#man that would make a super cute wedding song
rosicheeks · 1 year
#do you guys ever listen to a song that you used to listen to nonstop and it just kinda hits you#idk how to describe it#lately I’ve had to use pandora cause Spotify has been acting up for me#so it’s been playing some random songs that I usually don’t listen to#and on my way home#it played#arms by Christina perri#and I almost started crying#even though I haven’t heard that song in YEARS#I still knew it word for word#I just find that so crazy#I mean it makes sense#I remember laying in my bed and I would play this song and a few other songs from that cd on repeat#I’m going to make a post with the song cause one of the lyrics is giving me so much warmth and comfort#one day I’m hoping I’ll find that person#I’ve been hearing some songs that I’m like#man that would make a super cute wedding song#like the first dance or whatever#I’m so fucking sappy it’s not even funny#I mean there’s reasons for it and I don’t want to get into that on here#but my love life is just kind of a mess and idk if it’ll ever work itself out#I feel like I’m always going to be the bridal stylist or the bridesmaid or attending a wedding#idk if I can see myself getting married which is so sad to me#cause I feel like that’s one of my biggest dreams and goals in life#to find that person#that person who makes the bad days a little better#who can make me smile even when I’m sobbing… who wants to learn me inside and out cause they love me so much#wowowoowowowowow that song made me SO sappy and emotional#I just want to find the loml and get a house and have some fur babies and maybe one day actual babies#shut up rosie
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sarahhillips · 1 year
Thoughts I Have After Seeing Elemental For the First Time 😈🥬
Yes, there are spoilers below! If you have not seen the movie and have issues with spoilers, keep scrolling. Thank you!
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That being said, let’s dive in!
🔥 Not only are her parents immigrants but they speak a made up language called Firish. As an Irish American person, I thought that was cute!
💧 The Manticore from Onward is no longer the most relatable character to service workers. That honor goes to Ember now.
🔥 Yes, customers are really this stupid and entitled. The sparkler buy one get one free scene is a gold star example of that.
💧 Wade Ripple is who more men should be like; sweet, sensitive, loving, devoted, and charming but also awkward in an adorable way.
🔥 I never laughed so hard at the death of a grandmother ever. That was definitely not written to be sad at all.
💧 Wade isn’t afraid to say how he feels about Ember in front of his entire family and that’s very ballsy but way too fast.
🔥 Their date was so precious and the song in that scene is repeating on Spotify right now.
💧 I love that they eat wood chips and drink lava coffee.
🔥 Those flowers are absolutely stunning. And so is Embers glasswork.
💧 The antics between Cinder and the Door Man were wonderful. The Door Man also looks like the most huggable water guy.
🔥 I went awwwww in my head when their hands touched for the first time. It was such a sweet moment and I didn’t like that things went south after that.
💧 Would they be able to have sex? Because from the beginning of the film, we know element women can physically get pregnant. So a water penis in a fire vagina does what? Would she evaporate it away?
🔥 The kiss they shared near the end if the film was so sweet. Honestly one of the best kissing scenes written by Pixar tbh, with apologies to Linguini and Collette.
💧 Do male earth elements grow floral pubic hair like their armpit hairs? Imagine having flowers for pubes.
🔥 What’s the wedding gonna be like? Because I bet Ember would walk down the aisle in a stained glass gown.
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What if it looked something like this?? 👀🔥
💧 Ember loves her father but was trying too hard to make him proud. It was unfair for him to never ask her what she wanted out of life.
🔥 Wade saving the blue flame: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
💧 Of course I wanted to cry when Wade started evaporating but I knew he’d come back somehow.
🔥 He went through all of that for her.
💧 They way he offers his hand 🥹🥹🥹
🔥 Hell, the way he looks at her. That’s love man.
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💧 Marco and Polo are so cute!!
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🔥 Love love LOVE all the chainmail and glass fire people are wearing! Especially that glass robe!
💧 If I were a fire person, I would just stand in front of a fan all day
💧 What if they had a baby? Would the baby be made of steam? Is it gonna be a…. Steam punk?
🔥 How much is Wades monthly rent because DAMN. This apartment is super swanky.
💧 So there is both biotic water people and abiotic water. And they can make themselves one with that water
🔥 Wades the dude that becomes everybodys best friend the second they meet him while Ember can barely talk to anybody.
🔥 This shot is cute af, look at bby Ember with dad Bernie 🥹
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💧 Wade Ripple definitely eats out.
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rubendiasthoughts · 10 months
I loved writing this one so much!! Thank you to the person who requested it 😘
Wedding with Ruben Dias - headcanon:
-Okay, so I think the way Ruben would propose would be pretty casual. Like I just don't see him renting out a fancy restaurant or anything like that. I feel like he would maybe take you on like a nice beach or something, somewhere where there's not a lot of people and he would maybe organize a little picnic or something like that. I think he would want it to be a surprise and he would want you to think that it's just a normal date. So you two would sit on the blanket, watch the sea and the waves for a little bit. And maybe he would lead you by your hand, closer to the shore. And then he would get on one knee and propose. He would definitely tell you how you are the girl of his dreams and he would promise to take care of you for the rest of your life.
- But he would definitely tell at least one of your girlfriends that he's going to propose, just so that she can take you to get your nails done and stuff, because he knows you would be sad if your nails weren't perfect for the pictures.
- I already talked about this, but I feel like Ruben could be the guy to ask your parents for permission. And he would promise them to always take care of you and protect you.
-And he would tell his own family that he's planning to propose too! His mom would be so happy, maybe she would say something how you are definitely a keeper 🥺
-I think planning a wedding with Ruben would be the best experience. He would definitely have his own ideas and opinions that he would share with you, but at the end of the day I feel like he just wants you to be happy and have the wedding of your dreams. Maybe sometimes when you guys are cuddled up on the couch, talking about the wedding you ask him something like "You think we can have that? " and he's smiling "we can have anything you want, sweet girl" and gives you a forehead kiss.
- And when the wedding day comes I think he would be super calm and collected. Just because I think he is so sure he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, so he's just like "what is there to be nervous about? ". You would probably be much more nervous than him, worrying if everything will go the way it's planned and all of that. I feel like his approach would be more like: he gets to marry you so he doesn't care if something else won't be perfect.
-And when he sees you for the first time, walking down the aisle, he has this little smile on his face and he's literally looking at you like you are the most beautiful thing in the world. He wouldn't be able to take his eyes off of you, like you are the only thing he could see.
-Let's just take a moment to think about Ruben standing there in a suit 😫
-His brother is the best man for sure.
-When he is putting the ring on your finger, he's looking into your eyes with a serious look on his face. And can you imagine how great he would look with his wedding band on his finger?? 😭
- And when he's allowed to kiss his bride for the first time, he would grab your face in both of his hands, your hands resting on his stomach. And the kiss would be sooo good! I feel like he would kiss you very gently, but at the same time with a lot of passion behind it.
- The first dance would be so sweet and cute. Honestly I don't see Ruben doing any kind of crazy choreography, I think you two would just slow dance, he would hold you close to him, look into your eyes with a smile on his face, maybe you would rest your head on his chest for a little bit too. He would whisper to you, telling you how beautiful you are. And I feel like the song you two would dance to would be one of those old love songs.
- The guests would maybe make little toasts, talking about your love for each other and stuff - your maid of honor, his best man, your friends, family, maybe even some of his teammates. Ruben is definitely raising a toast "for his beautiful bride".
