#malfoy manor au
peachipies · 6 months
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spring day at the manor 🌷
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 22 - Off Script
@jegulus-microfic August 22, Word count 725
Previous part First Wolfstar part
Malfoy Manor was something else. While Potter Manor was warm and welcoming, the Malfoy residence screamed ancient money and proudness. It was almost gothic in appearance, a far cry from the idyllic oversized cottage the Potters owned. Regulus had been in it many times before and, just like Grimmauld Place, it was always cold. 
Regulus and Remus hadn’t been able to detangle the mirror’s magic, but they did manage to transform the silver into pewter, so at least the wolves could handle them. They didn’t have enough time for much more. 
“Right, so the plan is Regulus and Sirius go inside because they’ve been in the Manor before and the rest of us scout the perimeter.” Remus made sure they all understood the plan one final time. “Everybody needs to do their part, no going off script!” He pointed a finger at Sirius and James. “I mean it,” Sirius and James looked affronted but smartly didn’t say anything. “Alright, everyone?” 
“Right,” They all agreed. 
“Then good luck,” He shrugged, before pulling Sirius into a long, passionate embrace. Regulus screwed up his face at the smacking of his brother’s lips and was suddenly spun around himself, and dragged into James’s arms. 
“Don’t do anything stupid,” James warned once he’d pulled his face away from Regulus’s.
“Your concern is appreciated, but you are talking to the wrong Black brother,” Regulus smirked and kissed him one last time before extricating himself from James’s arms. “We’ll be in and out before you can say Quidditch,” He told him, and yanking his brother away from Remus’s grabby hands he flung the invisibility cloak over them and began to walk down the path towards the house. 
They got inside via a side door with no trouble but kept wary eyes open for any of the family skulking around and headed deeper into the manor. 
Sirius was sniffing the air with each step, it was loud and irritating, and if it wasn’t vitally important that Sirius did it, Regulus would have hexed him by now. 
“There’s definitely one here,” Sirius whispered. He sniffed again, angling his head to the side. “I think it’s higher up. Another floor at least.” They found the marble staircase and climbed it. 
Voices made them pause at the top of the stairs. Torches burst into life as someone walked towards them. 
“The Dark Lord has made it abundantly clear that we wait for his instructions. If we go attacking Aurors willy-nilly we will squander our upper hand.” Lucius’s bored drawl echoed slightly off the walls. He was walking with Patrick Parkinson. 
“It was Mad Eye though. He’s so far up Dumbledore’s arse I’m surprised he can even see us when he’s firing off curses. Those damn flaming chickens would crumble without that nutter watching out for them.” Parkinson laughed harshly. 
“Be that as it may, the Dark Lord has given specific instructions, and we must abide by them,” Lucius continued as they descended the stairs Regulus and Sirius had just climbed. 
They didn’t dare speak, even after they were sure they were gone. Sirius took Regulus’s hand and tugged gently, getting him to move from where they’d been plastered against the wall. Sirius started up his sniffing again, but gentler now. 
They’d just rounded the corner of the corridor when Sirius planted his feet and breathed in deeply. 
“It’s nearby,” Suddenly Sirius wasn’t standing next to him and a great black dog was in his place. Regulus had to cover his mouth with his hand to stop the yelp that nearly escaped him at the sight of the bear-like dog. He knew his brother was an animagus, but James had failed to mention just how big he was. He looked like a Grim. 
Padfoot made quick work of hunting down the Horcrux's location and transformed back into Sirius. “It’s in there,” Sirius whispered as Regulus caught up. Sirius pushed the door open and walked in. Regulus followed closely behind him, concealed by the invisibility cloak. 
The room was dark apart from one candle in the corner near a small bookcase. Sirius sniffed again and turned his head at the bookcase. He took one step towards it. 
“Sirius?” Narcissa spoke from the chair on the other side of the candle, a book resting on her lap. “What are you doing here, Sirius?” Regulus felt his blood run cold.
