#man of all time... tearing up in the club rn
zhuhongs · 11 months
dongfang qingcang..... 😭😭😭😭😭
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hi! I rlly loved ur recent Kaz Brekker fic n I was wondering if u could do one where the reader had an ED. Like how Kaz would react to it and what he would do to help?? I’m currently getting over an ED n need some comfort rn xx
Hi! Thank you so much for reading and for requesting! As someone who watched many loved ones go through recovery, let me just say how proud I am of you (and anyone reading this!) for trying. You’re amazing and doing great, I promise. <3
Not Giving Up
show! kaz brekker x reader
gender neutral pronouns
TW: eating disorder (following the symptoms and recovery for anorexia nerviosa), low self esteem, mentions of restrictive eating. nothing graphic, and there is comfort/healing in this fic, but please be careful when reading
shadow and bone masterlist
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Kaz Brekker didn’t know how he never noticed it before.
When it came to you, he typically was so attentive, noticing even the smallest details. And he did technically notice all the symptoms; the way you were always cold, the way your wounds would take longer to heal, or how you would sleep too much or none at all. But it wasn’t until The Crows were gathered for brunch one Sunday morning that Kaz finally put all the pieces together.
It was a joyous occasion, and despite being some of the most secretive people in the Barrel, the seven of you made quite a ruckus. But it was joyful, everyone teasing and messing with each other. Weekly brunch was Nina’s idea, her having lamented that she never got to see everyone all together anymore. So everyone agreed that once a week, they would all get together, the true Crow Club.
And every week, you would join in on the fun, laughing and joking with everyone. But as Kaz watched you nonchalantly tell the waitress, “Oh, I’m not really hungry”, that something clicked in his brain.
As the gears in Kaz’s mind began to turn, he soon came to realize that you said that every week. And beyond that, Kaz couldn’t recall a time where you had eaten a full meal around him or any of The Crows. It was plausible that you ate alone or when Kaz wasn’t around, but when compared with some of your other behaviors and symptoms, Kaz was fairly sure of what was happening.
Not wanting to cause more distress, Kaz had the good sense enough to leave you be during the brunch. But the moment the both of you got back to the club, he uttered only three words as he walked pass.
“My office, now.”
Despite being close with Kaz, those words still brought a chill up your spine. Cautiously you followed your friend up the stairs and into his office, following his gesture to sit down. For a while, the two of you sat in silence, Kaz staring at you with his chin resting on his clasped gloved hands.
Finally, you couldn’t take it any longer. “Is there someth-“
“Do you have an eating disorder?”
You weren’t sure what you had expected Kaz to talk to you about, but it was certainly not that. Your jaw slack, you rapidly blinked, trying to collect your thoughts.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kaz’s eyes narrowed. “Do you have an eating disorder?”
You started breathing rapidly, wondering how this man had put the pieces together when you had been so careful to hide it. “I’m fine Kaz.”
“Why don’t you eat with us? Or ever?”
“I-I,” Your words failed you, your brain trying to find some way to combat Kaz’s questions. “Like I said, I’m totally fine. I’m just not hungry a lot.”
With a deep sigh, Kaz got up and moved around the table to sit next to you. When you looked into his eyes, you were surprised by just how gentle they were. “You don’t have to lie to me…or to yourself.”
As you saw the pure concern and affection in Kaz’s gaze, you felt the dams break. Tears freely fell from your eyes as the fears you had been holding in for so long finally came out. Kaz gently placed his hand on your back, trying his best to show comfort and support.
“I don’t-I don’t like my body. Or me in general. Or life. I just…” You trailed off, hanging your head. “I just thought that if I could control what I ate, everything would be so much better.”
“And did it?”
Closing your eyes, you let the truth come out in the smallest whisper. “No.”
“I didn’t think so.” Kaz responded, his voice thoughtful. “Do you want to get better?”
Slightly surprised by the question, you looked back up into Kaz’s eyes. “I—I think so. I’m just scared of what might happen.”
Kaz took his hand off your back and took your hand instead. “You don’t have to go through this alone.” He promised.
“You want to help me?” You asked, searching for any sign of doubt or falsehood in Kaz’s eyes.
But as his blue eyes pierced your soul, you felt the truth of his words. “Every step of the way.”
Good to his word, Kaz Brekker was there for you through everything. He found the best physician and psychologist in Ketterdam, and he was there for every meeting to be a support. Kaz also let you tell the other Crows at your own pace, but when you did, your support system went from one to six instantly. Your little family was there for you, and even though you were scared, it gave you comfort.
Following the treatment plan was difficult. The old inner demons that had haunted you for so long constantly reappeared, making eating difficult. But Kaz and the Crows made sure that you were never alone at mealtime, and they never shamed you for struggling with a particular food or for needing more time. So slowly, with the help of everyone and especially Kaz, bit by bit you learned to heal your relationship with food and your body.
It was a surprisingly clear and sunny Sunday that spring when Ketterdam’s deadliest gang walked down the street, laughing and cajoling the whole way. Upon entering the familiar restaurant, all seven of the crows managed to squeeze into their familiar booth, with only a few complaints and pokes along the way. As you all settled in, a serving girl came up to the table.
You and Kaz were sitting closest to the edge, but the girl elected to talk to you first. “Are you ready to order?”
Kaz held his breath as he watched you hesitate for a moment, looking at the menu on the table.
Looking back up at the serving girl, a bright smile adorned your face. “I’ll have [your favorite breakfast food], please.”
The girl nodded as she wrote down your order, and moving on to Nina, who launched into her elaborate waffle order. But Kaz felt his heart swell with pride, knowing deep down the effort that you were putting in. Kaz reached out underneath the table, and softly he took your hand inside his gloved one. Slightly surprised, you looked up at him, but looking into Kaz’s eyes told you everything he couldn’t say aloud.
Gently squeezing Kaz’s hand in return, you looked around at the little family you and he had built. The journey ahead was long, but your future was bright and full of love.
Recovery is possible; you are wonderful and loved, and you deserve happiness. Real, true happiness. If are struggling with any kind of ED and you are in the united states, please go to this link and get the help you need. <3
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Being Inarizaki's Manager:
Atsumu Rejects Miss Manager and Regrets It
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Atsumu Miya featuring Inarizaki x Fem! Manager
Warnings: Angst to fluff, Swearing, the sting of rejection (sadness, crying, loss of appetite)
A/N: This is an Anon request! Now I'm in an angst mood and who better to fulfill all my angst dreams than my bestie Sumu 🥰
We are going to start this one a little differently 😏
Change is good people 👏🏻
You've been Inarizaki's Manager for almost 2 years now
You started your first year mainly because you were friends with the twins, Suna and Ginjima
They wanted a manager, you needed a club
It was literally a match made in heaven 😍
You've been friends with the twins for a while now, since you were kids
And you've always had a little crush on Atsumu
Honestly YN, Osamu is RIGHT THERE 🙄
But whatever 😒
Sumu was your chosen love
You had always admired him for his ability to dedicate so much time to his skills
He was a solid friend and always had your back
So when you went to high-school, it wasn't a surprise that you started to develop feelings for one of your best friends 🥰
We love a childhood friends to lovers here!
However, you vowed never to tell Atsumu of your crush for a few reasons
1) you were certain he was too good for you
Not true YN but go on
2) he was so popular and you were just the teams manager
3) he was one of your best friends and you didn't want to ruin that
Honestly I admire you YN, you sweet sweet baby 🥺
But just because you vowed never to tell Atsumu, doesn't mean a certain someone hasn't picked up on the clues
Our resident Nosy Nancy, Suna is on the case 🔍
He's known for at least 2 years that's you've liked Atsumu Yn
How you ask? Do you really need to ask YN?
He's a middle blocker and a fantastic one at that 👏🏻
Mans picks up on everything
So he takes it upon himself to be our chosen matchmaker
First, he confronts you
"If you like Atsumu say what," he says 👀
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 what-
Suna 👉🏻 got her 😏
"YN give it up I know you like idiot #1, just confess already!" Suna says as you just stare at him in shock
"Suna I can't do that! Atsumu is to popular, there is no way I'll be anything more than his friend," you say shutting your locker
"And you know this because???" Suna asks
"Because I'm not stupid Rin and I value my heart ok!" You spit as you walk away
However Suna isn't satisfied with that
Oh no no no, he's going to do more
So he casually decides to being it up with Atsumu in the club room 😃
Great, solid plan 👌🏻
"Hey what do you guys think about YN?" Suna asks 👀
"What about her?" Osamu questions
"I mean, she's super cute right? I'm surprised she doesn't have a boyfriend," Suna continues
"She gets confesses to alot but she's never gone out with any of the guys who've asked her," Ginjima chimes in
"What do you think Sumu?" Suna probes
Atsumu just laughs as Suna, Ginjima and Osamu all look at him, confused
"What's so funny?" Ginjima questions
"I mean, I guess she's cute if you like that type of girl," Atsumu responds
"What type of girl? YN is gorgeous Sumu," Osamu says, crossing his arms and defending you
"Oh don't get me wrong, YN is hot but shes just not my type plus she's one of my best friends," Atsumu says
Suna is now glaring at Atsumu because what an idiot istg 🙄
"So you're saying you'd never ask YN out?" Ginjima asks
Atsumu again laughs, "Yeah not in a million years!"
Well thank God you weren't just standing outside the club room at that exact moment to hear the ENTIRE exchange am I right 😃
Right 😃
You rn 👉🏻😐🥺 right..
Crap 😐 you heard the whole thing didn't you?
