#mako: jaws of death
horror-in-my-veins · 3 months
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Sharks in horror movies part 4
Jaws 3 1988- Great White
Jaws the Revenge 1987- Great White
Jersey Shore Shark Attack 2012- Great White
Jurassic Shark 2012- Megalodon
Killer Shark 2021- Great White
Kon Tiki 2012- Great White
Land Shark 2020- Puppet Great White
Mako: Jaws of Death 1976- Tiger Shark
Malibu Shark Attack 2009- Goblin Shark
Maneater 2022- Great White
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davealmost · 2 years
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Mako: The Jaws of Death
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mariocki · 1 year
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Mako: The Jaws of Death (The Jaws of Death, 1976)
"The old man told me that the inlet was a very special place where he went to give sacrifice to their shark god. His people made a living from the sea. They could only survive through the good graces of the most powerful force they knew: the shark. I had done what no man had dared to try, and by their sparing my life, and killing those who would've killed me, I became a member of the shark clan. So, in return for my life, as long as I wear my medallion, I'll find friends everywhere amongst the sharks."
#mako: the jaws of death#the jaws of death#william grefé#1976#american cinema#robert w. morgan#richard jaeckel#jennifer bishop#buffy dee#harold sakata#john davis chandler#ben kronen#milton 'butterball' smith#paul preston#bob gordon#george johnson#jerry albert#lucille blackton#marcia knight#dan fitzgerald#sharksploitation#bill grefé you dunnit again. still on my deep dive into this singularly shoddy filmography of a legitimate auteur of crap; i didn't even#make a post for the last Grefé film I watched (1970's The Naked Zoo) bc i just straight up hated the film so much (a joyless exercise in#mental cruelty with lashings of misogyny and racism). i had higher hopes for Mako; this was the film that actually got me interested in#Grefé‚ and lord knows I love a Jaws ripoff. im also a fan of Jaeckel (co star of Grizzly‚ one of the all time greats in Jawsalike movie#making) but despite that this wasnt the good time i was hoping for. starts off pretty fun and dumb as Jaeckel's weird loner uses his#psychic connection with sharks (yup) to defend them from evil humans (i can get behind that unexpected pov) but loses almost all its good#faith once real sharks start getting really killed. it's not clear how much is real and how much staged but theres at least one genuine#killing and one is too many; no shark deserves to die for a shit film‚ even if it is (absurdly) arguing for their better protection.#a deeply stupid and infuriatingly pointlessly cruel film which could have been good fun but burns its bridges very quickly
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kply-industries · 2 years
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Seeing you comforting a child…
ft. leon kennedy, cloud strife
Leon Kennedy would never dare admit it openly, but the stoic, badass exterior melted away ever so slightly at the sight of you tenderly comforting a lost child.
That time in the ransacked village, when the haunting wails of a youngster pierced the air amidst the carnage - Leon instinctively tensed, jaw setting grimly as his grip tightened on his rifle.
But then he spotted you already racing ahead unhesitatingly. Dropping to one knee, arms outstretched in a gentle beckoning posture as the little one startled then sprinted straight into your protective embrace.
Your soothing tones murmured comforting assurances while cradling their trembling form close against you. Fingers carding soothingly through tangled hair with the utmost tender care.
And Leon couldn't tear his widened eyes away from the tenderhearted display. Throat constricting over the unexpected lump suddenly materializing there.
That million-watt smile radiating from your features as you rocked them patiently until whimpering quieted was like the first vibrant blossom peeking through the ash after a nuclear winter.
An oasis of affectionate nurturing shining through the oppressive bleakness suffocating them both for far too painfully long.
Leon found his calloused finger-pads unconsciously drifting up to caress his own chapped lips as if wishing to physically absorb the tranquil serenity you effortlessly exuded.
Eyelids momentarily fluttering closed while permitting himself to just bask in the warmth emanating from your very presence like a soothing balm against all the harrowing darkness poisoning them both.
A tremulous sigh escaped between those parted lips as the barest ghost of a smile tugged at their corners for the first time in...Christ, had it really been years since he last felt anything even remotely resembling that fleeting glimmer of unguarded optimism blossoming in his chest?
The peaceful tableau you presented with the now-placid child tucked securely in your arms struck Leon deeper than any physical combat wound ever could.
Worming past every steel-plated layer of defenses, countermeasures and failsafes, straight down into the most vulnerable core of his humanity he'd sworn died an agonizing death ages ago.
It terrified yet entranced him in equal measure just drinking in the serene display. Eventually those narrowed steel-blue irises regained some of their piercing guardedness while surreptitiously cataloging every nuance etched upon your expressions and ministrations.
As if desperately searing the moment into his consciousness to be revisited and clung onto later through whatever hell awaited them next.
Thank Christ for your influence and the inexplicable balm it provided against the miasma of torment clouding Leon's withered soul more with every passing abyss they navigated together...
