#deaf yamada hizashi
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After reading @s0fter-sin 's fic series How We Do It In The Murder Scene I couldn't not draw our favourite boys in full murder mode. I have a soft spot for unhinged characers being completely in love.
The fics are amazing reads btw if you can handle blood, gore, torture, love and porn and I can highly reccommend.
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n7inky-fanfics · 1 year
"But now this room is spinning while I'm trying to fill in all the gaps."
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sassypantsjaxon · 1 year
Completely useless Present Mic headcanon
He doesn't just wear sunglasses for the aesthetic, but also because he has light sensitivity.
Because the lighter your eye color is, the more sensitive your eyes are likely to be, and since red eyes (like original coloring manga Mic has) are caused by a complete lack of pigmentation, he probably has really sensitive eyes. So as a result, we get:
Tiny little teenage Mic (who wore sunglasses first)
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Mic wearing sunglasses outside
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Mic wearing sunglasses inside
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Mic wearing sunglasses in florescent hospital lighting
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Mic even wears sunglasses for formal events
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You know where he doesn't wear them?
Helping with training, at the bar, and during a festival. Y'know. Places that don't have such harsh lighting.
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There you have it. Present Mic wears sunglasses not only because he thinks they make him look cool, but also because he legitimately needs them.
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jinglepopp · 1 year
Not my art
Anyways, what yalls opinion about this guy?
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nyx3927 · 1 year
I was thinking and literally one of the most intimate things for me with my hearing aids is letting someone else handle them.
Like these are thousands of dollar worth of medical equipment, that would take at least a month to replace and that I need in order to function in society. They are ridiculously easy to break because of what they are and how they are made, and to lose because they are small (I know someone whose hearing aids are smaller than the size of the first knuckle of their pinky).
So to let someone else hold them, take them out of ears, to change the batteries, put them into the charging port, etc.?
It Speaks volumes to both how close the two people are as well as how much the deaf person trusts the other.
Anyways I was thinking about this with either deaf!Yamada Hizashi and Aizawa or deaf!Bakugo and someone else.
Imagine the fluff potential. Especially with teen aizawa who is all prickly and doesn’t like anyone but is slowly growing to like and trust Yamada, Kayama, and Shirokumo. Imagine the relationship being solidified when Yamada is busy finishing up a paper when his hearing aids die and he just gives them to Aizawa to go and charge for the night. Imagine Aizawa pulling away and refusing to accept the hearing aids after Shirokumo dies because he has convinced himself that everyone he grows close to will be hurt and die, and the hearing aids are a physical sign of how close they are. Imagine Aizawa slowly accepting the hearing aids again, first just to hold briefly while Yamada fixes his headphones, then to restart them when Yamada’s carrying too much stuff when they start acting up, and slowly accepting them for more and more things. Imagine a villain with a Quirk that fucks with sound waves dropping Yamada who is screaming in painbecause that Quirk hurts like hell when his hearing aids are in, and Aizawa just bolting through the rubble to pull the hearing aids out so that Yamada stops hurting.
Imagine Aizawa starting to go deaf, because that’s what happens in battlefields when humans are constantly exposed to extreme sound, they lose hearing. Imagine him not knowing what to do and struggling to adjust to the hearing aids and Yamada just standing there, a guide and helper to get Aizawa through the transition period.
The sheer intimacy and trust that everything involved requires is just amazing
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lovesick-level-up · 1 year
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Disability Pride Month Challenge Day 2
day 2: character(s) that are vision impared or hard of hearing (blind, deaf, etc)
the characters we picked for this are: rui kamishiro ((headcanon) hard of hearing), qiqi ((headcanon) blind) + hizashi yamada ((implied) deaf)
flag credits: hearing aid user flag (could not find a specific deaf/hoh flag), vision problem flag
feel free to use with credit as long as you aren't on our dni, but don't claim as your own! like/reblog if you saver or enjoy!
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vae1bixy · 4 months
Make this home (Ch9 out)
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Then rarely the sane part of his mind spoke up. The rational and logical side of him spoke up. It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t do anything wrong. They are adults. They were his parents. She shouldn’t hit him and shouldn't call him names. She shouldn’t harm him and his father shouldn’t just watch. They were supposed to protect him, not damage him.
