#mammon’s birthday 2021
momokotuharumaki · 2 years
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Mamo and I married... When I think about it, it sounds terrifying, unpredictable, tumultuous, whirlwind, flighty, and completely... Completely wonderful. Married life with Mamo probably won't be easy. What with the witches and debtors and photoshoots. But I also feel like he would be worth every bit of trouble.
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katboykirby · 8 months
I don't want to sound like a cunt, but I don't like how Solmare has changed how they do things so now we're only getting the most recent Birthday events brought back for revivals.
What I mean is, it's currently October 2023. Satan has had three Birthday events since OM first came out: his Birthday in 2020, his Birthday in 2021, and his Birthday in 2022.
Now that it's October 2023 and we're getting closer to his Birthday again, the "Happy Birthday Satan 2022" event has been revived and has been brought back. It's playable for the 3-4 days before his Birthday on the 20th. This in and of itself is great.
But what about his Birthday event from 2021?
What about his Birthday event from 2020?
Satan has had three Birthdays since the launch of the original game. But we only get to have limited, temporary access to his Birthday from the last year and the last year only. If you're a new player who wasn't around in 2020 or 2021, you'll never get to see those event stories, and you'll never be able to obtain those Birthday cards.
Like. Do we see why that is a problem? This isn't just about Satan - every card from every Birthday event prior to 2022 is now completely unobtainable in the game. No one will ever be able to get Lucifer's 2020 Birthday UR or Barbatos' 2021 Birthday UR, etc. And we all see why that's a bad thing, right?
And the thing is, Solmare used to revive all the Birthday events. If you're a new player you might not have been around for this, but we used to get every single past Birthday event brought back, every year. For Mammon's birthday in 2022, they brought back his 2020 Birthday event and his 2021 Birthday event. But they aren't doing that any more.
So for a significant number of players, all those cards (both SSR and UR Birthday cards) are unobtainable forever. What might be even worse, the Birthday stories (as in, the main Birthday Pop Quiz stories) might now be lost media. Because Birthday events aren't put into LD like regular events. You can't return to them to re-play them to obtain the event cards or read the story.
They're gone. Forever.
And I really, really hate that. Yes, I was present for Satan's birthday in 2020 and I got to read that birthday story. But that was three years ago now. I want to read it again, because I barely remember the majority of it. I have a lot of friends who started playing OM months or even years after I did, and some of them haven't seen any of the 2020 or 2021 birthdays at all. If you started playing with the release of Nightbringer, you haven't seen any of them.
And jesus fucking christ, that makes me so god damn sad. I don't understand why Solmare has made so much of their own content completely unaccessible.
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Hear me out. Mammon steals from MC to replace things with his own. MC gets a hoodie from Beel? Oh looks like it got lost in the wash but don't worry babe Mammon has one that you can borrow! Asmo got formal wear from one of his sponsors and gave it to MC? Nah nah MC you need something tailored to your taste like this! ....Mammon just conveniently has a matching suit to pair with it. He can hide that poor offering from Asmo deep in the closet.
Sorry to say this anon, like I get the sentiment, but it ain't cute.
Taking gifts someone's been given and replacing it with things you got them is still very Yikes™
It's also very underhanded/conniving/manipulative and those things won't allow you to be on equal ground in that relationship.
a.) Mammon can be underhanded, conniving & manipulative when he's running schemes & such but he's also a character who, when around the people he loves, wears his heart on his sleeve and expects everyone to do the same. To the point that in S2 when describing what each of the brothers are like MC says Mammon is "genuine and innocent"
b.) In Mammon's devilgram, Mammon the Butler he says he wants MC & him to be equals in their relationship
And of course, the most important part:
It's still MC's stuff at that point - things that'd have sentimental value to them and like I said in the previous post Mammon canonically does not steal from MC
In this post, I talked about how even though Mammon is possessive he's very respectful of the decisions MC makes regarding the others and their love - he may complain but he won't push.
The literal opposite of anon's headcanon is also true to canon:
a.) In Lucifer's 2020 Birthday event he and MC get matching necklaces/pendants
b.) In Lucifer's 2021 Birthday event Lucifer loses his necklace. Mammon spends time finding it, finds it with Cerberus and despite being scared of Cerberus and despite Cerberus reacting badly to anyone who's not Lucifer, Mammon goes through all the trouble to get it back
Also just because a person has matching things with someone else it doesn't diminish the fact that they also have matching things with you. Which is also part of canon;
a.) In S1, Mammon wants to get matching chocolate lizard keychains with MC but Satan & Lucifer also end up getting the same keychains which upsets Mammon. But in S2 it's revealed that Mammon's own chocolate lizard keychain is one of his favourite possessions because MC has one that matches it, even though Lucifer and Satan also have ones that match them.
Like with a lot of his personality traits, Mammon also seems to exaggerate just how possessive he is by being loud about it. Because:
a.) In Lucifer's You, Me and Devil's Coast Devilgram Mammon sets up a date for Lucifer and MC when tells him they want Lucifer to have fun too.
b.) In S2, Mammon hints at wanting to go to the dance with MC but doesn't ask. If they pretend they don't know what he's talking about he complains a bit but doesn't tell them and doesn't even ask them to the dance.
c.) In S2, if MC kisses Lucifer on the ferris wheel Mammon sees this and is upset but doesn't say a word.
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faolanmoon · 1 year
Random Short Solomon headcannons
Stfu I know I’m literally posting this the day after his birthday ( which is also my mother’s birthday) but I had more important shit yesterday like my mother’s birthday being the next day.SOME OF THESE ARE CRACK.
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He’s probably forgotten to die at least more than once. I just find this to be funny as hell honestly .You can’t convince me that if he physically aged he’d look so old he’d like he forgot he’s passed his life’s expiration date even though he doesn’t have one. Dude just gets in a situation that’s supposed to be fatal is just like “wait I’m supposed to die?”
