#mara x jerome
ironicsopsychotic · 4 months
sometimes i think about how mara expected jerome to just get back together w her on her terms, because it doesn't match jerome's behavior really. jerome did what he could to apologize and win her back, he meant it, and she STILL said no, so he gave up and moved on. and, yeah, he didn't tell her that, but why should he when she wasn't giving him the time to even hear him out?
it's interesting to me bc what she expected wasn't jerome's way of being in a relationship--it was mick's. she expected the same breakup/makeup/continue-the-cycle as she'd had before. she wanted groveling and more time and the toxic side.
and on one hand i understand this, bc it's learned behavior and if it "worked" (that's a different post, and not one i can even begin to formulate anyway) in a relationship before then she's going to lean into it again. but on the other hand, she hasn't done enough soul-searching or experimentation to grow out of that behavior yet, and jerome was never going to match what she was used to. likewise, he had his own journey to deal w that never would've worked w mara's pressing expectations, either.
her just assuming he'd take her back after he tried again and again and again has always been odd to me, and now that i'm undoing the toxic mindsets my ex put me through, i get it: she just wanted jerome to be like mick.
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
Could someone pls explain to me how the fuck I’m once more in my feels about House of Anubis? I swear every few months this show takes over my brain again and it’s just…
I think it may be cause I never watched s3… LISTEN, they got rid of Nina and they made Jerome break up/cheat (i don’t remember) on Mara and those 2 were my OTP, I just couldn’t keep watching after those 2 atrocities.
Like- my dog is named after Nina, of course I wasn’t going to watch s3…
Maybe I should watch it for some closure… but idk.
I’ll rewatch s1 this week and then decide if I truly want to do that.
Honestly Sibuna is just best chaotic group ever. Especially when it’s just Fabian, Nina and Amber they just worked so well together. (Also, I will die mad that Fabian and Nina were done so dirty, they deserved so much more)
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mask-of-anubis · 2 months
another joy x nina au <3
season 3 au
Summary: Joy attempts to gossip with her girlfriend about the love triangle she just discovered, but Nina, as always, is more interested in boring dusty books.
“Nina!” Joy called.
She’d checked everywhere. Nina wasn’t at school, in her room, or anywhere apparently.
At last, Joy spotted her in the kitchen, hunched over the sink reading some giant, old book.
“Nina Martin,” Joy said again as she walked to the kitchen. When Nina didn’t look up, Joy walked up to her and pinched her waist.
“Ah! What?” Nina asked, startled. From the look in her eyes, Joy could tell she truly hadn’t heard her at all.
“I’ve been looking for you since classes ended,” Joy said.
“Why didn’t you just text me?”
Joy raised her eyebrows. She grabbed Nina’s phone out of her back pocket and tapped the screen. She had 10 texts from Joy.
Nina grimaced. Joy took it as an apology.
“What are you even reading?” Joy asked. She turned the book over and read, “A Complex History of Mummification and Theories on Waking the Dead?”
Joy stared. Nina was silent.
“Why the hell are you reading this?” Joy asked.
“Uh… leisure?” Nina said.
There was no time to dwell on it. Joy closed the book. “Whatever, I have to tell you something.”
Joy grabbed her hand and led her upstairs. When they got to Joy’s room, she looked over her shoulder for listeners then shut the door behind them.
“Okay, this is really big, so prepare yourself,” Joy said. She took a breath. “Jerome is cheating on Mara with Willow.”
It was mind-blowing, catastrophic news. At least it was for someone who wasn’t always “accidentally” waking the dead.
Nina frowned. “Is it bad that I didn’t know Mara and Jerome were still together?” she asked.
“Oh my god, you’re so oblivious,” Joy huffed.
She went to her closet and pulled the doors open so she could change.
Nina sat down on Willow’s bed, watching as pieces of her uniform got tossed to the floor from behind the closet door.
“So apparently, when Mara and Jerome got back together,” Joy said, peeking her head out so she could talk, “Jerome was secretly also getting romantic with Willow.”
Joy pulled on a jumper. “And now he’s dating both of them at the same time – how messed up is that?!” Joy said.
Finally, Nina got on the same page. “That son of a bitch…” she gasped.
Joy slammed her closet closed. “Yes, exactly!” she said.
“How did you find this out?” Nina asked.
“He’s stupid,” Joy said. She rolled her eyes. “I caught him doing a pros and cons list to weigh his options.”
Nina scoffed. “That little rat,” she said.
“I know!” Joy said. “And now, I have to figure out how to break it to them.”
Nina paused. “Wait, you haven’t told them? How have you not said anything?”
“It’s delicate!” Joy said. “You can’t just spring that on someone over text.”
“If it was Amber, I would tell her immediately,” Nina said.
“Thank you, oh righteous one,” Joy said. She crossed her arms “If you’re such a genius, how would you do it?”
“I dunno,” Nina said. “I’d probably be like, ‘Hey, guess what you guys have in common? You’re both Tauruses and you’re also both dating Jerome.’”
“Neither of them are Tauruses,” said Joy.
“Well then just the second thing,” Nina said.
“Why do I tell you gossip? I always regret telling you gossip,” Joy said. She was as bad as Patricia.
Nina stood up and crossed her arms, thinking.
“I just can’t believe neither of them have found out yet. Mara is as sharp as a whip, how has she not noticed her boyfriend is dating her roommate?” Nina asked.
“Because he’s a snake,” Joy said. “And he’s distracting them with all this attention and flowers and bullshit. Do you know what love bombing is?”
“I’m guessing it’s the opposite of whatever you do to me?” Nina said.
“It’s when you shower someone with so much love and affection that they can’t tell you’re manipulating them,” Joy said.
Nina considered this. “That’s so slimy,” she said. “You just manipulate me out in the open.”
“I know,” said Joy. “You’re welcome.”
“You’re telling them, right?” Nina said.
Joy sighed. “Yes,” she said. “I have to. I just don’t want to see their faces when I break the news.”
Nina grabbed her hand. “Look, don’t stress. It’ll be fine,” she said. Joy pouted. “They’re tough girls. And their worlds are far bigger than Jerome Clarke.”
