#mammon and mc are the ones threatening the sun
trash-opposum · 6 months
Debating if I want to draw this as Mammon & MC, Mammon & Mephisto, or MC & Mephisto
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
The little kings scenarios you have are the best! Here's a cute idea: you know how kids think you're the best when you do things they couldn't do? How about a scenario where they think you're the absolute coolest after rescuing them from...idk, something 😅 Like it's hard to imagine them being in grave trouble (maybe except for levi my poor bby) but for the sake of this ask, the little kings ran into trouble and the mc, in all their human capacity, saved them in the nick of time.
These little guys are a thousand times more powerful than their own subjects, let alone humans. Time to give them a problem they can't solve by force (or at least they shouldn't). It's good that in the eyes of children the smallest problems can be the weight of a collapsing world, and it's good that we are here to save them.
A small spoiler for ch5 in Mammon's part.
Satan will do anything to avoid going to the dentist, even as an adult, let alone as a child. But if you go with him, maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe. It's not even about the pain, he just doesn't like it when someone picks at his mouth. It's true that you won't find a magical solution, but you can hold his little hand. And let him squeeze you when he hurts. Also, you can buy him a dog chew. Either way, you will be his most favorite human in all worlds.
Mammon, as a child, had a big problem with too much power in too small a body. When he appeared at the door of your room at night, barely holding back his tears, you didn't think twice and just lifted the covers. He climbs onto the bed with you, and you feel how stiff he is. Help him massage his cramped muscles. The pain will soon pass, and he will hug you like the greatest treasure in the world.
Beelzebub is the easiest one, you just save him from Bael lmao. Not that he's hurting him, but he won't let him sneak out to Paradise Lost, and Beel has such a terrible urge! Take this little king on a trip to Gehenna and you will be a hero. Plus, you'll kill two birds with one stone, because little Satan won't be bored either. In fact, you can try to collect them all like Pokémon and feel like a full-fledged royal nanny. 
Leviathan looks like he's even afraid of his own shadow. At first, he doesn't even trust you, but the more time you spend with him, the better he feels. His comfort zone will become the zone around you. Barbatos thinks he's constantly levitating somewhere close to you, like a planet around the sun. There is no threat in his palace, but in Levi’s eyes, nothing will threaten him only thanks to your presence.
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mammss · 2 years
in my dreams
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<3 listened to this and thought mammon angst. then again this could also work with belphie but I don’t wanna write anything for that man lol
<3 gn!reader x mammon
<3 angst, sfw, mentions having kids, mc is dead and mammon is hallucinating
song: In My Dreams by Red Velvet 
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Mornings were his favorite. Waking up limbs tangled together, the sun poking through the curtains, so brightly it’d take a couple of minutes to adjust, your hair so messy and unattractive he couldn’t help but giggle and fix it every day. These were mammon's favorite explanations as to why he loved mornings, and his reasoning only expanded when he’d have little tufts of white hair tickling his face, begging to snuggle. 
His children, some may even say wilder than himself, were the light of his life, and he thanks his father everyday you two decided to start a family together. He loved how his children would crawl up and fight with each other on who was going to snuggle with who and the bed which fit everyone, and how his already late morning would be delayed another couple hours because his children wanted to embrace the warmth of your bed. 
Those mornings he'd sneak away to surprise you guys, but before doing so he couldn’t help but stare so lovingly at his amazing partner and his children, tears threatening to stream down his face. He’d head to the kitchen to brew coffee and cook breakfast for you all to smell, which worked every time. Your home becoming, so lively he couldn’t help but laugh happily at what his life has now become, his new life which you started. 
Even if mammon, the avatar of greed desperate for all the fame and fortune in the world, had one wish, he’d wish for a future with you. A future full of domestic life and his one and only true love by his side, holding him when his insecurities crawl to the surface from the deepest parts of his mind. To pouring all the love and care you have for him in the form of a kiss. He’d take that any chance he could get. 
Which is why he never wants to wake up. Wake up from the harsh reality that awaits him when he opens his eyes and sees you’re no longer with him, the only way to preserve you is in his dreams.
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leviathanthesnake · 2 years
Obey Me! Dating Headcanons (younger brothers)
Gn MC x younger brothers
You/your used for MC
Not proofread
Sorry if Asmo and Belphie are ooc, I don’t pay attention to them much in-game
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A total gentleman while he tries to court you
Holding open doors, letting you borrow any book you want, carrying you home from a party
Just generally trying to make you feel loved and cared for
Was the one to confess
(Come on, did anyone expect anything else?)
He made it really romantic, probably taking you out to a bridge while the sun sets
Did a whole speech
“MC, you’ve changed me for the better. You’re an amazing person, and I’ve enjoyed every moment we’ve spent together. I’d like the time we spend together to be spent on a relationship. Would you give me the pleasure of being my partner?”
You say yes, and he’s over the moon
Picks you up and spins you around, kissing you over and over again
He invites you over to his room to just hang out and read, enjoying the comfortable silence
He’s really good at keeping conversation, so if you’re awkward there’s nothing to worry about
You try to convince him to be more civil with Lucifer, but it really only ends up with him easing up on pranks
Is really interested in plants, and shows you around all the greenhouses in the Devildom
Cat cafe dates all the time
Is always willing to go to new places, but he likes familiarity
Always wants you near him, you don’t have to touch, but he just wants you where he can see you
Likes to keep PDA really lowkey
Holding hands, kissing your forehead every now and then, cute little things that don’t draw any attention to you
You slept in his room usually once at week, and then at some point just kinda moved in
He loves having you around at night
He’s definitely a cuddler
Loosely spooning, laying his head on you chest, or yours on his
He drapes his tail over your leg, and nuzzles into your neck
Loves it when you rub his horns
His tail wags like a cat’s
Likes when you cook together
He thinks practically anything is romantic
Buys matching things (ie. necklaces, shirts, bracelets)
So smitten, loves you more than anything
Makes it so obvious that he loves you
The courting process is basically just him pampering you
Painting your nails, giving you products he likes, spa days
Is the one to confess
Hugs you and kisses all over your face once you accept
His public affection is almost as intense as the stuff in private
Hugs, kisses, touching you constantly, practically making out in front of his brothers
Smirks at them when you’re not looking
Mammon freaks out on him
Shopping dates!!
You guys go to Majolish and stay there for hours, trying on things and only buying the best
He never gets tired of it
Makes you little self-care baskets for things like Valentine’s Day or Easter
Makes you hop on the latest trend
“Look, MC! They made a new flavor of buffo egg milk tea! It’s all over devilgram, and we’ve got to get it!”
Makes you a devilgram account if you didn’t already have one
His fans love you
His posts with you are always the most popular ones
You’re the Devildom’s power couple
Does like to cuddle, but doesn’t really wanna mess up his hair
Sometimes though, if you really need it, he’ll push that aside and just hold you
Always reminds you how much you mean to him when you’re insecure
“I almost love you as much as myself, so you don’t need to worry about not being good enough!”
Sends you good morning/good night texts when you’re not together
Has a folder on his phone for his favorite pictures of you
Totally infatuated with you, and makes it known to everyone
Doesn’t even try to court you
Just tells you straight up
“MC. I like you, a lot.”
A ton of restaurant dates. Like, a ridiculous amount
Also tries to cook with you, but just eats all the food while cooking and ends up giving up
Thinks that it’s cute that you tried
SUPERRR protective of you
Not really in an overbearing way, but it’s enough to make yo feel safe to go out
Would probably just eat any demon that he thinks is threatening to you
“Beel! What did you do to that demon?!”
“They were looking at you weird.”
Is super chill
Would fight anyone for you
Invites you to his room all the time to help him workout
Asks you to sit on his back while he does sit-ups (also tells you to hold something cause you’re not heavy enough on your own)
Always asks if you want to join him in the workout
Usually you decline, because the times you don’t you practically can’t move the next day
He’s such a sweetheart
Has movie nights with you just to eat the snacks
And to look at you
Thinks you’re the cutest thing ever
He sleeps with you laying completely on top of him
Says the weight is comforting
Sometimes he accidentally bites you in the middle of the night
He feels bad and kisses any marks he left
Definitely calls you food-related pet names
‘Honey’, ‘sugar’
Makes sure you’re eating enough throughout the day
Has the most comforting hugs, they almost immediately make you feel better
He wants to share you with belphie sometimes (if you’d allow it)
Doesn’t really try to court you, kinda just acts like you’re already together
Probably asks you out while you’re cuddling
“Do you wanna go out with me?”*exaggerated yawn to show that he doesn’t care very much* (he does)
Doesn’t go on dates much, thinks it’s good enough for you guys to just hang out together
If he does take you out, it’d be to a aquarium or a planetarium; somewhere very chill
Falls asleep
Feels bad that he did and takes you to his room to cuddle
I feel like when he’s not sleeping, he has hobbies like knitting or reading
Would make a huge blanket for the both of you
He falls asleep curled into your chest
Beel comes and cuddles with you guys sometimes
Never lets you get up in the morning
“Belphie, please. I have to go to the bathroom.”
“Just five more minutes…”
Tries to do things with you, like go to the store or do homework together, but gets way too tired
Feels jealous of his brothers sometimes
They had so long to spend time with you, and he didn’t
Still feels bad about killing you, and tries to make up for it even though you said it was okay
Clings onto you every second of the day
PDA galore, has no shame
Lays on you in the middle of a conversation with his brothers
Basically demands that you play with his hair
Very lovely dovey no matter where you guys are
He does it in front of Diavolo to piss off Lucifer
Kisses your neck a lot
You guys lay in the back of the HoL and look at the stars every few weeks
Sleeps with his demon form out
Keeps his tail wrapped around your leg or arms at all times during the night
Overall just a very chill and loving relationship
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disaster-daydreams · 3 years
Am I Going Crazy, Would I Even Know?
In which Mod August imagines the brothers with various mental health issues because at this point this blog is free therapy.
So, as for a summary- it is midnight and I have no clue how well this fits with stuff in canon.
Lucifer has flashbacks of the fate of his family, Mammon has trouble remembering that the sun still exists behind the clouds, Leviathan can’t figure out why your touch hurts, Satan hates that you chose Lucifer before you chose him, Asmodeus has grown accustomed to losing what he loves, Beelzebub’s nightmares take a harsh toll on his body, and Belphegor can’t tell what memories actually happened.
This is based on personal experience, and will not reflect the experiences of everyone. Please feel free to send in an ask if you want to correct something or tell about similar experiences, or just rant. I’m happy to listen to any story, even if you think it’s irrelevant. I know these things can be difficult to deal with, and though I am in no way qualified to give any advice, I am willing to listen.
Get some water and possibly tissues. Have fun.
WARNINGS: Blood, cursing, mentions of violence against MC, threatened manipulation, MENTAL ILLNESS, mentions of self-harm, questioning of reality, hallucinations. This one is rough man.
Time taken: Fuck knows atp
Word count: 3,097
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The flashbacks usually happened at random. For centuries, it had been predictable. He had learned how to ignore them, how to pretend he was alright, how to push away the image of his brothers burning as they fell, of Lilith’s chest rising and falling with shallow breaths as she drew closer to death in his arms. He learned to shake away the regret of his decision to turn against the Celestial Realm.
But now there was you.
He tried to pretend, like before. That he hadn’t watched his youngest brother toss your body onto the floor, broken and pale. That he didn’t still feel your hand crumpling under his grip at that dance. That he couldn’t still see the fear in three sets of eyes, and the defiance that danced alongside it in yours, that night you stood between him and Beelzebub and Luke. That he was still so afraid to touch you for fear that it would be an image of you, this time, mangled and dying in his arms, that his mind’s eye would supply him.
He couldn’t afford to see your bright, lovely eyes dull. So he turned away from you, and pushed you away, so you wouldn’t see him weak. So he could preserve his pride.
He managed to avoid it for most of your stay, even at the expense of watching you slip away, watching you and Simeon grow closer. You would be happier with him, anyways.
And then it happened.
He had been looking for you, to see if you knew where Mammon was. He found you in with the twins, in the living room, laughing together. They didn’t notice his presence, but you did. And you called out.
The twins turned, Belphie on Beel’s shoulders looking truly awake and alive for once, and Beel shamelessly and loudly laughing, like it had been before. And you, in Beel’s arms, your eyes shining- fuck, your eyes were just like hers.
It happened before he could do anything. He stumbled out of the room, ears ringing as he crouched down outside the door. He remembered a time when this would have been common, but it was too late now. He had ruined it. His pride had torn away his only sister, his brother’s happiness, and now, it had torn away the one person who might have been able to change all that.
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Object Permanence
Before he fell, it wasn’t like this. After he fell, he attributed it to his sin. But now, with you, he knew it had to be something else. It wasn’t just a need to have more, to hoard, to have things to himself. It was a persistent nervousness when you were with others; a nagging worry when you wouldn’t answer your phone; a downright panic when no one knew where you were. It usually hit him so hard, he had no time to even try to hide it.
The others called him clingy, or annoying, or possessive. He, personally, thought the term nuisance was on the money. But sometimes it got to the point that it physically hurt when he panicked, and the only thing that could help was you.
It only got worse after you left the exchange program after the first year.
His brothers began to take notice, the nervous tapping of his foot, the somehow more messy hair from his tugging at it, the thousand-yard stare he held more often than not anymore. He stopped recognizing your face and name sometimes, then most of the time. It increased dramatically the first few weeks, his anxiety growing and growing until-
-it stopped. You started to call, and he bounced back to his normal self. He seemed, to all outward appearances, that he was perfectly fine.
