#masculine mannerisms
answersfromzestual · 1 year
What can I do to masculinize my mannerism? I was raised very upper class lady-Ly and I have trouble letting go of a lot of the “proper” mannerisms that I find tend to clock me as trans
This isn't going to happen overnight, but I will list some things you can do. Some may seem simple or "odd" but it's just like learning another culture.
Sitting up straight, and tall, same with standing. You want to stand so tall that you feel taller than those around you.
Taking up space! Sitting with your legs open, opening your chest so your shoulders and chest look bigger (wider). Taking up space also means standing up straight (no leaning) when talking, project the energy that you won't shy away. Take up space and be an alpha!
Do not flail your hands
Head nods are a social gesture instead of waving, or they can replace maybe a handshake in friendly interactions. A single nod up quickly is a masculine way of acknowledging those around you in a non-professional setting. It can say: "What's up," "I see you," "it is/ they are over there (nod in direction of the object/person)," and "hello."
Speaking assertively, this doesn't have to be aggression. It's more instead of saying, "I was wondering, maybe we should do ____". The more assertive way to do this would be to say, "I want to do ____" taking out those filler words, making people perceive you as more dominant.
Making eye contact is important, you want them to basically look away first, you are again showing your assertiveness, and sending alpha energy. It's going to take practice, you may seem weird at first, but you will eventually be able to determine the amount of eye contact needed in that social situation.
It all goes back to wanting to be the alpha male in the situation.
You want other people to see you as dominant and in control.
Handshakes are super important. They are common for many more professional atmospheres. You want a firm handshake, but you don't want to hurt the person. If you have someone to help you practice, that would be good. It seems you always are squeezing tighter that you should, but a strong handshake is a huge indicator to a lot of people of not your masculinity but your character.
Try working on your vocabulary and take out filler words such as "like", "um", "uh", "maybe". Speak with intention. You need to speak like you know all about what you're talking about. Confidence is the point. Be direct as possible. It's not about lying.
Walking: Stand tall, chin straight, walk with your shoulders more than your hips. Again, no flailing. Hands by pockets.
Remember these are subtle changes and it will take some time to dial in on exactly how to do everything, but these are some of the main/big things I could think of. I will add more if I think of more or people are free to add some of their own.
Edit: Alpha doesn't mean you need to be the typical version of masculinity either. It means you take control of the situation, you don't back down or shy away. For example, if someone steps towards you it can be an act of intimidation, but if you stand your ground, they will most likely see their failed attempt and back up again. I don't want you thinking it means being hyper masculine. It's I guess some people call it "big dick energy".
Good luck,
Stay Golden ✌️ 💙 💜
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royaltea000 · 1 month
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He’s like the worlds shittiest Madonna to me
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inactiveobeymeblog · 6 months
⚠️NSFW Ahead⚠️
What if MC was an angel but they were also there when Lucifer was an angel?
Starting out, what if MC was really young when their connection to Lucifer first began?
What if at one point MC had to attend an angel meeting bc of their guardian angel and they developed a silly-little-kids-crush on Lucifer the moment they laid eyes on him?
Imagine MC with starry, sparkling eyes while they gawk at how magnificently beautiful he is.
And during the meeting, Lucifer randomly comes up to MC and is like, “And what is your name?”
MC would be so shy bc that’s what little kids are like when their crush pays any attention to them and MC would whisper their name and he’d go, “Oh, really? That’s such a beautiful name.” And makes MC so happy because Lucifer just said he likes their name!
But skip a little into the future where angel MC gets a little older but they get really scared over something and they run into the nearest dark place, which just happened to be the alleyway where Lucifer was walking by.
He sees MC sniffling and gets so worried and approches them calmly then says your name and goes, “Are you alright? Is something the matter?” But MC doesn’t want to talk to him and just positions their body away from Lucifer, getting all defensive and defiant.
Lucifer eventually gets close enough to where he can crouch in front on MC and place his hand on their back, soothing them by rubbing it slowly.
“Can you tell me what happened?” But MC would still refuse to talk and Lucifer would sigh in defeat.
