#dead oboro shirakumo
n7inky-fanfics · 1 year
"But now this room is spinning while I'm trying to fill in all the gaps."
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mettywiththenotes · 5 months
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shirakumoh · 4 months
what was the whole point of aizawa’s “self sacrifice isn’t the same as throwing one’s life away!!!!” speech if shirakumo/kurogiri was going to die like that… at least in vigilantes he died saving a group of school children….
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dreamyghostspace · 11 months
Hi! I've been waiting to make this post so here it is.
Here's a load of fanart I made for @boww-tiez hehe
Thank you so much for making Yuuei Survival Guide. I'm going to miss it when it's over. I've been invested in this story for over a year now!
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And the very old sketches..
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Also chances are there will be more that I'll make in the future.
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helga-grinduil · 2 years
saw screenshots of the new mha ultra impact update and oooh my goddd...
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wimpwompz · 8 months
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“But I don’t think I could stand to be where you don’t see me”
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xxx-caliber · 10 months
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shipping-all-ships · 2 years
Back on that soulmates-share-quirks au but lets focus on the kuropress. Like how when Shirakumo died, Mr. Compress lost the ability to use Cloud and he never tried to use his soulmates quirk after a few months of desperate trying since he concluded his soulmate was officially gone. 
The Doctor took an interest in Mr. Compress when they first met-- even though they wanted Eraserhead, they did observe him and got to see his friends and their quirks/soulmate quirks and so recognizes the second quirk Shirakumo had. He starts grilling Mr. Compress on his second quirk, like has he even tried to use it since his soulmates death or if the connection feels off somehow. Shigaraki puts a stop to the questions and assures Mr. Compress that it’s just how the Doctor is, absolutely fascinated with soulmate related quirks and how they relate to nomus and all that nonsense, so not to pay it any mind. If anyone else had a dead soulmate, he would be interrogating them as well. 
It ends up eating away at Mr. Compress because no he hasn’t even tried to use it in over ten years and now feeling for the quirk, it does feel off. Different somehow, wrong, unnatural. He didn’t think it about again until they’re fighting heroes on a rooftop and he hears Twice shout, turning in time to see Toga dodge too far to the left and suddenly she’s falling over the side. 
He doesn’t know if the heroes would try to catch her or let gravity do it’s job and write her off as another causality, he doesn’t know if any of Twice’s clones will be able to grab her in time to make a cushion, but he does know that none of them will be able to get to her in time. 
Something in him surges and Toga’s scream is cut off as she lands hard on a soft cloud, swirling the same dark purple color as Kurogiri. She floats back up in the sudden halt of the fight and Mr. Compress has to stomp down the sudden breakdown he feels coming one when he sees his mist covered hand because what the fuck?
He and Kurogiri are going to have to have a very long talk when they break him out of prison.
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allmightytoshi · 1 year
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bookworm-blogs · 2 years
Me: *Looks at Natsu & Zeref Dragneel*
Me: *Looks at Hanji Zoe*
Me: *Looks at Shirakumo Oboro/Kurogiri*
Me: *Looks at Hunter/Caleb Wittebane*
Me: Holy fuck I have a type.
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astraymetronome · 2 years
A Mother’s Pain in Her Nirvana - Chapter Two
The song for this Chapter is Ocean Eyes the American Avenue Cover.
Sorry, this chapter took a little longer than expected, I was busy with family and then got sick. On top of that my school has finals and stuff has been kinda busy.
Her son had started to put things away. He did it with the utmost care but put everything that he wouldn’t be using into boxes and just neat piles. Inko didn’t want to watch her son set everything up after he joined her. She felt like crying every time they entered the house since her son had given up.
She was at least a little relieved he seemed to be trying to make sure the people who knew her and know him, have a piece of them both. She watched as he planned out who would get what before he left for school. She followed her baby as he walked, watching their surroundings. A few ghosts waved at her and she smiled back as they continued to walk. Well.. her son walked and she hovered.
Inko watched her son more as she quietly kept an eye on him. She wanted her son to feel safe and completely comfortable in his environment. He passed by the school gate with her on his tail before a voice caught her attention. “Inko?”
Her dull green eyes turned to catch sight of a woman with black hair, pulled up just like she had it when she was alive. Her hair was down now, left that way forever since she was in the middle of doing that when she passed. She didn’t recognize the woman, the black mole on the right side of her face is something someone would remember since beauty marks weren’t all that common or her gray eyes.
“Yes? Do I know you?” She asked as she hovered protectively around her son. She knew the fellow specter wouldn’t be able to harm him, but she still wanted to ensure his safety. Her clothes were torn up and bloody, as most ghosts were, but the hero costume she had on was rather clear. Her white cape and yellow gloves were stained red with her black uniform torn up rather heavily. She didn’t recognize her at all, but she clearly recognized her.
The woman admitted, following her as they both hovered around her child. “That must be Izuku..” She muttered as she got closer. Inko was quick to put herself between them both, glaring. She would protect her child.