Joy squeezed her hand. “I guess,” she said. “I just don’t want to hurt them.”
“You’re not hurting them,” Nina said. “You’re protecting them.”
“Ugh, why do I have to be such a good person?” Joy groaned.
“You’re cursed…” Nina said sarcastically. “Are you gonna do it now?”
“Willow has her last detention and Mara has a quiz bowl match,” Joy said, looking at her watch. Nina frowned; she didn’t know they had a quiz bowl team.
Joy sighed. “They won’t be back for at least another hour.”
“Right,” said Nina. She crossed her arms and rocked on her heels.
“So…” Joy looked around and noticed she had an empty room, a rare occurrence with two roommates.
“Wanna make out while we wait?” Nina asked, reading Joy’s mind.
“Mhm,” said Joy. She grabbed her hand and took her to her bed.
An hour later, the room was quiet until the door slammed open.
“I’m free, I’m free, I’m freeeee!” Willow sang as she burst into the room.
She startled Joy and Nina, who had been kissing on Joy’s bed. They pulled apart so quickly that Nina bumped her chin into Joy’s nose.
Willow spun around in glee. Nina slapped Joy’s hand out from under her shirt. Joy folded it firmly in her lap.
Willow stopped spinning and caught her balance. “As of this hour, I am no longer a slave to Mr. Sweet and his evil little chores,” Willow said. She flopped down on her bed with a happy sigh.
“Congratulations, Wills,” Joy said. She shared a comical look with Nina.
“Nothing like being free from detention,” Nina said.
Willow rolled onto her stomach and seemed to see them for the first time. She examined them silently. Joy was used to Willow’s wide-eyed probing stare but Nina shrunk back a bit.
“Has anyone ever told said that you’re so cute together?” Willow said.
Nina and Joy looked at each other. “No, they mostly tell us we won’t last another month,” Nina said honestly.
“Or if you’re Jerome, that we should win the Most Batshit-Crazy Couple award in the yearbook,” said Joy.
“Rich coming from him,” Nina said under her breath. Joy elbowed her.
Willow smiled to herself. “I know it’s hard to believe, but Jerome can be sort of sweet actually. He has a sensitive side,” she said.
Nina gave Joy a look. Joy frowned.
“Well, um, I should go,” Nina said. She squeezed Joy’s hand and stood up. “See you at dinner?”
“Mhm,” Joy said, her eyes on Willow, who was smiling at her phone and twirling her hair.
As Nina left and went downstairs, she passed Mara on her way up. Mara smiled at her like normal, her face unsuspecting. Nina wished Joy good luck and braced for dinner.
For a moment, she was thankful she was dealing with a reawakened tomb raider instead.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
Media - House of Anubis Character - Jerome Clarke Couple - Jerome X Reader Reader - Y/n Y/L/N Rating - Flirty Af (Maybe mild smut only a lil bit) Word Count - 1250
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Jerome stood in his room dressed in his best grey jeans, his blue button down and his grey waistcoat. He was humming to himself 'I'm So Excited' as he made his bed, tucking in a black sheet over his mattress protector, then tossing on his grey duvet cover flattering it out nicely, and finally putting his two grey pillows against the headboard first one on top of the other but then he smiled wickedly and put the pillows one beside the other on his single bed. He then sat on his bed and happily tapped his fingertips together. 
Across the bedroom, Alife packs his suitcase ready for his trip home. "Are you really THIS excited Jerome?" 
"Alfie, I don't think you understand." he began, "Seven days. Alone. In Anubis house. With Y/n." He explained, "I am Ecstatic!" 
"If y/ns here you're not really alone, are you?"
"Shut up Alife,"
Alfie sighed and zipped up his suitcase, "Seriously though. I beg of you. Whatever you two are... going to do this week... please don't do it anywhere... non-sanitizable." 
"We'll try," 
"Have fun man," Alfie told him grabbing his suitcase,
"Ohh I will," Jerome smirked, "Have a good break Alife, See you in a week,"
"See ya," 
Alife then quickly leaves waving his roommate goodbye, Jerome excitedly sits in his bed counting the goodbyes that Trudy makes at the door to each and every Anubis house member as they leave for the week off. Alife going to his parent's vacation home in France, Nina is back off to America, Fabain going to his uncles, Mara off to see her parents, Amber going to some fancy vacation spot, Mick is off on a sports trip, Patrica is away with family too. All the pieces line so perfectly together. Until he heard the words that made him jump with excitement. 
"Mr Clarke! Miss Y/l/n!" Victor yelled from the entryway, 
Jerome bolted up and out of his room leaning on the wall of the boy's downstairs corridor with a smile, seeing Trudy by the door with her bag, Victor by the door with his suitcase and Y/n, standing on the stairs having come down from the girls rooms, in her small white sneakers, black leggings, little purple skirt, white t-shirt, her hair in a side braid and her almost trade mark at this point purple lipgloss. He bites his lip a little as he sees her the idea of everything they can do this week running through his mind. 
Jerome and Y/n had been friends as long as either really remember both getting dropped off at boarding school at the age of five and had always been around each other ever since, The two had been dating secretly for the last two years but rarely get time alone given Anubis house always being full of people, the only people who knew where Alife given he's jeromes roommate and Fabian and Nina but that's only because they are also a couple and thus the four work together to ensure no one gets caught. 
He can barely contain himself as Trudy says goodbye as she heads off on a trip. 
"Be good the both of you," She warns, 
"We will," Y/n smiled,
Trudy then leaves, leaving only Victor by the door. 
Victor glared both of them down before speaking as he paces the entry way, "Now, a refresher of the rules. No parties. No people over. No leaving the house unless it's an emergency. No Mr Clarke pizza is not an emergency."
