#mary cambell
shallowseeker · 1 year
Hey, Cas is semi-canonically partial to Ecclesiastes + more about windmills and futility
(I cannot remember which script but I believe it's something he suggests to Jack in season 13 or 14.)
But anyway, his praises for Ecclesiastes are fascinating and lovely. (You should give it a whirl, even if the Bible is not typically your book of choice.) There are things in Ecclesiastes that are so Cas. (I think of Season 10’s Cas: “Oh, I have seen the glory and reaped vast rewards…”)
Ecclesiastical nihilism is relevant for all of SPN’s soldier-marked characters, but especially season 7 Cas and of course AU Michael. (See also: Dean, Mary, Raphael.)
Ecclesiastes begins:
2 “Meaningless! Meaningless! says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.”
2 “Futility of futilities,” says the Preacher, “Futility of futilities! All is futility.”
Also, the sun rises and the sun sets; And hurrying to its place it rises there again. Blowing toward the south, Then turning toward the north, The wind continues swirling along; And on its circular courses the wind returns.
-Ecclesiastes (NASB)
(Cas is right, Jack. You should read Ecclesiastes. He’s wry and dare I say acerbic at times? For, you know, an ancient philosopher.)
“…unhappy to me; because everything is futility and striving after wind…”
- Ecclesiastes (NASB)
Cas's existential crisis, nihilism, and fear (season 7)
This mindset calls to memory so much of season 7-Cas, but here in particular:
Meg: What dogs? [to Dean]He says he's surrounded by unhappy dogs. Castiel: They're chasing a rabbit around [indistinct]… Meg: Oh. Okay. He's at a dog track in Perth. Castiel: I'm surrounded by large unhappy dogs. Meg: Yeah, they're unhappy 'cause the rabbit's fake. Castiel: [to Meg] You know, those racing dogs were absolutely miserable. They can only think in ovals.
-Reading is Fundamental (SPN, season 7)
Cas is beaten down after billions of years of military service. He’s effectively frozen. He laments the repetition of war and procreation and finding no meaning in it.
He tries focusing on smaller perspectives: bees, gardens, flowers. He’s trying to find a plan in it all. A divine plan would give it meaning. More importantly, a “laid-out route of flowers,” would give it a meaning he doesn’t have to discover for himself.
So, he devolves into a kind of self-horror in his own participation in the machine, in the repetitious nihilism. Ecclesiastically, he laments his place in the cosmic hierarchy. With respect to his loved ones on earth, he despairs over the pain of gaining wisdom, the shame of his prideful mistakes, and of the recognition of his own violent nature, that he “will destroy…again.” (No matter what pretty things he stood for, he was angry at Heaven. He did want to punish them.)
"Because in much wisdom there is much grief; and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain." (-Ecclesiastes, again)
The “punishment resurrection” gets more painful each time, as Cas said. Why? Wisdom.
How do you make meaning out of senselessness? Do you find it in each other?
Later, if you read too much into 12x19’s “The Future,” (as I do), you’ll note that Thank You (Led Zeppelin) seems like it could unofficially be Dean and Cas’s "song." After all, the scripted, "Cas...thank you," is such a loaded phrase to find in a script, coming on the heels of the Led Zeppelin mixtape. There are things about Thank You that echo Ecclesiastes as well, but with opposite meaning. A hopeful meaning. Not a despairing, “All things are wearisome,” but a thankfulness that you got to be here at all, surviving pain and the crumbling cycles together.
(This is indeed the wisdom Cas tries to give to Jack in Ouroboros as Dean lies dying of a gorgon-induced head injury.)
So what of the the Ecclesiastical stirring of wind? What of SPN's windmills?
The characters that struggle with meaning-making amidst the futility of war are often marked by the Ecclesiastical windmill of futility, which is why we see this motif with Cas and Dean so often. We see it particularly when they are marching off to war (like when they meet Raphael in Free to Be You and Me), or when Cas dies in war (ashes near a windmill). It also appears as an industrial building fan when linked to demons. On a related note, in season 10, Cas's grace is hidden inside Don Quixote. (Taking into account Metatron's beef with Heaven and archangels, this may be an Animal-Farmesque hit at Heaven's machinations as much as Cas's chivalry.)
Another related motif is the simple house fan. It’s a kinder symbol. There is almost always a fan on the shelf near the taller lamp on Dean’s “Cas” side of the bedroom.
But, importantly, a fan isn’t a windmill. It’s not a grand motif. Not duty. Not enemy. Not cause. Not mission. It's gentle and small, tucked into the bedroom and thus intimate. It’s not made for grand purpose. A fan is simply there to be, to comfort, to bask in a private breeze.
When we see an outright “industrial windmill,” it marks darker things, and it calls to mind other futility symbols, like the windmill of Animal Farm—that complicated grand purpose of design that runs the efforts of the hopeful, dutiful civilians into the ground with its corrupt machinations (it stands in for: hunting, Heaven, demonic deals, and just…most career and “cause”-coded things in SPN).
