#mannn why am I so sad over something I should not be so sad over
calibreon · 4 months
Tag talkin'
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grandparomeaskblog · 1 year
"What's this for," Romulus asked hesitantly "...are you trying to bribe me or something?" Sadik laughed softly"No, why? is it a crime to spoil you?" "As a matter of fact, it is. I can not accept unless you tell me. Something is ... off. You don't need to give me anything if you want to get laid. You better not. It's not diplomatic. People might mistake it for payment and then hell boils over" "Hell boiling over, over some flowers?" He would have laughed really loud if it wasn't for the look on Romulus face. "I'm talking war over some flowers yeah... not risking that. You want to ask me for a date, is it not" "yes" "I'm sad to have to decline. I never date nations. I'm not authorised to do that. You KNOW this. Gods why are we even having this conversation. Go take your flowers to date someone modern, plenty of fish in the sea" "You will accept one date. I am entiteled to have a fair shot at you. I have a legal permit so I demand you presence" "What even?" Sadik brings out some legal documents "For real?..." Romulus gasps "... Is this a forgery?! Did you get my brother to sign these, how? Did you sell your soul..." "I would have, if needed. Now no more excuses. It all comes down to you. Do you accept?" "Mannn... I need to think about it" "Bitch what?" "I'm a first timer give me a break.. I should not want to come off like a needy little shit, ok?" "You have no idea how I suffered to get these sighed" "Shushh... don't spoil the moment" Romulus says as he grabs the bouquet greedily out off his hands. "My sympathies, but we are not talking about him... not on my date... So where will you take me?" "Mc Donalds" "Ohh... ok... I had figured something a little more..." "...next to the conference of next world meeting." Sadik smirks "HA! Gods, that is next level... The kids will die from embarrasment. Can we make out there? Do you have access?" "I think I know a guy to make that happen if you like" "...This document is really real though?! You did not forge this?!" "It's real" "I can't believe this is happening" "You're cute" "No you!"
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icharchivist · 3 years
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oh this is hurting SO HARD right now holy shit
the thing is that Azuma really wanted to leave for his own reasons, so it would be easier to cope with the absences. if he gets too attached, then each time they’re away he’ll get himself back in this mindset that bring him so much fear, of losing them, of being alone again. in a way it’s a lot of “you can’t lose people if you don’t keep any close to start with” mindset
so Azuma really believes he should leave. It’s not specifically that he wants it deep down, but that it’s a reflex to try to limit the hurt. It’s more “i want to limit the hurt” than “i want to leave them all”. He’s scared of the new situation. But he needs to be staying there. it’s a good thing that he’s creating bounds again, it’s healthy for him, even if it freaks him out.
But so with this scene... oh my... 
because i feel like. The others reactions can come out as “it’s not like we were close anyway”, that it’s not like they were attached to Azuma to start with, so that may have hurt Azuma more at once imediatly.
of course tho, it isn’t true at all. For now all of them have a hard time processing how to show it and knowing what they all need, so aside from Tsumugi no one sees that Azuma is doing something unhealthy, 
Hisoka barely comments on it, like he’s barely processing. At this point he’s still clumsily figuring out how much he wants to bound so i don’t think he’s processing the whole thing well, though his voice on it is pretty sad.
Homare of course has this whole problem with reading people’s true feelings, and Winter is especially bad because they’re not upfront about their feelings, so when you leave him to guess what is happening, he will take the problem logically and at face value. Of course it flew over him that Azuma was doing all that because he was hurting, it’s not like Homare knows how Azuma shows he’s hurt anyway. It’s not like any of them do.  Though i’d give to him that with that “may” Homare is even more trying to justify logically Azuma’s point of view than he is agreeing with it per se. Like an attempt to try to understand why Azuma is trying to leave on a logical standpoint and just stating it like a fact rather than a “i would want you to leave”
And oh Tasuku. Acting Junkie Tasuku. As long as it doesn’t get in the way of the rehearsals huh. Probably even more so because Tasuku would see something is wrong if someone doesn’t want to dedicate themselves to theater, so if Azuma wants to dedicate himsellf still, he’s fine right? It’s a bit of Tasuku’s tunnel vision here.  But knowing how Tasuku especially evolves about that mannn because now he recognizes when Azuma is closing in again and he realizes that there’s things he could be doing to help. To see him go “i don’t see the problem” now knowing how he develops to be the one who is especially reaching out for Azuma, not leaving him alone and bringing him back home... oh man i have emotions over it.
but of course the MVP is Tsumugi who is totally getting that there’s something wrong, probably even more because he saw him on the job last time and Azuma seemed unhappy. 
and it’s so sad also from Tsumugi’s point of view because he’s so desperate to try to bound with his troupe, where all of them still have their walls so high, and for once because he worried he tried to reach out and instead it felt like Azuma tooks multiple steps back rather than letting him in, that Azuma is suddenly setting up higher walls BECAUSE Tsumugi is reaching in. And he must feel so bad about it, feeling like he’s overstepping when he’s just trying to help...
god this situation is a mess, between Azuma being so tormented he cannot process his wants and needs healthily, Tsumugi trying to reach out and feeling like he made things worse, and everyone else still oblivious to that because they aren’t picking up yet Azuma’s sadness because they’re trying to rationalize what he’s doing from their point of view, this is just.. a dissonance and it makes me so sad.  .. and of course even more so knowing how they’ll all learn to actually do something about it and i am not surviving this.
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lifeofroos · 3 years
Part 14: back by popular AO3 demand: me
In short: Nico gets therapy from Dionysus. In order to prepare for a session, he talks to Jason. The rest is here on AO3 and Fanfiction.net! 
This Might Be Crazy: Part 14: Arizona Fruitpunch
‘We talked about Bianca. And I think it helped me, even though I am far from having completely worked through her passing away.’
Hades put his chin on his hand. ‘I hate that term, passing away.’ He stared at the table, while I waited. ‘I thought about our last conversation, and…’ he sighed. ‘While I think it is good you sought out help, I still feel like you could have come to me first. Or at least told me about it. Or gone to literally anyone else than Dionysus.’
‘He tried to send me to a different therapist, I did not…’
‘Still.’ He shook his head. ‘I need to think about it more. You can come back some other time. I’ll call you over.’
‘Don’t you want to know more about what…’
‘Not now.’
I nodded. ‘I’ll wait for a sign, then.’ 
He nodded back, I left, and he thought that was it. I, however, still had other bussiness to do in the underworld. 
Quickly, I walked towards Elysium. Right in front of the gates, Minos, Rhadamantus and Sarpedon were judging the spirits. I heard them discussing the purity of the poor soul in front of them. They were so wrapped up in their argument that I had no trouble sneaking past them, to a lone skeleton guard whose job it was to keep trespassers out of Elysium.  
‘Good afternoon.’ He did not answer, but gave me a stern look. I sighed and pushed a few drachmas into his boney hand. Silently, he opened the gate to let me through. ‘Thanks.’ I ran into Elysium, to the Row of the Kind, where Jason lived. 
His soul was sitting by the side of a river. He looked peaceful. My pace became slower. I knew I should not be here. My dad did not allow me to be here and it would only lead to me dishing up the past. Only, dishing up the past was exactly what I wanted to do right now. It felt like I had some loose threads with Jason. 
He turned around. ‘Nico!’ He sounded so… happy that I was there.
I tried to smile, but instead I burst into tears. ‘Nico? What’s wrong? Come, it’s alright…’ While I was still crying, I pulled two cans of Arizona Fruitpunch tea out of the pockets of my jacket. ‘Here… I got us something… I can drink here, don’t worry…’ I took a deep breath and sat down next to him. ‘I…’ I shook my head. 
Jason smiled widely. ‘I am happy that you came.’
‘Thanks, yes, I am happy I am here.’ I sniffed and wiped my tears away. I got the lid off my soda. He did the same. ‘So… how are you doing?’ I muttered. 
‘Dead.’ It was meant as a joke and I tried to laugh, but it made me burst into tears again. ‘Oh, Nico, sorry…’
‘No, no, that’s funny…’ 
He patted me on the back. ‘So… eh… how are you doing?’