Jerome almost chuckled but bit his tongue,
"Any non-emergency household issues such as blown bulbs and broken furniture noted down on the pad on my office door. For emergency house issues such as broken ovens or clogged showers call the Zeus house groundskeeper his number is on the fridge. My office is locked as it shall remain until I return, no attic, no basement, no fires in the fireplace, and I don't care if it's your term break lights out and be in bed at 10 o'clock precisely and I will still want it to be quiet enough to hear a pin drop as usual. And absolutely. Positively no room sharing. "
Jerome and Y/n make sneaky side eye at each other a few times during these rules almost as a silent understanding that most if not all those rules are going to be ignored, 
"Do we understand?" Victor asked,
"Got it." He nodded putting his hands in his pockets,
"It's all going to be fine, We are very capable," Y/n smiled, 
"You I trust Miss Y/L/n." Victor nodded going to the door, he then made a point to glare at Jerome which was enough of an answer of how much he trusts him, 
"We'll be just fine, Victor. Don't worry about a thing. We'll take good care of Anubis house and each other while you're gone." Jerome smiled,
"Alright, Emergency key and numbers are on the fridge. I expect good behaviour." He glared, before picking up his case and heading out the door he locked the first and then went out the second locking that one too. 
For a moment Jerome and Y/n stand in the silence letting it sink in that they are... really alone. 
"We... are... alone," Y/n said, 
"We're finally alone! No rules, no supervision, just you and me for a whole week." He gasped trying to hold back his excitement, 
She steps down the stairs for a moment checking as if she doesn't trust that everyone isn't just going to jump out on them, "All alone, after so long of boarding school houses and summer camps we..."
"No Victor, No Trudy, No Alife, no anyone. Just us." He offers his hand and she happily takes it so he spins her around in the entryway under the grand chandelier, "We're finally all alone,"
"Finally all alone," They press their foreheads together and can't hold back the smiles their arms around one another lovingly, 
"So, what do you want to do first? We can do anything we want! No limits, no rules, no restrictions."
"I have an idea," she smirked grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a kiss,
He kisses her back the two quickly letting their tounges explore one and another as they heavily make out, He pulls her waist a little till he pushes her up against the wall already egarly getting his hands up her skirt, 
When the outside door opens making them pull apart, Y/n moves around the corner leaning her back on the wall, Jerome leaning his elbow on the wall to his side, and both smile awkwardly as Victor comes back in. 
"Hi!" Jerome yelps, 
"Forgot my hat," Victor said grabbing his hat, even if he lusciously glared between the two of them, 
Y/n did her best not to blush and Jerome did his best not to smile too much but as Y/n glanced between them she glared at Jerome seeing his lips now purple from her lipgloss so she made eye contact with him and rubbed the corner of her mouth which Jerome picks up on any quickly wipes the lipgloss from his mouth and innocently smiles,
"Behave," Victor demanded before he left locking both doors again, 
Jerome and Y/n wait this time to hear his car actually leave, before both let out a quick breath of relief. 
"Wanna go sit and make out on the sofa?" He asked,
"And order Pizza?" She asked,
He quickly pulls her into another kiss, "I love you."
"I love you too," she smiled grabbing his hand and dragging him into the living room, 
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
2020 Grammy Winners: The Complete List
Compiled by Lauren Messman
Published Jan. 26, 2020Updated Jan. 27, 2020, 10:28 a.m. ET
The 62nd annual Grammy Awards were on Sunday. Here are highlights from the show:
Billie Eilish won five awards, including record, album and song of the year, capping a night that also saw multiple wins for Lizzo and Lil Nas X.
Our critics and writers weigh in on the best and worst moments.
Lizzo and host Alicia Keys kicked off the show by addressing the death of the basketball star Kobe Bryant.
The ousted Grammys chief Deborah Dugan is at war with the Recording Academy. In a speech, Keys seemed to reference the turmoil.
Check out the red carpet looks.
See the complete list of winners below:
Record of the Year
“Bad Guy,” Billie Eilish
Album of the Year
“When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?,” Billie Eilish
Song of the Year
“Bad Guy,” Billie Eilish O’Connell and Finneas O’Connell, songwriters (Billie Eilish)
Best New Artist
Billie Eilish
Best Pop Solo Performance
“Truth Hurts,” Lizzo
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance
“Old Town Road,” Lil Nas X featuring Billy Ray Cyrus
Best Pop Vocal Album
“When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?,” Billie Eilish
Best Rock Performance
“This Land,” Gary Clark Jr.
Best Rock Song
“This Land,” Gary Clark Jr., songwriter (Gary Clark Jr.)
Best Rock Album
“Social Cues,” Cage the Elephant
Best Alternative Music Album
“Father of the Bride,” Vampire Weekend
Best Metal Performance
“7empest,” Tool
Best R&B Performance
“Come Home,” Anderson .Paak featuring André 3000
Best R&B Song
“Say So,” PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton featuring JoJo)
Best Urban Contemporary Album
“Cuz I Love You (Deluxe),” Lizzo
Best R&B Album
“Ventura,” Anderson .Paak
Best Traditional R&B Performance
“Jerome,” Lizzo
Best Rap Performance
“Racks in the Middle,” Nipsey Hussle featuring Roddy Ricch and Hit-Boy
Best Rap Song
“A Lot,” Jermaine Cole, Dacoury Natche, 21 Savage and Anthony White, songwriters (21 Savage featuring J. Cole)
Best Rap Album
“Igor,” Tyler, the Creator
Best Rap/Sung Performance
“Higher,” DJ Khaled featuring Nipsey Hussle and John Legend
Best Country Solo Performance
“Ride Me Back Home,” Willie Nelson
Best Country Album
“While I’m Livin’,” Tanya Tucker
Best Jazz Instrumental Album
“Finding Gabriel,” Brad Mehldau
Best Latin Pop Album
“#Eldisco,” Alejandro Sanz
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album
“El Mal Querer,” Rosalía
Best Americana Album
“Oklahoma,” Keb’ Mo’
Best Song Written for Visual Media
“I’ll Never Love Again (Film Version),” Natalie Hemby, Lady Gaga, Hillary Lindsey and Aaron Raitiere, songwriters (Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper)
Producer of the Year, Non-Classical
Best Music Video
“Old Town Road (Official Movie),” Calmatic, video director; Candice Dragonas, Melissa Larsen and Saul Levitz, video producers (Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus)
Best Comedy Album
“Sticks & Stones,” Dave Chappelle
Best Musical Theater Album
“Hadestown,” Reeve Carney, André De Shields, Amber Gray, Eva Noblezada and Patrick Page, principal soloists; Mara Isaacs, David Lai, Anaïs Mitchell and Todd Sickafoose, producers (Anaïs Mitchell, composer and lyricist) (Original Broadway Cast)
Best Instrumental Composition
“Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Symphonic Suite,” John Williams, composer (John Williams)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella
“Moon River,” Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier)
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals“All Night Long,” Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier featuring Jules Buckley, Take 6 and Metropole Orkest)
A Grammys Red Carpet Fantasia
We went to the Grammys red carpet in Los Angeles.
