#marry their son. so she says yes and he goes out and buys her a crazy ring that can be seen from space and sets up a ceremony for later
pastelchad · 1 year
Instead of writing fic where you genderbend the ukes and make them str8 couples (😐) genderbend the entirety of sih and make the central conflict about Akihiko and fem!Ritsu's lavender marriage
#sihjr#fem!ritsu's mother would be all about getting her only daughter married and pumping out babies asap#to the point where she threatens to cut her off and get her blacklisted from the publishing industry if she doesnt shack up within the year#ritsu breaks down and cries in front of akihiko abt it and he proposes to her on the spot#of course shes FREAKED bc wtf but then he explains that hes gay and in love w someone he cant have and doesnt want him to know#that he is worried that being outed will ruin the career that his saving grace from his own toxic overbearing family#not to mention the fact that ritsu is beautiful and comes from old money and are around the same age so it wouldnt be too scandalous#and also that he can absolutely tell that shes a huge lesbian so why not just elope and continue living their lives#no one would be able to come up with a reason to disapprove bc they both have similar backgrounds and statuses#their families would be pissed that they married without their 'permission' and just the loss of control over their kids#but they cant admit it out loud so they all would just have to suck it up and play happy family in front of all the cameras#he promises that theyll never share a bed or even a room. she can just sleep in the guest bedroom if she wants#and also hell pay for a nicer apartment with better security#so ritsu is very afraid but her mother has already done some really terrible things to make it so that ritsu would have no choice#but to marry someone. like hiding her passport and promising her daughter to the kohinata family and making it seem like ritsu wants to#marry their son. so she says yes and he goes out and buys her a crazy ring that can be seen from space and sets up a ceremony for later#that month and they get married. this all happens a few years before he meets misaki#misaki ofc is very confused bc akihikos sudden marriage to the beautiful onodera heiress made national headlines years ago so y is he#all over him?? and where IS she?? does she not live in this giant penthouse w her husband and his ocean sized bed?#akihiko tells him not to worry his pretty little head abt all that but misaki just cant be the side piece or a homewrecker!#aki ofc doesnt care bc he knows ritsu doesnt care. theyve both agreed that they can date whoever as long as its discreet and she has#her own life and apartment and only sees him sporadically just to keep up appearances#ritsu and misaki meet at one of his award ceremonies and poor misaki is so confused nd a lil scared bc she is rlly nice#what if its all an act to get his guard down so she can effectively exact revenge for sleeping w her husband? what if she doesnt know??#yknow something like that#headcanons#genderbend
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Love? Love. (part one)
(Andy Barber x reader)
summary- recently split from his wife, Andrew Stephen Barber, aka, Mr hotshot ADA daddy dilf, lives with his 14 year old son Jacob. All he has known since the tender age of 17 is Laurie, and their baby boy. Will his life change when a bright eyed and bushy tailed y/n moves in the house right opposite to his? More importantly, will it change for the better or the worse?
*contains adult themes, smut and age gap (reader is a senior in college, Andy is in his early thirties)*
Andy's sleep is rudely cut short by the whirring engine of packers and movers mixed with the commotion of workers walking back and forth, setting up the furniture.
His face grimaces as soon as he opens his eyes,
at seven fucking am on a sunday! fuck off!
Apparently-as he later finds out-a new family had just moved in the house opposite to his. From what he had heard from his best friend(and neighbor), Sam, the family had a son of around Jacob's age which was about perfect since Jacob was a shy kid and wasn't exactly Mr. popular with kids his age. maybe he would find a friend in the new kid
By the next weekend, Jacob and the kid, Tyler, were already friends and today Jacob had invited his friend to play video games together.
"Daaaaddd", Jacob whines, "Please don't embarrass me!"
Andy gasps dramatically ,"Are you ashamed of your old man!", he even goes as far as to clutch his chest, right where his heart is, "i knew this day would come, i just thought it would be fifty years from now when i am bound to a hospital bed and shit my pants every time i try to say a word with more than three syllables"
As Jacob rolls his eyes, laughing, the doorbell rings, "whatever old man, just behave or i won't buy you diapers when you're all old and 'bound to a bed'".
Tyler shyly greets Andy and the boys disappear into their boy cave. Andy decides to settle down for a movie from the comfort of his couch. He can already imagine what Sam would say if he found out about Andy's weekend plans
are you seriously wasting all that good-good on a couch? Let's go out man , find you a pretty girl, you need to get out of this 'grandma' routine
Sam wouldn't get it ,he was married, happily so, and had a baby girl with the woman of his dreams. "Between the two of those pretty girls, i don't stand a chance"- he'd say
It wasn't that easy for Andy to navigate the modern dating world, there were too many 'what ifs' and not enough 'why nots' for him to fall in love again
what if he's a one night?
what if he catches feelings and she doesn't? what if he finds someone perfect only to find out he's incapable of feeling love again?
oh shit, worse yet- what if he was a reboun-
His thoughts are interrupted by the ringing doorbell, jesus can't a man watch the godfather for the millionth time in peace?
"Hi, Mr. Barber"
Andy's breath hitches, "Hi there"
"I would shake your hand but mine are full", she giggles.
Andy's heart does a backflip at her laugh as he shakily reaches out to take the four tupperware boxes from her.
"I'm y/n", she gives him a sweet smile, "I'm Tyler's sister and we just wanted to thank you for inviting him over, god knows we needed the break! Teenagers, amirite", she looks up at him with those big doe eyes.
Snapping out of the trance, Andy invites her in, "Come in............uh",
Andy's chest is filled with a warm, fuzzy feeling
Names are so intimate, Y/n, while he asks her to come in, Y/n, he asks her to sit, Y/n, as he brews her a cup of coffee.
Andy, as her eyes sparkle when she realizes the movie he has on, Andy, as she tells him she cooked all the treats she brought him tonight
"So", Andy strikes up the conversation as they settle on the couch, "i've heard that you tutor children?"
"Oh, yes, It's just to earn a little before i graduate, besides, my god complex is fulfilled while teaching people", she jokes.
Andy doesn't remember the last time he was so interested in a conversation that wasn't about work or crime, or both, really.
An hour later, they are way past formalities, talking about everything and nothing, as if they were old friends.
Her mouth agape, she looks at him in utter disbelief, "He got away with it?" ,Andy can't believe she's so engrossed in his work stories, Laurie had always told him to keep his work where it belonged-in his office.
"Tyler and i should leave now, it's getting late, mom will be mad if we're late for dinner"
Andy's heart sinks why did she have to leave
"Alright sweetheart", he says lowly, "it was a pleasure to have your company".
Y/n smiles bashfully 'sweetheart'
did he mean it? no way! he must have a thousand women worshipping at his feet, he's the fucking ADA, he's single, he's hot and don't even get me started on that smile-
Focus Y/n!!
Andy notices the hitch in her breath, the sudden tint on her cheeks and the way her shy eyes try to look anywhere but at him
a straight up filthy image crosses his mind-
you, laying naked on his bed, all spread out for him, whining as he sucked between your petals
you, closing your eyes bashfully as the head of his thick cock lines up with your wet, tight hole
he would have no qualms with slapping your face lightly, "look at daddy while he's fucking you open"
"look at me baby, look at who's making you feel so good"
he'd kiss your pouting lips, "my dumb little baby can't think with daddy's cock inside her, ca-
okay Andy, She's a smart and beautiful twenty-one year old girl, she must have boys falling at her feet, the last thing she'd want is you.
As she and Tyler leave, Andy can't help the stupid smile on his face
"dad?, you good there?"
Andy snaps out of the trance, "yeah kid"
"phew! With that shit eating grin, you almost had me convinced that you had shat you pants"
author's note: heyyyyyyy girlies, i purposefuly made the first chapter short and vague so i can take the story forward as you'd like me to! Please do leave suggestions!!! nothing is off limits to me
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mina-saiyat · 11 months
Twice Interactive Story Part 1201
Up All Night (Jihyo)
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'Don’t tease me, I may really get in the bathroom.’ Jihyo pats your ass. ‘Don’t you wanna try soap bath with me?’ Jihyo smirks before she leaves the room, leaving you to how it would feel if Jihyo gives you a soap massage with her pair of big tits.
You go to the bathroom and take a quick bath, not wanting to occupy the shower for too long. When you step out of the bathroom, you see Jihyo’s mum is waiting for you. ‘Son, just be comfortable as you are at your home.’ She says as she waves at you and tell you to join her in the living room.
‘Thanks, madam’ You bow again and follow her steps, sitting opposite to her, waiting her to says what she wanna say.
‘Jihyo is really happy when she is with you.’ Jihyo’s mum looks at you with a kind smile.
‘I will do my best to make Jihyo happy for the rest of her life, Madam. I don’t want her feel sad anymore.’
‘I hope you can keep the promise, my daughter is really emotional.’ Jihyo’s mum looks at you with sincere. ‘This may not be appropriate, but now I am asking you to take care of her. We don’t want her to be hurt like when she is with her ex.’
‘Do you know Daniel never visit us even they dated for a long time. Everytime, Jihyo finds us is about money, because Daniel always overspend. Only God knows how much money we have gave them. And one time my husband refuses to give them money. They went to Seoul that night without noticing us. When we knew about it, they already get married.’
‘Her dad is really angry about this, even the money of buying Jihyo’s house in Seoul is using my secret saving. Remember, don’t tell my husband.’ Jihyo’s mum smirks
‘Jihyo always want to prove she has chosen the right person, unfortunately, he is not. My daughter just hurt by him everytime. But I believe my sense, you are good men.
‘This may not be appropriate, but now I am asking you to take care of her. We don’t want her to be hurt like when she is with her ex, can you do that?’
'Yes, madam. Please don't worry Jihyo, I will use my life to protect her, I love her, and I will do everything to make her feel happy.'
Jihyo's mum nods and holds your hand. 'Every parent wants her kids to be happy, just like her dad, so don't put it in mind.'
'Jihyo said you need to catch the plane tomorrow morning, then I will not disturb you anymore. Goodnight, son. Jihyo is with her sister now. You may wait for her in her room.' You stand up and bow again.
You know it's been a long time since Jihyo meet her siblings, so you decide not to disturb her and head to her room instead. You sleep on her bed, waiting for Jihyo's return. However, once you close your eye, Nayeon's watery eyes will appears in your mind.
You try to get her out of your mind, but soon you feel someone hugging you from behind. ‘Sorry for making you wait so long, they want me to sing them to sleep.’ You turn around to kiss her. ‘No, not so long, not so long compared to how long we are doing tonight.’
‘I can’t wait to do it with you, lets see can I keep quiet tonight.’ Jihyo start removing her pajamas, you only notice she is not wearing anything inside. Your hand automatically goes to her breasts, she smiles when she sees you are so addicted. ‘Squeeze harder, you are not gonna have it for some time.’ Jihyo whispers.
You can’t contain yourself, using hand is not enough for you, you kiss her lips and slowly go down. You leave hickeys on her neck, making Jihyo more excited. ‘No… They can see it tomorrow…’ Jihyo moans lightly.
‘They will know one day eventually, don’t worry so much.’ You kiss her one more time and keep going down. You bury your head in her breasts until you choke. ‘What a heavenly way to die in these tits.’ You sigh, then you start sucking her nipples, everytime you bite her, Jihyo’s body shivers. You keeping teasing her, sometimes you would suck her like a hungry baby, sometime you just lick her nipples lightly. You look up and see that Jihyo is nearly crazy, sweat start forming on her mound, the moisture makes you more excited.
‘Umm… No, Y/N…’ Seeing Jihyo nearly collapse, you decide to continue your journey. You kiss her nipples one last time and go down again. Your tongue is drawing a line on her skin. Jihyo is so sensitive, especially when you lick her stomach. ‘Ah!’
‘You gonna keep quiet, otherwise I can’t continue. Can you do that for me?’ You look at Jihyo, remind her that she needs to be quiet. Jihyo looks right into your eyes and nods. ‘I Love you.’
Finally, you reach her clit. You kiss her lips and say ‘Relax and enjoy the night.’ Then you start licking her, Jihyo use both of her hands to cover her mouth, the pleasure from your tongue makes her losing her mind. ‘Umm… Hum…’
‘Shh!’ You put a finger next to your lips and continue your works. ‘I am cumming, Y/N!’ Jihyo stops to resist the pleasure, she use one of her hands to grab your hair and pushes you towards her pussy. You drive your tongue deeper, directly hitting her g spot. ‘Umm… No! No!’
You continue to eat out Jihyo, at the meantime your hands twist her nipples. Jihyo arcs her back when she reaches the points of no return. Her juices splashing from her pussy as she cums all over your face. You drink it like you has loss in desert for days, you finish all of her nectar before crawling up and giving her a kiss. "We have to be quiet, Jihyo" you say teasingly.
‘Who can keep quiet if your tongue moves so fast.’ Jihyo says and her hands go down for your cock. You release a slight moan when Jihyo touches you, you cock is already in full hardness when you start the foreplay with her. ‘It must feels bad for being hard so long.’ Jihyo says warmly. ‘Now let me return the flavor, you should keep quiet this time.’
Jihyo pushes her tits in your mouth to distract you, while her hands stroking you more fiercely. Both of you are hiding the moan while enjoy other’s hard work.
‘Are you ready?’ Jihyo kisses your forehead. you release her tits and looks up at her. You adjust yourself in a better position, you rub her clits with your cock, teasing her ‘You need it inside right?’
‘Stop teasing me, I want you to love me now.’ Jihyo moves her body, want you to put it inside. You kiss her one more time and impale her with you cock, only stop when you have reached the deepest of her pussy. ‘I missed being together like this. Just you and me. The kisses ends when you two are out of breath.
You intertwine your fingers with hers, holding her hands above her head as you push my cock deeper into her. ‘I will go slower, I wanna enjoy the night with you longer.’ You look right into her eyes, you can see each other’s shadow in their eye. Jihyo nods her head and kisses you again.
You give Jihyo a kiss while impaling her with your cock. You break apart when you run out of breath. "I missed being together like this. Just you and me." You say to her before you begin thrusting slowly. You intertwine your fingers with hers, holding her hands above her head as you push your cock deeper into her.