You just so happened to be walking by when you heard Suna mention your name
So naturally you had to listen
Curiosity killed the cat you know 😫
That brings us to you, standing outside the club room as tears stream down your face
You always knew you weren't good enough for Atsumu
But hearing the words come from him just stabbed you right in the heart
You're heart that was currently breaking 💔
"Hey YN, what's wrong?" Aran says coming up behind you as you try desperately to blink away the tears
Suddenly the club room door opens and Suna, Ginjima, Osamu and Atsumu come out
Suna instantly knows why you are crying but he says nothing 😶
He's just like 👉🏻😳 crap-
"Yn what's wrong? Did someone mess with ya?" Atsumu asks as he approaches you
You back away, not wanting to be near him
Atsumu stops and looks at you confused 😕
Quick YN, think of something!
"Ummm, no- I uh I didn't do so good on a math quiz, I'll be ok. See you in the gym!" You quickly say trying to combat the tears as you turn and run to the gym
Everyone but Suna is so confused
"YN's best subject is math tho," Ginjima questions
Osamu looks to Suna who is looking a bit pale
He starts to wonder what's going on 🤨
"Let's leave her alone, she just maybe needs some time," he says, quickly walking to the gym
That day, at practice, you are incredibly distant and quiet
Literally everyone notices including Kita, Omimi and Michinari
Suna is just like 😗 🎶 trying to ignore everything
Very suspicious 🙃
"Hey YN, you ok?" Omimi finally asks as you snap from your haze
"Oh yeah! Sorry, I uh failed an English quiz so I'm a bit sad but I gotta run! It looks like you guys need water!" You say, way too enthusiastic about filling water bottles
"I thought you failed a math quiz?" Aran questioned as your eyes widened
"Oh uh, yeah I failed both. Just a bad day ha ha," you say quickly grabbing the bottles and running off 🏃‍♀️
Atsumu is watching you, concerned about why you are acting this way
You see, Atsumu may have lied a teeny tiny bit earlier 👀
He really does care about you and he likes you a lot but he's nervous to confess 😬
He tries to not think about it as he goes about his serving practice
After practice, Atsumu stays later to get some more serves in while the guys head to the club room
"Alright Rin spill!" Osamu says cornering Suna
"What?" Suna asks, trying to remain aloof 👀
"We all know you know why YN is acting the way she is! So spill!" Osamu says
Suna sighs as he looks at the team who is all watching him
"YN likes Atsumu and I'm pretty sure she heard what he said about her earlier," Suna says as Ginjima and Osamu's eyes widen
"Wait, what did Atsumu say?" Kita questions
"He said YN wasn't his type and that he wouldn't date her," Ginjima answers
"Well crap, poor YN," Michinari says, sitting down on the bench
"I mean, what can we do? He doesn't like her and we can't change that," Aran interjected
"I feel bad for bringing it up but I really didn't think she would hear it," Suna says
"I think we just need to let her process it and move on. We can't force him to like her," Kita says as the guys all look down
They want to help YN but they have no clue how to so it
So they just wait and see
Unfortunately, you don't cheer up ☹️
The sting of rejection really hurts and it's affecting everything
Soon you start to withdraw from the team, only showing up to practice right before you have to and leaving as quickly as you can
Even the coach notices 🥺
Atsumu is beginning to really wordy about you
He hasn't seen you for more than a few hours all week
You look pale and like you've lost weight
He hates seeing you like this
So he decides to ask to bring it up
At the team meeting 😃
Oh sweet baby Jesus
"Does anyone have anything else to add?" Coach asks as Atsumu raises his arm
"Yeah, I'm just wondering what's up with you YN? Are you ok?" Atsumu questions
Literally the entire team rn 👉🏻👀👂🏻
He's just staring at you
And you look at him like 👉🏻👁💧👄💧👁
"I'm fine Sumu, I just haven't been doing well in school," you finally say as Atsumu scoffs
"YN that's a lie! I know you got one of the best scores in English and Math! So what's really going on? Is someone picking on ya? Did someone reject ya?" Atsumu asks as you just sit there, trying hard not to cry
"Sumu lay off ok?" Osamu says as Atsumu looks at him
"No! She's being such a downer and she's acting ridiculous. She won't talk to any of us and she's barely present!" Atsumu says as the tears start to stream down your face
"Atsumu, enough!" Kita growls as you try your hardest to not cry
"What's wrong with ya? If some guy rejected ya then he doesn't deserve ya! Move on Yn!" Atsumu says
That does it, that breaks the dam of emotions that have been building up
You stand up, tears streaming down your face as you look at Atsumu
"I was rejected Sumu and you're right, I should just move on from it but it's hard to move on from being rejected by your best friend!" You scream as Atsumu's eyes widen in shock, "but you're right, he doesn't deserve me!"
You turn, running out of the gym as the tears flow
Aran, Omimi and Michinari all get up and run after you
Kita is just standing there, his arms crossed looking hella pissed off
"Way to go idiot," Osamu says, standing up and walking out of the door
"What- what's going on?" Atsumu questions as Suna and Ginjima stands up
"YN likes you dumbass. She's been sad because she overheard us talking about her the other day," Suna says
Atsumu 👉🏻😐😳 she- she heard that?
"You couldn't just let her be could ya?" Ginjima says, turning and walking out the door as Suna follows and shakes his head
Atsumu is left on the gym, stunned and trying to process his emotions
Meanwhile, you locked yourself in the girls bathroom, bawling your eyes out as you tried to calm down
Did he really have to bring that up? Did he have to reopen the wounds you were trying to heal?
You sat in the bathroom for a while until you finally emerged, looking around to make sure nobody was left to see your state
You walked out the door, turning the corner to see Atsumu sitting on the bench
You quickly turn, trying to avoid him but it's too late
"YN wait!" He shouted as you quickly walked away
"YN stop!" He said, catching up to you and pulling your arm to turn you around
"Sumu I'm sorry I can't-" you say as the tears run down your face
Atsumu says nothing, just pulling you in for a big hug
The hug is comforting but also hurtful as you continue to cry louder
"YN I'm so sorry I hurt ya," he said as he rubs your back and you hug him back
"It's ok Sumu, I should have known you wouldn't like me," you said as Atsumu pulls you away, looking down into your eyes
"But I do like you YN," he says
You rn 👉🏻🥲 huh?
He sighs, throwing his head back and looking back at you, "I do like you YN. I've liked you since middle school. I just- I just didn't want to ruin our friendship. You're my best friend YN and I love you."
You 👉🏻😲
YN is too stunned to speak
"I guess I didn't really think you'd like me since I'm so annoying and kind of an idiot," he said laughing
You just nod
Atsumu 👉🏻😐 really YN?
"Sumu, I'm sorry I let this impact our friendship. I'm happy just being friends with you," you say as Atsumu looks at you
"I can't be friends with you anymore YN," he says
You 👉🏻🥺😔 I understand
"No! God I'm awful at this! I want you to be my girlfriend YN!" Atsumu says, panicking
"You, you- what??" You shout as your eyes widen 😳
Atsumu just smiles, pulling you closer, his forehead meeting yours
Oh god I'm about to cry 😭
"Please say you'll be mine," he says as you smile and nod
"Yes Sumu!" you say as he kisses you and lifts you up, swinging you in the air as you scream with joy
"Oh thank GOD!" Osamu says as him and the team come walking down the hallway, tears streaming down Suna's eyes as he records what just happened
"I'm so happy right now," he says wiping a tear
"Alright alright! I'm glad it all worked out but now can we please get back to practice?" Kita says ad you and Atsumu nod
He grabs your hand, interlacing your fingers as he pulls you to the gym
You are one lucky girl YN 🥰
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baldy-wan-kenobi · 3 months
Okay people, here we go:
Baldy's Book Club
Episode 1: "Into the Storm"
By Taylor Anderson, Book 1 of the Destroyermen series.
Okay, so, on the recommendation of my most esteemed mutual @frogblast-the-ventcore , I have been coerced to read the Destroyermen series, and post my thoughts about them as I do.
So, for part 1, here we go. I'm going to assume those of you reading have read the book, cause if you haven't, you should be going to buy it, right now. I mean it.
First and foremost, this book was written by a ww2 nerd, for ww2 nerds, and by god does it show. Taylor Anderson is a professor of history, and it shines through in every part of the book. From the technical details of the USS Walker, to the shortcomings of the Mk. 14 torpedo, to the attitudes, lives, and habits (both good and bad) of a 1942 Asiatic fleet destroyerman. Speaking of which, call me Dean Kamen, cause that's a perfect segway to talk about
The Characters
To begin with, do not expect a normal person's assessment of these characters. Expect a Normal™ person's view of them.
First: Captain Matthew Reddy. Oh my lord this man. He's an absolute mess, knows it, and yet cannot let that show, because, well he's stranded in an alternate universe with humanoid lemurs and sapient velociraptors. In my head, he's got total divorced dad energy going on, 30-something going on 50 because of stress, greying at the temples but still hot in a DILF kind of way, not overly muscular, and with one hell of a voice. (I'll admit the audio book colored my perception, but it's a fantastic audio book so I don't care.)
Next, Chack-Sab-At, the biggest and most baddass guyfailure to ever live. "Oh, I'm a pacifist" then the very second that an enemy without moral repercussions comes along he's all "I love violence and killing and murder and death and injuring people and blood and biting and cutting and-" like, seriously, dude says he's a pacifist before turning around and becoming Furry Doomguy.
Next, Dennis Silva, he-who-was-told-not-to-fuck-the-monkey-cats-but-did-it-anyway. Moving on,
There's literally more I love about the characters than I want to sit here and type out, so I'm going to cut it short, but Oh My God these characters are A+.
