#married aizawa shota and yamada hizashi
n7inky-fanfics · 1 year
"But now this room is spinning while I'm trying to fill in all the gaps."
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bloody-bee-tea · 2 months
No more soup
This was supposed to be one long fic but I haven't figured out some of the finer details yet and this scene kept begging to be written, so I'll make it into a series instead. I'll link the parts as they are being written.
What you need to know for the set up: Hizashi finds a ten-year-old Hitoshi muzzled on his way home and gets himself involved enough to get the kid away from his abusive foster family and take him home. From then on it's just a lot of trial and error for the three of them and this is just one of those instances.
I hope you enjoy!
(This is also my 1100th posted fic😱)
Shota isn’t quite sure what about the bowl of soup is so triggering for Hitoshi, but it’s undoubtedly a fact that it is. The way Hitoshi goes all still and quiet, his hands lightly trembling and his eyes almost unseeingly fixed on the bowl speak volumes.
“Hitoshi?” Shota carefully asks, wary to exuberate the reaction the kid clearly is having right now, and he was right to be wary, too, because as soon as Hitoshi hears his voice, he jerks back, chair clattering to the ground as Hitoshi stumbles away from the table.
“No, no, please, no,” Hitoshi gasps out, his voice barely audible under all the panicked breaths he takes in and Shota aches to follow him, to get close and put a hand to his shoulder, maybe even pull him into a hug, but they know better by now.
Hitoshi needs space when he has a panic attack and as long as he’s in sight, Shota is more than willing to give him that.
It’s hard, seeing Hitoshi as panicked as he is right now, Shota is not going to lie about that, but he has to keep a cool head to guide Hitoshi through it as best as he can.
Crowding him is a no-go, but talking to him seemed to ground him in the past so Shota takes a deep breath before he starts to talk.
It’s not his strong suit, Hizashi is way better with keeping senseless babble up, but Shota finds himself willing to try for this kid.
“It’s alright, Hitoshi, it’s just us here. Hizashi went out to buy some dessert, remember? He should be back soon and he’ll definitely bring more than we can reasonably eat in one evening, so you’ll get to pick some dessert for tomorrow, too, how does that sound?” Shota knows he’s not going to get an answer, but it can never hurt to include the kid at the off-chance he wants to contribute something but all that happens is that Hitoshi’s breath continues to come in too fast and too short.
Shota is just about to open his mouth again when he hears the front door open and Hitoshi must hear it, too, because he jerks violently and stumbles further back, slamming into the wall and Shota moves on instinct.
He has his hand stretched out, in a futile attempt to keep Hitoshi’s head from slamming against the wall and Hitoshi crouches low on the floor, arms coming up above his head as Shota comes to a stop, hand still uselessly stretched out.
“Don’t touch me, don’t, don’t,” he gasps out and Shota’s heart positively breaks in his chest.
“Kid, I’m not—”
Shota has never given much thought to how it would feel to fall under Hitoshi’s quirk. It would happen sooner or later—preferably during training so they can challenge his limits in a controlled environment but Shota was prepared to have it happen at home, too.
They allowed Hitoshi to use his quirk on them if he ever feels unsafe after all and Shota is almost proud of him for enforcing his boundary right now, if the entire situation wasn’t so heart-breaking.
Shota isn’t even sure how to describe the effect Hitoshi’s quirk has on him; he’s still in his body, he can still almost feel it, but it is as if he’s trapped inside a glass case. He still fills the same space as he did before inside his own body, but there’s something keeping him from actually using it. He can still see and hear and think, but everything is muffled and distant.
It’s almost peaceful, Shota has to admit, if you take away the fact that he is no longer in control of his own body.
“Step away from me,” Hitoshi says, his voice shaking so much that it takes Shota a moment to even make the words out but as soon as he understands their meaning, his body is already stepping away from Hitoshi.
He distantly wonders how many steps he’ll have to take, if he’ll have to cross all the way to the other side of the apartment but after three steps his body comes to a stop.
Shota should be scared of the fact that he’s no longer the one in control, but he doesn’t have the time to spare a single thought for himself. He can only think about Hitoshi.
Hitoshi who is still panicking, who is still crouched low on the floor, who feels unsafe enough to have to use his quirk on him—without the activation requirement, no less—and all Shota wants to do is hold the kid until he calms down.
Even though it would be the worst thing to do, as his current predicament shows.
“Sho? Kiddo?” Hizashi calls out finally, when no one welcomes him home and Shota strains against Hitoshi’s control as hard as he can, not that it’s doing anything.
Hizashi steps into the room mere seconds later, two bags dangling from his hands—definitely more dessert than they can eat in one evening, Shota knew it—and he takes in the situation with one glance.
“Hey, kiddo,” Hizashi softly says, putting the bags on the ground and crouching down a few feet away from Hitoshi. “I see you’re currently not doing so well, huh?” Hizashi asks, even though it’s more than obvious by the way Hitoshi is still hyperventilating.
Hizashi’s eyes slide back over to Shota and even though Shota knows he can’t do anything he still tries to convey with just his eyes that he’s currently under the influence of Hitoshi’s quirk.
Hizashi frowns briefly before turning back around to Hitoshi and even though Shota can see the tension in Hizashi’s shoulders, he keeps his voice low and gentle.
“How about we try some of those breathing exercises, kiddo? Do you remember how they go?” He waits for a moment, though of course no answer comes from Hitoshi and Hizashi doesn’t drag it out needlessly. “That’s alright, too, little listener, that’s what we’re here for, ya dig? I’ll just do them and you try to follow along with me, how does that sound?”
Hitoshi drags in a particularly rough breath and Shota panics slightly when he realises just for how long Hitoshi hasn’t been breathing right. Hizashi seems to harbour the same worries, because he doesn’t waste any time falling into exaggerate breaths.
He’s actually the perfect person to do this with, because thanks to his quirk he has amazing control over his breath and he doesn’t hesitate to be loud with them, either.
Hizashi is definitely loud enough to be heard over Hitoshi’s panicked gasps and Shota relaxes slightly when he notices that Hitoshi is trying to follow along. It doesn’t work very well, not at first, but eventually he manages to match his own breathing to Hizashi’s.
“You’re doing great, kiddo,” Hizashi praises him between breaths and Shota is glad to see that Hitoshi manages to continue the rhythm without Hizashi’s own exaggerated breathing.
Shota only gets a second for that, because then Hitoshi’s head flies up and wide eyes meet his. Logically, Shota knows that using his quirk is cause for panic for Hitoshi but he did not expect to see that panic etched so clearly into Hitoshi’s face.
“I’m so sorry,” he somehow manages to get out, Hizashi turning around to follow his line of sight and then Shota feels the effect of the quirk falling away.
It’s not gradual, just like being put under the quirk hadn’t been gradual. One moment he hadn’t been able to use his own body and the next he was in complete control again.
“Kid—” Shota starts, keeping his voice low and soothing but as soon as he opens his mouth, Hitoshi jerks to his feet and flees the room.
Hizashi and Shota are left staring after him as Hitoshi vanishes into his own room, firmly closing the door behind him without actually slamming it and it’s still quite the statement.
They have an open door policy in this home after all, and Hizashi and Shota promised him that if his door should ever be closed completely they wouldn’t come in without his permission. Shota doubts that right now, Hitoshi would give his permission and even though he stands by that rule, it feels wrong to let the kid go like that.
He was still in the middle of a panic attack after all.
“What the hell is going on here?” Hizashi breathes out after listening to absolute silence in the apartment for a few seconds and Shota slumps where he stands.