The uncompromising mask remained solidly affixed in place by the time you finally lifted your eyes to meet his guarded gaze, the child nestled peacefully into the crook of your neck.
Not a single flicker of that momentary softness penetrated the hauntingly chiseled granite of his features now.
Yet behind that shuttered and fortified thousand-yard stare, the barest ember pulsed with renewed tenacity suffusing Leon's frigid disposition with almost undetectable glimmers of warmth.
All because of your natural radiance and selfless compassion reminding him why they fought on through each grueling gauntlet.
Sure he'd never verbalize sentiments that unbearably raw and guileless aloud. But that infinitesimal spark continuing to miraculously smolder despite all efforts to smother it was enough to propel them onward through any escalating onslaught yet to come.
This time with a renewed fervor steeling Leon's adamantine determination from the inside out.
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The desolate, mako-tainted wastes proved no place for a child's cries. Yet the haunting echoes still pierced straight through Cloud's calloused defenses when tiny lungs unleashed their heartrending wails upon the barren landscape.
His gloved grip instinctively clenched tighter around the battered Buster Sword's hilt, jaw tensing as those predatory ice-blue irises immediately snapped towards the source of the disturbance.
Fully prepared for whatever fresh horror emerged after the merc caught fleeting movement through his peripherals.
But the cautious sweep revealed only your slender form already hastening ahead. Moving with fluid grace directly towards the sobbing bundle tucked against a crumbling wall.
His firm chapped lips tightened into a grim line witnessing you unhesitatingly drop to one knee before the distressed child without any apparent armaments at the ready.
From this distance, Cloud glimpsed your gentle features soften with bottomless compassion wholly separate from the usual battlefield ferocity.
Small hands unfurled in placating gestures exuding profound warmth and sincerity instantly easing some of the fractures riddling his own battered soul simply by proximity.
While you deftly coaxed the tiny thing into your embrace with susurrant tones and infinitely patient ministrations, Cloud suddenly found himself robbed of breath altogether.
Those glacial spheres wide and stunned at the exquisitely tender vision you presented cradling their fragility so reverently. A profound ache lodged behind his breastbone at the maternal aura emanating from your whole being.
He swallowed convulsively over the sandpaper abrasions rasping along his windpipe.
Gloved fingers betraying the slightest tremor disturbing his usual uncompromising stoicism while still drinking in every indelible detail of the intimate scene unraveling.
From the tender flickering caresses smoothed across tangled russet locks to your honeyed vocals humming soothing melodies of consolation.
All suffusing the stale, mako-saturated atmosphere with vibrant healing essences Cloud found himself instinctively gravitating closer towards.
Feather-light brushes scritched lovingly along the whimpering child's back forming hypnotic ellipses mirroring your unguarded smile radiating all-encompassing warmth across those cherubic cheeks now drenched in tear tracks.
Until finally after an eternity, the miniature form stilled in your arms. Body unlocking from its terrified rigor mortis into the very picture of youthful tranquility tucked securely against your heartbeat.
Cloud hadn't even realized he'd been holding his own respiration captive until the soft sigh expelled in a shuddering rush between lax lips.
A full-bodied flinch rattled his broad shoulders at its sudden harsh volume intruding upon the sacred tableau before him.
But thankfully, your features remained beautifully serene, wholly undisturbed while continuing to rock the now-quieted bundle in gentle rhythms.
Only then did molten sapphire pools drift up to lock with his widened stare burning with intensity across the slender lacuna separating you. A tremor not wholly attributable to anxiety skittered down his whip-cord musculature watching your radiant smile intensify directed solely towards Cloud.
As if silently communicating your infinite gratitude for him bearing witness to such an intimate and precious moment blossoming in this scorched hellscape...
Whatever parched recesses comprising the haunted mercenary's core still retained the capacity for absorbing nurturing warmth - it suddenly flooded within the confines of his barrel chest when those infinitely compassionate irises shone their benediction upon him.
Unknotting every rigid sinew and ligament hardened into a battle-tempered carapace purely through the power of your tender, life-affirming essence.
Almost imperceptibly, Cloud's chapped lips softened around the faintest half-curved suggestions budding there.
Posture unconsciously opening to welcome your pure light into his long-shadowed world while holding your loving gaze in mesmerized thrall.
As if determined to thoroughly archive this oasis of serenity and unconditional love in his consciousness so it may fortify whatever grueling battles destiny demanded they wage next.
Then in a single blink and a slight dip of your chin, the spell abruptly dissolved back into hyper-vigilance.
Yet even with the mercenary's legendary ice reformed across those exquisite Nordic features, perpetually braced for the next onslaught - a spark continued flickering in the hooded caverns of his stare.
A faint ember of something intangible yet transcendent now eternally kindled behind his armored exterior.
All because you'd reminded Cloud one of his most precious intangible dreams had been manifested into cherished reality...even under the most desolate conditions.