He knew, though, what happened when you were gone. Even when you finally came back to the Devildom, he would feel that sharp, twisting, burning ache in his chest anytime you weren’t with him. It came to a head the night you were supposed to spend with the angels and Solomon at Purgatory Hall.
He knew you had turned your phone off. He also knew that Solomon and Simeon were capable of protecting you. But he needed to see you, desperately, and had no qualms about sneaking out to find you.
But. You weren’t there. Simeon and Luke thought you were with Solomon, who had gone out. He called Solomon; he was with Asmodeus, thinking you had ditched them. And the pure panic that engulfed him sent him to his knees, thoughts racing. You left, you were gone, he had been too much for you and you were never coming back. And he would forget you, and you would fade away, your time with him slipping through his fingers like water.
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He hadn’t even realized, over the years, just how little he had been touched. Eventually, the others stopped noticing how effortlessly he made himself small, flinching in on himself and sneering at anyone who nearly ran into him or ducking to avoid a flying object (or, sometimes, an entire Mammon) flung by an angry Lucifer. He had grown so accustomed to being avoided that he didn’t realize just how alien touch would feel.
And then you came along, reached out even when he flinched, coaxing him into comfort like a flighty cat. And he gently took your hand.
And promptly decided this was a mistake.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to hug you; he actually very much did want that but the pressure on his body overwhelmed him. The spiky friction of his jacket rubbing against his arms, like rubbing scales the wrong way, made his stomach do flips. He pushed back, swallowing hard repeatedly to try to quell the nausea. He could barely look at you, the horrible feeling slowly fading into a mild fuzzy feeling. You sighed, and he glanced up, the sickening feeling only worsening as he saw the disappointment on your face.
He wrapped his arms around himself and tried to rub the feeling off, hoping that once it was gone he could find his voice. There was so much he wanted to tell you, like how grateful he was that you were trying, how much he really did want you to touch him, to hug him, to be able to lay your head on his shoulder. But even when he opened his mouth, nothing came out. He watched, helpless and miserable, as you walked out, wishing he could reach out and grab you without feeling like scratching his skin off afterwards.
Why did this only happen when he cared?
He had been touched before, and he had grabbed onto people plenty of times, and it didn’t feel like this. So why, when he felt so horribly alone and all he wanted was to be held, did it feel like enduring a carpet burn wherever your touch fell? He hated it. He hated how harshly he pushed you away when all you were trying to do was help. And he hated how patient you were. The affection, the attention, all felt so foreign and itchy, even when he craved that very same affection.
Maybe that was it, then. Maybe he was fated to never have the one thing he wanted most. Maybe it was best, then, to keep you at arms length, so that he wouldn’t one day push you over the edge. So that you, his darling Henry, could be happy with someone who could hold you like you deserve.
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Number Two
He had never been first. In anything.
Not in competitions. Not in grades. Not in magic ability.
And now, not even in love.
He shouldn’t be bitter about it; you chose him in the end, didn’t you? And yet. Every time Mammon proclaimed that you were his first, every time you danced with someone else before him, every time he wasn’t the one you went to for questions or advice, his head spun with anger. This, he decided, was the feeling that made Levi want to summon Lotan. He hated himself for it, too, because any time the feeling bubbled up he wanted to hurt you. He wanted to crack your ribcage open and tear your heart out and watch you bleed- and then it would vanish. Just a moment, a spinning sensation and a horrible urge he hadn’t felt since his creation, and it was over.
But could he be blamed? You had chosen Lucifer first. You had followed after him like a lost puppy, begged for his affections, and when you were snubbed, you turned to Satan.
Second choice, as always. Always second to Lucifer.
He despised you for your choice, for your disloyalty. Any time you were close to him, he couldn’t help but think that if Lucifer gave you the opening you would leave him in an instant. When you snuggled into him on the couch, head nestling into his shoulder, he wished desperately that this moment was wholly his. That for once in his life he wasn’t still clawing his way out of the shadow of his older brother. When you sat in his lap, staring at a book he knew you couldn’t understand while he translated it aloud for you, he wished you were actually listening instead of blinking tiredly in the dim light filtering through the bookcases. He wished so many things. He wished he didn’t love you so much that he would give up everything he’s worked so hard for if you asked.
He wished you were as in love with him as he was with you.
The worst times, though, were when they were all together. When it was obvious to everyone who you would choose, given the chance. Lucifer made you laugh when nothing else could, Lucifer could fall into perfect step with you, Lucifer had no fear of you choosing someone else. It was so easy between the two of you; why couldn’t he have that? Why did Lucifer have to steal everything good from him?
But it wouldn’t happen again. He wouldn’t let Lucifer steal this from him. He would make you choose him.
He would ruin you so thoroughly, make your life away from him horrible. And when you came to him, he would magically make it all better.
You would choose him.
You would have no choice.
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He had always been the first to leave, the one to be chased, the one to be wanted. He never thought anyone would make him afraid to lose them.
He supposed it was nice at first, to have something different than what he had always known. To be able to want something he couldn’t have.
And then you saw him.
You saw past the flirtatious confidence, past the perfect façade he put up, and saw him for everything he was. For his yearning to be loved like he once was, for his desperation to keep his family together, for the jagged expression every time he was brushed off as the eccentric sex addict. For his want to be able to trust and rely on someone, for someone to allow him to let down his mask and him not have to fear being ruined.
And it scared him.
So he threw the mask back up, hid from you again, made certain that you wouldn’t hurt him. He turned away to quickly and lost his footing, fell harder for you than he had for anyone- and you caught him. And your smile lit up his world, changed his entire perception of what love could be. You didn’t give in to his advances, even when you clearly stated you were interested. The harder he pushed, the harder you pushed back, challenging him to do better, to stop chasing and instead match you, step for step.
He learned to lean on you, to confide in you and ask for help without fear. The closer you grew, the bigger that gnawing worry in the back of his head grew. That worry that one day, he would make a mistake. One day, he would stumble, and you wouldn’t be there to catch him this time.
One day, you would leave him alone because you were so much more than he was.
He had never feared losing someone, because even if he did there was always someone else. A replacement, a new fascination. But there was no one like you, no one who could make him feel like you could.
Yet, you were bound to go further than him. He was bound by title, by family, by design, and you were free from all of that. You were human, something he could never compare to. So when you left for your world, he shouldn’t have been surprised. He shouldn’t have wanted so badly to drag you down with him, to keep you by his side. And yet, your smile when talking about your dreams, your animated explanations of all you had worked for, kept him rooted to his spot. The light in your eyes as you leapt into his arms to say goodbye allowed him to gently pull away and wish you well.
He would never love someone quite like you again. And he would never shake this hole in his heart you had left him with.
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Beelzebub had always had a deep connection with his younger brother in so many ways. He could feel what Belphie felt, and vice versa. They could read each other easily, bordering on telepathy. However, one thing the two rarely shared was sleep.
Belphie could sleep for hours on end, and most likely longer if he had his way. Beel, on the other hand, was a restless and troubled sleeper. Often, he found himself staring across the room at his sleeping brother, counting his breaths just to make sure. And sometimes, he found himself staring into eyes both familiar and strange.
He told himself it was the dark, playing tricks on his mind, showing him Lilith standing over his younger brother and staring at him. But it was so hard to shake it, her sad eyes and defeated posture asking why did you choose him, why not me, didn’t you love me? Even when he closed his eyes, he could feel her stare, and it kept him awake.
He learned quickly not to talk about it, picked up tips from Asmodeus on how to hide the circles under his eyes, retreated into himself whenever the hallucinations came back.
He knew that was what it was, now, because of common sense usually. He knew that Belphie didn’t have wings, that Diavolo’s eyes couldn’t be black, that the hole in the gym floor couldn’t actually be there. Things moving in the corner of his vision stopped making him jump, and the voices were easy to tune out after a while. He could tell the difference, now, the slight distortion separating the fake from the real.
You, however, hadn’t had the time to get used to his distracted moments, to his eyes darting towards nothing every so often, to his zoning out for minutes at a time. And, when he finally confided in you about his nightmares, you asked him about what you had seen.
He was hesitant to tell you everything. He had been ridiculed for it before, and he cared about what you thought of him. It took weeks for you to understand just how severe it had gotten over the many centuries. And, with research on your side, you begin to try to help. Rubbing his hand to gently coax him out of the worst moments, and reassuring him of what was real and what wasn’t in everyday situations.
And, most importantly, you helped him sleep.
Soon, it was your eyes he looked to when he was awoken by a nightmare. This time, though, there was no uncertainty- you were there, you were real, and everything would be okay.
No hallucination could take that away.
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Dream-Reality Confusion
In the months he had spent in the attic, it hadn’t mattered what was real and what wasn’t. His dreams slowly merged into reality, idealized hopes inserted between blurs of arguments and fights. The part of him that still looked up to Lucifer, that desperately wanted to retain the love for his family, it pushed him to accept these fake ‘memories’ as real.
He only realized his mistake when he was released.
He would recount some lovely memory, sure that it had happened, and be given looks of confusion or exasperation from his brothers. He tried to argue, but when he was the only one that remembered an event, there wasn’t much on his side. He hid his crestfallen expression, realizing that these things had never happened, and just stayed quiet for the rest of the conversation.
He picked through memories, trying to separate what was real and what he had invented, but found few memories that had any inconsistencies notable enough to pick them out. However, it didn’t take long for him to realize the common denominator.
Picnic with Beel and Asmo? Never happened.
Studying until he fell asleep at Satan’s side? Nope.
Staying holed up with Levi to avoid Lucifer and Mammon’s fighting? Also no.
Learning to crochet with Mammon? Figment of his imagination.
Falling asleep while Lucifer played piano? The glare he got said it all.
The best of the memories were the ones that he had made up. Every moment he had held onto in the attic to remind himself that his brothers loved him was fake. He wondered, sometimes, if more of it was made up too. He slept so much, how was he to know? How was he to know he wasn’t dreaming now?
Who was to say you weren’t an object of his dreams as well? He certainly couldn’t tell anymore. His dreams felt so real, both in the dream and once he woke up. If everything good in his life was imagined, then you could be too.
It wasn’t like he wanted you to be fake. Quite the opposite, actually. He feared that, if this was a dream, he would wake up and be back in the attic, behind those enchanted bars with no one to hear his cries for help. Or, even worse, he would wake up in his room, with Beel shaking his shoulder, to find that the exchange program had never even been thought up.
He feared losing what he once had fought so desperately fought against.
He wished he could touch you without the fear that you and the world he had grown to love would dissolve under his fingertips.
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Crying Some Sense
Lucifer x MC
Brothers Masterlist | Dateables Masterlist
Prompt: "No, don't cry, I hate it when you cry."
Description: Lucifer has been put under house arrest and has been keeping himself in his office. His brothers and MC are worried, so they devise a plan to pull him out.
Warning: angst, slightly fluffy ending, Changing and possible spoiling of events from Lesson 14, there is also some threatening language so be weary of that
Levi and Mammon walk behind MC. They trudged through the damp grass behind the House of Lamentations as the sun begins to set.
"So are you sure this is going to work?" MC's voice sounds skeptical. Mammon's grand plan to get Lucifer out of the house while under arrest was for MC to touch the Grimoire Luke had picked up a few weeks earlier. This would have been easy, but recently it was moved to the mausoleum, where a certain three headed dog that only listened to Lucifer watched over it.
Mammon flashes them a smile, nodding as he walked, "Of course, ya touch it and he'll come bursting out of his office and we can talk about everything."
"Yeah, burstings right." Levi mumbled to himself before his voice began to raise, "Bursting with anger-" Levi is silence by his brother's hand as MC turns around.
"What did Levi say?" Fear filled their eyes as they watched Levi struggle in Mammon's grip.
"He just said, he'll be bursting with excitement! That's all!" His words are followed by an unconvincing laugh. MC stares at the two unconvinced before turning around. When MC starts walking again, Mammon smacks Levi's shoulder and whisper yells, "Keep your mouth shut. We don't need them freaking out even more."
Levi's eyes widened at his older brother as he whispered back, "You know it's true! Are you just going to throw them in front of Lucifer without telling them how mad he will be!?"
Mammon shushes him before checking on MC. As the wind began to howl, he answered his brother, "I was gonna figure that out when we got there. Now come on!"
Mammon grabbed Levi's arm and pulled him forward as they began to catch a glimpse of the rest of the party.
Within seconds the three were standing before Beel, Asmo, and Satan. It had become dark in the time it took Levi, Mammon, and MC to reach the outside of the mausoleum gates.
The wind began to whip around them fiercely as Asmo spoke, "Are you ready to talk to Lucifer?" His voice sounded sweet against the harsh wind.
"I-I think so." MC voice stuttered as the began to shiver against the cold night air.
When Beel heard their voice stutter, he walked over to them giving MC his jacket, "You know what to talk about, right?"
MC nodded at the tall demon, "I need to ask him about Belphie."
Satan nodded with a smile, "Correct. We'll be close by making sure Cerebrus stays out of your hair."
MC looked around, as best as they could in the dark, at all the brothers. Across everyone's faces was the same expression of sadness. These demons standing before them knew something that they did not and that terrified MC to their core.
Before long, Mammon's booming voice interrupted their thoughts, "Alright, let's get this show on the road."
The Brothers led the way as MC walked behind them. The group was silent. A solemn, anxious air surrounded them as each foot crunched the grass below.
As they approached the entrance, Beel began to fall back and walk next to MC. He seemed anxious as well. This wasn't the first time MC had seem the gentle giant worry, but this was by far the worst it has ever been.
They glanced over and could see him playing with his fingers and sneaking glances at them as if he wanted to say something.