I tried to wipe away my tears. ‘You are not going to believe it, but actually I am beginning to do better. I…’ I took a deep, shaky breath. ‘I have started therapy.’
‘That’s so good of you!’ He was so excited about it, so genuinely happy that I said I was trying to become happier. It made me want to cry even harder. I missed him so much. In the hope that the tears would dissappear, I took a swig. I had something to say and I did not want to ruin everything by crying the whole time. ‘I… I wanted to tell you something.’
‘I'm all ears.’ 
I nodded again. ‘It is actually about those therapy sessions. Recently, we talked about Bianca, and I could finally let out the grief about her. Now that that…’ I shrugged. ‘I do not want to say that I got it out of the way, because it is not fully out of the way. Whatever, not important, what I wanted to say is that now I get to choose what we talk about next. And, eh… I wanted to talk about what you meant to me. But before I do that, I wanted to tell it to you.’ It sounded a bit sappy now that I said it out loud, but Jason did not seem to mind. 
‘Yes. Because… I am still thankful that you were there for me after what happened with Cupid. That you made me feel accepted, even though…’ I shrugged. ‘You know…’
Jason softly shook his hands. ‘Nico, what else could I have done?’
‘You could have… you could have let it go by, or you could have ridiculed me, but you did not do that. You comforted me and told me it was okay. And I appreciate that. Not just that, but you kept checking up, even after the Giant war. You even wrote me letters, who takes the time to write entire letters these days? It is just… thanks. Thanks for everything, and sorry that I never told you that while you were still alive.’ 
Jason put an arm around my shoulders. ‘What is there to be sorry about? I knew you appreciated it, Nico, that is why I kept doing it.’ 
‘But I never told you. I never thanked you. I thought… even if it is a little late… I should come and do that before I told Dionysus how much it meant to me.’
‘You want to hear something funny? He is my therapist. He tried to bring me to someone else, but I did not want that, long story, just…’ I shrugged and even laughed for a bit. ‘It’s ridiculous, but it works.’ 
Jason laughed as well. ‘I won’t question it.’ He took a swig of Fruit Punch. ‘Man, I had forgotten how good this tastes. Arizona hasn’t made its way into the Underworld yet, I am afraid. Most people prefer to drink expensive wine.’ He gave me a side eye, which I ignored. 
‘That sounds sad. In the upperworld, there have been so many new flavours released. It is ridiculous! I mean, we’ve got…’ 
After an hour or so, our conversation came to a halt. We sat in silence for a moment. A few more tears rolled down my face. ‘I…’ I held up my shoulders a little and shook my head. ‘I… sorry. I am just… I wish I could come over to talk to you again, but I can’t do that. The more often I come here, the more I will be tempted to dwell in the past.’ The tears fell onto my pants. 
‘I understand, Nico, even if I really hoped... you would not have said that.’
I nodded. ‘Also... I am not allowed to be here. My dad does not want me to chat with the ghosts. I can only sneak in here so many times until he gets suspicious...’
‘I know it, Nico, I know it all, and you would never leave someone behind…’
‘But I don’t want to never talk to you again!’ I wrapped my arms around him. I felt something drip onto my shoulders. Oh, now he was crying too. 
‘I miss you too, Nico, and I miss Percy, and Piper, and Annabeth, and Reyna…’ He took a deep breath. ‘But… but you know what? I don’t often feel sad. Because… because I know you will all have a good lives, and after that, we will all be together in Elysium again.’ He pushed me backwards, so that we could look each other in the eye. He gave me a huge smile and I smiled back, while the tears were still rolling down our cheeks. ‘Now go, Nico, go live life to the fullest.’
‘I will,’ I muttered, while I got up. ‘I will, Jason. And I’ll see you again, I promise.’ 
‘Until then, Nico.’
‘Until then.’ I turned around and walked out of Elysium, knowing I should not look back. I did it anyway, one last time. And so did he. 
A/N: This seemed like a good idea to write. I still think it is.
Mannn I’ve got so many ideas. Not too many, though, you can’t have too many.
I heard about the speculation that Nico has an eating disorder, but I won’t be writing him that way. You don’t have an eating disorder simply because you are not eating a lot. That probably has to do more with Nico having so many issues. If you have noticed, in my story he begins to eat more, because he is starting to become slightly happier. That is how I interpret the situation. That, and also it is a bit triggering, because I got diagnosed with an eating disorder this wednesday (but it’ll be okay. I am going to get help, and I will be better, I am sure of it!) (and I still eat quite a lot, so ‘eating less’ does not equal ‘eating disorder’).
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Forgotten Stories 3: Baby hunter and Daddy vampire (you guessed it, Mortal Instruments)
jace signed softly as he waited at the cafe. He was annoyed something fierce as the former mundane turned vampire Simon had flat out SUMMONED here to the late night dinner, saying that they NEEDED to talk. Jace, who had better things to do, and money to make was understandably vexed and as he sipped on the black crud that this greasy spoon dared to call coffee, he mumbled to himself. "Swear to god, if it's more of my blood he's after.." the shadow hunter grumbled, then set the coffee down and reached once again for the sugar, pouring more into the crud. "How the hell do you not have diabetes?" Came the amused tone of the vampire and jace just rolled his eyes. "you know,. just because you're immortal and can drink anything doesn't mean the rest of us are. i have to make this drinkable SOMEHOW." the blond shot back and then nodded to the seat across from him. "Now you wanna tell me why I'm here instead of doing better things with my time? I'm not giving you more blood..or gum wrappers." jace smirked at that as Simon narrowed his eyes, taking a seat. "ohhh wow, soo witty. I was a rat for a few hours years ago. get over it. and besides, in terms of embarrassing things.. i think you've more then topped me being turned into a rat." Simon said and gave a big smirk. "what ever you think you've found-" Jace started to say, but even as he spoke he was getting a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and then Simon pulled out a tablet, which was already on a certain naughty boys mycam page. Jace's to be exact. "..So did i ever tell you I have a twin brother wh-" "Bull.shit.diaper boy." Simon said and then pressed play on a video.
the video came to life and there was jace, at a playground. it was late at night and he was wearing a trench coat but was smiling into the camera. "Sup my peeps? this is your boy Stinky J and thanks to a generous cash gift from daddy V, yours truly is about to go and take a epic dump in his huggies, and go and play. remember, if you got the money and have a idea, PM me and you can see my cute twink ass doing all sorts of degrading things. don't forget to like and comment." Jace said, dropping the tench coat and revealing that he was only in a paw patrol pull up under the jacket. Turning around and slapping his butt, the blond demon slayer poped a squat and audible grunting could be heard and then with a MASSIVELY loud fart and a sign of relief the the back of the pull up expanded rapidly, puffing out and discoloring as Jace coo'ed in content. "Mannn that feels better.. though whew..y'all should be thankfully you can't smell this!" the blond brat teased, waving a hand and then waddled slowly (clearly making a effort not to let his hot load spill out of the poor pull up) towards the slide. "heh, what do you think folks? time to slip sliding? ..yeah thats what i thought too~" climbing up the ladder it was hard to make out his face from the distance he was at and then the big stinky baby plopped down on his butt (a oh fuck! and gasping heard) and then the big baby was sliding down the slide and-
Grabbing the tablet Jace turned the video off and was beet red, looking down at the table. "...Ok what do you want?" Jace asked. "What i want,for starters, is for you to stop using the money I send you to get stupid pull-ups when i clearly state diapers." Simon said and smirked as Jace looked up at him in confusion, the realization. "Y-Your daddyv!" "Ding ding ding! thats right, you've been a poopie pull up baby brat for a vampire the past three months. i wonder just how much trouble you'll be in when your little clubhouse finds out not only are you a diaper pooping big baby. but a vampires bitch too~" Jace whimpered, it was going to be humiliating enough if anyone else found out about his naughty way to make extra money. add in he was doing it for vamp.. this was NOT going to be good. "L-Look..I already spent the money if you want it back an-" Jace started and Simon cut him off with a sharp laugh. "what makes you think I need your money? I've been the one spoiling you remember dip shit?" Simon snorted. Jace huffed and actually started to pout a little at that. "awww look at it this way..at least I'm not a mundane anymore. that would make what I'm gonna make you do to shut me up even more humiliating for you." Simon added cheerfully. "...should I be worried?" jace asked with a gulp. "terrified." Simon confirmed with a shit eating grin.
