#mama don't worry
bankrollxbarbie · 6 months
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
Okay, so, if I'm reading correctly, they meet Raph after catching Oozesquitoes for Big Mam, yeah? If so, who catches Leo when Draxum yeets him from the roof?
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Donnie came to the rescue instead! Of course, that left a certain box turtle on his own inside the building:
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but he's doin ok :]
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Death Warrant!Au
When the rejuvenating, life-extending effects of ectoplasm to the dead and dying was discovered by planets across the stars, it triggered mass conflicts that left several systems obliterated beyond repair. Hundreds of Billions had migrated to the Realms in numbers that were never seen before by the residence of the dead. They had various forms of damage and disfigurement on their new forms as a result of the ectoplasm being weaponized and used on them. Their very beings were corrupted beyond repair with their minds significantly altered with highly specified obsessions.
• Peoples from the destroyed worlds being so afraid that they lashed out, ripping anything that saw them to pieces out of fear of being attacked.
A serpentine creature of the Realms eagerly stalking them and fed upon their cores to grow stronger.
• Soldiers of these races were hell-bent on continuing to fight and proceeded to attempt subjugate this dimension that was new to them. Their rage guiding them blindly as they left paths of destruction throughout the realm.
A beast, wrongly slaughtered in the early madness of an delicate fledgling world that happened to be rich with ectoplasm followed the warpath and basked in the rage.
Eventually, more creatures like them came to prominence as a result of these strange new victims. Being aspects of emotion that were born from the masses in the war.
The Ghost King during this time period could not sit idly by and watch these newly born ghosts run rampant and terrorize his kingdom. With a heavy heart and a weapon in hand, a call to arms was called and the purge of these beings began. It tooks thousands of years, but when the last corrupted ghost was destroyed, the King took to the realm of living and wiped away all traces of the Realms from the minds of the survivors with all recollections of this terrible war for ectoplasm erased from history.
As his rested his eyes one final time, before the Tyrant would cowardly claim his life, made a major, sacred declaration that all citizens was made:
• If any hostile, mutant ghosts were to be found, they were to captured and examined by the king's council to await judgement. If they are too dangerous to restrain and seek bloody violence, they are to be destroyed.
• Any scientists trying to use ectoplasm for endangering life were to be have their memories erased and put to the sword for their crimes.
• Anyone foolish enough to Defy Death using ectoplasm, the greatest violation of the laws in the infinite Realms, they were to be put to death as and immediately given their Second End.
~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~
When Pariah Dark, the Cowardly Tyrant King, is defeated and Danny fianlly takes the throne after a few centuries of training, the Observers hand him a compiled a list of names who violated these sacred laws.
They have him start with Earth and Danny's jaw hits the floor with what the charges he was seeing. He can already hear the chaos in the meeting room.
• Amanda Waller, Vandal Savage, Darkseid, Granny Goodness, a court of owls(?)...the list is long, and that's just Earth alone!
• Jack "The Goddamn Joker" Napier and a few of the more violent Rouges of Gotham are charged with Veil Destabilization.
Even Jason Peter Todd Wayne...the Red Hood!? Danny can probably work something with Jason, force him into therapy sessions (along with the whole damn family) with Jazz and a couple cleansing sessions and supplements from Frostbite...the others had to go...
The continued slaughter of the innocent, combined with the suffering they endured and the misery felt by Shades who couldn't move on was making the veil deteriorate at dangerous speeds. New pits would form across the city eventually as a result.
Lady Gotham has done everything she can to keep the madness from happening but she can't hold it back any longer. Her core is ready to shatter under the stress and is constantly in agony, but she won't abandon her knights, despite Danny's pleas to save herself.
There's a certain brigade of furry's who may or may not like this news but said brigade had no choice but to take it on the chin. They have children who Defied Death in their ranks and the Realms are not afraid to destroy anyone foolish enough to stop them.
• Lex Luther is charged with crimes against humanity. And several other violations in regards to unethical experimentation.
One sticks out to Danny.
Lex used Danny's stolen DNA from a stray core shard from the Guys in White, who he was was funding in secret, even after they were disbanded, to create a clone comprised of the Earth's resident Kryptonian, the bald bastard, and himself to kill and replace said Kryptonian...the guy who literally helps save the earth time and time again from doom.
...Yeah, Lex is undoubtedly, fucked beyond total comprehension. Anyone defending him was risking all-out war with the Infinite Realms.
But hey, at least Danny was finally having child of his own! The little tyke is only a few years old in the tube, Ellie's visits are far and in-between and Danny's status as a Halfa made him sterile and develop an embarrassingly strong case of baby fever.
