#marta cabrera fluff
jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
Hey, I hope you are having a wonderful day/week! I really don't know if I am doing this right since this is the first time I ever request something. I read some of your stories and I really liked them. I was wondering if you could right a fluff from Marta Cabrera x female reader (an author if that's okay), maybe after the events from Knives Out, there isn't enough content from her. She is so precious! If you can't that's alright too. Lots of love!
Always and Forever
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Marta Cabrera x GN!Reader
Summary: Marta Cabrera is the woman for you.
Warnings: Mentions of murder, mentions of smut, L-bomb, otherwise just fluff!
Word Count: 972
A/N: I'm baaaack! Enjoy this fluffy fic to mark my return.
navigation misc. masterlist
Harlan Thrombey was your mentor, Go partner, and close confidant. You were an aspiring mystery writer, and he took you in and taught you his secret and wonderful ways with words. He helped you through some of the toughest times of your life, and quickly became something of a father figure to you. Because of this, you grew closer to the Thrombey family.
Over time, Harlan grew older, and he hired Marta Cabrera to assist him. At first, you weren’t a huge fan of hers. She became one of his Go partners, he would confide in her, and they became very close friends. You felt jealous, missing the times when it was just you and Harlan. Soon though, she grew on you just as she had on the rest of the Thrombeys.
Soon you realized that you had developed feelings for her. Not knowing what to do, you went to Meg for help. With her assistance, you awkwardly asked Marta out. She thankfully said yes, and you took her on a wonderful date. That was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. 
You two were in love, it was clear to see, but it wasn’t without it’s hardships. You struggled when Harlan passed, but you were quick to reassure your girlfriend that you didn’t blame her at all. You helped her to fool Detective Benoit, and stuck by her side throughout the entire ordeal.
You were there for her at the will reading, and when the Thrombeys got violent, you turned against your found family and held them off while Ransom drove Marta away. 
Not trusting Ransom, as you had known him for years and you knew what he was like, you were quick to join her when they were headed to the DNA Lab. Seeing that it was on fire, the three of you fled, leading to the dumbest car chase in the history of car chases.
Finally, you and Marta discovered Fran in the abandoned shop, and called 911 to attempt to save her. Detective Blanc soon collected the two of you, and brought you to the hospital, and then the Thrombey house. 
Knowing that Marta was going to confess, you stood close by her so that you could protect her from anybody who would try to attack her. As she was about to begin, Blanc interrupted her and then pulled her away.
You quickly followed after them. When you heard Marta lie about Fran’s survival, you were quick to call her bluff silently. You could always tell when your girlfriend was lying, even when she didn’t puke right away. 
Upon hearing the confession of Ransom, you knew he would attempt to go out with a bang. When Marta puked in his face, you were quick to push her out of the way as you saw him go to lunch for a knife. 
Ending up on the floor with him on top of you, you let out a massive sigh of relief, feeling that the knife was a trick. Sort of like Harlan’s final punishment for the now imprisoned Drysdale. It was only fair.
Two months after the whole ordeal, you, Marta, and Marta’s mother and sister were comfortably moved into the former Thrombey house. With how much time you spent there, it already felt like it was your home, so it was only fit that your girlfriend owned it.
Waking up one morning, you see that Marta isn’t in bed with you. You begin to search around the large house for her, finally finding her out on the balcony that overlooks a fair amount of the property. 
Coming up behind her, you wrap your arms around her much smaller body. You feel her lean back into you, and the sensation makes you realize that you wouldn’t want to ever be anywhere but here, with your girlfriend in your arms, staring out over her beautiful land.
“Hey, sweetheart. What’re you doing up?” She asks you softly. You grin at the pet name, never getting over the butterflies that explode when she calls you it. You press soft kisses to her hickey covered neck, a product of the many long nights before. 
“I could ask you the same, love. Couldn’t sleep?” She shudders lightly, your morning voice always having some kind of affect on her. 
She shakes her head. You snuggle back into her before realizing what you have to do. You quickly tell her to stay where she is, then you run inside and grab the little black velvet box that you have been waiting to present to her.
When you come back, you have it hidden behind your back. Marta looks at you, confused. You smile at her before getting down on one knee. She gasps.
“Marta, I didn’t like you very much when I first met you. I thought you were stealing Harlan’s attention away from me. Over time, you slowly won me over. You just have that ability. You help me write my books when I’m stuck, and you know exactly what to say when I’m nervous about a release. We have been through hell and back together, and I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. So, Marta Cabrera, would you make me the happiest person alive and marry me?”
By this point, tears are streaming down both of your cheeks. Marta quickly gasps out a yes, and you jump up and pull her into a passionate kiss. 
“Oh my god, I love you so much!” She breathes against your lips. You laugh before saying, “I love you too. Now, we have to go tell your mom and sister. Marta Y/L/N, I like the sound of that.”
Marta smacks you playfully while you walk off to go tell your families the wonderful news. You couldn’t wait to marry this wonderful woman before you.
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eva-knits12 · 4 months
Meeting Harlan
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Trigger warning: twin babies, Ransom Drysdale, multiple sclerosis, chronic illness, fluff
Summary: Harlan meets his great-grandchildren
The diaper bag was all packed with plenty of wipes, plenty of diapers, plenty of books, plenty of toys, and plenty of bottles with your pumped milk. You were sitting in the passenger's seat of the Lexus, peacefully napping. Harlan and Katherine were in their infant seats, peacefully sleeping. To say you were tired lately was an understatement. You were exhausted, and so was Ransom. Taking care of the twins was a 24/7 job, with thankless hours, thankless pay, and the days and nights were long. The twins slept for most of the time, but it seemed that every few hours, they needed a feeding, a change, or they just wanted to be held. You and Ransom couldn't be any happier, though.
Ransom was driving, and you were on your way to see Harlan. He wanted to meet his great grandchildren, and since it was a nice day that wasn't too hot or too cold, it was a nice day. It was Tuesday, and it was getting closer to the spring.
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"Marta, go make sure that the door is unlocked," said Harlan.
"Of course, Harlan," said Marta.
Marta unlocked the front door, and went into the kitchen to pull out the crudites, and she got out the charcuterie board. She got out some glasses, and made sure to have bottles of water in the fridge. She started the coffee, and checked the fridge to make sure that the cold cuts and the cheese was okay. She wasn't ready to set them out yet, so she set the bread out, and set out some plates.
Eventually, you and Ransom arrive at Harlan's house. He knocks, and Harlan opens the door.
Ransom brings in the Harlan and Katherine, and then he unloads you from the car, and puts you in your wheelchair. You get some exercise with the walker and the cane by getting up and walking around every once in a while. This is just easier.
"Oh, look at the twins. They are adorable!" says Harlan.
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Harlan and Katherine are in their nice, warm sleepers, and are still peacefully sleeping in their infant seats. Ransom wheels you into the house, and takes you to the living room.
You, Harlan, and Marta talk while Ransom brings in the twins. Ransom also has the diaper bag on his shoulder. Ransom takes off his camel coat to reveal that he is wearing his aran sweater, along with his pinstripe pants with his favorite loafers. You were wearing jeans and Ransom's old Harvard sweatshirt that he just can't get rid of. It's the only things you could find that haven't been spit up on. It seems that every other day, you and Ransom are doing laundry, and it feels like you just can't have enough clean clothes. Of course, the dogs did try to jump on Ransom, like they always do. Ransom has made it clear that he doesn't like dogs. He was also iffy about bringing the twins in, not knowing if they are allergic to pet dander. Marta and the maid Lois made it a point to make sure that every surface was vacuumed and that every surface was clean.
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"Harlan, this is amazing, thank you." you say.
"Anything for the mother of my great grandchildren", says Harlan.
Ransom was apprehensive, to say the least. The last time he had you over, the rest of the family pulled their usual stunts. After that, Harlan refused to have them over, but you and Ransom often came over every Sunday to make a day out of it. This is the first day in a while that you have been over to Harlan's. Ransom felt it wouldn't be good idea to drive out to rural MA to Harlan's house with a pregnant wife who also had multiple sclerosis. So, Marta often drove over to you and Ransom's house.
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"Are those the twins? They're so cute!" says Marta, who is looking at the twins in their infant seats.
After a while, Ransom brings the twins in, and gives them both to Harlan. Harlan holds the twins in both of his arms, and you take a picture. It's a nice moment between Harlan and the twins.
The one in the green sleeper is Harlan and the one in the pink sleeper with a matching headband is Katherine. Clever daddy. After a while, the twins cry, and Ransom goes to the diaper bag, fetches two bottles and Ransom and Harlan bottle feed the twins. You've fallen asleep again.
After a while, you wake up.
"What happened, Marta? Where are the twins?" you ask, with worry in your voice.
"The twins are fine. Ransom and Harlan are bottle feeding them right now," says Marta.
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"Why didn't you wake me?" you ask.
"Look, you're a new mother. You're still tired, and still adjusting to their schedule," says Marta.
"That's true," you say.
Marta brings out the charcuterie board, and you help yourself to some fruit, crackers, and some cheese. Eventually, Marta brings out the bread, the cold cuts, mustard, and mayo. She also lays out some chips, and gets some bottles of water.
"Ransom, Harlan, I've laid out the cold cuts for lunch," says Marta.
"Thanks, Marta," says Ransom.
Ransom prepares you a sandwich, and then prepares himself a sandwich. He grabs a bottle of water for you, then a bottle of water for himself. Harlan prepares his sandwich, and grabs his water.
You, Harlan, Ransom, and Marta all talk while having your lunch. Today, you're lucky that you remembered to shower and brush your teeth.
Ransom and you check on the twins, who are in need of a change. You and Ransom take the twins to another area of the house, and change their diapers.
"Oh, look at them, Ransom. I never thought our two tiny babies would bring everyone so much love," you say.
Ransom kisses you lovingly, and he agrees.
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"Harlan adores them. I never thought that I'd be a dad. I never thought I'd fall in love with someone enough to want to marry her. You changed that. You're so perfect to me, multiple sclerosis and all. I love you so much," says Ransom.
"I love you, too Ransom," you say, with tears in your eyes. Ransom meant every word of it, and you meant every word of it, too.
Eventually, it's time to leave. Ransom loads you in the car first, and loads your wheelchair in, and he loads the twins in. He drives you all home, with you and the twins peacefully napping in the car.
Ransom arrives home, and gets the twins inside. Harlan and Katherine are now in their cribs, sleeping peacefully. Ransom carries you back into the house bridal style, and places you in bed, and pulls the covers over you. Ransom falls asleep next to you. Eventually, Harlan and Katherine interrupt the peacefulness and the coziness with their hungry cries. Ransom gets two bottles of your pumped milk. Then, you both burp the twins. An hour later, they'll need a change. Just like clockwork, the twins cry again, indicating that they need a change.
Ransom decides to order Chinese for dinner, because that will make it easier for the both of you. Ransom goes to pick up the order, and he brings it back. He ordered the almond boneless chicken with the sweet and sour chicken with egg rolls.
"Ransom, thank you so much. I love you, my sweet boy. You do so much for us, you're one amazing husband," you say. Ransom's lips crash onto yours again.
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You and Ransom enjoy your dinner, and you check on Harlan and Katherine, who are now sleeping in their cribs. The love that was in the Drysdale household was the best thing ever. Harlan and Katherine were the most amazing babies that you both knew. Ransom was the best husband that you ever knew.
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
Request- Open
Below the cut is information on how to request as well as my masterlist.
I give no permission for anyone to repost any of my works on anything. This is the only place my fics will be
Agent Carter
Agents of shield
Five Night at Freddy’s
House MD
Hunger Games
Knives out
Characters I Write For-
Knives Out
Ransom Drysdale
Marta Cabrera
Agents of shield
Phill Coulson
Daisy Johnson
Leo Fitz
Jemma Simmons
Grant Ward
Al MacKenzie
Melinda May
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Clint Barton
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce banner
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Macimoff
Kate Bishop
Bucky Barnes
James Rhodes
Scott Lang
Agent Carter
Peggy Carter
Howard Stark
J.D(Jason Dean)
Veronica Sawyer
Heather Chandler
Heather Duke
Heather McNamara
House MD(I’m on season five so this is subject to chance)
Gregory House
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Eric Forman
Robert Chase
Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Dewey Riley
Randy Meeks
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter(only after high school)
Mandy Meeks-Martin(only after high school)
Chad Meeks-Martin(only after high school)
Five Nights at Freddy’s
William Afton(both movie and game)
Michael Afton
Michael Schmidt(movie)
Situations I’ll Write-
Age regression
Plus size situations
Nonbinary reader
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browneyesandhair · 4 months
Hey! It's ya girl!
I got no chill and a large obsession with a lot of things. So this year, I'm tracking it! (three red wine glasses in, let's goo!). Okay, so this year, is the year of recs! (you may have seen some of my posts, but I also have an extensive queue, so maybe not (check out the #recs on my page)).
Anyways, I've created a collection for this year overall and then also for each month! Let's check out January's stats -
Works read (&finished): 72
Fandoms (top 8):
1 - The Vampire Diaries: 17
2 - Bridgerton: 16
3 - Harry Potter: 14
4 - Teen Wolf: 12
5 - PJO: 4
6 - Knives Out: 4
7 - ATLA: 1
8- Star Trek: 1
The rest didn't make the first drop down section of AO3, so oh well! Let's check in on relationships (top 10):
1 - Klaroline: 17
2 - Polin: 16
3 - Stydia: 8
4- Percabeth: 4
5 - Marta Cabrera/Ransom Drysdale: 4
6 - Eloise & Penelope: 4
7 - Harmione: 3
8 - Jily: 3
9 - Tomione: 3
10 - Sterek: 3
Only one add to my recs list:
patron (saints/tequila) by DollyPop, hi_im_august
Honestly? She can think of considerably worse ways to spend the last dregs of her birthday than being escorted home by a guardian angel wearing a Slipknot t-shirt.
Notes: wow! Okay - warning this is a Polin modern AU, so if that's not for you keep scrolling. But hot diggity dog, this story was so fun and such a delight to read, I'm obsessed. 10/10 random fandom girlies recommend.
Alright, that's all folks (mostly), for fun, here are the top 10 additional tags from the stories that I read in January:
1 - Alternate Universe (15)
2 - Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (12)
3 - Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (10)
4 - Fluff (8)
5 - Angst (8)
6 - Slow Burn (8)
7 - Hurt/Comfort (5)
8 - Cunnilingus (4)
9 - Rough Sex (4)
10 - friends to lovers (4)
Yay! You made it to the end! That means you get cookies (please go find/eat/buy a Snickerdoodle on me, if you knew my venmo, I would pay any requests for a Snickerdoodle cookie out.)
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pennys-thick-thighs · 2 years
‘no! i’ll take him. i’ll take all of you. and i’ll feast on your flesh as i feed on your fear.’
