#marcus Hargreeves x reader
gravity-barbie · 1 year
The Sparrows dating someone with ADHD HCs
Viktor version
Marcus Hargreeves
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-Marcus is understanding, he has to deal with siblings with far worse quirks than any of yours, things like your distractibility and hyperactivity rarely get to him
-Still, he is a responsible type, and if you’re not the best at managing your symptoms his leader instincts kick in and he goes out of his way to help you break bad habits and and bring some order into your life
-He’s a natural problem-solver and you have plenty to go around, it may feel overbearing or even patronising at times, but really the amount of things he does to make your life easier in between his already packed schedule is very sweet
-You two are quite different so some (mostly harmless) clashing is to be expected, he wishes you had more direction and caution, you wish he was more spontaneous and relaxed, but with proper communication these differences just make you a better match
Ben Hargreeves
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-Ben’s willing to adjust to your ‘difficult’ traits, for instance, before he knew you had adhd, he would get offended and annoyed by you zoning out or easily getting distracted from him, and honestly even now it sometimes makes him a bit self-conscious but he works to manage those feelings
-He himself is an irritable and impatient person, (something you may have in common) so he does get frustrated with you sometimes but he always scolds himself for it, especially since he knows you tolerate worse faults from him
-If he ever sees anyone else get frustrated with you he’s so outraged and protective, he’d absolutely get in a fight over it
-Once he’s used to it he really likes your spontaneous nature, he does have a very fun side, so he’s always up for wild outings you suggest in the middle of the night or anything else like that
Fei Hargreeves
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-You and Fei are pretty dissimilar, she’s cautious, collected, a planner, whereas you pretty much can’t help being a bit reckless and disorganised, but though it takes some getting used to, Fei isn’t bothered by your differences, if anything she’s kind of fascinated by them
-She offers advice sometimes, like reminders of consequences you tend not to consider, but if you don’t ask for her help she’s not going to overstep, she respects your right to make your own choices, even one’s she’d never make
-If you do want her help though, she’s the perfect person to ground you, incredibly helpful with things like organisation and navigating your more difficult emotions, without ever taking all responsibility off of you
-Fei doesn’t like being cooped up much more than you do, so the two of you enjoy a lot of physical, outdoorsy activities together, which are great for both burning through your energy and bonding with her
Alphonso Hargreeves
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-Alphonso can be just as unfocused and unorganised as you are so he doesn’t hold that against you, if anything he’s kind of glad that’s something you share cause it means you can’t hold it against him either
-Though neither of you have the best life skills which can be a problem, he definitely wishes he could offer you more help when you’re struggling
-Where you really differ is your energy levels, he’d be content to just cuddle all day and you can hardly sit still through the length of a movie, he does actually love your spontaneity but he can only participate in small doses
-You’re probably easily stressed and irritated which is a little difficult for him since he really just wants to live life as comfortably as he can, but on the upside because of that he’s rarely a cause of your stress and is great at relaxing you
Sloane Hargreeves
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-Those traits you’ve probably been scolded for your whole life, being hyperactive, emotional, even thoughtless, Sloane finds them so endearing, as there isn’t a part of you that she doesn’t accept wholeheartedly
-She’ll gladly offer help if you need it, for instance she likes leaving little post-it notes around your place with important reminders and sweet affirmations, however she’s not overbearing, she knows how frustrating it is to be micromanaged and trusts you to make your own decisions
-Maybe it’s because she was raised around some of the rudest people on planet earth, but she never holds it against you if you talk over someone or accidentally say something inappropriate, she might offer a gentle critique but she’ll also be quick to defend you if someone else has a problem with it
-She absolutely loves to hear you ramble, and how bizarre your train of thought can be, it makes her wish her power was reading minds so she could explore yours
Jayme Hargreeves
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-Honestly if anyone else were as energetic and inattentive as you are that would really grate on Jayme, but luckily she loves you so she only finds it charming, not that she’s above poking fun at you for it
-Being the silent type she doesn’t mind how talkative you are, it balances out, granted it certainly helps that you’re one of the few people in the world she deems worth listening to
-She’s not usually one to volunteer her time for others, but understanding the added difficulty your ADHD causes you she always offers to help you with things like paperwork, cleaning and the like
-If anyone ever gives you crap in front of her it’s there funeral, if someone as unsociable and irritable as Jayme can appreciate you, they have no excuse not to in her eyes
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PAIRINGS: Sparrow Academy x Genderless!Descriptionless!Reader
FOLLOW UP TO: How You Met - The Umbrella Academy
A.N: we need more sparrow content ASAP. I fell quick and I fell hard
WARNINGS: Quick and minor mention of a bus crash (under Marcus tab), varying degrees of content for each character, me borrowing a villain from the comics I don't know shit about other than what i read off of TUA Fandom Wiki, and me still getting the hang of this format and writing and just having fun and being silly with it more than taking it seriously
LINKS: main masterlist || sparrow masterlist
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Ahh Marcus 😍
He's really just so... 🤩😍🤪🥰😚☺️😅😘☺️🤩
Oh my gosh seriously, theres a reason he's number one and it's because he's the biggest dork
You knew a thing or two about putting up about three different kinds of walls until you could hardly recognize yourself, what with you basically being the Lila of the Sparrows
It's complicated how you met but also, not in the slightest
True, there was only one Handler and the only kid she ever "had" was Lila
But she wasn't your mother, she was your boss
One that you only ever met once or twice, but you can hardly remember it, it was so long ago
You were recruited by her, however, at a unusually young age annnndd long story short, you quit
Working for an organization out of time sounded cool, and was. For about 2 (non)minutes
Then it just got depressing and way WAY confusing and downright dangerous
It took so many (non)years to plan an escape and then another two or so to actually put it into action and escape
Nothing unusual, you were constantly jumping from year to year, place to place, never staying one place too long. (Kinda like couch surfing! Time surfing if you want to put it that way)
It went off without hitch, your little plan, and had been going fairly smooth for what you perceived as about four or five years
Then said "pitstop" in good ol' 2009
That's when your path collided with the Sparrows
And when it did, you crashed
No literally, there's a literal crash involved
It was definitely something that happened by total chance
And yeah, you could argue that's how most things are, but, hopefully you get what I mean
Like, it's crazy how you just happened to forget something when you left for your walk for work and decided you had time to go around the corner and get it. Crazy that you had just enough time to catch the next bus
And that next bus just so happened to be the one that got caught in the crossfires of a Sparrow vs Villain of The Week fight
Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt, but there were a great number of close calls
You being one of them
And you had Sloane Hargreeves to thank
In a spur of the moment as you were fleeing the bus with the rest of the crowd, she pulled you lot from across the street and out of harms way
When the fight had died out, the weirdo supervillain calling himself the Murder Magician was taken away (his sidekick, the assistant as well) And the Sparrows were swarmed with press and thankful citizens
You think, because of this, it'd be virtually impossible to get any face time with the famed sparrows, right?
Again, it's crazy how you just so happened to be trying to make a beeline out of there (what? being on the run meant blending in, and you couldn't very well do that from here) when you ran into a very handsome wall
"Oh! My apologies, I didn't see you there"
Okay, so. Not a wall. Just a very tall, very handsome, and very very famous man you knew more about than you probably should thanks to your old job maintaining timeliness and such
You insisted you had to go, but wouldn't you know it, your little streak of luck wasn't over yet
That murder magician guy? Did I mention? He had a little something called a murderbot
Kind of makes sense now, I guess. Usually, supervillains aren't as cool with being caught unless they have another trick up their sleeve
So, kinda awkward, but
the thing kinda took ya hostage along with some other unlucky few in the crowd thanks to advantage it got witht he element of surprise and all
Marcus and the sparrows handled it fairly quickly but it was still upsetting!
Experiencing a bus crash, a murder magician, his murderbot and then two rescues all in one morning can take a lot out of you!
Marcus, having already ran into you and then letting you get kidnapped right in front of him immediately after, he felt kinda responsible for you. call him old fashioned (lol)
He asked multiple times if you were okay
He did not want to leave your side until he knew you were okay
He'd invite you back to the academy where Grace could check you over for potential injuries (concussion, internal bleeding, etc) and he could be certain you'd be getting good medical care
(even though EMTs are right the f there lmao)
He may be a dork but he's also a spoiled rich kid like his siblings lskd8v8
You, all the meanwhile, having a whole different timeline's worth of knowledge on him and his siblings thanks to your time at the commission (this excludes the kugelblitz since that was technically not supposed to happen... I think) felt like you were treading dangerous waters interacting with someone so famous in history
I kinda lost where this was going lol but I do know that after all that, it was a bit harder to say no to Marcus and the little soft side he started to show when he was getting worried
Cause you were definitely started to get a little dizzy and you definitely hit your head at some point in all that chaos
And a very handsome, very famous, very dorky, and very kind man was now very worried about you
Okay, so maybe you could be a little bit late to work
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I finally understand the term poor little meow meow
He is a wet cat
Angry and petty and snippy
And inexplicably ruthless
You two would probably meet somewhere totally unexpected
Hold on let me think of it real quick
I guess I could see you working their PR or something, if that was even a thing for them (you being newer, and ofc around their age)
Idk I feel like, with Sparrow Ben, and how much of a little shit (affectionate) he is, I think it would be kinda hilarious and yet totally on brand for him to have a connection (good or bad) with someone who got paid to tell him what to do - ie, he thinks he doesn't need it and that it's the others that need to behave and rebrand themselves when he's like, right there
His promo poster was literally the Had To Do It To Em pose, you know I'm right about this
Not exactly the kind of image that's super great for, you know, a superhero
So yeah, he would have to listen, but he'd give a stink
And even a bigger one when you threw it right back
I'd think you'd have to have that kind of skill, at least to some degree, after working in such a field
Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass
The point is, y'all would likely be bitter, but like, the kind that got comfortable after a while?? If that makes sense??
Either way, he's such a little shit and i just don't see an instance where you meet and it's perfect sunshine and rainbows right off the bat pfft
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You two are a match made in the cosmos and its sickening 🥰
Fei, like her aforementioned brothers, takes herself and the job pretty seriously
So it can be a bit rare for someone to see her in her true element
Or at least--
People who really know her
Her family
So, when a total stranger just comes along and just,,
Its really special
And what better than bonding over birds, and nerding out over birds?!