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
I have this little theory that what the PLF general said about quirks (””I’d be better without this quirk” Have any of you ever thought that?!”) can also relate to Mic
Like. Of course the general is talking about a sort of heteromorph quirk, that’s what they are referring to, but in general, can you imagine having a voice quirk? And imagine not being able to control it at a young age?
I mean, it’s said that when Mic was born, his quirk manifested immediately and when he cried, he burst his parent's eardrums as well as the doctors. Can you imagine the amount of trouble that causes?
Do you think Mic has ever thought “I wish I didn’t have this quirk”?
Again, I assume the quote refers to heteromorphs, but it can just as easily refer to anyone who has gone through a sort of hardship with their quirk
Also the quote itself is mostly pictured in Mic’s panel and so I’m like. hmmm that’s sorta suspicious. if it means anything
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incorrectmhatweets · 23 days
MHA AU plot bunny I’ve had in my head for a while:
Mute Aizawa
Aizawa lived in a bad neighborhood growing up. When he was fairly young he was attacked by a villain with a knife/knife quirk. He should have died. It was right across his throat. He still has nightmares of that night years later.
While he survived, his voice did not. He learns to adjust and grow and sign. It doesn’t mean everything is as accessible as he would like. Many people don’t sign. Some people just stop talking to him because they assume Mute means Deaf, and they don’t have the time to learn a new language to make a friend. He wears a scarf in the middle of the summer because it’s better people stare at him for that than ask him questions about a scar that he can’t answer and doesn’t want to answer but everyone seems to think they are entitled to.
He goes to UA and on the first day and the teachers try to get them to introduce themselves out loud in front of the whole class. He can’t. The teacher should know that. So he sits there and glares until the teacher moves to the next student. After that day, nobody in his class talks to him. Not like they would anyway. Being mute always scared people away. Made them all uncomfortable. On top of that, one of the popular students decided he doesn’t talk because he thinks he is better than them. This becomes a bigger problem when he bumps into a big headed and very scary hero student in the hall that demands he apologize. Obviously he can’t in any way the student would understand. He quickly becomes a target for entitled hero students and his classmates for “making them look bad” and “acting like a villain.”
Eventually, while running from bullies, he runs into Yamada, who steps up for Shouta regardless of the fact Aizawa is scary looking, a general education student, or the fact he doesn’t even get a thank you, which Oboro is a little miffed about how the other student runs off without thanking his friend for stopping him from getting pummeled. That’s just rude.
The aspiring voice hero is happy to help. While Hizashi is not deaf, he knows how to sign and understand sign because he deafened his parents at a young age and all they do at home is sign. It takes a while for Shouta to warm up to him, and even longer for Hizashi to realize Shouta is actually mute because he mostly ignores people because that has been what comes easier than try to make friends and end up getting left out.
Eventually they become a duo that is rarely seen without the other.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 9 days
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Hiiii 👋 I hope your requests are open! Do you have any headcanon about Aizawa and Yamada (separately) with a deaf and quirkless s/o? Like how did they first meet, how are they in a relationship?Love you 💓😗💓
Hi sweetie, this is so interesting and I really enjoyed working on it! Much love ♥️
My other half
Characters : Aizawa/ Yamada/ Gender neutral reader (deaf and quirkless)
Genre : Fluff/ Suggestive themes/ Headcanons
Please do not read if you’re a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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Aizawa :
Your meeting with the pro hero was purely accidental, during one of his evening patrols when you were attacked by some lowlife criminals who were after your belongings.
His prime concern was to get you to safety before dealing with your attackers, which he did effortlessly, and when it was time for him to check on you, he was shocked to realize your disability when you uttered your thanks in the most unusual way he’s ever heard.
Your voice was a tad louder than it should have been, and your words jumbled up when you spoke.
Seeing his surprised expression made you feel self conscious, so you switched to hand signing your gratitude and he hated himself for flustering you.
He kept a close watch on you after that encounter, because for some reason you intrigued the underground hero who soon became your secret protector.
He found himself unable to keep you out of his mind, and even did his best to learn sign language in order to communicate with you.
First thing he made sure to memorize was “will you go out with me?” because that’s what he wanted, and as turned out, it was something you wished as well.
He admires your perseverance and willpower since you have never allowed your disability or quirklessness to hold you back, and he loves watching you pursue your dreams despite all obstacles.
