mewwile · 6 months
Considering checking out Dungeon Meshi due to a recent post of yours. Maybe the manga too. Are you interested in sharing advice/opinions about the best way to get started?
Oooh yes! I'd say personally the best way is to start with the anime on Netflix (or by whatever Alternative Sites because fuck Netflix, tho I don't know any atm), which (the first season) ends on Thursday. Theyve done some cool stuff with some scenes that make them more impactful, and didn't have to cut too much out! Afterwards, I use (with adblockers ofc) mangadex as a website to read the manga. The names will be really weird at first and the genders of some later characters are obscure (ryoko kui loves unusual names that are a bit hard for translators to understand, and the official English translation took a while to be made and cement proper full names though eventually the scanlations line up) but it's such a good read!
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ashley-trashley · 2 months
You fucks finally won, I have started reading Dungeon Meshi.
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becominghistapestry · 3 months
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hex-catcher-jacket · 4 months
Finally checking out Mystery Dungeon Meshi and it's sooo good. I love the little speculative biology details in the Ultra Beasts they fight!!
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themslash · 10 months
i have... a cute little gifts problem. i'm a cute little gifts addict
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shalpilot · 6 months
okay, general list of different spellings I’ve seen in the dunmeshi fan translations
laios- has never been spelled differently in my experience. that’s bc ライオス is very easy to transliterate lol. (raiosu)
falin- farlin/farlyn were the most common! falin was actually a pretty unpopular/scrapped translation from my memory lol. i think her name is just ファリン (falin) though so. yeah it is the most literal one. i still like farlyn a little more though heehee.
now! their last name- now localized as “touden” was spelled “thorden” in the translation i read.
senshi- always been senshi. this is actually important for a small bit where Falin thinks his name is 戦士 (warrior), lol
marcille- surprisingly, she also had a few different spellings. it was really early in the fan translation so you don’t see a lot of people calling her anything other than marcille. it was like… marshille/marsille/marsil so not too different.
chilchuck- chilchack. i specifically remember a t/n saying they decided to go with chilchack over chilchuck LOL.
Thistle- Sissel. Thissel.
Shuro- THIS ONE IS SO FUNNY ACTUALLY. For a while in the translation I was reading Laios & co would call him “Sureau” WHICH. fuck makes later events so much better. I’m not sure how intentional it was on the translator’s part but it ended up working out if it wasn’t!
Other things:
-Tallmen got translated just as “human” before it became clear that it was the canon term for humans.
-I can’t remember exactly what name they chose, but one translator decided to localize Kensuke to something to sort of preserve the pun. For those who don’t know, naming a sword Kensuke is kinda like naming it “Sir Swordsington” lolol.
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gragam · 1 year
i hope the dungeon meshi english subs call them lyos marshil and chulchalk like how beastars had hal and rouis
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gwengolini · 5 months
Are the names in the Dungeon Meshi manga different than the anime? I haven't watched the anime but Laios is Lyos and Marcille is Marshil in my manga translation
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catboywizard · 5 months
so I started reading the dungeon meshi manga, and I’m curious if this is normal or just cause I’m using a somewhat shady website, but most of the characters names are spelled way differently than in the anime.
senshi is still senshi, but the others mentioned so far are lyos, farlyn, marshil, and chulchalk.
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toadallytadpole · 1 year
currently brainstorming for my DnD character for a new campaign I'm gonna be doing with some friends...
[DISCLAIMER!!! I have never really played DnD and also this is the first night I've done real planning for the character so things may be incorrect cuz I haven't finished my research... so if anything is majorly wrong plz feel free to lemme know cuz I def wanna know as much as I can!!]
my ideas so far:
• Water Genasi that's aesthetically based on the Wild Green Axolotl [which will include the type of darkish green/blue skin coloring Water Genasi can have, maybe some cool hair style that mimics the axolotl's external gills, and also maybe include some Mexican fashion cuz axolotls are native to Lake Xochimilco]
• possibly a druid or a cleric for their class? I was originally wanting to play as a cleric [but I was also originally thinking of playing as a dragonborn] but now I'm thinking the druid would match the Water Genasi better? But also my DM said he doesn't want much magic/sorcery in our campaign cuz of the storyline he's planned so I dunno how that'd work tbh... but we'll see what he says...