There is an entire scene dedicated to (alt) Mary dealing with the after effects of her child soldierhood in The Winchesters, episode 5 "Legend of a Mind," set to a rather haunting Dusty Springfield cover of Noel Harrison’s Windmills of Your Mind.
Its lyrics echo Cas’s existential crisis from season 7, and also that of late-seasons Michael and terminal-seasons Dean. And that is no accident.
A circle in a spiral, a wheel within a wheel Never ending nor beginning on an ever-spinning reel As the images unwind Like the circles that you find In the windmills of your mind
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gambit-blogs · 2 years
Guys The Winchesters is coming out today. I'll update all of you on my thoughts when I see it.
(Pilot season 1, episode 1)
The Winchesters
So I just watched the pilot and I don't know what to think so far but seeing Dean freaking Winchester in the flesh was everything I cant.
But the show itself I think is breaking the canon because John learned about the supernatural world after Mary died.
Also not Mary calling John soldier boy (aka The boys reference)
Anyway I'll add my thoughts on here when the next episode comes out.
(Teach your children well Season 1, Episode 2)
I think the new monsters that they have added are unique.
Btw Dean is definitely like his mom Mary.
And the scene were their all eating pizza was definitely some deja vu from that one episode of spn.
(You're lost little girl season 1, episode 3)
This episode was okay finally we see who that woman was at the end.
The songs though I love them.
Finding out more about John's past.
And Mary watching a movie with that kid. Something up with him I know it.
And the beer-clicking scene sending Dean and Sam vibes.
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mattzerella-sticks · 1 year
Samuel: (on seeing through the fake Mary) You're not left handed.
Dean: (on seeing through the possessed John) Dad'd never tell me I did a good job.
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baka-rina · 8 months
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New character images from the movie website.
Katarina / Catarina Claes
The only daughter of Duke Claes. She has a sharp appearance. Recalling her memories of her past life, she realizes that she has been reincarnated as Katarina, the villainess of the game world.
She struggles to avoid the ruinous ending that the villainess will face. She graduates from magic school and goes to work at the Ministry of Magic.
She is a natural person who attracts people without even realizing it.
Her magical power is earth.
Jeord / Geordo Stuart
The third prince of Sorcier Kingdom and Catalina's fiancé. He is a orthodox prince with blond hair and blue eyes, but he has a dark and sadistic personality.
While he was spending his boring days with no interest in anything, he met Katarina.
He becomes interested in Katarina, who has changed as a person, and from then on, he frequently visits Duke Claes' house.
His magical power is fire.
Keith Claes
Katarina's adopted brother.
He was adopted by a branch of the Claes family because of his high magical power. A beautiful figure full of sex appeal.
He was supposed to lead a distorted life due to loneliness, but after meeting Katarina, he was enveloped in the love of the Claes family and is steadily growing into a good young man.
He is troubled by his sister Katarina's lack of awareness.
His magic power is earth.
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Alan Stuart
Geordo's twin brother and the fourth prince of Sorcier Kingdom. Mary's fiance. A beautiful, wild-looking prince who is kind of like me.
He has such great musical talent that he is said to be the son of the god of music.
He had a complex about his twin brother, Geordo, but he overcame it as he came into contact with the honest Katarina.
His magical power is water.
Nicol Ascart
The son of Count Askart, the country's prime minister. He has a doll-like appearance.
He dotes on his younger sister Sophia.
He has a magical charm that attracts men and women of all ages, and there is a fan club for him.
He is expressionless except in front of his family, but after Katarina's words, he becomes attracted to her and begins to open up to her.
His magical power is wind.
Mary Hunt
The fourth daughter of a marquis and Alan's fiance. She is a cute beautiful girl.
She used to be timid, but after she met Katarina, she grew to the point where she became known in her social circles as the ``lady of ladies.''
She is good at growing plants, and she helps Katarina revive her field.
She loves Katarina and is plotting to take her away to a far away land and monopolize her (apparently).
Her magical power is water.
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Sophia Ascart
The daughter of an earl and Nicole's younger sister.
Because she has white hair and red eyes, she was raised up with unkind words from those around her.
She has a quiet and gentle personality. She loves reading stories, and she befriends Katarina after they read the same romance novel, and the two deepen their friendship.
Her magical power is wind.
Maria Campbell
Although she is a commoner, she is a special girl who has the magic power of light.
She is the original main character of the otome game "FORTUNE LOVER".
She is a kind, humble, and hard-working person who works hard at everything she does, but Katarina saves her from being bullied due to her social status, and he comes to admire her.
Like Katarina, she ends up working at the Ministry of Magic.
She is good at making sweets, and the sweets Maria makes are Katarina's favorites.
Raphael Wolt
He is the son of Marquis Deke and a distant relative of Nicol and the others. He is good at making tea.