That being said, he still keeps an eye on you like a hawk. He’s overprotective of you which makes you his main priority and the most important person in his life.
You helped him further his knowledge of sign language but you do communicate verbally as well, in which he makes sure to speak slowly so you could read his lips.
He loves hearing you talk, even though it’s something you rarely ever do in public because of the questioning looks you get whenever you let your voice out, but you happily do it when you’re together since he’s the only one who’s never treated you differently.
The first time he confessed his love to you, he did it in both sign language and speech since he was too nervous about messing up, and you excitedly responded in the exact same way.
He loves placing the softest kisses on the tip of your ears, and enjoys the way they turn red each time without fail.
During your intimate times, he whispers lovingly against your bare skin, and the movements of his lips and tongue together with the vibration of his voice makes you understand each and every word he’s saying.
He knows that meeting new people can be nerve-wracking for you, which is why he never pushes you out of your comfort zone or makes you do something you’re not willing to do.
If you wish to stay home wrapped up in a blanket and watch a subtitled movie, then he’s right there with you, holding you in his arms and enjoying your warmth.
And if you decide to go on a walk or run some errands, then he’s entwining his fingers with yours and keeping you company until you’re done.
You are the only person he desired a future with, and the day he knew you shared that same wish was by far his happiest.
Yamada :
Hizashi is a famous man, extremely so, not only because he’s a skilled pro hero and a competent teacher at one of most prestigious schools in the country, but also because he’s the host of a very well known radio show.
His lively personality and flashy appearance attract the attention of everyone around him, but when you passed him by one day without giving him a second glance, he was enchanted.
He couldn’t understand the reason why you disregarded him completely, nor why you were the only one not fawning over him, and so, he approached you with the intention of introducing himself.
You watched as he enthusiastically mouthed phrases after phrases, some of them you understood and some you couldn’t, due to his intensity and speed, but when you stopped him mid sentence and voiced your inability to hear him, he froze.
You tried as best as you could to explain your situation using both sign language and words, and for once he was left speechless.
You bowed your head and turned around to leave, but was immediately stopped by a gentle tap on your shoulder, one that contrasted his feverish nature.
He handed you a note, an apology written within it, but what caught your attention even more than that, were the words “I would love to get to know you.” to which you responded with a shy smile and a nod.
He learned sign language quicker than you imagined anyone could, and he would proudly show off his new gained skill just to see the sparkle in your eyes everytime he does.
He brags about you to his friends -and even listeners- as he enthusiastically expresses his bliss of having you in his life.
It used to hurt him that the person he cares about the most is the one who can’t follow his show, until he decided -with your consent- to bring you along every week to the station in order for you to see your man in action.
He has the habit of leaving you love notes everywhere around your apartment or his, -depending on where you’re staying at the moment- and it’s his way of bringing out that adorable smile of yours that he loves way too much.
He learned to speak slower when around you, making sure you’re solely focused on him as he tells you about his day and asks about yours.
He loves to hear your voice, and coaxes you into speaking more and using sign language less at least when you’re alone together, and you happily do so, receiving his sweet kisses as a reward.
He goes absolutely feral when you moan his name during your intimate times, and his heart swells with immense joy knowing that he’s the only one who gets to hear and see you in that state.
He believes in you more than anyone you’ve ever encountered, eyes full of pride as he regularly expresses his respect and admiration for you since you have never used your quirklessness or disability as a way out of your responsibilities.
You are two sides of a coin, polar opposites but complement one another perfectly, and it didn’t take long for each of you to realize that your lives had been incomplete before crossing paths.
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sassypantsjaxon · 10 months
Still don't understand how anybody could look at Bakugou and Mic and go 'well, they're both loud blond prodigies, clearly they are otherwise the same type of character and have many other similarities. I bet they're even each other's favored student/teacher!'
No. No they are not
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eraserisms · 2 months
Shota + Languages
Shota may know four languages, but language and literature aren't one of his strong suits (this is also why Shota hates paperwork). Just because he knows them, doesn't mean that he knows them well. He is capable of learning and comprehending them, but it takes a lot of brainpower on Shota's end to make sure that he is wording things correctly. He can memorize words and phrases enough to pass a test, but that doesn't mean that they'll stick after.
