#masc! honey
konnorhasapen · 1 year
I did the Guy Honey and Geordi thing :>
[Gendered listener | he/him] I love Hale sm. He's one of my favorites ajsbdk (Kenny(Darlin'), Hale(Honey), Nico(Sweetheart), and Ceba(Starlight) are my favorite bois to draw :3 )
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Shhhhh I know Guy's head is just a little too big but I love it too much to fuck with it and try and fix it so hush- ((I also made Geordi just a lil too short from my headcanon of his height but we'll ignore that too-))
I always see a lot of people saying Honey's a bear Shifter, meanwhile I'm over here sitting happily with my cat shifter Honey in all his maine coon kitty glory :>
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h0ney-dames · 2 months
Please keep in mind these are MY headcanons and if you dont like them cry to someone who cares!!
- guy owns nothing but dumb graphic t shirts, he also owns cargo shorts im sorry guys he is a cargo wearer.
- He uses 13 in 1 shampoo, this confuses honey Immensely.
- He cant see far away objects, he also cant clean his glasses properly so honey does it (they really want to, lil neat freak)
- Guys shirts all smell like pizza. Even the ones he didnt wear to work!!
- He has heart shaped pimple patches (and stars ofc)
- Bluest orbs in the damn country
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- Trans. Maybe even… trans and irish?!
- Wears a choker to hide a neck scar they got from their parents (guy kisses the choker religiously after he finds out)
- Honeys parents where constantly arguing and DEVOTED. Christians.
- Deaf due to a violent incident with their father before the moved out, couldnt hear kayla for a week until they got implants, guy spent a week trying to learn sign language (he learnt BSL instead of ASL)
- Eyebrow creases from resting “disgusted” face
- Wont admit how much they love the smell of pizza
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masculinerose · 3 months
Fat butches and transmascs and bears... fat mascs... siiiiiiiiiigh. Fat mascs I need you in my life. Come here. Please.
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starlitangels · 2 years
Two Years Ago…
I shoved the apartment door open and slammed it shut. Guy jumped where he’d been playing something on his Switch on the couch. “Welcome back!” He smiled.
“Kayla not here?” I asked. Guy rarely gamed on the couch. He had a smaller TV in his room that he usually used.
“Nope. Staying over at her boyfriend’s.”
“Oh good,” I muttered, popping out my earbud and threading its ear hook down my collar. “Pretty sure if she was home I would put her in the hospital if she looked at me funny after today.” I hadn’t meant for Guy to hear that, but clearly he did. His already-big eyes widened.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Just had a rough day of class. Everything’s fine—I’m just frustrated.”
I regretted answering the second he raised a blond brow suggestively. “I mean… if you’re looking to work off some of that, we got an empty dining table right now,” he joked.
I scoffed. “Guy…”
“What? I’m just sayin’ it’d be pretty hot if you threw me down on the dining table!”
Had he not said things like that all the time to me before, I’d probably be offended at the brazenly forward come-on, rather than mildly irritated. I dropped my heavy backpack on the armchair kiddie corner to where he was sitting on the couch and crossed my arms.
“Erikson, look at me,” I snapped. He made a dramatic show of sweeping his eyes up and down my entire body. “I’m six-foot-one—which is a few inches taller than you, by the way—and built like a damn brick house. And you are a skinny twig. If I threw you down on the dining table, you’d be the one ending up in the hospital.”
My idiot roommate had the audacity to lick his lips and bite his lower one with a flirtatious purr. “Mm. Still sounds hot,” he said.
I rolled my eyes. “Oh my God…” I groaned. I snatched my backpack off the chair. “See you tomorrow. I have homework to do. I’ll be in my room till it’s done.”
“What? What—no! Kayla’s not here! You don’t have to hide in your room! I cleared off the dining table so you could do your homework there!” Guy protested as I continued to leave the room.
“Yeah. But you’re being a menace and I have work to do.”
