#makorra critical
More Toxic Ships That Ruined A Show
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I just had to add more ships that have become infamous throughout the fandom.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 years
How Makorra Parallels Kataang
I have been thinking about Zutara and LOK lately. I have seen arguments about Makorra being a rip off Zutara. But besides the bending aspect, I don't see much of Zutara - I see more Kataang. Where Mako is Katara and Korra is Aang. Unlike ATLA, I have not watched LOK fully (I have watched multiple refresher videos) so feel free to correct me if my arguments are off. Also since I only watched LOK season 1 entirely, I will just focus on that season since that's the climax of Makorra anyway.
I do not like either pairing, but I will give credit where it is due for them.
Initial Interest Korra and Aang being the avatar seem to play a big role in Mako and Katara's interest in them. For Katara, Aang represented a chance to leave the south pole to learn waterbending then her hope to end the war. Even if Aang were not the avatar, there is a high chance they would have been good friends still, but him being the avatar cemented her investment in him. For Mako, he only warmed up to Korra when she proved herself useful in the pro-bending match. Why should Korra being the avatar change his opinion of her (You're the avatar, and I'm an idiot - Mako)?
One-sided Crush Korra and Aang have crushes or strong admiration upon meeting Mako and Katara, but their feelings are not explicitly reciprocated. Katara sees Aang as a goofy kid and Mako sees Korra as an annoying fangirl at first. However, as a kid I used to see Katara's feelings as ambiguous so I can see how people may have thought she felt something for Aang deep down. Also, while Mako was becoming closer to Korra, did this mean he wanted to DATE her? Their relationship was still friendship for the most part. He does not convey outright romantic attraction to her. Which ties into my next point.
Love Interests Have Other Crushes While the avatars pine after their crushes, said crushes have other romantic interests. Mako starts dating Asami and Katara obviously admired Jet. Asami was the girl that Mako immediately showed interest in.
Emotional Connection with Other Love Interests/Crushes Katara emotionally connects with other guys like Jet and Haru about losing her mother much better than she does with Aang. Has Aang ever offered empathy towards her for her mom?? Jet expresses sympathy and Haru understands her pain of having little left of her mom. Korra, being a sheltered avatar, can not relate to Mako's living and financial situation. I had believed that Mako told Asami about his parents first, but it appears I was wrong according to his relationship timeline on Youtube. So point for Korra there. However, given that Asami also lost a parent, they have another commonality to bond other and empathize with each other on. So point for Asami. I am not saying that losing a parent makes Asami a better girlfriend than Korra. I am just saying that Mako has another thing to relate to Asami with.
Nonconsensual Kissing Both Korra and Aang kiss their crushes without their consent. The dialogue about feeling confused is almost the exact same for Mako and Katara. Even the facial expressions and the head movements are similar. Korra's case is worse because Mako was dating Asami at that point and she was on a date with Bolin, Mako's little brother. Disgusting. At least we see ramifications for Korra and her relationship with her friends unlike Aang who seems to get off scot-free. Also, after the initial surprise, Mako reciprocated the kiss but that hardly makes it better for Korra. For Kataang, given that the conclusion of the series was coming up, I suppose there was not time to shoe horn in relationship tension due to the kiss but it is still problematic that it was apparently swept under the rug.
Ending Scenes Both Mako and Katara feel like trophies for a job well done, especially Katara. At least for Mako, we can see him developing feelings for Korra. Too bad Asami was given the boot for it to happen. This contrasts Katara's case where things seemed to have resolved offscreen. Another difference is that Mako approached Korra about his feelings first while she lost her bending and then season 1 ends with her accepting his love. The romance scenes just felt obligatory. The hero saves the day so they need a girlfriend/boyfriend to complete the victory.
Impact of Romance on Character Mako was kind of interesting but he became boring or insufferable after he dated Korra (leading up to dating her too). The way he handled Asami was terrible. The most important aspect of his character seemed to be whose boyfriend he was. The flip flopping between girls also hurt his character in my opinion (it was even joked about in book 3 during that reflection episode). As much as he supported Korrasami in the comics, his pride as a man must have been hurt somehow. The guy was emasculated badly. Katara's worst moments seem to be with Aang in Book 3. Up until that book, we mostly saw the relationship from Aang's POV. However, her feelings about things don't seem to matter when we finally get her perspective. I have only seen snipets of the comics but she becomes nothing more than the avatar's girl which is a travesty. Seeing her in LOK was weird as a preteen. She was so passionate and strong and now she's a lonely old woman? Katara did not resonate with me anymore. She's hardly ever around except for a few family scenes and Korra related matters (her initial training scene and healing her after the poisoning). I have come to appreciate housewife characters more (evident with my Chi-Chi post) but why couldn't she be a homemaker and an important political figure or wise mentor like Zuko or Toph? It's like after getting with Aang, she stagnated or something.