“We’ve had a bit of a hiccup, I’d say,” he whispers, eyes falling onto the by now probably cold bowl of soup on the table.
“No shit, Sho,” Hizashi snorts out and comes over to pull Shota into a hug.
Shota gladly falls into it, even though he wishes his husband could hug Hitoshi like this right now, and he breathes for a moment, safe in the knowledge that at least their kid is in the same apartment.
He could have made a dash for the front door, but he opted to hide in his own room and Shota has to remind himself that that is most likely progress, even though it doesn’t feel like it.
“He used his quirk on me without a question,” Shota mutters after a moment, right before he pulls away from Hizashi.
“What? I thought he has to ask a question to activate it.”
“I thought so, too. We’ll have to ask him about that. Maybe his panic overrode the rules of his quirk; if that’s the case we’ll need to take that into account for his training.”
“Sho, you’re getting ahead of yourself,” Hizashi gently chides him. “Let’s just focus on the fact that our kid is panicking in the next room, okay? You know what caused it?”
“I put down a bowl of soup in front of him,” Shota replies, his eyes falling back onto the table, their dinner still untouched.
“Soup? That seems like a strange thing to panic about,” Hizashi muses before he sighs. “That is something we’ll have to ask him about, so we can avoid this in the future. Did he make you do something when you were under his quirk?”
“He didn’t want to be touched,” Shota shrugs. “Told me to step away from him. I’m not sure if he was even aware of the fact that he activated his quirk in the moment. He just wanted space, I think.”
“Okay, we can give that to him,” Hizashi says, even though he seems unhappy about it, and there’s nothing but worry in his eyes when they fall on the still closed door. “I don’t like leaving him alone to panic, though.”
“Me neither,” Shota agrees. He’d be calmer if he could actually see Hitoshi, he knows that, but he’s not about to barge into the kid’s room just to satisfy his own feelings.
They have to put Hitoshi first and they have to trust that he’ll come back out once he’s calmer. It’s all they can do for now.
Hizashi is slumped over the table by the time the door to Hitoshi’s room opens up again. Shota elbows him none too gently and Hizashi startles up, wildly looking around before his eyes fall on Shota, who nods his head towards Hitoshi’s door.
Shota knows that Hizashi wants to say something, yell even, maybe, but he presses his lips together and forces himself to keep sitting at the table, just like Shota. They have long cleared away the soup that started all of this away and Shota just hopes that Hitoshi is willing to explain just what set him off so they can avoid it in the future.
He does not enjoy seeing his kid in that state.
Even though the door is open now it still takes Hitoshi a moment to step through, and when he finally does he looks impossibly small somehow. His head is lowered but Shota can still see how red rimmed his eyes are and he looks absolutely exhausted.
Shota gets stuck on the duffel bag slung over Hitoshi’s shoulder though.
Hitoshi shuffles into the doorway of the kitchen, his head still lowered and it gives Hizashi and Shota a moment to share a confused look.
“Hey, kiddo,” Hizashi finally speaks up, always the one to break a silence first. “Are you going somewhere?”
It’s not ideal; Shota has no desire to let Hitoshi out of his sight at the moment, but if he wants to go somewhere, then they’ll make it happen.
“When is she coming?” Hitoshi whispers, his gaze still lowered and it only makes Shota frown.
“Who, kid?” Shota asks in return, not understanding who Hitoshi could be referring to but when he glances back over to Hizashi he’s taken aback by the crestfallen look on his face.
“Your social worker is not coming, kiddo,” Hizashi answers before Hitoshi can ask again and Shota almost feels as if he’s been sucker-punched, but of course. Of course that would be something Hitoshi is worried about.
They know he has been ready to leave, to be taken away, to be kicked out again ever since he came to stay with them.
“Tomorrow then?”
“She’s not coming at all,” Shota interjects and now that gets Hitoshi to look up at them, eyes painfully wide.
“She has to, though. I used my quirk. You told her.”
“We didn’t, kid. We didn’t tell her and no one is going to come and take you away from us,” Shota says with more patience than he really feels because he just gets so angry when he is reminded of how the system fucked this sweet kid over.
“But that’s how it goes,” Hitoshi breathes out. “I used my quirk on you, you have to tell her!” His voice gets progressively louder as he talks and Shota fears that he’s just a few wrong steps away from a panic attack again.
“Hitoshi, what is the rule for your quirk use in this house?” Shota asks, putting a hand to Hizashi’s when it seems as if he wants to go off on a rant.
It would probably not help the kid right now.
“I’m not allowed to use it. I can only directly talk to Yamada-san, so you can erase my quirk when I slip up.”
“If you slip up,” Shota corrects, because that distinction is important but that’s not actually the rule he was looking for. In fact, that is the rule he wishes Hitoshi would forget completely. “What rule did we give you regarding your quirk?”
Hitoshi opens and closes his mouth several times before he lowers his gaze again. “I’m allowed to use my quirk if I feel unsafe and think I need it to protect myself,” he finally mutters out and Shota nods.
“Correct. And you did just that. I’m proud of you for that.”
Shota wouldn’t normally praise using a quirk out of fear like that, but things are different with Hitoshi. The fact that he used his quirk at all is a big step for him.
“How can you say that?” Hitoshi wants to know, his voice desperate and lost. “I used my quirk on you.”
“And you did it to protect yourself. You felt crowded and unsafe and when I tried to touch you, you enforced your boundaries. That’s a good thing.”
Hitoshi gasps for breath, his eyes wide and wild, his gaze flickering between Shota and Hizashi without really stopping anywhere.
“Hey, little listener, you need to tell us what’s going on, okay? Take a deep breath, please,” Hizashi carefully cajoles Hitoshi, who sucks in a breath almost reflexively. “What’s got you all panicked again?”
“You—you’re mad at me,” Hitoshi eventually gets out and it’s surprising enough to make Shota frown.
“We’re not.”
“Scared of me then,” Hitoshi goes on, barely pausing to take another breath and Hizashi shakes his head.
“We could never be scared of you. Why would you think that?”
“You’re all the way over there,” Hitoshi gasps out, his hand reaching up to tangle in his wild hair. “Usually you would be—why aren’t you—” he tugs on his hair with so much force that Shota fears he’s going to lose a few strands and it only takes a second for everything to fall into place.
“Kid, you told me not to touch you. You used your quirk because you were so afraid I would touch you. As long as you don’t tell us otherwise, we’re not going to do it,” Shota gently tells him.
They have been a little bit handsy with him, Hizashi especially, in an attempt to get him used to it. It’s painfully obvious that Hitoshi is touch starved and that the only real touch he ever knew was a painful one and they’ve been trying their best to show him that it doesn’t have to be like that.
Shota has to admit that he likes ruffling the kid’s hair or pressing their shoulders together when they sit next to each other on the couch and Hizashi has taken to pulling him into a hug whenever he can get his hands on the kid.
And it seems they did get him used to it, at least when he’s not actively in a panic attack.
“Please,” Hitoshi gets out. “Please.”
It’s so desperate that Hizashi is out of his chair before the second ‘Please’ has even left Hitoshi’s mouth and he pulls the kid into a hug, holding him tightly. Hitoshi clings just as tightly to Hizashi and Shota doesn’t even have to hear it to know that the kid is crying again.
“We didn’t mean to make you think you did something wrong,” Hizashi mutters, pressing his head into Hitoshi’s hair. “We were just trying to respect your boundaries.”