To ease his nerves, MC began the conversation, "Are you excited that you could see your twin again?"
A contented smiles passed Beel's face at MC's words, "Yeah... It really means a lot to me- to us. That you are doing this. That you are bringing our family back together."
MC smiled back. Beel's words warmed MC's heart and made the chills raking their body stop for just a moment, "It's the least I can do."
As MC finishes speaking, Mammon's voice yells over the wind to the group, "We're here."
Beel jogs up to the front of the group next to Mammon. The two begin to open the ornate stone doors leading into the mausoleum. Once the doors are pulled back, light floods their eyes blinding them for a second as they gaze into the cavernous tomb.
Mammon stands in the doorway puffing his chest and looking around to his brothers before he begins to speak once again.
"Asmo, Satan," He points to the pair, "You two go to the left and search for Cerebrus." He then gestures to the other two brothers and himself, "Levi, Beel, and I will go to the right." Mammon then turns his gaze from his brothers to MC, that sullen expression taking over his face once again. He walks up to them, gently placing his hand on their shoulders.
"You go dead center. Don't look back. Don't stop. No matter what you hear. You run to that book." As MC stared into his eyes they could see tears begin to prick the corners before he turned away saying, "Everyone got it?"
A resounding yes was heard and the group made their way in. They walked down a set of grand stone stairs.
MC stopped on the last stair as all the brothers looked at them. Asmo walked up to them grabbing their hands and speaking to them, "You wait here until you can't see us anymore. Then you start running." He looked into their eyes as he bent down and laid a gentle kiss on their hands.
All the Brothers looked at MC with sad eyes. Slowly they went up to them one at a time giving hugs and words of encouragement.
After all of their hugs were given, they split up and began to walk in different directions. MC stood and watched the brothers slowly disappear from their view until they were alone.
They stepped down gently taking a deep breath, before they began to sprint straight ahead.
As they ran, they could hear the pitter patter of soft feet to their left. The sound was then followed by a shout, "Over here, Cerebrus!" The voice sounded like Satan in the distance.
MC kept running as resounding shouts began to surround them on both sides. Mammon, Levi, Beel, Asmo, and Satan were all heard. Their voices seemed to echo off the walls and it became indistinguishable which side they were coming from.
After 5 minutes their legs began to burn as a statue came into view. They slowed before taking a breath and staring at the beautiful figure.
The towering statue was a young woman. Her face was solemn as her wings spread out from her back as if they were sheltering her. Her head was bent down and he hands were extended, almost as if she was giving an offering. In her hands, sat a black book.
"This must be the Grimoire everyone talked about." Their voice echoed in the mass of sound.
MC stepped closer inspecting the book. The black cover was made out of leather that had begun to crack. While the pages were thick and beginning to yellow creating a stark contrast of color.
They reached out their hands grabbing the book before looking around for the demon they came here to see.
The screaming that once filled the giant space stopped along with the sound of paws smacking against the floor. Everything was silent.
While waiting for something or someone to appear, MC became curious as to the books contents and began to flip through the pages.
As the pages fell open with a crinkle, the ground began to shake beneath them tearing their attention away from the Grimoire.
They looked up, before them stood Lucifer in his demon form. The ground below him was cracked and dust settled around him.
His gaze and aura is one of anger and determination as he begins to walk closer to MC.
"I see that you can't listen." His voice is steady and stern as he approaches.
MC's voice feels caught in their throat as they begin to step back to add some distance. As they did this, they shut the book and clutched it to their chest.
"I tell you to never touch this book, and yet here you are disobeying me once again." His eyes begin to flare red as MC hits the statue's hands, crawling on them to get away.
"Do you even know who I am? Do you know what you are defacing?" His expression looks crazed as his teeth become bared as he speaks.
MC finally finds their voice as they stare into his eyes, "I did this to help you. I wanted to talk about-"
"Help me!? You think this is helping me. Putting my entire family in danger just to get my attention." His voices raises to an ear piercing level as he continues, "Well now you have it!"
Silence once again overtakes the mausoleum as they stare into each other's eyes, "Oh? Now the mighty human is scared of me? It's too late for that."
Lucifer's bears his fangs and begins to reach for MC's body as they recoil deeper into the hands of the statue. They covered their face with their arms and squeeze their eyes shut bracing for impact.
Tears begin to prick the corners of their eyes and a sob shakes their body. They expect to feel an immeasurable amount of pain at the hands of one of their caretakers, but it never comes.
Slowly, MC peaks out from their curled up position to get a glimpse at the demon before them. His fangs are retracted and his demon form is gone as he stares wide eyed at the human.
They stare at him in the eyes as tears roll down their cheeks in droves.
"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. Please no, don't cry, I hate it when you cry." They watched as one of the most powerful demons in all of the Devildom, the very demon that was about to rip them to shreds mere seconds ago, gently pulls them into his chest. He wraps his arms around their midsection like he had done before. He cradled their body delicately in his arms as if he was holding a glass sculpture.
MC listens to his heart beat thump erratically against one ear as he whispers in the other, "I never should have said that. I shouldn't have lashed out at you." He pauses, and MC can hear his heart's pace slow.
"I am just, so worried about Belphie. There is so much I still need to do to fix that problem. I thought, you were just going to make things worse."
He pulls them closer to his chest and MC feels hot tears fall onto their head, "How stupid am I, to let my rage overtake me and almost risk losing you as well."
MC's tears have slowed, but at his words, another river of them begins to trickle out. The two continue to cry in each other's arms for hours as they try to not only fix the problem, but work out their emotions.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Storm Clouds on a Sunny Day
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***Oooooo Teen!MC! Thank you for the request @lovevictoire! Now, although I think I'm technically Gen z??? (I could be a millennial. I have no idea). I have like 0 sense of most pop culture and probably won't be able to write that classic gen z chaotic humour properly, so I'm not going to attempt. What I can do is the hurt/comfort aspect of this which I LOVE! So, let's do this. I hope you enjoy it. ((Oh and before I forget *hugs*))***
Summary: MC has always been a happy positive ray of light that brought joy with them wherever they went; at least that's what the brothers and the other exchange students would tell you. But when they suddenly start getting quiet and begin isolating themselves, everyone is concerned.
TW: descriptions of grief.
In the darkness of the Devildom, you were the sun.
Since arriving in the dark, cruel world of the demons, you had reminded them how to smile, how to laugh, how to love. With you around, it was like the brothers had another sibling again. For the other exchange students, you were a breath of fresh amongst all the horror and despair of the Devildom.
In short, everyone had come to love and be incredibly fond of the teenage human that; which is why they noticed instantly when you weren't acting like yourself.
For starters, you had skipped breakfast, which greatly concerned Beel. The friendly giant had to go up and bring you your food afterwards.
He gently knocked on your door with one hand as he held a plate with way too much food on it in the other. "MC? Are you awake? You missed breakfast."
There was a small curse from the other side before he heard some shuffling. The door cracked open to reveal you wrapped in a bundle of blankets. It wasn't until you looked up that Beel got a good look at your face and his stomach dropped.
Your eyes were tinged red with tear tracks stained onto your cheeks. Your bottom lip was still trembling from the effort of not breaking down into sobs. There was not a trace of the sunshine child that you usually were inside of your stormy sad eyes.
Beel's heart broke as you still attempted to give him a small smile and took the plate from him. "Th-Thanks Beel."
He kept a hand on the door to prevent you from closing it. "MC, are you alright? What happened?"
Your eyes widened a little and you quickly wiped at your cheeks. "I-I'm just not feeling that well. Can...Can you tell Lucifer I'm taking a sick day?"
Beel nodded as concern grew stronger and stronger inside of him. "Of course. Whatever you need."
You weren't actually sick, Beel could tell that much. What you were was heartbroken. Something had reached into your soul and shattered it into pieces. He to ask you what it was. He wanted to reassure you that everything would be okay. But instead, he let you close the door and hurried back to his brothers.
His brothers looked at him skeptically as he arrived, noting the lack of a tiny human alongside him. It was Belphie, however, who noticed the distressed look on Beelzebub's face. "Beel, is everything alright? You look upset."
Beel simply shook his head and looked over to Lucifer. "MC has asked me to tell you that they would like to take a sick day."
Everyone was instantly on their feet in worry.
"Sick? What kind of illness? I can get any medicine they might need and look up the quickest way for them to recover." Satan quickly stated as he began to move towards the kitchen.
Belphie nodded and picked up his pillow. "If they're sick, they'll need rest right? I'll go up there and help them sleep better."
Mammon moved to go with Belphie. "I'll come with ya. They'll feel better with if their favourite's there with them."
Belphie growled and shoved Mammon as Levi spoke up. "I-I mean, I doubt they'd want to spend the entire day with me, but at the very least I can provide them with some movies and games for entertainment. In fact, it might be easier if we just, um, m-move them to my room."
Mammon and Belphie were now snapping at Levi rather than each other.
Asmo scrunched up his nose in disgust and put up his hands. "Yeah, no thanks. I love MC, but I'll leave you guys to handle all the snot and vomit thank you very much. Tell them when they're healthy, I'll give them a spa day, just the two of us."
Lucifer sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Boys, Beel hadn't even told us what is wrong with them yet," everyone froze and turned to Beelzebub. Lucifer nodded and gestured for him to continue. "As you were saying, Beel."
Beel shifted uncomfortably at the attention. "Right. So, I don't think they're actually sick."
Lucifer rose an eyebrow at this as an air of defence grew around him. "You think they would lie?"
Beel huffed in annoyance and shook his head. "No. I don't think they would. But when they answered the door, they didn't look sick. They looked like they were grieving," everyone breathed in sharply at the statement, but Beel continued. "They honestly looked like they had been crying since midnight. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't get any sleep at all last night."
Lucifer frowned and finally made a move towards the door. "I, and I alone, will go speak with them. We don't want to overcrowd them. In the meantime, someone please contact Simeon just in case they truly are sick and Beel misinterpreted it," he ignored the several shouts of protest as he walked to your room.
He knocked softly on the door twice before carefully opening the door. "MC? Beelzebub informed me that you aren't feeling-"
Lucifer cut himself off as he saw you hugging your knees to your chest in bed, sobbing your heart out. He quickly made his way over and sat down beside you, gently placing a hand on your back. "MC, what's the matter? I've never seen you this upset before."
You didn't answer. You merely turned towards him and buried your face in his chest as you clung to his shirt. Lucifer quickly wrapped his arms around you and held you tight.
It was almost as if he could feel your sorrow within the sounds of your cries. The way they shuttered and cracked with every inhale and vibrated with pure agony on every exhale. You were trembling violently in his arms in a way that he hadn't felt since-
Since he held his brothers after Lilith's death.
Realization came to him as he glanced over and noticed the lightly crumped picture of you and another human on your side table. His breath caught in his throat and he held you tighter. "Oh MC," he whispered softly. "I am so sorry."
He held you there, letting your tears stain his shirt without a single care. He held you as your sobs softened into sniffles. He held you as your head lolled to the side and you finally gave in to sleep.
Lucifer had been about to fall asleep himself when he noticed the door open. Simeon, Luke and Solomon stood there with equal expressions of concern.
Luke took one look at your tear-stained face before a flicker of fury and angelic protectiveness flashed across his face. He opened his mouth to shout at Lucifer, but was stopped as a hand came over his mouth.
Solomon looked down at him sternly. "They're sleeping, Luke, and clearly in need of it. You don't want to wake them."
Luke huffed and slapped Solomon's hand away before going over to the bed and climbing in beside you and Lucifer.
Simeon pulled out a bag that clinked and clattered from the vials within it. "Satan had said that there was a possibility MC was ill?"
Lucifer sighed and continued to rub circles into your back while Luke gently dried your face with a handkerchief. "Unfortunately it seems the only illness they have is a broken heart." He nodded to the picture on the nightstand. "They appear to have lost someone. Today must be an anniversary of some sort that reminded them of it."
Both Solomon and Simeon's faces softened at the explanation. Simeon put the bag away. "I'm afraid I don't have anything that can help with that."
Solomon nodded. "It's a feeling I believe we are all familiar with," he stood in silent thought before snapping his fingers and grinning. "I know what will cheer them up! Some soup! It most certainly cheers me up whenever I'm upset. I'll go make them a pot right away," he smiled proudly as he left the room, missing the look of horror on everyone else's face.
"Oh my," Simeon began, "I better go supervise and make sure he doesn't accidentally poison them. Luke, do you wish to come?"
He shook his head and hugged you. "I'm not leaving them."
Simeon smiled fondly and glanced up to Lucifer who shrugged. "So long as he doesn't mind being the presence of a demon, I suppose he can stay."
Luke grumbled and continued looking at your hand as he held his up to it and compared sizes. "If they were able to fall asleep around you and you were able to comfort them...maybe you're not so bad."
Simeon raised an eyebrow in shock and laughed a little. "Well there you have it," he looked back to Lucifer. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."
He nodded and watched the older angel leave.
Although the day was a rough one for you, there was not a second where you felt alone. There was always someone to hold you, to listen to you, and comfort you when you needed it most.
On days when sadness and despair threatened to cloud over the Devildom's only source of sunshine, the lords of the Devildom and your friends would be there to keep you warm until the sun could shine again.
***I hope you enjoyed this cute little comfort fic! Thanks again for the request @lovevictoire!***
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lyssahlyssah · 3 years
Obey Me! Lucifer's Dream
a/n: This is a piece for the lead-up to Kinktober. I wanted to bring the unevolved, evil, and dangerous Lucifer out in a safe environment where no one actually ends up getting hurt. The timeframe is just after MC arrives in the devildom and meets everyone, but hasn't had time to get close and develop relationships. Thanks to @theinariakuma for beta-ing.