Is probably the only MF who has tried challenging Leviathan to the Devildom’s equivalent to Smash Bros. before MC that has come close to beating him.Levi almost lost ONCE due to RNG and Solomon spamming, and he refused to play another game with him for a long time because of the spamming.
100% has a stick enchanted with knockback II in Minecraft called the “Yeet Stick” he uses primarily for trolling. Especially on Asmo who doesn’t wear armor, like ever. Levi has kicked him out of the game several times over the Yeet Stick. Only MC is safe from the Yeet Stick because they have “Hide-the-body-anatior ”( basically a netherite sword with all the best enchantments possible) and can one shot his ass without proper armor.(Levi is the same, he just doesn’t have a funny name for his netherite sword like MC does)
He’s the reason why the ice cream machine at McDonald’s is always broke, don’t @ me. He’s so bad at cooking he couldn’t even work at fast food.
Shouldn’t know what Gen Z slang is because of his age, but somehow does. It’s scary because of how he’s able to blend into modern human culture, not as scary as Diavolo trying to be trendy and just being cringe, but it’s still “how do you do fellow kids?”.
Is not allowed within 100ft of Lucifer sometimes because he gets so pissed of at Solomon trying to make a pact with him. Solomon, it’s literally like my dad bringing home the milk, it’s never happening.
Speaking of dads I feel like he’d probably have the worst dad jokes, I would list an example ,but not even I would get it.
Would be the type of mf to shitpost on the main account. Idk how ppl on Instagram shitpost , I grew up on the SparkleCat and Sparkledog days of DeviantArt, you think I use Instagram? I just know it’s what Devilgram is based off of.
Speaking of one of the social media platforms I know more about, whatever the Devildom’s equivalent of Tumblr is, he Levi and MC 100% have one. Solomon only has an account for chaos and some of the shitpost this beautiful Superhell( complementary) has meanwhile Levi is here for fandom stuff and is 100% a Tumbler Vet, Mc has an account for both reasons.
Solomon is also the only person besides Levi and MC who would know wtf Discord is and would have one. Remember the time before Rhythm bots 1 and 2 shut down in 2021? Yeah he’d 100% be trolling in VCs with those bots. (Also before someone in 2023 tries to be a smart ass check the date before you “Well actually the Rhythm bots are back as if 2023 🤓” because it’s not 2023 as I write and publish now is it?) The very last thing he ever had a Rhythm bot play was The Sound of Silence ( or more commonly “Hello Darkness My old Friend) on that famous day in September 2021 when the bots shut down. After the bots shut down he’d instead troll with Discord voice mods. Besides trolling, Solomon would be a massive shitposter when a hard drive of memes that are no where near as many as Levi has.
When no one else is around ( especially Luke) Barbatos goes full Gordon Ramsay on him.
Beel can be heard weeping whenever he smells Solomon’s cooking.
Him and Mc are the only humans who don’t fear God nor death. Not even 13 can make them fear death.
Mammon, Luke , Simeon, Raphael and 13 get trolled the most by him.
Do not let him or anyone in general discover MC’s fan base, fanfics about MC, or any ships involving MC. He’d be the one most chaotic fans MC has the moment he does. Would be the type to make shitposts out of MC ships and use it to fuck with Mammon and Levi who totally wouldn’t already have started shipping wars.
And on fucking with Mammon he’s 100% been robbed by him and would use magic to fuck with Mammon since he’s why we can’t have shit in the Devildom or Detroit.
Solomon and MC are both Asmo’s feral gremlins that should be feared, Solomon is just less bloodthirsty than MC.
None of the Henrys trust him, not even 2.0. Henry 1.0 would kill him without hesitation while Henry 2.0 flares his gills up when he sees him.
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3vocatio · 1 year
oh, if i may ask, what were your thoughts on simeon's bday event? i would very much like to know. i haven't played it myself but i'm thinking of doing so, because lately i haven't been motivated enough to actually log in like alot of fans, sadly.
Apologies for responding to this when there's only a few hours left of his birthday event, but I wanted to mention that I was pleasantly entertained! I don't believe anything in the event upset me, even how the other characters acted. Simeon and MC acted very cute together, and none of the cast were ridden in jealousy (save for the inevitable Mammon Moment, but even he didn't make too much of a fuss compared to Solomon's 2021 birthday...).
There's many things I could comment on regarding this event, but I believe they can be saved for general posts. I do want to mention that I find it curious that in Simeon's first birthday event, he was the one instructing others to do things for him, and everything felt a bit distant. Not that it was bad! In fact, it was an intriguing detail to note, but the contrast between then and now is vibrant to me. This year, everyone has nothing but sefless love and direct it to make sure Simeon has a wonderful time. They even brought him to a cafe owned by someone who's a fan of TSL, so everyone brought Simeon over as a surprise so he could see the cafe decorated in Christopher Peugot's honor.
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Afterwards, they went to another private cafe where they all took pictures together. Simeon reminisced about Celestial Realm tea when Lucifer poured him a special blend of it.
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As mentioned earlier, there fact that there's so much pure love and appreciation for Simeon makes me incredibly happy..! Simeon has always felt distant from most, especially when you consider his role in the story, so reading Raphael say this hits harder. I don't recall other toasts mentioning a year of happiness.
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His locked route was exceptionally lovely to read as well, haha ^^ Sneaky Simeon decided to take advantage of the fact that everyone views him as a sentimental, incoherent drunk in order to steal MC away from the party.
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He and MC took a selfie together and hung it up on the cafe wall; the pictures are imbued with magic, so only the photo-takers can view their respective photos. I would include all of the other adorable bits that occurred throughout the story, but I hope that this summary is enough :] There's still a few hours left if you wanted to go read!
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ss3890 · 2 years
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He’s part of a larger WIP - but in honor of his upcoming birthday, I present a solo appearance of my latest Mammon rendition ✨🤲🏻✨
I wonder what his 2022 card is going to look like? 2020 had a better story, while 2021 had better art, so...I’m very curious. 🧐
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obeythedemons · 1 year
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My Top Posts in 2022:
He Asks MC To Become Immortal [Obey Me! Headcanons]
Obey Me! Masterlist
“So…MC can be immortal?” Mammon asked as Solomon revealed the mistake he made.