He digs something out of his pocket and presents it to MC and they look at it. With MC’s attention, he says, “This is a magical necklace. See?” And he would make the necklace softly glow with his magic and MC is in awe with it.
He then takes MC’s hand and places the necklace in their palm, closing their hand around it before saying, “If you ever feel scared, hold this necklace right against your chest, and I will always be with you in spirit. No matter what challenges you face, just know that with this necklace, I will never leave your side.”
Then they never saw Lucifer again after that day, but MC has always worn the necklace and never let it out of their sight.
Then fast forward to when the war begins.
MC is older now, about maybe 7000 angel years (looks like about 20-30 human years) and their frantically looking around to see if they can find Lucifer.
They know he’s probably forgotten about them, but that doesn’t mean MC won’t fight along side him.
But MC’s heart is shattered when they see Lucifer is falling from the heavens.
They scream and run towards him but they couldn’t help him. They’re on their knees and they start to cry.
After the war comes to an end, MC is devastated and broken. They’re not in their right mind anymore, with having just witnessed the love of their life slip from their fingers and fall to his death.
MC thinks Lucifer is dead until several thousands of years later, Lucifer’s face shows up in the Celestial Realm once again accompanied by his brothers and the demon kind’s son. But this time his wings are black, he has pointed spirals adjourning his head, and aura is that of a demon.
MC hears wind that Lucifer and his brothers are here as a last resort to restore peace between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm.
So when Lucifer and company enter the main estate of the Celestial Realm, MC waits by patiently until the sun dims down and the doors finally open once more.
MC waits until Lucifer is by himself.
Lucifer is walking into an alleyway when MC walks up behind him. They’re about to grab his shoulder, but Lucifer reacts quickly and pins MC to the wall, his forearm on their chest.
“Who are you?” But MC is too stunned to speak. He asks again and MC snaps out of it.
MC explains everything and Lucifer slowly backs away from MC.
“Show me.” MC looks at him confused. “Show me the necklace. Prove it to me. Prove to me who you say you are.”
And MC shows him the necklace.
Lucifer walks as close as he can and shows his own version of the necklace.
They’re the same shape, same design. A gold heart with a tiny angel feather in the middle, only now, Lucifer’s is black.
Lucifer brings his closer to MC’s and both necklaces start to glow. Lucifer slowly looks up at MC and looks into their eyes for the first time ever since that fateful day, and wraps his arms around their neck, leaning in to kiss them.
MC immediately kisses back and wraps their arms around his waist, pulling him closer.
MC’s heart is pounding, thinking of how long they wanted this day to come and now they finally have it.
Their first kiss is slow and sensual, then they break it to gasp for air. When they share their second kiss, a flame ignites their heart’s desires and they share a passionate and equally lustful hunger for each other, their lips moving fast and sloppy.
By the time they share their third kiss, they’re in MC’s bedroom, Lucifer on his back on MC’s bed.
They both kiss with such veracity as if it would satiate their ever-growing desire for each other.
MC’s hands are focused on removing Lucifer’s clothing, while Lucifer’s are focused on removing MC’s clothing. But when they both are naked and exploring each other’s bodies, they stop moving for a moment to stare into each other’s eyes.
“Are you sure you want this?”
MC kisses Lucifer and preps him with a bottle of lube he had summoned.
Hearing Lucifer moan for the first time only makes MC harder. MC scissors Lucifer open until they think he’s ready and Lucifer hands them the bottle of lube.
MC wastes so time in lathering themself up and inserting themself inside Lucifer.
MC loves the way Lucifer arches his back and clenches the bed sheets.
MC adores the sound of Lucifer’s sounds. They sound so pretty, so perfect, exactly how they imagined them to be.
Then MC starts to move and they don’t stop until the sun brightens again and they both pass out from exhaustion.
It’s only the morning after that Lucifer reveals the truth about the necklace.
“It’s a necklace that ties one soul to another, then their souls form an eternal bond. A bond that can never be broken.”
A Soulmate Bond.
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Anyone can be heroic from time to time, but a gentleman is something you have to be all the time.