“We’re here, Hitoshi,” Shota adds, finally joining his husband and rubbing a hand over Hitoshi’s back. “And we’re not leaving you and we won’t let anyone take you away from us.”
It only makes the kid cry harder and when Shota shares a look with Hizashi over his head, he can see tears in his husband’s eyes as well.
“Why don’t we move this to the couch, huh?” he gently suggests and Hizashi shuffles them over there without actually letting go of Hitoshi at all.
They sandwich him between them and going by the way he clings almost painfully to the both of them, he doesn’t mind at all. It takes him a while to calm down again and Shota hates to break the tentative peace they’ve achieved but they need to know what caused all of this.
“Kid, you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to, okay?” he starts with as he cards his fingers through Hitoshi’s hair, because it’s important that he knows that. “But we’d like to know what triggered you today, so we can avoid it in the future.”
Hizashi doesn’t seem too happy with his approach if the glare Shota gets for his trouble is anything to go by, but Shota holds his gaze steadily. He isn’t looking for a detailed explanation, he’s just looking for a what, not the why, not if Hitoshi doesn’t want to tell them and he wills Hizashi to understand that.
“It was the—” Hitoshi’s voice breaks over his words and it takes him a few tries to actually finish the sentence. “The soup. It was the soup.”
“This specific kind of soup or all soup?” Shota asks for clarification and Hitoshi wilts where he sits.
“All soup.”
It doesn’t make much sense to Shota, because how could it, but that isn’t important. The only thing that’s important is that it makes sense to Hitoshi and that they are going to avoid soup in the future. It’s as simple as that.
“Thank you for telling us,” Hizashi tells him, dropping a kiss to Hitoshi’s head.
Hitoshi leans into it and then he looks over to Shota before he slightly reaches out to him. Shota doesn’t leave him hanging, taking his hand in his and squeezing it reassuringly.
“They—they always gave me soup before—” Hitoshi needs a moment to regulate his breathing again and Shota desperately wants to tell him that he doesn’t have to explain, that they don’t need to hear this, but it’s clear that Hitoshi wants to get this off his chest and so Shota only nods encouragingly at him. “Before they locked me in the closet,” Hitoshi finishes, his voice barely audible in the space between them.
Hizashi sucks in a surprised breath and Shota can only hope that he manages to keep any emotion off his face because the kid doesn’t need to see how angry he is.
Sometimes, Shota thinks that villains might be on to something. That previous foster family certainly doesn’t deserve good things in their lives.
“I know you wouldn’t, I know—I guess I just forgot,” Hitoshi admits and Shota squeezes his hand again.
“And that’s alright. It will take time. You’ve been through a lot and it will take time for you to feel completely safe with us. And until that happens, no more soup,” he adds with a wry smile and it’s enough to bring out a small, shaky smile on Hitoshi’s face as well.
“No more soup,” he agrees and then leans back into Hizashi’s chest. Hizashi immediately tightens his arms around the kid again and Shota fears that he’s going to have to pry Hitoshi away from him tonight.
Or maybe they can just have an impromptu sleep-over in the living-room. That should work as well.
“Hizashi still brought dessert. Think you can stomach some of that?” Shota asks after a while and before Hitoshi can answer him, his stomach audibly growls.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Shota nods and pushes himself up, content to leave Hitoshi in the arms of his husband.
There’s still the matter of how Hitoshi used his quirk to talk about but Shota thinks that can easily wait a day or three. There’s no reason to rush this, no reason to overwhelm Hitoshi with this as well today and it’s a sensitive topic for Hitoshi anyway. They’ll have to tread carefully there and today is absolutely not the time to do that.
So instead of freaking their kid out any more Shota busies himself with getting as many desserts as he can into the living-room in one trip, while Hizashi sets up a movie.
With everything that happened today, Shota doubts Hitoshi will manage to stay awake for long but that doesn’t matter right now.
All that matters is that Hitoshi is safe and sound between them, that he still feels comfortable enough with them and in this home to allow them this close, and that all three of them ruin their stomach with as much sugar as they can.
And they do exactly that.
Read the next part here: You're not a pet
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set-forth-a-dream · 2 years
Present Mic just dragged himself through the door after a long day. A radio show and teacher duty had been more than enough to keep him busy but he still had a hero licenses and was called upon for support or back up. This particular day Aizawa had called him.
He obviously rose to the occasion. Because Aizawa never asks for help. He’d have to be on his last limb before he voices the need for someone to step in. Just as Mic suspected when he arrived on the scene Aizawa had been hunched over holding the typical ‘vague serious side wound’, a heavy amount of blood surrounding him and oozing from his hand. His friend tried to play it off as if it was just some casual meetup, nodding upwards to him as Mic came rushing to his side with a calm and tired, “Hey.” Mic glanced up at the unconscious assailant dangling from a pole wrapped in the capture scarf.
“I’m not an ambulance.” Mic reminded as he made sure to get Aizawa to a hospital. “You don’t really have to keep this up you know. You are a teacher now.”
“Mic” Aizawa mumbled delirious with his anemia, “We wanted be heroes, remember?” Mic took a glance at him in the seat of his car- his poor, poor seats would need a miracle to ever get clean again. But that was only the second thing on his mind the first just happen to be a young Shota admitting to wanting to be a hero with some trace of young ambition in his usually sleepy eyes. It hurt to see him that way but in the face of his worry and sadness he smiled. For Shota. “I remember.” He answered softly.
“Watch Sushi for me…?” Aizawa’s next request had Mic perk a brow. His cat? ‘THE’ cat? Why, did he really think he was dying??! The hospital had treated him quickly. There was a gaping chunk from his side like the villain had taken a nice bite out of him. His organs were untouched though perhaps a little bruised. “She doesn’t like to be left alone for a long time. After five hours she’ll wreck the apartment.”
“Wreck the apartment? What is there to wreck, you live in an unfurnished box dude.” Mic felt the weak grip on his hand attempt to get stronger. Aizawa narrowed his eyes at him replying, “I have a lamp.” A silent laugh in the form of air being pushed out through Mic’s thin nostrils accompanied by a grin let him know he’d be there to protect his precious lamp from a lonely and zoom stricken cat. “I’ll be in first thing when the bell starts.” Aizawa promised. “Yeah right! You sit your ass in this bed and sleep!” Mic protested back. “I’ll be fine. It’s not like I have much of a class anyway, I have to talk to Nezu about re-enrolling them.”
With that it had been six in the morning by the time Mic had brought Sushi and a few of her belongings to his own place for a sleep over. He took his hair down and pulled off his jacket leaving the matching leather pants in a puddle at the start of his bedroom door and flopped face first into the mattress and his pillows asleep almost instantly.
“Meow” the cry woke him up. Crooked glasses on his face made the clock in his nightstand split in some half blurred vision but it looked like the clock had said 8am. 2 hours? No way. “Meow!” Sushi called again and leapt up on the bed. “Hm..” Mic grumbled now pulling the glasses from his face and felt the indent they left on the side of his nose. “Meeowww!” Sushi pawed at the blanket next to him. “Hmmm???” Mic groaned as if expecting the cat to realize he was too tired to deal with her but also inform her he heard her. She wasn’t asking for company though, she was hungry. Aizawa would always feed her when he slipped back in from his night patrol. “Meow! Meow! Meow!” Mic’s head popped up from the pillow, “OkAy! Okay… I’m up.” He whined fighting his body’s urge to lay back down and sleep. The cat pawed over to her food bowl then rubbed against her cans of food. Mic’s eyes hadn’t even fully opened as he shuffled over to pop open a can of wet cat food and set it in the bowl. “There. Fed. Now lemme sleep.” He lazily moved a hand over the orange fur before getting in bed and nuzzling into the pillow again. It had been only a few minutes of the cat smacking her food as she ate until she decided she’d been full. With a satisfied stomach it was time for exercise! And there was so much stuff in this new place!