“Do not touch him.” She said swiftly. “I do not know you and I don’t know how you know his name.” She added as they entered his classroom. Inko wouldn’t let her near him until she knew who she was at least.
“I’m sorry…” The ghost started as she got closer to Inko, but her attention was pulled away from the apparition as the alive erupted with noise. Laughter was loud as she turned to her child, seeing his blank expression. Under it, she could sense his turmoil and pain but he was so good at throwing a blanket over it and hiding his true feelings like a blackout curtain conceals light. His quirk would normally give him away, but she knew the suppressants he took just numbed his brain and forced him into a haze.
She wanted to pull the spider lily from him as he took it in hand before delicately slipping it into his bag. ”Please stop… Please my Ichigo..” She begged as she watched him close his bag and start up his learning. Inko whipped her forming tears and got up from the ground, floating towards the woman.
”I’m sorry his grief is this bad.” The spectator said as she turned to face her. She wanted to snap at her and say she had no right to talk like that or comment on her son, but she didn’t have the energy for that, so she just blankly nodded and began to observe him once more.
They floated in silence for a while, just listening to the lesson and watching the students work. No one seemed to bother her son for the hour, opting to instead just get their work done which Inko was thankful for. She felt her need for contact flood up as the woman got closer to her and she quietly began to speak.
“I didn’t want him to grow up the way I did.” She said quickly, glancing toward the ghost next to her. The woman seemed to freeze up, so she continued with her story. “An orphan... Abandoned…” She muttered a little bitterly before her voice became softer. “I don’t blame my mother, but the system was horrible… I think I had an older brother, but we got separated so quickly I'll probably never find him.”
Inko was well aware of the tears she’d begun to leak, they didn’t bother her as she brought her hand over. She hovered it over her son’s head, faintly feeling his mass of curls as she gave a small smile. “Either way, I just wanted him to have the childhood I couldn’t… One of a loving home and a safe environment.”
She didn’t understand why she was dumping her feelings onto the other ghost, or why she stayed to listen, but she was going to speak. She wanted someone to know her true feelings. They may be dead to the living but that doesn’t mean they have to be as dead as she is. ”I had my mother’s last name, but there was no record of her. It was almost as if she’d been removed from the world. Either way, I wish he could have known her.. I may not know my mother, or if she’d even be fine with his identity, but I have this gut feeling that she would have loved him.” She admitted as she turned to face her completely.
The specter was crying just as much as she was. Her eyes were wide and full of pain and sadness. She didn’t understand why she was responding in such a way, but she simply gave a soft smile. ”I’m sorry… I’m so sorry Inko…” She started to sob as she pulled her into a hug.
”I left you for your own safety, I knew what I was getting myself into and I didn’t want you both hurting after I passed.” She told her quickly. Inko felt confused as she looked up and the woman continued. ”I failed you as a mother, Izuku as a grandmother, and Yagi as a teacher.”
Inko’s eyes widened as she stared at the specter. From what she was saying, this woman had to be her mother. She felt reluctant as she spoke quickly, wanting some form of proof. ”If you’re my mom, what is my maiden name, and old was I when you gave me up?” She asked quickly as she saw the way she looked over in surprise.
She saw a small smile form on her face as she quickly tried to wipe her eyes. Her tears continued to fall as she spoke up, eager to try and explain. Her emotions seemed genuine and she wanted to be truthful. ”Your last name is Shimura and I... I gave you away when you were three and your brother was six.” She explained softly.
Inko made a small noise as she watched her. She felt conflicted. A part of her wanted to hug her and another part of her wanted to get mad. She wanted to yell and beg her why she gave them up. Her big brother had been 6 and she’d been three. On top of that, she knew her maiden name. She was never adopted, just fostered until she grew out of the system.
“Why. Not just that we weren’t safe. I want to know the reason.” She said quickly. She wanted to know who had abandoned her and why. Her mom shouldn’t have left her and her brother to the wolves but she knew a reason had to exist. She shouldn’t have just abandoned them.
”A villain was after me. I didn’t want him to go after you both, so I gave you away in an attempt to give you a proper life. I would rather have no children than have my child be hurt because of me.” She admitted. Inko didn’t know how to feel about it but she was telling the truth.
”I don’t know how to feel about you... I don’t feel comfortable referring to you as my mother…” She told her as she leaned towards her son. She gave a small sigh as she reached for his hand, unable to grasp it but at least she could graze it. She felt her tears drip once more. She loved her son and made sure he was always aware of that. Her son deserved to feel love after all.
”If you’d feel more comfortable, my name is Nana.” Her mother said simply as she leaned over to watch Izuku. She looked over at Nana and gave a small nod. Inko was done with speaking, she wanted to just observe Izuku and support him from beyond the grave.
Inko hovered by her son as he crept down the hall. She was trying to ignore how Nana did the same to her but from a further distance. She was grateful the other Spector was being respectful of her feelings and not really trying to invade her goal. She floated ahead of him, peeking at his desk as he entered the room. She wasn’t surprised by the words that littered the grain. It was upsetting but she wouldn’t be able to remove it no matter how hard she tried.