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eternalsailormom · 3 months
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If you haven't seen Under Paris and plan to and also hate spoilers this essay is not for you yet, come back later! Anyway ok so this fucking banger of a movie finally replaced Deep Blue Sea as my favorite shark movie of all time. The whole movie was a statement while also having a good time. Deep Blue sea had a good foundation, script, the famous Samuel L. Jackson rallying speech (So we're not going to fight ANYMORE!), took itself seriously except for well timed LL Cool J scenes, and didn't skimp on graphics or shark time. Also that ending credits song. Perfection. But THIS movie had the foundation, the script, the acting, the graphics, and THAT ENDING THO. The meanings behind the movie itself and why the ending happened the way it did was just *chef's kiss*. DBS has specifically only one human--Dr. McAlester--who is made to be at fault for the makos becoming smart and vengeful, so as long as she died by shark, per test audiences, then the movie ending with all 3 sharks dead is seen as ok. Even though humanity was at fault the sharks still overall need to be bested because they're smart sharks and smart sharks are bad. Under Paris was meant to be a satirical take on French politics, greed, climate change vs human decisions that always make things worse, and ultimately the end was an anti-Hollywood poke at how the sharks always die at the end. Not only do the sharks live, they win. Multiple things happen in the movie that underscore the poor decisions of humans for hundreds of years thus leading to climate change, greed and our own hubris. The WWII shells polluting the Siene lead to destruction generations later. The pollution of the oceans leading to the new species of shark Lilith becomes. The refusal to stop the Olympic triathlon due to money and image taking precedent over human lives. The machinery of politics over humanity. The sharks win because they deserve to take back the world we're ruining, because being deadly and able to quickly parthenogenetically reproduce thanks to our polluting shouldn't be their death sentence, and they win because we can't fix the problems we've created by making more poor decisions. The main characters in the film all keep making poor decisions that lead to either their deaths or the destruction of nature, and that was purposeful. Sharks are vital to the oceans and Lilith would repopulate the waters in no time, fixing the damage we've done to shark populations. Bruh when the explosions started and Paris started crumbling and I realized the sharks were going to win, I screamed. 15/10
Also here is a link to further reading because of course I researched this to make sure I wasn't reading too much into it and backstory is fun 🦈
"Under Paris’ Director Used Hollywood Tricks to Make an “Anti-Hollywood” Netflix Hit. Xavier Gens, who was born the same year that Steven Spielberg released 'Jaws,' dives deep into the making of his subversive shark feature."
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eternal-gromnommer · 1 year
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In celebration of this year's Kaijune, I decided to re-watch Pacific Rim: Uprising to check if it really was as bad as everyone was claiming it was and I remember it being.
It...kinda was.
Heaps of wasted opportunities, character arcs that went nowhere, random pointless death of Mako Mori (boo!) and a whole new cast of teens who have little appeal and just rehash the story beats of the first film.
Which is a shame, because it did have a lot of cool ideas that could have been better-executed. Like the hybrid-drones, or Obsidian Fury, the kaiju-brain controlled Jaeger.
But by far the biggest wasted opportunity was the rather bland and underwhelming Mega Kaiju, which just looked like a bigger Kaiju with the component parts barely evident. So for Kaijune I whipped up a redesign of how I'd try to make it look more distinct and have the component parts accounted for.
Raijin, Hakuja and Shrikethorn remain mostly unchanged, just with more distinct palettes to highlight the patchwork nature of the fusion and with a reduced number of digits to make the fused limbs less cluttered.
The centerpiece of the Mega Kaiju head is Raijin's inner head, with Shrikethorn's inverted upper jaw now forming the lower jaw and Raijin and Shrikethorn's original lower jaws forming a "collar" around the neck. Hakuja's head is split entirely in half to form "horns" and the tusked lower jaw similarly bisected to form "mandibles". Raijin's four head-plates are all present, with the bottom two on the chest and the top two forming a crest atop the fused head. Ten eyes from Shrikethorn, six from Hakuja and sixteen from Raijin add up to a total of 32: way more than canon!Mega Kaiju's ten.
The redesigned Mega Kaiju also has eight limbs instead of six. The two main forearms are a fusion of Shrikethorn and Raijin's arms, while a smaller pair on the chest are Hakuja's intact frontmost limbs. The two pairs of hind legs are Hakuja's four back legs, with the middle pair fused to Raijin's legs and the back pair fused to Shrikethorn's legs. Hakuja's dorsal armor plates now stand up like spikes on the Mega Kaiju's back, and the tails are partly Raijin and partly Shrikethorn, with Hakuja armor plates forming spear-like tips.
And finally, as a stitched-together Frankensteined kaiju, the seams are still clearly visible, made from the ripper drones that tore apart the three components and sewed them up into one. The seams and stitches occasionally leak blue kaiju blood now and then: furthering the Mega Kaiju design as a mutilated, tortured monstrosity, clearly not designed to survive very long and merely live long enough to wreck its immediate foes, reach Mount Fuji, and jump inside to its death to fulfill the Precursors' master plan to trigger a massive eruption and cause a mass extinction event.
