year
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Foggy said you were... different. Changed, I guess. I told him it was bullshit.
DAREDEVIL 3.06 | The Devil You Know
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Stiles- If I Can’t Have You, No One Can (Obsessed Part 4)
A/N: When I was initally writing this series I had a set plan for where I wanted it to end and how. I was recently rewatching the last few episodes of season 2 and I got struck with some inspiration. Let me know down below if you guys want a part 5 so I can continue the series!
TRIGGER WARNING: Stalking, kidnapping
Here are the links for Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
“Right there!” Stiles cried, frantically gesturing toward the computer screen on his dad’s desk. “Stop! Stop! See? There he is again.”
They were scrolling through hours of security footage recorded at the hospital the night one of Matt’s victims was killed. So far, all they had managed to capture were shots of him with his back turned. This tape was no different. 
“You mean there’s the back of his head again,” the Sheriff told him. 
“Okay, but look. He’s talking to someone!”
Scott followed Stiles’ gaze. His eyes widened. “He’s talking to my mom.”
He hastily pulled out his phone out of his jeans and called his mom, hoping she would be able to confirm that it was Matt. Stiles tapped his foot nervously as they talked. His shoulders slumped in relief when he heard her say that Matt was the one she had seen. 
“Alright,” the Sheriff said when she hung up. He picked up a manila evidence folder from his desk. 
“We’ve got shoe prints alongside the tire tracks at the trailer site...”
“And if they match, that puts Matt at the scene of three murders,” Stiles said. “The trailer, the hospital, and the rave.”
“Actually four,” the Sheriff told him, flipping through the documents in the folder. “A credit card receipt for an oil change was signed by Matt a few hours before the murder.”
Stiles let out a sigh of relief. “Alright, Dad, if one’s an incident, two’s a coincidence, and three’s a pattern, what’s four?”
“Four’s enough for a warrant.”
Stiles curled his fist in triumph. “We can find Y/n.”
“Scott, call your mom back. See how quickly she can get here. If I can get an official ID, I can get a search warrant. Stiles, go to the front desk. Tell them to let Scott’s mom in when she gets here.”
 “On it.” Stiles nodded hastily and turned down the hall. 
His whole body was humming with adrenaline now. He had spent the whole night terrified, wondering what Matt was doing to you. Stiles knew you were probably betting on the fact that they would find you. After all, it was what he would have done in your situation. 
You have saved each other plenty of times before, and now it was his turn again. He knew he could do it, he just wasn’t sure what Matt would do to you in the meantime. 
Stiles had tried his best to protect you, but he knew it hadn’t been enough. He should have pushed harder when he suggested you go to the police the other night. He should have kept a closer eye on you at the party, but he had been too caught up in his own issues. 
He tried to shake off those thoughts as he walked down the halls of the station, telling himself that he still had time to make up for it. He had told you the other night that everything he did was to keep you safe, and that was still true. 
As he rounded the corner of the hall, Stiles realized that the officer on duty was no longer standing at the front desk. 
“Hello?” he called, looking around for her. 
That was when he noticed her black combat boot sticking out from behind the corner of the desk. He felt a shiver run down his spine, and he realized she was lying on the floor among a mess of fallen papers. Her eyes were wide open, but they weren’t moving, and her tan uniform was stained dark red with blood.
She was dead, but as Stiles took in the horrific sight, he also noticed another chilling detail. The holster on her hip was empty. Someone had taken her gun. 
Stiles stumbled back, turning around, only to come face to face with you.“Y/n?”
Tears were slipping from your eyes, and your lip was trembling. You looked terrified, standing there in your disheveled dress. It was the same one you had been wearing at the party last night.
Matt was standing behind you, one hand one your shoulder as he pressed the dead officer’s gun into your back. 
“If you make one move I’ll shoot her,” he told Stiles. 
Stiles reluctantly held up his hands. “Okay. Okay, fine.”
“I’m sorry,” you mouthed, but he shook his head. You had to know this wasn’t your fault. 
Matt kept the barrel of the gun pressed against your back as Stiles led you further into the station. He turned into his dad’s office, and you realized that the Sheriff and your brother were also there. 
“Y/n!” Scott cried. 
He started forward, but Matt ordered him to stop, waving the gun so he and the others could see it. 
“Matt,” the Sheriff said slowly. He held up his hands. 
“It’s Matt, right? Matt, whatever’s going on, I guarantee there’s a solution that doesn’t involve a gun.”
Matt’s lips curled into a sick grin. “You know it’s funny you say that, because I don’t think you’re aware of just how right you are.”
“I know you don’t wanna hurt people-”
“Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people. You four weren’t on my list, but I could be persuaded...and one way is to try calling somebody on your cell phone like McCall is doing.”
Scott ripped his hand out of his pocket, looking between you and Stiles apologetically.
“That...that could definitely get someone hurt.”
“Everyone?” Matt gestured with the gun, and you knew he was telling them to give up their phones. “Now!”
“Come on,” the Sheriff told the boys calmly. 
Stiles looked back at you. 
“Pretty sure he tossed mine out the window last night,” you muttered. 
Matt led the four of you to the tiny jail at the back of the station. There, he made Stiles handcuff his dad to a bench. You felt your stomach drop. Now the three of you were completely on your own with Matt.
He waved the three of you in front of him and forced you to walk up to the front of the station. As you passed by another hallway, you gasped.
Three other officers were lying in the hallway and all of them appeared to be dead. Their chests had been ripped open so forcefully that every wall around them was splattered with blood. 
You looked away, fighting the urge to vomit. 
“What, are you gonna kill everyone in here?” Scott demanded.
“No,” Matt said with a scoff. “That’s what Jackson’s for. I just think about killing them...and he does it.”
He forced you back into Stilinski’s office, where he made Stiles log into his dad’s computer. Matt had him delete every bit of evidence, including the video footage of him at the hospital. Scott was destroying the paper evidence in the shredder, including the shoe prints that would have matched Matt’s boots. 
Stiles glared at Matt from behind the desk, wanting to rip him apart as he stroked his fingers down your hair. He had forced you to sit next to him on the couch, and you were currently staring intently at the tiled floor. 
Stiles had already seen the bruises Matt had left on your throat. The only thing keeping him from jumping across that desk was the knowledge that Matt would have Jackson rip all of you to pieces at a moment’s notice. 
“Deleted,” he told Matt bitterly, gesturing toward the computer. “And we’re done. So, Matt, since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it, because they killed you first-whatever that means-we’re good here, right? I’ll just get my dad and we’ll go. You know, you continue on the whole vengeance thing, enjoy the Kanima.”
Before he could respond, the glow of headlights swept through the windows. You could hear tires crunching on the gravel of the parking lot outside.
“Sounds like your mom’s here,” Matt told you and Scott.
“Matt, don’t do this,” you begged. 
“When she comes to the door, we’ll just tell her to leave,” Scott added. “I’ll tell her we didn’t find anything! Please, Matt.”
The sound of the metal door creaking open echoed through the station, and Matt grinned. “If you don’t move now, I’m gonna kill Y/n first, and then your mom.”
He pressed the gun up against your back, and Scott glared at him. Matt pulled you up by the back of your dress and gestured for Scott and Stiles to go first. 
“Open it,” he ordered Scott, when you had made your way back to the front lobby.
“Please,” Scott begged one more time.
“Open. The. Door,” Matt told him, enunciating each word carefully. 
Scott reached out, shaking his head regretfully. When he turned the knob, the door slowly creaked open to reveal the person standing there. It wasn’t your mom, but Derek Hale. 
“Oh thank god,” Scott breathed. 
But Derek simply stared at him. Then, he pitched forward and slammed straight onto the floor below. Jackson was standing behind him, half transformed. He held up one scaly hand, still dripping with clear venom, and stalked into the lobby.
Matt walked over and knelt in front of Derek, flipping him on his back. He was now completely paralyzed.
“This is the one controlling him?” Derek asked from the floor. “This kid?”
“Well, Derek, not everyone’s lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf.”
Matt straightened up, glancing between you, Scott, and Stiles. “That’s right! I’ve learned a few things lately. Werewolves, hunters, kanimas...it’s like a freakin’ halloween party every full moon.”
He smirked. “Except for you Stiles. What do you turn into?”
Stiles glared at him. 
“Abominable snowman,” he snarked. “But it’s more of, like, a wintertime thing. You know...seasonal.”
Matt rolled his eyes, and in seconds, Jackson was swiping his claws across the back of Stiles neck.
“Hey!” you cried. 
“Bitch,” Stiles swore at Matt, before his knees went out from under him. He crashed onto the ground, right on top of Derek’s chest. 
“Get him off of me,” Derek growled. 
Matt laughed. “Oh, I don’t know, Derek. I think you two make a pretty good pair. It must suck though, having all that power taken away from you with just a little cut to the back of the neck. I bet you’re not used to feeling this helpless.”
Derek glared up at him from the floor. “Still got some teeth. Scoot down here a little closer, huh? We’ll see how helpless I am.”
“Yeah, bitch.”
Stiles’ voice was muffled from being facedown against Derek’s chest, but you couldn’t help but smile. 
For the second time that night, headlights flashed through the windows of the sheriff’s station. You could hear another car pulling to a stop outside. 
“Is that your mom?” Matt asked. “Do what I tell you to, and I won’t hurt her. I won’t even let Jackson near her. 
“Scott, don’t trust him,” Stiles mumbled into Derek’s shirt.
Scott remained frozen in front of the door, but Matt was impatient. He reached forward, snatching you by your hair and tugging you back against him. He wrapped his arm around your neck, squeezing against your windpipe and cutting off your breath.
“This work better for you?” he asked Scott.
You reached up, scratching at his arms, but he didn’t even flinch. 
“Okay, stop, just stop,” your brother begged. 
“Then do what I tell you to!” Matt spat. 
“Okay, alright, stop!”
Matt finally let you go, right as you were on the verge of blacking out. You hit the floor on your hands and knees, gasping and dizzy from the lack of oxygen. 
“You,” Matt said, gesturing to Jackson. “Take them in there. You two, with me.”
He yanked you up off the ground by your arm, and gestured for Scott to open the door as Jackson hauled Derek and Stiles out of the lobby. 
When the door finally opened, Matt pulled you behind the corner of the hallway. You could hear the door squeaking open, and your mom asking “Scott?”
You were trembling as Matt held you back against his chest. What would he do to your mom?”
“You scared me,” you heard her say. “Where is everyone?”
That was when Matt shoved you out in front of him. Your mom gasped your name. As far as she had known, you were still missing. 
When she saw Matt come out behind you and press the gun against your back, she froze. 
“Mom,” Scott told her nervously. “Just do what he says. He promised he wouldn’t hurt you.”
“He’s right,” Matt agreed. 
Then, he raised the gun, and shot Scott in the stomach. You and your mom both screamed, but as she rushed forward, Matt pointed the gun at you. 
“But I didn’t say I wouldn’t hurt him.”
Scott was holding himself up using the wall, just barely managing to not fall to his knees. He had one hand pressed against his side, and blood was beginning to pool through his shirt. You knew he would heal from the gunshot wound, but your mom didn’t.
She tried to step forward, but Matt waved the gun.
“Back! Back!” he ordered. 
“Mom,” Scott choked. “Mom, do it. Please mom.”
You could hear Stiles' dad from all the way at the back of the station. He had undoubtedly heard the gunshot. 
“Matt! Matt, listen to me-!”
“Shut up!” Matt roared. “Shut up! Everybody shut the hell up!”
He gestured to Scott before training the gun back on you. “Get up, or I shoot your sister next.”
“Please,” your mom begged. Tears were running down her cheeks. “He needs to see a doctor.”
Matt tilted his head. “You think so?”
“It’s alright,” Scott insisted. “I’m okay.”
“No, sweetie, you’re not,” your mom insisted. 
She began to babble about how he was just feeling the adrenaline, how he needed to get to the hospital. You looked over at your brother, and he met your eyes. There was no way he was going to be able to keep his secret after this, provided you all made it out alive.
“They have no idea, do they?” Matt asked you. 
You didn’t answer him. Your mom was still trying to convince Matt to let her take Scott to the hospital. 
“Lady, if you keep talking, I’m going to put the next bullet in her head.”
He raised the gun to your skull. Your breath caught in your throat when you felt the barrel of the gun against your skin.
Your mom took a deep breath, and held up her hands. Tears were streaming down her face, leaving wet lines of black mascara. “Okay...okay.”
Matt shoved you in front of him, pushing you down the hall. He paraded you back through the station, and locked your mom into the cell next to the bench Stilinski was cuffed to. 
When Matt shut the cell door, your mom reached out through the bars, grasping your hand tightly. “You’re okay?”
You nodded, tears slipping from your own eyes. “I’m okay. Stiles and Scott made sure I was safe.”
“Back to the front McCall!” Matt barked. “Both of you!”
You glanced back at your mom reluctantly as Matt shoved you in front of him. He walked behind you and your brother as you headed out into the hallway. Then, he herded you into the station breakroom. 
There were a few tables and some chairs, but even though you were exhausted, you were too afraid to sit down. Scott leaned against one of the tables, still grasping his bloody side. You guessed the wound wasn’t fully healed yet. If the bullet hadn’t exited, it wouldn’t be able to close unless someone pulled it out. 
“The evidence is gone,” Scott told him. “Why don’t you just go?” Matt raised his eyebrows. “You really think the evidence mattered that much? No. No, I want the book.”
“What book?” Scott asked him,
“The bestiary!” Matt snarled. “And not just a few pages. I want the entire thing.”
“I don’t have it. It’s Gerard’s. You told him that, didn’t you?” He was looking at you now. You shrugged. “I tried.”
Scott glanced back over at Matt. “What do you need it for, anyway?”
“I need answers.”
“Answers to what?”
Frustrated, Matt yanked up the edge of his shirt, revealing his scale-covered side. “To this!”
Scott’s eyes went wide. If Matt was turning into another kanima, there was nothing stopping him from killing whoever he wanted. When you looked at your brother’s face, you had the sneaking suspicion that you two would be next on his list. 
Stiles laid on the floor of the station, staring up at the ceiling. The tiled floor was cold against his back, which was a welcome relief considering sweat was dripping down his neck. He wasn’t sure whether it was just hot in the station, or if he was nervous. If he was being honest, it was both. 
He and Derek had been lying there for what felt like hours, but Stiles knew it was probably only thirty minutes. 
“Hey,” he said, breaking the silence. “Do you know what’s happening to Matt?”
“I know the book’s not gonna help him,” Derek said grimly. “You can’t just break the rules. Not like this.”
Stiles tried to look over at him from the corner of his eye. 
“What do you mean?”
“The universe balances things out. It always does.”
“Is it because he’s using Jackson to kill people who don’t deserve it?”
“And killing people himself,” Derek added.
Stiles thought for a moment. “So if he breaks the rules of the Kanima, he becomes the Kanima?”
“Balance,” Derek agreed.
“Will he believe us if we tell him that?”
“Probably not.”
Stiles sighed. “Okay, he’s gonna kill all of us once he gets that book, isn’t he?”
“Yep...except for maybe Scott’s sister.”
Stiles gritted his teeth. “I’m gonna kick his ass the second I can move again.”
“That’s a great way to get her throat ripped out too.”
Stiles didn’t respond. He knew Derek was right, but a part of him wanted to go after Matt without thinking about the consequences. He knew he had left those bruises on your neck. He knew that the minute you shattered Matt’s fantasy, he would kill you too. He had to do something before that happened. 
“I know you’re in love with her.”
Stiles swallowed at Derek’s words. “Maybe.”
“I can tell. I know you’d do anything to save her, but right now, we need to be smarter.”
“Alright,” Stiles relented. “So what do we do? Do we just sit here and wait to die?”
“Unless I can figure out a way to push the toxin out of my body faster, like triggering the healing process.”
He glanced down, only to realize that Derek’s claws were now protruding from his fingers. They had grown into his jeans, right into his skin, where blood was beginning to ooze.
Stiles gagged. “Oh, gross.” 
Back in the breakroom of the station, Matt shook his head, letting his shirt fall back down. He glanced between you and Scott.
 “You know, I feel sorry for you guys. Cause right now you’re probably thinking ‘How am I gonna explain this when it heals?’. And the sad part is, you don’t even realize how incredible it is that you are healing. Cause you know what happens to anyone else when they get shot? They die!”
You and Scott exchanged uneasy glances.
 “Is that what happened to you?” your brother asked.
Matt was silent. He was staring at the ground, but he didn’t look as vicious as he had earlier. He actually seemed kind of tired. Scott seemed to notice this too, so he continued to press. 
“You drowned, didn’t you?”
“He shouldn’t have let them drink,” Matt muttered, still staring at the floor.
“What?” you asked. “Who? Matt, what do you mean?”
“Lahey!” He suddenly exploded. “He shouldn’t have let them drink.”
You flinched back, closer to your brother.
“What?” Scott asked. “Who was drinking?”
“The swim team, you idiot! I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t know they had just won State…”
You and Scott listened to Matt as he went on and on. He explained how, when he was in eighth grade,  he had been heading over to Isaac’s to trade comics. Mr. Lahey was throwing a party for his swim team and letting them drink around the pool. All of Matt’s victims had been there. Tucker, Cara, Bennett, even Jessica and Shawn, the married couple.
 They were joking around when Matt came into the backyard, tossing each other into the pool. Isaac’s brother Camden decided to throw Matt in too. They didn’t know he couldn’t swim.
“And the next thing I know, I’m lying by the pool,” Matt explained. “And Lahey’s standing over me, and he’s saying ‘You don’t know how to swim? What little bastard doesn’t know how to swim? You say nothing. You tell no one.’ And I didn’t.”
He let out a sharp, bitter laugh. “I would wake up every night, gasping for breath. My parents thought I was an asthamatic. They even got me and inhaler. They didn’t know that everytime I closed my eyes, I…I was drowning.”
He was silent for a few moments, and then he looked back at you and Scott. “And then came Kate Argent’s funeral.”
His lips began to curl into a smile as he explained how he had realized he and Jackson were bonded. 
“I was taking some photos, and then, purely by accident, Lahey gets in one of them. I looked down at my camera, and I just had this unbelievable rage that filled up inside of me. I looked at him and I just...I wanted to see him dead.”
Matt let out a disbelieving laugh. “And the next day, he actually was! You know, Einstein was right. Imagination is more important than knowledge. It was like something out of Greek mythology, like...like the Furies coming down to punish Orestes.”
He looked over at Scott, who was staring at him, dumbfounded. Matt rolled his eyes. “You have no idea what I’m talking about do you?”
Scott swallowed. “Was that...was that the guy that stabbed out his eyes.”
“That’s Oedipus, you dumbass!” Matt barked. 
His gaze snapped over at you. “You know what I’m talking about don’t you?”
You nodded carefully. “The furies were deities of vengeance, weren’t they?”
 Matt nodded. “Their tears ran of blood and they had snakes for hair. If there was a crime that had gone unpunished, the Furies would do the punishing. Jackson is my Fury. You know, when I saw him the next night, I knew he had killed Lahey for me, and I knew he would do it again.”
Matt began to smile to himself again. “So I went to Tucker’s garage. I even paid for an oil change, and guess what? He didn’t even recognize me! So when he wasn’t looking, I took a shot of him with my camera...and in a few hours, he was dead. So I took more pictures. All I had to do was take their picture, and Jackson would take their life.”
You glanced over at Scott, who looked just as concerned as you were. Matt was giving no indication that he would stop the killings. You were pretty sure that he and Stiles were next on his list. 
Scott opened his mouth, maybe to try and convince Matt to let you all go, but he never got the chance to speak. The thick, acrid smell of smoke filled the air, and suddenly the room was engulfed in a white cloud. 
Sirens began to wail, echoing through the halls of the station. They let out a sharp, bleating sound that hurt your ears.
“What is this?!” Matt demanded. “What’s happening? What’s going on?!”
He suddenly reached out, snatching you by the arm.
“I don’t know!” Scott cried. “Y/n, where are you?”
“I’m right here!” 
He reached out, trying to see if he could grab you, but Matt yanked you backward against him. He pressed his gun against your side and forced you out the nearest exit.
Bright yellow emergency lights began to flicker, illuminating the breakroom. Jackson passed you and Matt as you left the room. He was headed right toward Scott. You tried to pull out of his grasp, but he dug his nails into your arm. 
“Scott!” you screamed.
“I’ll have Jackson rip your mom apart next,” he snarled. 
He dragged you through the halls of the station, keeping the gun pressed tightly against your side. The smoke was starting to dissipate now, and the flashing lights ensured that Matt knew where he was going. 
He shoved open a door and hauled you into a darkened garage. The long room was bordered by bay doors on one side. A few desks littered the room, but it was mostly filled with police squad cars or transport vans.
Matt dragged you past tool carts and spare tires, and you struggled not to trip.
“Please, Matt,” you begged. “Just let me go.”
“Shut up!” Matt snapped. He looked around frantically until he spotted a door with a glowing, red exit sign. He pushed you toward it and forced you outside. 
Cool air hit your face as you stepped out into the night, but you didn’t have time to appreciate it. He broke into a run, keeping one hand on your arm as he pulled you further from the building. Panic began to build in your chest.
  A couple hundred yards ahead, the clearing you and Matt were running through ended with a line of trees. There was a small creek running at the edge of it. Farther downstream, a bridge crossed over the water. Matt began to pull you in the opposite direction. 
Suddenly, you stumbled, falling onto your knees in the grass. Matt reached down to haul you up, but when his guard was down, you knocked the gun out of his hand. It landed somewhere in the grass, and he was unable to see where it went in the dark. 
You scrambled onto your feet as Matt felt for the gun in the grass, but when he realized you were running, he abandoned it. 
He tackled you to the ground before you could even make it five feet away, and the impact knocked the wind out of you. 
You squirmed, but he quickly pinned you down into the grass. 
“Get off me!” you gasped, but his hands were pressing your wrists into the grass. 
He smiled down at you, but there was an empty look in his eyes. Your heart began to pound even harder against your chest.
“Do you remember when I said that I’m not the type of guy that’s gonna say something like ‘If I can’t have her, no one can.’?”
You writhed under him, but your exhaustion had caught up with you. He was much stronger, and now that he was turning into another kanima, you didn’t have a chance of fighting him off.
Matt didn’t wait for you to respond to him. He just kept talking and grinning down at you with that sick look in his eyes. 
“See, that’s not entirely true,” he mused. “Because, Y/n, if I can’t have you. No one can.”
Then his hands were on your neck, squeezing. You fought him, gasping for air that wouldn’t come. He was going to kill you. 
You reached up, scratching at his hands and wrists. You could feel his skin peeling away under your nails and the warm, wet blood you were drawing. Still, it wasn’t enough. 
Your vision was beginning to cloud. Your attempts to fight him off were growing weaker by the second. All you could think of was Stiles. 
The two of you always seemed to be saving each other in one way or another. This time, you had hoped he would be able to rescue you, but it looked like that wasn’t going to happen. You knew there was no use in hoping for anything else. 
Instead, you tried to think about something good. As your mind wandered, you thought of Stiles’ honey brown eyes. You thought of the surprise and delight on his face when you said something funny that he hadn’t expected. You remembered the way he had kissed you the night at the rave, his hands warm on your cheeks. 
Everything was beginning to go dark, but you were content. You swore you could hear Stiles’ voice, warm and soothing...and then it was gone. 
You opened your eyes, taking one painful, gasping breath. Matt’s weight was no longer on top of you. You rolled over onto your side, desperately sucking in air as you struggled to lift yourself up into a sitting position in the grass. 
You looked around, wondering what had happened. That was when you saw Matt being dragged down the hill by Gerard Argent, of all people. You didn’t understand what was happening at first, but then, Gerard threw him down into the bed of the creek. 
Gerard waded out until he was knee-deep in the water. Then he grabbed Matt by his t-shirt and thrust his head under water. You watched, horrified, as he drowned him in the creek. 
That was when you ran, occasionally glancing over your shoulder to make sure Gerard wouldn’t follow you. He didn’t even look up. Either he would come after you later, or he just didn’t care.
You sprinted past the bridge, only to have a pair of arms reach out and snatch you back. You opened your mouth to scream, but a hand clamped down over your lips, muffling the sound.
You were pushed up against the side of the bridge, the rough stone scraping against your back. When you saw who had grabbed you, your eyes went wide. It was Peter Hale.
It suddenly crossed your mind that maybe you hadn’t escaped Matt in the clearing. Maybe you were dead. Maybe that was why you were face to face with Peter, whose throat Derek had slashed open last month. 
He held one finger to his lips as he stared down at you, and while you should have been terrified, you had the odd feeling that he wouldn’t hurt you. 
“Watch,” he said quietly.
He grabbed you by the shoulders and spun you around, forcing you to look back at Matt and Gerard. You could see Matt’s motionless body floating in the water. Gerard was now standing up on the bank of the creek, his clothes still dripping wet. His lips were moving, but you couldn’t hear what he was saying. It didn’t seem to matter, because what you saw next told you everything you needed to know. 
The Kanima was creeping out from the shadows, wandering toward Gerard on its hands and feet. Instead of running, Gerard lifted one arm and raised his palm. The Kanima moved closer, hesitantly. Then it lifted up one scaly, clawed hand, and touched its palm to Gerard’s.
He was now its master. 
“Go,” Peter urged in your ear. “Tell your brother what you saw.”
You blinked up at him, confused. “Why?”
A smile played at the edge of Peter’s lips. “I have a feeling we’re all on the same team now.”
He let go of your shoulders and you slowly backed away from him, keeping your eyes trained on his shadowy form the entire time. When you were a few yards away, you turned your back and took off running toward the station.
Your chest was burning as you raced back toward Scott and the others. When you pushed open the doors of the station, several officers whirled around and trained their guns on you. You guessed Stiles’ dad had called for backup at some point. 
As you threw up your hands, you were able to see the Sheriff, your mom, and Stiles all standing in the lobby.
“Y/n!” Stiles cried. “Oh thank god.”
The officers lowered their guns, and Stiles rushed over. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tightly against his chest. You froze in his arms, not quite sure how to handle his touch. The feeling of being caged against him made your skin crawl. Though you hated to admit it, it reminded you of Matt.
He pulled away suddenly, realizing you weren’t reciprocating. 
“Hey...are-are you okay?”
You shook your head, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. The lights of the station were too bright, and the sound of the deputies’ boots thumping on the floor caused you to flinch. You didn’t even know where to start.
Stiles watched in shock as you suddenly burst into tears. He wanted to reach out and hold you, but by the way you had just reacted, he was afraid to touch you. 
“Oh, uh…”
Before he could think of anything to say, your mom rushed over and put a hand on your back. “Let’s get you somewhere quiet, Sweetheart.”
She cast a sympathetic glance in Stiles’ direction and led you down the hall. The Sheriff followed after the two of you, no doubt planning to take your statement. Matt was nowhere to be found, and Stiles was willing to bet you knew what happened to him.
He wanted to follow, but he knew if he did, his dad would just kick him out of the room. You were a witness now, and they would need an official statement from you. 
Scott came jogging down the hallway. Stiles realized he must have heard you come back.
By then, the door to the office you had disappeared into was shut. 
Scott headed over to Stiles. “What happened?”
“I don’t know,” Stiles admitted. “But I don’t think your sister’s okay.”
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anika-ann · 4 years
WINSoD - Pt.4
What You Need (Is What I’m About)
Type: series, soulmate AU series  (part 1, part 2, part 3)  
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, one more ;)  Word count: 3400
Summary: In which fate has a strange sense of humour, the Maximoffs appear and... well. 
Warnings: brief violence, mention of death, messing around in one’s brain, language, cutesy and fluff (yep, it’s all there)
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Part 3
You watched the kettle quiver as the temperature of the water climbed towards the boiling point. You’d like to say your blood was reaching it too, but despite the warm hoodie (Steve’s, naturally), you were feeling coldness seeping into your very core.
You hated waiting for him. You had never been a fan of it, sitting on your ass and stressing until he returned from a mission, bruised and usually bloody, but this time it was something else. This time, you had more than just a vague idea of what he was fighting; you had witnessed it first-hand. An army of fucking robots.
The team had left 43 hours ago, but who the hell was counting, right? Certainly not you. And you had certainly not been feeling the urge to ask Jarvis (R.I.P., my beloved A.I.) like every half an hour for any updates. You weren’t that desperate. You weren’t that scared-
Yeah, not even you were having your bullshit anymore.
You were shivering in cold from losing sleep, terrified and over all out of your mind. Nothing helped to ease your worries. Definitely not the fact they hadn’t made any contact ever since they had left.
They consisted of the usual Avengers team; Nat, Clint, Tony, Bruce and Thor, plus Bucky. All of them under Steve’s attentive command.
Surprisingly, Matt Murdock – also known as a freaking vigilante (a blind lawyer!!) – did not join the quest. He had said that robots were way outside his territory. You would beg to differ, because he punched the robot like a champ, yet you didn’t quite blame him for refusing. Bottomline, you still thought he was pretty swell (not to mention easy on the eyes, but that was beside the point). He had saved your life though, so you might be a bit biased. A lot biased.
Sam Wilson might have fought once too, but he would sit this one out as well. It was not helping your anxiety.
The soft click of the kettle brought you back to reality and you grabbed the handle to pour water into your mug, only to see you failed to actually put a teabag in it.
To be fair, you would have sworn you had done it, but that was just another prove of you losing your mind. At this rate you were about to burn the kitchen down – not that you felt like cooking… or eating for that matter. Steve was out there, in his own sci-fi movie that had somehow become reality and-
You sighed and set the kettle down, reaching for the box with chamomile tea. Taking one bag, you felt a strange gust of wind and curled into the hoodie as a shiver ran down your spine. Was the air-conditioning misbehaving…? Perhaps it was an aftermath of what they called the Ultron mess-
You shook your head, scolding yourself for getting paranoid and went to finally finish the simplest task of making yourself tea.
Only for your blood turning to ice when you noticed the teabag was missing. You had just put it there half a minute ago, you were sure of it. Your heart started hammering in your chest as you spun on your heels, your eyes scanning the room.
The cupboard behind your head clacked and your head swiftly snapped back to it. Feeling your own pulse pounding in your temples, you forced your brain to come up with a rational explanation.
You were losing your mind, you were imagining things, you hadn’t slept in almost two days, your mind was playing tricks on you-
Another gust of wind and the kettle disappeared from your hands, a shriek escaping your lips. On instinct, you opened the drawer and pulled out a knife. You were probably useless with it, basically offering it the potential attacker as a weapon, because they would be able to disarm you and use it to their advantage, but you didn’t give a shit. You felt better being armed.
What the fuck was happening?!
A man suddenly appeared by your left hip, like a hurricane inside of the room, and your body acted on its own, driving the knife in his side.
Or you attempted to; the knife met something solid that could not have been a body and the blond ��� he was a blond man, younger, hell, looking younger than you, dressed in a jumpsuit – stared at you with his mouth hanging open.
It was only then when you registered a strange red matter--- no, something unsubstantial, like an energy, swirling and changing, hovering around the blade that had stopped an inch from the man’s torso.
“Taka se ubivate, kolibri,” a female voice sounded from the other side of the room, nearly sending you into a cardiac arrest.
Yet, you couldn’t tear you gaze away from the strange man, whose face was now twisted in annoyed grimace as the woman seemed to be scolding him.
What kind of a language was that anyway?
Really not relevant.
There were two strangers in the Tower, in the very same room as you, they could be talking about how to kill you the most painful way and you wouldn’t even know, and for fuck’s sake, why couldn’t you catch a break-
“Ne ti e zabavno, foĭerverk,” he hummed back, his lips spreading in a smile, baffling you to no end. “Zdraveĭ, krasavitse.”
Your hand still on the handle of the knife that was no longer under your control, of which you refused to let go though because you were not a complete idiot, you had no idea what to do.
The man sounded almost friendly, but then again, villains often did. Sleazy. You would know.
A tremble ran through your body and out of nowhere, you made a lightning-fast decision of kicking the man in the crotch.