-And for the rest of the night you would have so much fun. You would be dancing with all of your friends, celebrating your love surrounded by all the people you love. Just imagine Ruben laughing with his friends 🥺
-You know the thing they sometimes do at weddings, when they seat the bride on the chair and the groom is supposed to take her garter off using only his mouth? Ruben would dive under your dress, he would plant a few kisses starting from your ankle up to your thigh.And when he takes your garter in his mouth, he would lightly graze your thigh with his teeth. And when he comes out from underneath your dress and he takes your garter out of his mouth he has the goofiest smile on his face. And when he sees your red face and how you try to hide your face in your hands he laughs, takes your hands away from your face, leans over you and gives you a kiss.
-And the wedding night would be an absolute dream. Ruben couldn't wait to finally get you alone. You two would stumble into the room, Ruben holding you in his arms, hands around your waist, kissing you passionately. He would take off your dress and lay you on the bed. Then he would hover over you, his forearms resting next to your head as he would look into your eyes. His nose would nuzzle against your neck and he would say "gotta take care of my wife now, make her feel good". He would kiss every inch of your body, constantly whispering praises. He would fuck you in missionary, your legs wrapped around his waist. And when he finally pushes inside you it would be so slow, but his thrusts very deep, hitting your sweet spot with his every stroke. His breath would be heavy, panting above you, relishing in your cute, little moans. Feeling you squeeze around his cock would trigger his own orgasm. He would hide his face in your neck when he shoots his cum deep inside you. And after that, he would craddle you in his arms, pressing kisses to your head.
I haven't written anything about how honeymoon with Ruben would be like in this piece, because I feel like maybe I should do a separate headcanon about that? Let me know if you would be interested ❤
Thank you for your support, hope you enjoyed this 💞
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pineappleciders · 1 year
hihi! i just found your blog because of your Eddsworld x reader post and it was so cute, i love how you write for the characters. i also saw that your requests were open, and i was wondering if you could write the main 4 boys with gn!s/o that is a singer/songwriter and plays different instruments like piano and guitar. thank you <3
EW main 4 with a musical S/O
includes: edd, tom, matt, and tord
A/N: i am assuming you meant the ew main 4 as you mentioned it!!!! apologies if it isn't what you meant :P also thank you :))
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he 100% spies on you when you're rocking out or writing songs. like he thinks it's so interesting. he would just ask to watch but he knows you wouldn't want someone hovering over you while you do your thing
he looves to draw you playing the guitar in his sketchbook,, like he already draws u a lot but he has little shitty doodles of you playing instruments and singing on his wall with lil music notes and everything
lots of music puns.
"hey- hey Y/N. what do you call a musician with problems?"
"a trebled man."
if you ever fully produce and release a song, he makes a little animation to it and put a drawing of him smooching u on the cheek at the end. (iknow this is really specific but tell me u don't see this happening)
claps for you when you sing. like in a crowd he'd stand up and clap really obnoxiously and yell "YEAHH WOOOHOOOO GO Y/N" n it'd be really embarrassing
"hey, you see that person- right- right up there? yeah, yeah that's my S/O. i know, they're so great." he says to the person next to him with tears in his eyes
karaoke nights. you two go to a karaoke bar and sing your hearts out. he's absolutely awful at singing but he LOVES it
your guitar and susan have a makeshift wedding, and tom is crying the entire time, walking susan down the aisle while you play wedding music
if you started like shredding on an electric guitar or bass he'd just sit on the bed and ogle like a lovestruck idiot. like he's soooooo in love
he's super impressed, and he'll say it sometimes but be all awkward about it
"you're really good at that stuff, Y/N. i mean- seriously, it's impressive." he's like looking away and scratching his neck
he low-key feels kinda insecure about his own music skills. i think he'd like to write his own songs but hates sharing them, and he's kinda mediocre at playing the bass so when he sees you absolutely destroying the piano or something he deflates
asks you to help him get better at guitar,, which ends up with you like. holding his hands over the correct position on it behind him and it's super awkward and he gets really flustered
you both write songs about each other and you both nearly faint when you see each others songs
sometimes he gets shit-faced and shows up at your door like crying with his bass and a whole speaker system set up outside and just plays a love song he made for you while sobbing his 'eyes' out
he's like, insisting that you play professional classical music or something. like his eyes are glittering talking about having a duet together on stage
he probably has like a play about himself and he begs you to play the music for it
he's constantly asking you to play him stuff. like every now and then he asks you to sing him a lullaby when he goes to bed and he falls asleep in your lap
or sometimes he asks you to play a popular pop song on guitar, and he sings along (albeit terribly)
speaking of singing, he ALWAYS starts singing when he hears you singing or humming. like it's a reflex to sing along. he sheepishly apologizes if you deadpan at him though
when introducing you to someone he wraps his arm around your waist or shoulder and pulls you close and flashes a shiny grin, showing you off
"heh, yeah, this is my S/O, they're a singer and musician. they can play the guitar, piano, violin.. yeah, i'm a pretty cool guy- i mean! uh, they're, pretty cool. yeah. that's what i said."
when the person starts talking to you about your talent goes to you he'll whine and try to get their attention back on him. he knows you're super cool and awesome and have an amazing voice and a beautiful face but this is about HIM and HIS beautiful face!!!
sometimes he walks in on you strumming your guitar or singing a little tune, and he'll lean on the doorway with his arms crossed just listening
he thinks it's super cool, and sometimes he'll ask you to play one of his favorite songs
subconsciously starts humming your songs around the house, and might get a little flustered if you mention it
definitely borrowed your guitar one time and probably broke one of the strings. he got absolutely terrified and locked himself in his room waiting for you to get home
"tord! i'm home! what's- *gasp*"
absolutely quaking in his boots. safe to say he got a good smack on the head and had to pay to get it repaired
he loves to listen to you sing or play piano through the walls. he finds it less awkward than being in the same room, and the muffled effect makes it strangely calming
like matt he pulls you close and brags about your talents to people you meet. with a huge grin too. he thinks he looks so cool but he actually looks like a huge douchebag
he actually looks like a huge douchebag in general. but he's your huge douchebag🥰
this is random but i feel like all of them are the type to show up outside your window in the middle of the night, hold a speaker over their head and play peter gabriel to win ur love. they're such fuckung geeks
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seokjinnie-ah · 2 months
read: playlists are super down below so keep scrolling!!
Our Life: Beginnings & Always.
Hello Hello! Welcome to my first ever post on tumblr that just had to be about my ultimate top tier favorite visual novel of all time..Our Life: Beginnings & Always or OL:BA for short.
This game has such a special place in my heart that im afraid I’ll forever be attached to it because at this point it’s not even a phase anymore lol. I still remember that heated summer day of scrolling down on my steam shop out of boredom and i kept getting recommended OL:BA but back then i really couldn’t care less and would not even spare a glance on it until i got so fed up of it popping up in my recommended for the next few days that i decided to finally check it out.
Reading what it was about made me curious but what really got me downloading it was because of the customization of our character/characters.
And finally into the game i was! I remember when the story started, i was very surprised already by the environment, narrative and world building of the game. It truly felt like i was part of it and i didn’t get bored at all. In fact right from the start i was hooked already!
I loved ALL of the characters that was introduced, i love the fact that it was SO multiple choice that it felt like you were really integrating yourself/oc onto the game and that you’re not just forced to say the same thing as a different choice or feel as though your options are limited. Its definitely a game that you’re supposed to replay over and over because its just that fun!!