There are other ideas I can not properly articulate so I will leave it here. Let me know what you think!
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azulas-daddy-kink · 3 months
Why are people incapable of being normal when they find out you ship Makorra, or even just that you like Mako as a character?
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misssakurapetal28 · 2 months
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makoxxlip · 9 months
Korrasami's shippers think that this
"like yes, korra is literally the most powerful person in the world, but the second asami uses her angry voice, she fears for her life. ( and rightfully so )"
- is a good thing... yikes yikes. why the fuck the Avatar would be afraid of Asami 🤦‍♀️
Oh man I hate that one scene with so much passion but these people making it about " Korra only scared of her lol " is the worst like- you don't care about Korra if that's your only thought.
Literally Korra just came back from years of physical and mental health struggling, which Asami perfectly knew since she's the only one who got a letter cuz Korra felt enough comfortable for her to be her only confident, but still she got screamed at while she was just trying to help her.
While on the other hand, Korra get criticized or even hated for the hell out of it when she did the same with Mako in the beginning of b2 while it was more understandable with how much she was going through at that time. Also she was a 18 yo teenage girl with the responsibility of the world on her shoulders, not 22.
Also in that same reunion scene, Mako got mad at Korra too, but him it was bc it didn't get any news from her for years making him dead worried but still.. look how gentle he is with her without knowing her condition beforehand? And his feelings were legit (both Mako's complain and Korra's self isolation are legit btw- how they're confronting it afterwards is the only thing which can be 'judged') but still, Korra didn't replied back to him too, understanding his feelings and even actually blaming herself for making him feeling bad. While we know how these two react when they're disagreeing and are genuinely angry., but here it wasn't it. But guess who got hate for literally reacting like a caring friend? Mako.
Anyway, if that scene was just taken like that and not romanticised I wouldn't care but it's just sounds wrong how people trying to turn it out.
You prob didn't asked for a rant, but there it is hoping you wouldn't mind 🫶🏽
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minnnieminmin · 1 year
i watched this whole video and i still don’t believe in huntl0w. if the writers knew the last parts of the story would be rushed why continue trying to form a new relationship with these characters? it feels SUPER rushed. and just because hunter blushes that still doesn’t make for good ship material. 
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ljf613 · 2 years
Brainstorming potential ship ideas for @avatar-wtf-weekend.....
.........and I've come to the conclusion that LOK fandom really does just stick to the same five ships and is generally less rarepair-friendly than the ATLA fandom.
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thatonebirdwrites · 9 months
Korrasami is Canon
I literally do not understand when people trashtalk or write really cruel things about Korrasami shipping, especially when they make claims that aren't supported by the show itself.
I honestly wonder sometimes if folks who hate on Korrasami don't understand what a healthy relationship can look like? (Or is there unconscious bias influencing their hatred of it?)
Because Korrasami is a healthy relationship; it's relationship goals honestly. This doesn't make it a boring relationship either, as healthy relationships can have their joys, sorrows, pain, struggles, healing moments, etc. The important aspects that keep the relationship healthy is how the two respond to those situations together. To explain, I'll cover why Makorra is NOT healthy.
Majority of Makorra shippers' arguments cherry-pick random scenes that are incredibly brief with scant evidence of Makorra being "good" for Mako and Korra (it isn't). (P.S. Makorra shippers please stop using homophobic language and slurs when you talk about Korrasami shipping, it's a really bad look, okay? Thanks.)
All arguments ignore the huge amount of evidence that the Makorra relationship was severely harming both Mako and Korra. As well as the evidence that both are happier just being friends.
Mako and Korra fight all the time in screaming matches to the point they break things around one another. This is really not healthy.
They can't get through a conversation without one of them being furious at the other.
Mako fails to support Korra's decisions, critiques her decisions,and, does not give his thoughts when asked but instead parrots other people which isn't what Korra had asked at all.