Next, I just want to touch on something these books made me feel. A lot of times, as an USAmerican with an actual brain, I can get bogged down in the fucked-up shit my country has done and feel like I can't celebrate what makes the US cool without making it sound like I'm excusing all the bad stuff, but this book kinda made me stop for a minute and go "man, the US is kinda fucking rad, when you think about it." Because, you know what? It is. Yeah, we've done fucked up shit, but we've also done some pretty awesome stuff. For every My Lai Massacre, there's a moon landing. For every Trail of Tears, there's a Berlin Airlift. Sometimes, it's okay to take a moment and just go "Fuck yeah, guys. Were pretty cool." Because this book really makes you feel that, at least it did to me, but I'll get off my red, white and blue high horse and keep going.
Alright, now we come to the part that I need to get out...
Literally everywhere in my life, I am haunted and stalked by the specter of a long-dead megacorporation. In every piece of media, in every topic I research, no matter what, they're there. As the Frogman quoted from me in a meme a while back "I'm being haunted by the ghost of English imperialism". What the fuck? Anyway, if you wanna chat about the book, please do, because I am at terminal levels of Fandom.
Anyway, if you want to read along for the next Baldy's Book Club, we'll be reading Crusade, the next book in the Destroyermen series.
(P.S. Frogman, I know this review isn't very good, but my brain is soup rn so this is whatchu get.
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rodolfoparras · 3 months
My autism is going ccrazy rn and I need to talk to someone about my current fictional man obsession
Professor Palladium from the Winx Club
Usually I prefer buff hairy men but he's such a pretty elf boy and omg is he so!!!! Not only is he pretty but he's a great teacher, so nice and silly!!! and he likes cats!!! And makes potions!!! A lot of people also hc him as trans because he has a huge appearance change and I honestly agree!
I both want to fuck him and be fucked by him I'm going insane. Like imagining teasing him and making him an absolute blushing, eating him out til he's cum multiple times and is crying bc he feels so good
But also hm he'd be such a gentle dom, like he'll absolutely get rough if you want but he's always so sweet about it, constantly praising you andn ndbxhs dnsnajs I need this man in all ways but holy
That is all I just needed to share my thirst for this pretty boy🙏 have a lovely day
Oh my god I didn’t know about him until now but he’s so pretty!! And I can definitely see why you’re obsessed with him I didn’t watch a clip but I feel like his voice is smooth like honey? And he gives very parental vibes like he’d want you to succeed but he’d also want you to learn from your mistakes when practicing magic!
Now forgive me pls bc I know 0 about him but a thought that pops up into my head is braiding his pretty hair into one big braid having him down on all four and gently tugging on it while you’re fucking him and he’d absolutely love it the slight prickle of pain mixed with the pleasure? Tears prickling his eyes cocklet weeping at your rough touch or burying your fingers in his hair when he’s in between your legs, guiding him with your hand and keeping your eyes locked with his pretty ones
Him being so sensitive and so easy to rile up one hickey on his neck and he’s rock hard
One cute thing you can do is tease him while you fuck him, mimic the little sound he makes and watch the blush overtake his face
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justxright · 2 years
Bruno Madrigal x Reader // “Fuck That Man that you Love so Bad”
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No more soft fuzzy Bruno. I want angst. I don’t want peace, I want problems. Always.
A/N : I use she/ her pronouns, also mentions of death.
Its been weeks. Perhaps months since he has locked himself away in his tower. His room the casita redecorated for him had suddenly shifted back into its original form. It was no longer comforting and clean with a nice open space. Instead, it had revered back to having an enormous staircase in an empty, sandy cave.
He refused to leave his cave and the only time he’d ever eat is if Mirabel or Julieta would climb those stairs to bring him some food. Even then, he just didn’t feel like it but his sister and niece were determined to keep him alive.
“Tío Bruno… You can’t stay up here forever.” Mirabel’s voice echoed behind him while he lay in the sand breathing so quietly, she could have mistaken him for being dead.
“I’ll stay up here for as long as she is gone…” His voice was so silent, so quite. All the enthusiasm and improv in his voice was gone. It was like listening to the wind and hearing nothing.
Mirabel’s face had turned sorrowful for her uncle and spoke with a slight crack in her voice. She didn’t want to be the one to break the news to him. “Tío… she’s not coming back. I’m sorry but Y/n got married last week.”
His face didn’t even flinch. His body remained flat into the sand with the sound of his breathing echoing through the cave.
He knew. Bruno would always predict your future in hopes that one day he’ll see you with him again. But no, it only got worse.
He saw you meet a new man. Then he saw you get married. Oh, but the worse part was when he saw you pregnant with twins. That’s when he completely lost it and locked himself away. He knew you’d never love him as much as you loved your new husband, and that you would never be the one to have a family with him.
How he wished that you were Y/n Madrigal instead of whatever your new name was. “I’ve known before anyone else Mirabel and nothing you say will get me to leave.”
Mirabel began to slowly walk over to her uncle’s side and sat down quietly as she placed a plate of food by him. “Will you at least promise me that you’ll eat?…”
Nothing. No reply. Just the sound of soft breathing in an empty cave.
“Tío Bruno?…” Mirabel whispered while turning her head towards his face.
His face was red and puffy from all the crying. It’s like he had nothing left. No tears. No more screaming and crying to do. He was left with an empty heart and with whatever else was left of him.
“Fuck…” he whimpered quietly. “Fuck that man that she loves so bad. Fuck everything he took from me. If my future isn’t with her then I don’t want one.”
Mirabel felt his heartache and even began to feel tears in her own eyes. It was hard to see him the way he was now, and no amount of trying to convince him to move on was going to work.
For the time being, family members would climb the stairs and visit Bruno almost everyday. Someone new every time, until one day they stopped. His door no longer glowed, and the carving picture of him began to fade away until the whole door itself was completely gone.
You had only found out Bruno’s passing when a funeral was held in the town. None of the Madrigals would tell you how he died, but when you asked Mariano, he described it as “His heart just withered away.”
You only stood there with wide eyes and disbelief. No one would tell you how he died, and you finally understand why. It was because of you and the guilt overwhelmed you, consuming you alive as you stood at the very back of the funeral.
The Madrigals didn’t want to blame you. It was never your fault to chose the one you love.
But sometimes they wished that you didn’t break his heart as hard as you did.
Yuh. I don’t even know, but I’m typing all this up in the club rn. I hope y’all enjoyed <33
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itlivesproject · 1 year
here is the abel simp anon ILW FINALE thought dump (part 2! covers from when we play as devon until as we play as rowan)
2 months later? damn
….the memorial? oh dear grab the tissues
connor is back and i am just as in love with him as ever
“Besides, you know how great a couple she and Abel make. I'm sure they're both doing great together.” i think i actually just squeaked
and janie :(
loha… she deserved so much better :(
and finally, jessica, the start of it all (whose cg remains to be one of the best things i’ve ever seen in my life)
lincoln giving ratty matty’s money to a nonprofit for DA, that’s our guy!!!!!
i think lincoln aquino is a beautiful name! much better than the ties to the mcquoid name, i’m happy for him<3
amalia and jocelyn being besties? impeccable friendship
and amalia’s school record are fixed ??? THAT’S MY GIRL!!! SHE’S GONNA BE THE BEST LAWYER THIS WORLD HAS EVER SEEN
harper and tom being the cutest for 1 minute straight
omg devon and harper having a handshake?? besties confirmed
someone pay for connor’s therapy PLEASE he will need bucket-loads of it at this point
“you know you can stay here for as long as you need” CONNOR AND NOAH ARE BEST FRIENDS CANONICALLY BECAUSE I SAY SO
noah’s mother hate club ‼️
sunny and luis deserve every happiness this world has to offer
ava thinking that being possessed was cool is so on brand😭
“Also, you need therapy.” dan keepin things real
the green siblings have my whole heart
CONNOR DIRTY THIRTY???????????? this is truly the best possible ending.
new music track????
“I love you when you're teasing me, I love you when we fight. love you when you're covered in blood or monster guts.” “Connor tells you these words every morning when you wake up, and every night when he goes to bed, but somehow, it always manages to feel like it's the first time he's said them.” he is the only man to ever exist. (alongside abel of course)
also connor, strong disagree with the chocolate in the fridge thing
“Come on, sweetheart. Marry me?” WELL HOW THE HELL DO I SAY NO TO THAT???
i am grinning like a FOOL
“Your heart lifts to your throat as you examine the ring. It's so detailed, so personal. Leaves, like the forest around you, the forest you fell in love in. Your initials carved into the bottom. A diamond like you've always wanted.” i think i just died and went to heaven. HE IS THE CUTEST MAN EVER STOP IT
AND HE MADE IT HIMSELF? why don’t men like him actually exist.
i am now sat back down but i will stand back up if i need to. that is a threat.
“It's a house. With a yard for a dog, and enough rooms for guests and offices, and an address that doesn't confuse delivery drivers. It looks happy. And it's ours, if you want it.” the only reason i am not crying rn is because i am positively overwhelmed
i could literally quote all of his dialogue because it is all so incredible but i’m going to stop because this is long enough as it is😭
“God, you're so put together and capable. It's hot.” devon keeping it real
“Sweetheart, I love you, but all my lines work on you.” i said i would stop quoting connor and i lied, i just love him so much
“It’s no wonder there are deep grooves in the paint” YOU DIDN’T
for the one and only connor dirty thirty…. you guys nailed it (😏) also fun fact, if you remember getting as ask right at the very start of the project asking if connor green was in it and if we could bang him… that was me😳
“He wraps his arms around you, and it feels like coming home” ok it’s like you’re TRYING to get me to tear up now
(continued in part 3!)
-abel simp anon🤍
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bunnyb34r · 7 months
Okay finally rested enough to post!
So this show went so much better than the last one, and a lot better than the same show last year. I actually had a lot of fun!