I feel like she wouldn't exactly shy away from whatever she may be feeling
But I also think she'd try to underplay it
Ya know, keep it cool and not make a huge deal
You know, it wasnt a huge deal that one day, on her day off, she decides to visit a reveried bird sanctuary just outside of town
And that, upon that visit, she happened to stumble upon you, unable to stop yourself from spewing bird facts and hey? Did this random visitor know about the loyalty of crows and all the limitless examples of humans befriending crows??
Well they did now
Oh no did she love your corny enthusiasm over birds - crows especially!!
She just couldn't help herself when she first overheard you and wanted a better view
Sure she spent her time communing with the birds around her, but a select few of crows--her crows--adopted a sudden interest in you and your info-dumping to unwilling visitors, flocking to you wherever you went
It wasn't unusual for birds to bond with caretakers but you didn't recognize these crows that now seemed to follow you everywhere, always keeping a polite distance and paying careful attention to anything you had to say
Soon enough, you were fully conversing with these crows, making sure they were comfortable wherever they might have come from
That pretty much sealed the deal for her
From then on, she knew she had to make herself known to you; introduce herself, commend your respect for her birds (and the others in the sanctuary)
Yall hit it off immediately, no surprise ajdkps
Oh she's also so fucking smooth adjsjs
Idk, shes just kinda sweeps you off your feet when she finally introduces herself to you, commending you for your respect to your birds (totally teasing you for how you, by extension and strictly technical terms, treated her through her birds) and is such a coy little fker who loves seeing you get all flustered
My god though, shes also so fucking soft and sweet and loyal when you earn her trust
Either friend or partner, she'll come across something she'll think you'll like and give it to you next time she sees you (ohh idk, like a crow)
Shes so fucking loyal and just so heart melting while also being the coolest, smallest fker ever and AHHH
I just love her
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He's so boyfriend shaped
I love him, I need to know more about him, and I'd love to say how you guys met was some miraculous coincidence that makes perfect sense like Fei, but honestly he just really strikes me as someone you just Bump Into, ya know?
He's a guy, and he's just around
Maybe you met in a convenience store
That feels like something that would happen (or maybe I'm just still thinking of his fight scene with Diego)
Oo! Honestly, some place like a bowling alley or arcade
He, like Marcus, is such a dork
But he holds himself as like, a, Cool Dork, ya know?
And it's not as hidden
It's not hidden at all, he's such a snarky pizza-eating, soda-chugging, quick-as-a-whip dork
He feels comfortable in public, for not all the right reasons
And he's easy to run into
He gets a lot of mistreatment by Sparrow fans, but his attitude is much like his power
Arguably, it's because of his powers
He's rubber, they're glue; what bounces off of him sticks to you
ie, he's so good at letting a bad attitude bounce off of him and stick to his attackers
And yeah, sometimes his walls are down and stuff gets to him when he isn't prepared, but overall he is sadly (and infuriatingly) used to it
He's not always the favorite among fans, is what I'm trying to get at
>:( fucking stupid if you ask me
Woah woah woah. Hold on...
Back up
Apparently he's... your favorite?
Lol okay, yeah, sure, you're totally not trying to be nice, he thinks (note the sarcasm)
Like I said, he's used to feeling the occasional tap on his shoulder -- like now, where he stands in line for some good ol' mediocre bowling alley hotdogs -- cause someone recognized him
He was, arguably, one of the more recognizable sparrows after all, behind Christopher obviously, so
Here we go, he thinks, turning around, hands lazing in his pockets and quite possibly the least enthusiastic look any living thing could conjure on his face
And just like anyone else, you stood waiting as he turned to face you, smiling in a way that was all too obvious you were trying to hide your excitement
"Hey," he nods
"Sorry," you laughed, but not in the usual way. More like an awkward chuckle that sounded nervous. That wasn't too unusual, either
"Sorry," you said again, burying your hand back inside your pocket like the other. "you probably get this all the time, pretty much everywhere"
He shrugged it off, not appearing too bothered by it
"No problem," he said, glancing back ahead to check the line. It still was pretty long; some issue with the deep fryer holding up the line, by the looks of it. He had time. He looked back at you, waiting indifferently for whatever to come. "What's up?"
Judging by the looks of it, you had already started backtracking the moment you got his attention. You were second guessing getting his attention. Cause figures
"Just a big fan," your hands were still in your pockets, fiddling and moving around visibly through the thin cotton, maroon zip-up sweatshirt
You had shrugged, and thats when he noticed your zip up was familiar; it was a piece of sparrow merch
An older one, judging by how worn it looked
The little sparrow insignia higher up on the left breast of the jacket was still there, but it was significantly faded, and the matching white rope laces dangling from the hood were fraying at the ends
He nods again, leaving the future of the conversation up to you
Wildly inconvenient for you, you thought, considering you hadn't exactly thought this far ahead. At least, if you had, you immediately forgot.
You said the first thing that came to mind, cause of course you did
"I loved the Sparrow comics when I was younger,"
Okay, yeah, you definitely regretted this. This was mortifying. Plain and simple.
Sadly, however, Alphonso saw this in your face and misconstrued the reasons for regret
He thought you were regretting talking to him when really you were just getting in your own head
You quickly assure him though, that, actually, he's your favorite and you think he's super cool and you've actually been a fan of his since yall were kids
He takes the information like any other fan interaction,
That is until it really clicks for him you're being totally serious and your enthusiasm is genuine and he kinda :o
Then he's such a suave little shit I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
Goes straight to his head, God bless <3
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Love of my life, bane of my existence 🥰
She's perfect and such an inconvenience to me personally
I love her entirely <3
She's the sweetest of the sweet and sunshine in every sense of the word
Huh? Oh right!
How you met... *ahem* ☺️
Oh no biggie, she just uhh, saved your life is all
Okay okay, maybe not your literal life but she did save your morning shake which saved your morning which saved your ass from your boss
She was a blushing mess despite the grace of her powers and agility -- but it technically had been her fault
Sloane had been in such a rush, she unintentionally collided with you on one of the busier streets downtown
Totally cliche and a meet-cute right out of the movies
I honestly don't think I have much else to say about that, it was pretty straight forward and sweet (like her)
Admittedly you had been rattling around her head for a few days afterwards cause hey 👀👀👀 she can appreciate what's in front of her - and yet, she was kicking herself for not doing something about it
She held a lot of responsibility as a sparrow and part of her was afraid, not so much upholding the sparrow image, but disappointing her siblings
Sloane dreams of a having a life of her own, unsanctioned by her father and/or her brothers and sisters. She's been planning ahead for her inevitable exit, why had she chickened out with you??
Almost two weeks had passed since she ran into you and thirteen days since she talked herself into giving up on anything happening.
She had scolded herself, really, how foolish it was of her to think she could have something sweet and endearing with a very cute person like you
Sloane is a romantic in every sense, and this had merely been proof. How naive
How naive of her to think she saw you standing out like a sore thumb in one of the sparrow crowds stationed outside for one of their outings
She had to do a double take when you gave her a shy wave, and she definitely had to make sure she wasn't making a fool of herself as she made her way over
You had sent her a grateful nod when she covertly steered you two out of the reach of cheering fans crowding around you trying to get to her and her siblings
Sloane may or may not have failed in her attemps to tamper down the corny smile that came with your being here
You looked almost, shy
"I thought you seemed familiar," you smiled, looking up over her shoulder at one of the many huge banners plastered on the academy. She followed your gaze over her shoulder and then quickly averted her gaze, not overly eager to see the sight
Were her cheeks always this sore?
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She was forged by the gays, for the gays
I love that trope where the sunny sunshine one is the grumpy grumps favorite
I feel like that could easily apply to her
But I also feel like it wouldn't be like that immediately, if at all
Not even soon
It would be a long process to get her there cause she's a sparrow after all, and being a sparrow means you come with an ego and stubbornness so strong it might as well be its own superpower
When she met you, she was irrationally and entirely furious
A big part of it was you kept cropping up everywhere
You delivered a pizza to her and Alphonso once upon a time and ever since, by total coincidence, you kept reappearing
She didn't believe it was accidental ofc
She thought you were some stalker
Meanwhile you were just as confused
It wasn't exactly love at first sight for you, either
Jayme was brash and short tempered, but when she was around you -- bumped into you on the street, out for a run in the park, whatever -- she was just plain cruel
And the thing is, she didn't know why
All you had done was the deliver the pizza, made light conversation with Alphonso and wished them both a good day before leaving
The fucking nerve of you
She's just crushing hard, actually
Nah, you're just annoying to her, that's totally it
She totally didn't think you were infuriatingly attractive, fun to be around or anything. And the display of dry humor she witnessed when you were chatting with her brother totally didn't anger her in a way she couldn't understand because she wasn't used to cute people saying stuff that she almost laughed at
But she didn't laugh. So there
She won, you lost
And you didn't even know it.
You simply thanked Alphonso for the early arrival tip, nodded a goodbye to both of them and then left
Just like that. No fan freak outs despite you knowing who they were, no autographs. Just a "thanks for saving the day" and a "let it cool for a few minutes, the pizza oven can get pretty hot and it was a short drive here"
That's it.
But that's just the thing.
That was never it.
There was always more, and Jayme wasn't buying it.
You were too calm, like you had been planning that meeting for ages
Maybe you were, even if that didn't make a damn lick of sense
Alphonso calls her out on her shit and he's the only one she really listens to even though she's not happy about it
On some level she knows she's being an asshole but it's kinda hard for her to help
Oh, real quick, by the way
If you're in the community and that's the context between you two for this preference, I don't mean to say she's acting like this cause of internalized homophobia or anything, she's just kind of an asshole skskxhcppff
This girl knows she's gay
Like Ben, she's more like a cat than a dog
She's cute, but she bites, and she's quick and really, she's just a total dick
It's also just kind of a Hargreeves thing, too to be fair
But, like cats, it's kind of, weirdly, part of their charm
She does make an effort though, after her talk with Alphonso, to be less... dickish
It works
Kind of
After a few practice runs
And lots of pizza orders later
But eventually, she's working her way up to answering the door and getting the pizzas from you with one goal in mind
Not making you storm away in rage
I mean, sure, part of the reason she gets so mad is cause you can actually keep up with her
It's never been this hard for her to get the last word in cause you actually can keep up with her and whatever she dishes out to you, you dish right back
In a way, she's kinda met her match
And that made things worse
But. You were still human and she was the one who was a literal super whose specialty was finding someone's weakness
(Actually Jayme sometimes worries she does that somehow without actually using her powers, so that was a big part of her wanting to be better ☹️)
And she's making mild progress!