Mic woke up to a series of loud crashes. Up again he dragged his feet across the floor. Should it be a home invader he was too tired to give a damn. All he’d ask of them was to take his stuff quieter. But it had only been Sushi, tangled in wires being down the appliances that were now scattered about the floor.
“Mew.” She answered up at him flicking her tail. Mic took a slow deep breath, “Whaddya mean *Meow’s cutely*?! I’m tired! I don’t wanna play!” He grumpily but gently untangled the cat from the wires and set things back where they belong. “Mew.” Sushi rubbed her head and body against his undressed ankles. “Yeah you better be sorry.” Mic huffed reaching down to pet and accept her apology. The cat trotted over to her box of toys and began to meow again. There was no negotiating with this cat. Aizawa must have kept this routine with her since he’d taken her in. Skipping a step would mean scratched furniture, more appliances meeting the ground, and annoying meowing until she gained the attention she wanted. “Alright” Mic’s voice wavered dipping into a whine, “we’ll play.” He took a stick from the box tied to the end was a fuzzy green worm like bait decorated with blue and pink ribbons. Sushi was immediately crouched and ready to chase and hunt the toy. Sleepy Mic took a seat on his sofa twitching the toy around letting her play while his eyes stayed half open. A whole hour. That’s how long the cat played. When he’d start to drift off and the toy hadn’t moved in a little while Sushi would meow to wake him up, then resorted to bitting his ankle. “Sushi pleeAase, can we go to sleep now??” Due to his lack of effort the play time hadn’t been all that entertaining and she’d gotten bored. She lied down beginning to groom herself until curling up with a steady purr. “Ah.. finally. Thank you.” He smiled leaning back against the cushions and dozed off sitting up right in his seat.
“Good morning” Aizawa’s voice woke him. “Coffee??” He took Mic’s hands and wrapped them around a foam cup of coffee. Mic whimpered to the light coming in through the windows and held the cup just because it was handed to him, not fully awake just yet. “Wha?? What time is it?” He picked his head up squinting around for a clock. “10:30am. We’ll be late, but we won’t miss if we go now.” Mic felt a warm sensation on his lap and looked down to find sushi curled up against him fast asleep. “What are you doing out of the hospital?” Mic finally asked taking a sip of the hot coffee. “I told you I’d be in. Once I got a few hours of sleep and got my energy up enough recovery girl was able to make a visit. I’m healed enough to stand in front of a class all day.” Aizawa explained sipping his own coffee. “Was she any trouble?” He motioned to his cat. Mic nodded, “All of the trouble.” Aizawa picked the cat up off his lap and cradled her in one arm while rubbing his face against her head as if he’d been another cat. His prickly stubble must have scratched her just right as she erupted into a chorus of purrs while kneading his chest. “Yeah yeah she’s cute so I’m not mad.” Mic grumbled taking another sip from his coffee and forced himself up again. A total of four or five hours off and on through the early morning before he had to start another full day. He’d make best friends with the teacher’s lounge coffee machine.
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archivedzeke · 1 year
THE CUCK ! aizawa shota
warnings ! top m! reader , dilf aizawa , nsfw , throatpie , blowjob , degrading , humiliation , dirty talk , unprotected sex , feminization terms (pussy & tits) , sir kink , cheating , cum eating , cuckhold hizashi , this shit is nasty , taunting , slapping , spit , & untouched cumming
note ! i’ll edit this some more later.
Tumblr media
the morals of a well kept man could be broken easily when faced with the temptation of dick. someone as well kept and known to be very insensible at times , being a cheating whore.
married to his best friend hizashi yamada for almost five years , but allowing you to defile him in their shared bedroom was a new level of crazy.
“fuck hizashi! look at your husband” , you grinned and looked at the blonde whose hands were tied to the headboard of his and his husbands shared bed. his face was red with shame , pride diminished from the sight of his husband.
he’s already cum a total of two times. he’s never been pushed past three orgasms before.
aizawa’s position of no different , he was on his knees , hands behind his back as as he sucked on the thick tip of your heavy cock with a dark blush painting his pale face.
the carpet of the bedroom providing aizawa with more than enough friction to get himself off.
“he looks like he’s having a bit of trouble. my dick is a lot bigger than yours , ain’t that right shota?” , you grinned and moved your gaze from the older man on his knees to his husband on the bed. hizashi let out a pitiful groan while watching his lover , regret dimming on his brain a bit.
even so , he couldn’t help the twitch of his cock and the precum that coated his own tip. the sight was was that had his stomach contorting in pleasure. “fuck! your mouth feels so good shota!”
he let out a hum and moaned around the head. his tongue darting out to lick at the undersides of your cock , saliva and excess press leaving a shiny glow behind. he was better than he looked.
you reached up to run your fingers through his hair , false attentiveness hidden in your gaze before yanking his head back and off of your dick. aizawa let out a short noise of disappointment and pain. “n-no! please sir! give me your cock!”
hizashi’s toes curled and he moaned himself , fuck his husband looked amazing. shota has never begged for him this way , seeing him acting like a whore by the hands of someone else made him realize why it was he who suggested this.
his husbands throat was hot and wet , sucking you in like a fucking toy ready to be used. hizashi was a lucky lucky man.
“look at him hizashi! he’s such a fucking slut and i haven’t even put my cock inside his man pussy yet!” , you smacked aizawa’s face and he giggled , “open your mouth for me shota” , and he did with no hesitation.
“good boy!”, you spit in his mouth. you’ve never seen someone so stoic willing to behave this way before. it was like aizawa was a completely different man. a perfect hole to fuck around with if needed!
standing back up , you pushed your pelvis forward and moved his head along side your cock , girth sliding against his nose and mouth as he ran his tongue over the veins — eyes rolling to the back of his skull from the smell of your cock. “haah . . . mmm~ hwah”
“all you needed was some good dick to satisfy you yeah love? hubby not giving it up right hm?” , you nodded over in hizashi’s direction and aizawa’s shook his head ‘yes’ while tonguing your dick. “i know sweet thing”
you finally removed your hands and let aizawa have his way with you , you watched in certain shock as he pressed his hands against your thighs and began taking you down his throat. inch my inch , your cock had become constricted by the warm snug feeling of his throat.
“wow . . . mmm fuck! you’re just full of surprises aren’t you shota?” , hizashi panted and grunted as he came on his abdomen — chest moving up and down as his cock had become hard again within seconds. it was your turn to giggle now. “did you just cum from watching your husband deepthroat my dick hizashi”
you continued your teasing. “you’ve cum three times just from watching me fuck your husbands throat , that’s fucking sad man”
aizawa paid no mind to you teasing his lover , to busy with sucking you up like some glorified lollipop. the nasty mess falling onto the floor and coating his petty tits from how sloppy his head was. you hissed from the feeling of his nails digging into your thigh.
“n-no! nnh haah!” , hizashi shouted in discomfort.
“you’re a liar—” , your sentence was cut short once you felt aizawa’s nose pressing against your pubes , your cock finally hitting the back of his throat while what looked like hearts formed in his eyes. “I-oh god shotaa! you’re the perfect fucking ona hole for my cock. that’s all you are aren’t ya?”
hizashi’s hips wiggled on the bed and thrusted up into the air , his own length a raging red color from cumming. it hurt and the cold air wasn’t making it any better. he was sure he couldn’t.