He is one year older than Katarina, and was appointed student council president because he was at the top of his class in academics and magic at magic school.
Due to the death of his mother when he was young, he acquired dark magical powers, but was freed when he met Katarina.
He currently works for the Ministry of Magic.
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Anne Shelley
Maid to Katarina. She has been serving Katarina since she was eight years old.
On the surface, she treats Katarina as salt, as she is always being pushed around, but she cares for Katarina more than anyone else, and she intends to follow and serve Katarina no matter what.
He used to be a servant to the Duke of Berg's family, but now he works for the Ministry of Magic.
He is a soft-spoken, knowledgeable person, and a capable person who handles his work smoothly.
He is beautiful and full of sex appeal.
Ian Stuart
The second prince of Sorcier Kingdom. Along with the first prince Geoffrey, he is a strong candidate to become the next king. His calm and collected demeanor gives off a cold impression to those around him.
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A dark familiar that Katarina acquired after accidentally taking over a dark ritual. He looks like a black puppy and is loved like a pet. He usually lurks in Katarina's shadow.
A merchant boy from the Kingdom of Mutrak. He meets Katarina, who wanders into the caravan's tent. He has the ability to communicate with animals.
A member of a merchant caravan from the Kingdom of Mutrak, and a friend of Aaqil since childhood. He appears on shows dressed as a woman, making the most of his beautiful appearance.
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A member of a merchant caravan from the Kingdom of Mutrak. He and Haarti are twins, and although they look exactly like each other, they have different personalities. He is a cheerful younger brother.
A member of a merchant caravan from the Kingdom of Mutrak. He and Nashiit are twins, and although they look exactly like each other, they have different personalities. He's a cool brother.
A sword-wielding girl who is a member of a merchant caravan from the Mutrak Kingdom.
A creature that looks like a baby bird (?) that Katarina found in a warehouse while chasing Pochi.
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sedgesnuggles · 10 days
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Arsonist Nugget unmasked and the living cotton puff that he stole
(Don’t mind the pipe bomb, the boyo wanted to blow up the building but Marie wouldn’t let him, also why he is grumpy.)
Bonus headcanon: If Henry can flip over a full size couch in three seconds, then he can absolutely pick up Hibi any time he wants. Guy talking to her a little too much? Yoink! He sees Police walking down the street? Yoink! He just… wants to? Yoink!
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astralarc · 6 months
The way I’ve been consumed with my enjoyment of Superpowereds by Drew Hayes is disturbing (listening to year four as I’m typing)😅
Roy is best boy💜🫶
(Yes I also have daddy issues moving on)
Sorry the character growth is immaculate and I’m weak for a southern accent🫠
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paradoxarchive · 1 year
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i am too in love with life, i don't want to die (i cannot fathom the absence of living)
arthoesunshine | sunlightafterdark | joseph cambell | mary oliver | amy krouse rosenthal | joseph brodsky | unknown | gregory orr | colette, tr by matthew ward | anaïs nin
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butchmarner · 5 months
Who is the gayest PWHL Team?🌈
(Based on my extensive and unprofessional research of players' instagrams lol)
Minnesota: 3 confirmed
Michela Cava- dating teammate Emma Greco
Emma Greco- dating teammate Michela Cava
Liz Schepers- dating Ohio State teammate Michaela Boyle
Toronto: 7 confirmed
Brittany Howard
Carly Jackson
Allie Monroe
Jess Jones
Hannah Miller
Kristen Cambell- dating Team Canada softball player Emma Entzminger
Erica Howe
Ottawa: 7 confirmed
Brianne Jenner- (C) Married w/ 2 kids to Hayleigh Cudmore, her former teammate in Calgary
Emily Clark
Emerance Maschmeyer- married to Team Canada goalie Genevieve Lacasse
Ashton Bell
Malia Schneider
Zoe Boyd- either gay or really really really good at lesbian thirst traps and a queerbait of an instagram
Amanda Boulier
Boston: 7 confirmed
Hilary Knight- (C) dating speed skater Brittany Bowe (sorry Freddy Anderson)
Shiann Darkangelo- dating Montreal's Elaine Chuli
Jamie Lee Rattray
Samantha Isbell- exes with New York's Jill Saulnier
Taylor Wenczkowski
Amanda Pelkey- married to Finnish Olympian Venla Hovi
Erin Brown- dating New York's Savannah Norcross
New York: 9 confirmed
Micah Zandee-Hart (C)
Madison Packer- married to former teammate Anya Packer
Jade Downey-Landry
Jill Saulnier- exes with Boston's Sam Isbell
Chloe Aurard- dating basketball player Ella Bushee
Savannah Norcross- dating Boston's Erin Brown
Olivia Zafuto- dating former Boston Pride teammate McKenna Brand
Elizabeth Giguere- married
Johanna Fallman
Montreal: 9 confirmed
Marie-Philip Poulin- (C) engaged to teammate Laura Stacey
Laura Stacey- engaged to teammate Marie-Philip Poulin
Elaine Chuli- dating Boston's Shiann Darkangelo
Sarah Bujold
Erin Ambrose
Leah Lum
Mélodie Daoust- has a son with ex-wife, currently dating retired Team Canada player Hannah Bunton
Cath Dubois
Brigitte Laganiere
Notable mentions to 4/6 captains in this league being gay 🌈
(thank you @lesbianracecars for helping me in my extensive research)
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strangestcase · 7 months
I’m trying to start reading gothic literature, but I don’t really know where to start. What books in the genre would you recommend?