Your cock is perfectly fit for Jihyo’s pussy, the suction from her womb makes your body shivers, but you have decided to go as soft as you can tonight, you wanna give a memorable night for Jihyo. The way that Jihyo looks at you make you feel loved, you cannot contain yourself and kiss her again. Everytime you thrust, Jihyo will release a light moan ‘um…’
Despite you are having soft sex with her, the pleasure you bring to Jihyo seems no different from usual, she could just bite her lips to reduce her volume of moaning. ‘Faster please, Y/N. My pussy is so itch.’ Jihyo whispers. Jihyo is completely turned on, the way she breathes makes her tits bounces more fiercely. She even cross her legs on your back, forcing you to go deeper with her.
 ‘You really want me to go faster?’ You stop your thrusting and tease her.
‘Yes, Y/N. Please, please go faster, I need your cock.’ Her hands are locked by you, so she is totally under your control now, she could just grind herself with you, temporarily releasing her lust.’ The way her walls clamping you also makes you hyper, your cock needs to release after the long night.
‘Here we go then, but remember to keep quiet, Jihyo. Otherwise I will kill by your dad.’ You are tempted by her suction and decide to go rougher with her. You begin to thrust in and out again, but with a higher pace and intensity. You still bending her hands all over her head, forcing her to obey your move. ‘Yes, Y/N! I need this! I need you to go like this!’ Jihyo starts moaning like crazy when you fuck her with a higher speed
You kiss her one more time and start licking her neck fiercely. The sweat on her skin has the scent of Jihyo, making you more turned on. You occasionally leaving some hickeys on her neck when you are licking her. ‘You are mine, Jihyo. You are mine forever.’ Moan slipping from your mouth.
"You're mine, Jihyo," you say repeatedly. you speed up my thrusts until you are like a wild animal. Watching Jihyo's breasts bounce while you fuck her entrances, the lust in your heart runs wild and you just move down, sucking on her tits. You feel yor cock twitch inside her and she feels it too. "Jihyo, I'm going to cum." you moan softly. "I love you, Jihyo. Have my baby," you groan as you drive your cock deep into her womb and spew ropes of semen into her.
Jihyo's legs pushing you even deeper when she feels your cock start throbbing inside her. 'Umm... Ummm!' She bites so hard that even her lips are bleeding.
Her whole body jerks after you send her to the orgasm. You release her hand and give her a deep kiss. 'I love you.' Before you lay on her tits and enjoy her milking.
Jihyo's legs are still locking you firmly, 'I wanna connect with you longer, Y/N.' You wipe away the swear on her forehead. 'Your pussy feel so good that I want to connect with you forever. Oh.... It's still milking me... You are so needy tonight?'
'It's so hard to keep my moan, you know? But it is very exciting.' Jihyo smiles and milks you harder. 'But... are you really meant to have a baby with me? Or is it just a tease on bed to make me more hyper. I mean...'
A little bit of both," you reply as you kiss her. "I think having a kid with you would be great. You'd be a good mommy, but we can talk about that whenever you're ready to." You kiss Jihyo's neck softly. "We should focus on tonight right now." you start moving slowly, pushing your cock in deeper as you start the second round of the night.
You kiss her neck again when you start thrusting again. 'We don't have too much time left, Jihyo, I will fill your womb full tonight.'
'Oh yes! Y/N. Make me a mother! I want to born a baby for you!' Jihyo starts to moan, forgetting she should be quiet.
Jihyo's answers strike right into your hearts. It reminds what Nayeon answers to you when you say you want to give her a child.
'Be the mother of my child, Jihyo!' You groan and make more hickeys on her neck.
'Ummm... No... They will see it tomorrow... ummm...' Jihyo just protesting verbally, but her hands are pushing you to her neck, signaling she is enjoying your kiss.
'I heard women are more easily to be breed when they are more excited, are you really want to be a mother?' You stop the kiss and suck her nipples.
'Yes, Y/N. I am ready! Fill me! Ah!' Jihyo moans and reaches orgasm again when she hears you want to breed her.
'But you need to keep quiet. Close your eye, Jihyo, and follow my lead.' You give her a deep kiss, not giving her chance to recover.
Jihyo's body is completely softened as she is out of air. You carry her up easily and start moving.
'Where are we going...' Jihyo's mind starts to unclear from the furious sex. 'Keep quiet, Jihyo.' You thrust your hips again. The pleasure of sex makes Jihyo lose the ability to think. She just keeps moaning lightly. She is now carried by you like a koala, and all fours of her are hugging you. Every steps you move is pushing you deeper, nearly driving her crazy. Both of you don't notice her juices are keep dripping to the floor.
You tell her to open her eyes until you reach the living room. 'Where are we?' Jihyo asks before she noticed where you are. 'Oh, no!' You can feel she is much tighter when she finds out you two are in the living room.
'No, Y/N. No!' Jihyo cums again even you stopped thrusting.
You kiss Jihyo to keep her quiet, "shh, or else they'll find out." You start moving again slowly. "If you really want to, I'll take us back." You start kissing her neck while feeling her pussy tighten around your cock. "Just say the word, and we'll go back to your room."
'No... We can do it here... I know you like it...' Jihyo whispers weakly, her walls are sucking your cock so hard, you can't even move easily.
'Relax, Jihyo. Relax so we can have more fun.' You give her a kiss and put her down on the couch. ' I want to go from the back, I want to see your fat ass shaking.' You whisper to her ear. The hot wind you blow makes her shivers... 'Use me, Y/N. Give me a kid...' She can't stop moaning.
'Jihyo, I am going in.' You groan as you enter her again. Her pussy is super tight as she is still so nervous. 'Oh... You are tearing me apart...' You ignore her and pushing your cock into her deepest part. 'Shit, Y/N. I am cumming.' Her juices splashes all over the sofa, but you do not have the mood to clean it.
The only thing in your mind is to pleasure Jihyo, you bend down to lean closer to her. One of your hands is slapping her ass, another hand twisting her nipple and you kiss the back of her neck. Her body keeps jerking, and every time she raises her head, her hair slaps your face. The scent from her hair makes you go wild. You go rougher and rougher, which you even do not notice. 'Cum for me, Jihyo. I love you.' You keep groaning.
You keep thrusting into Jihyo, her pussy growing tighter as she nears her orgasm. I turn her head to the side and give her a passionate kiss while I put my hands on her waist and bury my cock inside her, giving her another creampie. I feel her body shiver against mine as I fill her, and as her muffled moans grow quiet, I let her breathe and break the kiss. "I love you, Jihyo. I'm glad I met you."
'Me too. Meeting you among the people is the best thing I ever did.' Jihyo lays on the couch and turns around to kiss you.
She Slightly push you away, when your cock leave her, there's a pop sound, and you can see your seed quickly dripping from her pussy.
Jihyo strugglly kneels before the sofa and jerks your cock. 'Let me clean you before we go to sleep.' One of her hands is covering her clit, preventing more of your cum slip out. You just rest on the couch and let Jihyo clean you. You give her a smile and caress her hair. 'You mouth feel so good, are you really cleaning me rather than teasing me for another round? Oh... Jihyo...'
You compliant encourage Jihyo, she suck you harder, and you can see her saliva is dropping through her jaw. 'You want to drink my cum, Jihyo? I can't hold so long if you keep doing that. Ah...' Your cock is still sensitive from the orgasm, everytime Jihyo sucks you, you can feel some remaining cum is leaving your tips.
'No, that's all.' Jihyo stops suddenly and leans to you for a kiss. We are still gonna have breakfast with my dad tomorrow. It's time to sleep now.'
You carry her back to the room, you softly put her on the bed, and then immediately hug her from behind. She grabs your hand and puts it on her stomach. '10 months later, I will be the happiest woman in the world. It would be fun if our kids really born because of tonight.'
You put my hand on her belly. "Yeah, it would be. I'd be really happy too." You pull Jihyo in closer to me and kiss the back of her head. "I love you, Jihyo. I'll miss you while I'm gone." You two remain against each other the entire night as you drift off to sleep.
‘Wake up, Y/N. Wake up!’ You feel someone trying to wake you up. You are still very sleepy from the intense sex last night, you push your morning boner into Jihyo smoothly before you start thrusting.
‘Umm… No… Y/N. Ah! We don’t have time.’ Jihyo hammers your chest lightly. ‘I know you want it, Jihyo. Didn’t you said you want to born a baby?’ You kiss her neck and start moving more fiercely.
‘Knock Knock’ The knocking on the door wakes you up instantly. ‘Mum…’ You are shocked when you hear what Jihyo says. You pull out immediately and greet Jihyo’s mum. ‘Morning, auntie.’ She just glazes you. ‘ I know the youngsters are energetic, but its time for breakfast, and my husband has wake up. Get yourself dressed and join us at the dining room.’
‘Yah, I told you stop.’ Jihyo says embarrassingly. You grab her jaw and kiss her, ‘You know I can’t resist you, it’s the fault of your mummy to born such a pretty girl.’
‘Shut Up!’ Jihyo is embarrassed by your confession and hit you with the pillow. ‘They are waiting already!’
You quickly clean yourself and head to the dining room. ‘Good morning, everyone. I hope I wasn’t disturbing you last night.’ You sit down next to Jihyo.
‘You think I don’t know what you did last night?’ Jihyo’ s dad says coldly.
‘Appa!’ Jihyo shyly yells.
‘You have grown up, I cannot stop what you wanna do.’ He sighs.
The breakfast ends in an awkward mood, and you just quickly finish the meal and ready to leave. You feel Jihyo hugging you from behind when you are packing your belongings. ‘You look so good in the suit.’ She says.
‘I will miss you for sure, make sure to call me more often when you are free.’ Jihyo helps you fixing the hair. You kneels down a bit to make her more comfortable.
‘My mum just check the rubbish bin, and she gave me this.’ Jihyo blushes and hands you a box of condom.
You rub her head, "I'll make sure to call you a lot, and I don't think I'll be needing those. I mean, if we're trying for a baby," you say while nudging her sides. you spend as much time alone with Jihyo as you can before I leave. She walks with you outside of her home, and you give her a goodbye kiss. "I'll be back soon, Jihyo. I love you."
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sasusakucoded · 6 months
Sasuke: *sees Sakura staring at him and the baby* Is everything okay, Sakura?
Sakura: Y-Yeah.. *smiles* Why did you ask?
Sasuke: It seems that you're in deep thought.
Sakura: A bit.. I'm just thinking about.. Things.. But nothing to worry about. *giggles nervously*
Sasuke nods while cradling their second-born in his arm. Although she assured him that it was nothing, he knows that something is bothering her.
At bedtime..
Sakura: *lies down beside Sasuke* Finally, he's asleep.
Sasuke: You must be tired.
Sakura: Not really. *smiles*
Sasuke: Sakura, where did you go this morning?
Sakura: W-Why are you asking?
Sasuke: Ah— The food— The food that you brought home was good. So, I thought I can buy from there in another time.
Sakura: Oh.. Yeah.. It's the restaurant across the supermarket's back entrance.
Sasuke: I see.. Well, then. Good night and rest well. *kisses each other*
The next day, Sasuke decides to go and check the place. He thinks that he'd be able to find out what happened yesterday, which made Sakura upset.
Sasuke: *goes to the counter* Hi! My wife went here yesterday. I wonder if something happened because she was upset when she got home.
Cashier: I— I have no idea and I didn't notice! B-But you see those three? *points at the 3 men* Th-Those are our regulars. You can check with them. They might have seen something.
Sasuke goes directly to their table and asks the three men. They're denying seeing Sakura yesterday but Sasuke doesn't believe them. The restaurant is packed, so he decides to not cause a scene. Instead, he waits outside until any of them goes out.
One of the men leaves the restaurant and Sasuke follows him. When they're in a secluded area, he puts him under genjutsu.
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Sasuke: Sharingan! *views the man's memory*
Man1: Is that really an Uchiha? *peeks*
Sakura: *overhears the 3 men from the other table*
Man2: Right? He's probably not. Maybe he's a child of adultery. *drinks his tea*
Man3: Or maybe he's Sasuke's karma for all his wrongdoings.
Man1: For sure. A green-eyed Uchiha means it doesn't possess sharingan. Pretty useless.
Man3: Indeed. Imagine being an Uchiha but all you have is the surname. *laughs*
Man2: Fugaku's disdain would be too evident if he's still alive.
Man1: Such a disgrace. That's why if you have kekkei genkai, you shouldn't marry outsiders.
Man2: Well, Sasuke had no choice. Who would he marry? Someone from their clan's grave? *laughs*
Man1: He shouldn't have married at all!! Or at least choose someone with dojutsu.
Man3: I'm sure he'll neglect that baby and will focus on their first-born.
Man2: Their first-born is pretty useless too. Like yes she has sharingan. But she's a girl. A good for nothing—
Sakura: Please stop talking about my family in that manner.
Man3: We're just telling the truth?
Sakura: The truth? Everything that you said was baseless.
Man2: What will you do? Tell on us?
Man1: What will you say to Sasuke? That we're making fun of that half-baked Uchiha?
Sakura: No.. I don't want his hand to get stained with your blood. *gets up as the baby starts crying and leaves*
Sasuke: So you were mocking the Uchiha. You were making fun of my son, which made my wife very upset. *puts him to the side; still under his genjutsu* Stay there until who knows when. *leaves*
Sakura: Anata, what took you so long?
Sasuke: Sorry, some work got in the way.. *gets the baby from Sakura* Ahh, my green-eyed baby..
Sakura: Anata.. I'm— I'm sorry..
Sasuke: For what?
Sakura: ...
Sasuke: You don't have control over it, Sakura.
Sakura: Yes.. But.. Our son won't have sharingan..
Sasuke: And?
Sakura: Anata..
Sasuke: Does it matter?
Sakura: He's an Uchiha.
Sasuke: Yes. And not all Uchiha have sharingan. Some had. Some didn't. And that's fine.
Sakura: I'm ruining your bloodline..
Sasuke: Who told you?
Sakura: It's okay, Sasuke-kun..
Sasuke: Remember when you asked me the same thing when you were pregnant with Sarada? What if the baby had green eyes instead?
Sakura: *nods*
Sasuke: And what did I tell you?