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welcome to my tumblr account :)
this list is who i’ll write for
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all future works will be tagged under their show/film/universe
marvel: natasha romanoff, steve rogers, bucky barnes, sam wilson, thor, loki, peter parker, wade wilson, eddie brock/venom, steven grant, jennifer walters, matt murdock
asgardian ~ jennifer walters
the umbrella academy: klaus hargreeves, viktor hargreeves, diego hargreeves
stranger things: robin buckley, steve harrington, eddie munson, karen wheeler, jim hopper, joyce byers, chrissy cunningham
eyeliner ~ eddie munson
love ~ robin buckley
harry potter: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, harry potter, fred weasley, george weasley, neville longbottom
rain ~ james potter
scream: tatum riley, sidney prescott
orange is the new black: alex vause, stella, nicky nichols, pousséy washington, brooke soso
hate ~ alex vause
shameless: veronica fisher, kevin ball (s), fiona gallagher, ian gallagher (platonic or male only), mickey milkovich (platonic or male only), svetlana
pirates of the caribbean: jack sparrow, will turner
twilight: rosalie hale, alice cullen, jasper hale, emmet cullen, carlisle cullen
scars ~ rosalie hale/cullen
sex education: maeve wiley, otis milburn, adam groff, aimee gibbs, jackson marchetti, jean milburn
midsommer: danny
dc: harley quinn, poison ivy
it: richie tozier, bill denbourgh, beverly marsh, mike hanlon
knives out: ransom drysdale, marta cabrera
the boys: annie january, billy butcher, queen maeve, frenchie, kimiko
doctor who: 10th doctor, 11th doctor, rose tyler, river song, rory williams, 12th doctor, donna noble
kingsman: eggsy unwin, harry hart, merlin
the last of us: joel miller, platonic!ellie williams
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shit about me
bisexual non-binary british
obsessed with horror films stephen king addict
favourite films: it chapter 1&2, deadpool 1&2, bohemian rhapsody, misery, venom, venom: let there be carnage, silence of the lambs, red dragon, rocketman, the green mile, the shining
favourite bands/musicians: queen, elton john, mötley crüe, the beatles, abba, david bowie, nirvana, mitski, mother mother, arctic monkeys, melanie martinez, amy winehouse
current favourite songs: wicked game - chris isaak, strawberry fields forever - the beatles, rhiannon - fleetwood mac, gold dust woman - fleetwood mac, don’t try suicide - queen, seaside rendezvous - queen, something in the way - nirvana, two slow dancers - mitski, life on mars? - david bowie, blackbird - the beatles, five years - david bowie, save me - queen, seven seas of rhye - queen, evil woman - electric light orchestra, 1979 - the smashing pumpkins, tears dry on their own - amy winehouse, my girlfriend is a witch - october country, dreams - fleetwood mac
favourite books: the green mile, misery, thinner, it, turtles all the way down, horrible histories collection, captain fantastic (elton john’s stellar journey through the ‘70s)
favourite programmes: stranger things, orange is the new black, shameless, gogglebox, bbc ghosts, sex education, the umbrella academy, doctor who (2005), taskmaster, good omens
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send requests for fluff/smut/angst but i won’t write them if i’m uncomfortable with them
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‘he thrusts his fists against the p-post but still insist he sees the ghost. he thrusts his fists against the p-p-p-post… fear.’
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the-murder-shack · 1 year
master-list | slashers & thrillers
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(key...)   gender neutral--1 | they/them--2 | he/him--3 | romantic--4 | platonic--5 | familial--6 | enemies--7 | fluff--8 | angst--9 | smut--10 | horror--11 | gore--12 | yandere--13 | imagine--14 | headcanons--15
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ghost face (general)...|
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sydney prescott...|
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tatum riley...|
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randy meeks...|
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dwight “dewey” riley...|
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gale weathers...|
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cotton weary...|
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stu macher...|
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kirby reed...|
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jill roberts...|
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sam carpenter...|
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tara carpenter...|
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mandy meeks-martin...|
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chad meeks-martin...|
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anika kayoko...|
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 leslie vernon...|
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masked man...|
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jason voorhees...|
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hannibal lector...|
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brahms heelshire...|
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greta evans...|
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the other...|
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benoit blanc...|
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marta cabrera...|
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hugh ransom drysdale...|
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helen brand...|
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miles bron...|
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lionel toussaint...|
coming soon...
coming soon...
coming soon...
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make that money, watch it burn / cablanca
by valmadeamistake
A new, albeit stupid, mystery to solve in Greece. A fancy, overly expensive-looking private island owned by a vainglorious billionaire. A scorned, undercover woman determined to exact her revenge. These are all captivating reasons why Benoit Blanc should be focusing on his present case as he waits for the police to arrive on the midnight Greek coast, but it’s not that simple when his recent release from quarantine has given him a lot to think about. While patiently waiting, he re-examines previous cases, and one of them - a case that had brought him to chilly Masachusetts to investigate the suicide of an elderly multi-millionaire mystery novelist - brings back the memory of a quietly defiant woman who enraptured him.
It’s wrong, he has a husband to go back to, but when blood is already rushing south, he knows what to do to make her memory feel good again.
Words: 2961, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Knives Out (2019)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Benoit Blanc (Knives Out), Phillip (Knives Out), Marta Cabrera, Alice Cabrera, Helen Brand, Duke Cody (Knives Out), Claire Debella
Relationships: Benoit Blanc/Marta Cabrera, Benoit Blanc/Phillip (Knives Out)
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Infidelity, ish it's kinda unclear, Masturbation, Public Masturbation, Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery Spoilers, Rough Sex, sorta idk, Originally Posted on Tumblr, written ONLY to objectify daniel craig yall i know he's canonically gay, ppl are already mad at me over this, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44102029
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bearholdingashark · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Knives Out (2019) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Benoit Blanc/Marta Cabrera Characters: Benoit Blanc (Knives Out), Marta Cabrera, Original Child Character(s) Summary:
Benoit returns home to his two favorite people.
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fandom-lover20 · 3 years
Requests Are OPEN
(I’m happy to do crossovers for anyone who like one)
I’ll do more than just romance ideas as well, if you want a father/daughter or best friends, siblings etc. that’s completely okay. This is also the same masterlist for if anyone wants any Match-ups, gifs, icons basically just anything you want. If it's in italics then it's because those are my favourite or the ones I just find easiest to write. One-shots: Whatever relationship you like, characters included and either writing prompt or small idea of what you want to happen Match-ups: Fandom (as many as you like), gender/pronouns and sexuality, basic description of physical features and some hobbies/interests, style, any extra info if you like
⭐  - Headcanon
❤ - Romance
💋 - Smut
💛 - Fluff
🌹 - Angst
Requests are open for the following fandoms: 
The Alienist
John Moore
Laszlo Kreisler
Lucius Issacson
Marcus Issacson
Sara Howard
The Breakfast Club
Allison Reynolds (the basketcase)
Andrew Clark (the jock)
Brian Johnson (the nerd)
Claire Standish (the princess)
John Bender (the criminal)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy Summers
Rupert Giles
Willow Rosenberg
Xander Harris
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Alex Blake
David Rossi
Derek Morgan
Elle Greenway
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Kate Callahan
Penelope Garcia
Spencer Reid
DC - (I'm not the biggest fan so the character list for this is short)
(any characters from)
Wonder Woman - I haven't watched 1984, sorry
Caleb Prior
Tobias Eaton
Tris Prior
Doctor Who
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
Amy Pond
Artie Abrams
Blaine Anderson
Britney Pierce
Finn Hudson
Jake Puckerman
Kurt Hummel
Kitty Wilde
Marley Rose
Mike Chang
Noah Puckerman
Quinn Fabray
Rachel Berry
Santana Lopez
Sam Evans
Tina Cohen-Chang
The Greatest Showman
Anne Wheeler
Charity Barnum
Charles Stratton
Jenny Lind
Lettie Lutz
Phillip Carlyle
P.T Barnum
W.D Wheeler
Grey’s Anatomy (up to the end of season 9)
Addison Montgomery
Alex Karev
Amelia Shepard
April Kepner
Arizona Robbins
Callie Torres
Christina Yang
Derek Shepard (McDreamy)
Finn Dandridge (McVet)
George O’Malley
Izzie Stevens
Jo Wilson
Lexie Grey
Mark Sloan (McSteamy)
Meredith Grey
Miranda Bailey
Owen Hunt (McSoldier)
Richard Webber
Teddy Altman
Harry Potter
Angelina Johnston
Blaise Zabini
Dean Thomas
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Katie Bell
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Pansy Parkinson
Ron Weasley
Seamus Finnigan
(Young) Tom Riddle
Bellatrix Lestrange
James Potter
Lily Evans
Narcissa Malfoy
Newt Scammander
Nymphadora Tonks
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
The Hunger Games
Effie Trinket
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthrone
Haymitch Abernethy
Joannah Mason
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Primrose Everdeen
Knives Out
Benoit Blanc
Marta Cabrera
Ransom Drysdale
Kong: Skull Island
Houstan Brooks
Jack Chapman
James Conrad
Mason Weaver
Lab Rats
Adam Davenport
Bree Davenport
Chase Davenport
Donald Davenport
Douglas Davenport
Leo Dooley
Marcus Davenport
Tasha Davenport
Mamma Mia
Donna Sheridan
Sam Carmichael
Bill Anderson
Harry Bright
Sophie Sheridan
Marvel Cinematic Universe (I haven’t watched WandaVision but it’s on my list, I just don’t want to ball my eyes out)
Baron Helmet Zemo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Darcy Lewis
Jane Foster
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Peggy Carter
Peter Parker
Peter Quill
Sam Wilson
Sharon Carter
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
The Mighty Ducks
Adam Banks
Charlie Conway
Connie Monreau
Dean Portman
Dwayne Robertson
Fulton Reed
Gordan Bombay
Greg Goldberg
Guy Germaine
Jesse Hall
Julie Gaffney
Lester Averman
Luiz Mendoza
Russ Tyler
Ted Orion
Terry Hall
Eleanor Bishop
Kate Todd
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Nick Torres
Timothee McGee
Tony Dinozzo
Ziva David
Now You See Me
Daniel Atlas
Dylan Rhodes
Henley Reeves
Jack Wilder
Lula May
Merritt McKinney
One Tree Hill
Brooke Davis
Haley James-Scott
Lukas Scott
Mouth McFadden
Nathan Scott
Peyton Sawyer
The Originals
Davina Claire
Elijah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Joshua (Josh) Rosza
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Pitch Perfect
Barden Bellas
Beca Mitchell
Emily Junk
Fat Amy
Pieter Kramer
Bumper Allen
James Hunt
Niki Lauda
Scandal (seasons 1-3)
Abby Whelan
David Rosen
Fitz Grant
Harrison Wright
Jake Ballard
Mellie Grant
Olivia Pope
Quinn Perkins
Stephen Finch
Sherlock (RDJ Movies)
Irene Adler
John Watson
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock BBC
Greg Lestrade
Irene Adler
Jim Moriarty
John Watson
Mary Watson
Molly Hooper
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Suits (I'm halfway through S3, just finished thingy oils plotline)
Donna Paulsen
Harvey Spectre
Louis Litt
Mike Ross
Rachel Zane
Claire Novak
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Teen Wolf
Adrian Harris
Allison Argent
Bobby Finstock
Chris Argent
Derek Hale
Issac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Kira Yukimara
Liam Dunbar
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate/Hale
Noah Stilinski
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Theo Raeken
Alice Cullen
Bella Swan/Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Edward Cullen
Embry McCall
Emmet Cullen
Esme Cullen
Jasper Hale
Leah Clearwater
Paul Lahote
Rosalie Hale
Seth Clearwater
The Vampire Diaries
Alaric Saltzman
Bonnie Bennet
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Enzo St. John
Damon Salvatore
Jenna Sommers
Jo Laughlin
Kai Parker
Matt Donovan
Stefan Salvatore
Tyler Lockwood
Lexi Branson
Liv Parker
Vicki Donovan
Charles Xavier
Kurt Wagner
Dean Youngblood
Derek Sutton
Jessie Chadwick
Coach Murray Chadwick
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
I know it's been high on the emotional side right now,.. But if you could shed a light upon relationship between Ransom and Marta at present.. Ransom used to be mean to Marta ( help and all 🙄) and now she is married to his best friend Steve and is his daughter's Mother -in law?
Well you know, Kitten and Marta became really close! Kitten needed to know who Steve was getting involved with too. And Ransom, sweet baby, was very full of himself before Kitten. Thankfully his wife brought him down a few pegs.
You Don't Want to Know
Summary: Ransom apologizes
Pairings: Ransom Drysdale X Marta Cabrera
Rating: Fluff
Warnings: Soft!Ransom, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 300
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Ransom & Steve Masterlist
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Ransom gives Marta a big smile as he walks into Harlan's study. The Go board already set up for a round, while Marta administers Harlan's medicine. "What color am I going to be today?" Ransom asks, getting his answer by a bag of white stones being thrown at him. "I won last time though."
"No you didn't. You're confusing your wife with yourself. You my son, did not win. Maybe you can beat me this time," Harlan gives him a sly grin laying down a stone. The two men sit in silence laying down stones, until Ransom looks up at Marta.
"How was it?" she just shakes her head at him, confused on what he's asking. "The date. I heard his side of things. I'm just curious how it was for you."
"You went on a date? With whom?" Harlan gives her a sneaky grin, and she bashfully smiles looking away. "Dr. Rogers?" she gives him a nod. "He's a good man."
"One of the best. So how was it?"
"Marta, I'm sorry for the ass I was before. Please call me Ransom," Harlan's eyes light up when he looks between the two, giving them a happy nod.
"I'm proud of you, son. Kitten has done good."
"It's a little weird that you call her that, Harlan," Ransom laughs. No one knowing exactly where that nickname came from.
"And why's that?"
"It's a funny story of why I started to call her that," Harlan cocks up an eyebrow but Marta laughs. "Yeah, I'm not telling you."
"Harlan, you don't want to know."
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candy-and-writing · 4 years
Loose Ankles
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This is my entry for @darkficsyouneveraskedfor Pre-Code Writing Challenge. I chose the movie Loose Ankles, where a young woman discovers she has inherited her grandmother’s fortune, but only if she can find and marry a man.
Summary: The night of Harlan’s birthday party, Harlan tells Ransom he’s cutting his family out of his will. No one will get a single red dime. But, still seeing potential in his grandson, Harlan offers Ransom a deal.
Warnings: smut, 18+, oral sex, tipsy sex, fingering, unprotected sex, choking, low-key Dom Ransom, fluff, Ransom discovering love and not knowing what to do
I am NOT responsible for your media content consumption. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and/or dark themes. By reading this work you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work posted on any third party app or website; if you are seeing this work anywhere other than tumblr and archiveofourown, it has been reposted without my permission.
Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable. 
Ransom sped down the road, rage seething inside him as he gripped the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were white. Harlan fucking Thrombey just kicked his family to the curb, his eldest grandson included.
Marta fucking Cabrera was inheriting his fortune. Harlan’s Brazilian nurse. Jesus, this all felt like a bad joke.
But, of course, Harlan wouldn’t just stop there. No, he wanted to make Ransom suffer.
If he could settle down and establish himself, ‘find a nice girl’ as Harlan so blatantly described it, he would give Ransom back his cut of the inheritance. It made Ransom’s blood boil just thinking about it. Ransom Drysdale didn’t date. He didn’t do domesticity. The old man knew that. 
But if it meant he could get his stupid money back, he would do whatever it took. As he pulled into the bar, taking a deep breath, he took his keys out the ignition. He needed a drink if he was going to do this. 
Ransom sat at the bar, nursing his fourth whiskey. There were a couple different girls who looked appealing, all of which Harlan would never approve of. He fished the cherry out of his now-empty glass, waving at the bartender for another drink.
Drumming his fingers on the wood top bar, Ransom caught eyes with a young woman in a booth across the room. You were young, with red painted lips that contrasted beautifully to the black dress you wore. It was modest, the neckline tickling your collarbone and the hem of the dress reaching your knees. A pair of flats donned your feet. You quickly looked away, cheeks flushed and Ransom smiled. You were perfect. Three other people sat in the booth with you, another girl and two guys. You sipped on a glass of rose-tinted wine, your eyes dodging back to Ransom every so often, darting away as soon as you saw he was already looking at you.
Ransom waited almost three hours. The other girl had left with one of the guys, leaving you with the second guy. You didn’t look like you were enjoying yourself—you were fiddling with your thumbs under the table and tapping your foot, smiling awkwardly as the guy laughed at something he said. Something about his dad’s boat. He not-so-subtly kept looking at girls’ asses as they pasted your table, ignoring whatever you were trying to say.
Ransom heard the guy say he was going to the bathroom. Five minutes later Ransom saw him leaving with his arm wrapped around some girl’s waist. You saw it, too. Your face fell. You got up and put a few bills on the table, walking up to the bar. You sat a few seats from him, waving down the bartender.
