#male himiko toga
lovedaisy02 · 26 days
I'm kinda tired of the "you must hate the villain or you're an apologist" narrative. Flawed messy characters are so interesting and they are usually the villain...
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themainreactor · 3 months
"I don't think this was the original plan... Oh well."
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In which a suicidal boy gets kidnapped by his scary yandere girl stalker. He could care less and doesn't mind dying, however she cares and it confuses her why he doesn't. So she brings him with her into the League of Villains and for once in his life, he can say that he's genuinely felt... At least okay.
"You need help, y'know that right?"
"I know I just... I don't want help."
"How do you expect to get better then?!"
"Well I'm not really excepting to get better, I wasn't even really expecting to live this long."
"Why are you like this?!"
Y/N was kind of... Strange to say the least.
Y/N's not even sure why he can't just be normal, he wants to be but he can't help but feel like life would be better without him being there. Even if he doesn't try to gain attention, he still somehow does.
Whether it be bullying at his school, his parents disappointment in him, his friends leaving him because of how much his mental state is hurting them, or even him bothering the police and ambulances.
So he decided after a while to just stop trying to die because it makes it so much worse when he doesn't succeed and everyone gets frustrated. He got better over time... Well at least it took him about three years to convince everyone of that. At least people felt less worried and went back to their normal lives.
Yet he still seems to attract trouble.
So that's why he's not entirely surprised when he wakes up in an abandoned house one evening after his nap with a crazy looking girl kneeling at his feet. The walls were all graffiti'd, there was no furniture and it was already clear that the girl had some sinister intentions.
"You're awake! Hi there cutie!" The girl yells, happily jumping around before kneeling right back in front of him. He's not entirely sure what's going on and what's even worse is that he's pretty sure he recognized her.
"You're... That girl... You killed that boy in my school" He states, only to get a giggle and a nod as if that didn't matter whatsoever. Already that was the worst impression someone can have about another person.
She was probably going to kill him too and honestly he didn't mind, he just had a nap so at least he would die refreshed.
"Yep! That's me! That was my first love but you're my favorite so far!" She yells, gushing before placed her knife right against his neck.
"Y'know... You'd look even cuter with your blood all over you."
He only raised his eyebrow before activating his quirk, causing her to scream and drop her knife.
His quirk was emotion, he could control, level out or amplify an emotion in a person. He amplified fear in her, so that's why she was now shaking on the floor.
But now he actually felt a bit bad for her.
She was a freak, he could understand that much and he didn't blame her. Everyone called him a freak too. Plus, It was flattering since no one had ever been a freak for him, although it was concerning. What was he doing to gain her attention? Did she know where her parents were at?
He struggled with the zip ties that were tying him only to get one to snap and let go of his wrist. He sighs, turning off his quirk and watching as she cried and choked on her own spit. But she seemed more calm even though she was still feeling the lingering fear from before.
"So what do you plan do to me?"
"No! Not anything bad! I just... I wanted some of your blood..."
"Why? Don't you have your own?" Y/N chuckled.
"...Yeah... But I want to be like you! I... I want to become like you because I love you!"
"... You don't even know me-"
"Yes I do though! Your name is Y/N, M/N, L/N! I know that you're really strong and that everyone at your school is scared of you! They think you'll take advantage of them with your quirk but I know you wouldn't do that! I also know that you used to date a girl And she left you for your best friend!"
"... And you know this all... Because?"
"Because I followed you and I like watching you at school and at home! Y'know if you want I can kill the girl and that fake friend of yours! Would you like me to do that?! It doesn't matter anyway!"
He just looks at her again, worried about what she meant. She loved him, so she was going to kill him... That made no damn sense.
"Just like the boy... Y'know we were confused, no one at school thought you'd do something like that. You were always that sweet and happy girl... Why'd you kill him?"
"I hated pretending that I was normal! But that's all anyone saw me for anyway! For example, is my home! Or it used to be my home." She mumbles and Y/N looks around the graffiti'd walls, it looks like it was once a girl's room.
He almost forgot what her house even looked like.
"I... I was born a monster, someone who couldn't live without hurting the people she loved... So... I want to become a really strong girl, someone who can make my own path and become those I love!"
"... That's why you want my blood?"
"Yep! I want your blood! You're so pretty and interesting at the same time! I want to be just like you! I love you!"
"How do you know you love me?"
"I just know I love you! You make my heart beat really fast and I want to kill anyone that hurts you!"
He remembered him and his mother bidding her family goodbye after they moved. He could recall how they came to comfort them even though most people hated them. People blamed them for not raising their daughter right but they probably tried to. He never saw them in a bad light, he always felt like they had tried.
He doesn't say anything as she tried to explain herself more, he just watched her. He knew that in this position she could still try to kill him. Now that he thinks about it though, he didn't really want to live. No one would be worried about him killing himself if someone else killed him.
He didn't have to pretend to want to live anymore... Just like she didn't have to pretend to be normal. So finally he gives in, silently handing her his wrist. She looks at it, confused before a hopeful smile came on her face.
"You... You want me to have your blood?!"
"Instead of stalking me, you should have just asked, you would have gotten it faster."
"... Really?"
The girl just looks at him, she's not sure what to say. With all the people she's killed and loved, never had any of them offered her something like that.
Why was there no hesitation in his voice?
He was definitely extra special, she couldn't possibly kill him now.
"... But why?"
"You'll be doing me a favor... I don't really want to live believe it or not, although I assumed you already knew that."
She did know that he dozed off a lot and that he seemed bored and sad sometimes but she doesn't like how unusually calm he was, it was unnerving how he didn't seem to care about the dire situation he was in. She wanted to kill him and he wasn't even trying to escape her.
So quickly she grabs onto his wrist, using the knife to only make a small cut. She didn't even try to drink the blood or save it, she just wanted to see if he would actually let her or if he'd even care. He didn't flinch and it made it worse so she groaned and started to cut the zip ties off of his other hand and his ankles.
"You good?"
"No... I don't want to kill you anymore."
"Damn, am I that boring?" He playfully asks, hoping to actually get her to reconsider what she said.
"You really want me to kill you?!" She yells
"Yeah, why not? In fact, please do, I wouldn't hold it against you, really." He shrugs before she almost growls at him. She had some canines that were definitely sharp, like a dog or even a vampire.
"No! I... I can fix you."
"... The hell does that mean?" He looks at her, suddenly worried that she was one of those fantasy medieval romance novel girls.
Those types of girls and women scared him because they could care less. If you even remotely resembled their book boyfriends, they would try to marry you.
"Do you know that hero killer Mr. Stainy that was on the news recently?!"
"Um... I don't think that's his name but sure, yeah the hero killer."
"I also want to be just like him! I want to be able to live in a world where I can be free."
"... Hate to break it to you, I don't think you can do that when you're killing people." He chuckled, gaining a cute giggle from the girl.
"I know that, silly! So, that's why, I'm going to join his group."
"His group? What group?"
"The League of Villains."
"... Aren't they their own group?"
"I don't know but I want to be like stainy! But I want to be like you too so why don't you come with me? I know you're bored with your life so help me with mine!" She happily jumps.
"... So... You're not going to kill me?"
"Nope! We should take you back home!"
What? What was wrong with this girl? Was she bipolar or what?
"... Okay... You still want my blood?"
"Yeah!" She smiled.
And with that she grabs his wrist before actually biting it and sucking the blood out of it.
"Ow... Y'know you still have time to kill me, how do you know I won't call the police and tell them that you're here?"
"Because you're too sweet for that!" She replies after letting her mouth pop off of his wrist. She was probably right though, he wasn't going to call anyone on her.
"Now, why don't we get some sugar cookies and you can go home? I know those are your favorite and I'll definitely get you when I find a way to continue my life plan!"
"... Alright..."
"I love you so much!"
Y/N doesn't respond, but he carefully eyes the harsh bite mark that was now on his wrist.
This was probably a bad idea. After all, how was he going to explain this to his mom?
Honestly, he didn't mind.
"Are you sure you're okay with being left at home?" His mother asks, placing her luggage in the van as her husband gets the car started.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." Was all he said smiling at his mom as she came over to hug him.
"If you start to feel scared or depressed please call me before you do anything."
"Mom, I think I'm fine, it's been like three years since I last tried anything like that."
"I know but still, that shouldn't even be a last resort okay?"
"Alright mom, now stop worrying about me and enjoy your honeymoon!"
The mom gives him a quick hug again before entering the car. The husband just waved at the boy since they still weren't on the best of terms, but it was good enough that they were cordial with one another.
The boy waves the car away as they drive off, and as soon as the car is out of view, he walks right back into the house.
He yawns, happy that he had the house to himself. Until he didn't of course.
"JEEZ! WHAT THE HELL?!" Y/N jumps, dropping the bagel he grabbed from the counter onto the floor before groaning. It was the girl, Himiko Toga. It had been about a month since she had kidnapped him before taking him back home and she literally found every spare minute to invade his privacy when his mom and step dad weren't around.
"... Oh... Hello."
"How are you doing handsome?!" Toga yells, quickly hugging Y/N from behind before jumping onto the counter to sit down in front of him.
"Just fine... How'd you even get in the house?"
"I broke through your window."
"... Did you break the window?"
"No silly, I just popped the screen open and then unlocked the latch before popping the screen closed once I got in!"
Y/N groans a bit, scratching his hair before handing her a new bagel and picking up the one he dropped on the floor. He could just eat it off the floor, it's not like the floor was dirty since he helped his mom clean the entire house yesterday.
Was he still going to eat it? No, he wanted to die but he didn't want to contract a disease while he was at it.
"Guess what!?"
"I found someone who'll help me get into the league of villains! You should come with me tonight! Oh! I also drew a picture of you and me!" Toga excitedly yells before jumping off of the countertop and rushing upstairs.
"Um... Alright." Y/N mumbled before yawning and grabbing another bagel to eat. It was only about a few seconds that she came rushing back down with her small but cute cat backpack unfortunately covered in small amounts of someone's blood.
"Here, look!"
Y/N looked at it for two good seconds as he tried to comprehend what the hell he was seeing. As surprisingly good as her drawings were, why did it have to be him like that?
He had to refrain from pushing the sketch book out of his face. First off, what type of memory did this bitch have that she could draw him from scratch. Secondly, this was the most non safe for work thing that he's ever seen, he's not used to this shit because he's only watched porn once and it was by accident.
"It's..." Y/N looked at the giddy girl, mentally applauding her courage in showing him this with a straight face, as if it wasn't basically fan art sex.
"It's nice."
"You really think so?!"
Toga starts kicking her feet, content that Y/N liked the picture she drew. So she just watched him for most of the day and she doesn't even know why he keeps her around. After all, she could try to kill him when he wasn't looking... Oh wait, he wanted to die.
Toga sighs before looking up at the ceiling in boredom. She was excited to bring Y/N with her to the league but she was a bit worried that they wouldn't take him nor would he technically be a villain anyway. Would he be willing to kill someone if they made him?
"So, before we go to see if you can get into the league, we should go to the store and buy you a really cool villain outfit, something that's cute but also screams badass-"
Y/N chuckled at her as she kept rambling about clothing items. Honestly he didn't care, as long as at some point he died. Maybe that was a bit too far to think but he really was tired, he barely had the energy to get up in the morning and brush his teeth and that was every single morning.
"So what style of clothes do you like?"
"Um... Surprise me, I don't really mind."
"You seem indecisive."
"Well I am."
"About the whole league of villains thing?"
"Don't you want to be a villain?"
"No... No, not really." He shook his head, being fully serious about it. However it wasn't like he wouldn't try it. I mean, he literally had nothing to lose besides him mom and his life, and his mom was very capable of protecting herself.
"... Well do you want to be with me?!"
"... I mean... No... You're kinda crazy."
Toga just huffed, crossing her hands in front of herself whilst pouting. Y/N walked off into the living room, noting that Toga grabbed a knife and tried to stab his shoulder before he activated his quirk.
Why was she like this? She must have actually been bipolar or something.
"I don't know why you keep wanting to stab me at the most inconvenient times." He mumbled, barely paying attention to her once again distraught figure on the floor before he just sighed and turned off his quirk.
"Hey, you're okay." Was all he said, gently patting her head before looking at the time.
This made him think of why he couldn't have just left his quirk out of a situation like this? He could have died that way, he could have been killed and missed that opportunity because of his reflexes.
Whatever, he'd die eventually.
Toga didn't say anything as she stood up, just slowly hugged Y/N again since she didn't really care about whether or not he used his quirk on her. Y/N hugged her back before letting go just to let her know that he wasn't mad at her. Sure the quirk was annoying but she knew all too well that he was too sweet to truly harm anyone.