Sakura: That it's okay.. And that it's probably better because our child won't suffer.
Sasuke: And you yourself doesn't have kekkei genkai but you're the strongest kunoichi.
Sakura: Yeah..
Sasuke: So what is there to worry about?
Sakura: But the people—
Sasuke: If it doesn't matter to us, then people's opinion shouldn't matter to us as well. Our child is perfect. He'll be strong just like you and me and Sarada. And even if not, we'll be there to protect him.
Sakura: Sasuke-kun! *smiles* Of course.
Sasuke: If the Uchiha is meant to be pink-haired in the future, so be it.
Sakura: *laughs; goes to Sasuke to see their baby*
Sasuke: Thank you, Sakura.. For giving me the most amazing children a father could ask for.
Sakura: They're very lucky to have you as their father, Anata. *smiles*
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heli-writes · 1 year
 A marriage of convenience, part 2: tolerance.
Pairing: Yoriichi x you
Summary: Yoriichi's friends think that Yoriichi is too lonely and needs a wife and family to take care of him. They propose a marriage of convenience to a woman who's in need of a husband. The arrangement of the marriage is simple: both parties live their lives as before, y/n takes care of Yoriichi as a wife and Yoriichi keeps unwanted men (and demons) away. Love is not required, friendship is appreciated. However, how detached can one be when living so close to each other?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Series Masterlist
“Are you sure that this is alright?” asks Sumiyoshi as he stares at the key in his hands. “Yes. Take it. You’ll need a bigger house with another one on the way and I don’t have any use for it anyway”, Yoriichi reassures him. “Still... What if this marriage doesn’t work out?”, Sumiyoshi asks. “It will, I guess.”, Yoriichi answers. Sumiyoshi does not look convinced by this statement. “Well, if anything goes wrong, we always have an open door for you.”, the smaller man states. Yoriichi nods, “Thank you, now let’s go. There won’t be a wedding if we remain here.”
The ceremony was simple. Only a few selected people were invited, including the Kamado family and some close friends. (Y/n) wore a plain uchikake kimono and Yoriichi wore his usual attire. His friends tried to convince him to wear the traditional black and white attire but he didn’t want to wear the one he already owned and saw no need for buying a new one. After the ceremony, the wedding party gathered outside of (y/n)’s cottage where food and drinks were served. While most weddings are celebrated deep into the night, this one ended before the sun disappeared behind the forest trees.
(Y/n) and Yoriichi tidy up most of the dishes as soon as the last guests leave. Meanwhile, (y/s/n) looms behind them, still unsure how to deal with this new situation. Yoriichi could sense that the boy still mistrusts him. He couldn’t blame him for this either. Not every day a random man appears and marries your mother within a couple of months. They dry the dishes more slowly than necessary, prolonging the time when it was time to lay to rest. It is the first time they would spend the night together in the same room. They still didn’t know each other well which makes the whole deal a tad uncomfortable. After the last plate has found its way back into the cupboard, (y/n) turns around. “It’s time for bed, (y/s/n). Why don’t you show Yoriichi again where our bedroom is?”, she says. (Y/s/n) nods and takes Yoriichi by the hand. Yoriichi already knows where the bedroom is. (Y/n) gave him a tour of the house during one of his visits before the wedding. 
As they enter the bedroom, he notices how his futon that he brought with him this morning is already laid out for him. (Y/n)’s futon is right next to his and her son’s much smaller futon is on her other side. “Come on then, take your yukata. Let’s go brush our teeth.”, she says as she takes her own sleepwear that is folded neatly on top of her futon. As they leave for the bathroom, Yoriichi has a moment to breathe. He quickly changes into his own sleepwear and waits for the two to return, so he can go to the bathroom as well. After he brushed his teeth, he enters the bedroom again. (Y/n) and her son are already settled in their futons and (y/n) is reading a story from a book to her son. Without interrupting them, he settles into his own bedsheets and stares at the ceiling while listening to (y/n)’s soft voice. It’s a story about a blind boy who gets lost in the mountains and finds his way home by listening to the trees and creatures around him. He likes the way (y/n) is telling the story. She changes her voice when she is reading the different characters which makes her son giggle in glee. When she’s done, she kisses (y/s/n) on top of his head, wishes Yoriichi a good night and blows out the candle beside them. Left in the dark, Yoriichi listens to their soft breathing. He thought it would be harder to fall asleep in this new environment but before he notices, sleep takes hold of him.
The next few weeks are characterized by the three of them finding a new rhythm in their everyday lives. Yoriichi learns that (y/n) spends multiple days a week tending to her garden, collecting herbs, and mixing ointments and medicine in her workshop at the back of the cottage. Twice a week, she fixes up a small cart which she takes to the local villages to sell her products. These days, she gets up before the sun shows her face on the horizon. Often it happens that Yoriichi just returned from slaying demons and (y/n) is already up, preparing her trip. (Y/s/n) is still asleep in the bedroom. Recently, (y/n) has started to prepare breakfast for the both of them before she leaves and Yoriichi lays down to rest. Up to now, (y/n) still takes her son with her on these trips. Yoriichi suggested that he can also watch over the boy, so (y/s/n) doesn’t have to get up so early. However, (y/s/n) does not like this idea and still gets up early these days. 
“Give him some time,” (y/n) says, “he eventually warms up to you. I’m sure.”. They’re both currently in the kitchen eating the onigiri (y/n) has prepared for the both of them. It’s one of these early mornings again when Yoriichi has just returned home. (Y/s/n) stumbles into the kitchen with one shoe on, pointing towards the other one in his hands. (Y/n) gets up to help him. As she turns around again, she says: “We’ll be off then. There’s lunch for you in the cupboard over there.” Yoriichi puts down his cup. He raises an eyebrow in surprise. “It’s earlier than normal. Don’t you usually leave at first light?” (Y/n) nods, “Yes, but the village we’re selling at today has a fair today. Which means we have to be there early to get a good spot.” Yoriichi shifts in his seat. “I see. However demons may still lurk in the shadows around this time. It’s dangerous to walk the forest alone.”, he says. (Y/n) smiles and says: “Don’t worry. I know these woods like the back of my hand.” Yoriichi crosses his arms in front of his chest. “Still, you never know when a demon decides to venture into the woods in an attempt to find shelter from the sunlight.”, he argues. “Well,”, (y/n) says, “I guess it’s a risk I have to take." Yoriichi rises from his seat. “I’ll walk with you.”, he says determined. (Y/n) seems embarrassed at that. “It’s alright, Yoriichi. You have a long night behind you. You should rest instead of following us around.” Yoriichi shakes his head. “I’m fine. It’s been a slow night.”, he points out.
They've been on the path which leads outside the forest for a while now. (Y/s/n) is running ahead inspecting the plants and insects that live next to the path. “He shouldn't walk so far ahead. He should stay in our sight.“, Yoriichi remarks. His hand rests on the sword at his side. He feels anxious about the boy walking all over the place. (Y/n) should have more control over him, he thinks. However, (y/n) seems to be relaxed about the entire situation. “Don't fret Yoriichi. He's a child. He wants to explore things. You would sense if there is a demon around, so I think he's safe.“, (y/n) calmly states. “You put too much faith in my abilities.“, he solemnly states. (Y/n) laughs lightheartedly. “You're too modest. I've heard about your reputation.“, she states. Instantly Yoriichi feels embarrassed. He doesn't like people talking about him like that. (Y/n) suddenly looks thoughtful. “I'm surprised you haven't heard about me before. I often work together with demon slayers.“, she says, “but maybe you're just so good, you never need my services.“. Yoriichi feels his cheeks heating up a bit. “Please stop. I'm not worth that praise.“ (Y/n) has to laugh at Yoriichi's flustered expression. “I am sorry. I did not mean to embarrass you.“, she says as they continue their way to the village.
The morning and early afternoon were quiet for Yoriichi. After their arrival at the village, (y/n) set up shop alongside some other merchants. People passed by their wagon and (y/n) sold medicine for colds, small injuries and fever. Meanwhile, (y/s/n) chased after the village boys in an attempt to play with them. Yoriichi watched both from afar. Around noon, the daily market started to change. The vendors who sell vegetables and everyday objects pack up shop and new vendors arrive that sell candy or toys. Eventually, (y/n) packs up shop too and calls back (y/s/n). “I’m really hungry. Are you up to getting something to eat before we join the fun?”, (y/n) asks Yoriichi. He nods as he stands up from where he was seated. (Y/s/n) hops up and down excitedly. (Y/n) chuckles. “I know that face. That’s the face of someone who wants to eat yakitori, am I right?”, she says. The boy nods vigorously. “Let’s go then”, she says.
After having a good lunch at one of the food stalls, the small party of three starts wandering over the fair. They play some games at some of the stalls. (Y/s/n) tries to win a ball at a fish-the-duck stall with no luck. They try their luck again at a shooting stall. Since (y/s/n) is too small to shoot an arrow, he convinces (y/n) to shoot by pushing the bow into her hands. However, (y/n) proves to be a terrible shot. Eventually, they convince Yoriichi to take a shot. Even though it’s a child’s game, Yoriichi feels the expecting glances from (y/n) and the boy. Luckily for both of them, Yoriichi does not miss and wins an ugly stuffed pig. (Y/s/n) couldn’t be happier and presses the stuffed animal against his cheek in joy. Eventually, the village children catch up to them and ask if (y/s/n) wants to play a game of cards with them. (Y/n) agrees and the children wander off to play their game. (Y/n) sighs deeply. “I never know with these children. Sometimes they want him to tag along, sometimes they don’t want him to play with them.”, she states. Yoriichi hums in agreement. “Don’t worry too much. They’re children.”, he says in response. “Yes, and children are cruel.”, (y/n) points out. Pointing to the stuffed pig, she says “Well, at least he got this thing. I hate to say it Yoriichi, but I think this is the ugliest thing you could’ve possibly won for him around here.” Yoriichi shrugs and says: “As long as he likes it, I’m glad.” (Y/n) laughs at that which is something Yoriichi hasn’t heard a lot since he moved into the cottage. It suits her, he thinks. “I guess this also made you his new hero. Expect him to now always wanting you to win things for him. So far he had no luck with me. I’m terrible at these games.”, she shrugs. They continue to wander aimlessly over the fair as an uncomfortable silence befalls them. There are many couples at the fair. They’re giggling and holding hands. They’re posing for artists to sketch them and sharing dango with one another.
“What a beautiful couple! You two look like you would like to have a memory of this wonderful day together!”, a salesman chants from the side. Awkwardly Yoriichi mumbles “No, thank you.” but either the salesman overheard him or pretend to not have heard them. Either way, he comes up from behind (y/n) and Yoriichi and pulls them toward their stand. “You see, we make candles in the shape of your hands. A perfect memory and a perfect decoration for your home. Let’s perpetuate your hands, lovebirds!”, he explains. By then, both (y/n) and Yoriichi are too shy and too embarrassed to explain that they do not want a candle, especially not if it means holding hands. Before either of them can gather the courage to speak up and tell the vendor no, he already prepared the molding paste and looks at them expectingly. Awkwardly, Yoriichi extends his hand and (y/n) grabs it lightly. The vendor pulls their hands forward and sticks them into the paste. “You’ll have to wait a while until the paste thickens. It’s best to look into each other’s eyes while waiting and enjoying the moment.”, the salesman muses. Yoriichi tries to look anywhere but (y/n)’s eyes. However, nothing holds his attention but the feeling of (y/n)’s soft warm hand in his. The moment feels like forever and not in the way that you don’t want it to end. Eventually, the vendor carefully pulls out their joined hands and (y/n) and Yoriichi watch how the mold gets filled with red wax. Once the wax hardened, (y/n) awkwardly takes the candle and gives the vendor the money they owe him.
It’s gotten pretty late by the time, the two of them decide to look for (y/s/n) to start their way back home. While walking and shouting for the boy, (y/n) takes a moment to look at the candle. Her hand looks significantly smaller in comparison to Yoriichi’s hand. While the whole situation was uncomfortable and unwanted, (y/n) decides that she actually did not find it bad holding Yoriichi’s hand. Eventually, they find the children behind a booth playing their card game. After they’ve collected the boy and (y/n)’s cart, they start walking home. The sun is already starting to set as they reach the outskirt of the forest. Yoriichi rushes them a bit so that they arrive at the cottage before nightfall. He also keeps a close look on (y/s/n) who tries to run ahead again. Yoriichi calls out for the boy who immediately comes back, grabbing Yoriichi’s hand and hugging his pig happily. Yoriichi is surprised by the boy’s action but he also has to admit to himself that it gives him a warm feeling in his chest. (Y/n) pretends to not have seen the scene, but can’t help to smile in secret at the two of them. Maybe this whole marriage thing was indeed a good idea, even if it’s just for (y/s/n).
Once they arrive home, (y/s/n) is so tired that (y/n) immediately takes him to bed. Before going to bed themselves, (y/n) and Yoriichi have a cup of tea outside of the cottage. This time comfortable silence stands between them. Even if they don’t want to admit it yet, they both enjoyed the day together. Even the candle found its way on top of one of (y/n)’s shelves in the living room.
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eomayas · 1 year
new thing (pt.3) • pcy
pairing: chanyeol x f!reader, age gap
genre: fluff & angst
synopsis: reader discovers shocking news about chanyeols past
warnings: swearing
seulgi drives while you handle the aux, playing songs that you both like and put into a joint playlist called ‘roomies on the road’. you’re currently on the way to mr. kims sons 5th birthday. you tagged along because you like the kims, and want to see their two kids, jisung and jimin. also, chanyeol is going to be there.
nobody, other than seulgi, knows about your little rendezvous with chanyeol. it’s been more than rendezvous, now being a month since you first fucked, and two and a half weeks since your first date. you see chanyeol almost everyday, and stay at his house at least once a week. you’ve moved kind of fast, but it’s pretty easy when you’ve gotten over the hump of having sex.
seulgi pulls up to the kims’ house, parking her car behind mrs. kim’s like she normally does. you both get out, grabbing the gifts for jisung. she bought him a lego set and a stuffed bear, and marked your name on a card.
you two walk up to the door, and she knocks. a few moments later, mr. kim opens the door, a big smile on his face when he sees seulgi. “hi, seul! hi, y/n, thanks for coming!” he says, giving both of you quick hugs. he lets you two in and takes the gifts from seulgi. “you know you really didn’t have to buy him anything.” mr. kim says. seulgi waves him off and tells him she really had to. “the kid is spoiled enough.” mr. kim says, glancing back at you, and you give him a smile.
he leads you two to his large backyard, where a ton of kids run around and adults stand around mingling. you follow seulgi to the table of presents, not really into being left alone without her. “there’s so many kids here, fuck. and ms. choi is here—she’s the one who flirts with mr. kim all the time,” she whispers, leaning in close. you follow her line of sight, and raise your eyes when you see her talking amongst mr.kim’s wife juhyun and a few of the other mothers.
