#marinette's grandpa is a real one
baylie-marie822 · 7 months
Marinette's grandpa
tom's dad: *sees his wife* tom's dad: *calls her name* tom's dad: *fixes non-existent hair*
also, can we just appreciate that this man beat the mayor of Paris with a baguette in his underwear because "That's not how it's done!"
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snitchesnsneeds · 4 months
First Half of Miraculous Season 2 Done. Here's my thoughts:
The Collector: A pretty good start! They made the teens smart while still being dumb teens!
Despair Bear: Chloe needs a therapist, arguably moreso than a redemption arc and especially a downward villainous spiral. Also Dangit Grandpa
Prime Queen: Wow, this was a lot more chill than expected. Even Cat Noir was left aghast at what Nadja was doing, Nadja seemed to be pressuring Ladybug and Cat Noir more for views than anything else, and I'm not entirely sure Akuma personalities can be trusted.
Befana: Fun fact: This was the episode that got me into Miraculous in the first place because of how shocking it was. And then I discovered even more. In hindsight from watching the other episodes, it was relatively darker, but mostly because it's Marinette's friends and family that are getting G-rated killed instead of random civilians like every other episode.
Riposte: Kagami is here! I don't see too much chemistry with her and Adrien yet, but she's cool and I like her and feel like I could be friends in real life. Also this feels like a relatively uncommon trope, but I wish "X is blatantly a woman but no one notices" was spedran through by someone with brains.
Robustus: Pretty good, all things considered. From what I've heard about Miraculous lore, creating sapient or at the very least semi-sapient AI isn't that uncommon for weirdness hotspots, and I'm putting Max in the list of characters I think should have figured out Ladybug and Cat Noir's identity. (There's four now!)
Gigantitan: It turns out my favorite parts of Miraculous are the slice-of-life bits instead of the superhero bits the show is about! We got to see more of Marinette's friends! Alix! Mylene! Julie! The Eeby Deeby herself! Also it was really sweet to see Adrien's bodyguard calm down just by looking at the kid. Adrien's true daddy.
Dark Owl: No wonder these two aren't allowed to know eachothers' identities, considering how much of a loose tongue Marinette has!
Glaciator: Alright, it's finally time to talk about the sins of Marinette and Cat Noir, considering the fan content I osmosed before watching the series was heavy salt stuff, and I wanna see how much it holds up. So far Cat Noir has acted as if he's already dating Ladybug previously, and in this episode he got mad at Ladybug for not showing up at a date when she herself said she might not come due to having other plans. Isn't he supposed to be used to not-showing-up disappointment as Adrien due to his dad? Is it different because he's Cat Noir? Is this a breaking point? No matter, he eventually calms down and is ultimately the less bad member of the relationship. Marinette, meanwhile, doesn't have as many misdemeanors to her name but they're a lot worse. She stole Adrien's phone to get rid of an embarrassing message and got away with it too, what the hell, and also owns the schedule. Although I don't believe she stalked Adrien and made it herself due to how busy she is as both Marinette and Ladybug, that's just weird and wrong. I'm reluctant to call her a stalker, but her actions are still wrong. Ultimately, this relationship is going to need a lot of therapy and counseling to not crash and burn. What were we talking about again? Oh yeah. The ice cream episode. I think the ice cream guy can be wrong and he doesn't understand that.
Sapotis: Silly little fun episode, also it introduces the first new Miraculous holder! I'm honestly fine with it so far if it means more screentime for side characters. I honestly really like seeing Marinette's classmates. They're neat. Also I was this close to putting Alya on the list but she proves time and time again that she doesn't actually know Ladybug's identity.
Gorizilla: In this episode we are introduced to Adrien's deranged parasocial fanbase. I'm starting to understand some of his father's decisions at this point. This is what I was talking about with the schedule, by the way. These obsessive stalker creeps make Marinette look reasonable, and I wouldn't be surprised if the one guy who I'm pretty sure becomes Party Crasher discreetly stalked Adrien to get his schedule. Restraining orders need to be filed.
Captain Hardrock: One of the funniest episodes, up there with Dark Cupid. Also Luka is here! And he already has great chemistry with Marinette! And more Rosie and Julie content even if it's crumbs!
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IOTA Reviews: Illusion
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You know, It's really sad how this is a Lila episode, and she somehow isn't the most annoying character to come out of it.
Let's get into the fifth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Illusion
We start off with a news broadcast where several people are interviewed about the recent developments this season. There's an attempt made to show differing perspectives, but while half are recurring characters who are confident Ladybug and Cat Noir will beat Monarch (Xavier, Mr. Damocles, and Alec), the other half are antagonistic characters who either blame Ladybug for everything going wrong or are too stupid to care about the bigger picture (XY, Chloe, and Bob Roth).
This is one of the overarching problems with the show, its refusal to show any nuance in its arguments. We already know how easy it is for the writers to blame Marinette for things whenever there's a conflict, but whenever there's an argument where both sides make interesting points, the opposing side is almost always represented by an antagonist or jerk who frames their view in either a condescending or idiotic way so it's easy for the viewer to brush them off, and the same can be applied to their side of the argument as well. Hell, it's already happened twice this season with Lila and Chloe (Multiplication, Determination). It just comes across like the show is pretending to act like its conflict is deeper without actually showing any real nuance with it. I get that some arguments aren't morally gray, but if you're trying to discuss Ladybug's past failures, put more effort into showing how the people of Paris would see something like this without knowing the full context.
Also, this is a minor thing, but I actually like how when we see Alec on the talk show, he's wearing a wig like the one he had in “Wishmaker”, and has the same positive outlook on life he had at the end of that episode. For a show that usually plays loosey-goosey with its continuity, it's surprising to see the writers actually acknowledge the character growth of someone as insignificant as Alec.
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Congratulations, Miraculous Ladybug. You managed to give a very minor side character a consistent arc. Now if only you could put the same amount of effort into writing your main cast.
We cut to Adrien's room where, shock of all shocks, he isn't exactly a fan of his image being used for a high-tech ring without his consent. He storms off to see his father, but it turns out that Gabriel is experimenting with the idea of not being such a terrible father for once. He's making breakfast, saying that Adrien can call him “Dad” now, and even admits that he's been very neglectful towards his son ever since Emilie “disappeared”. Yeah, he's cooking breakfast in his white suit and haircut that makes him look like a grandpa for some reason, but hey, at least the kitchen isn't on fire.
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Of course, Gabriel still isn't really good at comforting his son, as seen with his response to Adrien's concerns about Alliance.
Adrien: Speaking of which, Dad, I'm not really comfortable with having my face on all these rings. That's actually why I didn't want to be a model anymore, to avoid that. Do you understand?
Gabriel: Of course, I understand, my son. But that's the point; it's just an image, it's not you! And since this image frees you from your obligations, we, the Agrestes, are able to spend more time together. But if you'd rather everything went back to the way it was before, just say the word.
Adrien: You're probably right.
Gabriel: You'll see, my son. Alliance will bring us closer.
“I know you're concerned about me using your image for something that I could have hired literally anyone else for, but if you would rather go back to being a model on a strict schedule, just say the word.”
Father of the year, ladies and gentlemen.
We get a decent interaction between Marinette and Alya where they discuss ways that Monarch could be giving Miraculous to his Akumas, unaware of what the Alliance rings do. Alya comes up with an interesting hypothesis that Monarch is using the Dog Miraculous to swipe them back, and honestly, that sounds like a much better plan than “develop a cutting-edge AI ring and hope whoever I akumatize had enough money to buy one”. I like this bit, as it shows the two thinking of ways to stop Monarch beyond beating whatever Akuma he sends out next. It honestly could have been a really interesting story arc to see Marinette, Cat Noir, and Alya learn more about how Monarch is using the new Miraculous he got instead of having us know what he's doing already.
After class ends, Nino talks to Adrien about an underground resistance he's forming with his friends, deciding to give each member a condiment-themed title.
Alya: What's up with the sauces?
Nino: What's up is Ladybug and Cat Noir don't have us to help them anymore.
Alya: (nervously) Um... uh... what do you mean, “us”?
Nino: Well, us, you Rena Rouge, me Carapace! (Alya kicks Nino's leg underneath the table) Ouch! What's the big deal? We can tell Marinette and Adrien we used to be superheroes. It's not like we have any Miraculous that Monarch could steal from us. The only ones who need to protect their secret identities are Ladybug and Cat Noir, not us. And anyway, I already told Adrien about Carapace.
Adrien: (chuckles nervously)
Marinette: Adrien knew?! Alya, did you know that he knew?!
Alya: What, no, I swear I didn't know at all! (kicks Nino's leg again)
Nino: Ow! Come on! He's my best bud, I can tell him stuff! You and Marinette tell each other stuff, don't you?
Alya and Marinette: No we don't!
Yeah, remember how shocking it was for Nino to reveal that he and Alya were Rena Rouge and Carapace to Adrien in “Rocketear”, and how we thought this reveal would play into something big like the Season 4 finale, possibly splintering the trust several characters had with each other? This is what it culminates in. Wasn't waiting over a year since that plotpoint was established totally worth it for that gag that once again ignores the secret identity rule?
Also, just because you don't have a Miraculous, it doesn't mean Monarch can't target you like he did last season (Optigami, Sentibubbler), you dumbass.
For the first time in God knows how long, Lila actually becomes relevant when she asks to sit with the four, only to be rebuffed by Marinette and Nino. Using some more condiments and food as props, Nino explains his plan.
Nino: We're gonna film an akumatization.
Alya: And how are you, Comrade Ketchup, gonna be in the know when and where this akumatization takes place?
Nino: Easy, Comrade Beurre Maître d'Hôtel. I'm gonna make it happen.
Yep, this is the plot of the episode, people. Nino's going to try and get someone akumatized. Now I know what you're all obviously thinking: Isn't this cruel?
Adrien: Isn't that cruel?
Alya: Totally! To make someone suffer just to discover Monarch's technique? Super cruel!
Nino: No, it's not! You forget Ladybug always fixes everything in the end with her magic ladybugs! The akumatized victims forget what happened to them.
Oh yeah, this is totally ethical, you guys. Who cares about the emotional trauma an Akuma victim would go through, much less any civilians endangered by their rampage?
To make things even better, guess who Nino wants to get akumatized?
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Okay, putting aside what we, the audience, already know about Gabriel that Nino doesn't, why would he think pissing off one of the most influential fashion designers in the city of Paris is a good idea? He says he's targeting him because it's easy to do so during parent-teacher conferences, but why not target someone else who has been akumatized more often than him, like Xavier/Mr. Pigeon? I don't think the idea of a more morally gray plan to stop Monarch is a bad one, it's just that this plan is so stupid, and the writers only go over the ethical implications, and that said plan is so ludicrous, Nino is basically asking for a restraining order.
