#man i miss drawing regular leo
v-albion · 3 months
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Congrats on 3500 @koolaidashley !!!!!
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angelasscribbles · 8 months
Savage Love Chapter 36: Lost and Found
Series: Savage Love
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake
Rating: R         
Warnings: Mature themes
Word Count: 1,982
My other stuff: Master List.
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The world spun as I struggled to put the pieces together. The woman sitting in front of me wasn’t Cora Illiopolis, she was Helena Rys née Samaras and she was my mother.
Or at least she had given birth to me. Eleanor had raised me. I had lost my mother when she was murdered just as much as Liam had. Eleanor had brought love, warmth, and laughter into the cold, sterile world I had existed in with Constantine. She had given me a brother and she had loved me as if I were her actual son.
Helena was barely a memory. A scandal. An unfortunate footnote in the history of the Rys family.
But the framed photo in my hand contradicted everything I had been told about her.
“You were the lady in the park?” It felt like a stupid question. Clearly, she was. I had the photographic evidence in my hand. I had my own fucking memories. They might be decades old, but I remembered her. I remembered her laughter, her smile, and how kind she always was to me.
“Yes,” she seemed sad as she recalled, “Eleanor was generous enough to meet with me secretly so I could see you on a regular basis, even if I couldn’t tell you who I really was.”
“Why?” I demanded as I struggled to keep my emotions under control, “Why did it have to be a secret?”
Her gaze darted from my face to Liv’s as if searching for some backup. She looked stricken as she stumbled over her answer, “Because…ah..your father…I don’t know if you realize….it wasn’t my choice….he….I wasn’t supposed to….I shouldn’t have even been in Cordonia, but Eleanor, she….she saw that it wasn’t right….”
Nausea flooded over me in a rush as the truth hit me. She hadn’t abandoned me, she had been forced out. So many things from my past snapped into place, this one crucial piece of missing information making it all make sense. My father’s over-protectiveness, his close scrutiny of guest lists, the vetting of my mail, more so than his own, or even Liam’s. As if he were trying to keep the world away from me. Not the whole world, apparently. Just my mother.
Liv’s hand on my shoulder shook me back to the present. “I’m sorry,” I managed, “I need a minute.”
“Of course-“ Helena said more, but I didn’t hear it. I jolted out of my seat and straight out the front door.
“Leo!” Liv threw a quick apology to Helena before chasing after me. “Are you okay?”
“I….” I was bent over, hands on my knees, gasping for air. I had just been delivered the shock of a lifetime, and I felt like a fool. I should have known.
Constantine Rys was nothing if not controlling, manipulative, and vengeful. That man could hold a grudge like no one else I’ve ever met, and he did not brook disagreements, insubordination, or independent thought.
Of fucking course he had banished my mother after the divorce. Cordonian law ensured the crown had primary custody, but no, that wouldn’t have been enough for the old man. He would have wanted to make her pay for the sin of leaving him. For the embarrassment. And so what if it wrecked emotional devastation on his son?
My entire childhood had been spent wondering why my own mother didn’t want me. I shook my head as Liv’s hand landed on my back. I looked up at her from my bent-over position, angry tears in my eyes, “That fucking bastard!”
“Oh, Leo…”
I straightened up and pulled her to me, drawing her into my body and crushing her against me as if the tightness of my embrace could shield us both from the cruelty and capriciousness of the world. “I promise I will never turn into my father!” I sobbed into her hair.
“I know,” her voice was soft and soothing as her fingers threaded through my hair, “I love you, Leo. You’re nothing like him.”
“I love you so much, Livvie,” I sniffled as I finally managed to wrest my emotions into order, “I don’t deserve you. Are you sure you don’t want to find someone with less baggage?”
“Hush,” she scoffed, “We have matching baggage. There’s no one out there better than you. Not for me.”
I pulled away and wiped at my face, “Thanks. We should…we should go back in.”
Helena was coming out of the kitchen as we entered the living room, “I cleaned up the tea, I wasn’t sure if you were coming back...”
I strode quickly across the room and engulfed her in my arms, hugging her just as tightly as I’d hugged Liv, “I’m so sorry for what he did to you. I didn’t know….I would have looked for you sooner!”
She dissolved into tears in my arms, “It wasn’t your fault! You didn’t know. How could you? I’m sorry, Leo! I should have tried harder, I should have-“
“You couldn’t fight a literal king and the entire King’s Guard. I get that.”
“I was going to contact you once you became king-“
I laughed as I released her, “I’m here now and I won’t lose you again, you can count on that!”
“I’m sorry I had to go into hiding, I had to protect Lena…”
“Right,” I had all but forgotten the thing that had brought us here, “Lena. How did that happen? How did you end up with her?”
“I was only supposed to take care of her for a week or two while Eleanor went back to Cordonia for you and Liam. She was leaving him. We were all going to disappear together. She would have her two children, I would have mine, and we would both be free of Constantine. But she never came back.”
“Yes. We know that much.” It explained why Eleanor had planned to take me too. She had been going to deliver me to my mother. What would my life have looked like if their plan had succeeded?
“Jackson thought it would be safest for the baby if she disappeared and no one ever knew she existed.”
“But why? My father is a monster, but even he wouldn’t hurt his own child. I mean, physically anyway.”
“That’s the reason she was running. The baby wasn’t his. He would have killed her if he’d known.”
Now I felt like I was going to throw up. Had he known? Was he responsible for her death? I hoped to all that was holy he had not been, for Liam’s sake. That just might break him.
“Who was the father? Do you know?”
“Yes. It was Jackson Walker.”
Sigrid excused herself to go and mingle. I had no choice but to let her. I couldn’t seem too eager. People like her could sniff desperation a mile away. Besides, I wasn’t desperate. I was so close I could taste it.
Taking down the Cordonian branch was no longer good enough. Not when I had the entire European division within my grasp.
We could take down the local organization and they would have a stranglehold again within five years. Cutting off a tentacle wasn’t enough, we needed to take the head.
Bringing down the entire Via Imperii would be quite the feat for a GIA agent. It would fast-track my career into upper management and ensure me any assignment I wanted.
That’s what I told myself anyway. That it was all about the feather in my cap. The professional prestige, and that it had nothing to do with the fact that as long as the Via Imperii had a foothold anywhere in Europe, the future king of Cordonian would be in danger.
The moment Leo’s abdication was officially announced, Liam would receive the same offer Leo had and though I had tried to pitch the usefulness of playing along for the sake of gaining a tactical advantage, Liam had been just as steadfast as his brother in his refusal to even pretend to entertain their offer.
I understood his reasons, but Jesus fucking Christ he wasn’t making my job easy.
The social season was almost over. I was running out of time. I had been putting off submitting my report for days now because I knew the mission objective was in hand. The Corodian branch had been compromised. I knew who led it, I knew who all the members were, and I knew where their headquarters were located. After tonight, I would know if the missing Rys heir was a real threat or not.
Command was going to say there was no reason not to breach. The mission's objective was clear: Take down the Cordonian branch of the Via Imperii. That’s what we were invited here to do, and that result was well within our reach.
But it was no longer enough for me. I needed to protect my friends. I needed to protect Liam.
I just needed a little more time to worm my way further into the organization, to gain Sigrid’s trust. To find out if the estate we were standing in was the headquarters of upper leadership and if not, what was. To find out who the leader of the European division was. And if my intel was correct, the leader of the entire thing.
We could rid the planet of the whole putrid, rotting, evil cabal. And who wouldn’t want that?
Hopefully, Lena was an unwitting pawn and not an evil sibling hell-bent on taking down her brothers. Experience told me the chances of her seeing reason were slim. Power corrupts. The promise of a throne and the lure of a crown might be too much to overcome, but a girl could hope.
As we took our seats for dinner, Sigrid stood at the head of the table. Every head turned to face her. Every voice quieted in her presence. She smiled benignly, “It’s so nice to have you all here tonight. Thank you, King Eirik, for hosting us, and thank you Duke Richards and Duchess Ebrim for making the trip. As you all know, Cordonia is next on our list of…acquisitions.”
She paused as quiet laughter rounded the table.
“I heard the crown prince turned us down,” Eirik tipped his head expectantly.
Sigrid shot him a look of annoyance, “Yes, he did but he’s no longer the crown prince. It hasn’t been publicly announced yet, but Leo Rys has abdicated. Prince Liam will take his place. We anticipate a rejection from him as well however, he must pick a queen, and the two top contenders for that role are members in good standing within our ranks.” She tipped her glass of champagne toward me and Madeleine.
I inclined my head in acknowledgment as curious murmurs broke out and heads craned in our direction.
“That’s fine and well, but on the off chance that he doesn’t pick one of them….” Godfrey shot Madeleine an apologetic glance, “I don’t doubt you darling, but I have intelligence that suggests he might be considering another suitor. In that case,” he turned his attention back to Sigrid, “I have been assured we have an insurance policy.”
“Indeed, we do,” Sigrid smirked as she gestured to one of the guards near the door.
The door swung open. A figure strode through it. I quickly noted dark hair, like Liam’s, the signature Rys chin, and the same ocean blue eyes that belonged to both Leo and Constantine. But the detail that took me completely aback was that the lost heir to the Cordonian throne wasn’t Leo and Liam’s sister at all.
I didn’t know where Lena was at that moment, but she certainly wasn’t in Hidar.
Sigrid smiled lovingly at the newcomer as she announced to the room, “Allow me to introduce my cousin Constantine’s long-lost child. The one I have raised as my own son. Anton Severus Rys.”
Well, shit.  
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geeksauruse · 1 year
Sup, can I request a TMNT 2014/16 matchup please?
My name is Gabriela, but they call me Gabi/Gabby. Im 17, female, with long,straight, shoulder-lenght hair, hazel eyes, wearing black glasses. Im tall. Im from Slovakia, but I have also Russian ancestors ( it makes me half Russian, if thats makes sense). I mostly wear dark clothes, my style is idk cozy, Dark academia..
Im a Libra ❤️
I have nothing to do with war and Im against it and I hate Putin 🙂❤️. ( Fucking asshole)
Personality : Im really shy, and quiet, seriously you don't even know Im in the room. People think that Im a weirdo cause I have always nose stuck in a book, with black earphones or going around with a sketbook, drawing something. I feel really left out from a society but hey, if they wanna have me as a freak, IDGAF. I love to work out though. I know that my body doesnt look like it cause Im average, but hey, my body, my Choice. Yeah, I curse a lot but don't worry, you'll get to used to it. Im an only child. My bedroom is filled with pictures on the wall and books. Its cozy and kinda aesthetic.
I love Maneskin, AC/DC, Kiss, pop and party songs. I love to dance. I like Shinedown and Billie Eilish too but I listen to Russian music too.
I live in village with my mom, grandma and cats.
My grades are mostly A's, sometimes B's. Family thinks that Im sort of a genius cause I love technology and look at my grades. Yeah, thats why 😂😂. Though, I hate math. Ugh, gross 🙄
I work at the restaurant, Im a waitress. Im at Hotel Academy High school, in September Im in 3rd year.
I love meditation. Its so calming. I love loooong walks around village 🥺❤️. I can't imagine something better. Running is my fav thing too
My fav colors are blue and black and also purple
Yeah, I think thats All.
After considering the four options I have selected to pair you with…
Our leader in blue, Leonardo!
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Leonardo would fall for you for your similar personality’s and interests, not to mention your fabulous looks.
The two of you met in strange to say the least fashion.
It was a regular night for you, you were walking around time square listing to your music,AC/DC blasting out of your black headphones.
You were so into your internal world, wrapped up mulling over the most recent plot twist in your book that you had walked straight into the most recent fight between the foot and the turtles.
Or better put, the end of it.
You didn’t notice your surroundings at first, but the turtles noticed you waltzing into their fight instantly.
It’s hard to miss the hip swaying teen with a book bag the size of a small six year old child, singing the lyrics to ( your fav song here)
You did a spin landing directly on top of a foot soldier who was about to shoot( he missed)
As you and your belongings crashed to the ground with a scream, the foot soldier tried to tackle you.
Your first reaction was,To throw a punch as hard as you could, inevitably breaking the dudes nose.
As slay as you are, he was still unfazed as he pulled out a knife.
Leo, just in time, pulled the guy off of your frightened form, and threw him into a wall.
“ are you okay ma’am?”
You sat there staring in shock at the massive, toned wall of a six foot male turtle man.
And that’s when you looked up and saw the beautiful, clear blue eyes.
“ you have beautiful eyes.”
Even tho you complimented him in the first meeting and seemed completely harmless, he was still very hesitant to trust you. That kinda what he does.
He’s not shy, and he doesn’t hate you,he’s just a little cautious.
And so he watched you get along with his brothers. And that’s how he started to trust and fall for you.
It started with the major things that he noticed.
Your favourite bands, Color’s, and style.
When he finally realised he could trust you  he did take into consideration that your shy.
When he approached you, it was very formal and yet very kind.
Y’all became very quick friends after he heard how you liked to mediate.
Dudes entire motors screams slow burn.
This relationship develops over at least a six month time period.and this is the just friends stage.
After times he kinda learns more things about you.
How smart and sweet you were, how you loved to dance and spinning is one of your favourite parts of it.
All of a sudden you were coming over and he set out your fave fork.
Why does he know this? He asks himself in the middle of the night when Mikey talks about how close you are and how he seems to know about you likes and dislikes.
In denial for like two weeks and avoids you for both.
Realised he caught feelings and thankfully  you had them as well cause you had to make the first move.
When you did it was very awkward but also very sweet because he spent most of your confession and after being the gentleman he it.
When your relationship started he absolutely adored learning and doing the things that you liked, especially cause he liked to do them as well.
Reading and meditation, not to mention running!
Thinks your hobbies are the coolest especially cause they are similar to his( meditation, workout, eat and then read)
Y’all really got on swell.
He understands that you are shy and quite and he really doesn’t mind, he’s a ninja after all so you both were able to get on noticing each other without actually being noticed.
He is on board with your art skills, loves to watch you draw.
he also likes the color blue, for obvious reasons 💅💅💅💅
I hope you like it and have a great day!
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1eos · 2 years
leo has such beautiful bone structure. like he truly has such a rare face idk how else to explain it but i know you know what im talking about. something about his forehead and brow bone, and his eyes and cheek bones, his nose, his lips, the shape of his jaw... like ive never seen someone so sculpted. and the fact that his body is amazingly proportioned too is like???? i feel like he could easily be an artists muse.... like if he went back in time there would be sonnets written about him or some shit. if he was a regular man that i passed by on the street, i would literally write a craigslist missed connection trying to find him like "LOOKING FOR TALL ELONGATED ANGULAR MAN WALKING DOWN MAIN STREET @ APPROX. 4 PM" i dont even care. can you imagine if he was next to you in line at the bank?? or you passed by him in the frozen foods section at the grocery store? now im rambling but you know what i mean!?
*holds your hand* no i understand EXACTLY what you meannnnnn he’s got such a Face. capitalized for importance!!!! nd ik he has a Face (unique) bc no one on earth can make a sim that looks like leo without becoming an abomination of god like the sculpted features but soft cheeks combination? that was purposeful design. nd ive been reading on and off abt muses nd the way a giant group of artists would be obsessed with one muse? leo teas definitely. anyways you’re saur valid <3 i’m too polite AND too introverted to ever approach a stranger to draw them but if i saw leo at cvs i feel like i would be so moved i’d ask to take a picture of his nose as inspo. like the face doth be facing!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can’t get over it nd ive seen this bitch thousands of times!!!
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The Aftermath - Ch. 34
Happy Birthday, Ella
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Summary: It’s Eleanor’s 18th birthday
Word Count: ~2.6k
A/N: big time jump! 
A/N 2: ahhh this is the last chapter!! the one before this was sort of a conclusion but in this one is more like... the aftermath of the aftermath, haha. anyway, this was more than difficult to get out, firstly because i absolutely suck at conclusions so if this is terrible, sorry :( and secondly because this is my first fic and i really can’t believe it’s finished! am i crying? maybe... anywayyy, thank you all so much for reading!! i hope you’ve enjoyed this series as much as i’ve enjoyed writing it!! <3
Warnings: mention of character death
*All characters belong to Pixelberry, except those that are unique to my story (I’ve also used some characters and fictional instances from Donna Tartt’s book, “The Goldfinch”)*
Tags:  @captain-kingliamsqueen @gkittylove99​ @lovablegranny @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @queenrileyrose @shanzay44 @cordonianroyalty @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @twinkle-320 @amandablink @texaskitten30 @pens-girl-87 @ladyangel70 @sanchita012 @cordonianprincess @cordonia-gothqueen @queenwalton @yourmajesty09 @alj4890 @choicesbutterfly 
- Eleanor - 
I sit at the empty desk across from my bed. There is nothing in front of me, but I stare at my neat piles of notebooks and novels: some that Daddyo had recommended to me, others that I had borrowed from his library.
My bedroom door is open. From the hall, I hear the tapping of Roger’s paws and the light thuds of Fabian’s footsteps. The noise of their arrival lightly raises me from my seat and my tired thoughts. I walk out of my room and go after them.
Roger runs away from Fabian with something in his mouth. My little brother giggles as he runs after our dog, struggling to keep up with him. The dog weaves through crowds of servants, making its way towards the front of the palace.
Fabian sighs, frustrated. I put my hand on his shoulder and urge him to continue on with me.
Once we reach the front doors, we see that Roger has stopped running and is having his belly rubbed by Aunt Rowan, while her oldest son, Rowell, races towards my brother.
Rowell and Fabian run off quickly, already in the midst of a game. Lord Maxwell gives me a side hug, holding his and Aunt Rowan’s youngest son to his side.
I hug Aunt Rowan, then give the little babe a kiss on his chubby cheek. I lead them towards the sitting room, where Mama drinks tea with Duchess Hana and Duchess Olivia.
After the adults are all seated, they usher me out of the room. I giggle, saying that there’s nothing they have to hide from me, but I know what they’re planning and agree to leave.
Outside the sitting room, I decide to go look for Gabe and Daddyo, hoping that their meeting with the dignitary was over. I check my watch and see that they should have been done about a half-hour ago, but I know my brother had probably gone on overtime.
He had started taking his duties more seriously as of late, and I know it’s because of the talk Daddyo had with us at Applewood. He had insisted that I come along into town with them and receive the same speech, even though I said I was fine with staying behind.
Gabriel and I had laughed when Daddyo told us that he was the heir and I was the spare. The silly phrase wasn’t the only thing that sent us into a fit of laughter, but it was also a bit of disbelief. My brother and I weren’t naive; we knew what the people of the court had to say about me being a member of the royal family. Daddyo never failed to remind us that their opinions didn’t matter and that I was his daughter no matter what anyone said, but of course, people kept talking.
Sometimes I wanted to argue with him and say that keeping my last name as Blaise — while Gabe’s had been changed to Rys years ago — would keep me from being fully considered his daughter, even though he had officially adopted me when he married my mother.