“damn,” you say, shocked at this lady’s boldness.
“yeah, but i think mrs. kim knows,” seulgi says. you snort and look around. the backyard is divided between the children, all of the women pairing together, and the men hanging out. you recognize a few of the men from the bar, but there’s no chanyeol.
you decide to busy yourself with talking to the women while seulgi goes to play some games with the kids. “y/n! it’s so nice to see you!” juhyun says, introducing you to the other mothers. the topics of conversation range wildly in a short span: from motherhood, to their work-life balance, their marriages. but it all gets brought back to you, and they start poking and prodding at your life.
“don’t get married young, y/n,” one of the mothers, mrs. park, says, leaning in close. you laugh awkwardly, marriage the furthest thing from being on your mind. “do you have a boyfriend? are you dating?” she presses, a curious smile on her face.
yes, he just walked outside, you want to say, catching sight of chanyeol entering the backyard. you cant look for long, and you try to play your smile off as you answer her questions. “sort of—i’m just having fun,” you say vaguely, and a round of oohs pass through at your admission. they’re all married and you’re the closest thing to freedom that they’ll get for the rest of their lives.
they try to press you about more details; who are the types of guys you’re dating, how they act, what your type is. all your answers remain vague, and you cast you discreetly cast your gaze across the backyard every few minutes. you catch chanyeol sneaking glances at you too, and it makes you smile every time, but you have to keep that to yourself so you’re not found out. “honestly, i take what i can from these guys, and then im onto the next,” you say, though your ways have changed since getting involved with chanyeol.
the women giggle and they leave you alone about your personal love afterwards, satisfied with your response. when the conversation changes, you take the time to excuse yourself from the group, claiming that you need to use the restroom and want something to drink from inside.
the men crowd around the back door, so you have to walk past chanyeol to get inside. he stands on the edge, his eyes flicking to you momentarily as you walk towards them to go inside. you don’t try to touch him or get his attention, but you really want to pull him inside with you.
making it in, you walk down the hall to the bathroom. you go inside and lock the door behind you.
as you wash your hands, a knock sounds at the door. “somebody’s in here,” you say.
“it’s me,” you smile at the sound of his voice and quickly dry your hands on the towel so you can unlock the door. he lets himself in, his lips on yours in seconds and he kicks the door closed with his foot.
“hi,” you say, a smile spreading across your lips as he pushes you up onto the counter and stands in between your legs.
“hi,” he replies, pulling away, his hands resting on your hips. he smiles at you and you blush, putting your hands on his cheeks to anchor yourself to him. “missed you.” he says, gently squeezing your hips.
you can’t help but blush harder. you don’t know what it is about him, but everything he does makes you nervous or giggly. you thought you’d get over it, but it seems to have gotten worse the longer you spend time with him. “i missed you too,” you say, kissing him again. he smiles against your mouth and pulls his hands down to the tops of your thighs.
pulling away again, you grab the wrist that he wears his watch on. you’ve been in here for at least three minutes, and another second may raise suspicions, especially since he’s been gone too. “gotta go,” you say, sliding off of the counter.
chanyeol catches your waist in his hands again, pulling you back in front of him. “can i see you later?” he asks, his large handing sliding underneath your shirt and splaying across the small of your back.
“you can come over,” you nod. it’ll be the first time he’s actually been inside your apartment ever. he’s dropped you off and picked you up a handful of times, but he’s never been through the door. it’s exciting and nauseating all at the same time—you want to impress him, and your apartment is a shoebox compared to his house.
chanyeol smiles and strokes the underside of your jaw with his thumb. you kiss one last time, your heart skipping every single beat as you hold him before you disappear back into the backyard.
after the birthday party is over and mr. kim’s kids are out down for a nap, you, seulgi, the kim’s and a couple of their friends hang out for a while in the backyard. you sit on the arm of the chair seulgi occupies, chanyeol standing across from the two of you in the circle you’re all in.
mrs. kim comes back from inside with a few beers in her hand and starts passing them around. “you two want one?” she asks you and seulgi. both of you quickly shake your head and politely decline, earning a few snickers from the adults around you.
a conversation breaks out that you and seulgi aren’t really in, and you allow yourself to ogle chanyeol. as always, your nerves lose control as you look at him, though this time it feels worse because he’s taken his jacket off, thus leaving himself in a muscle tank. he runs his hands through his hair and you press your fingers to your lips and look away.
“when’s the last time we were all together?” minseok asks, and you snap your attention back to the conversation at hand. “a few months ago, no?”
jongdae shakes his head. “no, it was over a year ago… before the divorce,” he says. you raise your eyebrows at the mention of divorce, but you sober up when you see mr. kim’s eyes cut to your boyfriend. divorce?
it gets quiet for a moment before mrs. kim speaks up. “speaking of, have you heard from yunhee lately?” she asks, and you feel your stomach drop. you glance down at seulgi and share a look. your friend pats your leg supportively, but you feel like you’ve been thrown onto a stage in front of a crowd of people, naked.
“uh, no, i haven’t. it’s been a few months since we’ve talked,” chanyeol says, swallowing. you try not to burn holes through him with your eyes, but this is all news to you. you’ve never heard of a divorce from him, much less an ex wife. he’s never hinted to ever being married—you feel like you’ve been lied to this whole time; though he’s just guilty by omission.
you can’t seem to focus on anything other than the fact that chanyeol was once married and failed to tell you that, even long after they’ve moved on from his ex. you hardly register seulgi tapping you incessantly on the arm until she pinches you. “hey, do you want to go now?” she asks and you quickly nod, standing up from the chair and pulling her with you.
you rush through saying goodbye to everybody, but accept the leftover cake that the kim’s force into your hands. you practically run to the car the moment the front door closes, diving into the front seat and pressing the start button on seulgis car.
“divorce?!” you scream as she pulls off of the curb.
“oh my god, i know! he didn’t tell you?” she asks, her voice full of shock. you feel embarrassed and slighted by him.
the whole drive home, the two of you freak out about how he couldn’t have told you that. it doesn’t stop, not even when you get inside of the door to your apartment. “i literally don’t even know how to feel,” you say, leaning against the counter. seulgi puts the cake away in the fridge and sighs.
“i know, right. you should talk to him,” she says and it dawns on you that you invited him over.
“oh my god,” you sigh, pressing the heels of your hands into your forehead.
“i invited him over earlier—i kind of need you to bounce,” you say guiltily. she shrugs and you let out a breath of relief.
“that’s fine, i’m meeting yunho tonight so,” she says, a small smile on her face at the mention of the latest guy she’s been talking to.
you nod and pull your phone out of your pocket as it buzzes with a text message. you eyes nearly fall out of your head as you see the text on the screen.
chanyeol: i’m on my way up
“he’s here, oh my god,” you say, doing a quick scan of the apartment. suddenly, all of the little quirks that make your apartment what it is, like the lopsided cabinet or the permanent stain on the carpet, become hard to miss. you don’t love the way the paint is chipping on the bathroom door, or the scrape marks on the counter seem so huge.
before you even have time to cover anything up, there’s a knock at the door. you silently scream in the direction of seulgi, and then walk to answer the door.
your stomach flips wildly in your stomach when you pull the door open and see him standing behind it, a smile on his face and flowers in his hand. “hi,” he says, passing the flowers to you, a smile on his face.
you accept them with a “thanks”, and motion for him to come in before you turn to take them to the kitchen. “uh, this is the kitchen obviously. don’t mind the…everything,” you say, frantically opening cabinets in search for a vase. you know you have them, and you know they’re in the leftmost cabinet underneath the sink, but you search everywhere else because your brain cannot process anything properly at the moment.
finally finding what you need, you turn on the water and hold onto the vase with a shaky hand. it slips out of your grasp and chanyeol runs over, catching the bottom of it before it falls into the sink. “thank you,” you say, turning off the water.
“yeah, are you alright?” he asks, placing a hand on the back of your neck, softly kneading at the skin. you nod and don’t meet his eye as your set the vase on the counter and stick the flowers in it.
“that’s the living room and seulgi,” you say, gesturing across the kitchen to the open room. chanyeol and seulgi greet each other and then you walk him down the hall to the bathroom, and then your room. “this one is the bathroom, that’s seulgis room, and this is mine,” you say, pushing open the door to your room. it’s clean, minus the bag of laundry sitting at the foot of your bed.
chanyeol looks around and takes off his jacket before getting himself comfortable on your bed. the contrast between your light blue bedspread and his dark outfit make you want to laugh, but you’re so focused on the fact that he’s really here, in the place that you call home for the first time. “y/n, what’s wrong?” he asks, and you finally look at him and his legs hanging off of your bed even though his head is practically at your pillows.
“nothing,” you say, leaning against your dresser. he squints at you, but there’s a small smile on his face. “what?” you ask, face burning under his gaze.
chanyeol motions for you to come over to him and you walk over to your bed, standing above him. he grabs ahold of your hips and pulls you down onto him, making you yelp in surprise as he brings you down onto him. chanyeol kisses your face when you fall on top of him, one of your legs on the ground for support. “what’s the matter?” he asks.
letting out a breath, you cross your arms over your chest and look down as him. and just as quickly as you find the words to say to him, they’re lost on you. when you look down at him, your mind goes blank and your insides feel gooey.
you roll off of him knowing that if you sit on him any longer there will be no talking. you get off of the bed and stand up to lean against your closet doors, your hands clasped behind you. “why… why didn’t you tell me you’ve been married?” you ask him.
“you never asked,” he says, holding his neck up with one of his arms. you scoff and look away from him.
“don’t be like that,” you mumble, feeling stupid for asking and overall just annoyed at him. “you could have mentioned it.”
“it just never came up. i never asked you about anybody that came before me, did i?” he asks, and that only frustrates you more because that’s completely different.
“chanyeol, ive never been married and divorced! it’s not the same!” you say, running a hand through your hair. “i dont like how you’re acting like it’s not a big deal, because it is for me.” you add. and this is where the age difference between you really shows—he’s experienced things that you haven’t even dreamed of, like marriage, been places that you’ve only begun to wonder about.
he sighs and sits up on your bed. “okay, i’m sorry. will you come here, please?” he says, holding his arms out for you. you shake your head and stay planted to the floor. chanyeol takes the initiative and gets up to walk over to you, putting his hands on your waist and pulling you in close to him. “cmon, don’t be like this.” he says, looking down at you.
you look up at him and sigh, rolling your eyes off to the side because looking at him for too long makes you forget how to breathe, how to think, how to act. “you could have mentioned it, at least,” you huff, succumbing to his charm and hugging him close to you.
chanyeol decides to spill everything for you later, once you changed and laid down on the bed. his ex wife, yunhee, and him dated for two years before being married for only 8 months. he filed for the divorce because he felt like she fell out of love, and because she used to complain about how much he worked. it wasn’t physical cheating, but emotional cheating and it hurt worse. their divorce was finalized less than a year ago, and they keep in contact sometimes, but he claims it stopped once he started seeing you regularly.
it doesn’t feel good, but you feel some type of relief at him being upfront and honest with you. “oh god, did you have a pet together?” you ask, a hand on his chest.
chanyeol chuckles. “a cat. i let her keep it, i’m not really a cat person,” he says smiling up at you. you roll your eyes and he puts one of his hands on your high, hooking it over his lap and pulling you on top of him like earlier. you rest your weight on him and cross your arms over your chest. “you’re sexy on top.” he says, his fingertips dancing underneath the hem of your shirt on your skin.
you hum and let him drag his fingertips across your skin; you both pretend not to notice the goosebumps that arise. “are you still upset?” he asks. and truthfully, you’re not. he at least was honest in the end. and even then, once you looked him in the eyes, it got hard to remember why you were actually upset.
“how sorry are you?”
he smirks and puts his hands your ass, pushing your forward and shows you how sorry he is.
chapter extension: 3.5
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ystrike1 · 1 year
The Villainess Doesn't Need A New Husband! - By Solim (7/10)
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Are you in debt? Did you ever date somebody who dragged you into their debt? Do you love looking at the tragic comedy that comes with having no money? This is a rather blunt fantasy about sticking it to debt collectors, oh and also crazy men.
Ok so, the yandere potential is low.
April wakes up. She's in a novel! She was a Korean office lady with a shitty boyfriend. He tried to rope her into paying his debts. She got drunk. She fell into a river and now she's married to a dead man.
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She resists, but the marriage goes through. April is a villainous prostitute. After she marries a dead man she decides to party with her grooms money. She's one of the most beautiful women in the land, so she expects men to pay to party with her. April is also from a poor family, so she gets looked down on for her slutty party time.
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April pisses off a yandere prince in the novel. The prince is in love with his stepmother Helena. He even kills his father out of envy. He eventually imprisons Helena to have her all to himself. April, stupidly, falls in love with him even though he's clearly nuts. She tries to poison Helena, and she is killed just before Helena is sealed away in a prison of love.
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April is a sexy side villain. A bratty poor girl that got lucky. She's rolling in gold and men because her husband isn't alive to stop her. She's hateful. She's immature. She loves the prince because all rich men should love her. Her conveniently dead husband did, and her fans do too. She is the fool who exists to be dumb enough to trigger the obvious yandere.
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The Count she married died with a massive debt. Poor April became a hired lover because she married...nothing. Women in this setting cannot marry again. April had no choice. She had to sell herself and be sexy and seduce every wealthy man, because the counts debt is that huge.
She only wanted the money the prince had, not the prince. Or maybe she wanted his power, in order to settle her debt. Who knows. She could have loved him because she needed a savior, but now she's dead.