“Yes, per our pact terms, I wanted Solomon to keep how he became immortal safe until I wished for him to reveal it,” Barbatos revealed. “I knew at one point, that we may all want to have MC become immortal.”
Solomon looked down at the journal detailing his immortality. It was worn, but still legible. “I considered what I did a mistake,” Solomon spoke quietly. “It’s difficult watching those you grew up with die. The ones that were children of your friends outage you. It’s difficult, I won’t lie. But MC has all of us, so if they decide to do this, it may be easier. However, it has to be MC’s decision.”
“Barbatos, have you manipulated the timeline back then so that they become immortal?” Lucifer questioned.
Barbatos shook his head. “I did not. I purposefully left it open so that this is purely MC’s choice. They can become immortal now, wait and become immortal later, or die at their natural time.”
“Well, what are we waitin’ for! Let’s go ask ‘em now,” Mammon stood up.
Lucifer grabbed his wrist. “No, it should just be one of us. We shouldn’t pressure MC into doing this. And no matter what, we all need to respect their decision.”
“Right, they could say no,” Mammon mumbled and clenched his hands into a tight fist. “Well, let’s get this over with.”
“Yes, let’s get this over with,” Lucifer spoke and pulled Mammon back to his chair. “I will go and speak with MC about the proposition. You all wait here. I will not have anyone interrupt my conversation with that.”
He quickly strode out of the room and marched to MC’s room. Taking a deep breath, he stared down at the door handle. He wondered how many more times he’d be able to go through their door to see them. How many more days, how many years he’d have with them. He knocked on the door and walked in.
“MC?” His crimson eyes moved to where they were lounging on their bed, browsing through their DDD.
“Are you done with your super-secret meeting with all the others?” MC asked with a light chuckle. They turn to their side and looked at him. “What’s up?” Lucifer moved and sat on the bed next to them. His hand ran through their hair. MC frowned. “Lucifer? What’s going on?”
“I’m just trying to remember everything about you,” he spoke quietly. “I don’t want you to feel pressured, you can say no and it will be fine.”
MC sat up. They grabbed his hand from their head and held onto it tightly. “Say no to what?”
Lucifer looked at them in the eyes. “I love you, MC. Your presence has changed all of us for the better. We want you to stay with us for as long as you’ll allow.” He paused. “Would you like to become immortal and stay with us…Stay with me forever?”
“Imma go. I’m their first man, I should be the one to ask them,” Mammon spoke confidently. He almost expected the others to protest. There wasn’t a single one. He looked around in shock. “Are ya sure it should be me? I mean, I’m just some scum bag!”
“No, it should be you,” Lucifer encouraged him. “You were the one that’s always been there for them. Go.”
Mammon gulped and ran to MC’s room. At the door, he burst through the door and knelt over panting.
“Hey, Mammon,” MC hummed, not even bothered by his sudden intrusion.
Mammon looked at them in shock. “H-hey.” He quickly shuffled over to them and sat down. His heart hammered heavily in his chest as he tried to sort out his thoughts from the scrambled mess they were coming out in. His heart beat even faster when he felt MC lean into his shoulder.
“Are you okay, Mammon?” MC questioned. Their hands wrapped around his arm as they cuddled into it.
“Y-yeah,” Mammon sighed. “Look, MC. I’ve never been better whenever I’m around ya. I always wanna be with ya. Just the thought that we’re gonna be away from each other for more than an hour or two gets me upset.”
MC chuckled, remembering the times he’s thrown fits about it. “Yes, I know.”
“Which is why,” Mammon took a deep breath. Here went nothing. “I want ya to become immortal and be with me forever.”
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1,637 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
He Sees MC In Wedding Wear [Obey Me! Headcanons]
Obey Me! Masterlist
He didn’t think he would be affected by this, he should have known better.
He feels his heart race at the sight of MC. He pictures them walking with him, arm in arm. Pictures them saying their vows and him saying his. He pictures them being married and it’s one of the happy images he’s ever imagined.
He’ll slowly walk up to MC and trace his fingers over the fabric, hoping that he’ll see them wear this again for him.
He is going to die, he is going to die, he is going to die. His heart is racing and his face is burning. He doesn’t want to look away, but if he doesn’t look away, he will die.
He rubs that back of his neck as he begrudgingly admits that MC looks nice, not that he’s imagining them wearing this when they get married in the future. Not that they’re going to get married in the future. That’s exactly what he’s imagining.
He’ll try to hide MC from the others, he wants to be the only one that gets to see them like this. At least, not until they’re marrying him.
His face is bright red as he stares at them in awe, like his favorite idol is wearing a Ruri-chan cosplay. But this stare has more love.
Once he snaps out of his love drunk stupor, he covers his face with his hands and gives out a muffled scream.
He keeps thinking of all of the anime/video game themed weddings he could plan with MC. Or if they really want, they could go down the normie route. Whatever just to see them wearing this again for him. He’ll do anything…Except stop hiding behind his hands.
He was used to the passion that is rage, but when he looks at them, he feels a much more pleasant passion. Seeing them in the wedding wear only seems to intensify that passion.
He’ll approach them and spin them around so he can get a good look at them, a faint blush covers his cheeks.
He’ll tell them that he wants to see them in this again soon, but that he should make sure he gets the perfect ring for them.
Immediately squeals and dances around with MC, his eyes taking in every detail on their clothing. He’ll gush over how amazing they look, drowning them in compliments.
He’ll start going on how he wants to marry them right then and there, but he wants to plan the perfect wedding for both of them.
He’ll wink at them if they act flustered, he has thought about marrying them before, so they shouldn’t be so surprised.
He stares at MC in slight shock before a smile forms on his face. He’ll put down the plate of food he’s working on and approaches them, more interested in them than the snacks.