“aww what’s the matter cuck? you can’t stop cumming from the sight of your husband being fed my cock—he’s enjoying his self”
if hizashi looked close enough he could see the living gaze you looked down at his husband with, the same look forming in man’s eyes as well. maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
“i’m not even moving his head hizashi! he’s just happy to have my dick down his throat”
aizawa still jelly his hands on your thighs to steady himself , your slimy cock entering and leaving his throat with every move of his head — your pubes tickling his nose every time he took you back in.
the older man never took his eyes off you once. tears brimming in his eye line and nose flaring to get some form of air. you were just that big. little sounds leaving his throat whenever they could.
he looked a fucking mess.
“i’m cumming shota! take it all like the whore you are ok?”
he somehow managed to nod his head , jaw starting to lock from the obsessive sucking. but he didn’t stop , at the mention of cum , he moved faster. he wanted nothing more than to have it.
you tossed your head back and let feral snivel. hips moving forward as your cock beat in his throat , balls throbbing and begging for release.
the first spurt of hot cum flooded aizawa’s throat and he hiccuped , tongue hot with taste of your nut. you couldn’t help but grunt with each spit , cum staring to overflow from around your cock.
you let him stay there until his nose started to run. a sick grin painting your face as you stroked aizawa’s chin. “you did so so good! you and your husband both deserve a reward yeah?”
“y-yes sir! wanna be fucked full pl-please”
he sounded so hoarse and fucked through. you loved it more than you should’ve , hand coming up to grip his jaw and turn his head in hizashi’s direction.
“you hear that yamada. he wants his pussy fucked. looks like you’re gonna be there for a while”
727 notes · View notes
ao3feed-dadzawa · 10 months
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Toshinori Yagi from My Hero Academia is a biromantic demisexual griefisic griefmelt withinyoumelt phanheartia umbrenic fleshliminix transmasculine genderqueer femboy!
He's married to Shota Aizawa, a biromantic asexual man!
They're best friends with Hizashi Yamada, a panromantic caedsexual erosmelt lovebite loveminrsic angelesque matifogender erosic trans man!
Hizashi is married to Oboro Shirakumo, a steamgender gendercloud altocumulusio nordlumokenic twilastrostelvioli rosblujayic songbirdia twilullaesic pasbowrosaesic loveybow aviamasc ghalfian goldsetia queer masc enby!
Toshinori has two sons, Deku and Katsuki!
Izuku Midoriya is a nonbinary queer person who goes by Deku!
Their older brother Katsuki Bakugo is an aromantic bisexual person who's questioning his gender!
dni link
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ao3feed-izuku-midoriya · 11 months
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years
Late Night Talks
Late Night Talks by ZER0 0
Midoriya Inko is very strict on dating. ESPECIALLY on who you date.
Midoriya Izuku may or may not have broken one of his moms rules on dating.
Aizawa Shota is there to help.
Words: 905, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Midoriya Inko's Bad Parenting, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44054893
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n7inky-fanfics · 1 year
0 notes
bloody-bee-tea · 2 months
As easy as this
Anyone who can name the song lyric I have in this fic gets a virtual cookie and at least three hearts from me
Hitoshi has a hard time concentrating this morning. He blames it on the lack of food— he knows from experience that he goes all spacey when he skips a meal but it’s not as if it’s in his own hands, these days.
His foster parents decide when he eats and they weren’t inclined to let him eat yesterday evening. Or this morning, for that matter.
Would have been kind of difficult anyway, seeing as he hadn’t been allowed inside of the house, he bitterly thinks and then tries to push that thought away.
Present Mic is already throwing him annoyed glances as it is, there’s no need to make him take special note of Hitoshi on top of everything else today so he needs to get a grip and make himself focus.
It’s just—it’s hard, is all. His stomach is long past grumbling and not even the approaching lunch can lift Hitoshi’s mood because he doesn’t have the money to buy himself something. He keeps a few essential things in a locker at the train station, but money is not one of them.
His foster parents don’t give him enough to squirrel anything away anyway and so instead of stressing over that Hitoshi is more concerned with keeping practical things in that locker. Mainly thick, warm clothes for the nights he has to spent outside and a first aid kit for when his foster parents go at it a little too hard.
Hitoshi jerks when the bell rings, signalling the end of the lesson for today and it takes him a second to get moving. None of his classmates stop to talk to him and while usually that only leaves a bitter feeling of tired acceptance in his chest today he’s thankful for it.
He’s not sure he is in any state to talk to them today. Some of his classmates don’t seem to care about his quirk but there are enough who are wary around him and they never let him forget it even when he’s talking to the ones who seemingly don’t care.
As if he could slip at any moment. As if he would control them over just for the fun of it.
Hitoshi learned to accept it a long time ago, but that doesn’t mean he’s okay with it. It’s just not something he can change and he knows better than to spend any energy on trying on that. He needs his energy for other things after all.
Mainly not failing classes, these days.
“You okay?” One of his braver classmates asks as he stops at Hitoshi’s desk and Hitoshi waves him off.
“I’m fine,” he gives back and he knows he doesn’t look like it—he never does, these days—but that answer is always enough.
No one cares to ask beyond this, and as long as no one really listens to him, it can’t be a lie either, which slightly makes Hitoshi feel better.
If he says it often enough maybe he’ll even feel it one day.
His classmate nods and leaves, just like Hitoshi knew he would and that leaves him alone in the empty classroom.
It’s just as well, because nights out mean little to no sleep since nowhere is really safe and Hitoshi doesn’t have enough money to eat anything anyway, so he might as well catch up on all that sleep he’s been missing.
Hitoshi compulsively raises his hand to touch his face. He spent the entire weekend muzzled—again—and he needs to reassure himself that the thing is not on right now, that he’s free and able to speak should he chose to do so.
He doesn’t have a lot to say these days—nor any people who would listen to him—but it’s the matter of his choice being taken away that always fucks him up.
That and the fact that the muzzle is slightly too small by now. It’s not yet bad enough to cut into his skin and Hitoshi doubts his foster parents are going to let it get that bad seeing as that would only raise questions, but it’s uncomfortable to wear at best and his face still feels slightly irritated.
Everyone is chalking the slight welts on his face up to hormones though and Hitoshi guesses that’s for the best. He wouldn’t know how to explain anyway.
“Is everything okay?” Midnight asks when he raises his hand again to trace over the bridge of his nose and Hitoshi drops his hand immediately.
“I’m fine,” he gets out, taking a moment to remind himself that he’s able to speak, that he wants to speak even if what comes out of his mouth is not entirely the truth.
It doesn’t matter; Midnight has already focused back on her lesson and as long as she doesn’t listen, it’s not a lie.
It cannot be.
Hitoshi doesn’t know what he’s going to do if it is.
Hitoshi can barely breathe. His entire chest is littered with bruises and he thinks his foster father might have done it and cracked a rib or two, but it’s not as if Hitoshi can go to a doctor and get checked out.
There’s no way he could explain the injuries—and all the old scars—on his body and so he’ll just have to breathe through the pain until everything heals up.
Usually Hitoshi’s foster father is more careful—at least since he started attending U.A.—but Hitoshi had done the stupidest thing imaginable and asked a question right where he could hear and then—well.
Hitoshi knows better than that, normally, but his foster father still wanted to make sure that the lesson stuck this time.
It’s definitely doing something, Hitoshi bitterly thinks as his vision briefly goes black when he takes a breath that’s just a little too deep and he just manages to bite back a wince.