Next part
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dramioneasks · 5 months
Hiii, so I've been looking for fanifcs like Secrets and Masks for a very long. Like Hermione had been captured by the Dark Lord's army and sent to the Malfoy Manor. I would love it if Draco was also dark and powerful with angst and has to be a slow burn. It could be like they both are fighting and hating each other in the beginning. Especially, it has to be a HEA because my fragile heart can't bear it. I would love it if some of you all give some suggestions or recommendations.
Captured - HiraethsHome - M, 44 chapters, Words: 175,704 - Hermione will do anything to save those she loves, including giving herself over to the Death Eaters as prisoner. But when Draco abducts her in an effort to bait Harry Potter and return to the Dark Lord’s good graces, they’re both surprised to find that while neither can give the other what they want, maybe they’ll be able to find what they need.
Nightmares and Nocturnes By: olivieblake - M, 31 chapters, Words: 238,056 - A story per night to save her life. Dramione, dystopian post-war AU. HEA. COMPLETE.
Malfoy Manor gone wrong By: Miamii - T, 43 chapters, Words: 119,682 - Dobby’s rescue mission wasn’t as successful as one hoped. Ron can’t free Hermione before the Dark Lord arrives and has to flee without her. Hermione is left at Malfoy Manor with the Dark Lord and his absurd ideas of punishment for the Malfoys for Potters escape. This story follows the storyline of the book up till chapter “Malfoy Manor” in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Manor of Conception by psiphifan - E, 25 chapters - For not identifying Harry, Ron and Hermione at the manor when they are kidnapped by snatchers, Malfoy must serve his punishment in the strangest of ways. This shame will forever haunt him and the Malfoy name forever. The new relationship that develops is not what anyone expects, however.WARNING: Detailed depiction of rape in the second chapter. Please do not read if this bothers you. You have been warned (I hate to say it, but it’s been categorized as such.)
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dungeonbatsev · 5 months
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baby snape and lucius as head boy (*´ω`*)
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ksu-shusha · 2 years
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Lucius and Hermione😈🔥
Sketch for the #daddymonday challenge in telegram. Hope I will make a color version too❤️
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penetroxart · 2 years
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Teaching Moment
((Content warning: Beating, Control / Forced violence))
((Promptspiration: @week-of-whump 2023: October 11: Reluctant Whumper / "Hit them harder." ))
Whumpee: Draco // Lucius
Whumper: Lucius // Voldemort
Caretaker: --
Whump type: Beating / Domination / Psychological
Fic type: "Prisoners in Malfoy Manor" alternate history
((words: ~1600))
"It seems the boy doesn't learn. Lucius?"
There was a sensation of laughter around the table of Death Eaters, although nothing quite audible, more of a smirk hanging in the air. Silently, he pushed himself to his feet. He saw Draco clench his jaw, but he didn't try to argue his way out of it. Maybe he actually was learning.
He quietly held out his hand for Narcissa's wand. She was resistant; she didn't want to contribute to Draco's torture. He couldn't blame her, but they both knew he had no choice. If he didn't, someone else would do something much worse. She did finally pull her wand from her sleeve after a delay that, hopefully, the others around the table didn't notice.
Their master interrupted. "That won't be necessary, Lucius."
He stopped with his hand just on her wand and looked up. "My lord...?"
"You won't need that." He tilted his head slightly toward the wand. "Punish him."
Lucius went still. Punish him. He meant 'hit him'.
"You're familiar, aren't you?" His voice was coldly amused. Privately amused; the Dark Lord and Narcissa were the only ones in the room who knew exactly how familiar he was with the concept. "Or do you need a reminder? Mulciber?" He glanced down the table toward their smirking Imperius specialist.
...It would be easier to be Imperiused. He wouldn't have to know what he was doing. Maybe he should let them...
But Mulciber had been a sadist with the Imperius even before he went to Azkaban for fifteen years; his creative tortures were what he was known for during the first war. Now, after giving Dementors fifteen years of his life, he was broken in some way, little more now than a vehicle for sadism. There was no telling what he might make him do if he had him under his control.
"No," he said, and stepped around the table.