“Can I get an Amaretto Sour?” you asked, your voice soft and quiet. The bartender nodded as he walked away, grabbing a bottle of Amaretto. You sighed, resting your hand on your chin. Ransom got up, moving to sit in the chair next to you.
“Hey.” He smirked, earning himself a pair of wide eyes and flustered cheeks.
“Um—hi.” You gave him a tentative smile. You thanked the bartender as he handed you your drink, taking a quick sip.
“I saw what happened,” Ransom said. “That guy’s a dick.”
You let out a breathless chuckle. “Yeah, he was. That’s what I get for trusting my best friend’s boyfriend, though.”
Ransom smiled, downing the last of his whiskey. He let out a breath, setting his glass down. He watched as you played with the string of pearls hanging around your neck.
“I’m Ransom Drysdale,” he smirked. You told him your name, a sheepish smile spreading over your lips. He repeated your name, testing the way it felt on his tongue. “Can I buy you another drink?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “I’d like that.”
You were drunk by the time the bartender kicked you two out. Ransom invited you home with him, his hand resting on your thigh. Your cheeks flushed a bright red, the blush trailing down your neck and to your ears. Ransom smirked at how cute you were, innocent in the way that had his cock throbbing.
“Yeah,” you said. “Sure.”
Ransom pushed you up against the door of his house, his lips moving against yours possessively. You whimpered as his hips rutted up against yours, Ransom thrusting his tongue into your mouth. He struggled to fit his key into the lock, turning the doorknob and roughly shoving you two through the door, kicking it shut with his foot.
Ransom grabbed your ass and squeezed, moaning into your mouth. You jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist, your flats falling off your feet. He carried you up a flight of stairs, his lips working over yours. He stepped into his bedroom and dropped you on his bed, watching you bounce before he pulled his sweater over his head.
He leaned over you, kissing you as he threaded his fingers through yours, pushing them into the mattress on either side of your head. He kissed down your jaw, sucking a dark mark into your neck. He grinded his hips against your center, a gasp leaving your mouth. 
Ransom pushed the skirt of your dress up past your hips, revealing your lacy underwear. Ransom groaned, leaning down to kiss your center through your panties as he massaged your thighs. You sighed, your skin tingling. He swiftly tore the lace down your legs, his mouth latching onto your clit. You squeaked, hips jerking off the bed. He licked a long stripe up your intimate flesh, focusing the tip of his tongue on your bud, earning himself a strangled whine from you.
He devastated you with his mouth, lips latching onto your little bundle of nerves as he pressed his index finger to your entrance. He pushed inside just a little and you gasped. Ransom began to pump his finger in and out of you slowly, his tongue working your clit. 
Ransom moaned against your flesh, sending vibrations up through your clit. He pushed another finger into you, your thighs clenching around his shoulders as you cried out. The pads of his fingers pushed up against your walls, pressing against a certain spot inside of you that had you choking on a moan.
You were burning up, sweat coating your forehead. The coil in your belly was curling impossibly tight, your body on fire as Ransom teased your bundle of nerves. You began to babble, endless pleas of begging until your voice cracked. Ransom smirked against you, the tip of his tongue teasing your clit and that was all it took. The coil in your stomach snapped and you screamed, your thighs trembling as your back arched off the bed. 
Ransom rode you from your high until it was just too much. You tried to pull away from him, overstimulated. You whined, your voice cracking, and Ransom finally seemed to get the message. He pulled away, his chin slick with your juices as he hooked his finger under your chin, bringing you in for a sloppy kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue, overtly earthy in a way that had you moaning into his mouth.
Ransom pulled away from you, placing a quick peck on your lips. "God, you’re so fucking sexy.”
Still blissed-out, you sighed in response, letting Ransom unzip the side of your dress and pull it over your head. He quickly discarded your bra, marveling in your body. He unbuttoned his trousers, shucking them off his legs along with his boxers.
Your breath stuttered in your lungs as Ransom’s length bobbed against his stomach. His tip was painfully red, leaking precum down his shaft. You swallowed, watching as he wrapped his fingers around his cock and pumping his fist up and down his length. He let out a shaky breath, bending down to kiss the valley of your breasts. 
The head of his cock poked at your entrance. He sucked a nipple into his mouth, pushing himself into you slowly. Even after an orgasm, you were still unbelievably tight, clutching Ransom like a vice.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re so fucking tight.”
You preened as he bottomed out. Ransom grunted, wrapping your legs around his hips and hugging you close to his chest, carefully rocking his hips up. His thrusts started slow and deep, keeping his pace steady until you’re writhing and mewling for more. His hand reached up and squeezed your breast, rolling his thumb between his thumb and forefinger as he sped up his pace, pounding into you in the most delicious way.
“Fuck!” you cried when Ransom hit a spot deep inside of you, his girth brushing against your walls. “Oh, God! Ransom!”
His hot breath hit your jaw as he moaned into your ear. “You feel so good, babygirl. So fucking good for me.”
His hand wrapped around your throat, pressing down slightly just below your jaw. You gasped, feeling your airway restricted. Your walls fluttered against Ransom’s cock, causing him to groan and tighten his grip on your throat. He cursed into your ear, hips bucking into you. 
You couldn’t breathe. You squirmed violently underneath his grip, whining pathetically as Ransom slammed into you punishingly. The little tears in your eyes and the little noises you make brought something out of him—he squeezed your throat tighter, watching as you writhed beneath him. 
You came with a strangled shout, seizing up and convulsing around Ransom’s length. Ransom dug his fingers into the divots of your hips so hard you were sure they were going to leave bruises. With a growl, Ransom pulled out of your slick heat, hot cum coating your stomach.
Ransom released your throat, crashing down on the bed beside you. You wheezed almost painfully, turning on your side as you caught your breath. With a huff of breath, Ransom pushed himself up, opening a door that was adjacent to the bed. You closed your eyes, still coming down from your high. Ransom came back into the room a moment later with a damp rag in hand, pressing it lightly against your stomach.
You hummed. “What’re you doin’?”
“Cleaning you up, baby, just relax." 
You rested your head back against the pillow, letting him wipe you clean. You were half asleep by the time Ransom laid down next to you, pulling the covers over the two of you. When his arm wrapped around your torso, his heat drawing you closer to sleep. 
Ransom listened to your soft and even breaths, something tingling in his chest. He knew he wasn’t going to kick you out in the morning. Something about you was different. He hadn’t had sex that good in a long time—the way you let him take control and do whatever he wanted. Most girls he brought him were needy and loud, but your cute little noises went straight to his cock. Just thinking about it made his dick twitch.
You snuggled up against him, flipping over and burying your face in his chest. 
Ransom was fucked.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?” you asked, fiddling with your thumbs in the passenger seat of Ransom’s Beemer. “What if they don’t like me?”
Ransom sighed out your name. “Will you stop worrying? They’ll love you. And if they don’t, they can fuck off. The only thing that matters is that I love you.”
You and Ransom had been dating for almost a year. He hadn’t talked to Harlan since the night of his birthday. It turned out you were an assistant at a publishing firm in Boston and with a little pushing from you, he published a best-selling novel. He had done everything his granddad had wanted: he established himself without the help of his family’s money and he’d found a girl. A girl he isn’t planning on letting go. Maybe that was why he hadn’t told Harlan about you—he was worried that you’d think you were disposable, that you were just a means to an end.
It was Harlan’s birthday, exactly a year since Harlan had given Ransom the ultimatum. He was surprised how excited his family was to meet you, certain they had an ulterior motive. 
He pulled into his grandad’s driveway, killing the engine. He sighed, leaning back into his seat.
“Listen,” he said. You turned to look at him, concern flashing behind your eyes. “My family is… a lot. Just don’t let them get to you, okay? They’re assholes.”
You smiled. “I know, Ran. Just calm down, everything will be okay.”
Ransom leaned over and cupped your cheek, bringing you in for a kiss. “You’re amazing.”
“Let’s go inside, okay?” You grabbed the pan of lemon bars you made and waited for Ransom to get out of the car and let him open your door for you. 
Ransom opened the front door for you and you were immediately met with shouting. Ransom helped you out of your coat and hung it up on the coat rack by the door, rolling his eyes as Linda’s shrill voice echoed through the house.
“C'mon, I’ll show you to the kitchen.”
You set your pan on a beautiful granite countertop as Ransom opened a cupboard. He fished out some expensive brand of cookies just as someone stomped into the kitchen.
“Ransom?” It was Richard. “Hey, when did you get here?”
“Two minutes ago, you’d know that if you weren’t all busy screaming at each other,” Ransom retorted, popping a cookie into his mouth. Richard frowned, about to open his mouth when he noticed you hiding behind Ransom.
“Hello, you must be Ransom’s girlfriend?” You nodded, smiling at him. You told him your name, stepping around the countertop to shake his hand. “Well, why don’t you come into the living area and meet the family, we’ve all been dying to meet you.”
Dinner was loud. You were sitting between Ransom and Ransom’s cousin—Meg. Meg kept picking fights with her other cousin, Jacob, who was always on his phone. Linda was yelling at Joni, Meg’s mother, who was going on about her Instagram.
Ransom kept mostly quiet, laughing when he found something amusing. His hand had taken place on your thigh, complimenting you on your lemon bars. You smiled at him, nibbling on a carrot. 
After Linda served Harlan’s birthday cake, everyone moved to the living area. You took the chance to refill your wine glass, quickly disappearing to the kitchen. You found an expensive red wine and filled your glass halfway, taking a small sip. 
“Hello, my dear.” You jumped, turning around quickly. Harlan Thrombey stood a few feet away from you, holding a piece of cake in his hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, it’s alright,” you smiled. “I just needed a refill. I’m not hiding in here, or anything.”
“I’d understand if you were.” Harlan chuckled. “I love my family, but they are… a lot. Ransom seems to be doing well, uncharacteristically so.”
“Yeah,” you laughed breathlessly. “He… he was really worried about bringing me here. He doesn’t talk about his family a lot, and when he does, it’s you—I think he was worried about his parents being judgemental.”
Harlan nodded. “Ransom has done well for himself. I hear he’s writing a second book?”
“He is, started working on it a couple weeks ago.”
“And he has a beautiful young woman. I’m glad he finally managed to get his life straightened out.”
You smiled. “Me too.”
“Hey.” Ransom entered the kitchen, carefully walking past Harlan. “You disappeared, I got worried. Everything okay?”
You nodded. “I just needed a refill.”
Linda started shouting for Harlan from the living room. Harlan rolled his eyes, excusing himself before he left the kitchen. Ransom looked down at you, raising an eyebrow.
“What was he talking to you about?”
“Relax, Ransom. He was just telling me how proud he was of you.”
You watched as Ransom let out a breath of relief. You two left the kitchen and sat on a couch in the living area, listening in shock as Richard and Joni discussed politics. At some point during the night, Harlan called Ransom into his study. He kissed your cheek before he got up, closing the door to the study behind him.
“What did Harlan want to talk to you about?” you asked Ransom, pulling on Ransom’s old sweater. It had shrunk in the wash and you stole it before Ransom could throw it out.
“He just talked about you, mostly,” Ransom told you. “Said he was proud of me for growing up, for finding someone like you, etcetera. Just stuff like that.”
You smiled, crawling onto the bed to kiss his cheek. “I really like your family. They’re… eccentric.”
Ransom laughed. “Babe, they’re a bunch of dicks. Don’t try to sugarcoat it.”
You sighed. “I like Harlan. He doesn’t deal with anyone’s bullshit.”
“That he does not. Now, come here.” Ransom grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap, kissing you. You threaded your fingers through his short hair, moaning into his mouth. He quickly flipped you onto your back and straddled your hips, pressing your hands to the mattress. You laughed, Ransom leaning down to kiss you again. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
May I request a Ransom x Y/n fic where he goes to a pub after being taken out of the will and he see's y/n at a table crying because she's just been dumped
I love this idea!! 
A/N: Just a heads up, i’m keeping the events of the movie in this where he goes back to the house to switch the medication and then have him go to the pub after that.
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad or Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Lots of angst, alludes to smut at first and then pure smutty filth. Fingering, oral (m and f receiving), protected sex, daddy kink, ass slapping and fluff overload. Heavy alcohol use, swearing and alludes to murder (the plot from the movie).
Word Count: 8,770
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @roooogers go check them out💜
Shoulder To Cry On
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“Please, Anthony. Please. Don’t do this” your voice shaking with the fear of losing the one person who you assumed would always be around. Your brain trying to register everything he’s just said as tears drown your vision out causing everything to go blurry. 
Weak body, silent screams and shaky hands. It’s real. But it doesn’t feel real. It feels like a dream. Like if someone were to pinch you now then you’d wake up and feel fine. But that’s far from your reality. 
“You’re making a scene Y/N, everyone’s looking” he looks around him, watching on as everyone stares in your direction, enjoying the free show as they dine. 
Is he serious? 
“Me making a scene? You chose to do this here in front of everyone, knowing full well how i’d react” the anger coming out, the need to scream consuming you, so you do. You yell. You pick the food up in front of you and throw it at him. Bread, prawns, even your red wine.
“How could you do this to me? You fucking cheating scumbag” bottom lip trembling at the words leaving your mouth, the sick feeling working its way through your body and eventually settling in the back of your throat but you stop it.
You had plans for a lovely anniversary dinner tonight. Your boyfriend of 4 years Anthony. The man you’ve always seen yourself marrying and tonight, you thought was the night. That he’d finally get down on one knee and propose. But that was soon ripped away from you the moment the starters arrived.
He started his little speech about how he’s had the best time over the last 4 years with you, the memories you’ve made together. 
Then came the moment that everyone dreads. The breakup speech. 
He confessed to not feeling as happy as he once did with you and then he admitted to having a connection with some woman at work. His assistant. Jennifer. 
And as much as he played it off like nothing happened, you’ve known him long enough now to see all of the tell tale signs. The way he rubs his ear lobe, the way he avoids your eyes and most importantly the way he stutters when he’s nervous. 
His face has guilt and cheater written all over it. Your whole world feels like it’s crumbling around you and everything is a mess. Including your mascara. 
You always had your suspicions about Jennifer but he was the perfect liar, a genius at concocting up excuses. The way he’d make your mind do a full 180 with your thoughts and feelings. Just like a magician tricking the audience. He pulled the wool right over your eyes and love enabled that, stopped you from asking all the questions that you should have thought to ask.
It’s like now, everything he ever said to you, all the happy memories and plans you made. They all seem so fake, like he never meant any of it. It’s gut wrenching. Sickening. 
He’s a beautiful liar. He did it so effortlessly. Getting into bed next to you after no doubt being with her, touching her in the places he was only ever supposed to touch you.
But before you can even get to him, the restaurant staff make their way over, trying to remove you from the scene but you don’t even give them the chance.
“I’m going. Don’t fucking touch me” you hold your hands up, slipping your coat on and grabbing your purse.
“I hope one day you’ll experience how you’ve made me feel tonight” and that’s the last thing you ever said to him, picking your stuff up to leave.
All that anger and hurt eventually brought you here, the bar right round the corner from your house. You couldn’t bare the thought of even going home right away, let alone stepping foot in there. It’s too soon. 
The house that’s jam packed with memories of the two of you. Photographs of you. The bed you’ve slept in every night with him for 2 years. Your skin itches.
That’s when you see someone sit down next to you at the bar but you don’t look. He still notices you though. Ogling you as he sips at his whiskey. The way your dress hugs your figure, the slit up the side, exposing your legs.
You hear his thick Boston accent ordering. Still refusing to turn your head. You really don’t want any bother tonight. You just need to drown him out. Drown out the way he smells, the way he touches you, the feel of his huge hands all over your skin. 
Ransom doesn’t stop though, stealing glances here and there at you, trying to figure out the perfect chat up line to dish out. Then it comes to him, no chat up lines needed.
“What’s brought a beautiful girl like you here tonight then?”
The smirk that appears on his face comes out in his words, you can hear it but you’re really not in the mood so you order another drink, ignoring the stranger. 