“Are you okay?” Snipe asks him and Hitoshi forces himself to keep his breathing smooth and even.
It doesn’t matter that tears prick at his eyes. It doesn’t matter that he can barely move without pain twisting so sharply that it almost makes him sick. It doesn’t matter that his hands can’t stop shaking.
It’s fine.
He’s fine.
“I’m fine.”
Snipe’s attention slides away from him before he’s even done speaking and Hitoshi is glad for it.
It cannot be a lie if no one hears.
Hizashi feels restless and worried and he needs to find Shota this instant because he knows talking it over with him will settle his own mind. Shota is good like that.
Hizashi finds him in his preferred teacher’s lounge—preferred because it’s usually empty and has the most comfortable couch—just like he knew he would and it takes Shota all of one glance to close his laptop and fix his entire attention on Hizashi.
“What’s wrong?” he wants to know and Hizashi could kiss him just for that.
“Shinso Hitoshi,” Hizashi says, much to Shota’s apparent confusion. “I’m worried about him.”
“Is he in the support course?”
“Gen Ed,” Hizashi corrects him.
He sometimes forgets that Shota exclusively deals with Class 1-A unlike Hizashi himself who teaches English to all of the courses, so of course he wouldn’t know Shinso.
“What about him?” Shota asks and Hizashi wrings his hands in front of his chest.
“Something is wrong.”
It’s all he can say, because his thoughts are running a mile a minute and he can’t really pinpoint any obvious reason anyway. It’s all just a hunch. A feeling. Something nagging at the back of his head, telling him that the boy is not okay, that something is wrong, that he needs to do something.
“Okay,” Shota agrees calmly and this is exactly why Hizashi needed to talk to him so badly. Shota always keeps a level head, tries to be as rational as possible and it balances Hizashi’s own erratic, emotional thinking out quite nicely. “Talk me through it. What have you noticed?”
“He has eyebags worse than yours,” Hizashi starts with because it’s the most obvious one and Shota snorts out a quiet laugh.
“That could just be because he’s a teenage boy. What else?” he wants to know because clearly he trusts Hizashi to have more than just this one thing.
“He barely talks to his classmates, I have never seen him in the cafeteria, he doesn’t change with the others for the few training lessons they have, his hands shake more often than not, he doesn’t seem to have any personal belongings and he keeps touching his face as if he has to reassure himself of something.”
“Any obvious injuries?” Shota already has to know the answer, because if there were any obvious signs Hizashi wouldn’t feel the need to talk this over with him first but Hizashi answers anyway.
“No. Sometimes there are some rashes on his face but those could be from anything. Sometimes he holds himself as if he’s in pain, or as if he’s sore from something but other than that, no.”
“Mh,” Shota hums out and Hizashi wrings his hands in front of his chest again.
“Sho, I’m telling you, something is wrong.”
“And I believe you. You have an eye for that kind of thing,” Shota immediately reassures him and it settles something in Hizashi to know that his husband is not questioning his entire sanity. “What’s his quirk?”
“Brainwashing,” Hizashi mutters because he hates what that kid’s quirk has been named. Surely they could have phrased it in a way that didn’t make anyone who hears it flinch.
Shota clicks his tongue at that before he stills for a moment and just because of that Hizashi knows that he’s not going to like what Shota says next.
“Is it voice activated?” Shota carefully asks and just like that it all slides into place for Hizashi and for a moment it feels as if he can’t breathe.
He raises his hands to his own face, suddenly feeling the phantom imprint of a muzzle there and Shota is there a second later, tightly grasping his hand.
“Take a deep breath,” he instructs him and Hizashi follows his order without a second thought.
It becomes easier to breathe after a minute but he still stares wide-eyed and panicked at Shota.
“You think they are muzzling him?”
“It’s a possibility.”
“Muzzling people with voice-based quirks has been outlawed years ago,” Hizashi weakly protests and Shota grimaces.
“You know it’s not always that easy,” he softly says and fuck, does Hizashi know, but to think that it’s happening to one of their students is unbearable.
“Has anyone else voiced their concerns?”
“No,” Hizashi gives back. “I talked to Snipe and Midnight and while they said that Shinso is not the most attentive student they don’t see any red flags.”
“Has anyone asked him directly?” Shota wants to know next and Hizashi shakes his head because he doesn’t think so.
Why would they if they all don’t see anything wrong with him?
“Okay, then we will,” Shota decides and squeezes Hizashi’s hand. “Do you know his living conditions? Family, siblings, that sort of stuff?”
“I don’t, but Nezu talks to all the parents, right? He would have noted it down if there were any kinds of flags.”
“Let’s check the records then.” Shota pulls him over to the touch, opening his laptop back up and logging in to the U.A. system.
It’s a matter of seconds to pull up Shinso’s file but to Hizashi it feels as if years pass and he can’t help but to impatiently bounce his leg. He knows they have to read this first, so they know what they walk into, what               questions to ask Shinso but Hizashi would really rather just go and speak to the kid directly.
Hizashi only turns his attention back to Shota when he feels him freeze next to him.
“What?” he demands to know, dread already curling in his gut and Shota lets out a harsh breath.
“He’s in foster care. His foster parents weren’t available for the talk with Nezu or any of the follow up appointments. He marked it as suspicious.”
“Fuck. Sho, fuck,” Hizashi reiterates again and Shota nods in agreement.
“Is your emergency foster license still up to date?”
“You know it is,” Hizashi huffs out because the school requires them to keep them updated at all times, precisely for cases like this. “But I can’t be the one to do it,” he tacks on, because he knows the system.
There’s no way in hell he’s going to get custody of Shinso, not even temporarily.
“What? Why not?”
“My quirk is voice based, too. They won’t allow this. You know how it is.” It pains Hizashi to say it but quirk discrimination is high these days and heteromorphs and people with voice-based quirks are bearing the brunt of it lately. Adding the fact that Shinso’s brainwashing will be seen as a villainous quirk by most people only makes it more unlikely to garner any sympathy and the fear that installs in people will only needlessly complicate things.
If Shinso is unsafe with his foster parents then his social worker is most likely aware and allows this, which means that if Hizashi petitions for emergency foster care of Shinso they will accuse him of collaborating with Shinso, wishing to train his quirk up.
Which would be true, but would put a serious hurdle right in front of them and they can’t afford that. And that’s only the best case scenario. Worst case, they’ll accuse Shinso of brainwashing him into wanting this and Hizashi can’t have that.
If their hunch is right and Shinso is being muzzled at home they have to get him out as quickly as possible.
“You have to do it,” Hizashi says and Shota seems about as unhappy as Hizashi feels but he nods reluctantly.
His quirk alone would be a point in their favour, in the eyes of any social worker who is as biased as Shinso’s has to be and he seems to realise that, too.
“Fine. It’s just a formality anyway,” Shota shrugs because in the end it is.
They are married. No matter who gets custody of Shinso, he’s going to stay with them both anyway.
“I’m guessing we’re doing this today?” Shota asks but it’s more of a rhetoric question, because of course they are doing this today.
There is no way Hizashi will let Shinso go home if his foster parents really are abusing him.
“He should be in Midnight’s class right now,” Hizashi says after a look at the clock and Shota nods.
“Alright. You go get him; he doesn’t know me and he’s bound to panic if I show up out of the blue. We’ll talk to him in one of the conference rooms, away from prying eyes.”
“Sounds good.”
It sounds absolutely horrible because Hizashi never wanted to have such a conversation with one of his students but it has to be done and at least like that they’ll have the privacy they need for such a talk.
