#masc jj
donnydamakkk · 1 year
I was thinking about JJ’s speech about the unsub’s motivations to Hotch in 3x17 In Heat, the way she said it, and her reaction to the conversion camps in season 8. I kind of have a hc that her mom may have sent her to a conversion camp when she was young, maybe not a camp that was as bad as the one on the show but still enough to traumatise her and make it hard for her to express herself freely.
If you’re open to it, I’d love to know if you had any thoughts or hcs about this. Thanks and please feel free to ignore this if it’s not something you want to talk about!
okay, oh my god? idk know how this has never crossed my mind; i, too, have a hc of her mother bein a homophobic cunt so idk how i didn't consider this idea especially cus i am obsessed w moments where she says things that u jus know if she reflected for 2secs more, she'd unlock some things about herself.
i feel like it would explain a lot about her. cus yk there are several little moments throughout out the show where she says something n it sounds like she's right there. it sounds like she's 🤏🏾 this close to opening that door about herself n then she just... doesn't. n then she moves on n keeps living her comphet life. it's almost like she's always in front of the door of self acceptance and she even might touch the doorknob sometimes, but, at the end of the day, she always opts out of opening that door. w the conversion camp therapy memory in the back of her mind, i think she only allows herself to be the strongest of "allies" (hence those slip up moments) bcus while she's too afraid n unpacking that for her would b too painful for her, she hates the idea of other queer people feeling and living in her constant state of fear n strive for being the patriarchal idea of "perfect" n "normal".
my comphet lesbian jj hc that i posted once was that she's not as unknowing about her sexuality. she was just basically in denial n rejecting it the whole time n when she got close to maybe fully unpacking, she met will decided to try one more time w guys, jus to b sure, only to end up pregnant. my hc was by the time she got pregnant, she knew emphatically that she was a lesbian but she made the practical choice n opted for traditional "normalcy". i feel like ur hc of her having been to a conversion camp as a kid fleshes that out a lil bit. w that tidbit, i feel like her pregnancy n that man gave her an excuse to not fully live in her truth. she took as a " well see ig they were right im not supposed to b w women" n once again decided not to unpack bcus she was afraid of facing what she's been thru.
i like this hc. i like it a lot.
it also ties into another version of jj that i have n am currently working on a fic for. it could work this that particular reiteration v well actually. she's honest w herself there but i can still easily see how that experience would shape even openly gnc lesbian jj's life n mindset n how she navigates her gender identity.
yeah. this hc is jus genuinely good, to me. do u mind if i also adopt it?
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xoxotlou · 4 months
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“im not the step father, im the father that stepped up”
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chevvy-yates · 7 months
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[NC_RES]_27022048-NCA steyr_j_portraits_008_LC_MB.file ///core:_jaysen_steyr.file\\\ —
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
These shots are 1-2am quick shots after adding a shit ton of clothes to Jaysen's wardrobe.
Not only does Jaysen drive a McLaren F1 GTR, no he also drives this monster of a car: the custom build 1965 Ford Mustang named 'Hoonicorn' (the only all-four-wheels Mustang ever build) that belonged to the late Ken Block.
Watching the video is recommended.
Somehow I have that headcanon that the Hoonicorn is a rare gem in cp world and only the netlords do know who Jay got his hands on it.
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reveseke · 11 months
Unreasonable for the time
–Criminal minds; BAU x unsub! male! reader – Requested(link) by @jaythes1mp, also tagging @lovelybeardedsuit – not the proudest moments for me with writing, i'm painfully aware it's not excalty what you requested but loosely around it if i can say so? went in for romantic feelings and came back by admiration and appreciation pipe(?). also apologies it's taken me quite the while to write. - warnings; uhh smallish nitpick at grotesque description maybe? human taxitermy + (aspiring/well known) artist/taxitermist reader. evidence withholding is mainly used as a tactic of sabotaging. The reader has burns on his hands for some reason. nothing really, lemme know if i missed something. – oh, also since i don't write for Rossi or the women of the BAU team romantically you have to suffer with mainly Reid, Morgan, and Hotch being unreasonable. there's no real ending here either, i wrote it in one sitting brain on speed dial bc i got fed up with drafts. i'll see myself out now. – WC; 1,255 k
the case was supposed to be an average one, but that hope turned to ash as the team had a look at the case file. There had been a surge in numbers when it came to cold cases dropping like flies every now and then over the past few months. two to three new victims, unable to be connected due to them being in different states over the lines. the team wasn't sure what to make out of the situation as they tried to gather everything they needed.