"So... Will you come with me tonight?"
"... Sure, why not?"
"Thank you! Thank you so much Y/N-kun! I love you, I love you!"
"... Okay..."
"What do you mean I need a body count?" Y/N questioned the supposed villian broker named Giran, grimacing at the man in front of him. There was no way this man was actually going to let him in The League of Villains at all if he hadn't killed people yet?
Sounds biased.
"Well I guess we can forget that for now but have you killed anybody at all? What's your quirk? Abilities? You got any props to show us? Anything at all that could determine that you'll be a good addition to the league?"
He couldn't even answer the question at first, almost all of his attention was being taken by the barbequed man standing on the side. Why did he genuinely seem like he was tweaking out? He was probably not a normal human to begin with, he must have been born into this villain trade. This had to be some bloodline Taugarian stuff.
"After all, I have good business with the league and I wouldn't want to ruin it."
"... Why didn't you tell me? I would have prepared a bit better." He grumbled, glaring at Toga when he turned her direction.
"Well the union already said I was a good pick! Sorry, I didn't think about it even when I said that I'd bring you!"
Y/N just sighed when Toga hugged onto his arm, quietly eyeing the burnt guy that kinda had some sass with his stance. Clearly he was impatient and didn't want to wait for this.
"Well... I haven't actually killed anyone yet, except for my dad. I hit him with a bat when I was younger and he died of blood loss, but I don't think that really counts since it was an accident." He starts, already cringing at how strange his own voice sounded.
This was annoying and embarrassing.
"My quirk is emotion, I can control people's emotions basically... But I don't really have a prop to show-"
"Oh! Me! Me! You can use me! You wanna use me?!" Toga yells really quick, jumping in front of him all excited like.
"The hell?" The burnt guy asks, almost wanting to gag. He didn't really like this crazy lovesick girl and it would be really annoying if he had to be in a villain group with her. He didn't know much about the boy, except that he was most definitely a rookie who probably just wanted attention.
He'd just burn them later if they annoyed him too much.
"Um... How bout no?" Y/N starts, gently grabbing her by the shoulders and moving her to the side of him instead of in front.
"We gotta go soon so when you're done talking with the crazy one and attention hogging dude, can you let me know? I'm already tired of this." The burnt guy scoffs when he gets a finger pointed his way by the guy, so he just decided that he was ready to leave until he was stopped.
He may or may not have had a sudden heart attack by the alleyway door but for some reason he couldn't move and he didn't like it one damn bit.
Why did he suddenly feel like he was absolutely worthless? He felt useless in so many ways and it was one of the most painful things in the world. All his trauma just threw up at him all at once.
"That's rude y'know? You should respect the guy when you're the one taking up his time." Y/N scolded, moving his index finger up in the air which caused the guy to just start crying.
He just cried, it actually made Y/N kind of nervous since it seemed like more than just his quirk. It sounded so broken, he would rather hear someone scream than sob the way this guy was weeping.
"That is so cool Y/N! What emotion are you using now?!" Toga asks.
"Sadness." He replies, his eyes still on the grown man. He only just now noticed that him crying had actually opened up the burn wounds around his mouth and eyes.
"Basically I overwhelm the brain with the chemical that causes a particular emotion before forcing it onto the body." Y/N explains to the guy, turning off his quirk so that the burnt guy can breathe.
"... That's... Scary actually and it's perfect, Even though the union didn't pick you, you'd be a great helper for what the league of villains needs. The dude you just messed is named Dabi, You're in."
"Oh My Gosh Y/N-kun! Do you know what this means?! You and I are going to be hero killers! Just like Mr. Stainy! Oh man! I love you so much!"
"... Cool... Thanks... Hey um, Dabi right? Sorry about that-"
"Shut the hell up." Dabi growls, standing up and holding one of the burn marks closed right under his eye. He didn't even bother wiping the tears away because it wasn't gonna do him any good. He was already embarrassed, and this dumb ass kid scared him.
If he could dominate and control an emotion that quick and that effective with almost no drawback, what the hell would be able to stop him?
"Yeah... I-I kinda deserve that, I'll shut up, that's fair I guess."
"Shigaraki! Your league of villains has been the talk of the town this last several days." Giran comments as he opens the door to an abandoned bar. This seemed like a really terribly way to start a conversation if you ask Y/N.
"Word on the street says you're about to start something big-"
"And? Who did you bring?"
Rude. All Giran does about it is chuckle before waving the three of them inside. Toga almost squeals, hugging onto Y/N's arm before letting go and walking in. This was most likely a bad idea.
As soon as Y/N enters he knows this is an annoyingly bad idea. This dude with the hand for a mask was the leader of this whole thing? He looked like a skeleton, when was the last time this man ate?
"So it's really you huh? I've seen you in pictures but i gotta say, you're way grosser in person." Dabi starts, tilting his head to the side.
"Wow it's the weird hand guy! You're friends with my hero stain right? Cool, let us join the league, we wanna be in your group!" Toga yells, blushing as she once again grabs a hold of Y/N's arm
"... Kurogiri, get rid of these three, I can already tell their exactly the kind of trash I hate. A girly brat, some weak mute boy and a guy with no manners." The man named Shigaraki, pointing his finger at them.
"I'm not mute." Y/N chuckles, almost using his quirk on the man just because of his bluntness. It was pissing him off more than he'd like to admit.
"Now, now Tomura Shigaraki, They came all this way. The least we could do is here them out, give them a chance. Besides, this broker is respected in the underworld, they're bound to be valuable assets." The weird purple smoke guy called Kurogiri states.
He kinda reminded Y/N of that fire bartender in the Undertale game.
"Like em or not, you still owe me a finders fee in cash. I suppose I could introduce the three of them before I go." Giran mentioned.
"This one looks like an adorable high school girl right? But she's actually the suspect in a series of deaths where the victims all bled out. So far her name and face have been kept out of the media."
Danm, Y/N almost forgot just how dangerous she was and what she was guilty of.
"Toga, Himiko Toga! Life is too hard and I just want to make it easier to live in this dumb world. I want to be Mr. Stainy! I wanna kill Mr. Stainy! Oh c'mon Mr. Handy man please let me join your league of villains!" She greets herself, letting everyone in the room know just how crazy she was.
"You gotta be kidding me, is she crazy?"
"Well she can hold a conversation, for the most part at least. C'mon, she can be useful."
"Yeah, in fact I was gonna be her next victim before she asked me to come here." Y/N answers, looking at Shigaraki with a very serious expression.
"... What?" Shigiraki looked at the boy and he almost took his hand mask off in surprise. He honestly would have expected that the kid wanted to be here with how calm and blunt he was.
"It's a long story... Well not really but it's not relevant to the topic right now."
"And this guy," Giran adds, pointing his cigarette towards Dabi. " hasn't committed any flashy crimes but he's taken stains ideology to heart."
"I don't like this, is your group really dedicated to the hero killers mission? I can't imagine you are if you're going to let this little psycho join." Dabi grunts when he refers to Toga.
"Grow up, at least she can introduce herself." Y/N grumbles, already realizing that him and this Dabi were probably not gonna get along all that well.
"Yeah, I actually agree with him. She may be a psycho but she can actually talk to people." Shigiraki comments, waving his hand in the general direction of Y/N and Toga. "Don't just stare, what's your name?"
"Right now I'm going by Dabi."
"No I want to know your real name."
"I'll tell you when you need to know it, in any case, my new purpose is to carry out the hero killers will."
"That wasn't what I asked you, patchwork. Jeez why's everyone so hung up over Stain."
"Okay I'm not that smart, " Y/N starts, hoping to understand something about all of this. "but why the hell do we need to carry out the hero killers wish when he's not dead? Isn't he just in prison? We should have our own wish if it's our group right? Not live off the back of someone else's wish, or am I missing something here-"
"Shut up." Shigiraki growls as he stands up.
"It's all I ever hear about, every, damn, day. It's really pissing me off!"
"No, don't do it!" Kurogiri yells.
The hell was he doing?
"WE'LL KEEP THE BOY, THE TWO OF YOU ARE DONE!" Shigaraki yells, throwing his hands in their direction. Dabi does the same in Shigaraki's direction.
Y/N pulls Toga back before she can do anything or get hurt, but not before grabbing her knife to possibly stab the dude's hand. Y/N hasn't killed anyone but that doesn't mean that he doesn't know how to fight.
Before anybody's attacks land anywhere, Y/N watches as purple smoke engulfs their hands before they are placed somewhere else in the room. It was like a portal of sorts.
"Please calm yourself Tomura Shigaraki."
Why does this dude keep stating his first and last name like it was some title?
"If your desire is to be realized then we must increase our numbers,"
Y/N sighs, not paying anymore attention to the conversation before taking out his hand along with the knife. He hands the knife to Toga who felt it was right to suddenly Koala hold his back.
"I'm outta here."
Y/N moves himself out of the way of the pissed off leader of the league of villains. He's not sure how he feels about him, maybe it's not all that bad but he didn't really like how that ended.
"Where are you off too?"
"Shut up."
"I try to make it a point not to complain about my clients but he's too young and far too immature." Giran sighs.
"Really thought he was gonna kill us from a sec!" Toga gushes before jumping off of Y/N's back.
"Yeah, he looks like he needs to be in a psych ward like you Toga." Y/N added on, ignoring the surprisingly weak punch Toga gave to his shoulder.
"That guy makes me want to vomit."
"I've only known you for like thirty minutes and I think I can tell that everything makes you wanna throw up."
"What'd you say?"
"I said-" Y/N starts, ready to repeat himself again.
"Shut up! No one asked you anyway!"
"Okay patchwork."
"I said okay patchwork, I'mma keep calling you that too."
"I hope you drown!"
"I was hoping for that a long time ago dude."
"I can't believe we're actually in the league! Oh my gosh this is gonna be so cool! I can't wait! And it'll be even better with you Y/N-kun!" Toga yells, blushing to herself as the both of them sat on top of a building.
"How high do you think I'd have to jump to crack my skull?"
"... What?"
Y/N turns to Toga only to be graced with a small smile concealing her worried expression.
"... Oh sorry, I wasn't trying to scare you."
"No, you didn't scare me... I just... I think it's about two stores high."
That was the first time anyone had answered him a question like that before, and of course it had to be the crazy blood stealing girl.
"Hey... Y/N-kun?"
"Can you call me Himiko?"
"... Why?" Y/N inquired, wondering if he was being caught in some strange trap by her again.
"Well because I love you and it's just that I don't want to see you die yet. I want to be there for you like you were there for me before and I want you to love me too."
"Um... I was never there for you though-"
"Yes you were! You were always there, someone that was always consistently in my life!"
"... Is that because you were stalking me?"
"I wouldn't call it stalking, I'd call it a romantic walk that you didn't know you were doing with me!"
"Oh... Alright." Y/N sighed slightly, letting you ye girl hug him as he looked down at the people below. Everyone was just walking around, trying to get the last of what they needed so that they didn't have to stay out too late.
None of these people would be prepared for something like the league of villains... So why was he partaking in this? He was one of these citizens, one of these people.
"Do you love me Y/N-kun?"
Y/N briefly turned to look at Toga once again, her sick and flustered smile looking right back at him.
"... No... I don't love you Himiko."
Toga nodded her head, accepting the answer for what it was before looking up at the sky. The stars were very pretty when there weren't many lights.
Y/N though for a bit more about this whole thing, not sure why he was agreeing to this. Sure he didn't value his life all that much but he had family, he had people that cared about him, and he had people he cared about.
But there was something about this that made him feel excited and energetic about it all. He can't remember the last time he felt so much thrill being near a person that could kill him.
It was always him that was trying to kill himself, not someone trying to kill him. No one had ever tried to kill him before.
It was exhilarating.
Heck, the guy wasn't even really trying to kill him, he was trying to kill Dabi and Toga and yet he had pulled her out of the way to protect her. It seemed like he'd really enjoy being a villain but at the same time, he could be a pretty good hero.
He must have been a villain or a hero in his past life because even with that sudden stress he felt so calm, like nothing had even occurred and he wasn't bored like he had nothing to do either.
If this villain thing didn't work, he would try to transfer into a hero school like UA or something like that, though that was setting the bar higher, it was something.
He actually didn't feel like killing himself right now.
"Hey.... Himiko?"
She didn't respond and when Y/N looked at her, she was asleep, resting her head against his shoulder.
"I don't love you... But I think I like you, I'd like to be a villain as long as you're there." He mumbled, gently placing his hand on top of her head.