Best Recording Package
Chris Cornell, Barry Ament, Jeff Ament and Joe Spix, art directors (Chris Cornell)
Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
“Woodstock: Back to the Garden — The Definitive 50th Anniversary Archive,” Masaki Koike, art director (Various Artists)
Best Album Notes
“Stax ’68: A Memphis Story,” Steve Greenberg, album notes writer (Various Artists)
Best Historical Album
“Pete Seeger: The Smithsonian Folkways Collection,” Jeff Place and Robert Santelli, compilation producers; Pete Reiniger, mastering engineer (Pete Seeger)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical
“When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?,” Rob Kinelski and Finneas O’Connell, engineers; John Greenham, mastering engineer (Billie Eilish)
Best Remixed Recording
“I Rise (Tracy Young’s Pride Intro Radio Remix),” Tracy Young, remixer (Madonna)
Best Immersive Audio Album
“Lux,” Morten Lindberg, immersive audio engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive audio mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive audio producer (Anita Brevik, Trondheimsolistene and Nidarosdomens Jentekor)
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album
“Mettavolution,” Rodrigo y Gabriela
Best Gospel Performance/Song
“Love Theory,” Kirk Franklin, songwriter (Kirk Franklin)
Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song
“God Only Knows,” Josh Kerr, Jordan Reynolds, Joel Smallbone, Luke Smallbone and Tedd Tjornhom, songwriters (For King & Country and Dolly Parton)
Best Gospel Album
“Long Live Love,” Kirk Franklin
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album
“Burn the Ships,” For King & Country
Best Roots Gospel Album
“Testimony,” Gloria Gaynor
Best World Music Album
“Celia,” Angelique Kidjo
Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
“A Star Is Born,” Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper
Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media
“Chernobyl,” Hildur Guonadottir, composer
Best New Age Album
“Wings,” Peter Kater
Best American Roots Performance
“Saint Honesty,” Sara Bareilles
Best American Roots Song
“Call My Name,” Sarah Jarosz, Aoife O’Donovan and Sara Watkins, songwriters (I’m With Her)
Best Bluegrass Album
“Tall Fiddler,” Michael Cleveland
Best Traditional Blues Album
“Tall, Dark & Handsome,” Delbert McClinton and Self-Made Men + Dana
Best Contemporary Blues Album
“This Land,” Gary Clark Jr.
Best Folk Album
“Patty Griffin,” Patty Griffin
Best Children’s Album
“Ageless Songs for the Child Archetype,” Jon Samson
Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books and Storytelling)
“Becoming,” Michelle Obama
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano)
“De Ayer Para Siempre,” Mariachi Los Camperos
Best Tropical Latin Album
“Opus,” Marc Anthony
“A Journey Through Cuban Music,” Aymée Nuviola
Best Regional Roots Music Album
“Good Time,” Ranky Tanky
Best Music Film
“Homecoming,” Beyoncé Knowles-Carter and Ed Burke, video directors; Steve Pamon and Erinn Williams, video producers (Beyoncé)
Best Country Duo/Group Performance
“Speechless,” Dan + Shay
Best Country Song
“Bring My Flowers Now,” Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth, Tim Hanseroth and Tanya Tucker, songwriters (Tanya Tucker)
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album
“Look Now,” Elvis Costello and the Imposters
Best Engineered Album, Classical
“Riley: Sun Rings,” Leslie Ann Jones, engineer; John Kilgore, Judith Sherman and David Harrington, engineers/mixers; Robert C. Ludwig, mastering engineer (Kronos Quartet)
Producer of the Year, Classical
Blanton Alspaugh
Best Orchestral Performance
“Norman: Sustain,” Gustavo Dudamel, conductor (Los Angeles Philharmonic)
Best Opera Recording
“Picker: Fantastic Mr. Fox,” Gil Rose, conductor; John Brancy, Andrew Craig Brown, Gabriel Preisser, Krista River and Edwin Vega; Gil Rose, producer (Boston Modern Orchestra Project; Boston Children’s Chorus)
Best Choral Performance
“Duruflé: Complete Choral Works,” Robert Simpson, conductor (Ken Cowan; Houston Chamber Choir)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
“Shaw: Orange,” Attacca Quartet
Best Classical Instrumental Solo
“Marsalis: Violin Concerto; Fiddle Dance Suite,” Nicola Benedetti; Cristian Măcelaru, conductor (Philadelphia Orchestra)
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album
“Songplay,” Joyce DiDonato; Chuck Israels, Jimmy Madison, Charlie Porter and Craig Terry, accompanists (Steve Barnett and Lautaro Greco)
Best Classical Compendium
“The Poetry of Places,” Nadia Shpachenko; Marina A. Ledin and Victor Ledin, producers
Best Contemporary Classical Composition
“Higdon: Harp Concerto,” Jennifer Higdon, composer (Yolanda Kondonassis, Ward Stare and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra)
Best Dance Recording
“Got to Keep On,” The Chemical Brothers, producers; Steve Dub Jones and Tom Rowlands, mixers (The Chemical Brothers)
Best Dance/Electronic Album
“No Geography,” The Chemical Brothers
Best Reggae Album
“Rapture,” Koffee
Best Improvised Jazz Solo
“Sozinho,” Randy Brecker, soloist
Best Jazz Vocal Album
“12 Little Spells,” Esperanza Spalding
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album
“The Omni-American Book Club,” Brian Lynch Big Band
Best Latin Jazz Album
“Antidote,” Chick Corea and the Spanish Heart Band
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thechosenanubis · 1 year
The Star Wars x HOA crossover AU [ that nobody asked for]
In honor of being of today being Star Wars day.... here are some of my headcanons for my very real and original Star Wars x HOA crossover AU that will never be written:
In this AU, everyone from the Star wars universe is alive 🥰 ( except for Palpatine... fuck that guy )
Nina and Anakin are besties. Chosen One solidarity for the win! Plus Anakin and Nina would benefit from having someone who would actually understand the pressure of "saving the world/galaxy" on their shoulders!