But I knew such arguments were ones that broke his heart. The smallest change in my behavior made him fear that I no longer considered him my father, which was heartwarming, in a sense, but also depressing. (When I was about twelve, I had thought calling him “Daddyo” was too childish, so like Gabe I called him “Dad.” One morning he pulled me to the side and with the saddest eyes asked me if I was upset with him, or if he had done something to anger me. I laughed it off but went back to calling him “Daddyo” immediately. Though I cringed every time I said it, it was better than upsetting the only man who had ever felt like a true father to me).
And so most of my daily thoughts were now consumed by the anger I had for my biological father — everything he did to my family, and to the nation and people I had come to love — but I was slowly coming to terms with it. Even though I was ashamed of him, I was accepting the fact that he could no longer dictate my life or the lives of those I love.
These past few months marked ten years after the bombing. When my father had died, and Gabe and I had been in the hospital waiting for Mama to get better, I had been childishly angry at him. My last clear memory with my biological father had been reminding him to take pictures of the new exhibit at The Met so I could get a glimpse of what he and my mother would see. He was never able to show me those photos. That is, if he even took any.
But that was a different kind of frustration. One that, if my little brother Fabian expressed, I would sadly laugh at and explain to him the seriousness of the situation.
Theodore’s actions had controlled all of us, even Daddyo, Uncle Drake, Lord Maxwell, and Duchess Hana.
But now we are all in control of our lives again. Uncle Drake and Duchess Olivia had done honorable work with the King’s Guard. Lord Maxwell and Aunt Rowan had married a few months after my parents did, and a year later Duke Rashad married Hana — around the time Fabian was born. Daddyo eventually mended his relationship with Uncle Leo, and every few months his family would come to visit us.
Any person who was a threat, such as Boris — his betrayal was one that broke my childish heart, but not a day passed where I missed him— and Uncle Drake’s ex-fiancée, Jessica, were spending the rest of their lives behind bars.
It had taken our parents a while to tell us everything, and when they finally did, it took even longer for us to come to terms with it all. But Daddyo and Mama never pushed us away when we needed to talk to them.
As I walk up the stairs to Daddyo’s office, I take deep breaths, allowing the concerns to flow out of me. Before I knock on the door, my mind is clear.
I smile to myself as I reach for the handle, memories of our obstacles so far behind us that I feel foolish worrying about them at all.
Inside, Daddyo, Gabe, Fabian, and Rowell are crowded around something on the desk. Everyone turns to face me.
“Is it time for the party?” Rowell asks.
“Shush!” Fabian elbows his friend while Gabe and Daddyo laugh.
Once the boys are done scolding each other, Daddyo asks, “What do you think about eating out for lunch?”
“Same restaurant?” Fabian questions.
“Unless you wish to go someplace else?” 
I shake my head, then link my arm through his. “No, I like that place.”
As we walk out the doors of the palace, we spot Uncle Leo, Aunt Katie, Hunter, and Heather with bags in their hands. Once they see us, they lightly toss those bags back into their limo, and they join us in our car to go eat lunch.
We had eaten in this restaurant on my eighth birthday, which had been only a week after Mama and Daddyo had come back from their honeymoon. My family came here often, and Uncle Leo liked joining us.
We enter the restaurant and see that the place is empty. The menus are put in front of us, and we order without looking at it. Fabian and Rowell talk between themselves, and Heather tells me about their flight, while Uncle Leo asks Gabe how he’s feeling. 
Gabe shakes his head, an amused look on his face. “You know, I thought this would all be overwhelming. I was scared that the pressure would bring the anxiety back, but it didn’t.” 
Uncle Leo pats my brother’s back. “Now tell me about that girl you mentioned in that course you took.” 
Gabe’s face goes red, and he gives a little laugh. Aunt Katie raises her eyebrows, while Daddyo urges him to talk. 
My brother leans back in his seat, the amusement increasing. “I’m think I’m gonna draft a letter to her.”
“Oh?” Aunt Katie takes a sip of her drink.
“I’m planning on asking her to join the next Social Season. That reminds me.” He cuts off and looks towards our father.
But before he can say anything, Uncle Leo goes, “Gabe, go to your dad when you want to know what not to do. Take my advice instead—”
Hunter interrupts him: “You say that like your advice doesn’t backfire on the regular.” 
“Poor soul is speaking from experience,” Heather whispers to me. Daddyo overhears her, and laughs with us. 
We leave as soon as we finish our meal, not considering dessert. The ride back to the palace is filled with smooth conversations and laughs. As the limo stops in front of the entrance, everyone tells me to exit the vehicle first. 
Tentatively, I crawl out the car and make my way up the stairs. Servants open the doors for me, and the entire room is flooded with balloons, decorations, and sweets. 
My mother kisses my cheek, then Daddyo and Gabe wrap me in a hug. Fabian runs off quickly with Rowell.
The rest of my parents’ friends continue giving me birthday wishes, until Fabian finally reemerges with an envelope in his hand. Everyone crowds around me as I open it and take out a thin, rectangular piece of paper. 
“It’s a bookmark!” Fabian cries as I examine it. I turn it over in my hands, feeling the soft edges against my skin. On the other side, there’s a drawing of six stick figures. Fabian puts his finger on the bookmark, and I bring it to his eye level. 
“That’s you with the books since you like reading,” he tells me. “That’s Daddy and Mom since they have the crowns, and Gabe is the one with the smaller crown, and that’s me and Roger, and that’s our home in the background.” I follow his finger as he points to his little drawings. “I know it’s not very good, but I didn’t know what else to get you!” He giggles as I further examine it. 
“No one knew what to get her,” Gabe comments. “Little Miss—” he takes on a high pitched voice— “Oh, you don’t have to get me anything! No, really, I don’t want anything!” 
The room of friends laugh and chuckle at the mocking voice. 
I go through everyone else’s gifts, which are mostly things that I can use, but don’t need and didn’t ask for; like Fabian said, everyone had wanted to get me something, but I was in need of nothing. I know that Uncle Maxwell was more than frustrated when I told him so, and he must have been even more upset when he couldn’t get any hints out of my parents either. His and Aunt Rowan’s present to me are new pointe shoes. 
Duchess Olivia had started giving me more self-defense lessons, so her gift to me is a stiletto knife, along with stiletto shoes.  
Duke Rashad and Duchess Hana give me a pearl necklace: when the Duchess had taught me how to paint, we had made portraits of each other and had illustrated pearls on our pictures. The portrait I had made of his wife was the Duke’s favorite.
Uncle Leo and Hunter give me new paint brushes and a steel paint easel. Heather hands me a cup with a picture of her and I on it — I had given her something similar for her birthday — and Aunt Katie gives me a cute bag.
Uncle Drake gifts me a new pair of skis: last winter and during the Social Season, we had raced down a slope and I had lost both times. “So you can practice a bit more next time we head to Lythikos,” he tells me with a pat on my back.  
Gabriel hands me a heavy box. My arms burn as I make my way towards a table and put it down. Inside are books that are on my to-read list, candies that we had tried and liked on our last family trip to Italy, a bracelet with charms, and gold earrings shaped like a crescent moon. “You didn’t give me any clues for what you wanted, so I just put all of them in there,” my brother says with a shrug. 
Mama and Daddyo’s gift is next. My father wraps me in a large hug, then holds me to his side as servants roll in a new Baroque piano — it was similar to the one I had seen in a museum the last time we visited Applewood. The old one was being wheeled out; I had played it daily in the last few years, both for the entertainment of my family and for important members of the nobility, and even though it was constantly cared for, the strings had started to become dusty. I knew we wouldn’t get rid of it; I was sure that Daddyo had plans to donate it, but again I felt that there was no need for a newer one. We could have just taken more care of the one we had. 
But I don’t complain. I could never complain for this group of people who love me so dearly. I accept hugs from everyone in the room, and then the cake is brought out. The frosting looks like a painting, and is sweetly smooth as we eat it, the icing staining the corners of our mouths. 
We sit and chat about nothing at all, simply enjoying the blissful companionship that came with family and beloved friends. I had told my parents that I didn’t want a big party, and this was exactly what I had in mind. The room is light and joyful: Uncle Maxwell tells jokes while Uncle Drake rolls his eyes, Mama throws her head back, Daddyo’s arm around her while he tries his best not to laugh, and Uncle Leo, Hunter, and Gabe wipe tears from their eyes. 
The rest of the party is spent like that. The irreplaceable friendships that had went from nothing, to everything, to nothing again, then beyond the meaning of intimacy that came with being understood. It fills the rooms of the palace as it has these last ten years. 
I think about the gifts I’ve been given today, wondering where I would put them in my room — except for the piano, which I will leave in the ballroom — and how I will use them. I smile when I remember Gabe’s joke about my refusing presents. 
I don’t think he understands that I didn’t wish for specific objects because I can’t remember the last time I longed for anything, and if I ever did, there was no request that Daddyo wouldn’t strive to fulfill. My life had never felt lonely or without purpose, and I think that means I’ve found happiness. Like everyone in this room.
Daddyo notices that I’ve zoned out a bit. From the corner of my eye I can see the gentle wrinkles on his face and the graying roots of his hair. He leans towards me and plants a kiss on my forehead. “Happy birthday, Ella dear. I love you.” 
I smile at him, then use my fork to steal a bit of icing off his cake. Fabian follows suit, and soon our dad’s cake has no frosting on it. 
The three of us laugh, and with a mouth full of sugar I say, “I love you, too, Daddyo.”
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rattyarts · 4 years
Huge-ask post (I am VERY funny)
Because I have so many questions that can be answered with just text, and I have mentioned my dislike of filling my art blog up with Words Words Words... let’s get them all done in one go!
(You guys can blacklist #rattytalks if you’re just here for the draws, btw)
A shit ton of asks under the cut!
Anonymous said: So for the center of the world, what with it being forcefully PG and all Bad Thoughts TM being prevented, how does having kids happen? Do parents just black out and wake up holding a child in their arms and vague memories of the last 9 months?
Ever seen a movie where they do that “and one day... a baby was born!” thing and a kid just appears offscreen with no explanation?
(This is how it works everywhere, Edgelands included; no one does the do or gets pregnant in this setting.)
Anonymous said: Hello! Quick question, and sorry if you’ve answered this before, but can other elves see the “intangible” bits of one another? Big fan of your work btw!
Nope! And thank you!
Anonymous said: Leopold was in my dream last night but I sadly cannot remember any of it.
I am SO sorry. I will try to keep my stinky murder men out of your head in the future.
Anonymous said: are the floaty bits stuck in one spot, or could the one they are attached to learn to move them around their body as long as its still within a certain distance? like, someone with the Floaty limbs, lets call him Ray, can move his limbs all over his body, allowing him to do all sorts of neat things that others with their attached limbs probably couldn't?
Whatever you want, honestly. As a general rule of thumb I don’t like putting down TOO many hard rules that prevent people from having fun with this setting. (Please ignore and scrap anything you think is stupid, I do this all the time and enjoy keeping this setting inconsistent and contradictory)
Anonymous said: Do elf names work off of Death Note rules, or is it like, if you know one elf’s name, all elves with that name are now unable to harm you? So if all the elf brothers are named Martin, for example, does it only work with blue?
I think it’s prolly just the one! Probably? Idk, might change if I think of something funnier.
Anonymous said: Can elves do magic on themselves or does thst go against the knowing name rule
Most people tend to know their own names, lol. So in my opinion, no, but don’t let me stop you if you got a fun idea.
Anonymous said: Could an Elf stitch on parts from another elf and have them work? i.e an Elf's finds the arm of another Elf. "Hey, free arm, might as well put it to good use", so they attach the arm and now they can give three high fives at once!
Same deal as previous questions, I personally would say no, but I also encourage people to do whatever the hell they want. It’s more fun that way!
Anonymous said: I bet elves are greasy to the touch.
They’re very powdery! Like if you rolled them in flour. And by flour I mean nasty glowing elf dandruff.
Anonymous said: Can elves fly or are their wings just for show?
No flying!!! (Unless you’re a mousefly)
Anonymous said: Something tells me that the elves would LOVE Obatzda.
Had to look that up, but definitely!
no1fan15: Not sure if someone asked already- Does Edgeworld have any equivalent to demons and angels? Like the old rubberhose cartoon kind?
Demons, yes! That’s what imps are: basically any demon, devil, or generic monster, but tiny! Even a couple of pop culture critters in there, there’s probably a very small gillman or robot monster running around there somewhere.
Angels, not so far. 
Anonymous said: How come Margaret hasn't yeeted George's jar into the Edge yet
I’d say being locked in a closet is good enough! (and also I need him for plot reasons, don’t tell anyone)
Anonymous said: If elves have knees bulges in the front then do they have butt bulges in the back?
i do not want to think about elf bulges
Anonymous said: So if you find a baby Therewoof and you say "aw you're so cute", their true name is So Cute?
Anonymous said: Since a Therewoof's true name can be something like "cutie pie" or "dingus", does their name have to be spoken with "intent" for it to doggo-fy them? Or do they just have to live with the reality that any casual conversation/flirting can make them lose up to a month to Doggy Mode? My mom has little terrier dog named "Sweetie" so that got me thinking 'bout Therewoof names. & Anonymous said: here's a good question: If someone says a therewoof's true name, but not reffering to them, does it still affect them?
Just saying it will do! It’s based on those old werewolf stories where calling out the person’s name will change them back into a human/cure them, and a lot of the time it was by accident.
(My favorite is the one where they slam the door on the wolf’s tail and then say his name, and the dude ends up with a wolf tail for the rest of his life.)
Anonymous said: Would Seeing eye Therewoofs be a thing?
I... guess? Probably? Since regular dogs can turn into woofs, yeah. You might have to start paying em once they turn into a person tho. 
Anonymous said: Was ChalkZone ever an inspiration for you? Because I just love the silly world of ChalkZone and I noticed getting that same warm feeling when thinking about Edgeworld.
Maaaan, I wish. I’ve only seen about three episodes or so, but it seems really fun!
Anonymous said: So I saw your mimic post, and even though I don't think I've seen any other of your art before I was absolutely HAMMERED with an indescribable sense of slightly unsettling strangeness and comfortable familiarity. Your art feels like something from like, an old point and click computer game I would have had formative memories of before accidentally losing or scratching the disc therefore making me unsure if it ever REALLY existed. Sorry for being weird but I love the wacky nostalgia feel here
Aaaaaah, THANK YOU! That is SUCH a cool comparison and I appreciate!!!
Anonymous said: If the Edgeworld is based on cartoons then is there a Reverse Edge-world that’s based on anime?
Lol, I mean I DID have an anime phase for a while there, so...
caydebug: Man I’d love to see this as a cartoon some day
Honestly, same. Best you’re gonna get is the occasional animatic or gif, tho.
Anonymous said: Does anyone..."go" in Edgeworld? or is it like Pleasantville where bathrooms exist but there are no toilets in them because acknowledging it is yucky?
Oh god I keep getting asked this and have been avoiding it like the damn plague. But... Uh. No. No they do not. I am begging you all not to send any followup questions.
Anonymous said: Have you considered putting computer viruses or illnesses in with the buggymen? Since those are typically called ‘bugs’
Anonymous said: are there any limits to what an Animimic could posess? i.e if they were in a costume of a Buggieman with multiple arms, could they control all of them? what about a small Mousefly costume? can multiple fit into one costume like a clown car? and what about in pitch black darkness, where you can only see the lights of their eyes and not their bodies? could one fit inside the pocket of a jacket you are wearing and help you steal things/wield a gun like a living turret?
Since clothing fills into the body type of the intended wearer, they would indeed be able to control all arms/legs in buggieman clothes.
Size restrictions is one of these things I wanna try to be vague about: I personally have been imagining them sticking to hiding in things no smaller than, um. Maybe imp sized, but really, whatever. It’s a cartoon eyeball critter!
You can put multiple animimics in one outfit!
They can move around just fine in darkness without being off screen, yeah!
And sure why not. lol
Anonymous said: I know you have been asked this once before, and you said nah you don't, but with a few more months of worldbuilding, do you have an idea for what could be down the edge now? 🤔
Not really! It’s not super important, honestly. I’d say any fan theory is about as valid as anything else I can come up with.
ps2polpo: I doubt you’ll ever elaborate on The Edge but I like to imagine there’s just one dude there like the Nowhere Man from the Yellow Submarine movie. Mostly cause the thought of someone accidentally winding up there being like “where am I?” And there’s just a guy casually waving at him like a friendly neighbor is funny to me & Anonymous said: The implication that the Edge is the physical manifestation of edginess so there’s probably like, Trevor Henderson monsters hanging out down there.
See above question! Valid! I also accept falling forever, getting erased from existence, ending up in another universe, getting stuck in limbo with thousands of other people, whatever you want, really!
Anonymous said: " he has very few bones and weighs basically nothing, " "Fastball special" trope, but with Leo?
Anonymous said: did you ever watch dragon tales as a kid? because george and margaret make me think of murderous zak and wheezie from that show, and i love it to bits
I did not, but I would have loved it. Definitely up my alley!
(watched Quest for Camelot a loooot, though!)
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Imma go ahead and stop here! There’s more but I’ve been writing for well over an hour and I have things to do. If your question is missing I’m either saving it for later, wasn’t entirely sure how to answer, or it’s spoilery.
Will probably do another one of these at some point!
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thezodiaczone · 4 years
Scorpio Compatibility
SCORPIO + ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) Aries' ruler, passionate Mars, also wields minor command over Scorpio (whose main overlord is Pluto). Fierce physical attraction draws your signs together, but it's a game of sexual gunpowder and erotic explosives. Not that either of you is afraid of such things. No sign is as darkly intense as watery Scorpio. When mixed with Aries' concentrated fire-power, you stir up quite the hydroelectric charge. However, this match can only last if Scorpio has evolved from a ground-dwelling, vengeful scorpion into an elevated "eagle" state. Here's the fundamental challenge: Aries takes; withholding Scorpio takes away. When Aries reaches out his grasping hand, Scorpio's first instinct is to jump back, which wounds the sensitive Ram. Aries energy is consuming, which leaves Scorpio weak-kneed but scared. Aries will need to temper the raw desire, or at least mask it to avoid overwhelming Scorpio. Jealous Scorpio will need to stop Google-stalking Aries and hiring private detectives whenever the independent Ram goes out for a beer with friends. One way in which you're alike? You're both hyper-sensitized to abandonment, and may even shun each other in a self-protection paradox: "Go away before you leave me." (This tactic only guarantees another hot reunion tryst.) Selfishness can also be this couple's downfall. Scorpio is the sign that rules other people's resources—his karmic job is to create wealth from another man's pocket. Aries is simply born entitled. In a sense, you both live by the credo "What's mine is mine; what's yours is mine." Who will refill the coffers once you empty them?
