#manga hd
icecream-puffu · 1 year
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I am very normal
I am so normal
I am the most normal
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bluury2 · 3 months
I keep forgetting to do this:
Have some reaction images from the four swords manga guys <3
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saichi-san · 1 month
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Okami - Traditional Art by me
My Deviant Account
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soulfullofstarx · 11 months
op girls appreciation post
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maythebaebewithyou · 4 months
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gabbyp09 · 6 months
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usersukuna · 15 days
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someone remind me, is it canon that the terrorist sadists turned whores for good gossip about their little gremlins' war crimes while taking the munchkins for their nature walk???
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meepmeep19 · 8 months
Out of all the Hunting Dogs members, Tachihara rly seems to be the closest to Jouno (after Teruko ofc) But why is that the case?
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I mean just LOOK at how proud Tachihara looks in this panel after receiving that praise from Jouno! It’s sooo cute I-😭 But why is Tachihara so close to Jouno of all people?
Well I HC that when Tachihara first joins the HD, his criminal background makes him understandably very distrustful/fearful of everyone else. It feels less like the HD are his coworkers and more like they’re just cops keeping an eye on him, just waiting for when he’ll inevitably slip up so they can finally lock his ass away. He just can’t get that criminal-cop mindset out of his head yet.
Jouno was the only person that could understand and relate to Tachihara considering he was also a formal criminal (tho I don’t think he was ever scared of the HD, he still felt that same distrust in his first couple years as well)
And so to make Tachihara feel more comfortable/calm (cuz he’s actually starting to care for the boy getting sick of constantly hearing Tachihara’s too fast heart beat) Jouno decides to casually bring up all the stupidly profitable crimes Tachihara could’ve committed with his ability, going into suspiciously criminal amounts of detail. Most of the heists that he brings up r stuff that he himself was planning to do in the mafia before he got arrested. Jouno talks about this to help remove the whole ‘HD-dangerous-cop’ association that Tachihara has made.
At first Tachihara is very suspicious and hesitant to answer, assuming this must be some sort twisted way to set him up. But then he realizes Jouno just genuinely enjoys talking about crimes as if they aren’t surrounded by Japan’s elite police force. And yet no one ever actually does anything to Jouno, even tho everything he says is so illegal, that he should’ve already gone to prison 20 times over just for even uttering half that stuff lol.
These conversations rly help Tachihara to stop seeing the HD as just ‘cops’ and he immediately begins to open up. Soon he and Jouno r having like hour long conversations, literally just discussing various heists in great detail.
They make Tetchou slightly uncomfortable with their blase view of big time crime so every time they start talking about this stuff, Tetchou just silently walks out of the room lol (Jouno 100% teases him for that, constantly inviting him to join their conversations, to which Tetchou always politely declines lol)
Ofc, to remind Tachihara that at the end of the day, they ARE still just only coworkers (not friends), Jouno likes to end their conversations laughing, saying ‘Of course, if you were to actually try any of this, I would not hesitate to gouge your eyes out and feed them to the dogs’ which always keeps Tachihara from being too casual.
Despite that tho, Tachihara can’t help but still see Jouno as older brother figure. A terrifying brother figure, but a brother figure nonetheless. In some ways, he actually somewhat prefers his relationship with Jouno than that with his actual brother. Don’t get me wrong: he still loves his brother but… unlike with his brother, no one pressures him to be like Jouno; if anything, they actually discourage Tachihara from becoming too much like him lol.
The HD never make him feel like he HAS to live up to anyone. Instead they actually want him to become his own person so he can add something unique to the team. They never make him feel like he’s not enough. And that just means so much to someone like Tachihara, who spent his whole life feeling so inadequate compared to perfection of the dead.
So yeah, that’s how Jouno and the Hunting Dogs became Tachihara’s found family
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urbcsa · 3 months
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"" one minute , I HELD THE KEY --- next the walls were closed on me . . . and i discovered that MY CASTLES STAND , upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand . . . "" ' viva la vida ' by coldplay .
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
The ADA tradition of dating a member of an enemy organization is unmatched really
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rising-defiance-au · 5 months
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Close-up of Kent getting annihilated by bullets because he looks cool:
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freeprincessnastia · 2 months
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I want my feet to be filled with love 🥰🦶🏻
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thedevilsrain · 4 months
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eroica dust jacket and stickers if you care
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marshmallowgoop · 9 months
No effects versus effects comparison for this video.
I sometimes feel like I'm at the point in my life where I can't learn any more new skills, but video editing always loves to prove me wrong. Just about every AMV I post involves trying something I haven't before, and this video is no exception. It's got glitching VHS effects, "expression shakes," eye-reflection zooms, and more—sometimes made without any tutorial to show me the way! Using what I know to apply effects I want to apply has been such a rewarding, powerful experience.
As a viewer, the highlight of the effects work in this video is likely the VHS look (which often involves actual VHS footage! That I... messed up with static recorded from my VCR and other filters to "look more like VHS footage"). But as an editor, my highlight is the amount of masking—the most I've ever done for any AMV thus far.
Two years ago, I never would have imagined putting together such an effects-heavy AMV, and it is beyond neat to me that creating this kind of fanwork is now in my toolbox. Video editing brings me so much joy.
English translation for the song, "Mohan Kaitou" by NormCore, is once again courtesy of blenderfullasarcasm!
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