Japanese is his first language and native tongue, but Korean comes in as a close second. Misako Aizawa (Mama Aizawa) is half Korean and wanted to make sure that her children remained in touch with that part of their culture. In fact, Shota spent a lot of family vacations in Korea where he got to use the language the most. Shota hated studying it and often would try to do things to get out of his lessons. But Misako told him that it was something he needed to do and that he would thank her later for it, and he did.
Shota grew up speaking Japanese and Korean, and English was a school requirement. As far as school work went, Shota always ended up having to practice English the most out of all of his subjects just to get a 'B' grade out of it. Hizashi was obviously his go-to person to study with when he was in school.
Like most people, Shota understands Korean and English better than he can speak it. English is his weakest language as he doesn't have a reason to use it very often. He is capable of telling people about his job, his cats and things like that, but he still struggles with some words and their meanings. Having Hizashi around makes things easier though, when Shota forgets something, he can just turn to his English teacher of a friend to ask. If Shota ever needs to write something in English, Yamada is always the one who ends up proof reading it for him.
Shota begrudgingly learned Korean and English but, Japanese Sign Language is something that Shota willingly picked up on his own. Shota decided to learn sign language when he realized that Hizashi was partially deaf due to his quirk. He had learned the language secretly and spent his time practicing for almost two years before he finally felt comfortable enough to surprise his friend.
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dgalerab · 7 months
oh trans aizawa is definitely super binary. but also i think him having known about being trans so early on and having had time to learn a lot about trans related topics and issues probably means he kind of brings a lot of queer stuff mic wasn't aware of previously to his attention. like mic knew he was bi in highschool but he didn't really realize gender could be Like That and i think hearing about aizawa's experiences and feelings and what he knows about trans related topics helps mic realize he maybe isn't strictly a man? like i think he definitely at least partially identifies with being a man but gender is looser and more playful and fluid to him personally and he has aizawa to thank for figuring that aspect of himself out. kind of aizawa introducing mic to queer culture so that he could explore what it meant to be himself? before mic was functionally queer but didn't really realize there could be more to it than just liking all genders before aizawa and now he's embraced queer culture and loving every moment of it. it adds another layer to their dynamic bc like. this isn't a 'he's my other half' or 'he completes me' scenario, this is a 'we grew together and he helped me shape myself into the person i am'. they sculpted present mic together and aizawa's self is as integrated into that process as mic himself is to the extent that there would be no mic without aizawa.
oh i'll be honest i think it would be the reverse. aizawa is extremely stubborn and reserved, i think for him it would be i am a boy and that's that end of story. meanwhile i think hizashi is intellectually curious in the most audhd ways where the moment he finds out he's bi he would want to gather knowledge about the culture and know everything about it. and then if he also befriends/falls in love with a trans boy he'd also want to know everything about that too, though i think he wouldn't really know how to navigate talking about it to aizawa who he doesn't even know if aizawa identifies as queer or to what extent
so i think it'd be oboro being like omg!! tell me about your bi flag pin!!! to get hizashi infodumping about queer culture while peeking at aizawa like does he think my extensive and granular knowledge of queer history is cool. meanwhile aizawa is like all this stuff is too complicated. i GUESS i like listening to yamada talk about tho :|
(also even tho i hc hizashi as having hypersensitive hearing i do also hc him as having auditory processing disorder where he can hear ALL the sounds but interpreting them as language is hard sometimes so i feel like he'd also do the same sort of deep dive on deaf/HOH culture. is just telling aizawa about it like haha wow did u say sign language (he didn't) i guess i know a thing or two about it... *spends 3 hours explaining the intricacies of signing in various languages*)
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ao3feed-tododeku · 3 months
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gali-la · 1 month
Link to: July 15
(it's the sixteenth? no it isnt shh)
hello and welcome once again! or for the first time if you're just seeing this. this is the second iteration of "gali reads fics and makes a list in order to keep reading them" because ive been neglecting the good fics of ao3.
so without further ado, I have for you an array of fanfics from the One Piece, My Hero Academia, and Solar Opposites fandoms!
