#male cricket
asmrtune · 1 year
Cricket chirping sounds are produced by male crickets as a way to communicate with females and establish territory. The sound is created by rubbing their front wings together in a process called stridulation. Each species of cricket has a unique song, which is used to attract females for mating. The chirping sound is also used to ward off competing males and establish dominance. The rate and pattern of chirping can vary depending on factors such as temperature, humidity, and the individual cricket's age and size. The sound of cricket chirping is often associated with warm summer nights and is considered a familiar and soothing part of nature's symphony.
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hotndfunny · 7 months
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Fuck they are hot!!!
Follow for more hot guys and mature content: Hotndfunny
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keyplaid · 12 days
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After the video of Thomas admitting he "liked" the wedgies circulated online, it spread through the school like wildfire. By the next morning, nearly every student had seen it, and Thomas could feel their eyes on him wherever he went. Whispers followed him in the hallways, and every smirk or quiet laugh felt like a knife in his back. The humiliation was suffocating, and he knew Rupert, James, and Edward were behind it all.
The three boys, feeling emboldened by their latest success, treated it like a victory. They strutted around the school with a newfound swagger, reveling in their power and enjoying every second of Thomas’s torment. It was as if the entire school had joined in on their joke, feeding off the sense of control they had gained over him.
For Thomas, life became a series of small agonies. He couldn’t escape the endless mocking or the constant feeling of being watched and judged. Every time he thought he might find a moment of peace, he would catch a glimpse of someone watching him, whispering to a friend, or snickering as he passed by. The shame and humiliation gnawed at him, making it hard to concentrate on his studies, hard to sleep, hard to breathe.
A few days after the video had gone viral, Rupert, James, and Edward decided it was time to escalate things further. They found Thomas again, this time in the dining hall. As he tried to eat his lunch alone at the far end of a long table, they surrounded him, blocking his escape.
“Thomas!” Rupert called out, his voice overly cheerful. “Our favorite star! How’s it feel to be famous, eh?”
Thomas looked up, his face pale, his eyes ringed with exhaustion. “Just leave me alone,” he mumbled, his voice barely audible.
“Oh, come on,” James grinned. “We just wanted to congratulate you on your newfound fame. You’re practically a legend now, aren’t you?”
Edward smirked, leaning in closer. “Yeah, everyone knows how much you love being our little pet. And we thought… why not make things even more fun?”
Thomas felt a cold sweat form on his brow. “What do you want?” he asked quietly, though he dreaded the answer.
Rupert’s grin widened. “Oh, nothing much,” he said. “Just another performance. This time, in person. You know, so everyone can see how much you enjoy our little games.”
Thomas’s heart sank. He glanced around the dining hall, realizing it was too crowded to escape unnoticed. “No,” he whispered, shaking his head. “I’m not doing anything.”
James’s smile faded, replaced by a look of cold determination. “You don’t have a choice, Thomas,” he said. “Either you do as we say, or we’ll make things even worse for you.”
Edward chuckled. “Yeah, much worse. You think you’re embarrassed now? Just wait.”
The boys grabbed him, pulling him up from his seat and dragging him toward the center of the dining hall. A hush fell over the room as everyone turned to watch, curiosity and excitement gleaming in their eyes.
“Listen up, everyone!” Rupert called out, his voice echoing through the hall. “Thomas here has something to say. Go on, Thomas, tell them.”
Thomas’s face burned with shame, and his heart pounded in his chest. He could feel tears welling up again, but he fought them back. “I… I don’t want to,” he stammered.
Rupert shook his head. “Wrong answer, Thomas,” he said, grabbing the waistband of Thomas’s underwear through his trousers. “Tell them you love it. Tell them how much you enjoy being our little toy.”
The room erupted in laughter and jeers. Thomas felt like the ground was falling out from under him. “Please,” he begged softly. “Not here.”
James gave a mocking pout. “Aww, poor Thomas is shy. Come on, mate, don’t be like that. We all know you want it.”
Edward joined in. “Say it, Thomas. Say you want it, or we’ll make this even worse.”
The pressure was overwhelming. Thomas felt trapped, cornered, and helpless. “I… I like it,” he whispered, his voice barely a croak.
Rupert cupped his ear. “Louder, Thomas! Let everyone hear you!”
Thomas swallowed hard, feeling the tears sting his eyes. “I like it,” he repeated, louder this time, his voice cracking with humiliation.
The boys laughed louder, feeding off the crowd’s amusement. Rupert yanked up the waistband of Thomas’s underwear, giving him another sharp, humiliating wedgie. Thomas gasped in pain, feeling the fabric dig into his skin.
“There you go!” James cheered. “That’s the spirit, Thomas! See, wasn’t so hard, was it?”
The entire dining hall was roaring with laughter now, the jeers and taunts echoing off the walls. Thomas felt like he was drowning in their ridicule, his humiliation complete and public.