SCORPIO + TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20) You're opposite signs who can fall into a real love-hate dynamic, mainly since you both like to run the show. Taurus is the bossy Bull, and Scorpio rules power and control. It's like two mafia kingpins trying to rule the same territory: it works as long as you're loyal, but cross each other and you're getting whacked. Differences can be a turn-on for some signs, but for this pair, they're often a deal breaker. Taurus and Scorpio are both "fixed" signs, gifted at perseverance and holding your ground, terrible at adapting to other people's personalities. This inflexibility can lead to serious power struggles and enmity that burns bright after the relationship ends. If ever a couple needed a prenup, it's you. Better yet, you'll need to be extremely self-aware and conscious of your personal power. If you can avoid arousing the sleeping dragon in each other, there's plenty of rich material here. You both love music, food and sensual delights. You're equally intense about your beliefs and passions, and sex is a lusty, no-holds-barred affair. You'll give each other the attentive listening both of you crave. The Bull's earthy nature can be grounding for watery Scorpio, whose emotions can warp his perspective. Practical Taurus will pull Scorpio out of depressive slumps, and Scorpio will help Taurus look below the surface to see hidden motivations and agendas. You're loyal and protective of each other, so stay off each other's sacred turf and respect your differences.
SCORPIO + GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) You live on completely different planes, which either turns you off or utterly fascinates you. Both of you are accustomed to reading people like flimsy comic books, then tossing them aside. Here, your X-ray vision fails to penetrate each other's psychic shields. Mutable Gemini is the shape-shifting Twin, home to a traveling cast of personalities. Intense Scorpio is shrouded in mystery and bottomless layers of complexity. Being baffled leaves you without the upper hand, but it also stokes your libido. You're piercingly smart signs who love a good puzzle—this is your romantic Rubik's cube. The challenge sets off sexual dynamite. You tease each other with cat-and-mouse evasions, neither of you making your attraction obvious. This prickles your insecurities, daring you to strive for the other's unbroken gaze. No two signs are as quietly obsessive as yours! There will be frustrating moments, too. You're both prone to depressive spells, and swing from giddiness to unreachable shutdown. Clever mind games edge on cruel or callow, breaking the trust that Scorpio needs. At times, airy Gemini may not be emotional or sensual enough for watery Scorpio; in turn, the Scorpion's emotional and physical passion can be overwhelming to Gemini. However, if you combine your strengths, you'll go far. Gemini is dilettante and a trivia collector who's always got a pocketful of creative ideas. Instinct-driven Scorpio rules details and research—this sign hones in like a laser and masters his chosen field. Whether it's starting a family or running a business, you can be an indefatigable team, with Gemini playing the rowdy ringmaster and Scorpio running the show from behind the scenes.
SCORPIO + CANCER (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) ♥♥♥♥ You're an ideal match, twin Water signs with deeply complementary natures. Highly suspicious and protective of your privacy, neither of you trusts easily. As a result, you intuitively trust each other. The good news is, you've bet on a winning sea-horse. These two signs can mate for life, and the emotional facets of your relationship deepen into an intimacy few couples reach. Romantic and sentimental occasions never go uncelebrated: birthdays, Valentine's Day, the five-month anniversary of the first time you said "I love you." Sex is a sacred, erotic act that can transport you on a one-way trip to Tantra-ville. You feel safe enough together to try anything. The challenge will be breaking the ice, since you both tend to clam up in a red-faced fluster or any icy aloofness around a new love interest. It helps to talk about music, books, films—anything but your feelings. Once you get past the awkward phase, it's smooth sailing. You genuinely enjoy each other's company, and like to do almost everything together. As parents, you're incredibly nurturing and hands-on, and may struggle to cut the cord when your kids reach adolescence. In fact, control is the big challenge for your signs. Jealous and possessive, you know how to avoid your mate's hot buttons—or to push them when you're feeling spiteful. (The Crab pinches and the Scorpion stings; both can wound the relationship fatally.) At times, Cancer's sulking seems childish to Scorpio, and Scorpio's sharp edges can maim the Crab's tender feelings. Fortunately, you know how to win your way back into each other's good graces once the moody spells pass.
SCORPIO + LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) This combustible combination drips with power plays, a white-hot dynamic you find infuriating and sexy in equal measure. In many ways, you're complete opposites. Secretive Scorpio is a private soul who rules the night. Leo is an exhibitionist ruled by the sun, and his piercing rays expose Scorpio's hidden shadows. Scorpio hates to feel this vulnerable—especially in public—yet, behind closed doors it can be thrilling. You're both passionate and imaginative in bed, with very little you won't try. As business partners and collaborators, you can make a dream team, too. You're both super intense, outdoing most people with your drive and focus. Leo plays the glamorous showstopper, and Scorpio acts as producer behind the scenes. (It worked for Leo Jennifer Lopez and Scorpio Diddy, who collaborated on her breakout album.) At least you don't compete for the spotlight, which can be a saving grace. But you'll struggle for the upper hand, since Scorpio likes to be in control and Leo is the bossy ruler of the jungle. Flirtatious, charismatic Leo can also spark Scorpio's jealous streak. Remember: darkness absorbs light. Leo must be careful not to get swept into Scorpio's powerful undertow and vengeful obsessions.
SCORPIO + VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) ♥♥♥♥ Virgo and Scorpio are two of the zodiac's shrewdest signs. Your collective gaze misses nothing, and your conversations can be as hair-splitting as Freudian analysis. You're both insatiable when it comes to understanding the human soul, and examining your own neuroses can keep you busy for weeks. While your obsessive natures would drive other people mad, it only makes you more fascinated by each other. You're like two scientists in the lab of love, researching, analyzing, and measuring data. Moody and introverted, you both have spells where you crave total privacy, and you'll grant each other that space. You unconsciously absorb so much energy from your environments, and you need to clear yourselves on a regular basis. Nature is soothing—Scorpio is a Water sign, and Virgo is Earth—and you may enjoy a healthy or outdoorsy lifestyle. That can mean renting a private chalet on a pristine European lake, or devoting yourselves to raw food, vegetarianism, and yoga. Virgo is the zodiac's Virgin and Scorpio is the sex sign. In bed, Scorpio can be a bit too intense for earthy Virgo. You're both lusty sensualists, but if Scorpio breaks out the dungeon props and dominatrix gear, Virgo draws the line. The Virgin may indulge a fetish with strangers, but he keeps a strict boundary about how far he'll experiment with a partner. No matter. You're good friends and supportive partners who find beauty in the smallest details—the makings of a quality life commitment.
SCORPIO + LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) Libra is light and Scorpio rules darkness, but your searing sexual chemistry blazes through borders. As a couple, you're quick to bed and slow to wed. In many ways, the long prenuptial pas de deux is a mutual choice. Romantic Libra loves an extended courtship—long dinners, vacations and lavish gifts. Shrewd, suspicious Scorpio will subject Libra to a battery of character tests, gauging whether Libra can be trusted. Libra is an incurable dilettante whose surface skimming can feel lightweight beside Scorpio's obsessive, detail-focused nature. Because your temperaments are so different, your initial phase can be fraught with misunderstandings. Libra is an outgoing butterfly and an unrepentant flirt, provoking Scorpio's jealousy at every turn. Possessive Scorpio prefers passionate bedside confidentials to paparazzi and parties, but Libra quickly feels smothered without a social scene. To say you'll need compromise is an understatement. Combine your strengths, though, and you can also make a powerful society couple—with Scorpio dominating the world from behind the scenes, and Libra presiding as its lovely, doe-eyed diplomat.
SCORPIO + SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) We like this combination, for seldom can any other sign so skillfully navigate your unspoken power dynamics. Talk isn't just cheap between you; it's unnecessary. You understand each other's wiring based on pure primal instinct, much like a dog leaves his scent as a calling card. We forget that human beings are animals, an amnesia that plagues modern civilization. Yet, Scorpios know that the one you love might also become your prey (if you're hungry or threatened), or could attack you by night. Your ruler is Pluto, god of the underworld; learning your mate's shadow side is a prerequisite to trust. Scorpio is a master at subtle cues, emotional intelligence, and feeling your way through each other's dark depths as though reading Braille. When it's time to let the other be the Top, you submit, then artfully ease him down to the mat when it's time to rule again. Power glides into your gullets like oysters, every bit the aphrodisiac. In the bedroom, you sexy, spiritual stinger-tails make a Tantric twosome with a twist. There's a hint of force and a danger to all you do, even in the way you fiercely protect your children and property. The real threat of this relationship is to the outside world, for you make an invincible familia that could send Tony Soprano on the lam.
SCORPIO + SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) Level with us: Would you really be interested in each other without the element of danger? There's always something that feels a little dirty here—and it's not because you share an aversion to showering (although the musky pheromones might play in…). Your combined willpower—enough to combust a small village—can yoke you together despite your own best interests. The issue is anatomical: Scorpio rules the crotch and Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs. From the waist down, a magnetic field pulls you into insatiable sexual attraction. Above the midsection, it's a love-hate drama as you battle for mental and emotional domination, one-upping and offending each other at every turn. You both love to have the last word, and deep down, you're pretty sure you're smarter than the rest of the population. As friends, this makes you smugly superior comrades, but in love, you tend to unleash your intellectual weapons on each other. Sag's sarcasm and Scorpio's acid-washed retorts will leave you both wounded and estranged. Yet, a good shag seems to erase your short-term memory between attacks. For best results, remain naked at all times, and only discuss problems in the afterglow. Grant each other your own turf and never cross the line of demarcation.
SCORPIO + CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) ♥♥♥♥ If you were to sign a pre-nup, Schedule A must clearly designate who will play the "Top" and who will be the "Bottom." After your attorneys haggle over the prone position, you may just call off the engagement. An inability to reach settlement is likely for two uncompromising Alphas such as yourselves. Although your business-savvy signs can make quite the contemporary Napoleon and Josephine, LLC, there are terms that must be negotiated in advance. For one, you'll need to swear off secrecy—and that will be the true test of your relationship. Scorpio and Capricorn are masters of underhanded power plays that could topple this merger fast. Your first job: learn and practice direct communication ("whip me like THIS" or "no, darling, the leather corset, not the PVC"). Master it, and the rest is a cakewalk. You can lash each other to bedposts, tryst on the conference table in your glass-paned office tower, or earn your mile-high wings with nary a flight attendant knowing. The 2.5 kids you produce will have some interesting conception stories, that's for sure. Not that you'll ever tell. A little secrecy with the rest of the world is fine. Just make sure to erase those sex tapes before the housekeeper finds them.
SCORPIO + AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) Years after their modern-day Mrs. Robinson relationship ricocheted the term "cougar" into cliché-dom, the Scorpio-Aquarius pairing of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher can still baffle the naked eye. Scorpio is an intense, seductive creature with ruthless ambition, eagle instincts and a complicated psyche. Aquarius is a silly prankster and a cold-souled nomad who avoids emotion, then releases it in embarrassing blurts of sloppy sentiment. You're certainly an odd couple, down to your values, style and interests. Then there's the power issue to settle. Scorpio wants ultimate control over everything, while rebel Aquarius chafes at any restraint. While Aquarius is happy to hand rulership of the household to Scorpio, any breach of personal freedom will be an instant deal-breaker. Possessive Scorpio must accept that Aquarius is a social creature with friends from all walks of life, and curb the jealousy. Aquarius will need to cut off a few friends (the ex you met at a strip club, the swingers "who are actually really cool") and adopt a few of Scorpio's interests, like Kaballah for Ashton. So where's the click? Different as you are, you both prefer a mate who's hard to figure out: it staves off boredom. To keep this strong, borrow each other's strengths. Aquarius needs Scorpio's depth, and Scorpio lightens up from Aquarius' outrageous jokes and impersonations.
SCORPIO + PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) ♥♥♥♥ You're both "spiritual beings having a human experience," Finding an equally sensitive, divinely connected soulmate feels like coming home. Scorpio and Pisces are compatible artistes who love music, drama and romance. Like a lighthouse for two ships adrift on the emotional high seas, your relationship is an anchor and a haven. However, it's not immune to the turbulence caused by your secretive, Water sign natures. Emotional withdrawal is a self-protective act you've both honed over the years, but this tactic backfires when used against each other. The trick is learning to catch a bad mood when it starts, then processing the feelings instead of lashing out. Once the righteous anger and wounded egos kick in, you're like two runaway trains waging a war of domination and submission. Scorpio control tussles with Pisces guilt, Scorpio withholding wrestles Pisces evasion, and so on. Yet, you both want the same thing: a partner who inspires absolute, unshakeable trust with a money-back guarantee. What you need to learn is how to give it before you get it. To adapt the saying, be the change you want to see in your partner. It will keep you together for lifetimes.
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lady-charinette · 5 years
Chapter 2 - Strings & Papers Lukanette AU (Teacher!Marinette & SingleDad!Luka)
A/N:  Hi everyone! I’m very sorry for the delay of Chapter 2, I’ve been so busy at university and studying and everything. I hope to update faster next time, anyhow here’s the next chapter! :)
Tagging: @seraphkitty @canadianburd @macaknight @fher43 @vivilakitty @quickspinner @im-here-for-the-content @decaffeinated-happyshit @jessigurl-design @2sunchild2 @zebrabaker @didnwant2come @redscarlet95 @graduatedmelon @eve-is-the-dawn @anjuschiffer @alissawhited-blog @rudy-ruby @mystery-5-5 @winter-gardenflower @bresso23 @kayla-the-rambling-writer @teresarosiadeviluke2112 @captainmac6 @violatiger @crazywhitemofo @hauntedfreakdeputyhero @gingersnapnoir @a-marlene-s @omgelisahagemanuniverse @samslash @kryptored @lukatherat ​ 
Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 2
“Auntie Jule!” Leon stared up at his aunt, tugging on her the hand holding his securely as they crossed the street.
The woman didn’t answer immediately, eyes focused on looking left and right as they rushed across the street, once they made it safely on the other side, copper eyes stared down at the child questioningly. “Yeah, Leo?”
The boy pursed his lips in thought, trying to express himself in words, a feat his own father had trouble sometimes accomplishing. “Does…does dad have time to come to school sometime?” big brown eyes, his mother’s eyes, stared up at her expectantly.
Juleka Couffaine briefly stared at the sky, spotting the school not too far ahead, trying to recall her brother’s schedule. “Hmm…I’ll have to ask him. Why? Did something happen?” Worry immediately shot through her heart like an arrow, causing her grip to tighten slightly on her nephew’s hand.
He shook his head, much to her relief. “No, my teacher just wanted to see him!”
The woman rose an eyebrow in confusion. “Your teacher? Your homeroom teacher Miss Marinette?” that was weird, “Did she tell you why?”
Leon rubbed his chin, eyes squinty as he thought hard about yesterday and what Miss Marinette said. “Um…um….I think…I think…she said she would love to meet him.” He shrugged, not entirely sure if she had mentioned a reason. He remembered drawing his picture and hanging it up in class. Leon jumped, eyes wide and excited as he tugged on his aunt’s hand again. “Auntie Jule! Auntie Jule! I drew a picture yesterday you have to see it! Come on!”
The boy tightened his grip around her hand suddenly and marched forward like a soldier on a mission. Juleka stumbled before quickening her own pace, trying to keep up with the ball of energy that was her nephew.
Her thoughts were still on Leon’s words from earlier. Why did Marinette want to see her brother? She was sure Leon hadn’t done anything wrong, otherwise Marinette would’ve called herself or Leon would’ve mentioned something.
‘She said she would love to meet him.’
Juleka blinked, now very curious on the reason behind the sudden question. Then again, Marinette had a right to know where Leon’s parent was, up until now, it was Juleka she’d had regular contact with and who picked up Leon from school. Luka had attended parent meetings, but as far as she was concerned, Marinette hadn’t been there due to other meetings.
Taking out her phone while ascending the steps to the elementary school, Juleka typed in a quick text and sent it to her brother.
“Good morning Lea! Good morning Emma!” Leon’s excited shouts echoed in the hallways, greetings his friends with wild waving, immediately distracted from his initial goal of showing his aunt a picture he drew.
Juleka smiled, making small talk with the gathered parents ready to see their children off.
A ping sound made the man quickly take out his phone, heart pacing in his chest worriedly.
Juleka normally sent a text at lunch, it wasn’t nowhere near lunch yet. Was it the school? Did something happen to Leon?
Luka’s heart raced wildly right up until he opened the chat, a relieved sigh leaving his lips when he carefully read the message from his sister.
‘Hey Lu, don’t worry, nothing happened. Was wondering when you’ll come to school, people are curious about Leo’s mystery dad.’ – Jule
Luka frowned. Mystery dad? He’d attended parent meetings before…granted, he didn’t come often to school like picking his son up like he wanted. He was sure some people did wonder about him, especially since he hadn’t met all the teachers yet either.
But he did come when he could.
“Something the matter?” his manager rose an eyebrow at the musician staring at his phone thoughtfully. “Something wrong with your kid?”
Luka snapped out of his thoughts, fingers flying over the screen to hurriedly send the message before pocketing the device again. “No, sorry.”
Bob Roth hummed, eyeing the man a moment longer before he pulled up a photo from his drawer. “Anyway, I wanted you to try and collaborate with my son for a few songs. He’s good on vocals, I thought you’d provide the back-up vocals and maybe some guitar on the side. How’s that sound?” the overly large lopsided grin on his manager’s face didn’t spell ‘a few’ songs, more like a whole album.
The picture of XY’s sleazy face stared at Luka, who grimaced at the too wide smile and the overbearing amount of jewellery on the younger man’s face.
Luka shifted uncomfortably in his seat, rolling the black and silver ring on his finger back and forth. “…I thought it was about producing more copies for my recent solo hit. Penny Rolling told me there weren’t enough copies in stock.” He rose an eyebrow curiously, wondering how they’d jumped from his music onto possibly collaborating with Roth’s son.
Bob laughed, a boisterous, too loud sound for so early in the morning. “Of course! Of course! We’ll get to that later, don’t worry Luka! Now, about my son-“
Luka wished there were more parent meetings.
Juleka’s phone vibrated with the zig zag pattern she’d set for her brother.
A message.
He must be bored, or stuck with Bob, that had been a very quick response.
She opened their chat and scrolled down to the new message, eyes briefly glancing towards Leon who laughed with his friends in class.
‘Sorry. Talk at lunch. Weasel’s here.’
So, he was with Bob Roth. Juleka rolled her eyes, sending a short ‘Good luck’ back to her brother. Any dealings with Bob Roth were mentally and physically exhausting, she just hoped Luka would have some free time during lunch to talk about school and Leon.
Juleka pocketed her phone as soon as she saw Marinette, who was watering the plants on the windowsill.
“Good morning.” The teacher turned around, setting down the watering can when she spotted Juleka standing at the doorway of the classroom.
“Good morning Juleka!” Marinette’s far more cheery greeting put a smile to her face. She was rarely ever in a bad mood and Juleka appreciated it. The teacher being in a good mood meant classes flowed smoothly and the other kids were infected with the positive energy she radiated. Mornings were always hard, standing up so early to get Leon ready for school if Luka had to leave even earlier for work, before Juleka herself had to head to work.
There were mornings that Juleka did get up for without complaint, when she would be treated to the too rare sight of her brother and nephew in the bathroom, her brother shaving and Leon trying to imitate him by spreading toothpaste over his mouth, which always elicited laughter from them. Or when Luka would play a relaxing tune to start the day at the breakfast table and the family would talk about their plans for the day.