“If I promise to be good will you stay out here please? I miss you!”
I paused in the doorway of my bedroom and turned around. He was giving me puppy dog eyes. Again. And pouting his lips.
I sighed heavily. “Can you keep that promise?”
His expression dropped. “Oh. Uh… yes?”
“Not convincing enough.” I moved to go into my room.
“Nonononono! Come baaack!” Guy called.
I re-emerged. “Gonna be nice while I work on homework?”
“Yes! Promise! Scount’s honor!”
“You were never a scout. But fine. If it’ll get you to stop complaining.” I went back to the dining table and plopped down. After a moment, I cleared my throat. “… Thanks, by the way. For clearing it off for me.”
He beamed. “You’re welcome!”
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nondescriptrock · 11 months
Things I think my Honey would wear at least once
(In free mood board format 😎 Also these were all found on Pinterest)
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localstonerbutch · 4 months
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Taking 🍯 is my nightly ritual 💨
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frostiifae · 7 months
So, I dunno, thoughts about Witch from Mercury (including spoilers under readmore, so, y'know), because it seems like it's a cool thing to do, i guess. Maybe made more or less interesting because this is the first Gundam series I've actually paid full attention to.
In short, it's good! It's very good. But, I dunno, can't give it top marks as an alltime favorite. There are lots of superficial problems that probably mattered much more to me than they would to the average viewer, and like, you could argue that they just aren't even problems, I guess.
The biggest thing I can criticize without spoiling much of anything is that it dangles a lot over your head and then waits a long time to resolve almost any of it. It's tough for people who get anxiety, like me : ). No, that's not why I'm writing this post. This isn't a coping mechanism. Fuck off.
To reiterate, though, on the whole: good. Good show. Good stuff. Don't click "keep reading" unless you want to read a fucking novel, OK?
I have to say I think the strongest character of the show bar none is Prospera, but at the same time, she showcases the recurring problems I have with the show: firstly, that they spend way too long making Prospera sound sinister without you understanding at all why, and secondly, that it's a real shame we didn't get to learn more about her feelings and why (and how?) she'd gone to all of this trouble. I understand her goal in the abstract is to "create a world where Eri can exist", but it's not clear how exactly she intends to do that, and maybe it's just me, but those practical details can be really important in selling me on an idea.
Even so, I adore her. I adore the way she possesses so much influence over the plot despite having very little economic or political power herself - she just understands people, she understands what's at stake, and she understands how to manipulate things to get what she wants. I was so delighted to learn about her true motivation, imagine a girl kicking her feet and squealing as Prospera taunts Miorine about hearing the voices of her past that are urging her to seek vengeance. I wish she could have done more. I also wish she looked better. That helmet fucking sucked, dudes. C'mon.
I really want to say kind things about Suletta and Miorine, too - they had lovely character arcs in both seasons, Miorine in particular was a joy to have on screen at all times - but, ultimately, I also found them both very frustrating. The most engaging members of the cast by and large were side characters, my personal favorites being Chuchu, Nika, and Norea. (I guess Guel turned out pretty okay too.) It was a joy watching Norea go off the fucking deep end, even if her portrayal was a little shallow until it was a smidge too late; her final fight was beautiful and touching, especially the part where she went on a massive rampage and killed a lot of innocent people. I love me a hot girl who's a violent mass murderer.
Jokes aside; I found both of the main characters frustrating, but for different reasons. Suletta was the less frustrating of the two. Throughout season 1 I kept cringing at her total powerlessness within the narrative, which I know is kind of the point, but that doesn't mean I have to like it; at least in season 2 she develops a thin veneer of agency, and more to the point, the writers demonstrate that her lack of actual agency is in fact horrifying and not some kind of endearing country-bumpkin quirk, but it feels like it takes a long time before she can finally actually engage in the world she lives in.