half a hour later and there were at a old warehouse that was boarded up on the outside but Simon flew himself and jace in though a window where.. a makeshift nursery was set up among the ruins. "...this is going to suck even more then i thought huh?" jace asked faintly. "well if nothing else, you're more then free to use this for your videos." Simon snickered and then winked. "maybe I'll even be your camera man too." "pretty sure i'ma stop doing the videos after this." jace huffed. "You say that now.." was all Simon would say on the matter, leaving jace even more worried. "now then, who's ready to be put back in a good diaper for a change, not a pull up that'll leak the second you putt too much pressure on it?" Simon asked, going over to by the changing table he had set up in the ruins and grabbing out a stupidly thick and massive diaper that instead of the normal designs one would expect on it.. had diaper fag in baby block letters all over it. "..That has to be a custom job." jace whined and pointed. "No shit Sherlock." Simon chuckled. "Clearly you are the brains of your outfit." "you don't have to be a jerk you know." jace whined, starting to tug his jeans and undies down and Simon laughed again, "really? YOU of all people giving someone hell for being rude?" Jace paused and gave a sheepish smile. "well when you put it like that.., god.. am I even gonna be able to WALK in that thing?" Jace asked, naked from the waist down and shaved bald down there. "Fuck no. but you'll be able to crawl and get on your knees, which is what i want." Simon said and smirked, showing off his fangs. "...I'm gonna be sucking your dick aren't I?" "Awww who's a clever little baby? you are!" "look i uh.. I don't know if-" "oh don't try and tell me you haven't been slurping on Alec's dick like a greedy cock slut for the past year. just about everyone knows you're his cum dumpster." "W-what!? I am not!" jace squeaked and had a full body blush going on as Simon walked over and swatted his cute cheeks, leaving the shadow hunters buns slightly red. "ah ah ah..No lying." "I-I really don't suck Alec off..he uh.." jace's voice trailed off and looking down at the ground, and poking too fingers together, he finished in a tiny voice. "I..I pay him to fuck me.." "oh? don't you think he'd do it if you asked nicely?" "I..uh.. he said he would for free but I uh..asked if i could.." jace trailed off again as Simon started to laugh. "oh my god, your a total bottom bitch! begging to pay for the privilege of getting that cock.. you know i thought you were just shitting yourself in diapers rto buy booze or whatever.. not degrading yourself in public so you can get that dick!" Simon laughed. "Does alec at least give you a cum dumpster discount?" "D-Depends on his mood...c-can i get put the diaper on and suck you off already and get this over with!?" Jace whined and huffed. "...awfully demanding for a diaper shitting butt slut aren't you? you know..i was gonna make you shit yourself before sucking me off.." "...i'm not going to like where this is heading am I?" "Normally i'd say no..but with what a fucking bottom bitch you are you'll likely be creaming your huggies." Simon said.
the alternative to Jace loading his pampers was worse then he had thought, and after getting onto the opened diaper fag diaper, he'd had to watch as Simon gave himself a mild enema. "you know your fucking disgusting right?" jace whined, on the verge of tears as Simon pulled the tub out of his ass and walked over. "right. i'm gonna listen to someone who bounces up and down in shitty diapers for money to get fucked into submission on whats normal and whats not. though don't think i didn't notice all those silver scars on your ass.. does alec just wreak your hole so much you have to heal or need diapies full time?" Simon asked, squatting over Jace's cock and balls now. "Oh my god will you just shut up and do it already so i can suck your stupid dick and get out of here!?" Jace yelled. "alll right, but you know you just ASKED me to shit on you right?" "All of my fucking hate." "love you too." Simon grunted and as jace looked, tears welling up in his eyes, a thick brown log snaked out of Simon's ass and as the tip of it touched Jace's cock, his cock started to go limp and the tears were flowing. "S-Simon please! stop! I do-" he started to sob and simon just smirked. "Shut up diaper baby. it's going in your diaper or down your throat." Simon said and jace just blubbered. the hot shit coiled around his crotch before it broke off and the smell was horrible, making jace hold his nose. "Awww whats wrong, the stinky baby can't take a REAL MAN'S funk?" Simon teased and bore down, pushing out anther thick log and shifting slightly, making sure this would coat the baby fags balls. the third and forth logs didn't go on baby jac'es cock and balls though, it went right into the diaper so it was squish all over the big babies back side and jace had to give up holding his nose as he needed to suck his thumb and close his eyes to keep from just getting up and trying to bolt. "awww, such a sad widdle diaper boy~ don't worry buddy, Daddy Simon is almost done getting your diapie nice and stinky for you, then you can have a cock baba." simon teased. jace just whimpered. finishing up with his smelly load, Simon grabbed jace's boxers and used them to wipe his ass, giving jace a look that dared him to open his mouth to complain then tossed them in a diaper pail and stepped clear of the dumb baby fag. leaning down simon made a face and waved a hand, then grinned to jace. "whew! no more tacos for me! thats rotten huh buddy?" simon teased and the dumb baby just sucked on his thumb and nodded, then whined loudly as the diaper was taped up. helping jace roll onto his tummy and then get up on his hands and knees, Simon then patted and rubbed the back of the loaded diaper, making baby Jace whimper even more but any and all fight was clearly out of the former big shot. "D-Daddy pwease..cock baba." the stupid little diaper wimp whined. "Awww you wanna show daddy how grateful you are he 's letting you see how it feels to wear real man shit huh?" Simon teased. Knowing what the sadistic vampire wanted him to say, jace whined, then nodded. "yesh daddy. pwease wet stinky jace suck your dicky to say fank ku." he whined and despite how much he hated the load in his diaper, hated simon, hated all of this., jace was getting wood. 'whats wrong with me!?'
Simon took a seat far enough away that jace's knees got a little scraped up crawling over, and the crawling he was forced to do only squished the mess around even more but then he was on his knees and looking at Simon's 6 inchs of fuck meat. it wasn't as big as Alec's (hell, Jaces was sure there were horses who weren't as hung as Alec) but the fact that he was going to suck anther mans dick while wearing his shit just had the poor bottom bitch in total sub mode and he leaned forward and planted a big sloppy kiss on the cock head as Simon moaned. Opening his mouth he took the vamp cock in slowly, worried about gagging till the whole thing was in his mouth, going down his touge and he had a nose full of musky pubes. the taste..wasn't so bad as as jace pulled his head back, trailing his touge and making Simon moan he almost, maybe kinda, found himself loving the taste. Pushing back down a little more eagerly the blond bitch started to bob his head up and down the fuck meat with eagerness and Simon reached down and ruffled jace's hair. "Fuck..fuck..good boy Jace. I knew you'd love this.. just a little fucking diaper fag.. Fuck..I'm gonna have you in diapers 24/7..just a total fucking diaper bitch for my amusement." Simon was groaning and jace in his horned up state moaned around the vamp cock. "Fucking knew you'd like that..Not gonna out you to your widdle friends but you're gonna be my little diaper bitch from now on..Mine. and you're not healing your ass next time Alec breeds you either..i want you helplessly shitting yourself while hunting demons." Simon was panting now, regretting the fact that he had edged all day to the thought of what he was going to do to jace and knew he couldn't last too much longer. "Gonna fucking dress you like a toddler and take you to the park in the day. let all the kids see you in your t-thick massive diapers..L-let them spank you.." Simon added and then noticed that jace was reaching back, mushing the mess around in his poofy diaper while worshiping his new daddies cock. "Ha! knew you'd love my shit! Get ready baby boy, time for you first of MANY loads of daddy milk!" jace pulled back and with just the cock head in his mouth, reached around jerked Simon's cock hard. he didn't know why but he felt like he NEEDED to taste full on all of the vampire boys load and wasn't disappointed as Simon's cock erupted all over his touge, filling his taste buds with the taste of real man cum. as the last few ropes of nut juice fired off, causing some to start to leak out of Jace's nose, the stupid big baby came hard in his poopie diaper and collapsed, whimpering and moaning. Simon smirked and after making sure that jace was fully out, turned his attention over to a corner of the room, where a webcam was set up. "well everyone, thanks for watching! hope you all enjoyed seeing me use this shadow slayer as a diaper bitch cum dumpster and don't forget to like the video and comment on other things you wanna see me do to him. this is daddy v signing off." he said. After all, why should Jace be the only one to make a little cash on the side?
the end..for now.