It isn't until she's dialing the pizza place and working through her nerves as she does so that she realizes why she's so nervous
And then she throws the phone on the couch in embarrassment cause ew feelings
But one thing keepa her from giving up completely:
For whatever reason, you keep coming back
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nickeverdeen · 11 months
The Sparrow Academy masterlist
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Nothing yet
Marcus Hargreeves
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Ben Hargreeves
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Fei Hargreeves
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Alphonso Hargreeves
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Sloane Hargreeves
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Jayme Hargreeves
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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hihomeghere · 11 months
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friendly-reject · 1 year
~Precious indeed~ Imagine
He looked up from his food to you, smiling as he waved. Staring at his gorgeous eyes with a dreamy look on your face you waved back as he went back to eating, "You're amazing, even when you're not trying to be ya' are", You spoke out. Staring at you confused he tilted his head giggling "W-what??", grabbing a glass of water so he wouldn't choke. Shrugging your shoulders, gazing at him like there was nothing better on this planet to do. Leaning over the table, grabbing his face and kissing his forehead, he was even more confused but you were even more in love.
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The moment between you and Ben Sparrow is full of passion and desire. Your bodies move together, and each contact amplifies the desire you feel for each other. The kisses are deep and forceful, and the heat between you is palpable. 
Ben's hands continue to explore your body, and every movement between you is intense and enveloping. His breathing is labored, and your whispers of pleasure fill the room.
Suddenly, the door to the room opens, and the other members of Sparrow Academy enter Marcus, Fei, and Sloane barge in, talking to each other and laughing, but their conversation comes to a halt when they see the scene before them. Marcus's eyes widen in shock, while Fei and Sloane appear paralyzed, unable to believe what they're seeing.
Their shock is evident on their faces, and Sloane tries to cover his eyes with his hand as he tries to take a step back. Fei and Marcus can't look away, and the silence that follows is filled with disbelief.
Ben, however, doesn't seem the least bit disturbed by their presence. He doesn't stop even for a moment. In fact, his gaze still fixes on you, and his hands continue to explore your body with a determination that is as enveloping as it is relentless. “It doesn't matter who walks in,” Ben says in a firm, passionate tone as he continues to kiss you with the same intensity. “This is our moment. 
His response is a declaration of his willingness to ignore everything else, focusing only on you and how much he wants this moment. The kisses between you become even deeper and more ardent, as if the presence of the other members of Sparrow Academy does not had not even been noticed.
The other members of Sparrow Academy exchange confused and embarrassed looks, but none of them dare interrupt. Marcus seems to struggle for words, while Fei and Sloane turn towards the exit, trying to give space to the situation and avoid interfering further.
When you finally pull away from Ben, your face is red and your breathing is labored. The other members of the Sparrow Academy are now in the doorway, ready to leave the room to allow you to continue without further interruptions. Ben, with a satisfied and smoldering look, looks at you and whispers, "We don't need anyone else here." 
The door closes behind the other members of Sparrow Academy, and the room returns to being immersed in tranquility, interrupted only by the sound of your labored breathing and the passion that continues to pervade the air. The moment between you and Ben remains intense and longing, and his determination to maintain control of the situation is a testament to the strength of the connection you two share.
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starsluver · 3 months
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The Umbrella Academy☆
Deadly class ☆
Harry Potter★
Scream ☆
Little women★
West Side Story☆
Baby ★
Bones and all☆
Pistol ★
Enola Holmes ☆
Hunger games☆
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chalametabingbong · 1 year
Okay guys imagine that from S3 of TUA Five became one of the Sparrows like any Reader insert fics?
Like boom briefcase is still there but no Five, just his uniform puddles on the floor and a faded pic of his family inside the pockets then another boom 'Five' waltz in to grab some snack in the kitchen while wearing the Sparrow Academy uniform.
Or him casually walking by with a cup of coffee with 2 pumps of cream (which is very unlike the original Five) while the 'grown ups' are arguing.
The Umbrellas will be confused af after they saw their 'little' brother who once wearing the blue academy uniform now wore the red Sparrow Academy uniform.
And he'll have a given name or simply "Eight"/ "Number Eight" if he didn't want one.
His portrait is still there but only wearing the Sparrow Academy uniform (he time traveled too but only for 17yrs, but his body went back to 13) to honor his memory (besides Reggie was a sentimental turtle because of his meds and he's the FAVORITE of the bunch).
Then Klaus began complaining that red isn't Five's color or taking offense that his tiny dancer replaced them with fiercer people while the others began barking complaints and questions to him about the new timeline and Five's like: "I haven't met you in my entire life"
Umbrellas: *exists* "We want our brother back"
Sparrows: *wrapping their little number eight with bubble wrap* HE'S OUR BROTHER BACK OFF, YOU FUCKERS
Diego, Viktor and Klaus: *sobbing in the corner* "We need our brother back*
Jayme and Alphonso: "That sounds like a you problem to us"
Christopher: *angry cube noises*
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thissuser · 16 days
Who I will write for
Slytherin boys
Mattheo Riddle
Theodore Nott
Lorenzo Berkshire
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Tom Riddle
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
Regulus Black
Hp boys
Neville Longbottom
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasly
Cedric Diggory
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (both Umbrella and Sparrow)
Luther Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
Deadly Class
Marcus Lopez
This list can always change. I can add someone or remove. So if you have any requests...
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inkspiredwriting · 30 days
Flirt and Fight at the Sparrow Academy
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
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Five Hargreeves stood in front of the imposing Sparrow Academy mansion, his eyes scanning the unfamiliar facade. This was supposed to be their home, the Umbrella Academy, but instead, they had landed in the wrong timeline—one where the Sparrow Academy existed instead of their own.
"Ready?" Luther asked, his voice tense.
"Ready as I'll ever be," Five replied, leading the way into the house.
They barely made it through the door when they were met by the Sparrow Academy members, each one poised for a fight. The leader, Marcus, stepped forward, his eyes narrowing.
"Who the hell are you?" he demanded.
"We're the Umbrella Academy," Luther said, standing his ground.
Before they could explain further, the Sparrows attacked. Five found himself facing off against a woman with sharp eyes and a confident smirk. Y/n, he heard someone call her. She moved with precision, her strikes quick and calculated.
Five blocked her attacks, but couldn't help but notice the way her eyes sparkled with challenge. "Nice moves," he said, dodging a particularly fast punch.
"Thanks," she replied, a grin tugging at her lips. "You're not too bad yourself."
Their fight was intense, but there was an undeniable chemistry between them. Every punch and kick was matched with a flirtatious comment, a sly smile.
"You always this charming in a fight?" Y/n asked, blocking one of his kicks.
"Only when I'm trying to impress someone," Five shot back, grinning.
Y/n's laugh was short but genuine. "Well, consider me impressed."
The battle raged on around them, but Five found himself almost enjoying the sparring with y/n. She was skilled, confident, and there was something about her that drew him in.
Eventually, the Hargreeves managed to escape the Sparrow Academy, regrouping outside. As they caught their breath, Diego noticed the distracted look on Five's face.
"What's up with you?" Diego asked, wiping sweat from his brow.
Five shook his head, trying to focus. "Nothing. Just... thinking."
"About that Sparrow chick?" Klaus chimed in, a teasing grin on his face. "I saw the way you two were flirting."
Five rolled his eyes. "We were fighting, Klaus. It's not the same thing."
"Sure didn't look that way to me," Allison added, a knowing smile on her lips.
"Can we focus, please?" Luther said, trying to bring the conversation back to their current predicament. "We need to figure out how to get back to our timeline."
But Five's thoughts kept drifting back to y/n. There was something about her that he couldn't shake, and it annoyed him how easily she had gotten under his skin.
"Come on, Five," Viktor said, nudging him. "We've got work to do."
"Right," Five muttered, trying to push thoughts of y/n out of his mind. But even as they walked away from the Sparrow Academy, he couldn't help but glance back, wondering when—or if—he'd see her again.
As they continued down the street, Klaus threw an arm around Five's shoulders, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know, if this whole saving the world thing doesn't work out, at least you've got a new crush to think about."
Five shoved Klaus off, but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips. "Shut up, Klaus."
The journey back to their timeline would be fraught with challenges, but somewhere in the back of his mind, Five knew that y/n, the intriguing fighter from the wrong 2019, would be a thought he couldn't quite let go of.
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gravity-barbie · 11 months
The Sparrows with a sibling they think doesn't have powers HCs
A/N: So sorry for the wait! And the lack of Christopher, I tried but I really suck at writing for him and I think it'd take another 3 months if I kept trying. Also fair warning this is on the angsty side.