Mako is indecisive about his feelings to the point of hurting both Asami and Korra.
Mako is too protective of Korra and does not respect her independence or her abilities.
Mako fails to support her emotionally due to often not listening to the core of her words, yet he expects her to support him emotionally regardless and is angry when she doesn't.
Mako's personality when he's with Korra becomes: bland dude with no thoughts of his own or screaming fury of a person. He's actually a much better person and kinder overall when he's NOT in a relationship with Korra.
Mako betrays Korra's trust TWICE.
Mako lies to Korra.
When Mako and Korra are just friends, they relate to one another better and don't scream as much at each other. Mako is also more respectful of Korra when they are just friends and NOT together.
All arguments ignore the plenty of evidence that Asami and Korra flirted with one another since Book 1. They tend to forget the brothers entirely in scenes with one another. Book 3 is literally the Asami-and-Korra-flirt-arc, like all they do is flirt in that book. Book 4 had an arc that contrasts how well Korra and Asami work together, and how horrifically critical of them Mako is during that arc.
All arguments ignore the buildup of Korrasami: Asami literally built Korra a whole dang park, designed and gifted her an airship, supports Korra no matter what, calls Korra amazing constantly, always follows through with helping Korra, painted her car blue in honor of Korra, and spends most of her time flirting and pinning after Korra since BOOK 1. Even at the end of Book 2, the first name she says when asking if the Krew is okay is Korra, and then she adds the others as an afterthought. This is all pretty blatant stuff that Asami does, and Korra responds in turn with her own flirting and pinning. Korra literally only writes Asami while she's gone for three years and admits that she feels like Asami is the only one who understands her. She even blushes for Asami in Book 4. Why does Korrasami work so well?
Korra and Asami have mutual respect for their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and independence.
They support each other no matter what.
Asami is literally the first person to say yes to whatever Korra needs help on pretty much constantly, and she always follows through.
They talk through their arguments, and have never had a screaming match. In fact, the one time they do argue, Korra deescalates, and they talk it out and/or come to an acceptance relatively quick.
They are honest about their feelings with one another.
Asami is pretty much the only one that consistently asks Korra how she is, sits and listens to her talk through her troubles, and offers emotional support. (Mako fails to do so.)
Asami never, ever doubts Korra. (Mako does many a time.)
Asami never lies to Korra. (Mako does many a time.)
Asami reminds Korra she's awesome and amazing since Book 1 (even after she finds out Korra liked Mako too).
Asami never blames Korra for her failed relationship with Mako, instead she puts the responsibility on Mako who had lied to both of them and hurt them both with his indecision. Asami is never mad at Korra about this either, and her anger is only at Mako.
They are so seamless in their fighting styles that they can predict the other's moves, and so act in wonderful synchronicity. (Mako fails to ever do this with either of them and instead critiques them endlessly).
Asami and Korra never critique one another's actions. Instead, they talk through what happened and support each other's decisions. Asami ALWAYS supports Korra, and always sides with Korra, and is able to talk through hard issues with Korra. She shares her thoughts with Korra, and Korra respects her for that. (Mako fails to support Korra's decisions, often trying to stay in this weird neutral area, and gets angry that Korra doesn't like that he won't actually share what he thinks nor show support for her.)
Asami never betrayed Korra. (Mako does in Book 2).
Asami and Korra respect one another's boundaries.
Korra shares that she feels that Asami is the only one that really 'gets her' and understands her, and Asami feels the same about Korra.
I could go on and on.
Anyway, thanks for reading.
P.S. if Makorra shipper tries to shit on my post with unfounded vitriol and bad faith arguments, be advised that I don't have the energy or time for it. Blocks are very useful tools. Have a great day!
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azulas-lightning-bolt · 3 months
I’m gonna preface this by saying (as most mako enjoyers can sympathize with) I have scrolled the ENTIRE mako tag on tumblr. more than once. I have seen everything.
which is including those character x reader/original character posts. and no hate to them at all, but one that stuck with me (because I, the sucker I am, read the entire thing without realizing the romantic undertones until it got overtly,, romantic) seemed SO ooc I actually wilted a little.
again, no hate at all to these people who make these—they enjoy what they enjoy and display their passions how they want and that’s great—but since I’m not naming names I’m going to make my own friendly criticisms and comments.