Your knee only brushed his manhood when your leg was no longer yours. With horror filling every cell in your body, you realized it was caught in the freaky red spiderweb of energy and you couldn’t move it no matter how much you tried.
Tears filled your eyes and suddenly you were free, the man several feet from you. A gorgeous young woman, dressed even more strangely than him – crimson leather jacket, black and half-torn leather leggings with high boots with way too many straps, her outfit completed by sleeves peeking from under her jacket –, stood next to him, cuffing him in the back of his head.
“Idiot!” she hissed and in the back of your mind, the one tiny corner that was not occupied with the fact you might die in the next second, you thanked god for some words being international.
Then, the girl with long wild red hair smiled at you apologetically, her eyes twinkling with excitement.
“Hello. Sorry for startling you,” she spoke with thick accent which you identified as Eastern-European and shot her companion a murderous look. “My brother is an ass and doesn’t know the difference between being funny and scaring people.”
She didn’t sound menacing at all; in fact, you saw every responsible older sibling annoyed at their younger family member in her. You blinked away the sting in your eyes and attempted to focus despite the ringing in your ears.
“Huh?” slipped from your lips intelligently, utter confusion gradually replacing your despair.
The blond rolled his eyes, which only earned him another clip round his ear.
“See what you’ve done? This is all your fault!”
“I was just messing around!”
“Do you have any idea what she’s been through? You scared her to death!” the woman hissed, effectively sending you back to the spiral of dismay, your slowly calming heartbeat skyrocketing again.
What did she know about what you had been through?!
With your knees wobbly and not to be trusted to keep you upright on their own anymore, you gripped the counter behind you with such force your muscles cramped.
“Who- who are you?” you breathed out shakily, catching the attention of the supposed sibling duo once more.
The woman smiled warmly, patronizingly almost.
“My name is Wanda and this is my brother, Pietro. We are of Sokovia. Your Captain and the other Avengers found us, showing us that we were fighting on the wrong side of things. Would you like to see?”
Her words echoed in your suddenly dull skull, the meaning escaping you.
And because her last sentence was what made sense the most and yet the least, you nodded.
Later, you would realize just how stupid and trusting you had been when agreeing, mostly because Steve gave you his look of disappointment and horror, but at the moment, it seemed right.
Somehow, on a level you couldn’t quite comprehend, you already understood they weren’t a threat to you.
“See how?”
Wanda smiled.
*Like this,* a ghost of her voice sounded somewhere deep in your mind, making you dizzy. What the hell-? *Please, don’t judge me. I thought I was doing the right thing.*
Before you could question such statement or the fact her lips were not moving while you heard her voice crystal clear, you were thrown into a vortex.
Ultron had been sure they were coming; he left a bait for them, an easy track to follow. The track they could follow towards their end.
Wanda wasn’t one to enjoy killing or hurting people in general, no. She hadn’t even considered herself a strong person once, but that had all changed with their parent’s deaths. She had had to rely on herself – on herself and on her brother. Where an opportunity had risen, to step up their game and possibly to get revenge on the name still haunting them in their worst nightmares, they hadn’t even hesitated.
Wanda had once been a weakling. It had been the tempering in fire, in a burning pain of experimentation with the sceptre that had made her the woman who she was now.
And she had a mission; she and Pietro had a mission, their chance at revenge finally gaining a shape.
She had already played with Stark’s mind, with the scum only interested in money and destruction; now she could do the same to all of them.
Bursting in with a crash, they clearly hadn’t expected such livid counterattack. A response so… nightmare-like.
Just a flick of wrist and a little concentration on Wanda’s part and they were dropping like dead, trapped in their own minds.
Black Widow, locked in a scary base, ballet dancers, martial art training and merciless killing, her fresh fears creating a horror picture of aiming her gun at her current lover’s head, at her soulmate.
“I should have known you’d never change. You’re nothing but human reduced to a murder machine…”
Thor, oh so mighty God, travelling back to his home planet to a feast, legends messing with his headspace, confusion and helplessness, thunder and lightning all around and out of his control.
“You’ll kill us all! See, son of Odin, close your eyes and see!”
The righteous captain, trapped in his own mind, folded like a house of cards under his soulmate’s dead eyes, anger and accusation blossoming into hate and finally indifference.
“You cared about your 40’s sweetheart more, anyway, didn’t you? If it was her in my place, you would have chosen her before the thousands. You wouldn’t let her blow up… but if I’m nothing to you, then you are nothing to me…”
Satisfied with her work, with only a nudge to their consciousness and their own brains doing the work for her, Wanda smirked as she noticed the busy archer. Now what tricks his could mind come up with? What hardship would he get caught in?
As she slowly sneaked behind his back, a voice snarled behind her, causing her heart to stop from more than a simple fright.
“Kak mozhe neshto tolkova malko da prichini tolkova nepriyatnosti?”
Her first reaction to her blood crystallizing in her veins with horror and rage towards the whole fucking universe, was a snarky reply.
How dared he to call her small? Implying she was weak? Underestimating her and saying that she couldn’t cause any real trouble? Oh, she would show him… that arrogant bastard! She would show him trouble-
“Laĭna…ti mi narichash nepriyatnosti?” she hissed back, carelessly losing the sight of the archer, not interested in him in the slightest all of sudden. “Vie ste strana s greshni khora!”
This stranger, this—this man-machine radiating pain as her powers barely brushed the surface of his mind on instinct… he was the real trouble as she didn’t hesitate to tell him. He was on the wrong side of things! Fraternizing with a mass murderer, with her parent’s killer-
“Pone te sa kho—” he wanted to argue, but they his mind stopped before it started screaming, punching her telepathic powers she seemed suddenly unable to turn off.
Memories, a dozen of his own memories, the way he looked at his soulmark in a mirror, the pain, the sorrow, the torture… his encounter with the Avengers, living with them; with the band of heroes she just put down, one by one, teasing and laughter, compassion and acceptance, even from the man who was supposed to be nothing but a cocky heartless bastard-
“What the hell did you just say?” Bucky rasped, astonished and horrified.
He realized it too then. Everyone always did, didn’t they? Because every person with a soulmark awaited a moment like this; the moment someone would finally say the words matching the ones on their skin, met their expectations or not…
But Bucky Burnes was the farthest from Wanda’s dream when it came to a life-long partner.
Strength is tempered in fire, she remembered reading once. She had once found a special irony in the fact that the treatment by the sceptre felt exactly like that. Wanda’s soul turned to steel with the games the fate had played with her.
So why did her hands fell from their defensive position to her side, limp and drained of all strength and determination they had known, tears stinging her eyes.
Her life was shit and she thought she had made her peace with that. But judging by the deep ache in her chest, she had been holding out for her soulmate more than she had thought. Because why else would it hurt so bad when she found out he was an enemy?
“And I thought Romeo and Juliet was just a lot of crap,” she chuckled bitterly, switching to English when he did.
His thoughts scream at her, disbelief, caution, pain, confusion, regret and hope— ambivalence. He had no idea what to do and he hated her for what she had done to his friends, but the knowledge of her being his, supposedly, it torn him in half, reaching out with willingness to forgive her if she fixed it, because if anyone understood fighting at the wrong side it was him--
Unable to resist, she dug deeper into his mind, baring his very soul, fascinated.
Pietro was still fighting with the archer and Stark, dodging the lame attempts at attack of the Avengers lost in their minds, but for two people, the time stopped.
They stood against each other, staring and motionless, and Wanda was confident she saw more than him. His mind was a tangled mess of emotions and desperate desire to get a hold of them and think rationally, bundle of memories and hopes colliding with reality and rock-solid facts and Wanda felt a pang at her heart, a crushing sensation in her chest when she finally embraced everything his headspace had to offer, getting lost in it.
Lost in him.
James Buchannan Barnes had a beautiful soul. Torn and glued together with little kind gestures from his friends, sweet memories of his sister and everlasting friendship with Steve, his no-longer-little-but-equally-stubborn Steve, Steve’s soulmate, his teammates that accepted Bucky with surprising ease and less judgement anyone would deserve… and the careful way he was giving away the pieces of the very same heart that was barely together, in gentle smiles and good-natured teasing, silent self-declaration of giving his whole life for every single one member of his new-found family.
And Wanda understood. In a fraction of second she looked under the illusions she had helped to build in the Avengers’ minds and saw the truth.
*Pietro, spri!* she cried out straight into his mind, begging him to stop fighting. With another flick of her wrist, her enemies were free of her handiwork, shell-shocked from the experience, too lost to find their footing. “Brat, spri! Pietro… greshim. They are right.”
The battle froze as if the time did and for a second, Wanda felt like she was in her brother’s skin, moving so fast that the world around her stopped turning. The stunned silence was only broken by a soft gush of wind when Pietro appeared by her side.
The Avengers seemed so baffled at her admission they didn’t try to attack them.
She exchanged a look with her twin, hoping her face spoke volumes as tears gathered in her eyes. She was far from convinced that Anthony Stark was a good man; but she knew he was better than the creature they had sworn to assist. And her mother always used to say that a man should be judged by the company he kept. From what she had seen in Bucky Barnes’ head, Stark had one bunch of fine people around; and their imperfections seemed to be balanced by the good they all wished to do.
Pietro understood. Of course he would. More than he could read her expression, he must have felt the change in Wanda’s aura, the transformation touching their bond as well.
He graced her with a reluctant nod of agreement. Via their mental connection, he whispered he trusted her. Her lips curled up in a tender smile.
“Are we just gonna stand here? Are we fighting together or against each other or what?!”
No, Tony Stark was by no means a man she would call good. In fact, she already found out he was an ass. But now, he had become her ally.
From all the eyes on their duo, she chose to meet her soulmate’s.
“Together, Anthony. Because there’s bigger malice in this world than you are.”
Wanda nearly cut you off right then. The rest of what she showed was a blur of images, fear, pain and determination, destruction and cooperation, all of that leading to this very moment. It all resembled waking up from a very intense confusing dream, being pulled away into consciousness by the first sunrays of the dawn.
You blinked heavily as the world swayed off its place, the counter seemingly in a peculiar angle from your point of view.
Why was the lamp not up, but on the side? Why was it spinning?
“Oops. Sorry. Never made the connection for such a long period of time-“ a voice reached you, breaking through the hush of blood and your own heartbeat in your ears.
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to get a fucking grip on both your body and thoughts.
Bucky had a soulmate?
No, not relevant, the images were too unclear for you to be sure everyone made it out alright, you needed to see Steve first, you had to-
By the time Steve’s figure appeared in your field of vision, you were certain you were steady on your feet and finally managed to control your mouth.
“Steve!” you cried out excitedly as you sprang his direction, relief mixing with delight, because he was alive, he was not bleeding visibly, he-
-was suddenly graced with an identical twin, two loving tired smiles blending into one and splitting into two the next moment, swimming in your vision and you felt something solid grabbing your body and positioning it right into his strong arms.
You gazed at him in haze, melting into his warm and firm embrace, spotting a swirl of red energy flow around you.
Oh. Wanda’s work, no doubt. Sweet.
“Are you okay, doll? Are you sick? What happened?”
Wanda’s guilt was nearly solid in your reach, but you only let your head lull onto Steve’s shoulder, plunging into the fluff of love that his presence provided.
“Nah. I’m fine… just drunk on you…” you mumbled.
The girl’s bubbly relieved laughter rang in the room, bringing a satisfied smile on your face.
Steve’s kiss landed on your forehead, corners of his own lips upright despite the concern in his voice.
“Alright, sweetheart. Let’s just get you to bed…”
Part 5
Thank you for reading!
I chose Bulgarian, just to avoid traditional Russian this once. Bucky is a Winter Soldier after all and he should know how to speak 30 languages or so :D just thought this would work. Google translator used; apologize for any mistakes.
I hope you had an okay start to 2021 :-*
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birdsaesthetic · 4 years
A/N: Sorry I’m posting my participation for @holidayblindspot very late, but I was so caught up with homework, which never ends... I simply thought I would make Jane’s first birthday with Kurt fall during Autumn, because it’s just the best timing throughout the year, right? Now this is a wordy fic, but I promise it’s so much fun and sexy! Anyway, ENJOY  🎈🥳🍂.
Song inspiration: Happy Birthday by John Legend. (you may listen to this song while reading. It’s so beautiful!)
They’re lying like two spoons in a drawer, very tight against each other. Kurt’s warm, silent breathing is grazing Jane’s neck in a regular rhythm, to which she flutters her eyes open to bright sunlight shining between white curtains, and to the sounds of birds whistling noisily from outside.
For more or less a minute, she stays perfectly still, only blinking in laziness and yawning as she tries to figure out where exactly she was, and to piece together the events of the previous night.
As she does so, she struggles a little; her memory is patchy and there’re definitely several gaps missing, but the parts she can recall are amazingly vivid.
Last night she celebrated her Birthday with Kurt, she remembers that for sure, but not in details. She also remembers having had so much alcohol, which up until now she can taste its powerful taste in her mouth. And at the feeling of her body retaining traces of having been pulled in, kissed, caressed, and given orgasms, she remembers the mind-blowing sex she had last night and so she sighs.    
 Kurt’s bare skin against her back has the right amount of warmth that now is engulfing her, tempting to shut her eyes close and go back to sleep. She doesn’t resist the urge and does so, just after having rolled over so she can face him, then snuggles deeper into his embrace, wrapping an arms around his middle. Now, at the new posture, her cheek and ear are squished against his chest and as her eyes maintained close, she listens to his heartbeat, vividly pumping against her ear. And so she decides to stay like this for a while, because the feeling is unmatched...
But it’s not after a couple minutes that she reopens her eyes, changed position by crawling a little up, and looks deeply at his face in rest. He’s silent and still. Peaceful and handsome. Half of his face is tucked against the pillow as he lies down on his stomach. A warm smile of contentment begins to form on her sleepy face for having woken up yet another morning of her life next to him, and for being able to see him and touch him while she brushes a hand against his hair to fix its pattern in one side. Next her fingertips outline his ear, which, last night, she’d kissed it, gave it little bites, blown her breath into it, and inhaled its fragrance, all while he was inside her.
As she continues to touch him softly and randomly, a question crosses her mind. Is it really true what Kurt told me last night, that the most beautiful things in the world aren’t necessarily seen, nor touched, but rather felt with the heart?
Even now she’s still thinking about it, even if last night she herself told him that this wasn’t entirely true and then they changed the subject.
A warm touch of yours must be as fulfilling as the feeling it leaves behind it on your beloved ones. And the feels of anticipation rush through your mind is just as exciting as looking into your beloved ones eyes, the window of the soul. This is simply how Jane concluded last night, although back then, at that particular moment, she was a little drunk and very, very sexually aroused. She’s still embracing her conclusion from last night nonetheless, up until now. And again, she thinks that might differ from one person to another.
What else happened last night? Oh God, a lot.
The two were having dinner, grilled salmon steaks with boiled vegetables nicely put aside, when Kurt gazed at Jane from across the table and asked, “Are you ready for tonight?”
Jane looked up at him in surprise; she’d been pouring her full concentration into cutting her steak, but that question, his husky voice, and the teasing look in his eyes, threw her off gurad. “What is tonight?” She asked in confusion, to which Kurt bursted out laughing.
She frowned, hardly swallowed down the chunk of food she was chewing, and then yelled at him, “Kurt!”
He laughed for one last time, before he fixed his eyes on her and stared silently for a little while—surprised to see her own surprise.
Leaning over the table, he said, “It is your birthday, and you seem to have no idea!”
Her jaw dropped to have just remembered that, and then she ducked down her head in an attempt to hide what she knew were flaming cheeks. But did it even work? Since he was mere feet across her from table, and with that huge chandelier hanged right above them, making every little change happening in her face visible?
It wasn’t until she pondered for a brief moment, doing some math in her head and finding out that tonight would actually meet with her Birthday, that she looked up and spoke. “Oh my God! It just slipped my mind.”
Kurt stared at her for a long moment, a warm  look in his eyes. He couldn’t blame her, really, given how everything in their life had been crazy lately. Yet, he never forgot it, and had been waiting for it impatiently like a little child waiting for something.
“It’s okay, I remembered it and I’m so ready for it, are you?”
“Yeah! You gotta be ready too, tonight, after an hour or so. I have a surprise for you.” He told her, before taking a forkful of mixed vegetables into his mouth. It had been long since Jane had put her fork down after realizing that the butterflies in her stomach wouldn't let her continue eating, and now she was watching him chew his food and cut into it for maybe a minute straight.
Normally after dinner was their bedtime: they’d quickly clean off all the mess in the kitchen and wash off the dishes together. Though this time around Jane was excused to go get ready as Kurt did all of that.
She rushed out of his sight then, and went straight away to grip a shower first, which, with haste, had taken her good ten minutes. When she was done with that, she entered the bedroom to find Kurt lying over their perfectly made bed, facing the ceiling, his eyes shut. He also seemed ready, fully dressed up.
Shutting the door behind her, hair soaking wet, body wrapped in a white towel, Jane smiled the tiniest of smiles at the sight of him  lying in rest, before she set the lighting to be more illuminating then walked the few paces toward the wardrobe and opened it in search for something to wear tonight. A minute passed, two, three, but she was yet to decide what or how she should dress for tonight.
Staring at the shelves full of clothes, indecisive, she called Kurt’s name, to which he immediately opened his eyes and reasoned, always anticipating her needs.
“What should I wear for tonight? What kinda place you’re taking me to?” She asked, head turned toward him getting up on his feet.
“Umm, I can’t really tell you much. But I can pick you something, if you feel indecisive.”
“Yes, please.”
By now, Kurt was already at the wardrobe next to her, having a brief look at the items within the wardrobe before deciding. A few seconds later of rummaging through the items hanging in the wardrobe he actually ended up choosing something. A soild black dress with long sleeves. It appeared so tiny that it would definitely accentuate every curve in her body, and it would stop at her mid-thigh, leaving the rest of her legs bare.
Kurt’s face broke into the widest grin as he turned around and held up the hanger of the dress so she could have a good look. Just like him, Jane seemed to have loved it so much by the smile appearing in her face as she reached out and took it from his hand. It was a dress that she’d never had a chance to wear it before, so it was in a perfect condition, had been nicely hanged.
Once Kurt dismissed himself out the bedroom, after having shot her a knowing look, Jane took her sweet time as she put on a nice pair of underwear then slipped into the dress. A tiny eureka moment she experienced when it fitted her just like a glove and she chuckled aloud to that. Maybe it looked a little tight, a little short, but she’d fallen in love with it already and decided to match it with black heels. For makeup she didn’t bother with much: she applied minimal eyeshadow and paired it with matte, deep burgundy lipstick that looked so fierce and brought everything to the next level. As usual, she let her hair air dry as she did all of that.
The final look was the simplest yet hottest set, having both the the burgundy lipstick and the mess of tattoos over her legs contrast with the darkness of the dress...
So beautiful.
And, because it was in midst of Autumn, during which chilly winds blew all the times and the sky might be threatening at any given moment, she gripped a coat with her, a black one. Before getting out, she asked Kurt if she should take anything else with her besides that, but he shook his head with ease, approached her, then pressed his mouth against her ear. Keeping his voice to whispers, he told her, “No, nothing. It’s only you that matters.”
That, the slightest attempt of flirting Kurt managed, made her body secrete adrenaline with anticipation of how this night was going to go.
She couldn’t wait any longer.
They left home exactly at midnight. The weather was incredible outside. A perfect example for a perfect Autumn night. There was a really nice chill in the air.  Every gentle touch of wind against the face felt like a caress, and every fierce one felt like a kiss. As they walked the few paces to the car, each one wrapping an arm around the other, the two expressed how much they loved the weather.
During the ride, there was a few exchanged loving looks between them, a silent dialogue and lots of teasing smiles. Jane’s eyes, however, glowing with curiosity, were alert and searching for any clue, any possible way to know where Kurt was driving them, because he was too far stubborn to tell her anything about the surprise and she was just as stubborn to know something.
His stillness suddenly made her realize how very constantly she was sifting, blinking, breathing, and rearranging herself every three seconds, because unlike her he seldom blinked an eye, and every turn of the steering wheel or push of the pedal he made was as small and efficient as possible because he was smartly preserving his energy for later.
Jane gave in and leaned back in her seat then; it was wholly pointless, she then realized. So she resembled her husband posture and let things follow its natural course. Or the way he wanted them to.
It was thirty minutes later when Kurt parked the car at a random spot and pulled out a piece of clothing out from his pocket. Her eyes were drawn to it immediately. With a deep glow in his eyes, he looked up at her. “I’ll have to blindfold you now.” He maintained his eyes fixed on her for a long moment, and awaited her to come close enough so he would do it. Seeming amused, Jane made a faint sound and blinked once, twice in his direction, then she rolled her eyes away, grinning.
He didn’t ask again, he awaited with all smiles. And eventually, she gave in, closed her eyes and leaned her head in his direction. His fingers first pushed all the hair that was framing her face to be tucked behind her ears before he tied the rose-colored, silky blindfold around her skull.
Though blindfolded, and the curiosity sparking in her head, Jane kept still and focused on her remaining senses. There was the same breeze of the other cars from outside as before. The air was just starting to grow tense—or perhaps that was just how she felt alone. She took a deep breath that was almost audible and reminded herself that she was in the safest hands in the world.
The car had already started moving. All it seemed it was moving forward for what felt like a full minute then it took a couple turns before it paused completely. Jane turnd her head toward Kurt. “What’s now?” She asked in a low voice, just a second before she felt unexpected caresses on the base of her chinz
“Can you wait some more?” She heard him say, before which she heard the door open within the car then close. It was suddenly awe without him in the car, but thankfully it didn’t take him long to reach her in the other side of the car and open the door for her.
“Your hands, please.”
She gave him both hands and clenched his own so hard her knuckles turned red as he helped her out of the car. It’d gotten much colder by now than when they first left their apartment, but weather it had or not, she clung impossibly close to him, who wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her forward in the streets then into a place that Jane assumed was a huge building, and possibly bright.
The most significant sound Jane could hear now was her heels knocks choing against tiles, besides that there were dull and mixed sounds that could be others moving around.
“Are there people around?” Jane wondered in whispers, before which she felt Kurt warm breathing tickling her ear as he replied, “A few.” She could tell he was grinning as he did so then he asked, “Why are you intense though?”
When she turned her face to him—so she could whisper to him that she wasn’t necessarily intense, but rather feeling ridiculous walking around people while being blindfolded—her lips brushed against his, and that unexpected sensation just made her want to steal a kiss, or two from him so damn badly. But she swallowed that instant urge and put on a smiley face, because she knew it, deep down, that tonight they’d do way more than just ‘stealing a kiss’. She could picture it in her head now, as she continued to walk with him, her back against his front. She could imagine how it would possibly go and to what extent. How it’d possibly feel, before, during and afterward. Because she was more than certain that, whatever kurt had arranged for tonight must have a convenient time, place where they could do all of that.
Together, they’d been moving forward rather slowly, but at some point they paused completely and Kurt happened to be pressed against her from the front. It also got silent.  Oddly silent. Jane’s lips were a tight line as she slid her hands up his chest, over the ridge of his collarbone, close to where his heart was beating underneath the clothes. In comparison to her elevated heartbeat, his maintained a normal rhythm. She felt him lift his hands to her cheeks, cupping them. He was so close now, his warmth engulfing her entire being, which resulted in a warm smile to start appearing on her lips.
“Can you tell where are we now?” He asked softly.
“Umm, at the elevator?” She guessed, her smile growing wider.
“Right! Can you tell if we’re alone or not?”
Jane chuckled. “Definitely alone.”
She was still smiling when she felt his fingers lift her chin then him capture and kiss her lips in earnest. Even with a cloth already against her eyelids, she squeezed her eyes hard, the same way she would even if she wasn’t blindfolded, and kept on kissing him back deeper and pulling him closer.
Too soon, the elevator seemed to have stopped when Kurt gently withdrew after planting his final kiss. Catching her breath, mouth slightly open, a wave of dizziness hit Jane, having experienced that much amount of gravitational forces pull her downward simultaneously while the elevator was pulling her upward. she’d lost all her remaining senses at this point, even breathing was a little hard to manage. And so, she dug her nails into Kurt’s shoulders and held him so close as if to hold on for her life.
They stumbled out of the elevator, half-breathless and already a little disheveled.  Kurt held her hand in his and tugged her along with him, through what seemed to feel like a very, very quiet and narrow hallway. Forward they moved. Forward. Turning right. Some more forward. Then turning left.
“Kurt,” Jane called quietly, given how quiet it was so all around her, but all she heard after that was her own voice echoing—and of course the knocking of her heels against the floor as she walked some more forward.
Briefly after that, they finally paused. A sound of door was being opened. She was pulled inside then the door closed behind her. They were certainly alone by now, behind that closed door, Jane thought. Also, it got so warm, almost unbearable, given how she was moved, dragged all the way here. So she just loathed that coat she had on.
“Kurt,” she called again.
“Here,” he assured, as his hand released hers, which she never would’ve allowed it if she hadn’t been sure that he was already stepping closer toward her and then stopped, just like before at the elevator.
He began to unzip her coat and it slid easily when she shrugged it off, impatient for this part to be done since, for her, it was growing hot. The next part, he started to untie the blindfold, and she held her breath as he did so.  
“Finally,” she muttered.
Kurt’s smiley face was first thing to see. God, it hadn’t been that long and she already missed that lovely face! He stepped back and began to admire the sight of her surprised as her eyes, wide open, traveled across the place he’d gotten her into.
What must be a hotel room looked so beautifully decorated, pretty huge, and the lighting must be on the dimmest setting it could possibly be without being completely off. On very available surface there were nicely put numerous of candles, each one with a little flame flickering and dancing the way her heart was at this exact moment.
Two meters or three away from where she was standing was oversized bed that dominated a majority of space. A single lamp emitted light from the corner of the room, making it atmospherically feel warm.
When she took a deep breath, a bit overwhelmed, there was this heavy fragrance, which made her slightly turned to the side to see red, velvet roses bouquet. It was so huge. Breathtaking. Beside it there was the cake, and she could smell it too. Finally, there were the shelves filled with so many drinks, huge bottles of them in all brands and colors.
Jane jumped into his space and pressed lips together. It was one kiss but it was long, slow, and it carried so much affection within it. When she pulled back, she told him what that meant to her and thanked him repeatedly, every time came from the bottom of her heart, genuinely meant.
Kurt was quiet, unlike her. He let her express—whether it was in words or by gripping harder onto his neck—how she was feeling, and let her hot breathing tickle his face. He was so appreciative to the sight of her so happy, surprisingly blushed, and carefree. It really suited her, being this much happy. He wished if he could just quickly frim her up in this particular position and take a picture of her, so he could admire it later. But she wouldn’t simply let go of him; she was hugging him in earnest, with fluttering eyes that were framed with wet lashes by now.
“Let’s show you around.” Kurt suggested, after what felt like a full minute. She nodded with a warm smile, intertwined their fingers together, and then they stepped toward the other side of the room, where floor-to-ceiling window took place.
It wasn’t just a huge window, when they got closer to it, it was actually a balcony door. There was an invisible handle at the side and, with a good deal of effort, Kurt pulled it to be opened to the view of the whole city, New York City. From Jane’s point of view, as she stepped in the balcony along with Kurt, there were glimmering lights, bouncing dots of colors that danced and reflected and contrasted with the darkness of the night. The crowd of cars, bustling and honking in desperation to be released, free, she enjoyed watching that part. Not that anyone would ever enjoy being in the crowd itself, but it was quite appealing to her to only watch it from a cozy, high place. And sharing such a place, such a view with Kurt was just... She couldn’t ask for more or less than that. It was the meaning of perfection in her opinion.
The breeze blowing of the wind grew strong by every passing minute, but they stood still and firm, clenching in one another. Eyes sparkling in curiosity, Jane stepped some more forward and, since their hands were still entwined, Kurt stepped along with her to the far side of the balcony. Her free hand clenched on the handrail as she gracefully leaned against the wrought-iron railing and asked thoughtfully, “In which floor are we?”
“The twentieth.” He answered quickly, to which she gasped, turning her head to face him and pretended to look impressed. “Wow!”
Curling her arms around his neck with ease as he pulled her closer by the waist, she narrowed her eyes and wondered aloud, “I wonder how much this costs for one night.”
Kurt seemed to be busy studying the beauty of her features, having her this up close.
“How much?” She repeated, rather louder. This time her eyes were wide; she was seriously asking not like before just wondering.
“I’m not telling you.” He shook his head and, undeniably, there was a laugh in his voice.
“You’re not telling me!” She began, her challenging behavior making him entertained, fail to hide a grin. “You don’t need to know.”
She pretended to pout, then glanced away at the outside scene as her hair gently flow in the wind. But it wasn’t until she felt his mouth patting her ear and whispering, “I just brought you here to enjoy it.” that she looked back at him and, at the close proximity, their foreheads rubbed.  “I already am.” She whispered back.
“That’s the only thing that matters.”
They shared a long, loving look, soon followed by a smile then a soft kiss.
As if glued together, they were so close as they headed back into the room and then Kurt turned on the music.
Humming in pleasure, Jane closed her eyes at the beautiful sound of music when it covered the silence with its delightful tunes. She allowed herself to melt against his rigid frame, pressing her forehead against his chest, which just had the right amount of warmth that she was quite addictive to. Voice muffled against his chest, she whispered, “This’s nice.”
 The comment made Kurt chuckle softly, not that there was anything funny about it, but it was just a way through which he could express the great pleasure he was experiencing at the moment. And just like him, Jane chuckled softly for the same reason before pulling a little back, only to see his smile creep onto her face.
She tucked that smile into her memory and, smiling back, she tucked her fingers between his own. He squeezed hers in return and possessively slid a hand about the sharp curve of her waist as her free hand rested with a feather-like weight on his shoulder.
Beautiful, beautiful, no other name
I knew from the moment you came
I've seen in your eyes the dawn of a day
Where nothing will ever be the same
And now, they were dancing together, swaying in slow motions as the music spun around them. Everything seemed perfectly going, from the mutual feeling between them to their movements that stayed in sync: when he stepped right, she stepped right. When he stepped forward, she stepped backward. But when he gave her some space and stepped backward and simultaneously lifted their entwined hands, she spun around in an elegant, slow movement, her body resembling the tune to the music. There was a sort of possession, aggressiveness in the way he pulled her back to him after having spun that made her gasp faintly. But then, as a reaction, she bit her lip and looked down at the small space between them, mind recording every fraction of the moment, taking mental images, and most importantly enjoying every emotional sensation.  
Feel my heart beating through my chest
I'll get used to just saying "yes"
Yes, I'll love you with all I am
Yes, tonight is where we begin...
His lips were pressed against her forehead for a long moment as they continued to dance in the same way, which was a demonstration to their love for each other. Their real, mutual, simple yet deep love.
Oh, I wanna dance with you
Oh, I'll promise to stand for you
I'll do anything for you
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Tonight, my love all I want
I wanna sing for you
Yeah, I'll sing for you
Happy birthday, baby
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, baby
Happy birthday to you...
The music lasted for more or less five minutes, and when it was starting to fade away, reaching its end, Kurt improvised and, as though she were the center of the universe, he spun around her just the same.
Both fell into soft laughters afterward, before Jane snuck her hands up to his neck and hugged him tightly, and he returned the hug just as tightly. Silence fell again, that pleasant, comforting kind of silent. And so, they lingered in such a position for a moment, neither willing to break apart.
The next moment, Jane hardly detangled herself from his grip then looked over his shoulder, where the all bottles of drinks were nicely settled, and then back at him with a knowing look. Kurt, with no troubles, took the cue and, from his pocket he pulled out the same rose-colored blindfold, raised his chin in pride, then asked her to turn around first, his voice rich and husky.
 Surprised Jane raised a brow in response. “Again!”
 She rolled her eyes. “You brought me here, to this beautiful place, so you blindfold me!”