Marcus Hargreeves
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-Both as a child and an adult Marcus barely acknowledges you exist, his life revolves around the sparrow academy which you've always existed just on the outskirts of
-As your sibling he does feel a loyalty to you though, he lets you stay at the academy and use Reginalds funds as much as the others so long as you don't cause any trouble
-Of course you're completely excluded from the sparrow academy, despite your siblings vast fame most people don't even know you exist and Marcus won't ever let you join any of the families 'buisness' talks
-So while he's not mean or malicious there is a lot of disrespect and neglect there that builds resentment inside of you
-He's as shocked as you are to learn you have powers (very strong ones at that) but he's quick to collect himself, trying to reason you into letting him integrate you into the sparrow academy and follow his lead like your siblings
-Marcus is good with people, he says exactly what you want to hear, first easing your fears about your new powers and then more importantly giving you a glimpse of the belonging and connection you've always been denied in an attempt to get you to fall in line
-However it's likely too little too late
-Marcus does care about you and he wants to resolve things peacefully, however if you prove to be a threat to the sparrow academy he's completely willing to make an enemy out of you
Ben Hargreeves
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-Ben's always looked down on you and unlike Marcus he won't hesitate to verbalise that
-Despite that and generally not thinking you're worth his time he doesn't actually dislike you though, he sort of appreciates your gentler personality, not that he often let's that show
-You're the only sibling he doesn't have to compete with which may make him underestimate you but it also makes you the only person in the world he'll even slightly lower his guard around
-Which, play your cards right, could lead to a tentative friendship between you two, however friend or otherwise Ben is really no good for your self-esteem
-He feels personally betrayed to learn you have powers as crazy as that sounds, jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst of you
-His default is distrusting people so he feels like an idiot for ever not seeing you as a threat and it doesn't help that part of him is still loyal to Reginald so it's easy for him to believe the lies the old man tells about you
-Beneath his anger and confusion though, if Ben cares about you even a little bit that isn't going to change
Fei Hargreeves
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-It would seem you're totally irrelevant to her, she barely acknowledges your existence as a child, and as an adult that's only slightly better
-Plus she's kind of a loner so since she's not forced to be around you like she is the others and she likes to spend her free time by herself it's only natural you hardly see each other, let alone talk
-However she actually knows you better than you realise, she's a careful and observant person and like your siblings you're not immune to her spying from time to time
-Because of her perceptiveness she's actually the first to suspect that there's something weird going on with you though she keeps that hunch to herself
-She's probably the most calm and reasonable about learning you have powers and tries to talk some sense into your more reactive siblings
-She encourages them to give you time and space to let this bombshell sink in before they get involved because that's what she would want in your position
-She herself doesn't bother you, not interacting with you any more than usual unless you initiate, she does however have a bird watching you at all times
Alphonso Hargreeves
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-Alphonso can be a real dick to you sometimes, but unlike the others it's not because he feels some kind of sense of superiority over you, it's more out of jealousy
-He resents the fact that you don't have the same pressure on you or the same heavy workload and essentially feels like you got off easy compared to him and the others
-He doesn't tend to go out of his way to antagonize you or anything but for someone that's usually pretty easygoing his pointed coldness towards you stands out
-He's definitely blindsided to learn you have powers and it takes him a while to wrap his head around, but he is actually more willing to get your side of the story than some of your siblings
-He still doesn't really get where your pain is coming from because he'd switch childhoods with you in a heartbeat but now that he realises you are genuinely hurting he's a lot more open to understanding
-Ultimately despite being more sympathetic towards you than ever before Alphonso will still go along with however the other sparrows decide to deal with you, for better or for worse
Sloane Hargreeves
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-Sloane is the nicest to you by far, partially because that's just who she is, but also because you're both different enough from your other siblings that you form an unspoken alliance
-However as kids you never got the chance to get too close as Reginald noticed your bond and kept separating you
-So while you're glad you can finally be friendly as adults you're still not as close as you could of been, you do try to catch up but the years of forced seperation has created a wall between you
-So has your apparent lack of powers, because though it's absolutely not her intention Sloane can be so patronizing and insensitive about your status as the ordinary one
-As shocked as she is to learn you have powers she's quick to look on the bright side and tries to encourage you to as well, though on the flipside she does also feel terrible to realise the depth of how manipulated and isolated you were
-She's an absolute blessing when it comes to helping you understand and control your power, as a literal genius with experience handling her own superpowers and the kindest person you know she's the best mentor you could hope for, things would of been so much worse without her
-She's firmly on your side throughout this whole ordeal, constantly vouching for you and prioritising what you need no matter what the others say or do
Jayme Hargreeves
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-Obviously Jayme never gives you the time of day, but really it's not like she's more apathetic about you than she is about anything else in her life
-Honestly she even likes you more than numbers one to three because at least you never try to tell her what to do, so she's not totally against your company
-Actually she's kind of a very typical sister, you're not friends and she has no problem snarking you but you're family and she'll have your back if you need it
-Even though she had no idea about your powers she isn't all that surprised to learn the truth about you, mostly because she knows this is the exact kind of bullshit Reginald would do and she always thought him keeping you around was a bit suspicious
-She's calm but reasonably cautious when it comes to dealing with the new-you since she has to admit that that is one intense power you have
-Personally she has a hard time seeing you as a threat but like Alphonso she's not going to stick her neck out for you if the sparrow academy decides to do things the hard way
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ohmyitsfaith · 1 month
The sunshine and the grump / Part 2
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Pairing: Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sudden visitors show up on a calm day and chaos ensues. Who are they and where did they come from? But most importantly why are they here? You, your husband and his family are ready to find some answers.
Warnings: fighting, Sparrow!Ben being sparrow!Ben
Word count: 3.3k
A/n: Hi everyone, I know, it's been a while. But here is something that should have been done sooner. The second part to The sunshine and the grump. Please forgive me for this, but in this part Viktor is refered to as "Vanya" and using she/her pronouns. This is solely for the reason that this story is from the reader's point of view and she doesn't know that he's Viktor. If there's an interest in a new part, then obviously I will incorporate him coming out as Viktor. Anyway, long a/n to the side, I hope you guys will enjoy it!
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“Shit” broke out of the six people standing in front of you collectively.
Ben guided you behind him gently, sheltering you from the strangers.
A soft sigh is all that could be heard from the guy wearing a cowboy hat. His eyes shimmered with unshed tears and you couldn’t even guess who he was and where he came from. You never saw him before and your husband wasn’t the type to make friends so easily. So why did this man know his name? Why did he look at him as if he saw a ghost?
“Is that really you?” the biggest guy walked forward, also looking distraught and his face twisted in confusion and grief.
“And who are those weirdos,” the walmart-batman guy yelled and you followed his line of sight, “on the balcony?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in slight anger, but before you could answer at all, Reginald spoke up.
“They are the Sparrows, my children.”
You felt, more than saw Ben standing up straighter and could only imagine the rest of the Hargreeves doing the same, up on the balcony.
“I’m sorry,” the small boy spoke up after the initial shock passed through his group. “What do you mean your children? That’s not possible, old man.”
“Of course it is!” Reginald exclaimed as your sibling-in-laws joined you downstairs. “I think I’d know, wouldn’t I?”
While most of the group looked at Reginald with untrusting gazes (which you could understand, he was your father-in-law and yet you didn’t trust the man fully), the cowboy hat guy was still looking at your husband with misty eyes.
“Everybody else can see Ben, right?” he asked, which made you even more confused. Why wouldn’t they be able to see your husband?
“Cute hat, Sundance” Ben said sarcastically, still keeping you behind him. You grabbed onto his arm lightly, to keep him grounded. But that’s exactly when the man noticed you and his eyes went even wider.
“Jennifer?” he asked louder, seemingly in shock and it prompted the rest of the group to look toward you, Ben’s arm curling around you protectively.
“Do not talk to my wife, asshole” he growled.
“Oh my gosh, it’s you! You- you guys are married!” cowboy hat guy gushed.
“Okay, that is it!” Ben moved to lash out against the guy, but Marcus stopped him.
“Enough” he said in his calming voice. “Who are you and why are you in our home?”
“They call themselves the Umbrella Academy,” Reginald answered instead. “A group of scheming, perfidious malcontents, who accosted me in the fall of 1963, when I was away on business in Dallas” he explained. “Be warned,“ he added, “they claim to be my spawn.”
That caught the attention of the woman with the very stylish cloak as she stepped forward.
“Claim?!” she then turned to her brother(?) in confusion. “Five, what the hell is going on?”
“I don’t know, but it’s concerning,” the little guy, Five, sighed.
“Is he telling the truth?” Marcus spoke up, looking at the so-called Umbrella Academy.
“Well, not the part about us being perfidious-” the other woman started, just to be immediately interrupted by the cowboy-hat guy.
“No, we’re amateur-fidious, at best” he said, which just confused you and, seemingly, the rest of the Sparrows as well.
“But we are his children. This is our house” the woman confirmed.
“Yeah, yeah, we, uh… We grew up here” the big guy jumped in.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, we grew up here” Alphonso mocked the guy, which made Fei and Jayme chuckle.
“I-” Sloane started. “Kinda think we would’ve noticed you.”
You could see the moment that the big guy realized who talked and just what kind of person she was. You saw his eyes light up and a dumb smile graced his features.
“Hi. I’m Luther” he stepped forward and offered his hand.
“Monkey-brain” you whispered and Ben scoffed.
“Okay” the stylish woman walked towards you. “None of you belong here.”
“What?” you asked at the same time Fei said sarcastically: “Oh, well then! I guess we’ll just pack our bags and move out.”
“Yeah and while we’re at it, how about we also give you our jobs. Clearly, you are so good at it” Christopher garbled. “Seriously, these idiots can’t even understand the fact that we are the ones living here, imagine what kind of heroes they are.”
This caused the Sparrows to laugh and even you let out a chuckle. He had a point.
“You slay me, Chris,” Ben shook his head.
The next moment Grace arrived with a plate filled with cookies. At her legs was your chonky cat C/n. He meowed lowly and hissed at the new people before darting across the space, toward Ben and you.
“I wasn’t expecting company,” Grace sighed as you leaned down to pick up C/n. “This is the best I could do on short-” she glitched and repeated the word again, “short… short notice.”
You winced as you stood up with C/n in your arms.
“It’s okay, darling boy” you whispered and started stroking his back. “They won’t hurt you. Daddy won’t let them.”
“Mom…” you heard wallmart-batman’s wistful voice, which immediately weirded you out.
And not just you, because Jayme spoke up as well.
“Mom? She’s a robot you perv” she scoffed.
“She’s not a robot!” wallmart-batman turned toward her defensively.
“Hey, don’t you call him that!” the big guy, Luther, snapped at Jayme.
“Or what?” Ben asked in defense of Jayme.
“Come closer and find out!” Luther stepped toward Ben as he started approaching the big guy as well.
“Luther! Guys, chill!” the smaller woman tried to stop Luther, while you reached out to stop Ben.
“Think I’m afraid?” Ben asked and you could feel his hostility roll off of him.
“Ben! Please” you asked him timidly, but your voice didn’t even reach him.
“Ben, stand down!” Marcus commanded, but Luther was speaking over him already and chaos started to form.
“Look at that, she’s got a voice!” he pointed at you.
“How about I hide that big Rubik’s Cube up your ass?” wallmart-batman asked, annoyed with Marcus.
“Enough!” Marcus finally shouted. “I don’t know what circus you escaped from,” Marcus started and you could see wallmart-batman touch his cheek, where something black just disappeared, “or how you got past our security, but we’re done here. You got 30 seconds to get out of our house” he said in a no-nonsense voice.