He’ll compliment MC and run his hand over their arm before holding onto their hand. He can’t take it and picks them up before spinning around with a small laugh.
He’ll tell MC that seeing them like this makes him really happy and he can’t wait for the future.
If he wasn’t awake before, he is now. He’ll stare at them wide-eyed as he tries to memorize every little detail about the clothes that they’re wearing, how their hair looks, everything.
That way, he’ll have better chances of dreaming about them like this. Dreaming of them dancing in his arms, holding onto each other, being happy together.
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1,826 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
He Has A Nightmare About MC [Obey Me! Headcanons]
Obey Me! Masterlist
He awoke with a gasp and shot up to a sitting position. Lucfier stared at his shaking hands, feeling like he could still feel MC's dying form in them. His breathing was labored and his heart hammered painfully. He tried to close his eyes and still his breathing, but he couldn't get the image of MC's dead body out of his mind.
Quickly, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and ignored the cold sensation on his feet. He stood and grabbed a dressing robe, pulling his arms through its sleeves. The eldest rushed out of his room and made his way down the halls and to MC's room.
Slowly, he opened the door and peered in. MC's body was covered by the blankets. He couldn't see at this distance if their chest was rising and falling with each breath that they took. Lucifer shuffled inside and pulled a seat up towards their bedside. His crimson eyes drinking in the sight of MC breathing.
His hands still had a slight tremor as he moved some hair from their face. He savored the warmth of their skin, making him momentarily forget the horrific images his mind plagued him with. His hand moved from their face to their exposed hand. He intertwined his fingers with theirs. With a sigh, he sat back in the chair, not having it in him to leave their side just yet. Without meaning to, his mind began to shut down as he fell asleep holding MC's hand.
He wasn't sure if he was awake or still trapped in the nightmare. The demon started to hyperventilate and claw for something near him. His eyes opened with tears quickly falling. There was nothing besides him, just his pillows and blankets.
The demon flung the blankets off of him and ran out of his room. He slammed the door open and desperately searched for the human he was in charge of. When his eyes landed o their somehow still sleeping form, he broke down into sobs and slowly made his way over to them.
Mammon crawled onto their bed and held onto them tightly, his head resting on his chest.
"Mmm...Mammon?" MC yawned as they woke up, not unused to him crawling into their bed at the middle of the night. They were, however, not used to him crying like this. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothin'," Mammon sniffled.
"Nightmare?" MC ran their fingers through his hair. He just nodded and moved to be closer to him. MC sighed and hugged him. "It's alright, you're safe now."
Mammon didn't say anything, not wanting to say that it was MC he needed to make sure was safe.
Levi tossed and turned before his eyes finally opened. He sat up from his tub and stared blankly ahead. His mind flashed back to the images of MC getting hurt. He grabbed his D.D.D. and hesitated. They wouldn't care if someone like him was scared. Still, he had to make sure they weren't hurt.
Levi: Are you wake?
MC: Yeah, what's up?
Levi: Nothing, just making sure you're okay.
There wasn't a response. He sighed and put his D.D.D. back to where it was charging. They responded to his initial text, so he knew that they were at least okay. Laying back down, Levi clung onto his blanket and turned to his side. He kept his eyes opened, every time he shut them, the nightmare came back.
A knock on the door sounded, but he didn't say anything, didn't even ask for a password. The door opened and he sat up to peer over the lip of his tub at who came in. His eyes widened at MC's form walking over. A blanket was wrapped around them.
"Scoot over," MC spoke and climbed into the tub. Levi opened his mouth to protest, feeling a harsh blush envelope his face. "You had a nightmare, I'm here to make sure you're the one that's okay. Now lay down."
Levi listened and laid down. His hands and arms twitched, wanting to hold onto MC, but not wanting to make them uncomfortable. As if they sensed his unease, MC shuffled closer to him and wrapped their own arms around him. He stiffened momentarily before relaxing into their embrace. His eyes fluttered close despite his racing heart. The images of his nightmare were long forgotten.
He woke up and threw the book on him off his chest. He looked around wildly, searching for whoever attacked MC in his dreams. His demons form seeped out in his rage. Then, he realized he was in his room. He stood there, his chest heaving up and down as he started to simmer down.
A knocked sounded on his door. With a sigh, Satan stepped over the book he threw and opened the door to see MC standing there with their eyebrows fitted together in concern.
"I heard a crash, is everything okay?" they explained their presence.
"Yes, sorry. I simply had a nightmare."
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1,940 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
MC hugs him for the first time [Obey Me! Headcanons]
Obey Me! Masterlist
Oh, what's this? He's a bit startled and hides his flustered state well at the sudden form of affection he had not yet seen from this human
If they hold on long enough, he'll slowly wrap his arms around them. It's a bit stiff at first before he melts into the embrace
He'll start to question the warmth he feels inside when MC hugs him, but dismisses it
"If you want to hug me again, you only need to ask."
He freaks out and might actually push MC away from him
Oh shit, no wait. Hug him again, he'll pull MC back to hug him. If someone's nearby, he might push back again. He's not sure what he wants.
He does know that he likes what's happening, but doesn't ever want to admit.
"Wh-What do ya think you're doin' grabin' me like that, human?! No, wait, don't stop!"
What's happening?!!?!?!?! He's frozen to the spot, his face is burning up, his heart is racing, he thinks he's going to die.
His legs shake and might give out, MC better be ready to hold him up since he's going to collapse.
He'll try to say something, but all that really comes out are whimpers. He might actually die.
"Y-you can't just h-hug me like that! Give m-me some wa-warning!"
He'll blink in surprise before he slowly wraps his arms back around MC
It's like MC's a stray cat that had finally warmed up to him and he couldn't be happier.
He'll rub his hand up and down their back or run his hand through their hair, noting how this makes him feel a little less angry with the world.
"I'm glad you've finally warmed up to me, MC. Let's do this again?"
He'll squeal when MC finally hugs him for the first time.
He'll immediately wrap his arms around them and squeeze them tightly as he jumps up and down with them.