- Luigi Pirandello, Italian dramatist, novelist, poet, 1934 Nobel Prize in Literature
The greatest act of rebellion today is being a gentleman. The true gentleman never lets the influences of the modern world affect the morals he holds or the practice of his virtues, such as courtesy and respect.
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kotdish · 1 year
I make it my thing to redraw this one drawing of mine to make as my steam avatar
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It’s scout in pin-up. It’s always scout in pin-up
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aceredshirt13 · 5 months
Sherlock Holmes (1916) Clips I Don't Have a Heterosexual Explanation For
While this is definitely one of my least favorite Sherlock Holmes movies I've ever seen - not because it's a silent movie, but because the plot is boring, the romance is extremely unconvincing, and I'm not clear if it understands how to be a movie in general - it sure does have some clips that seem to go somewhat against the bland heterosexuality of the movie's premise.
Especially the first clip. I can't even conceive of the thought process behind the first clip. Truly.
So I put them together into a slightly-under-one-and-a-half-minute video. Enjoy!
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pinkinsect · 11 days
i think one of the reasons i enjoy making specifically blue lock genderbends so much is that a lot of characters are doing interesting things with their presentation and manners of speech in canon so it's fun to think about that in a different context
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moodr1ng · 4 months
would u guys kill me if i called myself futch
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envolvenuances · 1 month
as the masculine woman who wasn't allowed to use the girl's bathroom in school and to this day have straight women prefer to stand than sit next to me at the bus or question if it's "appropriate" to have me in school staff teaching teenagers. the only "gaslighting" in this is the pretense that it is either a new phenomena or increasing because of The Trans Question being divisive in current gringo politics. when it's classic lesbophobia that always existed and honestly if you ask me things have been improving. but then I do feel like transphobia itself is a restriction of homo/lesbophobia against the mostly visibly gender non conforming of us.
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batmasc · 4 months
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akkivee · 10 months
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read thru the arb event and the differences in how ichiro and jyushi greeted sasara vs rosho has been hilarious lmao
🎋: oh we’re really getting into it now!!!!
🌙: y-you surprised me……!!!
1️⃣: where did you even come from sasara-san…….
🍮: well if it isn’t ichiro-kun and jyushi-kun!! what a coincidence!!
🌙: ah, rosho-san!!! hello!!!
1️⃣: hello 😌
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keexshound · 4 months
i feel like my idea of transmasc ellie is very different from the general main idea in the fandom. i've seen most media just being, her as a trans guy but my idea correlates with my feelings of being transmasc
im neutral but also really enjoy when someone calls me something masculine. like when people call ellie fuckboy, father, etc. but still neutral and don't identify as an actual man.
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countingprimes · 3 months
sometimes i see queer people make low hanging anti straight jokes, and they'll often pre-defend themselves by saying straight people don't need defending as if the queer community isn't populated by tons of straight people, straight trans people, straight ace people, straight poly people. queerness doesnt exclude exclusively opposite sex attracted people and it bothers me to see these jokes and their subsequent defenses because normative society certainly rejects these folks because of their queerness and now you are inside the queer community rejecting them for who they desire. i think about straight trans folks the most who are out here under fire from normative society who turn to the queer community for support only to be inundated with sentiments like straight people are actually the real lesser than folks, and it's easy enough to say straightness is valorized in normative society so shitting on straight people is punching up, but i can't help but be keenly aware that the queer straight people tend to be queer in the ways which are often excluded from queer community. so actually yeah i do think straight people need our protection, not heteronormative culture, but individual people? yeah. the "coming out as straight" jokes are all haha good times fuck the straights until you think about the fact that straight trans people when they come out are functionally doing that. after all how many straight trans people used to think they were cis gay people. and we, inside the queer community, turn their experiences into a mean spirited punch line designed to reject them from queer community.
like sorry i just don't think we are gonna find queer liberation by trying to figure out which group we are allowed to make fun of for having the wrong sexuality.