“And if we don’t?” the stylish woman asked just as you realized what was happening with wallmart-batman. You looked back at Jayme, who just shrugged.
“Then we’ll have to settle this the old-fashioned way” Marcus stepped forward, ever the leader.
You zeroed in on wallmart-batman, who looked totally out of it, sweat on his forehead and tears in his eyes.
“What did he hallucinate?” you whispered to Jayme.
“I’ll tell you later” she smirked.
“Look, we just fought a literal army. Okay?” the short woman tried to diffuse the situation. “This doesn’t need to get ugly. Let’s all just calm down and let’s talk.”
And honestly, you were on her side. You didn’t want to risk the house or your sibling-in-laws or C/n for that matter. This could definitely be…
“Psst. Ben-er-ino” cowboy hat guy sing-songed as he looked at your husband. You could see his shoulders tense even more and an exasperated sigh left him. “You look so much better alive than you do dead.”
Oh no…
“Am I right?” cowboy hat guy asked from the Umbrellas and the only thing you could do is wince. From this point onward you wished that he shut up because even you wouldn’t be able to stop your husband if he was angered by the guy. “Except the haircut” he waved his hands.
“Oh no” you winced as Alphonso reached out and pushed you even further from the Umbrellas to keep you safe. He knew just as well as any of the Sparrows: this is where it gets ugly.
“What the hell did you just say?” Ben stepped forward.
“Come on, come on!” cowboy hat guy walked toward Ben. “Stop with all the hostility, Mr. Grumpy Pants” he stopped in front of your husband and leaned forward. “Oh, nice scar! Muy macho.”
“Oof” you commented and you could hear Jayme scoff as well.
“Shut. Your. Mouth!” Ben snarled and you knew, only a string held his anger.
“You shut your mouth and hug your brother!” cowboy hat guy exclaimed and opened his arms for a hug. And that’s exactly when Ben struck.
It was truly a beautiful hook that Ben delivered, you had to admit. But you wished that cowboy hat would’ve just stopped before it got ugly. You watched as he fell across the coffee table and it caused Luther to snap at Ben.
“Hey! What the hell?” he snapped. “You didn’t have to do that!”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I did!” Ben snapped back.
“That’s right, he did!” Alphonso backed him up.
“Hey, get back! Back off!” Marcus shouted as Luther stepped closer.
“Luther!” you heard the short woman yell out as Jayme grabbed your arm and pulled you behind the counter, just as Marcus pushed Luther.
And all hell broke loose. Marcus and Luther started fighting and the Sparrows and Umbrellas paired up as well.
“Jayme, get Y/n out of here!” Ben yelled as the small Umbrella teleported toward him and started fighting with him.
You could hear yelling from both the Sparrows and the Umbrellas as they fought and you could only try to stay calm as Jayme pulled you toward the exit. But you didn’t get far as the stylish woman intercepted you and Jayme, along with the short woman. You ducked just in time as one of Fei’s ravens dived in to try and attack the stylish woman, who immediately took up the fight.
“Sloane!” Jayme yelled out and pushed you toward the woman. “Take care of her! I have a shorter problem.”
This, C/n didn’t like and he jumped out of your hands, scratching them in the process.
“Ouch!” you hissed, holding it.
“C’mon Y/n, let’s get you out of here!”
“Alright” you nodded, frantic now that the chaos started to get to you.
You could hear Jayme knock the short woman down as Sloane tried to lead you toward the stairs. But that’s exactly where Fei and the stylish lady were fighting.
“Uh… okay, plan B” Sloane stepped back and looked up at the balcony.
“Oh, please, no” you tried to plead with her. “You know I don’t…”
“Just get to your room, we’ll get you, when we’re done here” she promised and you felt her powers wrap you up and lift you toward the balcony.
You landed behind the railing and stood up. That’s when you heard the short woman say: “My turn.”
You could see her turning… white? And you knew you had to flee. Before much else could happen though, Sloane used her powers on her as well, though less gentler than she did on you.
“Shit!” you yelled out as the short woman slammed into the pictures behind you as you ducked, afraid.
But just as you stumbled through the short hallway to be able to turn right, a knife whizzed by you and you soon heard Chris’s garbled yelling.
“Y/n, be careful!”
You looked back and saw him getting chased by wallmart-batman. You quickly fell to the left, where you could turn down the corner. Just in time, because in the next moment, Chris also turned that way, knives shooting toward him. You held your head for a second, trying to gather all your courage to move. You’ve never been this close to a fight, Ben always made sure that you were in a safe distance.
“Okay, Y/n, you have to move” you told yourself, gripping your hair. You screwed your eyes shut and took a deep breath. Then you stood up and sneaked toward the walkway.
But just as you reached the main staircase that led down, you bumped into the boy. Quite literally.
“Oh, you…” he narrowed his eyes.
“Please don’t hurt me” you put your arms up, in front of your face.
“You’re harmless?” the boy arched an eyebrow, suspicious of your surrender.
“I swear! I’m just Ben’s wife, a normal human!” you pleaded.
The next moment he flashed away. You flinched, but the punch never came. Instead you heard the swooshing sound three more times and he was back at the portraits. You peered over the railing to see Jayme approach him and the stylish lady. Before you could be spotted by stylish lady, you ducked back down and continued sneaking away from the scene.
“Hey!” you were almost at the end of the hall, when you heard her yell. You tried moving forward, but she was faster. She grabbed the back of your shirt, lifting you up.
“Please, please, please, don’t hurt me” you whimpered. “I’m no one, I’m just a simple girl!”
“Yeah I don’t believe that, Jennifer!” she accused you.
“That’s the second time you called me that, but I don’t…” you breathed as you felt her grip tighten on you. “I swear I don’t know who she is! I’m just Y/n!”
But stylish lady couldn’t say much more as Fei appeared on the stairs.
“Y/n!” she yelled for you. “Leave her alone, you bitch!”
“That’s not a nice thing to say!” stylish lady let go of you. “I heard a rumor you couldn’t move” she whispered over you and instantly, you froze.
You couldn’t move, only watch as Fei approached her and her ravens started multiplying. Stylish lady saw this and her eyes widened.
“Actually, on second thought, screw this” she said, turning around and making a run for it.
You were left there by her, still unable to move.
“Y/n, I’ll deal with her and take care of you” Fei leaned down to you as she reached you. “I promise I’ll avenge this.”
You could only look forward as Fei left you once again. You could hear the commotion behind you as Fei’s ravens started destroying a door somewhere close to you. Not much later you actually heard the familiar swooshing sound of the boy teleporting and his frantic muttering.
Suddenly whatever spell was placed on you was broken and you fell forward.
“Oh God” you sighed out, grabbing at your elbow which you hit as you fell. You also saw the dried blood on the back of your hand where C/n scratched you. Poor kitten was probably scared out of his mind.
“Vanya, get out of there!” you suddenly heard the boy shout and you slowly stood up to peer over the railing, into the living room.
There lay the short woman on the broken table and the Sparrows slowly surrounded him. You saw her breathing hard and groaning, trying to get back up. Suddenly she started glowing white. You couldn’t make sense of it, but knew it couldn’t be any good.
“Ben, be careful!” you shouted just before she… exploded? Her energy exploded, which threw you back to the railing behind you.
It was over before you knew it and could hear the others groaning and getting up from the debris.
“Oh god…” you heard Chris garble. “What the hell was that?”
Marcus appeared in your vision and offered a hand.
“Are you okay?” he asked gently.
“Never better” you groaned, accepting his hand. He pulled you up and led you to the balcony, where he looked down at the destruction.
“It’s over” he started. “Go. Don’t come back.”
You could only focus on Ben, who stood in front of the fireplace, clutching his side. Marcus sighed next to you as him and the rest of the Sparrows watched the woman, Vanya, exit.
“Y/n” Marcus turned to you. “C’mon, I’ll take you to Grace, she’ll fix you up.”
You nodded silently, sparing another look at your husband and his family standing in the debris.
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You sighed as you exited the bathroom. It’s been about an hour since you got stitched by Grace (when you hit the railing it split the skin on your head open) and then you went to take a shower to freshen up. Meanwhile though, your husband was nowhere to be found around you.
You could only guess that they got a dressing down from Marcus, blaming them for the destruction. So you headed to the only place where you knew they could be: the training room.
“Y/n!” you heard Grace’s voice call out as you headed toward the room. “Do you need a smoothie too?”
“No thanks, Grace” you smiled at the robot. “I’m fine. Is that for the guys?”
“Of course, they need their greens for their training” she said as she caught up with you.
You nodded silently and opened the door in front of you.
“The skinny one is their weak link” you heard Fei say as you entered.
“Unless hiding behind couches shouting, ‘Where’s my daddy?’ is his superpower” Ben replied sarcastically.
Grace put the tray down on the table and you leaned against the wall to watch your husband stop the treadmill and slow to a walk before getting off of it.
“Enough post-gaming. They hurt Y/n and disrespected us!” he said as he walked toward you. “We need to be out there finding these freaks and taking ‘em out!”
He reached you and put an arm around you, kissing your forehead gently, which contrasted so much from his harsh words.
“Oh, you mean like this?” Marcus asked and switched whatever video was playing to the surveillance footage of the last moment of the fight. The others sighed and stopped their treadmills as well. Marcus walked in front of them and shook his head. “Can someone explain to me how you got your asses handed to you in 30 seconds?”
You sighed, massaging Ben’s back as he stiffened at Marcus’s admonishments.
“Do you have any idea what would happen to our reputation if anyone had seen that?!” he yelled at the end, pointing to the TV screen. “I mean we hadn’t faced any decent enemies for years. This could be good for us. Good for business. But only if we’re smart with our next moves.”
“Is that all you care about?” you spoke up suddenly, annoyed to see that the version of him that only cared about missions and being famous came out.
“I’m sorry?” he turned toward you.
“Did you even try to think about what these people could be here for? That what they were saying is true?”
“Y/n…” Ben shushed you. “Don’t make things worse, darling.”
“I’m not trying to. But did you even notice their faces? When they were talking, when they looked at you?” you looked at him. “The way they fought? I mean tell me if their style doesn’t seem familiar…”
“Y/n, this discussion is not for you. Our next move is not for you to decide” Marcus spoke up sternly. “You are not a Sparrow. You are not part of the team.”
“Fine” you gritted your teeth, then pulled out of Ben’s arms and turned around, just as Reginald came in.