He'll gush over how happy this makes him, realizing that his heart is doing something he hasn't really felt it done before.
"Oh MC! This is one of the best hugs I've ever received! Thank you so much, darling!"
He'll pat MC's head and slowly wrap his arms around them too.
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1,948 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Barbatos, drunk and crying: I just want Lord Diavolo to be happy. His mother died and his father treated him horribly. It's my job to spoil him after I adopted him.
Lucifer: You didn't adopt him.
Barbatos: Yes I did. Here are the papers.
Lucifer: It's a drawing Diavolo made for you when he was a child.
Barbatos: That's when I decided he was my son.
2,483 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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radnewspaperroom · 2 years
It’s Mammon’s birthday event coming at us this time, and I’ve already seen some people with Mammon summoning circles posting--I also know people are going to want to know what chance they have at obtaining all the rewards for his current birthday event that’s coming soon. 
for 3 Days, the 2020 event is available (I’m going to make an ass of myself and assume 2021 will be happening after the 3 days) 
2020′s even had 13 notes for battles on both pages 1 and 2. 
That means there was a total of 78 individual battles. (13 notes = 3 battles per note. 13 x 3 = 39.    39 + 39 = 78) 
you get 12 yellow party crackers per battle. 
12 x 78 = 936 party crackers for free battles 
5 (watch an ad battle refills) * 12 = 60
so getting all the free battles means a total of 996 party crackers a day
996 + 996 + 996 = 2,988 party crackers before the 2020 event replay is done. 
Events take 8 AP, so you’ll need at least 624 AP to clear each day. 
8 ap * 78 battles = 624 AP 
(* if you do the extra 5 battles a day, it makes it 8 * 83 = 664 AP needed to clear)
If you missed out on the 2020 event the first time, and you’ve never gotten rewards That’ll put you at getting:  Grim: 4,500 AP: 100 Raven: 8 Story keys: 8 Glow Sticks:3 Pink SR Pieces: 30/30 Purple UR Pieces: 32/80 Devil Points: 5 Special Guest Items: 3 (ramen, sandwhich, bandage) 
thats without using any DP or D-Energy (remember, you might have a 2021 event replay AND the 2022 event itself to save for!) 
So you need to think ahead before rushing head first into the event! These same equations can be used the second that 2022 event opens as well and you do the first battle. You can tell how many battles there will be based off the number of stars available for the parts and go from there!  adjust for cheat cards, the amount of ap you have and you can predict where you’ll fall on the rewards ladder and see if its worth dropping money on! 
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turtleybeachin · 1 year
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85 posts created (6%)
1,240 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,269 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#obey me - 885 posts
#obey me lucifer - 209 posts
#obey me mammon - 158 posts
#obey me diavolo - 88 posts
#obey me leviathan - 87 posts
#obey me simeon - 79 posts
#obey me barbatos - 77 posts
#obey me satan - 76 posts
#obey me solomon - 68 posts
#halloween - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#you know lucifer somewhere just violently sneezed and then glared suspiciously in whatever direction simeon was
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Somehow I’m losing my mind over Raphael’s bedroom. The partially eaten GIGANTIC apple just hanging out, the books and papers on the floor, the not-quite-made bed with the dangle blanket. I don’t know what I expected of him but this was not it and yet I’m loving it.
159 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
so we all have a dark sense of humor in this fandom right? if that's not you, scroll past this, it's not going to hit your funny bone. (spoiler warning for lesson 16!)
okay so the way we have anniversaries in the devildom, what if MC has yearly anniversaries of the day they died?
like hear me out. i like belphie now, but i also feel like it's my diavolo-given right to remind him he's a little shit on a regular basis.
the boys wake up one morning to MC laying in the foyer with a banner hung over them "HAPPY ONE YEAR SINCE I DIED DAY!" we give belphie a sparkly birthday-style hat that says "I'M AN ASSHOLE" and pin a lil badge to his chest that says "MURDERER" and he has to wear it all day.
"it's been one year since belphie murdered me mid-hug and laughed about it!"
"it's been two years since the day belphie strangled me to death and then cackled maniacally in the foyer over my corpse!"
"happy three years since he brutally slaughtered me and then dragged my body through the house like a cat showing off its kill!"
but i feel like we would have to text mammon first to warn/remind him of the holiday i don't wanna traumatize my first man.
227 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
Crying About Season 2 Episode 3
Putting everything under cuts because I don't want to spoil for people who haven't seen it yet.
I CONTINUE TO INSIST MC BE ALLOWED TO ABSOLUTELY ENCOURAGE LEVI'S NERDING OUT. As someone somewhere on the neurodivergent spectrum, I hyperfixate and obsess and nerd out hard on shows and games too. And I know how much it hurts when your friends and family mock you or tune you out or walk away from your excitement. And I know how much it means when they listen and get excited too and even if they don't care or understand they're happy just to see you happy.
And every time in the game when Levi starts getting excited and we're forced to like, not care or shut him down? NO. NO I REFUSE.
Anyway, specifically in this episode, I will admit Simeon's entirely un-subtle escape made me cackle
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Followed by Luke's misery crawl after both his dads abandoned him like that
See the full post
260 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Cold Hands
Lucifer x MC (gender neutral)
Fluff, hand holding, fall vibes
It's a chilly night in the Devildom, the breeze cutting straight through your clothes. Lucifer beside you doesn't even twitch, the breeze ruffling his hair so prettily you can't help but wonder if he's using magic for that effect. Maybe it's his sin reflecting onto you, but you tense your muscles stubbornly and refuse the shiver that arcs along your spine.
He glimpses you from the corner of his eye, watching you clench your jaw against the chattering. You don't seem to realize how you're squeezing his fingers, your bare skin prickling in his grasp, the leather gloves denying you any shared heat. He could tease you, comment on your fragile human flesh, your trademark stubbornness in refusing to ask for his jacket.