basically, it was set as mako and the ofc being pro-benders. ofc threatened to hand mako’s ass to him in the next match and is trying to hold true to that. she’s strong enough, fight is cool, whatever. I didn’t read it as romantic at all—the commentary for the match made a reference to fan theories that ofc and mako had something going on, but I still thought it was chill rivalry between friends who thought the rumors were dumb.
but what happens? mako lets ofc win. LETS HER. just gets distracted by her beauty or whatever and lets her knock him.
this guy was three seconds from booting the goddamn avatar to ensure a win because he was POOR and this was his LIVELIHOOD. he would NOT let some girl win lying down.
the other thing I hated was that mako likes a girl that is 1. way out of his league and 2. able to beat his ass without breaking a sweat. source: makorra and masami. this girl did not fit two. he wouldn’t have let her win, he would’ve gotten a crush on her as she strong armed his head into the floor.
anyway. he wants a girl he should under no circumstances be able to get who can beat him up or a man. bi mako agenda is real.
thank you all for coming to my Ted talk I’m losing my mind over dumb awkward pretty boy #43875
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
Choose Violence 🔥- 23, 25
Also thank you for doing the most loveable animal friend tournament - it's great :)
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I don't think there are many ships I am or was ever outright against [except for Bopal and Zutara. I see the appeal but genuinely get annoyed when i see it actoss my dash]
If I were to pick a ship I used to dislike, I'd say, Makorra? I used to never really see the appeal of it and their arguments in B2 were super upsetting to me. But with a lot of mutuals I know being into the ship, I'm starting to appreciate it.
25.common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
People talking about how tlok 'ruined' the gaang. Like stfu. Let them be traumatised old people who make mistakes. Leave them alone.
I personally appreciate the Gaang more after tlok.
Tbh most criticisms towards tlok, specifically Korra or Korrasam, I'm just sick of it all. Not to say that none of them are valid but i guess I've heard it so many times I just get annoyed?
Thanks for the ask love, glad to be doing the animal friend tournament. But are you gonna be thanking me in a few rounds when our most beloved furry friends are pitted against each other or shall you curse my name?
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orangepanic · 6 months
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
🍭why did you start writing?
📡why is writing and sharing your writing important for fandom?
🎀 Um. I really struggle with this. Uh. There's a lot of it?
🍭 Spite. I hate love triangles and thought Asami got a raw deal in season one. She seemed so nice! I have no problem with Makorra, but I wanted Asami to have a happy ending, too. Enter General Hotstuff, who from the first two seconds on screen seems perfect for her. By the end of the season I wound up like him as a character in his own right. Surely this will happen, right? Makorra happy ending and then also Irosami happy ending? Right? Right?
Instead we get season two where we have the love triangle again, Asami getting not-quite-dumped by Mako again, the United Forces getting firebombed like sitting ducks again, and on top of it General Iroh says "ask my mom!" instead of helping and Makorra break up for reasons that aren't entirely clear? WTF?
So I yelled at the screen and re-wrote season two.
📡 My brain is full of stories and I find it's best to get them out. Sharing them online is one way to do that. I used to write for online contests and stuff but I don't actually like contests or critique. I don't want to "be a writer." Fanfiction and fandom is a way for me to get the stories down and yeet them somewhere so that I can clear space in my brain for something new, and without it having to be a job or a source of criticism.
Fanfic writer asks
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makiquas · 5 months
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☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* M A K I Q U A S ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
mimi / alo, 20s, india
she / they pronouns, trans enby masc bi
anime, cartoons, all animated media, gl, webtoons
currently reading: amongst us
☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* F A N D O M S ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
jujutsu kaisen
chainsaw man
kimetsu no yaiba (tag as demon slayer)
attack on titan (s1-s3)
puella magi madoka magica
death note
revolutionary girl utena
studio ghibli
satoshi kon
sk8 the infinity
she ra and the princesses of power
avatar the last airbender
legend of korra
love death + robots
☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* S H I P S ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
makiqua, akihime, shinomitsu, tankana, kanaoi, inoaoi, inotan, uzuis, gennezu, eremin, levihan, jeankasa, mikasasha, yumihisu, niccosasha, hitchannie, mikannie, yumiannie, erurihan, madohomu, lawlight, remisa, juriori, utenanthy, renga, catradora, glimbow, glitradora, glitra, entrapdak, zutara, katoph, mailee, azutara, jinko, jetkotara, sukizula, yukka, sukka, yueki, kyalin, korrasami, makorra, timebomb, melvika, caitvi [among others]
!!! HARD DNI: !!!
terfs, transmeds, biphobes, butchphobes, radfems, racists, zionists, purist stans who refuse to criticise their fave media
☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* BEFORE YOU FOLLOW ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
Please read before you follow
I am an adult, queer, trans person of color and my identity informs my media analysis.