“Nice one dipshit” Ben snarled at Marcus.
“You summoned, Number One?” Reginald asked Marcus.
Marcus regarded Ben and you for a second, before looking at Reginald.
“Sit” he said and you walked out.
You leaned against the wall as the door closed behind you and took a deep breath. You thought about all that the Umbrellas said before the fight ensued. And one thing stuck out.
It looked like they recognised you. But not all of them. And they called you… someone. Some other name… what was it?
Oh yeah, Jennifer. But who was this Jennifer?
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Taglist: @divergentnewt23, @evie2407, @snixx2088, @inkedeye2345
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frost-queen · 3 months
Hell-bound Squid (Reader x Ben Hargreeves)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @alex–awesome–22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , 
@harleyquinnswifeyfrfr  , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m
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The Sparrow academy was out. Freshly returning from a mission. Some of them still had blood splatters on their uniform. – “Urgh now I have to wash my uniform again.” – Alphonso said looking at his own shirt. Jayme rolled her eyes at him. Sloane walked up to him. – “No worries Alphonso mom will wash the blood out like she always does.” – she reassured him, holding a hand against his cheek. Alphonso chucked sweetly.
Fei clicked her tongue, looking away bothered. Christopher soaring around her. Annoyed she shooed him away from around her. Chistopher soared to Marcus who patted him gently on the block. – “Let’s report back to father.” – he said getting everyone’s attention. Everyone hummed as they started to go after Marcus. Ben’s eye fell on someone familiar as he was hesitant.
“Actually…” – he started making his siblings pause brief. – “I’ll meet you all at the academy.” – he said holding a finger up, without looking at his siblings. – “Be home save.” – Sloane shouted whilst Ben already walked off. Jayme rolled her eyes clearly at her. – “What? Can’t I say to be save?” – Sloane replied making Jayme groan loud. – “It’s the girl.” – Fei spoke making everyone look at her. Fei pointed with her finger forwards.
All their eyes following as across from the street, they saw Ben cross over to go over to a group of people. Amongst them you. – “Aww.” – Alphonso said with a hand on his heart. – “Yuk.” – Jayme called out spitting at the ground. The ground startled sizzling with acid. Marcus nudged Alphonso to keep up as they were heading back for the academy. Ben approached the group of people as you didn’t notice him at first.
“Ben!” – you called out happily. Ben gave you a sour smile in return. – “Yo wait isn’t he from the bird academy?” – a boy called out. – “Sparrow.” – Ben clarified with a glare. You moved around your friends going over to him. – “Ben… are you okay?” – you questioned seeing some specks of blood on his neck. Ben touched his neck, looking down at his glove, barely seeing anything on it. – “I am!” – he answered, grabbing you firm by your wrist. Pulling you away from your friends. – “What is the meaning of this?” – he asked.
You furrowed your brows, looking behind you. – “These are my friends.” – you told him as Ben started to laugh loud. Almost mockingly as he wouldn’t believe these were your friends. – “You’ve got no friends Y/n. Just me.” – he reminded you with a smirk. Bothered you pulled your hand away. – “Stop being mean!” – you told him. – “Oh I’m being mean?” – Ben shouted back. – “Yes.” – you made clear. – “I’ll show you being mean!” – he pushed you aside, glaring at your friends. – “You better run.” – he told them, tilting his head a bit. From out of his chest emerged his tentacles.
Your friends started screaming, taking a run for it. Ben shifted his posture a bit as he moved a tentacles at the boy insulting his academy. He laughed manically when the tentacles had wrapped around him. Up in the air, he was dangling to his pleasure. – “Ben stop!” – you called out, having enough. Seeming that he wouldn’t listen, you ran up to him. Grabbing him by his arm, to shake him out of this nightmare. Three of your friends dangling in the air as Ben laughed loudly.
Amusing yourself with them. – “Ben that’s enough!” – you made clear. Ben groaned loud, pushing you aside. You got flung against the wall. Groaning in pain. Ben dropped your friends as they started running for their lives. – “Freak!” – one of them called out. Ben was smiling, turning himself to you. He picked you up from the ground, holding you up against the wall by your shoulder. – “Like I said no friends.” – he said. – “Asshole!” – you cursed back at him. Ben’s gaze hardened as he tensed his jaw. He then let go of you, taking off.
Stunned and baffled you didn’t know what overcame him. Never had he acted out so bad towards you. Never has he taunt you so much to make your life miserable. You just knew they wouldn’t want to be your friends anymore. Probably telling around so that everyone would keep their distance from you. And so it was. Wherever you walked in the street, you heard the whispers. That you were associated with the Hargreeves freaks.
To many, a bunch of freaks manufactured in a lab filled with poisonous toxins. Afraid their toxins would rub off on them and make them sick. Preferring to stay as far as possible from them. Everyone looked at you, like you were a disease all because of Ben. All because Ben decided to toy with some of your friends. If he hadn’t scared them, your life wouldn’t be miserable now. People left the shops whenever you entered or they casted you out.
You sat on a bench in the park, throwing the last of your bread at the doves. – “Aww sad and alone Y/n.” – you heard from behind you. Without even looking up, you knew who it was. Ben Hargreeves. He came jumping over the bench to sit with you. – “What do you want?” – you asked him bitsy. – “Oh someone is snappy.” – he teased poking you in the cheek. It made you slap his hand away. – “Because of you I am practically cast out of society!” – you told him, wanting him to know the consequences of his actions.
“Boohoo.” – Ben said bored, leaning back against the bench. His reaction made you almost lose your mind. – “I thought we were friends!” – you nearly screamed at him. Ben looked at you, quirking an eyebrow up before bursting out in laughter. Annoyed you got up, not wanting to be near him. Ben got up with a tensed expression.
You gasped when a tentacle wrapped around you. Lifting you up from the ground as it made you twirl up till you were in front of Ben. Feeling the slimy tentacle swivel around you. Ben moved you closer, coming nose to nose. Your expression angry. – “Feeling real tough now?” – you mocked at the power he had over you. Ben moved you even closer that he was nearly breathing you. His gaze flashed down to your lips, taking them in for a second before flashing his gaze back up.
“Very.” – he responded moving the tentacle back. Gasping loud, you felt yourself being pulled back with force. Tentacle releasing from around you as it tossed you away. With a scream you fell into the pond, disturbing the ducks as they flew for safety. Ben started laughing loud, taking his phone out to take pictures. You couldn’t laugh at all. Resurfacing, spewing some water out.
Ben waved you mockingly goodbye. You swam to the edge, crawling out drenched. Laying in the grass out of breath. Taking out your phone, you went to Ben’s number. Blocking it immediately as frankly you had enough of his hell-bound attitude. Whatever he was dealing with, he needn’t act it out on you. His ‘perhaps’ only friend. Yet he had just lost that privilege as you didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. The more he staid away, the better.
No more tormenting you with words or toying with you like a puppet. You were neither of those things. Soaking wet, your cloths weighed down as you made your way out of the park to your house. Hoping you’d avoid Ben more than enough. Luckily it seemed to work as for over a week now you hadn’t heard anything from him. Till one night he came knocking on your door.
There was loud pounding on the door. It startled you, making you jump out of your skin. Slowly getting up from the sofa, you wondered who it would be at this Godly hour. Seeing the clock, you saw it was rounding up to twelve. Moving into the hallway, there were more pounding. Making you gasp loud, muscles pulling together from fright. Then there was silence. Waiting in the hallway, you hoped they would disappear. Clash!
The door broke down as it made you scream loud. – “You’ve been ignoring your phone Y/n.” – Ben said stepping over your door on the floor. Eyes widening, you started running towards the stairs. Ben released his tentacles as they reached out. One strapped around your ankle. Pulling with a hard snap at you. Falling flat on the ground forwards. – “Ben let go!” – you screamed as he started to pull you closer to him. – “I’m not done playing with you.” – he said angrily. Your hands grabbed a cabinet as you held onto it. – “Why are you ignoring me Y/n?” – he asked making his tentacles pull harder at you.
Wanting you to let go of the cabinet. – “Payback asshole!” – you shouted trying to kick at his tentacle. Ben called it out, whipping another tentacle at your hands. Screaming, you let go being hit on the hands. The tentacle dragged you over the floor to him. Ben set his foot down on your body. – “You shouldn’t have ignored me.” – he made clear, leaning down to pick you up from the ground.
Breathing frightened, you were at eye-level of him. – “Ben…” – you begged not sure what he would do. Ben stared with a hardened expression at you. Lured in by his gaze, you started to see another meaning behind them. Loneliness? Did he perhaps felt alone?  Was it a reason for him to lash out. Did he feel like he was losing your friendship? Or was he simply feeling all alone in this world? Ben’s gaze was with pity for a moment before his expression hardened once more.
“Ben…” – you whispered out feeling his tentacle slither up your leg to your stomach. Curling around you to keep you in place. – “What are you becoming?” – you asked with worry. – “Nothing!” – Ben shouted back as you felt the tentacle tighten around you. It made you yelp soft at the sudden tension. – “I don’t like this side of you.” – you told him clear off. – “Too bad Y/n!” – Ben answered. His tentacle slithering higher up. You felt it slither around your chest and over your shoulders.
Ben’s gaze still on you as they slowly drifted to your lips. You felt yourself get pushed closer to him. Inches away from him. Your eyes widened feeling the tentacle slither more up towards your neck. The muscles tightening around your throat. Ben didn’t seem to notice, his gaze fixated on your eyes. Your eyes widened a bit, yelping out a soft sound. The strength of his tentacles, slowly suffocating you. – “Ben…” – you shrieked out, choking. Your airpipe getting shut as you were breathless. Ben’s gaze went rapidly over your expression. Trying to scan and interpret it.
It took him a few seconds to understand. Shocked he jumped back. His tentacles releasing on you as you dropped to the ground. Having no idea his tentacles were doing this to you. Sure he was a bit angry at you for ignoring him, but he didn’t want to kill you. – “Y/n!” – he shouted in fear, retracting his tentacles. He sunk to his knees, pulling you onto his lap. – “Y/n breath! Come on Y/n. Don’t die on me now!” – he called out, pressing his hand against your cheek. Not sure what to do, he leaned down, pressing his lips onto yours.