She watched as he made his way over, dusted the ash away, and got to cleaning the marker away. It was a relief to have him escape punishment for it since it wasn’t his fault in the first place, but the journey home was somber and cold. She hated seeing him so broken and dull. It didn’t fit her little boy. He was the embodiment of kindness and trust, he used to give kids at the park his sweets when they fell and tried to make them feel better however he could. She still remembered those days like they were yesterday. When she watched him slip that keychain into her nephew’s bag, she couldn’t help but sigh. He really was gonna go through with it.
Their trail was long and upsetting. Her son didn’t react to anything, in fact, he almost got hit by a car on his way home. She scolded him despite the fact she couldn’t be heard, but Nana seemed to at least listen to her. She was hovering over him as he unlocked the door to their apartment. She really can’t call it theirs anymore. It’s his now. He closed the door grimly and seemed to just sink into his room.
She didn’t want to be away from him, but her son still had his right to privacy, so she floated over to look around the bare apartment. The only signs of her existence were cooped up in her son’s closet, the clear missing frames were obvious to her on the walls but that was because she’d seen them every day for a decade of her life. Inko wanted to see her child smile again, so after about an hour or two, she caught him sleeping with his head on the window sill, hand reaching near the new vase and flower he had sitting on it.
She would have pulled a blanket over or closed the window if she could, but at least it would be a warm night and nothing cold.
When Izuku woke up the next morning, Inko wasn’t surprised Nana had left to go hover over whoever she’s been watching. She’ll probably come to see them soon enough after who knows how long. She had to leave again, not able to bare watching her son harm himself. She felt her tears once more but they would remain unknown to him. She would have wrapped him up in her arms if she could, convinced him to stop, or made him. Her boy shouldn’t be doing this to himself.
She hated it. It made her feel like a part of her was being stabbed and torn. Inko understood where that feeling was coming from; she’d made him with her body, and held him there for nine months before bringing him into this world. The fact she’d done this and now he was in so much pain hurt her more than any argument they’d had in her lifetime.
She watched as he took care of his wounds, bandaging and treating each cut. She was grateful he had the right of mind to at least take good care of them. Inko floated over him as he got a box of her college and high school yearbooks, pictures of her and Mitsuki, and just anything she’d gotten from her best friend and her family. She softly cried as he left it on their doorstep, not staying long enough to be caught in his vulnerable mindset.
She stayed there for a moment, watching as Katsuki opened the door and lifted up the box. She was well aware of who he was taking it to so she turned away, heading to her son’s school. He would try and get there early but he always ended up waiting till most kids were in the classroom it seemed. He probably did it to avoid the bullying and confrontation.
She was in the room before him, observing as students entered the classroom. It took about five minutes for a small group of them to go up and start drawing on the board. At first, it had piqued her curiosity, a part of her hoped it was an apology to her son but that was quickly ruptured at the sight of a hanging body. The moment she saw one reach for the green chalk, she realized what they were drawing.
”What is wrong with you all?!” She yelled out, trying to wipe the horrid creation away. Inko was well aware of her inability to but she still wanted to try. She had to try for her son. She could feel the lights flicker around her, reacting to her surge of emotions as the kids finished up their creation. She continued to try and stir up the chalk, wanting to ruin the picture. It didn’t work but she didn’t stop until she heard snickers.
Inko watched her son motion to his neck, quietly reaching out to comfort him before a voice broke her dead silence. “Get to your seat."
She watched as her son sat through that horrid sight all day, comments being thrown his way and his eyes just focusing on the ground dully. She gave invisible kisses on his forehead and hugged him as he went through his lessons, just anything to comfort him.
Inko nearly took his teacher’s face off when the man beat his hands before forcing him to clean up the mess his classmates had decorated the board with. She followed him through the rain once he bolted from the school, trying her best to protect him from at least some of the rain. It didn’t work of course, but she still tried. She will always try for him.
She followed him into the apartment, watching as he treated his hands. She wanted to take those hands and cover them with kisses, anything to calm him even a little bit. She had to observe him eat and collapse into bed. She hated it. She hated her afterlife. She hated his suffering. Most of all she hated her ex-husband and all the kids who made her son’s life hell. She wanted to see his smile and his freckled bright face, not his blood and such hurt littering his soft face.
Inko couldn’t help screaming into the night sky. No one would hear her, the dead wouldn’t care and it wasn’t like it mattered. She went for a few hours, no longer able to feel tired or horse from screams. Her voice was so loud it echoed and disrupted the birds but no one could hear her. Her anguish for her son. Her hatred for her death. Not a single soul deserved to experience her hell.
When the sun finally began to rise, she made her way back to her son’s room. He looked the most peaceful since he was a small baby. Her child had never looked like this since he came home for the first time. She didn’t even know he’d be her son yet, but she would have loved him either way. She couldn’t stomach not being able to hold him, laying next to him in his bed and holding him against her ruined body, her chin buried in his curls. She missed the bright smile on his face when he was small enough to be lifted by her quirk.