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Korean Office Lady gets wise. She is not a beautiful woman from a poor noble family. She does not care about honor. When the counts mom tries to sacrifice her...she says no. The counts mother tries to convince her to sleep with a man that looks like her son...to create a legitimate heir. Then the plan was pinning the debt on April, while also getting a debt-free heir for free. New April immediately sees through this...because of her boyfriends scummy nature. She's experienced, so she kicked the monster in law out.
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Laike appears.
He's the highest wizard in the land and he's also a Duke, but he doesn’t want to get married. The dead count stole something from him and he needs it. He invites himself over to search for it.
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April says he can...only after he offers to buy her food and give her money. It is all very funny but New April is in debt. If she doesn't sell her beauty...well there's nothing to eat. April decides to use Laike right away.
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Laike has a phobia. He hates being touched...but he doesn't mind April. He provides food and money as requested. He looks for the mystery item, and he thinks about what to do. He does have an aversion to touch, but he's also lonely.
Touching someone is nice.
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He begins to feel very protective of New April. It would be nice to see two yanderes crash, but the prince has not appeared.
April says she wants Laike to be her fake lover, because she cannot remarry. She needs a lover with a strong title...basically so she doesn't get treated like shit at balls. She needs to earn $$$, so she needs a ticket into the social circle. She's more than willing to let Laike live with her/search for the item if he does this favor for her.
He says yes because he's already in love.
I see potential.
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iicheeze · 1 year
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yoimi || nagonohara yoimiya
24 yo
owner of the nagonohara fireworks
likes to experiment the handmade fireworks near the apartment
one time she accidentally set it up in her apartment
got sent to the hospital that day
still likes fireworks somehow
likes to have tea parties with the women who live in the apartment
has the hottest gossips from all the tenants of Teyvat Apartments
yes she has friends all over the apartment
and sometimes ‘ friends ’ she doesn't like but the people think of her as a friend so they spill their secrets
just npcs tho dw
and thats how she has the hottest gossips
“ weird ” — Scaramouche
“ shut up her tea is the best ” — [Name]
kesimp || Kèqíng
26 yo
has a fat massive amount of merch by the famous pianist, Zhōng Lí
comes to every concert he has possible in China
doesn't let anyone come into her bedroom cuz
says that she doesnt like tea parties but comes anyways becuz the others 'insisted'
(liar, she loves it)
says that she likes Zhōng Lí's piano skills solely becuz of his skills but in reality considers him as a god (not in a weird way)
sometimes when she's busy at work and doesn't have time to actually go to his concert, she watches his live instead
loyal Zhōng Lí fan
also an overworker
sometimes she'd overwork herself sm her boss has to personally give her some days off cuz her eye bags r getting too dark
only Gānyǔ, her co-worker, knows of her obsession with Zhōng Lí
has a not-so-obvious crush on her co-worker
AUNTY 🫂💕‼️ || Nahida
is actually 45 years old
aunty of the apartment residence
very smol but very big heart and very big brain
something went wrong with her genes but her brain is very big indeed
still kinda like a child since she sometimes says "dook-dook" instead of shit
the number one reason why scaramouche and [name] moved to this certain apartment
likes to read and buys a lot of novels
has to show her drivers license to the police over 50 times to show that she aint a child
doesnt like beer or wine and prefers juice instead
LOVES to come to tea parties and often brings cookies and sweets there
zuzuha || kaedehara kazuha
28 yo
lives with his husband Tomo
tho Tomo rlly likes to challenge Raiden Senshi of the Raiden Martial Group
got hospitalized several times becuz of it
main reason why he got banned from ever entering it again
rumors say he smokes weed
he doesnt
just try taking care of a Tomo
was originally arranged to be married to a woman by his clan
turns out hes gay
and eloped with Tomo to Teyvat Apartments
very gentleman
househusband core
likes to play Majiang (Mah Jong) with elderly ppl at the park
xiaomi || xiāo
48 yo with very good genes (its the asian genes i swear)
famous violinist
is Zhōng Lí's apprentice but decided to be a violinist to harmonize with him (sunny and mari)
there used to be a lot more apprentices of Zhōng Lí, but they were all bullied by the audience saying that they were just bland copies of him but worse so they quit
xiāo's the only one who stayed
but becuz of that, his mental health deteriorates within every concert he does
considers of quitting more than once but doesn't becuz he signed a contract with Zhōng Lí and doesn't plan to break it
but they have a pretty nice father son relationship
tries to practice the flute in secret but one time he tried to do it at his balcony and it let out a high pitched sound so he never touched it again
lives at the penthouse of Teyvat Apartments (bro's rich)
bro can afford fancy food but prefers home-made food
when [name] and scaramouche moved in to the Apartment Residence, [name] introduced themselves to him and had no idea of his occupation
often gets asked to eat dinner tgt by the tenants despite of his social status
everytime he struggles with socialization, def goes to Zhōng Lí for advice
big bitch || arataki itto
30 yo
if nahida's the aunty of Teyvat Apartments, he's the uncle
likes to play cards with kids
sometimes likes to teach them how to gamble and Majiang (Mah Jong) too
def would be like one of those asian grandmas or aunties who'd yell profanities when they lose at Majiang (Mah Jong) or cards
also likes to gamble with the older tenants of the apartments (nahida, xiao, yae miko, dehya, etc)
if nahida wins he'd try so hard not to cuss at her cuz she plays calmly
if the other ppl wins then be prepared for a butt load of crap of words you dont know exists
it goes the same way for other ppl than itto too
Majiang especially
nahida's the only calm one there, the others arent
they'd stand up from their seats, yelling chinese cusses, japanese cusses, indian cusses, pointing at each other aggressively
what a normal game night
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TAGLIST || @stellakito @crueldinasty @hysteriablues @hoesaria @dreamsofminnie @caffeine-mess @alatusorrow @lunaeclipsethesimp @lxkeeeee @myaaones @withloveminnie @shewolfniko @aeongiies @qwnelisa @liliumaraneae @candlebathwater @seirin-eyy @feiherp @nxsh30 @loivre @imdeadlyboredhelp @hotgirlshit5 @worldhardtibbysoft @mitsu-moshi @mono1606 @zomzomb1e @vvyeislazzy @crucnhice @omlxlaure @iethairs
@ownedbythescribe @mishtae @aloflapse @divinechicha @thefandomcrow @d4y-dr3am3r @tjjjrsj @certaindreampost @minninr @angelkazusstuff @zyilas @lumpywolf @haruaikawa @xiaosonlybeloved @reconaiise @yuyan @myoreiii @lordbugs @theaudacitiedmentose @scaravibe @exphhoria @venusflwers @ohmyfinggod @niyaiiz
SUMMARY II in which, a sassy and bitter househusband, and his beloved, idiotic streamer of a lover got married! what a lovely occasion. now, for the married life in a newer, and bigger apartment.
PAIRINGS || Househusband Scaramouche x Gaming Streamer GN Reader
AUTHOR'S NOTES || pls note that this takes place in China, Beijing
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Dating Antonio
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It's been 8 months since our first date, and since then we have been going on many more. We made thing official between us about 6 months ago. I've met his kids Eva and Diego, I have also met his ex wife Laura. Although I was nice to her I can just tell she doesn't like me, maybe she was hoping that their split would make him quite us job and come back to her. Who knows. But what I do know is she's not my biggest fan, however his kids I like to think that they do like me
"Right are you ready?" Toni shouts upstairs to the kids as I wrap my jacket around me
"Coming" Eva shouts and runs down the stairs with her brother behind her
"Is YN coming?" He asks looking at me putting my shoes on
"Yeah if that's ok?" Toni asks he's son
"Of course" Diego smiles making me smile back
"I'll wait in the car" I kiss Antonio on the cheek and take his car keys from the side. I get in the passenger seat and reply to texts off Kelly and my brothers while I wait for everyone.
Toni drives us to a small little restaurant for dinner that we usually go to, we sit in our normal seats, Antonio sitting next to one another while the kids are sat opposite
"How's school?" I ask them as the waiter places our drinks in front of us
"Ok I guess" Eva shrugs
"You guess?" I raise an eyebrow
"Maths is hard"
"No it's not" Diego says to his sister
"Diego" Toni warns his son
"You want to know a secret?" Eva nods her head at me "I'm terrible at spelling"
"But your a teacher. Aren't you meant to know everything?" Diego frowns
"Not at all. Everyone has something they struggle with. Eva if you'd let me to help you, I'm more than happy to. I might be teaching very young children at the moment, but I still have a degree in maths"
"Really. That goes to you as well Diego"
"Thank you" he gives me a smile
"YN are you staying over again tonight?"
"Yes if that's ok with you guys and your dad"
"Fine by me" Toni smiles earning a nudge off me
"You might as well move it with dad at this point" Diego comment
"Would you guys be ok with that?"
"I guess" Eva shrugs "but would that mean that you would get married?"
"What about children? YN your younger than dad so would you guys have a baby together"
"Woah guys where's all of this coming from?" Toni asks the kids
"Mum said that once YN moves in then you would start a new family and forget all about us" Diego sadly says
"Of course she would say that" Antonio mutters
"I love your dad and I know that you two come with him. Your his priority. I would love to move in with your dad one day and maybe get married and have a baby. If that does happen though I promise that you wouldn't be forgotten about. Your dad loves you both so much. If you ever feel left out, or upset for whatever reason you can talk to one of us and we will figure out how to deal with it together"
"I suppose it would be pretty cool to have a younger brother or sister" Eva says as our food arrives.
We get back to the house. The kids go get ready for movie night while I get the popcorn. I feel arms around my waist
"So when are you going to move in with me?" Toni asks making me chuckle
"When do you want me to?"
"I can't move in tonight" I say turning around
"Why not? Your here pretty much all of the time. We can slowly move your things in while we wait for your house to sell. Or if you want we can sell this house and buy a new one together" I shake my head while smile
"No. I think that would be to much change for Eva and Diego"
"So your moving in here then tonight"
"Not tonight but soon. Promise" I lean in and kiss Antonio  on the lips
"Ew gross" Diego gags entering the kitchen
"You say that now, but wait till you meet the right girl" I say getting the now popped popcorn
"Go stick Netflix on and choose a film"
"Ok dad but I don't want another sibling just yet"
"Oh god" I burry my head in my hands while Toni just laughs and my awkwardness
"If their mother didn't hate me before she will now"
"How anyone can hate you I will never understand"
"Come on guys films starting" I kiss Toni on the cheek and join the kids in the living room with the popcorn.
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sequinsmile-x · 5 months
Buy the Promises - Chapter 2
It gets harder to keep the promise as time goes on, as Emily goes from his girlfriend to his fiancée to his wife. He wants nothing more than to put Elizabeth in her place, to stop her from hurting her daughter in a way that only she could. 
AKA The three times Aaron doesn't tell Elizabeth off, and the one time he does
Chapter 2/4
Chapter 1
Hi friends,
Thanks so much for the love on the last chapter - I really hope you like this one too <3
Warnings: None
Words: 2.2k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
The relief she feels as she steps into the house, the scent and warmth of home washing over her, is palpable. She can feel the tension in her shoulders ease the second she walks over the threshold and she blows out a steady breath. 
“Honey,” she calls out, smiling to herself as she drops her keys in the bowl on the side table and shrugs off her coat, “I’m back.” 
“I’m in the living room, sweetheart.”
She kicks off her shoes, leaving them just short of the rack, and heads to the living room. She smiles when she sees him, more of the tension seeping out of her simply by laying eyes on Aaron relaxed and content on the couch, his book already closed and on the coffee table so she could have his undivided attention. 
“Hi,” she says, leaning over the back of the couch and kissing him, sighing contentedly at the press of his lips against hers.
“Hi,” he replies, smiling into the kiss, “How was it?” 
She flops down on the couch, groaning as she settles against him, her head in his lap as she looks up at him. He’s drawn to her like he always is, his fingers immediately tangling in her hair as his other hand curls around her, his arm heavy across her stomach in a way she always found comforting. 
“How much do you love me?” She asks, huffing out a breath as she looks up at him. He frowns and tilts his head curiously as he continues to run his fingers through her hair. 
“You and Jack are everything,” he answers, “You know that.”
She hums and blows out a breath, “So if I commit matricide, you’ll grab Jack so we can go on the run. No questions asked?” 
He chuckles and strokes his fingers over her forehead, the calluses on his skin lingering over the small scar she has there, a physical reminder of when he’d asked her to go to Milwaukee with him. A case they’d both since said had been their turning point, when they both started to look at each other differently. 
“So lunch and the wedding planning went well then?” He asks, his smile wry as she narrows her eyes at him. 
“She’s driving me crazy,” she groans, “We should have just eloped.” 
He’d proposed six months ago on the night they moved into the house. Jack was asleep in his room, content and exhausted after all the excitement of moving in, and Emily and Aaron had been curled up in an armchair together, the very couch they were sitting on not yet delivered. He’d asked her simply, as if he was asking the time or what she wanted for dinner, and it had taken a moment for his words to settle in. She’d turned to look at him, her eyes getting wider as she saw the ring in his hand and she’d immediately said yes, her response lost to a kiss and a barely restrained sob. 
It still didn’t feel real sometimes, the fact she was living with the love of her life in a house they’d bought together. The fact she was marrying him, that she was raising his son with him. That they were trying for a baby. It felt like a dream, a type of happiness she once thought she’d never have, and she relished every second. 
“What was she complaining about this time?” He asks, careful to make sure his voice is even, his almost ever present irritation at his soon-to-be mother-in-law thrumming under his skin. 
He’d kept the promise he made Emily. He never got involved when Elizabeth spoke to her in a way that made him tense, his shoulders tight with the protective love he felt for her, his words forced down into his chest as he bit them back. He wanted more than anything for Emily to be loved by Elizabeth in the way she deserved. In the way Emily loved Jack and would love any future children they had. 
She sighs and reaches for his hand, linking their fingers together, smiling softly as her engagement ring catches the light in the room.
“What wasn’t she complaining about?” She grumbles, “The venue, the food, the dress,” she rolls her eyes, “The only thing she didn’t have something to say about was my choice of groom.” 