She realized Marinette had asked her something and the woman grabbed her hair instinctively, feeling ashamed for having ignored her. “I’m sorry, what did you say earlier Marinette?”
The teacher smiled in understanding, shaking her head. “It’s fine Juleka. I just asked how your morning was.”
The woman smiled, heart warming at how considerate she was. “It was fine. Leon was a bit fussy while getting dressed, but it was alright otherwise.” She glanced at the two thermos flasks on Marinette’s desk and she smiled sympathetically. “Rough morning too?”
The teacher laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. “I forgot to eat breakfast this morning, but Alya thankfully packed lunch for me and some coffee. Do you want some? I have enough for three people!” both women laughed and Juleka politely declined, spying the clock on the wall.
There was more than enough time to enjoy some coffee with the kind teacher, but she had to get to work. “I’m sorry Marinette, I would love to, but I have to get to work.” She shrugged, but other woman understood, nodding in understanding.
“That’s fine, I don’t want to hold you up any longer.” She glanced to the side, until her eyes widened and she impulsively grabbed Juleka’s hand. “Oh wait! I almost forgot!” she dragged the stunned brunette with her towards the side of the class, a string reaching from wall to wall with many drawings attached to it.
Marinette lead her to one particular drawing and upon closer inspection, a smile automatically lit up the young woman’s face. “That’s Leon’s!” without even glancing at the messily scrawled name in the corner, Juleka easily recognized the bright blue hair of what looked like her brother’s stick figure and her own purple mixed with black, along with a flower clumsily drawn on top of her head.
Juleka rarely wore any kind of accessories in her hair, but Leon had always liked putting flowers in her hair and in Luka’s too. It was a trait he’d since he was four, the time where they went on a little family trip and Rose had shown her favourite spots in a garden they visited. Juleka was used to people – particularly Leon or Rose – putting flowers in her hair, Rose being the primary suspect.
Their house was full of flowers, according to Rose, all pretty things deserved to have a flower to accentuate their beauty.
Juleka, in her eyes, was no exception.
It still made her blush, to this day.
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Juleka admired the creative picture, full of colours and adorable stick figures representing their family.
“Um…I’m sorry if I’m too forward but…” Juleka turned her head to look at the teacher, who suddenly shifted her weight and only hesitantly met her copper gaze. “May I ask about…Leon’s father?”
Juleka blinked. “My brother? Luka you mean?”
“Luka…yes.” Marinette seemed to test the name how it rolled off the tongue easily. “Does…I mean…is he home often?”
Honestly, Juleka couldn’t blame Marinette for asking, as far as anyone from the school staff was concerned, the principal was the only one who’d seen her brother more than a handful of times. Marinette had also been a bit unlucky, always missing each-other at parent teacher conferences.
She couldn’t help but giggle slightly. “Yeah, of course. But he works a lot, he’s busy but always manages to make time for Leon.” Warmth flooded her chest at the thought of the cute moments whenever she would stay over and catch her brother tiptoe his way to Leon’s room just to check if the boy was fine and sleeping.
When he would wake up earlier than he had to and prepare Leon’s lunchbox before collapsing on the couch for a few more hours of precious sleep. The sheets strewn about in his room, working on a new lullaby for Leon to fall asleep to whenever he had nightmares. It always made her brother anxious whenever his son shuffled into his room and crawled into his bed, small body cuddling up to his father to sought out comfort in the safety of his arms, who had never failed to offer that protection.
Marinette nodded, noting the expression on her friend’s face. “I see…I’m sorry if I’m prying Juleka-“
She shook her head, waving her hand dismissively. “Not at all, Marinette. You’re Leon’s teacher, you deserve to know about his family. It’s just…” she played with her bangs, nausea settling into the pit of her stomach. “Some things are…a bit more complicated. But Luka is a good dad, he always takes care of Leon and makes sure he doesn’t lack in anything. I’ll talk to him and try to clear his schedule so you guys can meet.” Her painted lips raised into a tentative smile, Luka’s message still at the forefront of her mind.
The polite smile remained on Juleka’s face despite the teacher’s yelp of mortification. “Thank you Jul- wait…h-how did you know I wanted to meet him?” the dumbfounded and increasingly nervous look on the teacher’s face made Juleka’s smile widen.
“Leon told me.”
“Miss Marinette would love to meet him!’ Juleka imitated her nephew’s higher pitched voice, watching an interesting shade of pink spread over the teacher’s cheeks.
Hands quickly covered the teachers face in embarrassment. “Oh no, that sounds so wrong. I’m so sorry Juleka, I should’ve called personally!” Marinette groaned and ran a hand down her face, making her friend giggle.
“It’s fine, Marinette.” She squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. “I assumed it was to meet him, I think you’re one of the few teachers who never met him before. It’s weird, it’s been a few months of school already.”
Marinette bit her lip, shaking her head helplessly. “I was so caught up organizing events for school, I had to cover shifts from a few colleagues so I couldn’t really attend all the parent teacher meetings. But I’ll definitely be there for the next one!” she grinned, giving a meaningful wink to Juleka. “And I hope you won’t be the only one I see there!”
Juleka smiled. “Don’t worry, you definitely won’t.” Juleka excused herself before she kneeled down to be at eye-level with Leon, who was off in the corner playing with his friends on a colorful carpet. They hugged briefly and Juleka bumped fists with him, which made Marinette smiled, before both women waved each-other goodbye.
With the majority of parents gone and students shuffling into the classroom, Marinette stood in the center and clapped her hands. “Good morning everyone!”
Many heads turned and almost all the children yelled back, some energetic, some tired. “Good morning Miss Marinette!”
Hours passed and finally lunch time rolled around.
Juleka’s steps were hurried, trying to reach the coffee machine before all the coffee would run out. She glanced at her phone, reading the time and wondering when her brother would be free. He did mentioned around lunch time, but-
Her phone buzzed in her hand, the screen flashing with her brother’s name.
Juleka quickly answered and lifted the device to her ear, blinking owlishly standing in front of the coffee machine. “Lu?”
The breathless voice of her brother greeted her back. “Hey Jule, sorry it took me so long. Bob took his sweet time and I had a performance that dragged on with the fans. How are you?”
Juleka scoffed gently, wedging her phone between her ear and shoulder and grabbing a clean mug from the shelf, deftly preparing herself some much needed caffeine boost.
“Fine, just have so much stuff to do about work. You?” she grabbed three sugar cubes from the bowl and threw them into her mug, watching the machine come to life and vibrate as it processed the coffee capsule within it, the pleasantly smelling brown liquid filling her mug.
“Fine, wished I was already home.”
A laugh left the woman’s lips and Juleka shook her head, grabbing her coffee after the machine was done. “We’re in the same boat.”
“I guess. How was Leon? I’m sorry I left earlier, Bob told me that meeting we had was important, a shame it wasn’t. I would’ve made Leon his lunch.” The man sounded disappointed and Juleka knew the father in him would reprimand himself over not making his son lunch, despite the circumstances.
Juleka rolled her eyes, taking a small sip from her coffee. “You’re such a dad, you know? Don’t beat yourself up over it, I made Leon lunch and it was fine. He was fine, Lu.” Juleka’s gaze caught sight of her fellow co-workers, smiling amicably at them before her feet carried her downstairs.
A sigh was heard on the other line. “Well, I am a dad for your information. No offense Jule, but you used to make a better lunch when we were in school.”
Another eyeroll. “I’m hanging up, Luka.”
“Hey, wait, don’t, I was just kidding!” he laughed and Juleka pursed her lips, shaking her head at her brother’s antics. “Sorry, anyway, what did you wanna talk about earlier when you sent me that message?”
Juleka stopped by the stairs, a slow smile spreading over her lips.
With a certain lilt in her voice and a positively devious glint in her copper eyes, Juleka finally settled at her desk, eyes absentmindedly scanning the sketches depicting models for the upcoming fall season.
She smiled. “Oh, right. You remember I told you about Leon’s homeroom teacher, Marinette?”
Thanks for reading everyone! Let me know what you think :3
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star-spangled-eyes · 4 years
Winner Take All: Part 2: The Pizza Place
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This alternate universe fan fiction uses characters created and owned by Pixelberry Studios. Character names, descriptions and likenesses are owned by Pixelberry Studios. The MC, Bragnae Bennett, and story is created and owned by this author.
Book: The Royal Romance (Alternate Universe)
Alternate Universe Theme: Senior Year of College for Drake, Leo, Bragnae and Madeleine in the United States  
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC / Leo Reese x MC (Bragnae Bennett – *pronounced Brawn-yah)
Warnings for this series: NSFW, Adult content, suggestive and strong language, sex
Series Description: Bragnae Bennett sought adventure when she first went off to college. Now, navigating through her senior year, she finds herself befriending two gorgeous guys, Drake Walker and Leo Reese, who engage in a seemingly innocent bet with her during a game of pool that leads to a surprising threesome.
Their intimate evening prompts deeper feelings than they all expected to arise, and Bragnae is suddenly swept up in both of their charms, unique to each man himself. Through the pressures of college, work and maintaining a social life, which man will prevail and win Bragnae's heart?
Master List
A/N: I wrote this originally as a HOT one shot back in February, but my brain kept the story going. I think I can have some fun with this, so I’m continuing the story of Winner Take All. The second part continues immediately after the first part ends. If you need a refresher, please click on the master list and read the first part: The Bet. I hope you enjoy the ensuing love triangle between Drake and Bragnae and Leo.
Also, I listed a few people under the series tags that liked my original post for Winner Take All. I thought you might like to see the continuation. If you’re not interested in being on the series tag list, just let me know and I’ll remove you. Thanks!
Warnings for this chapter: NSFW, Adult content, the aftermath of their threesome is discussed, suggestive and strong language
Word Count for this chapter: 3175
Setting for this chapter: What happens once the passion and excitement of the three way returns to reality?
Permatags: @burnsoslow​​​ @cora-nova​​ @dcbbw​​ @thorfosterlove​​​ @emceesynonymroll​​​ @edgiestwinter​​​ @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld​​ @msjr0119​​​ @notoriouscs​​​ @drakewalker04​​​ @pedudley​​​ @desiree-0816​ @choices-lurker​ @kingliam2019​ @loveellamae​​ @drakexnadira @flutistbyday2020​ @indiana-jr​ @moonlightgem7​
Series Tags: @yukinagato2012​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @nomadics-stuff​ @ravenpuff02​ @texaskitten30​ @themadhatter1029​ @randomfandomteacher​
Part 2: The Pizza Place
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“I’m going to jump in your shower, Bragnae.” Leo pulled himself out of her, giving her a quick swat on her bottom before retrieving his clothes and heading to the bathroom.
There was immediate relief from the fullness she felt before now that Leo had vacated her back door. Without an extra set of hands to help hold her up, Drake shifted his arms to support her entirely. She gave him an impressed, sensual look before wrapping her legs around his waist to assist him.
Bragnae felt like putty in his arms. She had just had one of the best sexual experiences of her life, and even though the men did most of the work – okay, all of it, she could barely move except to hold onto Drake’s neck and shoulders as he walked over to her bed.
Drake slowly lowered them both to the lavender bedspread. She unhooked her legs as he finally broke their intimate connection. She already missed the feeling of him being inside her.
When she thought he’d stand up again, Drake surprised her by dipping down to kiss her, slowly and with a tenderness that could soften steel. Bragnae ran a hand through his chestnut hair, and pressed her palm into his back to hold him close.
After another moment of getting lost in his gentle but deep kisses, he raised his head again, keeping his eyes on hers.
“How do you feel?” He whispered.
A slow, dazed smile crossed over her lips. “Wonderful.” She felt ravaged, and definitely sore, but her answer came from the warm and beautiful moment she just shared with Drake. The way he thoughtfully carried her to the bed instead of just letting her awkwardly dismount from his arms meant something. He was sweet, considerate, and something about him told her his feelings ran deeper than just wanting to engage in an impromptu threesome with her.
He grinned. “Me too.” His eyes flicked to her lips, and just as he leaned in for another kiss, the sound of the shower’s faucet turning off caught their attention.
She watched Drake’s eyes look to the bathroom with a sudden alertness before he returned his attention to her. “I better get dressed.” He stood, taking a blanket from the foot of the bed and draping it over her before he reached for his clothes.
Bragnae gripped the blanket to keep herself covered as she sat up against the pillows. Drake got dressed in silence, looking over at her once his lower half was clothed. He opened his mouth to speak just as Leo reemerged into the room fully dressed. Drake immediately looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Damn, bro, you take a long time to get dressed.” Leo said as he traipsed over towards the bed. Drake ignored his comment and proceeded to put the rest of his clothes on.
Leo tossed himself on the bed next to her, bouncing both of them on the mattress, making her giggle at his child-like behavior. “I had a great time tonight, Bragnae.” He moved a lock of hair out of her face. “Was it everything you thought it could be?”
“It was better than anything I could have imagined. You two are very talented.”
Leo patted her leg over the blanket. “I knew you’d like it. I’m certainly glad I suggested it. You are one scorching hot babe.” He leaned in to capture her lips, catching her a little off guard. When he pulled away, Bragnae noticed Drake looking at them with uncertainty in his eyes. Leo blew out a whistle. “Love those full lips, too. Damn.”
Leo kissed her again before abruptly leaping off the bed. “Come on, Drake. You ready? Let’s get something to eat on the way home.”
The vibe Drake was giving off made Bragnae unexpectedly feel guilty for the way Leo kissed her. Just minutes ago, the act of having a threesome with the two men, kissing them both and letting them share her was acceptable. But now, it seemed as if that was no longer appropriate, or at least to Drake it wasn’t.
The way Drake had kissed her while Leo was in the shower was incredible and definitely resembled more than just a post-coital kiss still wrapped up in the passion of it all. It had gravity. It meant something. Whereas Leo’s just now was playful and light-hearted. A drastic difference just like everything else they had showcased that night.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.” Drake sighed.
Bragnae got off the bed, wrapped the blanket tightly around her, and walked the guys to the front door.
“Later, Bragnae,” Leo said before leaving her apartment.
Drake’s stride was slower than usual as he reached the door. She wanted him to stay, even if it was a few seconds longer, so she’d try her best to draw it out. She ran a gentle hand down his back. “Be safe driving home.”
He turned his head to look at her. Hesitation struck. “Thanks for having us over.”
She didn’t know what to say. The usual response to that statement ‘anytime’ seemed wrong at the moment, not to mention she wasn’t sure she wanted to welcome that kind of attention to herself again. One threesome in her life was plenty. She wasn’t the type of girl to engage in sex with two partners at once on a regular basis. She agreed to do this thinking it’d be a one-time thing, among other reasons.
Bragnae nodded and smiled awkwardly. They stared at each other for another moment, saying nothing. She wouldn’t have minded another kiss from Drake, but wasn’t sure how he’d take it. Would he assume she was just indulging in him because of what they just did? Or would he know that a kiss between them would mean more? She decided not to pursue it.
“I’ll talk to you soon. Goodnight, Bennett.”
“Goodnight, Drake.” With one last look, he turned to leave.
The next day, Bragnae stopped at the campus cafeteria to grab a drink before her next class. It was Friday, and luckily she only had Astronomy left to attend before she could start her three day weekend. It was her favorite class this semester, and she loved her professor. Although, she’d told Madeleine she’d cover the first half of her shift at the pizza parlor where they both worked, which prohibited her from getting a jump on the weekend. Luckily, she enjoyed her job, so it wasn’t such a burden.
As she rifled through her purse for some change, she heard a familiar voice call her name. She looked up to see Drake approaching her.
“Hey, Drake. How’s it going?” She smiled at him casually, but felt flush suddenly remembering their intimate experience last night. She wasn’t sure if things would be awkward with him, but she was at least glad he was coming up to speak with her now.
“Good. Just finished a test in Chemistry. Shit was hard.” He adjusted his backpack that hung on one of his broad shoulders. “You done for the day?”
She shook her head. “I have to do a presentation on the moon in Astronomy, but then I’m finished. I was just going to grab a drink before class.”
“Oh, I’ll walk with you, if that’s cool. Chemistry was my last class, so I’m done,” Drake offered.
“That’d be nice.” Bragnae reached into her purse to finish collecting a few quarters that had fallen to the bottom, and walked over to a cooler pulling out a vitamin water. After paying for it, she and Drake headed out of the cafeteria.
There was still another twenty minutes before her class began giving Bragnae a nice opportunity to talk with Drake. Ever since he left last night, he had been on her mind. The threesome she had with Leo and Drake was intense and amazing, but it was completely out of character for her.
She was in college now, her senior year – theirs too, and she wrote it off as sewing wild oats. With both gorgeous men staring her down across the pool table last night willing her to agree to Leo’s bright idea, it was hard to say no. She made a deal with herself before leaving for college that she’d be more adventurous and open to new ideas. That just so happened to translate to sleeping with two men at the same time.
Bragnae didn’t regret it, but she did feel different. She liked both guys, and had wanted to get close to either of them, but until last night, neither one had made a move. Drake and Leo were good friends and roommates, so she didn’t feel right going after one and not the other. Turned out they compromised and shared her anyway – for last night at least. How would she navigate it now if they both had wanted more?
“So,” she began. “Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?”
“I just have an early shift at the rink tomorrow. Other than that, not much going on.” Drake worked at the local ice rink. He bounced around doing different jobs like monitoring skaters on the ice and driving the Zamboni in between events. He was a hockey player, so the owner would give him time to practice on the rink during breaks and after hours. Bragnae had gone to hang out with him a few times.
“That’s good. It’s nice to have a low-key weekend every now and then.” Drake held the door for her as they stepped inside the Science Building. Bragnae’s classroom was right around the corner. She stopped in the middle of the pathway where a few benches were and turned to face him.
“So, do work tonight?” He asked.
“I do, but only until 8:00pm. I’m covering for Madeleine. I took the rest of the weekend off so I could enjoy three days of no work and no school.” She watched as Drake nodded, looking down at the ground as if he was disappointed. “Did you want to do something tonight? With me, I mean.”
His eyes lit up as they found hers again. He rubbed the back of his neck as he prepared a response. “Actually, I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out. Maybe watch a movie or something. But you’ll probably be tired from work.”
“No, it’s fine. Why don’t you come over to my place around 8:30pm, and we can check out what Netflix has to offer. I’ll even bring a pizza home with me. Sound good?”
Drake grinned. “That sounds perfect.”
“Great. Any particular pizza you’re hoping for?”
“Whatever you bring home is fine. Thanks.”
She nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you tonight, then.” There was an awkward vibe suddenly. Bragnae wanted to stand there with him for a few more minutes, but she did have to prepare some notes before her presentation. And Drake didn’t seem to want to go either.
“Looking forward to it. Good luck with your presentation.”
“Thank you,” she smiled, slowly turning away from him. Bragnae was glad Drake wanted to spend time with her again so soon. She feared everything would be awkward after last night, but she was grateful he wasn’t letting it stand in the way of their friendship… or whatever their status was now. She’d hoped to find out soon.