Or he could unfurl his wings, stretch them wide and then let them settle in a way that just so happens to curl loosely around you and block the worst of the wind. "Oh, you don't mind, do you?" he drawls, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "The breeze feels pleasant on them." He slips his hand from your grasp long enough to pluck off his gloves and tuck them gently into his pockets, then entwines your fingers with his.
The heat from his hand seeps to your bones and up your arm. "Not at all," you reply, biting back your smile. You know he's caught your chills, and more than that, your attempt to hide them from him. "And your hands? Do you like the feel of the breeze on those, too?"
He lifts your hand in his so he can press his lips to the back of it. His gaze remains locked with yours as he lingers, the warmth of his breath on your skin erasing any memory of cold. "I prefer the feel of you."
312 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes I think about how the other sorcerers must get BIG MAD at MC because they're the first and only human to have a pact with all seven sins, all seven lords of hell.
They should be wealthy beyond understanding, have limitless power, be everything good boys and girls fear about deals with the devil.
And instead they only call upon the pacts for like, stupid shit.
"I heard they summoned Lucifer yesterday???" "Yeah, don't get excited. They didn't want to have to call the cable company to cancel service so they asked him to do it for them."
"Yo, the new kid used their pact to call Satan here! Who died? I didn't see any wild death tolls on the news--" "I saw on Instagram they went to Barnes & Noble and then a shelter to pet cats."
"Did you see they had Beelzebub here last night? And he looked pissed." "I have a friend who works at Olive Garden. Apparently he found the limit to the unlimited salad and breadsticks."
"Was I seeing things or was Asmodeus in town? With Solomon, I assume?" "Nah, with his apprentice." "Oh, were they trying to seduce their way--" "They were trying out those new nail polish robots at Target."
"Ugh, did they summon Mammon? Why??" "Apparently they couldn't reach some of the spell components on a top shelf and didn't want to go get the step stool."
"The new kid is outside with Leviathan, and they're standing real close talking animatedly. You don't think he's scouting ahead for the Navy, do you?" "Nope, walked by them earlier. They're playing Pokemon Go."
"I'm pretty sure that's Belphegor in the lounge near the fireplace." "Yep. Apparently the new kid likes to shove their bare feet under him while he naps, says he's 'the perfect temperature'."
5,496 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
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momokotuharumaki · 2 years
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Awwwww! Luke, my precious little baby boy! You're such a sweet baby to Mamo! And Mamo, you're so sweet not to hurt my baby's feelings!
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Birthday Chaos
Originally written September 2021
Genre: fluff, family time
PLATONIC: Leviathan and Mammon
(genderless MC mentioned but not present)
Trigger/content warnings: none
Headcanons/notes from the author: lol guess who found more old gems. this was written with Mammon having dyslexia.
Brief Blurb: Mammon wants to game with Levi to kick off his birthday.
The House of Lamentation wasn't prepared for the day that had creeped upon it... Mammon's birthday. The others hadn't forgotten about it, but Mammon was unpredictable most of the time. Especially with _____ gone, he was back to his weird random behaviors that were difficult to foresee. So one can only imagine Levi's surprise when Mammon burst into his room, excited and blabbering on about something he couldn't really understand. "Mammon! Jeez, knock, would you?" Levi pushed himself up onto his hands, glaring at his older brother. "I'm not even out of bed yet."
"It's not a bed, it's a tub."
"It calms me down, okay?" Levi, blanket still over his head, squirmed around to look at Mammon and pulled the blanket closer to his form. "What do you want anyways?"
Mammon smiled at him. "I wanted to spend time with ya!"
"No way, you're gonna do some money grubbing shtick."
"Aw c'mon Levi, ya got me all wrong." Mammon sat on the floor next to his brother's tub. "I just wanna game with ya."
Squinting, Levi flopped so he was sitting up on his butt. "Fine... but I don't wanna do any bets. You'll lose."
"Oh yeah!?"
"Mammon, you lose at everything."
Grumbling, Mammon crossed his arms and leaned his forehead on the bathtub edge. It was cool against his skin, making him relax a little. "What games are ya willin' to play with me?"
"Mm..." Levi looked at the ceiling, deep in thought. "Maybe... Ruri-chan Party?"
Mammon hummed. "I dunno, some of the mini games are too hard because of..." he trailed off, embarrassed of himself.
"Oh right, you're bad at that one."
"Sh-Shut up." Mammon pouted a little and crossed his arms. "It's just difficult to process some of the games, okay? Too many visuals..."
Huffing, Levi rolled his eyes. "Fine. Sorry." He got up, abandoning his blanket in the tub to go to his switch. "Lemme see... What about Starwing Valley?"
Mammon furrowed his eyebrows. "That farming game? I thought it was single player."
"Nah, I have two controllers now. We just couldn't use the split ones because of the game functions." He watched Mammon's face contort in confusion, not really getting it. "Um, anyways, we could play it together if you want."
A huge grin spread across Mammon's face. "Okay!" He joined Levi on the floor, excited to try a less visually stimulating game. "Is it difficult to control?"
"Not really, once you get the hang of it. The HUD buttons are opposite of Flycraft, though."
"Aw man, that's gonna confuse me." Mammon took the controller Levi handed him. "I'm excited though." He ignored the bewildered expression Levi was making, watching the tv instead as the menu loaded. "The music is pretty."
"Yeah!" Levi smiled and started a new multiplayer game, then quickly explained the character creation controls to Mammon, who halfway understood what he meant. "If you want me to help just say so."
"N-Nah I think I got it." Mammon squinted and made a weird face as he attempted to read the options. "Oh... will there be a lot of reading?"
Levi realized his brother was uncharacteristically upset, then suddenly connected why he was. "Shit, yeah... I can read it to you. It's not a big deal."
A couple tears rolled down Mammon's cheek, but he quickly wiped them away. "Y-Yeah, thanks, Levi."
"You don't need to cry."
"'m not cryin'." Mammon mumbled, fiddling with the thumbsticks on the controller. "It's just frustratin'."