While Adrien and Marinette agree to Nino's plan, Alya only hesitantly goes along with it, but unbeknownst to any of them, Lila was overhearing their conversation, so she goes to tell Gabriel what they're doing. During the conferences, Marinette barges in and pretends to trip and drop some pizza onto Gabriel's clothes, and I'm going to assume that either the pizza was cold of Gabriel is really good at keeping a cool head because there's no way taking a hot pizza to the chest wouldn't hurt like hell. Adrien and Alya come in with more food, and we get the one funny joke of the episode with Alya half-assing her performance as the half-heartedly throws some cake onto Gabriel's suit. Pretty funny how Nino is conveniently the only one who isn't taking the risk by attacking Gabriel in front of his teacher by filming the whole thing, isn't it?
Gabriel has had enough and does a 180, planning to take Adrien out of school and somehow, Marinette blames herself for going along with the plan... even though she was the only one to not approve of it, while Adrien and Alya did, and even then, the latter two were very hesitant. It turns out this was all part of Gabriel's plan, as we see him transform into Monarch as soon as he gets to his lair and uses Trixx's power to create a Mirage of his civilian form, having a breakdown so dramatic, I'm surprised he didn't end it by saying, “YOU ARE TEARING ME APART, MARINETTE!”.
The illusion of Gabriel turns into the Collector again, and now he supposedly has the Horse Miraculous' Voyage as a power. Adrien and Marinette transform into Cat Noir and Ladybug respectively, and try to fend off the “Akuma”. Back in Monarch's lair, we learn that he somehow has the ability to unify with five different Miraculous at once, choosing to do so with the Bee, Mouse, Horse, and Rooster Miraculous. Why is he able to do this now?
Monarch uses Voyage and heads to the sewers, activating Venom before using Multiplication to create eight smaller clones of himself, finally using Sublimination to give the copies the power of invisibility. Strange, wouldn't wanting to be invisible count as a wish? While looking for “the Collector”, Ladybug uses her Lucky Charm, getting a bag of shredded cheese. The two chase after the illusion, only to fall through a Voyage portal into the sewers, where Cat Noir is almost immediately stunned by one of the clones. Hey, it took five whole episodes this season for him to be incapacitated by an Akuma to pointlessly raise the stakes this time! It's a new record! Ladybug throws the cheese to reveal the clones, who are then chased off by some nearby rats.
Monarch goes back to his normal form, and after a small pep talk, the illusion pretends to reject the Akuma entirely before falling into the water. The real Gabriel detransforms and then pretends to have gotten out. So Gabriel tricked the heroes with his foolproof plan... except for the fact that Ladybug and Cat Noir should have recognized the use of Venom, the hidden clones of the Collector when the video Nino got only said he had the Horse Miraculous' power, the akuma somehow purifying itself when Ladybug still needed to de-evilize it in “Rocketear” and “Penalteam”, the fact that Gabriel should be soaking wet from falling into the water, and the—okay, you all know where this is going.
Meanwhile, Nino sees the footage of the illusion and sees what he believes to be the way Monarch gave the Collector the Horse Miraculous' powers. Nino then apologizes to Gabriel for attacking him, Gabriel forgives him, and Nino invites him into the Resistance, with a bunch of new members. The final scene reveals that in addition to Nino, Alya, Marinette, Adrien, and Gabriel, the Resistance now has Max, Kim, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene, and to Marinette's horror, Lila. Also, there's a post-credits scene where Gabriel explains what he did to Tomoe when literally everyone watching was able to figure it out.
Okay, so let's summarize. The first mission for Nino's resistance involved assaulting a private civilian, was easily discovered before it could even be implemented, was just as easily foiled by an illusion, now Monarch and one of his allies have infiltrated the alliance as moles, and Nino isn't even aware that his plan was a colossal failure. This resistance isn't exactly going to be like the Rebel Alliance, is it?
Yeah, this episode sucked. It's easily the worst one so far in my opinion. There were a handful of decent moments and ideas here, but my God, the story was just terrible. Morally gray subject or not, it's hard to get behind the heroes when they try to intentionally piss someone off for a plan that the audience knows is going to fail, especially a plan as stupid as Nino's. This episode features Nino at his most obnoxious and unlike Alya, Marinette, and especially Adrien, he doesn't even feel bad for what he did to Gabriel when it ended up being (as far as we know) completely pointless. It feels like the writers wanted to gloss over the ethics of Nino's plan by making Gabriel the victim, because if it was anyone else, it would have made him look like a colossal prick. The fact that he learns nothing and thinks his moronic scheme was a success really doesn't help.
The other characters thankfully weren't as bad. It seemed like the writers were trying to show some self-awareness by having Alya, Marinette, and Adrien object to the plan in one way or another, but it never really went much other than them begrudgingly going along with it, much less calling him out for his actions. At the same time, they all got some decent moments, like Alya and Marinette's discussion about Monarch and Adrien struggling to convey his feelings about the Alliance rings to Gabriel.
It's also kind of weird that it took us about five episode into the season for Lila to finally be relevant again after she did absolutely nothing for the last three episodes of Season 4 and the first four episodes of this season. It was only three and a half years since “Ladybug”, the last major Lila episode premiered, right? But hey, at least the writers didn't overindulge in the dumb Lila lies like her other episodes, and was used more as an informant to kick off Gabriel's counter to Nino's plan.
Putting aside how terrible Nino's plan was, Gabriel's plan still had a lot of problems to it. Like I already mentioned, it's a little strange that Ladybug and Cat Noir never talk about the tiny clones they fought, or the fact that Cat Noir was stung by Venom. I can kind of suspend my disbelief by saying Ladybug was too focused on the battle to think, but why the hell didn't Cat Noir say anything? You would think after working alongside Queen Bee and Vesperia, he would recognize what being stung by Venom must look like. Yeah, Ladybug and Cat Noir didn't know Monarch can now use more powers for some reason, but it still really bothers me, because they should know the Collector can't multiply himself. It's also strange that he made his trick so hard to find when you would think it would be more obvious to see
But overall, this one was just a chore to get through. It feels like the writers saw how much some people didn't like Nino in “Rocketear”, and were like, “You call THAT character assassination?” And speaking of...
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Was there ever any doubt? The dude talked about his identity in a public place, nonchalantly blew him and his girlfriend's cover when he had no reason to for his Resistance, tried to get his best friend's dad akumatized while not caring about any potential damage, showed no remorse for what he did when his plan blew up in his face, tried to tell Ladybug and Cat Noir about what he learned while they were fighting the Collector, and all that was for a plan that didn't even work because the intel was discovered with ease, to say nothing about how he unintentionally let two enemies into his own Resistance. I've seen a lot of stupid decisions in this show, but never have I seen a single episode where a character makes screw-up after screw-up and doesn't even realize how much of a colossal moron he's being. With the past five episodes I covered and awarded Biggest Idiot Awards to (Ladybug, Alya, Xuppu, Mr. Damocles, and Luka), it was more them not seeing the bigger picture. Here, Nino is honestly trying to help Ladybug and Cat Noir, yet he failed at his job in every way.
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simp-ly-the-best · 2 months
i hate marinette, here's why. (i don't hate her, i just don't like her.)
Reasons why i hate her:
Marinette’s behavior is just way too creepy and it’s NOT endearing when she sniffs his pillow or stalks him.
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She’s become too boring and is annoyingly insecure about everything, and you’d think that after a lot of time around Adrien she’d get used to being around him but no because plot
Adrien would be a more interesting character but there’s almost no focus on him.
Chloe could be such a great character and I honestly thought she’d be developed and fleshed out into a complex, relatable teen, but now that the creator’s like “oh she’s just evil” then i don’t know why the heck they spent episodes “developing” her and making her Queen Bee. So many key moments and characteristics, like her abusive mother and idiot father, all down the drain.
Lila was a character added purely to add stupid drama and is basically unnecessary and annoying.
The whole romance is so convoluted and stupidly written. And I don’t see a point in bringing Luka and Kagami into the mix if Adrien and Marinette will obviously get together anyway by Season 10 or something.
At thiis point Marinette should get with Kagami and Adrien with Luka cause they clearly have more chemistry than Adriennete
The akuma thing is so old now and they’ve even recycled villains. They have no creativity anymore. I am SICK of freaking Reflecta (don’t know if i got that right) appearing all the time.
Chat Blanc. Enough said.
Some people say she is a Mary Sue. Yes she has the attributes like perfect family, OP abilities she has two powers not just one. Chat's night vision is never used, her Lucky Charm and Miraculous Ladybug is an episodic ability. She is the only one who can do anything about akumas and amoks. She learnt how to fence out of nowhere, like Kagami and Adrien struggled with it for years she now has this ability too. At kawmi swap she uses the Cat miraculous without any issues and Adrien doesn't know anything. She uses a bunch of kwamis in one go, with knowledge. She becomes the Guardian when she made a huge mistake. Etc. I could go on why is she considered a Mary Sue, but honestly I don't consider her one. Zoey Redbird is the real Mary Sue in my eyes.
She is portrayed as a stalker for giggles. This is where the writers ruined a fine character. Do you watch anime? The stalker girl turns out to be a yandere, makes the protagonist's life hell, kills off his parents, friends, girlfriend, even in some cases the protagonist too. Yanderes have shrines of the protagonist's stuff, break into his house, follow home. Marinette is not that far away to turn into a yandere trope only for laughs.
She admitted herself that she is a stalker. She stole four phones trough the series (Adrien's in Copycat, Chloé's, Alya's and Kagami's phone in Ikari Gozen, but at first she gave her phone to Marinette wilingly), she stole the photographer's harddrive, tricked Chloé a bunch of times out of jealousy and nearly ruined Kagami's chances with Adrien.
She broke into his room as Ladybug, sniffed his pillow. I hate how she acted as an obsessive stalker when she entered.
She followed Adrien and Lila in Onii-chan home, she was ready to climb the wall and even asked a fireman for his ladder.
How she wanted to ask out Adrien in Simpleman. She ditched four kids with his usually tense grandpa to repair Adrien's angel wings. Because she was so shy to ask him out to the movies in this episode and Adrien too rushed back to his photoshoot. To have a chance with him she was ready to just ruin the wings again with a fishing rod. Yeah the Guardian ladies and gentlemen.
It still creeps me out that she knows everything about Adrien but she barely can talk with him. I used to know a bunch of stuff about my ex boyfriend because he was the one who told me or with time I found out a lot about him as we dated, spent time together or I got to know his precious people. Marinette knows everything about Adrien without asking him (Gamer, Befana, Goridzilla and Kung Food where I remember they talking about stuff). She knows his favorite color, fruit, his schedule for the next 5 years (I bet even Adrien doesn't know what his father planned), she knows his life but doesn't know him as himself. Samd thing can be said about Ladynoir but they have to protect their identities and at least Chat tries to know his partner only for her to remind him that they can't know anything.
She made macaroons for him every weekend, she made him gifts for his 30 years of birthdays bunch of little weird stuff.
She kissed his “wax” statue worst episode ever, the moment I started to dislike her.