SFW FICS - One Piece
What really happened on the shores of Elbaf by LordRayquaza [1/1, 1.2k]
Ratings: Teen and up, major character death Relationships: N/A Additional Tags: what-if scenario, wish fulfillment, humor, crack, parody Summary: You guys ever think Oda gets it wrong sometimes? Here's what actually happened instead. Source: Trust me Notes: I died laughing with this. this is the best crack fic I've ever read. go read it right now
SFW FICS - My Hero Academia
Focus by playfulclouds [1/1, 3.4k]
Ratings: Mature, creator chose not to use archive warnings Relationships: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Additional Tags: Mutual pining, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, jealousy Summary: Rationally, Shouta knows that this isn’t Hizashi’s fault. The constant attention, the never ceasing stream of reporters, fellow celebrities and admirers scrambling for a chance to exchange a few words with him or snap a picture. It all comes with the fame, the same way that a certain risk is inevitably part of a hero’s job description. However, when it comes to Hizashi, Shouta had never been able to pride himself on being particularly rational. You have no right to be jealous, his inner voice needlessly reminds him. And yet, Shouta had grown so accustomed to monopolizing Hizashi’s attention that having to share it with hundreds of other people, let alone being ignored and having to join the end of the queue for the first time in his life, doesn’t turn out to sit well with him. Notes: I loooooove this one. it's angsty and delicious
Investments by YamiHeart [1/1, 2k]
Ratings: Mature, no archive warnings apply Relationships: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Additional Tags: implied sexual content, silver fox, jealousy, humor Summary: Investments are bets made on the promise of future benefit, and Hizashi is finally reaping the rewards of his love in silver. Notes: I love this one. Aizawa gets the attention (and thirst) he deserves
Different by deafmic [1/1, 3.1k]
Ratings: general audiences, no archive warnings apply Relationships: Shouta Aizawa/Yamada Hizashi Additional Tags: AU - soulmates, deaf character, autistic aizawa, high school Summary: In a world where people are born with the first words their soul-mates say to them during their first meeting, Aizawa Shouta is born without anything on his body. By high school, he's resigned to his fate. And then he falls in love with the deaf Yamada Hizashi. Notes: I love soulmate AUs, but this one takes the cake. it's so fucking sweet and perfect
Content by Raphs_Diary [1/1, 5.2k]
Ratings: general audiences, no archive warnings apply Relationships: Shinsou Hitoshi & Yamada Hizashi, Shouta Aizawa/Yamada Hizashi, Shinsou Hitoshi & Shouta Aizawa Additional Tags: family bonding, adopted shinsou hitoshi Summary: "Dad?" "Yes?" "Not you, the other one." Notes: This one is pretty mic-centric, but it's got all the erasermic family feels.
SFW FICS - Solar Opposites
Fake It Till You Make It by lesbianslimedog [5/5, 10.2k]
Ratings: Mature, no archive warnings apply Relationships: Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: Fake/pretend relationship, alternate universe - human, weddings Summary: Terry lies about having a boyfriend for Terri’s wedding AND GUESS WHO HE ASKS TO BE HIS FAKE DATE. Notes: tensions and HYPEEE omg i was hanging onto this so tight as I read. i love the fake/pretend relationship trope so hard
Parents Evening by Snits [1/1, 1.7k]
Ratings: General Audiences, no archive warnings apply Relationships: Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: Xenophobia Summary: Terry and Korvo visit the school for parents evening. Ms Frankie does not like aliens Notes: I love this one because it gives a good view of how humans see the Solar Opposites. Albeit, Ms Frankie is a total bitch, but I do love me some POV outsider fics
All This Time by synthesizstar [1/1, 1.2k]
Ratings: General Audiences, no archive warnings apply Relationships: Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: fluff, love confessions, didn't know they were dating, established relationship, marriage of convenience, misunderstandings, crying, idiots in love Summary: After months of keeping his feelings inside, Korvo finally confesses his love for Terry. Terry assumes this happened a long time ago. Notes: This one is SO SWEET with an undertone of heartwrenching. i love seeing korvo bully himself
Your Body's Job is to Hold You by Innito_Is_Writing [1/1, 1.9k]
Ratings: General Audiences, no archive warnings apply Relationships: Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: self image issues, hurt/comfort Summary: Too many comments about one's body would make anybody feel uncomfortable, self-conscious, maybe even insecure. Korvo doesn't like that feeling, and Terry doesn't like that his partner is experiencing. Notes: again—I LOVE korvo angst, and this one has a good dose, PLUS sweet and reassuring terry. all the goodness
Defector by orphan_account [6/6, 12.1k]