Draco was controlling his reactions, but had still developed a little frown between his brows. He was an admittedly-spoiled boy from a good Pureblood family, sheltered and insulated from the dirty realities of a rougher life. He had seen and experienced terrible, bloody, even unforgivable curses... but physical violence? Even when he saw it, it was something that belonged to the Muggles and the brutes, not their kind. It was so far outside his reality he couldn't even comprehend. He didn't even really understand to be afraid.
Lucius wished that didn't have to change.
He stepped in front of Draco. Draco took a subtle breath and lifted his chin, trying to say he was ready. He didn't realise this would be easier for him if he didn't try to be strong.
He backhanded Draco across the face without giving him any more time to prepare.
Draco gasped sharply and held his face, turned away, while the others in the room cheered or jeered. Someone hooted, but Bellatrix called out "Weak!"
In a second, Draco recovered his wits and stood straight again; he sought his eyes again, but this time he seemed uncertain, seeking reassurance he only wished he could provide. There was a smear of blood and an uneven scratch on Draco's cheekbone; it seemed his ring, the same signet ring Draco wore, had caught into his cheek and cut him. It was unintentional, but maybe that blood would satisfy them...
"Well?" The Dark Lord behind him sounded almost bored.
Of course. Because he didn't mean 'hit him'. He meant 'hit him until I tell you to stop'.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, turning his ring around to face his palm in the only act of mercy he could provide.
It had to be real; there were enough of them there that would know if it were not. So he didn't hold back, much, when he punched Draco in the stomach. He caught him by the shoulder when he doubled over, wheezing, forced him back up and held him in place so he could punch him in the face. Now the Death Eaters were entertained.
It wasn't a fair contest. Even if Draco were fighting back -- even if Draco knew how to fight back -- he was smaller, weaker, softer. He might not be a child anymore, but he wasn't a man, either; he was just a boy taking his first exploratory steps into a life of violence he thought he wanted, without a real appreciation of what it meant. Stress had made him sickly, and, if it could be said Azkaban had done the same to his father, well, they hadn't been starting from the same place.
Draco twisted out of his hand, backing away a step, holding his stomach and ducking his head, trying to catch his breath. He kept one arm raised defensively, like he could hide behind it. Apparently they had already found the limit of his resolve.
"I get it," Draco panted. "I won't do it again." Behind them, one of the Lestranges laughed something about his endurance, and Draco flushed, but didn't look.
"What do you think, Lucius?" the Dark Lord asked languidly. "Has he learned his lesson?"
He watched Draco expressionlessly; Draco was looking at him furtively, like he didn't want to be seen watching. "I believe so, my lord," he said evenly.
"Do you?" He knew by the amused tone that that was the wrong answer. "I doubt it."
He didn't have to be directed to carry on. And Draco was smart enough to understand it. He stepped up to grab him, and Draco automatically tried to step back out of his reach, but he wasn't quick enough. He grabbed his arm and yanked him back into his fist. He tried to avoid his face, but when Draco doubled over to protect his ribs he didn't have much choice.
Their audience laughed and cheered. "Maybe the old Lucius is still in there," Rabastan commented. "Underneath all that domestication."
Draco managed to pull away from him, sporting a split lip and a livid red mark over the side of his face that would bruise spectacularly. "Stop!" he snapped, backing away, because his instinct when he couldn't handle something was to try to give orders. That was a bad instinct here.
His walking stick was flicked to him; he caught it by instinct, and then he stared at it in his hand. And so it was -- the transformation was complete. If he followed through with this silent command, the Dark Lord had fully turned him into his father.
Draco shook his head, pulling away. "Don't..." he begged quietly.
He would give anything to have a choice.
There was the slightest tremble in his hand holding the stick, until he willed it away. He had to focus not on that he couldn't be doing this, but that he must.
He brought the cane down across his ribs. Draco didn't have the experience or the instincts to properly protect himself; he kept leaving himself open, exposing vulnerable points that must occasionally be exploited. Finally, Draco fell to his knees and half sprawled on the floor under a final blow that clipped him in the side of the head.
Stay down, he pleaded mentally. Stay down and let this be over.
But he didn't. Draco slowly pushed himself up on his arms, breath shaking and keeping his face down, but still trying. He was too stubborn.