• I want their weapon to look kinda like a fishing hook to keep with the water theme, so I was thinking a sickle kinda weapon cuz it can have the same kinda shape and I can just make the sickle a giant fishing hook? But also another player said she wants to be the one with the sickle weapon so I dunno if I can convince her to be okay with me also having a sickle like weapon too? Again, we'll see what she says...
Anyways now I gotta ask y'all's opinion on some name ideas...
Thank you to those that read/suggest ideas or give me more info if I get anything wrong!!! Okie dokie, bye!!!
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ubercharge · 8 months
I started reading dunmeshi (almost done, the site I was reading on didn't have everything translated. stopped at chapter 70-something I think) and b r o what is going on with their NAMES?? reading fan translations means all of the main party and several side character have like 4 different possible names. Except for Senshi who is always Senshi. I've seen Elf Girl's name be Marshill, Marshal, and Marcille; The Short One has been called Chillchuck, Chilchak, ChullChalk... Imma just call him Chilly... Human Dude has been Laios, Laias, and Laius; his sister is usually either Falin or Farlyn but I've also seen Fallin, Fallyn, and Faylin. I do not know their last name, it's different every time I read it and my eyes just glaze over. I feel similarly about their friend "from the East" he's just "young master" to me because his name is an enigma. And the KING?? Derghal, Delgal, Dergil, Gerbil, Dingle, WHAT. To be clear, I AM enjoying it, but please do not ask me anyone's names none of these characters have names (except for Senshi)
unfortunately the official versions of the names weren't revealed until later on, so anyone doing a fan scan would've had to give their best guess based on the japanese names which is why the different names sound similar, but are spelled out differently :(
you can read the ehscans version on mangadex which is consistent until the official names were revealed and they changed it to match those, i prefer it to the official english TL which is kind of the experience of reading most official english TLs for manga and LNs
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thesmallestclown · 3 months
I love my little brother so much. He comes off as an asshole sometimes, and he can be quite mean. But he is the sweetest boy ever.
He has made me at least 6 things out of Lego.
Once he found out how much I love cats, he's been giving me a bunch of cat related things.
Countless cat stickers, a cat he made out of Lego, a coloured cat picture, and a cat pin
I don't think he knows what I am, but he knows I'm some flavour of queer because he sees my pride flag. And despite my father being a homophobic asshole, he has been incredibly supportive. Even though he doesn't know what I am.
He has given me at least 5 pride pins, and many of the things he's given me have been rainbow themed. He made me a little rainbow flag, too. Rainbow bracelets, a eqinbow necklace. He is so awesome. I love him.
I might gather some stuff up and show some pictures later, but for now, enjoy the cat he made me :3
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shaevilux · 1 year
I'm really fucking behind but here's the day 1 story for #yeehawgust
I'm literally making the story up as it goes along but I really wanted to do a wizard western. I'm scampering to catch up
Gather the Posse
The sign above the Marshall's office had been defaced. It now read 'Marshill' in glowing, animated letters that even emanated a recording of a conversation the marshall seemingly had in private with a nearby cattle baron. About business dealings he should not be able to afford. As he stood outside on the street and glared quietly at it, the sheriff stepped up behind him.
"Marshall Willems..." He started.
"It's a lie. A fabrication. That may be my voice, sheriff. But I never said those things." Willems grumbled.
"Be that as it may, Marshall. That sign still needs to be taken down. We'll need her help." The sheriff had his hands on his hips as he looked up at the sign.
The two men stared quietly at it as they felt the eyes of the townsfolk on them.
"When did it happen? Did no one see it?" The marshall asked.
"Well, it could've been a delayed effect, see. They might have come in in the wee hours, did their modifications, and then set it so that the effect takes place after a set time." The sheriff theorised.
"I don't know, Bill. Ah, hell. Get her, then. But keep her out of my sight. I'll be in the saloon." Willems grumbled, and walked off.
The sheriff sighed, looking at the marshall walking away with his slight limp. He then looked back at the sign, and shook his head.