Sweet talking one up, a well dressed man greeted the woman with an open smile as he led her to the shop. tallying up how many he had already collected and how the cat she had brought would be a fine one to mount.
the victims were often found frozen in one place, not literally just mounted and taxitermed. their limbs were broken in several places, often they had a crown made of bones adorned upon their heads-later on those bones weren't theirs but a combination of every victim–as the victims were often laid naked or with a small coverage upon their bodies. Reid had pointed out that they all shared the crown, and often were gutted inside out with their organs removed and replaced by ones made out of clay or glass.
Penelope on the other hand had analyzed the often seen carved or burned into the skin of the victim a signature of an artist. she had spoken about how familiar it looked to her, but she just couldn't find anything with it. maybe the tech could have seen it coming if she had looked to her left in the office she was so often occupied in and decorated with silly things she found joy and comfort in.
that one particular small glass item, even if it seemed so meaningless always carried R/n passion in it as he continued on working with what he had been given. He had to show them, the corruption of the world nobody seemed to understand that wiped the earth off its goodness.
looking at the crime photos and notes that had been sent over and already thought about by the various police who worked on them. the team couldn't help but to wonder whether it was all or if there was more they never found. Hotch spoke along JJ and Prentiss with the victim's families mosty, as Garcia went down the histories and records of the wretched beings along.
Derek had gone to the mortuary, the tech had called them up with a finding from inside the victim's throat and stomach. it was ultimately the only organ that had been left untouched, the stomach of the victim that had been filled to the bring with papers. written and forced down his throat the crimes he had committed with the same symbol that finally started to click as the others saw it.
And Reid had been sent off to the most recent crime scene. to see what would have made the placement of the police significant to the crime. they had seen a pattern in how the unsub placed his work. often it was around the places that matched up with the most vicious parts of their histories. sometimes the vicious part was all about things they did that the public never knew about.
Watching the press conference in his shop, writing down the phone number that had been laid out for anyone to call if they needed to report something suspicious. oh, how he loathed them for overseeing it and doing so little, trying to bury him down so the world never never saw his work. that work R/n bled for, burns adorning his own hands as he scoffed wiping sweat from his brow.
he still couldn't understand why they wished to silence him. ripping the flesh that he had to mount by his own hands and with the assistance of scissors as he opened the chest of the victim in his hands. with glue and wire he rewired the rib cage's bones and broke down the cartilage that held it together on the front of it.
it felt like they were missing something obvious, looking through the files and the reports Reid had asked Garcia to look into the pasts of the victims.
he was a whore, merely someone who slept his way to his position but even R/n had to admit he was a handsome one. he wasn't a model for no reason, but his upbringing while not entirely his own fault didn't slip past him. he didn't care, she had to bleed for her crimes. and hey, they don't speak of true beauty without the pain of it.
it felt surreal to hear the man's voice in the playback video of the stream that he did. Hotch looked forward as he discussed it with Rossi and Garcia. asking the tech to send the video to his tablet so he could show it to the others, as it showcased how the young man was quite literally speaking of his newest victim as an upcoming collab. As Garcia had worried her mind around the signature she did end up recognising as one of the uprising artists' signatures.
it came as a shock to her to learn that he was quite literal with what he meant with his art, he wasn't just showcasing an opinion anymore, it was a question of morals. and neither were the others ready to admit to it, none of them had properly met the man but the way he had made a name for himself really screamed that of innocence, they always felt like something was missing. endangering the case, multiple people had been withholding information due to finding it difficult to actually think such a sweet person would be behind this.
Morgan never told them about all the papers that had text in them that the techs found in the stomach of the multiple victims. how if composed right did end up with a message that sounded that of utter nonsense. in truth it did showcase lots of how his own mind worked and how he had been struggling with it. he intended to turn his pain into art, literally by showcasing what happens to those who lie within this life.
Reid had withheld the history connection between the victims and him, how they had all either known each other or ran into each other at some point in life. he had told Garcia that he would tell the others about it. he never did.
one may call him an utter madman at this point, he was getting sloppier with what he was doing in the first case with the victims. many who viewed his art either were creeped out about the surrealism of it, or either seemed to understand that the man was merely showcasing his emotion fueled art. one finds something as that undescribeable, and others as the most touching thing ever.
yet to all even through his faults none of them found him to be possibly guilty of what had happened. It was unreasonable Prentiss had argued with Hotch about it, before for their unresponsiveness and denying the artist of being the unsub.
none of them really felt ashamed of it, but it did make a surprise for each of the three men that they held the same opinion of the young man.