He chuckles wryly and raises his eyebrow at her, “I don’t know whether I should take that as an insult or not.”
She smiles and drags his hand to her lips, kissing his knuckles. She takes a second to linger on the scars there, the physical proof of his final show of love for Haley, his anger and devastation permanently painted onto his skin. 
“I’d take it as proof she knows she’d push me too far if she did try to say something,” she replies, her lips pressing together as she rolls her eyes, “She’s hard work. I always knew if I did get married I’d be having these arguments with her, I just…never thought it would bother me this much.” 
“It’s our wedding, Em,” he says, running his fingers through her hair, “Not hers.”
Emily laughs humourlessly, “I said that to her and she told me to stop being so selfish,” she says flatly, “Which is an impressive lack of self awareness, even for her.” 
He briefly tightens his hold on her hand, his teeth clenched as he bites back a comment, and he clears his throat, “Want me to make you a cup of tea?” 
“Is it too early for wine?” She deadpans and he raises an eyebrow at her so she hums appreciatively and nods, sitting up so he could get out from under her, “Yes, please, I’d love some tea,” she says, stamping a kiss against his lips before he stands up, her hand on his cheek to hold him in place as she pulls away, “Sorry you have to put up with all of this.”
He kisses her before he pulls away to stand up, the hand linked with hers the last connection to break, “You have nothing to apologise for sweetheart, you aren’t responsible for her,” he smiles at her, his dimples stamped into his cheeks in a way that never fails to make her stomach swoop, “Besides, I’d walk through fire for you, you know that.” 
She smiles as she relaxes against the couch, sighing as she goes over the few hours she’d spent with her mother again, shaking her head as she thinks of all the backhanded comments and opinions she hadn’t asked for. Her phone rings from her jeans pocket and she pulls it out, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion at the unknown number on the screen before she answers. 
“Hi, this is Caitlyn calling from Carine’s Bridal Atelier, is this Emily?”
“Oh, Caitlyn, hi,” she says, “Yes, it’s Emily. Is the dress back from the seamstress?” 
“No,” Caitlyn replies, sounding uneasy, “I wanted to check something with you. Your mother just called…and she tried to cancel your order.” 
Emily chokes on a disbelieving laugh as she shakes her head, “She…she did what?” 
“She called and said you’d changed your mind, but I remember you saying when you were here with your bridesmaids and your little boy that your mom was a bit difficult,” Caitlyn says, clearly trying her best to remain professional, “So I thought I’d call.” 
Emily clenches her teeth, fury making her chest tight, any relaxation she’d found since she got home long gone.
“Thank you, I appreciate that,” she says, swallowing thickly, flashing a look at Aaron as he walks back into the room, a curious expression on his face, “I don’t want to cancel anything.”
“Okay, thank you. I’ll call again to let you know when the dress is back from its adjustments so you can have your final fitting.” 
“Thank you,” Emily says, placing her hand on Aaron’s leg as he sits next to her. She exchanges goodbyes with Caitlyn and shakes her head as she hangs up the call, letting her phone fall to the couch next to her, “She is unbelievable.” 
“What’s happened, sweetheart?” 
She scoffs as she turns to look at him, “My mother tried to cancel my wedding dress.” 
It takes a moment for her words to register, and once they do he swears that he feels his body vibrate with anger. 
“She did what?”
He’d been worried about Emily all day. 
She hadn’t quite been acting herself, a slight shift in her behaviour that he doubts anyone else has noticed, a vulnerability she’d only let him see. 
He waits until they are back in their hotel room that evening to bring it up, well aware that she wouldn’t appreciate him bringing it up in front of the team, the two of them snuggled up together in bed. 
He runs his hand up and down her back, his lips against her forehead as she sighs against him, a slight melancholy to it that makes him ache. 
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” He asks, not missing how she tenses against him, or the way she grips at his t-shirt whilst she tightens her hold on him, her arm and her leg thrown over him as she twists around him like a vine. 
“I…you know I got a call earlier?” She asks as she tilts her head to look up at him, her eyes shining as she bites her lower lip. He nods in confirmation, remembering that her behaviour shift had started after the call she took in the middle of the team delivering the profile, “It was my mother.” 
Aaron’s reaction is immediate, his grip on her tightening as he thinks of Elizabeth and chastises himself not for figuring it out earlier. Her mother was the only person who could get to her like that, the only one who could sneak through the cracks of the armour she’d built around her by hand. Things had only been more tense since the incident with the wedding dress a couple of months previously, and he’d come closer than he ever had to breaking his promise to his fiancee. The need to simply shake Elizabeth and ask her what she was doing almost overwhelming at times.
“What did she say?” He asks, pleased that he’s able to keep his voice even, his irritation not bleeding into it, her need for his love and care more important than his own anger. 
“She…” she trails off and clears her throat, shaking her head, “She said she can’t make it to the wedding.” 
Whatever Aaron had expected her to say, it hadn’t been that. His eyes go wide and his mouth falls open, words not forming as he watches tears gather in Emily’s eyes, her frustration and disappointment finally coming to the forefront. 
“What?” He asks, his hand stills on her back when he finally finds his voice, “Why?” 
She chokes on a laugh and shakes her head, her lower lip trembling with the force of the emotions she was trying to suppress. 
“Work,” she says, laughing humourlessly again, “Apparently it’s an assignment that’s too important to pass up. Even though her only child is getting married,” she shakes her head and blows out a shaky breath, “I asked if she could come back just for the weekend but she said no,” she closes her eyes and a tear escapes, landing on his t-shirt as it falls from her face, “I’m getting married in a month and my mom won’t be there. I know our relationship isn’t typical but…” 
He leans in and kisses her forehead, “She’s still your mom.” 
“Yeah,” she breathes out, “She’s still my mom.” 
He cups the back of her head and encourages him to look at her, his thumb catching a tear as he moves his hand to her cheek, “Want me to talk to her?” 
She smiles shakily at him and shakes her head, “No,” she says, reaching up and pushing his hair from his forehead, “I love you for wanting to, but it’s okay. Well…it’s not okay, but talking to her about it won’t help whether it’s me or you.” 
He nods, kissing her before he pulls her into a hug, smiling softly as presses her face into his neck, “Okay, sweetheart. If that’s what you want.” 
“I’d never miss our kids' weddings,” she says, clearing her throat, “Jack…or whoever else might come along,” she adds, the hope that filled her chest every time they spoke about having a baby warming her from the inside out, “I’d be there no matter what.” 
“I know you would,” he assures her, “You’re an excellent mother, Em.” 
Despite her lingering sadness, the sense of rejection simmering in her belly because her mother had chosen her job over her again, she can’t help but smile. The certainty in his voice the best compliment she could ask for. 
“Love you,” she says, pressing a kiss to his neck.
“Love you too,” he replies, rubbing circles on her back as she slowly falls asleep, the tension her mother had caused fading as she gets heavier against him. 
He stays awake for hours, unable to sleep as anger and irritation roll in his stomach, making him feel nauseous, as he wonders how far he can be pushed before he breaks his promise to the woman he loves. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
Join my tag list here!
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Greetings , any thoughts on this? I do think there are some contradictions in Daemon's actions so you could argue either side.
Another old ask and I'm gonna try and answer this as indulgently as possible for the sake of old man GRRM who really wants us to like Daemon. So there's a lot of (insufferable) narrative bias with which GRRM surrounds Daemon, while insisting that he is equal parts light and dark and whatever. IMO that may be true for the Daemon that lives inside GRRM's head, but when it comes to what he actually wrote on the page, things get a lot murkier.
Nevertheless, I do not think there was authorial intent into making Daemon an absolute monster, a sociopath, a sadist, a villain and a devil, like ChatGPT would say if you were to piss it off. But, in that vein, it would be a fair assessment to assert Daemon is a schemer. A plot hatcher. He can reasonably construct plans for the short and medium term. However, they are often foiled in some way. So he regroups and tries again. He can't get out of his first marriage, tries to take a second wife, is denied, so he kills Rhea and frees himself. He can't get Rhaenyra for his wife, so he marries Laena, the next best thing. He is denied as heir, so he marries Rhaenyra, the heir. If you listen to Ryan Condal, he can't be with his brother, so he gets together with his niece instead, etc.
However, I don't think Daemon is the best at long-term planning. He is not a Littlefinger/Varys type of character to sit pen-in-hand and painstakingly plan out an entire plot spanning years and years, carefully moving each piece on the board at the opportune moment, constantly calculating several scenarios playing out. He truly is an agent of chaos. He's more come-as-you-are, take-it-as-it-goes, more of an improviser.
It's also important to note that in the books, Daemon is linked to 4 ? different murders: Rhea, the son of the Sealord of Braavos, Harwin and Laenor. They had him outright murder Rhea in the show, but I hear people contesting this for the books. I wouldn't bet all my money on it. Yes, he is fighting in the Stepstones when Rhea dies, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have hired an assassin. I say this because he is fighting in a literal war, his own war, and he drops everything to rush to the Vale to claim Rhea's inheritance, an act so outright rude that Lady Jeyne has to literally kick him out of the Vale. Now, this is a woman he deeply dislikes, whom he hasn't seen in ages. I am not buying this whole idea that he came to Runestone to arrange her funeral. Rhea has her own family for that, she doesn't need Daemon. News also doesn't travel instantly in Westeros, so somehow Daemon got to the Vale just in time for Lady Jeyne to still be settling the Royce succession. It's at least a little fishy.
The son of the Sealord of Braavos he openly kills in a duel for Laena's hand. With Harwin and Laenor's deaths he is linked. Now, I'm not even saying the author necessarily intended for Daemon to be responsible for all of these people's deaths, but it's very suspicious that all these events are so convenient for Daemon and he profits so much off them. So, I definitely think it was authorial intent for us to become aware this is a dangerous person, an ambitious character, and most likely even a ruthless one, who will go all the way if he needs to. I really, really don't think we were supposed to look at this context and conclude Daemon is a poor misunderstood malewife, done dirty by historians.
Perhaps Daemon's PR image in the fandom would have been different had he outright killed Laenor, instead of becoming the most unlikely gay rights activist. But his stans' insistence that Jace, Luke and Joffrey would be 100% safe in Daemon's hands and not even take this possibility into account is absurd.
I'm not of the belief that Daemon was plotting to have them murdered since they were babes at Rhaenyra's breast or even ever since he married her. But does he really have to? I do believe that he does love Rhaenyra as much as he understands love and wouldn't outright do something as awful until he absolutely had to or at least he would try to postpone it. A lot of things can happen until Rhaenyra ascends, that he might not even have to get his hands dirty in the first place. Her bastards might get outed somehow. They might die somehow, without Daemon's intervention. Rhaenyra herself might die in childbed or by disease. Daemon might die, in which case he doesn't have to worry himself further. Maybe Daemon and Rhaenyra only have girl children, etc. As it happened, the war killed off the Strong boys and Daemon didn't even have to do anything.
However, if Rhaenyra were crowned and they came to the problem of her heir - I think this is the time Daemon might start plotting. They've had their honeymoon holiday period, but I very much doubt Daemon would sit idle while a bastard takes the throne away from his firstborn, who just so happens to be Rhaenyra's actual legal heir. Now, I think murder would be a last resort for Daemon, but I don't think he'd shy away from it, though I could see him trying to subversively work behind the scenes to create unrest at the idea of the Strong boys being in the line of succession as obvious bastards. Rhaenyra could somehow be forced by the political situation to disinherit them and name Aegon the Younger heir. Problem solved. If not, well, accidents can happen. Assassins can be hired. Luke, for example, would be in Driftmark surrounded by Velaryon "cousins" who have every reason to hate his guts. Maybe he falls down the stairs one day. Maybe a combination of all of these things.
This doesn't preclude Daemon for feeling regret for his actions, but he has already done many things he would regret later (like his fights with Viserys, his many exiles), but still went through with them because, in his head, he believed he was doing the right thing. And putting a pure, legitimate Targaryen prince on the throne would definitely feel like doing the right thing to Daemon.
Also? He could still kill those three and feel sorry afterwards! Those things are not mutually exclusive. And it would fall into the whole conflict of the human heart, because he would be doing it for his own son. The motive is there and it's very alluring.
There's also the argument that he wouldn't need to, because his blood would already be on the throne, with Baela as Queen. But being the Queen's father isn't the same as being the King's father. And!! He could be both! What's to say he couldn't marry Baela to Aegon III? Baela was born in 116 AC and Aegon in 120 AC - there's a 4 year age difference between them in the books.
So to address the points in that tweet:
"brother legitimize lucerys claim to the driftmark throne" - It would look mighty strange if, at that point in time, he wouldn't be supporting his own wife in hiding her sons' illegitimacy from the world. 🤷‍♀️ Luke is, honestly, the easiest target. By all means, let him rule over Driftmark and let his Velaryon "relatives" assassinate him themselves. Daemon doesn't even have to lift a finger for this one.
"an eye for an eye, a son for a son. lucerys shall be avenged." + k words toddlers for lucerys - This honestly feeds into Daemon's disposition towards cruelty more than anything. If he were truly seeking retributive justice, he would have targeted Aemond, Luke's actual killer. Anything else is not justice, regardless of how Daemon tries to paint it. Not to mention that the actual retribution was way disproportionate to the crime.
k words aemond - But Aemond wasn't killed for Luke, that's the whole point, that's what makes B&C so atrocious and evil. By that time, Aemond was a military threat for the blacks that Daemon was neutralizing. To think that Daemon went to God's Eye set on avenging Luke yet again (even though he had already done that once, inordinately, too?) is a spurious reading.
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frociaggine · 1 year
In your grievance post you mentioned that jamies dad wouldnt be around until u15s at least but then in the show jamie says his dad took him to amsterdam when he was 14 and also said it like he was trying to get back with his mom AGAIN like it wasnt the first time james had been round and it would have to be long enough for georgie to trust him to take jamie to another country right? So to me it seems like james was around at least since jamie was 12 ish, like young teens. Whats your interpretation of it?
Ok I DO have thoughts about this! I left them out of the original post because they verge more into implications / hcs territory rather than what's actually on screen, but here it goes.
My tldr is that I strongly believe James showing up when Jamie was 14 was about Georgie. James taking an interest in Jamie's career happened later.