Spreading your lips with his, he blew air into your lungs. Just one blow was enough for you to get a freakish feeling. Jumping up and pushing Ben away from you. Ben blinked stunned at you whilst you coughed loud. – “The hell Ben!” – you yelled at him, wanting to punch him. Ben caught you by surprise, wrapping his arms around you. – “Good you are still here.” – he whispered to you. – “Thought I was leaving you?” – you asked, giving him a punch against his back. You felt his head rub out a yes against your shoulder.
It made you wrap your arms tighter around him. – “I’m not going anywhere silly squid.” – you told him. – “You just didn’t need to make my life hell because of your fears.” – you accused him with a glare. – “Sorry.” – he let out ashamed. You gave him a playful shove against his head for being so annoying. – “Do you need some more CPR Y/n?” – he asked. – “What? No?” – you responded confused. Before you knew it, Ben had pushed his lips onto yours, cupping your cheeks. You happily kissed him back. Knowing it was all a charade to hide his true fears. Fear of ending up alone.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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miniy00ng1 · 19 days
Not Yours pt.3
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Five Hargreeves x Female!Reader
wc: 1896
warnings: swearing, fighting, death, lmk if i missed anything
part one, part two, and masterlist!
hii lovelies! i really loved writing auntie y/n and stanley in this chapter! im 95% sure next chapter will be the last, but i also thought part 2 would be before i started writing it lol. also at this point i think this is a semi slow burn??? but anyways i hope you enjoy, please give me feedback, and pls ignore any grammar errors! thank you <3
It turns out babysitting your new “nephew”, who was also babysitting you, was a lot more fun than you thought it would be. Stanley told you that he needed to practice his karate skills and you decided to help him. Using your powers you change your appearance to mimic the boys, “Watch and learn Stanley.” You do a series of attacks as well as blocks. The boy looks at you in amusement, “This is so sick Auntie Y/N! I looked badass.” You switch back to your previous look, “No Stanley, I looked badass. You still look like a fool, keep practicing and you’ll get there eventually kid.”
“Oh shit, they’re here.” You hear Luther mutter from a table nearby. You look towards the door and see your siblings, minus Marcus, walk through the doors of the hotel in their matching outfits. “Have we always looked that stupid wearing those outfits?” You question aloud. “Nah, they look stupid but I bet you looked sick wearing that Auntie.” Stanley replies, standing next to you. “Stanley, I need you to stay out of the way okay? They said it was going to be peaceful but knowing them, I highly doubt that. So go hide or something and no matter what, don’t come out.” You usher the boy to the side of the lobby while he complains the whole time, saying that he could help. 
Once the boy is out of the way you join the two groups of siblings. “Give us the briefcase.” Allison spits out, glaring at the Sparrows in front of her. “Not until you give us Marcus and Y/N.” Ben replies with just as much venom. Allison grips your arm tightly, dragging you over to your siblings, “There’s one of them. Show the briefcase and you’ll get the other.” Ben grabs your arm and passes you off to Sloane who examines you quickly for any signs of injury. “That wasn’t the deal. But since you can’t seem to produce Marcus, I guess the deal’s off.” Your eyes widen in realization of what’s about to happen and you shout, “Run!”
A yell from behind the Umbrellas distracts everyone, in comes Stanley with a molotov cocktail, “Molotov this, bitches!” Diego whips around at the sound of his son’s voice, “Stanley! Not now.” The boy stops his tracks and drops the molotov cocktail causing it to shatter and ignite a nearby sign. You watch as your siblings begin to power up while the Umbrellas are distracted. Diego is fast on his feet and tosses Stanley behind the bar out of harms way before Christopher uses his powers to stun the Umbrellas bringing them to the ground. Ben waves his hand, signalling to finish the Umbrellas off. You fall to your knees and squeeze your eyes shut, not being able to watch the family be killed.
You then hear screams of agony but they’re not coming from the Umbrella Academy. You look up to see an elderly man release a vibrant gold pulse from his body, knocking Ben and Fei to the ground and killing Jayme and Alphonso instantaneously. “Fall back!” Ben yells in pain, rushing out the door with Fei and Christopher. You look in horror at the mutilated bodies of your siblings who have been left behind and crawl over to them. You let out a scream of anguish as you grab ahold of their hands, bringing them to your chest and letting sobs rack your body. Sloane wraps her arms around you from behind, crying into your back. You gently unwrap Sloane’s hands from your body and move out of the way, letting her hold your dead siblings. You rise from the ground slowly before turning and running full speed at the man who murdered Jayme and Alphonso. Viktor manages to grab ahold of you before you can attack the guy, “Let me at the bastard! Let me go Viktor! I’m going to kill this monster!” You struggle against Viktor’s grasp before Diego takes over leading you out of the lobby and into an empty room.
Sloane joins you minutes later with Luther. “Get the hell out of here Luther.” You hiss teeth clenched together. The man nods and leaves you two alone. The two of you are sitting on the couch holding each other, you stroke Sloane’s hair while she sobs into your arms. “I’m so grateful you’re alive Sloane.” You whisper in her ear. Sloane nods her head and proceeds to cry harder. The girl pulls away from you, “Do you think I could have a moment alone please?” You nod getting up to leave, you glance at the crying girl once more before leaving.
You decide to roam the halls to empty your head. You’ve cleared four floors before running into someone. Stanley rushes out of a room clearly panicked, “Oh hey Auntie Y/N. What’re you doing on this floor? We should go to level five, I heard it’s got a great view!” The boy grabs your hand trying to lead you away from the room he just exited. You pull your hand out of his grip and make a tutting noise, “Absolutely not kid. You’re being suspicious. What the hell did you do?” Stanley looks at you as if he’s about to cry, “I swear I didn’t mean to! It was an accident, it just went off.” Stanley opens the door to the suite and there lies Klaus Hargreeves with a hole in his chest and no signs of life. “Please don’t be mad at me Auntie. Oh my god, what am I going to do. I’m going to go to jail.” The boy cries. You hush him, “Don’t worry kid, I’m not mad. We’re going to fix this. First, I need you to find acid, we’ve got to dissolve the body and get cleaning supplies too–there’s a lot of blood. In the meantime, I’ll wrap the body in the carpet. Do you think I can pretend to be Klaus and myself for the rest of our lives?” You send Stanley on his way and get to work.
After half an hour, Stanley returns with Diego, “Holy shit, what did you do?” “It was an accident! Auntie Y/N and I were going to take care of it! You said you wouldn’t be mad at me.” Stanley whines. Diego’s eyes dart between you and Stanley then at the bottle of acid in Stanley’s arms. “You were going to dissolve the body?” Diego exclaims in realization. “It was her idea!” Stanley exclaims, pointing his finger with accusation. “What the hell kid? You kill someone and I try to be the good guy and help get rid of the body and you snitch on me!” You throw your hands up in exasperation. “It doesn’t matter whose idea it was, we’ve got to move him before someone finds out.” Diego states with a sense of urgency. The three of you manage to get Klaus’ body into the elevator. It’s quiet and awkward in the enclosed space but not for long. Klaus jerks awake taking in a deep breath of air. You all scream at his sudden movement. “I thought you said he was dead puta!” Stanley yells in distress. Diego grips his heart, “He was! And now you know Spanish? Klaus we thought you were dead.” Klaus nods his head looking down at his chest. “Oh thank goodness, I thought I was going to have to be you for the rest of my life.” You let out a sigh of relief and help Klaus out of the carpet when the doors open. You all walk out as if none of the past hour had occurred and beeline towards the bar where the rest of that Hargreeves sit.
“Fuck Five, pour me a shot.” You say exhausted. Lila and Five explain their findings at the Commission and how the world will be ending in a couple of days. “Make it a double, would you Five?” You tune the siblings arguing out as they follow Viktor to question him more about Harlan. You happily stay at the bar downing a few more shots before grabbing the full bottle. Five and Klaus join you back at the bar taking your bottle and pouring shots for themselves. You pay no mind to the conversation between the brothers until Five gets up and tells you that you’re going on an adventure.
The two of you end up at a sketchy bar where Five tells you to wait for him outside.It’s not long before he rushes out and forces you onto motorcycle. You snake your arms around his middle as he speeds off. You guys finally arrive at a trailer getting off of the stolen bike to speak with whoever Five was following. Five approaches the lady sitting on a couch outside of the trailer, she seems to be giving him a hard time so you take it upon yourself and go invisible. Once invisible, you waltz right inside the trailer only to see a very familiar face. “Pogo! I’ve missed you so much!” You say with excitement, wrapping your arms around the chimp. “It’s been a long time indeed, even longer as I still can’t see you.” The chimp replies, reminding you that you are still invisible. You show yourself, a big smile on your face. “Five come inside. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me we were chasing Pogo the whole time.” You call out to Five, motioning from the door to come in. The woman from earlier looks at you confused, wondering how you managed to sneak into the trailer. 
You sit down on a small couch at the front of the trailer so Five and Pogo can talk. Five shows the tattooed skin to Pogo, explaining everything that’s been going on. In return, Pogo gives Five information on Reginald and his schemes. “I guess we should get a move on and get that thing inked on me.” Five says sighing and moving to sit next to you on the couch. “Are you sure about that?” Pogo questions. “I don’t think destiny really cares if I’m sure or not.” Five states blatantly. Five has already taken off his blazer and it loosening his tie. “Um…Five…Where is that tattoo going?” You ask blushing as he now starts to work on the buttons of his shirt. Five leans close to you and whispers so only you can hear, “Aren’t you eager to find out Darling?” 
Five blinks you back to Hotel Obsidian where you are immediately bombarded by a freaked out Diego and Lila. They drag you to the room where Klaus died and talked about an alternative hotel with monster samurais. In their whole explanation, they also mention that Stanley was kugelblitzed right it front of them. “My poor, poor sweet nephew. Curse the damn thing that took him. Five you have to figure out how to fix this, the thing ate my nephew.” You cry, clearly upset that the kugelblitz got Stanley. Five looks at you strangely, trying to figure out when you became so close with the boy. Luther and Sloane enter the suite asking the four of you to meet at the Sparrow Academy in an hour as Ben has called for a family meeting. You agree on behalf of everyone in the room, hoping to figure a way to get Stanley back.