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For a blog that calls itself “Scary Movies on Netflix,” I actually haven’t reviewed a Netflix original horror movie in a long time.  Maybe you’ve noticed that I’ve been binging on movies from the 1960s, but I think it’s time to return to my roots.
This Frenchie flick starts in the Pacific Ocean.  A team of researchers, led by Sophie, are tracking a shark, a mako.  It arrives and is much larger than they expected, seven meters.  That’s more than 20 feet for you non-metric people.  The shark attacks!  Les attaques de requins!  Mon Dieu!  A bunch of people are chomped to death.  Sophie dives in…to save them, I guess.  She sees the shark and it drags her down into the depths via piece of garbage wrapped around her foot.  Sophie manages to free herself and swims to the surface. 
A few years later she is a traumatized worker at an aquarium.  In Paris!  She is approached by Mika, a sharks’ right activist, who tells Sophie she has tracked that same shark, who they call Lillith, to Paris!  It has followed Sophie and is now swimming in the Seine!  That night Mika dives into the river to investigate a submerged car.  The driver side door has shark bite marks, and she is menaced by a shadowy shape…of a shark!  The French river police (la police fluviale), led by Adil, arrive and retrieve Mika from the water.  Mika eventually mentions something about sharks and has the police summon Sophie.  Sophie goes diving with the police to convince them that there actually is a shark.  Sophie and the police then approach the mayor of Paris, but she is more concerned about the upcoming triathlon than the general safety of Paris (much like how they didn’t want to close the beach in “Jaws” (1975)). 
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Meanwhile, Mika and her shark activist friends make a whole social media thing out of the shark.  Mika wants to safely lead the shark back into the ocean, and she and a bunch of people gather in an underwater catacomb (last seen in “As Above, So Below” (2014)) with some kind of sonar device to attract the shark.  One of Mika’s friends (Ben) narcs on her, and the police follow Mika and her friends to the catacombs.  The shark arrives!  Along with a baby shark!  Mika is grabbed by the sharks and torn apart, and then the sharks chomp on a bunch more people.  (Ben is knocked out by people scrambling to escape the water and drowns.)  It is a disaster.  Une catastrophe! The mayor blames the police for the debacle and places the military in charge of the triathlon’s safety, which she refuses to cancel!
Sophie and the police ignore the mayor’s orders and devise a plan to kill the shark, which they earlier discovered can now reproduce by parthenogenesis.  They’re going to attract the shark back to that underwater catacomb and set off a bomb.  Une bombe, mon petite fromage! Meanwhile, the mayor opens the triathlon, and a bunch of people start swimming in the Seine.  The bomb is detonated, but most of the cops are eaten by sharks.  Sophie and Idril make it back to the river.  Sophie inspects the collapsed river wall, but the giant shark busts through!  The bomb didn’t work! 
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The shark capsizes the cop’s boat (they needed a bigger boat, heh) and eats some more cops.  It then heads toward the triathlon swimmers!  It starts to munch on them, and finally jumps out of the water to bite a swimmer.  It’s another disaster!  Everyone starts to panic.  The military shows up and they begin to shoot at the shark in the water with machine guns and sniper rifles.  This sets off unexploded World War 2 ordinance still in the Seine, and there must be a lot of the stuff, because there are a bunch of explosions, which destroy numerous bridges!  This then causes a huge, tsunami-like wave to sweep down the Seine!  The mayor is swept away! 
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We finally see Sophie pull Adil to safety atop a kiosk roof.  We pull back to see that central Paris has been flooded.  Like, from Notre Dame all the way to Champ-de-Mars, and more.  There are sharks everywhere.  La fin.
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This was…sort of a mess.  It’s a monster shark movie, but it’s also a disaster film.  It points out the disaster of so many sharks being killed by mankind, but the shark activist gets eaten by a shark!  Quelle ironie!  The filmmaking is competent, to be sure, and there are plenty of gorgeous views of Paris along the Seine.  Shots of the single shark, huge and menacing, were well done, but group attacks looked a bit artificial.  The ending was ridiculous, but I still found myself grinning because of the escalating series of disasters.  A tsunami?  In Paris?  That’s full of sharks?  Count me in.
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shivunin · 7 months
Songfic Tag Game
Rules: Pick a song to accompany each of your fics or as many as you like. This might be the fic's inspiration or just pure vibes that you'd like to share with readers. Tag as many people as fics you feature (or do as you please!)