Inko didn’t move from her position until he woke, sitting up with him as he blankly watched the door of his room. She watched as he broke down, crying silently in the emptiness of the apartment. His words were soft and just barely audible to her. His begging made her heart snap for the hundredth time since she’d passed.
“Please… P-please give her back.” It was so silent she shouldn’t have caught it. She held onto him once more, desperately trying to get him to react to her touch, but nothing happened as always.
”I love you… I love you so much. I’m sorry I can’t be with you, at least not how you are used to. Please forgive me… Please Izuku.” She whispered into his hair, knowing the words would never reach but hoping by some miracle they would.
Izuku had made his way to her favorite flower shop, he really should have been getting to school but she wasn’t gonna bother scolding him for staying from that place. She understood his desire to be as far away from Aldera as possible. She watched him try and buy a bouquet of flowers, lilies of the valley, only to be given them as the owner spoke to him.
“Your mother was one of my favorites, I owed her some. Take them.” Mrs. Beppu told him. That old woman had been a florist here since she was a small girl. She used to stop by often just to talk about flowers. She used to want to be a florist and she’d considered being one once she retired from her vet position.
She wanted to thank her more than anything, for helping her with her pregnancy, being nice to her, and at least being so kind to her son. Inko felt so useless like this. She couldn’t do anything anymore. She couldn’t help hovering over him once more as she kissed his head. She could still smell his shampoo like this and barely feel his soft curls. She missed her son more than she should. She was right next to him after all, but he couldn’t see her. Her son couldn’t hug her or feel her. She hated all of it.
Sobs built up in her throat as they moved, her son quietly humming an old Spanish lullaby she sang to him. She knew he didn’t remember the words, but the fact he at least remembered the melody was enough for her. Her ex-husband had been the one to teach her it and she sang it to her son to remind him of his heritage. Hisashi had been from Puerto Rico and he was half Puerto Rican. She had learned the song by heart to just make his tiny face light up. Her son was so relaxed whenever she sang to him.
As he continued to hum the melody, she quietly sang the words, ”Duerme mi tesoro, (Dream, my treasure,) Duerme muy bien, (Dream well,) que los angelitos te miran, tambéi (may the angels watch over you, too.)” She wanted her son to feel happy and calm once more. Inko observed as he stepped towards her clinic, seeing faded blood stains on asphalt and cement. She saw him sharply inhale before turning away. He probably recognized the location and identified that it was where she’d been killed.
She felt uncomfortable with the area. Her head lowered a little as she moved closer to him, her head pushed against his as she quietly leaned against her son. She knew he wouldn’t be able to feel her or anything like that but to her, it was the thought that counted. When he stumbled into the clinic, her dull green eyes were pulled to a soft shade of broken blue. She didn’t know who he was or who he was with but something about the specter screamed safe. She looked around a little, seeing how he hovered close to a man and a child. Inko hovered over her boy as she looked around, seeing as the ghost got closer to her.
“Is that you?” He asked calmly, she looked up to see his thumb hike towards the picture on the counter. She didn’t really consider her co-workers making an altar for her. She knew Izuku had one hidden in his closet and she watched as he handed them the flowers only for the women to lay them by her picture.
“Yes, I’m Inko.” She said softly as she glanced over at her son, watching as they began to hug him. She felt relieved to see him calm and hoped that, just maybe, he would change his mind.
“Oboro, I’m following my best friends and their kid, I guess that's yours?” Oboro asked her. She gave him a small nod as she watched her son quietly. She felt the man’s gaze soften against her as he spoke up once more. “He’s not doing well, is he?” He asked which made her boil a little bit. He had no right to assume her son’s emotional health.
She was just about to snap at him but, instead, she just sighed and looked back. “Yeah… He isn’t. He hasn’t taken my death well… I’m worried he’s going to join me soon…” Inko told him as she kissed his head once more. Izuku was just quietly letting himself be hugged.
“Sho’ got like that too… He blamed himself for my death so…” Oboro explained as he glanced at the black-haired man. A part of her twinged with jealousy at his care and touch for his child. She sighed as she went ahead nodding.
”He doesn’t have anyone… No one else can see it. I’m the only one who has noticed, seen him bleed himself dry and hurt. He’s planning it. I can see it. That's why he brought the flowers and it’s why he’s giving things away..” Inko spoke out with a shaky breath. She was unsure if he’d be alright and the idea that he would join her in the afterlife this young made her sick.
Inko didn’t notice her tears until the other ghost had his arms around her in a hug. She shook a little as she squeezed him. She knew that Nana was her mother and she hadn’t even considered this with her but this random ghost just made her feel at peace. She was shaking as she quietly squeezed him close. Her head was down as she sobbed once more. ”S-sorry, my son and I are b-both very e-emotional people. H-his quirk even makes those around him feel what he feels, emotionally.” She told him as she saw her son move a little.