I am focused on shows and books featuring women, female relationships and queer/trans desire. Not interested in a lot of popular ships. heads up :3
I do not appreciate purity discourse on my blog unless I encourage a conversation on my own terms. I am a perfectly capable person with two degrees in literature and arts and I can analyse my own media, thank you very much.
I will reblog criticism even on my favourite fandoms. if you don't want that, best not follow.
I like toxic media, dark romance and evil female characters. In particular, I LOVE toxic yuri but there are hard boundaries for me. I do not like racist dynamics, and I think toxic gl should be equally balanced- not in the sense of literal power dynamics, but that both sapphics should be equally crazy and it's not like a naive cinnamon roll x evil dommy mommy thing.
I love seeing butches, mascs and gnc lesbians and bisexuals in media. I interpret several characters from popular media as butch lesbians and speak about butchphobia. Please do not follow if you are a butchphobe.
Bisexuals do not owe you explanation for using butch and femme. Do not speak over bisexuals and gatekeep queer history.
There are some ships I actively dislike, excluding the obvious pedo/incest/taboo ones so if you like any of the below, best steer clear:
akiangel, fiend harem, zennezu, giyushino, sanegiyu, akaren, eremika, mobuhan, pikuhan, aruannie, lawlightmane, kataang, maiko, zukka, zukki, tokka
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blakebow · 6 months
I have seen korrasami shippers use the genders involved to shield it from criticism going korrasami is the only same sex ship in lok that we have if you dont support it you dont care about us. or going but its the first canon same sex ship involving mc's on a kids show. while turning around and implying that we only care that korrasami happened over makorra was because its a het ship going there are plenty of shows where the het ship becomes canon
lmao. any ship can be shitty and toxic, it doesn't matter what kind of ship it is. typical braindead slash stans are so cancerous, it's disgusting.
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cell151 · 9 months
Can you believe that there are STILL active makorra shippers? Of course, for them, just shipping is never enough.
They STILL have those sick, disgusting needs to demonize and trash Asami, and they even go so far that they imagine how they would beat her up and rip her hair... just... disgusting...
And of course that they STILL like to make that one (1) scene where Asami was angry at Korra supposedly problematic, and that Mako is somehow the one who actually cares about Korra... ugh...
The only somehow new argument now is that it is somehow bad how TLOK comics supposedly ignore the relationship between Korra and Mako.
As we know, Korra shouldn't be focused on her relationship with her actual girlfriend and instead be more in contact with her ex-boyfriend, because as we know, all people should stay in close contact with their exes, and ignore their actual partners, for reasons...
Yeah I don't get it either.
It seems like in 2014 there was sort of an even split between Korrasami and m*k*rra but I think the latter has fallen off. Like I'll come across z*t*r* randomly (again not as much as before) but m*k*rra is rare, at least in the case that you don't actively seek it out.
I like to think tastes have matured over time. Because back when LOK was running the only ships there dominating the fics, Deviantart, Tumblr, etc. were the aforementioned Z, M and T*kka (all of which, if it isn't clear, I don't like). All the best artwork was dedicated to these, the volume of fics outnumbered those for the canon couples, and poor Mai and Suki got pushed to the side, with poor Mai getting the worst of it.
I'm pleased that Maiko, Sukka and Kataang are finally getting their moment to shine these days. Again either tastes matured or the next generation of viewers didn't align themselves with those who wept when the moody firebender didn't hook up with the waterbender.
Speaking of moody firebender and waterbender, let's talk Korra.
2013: Korrasami is considered the "crackship". Book 2 puts the kabash on m*k*rra because let's face it: M*ko is a boring character. Cardboard has more personality. He is there to fulfill the stereotype of moody firebender and have cool firebending skills that animators can have with. Want something on fire? He's your guy.
Other than its the trope of tragic backstory that have no bearing on the plot whatsoever. In fact, M*ko doesn't have any bearing on the plot.
M*ko & Bolin find their family: no impact.
M*ko & Bolin have a dynamic with Kai because of similar backgrounds: lasts an episode or two. Kai interacts with Jinora for the rest of the series.