“You know," Kurt gripped her shoulders and turned her around himself, and just like the previous time, he tightened the blindfold around her skull as he explained, “I’ve read a quote, just recently, that says something like, the best and most beautiful things in the world aren’t necessarily seen, nor even touched, but rather felt with the heart.” He then turned her around so she was facing him and he added, “I want you to see if that’s really true or not, okay?”
“But I can’t see.” She joked, to which Kurt grinned widely, and simultaneously she matched him with a very similar grin, although she couldn’t see him by now. She could hear it nonetheless.
“You just have to feel.”
 With that being said, Jane nodded in acknowledgment, her shoulders relaxed and jaw unclench. Kurt cupped her face into his hands and brought it impossibly close to his own that their lips were touching. “Now, how about some drinks?”
Jane, having been craving that, gave a frim shake of her head. “Yes please! I’m quite thirsty.” She whispered against his mouth, before stealing a wet kiss then another from him.
kissing her back, harder that her head went back, Kurt slid his both hands down from her face to her back and then her hips. He kept roaming his hands all over there in earnest, which felt so damn good. Every curve in her unyielding body that his hands passed by filled in the depths of his pleasure. Just like that, and he was so turned on at this point.
But no matter how he was kissing her almost violently and nipping at her lips, blindfolded Jane was exploring his mouth, tasting him, and licking up every honey-like drop from his lips. Her arms flew all the way up to be wrapped around his neck when she felt her body being held with ease as if she were weightless, lifted, and then sat upon a table.
Panting, unwittingly chuckling, he asked, “Okay, what shall I get you, birthday girl?”
“Dazzle me,” Jane smirked, with an exhaled chuckle lacing through her spoken words.  His finger patted her chin before it drew, and then, there was a sense of more empty space around her. He wasn’t in her hand reach now, which made her take a deep breath and await him and the drinks with impatience.
 Kurt wasn’t actually that far away from her as he began to prepare a Daiquiri cocktail that contained rum, freshly squeezed lime juice, and sugar syrup. He shook all that together before pouring it into a nice coupette glass then walked back the few paces toward her in pride.
“Hey,” she welcomed him as he approached, feeling his warmth already with a hand in the air to catch him. And he took it, her hand, and replaced it on the glass instead. "Here. Don't be shy to disappoint me." He warned.
After a short sip, a content hum spoke genuinely even before her words did. “Impressive! Not too sharp, not too light and sugary. I love it! Thanks.” She was grinning as she said it, her voice in the sexiest tone. Feeling his palms widespread over her thighs, she raised the glass then took several small sips, knowing that his eyes were fixed on her.
 “Glad you liked it.” He said, his own mouth dry, but he did not care to do anything about, not this moment; he was busy staring at her unblinkingly, admiring her and every movement she made, from sipping to swallowing down. Her eyes would’ve been squinting and looking right into his and admiring him just the same way, Kurt thought, if that was an option right now.
Forcefully swallowing the stinging sensation down, after pouring down the last sip, Jane lifted the now empty glass between them in a gesture for a refill, which had Kurt notice the perfect impression of her hot, red lipstick on the glass and he just... admired that too.
“Is it that good?” He asked, after taking the glass.
“So good, haven’t you tasted it?”
A smirk pulled at one side of her mouth. “Come here,” she told him, bringing him closer with an arm around his neck at the same time that she opened her mouth to the fullest and took over his own. Her tasty, wet tongue had entered his mouth in ease by now, where it hungrily intertwined with his like a young snake messing with another young snake.
Tasting all that incredible mixture in her sweet, hot tongue, Kurt was also rewarded when her hand ran through his hair for a bit before she pulled him back. “Umm, so luscious,” he breathed.
 “I want some more.” She requested with a smile. And so he went to bring her some more. As she waited, there were sounds of a glass clinking  another surface and liquid being poured into into it in generous manner. Lastly, there were his easy footsteps approaching, soon followed by the feeling of his warmth. Welcoming him back, she expanded an arm up in the air and when he finally was close to touch, she gripped him so close.
“Let me,” he whispered, and she allowed, so he lifted the glass to her plush lips for slow sips. She enjoyed every sip was poured into her mouth and he enjoyed every second that passed at the sight of her cheeks go rosier from the booze.
And so, she parted her lips once more, on an assumption that another sweet sip would be in its way inside her mouth, only to feel the iced liquid running all over her neck, her chest, to which she gasped, recoiled back, and heard Kurt rushing to say sorry.
She pushed him back and was so close to standing on her feet and taking the damn blindfold off when he held her hands still in place. “It’s okay, nothing happened,” he soothed, “I’m sorry it spilled out. Now we just have to take your dress off; it’s all damp and cold.”
Mouth parted, she shivered a little before nodding. “You did it, didn’t you, Kurt?” She claimed him, at which he mischievously grinned as he helped her stand up on her feet. “What?” He pretended to sound busy, slipping down the zipper of her dress from the back then, with an effort he made, begun to lift it all the way up. She rose her arms without needing to be asked. As soon as the collar was clear of her head she was already ditching her heels out of the way, with a hand upon his shoulder for support.
He was gone after that and Jane, naked only saved for a pair of underwear, stood there in what felt like a vacant space in absolute darkness behind the blindfold, hands empty at her sides. “I know you spilled it over me, Kurt.” She pretended to complain, also aware that her voice had a touch of relief at having been freed from that tight dress. Now the direct contact between her skin and the air felt nice, but what would feel even nicer was his touch against her skin.
“Are you gonna hate me for that?” She heard him say from a decent distance, then heard a breath that might be a laugh. “Not if you you come right here right now.” was her condition.
He was trying to frustrate her, she knew. It wasn’t in him to do such things, but the day was full of surprises. He’d ruined her dress already, spilled the drink all over her when she’d least expected it, and now God only knew what he was doing.
But even though she wasn’t seeing him, she was able to hear his breathing, hard, out of his nose like an animal. She could also feel his gaze hot on her from head to toe, which made her covered in a thin sheen of sweat all over her chest and between her thighs, the sparking center of her desire. That was all because of her insides, being boiled from stress, from arousal, and from anticipation.
She could, of course, end all of that with the tip of her finger either pull the blindfold down to hang around her neck, or up and then toss it in the air. And, having waited long enough, she threatened him to do so, “You know that I can take this off with the tip of my finger, right?” She supported her threatening words by pointing an index finger at the piece of cloth over her eyes.
Just then he finally surfaced. “Don’t. I’m right here.” Said Kurt, finally approaching her from the back then reached out, wrapping his arms around her middle very, very strongly that she really didn’t need to use her feet anymore, and melted against him, her head falling back, when his lips met her ear. She twisted her neck so her lips could kiss wherever she could reach in the given position, while desperately shrinking a hand then snuck it between their bodies. But he gathered her both hands quickly, that were only seconds away from undoing his belt, then lifted them up and kissed and patted them.
 “Kurt...” she hissed, and her disapproval was very, very obvious by the tone of her voice. “Enough with the teasing, Kurt.” She begged him, who continued to kiss her hands, which by now were wrestling his grip. He retaliated by hauling her against him in a loving way. “There’s one one thing before that.” He tried to assure.
“What?” She breathed, from both her mouth and nose.
He revealed her eyes, lowering the blindfold so it was hanging around her neck as he clumsily walked her forward, his front to her back. He hooked his chin over her shoulder and, because of how heavy he was leaning against her back, she had to brace her hands against the table they reached that had the cake upon it.
It wasn’t large, the cake, but it really didn’t need to be. After all, it was just the both of them tonight. There would be a larger party for Jane with their friends later this weekend. But today, Jane was booked for him. And only him.
So he started lighting the candles on the cake, one arm doing so while the other still hugging her by the waist so firmly, then he said, his warm breathing tickling her ear, “I got you this cake from the same store we got our wedding cake, remember? and it’s the same exact recipe. You seemed to have loved it so much back then, so I thought I should get you the same.”
He tilted his head then, so he could see her reaction: she was stunned, eyes fluttering and face awash with emotions. Her makeup and hair that had looked gorgeous once, now looked out of place. “Yeah, I loved it.” She mumbled.
“Make a wish,” he encouraged.
“Should it be out loud?” She asked, twisting her neck so she could meet his face.
“Not necessarily,” he smiled, and then she turned both her head and attention back at the cake ahead of her. The thin candles planted at the top with mini flames dancing made her heart warm, and so she made a wish, within the bottom of her heart.
I want this to last.
She’d meant a lot by just saying this. And then, as if she were going to dive into the ocean, she drew in a deep breath then blew it out until all the candles went off, at which she grinned in absolute happiness then was rewarded with a genuine kiss over her cheek.
 “Happy birthday, love.”
She closed her eyes, inhaling this moment in particular. “Thank you,” she whispered as she once more twisted her neck and kissed him one, deep, long kiss.
“Now comes the taste test. See if this still tastes like our wedding day or not.” He eased one hand from her waist, replaced it over hers, and both their hands held the knife. Together, they cut the cake into half, their hands steady and their faces awash of happiness.
Kurt gripped a fork and with it he took a forkful of the cake, then straight up to her mouth. He waited just a second before asking, “Is it good? Is it the same?” which made Jane fight between chewing the chunk of cake and laughing at his impatience. But then she brought a hand up to her lips and laughed and chewed and shook her head yes all at once.
Her taste bud felt like it just went to a wonderland. In other words: the cake tasted amazing, so nostalgic, and just the same as their wedding day. When she had just barely swallowed that down, she was rewarded with another forkful of cake that she accepted. “The cream is just so good.” She told him as she turned her face to face him, humming happily and chewing.
She hummed some more, shaking her head yes, to which he brought up a forkful of the vanilla cream to her mouth, only to pull it away from her mouth reach the second she tried to take it in.
He laughed.
She frowned.
He then again offered the same fork up close to her mouth, which she rejected it this time around.
“I thought you loved the the cream!”
“I don’t want it anymore.”
“Are you sure you don’t want it?”
“Yes Kurt and you know what I want now.”
“Okay, I’ll have it then, just after I put this back because you no longer need to see things, right?” He’d covered her eyes again by now, to which she said nothing and stayed still.
The following seconds, she felt a strong contrast sensation between the coolness of the cream over her chest—being applied there—and the warmth of Kurt’s tongue licking it all over there. Moan out loud at the sensation was all she could do, and feel like falling down from pleasure was all she felt before she was caught close to his body, lifted, and laid upon the bed in matters of seconds. 
Then he was everywhere. She felt him everywhere all at once. Stroking, kissing. His fingers tugging at the remaining the underwear she still had on until he stripped them off. His mouth wet and sucking over her. Nipping teeth. Hoarsely voiced words of love and praise.
He tore his lips from hers then pulled back for a bit, during which she breathed heavily, still feeling the staying power of his kisses and strokes all over her body. And before long, she felt him lift the blindfold and toss it aside.
Wide-eyed, Jane stared at him in appropriation: he was so charming, fully naked. For all her impatience earlier, though, she didn’t seem to rushe now. She brought him closer that theirs lashes brushed against each other yet their eyes maintained opened to the fullest as she brushed away what she could from the sweat building up all over his back with her palms.
“Have you concluded, if it is true or not? What I have told you earlier.” Kurt only intended to keep his voice quiet, but it emerged so, so soft.
She swallowed, her hand making its very obvious way to the length of him. “I don’t think...I don’t think it’s true.” She managed to say, as she guided him to the inside of her warmth. The two muffed their moans by joining their mouth together before Jane grinned, gasped as it got intense, the sensation, then breathed out. “It might be true, though...for me, touching and...looking at you like this feels so good...So damn good.”
Kurt grinned then kissed her in the neck, allowing her to catch her breath before he settled on the right position to take her in.
“You impressed me a lot today—breathing—come on, impress me some more.” She mumbled in encouragement, and he laced his fingers through hers, pinned them against the pillow, then began doing his magic on her.
Briefly after this round followed by another, the two were bathed in sweat, lying down impossibly close to each other on top of perfectly made bed that had every corner of its blanket still fitted in the right place. But when they gained some strength back, they rose and talked for whatever had reminded of the night, pressing kisses or throwing light punches every now and then.
 They talked dirty, lovingly, and everything in between. Among the talking, Jane cupped Kurt’s face with a smirk in her face and threatened him, “When your birthday comes, I’ll whip your back as my gift for you and you won’t say anything about it.”
“Will you remember my Birthday when it comes?”
“I will! Just because mine slipped my mind doesn’t mean yours will.”
“Will see about that.”
Even after two in the morning, they refused to go to sleep. Instead, they poured some more alcohol and drunk it together as though they were opponents in a contest, who would drink more and do it faster.
As for the present time, Jane smiles as these memories of last night start to surface. Next she pulls off the blanket, and just when she’s making progress to get up, she collapses back against the mattress with a groan. Her head is heavy like a rock. Tense. It almost feels like there’s an iron ring tightening around her skull, to which grimaces, realizing what a serious hangover she is going to have for the next few hours.
Bringing her fingers up to her temples and massages it there while inhaling every bit of air her lungs could take in. She wonders what time it is. It must be late-morning or noon, she guessed and continued massaging her temples, and did that for a while, closing her eyes in the process.
When she feels the slightest progress, she wraps herself with a robe, gets out of bed, and goes straight to the far wall, where she draws the curtains and open the door to the balcony.
It’s a refreshing morning, and the room is in desperate need of fresh air. It also is chilly outside, but not what you would call cold. She can smell Fall in the air, and she loves that feeling so much.
The sunlight streams in and the curtains rustle in the breeze. Behind her back, she begins to feel of heat coming—that heat must be coming from another body. She then turns around and, without even looking into his face, she presses her entire being against him in a generous hug.
“Do you feel the same way I feel right now?” He asks with a chuckle, his mouth against the top her head as she shakes it yes. “Yeah, but it’s definitely worth it for me. How about you?”
He only chuckles some more.
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lifebeginsbyleaving · 5 years
Totem poleing through the woods 101
Stiles didn't know why he ended up with meatball gravy dripping down the side of his face and mashed potatoes globbed in his hair, but he was certain it was Lydia's fault.
But that is no where near the beginning, so let's back up.
After Boyd and Erica almost died, after Boyd almost didn't survive Derek's claws things changed.
It started the moment Boyd was gurgling it wasn't Derek's fault, that it was okay, around a mouthful of blood. Derek told him it wasn't and let out a heart wrenching roar that set Stiles in motion. As Derek held Boyd's wounds while sobbing he was sorry, Stiles grabbed his shoulder like he could hold them both together. He called Deaton and Melissa before helping Derek stop his most staunch beta's bleeding. Stiles remembered what Deaton said about being a spark. He needed to be a bridge between the two points to connect the power. He had to envision the path to create the destination. He needed to be the spark in between that let the power flow back and forth, maybe he could do that here. Maybe, but he definitely had to try. He moved to Boyd's other side and started to pry Derek's hands away.
Derek reacted immediately. "Stiles what are you doing, stop!" Derek looked into his eyes questioning with an edge of danger.
"We both know Melissa or Deaton won't get here in time." As if to prove his point Boyd spit up more blood.
"No! He's not dying! He can't I- I can't be the reason he dies. Stop Stiles let me save him. I can save him." Derek pleaded like convincing Stiles was all it would take to make it true.
"It's not your fault, and we both know you can't save him."
Derek looked ready to protest.
"But maybe I can. I don't know for sure but let me try."
Derek's eyes wavered down to Boyd and back to Stiles, but his hands held steady.
"Please. Do you trust me?"
Derek's head turned slightly to the side before hesitantly shaking up and down while moving his hands.
Boyd moaned in pain. That drew both of their attention to his face in time to see his eyelids flutter shut and his head became dead weight in Derek's grip. Derek looked wrecked and Stiles couldn't even begin to think about what he would look like if this didn't work.
Stiles placed one hand over Boyd's wounds and the other on Derek's chest.
He willed that this would work. He willed it with every fiber of his being. The power Derek absorbed from his beta would flow out of Derek, through Stiles, and then back into Boyd. He would take his power back and use it to heal himself. Boyd would be okay. Boyd would be okay. He saw it. He willed it. Boyd will be okay. I am a bridge. Boyd is where I envision the power going. The power will flow through me. Derek will not lose a beta. Boyd will be okay. Boyd wil-
He felt a tingling sensation in the fingers pressed to Derek's chest.
This is working.
I will take the power from Derek, it will flow through me and into Boyd.
It was no longer tingling in favor of wrapping itself around his arm burning it's way to his chest.
It will flow through me.
When it reached his heart he let out a scream as his eyes shot open with a beta gold shine. It felt like he was on fire.
It will flow into Boyd.
He felt it gripping its way down his other arm.
It will flow into Boyd. It was just the faintest feeling on his fingertips now.
Boyd will be okay.
Boyd sat up with a roar and shining eyes.
Then they had to get Erica back. Defeating the alpha pack wasn't easy, but they now knew what it felt like to almost lose a pack member so they fought. They willed her back. They got her back, and she was okay.
After that things started changing. Even if it was a snail's pace things were changing. Derek was different. Like almost losing two of his betas reminded him that he could, and that it would hurt. No matter how much he tried to keep them from his heart, they had it. He was their alpha and they were his betas for a long time, but almost losing them was the first time he realized they were a pack. Then he realized it wasn't just them. Scott and Stiles had crawled into his heart no matter how many times he would deny it. Every new threat they grew together more. Soon Lydia was added, then Jackson, and even Allison won her way into his favor. The first big change was when the alpha pack reminded them that they needed to be a pack or at least fight like one, but all the little changes were what started making them a pack. It didn't happen the first time it was suggested or even the second but slowly they all realized it, so pack training started. With it came trust exercises and bonding. They slowly became less and less hostile and more like they were actually trying to learn.
After one too many train yard training jokes from Stiles they moved it to the preserve, and after one too many complaints about getting slivers in his ass from sitting on tree stumps Derek told them to meet by the Hale house next time.
Everyone knew this was a bad idea. The wolves could feel the tension in the cool autumn air, they could almost cut it with the claws begging to come out. Stiles was vibrating with anxiety. Nobody said anything because what do you say, 'Oh hey are you sure about meeting by the house where your family got brutally burned alive? Are you totally sure because we could move to left a little bit, you know, right over where you buried your dead sister. Or are you not emotionally over that enough to be here?' Stiles had to talk or he would explode.
"So Derek isn't here yet. Anybody find that strange? He's never late to a pack meeting or training. He's usually the first one. No scratch that, always the first one." Stiles kicked some dirt.
Jackson scoffed. "I bet he's eager to get here Stilinski."
Stiles crossed his arms to match his mocking face and to warm himself, damn super heated wolves weren't even shivering and he was the only human not dressed appropriately. "I know that assbag, I was just pointing out maybe this isn't the best idea." Stiles flung his hands out to gesture to the scorched house.
Jackson rolled his eyes. "Well why do you think we're here? You couldn't shut up about your little tush being sore."
Stiles smirked. "I love that you said tush and not ass. It totally doesn't discredit your whole asshole rich bad boy vibe."
The corners of Jackson's mouth lifted slightly. "Shut it."
The rest of the pack snickered.
"Oh yeah why don't you make me... bad boy." Stiles added the dramatic pause to goad him.
Jackson was full on smiling now. "You're on Stilinski!" He rushed Stiles and took him to the ground in .2 seconds flat.
Stiles yelped. "Scott! Erica! Help me!" He managed to not get trapped into a headlock while they dove to the rescue.
"Isaac! Get Stiles' legs!" He could barely get it out around huffs of laughter.
Isaac went to move Erica out of the way and Boyd came up behind him to pin him. Lydia started yelling strategy to her boyfriend as Allison twisted an arm away from hers. There was a writhing mass of fighting limbs and lungs heaving in breaths and letting out laughter that was visible in the chilled air.
Scott was finally triumphant. "I got you buddy. Go! Save yourself. Remember me." Scott acted like he was drowning deeper into the sea of moving bodies writhing on the dirt and crunchy leaves.
Stiles wriggled free with a dramatic, "I'll always remember you Scottie!" He stood up just in time to see Erica get elbowed in the face.
"Oh it's on Lahey!"
Stiles let out a laugh over his inevitable demise. His laughter was cut short by seeing Derek across the yard. His fists were clenched and his face was tense as if to try and stop the torrential mixture of emotions that were on his face. His eyes were flashing in between colors so fast that any other time Stiles would make a joke about not having clear driving instructions, except this time he could tell green or red they meant stop. It was out before he could stop it.
It was like his voice was a curse freezing the pack and, after a deadly silent pause, banishing Derek to a dead sprint into the woods. He could not tell what it did to himself, his heart seemed to be running with Derek and frozen in place all at once.
There was a silent pause.
Isaac spoke up. "Should someone go after him?"
"I think he needs some time, but I don't think we should stay here." Scott spoke the first part plainly from his experience with spooked animals, and the second disguised from meaning we shouldn't have been here at all yet they knew both.
Slowly everyone left, all but Stiles, Scott, and Allison.
"Hey Scottie can you take Ali home on your bike?"
"I thought we were going to go over 18th centu-" Only she could look so dejected after not being able to talk about daggers for three hours.
Stiles looked apologetic. "Can we do that next weekend? I promise I'm not canceling on you. I want to clean up here a bit so we don't leave anything here." He gestured to the dozen or so empty water bottles and four towels scattered along with the crisp leaves.
"Sure Sti. Just text me." She smiled at him. "We could wait? Or help?"
"Nah I got it. You guys go."
Scott handed her a matte black helmet that matches his except it had a shiny black fleur-de-lis on the side. It had been Stiles' idea for their first year anniversary, but it was still so coupley it made him want to throw up in his mouth a bit. Scott looked at him strangely, then as Allison moved to the bike he gave him a hug. He looked into his eyes and told him, "Maybe he's not ready to talk about it."
Stiles looked at him puzzled until he spoke, "I know Scottie, you said that already."
Scott gave a sigh like something already happened that he warned against. "Okay."
With one final indecipherable look they sped off.
Stiles was humming "All I want for Christmas" while he was cleaning up.
He had gone through a few more songs and he still had a water bottle and two towels to pick up as he started softly singing, "Cold hands." Every time he'd get close to something that needed to be picked up he'd get distracted by a branch that should be cleared, or an abandoned nest that he needed to look at, or a worm he had to help to a more wet puddle. His feet seemingly took longer to take him where he wanted to go. He leaned up slowly with a groan and stretching out like he was too old to pick things off the ground after each item.
As he reached the last water bottle his thoughts drifted from his eclectic music choices to Derek. How he was alone. After being betrayed by his pack. They had played a game on the sacred ground that served to him as a shrine to his family- they fucking wrestled on it. They basically spat at his past. He confronted a place with so many bad memories- no he invited them there. He invited them there because Stiles was uncomfortable, and they didn't even think twice.
And now he was alone, because none of them knew how to comfort him. They didn't know how he would react so they didn't even make sure or ask if it was okay. He was alone, because he lost people close to him and that made them uncomfortable. That made Stiles feel terrible, he remembered what it was like after he lost his mom. How everyone would approach him with pitying eyes and too gentle hands like he wasn't Stiles anymore, like he was only broken.
Stiles hurriedly picked up the towels and threw them in the back of the jeep to be washed later. He stalked out into the woods with purpose.
His purpose was quickly derailed as he found that trees share a striking resemblance to each other and do not go, 'Hey you over there! Yes you! Follow the yellow blinking tree road and you'll find Toto,' but they do have very trippable roots especially if you're a Stiles.
He was lost. Very lost.
And did he have signal? No. Why ever would the universe shine in his favor like not getting stuck in the middle of the woods! To die of hypothermia!
Well the hypothermia was not as likely because it was Cali, and it isn't even night yet, and it was only the beginning of fall. But still! He was alone! And that thought got him back on track, Derek was alone too.
"Derek! Can you hear me? Where are you? Derek!"
He went on trekking and yelling Derek's name. He turned his face upwards to curse the sky and missed a tree branch that blocked his path.
"Whoaaa- Ow!" Stiles moved to sit up.
"Ow! Great! Just great! Sprained ankle. Yay fun." He grabbed a stick to help himself up.
"Stupid self for being inconsiderate. Stupid pack being stupid and making me feel bad so I have to go find Derek. Stupid Derek for running so far into the woods. I bet he's laugh his ass off while listening to me struggle. Uuuugh. Derek! Hurry your sourwolf ass up and find me already!"
He hobbled a few more steps and he felt something in the air. He stopped.
"You're either Derek or something that might as well just eat me now, cuz I'm not running."
"You're hurt." Came a gruff voice he would know even if he couldn't hear a Lydia Martin level deafening scream anymore.
Stiles let out a long suffering sigh. "It's about time. Did you stop to eat a little fluffy bunny on your way to resc-" Stiles started turning around and saw the puffy red marks already healing on his arms, neck, and face. "You're hurt." Stiles said with emphasis.
Derek finally got to his side and grabbed his shoulder and arm to lead him to a near by log. "I asked you first."
"Technically neither of us asked questions."
Derek rolled his eyes as he knelt down in front of Stiles. "Stop being a pain in my ass. How did it happen?"
"I thought I'd be funny to mortally wound myself." Stiles flailed on the log. "What do you think dumbass. I fell. Now you. What happened to you?"
Derek looked up from where he'd been inspecting Stiles' ankle and had started to pull the pain.
He mockingly threw out his unoccupied hand. "What do you think dumbass. I ran through the woods." Derek smirked and Stiles scoffed.
"Yeah but-" Stiles poked his finger into Derek's chest as he said the next word. "You- oh graceful werewolf- do not run into things, like us mere humans."
Derek quickly looked back down at his ankle. "I was running fast."
Stiles let out a disbelieving noise. "Oh whatever. You always run fast, but you don't always get these-" Stiles brushed his fingers under what was a gash when he first saw him, now an almost completely healed minor cut on his face. Derek snapped his gaze up and into Stiles' eyes at the contact. Stiles' throat seemed to forget what words to form next. "Um they-they are um-" Stiles seemed to realize his fingers were still stroking Derek's face. He pulled his hand away.
Derek seemed to be drugged by the contact and unconsciously leaned into it.
He ached to touch Derek's face again, but Stiles' hand was still retreating until he realized it was gone. He brushed his fingers against his cheek again. Derek's eyes fluttered closed. "It's gone."
His eyes opened again and he spoke with a dry throat. "Wh-what is gone?"
Stiles' fingers still danced along his cheek. "The cut. It's gone." Stiles smiled at him. "I must be your magical healing drug."
Just like that whatever fragile moment they were having was shattered. "Stiles why are you here?" There goes Derek being distant again.
"You mean what is my purpose in life or wh-"
"Why are you in the middle of the woods alone." Derek asked annoyed.
"Oh you know looking for unicorns I've heard if you ask really nicely they'll stab bearded green eyed were-men that get on your nerves and here's to hopin." Stiles clasped his hands together and batted his eyes at the sky with a dreamy expression, one that was quickly wiped from his face to be replaced by a no shit Sherlock face. "I was looking for you dumbass."
Derek raised an eyebrow and Stiles knows that eyebrow raise. That is the eyebrow raise that means I'm about to say something very mean, but it's because we are edging into sensitive feelings area. "Sorry Stiles, I thought even you would know not to follow someone who, very clearly, didn't want to be followed. But forgive me for being a dumbass by not realizing how pathetically dumb you are. I'll make sure to spell it out next time, dumbass." He finished with none of the earlier lighthearted banter and all the edge he could muster. He stood up and turned like he was going to leave.
Stiles grabbed his arm. "I'm sorry. We weren't thinking. We shouldn't have messed around like that. It was disrespectful and crass. We can go back to the reserve. I'll pack lawn chairs. Just please forgive me. Forgive us. We didn-"
Derek turned back with wide puzzled eyes. "You think I'm angry at you?"
Stiles floundered for words. "Um. Well I mean I- Yes." Stiles looked puzzled now and squinted. "Aren't you?"
"Why would I be mad?" Derek asked like he couldn't think of a single reason.
"Um for starters? We wrestled on the ground that used to be the home that got taken away from you. That place holds so many bad memories for you and you found us laughing. We basically laughed at your past trauma. And I'm sorr-"
Derek waved his hands. "Stiles do you know why I don't go back to the Hale house anymore?"
Stiles could tell this was serious. "Uh... because of the trauma, and bad memories, and stuff?"
Derek shook his head unflinching in Stiles' insensitivity. "The silence. It is deafening. Especially to me. I can hear things you never even knew made a sound."
Derek moved to sit beside him on the log and stared down at the ground in front of them, he knew how much that meant. It meant Derek was trusting him enough to speak to him, trusting that Stiles would listen.
"And sure I can hear the leaves rustling outside, and the birds, and everything else, but inside? It's dead noise. There's nothing except me." He looked at Stiles haunted. "I don't go to the house not because of bad memories, but because of the good ones."
Derek looked down at his hands. The only way Stiles could tell he was crying was because he brought his hand up to wipe his face. "I still remember what Cora's little feet sounded like tottering down the hall. I remember hearing my little brother watching cartoons on Sundays. I remember Peter playing Marco Polo with my cousins, but instead of saying Polo he'd say, "Daddy loves you." I remember my dad singing while cooking and my- my mom hugging him from behind so she could sing him the next line. I-" His voice cracks and Stiles doesn't know how much more he can take and he doesn't know if he's thinking of himself or Derek. "I remember when I would wake up from nightmares and I would focus on every single heartbeat in the house till their rhythm soothed me to sleep. I remember focusing on every little sound every one of them made when I was learning to control my shift. Now there-" His voice broke, too filled with emotion. "There is just silence."
There was a pause and after hearing how much he hates the quiet now Stiles ached to fill it for him, but could not find the words.
Stiles finally spoke, "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry it wasn't your-"
Stiles waved his hand and bulldozed over him. "No I'm not sorry about the fire. Oh shit no! That's not what I mean! I mean I am sorry for the fire, but not now. Well I mean I'm still sorry for the fire just that wasn't what I meant and-"
"Stiles." Derek said plainly.
"Derek?" Stiles looked uncomfortable.
"What did you mean."
He let out a deep breath before speaking. "I meant I'm sorry we went there, and we caused you pain."
"You still don't understand. I wasn't mad because you were laughing and having fun. Stiles that was my home. There are far more good memories there than bad, even if the bad are the most memorable. That's not why I left, I left because I was overwhelmed with having a pack to fill the silence, but then as soon as you all saw me you stopped. I left because I couldn't be the reason for silence again. Not again." He could tell he was crying steadily now.
Stiles spoke softly, "Derek."
He didn't look up at him. Stiles turned towards him, and cupped his hand around the back of Derek's neck. He looked absolutely wrecked.
"Derek, that wasn't your fault. You know that right? We've been over this. What she did was not your fault, and the reason we were quiet was because we didn't know how you were going to react."
Stiles started wiping his tears.
"They do it every practice. As soon as I start talking, they stop joking."
"Because you are their alpha."
Derek's eyes flashed.
"Exactly. That comes with power and respect. They respect you, and when it's time to get serious, they do. They are not falling silent Derek. They are listening, listening to you. We're always ready to listen to you. Or to fill the silence, which I am particularly good at. You just have to tell us what you need."
Stiles' thumb started stroking his neck at some point, and with how much more relaxed Derek had become, he wasn't about to stop.
There was a pause.
"Thank you. And you're actually surprisingly good at both." He mumbled the last bit, but he said it with honesty.
Derek looked lighter, like he had let something heavy off his chest. Curse werewolf healing, his eyes weren't even red or puffy anymore he was already back to Greek god mode like it never happened.
Stiles' hand left his neck to squeeze Derek's shoulder into him, in a half hug. "Anytime man." Then he slapped his back lightly.
Stiles looked around and noticed that it was getting dark out. "Well I'd love to stay forever, but mosquitoes are getting a little too chompy on the first date so..."
"Forever? You couldn't handle it for more than five minutes, you baby. Besides I have more important things to do than stay here, with you." Normally Stiles would brush it off, but he said it with a note of bitterness and any hit towards their reciprocal, but half unwelcome feelings made him upset.