Eddie would 100% worships the ground Anakin walks on. He would absolutely want Anakin to teach him everything about podracing, and Anakin would actually do it no questions asked. They would be breaking traffic laws on Coruscant every night, but Anakin (since he is an 9 year old prodigy) would never let him and Eddie get caught.
Fabian would absolutely want to be a SpacePilot in this verse! You would find him with Anakin , Luke and Han in the corner talking about ultra-specific piloting moves and being absolute nerds about spaceships. ( nobody understands any of the gargon they spit out.)
Mara would enjoy learning all about the different economies and politics and worlds of the SW universe. She would absolutely spend thousand of hours in the Jedi Library trying to learn more about each planet.
Willow would absolutely be a Jedi in this verse, no questions asked. (and to make it more hilarious... she's Mace Windu padawan. Think about the hilarity of the situation: This no-fun-allowed-ever™ stoic Jedi with Willow who is the epitome of sunshine it's a dynamic I need )
Patricia and Leia would actually hate each other at first sight ( if we are talking about AnH!Leia she and Patricia would be fighting every other day.) But if we are talking about RotJ!Leia, I think she would be a good role model that Patricia would strive to be like.
Amber would be absolutely in love with Naboo's culture and their extravagant and perfect outfits for every event!
The handmaidens would absolutely adore the Anubis girl "Sisterhood" club, and would try to teach them eveything about self-defense! [ just girly things y'know? badass girls helping other badass girls ]
Joy I think wierdly enough, would get along brilliantly with Obi-wan, who would have her for tea every once a while. The two would enjoy some quiet company almost peaceful.
Alfie would be Obi-wan's ( and Mace Windu's) new bane of existence. He would literally make both masters loose their composure atleast twice a day!
Jerome once tried to scam Han, but Han understood his intentions immediately. But I think Han would be actually kind of impressed by Jerome's cunning mind that he would take him under his wing, teaching him all about the SW underworld ( and even how to be a better friend to Alfie in the process yes i'm still bitter sbout that )
KT and Luke would enjoy talking about their family, and how they had hid something important from them until it was too late. (cough*somethingvader*cough)
Mick would love learning all about Jedi training and battle forms ( but i don't know if he would have the patience for becoming a jedi tho.... 🤔)
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parkiiinson · 5 months
someone out there is mafia jerome x mara fic and i'm going to make the graphics for it (it doesn't exist but maybe it will)
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piper-williamson · 3 years
my hoa ranking of characters — least favorite to favorite
not all characters are on this list but the ones i felt like i could rank as of rn. there’s too many minor characters i don’t care for and it’s not that i particularly care for the others i just remembered them enough to rank.
rufus — -70969943853/10
kidnapped patricia. and jerome. and trudy. willing to commit human sacrifice of a kid. threatened them with electric bees or whatever. have had nightmares about him. thrilled that bitch is dead
denby — -10/10
so threatening with her words but she’s all talk. no action. kinda makes me hate her more? but in a different way. storyline is so messy like how did she even find out harriet’s destiny and how did she then decide she wanted to awaken a >hundred year old man and basically a hell demon?? like girl just go work for donald trump or somethin
vera — -6/10
not as annoying as denby but still like what did she even want? to be with rufus? why?!?? creepy af the time she was frozen dead but like not.
mick — 1/10
just,,, there. all he does is be in love triangles and play the sports. half of his storylines are just him leaving. patricia says there’s a man in the house (rufus) and he eats a banana. n who gives their gf and “just a friend” matching bracelets?!? 1 point for not being evil.
victor — 1.5/10
as much as i wanna put him above mick, he yells too much. calm down old man. 1 point for caring for the kids enough to not carry on when he found out about the whole human sacrifice thing. also saving joy in s2. y’know what he gets half a point more than mick.
trudy — 4/10
trudy is heartwarming but holy shit is she oblivious. Is Just Ok with “robert smith” being there even when she has no confirmation of his identity. very loyal to the kids and does protect them from a lot of shit. writers did her dirty a lot of the time.
mara — 5/10
ok listen. i don’t dislike mara. i just tend to favor the sibuna mystery storylines, and all of her stories are more realistic scenarios. that being said i love her helping poppy and i also love the sisterhood thing in s3. but also mara why the FUCK would you fall for mick like he’s mick??!?
kt — 7/10
written into hoa way better than on shows like h2o where there’s just one sentence about emma being gone and that’s that. she wasn’t just nina’s replacement, she was her own person. love her personality and her friendship with eddie. 100% a lesbian. only reason she’s so low is cuz no matter how good she is of a replacement character she still kinda is one and i don’t do well with those. i’m working on it.
nina — 8/10
i love nina so much. fabina is so cute together. i think the only reason i have her so low and don’t wanna put her higher is cuz i always hate main characters, even though i don’t hate nina. my mind is strange.
amber — 8/10
dumb blonde stereotype but who cares i love her. provides much comic relief for me especially in s2. ping pong queen. also love her bday episode. ungrateful for alfie at times. also liked mick but it’s a little more understandable cuz Hot Guy cliche. but was also mean to mara about it. but also a lot of that was mick’s fault #blamemick
alfie — 8/10
class clown who’s loyal af. Actually completes amber’s bf trial list. would go through hell for her. always feeling like he has to prove himself to the group but he’s always been an asset. we love him.