And as someone who has never had a great childhood and adolescence, absentee parent, chaotic household, unsupportive friends, want to be understood (you know…this and that) i was so happy that this game was doing that and it genuinely gave me hope to live despite going through the darkest of times in my life :)
This game has changed me into a better person and made me want to be the best version of myself that i want to be in the future! I will infinitely recommend this to anyone who wants to have a feel good game/read (+1 it will make you cry!!)
Anyway enough yapping 💀 Time to get to the point.
Here are some playlists i made dedicated to the lovable characters of OL:BA that i personally listened to during my walkthrough and may relate to their route/lore ;)
read: playlists are super down below so keep scrolling!!
the og love interest!
summer with cove holden.
this playlist is the epitome vibes of the game (growing up with them and having fun, making memories.)
from beginnings to always with cove holden.
spoiler alert!! MARRIAGE DLC WOOOO!! really love this one cuz its all full of cute romance and wedding songs. i also put some songs that i think mc and cove would have when they get kids :3
DEREK IS JUST SOOOO AAHHHH He’s my ideal man and i KIN him so bad you dont even know!!!
derek suarez crushing on you.
THIS PLAYLIST. IM TELLING YOU. one of the FAVES i made!! the pining, secret crush on mc for a loong time, the angst GOSH. so cute. every song in this plays a part on each moment with him i swear
5 years after baxter ward.
one thing i noticed about our life is it lacks certain angst aspects when the baxter dlc didn’t exist YET back then. like i LOVED the fight between mc and cove in mcs room and i wanted it to escalate more ngl just cuz i LIVE for angst! but if you want to get real hurt you should choose baxter. this playlist focuses more on the last step of his dlc and its full of taylor swift songs.
baxter ward.
honestly this playlist is catered more to his vibes, his character (i listen to this playlist and i imagine edits of him lol) but i guess some songs are related to his story/lore? i made this waaay before 5 years after baxter ward and when the baxter dlc didn’t exist yet and we all just knew him to be as the new neighbor in sunset bird but people like it i guess so here it is xD
anyway thats all for OL:BA series! GB Patch is cooking up Our Life Now & Forever and it’s not released yet! just on demo on steam and itch! i already have a playlist for it but so far i have only made Qiu Lin (one of the leads of the game) i also have a privated filo inspired playlist for baxter if you want to listen to it let me know so i can put it up in public!
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moaserendipity · 6 months
My Top 10 BL's of 2023
I am back with my personal top 10 of 2023. I know I've been super quiet these days but making a top 10 is always fun to do. The #1 has been decided early this past year but for the rest... It was a crazy year for BL but only a few were really top tier...🔥🔥
10. My Personal Weatherman (Taikan Yoho)
One of the Japanese BL's I really enjoyed watching. It was more grown up then the ones I've seen and that was very welcome. I love the dynamics between the main characters a lot. It was a bit of a slow one, with the lack in communication between the two but I forgive that because the chemistry was really good.
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09. Wedding Plan
Oh how i looked forward to this one, the second I saw the trailer. I loved the storyline but I thought it was very short, which made them rush through it at times, which was a shame because it was actually really good and I just wanted to see more. I loved the chemistry between Sailom and Namnuea, So I really enjoyed watching them. They are very new if I'm correct but I didn't notice it at all, so hopefully they will get another BL together but a longer one. Also I love the GL in this BL, it was very natural and I in the end hoped they would be the ones that got to marry. Not to forget about the cameo;s of my babies Payu and Rain and of course Prapai and Sky.
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08. Moonlight Chicken
This one I've waited for so so long and it was kind of a surprise because I love EarthMix, Like Mix is my man but my attention got taken away from them and got attached to GemFourth who played Li Ming and Heart. I just loved everything about them! I loved how they incorporated Sign language because Heart was deaf and just the overall chemistry between them, was everything. They made me smile so much. Jim and Wen, you know were amazing as well but I sometimes felt frustrated by their interaction. The close moments they had were amazing of course but it was not what I expected from EarthMix but overall this drama was definitely worth the wait!
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07. Kiseki: Dear to Me
I absolutely loved this one. I couldn't get enough of it. I am a sucker for the Hate to Love trope and this had exactly that and in a gangster way. Like I loved it. ZeRui and Bangyi were made for each other and you can't tell me otherwise how he went to prison for ZeRui and even got hurt but he still decided to dedicate his bakery to him with his Strawberry cakes, ugh too cute. The second couple made me want even more. The sassiness of Ai Di and the coldness of Chen Yi, they were really something. The way Chen Yi didn't realize that Ai Di loved him until he went to prison or that one hot night made me slap my forehead because nothing was more obvious, so I can not explain how happy I was they finally got together in the end!!
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06. My School President
This really was a GemFourth year because this was their first leading BL and boy how they won us over with their cuteness. The OST was also seriously top tier. I think I loved all the songs. This entire Cast was amazing! To think I almost skipped this one...That would've been a mistake for sure, so I'm happy that I decided to give it another try because I fell in love with them and bingewatched it in one go. I can't wait to see the next project from them.!
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5. Our Dating Sim
this Korean BL was a welcome one. I loved the office setting of this BL and the fact that the episodes were short as usual, didn't disturb me that much. Their chemistry made up for that! I will never forget how my heart sank when Ki Tae thought Wan had disappeared again, this poor man but I loved how Wan immediately comforted him the second he saw him. I should really rewatch this again.
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4. Last Twilight
I know it's still running but I can not leave it out of my top10 for 2023. I am impressed with Jimmy and Sea. These two are everything to me at this moment. Their chemistry is crazy and I am happy they have this BL to show their talents again. I am impatiently waiting every week for the next episode and so far no episode has disappointed me, which is rare tbh.
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3. Sing my Crush
Sing my crush was not even on my radar but the second I came across it, I bingewatched it. I am a sucker for music BL's, where the actors can ACTUALLY sing and play instruments.. I loved it so much. from start to finish. I really think this BL was very underrated. I did not hear a lot of people about it but it definitely deserves more!
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2. I feel you linger in the Air
Ever since I saw the trailer, I wanted to see this one badly and boy did it not disappoint! I was in awe every episode. I don't think I've ever seen a Thai Bl that was staged in the past. Also this way of time traveling is one I actually like. As long as no bodies get switched I am loving it. Their chemistry was top notch and those intimate scenes. That kiss in the rain, Art I am telling you and that massage scene, HELLO!! I literally forgot to breathe at that point and my face was almost stuck to the screen, crazy!! So yeah this was a true masterpiece!
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01. The Eighth Sense
Let's all act surprised by this one...... what can I say? This one touched my intire being. It touched my soul, My heart everything. I cried, laughed and even cursed at 2 people in particular.. This is the biggest masterpiece of 2023 and nothing can change my mind about this. The way I anticipated every week and felt sad when it ended, ugh!! I just want to praise Oh Jun Taek for the way he acted, because if I'm correct this was his first acting job or at least he is very new but he pulled it of perfectly and Ji sub, I am applauding him for the way he portrayed Jae Won. All I need now is a season 2 or an special episode where we see them do the things Jihyun wanted... like just please!! In al seriousness everything was amazing about this one and that's why it's my number 1
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I really do think that the Korean BL's won this round. I feel like they are finally stepping up their game. It's still not as Explicit as Thai or Taiwanese but that's not what I am expecting. I don't always have to have NC scenes because without a story, it's not worth a lot. Overal the Bl's were powerful this year and Top tier. Hopefully next year will bring us even better ones!! <3
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queseraone · 5 months
Alright, positive, silly, happy fluff incoming...