Thank you for the tag @greypetrel!! You know I'm a sucker for anything music-related 💗
Lol well I sure have more fics than I remember, so I'll do them until I'm ready to go back to writing/editing the oc kiss things c:
Tagging back @idolsgf @nightwardenminthara @inquisimer @dreadfutures @bitchesofostwick @vakarians-babe @jtownnn @ndostairlyrium @dungeons-and-dragon-age @star--nymph @zenstrike
Your Fate For Mine: (Elowen decides to sacrifice herself instead of allowing Hawke or Stroud die in the Fade; her friends try to find and bring her back) Anywhere On This Road by Lhasa De Sela
Wander the Drifting Roads: (After a horrible accident, Emmaera loses her Commander and lover in one stroke of a knife. Separated, the two of them must relearn who they are and where their paths lead) Mausoleum by Rafferty or Remember Us by Gabriel Royal or Flowers from Hadestown
Between Strokes of Night: (Hawke and Fenris's first night after deciding to be together again) Awake at Night by half alive
Saccharine: (Arianwen gives in to emotion for the first time in her life and takes Zevran to bed) Saccharine by Jazmin Bean or Kiss Me You Animal by Burn the Ballroom
To the Bone: (Soulmate AU! The last person Salshira intends to seek out is the one on the other side of the flame brand at her jaw. Love is, after all, one of the most dangerous things a person can do. Luck--or fate--drags her to the Inquisition anyway) Die Young by Sylvan Esso or All I've Ever Known from Hadestown
Scattered Stars: (Fenhawke anthology fic--this is where all my Tumblr fics go when they've been edited and expanded upon c:) Right on Time by Brandi Carlile or Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac
Palimpsest: (Fenris's perspective of the events leading up to the romance scene in Act II) That Unwanted Animal by The Amazing Devil or Peregrine by Mako
Tempered: (The Inquisitor learns of a death in the family and tries to manage her grief) Good Grief by Dessa
In Any Life: (Fenris leaves for Tevinter; he and Hawke try to write to each other, but their letters have gone astray) Siuil a Ruin by Anuna or Francesca by Hozier
The Scourge of Sundermount: (A monster lives in the mountains outside of Kirkwall. What fate is there for a monster but a knight with a blade sent to kill it?) Leviathan, the Girl by Phemiec or The Killing Moon by Echo & The Bunnymen or Strangelove by Black Math
Misericordia: (An elaboration on the scene where Cullen explains lyrium addiction to the Inquisitor) The Myth by San Fermin or Nothing Fades Like the Light by Orville Peck
As Two Reflected Stars: (Hawke and Fenris's developing relationship, as traced by the healing of wounds) I Know You Know by Charming Disaster or Arms by San Fermin or Anybody Else by The Ballroom Thieves
Book of Memories: (Sequel of sorts to Wander; moments in Emma and Cullen's relationships, each carefully noted in a single book for later reference) You and Me On the Rock by Brandi Carlile or Photograph by Cody Fry
Sleight of Hand: (Hawke is a stage magician. She's asked very few questions about her surly assistant, which has worked just fine for both of them--until his past comes calling) Enchante by Dirt Poor Robins or The Magic by Lola Blanc
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younmexreaders · 5 months
~~ Makonoid x Reader ~~
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Makonoid and Reader Become Friends
You head out to explore a mostly abandoned reactor and find that they're making monsters there! Eeek! You leave but something follows you and wants to be your friend.
Gender Neutral Reader & Shiku the Makonoid | 1.2k words
Shinra's usual bullshit
Platonic Stalking? He follows you home
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Shinra was an evil, monotone building standing tall above the slow river of blue-blooded humans. Simply surviving was a task civilians struggled to achieve. Shinra created so many abominations unto nature that it was hard to keep track of them all. They often times just hid their creations away in the mountains, for the poor people of Nibelheim to stumble upon. You were one of those poor people.
While hiking in the mountains near the reactor, resting at the manor since you knew exactly where to break into, you decided to visit the tall, stone grey, metallic death chamber and see what treasures you could find. You brought bolt clippers with you, whistling a jaunty tune without a care and breaking the chain on the door. You slipped inside, looking around the eerily brightened place, quieting your song.
Bright blues danced on the walls like the shine of a swimming pool, mako streamed below your feet making use of the name "lifestream". You looked around for any shiny things you could salvage for money. Strange tubes filled with mako lined the stairs up to the door leading to the inner reactor. You peered into the tube.
Is there anything actually in there...? You asked yourself. You wiped the dust off the glass and hummed, stepping back when you couldn't find anything.
"This place is surprisingly clean..." You hummed.
The sharp sound of steam releasing startled you into a jump. You hid behind the tubes, glancing over the glass to the tube that was falling open, holding a weird, humanoid form as it slept. You waited many moments, slowly standing.
The creature was asleep, its jaw was exposed with teeth sharp enough to tear meat right off the bone. His claws and body were a beautiful shade of blue, his calfs changing to an odd goldfish orange. He blinked awake, slowly rising and rubbing his eyes.