#i also feel similarly about the way feminist circles talk about men#you're right men as a social class don't need defense#but when you frame literally every single interest someone could have as a negative just because they are a man with said interest#you arent fighting patriarchy you're just shitting on individual people and then wondering why they feel threatened#like .... i think about the tweet from#the person who delayed their transition to avoid being a male film student#and yeah the punch line is very funny and i laughed but the sentiment itself is very very dark imo#gender euphoria? no can't risk it cause then people will think negatively of me#simply for being my own gender in my own field of study#like misandry isn't real on a structural level#but as i pass more masculine i'm keenly aware of all the ways my behaviors and mannerisms which were charming and tomboyish as a woman#are all negative traits i need to suppress and modulate for the sake of others if i am perceived as a man#same person - same jokes - same opinions- but taking up space as a woman is a good thing#taking up space as a man means you're suppressing women#it's weird#cause in theory being more masc should mean i am treated with consistently more respect and have my ideas listened too more#after all im no longer affected by misogyny right?#(of course the dirty little secret of that is thst you have to be white and perform appropriate white masculinity while being stealth#for that respect to work cause brown skin and a fey voice will exclude you from that bump#real fast) but it's an interesting nexus to exist in a place where normative society says i need to make myself smaller#because i'm a woman and therefore inferior but also the internet subculture im around says i should make myself smaller because im#not a woman and i'm taking up their space#but it's all fine cause patriarchy is bad so this is just doing feminism right?#the third wave really fucked people in the head it seems
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stoportotouch · 1 year
still SLIGHTLY annoyed with the damn feedback on my thesis but what can you do about a cis man walking directly into the point and not noticing. it's like trying to teach a bird how windows work.
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softgrungeprophet · 19 days
I may be the trans flash guy but I am also the lone weirdo in the gnc kaine boat 😂
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answersfromzestual · 2 months
Hey, I'm just starting my transition, I'm pre-T, and im really curious, is there any subtitle passing tips, without a need to have short haircut, thicker brows and short nais. Do this things really make me more masculine? I have a certain aesthetic "look" and it's a big part of my personality (I'm goth and rocking kind of Vkei make-up, also I love acrylic nails and fashion). I draw my lips smaller, do male face contouring, draw a mustache, pack and bind, but is there anything else I could do? Every time I look or ask for tips, every answer I get is just "cut your hair, nails, avoid make up" etc. and I don't want to lose parts of my life that I love.
It's more how you hold yourself. For example many men wear makeup and have longer nails and are still seen as men because of little things you wouldn't think about, like how you stand, the way you walk, the way you talk (not voice, by verbiage).
So many people think cutting your hair and stuff will help you pass better, it's really all about how you hold yourself, male body language.
Talking with purpose (don't use filler words such as; "like" "uh", "um", etc.) speak with purpose. Men talk differently than being raised femininely people with their hands as well. When speaking with your hands, don't flail them around, again you want to do everything with purpose.
Walking and standing are big, walking tall, chin up, walk with your shoulders more than your hips, stand straight. You want your walk to say I'm confident, I'm strong, I'm in control.
Eye contact: you want to seem in control, finding the right amount of eye contact may be awkward at first, but you want to appear you are standing your ground.
Sitting: opening your legs on a chair and/or taking up space in general while seating. This says I'm confident and I'm sitting here.
Opening up your chest/ shoulders to seem you are taking up more space without removing it from someone else.
I appreciate the fact of your (I'm sorry if I say this wrong) but being goth and having a look.
Lots of men have long hair and nails, and makeup but you still them as men because of their body language.
I have a post more in depth I will share here as well.
You want to produce alpha or BDE energy.
People watching is a great way to learn "male interactions"
Here is the previous post I wrote which goes more in depth.
Edit: Anon don't let anyone else tell you how to live your life and dress. If you want long hair you keep it buddy! If you want long nails and makeup you go buddy! Be you! I can give you any support you need. I'm proud you refuse to change to make others happy, you are the one who should be happy. The style you talk about used to be like 99% of the male artists I used to listen to back when the emo/scenes/goth scenes got big in music. You be you. I'm proud of you, honestly. I hope that this did truly offer you some relief and help. I wish you the best, and know I am here for any questions or even if this didn't help let me know.
I hope I helped feel free to ask more questions my friend.
Stay Golden ✌🏽💙❤️
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