#male witch x male goth
monstersandmaw · 2 years
Like Moon and Tide - Part Five (Final part, nsfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Thank you so much - this was one of August’s sponsored stories, and I had to get it in before the end of September! Dremora lad is the last one from that batch, and it’s half written already. I need to type it up though, because I wrote it when my laptop blew up and I didn’t have access to it.
Anyway, without further ado, here’s goth and witch lad’s final part.
Content: warnings for some discussion of traumatic childhood events, including kidnapping by an older male relative, being temporarily drugged and incapacitated. Other content is super fluffy though, and very intimate and sweet, with a super tender shower scene too :) Wordcount: 2740
Part One, Part Two, Part Three (v. light nsfw), Part Four (nsfw)
Niles pushed himself up on shaky arms and stared down the length of his skinny, tattooed, messy body at Luca and smiled sadly. “I… I didn’t tell you because…” he sighed and added with a wry smile, “No, I can’t have this conversation now, like this… Let me get cleaned up and I’ll tell you properly.”
Luca was staring at him like he couldn’t quite believe he was real.
“Yeah,” he croaked, blinking rapidly. “Sorry. I…”
“Are you alight? That was a hell of a lot of magic you just channelled.”
Luca’s eyes flashed gold. “Through you,” he said. “Without warning and without your consent. I… I’m sorry, Niles. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Niles said, sitting up properly and accepting the tissue that Luca distractedly handed to him as he swung his legs off the bed. “Hey, look at me.”
Luca sighed, closed his eyes and hung his head. A second later, he turned to face Niles and opened his eyes again.
“I knew what you are,” Niles said softly. “I knew what happened was a possibility at some point, even if I didn’t actively open myself up to your magic. We should have had this conversation earlier, but I didn’t think sex of all things would trigger my abilities as a conduit.” He reached for Luca’s hand and squeezed his warm, tanned fingers tightly. “It was an accident, that’s all. And… it felt amazing,” he added to try and get that crestfallen expression off Luca’s face. “Come take a shower with me and we can talk about it afterwards.”
Luca eyed the black eyeshadow and heavy mascara that still adorned Niles’ eyes and smiled faintly. “You’ll want some makeup-remover if you’re showering,” he said. “I’ve already smudged it.”
“Or you could use your magic to clean it off,” Niles said with a quirked eyebrow. “I’m sure there’s a spell for that…” It was a white flag, and an open invitation to channel around him already, and Luca took it for what it was.
Hesitantly, Luca reached over and cupped Niles’ face in his right hand. “Close your eyes for me?” he murmured.
Niles obliged, and he sensed the moment Luca’s magic kindled back to life again. The warm tug of it drew him in like the proverbial moth, and he let himself tumble towards it.
Luca paused then exhaled shakily. “Oh dei,” he swore softly, “Sei bellissimo…”
He passed his thumb lightly over Niles’ eyebrow and then across his eyelid in a barely-there sweep, and, after repeating the same on the other side, he leaned in close and kissed him while Niles still had his eyes closed. His warm, soft lips brushed tenderly against Niles’ and he moaned quietly.
“All done, amore,” he purred, and Niles smiled.
Soaking up the closeness and the new intimacy of simply being in each other’s presence, they hardly felt the need for words as the shared a shower. Words would come later.
Amid the swirling steam, Luca pressed his bronze body against Niles’ marble white, and Niles tipped his head back into the water for Luca to wash his hair out. Luca’s strong fingers circled slowly, decadently, across his scalp, the foam making tiny crackling noises in his ears as the bubbles burst. He closed his eyes and let out a long, broken moan, and rolled his sharp hips against Luca’s. They were both half-hard again. Luca pressed one hand to the apple of Niles’ pale throat and then slid his touch over the ink on his collarbones and down to catch him around his narrow hips and tug him close, all the while massaging the last of the lather from Niles’ hair with the other.
Niles had never felt so cherished in all his life.
The idea of smelling like Luca’s products had been heady enough to get worked up again, but the intimacy and reverence of the care in his touch got him the rest of the way there, and Luca saw to that too. He closed his slick hand around his cock and eased him through the gentlest orgasm he’d ever had, without ever letting go of his waist with his other hand. When Niles shuddered and spilled with a weak cry, he rested his forehead against Luca’s sturdy shoulder and let his beloved witch support him though the last of it.
When they were done and the water was in danger of running cold on them, they stepped out and dried off.
“Any chance I can borrow some pyjamas or something?” Niles asked, perched on the edge of Luca’s white bed in only a towel, with a smaller one still wrapped around up his hair. “Don’t feel like getting dressed in all that again…” he said as he eyed his crumpled pinafore dress and blouse. “You do own clothing that isn’t Edwardian waistcoats and posh trousers, right?”
Luca laughed. “Don’t tell anyone, but I have some tracksuit bottoms somewhere… I even wear them on occasion. Here, I’ll get something for you. You want some boxers too?”
“Please,” he said, and the blotchy, lingering blush across his collarbones and neck from coming in the hot shower darkened a little. He loved the idea that they were far enough into their relationship that they could borrow each other’s underwear.
Downstairs on the sofa in the front room a little while later, with Tobias curled up on Luca’s lap in the fading afternoon light, and two steaming cups of Earl Grey tea on the delicate little antique table, Niles took a deep breath, and began his story.
“My grandfather was a witch,” he said into the stretching silence. “He and my grandmother lived in Armagh — where I grew up — and my grandmother was a conduit.”
“Like you.”
“Not quite. Turns out I’m actually more of a… a lens. For the most part, I can choose when to take that magic and whether to focus it. A conduit can only channel passively.”
Luca sucked in a breath and then hissed, “Holy shit. Do you know how rare conduits like you are?”
“I do now,” replied Niles darkly. He stared into his teacup for a moment and then looked up at Luca to find him paying close, intense attention once more. With another little exhale, he continued. “I used to stay with my grandparents a lot during the school holidays while my parents were working, and one day my Granda decided that… that he wanted…”
Feeling the nausea rising already, Niles tried to compose himself with another shaky inhale. Tobias looked up suddenly from Luca’s lap and gave a soft ‘mrrp’. Then, to Luca’s obvious surprise, the black, three-legged cat levered himself upright and stepped carefully off Luca’s knees, paced along the sofa to Niles like he was walking along a garden fence, and headbutted him gently in the centre of his chest. Then he curled up in Niles’ lap and appeared to go back to sleep. When Niles’ pale hands gently came down to stroke along the cat’s head and back, a soft, contented purring filled the silence of the room.
Luca’s eyes were sparkling softly, fondly, when Niles looked at him, and he smiled faintly. “He’s never been like this with anyone else,” Luca rasped and then cleared his throat. “Please, go on if… if you still want to.”
Niles nodded. “So…”
It was in fact marginally easier with the warm weight of the cat in his lap to occupy the part of his brain that wanted to keep stalling and fidgeting, and as he stroked the soft, black fur, and the cat’s rhythmic purring permeated through the contact, his anxiety ebbed away enough to get the rest of it out.
“Granda decided that he wanted more power. He wasn’t particularly powerful within his local coven, but he wanted status, or some bullshit. He was always a bastard to my grandmother, who by then had already had one small stroke…”
Luca’s golden eyes turned hard with anger and disgust. “Oh dei, Niles,” he breathed, already knowing the answer to his question, “Because your grandfather used her to channel more magic?”
Again, Niles nodded. “Most likely.”
Luca’s upper lip actually curled into a small snarl. Using a conduit like that until they cracked was… an unspeakable act.
“So… he waits for me to come over as well, because he thinks he knows by then what I am, even if I don’t understand it fully. Grandma had tried to talk to me a bit about it, on the rare chance we had to be alone, but I was twelve and I didn’t really want anything to do with all his witchy stuff, you know? I thought he was a freak, and he scared the shit out of me.”
Tobias shuffled a little, turning his sweet little paws inwards and flicking his tail.
“So Granda meets me at the door when my da drops me off before work, and I say goodbye to him. He says ‘I’ll see you at the weekend, son’, and drives off.”
Luca’s tanned skin was starting to look ashen, but he kept quiet.
“Granda smiles and waves him off too, then bundles me into the house, gives me a glass of squash, and makes me drink it. Turns out it had something in it that made me sleepy, and I wake up in the basement sometime later, tied to a chair. The sick fuck planned to use Grandma and me to channel a shit-ton of magic into some kind of amulet that he could then wear to give himself some kind of perpetual power-up.” There. He’d said it. He exhaled and felt shaky but relieved all the same.
Luca reached reflexively for Niles’ knee and squeezed him. “I’m so sorry,” he said, openly appalled and sickened.
Niles managed a weak smile and a shrug. “Turns out I’d left my bag with all my stuff in the car. Da found it when he got to work and decided to drive back instead of waiting til the end of the day.”
The silence fairly rang with the fact that if his father had waited, Niles would probably have died, and Luca read it in his face and blanched.
“When no one answered the door, da got worried. He round went through the side gate and got in through the back door, and came down to find Granda halfway through his fucking ritual, burning us both up while the whole room spun around like some kind of tornado. Da knocked Granda to the floor, which knocked him out, and…” he shrugged again, feeling a prickle of panic around the edges of his mind.
The rough rasp of Tobias' tongue across the back of his hand startled him back to the moment and he stroked the cat affectionately between the ears in thanks.
“Long story short, Grandma died in hospital a few weeks later, and my parents cut all ties with him. Not long after that, we moved to England anyway.”
Luca’s voice was small and wavering. “Do either of your parents have magic?”
Niles shook his head. “No. Ma knew a lot about it, and told my da about it all, but neither of them has magic.”
Luca inhaled deeply, held it, and then released it slowly through his nose. “Niles, can I hold you?” he said at long last.
“You’ll have to ask your cat,” Niles grinned, and Tobias raised his head to shoot Luca a flat, dirty look.
“Please, darling?” Luca begged his familiar. “Please let me hold him?”
With a disdainful, long-suffering meow, which made Niles think Luca might pay for this later, the cat rose, headbutted Niles’ chin this time with a final purr, and then leapt gracefully to the floor, stalking from the room without a backward glance.
Despite his long, lanky limbs, Niles climbed easily into Luca’s lap and let himself be held, and eventually Luca broke the silence by kissing him on the forehead and drawing back to regard him with his amber eyes glassy and wide. “Thank you for trusting me,” he said. “I can’t even begin to imagine how you must have felt about me after what you endured back then. I had no idea…” He pursed his lips to keep from crying and added, “Grazie, amore.”
Niles, with his knees resting on the sofa cushions to either side of Luca’s thighs, and his arms wrapped around Luca’s neck, ground his hips against him and kissed him silly. After a while, he felt Luca growing hard and it wasn’t long before Luca leaned back, tilted his head into the cushions and moaned. “Dei, I feel like a teenager again,” he chuckled ruefully.
“Can I blow you?” Niles whispered, and Luca closed his eyes and bit his lip.
“I’m so worked up,” he warned. “I shouldn’t be, but… the way you feel in my arms, amore…”
“Let’s see how long I can tease you then,” he said as he slithered off and knelt between Luca’s legs. He ran his hands up Luca’s thighs and slipped his fingers beneath the elastic of his waistband. Luca lifted his hips, and Niles drew down both sweatpants and underwear in one. He leaned over him and licked up the underside of his hard cock before giving a few, teasing kitten licks just under the head. When Luca whimpered, Niles wet his lips and took Luca all the way to the back of his throat.  
Yet again, Luca’s magic flared bright and golden as he surrendered to his arousal, and Niles concentrated enough to take his magic and hold it carefully, as if in cupped hands. “Oh fuck,” Luca cursed immediately, chest heaving. “Oh fuck, when you do that… I can’t… I can’t… Niles… amore please… oh gods that feels so good…”
“My mouth or your magic?”
“Both!” he choked, unable to stop himself bucking his hips upwards into Niles’ mouth again, pushing needily past his wet lips and back into the delicious heat of his mouth.
Niles pulled off him three times in total — whenever he felt Luca’s balls tighten and heard him begin to pant and gasp —  and on the last time, Luca practically sobbed.
“Let me have it, Luca,” Niles said, and Luca knew he wasn’t talking about physically letting go or fucking into his mouth.
In a gesture of absolute trust, Luca opened himself completely to the full extent of his magic and let all of it pour into Niles, and Niles, ready this time, held it like a chalice while it suffused his whole body. Warm, golden, vibrant: Niles held the very essence of what made Luca who he was, and as he cradled it and caressed it, he heard Luca gasp. His hips lifted, his torso contracted, and Luca hunched forwards with a yell as he spilled down Niles’ throat. As he did, Niles returned all his magic to him in a rush, and he almost screamed in ecstasy, practically doubling over, hands flying down to grip Niles’ hair so hard it ached.  
Niles wondered for a moment if Luca was going to pass out as his orgasm ripped through him with renewed force.  
Finally, Luca stopped coming and collapsed back into the sofa, breathing hard, cock still twitching and drooling the last of his release.
Waiting a moment or two after swallowing him down, Niles suckled gently on Luca’s sensitive cock and let it soften a fraction against his tongue. The weight of it and the feel of him in his mouth made him giddy, but the trust Luca had shown him almost made him cry.
For a long few minutes, Luca lay spent and pliant against the cushions, and barely had the strength to let Niles tuck him back into his clothes before he climbed into Luca’s lap again.
“I love you,” Niles whispered as he leaned his body against Luca’s softly rising and falling chest.
He wasn’t sure Luca had heard him — that he wasn’t asleep — until Luca brought his arms up around Niles’ waist and hugged him so tightly he wheezed. “I’m yours, amore,” he whispered against Niles neck, making goosebumps shiver all along one side of his body. “I’m yours.”
“My very own witch,” Niles grinned, kissing the shorter hair at the side of Luca’s head, just above his ear. “Who’d have thought it.”
“Yours,” Luca simply replied without any sign of letting go of him or loosening his hold.
The End! I hope you enjoyed their story. If you did, please consider reblogging it as well. Thanks for coming along on this very drawn-out journey! And thank you for sponsoring it if you did!
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Jack Dylan Grazer characters X Reader idea’s for you!