Levi read out the options in the character creator, and helped him decide the multiplayer options. They finally got all set up and Mammon hit the start button, then Levi read out the old man's dialogue. "Is it money? Why'd he give us an envelope and tell us to wait to open it? It's money, right?" Levi groaned and read the letter during the cutscene where the protagonist opens it. "Wait, he left them the farm? That's why we're on a farm? That's so weird."
"Well if all he had was a farm what else would he give you?"
"He could sell the farm and give us money, duh. Can we sell the farm?"
"Mammon, the game is about farming. How are you gonna have a farming game without a farm?"
"You could farm money."
Levi sighed and gave up trying to explain to Mammon why he couldn't sell the farm. He continued to read the dialogue to him, smiling and relaxing a bit. Once Mammon had all of the starting dialogue read to him and the player slept, Levi helped him with the pause menu so he could join on split screen. "I'm gonna make my character, but I'll still read to you, okay?"
"Thanks..." Mammon mumbled, embarrassed. He made his character run around, then found the door that would lead him outside. "Oh my god, how am I supposed to make money? I'm so poor in this game!"
Levi laughed. "You have to farm."
"Then I'm gonna be the best farmer ever!"
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Since you're pretty much the resident Mammon expert, I was curious to see whether you thought Mammon would be the kind of demon to cheat during cards or play it straight?
I could see it going either way, he gets a little too greedy or cocky, or he gets upset if he catches someone else trying to cheat him. Or it could even change depending on if he's dealing or not.
I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it feels like the game mostly goes into his selling style of get rich quick schemes and doesn't go all that in depth on gambling (looks at casino themed nightmare where Mammon only got the ssr and not an ur)
Ohh he's definitely 100% the type to cheat during games if it means it'll help him win which is confirmed in s3 after he spends the night on the train playing cards with MC & Luke. Luke accuses him of cheating & he says he didn't need to cheat against Luke & only cheated against MC
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I bet he's also the type to hate when others cheat against him though
I think the most they go into gambling is;
• in his 2021 birthday event where the whole family goes out gambling
• in the 'Let's Hit the Casino' SSR devilgram which I think is what you mentioned?
• in the 'Mammon the Gambler' SSR devilgram which is not technically about actual gambling? It's more about playing poker & other games against his brothers to secure a date with MC. So not sure how much that counts?
• in his 'Seven Rulers of Hell' SSR devilgram where he takes MC to the casino and teaches them how to play roulette. I think this is the one that goes the most in depth into gambling?
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
HemlO ate sparkk hdjdb
I need help ;v;;
Currently they have a rerun for Satan's bday 2020-2021 and idk if i should save my devilpoints or use them for the reruns for the satan bday cards ;_;; i have around 80 above dp ;;
Thank you in advance and also looking forward for your future writings huhu and take care po ueue✨
Well, from what I understand. When you play the Birthday event on their initial run like now for the 22's birthday event it usually need like 23 D-energy (added in the 5 battles when you watch ads) to get all the pieces within the 5 to 6 days of the event.
While the re-runs event is only 4 to 5 days only.
So here's what I can advise.
If you were almost done with last year's event (aka maybe you're close and only needed the last 24 to 32 pieces) Then I suggest finishing that. And when the new event comes. Try to finish that the best you can.
Remember if you really want last year's card. I suggest doing this.
But if you only want the this year's UR card, then I suggest to save up D-energy (23-24) or DP (115) with the 5 battles watch ads use them to get the keys battles to finish the key path because is important to get that on the first day. (Note that you can still get 30 DP as a gift on Satan's Birthday)
Added reminder: I followed this tips from someone on twitter who compute the amount of birthday crack needed with each birthday event. When I did this with Lucifer's Birthday it took me 23 or 24 D-energy and the 5 battle ads to get his card. When I saw them made the same computation with the other Birthday events Here's an example with Mammon's 22's Birthday event.
Hope this helps Kurisu :3
I'm always glad to help and you take care :D
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rohansdisciple · 1 year
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I posted 578 times in 2022
That's 578 more posts than 2021!
536 posts created (93%)
42 posts reblogged (7%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 541 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#rohansdisciple - 468 posts
#shall we date obey me - 156 posts
#obey me shall we date - 153 posts
#obey me leviathan - 143 posts
#genshin impact - 143 posts
#obey me lucifer - 142 posts
#obey me satan - 141 posts
#obey me mc - 141 posts
#obey me belphegor - 140 posts
#obey me beelzebub - 140 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#mister wakui i would also really appreciate it if both michi and mikey survive this and this ends peacefully thanks 🤝🏾‼
My Top Posts in 2022:
pov : youre a hilichurl and this is the last thing you see before dying .
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477 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
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spica looks like one of those men out of the manhwa ngl 😭✋🏾
479 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
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yes a very reassuring statement from the great mammon 😉
490 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
mammon in luci's outfit is doing things to me rn 😍‼️🤞🏾 .
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623 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I have never felt an attraction towards him which is crazy to me rn 🧍🏾‍♀️😭 .
917 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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alieinthemorning · 2 years
So I read through Mammon's 2020 Birthday Pop Quiz
and I'm ready to box.
Let's talk about it.
The fact that he was hesitant to follow the ribbon hurt.
The fact that he was suspicious of the letters hurt.
What the fuck did the brothers do to hurt him so bad?
It was his day of creation and he still had his guard up.
I really think he thought the ribbon was going to lead him into be strung up.
I think that he thought the letters were going to say something horrible about him.
Which, that's a whole other can of worms that I'm not going to get into now.
Feel free to send asks about though.
You know,
I think he thought MC was in on some plot against him.
When he seen them with Satan and Asmo.
It's sad that they've done so much to hurt him,
but he has this sense of "their my family so..."
Ahhh I have so many thoughts.
Let Mammon go through some shit for 2021 and 2022,
NTT Solmare will see me.