Trigger warnings: fantasy violence, implied fantasy murder, implied fantasy rape, sadism, anger, dark themes.
Pairing: F!MC x Lucifer
Category: not suitable for work, dark fantasy
Midnight rolled around again and Lucifer rubbed his temples with gloved fingers. With no sun, day and night had little meaning here, but even so, he had been awake for five straight days, a full two days longer than his normal and it was starting to show.
Irritably, he signed his name to the latest document in front of him and with a scowl, snapped the pen in two between his fingers. I mean, how much was a demon supposed to take?
First, there was helping Diavolo with his extra paperwork since Barbatos was on vacation, then overseeing the RAD student council... Mammon playing the fool... and now babysitting the new human exchange student. The last one took an enormous amount of his resources because she was just so damn fragile. He was always having to watch over her, keep lesser demons from devouring her, creating special education for her, and most of all, controlling his own temper so he wouldn't kill or frighten her. She obviously didn't belong here, but Diavolo was firm with his instructions regarding the human, she was to be treated as gently as if she was back in her own world.
He scoffed, irritation sliding into anger. Something about interworld relations. Really, who cares at all about that. If his time in the Celestial Realm had taught him anything, it was that humans were weak, unworthy of his time, and invited trouble. Trouble was already something they had plenty of, thanks to Mammon.
And he certainly didn't care about maintaining relations with the Celestial Realm, he didn't want to see another angel for the rest of his life.
He resented the extra intrusion on his time. Solomon was a different story, he could take care of himself and required very little attention, and as far as Lucifer cared, could stay as long as he liked, so long as he didn't try to cook.
Uninvited, her face floated into his mind and he angrily stuffed the thought away. MC... What kind of a name is MC anyway, he thought.
He got up and walked to the piano, sitting down in front of the keys, hoping some music could help clear and calm his head. Playing a few bars of his favorite composer, De La Lordo, he closed his eyes and leaned into the music. However, his anger continued to throb and as it did so, his fingers tripped over one another causing a shriek of dissonance that cut through the silence of his office like a knife.
Irritation exploding, he slammed down the lid to the keys. Even his favorite classical music couldn't cool him down. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw HER face. HER body. HER skin. He didn't understand. He was the chosen one of his father's creations, the strongest, the most beautiful, the most talented, the most intelligent. His burgeoning attraction to something so unremarkable sent waves of revulsion and confusion tumbling through him.
Unable to control his anger and disgust, he rampaged through his office; and only after his curtains and furniture were hanging in shreds with several new vase-shaped holes in the walls did he finally sit down hard in the armchair by his fireplace, leather creaking to accommodate his weight. He hadn't lost his temper like this for a long time, but he knew his brothers wouldn't dare approach his door after hearing his wrath. Spent, he pushed his sweaty hair out of his face and leaned his head back against the soft surface, eyes closing.
...squeals in the dark.
Everything was fuzzy. He shook his head roughly to clear it, but the cloudiness stubbornly held on. Hazily, he pushed through long-limbed bushes that grasped at his hair and clothes into a woody clearing and there she was. Small, perfect, tearful eyes wide, gag tightening into the sides of her mouth, hands tied in front of her. She's naked. A fire to one side, casting flickering shadows that danced across her terrified face.
His heart started to race and his breathing quickened. This is a dream, he thought.
Touching his tongue to his upper lip, and then dragging it across the top of his lower teeth, he continued to watch her struggle. He felt dark urges bubbling up within him...he wanted to hurt her. Use her. Feed off her fear. The longer he watched, the stronger the urges became.
His fingers curled up in tight fists at his side. How good it would feel to let go...stop controlling himself for once. Stop doing what everyone expected of him. Just be free. Free to hate. Free to rage. Free to destroy.
The passion was too intoxicating to resist. With eyes closed, he let the anger take him. Roaring, he exploded into fire, white-hot flames threatening to sear his bones to ash. His handsome face melted into a horrific ghastly caricature of its former self. Pain as blackened wing tips burst through the taut skin of his back leaving bloody and ragged holes around them, pain as one curled horn ground its way free of the top of his head, then the other. Pain as his bones stretched to make him larger, thicker, new muscles pulsating with power. Pain as his claws burst from his fingertips impaling themselves on his palms as he ground his fists with rage.
All was pain and he drank it in like a man dying of thirst. His transformation complete, he throbbed with energy, heat, and rage.
The poor girl had yet to see him emerge from the darkness, but emerge he did, at last, a red glow upon the ground and an earth-shaking tremor heralding his arrival. Her already widened eyes, bulged from their sockets. Too scared to make a noise, strangled whimpers were all that emerged from around the gag.
Standing tall in all his terrible glory before her, her fear increases his desire.
He frees himself from his pants and masturbates furiously. He can't remember how long it's been since he touched himself like this, with an anger and intent. Or at all, for that matter. Passion had all but dried up for him after his fall from grace. Life had become controlling his brothers and the mundane of Diavolo's paperwork. It felt good just to feel anything again.
Sadistically, he chuckled lowly. His beautiful, terrible eyes narrowing, he lets loose his enormous hard cock, where it hangs heavily erect against his leg, waiting. Her eyes follow its movements and he revels in her horror. She knows what's going to happen and that she has absolutely no way to stop it.
Even through her fear and almost as a betrayal to herself, she can't help but feel a supernatural attraction to him, his power, his beauty. He can sense it as well, and it increases his contempt for her.
It's only too easy, he thinks arrogantly. She can't help but want me, even like this. I can smell it all over her. She wants to get fucked by a monster.
It confirms all of his previously-held beliefs that humans are inferior. He sneers, face contorting. Pitiful. So weak...so insignificant. Utterly disposable.
That last thought ignited his lust to new levels. Here was a toy he could abuse with no repercussions to his conscience. She wasn't worth consideration or care. Since she was beneath his respect, he could be himself completely.
Dark excitement pushing him forward, he took a quick step towards her, and she cringed backward against her restraints, desperate to flee.
He smiles. "It's no use trying to escape, little one," he said cruelly, his soft words contradicted by his harsh tone."Escape doesn't exist for you anymore. You're mine. "
Her screams echo throughout the woods, full of terror and ecstasy.
Hours later, the screams fade as a long howl rises. The girl's mangled body lies still on the ground, every orifice stuffed full and dripping, blood on the ground. Her face is quiet, eyes glassy with rapture, expression frozen in terror. He'd never seen anything so beautiful.
His violence finally sated, Lucifer stands with his bloody cock dripping, drenched in sweat and other fluids, parts of himself slipping back into human form. An unexpected warm rush fills him as he looks at her, and impulsively, he leans down and tenderly kisses her cooling cheek.
At the touch of her flesh, his eyes open and he is back in his office chair. His grandfather clock lets him know morning has come.
The chair lies in ruins around his outline, he had transformed outside of his dream as well. He shifts in the chair and his pants catch against him uncomfortably, sticky, full of his cum several times over. He feels an overwhelming sense of release, of a long-overdue itch scratched, a boiling tea kettle that has let off its steam. Feeling powerful and confident, he rises to clean himself and get ready for the day.
"Once again, Lucifer will be providing you with your lessons and general protection this week," Diavolo said conversationally to the girl. All three of them were sitting in Diavolo's office, sipping tea kept at the perfect temperature by Barbatos's careful attentions. The girl hesitantly looked over her teacup towards Lucifer, remembering the handsome demon's obvious irritation the week before.
"I'm at your command," Lucifer said silkily, cooly polite. He showed none of the irritation from before, and in fact...looked perfectly content with his extra duties.
For a second, she thought she heard something odd in his tone...what, she wasn't sure.
She glanced his way again, and shivered as she saw he was watching her...a faint smile on his lips, red eyes glowing.
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tragedytells-tales · 2 years
Fireflies and Moving On
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Notes - songfic, GN!MC ( You/yours ), Heavy angst, angst with a hopeful ending , lyrics used: "It's been so long" by the living tombstone, Feat. Purgatory hall, Lilith
Summary - Lilith was tired of giving them chances.
Warnings - Heavy angst, Spoilers for lessons up to lesson 16, some lyrics were altered to fit the fic.
TW - Mentions of death and grief , Mentioned injuries
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"You should've be home, your home, not-" She choked back a sob. "You- you didn't deserve to die here. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, daylights, I'm so so sorry."
"I don't what I was thinking, leading my decendant here."
She felt her hand clench around where her heart would be. Even through the silence, she could hear the roaring of it tearing apart at the seams.
It felt as if reality itself slowed down as every sound hit Lilith at once. Asmodeus screams, Mammons sobs, even Beels deafening silence. It all hit at once. She felt herself ball up her fist, her fire filled gaze landed on Belphegors crazed smile. 
Lilith took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Time seemed to have returned to normal as she let her gaze land on MCs grave.
"With all this anger, guilt, and sadness coming to haunt me forever. I hope your now soul rests after all that you've endured."
A memory of MCs warm and life-filled smile flashed in her mind for a second.
She felt her hand run along the once lively walls of a now broken, decaying, home.
"Is this revenge I'm seeking, or am I seeking someone to avenge you?"
She watched through cracked doors and silent footsteps, though those harrowing and empty eyes never met her own, she could still remember the familiarity of it.
"I wish that I could turn back time find some way to stop it. I never should have let you become a puppet."
The far away sound of MCs once warm laugh melted away, only leaving the sound of their wails behind.
"It's been so long, since I last have seen the one lost to those monsters, and the ones I called my brothers. Since you've been gone, I've singing this stupid song so I could ponder, the sanity of the others."
Flashes of memories played out while Lilith let her feet lead her.
A human left unchecked, a mistake.
A sprained wrist, chance one.
Dragged into a painting, chance two.
Threatened over a pact, chance three.
A busted wall, chance four.
A knocked out savior, why did it take so long for her to realize.
Nearly killed for wanting to help, the last chance.
Lead to their death and died from her own brothers blind hatred, it never should've come to this.
Lilith sighed as she stepped out into a flower field. A field of lotus, lilys, sage, and honeysuckle laid before her. She stared in silence for a moment, entranced by nature and all its beauty. The others would love this. Ah, she hasn't seen the other exchange students in sometime now.
Solomon only remembered going to the funeral, everything else blended together in a mix of suffocating emotions, high-strung tempers, and bold faced lies. He knew it wasn't an accident. The faint hint of barbatos's magic on MC was no accident.
Simeon only remembers trying to comfort Luke despite the feeling of drowning and sorrow that overcame him. They said it was an accident, but he knew better. Those marks around your neck weren't an accident.
Luke, poor Luke. He never felt such a loss. He sometimes wondered if it was his fault, he was supposed to be your guardian angel. And yet, he couldn't protect you when you needed him. He couldn't save you, no matter how hard he tried.
The exchange program ended that day.
I wish you lived in the present, with the gift of my past mistakes.
Solomon always enjoyed sunsets. They were a constant in a world that was ever changing. A constant in a world where people were ever leaving. He enjoyed watching them with you. The way the sun reflected in your eyes, or when you ranted about memories on beachside and cliff top.
Sunsets remind him of you.
He hated sunsets.
Your sweet, loving eyes, you light-filled smile is all I remember. Those fuzzy memories mess with my temper.
Simeon always enjoyed sleep overs. Days when you finally got some time away and spent a day at purgatory hall. The smell of sweets, both perfect and burnt, wafted throughout the halls for days. Even if tears were shed over a sad scene, a joke or story was never to far behind. They all held hands when singing along and even when going to sleep. His hands were always full with yours. Even now, sat alone on this couch.
He clenched his hands into fists.
Ah right, empty.
Justification is killing me, but your suffering wasn't justified.
Luke always enjoyed your presence. You brought an energy of comfort, safety, or stability wherever you were. You helped him over come his hatred towards demons. You helped Simeon whenever he needed hand and Luke saw how his eyes softened around you. You helped Solomon whenever he needed a reminder that he's human and Luke saw how his smile became more at ease around you. You were somehow always there.
Then why, as his glass tray shattered, and his cookies spread across the floor.
Why weren't you here to help him now?
Grief lingers in my mind and the pain continues to get bigger.
Both Simeon and Solomon exchanged distressed glances at the sound of glass shattering and Lukes' cries. Simeon walked off to retrieve the first aid kit as Solomon quietly picked up the fallen Luke and held him close.
Luke screams and wails mixed with Solomons shushing and Simeons quiet soothing. Even after Luke cried himself into exhaustion, Solomon never let him go and Simeon never stopped promising that it would get better.
"I'm sorry, my dear MC. We should've been there."
It's all they could do.
"It's been so long since we last had seen MC, lost to those monsters / to the ones who had you slaughtered / since you've been gone, we've been singing this stupid song so we can ponder, the sanity of those brothers."
It's almost as if MC wasn't the only one who died that day.
It had been sometime since the exchange program and MCs death. Neither Simeon nor Luke could bring themselves to visit the devildom after what happened.
Solomon mainly went to keep up relations between the human realm and the devildom, though, these were far and few between and every visit he made it clear that no human was to ever be brought to the devildom and vise versa.
Though, their bond that they shared in the devildom never faded. They still visit eachother regularly and sometimes even leave gifts at MCs grave. Luke soon learned to cope with the help of Simeon and Solomon and now has a recent hobby in flower crowns.
Simeon and Solomon began to learn how to lean on eachother as well. Simeon started teaching Solomon how to cook in an effort to keep Solomon from burning his house down. Solomon helped Simeon with Luke and became more involved in his day to day life, sometimes even giving him a break.
They never forgot MC nor did they ever feel forgotten.
Today was actually the anniversary of your death.