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FREDDY FREEMAN (SHAZAM!)+(SHAZAM: FURY OF THE GODS) Freddy Freeman X Rose witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but pink)
Freddy Freeman X Maleficent!Reader (Maleficent but purple powers not green)
Freddy Freeman X Popular!Reader
Freddy Freeman X Ashnikko!Reader
Freddy Freeman X Male!God!Reader
Freddy Freeman X Twin!Reader
Freddy Freeman X Sister!Reader
Freddy Freeman X Transgender!Reader
Freddy Freeman X Female!Venom!Reader
Freddy Freeman X Escape lab!Reader (You have Scarlet witch powers)
Freddy Freeman X Egyptian Goddess!Reader
Freddy Freeman X Mute!Reader
Freddy Freeman X Captain Marvel!Reader
Freddy Freeman X Dragon!Reader (Inspired by Siveth from DragonHeart: Vengeance)
Freddy Freeman X Captain America’s daughter!Reader
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Joey X Emotionless!Reader
Joey X Vampire!Reader (inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
Joey X Werewolf!Reader
Joey X Wednesday!Reader
Joey X Gothic!Reader
Joey X Enchantress!Reader
Joey X Twin!Reader
Joey X Female!Reader
Joey X Mute!Reader
Joey X Blind!Reader
Joey X Male!Reader
Joey X Singer!Reader
Joey X Scarlet witch!Reader
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Eddie kaspbark X Depressed!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Bisexual!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Lesbian!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Gothic!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Brother!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Sister!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Twin!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Mute!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Deaf!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Flirty!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Asexual!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Male!Reader
Eddie kaspbark X Big Sister!Reader (Eddie is 13 and your 17)
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Fraser Wilson X Tomboy!Reader
Fraser Wilson X Depressed!Reader
Fraser Willson X Twin Sister!Reader
Fraser Wilson X Emotionless!Reader
Fraser Wilson X Female!Reader
Fraser Wilson X Male!Reader
Fraser Wilson X Blind!Reader (Inspired by Toph beifong form Avatar: the last airbender)
Fraser Wilson X Goth!Reader
Fraser Wilson X Singer!Reader
Fraser Wilson X Telekinesis!Reader
Fraser Wilson X Mute!Reader
Fraser Wilson X Bisexual!Reader
Fraser Wilson X Asexual!Reader
(A/N: hi! Make sure to see more of my posts I bet you’ll love them, plus it’s recommended I have lots of interesting ideas you MAY need!!!)
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waywardrose · 8 months
stranger things
eddie munson x reader
rated e
spotify playlist
for @punk-in-docs​​​
fem/witch/goth!reader, sweetheart!eddie, magic, slow burn (for me), friends to lovers, angst with a happy ending, no y/n only pet names, series-typical horror, period-typical sexism and homophobia, historical inaccuracies and anachronisms, drug dealing and use, smoking, alcohol use, masturbation, mutual masturbation, fantasizing, one-bed trope, making out, fingering, dirty talk, chasing, oral sex, handjobs, condoms, piv sex, reader’s father is a dirtbag, mild spanking, magical violation, mental torture, body horror, blood, aftercare, nightmares, strict parenting, panic attack, past child abuse and abandonment, semi-public sex, break-ups, running away, guns, fist fighting, everyone survives, suicide ideation, tags will be updated as needed
Eddie would have to wait until his lunch break to see this new, hot, weird chick. He wondered which flavor of weird she was. Art weird? Theater weird? Band weird? Weird weird? He shrugged. He liked weird. In other words, you’re the new girl in town, and Eddie is intrigued.
note: This was going to be the last chapter, but it's too long. I'm splitting it and posting what's completed. Expect a last chapter and epilogue. Thank you for sticking with me!
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The doorbell chime made him start, which was stupid. An invasion wouldn’t start with someone ringing the goddamn doorbell. He stared unseeing at the den’s television while MTV went to commercial.
Also, he should be used to the noise. Steve’s house was a hub of activity, between the phone ringing and the doorbell going off and people talking.
Footsteps thumped overhead. He identified that as the man of the house himself walking to the front door. A moment later, multiple voices, all male, rumbled from the foyer. Several pairs of footsteps moved farther into the house.
Then your voice joined the mix. He couldn’t gauge your tone, other than you weren’t pissed. He turned down the TV volume and frowned at the basement ceiling when you kept talking. A male voice said something you replied to.
Eddie eased from the sectional couch and padded to the foot of the stairs. Of course, it didn’t gain him anything. The door at the top remained closed, muffling any conversation. He considered creeping up the stairs, but he didn’t know where the creaks hid in the treads.
He put a knee on the third tread and crawled forward to half-lay on the stairs. Now midway to the door, he could distinguish between the voices. Yours, of course, Steve’s every so often, then three others.
No one sounded defensive or upset, so that eased his mind. Somewhat.
Everyone kept talking, though. He racked his brain for what they could be discussing. It probably had something to do with yesterday’s visit. He hoped it wasn’t government officials who’d changed their minds about not dragging him to prison. Or worse yet, to some underground lab to conduct experiments on him.
What if they were here for you, though?
Maybe they’d figured out you had magic and wanted you to do stuff for them. While in their clutches, they’d take bio-samples from you. They’d clone you — was that even possible? — or make babies in petri dishes — that had to be possible — to grow a whole witch army and take over the world.
Of course, the thought of having a second you intrigued him. Would a clone kiss like you? Taste like you? Would she moan like you do when he sinks inside her? Would one of you sit on his face while the other rode his dick?
His cock grew heavy and hot in his borrowed briefs.
Jesus H. Christ, he chided. Fucking focus.
It was quiet. Too quiet. He strained to hear what was going on.
Soft footsteps shuffled near.
He shot off the stairs and turned towards the TV. He couldn’t be discovered hanging around near the stairs with a half-chub like a perv. And the sleep-pants did nothing to hide it. His gaze darted to the VHS tape storage cabinet by the TV.
That would work.
He careened around the scuffed coffee table. The loops of the cable-box controller tangled around his foot. Like Gandalf in the Balrog’s whip, he’d been caught.
He hissed, “Shit, shit, shit,” as he hopped to the cabinet, shaking his foot free.
The basement door opened. He grabbed the cabinet for balance. A drawer of tapes wobbled open. He shoved it closed. Tapes clattered. Whoever opened the drawer next was going to have to repack it. Whoops. But it was cool. Everything was cool. He checked his crotch. His half-chub had subsided.
“Eddie?” you said as you descended the stairs.
He faced you, propping an elbow on top of the cabinet.
You’d changed into those black jeans he liked. They hugged your thighs and ass. He willed his dick to stay soft.
“Hey, hi, what’s up?”
You gave him a curious look as you stepped down into the basement.
“You okay?”
He waved a hand in a general sort of way.
“Other than, you know, everything, yeah, I’m okay.”
You nodded, though he could tell you knew something was off.
He said, “I was going to pick out a movie.” He glanced at the stairs. “Is everything okay up there?”
You approached him like he was a cornered dog.
“Yeah, everything’s fine, but don’t freak out—”
“Freak out about what?” he asked, warning sirens blaring through his mind.
“The police are here, and they want to take your statement.”
He straightened.
“Statement about what?”
“The night Chrissy died.” You held up your hands before he could protest. “I just gave them my statement about my interactions with Jason Carver. Who is dead.” With eyes wide, you gave him a leading look and head tilt. “I know you’ve had interactions with Jason, too.”
He nodded along as the implication clicked into place.
“Yeah, I’ve had interactions with Carver.”
“You want to give a statement to the police about that night with Jason and Chrissy?”
No, he did not, yet if he didn’t, he’d never be free. Vecna would continue to ruin his life. While Eddie still wasn’t sure about the existence of an afterlife, he wouldn’t give that asshat the satisfaction.
He girded his metaphorical loins — why did everything circle back to his crotch? — and headed upstairs. You walked behind him, not crowding him, but close enough to be supportive. He wanted to look at you, really look at you, and confess his love again. Just in case this all fell apart. There wasn’t time — and he was certain if he did, he’d wuss-out. Compound that with the fact he couldn’t hold your gaze for more than a second, he’d definitely wuss-out.
Taking two steps into the living room, he froze. He must be hallucinating. Chief Hopper, the very one who’d been there at Dad’s arrest, who supposedly died in the Starcourt fire, stood by the dining table. Though there was considerably less of him around the middle, his hair was buzzed short, and he looked like he’d lost a fight with the Wolfman, there was no question it was him.
Chief Powell sat at the table, facing the room. Metal crutches had been propped against the table next to him. Eddie recognized the deputy who stood at Powell’s left. He couldn’t recall a name, but he’d seen the deputy around town.
Steve leaned a shoulder on the tall curio cabinet behind the table. It was a King Steve pose he’d observed many a time at school. The sling and bandages were absent, courtesy of you.
You stepped beside Eddie and took his numb hand. On instinct, he curled his fingers around yours.
Hopper stepped forward, expression calm and hands placating.
“You’re not in trouble, kid.”
If it had come from anyone else, he’d consider it a lie. For a cop, Hopper had been a decent one. He’d ignored Eddie’s underage drinking at the Hideaway. He’d issued warnings instead of speeding tickets.
You turned your head to whisper, “I won’t let them take you even if they try.”
He gave a minute nod before releasing your hand and marching to the table. If they tried to arrest him, he hoped he’d retained that undead speed. He pulled out the chair across from Powell to sit.
You went to stand by Steve, who gave you a warm look. If anything happened, Eddie knew Steve would protect you and vice versa.
Powell cleared his throat and pressed the Record button on the cassette recorder to start the interrogation.
“Chief Calvin Powell and former Chief Jim Hopper speaking with Edward Munson, Monday, March 31st, 1986.” To Eddie, he said, “Mr. Munson, you’re not under arrest. All we want is your account of what happened the night of March 21st.” When he nodded, Powell said as an aside, “Note Mr. Munson nodded in understanding.” He continued, “We have multiple statements from witnesses placing you at Hawkins High School during the basketball game that night. We also have several overlapping accounts attesting to Jason Carver threatening them at gunpoint at a later date.”
Eddie nodded again, wanting to say that didn’t surprise him. However, Dad’s warning to never talk to cops kept him silent. “These folks stated Jason Carver said he’d sacrifice them for this town. They claim he’d wanted to break their bones. Does that sound like something he could do?”
Eddie glanced at you and Steve. If he followed Dad’s warning, he’d never get out of this. Of course, he didn’t have to give them everything at once. That would be out of character. He had to think like a DM and give them just enough to lead them where the party wanted them to go.
“Yeah, along with pinning all those murders on me,” he said.
Planting his elbows on a nearby chair back, Hopper said, “Sounds like he had the whole town fooled.”
He bobbed his head in agreement.
“I heard he hijacked a town hall meeting.”
Powell shifted in his seat.
“Mr. Munson, did Jason Carver and Chrissy Cunningham enter your home the night of March 21st?”
“Do you recall the time?”
“No, not exactly.” He glanced up in thought. “I guess after ten?”
“What were they doing there?”
“Said they wanted drugs.”
“Did you sell them drugs?”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t have drugs.”
Which he didn’t. Now.
“But they thought you had drugs to sell?”
He met Powell’s gaze and said, “I can’t presume to know what they thought.”
Powell sighed, frustration clear.
“Alright. Jason Carver and Chrissy Cunningham enter your house sometime after ten, looking to purchase drugs. Then what?”
“I left them in the living room.”
Just like he’d left Chrissy for Vecna to kill. Bait on a hook.
“To do what?”
“Get my cigarettes.”
He could do with one right about now.
“Why would you get your cigarettes?”
“Why does anyone get cigarettes?” He shrugged with a huff. “I wanted a smoke, and I forgot them in my room.”
“Then what happened?”
He rolled his shoulders as if uncomfortable.
“They began arguing.”
“I don’t know. I was still in my room.”
“But you know they were arguing?”
“Yeah, Jason raised his voice at Chrissy.”
“Then what did you do?”
“I grabbed my cigarettes and came back to the living room.”
“Did you step in?” Powell angled his head. “Try to intervene?”
“No, it was too late—”
“Too late?”
“Look, he was yelling at her. She said something. Might’ve been his name, I don’t know. Then it got quiet, and then I heard a real loud thump. When I came out, Chrissy was on the floor.”
Instead of floating midair.
“I don’t know, but she wasn’t moving.”
“Then what did you do?”
“I wanted to go to her, but Jason was…” He shook his head, remembering how intense Carver could get. “Jason was out of his mind.”
“What do you mean, out of his mind?”
“He was, like, in a rage. Scared the shit outta me.”
“How so?”
“He screamed and pounded on his chest.” He mimicked what he saw in his mind, knocking his fist against his breastbone. “His eyes were wild, like something else was behind them.”
“Something else?”
He blew out a breath. This was make-or-break in the story.
“I’m not religious or anything, but he looked… He looked fucking possessed.” He rubbed his forehead. “I know how this sounds, okay? I know this sounds crazy.”
It was quiet for a moment before Powell asked, “Did Jason Carver have the same reaction the night of March 25th at Lover’s Lake?”
“I don’t know. He and—uh…” He snapped his fingers as though trying to recall. “A teammate?”
“Patrick McKinney.”
“McKinney, yeah. They were in the water, coming after me.”
“Where were you?”
“In a fishing boat, trying to get away from them, but I lost my balance and fell in the water.”
“Did you see what happened to Patrick?”
“No, I was swimming away from them.”
Powell nodded in acceptance.
“Okay, back to March 21st: Jason and Chrissy. Jason was screaming, and Chrissy was on the floor.”
“Yeah, I wanted to go to her.” He looked at the table, muttering, “I wanted to save her. Get her away from him.”
He’d tried to do it. He’d shaken her shoulders and yelled for her to wake up, snap out of it, anything, but Vecna’s hold was too powerful. Whatever she’d needed to break the curse, he hadn’t had it.
“What did Jason do?” asked Powell.
“He came after me. He chased me out of the living room.”
“Where did you go?”
“I ran out of the trailer.”
“Did you go to a neighbor?”
“No, I got in my van and left the trailer park.”
“Why didn’t you report this to the police?”
He threw a glance at Hopper. He suspected Hopper would’ve taken him seriously, but that hadn’t been a possibility. Everyone thought Hopper was dead. Including himself.
“Like any of you would’ve believed me — the son of a convicted car thief, trailer trash, a super senior, a freak — over Hawkins’ golden boy, the captain of the basketball team.”
Powell and the deputy looked equal parts uncomfortable and insulted.
“So, yeah,” he said. “I ran and hid, and Jason kept chasing me.”
While you morons stood around with your heads up your asses.
“Why do you think he did that?” Powell asked.