He's sure the ghosts from Krypton would love to help out in raising Conner in case Kal-El wasn't really planning on being around the boy. After all, being cloned himself, Danny knows the emotional baggage that comes with being violated to this degree by your enemy.
He just hopes the guy can come around and accept the little guy...
#dp x dc#dc x dp#dp x dc prompt#dp x dc crossover#justice league#danny phantom#my prompts#Death Warrant!Au#I've seen fics were Danny Time Travels to fix things#I've also read were he gains amnesia so he accidentally lives in the past until he remembers who he is#Lex Luthor is a bitch with a very slappable bald head that Danny is gonna smack the soul out of#Danny is gonna hook up Jason with therapy from Jazz and cleansing sessions with Frostbite#When Damien is finally born and with Bruce is the day everyone in the League of Assassins is gonna get wiped off the face the fucking Earth#You don't fuck with the abyss because it'll do more than simply look back#Eldritch Mama Bear!Danny#Conner is gonna be spoiled rotten#If Damien is also partially Danny's kid he wont wait and waste the League the second he can grab him#Being the 'Demon's Head' doesn't mean jackshit when the ectoplasm youve been uskng is the equivalent of used toilet water#Bruce Wayne x Danny Fenton x Clark Kent#Clark was worried his many times great grandfather was hitting on him#But Danny told him that he helped save krytpon and found the house kf El so there no blood relation#Due to amnesia inflicted during his time traveling Danny accidently created the embodiments lf Emotion from each Lantern Corps#Danny's first anniversary gift is bringing Bruce and Clark's parents to Earth to spend tkme with them#Bruce is afraid this will be the last time he gets to see them but Danny tells him he and Clark can tag along for Jason's treatment#Alfred is happy for his boy and is happy to see Thomas and Martha#Conner and Clark bonding with Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van about Krypton culture
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quesadilla-day · 4 months
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scaramouche's mother visits the fatui HQ🧍‍♀️
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blondeaxolotl · 20 days
*sobbing at her holding babey Sebastian* 🥺 he's a birbie baby demon I'm so.. and the blepping.. and HOW DID THIS HAPPEN, IS PAPA A BIG BIRB DEMON AND A BIG BIG BIRB DEMON AND A PRAYING MANTIS GOT- WAIT A MINUTE
No, he's fine, trust me Papa Michaelis is alive and well like a headless chicken
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dairyfreenugget · 4 days
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My gang of little idiots <3
Stoll debating their sexualities / genders, and also if to make Morgan and Tally queerplatonic partners (very tempted tbh) but either way they've very close
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chibifox2002 · 1 year
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Realized that I've never drawn G man seeing spider Manny before so I was gonna doodle it, but then of course I decided to line and color it and proceeded to take two days on a piece AGAIN.
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avi17 · 2 years
Maybe I'm just seeing more of this than usual since I'm in my biggest fandom in a long time but like. I feel like the kids today have very much forgotten that you're allowed to just...ship a thing. You're allowed to think the characters had interesting potential and just. Do the thing. You don't have to dissect eye movement and body language and where people are standing and stuff to prove it's canon- that stuff is chemistry, and it can be real and present without it being intentional. Doesn't make it any less real, but also doesn't make it some kind of conspiracy- there are movies from 70 years ago where actors had interesting chemistry that comes off homoerotic, but that certainly doesn't mean they were playing it that way on purpose. You don't have to wildly skew stuff actors say in interviews either, putting words in people's mouths is actually a little creepy.
I think we're at the point with queer representation and canon queer ships where we've had enough of it turn out to be real that we want it to always be real, and we feel like we have to prove it is real to feel valid in shipping it. I'm here to tell you that you don't have to do that.
I'm not saying those ships SHOULDN'T be canon, I'd love them to be. In some cases the story would be way better if they were. But you don't have to prove they were Canon All Along to be allowed to enjoy them. And if you hinge your enjoyment of a piece of media made by cishet people on the idea that the actors are going to confirm your ship was canon, or feel like you have to validate your ship by insisting it will become canon, I feel like you're just gonna end up disappointed.
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sonicstorybook · 8 months
SATBK Origintober 16
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In the Lancelot-Vulgate (Lancelot-Grail-Cycle), the Lady of the Lake's parting words to Lancelot included the following revelations and advice:
"My dear prince, you are about to leave me. I want you to know that you are not my son, but were born to one of the finest knights and most honorable men in the world and to one of the best and most beautiful ladies to have ever lived. You can't know any more about either father or mother right now, but soon you will know the truth."
"Take care to be as beautiful in your heart as you are in body and in limb, for you have as much beauty as God could bestow on any child and it would be a great wrong if your prowess did not prove its equal."