-Pick a song you think would be Chenford's wedding song
-Assuming The Rookie is on the same timeline, how does Tim Bradford feel about Taylor Swift being at Football games?
-Where would Tim and Lucy go for their honeymoon?
-Knowing we were robbed of getting everyone's reactions to the secret dating era, who do you think would have had the best reaction? My money is on Angela, but you may have a different opinion.
-Do you think Tim picks out a ring for Lucy by himself, or enlists help?
-Do you think Lucy will move into Tim's place, or will they get a new place of their own?
-In the future, Lucy goes into labor with their first child. Who is Tim's first call to?
-We know Lucy has called Tim 'babe' a few times. What do you think Tim's pet name for Lucy would be?
-And, lastly...the most important question here!! Does Tim go with Lucy to see Barbie, or do the boys go see Oppenheimer and the girls see Barbie?
Sorry, this got way longer than I expected it to😅
Whoa um, okay, was not expecting this! These are so random and fun hahahaha
I'm terrible with songs, especially on the fly. Can I be corny and say my wedding song? Because, frankly, it fits and it's wonderful and classic ("Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell). Oh! Maybe "You Are the Best Thing" by Ray LaMontagne? Such a gorgeous song, I'm obsessed. Yes, that. (But truthfully I picture them having a super small simple wedding - like for them it's about the marriage and making it official more than a wedding. So may not even have things like a first dance or anything. Just a "let's get married" moment at lunchtime on a Thursday.)
I feel like Tim probably doesn't know who Taylor Swift is? 😂
I see them doing a fairly low-key honeymoon. Something cozy, like a cabin in the woods, and/or something with an element of adventure.
Oh man, Angela knew (jk, everybody knew, those fools were terrible at hiding it). Hers is certainly the reaction I wanted most because I love her relationship with Tim, and, again, a bookend to their early conversations would have been so nice. I think there's a great element of playfulness to their friendship, so she'd probably tease him a little, but they're alike in a lot of ways. When they feel, they feel BIG and they care deeply for their people. I also think Nolan would have been hilarious, because he seemed entirely oblivious to the entire thing.
By himself. After all, he knows her so well. Plus I don't think he'd tell anyone - the only exception would be if Angela somehow guessed and forced his hand.
In terms of logistics, I won't be surprised if he moves into her place, even though it makes no sense in reality - why squeeze into an apartment when you have a whole ass house, plus KOJO. Tim's house and Lucy's apartment have such different vibes, so I think if we actually see them moving in together, it would have to be a new place - they'd need a legit set!
Genny so she can let Kojo out? I've honestly never thought about this one!
Maybe "baby," but that's tricky because we heard him call Isabel that, so idk. I'd say either that or "babe"? (I want him to call her "Luce" but I wholeheartedly refuse to use that in a fic until it's canon)
Barbenheimer for the win! (Also Tim would go anywhere with Lucy)
These were cute 😊
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binkszamsstuff · 2 years
I trusted you. Buckys version pt3
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The warm breeze washed over him as he stepped off the jet, today bucky would have to face the woman he loved and broke. As the two super soldiers walked into their hotel room both men dreading the next two days.
One floor up a man head over heels sneaked down to his soon to be wife's hotel room. He quickly swiped his key card to her room, he headed to the bathroom to be met with his beautiful girl naked soaking in the tub.
Her hair wet as she gently played and divided around the bubbles. She had a warm smile on her face so ready to marry the man who she would never hurt her. "My baby, I've missed you" he spoke slowly walked to her, she jumped at his sudden appearance. "Charlie!!!! I cant believe you! You know it's bad luck to see me before wedding." The minder reader shrugged acting innocent.
"Love, you know I cant sleep without you. Come on pretty baby make love with me?" He was now sat on the side of the tub. "Charles we cant!" She said bashfully to him. "Y/n dont you want to have one last night of mind blowing sex! You know one last night before I have you forever?" Gosh she couldn't deny the man and she must likely never will.
"Alright take me to bed." She said looking up at him but the boyish grin on his face me her second guess her choice. "Oh no love I think in going to join you in the water."
Steve and bucky were laying on their hotel bed listening to the people above them have the most passionate sex ever. And with their super soldier hearing it was like listening to an audio porn. But steve couldn't shake the feeling that the moans of the woman above sounded so familiar to him. His body reacting in way y/n could only ever get him aroused, his hard cock begging for attention from the mysterious girl upstairs. He tried to ignore her screams of pleasure, the woman sounded just like y/n, he thought to himself. Then he heard "oh yeah baby come on my dick" the man spoke from above the woman moaning from his words.
"Yeah I gonna cum in this tiny little pussy and make you a mommy. Yeah you want that huh? You wanna have my baby honey, my little wife wants me to fuck my cum into her. Yeah you like that y/n?" The man growled out.
Steve shot put bed, the woman who sounded so much like y/n was y/n! No wonder his body was reacting that way it was her. And her soon to be husband. He remembered, buckys eyes went wide him sitting up once her heard it.
"Oh god it's her!" Steve said the pain catching up to him. She had moved on, left him, was happy with this new man, wanted kids. They've only been together a year and a half he's marrying her yet. it took steve 3 years just to pop the question! Bucky wrapped steve in his arms while steve sobbed.
She wasn't his anymore, and never would be ever again.
The wedding was beautiful wanda and clint gushed at how cute it was. Natasha giving bucky and steve a glare the whole time, while tony got drunk enough to make thors mead look like nothing and dancing with sunglasses on to the song 'kiss me'. And that's what the super soldiers did as they watched you dance with your new husband -they got drunk.
The x-men watched carefully at the two, bucky slowly made his way to the restroom while the party still jumped with action. Just as he finished y/n came into the hallway bucky stopped in his tracks. "Bucky?" She said as she walked -no more like ran to him her white dress flowing behind her, her hair doing the same. She looked so happy to see him, he opened his arms a small smile on his face with watery eyes. She ran into his embrace hugging him for dear life.
"Y/n honey, I'm so sorry. I know what steve I did was horrible but we do love you. I know that doesn't make it better but please please I just had to tell you. I know i nor steve will never have you the way we want a-and that's okay. I hope you have a great life love. I'm so-so sorry" his words came out in sobs as he held her face in his hands. Her eyes filled with love that he hadn't seen in such a long time. "I forgive you bucky, I will always love you and steve." She held her hands atop his.
Then her skin turned blue, then her eyes yellow. Bucky backed away from her "y/n! What's wrong!" He said as her dress turned into one of the bridesmaids.
"I'm not y/n" raven laughed at him. Bucky came running back into the ballroom his eyes searching for her. There she was smiling at her husband as he rubbed cake on her nose.
I know so short but I wanted to split it In two versions. One of how bucky had his night go and how steve faced the night of the readers wedding. Part one part two
Tag list: @dakotasebastian @supersoilderfan @coffeebooksandfandom @missvelvetsstuff @majo240280 @lovely-geek @sebsgirl71479 @paryl @cjand10 @brooklynscherry-z @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @andreasison
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lurkingteapot · 5 months
Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 8
And we're back to belated but 'regular' liveblogging of episodes.
Songkhla!!! have we EVER been to southern Thailand other than Phuket in one of these shows??
doc, no shade but you sound like he's dying
love that Night comforts Mawk here, goddd
Day can be CUTTING and I love that they let him
is Night gonna put in a word for them? he looks like he might
oh ffs Day
I sense we're gonna learn what their deal is sooner rather than later
I'm the furthest thing from a colour theory person, but the red and blue colour coding is really noticeable rn
oof this is an OPPRESSIVE car ride
who's gonna check on Night?
oooh are we gonna take a minibus?