willow — 8/10
was such a comfort character when i was little. for some reason rewatching she was less of one. still absolutely so pure of heart and lovable. somebody get this girl a hedgehog.
eddie — 9/10
cool dude™. top notch bf. peddie is one of my fav ships ever. he kinda gets all heroic in s3 but s3 has a whole set of issues. plot twist reveal of his daddy issues. great development while being a great character the whole time.
fabian — 9/10
such a solid dude. guy-falls-for-girl-first trope to the max. he’s awkward and nerdy but not really cocky or annoying. fabian defense squad for life. point off for kissing joy like dude besides the outfit she looks nothing like nina come on.
jerome — 9/10
terrible person at times, but great character. comfort character of mine. his flaws allowed him to be developed throughout the show. he feels very real and human and i love him.
piper - 10/10
obsessed w her cuz i’m also pretty similar to her. both of us go (went) to music school and love patricia. not that i think she’s a BETTER character than a lot of the characters lower on this list, but this is a ranking of my favs so she has to be above them.
joy — 10/10
also a comfort character. i honestly feel most like joy out of all the characters. similar to jerome in that her character flaws lead to richer development. i live for it. was Literally held hostage by her parents and forced into a cult in s1. most of anubis house seemed to just brush that off. that doesn’t excuse her actions, but i love her growth throughout the series. not higher cuz she was kind of a dick to nina for a long while.
patricia — 10000000000+++/10
again i wish there were an infinity symbol. do i even have to say anything? witty and sarcastic and says what’s on her mind. i wish i were eddie cuz i’m in love w her. i know amber’s the one who went to fashion school, but patricia is a style icon. my gay awakening.
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tinkerbelldetective · 3 years
Jerome Clarke x Reader headcanons
He isn't as into it as Amber, but he will occasionally coordinate your outfits (matching scarves, color combos, etc)
He will tell it like it is, without thoughts for your feelings unfortunately.
Jerome: brings you flowers
You: these are so beautiful! Thank you!
Side-eye; what did he do?
Just kidding he can be super sweet sometimes
His kisses taste like rain
And there is no simple peck on the lips with Jerome; they are passionate and leave you breathless.
If in Sibuna, there is definitely a high fence and guard around tasks, objects, etc. Jerome isn't stupid nor fooled and he knows something is up.
He doesn't even sound angry; hurt, disappointed even. "Why didn't you tell me?" You're ever more aware of the Mark burning across your shoulder blade. "Because you'd get hurt too."
He has a hard time lying to you
Boy is fucking speechless when you get all fancy
Will not hesitate to steal your stuffed animal so you have to sneak down after lights out and see him just to get it back
Crashing on the floor next to him after a long night in the cellar/tunnels and sneaking back to your room before he wakes up
Being good friends with Alfie and Mara
Relentless teasing from Poppy
BUT Poppy likes you, she thinks you and Jerome work well together, and likes spending time with you if the occasion arrises.
John Clarke thought for a moment Jerome and Mara were together when Jerome takes her with him, but when Jerome brings you, he doesn’t miss the glances, or the hand holding before you two enter the room, or the way Jerome’s eyes are soft when he looks at you. And he wonders how he could ever think Jerome and Mara were an item when he looks at the two of you,
You limit any money borrowing to about 20 quid a month, otherwise you will never see it back
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ironicsopsychotic · 2 years
[near end of s2]
mick: mara is so smart.
fabian: why?
mick: i called her on jerome’s phone and she said, “hi babe.”
mick: she already knew it was me.
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joysmercer · 2 years
bc I love your ideas and there's not enough soulmate aus in the hoa universe: which soulmate tropes (e.g. can't see color until they meet, first words spoken/matching symbols/age they meet at written out on their body, etc) do you think matches well with which couple?
ooh this sounds fun!!!
amber x mick: first words to each other tattooed on your skin
mick x mara: you can feel the feelings of your soulmate. mara can feel mick's since she was like 3 but mick doesn't start until after he breaks up with amber.
mara x fabian: their parents give them a book where they can write notes to each other on their fifth birthdays and although they cant tell each other their names/locations/etc (the writing disappears when they do), they can write notes to each other and whatnot
OR a red string au! basically everyone has different colored strings (that are like extensions of themselves almost?) around their fingers w the different colors symbolizing different relationships in their lives as explained in the author's note here. in a true red string au, a red string is for anyone together but let's just say in this one red is for soulmates (otherwise you just get yellow strings or the strings stay whatever color they were pre-relationship). different people can see different colors/types of strings. anyway they'd each have a yellow string to each other for FOREVER and then suddenly one day it turns red, surprising literally everyone.
amber x alfie: soulmate's name is tattooed on your skin.
if we’re following a canon-like timeline, alfie's has been there since he moved into the house but amber doesn't get hers until the night before the season 1 finale and that's why she panic-promises alfie she'll date him. except she's highkey in denial over the whole thing because she was so sure mick was her soulmate and it was just taking forever to show up, so that's why she treats him like she does in the beginning of season 2.
alfie x willow: anything you write/tattoo on your skin appears on the other person (or if you get hurt, the injury appears on them too). basically like mara x fabian's but messier asdfhjkl OR a 'can't see color until you meet your soulmate' would be really cute!!!
jerome x joy: they both either have (1) no soulmate; (2) a soulmate they've never been able to find; or (3) a soulmate but the relationship doesn't work out. Basically, they're not matched w each other and are convinced they'll never find their person. but they choose each other anyway <3
fabian x nina: ok i made this up two years ago and it got too complicated to actually write but lemme see if i can explain it - basically there's an in-universe indicator for a soulmate but the pairing is not permanent. like if you have matching tattoos, for example, your tattoo can match with your partner but when the relationship starts to fall apart, one or both tattoos will change to indicate that you're no longer the best people for each other, if that makes sense. so basically for a canon timeline, they'll be paired up and discover that like maybe mid-season 1 but at the start of season 3 nina's changes, and fabian's switches few months after.