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
Waste Love: Part Sixteen
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Pairing: Colson Baker|Machine Gun Kelly x OFC Warnings: Language, Alcohol and Drug Use, Smut, Violence, Angst, Fluff A/N: Sorry this took forever! I know I been slacking plus my internet being bullshit. I should be back on my jam though soon! 
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“So when I get back we gotta get the living situations figured out.” Colson said into the receiver, his phone cradled in between his cheek and shoulder as he focused on rolling the joint in front of him, “We gotta get all your stuff across the country.”
“What are you talking about?” Tiffany chuckled from her end of the line, her voice light and airy and making Colson miss home more than ever before. 
“What do you mean, ‘What am I talkin’ ‘bout?’” Colson asked, confusion contorting his voice slightly as he furrowed his brow before licking the glue of the paper and twisting the spliff closed. 
“I’m not moving in with you, Colson.” She replied, her tone obvious and knowing. He could picture her rolling her eyes at him and giving him that look she always gave him, but this time, instead of making him smile and laugh, irritation prickled through him as he snatched the lighter out of Rooks hand beside him. He ignored the “What the fuck?” from his friend and stood from the couch, his feet stomping loudly as he retreated to the bedroom of the suite.
“The fuck you mean you’re not movin’ in?” Colson demanded as he slammed the door to the room shut. His voice was lowered but still stained with venom as he gritted his teeth and walked towards the balcony. 
Colson heard her sigh as he sparked the joint, annoyance bleeding through the line when she replied, “I’ve already explained this shit to you, Colson, please don’t.”
“Nah, fuck that,” he retorted, inhaling deeply from the joint, “It ain’t cuz your fuckin’ job. I talked to Reedus and he straight up said you could work from wherever.”
“The fuck? You went behind my back and-“
“Nah, stay on the fuckin’ subject, bitch.” Colson interrupted, hitting the joint again quickly, “I want the real fuckin’ reason. You’re supposed to be my goddamn wife.” 
“Oh what the fuck ever, Colson,” Tiffany huffed, her voice raising with her anger, “I don’t wanna hear that shit. Im not some dumb fucking bimbo like all the other bitches you keep around.”
“So now we back on this bullshit, huh?”
“Do you really think I’m stupid, Kels? Seriously? Or blind or some shit?” Tiffany snapped, yelling through the phone, “I see everything, even when I’m not fucking there. Like the three blonde whores that were in the hotel last night. Or the brunette in the bus the night before. Or the-“
“Forreal? So now you’re on some stalker shit?” Colson replied, a sarcastic chuckle leaving his lips before taking another hit, “You think I’m fuckin around?”
“Stalker shit?!” Tiffany shreaked, her voice so loud, he had to pull the screen away from his ear, “You think that’s me being a fuckin’ stalker, mother fucker? Are you on fucking crack?”
A loud, guttural, roar came through the line, followed by the loud crash of something glass breaking in the background. 
“Sounds like some shit a stalker would do.” Colson replied with a shrug, taunting her. 
“Fuck you, Colson. You’re a fucking bitch, you know that? This whole fucking engagement is just as much a big ass joke to you as it is me.”
“So its all a joke, huh?” Colson asked, his lips hissing as he held in a cloud of smoke for a moment before letting it be pushed from his lungs, “Me asking you to marry me in front of fifty thousand people was a fucking joke?”
“Apparently! You flew to fucking Paris the next night and fucked four different bitches, you nasty fucking whore!” She screamed back, her voice cracking and hoarse. Colson pictured her crying, mascara running down her face as she yelled at him with all the anger in her heart that he had in his. Except he was angry at himself. 
He knew people were taking pictures when he walked through that hotel, and he knew that that dumb slut had been recording on the bus, and that someone had seen him in Paris. Cameras were constantly in his face no matter where he was.  He didn’t know why, but for some reason he just believed it either wouldn’t get back to her, or that she somehow magically wouldn’t care. 
He knew better. 
“You know how fucking embarrassing it is to have your engagement in a TMZ article one night and then see one with your fiancé with another bitch right beside it the next day?” Tiffany gritted out, her voice low and seething, “But did you hear me say one fucking thing about it to you? Huh? Or any of the others? Huh?”
Grinding his teeth together, Colson couldn’t even get his jaw to open as he ground out a “No.”
“And now you wanna throw a fucking tantrum and wonder WHY I won’t throw every thing that I’ve busted my ass for over the last year away for you? Why I refuse to call you anything other than my good friend, even though right now I wouldn’t consider you that, either.”
“So what? You never wanted to marry me? Everything don’t mean shit?” He huffed, his chest tightening as he stomped the rest of the roach into the ashtray forcefully.
“Of course I want to marry you, Colson! But we both know that you’re not fucking serious about any of it! I’m not going to call you my husband when every time I open Twitter, I’m being tagged in videos of you with your tongue down another bitches throat!” 
“Mannn,” Colson whined, sucking his gums before standing up and leaning over the balcony, the Italian skyline boring and unappealing to him as he fought with her, “I didn’t fuck none of them bitches, and you know that.”
“No, I don’t.” She replied, her voice even, though still venomous, “When you’re Machine Gun Kelly, you have no rules. You do whatever you want, without consequence.”
Colson knew she was right, as much as he didn’t want to admit it. But he also knew that he was telling her the truth, he hadn’t fucked anyone else but her, which made him all the more frustrated. He wanted her to believe him, but he understood why she couldn’t. His chest ached with the need for her to trust him, but hell, could he really even trust himself?
Before he had a chance to think of a reply, she continued, “I’m supposed to be apart of the family but my own brother has your back more than mine. Slim, Dre, all of them, they look at you like you really are some golden god or something that can do no wrong. They look at me like they did Ashley and Amber- temporary. Which is exactly why Rook didn’t want me with you. He knew this was how it was gonna go.”
Her voice was still low but the anger and hate was gone, replaced by sadness and defeat, “I let you back in my life as Colson, forgetting that I know Machine Gun Kelly too. While I’m in love with both, right now neither one is ready to get married.”
“So what? You don’t wanna be with me or somethin’?” Colson questioned, pushing off the railing and moving to sit back down in the chair, his back hunched over as he rested his elbow on his knee, “If you been feelin’ like this, why haven’t you said shit?”
She sighed again, her breath shaky as she sniffed, “I want to be with you, Cols. I really do. I love you, but if we’re going to be serious then you need to be serious.”
“I am serious, Tiff. I’m not playing when I said I didn’t fuck them chicks. Yeah, I shouldn’t have been doing that shit regardless, but I never put my dick in them. This shit ain’t easy for me, and I need you to tell me when I’m outta pocket. Especially if it got you feelin’ like this.” 
“I’m not tryna change who you are, Kels. I want you to know that.”
“I know you ain’t. But if I want you to be my wife then there’s shit I gotta do.”
Colson took a deep breath and let it out in a whoosh, relief flooding through him at the knowledge that she wasn’t going to leave him. Determination replaced his anxiety and anger and he straightened his posture, rubbing his jaw with his fingertips as he thought to himself. 
“I love you, Tiff. An’ I don’t care what you say, you’re gonna marry me. I’mma prove to you that I’m serious about this shit, for real.”