I whether Night's going to come along anyway, or whether this'll be the end of Mawk's job
NIGHT <3 (also he's Phii Night in Mawk's phone and I love that)
Jimmy's FACE, man, his acting really has improved
tuktuk??? tourism board really doing its part here
ah, songtaew (if that's what they're called in the South)
sound mixing blunder, uuurgh, classic gmmtv
I wonder who that cameo was
"green sea", huh?
CLASSIC beach scene, god I love them
oh, that's a cute kiss. a good one. believable.
nooo they forgot the book in Night's car?!
I think that was a song/meme reference just now, hold on.
YEP it was, it totally was (this bit specifically: 1:04-1:11. The whole Ii-Gii (E-Kie in the subtitles on the vid) thing was a huge meme in early 2023.
อีกี้นี้มันเป็นสก้อย ไปกับผู้บ่อย ผู้พาไป skrt อีกี้ชอบไป skrt แต่เปลี่ยนผู้บ่อย สงสัยไม่เวิร์ค
Honestly I respect the memery SO much)
oh boys, this was not smart
the book's gonna be in Night's car, right?
… Day, you absolute TROLL
I don't think Mawk would actually leave him there, but this was still cruel
annnd he turned it into the ILU gesture, god these two
everthing's always shot so close and I bet that's a deliberate choice, but I like it
so snazzy and then? TRAINERS. please.
I wonder how many changes they had to go through to make sure no pit stains or other types of sweat stains showed
I LOVE these outfits
HANDS!! again!!
promises made in ep 8 tend to be dangerous; the overall structure makes me think something's gonna go WRONG wrong towards the end of the episode
BUS STOP SCENE MUSIC (no I'm never calling it anything else ever again)
BIG PILE OF BOOKS what a great wediding gift idea!
they look so nice!! not sure about P'Bplaa's gloves, but other than that …
P'Aof coming in with the big statements about disability again, I'm very here for it
I think I've seen Mrs Pen before? not sure where/what show or when, but her face seems familiar
oh I love this. this wedding seems real, y'know? we get super flashy ones in shows so often, but this seems like something I might attend or have attended at some point
Niiice this looks like good ballroom stance? not that I know much about that sort of thing but … yeah
ooh topical bgm
Mawk looks SO fond, idk when Jimmy learned to do that but it's really impressive, he's come SUCH a long way in just two years!
more hands, P'Aof knows what we want, huh
I was thinking it might be something like this when he didn't tell us what town he was from, but WOW man man MAN
wait is this why his mum did not want him to go
I do not like these time skips they've been doing for the product placements. like. I do like the extra scenes we get, but I'd like it BETTER if they actually integrated them with the story and didn't follow directly after impactful emotional would-be cliffhangers.
Mawk when he watches Day … just. OOF. and wow.
kiss! :D
oh they're GONNA get in trouble eventually
A friend on discord said "they just keep choosing less and less safe means of transport" and I concur but man, this was a fun ride.
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pearlnareff · 6 months
For the character ask game: could I please have 2, 5, 12, 18, 24 about Nathan (Seymour, lol 😉)? 💖
AHHHH YES! Sorry I only teared up twice answering these. also take a shot every time I use the word "iconic" because seriously they absolutely are (also alternating between she and they pronouns because that is how she exists in my brain fja;owejf):
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? Yes. All of the above. OKAY as true as that is, really? The vibes are immaculate. The aesthetic, the attitude, the style, hell- even the Dominoes Sponsorship /j Everything about Nathan is just chef's kiss. I love how they are just unapologetically themselves. Like UEGH even in… the Rising movie when they're going through that dream/memory/nightmare sequence and then snap out of it at the end by like hugging that younger version of them. Like it legit makes me tear up cause I see it as… Nathan being the version of herself that she needed back then. To just show herself a little bit of self-love. And it's just beautiful to me! Nathan Seymour is beautiful inside and out for real.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about this character? SAME AS YURI I'M SO SORRY-- THE FIRST THOUGHT WAS "GIRL IS ON FIRE" I promise I understand fire motif characters have more depth and that I'm just a slut for Alicia Keys, but TBH it completely fits Nathan a whole lot better. "So bright, she can burn your eyes, better look the other way. You can try, but you'll never forget her name." Also "She got her head in the clouds, and she's not backing down." Like not to talk about Sky High but like! Sorry I'll just never get over her riding on Sky High's shoulders as he flies around okay.
12. What is a headcanon you have for this character? I'm not too sure how much of this is actually considered a headcanon but I definitely believe that Nathan and Kotetsu have had a fling before. Super casual, no hard feelings afterwards, just a super cute temporary fling. A flame, if you will xD Like, maybe they one of them needed a date for a wedding or a plus one to some fancy event and they just had a really really good time. It's silly but their friendship just means a lot to me yes.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? What if I sat here and sobbed about Fire Emblem and Sky High for ten years? What if I laid on the ground and made you a sweater of my tears? Like not even just because FireSky is a top-tier ship for me romantically but like? Even just their partnership as buddy heroes is just so wonderful and wholesome like. I love that in their episode in season 2, their "conflict" is… Thinking the other one is too perfect. And too good. That's just? It's so sweet and I can't handle it. They're so different from each other but in the best way possible. Like peanut butter and jelly. Different but they go together so so so well. Nathan is sassy and fierce while Keith is golden retriever goober man. They compliment each other so so well. One day I will finally finish (start) the one shot idea I have for them but sadly I fail at completing things fjao;efi
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? This is hard because Nathan is so freaking iconic but like…. if I had to pick one out….. Okay same as the last ask I'm having such a hard time but! If I had to shove them into another fandom that I love, I think they would fit So well into Ace Attorney (Imagining her as a witness or even a guest prosecutor would just be so much fun) or into Jojo's BIzarre Adventure, Part 6 Specifically (I would just love to see them interact with some of the Stone Ocean ladies.)
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billgavemeextrachips · 8 months
Friend: I would love to hear the story behind Time It Has No Day. Any particular inspirations? Any particular head-canon projects you were pursuing? Did you make a mood board? Did you make a playlist? Basically you should imagine what question you wish people would ask you about your story, and pretend I have asked it here!
AAAAAAH! THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to geek out about my playlist!
My inspo playlist on Spotify is here. I will walk you through it under the Read More. I'm SO psyched to do this, you have no idea! Thank you, friend! :)
1. "Eyes of A Child !" (The Moody Blues): This is where the phrase "Time It Has No Day" comes from. Very early on in the project, the fic was titled "Ponds by the Sea" instead. But then I picked a slightly more inland vacation spot for River and her parents, and decided to let my musical fangirling run free, hence the new title.
Tracks 2-3 helped me work up the Feels to write about River missing her parents. Honorary mention to "Chasing the Sun," another Sara Bareilles song from the same album as "Manhattan." With its mention of "a cemetery in the center of Queens" and the line "you said 'remember that life is not meant to be wasted," it always makes me think of Amy deciding to go back in time with her husband.
Tracks 4-6 are all played by Twelve on his guitar in the patio scene of chapter 6. "For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her," isn't mentioned by name. But it's what I hear when the Doctor "strikes up a repeating arpeggio," then suggests the name Emily for their baby.
7. "Kooks" (David Bowie): This was one of those songs I picked out super early and wrote towards. First of all, it's David Bowie, one of PCap's faves. And second, the pre-parental cuteness omg. I'm surprised this song's not referenced in more babyfics, tbh.