Michelangelo’s was packed like it was every Friday night. It was in the heart of the college town where students could walk or drive to it easily from their dorms or apartments. Bragnae usually waited on tables and answered the phone, but would occasionally help make the pizzas if they were short staffed. She had worked there ever since she was a freshmen, so she had gotten to know each position of the restaurant very well. Tonight, she had to cover it all.
The pizza parlor was quaint. There were ten tables inside with a small patio in the back that had more seating. Michelangelo’s served beer and soda, and prided themselves on having the best brick oven pizza in town. The owner was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan, hence the name of the restaurant, so there were turtle action figures in display cases, comic book covers and other décor that hung on the walls. It was a popular establishment earning the loving nickname of ‘Mikey’s’ from the locals.
It was 7:30pm and the dinner rush was in full force. For such a tiny building, it could hold a lot of people and a lot of noise. Bragnae popped in the kitchen to place her pizza order to take home, and ran back out to take a new table’s order.
As she walked through the crowd she came up to a table with two guys. The one she could see had shorter brown hair that was styled into a nice faux-hawk. She hadn’t seen him before, but he was cute.
“Hey, welcome to Mikey’s. My name is Bragnae. What can I get you to drink?”
She looked to the second guy who had been hidden by the tall booth before. “Leo! Hey!” She wore a bright smile that he reciprocated.
“I didn’t know you were working tonight,” he said, letting his eyes trail down her body.
“Yeah, I’m covering for Madeleine for the next,” she tilted her wrist, “twenty-five minutes.”
Leo shifted in the booth leaning against the wall and relaxing an arm on the table top. “Well, then you should join us when you’re finished. Oh! This is my friend Maxwell. Maxwell meet Bragnae.”
She extended her hand to shake his. “Nice to meet you.”
Bragnae turned her attention back to Leo. “I’d love to, but I have plans once I’m done here.”
“What a shame,” he said, truly looking like he was disappointed. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
Grinning, she answered, “I haven’t decided yet.”
Leo leaned forward in the booth. “Well, maybe I’ll call you, and we can find something fun to do.”
“Sure, I’d like that.” She and Leo smiled at each other for another moment until Maxwell cleared his throat. Bragnae chuckled at herself. “So, what can I get you guys?”
“Two beers and a large sausage,” Leo told her, then looked across the table. “What will you have Maxwell?”
Bragnae guffawed. “Where the hell do you put all that, Leo?” She shook her head in amazement as he playfully shrugged, then looked to Maxwell.
“I’ll have the same, but make mine pepperoni.”
“Sounds great. I’ll be right back with your beers.” She gave them each a smile, and headed back to the kitchen to place their order before going to the bar to fill the drinks herself.
Placing the four beers on a tray, she carefully maneuvered her way back to Leo and Maxwell’s table. After she transferred them all to the wooden surface she picked up her tray, and felt a hard slap on her butt. Before she could react, Leo flew out of the booth. Bragnae turned in time to see him grabbing some guy by his shirt before slugging him in the face.
She gasped as the guy fell to the ground looking dazed. Leo bent down to pick him up again. Both fists gripping the fabric of his shirt.
“Don’t touch her again, asshole.” Leo gave him a violent shove towards the door. The guy’s friends followed him out of the restaurant, looking back at Leo with awe and disgust. They had obviously been drinking and chose the wise course of not pursuing any retaliation.
Leo’s hands lightly cupped her waist, standing close to her because of the crowd. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she said without really thinking about it. Then she nodded. “Thank you. Unfortunately, that happens about once a week.”
“That’s fucked up. What do you do about it when I’m not around?” His hands tightened around her making her feel utterly safe.
“Not that. If the manager sees it, he’ll kick them out, but I usually tell them to fuck off. Then, I keep my distance.” She swallowed looking up into his bright blue eyes.
“Well, you need to do more than that. I’ll teach you sometime.”
“Okay, thanks.” She smiled. It was nice to have someone stand up for her like that, and even nicer to feel Leo’s hands on her.
“You’re welcome.” He moved to sit down in the booth again.
“I’ll go check on your pizzas.” Bragnae stopped by a few other tables before making her way back to the kitchen. It was almost time to go.
Madeleine walked through the back door, stringing an apron around her waist before walking over to Bragnae. “Thanks for covering for me. Any tables I need to finish out for you?”
Bragnae removed her own apron, and boxed the pizza she was bringing home. “Yeah. Leo’s here with a friend. They’re waiting on a large pepperoni and sausage at table 3. And tables 5, 8, and 10 have their checks.”
“Okay, cool. I’ll bring your tips home later. It’ll be after midnight though,” Madeleine told her as she checked on the two pizzas for Leo’s table. Madeleine was Bragnae’s roommate, and had been since they were able to move out of the dorms sophomore year. They were very different in a lot of ways, but she had become a good friend to Bragnae. Reliable and fun even if she was a little self-centered sometimes.
“Thanks, girl! I’ll grab it from you tomorrow.” Bragnae grabbed the pizza box and her purse and walked out towards the front. She swung by Leo’s table to say goodbye, and left the restaurant.
The pizza parlor was a two minute drive back to her apartment. She could have walked, and sometimes she did, but she was always cautious about walking the streets at night especially on the weekends when the drinks were plenty and lots of guys were looking to get laid. She’d had an instance of a few guys catcalling her one night when she walked home, and they got a little too close for comfort. It was then she decided not to take any chances.
Her apartment was on the first floor, which she appreciated after long days at work and school. Once inside, she sat the pizza on the kitchen counter, and rushed to change out of her work t-shirt and jeans, and into a teal spaghetti strap top and black leggings. She took her hair down, primping it to add more volume, and spritz some perfume on her chest and at the base of her neck under her hair.
She was grateful for the extra time to prepare for Drake’s arrival. The man was always punctual. Touching up her make-up, she heard a knock at the door. She quickly rolled some gloss over her lips and went to door, opening it to see Drake standing there wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, and a six-pack of beer in his hand.
His eyes traveled down her body as a soft smile began to appear. “Hey, Bennett.”
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strrawberrymoon · 4 years
name  /  alias : leigh  gender  /  pronouns : female + she/her where  ya  from  ? : europe 👀 the  current  time :  18:53 height :  164 cm, i think that’s 5′4 job  or  major :  double major in sociology and media communications, still grinding pet  (  s  ) :  two dogs! one is a 7 year old maltese and the other a 3 year old cane corso favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself :  im a great listener and i give great advice, i’m straighforward which some people don’t like but oh well, i’m pretty adaptable. i got some nice titties any  special  talents  ? :  i can roll my tounge in any direction + crack a lot of knuckles ajkdshaj
why  you  joined  hqclouds :  i’ve been itchng to write more lately, so when love told me about their group i thought i’d give it a shot !!
meaning  behind  url :  strawberry moon was just a recent occurance irl which was really cool + i associate marinette with strawberries for some reason, and i’m a big fan of the lady moon
last  thing  you  googled :  i’m having some issues with my michrophone and zoom so i googled how to fix it, but no dice
birthday  /  zodiac :  leo ! my birthday is august 11th in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : yes and no. leo’s are very misunderstood imo, but each sign has the “more popular” or well known traits and then there’s the flipside of the coin—which i think suits me more myers  -  briggs :  ISFP / INFP moral  alignment :  chaotic idiot hogwarts  house : gryffindor
three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why :  i honestly see myself in katara from atla, the whole smothering mothering routine. it’s becoming a regular thing for my friends to say “thanks, mom” or “ok, mom” so i guess i’m the mom friend. also fred weasly... he’s a twin.. i’m a twin... that’s all i need. and lastly, and very leastly, neil josten from all for the game series. most of you probably don’t know it, but he’s a demisexual chaotic idiot who says “i’m fine” way too much for someone who is most definitely not fine.
i  started  roleplaying : probably when i was around 16-17 was my first official roleplay experience. it was on facebook and kind of a nightmare types  of  rps  i  enjoy :  i like college stuff and small town rps, but i also love plot heavy rps that push you into developing your muse. really anything that isn’t too restricting favorite  fcs  to  use :  i don’t have go-to faceclaims. i tend to make a character around a FC and then use them until i lose muse or just feel like they need to rest. switch it up a lot, but some faces that i’ve really enjoyed playing for a longer amount of time are steven kelly, cindy mello and ellen v. lora fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : i want to write in all of the fandoms i know nothing about and look like a dumbass. also harry potter, the hunger games, avatar the last airbender, gossip girl, etc etc fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about :  marvel somewhat, any video games are very fascinating to me even though i’m not a gamer + know nothing about them, any distopian kind of fandom re: hunger games
share  a  funny  roleplay  horror  story :  recently an admin of a twitter rp tried to use my male muse for their weird ship narrative. they tried to make him look like an asshole (& i do play assholes but this one wasn’t one) + used another male muse to make it seem as if these two boys were fighting over the person’s girl, even though she actually had a ship all lined up. they were also running the gossip twitter, so they made up a bunch of stuff about our muses without our consent and consequently i told them to fuck off, and both of us left the group. then she had no more “groupies” so she cuffed and the group closed two days later. it was petty hilarious.
fondest  roleplay  memory :  once in an OC group, i wasn’t “technically” doing a ship with a friend, even though the characters had feelings for each other. but for some reason the status of their relationship was a hot topic group wide, meaning everybody had their nose in it and wanting to know what’s up, so they publically kept doing things to make people think they’re together while denying it in the same breath. it was really fun to let it play out like that.
favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : roy mustang from fullmetal alchemist, katara from atla, and my baby marinette favorite  original  muse  (  s  )  to  play : the last original character i played and fell in love with was named alex. im obsessed with him. still doing 1 x 1 with his girlfriend. they’re having a baby, it’s all very emo and domestic. maybe i make him relapse for funsies. canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love :  lupin x tonks from harry potter, korra x asami from legend of korra, danerys x daario naharis from game of thrones, katniss x peeta from the hunger games, etc... trope  (  s  )  you  tend  to  be  guilty  of : i use the rich kid douchebag stereotype a lot. i also make a lot of my characters addicted to something to make them struggle with that.
i  prefer  .  .  . angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff :  bro... i am a sucker for ansgt and smut. i do fluff on special ocassions >:) long  or  short  replies :  i prefer when they start out shorter, but medium is my fave pre  plotting  or  chemistry : chemistry all the way. plotting can be really fun but it’s a miss more often than a hit for me. plotting can be good for pre-established relationships but that’s about it sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : sentence starters single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs :  i’ve never done a multimuse blog, and i’ve actually been super against them in the past, but i’m starting to change my mind hehe gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : static (or none honestly)
grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it :  ❝ You were children. was there no one to protect you? ❞ — ❝ Was there no one to protect you? ❞
what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? :  ❝ I loved her, and sometimes, she loved me too ❞ 
top  current  celebrity  crushes :  zendaya, margot robbie always last  movie  you  watched :  365 days (2020) did  you  like  it  ? :  i hated it, what a waste of a perfectly good 2 hours  favorite  movie  (  s  )    of  all  time : harry potter franchise makes me nostalgic, perks of being a wallflower, my sister’s keeper favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : for some reason i’m obsessed with grey’s anatomy but i hate it favorite  tv  show  that  hasn’t  ended : well fricking grey’s anatomy favorite  series  of  books  /  novels  /  comics : the hunger games, harry potter sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : my friend is into sports i rep her ksdsdj favorite  video  game  (  s  ) : the sims. i like playing animal crossing vicariously through switch owners favorite  youtube  channels : don’t usually keep up with yt channels but i just binged some stuff from psychology in seattle hobbies :  procrastinating
what  are  the  three  non  essential  things  you’d  bring  to  a  deserted  island  ? : sunglasses, hairtie, hand cream
put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? : 
say goodbye by skillet, 
off the grid by alina baraz & khalid, 
bury a friend by billie eilish, 
break up with your girlfriend by ariana grande
get back by nine lashes
marry you by bruno mars (man)
personal  aesthetic : growing out my hair only to always wear it in a bun dream  vacation  ? : i just wanna go to the seaside with my friends dream  job  ? :  i literally can’t stand capitalism. wanna move to italy and collect berries and draw titties all day dream  car  ? :  something that drives itself if  i  could  live  anywhere  ,  it’d  be : somewhere in canada near the woods favorite  musical : mama mia? counts favorite  food  (  s  ) :  bananaaaaas, ice cream, cereal. these are all foods ok coffee  order : i don’t drink coffee unwatched  stuff  in  your  netflix  /  hulu  /  etc :  13 reasons why (i’m too bored), the flash, outer banks, elite, the half of it, intersteller, locke & key aaand some stuff that’s not mine but someone else using my account
what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : idk anything about anything askldhl
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omnislaught · 4 years
@magitekelite asked :
pls talk about kefka's upbringing in vector and when you approximate that he might have started to have grander designs beyond the empire's conquests . it's for ( MAGITEK ) science !
(  do not reblog .    none  of  my  headcanons  are  for  fandom  purposes ,  but  for  my  writing  /  worldbuilding  reference .  )
the  fanon  theories  that  kefka’s  origin  involve  being  an  orphan  is  common .  it makes sense , too . but that  isn’t the direction  that i personally wanted to take in regards to kefka & who he is . not like mine is any more or less canonical than others’  ( i’m still in the speculation zone , after all ) , but that was common take that had been done before by other writers , other interpretations .  i wanted to try something different .
kefka’s family was involved in the gestahlian empire for many years .  he was born in a noble house with high imperial presence .  raised in a house that valued military practice & imperial ideals had left little time for kefka to be a child .  the only child .
palazzo . palace . 
kefka’s parents were heavily involved in the empire , be that its literal design ( in the case of his father , as imperial architect )   or its inner workings  ( like his mother , who served as a general before the magitek knight studies began ) .  alighiero ,  kefka’s  father ,  had spent many hours away from the palazzo home , due to his work in the empire . alighiero had been the main designer ( with a heaping of gestahl’s own input , to bring his dreams of an opulent , steam-powered , clockwork palace to life ; the imperial palace of vector had gone through a few changes in appearances over the years   ) , and had his own team of assistants who helped in a number of tasks . however , as the work of alighiero was admired throughout the country , he was oftentimes called to other cities to provide work & oversight to architectural projects . alighiero was rarely home , leaving his son kefka under the watchful eyes of servants , nannies & tutors of the empire . as with most of the higher-ups of the empire , housing is provided at the palace , if need be , for their talents to remain at hand . alighiero would stay at the palace , rather than returning home . the same is usually the same for kefka’s mother , denisa , whose place within the empire was beside emperor gestahl as an entrusted & practiced general .
alighiero had left kefka a number of books & some of his tools , set aside in case he had wanted to follow in his footsteps & choose the same career . studying only a few aspects of architecture , kefka never truly picked up the profession . but his skills as a draftsman are quite good . he enjoyed drawing & drafting as a child . a point of interest here is that he possesses a drafted version of the layouts of the vector palace & any other subsequent buildings of significance . they were somewhat of a keepsake , but now , kefka has since lost interest in their sentimental value .  he has no qualms  about destroying his father’s works .
denisa , born of jidoor , was oftentimes absent from her son’s life , as well . leader of raids , attacks , trainer of troops , valued for her military strategy . denisa was a focused , level-headed woman . the choice to have a child was agreed upon by both of them after some time of marriage . denisa & alighiero had a stable relation , but spent many days & nights  apart  from one another . while not estranged by any means , there were times when their relation felt a bit of a strain due to this fact . however , denisa was actively vocal about being a part of kefka’s life . though she had a stoic personality on the field of battle , she cared for her son deeply & wished to see him succeed . denisa wishes she could have spent more time with him as a child . she had fuelled his pursuit of military action & encouraged kefka to practice swordsmanship . she was the one who had taught him how to wield a dagger properly ,  how to kill the enemy discreetly .
kefka had spent most of his childhood  alone  & without his parent’s guidance firsthand . many times , he felt lonely . he’d wished he could’ve gone to a regular school as opposed to receiving an education at home , but it was supposed that he was jealous of the other children . despite that fact , he did view himself as higher up than most , regarding his situation . a lot of a more haughty attitude was instilled in kefka’s mind ,  becoming more & more spoiled of a figure in his childhood development . even as a young boy , he had begun to fancy his clothes of nobility & the delicious foods . during the yule season , when his parents were allocated breaks & rest , he was taken to the jidoor opera house as a gift .
at his mother’s request , when he was finished with satisfactory marks in his education ( mathematics , imperial history , literature & writing , mythology of the world , sciences , music & the arts ) ,  he was sent to military academy in his early teenaged years . it is here that he met leo christophe , already a few years kefka’s senior & advanced in his training ( the canonical guidebooks state otherwise , that leo is actually younger than kefka ... but i say Fuck That ! my empire now  ) .
the idea of kefka wanting to ascend to greater heights comes later on in his life , after he’s been engulfed in the empire for so many years . his relationship with gestahl deteriorates from numerous ways ; instead of looking to the man in fear as a child , he has come to hate the emperor , possibly more than anyone else .  resentment .  anger .  how gestahl had twisted the world around him & others to make it how he sees fit .  in a sense , kefka had wanted a part of that power .  he is greedy , power - hungry . after a life of living quietly aside the grandeur of others , kefka had become envious . of celes & how she was a successful experiment .  of how the people , purely out of fear , listened to gestahl .  whatever taste of fear that gestahl had instilled into the public , kefka had always wanted that sort of power .  he never wanted to be loved as such .
had wanted .  because there came a time when kefka desired  nothing  at all .  when kefka had realized that everything & everyone was worthless ;  that the world would be a better place emptied . some time after his magitek experimentation , all of these feelings came to surface . kefka suffered a number of breakdowns ,  which lead to hospitalizations under the care of the imperial doctors . lacking ( perhaps , refusing ) proper care & guidance , kefka chose to enact on his own feelings . slowly cultivated . growing more & more  bored / disgusted  in the imperial war rooms , listening to the other generals & gestahl’s ideas .
he wanted something ... different now . but he would keep it to himself .
edit :  thank you , kaycee , for bringing up the aspect of kefka’s family being intimately tied to the construction of the the imperial palace .  kefka , who knows everything about the palace , including secret rooms & passages that no others would figure out . seems i missed that little detail while writing this up ! 