M*ko is Wu's bodyguard: aside from the kidnapping episode, which is a great episode, this subplot goes nowhere apart from some "comedy"
It's a shame that the roles weren't reversed. Firebender is the comic relief and the Earthbender is the serious one.
But alas we're stuck with off-brand Diet Zuko.
2014: The season that changed everything: Book 3.
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Book 4: This is where the fractures started to form. With Book 3, those that had been routing for Korrasami (for clarification I jumped on that train in Book 2 because M*ko was such a prick in that season) found validation and with the finish line in sight, there were those that somehow believed that a relationship that soured years prior was somehow going to mend itself. As you mentioned, lack of communication between the two and a lack of trust. M*ko doesn't seem to trust Korra a lot until toward the end of Book 4.
Then the finale aired and something happened that really didn't occur when ATLA ended: Mike and Bryan wrote a post that stated definitely that Korra and Asami were together. Not just "good friends". No "up to interpretation." Korra and Asami are a couple.
Of course after LOK, there was more LGBTQ stories and characters in TV going forward, with varying degrees of success as is all media.
There are some idiotic posts that criticize Korrasami while viewing it from the perspective of having shows like She-Ra, Owl House, etc. for the past couple years. But rightly those criticisms are pushed back by those who know how much of a risk it was to even get on the air.
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makoxxlip · 10 months
How do you think Makorra would occur in Season 3 and 4, with themes like Korra's PTSD and Mako & Bolin finding their family?
I genuinely think b3 is already good how is it, especially with how much action there's in it so there's not that much place for the rest, but Makorra still here even if it's mostly casual and the post break up context.
There's doubts and tension especially from Mako's side. But Korra is constantly reassuring him through some affectionately actions and words "You're part of team avatar. " and Mako still truly care about Korra and despite being awkward around her (due to still romantic feelings, but that's on my interpretation even if theses two were obviously baited until the very end) he's still her white knight constantly protecting her (fought the red lotus, making up plan for her to be safe despite putting himself in danger, plan to find her back..) like he always did since the beginning, showing how extreme their relationships status could change, they'll always care and deeply need each other.
They're truly a such cool lovers to exes positive representation, I'm glad for it 🙏🏽
but here comes b4...
tbh even with that one book I don't have that much to say outside that ending, cuz once again we got major Makorra moments- he literally accompanied her during a major step in her recovery journey? (facing Zaheer) Telling her how he got dead worried and was actually mad at her for not updating him? His part in the remembrance episode being just him ranting about how Korra is incredible, amazing, spectacular, show stopping, totally unique, never the same- and how she moved his whole world and inspired him, to the point he unhesitatingly sacrificed himself in the b4 finale directly paralleling Korra's sacrifice in b3 finale.
And with that last sentence I want to bring back my problem with that end and also the comics.
Makorra literally share a such specific and traumatic same experience through these sacrifices, which is being disabled and partially losing their skills while being used to be very talented, even prodigies, benders and fighters... but they did NOTHING of it ignoring Mako's trauma, acting like Korra is all 'healed' also ignoring her trauma too cuz let's be real 'korra alone' was FAR from enough, and their relationship in general, especially in the comics, destroying what they build since b1 making Korra and Mako so distant (Korra not caring about Mako's arm while she literally lived the same experience he's going through) They could help and heal together understanding e/o so well.
So my main complain will be mostly that and post b4 in general and how Makorra straight up got wasted and just loose a godly storyline over whatever bs we got instead.
Now on Mako and Bolin's fam path of plot, I don't think Korra was necessary in it since it's really focused on the bros unused back story, which I hope will be digged even more later.
That's it i guess. Hope I actually answered your question 🫶🏽
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captaindarksword · 10 months
I have to be frank the whole how could you be against korrasami its the only same sex ship in lok or the first canon same sex ship involving mc’s kind of shows to me that they understand on a deep level that korrasami was badly written that it had no buildup.
since they have to rely on the uniqueness ( the fact there wasnt a same sex ship involving a mc before)
to try and deflect criticism . when the fact its the only canon same sex ship in lok and the first canon same sex ship  involving mc is irrelevant for its a forced ship that shouldnt have happened . 