He got to his feet and started jittering energetically. He acted like he had just ingested 400lbs of pure caffeine. He looked around the room, racing to the other tubes and tapping on the glass, hissing growls exiting his teeth questioningly. You forgot that you were standing, tilting your head as he focused on you.
He tilted his head back.
"Uh... hi." You muttered. He ran up to you, startling you onto your ass. He snickered in his weird voice, pulling you back to your feet. Still holding your arm, he twisted you around, studying you and prodding your soft fleshy sides.
"Ow! Hey, quit it!" You whined.
"Hhh..." He hissed. He let go of you and returned to the tubes, tapping the glass, annoyed.
"What? Do you want to wake them up?" You asked. He glanced at you, then to the tube, tapping. You went to the tube and knelt by the side, checking for any switches or buttons to open it. Seems there was none.
"Sorry, dude." You shrugged and stood back. He growled, hitting the glass now. "Hitting it isn't going to help, maybe it releases when you're ready and not forcefully?" That seemed to get through to him, he sat beside the tube and folded his legs to his chest, almost vibrating with all the energy he had.
"You should probably expend that energy." You suggested. He looked up at you, letting a hiss and shaking his head.
"Alright, bye then." You turned to leave. A sudden and large weight snagged your leg, tripping you. You yelped as you fell, landing on your face.
"Fuck, why!?" You glared at your leg. He was hanging onto you, whining.
"What do you want from me?"
"Speak English!" You barked, frustrated. He flinched and let you go, retreating aside like a wounded animal. You rolled your eyes and left the reactor as quickly as your feet would take you. The creature watched you from the door, twitching.
You haven't returned to the reactor since, nor have you seen of the odd humanoid. The citizens of Nibelheim continued to travel up the same mountain but they haven't seen the creature either. At least no one you asked did.
You were strangely curious what happened to it, gathering your things to head back to the reactor. There was a knock at your door.
"Right now? Uh... Okay." You went to answer it. You stared at the blue scales of someone familiar.
"Reactor dude?" You wondered, craning your neck in order to look at him.
"Shiku." He answered, somewhat stilted.
"You can talk now?" You hummed.
"Learned... Why leave?" He asked you, upset. You sighed and leaned on the doorframe.
"Because I have a home?" You huffed. He frowned, stepping inside your home. You growled, trying to appear dominant despite your obvious lack of height. "Hey! I didn't say you could come in. Out, out, out!" You barked, pushing his shoulders. Shiku whined, totally confused why you were being so aggressive.
"But I...!" He started as the door slammed.
"Fucking animal..." You growled. He bellowed at the door, clawing the wood helplessly. You covered your ears, trying to block him out.
But it kinda hurt. Not your ears, but it stung inside. He had no one, his family is still undeveloped, so you're all he has. You groaned and opened the ragged door. Shiku lowered his claws, splintered wood still trapped in them.
"Friend...?" He mewed. You allowed him into your home. He sprinted inside, looking into everything and scattering pillows.
"Calm down, Shiku." You muttered.
"Friend has nice nest." He hummed, putting everything back in its place and crouching by the potted plants. You sat on your couch and watched him study your home. Shiku made himself as small as possible.
"Friend is angry..."
"You noticed?" You sarcastically shot back. He nodded, laying his head on the couch beside you. He studied you closely, pushing himself up onto the seat and sitting beside you.
"Friend Lonely?"
"What makes you think that?" You wondered. He sniffed the air, picking up a picture from the side table. It was one of your family in Wutai, the ceremonial garments were brightly colored. He could tell that those humans don't live there if they did there would be more scents.
"Only you in nest."
"Brilliant deduction. What do you want?" You returned to the initial question at hand.
"Alone too."
"Well you aren't staying here, you're leaving as soon as I can get you out." You folded your arms, glaring at him. Shiku snorted at you, nudging your shoulder with his cheek.
"Friend mean..." He sighed, laying his head on your lap. You stiffened, watching him suspiciously. He stared back at you. He had no intention other than resting his horned head. The horns prodded your legs uncomfortably, his breath hissing over his teeth. His eyes flickered over your face, hands folded together calmly. His energy has subdued this meeting. He wasn't jittery this time, you wondered if that was just a "first-day" thing. Your hesitant hand graced his horns softly.
"What are you doing, Shiku?" You sighed. He tilted his head slightly.
"You keep acting like a sad puppy." You giggled softly. He closed his eyes and tapped his claw to your temple.
"Friend lonely. Angry. Shiku help." He folded his hands back together. "Friend help too." He rolled onto his side, letting an arm hang off the side of the couch. He started snoring, breathing calmly and keeping you warm. You sighed and shook your head.
"Fine, friend will help."
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brokehorrorfan · 9 months
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Impulse will be released on Blu-ray on March 12 via Grindhouse Releasing. Dave Lebow designed the new artwork for the 1974 horror-thriller film, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary.