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Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify!! 
is your room messy or clean? ...depends if i don’t have company, or i haven’t been made to clean it, it’s relatively messy. well. it’s not messy to me, because i know where everything is and why things are...not...put away, but messy to Literally Everyone Else
what color are your eyes? brown!
do you like your name? why? i Love my name mostly because i chose it and i like how it sounds I Just Think It’s Neat
what is your relationship status? taken! i have two beautiful partners that i love very very much
describe your personality in 3 words or less Chaotic Disaster Gay
what color hair do you have? also brown dkjbsgalk
what kind of car do you drive? color? i don’t drive! don’t have my license yet
where do you shop? anywhere and everywhere alksjdb meijer? ig?
how would you describe your style? Grunge
favorite social media account discord! ‘s how i talk to my babies :3
what size bed do you have? a twin! v comfy, v bouncy
any siblings? unfortunately two brothers both are Assholes
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? switzerland honestly first of all, lgbtq+ has been legal there since 1942 like look at them Go oh my gosh also! i love german, it’s such a fascinating language but the biggest reason? that’s where moje rojena wants to live
favorite snapchat filter? i don’t have snapchat, and don’t really plan to kjasbdl
favorite makeup brand(s) don’t wear it! the only thing i use is chapstick lmao a wonderful vanilla chapstick by Eos
how many times a week do you shower? sometimes every night, but mostly every other night! so three or four
favorite tv show? oh gosh there are so many she-ra is probably at the top i love supernatural, and elementary, bbc sherlock, person of interest, steven universe there are a bunch of amazing shows i love!
shoe size? i think i wear like a ten and a half quadruple e do with that as you will
how tall are you? 5′4 i think probably
sandals or sneakers? flip flops!! or barefoot kadjbsgl
do you go to the gym? i don’t think i’ve ever even seen the inside of a gym
describe your dream date cuddle pile some show or movie on tv So Many Blankets but the most important thing the Most Important thing is that my babies are with me and that’s all i really need
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? i don’t have any cash, but i have like a little over $50 on my card
what color socks are you wearing? white with gray designs
how many pillows do you sleep with? normally three, but i’ll bring in another three if i want to build a Nest:tm:
do you have a job? what do you do? no job! i think my first job will be working at my local library
how many friends do you have? uhhhhhhh no idea a dozen? idk maybe half a dozen i really have no idea, and i have a horrible memory
what's the worst thing you have ever done? I Will Not Divulge Such Information
what's your favorite candle scent? there’s this one candle we have that’s tide+kelp scented but it just smells like a speedstick it’s awesome
3 favorite boy names Leo (obviously) Tobias Axel
3 favorite girl names L(again, obviously) Celeste i’ve always loved the name Andromeda as well! 
favorite actor? Ezra Miller!! they’re a nonbinary icon, first of all, and they’re an amazing actor in my opinion! they’re Credence in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Barry in Justice Leauge
favorite actress? hmmmmmmmmmm probably Margot Robbie tbh love her stuff also? have you seen the trailer for Birds of Prey? we Stan
who is your celebrity crush? don’t have one kjdsablg
favorite movie? oh gosh I Cannot Choose A Favorite Anything Okay i love Avatar(the one with the blue aliens not the Disgrace Of A Movie), and The Dark Knight, Captain Marvel, Abominable, and so many others
do you read a lot? what's your favorite book? i do! i used to read almost a full book every day Finding Me by Katheryn Cushman is really good, and so is Five Feet Apart, i love the Divergent series too!
money or brains? brains duh, if you’re smart you can make more money but if you’re an idiot with money what happens when you run out
do you have a nickname? what is it? not really kjabdsga my partners have their nicknames for me of course, but with my actual name you can’t have a lot of nicknames Leo calls me Q, i’ve been called Stefano and Viktor, one friend used Quimberly for a while akjfgbslkdfg
how many times have you been to the hospital? other than when i was born, i think only the once!
top 10 favorite songs Here We Go sweet tooth-Scott Helman adderall- Max Frost bambi- Hippo Campus roxxane- Arizona Zervas grixtronics- GRiZ iSpy- KYLE truth hurts- kidz bop (fuck off it slaps) walk man- TMG mr.clean- Yung Gravy peach scone- Hobo Johnson
do you take any medications daily? nope! 
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) definitely oily
what is your biggest fear? Ya Boi Out Here With Abandonment Issues
how many kids do you want? i’ll stick with my fur babies thank you very much
what's your go-to hairstyle? in my face covering my right eye so i can’t see with it because it annoys my mother and i think i look Hot
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) medium i would think? we don’t have a second floor or a finished basement, but i’ve never had to bunk with either of my brothers so
who is your role model? no one specific! just, kind people, yk? 
what was the last compliment you received? i think it was on...monday? when Leo kept telling me i was adorable XD
what was the last text you sent? to a gc with my partners saying i was going mia because I Have The Right To Not Interact With Anyone For Several Days And Watch Movies  no i will not be taking criticism
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? like somewhere from seven to nine i think i have no idea dude, i have the memory of a goldfish
what is your dream car? .... 1967 black chevy impala
opinion on smoking? bad for you, love the smell, not gonna tell you to stop, will just worry quietly in the corner because i won’t tell you what to do with your life
do you go to college? nope! still in high school, i probably won’t go to college tbh
what is your dream job? owning my own bookstore! with a cafe a cat cafe i have it planned out to a concerning degree
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? i’ve lived in one place my entire life and it’s on the side of the highway with no neighbors so Suburbs Be Like Scary
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? oh absolutely
do you have freckles? no and i’m salty about it
do you smile for pictures? of course! never with my teeth tho because my canines are halfway up my face :)
how many pictures do you have on your phone? don’t have a phone! i have a Whole Bunch on my computer though
have you ever peed in the woods? did not work out tried once Never Again
do you still watch cartoons? of course i do i’m gay it’s legally required
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonald's? i’ve never had McDonald's nuggets but Wendy’s has the best for sure
Favorite dipping sauce? ranch or campfire sauce
what do you wear to bed? pajamas???? in winter it’s long sleeve tees with fuzzy pants in summer it’s basketball shorts and whatever twenty-year-old shirt i can find in my closet
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never entered one so no homeschool for the win
what are your hobbies? Anything On A Screen and books mostly books on a screen but i’ll occasionally pick up a paperback also food and swimming
can you draw? s o m e t i m e s
do you play an instrument? i played guitar for a while, but i broke one of the strings and don’t have the tools to replace it i really want a ukelele
what was the last concert you saw? i went to a college campus for four days with my youth group, and a band named Sing Love played every night
tea or coffee? Neither
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Also Neither i’ve been to starbucks one time and it was the most disappointing drink i’ve ever had i am a loyal biggby customer  even though i haven’t been there in over a year
do you want to get married? not in the traditional sense i couldn’t even if i wanted to because the us said No Polyam Rights
what is your crush’s first and last initial? L.R. + L.G.
are you going to change your last name when you get married? probably! or we’ll both take a new one together
what color looks best on you? warm colors!! i do look Fabulous in a nice cool forest green though
do you miss anyone right now? Of Course I Do I’m In A Long Distance Relationship With Two People
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed if it was open my asshole cat would eat all my hair ties and my fairy lights
do you believe in ghosts? nope! 
what is your biggest pet peeve? uh people who assume? ig?
last person you called? Leo XD
favorite ice cream flavor? mint chocolate chip!!
regular oreos or golden oreos? The Golden Ones  they taste like lemon even if they’re not the lemon ones i love it
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? i don’t like sprinkles because i’m a Monster
what shirt are you wearing? i’m Not It’s Hoodie Season
what is your phone background? my tablet backgrounds are Leo and L because i’m a Sap
are you outgoing or shy? Both i’m getting a lot better in the confidence department, but i still get nervous and overwhelmed sometimes!
do you like it when people play with your hair? I Cry Every Time and so does Leo it’s adorable
do you like your neighbors? if i did i would hate them because i Can
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? not outside of the shower
have you ever been high? nope
have you ever been drunk? nope
last thing you ate? leftover itallian mac n cheese
favorite lyrics right now ..... ................. raindrops on rose and whiskers on kittens~ sTICKING-
summer or winter? winter!!
day or night? night, of course
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk! or dark with sea salt
favorite month? hm maybe august because it’s just starting to get cold, but you can also still swim on the warm days
what is your zodiac sign pisces! as i’m sure is obvious
who was the last person you cried in front of? my mother Because Leaving Me Alone For Five Minutes Is Impossible
thank you Luxet for the questions!
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carmintros · 5 years
Tumblr media
@ariwalters     /      ❛   。   ✩   ゚ my eyes are probably playing tricks on me again, but is that really  awsten knight? oh, wait, it’s just  adrian “ari” lance walters. yes, that  twenty-four  year old  drummer, who i am pretty sure is a  visitor. according to the talk of the town, he is incredibly  flighty & unpredictable, yet undeniably  outgoing & adventurous. that is precisely why  a playground at dawn, a carnival ride that just keeps spinning, chasing waves on a beach, laughing until you cry & jackson pollock paintings  remind me of them so much, but then again you know what they say about  leos, we’ll see how that one turns out !   penned by kit  /  mst & they / them
car crash tw, ptsd tw, alcoholism tw
Ari Walters
Age: 24
Gender: Non-binary, he/him
[Between the Bars] - “Haha, not totally sure why this one comes to mind but like everyone says it’s like me with alcohol and stuff but I don’t really see it, I think I’m fine.”
D.O.B: August 15, 1995
Why the name Ari?
“Oh! I was named after my dad ‘cept he was always called Adrian so they called me Ari so no one got confused or anything!! It always worked really good too!”
Ethnicity: white
Relationship Status: In multiple relationships “I fall a little in love with everyone, I think, because everyone is beautiful and wonderful. I’m kind of the classic definition of poly, lol. People underestimate how much communication that takes though!”
Sexual Orientation: pan “Like I said, I fall in love with everyone! I can’t help it, haven’t you ever watched someone go about their life and you can just tell if they’re gentle or rough, if they need love or if they’re loved, et cetera? I love it and I love them.”
Height: 5’7
Ari resembles a puppy with ADHD. He is constantly moving, constantly engaged with the world and constantly interacting with everyone around him. He has to be active. If he sits still he might fall asleep and he still gets nightmares of the wreck.
His signature ‘thing’ has been his dyed hair for years. He doesn’t think he would recognize himself without it at this point. He thought about dying it back to brown for April Fools day one year but realized it’s been so long since seeing his real hair that he didn’t remember what color to get to match his roots.
Ari has an almost compulsive seeming need to be the most colorful person in any space he’s in. He wants to stand out and he does so by being a walking color wheel. Strangely, he manages to make his outfits cohesive.
You can’t get too close to Ari without noticing how tired he always looks. His eyes are always a little swollen and bloodshot and his skin has the uncomfortable thin appearance of someone much older or much sicker than him. If he’s asked about it he jokes that he’s just ugly (though most people would agree he is anything but ugly).
Ari can split his life into a perfect before and after the wreck.
Before. Ari had a perfectly wonderful childhood. He was loved and taken care of in his historical Boston home. His dad taught Marine Biology at Harvard, his mom was the perfect socialite and Ari and his sisters were happy
His days consisted of school and drawing and going to the beach with his dad to learn about the animals. If Ari was to assign an emotion to that period of his life it would be love. If he had to assign a color it would be pink.
His life before was like something from a 50s sitcom. It was perfect. He knows rationally that he’s seeing through rosy lenses. He thinks he remembers his dad having an affair. He knows his sister and he argued a lot and he was such a mischievous child it kept him in trouble a lot of the time. He knows this. But it feels different. It feels idyllic compared to after.
His entire world shattered when he was 13. His family shouldn’t have even been out. If only he hadn’t argued with his sister. If only he had just set the table then maybe his dad wouldn’t have suggested eating out. Maybe if his mom and little sister had been home instead of in California they could have told his dad no, it wasn’t their day for eating out and they would all be fine eating at the house. Maybe if his sister hadn’t forgotten her phone and made them turn back so she could retrieve it because she was so scared of missing a text from her boyfriend.
Maybe they wouldn’t have been crossing the intersection when the other driver plowed through it. Maybe they wouldn’t have spun out and hit another car. Maybe his dad and his sister and the little boy from the other car and the driver who caused it all would still be alive. Maybe…
After. Ari doesn’t remember the crash itself. He doesn’t remember seeing his father’s body crushed against the interior of their car even though he’s since been told he was trying to pull him out. He doesn’t remember his sister’s glassy, dead stare though he was told he screamed at her to wake up. He doesn’t remember the ambulance ride but he’s told he fought the paramedics to try to get to his family.
He doesn’t remember getting to the hospital and being admitted.
He only starts remembering sitting in that big hospital room alone for what felt like hours (he knows now that it was only a few minutes at a time) while nurses bustled past the door outside trying to focus on the lives that were at risk after the crash. Even still, the evening comes in flashes. A teary eyed woman with a heavy accent telling him his mom would be there soon and rubbing his back. A doctor, young and frazzled, bursting into his room to tell the cops to leave and stop asking him about it. The smell of oil and burning metal seared so strongly into his skin it made his head hurt.
He remembers the funeral. Closed casket, both buried at the same time. He remembers packing up the house and selling it and moving to New York. He doesn’t think he felt real during that time. He kept waiting to wake up and find out it was just a terrible dream. Part of him still hopes he wakes up.
His mom didn’t try to neglect his mental health when they moved. Despite having help from family she still had to take on two jobs, she had two children to raise alone and she had just lost her husband and little girl. It was hard to be everything Ari needed her to be too.
She did her best. He was sent to a mental health clinic and given regular therapy sessions for a while where he was diagnosed with PTSD and a trauma based phobia regarding riding in cars.
She put him in music lessons to give him an outlet. She enrolled him in an arts high school so he could find similarly minded creative young people and hopefully make friends in their new city.
It didn’t really work. You can’t throw a shattered kid back into society and expect them not to drown. And Ari drowned.
When he was almost 15 he tasted alcohol for the first time at a sleepover. The idea of it had fascinated him since the wreck. How could one liquid be so influential that it would lead you to kill other people? What did it feel like to slip into a haze that strong.
His first sip was revolting. It burned on the way down and he was convinced he could still feel it burning his stomach. He almost put the bottle up and gave up on learning its allure. Something about it still called to be explored and who was Ari to say no?
He snuck the bottle into his bag and drank a little more the next day after school. Just enough to feel warm again and for his brain to quiet and center just a little bit more.
The alcohol made everything better. He felt more human again when he was tipsy. It didn’t take long for Ari to begin to crave it just to function. He started stealing it from his mom’s cabinet and then from the sweet old lady who paid him to take her groceries upstairs. When he was caught stealing from them he started trying to steal it from stores.
He was caught right away, of course, but not by an employee. Instead he was caught by a tall, average looking man in his early 30s. The man, who Ari soon learned was named Sean, offered to buy the alcohol for Ari and invited Ari over to drink with his girlfriend Eliana. Ari agreed immediately.
That night he lost his virginity to the pair. The two adults offered to keep Ari’s alcohol supply always filled so long as he continued to sleep with them. Ari instantly agreed.
After he started drinking he somehow managed to pull his grades up. He felt real when he was drunk. He felt functional. He could do his coursework and practice the drums and paint and even explore New York. He quickly fell in love with the city and learned how to navigate his borough on his skateboard. He learned what buildings he could sneak into and hookup with classmates in without being caught, all the best places for graffiti and where the coolest homeless people hung out.
As Ari progressed through his teenage years his ‘adventures’ got crazier. He broke into the zoo ones and barely escaped getting caught. He hitchhiked out of the city and spent a weekend far upstate before calling his mom from a payphone and getting her to pick him up. He smuggled paint into his homeroom and painted an abstract mural on the teacher’s desk.
Not everything was illegal. He once snuck into an early morning wholesale flower market and convinced a florist to buy him enough white roses to leave one on every grave in The Cathedral Basilica of St. James cemetery and even convinced some of his friends to help him distribute them. He raised money once and bought everyone at his school pizza for lunch so “the lunch people get a day off.”
When he was asked to play drums for a new band that was forming he had to say yes. It was just a chance at another adventure.
He never expected them to get as famous as they did. He figured they would disband rapidly and he could go to college for marine biology. Like his dad. Obviously, that didn’t happen.
Miraculously for all of Ari’s adventures and alcoholism he didn’t have any major scandals during the bands active time. He left that for Jae.
Instead he tried to fly under the radar. He didn’t want anyone picking up on his issues. He maintained his alcoholism, adventured in the cities they toured through and focused on art when they weren’t making music.
Slowly he began to tire of not remembering as much of his life as he wanted to. People Ari had no memory of would come up to him as though they knew him. He got an STI without even knowing who it was from. He woke up in places he had never seen before. He destroyed things in his house and drove people away.
The catalyst came just before the band was put on hiatus and he was approached by an ex. Apparently during a drunken escapade he hadn’t used protection and had gotten the girl pregnant a few years ago. She’d had the baby and suddenly he was being asked if he wanted to be a father. He didn’t, of course, but he also didn’t want this to ever happen again.
Ari used the move to California as a chance to change everything. He swore he was going sober and wouldn’t return to the lifestyle he’d had before.
Now, freshly sober in California, he’s trying to figure out how to balance his new life. He’s still adventuring but it looks different without drinking. He isn’t sure if he likes it or not.
Personality -
“Ari is a rollercoaster. It could get exhausting except you don’t see him that often since he’s dating half the town at any given time. But he’s a blast anyway, especially when he’s sober enough to know up from down. You will have the most wild dates with him but you’ll have the time of your life. He rented a barn once and hired a band so we could have a ‘good old fashioned barn dance’ because he’d just seen one in a movie. It was insane. Best date of my life. That’s why it’s such a shame that he drinks so much. When he’s sober or only tipsy he’s amazing but the more drunk he gets the more the shine wears away. We actually broke up because he punched a hole through a mirror once and cried that he hated how he looked. I just… couldn’t do that. I hate it but I couldn’t.” Jessica B, ex-girlfriend.
Ari is the pinnacle of a yes-man. He agrees to almost everything so long as no one is hurt and he seems very morally grey. So long as no one gets hurt he’s down to try anything. He is high energy and always seems super cheerful. Ari is the kind of person who draws others to him just by how cheery and upbeat he is.
Ari is a romantic at heart. He says he falls in love with everyone and it honestly feels true. He sees something beautiful in everyone he meets and so he always dates multiple people at a time. It helps that he needs company all the time or the negative emotions he’s pushed away since he was a teenager begin to come creeping up.
He can never let that creep up. When it does it overwhelms him and he feels as scared and as lost as he did the entire year following the crash. He doesn’t talk about those emotions and he definitely doesn’t acknowledge that anything is wrong even when it’s exhausting to keep the smile. He doesn’t want to validate them and make them real. Ari will do anything to keep himself from ever feeling that sad and broken again.
It’s part of why he’s such an adrenaline junkie. His thrill seeking is one of the things he’s most known for in his fame. He has an adventure list a mile wide with everything from “Show up at an airport and take the next flight wherever it goes” to “scattering change along the city streets for people to find.”
Art. Ari loves abstractivism and unconventional art. One of his projects that he was working on before coming to Carmel was saving every bottle from every drink he had over the course of a year so he could display it as a piece. He wasn’t sure about the title for it yet.
Going on dates and adventures
He really wants to get a normal job because he thinks it would be hilarious to, say, work at a deli or diner because he’s technically a rock star.
Ari has PTSD. He doesn’t acknowledge it but it definitely impacts his ability to exist normally. He’s terrified of cars (he still doesn’t drive but he claims it’s because he would rather just skateboard everywhere) and he acts more recklessly to try to distract from it.