“Probably because I saw him hurt Chrissy. I was the only witness. Get rid of me, one way or another, and no one would ever know what he’d done.”
Powell shared a look with the deputy, whose face was unreadable. Powell saw something there, though, and turned to him.
“Thank you for your time, Mr. Munson. We’d appreciate it if you stayed in town until we conclude our investigation.”
“Yeah, sure, of course.”
He didn’t know where he’d go or how he’d get there. He’d hidden his van in the woods off Coal Mill Road. He needed to retrieve it, but not until it was safe to leave this house. Also, he didn’t know where Wayne was, or if he’d survived. The thought made his insides shrivel and tongue stick to the roof of his mouth.
Hopper clapped him on the back, knocking him into the present. The cassette recorder was gone.
“Glad you’re still with us, kid.”
“Yeah, you too.”
Powell arranged his crutches to stand. The deputy assisted, while Steve straightened to show them to the front door. Powell shuffled around the table, his right leg supported at an angle.
Eddie felt your concerned focus directed at him, but he couldn’t indulge himself. Instead, he watched Steve lead the police to the door. Something compelled him out of his chair and moving towards them.
“Hey, Hop,” he said.
Hopper faced him, heavy brow lifted in interest.
“Wayne— Have you seen— I mean, do you know if my uncle’s alive?”
Hopper contemplated the question for a second.
“No, but I think I know who might.” He jutted his chin in a reassuring way. “I’ll give ‘em a call.”
Hopper nodded before jogging to catch up with Powell and the deputy outside. He said something to Steve in passing that made Steve grin.
Once Steve shut the door, Eddie dragged his ass to the table and flopped into his chair.
“Jesus, fuck…”
You asked, “Want a beer?”
He rubbed at his eyes, saying, “That’s a good start.”
“Holy shit,” Robin said from her seat at the kitchen island.
You kept smearing melting butter on your toast. Steve grunted in front of the gurgling coffee maker. Eddie, who sat across from her, remained quiet.
You’d learned Robin said ‘holy shit’ about a lot of things.
“Guys,” she said with a flap of the morning newspaper. “Guys, look at this.”
Steve abandoned his vigil to see what Robin was holy-shit-ing about. You took a bite of toast and turned. His eyes widened when he read what Robin had pointed out.
“Holy shit.”
Eddie, chin in hand, hummed as he stared at the window over the sink. However, your curiosity had been piqued. You stopped beside Eddie, anticipating Steve sliding the newspaper in front of you. When he did, you swallowed and stared at the headline:
You scanned the article. It mentioned the nationwide Satanic panic and how citizens had been led to believe a local cult was sacrificing children to the Devil. The writer praised cooler heads, namely Chief Powell and his deputies, who continued to investigate despite the earthquake and subsequent volcanic fissure eruption.
Ah, you thought, that was how they were covering up the destruction near the closed nexus.
Chief Powell was quoted:
“There is irrefutable evidence Edward Munson is the victim of false accusations. This office has cooperated with federal investigators and spoken with numerous local, credible witnesses to determine such a conclusion.”
Despite police not identifying a person of interest, the writer insinuated the actual murderer might be amongst those who had advocated for hunting down Eddie. They speculated the public accusations against Eddie had been a diversion. While the police investigation remained ongoing, an insider let slip police were closing in on a suspect.
The writer went on to report neither local nor federal investigations uncovered any cult, Satanic or otherwise, in the area. Of course, citizens were welcome to report any cult activity to the sheriff’s office. The article ended with the newspaper promising to keep readers informed.
Holy shit.
“Eddie,” you said, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Read this.”
He blinked a few times before pulling his attention away from the window. With a concerned look, he glanced around the island.
You pushed the newspaper in front of him and tapped a finger on the headline. He perused the accompanying article, eyes widening as he read.
To Steve, you said, “Better call Nancy.”
He nodded and dialed Nancy’s number on the kitchen phone. After a playful exchange with Mrs. Wheeler, during which Robin rolled her eyes, Steve’s manner turned serious. From listening to half of the conversation, you deduced Nancy had seen the article. He mentioned Dr. Owens, along with Jason Carver. Nancy said more about Jason, but you couldn’t make out her words.
Steve nodded as she spoke, though. When he hung up, you gave him an expectant look.
“The Feds found Jason Carver’s body. Or what’s left of it. His gun’s missing, but there were bullet casings nearby. Nance told Owens about Carver at The WarZone buying a gun, so that’s a lead for them.”
“It corroborates my story about him, too,” you said.
“And the Sinclairs’,” Robin said, leaning an elbow on the island.
After she’d returned to Steve’s last night, she told you, Eddie, and Steve about the police collecting statements from Lucas and Erica. Their statements had led to yours, then Eddie’s. Maybe others’. Who knows how many people Jason had terrorized after Chrissy’s murder.
You nodded as you pondered how many doors he’d knocked on before coming to yours. It was fortunate he’d found you before Mom. If he’d confronted her instead of you, she’d know all about you and Eddie. It’s funny how you’d been debating on introducing him that day. Eddie still had no idea.
Eddie slid from his stool, mumbling something about a shower. You watched him leave the kitchen. While you’d give him privacy, you first needed to tell him. It was an urge, like a hand pushing at the middle of your back.
He was halfway up the stairs when you reached him.
“Eddie, hang on.”
He stopped without turning to face you, hand on the railing.
“The Saturday after Chrissy was killed…”
“Jason came looking for you.” When he said nothing, you continued, “I was out front planting—”
“Why’re you telling me this?”
“It’s called backstory.”
He turned his head enough for you to see his jaw around his hair, yet he remained quiet.
“He called me your girlfriend.”
“And I bet a whole bunch of other things.”
You sighed, though you remembered Jason’s accusations.
“That doesn’t matter. What matters was my plan for that day.”
“I wanted to introduce you as my boyfriend to my mom when you picked me up. I was going to run it by you first, of course, but I wanted to.”
Voice dripping with sarcasm, he said, “Well, the pressure’s off now, isn’t it? They’re out of town for the foreseeable future, right?”
He didn’t wait for a reply. Your mouth fell open as he stomped from view.
What an asshole thing to say. You’d been trying your best this entire goddamn time.
“I hope your shower sucks,” you snapped, climbing the rest of the stairs.
His bedroom door closed with a definitive click.
You went to your room and shut the door. If he wanted to be a little brat about it, let him. All you’d wanted to do was tell him the truth. You understood he’d had the worst week and a half in the history of the world. You’d cut him some slack, but you were no doormat.
Maybe it was too little too late, though, and maybe he didn’t need to know. You sat on the bed and wiped at your stinging eyes. Why did you have to bring this up now? Of all times? It was just… It was just that you wanted him to know you’d… Been serious about him? Remained serious about him? That you’d never been embarrassed to be with him?
But shit, he’d been the one who wanted to pause the relationship. If he hadn’t, you would’ve introduced him much sooner. Sure, your father wouldn’t have been supportive, but no one you’d ever associated with ever met with his approval. He hadn’t liked your friends in New York. You weren’t sure you liked your friends in New York anymore, either.
Mom would’ve been more open-minded, though.
Dammit, you needed to call them.
It would still be foolish to call from Steve’s house. You could call from the hospital’s payphone again. You thought you remembered one in front of Bradley’s. With all the extra people Steve had been hosting and feeding, you assumed he needed groceries. A visit to Bradley’s would take care of both issues.
You changed into street clothes and slung your purse over your shoulder before heading downstairs. Steve and Robin sat at the kitchen island, chatting between spoonfuls of cereal. It reminded you of hearing their voices in the middle of the night. It made you miss Eddie even though he was only upstairs.
Greeting them with a soft “hey,” you volunteered to do a grocery run. Steve fumbled his spoon when you asked for a shopping list. Milk sloshed onto the counter. He wiped at the spill with the hem of his t-shirt.
Robin watched him with exasperation before fetching a paper towel.
“That shirt’s going to smell so bad tomorrow.”
He snatched the paper towel from her hand, saying, “You’re going to smell so bad tomorrow.”
“Real mature, dingus.”
He aimed a goofy sneer at her.
After cleaning the spill, he finished the shopping list and retrieved some cash. Robin offered money, but you and Steve refused to accept it. With their hours at Family Video reduced, and Robin’s parents making her pay for her band equipment, it didn’t feel right. You and Steve weren’t hurting for money, in any case.
“Remember, we’ll be gone by the time you get back,” he said, handing you the list and money.
You nodded and pocketed both. They were volunteering at the school, which was kind of them. It was also convenient for you since you’d probably argue with Eddie when you returned. He’d acted like a brat and deserved a spanking like one.
“Maybe I’ll join you two tomorrow?”
“That would be awesome,” said Robin, perking up and scooping soggy Cheerios from her bowl. “You can make meals with me and Vickie.”
“Cool.” You gave her a teasing look. “I want to meet Vickie and hear all about you two in Band.”
Robin blushed, hands fluttering. An arc of milk and cereal splashed across the counter.
Steve laughed, “God, Robin!”
“Shit, sorry!”
With a chuckle, you wished them a good day and left the kitchen. You didn’t want to be the next thing they flung milk on. As you crossed the living room, you noted Eddie’s closed door. That was fine by you. He should stay in there and chill the hell out.
On the drive to Bradley’s, you mulled over what to tell your parents. You couldn’t say you wanted to stay because of your boyfriend, who they didn’t know existed, or that said boyfriend was the accused cult leader everyone in town had been hunting. You couldn’t say you hated Hawkins, but the thought of leaving right now made you want to cry. And you certainly couldn’t say you were bunking with the flirty clerk from Family Video.
Bradley’s half-full parking lot was a strange sight for a Tuesday. With the ads in the windows exclaiming Two For Tuesday, you expected a swarm of shoppers. Then again, half of Hawkins had fled less than a week ago.
You bought two cans of generic soda from the machine out front with a couple of dollars. That supplied plenty of coins to make a long-distance call. You carried the sodas to the car. They’d be nice with lunch. Which was a meal. And Robin had invited you to volunteer making meals with her and Vickie.
Volunteering was a decent excuse to stay.
You deposited the sodas in the car’s drink holders and rushed to the payphone. After paying and dialing the Cincinnati number, the line rang twice before Mom answered. She sounded relieved to hear from you and asked after your car. It took you a second to recall the lie you’d left on their answering machine. You replied the radiator leak hadn’t been bad and had been repaired.
“Then when should we expect you?”
You sighed.
“I don’t want to come down to Cincinnati.”
Incredulous, she asked, “You want to stay in Hawkins?”
Your father’s voice rumbled in the background.
“Yes, actually,” you said. “I’m volunteering at the school. With friends.”
“The same friends you’re staying with?”
You nodded with a “yes.”
In reply, you got the swish of Mom putting her palm over the receiver. Your father’s voice sharpened, though you couldn’t make out his words. Mom responded, yet it didn’t sound like that pacified him.
You closed your eyes, waiting for him to grab the phone from her. Shaking your head, you realized preparing to be berated was something a previous version of yourself would’ve done.
“Mom.” When she didn’t answer, you said, “Mom.”
“Y-yes, honey? What is it?”
“I gotta go — I’m in the middle of a grocery run — but don’t worry about me. Everything’s okay. I’m fine. I’ll call you again, alright?”
“Honey… Where—? Your father—”
“No. I don’t care what he wants to yell about. I’m fine here. I’m safe, I promise. Just…” You took a stuttering breath. “I love you.”
She sighed.
“We love you, too.”
Your hand trembled as you placed the phone handset on the hook. A nickel dropped into the return slot. You never make anyone’s life easier, Vecna had said, using Eddie’s voice. You left it. The next person might need it. Besides, it was only a nickel. You turned to rest your back on the sun-warmed brick.
You’d done the right thing by staying. You were doing the right thing. It was the difficult thing, but you’d faced tougher. You weren’t some spoiled little rich girl who ran away from the aftermath. Even if it hurt — and it probably would. Even if Eddie left you — and it appeared as though he might.
You couldn’t worry about that right now. There were practical things to do. You felt like Scarlett O’Hara as you told yourself you’d think about the aftermath later.
Inside Bradley’s, shoppers and clerks spoke in hushed tones. Beeps from the checkouts didn’t carry beyond the cart corral. The quiet helped you concentrate on Steve’s shopping list. Item by item, you filled your cart, having to substitute skim milk for 2%, whole-wheat bread for white, and a carton of eighteen eggs instead of a dozen.
Steve had written ‘12 eggs,’ like you could buy them individually.
You huffed a laugh when turning into the ransacked paper aisle. The shelves for the industrial-sized packs of toilet paper were empty. That left you stepping onto the lowest shelf and struggling for the last two packs of the expensive floral-printed stuff at the back.
At the checkout, the clerk issued a rehearsed apology for the shortages. With the volcanic fissures now closed and road crews fixing the damage, they assured you shipments would start coming again soon. They helped bag your order since there weren’t enough baggers. They apologized for that, too.
You waved away their apologies and thanked them for their assistance. Because you weren’t an entitled person who didn’t appreciate a favor when it was offered.
Once the car’s trunk was loaded, you headed back to Steve’s. You didn’t know what you were going to say to Eddie about this morning, or how to broach the subject. He’d been dealing with so much stress. You understood that. You didn’t want to be another stressor. He needed to talk to you — or someone. He couldn’t just bottle up his emotions and get snippy when someone wasn’t mindful of his unspoken wishes.
As you made the left onto Cornwallis, an older truck paused at the stop sign on your right and followed you. You hoped they wouldn’t get aggressive when you slowed to get your bearings. You still weren’t used to the neighborhood. Something about it kept screwing with your sense of direction. Maybe it was how all the houses were set back from the road and obscured with manicured shrubs.
You recognized evergreen bushes and the u-shaped driveway of Steve’s house. You put on your turn signal. The truck did the same. You frowned at the rearview mirror, but pulled into the driveway. If the driver was some irrational, as your father had put it, country bumpkin, you’d make them regret tailing you.
You parked beside the enclosed carport and stepped out of the car, leaving your keys in the ignition and purse on the passenger seat. The truck stopped a few yards away. Sunlight glinted off its windshield. The engine went silent.
You stayed inside the vee of your open car door and waited for the driver to reveal themself.
The truck’s door creaked open, window reflecting the greenery of the front yard. Dusty work-boots hit the driveway. Something about them struck you as familiar. You studied the truck as you racked your mind for why.
The truck door clapped shut.