How did he even let an evil and crazy yandere girl swoon him into joining her in a group of other evil people?
He's not sure but at the moment, he doesn't mind. He'll figure out the details later.
Wow, he's actually feeling pretty okay right now.
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kaminari1 · 7 days
Random shit i write for
Attack on Titan
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia
Murder Drones
Bungo Stray Dogs
Black Clover
I Do Take Requests! Feel free to ask or tell me to write something bc it really helps.
Oke love you all hope you are safe and feel free to just talk bc i enjoy talking :]
Here is about me
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domxmarvel · 2 years
We're not monsters
Requested by: anon
Pairing: Himiko Toga x Male!Reader     
Words: 1339
Request: Toga Himiko with male s/o who was quirkless but joined All For One after he gave him the same quirks as several of his Nomu have and S/o is only one who actually stood up to one's that were harassing toga and also is a adoptive father of Eri
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You couldn’t care less about not having a quirk,the only time you hated being quirkless was when you couldn’t protect someone you loved. You had been friends with Himiko since you were both in kindergarten,she instantly became attached to you and would follow you everywhere like a puppy. You were always there for each other,you were inseparable. When her quirk started manifesting everyone was scared of her and distanced themselves from her,everyone except you. Over the years the distance quickly turned to bullying,she got more and more attached to you,she was scared to be alone. So much so that one time you had to talk to one of the teachers one on one and walked out only to see her having a panic attack,you comforted her of course. Since that day you kept her super close,you essentially became her bodyguard. No one dared to mess with her if you were around,and it was peaceful for a while. 
‘She’s late’ She was never late for your weekly movie night,picking up your phone you called her but she didn’t answer,you called again and again but still nothing. Your blood was rushing to your brain,imagining the worst scenario. The sound of your doorbell broke you out of your trance,you quickly rushed to answer. You saw Himiko standing there,crying. She had bruises and cuts all over her face and some on her arms and legs,she was bleeding from her cheek and knees. A flurry of emotions rushed through you,sadness,fear and anger. You put your arm carefully around her and took her inside to patch her up.
“Who did this?” 
“You remember those guys from class C-2?” Immediately your blood started boiling,you wanted to just go out there and make them pay but she needed you now,you couldn’t just up and leave right now.  You patched her up and held her until she fell asleep,but the second you tried to move she held onto you tighter. The next day you forced her to stay home,mostly because you were worried but also because you were scared she'd get hurt again. She had told you who was bullying her and you fought them the second you saw them,both of you got roughed up,and they had no problem using their quirks. This is one of the few times you hated being quirk less,you felt like you couldn't protect her. 
You spent a week looking for someone who could help you,you knew there had to be someone out there who could give you a quirk. But All for one was a myth, a legend,no one had ever met him. You were walking back home in the middle of a rainy night,when you felt someone walk up behind you and prepared to fight whoever it was.
“I heard you were looking for me”
“Villains talk and it’s impossible not to know when someone’s looking for me. Usually they give up after a day or two but I’m impressed by your dedication. I’ll give you the power you so clearly desire,on one condition you’ll have to join the league of villains”
“Can I bring someone with me?”
“What’s their quirk”
“They can change form into anyone if they have their blood”
All the things you had heard about All for one was true,he really could give other people quirks. He had given you plenty of quirks which you quickly got total control over,they felt like seconds nature like you were meant to have them. Now it was time to teach these guys a lesson,you followed them around until they were alone. There were a total of three of them, which meant that your shock absorption was very useful and super regeneration negated any damage they did. Using warping you warped behind them turning your arms into various sharp objects stabbing them. You warped their bodies away once you were done with them. Now you just needed to figure out how you were gonna tell Himiko about your quirks,of course leaving out the part where you killed the guys that were bullying her. You warped home and walked in only to see Himiko on the couch,you just stared at each other as she looked you up and down. Seeing you covered in blood made her freak out. 
“What happened? Are you okay? Who did this to you?” She bombarded you with questions,grabbing her hands made her go silent.
“It’s not my blood” She didn’t leave your side for the rest of the night even when you were trying to change into some clean clothes. You knew you’d had to tell her how you got your quirks but you were scared,you weren’t sure how she’d react so you just never told her. Until several months later,you explained everything and she took it surprisingly well. 
“And did he want anything in exchange?”
“He wanted me to join the league of villains” Immediately her eyes watered,she burst into tears before you could stop her. She hugged you,squeezing you tightly.
“Please don’t leave me” You held her tightly.
“Never,I want you to come with me”
“Really?” You wiped away her tears,cupping her face with your hands.
“Really” Her tears were quickly replaced with a smile,suddenly she grabbed you by your cheeks and kissed you. It took you a second to realize what just happened but before you could kiss her back she pulled away. “Sorry,I didn’t-” You pulled her back for another kiss. 
Two years later you had almost completely mastered your quirks and joined the Love along with Toga. Even though she could protect herself,you were still protective over her. Especially after you were forced to team up with Overhaul,Toga was immediately suspicious of him and never left your side. One day he showed up with a small child who he said was his daughter. Seeing her sacred,hiding behind him reminded you of Toga. You quickly grew attached to her and soon she was following you around. The rest of the league loved her as much as you did,and they would do anything to protect her. You noticed that her hair was bothering her,she was constantly pushing it behind.
“Do you want me to tie up for you?” You asked,holding up a hair tie.
“Yes,please” You sat her down on your lap and started brushing her hair,as you were brushing her hair Magne walked in with a box. 
“Eri,look what I got you” There were several hair ties and clips,all cute and brightly colored. She helped you do Eri’s hair,but as you pulled her hair back you saw scars on her back and shoulders. Both you and Magne turned to each other,both scared of the answer. The tension was thick and you finally spoke up. 
“Eri,what happened?” She turned around and started crying,your blood started to boil “Who did this to you?”
Once you calmed her down,you put her to bed. Asking Toga to keep an eye on her while you were gone. You walked outside only to see Magne already waiting for you. 
“You didn’t think I was gonna let you go by yourself”
“Let’s go” You meet up with him in the usual spot,one of the many alleyways. He of course brought at least one person with him. 
"What do want?" 
"It's about Eri"
"What about her?"
"We may be villains but we're not monsters" Magne walked up to him,he quickly tried to grab her but you rushed in and stabbed him. Magne took out the other guy before you teleported their bodies away. "We should get back before everyone notices" Toga hugged you the second you walked in. "You should be in bed,it's late"
"I was worried about you" You kissed the top of her head. 
"Let's go to bed"
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thetreefairy · 2 years
How would yanderes Deku and Tanjiro*Romantic and separate react to reader getting kidnapped by someone else one day after she falls in love with yandere and when they come to get her, reader is on a bed sniffling and crying as she’s hurt
I am assuming the yandere is the other one who kidnapped reader.
tw: kidnapping, stockholm, yandere themes, swearing
they/them Reader afab
Stockholm syndrome with the wrong yandere
yandere Deku and Tanjiro with sub yanderes Toga and Muzan (+platonic yandere Muzan)
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Midoriya Izuku (Deku, aged up)
Oh how furious Izuku is
Izuku had kidnapped you so that you would stay safe! But you got kidnapped!
How worried he is about Reader, of course he's using his connections to find you
he loves you so much he's willing to ruin his reputation for you <3
The yandere that kidnapped you? Toga fucking Himiko
It took him almost a year to find Reader again!
When Deku defeated Toga by nearly killing her (he only stopped due to hearing your cries)
When he found Reader chained to their small bed that they shared with Toga.
Reader was crying their heart out.
"Are you hurt, my love?"
"Get away from me! How dare you hurt toga!"
You have been brainwashed...
Izuku made you swallow a sleeping pill.
"It seems like I have to train you again, my dear." Izuku whispered and kissed Reader's forehead.
Tanjiro (+Platonic Nezuko)
Tanjiro was furious, he lost his anger and Nezuko had to help Tanjiro with her cuteness. Since Tanjiro was also a platonic yandere for Nezuko
Nezuko immediatly knew Muzan took reader, and Tanjiro was furious as fuck.
Together they tried to track Muzan down
they succeeded around 2 years after Reader's kidnapping
but what they didn't expect was Reader being incredible clingy to Muzan.
Basically begging him to get them away from Tanjiro and Nezuko.
"My dear, do not fret, I'll grant you your wish." Muzan told Reader in a soft tone.
It seems like getting Reader back will be a mission it self.
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Setsuno: I just woke up and I had a dream that you called yourself an alpha male but like, in an omegaverse way, not an Andrew Tate way.
Toga: I am actually both. I am the ultimate Alpha male and Andrew Tate quivers before me.
Setsuno: fair enough. I also called myself an omega but I don’t know if that’s accurate.
Toga: yes it is.
Setsuno: god fuckin damnit…
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
(*cracks knuckles* too much fluff, time to test the ol’ angst muscle. (Totally didn’t stick parts of myself in here 👀))
Toga x M!Reader
Genre: Hurt, Angst, Unrequited Love
Summary: You weren’t one to get along with others, and it seems your life is determined to stay that way when Himiko Toga continues to stay just out of reach.
CW/TW: mentions of social anxiety, tiny hint towards childhood abuse (regarding eye contact), reader punches a mirror at one point
You were never one for crowds, never one for eye contact or social interaction in general. You kept to yourself, you stayed quiet, only blowing up to make people wary of you. Being wary meant they strayed away, which meant less interactions.
That’s how it had been for most of your villainous path, and it was comfortable for you.
It worked well when you first joined the League, your general presence caused people to scurry away, just what the League needed to get through places.
You had joined around the same time as Dabi and Toga, the day after in fact. Giran had found you, caught having stuck your curious nose too far into his business. You’d expected to be beaten by some henchmen of sorts, or worse, be fined money you never would have. But instead, he told you he was feeling good that day, and offered you a better place than sneaking around in the streets.
You still remember that day, joining the League. He had you both driven to a more remote location, flipping through a stack of bills next to you in the vehicle, counting them to ensure the amount was correct. Whatever it was for, it wasn’t your business, no matter how curious you could be.
“You grow up in a poor home, (Y/n)?” He had asked you, glancing at you as he spoke past the cigarette in his mouth.
“Yeah.” You replied, voice monotone as your gaze flickered from the bills to his face, hoping your expression conveyed “and you’re rubbing it in” well enough.
Giran almost seemed to read your thoughts, a grin etching into his expression as he tucked the wad of bills away into a pocket. “Well, if things go right, you won’t have to worry so much about that with these guys.”
“You still haven’t exactly explained who they are.” You pointed out the unsaid fact, gaze dropping to the floor of the car before his eyes could meet yours, watching the toes of your shoes tap together. “You think I’ll fit in?”
“So long as you don’t cross them, you should be fine. And you won’t be totally alone, I introduced them to two new recruits only yesterday.”
The car had stopped, and Giran led you through various streets and alleys before entering a run-down, abandoned looking bar.
“Didn’t expect you to be back so soon, Giran.” A raspy voice croaked out as Giran stepped into the threshold.
“Said I had another recruit for you, didn’t I?” He chuckled, stepping aside so you could no longer use him as a shield against the new faces in the room.
“This is (Y/n), he’s the Claw kid I had mentioned.”
Claws. That was your quirk, the ability to morph your hands and forearms into monstrous claws.
“Another new recruit? Oooh, this is gonna be fun!”
It happened faster than you expected it to. The blond, bun-haired girl had sprung forward, eager to meet her newest teammate. Your gaze had snapped up to meet hers by instinct, by a habit you wished you could beat back out of you, and you expected to go pale and seize at the feeling of her eyes connected to yours.
But instead of the icy, bone chilling mental anguish that followed eye contact, you were calm…
It was odd, to say the least.
“My name’s Toga! It’s nice to meet you!”
You couldn’t help but give a shaky smile in return, reaching out to shake her hand.
Toga’s eyes were the only ones you allowed contact with that night.
It was simply unfair.
Over the past several weeks, you had grown quite attached to Toga. Adoration bloomed in your closed off heart, warming your cold frame whenever your ears heard her voice, or whenever your eyes caught sight of her entering the room. Especially whenever her hand brushed against your arm.
But, just your luck, her eyes were set on another.
Izuku Midoriya.
God just hearing that name made your blood boil in even the deepest part of your veins. You loved Toga, almost unbearably so, and yet your damn anxiety kept you from saying anything.
You had planned to, once, and then you heard her fawn over that boy’s name.
Toga couldn’t possibly know what that name did to you, how much you wished it were your name instead.