Lilith sat in a moon filled field, watching over Simeon and Solomon as they supervised Luke. Time may not be able to heal all wounds but maybe, just maybe, it can provide hope and the strength they need to find love in eachother and healing elsewhere. Lilith smiled as the two men gained some sense of peace and Luke, adorned with his flower crown, smiled for the first time in ages.
Lilith nearly jumped when a familiar figure sat beside her. They summoned some fireflies that lit up the night sky and mimicked the stars above.
Simeon smiled as one landed on him, Solomon crossed his eyes and lightly chuckled when one landed on his noes, and Luke's eyes lit up as they illuminated his flower crown.
Lilith watched a few flutter towards her, landing on some of the surrounding grass, and smiled.
"Hey, Lilith."
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AN - "Sorry, but the author isn't here right now! They're probably out in the garden, so make yourself at home!"
Divider credit - X
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obeymeluv · 3 years
How would the brothers react to MC biting their nose and running away afterwards?
I’ve never really heard of anyone biting another person on the nose. Like, person to person. Our Jack Russell bit my dad on the nose. Saw that :0 When people do this, is it mean? Is it funny? Playful? I’m not sure. I’m assuming you/MC are in a platonic relationship with all the bros or in that ‘maybe something more but we don’t know yet’ state. At any rate, have some brief headcannons: Lucifer:
Beg pardon? You’re biting him?
This is probably the one and only time you got the drop on him at his desk
He’s tired, sees you out of the corner of his eye, and secretly gets excited inside because you’re leaning in! Are you about to kiss him? Probably.
Being the Avatar of Pride, Lucifer doesn’t out-and-out brag (actions speak louder than words with this one), but he really does think he’s the best in the house. Why wouldn’t he be? He keeps everything running! Without him this place would burst into flames and crumble!
Lucifer’s propped his chin up on his fist just so, just slightly, because he thinks he’ll get a peck on the lips AND YOU BITE HIS NOSE!
His face slips straight off his fist and Lucifer doesn’t know what to do. He definitely banged his elbow though.
And his knee. Startled himself into kneeing the desk.
Can’t form a coherent sentence, hardly even a thought, and you’re already out the door
Boy can’t even yell at you. He’s too busy trying to figure out when the last time was anyone bit him (it was Satan...pretty much from teething years to the human equivalent of 7) 
The second you’re in his space, JUST HIS, Mammon is so stoked. He’s 100% ready to receive all your affection and will legit lounge back on his bed and let you do whatever
He prefers full-body snuggling, playing with his hair, kisses, cupping or rubbing his face, and just having his arms around you (in no particular order)
Boy legit has his hands behind his head, waiting for you to do something. Get in his bed, give him kisses, whatever.
He gives a lazy crunch to heft himself up to a slouch, already whining that you’re not moving fast enough and how DARE you make the great Mammon wait when you start climbing onto his bed.
Mammon’s in a half-crunch now, resting back on his elbows with a little pink in his cheeks and a playful demon chitter in his throat. He slowly sinks back into the bed as you draw nearer, totally content to cuddle you.
Mammon’s got one arm around you and is in the middle of rolling you onto your side so you guys can be face to face when you strike
Boy is so startled he flings himself off the other side of the bed. That didn’t work too well because you were kind of on his arm so he swings out in this graceless lump and tumbles to an awkward sit on the floor
His face is super red and about the time he realizes he’s a strong DEMON who can take his arm from beneath a HUMAN, you’re already out the door and he’s yanking his arm back into his body like you tried to run off with it
He’s definitely going to bite you back. He’ll bide his time.  
Don’t do this to this baby, please. He’s not going to understand.
Levi is a shy, gentle creature and it takes so long to earn his trust, for him to let you in and shed layers of insecurity,
When you’ve earned a free pass into Levi’s sanctuary of a room, you have a privilege few can imagine. 
It’s an even greater privilege for him to be platonically affectionate with you since he’s only ever really had virtual people skills. 
Also: doing this is dangerous
More than likely, you’re in his lap while he’s gaming. Levi’s very tactile and enjoys your presence. He’s convinced you’re his good luck charm so you have to be nearby or it doesn’t work. Eventually he just gets comfortable looping his arm around you or just resting against you.
Levi game’s away, chin on your shoulder, when you bite his nose.
Levi gives a big yell, tries to freak out and doesn’t know which way to go. He’s sitting down and his first thought is to skitter away but he can’t (you’re sitting on him).
So he does the next best thing: flailing. You might get hit with a controller. Maybe tangled up in cords.
Levi actually made an angry demon noise at you, not realizing how far out the door you were (it was mostly because he’s startled)
You two make up eventually but you have to stress to him that it was a joke and apologize if he felt more hurt than you intended. It was so foreign to him that he didn’t know how to take it.  
You’re going to bite this guy? Okay, suit yourself.
Having older brothers and being the Avatar of Wrath, he’s definitely reactive. You’re lucky if you just get a demon screech of indignation and not a book to the head.
More than likely, you’ll get a book to the head. 
Satan will tell himself it wasn’t on purpose but maybe 2% of it was on purpose. The rest of it was literally being a knee-jerk reaction to swing back with whatever he had on hand.
On the bright side, he didn’t hit you like he’d hit Lucifer if given the opportunity. It was the closest thing to a tap he could give with the book but that may still be a wallop for a human.
Satan gets all flustered, then sad when you run away. He immediately thinks the worse: he hit you too hard, or he scared you with his reaction
He immediately goes to find you and check up on you
Did you tell him it was a joke? It’s good you explained yourself but you ARE talking to the president of the Lucifer Sucks Club, who champions their pranks. Be careful for the next week or two.
Of all the things he’s been through over the centuries, being bitten on the nose is not one of them
Cutely confused but it quickly turns into being a little grossed out
Sweetie, his nose? Really? There are better things to bite
Also, don’t bite him on the nose. That’s gross. His nostrils are RIGHT THERE.
A funny petty bitch about it. If you catch him in the “daytime” (for the Devildom), “How’d my foundation taste?”. If you get him at night, maybe while his hair is away from his face in a cute headband, he’s asking you if you can tell which skincare item he just put on.
Definitely invites you to bite him elsewhere as you’re running away from him
Will retaliate with cute things like little pinches to your side of sneaky hugs the next time he sees you. 
Takes it the best out of all the brothers.
Are you even going to get to his nose? Boy’s so tall!
Think about it: if he’s not standing up and away from you, he’s eating. His nose will be kind of obscured by food. Do you really want to get that close to his active jaw and teeth? He does have a top row of them, you know
Your best bet is to get him to pick you up and try from there (even though it cuts off your escape)
Beel’s only ever been ‘kitten bit’ by Belphie when they were younger so he really doesn’t know what to do about this
Confused. What does this mean in human terms?
It’s obviously not enough to break the skin; your teeth can still be gently in his nose and Beel will just look straight into your eyes. “Are you hungry?”
You’re trying to nibble on him. Clearly you have to be hungry.
When you tell him it was a joke and look a bit deflated that you couldn’t run off, Beel just laughs a little and bounces you in his arm. 
“You’re going to bite this guy? Okay, suit yourself.” #2
This brother is the easiest to attack considering he naps all the time, but your risk is the greatest. Maybe. Possibly second or third-greatest.
Worst case scenario: Belphie narrowly misses biting you back out of reflex and gets a mouth full of air that dries his throat out and makes him wake up with a cute sleepy-angry face
Best case scenario: you get an angry hiss-purr and he unfolds himself long enough to wrap your head in a section of blanket, eyes still closed and a furrow in his brow. Don’t worry, if this happens he definitely won’t hold you there. Just long enough to make you panic and think about what you’ve done (it was five seconds tops)
Doesn’t care that it was a joke or whatever dumb human thing you say as he hoists you into the bed (you never had a chance to run). Your consequence is being his cuddle buddy.
He has to make up for the sleep you stole. Doesn’t matter if it was just a few minutes, he’s going to need a few hours.
You could ask him to let you up, threaten to get one of the brothers, everything under the sun and he’ll simply tell you that you shouldn’t have messed with him if you didn’t want to end up like this.
You will be shushed. Pillows don’t talk.
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For the requests‚ what about a family trip to the beach with Purgatory Hall + the royals and MC? Like Simeon and Barbatos setting up a picnic table meanwhile MC and Luke play around in the sand searching for shiny or strange things to building a sand castle (everything also keeping Solomon and Diavolo far from the preparations for the picnic)‚ playing with water guns or swimming. And after eating maybe playing a match of volleyball sand, admiring the sunset till it's nigth time and before going back‚ playing with fireworks, do a little stargazing or something--
Feel free to ignore this and thanks in advance anyway~
FINALLY I've come to write something for this lovely request. It's packed with so many fun ideas that I kinda went overboard with it xD this means the story is so big I'll have to split it into two posts!
To Bisshitu: I wanted to thank you for your continuous support! I see you in my notifs a lot and I really appreciate it!! (ALSO I AM SO SORRY YOU'VE WAITED SO LONG I HOPE YOU WILL STILL ENJOY THIS CHAOS)
Literally just 13 idiots on a beach trip~
Part 1
MC was leaning against one of the walls in the giant entrance halls of the House of Lamentation. Standing next to them, Solomon handed MC an opened bag of spicy newt chips. "Want some?" He asked and MC gladly took a few while constantly watching the commotion that was going on in the rest of the hallway.
Who would've guessed that going on a vacation with the seven rulers of hell would involve the most panicked, loud and chaotic packing of bags to have ever existed?
Well, let's be real, MC did expect it, but maybe not to the degree that they were in amusement about now.
The oldest brother had called the others for a "luggage check" as he had been sceptical of his brothers' talents in packing reasonable items in an, likewise reasonable, amount of suitcases and bags.
And of course, the first one to show up had to present his luggage in the form of... nothing.
Yes, Beelzebub came up to Lucifer, only the remains of a sandwich in his hand (which didn't last longer than three more seconds), confused when Lucifer mustered him with an angered glance.
"Where's your luggage?" Lucifer asked, to which Beel only gave a shrug.
"We're going to the beach, right? Which means I'll only need my swimming trunks, and I wear those underneath my pants."
Now the confusion has wandered over to rest on Lucifer's face. "But... Won't you need clothes to change into, or at least pyjamas for the night?"
"Hm..." Beel scratched the back of his head while thinking about Lucifer's words. "Nah, I don't need those. I'm planning to stay at the beach all the time, so..." Then suddenly, he gasped as he remembered something. "Wait, I do have something else prepared to bring along!"
Beel reached into his pocket, and when he pulled out a hand-written list that unrolled itself, plonking onto the carpet and rolling all the way to Lucifer's feet, the avatar of Pride knew exactly what said list was going to be.
"There are a few food stands that I'd like to try out..." Beel announced, eyeing the paper. "First of all, there's one selling shaved ice, which I want to compare to the ice-cream from this other stand, but who's also selling parfaits of which I kind of want to try all twenty-five flavours... Also then there's of course-"
"Beel" Lucifer interrupted the avatar of Gluttony in a strict tone. "Go pack a proper bag."
Letting out a sigh, Lucifer watched as Beel left.
But little did he know, this had only been the beginning of the chaos...
Moments later, Lucifer has found himself explaining to Satan why taking 70 different books with him would be ridiculously much. Also Mammon had taken this opportunity to "lend" some of his brothers possessions, arguing that he "needed those for the beach". This had worked until his swift fingers touched Levi's limited edition Ruri-chan sunscreen.
So, as Lucifer was spam-calling Belphie to wake him up and finally have him start packing, a sudden argument could be heard from upstairs:
"... How dare you steal my precious Hana Ruri 'magical sun ray protective lotion for all blooming heroes of justice'?! This very sunscreen is an homage to the legendary beach episode where Azuki-tan got a sunburn and couldn't help Ruri-chan in the intense battle against the evil kelp-army that was threatening to overgrow the local reef-"
That was all Lucifer could understand as an awfully annoyed scream Mammon let out was drowning Levi's gibberish. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Lucifer knew this vacation was going to be one intense experience...
An hour later, the group found itself where this little story had started off. The Purgatory Hall crew had already arrived long ago, enjoying the chaos together with MC -- who, btw, had been the only one to pass Lucifer's vibe luggage check right away.
Slowly it felt like most of the brothers were ready to go, only Asmodeus was left in the judgemental glare of the avatar of Pride.
But Lucifer noticed they already were way behind the time they were supposed to meet Diavolo at his castle. So, to Asmo's luck, he let off of trying to see what's inside the pretty boy's suitcase and announced the group's departure.
In enthusiasm shared by almost everyone, they let out a big cheer:
"Off to the beach we go!"
Some of the demons had whined about wanting to visit the human world beach. But as those idiot boys literally couldn't be trusted to act responsibly (which is okay, we love them regardless), Diavolo offered to stay at the beach resort he created in the Devildom.
Looking over the endless ocean, surrounded by the equally large beach and glistening in an artificial sun's light, MC was wondering just how powerful the demon prince must be to have created all this. But they were left only little time to be in awe over the location, as their friends demanded their attention shortly after having arrived.
Without going into much detail -- the day was packed with lots and lots of fun. MC was running around the beach, playing and goofing around with their friends, only to take a collective rest and then go do something silly again. Only a few other demons were to be found at the resort, but those were some acquaintances of Diavolo's family, and the group seemed to have scared them off of the beach after, like, an hour or so. Hence, the whole beach served as their playground for whatever activity they wanted to do, until in the afternoon, most of them were about to collapse from exhaustion and hunger.
"That's right, we didn't really have a proper meal since coming here" Asmo noticed as several tummy grumbles undermined his statement.