It’s the least they can do with what they are about to ask Shinso.
Hitoshi feels sluggish with how cold he is. The night had been freezing and even the emergency clothes he keeps in the locker weren’t enough to keep him even moderately warm throughout the night.
He still can’t feel his fingers, though they are no longer a suspicious blue, and he’s not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.
What he does know is that Present Mic calling out for him as soon as he steps outside the classroom is a very bad thing.
“Shinso, hey. Do you have a moment? I’d like to talk to you about something,” Present Mic tells him and he is clearly expecting Hitoshi to answer, no matter that there’s no way he can refuse one of his teachers.
Hitoshi is kind of glad that he’s already cold all over because the dread running through him would have leeched away all his body heat anyway.
“Sure,” he mutters, desperately clutching the strap of his bag and he follows Present Mic without another word.
He did not expect to be lead to one of the conference rooms, the ones that are sound-proof and can only be accessed by the teachers.
Fuck, this is worse than he thought, isn’t it?
Present Mic holds the door open for him and Hitoshi steps past him but he freezes when he sees Eraserhead already in the room.
Fuck, he’s going to throw up any second now, he desperately thinks because if two teachers want to speak to him—with one not even teaching him—then he really fucked up badly.
Hitoshi distantly knows that he should probably try to keep up appearances as best as he can, but he’s so busy not throwing up right then and there that it’s kind of inevitable that his hands shake.
They are going to call his foster parents because of whatever he did and that will be the end of Hitoshi. His foster parents made that more than clear.
“Shinso, hey, you need to breathe, kiddo,” Present Mic gently tells him as he steers him towards the unoccupied couch. “You’re not in trouble, I promise you that.”
It’s an empty promise; Hitoshi has enough experience with teachers saying that to him and then calling his foster parents once his back is turned so Present Mic’s words do exactly nothing to calm him down.
“What did I do?” he forces himself to ask once everyone is seated because if he gets this out of the way fast then he can do damage control. But he needs to know what he did wrong first.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Eraserhead tells him, and even though his voice is serious, it’s just as gentle as Present Mic’s was.
“Shinso, are you okay?” Present Mic asks him, fiddling with his fingers and this is easy.
This, Hitoshi knows how to do.
“I’m fine,” he says, and looks out for the way interest slides out of their eyes, waits for them to turn their gaze away from him.
It takes a second and then five and then ten and Hitoshi squirms, uneasy, because both teachers keep looking at him.
“I’m going out on a whim here, but I would guess that’s not true,” Eraserhead finally says and Hitoshi feels as if he can’t breathe.
If they are listening then it’s a lie, it’s all a lie what he’s saying and Hitoshi doesn’t know how to deal with that.
No one ever listens.
“Shinso, you can tell us the truth. You’re safe here and we won’t let any more harm come to you,” Present Mic tells him and it’s so ridiculous, so outlandish, so far from how any of this normally goes that Hitoshi doesn’t know what to do.
He focuses on breathing for now because that seems moderately important.
“If you are not okay, if you are being hurt, at home or here at school, you can tell us,” Eraserhead says and shares a glance with Present Mic. “We’ll make sure to protect you.”
It’s something Hitoshi should probably respond to, tell them that he’s fine, that there is nothing to worry about, that there’s no need for them to concern themselves with him and he’s just about to do that but when he opens his mouth all that comes out is a sob.
It’s as if a dam has been broken because after that first one follows a second and a third and Hitoshi can’t stop, he absolutely cannot get a grip on himself and soon enough he’s hyperventilating into his hands.
He doesn’t know for how long it goes on, can’t concentrate on anything but the tight feeling in his chest, the way he absolutely cannot breathe, can’t hear anything but an insistent ringing in his ears but eventually he becomes aware of someone talking to him, though he can’t make out the words.
Hitoshi tries to focus on the voice until he can hear actual words and he’s mortified to realise that it’s Present Mic, telling him when to breathe in and out and it almost sends him spiralling again but the firm grip he has on Hitoshi’s hands keeps him from losing it completely.
“I’m good, I’m fine,” he gasps out eventually and he thinks he hears Eraserhead snort out an unamused laugh.
“No offense kid, but you’ve been panicking for close to fifteen minutes now. I’d say you’re anything but okay.”
“How are you feeling? Right now? Nauseous? Faint? You’re pretty cold, are you about to drop on us?”
“I have been cold since this evening,” Hitoshi mutters, glad that his voice doesn’t crack on top of everything else and he doesn’t need to look up to know that Eraserhead and Present Mic are sharing a glance.
“Couldn’t you warm up at home?” Present Mic asks and Hitoshi instinctively curls in on himself.
The house isn’t his home and his foster parents never let him forget that.
“I don’t have a home,” he whispers, tugging his hands out of Present Mic’s and hiding them out of sight, as if that could hide the way he’s shaking. “There’s a house I’m sometimes allowed to sleep in and yesterday wasn’t one of those days,” he tacks on and distantly wonders where he finds the courage to say any of that out loud.
He has never talked about this with anyone.
But then again, no one has ever asked with the intention to listen, either.
Present Mic lets out a long breath and Eraserhead leans forward, his elbows on his knees, to give Hitoshi a serious look.
“Thank you for telling us,” he says and it feels almost stupid because no one should thank Hitoshi for dumping any of that on them.
“Before we talk about anything else I want you to know that both Shota and I have emergency foster licenses and that we’re not going to let you go back,” Present Mic tells him and Hitoshi guesses that ‘Shota’ must be Eraserhead.
“I—don’t understand,” Hitoshi admits after a long moment and almost feels bad about it when Present Mic wilts at his side.
“Shinso, I don’t know if you know this but not allowing a kid to come home is illegal,” Present Mic tells him. “That’s endangerment of a minor at best.”
“And this is just a hunch, but there’s a muzzle involved in the house as well, right?” Eraserhead carefully asks and Hitoshi can’t hide the way he flinches. Eraserhead only nods. “That’s illegal as well.”
“I know all of that,” Hitoshi gets out past the new wave of panic at having these two know what’s going on at the house.
“Then what don’t you understand?” Present Mic sounds honestly confused as he shares another look with Eraserhead.
“I just—I know it’s illegal and wrong but—no one ever cared about that before,” he blurts out and does not enjoy the way both their faces fall.
“Oh, Shinso,” Present Mic whispers out and his hands twitch as if he wants to pull Hitoshi into a hug.
Hitoshi almost wants him to do it.
“We care,” Eraserhead simply says as if it could be that easy and it only serves to make Hitoshi’s eyes water again.
“No one ever cares,” he says again because he doesn’t understand why these two would, what changed all of a sudden and this time Present Mic doesn’t hold back.
He leans right in for a hug and Hitoshi doesn’t have it in him to pull away and instead almost burrows into the warmth of the embrace.
“We care, kiddo, we do. And now that we know you’re not safe with your current foster family, we’ll put our emergency foster licenses to good use. Shota will get temporary custody of you on account of abuse and you’ll come home with us before we figure out the rest. How does that sound?”
“Confusing,” Hitoshi admits after a moment and pulls away. “What do you mean ‘home with us’? He’s the one I’ll have to stay with, right?”
“Oh, yeah, but we’re married, so you’ll come home with both of us.”
Married, Hitoshi whispers to himself and he must make quite the face because Present Mic huffs out a laugh.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, no one ever sees it, yada, yada, yada,” he waves off and Eraserhead rolls his eyes at him.
“Very mature,” he teases Present Mic and Hitoshi thinks he can see it, maybe. A bit.