To be clear, I don't just mean "she can decide for herself what she wants to do", that's her final arc, I know, I get it; more what I mean is, it feels like Suletta exists in a totally different show, an entirely different setting, for 75% of the show's runtime. She's not just clueless about all of the business politics and Earth vs Space racism; she's immune to it, it simply doesn't affect her, even when it badly hurts people she cares about, because she's unable to comprehend it, and can abstract away any threat behind Aerial's cockpit and duel herself to safety without ever understanding what was even at stake.
It's like Ender's Game but Ender himself never actually participates in any of the school politics, he just kinda is a prodigy in his own corner while the real story happens around him. If you're going to create a character who is powerless in the narrative, don't then shield her in the cockpit of a Gundam for the entire show, you know? If you're going to threaten me with her inability to understand what is going on, make good on that threat!! It just felt wasteful. She spent 16 episodes being a joke that we keep hoping will make Miorine smile, 2 episodes being depressed, and then the last 6 episodes being an actual character, and the tragedy is that I really liked that character and wish she'd been around for longer.
Miorine was much more fun, but also, much more frustrating. I wasn't especially into her character early in season 1, but she was at least a bitch in a fun (and highly sympathetic) way, and unlike Suletta she grew into a real character very fast, and got to spend the whole show actually having a meaningful impact on events around her. It was great! I have a few very small gripes about things she does - like the way she chooses to cut Suletta loose. I understand she's doing it for Suletta's safety, and I understand she's doing it because she believes Suletta won't be able to comprehend that reasoning - after all, their whole arc in season 1 was about depending on each other, and Miorine is being pressured into going back on her promise.
On the one hand, though, I feel like it was weird of her not even to try. At least try to explain to Suletta, listen, things are getting worse, you are going to get hurt, I don't want that, I need you to stop being Holder for your sake. You could even twist the knife further by having Suletta react with heartbreak but willingly agree when Prospera doubles down and tells her to do as Miorine says - imagine how betrayed and disgusted with herself Miorine would feel! For them to leave her completely in the dark, for her to fully betray Suletta with no warning and no attempted justification at all - and especially for Suletta to not question that - it just felt weird.
On the other hand, though, I'm really shocked and disappointed that Miorine didn't express more guilt over that decision. Given that her arc in season 1 revolves around recognizing that relying on Suletta is what makes Suletta happy, and she cares enough about Suletta to give her that kind of trust, you can't tell me that - even if she really believes it's necessary - she can just turn around and betray Suletta like she does and feel no remorse over it.
Overall this is a larger problem I have with Miorine; we don't get enough time with her feelings, so when everything finally collapses and she has a meltdown, it doesn't sell very well. I wanna be clear: I'll open the door myself is one of my favorite moments in the whole show, and that's why I'm sad. It could have been so much more, if we had had more time to see Miorine's heartache over what she did to her best friend, not to mention how tense and uncertain she must have been handing her full trust to Prospera, or leading a negotiation to Earth with the weight of Gundam's history resting squarely on her shoulders. I love cool, calm, reserved characters who can handle tense interpersonal conflict with a stern decisiveness. Miorine should be a slam dunk for me. But the best part about those characters is seeing behind the mask, even if only for little bits at a time, and there's just not enough.
Honestly, though, it's hard for me to hold anything against season 2 especially, because I think most of what frustrates me comes down to there not being enough time, and holy fuck, does that season go hard. I'm very ready to believe that there was all kinds of stuff cut from S2 because the sheer volume of things happening was so much. It's a shame to think that it's let down by its own density, that there was just too much happening to fit all of it into 12 episodes without a few things being left behind. There wasn't time for Miorine to introspect, there wasn't time for Miorine and Suletta to develop their relationship, there wasn't time for Prospera to get even more unhinged and weird, there wasn't time to examine how we could actually improve the world and its troubles, we just had too much to do. It's an unenviable position to be in, and I think it's fair to say the show does a great job with what it has.