"Right... okay. Let's go jackass."
Stiles moved to get up, away from Derek, and forgot about his hurt leg, so he promptly landed in a heap on the floor.
Or he would've if Derek wouldn't have caught him and sat him back down.
"You have to do that on purpose. Nobody could be that clumsy."
"Believe it or not it's god given."
Derek smirked. "More like baby dropped."
Stiles put a hand over his heart. "I take great offence to that."
"Yeah well, my recompense will be carrying you to your jeep."
Stiles stilled, like he hadn't thought about how he was getting back. "Don't be stupid. I can walk. Like a man." He was still stinging from Derek's dismissal of him.
"Stiles already without a sprain  you don't walk like a man. You flail like a baby horse."
"1. Baby horses are called foals. 2. I most certainly do not! And 3. You are not carrying me, you ass."
"Stiles just get climb on my back." Derek said flatly.
"I am most certainly not getting a piggy back ride from you like a fucking two year old!" It was spoken with conviction, but punctuated with a stamp of the foot. At this point he realized he was being ridiculous.
"Why not, you're acting like one?" Derek looked entirely unimpressed at Stiles' gaping face. "Besides you do it with the pack all the time."
Stiles realized that this was a stupid thing to argue about, what Derek said was already forgiven, even if he didn't want to, because he knew why he said it. It wasn't even that bad, but he had chosen his rock and god damn him if he wasn't going to die upon it! "I would rather starve in these woods than be piggy backed to safety!"
Derek let out a growl of frustration. "So I'm guessing princess carry is out."
"Do not doubt my ability to find wolvesbane in this forest."
Derek scoffed as he scrubbed his hand down his face. "Stiles I doubt your ability to find your own ass in this forest."
"Maybe mistletoe then." Stiles started looking around.
"Mistletoe doesn't grow in this forest." A fond look found its way to Derek's face.
Stiles leveled him with a glare. "I'll plant it myself."
Derek laughed genuinely and Stiles forgot what they were arguing about.
Stiles looked over his shoulders. "Where?"
"Tch. No you idiot! Fireman carry."
Stiles thought about Derek fireman carrying him to safety and somehow when they got back to his jeep Derek was in complete gear sans shirt and jacket. He let him down with a 'You're safe now' and who was even dousing him in water!? Why was Isaac in his daydream and who gave him a fire hose!
"Absolutely not."
"Well then what else is there!" Derek threw his hands up. "Stop being ridiculous. You have to be out of stupid shit to say by now! Just get on my back."
Derek should have know Stiles will never be out of stupid shit to say. In fact he should have known it would come across as 'I dare you to say even stupider shitier things' in great big flashing neon letters.
"I could get on your shoulders."
If he wasn't an atheist Stiles had never seen a more impressive Jesus give me strength face worthy of the second coming.
"Let me- You kno- How- What ev-" Derek moved his hands and paused them with every start and stop.
"Do yo-" Stiles began.
"Oh no. Nope. Em em. Ah ah." He gave the zipping motion to Stiles.
A few seconds later Stiles was about to start talking again and he made the motion again. He let out a groan.
"Let me get this straight. You want me to carry you. On my shoulders. Two miles. Through the woods. All the way back to your jeep."
"Yes." Stiles replied like it was obviously the best solution and made no sense why it had taken him so long to catch up.
"Okay. Okay. Stiles?"
"Explain me this, how is getting a piggy back ride less dignified than TOTEM POLEING THROUGH THE WOODS AT DUSK!" Derek was heaving and his eyes were wild.
This is the part any sane person would have been like, 'You're totally right dude. My bad. Thank you for carrying me. Let me just hop on your back.'
This is the part Stiles said, "We would be piggy backing at dusk too." When Derek gives him the murder eyebrows he continued, "I mean it's a moot point. They both would be at dusk so why even bring it up?"
Derek's face flashed 'how is this my life' briefly before pinching the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep breath, flinging both of his arms out, then letting them slap against his legs. "You're right Stiles how dare I bring up that it's dusk. It was stupid of me."
Stiles gets a shit eating grin before saying, "Well, at least you admit it was stupid." Stiles planned to take advantage of what was going to be a dark drive home to thank his lucky stars, because of how many times he'd seen Derek smile in one night. Even if this time it is heavily riddled with exasperation and eventually reluctant affection.
"We do need to get you home soon. And although I am in favor of letting your head whap against countless tree branches along the way, I'll have sore shoulders in the morning."
"You won't be sore, you have werewolf strength."
"Stiles. You're heavy." Derek almost added a duh, but didn't.
Stiles' mouth fell into an O shape. "Did you just call me fat!"
Derek growled and stalked closer to growl in Stiles' face. "Pick a position or I'll pick one for you!" He spun and walked to lean against a nearby tree.
Stiles was glad for the falling darkness because of his rosy cheeks. "Piggy, fireman, princess, and totem are all out. What if I just put an arm around you and limp along?"
"That would take forever."
"Hm. True."
"I could always carry you under my arm like a dead piece of wood." Derek offered disinterested while staring at another tree right in front of him.
"Ha ha."
"I'm serious.  I'm two seconds away from knocking you out and doing as I please."
"Okay fine I think I have it. Come here."
Derek pushed off his tree and met the hobbling Stiles next to a wide tree. He stood in front of Stiles.
"Okay now wh-"
Stiles pushed off the ground with his good leg and the stick while jumping up. Stiles' arms grappled around Derek's shoulders, after dropping the stick, and his legs secured as well as he could, but he new he was going down without werewolf reflexes.
Derek's hands roughly grabbed his ass, but the surprise momentum pulled him forward and Stiles' back crashed into the other tree.
Derek's voice came out muffled from where his face smooshed into Stiles' shoulder, "Well then next time warn me!"
Stiles adjusted himself in Derek's grip and moved his hands to Derek's neck. "Move! My back is getting bark imbedded into it."
Derek stood up straight and took Stiles with him. "I wasn't the one wh-" Derek stopped. It was dark, but not dark enough that he couldn't see that while he was looking at Stiles' eyes, Stiles was looking at his lips. Nor was it dark enough for Stiles to not be able to see how beautiful Derek's lips were when he was sassing him. Stiles looked back up and my God his lips were beautiful, but his eyes were majestic. Stiles loved them even more when they trailed down to look at his lips. He smirked and started to lean in.
Now this would be a terrible time for Derek to drop him.
"Wham! Crack! OW!"
"Holy shit! Fuck! Sorry!" Derek knelt down in a hurry.
Stiles was moaning in pain. "Not only did I hit my ankle you dropped my tailbone right onto a tree branch asswipe!"
Stiles saw black veins crawl up Derek's arm and he slapped it away. Derek looked about as hurt as Stiles felt.
"If you take too much pain, you'll be too weak to carry me dumbutt. And I'd rather not die from freezing to death in these woods, which is becoming increasingly more likely!"
"You're hurt. And did you just call me a dumbutt?"
Stiles was starting to get seriously irritated from the pain of quite literally being dropped on his ass because Derek didn't want to kiss him. Whatever, it was a bad idea anyway. "Yes. We've established that cave wolf. Me hurt. You Derek. Fire hot. Tonight cold."
Derek seemed to be snapped out of his trance. "You're cold?"
Derek was getting on his last nerve. Stiles started moving his hands wildly while getting up with Derek's help. "Oh gee I don't know. Why would I be cold right now? In the middle of the woods! At nightfall. With only a flimsy jacket. Should I say a list of things I am right now and save us some time? Okay first, I'm cold. We've established that. Second, I'm tired. Because even though I should've been catching up on all the sleep I've missed while researching every possible threat under the fucking sun that decided to mess with us just these last few months, I haven't been able to sleep since the last pack meeting, too busy worrying about what to say to you! Third, I'm hungry as shit. No lunch today because I had to help Malia, Issac, and Scott cram study. Fourth, I just want to be home, but I'm stuck out here with you! Which, by the way, I have no idea how that keeps happening! And fifth, I'm hurt. Both of which I'm blaming you for! I don't care if they both happened because of me! They are both your fault, and you are letting me pick what kind of takeout we get for the next three pack meetings!" He finished his rant by sticking a finger right in Derek's face.
Derek nodded his head and seemed to be taking it all in.
He dropped his finger and let out a deep breath.
Derek broke the charged silence. "You forgot upset and frustrated with me."
He narrowed his eyes looking like he was trying to decide whether to take it as it was intended, as a lighthearted olive branch, or to blow up again. He started to open his mouth.
Derek interrupted before he could speak. "I'm sorry Stiles. I didn't mean to upset or hurt you-"
Stiles scoffed.
"Even if it does happen without me meaning it. I am sorry." Derek looked sincere.
Stiles nodded his head as he yawned. "I know I'm just-"
"Just tired? Cold? Hungry? Upset?" Derek smirked and he could never stay mad at that face.
"S-something like that." Stiles' teeth started chattering.
Derek moved close to him and gingerly brushed his cheek with his knuckles in mirror of what Stiles had done earlier. Stiles' eyelashes fluttered and the white clouds momentarily stopped billowing from his mouth.
"You are really cold. We should hurry." Derek said with concern.
He moved back a little and Stiles couldn't tell if he was swaying because his balance was off or because he was at war with himself on whether or not to follow that wonderful warmth. He focused back to reality and saw Derek moving.
"What are you doing?"
Derek gave eyebrow raise number forty -eight, 'Go on. Try reeeally hard you'll figure it out.' before Stiles felt a calming, comfortable warmth settle around his shoulders. He almost moaned out loud at the heat seeping down to his frozen bones.
"This is your jacket."
"How very intuitive of you." He snarked as he held both sides of the collar so it wouldn't fall off as Stiles put his arms in.
"Your favorite jacket." He started to put his arms in slowly.
"What makes you think it's my favorite? I have a lot of leather jackets."
"Because you wear it as often as you can without wearing it too much so you don't ruin it. You always wear this one to important things. It reminds me of one time when I was at Scott's I almost borrowed one of his hoodies, but he nearly clawed me to pieces because it's the one that Allison always wears. You're like that with this jacket. I've seen you openly avoid letting people touch you when you're wearing this, even the pack. Wait I think it wa- Was it your-" Stiles trailed off.
Derek nodded knowing what he meant. "It was my dad's. It survived the fire because a week before Cora had spilled fruit punch on dad and it got on the liner, so it was at the dry cleaners. My mom would steal it sometimes because she said it smelled more like him than he did some days because of how much he wore it. Now it's the only thing I have that smells like both of them without smoke."
Stiles felt his stomach drop out. He hurriedly started to take it off. "Oh my god Derek! Why would you let me wear it then!" Derek stopped him from taking the coat off.
"No it's okay. Whenever my mom said he was going to tire out his jacket from wearing it too much my dad always said 'you can have useful things, but they're only things worth having if you use them fully'. When I first found out that they had his jacket I never wanted to wear it, but then I thought about him. He would've wanted me to wear it. I felt guilty whenever I saw it just hanging in the closet. It made me feel empty looking at the jacket my dad used to fill. Eventually I grew into it and wore it as a comfort, but lately the only reason I still smell them on that jacket is because I picture their scents. Besides you're cold."
Derek looked like it was genuinely okay that he was wearing it, almost like he approved while zipping the zipper.
"I- I don't even know what to say... Thank you Derek."
Derek smiled at him. "You always know what to say."
They shared a pleasant pause before Derek spoke again.
"Now we have to get you home."
"Alright turn around and crouch down."
Derek shot up a questioning, amused brow. "What do you mean?"
He sighed. "Don't make this any harder than it has to be."
"I haven't a possible idea what you're talking about. Maybe you are referring to, how did you put it, 'I am not getting a piggyback like a fucking two year old' hm?"
They both were trying to conceal rapidly growing grins.
Derek continued with a wide smile. "Maybe you would prefer to totem pole through the woods?... At dusk."
They both lost it. Stiles doubled over in laughter, and Derek's face betrayed nothing besides pure glee and happiness as laughter shook his shoulders.
Stiles was nearly breathless as he attempted to stifle his giggles in a leather sleeve. "You ass."
"You're the one that said it." Derek spoke still with a face splitting smile. "I still can't believe you did."
Stiles shrugged and looked at him. "Now I'm glad I did." His eyes trailed down. "I love it when you smile with your teeth."
Derek looked down then away at the completely fallen night. "We should start heading back."
He turned and crouched. Stiles settled in as a soothing weight and calming warmth on his back. After he wrapped his hands securely around his neck, Derek slowly lifted to his feet while gently grabbing Stiles' thighs, careful not to jostle his hurt ankle. They could never do this again and Derek would still never forget what it felt like to have Stiles this close, even if it had only been for a couple seconds so far.
"Giddy up werewolf."
"I can still leave you here." Derek said even as he started moving.
"You know I don't believe your threats anymore."
"All alone with no one to save you."
"The moon would guide me back."
"Last I checked she's more my ally then yours."
"Exactly. You need me, so she'd bring me back to you." Derek steps seemed to falter for a moment and he gripped harder into Stiles' legs.
Derek seemed uncomfortable. "Oh? She would, would she? And did-did you read that in a book?" Derek asked cautiously.
"What? No. Should I have? Is there a book about the moon guiding people?" Stiles scoffed. "Tales and tails: Lunar sherpa edition?"
"Mythos of the moon mates." Derek said seriously.
Stiles snickered and Derek started to chuckle as well.
They were silent for awhile, and Derek could get used to being this close to him. His normally jackrabbiting heartbeat was calm against his back. His breath was gently fanning across his ear and neck keeping Derek warm. He ached thinking about how similar curling up on the couch with him would be.
"Does it hurt when I'm this close?"
Derek nearly choked. "Ah uhm how di- what?"
"Oh sorry I was just thinking does it hurt when I'm this close and talking? Like are your super ears sore? What would happen if I screamed this close?"
"Oh. Well it's kind of uncomfortable, but the 'super ears', as a literal five year old put it, are easy to deal with once you learn control. I can almost dial it. And what might happen is I might drop you on your ass, but on purpose this time." Derek softened his senses because he knew the shit. He had no doubt Stiles would 'see something' and 'have to' scream.
Stiles took him by surprise. "Is this better?" He whispered right by his ear.
Derek nearly dropped him. "You know I think it's about the same. It must be a directional thing. You can just talk normally. Please talk normally."
Stiles turned his head away and laid it on his shoulder. "Better?"
It was slightly better and slightly worse. "Is that comfortable for you?"
Stiles yawned. "It's so comfortable I could fall asleep." The only thing that bothered Stiles was that before the heat from Derek radiated to half his face now the cold was biting at his face.
"Then go to sleep."
He yawned again. "I shouldn't. I have to get back."
"I'm carrying you. Then, I'll drive you back. Go to sleep Stiles."
"Okay bossy." His words sounded muffled from how his cheek was smushed into his shoulder.
Stiles was slowly drifting off with the rhythm of Derek's steps. He was in the tired delirious stage right before slipping into unconsciousness. He groggily lifted his head up to the sky.
"Oh wait, I forgot to thank the stars."
Even though Stiles couldn't see it Derek's eyebrows rose. He too looked up at the crystal clear sky and bright twinkling stars. "What?"
"I forgot to thank the stars that I got to see you smile and laugh so much tonight. Tonight was a good night." Like he had never spoken Stiles' head thunked back down, but this time he faced the other way. Stiles' frozen nose burrowed into his neck and his breath came out in warm puffs. Normally he didn't get the whole werewolf deal with smell, but with his nose pressed against Derek, his cologne and scent smelling like safety made him think he could.
Derek could feel his neck and face heat despite not having the warmth of a jacket, he had something better, the warmth of a Stiles.
"You sprained your ankle tonight Stiles."
"I don't care. Doesn't-" Stiles yawned, "matter. I made you laugh... I love you when you- when you la-"
Derek could tell Stiles lost his fight against sleep as his heart rate calmed. His own however was beating faster than he had ever heard Stiles'. This wasn't an 'I love it when...' thing, he had said 'I love you when...' and some how that made a big difference.
He always tried denying and fighting this thing they had and both were aware of because he knew he was only good at two things. Hurting people and getting hurt. Derek knew Stiles wasn't going to hurt him, well at least not on purpose, not with how many times he's saved him. Still, he knew he could never really love someone, not if he cared for them. Because that's how he felt, he cared for Stiles, he didn't love him. Because everyone Derek loves ends up hurt or hurting him. They end up dead or making Derek wish he was instead.
He cared for Stiles because he really should've been using a different word, but it scared him and it didn't matter before. Stiles didn't even like him that much, before. Before Stiles was softly snoring in his ear and drooling on his neck. Before Stiles said something stupid. Before he said something that snapped Derek out of his denial, and reminded him just how much he wanted. Derek knew what he would've said if he hadn't fallen asleep, but he couldn't help only hearing what he wanted to.
Stiles loved him.
AN This is part one for Sterek week prompt outdoors. Part two will be published tomorrow for movie night. Thanks for reading!
                                                                                             Carter :)  
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adarkmaan · 4 years
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Klaroline Bingo 2020 by @klaroline-events
Prompt: Bedroom
This one shot is set in the last chapter of season 4.
4x23 Graduation ep.
After giving us the legendary "However long it takes" scene, we know the two of them are going together.
But what happened next? Does Caroline come to thank him for the gift?
Here the details of what happened once he went to Nola and then returned but not like Silas(?)
A one shot that could explain how they both managed to better establish their friendship to move forward with it.
I also want to detail that I was very inspired by this one shot by a song by Radiohead (Street Spirit (fade out))
***I recommend listening to it while reading, as this will return a more emotional scene.
“Let’s get out of here before 12 furious hybrids decide to pick up a fight.”
 Those were the words that accompanied them that night to their house, they had walked in silence to Caroline’s house, admiring what the darkness had for them. Once she arrived at his house he insisted on leaving her to the door, what she had not thought was how he had referred to the door to her room and not to her porch.
 Entering her room again she observed him standing in front of her bed, like the first time she met him, now appreciating that new perspective she hastened to comment.
 “Well … my mom is incredibly asleep and safe from everyone, there is no sign that any hybrid or witch is close, not even Silas. You could say that this day was a success. ” A smile appeared on her lips surrounding the static body in front of her.
 “Concerned about your mother, love?” He dared to mention, Klaus gently turning his gaze before taking a few light steps back.
 “Yes, just the other time I almost lost her when Silas got into my mind making me think that Matt and yo-…” She stopped abruptly thinking very well of what she would say.
She remembered how Silas in her head had used Klaus’ appearance to take advantage of the situation and how she had taken his words into account for a moment, but they were never true since that conversation she never really had with Klaus.
 “But it doesn’t matter anymore, because she is fine, sleeping happily knowing that her daughter has finally graduated” She clarified with a slight mocking grimace on her features but without losing the happiness she had since dawn.
 Klaus stared at her curious as she hadn’t finished her sentence but still managed to get away with it, giving him the last event in the end without needing to go into detail. He remembered for a moment how Silas had entered his mind, and how he had made Caroline feel so alive at first. Understanding what the young vampire could have gone through, his gaze relaxed and he raised his eyebrows opening his jaw to speak this time.
 “Certainly, well it will be better …” He took a bit of air and turned to take the door bolt and move forward with it, wanting to leave her in its own space.
 Seeing him hurry, she did not avoid feeling the anxiety that began to grow in her, she still had to tell him something else but she did not know what to misplace with.
 “Thank you, for my gift.” she felt the duty to clarify, curiously observing his back again. Why did it seem that he could not resist looking at her now?
 Without wanting him to say anything else, she spoke again, being clearer and standing up, wanting to change the attitude she had taken in the past.
 “Everyone says you’re going for good.” She remembered her words with Silas and yet added. “But I don’t think they know your reasons well …”
 “It is an issue that I must solve as soon as I arrived in New Orleans”
 Although she had managed to get him to glance over his shoulder, she continued to approach cautiously.
 “Well … make sure you do your job well, well… and quickly.”
 She murmured, hoping that he would feel the touch of hope that she had added to the last one. Having gone over that scene in her mind so many times, she caught herself wanting him to explain his trip to New Orleans, but she was never going to admit it, however she could see that it was undoubtedly a serious matter for which Klaus had decided to leave Mystic Falls; and also realized how she wanted him to tell her that.
 To be honest, I don’t know how to stop thinking about you.
 She was really longing for him to say that, deep down she expected it, but it didn’t come.
 Raising her gaze without knowing at what moment she had lowered it, she ran into the hybrid again in front of her observing her in that peculiar way that he had when he wanted something, his face had such a calm appearance but his eyes … she felt that she could see the sadness of his actions in these disappearing. She saw herself this time looking for all the good demonstrations she had seen in him since she met him, and it was so painful to see the man in front of her. He wasn’t a bad person, he had simply made wrong decisions, something that was very human.
 She had taken it upon herself to judge him very quickly, but now, even knowing hher fear of how his gaze was holding her, she didn’t know what else to say.
 He however observed her wanting to confess everything, but there was no point in including her in a problem to which she did not belong, he just waited patiently to see how she disarmed her as he slowly approached her face, with the same caution when he kissed her cheek before.
 Getting close enough he could slowly brush the corner of her lips placing a warm kiss on them, his lips pressed for a few seconds until he saw how she wasn’t the only one who wanted that moment to last. She had closed her eyes longing and it was when she could hear that imperceptible whisper, if it hadn’t been for her 1,000-year-old good ear he wouldn’t have been able to hear.
 Cursing himself for a second and for not having brought his body out of that house before, he swallowed, taking her last breath as an invitation before gently kissing her lips.
 He slowly moved these hoping that the young vampire wouldn’t reject his action, on the contrary she reciprocated but with stealth as she pressed her hands to her sides wanting to give herself strength. Noticing that, he softened her touch, bringing both hands to the forearms of Caroline to relax her with soft caresses as he let his foot hit the door behind him, closing the room.
 Turning away when he felt her flinch at the sound of the door, he turned to her, looking at her lips and face. It wasn’t being easy, he wanted to resist that feeling of going further but having her like this in front of him without insulting him or wanting to counter him, they had him confused, he was so immersed in his own control that he didn’t notice when she relaxed before his caresses and gave one step forward, now holding the top of his suit with both hands, somehow drawing him to her.
 Aware of what they had to do after the other’s was more receptive and the kiss that started with nervousness slowly cames an excuse to discover what they both felt, she was able to find her own tranquility mixing with the feelings of Klaus. Letting it go at that moment, Caroline slowly raised her hands to the sides of Klaus’s face, somehow making the kiss deeper and with need, reaching almost on tiptoe, needing to get drunk on him before she could feel any bit of it. Or regret for what he did.
Without allowing himself to think about anything other than the hands of him on her hip, sticking it closer to her and dragging his body forward, she managed to move her hands from slow caresses in part of his scalp to behind his ears, each time lowering she meeting the suit and pulling it down to strip them of it. She moved quickly without giving him a chance to say anything, slowly she herself had sunk into a small world where she simply saw Klaus as the man who wished for love, wishing she were the one to give it to him.
 With both arms now fastened on top of Klaus's shoulders, the subtle touch with which they were treating each other began to disappear, mixing with the anxiety of keeping their hands on top of each other, feeling the need to have her under their buds every second. Klaus however let himself go before feeling how he was overwhelmed by those feelings, seeing how she gave herself in that way.
She was so pure that he wanted to put all his actions on the other side of the scale in order to do justice, allowing his low instincts to take hold of him in the end. He pushed the young vampire body onto the bed, climbing on top of her in seconds, loving how she had made sure to hold on to his tie so that he could find his way to her lips again. With wet kisses he adorned the bare parts of her chest that were visible through the dress. And he forced himself to go further by running a hand down her thigh into the fold of the dress while discreetly looking for how to get rid of her, he took care of enjoying the skin underneath her at all times giving her constant firm but soft caresses as he sank into the cavity of the gap between her neck and shoulder, sucking the skin exquisitely there for him before feeling how Caroline’s legs wrapped around his own waist to keep him as close as she could.
 Returning the action, he slowly and envelopingly moved his hips against her, rubbing himself as necessary, stopping by the miment when she shifted positions against him, raising her dress more, without resisting him again, she kissed Klaus again, taking her hands to all the places she could touch in that moment. At that time, he had unbuttoned his shirt leaving it scruffy and with a sexy touch on his chest by the tie half unbuttoned.
 She stared at him for a few seconds in her own longing to have him after parting from the kiss.
 And in the end she understood.
 She took all the bad and mixed it up. Loneliness, sadness, bitterness, emptiness … To immerse her soul in the darkest place of love.
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Its Always Been You - Chris Evans x Reader
Chris Evans x Reader 
Prompt: Prompt: Start and end with the same line - Line “i never stood a chance, Did i?” 
Word count: 2,177
Warnings: Fluff, very fluffy 
Reader: Female 
Summary: you had a deadbeat boyfriend and finally had enough before you realized the person you were always meant to be with was always right there 
** if you have an idea and wanna message it to me, I am happy to write it. im always looking for one shot prompts or ideas to write on top of the stories I like to put off**
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“I never stood a chance, Did i?” You wondered as the tears that had built up in your eyes finally spilled down your cheek as you looked at him “why did you lead me on then?” You wondered and shoved the man in front of you the man that you had spent the last few months going on date after date for him to just for him to tell you that you were not the one and he was actually already engaged to someone else. You did what any one would do you went to your best friend. No contact. You showed up at the door and knocked on the door, as it swung open you head a dog barking. You saw the tall man standing there opening his arms to you as he saw you were upset “i don’t know why I try” you said to him as you feel his arms pull you in and your head rests in his chest as he rubs your back softly pulling you into the house softly so he can close the door before his dog gets out “you try because you have a big heart, even for that asshole, who does not deserve you” He answered back as he kissed the top of your head softly, in a comforting manner, you didn’t think anything of it “no its exactly what I deserve” you said back to him “if you excuse me I am going to go actual dead man float in your pool” you said as you pulled your phone out of your pocket set it on the table as you walked by and belly flopped into the pool. His dog jumped in after you and stopped you from doing whatever you were doing. You laugh as you float in his pool “dodger stop!!” You laugh and try and swim away from the dog as you felt another splash behind you “Chris Make him stop, he might actually drown me” you said as you couldn’t really touch where you decided to jump in fully clothed into the pool He saw over to you and supported you as dodger gave you one more lick and got himself out of the pool “it doesn’t help that you are fully clothed in the pool, that gives you a good 10 pounds more” he said as you splashed him “Evans i swear” you said back to him as you reached and pulled off your shirt just leaving you in a bralette which is basically like a bikini top anyways. And tossed it to the side of the pool, followed by your jeans and then swam away from him. He shook his head and didn’t follow, as the two of you swam for awhile before you pulled yourself out of the water. “can I uh borrow those sweatpants that are now too small for you since you became the hulk?” You wondered as you looked at your best friend who basically was beefing up for his next movie “they still fit, what are you talking about?” He said as he grabbed himself a towel and threw one at you, and you wrapped it around yourself “you mean the ones that, sit right here on your hip bone, that if you bend over you could rip the ass out in them..” You countered back and raised an eyebrow and walked into his room to find them yourself. Dodger happily followed as you were one of his favorite people.
You didn’t mind changing infant of Chris, as the two of you grew up close, in locker rooms, dressing rooms for plays, you met in college in new York as you both auditioned for the same show and kinda just hit it off. You went over to his dresser and dug in his drawer and pulled them out “you mean these that you have had since college” you said as you slide off your panties and slide his sweatpants on. And then went and grabbed one of his t-shirts and turned so your back was facing him and unclipped the bra and pulled his shirt on. When you turned around you saw he was in the middle of changing himself. You couldn’t help but look him up and down because let's be honest tho it was just friendship, you had to admit that he kept it tight. Chris shook his head at you as he walked away. You followed and went and laid on his couch “do you still have that Mint chip?” You wondered as this wasn’t the first time you ended up on his couch after you and Matt, ended things cause he cheated and you always forgave him, cause you thought its what you deserve “if I give it to you, do you promise to share?” He wondered grabbing it out of the freezer You shook your head “no, what have you not learned this entire friendship is soul based on your able ness to not take the ice cream when I'm heart broken” you said and took it from him when he brought it over “is this the last time?” He wondered looking at you. As you had a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth as you looked at him with your big eyes, wet hair. You shrugged looking at him as you were not sure, your head was telling you yes, but your heart wanted to try one more time. “im not sure” you responded with a mouth full of ice cream. And sighed “yes? I need it to be, but we moved in together, and where am I suppose to stay? I can’t move home. God I can’t do that’ you said back to him “well ill be in Atlanta for the next couple months, why don’t you stay here, and keep dodger company, and ill be home and come visit, well you work getting back on your feet?” He offered you. You knew this is what you needed, you didn’t have an excuse to go running back to him now so all you did was nod “okay, but you have to come with me to get all of my stuff” you asked him, and he knew what that meant, and he didn’t hesitate to respond yes. You sigh as the two of you sat on his couch with dodger in between the both of you, watching Netflix, laughing at one of his old movies ‘playing in cool’ mostly at the part where he dressed like a girl. It was your favorite form of blackmail, you made him watch it every time you got your heart broken. He was your best friend and did everything you wanted him to do without hesitation. Chris left town to work on one of the new avenger movies, or solo movie you we're not entirely sure. You and dodger held down the fort. You held your ground, no matter when Matt tried to come crawling back to you, you said no, you kept saying no. You needed to get away, before you gave in. so you got yourself a ticket to see your best friend work on one of the biggest movies of the summer, a short flight later you knocked on his hotel room, but he was not there, instead his assistant answered and let you in, and told you to make yourself comfortable. He would be on set late that night.
You walked around his suite, seeing the giant tub. You smile as you finish your tour. You wanted to take full advantage of that tub, it was like the one you always wanted and tried to get Chris to get when he remodeled but he got one with jets and was lame, nothing like the old fashion claw foot tubs. You put your hair in a messy bun and turned on the hot water, and found some bubbles and let that stu as you turned on your favorite album and grabbed the book he was reading as you didn’t bring your own, and climbed into the tub and just relaxed. About an hour later you heard the Hotel room door open and shut “y/n” he yelled like he was letting you know he was home “In the bathroom” you said back as you folded the page of his book you were on and turned to look at him walking though the door as he laughed “i knew I would find you in that thing” Chris smiled “come on we are going out with the cast, since off, and get dressed, you and I are going to have fun” he said to you “seriously, Mackie wants to meet you” He said mentioning one of the newest cast members “oh my god okay, grab my dress out of my bag and ill jump in the shower” You said handing him the book “also I need to borrow that when you get home” you said as he left “DON”T LOOSE MY PAGE” you said letting the water out of the tub and went and rinsed off in the shower before wrapping a towel around your waist and walked out to the living area where he pulled out the dress you asked for, you changed and went into the bathroom to put your face on and simple curl your hair. You heard a knock on the door as Chris answered it, and heard two men walk in, you peak your head out the door and went running over to Sebastian “Stannn!” You said giving him a hug, it has been a second since you had seen him in a few years. Sebastian smiled and hugged you back and introduced you to Anthony the newest member of the Capitan America cast. “alright are you boys ready to go out?” You smirked and slide on your heals becoming as tall as Chris was, you linked your arms with his as the four of you walked out of the hotel room and walked to the nearest bar. You went to our go to drink and the boys drank beer. A few drinks later, you were on the dance floor with Chris swaying to a slow song, you were a little more drunk than you normally were at that point, Anthony was not messing around with the shots. “I love you, you know that?” you wondered as you looked up at Chris He nodded “i know, I don’t know where my life would be with out your crazy self” He said honestly with a slight grin as he spun you. You spun then quickly steadied yourself as you put your hands on his chest and your forehead into his shoulder, as his arms went around your waist “y/n” he paused for a second before he kept talking “you know its always been you right?” He wondered. YOu pulled your head away just slightly and looked at him “always been me?” You wondered back, I mean you loved chris, but you didn’t believe that you deserve to loved like this man could love you. “I love you, I mean like love you, its always been you ive dreamed about spending my future with, and I know you don[t think you deserve to be happy for whatever reason, and I am right here to tell you that you are wrong. You deserve the damn world. And to be swept off your feet, in the right way” he said as he moved one of his hands to your cheek, and leaned down connecting the two of your together. His lips connected to yours. You never felt that sort of connection with anyone, in one simple kiss. You slowly pulled away from him as you looked up into his baby blue eyes as he looked in yours. You could swear you two were the only ones left in the bar. You thought this is what those movies were talking about “Chris” you said softly as you could feel his breath as Anthony walked up bringing you another shot “i can’t sorry” you said to Anthony before letting go of Chris and walking out of the bar. You needed a breath. Chris followed you out “y/n” he said softly as you turned to look at him your fingers linger on your lips as you still felt his against yours. You walked back over to him and crashed your lips back to his. The two of you end up back up in his hotel room.