William Grefé (Mako: The Jaws of Death) directs from a script by Tony Crechales (The Killing Kind). William Shatner stars with Ruth Roman, Harold Sakata, Jennifer Bishop, James Dobson, and Kim Nicholas.
Impulse has been newly restored in 4K from archival film elements. Two bonus features directed by Grefé - 1966 crime roughie The Devil's Sisters and 1973 comedy The Godmothers - are included.
Special features for the two-disc set are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by director William Grefé
William Shatner live in Santa Monic - October 9, 2022
Interview with director William Grefé
Interviews with producer and make-up artist Doug Hobart and art director Roger Carlton Sherman
Alternate French soundtrack
Still galleries
The Devil's Sisters - 1966 feature
The Godmothers - 1973 feature
Hours of rare cinematic treasures from William Grefé's vaults
Liner notes by underground filmmaker Jacques Boyreau
Still galleries, trailers
A deranged gigolo (William Shatner) preys on rich women, unable to control his murderous psychosexual urges.
Pre-order Impulse.
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Linko - "Take Me to Church"
One of my favorite songs! Thanks for the ask. Here's a fic:
Bolin smacked his brother on the back of his for what must've been the third time now. It wasn't like Mako to zone out like that- not when they were in the midst of the most enticing game of Pai Sho against champions, Korra and Asami.
"You daydream one more time, and I'm going to flip this table, start a kettle of tea and spill it just so you can tell us what rotten woman has gotten you in such a trance that you're letting your brother lose to a bunch of girly girls!"
Mako, wide-eyed, turned towards his brother with red cheeks of embarrassment.
Korra clapped once, gathering everyone's attention in a beat.
"I'll give you this game if Mako gives us a name." The avatar stated with a cunning smile.
"Korra!" Asami cried.
"Deal!" Bolin slapped the table before anyone else could disagree.
In one swift motion, Korra's arm swept across the table and dismantled the whole game.
"Now," She smirked, "Tell us, Mako. Who's gotten you in such a daze?"
"No one!" He spat.
"Come on," Asami groaned, feeling the pinch of a wasted strategy on a throwaway game, "Give us something."
"Is she dreamy?" Bolin asked, resting his face in his hand against the table.
"Is she hot?" Korra leaned over the table.
Mako couldn't resist the teasing any longer. He bit the inside of his cheeks, unsuccessfully, giving himself away.
"Fine." He exhaled, "Yes."
"She's funny?" Bolin perked up.
"My lover's got a humor," He replied, dreamily rolling his eyes. His three companions took notice of it with gaped mouths and before they could badger him with more questions, Mako continued, "She's the giggle at a funeral."
"Oh..?" Asami considered the poet she never knew him to be.
"She's- she's just- she's a Goddess." He said, not quite finding the words he was looking for.
Asami and Korra giggled at the sight of Mako looking so utterly smitten.
"She's everybody's disapproval." He sighed.
"What does that mean-" Bolin's mouth was smacked shut with Korra's hand.
"Go on. you seem to really worship this woman." The Avatar said.
Mako smiled, looking to the floor shyly, "I should've worshipped her sooner. If the spirits ever did speak, she's the last true mouthpiece."
"You'd go to the spirit world for her?" Asami asked. Everybody was perplexed by firebender's riddles, but no one dared to have him clarify. They were relishing in his newfound art.
"Take me there and I'll worship her like a dog at the shrine of the lies-" He scoffed. Lin told him she didn't love him, but they both knew it wasn't true, "I'll tell her my sins while she sharpens her metal knife."
Team avatar's jaws only dropped further as he went on.
"She tortures me with this deathless death, and the things I'd do to give her my life."
"Mako," Korra stopped him. She placed one concerned hand on his wrist, "Who is she?"
The firebender only smiled in response.
"She's everything."
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swtor-legacy-sitcom · 2 years
Mandalorian Justice Has a Cruel Streak
The human trafficker bounty was one Mako was excited for. These were the bad guys. these were the scum she had signed up to take down as a Bounty Hunter. When Wrathe took Skadge, she took it personal. But when Skadge looked at her and said “You Don’t want to go on this one. Trust me Girlie.” She had a bad feeling.  Just, uneasy. It was the look on Skadge’s face
His face had turned from a leer into a nervous glance. Something was wrong. Several hours in, there was just that sense of dread, Gault and Blizz were working on the ship, Torian was polishing his weapons with a soliditary she hadn’t seen before.  Mako had checked the servers in worry. she managed to find a security feed to the place. The epitome of depravity, violation, and exploitation she was expecting to find with a dozen free women and kids was a slaughter house. 
Skadge was being violently ill, or a houk was, as several hardened Sith, hutts and ‘trainer’s were being butchered in ways that... could even turn Skadge’s stomach. Many missed calls. No holo replies. Skadge had come back behind Wrathe. He headed up to the holo-terminal to look at several of the targets.  He was not ok. He was quite his body movements were... off. He was not ok.  Skadge had made some sort of comment about “too bad they couldn’t keep two of those twi’lek cuties.”