She is a hypocrite with the rules. Alya and Nino can know, Alya can know her identity, but Chat can't know anything, he can't tell his identity to Nino. Alya, Nino and Luka were revealed yet they can still be holders, no matter that she risks their lives and she could choose new ones. Still Kagami probably won't be Ryuko ever again, Chloé couldn't be Queen B in season 3.
Lukanette. New York special she was moving on from Adrien only for everyone and their mother pushed her into Adrien's arms. She was dating Luka, he was dating Kagami. Still we see in Truth too that even her boyfriend Luka knows that she is obsessed with Adrien yet he is dating her without any jealousy. Poor Luka you deserve better.Give this man a fucking break.
She as the Guardian. I don't like that the we are equals plot is out of the window. Now she “can make/create anything the universe is the limit", so she can make charms, summon miraculouses, save the day as a civilian not let Scarabella or Chat save the day once.
The writers could have done so much with this show and this is why I am so bitter that they waste pretty good characters for no reason. Just think about that Marinette has a good story arc in the first two seasons. She stood up to Chloé, finally acted on her feelings, broke down under the pressure of being the Guardian. Yet they had to throw in the stalker, obsessive nearly yandere trope for fun to ruin her. I wish at least one character would call her out for it and she would learn from it. I wish that in season four she really moved on with Luka so her obsession would end. But no we can't have development.
Still she is a fictional character, I hate how the writers write these characters.
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howhow326 · 10 months
Some of yall bout to be real mad at me...
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Breakdown under read more.
Percabeth Energy: True love, made for each other, perfection, flawless, wholesome, zero bad vibes (Note: I planned to leave this part empty, but changed my mind when I saw these two ships)
Julerose is like a star in the void. In a show full of weirdness, these two are proof that an unproblematic relationship trumps all! For that, I give them the honor of Percabeth energy.
Tom and Sabine are just straight Julerose with the added bonus that Tom kicked his racist dad to curb and never looked back. Of only Marinette never found that guy again.
Lumity Energy: Full love, realistic problems but like not in an abusive way, the only reason these ships aren't giving Percabeth is because the show ruined them, yes that is what I'm going with, No I don't think Lumity is bad the name is just a joke
Alya x Marinette is a goated ship, fight me! "bUt WhAt AbOuT lIlA", everyone is an idiot in those episodes! Forgot Lila and remember that Marinette and Alya have a very supportive relationship that's mutual. Although, I couldn't completely forget about Lila which is why it's down here.
Lukanette was robbed. Luka x Adrien was also robbed.
So I don't dislike the gay boys but that one time Nathaniel ripped Marc's sketchbook just sticks in my head even tho he said sorry. It's not even in character for Nathaniel to do that! Oof. Still goated in the sauce.
I used to hate Marichat but then it went on to become the best side of the love square because it got so little focus?! More is less, and Elation is better than three thirds of the love square episodes.
Marinette and Kagami used to be such a wholesome relationship but then season 5 kept dragging out Kagami's kiddie pool sized jealousy for bad Lila episodes. At least I can pretend they don't exist.
Nooro and his only friend in the world. And now they've been separated 😭
BMBLB Energy: Not half bad, just not for me, may or may not be canon/developed well, I'm not criticizing BLBMB its just a joke
Adrien x Juleka could be cute, but it's one of those things that you have to accept will never be canon or even get episodes for it.
All of the other Lovesquare ships got dropped down here because of Arc Fatigue. Ladrien didn't even get a kiss!
Marinette and Marc got better development in Reverser than Nathaniel and Marc did.
"Back in my day, we used to ship Marinette with Nathaniel!" "Sure grandpa, let's get you to bed."
Ivan and Mylene wishes they could be the straight version of Julerose. These two are just weirdly codependent to the point that Ivan's last focus episode was like... season 1?
Adrien/Chat Noir and Alya/Rena Rouge had more chemistry with each other in two episodes than Alya had with Nino in the last 5 years (Yall bout to be really mad at me)
Adrien x Nathaniel could be cute, but it's one of those things that you have to accept will never be canon or even get episodes for it. Huh, deja vu.
Adrien and Nino had more chemistry with each other than Alya had with Nino in the last 5 years. Now I'm just doing it on porpoise.
"Oh look, a boy and a girl being friends? Not in my Westboro baptist church cartoon!!! They need to be married and have 8 children now!!!" Is the vibe this ship gives.
Past this point I don't really care about kwami shipping.
The only reason these two are up here is because the darkest skin background character managed to snag some sense of relevance. Good for him.
Klance Energy: waif like and blind, child like and bitter, guant visage, smoking mirrors, you have erased yourself, you learned to hate yourself, burning on the inside, he's tried so many times to take my life away, but he'll be the first to die tonight, I promise my dear
Remember when Chloe actually cared about Adrien before Astruc retconed her to be his spin on Marie Antoinette?
I stopped shipping it after Lies and you should too. Adrien was horrible to her.
Remember when Chloe actually cared about Sabrina before Astruc retconed her to not care about Sabrina at all and then he executive producers had to rerail her character by showing that she did care about Sabrina in her final moments?
Dosen't exist in canon, poor man's Lukanette in fanon.
Reread the last sentence. Also, I dislike the pare the spares thing.
Just wait until I get to Dj wifi.
Plagg/Tiki x Adrien/Marinette would be a good ship if half of the pairing weren't Fire emblem dragon wifu's that are 7,000 years old... but that's not going to stop some of yall, is it 😞
Reylo energy: forbidden, horrifying, abusive, wtf, GIRL WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM, unlike the other names I actually do hate Reylo
I do not ship canon Lila with anyone except the devil because she belongs in Gehenna. Reread this every time she shows up.
I do not ship canon Kim with anyone except his right hand because he deserves a kick in the teeth. All of the fanfictions that made him a mean jock were basically right. Reread this everytime he shows up.
Hi! It's me! I'm the guy who wrote Nino salt, it's me! I made a fic, where Alya punches him in his teeth! He should have never stalked her and assumed she was cheating on him; He should have never revealed her cover without her consent; why dafaq is Alya even still with him?
I refuse to ship Chloe with her victims.
Again, I refuse to ship Chloe with her victims.
Chloe is too toxic to be with prince Ali (Sabrina is also toxic so it balances out).
Kagami is too good for Chloe.
Three times the charm, I refuse to ship Chloe with her victims.
Max is Ace Me being an idiot
Does anyone even care about this AU anymore?
I am a big dumb dumb that confused Asexuality with Aromanticism. Whoops.
Marinette x Max does have some chemistry in the Gamer episodes. Unfortunately, Max stopped having episodes with her for some reason, and I blame the robot.
Do these two ever talk, or...
Well apparently the writers do because we're getting a special about them.
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bstroobery · 6 months
Welcome to the Blue Strawberry System’s collective tumblr blog!
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~ Alters Most Active On This Blog ~
⛈️ - Andras (🏳️‍⚧️he/him🏳️‍⚧️) - 20 yo, ex-persecutor now caretaker, introject of the played Simon Henriksson in Cry of Fear, in a relationship with David, Simon and Demon are his brothers.
🍓- Blue (any, prefers she/her or they/them) - 21 yo, caretaker and host, brainmade, in a relationship with Simon, Ghost is their twin brother, has many other siblings and children within our system - blog: @bluestrawberrybunny
💊 - David (he/him) - 24 yo, in charge of body’s medications, introject of David Leatherhoff from Afraid of Monsters, in a relationship with Andras, Sophie’s brother
🩸- Demon (he/him) - an age (adult most of the time but age regresses), protector, introject of Book Simon from Cry of Fear, in a relationship with Addi, Simon and Andras are his brothers, he likes to act childish even when he isn’t little (when he’s little he has the actual capacities of a child)
☀️ - Dream (🏳️‍⚧️she/her🏳️‍⚧️) - over 1000 yo, caretaker and mood lifter, introject of Dream from Dreamtale, everyone’s Auntie Dream, Nightmare’s twin sister, in a relationship with Killer and Outer
🔦 (formerly 🩶👻) - Ghost or Ash (🏳️‍⚧️he/him or they/them🏳️‍⚧️) - 20 yo, host and protector, Introject of Johnny Ghost from Venturiantale, Blue’s twin brother, in a relationship with Toast - blog: @gh0stp13
🎭 - Jack (he/him) - 45 yo, goofball/caretaker/protector, Introject of Handsome Jack from Borderlands, in a relationship with Rhys and accidentally become the second system dad
🎳 - Jax (he/him) - 22 yo, system expert, Introject of Jax from the Amazing Digital Circus, knows anything and everything about our system
🧸 - Jayden (🏳️‍⚧️she/her🏳️‍⚧️) - 18 yo, mood lifter/mediator, factive, Blue and Ghost’s little sister - blog: @anonymouswhitebear
🧡🐍 - Mikel (he/him, they/them, or xe/xem) - 20 yo, mood lifter and host in case something happens to Blue and Ghost, brainmade (partially introjected from Mikey from all iterations of TMNT but mostly from SAINW), Blue’s best friend, in a relationship with Cas
🌑 - Nightmare (he/him) - over 1000 yo, head caretaker and protector, Introject of Nightmare Sans, everyone’s dad or grandpa, Dream’s twin brother, possibly in a relationship with Cross??? (Have not received confirmation or denial)
📖 - Simon (any pronouns, I am bigender and use both masc and fem terms) - 22 yo (age slider), protector and soother, Introject of Sick Simon from Cry of Fear, in a relationship with Blue, Andras and Demon’s older brother - blog: @depressedwriter25
🐹 - Sophie (she/her) - 21 yo, Introject of Sophie from Cry of Fear, David’s little sister, best friends with Simon and Andras, close friends with Blue
~ Other Alters ~
🐈‍⬛ - Adrien (He/Him) - 14 yo, introject of Adrien Agreste from Miraculous Ladybug (mix between Adiren, Chat Noir, Griffe Noire, and Adrien Agreste from the re-verse), in a relationship with the Marinette in our system
🍎 - Applejack (she/her) - 24 yo, caretaker, introject of Applejack from An Apple Sleep Experiment, loves cottage core and outdoorsy things, everyone’s big sister
🔵 - Blueberry (he/him) - Mid 20’s, protector, introject of Swap Sans (loves to talk shit about his source. Despises his source with a burned passion), in a relationship with Dust - blog: @blueberrystarboy
🎪 - Caine (he/him) - adult, introject of Caine from the Amazing Digital Circus, easily bored and says out of pocket stuff in headspace (never out loud. He knows how to behave when fronting. You will see a lot from him in Real Shit Said in Headspace)
☠️ - Death (he/him or they/them) - ageless, ex-persecutor now protector, brainmade but also introject of the personification of death (obviously), Blue’s eldest child, in a relationship with Geno Gaskins, has a list of people he likes
🧬 - Donathan (they/them) - 16, Introject of Donatello from Rise of the TMNT, asexual, I will make Uranium bombs one day /j
🧵 - Error (he/him or they/them) - adult, protector, introject of Error Sans, in a relationship with Ink
🗝️ - Geno Gaskins (he/him) - 23 yo, caregiver, brainmade (partially introjected from Geno Sans, Twilight Sparkle, Dean Winchester, and Alice from Batwoman), in a relationship with Death
🔥🐰 - Gord (he/him) - 62 yo, protector (ex-persecutor, may slip up every now and again) and trauma holder, brainmade (introjected slightly from SamGladiator but only in looks), may be in a relationship with Orion???, demon alter and is trying to heal from past trauma
🪓 - Horror (he/him) - 28 yo, protector, Introject of Horror Sans, in a relationship with Lust - blog: @horrorsfoodblog
🖌️ - Ink (they/them or he/him) - mid to late 20’s, Introject of Ink Sans, loves art, in a relationship with Error
💥 - Kiyoka (he/him) - early 20’s, protector, Introject of Kiyoka Kudou from My Happy Marriage, in a relationship with Miyo
💚❤️💛💙 - Ness (genderfluid, any pronouns), you can also call me Four Hearts tho - adult, MatPat introject (please refrain from comparing me to my source) - blog: @asmalltheoryblog
🗑️ - Remus (he/him, trash/trashcan) - adult (maybe in my 30’s???), funny little trash man/internal persecutor??, Introject of Remus from Sanders Sides, been here a very long time, Blue yells at me in fake anger because of my intrusive thoughts I share :)
👑 - Roman (he/him, Prince/princey) - adult, the one they shove to the front when shit hits the fan and one in charge of taking care of the body’s appearance, Introject of Roman from Sanders Sides, in a relationship with Virgil, drama queen and ✨I OWN IT✨
🦾 - Rhys (he/him) - 36 yo, unknown role currently, Introject of Rhys Strongfork from Tales from the Borderlands, in a relationship with Jack, certified goofy goober
🍞 - Toast (🏳️‍⚧️he/him🏳️‍⚧️) - early-mid 20’s, caretaker and protector, Introject of Johnny Toast from Venturiantale, in a relationship with Ghost, writes a bunch
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Monster Fu +  commercials reactions
okay. my native Spanish and 6 months of living in Portugal have trained me for this 
“trust in yourself ladybug, trust like i trust you” *SOBS*
“If I have to return my ring, that’s all right. But I’ll only do it if you ask me to.”