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
「 🐳 」 ohh my goodness i remember the wedding event so well because i kept on trying to coax my friend into playing obey me by showing her satan's bit with the storybook, hehe <3 mammon's proposal was super cute too, from what i recall.
and ... you have seen my posts because the reason why i even discovered your blog was because you gushed on one of mine beginning around a year or so ago (•́⌄•́๑)૭✧ since then, i've been checking up on your blog often since it's rare to find people in the obm fandom that i actually agree with and aren't insufferable and who don't get the treatment of my notorious and yet, agreeable, “so no bitches?”, attitude many have claimed to admire purely because i'm able to find a way where i make the other shut up with my swd veteran discount card without seeming like an asshole.
and oh my goodd i feel you with those intimacy levels so much sjdnfskjd i've never bought vip in obm in my life, so trying to grind for satan in particular is SO much more difficult than it needs to be but it's okay because he's like a stray cat that glued itself to its owner and you can't help but love it, even if he is distant and closed-off on some days.
i remember when the nowdateables FIRST came out to be available for the homescreen ... they skipped solomon's birthday a few days after it was implemented and yet, he still had his birthday dialogue. i was so sad for him that i agreed to keep him on my homescreen and working and farming levels for him out of love and pity </33
respectable intimacy levels, by the way! i wish the level for my diavolo was lower because i just couldn't stand him in season 4 and i felt as though it were a clap back to when s2 was first released and the first thing i thought when solomon showed us the dagger was, “please tell me that's for diavolo, i don't accept anyone else”. not to say that i hate him !! he's just ... euurrhrhhggg (/neu) to me, yk??
on the brighter side of season 4, we got hilarious hard mode lesson stories! one was of solomon acting hilariously catatonic, similar to a dementia patient, after sleeping all day when he researched all night, and it basically went
solomon: 🧍
raphael: 👁️ ⬜️⬜️
simeon: ??????
solomon was acting like an old man, simeon begged for help, but raphael went “i Do Not See, i'm busy staring at ... uh ... the wall”.
in the hard mode chapter for lesson 80, leviathan was summoned to the human realm by mc, who was with solomon, and since levi was dressed in a tsl outfit and wouldn't stop yelling in the middle of a train station, solomon went, “stfu rn you cringe ass” (reality: “okay, i get it. could you quiet down now?” and the reason why this is so funny was because he had the ( ^^;;) look before putting on a blank face once he heard levi's explanation and went 😑). eventually, he and mc took leviathan to a book signing for simeon's newest tsl edition. and i just ... ended up crying tbh because why the fuck did all of simeon's character development go into the HARD MODE CHAPTER OF LESSON 80???
it was so beautifully well done imo and simeon spoke very vulnerably about how he took up writing as a way to cope with the loss of lucifer and his brothers, and how he is now accepting of them and himself and i think that finally, after all of the avoidance lucifer has done in relation to the shared trauma he has with simeon (and due to simeon's ignorance of not entirely understanding their situation at the time), i think they'll be ready to finally confront each other so im crossing my fingers that s-lmare will not fuck this up like the obm fandom does everyday
anyways, super glad that you think back to what i mentioned about bird song and dolasach :,)) and hopefully, my new response will help you become inspired, too!
Honestly after seeing the Wedding Event's proposals I'm like... Well idk what's going to top this in terms of romance anymore? (and then Satan's 2021 bday UR showed up and murdered me with private proposal at the end sdfhgkjhg)
Definitely couldn't get over Mammon's proposal, but like... More because it's fun and cringey then thinking it's cute skhjdg can't believe he managed to get the Purgatory Boys to join him 😭
Also??? Insane??? And more than a year ago??? Nonnie you're killing me, who are you!! ;A; Also you've been lurking on my blog for that long?? I honestly think I'm pretty insufferable but I'm glad I didn't get that treatment from you >.<
Does VIP make it easier to level up the intimacy? Iirc it just doubles the XP you gain from doing dance battles and doubles the chances of getting drops from the Jobs but nothing about the intimacy...? Can't get RedxRed Apple Pies from the jobs anymore anyway, we get the stuff the side boys like + the stuff that I'm assuming will be for the newbies once they're dateable too
nkjkbfgb I guess that kind of adds to my theory that the devs don't really do any long term planning even when it comes to major decisions like that? Because I feel like they'd have celebrated Solomon's birthday with a proper event if they did since he was already an Intimacy Uppable character by then, even if it was like, a few days after...
shfjdfg Tbh I only have levels with Diavolo because he's one of the only Gluttony cards I've got... If it were up to me I really wouldn't have levels with him hkjdfg he's interesting as a character but I don't like him, personally. Same as you, I find him really annoying in S4 and like... Idk? He purposely says and does some of the most infuriating things both in main story and in events >.> I often think about how during the part in S2 where he tries to comfort MC after telling them about the effects + possible options for severing the ring, Dola would not let him anywhere near her and would never let him hug her the way he got to hug canon MC.
Like why would she find comfort in the guy who's caused her all this trouble?
And sdjhkgdhjfg Fuck S4 for leaving all that in hard mode?? After all the pointless bullshit we had to deal with, we get the good shit like Simeon opening up like that trapped in hard mode when it should've been in Lesson 80 itself? I think hard mode should be for bonus fleshing out snippets like sneak peeks into life at Purgatory Hall like the scene with them you described, and for bites of foreshadowing... Characterization like that being locked there is so :/
Tbh I'm not even going to try and hope for anything in S5 anymore lmao I'm going to keep my expectations to rock bottom so that I don't get burned like I did with S4. I genuinely thought that the reason why we had S3 be more on character development (or attempts at it, in some cases) was because we'd have something more plot heavy once we got S4, especially with everything they were dropping and hinting at with the Celestial Realm and with something major going on with Simeon. Plus I thought that MC being an official registered sorcerer would be of more interest than it did?
So idk. Solmare has the ability to write well, but will they actually do it should they decide to have Simeon and Lucifer have a proper conversation? Or will they let me down the same way they did with almost the entirety of S4?
And ofc!! I have nights when I just lay down and listen to the Spotify playlist you sent just thinking about Dola and planning things out >.< Insane really...
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