Inko pulled away without much thought, her son was gonna leave and she didn’t want to be away from him. “S-sorry… He has school..” She explained as she gave a soft smile. “I-i… Thank you for listening.”
She didn’t think twice before following him. Her eyes were still leaking as she hovered over him and glanced back at the family Oboro stayed by. They seemed to be very caring. She hoped the child grew up well.
When her son entered Aldera, she growled at the way his teacher began to berate him. Her son had entered right as the bell rang. He wasn’t late. Inko really wanted to shout at them. She had always hated this district but Izuku had encouraged her to keep him in the school. She understood he wanted to be Katsuki and that he was scared it would just happen again but at least a new start meant he could have been in a healthier environment. She watched him numbly sit down and pull out his notebook.
After half an hour she watched in horror as her son’s property was stolen from his grip and torn to shreds. She felt anger flood her once again as she tried her best to push the bullies away from her baby. She turned back to him as he trembled and sat back down, his things being hidden safely in his bag. She watched him cry himself to near exhaustion under his go-to hiding place at lunch, not eating for the sake of getting his stress out.
Inko could feel Katsuki’s glare, it wasn’t pointed at her, but she could tell it was pointed at her son. She wanted to grab her baby and pull him away. She watched him as he moved to leave the room. ”You have no idea of the wrath I’ll bring once you get here, Katsuki.” She swore to him before she moved to go and follow Izuku.
She still hovered over him when they returned home only to turn away as she saw her son begin to change for his privacy. She turned back once he opened the window, quietly watching as he sat on the ground to stare blankly out it. He was in one of her shirts, a lavender color with a pattern of daisies. She knew it would be too fem for his preference but she was glad he went to her for comfort, even if it was through her clothes after she’d passed.
Inko kissed his forehead after he fell asleep, gently hugging him as she lay next to him. She could feel him once more and she would relish it while she still could. Her son didn’t deserve to be so lost. He was her bright, kind boy and she never wanted to see him this low. Even worse than seeing him like this is knowing but being unable to help.
The song used within this chapter, Duerme mi Tesoro, is a Puerto Rican Lullaby. I found the piece on a site called Beth’s Notes and I wasn’t very trusting of the translation so I asked my school's Spanish teacher to translate it. I’m pretty sure it’s right at the very least.
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cosmicgremlin9648 · 3 months
Wow, a post on Tumblr by me? It's a miracle. Anyways go read my mermaid erasermic fic
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gamergirl-niffler · 3 days
Reassuring || Teen!Aizawa x Teen!Reader
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A/N: This is my entry for the Weekly Challenge! I did my best T_T
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It was a beautiful sunny day with the right amount of clouds, making the sun less aggressive.
You groaned when the clouds moved, and suddenly you were hit with sun right into your eyes. Shaking your head you squinted, following your father, a prohero off another patrol.
“Great job, kiddo! As always, you did great! I sent you to the U.A for a reason,” He praised.
It was your second year in the U.A so it meant one thing - Work Study during summer vacation. It was fun, but you wished stuff were different.
Your father looked at you worriedly because of lack of any type of answer or comment from you. “So… how are you holding up, kid? It's been just two days. Despite your eagerness to work, I can't help but worry.”
As the question dropped the sun was again covered by clouds casting a shadow over the two of you. You lowered your head, trying to hold back the tears while recalling the tragic events.
Just two days ago, you and your father were summoned as a support shortly after a big villain attack. For your father it was nothing - day as every day of work, but for you, it was the moment you found out about your best friend Oboro Shirakumo’s cruel faith. 
At least your other friends; Aizawa and Yamade were safe and whole. None of you took it lightly because how could you? Your friend was dead, and all you three could do now was support each other.
“I am… fine,” You nodded, looking at your father. Of course, you did your best to hide your feelings.
He didn't buy it, but at the same time he didn't want to push you nor argue with you. Ruffling your hair, he pulled you closer. “Fine. Let's say I believe you, kiddo. How about your… oh! Speaking about the devil. Ain't it one of your pals?”
You looked in the direction he was looking, and it was indeed Yamada himself.
“You are done for today so go to him,” Your father said, so you did just, quickly greeting your friend. Poor Hizashi looked tired, completely not like his usual self. Which was worrisome.
“Hey, how are you holding up?” You asked.
Hizashi looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “Guess, I am doing as best as I can.”
“Same.” You agreed with him. It was indeed a difficult situation to take in, especially after just two days. 
“I am worried about Shota, ya know. He was never much of a talker, but now it's even worse,” Yamada explained. “I could go to him, but you know I am “too loud” for him so it will be better for you to go to him.”
You weren't even a little surprised that Shota had the biggest trouble with taking it all in. He was there when it happened. 
“I will change my clothes and go to his place to talk with him. I’ll inform you how it went after.”
“That sounds like a plan!” He agreed with you.
Refreshed and dressed in your civilian clothes, you knocked at the door to Shota’s place. After a brief moment, his mother opened the door.