But the second you speak up, your voice giving your state away, causing Ransom’s head to shoot up, leaning closer to get a better look and that’s when he sees it. Your eyes that are filled with tears, the way you’re sniffles follow shortly after they fall.
“Wait, are you okay?” Genuine concern in his voice, not wanting to upset you even more by prodding too much. 
“I’m fine” you spit, just wanting to be left alone to wallow. To over evaluate everything that’s gone down tonight. But that’s kind of hard to do with this man talking non stop.
“You don’t look fine”
“That’s because i don’t need nor want anyones pity” ouch.
“Who said i was pitying you?” he rolls his eyes, not even sure on what’s turned you so cold or should he say who. But he tried. Which isn’t usually in his nature. 
See the events that lead Ransom to that little bar are slightly different to yours but nevertheless, he’s here with you so it doesn’t necessarily matter. The story should probably be told anyway though.
All was going so well in his world earlier today, he was happy as Larry, living off of his Grandfather, taking all he could get from him. He had everything. A bachelor pad that puts his friends one to shame, a beamer, scantily clad women at the click of his fingers and invitations to all the best parties in Boston. He was the most notorious playboy, everyone knows him.
The moment he stepped foot into his Grandfathers study, nothing was ever going to be same once he left. And that’s a fact. 
Harlan broke the news about his will. How he changed it recently. Leaving his nurse Marta Cabrera with everything. Every. Last. Dime. 
Meaning Ransom and his family will be pushed out of the mansion and Walt will be kicked to the curb when it came to Harlans publishing company, Blood Like Wine. 
He argued with Harlan for what felt like forever, tried his best to plead his case and he even resulted to taking a threatening tone to his beloved Grandfather. Which of course, didn’t work. Leaving him angry, furious even. His blood was well and truly boiling. He’d had it. He couldn’t hear another word of that bullshit. So he stormed out. Bidding his great nana a swift goodbye in the form of resting his hand over her arm. 
Once in his beamer, he screamed. Smacking the wheel with all of his might before stepping on it, pulling out the space and up the driveway. He had to get out of there and fast. 
But halfway up the drive, he slams on the breaks when an idea begins to form, causing him to turn around. Parking away from the mansion first before creeping his way back in. 
He climbs the wall at the side of it, up to the secret window that he discovered in his childhood. Once he’s in he finds Marta’s medical bag, opening it and switching his grandfathers meds, making sure to take out the one saving grace that could ruin his perfect plan. 
With that secured in his pocket, the bag is zipped back up and placed back where he found it and he’s leaving the same way he came. Back down the side of the house but before he can make a quick run for it, he sees his great nana in the window. Staring at him, without blinking. He waits to see if she’ll speak but she never does, so he turns to leave, making it back to his beamer without a single person catching him. Great nana doesn’t count, there’s a very slim chance that she didn’t even know it was him. After all, she didn’t say a word.
All done now though, the plan is now in full swing. Soon Marta will take Harlan up to bed to give him his medicine. That’s when she’ll give him the overdose on morphine. Or the good stuff as they like to call it. 
And eventually it’ll start to come together. 
Marta will get arrested for Harlan’s murder, the money and all of the assets that were once hers will be stripped away and they shall all be returned to their rightful owners. His family and him of course. One thing that should be made abundantly clear about Ransom is that he’ll only ever help or get involved when there’s something in it for him. However, he’s not always evil, he has a soft side, it rarely comes out but make no mistake, it’s there alright. 
With his evil plan in place, he heads back home but before he even gets there, he passes a quaint little bar at the side of the road. He could really do with a drink right now. Of course a taxi home will be required but with thousands about to grace his bank account, what’s 10 or more dollars on taxi fairs. Exactly, it’s pittance to him. 
The second he enters, all eyes are on him. All but two. Your eyes. You’re sat at the bar, head in your hands and from what he can see, you’re dressed all fancy. Too fancy for this place that’s for sure. So he makes his way over, noticing the disgusted looks out of the corner of his eye. He’s never been here before, so of course he’s the newbie to all of the regulars.
That then leads to now. 
You turn to face him, your sad eyes meeting his dreamy ones. The only way to describe them. You find yourself on the verge of getting lost before you break the gaze. Nodding towards the barman who slides another shot over to you to which you knock back like it’s nothing before continuing to sip Gin.
Just one look from you and he can see that something isn’t right. 
“What’s got you crying all on your lonesome?”
“More like who” you respond, chuckling as more tears fall.
He opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off “i had the lovely pleasure of being dumped tonight” you muster up your best fake smile, as if somehow acting like everything is okay will suddenly make it all okay for real. But it’s no use, you still feel torn to pieces. Your heart is still on the floor, it’s been stomped on way too many times for you to count on two hands and you’re life is a complete shambles.
He doesn’t love you, Y/N. He doesn’t love you anymore but then again, did he ever? 
“I’m sorry to hear that and for what it’s worth, the guys a jackass for doing that to you”
His comment has your brows furrowing in question. What does he mean by that? But you don’t even get a chance to ask, he can sense your confusion a mile away.
“I just meant that you’re gorgeous. He’s a fool” his nice side coming out to play, he’s never this nice to a woman unless he plans to sleep with her. But this time, it’s different. You’re different. He can never bring himself to pray on you like one of those other girls. Because he can see it, that you’re drained. You’ve had enough. Your ex made a fool of you enough already so who is he to add to that?
“Yeah right, he cheated so i doubt that very much” you snort, knocking back the rest of your drink.
At this point the bartender doesn’t even need you to ask for another, he’s probably realised by now that he should keep them coming. 
“What an asshole” 
Why does he care? He’s just a stranger. But still, you agree with him.
And just like that, a conversation blossoms. 
Drinks flow as you explain the events of tonight and he doesn’t interrupt you. He just lets you speak, it’s almost like he can sense that you just need someone to listen, like all you need is to let out all of your emotions. Even if it is to a complete stranger. 
Who by the way isn’t bad in the looks department. 
Wait. No. You can’t think that. 
Surely it’s fine to think it, just as long as you don’t act on it. Although, you are available now so there would be no harm.
“So let me get this straight. The man took you to dinner for your 4 year anniversary, let you get all dolled up, makeup, hair, nails. The works. Just to break it off with you and tell you he’s met someone else?” his brows raising and you nod, ashamed of how you’ve been treated because ultimately, you really did look like the idiot tonight.
You bought an expensive dress just for this very occasion and you did look the best you’ve ever looked. Radiant and glowing. Your makeup was on point, as was your hair. But now, you’ve got mascara everywhere and you’re way over the line of tipsy.
“I don’t get it. You’re well, you. I mean look at you and he left this for another woman? It makes no sense. There’s no way i’d ever give you up. No chance. No way” the way you feel your cheeks warm at his obvious compliment. You’re almost certain that he’s sweet talking you now. It took him a total of 2 hours. And he finally gave it a go. But you’re not complaining.
“LAST ORDERS” the bartender pulls you from your thoughts. That’s when you turn to look at him, still not knowing the perfect strangers name.
“Um, i guess i should get going” the very sentence makes that sick feeling come back but just like earlier, you push it away, stopping it before it comes spewing out on the bar. There would have been no time to run to the bathroom. 
“I guess i should too” he smiles softly, shrugging his coat on and standing up. 
That’s when the height difference is clear. He towers over you, making you feel small and dainty. 
He gestures for you to head out first and as you glance back over your shoulder, you see him sliding some money to the bartender. No doubt, he paid for all of those drinks that you forgot to even pay for. Fuck.
These heels are way too high and your vision blurs a little as you stumble out the door but before you can even fall to the ground and face plant, he catches you, lifting you up and walking you over to what looks like a taxi.
“Come on you, let’s get you home. Where’d you live?”
Your mind goes blank as you stare at him before muttering “i don’t want to go home, i can’t go home. He’ll be there. Don’t make”
He cuts you off, pulling you closer to him and giving the cabbie his address instead. Wait. His place?
“I guess i should probably tell you my name being as you’re gonna be in my house soon huh?” he chuckles, spurring your own laughing fit. 
“Do tell, mystery man” 
“I don’t have any money to pay you, not that i need to anyways, just tell me your name”
“No, no. My name is Ransom” his laughter fills your ears.
Strange name. Strange man.
“Surely not” 
“Sure is. Well technically it’s my middle name. But i really can’t reveal anymore than that”
“Well i’m Y/N by the way and can i just say, you smell amazing” ah, the part where you make an utter show of yourself by leaning closer and closer, until your face is inches from his neck. That’s when you inhale really dramatically. Getting a good whiff of his manly scent. It’s intoxicating.
Luckily for you, he takes it all in good humour, probably because you’re drunk. 
The rest of the ride back to his consists of you getting overly touchy, making random comments and with Ransom being the playboy that he is, it’s a real struggle for him not to fuck you here and now. Even in front of the cabbie. It wouldn’t be the worst place he’s fucked.
Yes you’re drunk but your hands are roaming to places they shouldn’t be and now he can feel a situation forming in the shape of a huge hard on.
Not that you notice, you’re too wrapped up in your own drunken state, blissfully unaware.
He can’t fuck you anyway. You’re too drunk. He’ll have to sober you up first.
The taxi comes to a halt and you look out of the windows, noticing a huge house, too posh for the likes of you but clearly fitting for a man like Ransom. He pays the cabbie before getting out. 
You sit there clueless until you feel him scoop you up in his arms. He kicks the the door shut, walking the both of you to his house. He fiddles around in his pocket, holding you up with one arm so that he can open it and put you down on the couch.
“Is this your place?” 
“It is indeed”
“It’s so big”
He lays you down, pointing his index finger in your face as he warns you “stay here, okay? Don’t move”
The child in you starts to emerge, the pout and puppy dog eyes coming out “yes sir”. You salute him and watch him strut away. 
When he returns, his coat is off and he’s just in his white shirt, grey cardigan and his slacks.
“Here, drink this, it’ll help”
“Ew what is this?” your face screws up, disgusted at the taste “are you trying to poison me?”
“It’s just water, don’t be so dramatic. Drink it”
“What if i wanted another drink” 
He just shakes his head disapprovingly. You’re really having none of it and he can’t fuck you like this. He makes it his mission to make sure all the women he’s with can actually remember what’s going on. Plus he needs your consent first. 
“Drink. I won’t tell you again” his scary side showing just a tad but he soon shuts that off, realising how bossy and intimidating he sounds “wait, sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you”
Shouting and confrontation has always scared you. You’ve always had this natural instinct to cower and hide. 
But this time, all you can really do is back up, to the other end of the couch.
“You’re just really drunk and it’s not doing you any good. Especially with everything that you’ve gone through tonight” wow. He’s even surprised himself with that one. 
It’s not that he doesn’t care about you or your feelings because he most certainly does. He’s liked being there for you tonight, even if you did start out as two strangers at a bar. It distracted him from his own drama filled life. But your freaky side was showing on the taxi ride over and it awakened something inside of him.
Not in the way that some may think. Sure he’d love nothing more than to fuck you senseless, make you forget everything even if it’s just for the night but most importantly. He felt something more than just lust when you were touching him. 
And as strange as that is to admit, it felt amazing. Like fucking you wouldn’t just be for the sake of it. You wouldn’t just be another notch on his bed post. It’s almost like his heart knows something that his brain doesn’t know yet.
Eventually he gets you to slowly sip at the water until half of it is gone and then the whole thing. You’re still tipsy but a little better than you were before the water.
“Did you want any food? I could order in? It might help?”
“I mean i did sort of throw my prawn starter at my ex” 
He can’t contain his laughter, leaning back on the couch and throwing a hand over his left boob. You really are hilarious to him. He’s so amused by you and he doesn’t ever want this night to end. Even if it doesn’t end in sex, which it will. He’d be satisfied. 
Something that Ransom Drysdale would never ever think or say. 
“So food then?”
You nod before shaking your head aggressively.
“Actually no. No food. I already feel like i’m going to hurl. Food will just make that worse” 
He seconds that, taking your empty glass from your hands and disappearing to refill it before returning it to you.
“You best drink up then if you aren’t planning to eat”
So you do as he says, stopping after a couple of sips due to your eyes noticing more and more about him that you never noticed before. Like his slicked back hair, his broad shoulders and oh shit. Is that a boner?
It’s gotta be right. 
Your still tipsy self hands him the water for him to place on the coffee table for you and that’s when you do the unexpected. You make your way over to him, sitting way too close. Your bare arms rubbing against the soft and thin material of his cardigan. 
“You alright?” 
The way he acts like he cares, which, he does. It’s soothing, the gentle tone in his voice. The way he’s treating you like you’re glass and he doesn’t want to break you. And he’d be right, because you are delicate. Not your body of course but your heart, your soul, your mind. Not that there’s much left of your heart after Anthony broke it.
“I’m okay, i’ll be better after i get this dress off though” the flirty side of you starts to make an appearance. You look down, twiddling your thumbs as he clears his throat, clearly didn’t expect a comment like that. 
“I guess i could fetch some of my clothes for you to wear?” his suggestion, whilst very cute and gentleman like, isn’t what you were after. And he’s far from a gentleman. You can just tell.
“I don’t think you understood” you turn around, back facing him “i need some help. Please” eyelashes batting as you quickly look over your shoulder at him and seconds later, you feel his hand move your hair to the side. 
The zipper glides down with ease causing the straps to fall down your arms and soon enough. You stand up, letting it fall into a puddle on the floor. Leaving you in nothing but your matching blue laced, bra and panties set. Along with your heels of course. It’s the set that you bought for tonight too. For the sex you never ended up getting.
For the first time ever, Ransom is rendering on speechless, his mouth waters at the most incredible sight in front of him and he can tell from that look in your eyes that you want him. 
Something he never expected to happen so fast. That’s when you sit back down next to him, resting your hand on his thigh.
“You know i should really thank you for tonight”
“Honestly, it was nothing” his words are aimed at you whilst his eyes are fixated on your body, not even trying to hide it from you but you just lap it up. You could use some attention right now. After all, your confidence was knocked with your ex boyfriend’s revelation.
“No, really. It was nice. You’ve been amazing. So let me thank you” but before your lips can touch his, he pulls back. Looking at you as his hand caresses your cheek, staring into your eyes like he’s looking into your soul and you feel close to naked in more ways than one.
That’s when his lips crash to yours in an intense and very heated kiss. As his hands roam around your half naked figure, you position them at the back of your bra, signalling to him that you want him to remove it. Which of course, he does. 
He pulls away for a couple of seconds, taking a moment to look at your breasts. And the way he cups them with his large hands before using his thumb and index fingers to pinch at your now hard nipples, has you moaning into the kiss. Leaving your lips parted just enough for his tongue to slip in, adding to the build up. 
The battle for dominance begins and it goes back and forth between you both, your hunger is very much profound. As is Ransom’s. The moans he’s eliciting are almost porn star like and he’s barely even touched you. But that’s the beauty of it, it feels so good that you’re keening for more. Which earns a low and raspy chuckle.
It doesn’t take long before you’re straddling him, legs either side with your hands cupping his face. His hands rested on your waist, squeezing slightly, almost like he’s making sure you don’t go anywhere. And after the day he’s had. He needs someone, whether he admits it or not. He does. 
But that’s all he’s ever wanted. Is someone. Someone to talk to, someone who will listen and be there. He can’t complain about how that’s not the case though, he’s brought it all on himself. The loneliness, it’s killing him but he chooses to push everyone away. 
His family though, that’s all them. They made him this way. A scheming, money grabbing playboy. It doesn’t mean the facade doesn’t drop once he’s all alone though.
However, it never drops around others. So why is it dropping around you?
“God, i needed this” he pants, in between his kisses that he’s peppering from your lips to your jawline and then your neck. It takes him next to no time at all to find the one spot that drives you insane and when he notices the way your whole body shivers. He smirks, sucking and biting it along with the equal amount of wet kisses.
“Me too. Fuck, right there” you mewl, back arching in his hands as they splay across it before moving down to settle on your panties. His finger traces the top of them, following them as it dips into your ass before giving your ass cheeks a hard smack. 