Cracks knuckles.
Start off with a selection of Edgar Allan Poe short stories. There's a reason he's considered the best Gothic writer. Most if not all of his fiction falls squarely into the gothic genre, even his non-horror production. The more you read the better, but The Fall of the House of Usher is one of the best representatives of the Gothic you can find. Also check out his poetry and scientific essays, if you can, the guy was a real Renaissance man. He also wrote one novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, which, along with Lovecraft's In the Mountains of Madness and Cambell's Who goes there? aka The Thing From Another World constitutes some sort of "trilogy" (since each story was based on the one prior).
Then you can move on to other short story selections. Short stories are easier to read and digest, I think, and plenty of fun. I recommend the following authors:
J. Sheridan Le Fanu- Irish writer that took a page from Irish folklore and legends. Madam Crowl's Ghost is a favorite of mine.
R. Louis Stevenson- usually a children's author, Stevenson liked to merge genres and used pretty interesting concepts for his horror production.
Guy de Maupassant- he was commisioned to write, so he often recycled entire concepts and plots, leaving us with many different versions of the same story (and a lot of heavy-handed morals. god bless).
Charles Dickens- predictably enough, he specialized in ghost stories
M. R. James- James' short horror stories have some of the most interesting monster concepts I've ever read, from a haunted dollhouse that recreates the events of a real-life haunting, to a possessed pattern print.
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer- little man puts the "Dark Romanticism" in, well, Dark Romanticism. If you know Spanish, do yourself a favor and read his short stories untranslated.
Elizabeth Gaskell- wrote plenty of good horror stories, and often from a female perspective, which is always a treat.
Bram Stoker- his stuff is very hit or miss, but when he hits, he hits hard. Read The Judge's House for a very nasty ghost story and then toss Stoker into the garbage because everything else he wrote is either comically racist or just dumb.
And now as for specific must-read short stories:
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman- maybe the true monster was medical misogyny all along! (Obvious content warning for graphic medical abuse, misogyny, and domestic abuse.)
What was it? by Fritz O'Brien- short story in the vein of "hey wouldnt it be fucked up if this happened?" Don't read if you have sleep paralysis.
The Open Door by Margaret Oliphant- a missing child, a mysterious door, and forces beyond human comprehension.
The Empty House by Algernon Blackwood- would you spend a full night in a haunted house? (Very paranoia inducing, it's such a treat.)
The Ghostly Rental by Henry James- in which the "ghosts" aren't actually ghosts, but something far, far weirder and cooler.
The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs- this tear-wrenching and suspenseful little tale will forever remind you to be careful what you wish for...
The gothic literature "classics", as in, full lenght novels and short novellas, can be a bit difficult to read due to length. My personal recommendations are:
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley- a foundational text of science fiction with a nestled narrative frame and themes of personal and social responsability, bodily autonomy, and freedom. Young alchemist Victor Frankenstein attempts to blur the line between life and death, and unwittlingly sets off his downfall in the process by creating a humanoid creature he can't control and won't respond to. CW child death, death by axphysiation, incest, description of unsanitary environments.
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. Louis Stevenson- it is considered the first modern psychological horror story, and, while it's a mere sixty pages long, each and every one of them is packed with a dark revelation about tight-laced Victorian society. When his lifelong friend writes up a suspicious will leaving everything to a stranger, a lawyer decides to look into it, leading him down a spiral of discoveries all related to a disturbing experiment. CW suicide, graphic descriptions of violence, drug abuse.
Carmilla by J. Sheridan le Fanu- very much a classic vampire tale, with an interesting sapphic spin, in which the predatory lesbian trope bleeds, pun intended, into a twisted love story. Laura is a young girl who considers herself prim and proper, until the day the charming Carmilla stops by the family manor claiming to be her soulmate, sparking off a romance marked by a series of strange events. CW implied sexual assault, gore.
The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde- I consider it an early attempt at daylight horror, and while the plot is mostly romantic drama (canonically bisexual romantic drama!), the descriptions make everything else worthwhile. Beautiful model Dorian Gray's life is changed when he befriends a cunning aristocrat, which prompts him to wish to remain young forever while his portrait ages in his place... and his wish is granted. CW extreme antisemitism, suicide, graphic descriptions of gore and violence.