Ratings: mature, graphic depictions of violence Relationships: Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: angst, angst with a happy ending, mind control, AU, fluff and angst Summary: Unlike Korvo’s normal heavy, commanding tread, the steps are feather-light and rhythmic. The lime green glow of his eyes emerges first, then Terry’s eyes go wide as he notices the blank, soulless smile that’s replaced his perpetual frown. His voice is uncharacteristically chipper and flat. “Hello, Terraformus." Notes: ANGST ONCE MORE. can you tell i love it?? well, really, i love the hurt. this one is delicious.... i know we're all wondering what would happen if a planet was terraformed and shlorp was reborn, and how that would affect the solar opposites. this one does a FANTASTIC job of it <3
My Girl by troutmamaz [1/1, 649 words]
Ratings: General Audiences, no archive warnings apply Relationships: Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: gender issues, introspection, trans female character Summary: Terry’s figuring out some personal stuff. Notes: I love fics that explore gender within this universe, just because of the inherent lack of it when it concerns shlorpians. of course, it's just as fun when they have no gender at all or anything outside the "norm"—but the point is, it's fun to see how everyone interprets it, and how they build their ideas. This one is sweet and very well done
The Antimatter Conductor by orphan_account [1/1, 2.7k]
Ratings: Mature, creator chose not to use archive warnings Relationships: Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: blood and gore, mild gore, hospitals, love confessions, first kiss, whump, getting together Summary: Oops! Korvo gets hurt pretty badly saving Terry's life. Notes: this one is so sweet!! Terry angst for a change, plus the poor replicants suffer as well. who doesn't love a little whump?
The Bounty Was Trauma by Innito_Is_Writing [1/1, 3.3k]
Ratings: general audiences, creator chose not to use archive warnings Relationships: Korvo & Yumyulak, Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: hurt/comfort, nightmares Summary: Yumyulack refuses to tell anyone about his night terrors. Terry and Jesse have both tried to help him, to no avail. That leaves one family member who's yet to try... Notes: this one is so sweettttt i love terry and korvo's relationship with the replicants, especially when it's portrayed this way!!
Irreplaceable by WinterBean17 [6/6, 28k]
Ratings: teen and up, creator chose not to use archive warnings Relationships: Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: Angst and hurt/comfort, identity theft/change, loneliness, manipulation, character development, serious injuries, angst with a happy ending, self-esteem issues Summary: "Ugh, I can't even look at you right now! Just- just get out! Leave me alone! Go- go lock yourself in the ship or something, whatever you do nowadays when you don't want to socialise with anyone! Anywhere but here!" Blinded by hurt after an argument causes a social outing to go terribly wrong, Korvo starts to believe that Terry deserves a partner better than him - one that can socialise is one that can make him happier than he ever would be with someone like him. In one of his lowest moments, he is convinced to visit a mysterious figure labelled "The Alterer", who claims they could transform him into a human with the traits he so desperately desired. He accepts. He is given three months of free trialing an altered form to find a way to replace his old self at the centre of the family. But jumping at a chance to leave his old life and start completely anew has consequences and is so, so much more difficult than he had anticipated. Notes: this fic is a little longer than the rest i have here, but by god is it worth it. I don't know why i like fics like this so much, but this one is written in a way that had me hanging on to every word. The PLOT TWIST at the end had me too... a tervo must read.
NSFW FICS - Solar Opposites
i got a love that keeps me waiting by stylishlittlerat [1/1, 1.7k]
Ratings: explicit, no archive warnings apply Relationships: Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: denial, begging, married couple, fingering Summary: Terry figures out a way to get his partner’s attention Notes: delicious, delicious smut ;)
Miscommunication by Sealandrocks [1/1, 5.3k]
Ratings: Mature, no archive warnings apply Relationships: Korvo/Terry Additional Tags: PWP, alien sex, porn with feelings, light angst, happy ending Summary: They don’t talk about it. Why would they? There was nothing to talk about, really. It was the humans that always made stuff like this so messy, but their kind was more refined. Miscommunication was not a word in their vocabulary. What could someone misinterpret about something that was never said in the first place Notes: God this one is so GOOD. they're fucking idiots and i love them. korvo's patented "bottle everything up and never talk about it" really shines, as does terry's "take no shit and seduce him into talking"
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