(or, this depressing thought for your consideration: a red string au where fabian goes and cuts his after hers turns purple, effectively cutting her out of his life.)
patricia x eddie: groundhog day/palm springs au! once they each catch feelings, the day keeps repeating until they fall in love. i think they'd both go crazy in denial for a bit and it'll be fun skldfjl
a red string au would work here too, with them meeting in hs and Eddie immediately getting a red string but Patricia's end is yellow for a while. and they can only see their own sides. joy, who can see the full length of any string that's at least partially red, goes nuts watching the two of them.
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tvhottakes · 2 years
Inspired by ZAYNs recent post (which if you haven’t seen by now what are you doing go watch it right now) i have decided to share some of my headcanons on the house of anubis characters feelings towards One Direction. With the show being set during the peak 1D years i’m surprised i haven’t seen a post like this before (maybe there are some but i just haven’t come across the because i’m not very good at social media) Prepare for a very long post as I have thought about this thoroughly.
Amber and Alfie - Definitely obsessive stans. Amber knows all the songs, all the key information about each member and absolutely adores Zayn. She had a full on meltdown when he left the band and had to be consoled by Nina for like a week. Patricia made fun of her (but she was also low-key hurt when he left, more angry than upset because of the stuff that he went through in the band but still sad). Alfie full on vibes to all the bops and gets super emotional when his shuffle plays the sad songs. He goes from 100 - 0 real quick and really gets in his feels.
Joy- A stan also, but more of a low-key stan. Loves them just as much as Amber but isn’t as obsessive as her. She shows her love all the time by having frequent sing along sessions with KT in their bedroom and is always updating people on the 1D news. She was upset when Zayn left, but thought it was right for him and was happy he did what was best for him. She fully supports all the boys in their solo careers.
KT- Isn’t a stan, but loves all the songs and all the boys. Can’t decide whether she has a soft spot for Niall or Louis, but i’m leaning more towards Niall. it just feels more right.
Mick and Fabian - Both aren’t stans and are not even really fans, but they know some songs. They don’t always recognise that a certain song is a One Direction song, but bop to them whenever they’re played. Mick is completely clueless as to who is who in the band and it drives Alfie INSANE. Mick just refers to each of them by their most notable feature. Jerome also gets infuriated by this, but has to hold it in, because he’s a secret stan. Jerome sometimes accidentally exposes himself tho because micks cluelessness just infuriates him too much not to say anything.
Nina- Likes their accent and finds them all adorable. Appreciates their songs. Prefers the slower songs to the bops.
Mara- She has a love hate relationship with them. She thinks they’re very talented and likes some, but not all of their songs. She prefers the more angsty ones, but also likes some of the bops and sometimes sings along sat on her bed while Kt and Jot have their sing along dance sessions. BUT she hates the obsessive fans. She absolutely despises the way some of the act and although she loves Amber hates the love she has for One Direction because of this. She was indifferent when Zayn left and when they broke up. She still has some of their songs on her playlist after they broke up.
Jerome - 2 words. SECRET STAN. This boy is a One Direction stan through and through. He hides it though and would never admit it to a single soul. He was there from the very beginning. He watched their entire journey. He frequently rewatches their journey as a band during X Factor just to feel something. Always makes fun of others in person when they talk about how much they love the band and the songs. He was shattered when the band broke up but hid it well. He frequently searches the bands hashtags on TikTok and Twitter.
Willow- This one was hard because she’s a character thats really hard to pin down so i don’t have much to say on her other than m she definitely doesn’t hate them. I would say she’s just a low-key fan. She like their music and the boys but just casually.
Patricia - I found her a bit difficult too if i’m honest. The biggest thing i would say is she does like them. She’s definitely not a stan or an obsessive fan, but vibes with their music and likes all of their albums. She sometimes (be it forcefully) gets involved in Kt and Joys sing along sessions and by the end gets very into it, although she forces the others not to tell anyone about it. She m has also had a few karaoke sessions where she has sang a One Direction song. She has a special connection with the angsty songs and the ones that have more meaning to them. As well as an extra special connection with ‘ready to run’, because of all the trauma she faced with Rufus and her trauma in regards to feeling locked up, claustrophobic (not in the physical sense) and feeling like she doesn’t have her freedom. She was upset when Zayn left and she definitely had things to say about it. When the band broke up she was upset, but not distraught. She has a dedicated playlist for her favourite 1D songs
Eddie - I left my boi last of all the kids because i have A LOT to say about him. He isn’t a stan, but he’s definitely a big fan. He doesn’t hide it to the extent Jerome does, but he downplays how much he actually likes the band. He definetly makes fun of the obsessive fans, because he just doesn’t understand how someone could be so obsessed with 5 boys that don’t even know they exist. He understands the appeal behind the obsession, because he appreciates that the boys are amazingly talented and that their songs slap, but doesn’t quite understand the obsession. He tries to convince people he only likes the Midnight Memories album and some of the songs from the Four album, because these are the albums that have the stereotypical ‘cooler’ sound but it’s a complete facade. He loves the first two generic pop albums the same way he loves the others and listens to them on repeat. He also has, in the privacy of his room ofc, shed a tear to some of the slower songs. When he first caught himself doing this he made a promise to himself that he would never listen to these particular songs in public in fear of being seen crying to a One Direction song. He has to hold back tears when these songs come on in public when he’s around a group of people. Despite his love of the band and the boys their is one thing he despises about them. He absolutely hates that Americans obsess over the fact their british.
Now to the adults:
Victor - The songs are too upbeat for him and too loud. He’s not a fan, but has some respect for some of the songs. He appreciates some of the lyrics and the boys voices.
Trudy - Not a stan but a fan. a big fan. Finds the boys adorable and definitely has a soft spot for Niall. Definitely definitely jumps in on the sing alongs with Joy and Kt when she’s walking past their room. She consoled Amber with Nina when Zayn left and when the band broke up. She made Amber a special breakfast both times and doted on her. She chastised anyone who made fun of Amber during these, in her words, troubling times. Trudy’s the one person in the house who listen to all of Amber rants about the boys and always gives her the time of day for this no matter what she’s doing.