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James- a ghostly classic which is marked by its ambiguity and the opacity of its plot, all which make it all the more disturbing, if a little hard to follow at times. Bly Manor has appointed a new nanny to take care of a pair of twins, but soon enough, she finds out not all is well in the house, and a dark force might be preying on the children. CW implied incest, implied child abuse.
The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen- technically an example of very early cosmic horror, sitting at the intersection between Poe and Lovecraft, and clearly influenced by late Victorian scientific advancements. Some particularly gruesome deaths lead a group of men to slowly uncover the past of a one Helen Vaughan, and nature of a procedure performed on her mother before her conception. CW implied child abuse, suicide, sexual harrassment, human experimentation, extreme intersexism.
And those would be it!
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profoundbondfanfic · 1 year
Curse of the Boyfriend Sweater
Curse of the Boyfriend Sweater by Spn_kink_sock Rating: Explicit Word count: 182k
This is the knit store AU that no one asked for but I wrote anyway, where Dean, Sam and Mary sell yarn and teach knitting and crochet. Dean’s also a firefighter, because who doesn’t love a man in uniform? Sam walks dogs. But just what is Mary doing at Surekill exterminators? There’s Destiel and Saileen romance. Hijinks and happy times, with just enough angst and drama to keep the story going. A happy ending guaranteed. Selling yarn, knitting things. The family business.
A fabulous Modern AU that’s also canon divergent that’s also a fic-reader’s wet dream.  
Dean is soft and sweet and a hero and brave and always puts other people first, and he’s everything we know he could be if he’d been given a chance.  And who couldn’t fall in love with that?  Certainly not Castiel.  A human yoga instructor, gay Castiel who happens to also be engaged to a less-than-awesome Mick Davies.
This story is long and has all the wonderful trappings of a long fic, detailed explanations, and intricately woven moments that explore characters and relationships.  I learned more about knitting and crocheting than expected, but even that was woven (see what I did there) into the plot beautifully.
It’s rare for a story to have such rich sub-plots without giving them their own chapters and pulling away from the main story.  Each thread (look, I did it again) is added and built upon, creating a whole town of people and lives that feel so real, you can imagine going to stitch and bitch with Cas at Dean’s shop or grabbing a beer with Benny after his shift, or calling Bobby about that damn raccoon in getting in the trash again.
The surprise comes in the shape of an unexpected family member and a fixer-upper’s pantry.  Suddenly we’re thrust back into the world of hunting and the Cambell family legacy, but maybe this time, things will go a little differently for our hero.  Maybe this time, free will is actually an option.
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fundiepredictions · 5 months
What happend in 2023
A overview of all the things that happend in 2023
Jeremiah&Hannah Duggar (Wissmann) announced the birth off Brynley Noelle on christmas day 2022
Lincoln Bontrager announced during a concert that he is in a relationship with Susanna (maybe Helferich)
John&Alyssa Webster (Bates) announced that their baby boy will be named Rhett Alan Webster
Nathanael&Katrina Wissmann (Sahlstrom) announced they are expecting baby #1 in august
Zach&Whitney Bates (Perkins) announced they are expecting baby #5 in august
Jill Rodrigues announced that her son Timothy and Heidi Coverett are courting
Hailey James Clark was born to Katie&Travis Clark (Bates)
Jill Rodrigues suffered a miscarriage
Jessa Seewald announced she suffered a miscarriage in december
Trace&Lydia Bates (Romeike) announced baby #1
Jackson Bates proposed to Emerson Wells and she said yes
Justin&Kristen Young announced baby #5, a boy
Rhett Alan Webster was born to Alyssa&John Webster (Bates)
Zach&Whitney Bates (Perkins) announced baby #5 is a girl
Edwin&Francesca Morton (Tuggle) had their son, Adam
Jill Rodrigues announced that her daughter Renee is courting a mystery men
Trace&Lydia Bates (Romeike) announced their baby is a boy
Susanna Wissmann and Drew Jerred got engaged
Jesse&Anna Maxwell (Graig) are expecting baby #1
Lillian Scout Morton was born to John&Cambell Morton (Roberts)
Kaylee&Jonathan Hill (Rodrigues) announced their baby is a boy
Trace&Lydia Bates (Romeike) announced their baby will be named Ryker Cruise
Rachel&Alan Businitz (Wissmann) announced they are expecting a rainbowbaby in september
Chad&Erin Paine (Bates) announced they are expecting another miracle baby
Matthias&Michelle Wissmann (Kingery) are expecting their 3th in july
Gunner Forsyth was born to Austin&Joy Forsyth (Duggar)
Apperently Josiah&Lauren Duggar (Swanson) had a 3rd child, a boy
Mary Maxwell and Samuel Hook got married
Lincoln Bontrager and Susanna Helferich got engaged
Nora Duggar was born to Jed&Katey Duggar (Nakatsu)
Apperantly Christopher&AnnaMarie Maxwell are expecting baby #7