The talk with her was short and of course contained a mandatory question of ‘how are you holding up?’
When the chat was over, you made your way to Shota’s room. As a good guest and friend you knocked at the door first, but there was no answer so you allowed yourself inside.
“I didn't say you come in, mom,” Shota muttered, not looking away from the book. He was sitting on the floor of his room with his back resting against the bed.
You chuckled.
“Well Hi to you too Sho.”
He looked at you. “Oh, it's you. Hey.”
“What's ya reading?” You asked and sat next to him, taking a look at the pages.
Shota only shook his head.
“At this point… I don't even know what I am reading. I am just trying to distract myself.”
You looked at him and reached over to gently brush hair out of his face. He looked tired and of course sad. “Let me guess… Hizashi sent you, huh?” Shota asked, nuzzling to your hand just a little.
“That too, but I was worried about you myself,” You explained. “Everyone asks me that so now it's my turn; how are you holding up?”
“Amazing! I was there and I couldn't do anything. Maybe if I wasn't myself, MAYBE it all could go way different. Maybe he would be alive,” he growled.
You blinked, looking at him.
“Shota, you didn't know this would happen. No matter what, this was way beyond your control.”
“I am useless. There was a moment I thought I could actually do something, especially after winning with that big villain, but look, I can't even keep my own friend alive,” He argued with you. “I am useless! Powerless.”
“Shota!” You snapped, grabbing his cheeks and making him look at you. “Stop. Stop saying that. Oboro's death wasn't your fault nor does it mean you are powerless,” you told him, tearing up. “I miss him too, I wish he was still with us but… he is not, and he won't ever again be, and I don't blame you or anyone for it.”
Shota lowered his head, and you moved your hand through his hair, ruffling them a little. “Now all we can do is work hard and, well, start this planned agency.”
He sighed deeply and nodded. “Guess you are right. I miss him.”
You nodded, wiping your eyes. “I miss him too but it will get better.”
“Let's hope you are right,” Shota said quietly, pushing hair behind your ear. “I will never forget you saying that.”
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kywaslost · 2 years
omg hello! Can I get a scenario of Aizawa and Mic maybe going on a patrol and finding a child in an alleyway, like maybe lost and injured. So then they like take them to the hospital and then they find out that they’re related to Oboro Shirakumo?
I Can’t Believe He Lives On - Aizawa and Present Mic
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A/N: Omg hi!! I absolutely love this request! Sorry it took me so long, but I just finished finals today and now I have time to do a lot of writing. I hope you don’t mind but I made the reader a teenager. I feel like it fits my idea best. I hope you enjoy it!!
“Come on Shotaaaaa!” Hizashi hummed excitedly. “Shinsou’s out with his friends and Eri is spending the night with your class. We have the house to ourselves! We could go out to dinnerrrrr.” Hizashi cut in front of Aizawa as they walked across a rooftop, now walking backwards so he could still talk to his lover. “Or we could order takeout and watch a movie on the tv?”
Aizawa raised a skeptical eyebrow. “I don’t know Mic. I’m tired. I just want to sleep.” He dragged a hand through his long black hair. “It’s been a long day. I just want--” Aizawa stopped talking, then stopped walking, looking around with the same raised eyebrow.
“What?” Mic asked, now confused. He took a step closer to the other pro. When he went to speak again Aizawa cut him off.
“Shh.” Aizawa continued to look around. “Do you hear that?” Shota walked to the edge of the building, peering over the small wall that was there. “Someone’s crying.”
Hizashi followed his friend over to the edge, trying to see what he was looking for. “That could be anyone, Sho. We’re right next to an apartment building. Someone may just be having a bad night and left the window open.”
“No.” Aizawa’s voice left no room for argument. Then his hand shot out, pointing down at the end of the alleyway. “Look. Someone’s down there.”
Yamada followed the invisible path Shota’s finger left, and then he saw it. There was a kid, somewhere between 15-18 years old, limping quickly down the alleyway. They kept looking around in a panic, and that was when Hizashi finally registered the sounds of soft crying. “They look scared.”
That’s all it took for Aizawa and Yamada to jump down into the alleyway, not too far from where you were currently. Their sudden appearance startled you, and you made a startled sound as you frantically backed away from them.
“Hey,” Aizawa said calmly, holding his hands out to show you that he wasn’t there to harm you. “You’re alright.”
“We’re heroes,” Yamada added. “We can help you.” Now that he was closer to you, he could see blood dripping from your hairline. There were countless rips and holes in your clothes and more wounds scattering your body. “Oh, honey you’re bleeding.”
“Let us help you,” Aizawa quietly said. “Can you tell us what happened?”
Your back met the rough brick wall of one of the buildings. It was odd how it somehow soothed some of your wounds. You looked desperately between the two men slowly walking towards you. It was better than no one, you supposed. So you took in a shaky breath and muttered, “they have my brother.” You squeezed your eyes shut as tears finally made their way down your face. “They have the body of my dead brother.”