Or too dutiful... He thought that getting up again was what was expected of him. A strangling hand clenched around Lucius' heart.
The only thing he could think to do to keep him down, he stepped firmly on his hand, and at Draco's pained hiss, he brought the stick down across his side and back again. There was a wet crunch he felt more than heard; it had happened too quickly, he didn't know if it was his hand or his arm, but something had broken.
With a cry, Draco bowed tightly over his hand toward the floor, shielding his head, no longer trying.
The stick came down on the exposed back of his neck, for good measure.
"That will do, Lucius," the Dark Lord interrupted, tone light and amused. "We can't have you killing the boy." Bellatrix tittered amongst the other amused reactions; that sound in particular grated.
"As you wish, my lord." His voice sounded empty to his own ears. He stepped back. Draco didn't move. He was huddled on the floor, hiding his head, trying to be a small target -- he was learning after all. A few drops of blood were appearing on the floor in front of him.
There was no consideration of helping him, even to stand. Any hint of kindness toward his son would be weakness for them to exploit. Any, any emotion would give them a way in. He couldn't give them that. He couldn't show anything. All of the hatred, the rage, the dark memories, the disgust and shame and fear and looming despair that turned his blood to ice, he methodically isolated and packed away into a small corner of his mind where even the Dark Lord would have to try to find it, where he could hold it at bay and focus. Where they could not make his hands shake or make him sick or make him hit something far more deserving.
If they could be convinced that he did not care, they would have no reason to do it again.
Calling on thirty years of Occlumency and forty years of self-restraint, he calmly wiped blood from the serpent-handle of the cane and his ring which had worked its way back around at some point, and turned away from Draco.
His hands ached.
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lyxyhii · 1 year
To promote my book, "summer loving," on Wattpad, heres a chapter!! This is chapter three, party. I will link the hole story at the end. It is fairly new and getting updates almost everyday. Hope everyone enjoys this!!
WARNINGS:underage Drinking, parties, making out, betrayal, sexual mentions. Name calling.
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I woke up to here chaos downstairs. They must be setting up. My clock said "10:15" so it makes sense.
I walked downstairs to see draco and his friends setting things up. Like a beer pong table and a mini bar.
Draco looked over at me standing there and said, "did I awake sleeping beauty?"
"Atleast you think I'm pretty." I joked.
He turned away, is he... blushing? What the actual fuck.
I'll ignore it..
I went back upstairs and called Bessy. Begging the goodie girl to come to a party.
She has gone to 1 party, blacked out, and found herself in a bathtub. Since then, she said she'd never go to one again.
I told her that her lovely crush, Blaise, will be there. As soon as those words left my mouth, she was on way there.
I helped set up a bit, ate a late lunch, than I looked at the time "5:23 PM."
"I'm going to get dressed," I said, excusing myself.
I heard giggling as I left, draco and his friends whispering something to one another.
I grabbed the one dress I could wear to a party. Surprise surprise, it was green.
I rarely got to wear any color other than blue and yellow. So I might as well wear the dress I bought years back for the first time.
It was a forest green dress with a built in corset. It went to my mid-thigh, a little shorter. It showed my cleavage and held them up a bit. Like a push-up bra
After slipping the dress on, I put some black heels on.
I curled my dark brown hair and blushed my slightly freckles cheeks.
I'm planning on getting fucked up tonight. I locked my bedroom door, to prevent people trying to hook up in it.
I walked downstairs to see alot of people had shown up. Most I've seen at parties before.
Scanning the crowd, I saw Bessy. She was hidden by the big shelves. Looks like she's looking for me.
"Well. Why are you coming downstairs in the Malfoy Manor? Did you stay the night with Draco or?" Bessy questions.
I let out a breath and said,
"I'm forced to stay with him this summer. Our parents are best friends and went on vacation together."
"OHHH okay," she said with a relieved face. "I thought you hooked up with the one dude you hate the most."
"It's very much a thing I don't dream of, Bessy," I laughed.
That could be seen as I lie. I wouldn't mind hooking up with Draco. I mean he's hot and cocky.