The two of you woke up at the sound of Chris Alarm, you rolled over and saw him slowly starting to wake up, you bite your lip your lip as you just watched him come around “ I shouldn’t have fought it for so long” you sighed as he sat up slightly and gave you a peck on the lips before reaching over and turning off his alarm. “i never stood a chance did I?” You wondered as he was always the one you were meant to be with. It just took you long enough to figure it out.
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introvertguide · 4 years
King Kong (1933); AFI #41
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The latest movie for review was the one and only creature feature on the AFI top 100 list, the iconic Kong Kong (1933). This was the equivalent of a blockbuster for the time as it was first presented at Radio City Music Hall for 4 days and all shows were sold out. The film incorporated layering technology that had never been utilized before, which I assume made the experience of watching in a 9,000 attendance capacity crowd on a 30 foot screen an amazing experience. The film did not win any awards, but has since been recognized as a defining film for special effects in Old Hollywood. I was able to track down a version of the movie with commentary by Ray Harryhausen and I want to discuss what was revealed about the film production, but we should do a quick summary of the film first. I will not go into too much detail since the film has been remade three times now and most everybody knows the story, but I still need to do the standard...
The film starts out with a movie director named Carl Denham (Robert Armstrong) who is looking to discover an actress. He has a map to a secret island and he wants to shoot a film there. He hired a ship with a crew and his producer has secured a camera, but an actress is still needed. Denham scours the streets looking for a pretty new face that is desperate enough to not ask questions. He quickly discovers Ann Darrow (Fay Wray) as she is trying to steal an apple from an apple cart. He pays for her, gives her some food, and whisks her away on the boat.
On the ship, it is revealed that only Denham knows where they are going. He has a hand drawn map to a place called Skull Island where there is a giant wall that contains a world of monsters. Ann Darrow falls in love with the first mate, Jack Driscoll (Bruce Cabot), by the time boat makes it to the island. A large group goes ashore and they run into natives in front of a huge wall with a giant door. There seemed to be some sort of ceremony involving the sacrifice of a young girl, but that changes when the natives see Ann and they want to take her for their ceremony. The group from the boat decides it is a good idea to get off the island, so they row back to the ship. In the night, a group of natives spirit away Ann and her absence is quickly noticed. 
Fires and celebration light up the sky and the crew figures out that the natives stole their actress. The tribe is then shown opening up the giant door, tying Ann to some rocks inside the enclosure, closing the doors leaving her alone, and then hitting a gong to summon the beast.  The sailors all run up on the natives right as Kong appears and takes away Ann. The group including Denham and Driscoll open the door and half the group chases after Kong deep into the enclosure. 
All of the men who go inside are slowly picked off by either Kong or dinosaurs that live in the enclosure, which turns out to be somewhat of a Jurassic jungle. Kong has to constantly fight off beasts that want to steal Ann from him including an allosaur, pterodactyls, and what appears to be the Loch Ness monster. With the constant barrage of predators, the chase team of sailors is whittled down to just Driscoll and Denham. Denham goes back to the gate and Driscoll goes after Ann. During one of Kong’s monster distractions, Driscoll is able to steal Ann and they flee back to the gate with Kong following behind. Everyone gets out of the enclosure successfully, but Kong is so mad he breaks down the gate and wreaks havoc on the native village killing many. Our three main characters and a few of the sailors that stayed behind to guard the gate run back to the boats with Kong following, but Denham is able to throw a gas bomb in the face of the giant gorilla and he is subdued.
The beginning of Act 3 has the hardest cut between settings of any movie I have ever seen, yet it makes sense in the movie. Kong is somehow transferred to New York from Skull Island where the beast is chained up. Time has passed (I am not sure how much) but the giant ape will be revealed to the public at Radio City Music Hall. Denham has made $10,000 in one night in ticket sales to see the beast and gotten ahold of the press to document the occasion. It turns out that Driscoll and Ann are about to be married as well. All of this is neither shown nor explained outside of about 1 minute of dialogue. Anyway, back to the film...
Kong is being displayed for the public and Driscoll and Ann are dressed in their best that Denham has bought for them. The couple are introduced on stage and then the press is brought in to take pictures of the beast. Kong becomes so enraged by all of the flashing that he breaks his bonds and escapes. He is somehow able to get out into the streets where he stomps on people and destroys an elevated train. Ann and Driscoll escape and hide in a hotel which Kong is able to find. He does pick a lady out of the wrong room initially and he just drops her to her death. Second attempt gets a jackpot and Driscoll basically faints while a giant hand steals Ann. 
After some more destruction, Kong takes Ann and climbs the Empire State Building. They get to the top and planes are sent in to shoot Kong off the building. Eventually he falls and dies on impact. Ann and Driscoll are OK and Denham walks out of the crowd to see the body of Kong at the base of the giant building. The movie ends with Denham saying the famous line. “Twas beauty that killed the beast.”
First, let me say what an absolute treat it was to watch this film with the commentary from the great Ray Harryhausen. That man is a class act with so much great insight into film making during the Golden Age of Hollywood. He was apparently 13 when the movie was released and he saw it in theaters on many occasions. The work of special effects director Willis O’Brien and producer Merian Cooper in King Kong influenced Harryhausen when he made The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, Jason and the Argonauts, and Clash of the Titans. The special effects in these films then influenced a huge list of great directors like James Cameron, Guillermo Del Toro, Tim Burton, Peter Jackson, J.J. Abrams, Wes Anderson, and George Lucas. I learned so much about the connection between King Kong and my favorite movies, it was just a great watch.
King Kong was actually made in three different sizes and there were multiple models of each. One giant gorilla head, which was manned by three men, with a single giant foot and a single arm with a hand, were made for the close up interaction shots with the actors. The fingers and toes on the full sized limbs had to be moved by hand (many very strong hands presumably) so there is no movement from the digits in these shots. A bunch of 2 foot wire framed puppets of Kong were made that could interact with the dinosaurs and the buildings around New York. Finally, a couple of six inch puppets were made to superimpose onto stock shots of the Empire State Building for the famous ending shots of Kong climbing the giant building.. 
Almost every shot in the film that didn’t involve a simple human interaction was created through layered shots. All the shots of the island, any shots of King Kong or any monsters, many shots of the jungle, and many shots of King Kong interacting in New York. The use of matte paintings in the far background with paintings on glass in front of those made all the shots seem deep and lush. In front of these were layered the stop motion puppets of Kong and the monsters and at the very front were humans and directly interactive props (cars, plants, huts, etc.). I never realized how much work went into every single shot of this film and I can see why it is so famous.
Another note is the direct influence on some of the most famous films of all time. The approach of King Kong started with sounds, went on to the effect of the great apes weight hitting the ground, and ended with the giant figure coming out from the trees. This method of introducing a monster has been highly copied, most notably the T-Rex in Jurassic Park. 
The film was somewhat risque at the time and some of the film was cut on first release. Kong biting people and squashing natives was not originally included. There was a scene in which Fay Wray fell into water in her ripped white dress and that was not included. Also, Kong picks up a lady from the hotel that Ann is in and promptly drops her (she wasn’t blond so she has to go), which was harsh enough to be cut from the original release. None of this seems that bad today, but there were no restrictions on film in 1933 and studios didn’t know what would upset audiences. 
One thing that struck me as funny while watching (and the commentators noted this as well) was how every character immediately loved and was willing to die for this blond white lady. Denham just found her on the street and the entire crew didn’t think she should be on board for about 3 minutes, then suddenly Driscoll loved her and the entire crew was willing to die horribly to save her. The natives took one look at her and thought she would make a better sacrifice then the young girl they had. Kong was willing to fight off all forms of monster to protect her. I thought he might have simply wanted a companion, but he tossed that other poor woman from the New York hotel down off a building. At the end, men shot the ape off the Empire State Building sending bullet spray everywhere in an effort to save the girl. I honestly don’t think she was worth it, but that is just one man’s opinion. 
So is this film worthy of being on the AFI List? Absolutely yes. It does not have great acting, but the contribution to American cinema through the effects, the story, and the pure ambition is well worth a spot on the list. Would I recommend it? Across the board yes with no hesitation. I especially recommend watching with the commentary, if that is your thing, because watching this film and listening to Ray Harryhausen tell stories is an absolute treat. Definitely one of the best film watching experiences I have ever had. 
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First-Line Center, Part Two
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She hadn’t read the invitation.
It hadn’t changed in years, after all - a set of rules and expectations for a New Year’s party that they were all going to break anyway because the most traditional thing about this team was flouting tradition. So, Emma had mostly ignored it. Until. A shout and Killian refusing to wear a tie and something crashing in her kitchen, one kid worried about another and she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was missing something.
There was a joke about fresh ice to be made, she was sure.
Word Count: 4.1 K Rating: F for festive family feelz AN: There are a lot of people in this story. Like. So many people. Matt Jones thinks his parents are the best, you heard it here first. And this also marks the end of Going Top Shelf on Ao3. There are still far too many one shots I haven’t posted and I don’t know that I’ll ever give up on this ‘verse or this family that is genuinely my most favorite thing to write. I will probably post the rest at some point. Thank you, as always, for letting me shove this family at you, internet. It’s the best. 
|| Also on Ao3 if that’s how you roll ||
The loft, for the most part, hadn’t changed much in the last thirty or so years. Emma wasn’t entirely sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing – there were still crystal glasses and a wait staff with impeccably creased pants and the outfits, across the board, were as absurd and over the top as they normally were. 
It wasn’t much different. 
Except there were more people. There were kids and grandkids and significant others, a low hum of talking and laughing and every single one of them breaking that rule about not discussing hockey. Emma glanced around, trying to find the two other kids that she hadn’t seen yet, but that was a fool’s errand because she heard the footsteps before she heard the shout and the slightly strangled dad seemed to echo around the room as soon as Peggy skidded against Killian’s side. 
“Hey,” she breathed, eyes bright and just a little out of breath and Emma absolutely, positively did not want to consider why that was. She was starting to make several sweeping assumptions. Killian pressed a kiss to the top of her hair, eyes flashing towards Emma. “You guys doing that mind melding thing?” “That what thing, exactly?” Emma asked, and Peggy made a face, twisting so the beads on her dress didn’t dig into Killian’s side. 
“The mind melding thing. Toph said you were doing it before.” “When did you see your brother? And where’s your other one?” “Probably teaching Noah how to score fifty goals a season.” “You think Matt's going to score fifty goals this season?” Killian cut in, interest and something that felt like pride almost too obvious. Emma bit her lip so she didn’t look like a complete idiot when she smiled. 
She wasn’t sure that worked either. 
She was really starting to believe her suspicions were right. 
“Please,” Peggy huffed. “He’s on some other level right now. He’s being an idiot and,” she paused, using Killian’s shoulder as leverage and Emma followed her gaze across the loft. “Look.” 
Emma’s breath caught. 
Matt and Roland were crouched in the corner of the room, a tiny stick clutched in Noah’s hands and a makeshift goal that may have been Henry’s phone and Leo’s keys, both of them mumbling instructions under their breath while Elsa and Mary Margaret recorded the whole goddamn thing. 
“Oh,” Emma breathed, a rush of memories and feelings she wasn’t entirely expecting. 
“The more things change, huh?” Killian muttered. It took some finangling to get a step closer to her, having to shift Peggy slightly and drawing a not-so-quiet grumble out of her. “What do you know, little love?” “Nothing!” “I genuinely do not know who is worse at lying you or your brother.” “Which one?” “Take your pick at this point,” Emma laughed. “How long have they been over there? And seriously what do you know, babe?” “Like, at least twenty minutes. MD got here before I did though, which was super weird to begin with, but who knows? Maybe Claire’s a good influence.” “You didn’t answer that last part.” “I genuinely have no idea. Honestly. I’ve barely talked to MD. He’s been busy being cute and breaking all of Aunt Gina’s rules, but again, it’s super cute and Aunt Gina doesn’t care at all.” “Where is Gina?” Killian asked, glancing around like she was going to appear out of nowhere and chastise all of them for daring to question any of her actions. 
Peggy opened her mouth to answer, but there were more footsteps and more hands clapping on shoulders and really none of them had evolved as people at all in the last thirty years. Will grinned when Killian groaned, slinging an arm around Peggy’s shoulders to rest his chin on the top of her hair. 
He wasn’t wearing tails – although the pattern on his jacket probably would have done damage to Emma’s eyes if she stared at it for too long. There were far too many colors. And his tie clip appeared to be masquerading as a small disco ball. 
“You better hope Gina doesn’t find you, Cap,” Will said. “How is it that you get away with no tie every year?”
“I guess that means Gina likes me more than you. Did you bring something to drink? Can I get something to drink?” “Cap did you not bring anything to drink again?” Robin called from the other side of the room, moving towards them with a waiter half a step behind. Killian rolled his eyes. 
“You getting that guy to follow you around?” “You want to drink or you want to make fun?”
“I think that’s suggesting we can’t do both perfectly well,” Emma said, leaning around Killian to grab two glasses. And if nothing really ever changed at that party or in that loft, then she was exceptionally glad that the quality of the champagne fell underneath that umbrella. “You yell at Liam about being the better grandfather yet?” Robin didn’t quite flush, but he definitely pressed his lips together and Will’s laugh echoed in the minimal about of space around them. It only served to push his chin further into Peggy’s hair.
“I am not a kid, Uncle Will,” she grumbled, doing her best to pull away from him and it absolutely did not work. It never really did. “You don’t get to do that anymore.” Will hummed. And didn’t move his arm. “Yeah, yeah, where’s the boyfriend?” “Talking to Henry.” “Your dad challenge him to a shootout yet? Dr. J’s way too busy doing whatever he’s doing and Chris got roped into meeting Leo’s—what’s her name?” “Oh my God.”
“Not an answer.” “And we just got here, Scarlet,” Killian said, but the distinct lack of contradiction appeared with neon lights and sound effects. “So, you know...we haven’t had time. You talk to Matt?” Will tilted his head, brows pulled low because it was, admittedly, kind of a weird question and they hadn’t even taken their jackets off yet. “Should I have?” “Nah.” “Wow, no wonder Pegs sucks so much at lying, she definitely got that from you and Em.” “Ok, that is not a compliment at all,” Emma sighed, another round of footsteps and Phillip’s tie was metallic. Ruby weaved her way through the crowd, a bright red jacket covered in sparkles and maybe they should have made another rule about how both she and Scarlet made the whole thing incredibly weird and far too competitive every year. 
“Emma’s the worst liar in the world,” Ruby announced, tugging the half-finished champagne out of Emma’s hand and ignoring her cries of protest completely. “C’mon, gimme this. My jacket keeps scratching my skin.” “And whose fault is that?” Will asked archly. He waved his hand towards a different waiter, flashing a smile when Ruby did her best to hip check him into the nearest wall. “Nuh uh, not going to work Lucas. My balance is unparalleled.” “Modest too,” Phillip added. “I have a question.” “It makes me nervous that you felt you had to announce it,” Emma said slowly. She wasn’t entirely surprised that they’d drawn the crowd – more ridiculous outfits and Regina flanked by both of Henry’s daughters, and Mary Margaret’s smile appeared to be permanently etched on her face. And Harper whatever her last name might have been only looked vaguely overwhelmed. 
That was definitely a step in the right direction. 
Elsa flicked her fingers against Killian’s shoulders when she moved towards them, Liam next to her and Anna’s hair twisted into elaborate braids, more than a few streaks of silver there as well. 
Maybe things had kind of changed. 
Emma hadn’t realized she was leaning against Killian’s side until he kissed her hair again. 
“Got the drinks before you even took your jackets off, huh?” Elsa asked, arching an eyebrow and they should have patented that move years ago. They’d have made a fortune. 
Killian’s lips quirked. “You cry about your grandkid?” “Nah, that’s Liam’s game.” “Aw, c’mon,” Liam groaned, both Robin and Will drifting dangerously close to cackling. Regina made some kind of noise that might have been an agreement. 
“I think that means your old, leader,” Will said, laughter clinging to his voice. “Not you though, El. Just Liam.” “Yeah, good save, Scarlet,” Elsa murmured. 
“Something about top-tier defenseman,” Anna added. Her dress was green, more sparkles along the edges and none of them were very creative. They were all covered in sparkles and there was probably a joke about looking like ice to be made. 
Or there would have been if Phillip didn’t cough pointedly, staring at the lot of them with a hint of frustration and dash of amusement and Aurora was showing off photos on her phone. 
“Did we interrupt you, Rook?” Robin asked, chuckling when Phillip flipped him off. “There are kids here!” “His grandkid is here,” Killian muttered. He hissed when several fingers flicked at his jacket again, not able to swat them away with one arm around Emma and the other still awkwardly twisted between Will and Peggy. “He’s got a grandkid because he’s old, you see.” “Yeah, yeah, you’re hysterical, Cap. Looking a little greyer up there than usual, aren’t we?” “Was that supposed to be in the collective?” “Shut up.” “It’s nice to see that the maturity level of this team hasn’t changed with its hair color,” Ruby said, nudging Emma in the side when Mary Margaret started to play the video of Noah. And, really, she refused to be held accountable for whatever noise she made. 
Because she’d already had quite a bit of champagne in quite a short amount of time and it was definitely warm in that loft and there was too much smiling and too much laughing and the video was so goddamn cute it probably should have been illegal. 
“Nailed it,” Ruby mumbled to Mary Margaret, a hum of agreement and quick swipe of knuckles under eyes. “And,” she added, making sure her voice dropped to something almost resembling a whisper, “you got to get here on time, Em. M’s went full-on sugary sweet mom with Leo’s girlfriend.” Emma’s eyes moved, a little begrudgingly, away from the screen and those assumptions may have been guarantees now or whatever and—”Do we like her?” Mary Margaret shrugged. “Leo hasn’t stopped laughing all night.” “Seems like a sign.” “Of you guys ignoring me,” Phillip interrupted sharply. Emma widened her eyes, expression only a hint less mocking than the general ooh that moved across the entire group. 
“Known goon, Phillip—” Will started, but there was more glaring and more laughing and Regina was handing out more glasses of champagne. 
“What’s your question, Rook?” Ruby asked. “Or comment or concern or whatever.” Phillip clicked his tongue, but Ruby had never been intimidated by any of them and the likelihood of that changing was slim to none. She drank the rest of her champagne in three, quick gulps. “What’s going on with Matt?” The oxygen flew out of the room. Or got whistled two minutes for roughing. And ruining the conversation. 
Phillip grimaced, eyes darting around like he was waiting for someone to say something or agree with him and no one made a single noise. Killian’s hand tightened around Emma’s shoulder. 
“Do we think something’s wrong with Matt?” Anna whispered. She absolutely did not whisper. They were all absolutely terrible at holding their alcohol. 
“No,” Emma and Killian said quickly, but they were also pretty God awful at lying and she was totally going to blame the alcohol. And that video. Mary Margaret should not be allowed to have a phone anymore. 
“No?” Elsa asked. 
“No,” Killian repeated. There were more footsteps. Because they were all absolutely terrible at lying and keeping secrets and whispering. Especially the whispering. 
“Wait, which one is Matt?” another voice asked, quiet and a little cautious and that must have been Harper. They probably should have introduced themselves to Harper. 
Leo shifted on his feet, nodding in the direction of the approaching footsteps. “The one who looks like he’s about to drop gloves with all of us at once.” “I don’t entirely understand that joke.” “And it might not have been a joke,” Peggy mumbled, holding up both hands when Matt glared at her. 
Harper looked stunned. 
“We’ll get you all caught up to speed,” Ruby promised. “If M’s can figure out what icing is in less than one season, you’ll be totally fine.” She ignored Mary Margaret’s scoff, turning towards Matt and the stick held lightly in his hand. “Hey mini-Jones. You going to bite off any reporter’s heads in the next few days?” Matt froze, crossing his arms awkwardly and the tie around his neck was far looser than it should have been. “No one bit anything in post.” “Did I say that?” “Certainly sounded like it.” Ruby hummed, eyes far too bright to be anything except concerning. “What do you think you know, Ru?” She shrugged, but the smile was full blown now and Harper was still muttering questions under her breath. “I know nothing until you confirm it, mini-Jones. Weird how it always seems to happen that way.” And Emma needed to stop, simply, reacting – sounds falling out of her without her explicit permission, but she couldn’t do much about it and something snapped into place and Killian might have been laughing. It felt like it at least, body shaking against hers and fingers moving towards her neck because they still hadn’t taken their goddamn coats off. 
“Is someone going to explain what is going on?” David asked, a few more sounds of agreement. 
“Oh my God,” Peggy yelled. Her hands flew to her mouth, eyes wide as she bobbed on the balls of her feet. Matt glared at her. “I know what it is. Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God! MD!” “Shut up, Mar.” “I didn’t say anything! Oh my God. Am I right though?” “I thought you didn’t say anything,” Leo muttered knowingly, and Matt’s glare wasn’t quite as sharp when he turned that direction. 
“Whatever, Nolan,” Peggy hissed. “MD. Is that—oh my God, did you tell Toph?” “Mar—” “—No, no, did you tell Toph and not me? Are you kidding me?” “I genuinely have no idea what is going on,” David admitted. No one acknowledge him. Probably because Peggy was trying to beat up her older brother, barely restrained by Will and a recently-returned to the conversation Jeremy Humbert who was also trying to say hello to Emma and Killian at the same time. 
It would be a miracle if they didn’t scar Harper for life. 
“MD,” Peggy pressed, lunging forward and barely making contact with the front of his shirt. “Are you sure?”
His eyes narrowed, a particular type of glare Emma wasn’t sure she’d ever seen one of her kids use on one of her other kids. And she was half a second away from reprimanding two grown adults who were both wearing absolutely absurd outfits, heard Killian’s quiet hey now that had always worked, every single time, but Matt groaned louder than either one of them combined. He leaned forward, pulling Peggy towards him – a cry of rather loud indignation from her, that only made Chris laugh from the other side of the room. 
“C’mere,” Matt growled, wrapping his arm all the way around Peggy’s waist. She put up a fight, kicking and punching his arm, but he was honestly having some kind of season and Emma’s gaze moved towards Killian like there were magnets involved. 
He smirked at her. 
“Oh my God, caveman,” Peggy snapped. “Where’s your wife? Does she know you’re an absolutely insane person?” “Mar, I swear, if you do not stop talking right now, I will—" “—What? What, MD? Please go into exact detail of what you’re going to do.” He made another noise – ridiculously familiar and Elsa had to tuck her head into Liam’s shoulder to stop her laugh from bordering on offensive. Anna didn’t even try. And it only took another moment for reinforcements to arrive, Chris jogging across the room to help move Peggy. Harper was never going to come back. 
They’d have to apologize to Leo. 
“God, P, stop playing rag doll and just move,” Chris sighed. She dug her heels further into the ground. 
“Are you not going to help with this?” Roland asked, walking back into the room with a kid hanging off his back and Lizzie smiling next to him. 
Emma shook her head. “What could I possibly do?” “Ah, yeah, fair enough.” “Smart kid.” “Less fair.” “Mar, I am serious,” Matt continued, doing his best to drag her into the nearest corner and there wasn’t much of a point anymore because they all spent far too much time together and helped raise each other or something equally absurd and Killian’s fingers were warm when they twisted around Emma’s. 
Peggy stuck her tongue out. “Fine, fine, fine, but the next time—you know what, I don’t care. Fine. Let’s go.” It only took a moment. 
Emma was, honestly, surprised – was certain Peggy would demand answers before they found the corner or simply check both Matt and Chris until she was in charge of the situation, but it was also kind of nice, that hint of anticipation and waiting and—
“I knew he’d want to tell them first,” Claire said. Emma jerked her head around at the addition to the group, the whole lot of them standing in the middle of the goddamn loft with a slightly cautious looking waitstaff lingering against the walls. 
She was dressed up as well, hair twisted at the nape of her neck and more sparkles, but the outfit had nothing on the look on her face – something about glowing and the next line shift and absolutely wonderful and complete and utter change. 
Killian kissed Emma’s cheek. 
And Claire flushed slightly, arms wrapped around her middle when her teeth found her lower lip. 
“I didn’t actually tell you,” she said. “So I didn’t ruin the surprise or anything.” “Is it a surprise?” Emma asked, only a little disappointed her voice shook. She might have been crying. She was absolutely crying. 
“Ah, I don’t know about that. It was almost responsible.” “Oh. Yeah?” The question was ridiculous, another string of inexplicable and unplanned emotion, but Emma could barely see through the tears in her eyes and Ruby’s sniffle sounded far too loud. Although, not quite as loud as the shriek that came from the far corner, both Chris and Matt doing their best to quiet Peggy. 
They failed. Miserably. Or, well, as miserably as it was possible to be when everything seemed to be glowing and new and filled with very expensive champagne. 
“Look who’s old now, Jones,” Regina muttered, tugging lightly on the back of Noah’s shirt. Elsa snickered, Anna wiping away her own tears and Roland grinned as widely as anyone else in the room. 
Peggy was still screaming. 
“Are you kidding me, MD?” She was jumping, arms flailing and hair falling out of its updo and Chris had shifted behind her, trying to control either one of those things, but that was a pipe dream and Peggy was absolutely crying too. 
Matt smiled. And shook his head. “No joke, Mar,” he said, soft and honest and Emma’s heart felt like it grew forty-seven sizes. She leaned back against Killian’s chest. 
Peggy’s hand flew back to her mouth, finally staying on the ground for more than a few seconds. Her shoulders shook slightly, though, and then it was a whirlwind of sounds – exhales and sighs and you’re going to be so good and there was far too much crying, but Peggy jumped at Matt and he caught her with the kind of athletic dexterity that was absolutely, positively genetic. 
That boded well for the future. 
Emma didn’t count how long they stayed in that corner – a moment and thing and three kids who loved each other more than just about anything else in the world and believed in each other more than anything else in the world – but Matt pressed his cheek against Peggy’s hair, eyes lifting with the hint of a smile tugging at his mouth. 
“So, uh, we’ve got some news.” “Good news,” Claire added, her own expression drifting closer to joy than anything else. “Like, you know. Good news.” “The best news,” Roland amended. “Although I’m totally ready to battle Matt to the death for, like, dad of the year award or something.” Matt groaned, but any hint of frustration was gone, replaced only with announcements and new and he moved towards Emma and Killian slowly – as if he were worried about spooking them or their recently acquired status and— “I’ll win every time if I’m half as good as you guys,” he said. 
Emma had no idea what sound she made. Killian’s knees buckled slightly. And Matt practically beamed, hugging both of them at the same time. 
Mary Margaret took video. 
Maybe she could keep her phone. 
“So, uh…” David started. “Just to be certain here, complete sentences and official statements—” “—That was good,” Ruby said. “C’mon, mini-Jones. Let’s get official so David can toast and we can promise Harper we’re not all usually this weird.” Lizzie shook her head. “We’re always this weird.” Matt laughed softly, moving back to Claire’s side and Emma’s record wasn’t going to be for eye rolls. It was totally going to be for crying. “We’re, uh…” Matt said, pausing to take a deep breath and his gaze didn’t move away from them when he spoke again. “We’re going to have a baby.” “Yeah, I think we picked up on that kid,” Killian said, voice gruff. “Why the face during post, then?” “I wasn’t really doing anything during post.” “God, it’s like all three of you are trying to do the worst job of lying to us. Didn’t we age out of this already?”
“We went to the doctor yesterday,” Claire explained when Matt didn’t immediately answer, far too busy rolling his eyes and trying to contain his sister’s limbs. “They didn’t want to let him off of our morning skate, but then he scored, so…” “Oh,” Killian said. “Right. Right. That’s—” “We’ve totally got pictures.”
He took a deep breath, ignoring the small army of cameras pointed towards him because they were the most absurd family in the history of the entire NHL and several different universes. 
Liam threw his whole head back when he laughed, his own tears obvious and maybe they weren’t just absurd, they were a bunch of giant saps. “We toast? Gina got that crazy expensive champagne, right?” “It pains me that you think I wouldn't get the very expensive champagne,” Regina said. 
“Of course, Your Highness, of course. No more cracks about getting older, right?” “I make absolutely no promises,” Emma grinned, doing it entirely for the reaction. Liam cursed in Norwegian. 
And there was, in fact, a copious amount of champagne and discussion of that one goal the night before reenacted several times by several different grandchildren with a variety of cameras pointed their direction. And there was dancing and food and a countdown that felt more important than it ever had, a shift and a change and everything all at once. 
And Emma expected the kiss, something about tradition and rules, but she was a little stunned by the everything of that too – Killian’s thumb tucked under her chin and a look she couldn’t quite ever name, but had come to absolutely covet and she smiled before his lips landed on hers, soft and insistent and—
“I love you,” he whispered. She kissed him again. 
“More than anything. Even if you’re kind of ancient now.” Killian laughed, breath warm against Emma’s cheek. “Yeah, as long as we get to do that together, I’m good.” “What a line. You look up kid-sized jerseys on your phone yet?” “No, did you?” Emma shrugged. “Maybe.” “Maybe meaning definitely?” “You really didn’t look yet?” “Nah,” Killian said, fingers doing something entirely unfair against her side. “I asked Liam and Locksley where they got theirs.” “Cheater.” “Efficient.” “Yeah, yeah, whatever you have to tell yourself, grandpa.” “I like that sound of that, actually.” “Good because that’s what we’re going with,” Matt yelled, twisted around Claire and he hadn’t moved more than a few inches away from her for most of the night. 
Killian nodded, tugging his phone out of his pocket and Emma didn’t have to look to know that there was already an order receipt in his email. “You good with that, Swan?” “Better,” she promised. 
The packages came two days later – plural, with more baby-sized merch than they’d bought for any of their own kids, a fact all three kids were quick to point out before Emma quirked an eyebrow and tilted her head and Peggy and Chris had to admit that they’d ordered their own merch too. 
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stripper-patrick · 5 years
Deep🕳 Henry Cavill Part 2
Part 1 here
Warnings: language, SMUTTTT
AFTER FUCKIN 2 DAYS OF TRYING SND RESEARCHING I FINALLY ADDED THE INDIVIDUAL LINK 😭😭 ok I’m in school enjoy🙂Relationship: Black plus sized reader x Henry Cavill
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“Alright baby I’m gone” I bend down and kiss Halo and she smiles. I tuck her into bed and give her her teddy bear that I got her for her 3rd birthday.
“Have fun mommy” I thank her and stand up. I stop when I see Devon leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. I roll my eyes and walk past him.
“Your really going looking like that?” I look down at the tight fitted dress that stops just below my knee and skits on the side of my thigh “you practically want him to touch you”
“Devon I’m not for it today all I need you to do is watch her for an hour or two and then I’ll be out of your hair” I see Henry pull up in a matte black Maserati. Jesus.
Mine and Devon’s jaw drop at the luxurious car and out comes the broad man fixing his button.
“Oh my god is this yours?” I ask
“All mine” he nods “Are you all set” the Brit asks eyeing me up and down. I noticed he paid more attention to my exposed thigh. He always liked thighs.
“You look gorgeous” he looks over at Devon who’s fuming “Devon”
He rolls his eyes and I huff. “I’m ready when you are Henry”
“Let’s go our reservation at Morton’s awaits us” I almost choke on air
“Morton’s? That’s like $100 per person just for walking through the door” of course that was exaggerated but their food is very expensive. Over $50 for one steak.