8. "Mean Old Man" (James Taylor): It has a kind of gentle humor that reminds me of Twelve and River's relationship in general. It's also loosely associated in my head with the scene where they're getting dressed for Ramon and Nardole's wedding.
9. "Overjoyed" (Stevie Wonder): Obviously I wanted Twelve to request a Stevie Wonder song for him and River to dance to. I considered "Isn't She Lovely?", but the words would be directed more at the baby than River. Also, I find that one a little too cheesy, even for me. I'm not thrilled with the lyrics of "Overjoyed," but I think that musically, it's one of Stevie's prettiest love songs. (Granted, I really only know his big hits.)
10. "Pink Moon" (Nick Drake): Pure self-indulgence, but can you blame me? Imagine Peter Capaldi singing and playing this song on a lazy summer evening, and tell me you don't melt.
11. "Lay, Lady, Lay" (Bob Dylan): I was a little bummed when I saw that Abbey Road was released 5 months too late for Anthony to bring home to his parents after spring break. Dylan worked out well, though, since 1) he was at the Isle of Wight (foreshadowing to chapter 16!) and 2) "Lay Lady Lay" has this kind of languid, laid-back romance to it that I think goes well with The Vibe(tm) of the whole fic.
12. "In the Still of the Night" (Ella Fitzgerald): Not my usual genre, but I can absolutely see River being an Ella Fitzgerald fan. I heard this song years ago and thought it was lovely. It was one of the first songs I added to the playlist, so I was "writing towards" it for a looong time.
13. "The Only Living Boy in New York" (Simon & Garfunkel): Runs through Amy's head when she imagines seeing her Raggedy Doctor again. Although I'm considering dropping the direct reference in Chapter 10, since it's highly improbable that readers will guess the correct song from the kinda-sorta-lyrics given. It'll always stay on my inspo list, though. :)
14. "Tuesday Afternoon" (The Moody Blues): Of course I had River and her parents meet up on a Tuesday Afternoon.
Tracks 15-16: Just some atmosphere for the cottage holiday chapters.
Tracks 17-18: These songs really were performed at the 1969 Isle of Wight festival. I had to go hunting through various performers' IOW 1969 setlists for something to give Jack his 'haunted moment.' I listened to some awesome new-to-me music in the process, before settling on "Ramblin' Boy."
19. "Gypsy" (The Moody Blues): This song was performed at the 1970 Isle of Wight festival. It wasn't released until November of '69. Having it appear in the band's August '69 set list is a leeetle stretch, but not impossible; it just would have been a "preview" from their upcoming album. (As Justin Hayward explains in the fic, lol.) I feel the stretch is justified by just how perfectly this song encapsulates Ten in Last of the Timelords Angst Mode(tm).
Tracks 20-25 are all directly referenced in the last few chapters of the fic.
22. "Fly Me to the Moon" (Frank Sinatra): When Peter received a BAFTA last year, Simon Blackwell talked about how Peter would sing "Fly Me to the Moon" for vocal warm-ups while filming In the Loop. (Can you imagine hearing that???) I just had to use that one, even if Twelve singing it to River during her labor would've been a much softer, gentler performance than vocal warm-ups.
23. "Time in a Bottle" (Jim Croce): Croce wrote this song when his wife told him she was pregnant. The reason River complains it's "too sad" is because it was released shortly after Croce was killed in a plane crash 3 years later.
Oof. Sorry to end on a bit of a downer there. I really appreciated this ask! The music I associate with this project is very special to me.
I think all fanfic should be self-indulgent, but I specifically let myself get as self-indulgent as I wanted with the music referenced in Time It Has No Day. I picked songs that resonated with me, or I thought would resonate with the characters, without paring down to what would be most recognizable or make the most sense.
Making Rory Williams a millennial Moody Blues fan? Why not? I know they exist because I am one, and I remember what it was like to be teased for it. (Although my peers have given me less flak as we've all grown up.) Making Twelve think the Moodies are boring? Well, I had to go for the Malcolm Tucker reference. Besides, it's good to poke a little fun at your own faves every once in awhile.
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strawberrisoulmate · 4 months
psst. you should share the wedding reception dance scenario :3c
wahhhhhh, you're really gonna make me type all that out, huh >///< (this ended up being super long, so i'll put it under a cut)
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so basically... i had been thinking a bit about how both luck and hanna would be at yours and claire's wedding. obviously.
claire grew up with the gandors and is considered their adopted brother, so of course they'd be there to support him on his wedding day. hell, i could maybe even see the gandor brothers (+ firo) being his groomsmen with luck potentially even being his best man. regardless, they'd definitely be there. and, since the two of our inserts are such good friends, she would absolutely be there as a guest to the bride (you! uwu)
with all of that said, i can imagine a scenario where our inserts are chatting together and enjoying the wedding reception. there's music pouring out from the stage where the band that claire absolutely hired with his assassin money is and everyone is having a great time drinking and dancing and laughing together.
across the room, luck is observing the party from a distance, sipping his glass of champagne as he watches his brothers dance with their wives from the sidelines. isaac and miria are drinking and laughing loudly with a few of the other guests while firo practically trips over his own feet trying to ask ennis to dance. it's all good fun. he's never been one for dancing himself, but he's perfectly happy to enjoy the atmosphere where everyone else is having a great time around him. it isn't until a flash of red hair and a bright, coy smile comes into view that luck's attention is pulled from the center of the room, followed quickly by an arm being thrown over his shoulder before he has a chance to dodge it.
"luck! whatcha doin' all the way over here? there's a party going on, ya know, and you're over here brooding and drinking all by yourself?"
"i'm not brooding. just enjoying the music from a distance, is all."
"oh, come on! let loose once in a while, will ya? keith and berga both brought their wives along and you didn't even bother to bring a plus one? it's my wedding, remember? you should get out there and dance with someone at least!"
"you know i don't dance. and i don't need a plus one. i'm perfectly content to be here on my own. shouldn't you be with your wife right now?"
"yeah, i'm about to go find her. but still, just do me this one favor. grab yourself a doll to dance just one song with and i'll die a happy man. well, i won't die, but you get the picture. look, there's a cute one right over there. bet she wouldn't turn ya down if you asked her."
"i told you, i don't need to—"
"whoops, gotta go. i think i hear my wife callin' me~"
and with that, he spins on his heel and rushes off back into the crowd.
cut back to our inserts talking before we are promptly interrupted by claire. "pardon the interruption, miss, but i'm gonna be stealin' her away for a little while," he says before taking your hand and practically sweeping you off your feet with a twirl. as he's whisking you away, he sends a glance over his shoulder and is like “oh, and i’ve already taken care of payin’ you back for the advice ya gave me a while back. you can thank me later 👋” and then pulls you along to dance.
for a moment, hanna is confused and just standing there with a blank expression. paying her back? what did he mean by that? she wonders to herself before her thoughts are sharply cut off by the silhouette of a figure coming into view. she looks up at the person with curiosity before her eyes meet those of luck gandor. a man she'd met on occasion and had spoken to once or twice, but they hadn't had many opportunities to converse all that deeply. before she can ask him if he needs anything from her, he speaks up and asks her if she would like to dance.
huh? a dance? with me?
immediately, her cheeks begin to heat up and she pauses, stunned silent for a couple of seconds before she fumbles out a modest — and slightly awkward — "s-sure. i'd be honored" before reaching out and taking his hand.
as they make their way towards the dance floor, hanna looks around the room, catching your eye as you dance with your new husband and gives you a confused look, only to be met with a surprised grin back. luck's feet stop, making hanna stumble a bit behind him, before he turns back to her. the hand that had been in hers moved to her waist, resting against her lower back and the girl could feel her face heating up even warmer than before. for a moment, she hesitates, but ultimately follows his lead and steps closer, moving one hand to land daintily on his shoulder while the other gently rests in his free hand.
as they begin to move, stepping and swaying to the music, hanna's eyes fall to the floor, watching her feet in an attempt to both make sure she doesn't accidentally step on his as well as to avoid the piercing gaze that she could feel staring holes into her. she'd never danced with anyone, and much less been this close to any man before, so she was sure that her nerves were very clearly shining through.