Or perhaps she did know. Perhaps she knew and she was saying his name on purpose.
Nonetheless, you sulked about it. Trying to focus more on honing your skills and doing your best on whatever missions you were sent on.
Sometimes you wondered if Tomura liked seeing you suffer, the powdery-blue haired man sending you and Toga together on missions more often than you’d like. You got through them easily enough, keeping your focus on whatever task was required of you, but the trip back to base was another story. Toga liked to talk, and what better subject than her crush?
You were mostly quiet during the times she gushed over Izuku, keeping your responses in short, sharp phrases you could only hope would deliver the hint that you hated the boy.
Oh yes, you hated Izuku Midoriya with every inch of your being, and all you had to go by was a lovesick description from Toga.
“(Y/n),” Toga grabbed your attention once more, and you silently cursed your heart for skipping a beat, “have you ever been in love?”
“Couldn’t say.” You sighed, avoiding her pressuring gaze, “Love isn’t something I’m used to.”
In your peripheral, you saw her fanged grin fade a bit. “Are you alright? You’ve been more withdrawn than usual.”
“Haven’t been doing well. I’ll get over things eventually.”
It was quiet for a few minutes after that, Toga’s gaze scanning your form as she tried to read you like an open book. Alas, your cover would remain closed, you were good at hiding after all.
“How about we stop by a sweet shop?” She piped up again, the honey in her voice was back as well, “We haven’t had a treat like that in a while!”
You brain began to hiss at you, telling you ‘She only sees you as a friend.’ and ‘This trip will mean nothing. Don’t dwell on it.’
Another quiet sigh slipped past your lips.
“That sounds nice, Toga.”
Another skip of a heartbeat, Toga’s fingers brushing your own as she passed you the pastry you picked out.
“Thanks.” You mumbled, eyes scrutinizing the way the glaze hadn’t yet fully hardened, watching as it pooled to one side of the pastry.
“No problem!” Toga grinned, taking a bite of her treat with a delighted hum, guiding you along as you both continued walking.
Your food was gone in just a few minutes, wondering why you picked out something glazed as you glowered at the sticky residue left on your fingers.
It wasn’t long until you both arrived at base, getting your praise from Tomura, and then retreating to your rooms to rest and unwind. Yet for you, it felt as if the coil was winding up more and more with each quiet second. You were seated on your bed, leg bouncing restlessly as your mind drifted back to the walk home.
It simply wasn’t fair.
Your eyes lifted to meet yourself in the mirror. Tired, hate-filled eyes stared back, hair in disarray and hanging in your face.
You blink, and suddenly your reflection is fractured, scattered and pulled about the now broken mirror, droplets of blood now dripping from your knuckles. You didn’t even register standing up. You couldn’t even feel the pain in your hand. You were unaware of the frustrated tears slipping down your cheeks.
It simply wasn’t fair.
Your feet carried you into the mall in the coming week, hood up as you let your feet pull you around in an aimless wander.
You scanned the crowds, watching happy family’s pick out clothes or things for dinner, young couples gushing over jewelry, older folk perusing the pet food aisles.
It was unfair how so many of them got to be happy, were able to be unafraid of those around them.
Your gaze snapped to the floor before anyone could meet it, your feet carrying you once more.
You descended a staircase, heading down to the ground level, planning to leave and wander somewhere else when you caught sight of green.
You nearly fell down the stairs with how fast your froze, eyes locked onto a boy with green hair, gaze finding the freckles Toga gushed about, and the brilliant green eyes that made this boy look so warm and inviting.
You wanted to puke.
You took a breath, continuing down the staircase with a slightly slower pace, waiting for the boy to separate from his friends.
You followed his footsteps, hands clenched tight in your pockets. It wasn’t until he paused at an All Might exhibit that you were able to catch up with him.
Your hand fell heavy on his shoulder, taking note of the elbow brace on his arm. “You Izuku Midoriya?” You asked, voice hissed like a snake and you felt him tense under your hand.
Your grip on his shoulder was harsh, you had half a mind to try and grip harder, wondering for a split moment if you could crack or damage something in his shoulder with your grip alone.
“It’s so unfair, you know.” You growled, a manic smile on your face, “You don’t have to do a damn thing and Toga’s all over you.”
Izuku met your gaze then, wide eyed with horror at the mere mention of Toga.
“You could at least try and make her dislike you, yknow?”
Izuku swallowed, trying to keep his voice low and steady. “Do… Do you like Toga…?”
“More than that. But she’s too busy fawning over you to realize it.”
Izuku was glancing around now, roles seemingly reversed as he avoided your gaze, with you trying to drill a hole into his head.
“Why don’t… Why don’t you try telling her? Or have you already…?”
“What would it matter? I can hardly get a word in without her bringing you into the conversation.”
In the pause that followed, Izuku trying to find a way to respond, you felt something icy touch your neck.
You both turned, Toga staring your down as she held a small knife to your throat. Not wanting to draw a crowd, you quickly let go of Izuku’s shoulder and grabbed Toga’s wrist, beginning to tug her along.
You left the young hero behind to sweat bullets, quick to pull Toga along a path leading out of the mall.
“(Y/n), what’s with you? You’ve been acting weird!”
“You don’t get it, do you?” You growled out, releasing Toga’s wrist and turning to face her with glossy eyes, fighting back another round of frustrated tears.
“What are you talking about?”
“I love you, dammit!” You exclaimed, nails digging into the fabric of your sleeves. “But it’s clear to me that you have someone else in mind. So let’s just drop this and head back to base, I’m sure Tomura has something he needs one of us to do.”
But you had already turned away, avoiding her gaze and trying to console your breaking heart.
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mafuluzx · 5 months
Can I have a Lloyd x m!reader⁉️ basically reader is a villian and is almost like himiko toga. reader basically asks Lloyd for his blood so Lloyd is obviously confused so one of readers teammates r like " reader ain't no way ur in love with the person we've been fighting" and the ninjas find out that to reader blood = love or sum like that⁉️( ik its silly request but😭)
It's not silly at all, don't worry!!! And I'm sorry this took so long! My motivation has just been kinda down for a while. I'm not sure if this is good enough, but I tried my best.
WARNING! Needles, for those who cannot handle them.
Lloyd x male reader oneshot!
Takes place in the start of season 12, Prime Empire
Love it?
"We're almost there, come on!" Lloyd quietly lead the team towards one of the many warehouses in Ninjago city. Apparently the mechanic, as he calls himself, was apparently in there right now, ready to steal a motherboard to some old video game that was only available in arcades, and even those had been shut down for reasons unknown.
Soon enough, the ninja got to the ware house as they heard speech from inside. They couldn't hear everything clearly, but the sentences "Find it!" and "The motherboard is all we need!"
Lloyd placed a finger on his lips and motioned for the ninja to keep quiet as they moved right next to the main doors.
The ninja hesitated to enter as they heard someone, someone else, laugh manically inside the ware house. Lloyd ignored it, and instead motioned for the others to go in, before he counted to three.
And on three, they burst into the building, the mechanic and his goons stiffening up as they got on guard. Everyone wore stiff and worried expressions... except one.
"Sorry to crash the party boys!" Nya let out the mechanic growled, before Jay joined in.
"Guess our invitations got lost in the mail, huh?" The blue ninja spoke before reaching out to pull out his weapon, but Lloyd quickly placed a hand in front of Jay, stopping him.
"No weapons, guys. These are just low level thugs." He spoke as Cole smirked.
"My fists are my weapons!" He le out as he punched the air.
"I would not classify the Mechanic as low-level. He's suspected in thirty-six unsolved criminal cases, not mentioning the unnamed accomplice." Zane commented as the mechanic smirked, before clearing his throat.
"Thirty-seven." He simply stated before his robotic arm extended, hitting Zane and sending him flying to the other side of the room. Without a second to waste, the ninja split up to fight the mechanic and his goons.
Lloyd didn't let his guard down for a second, even when he noticed one of the goons, dressed a little differently than most, storing at him with wide eyes. The boy's eyes glimmered like crystals as they stared straight at Lloyd mid fight.
Although the boy himself was currently fighting Zane, it was like the white ninja wasn't even there. Although it made Lloyd somewhat nervous, he ignored it as he knocked down one of the mechanic's goons, before kicking another out of the warehouse with a powerful kick.
But suddenly Lloyd felt someone shove him to the ground from behind. He and the person rolled into a corner, away from the fight, before Lloyd finally saw the person. It was the boy who had been staring at him earlier.
"Hey, Lloyd Garmadon, right?! My name is (y/n), (y/n) (l/n), just so you know. Ah, I can call you Lloyd, right? Or is Green Ninja better? Kyaahh! I can't believe I'm speaking to the Green Ninja! Oh, what if he thinks I'm annoying... Doesn't matter!" The boy blabbered on and on as Lloyd tried to punch and kick him away, and failed, every time. The boy was on all fours on top of Lloyd and kept him pinned to the ground as he talked.
"Ahhhh! I don't know what to do! Hehehee..." The boy named (y/n) spoke a bunch of nonsense before suddenly pulling out a knife and pressing it gently against Lloyd's face.
The boy muttered something, but it was too quiet for Lloyd to hear. Knowing he might me killed at any moment, Lloyd stopped struggling, and instead grabbed the hand that was holding the knif. He needed to act fast.
"Lloyd, Lloyd, I wont kill you~! Just-" Before (y/n) could say anything else, Lloyd twisted his wrist so that he dropped the knife. In a few swift movements, Lloyd finally kicked off the other boy, before running back into the fight and after the mechanic, who had just called out.
"(l/n)! Stop fooling around!" The mechanic called the boy his last name, as the boy's twisted smile turned into a childish pout.
"But, but, but, buuuuuuut! It's the Lloyd Garmadon!" The boy called back, but the mechanic only scoffed.
"Then stay if you'd like, return to base once you've held this guys off long enough." The mechanic said before pulling one of his goons up, and running to an open window.
"Aye, aye, mech-man!" The boy called after him as the mechanic jumped out of the window with one last shout.
"It's boss to you, blood sucker!" The mechanic then disappeared out of sight, before Lloyd called out.
"Zane, Cole, Nya! Go after him! We'll hold the rest of them back." Lloyd instructed as Zane, Cole and Nya charged out of the same window, leaving Jay, Kai, and Lloyd to fight inside the warehouse.
"Blood sucker? Hey, are you vampire?" Jay was the first one to do anything. No one was attacking the opposing side yet. The goons had all been knocked out, leaving only the boy named (y/n) (l/n) to smile at the three ninja. Well, just mainly the green ninja, but whatever.
"Jay, vampires aren't real." Kai stated as Jay turned ´his head to the red ninja.
"How would you know? Have you ever seen one?" Jay asked before Lloyd sighed, and spoke up.
"Jay, concentrate. Now, sorry to say, but we'll have to take you down!" Lloyd said the last part to (y/n), who weirdly looked nothing but happy with the statement.
"Oh, the Lloyd Garmadon is talking to me! Kyahh!! What an honor, what an honor! Oh, quick question, may I have a blood sample from you?" (y/n)'s tone suddenly changed as he pulled out a syringe from behind his back.
"No way! I hate needles!" Jay spoke before (y/n) turned his head towards the blue ninja.
"Shut up! I wasn't talking to you." (y/n) scoffed before turning back to Lloyd with a beaming smile.
"So what do you say? It'll hurt just a bit!" Lloyd watched as (y/n) waved the syringe around like a nurse gone mad.
"No thanks." Lloyd simply answered as Kai spoke up.
"Um, this is getting weird, so how about we fight this out instead?" (y/n) looked taken back for a second, but in the end lowered the syringe and pulled out a knife with his other hand.
"Sure!" He beamed before charging towards the ninja without warning. Before the could as much as dodge, (y/n) had already slashed past Lloyd, making a deep cut in his leg.
"Don't worry, the knife is fully sanitized!" (y/n) spoke leisurely as Kai and Jay ran towards him. But (y/n) knocked the two away easily, making it look like he was fighting a bunch of toddler instead of the all-powerful ninja.
Lloyd pressed on his bleeding leg before trying to get some space between himself and (y/n), but the latter was much faster, charging and pressing the syringe behind Lloyd's knee.
Quick as lightning, he drew in some blood before ripping the syringe away.
"Don't worry, it's fully sanitized too!" (y/n) spoke again, of course talking about the now filled syringe.
"Oh this is perfect! Ah, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do!" (y/n) spun around with the syringe in hand, ignoring the three ninja approaching him slowly.