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multi-fan-girlie · 6 months
Just a quick update x (this is old and has Just been updated on August's 12th UK time)
And I can do fem! , masc! or gn! Reader's + any character cannon's love autistic Spence too
Criminal minds
Hotch x reader
Derek x reader
Spencer x reader
Luke x reader
Emily x reader
JJ x reader
Tara x reader
Penelope x reader
Spencer x luke
Derek x hotch
Spencer x derek (never tried it before but have read it)
Elle x reader (never tried it before but have read it)
Elle x Spencer (never tried it before but have read it)
Harry hook x practically anyone lol
Mal x Ben
Ben x reader
Mal x reader
Evie x Doug
Evie x reader
Doug x reader
Carlos 🕊️ x jane
Carlos 🕊️ x reader
Jane x reader
Jay x lonnie
Jay x reader
Lonnie x reader
Uma x mal
Uma x reader
I am willing to do anything else especially from Descendants rise of red even though I haven't watched it yet I just don't want this being too long xx
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robinsnest2111 · 6 months
the overwhelming happiness I feel when ppl give me nicknames based on my chosen name <333
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jodistorian · 1 year
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tumblr doesnt GET me
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dilfcherricola · 11 months
try guys video about wearing dresses and the fat guy getting laughed at all the time and clearly showing the most anxiety about it. i wonder if these things are related.
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ritzcrackee · 1 year
only acceptable genders r short hair femme and long hair masc and they both have to kiss
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cumulo-stratus · 8 months
hi sweet max!
I’m here to drop in a request for Aaron x bau!reader, where reader’s just noticing all the little things Aaron does for them in their day to make it better and easier and how THOUGHTFUL HE IS, like maybe he buys their favourite drinks to stock the fridge on the jet and in the office, making sure that their keyboard at their desk is always charged bc he’s there so late at night and he knows they’d forget. maybe he picks them up in the mornings to make sure they get to work on time. Just him trying his hardest to help them out in teeny tiny ways that make a big difference? sorry if this is long or boring I can try something else but yeah! He’s just so cute and thoughtful. Also masc or gn reader is fine, whichever you prefer!! <3
The Little Things
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Request- yes/no
Pairing- Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader
Summary- you notice all the little things Aaron does for you everyday (could be read as romantic or platonic)
warnings- like one use of y/n, fear of flying, mentions of eating/not eating
A/N- Rooommmee!!!! Thank you for this absolutely lovely request, I hade SO much fun writing this, and I may have gotten a little bit carried away😅! But anyways he would SO do that- he's a gentleman fs!! Love u Rome 🫶🫶
wc- 2k
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Despite the bright, morning light shining through the large rectangular windows, you still yawned for what must’ve been the fifth time in just as many minutes. In your defense the team had wrapped up a case pretty late the night before. Which meant by the time you were in bed and asleep, it was only a couple hours until your alarm went off to go back to work again the next morning. 
Spencer had arrived around the same time as you—you both took public transit to work— so he pushed open one of the large glass doors marking the entrance of the BAU. Both you and Reid offered each other warm, but tired smiles as he let you go ahead of him, holding the door. 
coincidentally, you both start making your way to the small kitchenette in the corner of the large bullpen. since you hadn’t had any coffee yet, you B-lined straight for the old, barely functioning coffee maker. Gideon had refused to get a new one when Garcia mentioned getting a keurig, stating that all the new ones these days were too fancy- a coffee maker did not need a screen. So that's how you ended up with a coffee pot with stains and knicks all over it from constant use. But what you noticed when you approached it wasn't the coffee maker itself. But what was sitting next to it. 
your snoopy mug!
you couldn't help but break out into a grin at the sight of your favorite mug, it was white with an image of the little white dog, sitting on top of his little house in his signature aviator goggles, hat, and a red scarf. Except the bright red scarf trailed out behind him and morphed into the handle of the mug.
Reid noticed your excitement as he poured his own mug of coffee. The pot was about ¾ full, Hotch and Morgan having already got to it. “Nice mug” Reid commented with a smile as he stirred what must’ve been at least 2 tablespoons of sugar. You thought he was smiling because it was a cute mug—which it was—but Spencer was mostly smiling because he had noticed hotch watching from the window of his office. 