Arrogant and rude. But at the same time. He's athletic and can cook. He's one hell of a man.
We danced a bit, than I wanted to get a drink. I walked towards the make shift bar as got a shot of tequila.
I took 2, no 3 shots. After that I kinda lost all consciousness I had.
I was very gone. Drunk.
Bessy walked me around, making sure I was safe. She was my sober friend.
"You~ your so pretty bess" I said loudly, sluring my words.
"You really are drunk," she was dying of laughter.
I began to dance and run around, Bessy losing me every second. I ended up at the bear pong table some how.
I won the two games I played. What can I say, I've done that game alot.
There was a truth or dare circle on the sofas and do decided to join. Draco was sat with the group as well.
"Clara, truth or dare?" Asked a girl named ginny.
"Hmm~truth," I slurred with a smirk.
"Would you fuck anyone in this group?" She giggled.
I looked around. My drunk ass was going to say Draco. It was the truth. But I chose to just say,
"My turn, Draco, truth or dare?" Asked pansy.
I'm pretty sure her and draco dated for a bit. Hooked up for sure.
"Dare." He said.
"I dare you to kiss who you find hot for 30 seconds," her little giggles interrupted each word.
He looked around for abit than walked over to me, kissing me.
I was so gone. Sober me would have pushed him away and called my parents to come home. But drunk me on the other hand.
After 30 seconds, he pulled away and wiped his lips. Which we're now covered in my lipstick.
He walked back to his seat and sat down. he wiped the lipstick off his lips with his shirt.
Pansy looked angry. I don't know if they are broken up or it's a hookup thing but she was pissed.
I wiped my lips a bit, my lipstick was smeared all over.
"Truth or dare Clara!" Pansy said with an angry tone.
"Truth, again," I said calmly. I was so unaware how mad she was.
"Are you actually a whore?" He anger boiled over.
"That's to fucking far pansy," draco fought back.
"It's fine," I spoke for myself. "I'll answer.. I'm not a whore. But I mean if Draco, your crush, wants to hook up with me. you should really think why he doesn't want your ass in bed and myn instead."
She threw a punch at my face, I dodged it and pushed her onto the couch and threw a punch that will definitely leave a bruise.
I got off her and said "call me a whore all you want. Your just mad I can get it and you can't."
I laughed and walked towards draco with a little trip once and awhile.
I grabbed his black tie and pulled him up from his seat.
"I'll show you a whore bitch." I said and I kissed him.
I pulled away and grabbed Blaise and began to kiss him and draco back and forth.
Everyone claps for me and once I'm done, the best friends look at eachother in happy shock.
I walked away and Bessy followed after me.
"What. The. Fuck Clara!" She yelled.
"What?" I said confused.
"You don't kiss you best friends crush to prove a point to some bitch?!" She yelled.
I had forgotten she had a thing for Blaise. I'm so blinded by being drunk I forgot.
"I'm sorry bessy..i forgot in the moment." I tried to apologize.
"Once you are sober, than come talk to me," she stomped away.
I walked outside and sat against a pillar. How could I?
All I do is ruin perfect things.
I heard the backdoor open, I was just blanked out staring.
"Hey." A familiar voice said.
It was Draco.
"Hey," I said softly back.
"Are you okay? It's cold out here and your in just your short dress." Draco asked as he sat next to me.
"I ruined me and my best friends relationship, all to get revenge on pansy," I muttered.
I began to cry a bit.
I shivered a bit, he was right. It's cold as balls.
He put his coat over my shoulders. Trying to warm me up.
"Blaise isn't for Bessy. Bessy doesn't understand Blaise is well...very active." He joked.
I wiped my tears and let a little laugh out.
"I love her but he would ruin her life," I said. "Just how do I tell her that?"
"You don't. Let her find out the hard way," He tried to comfort me the best he could.
"Come inside. It's late and I think you should get to bed." He said, helping me to my feet.
He walked me inside and took me up to my room. I unlocked my door and he laid me down on my bed.
He turned to walk away when I grabbed him and kissed him.
I pulled away quickly and began to apologize frantically.