"Oh, wait, I was supposed to go back. I completely forgot!" (y/n) suddenly let out in realization, before whipping around to face Lloyd, who had gotten up even with his bleeding leg, fists drawn and ready to punch (y/n).
"It was so nice to meet you, Green Ninja!" (y/n) beamed before throwing himself onto Lloyd, giving the Green Ninja a hug before kissing Lloyd on the cheek.
"I gotta go now! I'll miss you!" (y/n) jumped away without a warning to the entrance of the warehouse, before turning back one last time and waved to Lloyd with a smile.
Lloyd noticed something had changed about the boy in the midst of the fight, strangely. A ring had appeared on his ring finger, as if out of thin air.
It made Lloyd wonder, and look down at his own hands too. What left Lloyd even more puzzled was the ring that had appeared on himself, and it definitely matched with (y/n)'s. Jay and Kai saw that too.
"Uh, did you get engaged to a stranger?" Jay questioned as a half joke, before Kai spoke up.
"Shouldn't we go after him?"
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
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warnings: +18, fwb to lovers, college au, quirkless au, protected sex, public sex, overstimulation, body worshipping (?), tiny bit of angst, hint of breeding kink (if you squint hard), touya is one year older than reader, lots of pet names, two dorks pinning on each others.
characters: touya todoroki x fem!reader
words count: 7,9k
notes: look... i’m confused as much as you guys are over the length of this fic. but i got inspired so much by a bunch of songs in my dabi playlist and before i knew it things turned out like this. hope you guys like it 💜
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you remember meeting with touya todoroki a month after the new semester at your college started, at a party thrown by toga himiko who was a new acquaintance of yours that is friend with the handsome white haired senior; everything started when you two got introduced to each others by the blond girl and his intense gaze fell upon you making a shiver run down your spine, this resulted in you straightening your posture under his amused expression while you replied with a glare that only made his grin widen.
as the party progressed, a glass of drink lead to another and before you knew it his lips were on yours ferociously, hands down palming your butt cheeks and fondling them as he made you walk back into toga’s room and fall onto your friend’s bed while you kept running your hands through the senior’s hair. if you two had sex that night? hell yeah you did, the most fantastic sex you’ve ever had to date.
touya knew what he was doing and he was extremely good at it.
after that night the two of you run a lot into each other since toga was your common friend. in one way or another you two always ended up having sex again which is why after the fifth time you two did it, at his shared apartment with shigaraki and shuichi when they were out with the group, the two of you settled for a friends with benefits relationship seen how good your chemistry was whether under the sheets or out of them.
when choosing the rules for the agreement, one was to not fall in love with the other party and that in the case one of the two does, your relationship would end right away.
needless to say that despite knowing the rule and what you were getting yourself into, you ended up falling for touya eventually but never said a word about it and just act around him like you always do, so that relationship would last as long as possible because you weren’t yet ready to cut ties with him (nor you will ever be, but yeah...).
another rule was that if any of the two parties wanted, you could have sex with whomever you want outside of your relationship and you obviously agreed at the beginning since falling for that cocky and arrogant dumbass of touya wasn’t exactly in your bingo book.
ohh how bad you regretted agreeing to that dumb rule when last week you saw him make out in the school’s corridor with a female senior who was clinging to him like an octopus, making you clench your jaw and swallow the urge to scream at her to get off from him because he’s yours only to kiss, but of course that was out of question.
you two were almost nothing to each others after all.
after that you spent the next week either ghosting him, avoiding him, making up excuses to not meet with touya or came out on the spot with commissions to do, appointments and such, also limiting like this the remote possibility of being with him in a room and get swept into the mood only to end up having sex somewhere like always.
it was thursday, already, and you were packing your things to go at home hopefully without coming across touya, when another male voice reached to your ears:
“y/n do you have the chemistry notes from this morning’s class? i came in the second hour so i couldn’t follow the lecture.”, your classmate, shinsou, asked walking up to you after your last class of the day, standing next to you at the very end of the classroom as the other students left.
“sure, just bring them to me tomorrow okay?”, after some fumbling where you took out almost everything from inside your bag, you hand him a blue notebook before glancing up at the boy with a mocking grin. “you slept in again?”, when the boy looked away annoyed clicking his tongue you giggled slightly, amused by how chaotic he was despite the image that everyone pinned on him, which was the opposite of his actual personality.
“shut it please, i got mocked enough by fucking monoma.”, that made you giggled once more lifting an hand to cover your mouth. he looked down at you silently for a brief moment before keeping on. “are you not sleeping well? you got eye bags and your eyes are a little swollen too... is everything okay?”, he inquired lifting an hand to rest it on your cheek and rubbing his thumb under your eye; as expected from shinsou, of course this smartass would notice easily these kind of things.
“oh... you know, midterms are coming up and the perfectionist in me wants everything to be spot on, maybe i overdid it though...”, you ended with a little giggle while moving away from his touch, trying to not seem awkward.
it’s just that it felt so weird and wrong to you for someone who isn’t touya to touch you, and yet for the white haired senior seemed easy to replace you with some other unknown girl.
ahh damn... now i feel like crying..., pressing tightly your lips together you tried with all your might to not shed a tear and miraculously you succeeded, sniffling briefly from your nose while moving a strand of hair behind your ear.
the boy looked at you in contemplation for a while before he decided to keep talking:
“y/n do you have some time one of these days? i would like to–“
“oi shinsou, did you get lost or wha–“, kirishima cut himself off freezing at the door when he saw the two of you in the middle of talking, eyes fixed in your direction and his usual carefree smile on, arm lifted mid-air with a waving frozen hand. “ah shit...”, he cursed unfreezing from his pose and looking at you too exasperated with his own self.
shinsou sighed heavily before turning to you, his usual deadpan expression on as he put the notebook inside his bag.
“guess i’ll talk to you tomorrow, keep some minutes free for me okay? see you.”, he simply greet a confused you with an enigmatic smile on his lips that you didn’t get very well, so unnecessarily mysterious.
“sure, see you.”, was your empty reply said while wondering what was that he wanted tell you, after all yeah... you two were friends that got closer this last week, bonding over every students’ struggle, but not even remotely that close so it made you really curious.
you watched him walk up to kirishima and give him a whack on his chest, making the red head back out of the classroom apologizing loudly, as they left your line of sight quickly leaving you alone in an empty class too big for your small frame.
sighing tiredly you turned to your bag starting to put all your things inside once again; while working your books and notebooks inside it your hand brushed against something that made you jump slightly.
when you took it out you saw a keychain with a small white tiger plushy attached to it and your heart sank. it was the one touya got you after school because you laughed about how it reminded you of him and now the urge to cry came back right away.
you miss him so damn much. you were down for him horrendously to react this way about every single thing that reminds you of the boy, even the slightest thing.
something white at the front door off the classroom caught your attention, you looked up right away and when you saw who was there your eyes went wide from the shock.
touya was standing at the doorway leaning against its side with hands in the pockets of his jeans, a glare full of anger and something else you couldn’t pinpoint directed at you that made your breath hitch briefly.
“why are you here?”, you asked in a small tone, doubting he heard you with how minuscule your voice was when you spoke.
he parted from the door side walking up to you with a spiteful smirk on his handsome face that made you shiver, the boy looked more than ready to demolish you and it was obvious only by the aura surrounding him.
“ohh well you know, a certain someone has been avoiding me aaall week so i had to come pick her up once for all and guess what i saw?”, his tone was so sarcastic and full of venom that it had made you wince slightly when he made that question. his eyes turned darker and more intense as they looked at you, a cold smile on his lips. “i saw her wagging her tail at someone else, when she’s mine.”, touya finished in one breath, an inch away from you, voice becoming deeper and raspy as his eyes bored into yours with a burning desire inside him that made your throat dry.
“whatever you’re talking about.”, you brushed him off trying to play it cool before moving in front at your desk, going back to put your things inside your bag so you could leave faster that room filled with much more tension than you could handle. “and i’m not yours. can you keep your possessive hands off of me senpai?”, and sighed heavily exhausted from all that situation, wanting only to finally get home and get to bed after a long bath.
“spare me the ‘senpai’ bullshit, you’ve never called me that way so why start now?” silence. touya clenched his jaw tightly, the veins on his neck pulsing from the rage. “and you now even have the guts to say that after everything we’ve done together?”, touya barked gritting his teethes as he stared darts into you while standing in the hallway between the desks, clenched fists, trying hard to face you about what’s going on between the two of you these last weeks while you keep running away from him.
“what have we done exactly?”, you asked turning to him gazing up at the older with exasperation and pain all over your features. “aren’t you misunderstanding something here? we’re just friends with benefits, nothing more nothing less.”, you reminded him with a bittersweet feeling inside of you that kept heaving up inside your chest; you found yourself speechless though when seeing the white haired boy stare back at you with wide turquoise eyes that had pain and disappointment deep inside of them, lips parted not letting out a single sound from how speechless he was, you felt a pang inside your chest that made you waver.
touya collected himself so fast that for a moment you thought of having dreamed of that expression, he swallowed thickly looking down for a brief second before lifting his gaze on you and was about to speak if only you hadn’t spoke up, cutting him off:
“besides, why don’t you go nag to that senpai you were kissing the other day? i bet she would be more than happy to get your full attention on her.”, ugh... that came out more harsh and less collected than how you wanted it to sound, now he was going to get pissed at you and break off your agreement, this way there was nothing to tie you two together anymore.
touya stared at you shocked by those words blinking few times while a little satisfied smile tugged at the corners of his lips, he forced himself to turn serious right away by clearing his throat though, because there was no way that what he was thinking was true right? right?
“wait y/n, don’t tell me you’re jealous...?”, he asked leaning a little to the side to get a glimpse of your face; when the boy saw your face beet red, eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowed and pouty lips his heart skipped a beat as he stared shocked at you for a few seconds.
“o-of course not! why would i be jealous? we ain’t dating or anything after all!”, you replied putting frantically your belongings inside the bag, not having enough courage to look at him and the face he was making.
“you’re such a bad liar.”, he whispered huskily inside your ear making you jump slightly and turn behind only to find yourself caged between his body and the desk, azure clear eyes burning on your skin hotly and you automatically held your breath back.
“i-i’m not–”
your surprised expression melted into a pleading one as you felt so conflicted by that whole situation between you two.
god... that expression made touya want to pounce on you so bad, it was too tempting to not do nothing about it.
he took your chin between his rings decorated thumb and index lifting your face a little more, before you could say anything the boy leaned down pressing his lips against yours.
you were taken aback for a moment by that, but afterwards you put an hand on his chest pushing him away parting with a loud ‘smooch’, head dropped down and lips pulled back painfully.
“please don’t do this...”, you breathed out squeezing your eyes close to not let tears come out.
“why?”, he inquired with grim voice staring down at you upset by your words, hands resting on the wood surface behind your figure.
“because i don’t want it...”, you half lied to the older, never looking up at him; the kiss wasn’t a problem itself, but you were too much in love with touya right now to let him do that so casually and with no feelings whatsoever.
“you got no problem with that shinsou fucker touching you, but when i’m the one doing it is no good? what the heck...”, he spat coldly frowning deeply at the thought of that brat’s filthy hands touching you, it made his blood boil with rage.
you stared at him with wide eyes, never expecting him to say something like that and tilting your head slightly to peek at him, you finally broke the tense silence around the two of you:
“touya are you perhaps... jealous?”, it was your turn to tease him a little with a little amused smile curling your lips, hearing another round of silence you kept on to clarify yourself right away, thinking he may have got mad at that assumption. “i was just kidding so–”
“what are you gonna do if i was to say that, yes i am jealous?”, he cut you off lifting his head to stare intensely into your eyes, making a shiver run down your spine when you saw the seriousness inside his azure orbs mixed with possessiveness, lust and... love?
after a few seconds where you just kept staring into his eyes, heart thumping hard and fast inside your chest, you moved closer resting both hands on his chest tippy-toeing leaning closer to his handsome face pressing your lips flush against his.
touya felt his breath hitch inside his throat as he looked at your closed eyes longingly, a whimper escaping his mouth and disappearing into the kiss, arms that went right away to surround your waist pulling you against him while licking your lower lip hungrily and biting onto it not able to wait anymore after being deprived of you for a whole week.
he sneaked his tongue inside your mouth the second you parted your lips angling his head on his right kissing you so possessively and with such a passion your knees were about to give up on you making you crash onto the floor if the older wasn’t holding you up. for some reason, today you were feeling it more than the other time... was it because it has been a week since the last time you two met? or was it because this was your first kiss after you’ve finally come to accept your feelings for him? you didn’t know, what you knew though was that you wanted desperately more.
when the two of you parted, out of breath, his hazy half-lidded eyes meet your teary with lust ones while a string of saliva connected your mouths for a brief second before dissolving into thin air, leaving behind only both of your lips swollen and red.