On James's investment in Jamie's career
Jamie said that his dad started showing around when he started to get "good at football". Yes, Jamie at 12 was very good, good enough to get scouted, but I can't think it would be enough for James to care. SO many kids are scouted and only a small percentage actually make it, and Jamie at 12 was, statistically, way more likely to be dropped within a couple of years than to get a pro contract, especially a pro contract with City (which, again, is THE thing James really cares about)
James wouldn't have bothered with a 12-year-old kid. It would've given him no bragging rights, he couldn't have used it for clout with his hooligan mates. No way.
Re: the U15 thing, I actually meant to type U16, so thanks for pointing it out! I put that as "at the earliest" because that's the earliest Jamie could've been called to represent England at a youth level (which he probably was, as a youth player from a top-flight academy) and was probably one of his first career milestones. But actually, personally, I truly believe James wasn't especially invested until Jamie was closer to 16, aka when he was about to sign his first pro contract and move to the City Academy squad (U18). Old enough to take to the club and have some pull to get James into the FCA campus and all that.
Because, again, James mostly cares about City, and he cares about what his son playing for City means for him in terms of access and bragging rights. Plenty of youth players who start out at the City Academy get cut and end up moving to other clubs, even if they do make it to the senior team eventually. A son playing on the academy team at Everton or whatever wouldn't really be a top concern for James. I'm sure he brought up his son who "is so good, he could end up going pro" over the years, but like hell he was showing up every week and giving career advice.
2. On the Amsterdam trip
From everything we've seen about Georgie, she's fiercely protective of Jamie and has 0 patience for her son's dad. We also know she's married, and Simon has been around for a while, at least since Jamie was in his mid-teens and still lived at home. We also know that James was "trying to get back together" with Georgie when Jamie was 14, and that he "tried to act like the dad of the year."
I doubt that 14yo Jamie knew what James was like. I doubt Georgie would've let the trip happen if she had any firsthand knowledge of James being a dick to her son. I feel very strongly that the Amsterdam trip happened because Jamie begged for it. And I think it was one of the first times Jamie truly interacted with his dad, and he had no reason to know it would turn out like it did.
So, personally, I read this as: Georgie got engaged, or got serious with Simon. James, who's totally the type to think he has a claim on a woman he knocked up fifteen years prior then dumped shortly after, swept back into her life in full force, and tried to win her back by using their son. Buying him gifts, bonding trips, talking about football, doing cool grown-up stuff with him — and teenage Jamie was naive enough to his father's shit that he was happy to go along with it and probably made a scene if Georgie dared to suggest they shouldn't go. Textbook toxic ex shit.
I'm sure the "dad of the year" shit included attending Jamie's youth matches and hyping up his skills, especially as we know that Georgie got Jamie into football and probably went to his matches. But I doubt James's investment was anything like the intense, toxic backseat coaching James took up later, and I'm sure it didn't last after Georgie told him to fuck off. Because there's no way Georgie wouldn't have picked up that the trip had been a disappointment, even missing the details, and I bet that after that happened James went back from showing up every few months for the next couple of years.
^ All of this is absolutely headcanon territory and I get why other people may interpret canon as "James was around regularly in Jamie's life from 14 onwards at least." But (TO ME!) this is a more logical extrapolation of what we see in the show than believing that someone like James was present in Jamie's life since he first got scouted.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Signed up for drac daily but don’t understand what’s happening can you give a short explanation of the plot/who the characters are so I’m caught up
No need to apologize, I'm happy to help! Welcome to the book club, however long your stay may be :). I know you asked for a short summary but also there's been a fair amount of things that happened so I'm doing my best!
My explanation ended up being about 800 words, so I'm putting it under a cut! But it's all in one place and shorter than reading all the entries. I think I touched on the important things that get us to where we are today, so I hope that helps! If there's anything else you need/want explained or any of this is confusing, just let me know and I'll try to clear it up :)
So the story starts with Jonathan Harker, who is a lawyer/solicitor kind of person, who is going to visit Dracula in his castle to do some business with him because Dracula's buying a house in London. When he first arrives the locals are a little off and begging him not to go. Jonathan ignores this and goes to the castle; he and Dracula get along at first, but he starts to discover things aren't as they seem and Dracula has trapped him there, though it's unclear why. Dracula pretends to be normal, but as time passes while Jonathan is stuck in the castle more and more strange things start to happen, like Dracula crawling on the walls and the three beautiful women enchanting him from a forbidden part of the castle.
He's stuck for like a month or two there and frequently talks of his fiance, Mina, who I'll get to in a moment. He forces Jonathan to write letters to people saying he's staying longer and that he's fine. Dracula has also bought his house in London, leaves to go there, and now that Jonathan's alone he escapes and we don't hear from him for a while.
The story then switches to Mina Murray (his fiance) and Lucy Westerna (young woman with blossoming love life). They're friends and staying with each other going about life, Mina worrying about Jonathan and Lucy's love life starting. In one day, Lucy gets three proposals. One from Dr. Jack Seward, who is a doctor at an insane asylum, one from Quincy Morris, who is a cowboy, and one from Arthur, who is a Lord's son. She says yes to Arthur.
Seward goes on with his life documenting working with a specific patient in the asylum who has a fascination with consuming life (he eats spiders, birds, things like that). This patient's name is Renfield and he's connected to Dracula in some way
At this time, we also get a bit of story from the Captain of a ship, the Demeter, a ship transporting boxes of dirt. Dracula's on this ship. In the Captain's brief updates all the crew start to mysteriously vanish as days go by until there's only him left, and then in a newspaper report as the ship drifts into a harbor a few days later he's also dead. This is how Dracula gets to London and he escapes the ship as a dog
The part of the story with this host of characters takes a turn for the worst when Lucy's sleepwalking worsens and she starts appearing sick. There are wounds on her throat and she's often pale and out of breath. Mina looks after her the best she can, but at this point it's discovered that Jonathan's okay! He's recovering someplace from his ordeal, and so Mina goes to him at once. The lovers are reunited and get married, but that leaves Lucy without anyone to look after her.
She gets worse and worse until Seward, a doctor, is called to see her because Arthur (her now fiance) is worried. Seward decides that he's gonna need some help, so he calls in Dr. Van Helsing, who has been described as the character who knows he's in Dracula. He's got multiple PhDs and seems to suspect vampires from the beginning, but doesn't say the word for a while.
This starts a period of time where Lucy slowly and agonizingly declines in health for reasons no one can really tell, requiring multiple blood transfusions to keep her alive. People stay with her through the night to watch her, because when they leave her she's always worse in the mornings. They cover her room in wild garlic flowers, too, but her well-meaning mother (who is one shock away from death) sometimes messes with them.
Despite everyone's efforts and transfusions, Lucy dies. So does her mother when a wolf (controlled by Dracula) jumps through the window and shocks her. There's a funeral for both of them and everyone grieves, but the strange thing is Lucy doesn't look dead. She looks more alive than she did when she was dying.
At this point in time Mina and Jonathan have reunited and are back to their lives, Mina looking after Jonathan whose had a lapse in memory of the whole Dracula thing because he thinks he made it all up. But when they were first reunited he gave her his journal of the trip, and now she finally reads it and sees everything he's written about Dracula.
Since Van Helsing is suspicious of Lucy's situation, he's read through her own diary from before she died of the horrors she went through and saw Mina was mentioned with the sleepwalking things, so he reaches out to her and they connect and share information, both confirming with the other that Dracula is a monster and that he's in London.
At the same time, reports have started of children going missing and reappearing with wounds on their neck, and so Seward and Van Helsing (who finally clued Seward into what's happening) are watching her grave because she's Undead.
That's where we're up to now! Of course this isn't every detail of the story, but it's a general overview with enough detail you can kinda familiarize yourself with the characters. Again, I hope this helps but if there's anything else I can do just let me know!
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dollyllama108 · 2 years
‘80s High School AU (Part 36): Hot Tub but Not a Time Machine
It’s been a long day of giving up, and Fujiang is exhausted. His muscles sign in relief as he sinks into the hot water. Liwei follows him soon after, having changed into a bold one-piece. Inexplicably, it is night, yet she wears both sunglasses and a sun hat.
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Fujiang sinks deeper into the hot spring. The only thing that would make this better is if Mortimer Goth decided he also wanted to take a dip at the same time as this married couple.
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Ah, there he is. Perfection.
When Liwei gets closer, Fujiang is able to read her expression under the sun safety gear. Something is off.
                             FUJIANG        What’s wrong, honey?
                               LIWEI                    (softly)        We need to get more involved in our teenage son’s sex life. He doesn’t know what he’s sitting on.
She refers, of course, to the family ass. Liwei is well aware that her rank wasn’t achieved by merit; her mother, and her mother before her, were each taught how to use this gift.
                               FUJIANG        So you think we should be teaching him good communication? Strong boundaries and conflict resolution skills, for healthy relationships?
Liwei does not respond. She’s remembering how her mother convinced that ambassador to buy her that second houseboat.
                             FUJIANG        So he can be in a healthy relationship, right?
Liwei snaps out of it. She looks across the hot spring to find Mortimer Goth staring at them.
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                             LIWEI        Look at this trip, Fujiang. Eh?
She gets more animated. Her hands fly all over as she illustrates her point.
                             LIWEI        He dates the son of a local celebrity, and still we have to pay for a resort. We should be staying in the house for free. If he knew what he was doing, this whole trip? Free. We shouldn’t have to pay a cent here. Hmm?
Fujiang, who lacks the family ass, struggles to relate to what Liwei is saying. But then it clicks.
                           FUJIANG        Didn’t this boy stand him up at prom?
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                             LIWEI                    (curtly, almost yelling)        Yes. Yes, he did. This is exactly what I’m talking about.
                           FUJIANG        Rude. Xiyuan shouldn’t stand for this.
                             LIWEI      We need to do something. We have to start teaching him better. Or else our son will grow up with no self-respect, letting men walk all over him. 
Fujiang is overcome with anger. The one thing that can cure it? An iced green tea. He goes upstairs to the vending machines.
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As it always does, the drink gets stuck. Fujiang calls on the power of his dad back hair to get it out.
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                         FUJIANG        Ehn!
Intro | Part 35 | Part 37
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fannationdaily · 4 months
You really haven't dated in over a decade? What's that like? I'm constantly in toxic relationships and ending relationships
Honestly good and sometimes lonely. Seeing all with dates ,married etc.. but my ex was a very bad man to say the least so it's good to be single. Being single especially for so long teaches you Alot about yourself and what you're looking for in a partner. What I'm looking for is rare these days unfortunately. I'm looking for that "fairy tale" love as many call it. The one you see in realistic and "over the top" movies. Like when's the last time a guy has opened a door for u? When's the last time a man chased and stopped u at the airport ? Whens the last time u fought and a man showed up with a radio above his head playing your song? Etc.. lol I was born in the wrong generation I think as I want that "old school" "traditional" "rare to find these days" etc.. love.
I'm so sorry toxic relationships are the worst I hope you have others in your life you can talk to as suffering alone is something I did with my ex it's honestly the worst. My advice is what I told my sister who goes from one toxic relationship to the next which is STAY SINGLE FOR A FEW MONTHS OR EVEN A YEAR AND GET TO KNOW YOURSELF and what u will never accept again and commit to that also SLOW DOWN like my sister is currently dating this guy who she has liked for years but didn't really know and within a week of getting her new apartment they[him and his son] moved in with her and she's realizing the guy she knew before isn't the same guy.. people change through the years. Get to know yourself,as weird as it sounds take yourself on a date.. go to a movie.. buy yourself flowers etc.. and most importantly know what you don't want in a relationship and stick to it. For example disrespect and ab*se is an absolute no for me. I'll never have a "man" again that thinks it's ok to put his hands on me to hurt me and disrespect me ever again and if that means I remain single my whole life so be it lol. Also find a man who shows you what you want in a man like my crush he showed me what respect from a man felt like. He showed me that not all men are bad . He showed me I have unrealistic romance ideas lol...blame movies for that 😅, he's shown me what realistic "perfect love" is in friendship and more, taught me love is terrifying yes but u don't have to be afraid of it, the bibles definition of love is the most accurate one we'll ever have and that is " Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth." , Real gentlemen still exist etc.. find a man even as a friend that shows you these things and more. Even as friends it's great to have this kind of love. But I advise against falling for a friend 😅 it's the most difficult thing ever then you're in the spot of do I tell them or just let it be and never say anything out of fear of losing them and getting rejected. I wish you the best of luck. 🤗
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princessroyal95 · 10 months
This is love (Charlotte Katakuri x Hirawashi Len) [English version]
Who can love a monster like Charlotte Katakuri? He is the son of Charlotte Linlin, known as Big Mom, and the question of the second eldest child in the family is who could love someone like him.
The idea of him falls apart when he meets a somewhat tsundere girl, but with a heart of gold that will make the commander fall in love.
Chapter XV
"Brulee should give up."
"But we've only been through one shop!"
Katakuri took the opportunity with his sister to look for the right wedding ring for Len. The shopkeeper showed them a few and the commander did not like them as they found them too expensive and he knew the girl too well for you to wear such gadgets. It was not much to wear precious stones on your fingers, not like your mother. Who said this would be easy? Not him, at least. He holds his hand to his temple trying to be calm.
They were already approaching the second shop and hopefully this time he might find something. Both brothers enter where silence reigns. One of the shop assistants sees them and gets nervous and goes towards them to attend to them.
"What a nice honour to have Big Mom's children in my shop. Would you like anything special?"
"We want to see the wedding rings," says Brûlée, surprising the salesman.
"Will any of you be getting married?"
"No," says Katakuri dryly, not wanting to give any information.
"All right, come with me."
The two of them approach the counter where they see the shop owner taking out boxes and boxes of rings. How did he have to get into this? Ah yes, because of his brothers and his stubbornness that he has to propose to Len. He sighs slightly not knowing what to really do. He wanted to be her husband, but he never thought that this would be too complicated.
None of them caught his attention. They were all expensive and ugly in her eyes. He was going to open his mouth to say that this is ridiculous and they were wasting their time. However, a ring caught his attention. It has three diamonds embedded in it that are not sharp, I would say fine as if they were simple buttons. And the material was pure gold. Katakuri takes it carefully to see it in detail. Will Len like it? Deep down he knows that he will because it is a simple object.