As the boys finally let go and walked away, high-fiving each other, Thomas stood there, trembling, tears streaming down his face. He could barely breathe, barely think. All he could feel was the crushing weight of shame, the knowledge that he had been broken once again, this time in front of the entire school.
And as the laughter continued to echo in his ears, Thomas realized that he was trapped in a nightmare from which there was no escape. The bullies weren’t done with him, not by a long shot. And he had no idea how he could ever find the strength to endure it.
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beau-gar · 6 months
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I don't want male idols because splatoon is one of the few franchises with a central female cast that isn't hypersexualized and is targeted at all audiences instead of a strictly female demographic. if people want male characters so badly they can go to literally any other franchise.
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impossible-rat-babies · 5 months
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🎶let’s go to the beech beech🎶
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tklmeqld · 10 months
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Maybe I AM into cricket?
Yellow socks is a new thing for me. Also, I get a lot of people are mad about it. Surely one of the tickle artists out there can think of a suitable outcome for Aussie Cricketer Mitchell Marsh?
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iceyrukia · 5 months
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I always see annoying comments like these when a man cries so I don’t want to hear about how “society” doesn’t give a damn about men when women’s suffering isn’t taken seriously because we’re seen as inherently having less depth then men.
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How it started:
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How it's going:
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Immigrant men from a misogynistic country gang-r4ping a woman!? Who could've possibly seen this coming!?🤡
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chilewithcarnage · 23 days
crickets are loud as HELL tonight
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hopefulqueer · 2 months
if Bean doesnt eat something soon i think i am going to lose it
#personal#theoretically i know c versis can go for months w/o food but. it HAS been months#i'm considering rehousing her/redoing her tank in case she just isnt happy in there anymore#which is my suspicion bc she destroyed part of her web tunnel#it's just scaring me#and also ive never rehoused an adult tarantula#maybe the bottom of the house is too dirty and that's upsetting her? it's hard to spot clean most of it bc of how the cork bark#and her web are placed#so there's some old dead feeders tucked in the back as well as her old molt#and i can re-do the whole substrate if i can get her out and into a different container for a bit#hopefully w a cricket she will eat#half of the problem is i just cant get the crickets TO her#but then even when they do get near her she doesnt eat them#ughhhhh#if anyone has any personal experience getting picky new world arboreals to eat after a long hunger strike PLEASE reach out#also if u read this far u get the additional sad news that my tiny little apache jumping spider has died#fine yesterday. curled under today. poor lil guy :( idk if he reached the end of his lifespan or there was another issue#also sprout hasnt been seen in a few months hopefully she's okay tucked in her cave#but i never did get her sexed and she's 3 years old which...if she's a male that's the end of her lifespan#at least mid-nite is doing exceptionally well and eating ravenously after his post-molting period#doty also ate well today#reminding myself that im Not a terrible spider caretaker and it's normal for c versicolors to be fussy sometimes
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keyplaid · 5 days
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The story of “Old Van Rooyen” had become something of a legend at Dunwood College—a cautionary tale that every new boy heard within his first few days at the school. Last year, Hendrik van Rooyen, a burly boy from Pretoria with a loud laugh and an even louder mouth, had arrived at Dunwood with the kind of brash confidence that made seniors bristle. He strutted through the hallways, mocking the hierarchy, and even challenged Victor van der Merwe’s authority during a rugby practice.
Victor, never one to let a slight go unpunished, decided to make an example of Hendrik. During one chilly afternoon, the seniors cornered him in the deserted East Wing of the dormitories. There, under the watchful gaze of Victor and his cronies, Hendrik faced a brutal initiation that would be whispered about for months to come.
They stripped him down to his underpants—an old, threadbare pair that made easy work for what came next. Victor grabbed the waistband with both hands and pulled upward with all his strength. The fabric strained and then ripped, the waistband tearing away from the main body of the briefs as Hendrik howled in pain and humiliation. But they weren’t done.
“Let’s see how tough you really are, Van Rooyen,” Victor had said, his voice cold and merciless. They held Hendrik’s legs and arms down as they improvised a new form of torture: pulling the torn remains of his underwear over his head in a vicious “atomic wedgie.”
During Hendrik van Rooyen’s infamous ordeal, the seniors didn’t hold back with their taunts and cruel remarks. The scene was a mix of laughter and derision, their words echoing in the dimly lit corridor as they took turns mocking his predicament.
“Look at this tough guy now!” Victor sneered as he yanked Hendrik’s waistband higher, the fabric creaking under the strain. “All that big talk, and now you’re crying over a little stretch of cotton.”
Liam, standing nearby, let out a harsh laugh. “What’s the matter, Van Rooyen? These old granny briefs not up to Dunwood standards? Who wears this rubbish, anyway? Can’t your folks afford decent underwear?”