God if this is how incredible you feel just kissing and touching the man then sex must be a real first place prize.
Just the way he’s handling your body alone is enough to send you over that sweet cliff but you stop it, holding back by pushing his face away from your skin, interrupting the hickey he was clearly in the middle of making.
“I wasn’t done with you, come back here” 
You stop him again “i need you” you whisper frantically, both of your chests rising and falling. Your heart is beating like crazy.
“Patience baby” he winks, standing up with you in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist and your arms holding onto his broad shoulders for support as he carries you up the stairs and into what looks like his room. 
Before you even have time to pause for so much as a second, he throws you to the bed. 
“I wanna take my sweet little time with you” he starts, the bed dips as he gets on it, hovering above you “gonna worship every inch of your body” he lowers himself so that he can kiss your lips, then your jawline, then your neck and then eventually, the valley between your breasts.
“Gonna show you what your worth baby, prove to you that you’re better than that scum who didn’t treat you the way you deserve” also something that’s unlike Ransom. But if there’s one thing he’s a pro at, it’s pleasuring a woman. He knows what the fuck he’s doing. He can talk the talk and walk the walk. Which he’s about to prove to you right now. 
He lowers himself down to your sex, the way the pool is growing more and more is obvious, he can smell it and even see it, the way the light blue material has darkened around your tight hole.
You spread your legs open wider, your way of inviting him in. Of course he accepts. He starts off by pressing a thumb down onto your clit, moving it around in circles and causing you to jolt. You’ve been craving someone, anyone at this point to touch you there. Maybe that should have been a sign that things were doomed with you and Anthony since he’s not touched you in months. Maybe that was a sign you should have seen, a red flag that you were too blind to notice.
“Look at you, so flustered already. God i can’t wait to fuck you” 
“Please” you beg, pathetically.
“Nuh uh baby, i told you i wanna take my time, starting with this pretty little pussy” he hooks his fingers into the hem, using that to pull them down and off of your legs before throwing them behind him, not caring where they land. 
“My oh my, it is a pretty little pussy, isn’t it. God you’re soaked baby, all this for me?”
“All for you” your confirmation leads him to lick his lips before pressing a couple of open mouthed kisses to the inside of your thighs.
“That man is an idiot. But i guess his loss is my gain. Ain’t that right baby” he winks as his kisses get closer and closer to your arousal covered hole. 
“Ransom, plea- OH FUCK” his mouth latches onto your clit, sucking as his tongue flicks across it rapidly. A sensation you’ve never felt before that makes your breathing hitch, your hands run through his locks, no doubt messing them up, not that he’s showing any signs of caring.
All that Ransom cares about right now is making you feel good, making you cum.
“Like this baby? Like my mouth all over you?” his eyes meet yours as he uses his fingers to spread you open so that he can really get a good eyeful “you’re dripping” he murmurs, almost like he’s talking to himself and not to you. He slowly slides one finger in before resuming his attention on your folds and your bundle of nerves. 
“More, i need more. I need you” as flattered as he is by your desperation and need to feel every inch of his thick cock, he has to prepare you. Most of the women he’s been with have never had someone as big as him before, so he always likes to get them ready and you are no exception. 
“Patience baby, you’ll have me. All in good time” 
His raspy voice has you melting alone and the way he’s working you over, slipping a second digit in, should be criminal. How can a man like this be single and alone? It makes no sense. Plus it doesn’t hurt that he’s loaded too. 
It’s a mystery that you’ll be sure to get to the bottom of once you’re done here. 
A third finger is added and he’s curling them all more and more each time he bottoms out, your back arches again, your grip on his hair gets tighter. But he doesn’t flinch. Doesn’t stop. Not even for a second. He’s a man on a mission right now.
The way he’s sucking on your clit, the way his fingers are filling you up and the way he’s slurping at you like a drink is something you’ll never and could never compare to anything you’ve ever experienced. He’s a literal god and he has your walls fluttering around him, your clit pulsating in his mouth.
“Feel the way your squeezing me baby, you gonna cum? Huh? Gonna cum all over my fingers” the pure filth that he’s spewing, is what has you coming face to face with stars. And Ransom can feel the way your hips bucks up into his face, the way your hands keep him locked there until they are pushing him away due to how sensitive you are. He doesn’t budge though.
He just laps at your sex again and again before finally withdrawing his fingers, noticing your slick coating them and dripping down his hand.
“Jesus, looks like somebody made a mess”
You can’t help the way your cheeks warm in embarrassment which he soon puts to bed by stuffing his fingers in his mouth to clean them off. Every last drop. 
That’s when he takes it upon himself to drink directly from you, sticking his tongue into the honey pot, taking everything you have to offer “god so fucking sweet. I can’t get enough baby, tastes so fucking good” 
A flirtatious giggle escapes, your hands covering your mouth but he rips them away.
“Don’t ever feel embarrassed or shy around me” 
“Are you gonna fuck me now?” your teeth bite at your bottom lip as you shiver with the anticipation of what’s to come from him. His silence is deadly but exciting.
“Indeed i am” 
He can most likely hear your heart race as he pulls away, getting off of the bed to undress himself. Starting with his cardigan and shirt. Once it’s off, his abs are revealed, his biceps are huge. You have the biggest urge to kiss him all over that chiseled body, sculpted by some kind of god. He’s gotta be a fantasy.
“But first baby” he trails off, pulling his slacks down and stepping out of them “you’re gonna suck my cock, get it nice and hard with that mouth of yours before i ram it into that tight little cunt” he pulls his boxers down, stepping out of them too and kicking both to the side before stalking closer.
You gulp, your eyes widen... he’s huge. Really huge. Thick too. Does he even need your mouth?
“What’s the matter baby? Is someone intimidated?”
“No” your denial, whilst very cute, isn’t believable. But he’s still going to let you have a go at wrapping that mouth around it.
You scoot off of the bed and fall to your knees, feeling even more dainty than you did before when he was towering over you like a giant. 
“Don’t be shy baby, get to work” 
Your hand wraps around him with your thumb swiping the pre cum that’s oozed out of the slit and you immediately pop your thumb into your mouth. You just want a small taste and as soon as the salty-sweet droplet hits your tongue. You all of a sudden crave more of it.
“Nice?” he asks, cocking a brow up “delicious” you smile, adding to his already blown up ego.
You gradually welcome him into your mouth, opening wider as each inch passes your lips until he’s almost bottomed out. That’s when you open wider and his tip hits the back of your throat making you gag, saliva dripping from the corners of your mouth.
“You look so good taking all of me in that mouth, bet you’ll look even better when you’re taking me in that cunt”
Is he trying to kill you with his dirty talk? Most likely.
He’s a different man to the guys you normally go for. Maybe that’s where you’ve gone wrong. You’ve let yourself settle for mediocre sex, mediocre relationships and maybe that’s why you’ve never been truly happy, like happy to your very core. You’ve never fully believed that you deserve the world. Never known your worth.
He grips the sides of your head, stilling your movements so his can begin and he doesn’t go easy. His thrusts have you making an even bigger mess, more saliva dripping down from your face to the floor. He’s loving every second of it though. But soon enough, just as quick as he started, he stops. Pulling out and looking at you, content with what he sees. 
“God you’re fucking beautiful like this, on your knees for me like a good girl. Get on the bed baby” you do as you’re told, sprawling out on the bed and waiting for him to join which of course he does. As soon as he gets a condom out, taking it from the wrapper and sliding it down his shaft. Size XL. You spy before he tosses the wrapper into the bin. 
“You ready?” he asks, resting his tip between your legs and lowering his body so that he can slide his arms underneath your shoulder blades. His face inches from yours. 
“Please, i need you now” and with that he slides home, not stopping to let you adjust to every inch as it comes. You can feel your pussy stretching, the way it stings slightly but it also feels incredible. It’s bliss. 
“S’tight baby and s’warm. Feel that pussy stretching around my cock” 
Your eyes roll back as your head lolls to the side, presenting your neck to him and giving him the opportunity to finish what he started earlier, which of course he does. 
And the second is lips are on your skin, his pace picks up and the pain turns to pleasure. You feel him so deep inside of you that you just know if he were to pull out that you’d feel emptier than ever.
“God, yes. Ransom. Fuck” your legs wrap tight around his waist, forcing him in even deeper if that’s possible at all but still you do it. Wanting nothing more than to feel as much of him as physically possible.
So you wrap your arms around him, your fingers tracing shapes on his back, causing him to shiver and growl loudly “fucking take this cock baby, take it like a good girl” he starts, adjusting his pace from fast and rough to slow and hard. Ramming in each time he speaks “such a good girl” thrust “loving every inch of this cock huh?” thrust “god this pussy” thrust “is gonna have me cumming way too quick” thrust.
“I can’t have that now can i?” that’s when he shocks you, flipping you over so that you’re on top “ride me baby, show daddy what you got” the nickname he uses for himself has your walls spasming, catching his attention.
“Oh you like that huh? Such a dirty girl for daddy, aren’t you?”
“Yes daddy” despite never using that in the bedroom before, it feels weirdly satisfying, having him refer to himself as daddy and seeing how he gets when you call him that too, the way his mouth hangs open, the way his cock twitches. 
It’s something you’ll never forget.
You start off by collapsing onto his chest, your breasts pushed up against his pecs as you slowly lift your ass up before sinking back down onto him, earning a hiss. 
“Yeah just like that, make daddy proud baby” so you do, you go again. And again. And again. Getting quicker each time until you’re a pro at it. You then sit up, continuing to bounce up and down, grinding as he bottoms out, with his initial instructions of course. He guides you through it and before he even tries to help a second time, he takes his hands away, noticing how you’re doing it all by yourself.
Grinding like the whore he’s turned you into. You can’t help the confidence beaming off of you as you go to work, slamming yourself down on his cock eagerly. You need that sweet release now more than ever, as does he.
“That’s it baby, make yourself cum” 
The best pout and puppy dog eyes make a return “fuck me. Please daddy” and who is he to say no to you?
“You’re gonna be the death of me i swear” he flips you over again, keeping himself seated deep inside of you as his pace turns animalistic. 
“Mhmm, give it to me, i’m gonna cum” you plead, not that he’d ever deny you a mind blowing orgasm in the first place as it’s clear you’ve never had one like the one he’s about to give you.
“Bet he could never fuck like this huh? Make you moan like a fucking porn star for him. Gonna have your legs shaking baby, hold on to me” 
So you do. 
Your grip tightens around his neck. 
With every hit to your g-spot, he nudges you closer until yet again, stars cloud your vision and your toes curl. Your back arches up so that you’re chest to chest and you cum with a shaky and satisfied cry. He doesn’t stop though, plowing into you to chase his own release. Your legs are most definitely shaking.
Your walls continue to clamp down on him, spurring it on. 
“God i’m gonna cum”
“Cum for me daddy” is all he needed to hear to go crazy and that’s when he spasms himself. His thick seed filling the condom and his thrusts get slower and harder. Riding both of your highs out. 
Your breathing is heavy, your heart beat is out of control but you feel complete. 
You’ve never experienced anything like that before. 
He pulls out, disposing of the condom and rushing into the en suit for a second before returning with a wash cloth. He uses it to clean you up, taking his time and making sure to be extra careful with you. You try to prop yourself up on your elbow but struggle due to him fully ruining your body.
“Just relax baby, let me take care of everything” he presses a couple of kisses to your thighs and then your stomach, pausing to throw the wash cloth into the hamper before making his way back up to your lips.
He lays down next to you, pulling you into his side and draping an arm around your body so you lay your head down on his chest.
“So” you both say at the same time, causing a laughing fit to erupt.
“That was certainly an experience” 
“I told you that i was gonna worship you and i think you can agree i delivered” 
“You did more than just deliver Ransom”
“Please do tell me more” he laughs, stroking your hair.
“How on earth are you single?” the question that’s been on your mind since you and him got talking at the bar. He’s acted in a way that not many men do these days, it’s hard to believe no ladies are lining up to be with him.
Plus his dick and head game is A-1.
“I’m single more by choice than anything else”
“How come?” you feel bad for asking but surely if you were over stepping the line then he’d say.
“I mean, my family life hasn’t always been the best. I’ve learnt to not trust anyone that i’m related to and growing up with parents that just chucked money at stuff to solve it. If i was upset then it was always take this money, go shopping. Or if i needed my mother for girl advice it always lead to my dad telling me i should never trust women which is rich seeing as he cheats on my mom all the time”
It’s quite sad actually, a man that seems to have it all together, is clearly broken inside.
“I’m sorry, that’s awful. I’m guessing that’s why you’re single then, why you choose to keep away from dating”
“Yup. I prefer to just fuck with no strings attached. It’s easier, I don’t have to do anything other than make them cum. I’m not filled with pressure to be the perfect boyfriend. I can just relax but sometimes it gets lonely”
“How’d you mean? Sorry if i’m prying” you rest your head on your hands as you look up at him, his finger tracing shapes on your back now.
“It’s fine honestly, don’t sweat it. I guess the best way to explain it is that i can have all this money from my grandfather, all the cars, girls and friends in the world but i can’t trust any of them enough to let them see me when i’m laying in bed at night. The times when i just want someone to hold, someone to hold me, tell them about my day, hear about theirs. Someone to wake up next to and fall asleep next to. But whenever a woman gets even remotely close to me in a way that is too deep. I back off, i give her the cold shoulder and just ghost. I get freaked out because to me, there’s nothing scarier than someone seeing all of me, the good, the bad and the ugly”
It takes you just a second to realise, he’s just bared his soul to you. After saying that he backs off whenever a woman gets too close. After saying that he struggles to trust. That he’s scared of being himself around someone. He’s just been himself around you. And you have no doubt that he feels comfortable enough with you to do that so that’s gotta count for something, surely.
“I get it. It’s hard. Loving someone is easy but allowing them to love you, that’s the scary part. Because ultimately when you let someone in enough to let them love you whole heartedly it opens you up to the chance of heartbreak i mean, look at my life”
You both laugh a little “It’s not even just regular heartbreak, it’s the fear of being cheated on, having my trust shattered. Having someone use me for my family’s money”
“Well, for what it’s worth. I think you need to just bite the bullet, let that guard down. How do you ever expect to find what you want and need if you’re not willing to open yourself up to it. It’s a risk that is worth it sometimes, that eventually, all the heartaches will lead to something greater or someone. Someone that will accept every flaw you have and be there regardless of how messy things can get”
Ransom is just so relaxed right now, he feels at peace, at ease with you. The way you’re listening. Your head rested on his chest, letting him hold you and giving him proper responses, it shows you’re paying attention, you want to be there for him. He’s completely taken back by you. How could anyone want to cheat and leave you, it’ll always remain a mystery to him.
You’re like this ray of light, that came into his life tonight out of the blue. Someone who’s hurting too but somehow you amazing him with the sunshine you provide. You’re everything he’s always wanted in a girlfriend but he’s spent years pushing girls just like you to the side due to fear. Only difference is, he’s able to be himself with you. With them, he could never.
His body lets go as he turns on his side, turning you with him so that he’s cuddling you from behind.
“You’re right. I’ll get there eventually. I just, i need time”
Your silent for a while, taking his words in before you speak.
“Seems like you don’t need any time at all”
That’s when you hear quiet snores from behind you, he’s dozing. And after a couple of minutes, you decide that it’s probably time you see yourself out, you never wanna over stay your welcome and right now with him asleep, you already have.
But before you can even get off the bed, you need to remove his hand from around your frame. Which isn’t going to be easy considering you have to try not to wake him up.
You succeed, finally managing to scoot over to the edge of the bed. But that’s when you hear his tired groans, followed by a hand to your wrist.
“Don’t leave me” his voice is laced with worry
“Everyone leaves me” his words break your heart all over again, you’ve been left before and you’re not about to do this to him. Besides, it’s not like you wanted to, you just didn’t think he was the type to want you here all night.