"Boomika." The knock on the door was urgent, and the witch closed her book. She recognised the voice, and the hard rapping. Billy.
She got up and crossed the threshold to the door and opened it.
"Boomika, I—What on god's—" the sherif barely got his words out before Boomika pulled him inside of her hut.
"Whoa!" He shouted as he stumbled in.
"You're marked, Billy." She explained, her hands caressing his face, pushing it this way and that as she pulled his brow up to get a better look into his eyes.
"Marked? What?"
"It's not an easy task. Who have you been with?"
"My wife. And no one else. And get your hands off of me, woman." He shook her away and took a step back.
"Apologies. It is not often I see magic not my own around these parts."
"Yeah... That's why I'm here. The marshall..."
"Imbecile of a man. What of him?"
"Well, err... We think some teenagers are trying to mess with him. Tarnish his reputation."
"That needs no tarnishing."
"Come on, Boomika."
"And he needs my help to deal with teenagers?"
"Well, one of them is magically inclined, you see."
"Ah, so that's why needs of me."
"It's... It's his daughter." Bill said, after a pause.
Boomika turned around, her robes swaying slowly as if affected by a directionless breeze.
"Do tell." She said, not bothering to hide her glee.
"Now, come now, Boomika—"
"Why is this the first I'm hearing of his daughter being 'magically inclined?'"
"You know why." The sheriff sighed, quietly.
"Forgive me, I don't. She went back to her book, opened it to her page, bookmarked it and closed it again.
"Look, it doesn't matter. She's being imprudent. She has some resentment for her father but her antics are getting out of hand."
"The magic mark on you is crude, but effective nonetheless. Where did she train?"
"Her witchcraft."
"She did not. Listen, can we retrace our conversation to the beginning? The marshall—"
"Is the least of my worries. Where is the girl?"
"That's the least of your worries. We need your help to 'demagic' the sign she vandalized."
"What did she do to the sign?" Boomika asked, sauntering to her fireplace, stoking the flames that seemed to recoil at her touch.
"Animated it, gave it some kind of audio relaying capability. It glows now, as well."
"What does it say?"
Boomika chortled, "I like her."
"I don't like that you like her. Can you come down and fix it? The people are uneasy."
"Those are some complex spells to line up the way she did. I'm guessing the effect was delayed. And any who witnessed it up close were to be marked? Fascinating." She ignored him completely, thinking aloud.
"What does this mark do?" Bill asked, touching his face where she had touched it.
"Just lets the caster know where exactly you are until the effect is over."
"Did... Did you dispel it? Just now? When you were molesting my face?" Bill asked.
"Did you want me to?"
"Yes! Yes, please!" Bill balked.
Boomika twirled her fingers and said some words under her breath, and Bill felt a cool breeze wash over him.
"Done. And she did this with no training, you say? That's impossible. She has been trained somehow."
"That is fascinating. Will you come?" Bill was getting impatient.
"Oh, that is hardly appropriate."
"What? Oh!" Bill went red, and Boomika laughed at his expression.
"Do not joke that way, woman. It is very unbecoming. I am a married man."
"You look pretty when you blush."
She felt the eyes at the windows as she approached the Marshall's building. She could hear his voice echoing through the mostly empty streets. Not his voice, she realised. It was a very convincing facsimile. The words, the cadence, it all seemed like something that was truly spoken. A recorded conversation.
But it was not. The marshall had not said those things. Or even if he did, the sound playing now was not the same conversation he had.
No matter.
She stopped in front of the sign and took the magic in.
No doubt about it. The girl was a proper mage.
"You sure it's her? The daughter?" She asked Bill, who stood a few paces behind her. He did not get too close to her out in public.
"Well, besides you and her, no one else around these parts have any shred of the arcane in their veins." He drawled.
She waved her hand at the sign, almost dismissive, and the echoing voice disappeared. And the glowing letters faded, and the letters stopped dancing.
The 'I', however, remained.
"It still says Marshill." Bill pointed out.
"That I can't do much about. You need to cut a new wooden 'A' and put it up there." She lied.
"Uh huh." Billy was not buying it, but he did not press further.
"How is your wife? Still barren?" She asked.
"Alright, then. See you around, Boomika." He said through gritted teeth before turning to leave.