“Don’t worry about it come on” he holds his hand out for mine and I take it stepping down. Devon grabs my arm and I look back confused before he plants a big wet kiss on my lips. Henry’s grip on my hand tightens and Devon lets me go with a slap on my butt.
We awkwardly walk to his car and he helps me in like a gentleman.
We’re seated in a small area with dim light and a waitress comes over.
“Hi what can I start y’all off with this evening”
“Can I have a bottle of the finest champagne please”
“And 2 waters” I look on the menu and don’t see water which hopefully means it’s free. It should be.
“You ok? Is this ok?” He asks rubbing the table clothes between his fingers. Something he did when he was nervous. He used to grab a shirt or dress or whatever and rub the fabric between his fingers. I still don’t know why.
“Yes this is beautiful” I place my hand on top of his to ease his nerves “I need a kids menu this is seriously expensive”
“I told you not to worry about it”
“You should know better than anyone that I don’t listen” I smile
“Can we talk and like really talk and whatever questions we have we promise to answer truthfully and not get mad” he asks
“Yea” I nod he holds out his large pinky and I smile interlocking mine with his as a form of our promise sealing.
“Why didn’t you call me when you found out you were pregnant” he asks
“Because it wouldn’t have changed your mind and it would’ve stopped your dreams”
“Ok” he nods “it wouldn’t I wanted to you both right next to me when I fulfilled them but I mean that’s the past and obviously that’s not what happened”
I nod. I look at his bright blue eyes. Those were always my favorite aspect of his.
“Ok I have a question. Did you cheat on me at all in our relationship?”
“Define cheat” he says. The waitress brings back our drinks and she takes our orders.
She once again leaves us to our conversation and I look at him.
“Like kiss, had sex with, touch in places where you’ve touched me” I think to myself about the way he used to touch me. He can see it because he’s staring right into my soul and giving me a smirk.
“Your thinking about it aren’t you? The way I used to touch you”
“Answer my question please” I ask
“You remember that party we went to where you got into a fight with your old best friend I think her name was Ava?” I nod remembering it like it was yesterday.
“She kisses me that night” almost feels like in being heartbroken all over again.
“Oh” I look down
We go back and forth a few more times until our food comes.
“This looks amazing” I grab my fork and say grace before cutting my steak. He chuckles in front of me making me look up “what”
“You still cut your food like it’s not already dead” I roll my eyes
“I hate you”
“No you don’t” I look at him and he smiles digging in.
We’re both almost done and he clears his throat.
“So I have a personal question to ask you and I want you to be honest” I nod “y/n I don’t think you realize I still know you like that back of my hand”
“What do you mean”
“When you talked about the cheating thing you pressed your thighs together when you thought about that way I used to touch you” I didn’t even realize.
“No I didn’t” I can’t even look at him.
“You still can’t make eye contact when you lie. Be honest. So I have a series of questions to ask ok?” I swallow thickly and nod.
“Does Devon do all the things I used to do?”
I know exactly what he means but I wanna hear him say it “like?”
“Like push you against the wall with one hand around your throat and the other down your pants? Does he pick you up and bury his face between your legs until your pleading for me to stop such as I did? Does he give you merciless back shots until you’ve completely drenched everything within a 2 foot radius? Does he finger You and make you come in front of your par-“
“Ok” my breath is ragged and my body is on fire. I’m aching between my legs.
“Does he?”
“No” I whisper
“Do you want that done to you?”
I never thought I’d say this but I’ve never wanted my ex more than I do right now.
“Do you want me to do that to you” I nod biting my lip.
“Use your words princess” oh my god that pet name. It brings back so many memories.
“Yes” I half moan.
“Take off your panties” my eyes go wide
“Henry right here?” He nods
“Yes” I hesitate and I grab the thin strap of my underwear. I slowly pull them down lifting a bit. The thin lacy thong slips past my legs and I step out of them. He raises his hand and the waitress comes over. “Check please”
We arrive at Henry’s big house in a suburban area.
“This is beautiful” I smile
“Thanks” we get out and go inside. He looks at me and I know that look. He takes off his jacket and I take off my heels dripping a couple inches between me and him.
Without warning he places his hands behind my thighs and picks me up. I place my hand on his clothed chest and giggle. He presses his lips against mine and there’s that hole. I needed a bike to be filled in my life and I tried to get Devon to fill it but it was Henry all along. I work on his buttons and he unzips my dress.
“I’ve missed you” he breathes against my skin. He squeezes my butt and sucks on my neck most likely leaving a mark “your mine all mine”
“All yours” I rip off his shirt exposing his hairy chest. He made me fall in love with hairy chests. He pushes me against the cold wall and sits me on his shoulders. He looks up at me with a smirk. “Don’t fall” he lets go and rips my dress up further.
“Henry” I whine
“I’ll buy you another” He kisses my thighs littering them with marks and kisses.
“Quit teasing” he smirks and holds onto my thighs burying his head against my core. I feel his tongue swipe across me and he begins eating me out like he hadn’t eaten in years.
“Oh my fuck” I missed him. His tongue. His dick everything. He works on my clit and I feel 2 thick fingers slide into me with ease. He pumps fast hitting my g-spot each and every time making me cry out.
“Don’t stop please right there” he lets me close my legs around his head as I shake against him pulling his hair.
He moans and shriek. He latches off of me and sticks his fingers in his mouth making sure he gets every drop.
I’m back on his waist and he takes me upstairs to his bedroom. By now I’ve ripped my dress off the rest of the way. I’m sitting on his bed in front of him and I work on his pants anticipating when I see his dick.
I kiss his stomach and he tenses slightly.
“I need to be inside of you” he says
“Please” he drops his pants and lays on top of me. Henry enters me slowly and I grab the sheet biting my lip. Devon couldn’t compare to him even in the slightest.
“Does that hurt?” He asks
“A little” he nods going slower and once he’s all the way in and I adjust to him.
“Ok” I nod. It’s like our first time all over again. He begins to thrust inside of me and it feels like pure heaven.
“Fuck” he hisses. He brings his hand down to the side of my ass slapping it.
“Do it again” I beg. He slaps and kneads my butt making me quiver.
He does the impossible and goes deeper making me mind race. “Harder please” I beg “I want it”
Henry goes into a slight planking motion and grabs the headboard completely wrecking my shit. “Oh fuckkkk” all you hear are our moans and skin ya skin slapping.
“Henry your gonna make me cum” I gasp
“I want you to soak me baby come on” he pushes. My eyes roll to the back of my head and I grab his hips slamming him into me more. We both release and he gets one more thrust in before pulling out.
“Think you can come one more time for me?” He asks
“I don’t know”
“Let’s test that theory then” he sits up and rubs my thigh “arch how I like it” I bite my lip and completely push my upper body to the bed. I hear him groan and I feel a hard slap to my ass. He grabs it and places a soft kiss where he hit. I finally feel him slide into me again this time being deeper than ever before.
“Oh my god” I grip the sheet and he begins plummeting into me without any warning.
“Ugh” I moan out. He grabs my hair pulling me up and he leans down to my ear.
“Wait baby slow down” I grab his thigh
“Take it” he slaps my ass and I moan. I grab his large hand and wrap it around my throat feeling him tighten around me. I can’t breathe and I feel my orgasm approaching quickly.
“Are you gonna come? I can feel you clenching on my dick baby. I want it all I want you to not be able to walk for a week” the next thing he says ends me “I want you to remember me between your legs every time you fuck him”
“I’m coming” He let’s go of my throat and slaps my clit making me squirt all over him.
“There we go princess” I get on my knees unexpectedly and shove his dick down my throat. He moans. I OWN HIM NOW.
“Holy fuck” he holds my head in place and continued to fuck me face until he empties himself.
“Jesus. Last time I had good sex like that was when I got jealous at that party” he smiles. I stand up and wipe my mouth.
I look at the time seeing it’s 12am.
“I should go” I say. He nods.
“Right uhhh how do we go about without having anyone notice we just had sex”
“Shit my dress” I look at him and he has a smug look on his face “I hate you”
“No you don’t” He slaps my butt and I look to him “where are my underwear”
“With me just call Devon and say it was a family emergency”
“But what about Halo-“
“You worry way too much you still haven’t gotten that together”
“Listen Big Ben don’t fuck with me”
“Or what?” He bites his lip
“Ugh” I grab my purse and get my phone calling Devon. I put it on speaker and sit on the bed. Henry drops to his knees “What are-“
“Hey you ok?” Devon asks. Henry kisses my clit and I gasp trying to push him away.
“Hey sorry I know this is a lot but I had a family emergency my cousin fell and hit her head so I’m outside of the h-hospital right now” Henry sucks harshly on my clit and I writhe against him.
“Yea no worries is she ok?”
“I haven’t gone in yet but I’ll keep you p-posted” I grab his head pushing him further feeling my climax
“Ok how was dinner?” I roll my eyes arching my back as he devours me once again.
“Hold on” I mute the phone and moan out feeling the rush of my climax hitting me like a ton of bricks. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck” I curse grinding myself all over his face. I unmute it and bring the phone back to my ear. “It was great the food was really good”
“Oh really ok I’ll let you be on your way let me know how your cousin is”
“Ok I will” this is the dirtiest thing ever.
“Love you” shit. One man says he loves me while the other stuffs his face between my legs
“Ok alright bye” I hang up and he comes up kissing my clit once more. “Your just an asshole for that” I retort. He winks and smiles at me kissing my thigh.
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michaelthemadbitch · 5 years
Glad to see u writing again!!! just wanna say if you ever get the urge to write 198X again there is at least one bitch left out here who will read tf out of it. Fandom’s dead but god it deserves a revival.
Sam sat alone in the living room. Amanda had moved all of them into her house almost a year ago. It was a month until Halloween and this would be Cas’ first proper Halloween. Their dad hated Halloween, wouldn’t let them trick or treat, wouldn't hand out candy, Sam didn’t even know how to properly celebrate.
“Sammy?” A quiet voice came from the doorway. Sam shifted in his seat and held out his arms. Within seconds his arms were full of a shaky Lucy.
“Hey princess, what’s going on?”
“Had a nightmare,” Lucy curled further into his arms. Sam rubbed her back and let it go. It hadn’t happened often but all the kids occasionally had nightmares, usually as a direct result of their childhood.
“Are you excited for Halloween,” Sam asked quietly as he leaned back on the couch.
“Mhm,” Lucy sniffled a little before looking up at him. “Mike said this year we could get real costumes!”
“That’s going to be so much fun,” Sam said. He sat there and thought about what they all could go as. 
“I was thinking maybe we could go as the Star Wars characters,” Lucy rubbed her eyes and sat up to look at him. “I could be Princess Leia, Matty could be Luke. Maybe Sophie could be r2d2?”
“That’s a great idea!” Sam said, smiling down at her. “You know, Cas and I have never gone trick or treating.”
“Really? You have to go as Obi-Wan then!” Lucy looked thrilled.
“I like it, how about we go and get a cup of cocoa and then get you back to bed.” Sam stood up and held Lucy on his hip. After almost a year of getting constant good food she and Matt had grown quite a bit, but Sam could still carry them around.
“I’d like that.” Lucy curled her arms around his neck and closed her eyes. Sam set her down at the table and set to work making cocoa. Once he was halfway through he realized she had fallen asleep at the table. He quickly turned off the burner under the milk, walking over to the table and scooping her up again.
“Mmm,” she groaned when he picked her up.
“Shhh Luce, go back to sleep.”
“I’m so glad you’re my brother,” Lucy muttered before slipping back to sleep. Sam smiled down at her, before carrying her into her bedroom and tucking her into her bed. He paused in the doorway for a moment, just watching her and thinking about what she said. 
He returned to the kitchen and cleaned up the cocoa before walking upstairs to his partners’ room. He crawled into the side of the bed, wrapping himself around Hannah. He lay there for only a few minutes before he drifted off to sleep.
“Sammy!! Wake up!!” He jerked awake to the feeling of the bed bouncing. He sat up and reached out, snatching Lucy and Matt mid bounce and pulling them into a hug. 
“Sammy! It’s breakfast time!!” Lucy squirmed in his arms before breaking away and running to the door. Matt was hot on her heels only pausing at the door to make sure Sam was getting up.
“We’ve spoiled them,” Sam said with a small smile. He hauled himself out of bed and realized he was the only one in there. He made his way downstairs, only to be immediately handed Sophie as he stepped off the stairs.
“Good morning Sam,” Mike said from the table, where plates of pancakes were sitting.
“Morning,” Sam day down at his normal seat, situating the squirmy toddler in his arms.
“So, Lucy’s been telling us about your great idea for Halloween,” Amanda said, pouring a cup of coffee for him.
“Yeah! I can’t wait to be Luke Skywalker!” Matt jumped up in his chair and began making the lightsaber noises as he swung around his fork.
“I thought maybe I could be Han,” Cas said, studying him for a second.
“I think that’s perfect!” Sam said, giving Sophie a bite of pancake.
“Yeah, Sophie can be R2, Mike can be Chewbacca,” Lucy said with a mouth full of food.
“And we can be rebel pilots,” Amanda said, pointing at Hannah.
“Alright, we have a month to pull this off,” Sam said, draining his coffee cup. “Amanda do we have a sewing machine?”
“Yeah, it’s right up in the attic. Oh, and I know the perfect fabric store. Let me know what you’ll need and I can go get it tonight.”
“Perfect,” Sam smiled at his little family. “This is going to be the best Halloween ever.”
They finished their meal, finalizing plans for the holiday. Sam knew these costumes wouldn’t be perfect, be he planned to do what he could.
“Ok,” Hannah stood up and clapped her hands together. “Lucy and Matt, you two clear the table, Amanda you and I can handle washing up. Mike, can you get started on Sophie’s costume?”
“Of course dear,” Mike said, scooping Sophie out of Sam’s arms. “Come on little one, let’s go find the best little box to turn into R2.”
“Aright, Cas you come up with me now, Lucy and Matt when you’re done clearing the table come up to the attic.”
Sam and Cas stood up and headed up to the attic. Sam poked around for a few minutes until he found a tape measure, a pad of paper, and a set of pencils.
“Ok, so you want to be Han. Pair of black pants, whiteish tan shirt, and a black vest. We’ll need to figure out what to do about the belt and gun.”
“Leave that to me and Mike,” Cas said.
“Yeah I can do that,” Sam beckoned her over and started taking her measurements. “I’ll make the practical clothes and you and Mike can work on the props.”
Sam started sketching out a few designs of Cas’ costume. He added in her measurements and grinned.
“You’re all going to look amazing,” Sam started writing out a list of the different fabrics he was going to need.
“Don’t forget you still have homework you need to do,” Cas said before she descended down the stairs to the main levels. Sam turned to sketch out Leia’s costume. Before he knew it Hannah, Mike, and Amanda were standing over him.
“Hey what’s up?” Sam asked, looking up from the finalized sketches. 
“It’s time for dinner,” Hannah said. “You’ve been up here all day.”
“Have I?” Sam stretched out his back before standing up. As soon as he stood up his vision went black and he stumbled forward. Amanda caught him immediately, propping him up on her shoulder.
“Are you ok?” Hannah asked, standing in front of him.
“Based on my lack of vision I’m going to say no.” Sam frantically blinked his eyes.
“You need food and water,” Mike said, scooping him up and carrying him down the stairs.
“I think I got a little carried away,” Sam said, wrapping his arms around Mike’s neck. “You know I did this exact thing with Lucy last night. But I guess she could see. Oh shit, it’s coming back.”
By the time they made it downstairs, Sam could see again. He was unceremoniously dropped down into a recliner in the living room.
“Bitch!” Sam said, squirming around in the seat to get comfortable.
“Stay here, we’re going to get you your food ok?” Sam stuck his tongue out at Hannah before leaning back in the chair.
“You know, Halloween isn’t for a month. You don’t need to finish the costumes tonight.” Cas said from her seat on the couch. 
“I may have gotten a little carried away,” Sam admitted rubbing his neck. He winced as he realized just how tense his back was.
“Scoot forward idiot,” Cas moved to behind him where she could get some of the knots out of his back. Sam leaned forward gratefully, relaxing more every second.
“We’re going to make everything perfect Sammy,” Cas said. “Don’t even worry about it. And no more full day binges.”
“You have a deal,” Sam spun around and tickled her sides. She screeched and frantically threw herself off of the chair and onto the couch.
“Bitch!” She said between laughter.
“You bitch!” Sam said back, leaning against the back of the chair and smiled at her with more fondness than he knew he had.
Over the next four weeks, they all worked together to make the costumes perfect. Mike worked with Hannah to make all the props, Amanda and Sam took turns on the sewing machine, making the actual costumes.
“Alright!” Sam called as he walked down the stairs, already dressed in his own costume. “It’s almost time to trick or treat! Come get your costume.”
Immediately he heard them running towards him. He took two steps back and prepared to hand them their costumes. Lucy landed at the bottom of the stairs first, followed by Matt. Cas came down a little slower while holding Sophie.
“Lucy, here’s yours. Here you go, Matt!” Sam handed them both their costumes and turned to Cas. “I’ll trade you. Costume for the baby.”
Cas grinned at him and handed him Sophie before taking her Han Solo costume. She turned and ran off to her own room to change. 
“Are you ready to get into your costume Soph?” He tickled her stomach and walked towards the garage. Out there they had a red wagon with a cardboard box in the shape of R2D2. There was a mini high chair inside so she could sit inside comfortably.
Mike had included several kinds of toys inside the costume so she wouldn’t get too bored, but whenever she did one of the older kids would start carrying her around. He got her all situated in the seat and then wheeled her out to the front yard where everyone else was gathered. 
Mike was dressed up as Chewbacca and standing between two rebel pilots. In front of them Leia, Luke, and Han stood arm in arm, with their baskets sitting in front of them.
“Group picture time!” Cas called, holding out Mike’s camera. Sam pulled Sophie to sit in front of them before taking the camera and standing in front of them.
“Ok group together! I’m going to take a picture of all of you then Mike will take one with me in it.” Sam said, moving towards the porch to take the picture.
As Sam looked through the viewfinder he found himself overcome with joy and great fullness as he saw his little family. He had never regretted leaving his shitty house, but right now, he was over the moon with happiness that they had left.
“Say Happy Halloween!”
“Happy Halloween!” They all cheered.
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midnight4krisis · 6 years
I Want This - Part Three
Predebut era, Trainee!Reader
Han Jisung/ Older Reader (ft. Bang Chan)
Warnings: The cringey texts make a comeback, mayhaps there’s no actual smut yet but ...(don’t kill me)
A/N: I’m sorry it took me longer to update, but I really didn’t want to rush this. I hope I don’t disappoint 💕 and I was a little upset when I started this, so I had to tone down the angst for Jisung heh
Count: 2k+
Part One Part Two Part Three Part 3.5(smut)
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Jisung sneaked into his shared bedroom, eyes checking each member as he tip-toed towards the bed. To his luck, Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Seungmin were fast asleep. He didn’t have to explain himself to anyone, which meant he could go right to sleep, but he couldn’t.
He couldn’t shake everything that had happened. No matter how tightly he held the covers, he still felt shivers from the memory of your fingertips around his skin, something he never imagined would happen outside the walls of his imagination, and he curses the universe for not dragging it out just a little longer. At least long enough for him to know what to make of it.
Long enough for him to not have to question everything. To be confident for once in his decisions, but of course he can’t be, especially not with the way he was dragged by his bandmate earlier, like an immature kid. The young man he always looked up to, the one who had everything he lacked, even you.
But you were his now, right? This must have meant something, you must have felt it too.
Jisung bent the pillow over his ears in an attempt to shut his own thoughts. He tried his best not to let this night take him back to that same place. The dark place he fought so hard to escape throughout his training years.
“Jisung! You have 2 minutes before I push you off of the bed.” Seungmin threw the third pillow at Jisung’s exhausted body, earning nothing but loud whines from him.
“Just 10 more minutes!” he groaned.
“You’ve been saying that for the past hour, Jisung. get up already.” Hyunjin joined, sitting on the edge of Jisung’s bed.
“Honestly, how late did you sleep last night?” Seungmin asked, crossing his arms. Jisung blinked at him as if the boy had triggered the events to shoot through his mind, prompting him to leave his bed fast enough to avoid answering their questions.
Confusion filled the two boys as they watched Jisung spring towards his wardrobe, grabbing some clothes and a small towel.
“What? I’m taking a shower.” he shot as he looked back at their expressions before leaving.
Seungmin shook his head and looked at Hyunjin, who giggled at the boy’s strange attitude. “Go on then.” He signaled towards the door.
Jisung stepped out, and rushed to the bathroom, unaware of anyone that crossed his path, aiming towards the door like a haven that awaited him hid behind it.
Cold showers were a bold move in this weather, but Jisung needed the energy earned from surviving one. And so, he steps in the shower, shutting his eyes and bending his back as shivers traveled down his body with the contact of the freezing water, hoping that they carried all his worries and insecurities with them.
He sighs at his reflection in the bathroom mirror as he wrapped the white towel around his waist, pulling his dark wet strands back to shut his thoughts once again.
He grabbed his phone from the counter desperately, looking for anything to distract himself. He didn’t need another reminder of his inadequacy, and his reflection wasn’t doing him any good.
And what a better distraction than a surprise text from none other than you.
• Y: “Are your squirrel cheeks up yet? 👀”
He snickers at the screen and swipes to reply.
• J: “I don’t know? But I am. 🤠” • Y: “Ha! I had a feeling you’d sleep in a little longer, good thing I was wrong” • J: “Oh? Why? You missed me already? 😏” • Y: “Pshh as if” • J: “Then why are you checking up on my cheeks ha?” • Y: “I just wanted to see if you slept well..”
Oh? He spread his lips the widest they can get, and looked down to realize he was still standing on the cold tiled floor.
Stepping out of the bathroom, his eyes were glued to his phone’s screen as he typed on his way back to his room, the cold air hitting the skin barely covered by his towel.
• J: “Seungmin and Hyunjin disturbed my beauty sleep 😔✊🏻"
“Put something on you idiot, you’re gonna get sick!” Seungmin yelled at him when he entered the room, but your replies served as greater importance to him at that moment.
• Y: “Oh poor you 🙄” • J: “Did you?” • Y: “I passed out the second you left” • J: “Ahh sorry for keeping you up”
“Jisung!” Jisung was still standing by the door, receiving light punches on the shoulder from a frustrated Seungmin.
“What, what?!” Jisung finally replied, eyes alternating between the screen and his bandmate.
• Y: “Nah, I wasn’t gonna sleep till Chris woke up anyway..”
“Who the hell are you texting half naked?” Seungmin scoffed and tried to peek at Jisung’s screen.
“No one.” Jisung pulled his phone on instinct.
Seungmin rolled his eyes. “Aren’t you cold?”
“No.” “You’re shivering.” “I’m f-fine-“ Jisung tried to protest, and Seungmin laughed at the sight of the shaking boy in denial.
His phone vibrated again, and he read from the corner of his eye.
• Y: “Jisung?”
“Honestly, what’s up with you today?”
• Y: “Sungieee”
Sungie?! “I don’t know Seungmin, how about you let me change then?”
Seungmin squinted his eyes before twisting the doorknob slowly, still focused on Jisung.
“Wait a second,” Jisung finally reverted his concentration to his bandmate, he was snuggling a laptop with the other arm, a seemingly black box stuck between the device and his chest. “This isn’t your room.”
“No shit?” Seungmin said.
It wasn’t evident to him just how distressed the other appeared, his eyes buffed, and face tinted a slight red. “Is there something wrong? What were you doing here on your own?”
The younger’s eyes shot open. “I was just,” he stammered, avoiding Jisung’s gaze. “Just practicing. Your room was the only quiet one.”
“With your laptop?” Jisung’s eyes sneaked farther at the unknown item, but it only made Seungmin hug his belongings tighter, stumbling back in the process.
“Yes? Why does it matt-Just get dressed already” Seungmin blurted, swinging the door shut.
Jisung frowned at the closed door for a second before jumping on the nearest bed, similarly undressed.
• J: “Sorry, Seungmin was pestering me, again.” • Y: “It’s ok, I’m just too bored heh You guys are always tormenting each other, It’s entertaining.” • J: “Even when it’s me?!” • Y: “Especially when it’s you.” • J: “You love seeing me suffer, don’t you?” • Y: “More than you could imagine ;)”
What the hell did that mean? And why was he blushing? It’s probably just the cold, he really should get dressed. He reached beside him for his prepared clothes, only to remember they were still over the bathroom hanger.
Dammit. That was his last pair of boxers. His terrible habit of abandoning his laundry sure did bite back.
• J: “Sungie is out of here.” • Y: “Hehe what are you doing? • J: “just got out of the shower.”
Shit! He immediately regretted sharing that information without prior thought, and hustled to delete it, but to his luck, you had already read it.
• Y: “Oh? 🤭” • J: “Yeeh ... you?” • Y: “You’d be surprised.” • J: “Surprise me.”
He threw his phone on the mattress and fiddled with his hair. He was never good at this, flirting, coming up with clever responses on the spot. Everything he did or said was carefully thought out beforehand, even if it seemed natural, because he knew he couldn’t trust himself. He’d just mess it up.
His phone buzzed again, and he had to think of something quick. Shifting glances around the room, his eyes landed on the closet mirrored door, on his bare reflection, and a wild thought crossed his mind.
“Could you stop texting him for one second?” Chan scoffed up at you. You were on his lap yet completely dismissing his presence. “He’s literally in the other room, just tell him to get out.”
A passing Seungmin snickered at his request. “Good luck with that.”
Chan had invited, or rather sneaked you over to the boys’ dorm. It was a lot messier now that the rest of the members had moved in. Some were scattered around the house setting up their belongings, while others were in the kitchen attempting to make lunch. That left you and Chan alone in the living room, which was much to your relief because you weren’t ready for their doubtful stares.
You didn’t plan on your best friend becoming your seat when you had first come in. You had run to hug him in his seat, a bit surprised when he pulled you on top of him, but you didn’t question it. You were always that close anyway.
So it’s okay if his head laid a little closer to your breasts, or that his hands touched slightly higher up your thigh, right under your shorts. You shouldn’t worry about his annoyance with your interest in his bandmate.
“He doesn’t know I’m here, Chris.” “And why won’t you tell him?” Chan said. You looked at your thighs pressing on his, then shrugged. “Just teasing him.” Or hoping he doesn’t catch you like this.
“Oh please,” he snatched your phone, Ignoring your whines as he clicked on the camera and snapped a picture, clearly showcasing your position. “Now that should do.”
“No wait! Chris, don’t send that.” “Well, too late” he smirked and handed it back to you.
Your eyes shot open, but Chan’s remained unbothered. Why would he do this?
• J: “You’re here?!” • J: “And you’re with” • J: “Oh hi..” • J: “Nice chair” • J: “Was he reading the whole thing?”
“Great” you mumbled at the influx of messages from Jisung and glared at Chan.
“What?” He giggled like nothing happened.
• Y: “No Sungie, he didn’t.” • J: “Aha” • Y: “I promise. He just wanted some attention hehe” • J: “Na-ah keep it on me.” • Y: “hmm you’re gonna have to do more than that. 👀”
“I’m going to murder you.” You snapped at Chan and pulled the pillow behind you to tackle him with it, shifting so that you’re now on top of him. His muffled whines and laughs were loud enough to reach the kitchen, and an annoyed Minho rushed in.
“What’s going- oh seriously.” He huffed at the two of you. “Get a room.”
“We had one before you came in.” Chan said from underneath you, and you landed one more hit at his shoulder at that. “Ouch!”
Minho laughed and exchanged playful looks with Chan as you ignored their presence. The goofiest smile spread across your face when you checked Jisung’s chat again, still on top of your best friend.
• J: “oh yeah?” • J: “will this do?”
He sent you a picture of his adorable pout with his wet hair dropping over his eyes, and his cheeks puffed out. You giggled, thinking of running to that room just so can pinch those cheeks.
• Y: “Uwu maybe...”
“Aww, who’s your girl gushing over?” Minho teased and your gaze shot up in defense. “Whose girl? I’m not gushing.” Chan nudged you with his knee, making you aware of your current position. His wink sent you off instantly, face flushed from embarrassment. Your eyes darted to Minho who couldn’t stop laughing.
“Shutup” you mumbled. To make it worse, your phone buzzed again, and this time what you received made you gasp.
• J: “How about this?”
You blinked in shock, tingles attacked your stomach as you stared at a shirtless Jisung loosely clutching a towel around his waist. Granted, he wasn’t the most bulked up, but he was captivating nonetheless. You bit your lip to stop your foolish grin. “U-um can I use the bathroom, I need to fix my h-hair.” You spoke, hiding your flustered face in your hands.
Chan chuckled “ye-“ “Ok!” You ran to the bathroom, not daring to turn your back as they exploded from laughter behind you.
Too rushed to even close the door behind you, you stopped at the bathroom mirror, smiling to yourself uncontrollably. This was truly unexpected, you never knew Han Jisung would be this bold, and you loved it.
Looking at it again, you couldn’t shake the thought of your hands running down his soft tanned skin. You wondered if his body tasted as sweet as his lips. If he’d rut against your hand glazing his abdominal, unwrapping his tow-
You jumped at the sudden feeling of hands grabbing your waist. “Like what you see?”
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the-fahc-golden-boy · 5 years
“You’re Shorter Than I Imagined” Chapter 3
I like painful angst, how about you guys? Chapter 3 is finally done after I pushed through my writer’s block in order to get this out. Feel free to tell me how much it hurts!
Pairing(s): Jeremy/Gavin Michael/Ryan Geoff/Jack
Read it on AO3 if you’d like: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20008159
Another week had passed and Jeremy was just about ready to burst into the computer room in order to satisfy his curiosity. Luckily Geoff had called everyone into the planning room in order to get ready for their next upcoming heist.
When Jeremy had wandered into the heist room only Geoff, Jack, and some of the B Team were already there. Jeremy took up residence in an open seat next to Matt, enjoying his friend’s company. (It had been a little while since they had taken time off to just hang out as friends, although they did spend time on small missions Geoff sent them out on together.)
Unsurprisingly the planned meeting started a half hour later than Geoff had wanted, mostly in part due to Michael literally dragging in their last team member. The two of them took their seats, Michael sitting next to Ryan and the other person (Jeremy recognized them as the Golden Boy from the picture Ryan showed him the other day) took the last empty seat next to Jeremy.
The meeting went by plainly. Geoff had spent the majority of it arguing with everyone and attempting to dissuade the seemingly unending flow of stupid questions the Golden Boy (or Gavin, as Jeremy had heard Geoff call him by) kept asking.
Jermey had spent most of the meeting casting side glances at Gavin, thankful that the other man didn’t seem to notice. (Or at least Jeremy hoped he couldn’t see him looking at him, those sunglasses really didn’t help.)
“Alright so team wise we’re gonna shake things up a little bit. I’ll need Ryan and Gavin up in the air keeping an eye on things,” Geoff gestured vaguely at the map he had taped to the heist whiteboard. Jeremy really couldn’t tell which of the sharpie markings he was pointing at, so he figured he’d just ask Ryan later.
“Team Love and Stuff!” Jeremy jumped slightly as Gavin excitedly jumped up next to him.
“In the air!” Ryan also jumped up from the other side of the table, looking like an excited dog that heard the word “walk” and decided that was the best thing to ever grace his ears.
Jeremy decided he really didn’t want to know the backstory behind that team name, and that it might be a good idea for him to ask someone else about the heist info later. He watched as Gavin and Ryan both sat back down, and Jeremy did his best to hide the slight pang of something inside him. (He’d later admit it was jealousy, but in all honesty he wasn’t sure which of the two he was jealous of.)
“Alright Michael and Jeremy, we’ll need you two on the ground going in first,”
Jeremy looked over at Michael who was slouched in his chair not really paying much attention to Geoff. Michael caught his look and nodded at him, at least acknowledging him.