So my high-school friend's mom goes every year and she bought like $50 worth of stuff from our table agsgdgdggs which felt really nice especially since we haven't been friends for like 10 years almost, but her mom still updates us on them when we see her
She bought like a whole bunch of ornaments, FOUR toadstools!!! (They havent been selling for years)
Mom didn't sell any wreaths unfortunately, but I sold a LOT. Like someone came and bought 7 gingerbread houses, and all of the wooden ornaments I made, within the first ten minutes.
She was like "hmm how many of these gingerbread house ornaments do you have? I need like 15 for my book club." And I had exactly 15 and was like I'll sell them all to you rn ma'am. Agsgsgs but she decided to do only 7 and get ALL of the ornaments I painted from the bin store
People really wanted the gingerbread houses which was a surprise bc I think I sold like two the past two years. I was very VERY happy with that bc I really like making them but I haven't made them bc well no one wanted them :( but now I have only two left in inventory so I can make more! :D
I have a year though sggdgdgd
They also really liked the boo-boo bunnies! Didnt sell any teeth this time which I spent so much time on trying to bulk up inventory (I have like 25)
Was very shocked by how many people liked the toadstools! I sold most of them actually! People liked the flower top ones the best (dont blame them) which is nice but I got them on a whim at target like years ago sgdggdgd so idk if I'll be able to make more of that kind 😅
I think we're gonna do two tables from now on bc it really helped not having to cram everything together on one
Gonna have to buy more displays and figure out a better layout for the ornaments I think bc I have 40 of those fuckers 😭😭😭 I sold 1 in the past few years.
Oh and some lady came and she was like "are you the creative person who does the painted clothespins?" And I was like yep! Right here! And pointed to the basket
She like seriously started tearing up sgdgdgdg idk why??? But she was so excited for them (but only bought 5 lmaooo) and she kept coming back to talk to me and it was like okay :) okay (: OKAY (((:
She was really nice but it was awkward as hell man sgdggdgd
Some of my favorite vendors were there though and I got the CUTEST penguin figure and a bumblebee, a chicken, and a baby octopus :D
And a table near me had made an anglerfish plush and it was so funny bc all day I just had "the nefarious anglerfish...." stuck in my head
I thought ab getting it or the big octopus but they were $60 and while that's a VERY fair price for the size, skill, and time put into it, It wasnt in my budget unfortunately
I'll post pics later in a sep post I'm just still really tired
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sungbeam · 1 year
I am just like… crying tears of joy… school is finally over LMAO I was fighting for my life fr fr-
BTW HOW DARE YOU RELEASE NOT ONE BUT TWO SANGYEON FICS??? LIKE HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT HE WAS ABSOLUTELY BIAS WRECKING ME 😭😭 I’m like,,, too scared to read them cause I feel like I’d get too delulu 😨
BTW NO DRAMA IS SAURRR FUNNY IM LOVING IT SM SO FAR EVEN THOUGH IT’S ONLY BEEN 3 EPISODES SO FAR LOL I’m always for the chaotic energy 🤭🤭 can’t wait to see ep 4 cause the title is already wild FYTVHGJ
But yuhhh other than that there hasn’t really been many life updates from me so feel free to use this as a little catching up/speak your mind moment hehe!
OH OH ACTUALLY OSHI NO KO IS DONE AIRING SO I CAN FINALLY WATCH IT YAS idk if you watch anime or read manga (pls recommend some if you do lolol) but I usually have to wait for a series or season to end before watching it cause I would actually go insane being left on a cliffhanger like I can’t take it fr 😭
ANYWAYS, hope you’re doing well as always and I can’t wait to catch up with anything I’ve missed out on hehe!
- In all your endeavours, forever, 🌷 anon (wink)
AHHHHHAHAHAH DA DARA RAAAA HELLO BESTIE WELCOME BACK !!! congrats on finishing school for the summer u made it 🤧
OMG DEAD SET???? THATS CRAZY WISH I COULD RELATE (´Д⊂ヽ now it's member picking time? 👀✨ ooh la-la would u give up any hints 👀✨ no cuz sometimes social media does work wonders and knows exactly wear ur head's at and it's chef's kiss mWAH when it happens
omg HAHA it's weird because im technically in a kyukev mood rn but my writing says otherwise 🥴🥴 crazy how these things work huh? but u should read them hehehe join the club of sangyeon delulus
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AHHH im glad u like no drama so far :')) it was a lot of fun to write, and it felt very nice to just let loose and not have a specific plot to go off, just have like some chaotic dialogue/interactions in mind that i can jump off 🤧🤧 it's very therapeutic to pretend to be friends with them haha (as sad as that sounds 💀); plus, i feel like there r never enough platonic interaction fics for kpop ff, and i've always wanted to do one of those kinds of fics!!
ohh omg i actually don't watch anime or read mangas unfortunately 😭😭😭 i would deffo rec some if i did, but alas 😔 oh yeah i totally get the waiting until all the eps r out first TT but i feel like lately i've just cared a little less?? idk if that's the right wording 💀 but idk maybe i don't mind waiting anymore or im impatient? but i usually watch eps when they come out or until i have the time and energy ekfbkrbfjf did any of that make sense??? LMFAO
idk if u missed much really 😭😭 i haven't really been as active ig but hopefully u do enjoy what ur catching up on !! hopefully now that ur on break, we can talk some more hehe (^_-)-☆
bro i've been seriously considering some superhero aus for tbz (´Д⊂ヽ like i already started this one sunwoo and slight eric spiderverse fic, and i really wanna write my sunwoo star lord or nova fic too; plus, i think kev just deserves to be moon knight, no questions asked (or maybe ant man? he has that quality lol) but yeah, lmk ur thoughts!!
OMG IN ALL UR ENDEAVORS FOREVER YES MY BABY :')))) TELL ME WHO UR ATEEZ BIAS IS RN !!!!! maybe we were fate if u found me twice 👀✨
anyways, always and forever <3 lots of love 💖
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Okay but this idk okay my feminism is trying really hard to fight me rn but I can't. Who would this be?
Also can I be ur 🌙 anon if u don't have one and well if u do give me any emoji you want.
that’s kalopsia!reader aka Arcadia Phi’s pet !! dark smut drabble below
warnings: dark, smut - minors DNI, dark characters, overstimulation, non-con/dub-con, implied free use, unprotected sex (p in v), dirty talk, degradation, dumbification, dacryphilia, dehumanization, gagging (with a used condom), size kink, it’s totally nasty, you’ve been warned.
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The semester has just ended and you’re all on winter break, it’s the perfect opportunity to spend days on end being ✨used✨ by your alphas because it turns out, they’re also in rut 😵‍💫
They don’t go full animalistic since they’d rather not ruin you within the first few months of your relationship, so they take the time to write all over your body—signing their names, their fraternity crest, slut/pet, and covering you in spit and cum.
By the end of the second day, you’re a limp mess in the living room, hiccuping and whining someone traces through your puffy, creamy folds and pulls out the used condom.
“N-No more…”
A sharp sigh follows your words. “Curtis.”
“I’m coming.” The alpha enters your view, already fisting his hard cock. He cranes his neck, “hey, pet, you’re awake again?”
“I can’t, I can’t.” You weakly protest, trying to crawl away from the man adjusting you from behind. A thickness prods at your weepy hole, slipping between your cum-covered petals. “Please no!”
“That’s not the right attitude, dumb baby.” Curtis replies, “You’re supposed to be good for us.”
“And let us use you whenever we please.” Steve murmurs against your shoulder, peppering kisses along your skin.
“Getting started without me?” Another voice pipes up from your side, it’s Andy with a towel around his waist and a fresh scent follows him. He crouches before you with a soft grin on his face. “Hi, my pretty girl, you gonna give daddy a kiss?”
Your eyes flutter shut as you lean forward, anticipating another kiss that will steal your heart—but instead, something wet and squishy is shoved between your lips.
“Hey, that wasn’t nice.” Curtis mocks, gripping your chin to get a closer look at you.
The condom, used and practically pumped full is hanging out your mouth, someone’s seed dribbles down your lips and chin, creating a trail for those pretty tears to follow.
“As if you haven’t done worse.” Andy rolls his eyes, dropping the towel to the floor and kneeling by your face. His hand wraps around his cock, slowing jerking then he taps your cheek with the bulbous tip. “Right, pet? Isn’t Curtis always so mean to you? Practically bullies that little cunt.”
“Remember when he made you suck his cock in that club?” Steve pushes in abruptly, groaning as your walls pulsate around his length. You choke out a gasp, as he presses to the hilt, and his fat girth intensifies the soreness that hasn’t left you once. You roughly wiggle and let out muffled pleas, trying to get away as he leans forward, crushing you—trapping you beneath his weight.
“He came all over your face and made you wear it the rest of the night.” A deeper tone rumbles from the entry way. Ari has his arms crossed over his chest, watching the pure filth play out. “Showing everyone what a little slut you are.”
You’re lucky the rest of the house is empty at the moment. Not that they would’ve cared, but they know you’d be utterly embarrassed about being caught by the rest of their fraternity brothers.
“Ransom!” He calls, and footsteps sound before another man enters the living room. He has a water bottle in his hand, gym shorts hanging low on his hips.
“Oh, we’re going again?” Although he sounds calm, you know he isn’t. In fact, he was just working off steam instead of fucking you into the couch again.
And that condom in your mouth tastes like him.
“Well, they’ve already started. Zero patience.” Ari snorts, slowly unbuttoning his pants.
“Finally.” Ransom grins, stripping off his clothes. “This time, I want her mouth.”
“Too late.” Andy grunts, shoving himself deep into your mouth alongside the condom. “Better luck next time, playboy.”
🌙 is already taken so I’ll give you 🌻 if that’s okay !!