You gasped, eyes going wide. It was Eddie’s uncle, Wayne. He had a black eye and a shallow scratch at the top of his forehead, but otherwise appeared unharmed. You pushed the car door closed and hurried to him.
“Mr. Munson, oh my God! I didn’t— I’m so glad you’re okay!”
With a wry note in his voice, he said, “It’s good to see you, too.”
You offered your hands, which he grasped in his rougher ones. Tears prickled at your eyes. You hadn’t realized how on edge you’d been about Wayne’s absence until he was there.
You squeezed his hands, saying, “Eddie’s going to be thrilled to see you.”
He squeezed back as his expression softened, yet hardly shifted.
“Is he here?”
“Yes, sir.” You nodded. “He’s okay. He’s been asking about you.”
Wayne hummed, sounding pleased. “After that girl was found… Well, I’m sure you know by now. And with the trailer park done split in two, I’ve been staying at the Motel 6.”
“Of course, that makes sense.”
“This Henderson boy said Eddie was in the hospital when I dropped by the school on Saturday, but then that eruption happened.” He gave you a knowing look. “Course, the hospital didn’t have a record of Eddie being there.” He harrumphed and gently released your hands. “Then this morning, Agent Stinson, the one that put me up at the Motel 6, paid me a visit and told me about my nephew recuperating here.”
You glanced at Eddie’s bedroom window.
“Please, come in,” you said, pivoting to show him inside. “I’ll take you to him.”
“I first have a favor to ask.”
“Sure, anything.”
“Will you help this old man get a few things from the truck?”
You grinned.
He led you to the back of the truck. You gasped a second time in so many minutes. Three guitar cases lay in the truck bed. You put a hand on your tight chest.
“I didn’t want to leave ‘em with no one at home,” said Wayne.
He’d never given up on Eddie. Like you, he’d known Eddie was innocent. His days must’ve been horrible, full of waiting and dread. You couldn’t imagine the stares and comments he must’ve gotten at work.
“—fit the amps, but I know these mean more.”
You nodded, feeling like a bobblehead doll as you blinked back tears.
“Whoa, hey now, don’t cry.”
You tried to reply you were fine, but the words wouldn’t come.
Wayne put a strong arm around your shoulders, grounding you. His faded denim jacket smelled of tobacco.
The guitars were just objects and could be replaced, of course, but Wayne was right: they meant something. You’d bet Eddie had resigned himself to replacing them. Coming to terms with that must’ve hurt.
You shook your head at the good fortune, then gave Wayne a smile. Now, Eddie wouldn’t have to go through that.
It took you a few tries, but you finally said, “He’s going to lose it when he sees you and these.”
“Eh, I reckon more for the guitars than me.”
You laughed as Wayne lowered the tailgate. He handed you the acoustic case and bossed around the two electrics. You closed the tailgate for him and led the way into the house. Television noise came from the open basement door.
In the living room, you and Wayne had a hushed conversation about leaving the guitars there. He wanted to surprise Eddie. You loved the idea and propped the acoustic against a sofa arm. Wayne added the electrics next to it before following you to the top of the stairs.
“Eddie?” you called.
“You have a visitor.”
“What? Who?”
You stepped to the side, giving Wayne access to the stairs. Eddie choked out something when Wayne was halfway down. You leaned on the doorframe, biting your grinning lip, waiting for their first exchange. However, it was quiet. You snuck a glance. Eddie’s arms were around Wayne, and Wayne’s around him. His fingers dug into Wayne’s jacket.
You closed the door to allow them privacy.
Taking a step towards the guitars, you remembered the groceries thawing in your car. That was unlocked. With the key in the ignition. And your purse in the passenger seat.
You dashed to the car and began unloading it. The kitchen counters filled with bags. Each trip obscured the counters until brown paper surrounded you.
By the time you finished stocking the refrigerator and pantry, Eddie and Wayne had emerged from the basement. Eddie’s excited voice came from the living room, making you smile. You padded to the doorway to watch the second reunion. Eddie knelt in front of the red guitar’s open case.
Wayne said to him the same thing he’d told you: he couldn’t abandon the guitars.
Wordlessly, Eddie nodded and stood. He hugged Wayne again, murmuring something into his shoulder. Wayne put a hand on the back of Eddie’s head and ruffled his hair as he replied. Eddie laughed with a sniffle.
You ducked your head and crossed your arms. If you saw him cry, you’d cry. Then Wayne would be stuck in a house of the emotionally compromised.
When Eddie and Wayne separated, you cleared your throat to make your presence known. Eddie beamed at you in a way you hadn’t seen in a long time, cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling. Wayne was more restrained, but he appeared just as happy.
“Mr. Munson, would you like to stay for lunch?” you asked.
“I’d like that, but I can’t. The plant’s understaffed, and I’m workin’ a double.”
Eddie wilted, but you didn’t want him to give up hope. He needed something to look forward to.
You asked, “Maybe on a day off?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He glanced at Eddie. “My Friday’s free.”
“Come for lunch,” said Eddie.
“Yeah, stay as long as you want. Stay for dinner.” Raising your eyebrows at Eddie, you said, “We can invite the rest of the party. Make it a potluck.”
“I think we better run that by Steve first.”
“Like he’ll refuse.”
Eddie conceded the point with an agreeable shrug.
To Wayne, he said, “Steve’s got cable downstairs. There’s at least one sports channel.”
“Well, I suppose that’s a good enough reason to return.”
Eddie barked a laugh and knocked his elbow against Wayne’s. He then turned to Wayne and perched his chin on the back of his hands, blinking owlishly.
“You mean my spectacular personality isn’t reason enough?”
Wayne said drily, “Your personality is a spectacle, alright.”
Eddie laughed again. Wayne’s eyes crinkled at the corners and his lips curved into a private grin.
After a moment, Wayne said, “Well, I best be off.”
“Thank you for coming by,” you said.
Eddie nodded.
“Thanks for everything.”
You heard the love in that one word. Eddie must’ve heard it as well, because his face softened. It was easy to forget his sharp smile and smart-ass remarks and big personality masked a tender heart.
As you thought it, you asked, “Do you have the phone number here?”
“No, ma’am.”
You hurried into the kitchen, found the pad of paper Steve used for the shopping list, and wrote the number. When you came out with a pad and pen, Wayne and Eddie stood in the foyer. You tore off the top sheet and asked for the motel’s number.
“Just in case plans change,” you said.
After trading numbers, you saw Wayne off. Eddie followed him down the front stairs while you remained in the doorway. Once in the truck, Wayne held up a hand in goodbye before reversing down the driveway.
As soon as Wayne’s truck was out of sight, Eddie brushed past you without meeting your eyes. You closed the door and trailed after him into the living room.
“You want to talk about this morning?”
“What’s there to talk about?” he asked, kneeling in front of the guitars and closing the red’s case.
“Well, geez, I don’t know.” You put your hands on your hips. “Maybe how you brushed me off?”
He laid the acoustic case flat and paused with his hands on top.
“I didn’t ‘brush you off.’ I didn’t want to talk about fucking Jason Carver, okay?”
“That wasn’t the point.”
“No, that is the point. He wouldn’t have targeted you if I’d left you alone from the start.”
You narrowed your eyes at his back. That was a crappy excuse. And still not the point.
“Why did you say it was good my parents had left town so I wouldn’t have to introduce you?”
“I don’t know, alright? Everything got screwed up.” His hands balled into fists. “I know part of it’s my fault.” He shook his head as his shoulders hunched. “I can’t undo it, so… It’s whatever.”
You huffed a breath through your nose.
“It’s whatever?” Letting your hands drop to your sides, you said, “Me being serious about you, about wanting my parents to know you, is not whatever.”
He muttered, “They wouldn’t have liked me, anyway.”
“Maybe not, but I’d make them respect my choice.” You tried to breathe with a too-tight chest. “Because I choose you. It sucks that doesn’t seem to mean a lot to you.”
You didn’t wait for a reply and headed into the kitchen. There were empty grocery bags to deal with. You folded and stacked them on the island while swallowing around the lump in your throat.
If Steve’s parents were anything like your own, there was a stash of empty grocery bags somewhere around here. You found a bag of bags in the pantry — something you’d missed a few times. Of course, you missed it. You’d missed plenty of things these past few days, evidently, but you wouldn’t cry over them. Not now. Not in Steve’s pantry. You added the new bags to the collection, then closed the pantry door.
You turned and startled at Eddie dawdling in the kitchen doorway.
“I choose you too, you know,” he said, fingers playing with nonexistent rings. “And it does mean a lot to me — that you’re serious about me. I’m serious about you, too.”
You nodded, voice constrained by the sudden stranglehold of too many emotions.
“I’m going to go upstairs now.”
You nodded again, though you didn’t like it.
He shifted from foot to foot before leaving the doorway. His faint footsteps disappeared from the first floor. All the while, you mentally screamed for him to come back. You didn’t need him to say more. He just needed to stay. Maybe to make lunch with you, though the idea of eating turned your stomach. However, you wanted to do something dumb, something mundane, with him, like make lunch and drink the cheap sodas you’d bought.
Instead, you trudged into the sunroom and flumped into one of the armless chairs.
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mattiehenderson · 1 year
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Synopsis: my first Stranger Things fic, don't be hard on me please. I'm so happy to see an 80s metalhead represented in a positive light for ONCE! I couldn't help but fall in love with him just like everyone else with taste. So I prefer writing male x male romances, and can I just say we need way more bottom princess male reader and dom daddy Eddie fics. This is my attempt to try and help with that. So this story focuses on my OC, Matthew "Mattie" Henderson, he's Dustin's older brother who's a senior. Heavily bullied for being so effeminate and goth. He has always had a crush on Eddie Munson since freshman year, but unfortunately Eddie is straight...or is he?
Warnings : Sexual language and imaginations. Minors do not interact, 18+.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson!OC
Look at me, please turn around and just look at me.
I stared intensely at the boy who sat in front of me in English, wavy chestnut curtains of hair poured past shoulders too broad for a normal senior, and onto my desk.
I could smell his v05 shampoo, the aloe one, and the Irish spring that almost hid his signature Marlboro and kush cologne. Slowly, quietly, I inhaled the scent that was all things Eddie Munson, the eternal prisoner of Hawkins High School.
In my marble notebook that was graffiti'd with cutouts of my favorite bands and scented stickers, I sketched an imprisoned Eddie in a medieval, hooded cloak behind bars, and coming to rescue him was a soft looking male witch. It went along with the story I was secretly writing for my own pleasure, the poor dungeon master who has been trapped in the dungeons of Hawkeye Castle for 400 years, under an evil queen's spell. Perhaps I named her Queen Cristiana of Hawkeye, after a certain stupid cheerleader that I always see hanging around a certain metal head after hours.
I don't know why I do this to myself, in what universe do I have a chance? Maybe in my own universe in my own land of make believe, but nymphs and orcs and furies also exist there so there's that.
In the real world, Chrissy Cunningham is the most beautiful girl in Hawkins, she's the head cheerleader and smells like Anais Anaïs, she has perfect hair and she's a she.
I, Mattie Henderson, am a boy. Not only am I a boy, but I'm a boy who wears more makeup than any girl in school. I wear my bleached curls too long and listen to darkwave. Eddie Munson would never!
I gently huffed before I finished sketching the scene where Matthias the Enchanter, in his red violet cloak and gossamer garments, shared a kiss with Sir Edward the Banished. 
It was hilarious really. I have known him since I was a freshman, secretly pining, and knowing we have many interests in common, especially D&D, but I've always been too shy to approach him. Too shy to approach anyone, only having one friend my whole time living in Hawkins, Robin Buckley. I'm not as good with people as my little brother, growing up in the Midwest with being what I am and how I am, I figured it's smarter to keep away. Robin always understood me, since we met in seventh grade and I moved here from Connecticut.
After everything last summer with Starcourt, and finding out about what my brother and his friends have been apart of, I shockingly acquired new friends, the very unexpected Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, and my art class acquaintances Jonathan Byers.
It's been a lot, it's been a fucking lot, and with it being my senior year the stress has been added. Mom keeps asking about my college options, telling me Indiana University has a pretty good art program. But I don't have the grades, I do enough to get by, school makes me miserable, I could care less about mundane things like classes and grades and teachers, and artificial societies. And sure I like art, but I love doing hair and makeup and nails too, something my mother definitely reaps the benefits of. And I don't exactly love Hawkins the Cursed Lands, but after everything and not sure about this place ever being safe again, I'd never leave my brother here without me. And as pathetic as it sounds, the thought of leaving the man who doesn't know I exist makes my stomach hurt.
I felt guilty for my thoughts, for my fantasies about him, for wishing the reason why I put my black velvet choker on this morning was to cover a bruise from his huge, ring wrapped fingers. Oh how I would cut off all twenty inches of my hair to just have his towering 5'11 frame over my 5'5 one, staring down into my black lined Hazel eyes, with his dark, teddy bear gaze.
The teacher must have sent paper down, because with the melodic swish of his chocolate butter ringlets, I was looking up at him and slamming my marble notebook shut faster than you can say Kissimmee. Dark, button eyes glanced at me before doing a double take. Now fixated on me feeling like a goldfish, with his plush, pillowy, bubblegum pink lips parted.
How the hell could anyone ostracize and hate such a gorgeous human being? Then the angel spoke and I felt like he was oozing the gospel.
Here we go again.
All because of one damn class I'm sitting in Johnson's English for the third fucking time.
I was the last one to plop my ass down, toward the back, the desk with the D&D scribbles and the classic "Ozzy rules" that violated government property. I got a snide remark from Johnson, and snickers and insults from Carver and his ball buddies.
This was exactly why I preferred to escape to my own world, where there are dragons and halflings, or when I close my eyes and finger my sweetheart. Just close my eyes and listen to The Number of the Beast, forgetting that reality is being the town's leper in a town where they decide Jason Carver is a good person because he knows his way around a ball.
Johnson was droning on about fucking writing prompts where he cares more about where a comma goes than if the story is good or not. 
And then, as I'm passing back the picture prompt for the first day of hell, I did a double take at a new face. A face prettier than even the likes of Chrissy Cunningham. Looking up shyly at me, drawing out a protective feeling I didn't know I possessed, are bedroom, dreamy lidded eyes painted a lavender gray,with thick broom-like sweeping lashes that flutter before bright Hazel eyes, that reminded me of summer turning into fall, green fading into browning leaves and golden maples. Kohl-rimmed, making them more pronounced and more awe-inspiring.