Mr Sweet - A stan. Plain and easy. One of those older stans who frequently dad dances to their bops and always sheds a tear during their sad songs. He will be front and centre at concerts, waving flags to show his support. Eddie despises this ofc and when in a social setting with his Dad begs people not to play One Direction songs. But Jerome always takes the chance to play the boppiest songs just for the chaos, but he also gets the added bonus of getting to listen to the song himself without letting others know he wanted to. Jerome has to ofc physically restrain himself from dancing, but he has been seen a few times to be tapping his foot along to the song. Mr Sweet was very very upset when Zayn left and didn’t understand how the band could continue, but they did and he was all for it while still holding out hope that Zayn would return. He was very very upset when the band broke up and announced it on the school speakers whilst choking up.
That was fun. Now Anubis fandom and 1D fandom unite.
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frobisher-smythe · 5 years
aight so I’m gonna do a lil about me tag game bc I have nothing else to post :)
name: ellyana (that’s not my actual name but is my internet thingy I chose when I started this blog many years ago and now it’s stuck like that)
age: 18, too old to be obsessing over this show but alas ahahahahaimgoingtocollegeplzhelp
favorite ship: neddie (nina x eddie)
least favorite ship: idk know the name for it but joy and jerome. I didn’t like it and it all felt v unnecessary and bring back jerome and mara plz
favorite episode: house of sibuna to house of impasse in season two, this is when sibuna got back together again and despite the absolute grossness going on from fabina during these episodes, I loved seeing sibuna work together for the tasks and practicing the tasks with the log and music was Amazing. I think by showing them working on the tasks beyond research and actually being in the tunnels really brought a depth to the show that wasn’t taken all the way through like it should have.
least favorite episode: ironically, the one right before that (I cant remember the name) with the masquerade. I dislike this episode for a couple reasons. 1) it was very poorly written loll I think the idea for it was really cool, having senkhara show them a shared dream, threatening nina, etc but it just wasn’t very well executed. 2) I absolutely hate the joy/nina/fabian plot. I think there was a chance to show a really strong friendship between joy and nina, one that started out with struggles of joy feeling left behind and replaced and then nina encouraged her to join and be comfortable with her and instead of having that much needed women solidarity, they reduced joy down to a rude and jealous bitch. when I was younger I really hated joy but now I just pity her bc if what she could’ve been, and this episode really highlights that loss. (okay wow sorry that was meant to be like one sentence but I kept going lol)
favorite character: I change my mind once a week but right now it is mara because I love her transformation throughout the series, and I love how she’s the only one that doesn’t know about the mystery and just like,, straight up is not interested. I love her.
least favorite character: my least favorite character is joy, which I feel really guilty about lol I just think she had a lot of potential to like,,, actually have a personality beyond who she dated and the writers didn’t really give that to her. (also just so everyone knows, I’ve I to watch s3 once and that was when it was airing so idk about that really)
I tag @incorrectsibunaquotes and @jerome-clarke to do this and tag someone else :)
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ron-stepupable · 5 years
Reblog with your favorite HHA/DHA/HOA moment (s)
For me it’s:
Appie x Amber scenes. Period.
Fabienke feels
When Fabian throws a dictionary at Mick’s head
Fabian calling Patricia a bitch (nice twist from the docile English version)
When Mara left and was actually happy (don’t ask, I really didn’t like Dutch Mara)
When Jeroen deadass leaps from the building in S2
Jason eating his script during the play
Jason deadsprinting from backstage to the bathroom, vomiting then sprinting back in stage and taking a bow.
When Amber and Ellie were shoved awkwardly into a bathroom stall in S1
When Ari asked Ellie to dance in S2 finale and the background music was once apon a dream.
Patricia reuniting with Joyce.
When Zeno dies—I hate him
Mick getting run over by that scooter (don’t ask I found it really funny)
“Banana banana banana, Mick can do this!”
When Nienke sees Fabian again after the funeral.
Jeroen just striping in the bathroom for his gym teacher as one would.
Whenver Patricia and Robbie hug (even though I staunchly ship patty and Joyce)
When the goat ate Trudie’s flowers and she was not having it.
When Patricia walked in on Fabian and Nienke under the covers (I DIED)
And much more
*disclaimer: this will be short because I’m learning German at university and am putting off watching DHA in its entirety till I’m More fluent.
This isn’t really a moment, but when you can clearly hear Daniel singing on the recording of Pfad der seiben Sünden.
Daniel and Nina, though not alway together.
Von Minkmar (self explanatory)
When Magnus apologies to Felix and gets an adorable brotp hug in return.
I really enjoy Luzy being as tall as she is in DHA.
Patricia and Eddies conversations
Season 2 Jara scenes
Jerome’s interactions with his family
Whenever eddie called Jerome jerry.
The dance (the bet, the collector, the tunnel, the dejavu, the everything)
A blind Patricia going after Sibuna to warm them
Sibunas reactions when Nina fell
Nina and Fabian blackmailing Jerome for the gem
When Jerome and poppy put the gem back in the sheild
“Inferno—place of fire!”
“English please.”
“Hell...the clue means down in hell.”
Nina having a C1 moment during Alfie’s initiation
Alfie tackling Andrews, believing she’s an alien
Patricia on a date while on a Sibuna task
Jason’s betrayal (somehow it stuck in HOA more than the other two)
Jerome’s S1 arc
KT and Eddies brotp
“And that joke isn’t funny anymore”
Sibuna being completely in the dark about Sophia even though she was pretty blatant.
The staff actually helping team evil
Robert being a sassy little shit.
“Now you’ve got a funny color too”
“Well I guess you know how it feel cause your dad thought you were a real disappointment too, didn’t he?”
House of yesterday. I live for victor and Sarah interactions/ headcannons about their past.
Fabian lying about having a mark
Senkhara being an awesome villain
Thinking the collector is Vera, only to realize it Rufus, my second fav villain
Rufus panicking and kidnapping people (yes I believe he panicks)
All the jelfie one-liners
Trudy investigating Vera
Jasper struggling to decide what to do
Robert’s riddles
Lots more
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