Wrathe had been pondering something on the holo, stroking his chin, when he heard the comment. Mako felt a spray of something on her face, and La’Wrathe kept talking like he hadn’t noticed anything. Mako realized in terror it was the Houk’s blood. She gasped and held her mouth Wrathe had grabbed a vibroknife, plunged it into Skadge’s neck without turning, between his jaw, and ripped, over his shoulder, splitting the Houk’s tounge and jaw in half.
He just stood there, mouth gaping, in pain, while Wrathe pretended like nothing happened. He was not ok. this was not ok. She could only stammer and offer to get a medkit, Wrathe told her not to bother, that Skadge was just leaving. Wrathe just hovered near the boarding ramp as Skadge tried to flee in terror.  In the end Wrathe just watched him crawl away, just... watched... like he wanted to make sure he stopped moving. Mako felt like the world was crashing in.   Working on instinct, and a need for answers, Hauled Skadge back and learned how to set a houk’s jaw, and sew a tongue back together.
The next bounty they went on was after Skadge recovered. He hadn’t talked to her since. She wanted answers. This time, they weren’t even gotten back in the hatch yet, Skadge made a joke about Mako ending up there. There was a blur of black armor.  Mako later learned, there was a part of a Houk’s skull on either side, that if crushed with fingers in a certain way, it caused a slow and agonizing death. Wrathe had, to her horror, eased up the pressure to prolong Skadge’s suffering.
Mako called him off. She was beside herself.  Where had this come from? what was wrong with him? She could only sit down on the stairs, playing with a tool when Gault came by and Spoke. He was not a fatherly or Uncle type. but he said what she needed to hear.
“Go upstairs. go to bed. Your Mando needs you”
“what?! after? all that?” Mako gasped
“Mako...” Gault began
“He’s... he’s acting like...”
“The houk!” Gault yelled, pointing at the medbay, “Is PISSING himself in terror right now, laying there, twiddling his thumbs, PRAYING, you go upstairs and this blows over. We’ve all been worried what might happen if Skadge crossed a line. GUESS WHAT? He did. one cruel joke too many. Meanwhile...”
“Am I supposed to just pretend like it never happened? to just kiss him and cuddle up like I didn’t see...”
“Some people need killing. We know this. If he had to have a cruel streak over one thing, shouldn’t this be it? Skadge made a joke about some twilek girls, on their way to a battered women’s shelter by now. But you? oh, the only thing keeping Skadge alive, and we know it, Skadge knows it!  Is you called Wrathe off.  And right now, he’s upstairs, alone. All he wants is what we ALL want. to get paid, and go back and get some sleep after a job. He loves you Mako. But I’m running out of distractions for Blizz, so he doesn’t find out, and Torian can only polish so many weapons. we won’t be ok, until you two are both ok. 
“Gault? thanks.” was all she could say Gault gave her a heartbroken look. These kids. these damn stupid kids...”
Mako went upstairs she found him sitting on the bed.. “I love you.” was all he said. no apoligies. he didn’t need to. some people just needed killing. and He needed Mako. Mako needed him.
They went to bed.  Things were always normal the next day. They never talked about it again. some people... just needed killing. They still did the human trafficker jobs. the red light sector busts. But Wrathe went with Skadge. Mako wished them well waved goodbye laughed... they all knew what was coming. what would happen.   Skadge’s demeanor recovered slowly, but it did recover.  They didn’t talk about it. There were jobs Skadge was kept around for. Jobs he didn’t want to do, but knew a hand for hand was necessary.
 What really killed Mako though, was When Skadge looked back. it wasn’t a gloat. it wasn’t your boytoy is like me. It wasn’t a threat. It wasn’t It’s payback and you’re next. It was a moment of fear, uncertainty. Skadge owed Mako his life. and the only thing keeping him alive, Where jobs hunting the bad guys.
I’m coming back... right?
They came back, Skadge made some crude joke about entrails, and Wrathe and Mako went to bed, holding each other tightly. They didn’t talk about some jobs Some jobs, you needed a big sociopathic sledgehammer. 
Skadge is hated for reasons. I don’t have the stomach to remove entrails. Skadge does. but if you think, Wrathe won’t do it himself... well...
angst brought by ADHD brain and new meds. yay
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leaarongmail-blog · 6 months
Mako: The Jaws of Death (1976) | RETRO HORROR MOVIE | Richard Jaeckel - ...
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coolmoviemanmike · 8 months
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I'm watching Mako: The Jaws of Death (1976)
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markramsey · 1 year
Listen to our latest #podcast Episode 71: Mako: The Jaws of Death gets reviewed and we talk about the news and what we've been watching on TV and film. https://anchor.fm/mark-ramsey2/episodes/Episode-71-Mako-The-Jaws-of-Death-1976-e279b4a
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