Her nose is cute and broad with a puggish finish that rests prettily between roundish cheeks painted a deep blush. My eyes traveled down to a pair of the ideal cock sucking lips, I'm so sorry but I don't really know what else to call them. They're so full and big, so cushiony and I'm a pretty imaginary guy, so what I'm thinking of doing to that mouth…fucking that gorgeous face, making those Hazel eyes water and her gothic makeup run down those pretty chipmunk cheeks, making a big mess of her blood red lipstick smudging it on my cock. 
I shifted in my seat feeling my dick stir, and this was not the time. Cascading around her face was voluminous white blonde curls, so wild and untamable like an elf-witch, very surreal and otherworldly and contrasts beautifully with her dark eyebrows.
And as if my she-elf couldn't have been more perfect, not only did she have herself collared by a black velvet choker, but a cut off Shout at the Devil Mötley Crüe  shirt encased her. My mouth watered and when she lifted a fishnet, arm fingerless glove adorned wrist to take the prompt from me, I inhaled the sweet smell of apricots and roses and sweet, expensive perfume. I couldn't get enough of it.
"Munson, are you drooling? Is that drool, freak?" Carver happily and loudly like a fucking foghorn called me out in front of everyone. Nothing new, usually I'm very unphased by embarrassment, I mean I'm a 20 year old senior. But, for once that jockstrap got to me, knowing this enchantress witnessed it witnessed him calling me out for something she caused. I snapped my head away fast and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket before inspecting the porosity. Damn, I was fuckin drooling.
Saved by the Johnson, the droning authority started a roll call. Imagine my surprise when Johnson called out Matthew Henderson and it happened to be my little elf-witch…or elf-warlock should I say.
27 notes · View notes
"unspecified" just means the asker didn't specifically say "can I get headcanons/reaction/fic" for the request; there might be context in the request itself implying which type of content would be best suited for it, but it's not 100% specified
and my lil "??" denotes something where I think either a type of content or an AU might apply but, again, it's not specified so I'm not 100% sure but there's something in the request which makes me lean in a certain direction
it took nearly 3600 words just to describe all the things in the list so you guys got a lot to look forward to! ... and, obviously, I have a lot to look forward to creating! <3
requests that are done and in the queue ready to be posted (in no particular order)
headcanons: reacting to S/O in shorts and a tank top during the summer [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
‘kisses’ meme: #45, sleepy kisses [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence; Sebastian]
reaction: a goth horror-loving S/O [Sebastian]
reaction: S/O who likes to fawn over them [Sascha; Wolfram]
‘card suits’ meme: 4 of spades Alois; Doll/Freckles; Joanne; Maurice]
‘soft Sunday’ headcanon meme: favorite way to receive affection?; favorite way to give affection?; are they loud and proud about their relationships, or do they keep it private?; would your muse be the one doing most of the cooking or not?; is your muse good at housework? [Peter]
headcanons: progressive falling in love [Snake]
reaction: S/O who never curses [Peter]
requests that have not yet been done
reaction: S/O who likes to hug them a lot [Cheslock; Clayton; Edward; Joanne; MacMillan; Soma]
unspecified: S/O gets sick and almost dies [modern!Agni]
fic: reader empathizing with Cheslock and they comfort each other
reaction: modern person showing up at the manor with the earls’ revived siblings who has their soul back [Alois; Ciel; Sebastian]
reaction: (male) S/O saves them but loses his life [Doll/Freckles; Maurice]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who’s short and feisty but soft around him [Joker]
unspecified: reader escapes an arranged marriage and disguises themself as a man to work as a butler, meets Grell and they both get a crush; reader’s parents come back and try to force them home, Grell shows up to rescue and confess to them
reaction: domestic life [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
headcanons: male S/O [Ciel]
headcanons: poly [Joker x S/O x Dagger]
reaction: learning S/O is a member of a K-pop group [Grey; Phipps]
headcanons: NSFW [Agni]
headcanons: arranged fiancee who’s very bold and ready for marriage (is also friends with Gregory who’s smitten with them) [Lawrence]
unspecified: S/O who’s a witch and headmistress of an orphanage [William]
reaction: S/O dying and coming back as a ghost [Alan; Eric; Grell; Othello; Ronald; Rudger; Sascha; Undertaker; William]
reaction: what hobbies do they have/would like to have? [Alan; Eric; Grell; Othello; Ronald; Rudger; Sascha; Undertaker; William]
headcanons: first kiss [Bard; Finny; Mey Rin; Sebastian; Snake]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who works retail, he walks in on her getting scolded by the manager for no reason and he stands up for her [modern!Agni]
‘sense’ headcanon meme: heart; touch [Cheslock; Clayton; Edward; Joanne; Soma]
headcanons OR scenario: first child is born [Grey]
preference: who prefers a dominant S/O?
preference: who prefers a plus size S/O?
reaction: S/O knitting them something [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
audio: escaping yandere S/O [Maurice]
‘it’s all about the yearning’ meme: “I know I fucked up. I know I did but don’t shut me out anymore. Let me in, please let me in.” [Gregory]
audio: fluff [Agni]
‘it’s all about the yearning’ meme: “Have you ever had something missing? Like something just doesn’t feel right inside you but you don’t know what it is.” [Agni]
headcanons: domestic [Patrick]
headcanons: older sister figure [Alois]
headcanons: chaotic reader [Joanne]
unspecified: older sibling figure reader [Ciel]
headcanons: angst [Maurice]
reaction: snow leopard demon S/O [Bravat; Hannah; Joanne; Snake; Triplets]
headcanons: romantic and expecting father [Rudger]
unspecified: loud, energetic girlfriend [Lawrence]
reaction: being proposed to [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
‘sense’ headcanon meme: sight; nose; heart; hands [Dagger; Peter]
unspecified: dealing with a powerful witch [Ciel; Edward]
reaction: multilingual S/O [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
fic: Vincent x plus size (fem) reader who wears glasses (insecure day or taking her somewhere special]
unspecified: ADHD reader [Alois; Ciel; Edward; Grey; Undertaker]
‘kisses’ meme: 44, kissing every finger [Agni]
‘kisses’ meme: “free space” [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
unspecified: getting a handmade blanket from their S/O [Alois; Ciel; Edward]
unspecified: Cheslock crushing on a student rep from a collaborating girls’ academy
‘it’s all about the yearning’ meme: “Just let me look at you for a little bit.” [Agni]
scenario: Joker taking his S/O and twin daughters out to the current city they’re living in, the girls drag them into a candy shop
unspecified: plus size insecure S/O [Joker]
reaction: meeting a modern person with modern technology who shows them videos, etc. [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
unspecified: S/O who can shapeshift [Alois; Ciel]
unspecified: fluff [Alois]
scenario: S/O gives birth to their baby [Joker]
unspecified: protecting S/O on the Campania [Edward; Grey]
unspecified: trying to make a relationship work with limited time together [Wolfram]
headcanons: dealing with reader being sleep deprived [Cheslock and Gregory]
unspecified: S/O who makes (a very specific genre of) music as a coping mechanism [Alois; Astre; Ciel; Sebastian]
reaction: having to take care of their younger sibling [Cheslock; Clayton; Edgar; Edward; Gregory; Herman; Joanne; Lawrence; Soma]
fic: William x reader cooking together while he finally relaxes
fic: Wolfram x motherly reader singing lullabies to Sieglinde
unspecified: a day in Joker’s life taking care of baby Ellis, leading the circus, looking after his wife, and following Kelvin’s orders
unspecified: Beast x S/O training Betty after “The Sebastian Incident”
unspecified: NSFW, S/O’s first time and being gentle [Agni]
unspecified: S/O who can use death magic [Alois; Ciel]
fic: Soma rescuing reader from an abusive home after a relationship that starts with letters
‘card suits’ meme: 2 of spades; 3 of spades; 6 of diamonds; 8 of diamonds; ace of clubs; 3 of clubs; 4 of clubs; jack of clubs; queen of clubs; ace of hearts; 2 of hearts; 3 of hearts; 6 of hearts; 8 of hearts; 9 of hearts; queen of hearts; king of hearts [Peter]
fic: Ciel finding out his (male) S/O was part of the cult but was forced to participate
reaction: Undertaker, confronting his wife who’s responsible for the Phantomhive manor burning and the twins being in the cult, because she was jealous of his spending time with the Phantomhives
reaction: same-gender S/O [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
scenario: NSFW, bottom Joker x (male) S/O get interrupted
fic: Edward x reader (Ciel’s older sister) after Madame Red’s funeral
reaction to the scene [Bard; Ciel; Finny; Lizzie; Mey Rin; Sebastian]
headcanons: NSFW [Rudger]
unspecified: planning an engagement party with his S/O [Grey]
love letter: Grell
fic: soulmate AU, time freezes when you and your soulmate are in a room together for the first time and unfreezes when you make eye contact [Sebastian]
reaction: soulmate AU, everyone is born with a tattoo which glows when you meet your soulmate and fades to grey when they die, reader’s was grey from birth but starts to glow one day [Alan; Eric; Grell; Othello; Ronald; Rudger; Sascha; Undertaker; William]
free space! any character, concept, anything!
headcanons: with a tall angel-killing witch S/O [Grey]
fic: Arthur Conan Doyle x reader, she goes to his residence to invite him to The Event because Ciel thought he’d be more relaxed with a date
headcanons: big boobed girlfriend who lets them use her breasts as a pillow when they cuddle [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
headcanons: big boobed girlfriend who lets them use her breasts as a pillow when they cuddle [Cheslock; Clayton; Edward; Joanne; Soma]
unspecified: enemies to lovers, fox demon future S/O [William]
audio: Terms of Service AU [Peter; Snake]
unspecified: crow or cat hybrid S/O [Alois; Ciel]
fic: Finny spending the day with his baby boy
unspecified: Derrick x S/O who tries (and succeeds) at helping him be a better person
unspecified: poly [Edward x (male) S/O x Cheslock]
headcanons: pole [Joker x S/O x Sebastian]
audio: Joanne being kissed and cuddled
unspecified: S/O from the future [Aleister]
unspecified: interested in a servant working at the Phantomhive manor [Aleister]
scenario: the one(s) Ciel wants revenge on is/are dead already, how Ciel and his soulmate feel and how Sebastian reacts
audio: Grell x listener, listener gets home late and Grell jumps on them, having been worried
scenario: soulmate AU, Aleister meets (fem) S/O at an auction ball, things are dull before they meet but then they make eye contact and he buys her
fic: Maurice x reader, after his exposure no one else wants to associate with him and they comfort him after he’s bullied
unspecified: S/O who suddenly gets sick and he’s frustrated that he can’t help her [Agni]
reaction: S/O getting catcalled [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
sex + romance headcanon meme: 💦; 😘; 😊; 👍; 😉; 💯; 👰; 🌼; 🏩; 🎆; 💕; 🔥; 💑; 👀; 👎; 💲; 🎀; 💝; 💘 [Peter]
audio: fluffy, waking up next to him in the morning and getting breakfast together [Dagger]
unspecified: S/O who wears comfy clothes when they get sad (which is frequently) [Alois; Astre; Ciel; Maurice]
reaction: S/O getting shot, they survive but it’s still serious [Alois; Ciel; Edward; Grell; Grey; Ronald]
headcanons: monsterfucker Peter with a beast-like monster S/O
audio: confession [Snake]
fic: reader is a new addition to the circus troupe and saves a snake from being tormented by hecklers [Snake]
fic: Sebastian x maid!reader, reader is usually obedient but decides to test Sebastian’s patience and receives a cheek grab and voice shift to his ‘true’ voice
preferences: which boys would like bath bombs/what kind?