“I didn’t think you’d want me to be here when you woke up”
“Well, you thought wrong. Come back and cuddle, don’t leave like everyone else does”
It doesn’t take much more to convince you to crawl back into his arms. He presses a couple of kisses to your shoulder as you get under the covers with him. Then the kisses move to your cheek and eventually, your lips.
“I’m here to stay then i guess”
You feel warm and happy somehow in his arms, like everything has gone away, even if it’s just temporarily.
“Goodnight Ransom. sweet dreams” something you’ve always said throughout your whole life. It’s a nice thing to say and it has him smiling into one last kiss before he closes his eyes for the night.
General Tags: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @adriannajackson @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferouss @bradfordmyworld @thereisa8ella @rockyrogers 
Just Chris & His Characters Tags: @onetwo3000 @persephonequeenofthedead @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @rynabarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 @thejemersoninferno @denisemarieangelina 
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trillian-anders · 5 years
the assistant
pairing: ransom drysdale x reader
warnings: violence, angst, fluff, smut && SPOILERS
word count: 6.8k
description: part 1 of 5. CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS, PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED THE FILM. you’ve been working for the thrombeys for four years now, the last three years of your service being a glorified babysitter to the most annoying, self-absorbed, dickhead hugh ransom drysdale.
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You wanted to smack that dumb smirk off his stupid dumb face. 
Hugh Ransom Drysdale. The bane of your fucking existence. Standing there with that stupid fucking smirk on his face, he fucking loved this. Watching as you cleaned up his mess. A crying girl on his doorstep and you, his assistant (aka babysitter), trying to calm her down enough to get her to leave his house. This dumb contemporary floor to ceiling windowed, minimalist, empty souled house. The girl had been picked up at a bar last night. Charmed by his handsome face, the money he was careless to spend, the way he spoke to you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. 
It was a fucking joke. A trick. You’ve seen it a million times and you’d be willing you bet that you’d see it a million more. 
The door blocked her view of him, your clear view of him from the side, sipping on a mug of coffee in his hands and fucking smirking. 
“He won't even see me?” You hated when they cried. Like each of them had this idea that they’d go home with Ransom Drysdale and fuck him so good that he’d tie them to his bed and never let them leave or something. 
You sighed heavily before replying, “Mr. Drysdale has business to attend to, he’s unavailable at the moment, but I can leave him a message if you’d like?” You did this maybe five or six times a week. In the early morning hours, after his sexual escapade and some rest, Ransom would wake early and leave for the gym. In that time you were supposed to ‘take out the trash’ as he described it. This morning, the girl left dazed and confused in the fog taking an uber back to her home, but returning an hour later trying to plead her case. It was giving you a migraine. 
The girl stepped back from the porch, shoes crunching against the gravel as she searched the windows for his face. “FUCK YOU RANSOM.” She shouted, flipping the bird into the air. The man hiding to your right, choked on his coffee in laughter as you watched the girl get back into her car and disappear from sight. 
“What's on the agenda today Ransom,” You shut the door quietly, turning to face him, “Because if I have to do that again tomorrow I’ll quit.” He scoffed in indignation. 
“You’re not gonna quit,” He drained the rest of his mug, “You can’t even leave the house long as you got that.” He gestured towards your leg. Sitting firmly on your right ankle was a house arrest bracelet. One meant for him, but carefully bribed into being put on your own leg. The stupid son of a bitch got away with murder, after the death of his late Grandfather’s housekeeper by his own hand and the attempted murder of the girl that got the entire Thrombey fortune, he stayed the lucky son of a bitch he had been his entire life. 
Evidence was mishandled, not enough proof. That whole, ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ thing. The rich asshole got fucking house arrest and court mandated therapy. Even after there were three fucking witnesses to him attempting to murder Marta Cabrera. 
Money oiled the gears of the justice system, letting the trust fund baby slip through without consequence. That’s where you come in. 
You worked for the Thrombey’s before. As a tutor to Meg when she began to fail her english class. For whatever reason, Lynda and Richard Drysdale liked you, assigned you a new task. Their sweet baby boy Hugh, called Ransom by everyone but the Help. You’ve worked for Ransom for three years now. The first year before the death of his Grandfather and Thrombey patriarch, and now two years after his death and wouldn’t you know it. Hugh Ransom Drysdale wrote a fucking bestseller. 
Everyone wanted an insight into this family. Harlan Thrombey always said there was so much of him in Ransom. He wasn’t lying. 
Ransom wrote the first of what you knew would be many new Thrombey family murder mystery novels. And he was reaping in the cash. He was two months away from his next big release. Something you’re sure would fly off the shelves just as quickly as the first. 
“Don’t worry,” He said, “I’ve got a deadline to meet.” His coffee mug abandoned by the front door for you to clean up, he left you to officially start your day. He retreated into the study he created for himself to crank out the last four chapters he needed for his book, maybe. 
Due to circumstances beyond your control, you were the one placed on house arrest. As long as no one was notified that Ransom left the perimeter of the house you were being paid well, and you being paid well meant your younger sister gets taken care of. You were able to send her money every month to help with the fact that she was staying with an estranged aunt. It hadn’t been easy once your mother died, but the Thrombey’s lighten the load so to say. 
That’s why you were washing Ransom’s sheets that reeked of sex, picking up and disposing of torn panties and tossing used condoms the fucking dick couldn’t be bothered enough to toss two more feet into the trash can in his on-suite. You’d invested in rubber gloves. 
On days that Ransom had to meet with his probation officer he would wear a dummy bracelet. It got him by and soon the fucker would be over and done with house arrest all together. You’d be able to move back home then. Hopefully. 
“Ransom, you ever gonna eat today?” You knocked on the open door of his study, bringing his attention from his computer to you, who held a bowl of pasta in your one hand. He sighed, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his eyes. There were multicolored post-its surrounding his computer. Your mind made the connection with how similar it was to his Grandfather’s own workspace. You gently placed the bowl on his desk, turning to pour him a tumbler of whiskey from the small bar in the corner of the room. 
“I don’t know how the old bastard ever cranked out two books a year,” His neck cracked. “How is that even possible?” He took a large bite of the pasta, squinting at the screen. His eyes quickly shifted to yours, watching you set down the glass of whiskey in front of him. He grabbed your wrist. “Stay.” It was an order. “Sit.” You took your place in a chair across from him. 
“Harlan wrote every day,” You told him, “You write whenever you’re not off sticking your dick into anything that breathes.” He laughed at that. 
“Not everything that breathes,” He typed a few more words into the word document, “I haven’t fucked you yet.” Your core pulsed, he said yet. 
Audibly you scoffed, “I would never willingly fuck you Ransom.” You pulled your legs up onto the chair to make yourself comfortable. He smirked at that, eyes not leaving the computer screen. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” That stupid smirk. You hated that fucking smirk. So condescending. 
When you first met Ransom you were probably very much like the girls that you now pry out of his bed at 8 am. You had been tutoring Meg at the family home, sitting at the kitchen table going over Othello when he sauntered in, digging through the cabinets for snacks. You could feel Meg tense up next to you and that’s when he turned. He was so fucking pretty. Blue eyes, well kept hair, cashmere sweater, those broad fucking shoulders, and on his face, stretching that full bottom lip you wanted to tug between your teeth, was a smirk. 
That pulsing throb between your thighs soon was quickly forgotten as he opened his mouth and began to speak, “How’s it going Meg, trouble reading? Or do they not teach you how to read when you’re a liberal? Lord knows you guys never fucking understand anything anyway.” Meg snapped back at him, but you were stunned. You could tell he said that on purpose, knowing it would make her go off on the tangent he was now, finding a sick pleasure in it. That was the first time you’d seen the smirk. You’d lost count of how many times you’ve seen it since then. 
“I really hate you Ransom.” You sighed, sinking further into your chair. He had almost finished off the bowl of pasta by now, whiskey long since emptied. He thinks it’s funny, you hating him because he responds looking you in your eyes, maintaining his smirk, 
“I know you do baby.” He liked to do that. Call you pet names. Once he had even pretended you were his wife when you accidentally walked in on him and a girl he had been balls deep in, bent over the back of the couch. He fucking LOVED that one. The girl had cried, embarrassed, apologizing as she picked her bra up from the floor and slunk out the front door behind you. That was a while ago. Pre-Murder. You should have seen it then. How insane he actually was. 
Ransom was incredibly smart and was a quick thinker. It was part of the reason that he had gotten away with murder in the first place. You knew that. It showed in his novel. He would have you read chapters, give him your opinion, before writing and rewriting. Showing you again. He’d ask you if you could figure out who was the murderer, a sinister glint in his eyes, arms crossed, standing above you waiting. He could only be satisfied if you didn’t have a clue. 
It was a gift, you supposed, the ease in which he wrote to make every character a possible suspect in completely new and incredible scenarios. He had three books in various states of completion that he was chipping away at, the one he was currently working on seemingly better than the previous published. 
His Mother, the one who gave him the silver spoon and cursed him for having it his whole life, was suddenly proud of him. His Father, now divorced from his Mother, would come by weekly asking for money. Ransom loved that too. His Dad got nothing due to the prenup, leaving him penniless. The cushy job he had at Lynda’s real estate empire was gone, and now Dad was working at local agency scraping by on low commission. Last week his Father came to the door while Ransom was writing and muscled his way not too kindly past you into the house. 
“Ransom!” He called, finding his way into his son’s study. You quietly shut the door, returning to folding laundry. The door shut tightly behind him and sounds had been muffled. It’s only when their voices went from calm to a screaming match did the door wretch open and Ransom followed his Dad out, both red faced. 
“We’ve given you everything in your fucking life and you can’t even give one iota back.” Ransom opened the front door, gesturing to the porch. 
“Get the fuck out, and don’t come back.” His voice stern and commanding.
“Fuck you Ransom.” With that he was gone. The silence that had settled over the house was thick, Ransom’s hand still resting against the closed door before he took a breath and, without taking a glance in your direction, returned to his study. Closing the door. 
The echo of that argument sat in the house for the rest of the day, Ransom leaving soon after to find a body to lose himself in. If the murder trial did anything, it made Ransom into a bad boy and girls fucking loved it. He wasn’t, technically, guilty after all. 
You attempted to clear the bowl in front of him, but was stopped by his hand. His eyes never left the screen as he brought your hand to his lips, placing a kiss in your palm, before dragging your arm to his other shoulder, hugging himself with it awkwardly until you gave in and wrapped your other arm around him, holding him tightly for a moment. 
He was soft sometimes. His Mom never held him when he was a kid. He was left alone a lot while she was building her empire. Babysitters never stayed long, nannies came and went. Sometimes you truly felt bad for him, other times you remember that he was a dick and that he loved to play tricks and torment anyone and everyone that was supposed to take care of him, including you. The only difference was you weren’t able to leave. 
He let you go soon after that, letting you clean up the mess from dinner and stoke the fire place warming the house that always seemed too cold. As you stood by the fire, arms wrapped around yourself you could feel him behind you, coming to wrap his arms around your waist, leaning his head on your shoulder as you stared into the flames. There was a moment or two of silence as you both stood there. 
If this were any other situation, if Ransom loved you, if this was someone who loved you, if this someone cared enough to care about the things you care about, this would be kind of romantic. But it’s Ransom, and he didn’t care about anyone but himself, he definitely didn’t care about you, and he one hundred percent didn’t care about anything you care about. “I’m going out.” 
His arms left your waist and his chest left your back leaving you cold. “For fucks sake Ransom, I don’t feel like throwing out a girl tomorrow morning.” You turned to watch him throwing his coat on. He smirked. He fucking smirked. 
“I’ll give you a break and throw her out myself then.” And he was gone. 
Hours later you’re woken by the sound of Ransom coming home, sure enough he wasn’t alone. Soft giggles and a bang, he’s shoved her against the wall beside your room. There were muffled groans as you assumed she found her knees right there in the hallway. He got off on this shit, you knew. Often stopping somewhere outside your door to start his sexual escapades. Knowing you were mere feet away, like some half-assed exhibitionism. It wasn’t long after that the girl squealed and there was more muffled talking before they moved to his bedroom. To which you shared a wall. 
Your bedroom, before you were a live-in, housed a bunch of items you believed graced a teen boy’s bedroom walls at one point. And still, shoved in the corner, were playboy model cardboard cutouts, “They’re vintage, mint condition, and worth a lot.” Sure, Ransom, sure they are. Arcade games, framed patriots jerseys, a lacrosse set from his high school days. You were shoved in the middle of it all, a single bed shoved against the wall surrounded by what once was a room full of teenage boy memorabilia. A shrine to his youth. 
The headboard soon came knocking and hope for sleep was lost. The girl’s moans escalating to shrieks. Either he was as good as he says, or these girls really care about his ego. Either could be true when there’s more than one comma in your bank account. 
The kitchen was much quieter. A steady rocking still came from upstairs, but thankfully it was muffled by the floor. As you made a cup of tea you figured you would see if he had printed off a new chapter ready for you to read. You hope he wouldn’t have gone out without finishing it anyway. 
You were not sure why you cared to be honest. You had this love/hate for Ransom. He was an annoying prick who did something really fucking horrible, but he also made it very clear to everyone involved that you had nothing to do with it. There was a scary moment there, after his arrest, when you were brought to the station for interrogation. You hadn’t known he had even gotten up to any of these crimes. He kept you completely in the dark and he was sure to let his arresting officers know that. You hadn’t even seen him since the night Harlan died when he left the party stranding you at the estate. 
Money does crazy things to people. The threat of his steady income leaving was enough to push him to do something crazy. He was lucky enough that the recorded confession magically was erased. He was lucky for dirty cops. He was lucky that even though his mother despised his lifestyle she didn’t want him to go to prison. He was so lucky. Now with his first novel sitting highly on the bestseller list, he seemed even more lucky than he did before. 
His study was on the opposite side of the house from his bedroom, muffling the sounds enough for you to flip through the packet left on top of his keyboard. Three chapters away from completion you were following the detective through paces where things felt more confusing than ever, the clues were unclear and there was not much to go on, but the tension between the eldest son of the victim and his ex-wife were mounting and it was hard to believe that maybe this guy had nothing to do with it despite what was described as an ‘air-tight’ alibi. You read through the chapter twice, scribbling your thoughts in red pen along the margins. 
“What do you think?” You jumped in your chair, looking up to see Ransom in the doorway. 
“You scared the shit out of me,” Your hand still clutching your chest. He had a glass of water in his hand, chest bare, solid navy pajama pants slung low on his hips. His chest hair always got you, just a little bit. He tugged his bottom lip between his teeth and pushed off the door jam to walk into the room, taking a seat in the chair you occupied hours ago. “It’s good,” you cleared your throat, “I’m not sure how much longer I can wait for you to finish to be honest.” He chuckled softly. 
“Let me see.” You handed him the packet and his eyes scanned the margins, reading your comments. They were mostly reactions, that’s what he liked. He wanted to know how you reacted to everything he put in front of you, did you like the romance, the tension, the lust he was trying to write between the ex-husband and wife? Or was it too distracting from the plot? Is the detective too unbelievable? He’s a character for sure. Can you figure out whodunnit yet?
“What are you doing out of bed?” You asked, spinning the chair side to side, waiting for him to put the packet down. 
“I told you I was going to kick her out.” He took another sip from his water. You scoffed, 
“And you couldn’t start doing this sooner?” A smile stretched his lips,
“I like how much it bothers you.” 
“It’s annoying,” you said, “Worst way to start my day.” He laughed. 
“That’s the only reason?” He asked, throwing the packet back on the desk, leaning back in his chair. Smirking. 
“You’re such an asshole, you know that?” You pushed back from the desk, moving to exit the room. He quickly grabbed your wrist, tugging you over to his side where he looked up at you, 
“If you wanna take their place, just let me know.” Your other hand came up to smack him on his shoulder, causing him to laugh as he released you, letting you take your exit. 