"We DID bring a picnic basket..." Satan mumbled. "But some genius had to let Beel carry it."
The culprit gave an immediate pout. "I had to hurry, 'kay?!" Mammon huffed. "MC was already at the beach and I--" he stopped. "... U-uh... I mean..."
Gaining a round of sighs and shaking heads, his brothers however decided to let Mammon's... mammon-ness slide for once. Mostly because, approaching from the distance, Barbatos and Solomon were getting closer, their hands full with bags that seemed to be stuffed with food.
"Y-yoU BroUGhT S-nAcKs?!" Beelzebub was already on his feet running towards them but Barbatos' stare was actually enough to make him stop.
"Not before the dishes are prepared, Beelzebub" Barbatos explained calmly, but with this very weird hidden tone in his voice that gave everyone chills despite the scorching summer heat.
"We figured everyone must be starving by now, so Barbatos suggested we'd make a little picnic party with everyone" Solomon cheered, presenting the bags in his hands.
"That sounds lovely" Simeon could be heard among the general noise of approval. "Let me help you prepare everything, Barbatos."
The demon butler beamed him a smile, thanking the angel for his help.
Then, Solomon spoke up again, and every bit of joy vanished from all their faces: "Thank you, Simeon! With the three of us working together the food will be ready in no time!"
Barbatos was putting all kinds of spices into a bowl to create a delicious sauce. Right next to him, Simeon prepared mouth-watering sandwiches.
And behind their back, there was this chopping sound. Chop reaching their chop ears in an chop never- chop ending thread, over and chop over again...
Swallowing his tension, Simeon was fighting a frown. "He's only cutting the fruits..." He whispered. "You shouldn't be able to mess up a fruit salad..."
"I know" Barbatos mumbled back. "However I cannot fight this unease that urges me to check if he's really-" He was interrupted by a very unsettling "oops" coming from that certain sorcerer at the cutting board.
In honestly quicker than the blink of an eye Simeon and Barbatos were at Solomon's side, frantically scanning the table for whatever Solomon must've messed up. When all they found were slices of fruit that, well, might have been chopped a bit wonky, they gave Solomon a confused stare.
"I cut off too much of this poor Hellberry's pull" Solomon explained. "Oh well, I'll just cut around the stem and add it to the fruit salad like this."
Both Barbatos and Simeon couldn't help but stare for a moment longer, their brains not really comprehending NOT finding an abomination in Solomon's cooking.
"Can I help you two with anything?" The sorcerer then asked.
"U-uhm, no..." Simeon mumbled. "It's all fine, we just..."
"We wanted to see if there's anything we can help you with" Barbatos jumped in to continue.
"Thanks, but I'm fine. Actually I'm almost finished, so maybe I can help one of you afterw-"
"Nononononono...!" Simeon almost whined. "I-its fine! We're actually almost finished ourselves, so..."
Solomon looked back, raising an eyebrow. "Doesn't look like it to me..."
Suddenly, another voice joined the group.
"I agree! You two are likely just being humble again" Diavolo had walked up to their working station a moment ago, but neither of them seemed to have noticed in their stress. The prince continued: "That's why I decided to lend you a hand as well. This is a vacation for all of us, so I should not burden my loyal butler with all the work."
"That's a commendable attitude for royalty like yourself" Solomon cheered. "Well then, I think Simeon and Barbatos could use a hand."
Diavolo was already squeezing his quite broad body into the tiny cooking space, this certain over-excited sparkle in his eyes as he mustered the food.
Barbatos and Simeon on the other hand were exchanging glances, so immensely stressed that their thoughts were almost audible:
'Barbatos I don't think I can handle any more of this stress' Simeon stared.
'We shouldn't have let Solomon help in the first place, our kindness was foolish' Barbatos stared back.
'What do we do now Barbatos this is the only food we have left, they cannot ruin it'
Thankfully, the perfect butler was not planning to let their "help" threaten the food for any longer. "Young master, I highly appreciate that you thought of my well-being. Which is why I indeed have a request for you and Solomon."
Simeon almost barged in on a frightened impulse, but Barbatos continued before anyone could raise their voice. "There is dessert stored in our hotel's main storage. Would you be so kind and bring enough for our whole group?"
A little surprised, Diavolo agreed. He waited for Solomon to finish cutting the fruits, then they went off to the hotel.
Finally able to catch a breath, Simeon shot Barbatos a last glance. "That was easier than expected. Why didn't we let Solomon bring the desserts earlier?"
Back to mixing spices, Barbatos didn't look up at the question. "What desserts?" He simply asked.
"... Uhm..." Simeon was quite startled. "Are there... Are there no desserts in the storage room...?"
"Oh, I sure hope there are" Barbatos said. "Otherwise I will have some explaining to do..."
(To be continued...)
Find my summer event Masterlist and Rules for the requests here <3
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designatedbreadbox · 4 years
The Bros. Pact Marks!
Note: I like to think that the human or demon in the pact bond can place it wherever they want it to be, rather than a random place.
Other note: all of their pact marks are on their hands since it's the easiest thing to have access to.
Placement possibilities: Between collarbones, nape of neck, shoulder or lower back
whatever your proud of affects him as well
so if your prideful if your outfit or makeup, he'll subtly get the same feeling; even if he isn't wearing makeup
pact mark will glow depending on how prideful you are
so imagine his surprise when he was in a meeting and his pact mark glowed like the fuckin' sun
I HC that whatever you feel is somewhat reflected back onto them when you touch the mark
so if you're ever nervous and you rub the mark for comfort, he'll get a sense of your nervousness and try to calm you down
romantic or platonic, he likes kissing the mark
you use the pact mark like a "get-out-of-jail" card whenever a demon gets hostile with you
no one wants to fuck w/ the human that made a pact with Lucifer, of all demons
those that still try are in for a very rude awakening the second Lucifer is summoned
if this was private he would end the demon as fast as he possibly could but in public? oh, trust me, he makes a show out of it
give him a break, he's a sadist for a reason; once he announced his next actions like a narrator and that shook everyone in sight. no one bothered you a good while after that
likes seeing his mark on you as much as possible, so he's always internally happy whenever you showed it
romantic/platonic cuddling with him would lead to him putting his hand over where the pact mark is, if he can touch it
Placement possibilities: hand, cheek, wrist or below ear
will be very blushy yet very proud if you put it on your cheek
demons don't think much of it since Mammon isn't threatening to most if not everyone
but those with more than 2.5 braincells know that Mammon is 2nd strongest for a reason
doesnt stop anyone from tryin something with ya. they regret it later, sure, but only after
he likes poking it randomly throughout the day if he has access to it
it glows when you spend money, touch money, or anyrhing of good value
so whenever that happens it glows like a fuckin' glowstick in the dark
makes you inclined to either buy the item or run off w/ it and the more expensive it is the harder to resist
you also become greedier over your items than usual especially if it has a hidden high value
since mammon's fsmiliar is a crow, you keep alot of shiny things. mainly candy wrappers buttons; maybe a piece of glass here and there
you keep these items in a box under your bed. mammon understands this and has a similar, bigger box in his room
though it goes unnoticed, your luck is slightly increased in anything you do like: video games, lottery, chance of finding a diamond randomly
also unnoticed: a few crows are also always near you to some extent. mammon didnt tell them to, they just do
your sense of conserving money fluctuates throughout the week; good luck in gacha games mc, good luck
Placement possibilities: inner wrist, outer ankle, thigh (side), or calf (side)
you adore the feel of water against it. it just feels so satisfying and its the reason you take so long showing/bathing
not that asmo minds if you ever join him in bathing/showering
you envy what he envies and vice versa
you had a one-on-one talk with him after he got envious over a plant
pact mark will glow like the brightest flashlight to ever exist if any others are used but his
more ya ignore it the brighter it glows and during a test run it glowed so brightly it almost put the celestial realm to shame
you like anything involving water and so does he
he, like mammon, also likes poking it
likes putting his cheek against it even though he blushes and stutters the whole time physical contact go brr-
people dont take the mark seriously since levi is also known for not being scary whatsoever
in fact most peoppe dont see him 90% of the time so they always assume he wont do shit
they're wrong bcuz he watches anime and plays video games; he knows how to make a face so scary it'll make lucifer proud
seconds after he'll need reassurance that you're alright and whatnot.
pls take him to his room he's been outside for a few minutes and he hates it here
when you sleep, if exposed, he likes to see it evee glows
if your dreaming about things you want or envy duh things that other people have
since levi is well, a leviathan, you can breathe underwater for a short period of time
Placement possibilities: hand, wrist, throat, or shin
if he chose placement, then his reasoning for the hand is because its what you use to punch/slap someone in rage, ya know?
same thing with the throat; except for voicing words of anger or wrath
he loves rubbing it and makes no move to hide it
or kissing it if he has the chance to. plus its a bonus to make you flustered so-
his pact mark begs for you summon him if you feel angry enough for it to light up
and by begging I mean it feels Very Warm and prompts you to use it
your words become a little sharper, eye little more angrier, punches and kicks a bit faster
is also used as a get-out-of-jail type card
the amount of audacity a demon would need in order to mess a human in a pact w/ a demon NOTORIOUS for his ANGER ISSUES is insane
you hardly use it much to satan's dissapointment but understandable
the times you DO use it is when he realllyy lets his gruesome torture fantasies come to life
he goes all out in theatrics for it and once made a script for it he forced you not to watch w/ sound canceling earmuffs
highly encourages to you punch people who piss you off via mark
it's medium sized, so ya can hide it fairly easily if you want to
if you try very hard, and feel very relaxed, satan gets sleepy
if you get too relaxed he falls asleep
you kissed it once to see what happens and he felt a tingle to up his spine
made him feel like static and lowkey wants you to do it again
Placement possibilities: jaw, chest (over heart), hand, or cheek
all places where you can show it off babey~
you and asmo can either make match outfits so the mark matches or you can make it match your outfit only
he also likes kissing it if he has access (other than chest)
it glows whenever you see anything you deem as pretty
so you werent necessarily surprised when you felt glow while looking at asmo
like levi, no one in particular finds him threatening since he's known for being the life of a party and not the scariest dude alive
everyone finds you slightly more attractive and this doubles in human realm
will get the subtle feeling if your horny. will tease as usual, but wont go any further
complete 180 when summoned to deal with whatever filthy demon is messin' w/ you
would either berate them til the sun goes down
or beat them, then demand a spa day with you
either he solves the problem and tada youre saved
flashes like beacon when you dont pay attention to it long enough
or just dont touch it enough
if he would most likely put his on his cheek so when you rub it, he feels it. so it mimics rubbing his cheek
Placement possibilities: chest (over heart), shoulder blade, arm or forearm
surprisingly it aint over your stomach
he knows he eats alot and though thats what he's mainly known for, he wants to also be seen as smthn other than a big appetite
his cravings pass off to you
so its kinda funny for you to guess what beel is craving before you think of it with him
if its strong enough, you end up at the same places as he does; usually madame scream
like satan, you get a bit of his strength
he doesnt even need to do anything but show up if harassed
the times he does have to do something always end up with him eating one person
mark glows faintly when you eat a food within your range of tasty
if visible, he likes seeing it shimmer when that happens so he pays attentions to your likes
his own pact mark shines when eating a cheeseburger or doing anything with belphie
shimmers also when he looks at food
this passes off to you and you had a serious talk with him after he wanted to eat a goat.
one that was alive, anyway
will know if youre hungry and thats the only time he willingly shares bits of his food
Placement possibilities: palm, stomach, outer thigh, or hand
you sleep better at night
but you get more sleepy the closer you get to the time you usually sleep
ya coordinate this w levi. he cant have ya fallin asleep on night binge runs
belphie cant force you to sleep but he can make you very sleepy. so he uses this to his advantage whenever he wants to take a nap with you
no one can really reverse the effects, so everyone lets him get away with it
if ya wanna wake him up faster, just hit the pact mark
sure he'll be annoyed, but he's up, right? he gets back at ya by making you sleepy
gets the urge to buy pillows and blankets when you come across them. especially if they're big, fluffy, and in cow print
would use it during class to make you fall asleep, then pulls you out of class bcuz the human isnt payin attention, dw guys belphie will take em somewhere safe
that somehwere safe is his room where you both nap the day away
can visit you in your dreams but only if you let him
mark does morse code to correspond to whatever dream your having
you both agreed that no one says anything if either of you is having a wet dream
like no mention, no hint, nothin. thats between you and your imagination
they can all pressure you both and no one would say shit
likes going on adventure dreams with you
like asmo, he does a 180 to harassers
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enderfluxgaming · 3 years
Meet my MC!
I’m so down bad with Obey Me that I made a reference sheet for my MC! Which I’m not really counting as an OC because let’s face it..
It’s literally just another version of me- However I love him and would die for him.
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I have absolutely zero idea how the pact marks are supposed to look but in my mind, they each relate to something about each brother, and colour match of course. For example, Lucifer’s pact mark is shaped like the diamond on his forehead or Beel’s pact mark being a sun while Belphie’s is a star with a crescent moon. They were really fun to design though! ^_^
Now have some random things about my boy!
He’s around 5’8 in height.
He’s around 5’8 in height.
He dyed his hair around mid-way through his teen years and has been dyeing it ever since.
He has in fact had top surgery yet despite that and his semi-muscular build, he’s rarely seen without a shirt even in hot weather.
His bracelet was gifted to him by Diavolo (as seen in the “Surprise fo you” Event) and he now refuses to take it off. Ever.
He thinks the human realm is pretty boring in comparison to the Devildom and straight up lives there most of the time. He’s better friends with demons anyway.