Aarons face had one of his rare smiles that actually reached his eyes. He couldn’t help but blush as he watched you fawn over the mug to Reid. A couple minutes later, after Reid had left for his desk, you made eye contact with Aaron, smiling. Then, if he hadn’t gotten the point already, you took a sip of the hot coffee- which you had forgotten was still hot and scrunched your face in pain. It had burned your tongue, causing you to stick your tongue out in pain. Aaron laughed at the silent scene he watched unfold, but you didn't notice as you had already shook it off and walked to your desk. 
Only minutes after you had settled into your desk, JJ stood on the raised walkway above the bullpen, calling for everyone to meet in the round table room. They had a case. You a bit reluctantly, heaved yourself up from your chair, the weight of sleep still wearing off. Derek chuckled, and gave your arm a playful shove. As you walked by Spencer's desk, Morgan mussed with his hair to get his attention, as he was so absorbed in his book that he hadn’t heard JJ announce the case. 
“Come on pretty boy, we got a case-“ Morgan didn’t finish his sentence before you had sped ahead to catch up with Aaron as he made his way to the round table room. “Thanks for the cereal bar by the way, I forgot breakfast on the way out again.” You spoke casually, barely even making eye contact with him, as this was a normal occurrence. You often arrive at work to find a cereal bar, or pastry on your desk with a little note on it. They were usually Aaron reminding you how important it was to eat. 
“you need to eat breakfast you know y/n, it’ll affect your abilities in cases if you're not careful you know” you just rolled your eyes at Aarons comment, he was often very protective in that way. Although it was a bit annoying sometimes, you mostly found it endearing. It showed that he cared. 
Instead of responding to Aaron’s comment, you just took a bite of your cereal bar as you sat down. JJ started going over the case, 3 women in Wisconsin were missing and presumed dead after days of searching. 
”wheels up” hotch called to the team, and everyone almost immediately dispersed to get themselves ready to leave. 
As everyone filed onto the plane and took their seats, you followed Aaron, as you and he often bounced ideas of each other well. And for one other reason. but no one else, not even Emily, your best friend (only second to Aaron), knew about it except for you two. 
You had a fear of flying, take off and landing in particular always freaked you out. You knew it wasn't a good phobia to have, considering how much flying you had to do for your job, but you couldn’t help it. That’s where Aaron came in, you would always sit next to him at the tables, and he would always offer you his hand under the table. He never said anything about it, and no one ever noticed. but every flight a minute or so before takeoff and landing he would rest his hand palm up on your thigh in a silent offering of comfort. and every flight for a minute or so after take off and landing he would keep your hand in his, letting you play with his fingers knowing it often helped you ground yourself and refocus. 
That day he offered a small smile along with his hand when no one else was looking. Morgan and Reid were arguing, JJ was scolding them, Rossi was reading a book, and Emily was getting herself a cup of tea. You decided to get yourself something too, after take off of course when the plane was safely en route to wisconsin.
When you approached the tiny kitchenette of the jet the first thing that came to mind was something snarky, like cheetos. JJ always kept them stocked. But then you noticed your favorite as you scanned the small cupboard, cheddar pringle’s! They were cheesy, crunchy and salty- aka the perfect chip. You immediately grabbed them and tore off the lid, excited to eat the crunchy chips. You had only had coffee and a cereal bar to eat so far that day. Aaron watched you walk back to your seat with a contented smile on your face and a small bounce to your step.
When you arrived at your seat you didn't hesitate to plop down next to Aaron and take a big bite of chips. He couldn’t help but laugh a bit at your obsession with the salty snack and decided to comment, knowing he had put them there last case, noticing they didn't have any. 
“oh, looks like you found your favorite, how nice-“ his smile was almost sly and you noticed. It didn’t take long for you to connect the dots that he had restocked them, he often did. And they were often your favorites, your favorite energy drink in the fridge, your favorite protein bars in the cupboard, and your favorite snacks on the jet. 
After a long day of profiling in Wisconsin, the team had ordered take out and decided to all sit together around the large table in the conference room that had been provided by the local police department. 
You sat with Aaron to your left, and Derek to your right. THere were 2 trays of food in the middle and various smaller dishes surrounding it. Most of the team was still discussing the case as they served themselves from the various dishes. 
You were the last person to serve yourself, as you had been too absorbed in a conversation with Aaron about where he got his many, very, nice suits. You had learned that Aaron Hotchner gets all of his suits tailored. 