Umm. Is there anything else? I could talk about the dudes. I could gush about Norea and Sophie, I guess, but I doubt I have anything particularly interesting to add there, I'm sure the takes "Norea is hot" and "I wish they could have been more toxic yuri on screen" are lukewarm at best. I could talk about Eri, I suppose, but I don't feel really strongly about her - I think she's weird, her presence as a character is very strange, the fact that she was a protagonist is weird, and just like with everything else, I think it comes down to a lack of time to be able to really get into understanding her. I can't say it's a mistake, really, so that'll just stay a mystery, and it's one I don't especially care to solve anyway. She can stay a weirdo for all I care.
Uh, I think that's kinda all? Oh, what, robot designs? Uh, Aerial over Calibarn, don't @ me. They're both sick tho.
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reveseke · 1 year
Like a legless lizard
- Request? No.
- BH6; the team & Masc! Amputee! Reader
- Warnings? None!
- Note; R is an amputee, or otherwise lacks legs due to them being compromised at some point of his life. So he has prosthetic legs. Oh did you know there is a lizard species that's often mistaken as a snake because it doesn't have legs? One of the only ways to differentiate it from actual snakes is the fact that they have eyelids like lizards u like snakes that are eye-lidless reptiles. :3
First off if you're already in the friend group you would have heard the Fred's comments about your legs being so fucking cool, and that he was lowkey jelly about them.
Him rattling your ears off, asking all kinds of questions about what all you can do; can you walk on walls, do they run into weapons, what about rollerbladed option, do you have boosters in them? Can you swim with them, can you walk on hot charcoal, can you fly etc etc.
I think the others would be a bit more mindful about it, but there would be the what if questions and if they would be possible to execute. Like the rollerblade question, you and Gogo most likely did try it out at some point.
Wasabi's questioning with his entire being about cleanliness most likely in a off handed comments, especially if you don't have any shoes on most of the time.
Honey lemon being her bubbly self making most likely sure to ask you about how you're doing mental and physical health vice. (She literally gives off mom friend energy to me in a lowkey way lol)
They can't really help you with phantom pains, but other accessability if you need a mobile aid for the day and need help with something you aren't able to do for the moment? You don't have to ask twice for anyone of them for help. It's definitely Fred who's sometimes being told off for trying to help when you didn't need some either by you or someone else in the group.
I think Wasabi and Honey lemon however are the worriers on the bad days. Fred in general doesn't seem to have the ability to always read the room so sometimes won't even notice, and Gogo's more watchful around you lol.
Also Honey lemon took to decorating at least one of them, with your permission of course.
Hiro coming along, he's most likely asking questions. Absolutely going to indulge in some of Fred's what if questions with you, I think Baymax would straight up be asking you extensive questions about your leg(s) or lack of them off. He'd properly end up downloading some files on it, if not asking you about the care and possible ways to help.
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hydrasshole · 1 year
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konnorhasapen · 2 years
Character profile go brrrr [gendered listeners | he/hims across the board]
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It took me two hours to figure out what aesthetic suited Jude best💀
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Hale is one of my favorites to draw and I'm never going to apologize for that💅 the sketch in the top corner is one from his past bc 💫trauma💫
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they are besties [Evander(Freelancer) and Judah(Lovely)]
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knightoflove · 2 months
what happened to x masc reader fics? Where did they go? I’m dysphoric at the moment and I’d like to read a fic abt Carmen calling me pretty boy :/
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littlemacbagel · 2 years
I have spoken. Art by me
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bugmistake · 1 year
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lady gaga songs that make you become a transmasc femme
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yeastinfectionvale · 2 years
thinking of creating a social media au fic for the shaw pack + guy and honey on my sideblog @redacted-socmed
[the storyline includes a guys night turned roadtrip and the 'consensual' kidnapping of a certain pizza guy']
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sweetsweetbumblebee · 2 years
yes im cis but also my gender is fucked whats so hard to understand
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pricegouge · 5 months
Aw, baby's first demanding comment. And they misgendered me 🥲
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