"I'm...I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me," I explained.
"Your okay. Goodnight Clara. Sleep well." He said as he closed my door and left.
I changed into some pajamas and locked my door again, I don't want some people trying to hook up coming in when I'm sleeping.
I cried for a couple hours. I ruined a perfect friendship. One of my only friends down the drain.
Once I felt ready for bed, I tried to sleep but it's a party.
I heard some kissing and moaning coming from dracos room. Maybe some people just snuck in.
That was till I heard a moan.
"Oh!! Oh god draco!!!"
What did I expect, he was going to hook up with someone. Just..I kinda wished it was me.
I tried to ignore it and went to bed. Tonight was... horrible and wonderful at the same time.
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weirdraccoon · 1 year
After fighting a bunch of dark wizards that attacked Black Manor.
Sirius *regretfully*: Murder wasn't on today's agenda.
Lupin: It's not on anyone's.
MC *who'd been flying above them and stepped in when she saw dark wizards attacking her son's boyfriend's guardian*: No, it's on mine, just not until next Friday.
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New WIP on ao3!!! Chapter 1 is posted now! Get ready for Death Eater Hermione.
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rarepears · 2 years
The Malfoy Manor X Weasley Burrow fic idea you never asked for...
But KK (aka @keyboardkn0t) proposed the idea in the first place. So blame her.
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@marbelcrossovers is calling the kettle black when she's 100% the pot
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littlewinnow · 9 months
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Au where the malfoys move away from the manor, scorp goes to preschool (harry + albus r there too??) and they explore the muggle world???
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time travel fix it au where 6th year draco, rather than fixing the vanishing cabinet to bring death eaters, turns it into a time portal to warn his 11yo self not to trust his father
exiting the cabinet's pair in borgin & burkes in 1991 and apparating into the manor, the wards recognizing him. appearing before his younger self tired, gaunt and traumatized.
his younger self is afraid of this man who looks to be on the brink of madness, whose hair is limp and unkempt, whose eyes rove, unable to focus on one point. this man who reminds him so much of his aunt bella, but looks so much like his mother. like himself.
17-year-old draco is frantic and desperate. shaking his younger self in bouts of anger and fear. "you must listen," he repeats. don't trust father. forget everything he's taught you. there's no honor in the malfoy name. blood purity will destroy you. don't trust him. listen to me. please. please listen to me.
the moment you can, you need to leave the manor. it's not safe here. you can't trust anyone, not in slytherin, not in the sacred 28. they'll turn you in. find somewhere safe, away from here. please listen.
"what about mother" his younger self asks. he's afraid. afraid of the version of himself who looks, acts like this. afraid of the things that are being asked of him. afraid to lose himself.
older draco breaks down in a sob. its the cry of a broken man, one who's lost everything. his fingers dig painfully into 11-year-old draco's shoulders.
"she let me become this," he says. "she told me she loves me, but she let me become this."
he cries and cries and cries.
young draco agrees to change his fate, if only to stop the loud sobs that are bound to attract attention.
it's like a switch flips, and older draco stops crying. he looks at his younger self, and suddenly his face is full of life. it's like he's glowing.
"i can feel it," he says in an awed whisper. "can't you? you've done it already."
and then he disappears.
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dramioneasks · 2 months
Hi first thank you for what you do for the dramione fandom. You are so appreciated ❤️
I was wondering if you could help me find a fic I’ve read years ago. I’ve been looking through the tags the fics and just can’t find it anywhere. I think it starts as a 6th year fic where Dumbledore manipulates Snape’s class to where her and Draco are partners. They become friends then start dating I believe. Draco goes on the run with them and helps them collect the horcruxs. Towards the end of the fic they end up in Malfoy manor and Draco somehow dies. Hermione realizes that the deathly hallows are real and that she has them all in hand and murders everyone and is in power. Then it’s back to Dumbledore talking to death to try again and restarts the book over again to cannon but with dramione end game.