Owen Wissmann was born to Matthias&Michelle Wissmann (Kingery)
Dietrich Sanders was born to Dorothy&Noah Sanders (Morton)
Susanna Wissmann and Drew Jerred got married
Gideon Daniel Hill was born to Jonathan&Kaylee Hill (Rodrigues)
Paul Morton got engaged to Helena Mucciolo
Theodore James Wissmann was born to Nathanael&Katrina Wissmann (Sahlstrom)
Josie&Kelton Balka (Bates) announced they are expecting baby #3
Lily Jo Bates was born to Zach&Whitney Bates (Perkins)
Erin&Chad Paine (Bates) announced their 6th child will be named William Gage
Lincoln Bontrager and Susanna Helferich got married
John&Esther Shrader (Keller) announced they are expecting #14
Jessa&Ben Seewald (Duggar) announced they are expecting #5*
We finaly learned the name of Duggar-Caldwell #4, it's Justus
Jill Dillard released her book
Ryker Cruise was born to Trace&Lydia Bates (Romeike)
Ruth Bourlier (Wissmann) had a miscarriage
Audrey Ann was born to Rachel&Alan Businitz (Wissmann)
Paul Morton and Helena got married
Esther Marie was born to Christopher&AnnaMarie Maxwell
Timothy Rodrigues proposed to Heidi Coverett who said 'yes'
Bobby&Tori Smith (Bates) announced they are expecting #5
Jackson Bates and Emerson Wells got married
Maverick James was born to Justin&Kristen Young
William Gage was born to Chad&Erin Paine (Bates)
Jeremiah&Hannah Duggar (Wissmann) announced they are expecting baby #2
Edwin&Francesca Morton announced they are expecting baby #2
Nathan&Nurie Keller (Rodrigues) announced they are expecting baby #3
Lawson&Tiffany Bates (Espensen) announced that they suffered a miscarriage earlier this year
George Augustine was born to Jessa&Ben Seewald (Duggar)
Susanna&Drew Jerred (Wissmann) announced they are expecting baby #1
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shallowseeker · 10 months
There is...one more Cas-adjacent car to discuss, but I don't quite have it all straight in my head.
LOOK! It's not the same tan sedan, but it IS interesting. (4x03 & 13x01) Isn't it? Let's ramble:
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Look at this cute little tan sedan that Dean drives in 4x03 In the Beginning!
This is one of his very first interactions with Cas, and our first on-screen date car drive.
They've interacted very little at this point! Previous appearances with Cas n' Dean were 1) their first meeting in the barn and 2) the very tense middle-of-the-night meeting in the dream kitchen.
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Anyway, this is the vehicle Dean drives throughout the episode. It's our first car ride with Earth and Heaven teaming up.
Dean is ghostly as he bears witness to the tragedy of Samuel Campbell's death (stabbed in the gut, just as Mary was before she burned), Deanna Campbell's death (broken neck), and John Winchester's death (broken neck).
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Azazel is killing all of Mary's support system to better weaken her resolve and entrap her in a deal.
Young—afraid—alone—distressed. Mary would have taken any deal, surely.
(Mary's Fate is not unique, exactly, but it's definitely got its own signature. It's an off-rhyme parallel in Supernatural. She did not, in fact, barter her soul, or go to Hell, as John and Dean will eventually do. No, she unknowingly Rumpelstiltskin'd her second child.)
Mary looks sadly over her shoulder at Dean, who was unable to help her. Then, John breathes in air with a shuddering gasp—returns to life.
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Dean gasps, too, and Cas returns to his side. They disappear together, leaving only mysterious tan sedan in their wake.
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Mary turns to look one last time, and we now have the setup of the scene: John—Mary—tan Cas Car (lights on)—black Dean Car.
Mary’s voice was so small when she asked if Azazel would revive her parents, “M-my parents, too?”
(Of course Azazel said no. Mary has to take what she will get, and she may have made a terrible mistake, but she knew enough not to barter her soul.)
So, Mary gazes at her father—the protector—lost as he failed to protect her, just as she will fail to protect Sam. (Oh, and her mother? She's dead, too. Mary's world has shrunk. And the world is so, so much scarier after your father dies. He’s supposed to be invincible.)
This failing of his child will haunt Samuel Campbell beyond the grave and entangle him in a demonic deal of his own. (Just as Cas, too, will be drawn into an Empty deal for Jack, post-resurrection.)
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"I'll tell you one person that you're not gonna save. Your Granpappy."
Deanna, very nearly victorious in her bid to go for the gun on the ground, gives herself away with a grief-stricken scream:
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We've seen this ghost before. The demon comes through the door. It kills the protector. Then it seeks to kill the second line of defense, before moving onto the rest of the vulnerable family members.
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Now, we come to 12x23 All Along the Watchtower and 13x01 Lost and Found. And well, it hurts.