Chat Noir just. absolutely sure that Ladybug has no reason to be listening to Su Han
...... dON’T TOUCH mE
Su Han being a weirdass old grandpa
Su Han coaching Ladybug and Chat Noir from the sidelines as Monster Fu wipes the floor with them 
Marinette’s box was the first Miraculous box created and it holds the most powerful jewels of all the boxes that exist. 
Su Han basically says he judged her wrong and that she has the instincts of a true Guardian but also warns her she’ll hear from him again on the first mistake she makes. 
And now for the main course:
Did. Did you see those shots of Luka and Marinette??? POETIC CINEMA. 
And I’m pretty sure the girls are going to find out about Marinette
I’m not sure Luka will, though. 
Also. That last shot of Adrien looking like the stunned pikachu meme with the voiceover of Marinette going like “I’m Ladybug.” SUS AF GLOOB BUT I KNOW BAIT WHEN I SEE IT. 
What I gathered from the first commercial is that the Truth episode is going to completely cataclysm my existence :)))))
I knew it y’all. I knew there was going to be angst with Marinette being overwhelmed by her responsibilities.
“I am completely alone, now more than ever. I can’t be honest with my friends, with my parents...”
Also, it looks like Ladybug challenges Shadowmoth? Or at least she shouts at him to the winds lol. When she’s standing in her balcony as LB and she’s like “I’m here Shadowmoth! I’m ready!” 
And correct me if I’m wrong, but idk if it was in the mid-ep commercial or in the season breakdown after the ep ended that Kagami said something like “I know you’re lying to me abot Marinette” to Adrien. (My Portuguese is survivalist at best, so)
Also, from that second post-ep breakdown, Adrigami looks it’s going just as strong as Lukanette. But from what little I gathered from the theory breakdown, Kagami might be the one to realize Adrien’s heart is not in the right place, which leads me to believe they’ll break up first and that’s how we’ll get the Adrinette vs. Lukanette conflict. 
Speaking of which, in the Truth ep we see Chat battling akumatized Luka inside Marinette’s room. I wonder if Marinette has taken down Adrien’s pictures by then >:) it would be a shame if a certain cat.... catches glimpse.... of a certain blue berry boy.... taking his place on Marinette’s room >:) 
That is all. For now. 
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to SIMPLEMAN
A day late but that's what happens when good subs aren't out until the next day, and you're busy that day. This episode is so sweet and wholesome that it was worth it, for sure. I'm still not sure which one is Ella and which one is Etta. They're always addressed together so I just don't know, but I'd like to. ;-; (Note: Looked it up on Wikia, the one in pink with seafoam earrings is Etta, the one in seafoam and pink earrings is Ella) See Nino knows. Nino's concerned about Marinette babysitting three kids already. He lives with one all the time, times that by 4 and WOO that's crazy. Sweet of her to want to ensure her best friend has some time to relax with her boyfriend. Oh. OH those poor Kwami! Especially Fluff and her ears being pulled like a game of tug-of-war! I can see it now, Fluff now traumatized by young kids. So if Alix ever has any in the future, they better grow up knowing about Fluff right away or she's in for a horror show. PV TRAILER AND MUSIC! I'm such a fan of the music and the PV that when my sister told me about it, it made me even more excited for this episode than I already was. And I was very excited already! Manon: So? Aren't you going to answer it? She knows what's up. So Adrien's calling asking Marinette to help sew on a wing? Because nobody else there can do it? I dunno, sounds kind of sus to me, Adrien. Are you sure you're not using that as an excuse just to see your "friend"?
Marinette's biggest problem is thinking so far ahead in her brain that when she goes to speak, she's either way far ahead of herself or gets everything mixed up as it comes out of her mouth. If she just lived in the moment and didn't plan (which being Ladybug that's probably very hard not to do outside the costume), she'd be able to do this and overcome that fear of rejection as well. She seems to have that part fairly taken care though. When Gina said she was in China to learn Kung Fu and met a girl that reminded her of Marinette, instantly thought about Fei. How could it not be her? Rolland gets asked to babysit, immediately is like "Let's do something fun and dangerous!" Tom must have had an interesting childhood with Rolland and Gina. o.o Clearly Rolland doesn't realize who the heroes are based on. Or just completely forgot he met them when Bakerix. xD Adrien's so sweet with Marinette, even if he can't understand a single thing she says. That's adorable. But a really good way to thank her could've been "Would you stay and watch the photoshoot, and then maybe we could go do something fun/get something to eat after?" BOOM. Problems solved. But I have a feeling this may come back later, and maybe that would turn out better. Marinette's grandparents tend to give Hawk Moth/Shadowmoth the most sass and trouble in comparison to other Parisians. XD Rolland is so sweet to these kids, and they are so caring towards him. It's so wholesome! Just think: if that helicopter wasn't crashing behind her, she would've screamed she loved Adrien. So close. Simpleman is the chillest akuma. Being all "Hey kids, even though I'm akumatized, let's go out into the city!" and the kids are like "Yeah, okay. Hey let's get ice cream!"
Him protecting them from all the flying pizza boxes that guy was throwing around everywhere was super sweet too. LB and CN: Things are complicated. So we should find Shadow Moth directly. Let's run around the city screaming for him to come find us so we can fight him! I seriously think if Chat Noir or Ladybug brought up the fact that their identities made things complicated, they would've revealed themselves right then and there. LOL at the old school fighting and them behaving like young children xD "NO!" "I'm NaNa, ClaCla is no longer with NaNa! Paris is really messy! BuggyBug, KittyKity, help us!" Oh this is going to be so hilarious in the English dub with the voice actress who also voices Nathalie. XDDD A bouncy ball is very complicated for Ladybug. That a literal 5 year old can figure out. Wow this villain's power sure did a number on her. xD I find it all the more stressful actually, that Chat Noir and Ladybug can remember what they were doing the whole time they were affected by the akuma. That means if Marinette said she loved him, or they revealed their identities, there would be no going back or being able to make an excuse for it. Can we just talk about how those kids could understand that the reason he wants things to be simple and is upset that the world is so different, is because it scares him and he doesn't think he's capable of learning and changing with the world? A majority of adults these days can't even take two seconds to try to understand someone else's situation(s) before judging and being outright nasty people towards them. Yet these kids were able to do so. And a lot of kids actually are like they are in real life. Some may see this as an episode just for kids to appreciate, but there's a lot in here that's aimed at adults, too. Adults need reminders and these lessons just as much, if not more so than young kids. It's adults that lose their way and needed to be reminded of it, as they have a greater immediate impact on the world. I've seen so many people judge Rolland, make assumptions about him which is almost always the very worst things they could think of. But this episode shows how caring and willing to learn and understand he really is, he was just hiding behind his fear of change and not being able to keep up with it. Some lessons in this episode for the adult viewers are: -You're never too old to learn, get over your fears, try new things, become a better person, and see things through new eyes. -Don't over-complicate or overthink, but don't be lazy and think keeping everything simple will actually in reality be the answer, sometimes it can make things worse! -Kids tend to see the world as things are, not what they think it should be, or believing they're the center of the universe like adults tend to do. -Being wise means knowing that regardless of your field, educational background, age, or lived experiences, you don't know everything, there is always more for you to learn about everything out there. The kids in this show are quite wise, as they know that there is so much they don't know and how they treat learning new things. They also know how adults tend to understand, or act like they understand everything, so we as adults aren't used to it when we don't and react negatively to that because it scares us when we don't know. In that way, this episode was very brilliant! Also that hug at the end, oh you can bet these kids are going to want to go visit Grandpa Rolland, and honestly I'd love to see bits of them here and there, their bonds are adorable and they've changed his life in such a positive way. Also the pure Ladynoir without another hero or Alya or any kind of upsetting situation was honestly such a breath of fresh air! Maybe not the kind of Ladynoir people wanted, but it made me happy. Marinette acknowledged her problem is she's scared of Adrien rejecting her. First step is admitting it! Can't blame her for not being able to do what she wanted, she only just realized the issue after all. It's going to take a little time now to work on it! Is it just me, or
does it seem Adrien's almost trying not to laugh when she was messing up and then asked if he liked fishing? XD Maybe it was the actors tone with the facial expression but it seemed that way! But the way he just watches her run away and does that adorable little chuckle... Oh Adrien, we really need you to start realizing why you keep doing that. "She (Ladybug) reminds me of your grandmother and you know what? You look exactly like her (Ladybug)." Well. Oop. He's onto you! Apparently Rolland isn't blind, as not a single character suspected her from her personality or appearance to be Ladybug so far. Even Adrien only began piecing it together due to circumstances (and his own personal wish that Marinette is LB, you can't convince me otherwise this isn't true). This is going to come back later, possibly Dearest Family? Overall such a good episode with a lot of things in it, if you decide to watch without high expectations or biases. After all the angst lately, it was certainly needed as a nice change of pace.