The salesman was a little nervous at Katakuri's presence. He knows very well what he is capable of and respects him for being one of the strongest commanders within the Big Mom crew. The ring stays in Katakuri's palm showing it to the shop owner.
"How much is this one worth?"
"Oh, that ring is very special." The man runs to get a book he has and starts looking for the page. "It's a ring that shows affection for the other person. It costs about a hundred thousand berries."
"What do you think, onii-chan?"
Katakuri liked the shape of the ring so he nodded his head.
"I will buy it."
While Len was walking around the city together with Pudding as the girl wanted to distract her while Katakuri goes looking for the ring. And poor Len was dying because her legs were shaking like a simple custard. 'When I see him, I will kill him', thought the girl trying to hide her walking. Pudding laughed softly at Len's misfortune. Her brother is not at all fond of what she has seen.
Oh yes, she knows that Katakuri is planning to tell Len to marry him as they are both attracted to each other. And that her brother was elected, but that Len prefers the commander to take the final step.
"Hey Len, what do you say we go downtown?"
"And why there?" she says reluctantly.
"Well, because there's more atmosphere than here."
"As you prefer."
'Sometimes I feel like killing her,' Pudding thought to herself with a murderous look on her face. Len was too uneasy, she felt that something was going to happen. She doesn't know what, but she has a bad feeling. She was already used to having that kind of feeling. She stretches out her arms already trying to get rid of it. She has to focus on the walk. And her sense of smell is heightened when she smells of chocolate. Without thinking, she runs to the shop.
It has been a long time since she ate that exquisite sweet. She spent days eating that hospital crap or the doughnuts the chefs have prepared for Katakuri and her. They did not dislike it, but she missed it. Her stomach was crying out to her to eat it. Pudding never left her side and she already knew the intentions. She sighed softly giving the girl the money to buy whatever she wanted.
Big mistake. He ordered like a big ration of chocolates. She almost dried up young Charlotte who was crying inside. Len was enjoying it like a child who didn't mind eating like a pig. She looked just like Katakuri when it came to food, especially if it was her favourite. From time to time, she would invite Pudding to what she politely refused. She prefers to remain beautiful than to eat that sweet.
Once you get to the central area of the city, you see that there are many people around and they were shouting in terror. What was going on? It is as if they were watching some show or something. The two girls decide to go there to see what was going on. The advantage that Len has is that she is small and can easily sneak in by subjecting Pudding to follow her. And already in the first rows they see him.
He was a boy who danced as if there was no tomorrow and even sang. People applauded him, seeing that he was doing well. Pudding blushed a little when she saw that blond man with green eyes who danced with elegance. The only one who wasn't surprised was Len who saw the boy looking like: what is this guy doing here?
"Ghechis, what the hell are you doing here?!"
"See? It wasn't so hard after all," says Brûlée, happy that Katakuri has already bought the ring.
"You know I'm indecisive about these things."
"But it didn't cost you." She pats her brother's chest to make him proud.
And it was true, Katakuri must feel proud of having made a great effort to find that. Now the question is where his future wife was. From what Brûlée told him she was walking with her sister Pudding as a distraction. But is he going to tell her about marrying her? He was not quite sure. He wanted to find the right moment to propose to her. He was already imagining what his life would be like with her and several children.
A blush, not visible to anyone's eyes, appears on his cheeks at that tender idea. He would pamper her all he wanted and she would do the same. He purrs for himself already wanting to have her forever. And his steps stop when he sees a crowd of people in the square. What was going on? The murmurs could be heard from his position and he comes a little closer together with Brûlée, and sees Len together with another boy.
Who the hell was he? And why was he dancing like that? It was making him nervous. And the worst thing of all is that it seems that Len knows that boy.
"Oh, mon amour!" What was missing, a foreigner. "I haven't seen you in a long time."
"What are you doing here?" Len definitely knows that boy.
"I heard about that bastard who sold you to Big Mom and I came to rescue you, mon amour."
"I told you not to call me that." She crosses her arms in annoyance.
"Oh, mon amour!" He comes over holding her hands. "I also want to ask you something." He puts his knees on the ground. "Will you marry me?"
Katakuri's eyes grow large when he hears that proposal. His heart pumps with strength and rage. How dare that wretch propose to her? Len, on his part, was calm; however, everything changed when the girl raised her fist and hit hard the face of Ghechis who was flying to the other side. People were surprised at the girl's brutality. It had been a long time since Katakuri had seen the girl like that.
"I've told you a thousand times that I'm not going to marry you, you bore!"
That man appears as if nothing had happened. It's as if he were already used to Len's blows.
"You and I are meant to be together."
"I'd rather marry a rooster than a lout like you."
"That hurt, mon amour."
"Don't fucking call me that!"
Brûlée was not understanding anything, but it seems that boy did not give up so easily in asking Len to marry him. Her biggest worry was Katakuri who didn't say anything. And when she turned her head to look at him she did not know whether to be afraid at that moment or what. The aura that Katakuri gave off was not good at all. It was a bad omen. And the people around him noticed that they even turned away in fear.
The commander walks over to where those two are to make them aware of her presence. How did that stranger dare to treat her as if she were his friend? What if he was the first to do so with her and became too obsessed? Many negative feelings were appearing in her being and were eating away at her. He came to Len's side under Ghechis' watchful eye. His face was astonished to see such a tall man.
He was saying, "Is he bothering you?" In his voice it was clear that he did not like the boy.
"No, he was just leaving."
"I can't leave without knowing that you will marry me." And then he started again.
"Do you want me to fucking shoot you?!"
Katakuri did not like the presence of Ghechis.
"You'd better leave if you don't want to be a dead man."
"What's this one about?"
"Have some respect, Ghechis. You are talking to one of Big Mom's sons and one of the fleet commanders," says Len about to say his name, but is interrupted.
"Charlotte Katakuri."
Ghechis's face was pure poetry as he heard that name which even his mouth was open with surprise.
"Now it makes all sense." Len raises her eyebrow not understanding. "You are cheating on me with him!"
'How can he be such an idiot,' she puts her hand to his face, trying to stay calm.
"Is there a problem with me?" Len didn't expect Katakuri to say that. She was going to scold him, however, her lips sealed when she saw that man with an aura somewhat unfamiliar to her.
"That you are taking my girl away from me."
"As if she was your property. She doesn't like you and doesn't want to see you here."
"You're nobody to send me orders!" He was losing patience with Katakuri. "I'm not leaving until Len says: 'I do'!"
"Ghechis! I'm telling you to respect him!" Len stands between those two. "And you relax!" referring to Katakuri.
"I'm not going to relax until this kind of thing goes away."
Everyone knows what Katakuri can do when someone takes him out on his own. Pudding and Brûlée watched in amazement as their older brother fought to stop them from taking Len away. He was their property and nobody else's. A fool like Ghechis was not man enough to marry Len. And Katakuri was. That's why he tried so hard to find that ring. And to get this clown to come, he was getting on his nerves.
Ghechis takes a step backwards as if about to attack what Katakuri puts in position. However, he doesn't attack but simply starts singing like never before almost gawking at the women who were in the square including Pudding and Brûlée. What was he doing? Was it some kind of devil's fruit?
Len, already tired of listening to that idiot, hits him again strongly, but this time with a kick forcing him to go back to the same direction as before. The young woman was getting angry.
"Stop singing, you fucking newt!"
"Newt?" Now it all makes sense to Katakuri.
"Oh, come on, you're a very tough woman, mon amour." The young man stands up, shaking his clothes.
"How do you know him?" Katakuri asks, already on a par with Len.
"From a trip that Lurke and the crew made and we happened to arrive at the Gyojin Islands. And that idiot hasn't stopped chasing me because he thinks I'm unique in the human species."
"Because of your superhuman strength?"
"That's right. That's why he's not so affected by my blows," she explains in detail.
"Please! Be my wife!" begged the newt kneeling before her.
"You're a pain in the ass!"
And so much so that he is a nuisance that even Katakuri wanted to blow him up. And why not? So Len would never see him. What if it was time to propose in front of everyone? Sure! It's a good idea. He goes in search of the ring that was kept in one of his pockets; however, his Haki activates warning him of the danger and in advance he was able to avoid Ghechis' attack perfectly.
The newt was surprised that Katakuri had reacted quite well to his attack. How did he do it? Besides, he was absent-minded. Actually, Katakuri never lets his guard down unless he is unwittingly absent-minded. But he never did. Ghechis continued to attack, he was not going to let an old man like that take away his only love. Katakuri raised his eyebrow as if wondering what the boy was up to, but he did not have to worry as his Haki.
However, Len stands between the two of them so that both fighters do not do anything crazy.
"Ghechis, I warn you! If you don't get out of here, I won't hesitate to send you away from Totto Land."
"I won't leave until you tell me you want to marry me."
The newt was not going to surrender so easily so it focused to make a definitive attack that would hit Katakuri hard. He inflates his whole body like a blowfish. The commander predicted it, he was going to make a water attack. Ghechis releases that attack with all his forces to launch it; however, Len comes back in the way by receiving the attack.
Pudding and Brûlée were open-mouthed that Len had received such a blow. She has some scratches on her body and that made Katakuri too angry that he was going to attack the boy. However, he stops suddenly when he feels a somewhat mysterious aura. He looks at Len and his eyes widen as he sees what he was seeing.
Slight blue marks appear on the girl's body. Her hair stands up as if there is a strange mystical force in her. And the sclera of her eyes begin to glow in the same tone as the marks. Len's face is hard as a rock as if she were really angry, but really. Ghechis begins to tremble and even falls to the ground. He saw this once before.
"Mon amour, wait!"
"I told you to go away! But you don't listen!" The drops of water that were on her body separate on the girl and join together, forming a big ball of liquid.
"Let's calm down, shall we?!" Fear has completely invaded him.
"I have no choice but to throw you out like this!" She puts her hands together making the accumulated water in her hands and points it at Ghechis. "Aqua Cion!"
She throws it with all her might hitting the newt and it flies out and this time it was coming out of Totto Land. That blow was too strong for anyone to bear. People were surprised at the mysterious strength of the girl. Who was more was Katakuri because he never saw that state in Len. He notices that those marks were pronounced by the area of her heart where that tattoo was. Does it have something to do with that mysterious force?
Len relaxes and returns to normal, kneeling on the floor with bated breath. That skill left her exhausted both body and mind. But at least one thing has been taken away from her. She looks at Katakuri who was standing, but started walking towards her to catch up. It was clear that the young woman's body was unresponsive so he carefully took her in his arms trying not to hurt her.
"What was that?" he asked intrigued.
"It's better not to know."
"I think I deserve to know, don't you?"
That's where Katakuri hit him. She knows the real reason why he hides his face. Will he have to tell her the truth? Len nods her head and looks around as if to tell her that this place is not the best place to tell it as there were many witnesses. The commander understands perfectly. He walks over to Brûlée to ask him to open a portal in one of the mirrors.
The girl does this by giving him access to the Mirror World so that they both leave as soon as possible and do not ask any questions. They take advantage of the occasion to leave and arrive at Katakuri's house where there would be more tranquillity. The funny thing is that they were already there, but not on the outside but on the inside. He walks to the room to leave Len in bed and he sits with her.
He was waiting for the girl to tell him the truth.
"My mother told me that I was special, that I was unique in the human species. She told me that every hundred years a warrior with strange powers appeared. Powers unique to the Devil's Fruit." She lowers her shirt a little, showing that tattoo. "Each warrior has his own tattoo marked on the area of the chest where the heart is."
"And you don't know the reason for a butterfly?"
"I don't know, really." She lies down on the big bed in surrender. "I only get into that state when I'm really pissed off." She raises her hands a little to look at them. "And by entering that state of spiritualism I can control all the elements in this world."
"Is there a limit?" Katakuri takes the opportunity to heal the young woman's wounds.
"Yes, you see me. Exhausted like a custard. I'll be like this for a long time, so you shouldn't worry."
"Does anyone else know?"
"Apart from Ghechis, Lurke and my friends know. And apart from you," he smiles sweetly at her and tries to caress her face. "You looked very cute when you were jealous."
"I wasn't, but it just bothered me that this guy asked you to marry him."
Len laughs at Katakuri's response. He didn't want to argue because he knows he was lying to her and didn't want to admit it. The commander doesn't want to lose her. She was his light, his hope. She was his everything. 'The ring', he remembered and didn't know if it was the right time to ask for it. But they were there alone, where no one could disturb them. He would like there to be witnesses. Maybe Len doesn't like it when there are too many people and neither does he.
He turns his back a little to Len, taking the box with the ring out of his pocket. It was now or never. He didn't want to lose it.
"Len I want to tell you something."
"Go ahead, I'm all ears."
"Since I met you, I didn't feel the need to be the chosen one as I am not a man who shows his feelings to anyone after what happened." He slowly turns around hiding that box in his hands. "But every time I met you, my curiosity increased wanting to know more about you." Little by little he shows his hands showing that little box. "You are young, strong with character and, moreover, beautiful in nature. Who would look at a monster like me?"
"You did it. You didn't see me afraid when you discovered my secret. And since then you have treated me with love, something I longed for for a long time.And I really don't want to lose you." It was the moment of truth. He opened the box showing that ring and Len's eyes grew bigger. "Hirawashi Len, will you marry me?"
It was a pain for Len to put up with Ghechis asking him to marry her. However, with Katakuri it is different. He has opened up to her by showing in himself those feelings that kept the commander alive. The young woman smiles slightly and, with all the effort of the world, approaches him to lower that scarf a little and give him a tender kiss that is reciprocated.
She finishes the kiss, but she doesn't leave him to look into his maroon eyes and say those words that Katakuri wanted to hear so much:
"Yes, I want to marry you Charlotte Katakuri."
Joy and illusion were shown on Katakuri's face that he did not believe what he heard. Len takes the ring to put it on herself while the commander takes the opportunity to embrace her like never before. The young woman still kept her smile, reciprocating that affection.
Finally, Katakuri found his angel. His better half. His life.
His partner.
Chapter XIV.
Chapter XVI.
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