You found him the next morning at his desk, looking as though he had very little sleep. “Babe could you get me some coffee?” You yawned in the doorway, 
“Sure.” It didn’t take long before you were setting the cup in front of him. “Your therapist is coming by at one.” He nodded, not looking up from his computer. “I’ll come get you when it’s time for you to get ready.” 
He was focused. You weren’t sure where this focus came from. It was every once in a while that he would find this stroke of inspiration and write for a whole day straight. Hopefully he will be finished his book before schedule and be able to get ahead for the next one. 
Soon he was washed, dressed, and ready for the one person he dreads the most. He hated therapy sessions. There were only ten more he needed to do before the court mandate was over. Ten more weeks until you were able to get this lovely ankle bracelet off when you would hopefully be able to go back to the routine you had with him before. Where you’d sleep in your own shitty apartment and show up to work a 9 to 9 five days a week. 
After sessions he was always moody, quiet, and tended to need his favorite single malt restocked the next day. Not exactly in line with how he should be tending to whatever revelation the therapist has been streamlining him to, but that wasn’t any of your business. You could say though that during the last 42 weeks of sessions this refractory period was shortening to less and less time, maybe tonight you won't be peeling him off the floor of the study and dragging him up to his room drunk off his ass. 
While in the session you were trying not to listen in on, you were sunk heavily on the living room couch, drinking coffee and reading the latest chapter he had slapped into your hands before entering back into his study. The book was so close to being finished, the last two chapters leading you to the big reveal and aftermath. The climax was steady taking hold and you were more sure than ever that the eldest son had something to do with it. You didn’t know what he did, but it was something. 
He looked mad enough to kill as the Doctor left. Slamming the door, barely missing the Doctor’s jacket sleeve as he made his hasty retreat. Ransom stood seething for a moment by the front door, a chill running down your spine. He had murdered someone before, something you try to forget seeing as you are forced to spend so much time with him. His hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. It felt like an hour before he moved. 
“I’m going out.” The words spoken sternly as he stomped his way up the stairs like a petulant child, returning moments later, cleaned up, eyes blank, before grabbing his coat and slamming the door loud enough to make you jump. 
Aside from Ransom’s Mother never being around and aside from his Father’s string of extramarital affairs and aside from his Grandfather’s need to push him in every direction but close, you wish you could say that Ransom had a good childhood. But he didn’t. When he was little the kids picked on him for being rich, and when he was bigger they only became friends with him because he was rich. He was such a bully. At least, that’s what his Mother told you once drunk off chardonnay at his birthday dinner last year. 
That was a clear sentiment for the small family get together, and by small family get together you meant the dinner you cooked and Ransom looking like he’d rather be in prison than listen to his parents bicker over his Father’s new (Not so new seeing as he’d been caught kissing her by a PI before Harlan’s death) girlfriend. She was smart enough not to come. 
This night was looking a lot like that one. Ransom, after his parents left and you began to tidy up, began to scream at you. 
“What gave you the fucking right you dumb bitch?” He was spitting, face red as you cleared the dishes. “You’re only here for the money. The fucking money. How much is she paying you huh?” The bottle of expensive whiskey he had been drinking throughout the night was in his hand, swinging it around and taking pulls straight from the bottle. “Not enough obviously because you would have let me fuck you a long time ago.” 
Your face flushed red as your own anger began to rise. He continued, “Never, ever, fucking again will you allow my parents in this house, do you understand me?” His unoccupied hand grabbed your arm tight enough to bruise, turning you to face him. His eyes wild and unfocused. “I said do you understand me?” You not so gently wretched your arm from his. 
“Don’t touch me.” He always fucking did this. Blamed you for things you had no control over. Lynda approached you about a dinner for Ransom’s birthday. It was her name in your paystubs. You can’t say no. 
“How dare you-” He began, but was cut short.
“No Ransom. No.” Like scolding a fucking dog who put his paws on the table. You threw the bowl you currently had in your hands into the sink, turning to fully face him. “I am only here for the money and I am only here because your Mother pays me a lot to be here.” His jaw clenched. “But I’m also here because I’m the only fucking person who even remotely cares about your ungrateful prissy spoiled ass and if it wasn’t for me you’d be sitting in this fucking glass house, alone, with only your own self-righteous attitude to keep you company. So don’t you ever touch me like that again. Do you understand?” 
He loudly clunked the bottle onto the kitchen island, stumbling in your direction as you backed yourself into the sink. His trial had just concluded two weeks ago, Fran’s murder fresh on your mind and you wondered if you just made a terrible mistake. Over the course of this rant, the alcohol was sinking into his bloodstream, it turned his anger into a crippling depression. One that resulted in his hands softly grasping your shoulders, and tugging you into his body. His face found your neck and slowly started to grow damp with what you realized were his tears. 
Your heart broke a bit, too much empathy, even for this asshole. Your arms came to wrap around his shoulders, letting him cry it out. 
That was the first and only time you saw Ransom cry over anything. If he hadn’t been as drunk as he was you knew that moment would never have happened. The sweet little moment that made your heart ache was quickly gone the next morning when Ransom made you coffee and thought it would be hilarious that after you thanked him for being so sweet he joked that he poisoned it. You could still recall the cackles of laughter as you spit your coffee into the sink. 
That was the day he began writing his first novel. 
He came home alone tonight which was strange. And far earlier than normal. You usually were in bed, or holed up in his study by the time he arrived him after a night out. Staying out of his way as he drug a bubbly hopeful girl up to his bed to satisfy his own needs for the night. He found you tonight, sitting outside, watching Netflix on your tablet by the firepit you had decided to light, a hot cup of tea sitting on the end table next to you. Cozy and wrapped in a blanket. 
You could feel his eyes on you from the doorway. You tapped the screen, pausing your show and turned to look at him. His hair was slightly mussed, face flushed, and socked toes curling from the chill. He was looking at you strangely. 
“You’re home early.” You placed the tablet down on the end table, turning to face him. He nodded, crossing his arms and leaning against the door jam. 
“I just needed a drive.” There was a soft smile on his face, well that’s new. 
“Is everything okay?” He never tells you anything, but the sentiment matters. He looked to his feet, nodding. 
“I’m probably going to try to stay up and finish the book tonight.” He shifted himself back into the house, your voice calling out to him, 
“Come sit out here for a bit. It’s calming, just take a break from thinking for a minute.” He sighed and looked at you again, debating something in his head. 
“I need to be alone.” You tried anyway. He disappeared from sight. And that was that. 
The next day Ransom began acting even more strangely. The book was finished, the last two chapters handed wordlessly to you as he left for the gym on what you’re assuming was no sleep. That wasn’t the strange part. The strange part was when he returned three hours later bearing a box of donuts from your favorite bakery and two lattes, on his face was a smile. 
“What did you do?” You accused, “Did you poison this?” You gestured towards the latte he placed in your hand. 
“No.” He laughed, sliding the box of donuts to you. You stared at him skeptically before taking a sip. Tastes normal. 
“Are you sick?” Your wrist coming to lay across his forehead, temperature feels fine. 
“No.” He laughed again, pulling your wrist from his forehead and kissing your palm before opening the box of donuts, pulling a cinnamon sugar donut to his lips. “You just told me the other day how you missed these and I figured since I passed the shop on the way back it wouldn’t hurt to go pick some up.” It was suspicious. You continued to look at him skeptically. He sighed, placing the donut on the counter, grabbing the latte from your hand he took a large sip of it. “I didn’t fucking poison you Y/N.” 
Okay. You examined the box of donuts, pulling out the bear claw that was begging to be eaten. Still warm. You moaned in delight as soon as the warm pastry hit your taste buds. You really had missed these. Opening your eyes, you saw Ransom staring blankly at you before his eyes shifted to the packet by your side. 
“All finished?” You swallowed and nodded, sliding the packet marked with red over to him and as he began to study your notes you tried to think about what could have possibly gotten him in such a good mood. The Doctor’s visit was odd enough. Yes he was angry when the Doctor left, but then just a drive? Not a blackout drunk, bringing two girls home to pleasure himself with and accidentally falling into a line or two of coke night, but a drive? 
Maybe therapy had been working? Maybe he had a breakthrough? He finished the novel. The eldest son had something to do with it, his airtight alibi just that, a cover for the crime having been committed at a different time than the coroner’s estimated time frame due to him freezing the body and allowing it to thaw in the house. 
You had asked Harlan how he came up with such incredible stories once. He said they just popped into his head fully formed, his brain moving faster than his fingers. He kept a little notebook with good ideas and would simmer in them as long as it took for a stroke of inspiration. The rest was just typing. 
He smirked at some of your comments, ‘what a fucking joke’ you wrote next to the eldest son’s monologue about being passed over, his whining, annoying, self centered crying about how life wasn’t fair. 
“What’s the smirk for?” You asked, removing the lid of your latte and dipping part of the bear claw in it. 
“The lack of sympathy for Greg.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
“He’s a fucking loser.” Ransom’s eyes met yours, “I bet you see a lot of yourself in him.” That made him laugh. 
“What? You don’t like spoiled rich men?” He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest. You rolled your eyes, taking another sip from the milky sweet latte you didn’t know would feel like your life’s blood right now. 
“I think you know the answer to that.” 
“I think you find me endearing.” Ransom smirked. Your neck flushed. 
“I find you annoying,” You admitted. “I only put up with you because of my paycheck.” He licked his lips.
“Sure,” He closed the packet, pushing it aside to take another bite of the donut, cinnamon sugar dusting his lips. “You put up with me because you’re secretly in love with me, but you know that I would never get with The Help.” This made you laugh. 
“If you want me to be the Help I’ll gladly call you Hugh if it means you leave me alone.” He placed his paper cup on the counter, circling around to you. 
“I like when you call me Hugh.” His hands came to rest on your upper arms, grinning. 
“You’re disgusting.” He laughed at the clear displeasure on your face, spinning your stool around to him, and you leaned back, creating some distance as he came to stand between your legs. 
“You don’t mean that do you baby?” His fingers toying with the ends of your hair. You could feel your nipples harden in excitement, body betraying you. A wet growing between your legs. 
“Ransom what are you doing?” You said in exasperation. You weren’t blind. Ransom was gorgeous. You’d maybe, possibly, gotten off to the thought of him once or twice or maybe more than that in the four years you’ve known him. But he was also a scumbag who fucks and then throws girls out hours later. His moods were hot and cold. He had major Mommy issues and he’s not technically guilty of murder, but he’s a fucking murderer. But also… he’s been going to therapy and after that fight on his birthday last year he’s never laid a hand on you in anger again, there’s been some arguments sure, but he’s mostly nice to you. Caring even. 
“Why don’t you love me Y/N?” His voice almost came out as a whine. He was playing with you. 
“Ransom stop.” You pushed him away gently. He was fucking smirking. 
“Usually there’s a ‘don’t’ in front of that.” Cocky bastard. 
“You’re the worst person I know. And I hate that fucking smirk.” You picked at your now cold bear claw, trying to turn from him. 
“Why don’t you wipe it off my face then?” Your eyes met his and you glared. 
“What’s gotten into you today? Maybe you should go out early. Find some girl to satisfy whatever you’re going through right now.” His hands met your hips, spinning your stool back around to face him. 
“What if I want you to satisfy whatever I’m going through right now.” His groin fit right up against your core and you could feel his throbbing heat between your legs. Fuck. 
“Don’t make this mistake Ransom.” You placed one hand gently on his chest, attempting (but not really) to push him back. His forehead coming to rest against yours. “You don’t want this.”
“This is the only thing I’ve ever really wanted.” His breath mingled with yours, sweet, cinnamon and coffee. 
“You’re not thinking straight.” His lips brushed against yours, tongue coming out to wet his lips, his eyes locked with yours. Why weren’t you pushing him away? Your breath hitched as his tongue accidentally grazed your bottom lip. 
“The only clarity I’ve ever had in my life has been when I’m with you.”
His lips pressed heavily against yours, pushing you back against your bedroom door as his hand came to tangle in your hair. He was all consuming, body hot and heavy against yours. Your core was thrumming with want, moisture pooling in the crotch of your yoga pants. His hips were rolling into yours and you could feel the hard length of him against your belly. His lips quickly moved across your jaw to your neck and you could hear yourself moaning softly as he licked, sucked, and nibbled on the sensitive skin below your ear. Your hands clenching the soft material of the t-shirt by his hips, dipping your fingers slowly into the waistband of his shorts. 
His lips parted from your neck, hand tilting your head back so he could look into your eyes before taking your mouth once more. His mouth moved down this time to the tops of your breasts, hands leaving to shift the thick wool cardigan off your shoulders and onto the floor before dropping the straps of your camisole and exposing them to the air, nipples already pebbled in excitement. 
You hadn’t dated in a while, unable to because of your paid house arrest and before that the way Ransom had worked you to the bone picking up after him. And the touch from someone else always felt better than your own. His hands felt huge on you, protecting. 
Your head met the door as he enveloped your right nipple in his mouth, rolling the sensitive bud on his tongue until he felt the left neglected, and switched, beginning to toy with your right nipple between his finger tips. Moans and heavy breaths were the only sounds in the hallway as Ransom made his way down your body, slipping your yoga pants and panties off your hips as he found his knees before you. 
“Shhhhh,” He pressed his lips against your naval, working his way to your trembling core. His hand lifted your right thigh, draping it over his shoulder as his eyes focused in on your, what you knew must be soaking, wet pussy. His eyes met yours from his knees, your legs trembling with anticipation, eyes locked as his pink tongue came to meet your pussy for the first time, a shuddering breath being released from you urged him on further. 
His thick fingers spread your lips open, exposing your clit to his gentle assault. A building pleasure in your core as his tongue began to skillfully work, pulling moans from your mouth. How was he so good at this? Experimenting with different strokes, different pressure, finding what you like. 
“Just like that, oh my god.” He rolled his tongue against your clit, eyes finding yours once more, keeping pace. You could see the corner of his mouth pull up in a smirk as he began to work you up to climax. “You’re such a fucking asshole, I hate that fucking smirk.” Head hitting back against the door as he used his fingers to tease your opening. “Oh my god.” Your hips bucked against his face, causing him to use the arm currently wrapped around your thigh to splay open on your abdomen, holding your hips still. The wet noises and soft grunts from the man between your thighs only caused you to grow closer to your release. 
“You taste so fucking good baby,” moaned between your thighs. 
“Don’t fucking stop.” You scolded. So close. So fucking close. He obeyed, continuing his assault on your dripping pussy, fingers entering your tight channel to stroke against your sensitive walls. He buried his face further into your pussy, nose coming to rest in the soft curls there as he watched you come undone. Your moans escalating in volume as you felt your body tighten with pleasure, hips begging to buck against his face as he rode you through it. He continued to lick and suck on your clit until your hands found his head, pushing him away, legs shaking as you dropped against the door, knees coming to rest around his body. 
That fucking smirk, “How was that?” He asked, face glistening with your cum. 
“Fuck you Ransom.” And he fucking laughed the bastard. What a fucking dick. He brought his face back to yours, gently claiming your lips. The tang of your pussy ever present as you felt him consume you. Your heart was still racing as he picked you up from the floor, bringing you into his bedroom and ever so gently laying you down on the sheets you had just changed two hours ago. 
His eyes were shifting between yours, a strange expression on his face. 
“You can’t kick me out tomorrow Ransom,” Your breathing was heavy as he began to work at your neck, his hands going to remove his gym shorts. “I can’t leave.” He pressed his lips back to yours as you felt him rub the tip of his dick against your clit, your body shaking with over-stimulation. It felt so intimate. Before, his eyes on yours as he brought you over with his tongue and now as he slowly enters you, stretching your walls with his thick cock, eyes not breaking contact he sighs,
“I think you’re the only person I’ve ever loved.” 