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jinx-jade · 3 years
To interrupt a calm morning.
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It was for once, a quiet day in Wayne manor. They had at some point, all gathered in one of their more used living rooms. 
Bruce was on the couch, finishing up some W.E. paperwork. 
Dick was curled up in the chaise, lazily scrolling through his phone. Barbra was right next to him, seeming to be doing the same thing, or hacking into somewhere she shouldn’t, who knows at this point.
Cass was taking a nap in a sunspot, practically draped over the armchair. Jason was the one sitting properly in the armchair reading, or more likely, rereading Jane Austen’s Lady Susan.
Tim had been doing his own W.E. paperwork but fallen asleep on one of the couches. Surprisingly, Damian was next to a sleeping Tim. He was quietly drawing in his sketchbook.
The only noise coming from the living room was pencil scratching paper, the turning of a page, and the collective sound of calm breathing.
The calm, strangely normal atmosphere of the room came to a crashing stop. A bright blue, swirling circle appeared out of thin air in front of them. The Waynes tensed, slightly moving into defensive stances.
The glowing circle disappeared, leaving the Waynes confused. They moved closer to where it had been, only to see a little girl laying seemingly unconscious, covered in blood. That alone should be a reason to worry, but this girl didn’t seem to be a civilian.
The girl looked to be in her early teens. She had a dark gray, almost black bodysuit. The suit has white detailing on it. Three white stripes on both upper arms. Three white stripes on both sides of her belly area. Two white stripes on both upper thighs. Her boots and gloves were white as well. 
The kid has short black hair with a white streak. On her head were what looks like real cat ears. She had a real-looking cat tail too. The kid looked like a mini Catwoman with white details and blue goggles instead of green.
“Alfred bring the medkit, please!” Dick calls out as he moves to put pressure on the child’s wounds.
“Tch. What are you doing! They could be an enemy!” Damian chastised his older brother.
“If they are, then having them alive to answer questions would be better than having a dead body,” Tim comments, still half asleep. Damina contemplated that before begrudgingly agreed to Tim’s reasoning.
When Alfred entered the room with his medkit he froze at the sight of a little girl covered in multiple open wounds, dripping blood in front of him.
He moved towards the child, putting the medkit next to her, before letting out a tired sigh, “It would be more beneficial to heal your wounds than it is playing dead, Little fairy.”
The Waynes look at Alfred confused until the previously unconscious girl slowly sits up. The Waynes of course, move into defensive stances ready to fight her.
“So that’s why the portal set me here when I set the coordinates as a safe place.” The child said as she looked up at Alfred. “Hello, Pépère! Long time no see!”
Alfred chuckled, “Long time indeed, Little fairy”
“Sorry. What!” Jason questioned as he looked between the bleeding child and his grandfather figure.
To add to Waynes’ confusion, the child moved her hands over her wounds. This created a soft pink glow, and then the wound was gone.
The girl turned her attention to them, “Sorry to intrude. My current name is Black Nightmare. Long story short, my teams’ mission didn’t go to plan and I got the worst of it. I set my portal coordinates to someplace that would be safe.”
“I’m guessing I ended up here due to Grandpa Alfie being here.” She mussed.
“Alfred?” Bruce questions.
Alfred looked towards Black Nightmare, silently asking if she was ok with being introduced. The answer he received was a shrug. He was well aware of what that meant and what his granddaughter was doing. She was throwing the ball into his court. Silently say that if he trusted them, then she’ll trust them. 
Alfred smiled at her and nodded his head.
“This is my Granddaughter, Marie Ann Pennyworth. Although due to living with her Aunt and Uncle, Marie usually goes by Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” After Alfred introduced her, Black Nightmare dropped her transformation.
“Do you mind if I rest here for a bit? I don’t have enough energy to portal back yet.” Marie informed them as two flying creatures settled on her shoulder.
The room was silent for a bit before Bruce cleared his throat. “Of course you can stay. Were not going to kick Alfred’s family out. All though I do have a question. You said your teams, what did you mean by that?” Bruce inquired.
“My team would be the Miracle Court.” Marie starts to explain. Recognition crossed the Bat familys’ faces. That’s the vigilante group the Justice League is trying to recruit.
 “I’m not sure how well known we are outside of Europe. We used to deal with Hawkmoth and Mayara, magic terrorists that were holding people emotionally hostage. After we defeated them we started working all around the world. Most of the missions have to do with natural disasters and magic.” Marie finished explaining.
All the Waynes could do was stare, dumbfounded.
“It was nice to meet you all but should go take a nap so I can head home,” Marie says.
“I’ll show you to a spare room then, fairy,” Alfred responded, helping his granddaughter stand up, guiding her to the room.
They disappeared down the hallway, as a blanket of silence stayed over the Wayne’s.
“We keep?” Cass asked, looking towards Barbara instead of Bruce.
“Of course, but we’ll have to ask Marie first. We don’t want to seem rude now do we?” Barbara responded not even looking up from her electronics. Cass gave a nod of understanding before going back to her nap.
This was Marie Ann Pennyworth’s first trip to Wayne manor, but most definitely not the last.
This is a birthday gift for Astiar on AO3, who requested a "Mari is related to Alfred somehow...wholesome chaos" fic.
I hope you enjoyed it!
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Feri Gonzalez Interview part 4: Marinette’s terrifying path as Guardian.
The translator finished translating part 4 of Feri’s interview. Feri is the colorist for Zag and the ambassador to Miraculous Ladybug in Latin America. The translator gave permission to post their translations on other social medias so I will post it here. 
Interviewer: I got to tell you, out of all the seasons, I definitely feel a sense of growth. Its impossible to look at  Kagami's first introduction and her relationship with Marinette, with the Kagami of the final episode(of season 3), that is to say, they are totally different. If you give someone just those two episodes(the season 3 finale) they will definitely not understand anything.
Feri Gonzalz: And I will add that in the beginning, Kagami to me was just meh(Feri didn't care much for Kagami), I didn't like her and I didn't hate her, it was more like a whatever. But now, Kagami is one of my favorites, with her current mindset. I think her character meeting Marinette  and meeting Adrien, did a lot of good for her, and I think that's what changed her, Marinette was a real blessing for her, not just Adrien. With Adrien, she has someone to talk to about what they have to live with, but Kagami, well...get her out of that cage her mother has her in! Because really, Kagami, throughout the friends contest, she does it with Marinette, she gets to know her more, she wants to be her friend, that is to say, Marinette got her out of that box, so that  really helped benefit Kagami. that's why I also said with Felix, don't judge him just yet, wait till you get to know him a little more because other characters could be affecting their way of being, he could improve or he could get worse, that is , we still don't know so don't judge him just yet and don't think you already know him.
Interviewer: Haha definitely.
Feri Gonzalez: This is just his introduction ("Felix" episode).
Interviewer: Don't get to intense please.
Feri Gonzalez: Oh! and of course there's going to be people like that , but whatever, don't worry about it.
Interviewer: Hahaha! XD
Feri Gonzalez: And in the case if Kagami, well, the show will demonstrate that to you.
Interviewer: Yes, definitely. Now,  about the subject towards master Fu near the end of this season (season 3). It was so sad to see him go, it felt like watching a stage close and well...how do you imagine master Fu's future with his girlfriend now that he doesnt...it makes me sad knowing he doesn't remember his girlfriend, but I also liked that his girlfriend still had those
memories and could still find her way to him near the end.
Feri Gonzalez: Yes, I loved that. I loved that Marianne still had all her memories of him, because she can help Fu, she knows what he likes, she knows who he was. We see that Fu falls in love at first ight, that is, they did demonstrate Fu said ,"oh, its like I already know you", I don't know, I think that's what he said? and then Marianne tells him, "follow your heart", she knows how to charm him, she knows he likes her, I like that Marianne already knows cause Marianne will protect his secret, she'll keep him safe etc. etc. Marianne is in league with Marinette so I really liked that a lot.  It was always going to be sad. I felt a lot of little things when I saw Marinette crying,
Interviewer : Definitely
Feri Gonzalez: Its not to noticeable, I wish they made it a little more obvious but you do notice she was crying, she's got tears running down her cheeks as she says goodbye to Fu. I felt a lot of things because well, Fu was like her grandpa, he's the one she confided in, that is to say, he was like her grandpa who was a little crazy, who would suddenly come out with silly things like, "Oh, I'm going to die because I have constipation!", but he would always hold on to her. And I feel that for Marinette, he was her safety net of, "well, if anything happens, at least I have master Fu to help me", but now that sense of security is gone, he's gone, its just Marinette now and she's totally alone(as guardian) and so he really left quite a lot, but also, I am so happy for master Fu because he can finally live his life. Poor guy, since he was 14 years old he has live traumatized, filled with paranoia, hiding, running, he could never be with his girlfriend, and its been like that for what 140?, 186?, more than 100 years! living in hiding, without
Interviewer: he deserved it
Feri Gonzalez:....what do you mean he deserved it?!
Interviewer: No, he deserves his ending, I was referring to the finale XD
Feri Gonzalez: Oh! XD well duh man! I mean here I was saying, "oh that poor little old man" and then you come in with a completely opposite opinion XD
interviewer: Hahaha no hahaha XD
Feri Gonzalez: And I mean, yes, he did have to pay for his mistakes, I completely agree, but let him rest already ! XD
Interviewer: yes, he deserves to rest now. And apart from all that, I also like that he doesn't remember, I mean, I don't think he even has his past traumas. Before, he still had some of that trauma over what happened, but since he doesn't remember anything now, he can finally be at peace.
Feri Gonzalez: Yes, its not there anymore, so he can live in peace, he can go out with his girlfriend in peace, and now that he lives in London, Hawkmoth can't do anything to him, because as we saw in "Star train", Hawkmoth cant reach that far, his range is limited, and so really Fu can finally live in peace. They can't akumatize him or do anything to him because he's in London now, he can finally be happy without carrying all that guilt. But I mean, he already didn't have that guilt anymore thanks to Marinette and what happened in "Feast" after she revived everyone in his world, but it was better for him to not carry those thoughts of, "Oh gosh, I messed up so much, I messed up for over 100 years", the only sad thing about all this is that he doesn't remember anything and well, his family is already gone, he doesn't have his father, his brothers, he's all alone, but thankfully he still has Marianne, who was the one big benefit to all this.
Interviewer: Yes, he has Marianne. Also, you do get a sense of empathy for how Wayzz misses him near the end, when he leaves. On top of things being sad, he doesn't remember him, not even Wayzz was left.
Feri Gonzalez: Yes, and that is to say, Wayzz is the one who will miss him most.