"you know, i think you're supposed to look at the person you're dancing with."
"a-ah… i'm sorry."
"you seem nervous."
"well, i've never… i mean, nobody has ever asked me to dance before."
he chuckles softly.
"well, i've never asked anyone to dance before, so i suppose there's a first for everything."
the girl quietly squeaks with embarrassment, but something about hearing that makes her incredibly happy. she forces her eyes to look up at him and he's gazing back down at her with a charming smile that made her heart harshly skip a beat.
"i suppose i'll follow your lead then, mr. luck."
a nervous giggle escapes her as she quickly corrects herself.
"excuse me— i mean mr. gandor."
"hm, luck is fine. you can drop the "mister", too. makes me feel old."
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and that's pretty much it.
they continue to dance until the song ends and then part ways, but oh man, does hanna now have some feelings to sort through ahah.
she spends the entire rest of the evening in a daze as she replays it over and over in her head and continues to find herself daydreaming about his pretty eyes and his charming smile and the way he held her as they danced and the tingling feeling left on her fingers from how they felt against his hand.
she was already a hopeless romantic before, but now she's absolutely down bad 😂
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
naramis wedding pls ^^
Omg yes yes yes. Okay so.
I don’t think there’d be a traditional proposal. Maybe it doesn’t even really cross their minds to get married until Fugo and Giorno (and probably Bruno and Abbacchio) do. They’re pretty much married in all but name anyhow. But one night, after taking a day trip out to some nice little coastal town and watching the sunset on the beach, they’re sitting together and laughing over some stupid joke, and Mista has a moment where he’s like. Oh my god. I love him so much. And with no pretenses, he just takes Narancia’s hand and asks “hey, you wanna get married?” Narancia obviously says yes and practically tackle-hugs him, and they spend the rest of the night talking about what their wedding’s going to look like. They go pick out rings together the next day.
The wedding itself is pretty casual overall, at an outdoor venue in the countryside (maybe a vineyard Giorno reserved for them?), with all their friends in attendance. Polnareff (who in an everyone lives au is able to return to France imo) and Avdol both attend, and. Okay I’m gonna be vague about this bc I’m planning on writing this fic soon. Hol Horse, who works for the Speedwagon Foundation too, knows that Mista’s his son, and they’re not exactly on perfect terms, but he’s still invited and attends. He’s the only blood family either of them have at the wedding. Trish is their maid of honor, and Fugo is their best man.
They walk down the aisle together, holding hands and giggling out of excitement. Both wear black; Narancia wears a sort of half-suit with a long skirt, and Mista has a tuxedo and one of those lacy veils. Trust me I can picture it in my head. I am very bad at describing clothing. Fugio and Bruabba had very flowery and lengthy vows at their weddings, and Narancia’s and Mista’s are much shorter, kind of silly, but just as impactful, because they fit them so well.
They don’t let their emotions overwhelm them until their first dance. I know I should probably pick a Carpenters song, but I think God Only Knows by The Beach Boys would be a good one. Or something just sorta. Soft and sweet like that. Mista tears up first, and Narancia’s like “dammit, now you’re gonna make me get all sappy” as his hands tremble and they just hold each other close, almost in disbelief that this is happening, that they’re married.
Trish’s maid of honor speech is super sweet, and she recalls how much they’ve all been through together, how glad she is to have met them, and how overjoyed she is that her two best friends have found happiness together. Fugo’s speech is very, very snarky, and there’s plenty of roasting that occurs (“When Mista actually showered before their first date, I knew they were meant to be”), but about halfway through, he switches gears to talk about how much Narancia and Mista mean to him, and it ends on a nice note, wishing the best for both of them.
The music for the entire wedding is top-notch. They definitely put hours upon hours into curating their playlist. They do that thing where the couple shoves cake in each other’s faces. Giorno uses GER to make them a really nice bouquet, and Narancia tosses it. He manages to clock Fugo, who was not paying attention, directly in the face with it. This is the only documented occurrence of one of Giorno’s creations harming Fugo in any way. It’s overall a very laid-back, warm atmosphere – exactly what Narancia and Mista wanted.
Oh and I think they’d either keep their surnames or hyphenate them. Like they’d be Narancia and Guido Mista-Ghirga. Hyphenating sounds cute actually. I think they’d keep referring to each other as Mr. Mista-Ghirga in the days following and get super giddy every time they hear/say it.
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whovianwholikesgirls · 10 months
😍🎵🖋 for Spencer?
The way I screeched once I found this? Thank you for these. Talking about him gives me an instant serotonin boost
😍: things I like about him.
Okay let’s start with personality first. The man is loyal. Like, ride or die for the people he loves most and when you add boyfriendism on top of that? Holy fucking shit. He’d always make sure me needs were taken care of and obviously I’d do that same for him but just having someone that you know is always going to be your rock is super soothing.
Speaking of being my rock, he’s the most caring guy ever and I know he’d always be there for me. Especially on my grumpy chronic pain days.
All of his autistic traits because I have them too and it’s nice to have someone who understands my brain. Not that it’s a personality trait, our developmental disabilities just happen to line up perfectly. That why I fell in love with him because I knew I could be myself around him.
Started learning about my favorite books and music just too feel closer to me/impress me in the early stages of dating but over time he learned to love them too
I also go on rambles on stuff I’m passionate about and sometimes people are like, “Kate slow down I’m not getting the context.” Which is a fair response it’s just nice to have someone who gets it. Half of the time if I’m on a case in the field working doing tech things instead of doing them at Quantico with Garcia, I’m basically the, “Reid translator.” Which is cute. We could literally talk about books and doctor who all day
One of my favorite self insert scenes is when Spence is explaining the Death Star to Morgan and Morgan goes, “I’m taking back the last 5 minutes of my life.” Instead the scene goes like this:
Me: What was it? Your whole conversation about Morgan with the amount of jewels of energy and the Death Star?
Him: *chuckles* you haven’t even seen Star Wars yet
Me: then teach me, I wanna know. Literally the only thing I know about Star Wars is that Luke and Leia are the good guys and Darth Vader is Luke’s dad
Him: *oh my god I can’t believe I’m dating this person heart eyes* okay, *holds my hand just because after a year of dating he likes the contact until he eventually has to let it go because he gets really excited and started talking with his hands* let’s start at the beginning
The physical stuff. Because he’s him and he’s hot and before I start going on my own ramble I’d like to point out I fell for the emotional stuff first.
His hair, especially seasons 4 and 9. I just want to run my fingers through it and there’s a reason why I set our wedding during the beginning of s4 in cannon because I love the slicked back prince charming hair.
You can literally see everything emotion this man has ever had through his eyes and it makes my heart stop.
Sure he talks with his hand but they’re also very pretty. I’d hold them all day if I could.
I’ve always liked guy who ate lanky so there’s that lol
🎵: Songs that remind me of him/us.