“i love you.”
to your complete surprise, the one to say that first was touya, leaving you completely speechless staring at him with wide eyes like he was some kind of alien which made the boy snort, amused by your expression.
“you’re kidding...”, you spoke with trembling voice, trying to convince yourself rather than pointing it out at him, tears blurring building up in your eyes unable to believe the words you’ve wished to hear from him probably since even before your ‘friends with benefits’ relationship has started. have you been always in love with him and never realized or what? because how were you this overwhelmed by those three words said by him.
“you know i’m not.”, and he was right, inside his eyes there wasn’t even the slightest hint of joking and that made your tears start roll down your cheeks. “whatta cry baby you are, y/n.”, and resting an hand on the crook of your neck he leaned in at the side of your face going to delicately lick away a tear that was on your cheekbone, the gesture making you flinch slightly and turn red because he was used to do it every time the two of you had sex.
“who’s fault is it?”, you teased resting your hands on his chest and shying away from his touch, looking away completely flushed all over your cheeks while touya stared down at you with a satisfied grin.
“mine. i know baby, i know.”, he giggled back hugging you flush against his body, hand going behind your head caressing it tenderly as he kissed the side of your neck after moving away your hair from it. “just like when i make you mine over and over every night.”, the white haired senior whispered against your skin licking the spot he had kissed previously, chills running down your back making you let out a brief pant while resting an hand on his shoulder and moving back to face him.
“you’re so annoying seriously!”, you exclaimed turning your back at him peeved at how he kept winning over you, even managing to have your heartbeats fasten up with the slightest touch or movement.
“that’s not what you really want to tell me, isn’t it?”, he whispered huskily holding you from behind and looming his face close to yours from above your shoulder, nose pressed against your cheek as his eyes looked down at you, cocky. “come on, say it... what you’ve been dying to tell me...”, touya kept on leaving a brief kiss on the back of your ear that covered your skin in goosebumps, while his hands went to rest on your hips as he pressed his chest flush with your back.
you pouted timidly before turning to your left and being meet with his shit-eating grin, eyes looking down at you satisfied by seeing you like that because of him, it tickled his ego so good.
“i love you.”, you whispered softly gazing up at him from under your eyelashes, sending him and his heart into the orbit without even realizing it; god weren’t you the most beautiful, sweetest and precious princess to him who has behaved like an heartless villain to you only for the sake of protecting himself from losing his mind too much because of you. in the end, even when trying to put a limit to his own being, he ended up falling for you to the point of no return.
touya leaned into you placing a brief kiss on your bottom lip before pressing your lips together and forcing his tongue inside your mouth confidently, knowing very well that you wouldn’t refute him, it was written all over your face how much you missed and wanted him despite that cute pout on your pretty face.
suddenly you felt the tip of his index press on your clit from over your skirt, sending a spark of pleasure through your whole body that made you moan into the kiss, while his lips curled instantly up in a cocky smirk that did piss you off a little bit honestly.
“is my babygirl turned on?”, he mumbled between kisses opening his eyes and staring into yours hungrily. “in a place like this? that’s a lewd~”, touya cooed smirking wolfishly while twirling his finger over your clothed clit, his other hand sneaking up to play with your left breast making you start breath heavily from your nose as he kept kissing you with no pause.
“that’s because... you keep... touching my clit– ahh!”, you moaned out against his mouth nearly falling down from the amount of pleasure, he dropped his hand to rest on your abdomen and press you  against him to support you though and that alone made your cunt clench around nothing inside your panties.
“yeah, that’s mean of me... want me to stop baby?”, the older whispered against your lips staring down at you intensely, lust completely blurring his eyes as he kept his ministration on your bundle of nerves; that friction, unfortunately, wasn’t nearly enough for you.
pressing your lips together your eyes looked into his even more turned on than you already were, it was embarrassing because you two were inside a classroom with both doors open wide for everyone to see and you felt so... weird about it.
“don’t– don’t stop... please...”, you cried out with begging eyes while placing your hand above his to press it more against your core, desperate for a release right now and that made him shudder in anticipation.
“then... what do you want me to do?”, he asked swallowing hard while staring at your face trembling with pleasure, mesmerized by it.
“touch me...”, you breathed leading his hand with yours under the hem of your pleated skirt, hearing him hiss between gritted teethes as his fingers got drenched by how wet you were and that made you smirk proudly, especially since his hard dick was poking now against your ass.
“open your legs more for me.”, touya spoke lowly, his deep and husky voice reverberating through your whole body getting your legs to shake weakly, the older smiled down at you lovingly as his hand went to hook on your inner thigh inviting you to spread them more out you complied with no complaint. “good girl.”, he cooed kissing you on the temple and staying still with his lips pressed there while going to palm your clothed pussy with three fingers, pressing his middle one against your slit and starting to rub between your folds slowly meanwhile the heel of his hand stroked your clit creating the perfect friction.
“ngh... m-more...”, you demanded softly gasping toward the end as he began to move his fingers and hand in circle motions, touya’s face leaning down towards the crook of your neck inhaling your scent before kissing the other and start sucking on that spot harshly as the pace of his fingers.
you started panting and even letting out choked out moans, but as the friction of his palm against your clit sent a spark all over your body forming a knot in your lower abdomen, you let out a moan so loud it echoed inside the classroom for few seconds before subsiding.
realizing what you just did, you went to bite down on your lower lip right away before covering your mouth with an hand, beet red from cheeks to ears with embarrassment and fear of being heard by someone outside.
touya giggled amused against your neck letting out a satisfied heavy sigh while lifting his free hand to move yours away from your mouth, before he sneaked it inside your shirt from your collar and even went past your bra starting to massage your breast slowly, giving it a little squeeze that made you let out another moan.
“it’s way too late to regret it, babydoll.”, he reasoned with you giving your slit a long drag that made a pitiful sob come out of your mouth as pleasure started to make you burn up, tears building up in your eyes for a different reason now that made you so dizzy. “i don’t think i’ll be able to stop even if you ask me to.”, the older whispered against your cheek groaning as he felt your ass brush ever so slightly against the erection inside his skinny jeans, he wanted you so desperately.
“i don’t want you to stop...”, you managed to say biting down on your lip, while letting out restrained moans, needy eyes looking down at his hand under your skirt.
he froze for a moment expecting you, the responsible one out of the twos, to try stop him with all your might saying that you can’t do something like this in public, but damn... would you look at that? not only you weren’t minding it, by the way your pussy was throbbing against his fingers touya could tell that you actually liked all this.
never judge a book from its cover, huh?, he thought with a wolfish grin forming on his lips as he want to pinch your nipples, another moan erupting from you as your back arched away from his chest.
“i won’t, gotta make up for the whole week i didn’t got to touch my baby.”, and as of cue his fingers started working your cunt the way only touya knew you liked it; god it felt amazing, the moans kept coming out of your mouth and you couldn’t stop them even in the remote case you would’ve wanted to.
“ah–! god–! touya–! i’m close–!”
“go ahead y/n, cum all over my fingers.”, he encouraged you sweetly to rub circles over your clit more frantically getting sobs, gasps and moans of pleasure out of you that made his ego raise over the roof enhanced even more by how you were grinding on him desperately, chasing your climax.
he wasn’t even touching you directly but still had you turn into putty in his hands like it was nothing. really, no one would get you down so bad for him to this point like touya does and both of you knew that very well.
“mhn! ah–! ngh–!”, and with another slow movement of his wrist, the knot in your lower abdomen unleashed making you rest your back against his chest, hand resting on his arm, trembling as you came with a breathless moan, soaking your panties and his fingers completely.
“so fucking cute...”, he coated a little his fingers with your juices, dripping at the sides of your clothed cunt, before moving back letting you bend forward as you tried to catch your breath keeping yourself up with both hands resting on the desk in front of you, bringing index and middle fingers to his mouth licking and sucking them languidly. “and delicious, like always.”, commented the older gazing at your back with a devilish smirk, full on desire inside his clear orbs as he saw your arms trembling, struggling to keep you up after the intensity of what just happened.
“so noisy... you literally just ruined my panties...”, you complained weakly looking at him from above your shoulder, eyes that were gleaming with as much desire as he had for you, he could tell only by your gaze that you wanted more than what you were letting off.
“i think that should be the last of your concerns, babydoll.”, he bit back while looking at you with a lifted eyebrow and cocky grin on his lips, grunting amused at your confused stare he crouched down behind you grabbing your butt cheeks giggling at the yelp that came out from your mouth, gazing then at his work of art between your legs. at the sight of your drooling pussy covered by black laced panties he groaned feeling his dick throb inside his pants.
“wha–? wait–! someone might see us!”, you piped in a whisper blushing at feeling his intense contemplating gaze on your cunt; god only his stare was enough to rile you up, it was insane.
“that didn’t seem to bother you earlier.”, he recalled with a snort as the left corner of his mouth curled up arrogantly, you glared at him irritated by that constant attitude of his. “besides, at this hour there’s barely anyone around here, so don’t worry and just focus on me.”, touya continued with half-lidded lusty eyes as he moved up your skirt while sticking out his tongue and leaning in between your legs.
you wanted to say something back, but completely forgot what the moment his tongue lapped from your inner thigh up to the side of your pussy agonizingly slow pace, a shaky moan coming out from your mouth as your arms gave up on you making you lean your upper body wholly on the table as he kept calmly licking all the juices covering your inner thighs sucking on the skin in some spots loudly.
“t-touya...”, you slurred resting your head on the surface of the desk and staring in front of you without really seeing, feeling your pussy start throbbing again because of the arising pleasure.
“uhm?”, the older mumbled still glued to your right inner thigh where he just left a purple mark, licking his lips satisfied, still unfazed by the fact that someone could walk in on you.
“you’re so mean...”, you cried out lifting your head slightly to peek at his face with teary eyes as one of your arms reached out to rest an hand on his, one of the most adorable pout on your lips that made his brain melt. “stop teasing me already...”
something inside his head snapped and his eyes darkened right afterwards as he stood, never breaking eye contact with you as he unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants and pulling down the zipper to free from any more restrictions his hardened shaft whose tip was reddened leaking pre-cum.
“if you’re enticing me so much, it means you’re ready for what comes next right?”, he questioned with raspy deep voice grabbing your hips, going then to hook two fingers to your panties and move them aside lifting an eyebrow as he smirked down at you wolfishly.
“just hurry up and fuck me...”, was your simple answer as you crossed your arms on the desk resting your head on them, lustful gaze looking at him enamoured by his whole being making touya’s dick even more hard than before if it was possible.
he let out a breathless laugh trying to not lose his mind right on the spot, the boy took a condom from the back pocket of his jeans and teared the dark purple envelope open with his teethes before rolling it long his length under your needy and waiting stare:
“as you wish, princess.”
touya pressed both thumbs at either sides of your fold stretching open your pussy before taking his dick and aligning the tip with your entrance; with a groan from the white haired senior, the first half of his cock slid with no problems inside of you, a choked moan leaving your gaping mouth as you rested your forehead on the wood of the table, pants erupting from you as you held onto the border of the desk tightly until your knuckles turned white.
“fuck... in only one week you got this tight, that won’t do y/n...”, he giggled deeply as his eyes watched your juices coat his whole length to his pelvis, making him shudder excited.
“aahh...”, you cried out feeling his dick rub against your walls slowly as he pulled out.
he leaned toward you gripping the border of the table with an hand as he moved closer to the side of your face, shit-eating grin curling up his lips devilishly while pulling down the sleeve of your shirt.
“i’ll put a remedy to that... ngrh!”, touya cooed against your ear as he snapped his hips forward, thrusting his dick into you sharply and deep this time making yet again another loud moan come out of your mouth, the sound of his pelvis smacking against your ass echoing inside the classroom, driving you crazy.
“mm! the sound... it’s so loud... ah!”, you commented rising your head and turning back to stare at him dazed, completely out of it from the pleasure as he kept drilling his cock inside your cunt.
“what? you don’t like it from behind?”, he inquired while the smirk on his lips only kept getting wider, azure eyes fixed on how your face kept twisting every second from the pleasure he was giving you.
as he kept pounding into your pussy and rubbing a spongy spot inside of you that kept sending shivers up your spine, you leaned the side of your forehead onto the desk looking at touya with honey dripping eyes that made him satisfied beyond anyone’s imagination.