Interviewer: Yes, he will :'(
Feri Gonzalez:  The kwami's will always go through this situation, all of the kwami's have gone through hundreds of heroes, so I think it will always hurt for them to lose a master, but I think master Fu was the one who they spent the longest, they were with him for more than 100 years, so I think for Wayzz specifically , it hurt him the most. In the past, when human life expectancy was much shorter, the kwamis would be all, "oh well, he lasted three years and now he's dead, I think it was what? the plague, or a fever that killed them?" they were already accustomed to it, for example Tikki with Jaun de Arc, they uh....they burned her, the poor thing. So you can imagine that the kwami's were accustomed to, "they're going to die, I'm not going to get attached etc.", but with Wayzz! he was with the same guy for over 100 years, of course he cares for him, poor thing.
Interviewer: And he was his friend, he would wake him up, he would talk to him, he was his company right?
Feri Gonzalez: Yes yes :(, it was really sad to me in so many ways to see Wayzz hide behind Ladybug and say he won't remember anything anymore, "Goodbye master" , UUUGH! (T^T)
Interviewer: Ugh! yes (ToT)
Feri Gonzalez: I couldn't hold it together after that :'(
Interviewer: yes :'(
Feri Gonzalez:  But well, as sad as it might be, when you think about it, I'm still happy near the end because Fu can finally rest, but on the other hand, poor Marinette, cause you have to take into account that he condemned her to live in paranoia, he condemned her to live with these secrets, he condemned her to not find a moment of peace with Adrien because she has to hide her secret identity, that is to say, he condemned her to the same things he had. But as bad as her side is right now, we will see how Marinette learns to fix it, because something I noticed in season 3 was how Fu had his way of doing things, but Marinette would always pull the rug underneath him and show him she could do something different and he would always admire it and say, "Wow!, it really worked!". In fact, you cam really take note of this in "Feast" when Wayzz would tell him, "Trust her, she'll resolve all of this" and then Fu is all, " No, it cant be done, they wont be able to pull it off, its impossible ahhh!", and Wayzz is all, "Just trust Marinette!", and sure enough, Marinette got him out of trouble. I think Marinette is going to be a different kind of guardian and maybe she could find a solution to her problematic situation and avoid living the way Fu did, living hidden, paranoid, all of that.
Interview: There's a question I've been meaning to ask you, its something that's been on my mind a lot, its about the situation of forgetting everything, after the box is passed on to the next guardian, that is to say, for example, if we arrived to a moment near the end where adrien or marinette  revealed their identities and they go out with each other and spend their lives with one another...the moment she passes on the mantle of guardian to another person, will she forget everything that's happened to her with cat noir, their identities, absolutely everything?
Feri Gonzalez: Well yes, that is to say, that's what I picked up on, that if she renounces the box, she will forget everyone she lived with,  aside from  having the miraculous.
Interviewer: Oof! don't do that to me :(
Feri Gonzalez: Yes, and I'm sure that, well...I don't know if...that is to say, we still have to wait and see if Marinette can find a solution to that
Interview: yes, I would like it if she could
Feri Gonzalez: Because you can give up being guardian by saying the magic words, but If we pay attention, we can see that Fu's box never changed, that is to say, they were training him to be a guardian but he still wasn't one, the past guardian still  hadn't renounced the box, that's what I understood. And so I think Marinette can still get her way when she passes on the box, without saying the spell, because the spell is just to protect the users of the miraculous so no one tries to get any information out of the guardian and everyone else, its more of a uh...a security measure!.
Interviewer: mhm (yes)
Feri Gonzalez: Yes, but their not necessarily obliged because we already saw that Fu did not qualify because the guardian who trained him never renounced his box to him, but Fu still ended up taking it as it is. But then Fu renounced the box to Marinette and...that is. look, Fu named her the new guardian and the Box recognized her as its new owner, it matched her. It kind of reminds me of, I don't know if you've ever seen "Card capture Sakura"
Interviewer: mhm mhm (yes yes)
Feri Gonzalez: Yes that anime, it reminded me a lot of the books, that is to say, Clow's first book, the cards started suddenly acting badly and Sakura had to sign them to make them he's, that is to say, make them into cards for Sakura so they could be hers.
Interviewer: That's true, yes yes
Feri Gonzalez: I figured it was something like that , that its just being passed on, the box obeys her now and does what she wants and do whatever , that's why we see the box change form right? with each guardian.
Interviewer: mhm (yes)
Feri Gonzalez: And so I don't think its necessarily an obligation to give up the position so to speak, but it is more of a security measure to protect the miraculous users and to prevent anyone from trying to get any information from the guardian, that is, its more for a sense of security, but its not like their obliged to say, "oh well, if I don't renounce it, I cant set an example". Lets say that Ladybug wants to pass it on to Cat Noir, well she can just as easily hand it to him if needed, and it just ends up being a red egg in his room.
Interviewer: mhm (yes), of course.
Feri Gonzalez: And she can still use the miraculous, we have seen that Marinette can just take them now (ladybug can take out a miraculous from the box through her bug phone), there's nothing stopping her from getting the miraculous. And so I think one of the big advantages is that she is not obligated, that is to say, it was more of a rule the guardians had to protect themselves and protect the users.
Interviewer: mhm (yes)
Feri Gonzalez: But its not an obligation, the box wont stay shut if you just end up getting it.
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thepigeonsopinion · 3 years
So "Simpleman" happened...
I'm not going to say it was "bad" per say, but it's not in my list of favorite episodes that's for sure. AnYwAy! As always, before I start on saying my opinions and thoughts of the episode I'm going to right a (hopefully) brief summary or synopsis of the episode. So let's get to it!
Warning: Spoilers from the episode "Simpleman"
Summary: The episode starts with Marinette in her room with Manon fiddiling with her "knitting box" that has the miracle box in it. Cue Alya and her twin sisters, Ella and Etta entering and start running around with Manon. We learn that Marinette has volunteered to babysit Manon, Ella, Etta, and Chris (Nino's little brother) while Alya and Nino go on a movie date. Sometime later, Nino enters with Chris and drops him off, while he joins Alya to the movies. The children start running around Marinette's room and Marinette is chasing them. They start fiddling with the knitting box, they find the kwamis and start to play with them as if their stuffed animals. Marinette is finally able to calm them down when she introduces the idea of watching a movie and of course the movie that they are watching is the "Ladybug and Chat Noir" movie. Marinette then gets a call from Adrien asking if she could help fix his costume for a photo shoot. Marinette says yes (of course), but then she realizes she doesn't have anyone to watch the kids. After some contemplation, Marinette decides to bring them to her grandpa's house. Marinette leaves her grandpa with the kids, that are watching a movie on her laptop. This is the part where Roland, Marinette's grandpa get's so confuesd with all the new tech and modern ways that the kids are so familiar with. This causes him to wish everything was simple and easy and then he get's akumatized and turns into Simpleman. Meanwhile, Marinette finishes helping Adrien and he asks what he could do to show his thanks. Marinette (of course) stumbles on her words and is not able to give him a straight answer and before she can he has to continue with the photo shoot. Marinette gets an "abstract" idea where in the end she's going to "break"(?) the costume again, she fixes it again, and she gets thanked again, in which she finally gives him a straight answer on what he could do to thank her. Simpleman the uses his power to simplify things and "simplifies" the whole of Paris. With Marinette, she abondoenes the plan, deeming it too complicated and is about to just straight out tell Adrien that she likes him, until she sees a helicopter falling, and then she transforms behind a pole (I think?) and saves the civilains. Adrien sees this and transforms into Chat Noir and joins Ladybug. It is there where they deem that fighting or finding the akuma is to much of a hassle and instead they should just confront ShadowMoth himself. As Simpleman and the kids are walking around Paris they see Ladybug and Chat Noir and Simpleman initiates a fight with them. Ladybug and Chat Noir try to fight Simpleman, but are failing miserably. Meanwhile, the kids are helping ladybug and Chat Noir by telling them what they should do and giving them advice on what to do to defeat them. Simpleman is then defeated and everything is back to normal. We go back to Marintte trying to go along with her plan, but she actually abandons the plan and instead tries to actually confess to Adrien. Marinette isn't able to confess to Adrien and instead leaves. Marinette goes back to her grandpa's house and she is met with the sight of her grandpa and the kids watching a movie, in which Roland volunteers to explain the story to her. And, the episode ends.
Wow! Another very long and unnecessarily detailed summary or synopsis of the episode. :|
Anyway! Let's get into my thoughts and opinions on the episode!
(Also, as always I am re watching the episode as I type this so I might have some unnecessary details. Anyway! Let's get into it!)
First things first, let's talk about all of the kwami's scared faces (mainly Sass' because he the best kwami) the kwamis look so terrified of children. I felt my heart legit break when I saw Sass' face, I was like "DONT BE SCARED SASS EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT!". Also, why do the kids in this series have to be such a hassle and not to mention their absolutely annoying (except sandboy, he's a good boy :)) like I feel so bad for Marinette in this situation. The kids don't even really get punished or disciplined if they do something wrong, if I were Manon and I did the things she's done in the show I would've gotten my ass whooped! Anyway continuing on, I feel so bad for Marinette because while Alya can tell her boyfriend her secrets, go out on dates with him, and all that jazz, Marinette can't even keep, or have a boyfriend because of the responsibilities she has as Ladybug and as guradian of the miracle box.
Okay, the sympathy I feel for the kwamis and Marinette in this situation is incalculable. I mean, Marinette has to take care of these mischievous and annoying brats kids and the kwamis have to also deal with the kids in a way because the kids can't control their energy or behave for just a minute (unless their distracted). Like first they steal the knitting box and shake it, then they find some kwamis and start playing with them as if their stuffed animals. And I'm not going to lie, during that part where they were playing with the kwamis, Kalki looked like she was so done with her life. Not to mention, the harassment Fluff had to deal with, with Manon and Chris playing tug of war with her ears. Finally when Marinette gets to relax, while the kids watch a movie she get's a call from Adrien and now she's back to panicking. I would like to call this part the calm before the storm :). So Adrien calls her because they need a seamstress to fix Adrien's costume, but let's be honest here, there are so many other options that they could've chosen in this situation instead of calling Marinette. First of all, why didn't the crew not already have a seamstress there at the photo shoot just in case? And why didn't they call like a professional, very known seamstress? I'm not saying that Marinette is a bad seamstress in any way, no, if I'm being honest she's probably as good as a professional, all I'm saying is that they could've chosen so many other options. Not to mention, if I was in Marinette's situation I would've milked the HECK out of that situation. I would've charged them for my time! But that's just me.