If i were to make one wish  to change lok it would be the last minute retcon korrasami didnt happen because the fact that its the first canon same sex ship involving mc should not be the reason why people support it.
korra nd asami were barely friends they barely interacted with each other censorship doesnt explain what happened with them. and korrasami shippers just took any positive interaction between them and claimed it was evidence and they take any moment and over play/hype/exaggerate along with infusing headcanons as if they were fact.
1. I recall someone claiming that korra chose asami to help her in b3 when nothing shows that 
2. they claimed that korra sent asami multiple letters when its implied its only one letter
3/ they pretend that korra sending asami a letter (she wouldnt have read the letter asami sent back so it would be more like korra venting in a letter which is easier to do then talking one to one .(from experience )  ) means asami is closer to her than the others when it doesnt . people can say stuff to someone they arent as close to because they felt that they would understand better saw an example of this from an anon on a different post,  or they didnt 
4. asami has never shown the ability to support korra the way she needed to tenzin and mako have heck in remembrances asami the one moment we had to see her try and support korra she failed she went youre the avatar of course we need you while tenzin succeded by bringing up korra as a person and mako got a whole speech about how he feels about korra the person. and cares about korra who she is and wouldnt bring up korra being the avatar as why he needs korra.
and  mako supported korra the way she needed to when she went off to confront zaheer and given their personalities mako would be the only one who would have done this
6. korra and asami barely interacted in b4 censorship doesnt explain that
7.  people try to go if it was a het ship you would see it when no ,  if korra/asami was a guy no one would ship korrasami, while people wouldship makorra even if one of  them were genderbent.
8.    on the blush that isnt romantic evidence she blushed at bolin complimenting her as well and she didnt have romantic feelings for him ( she was just in a sad/negative state
at best you could say maybe male asami hada crush on korra ( since with friendships between men and women dont really include compliments while two girls being friends can compliment each others appearance without it being romantic. while if two guys did that people would make gay jokes while two girls complimenting each others looks is considered normal.
( guys tend to avoid being too intimate/close with their guy friends do to not wanting to be seen as gay 
while two girls being friends dont have this problem
 alot of people ignore that to just go if one of them was gender swapped
“You can’t just port the actions of a female character over to her Rule 63 equivalent without alteration and expect it to mean anything.  Male!Asami never would have been helping Korra get dressed in the first place, and he probably wouldn’t have gotten a letter, either.  And portraying platonic male-female friendships without romantic undertones is a ridiculous tightwalk that doesn’t allow for compliments about appearance in the way female-female friendships do.
You can’t just port the actions of a female character over to her Rule 63 equivalent without alteration and expect it to mean anything.  Male!Asami never would have been helping Korra get dressed in the first place, and he probably wouldn’t have gotten a letter, either.  And portraying platonic male-female friendships without romantic undertones is a ridiculous tightwalk that doesn’t allow for compliments about appearance in the way female-female friendships do.
Build up requires, you know, building up.  Korra and Asami only had personal conversations in eight episodes out of the 26 that made up Books 3 and 4, and their amount of direct conversation tanked between the two Books, with Book 3’s five direct plot-related conversations dropping to zero in Book 4.  Since episodes with group conversations held steady at two, that means that episodes with any conversations between the two at all dropped from 11 to 6.  That’s… basically the opposite of buildup.  (And, for reference, Book 1 had nine episodes that dealt with Mako and Korra’s relationship directly, which is more than Korra and Asami had in both Books 3 and 4.)
If the show wanted to portray Asami as Korra’s closest friend and confidant, it should have found a way to make it seem like Korra actually valued Asami as such instead of just having her react to Asami pushing to do stuff or help her in almost every instance.  =P  Male!Asami would have probably read as a pushy Nice Guy if things played out the same way.
K/A wasn’t intended to salvage the show, no (and Bryke didn’t seem to want to continue past Book 4 anyway).  Given Bryan’s post, it’s far more likely that it was intended to salvage Bryke’s conscience.
Shippers base speculation on ridiculously limited evidence regardless of gender, particularly when the characters involved are attractive.  That doesn’t mean that shows actually expect their viewers to see something like Kuvira and Tonraq looking at each other as romantic.  =P
9. to be frank if asami was a guy I doubt male asami would be the one to help korra get dressed given their lacking relationship
( dont give me but korrasami was more popular as an argument to it having evidence or being planned zutara was more popular then kataang.)
www . tumblr . com/ikkinthekitsune/146525844549/ive-just-been-thinking-lately-what-if-some-of
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