And once you have been knighted, do not delay a single night in his house, but start your travels through all the lands in search of wonders and adventures, so that you can gain fame and renown."
"Never stop in one place longer than you have to, and take care that you do all you can [to] not be surpassed by anyone in feats of chivalry."
"If the king asks you who you are or what your name is or who I am, just say you don't know, except that I am a lady and that I brought you up. I have likewise forbidden your squires to say anything more than that."
"My dear prince, I leave you with this teaching: the more you succeed in harsh and dangerous adventures, the more confident you will be of succeeding in others."
"And when now and then you find a challenge that, with all your God-given knightly skills, you cannot meet, remember that there is no man born who could do so in your place."
"I would say much more but can't. My heart is very heavy, and I find it hard to speak. Be on your way now, my good, fair, gracious prince. Sought after by all men and loved by all women more than any other knight, that's how you will be. I know."
Then she kissed his mouth, his cheeks, and his eyes with tenderness and turned away, so choked with sorrow that she could not utter another words. The boy was deeply moved, and his eyes filled with tears.
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britneyshakespeare · 10 months
10 words every girl wants to hear
"jared, you have been evicted from the big brother house."
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keeperthemultiversemom · 10 months
Hoi! I'm back because I started giving every multiverser McDonald's
*gives McDonald's*
I think I'm becoming a multiverser 👀
*Keeper is holding the McDonald's with her ribbons*
"Hum... Good, I suppose ? That is very nice of you to offer us food, some of us sometimes forget to eat, haha. Be careful when traveling the multiverse ! Not all places are as safe as my domaine, especially, do not go in the darker parts ! "
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dylanconrique · 2 months
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trainerdelaney · 7 months
When you were playing Pokemon Go while visiting somewhere out of town and you leave a Pokemon on a gym there but days later the game says "Salamence needs a treat!" at the gym that's now hours away from you
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bugmistake · 9 months
my mom and i were talking recently and i had to explain the concept of cringe culture to her. and i was like ohhh yeah you're in your 50s. and so you don't have the same sort of constant surveillance in your mind ready to deploy shame and embarrassment at a moment's notice.. that's crazy!
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dawnthefox24 · 2 months
For anyone who's afraid of spiders this is a trigger warning. That's my little P.S.A ~~~~~~~
*Rumiko is writing poetry for a moment listening to the sounds of the birds chirping but hears a loud scream scaring her a bit* Rumiko:*gets up and walks over to the source of the sound and see's Hanzo holding onto the banister which reminds her of a cat* Pre-Teen Hanzo:... Rumiko:*covers a laughter as she clearly a her throat* Hanzo what happened. Hanzo:...There's a spider...It landed on me.... Rumiko:*sighs softly and shook her head* I take it outside will you calm down? Hanzo:..I-It's a...It's a Samurai spider  Rumiko: Oh I used to have one when I was little, I'll take care of it right away Hanzo: Thank you mother.... Rumiko:*smiles softly and finds the spider before carefully holding it in her hands before walking outside as she placed it on a leaf* Come little one, you cause my son to be scared of you. Rumiko:*smiled as she headed back inside* Spider is gone Hanzo:...Promise? Rumiko: Yes I promise I wasn't going to kill it, it's outside where it belongs okay Hanzo:*climbs down from the banister*..Don't tell father I got scared by a spider! Rumiko:*just stares at Hanzo for a moment as she remembers Sojiro getting scared by a bat* I promise I won't tell him. Hanzo:*nodded not before hugging her* Thank you.... Rumiko:*smiles and pets his hair*Of course a mother always needs to protect her family even from... Rumiko:*laughs a bit* Even from spiders Hanzo:*turns bright red and storms off* I-It's not funny! Rumiko:*snorts a laughter* I love you too
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wixhing0nastar · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about it and I wonder if Luz’s whole thing about not staying in the Boiling Isles is because she thinks Eda won’t want her around any more.
Like, Luz is deeply traumatized and we’ve seen repeatedly accept whatever punishment people thinks she deserves... what if she thinks her punishment for “losing” King at the end of KT will be losing him and Eda forever? Because they’re mad at her for failing and don’t want her around anymore?
Cuz I’ve been scrapping my brain after FTF trying to figure out how that part’s going to be resolved since literally everyone except Luz wants her to stay in the Boiling Isles and tbh the scene where she hatched her Palisman didn’t feel like it addressed the whole “where is she going to live now” problem. Kinda like how in TTT dealing with the whole “accidentally helped Belos” thing wasn’t enough to let her Palisman hatch...
Because in this case she hasn’t reunited with the person who needs to convince her she doesn’t deserved to be punished for everything.
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