Pieter leaned in closer, his voice dripping with mock concern. “Careful, Victor, you might snap these relics in half. Looks like they’re held together by prayers and dust.”
When the waistband finally tore and the fabric shredded in Victor’s grip, there was a moment of stunned silence before they all burst into laughter. “You actually ripped them!” Liam howled, clutching his sides. “He’ll have to walk around with his bits hanging out! Maybe he can beg for some new ones from the charity bin.”
As they prepared to give him the atomic wedgie, Victor’s grin turned vicious. “Let’s see if we can make you eat these, Van Rooyen,” he said, twisting the remnants of the torn briefs and pulling them over Hendrik’s head. The elastic stretched painfully, the fabric digging into his skin as they forced his own underwear around his face.
“Here you go, buddy, a nice little hat for your big mouth,” Pieter taunted, tapping Hendrik’s head mockingly. “Perfect fit, don’t you think?”
Hendrik’s muffled groans only fueled their cruelty. “Aww, what’s wrong, big guy? Can’t handle a little fabric? Maybe you should ask your mommy to sew you a new pair,” Liam sneered, his voice high-pitched and mocking.
Victor stepped back, surveying their handiwork with a satisfied smirk. “Pathetic. This is what happens when you don’t know your place, Van Rooyen. You’re not so tough now, are you? Just a whimpering little wimp in his torn-up granny panties.”
The other boys laughed harder, some snapping photos with their phones. “Smile for the camera, hero!” one of them called. “This is going to be your new school photo!”
They left him there, trapped and humiliated, with one final taunt from Victor. “Better get used to this, Van Rooyen. This is your real initiation. Welcome to Dunwood, where even your underwear gets to be part of the joke.”
As they walked away, the sound of their laughter echoed through the empty halls, leaving Hendrik alone, tears of pain and shame stinging his eyes, his shredded underwear stretched tight around his head.
The pain was excruciating, the fabric cutting into his shoulders and neck as it stretched to impossible lengths. His face was red, not just from the physical agony but also from the sheer humiliation of being so utterly dominated. They held him like that for what felt like hours, the elastic digging into his skin, his own shredded underpants humiliatingly draped over his head.
The final indignity came when they left him there, underwear still stretched and tangled, in one of the disused broom closets of the East Wing. It was hours before anyone found him. By then, the damage was done—his pride shattered, his reputation in ruins. Hendrik never quite recovered. He became withdrawn, quiet, and avoided eye contact with anyone, especially Victor. He finished the year without a single outburst, his once-boisterous personality crushed under the weight of that one brutal act.
The story spread through the school like wildfire, gaining new embellishments with each retelling. It was a warning: defy the unspoken rules of Dunwood, and you’d face the consequences. For the new boys, it was a reminder of their place in the school’s brutal pecking order.
And for Simon, it was a terrifying glimpse of what could happen if he didn’t keep his head down and endure. The shadow of “Old Van Rooyen” hung over every step he took, a constant reminder that things could always get worse.
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yioh · 1 year
sometimes it makes me really annoyed how fast the male characters in genshin become favoured by fans lmfao it’s so unfair 😭
#male character has a sad past: fans make intricate soulful art and fanfics abt them for years#female character has sad past: fans are like awwwwww:( and then forget abt them#like i can GUARANTEE u kaveh will have content created for him even months and months after his release#shenhe content after her story quest??? crickets. silence.#i would even argue that shenhe’s story was WAAAAAAAY sadder and heartbreaking but 🙄#idk it’s just so unfair that ppl aren’t as interested in women like ik this has been a pattern for YEARS and likely will never change but#it fills me w so much rage#women are always better they’re always more interesting GRRRRR#i feel like the reason i hate kaveh so much is because how unfairly he is loved by fans compared to other characters 😭#everytime i look at him i am simply reminded of colourism and another missed chance for a sickass design#i’ll literally never be over how much sumeru broke my heart lol it was actually so gutting 😭👍 i didn’t realise the colourism was gonna be#THAT bad and i didnt realise the fans were THAT colourist racist AND stupid#truly will never forget the ‘they’re in the forest where there’s no sun so they’re all white as fuck’ argument#can u believe that was real#anyways . anyways#ik everyone is sick of me talking abt this LOL it just rly annoys me because i liked this game sm before 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 and the fans r#everywhere so i get spammed w content of characters i Do Not Want To See 😭
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diamondseaside · 4 months
idk how many of yall would get this but i’m seeing so many tiktoks about the india pakistan cricket match and i’m laughing so hard
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abattoirstars · 1 year
watching the cricket highlights with dinner, as is now tradition, we get to stokes’ catch on cummins.
me, explaining it to @wateryblasts : fucking hell, he’s caught it, realised he’s going out past the boundary, thrown it back into play, and then come back on to the field to finish the catch. that’s immense.
@wateryblasts : and you got to see his tummy!!
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