Him and Levi will have 1 night every other week of binge watching anime and playing video games, he’s exhausted the next day, but it’s a worthy sacrifice.
He somehow accidentally walked in on Lucifer preening his wings one evening. After watching Lucifer struggle with a couple feathers and laughing just a small bit, he just waltzed over and started preening his wings for him. Let’s just say Lucifer froze like a deer in headlights and vaguely threatened him not to breathe a word about him needing help. He was secretly enjoying the attention though-
As thanks and partly in an attempt to show affection, Lucifer bought him the feather pendant he now wears. And like Diavolo’s bracelet he never takes the damn thing off. Much to the Avatar of Pride’s satisfaction.
He suffers with high-functioning autism, ADHD and anxiety.
He’s not a huge fan of reading, mostly because his ADHD won’t let him focus for more than 5 minutes without thinking about something funny that happened literally months ago.
How does he bond with Satan you ask? Cats. And occasionally partaking in a prank on Lucifer- Because he’s a menace-
He doesn’t trust Solomon, he’ll get along with him just fine but he just gives off some bad vibes man-
He has 5 piercings in total. A helix and lobe on both ears and a septum.
He takes a lot of photos of the brothers, mainly at just the right moment so whatever they’re doing looks cursed as hell.
Him and Mammon bully each other constantly, everyday they hurl new and creative insults at each other, but at the end of the day they know each other are joking and will always be best buddies.
After the events with Belphie, whenever Belphie wishes for him to do something he’ll hit em with “But you murdered me remember?” He’s joking of course but the expression on Belphie’s face is worth it every time.
And yes, when he’s feeling particularly like pushing some buttons, he’ll do that to Lucifer too. Again all in jest, but the response is golden.
During the events of the RAD halloween event, he found it really hard not to find Satan and Lucifer incredibly attractive even with his life in actual danger. Again. This is one secret he’ll take to his grave.
He lets Asmo do his nails and listens to him gossip about all the latest goings on.
He rarely sleeps in his actual bed. The amount of times various brothers have found him completely crashed on the couch is alarming.
He likes cooking with Barbatos and Luke, it’s a total change of pace to being in the kitchen at HoL.
Diavolo once invited him out without Lucifer and he was so smug about it.
Sometimes the brothers can be a little too overwhelming for him, especially when he’s on the verge of a meltdown. He’ll start pacing around HoL until he can find somewhere calmer, which usually ends up being Lucifer’s study. And sometimes on really bad days, Lucifer will put on a cursed record and throw his coat over him to allow him to reset.
He finds himself listening to music boxes quite often, the softer sounding tunes relaxing him, sometimes to the point of sleep.
Being an artist he has a ton of sketchbooks, one of which is full of different drawings of all the people he knows; The angels, Solomon, Diavolo, Barbatos and the brothers. Demon forms and everything. He never shows them though, and is constantly fighting to keep his sketchbooks hidden from some of the more “curious” brothers.
He also takes commissions both from the Devildom and the human realm, Asmo has requested more than a dozen already.
He sees Luke like a little brother.
Sometimes he’ll sneak down to the Underground Tomb, not to cause mischief or steal a grimoire but to pet Cerberus.
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obeymeplz · 4 years
one of those days ll mammon x gn reader
LISTEN guys... I’ve peeled through every single fanfic and one shot of my boy boy that I can find.
I’m done, finished, kaput. And I need content. So I decided to make my own.
2k words, ft. Belphie my salty homie
Warnings: mean(ish) mammon (because I’m a hoe for angst, highly implicative of smut...?, cussing...?
Enjoy ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sorry if I suck LOL
It was one of those days, and it all began when you dropped your plate of pickled pancakes (it’s an acquired Devildom taste) all over your crisp, white shoes. Beel involuntarily frowned at the waste of food, while the other demon boys snickered at your inherent clumsiness, Lucifer merely rolling his eyes before excusing himself from the table. But someone was missing that morning.
From that moment on, you knew nothing would be going your way.
Your bad luck followed you to second period, where you received a colossal “F” on your scrying test, and then to lunch where Satan and Asmo had to pull you out of a fight with a succubus who had thought it her business to label you a “suck up whore”. This was a name you were used to; from the moment you arrived, every demon and unthinkable hoard in the Devildom believed you to be sleeping with every brother in the House of Lamentation, playing through all of them with zero consequences. Despite the utter falsity of these accusations, they hurt no less every time you had to hear them.
And to top today’s cake with a juicy red cherry, the one single person who could make all your worries melt away with just a smile had been nowhere in your sights all day. Mammon was indeed the sunshine you needed on this dreary afternoon, with his dumb tinted glasses and cocky remarks, yet endearing eyes and wondrous grin.
Staring out the window of an empty chem room, waiting for someone to be available to walk you home, you realized that it was an odd day - such a new world you’d been thrown into, yet so quickly you had familiarized yourself with your new “normal”; and now that normal wasn’t there. There were certain things you knew, day in and day out.
The sun will (sort of) rise.
The sun will (kind of) set.
You live in Hell.
Mammon will always be there.
These things you counted on to be true, because if they weren’t, you weren’t entirely certain how you’d keep your sanity intact.
“For a human who’s supposed to be completely inferior to our kind, you sure do seem to think a lot”.
“Gee, Belphie, you know, “you sure do” have a way with words. Thank you! I just feel so much better”, you scoffed a retort as you swung your legs over the ledge of the window to face the cow-haired boy, clearly having just woken from sleeping through 7th period. He only smirked at you.
“I heard you need a warm body to walk next to, and I figured I could use the company. Home?”
You smiled smally as he helped you to your feet. “Yeah, home sounds nice”.
He reciprocated the smile.
“So, what really has you down in the dumps?”
You shrugged as you tried to formulate a thought that might make sense to him.
“Well… I guess I-”, you had to cut off mid sentence, because something familiar began to tickle your ears — a laugh, one you’d been aching to hear all day.
“Belphie, is that… is that Mammon? Where has he been all day?”, you were asking the question, but your legs were already moving you out the door away from the answer. He replied, but you could only piece together bits as you got further away from him, following the voice of the snow-haired boy instead. Argument, Mammon left, crashed with friends, all night, definitely in trouble. That’s what you processed.
“Mammon-” you rounded the corner, but halted in your tracks, backing behind it when you came near face-to-face with a group of demons much taller and much stronger than you, energies darker than the ones you were used to being surrounded by.
He hadn’t heard you.
“Bro, that was a riot. You gotta swing with us more often my man”.
“Ya know Lucifer wouldn’t even think ‘bout lettin’ me ride with you guys on the day-to-day. ‘Sides, I got things to do”.
“You mean a human to babysit?”, your breath caught in your throat. You heard Mammon scoff.
“No! I do what I want. They’re cool.”
Your heart pounded into your throat (but that’s something you’d never let him know). You were just friends, and you weren’t sure if you’d ever be more. Sure, he was terrible at hiding how much he cared about you, and sure, he was ridiculously possessive over you, but he’s also the Avatar of Greed, so how much of that is him needing you versus his sin needing you? The way you saw it, neither of those things amounted to relationship-worthy love.
The conversation was droning on, and you’d almost forgotten you were listening.
“So, you fuckin that then or what?”
Your head snapped back into full awareness, the tone of your feelings completely changing every second, anxiously awaiting your favorite demon’s reply. Why were you so nervous? He wouldn’t lie about you, he wouldn’t slander your name — not with what people already thought of you because you lived in a giant house with 7 painfully-attractive, desire-filled, and experienced, rulers of Hell.
“Yeah, the rumors true?”
Mammon’s voice came next at a grumble.
He stuttered it.
You almost didn’t catch it.
You must not have.
“Y-yeah. No, I mean absolutely. I mean, how could a human even turn down The Great Mammon? They couldn’t, and they don’t.”
You must not have heard it — but you did, and you almost wished you hadn’t
Before your thoughts could catch up with your limbs, you found yourself rounding the corner yet again. “Yeah, how could they not, Mammon?”, your voice cracking at the end, despite all your efforts to come across smooth and level-headed.
“MC..”, Mammon’s mouth instantly hung open, his chill facade easily melting away. He looked almost identical to a lost puppy within moments.
“Oh you can bet, Mammon fucks me every single night — no feelings involved, because that’s just the kind of big man he is. He’s even fucking me RIGHT NOW. Right, Mon?”, you seethed his nickname through your teeth. Tears were starting to puddle at the lids of your eyes, threatening to expose just how much you really cared for him, and just how unspeakably broken you felt in that moment.
“M-MC. Pl- please don’t —“, he was already approaching you, pushing past the group of boys. You turned on your heel, catching the watching eyes of Belphie at the end of the hall. You ran for him until you were in reach to yank on his arm, pulling him behind you, as fast and as far away from that school, and Mammon, as possible.
Mammon will always be there.
Mammon would not always be there. This was a new truth you heartbrokenly added to your list.
Your room was icily cold, numbingly so.
You always kept it like that when you were sad, hoping maybe some of the lack of feeling in your body would translate to your heart.
Hoping you wouldn’t feel so shattered.
You trusted him. And he broke it. He broke you.
These are obvious statements, but as you laid solemnly tucked under a heap of blankets, you couldn’t help but run them, and the scene from today, over and over again through your brain.
Maybe you were overreacting?
Mammon had always been the brother, despite his tsundere attitude, who protected you. He never lost his cool with you, and he never treated you poorly. Maybe he made a few callous remarks here and there, but they were gentle underneath, and just his own way of showing you a glimpse of the angel wings he’d lost a long time ago.
Mammon had become your home.
The voice was muffled through the door, but it was undoubtedly him. You weren’t sure if you were shocked, happy, angry, or assured that he had come, but either way, you wouldn’t dare leave your covers to open the locked door. Not yet.
“MC. Please. Open the door. I-I just wanna talk to ya…”
You didn’t budge.
“I will kick this down, ya know”. You were both quiet until you heard some shuffling outside. Your eyes went wide, ready for a foot to come flying through shards of your door. You scrambled to your feet, stumbling over to the rusted knob.
You cracked it open.
“Please don’t. I don’t want to sleep in Beel’s room another week because my room needs renovating for the millionth time.”
Mammon smiled shyly at you, apologetically more than anything.
“Can I.. ya know, come in?”
You pulled out of the way, making just enough room for the tall, lean demon to slip through the crack in your door.
The moment he stepped in, he was engulfed in darkness, nothing but dim threads of moonlight that seeped in through your curtains to highlight the sharp features of his face and body. He’d shed his jacket since earlier, leaving him in his fitted black tee and jeans.
So beautiful.
You mentally slapped yourself for even thinking about it.
You were mad at him.
“So. Please talk. I’m exhausted and wasn’t planning on even looking at you tonight.” You were curt. But you had to be, or else you wouldn’t be able to hold anything back, whether that be anger, or adoration.
He looked taken back — hurt — too. He glanced at your bed and the candy wrappers strewn about the floor. Mammon wasn’t too bright, but he knew enough to know when someone had been crying for well over an hour.
On a normal occasion, he would’ve thrown himself onto your sheets, rolling until he found a comfortable position to scroll his D.D.D. and poke at you for hours.
But tonight, he awkwardly crossed his arms and shuffled his feet, clearly unsure of what to say first — or at all, for that matter.
You raised a tired eye, cueing him to spit whatever excuse he could possibly say out.
“I get a bad rep sometimes.”
“For liking ya.. Hanging with ya.”
If this was an apology, it was the worst one you’d ever heard in your life.
“Oh? Sorry. I didn’t mean to be a burden to your bravado. Let me continue to take myself out of the picture.” You pointed at the door for him to leave, ready to break down the moment he walked through.
“No! That- that’s not what I meant.” He made eye contact for a mere moment, silently begging for you to see his sincerity.
“Is anything ever what you mean, Mammon?” The use of his full name in a mix with that tone clearly set him back, but he shook it off hurriedly.
“Yes! I mean, I don’t care. Usually. I’d-I’d just had a rough day with Luci. Rough life, more like, and I was tired of feelin’ like shit ‘bout myself. Nazriel’s question jus’ threw me off. I-I wanted to seem cool, so I said what I knew would make me, and-“
“And you’re a piece of shit for it”.
You weren’t wrong. And he knew that.
“... and I’m a piece of shit for it.”
There was a pause before he hesitantly continued.
“I wound up bein’ exactly what I was tryin’ not to be. Scummy.”
He raised his eyes to meet yours, blue hues morphing into gold flecks like waves crashing on the beach. Your breath hitched and caught in your throat, only now realizing that the whole time you’d been arguing, you’d both been slowly edging together. Now, you were dangerously close.
“You aren’t scummy, Mammon…”, you began to tenderly look at him.
“Yeah.. I am. But that’s just me, I guess. I can’t mind it.”
He took one step, leaving you toe to toe. Though one of the shorter of the boys, he still towered over you.
“I jus’ can’t be scummy to you.”
You tilted your head, heart and body language softening as he spoke.
“I shouldn’t be, and I don’ wanna be”.
His hands cautiously made their way to your shoulders, and you shuddered at the feeling that made its way through your bones.
“That apology shouldn’t have worked.”
He chuckled, “you’re right.”
You smiled, a true smile. The first one all day. And what came next, you knew probably shouldn’t. But you also didn’t really care.
He hummed in response, and you stood as high as you could on your tip-toes to kiss his cheek. His face deeply rouged the moment your lips met his hot skin.
His eyes were wide as you lowered yourself down, leaving a hand lingering on his arm.
In that moment, his aura shifted, and everything was suspensefully still. Within seconds, his arms wrapped you in a crushing hug, his breath heavy and warm behind your ear.