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Okay so since cofagrigus are ghost Pokémon meaning they should live a LOOOOOONG time.
What if Ingo gets transported back to modern times and regains his memories. He’s happy he’s back but upset that he lost good friends, pokemon and the cofagrigus that was an echo of his s/o. Or so he thinks on the cofagrigus part.
One day while working said cofagrigus finds him once more, waited all those years to find he again. To confirm it’s the same one it opens up a little and a little melody flows out, along with letters and items dropping out. Those letters and items where from ancient hisui from the people that missed Ingo. The cofagrigus kept them safe just for him.
You got me weeping in the club rn anon. Just imagining Cofagrigus, waiting hundreds of years because it knows, deep down, that Ingo is gonna be there in the future. And it needs to be ready to greet him. And the letters *breaks down sobbing*
Ingo is happy to be back. He's happy to work again, happy to see his brother every day, to know his brother's face, his brother's smile. He's thrilled to be home. But sometimes, he misses Hisui. He misses the Pearl Clan, Professor Laventon and little Rei and Akari. He misses you most of all, but you're long gone. As is the Cofagrigus you left behind. His biggest regret is not catching it to bring with him to the present, to keep that small part of you with him.
He waits on the Battle Subway one day, patiently awaiting a challenger for his Single Line, when a young boy comes stumbling through the doors, clutching a Dusk Ball tight in his hand. He beams, missing a canine, when he sees Ingo.
"You're Mr. Subway Boss!" The boy shouts, waving his arms frantically.
"Yes!" Ingo says, endeared by the boy's enthusiasm. "And who might you be, young man?"
"I'm Benny!" The kid says, shoving a thumb into his chest before pointing it at Ingo. "And I've got a surprise for you! Come on out, buddy!"
The kid throws the Dusk Ball, and in a flash of bright light, a Cofagrigus appears before him. Ingo's hand flies over his mouth, and he tries to rein in tears. It might not be-
"Sing, buddy!" Benny encourages, and Cofagrigus begins to sing a low tune. Ingo sniffles. It is. It's your Cofagrigus. It's you. "Show him all the presents you brought!"
Cofagrigus gives an echoing trill, and swings its door open. Out flutters letters, wrapped packages, and even a few of your and his things from his time in Hisui. Cofagrigus has kept it all safe, for hundreds of years.
Ingo lets out a soft sob, striding over to embrace and pet the Pokémon. It sings to him, thrilled to be back with him, just as he is.
"Benny." Ingo sniffles, smiling at the child. "Thank you for bringing my friend to me. How did you know. . ?"
"I was playing with a Ouija Board in the woods!" Benny happily explains. "Buddy here came and told me it belonged to you! So it helped me beat the Battle Subway to come meet you!" Benny passes over the Dusk Ball. "Here you go."
"I owe you quite a lot, Benny." Ingo smiles again as Cofagrigus pats the child's head, earning a delighted laugh. "Cofagrigus feels the same. What could we ever do to repay you?"
Benny grins. "Battle me! I wanna see how strong Cofagrigus can be!"
Ingo straightens up, a hand on Cofagrigus, the memory of your smile in his head. "Can do! And afterwards, perhaps you can help me sort through all these items Cofagrigus brought me?"
Yes, Ingo is happy to be home.
God y'all are all so dang smart, coming up with all these great ideas and such. Have a great night, love <3
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
great googly MOOGLY you do Stardew Valley as well??? holy hell i think i found my new favorite blog. your writing is really, REALLY good, that sunny and moon tattoo fluff has me choking and sobbing and foaming at the mouth in the club rn
on a different note, since your requests are open, do you think you could do a stardew valley Shane x reader?? fem reader, masc reader, gn reader -- doesn't matter, im just weak at the knees for the grouchy garbage man... just a crumb of love and happiness for the sad lad...
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Everybody loves somebody, sometimes…
A/n: OH SHIT ITS TIME YES,,,, C'MERE IM KISSING YOU ON THE FOREHEAD RN YOU AND ME ON SIGHT. You have NO right to be this fucking sweet because fuck man this has me sobbing tears of joy,, have this lil drabble Warnings: Mild hurt/comfort, mentions of depressive thoughts, brief mentions of suicidal thoughts, alcohol is present, stay safe babes <3
[gn!reader] ____________________
Do you like the rain?
Rather, what takes place on those times? It was quite a confusing ideal to be frank, Shane never knew what to do on a daily basis no matter the weather. After JojaMart had closed down for good within the valley, time itself seemed to move at a snails pace, nothing went smoothly down as he'd normally been one to hope. Drowning the ever standing anger and sadness within the beer served ready over at the Saloon, often going days without making it home to see Jas before bed. Within the man's mind, it was for the best. This exchanged proved for the better, right? Jas didn't need to see her shitty excuse parental figure and Shane could simply pour his sorrows down the drain into nothingness only to wake with little to no idea of what had happened the day before, killing themselves oh so slowly, in his mind Shane knew this would never make him feel better.. But this way it was an escaping mechanism he could stop any moment he wanted to, right?
Many things had given them thought to stop before, Marine constantly reprimanding their behaviours, Gus simply not serving them anything more once it came down to closing time. This is just to name a few, but the one equalizer to this was a somewhat new farmer in town.
It seemed every time they'd show up into the saloon and place an order to grab some coffee, it struck a chord deep within him, desperately clinging to the idea of dropping the glass halfway drained of the potent mellowing liquid just to get a chance at talking with you, even if it was a half-hearted wave and roll of his eyes truly it did make his day much more memorable.
Yet here they laid, originally wanting to catch the lovely scenery like Marnie had suggested.. How lovely it should've been! Alas, bringing a few beer cans along wasn't all that helpful in the slightest. Sitting beneath the dreary drizzling sky with soft groans hissing after Shane's poison of choice seemed to spill past their lips when guzzling the damned thing down, everything felt so far away and yet all too close. As if needles pricked at their skin from all angles while it seemed the pain numbed out into nothingness. As if he was on a heavy cloud threatening to pull him down into the ether below, desperate to claw their way back, all he could manage was to lay there with rubbish around clinging to the droplets of rain from the sky.
That was how Shane's story would seem to end, except the fact you'd come to visit Robin's in desperate need of some spare stone.
Oh! So gently your hands were the moment it found way to him, it truly wormed its way to their dead heart even beneath this haze the drunkard couldn't quite help himself at this moment, only taking to lean within your touch warmly as they'd drip along reality. Later in the timeline, he'd of course ignore and banter that it was nothing, simply your own narrative weaved to make you feel like the hero. But here it was safe, able to feel your worried brushes along Shane's skin yet far too out of it in order to grumble about backing off his boundaries. In the end, maybe he required this, someone to physically let him know they're here. The farmer truly did care, huh?
Potentially, he could try going another day living in this rundown village. If it meant living to see your smile from the sidelines, then it wouldn't be too hard.
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universalistotalis · 3 years
Too Far
Atsumu Miya x Female Reader
Word count: 1.5k
Loving Atsumu Miya was absolute bliss. You loved every second of his affection, his skin, his warmth, his laugh, and his jokes. That giant bastard may be a crackhead to his friends and family, but with you, his affectionate side just pops out of nowhere. His eyes filled with love when he looks at you. His arms opened so wide to envelope you in an embrace so tight, your feet lift up the floor with ease. His words laced with care and love with a hint of playfulness at the side and they never failed to make your insides scramble everytime.
You shake your head from the daydream that you’ve consistently been having since the start of the relationship.
God, you loved him so much, didn’t you? You gave your whole world to the man of your dreams. You sacrificed time, effort, patience, you name it, just to have one second by his side.
And because of that love, you became an absolute fool.
Who were you kidding, right? THE Great Atsumu Miya will never settle. Who were you to tame that wild beast? How special did you think you were when he had a sea of people under his spell, his command?
Just face it, you’re nothing to him.
And so you did. You left your shared apartment after waiting for him to come home for the nth time. Who knows where he was, who he’s with, what he’s doing. You were done thinking of an imaginary Atsumu who will love you wholeheartedly. That’s just not going to happen.
After many sobs and insecurities flooding in, you were ready to face the world again. Even more ready to face Atsumu. He’s nothing to you now. There were no grudges held in your heart. There were no tears in yours eyes. But more importantly, there was new love formed in your chest and that’s reserved for the most important person in your life. You.
“Damn, y/n!!! What happened to you?!” One of your friends cheered as you met to go to a club on a Friday night. Work was pretty hectic lately and you all agreed to a well- deserved night out.
“No kidding, you’re literally glowing!!!” Another hyped and slapped your ass playfully as you walked through the doors. “Let’s get wasted tonight!!!”
And my god, your whole group did. You all danced to your heart’s content, ordered liquor until your head got rid of all inhibitions, laughed at each other’s faces and jokes… overall, it was a night to remember.
“Y/n?” You heard a voice behind you followed by your right wrist being cased within the hands of another.
You were just on the verge of getting sober so you wonder if the image right in front of your eyes was real or not. He used to stand with his chest puffed out in confidence but now, he looked deflated. Under his eyes were dark circles, proof of him not sleeping well. His usual playful demeanor was gone and the man in front of you now looked so lost, confused… lonely.
“Atsumu?” You squinted, not believing the sight in front of you.
“It really is you.” He slurred and you had a whiff of liquor on his breath. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been doing great, Miya. Thanks.” You smiled, genuinely.
“Where’s my sweet nickname?” He joked. “You look so damn happy celebratin’ with yer friends tonight, huh? That happy to be rid of me, ain’t ya?” He chuckled darkly.
You were taken aback with what he said. What does he have to do with you having a great party?
“Miya, don’t do this right now. I have to go.” You tried to excuse yourself from his intrusion.