Physically he’s actually pretty healthy (aside from his chronic exhaustion). He eats well and works out, now that he’s quit drinking (besides a few relapses here and there) he is largely a super healthy individual.
wanted connections
Partners!!!! Ari is pan and poly so he is down for however many partners he has at any given time. He loves going on dates and hooking up. The more the merrier as far as he’s concerned, too!
Baby-mama. Ari found out he got someone pregnant and it was the largest catalyst for sobriety. They have a rocky relationship regarding the child because Ari really doesn’t feel ready to be a dad but I’m open to if they’re civil or uncivil outside of that.
Confidant. Everyone needs someone they can trust. Even Ari, who’s close relationships never seem to get past sleeping together and casual dating. This can be a friend, a friend of a friend or even someone he’s sleeping with.
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
RotTMNT Oneshot: Knitting Needles Make Good Conversation Starters
Summary:  How does the so-called 'angry one' of the family become not so angry? Simple. With a few good coping mechanisms, and a lot of help and support from his family.
((Heyyyyy. This is my newest RotTMNT story, pretty much just focusing on Raph and sorta trying to explain why he isn’t as angry in TMNT!2018 as he is in other incarnations. Also plenty of family fluff, cause I love this turtle family ^v^ Anyway, I posted a link to this story on AO3 yesterday but I decided to just post the whole story here on Tumblr too. Anyway, hope you all enyoy - and thank you to all the people who have commented on the story already! ^v^))
“Chōsen o hajimeru tokidesu! Kare wa atarashī kuruma ni katsu koto ga dekimasu ka? Mitsukemashou! Sasori o hanashi nasai!”
Splinter sighed. Not even the amusing sight of the newest Scorpion Treadmill contestant stepping up to the machine for what was sure to be a spectacular failure could bring a smile to his furry face. Television had proven to be a worthy distraction from the more difficult parts of his new life, but at the moment it couldn’t even do that, for there were heavier things weighing on the rat’s mind than simply remembering to gather food and wondering whether they would need to prepare for bad weather.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could still see his oldest sitting in the cramped corner that had been assigned to him. Raphael had brought his knees up to his chest, scowling as he hugged them, with his fists still covered in stray streaks of various colors. Just a few days ago, he had been sent to the corner for shoving Leonardo when he tried to get him to play tag with them. A day or so after that, he had been sentenced to the corner once more for stomping on one of Donatello’s gadgets - an act that still hadn’t been forgiven, since Donnie still refused to speak to him.
His latest misdeed was only half an hour ago, when Splinter had been dragged away from preparing lunch by a yelling pair of twins and a sobbing Michelangelo to the scene of the crime. In mere seconds, Raph had crushed all of Mikey’s chalk in his tiny yet strong hands, leaving them as nothing more than colorful crumbs on the stone floor.
Needless to say, something had to be done - and more time in the Naughty Corner just wasn’t going to cut it. Holding back another tired sigh, Splinter turned off the tv and walked over to his son. Raph’s scowl deepened, and he attempted to hide his face. Splinter raised a gentle hand and put it under Raph’s chin, lifting his face out of his knees.
“Why did you break Orange’s chalk?”
Raphael quickly gave his favorite answer. “I dunno.”
His father narrowed his eyes. “That is not an answer. Why did you break them?”
“I said I dunno!” the five year old snapped, baring his teeth. Splinter was VERY thankful his son hadn’t grown his adult snapper teeth yet, though his hand still retreated, just in case. But the rat wasn’t about to completely back down just yet.
“Why must we keep having these talks, Red Child?” Raph just growled, hiding his face once again. “If something is bothering you, you must tell me!” Splinter continued, scowling back at him, “You cannot keep acting like this. You cannot be a bully to your little brothers-!”
“I’m NOT a bully!” Raphael screamed back at his father’s face suddenly, “An’ I broke his crayons cause they were stupid, okay?!” With that, he turned the spikes on his shell towards Splinter and hid the rest of him against the wall.
Splinter pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to ignore his oncoming headache. He knew that choosing to raise children - mutant turtle children, especially - would present plenty of problems and difficulties, but his oldest’s ever increasing temper tantrums were something else entirely!
“You will stay here for another ten minutes, understand?” Having nothing else to say, Splinter returned to his chair, though kept the tv off as to not give his son a chance to escape under the noise of a live studio audience. As the seconds ticked by, the boy’s growls and angry mutters turned to sniffling and quiet sobs - and just like that, Splinter felt his frustrations melt into heartache.
He had to fix this… He had to help his son.
Even while being only at the tender age of five, Raphael had done a ton of traveling in his life. Through abandoned alleyways and dark sewers, along train tracks and up and down piles of trash in dumps. Even after being lucky enough to finally find a home deep in New York’s sewer system, Raph still considered traveling to simply just be a part of his family’s life.
But that was the thing… His family’s life. He always traveled with his father and his dumb younger brothers. But now, it was just his father while his brothers got to stay home and sleep in. Splinter didn’t explain why, just that this was a trip for just the two of them. Raph didn’t think they were abandoning his brothers… Maybe Splinter was getting ready to abandon him, finally having enough of him being mean and naughty. Well fine, he didn’t need a papa anyway! He would be just fine by himself!
...Besides, if this place would be his new home, it didn’t seem like it’d be too bad. It was missing the usual smells from the dumps and alleyways, and it was much brighter even with the sun only just poking over the horizon. Pink skies shone light down on darkened trees while wet grass tickled at his feet. He remembered one night a few months ago when Splinter had first brought all of them to a similar looking place, calling it a ‘park’. He and his brothers had played there practically all night, but Raph knew that there would be no playing this time.
After a few more minutes of walking, Splinter finally stopped. He sat down, and then gestured for his son to do the same. Raph did so, if only to get off his feet for a bit. He still didn’t like the wet grass too much, how it stuck to his legs and his shell. But the light skies and the cool morning winds that gently brushed past his face helped him feel less antsy about it.
“Do you like this place?” Splinter asked him suddenly. Raph hesitated a moment before nodding. “I do as well… It is very quiet, and very relaxing.” Raph nodded again, though still scowled slightly, not quite understanding the point of all this.
Lifting his strong tail, Splinter wrapped it around his son’s shoulders, pulling him a bit closer. “Raphael,” he began, his voice strong. Raph clenched his fists, knowing very well by now that his papa only seemed to use their full names when he was really angry with them. He knew this trip wasn’t going to be fun! He just brought him out here to yell at him some more! He just-!
“I am sorry for calling you a bully.”
The young snapper blinked. He looked up, and saw the guilt in the old rat-man’s eyes. “I was frustrated with your behavior, but that was still wrong of me, and I am sorry.”
“...Okay,” Raph said quietly, not really sure what else to say.
“Always remember this, Raphael,” Splinter told him, his tone serious once more, “That even when you do bad things or make mistakes, you are not bad, and I will love you even when you do these things.”
Raph’s eyes widened a bit. “Really…? So, so you won’t ever get rid of me for bein’ bad?”
“Of course not!” His tail brought the boy in closer, and Raph didn’t hesitate to hold onto him, gripping the fabric of Splinter’s robe tightly. He was big enough for his head to fit in the crook of Splinter’s neck, but he still crouched down, wanting to feel small in his papa’s safe arms. “I did not get rid of you or your brothers when you were hatchlings, and I will not be doing so anytime soon! I love you, Big Red, no matter what you do.”
Raph sniffled at the pet name. “Okay, Papa… Okay…” He felt a soft hand pet his head a few times before hearing his father continue.
“However… While I will not abandon you for making mistakes or doing bad things, these things still must be dealt with. I brought you out here, Red, because I wanted you to feel relaxed enough to talk to me about the things that are making you angry, without worrying about your brothers hearing about it. So… Will you tell me? Will you tell Papa why you get so angry with your brothers and break their things?”
Raph didn’t answer right away, but Splinter had already figured that would be the case. Still, he didn’t push his son. He just continued to pet him and hold him close, until a small voice finally began to speak.
“I broke Mikey’s chalk cause they’re stupid,” Raph mumbled, repeating what he had said just a few hours before, “I try to draw with ‘em, and they always break… Everything they wanna play with breaks when I use ‘em, and then they get mad and then I get in trouble! Same goes with when I wanna play with them!” He started to growl, clenching his teeth. “I... I know I can’t be rough with Donnie ‘cause of his shell, but Leo and Mikey got regular shells and I still end up hurtin’ em whenever we play! An’ then I get mad, so I break more stuff an’ I don’t care about hurtin’ people, ‘cause it’s always gonna happen no matter what! I try not to, but it still happens!”
Splinter started to feel the front of his robe become damp, but he just held his son tighter, silently letting him know that it was okay. That he was okay. “Why do I have to be the biggest, Papa?” Raph cried, “Why do I have to be big and spiky and everything else small and break-y? It’s not fair! It’s not fair! ”
Splinter shushed Raph as he began to sob. “It will be alright, Red… I promise it will all work out.” Wanting to help calm him down, Splinter began to tell him stories of warriors as big and fierce as grizzly bears, and of samurai as tall and mighty as oak trees.  Stories of people as big and strong as Raphael, yet they didn’t break or smash or hurt. Instead, they saved .
By the time the sun had lifted itself above the green treetops, despite his cheeks still being damp and the occasional sniffle or two, Raph had started to think that maybe being big wasn’t so bad. “I wanna be like ‘em when I grow up,” he said quietly, still leaning on Splinter’s warm chest, “I wanna be like the warriors an’ the heroes… Be big enough to help.”
“You will be, Red Child,” Splinter told him, giving him another pat on the head, “And your brothers grow up too, become bigger and strong enough, and you’ll all have an easier time playing with each other.” Raph smiled a bit at the idea of that, being able to wrestling around with Leo and Mikey and being able to play with Donnie without worrying about hurting his soft shell. “But even then, you must remember that you are the oldest of your brothers. You still must protect them, just as they will protect you, and you definitely shouldn't use your strength against them in order to force them to do what you want. Family must always look after each other, and it is the oldest’s job to practice that, so that the younger members of his family can follow in example.”
The young snapper thought about this carefully before looking back up at his papa. “D’you think I could be a good big brother?”
“Absolutely,” Splinter answered with a warm smile. Raph grinned back at him, giving him another hug. Though, as they began walking back to the manhole they came up through, Raph’s smile faltered a bit.
“What if I still get mad, Pop?” he asked, “What if I get mad an’ I hurt my brothers or break their stuff, even though I don’t mean it?”
Splinter hummed, stroking his chin. “Perhaps… Perhaps, we can find a way for you to control your strength while we wait for your brothers to catch up…”
Two days after their ‘Raph and Papa Only’ trip, as Raph had called it when his brothers had asked, Raph found himself being taken to his room rather than the Naughty Corner before he had a chance to crush the toy car that he had stepped on. There, he was presented with… With…
“Chopsticks?” Raph raised an eyebrow. “But Pop, I already ate, an’ I hate using those things anyway! Hands are wayyyy better to eat with!”
Splinter gave a small smirk as he shook his head. “No, Red, these are not chopsticks, please do not eat with them. ...Or eat them.” His oldest definitely had a habit of sticking things in his mouth, just to have something to munch on. “These are knitting needles. People use them to create clothes such as scarves, hats, sweaters, and even blankets.”
“Really?” Raph eyed the needles. How could two little sticks create all those things?! It was impossible!
“Yes, really. And that is what you are going to do.” Hidden within the sleeves of his robe, Splinter produced a package of red yarn (Raph smiled at the fact that they were using his favorite color, even if he was still confused) and a worn book titled “Knitting for Beginners”.
“But why do I gotta knit?” Raph asked, picking up the needles and clenching them together tightly. The needles began to crack slightly in his strong grip, causing Raph to scowl. He couldn’t make anything with dumb knitting needles, they were just another thing for him to break…
Splinter however was far from discouraged. “These will help you control your strength, as well as your temper. Knitting takes patience and time, and if you can master it, then you will be on your way to becoming a master of those things as well, my son.”
“A master…” Raph furrowed his brow, setting the needles down. “But what if I can’t do it? What if I’m bad at knitting and ruin all the yarn.”
“Then we will find something else to help you,” Splinter said suddenly, “But let us try to knit before we look for something else, alright?” “Fiiiine…”
For the next several weeks, Splinter would spend around two hours a day with Raphael, pouring over the details and tips from the knitting handbook while his son tried his hardest to knit. For the most part, Raph actually wasn’t too bad at it, being able to concentrate and not get too caught up on the occasional dropped stitch.
Unfortunately, this didn’t stop him from breaking at least one needle each session, but rather than scolding him for it, Splinter simply taped the tool up or replaced it within a few days if the damage was severe enough. Even while still feeling a bit guilty about it, the lack of pressure did allow Raph to relax a bit more, which led to fewer broken needles. Despite their occasional destructiveness, he found that he liked working with his hands, finding new ways to position them as he used them to create rather than just smash or hit.
After two months, Raph had completed a pair of red, three-fingered gloves. They weren’t as perfect as the pictures in the book, but they were still wearable. They were still his, and that was enough.
“Whoaaaa!” Leo said in awe, spotting them on his big brother’s hands as soon as he walked into the tv room, “Where’d you find those?”
“I didn’t, I made ‘em,” Raph answered proudly, “All by myself!” “Wowwwww!”
“Yes. Very nice, Red,” Splinter added, looking away from the screen and giving the gloves an approving nod, making his son beam.
“Yeah! But why’d you wanna make gloves?” Leo asked, “Seems like kind’a a weird thing to make.”
“‘Cause I was mad about steppin’ on your car,” Raph replied, shrugging, “but I made these instead of breaking the car.”
“Oh, whoops...” Leo winced slightly, remembering the short scolding he had gotten that day about leaving his toys out. “Sorry…”
“It’s fine, I’m not mad about it anymore.”
“Good, and thanks for not breakin’ it.” After admiring the gloves a bit more, Leo smiled. “You wanna go play now?”
Raph gave a toothy grin. “Yeah! Let’s go!”
The boys quickly scurried off, leaving their content - and very proud - father alone in his chair. Naturally, he still kept an ear out for crying or yelling, but it wasn’t until it was time to gather his sons up for supper did he have to get out of his chair. Not a toy was broken that night.
Most would be worried about leaving a four year old to their own devices, but Splinter was not one of those parents. Not because he didn’t care about the safety of his youngest, certainly not, but because he knew just how attached Michelangelo was to his older brothers, who would be sure to keep him out of trouble just as long as they stayed out of trouble themselves. And, if something was truly wrong, Splinter would definitely know about it, no matter how far away his orange son was.
Hence the loud wail that had Splinter out of his chair within seconds. Sometimes Splinter wondered if Mikey knew just how loud he could be. Frankly, it would not surprise him if people on the streets above and on the other side of the city could hear him…
But while a loud cry had made him move, a single phrase made him stop, just before reaching the playroom:
“I’m sorry!”
When only silence followed this, Splinter peeked inside, getting a full view of the situation while still using his ninja skills to stay out of sight. He could see Raph looking down at a broken toy train, but all Raph could see, even as he kept his eyes glued to the floor, was the expressions on his brothers’ faces. Mikey’s tear filled eyes, and Leo and Donnie’s frowns - with the latter looking more angry than hurt, which made sense considering that he had found the toy.
“I, I was just tryin’ to play with it,” Raph explained, “But I played too rough, an’ one of the wheels just popped off.” He clenched his fists a bit, though his expression stayed calm. “I didn’t mean to break it, an’ I tried to put it back on, but it wouldn’t go back on! So I threw it… and I threw it too hard.” Looking his brothers right in the eyes now, Raph let his guilt be known. “I was mad… But I still shouldn’t have thrown it. And the rest I didn’t mean to do. But I’m still really sorry. So… yeah.”
The twins exchanged a look, their own expressions softening just a little. But before either of them could say anything, Mikey rushed forward. Even being nearly half the size of Raph, Mikey still managed to wrap his arms halfway around him in a tight hug. “‘S’okay, Raphie,” he said, “I know you sorry, an’ s’okay. Don’t be sad, okay?”
“We know you didn’t mean it,” Leo added, giving Raph a small smile, “We’ll just fine stronger toys for all of us to play with, ones that never ever break!”
“And... I guess I could teach you how to fix the toys that do break,” Donnie offered, “If you wanna help.”
“...” Despite the unshed tears in his eyes, Raph smiled and nodded at them both. “Yeah… That sounds good.”
“You guys hug too!” Mikey demanded, and the twins both chuckled, happily obliging while Raph’s smile grew. Once the impromptu group hug ended, Donnie ran to the toy box to grab the small tools he had stashed away for situations such as these while Leo told a silly train joke he had heard on some cartoon show, easily making his red and orange brothers laugh.
And as he watched his oldest carefully take the tools, using the skills he had gotten from months of knitting to keep his hands steady and his grip not too firm while his other children gathered around their brother to give help and support, Splinter quickly decided that neither he nor Raphael had anything to worry about.
And as time went on and all the things that his father had promised began coming true, Raph decided this as well. Knitting became another one of the constants in his life, even as he himself grew bigger and stronger. Each new garment turned out better than the last, and by his tenth birthday, knitting wasn’t just an exercise in controlling his anger and strength, but a well-loved hobby!
His brothers grew up as well, all of them growing closer as they played and learned together. Once all of them began learning martial arts thanks to the discovery of Lou Jitsu movies and months of begging their father to teach them, they also all became great sparring partners. Sure, Raph still had to pull a few of his punches, not wanting to accidentally send any of his siblings through a wall, but no longer did he have to worry about making any of them cry just by shoving them, and together they were all able to begin the journey of becoming awesome ninjas.
Soon enough, strength truly became a symbol of, well, strength! Of being able to fight off bad guys, of being able to protect the ones he cared about the most. Once Splinter finally allowed them to go off into the city without his supervision, Raphael wore the title of protector and leader with pride. ‘Look out, NYC,’ he remembered thinking as he guided them all out of the sewers, ‘Big Brother Warrior Raph is comin’ for ya!’
Of course, even with all this positive change, Raph still occasionally felt his anger just below his surface. When he still accidentally broke something, as if he was still an accident prone five year old, or when his brothers annoyed him to the point where he actually did want to shove them through a wall.  When he frustrated with being a mutant in a human world, or when something went wrong despite his best efforts to make them go right, or when he was just feeling angry in general and didn’t really know why.
Thankfully, just like how his father knew just what to do all those years ago, the rest of his family seemed to know how to help.
Donnie kept a collection of cracked beakers and gadgets damaged beyond repair in his lab, and when the time called for it, he and Raph would take them all and just smash them against the wall. It was a bit embarrassing to admit, but smashing stuff was still a pretty good release. Thankfully, Donnie never judged him for it - ‘Who knows, maybe he gets somethin’ out of it too,’ Raph would sometimes think - and the two of them would still end up talking things out as they swept up the mess.
Exercise was another way to get that release, though sometimes lifting weights or striking a punching bag just wasn’t enough. Leon, being the fastest of them, naturally would challenge Raph to a race through the sewers or a dozen spars in the dojo when his older brother was feeling particularly angry. He was more than happy to help tire Raph out as he worked through his emotions, just as he was happy to provide refreshing drinks and a shoulder to lean on afterwards.