Geoff cleared his throat and Michael and Jeremy both looked back at him. “Michael you’ll need to set up the explosives which is why I have Jeremy with you. Jeremy, you’re job will be to watch Michael’s back, make sure he doesn’t get shot.”
“Why not just pair me with Ryan?” Michael sat up slightly in his chair.
“Because we all know that if I did, you’d get,” Geoff held up his hands and made air quotes, “distracted.”
At this Michael shrugged and Jeremy watched as Ryan smirked and un-crossed his arms. Jeremy was certain that Ryan’s right hands was drifting far lower than it needed to. (Really it was just holding Michael’s hand under the table, but nobody would blame Jeremy for thinking it was something else.)
Jeremy looked back at Geoff who seemed to be done with the situation.
“Jack will be waiting about three blocks north with the get-away van. I’ll leave it up to her on what kind of disguise to use, and hopefully it won’t be as bad at Gavin’s old firefighter idea.”
Gavin scoffed, “Well honestly it would have worked if some people at least knew how to dress like a bloody fireman to begin with.”
Jeremy snickered slightly as he side-eyed Gavin. He had a front row seat to Geoff nailing Gavin with a whiteboard marker, sending everyone in the room into laughter. It was soon made even better by Gavin sending the marker back and hitting Geoff square in the nose.
All hell broke loose.
Jeremy had dived under the heist table with Matt, the two of them plotting out the best course of escape.
Gavin and Michael and taken Jack hostage and were attempting to settle on their demands while Geoff, Ryan, and Larry (Larry was more or less accidently dragged to their team only because Ryan suggested they also take a hostage.)
The war went on for the next hour, and only ended when someone had realized they threw a knife instead of a pen. (Steffie swore up and down it wasn’t her knife, but really when you work with a crew of criminals, it could have been anyone’s knife.)
Geoff called off the war, Jack and Larry were released, and everyone collectively decided the meeting would continue the next day when everyone was less wired.
Now Jeremy and Matt had successfully escaped the full on war about fifteen minutes after it started, and the two of them had been waiting in the penthouse living room waiting for everyone else to leave.
They watched as Ryand and Michael left the planning room first, still laughing and trying to talk about their plans for dinner. It was that moment Jeremy realized the two were together. Not together as in walking next to each other, but together together that probably explained all the candid shots Ryan had on his phone.
Matt only shook his head, “Those two really make it obvious they’re soulmates. Michael is just so overprotective and Ryan always looks at him like he’s the only person in the room.” Matt make a fake gagging noise. “It’s kind of gross,”
“I honestly just put it together they’re together,” Matt stared at him in shock.
“Just now? You mean to tell me you didn’t have the slightest clue that the reason Geoff just doesn’t send them out together is because they spend too much time making out?”
Now it was Jeremy’s turn to fake gag, “I didn’t need the details, Matt.”
After them was Larry, looking slightly more frazzled than usual. Matt waved to him as he left the penthouse.
Steffie walked out with her held ducked in embarrassment, carrying a small knife case with her. Jeremy hadn’t been in the room to see her throw it, but he could piece together this with the scream from Geoff and figure out that this was Steffie’s “walk of shame”.
“I think I might try and catch Gavin walking out,” Jeremy said, much to Matt’s shock.
And just why would you do that?” Matt’s confusion was obvious, and quite frankly Jeremy wasn’t exactly sure why he would either.
“I don’t know, maybe ask him out for drinks or something like that. See if he’s interested in bar hopping.” He could feel a slight flush forming on his cheeks and in that moment he prayed to whatever god existed that Matt couldn't see it.
“That sounds kind of like you want to ask him out, you know that right?”
Jeremy’s blush grew stronger, “Shut up,”
It was that moment that Gavin walked out talking with Geoff and Jack, the two of them seemed to hover around him like parents would hover around a child.
“I might send you and Jeremy out to meet our amo dealer and see if you can get a good price on what we’ll need for the heist.” Geoff had wandered over into the kitchen of the penthouse, Jack and Gavin following suit. Jeremy perked up at the mention of his name, and watched the three of them in the kitchen. Matt gave him a quick pat on the thigh to signify he was leaving.
“I haven’t even talked to him yet, Geoff!” Gavin’s arms were flailing about, it seemed he was very animated when he wasn’t in a work environment.
“Well he’s right over there stupid,” Geoff pointed directly at Jeremy, “go introduce yourself like a normal human being, and then the two of you can go out tomorrow to meet with our amo guy.” Geoff snagged a loaf of bread off the counter and walked off down the hall.
Jack gave Gavin a small smile and a pat on the shoulder before she too wandered down the hall after Geoff. There was a distant door slam, and then it was just Gavin and Jeremy left.
Gavin was still faced away from Jeremy. Jeremy watched as his whole posture changed; he seemed to straighten up more, and turned around with a lot more control than the flailing bird he saw just moments before.
Gavin walked carefully over to him, making sure to keep some space between them.
Jeremy swallowed nervously and stood up, having to look up in order to meet the other man’s eyes.
Gavin looked Jeremy up and down, taking in every little detail about the other man. He really couldn't help the five words that tumbled out of his mouth as eyed him up.
"You're shorter than I imagined,"
He smirked as he watched shock wash over Jeremy, then immediate anger as he quickly closed the distance between them, leaving them almost chest to chest.
"So you're the fucker I'm stuck with,"
And in that moment was the realization hit Gavin like a freight train. (Well more like a swift punch to the nose.) Gavin quickly brought his hands to his nose, immediately feeling blood.
There was a pause for a moment as both men stood staring at each other, taking in the horrible way to meet someone. (Jeremy did swear that when he met his soulmate he’d punch them.)
But as quick as Jeremy struck, he backed off. Still fuming about the comment and about figuring out who his soulmate finally was. The words on his arm burned and it felt nothing like all those cheesy romance books had described. He wondered if it felt the same for Gavin, but quickly tossed the idea.
He stared at the blonde in front of him, realizing that maybe punching his soulmate in the face wasn't the most appropriate action. He stepped forward to apologize and offer the other man some help, but Gavin was quick to retreat.
He still had his hands held up to his injured nose, making a futile attempt to stop the blood flow. When he noticed Jeremy stepping towards him he panicked, immediately taking several steps back to put distance between them.
The only thought going through his mind was, "I fucked this up, it's always my fault. I did this to myself."
In that moment he did the one thing he knew he was good at; he ran away and hid.
Jeremy was left standing in the middle of the penthouse living room, vaguely aware of the door slam from down the hall. His knuckles hurt like hell, but still not comparing to the complete and utter fire that felt like it had engulfed his whole right arm.
He really, really need a drink.
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trashcanmarvelfan · 6 years
Best. Job. Ever. 8/12
Summary: Reader gets a job on the set of Spider-Man: Far from Home for the 3 weeks they are shooting in New York City as what she thinks is a production assistant, but a twist of fate has her reassigned as Tom Holland’s personal assistant. As she & Tom grow close during filming, will their budding friendship turn to more or will they go their separate ways after filming concludes?
Warnings: Language, but that’s pretty much it? This is basically a PG-13 rom-com. (Legal) alcohol use as well but since it’s legal do I really need to tag it?
Word Count: 2114 for chapter 8.
Author’s Note: As this was written WAY before Spider-Man: Far from Home was released (actually before Avengers: Endgame was as well) I’ve kept plot details and which scene was being shot on what day extremely vague. Also, I’m American but tried to write Tom as British as possible, although I do think he’d try to stay(ish) in character and use as much American slang as he could while he’s still playing Peter.
Chapter-Specific Author’s Note: I hope this part was worth the wait... ;)
Requests are always open!
Cross-posted at AO3.
The next morning, Y/N woke up and checked her email.  Waiting in her inbox was Tom’s schedule for the final week of filming.
She pulled up Tom’s text thread. Got your schedule for next week. Ik you’re hanging out with Harrison today and we're going out tonight, so we can just go over it tomorrow or whatever.
Tom texted back almost immediately. Sounds great. Maybe we can do it tomorrow evening after Haz leaves? I was also thinking we could all have brunch in the morning so we can give him a proper send-off.
Ok, that’s fine, and brunch also sounds good. LMK the details tonight.
Y/N decided since she wasn’t meeting up with the guys until much later in the day and since she had been in NYC for almost 2 weeks and still hadn’t really gone sightseeing that she needed to get out and do something, so she took a shower and got dressed in some comfortable clothes she could go exploring in, grabbed her wallet, and headed downstairs.
She asked at the concierge desk for tour recommendations that she could do and wound up deciding to book a bus tour that passed by some shops she wanted to go to. She walked down to a little cafe’ for coffee then boarded her bus.
One of the stops was near the Strand Bookstore, so she decided to disembark there and check it out.
She took one step inside and froze. There were books everywhere she could see - books of every shape, size, and genre.  I’ve died and gone to heaven.
She spent most of the morning exploring the shop, finally choosing a few books to purchase before realizing how late it was and running back to the bus stop to continue her tour.
After eventually making a full loop around New York City, Y/N got off at the stop closest to the hotel and rushed back to shower and change for the evening.
She checked out her outfit in the full-length mirror in her hall. I guess this is it, she thought.
Laura had helped her pick out an outfit via Skype, delighted that Y/N had packed the pink satin camisole top she had bought Y/N for her birthday, and insisting that it was the perfect top to pair with black leggings and a pair of comfortable, low-heeled shoes that Y/N had bought earlier that day.  Y/N had gone with simple accessories, choosing a rose gold bracelet and teardrop necklace, and kept her makeup light lest she sweat it off under the club lights.
A knock came on the door.
She opened the door and Tom’s jaw dropped. “Y/N, you look absolutely stunning,” he breathed.
“Thanks,” Y/N replied shyly. “Ready to go? Where’s Harrison?”
“Oh, err, he said he'd meet us downstairs,” Tom replied.
“Oh, ok, that’s cool.”
Tom offered his arm. “Shall we?”
They exited the elevator in the lobby where Harrison was waiting. “Y/N, you look fabulous,” he said.
“Thanks,” Y/N replied.
“The Uber is a couple of blocks away so we should be getting outside.” Harrison pointed toward the doors. “You two ready to go?”
“Yeah, I’m set. Tom?”
“Ready,” Tom replied.
They made their way outside where their Uber was just pulling up to the curb.
Tom got in first, holding out a hand to help Y/N climb in behind him. Harrison followed behind her.
They greeted their driver and chatted casually on the way to the restaurant.
After dinner, they walked down the street to the club.  Tom gave his name at the door and he, Y/N, and Harrison all showed their IDs to get their armbands for the bar, Y/N handing her belongings to Tom to keep in his pocket.  They walked in to the club full of glowing lights and thumping electronic music, peoples’ bodies swaying to the beat.
A waitress led them to their table above the dance floor and asked them if they wanted a drink.
“We should start with shots,” Harrison declared before ordering 2 tequila shots for each of them.
“Can I also get 2 shots of lime juice?” Y/N added. “I usually add a chaser at first if I'm doing tequila shots,” she explained at Tom and Harrison’s quizzical looks.
Once their drinks were delivered, Y/N picked hers up. “To good friends, good tequila, and good times,” she declared.
“Hear hear,” Tom and Harrison both agreed as they all clinked their glasses together.  Y/N drank her shot of tequila, the liquid burning her throat as it slid down. She immediately chased it with the lime juice, shuddering at the tang. “Ugh, much better mixed together in a margarita,” she joked.
They quickly followed with their second shot before Harrison decided that he was going to go check out the dance floor.  He shot Y/N and Tom a good-natured wink before he left.
Tom leaned in, the intoxicating combination of his cologne and the alcohol already starting to swirl in Y/N’s system making her feel fuzzy. “I’m going to go to the bar,” he said in her ear to be overheard over the music. “Want anything?”
“Sure.” Y/N told Tom which drink she wanted and he disappeared. She sat quietly for a few minutes before pulling out her phone and taking a selfie to send to Laura. Nightlife in NYC, she captioned it.
A couple of seconds later, a gorgeous blonde-haired guy bumped into her seat. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” he said apologetically.
“It’s fine,” Y/N said. “No harm done.” Y/N waited for the guy to keep walking, but he stopped right next to her.
“I’m Matt.”
Matt tilted his head to the side. “How about some company? A pretty lady like you must be lonely sitting there all by yourself.”
Y/N shook her head. “No thanks. I’m actually just waiting for someone.”
“Then do you wanna dance?”
“Um, no thanks.”
“How about a drink then?”
Y/N was starting to get uncomfortable. “Um, actually--”
“Here you are, love.”
Y/N looked up to see Tom carrying her drink as well as a beer for himself.
Y/N shot him a grateful look. “Thanks, babe.”
Tom sat next to her and gave her a lingering kiss on her cheek, dangerously close to the corner of her mouth. “So terribly sorry darling, hope I didn’t keep you waiting long,” he said apologetically, putting an arm around her shoulder. He pretended to only just then notice Matt. “Oh, hello. Sorry, didn't see you standing there.”
Y/N tried to keep her chill. “No big deal, honey. I was just talking to Matt, here.”
“Umm, actually you know, I've got to get going,” Matt mumbled. “It was nice to meet you, Y/N.” He rushed off.
“Bye, Matt!” Tom said cheerfully.
“Ugh, what an asshat,” Y/N said, taking a sip of her drink. “Thanks for coming to my rescue.”
Tom shrugged and took a swig of his beer, keeping his arm around Y/N. “You were obviously uncomfortable and that guy clearly wasn't getting the hint.”
They were finishing their drinks when Harrison came back. “Time for a break. I need another drink.” He pointed to Tom and Y/N. “It's your turn to get out there."
Tom offered Y/N his hand. “Dance with me?” he asked.
Y/N nodded and took his hand. “Show me what moves you've got, Holland,” she said with a wink.
“Order me another beer when our server comes back?” Tom asked Harrison.
“Sure thing, mate. Y/N?”
“Yeah, actually.” Y/N told Harrison what she wanted to drink as she and Tom stood.
Tom led her to the dance floor, where one song had just ended and another song had begun.
Y/N swayed her hips, letting the beat of the music and the warmth of the alcohol in her system relax her. Tom wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her flush to him.  Y/N hooked one arm around Tom’s neck, closing her eyes and matching Tom’s rhythm to where they were one seamless flow.
They danced for several songs until Tom’s hand slowly traveled up Y/N’s back until he reached the bare skin where her top was cut low. Y/N shivered as Tom slowly ran a finger up her back, opening her eyes and locking gazes with him.
Tom’s gaze held something… primal, something that both excited and terrified Y/N at the same time.  She subconsciously licked her lips, Tom’s gaze flickering down for just a second before raising back to her eyes.  His grip on her waist tightened. “Y/N…” he murmured.
“Yes?” Y/N replied breathlessly. The way Tom said her name in that accent of his made her briefly wonder how many other different ways she could get him to say it and in what other situations. She blushed at the thought.
Tom tilted his head, leaning in slightly, while Y/N followed suit until...
...Someone knocked into them, shattering the moment and breaking the spell.
“You know what?” Y/N said nervously, looking everywhere but at Tom. “I need to hit the ladies’ room, I’ll umm… I’ll be back in a bit.”
Tom nodded. “Okay, I’m going to go back to the table then.”
Y/N nodded as well.  She went to the ladies’ room and splashed some cool water on her face. Get a grip, Y/N. You’ve both been drinking, and with the lights and the music… Just keep it together.
She walked back to the table, where the guys were each drinking a beer, Y/N’s drink on the table between them.  
Y/N sat down and took a long swig of her drink. “Bit warm in here, isn’t it?” she said. “Luckily we seem to be right under the AC.”
After a while and another drink, Y/N had calmed down enough and was ready to get back out on the dance floor.
She took turns dancing with both Harrison and Tom, but this time she was sure to keep a respectable distance, also switching to water for the rest of the evening lest she get tipsy again and lose her inhibitions.
They called an Uber back to the hotel, where Y/N and Tom dropped Harrison off at his floor, wishing him goodnight.
When Y/N and Tom arrived on their floor, Tom asked, “Would you like me to walk you to your door?”  
Y/N giggled. “That’s so gentlemanly of you, but it’s literally down the hall. I think I can make it.”
“Ok, good night then.”
“Good night.”  Y/N turned and walked towards her room.  She was almost to her door when Tom called out her name. “Y/N!”
She turned to see Tom jogging towards her, holding her belongings that he had been keeping in his pocket.  “You might need these.”
Y/N blushed as Tom joined her in front of her door. “Haha oops, yeah, those might be important.” She bit her lip nervously. “Thanks for inviting me. I had a lot of fun tonight.”
“Me too,” Tom replied with a soft smile.
Y/N's fingers brushed Tom's as she reached for her belongings, setting off that same spark that she had felt earlier that evening. She leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Tom's cheek before turning towards her door.
Suddenly Tom grabbed her hand. “Y/N, wait.”
Y/N glanced back at him in surprise.
Tom dropped Y/N's hand as his eyes searched hers. What he was looking for, Y/N wasn't sure. Tom reached up and tucked some loose hair behind Y/N's ear, his fingers lingering on her face in a gentle caress.
Y/N subconsciously leaned into Tom's touch, her eyes fluttering closed as warm lips tentatively pressed against her own.
She reached up with her free hand, trailing her fingers up Tom’s arm before wrapping her hand around his bicep and pulling him closer, Tom wrapping his arms around her and pulling her flush to him as he continued to kiss her breathless.
The sound of a door closing down the hall brought them back to Earth, Tom giving Y/N one more chaste kiss before separating.
He grinned. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
Y/N smiled shyly. “Night, Tom.” She swiped her keycard on her door before entering her room, not noticing that Tom hadn’t moved or taken his eyes off of her for a second until she was inside.
She flopped down on her bed and touched her lips with her fingertips, the feel of Tom's lips still on hers.
What a night.
Taglist: @laureharrier @thoughstofaredhead & @greenarrowhead
16 notes · View notes
christinky · 6 years
The Runaway, (Bucky x reader)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Mention of blood and cutting (Not too much, very short), some angst, some fluff, running away, mention of death.
Words: A lot
Summary: You messed up, people died because of your mistake. Not being able to handle it you leave the Avengers and start a new life. You are happy living in a small town, until your past comes to find you and you have to make a decision. 
A/N: I’M SUPER PUMPED FOR THIS. I hope you guys like this! I’ve had this idea with a couple other plot and situations, my spotify discover had some songs that for some reason helped me come up with this. Let me know what you think. 
The light pries through the blinds, you can feel the warmth of his arm wrapped around you. You lie there still, slowly waking up, enjoying the cosiness of the warm bed. Cuddling up closer to you fiance he starts to move, “Good morning beautiful” he says in his raspy voice. 
You smile as he pulls you in closer, holding you close. “Good morning sunshine.” 
Taking this opportunity you flip over to face him, his strong arms still holding you close. You bury your face into his neck, closing your eyes in peace. 
The room was quiet, warm, just right. His lips are pressing against the top of your head, making you smile. You lift your head to look up at him, his brown wavy hair is all messy, eyes soft and full of love as they look back down at you. This gives you hope that you are going to truly be happy. 
“I have to get ready for work,” He pouts as you start to cling to him, not letting go, “Please (Y/N), I have to go to work.” 
He tries prying your grip apart so he can escape. “No, 5 more minutes!” You demand, still half asleep. 
“I’ll see you when you get home from work love, besides only 12 more days until you will be Mrs. Matthew Evans.” He smiles as he places a kiss on your forehead, knowing that you don’t like morning breath kisses. 
“I can’t wait.” Your eyes meet as you bite your bottom lip, his brown eyes lit up with joy. 
He leaves you in bed as he gets ready for work. The two of you met 3 years ago, a few months after you moved to town and he proposed 6 months ago. You are happy, happier than you thought you would be but something is missing. 
Flashes of the life you left behind come up often, memories of him. The one you left. You never thought you could be as happy as you were then, but you are pretty close. With all the happy memories there are also painful ones, which caused you to run, change your name, and go into hiding. 
Matt comes back into the bedroom, sits next to you on the bed. The smell of his cologne fills the room, it is a handsome, musky scent. His hand bushes your hair back, then bringing it to your cheek. The warmth is welcomed as he pulls your head up, pressing his lips to yours. His lips are soft and loving. You melt against him, “I love you babe.” 
“I love you too.” You place one more kiss goodbye before he walks out of the room, moments later you hear the front door close. You mean what you say, you love him, even if you think of your old boyfriend at times.
You roll out of your bed, knowing that its your turn to get ready. Opening your closet, you search for something to wear, eventually settling on a pink tank top with a gray cardigan and jeans. Your morning routine is simple, brushing your teeth then a quick simple everyday makeup and throwing your hair into a pony tail. 
Before you start to head, you stare into the mirror just like almost everyday. Looking at who you are now, and looking back at who you used to be. Remembering why you left, and why you can’t go back. Your chest starts to tighten from the pain, head starts to get heavy and eyes weak. It what has to be done though, and with that you grab your purse and go to work. 
When you first moved to town, you searched for a job. At the community center they were looking for a youth programs coordinator. You were drawn to it, thinking that you could help some kids and have fun yourself.
You love going to work, during the day you plan events and make sure the day’s activities were all set for when the kids got out of school. Helping coach and coordinate sports games for high schoolers, giving them a place to have fun with their friends and get help with school work. No one expected high schoolers to be coming to the program but after a while you had a regular group that came. Middle schoolers and elementary is easy, they all flood in after school. You have games and activities set up, you always make you that you are available to play and help them when needed. 
It makes you feel important, like you are still helping those who need it, you are making a difference. You know almost all the kids that come through the doors, and they all love you. At the end of the day you stand on the steps as the kids run to get to their parents. Full of pride as you see the joy on their faces. Until you start to feel your stomach drop, thinking that if they knew who you really were, would they still accept you, still love you. You get sick just thinking about it. 
Rather than driving or taking a bus you walk to and from work. You only live about 3/4s of a mile away, and you like the quiet alone time you get from it. The sun is setting, the sky filled with pink and orange. The beauty helps calm you. A cold breeze brushes past you, sending a shiver down your spine, but it is welcomed. The smells of barbecues, fresh cut grass and nature fill the air. The air is much fresher here than what you were used to. You inhale deeply, taking in the smells, letting your shoulders relax.
A huge bang rings out from the other side of the street. You freeze, looking for the source of the sound, heart pounding in your chest. Instantly being thrown back into your past. 
The sound of gunshots fill the air. You are on the rooftop alone except for a lone gunman by the edge. You and Nat were given orders to take out the gunmen on the rooftops. The rest of your team is on the ground and flying through the air focusing on the main target. 
You focus on the gunman as you try to catch him off guard. You are quiet, making sure not to alert him. In an instant his head jerks to look at you, focusing his gun at you. Staying calm, you use your gun to shot him in the arm before he can fire a shot, causing him to drop the gun in pain. 
A harsh force hits your head, knocking you to the ground. Looking around you realize you forgot a parameter check to look for anyone else on the roof, therefor you did not see the guy hiding in the shadows. Its 2 against one. This is on you, knowing full well that that was the first thing you should have done before fulling entering the rooftop. 
You get back on your feet, wanting to fix your mistake fast. He goes to punch you again, you grab his arm and pull it down. Pulling up your knee to bash his face against. He hits the ground, blood pouring out from his nose. You kick him in the crotch to make sure he is down.
At this point the gunman is ready for you, but he doesn’t have a gun drawn at you this time. Its down, against his side. He has a sly smile on his face, watching you intensely. The look in his eyes makes you uneasy, his eyes are crazy, almost with happiness rather than anger. You eyes instantly notice his hand, in it is a bomb. 
You run at him, looking to take him out at his knees. Your heart is racing, hands sweaty, mind fully focused on him. He stands still, waiting for you. Just before you reach him, he jumps. Rushing to the side you see him falling, you watch in horror as you see him throwing the bomb into a broken window of the building you are on.
The office building has yet to be evacuated due to the entrances leading to a war zone. No other ways out. Your heart drops as you see glass shatter, flames fly out, followed by screaming of people. Innocent people. 
Under your feet you feel the building start to shake. Apparently the building’s structure was blown from the bomb. It is about to come down. You look to the side, assessing the distance between buildings, figuring you could make it. You sprint as fast as you can to the edge and jump. 
Your arms meet the rough texture of the roof as you slide against it. Quickly, you push yourself up as you see the building you were just on collapsing, with everyone inside it. Tears start pouring out of you, thrown back in shock. Your head starts hurting with the realization that this is your fault. “(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” You hear Bucky, your boyfriend, screaming through the comms to you, “(Y/N)! Are you okay?” 
But you don’t respond, overwhelmed with the feeling of guilt. You messed up, this is on you. The death of hundreds of people. Without thinking, you rip the comm out of your ear and throw it into the rubble of the collapsed building. Making sure you aren’t noticed, you escape and start running.
“Ms. (Y/N)” You hear a voice call out, “Are you okay?” 
Your attention dawn to a parent in the driveway across the street, “Oh yeah, I’m sorry. That loud boom just scared me a bit!” You shout back to him. 
“I’m so sorry, that was just the hood of my car, I was checking on the engine.” You let out a sigh of relief as you jump back to reality. 
“Oh you’re fine!” You assure him, “I’m just a little jumpy is all.” 
You continue walking, trying to forget about the flashback you just had. Instead thinking about your wedding, you have planned it all out perfectly. A nice simple ceremony, with some friends you have made along with his family followed by a small reception. Its going to be simple but gorgeous. Tomorrow you pick up your dress, a lovely full length with a straight skirt. Modest yet sexy. 
When you arrive home, Matt is waiting for you with dinner, like usual. The fact that Matt could cook was amazing, you love that about him. He is also kind and gentle, yet rough and strong. Like the best of both worlds. The kids at the community center actually pushed you to him, this is a pretty small town but not too small. 
Matt had the kids in his class, and once they learned that you were single too they instantly went into matchmaker mode. Setting the two of you up, and its been wonderful ever sense. 
Once dinner was over, you took a shower and lie in bed. Matt is already in bed reading a book when you enter the bedroom. You fold over the comforter and jump in next to him. He closes his book and turns off the light. Lying down and reaching out his arm for you. You snuggle up closer to him, head on his chest and legs tangled up. 
Looking up your eyes meet his. Getting lost in his blue eyes, they are stunning. His scruff rubbing against your forehead before he places a kiss there. He is smiling from ear to ear, your heart jumps at the sight of him. He flips over onto his side, so you guys are facing each other. You feel the coldness of his arm on your lower back. “I missed you love, I’m so happy to have you back.” He whispers to you.
“I missed you too Buck” you reply before pulling him into a kiss. 
You open your eyes slowly, you look up gently. Not expecting to be hit with disappointment. Not realizing you had a smile on your face as you feel it fade away. You are cuddled up with Matt, seeing he is still sound asleep. You lie there, remembering the dream you just had, how it felt right. How you wish it was real, and you were back in Bucky’s arms. 
Immediately you get the thought out of your head. Knowing that it will never happen, you left that life, making sure no one could connect the dots from here and no one would come find you. After all, the world thinks the real you is dead. Thinking your body was lost in the rubble, one if the ones that were never identified. They found your comm, and they assumed you fell along with it. 
Matt starts to stir as he wakes up, his arms stretch out as he lets out a moan. Then looking down to meet your eyes. Hiding the disappointment in sadness that was just there moments ago. 
The two of you carry on your usual routine, he gets up first and gets ready, kissing you goodbye. About an hour later you get ready, and head to work. 
You finish locking up the building, as you leave to go pick up your wedding dress. You are excited, even if your dream still lingers in the back of your mind, not helping but thinking that it should be Bucky at the end of the isle. 
The dress shop agreed to stay open late so you could pick up the dress and do a final fitting to make sure it was perfect. As you walk out of the dressing room, the two employees look at you in amazement. You look beautiful. You stand on the platform in front of the mirrors. 
Not meaning to, you start crying. They both think its from finding the perfect dress and being so happy. Part of it was from how you look in the dress, you don’t want to admit it to yourself but deep inside you knew this was wrong. Yes you love Matt but he will never be your Bucky. 
The seamstress makes sure everything is perfect before you go back to take the dress off. In the dressing room you let yourself stop faking the happiness. You allow yourself to be sad, for just a moment. Because this is your like now, you had no choice. 
Leaving the shop, you head to your friend’s house. You met Nina when you first moved here, she was searching for a roommate so you applied. She had agreed to be your maid of honor in the wedding, and was now letting you hide the dress at her place. She knows nothing about your feelings or your real past of course, you can’t even let your best friend know anything. 
The night sky is clear, stars filling the sky. The air is cool and crisp, still and quiet. Wedding dress in your arm, you try to compose yourself and focus back on the wedding and how you are still happy. A sharp pain strikes the back of your head as something makes contact with you, sending you straight into the ground. You try to get up but hit again, then everything goes dark. 
You feel a pounding headache as you come back to you senses. You keep your eyes closed to help fight the pain. You try to move, only to feel something cold and hard against your wrists, which are above your head. You start to open your eyes, you are sitting on a dirt floor. Looking around the room, you see that the walls are covered in dirt, one door, no windows, the ceiling is mostly blocks of wood and more dirt. There is a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling that lights up the small room. You are underground. Thats when you see cuffs around your wrists with chains attached to the wall holing you up. Your ankles are also chained but attached to some weights rather than the floor. 
On the other side of the room, right across from you, there was a computer system. about 7 screens. You think about what those could possibly be for. On the seat in front of it you see your wedding dress draped over the back. 
Your heart is about to burst out of your chest its pounding so hard. You can feel your palms get clammy. For the first time in years, you are afraid. Having no idea where you are, why you are here and what is going on. Thinking that this can’t be linked to your past, you are dead, how did anyone find you. That is the only reason you can think of, this life you have lived the past 4 years is over. 
The door in the corner starts to open. Your breathing is still intense as you prepare for someone to walk through. Its a man, he is build like a house and tall, his face is covered with a mask. You can’t even see his eyes or anything. “Are you ready?” His voice is disguised, must be a device in the mask. 
You are cold, face pale, but you try to keep a neutral expressions so he doesn’t know you are scared. “For what?” You ask, keeping your voice from shaking.
He turns on the computers and starting to do something on the main screen. You cant see as he is blocking the screen from you, which only causes you more fear. “To see them again.” He laughs as he speaks.
Your stomach drops them, knowing exactly who that is. It can only mean your old team, the one you ran away from, the one that was like your family, the Avengers. That means Bucky. Your mind races, thinking about what they will think, have they known that you weren’t dead, if there did were they searching for you, or did they think you were dread and you are suddenly back and alive. 
The man walks over to you, a sack in his hands. He places it over your head, hiding you from the screen, he must be waiting to make your reveal special. He has plans for you, your stomach aches with the thoughts of what it could be. 
You hear his footsteps go back to the computers, you can hear his fingers clicking against the keyboard. Suddenly he speaks voice still disguised, “Hello there, I hope I have everyone’s attention.” 
You shiver at the sound, knowing who he is talking to. “I have something to show you,” You hear him walking back to you, suddenly the darkness from the sack disappears. Blinding you for a moment. You look right at the computer screens, they are all showing videos of different rooms in the compound. Your friends watching you. “Look who I found,” His voice is cheery. 
He must have hacked the system Tony had in place, broadcasting you on every monitor in the place, security cameras showing them. You lose your breath, wide eyes and still as a statue. On the top right screen is Bucky, he looks as frozen as you are. “I found her in a little town in Nebraska of all places.” You can see the shock on everyone’s face. 
“She seems to have quite the life there, a good job working with kids. How sweet.” He starts pacing around the room. 
“Now you see, I assume you would like her back, or at least alive. I will gladly return her to you.” He pauses, “But of course that means I want payment. Nothing to crazy of course, just a fair trade. How about an arc reactor, that seems like a great trade, an arc reactor for your friend’s life.” 
You can see Tony and Steve talking on the left center screen. You can’t hear anything. No sound is coming from the speakers. You scan all of the screens, you can see Nat, Wanda, Vision, Steve, Sam, Thor, Tony, Bruce and Bucky. There are all there, staring at you, helpless. 