“I hate it. I hate it so goddamn much.” He whispered, closing the distance between you two and caged you on the wall behind. “I’ve been a mess since ya left, sweetheart. Seeing you having the time of your life makes me feel so damn angry. Am I that easy to forget?”
“Atsumu, I—“
“Come back to me.” He puffed. “Come back to me and I promise to treat ya right. I’ll do everythin’ ya want, just please… I love you.” His voice faltered at the end as whimpers of his cries followed. Never in your whole life did you think you’d see him break down because of you. But here he is! AND you never thought of hearing those three words with utmost sincerity from his lips. But again, here he is!
A nostalgic smile lifted from your lips and Atsumu stared at it for a while. The alcohol in his system was enough to make himself go haywire but your smile sent him spiraling. He meant what he said. He missed you to death. He needed you back.
“Come back to me, please.” He repeated and leaned his forehead on yours.
“I’m sorry, Miya.” You said as you held his face in your hands. “Thank you for being honest with me. But it’s too late. I’ve moved on from everything and you should too.”
His head violently shook no as more tears spilled from his eyes. He’ll do everything for you except let you go. “I’ll be better. Please, I’ll be better! I’ll try my best to keep ya, baby, that’s how much I love you! I can’t—“
“Then try your best with the next person because it won’t be me, Miya. I hope you understand.” You said while wiping his tears. “That relationship was too toxic for me and I can’t go back.”
“I’m sorry.” He said, voice too slow and too low to even hear but you did. “I’m so sorry.”
“Atsumu! You prick!” Your head whipped to the left at the familiar voice that boomed. Osamu barreled over to where you were but his steps slowed as he saw your figure caged inside Atsumu’s arms.
“Y/n.” He said, as if in a daze.
“Hi Osamu.” You greeted awkwardly since Atsumu’s stare is still hard and focused on your face. The alcohol seemed to have a toll on him and he was beginning to doze off. Either that, or he still did not process what you’ve been saying.
“Stop it, man.” Osamu came behind his twin and caught him by the collar. He turned to you next while carrying a limp Atsumu in his embrace. “I’m sorry for his behavior. He drinks more than he can take. He’s been out of it since… you know… your break up.”
You smiled sadly. “Oh.” Well, what were you supposed to say to that?
“Y/n!!! Come back here!” One of your friends saw you and waved you to the table.
“That’s my cue to go.” You smiled.
“Yeah.” Osamu nodded.
“Osamu, you’re here!” Atsumu woke up from his reverie and comically hugged his brother, surprising the both of you.
“You know what? Y/n was here! I told her I love her but she didn’t believe me! Tell her! Tell her for me! Maybe she’ll believe you! Help me man, I can’t lose her!”
Your chest burned at the sight and at his words. How you longed for him to say those three words in the past. But it’s just too late.
“Stop it, Tsumu.” Osamu whispered, heart aching for his twin. He saw how broken he was these past few months but then it was his fault after all. He shot you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry for this again. Take care, Y/n.”
“Take care too, Osamu.” You smiled. “Take care of him too.”
“I will.” He agreed then proceeded to take Atsumu to their table.
“It hurts, Samu.” Sudden whimpers came out from Atsumu’s mouth after a few steps. “It fucking hurts. I don’t think I can take this.”
“Imagine how she felt, you bastard.” Osamu sighed. “She really was a keeper, wasn’t she?”
Atsumu hummed in agreement. “She was. She still is.”
“Look, she’s gone, Tsumu. You need to move the fuck on and stop tormenting the poor girl! You’ve caused her enough pain.” Atsumu then was dumped harshly on the cushions.
“You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” The saying rang in Atsumu’s ears, echoing louder and louder as the music in the club intensified throughout the night. It mocked him to the core! He drank himself to oblivion for months now, trying to forget your presence in his life. Visions of you were everywhere! You were in his room tucking him to bed. You were in the kitchen whipping up a random recipe from the internet. You were in his living room, dancing to his playlist even when you heard the songs for the first time. You were in the stands cheering for his every move. You were even on his morning jogs, passing his water bottle to make sure he’s hydrated.
You took care of him in the best way possible and he can’t believe how involved you were with his life. How did he not see that? He didn’t realize that what he bothered himself within the past were temporary things that brought temporary bliss. You were his life, his love. How could he throw something so serious? So permanent?
He watched you from afar, drunk as fuck but visions still sharp as a hawk on your side. You were happily talking to your friends, rewarding them with your gorgeous smile and wonderful laugh. Maybe this was his punishment for ever breaking someone as pure as you.
He may be close to where you were but he can never be too close to be yours again.
Okay wait HAHAHA I love Atsumu but I wanted to write an angsty post about him so here it is! This was inspired by the song “Bedroom” by JJ Lin and Anne- Marie. I just love that song so much, I have it on repeat rn.
ALSO YOU'RE SO WORTH IT AND YOU DESERVE THE BEST! Just reminding y'all in case you forgot. <3 hope you liked this one! <3
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jiminrings · 3 years
they're interactions would prob be always in campus like at the library, class or even in a café or sth cuz i don't think stem!koo is the type to go to parties eXCEPT he's dragged invited to a party and approaches y/n since they share classes and are kinda acquaintances
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stem koo isn’t for the party scene and absolutely doesn’t know any better
cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
jungkook wants to go anywhere but here
literally ANYWHERE
he’d actually enjoy studying on a friday night than to be here, a party, where he doesn’t know anyone besides jimin
it hasn’t even been a full hour since they arrived???
how the fuck did that guy even manage to talk him into accompanying him into this party :O
oh right
“i think i have a friend who has a friend that makes your lunches. it’s jUST a hunch but-“
jimin didn’t even manage to finish his sentence and jungkook already agreed
jungkook doesn’t care for the party scene at all. he doesn’t.
but that doesn’t mEAN that he doesn’t care for what other people think about him
he cares about your input pLS don’t say it to his face when it’s negative :((
uhhh he doesn’t exactly have party clothes
by party clothes, he doesn’t have what jimin has in his clothes
jeon jungkook does not own a sparkly sheer black long-sleeve shirt :D nor some leather pants :D or even a button-down shirt that in fact, does not have any buttons :D
what kook DOES have is a new red hoodie that he hasn’t worn before
it’s a red hoodie and that’s the equivalent of him dipping his toes in lava!!!
it’s spicy enough as it is
the only other change he’s gonna make is how the fuck he’s gonna tackle his myopia
he traded in his glasses for contacts tonight!!
they’re just clear and he might’ve had to struggle for thirty minutes to try and pop them in,,, inclusive of pep talks,,, but it’s still new!!!
(his glasses case is in his hoodie pocket)
that should be enough
the only thing that jungkook is lacking now is a familiar person
..... a familiar person.... who is in turn a safety blanket..... a comforting figure anongst strangers...... in a completely different environment
god there hAS to be a way that jungkook can find jimin so he could get home with ease, while simultaneously (passive-aggressively) chewing him out for abandoning him
easy!!! just easy breaths!!!!
it’s just like navigating a circuit that you made that you know the schematics of!!
only difference is that you didn’t make this circuit and there are no instructions!!!!!!!!!
<3 he’s doomed <3
jungkook bumps to numerous people and at some point, someone stopped him, nodded, and gave him a cup
what’s he SUPPOSED to with it????
alright think
a couch!!! yeah!!!!
jimin could be there and could be sitting because who doesn’t love sitting? right? why do people in parties not sit on couches exactly
“pick up, please. just pick up...” he keeps muttering under his breath, peering urgently to wherever his eyes could land on
that must be jimin
“man, that was not cool! how could you-...”
jungkook immediately claps his hand to blondie’s back, even squeezing the flesh when he realizes that.... oh? why is the fabric not as coarse as what a glittery sheer shirt would be?
.... holy shit
that is definitely not jimin.
it’s his senior!!!!
his senior who’s blonde and looks intimidating and soft at the same time but dEFINITELY looks intimidating rn
d-did he just clap min yoongi’s shoulder
yoongi looks the furthest thing from pleased and it’s his sharp eyes that make jungkook’s impossibly wider
“i-i’m so sorry. i am so, so sorry-...”
his senior only casts a look to the person beside him, deciding to stand and completely walk away from jungkook
he is so.,,., lost
yoongi looks at you from beside your seat beside him and only pinches your thigh, making you knit your brows in irritation
did he literally just walk away from you
what was that about ://
you turn your head for what could be yoongi’s old trick, only seeing a face you clearly did not expect to be here
jungkook recognizes you before you could recognize him, chest immediately deflating
oh that’s him alright
you sigh slowly, “jungkook.”
the boy wastes no time in eagerly yet shyly sitting beside you, occupying yoongi’s deserted spot
the cushion’s still warm tho
“thank god you’re here. i-i don’t know anyone in this party.”
your eyebrows raise at that, clearly finding no thought to it. “you should leave if you don’t know anyone here, jungkook.”
“b-but you’re here, so i’m good!” jungkook nods, correcting his statement, “i came here with my friend but he’s missing now.”
that’s unsafe!!!!
who is this friend and why do you feel like giving him some stern words >:|
“i mean, i am here but you don’t want to be here.”