“no... i like it... nnh!”, you answered biting down on your lip as he gave a sharp thrust, the desk under you trembling with the motion, his breath fanning your ear in pants making your heart thump faster than it already was.
“‘s that so? am i hitting your sweet spot?”, he whispered pressing his lips against your shoulder and staring to suck on it harshly, hips increasing the pace of his thrusts as he kept groaning against your skin.
“yeah... it feels so good...”, you kept answering sincerely between moans and whimpers, with only riled up touya more; your honesty always managed to make him lose his mind over you, it was like this since the first day he meet you.
“then i’ll make you feel even better...”, the senior claimed before tightening the grip on your hip and the border of the table, he then started to pound into you faster and stronger making the whole desk rattle because of the power of his thrusts.
“ahh! ah! mhn! so good! touya!”, you moaned out without a care in the world, as if you two weren’t still in school, that was how amazing it felt to have him finally fill you up after a week apart.
“fuck–! you’re squeezing me so damn hard! shit–! y/n–!”, he groaned back resting his forehead on your shoulder starting to pant hard against your hot skin, eyes closed in pure bliss as your walls fluttered around his shaft.
“ah! there–! i’m cummingh!”, was your last cry out as the boy kept hitting the spot that makes you see the stars over and over, never missing it once, making you cum all over his dick while moaning his name whole heartedly.
in response he thrusts as deep as possible inside of you, wishing there wasn’t the veil of gum separating you two, stilling himself after a while with the tip of his dick kissing your cervix before his seed spilled inside the condom as a throaty groan left his mouth.
he looked up at you genuinely smiling at your dazed expression with droll rolling down from the corner of your mouth to your chin as you panted heavily, your legs trembling from how much strained they were and not only because you were standing until now, he really went all out letting off the need that had build up in those days.
“was it that good? your face has melted completely...”, he questioned straightening up and moving your hair away from your face as he caressed tenderly your cheek with his thumb, your eyes finally moving to look at him still hazy from all the pleasure.
“that’s ‘cause you did that to me...”, at your answer his dick twitched slowly hardening once again, as if you two didn’t just nearly broke down the desk from your early session from few seconds ago.
“well, i can keep going you know?”, touya spoke licking his lips as he stared down at you, eyes sparkling with a new found motivation. “turn this way.”, he ordered softly grabbing your leg and moving it to the other side, turning you on your back, an hum coming from you as his dick rubbed in circle your walls.
an evil smirk formed on his lips as he looked down at you before suddenly pulling out of your pussy:
“oops! it popped out! sorry babydoll, i need to put it back in.”
“touya, you jerk! that was on purpose!”, you whined glaring up at him mad while slapping the older across his chest, lifting yourself from the desk.
“i’ve no idea of what you’re talking about darling, it was a good thing it happened anyways no?”, that little shit lied with a cocky smirk on his face as he massaged the spot you hit, faking being hurt while actually enjoying the whole situation. “or do you want the condom to break and get knocked up?”
“wha–?!”, you blushed at his words.
“not like i would mind, since it’s you.”, he then took off the condom tying it up and leaving it on the desk to throw away later, because for now he had other plans.
touya plopped himself on the wooden bench with legs spread shamelessly, he then extended his arm towards you holding out his hand with a calm smile on his lips and an overall chill vibe.
“come here.”, yet it was so naturally commanding at the same time, making you never think twice about doing anything he says.
taking his hand enchanted, as if he put you under a spell, the older made you sit on his lap making a gasp leave your mouth as his dick brushed against your pussy slightly, stimulating you more than you already were from the previous session.
“here, put it on for me pretty girl, my hands are busy.”, he told you as he handed you another condom pulled out from the pocket of his leather jacket, never looking away from your face that he kept staring at with an excited smirk, making your cheeks flush because of it.
when you were about to talk back at him, since his hands were doing nothing, a yelp left your lips as his hot hands sneaked under your shirt lifting it up as he roamed them slowly all over your abdomen to your chest, pulling down the cups of your bra as worry took over your features.
“no one is going to see you, nobody came over despite the loud moans remember?”, touya reassured you in an hypnotic whisper as he put the condom between your hands and guided them slowly long his shaft, a gritted teethes groan coming right from the back of his throat.
“i’m gonna kick your ass so bad if anyone sees us, really...”, you threatened planting your knees on the wood bench and lifting yourself from the older’s lap to align your entrance with his dick, face so close to his that your breathes mingled fanning each others cheeks while your eyes were fixed into one another’s intensely.
“that’s it, if you’ll still be able to stand.”, and gripping your waist, with a sharp movement of his hips upwards, touya thrust his whole length inside your cunt, a devilish smirk curling his lips as azure eyes stared at you burning with desire.
you let out a choked moan while falling against his chest stunned by the sudden movement, hands holding onto his shoulders and head resting on it as an absurd amount of pleasure spread inside of you from how deep the tip of his dick was hitting inside of you.
“so deep... ahh...”, you moaned looking down where your pelvis was connected with his, head spinning.
“how is it princess?”, he asked looking at you fondly as an hand kept caressing your hip tenderly, knowing very well what you were thinking but he was an insufferable little shit who loved to tease you just like that, so of course he was going to ask.
“it’s so good... ah!”, you moaned at the end as he rolled his hips in slow circles erupting a whimper out of your lips, who now where pressed against his neck giving touya chills.
“thought you were afraid of being heard, y/n... ngh!”, he groaned surrounding you with his arms to hold your body closer to him, hips bucking up as he kept thrusting into your pussy relentlessly.
“well... nobody has come until now...”, you replied avoiding his gaze timidly, knowing that he was going to tease you for switching your opinion just like that; he was so annoying my god.
“puah! you’re such a little minx.”, the older giggled amused before letting out a choked groan when feeling your hot lips pressed against his skin as you started suck hard onto that spot. “shit... you nearly made me come just now ugh–!”, he breathed out feeling your lips curl up into a sly smile that made him shudder. god, he loved you so fucking much.
“do you think saena-senpai will notice it?”, you questioned instead gripping hard onto his shoulder as you started to bounce on the boy’s dick, moaning onto his neck while sucking hard until a red mark didn’t start to form on his porcelain white skin.
“y-yeah... but princess, don’t tell me you’re sill thinking about that... i already told her to scram off, forget about it...”, touya spoke panting as he matched his thrusts with your movements, teethes clenching hard as your walls tightened around him sending a shiver down his spine.
“no. i can... ngh... get... pretty possessive too you know... ahn!”, you chimed back moving to be face to face with him and doing your best glaring at the white haired boy, but no matter how much convincing you tried to look your expression melted in few seconds as he kept pounding into you.
“so fucking cute for me...”, he commented with a proud yet cocky smirk as he leaned in and shoved his tongue inside your gaping mouth, tongue circling yours before stroking it against the surface of yours, smiling into the kiss when he felt your arms surround his neck.
“mmhn...”, you hummed against his lips arching your back a little, whimpering as the tip of his cock hit your cervix once again.
“fuck– agh! ngh... keep tightening around me like that baby and i won’t last that long...”, touya grunted while parting from the kiss and resting his forehead on the crook of your neck, that scent of yours invading his sense making it even harder for him to not come on the spot.
“ahh i can’t help it... it feels amazing where you’re hitting...”, ah that honesty of yours seriously, truly an hazard for him.
always holding you closer, he rested his hands on your ass cheeks starting to pound more sharply inside of you so to hit more powerfully that spot each time, your moans grow only louder at that.
“here?”, he asked in a groan while moving to look at your face, completely enamoured with the sight in front of him.
“ah! yes! t-there! there! my god, touya–! ahh!”, you cried out throwing your head back while bouncing faster on his shaft, the way it kept on hitting that soft gummy spot inside you it made you see stars, it was sublime how good he was doing you.
“that’s it baby–! keep screaming my name and i’ll give you more ugh!”, he growled between gritted teethes gluing his lips to your collarbone and sucking hard on that spot; you’ve actually lost count of how many hickeys he has given your only today, you could swear that there was one on your inner thigh and even close to your cunt.
“touya! more... please nnh...”, you whined as your pussy clenched on his dick harder, his thrusts stuttering for a brief second before their pace grew faster and stronger into you, your mind starting to go blank as you were close to your climax.
“so damn– needy...”, he was so happy and delighted by that, a satisfied smile on his lips while he stared at your fucked out expression. a masterpiece, seriously.
“only... for you...”, you replied between pants without even realizing, touya’s cock twitching inside of you making an hummed moan come out from your lips that were pressed in a thin line.
he didn’t expect that answer, which is exactly why his dick twitched so hard it sent a spark right to his pelvis.
fuck this feels fantastic..., and he has never really thought it about sex, not until you came around and conquered him like it was nothing.
his hands slid up to grip at your waist strongly and held you on place as hips moved upwards, slapping against yours hard as he kept grunting at feeling your walls start quivering around his cock.
“i told you to stop entice me so much–!”, touya spoke pressing your body onto his while bucking his hips faster and faster until his name didn’t start to come out slurred, too much pleasure for your brain to keep up without melting totally.
“ahn! that’s–! i’m coming–!”, you cried out holding onto him tighter, your cunt clenching around his dick hard.
“fuck–! shit, shit, shit–! me too baby!”, the boy growled as he thrust hard one last time before he stopped deep into you, the tip kissing your cervix, before finally coming all over the inside of that damned condom while you squirted all over his length moaning his name against his ear.
god he wanted to fuck you without that piece of gum so bad and fill your pussy to the brim with his seed. the only thought made his hips push further inside of you with a deep husky groan, making a whine leave your lips because of the overstimulation.
“‘s too much...”, you cried out staring at him dazed with tears of pleasure clouding your beautiful eyes.
“sorry... it just felt too good...”, he explained giggling weakly while resting his cheek on your chest, listening in silence to your erratic heartbeats and loving that sound so much. “i love you so bad...”, touya said out of nowhere with a peaceful expression on his face.
“i love you too...”, was your reply while looking down at him with a tender smile as you caressed his hair gently, a comfortable and wholesome silence surrounding you two. “you still owe me a new pair of panties.”
“we were having a moment there!”, the older whined upset, only for you to laugh at him wholeheartedly.
“here you go y/n, thank you for lending them to me...”, shinsou spoke while handing you your notes, eyes hesitating to look at you or the white haired senior whom you were talking with at the door of your classroom.
“you’re welcome...”, was your reply as you batted your eyelashes a few times, confused by that unusual behaviour from him.
he bowed to you and touya before pacing away towards his sit as fast as possible.
you stared at your classmate with eyebrows crossed, eyes furrowed and mouth moved into a grimace, not understanding what was happening.
“what’s gotten into him suddenly?”, you questioned out loud, arms crossing over your chest while tilting your head to the side innocently.
touya looked unbothered at you with lips pursed before he stared at shinsou, who right now was trying hard to not look at you two, and smirked arrogantly with a lifted eyebrow:
“maybe the show was too much for him.”
“huh?”, you questioned turning to the older exasperated by his random wordplays.
“nothing you need to worry about.”
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 tag list: @dynamars, @dabislittlemouse, @cl-0-vr.
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2023 © kelin-is-writing — do not repost or translate my work. likes, reblogs, and comments are welcome!
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vyssims · 14 days
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Download from the Gallery #Vys-sims
Base Sim Credit
Shigaraki Original Base Sim by #JoJoGoff
Toga Original Base Sim by #papaacalentee
Dabi Original Base Sim by @botrom-u1 To download please see here
Custom Content List
Shigaraki Tomura
Hair, Outfits & Arms by @aizawasbby
Skin 11 by @ennetkasm
Decades by @faaeish
Structure by @faaeish
Lip Scars by @nell-le
N13 Talfryn Eyebags by @pralinesims
N58 Papaya Blush by @pralinesims
Eye Socket Highlight by @katrina-y
Toga Himiko
Hair by @drosims
Outfit, Mask, Shoes & Accessories by @aizawasbby
All In One Socks by @kismet-sims
Teeth by MahoCreations
Skin Overlay 14 by @remussirion
Toga Shadow by @dirtsims
N118 Azura Eyebrows by @pralinesims
Eyebags by @tamo-sim
Lipstick by @chiefwhiskers
Eyelashes by @twisted-cat
Eyeliner by @kijiko-sims Note: I could not find the download link anywhere so I reuploaded it. If @kijiko-sims asks me to take it down, then I will.
Hair by @daylifesims
Outfit by @aizawasbby
Skin (Scars) & Piercings by @botrom-u1
North Male Skin by @northernsiberiawinds
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loser-writings · 11 months
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Last Updated: August 8th, 2020
| Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content |
Because of the amount of content created, this had to be split into 2 Masterlists. I hope you understand!