After lots of discussion, and some slightly subpar asian food, the team was ready to get back to work, it was only 9 o’clock, and they were all pretty much workaholics. So reid went back to his many colored markers and his geo-profile. For whatever reason, you hadn’t been able to sleep very well the night before, and due to that you were practically falling asleep standing up. You had moved from sitting into a standing position in order to keep yourself awake a little more. 
It wasn't working. And Hotch noticed this. Aaron used his legs to push up and out of his office chair away from the table to where you were standing about a foot away. He tapped your shoulder to get your attention before speaking. Your head snapped towards him, surprised, as if you hadn’t even noticed him approaching in your trance-like state.
”y/n, you should go back to the hotel, you're no use if you're not clear headed. The team will benefit from you much more if you just get some rest and come tomorrow morning”. You almost immediately tried to protest leaving, but a stern look from Aaron put any protests to rest. Even when you really wanted to protest the idea of him driving you to the hotel, since in his words “you're in no condition to drive, I don't need an agent in a car crash and 3 dead women”. Eventually you had accepted it, as you were too tired to care by the time you and Aaron were on the road to the hotel. 
Aaron left the radio on, playing quietly in the background so the silence wouldnt be awkward. But, number one, you were already half asleep by the time he started driving, and number two, the silence was never awkward with Aaron, you felt comfortable with him.
When you arrived at the hotel, hotch shook your shoulder lightly and you jumped awake saying, “Im awake! I'm here! I'm ready..” before trailing off and yawning. Hotch chuckled as he walked around the car to open your door for you, inviting you to step out in front of him. He walked with you to the elevator and pushed the button for you, always a gentleman. 
When you finally got into your room after struggling with the key for a minute, you flopped face down on your bed with a groan as Aaron watched from the doorway. When he noticed the lamp on he immediately started crossing the room to turn it off, so you could sleep. 
After the lamp was turned off, and Aaron was sure you were okay, and fast asleep, he left for his room in order to change his shirt as he had spilled soy sauce on it at dinner. After making his way to his room down the hall and fumbling with his own key, Aaron made it into his own room to pull out a new shirt. After the long process of taking off his tie and jacket, switching shirts, and putting his tie and jacket back on, he turned off the lamp on the desk near the door. Aaron shut the door behind him quietly so as to not disturb anyone at 10:00 at night.
At first he continued past your room, but then two steps later he changed his mind, turning on his heels back down the hall. He wanted to make sure you were alright one last time before he went back to the police precinct. He had made sure to get a copy of everyone’s room key when they checked in, in case of emergencies. And it wasn’t exactly an emergency, but if you didn't tell, Aaron wouldn't. 
When the door clicked open quietly, light from the hallway bled into the dark room. In front of him lay your sound asleep body, still in its work clothes, passed out face down on the hotel bed. Aaron couldn't help but smile as he approached you, bending down to your level. When his face was level with yours he left a small kiss on your cheek, before retreating back into the well lit hallway and into the night. 
The End
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donnydamakkk · 1 year
long haired, hard packing butch jj, i love u so much
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jenny-from-the-bau · 6 months
Fake dating fic where JJ needs a date to get her mom off her back and Emily offers. They get drunk and decide that Emily is going to be butch to make it even funnier.
Emily buys new clothes and gets a binder and she decides to pack under her briefs. JJ is like "oh no this is actually so hot. I thought this was a joke, but I actually want it??"
The new look actually makes Emily realize how much being feminine feels like playing dress up and how the masc clothes actually feel really good. They get back from the vacation and Emily keeps dressing like that. JJ keeps thinking about how good Emily looks.
They keep the joke that Emily is JJ's boyfriend. It stops being a joke after a while.