@ohmyitsfaith @clairoscharm @mel-vaz
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writeriguess · 9 days
Hello! I was watching the movie Journey to Bethlehem on Netflix (highly recommend it’s a good watch even if you aren’t religious but a fan of musicals) and then this songfic prompt crash landed into my brain. For a Five x Reader
The reader is a member of the Sparrow Academy who all hate her (except for Sloane and Marcus) and after the Umbrellas show up her siblings get the idea of putting her in an Arranged Marriage TO FIVE (my head canon is that Y/N is actually the same age as everyone but is permanently stuck in the body of her 14 year old self after her pituitary gland was rendered dormant after she had brain cancer but is now cancer free) with Sloane only pitching in because she wanted to Keep Y/N in the family.
the reader is obviously dismayed by this especially after Ben reminds her that because of her disability she will "never be a real woman"
Five is equally dismayed for the same reasons and that his siblings are only complying with the fear of them saying no would ruin the new Sparrow and Umbrella truce (Luther mainly with the fear of Sloane forcing him to sleep on the couch).
so the two end up meeting after running away from the dreaded where they have a heart to heart and end up singing the song "Can We Make This Work?" from the movie
after singing the song the ending is left open but heavily implied they do learn to love each other and find happiness
You sat in the dimly lit corner of the Sparrow Academy library, your knees pulled to your chest as you tried to tune out the buzzing thoughts in your head. The past few days had been an overwhelming blur. The Umbrellas had shown up, chaos had ensued, and now, as if things couldn’t get worse, your siblings had decided on an arrangement that made your blood run cold: marrying you off to Five Hargreeves.
Your eyes burned, not just from the overwhelming stress of it all, but from the stinging words Ben had thrown at you earlier. “You’ll never be a real woman. Why would anyone want you, Y/N?” His sneer echoed in your mind, twisting deeper than any blade could.
You were used to being the odd one out in the Sparrow Academy. Marcus was kind in his stoic way, and Sloane, with her gentle spirit, had always been there to shield you. But the others—especially Ben—treated you like a burden. It wasn’t just your inability to age that made them uncomfortable; it was everything. The cancer that had stolen your childhood, freezing you in a body that would forever be fourteen, even though you were the same age as everyone else. The feeling of being constantly infantilized, misunderstood, and pitied. And now, to top it all off, you were being handed over to Five like some sort of truce sacrifice.
The door creaked open, and you instinctively wiped at your eyes. You weren’t sure who you expected, but when you looked up, you saw him—Five Hargreeves. He stood there awkwardly, his hands shoved deep in his pockets. It was strange seeing him this vulnerable, his usual confidence tempered with something akin to discomfort.
“Great,” you muttered, glancing away. “The groom-to-be.”
He didn’t respond immediately, just walked over and sat down beside you. There was a tense silence between the two of you, and the weight of it felt suffocating.
“You don’t want this either,” he finally said, his voice a low grumble. “Do you?”
You shook your head, biting your lip. “No. It’s... insane. All of it.”
Five sighed, leaning back against the bookshelf. “Believe me, I’m not thrilled about this. My siblings think it’s necessary for the truce, but... this is our lives we’re talking about. Not theirs.”
You glanced over at him, surprised by the gentleness in his tone. There was always something about Five—sharp and cold on the surface, but there was a depth to him you hadn’t expected to see. Maybe because, like you, he had been through more than most could understand.
“They don’t care about that,” you whispered, the bitterness creeping into your voice. “To them, I’m just... an inconvenience. And Ben—” You stopped yourself, the pain of his words still too fresh.
Five’s expression darkened. “Ben’s an ass. Don’t let him get to you.”
You huffed out a humorless laugh. “Easier said than done.”
Silence fell again, but this time it wasn’t as heavy. You could feel a strange sense of understanding between the two of you, an unspoken acknowledgment of how messed up your situation was.
“I overheard Marcus talking to your brother,” Five said after a moment. “They’re all in on it—well, except for Sloane. She just wants to keep you in the family.”
You rolled your eyes. “Of course she does. She means well, but...”
“But she doesn’t realize what she’s asking of you.”
“Exactly.” You sighed, rubbing your temples. “It’s not just that I don’t want this. It’s that... I don’t think I can do this.”
Five turned to face you fully now, his brow furrowed. “Why not?”
“Look at me,” you said, gesturing to yourself. “I’m stuck like this. Forever. Ben’s right—who would want to marry someone who looks like a teenager for the rest of their life?”
Five frowned, shaking his head. “That’s not—no one should have to make you feel like that. Especially not him.”
You stared at the floor, your heart heavy. “It’s just... I don’t know if I’ll ever feel like enough.”
For a moment, Five said nothing, his gaze distant as if he was wrestling with something. Then, to your surprise, he reached out and took your hand, his grip firm but not overwhelming. “I get it,” he said quietly. “More than you think.”
You blinked, unsure of what he meant, but before you could ask, he stood up and extended his hand toward you, pulling you to your feet. “Come on. I want to show you something.”
He led you to a quiet corner of the Academy, a place you didn’t even know existed—a small, secluded garden, untouched by the chaos inside. The moment you stepped outside, you felt a strange sense of peace wash over you.
Five sat down on the stone bench, motioning for you to join him. “I... don’t know how this is supposed to work,” he said, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it. “But maybe, just maybe, we can figure it out. Together.”
Your heart thudded in your chest, and for a second, you felt something stir—hope, perhaps. But it was fragile, like a flame struggling to stay lit in the wind.
“Do you really think we can make this work?” you asked, your voice trembling with uncertainty.
Five’s eyes met yours, and in them, you saw the same doubt, the same fear. But there was something else, too—determination.
“Maybe,” he said, the ghost of a smile on his lips. “Maybe when it hurts, we’ll be worth the pain.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, even as a tear slipped down your cheek. “I don’t know... it seems impossible.”
Five shrugged. “Most things worth having usually do.”
You both sat in silence for a while, watching the stars above, their faint twinkle a reminder that even in darkness, there could be light. And then, almost as if it had been building up inside you both, you started humming softly.
The melody floated in the air, and Five, to your surprise, joined in.
"Can we make this work? Even trying feels insane..."
You smiled through the tears, your voice growing stronger as the lyrics spilled out.
"Maybe when it hurts, We’ll be worth the pain..."
The two of you sang together, voices blending in the quiet night, the uncertainty still lingering, but something else blooming as well. Something fragile, but hopeful.
"Can we make this work? Can we make this work?"
As the song faded, you both sat there, letting the silence settle once more. The future was still unclear, still daunting, but somehow, it didn’t feel as terrifying as before.
And maybe, just maybe, you thought, it would be worth it after all.
Requests are open. Send as many as you like.
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teddy06writes · 9 months
X Reader Fic Masterlist
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Dead Poet Society:
Charlie Daltons Annuel Dead Poets Holiday Party: Halloween Edition Diner Days Everything Falls Apart Study Session Repercussions Dating the Dead Poets HCs
Neil Perry:
Music of the Night Why'd I Guess the Ending? Anywhere... Just Not Home Happiness Here For You A Quiet Moment Everyone But You
Todd Anderson:
Favorite Poet Surprise Cuddle Sessions Friday Night Fun, Monday Meetings
Steven Meeks: Of Little Love Poems, Secret Admirers and Anonymous Notes
Charlie Dalton:
Friends to Lovers Hcs
Gerard Pitts: None yet
Richard Cameron: None yet
Knox Overstreet: None Yet
The Outsiders:
Being the Fourth Curtis Brother HCs
Dallas Winston:
Never Fall In Love Again No Matter What Ghost Stories Late Nights By The Fire Oh How The Turn Tables People Watching
Sodapop Curtis:
Golden Too Old? Yeah Right! Meltdown Soda x theaterkid!reader
Two Bit Mathews:
I'll Try Too Old? Yeah Right! Spooky-est Place On Earth
Darry Curtis:
Pumpkin Spice Everything Hot Tea Heals The Soul Morning Routines
Johnny Cade:
Protective Cool, Calm, and Collected-- Until He Smiles
Steve Randle:
1955 Chevy Delray
Polyam Jally:
Take Me Back to the Night We Met
Polyam Dallypop:
I Told You It Was A Dumbass Plan
Top Gun: Maverick:
General/Unit:None Yet
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw: None Yet
Jake 'Hangman' Sersin: None Yet
Javy 'Coyote' Machado:None Yet
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace: None Yet
Robert 'Bob' Floyd: None Yet
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia: None Yet
Ruben 'Payback' Fitch: None Yet
Polyam Hangster: None Yet
Polyam Bobnix: None yet
The Bear:
Carmen Berzatto: None yet
Sydney Adamu: None Yet
Richie Jerimovich: None yet
Marcus: None Yet
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby:
Can't Sleep?
Arthur Shelby: None yet
John Shelby: None yet
Lizzie Stark/Shebly: None yet
Alfie Solomons:
Interrupted Date Nights Lost Words Win Win Much Ado About Nothing
Michael Gray: None Yet
Star Wars:
Cassian Andor:
Jyn Erso: None Yet
Polyam CassianxJyn: None yet
Bhodi Rook: None Yet
Din Djarin: None Yet
Han Solo: None Yet
Lord Of The Rings/The Hobbit:
The Fellowship: None Yet
The Company: None Yet
Aragorn: None Yet
Boromir: None yet
Legolas: None Yet
Gimli: None Yet
Frodo Baggins: None Yet
Samwise Gamgee:
Pippin Took:None Yet:
Merry Brandybuck:None Yet
Faramir: None Yet
Eomer: None yet
Eowyn: None Yet
Bilbo Baggins: None yet
Thorin Oakenshield:None yet
Kili: None yet
Fili:None yet
Bofur: None yet
Bard Bowman: None yet
The Umbrella Academy:
General/Unit: None yet
Number Five Hargreeves: None yet
Klaus Hargreeves: None Yet
Diego Hargreeves: None yet
Allison Hargreeves: None Yet
Luther Hargreeves: None Yet
Viktor Hargreeves: None Yet
Lila Pitts: None Yet
Bucky Barnes: None yet
Sam Wilson: None yet
Natasha Romanoff: None yet
Loki: None Yet
Druig: None Yet
Makari: None yet
Sersi: None yet
The Breakfast Club:
None yet
John Bender: None yet
Andrew Clarke: None Yet
Brian Johnson: None yet
Claire Standish: None yet
Allison Reynolds: None yet
More potentially to be added...
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