Fic: Snake x (fem) reader, reader lets the snakes do whatever they want, climbing on her, etc., and one day comes to Snake for help because one of the snakes (or more?!) is stuck under her clothes
fic: platonic Grell and child reader fluff
reaction: S/O with chronic allergies [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
headcanons: Terms of Service AU, relationship with app owner [Maurice]
reaction: Terms of Service AU, playing FNAF [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
headcanons: killers in a horror movie [Alois; Ciel; Doll/Freckles; Maurice]
reaction: child reader who’s disabled and doesn’t ‘fit in’, they befriend the circus troupe, then the troupe find out reader has ‘normal’ friends who care for and help reader as well as do friends’ parents and when asked just say, “isn’t that what friends do?” [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
‘things you want to hear’ meme: “I feel like I can tell you anything” and “you know what I love about you?” [Peter]
headcanons: S/O has kids from a previous marriage [Doll/Freckles; Peter; Snake]
unspecified: Trancy nurse survival AU, multilingual reader who scolds the Triplets in another language when they purposely get themselves into mishaps
audio: listener comforting Maurice after a nightmare
audio: angst [Maurice]
unspecified: demon AU, with a human S/O [Beast; Bravat; Doll/Freckles; Grey; Phipps]
headcanons: platonic, someone in the form who’s the ‘fixer’, an inventor who inadvertently creates messes [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
fic: Phantomhive servants and maid!reader who’s the newest addition, they all throw her a surprise birthday party
unspecified: inventor S/O [Grey]
unspecified: angst [Grey]
unspecified: S/O who’s insecure about not being a proper lady [Grey]
unspecified: poly [John x S/O x Phipps]
headcanons OR scenario: Cheslock’s little brother coming to Weston
unspecified: doctor S/O, fluff and wholesomeness [Peter]
unspecified: doctor S/O who surprises him by wearing nothing but her white coat [Peter]
songfic: “Love Story” by Taylor Swift [Dagger OR Peter]
‘eyes emoji’ meme: eyes [Peter]
audio: fluff, listener just getting home after being away for a while [Alois OR Ciel]
unspecified: Hispanic S/O who thinks his accent is sexy [Peter]
unspecified: trying to cheer up his grumpy S/O with bad jokes [Joker]
unspecified: on a stroll with their girlfriend and she jumps in a river to save a child in danger [Alois; Ciel; Edward; Grey]
unspecified: comforting their girlfriend who lost her niece in an accident [Edward; Grey; Ronald; Undertaker]
audio: date night or Christmas, wholesome [Peter]
songfic meme: “Leave Out All the Rest” by Linkin Park [Alois]
songfic meme: “I Wouldn’t Mind” by (S)He is We [Maurice]
unspecified: S/O who sings or hums while they’re giving him massages [Jumbo]
unspecified: S/O walking in on the scene where Joker touches Beast’s leg from behind
audio: Terms of Service [Dagger, Finny, OR Wendy]
unspecified: S/O who writes music dedicated to him [Peter]
headcanons: as fathers [Dagger; Joker; Jumbo; Peter]
‘things that you want to hear’ meme: “I missed you” [Dagger] and “you’re my favorite person in the world” [Peter]
headcanons: wealthy S/O who spoils them out of love [Dagger; Peter]
audio: Valentine’s Day [Dagger OR Peter]
unspecified: S/O who’s always tired and works a lot, and finally they get to spend time together [Grell]
unspecified: badass Mey Rin in a bind
‘105 comfort’ meme: “you’re perfect just the way you are” [Peter]
‘105 comfort’ meme: “you’re allowed to be weak” [Jumbo]
‘105 comfort’ meme: “I’ll take care of it” [Peter]
unspecified: NSFW, artist boyfriend [Grey]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who’s wealthy and likes to spoil him [Dagger]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who composes a theme for him as a gift [Finny]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who’s a child psychologist [Wolfram]
songfic: “That Would Be Enough” from Hamilton [Dagger OR Peter]
headcanons: reader from the 21st century [Edgar]
reaction: S/O learning Latin so they can dirty talk to him [Sebastian]
unspecified: reader getting frustrated with homework and trying to help them [Lawrence]
songfic meme: “I Choose” by Alessia Cara [Jumbo OR Snake]
unspecified: AFAB nonbinary reader sneaks into Weston and befriends the P4 [besties with Gregory; falls for Edgar]
unspecified: confident and badass S/O, SFW and NSFW [John]
‘nonverbal’ meme: “beat”, “kiss”, and “loop” [Finny]
‘headcanons part 3’ meme: 🫀,🏉; 💥; 👓; 💍; 🏛; 🧭; 🚓; 🧬; 📖; 🤱; ⏰; 🚌; 🥀; 👊; 🩹; 🌊; 🏭; ⚰️; 🦁; 🔒; ⛓ [Peter]
fic: platonic, angel!reader saves Alois from being killed by Claude and gives him his happy ending as a mother figure
reaction: Doll/Freckles, playing horror games with her S/O
audio: cuddling [Soma]
reaction: reader confessing to an affair… but the ‘confession’ is a joke [Ciel; Doll/Freckles; Joanne; Maurice]
unspecified: platonic sisterly reader (lullaby?) [Doll/Freckles]
reaction: taking care of their S/O after a serious carriage accident [Bard; Ciel; Edward; Finny; Grey; Ronald; Undertaker]
songfic: “Heaven’s Light” from The Hunchback of Notre Dame [Doll/Freckles]
unspecified: girlfriend who brings him breakfast in bed on special occasions [Dagger]
unspecified: Bard x reader
unspecified: S/O who doesn’t drink alcohol [Peter]
unspecified: S/O who likes to cuddle and will sometimes tackle-hug them [Finny; Ronald; Snake; Undertaker]
palette meme: #39, “Absinthe Mage” [Peter]
preference: who would be okay ‘meeting the parents’?
songfic: “Hacerte Mía” by La Ross Maria and Nino Freestyle [Dagger OR Finny]
songfic meme: “Sea of Lovers” by Christina Perri [Dagger]
songfic: “Sneakin’ Around” from Star vs. the Forces of Evil [Dagger]
unspecified: S/O who works as a stand-up comedian [Undertaker]
unspecified: multilingual S/O who mumbles “I love you” in another language (with pet name) while cuddling [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
reaction: S/O studies psychology and will teach if asked [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
unspecified: Southern/Texan S/O who’s good at cooking [Bard]
unspecified: S/O who’s strong and protective [Peter]
fic: Joker x reader, reader is Doc’s apprentice and a good person trying to learn, they end up seeing Joker a lot and things develop
fic: based on the “guess again” scene from Game of Thrones [Peter]
reaction: S/O surprises them by adopting an orphan [Ciel; Edward; Grey; Phipps; Undertaker]
unspecified: S/O on the autism spectrum [Peter]
unspecified: S/O who’s a jazz and blues singer at a high-end establishment [Bard; Ciel; Finny; Mey Rin; Sebastian; Snake]
unspecified: walking in on (fem) S/O on a phone call and overhears her praising him to her family [Peter]
audio: Terms of Service AU [Dagger; Peter]
‘things that you want to hear’ meme: “there’s my beautiful bride” OR “I’m the luckiest man alive” [Beast; Wendy]
‘things that you want to hear’ meme: “I can’t stop thinking about you” OR “last night was incredible” [Peter]
songfic: “Remember Me”/“Recuérdame” from Coco [any character]
fic: survival AU (Safe & Sound AU?) Dagger x (fem) S/O reminding him that he’s important and enough
fic: angsty pining and fluff, reader is a big younger and pining for him, he thinks they should find someone younger [Bard]
unspecified: Phantomhive staff training ready to defend the manor
fic: reader fights Wolfram with Bard while escaping and they share angsty dialogue during the fight, then they start to grow closer again after Wolfram’s sacrifice
fic: anything [Undertaker]
unspecified: platonic, singing to the birds in the garden [Finny]
songfic: “Love Story” by Taylor Swift [Finny]
headcanons: Cheslock, any thoughts not already mentioned
reaction: fiancee being a witch [Edward]
headcanons: S/O who’s cheery around him but not so cheery around others [William]
reaction: (fem) S/O who’s hypermobile with knee problems [Dagger; Finny; Peter]
fic (??): visiting (fem) S/O at work but she’s dealing with nasty customers [modern!Agni]
scenario: fluff, S/O who loves baking [Snake]
unspecified: being a single parent [Bravat]
headcanons: reader who uses a (personalized!) cane to walk because of an accident [Alois; Ciel]
‘botantical’ headcanon meme: abatina; amaryllis; anemone; chrysanthemum; gardenia; heliotrope; hibiscus; ivy; marigold; peony; rose [Peter]
‘botanical’ headcanon meme: anemone; chamomile; daisy [Cheslock]
headcanons: wedding details [Grey]
fic: he comes to the hospital after reader gets hit by a car (fluffy ending) [modern!Agni]
‘botanical’ headcanon meme: amaryllis; hibiscus; ivy [Dagger; Joker]
reaction: (fem) S/O who’s an opera singer [Dagger; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O’s joints start clicking and popping as they’re sleeping next to her for the first time [Dagger; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake]
unspecified: adjusting to each other’s tastes and traditions [modern!Agni]
unspecified: keeping their relationship with (male) S/O a secret [Ciel; Joanne]
reaction: selectively mute S/O who owns a sassy, filthy-mouthed macaw [Cheslock; Grey; Phipps; Snake; Triplets]
unspecified: hypermobile (fem) S/O who goes to the doctor for knee problems and then buys him something nice [Peter]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Agni; Soma]
‘gemstone’ headcanon meme: amazonite; apatite; cat’s eye; citrine; diamond; diopside; emerald; fluorite; iolite; jasper; kyanite; onyx; opal; peridot; rose quartz; spinel; tiger’s eye; tourmaline; zircon [Peter]
reaction: helping their hypermobile (fem) S/O with physical therapy exercises [Bard; Ciel; Finny; Sebastian; Snake]
fic: continuation of modern!reader telling the future in riddles [Alois and Ciel]
reaction: friend/companion bringing (Astre/Luka) back to life [Alois; Ciel]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Grey; Lau; Phipps]
‘kiss & tell’ prompts: finally kissing the person you’ve been pining for; neck kisses that turn into love bites; wiping away your lover’s tears as you kiss them; a kiss while being reunited after a long time; kissing your lover in a moment of sheer joy; a kiss to wake you lover up in the morning; kissing your partner to seal a marriage; a risky kiss between forbidden lovers; a possessive kiss in front of a jealous third party [Peter]
‘kiss & tell’ prompts: a kiss to shut them up [Peter]
‘kiss & tell’ prompts: a possessive kiss to stake a claim [Lau]
unspecified: helping reader through a bad panic attack [modern!Agni]
‘settings’ prompts: 029, an extravagant greenhouse [Finny OR Snake]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
unspecified: moving house and it’s stressful but they’re still sweet to each other [Agni]
unspecified (fic??): (male) Reaper S/O, fluff, long day ends in stargazing and S/O falling asleep [William]
scenario: shy fem S/O [MacMillan]
scenario: having to escort his S/O to a graveyard at night for some reason [Grey]
headcanons: life before the troupe, birth family, etc. [Jumbo]
headcanons: NSFW [Jumbo]
headcanons: modern (what he usually does after uni, how he flirts, etc.) [Cheslock]
headcanons: scientist friend brings Luka back as a surprise [Alois]
headcanons: angsty, he discovers a horrible and ugly secret of reader’s [Maurice]
audio: helping hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Peter]
headcanons: when Anne gets sick vs. when her children get sick (Safe & Sound AU)
headcanons: cuddling [Jumbo]
audio: watching a documentary about London’s kidnapped children with Listener (Terms of Service AU??) [Doll/Freckles]
headcanons: hurt/comfort about family relationships [Ciel; Doll/Freckles; Joanne; Maurice]
‘stonework’ headcanons: rosy haze; touch; fog [Peter]
‘cupcake’ picrew meme: Peter
‘cupcake’ picrew meme: Dagger; Joker
‘tea’ picrew meme: Peter
‘stonework’ headcanons meme: coral fragments; brickwork shadows [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
‘stonework’ headcanons meme: apatite tic; chatter [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
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rowannothere · 8 months
Feline Xenofiction Prompts
Write about a stray black housecat who's shot by some stupid teens with a BB-gun on Halloween night and is rescued by a witch to become her familiar. What happens next? (Below are some further prompts)
A spell goes wrong and the cat is transported into a mythical realm and must find a way back home with a new group of misfits like them.
The cat is taken to a school for familiars. Are they still an outcast there, or do they finally feel at home?
The cat and her witch meet another witch who has a feline familiar like the protagonist but ginger. I like to think this turns out as a sunshine x grumpy (cottagecore x goth? 👀) & enemies to lovers prompt, but of course the direction is up to you!
This doesn't have to be set in modern times--what if the black cat was a witch's familiar during the Salem Witch Trials and they and their human have to flee?
Write about a Pride of lionesses who realize they don't need their lazy lion and overthrow him. They had already done all the hunting, the mothering, the protecting, etc. anyways. What happens next? (Below are some further prompts)
A young lioness starts to grow a mane. What does this mean for her? How does the rest of the Pride react? Is she even, well, a she?
The Pride sets up a democratic system in which every eligible lioness is able to vote on Pride decisions. Nothing more to this prompt I just thought this was a cool idea on its own lol
The Pride soon becomes concerned about how their lineages will continue, so they start adopting cubs that would've been killed by the new lions in other Prides. Perhaps a pair of lesbian lionesses save a male cub... what will happen when he grows up? Will he be exiled from the Pride or treated just like any other lioness?
Write about a housecat who's been granted nine lives, but these lives aren't consecutive. The cat lives through nine different time periods. What do they see? (Below are some further prompts)
One life could be set in Ancient Egypt, where they were worshipped as the Pharaoh's cat.
One life could be set during the Salem Witch Trials, in which their owner is accused of being a witch. After this I ran out of ideas oops
Write about the life of a famous cat, like Unsinkable Sam, the WWII ship cat who survived the sinking of 3 ships, Félicette, the only cat sent to space who survived, Faith, the mother cat who raised her kitten in a church that was actively being bombed, Oscar, who was able to predict when hospice patients were about to die and would curl up in their laps, Tara, who saved her boy from a dog attack, or Scarlett, who saved her kittens one by one from a housefire despite the burns she gained in the process.
Write about your own pet cat(s)! What is their day to day life like? What happened in their past?
Write about a cat who can shapeshift, inspired by the term "copycat".
Write about a kleptomaniac cat, inspired by the term "cat burglar".
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fierykitten2 · 2 years
One thing I’ve noticed about a lot of my ships is that if they’re straight, the characters tend to have a lot in common but if they’re gay, it tends to be a case of opposites attract. It’s not a perfect pattern, one of my gay ships for bounty hunter Captain Falcon pairs him with Snake from Metal Gear (I don’t know much about Metal Gear but I’m under the assumption that they have relatively similar jobs and personalities) and I ship Rose and Clara from Doctor Who because they have a surprising amount of similarities, but I want to go over some of the ones that do count:
• Falcon x Dr. Stewart: gay, dynamic can be summed up as fighterxdoctor
• Falcon x Samus: straight, both bounty hunters from Nintendo franchises with little love from Nintendo
• Samus x Peach: lesbian, literally a case of woman whose whole thing is a superior fighting ability and breaking gender stereotypes x princess who gets kidnapped at least three times a week
• Milo x Nessa: straight, gym leaders from Galar with a rivalry
• Nessa x Bea: lesbian, famous model x martial artist (it’s harder to emphasise the differences here due to them both being stoic, competitive gym leaders but I’m still counting them)
• Princia Ramode x Lily Flyer: lesbian, bored princess x fighter who doesn’t know any other way of life
• Jody Summer x Kate Alen: lesbian, basically the police x former singer who basically quit in favour of the Grand Prix
• Calem x Serena: straight, protagonists of X and Y as well as rivals if not chosen. The player and the main rival are considered the two strongest fighters in the friendship group
• Adaman x Irida: straight, leaders of rival clans who love the Eeveelutions
• Misty x Erika: lesbian, tomboy x airhead
• Megan x Audie (and by extension, any normal peppy duo): lesbian, basically the above but with a heavier focus on hyper for the peppies than tomboy
• Mewtwo x Lucario: technically other because Mewtwo is genderless but they are technically different genders to each other, Pokémon with more “mystical” powers as well as having a lot of similarities (idk I’m not gonna list them here)
• Not character-specific but I’m gonna mention Delphox x Meowscarada: not officially straight, gay or lesbian but both look traditionally feminine and are seven times more likely to be male than female so it basically counts as a gay ship, magical witch who turned witch hunting against the witch hunters x physical stage magician
• Wednesday x Enid: lesbian, literally everyone’s favourite gay trope (I’m not talking about roommates I’m talking about the goth x prep contrast)
• Natsuki x Yuri: lesbian, “tsundere” x “yandere”
• Madoka Kaname x Homura Akemi: lesbian, basically prep x goth
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irislightsims · 7 months
Reto / Challenge: Townies make over 👀
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Mira el DESPUÉS / Watch the AFTER 👇
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-ESP- Pregunté en mi X/Twt si podía decirme los nombres de seis sims para hacerles un cambio de estilo. Este fue el resultado. Cabe resaltar que no cambie nada de su físico, solo su estilo de vestir, maquillaje, cabello y cejas. Eso sí, descargué algunos sims de la galería porque no los tenía en el juego, jeje. Les dejo el antes y el después. ¿Qué les parece el cambio? Al final de esta entrada, les dejo el CC que utilicé.