Moving along, so Marinette has a whole planning wall to get at least a date with Adrien, that's not really surprising if I'm being honest, but what really surprised me is that she legit willingly pull that whole board down in front of the kids. I'm surprised she didn't really acknowledge the fact or get embarrassed, but I digress. The fact that Marinette brings the kids to the one family member or person that has legit shown hatred to the modern age is very ironic, if I'm being honest, but that's to be expected from this show. Also, what's with the "save Adrien" part what is Marinette saving him from exactly, I mean the only thing that she's "saving" him from is his wardrobe incident, then again though she is a fashion designer so I guess that would seem like a "saving someone situation", so I guess that makes sense? (it really doesn't :0) Ok, I know that Roland is like very traditional and old fashioned, but he should at least have the common sense to SEE that there is no way to put a VHS tape in that laptop. WAIT A SECOND! Wasn't Roland saved by Ladybug and Chat Noir when he was akumatized as Bakerix I mean the whole movie is based legit just based on them, so shouldn't he know the role they play, unless he has short term memory loss or something. So, a literal movie based on real superheroes, that was mainly attract to CHILDREN is more complicated than a World Cup Football game, nice to know.
So, now we're at the scene where Marinette is helping Adrien. I'm going to be honest was that whole part with Marinette floating around in her mind really necessary because at this point of the show I believe that we're already aware that she feels this way ALL THE TIME when she's around AdRiEn, but I digress. Marinette, honey, I know that you're supposed to be the creative one, but doesn't that plan sound a bit complicated to you? I mean, a fishing rod, really?
Continuing on! So, I'm going to just assume or guess that the time he calls her is like right after he accidentally turns off the computer and all I'm asking is what are these kids on? Because it should at least taken them like 5 minutes to get running again (I think? I don't really know) and why the heck is the grown old man crying because he can't control children? May I also add you kinda, sorta agreed to taking care of these demons kids, so at least have some dignity.
Now! Let's talk about Simpleman. Roland, why the heck are you so picky on your akuma name all of a sudden. You weren't like this when you were Bakerix. Also, I love the fact that Shadowmoth was like so done with him at that point, like his face already says it all. Shadowmoth really said that Ladybug and Chat Noir complicate his life for no reason, dude you were the one that started it with Stone Heart. Now, let's talk about Simpleman's design! Why the heck is he legit a purple skinned, french flagged inspired, old man, that kinda looks like a pedophile. Not to mention, why does he still have the flexibility of an old man. I mean, compared to Bakerix this design is kinda iffy to me.
Ok, first of all why did Shadowmoth say "wait" when Simpleman used his power. Wasn't that his plan though for him to use his powers? Second of all, since he was "simplified" wouldn't he just think that it would be a lot easier if he got the miraculous himself? Also, I know that everyone is now supposed to be simple minded, but did that man really press the red button to stop the WHOLE helicopter.
Adrien, I think you can stop smiling now, the crew legit said that they will stop there, you can go take a break and transform into Chat Noir now. Also, if you have to keep smiling for the camera and not move an inch, why the heck did you let plagg fly out? WHAT IS WITH THIS LOGIC? Wait, since Ladybug and Chat Noir are now "Simplified" they can't fight anymore? Ok, carry on then while I watch the rest of this awful and unnecessary fight scene.
So the kids are helping Ladybug and Chat Noir continue this fight? I really can't tell whether or not the kids are doing this to help or they're doing this for entertainment purposes, in all honesty. (Also, I can't tell whether or not this is a metaphor to Gen Z or not, but whatever!) Did Ladybug just say this old man, purple looking ass, pedophile is scary and mean? I swear to everything that is good....
When Ladybug said "Now I just need to say...."
Me: What the heck!? Is this a kids show?!
Also me: Wait a second... :|
Mr. Astruc, I'm going to be honest here was it really necessary to have a scene where Marinette tries to do a simplier plan but fails miserably really necessary? I mean, we've already seen it hundreds of times by now. Another thing, was it really necessary for Adrien to be an angel for this shoot? Like, we get it he's innocent and pure (not really tbh)
And with that we're finally done with the episode! So, all in all the episode wasn't that bad? But it's not my favorite. Mainly because the logic of this episode was all over the place. Not to mention, the many, many scenes of Marinette fussing over Adrien. Just watching those scenes was kinda draining if I'm being honest.
Anyway! Those are my thoughts on the episode. It's like 3:00 in the morning and I am exhausted!
SO! I hope everyone has a great rest of their day. And always remember...
But that's just my opinion (・ε・)
(This has been (another) tiring week and I know for a fact, it's only going to get worse. *smiles through the pain :)*)
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dessarious · 4 years
What Makes a Family? Pt5
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Alfred wouldn’t say he was confused exactly, but Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng was nothing like he expected. Both he and Bruce had been afraid of another Damian but from the second he’d informed her parents of who he was and why he was there it was rather obvious they’d dodged that bullet. Madam Cheng had shown him into the apartment to wait while her husband closed the bakery. Within ten minutes he had five people glaring at him, threatening severe consequences if he hurt Marinette in any way. Honestly he was expecting some fragile waif.
The girl had run into the room in a panic but her posture said she was ready to fight. Not to mention that the others deferred to her, even her parents. Yes, they were still protective and supportive, but there was no doubt the girl was the one in charge. That was… worrisome. If not for the obvious way she nurtured the others he’d be worried she was a psychopath considering the obvious control she had over the others. It was reminiscent of a cult leader. Watching her with her parents though, it was obvious her emotions were real. It was both a relief and one more thing to look into.
“So you expect us to believe that one of the richest men in the world is just going to defer to the judgement of a seventeen year old girl? Or were you just sent here to get an NDA signed?” Miss Bourgeois’s hostility was far more obvious than the others but they were all watching him with suspicion. “The only thing I don’t get is why he sent a butler instead of a lawyer.” That caused Miss Marinette to turn around and pin the girl with a stern look.
“Chloe, perhaps you could tone down the bitch factor for the time being. Even if he was sent here with less than honorable intentions, he shouldn’t be the target of your aggression.” He watched the two girls stare each other down before Miss Chloe huffed and backed down. Interesting. He hadn’t had much time to research yet so all these interactions were his first impression. Miss Marinette appeared to be best friends with the daughter of the Mayor of Paris and the Style Queen, and was able to back her down. She was dating an Olympic class fencer and M. Couffaine who looked familiar as well but he wasn’t certain from where. She had gained a fierce loyalty from all of them that seemed far more appropriate for soldiers than teenagers.
“It’s perfectly fine Miss Marinette. It’s actually a relief to know you have people around you that are familiar with the politics and pitfalls you may be thrust into. Whether you choose to have contact with Master Bruce or not, information like this tends to find its way into the media. If that happens your life is likely to get far more complicated.” The girl’s expression turned into a sardonic smile while the others simply chuckled.
“I appreciate your concern Monsieur, however misplaced it may be.” There was apparently a lot of information he was missing. “So who exactly is your employer?”
“Bruce Wayne.” He didn’t see any recognition on the girls face and she turned to Miss Chloe with a questioning look.
“Mari, you really need to pay attention to something besides fashion once in a while. Bruce Wayne as in Wayne Enterprises.” Still nothing. Chloe rolled her eyes and Miss Marinette looked to Miss Kagami.
“World wide business conglomerate that has a hand in just about everything. You know that new material you found that’s ridiculously durable?” Her expression lit up at that.
“Yes! It’s so strong and wears so well but it’s still lightweight and comfortable-”
“Focus Melody.” M. Couffaine’s voice was filled with laughter and the others were sharing amused looks. Miss Marinette stopped with a slight blush and sheepish expression. She turned back to look at Alfred.
“And Chloe said you’re his butler?” There were obviously quite a few questions in that sentence and he decided it would be better to answer most of them now.
“Yes Miss. I’ve been with the family a long time. Master Bruce’s parents are actually the ones that hired me. When they died I became Master Bruce’s guardian. I know the family better than anyone else and we felt it would be less intimidating for you if I came. I’m also the best person to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.” She was frowning in thought but when she spoke it wasn’t anything he expected.
“How old was he when his parents died?”
“He was eight Miss.” He answered on reflex and it made her frown deepen.
“So you basically raised him.” Alfred just nodded. He watched Miss Marinette as her face went from concentration to a bright smile. “Which makes you more his father than his butler. That means you’re basically my grandfather.” He blinked at her, not quite understanding where she was going with this.
“I suppose some people could see it that way Miss.” Her smile became blinding.
“I’m going to call you Grandpa Alfie, and you should call me Mari.” He had no idea how to respond to that declaration. As his silence lasted her expression became uncertain and he watched her go from a bright, confidant woman to a shy, insecure child. “If that’s okay with you I mean.” Her voice had become hesitant and it seemed like she was expecting to be yelled at. Suddenly the protective nature of the people around them made a lot more sense. He finally cleared his throat to respond.
“It would be an honor if you wished to call me Grandpa Alfie Miss Marinette.” And just like that her smile was back, this time with a determined light in her eyes.
“And I’m going to get you to call me Mari too.” She was certainly confident, he’d give her that.
“As you say Miss.” Her eyes lit up in much the same way Master Tim’s did when he was given a particularly difficult case to solve. Alfred couldn’t help but wonder what he’d just gotten into.
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into-september · 3 years
That's what you get for starting a kindergarten, Marinette (”Simpleman”)
Just from the summary of this episode I could definitely say that this was going to be the most understandable akumatisation yet. I'd be easy picking for Hawkie too if some asshole collected the four most insufferable characters in the show and then dumped them on me to run off after a boy
- I mean, of course Marinette HAS seen that film a hundred times because of Adrien's voice work
- I don’t know how I feel about the way both grandpa and the kids are treating this biography as if it was a cartoon and not RPF about the real life terrorism happening every day around them
- I don't know, Adrien, maybe thank her by MAKING YOUR DAD PAY HER MONEY FOR HER LABOUR, OR SOMETHING
- If this wasn't a show for kids, this plot would indubitably end with Marinette taking out his eye with that fish hook
- how dare they not make Luka be the pizza dude
- this is hands down the most idiotic episode of this show yet and I. LOVE. IT. Yeah, it’s a Reverser repeat, but Reverser was at least competent and required the aid of someone out of kindergarten to beat. This was just the one idiot against the two idiots and it was glorious. 
 - All that said, I have... thoughts... about the fact that Marinette is fully back on the wacky-plans-to-confess-to-Adrien track. Not because it’s not exactly the content I’m here for, but because pursuing a relationship with anyone goes against the status quo the season spent its first three episodes setting up (Alya being in the know is not going to help Marinette having to lie out of her ass every time Ladybug is needed). It seemed so blatantly obvious that having Marinette give up on Adrien would be the choice that would finally let her see him without the filter of “but what does he think about me am I dateable to him RN”, but by “Megaleech” at latest she was back on her old BS, and then what was the point except hyping lukanette 
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I've actually seen some people complain about Scarlet Lady, with it getting called a salt fic for Chloe and one even voiced their frustration about Lila getting a redemption arc over Scarlet!Chloe. Since you've praised the webcomic yourself, I was wondering if you understood these complaints. Do you think people have a right to be frustrated over this comic? Do you see any flaws in the comic yourself?
Well, I suppose Scarlet Lady does count as a salt fic, as a big part of the story is exploiting the flaws of a character, in this case, Chloe, and showing the consequences her actions have.