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val-made-a-mistake · 3 years
hello party people, let’s pretend i posted this six months ago: my guidelines to requests.
please be reminded: i’m a human being, i have responsibilities outside of tumblr and i’m not a machine. i will try to get to your request as quickly and efficiently as i can, but if i can’t, i apologize.
i’m open to writing amab/male-identifying and gender neutral readers for non-nsfw fanfiction, but not for nsfw. please understand i primarily write afab/female-identifying readers, and unless clearly stated otherwise, the reader is afab/female-identifying.
who i’ll write for: (headcanons, fluff, nsfw, etc)
marvel/mcu —
helmut zemo
sam wilson
natasha romanoff
karli morgenthau
stephen strange
ulysses klaue
peter parker
otto octavius
tony stark
daniel sousa (!!!)
jack thompson
eddie brock
dc comics —
(disclaimer: the only dc fic i’ve written is set within the universe of the arkham video games. if i write for dc, it’ll most likely be freeform, or the arkhamverse.)
bruce wayne
jason todd
dick grayson
selina kyle
tim drake
harley quinn
poison ivy
peaky blinders —
tommy shelby
arthur shelby
john shelby
finn shelby
stranger things —
steve harrington
jim hopper
robin buckley
mike wheeler
knives out —
benoit blanc
marta cabrera
ransom drysdale
birdie jay
andi brand
what i will not write:
non-con (dub-con is fine, when i write dub-con it’s always verging towards the consenting side though) and any abuse of any kind. physical/sexual/mental/financial/self, none of it. please respect my boundaries.
i also won’t write bathroom-related kink or pregnancy/kid fic.
and quite obviously, i won’t write smut about minors, so if you request a peter parker smut or something, he’ll be at least eighteen in the fic. in the same vein, i don’t allow minors to read my nsfw fics and i will not hesitate to block anyone who disrespects this rule. this is the last time i’m saying this, fuck’s sake.
(sfw is fine. nsfw isn’t. have common sense, please.)
happy requesting!
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et-lesailes · 4 years
pairing: ransom drysdale x reader
word count: 2485
summary: the death of harlan thrombey is being investigated, and while ransom seems to be the perfect suspect, he also has the perfect alibi.
themes: mentions of murder, drama, fluff
taglist: @evanstush​, @chibi-crazy​, @tanyam93​, @bval-1​, @wonderwinchester​,  @patzammit​, @rohaintahquil​, @deidrashouseofpain​, @sammyslonglostshoe​, @mizariomi​, @jadedhillon​, @bohemian-barbie​, @marvelouspottering​, @sebabestianstan101​, @lille-kattunge​, @peach-acid​, @heyiamthatbitch​, @cptn-sgrogers​, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​, @bangtan-serendipity​, @troublermalik​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​, @hannie-stark​, @bookish-shristi​, @kind-sober-fullydressed​, @whores4thor​, @gingerninjaprincess16​, @straightforwardly​, @danathewitchywoman​, @denisemarieangelina​, @mango--mango​, @frencchfries​, @xlanawriter​, @littlemoistcarrot​, @pottxrwolff​, @arianatheangelworld​, @ifuseekamyevans​, @southerngracela​, @nsfwsebbie​, @rororo06​​, @almost-had-the-stars​, @sebastian-i-stan​, @whysparker​​
notes: this was based on an idea given to me by @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​ and i absolutely loved it! i did change it up a little, and no i did not reveal who the actual killer is-- because i don’t know how to write mystery fics for shit, and i wanted to focus on ransom and reader’s relationship rather than solving an entire ass murder. anywho there are references to scenes from the movie so if you’re sensitive to spoilers then don’t read! and thank you to @thewritingdoll​ for the graphic!
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“You think I killed my Granddad.”
Ransom looks at Detective Benoit for a few seconds before scoffing, even smirking as he looks to the window of the elegant room lined with bookshelves. “And why exactly do you think that?”
“Now I didn’t say that.” The detective drawls, leaning forward and looking at the younger with intense crystal hues. “But you left his party early, right after a rather serious fight with him, and you don’t bother to show to the funeral… seems a little suspicious. I’d like to know where you were.”
Ransom looks at the detective for a few moments before leaning in as well. “Where I was,” he lowers his voice, “is none of your goddamn business. It’s not even relevant to anyone in this goddamn family, so you can go ahead and get your Kentucky Fried ass out of it right now.” He stands up, looking at the detective almost challengingly. “Maybe you should find another occupation, Detective, because you don’t seem all that great at this one.”
Benoit watches as the man turns around and walks out the door. A few seconds later, he stands up as well, walking outside. He gets into the passenger side of a waiting car, the headlights turned off.
He nods towards Detective Elliot sitting in the driver’s side. “Follow him.”
“Interesting how you’ll show up at the reading of the will and not at your grandfather’s actual funeral.” Walt Thrombey comments as Ransom strides into the room, his expression bored as he tucks his sunglasses into his pocket. He barely smirks in amusement upon his uncle’s comment, sitting himself down on one of the couches and crossing his legs. “Had another commitment. Unlike you, I wasn’t stuck up his ass my whole life.”
Walt widens his eyes, immediately shooting up from his seat through struggling slightly with his limp. “What the hell did you just say to me? That’s not true, w-we worked together, of course we had to spend time together!” His wife quickly grabs his arm, giving Ransom a dirty look. “Just sit down, sweetheart.” Ransom notices his father barely chuckle out of the corner of his eye. 
What a family.
“You shouldn’t be here, Ransom,” Meg hisses, glaring at her older cousin. “You never appreciated Granddad. All you did was fight with him all the time.” Her mother Joni bites her lip but murmurs, “Up until his very last night…. Seems a little suspicious.” Linda immediately turns on her. “Excuse you? Are you trying to imply something here concerning my son?” 
“Oh come on, Linda,” Walt scoffs, “I bet you wouldn’t put it past him either. Kid’s a sociopath, always has been. We’ve been telling you to get him help for years.”
“My son does not need help!” Richard raises his voice, standing up infuriated. “And do you really want to talk about damaged children right now? Have you met Jacob?”
The young teenage boy looks up from his phone, clearly offended. “What’s wrong with me? Besides, I told you guys, I heard Ransom basically threatening Granddad! He clearly did it!” His mother quickly rubs his arm. “Nothing’s wrong with you, Jacob.” The fight only escalates from there, insults directed towards all the Thrombey children firing back and forth. 
Ransom can’t help himself. It starts out as a grin, then a low chuckle, then finally a loud cackle of laughter. He’s practically thumping the armrest of the couch, shaking his head to himself. “Oh, God. You guys are too funny. We should do this more often.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Meg practically screeches, “What is wrong with you? How are you getting enjoyment from this?” Over her voice, other comments can be heard-- “He shouldn’t even be here!” “Can he just fucking leave already?” “Do something about your son!” “Why do you guys suck as parents?” “He should be removed from the damn family!” “Fucking spoiled brat!” “Cut him off already!”
Ransom scoffs, his face still full of amusement. “How about… eat shit,” he points to Meg, then Walt, “and you eat shit,” he continues, then chuckles seeing his parents reprimanding him, “you definitely eat shit…” 
He’s still going as everyone’s telling him how “classy” he is, the uproar becoming louder and louder. Perhaps anyone else in his position would be affected by this-- it normally isn’t easy for most to be so hated and despised by their own family, and it’s generally quite stressful to be in a yelling match with at least seven other people. Not for Ransom, though. He’s lived with this dysfunction his whole life, and now, he only finds it hilarious how uptight and irritable his high strung family gets. They make it so damn easy for him to have some fun.
“Hello? Excuse me!” a loud voice rings above all the fighting, and everyone falls silent, looking towards the doorway. An old man is standing there, looking at the family in both shock and disgust. “We’re ready to read the will now, if you all are done.” Everyone immediately gets up, nodding their heads and forgetting all about the drama Ransom’s started.
For now, anyways.
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Detective Benoit Blanc can’t help but study Ransom as the will is being read, taking in how calm and collected he is. He has not eliminated any suspects, and God knows this entire family is a mess of dysfunction and motive, but he has at least had the opportunity to talk with them and get to know them a little better. Ransom is still a mystery, and he finds this suspicious.
It is not long before the family is in an uproar again, this time over the will. Even Benoit is shocked. All of Harlan’s inheritance, gone to Marta Cabrera? He looks to Ransom, who’s simply sitting there grinning like an idiot- even beginning to laugh hysterically.
Ransom appears to be the only one who knew of Harlan’s plans before anyone else in the family. Benoit takes note of this. Perhaps it will help him later on. 
“There’s two cars in the driveway.” Lieutenant Elliot notes, the two of them watching as Ransom gets out of his. “A Honda Civic. Nothing flashy, expensive-- certainly not Ransom’s.” Benoit murmurs, keeping his head slightly low as he keeps an eye on the man from their spot behind a tree. He walks into the modern style home, and Elliot barely chuckles. “These giant windows sure help. Jesus, he must not care too much for privacy.” He raises an eyebrow, adding, “Not that this is going to give us anything, Benny, come on-- the guy killed himself. That’s all there is to it.”
“There’s just something about this boy.” Benoit sighs, looking to the house calmly. “He’s… hiding something. From his entire family. I’d like to make sure it doesn’t involve Harlan’s death.” 
What the two see in the next five minutes is definitely unexpected, to say the least. Elliot watches the living room window in shock, scoffing slowly. “Unbelievable. This is what he’s hiding? How-- how could his family not know?” 
Benoit watches, his expression unreadable for a few moments before the corner of his lips slowly tugs upwards. “I see.” He murmurs, more so to himself. “I suppose the kid could be innocent, after all.” 
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“Why am I here again?” Ransom raises an eyebrow at the man before him, crossing his legs. “We’ve already gone over this. I didn’t kill my Granddad, and I’m not answering any questions as to where I-”
“Anette Harper Drysdale.” Benoit cuts him off, looking at an open file in his hands. “Born November 22nd at 11:42 AM.” He looks up at Ransom’s shocked expression, tilting his head to one side. “During your grandfather’s funeral.” He looks back down at the file, flipping to another page. “It appears her mother arrived at the hospital the night before, though. Early contractions. You checked in to see her at 9:23 PM and didn’t check out until after the baby was born.”
“How do you have those?” Ransom immediately hisses, shooting up from his chair and reaching out to grab the file. Benoit lets him, having suspected he would do as much anyways. “We had reasonable suspicion, and so the hospital was required to give it to us. I’m only confused as to why you didn’t just tell us all of this from the start. You clearly had no part in your grandfather’s death. Why not prove yourself innocent with this?”
“Because my family can’t know about Y/N. And they especially can’t know about Anette.” Ransom sits back down, teeth grit from frustration. “Fine. You got me, alright? I’m married. And now, I have a daughter. A daughter who isn’t even a week old. That’s all I’m hiding here, and I want to continue hiding it. I’m not introducing my real family to this fucked up bunch.”
“I won’t tell them.” Benoit replies after studying the other for a few moments. “I have to admit, I had you all wrong.”
“Yeah, most people do. Look, being with Y/N- I’m not the same person I was before. I mean, sure, I’m not a fucking saint. And I’ll still take any chance I can to see my parents, cousins, uncles, aunts-- to see them get screwed over just because of how damn entertaining it is. But I’m never, never going to do something to jeopardize my wife, and now, my daughter. Do you get that?”
Benoit looks at the intensity in Ransom’s features. He’s sure the boy knows how to lie like a pro, but he can tell he’s not lying now.
“You can go, Ransom. I’ve officially eliminated you as a suspect from this case.”
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You’re sitting at home in the nursery and cradling your sweet baby girl to sleep when Ransom walks in, his loud sigh echoing through the spacious living room. “Oh!” you whisper, wanting to call to him that you’re upstairs but definitely not wanting to wake little Anette. You carefully stand up, holding her close as you walk out of the nursery, coming to the banister that gives you a view of the front door so you can wave to him to come up. He immediately grins upon seeing you, taking off his coat and scarf tossing both on the nearby couch before making his way upstairs. “Hey.” He mumbles lowly, wrapping one arm around you and kissing your head. “How is she?” You smile, leaning into your boyfriend’s hold. “A little angel. I can’t believe how lucky we got, she barely cries-- only when she’s hungry.” 
He stares down at his daughter’s face, almost in disbelief with himself. He never cared for babies, or for people for that matter. After living with such a shit family like his, he had never really learned what loving or caring for someone was like. He watched them use others, use his grandfather’s money for their own success, and so that’s what he did. People were puppets to be manipulated, and he could bend them to his will however he wanted because of his family’s money.
And then he met you. No, it wasn’t love at first sight, no bullshit like that. He hates to think about it but in the beginning, he saw you as he saw every other female companion he came across. Someone to play with, someone to throw money at for a couple of weeks just for the hell of it, someone to satisfy his sexual needs. 
At least, that’s what he had wanted from you. And you were certainly not giving into it. 
He remembers how shocked yet intrigued he had been. You wouldn’t accept any money from him, and you didn’t fall for any of his charming flirtations. He even had to watch you date other men right in front of him before finally realizing this was driving him crazy. It started out as simply wanting something he couldn’t have. As he got to know you, it turned into just… wanting you no matter what. It stopped becoming some type of challenging game to him. It became reality. 
He thought he was the master manipulator in any relationship, but damn, you managed to twist him into all sorts of shapes and forms without even trying.
“She gets it from you, you know.” He mutters playfully with a scoff as he carefully walks you back into the nursery, eyes still fixated on his sleeping baby’s face. “Can’t even imagine having one like me running around.” You laugh softly at the thought, gently setting the little girl down into her crib. She barely frowns and you hold your breath, worried that those blue-green eyes might open along with a wailing mouth, but she simply settles down again and resumes sleeping. “Well, that might be a possibility in the future,” you remark as you step back, looking up at him with an amused smile. “Aren’t you the one who said you want us to have at least three?”
“Mainly because you look so fucking sexy when you’re pregnant.” Ransom mutters, leaning down to bury his head in your neck and start kissing at every inch of skin he can. ���It’s just so hot seeing you carry my child.” You smile as you tilt your head, reaching your hand up to stroke his hair. “Well my handsome baby daddy, you can calm down for the time being because I have no plans of being pregnant again right after giving birth.” He sighs dramatically as the two of you leave the nursery, closing the door but leaving it slightly cracked open. “Mm, fine, we’ll talk when Anette’s one.”
You chuckle softly but bite your lip, holding his hands as you stop to look up at him. “What did he ask you?” Ransom pauses before sighing, looking down at you seriously. “He knows about us. About Anette. But he promised he wouldn’t tell my family. He just cleared me from the case, I’m officially not involved anymore.”
You sigh in relief, squeezing his hand lightly. “That’s great, baby. But... what are you going to do?” you ask, a little worried. “Sooner or later you’re not going to have their money anymore. I don’t mind being the only one working, babe, but with a single income we might have to move out of this place…”
Ransom looks down at you more seriously, reaching out to stroke a strand of your hair behind your ear. “If I have to get a job at my mom’s stupid real estate agency, I will. No matter what, we’ll figure this out. I’m going to do whatever I can if it means providing for the two of you and giving you the best damn life possible, got it?”
You smile and nod your head, standing on your tiptoes to peck his lips. “As long as you’re here with us, we’ve already got the best life.” 
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fandom-go-round · 3 years
TV Show and Movie Masterlist
Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham (Sexual Torture, Non-Con) {dark}
Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham Flower Prompt [smut] {dark}
  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Leo x Mutant Fox!Reader Beach Day [smut]
  Phantom of the Opera:
No Raoul: Christine x Phantom (Non Con Voyeurism, Character Death) [smut] {dark}
  Knives Out:
Aftermath: Marta Cabrera x Reader x Benoit Blanc (Soulmate AU) Part 1
Aftermath: Marta Cabrera x Reader x Benoit Blanc (Soulmate AU) Part 2
  The Strangers:
Man in the Mask x Reader (Non Con, Murder) [smut] {dark}
  The Old Guard:
Cuddle Pile (Everyone Poly) (fluff)
  Atomic Blond:
Lorraine Broughton x Reader (Sex with Feelings, Surviving a Near Death Experience) [smut]
Jealous Lorraine [smut]
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