Edit: Thanks!! I didn't know the series ended like that!
shadowwillow: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6476650/chapters/14825365 I believe it’s Clean by olivieblake part one of two. secretsofcirce: Marked by Olivie blake shippingvssanity: It‘s actually a series ;) I think all in all there are 3 fics
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longdaytogo · 1 year
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the boy in the portrait
@hotchnaur wrote a fic for this!
This is based off a little snippet I wrote which honestly isn't much (since I have absolutely no writing skills) but was more of a "I need to write this down before it disappears forever from my brain" kind of rush.
This takes place in an AU where Draco didn't make it out of the Fiendfyre, but the war is won and done. The Ministry has ordered a cleanup and seizes pureblood residences, namely Malfoy Manor, and Harry volunteers to inspect the property. He doesn't know why he did, but still apparates to the front gate, in a sort of trance since the Room of Requirement incident, not fully understanding why he's feeling so.
As he walks up the spiraled stairs and down the long corridors, it hits him that he's in the Malfoy ancestral home, the very place where Draco grew up. The eerie quiet is interrupted by the sound of a child crying and murmured shushes from a further corridor up the path. When he follows the sound, he's greeted by a long line of portraits, all old and dead, glaring at Harry before sharply turning and disappearing into their paintings.
He continues down the path until he gets to the very last portrait—a young boy crying, fisted hands covering his face. The other portraits tell him to "pipe down that noise" before vanishing, leaving only Harry and the young boy. When Harry approaches the smaller boy in the portrait to ask if he's alright, he stops dead in his tracks. It's Draco. A much younger Draco who looks to be around 6 or 7, much smaller than his first year at Hogwarts with his signature white blond hair and not-so-pointy chin.
Young Draco sniffles, wipes away his tears, and looks up at Harry, confused about who he is. He asks where his mother and father are and how lonely he is here. He explains how he "woke up" one day in this portrait and feels scared. How all the other portraits (namely Great Great Aunt Belvina and Grandfather Cygnus) won't answer his questions and only tell him to be quiet.
Harry stares at the younger Malfoy absentmindedly. He tells Draco he's here to stay for a while and asks if he has any messages for Lucius and Narcissa. "They're out right now but they'll be back shortly," he says, and young Draco's eyes light up. Draco finds a willing listener in Harry and tells him about how sad he is here, how delightfully boring it is, about his new toy dragon from Diagon Alley and about that one time Pansy and Theo fell face first in a puddle of mud as he and Blaise had watched, giggling while saying so.
Harry quietly listens, noticing he still points his nose up tauntingly while teasing and the way his haughty air or confidence seems to permeate the conversation. Harry tries to absorb all that he can, overlapping this young Draco with his Draco—noticing their similarities and difference where one is all childlike innocence and laughter, while the other only a mere husk of a boy towards his final days.
Young Draco tells Harry about his first flying lesson and his new broomstick when he suddenly asks if Harry knows "Harry Potter." Shocked, Harry asks how he knows the name when Draco, going a bit red in the ears, replies back how he's going to be Harry's best friend at Hogwarts ("once my letter arrives in a few years!") he says proudly. He tells Harry how he's made father buy out all the books on "Harry Potter" and how mother reads them to him nightly.
Draco makes Harry promise not to tell anyone, sharing that he only revealed it to so because he had shared so much already. Harry promises and, feeling a bit disheartened, says he needs to go, but he'll come back soon. Young Draco pouts and whines but understands, reminding Harry to pass along the message to Lucius and Narcissa. He waves goodbye, on the promises of "I'll see you later," and disappears into his portrait. Harry watches the boy vanish, then turns to leave down the corridor he came.
Walking down the stone path back to the gate, he recalls a boy with teary eyes surrounded by scorching flames and another boy dreaming of befriending the Boy Who Lived. He leaves Malfoy Manor feeling choked and a little worse than when he arrived.
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handledwithgloves · 2 months
drarry au where draco is hiring an artist to paint him as the new head of malfoy manor/family whatever after lucius steps down and he goes to his family’s old painter guy but hes like too old and sends his apprentice instead who is dundun no surprise harry who had taken to painting as a therapy and ended up falling in love with the art now harry has to spend howevr long at malfoy manor or wherever draco is staying and finish his commission
they fall in love
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