Gracias a quienes me dieron nombres ❤️
-ENG- I asked on my X/Twt if you could tell me the names of six sims so I could "make over" them. This was the result. I should say I didn't change anything about their bodie. I only change their style: dress, makeup, hair and eyebrows. I downloaded some sims from the gallery because I didn't have them in the game, hehe. I leave you the before and after. What do you think of their make over? At the end of this entry, I leave you the CC that I used.
Thanks to those who gave me names ❤️
-CC- Cassandra Goth EmmaHair - AH00B All EA Piercing Overrides - simkoos Goth is Rock Heels Boots - Blue Craving OVEX Glasses - Pralinesims Velvet Witch Dress - LunaLostSims
Kiyoshi Ito Winter crop puffer jacket - RONA SIMS Christian Hair - JohnnySims
Liberty Lee Audra Romper Simblreen2018 - Celebi88
Michael Bell Status quo (male top) - Wistful Castle Prince Hair - JohnnySims
Sergio Romeo Male Flannel - MadameRia
Zoe Patel HarukaHair - Imvikai Deja Vu Dress - Trillyke
Poses Model poses 2 - RatBoySims Model Poses - Atashi77
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readbyred · 3 years
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🗡️ Heroes of Olympus/Percy Jackson
💗hoo!girls x child of hades!reader
🔮 someone assuming you're dating octavian
🧿 someone assuming you're dating alabaster
🌩️ someone assuming you’re dating jason
🛡️someone assuming you’re dating reyna
🏝️ Total Drama
🏆Priya: asking for crush advice
🏆priya talking about her crush
🥤zee: asking for crush advice
💀scary girl: asking for crush advice
🍕chase: asking for crush advice
🍕chase x reader playlist (special)
🗯️ripper: asking for crush advice
🗯️ripper x calm!mute!fem!reader
🗯️ripper talking about his crush
🗯ripper x fem!gamer!asshole/crude!reader
🧪damien talking about his crush
📝millie talking about her crush
❤️‍🩹emma talking about her crush
👑bowie talking about his crush
🧟‍♀️axel asking for crush advice
📲julia x female!reader
🎨gwen x nonbinary!introvert!goth/punk!artist!reader
🌃 Starkid
👔 paul x male!reader
👔 paul x gn!musical fan!reader
👔 paul x male!craft store owner!reader
👔paul x selfharming!reader
cooking for you: CCRP employees x gn!reader
🕰️ ted x cat parent!reader
🕰️ hurt-comfort: ted x gn!reader
🍏 red string au: wilbur x reader
💫 The owl house
💗 toh girls x self harm!reader
✨ luz’s and reader’s first kiss
💥 edric x plus size!reader [jealousy]
🪞 religious trauma: gus x masc!reader
🔮 darius x gn!blight!reader
🎼 raine x tiger hybrid!reader
🐺 hunter x previously abused!reader
🐺 hunter and best friend!healing coven!reader
🐺 hunter x nb!reader
🐺 hunter x shy!fem!human!reader
🐺 protective/jealous!hunter x shy!fem!human!reader
🐺 yandere!hunter x shy!fem!human!reader
🐺 confession: hunter x nb!reader
🐺 cuddling: hunter x shy!fem!human!reader
🐺 religious trauma: hunter x masc!reader
🐺 grief comfort: hunter x reader
🐺 surprise kisses: hunter x shy!fem!human!reader
🐺 first kiss: hunter x reader
🌔 Tangled the series
🧪 varian x fem!nilou!reader
🧪 varian x fem!reader [helping in lab]
🧪 varian x male!cass’s bestie!reader
🧪 varian x witch!reader
🧪 varian x smitten!fem!reader
🧪 varian x masc!musician!reader
🧪varian date hcs
🧪 winter oneshot: varian x fem!reader
🦉 cassandra x fem!reader
🌞modern au!rapunzel x reader
💕everyone x sick!reader
🕸️ Wednesday
🤺 wednesday x gn!angry!reader
🤺 wednesday cuddles
🎀 enid cuddles
💎 bianca cuddles
☕️ tyler cuddles
🌿 Moomins
moomin characters x traveler!gn!reader
🍃 snufkin x gn!reader cuddling
🍃 snufkin x feral!reader
🍃snufkin x human!female!reader
💍 snorkmaiden x feral!reader
💍snorkmaiden x human!female!reader
🐾 sniff x feral!reader
🐾sniff x human!female!reader
☁️moomin x human!female!reader
🍄little my x human!female!reader
📘snork x human!female!reader
🌪️stinky x human!female!reader
[in progress...]
📝 Dear Evan Hansen
jared x gn!reader
coming out: jared x nonbinary!reader
makeup: jared x gn!s/o
break up: jared x gn!reader
summer camp: jared x gn!reader
🕯️ Encanto
🦋 madrigals and mirabel’s s/o
🐦‍⬛ Six of Crows
🪙 dates with kaz (sleepover special)
📻 Dead Poets Society
💗 Dead poets having strong feelings for a shy!reader
🎷charlie x shy!neurodivergent!reader
🎷being friends with charlie [moodboard]
🎷college!pining!charlie x college!pining!fem!reader
📻meeks x energetic!fem!reader
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Henderhopwheeler X Reader (Dustin Henderson X Jane Hopper/eleven X Mike Wheeler) Idea’s for you!
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Mike Wheeler~
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Jane Hopper/Eleven~
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Dustin Henderson~
Henderhopwheel X Maleficent!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Harley Quinn!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Hydrokinesis!Reader (inspired by Aang from the last Airbender)
Henderhopwheel X Pyrokinesis!Reader (you can make, manipulate or control dark blue fire)
Henderhopwheel X Scarlet witch!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Electrokinesis!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Chorokinesis!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Enchantress!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Vampire!Reader (inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
Henderhopwheel X Werewolf!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Demon!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Succubus!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Bisexual!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Sapphire witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but dark blue)
Henderhopwheel X Escape lab!Reader (you have scarlet witch powers but purple not red)
Henderhopwheel X Emerald witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but green)
Henderhopwheel X Rose witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but maroon pink)
Henderhopwheel X Raven!Reader (Inspired by Rachel Roth from titans)
Henderhopwheeler X Captain marvel!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Na’vi!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Echinda!Reader (your half-snake half-human)
Henderhopwheeler X Goth!Reader
Henderhopwheeler X Mute!Reader
Henderhopwheeler X Blind!Reader (inspired by Toph beifong from avatar: the last airbender)
Henderhopwheel X Russian!Reader (you don’t speak English but you understand it)
Henderhopwheel X British!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Siren!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Mermaid!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Tourette’s!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Male!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Solar witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but yellow)
Henderhopwheel X Amber witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but orange)
Henderhopwheel X Ghostface!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Yandere!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Famale!Demogorgan!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Ahmanet!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Mean!bully!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Deaf!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Wednesday!Reader (Jenna Ortega version inspired)
Henderhopwheel X Ghostrider!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Hargrove!Reader
Hendrrhopwheel X Sinclair!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Catwomen!Reader (inspired by the Hallie berry version)
Henderhopwheel X Egyptian goddess!Reader
Hendethopwheel X Telekinesis!Reader (your stronger than eleven and Vecna)
Henderhopwheel X Possessed!Reader (instead of will getting possessed by the mind flayer it was you and it effected you worse)
Henderhopwheel X Flayed!Reader (you were flayed along with Billy but worser than him)
Henderhopwheel X Punk!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Darkness witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but black not red)
Henderhopwheel X Cryokinessis!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Daki!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Nezuko!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Transgender!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Ashnikko!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Zombie!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Golden Witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but golden not red)
Henderhopwheel X Dragon!Reader (inspired by Siveth from DragonHeart: Vengeance)
Henderhopwheel X Female!Alastor!Reader (your Alastor from hazbin hotel but female, you have a human disguise so you blend in.)
Henderhopwheel X Beldem!Reader (your basically what the other mother is in coraline)
Henderhopwheel X Deadite Elle!Reader
(A/N: Hi hope you loved this make sure to go see my other posts i would recommend doing so because they can inspire you like this hopefully did all my posts can inspire you for when you need inspiration for x readers I would actually seriously recommend seeing my other posts you might find some inspiration YOUR WELCOME!:)
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Masterlist Beta trolls 2
♋ Karkat Vantas ❤
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Bad friend
Pregnancy 2
4 grubs
That sounds like you and me right there
Karkat Vantas♦️Reader headcanons Cattier
Monster under bed
Third party
Come out into the light
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Rogue of light
Blind date
No one has ever kissed them better, so I'm doing it now
It tastes better this way
Valentine's day
Some time later
New Year's Eve
Hot Chocolate
Special gift
I will never hurt you
Games in the snow
Swap bodies
Who did this to you?
Angel and demon
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Notebook
Valentine's day
Past lives
Meet in a dreambubble
Beach find
Soaked through
Knight and dragon
Happy Birthday
Escape from the lab
Karkat Vantas ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Sleepy
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Heinoustuck
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Experiencing a hard time
Karkat Vantas x male!Reader headcanons Hard time
♈ Aradia Megido ☠
Aradia Megido x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Aradia Megido x human fem!Reader headcanons Goth
Night on the beach
Indoor amusement park
Aradia Megido x fem goldblood!Reader headcanons Nepeta's help
Aradia Megido x troll fem!Reader headcanons Dating
♉ Tavros Nitram 🦽
Tavros Nitram x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Tavros Nitram x fuchsia!Reader headcanons Red feelings
♊ Sollux Captor 🐝
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Loud and outgoing
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Prince of heart
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Develops feelings
♌ Nepeta Leijon 🐱
Nepeta Leijon x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Nepeta Leijon x Reader headcanons Witch of light
Line without a hook
♍ Kanaya Maryam🧵
Kanaya Maryam x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Kanaya Maryam♦️Reader headcanons DOOM
♎ Terezi Pyrope 🐲
Terezi Pyrope x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Male!Terezi Pyrope x human fem albino!Reader headcanons Like the ancestors
♏ Vriska Serket 🎱
Vriska Serket x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Vriska Serket x Reader headcanons Artist
Vriska Serket x shorty!Reader headcanons
Vriska Serket x Reader headcanons Jealousy
Male!Vriska Serket x human fem albino!Reader headcanons Like the ancestors
♐ Equius Zahhak🥛
Equius Zahhak x Reader headcanons Pining for you
♑ Gamzee Makara 🎪
Gamzee Makara x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Best moirail
Gamzee Makara x Reader headcanons Toddler
♒ Eridan Ampora 🪄
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Pining for you
I love you, no matter how you look
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Overprotective
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Designer
Eridan Ampora ♦️ human!Reader headcanons Rogue of life
Rogue of Spase
Eridan Ampora x rustblood knight of space non-binary! Reader headcanons Dating
Eridan Ampora x seadweller male!Reader headcanons Inhabitant of the Depths
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Toddler
Eridan Ampora ♠️ human rage player!Reader headcanons
Eridan Ampora ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Sleepy
♓ Feferi Peixes 🐠
Feferi Peixes x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Male!Feferi Peixes x human fem albino!Reader headcanons Like the ancestors
Male!Feferi Peixes ♦️ purpleblood fem!Reader headcanons Descendants
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Tommy Slater (Fear Street)
- Fem!Reader
Tommy Slater x Short Fem!Punk/Goth S/O
The Witch's Cabin (Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)*** fic
First Times (Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)***
Oh That's... (Tommy Slater x Fem!Bisexual Reader)
Oh, That's Surprising (Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)***
Witch's Curse (Camp Nightwing Killer!Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)***
Every Little Thing She Does is Magic (Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)
Pizza and Movies (Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)***
You'll Have to Earn It (Tommy Slater x Mean Femdom!Sunnyvaler Reader)***
The Old Rivalry (Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)***
Cat Got Your Tongue (Possessed!Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)***
Brother Knows Best (Tommy Slater x Fem Goode!Reader)
Bunk Buddies (Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)
Late Night TV (Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)***
Nothing to Worry About (Tommy Slater x Sunnyvale Fem!Reader)
Tommy Slater x Trans Girl!Reader
- Male!Reader
Something to Tell You (Tommy Slater x Male!Reader)
- Gender neutral/non-binary/gender non-described!Reader
Dating Tommy Slater Headcanons
I Should've Walked Away (Tommy x Reader) fic
Tommy Slater x Curly Haired!Reader
Tommy Slater x Reader with Social Anxiety
Miss Perfect (Tommy x Reader) fic
Fooled Around and Fell in Love (Tommy x Reader) fic
Give Him a Chance (Tommy Slater x Reader)
Like David Bowie (Tommy Slater x Reader) fic
That Was Close (Tommy Slater x Reader)*** fic
Tommy Slater x Reader with ADHD
I Had To Do It (Tommy Slater x Reader) fic
Are You in There? (Tommy Slater x Reader)
Midnight Snack Run (Tommy Slater x Reader)
That's How You Wanna Play? (Tommy Slater x Reader)
All I Want Is To Be Next To You (Tommy Slater x Reader)
Truth or Dare (Tommy Slater x Reader)
I Thought I Lost You For a Sec (Tommy Slater x Reader)
Tommy Slater NSFW Alphabet
Monkey Suit (Tommy Slater x Reader)
You Wanna Bet? (Tommy Slater x Reader)
Cabin Comforts (Tommy Slater x Reader)
Tommy Slater x Plus-Sized/Thick!S/O
Drunken Confessions (Tommy Slater x Reader)
Frat Boy Tommy Slater Headcanons
Panty Thief (Tommy Slater x reader)***
Tommy Slater x Reader w/ Braces
Pizza and Aerosmith (Tommy Slater x Reader)
Tommy Slater Showering w/ S/O Headcanons
Carved in Stone (Tommy Slater x Possessed!Reader)
Tommy Slater Random Headcanons
Tommy Slater x Comforting his S/O on their Period Headcanons
Tommy Slater x S/O with a Cold
Wreck Him (Tommy Slater x Reader x Alice)*** fic
The Shadyside Werewolves (Werewolf!Tommy Slater x Shadyside!Reader)
Mad Thomas x Reader
Secrets (Mad Thomas x Fem!Reader)
Marry Me (Mad Thomas x Fem!Reader)
A Lie They Would Believe (Mad Thomas x Fem!Reader)
Kind Gestures (Mad Thomas x Fem!Reader)
Calloused Hands (Mad Thomas x Male!Reader)***
If Tommy and Thomas Met Headcanons
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tawnyafterhours · 3 years
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minors/ageless blogs dni - this is an 18+ blog & you will be blocked
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some things:
• requests are kind of open for drabbles/thirsts - if i have the brain juice for it then i’ll do it and ideas for future fics are very welcome, everything gets added to a notes doc soo…
• i love love love asahi, daichi and bokuto (haikyuu), tamaki, aizawa, dabi, spinner and shigaraki (mha), n jean and levi (aot).