But that really is not the pressing matter.
The most pressing matter is that this is all too good to be true and that thought scares Hitoshi. What if they change their minds? They must know what his quirk is, it’s all in his file, so he doesn’t understand how they don’t mind.
“Still doesn’t explain why you care,” he blurts out, rather rudely, and he freezes instantly when both men look at him.
“Shinso, you’re just a kid. A kid who deserves to have a stable, safe environment at the very least. You clearly don’t, and we care about that. About you. We want to give you that.”
“How did you even notice? No one ever notices,” Hitoshi finds himself saying even though a part of himself is urging him to stop questioning this. He should just take what he could get here, and every further question only raises the danger of it all slipping through his fingers again.
“Hizashi is good like that,” Eraserhead says with a small smile and Present Mic shrugs bashfully.
“But my quirk—”
“Should really not factor into any of this. I know that it most likely has, and I am sorry you have been treated so badly because of it, but it really doesn’t matter to us.”
“It’s a villain’s quirk,” Hitoshi mutters because it’s what he’s been told all his life.
“Strange,” Present Mic says and waits for Hitoshi to meet his gaze before he goes on. “I remember this being a hero school. And since you’re here that would make it a hero’s quirk.”
It’s said so easily, as if it’s nothing but a fact when all his life people have been laughing at him when he says he wants to be a hero and Hitoshi finds himself crying again.
“It’s alright, kiddo, we’ve got you. We’ll make sure you’re safe,” Present Mic promises him. “Shota is going to make that call now so you can come with us and we’ll go find Lunch Rush to get you a soup to warm up while he deals with all the boring bureaucracy, how does that sound?”
“Too good to be true,” Hitoshi admits because it does, before the rest of Present Mic’s words register. “I don’t have money,” he quietly says. “I can’t pay for the soup.”
“Good thing that you won’t have to, then,” Present Mic gives back before he briefly falls quiet. “Is that why you never eat in the cafeteria?” he then wants to know and Hitoshi didn’t know that someone had noticed and it’s not as if he can find his voice anyway so he simply nods.
He can hear Present Mic make an angry sound and he instinctively curls his shoulders in when Eraserhead speaks up.
“Hizashi, not now,” he warningly says and Present Mic falls silent again, taking a deep breath.
“You’re right, you’re absolutely right. Boring phone call for you, soup for us,” he then cheerfully says and shoos Eraserhead off, who rolls his eyes at Present Mic but does leave the room.
An almost awkward silence falls over the room and Hitoshi finds himself fiddling with his fingers.
“You don’t have to do this,” he feels the need to say and it’s almost comical how affronted Present Mic seems at that.
“Kiddo, you’re safe now. We’ve got you now, for as long as you want or need.”
“Shinso, we want to. It wasn’t even a question for us. We want to help you.”
Present Mic seems entirely sincere as he says it and Hitoshi doesn’t have another choice but to believe him.
“Okay then.”
He knows that it probably won’t be as easy as this, because nothing in his life ever is, but maybe for today it can be.
And then maybe for tomorrow it can be again and that alone would be better than a lot of the past days in Hitoshi’s life. And if he really gets lucky for once in his life, maybe every day after that can be a good day, too.
He thinks that would be nice and when he gives a shaky smile to Present Mic who immediately smiles back with nothing but warmth on his face, it doesn’t seem so unattainable anymore.
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 4 months
Eraser and Amplifier: The Tale of Yamazawa Izuku
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/QrfGKFt by Gabenath_shipper Yamazawa Izuku is the biological child of Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic) and Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead), who was born thanks to a genetics quirk used for the purpose of allowing same sex couples to have a child without having to adopt. Yamazawa Izuku was born with a quirk called "Erasable Projection" and Izuku's quirk is a direct combination of both of his parents quirks "Erasure" and "Voice." Words: 1235, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Beyond UA: Behind the mask of Izuku Midoriya Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kaminari Denki, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto, Asui Tsuyu, Monoma Neito, Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A & Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia) Additional Tags: Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku are Not Childhood Friends, tododeku - Freeform, Midoriya Izuku Wears Glasses, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Midoriya Izuku is a Good Friend, Yamazawa Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is Midoriya Izuku's Biological Parent, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic is a Good Significant Other, Protective Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Established Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Good Parent Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yamada Hizashi Present Mic is Midoriya Izuku's Biological Parent, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead and Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Adopt Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku and Shinsou Hitoshi Are Siblings, Shinsou Hitoshi is in the Dekusquad, Jirou Kyouka is in the Dekusquad read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/QrfGKFt
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ao3feed-toshinko · 7 months
The Silver eyes
by IAmAGayRat
Ten years after the horrific murders at Lori's Pizza that ripped their town apart, Shota Aizawa-whose mother owned the restaurant- and his friends reunite on the anniversary of the tragedy and find themselves at the old pizza place, which has been locked up and abandoned for years.
After they discover a way inside, they realize that things are not as they used to be. The four adult sized animatronic mascots that used to entertain patrons have changed. They now have a dark secret.... And a murderous agaenda.
Words: 1542, Chapters: 1/13, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Five Night's at Lori's
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), 참교육 | Chamgyoyug | True Education (Webcomic)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Iida Tenya, Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Choi Gayoon, Torino Sorahiko | Gran Torino, Saya Aizawa, Shimura Nana, Shirakumo Oboro, Lim Hallim
Relationships: Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Iida Tenya is a baby, Iida Tenya is a Little Shit, Saya is Aizawa's twin sister, Lim Hallim and Gayoon Choi are the same person, Nana Shimaru is Aizawa's parent, Oboro Shirikumo died as a little boy, Dead Shimura Nana, Married Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Emi Fukawa is their biological daughter, But she has her grandma's last name, Freddy is a female named Lori, Chica is still a female but she is name Mable, Bonnie is still a male but he is named Gailen, Foxy is a female named Freya
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toshinoris-spouse · 1 year
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One of the funnier things to come of F/O'ing Toshi romantically was that several of the students in 1-A have slowly just- been sliding into my mind/onto my F/O roster as kids Toshi and Fin would look after and whatnot.
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Obviously the main one there is Izuku Midoriya, but there's also Tenya Iida, Tsuyu Asui, and Hanta Sero (my favorite kids from 1-A tbh).
I'm pretty sure if I did exist in the canon (and somehow Yagi and I were dating/married), I'd be friends with Ken Ishiyama and Powerloader. Shota Aizawa would think I was doing my job so I'd be fine in his book (if a little off-putting b/c of distracting Toshi/being distracted by Toshi) and Hizashi Yamada and I would probably be in each other's orbit, if we ever interacted we'd very much bond over music- but I'm sure he'd drain my social battery in a snap.
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And while it only occurred to me now, I suppose Nezu would be a sort-of father figure. Sure, he's not my species- but he's still smarter than me by a long shot and he'd be the only reason I ended up in Japan/meeting Yagi in the first place.
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And I'd probably be solid friends with Mina Ashido, Eijiro Kirishima, Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Mezo Shoji, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, and Momo Yaoyorozu.
Meanwhile I'd avoid Yuga Aoyama, Katsuki Bakugo, and Minoru Mineta like the plague.
And I'm honestly not sure what my relationships with Anan Kurose (13), Sorahiko Torino, or Sekijiro Kan would look like. Probably a semi-playful/lightly-annoying friendship/rivalry with Sekijiro Kan, respectful but cautious of Torino, and 13 would be my boss so I'd... Probably eventually develop an odd friendship, if she stopped by the construction sites often enough.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 2 months
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