"I apologize. But I do have a potion for that. I meant to say that first."
"We don't need your potions." He did not look back.
"Sorry! You know how I am with words! And please, do continue to visit! I'll have a batch in stock just for you!" She called after him. Billy did not reply.
She truly had not meant to offend. She liked the man. He was the only one who did not fear her like the rest. And for that she was grateful, and wanted to aid him in the ways she could.
She looked at the saloon, and decided to get a drink.
The townsfolk did not take too kindly to her ilk, that much she knew. But they also knew she liked to ruffle feathers.
So, she sauntered on over.
The batwing doors swung open and the conversations came to a stop as the patrons took a look at who entered the building. Boomika continued walking, and the eyes followed her as she stepped up to the bar.
"Your strongest." She said.
The bartender grunted, and went to fetch a glass.
She turned and looked around the bar, and now that she was the one doing the looking, no one would meet her eyes.
No one but the marshall, who held her gaze with a slight frown.
She magicked a hat on to her head, and heard some of the patrons gasp. She then tipped this magicked hat towards the marshall, who rolled his eyes, stood up and came over.
"Don't use that vile witchcraft in a place of public like this." He said, quietly.
"It is a harmless—"
"No magic is harmless. Thank you. For fixing the sign. You did fix it?"
"I dispelled the magic as I was asked to."
"Thank you. Enjoy your drink." He said, sitting down on the stool beside her.
"How is your daughter?" She asked.
"So, you've known?"
"No. Your sheriff only spoke of her arcane prowess today."
"Someone's been teaching her."
"That's what I'm saying."
The marshall looked at Boomika, his eyes searching, his lips pursed as if stopping the words that wanted escape.
"You don't need to ask me yourself." She said, turning away.
"Send the sheriff, as you always do. Send him to me and ask him to tell me to find your daughter." She said, draining her glass.
"How dare— No. I'm riding at dawn. With Susie. We're both going to find her. I was about to ask for your help. But—"
"Who's Susie?"
"The naturalist from Washington."
"She offered to help. She's a learned woman. Apparently a good tracker."
"And who will protect the town when we're away? Every town needs a—"
"We? You're not coming."
"You just said you wanted my help."
"No, I said I was about to ASK for your help. But—"
"Who'll be protecting the town while we're away?"
"What? Billy will."
"Billy doesn't know magic."
"He doesn't need magic. He has a gun."
"Billy should come with us."
"Billy and I are the only two lawmen in this town. We can't both leave."
"What about Bowlegged Bill?" She asked, looking to the stout man who sat with his peers at a far table, seeming to strain his ears to catch the conversation happening between the witch and the marshall.
"What about him?"
"He used to be a deputy in some other town, didn't he?"
The marshall looked over as well, and Bowlegged Bill's curiosity got the better of him. He stood up and walked over to the two of them.
"Heard ya both say my name. Anything I can—"
"How long were you a deputy, Bill?" Willems asked.
"Deputy? Back at Redford? Years. Close to a decade."
"State still recognise ya as one?"
"Sure does. I maintain it. Though, I don't much care for the duties. Living a much quieter life now."
"Can you hold down the fort. For a day or so. The sheriff and I... My daughter, you see." The marshall was trying to formulate the words, but Bowlegged Bill put his hand on Willem's shoulder.
"We can hold the fort, marshall. Go find your daughter. And witch, if you so much as—"
Boomika laughed, cutting him off.
"Are you married, Bill?" She asked.
"Before you threaten me, reflect on why you aren't." She said, standing up and adjusting her robes.
"Four of us, then?" She asked the marshall.
"Yep. We ride at dawn." He said, sighing.
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mahou-shougiogio · 1 year
Marcille's name in chapter 1 is Marshil. I was like, Marshal .......
MARSHIL........I forgot they did our girl so dirty in the early chapters 😭😭😭😭 how're u enjoying it??
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king-dra · 1 year
gave in and started reading dungeon meshi tonight, but the translation im reading translated marcille's name as marshil and its really bugging me
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themslash · 1 year
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omg i got my dunmesh volumes out for reading practice but i forgor that disgusted marshil is in this one
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