You sunk your weight into his, relishing the relief from the chill of your room, as you snaked your arms behind his back.
You weren’t entirely sure how long you stood like that, but you knew it must’ve been a while, because his grip was starting to affect your breathing.
“Mon- air”,
He lightened up and pulled back from you.
Your lips turned up at the sight of his cute embarrassment. He scowled at you, knowing what you were thinking, but slowly started to laugh.
He leaned his forehead against yours, the sudden proximity causing you to let out a slight squeak.
“Ya drive me nuts, ya know?”
You searched his eyes, trying to make sure he was saying what you really thought he was.
This was a bad idea. For so many reasons.
But truthfully, neither of you gave two shits.
So he ghosted his lips over yours, his left fang biting his bottom, waiting for the sign to move — the sign that you wanted him, the sign that he would be enough.
The second you tilted your nose to the side of his, he crashed his mouth into yours.
From all the “first kisses” with your “first man” that you’d imagined, this was like none of them.
It was so
so much better.
It was fast, it was hard, but it wasn’t rough. It wasn’t brutal. It wasn’t empty. It was a cataclysm of feelings — pent up tension, pent up love.
As he dragged his mouth over yours, he hooked his hands under your legs, lifting you to wrap around him in one, swift movement. Then, he was on the move, backing himself toward your bed until the back of his knees met the mattress, and he collapsed, pulling your legs to straddle his lap. You hadn’t disconnected from his lips the entire time, still fervently needing more of him. You knew he felt the same. The demon of greed would most certainly never have enough of you. He tasted sweet and smelled strongly of an expensive cologne you knew he probably couldn’t actually afford. One of his hands stayed splayed on the top of your thigh, while the other worked to bring you even closer to him (if that was possible), pressing underneath your shirt to the skin on your back, two fingers edging their way into the beltline of your shorts.
He was careful not to take himself too far, to not lose control, and you could tell, so you worked your tongue past his lips. He sucked in a breath as the complete access to your mouth made room for him to deepen his greed for you. Slipping his tongue to meet yours, he nipped at your bottom lip, working his entire mouth in a blissful harmony.
He pulled back, heaving air, seeping desire from every muscle, just enough to speak to you,
“MC… I-I can’t… I can’t handle this... well... for much longer. I don’ know what I’m gonna do to ya…”, he began to pepper wet kisses down your neck, unable to keep himself off you long enough to even hear your reply.
You weren’t sure what else you were expecting, or if you were expecting anything else at all.
You were making out with a demon, after all.
You moved a hand to rake your nails through his frosty hair, and he leaned into the palm of your touch.
“It’s okay. I want you. All of you...”, it was only a whisper, but you were afraid if you spoke too loud, you’d snap the moment in half.
He did nothing but growl before reattaching his lips to yours, bringing his slender fingers to tug up at the hem of your shirt.
“I’m gonna do my best not to hurt ya…” he mumbled on your lips. You simply nodded, running your hands against his abs. He shivered at the contact, before helping you remove his own shirt.
Somewhere in the midst of him sliding on top of you, and the complete sight of the demon boy you had always longed for filling your soul, you heard the faintest of three words. You almost tricked yourself into believing they never entered the air, that they’d never left his lips.
But they were impossible to ignore.
“I love you”.
The sun will (sort of) rise.
The sun will (kind of) set.
You live in Hell, with 7 boys you dearly love,
but one holds you in the palm of his hand.
Mammon will always be there.
That night, he proved that truth to you over, and over again.
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obae-me · 4 years
The House of Lamantation on Summer Vacation
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“I believe the humans call it ‘Summer Vacation’,” Diavolo announced to his prestigious student council. “A time where students take a break from their studies and have fun. I think this could be an amazing opportunity to further strengthen our bond between demons and humans. Which is exactly why I want all of you along with MC to experience this Summer Vacation for yourselves. No need to worry, I have it all planned out already. You all are dismissed, you have packing to do after all!”
He was very against going on a vacation. It was more of a chance for his brothers to get themselves in trouble. And going to the human world no less, a world he was still pretty unfamiliar with. He was less in control there, which made him even more upset.
Once he saw the sparkle of excitement in MC’s eyes, he softened a little, and tried not to completely dismiss the idea.
Made sure to pack his extra special collection of Demonus. He would probably need it.
Once they all got to their own private beachfront cabin via the influence of the Lord of the Devildom, Lucifer laid down the ground rules. Too many of them...
Will pester and coddle MC constantly. “Where are you? Did you put on sunscreen? I want to know your location at all times. Wear sandles, you don’t want your feet to burn. Don’t swim out too far.”
MC is now in possession of secret pictures of Lucifer passed out in a hammock, his sunglasses slightly crooked on his face. He’s never looked so peaceful. MC refuses to let anyone know about the pictures they took, including Lucifer.
Will un-ironically take MC on a romantic walk on the beach.
Actually enjoyed his time on vacation, but won’t admit it to anyone.
This boy is so excited. No class? No studies? And in all in the human world no less? He’s going to do whatever he wants whenever he wants, and steal buy stuff along the way.
He brought a full empty suitcase for all the stuff he’s going to acquire.
Started an intense water gun war by getting one of Satan’s books wet, which will effectively end in Lucifer getting a face full of water and banning water guns for the rest of the trip and possibly for eternity.
“Yo, human, I found these on the beach, who knew something free could be so pretty. Shells in the Devildom usually have a monster attached to them, heh. H-hey don’t get the wrong idea, these are completely worthless, and so I don’t want ‘em! I thought you could do something with them I guess...”
A few creepy men decided to give MC a hard time, but those humans were not prepared to have Mammon stroll up behind them with a look so serious MC almost didn’t even recognize him. They wouldn’t be bothering MC again, and Mammon never left MC’s side for the rest of the trip.
MC keeps finding little gifts on their nightstand in their room, they know it’s from Mammon, but anytime they bring it up he pretends like he has no idea. “Wow that’s crazy huh?? Looks like you have someone really great and generous looking out for you, human!”
Levi was also against going. Being outside around human world normies? being without his PC? And his figures?? Not to mention he’d miss new summer anime releases!
Almost had to be dragged out of the house until he came around to the idea when MC mentioned this was practically a Beach Episode.
Still ended up downloading a bunch of anime on his phone as well as every portable game system he owned.
If this shut-in could barely handle the light in the Devildom he is not ready for bright shiny human summer days. So prepare to hear him complain.
This boy will swim fully clothed, and will also manage to have every little beach creature follow him around. He tried naming all of them Henry but eventually lost count of how many new friends he made.
Spent hours building a sandcastle with MC because it was exactly what the main protagonist of “I Became Friends With A Mermaid And Now I Spend All Day At The Beach Building Sandcastles” would do.
Can’t stop imagining MC as a mermaid and can’t stop being flustered when they see them.
“H-hey, MC...would you maybe...want to go swimming with me when it’s dark? The human night sky is really beautiful...not that you’d want to do something with an ugly shut-in like me...”
Was pretty indifferent to having to go on vacation. As long as he could read he would be fine. In fact, this could be a pretty interesting trip, there’s so many new things he could learn.
Packed books on tropical human climates. Actually packed any book he thought would enhance this experience. More books than personal items.
Also brought along his camera for his most recent hobby on photography, and he hasn’t had the opportunity to take anything on the human world.
For some reason he finds that with most of his pictures, MC happens to be in almost all of them. Strange.
Absolutely despises getting wet other than showers, so he’ll stay far away from the ocean, safe either in their cabin or on the sand. He only broke this rule of his twice, once for the water gun fiasco and secondly for a game of Chicken Fight just for an opportunity to shove Lucifer underwater. 
He’ll probably tell MC some disturbing fact about the ocean just to get them to hang out with him on dry land for the rest of the day and will read to MC while they relax.
He once fell asleep on a beach chair, book over his chest, the title mentioning something about pirates. MC smiled and put the book off to the side, remembering to save the page. 
Somehow he and Lucifer didn’t bother each other as much during the vacation, in fact Satan seemed to be enjoying his time, and be able to laugh and smile without any malice behind it. 
Selfies, selfies, selfies!
So excited about going on vacation, all the stress from exams wasn’t doing his skin any good. Besides, he loves the glow he gives off under the sun in the human world.
Packed so much stuff it was a wonder they brought it all. Pretty much packed everything he owned, just in case.
Uses the summer heat as an excuse to wear as little as he possibly can.
Will be hanging out at the beach almost constantly, lounging out in the open, flirting with anyone he comes across. Especially MC.
“MC! You need more sunscreen, come over and let me get those hard to reach spots.~”
Packed several swimsuits for MC despite them never asking him to, but they try them all on for him to humor him at least.
Doesn’t care about getting wet because you know he’s got that special waterproof stuff. He’ll be looking great regardless. 
If MC happens to be insecure about how they look in a bathing suit, he will be their hype man. “But dear, you look amazing. MC, I’m the demon of lust, if I say you look good, that means you look great, and if anyone says otherwise, well, they’ll have me to deal with.” 
Is fine with going on vacation as long as there’s good food.
Packed his personal stuff pretty lightly, but had to bring along about seven coolers worth of food.
MC introduces him to all sorts of summer treats, popsicles, sherbets, shaved ice. But his new favorite sweet treat turned out to be the s’mores he and MC made together over an open fire.
Somehow restrains himself well enough to keep plenty of snacks and food for MC.
Will make sure MC is well fed and hydrated at All Times. “MC, you’ve been out playing for a while, come share this watermelon with me. MC, come drink this lemonade, it’s so tasty.”
MC went a little too far out in the water, getting caught up in a current, struggling to get back to the others. Beel didn’t spend a moment to hesitate before diving in the water, swimming like an Olympic athlete to help MC back to shore keeping an eye on them like a lifeguard from then on out.
Aside from the endless eating he’ll probably get into some sports like beach volleyball. He also played a tournament of Chicken Fight with MC on his shoulders against all the other brothers. They were an undefeated team.
This sweet boy will enjoy the trip to it’s fullest, because it was filled with food and family.
He’s conflicted about going. He tried to back out of it plenty of times before Lucifer finally threatened him. He feels like it’s...too soon for him to be going back to the human world. But if MC is going...whatever, it’s not like he had anything going on anyway.
Packed plenty of pillows, blankets, and comfy clothes, fully expecting to sleep for two weeks straight. He hates how hot it is, MC has never seen him without his usual baggy layered clothes, but he’s opted for shorts and a tank top.
Doesn’t like how bright it is, so he’ll wear sunglasses and stay under the shade at all times if he can. He’ll complain about the sun but he can sleep through anything, and will take naps no matter how sunny it is. 
Became the victim of getting his body buried in the sand, but it was like a blanket so he fell asleep instantly. Stayed there for hours until Beel came and carried him home.
Doesn’t like swimming too much but will join in by laying on a float. MC flipped the float over once, and Belphie got into a splash fight with them which ended with both of them exhausted. More sleepy cuddles. 
Will make sure MC gets good rest after each day of activity, he’ll bring cool cloths, fans, teas, himself.
Spent a full day with MC building a pillow fort worthy of Diavolo himself, they rewarded themselves by sleeping close together in their own blanket nest under the soft glow of fairy lights.
They all found out that demons actually can get sunburns, so MC was tasked with taking care of all the brothers during the trip, doing their best not to laugh at all their reddened faces. 
Their summer vacation only lasted about two weeks much to MC’s disappointment, but figured it was probably for the best for the safety of humanity. 
Diavolo was extremely satisfied with the results, and kept it in mind for plenty of other events he had planned for them.
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yukiobeyme · 4 years
The brothers reacting to a neko! mc?
All I knew is that Neko meant cat but no idea what else it implied.
I went with Omamori Himari Himari Noihara version of Neko Character
So MC has the cat characteristics beyond a Tail and pair of ears. MC occasionally Meows and scratches their ‘owner’ While Neko is a generally a female character, I went with it being as general neutral as possible.
Lucifer: Finds it quite annoying, you like to be around him too much, curled up to him. OR you like to mess with his papers too much for his liking, but when he finds you in his office curled up in front of the fireplace fast asleep, he feels his heart skip a beat at how adorable you look. From then on occasionally indulge you in ear scratches that drive you wild.
Mammon: Thinks it fun to rile you up, he is the child that pulls at your ears and tail and you scratch him the most. Bought you cat toys and catnip, he got in a lot of trouble getting you high off catnip, but it was the most fun. But Mammon doesn’t always rile you up sometimes he just wants to be close to you and cuddle.
Leviathan: Finds it adorable and horrible at the same time. You play with his computer cords too much and have unplugged his computer during intense games and anime moments. But when you settle down he will indulge you in ear scratches and coo at you but deny it, if you ever bring it up.
Satan: Bought you cat toys as a joke but was over the moon when he saw how ecstatic you were and would play with you. You might not be a small tiny cat, but you were close enough. He would indulge you the most in pets while
Asmodeus: Things you are adorable until you start playing with the strings of his outfit. He learns to be careful around you when it comes to his clothes. You also can easily convince him to do things because all you must do is show him your claws. But he comes right back and threatens to drop you in the bath or throw water on you. Though he also invested in special care for your ears and tail for spa days.
Beelzebub: If you are a gluttonous cat, Beelz is more than willing to share pieces of his food with you. He enjoys how you get your treats from him and purr. Sometimes you curl up close to him but other times you leave him to find Belphie to take a nap in the sun with a full belly.
Belphegor: Uses you as a pillow. You both are nap buddies. The number of times you talk about what looks to be good or the best napping spots. Belphie finds it amusing and comforting to find he isn’t the only one that gets tired when the sun hits just right and warms him up.
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