She let out a chuckle, the sound making him smile, “I hope so, Kels. Just stop with the moving shit, please?”
His smile widened as he let out his own snort, “Oh, baby, gimme a month and you’ll be the one begging to move in.”
Tiffany sat at the baggage claim, scrolling through her Instagram feed with a bored look on her face while she waited for her luggage to come through the revolving belt. She smiled at the screen in her hand, unable to keep the eye roll from appearing as she watched her brother’s story. A obviously drunk Colson pointed to the camera, his grin goofy and pale eyes unfocused.
“What do you wanna say to the folks at home, Kels?” Rook laughed, his own voice laced with inebriation.
“I jus’ wanna say that I fucking love you, Tiffany Cappalletty.” Colson slurred, his lips puckering as he leaned in to kiss the phone, “Muah! I love you baby, I miss you, and I’ll be home soon!”
Tiffany snorted and shook her head, clicking the screen closed when she finally spotted the black and purple luggage being spat out of the machine. 
She cocked and eyebrow at the man standing in front of her when she turned around after pulling her bag off the conveyor belt, “You seen me struggle with that shit and just let it happen, asshole.”
“It was cute. Plus I wanted to see the pride in your eyes when you got to done.” Her father responded with a shrug, pulling her into his side as his arm wrapped around her shoulders. “How was your flight, baby girl?” 
“Fine, when the thing finally took off.” She scoffed, shaking her head as they headed towards the exit and into the parking garage. 
“Everything’s all set up, right?” Tiffany questioned, her eyes narrowing as she looked to her dad over the top of the car after opening the door, “You did what I asked?”
“Yes, dear,” he replied sarcastically, smirking at his daughter before climbing into the vehicle, “Only one small issue.”
“Oh Lord,” Tiffany whined as she plopped herself into the seat with a groan, “What the fuck happened?”
“Nothing major,” Pop clarified, smirking at her as he reversed out of the parking space, “Just a small change of plans.”
The ride back to her dads house was easy and quick as the duo talked and listened to music like they always did, and Tiffany’s smile was beaming when they finally pulled into the drive way. 
It faded, through, when she noticed how many cars where parked around the street. 
“Daaaad, they fucking didn’t!” She groaned, stomping her feet childishly before pushing the door to the car open and climbing out, “Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Her father’s explanation iwas cut short when the front door of the house burst open, Colson, Rook, Slim, and Baze all bounding out recklessly with beaming smiles on their faces.
“Tiffanyyyyyy!” Slim screeched before tackling the poor girl, a deep whoosh of breath leaving her when her back hit the plush grass. A dog pile ensued, with Colson being the at the top, Tiffany’s breath crushed out of her but a smile still planted across her face. 
“Get the fuck off me, assholes!” She choked, smacking Slim’s side and Rook’s head the best she could. The boys rolled off of her, all laughing as they pulled her to her feet. Colson snatched her hand easily and reeled her into him, his lips attaching to hers as his long arms wrapped around her tiny frame. 
“Tryna throw a party without me, I see.” Colson teased, nodding his head to towards the thumping music coming from the house.
Tiffany smirked and rolled her eyes, her hand coming across to smack his chest, “You’re the one that started without me.”
“Well lets go play catch up, girl!” Her father laughed, waving everyone inside.
Colson pulled her into his side, his arm draped over her shoulders as he leaned in to kiss her temple. “It’s good to be home.”
“Yeah,” she replied, looking up to him with a smile, “it really is.”
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Tags:  @cobainscocaiine @coffee-obsessed-writer @through-thesilver-lining @daryldixonandfrogs @buckyscrystalqueen @mgkobsessed @iamdorka @creatureofthen1ght-v3 @xxencagedxx @xxkellsvixen19xx  @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @bvibunny138 @crystalbaby12 @abbysdogcollar
*credit for the bomb ass banner is to best friend @coffee-obsessed-writer
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hermitknut · 5 years
A:TLA watch, part 13
All of my posts on this are here.
*singing quietly* I’m not rea-dy, I’m not rea-dy…
The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion
Ooo everyone’s back in their regular colours! Apart from aang, who I guess is still in disguise.
“pants are an illusion, and so is death” I’m so here for this, honestly
The boulder and the hippo! XD
Omg I didn’t think we’d see so many people from the previous episodes!! This is hilarious
NEW GLIDER why do I have so many feelings about this. IT’S BLUE AHHHH
Breathe sokka XD
Omg sokkkaaaaaaa
Appa in armour! Aang’s shaving his head!! The tension builds!!!
And the reverse, I love the inversion – zuko taking off his armour
“that was just public speaking, and noone’s really good at that” lolllll
Also I love that appa has a little bubble for his head XD
“it is better that you are not here this afternoon” oooo is iroh going to escape??
The kisssss awww
ZUKO???? Are you… running away???
Okay I’m mostly just staring at all the action here but I did have to pause to ask what the fuck of the tanks that curl over things like centipedes…
Oh noooo dad’s hurt :(
Maaan that shot of aang just perched on the rim, over looking the city…. this show is so beautiful
Wait why is the city this empty
It’s gonna go wrongggg I know it :/
“the fire nation is falling back” no no no this is too easy I don’t TRUST IT
Goddamn next episode is on an entirely different DISC how can I be expected to deal with this… *grumble grumble*
  The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse
This whole thing has both “trap” and “azula” written all over it, honestly :/
I love the whole planning meeting, it really shows how much everyone’s grown
Love toph giving her fingertips a little kiss before metal bending XD
Lolll at the guy who just gives them directions. smart. XD
Oh mannn the parallel of zuko going to see his father!!
“we’ll never surrender!” *firebending makes a sad little farting noise* “okay we surrender” boy this town is full of smart people today lol
“what an amazing lie that was” ZUKO GO OFF HELL YES
Lolll at azula flying over sokka
Oooo that dig at sokka :/
“I’m going to join the avatar” YES YES YES YES
“don’t you want to know what happened to your mother” oh goddd azula gets it from her dad doesn’t she
Oh god I know I should be worried about the end of the eclipse but I was too busy punching my hands in the air because ZUKO DEFLECTED LIGHTNING
“sounds like the firebending’s back on” oh my god azula XD
Aww listen to the smart children and their “live to fight another day” policy, I’m so proud
Oooo I love aang using his glider to punch through the balloon
Ahaha and iroh’s already gone, too late zuko!
They’re gonna leave the adults behind :(
“we tasted victory and that counts for something” ahhhhh
Aang’s little speeeech godddd
ZUKOOOOOOOOO zuko stalking people in an air balloon is not how you make friends, but I like that you’re trying XD
  I think that’s all my heart can handle tonight, but I’ll hopefully be back tomorrow!!
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dewprisms · 5 years
kh3 spoilers idk tumblr keeps not saving them and idk what i was doing last :/ but this will be the last one unless there’s DLC or something
this terranort scene....everyone sure is taking their time to attack him
kairi where is your keyblade seriously??? maybe you should have it out???? why are they making her a fucking damsel in distress again
so Donald and Lea get hurt because Kairi’s too dumb to not have her keyblade out with monsters around what the FUCK was the point of her training if they’re making her NOT DO A DAMN THING EXCEPT BE A D-I-D
god is THIS why I saw posts about people being upset over kairi’s treatment? Because they don’t even have to do ANYTHING? or is it about to be worse?
....and Aqua just....doesn’t even try, she just drops her blade and lets go
this entire scene is suppose to be sad but I’m just getting pissed off at how FUCKING STUPID they all are
“where am i” looks like heaven, ur dead kid
....Chirithy def has Kairi’s? voice, def the voice of another character but higher pitched
oh shit Sora’s ACTUALLY dead
is....that xion?
...is this Chirithy....Ven’s Chirithy?
Lea never did change into his new clothes
oh, NOW I actually unlocked KG as an actual world
what....did time rewind? it’s the same scene...