.... you’re right
jungkook clearly glosses over to what you just said because you are eXACTLY right
yeah sure he found you but that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to be in this party
it’s nice he found someone familiar but it doesn’t mean he wants to stay!!!!
you could only chuckle under your breath, drinking from your cup and planning your route to find yoongi throughout
“you should probably go home, jungkook.”
the boy visibly mulls over that option but he looks nervous, his knee bouncing up and down then that you can’t help but notice
“or are you gonna wait for your friend?
did you just give him an even bigger dilemma
jungkook swallows the lump in his throat, a nervous giggle coming out from him even before he could restrain it
“i-i can’t find him anyway. but that’s okay, right? jimin always comes home one way or another.”
you’re gonna pulverize him when you drop by yoongi’s chess club again ://
“then go home.”
your affirmation makes jungkook nod resolutely, making his mind up
he stands up rather unsurely, sheepishly nodding to you before he takes two steps away from you
jungkook turns to you almost nervously, eyes wavering that you only then realize that he isn’t wearing his glasses, seeing his bambi eyes a bit more clearly
“i-i’m very sorry to ask, and if it’s not too much trouble, a-and you don’t have to if you don’t want to but uhm — can you uh, can you walk me home?”
you’re pleasantly surprised from what jungkook’s asking of you, head tilting that he misinterprets and tries to backtrack
“i-it’s just that i feel safer with you. b-but i completely understand if-“
that’s nice
you stand up abruptly, leaving your drink by the table because it might seem a little funky to walk down a street with a blatantly red cup lol
he hears you reply simply, seeing you walk ahead of him with your hands in your pockets
jungkook is so grateful for you
you only share some classes here and there, and he’s only properly interacted with you once, and he doesn’t even have your number — but here you are, walking him home from a party he can’t stand to be in and is too anxious to walk away from alone
at some point, jungkook placed himself beside you so he could tell you where his apartment’s at,,
and also for the reason that he feels safer beside you and not behind you
you’re a warm presence if that makes sense
you’re team captain of your soccer team and you’re yoongi’s right-hand woman (and he’s your right-hand man slash nemesis) and he feels like everyone could count on you if they needed to
you’re not exactly outgoing nor warm nor approachable,,,, but jungkook doesn’t exactly mind
jungkook doesn’t mind because his senior is walking him home and he’s never felt more comforted before.
he starts tearing up at the edges of his eyes and it’s with a faint sniffle that you only turn your eyes at him, narrowing at the sight
you don’t even ask but he explains anyway, pointing in front of him
“nothing. just the wind. a-and i’m wearing contacts!”
you only nod curtly, continuing on walking when jungkook sees you pull out a goddamn bottle of eyedrops from your pocket, offering it to him like it’s no big deal
his eyes ARE scratchy
“how did you-“
“i carry it around. yoongi and i have dry eyes.”
you don’t exactly stop when he drops them to his eyes, but you do slow down in the slightest
jungkook finds himself in front of his apartment complex soon enough, almost disappointed that the walk home was quick
you turn without even waiting for a thanks from him, completely surprised when he yells out for you and tries to jog in an attempt to your retreating figure
“t-thank you so much, y/n! it means a lot and i-i probably would be still in that party crying or whatever until i could find jimin. i’m so sorry still and i hope i can make it up to you and-...”
“good night.”
you only flash a small smile, similar to yoongi’s :] before leaving jungkook in front of his complex
he’s still a little perplexed but he doesn’t question it
jungkook’s still holding your bottle of eyedrops in his hand, the only thing reminding him that his senior did walk him home
he’s gonna return this to you
he will
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lxstfulbeans · 3 years
*Busts in with a plastic bag of crack* You want some crack, kids? I’ll give it to ya! 🥸 So Y/N forgot where she placed her phone at and her crush decides to call her phone to help hear the ringtone so she can find it better. However, Y/N forgot that she uses funny ass ringtones for said crush and even has funny contact pics/names for them in her phone. Said songs are “Something about you girl” by Ice JJ Fish, “Wap” but with Carl Wheezer’s voice, “Interior Crocodile Alligator”, and the NFL theme song. I would love to see head cannons of this for Hawks, Dabi, Aizawa and Bakugo.
“Something about you girl” - Hawks. He’s saved as “KFC” and his contact pic is of him making the light skin face that sent y/n to orbit (he thought she deleted it cuz it’s cringy)
“Wap” - Dabi. He’s saved as “Patchy the Pirate” and his pic is a blurred image of him chasing Y/N.
“Interior crocodile alligator” - Aizawa. He’s saved as “Dad of 20” and his pic is of him laying face first in his sleeping bag
“NFL Theme song” - Bakugo. He’s “Boom Boom Pomeranian” and his pic is of a Pomeranian with his hair photoshopped on it.
I know they’ll give some funny reactions! They’ll look at sis confused and she’ll just go “See about that...” and book it when she takes her phone. This idea had me busting my pancreas 💀💀💀
Bruh I- 💀 I’m literally hearin these damn audios as I’m reading this ask, I’m rolling. This is the best 😂
— 3. 2. 1. ACTION!! —
HEADCANON: Y/N loses her phone and forgets that she saved crack-fuelled pictures and ringtones assigned to her crush.
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You were losing your fucking mind at this point.
Where the fuck could you have misplaced your cellphone?? You had to meet your homegirls at the club for girls night, PRONTO!!
Keigo raised a brow as he walked in on you basically tearing apart your living room for your phone, almost crying from frustration. “Whoa, kid. Ya lose something?” He had the nerve to ask when it was clearly the case.
Sure, there was a whole lotta things to love about this bird-man, but that smartass attitude was gonna get slapped outta him.
“dId yOu lOsE sOmeThInG- YES FOOL MY DAYUM PHONE!!” You huff, throwing another couch cushion on the floor before you fell to the floor in exhaustion. “I got to meet the girls for girls night in twenty minutes, and I can’t find my phone!” You briefly explain.
You heard him chuckle, pulling out his own phone. “Okay, okay, calm down, kid. It ain’t the end of the world, y’know. I’ll just call it and we’ll listen out for the ringtone.” He says, scrolling for a bit before finding your contact, pressing the call button and..
That’s when y’all heard it.
Your ringtone went off under the couch, making Keigo look at you with the most confused face ever, his wings puffing up as he looked at you, yet you couldn’t stop laughing as he used one of his feathers to drag the phone from under the couch.
“What the hell, kid?? I though you deleted this cringey ass selfie!” He whined, looking at the contact photo of him making that dumbass lightskin face that had you howling the other day. “And what the hell is this ringtone?? AND YOU SAVED ME AS KFC??”
“BRUH I CAN’T BREATHE SHUT UPP—“ You screech as you curl up, tears pricking your eyes as you roll on the floor. Keigo couldn’t help but snicker, rolling his eyes at you as he got you off the floor, “Okay, you got some explaining to do.”
“Well, you see, what had happened was-“ You begin, trying to hold back your laughter before snatching your phone and purse, running out of the door. “I’ll see you later, KFC!! I’m running late!”
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“Aw, damn! Where in the entire hell did I put my phone??” You groaned.
Of course, this wasn’t the first time you lost your phone and you swore it would’ve been the last. But, you were so caught up on multitasking with so much shit you wanted to get out of the way, you completely forgot about your phone.
You sighed as you now have to tear apart the lounge that you JUST straightened up, making this much worse than it had to be.
“Hey, little mouse. What’s with all the whining and hollering for?”
“I can’t find my phone, I’ve been all up in y’all raggedy-ass lair lookin’ for my shit so I can bounce!” You say with an eye roll as you placed your hands on your hips, clearly not in the mood for the bullshit right now.
“Okay, calm down. It’s just a phone, I can just call it and you can listen out for the ringtone.” He said with a sigh as he brought out his phone, dialing your number and waiting for the tone to play. The two of you went from room to room, getting more anxious everytime the phone went to voicemail. You were visibly going to cry, there was no way that you could’ve left your phone anywhere that WASN’T in the LOV Lair.
“I swear, if you start crying, I won’t let you live it down.” You hear Dabi mumble to you as you both entered the last room, dialing your number one last time until...
Your phone was jamming out on a chair, Dabi looking at you like you just committed a grave sin while the ringtone played. The longer he stared at you, wanting an explanation, you can’t help but burst into laughter as you crawl to your phone, and let the tone finish.
You just hoped that your crush was still going to hang out with you after this crackhead mishap.
Dabi was literally at a loss for words, (lookin’ a lil like confused bakugou rn 👀) as you wheezed in laughter. “[Y/N]... what in the fuck was that?” He asked, you can tell he was serious from how low and menacing your name was said. You were either about to run for your life or die laughing.
“And why the fuck is my name, “Patchy The Pirate”? And what the hell is this photo?” He asked again. Man, was it getting hot in there or was it just you?
“Well, you see here, uh- MOINK!” You shout, howling in laughter as you were chased around the building. Kurogiri shaking his head in disappointment.
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“Oh no.”
“Oh, no...”
“Oh, no no no no no..”
This cannot be happening, this CANNOT be happening right now. Lord have mercy, please let today not be the day.
“Goddamn it, where’s my phone?!”
Yep, your phone. Your new phone that Shōta got for your birthday, who you also had a huge crush on but would never tell that to ANYONE. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t lose this phone, it was definitely the most precious thing ever.
“Fuuuuck!” You whined, already on the verge of panicking while your tore apart your room for that birthday gift. “Hey, what’s all this racket for? I’m trying to sleep.” said your friend, roommate, and crush, Shōta.
“I-I’m just lookin’ for somethin’, Shō! Sorry for all this noise..” you mumbled an apology as you continued your search, swinging your arm around underneath the bed.
“You lost your phone, didn’t you, [Y/N]?”
DAMN, he catches on quick for somebody who sleeps 25/8. Maybe it’s because you don’t really have trouble looking for stuff unless it’s something really important to you.
You sighed, the embarrassment and disappointment washing over you as you laid in defeat on the floor. “Yeah.. I can’t find it..” you mumbled.
The older man sighed, cracking his neck as he got out his phone. “Okay, just calm down. I’ll call it and we’ll just listen out for your ringtone, okay? If we can’t hear it, we’ll track it.”