• oikawa, shoto todoroki and ushijima are a hit or miss with me.
• i will not write for mineta, midnight or endeavour.
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masterlist below (everything is in posting order)
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•  7 Minutes in Heaven | Asahi Azumane x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, overstimulation, squirting, unprotected sex, creampie, size kink, mentions of body hair, friends to lovers, Sugawara being a twat, pining (?), Kuroo is an underdog wingman
Summary: Daichi and Suga decide to help Asahi out with his crush on you, with a game of seven minutes in heaven at a house party.
•  Burn | Fireman!Sawamura Daichi x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, size kink, overstimulation, Daichi being hung, fingering, your apartment burns down, unprotected sex, creampie, praise, yandere themes depending on the way you read it, fluff, strangers to lovers (?)
Summary: You’ve moved into the apartment complex across from friendly fireman, Daichi.
• Lost and Found | Familiar!Asahi Azumane x Witch Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, my own version of familiars and witches so don’t come for me, size kink, unprotected sex, creampie, pining, oral (fem receiving), squirting, overstimulation, horn play-ish (?)
Summary: Asahi finally finds where he belongs.
• Darling Best Friend | Alpha Asahi x Omega Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, overstimulation, squirting, unprotected sex, knotting, oral (male receiving), mentions of body hair, both alpha and omega marking/biting, size kink, pet names, mentions of omega depression
Summary: You and your sweet best friend admit your feelings for each other during a time of comfort.
•  pretty things | asahi x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, asahi really likes your rings, oral (male receiving), cum eating
•  cherry red | bokuto x reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, no gender specified but reader wears lipstick/lipgloss, brief oral mention (male receiving)
•  overwhelmed | tamaki x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, oral (female receiving), overstimulation, tamaki getting pussy drunk, (in)correct use of a quirk, tentacles, penetration, pet names
•  spooky | daichi x goth fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, pierced nipples, nipple play
•  helping hand | asahi x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, oral (both receiving), hair pulling
•  not enough | kuroo x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, fingering (female receiving), edging, unprotected sex, penetration, teasing
•  breaking point | daichi x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, reader is a tease, penetration, unprotected sex
• too good | jean x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, unprotected sex, overstimulation (male receiving)
• which do you prefer | asahi x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, nipple play, dry humping to an orgasm (male receiving)
• equal pleasures | bokuto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, oral (both receiving), overstimulation
• wet | tamaki x reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, shower handjobs (male receiving)
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lgbstims · 3 years
This is a masterpost of all my stimboards, organized by sexual orientation and flag. Flags created by other people have the original creator in parentheses, with “?” for unknown - please let me know if you do know who made it! 
LAST UPDATED: 12/1/21  
Rainbow flag (Gilbert Baker)
Rainbow pride - first post!
Pastel rainbow
LGB solidarity
POC solidarity
Pastel rainbow kidcore
Candy shop
Harry Potter  
Spider **TW Arachnophobia**
Mini kitchen
Kinetic sand
Slime & sand & soap
Pi Gay
Rainbow lesbian
Rainbow lesbian (@lgbstims)
Labrys flag (Sean Campbell):
Purple labrys
Asexual lesbian
Slime & sand
Painting & lettering
Microbiology/molecular biology
Pink/orange lesbian flag (@sadlesbeandisaster):
No knives/sharps
Paint spreading
Slime & sand
Big cats
Lipstick lesbian flag (Natalie McCray):
Lipstick lesbian
Makeup destruction
Sappho lesbian flag (@lydiandragon):
Sappho flag 
Femme lesbian: 
Femme - purple/pink (?)
Femme - pink/black
Makeup destruction
Butch - orange/yellow (@butchspace):
Butch lesbian
Fall/autumn+cats - TBD
Butch - purple/blue (?):
Ace butch
Other lesbian flags:
Lesbian (@proud-homosexual-woman)
Lesbian (@seven-of-borg)
Lesbian (@i-have-a-name-yes)
Lesbian (@lgbflagarchive)
Lesbian yonic venus/labrys (?)
Bambi lesbian (?)
Bambi, no food/knives
Ursula (@imoga-pride)
Autistic (@miss-shorty)
Desi/South Asian
Intersex (@duwang-flags-inc)
Vixenamoric (twt @viixenyy) 
Cottagecore (@politics-free-pride-edits)
Dark academia
Satanist (goth)
Ocean (twt @mawzzco)
Deep sea
Mermaid (@noodlemoved)
Pink lemonade (?)
Hufflepuff, no knives
Butch vampire (@pinkfemme)
Femme vampire (@pinkfemme)
Femme4butchgender (@felony-dykery)
Trans/cusper lesbian:
FTM lesbian (@miss-shorty)
Cat FTM lesbian (@miss-shorty)
FTM labrys (@miss-shorty)
Cusper lesbian (@actuallylgbt)
Cusper lesbian (@lesbiangaybisexual)
FTM4FTM (@actuallylgbt)
Gay male
Twink (?) 
Bear (Craig Byrnes)
Bear metallic 
Autistic (Twainbow)
Blue/green flag (@pride-color-schemes):
Gay male
Snake gay
HSTS/ MTF gay (@actuallylgbt)
Cusper gay (@lesbiangaybisexual)
Gay & Bi man solidarity
Bisexual (Micheal Page) 
No hands + paint
Bi slimes
Makeup destruction
Guinea pig
Vet tech
Social science
Pastel bi (?):
Pastel bi 
Hello Kitty
Bath bombs
Other bi:
Lavender bi
Cottagecore (@politics-free-pride-edits)
Cottagecore stag (@vrronica-sawyer)
Autumn stag (@vrronica-sawyer) - TBD
Tomcat bi (@vrronica-sawyer)
Candy corn
“” Bi Lesbian “”
Mostly purple
Ace bi
Ace bi + frogs
Trans bi (?)
T4t bi  
Mebman (?)
Gradient febfem (@psychopathvirgo): 
Cat febfem
Slime only
Lettering & slime
Other febfem:
Purple with food (?)
Purple witch (?)
Pastel febfem: x x  
Silk (@febfems)
Victorian Era silk (@febfems)
Spider silk (@febfems)
Cat tomcat
Bunny doe
Biologist doe
Medeival GNC
Asexual: x x  
Warrior wlw
Chronically ill sapphic (@lesbeux-moved)
Casino sapphic
Witchy/spooky ace wlw
Sapphic ace
Hufflepuff ace wlw
Halloween ace wlw
Lesbian x febfem (@federal-bureau-of-nerds)
Werewolf les x febfem (@federal-bureau-of-nerds)
Hufflepuff les x Slytherin febfem
Bisexual x lesbian Pokemon
Fictional characters
Bi Luna Lovegood (HP) 
Bi Ginny Weasley (HP) 
Febfem Tonks (HP)
Gryffindor Bi Hermione Granger (HP)
Gryffindor Bi Harry Potter (HP)
Slytherin Bi Draco Malfoy (HP)
Ravenclaw Lesbian Luna Lovegood (HP)
Ravenclaw Bi Teddy Lupin (HP)
Slytherin Ace Gay Scorpius Malfoy (HP)
Goth Bi Dracula (Dracula)
Lesbian Nina Sayers (Black Swan)
Bi Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Rainbow gay Mo (Zoey’s Playlist)
Lesbian Vanya Hargreeves (TUA): x x 
Clare Devlin (Derry Girls) 
Lipstick lesbian Santana Lopez (Glee)
Pastel bi Brittany S.Pierce (Glee)
Bi Kitty Pryde (X Men)
Bi Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
Femme Elsa (Frozen) 
Goth bi Marceline (Adventure Time)
Lesbian Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Lesbian Azula (ATLA)
Tomcat febfem Garnet (SU)
Doe bi Rose Quartz (SU)
Lesbian Pearl (SU)
Femme Lapis (SU)
Lesbian Adora (She-ra) 
Butch Catra (She-ra)
FTM febfem Bow (She-ra)
Bi Glimmer (She-ra)
Febfem Perfuma (She-ra)
Bi Kipo (Kipo)
Femme Draculaura (Monster High)
GNC Bi Yuri Rurikawa (A3!) 
GNC Bi Kashima Yuu (GSNK)
Lesbian Madoka (PMMM)
Febfem Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Ace lesbian Roserade (Pokemon)
Lesbian Ningguang (Genshin Impact)
Gay man Lan Wangji (CQL)
Xie Lian (TGCF)
Hua Cheng (TGCF)
Gay Shi Qingxuan (TGCF)
Fictional couples/ships
Idgie x Ruth (Fried Green Tomatos) 
Max x Anne (Black Sails)
Ann x Anne (Gentleman Jack)
Dani x Jamie (Bly Manor)
Ruby x Sapphire (SU)
Lovecore Catradora (She-ra)
Spinnerella x Netossa (She-ra)
Troy x Benson (Kipo)
Korrasami (LoK)
NezuShi (No.6)
HuaLian (TGCF)
ShuangXuan (TGCF)
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ceylon-writes · 3 years
Masterlist and Rules
3 characters at a time for hcs. Can do x reader ones also
Im not doing nsfw! no nsfw for any anime at this time (Don’t count on me knowing to to write it, new at it though).
1 character at a time for scenarios and imagines, unless it’s like a group, only 3 characters. (ex: Luffy, zoro, and nami go explore a island)
Send hate and I’ll delete and block you, not dealing with that bullshit.
Have fun! (responsibly)
I do reader x character only, no zoro x Sanji or anything like that.
Characters I can are any characters pre-zou arc. I don’t know any characters beyond that.
I mostly just do banana fish,trigun stampede and one piece, but I might do other anime if I watched them. Just ask in the inbox and I’ll say if I do or don’t.
* nsfw
Banana Fish
Ash- S/o is caught drawing S/o is saved from an uncomfortable situation S/o is a half demon What makes ash blush S/o is a secret badass s/o is sick relationship hcs s/o sleeptalks
s/o is clumsy s/o is ticklish
ash gets a charm bracelet s/o finds out they are a gang leader makeout hcs cuddle hcs what he smells like Eiji- S/o is caught drawing Eiji comforts s/o S/o is a secret badass what he smells like relationship hcs s/o sleeptalks s/o is ticklish eiji spoils s/o makeout hcs cuddle hcs Shorter- S/o is a secret badass Shorter spoils his s/o s/o a babysitter s/o is sick s/o is insecure roomates with shorter male s/o is gang leader what makes him blush hanukkah with shorter s/o sleeptalks s/o is clumsy short s/o shorter spoils s/o goth s/o s/o finds out they are a gang leader tattoo artist s/o affectionate s/o makeout hcs cuddle hcs shorter hcs prt 2 what he smells like shorter hcs s/o likes to take his glasses shorter is sick Shorter adopts a kitten s/o on her period makeout hcs s/o dies in front of him s/o main language is touch witch s/o S/o is saved from an uncomfortable situation Buff s/o Cain- witch s/o S/o is saved from an uncomfortable situation Buff s/o s/o is insecure goth s/o cain spoils s/o short s/o s/o finds out they are a gang leader what makes him blush cain hcs Yut Lung- eiji sister(s/o) gets kidnapped fashion designer s/o s/o is clumsy yut lung hcs y/n is a bodyguard what he smells like Sing- what he smells like
One piece
Of hellfire and hugs
Deep waters
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queen-of-films · 2 years
Marvel Women in Red Corsets: Is it Simply a Male Gaze or Feminist Statement?
In light of recent Women-Led Marvel films, I noticed a fashion streak of red and corsets. As many of us know, superhero films are commonly made by men, even films with a woman protagonist. I grew up watching powered women on-screen, I was even convinced that a superhero film focused on a woman was feminist which may not always be the case. Some Marvel films with powered women are criticized for catering to the male gaze (how the women are presented on-screen). While others may see the trend of red as a bold feminist statement.
1. Jennifer Gardner as Elektra in Elektra (2005)
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I loved watching Elektra as a kid as much as I love her red outfit. It took me a while to realize what Jennifer Gardner was actually wearing which was a red corset and satin red pants; to be honest I was more focused on her twin swai swords.
2. Famke Janssen as Jean Grey / Dark Phoenix in X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
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I also was not aware that Famke Jassen was wearing a corset. Mainly because when Jean Grey wears her red cloak it was a symbol of her transformation into the dark phoenix. It's only in this shot we are able to see her cloak open, revealing her corset and the nature of her destructive powers.
3. Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch in Civil War (2016), Infinity War (2018), and Endgame (2019)
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Scarlet Witch was already a badass superhero/villain, but Elizabeth Olsen's performance and outfits will make people remember Wanda in the MCU if they hadn't known her already. There's a slight shift in Wanda's outfit; she's known to wear red because it's her emblem color as is Elektra's and Dark Phoenix's. In her first appearance in Age of Ultron Wanda wore a red leather jacket with a black dress with some ripped black tights. I thought wow this woman is a mixture of punk and goth and I thought it awesome. As Wanda's powers become more enhanced we still see her with a red leather jacket, but with a corset. And just like Jean Grey's transformation into Dark Phoenix, we see Wanda in a witchy' attire in endgame when she attacks Thanos.
Overall, one might point out that the choice of red corsets could simply be a male gaze tactic since these films were directed by men. But, these three women wield ultimate power and strength that is meant to be threatening and empowering. It's bold to say that the fashion trend of red and corsets is feminist, after all, corsets have a history of making women feel bound by the patriarchy. But in contemporary society, women now own the corset, and in my opinion, Elektra, Dark Phoenix, and Scarlet Witch are owning their corsets.
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