LW!!!! Terra’s back!!
oh my god, THIS is where all the KHUX names come in? We help Sora fight the Darkness Tornado
aww, I didn’t see my name :( that didn’t seem like 300 tho
oh, so it IS KH1 Riku
there he is, my love!!! aand he’s gone
oh no, Mickey’s starting to lose hope
oh dang, Mickey knows Time magic? not Stop, but Time
man this is why he’s the most powerful magician in the series
oh shit there are 2 girls.....is it really xion?
mannnn Xehanort’s voice is sooooo bad and the accent just gets worse and worse like the dude isn’t even trying to hide it
where’s Terra? He’s not back yet
oh Luxord’s not dead
oh god, I have to fight ALL FOUR of them with Mickey
nvm, just me vs 3
nvm that was easy, just ignore larx and marly
oh, Luxord’s helping....and he dies again
where’s mar and larx tho. i didn’t kill them
oh, larx only helped to stay with marluxia....cause of their past in khux...
marly lost his memory too?
now i gotta kill my bf again....
yup, he never got one....xehanort lied to him....
they’re so mean to him :((((((((((( I mean he deserved it yeah but
im legit upset
oh no, it is repliku, not past riku....
the real repliku....is giving ups his chance of life for namine......
wow......kairi got hit twice and fucking passed out....she’s worse than donald.....she didnt do any damage and got knocked out way too fast...
xion :(
also-ran??? wtf is that
SSIC trio is back!
who the FUCK is “her” they keep talking about
so Saix was more bitter over over not just him but this mysterious girl they were searching for
nooooooo he died in Lea’s arms (also? apologize to Xion for how you treated her you fuck)
...so Xion’s hair is brown now....?
Also....why was Xion with them in the first place??? They NEVER said why
naturally, aqua vs terranort and ven vs van
JHBSJKKSD I killed Terranort and ALL he said was “ow??” like he hit his arm on a door
I don’t think they understand that Vanitas didn’t have a choice, he “chose” darkness because he IS darkness, that’s literally what he is, he never had a choice to be what he wanted, he can’t be with light because Ventus is his light
jfc Terranort shook them around so much they passed out
Holy shit IS THE THEORY TRUE??? The guardian is Terra’s Heartless!!!
so Guardian = Heart, Terranort = Body, LW = Soul, dude was literally split into the 3 states
fucking....they took Kairi to force them to fight the last fights....instead of LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE!!!! if Kairi is so fucking weak as they’re writing her to be, it would’ve been more beneficial to kidnap one of the stronger people (like Mickey!!) instead but no they gotta kidnap the girly girl who’s been a DID in every. single. main. game. so far. :))))))))
lmao killed YMX with the Magic Carasoule
ngl I was kinda expecting YMX to betray himself...
Xehanort just sit here and watches these little cut scenes after every individual defeat....
......oh....ansem sod was gonna betray them....but gave up hope he could change anything....
aww Mickey used Curaga on us right before he knew he was gonna get taken again also I forgot to equip Curaga for myself oops I still have Cura on my slots, why does it not automatically equip them now....nobody wants to ever use the weaker versions, lower magic cost or not
what, Xemnas actually regrets being bad to the org? why, it makes no sense from how he was written before
“Why her?!” because she’s a fucking girl in this franchise
im so goddamn pissed off, no WONDER everyone is so mad about the ending
....Xehanort’s VA is......so bad............he has no damn emotion..............like, people talk about Aqua and Terra’s VA”s being emotionless? Nah, this dude really sucks
so Riku and Mickey got Stop’d but Donald and Goofy didn’t (or Sora of course
oooooo Ven and Roxas noticed each other....that’s gonna be a convo.....
“Kairi will be alright.” Yeah after everything’s done and over with to keep her out of the action
............so he gets taken out because he’s too distracted to see the 11 people aiming for him? are you fucking kidding me
so Xehanort...is a portal...to Cable Town??
mannn so the guys in those gucci outfits aren’t even the new org, they’re all just old man xehanort himself
wait wait no, they have all the weapons of the org? so are they them or does he just have all their powers??? nvm they’re all him
god even his power-up scream was underwhelming........
yup, a goat, the sin of Lust iirc
.....that fight...was extremely underwhelming....is that it?
“there is one sky, one destiny” dude that’s kairi’s line fuck off
he just. straight up took the light from Sora and forced him into Anti-Form? ok
well, at least he actually sounds like he’s dying in pain
ERAQUS! at least he has his voice, that’s def mark hamil still
“that doesn’t mean that i can’t be there for you” you’re the one that fucking killed him you lying motherfucker
...so eraqus apologized to aqua and ven, but not to terra who he also attacked? ok
and so the boyfriends ascend to the afterlife together
where the FUCK is Kairi
so the game
fucking ends
with Kairi fucking dead
this whole ending is suppose to be sweet with all the reunions but I’m just royally pissed off
oh, it is Ven’s Chirithy....but he didn’t have his memory come back...
oh! Lea’s new outf- XION GETS ONE TOO AAAAAAAAAA AND ISA!!!!!!!!!!!
they just. found Kairi offscreen.........................................................................
whelp, SoKari def canon SoRiKai is way better tho, as is somewhat RepliNami and Terrqua and MarLarx
wait.....what happened to Sora? Is Kairi actually not back then??
omg, Drake Bell was young Eraqus??? what, it said the Foretellers in the credits....when was that?? I don’t recall ever seeing them.....
............what happened to the card Luxord gave Sora that he said could help turn the tide of the battle? It never came up as far as I can tell..
...uh.....did they forget that Frozen takes place in the summer.....why is the area still covered in snow? it stopped once Elsa controlled her powers.....
yup, there’s Luxu(?) and the KHUX hook, though I don’t see Ava among them
XIGBAR IS LUXU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’LL SEE HIM IN MORE GAMES AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE THEORY WAS- wrong, cause everyone was saying he’s the Master of Masters
oh, I completely forgot about Maleficent and Pete lmao
oh, so Sora really was gone- oh what the fuck are they in the real world now????? no, what the fuck, the FF knockoff in Toy Box was real?? or is it a DLC hook?
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harkasun · 7 years
Okayy so I recently ruined my life by watching like 14 years of a tv show in less than a month. So now, yes, I sold my soul to the one and only supernatural fandom (courtesy of @downworlderss)
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I just got a couple of remarks for this show and none of it had any structure or order so here we go.
This show fucking ruined me, binge-watched seasons 1-12 in about 4 weeks, my pinterest board had over 700 pins in like a week afterwards
It started off genuinely creepy and then kinda digressed and idk if I just got desensitised or what
John Winchester is a terrible father
Bobby Singer is an amazing father
I was really confused when season 5 ended because I still had 6 more dvds (and season 12 on amazon prime cause I couldn’t get the freaking dvd because being British sucks sometimes) and I thought it was ending at season 5 because DEAN WAS FINALLY HAPPY DAMNIT
It was about season 7 when I got a new pair of glasses ‘cause my eyesight got worse and made the realisation that JENSEN ACKLES HAS FRECKLES WHAT
Called it that Chuck was God from the moment I saw him- he literally fucking told them he was a god come onnn
Dean’s contact name for Castiel in season 11 or 12 or whatever better be a fucking joke because it’s Cas not Cass
I thought I couldn’t hate Metatron more and then he goes and spells his name with a double S and I decided he needed to die
The subtitles also say Cass (on amazon anyway) and.. just no, okay? It’s CAS
Cried when Cas killed Balthazar
Kevin’s life went to absolute shit and idk if it was terrifying or hilarious
Naomi is actually the worst, why do more people not hate on her? She tortured Cas and I am not okay with that I was happier when she died than when Metatron did I’m not joking
Sam kinda breaks my heart
Gadreel was decent, okay? I think I genuinely liked him and I don’t care.