“Woah,” Hizashi rushed forward to catch you as you fell to the ground crying harder. “Ok, it’s ok.” He looked up at his lover. “What do we do?” he whispered. “They’re clearly too distressed to be thinking clearly, and they’re bleeding. They have a lot of wounds.”
“So we take them to the hospital,” Aizawa concluded. “We take them to the hospital, let them get treated, and then question them when they are better.”
Aizawa soon realized that his plan was easier said than done once they got to the hospital. Hizashi had carried you the entire way there, whispering comforting words as you bawled into his chest. But when they tried to admit you into the hospital, the nurse running the ER wouldn’t allow them to since they had no idea who you were. They had to file you as a John/Jane Doe, and that process took longer. Then they weren’t allowed to visit you in your hospital room until they could prove that they were there for official hero business.
Needless to say, it was a very long 24 hour battle with the hospital. On top of that, Aizawa and Yamada had to make sure Shinsou and Eri were taken care of while they were gone. But eventually they made it up to your room, quietly knocking before entering. You were awake, staring out the window. Your soft blue eyes drifted over to the two heroes.
“Hi.” Your voice was shaky and rough from misuse. Hizashi handed you a cup of water as he sat down with Aizawa next to your bed. You thanked him once you were done with the cup.
“How are you feeling?” Aizawa asked.
You shook your head. “They still have my brother.”
“What do you mean, little listener?”
“Can you tell us your name?” Aizawa needed to know who you were. “We’d like to inform your family of your condition and location.”
You shook your head yet again. “My only family is dead, and those people have my brother’s body.”
“Who does?” Hizashi asked, placing his hand on your own that rested against the hospital bed you were in.
“Those villains.”
Aizawa asked, “The league?”
You nodded.
“Can you please tell us your name, dear?” Aizawa was being gentle. “We’ve been working against the League for quite some time. Maybe we know what they want to do with you and your family.”
Your water eyes met Aizawa’s crimson ones. “My name is Y/N Shirakumo.”
The two heroes in the room swore their heart had stopped beating. Their lungs quit working and all they could hear was intense ringing in their ears.
“What?” Hizashi choked out.
“They have my brother.”
“Oboro?” Aizawa didn’t think he could even say his friend’s name. “Is that him?”
“Yes. He died several years ago, and now the League is using his body as a meat suit for one of their members.”
“We know.” Hizashi was crying now, his green eyes glossed over with tears. “Honey, Oboro was our best friend in high school.”
Aizawa muttered a low, “I was there when he died.” He felt like he couldn’t speak through the tears. But then he looked up at Hizashi, then to you in the hospital bed. “You’re his only family left, and I swear on my life that I am going to protect you. To keep you safe. Because you’re the only piece of Oboro left and that means you mean the world to me and Hizashi.”
“We’ll take care of you,” Hiashi smiled softly. He ran a hand through your hair, watching as you began to cry. “But only if you want us to.”
You nodded quickly. “You knew him. That’s all that matters to me.”
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bibibbon · 5 months
Characters with wasted potential: kurooboro
It's our favourite intelligent nomu kurooboro that deserves so much more attention and a better arc then what he got.
Personally the narrative does seem to treat oboro and kurogiri as two different characters which I like but I wish we got more exploration on that.
Kurogiri is shigarakis caretaker he is also AFOs servant. However, that's all we know.
1) I would have it that kurogiri used to be a loyal AFO servant. He became a servant/puppet due to him falling through the cracks of the system and trying to escape poverty in anyway he could. Overtime kurogiri got physically sick and his body started to fail yet he still worked for AFO accepting what he did. Afo recognises kurogiri as a valuable asset when his plan of capturing eraser and his quirk goes to mess and starts plotting with the doctor to help kurogiri get a new body which happens to be oboros.
The doctor manages to successfully do this transfer or so he thinks. The doctor is weird and creepy and yes he manages to do implant kurogiri's mind and quirk into a vestige but this comes with some drawbacks like oboro and kurogiri both sharing a mind and body or oboro physically and spiritually rejecting kurogiri making it so that his body is tearing him from the inside out in some way.
Kurogiri is tasked with the job of taking care of Shigaraki and at first he is quite indifferent to the child and doesn't care for him. However, as time goes on he does slowly warm up to shigaraki and care for him ( I love dad kurogiri too much for this). This puts kurogiri in a rough position, he cares for shigaraki but he also hears the plans that AFO and the doctor have in mind for him and he indirectly tries to slow them down or hinder them. All of this is little to no prevail, as much as kurogiri cares he isn't equipped or certified to take care of a traumatised child or to stop afo and the doctors plan.
2)Kurogiri makes a little plan. The plan is one where he gets a bar (AFO allows him) and he basically runs the bar. From the money he gains in the bar he spends some on shigaraki but also hides some of the income to at least assure his and shigarakis own survival. Sadly, the plan is found by AFO himself and the doctor does some "modifications" to kurogiri (practically torture) to keep kurogiri complacent and become the perfect puppet, to play his role. Kurogiri glad that AFO didn't take the bar away from him , but now takes like 50% of the income he earns spends the money on various things. He still has a plan but the initial plan for him to escape with shigaraki is looking slimmer and slimmer. He has a moment where he starts to desire freedom to escape and burn everything he has to the ground to fully forget about shigaraki, AFO, the doctor and all. Yet he stays and finds way to passively retaliate and rebell against both AFO and the doctor.