God, why was he so hot when he took responsibility? You couldn’t help but sit up and nod at his words as he scrolled through his contacts until he found your name, confirming the call until..
Your phone blasted the same line over and over, as hard as you tried to contain it, you couldn’t help but screech in laughter when you looked up to see Shōta’s disturbed, confused, and concerned face as he picked up your phone from underneath your dresser.
“”Dad of 20”?? What the hell type of name is that?” He asked, the iconic sleeping bag worm as his contact photo. The joke behind it was the fact that he was a whole teacher at U.A. You always thought it was cute that he was basically a father figure to those future heroes.
Plus, you wouldn’t stop joking about them being his, “lil chilrens”.
“Aight, aight. I wanna thank you for finding my phone, I promise not to lose it again!” You quickly say, trying to creep out of the room until you were confined with his capture weapon.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
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“Hey, dumbass! Hurry up, or we’ll miss the movie!”
Damn, damn, damn!! You can’t believe you just lost your phone right now, you could’ve sworn you left it on your bed before you started fixing your hair in the bathroom.
“Shit, shit! Bakugou, can you help me find my phone real quick? Pretty please?” You call out to him, really anxious because you were really looking forward to this movie and you could not miss a second of it!
“Ugh, are you serious?? What did I tell you about keeping up with your shit!” He groaned, getting out his phone as he dialed your number and listened to the trill.
“I know, I know! I promise I’ll be more careful!” You say as you listened out for it, only to pull aside your blankets to see your vibrating phone with the ringtone on blast.
Oh yes, the NFL Theme. What made you lose your shit was Bakugou’s flabbergasted facial expression as he looked down at your contact photo and nickname for him.
You couldn’t help but cackle as you saw a vein pop out, popping hands reaching out for you. “Hey! What the fuck is this shit?? Imma show you a pomeranian!” He shouted.
“Katsu! Katsu! Relaaaxx!! You know you’re my bestie and I love you, but we got a movie to catch so let’s do this later fam.” You snicker, trying to calm yourself down as you yoinked your phone and took off out the door with your purse.
Sorry that Bakugou’s was kinda short! But, hope you enjoyed these!
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motherjoel · 4 years
fine line series (spencer reid x reader)
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part 3/3: fine line
summary: you and spencer are having a hard time staying apart from one another
a/n: woohoo! the last part! thank you guys so much for reading this, i had a blast writing! once again, i recommend listening to the song just cause it helps with the mood i was going for haha (but you dont have to)
wc: 1.6k
part 1, part 2
we’ll be alright
Another week had passed since you’d cried to Emily and JJ in the bathroom and you didn’t feel any better- you felt worse. You couldn’t help but think that if Spence could smile to you after everything that happened, he had to be okay. You were not okay. 
On one fateful night, not even the Gilmore Girls marathon you had going could brighten your mood. It was one of your bad days- the days where you got no peace and no sleep. You longed for those moments in the morning where it was too early to think. Those moments where your mind was still in a sleepy haze and the weight of the world had yet to inflict its pain on your shoulders. This morning, that moment had lasted mere seconds. 
It was a paperwork day today, so you luckily didn’t have to interact with him. If you saw him getting coffee, you knew where not to go. For some reason, you thought that limiting your interactions would lessen the pain, when in reality it only fueled the fire in your heart. On days like these, not even paperwork was enough to take your mind off of your life- you weren’t hoping for a murder, but a case would definitely be more distracting. You didn’t want to go home alone again to your empty apartment, but you had no other choice.
So here you were, phone in your hand for the millionth time this week, finger lingering over the call button. You paused the TV and hit call before you could stop yourself, anxiety peaking with each ring. You cursed yourself for calling, but hanging up seemed like a bad idea, so you sat there, paralyzed. After a moment, the call went to voicemail. You considered hanging up, but the embarrassment from leaving a message was better than the loneliness of sitting in silence. So, you did.
“Hi Spence. It’s me. I’m sorry for doing this, gosh this is really unlike me,” you laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. “I was thinking today. About loneliness. And, how I'm experiencing a great deal of it recently,” you confessed, wiping a tear from your cheek. You couldn’t hang up now, so you continued. “They always show on TV that people normally call their best friends when they're sad after a breakup- I guess people in real life do that too. But… but what do you do when you break up with your b-best friend?” you asked, audibly sobbing now. You tried to even out your breathing. “I just- I can’t do this without you anymore Spence. We were real. You were it for me, and… and I think I ruined it. Please, just come over. I need my best friend. I need to know that we’ll be alright. I just, I need to know,” you begged. After a moment you gasped and hung up, as if you just realized what you had said. 
You set your phone down and put it on silent before turning the TV back on. After your confession, you felt oddly relaxed. Like everything was out of your hands now. You relaxed so much so that you were finally able to drift off to sleep on your couch.
You woke with a start to banging on your door. Checking your phone, you saw it was 1 AM. Who in the hell would be bothering you at this time? Grabbing your gun from the coffee table, you inched over the door and looked through the peephole. Spencer Reid, in all his glory, stood outside your door with messy hair and a worried expression plastered on that beautiful face of his. You set down your gun and composed yourself before opening the door. He looked up from wringing his hands and took in your appearance: puffy eyes, messy hair, and tear stained cheeks. To him, you were beautiful.
“Y/N, I need you to know something,” he started, trying not to fidget. You nodded, urging him to continue. “My entire life, I never knew I was capable of feeling so deeply for someone. I felt like… a loser,” he choked out. You wanted to reach out and hug him, but you refrained. “Morgan took me to a club tonight to try to make me feel better, I guess. But you know how I feel about clubs… So I went to the bathroom to see I had a missed call from you,” he continued talking with his hands, visibly nervous. You thought back to the call and blushed, remembering your confession.
“Y/N, my heart shattered hearing you like that. It wasn’t until 20 minutes ago that I realized why I felt so completely empty these past few weeks- I lost my best friend, too,” he said with tears brimming in his eyes, his hands getting shakier. “I saw you that day, you know,” he said. You furrowed your brows. “After you cried. I saw you hug Rossi and fix your makeup, and I saw you put down that picture of us. My favorite picture of us,” he confessed, tears were now rolling down his face and you could feel your heart stutter. “We were so happy that day, and if I leave you now, I know that I’ll never be that happy again and I can’t do that, Y/N. I can’t.” You stood in awe, not sure if he was finished. He was not.
“When you asked me to come over, I obviously had to. Because my best friend needed me. So, I’d like to be your best friend,” he paused, looking for something in your eyes. You were deep in thought, so he continued. “It’s up to you if you want to be more, but just being your friend is enough. For now,” he finished, not bothering to wipe his tear streaked face. You both stood, motionless for a few moments.
You realized you had been crying the entire time he was talking. It took one step towards him for you both to embrace, as if it was on instinct. You had never hugged anyone tighter, with more passion and love, in your entire life- it said a thousand words. You cried into his chest and he stroked your tangled hair, and everything was right. You cried and he cried, and you finally felt in sync again.
“We’ll be alright,” he whispered in your ear, over and over again like a mantra. 
Two years had passed since the worst few weeks of your life, and Spencer spent the entire time proving to you how worthy he was of loving. He was right- you would be alright. And as you walked down the aisle on your wedding day in the dress you had picked out with your best friends and maids of honor (you couldn’t choose between Penelope, Emily and JJ so they agreed to share the title), you felt more than alright. At the end of the aisle was your soon to be husband, who was totally not crying, as well as Hotch, Rossi, and Derek (the best man). They were all trying to be as macho as possible, but their eyes were glassy. 
You said your vows, promising devotion to each other, and kissed like it was your last. The cheers from your friends and family rang out in the church, but you could barely hear it over the blood pumping in your ears. You were marrying the man you loved, the man who was looking at you right now like you were the last woman on earth. 
Your reception was held at the Rossi mansion, as per his request. You couldn't say no to him- it saved money and he was one hell of a host. The music consisted of a mixture between Frank Sinatra and a few modern requests by Garcia, and you couldn’t ask for anything better. You took turns dancing with everyone, Rossi was first to take your hand.
“I knew you two kids would make it,” he says, the two of you swaying to “Fly Me to the Moon.” You looked over his shoulder to make eye contact with Spencer, who was dancing with your mother (who was holding him a little too close for comfort). He widened his eyes and jokingly mouthed “help”. You smiled and returned your focus to your dance partner.
“Me too,” you told him as the song finished. You danced with Morgan next, who was surprisingly emotional.
“You look beautiful, princess,” he told you as you danced.
“Thank you Derek,” you blushed. “You don’t look half bad yourself,” you smiled.
“I should’ve snatched you up when I had the chance,” he joked in your ear. You laughed and swatted his arm- you knew he was kidding, and you were glad you could joke about it now.
You made your rotation through the whole team before you made it back to your husband.
“May I have this dance, Mrs. Reid?” he asked, cheesily holding out his hand.
“Why, yes Dr. Reid, you may,” you laughed, taking his hand and beginning to waltz. You wordlessly swayed for a few minutes, bodies impossibly close together as you listened to his heartbeat.
“I told you we’d be alright,” he whispered in your ear. You looked up at him like he was the only other person in the room before giving him a kiss, a kiss that said everything you wanted it to say. The rest of the night consisted of laughter and love- two things that you would have your entire life with him.
a/n: i imagined the last 2 minutes of fine line playing as there’s like a montage of the reception where everyone’s dancing and happy and in love and harry is just singing “we’ll be alright” over and over like UGH I CANTTT why am i making myself cry rn dsakbfjb
taglist: @easygoingtheatre, @rexorangecouny, @kaytlyngraygubler, @fear-less-write-more, @yesimaunicorn, @mariahreid, @bestyearslftv, 
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