I mean I know he killed Kevin but still
Cas, honey, you’re a wonderful person/angel but mannn do you fuck up sometimes, I mean seriously
Misha Collins is a fucking incredible human being and his acting skills give me goosebumps I’m deadly serious. What with Cas and Crazy!Cas and Castifer and Godstiel and Levi!Cas and MetaMisha I have so much respect for this man and he is a national treasure.. of America.. damnit
I threw something when Charlie died
Lucifer is actually really cute (mainly just when he’s in Sam’s head though) but yeah, I think I love satan is this an issue
Okay but sometimes it hits me that Jared and Jensen and Misha are just three middle-aged dads running around pretending to stab things and smite demons I think that’s beautiful
I think I cried when the angels fell I can’t remember
Fuck Adam, I don’t care about him honestly- if he comes back he’s gonna be a crazy bitch- we should all just forget about him like the boys did
I’m pretty sure Mary Winchester is actually a terrible mother
Jody Mills is a fucking incredible mother, she’s like mum bobby
Season 12 made me hate my own nationality because THE BRITISH MEN OF LETTERS CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES OKAY I was so happy when the freedomsquad rolled in with their whiskey and flannel and UGHH it was so good to see Britain fall, okay?
Apart from Mick, he was okay… before he died
Okay, but the season 12 finale
Dean’s reaction made me wanna throw myself off a bridge
I didn’t even care about the Nephilim by that point
Just Cas’s relationship w/ Dean (I am neutral ground between platonic and destiel atm) but whatever you think you cannot deny that these two fucking love each other and it’s just so damn beautiful
The Novak storyline just makes me cry
Lucifer Cas was genuinely disturbing at times but this fucking line is now my life
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Actually so many things Castifer says and just the way Misha portrays all of the alter egos. It’s just amazing.
When we’re introduced to Levi!Cas Misha freaking Collins wtf how do you do that crazy thing with your eyes that makes you look like a completely different person
When Dean calls Cas his brother and says ‘i want you to know that’ is so fucking important to me because this wonderful being has been hunted by his angel brothers and sisters and Dean Winchester does not idly throw around a word like brother this scene was so special
Castiel’s wings scorched onto the ground just hit me so fucking hard and goddamnit it I can’t deal with that because he’s actually dead
Just… Castiel
-I’ll probably think of a load more this show man…
The car scene with Gabe and Cas and the parallels between them and the Winchester boys
I don’t think I stressed Balthazar enough because his death and the fact that Cas did it killed me.. and him
Crowley crowley crowley crowley
These boys are frustrating as fuck sometimes get your damn feelings sorted out you are brothers for fucks sake love each other always
It’s just when they’re like ‘oh we can’t be brothers anymore how could you do that to me’ and I’m sat there thinking ‘YOU LITERALLY DID THE SAME EXACT THING TO HIM LAST FUCKING SEASON COME ON’
Alsooo when Cas is Castifer everyone just seems to forget that, hello, CAS IS BEING POSSESSED BY LUCFIER DO YOU WANNA KEEP HIM SAFE IS HE YOUR FRIEND OR WHAT. And then Dean goes ‘what about Cas’ and I’m marginally satisfied
This scene
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I always love Lucifer until he goes after Cas and then I hate Lucifer and when he’s doing something else I love him again
This is not devil worship
Sam’s exasperation and the bitch face is honestly so funny to me I have no idea
The fact that Cas thinks so little of himself that the only way he believes he can be ‘of use’ to the boys is BY ENDLESSLY SACRIFICING HIMSELF
Also the way Dean screams Cas’s name and how Sam has to drag him back through the portal to their side in the season 12 finale PFFFH don’t even get me started
So is Gabe alive or what?
So is Cas alive or what?
The storyline with Hannah and Cas was SO uncomfortable
Like, they’re literally siblings and the whole weird half-romantic subplot was just... ergh
I’m so fucking hyped for season 13, give me scooby-doo spn and I sure hope it’s Gabriel because, honestly, who else would put them in scooby-doo, pleaseeee give me richard speight jr
I’ve been reading a ton of fanfic, this has ruined me. There’s this wonderful author on fanfic.net called 29pieces who does amazing fics and they’re my life now
Cas’s eyes yes please give me the sky
Spn is creepy ass monsters and traumatizing characters and heartbreaking scenes
But sometimes they just throw in a crack episode and they keep me sane, honestly. I would be in a limitless pool of tears if not for the crack eps and the gag reels
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Back to sadness
And he sees dean’s blood on the angel blade
I’m so sad about Cas being homeless because Misha and oh my god
Future!Cas also makes me sad because I know it’s funny and all to see Cas high but thinking about the road that led him there is not
Thinking about Cas’s depression that led him to drug abuse keeps me up at night
My angel feels inadequate and I cannot handle that today 
Everything about Cas just makes me sad
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Bitch and Fix: Hunk Edition
I just want to start out by saying that I am PISSED about the way that Voltron treated Hunk this season. And I am absolutely going to complain about that, but then I’m actually gonna offer a few solutions that fix some of the issues the show created by basically forgetting half of Hunk’s character. WARNING: I will be bashing the fuck out of season 2 and the voltron writers. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy the season as a whole.
Problems Throughout the Whole Season
WAS IT REALLY NECESSARY TO HAVE HUNK MAKE A FOOD RELATED COMMENT EVERY FUCKING EPISODE? WAS IT? NO! NO IT WAS NOT! Hunk likes food, sure, but not that much. He certainly didn’t make that many comments about it in season 1. Just- no. It’s not that funny, and it’s pretty insulting to imply that all he cares about is how hungry he is. Sidenote: I’m not going to mention the jokes on a episode by episode basis because there are so many of them that it would be a gigantic waste of my time.
Both scenes where Hunk gets stuck in a hole. Like the first one was bad enough, but the second one was too much. Just- that’s so tacky. It’s a terrible and insulting fat joke that nobody finds very funny.
All the sleeping jokes- thanks for making him look like a lazy slob. NOT
The fact that he was sidelined the whole time to make room for other people’s development. It you have to completely erase a character’s personality in order for your other characters to have development, you aren’t a very good writer.
Get rid of every single food joke. All of them. None of them add anything to the episodes. The only two food related things I would keep for the season would be the Hunk cooking scenes (both in the mall and when he made the lens cookies), because they’re both somewhat relevant to plot and they emphasize Hunk’s cooking ability rather than emphasizing how obsessed with food he is.
Either have some other reason why he gets stuck (his head, or his bayard ejects, or his foot gets caught on a seaweed piece or something) or don’t have him get stuck at all. I’ll talk more about Hunk getting stuck in “The Depths” when I start going episode by episode. I honestly see no real reason for him to get stuck in “The Belly of the Weblum” at all.
Just replace these sleeping scenes with Hunk focusing on some engineering thing, like super focused, and then snap out of it. Same effect, but makes him look smart, not lazy.
I will discuss this on an episode by episode basis.
The best episode to make a centric, in my opinion, is “The Belly of the Weblum”- I’ll discuss this more when I get to this episode.
“Across the Universe”
N/A. Hunk’s not even really in this episode.
“The Depths”
It all really centers around the fact of the way Hunk was sidelined so Lance could be the savior. Which, fine. Lance needs his time to shine. But there was a way to do that without the fat jokes. HE GOT LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE HE WAS TOO FAT TO FIT THROUGH THE HOLE? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO FAT SHAME YOUR AUDIENCE? Honestly I have seen the “too fat to fit through a whole” as a trope in the past, but I have reached peak tolerance with this bullshit. Honestly the next time I see this stupid trope I’m gonna scream.
Ok, there are a lot of different ways to fix this so you still end up with Hunk left behind. He could get stuck for some other reason that has nothing to do with him being fat. Or, Lance could sleepwalk and stumble upon the rebels. Or, they see Lance first, but don’t have enough time to grab Hunk. Or, Hunk sleep punches them out, or literally a hundred different ways to do this without making a fat joke.
“Shiro’s Escape”
Not enough Hunk. We always need more.
More Hunk. Offering suggestions, being his smart self.
“Greening the Cube”
There is no episode that pisses me off as much as this one does.
HUNK, ENGINEER, HAS NO INTEREST IN THE PLANET OF ENGINEERS? NO INTEREST MY ASS!!!!! OHHHH MANNN IT’S LIKE THEY FORGOT ONE OF HIS CORE PERSONALITY TRAITS. He has like four main ones: food, anxiety, engineer, friend. Like, how hard is it to remember? Look, I get that Pidge needed her time to shine, but this is honestly insulting to Hunk’s character.