“Now, the choice is yours. If you don’t comply I’ll just keep her as my pet.” He walks over to you, his fingers pet the side of your face. You try to squirm away, pulling his hand back it comes back at full force. You wince in pain, feeling the blood drip from your nose. You snap your head back to the screen, seeing the fear in Bucky’s eyes, in everyone’s eyes really. 
“Anything you would like to say my dear?” His hand motions to the video camera on the main monitor. 
You take a deep breath, holding back tears. “I’m sorry.” Its all you could manage to say before the tears overwhelm you and burst out of you. 
“Are you sorry for making the world think you were dead?” He pauses, walking over to the chair, “Or this?” 
He hold up the wedding dress for them to see, “You’re getting married soon.” He looks over to you, your arms and legs go numb, “You would have made a beautiful bride, don’t you think Bucky?” 
Bucky is getting mad, you can tell. It looks like he is about to jump through the screen. You can also see pain in his eyes, pain that you would do this to him. You just sit there, crying. 
Looking at him again, you force yourself to speak, “Bucky, I had to. Please Buck, I’m sorry. I still love-” You are cut off with another punch to the face. Loosing consciousness for a moment. 
“God, shut up.” The man hisses, “Now if you want to make a trade, meet me here,” he hold up a map so you can’t see. “I’ll be waiting.”
Then the screens go black. The man walks out of the room without giving you another look. 
You don’t know how long its been, since there is no windows or anyway to tell time. As time passes he comes back. He comes back just to hurt you, no words spoken. A few time he cut you, kicked you, and then the classic punch. It feels like weeks have passed, you know it hasn’t been nearly as long, couldn’t have been more than 2 days tops. 
As you sit there alone, you try to distract yourself from the physical pain. The only way to do that is focus on the emotional pain. You think about what they are doing in your current life, Matt is probably worried sick with you missing, using Nina as comfort. No one is there for the kids unless they got volunteers. Your chest is tight, in pain thinking about the pain you are causing everyone. 
Then your mind goes to the team, after 4 years, what were they saying or thinking. Bucky probably has moved on, forgot about you. This is just a painful reminder for him. Would they even want to save you? Why would they? You had abandoned them, made everyone believe you were dead. This is what you deserve. 
As you come to terms with your current situation, accepting your fate to die here, the door opens. “Looks like they might not hate you after all.” He looks down at you, “Too bad they wont get to you.” 
He walks back out as he slams the door, you can hear it lock on the other side. Again, your emotions get the best of you. You start crying uncontrollably. You start to scream “NOOOO!” 
You scream and scream, but it doesn’t do anything. Your throat hurts forcing you to stop. You are underground, no one will hear you and you can’t hear them. You lean your head against the wall, tears still steaming down your cheeks. You find yourself losing energy to stay awake as you cry yourself to sleep. 
You jerk awake, you hear noises outside the door. Voices sound like they are screaming, but you hear them as whispers. Pounding on what must be more doors outside of your’s. 
You feel lighter, you start to feel hope build up inside you. You pull the rest of the energy you have left in you, “HELP!” You scream, “PLEASE! SOMEONE! HELP ME!” You continue, hoping maybe just maybe they can hear you. 
The noises outside disappear, puling everything you have you just scream, not wasting it on words. Just the loudest scream you had in you. You wait a moment, listening to see if it worked. Nothing.
Grief overcomes you, you missed your chance. You throw your head back against the dirt wall, hoping you can just end it now. Thats when you hear it. Another whisper, it is louder than it was before. “Guys, I heard it coming from over here.” 
It sounds a bit like Steve, you are certain its really Steve. “Steve! Please, I’m in here!” You try to scream but it comes out weak. 
Suddenly you can hear bashing against the door. Part of you is happy, the other part worried, what will it be like seeing them again. 
You hear the lock give as the door is bashed open. You really want to look at them as they walk through, but you can’t. Staring at the floor away from the door as you can hear them walk towards you. “(Y/N)..” It’s Steve, his voice is soft and gentle. 
“I’m sorry.” again its all you can manage to say as your hair covers your face and tears starting to spill out of you. 
Footsteps are walking towards you, You can see the boots in front of your face. They are Nat’s. She bends down, pulling your chin up. Looking you right in your eyes. She looks sad, well for her at least. “Listen, you are fine. We are so happy to see you.” She looks at you for a bit longer before she stands, focusing on the cuffs on your hands as Steve releases your ankles from the weights. 
“Where is he?” You ask, looking over at Steve. The corner of his mouth turns into a smile as his head motions to the door. 
There he is, Bucky emerging from the door way. He looks broken. Almost like he had when he was at his worst after escaping Hydra. He stares at you, waiting to see your creation towards him. You can tell that part of him wants to run to you, but the ball is in your court right now. 
“Bucky..” You sound so relieved. You watch him as you stand up, weak from the time spent chained to the floor with the beatings, but you can still do it. You walk to him as fast as you can, as he starts moving forward to catch you as you began to stumble. 
There you are in his arms, eyes meeting for the first time. Neither of you say a word, he just helps you get out of here. 
They take you into the jet, everyone is sitting around as Bruce cleans your wounds. Luckily you aren’t hurt too bad, mild concussion with some scars and bruises. Tony gave you a hoodie to change into because your clothes were covered in blood. 
Everyone is silent for a while except for Bruce telling you to hold still. You just stare at the floor. “So (Y/N), you need to tell me where to fly this thing.” Tony breaks the silence. “Listen, we all want you back, welcoming you with open arms. You had us worried sick about you, we thought we had lost you. But here you are and we want you back.”
You stay silent, trying to think even though you know what you want. You turn to Tony who continues talking, “However, where ever you had been for the past 4 years, you have obviously made a life there.” He looks at the engagement ring on your finger. “Its your choice.” 
Scanning the room everyone is staring at you, everyone with smiles on their faces, looking like they actually mean that they want you to stay with them. Bucky though, he looks hurt. He is hurt that you would just run away, leaving everything the two of you had built. 
Looking back, you two were perfect. 3 years together, as long as you and Matt. The late night conversations, you helping him cope, just lying in each other’s arms for hours, your play fights, the walks in the park you loved, and just being happy. 
“Well first, this is at least what I want to know,” Steve speaks up, “Why did you leave?” 
You swallow hard, preparing yourself, “I messed up.” You hold back the tears, even though you don’t think you have any left, “It was all my fault that those people died. I couldn’t live with looking at all of you everyday knowing that I was the one who messed up. I didn’t really think it through, I just ran. When I had the chance to think about it and see that I should have stayed it was too late” 
You scan the room again to see everyone’s reactions. They look puzzled. “(Y/N),” Its Wanda’s turn to speak, “No one was in that building.” 
“What? There was no way out. I heard their screams.” You are focused on her.
Steve stands, walking towards you. “After the first attack the city put underground tunnels under building just in case of another attack. They were just kept a secret until they were needed to prevent anything.” He kneels in front of you, “No one was in there.” 
You interrupt him, “What about the screams?”
“That must have just been from those in other buildings that were not evacuated yet, there was only capacity for a building or two at a time. We got the ones that were in most danger out first.” Steve looks at you like he knows what has been eating you up inside the past 4 years. 
You look him in the eyes, “Are you sure I’m welcomed back?” 
“Of course” Natasha places a hand on your back, “But I think before we go we should do one last sweep of the place.” 
Everyone nods as they stand, “(Y/N) you wait here, Bucky keep an eye on her.” Steve says as they exit the Jet. 
It is clear what they are doing, they want the two of you to talk. You look over to him, his eyes already watching you as he walks over, taking a seat next to you. You go to speak but are cut off by him. 
“Listen, the decision is yours. I don’t want to make it any harder for you. If you love him, go back to him.” 
“I love him,” You start, Bucky looks away, “But I love Steve, I love Wanda, I love Tony, I love the entire team. But, over everyone, I love you the most Buck.” 
His attention is back on you, holding your hand now, “I understand if you don’t love me anymore, but if you are willing to give me another chance, if you are willing to try rebuilding what we had, I want to. I want to be with you.” 
Bucky stays quiet, “I’m sorry Bucky, every night I thought about you. Wished you were the one beside me. Truth is, I might have been happy but I felt like I had to force myself. Thinking I could never be happy without you, but I thought I could never have you again. I didn’t mean to hurt you, really. I just had to move on at some point. I love you Bucky” 
The water works start again, and rather than speaking he pulls you into a hug. In this moment, everything is perfect, the feeling of his arms wrapped around you cause you to melt in his grasp. He hold you for a while, you feel weight lifting off your shoulders as you are pressed against his warm body. 
“I love you too.” He whispers in your ears, scruff brushing against them making you giggle. You pull away to look at him, both you smiling knowing that you are back. 
You bite your lip, knowing what you have to do, “You do know, I have to go back there though.” 
Bucky nodding in agreement. 
“I have to say goodbye, I need to give them all closure and I think someone deserves an apology.” You look down as you play with your engagement ring, “I think he needs this back too.” 
Foot steps start making their way up the ramp of the jet, the entire team coming back on board. Its clear they are waiting your response. You look up at them, Tony sits in the pilot’s chair starting up the engine. 
“I have to go back.” You announce still playing with your ring, “I have to say goodbye, they all deserve at least that much. I have some explaining to do, I don’t want to do it but he deserves better.” 
As Tony gets the jet ready you give him the address so he can at least see where to fly. “Okay, I think this will take more than a few hours, maybe more than a day considering you do have that rock on your finger.” Tony announces while taking off, “So Nat if you could find us a hotel that would be great. (Y/N) if you have any suggestions, also where is somewhere to land this thing?” 
You hesitate, realizing what you are about to do, “Well I would love to invite you guys to stay at my place but I don’t think I’ll really be welcomed there” You wanted this to be a joke but it just broke you inside. You really did not want to hurt Matt, you do love him but this is just a horrible situation. “There is really only one hotel, its pretty small but its nice. You can land on the community center fields. You’ll just have to get approval from the mayor, I believe he is the next in line for that.” 
Bruce shoots you a confused look, “Next in line? Why don’t we just go to whoever is first.” He suggests.
“You see, being the youth program coordinator, I basically run the community center so I would be the person who could give you permission but seeing as I am not there, I can’t make sure the fields are cleared and give permission. If someone wants to give me their phone I can give you his number so you can speak with him. 
Now everyone is looking at you in amazement and confusion. “Okay, I’ll ask,” Nat taking the floor, “First, how did you get that job with no qualification at all. Second, why do you know the mayors phone number by heart?” 
Fair enough, you thought to yourself. Thinking you would have to explain as they dug around later anyways. “Well first, it is really easy to lie on a resume and make it sound legit. Since the community center belongs to the citizens there my interview was done by a group of volunteers who really didn’t want to waste their time calling references. Second, since that was my job I had to get permission and permits and stuff like that for events so I called him a lot. Plus we are pretty good friends.” 
That didn’t help much with the confusion as you can tell. Tony hand you his phone as you type in the number and hand it back to him, thinking this wasn’t the time to ask to land the Avenger’s jet on the property while you are currently a missing person and all. 
For the rest of the flight the team asks more questions about your new life. You don’y mind filling them in, just wish that it could maybe wait. Every time you talk about it you remember all the good times, the people, everything that you are choosing to leave and the pain you are about to cause. Mostly you worry about Matt, this wedding is almost a week away and you are going to crush his heart. You are breaking down in the inside, nerves going crazy, stomach hurting and pressure in your head. 
“Looks like people are pretty excited for the Avengers,” Tony interrupts, seeing the crowd of people waiting there for you all. 
As you land, you start to feel sick. You can’t handle this. Wanda notices your distress, walking over and grabbing your hand before the door opens. She can tell you need to be comforted, someone for support and how that person cannot be Bucky right now. 
The ramp starts to lower, everyone else stepping out before you attempt. The mayor it there to greet them along with some other important people. You can hear them speak, “So please tell me, why are the Avengers making a surprise visit to our little town.” 
Your stomach drops, you hand on to Wanda as you start walking. No one speaks before you emerge from the Jet, arm and arm with Wanda. Bucky stays on the jet, not wanting to leave. Scanning the crowd, you spot Matt who is running to you, over joyed to see you safe. 
He wraps his arms around you, hugging you tight. You let go of Wanda and hug him back. In the background you hear the kids cheering your name with the sound of their feet running. Suddenly you were in the middle of a giant group hug. 
You can’t help but laugh, looking around to see all the smiling faces. You look over to the team standing next to you, they have smiles too, they aren’t genuine because they know what is gong to happen. You see Bucky peering out from the jet. 
“Wow I am so happy to see all of you!” You say to the kids, “Did you guys want to meet the friends I brought with me?” 
Instantly the kids dispersed to the different Avengers, trying to talk to them and get attention. You laugh seeing how thrown back everyone is at how excited and uncontrolled the children are seeing their heroes. 
“I’m so glad you are okay babe,” Matt pulls you back closer to him, “Are you okay? Where have you been? And how did the Avengers get involved?” There is concern in his eyes, wanting to make sure you are okay. Before you can answer his lips are pressed to yours. Knowing that this will be your last you allow it, holding the back of his neck as he kisses you deeply. He finally pulls away, you can feel the team’s eyes on you. 
“Listen, we can talk about that in private. Do you want to run inside real quick and talk?” Your voice is low, Matt knows it is serious. 
Taking his hand the two of you sneak into the community center. 
“Tell me what happened? Please, who’s ass do I have to kick.” He is serious. Not making this any easier for you. 
You refuse to meet his gaze, not wanting to see his face as you hurt him. “I lied to you.” He pauses, waiting for you to continue, “I didn’t leave California for the quiet town life. I left New York to escape my life. My last name is not Henderson. I am (Y/full/N)’ 
Matt cuts you off, raising his voice before you can continue, “Wait (Y/full/N), as in the Avenger that was presumed dead years ago.” You just nod, avoiding his gaze, “Are you serious right now?” 
Biting your lip you take a deep breath before continuing, “I didn’t mean to lie or hurt you. I got scared and ran away. Came here, made a life for myself without violence.” He is standing across the room, pacing with his hands on his head trying to stay calm. 
“So what you got cold feet and ran back to them?” His voice was angry now.
“No! Someone did take me.” You correct him, “This guy somehow knew who I was and wanted to use me as bait. Thinking that if he had me he could get something from them. They saved me Matt.” 
His pacing has stopped, “Then what does this mean?” His voice calmer now, “Now that they know you are alive, will they leave you alone?” 
Your heart beat is surprisingly calm right now, your palms are sweaty and you can feel pain in your chest knowing what is about to happen. “I’m sorry,” HIs eyes dart to meet yours, “I..I’m going back with them. I have to.”
“Are they forcing you? They can’t do that (Y/N)!” His voice is angry again, you can see veins bulging in his neck.  
“No Matt, It’s not like that.” You take a deep breath to prepare yourself, “I love you, I really do. I don’t want to do this to you. This is something I have to do. They are not forcing me but I have to go back with them. They, well they are my family.” 
Tears start again, they were genuine though, “What about me? Aren’t I your family? What about your life here?” His breathing is heavy, his face red with anger. 
He notices you are now crying, stopping immediately and calming himself down. Seeing that this is hard on you as well. Once is settles down he comes to sit next to you.
 “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to yell.” He places a hand on your back, “I just love you so much. I don’t want to lose you. Even if you aren’t who you say you are, you are still the girl I fell in love with.”
His words sting, hitting you deep in your core. “I wish I didn’t have to hurt you by doing this. I am truly sorry. I hope you forgive me, that you can move on and find someone way better than me.” 
You take off your ring, placing it in his hand. Standing up, you don’t have feeling in your legs. Still able to move them, they just feel like they have a mind of their own. Before you leave, you place a kiss on his forehead like he had done to you all those mornings. Walking away you stop at the door, “I love you.” you say one last time as you walk out. 
Outside, you wipe the tears from your face. Composing yourself for everyone else’s sake. Sam is the first to see you walking back, nudging Nat so she can excuse herself from the conversations. 
“Hey,” She says softly once she reaches you, “I’m guessing that didn’t go to well” 
She can see how red your eyes are as she helps fix you up, bowing on your face to dry it off. Once you were ready, she walks with you. 
In your head you think this can’t go any worse than how it went with Matt. Mentally preparing yourself as you stand between Nat and Tony, with the rest of the Avengers. 
A little hand pops up, you gesture for the child to speak, “Ms. (Y/N), how do you know the Avengers?” 
You were hoping to explain this to just the adults, not the children but here you are. “Well, you see... I used to be an Avenger.” You start to explain. Seeing all the parents and your friends turn to each other in shock. You bend down to the kids who are now actively listening to you, “Before I moved here I was an Avenger, but now they need me to go back. They need me to help them fight the bad guys.” 
All the children are looking at you with amazement. Everyone actively listening as well, hoping you can put it in a way both children and adults can understand without causing any issues, “I really don’t want to leave you guys. I love all of you, it’s just the Avengers are still my family, just like you, but it is time for me to go back with them.” 
You look around at all the eyes focused on you, making you uneasy. You try to stay focused on the kids, they have a lot less judgement in their eyes, “This is very hard for me, I would love to stay here with all of you. It’s just this isn’t my place, I’m meant to be an Avenger. Hopefully none of you are mad or disappointed that I am leaving, I’m heartbroken I have to do this. I hope we can still be friends, maybe I can come visit.” You turn to your team, “Maybe we can all visit.” 
The kids start to cheer, thinking that the Avengers visiting can be a normal occurrence. You finish up, “Now I think its getting late, maybe tomorrow, if its okay with your parents, you guys can hangout and play some games with the real Avengers?” 
The excitement from the kids is overwhelming. You stand back up to be with your team. Scanning the crowd no one looks to angry with you. Once everyone leaves, you notice one person in the crowd waiting to talk to you. Nina. 
Thankfully she isn’t mad, just a little annoyed you did not tell her earlier. She thought you were pretty bad ass. Thankfully she also agreed to get your stuff from your house, well old house. That way you can sleep in your clothes and not in Tony’s old hoodie. 
Back at the hotel everyone had a roommate, realizing you didn’t have a home to go back to tonight you made sure they got enough for you. Seeing everyone pair off, Steve and Sam, Tony and Bruce, Thor and Vision, Wanda and Nat, and that only left you and Bucky. At first you weren’t sure if this is a good idea but the two of you do need some time alone. 
You expect it to be awkward at first, like you would have to start from the beginning. To your surprise it is natural, yeah it isn’t exactly like you left it which is understandable. But there is no awkward tension, not knowing how to act, you two are comfortable with one another. Talking and catching up, not getting into too much with Matt, trying not to upset him. Your conversation got deep though, just like it had before, knowing what is going on in each other’s heads. 
That night, as you lie in bed you feel relieved. You don’t have to put on this act of being happy. You can truly be happy now. You two stay on opposite sides of the bed, you did just break off an engagement after all. However, you could still feel his presence and that is all you need.
In the morning, you wake up still on your side of the bed. However there is a Bucky spooning you from behind, arm draped over your side. Looks like someone missed you more than you thought, not being able to keep away for a single night. You could stay like this forever if it were up to you. 
This moment is brought to a screeching halt as someone knocks on your door. You quickly jump out of bed to answer the door. You slowly open the door, expecting Steve or someone from the team. 
You are wrong, your friend Nina pushes her way in carrying what you think is breakfast from the smell of it. “I am not letting you go without having one last meal with me.” She states making her way into her room. Instantly pausing realizing that you are not alone. “Oh, would you like to explain?” She turns to you, a bit embarrassed but needing to know more. 
You just give her a big grin making sure she isn’t mad, she wouldn’t be angry at the situation, just the fact you didn’t mention any of this to her. “It’s not what you think!” 
“Oh girl, then talk.” Without hesitation she continues to the small table in the room, taking out the food and taking a seat. Poor Bucky is still half asleep in bed. You just shake your head as you join her, grabbing your take out box and sitting at the end of the bed. 
Bucky sighs and walks out of the room, most likely to Sam and Steve’s. Nina mouthes the word ‘wow’ after Bucky leaves the room, who of course was shirtless when she first came in. 
“Okay, I completely understand now. Damn girl, he is such an amazing step up from Matt.” You smack her arm playfully, “Does he have any single friends? Oh! How about Captain America? Is he seeing anyone?” 
“He isn’t, but you are on your own there. That man is a mystery when it comes to dating.” You know she is going to try still. Nothing you could do would stop her. 
The two of you eat breakfast as you fill her in on the rest of the details, now having to explain the insanely hot and rugged man in your bed. 
As you guys talk, you know you are going to miss her the most. You had never had a friendship so effortlessly, not even with Nat and Wanda, you guys were best friends from the start. 
The sun was starting to set again. You had an eventful last day, Sam and Tony took some kids flying, you organized sports games where kids could partner with their favorites, group activities, photo opportunities and a big picnic at the end. 
Once everything is clean, you get ready to go. You were the last one off the jet yesterday and today you are the last one on. Bucky is waiting for you by the ramp as you say goodbye to Nina one last time. 
“You can visit whenever you want!” You insist,
“I’ll take you up on that, please don’t forget about me! I expect constant texts and updates with Mr. Muscles over there” She gestures to Bucky. You force out a laugh, she knows something is bothering you and exactly what it is, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he is okay. I’ll talk with him, he is just hurt right now. He will get over this and everything. I promise.” 
Nina pulls you into a hug, “Thank you, I love you.” you whisper into here ear. 
“Come on, we are loosing daylight here!” Tony screams from the jet. 
Pushing her away, you smile and run to Bucky. Taking his hand as you walk into the jet. The two of you sit together, you instantly rest your head on his shoulder. Thinking that this is right. This is how it should be. You might actually deserve to have this happiness back. 
Permanent tag list: @saturn-aka-six @spiderlingsweb
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crispyimagines17 · 6 years
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“Bistro” - [Tom Hiddleston | One Shot ]
Based on: Imagine; A friend in common arranges a blind date between Tom and you. Both of you knew nothing about each other’s personalities, just like a blind date should be. So what a surprise when you arrive to the Bistro and Tom is there waiting with a bright smile and his charming aura.
Written by: Crispy Imagines.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / Ambience 
Notes: I had a good time writing this and hope you like it as much as I did. Maybe you’ll find it more like a romcom, instead of romance. -D. 
Friends. Once they’re engaged, no one can stop them from trying to help others to be in the same status. That was your best friend’s duty; find the perfect partner for you, according to her words — she was going to get married with a well-known film director; a good man, in deed. And since then, she’s been trying to make you believe in fairy tales.  Even though you appreciated your friend’s worry and care for you, you weren’t really interested to open Tinder and find a brainless man to share life with. So, it wasn’t quite a pleasure to find out she had arranged you a date with a man whose name was unknown to you. 
“What the hell were you thinking about, Liz?”
“It will be a blind date, darling. Just like the old times.”
“The old times? We were on high school!” 
“Okay, I know you’re mad about this. But don’t worry, Matt and I are going with you”, Liz sighed. “Furthermore, he’s actually quite charming; you won’t regret anything. Promise ” 
You rolled your eyes when noticed that trying to escape wasn’t an option. 
“What should I wear, then?” 
“I would recommend that nice dress we bought years ago and hasn’t seen the light since 2010”, she said raising her glass of wine with a smile of satisfaction peeking out from the corner of her lips. 
“Matt, are you sure you told him where the Bistro is?”
Liz asked to her fiancé while she turned the car to the right. 
“I did, darling. Bistro La Roca, 8 p.m.” , he nodded and said softly to calm down her nerves. 
“Thank you. What did he say?” 
The picture of a couple of days before on the set reproduced on his mind.
The sun had reached its highest point; meanwhile, an actor and director were exploring the garden in which the scene of the day would be filmed.
“You will approach and hide behind those trees, so the camera can get a better view”, Matt pointed an area about four meters from their position.
“Then that’s it”, Tom and Matt nodded as they kept walking.
“How are the wedding plans going, by the way?”, the actor asked while he focused his sight to the ground, kicking some rocks.  
“Great, pretty well must say. Liz is quite excited about it”
“And so are you”, Tom looked at him with a kind smile on his face.  
“And so am I, exactly”, Matt took a deep breath before speak. “Now that you mention it… I’d like to warn you that she has an extra invitation in case you’d want to bring someone”
“Warn me?”, the actor stared at his partner with intrigue reflected upon his eyes.
“Listen, mate”, both artists stopped their walk and looked at each other, “Liz arranged a kind of blind date, a double blind date between you and a girl she knows. It hasn’t been settled yet, we wanted to ask you first”
“Oh Matt…”
“I know, I know. But… We’ve worked on many projects together, and even when you say it’s not the way you feel, I realize you’d like someone by your side”
“Where is it?” Tom sighed.
“Bistro La Roca, 8 p.m.” Matt answered as a bright smile came out of his face “She’s a nice girl, Tom. You won’t regret”
And so, the sun set while two souls on different sides of the city were completely unaware of the twists night might bring.
Just half an hour before 8 p.m., the wind flow changed. The echo of a phone ringing could be heard all over the apartment; you stood up from the sofa to reach the device.
A familiar female voice responded weakly on the other side of the line.
“Oh honey…”
By the tone of Liz’s voice, you were preparing yourself for bad news. Maybe he cancelled it.
“I… I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…”
“It’s okay, Liz”, you interrupted her, nodding as if she could see you. 
“Matt and I won’t be able to be with you, darling. I’m sorry. Something went wrong with our car and can’t be there on time”, there could be heard in the background some engine noises and Matt's voice talking to someone else.
“But you go. Don’t let this mess up the night”, Liz hurried her words before her friend could speak.
“No… Liz, I don’t believe…”, but now you were the only one on the line “Liz? Liz!”
You pursed your lips and took a deep breath, while an old memory crossed your mind as if time never happened.
Long fights with men who didn’t understand the importance of your work, of how much time you had to spent when a spark or whatever came up. You sighed. Maybe this idea was a complete nonsense, and you’d make a fool out of yourself supporting it. 
Decided to stay home, you turned on the T.V. once again, finding one of your favorite romcoms on the screen. Just as if it was a sign of hope, the scene had La Vie en Rose as background while the main character was under the magic of walking around Paris at night with someone by her side.
“You must be fucking kidding me”, you rolled your eyes for yourself, surprised by the coincidence. “I’ll be back before the film finishes”
And so, you reached the door to walk away from the apartment on your way to that Bistro.
Almost simultaneously, Tom was in front of a mirror adjusting his tie, and for a moment his eyes went blank as he remembered how long it had been since he had a real date. Even more about a blind date.
The truth is, an actor’s life had its ups and downs, there were unexpected commitments that made him leave the city, or long shooting seasons that prevented him from being at home. Therefore, his life as a couple haven’t flourished because he just hadn’t found someone with whom to balance romance and work.
Tom was about to plunge into a sea of memories when the sound of his phone ringing brought him back to Earth.
“Hey, Matt. What’s up?”
“Hey, Tom”, the director’s voice seemed to be accompanied by a sigh. 
Noises coming from a car and Liz’s voice arguing exasperated with someone else could be heard in the distance.
“Is everything alright?”
“Tom, I’m sorry. Liz and I got a problem with the car and we’re waiting for a mechanic to come”
“God. And are you okay?”
“Yeah, we are. Nothing happened to us”
“If I can do…”
“You can, mate. Go there with this lady and have some fun”, and anticipating Tom’s intentions, the director added “don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine”
Liz's voice asking for Matt's help was heard again.
“Bye, Tom”, he said before hung up.
The actor looked at his phone's screen for a few seconds with raised eyebrows, doubtful. But then he kept it on the pocket of his jacket. And, after a last glance downstairs, he grabbed his coat and car keys letting a sigh came out as he closed the door.
“He believed it?”
“I think so. Did she?”
“I hung up before she could refuse” Liz giggled. 
Matt smiled back and crossed his arm around his fiancee's neck, leading her into the house as she closed the garage door where their car was parked without any damage.
“We're better than Cupid, Matt”
“Hello”, Tom saluted and cleared his throat while adjusting nervously his tie.
“Good evening, sir”
“I think there's a reservation on behalf of Matthew Behrs?”
“In deed. Matthew Behrs, table for 2. If you’d like to follow me, I'll show you...” 
“Excuse me, did you say ‘table for 2′?”, Tom interrupted approaching his head to hear better. 
“So it is”, responded cordially the hostess.
Tom snickered, looking up at the ceiling to realize Matt’s and Liz’s great move.
“Is there a problem, sir?”
“None, sorry”
The hostess lead him to a table on a terrace on the second floor with a perfectly balanced view of London City and a clear sky. Tom thanked her attention and took a seat, glancing the beauty before his eyes as he tried to control his heartbeats.
When getting off the taxi, you couldn’t help but stand admiring the exquisite beauty of one of the best Bistros in London. The place combined the eccentricity of the city with peace and tranquility that can only be found inside a cottage.
After a sigh of self-empowerment, you approached the entrance and a couple of men in uniform opened the doors nicely. God, Bistro La Roca was even more breathtaking inside with those dim lights illuminating the entire floor surrounded by a bittersweet mahogany scent and good food.
“Good night Miss”
Shit. Since Liz was supposed to come with you, you didn’t know whose name the reservation would be on.
“Excuse me, is there a reservation for Elizabeth Jordan or Matthew Behrs?”
The hostess reviewed the list, glancing at you before continuing to search for the name.
“Oh yes”, she nodded and smiled cordially. “Reservation Mr. Matthew Behrs, table for two at 8”. The woman made a gesture with her hand pointing to the stairs “Follow me, someone’s already waiting for you.”
With each step, little by little, you could feel weak at the knees and your heartbeat accelerating.
“Liz, I'm going to kill you,” you muttered to yourself.
As soon as you reached the second floor, your eyes started swimming among a sea of people, looking for a table with a man alone. However, your gaze fixed in the beautiful view while walking through the numerous windows, and almost tripped over a small step without realizing that the woman had lead you to one of the biggest windows that opened onto a terrace.
Only a couple of tables were occupied; one of them by a man seated giving his back. Your heart could’ve left its place right away, but the pleasant view made all energy stream down your spine. 
The hostess turned to you indicating with a nod and a smile your seat.
She said a few more words, but your senses seemed to have stopped the moment your eyes were fixed in Tom’s, who stood up immediately at your arrival, stupefied as well. 
He did manage to hear the hostess's last words, barely understanding an "enjoy your evening", but this was enough for him to come back to reality and raise the chair so that you could take sit.
And thank heaven he did it, because only then could you recover your senses and react.
“Thanks”, you said weakly trying to bring your voice back.
“Tom”, he raised his hand to meet yours and introduce each other. “What a wonderful name, is it foreign?”, you smiled at the comment. 
Wine and breadsticks were placed on the table as you kept talking and dinner was being served.
Suddenly, you both found each other laughing and sharing what could be the best dinner of your lives.
“Yeah, that’s how I broke my leg during summer for eating too much Gelato”, Tom said as he smiled with the simple memory of it.
“What a waste of Gelato, must say”, you giggled.  
Thomas felt… Someone was truly interested on him. It wasn’t a conversation about his career nor Hollywood life, but a sincere one.
“Well, then let us celebrate your burned cake and my Gelato”, he raised his glass of wine. “Cheers?”
You felt… Good God, like never before. The atmosphere and his charming aura made your soul rejoice and have true fun, not that usual forced one.
Food and wine were over but laughs and talks were not. After helping you with the chair like a true gentleman, both walked away of Bistro La Roca side by side. The wind began to blow very hard, inevitably sending you to Tom's arm.
“Oh, I’m sorry”, you looked at him like if you had broken his arm.
“How daring of you. You’ll have to respond to that…”, Tom frowned and wrinkled his nose, imitating a beast to emphasize his next words “aggressive act of yours”
“What?”, you snickered but trying to be serious.
“Let’s have a walk while I think how you could apologize correctly”, Tom took off his coat and placed it on your shoulders.
And so, the silhouette of two souls walking went lost under the shine of London stars.
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