Nothing is one-to-one in Supernatural. All parallels are based in the specter of missing bonds and of lost love—whether that's a child, a comrade, a sibling, a parent, or a lover. It's a symphony of harmonizing pain. :(
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So, in 12x23/13x01, Cas dies. Dean and Sam are stunned speechless.
In 12x23, it's Mary who leaps into action, and Dean can only stand, a paralyzed witness to Jack's twin fate of The Lost Parents. (Jack's mom, Kelly? She dies. Dean can't save her. Jack's chosen father, Castiel? He dies, too. Dean can't save him either.)
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(Both Deanna and Kelly die with their eyes open.)
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But Mary is triumphant. She is a Doomed Child fighting back. She protects Jack from Lucifer, even though she could not protect Sam from Azazel. (Echoing this, Crowley serves as an inverse: he spurned his mother's protection from Lucifer and bit off more than he could chew to further the security of his career/position. His death, surprisingly, tears Rowena in two and unfreezes her heart.)
But thanks to Mary's heroic efforts here, her own kids are spared this time, and Jack, too. (From here, Mary will go into another world where she never made her deal, and she will make peace with her past.)
Of course, Dean bears witness to his own off-rhyme parallel fate to Mary, The Death of the Lover, at the hands of a Luciferian figure. Cas falls at his feet, and Dean falls to his knees.
Dean is also like John. He can only watch as his loved one's sacrificial debt comes due, with no hope in sight, like how Mary's sacrifice came due--those cosmic consequences.
(And later, Jack, in a painful echo of Azazel, will resurrect The Lover but become destined to kill Mary.)
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Later, still in North Cove, Dean pleads with God on the landscape of his broken dreams—Washaway beach, (a cruel nod to the beach trip he will never take), a valley without people or friends in it, and a car.
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Like Mary, he looks over his shoulder to find a mysterious tan sedan (but its lights are off & it's enshrouded in darkness).
And there's nothing for Dean here. No miraculous resurrection. No deals that can be made. Not for Dean. Dean's happiness, and the happiness of his loved ones isn’t important enough. The universe turns a blind eye. The father doesn't care if he lives or dies, and his happiness certainly never mattered to Him.
It isn't fair.
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His voice shakes, and his lip trembles. "Please. Please, help us."
But God's not listening. "He doesn't give a damn."
And we're left with a similar setup to Mary's tragedy, another off-rhyme: we return to the lakehouse and we have...a black Dean car. A tan Cas truck, at cross positions to one another, as they were in 4x03.
But like John, Dean is now left with just Sam n' Jack, and he's ill-equipped for parentally supporting either of them.
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But Dean just keeps looking and looking and looking. Hoping.
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He looks like he's about to faint, actually.
(A kitchen. A dining table. An empty chair at its head.)
But this is how it goes with Cas. Dean tries to stop him from walking away, and in reality, he's powerless to stop him from going anywhere.
Having faith when miracles happen and when they don't? What good is it? It just hurts more.
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lodish · 9 months
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yumi kimura / joseph cambell / @/ruhlare / mary oliver / hanya yanagihara
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trivialbob · 1 year
Starting last night, my wife is working her EMT job at a girls hockey tournament. It goes all weekend. This morning she gave me a program booklet, showing the schedules and rosters.
“You’ll like the names,” she said.
So I put a new roll of paper in my adding machine and prepared to count all variations of Kaightlynn. and Ashlee.
However, after thorough review, I didn’t see any instances of those two names spelled any which way.
This generation of girls have parents who like double letter usage. The letter Y, which bats right and left as a consonant or a vowel, frequently pinch hits for the five full-time vowels. And Y isn’t often placed the end of a name like a more traditional Cathy or Emily.
Examples from the program: Evalyn, Rylee, Eeleana, Emersyn, Londyn, Carlee, Cambelle, Rylinn, Braylee, Kameryn, Vivienne, Reegan, Audyn.
Harper, Emma, Claire, and Avery were well represented in the rosters. Popular names, for the daughters of parents who lack imagination in name spelling.
Several girls were named Ella, a name of which I strongly approve. I found not even one Sheila.
I’ll keep searching for twins named Krystin and Kristyn.
There was one Margaret and one Mary. Their parents must really be weird.
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minalblood · 1 year
Ep 2 is here now and I gotta say, the fact that Lata just finds all things monster fascinating is my fav thing cuz that is just me. Her playing with the jaw of the zombie was adorable and I wish i could've done the same. Carlos finding it disturbing just added to the charm of the whole scene.