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allisluv · 4 months
---- drabble / oneshot wip list
please let me know in the comments or in my inbox which ones you would like me to prioritise <3
requests: open
the hunger games:
*johanna getting turned on by readers hands
*katniss and reader getting ready in tigris' shop
*sex with katniss in the meadow
*lucy gray wearing lingerie to tease reader
finnick comforting reader through a hard time
reader comforting katniss after her breakdown in mjp2
madge and reader getting married
tigris guiding you through a panic attack
*masc johanna post rebellion smut
finnick reacting to reader flinching during an argument
finnick x reader in an everlark admiring from afar situation
rejecting finnicks proposal
post!hijack peeta x reader based on the alchemy by taylor swift
finnick taking care of you after you get your wisdom teeth taken out
katniss and reader in district thirteen*
johanna being impressed when her partner takes control
finnick helping reader with binge eating
finnick helping reader through a sensory overload
haymitch and effie at readers graduation
finnick on your birthday
*scissoring sub!annie when she’s on her period
*finnick making reader suck on his fingers when she’s being too loud
finnick and reader being parental over their young tributes
annie doing stick and poke on reader
*overstimulated finnick
reader doing finnick's makeup
finnick overhearing people making fun of his partners lisp
dating sejanus headcanons
annie and reader being best friends
nsfw cato alphabet
*post war johanna with a hair pulling kink
katniss explaining her asexuality to peeta
johanna x reader with anorexia
katniss with a cat loving girlfriend
tigris comforting you on your period
finnick x vegetarian!reader
finnick x super shy!reader
making out with johanna while your homophobic parents are downstairs
haymitch’s daughter sneaking up on him
finnick x reader who’s ashamed of her scars
mom!effie x victor who has ptsd
criminal minds:
derek's long lost daughter showing up at the bullpen
jj finding out her daughter vapes
emily realising she has a crush on reader for the first time
*rough sex and soft aftercare with emily
derek x fem!deaf!reader
spencer sfw alphabet
daisy jones and the six:
billy, his wife and their daughter spend father’s day together
eddie sfw alphabet
daisy x fem!dunne!reader
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spritehouse · 1 year
gender fluid spencer reid hc that when the team notices he's feeling more fem/less comfortable with being masc, they'll switch to "reid" (if they were in a setting where they'd usually call him spencer) or pen/penny (which got a little confusing with penelope at first but she was more than happy to share).
derek will switch from "pretty boy" to "kid" or sometimes "pretty girl" when they're in private bc spencer gets self conscious in public
jj helps him with makeup that's subtle and more androgynous, and always carries makeup wipes in case he gets dysphoric
penelope paints spencer's nails and takes him shopping, making him feel better about buying more fem clothes by getting the flashiest outfits she can find to draw attention away from him
hotch was already adamant about correcting people when they don't use "doctor" for reid before he came out, but (with permission) he doubles down on it when he notices more masculine terms are making spencer uncomfortable
emily is also gnc/genderfluid and they'll swap clothes (when they'll fit) sometimes. they hype each other up (and penelope, who's gnc) and help each other when they're feeling dysphoric
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julien and masc reader soft morning cuddles?
i imagine it would be rainy and cold outside so they would just rather hold each other rather than leave the warm comfort of their bed <3
jj chats: ugh in love this this request.
warnings: RPF, pet names!!!
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
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i feel like reader would wake up first
and reader would def just like watch julien sleep, and lightly glide over her exposed arms
they would like gather a fluffy blanket and toss it over both them and julien since its cold.
as julien would stir awake she'd like nuzzle into reader chest
like grab at their hoodie
reader is all heart eyes
As Julien fully awakens she turns to you and wispers "good morning baby". you feel her stretch out her legs under the covers and she shrinks back into you. her arms wrapping around your waist even tighter.
I imagine you guys have some place to be and your all like "hey sweetheart lets get up," and julien's all like "no no- stay here for a few minutes".
you reply with a "fine, only for a few minutes".
y'all end up falling back asleep but what we you supposed to do!!! it was so cold out and your body heat was so comfy. plus julien in your arms is like when a cat comes and sits in your lap, you'd be a literal monster to try and move it.
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
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(But character asks/small questions/headcanons are open. Always feel free to talk to me. Just no full pieces.)
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All of my writing and works can be found here. I write for several fandoms and mainly write 'x reader' but I also have my own characters.
Please refer to my rules before requesting.
Requests can be as detailed as you want, but give me the preferred pronouns for the one-shot, or I will default use they/them.
The characters and universes I write for are listed below - character names in bold already have fics written about them, but I write for all on this list.
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(NOTE: Newt is canonically gay, confirmed by the author of TMR: James Dashner. Therefore, I will only write Masc and Gender-neutral reader out of respect for the character.)
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THE 100
(NOTE: I have only seen the first two seasons pls don't shout at me.)
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(Please request characters for this, there are far too many to list.)
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CHARLIE WALKER (Scream 4) | EURONYMOUS (Lords of Chaos) | GABRIEL (Gabriel 2014) | CLYDE (Electrik Children) | MIKE (5lbs of Pressure)
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(These are one-off characters I will write for and what they are from.)
SIMON "GHOST" RILEY | Call of Duty
RODRICK HEFFLEY | Diary of a Wimpy Kid
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Mazz Introduction
Vol and friends introduction
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