Oh I’ve got two separate playlists. One for just him that’s random songs and one that’s all Taylor Swift songs and remind me of him and our relationship. I recommend my spate as told my Taylor lyrics tag because I assign soooo many good songs/lyrics there. Right now if I had to pick a Taylor song off the top of my head if would be Timeless
A specific Taylor song that’s just Spencer coded is this is me trying
Songs that aren’t Taylor songs that I love
Pancakes for dinner - Lizzy McAlpine
Home and Sink Into You - Deore
🖊️: which one of us would write poetry for the other
A 50/50 split. Mostly me because I’ll admit I write him letters in my journal to decompress, but I bet I could write him some love letters/poems too
I think he would if he had a reason too, not in his spare time like I would. For my birthday, an anniversary, or his wedding vows
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twst-the-night-away · 2 years
🔔 Savvy and Cater perhaps? (they are adorable)
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Oh boy oh boy oh boy. This is the one I've thought about The Most. There's a lot down under the cut. Thank you for indulging me. ;3c
Who proposes? Cater
What inspires them to propose? Several of his friends are already married by the time he starts thinking about it. He’s noticing that domestic bliss, and thinking it would be nice to have that, too. He and Savvy may already be living together, but he wants to make things official. (He may have also been picking up on signs from her that this is something she wants. They may have even talked about it, but nothing’s been set in stone.)
Is it planned or spontaneous? Totally planned. Gotta have engagement pics for the ‘Cam, after all!
How, and where do they propose? Family and friends get together for a big party at the LaPerle mansion, maybe for a birthday or a holiday so Savvy isn’t too suspicious. (She has a feeling that it’s going to happen, but she doesn’t know when.) As people are milling about, Cater takes Savvy for a walk in the garden, which is suspiciously empty. When they reach a certain spot, they stop for some sweet couple time - and that's when Cater drops to one knee. He's so nervous. That ring box is not staying still. Please say yes, Savvy, so he can look cool again. Once she does, that's when the rest of the party guests start cheering.
Who do they tell first? Since all of their favorite people are already there at the party, Magicam is going to find out next!
Who’s in the wedding party? Cater picks Trey as his best man, and Savvy picks Caroline as her matron of honor. There are probably several more on either side, but they’re trying not to have a giant wedding. Caroline had one of those already. While Savvy has her sister in the wedding party, Cater makes sure to give his sisters important jobs to do so that they don’t take over all the planning with cute little ideas they found on Magipins.
Where do they have the wedding? A fancy old building that’s become a trendy event venue. Like an old train station or hotel that’s overflowing with vintage charm. The wedding is in one part of the venue, and the reception is in another part, so everyone doesn’t have to shuffle from one place to another.
What is the wedding like? Cater and Savvy stand under an arch of red and white roses. There’s an acoustic guitarist providing all the music, making the atmosphere more chill and casual than a piano or organ would. There are definitely a few moments that make everyone laugh. Sweet vows that they wrote themselves. It doesn’t last very long, though, because they know people don’t want to sit through a long ceremony. (And they don’t want to stand through one, either.)
What do they wear? Cater is in a red tuxedo with a diamond accented chain. Savvy wears a tea-length lacy dress with a full skirt. They’re both wearing cute sneakers - his are red, hers are lace. The object here is to look good, but also be comfy and ready to dance the night away at the reception! 
Do they have a reception? Yes, and it’s going to be amazing. This is where most of the planning and money goes. Since all their good friends and family are going to be there, they want to party! There’s going to be a live band and a big space for dancing. The menu will be a perfect blend of Shaftlands and Port o’Bliss cuisine. Of course, the whole thing is going to be super Magicammable. Flowers everywhere, dreamy hanging lights, a photo booth, custom cocktails (one spicy, one peachy), a sparkler sendoff … it’s almost going to be too precious. And you KNOW they have a wedding hashtag. Post your reception pics to #LaPerlesADiamondNow!
What's their first dance song?
Where do they go for their honeymoon? They spend a week at a cute little private cabin at an island resort. Some days, it’s shopping and excursions, and some days it’s just lounging at the beach. Sea-loving Savvy will have to practically be dragged back. They’re going to be … kind of insufferably cute for a while, both in real life and on Magicam. You’ll have to pardon them. They’re riding the wave.
[ I had some specific things in mind for them that I couldn't find on free stock image sites, so here are links to where I found the photos: Drinks / Cake topper / Dress / Lace sneakers / Ring / Tuxedo / Red sneakers / Dance floor / Sparkler ]
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Hii could i please get a BoB easy company ship? Btw I love your work!!
I’m a female (she/her) I am energetic, i have big heart, i’m funny I love to chill and listen to music. I have a little bit of a short temper, i’m stubborn, but i’m very loyal and stick up for the people i love, I can be a little emotional at times, i love to cook, i’m a dog lover, and i’m competitive and passionate. I Make up my own rules. i love scary movies. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and maybe little ocd. i’m very short, (5.0) I have brown eyes, wavy light brown hair, big lips, freckles, button nose, and an olive skin tone. I have high standards, i’m sympathetic, i’m an INTP, My hogwarts house is Hufflepuff ( even though i tried to be a slytherin so bad 😭) My love language is physical touch and acts of service, I grew up with brothers so i love watching sports and playing them. I’m a sagittarius, I like to play the piano, and read and write in my free time. and In the summers I love to fish and swim at my boathouse. And springtime is my favorite season.
hi dear!! thanks for reaching out :) i hope you have a super fun new year with lots of good health and happiness !
I ship you with:
Don Malarkey from Band of Brothers!
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ship theme song: The Prom by Urban Cone
y'all are definitely the fun-loving couple!
and so cute together!!
when you and Malark enter a room together
the party starts!
he loves your button nose <3
he'll kiss your lil nose every chance he gets!
and even though he's not really a fan of his own freckles
thank you years of embarrassment from relentless high school teasing
he adores your freckles
he would count them all like the stars in the sky if you let him
i think a gryffindor/hufflepuff couple is just what the world needs rn :)
i can see Skip and Penk razzing you both for not dating each other right away
but Malark is like, "look, i would rather start out as friends than jump head-first into dating"
he's seen too many relationships fizzle out that were built on shallow feelings and sex alone
so your friends -> lovers slow burn starts
and it is well worth the wait!
you both get to grow together and learn each other's ticks
in fact, your first real date together is just another night in at your place
Don lets you do most of the cooking
since you enjoy it and are really good at it :)
plus his own cooking experiments during the war were like a science experiment gone wrong
literally just go ask Buck
you probably end up watching a scary movie together on the couch
which leads to something more... ;)
it's canon now: you're having a springtime wedding!
Malark in the spring is something to behold <3
the bright pinks and yellows of the baby flowers really bring out the redness in his hair <3
Don can teach you how to keep a tighter reign on your temper
sometimes you just have to pick your battles
and Don will be the first to tell you that
and you can teach him that having high standards and not settling can be a form of self-care and preservation
he is so proud of you for sticking up for your loved ones
i swear Malark's heart grows 3x in his chest
especially when he sees you with the puppy you eventually adopt together
Don isn't always the most patient man
so I can't promise he'll be the best fishing partner
but if you let him bring the dog with you
i can assure you that they'll bring you endless hours of entertainment :)
Don also grew up with lots of siblings so he can relate to you that way
he's more than happy to give you hugs and kisses in public to fulfill your physical touch love language <3
Malark loves quality time
anytime he can spend just the two of you together is golden
his favorite moments with you are rowing you down the Columbia River in Oregon in his canoe
or just tossing a ball back and forth with you in your backyard <3
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