Millie immediately yelling at John before he even got the chance to exit the car was oof, big oof. Mainly cuz it reminded me of my own mother's control tendencies. And because of that, I also tend to try and understand her point: admittedly John could've died and she wouldn't have know anything til after the fact. I get that fear, especially after the 2 years of no contact and likely a not good break before that with John at war. But fuck if she didn't just make it way harder for John to ever try bridging that gap or learning actual skills on dealing with conplex shit like that because she was just unreasonable about it all and taking it out on him. And the fact that La Tunda is actually calm when talking to John later is sooo interesting. I can't say she was nicer than Millie, cuz she wasn't but it def counts as another of those [insert crowley here saying :so my demons were too polite?] moments. I just found it all soo interesting and I have to add thay sadly her story at the end of the episode where she tells John about her and Henry's dealing with arguements doesnt actually help her case too much because of how she reacted initially. All thay teaches John is that he can take out his fear on others and then smooth it over with an "ull understand when ure older/had kids/been through similar shit" she is somply not constructive at all. But it a bit of an improvement because she, i believe, meant it as an explanation and apology despite it sounding as an excuse to me.
John being clearly not a pro at hunting or even just the type of fighting style hunting requires (and especially with a group of hunters) sent me. It's soo good. And it just makes me think of SPN!John learning to hunt and with the trauma of Mary's death it suddenly seems like even more reasons he didn't engage with a hunter's network. He just isn't a team player in that sense, he's too hyperfocused on his own fight that he loses sight of anyone else, and more than that, he had to have learned to adjust the fighting style he'd known to something that would work for hunting. It was basically ego and refusal to change, surpise surprise. TW!John tho keeps trying even after he fucks up, and while Im sure the constatly getting splashed with monster guts isnt fun, he doesn't have the same hang ups about not being perceived as indestructible. He essentially rolls with the punches and learns and is allowed to have flaws on display. Its not the pedestal SPN!John is put and puts himself on.
Mary's bullheadedness is absolutely fantastic in an extremely frustrating way. She is so fixated on getting through the case as fast as possible so she can get back to finding her dad that I actually got some season 1 Sam vibes from her this episode. I will say I find it soo interesting we got a John focus, cuz we all know the Cambells aren't that off for La Tunda to go for. Carlos giving her a pep talk about it and also admonishing her for her behaviour is def deserved and just top notch friendship tbh. As is the Cabaret gag with Mary, Carlos and Lata. It shows in a small but important way that these 3 def have a history and it's a long and intricate one. And u see even more later after John gets taken. It's in the way they talk to each other even in a high stress situation. Also Mary ackowledging she fucked up and thanking Caelos at the end... ughhhh I love growth.
Ada get to show off a bit more in this one, her scrying was genuinely sooo good, like this episode does a fantastic job of making you ask yourself what is actually up with Ada, whats her deal?? Because on the one hand, she recognized the flower off the top of her head and helped Lata instantly, on the other hand the way the scrying was shot was almost unnearving. And im not sure if it's cuz spn got me/us used to seeing scrying done by villains or as a subterfuge tactic or what, but yea, it added another air of mystery to Ada. And then u you have her conversation with Millie which has a hell of a ripple effect cuz I genuinely believe it's that converation that led to her actually trying with John at the end a bit. It's not solving anything broken there yet, but it does help. And adding ehat we know of about Ada's past to this makes me cry cuz shes just trying to prevent Millie from making the same mistake she had basically.
Carlos was more mediator this episode. Between the Lata and Carlos show (as per usual their friendship is everything to me) and seeing the complexity of that relationship as it stands and their dynamic with each other, to lecturing Mary on her behaviour, to just being highly competent at the job overall. Like they might not have done too much in the foreground, but damn if it wasn't a shitton of background work there. You can tell here that for all the "Im a solo act " bravado, Carlos is actually very much a team player and it's due to the emotional inteligence they have thats on full display here, in their usual jokey manner of course, that thats the case.
Aaaannd we get the 1st mention of Betty in this. I won't touch on that in this one but I like Betty a lot.
The end of this episode is my fav thing. Because it's pizza and joking and hanging out beside having the plot move forward once Ada brings up what shes been up to this episode. And still the focus isn't on the demon memories, but on them bonding. Uhhhh I love it.
We also have the 1st glimpse of the Akrida and if you were skulking around here when the show was airing in autumn u know I think the Akrida are adorable and I want a plushy with them. So the pure joy the shot of who we now know is likely Roxy with all them little critters around gave me cannot be overstated.
This ep def is much better paced than the Pilot, and also just lays clear the main there of this show, which is intergenerational trauma. It literally slaps u with it, it's front and centre and will continue to be shown in its many varried forms as the show progressed and I fucking love it for that because ultimately that is what Dean is doing here, beside once more saving the world. He is like i said, woeking through his own intergenerational trauma through these young versions of his parents that haven't yet had more trauma pilled onto them.
Stay tuned for ep 3 whenever I find the time to rewatch it!
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sedgesnuggles · 14 days
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Beach date ft. My OC (Made with Couple Creator)
Henry's never been to the beach, so his ex-captive/best friend/girlfriend, Hibiscus, decided to take him for a date on the beach, going at dusk to avoid the harsh sun. Sandcastles will ensue. Marie will not be happy when her son comes home covered in sand, but it's worth it.
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