During this time he and oboro/ oboro's spirit and remains bond over their experiences. Considering that they both want freedom one way or another they work together to enhance their quirk.
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Oboro shirakumo
Oboro shirakumo is a former 17 year old hero student who is friends with midnight, present mic and Eraserhead. He was majorly injured during a work study that he did with his friends trying to help save some children.
1) Oboro doesn't actually die, he is just declared dead and taken away. Afo is pretty disappointed when the villain fail to kill/ bring to him Eraserhead and accidentally bring in a heavily injured oboro. The doctor takes oboro, thinking that his quirk has some potential and suggests the idea of making oboro and kurogiri a merger intelligent nomu. AFO agrees to this of course and oboro's body is basically healed/ fixed by the doctor to become a suitable vessel.
2) at this point oboro is in a coma. However, when the doctor tries to merge the two oboro does show signs of retaliation and rejecting kurogiri, yet kurogiri overpowers him. Oboro is scared and untrusting of anyone around him at the moment. Both he and kurogiri get into a lot of arguments over the body they share which proves for it to be difficult to live in the body.
3) due to their differences and background oboro and kurogiri do not get along at first. Oboro is still quite naive about the world but his counterpart kurogiri isn't . Due to their close forced proximity and the fact that both want the body they are in to function they try and cooperate. They get to know eachother and start to understand their respective sides. Kurogiri shares his story, how he had to live on the street and survived of barely anything, how he enjoyed being a bartender before his body started failing him and he had to quit and fully dedicate his life to being AFO's servant. That's when oboro shares his own experiences how he wanted to be a hero, own an agency with his friends and how he also wanted to help others. They continue to cooperate and both make the plan of saving up money and running away from AFO.
3) When that plan is found out and the doctor does his 'modification' oboro goes silent, taking the blunt force of it at the time. This happens for a long while and kurogiri feels alone, this is when he starts to think of just leaving and destroying everything. Oboro is silent, he is stuck in a limbo place. Kurogiri thinks he can see oboro's spirit when he is sleeping but that is neither here or there. However, when they meet Eraserhead in the USJ oboro makes a slow awakening. He physically makes kurogiri's body hesitate and that's what causes them to be stuck in Todorokis ice.
4) Kurogiri is shocked of course and after the battle both of them have a conversation. Oboro isn't aware of how it works and doesn't remember anything after the doctors modifications which is when Kurogiri fills him in about what happened. Both start to work harder than ever for a chance at escaping whether it be them escalating their passive rebellious behaviour to AFO or trying to guide shigaraki to a different path.
They try their best, they really do but looks helpless and their chance at freedom is long and far. That is when they choose to slowly collect information in journals and allow themselves to get captured some time after the overhaul arc revealing their identity.
All of oboro's friends (NOT JUST ERASERHEAD LIKE IN CANON) are conflicted, confused and upset. They comfort eachother and all come into different conclusions, scared but so hopeful for a restoration of normalcy in their lives. It is present mic and eraserhead that try to make the first move, trusting the information that kurogiri provides them and slowly help kurogiri. Present mic is the first to come around at first not believing that its oboro but wanting the information, wanting to know if there is a traitor. Secondly, it's eraserhead out of pure hope and denial, he knows it isn't logical but he misses oboro and hasn't moved on. He now needs to understand that oboro isn't oboro but he is much more complex and has went through things. Lastly, it's midnight with a combination of both factors and guilt. She tries to avoid kurogiri as she blames herself for what happend and also starts to rethink her actions as a hero.
Working with the heroes gets kurogiri out of prison and under UA's custody really but he still is quite ominous especially kurogiri who still wants to save/help shigaraki and ends up talking to izuku about it.
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I feel like there are way too many ways we can take kurogiri and oboro's characters in, all with different ways and endings but canon managed to do such a horrendous disservice to him so I hope I have given him some justice
(ALSO HAVE OBORO'S FAMILY BE INVOLVED IN THIS)!! like when people find out that kurogiri is also oboro I don't wanna just see Eraserhead perspective but also midnights, present mic and oboro's relatives
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heyyallitsbeth · 6 days
At some point I really need to write out my hypothesis that Kurogiri was initially supposed to be Hisashi Midoriya, but the story was pivoted to Oboro Shirakumo later.
I think he was always intended to be a nomu, but the purple "mist" was supposed to be smoke, the lingering embers of the dead firebreather.
He's made to be fatherly towards Tomura, genuinely caring about his well being. As if there was still something in there holding onto the want of being a father.
And then of course, it plays into the parallels of Izuku and Tomura even more, with both being raised by the same man.
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