Mikey’s solution was similar to Leo’s. Buried deep under the rest of his art and crafting supplies were several Jupiter Jim coloring books, each of them partially filled with plenty of pages left to go. He’d always bring these out, along with several plates of homemade snacks, whenever Raph needed a stress coloring session. As childish as it might have seemed, it was almost comforting in a way, just lying on the floor and coloring for as long as he needed to while his youngest brother talked about whatever. The fact that Mikey never even scowled at him when he accidentally snapped off the tip of a pencil or a crayon also helped.
Even Splinter, even after doing so much for him already, still offered to help when Raph’s anger nearly reached his limits. They’d have one-on-one wrestling matches, with Raph finding comfort in how impossible it seemed to knock his father down no matter how many attacks he threw at him. A pillar of true strength, as far as Raph was concerned. And, when it wasn’t a fight he needed in order to work things out, then Splinter would instead provide him with listening ears, honest words, and a warm cup of black tea.
It really was just as Splinter had promised that morning. Things really did work out in the end. His family loved him, no matter what he did or what emotions he had, and they were always willing to help. Even if his feelings were his own, Raph would never be alone, and he would be forever grateful for that.
...But even so, sometimes old habits were the best ones.
Still scowling, he dug through his basket of yarn. His hand touched a ball of pink yarn, and he quickly threw it against the wall of his bedroom. He definitely didn’t need anything pink tonight… Instead, he grabbed the green yarn and began knitting away. He growled slightly when he dropped two threads in a row, but kept his hands steady, resisting the urge to form them into fists. Instead, he took a deep breath and kept on it, listening to the click of his needles and letting his mind wander away from the fight he and his brothers had gotten into just a couple hours ago.
He was about halfway through his impromptu scarf when he heard a gentle knock at the door. “Hey, big guy,” April greeted, giving him a gentle smile.
Despite it all, Raph smiled back at his sister. “Hey… What are you doin’ here?”
“Well I was gonna hang, but the guys said you could maybe use some company? ...Said that you had kind of a rough night tonight?”
Raph scowled, though not at April. ‘Rough’ was certainly one way to describe it… Meatsweats had gotten his hands on a couple of strength-increasing mutants, which was giving him a huge advantage in his so called 'hunts'. Raph had been the one to accidentally lead them into such a one-sided fight, which in turn lead to all of them getting beaten up pretty badly.
But while they were able to free the rest of Meatsweats’ captured prey, making that part of Raph’s plan a success at least, the bad guy had still managed to get away even with their best efforts. Naturally, his brothers were just as frustrated with this, complaining about the mostly-failed mission most of the way home. So, not wanting to start a fight or bother them as they patched themselves up, Raph ended up isolating himself the moment they got home, lest he end up getting into a screaming match with one of them. Though, he had a feeling he wasn’t going to be alone for much longer.
“You wanna talk about it?” April asked, and watched her friend think about it before shaking his head. Tonight was just a bad night, and he wanted to forget about it as soon as possible, at least for right now. “Okay. Can I still chill here for a while?” That time, Raph nodded, not taking nearly as much time to answer. So, April took a seat next to him on his bed. She gently rubbed his shell as he worked, expertly avoiding the spikes and helping him fall back into a relaxed mindset - one that didn’t involve mutant pig-chefs or nearly suffocating thoughts of self doubt.
It took another hour before he finished the scarf, releasing a long sigh once he finally did. “It looks good,” April told him. He smiled warmly at the compliment and handed the scarf to her. She ran her fingers over the soft yarn as she wrapped it around her neck. She’d already gotten several scarfs from the snapper over the years, along with a couple sweaters and some fingerless gloves, but as far as she concerned, there was no limit on the amount of comfy homemade knitted-wear a person could have. “Thanks… So, you feelin’ better?”
“Yeah,” Raph admitted, though his smile didn’t quite meet his eyes, “I’m relaxed at least. Still kinda pissed though… I know I’ll get a rematch with him eventually but, it’s hard just waitin’ around, you know? Waitin’ to make up for a bad fight, or a bad plan…”
April patted him on the shoulder. “...Central Park seemed pretty deserted when I rode past it, and I doubt anyone’s out there at-” she checked her phone. “2:37 AM. You wanna go take a walk? Maybe grab some convenience store pizza afterwards?”
Raph’s smile grew a bit. Closing his eyes for just a moment, he could already feel the cool grass under his feet and the light wind in the air. “Yeah, that sounds nice… Thanks, April.”
“No problem, Raph,” she smiled back, squeezing his hand, “Anytime.”
Even before they reached the surface, Raph could feel the last of his anger and frustration fading away, allowing his heavy steps to feel light without anything weighing them down. Of course, these feelings would come back soon enough, and as annoying as that would be, Raph wasn’t afraid of them. He’d face them head on, just as he did with any other obstacle in his way. Things would work out in the end. Things would be alright.
As long as he had his family, their encouraging and supportive words, and a couple of spare knitting needles and some yarn at the ready, he knew he really would be just fine, anger issues and all.
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obviousartist · 5 years
So no one asked for this but here it is
this is so random gosh
Questions in bold
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
Spotify ‘till the end!
Is your room messy or clean?
It would probably surprise people, but it’s so dang messy.
What color are your eyes?
Do you like your name? Why?
I don’t know, I feel like it’s kind of overused because I know a ton of people with the same name.
What is your relationship status?
Single pringle! Although some people are trying to set me up. So far, no progress, which is fine by me.
Describe your personality in 3 words or less.
Dude, I died.
I know that’s not a real description, but I’m a HUGE pessimist, and I use that sentence too much, I should probably stop, but dude, I actually died, though.
What color hair do you have?
What kind of car do you drive? Color?
Non car = non couleur
Where do you shop?
Where DO I shop? When was the last time I went shopping?
Edit: okay so I went shopping today. At Harris Teeter. Is this asking where I like food shop or where I clothes shop?
How would you describe your style?
Dude, I don’t have a style. I am soooooooooo style-less. I don’t know, though, because Buzzfeed (not an accurate source) always says I’m a hipster. Although, it also says I’m 50, which I can assure you, I am not.
Favorite social media account.
What size bed do you have?
Twin. But I should really get a new one.
Any siblings?
One annoying as f**k brother.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
Great Britain. Lots of culture, and they speak English too. Or NYC. Also much culture and BROADWAY, GUYS. BROADWAY!
Favorite Snapchat filter?
Non Snapchat = non filter
Favorite makeup brand(s)
I wear makeup like twice a year, okay? IDK.
How many times a week do you shower?
Usually every day, but I only wash my hair three/four times a week.
Favorite TV show?
I mean, Ellen is great, right?
Shoe size?
You can’t laugh. It’s a 4/4.5 women’s.
How tall are you?
We are now 5’2”. I know, shorty here.
Sandals or sneakers?
Sneakers. My nails look like trash.
Do you go to the gym?
Sometimes. Not usually, though, because I do many other physical activities already, so it’s not really helpful to wear myself out if I have to dance the next day or something.
Describe your dream date.
Ok. As a forever single pringle, I don’t really know (as of now). But. I will say that a serious creative something would be actually really nice. Not like painting class. But like reading. Performances. Things like that. Even movies (although the book is probably better).
How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
Kid, I’m broke. Haha. #liveswithparents
What color socks are you wearing?
I am currently barefoot, as I like it.
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two. Deux. Dos. Due. Duo.
Do you have a job? What do you do?
No job here.
How many friends do you have?
I don’t know. I have my best friends and then I have my friends and then I have my kind of friends and then I have my acquaintances. I know a lot of people. I don’t like a lot of them.
What’s the worst thing you have ever done?
I don’t know. Not for me to judge.
What’s your favorite candle scent?
3 favorite boy names
Alex, Jordan, and Eden.
3 favorite girl names
Alex, Elizabeth, and Jordan. Big fan of unisex names.
Favorite actor?
I don’t knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Why did I start this, this is very hard?
Favorite actress?
Emma Watson. That one’s easy.
Who is your celebrity crush?
We’re still sorting that out; hold on. ONE ETERNITY LATER . . .
Favorite movie?
The Parent Trap? The Sound of Music? IDEK ok?
Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book?
Money or brains?
I have neither, but if I got to choose money or brains, I would definitely choose brains.
Do you have a nickname? What is it?
No nickname. I guess I’m just not that kind of person.
How many times have you been to the hospital?
I regret to say a few.
Top 10 favorite songs
You’re really in for it, guys. I’m Not Famous - AJR Me Too - Meghan Trainor Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy Nightmare - Halsey Boy With Luv - BTS If I Can’t Have You - Shawn Mendes I Don’t Care - Ed Sheeran SOS - Avicii Summer on You - PRETTYMUCH Kiss and Make Up - Dua Lipa Summer - Calvin Harris
Others include:
Bloom - Troye Sivan
You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift
Do you take any medications daily?
I take vitamin D/calcium supplements. Not medication, but okay.
What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
A what what a what what what? I’m guessing oily?
What is your biggest fear?
Scaredy cat here, so I’ve got a lot of fears. I fear failure and being unwanted, though.
How many kids do you want?
Two. Deux. Dos. Duo.
What’s your go to hair style?
What type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
Medium, I guess?
Who is your role model?
Emma Watson. Misty Copeland. Our female leaders leading change in the world.
What was the last compliment you received?
Uhm. I have no idea, man. I don’t even remember when it was.
What was the last text you sent?
No texting, but I do Skype. “Look kid idk but u said bye so ur loss”
How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real?
I had had my suspicions. But I don’t know who it actually was, and it is driving me kind of mad. I can assume it was my parents.
What is your dream car?
Honda Civic. Very sleek, not overly expensive.
I feel so boring.
Opinion on smoking?
Do you go to college?
One day, my friends. One day.
What is your dream job?
Photographer? Editor? I don’t even know, okay?
Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
Suburbs. You don’t have to drive really far to get somewhere, but it’s still kind of calm.
Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Yes. Always.
Do you have freckles?
Nope. Zero. Nada.
Do you smile for pictures?
How many pictures do you have on your phone?
No phone, but I have a crap ton on my computer.
Have you ever peed in the woods?
Yeah. It was awful.
Do you still watch cartoons?
Non, merci.
Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Can I not eat either?
Favorite dipping sauce?
Soy sauce. Or sesame oil, depending on what food it is.
I’ll settle for ranch for some vegetables.
What do you wear to bed?
Sweatpants/shorts and a T-Shirt/cami.
Have you ever won a spelling bee?
No, I wish.
What are your hobbies?
I play piano and I dance. I also die, but we don’t talk about that.
Can you draw?
I’m decent, I guess. No. I’m awful.
Do you play an instrument?
What was the last concert you saw?
My school orchestra concert.
Tea or coffee?
Water. Orange juice. Neither.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Do you want to get married?
Oui oui.
What is your crush’s first and last initial?
Uhm. Okay. So. SD.
Are you going to change your last name when you get married?
I don’t know. Depends on their last name.
What color looks best on you?
Black/navy blue.
Do you miss anyone right now?
My mom went somewhere (not disclosing) and my friends from school because it’s summer.
Do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Shut. Always. I have a brother. And a cat.
Do you believe in ghosts?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
People chewing with their mouths open. Ew.
Jeez I have so many, we’ll just say that for now.
Last person you called?
My mom.
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Vanilla. I promise I’m not boring.
Regular Oreos or golden Oreos?
Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
What shirt are you wearing?
An old Battle of the Books T-shirt from school.
What is your phone background?
No phone, but my computer background is an image of the Slytherin common room.
Are you outgoing or shy?
I am selectively outgoing.
Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I don’t know because no one touches it.
Do you like your neighbors?
I don’t know my neighbors. There’s this family that moved in and I’ve seen like two kids. Once on the day they got here. Another time when one of them was mowing the lawn. I don’t know them.
Do you wash your face? At night? In the morning?
At night.
Have you ever been high?
Non, merci.
Have you ever been drunk?
Non, merci.
Last thing you ate?
Peaches and apples.
Favorite lyrics right now.
But: “Shade never made anyone less gay,” Taylor Swift - You Need To Calm Down
Summer or winter?
Day or night?
Night. It’s currently 10:48 PM over here.
Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
White chocolate all the way.
Favorite month?
What is your zodiac sign?
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I don’t know, okay? Probably my mom, though, knowing me.
I’m so boring.
Thank you so much for reading all of the sh*t I wrote up there.
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guynamedultimax · 5 years
Smash Characters and people who main them
So, I was thinking about who mains certain Smash characters. Aaaand I got these ideas.
Mario: Probably Mickey Mouse. Or Emmet from the Lego Movie franchise idk
DK: Surely not King Kong because he has big hands and would break a Joy-Con just by touching it, not even a GameCube controller is safe. 100% Winston from Overwatch is the candidate, even better if he takes the blue DK skin lol
Link: Sora. This one is easy as hell.
Samus: Tony Stark is the first option that comes to mind.
Dark Samus: And since Rhodes can’t use Samus, might as well use the OTHER Samus lol
Yoshi: It is canonically stated in Deltarune that Asriel Dreemurr mains him and loves him to death.
Fox: I’m not sure how a red pirate fox animatronic holds a Joy-Con or two but probably Foxy from FNAF is the perfect main here.
Pikachu: It’s either Agumon or Jibanyan, too easy. Also put Jibanyan in Smash Sakurai pls
Luigi: Probably Donald Duck to parallel Mickey, the only difference between the two would be that Donald has a short temper while Luigi is a cowardly lion (and the plumber-sailor thing)
Ness: *MEGALOVANIA AND GAME THEORY INTRO INTENSIFIES* Ok jokes aside I think John Egbert and/or Sans are good candidates as Smash main.
Captain Falcon: Raphael, the red turtle from the Teena- wait why am I explaining an obvious character. His bros collectively main another character.
Jigglypuff: D.Va, full stop. She is a bunny person but may also love a Jigglypuff (now I want a drawing of Hana hugging the Puff help me)
Peach: Sooo, let’s see...Mickey has Mario... Donald has Luigi... I think you know where I’m going with this one.
Bowser: Is there any drawing of Bowser cosplaying as Peg-Leg Pete and viceversa? I’d die for that, it would be hella funny, especially with Mario and Mick dying from laughter in the distance.
Ice Climbers: Hmmm...twins...you can use them to make icy puns...I KNOW! IT’S GEORGE AND FRED
Sheik: Literally any of the ninjas from Lego Ninjago, bonus points for Lloyd.
Zelda: I have literally no damn ide-oh wait. I can use literally any blonde Disney princess lol
Dr. Mario: Undecided between Sorcerer Apprentice!Mickey and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Pichu: Shogunyan makes the most sense to me. I don’t know a lot about any other Digimon so I’m sorry if I don’t have Digimon ideas for Pichu.
Falco: I don’t know why but the thought of Chica maining Falco makes me laugh. Not that I ship Fox and Falco, of course, but seeing my FNAF OTP using two best pals looks funny enough to me
Any Fire Emblem character that is not Robin or Corrin: I literally have no damn idea.
Young Link: The first one that came to mind was Kenny from South Park and I don’t know, don’t even ask me
Ganondorf: I can just see Gamora giving Thanos a copy of Smash for the Switch and him curbstomping people as Ganondorf
Mewtwo: I still think that Beerus is an AU version of Mewtwo. If Beerus wasn’t a lazy dickhead maybe he would have been similar to Mewtwo.
Mr. Game & Watch: Bendy. Just, Bendy. And not even moster Bendy, just, regular Bendy.
Meta Knight: I wonder how much does Bruce Wayne play Smash when he is not being Batman. Although it’s probably possible that his favourite is Brawl.
Pit: I can just see Tony Stark losing at Smash against Pit and saying: “Fuck you, Barton.” AHAHAHAHAH
Dark Pit: This is for Hawkeye post-Decimation. Sorry if u lost ur family pal. Really sorry. I wanna kick Thanos in the groin for this.
Zero Suit Samus: Of course Natasha Romanoff mains Zero Suit Samus. Fanservice girl for fanservice girl.
Wario: I know Roadhog isn’t greedy and doesn’t care a lot about money except for his fee from Junkrat but he looks like the perfect Wario main in my opinion.
Snake: A spy for a spy. The name is Snake. Solid Snake. *mashup of James Bond theme and Encounter plays in the distance*
Pokèmon Trainer: Literally Ash Ketchum is the only possible choice here.
Diddy Kong: Uuuuh, the Apes from Ape Escape. Yup.
Lucas: Ok listen up, it’s Darwin Watterson. A squishy adorable fish boi for an adorable psychic blondie kid. It’s the perfect matchup! Almost...(Thank god Ninten is not yet in Smash)
Sonic: Me. What, can’t I reclaim one of my mains? The fella here introduced me to gaming with Sonic Rivals on the PSP. Thank god I didn’t buy a PS3 or ‘06.
Dedede: King Candy from Wreck-It Ralph. At least before he reveals himself as the fucker known as Turbo.
Olimar: Keroro from Sgt. Frog. Don’t ask.
Lucario: Sasuke? Idk
R.O.B.: Shared between C-3P0, R2-D2 and BB-8. Easy.
Wolf: Idk Boris the Wolf? I really dunno I suck at this.
Villager: Chara from Undertale. I don’t need to explain this.
Mega Man: Give me any blue Power Ranger.
Wii Fit Trainer: Hard one. I have no idea help
Rosalina and Luma: IT’S TINKERBELL
Greninja: Naruto full stop
Palutena: Cosmos from FF Dissidia.
Mii Fighters: The Xbox avatars. I think this one was pretty obvious.
Pac-Man: Donnie, Mikey and Leo all collectively main Pac. Best part they stop literally any attempt from Raph to spam Falcon Punches lol.
Robin: *Hedwig’s Theme intensifies*
Bowser Jr.: My other main, the one I use the most. For you, I shall summon the perfect main! *Lancer pops out from nowhere*
Duck Hunt: It’s Pluto. You know, Mickey’s dog? Jeez, why doesn’t Disney focus a little more on Pluto?
Ken: *insert Vegeta reference here*
Corrin: Danaerys Tyrgaryen. Did...did I write that right? I really dunno
Bayonetta: *Insert Dante quote here*
Inkling: de Blob. You...you don’t know de Blob? You should go check that game, it’s fire.
Ridley: Smaug. I know, I’m out of ideas.
Simon: Van Helsing, of course.
King K. Rool: Does Godzilla count? Or is he a King Kong issue? Ok no wait, any member from the Croc tribe of Legends of Chima is fine
Isabelle: Lucy Heartphilia, easy.
Incineroar: Ok, listen up, before I get in this one, I DO NOT SHIP ISABELLE WITH INCINEROAR. That being said.....Natsu. I can just imagine him and Lucy playing Smash in such an intense way while Happy just plays calmly and beats both lol
Pirahna Plant: Actually the first one that came to mind and gave me the idea for this post. Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Cause, you know, teeth.
Joker: Robin Hood. I know Joker is not an archer user but the gentleman thief thing is there after all
Sorry for the long post, here is the word “potato”. See ya next time and if you have any ideas for missing characters I’d be glad to get them
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