[ Back to Nav ] | [ To Masterlist 2 ]
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✿ [HC] Dabi Dating a single Dad ✿ || Male Reader ||
✿ [HC] Quirk based on the 7 Deadly sins (Lust) ✿ || GN reader ||
⚠︎✿ [HC] Dabi having a crush on a Hero ✿⚠︎ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
β✦ [HC] Omega Dabi Heat Headcanons ✦β || GN Reader
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
⚠︎ "Tristful" || Angst ⚠︎ || GN Reader ||
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Denki Kaminari
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✦✿ [HC] Accidentally grabbing your chest ✿ ✦ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✦ Omega Denki Headcanons ✦ β || GN Reader ||
β✦ “I may not go down in history, but I’ll go down on you” ✦ β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
✿ "One Month In" ✿ || GN Reader ||  Denki has a crush on you and has been there for you through your relationship, but he can’t help but make a move after you break up.
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Eijiro Kirishima
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Having an Australian S/O ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Quirk based on the 7 Deadly sins (Sloth) ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] They're an Omega ✿β || Alpha GN Reader ||
β✿ Reader and Bakugo courting Alpha Kirishima ✿β | Poly Scenario | GN Alpha Reader ||
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Enji Todoroki
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Quirk based on the 7 Deadly sins (Wrath)  ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Introducing his Male S/O to his family  ✿ || Male Reader ||
β [HC] Omega Endeavor Headcanons β
β Distressed Omega!Reader x Alpha!Endeavor β || GN Reader ||
β Alpha Endeavor with a Beta Male Reader β || Male Reader ||
✿ SFW Alphabet ✿
✿ Just For Show ✿ || GN ||[Part 1] To boost Endeavors popularity, His agency suggests he try a fake relationship to show how he has changed to be a better man. One rule though, “Don’t catch feelings.” What happens when you both seem to break the rule?
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Fumikage Tokoyami
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
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Himiko Toga
β✿ [HC] Alpha Toga x Omega Female Reader ✿β || Female Omega Reader ||
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Hitoshi Shinsou
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
β✿ [HC] More Omega Shinsou Headcanons ✿β
⚠︎ Zombie AU || Hitoshi Shinsou ⚠︎
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Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Having an Australian S/O ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] Omega Mic Headcanons ✿β
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
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Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Quirk based on the 7 Deadly sins (Gluttony) ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Izuku helping a Sick S/o || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Izuku Dating an Alt. Styled S/O ✿ || GN Reader|
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✦ Alpha Bakudeku helping Omega reader in heat ✦β || GN Omega Reader || Poly Fic ||
β✿ “The butterflies in my stomach have turned into little feet” ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
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Jin Bubaigawara (Twice)
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
✦ NSFW Alphabet ✦
✿ Adore you ✿ || GN Reader || You decide to ask Twice to dance with you to ease his mind
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Katsuki Bakugo
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Having an Australian S/O ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
✿ [HC] Reacting to their S/O having a breakdown ✿ || GN Reader ||
β✿ [HC] They're an Omega ✿β || Alpha GN Reader ||
β✿ Reader and Bakugo courting Alpha Kirishima ✿β | Poly Scenario | GN Alpha Reader ||
β✦ Alpha Bakudeku helping Omega reader in heat ✦β || GN Omega Reader || Poly Fic ||
✿ SFW Alphabet  ✿
✿ Fluff ABC’s ✿
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Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)
✿ [HC] Relationship Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
β [HC] Omega Overhaul Headcanons || GN Reader || β
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Keigo Takami (Hawks)
✿ [HC] Pampering Stressed Hawks ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Reacting to their S/O having a breakdown ✿ || GN Reader ||
β✿ Omega! Hawks during spring ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ Nesting with Hawks ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Pregnant Omega Hawks ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Hawks Pregnant again after having twins ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✦ “I may not go down in history, but I’ll go down on you” ✦β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✦ Omega! Hawks in Heat ✦β || GN Alpha Reader ||
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89 notes · View notes
Can you do a BNHA LOV x male reader who is really tall (like 6’8) and is physically stronger than them? I dont know I just find the differences really funny.
Thanks a million for asking! I read this and immediately couldn't help but smile. I stuck to the characters I know best as I haven't written much BNHA in a while and I'm not quite up to date on everything.
Hope you enjoy, and again thanks a million!
Warnings: It's the LoV boys and girls, there's strong language and Toga's involved so mentions of blood.
Shigaraki Tomura
"Try not to scratch the damn ceilings, ya damn tree."
"Real creative, boss."
"Screw you."
When you first joined the league, Shigaraki had made a handful of underhanded comments on your height. It's nothing you haven't heard before and to this day some people still make you laugh with it.
You'll never get over the way Shigaraki glowers at you though.
He's like a petulant child, huffing at you to stand further away whenever he's "working" because you make him look short. You started looming over him on purpose, just waiting for him to swipe at you and tell you to piss off.
After a while though, he starts to take advantage of just how intimidating you are, and that's without your quirk. You and Dabi already get to go around and scare the shit out of everyone in the league's name, but he doesn't want Dabi standing behind him during important meetings or stand-offs. He wants you.
Take from that what you will, because Tomura sure as hell won't be admitting anything out loud.
"Fire doesn't care how tall you are, I'll still melt your bones, pretty boy."
He doesn't give a shit, mildly annoys him when you look down your nose but seeing as you don't dare do that to him, you two get on just fine.
That doesn't mean he won't trip you every chance he gets to "bring you down a peg". He's an asshole, and you're sure to tell him so.
He makes fun of you every time you hit your head or complain about your back and makes some sort of rude or straight up lewd comment.
You can no longer tell if he's flirting with you, or insulting you, and finding out may well cost you your eyebrows.
Toga Himiko
"Oooh, you're a big boy! I'll bet you've got lots of pretty blood to spill!"
"Toga, you're creepin' the new guy out."
"Hey, how tall are you?"
Aside from being mildly creepy, Toga is by far the least "offended" by your height. She'll use you as jungle gym if you let her, climb you like a tree and sit on your shoulders and demand that you carry her around all day.
Honestly, she just wants to be carried and it makes twice slightly jealous, depending on who you ask.
According to Toga, your shoulders make for an excellent reconnaissance platform, therefore it's her job to make sure your back is "up to standards".
Honestly, she can be a lot, and you'd swear she's had a knife by your ear at some point, but she knows better than to actually cut you.
She does play with your hair though, and you've started to realise that's more for her comfort than anything else.
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domxmarvel · 1 year
3K follower Boba shop event-My hero academia edition
Start: March 1st 2023 End: March 20 2023
Please submit all request in the form of asks
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Please let me know what gender or pronouns you want for the reader
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(Click to zoom in.If you're having difficulty reading anything you can find them in text format under the cut)
Milk tea-fluff
Green tea-angst
fruit tea-Smut
brown sugar-Shoto todoroki
Matcha -Izuku midoriya/Deku
Strawberry-Mina ashido
Green Apple-Tsuyu asui 
Orange-Tenya Iida
Lemon-Denki kaminari
Lychee-Eijiro kirishima
vanila-Mezou shoji
Plum-Kyouka Jiro
Peach-Momo Yaoyorozu
Taro-Tamaki Amajiki
blackberry-Fumikage Tokoyami
Mocha-Dabi/Toya todoroki
Watermelon-Himiko Toga
blueberry-Tomura Shigaraki
Mango-Hawks/Keigo takami
Coffee-Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
Caramel-All might/ Toshinori Yagi
Banana-President mic/ Hizashi Yamada
Pudding (flan)-Fatgum/ Taishiro Toyomitsu 
Lavender-Hitoshi Shinso
acai-Gang orca/Kugo Sakamata
Coconut-Mirko/rumi Usagiyama
Passion Fruit-Vlad king/Sekijiro Kan
Raspberry-Mei Hatsume
Boba-Gender neutral
Popping boba-Female 
Croissants- “You look really good in my clothes”
Pie- Short quick kiss,followed by pulling them in for a longer kiss
Macarons- “I love you”
Éclair-“You’re the most beautiful being on the earth”
Cannoli-hero x villain
Tarts-“Come back to bed”
cheesecake- "why did you do that?" "Because I love you!" 
Sponge cake-“You’re the only person I want to spend my life with”
cake pop-Sick 
Strawberry Shortcake-“This reminded me of you”
Gingerbread-“Can I kiss you?”
Honey Bun-“I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies”
Churro-“You promised!”
Cinnamon Twist-Praise 
Cookie Dough-Patching  them up 
Cotton Candy-Wedding
Caramel Apple-“You lied to me” “I did” “You told me you loved me” “I do”
Caramel Popcorn-spy
Carrot Cake-Fake dating
Cookie Sandwich-“What if someone sees us?”
Waffle-only one bed
Crepe-“I’ve never kissed someone before”
193 notes · View notes
thetreefairy · 2 years
Ok pretty genshin ask but reader coming home from private school and when they come in they slam the door and are just so angry but then kuroguri asks what’s wrong and reader yells “my boyfriend cheated on me”! They haven’t told the league that and now they just reveld that they got into a relationship in private.
Alrighty this is gonna be weird for the league of villains
they/them reader
Mentions: Dabi, Toga, AFO, Twice, Magne and Kuroguri, Shigaraki, swearing, cheating
Secret cheater boyfriend
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Reader was furious! How dare that bitch cheat on them?! They have been everything they asked! Reader mumbled as she walked up to the LOV hideout obviously fuming. When Reader was inside the hide out she slammed the door shut, it was so hard that Dabi even looked surprised.
"What's wrong, dear, did someone try to bully you again?" Kuroguri questioned as he cleaned some dishes. "MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND CHEATED ON ME, NO MY FUCKING EX BOYFRIEND! YOU GUYS WERE RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS FUCKING SUCK!" Reader raged on, angry tears falling down their face. "Excuse me? Boyfriend?" Toga questioned confused, Dabi looked furious and Tomura? He had turned his gaming console to dust.
"Kuroguri, make some hot chocolate, Reader why don't you sit down on the couch? Shigaraki and Dabi cool off!" Magne shouted, which worked after Dabi whispered in Shigaraki's ear: "Call AFO, seems like we have a double homicide on our hands~!"
When Reader had calmed down a bit, they were scolded by AFO for having a secret relationship but was happy they could finally see their ways.
Basically the LOV:
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Also the LOV
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Imma try to get into writing again ✨ since school just started again and I need an outlet for frustration and my writers block i gone :))
Might make a seperate smut blog just because I wanna keep this one PG
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
All Written works will be Posted here!
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💥 Bakugo💥
X Male reader, argument.
X Aizawas Daughter, Birthday.
X Male Reader, Closet.
X Gn!Reader, Wings.
X GN!reader, snapped
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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X nonbinary reader, Selfless.
x GN! reader, snapped
x GN!reader, Wings.
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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👓Tenya Iida👓
X GN!Reader, snapped.
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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⚡Denki Kaminari⚡
X GN!reader, Snapped.
x Any!reader, Texting.
xMale!Reader, realising hes Bi
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🐙Mezou Shoji🐙
X GN!reader, Snapped.
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
X GN!reader, Snapped.
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🥦Izuku Midoryia🥦
X GN!reader, Snapped.
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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👾Mina Ashido👾
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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♾️Ochaco Uraraka♾️
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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💫Momo Yaoyorozu💫
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🖤Shihai Kuroiro🖤
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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👔Neito Monoma👔
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🔪Himiko Toga🔪
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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✋Tomura Shigaraki✋
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🃏Mr. Compress🃏
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🙂Mirio Togata🙂
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🌀Nejire Hado🌀
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🦋Tamaki Amajiki🦋
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🐈‍⬛Hitoshi Shinsou🐈‍⬛
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🛠️Mei Hastume🛠️
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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⭐Yo Shindo⭐
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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🛡Melissa Shield🛡
x Any!reader, Texting.
LGBTQIA headcannons
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Mini update on the upcoming fics cause I can feel my ADHD brain try to delay them for other hobbies. (Trust me, it wants to write, but other things are also grabbing my brains attention, mostly animation and two new mobile games)
Upcoming fics (prob not in this order):
Himiko Toga x Male!Reader
Not requested
Genre: Angst, Hurt, Unrequited Love (oh yeah, workin’ the ol’ angst muscle)
Dabi x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romantic
The platonic/romantic Guzma fic is still in the works too (kinda) just not where my brain is at rn.
Requests are open and appreciated! Or just chatting too! I love seeing things pop up in my inbox!~
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