Hunk doesn’t understand the engineering tree thing. He should have been able to light one of those trees up as well as Pidge. He’s clearly brilliant, if the first season is anything to go by.
The easiest way to fix this is to have Hunk fixing some other part of the shield. He can’t be over there to deal with what the other paladins are dealing with, so Pidge fixes the problem. He tries to offer an explanation that’s just as unintelligible as Allura’s and Coran’s, and there you go, Hunk looks smart and we still have the same scene. Easy peasy.
Ok, the way to deal with this is to have him have a reaction similar to Pidge’s when she meets the robot (i.e. silently freaking in the background). Or, have him be equally involved as Pidge, with him offering a supporting role to her freakouts.
Just have him do the tree thing. Maybe in the background or something.
“Eye of the Storm”
Hunk not giving two fucks about what weirdo chemicals he baked in is a little weird. 
Hunk is the engineer- why isn’t he the one helping Coran? Sigh
Have him be a little concerned over it. Possibly, have him and Pidge learn Altean together- good Hidge bonding moment!
More Pidge and him- have them figure out the thing with the cookies! Tech buddies! Bonding! Excellent stuff!!
“Ark of Taujeer”
Not much to complain about here! Hunk discovering a new lion power! Very good stuff! Him single-handedly holding up the ship to save it from certain death? There’s my boy. The only improvement- make this the Hunk-centric! More Hunk! (Repeating thing of Hunk helping out an alien people- like the Balmerans)
“Space Mall”
Hunk getting in trouble for eating all those free samples- yet another fat joke- could have found a different way to get to this scenario.
A couple of different ways to get to this situation. Hunk could intervene in a conflict between the manager/owner and a customer. He could either a) Be roped into dishes along with the customer or take their place or b) Challenge the owner and have a possible cook off. Or, Hunk could try one food thing, find it disgusting, and insist on taking over the kitchen.
“The Blade of Marmora”
Yet again, barely any Hunk. Man, they really sidelined the other characters for Shiro’s and Keith’s development.
No reunion post Galra!Keith revelation. Where were our reaction!faces
More Hunk. My response to nearly everything this season. Maybe more of him worrying over what’s going on down there?
Hunk reaction face- we know how he feels in “The Belly of the Weblum”, but I would have loved to see his first thought at finding out the news.
”The Belly of the Weblum”
This really should have been a Hunk-centric episode. This episode had more time for Hunk than any episode other than “The Depths” which was established as Lance-centric. Keith should have been given less screen time with ‘mystery Galra’ give Hunk more screen time. He’s a little too goofy in this one (especially him getting stuck-again), but this is a better episode than most for Hunk.
The only other episode that could have been a centric was “Ark of Taujeer”, but that’s also got a lot of Allura and Keith stuff. In this episode the only people that Hunk has to fight for screen time are Keith and ‘mystery Galra’. Keith had his own centric and was featured heavily in several episodes, so it wouldn’t matter to much if he was sidelined for this episode. Have Hunk be responsible for the majority of the smart stuff regarding the Weblum, and just spend more time on him figuring it out. Also remove some of the “bumbling” crap. Hunk’s not an idiot.
“Escape from Beta Traz”
N/A. Hunk’s not in this episode and it doesn’t really make sense for him to be.
“Stayin’ Alive”
Sad about Hunk and Shay not getting to see each other again, but it doesn’t really fit within the context of the plot. Also, would love to have seen Hunk and Pidge helping Slav with the teludav.
”Best Laid Plans” and “Blackout”
Since these are basically one big finale, I’m gonna talk about them together.
Like many times throughout this season, and like anyone who wasn’t Keith or Shiro this season, Hunk is sidelined once again. He doesn’t have much going on beyond fighting in his lion and as Voltron.
One big standout moment for Hunk- that really emphasizes his awesomeness as a paladin.
Final Thoughts
They better give him a fucking arc in Season 3 or I will blow a gasket. Hunk deserved better this season.
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princeyangg-blog · 7 years
i wake up a little late. i check tumblr but vin hasnt been online in the last hour- he must still be asleep! i miss him so much, i love you need to get some breakfast
started reading my book. aim to do ~50 pages today grumpy hhhh i want my bf so Badly im so fucking grumpy im feeling a lot better!! mannn i love my bf im glad this book is nearly over. im developing a paranoia that my bf doesnt want me based on this books narrators thoughts vin has an (assumed) short struggle with deciding whether not to go to a party or not. this struck me out of the blue. hes ‘clingy’? (to nathan). i always thought that was associated with your partner, not friends. even urban dictionary agrees then again, who am i to judge for his vocabulary? or even their friendship. ive entered vincents life for a total of one year so far- and i cannot hope to be more significant than someone who has been best friends for well over 4, maybe even 5 years. the fact that vin has changed his last name to nathans is sure proof of that. in many ways, i am sure nathan has made a fantastic friend. but 'clingy’? how many times we have told each other we were clingy? no one else had told me that. it really did something special to me, and i have always treasured myself as a token of clinginess. obviously, and much rather rudely, i had assumed that he was clingy Only to Me. that i was his Only One. its nothing much. i am sure it was more of a gesture of honesty and admittance of helplessness. i am sure if i was in the same position, id do the same. i never suffered depression and anxiety like vin did, could i blame him? but its all kind of built up. the little nuisances. i havent been too happy with the long pauses between texts. i have no idea whats going on!! i do try and let vincent know what i am doing but it seems examples dont lead. i would have appreciated if at least i was told that there would be slow replies, or no replies.. approaching the end of the week, i realise its kind of been a revelation of many things. first, my overwhelming jealousy. yeah.. i need to get that fixed. shaking hands rn. honestly im such a bitcher about things but this is my diary, right? secondly, my results!!! ❤️ lastly, im in a good position to steam ahead with my preparation for the school term. when i finish this book, ill be in good shape to start revising my english and economics. im an old hypocrite myself, and i am sure that i have done many of the things ive said above. as much as i perhaps like to think- i am not the perfect person that vin sees of me, but incredibly flawed. the thing i hate about myself most is my jealousy. it doesnt seem possible for me to stop being jealous at every single encounter that vin meets without me being there. its honestly pretty horrible to be so jealous the only cure i see is to just Endure it. of course im really sad and wish vin was with me right now :^( i miss him so much.. but it IS a good chance to test myself. a full week!! what a trial. my emotions have been all over the place- a shamble, to say the least. if i could grade myself, id have definitely failed LMAO i am clingy to my bf, and some might say thats really unhealthy!! of course, now i see. definitely over estimated jealousy~ on the other hand, i am glad to be clingy. what a wonderful feeling, to love your partner with every second.. its a reminder of how blessed i am to have such a wonderful boyfriend. if ur reading this vin, i just wanna let you know how proud i am to have you. ur the most selfless person i know and you mean so much to me!! that includes the whole world :/// you are always there as my beacon of light. i should aspire to be like you and keep going, even if I am extremely tired. I realise this now, but ultimately, you have the greatest passion to do things for the people you love. that includes me and nathan. you are willing to walk to my house, you are willing to do Anything just to see me. i had never seen the enormity of that until now. despite being miserably tired, you still went to todays party because you loved nathan! that is an incredibly faithful gesture i have learned from you to never keep my head down. keep at it!!! its half an hour before midnight. feelin grumpy again. why does everything end in stripping and my bf is paranoid ill leave him? grrr id never do that :^( i love him so much i cant Leave him.. id never strip in front of other people except my bf either? that kind of stuff is just... i wouldnt ask someones gf to strip, even if it was in a game. then again i AM pretty childish. maybe this is some kind of grown up shit? no strings attached? mums gone and annoyed me again. im D O N E what a rollercoaster of emotions. i love my bf hes made me so happy aww im Smiling right now please just take me away from home shdkdjskdfn i love you goodnight zzzZZZzz im gonna go fuck myself up and die
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