The idea behind a lot of fanfics focusing on Chloe redemption tend to highlight her relationship with Ladybug and her desire to be a hero just like in canon, so I personally believe a story where Chloe is trusted with powers without an idol/mentor to really guide her into being a better person has a logical conclusion like this. It’s also interesting to see more focus on the heroes’ celebrity status, as Scar soaks up attention from the press while stuff like Ladybug merchandise is barely acknowledged in canon.
It’s kind of like the only good that one episode of Ben 10: Omniverse where we meet a version of Ben from an alternate universe who became a narcissistic asshole obsessed with his celebrity image because he got the Omnitrix after his Grandpa Max, the person who helped him realize what it really meant to be a hero, had passed away. It’s interesting to see the impact someone has on a character’s life in episodes like this that show what their absence could lead to.
The circumstances leading to Lila’s redemption also made more sense in my opinion, as she had a legitimate reason to hate Scar as opposed to Ladybug, as the former didn’t even apologize like in canon. The difference is that while all Marinette did in canon was apologize yelling at her about how much she hates liars, it wasn’t enough to calm Lila down enough to stop her siding with Hawkmoth, but in Scarlet Lady, Marinette went out of her way to talk with Lila about why she liked lying, and encouraged her to open up to others more.
In my opinion, Chloe and Lila in this webcomic have personalities and character arcs that go through changes that make sense as a result of the differing circumstances, which is why I personally don’t have as much of a problem with the comic as much as other people do. I still get why people who like Chloe don’t like the comic and view it as more of a smear campaign, and that’s fine. I just think compared to canon, this is the “damnation arc” that Chloe should have gotten.
But I guess if I had to bring up a problem I had with the comic, and this is an incredibly minor nitpick, it’s that while they had great character arcs and focus chapters, Sabrina and Lila unfortunately don’t do as much afterwards. They still make occasional appearances in Marinette’s friend group (even if seven friends is a bit much at times), but don’t really do much, leading to a couple of missed opportunities.
For example, the comic is currently adapting the events of “Despair Bear”, and other than a single line telling Chloe nobody cares about her getting her pants dirty, all Sabrina does is get possessed by the titular Akuma. I just think it could have been funny for Chloe to see Sabrina at the party and think “Oh cool! I can get back my Adrikins and my homework slave while I’m at it by showing them how nice I am.”
But then again, they are still supporting characters where the focus of the story is on Marinette, Adrien, and Chloe, and if that’s the worst thing I can say, it’s a real testament to how much I love this webcomic.
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
BWYD Shorts
Grandparents' Day
So this was born almost entirely out of my desire to write more about the Kents and their newest grandbaby. So, I decided Caline Bustier treats her students like they're in elementary school and has a "Grandparents' Day" event in which the children invite their grandparents and they just kinda hang out with each other.
Anyways, enjoy~
In the time between them being placed in Paris and the time they went back to Gotham for Spring Break, the Wayne children had been informed of Grandparents’ Day. They were of course familiar with the event, seeing as how they’d had it in Gotham (although none of them had ever brought anyone aside from Alfred) but they were confused since they were in the French equivalent of middle school and the event was exclusive to elementary school.
Marinette, having only ever brought in Alfred in junction with Damian, had decided to let the boys share Alfred this year (although they would also share whoever came for her) sent a series of emails. One of her emails was sent to Ma and Pa Kent while another was sent to Rolland Dupain and a third was sent to Gina Dupain. The three emails were nearly identical in content, although the tones differed, with Ma and Pa’s addressing them with familiar titles and Gina and Rolland’s only calling them Nonna and Nonno in respect. Marinette wasn’t hoping for much, she was only really hoping that she’d get emails back from her paternal grandparents.
The day of Grandparents’ Day dawned like any other, bright sun in the sky, too many animals on her floor, and her siblings fighting in the living room. Marinette, wanting to embody her Uncle Clark’s courage, dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans with a red and black flannel shirt under an oversized jean jacket with a pair of brown ankle boots paired with a brown belt with a Superman belt buckle. She accessorized with a delicate and roughly hewn Peridot gem, that shined like a hunk of Kryptonite in the light, linked with a delicately twisted silver chain and a pair of daisy ribbons tied into her hair.
She went to school with Damian and Colin, Damian dressed in a pair of dark wash jeans with a black turtleneck and black shoes while Colin wore a white tee with denim jeans and a pair of blue trainers, and the three almost siblings slunk into the desk just like they always did. They didn’t pay attention to their classmates or their classmates’ grandparents, only anxiously waiting for Alfred to walk into the classroom (so they all had at least one grandparent there).
Alfred did walk into the classroom, dressed in a pair of nice khaki slacks with a warm gray cable knit sweater (one of very few that hadn’t already been stolen by his grandchildren but he knew by the end of his visit his youngest granddaughter would end up stealing it before reallocating it to one of her siblings) and a pair of black shoes. He spotted his grandchildren and efficiently crossed the room to them.
The students, and their grandparents, watched the older man approach the three Waynes. The three gave a cheerful cry of “Grandpa Alfie!” as he approached. The four Waynes stood in the back while Mlle. Bustier stood in the front and smiled.
“Are all of our grand-” Mlle. Bustier was cut off by the classroom door opening again.
“Grandma! Grandpa!” Marinette vaulted over the back of her chair and ran to throw her arms around the two. “I wasn’t expecting y’all to show up, I just thought you’d video call.”
“Well sweetpea, there was no way we were leaving you and those two yahoos with only one grandparent between the three of ya.” Ma Kent smiled and squeezed the girl to her chest.
“Of course we came, little calf.” Pa noticed the teacher’s eyes on them and gently led the two girls back to the desk with the two boys.
Alfred, Ma, and Pa took the three kids out for ice cream after school, and Alfred noticed that sometime between the time they’d left the school and arrived at the ice cream cart Marinette had shed her jean jacket and was wearing Pa Kent’s purple cable knit sweater over her flannel and he knew. Marinette was getting more comfortable within the family and was branching out to include extended family and non-immediate family members in her stolen clothing rotation.
Taglist: @dast218 @amayakans @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @marinettepotterandplagg @duckies16
Gina and Rolland were invited however they just didn't show up. Rolland had no real reason for not showing up, he lives and works really close to the school and Marinette told him where and when the event was. Gina also had no real reason, she just didn't feel like it (she also was told where and when the event was). But Ma and Pa Kent went, can we get a round of applause/acknowledgment for the two Kents (casually called Grandma and Grandpa by Marinette and Colin) in the comments?
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 19 - Simplificator (Simpleman)
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Geez, unfortunately I lost the first half of this post accidentally which hurts also because I feel a bit sick since yesterday (nothing serious, just a cold). Luckily, it wasn't lots of text, as there's not much to say about this episode. Now I need to write it again. It's rather going to be shorter than version I lost, as I feel tired.
So it was the first typical filler episode that could happen in any other seasons. I have nothing against fillers, as long as they are decent enough. This one wasn't bad, though it would not be among my favourite ones. Still I think it was better than many this season's episodes. And to be fair, I would prefer more fillers like that than the whole mess that's happening in season 4.
It was also more comedic episode, and I'm not a fan of them, I have never liked humor in this show much. There are kids shows or movies that could be really funny for me, like Phineas and Ferb. The only more comedic episode of Miraculous I really liked was Reverser and even that had one super idiotic thing I hated (that one about sending trash to the moon). Humor in this episode is more appealing to kids, in my opinion.
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So it's continuation of Marinette being dumb if she can't even hide the Miracle Box well, knowing Manon will be there. I don't get why she could not take the kids with her. But I'm surprised that her grandpa wasn't angry that he was forced to babysit four children. I thought it would be reason why he got akumatised. The real one was rather weak, but it wasn't untypical for this show. Still Animan had the dumbest motivation to get akumatised.
I don't like Simplificator (the original name is much better) design but his power was even cool. There were much more uninspired akumas this season like Rocketear.
The battle wasn't interesting much, as the whole situation wasn't funny to me. Also it seemed to be far-fetched that the kids weren't affected by the Simpleman's power at all. I know they wanted an episode in which the children are saving the world, which is not a bad idea, but there should have been explained in believable way. I assume it's a statement like "children are not making things complicated", but I don't think it's true in real. Kids are different, some see things as simple, some not.
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I wonder what was the big deal with the whole "I can't have a boyfriend as long as I'm Ladybug" drama from early season 4 if that hasn't changed Marinette attitude towards Adrien at all? Was it just a drama for the sake of drama, right? She's still dreaming about being with him, she still wants to confess to him. It's like Truth and Gang of Secrets didn't happen (I would be happy if the latter didn't in real ;)). But I'm really not surprised, Marinette is written extremely inconsistent this season, like many other aspects and characters. That was logical that if after Truth she is convinced that she can't have a boyfriend, she will try to be just friends with Adrien and that would let her to talk to him normally more often, as it's been shown even in season 1 that she can do it as long she's in "being Adrien's friend" mode. I have written a post about it in which I was almost sure that development in Adrienette will happen this way, but that was back then in those beautiful days, when I was still unaware that season 4 is going to be as much inconsistent and illogical mess as it is. There's not only zero development, I have a feeling Marinette is dealing with it even worse than before, seeing how she's running away from Adrien in Wishmaker, though she wasn't even thinking about making any romantic gesture towards him at that moment.
If I wasn't as much disappointed by season 4 as the whole and Ladynoir drama didn't kill the ship to me, I would be very angry about Adrienette current situation. Not only lack of development, but also lack of relevant and really exciting moments between them. And I'm even somewhat glad that nothing happens between them, since Marinette's love towards Adrien can't be realistic to me anymore because of her terrible attitude towards Chat Noir since Optigami. She clearly shows that she doesn't need Chat Noir when she has Rena and she forgets that he exists when she should not if she really cares about him.
And seeing that I don't believe that Ladynoir mess is going to make their relationship better. People seem to be sure that will happen, because it appears to be logical, but personally after Hack-san, I have no faith in writers. Adrienette development seemed to be totally logical as well, and what? Nothing happens. I don't believe that Ladynoir drama is there for any other reason than just for the sake of drama, like that one with Marinette crying because she can't have a boyfriend. At best they will bring back the old status quo, but not exactly because there's still Rena. Marinette definitely isn't going to take away the fox Miraculous from Alya all by herself, no matter what will happen, because it would hurt her. I don't see Alya stopped being a permanent Miraculous holder unless things like Lila stealing the fox or Su-Han telling Marinette to do that would happen. But even if, Alya will remain having all the Miraculous lore knowledge that Marinettte has, access to the Miracle Box and knowing Ladybug's identity, she will still have a huge advantage over Chat Noir.
Some time ago I've seen someone claiming that it looks like there would be no development in the Love Square before the identity reveal, only then every problems will be magically fixed. I wasn't thinking like that back then, but now I feel the creators have no intention to develop their relationship significantly in any of the sides before the reveal. I no longer expect any nice things I'd love to see in this show, I prefer to have zero hopes.
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