#masters of the universe revelation part 2
lightbluetown · 11 months
i saw some people say ed and zheng are master strategists while stede is just some guy with ridiculous luck, but i think that's unfair. sure stede's ideas are insane, but they fit the looney tunes ass universe of ofmd perfectly. they're mostly well-thought-out, well-executed and they showcase stede's strengths and growth! so allow me to talk about them:
1- ghost of the forest - 1x02
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a fuckery™ before stede even knows what a fuckery™ is! this is amateurish and stupid in every way. he's not even threatening izzy with a real dagger-- that's a letter opener. does izzy actually believe that stede has a huge crew hiding behind the bushes? doubt it! but this weird little act is enough to establish stede as a (ridiculous) pirate figure to the legendary izzy hands and to accomplish his goal of taking a hostage back
2- lighthouse - 1x04
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imagine coming up with the exact same idea at the exact same time as the most brilliant tactician of the seven seas! we don't know who came up with which parts of the plan (honestly it was probably mostly ed) but this is still bloody impressive
3- stark revelations - 1x05
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stede's first big success! he uses his knowledge of the aristocratic world to get a shipful of rich assholes to destroy each other, but he's also showcasing what sets him apart from them: this plan only comes to fruition because stede talks to frenchie, olu and abshir as equals. as people he can learn from, as sources of inspiration
4- duel with izzy - 1x06
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this one was absolutely unhinged, but its success was far from dumb luck. only stede could think of using a brazillian cherry wood mast and ed's weird stabbing lesson to win a duel, and that's what makes this plan so undeniably stede and brilliant
5- faking his death - 1x10
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i love that he just had to "die" in the most dramatic way possible. a heroic fight (tiger), a realistic accident (carriage) and the most cartoony death in the book (piano)... not only is his triple-death able to convince everyone in barbados that he's dead for good, it also allows him to have closure with his family. it's filled with stede's ridiculous unique flair, but it's designed to be a fuckery™ through and through. ed would be SO proud
6- stealing jackie's indigo dye - 2x01
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quick little stealth mission. did ricky manipulate stede into trying this out? sure. did ricky also ruin it? absolutely. but it was working until then! the swede isn't part of stede's crew at this point, but his respect for stede is what gets him to cooperate and risk his relationship with his beautiful wife. also, it's thanks to his love for fine things that stede immediately recognizes the value of "blue dirt"
7- prison break - 2x03
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in my eyes no scene depicts stede's growth better than this one. knocking zheng's entire crew out with tea is the most stede thing out there, and this plan uses the cherry wood mast as well! this plan relies on stede's (unrealistic) tea knowledge, overly-fancy ship and ability to coordinate his crew. what makes it breathtaking is that he secretly sets this plan into motion while actively mourning the "death" of the love of his life. he's putting his life on the line to rescue ed's "killers" because he's emotionally mature enough to look at things from their perspective and forgive them
8- inciting a mutiny - 2x06
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yet another brilliant plan that could only be executed by stede. this entire episode revolves around his idea of "turning poison into positivity" and here he, well, fights poison with positivity. stede captains his pirates with respect and care (best he can) which just so happens to be the opposite of ned. he exploits this and gently gets ned's crew to turn on him. he singlehandedly saves himself and his entire crew from a notorious pirate! oh he also literally invents walking the plank right after this
9- "it's only suicide if we die" - 2x08
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okay, yes, this one didn't go that well (sorry iz). but it's not like ed, zheng or anyone else had any other ideas! stede's weird suicide mission, for the most part, worked. they needed to get through british soldiers to reach their ship and they did exactly that. if only they'd remembered to check if ricky had his gun... oh well, you live and you learn
sure, ed and zheng are legends and stede is a silly newbie with wild luck. but he's also quick-witted, creative, confident and brave! he's a damn good captain and he deserves to be recognized as a good strategist!
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boy-in-red-dress · 1 month
HEAR ME OUT, so I made a list of Ford and Bill's character traits and how they compliment each other. Ford and Bill's relationship is a rather interesting and twisted dynamic which is one of the reasons why I like them a lot. So let's start with my interpretation of the two characters...
Stanford Pines
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He a deeply intricate character, shaped by a life that have left him both brilliant and broken. Born as one of two twins, Ford’s life has been a constant struggle with self-worth and identity. His intelligence and curiosity set him apart from others, but they also isolated him, creating a sense of loneliness. This isolation was only deepened by his complex relationship with his twin brother, Stanley. Ford’s need to prove himself became a driving force in his life. Yet, it was never simply about proving his worth; it was about escaping the deep-seated feelings of jealousy, shame, and guilt that had haunted him since childhood.
Ford's brilliance, however, is matched by his flaws. His obsession with knowledge and understanding the unknown led him down dangerous paths, often pushing away those who cared for him. The rift with his brother, born out of both love and rivalry, is a central part of his character. Which is why (if you've read some of my work on ao3) I put the fact Ford thinks about Stan often.
Despite his vast intellect, Ford’s emotional intelligence often lags behind, making him susceptible to manipulation and leading him to make decisions that are sometimes cold and calculating. He is a man who is willing to risk everything—even his own humanity—for the sake of discovery and the pursuit of what he believes is right and what could do good for the world. This single-minded determination, while admirable, also reveals his vulnerability. His self-imposed isolation and his relentless drive to prove his worth have left him with a fragile sense of self that is easily shattered when confronted with his own limitations. Speaking of his limitations, that's where Bill comes in. To make Ford go beyond the limits of his human capabilities.
Bill Cipher
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He's a being of pure chaos and malevolence, contrasts Ford's character in almost every conceivable way. Where Ford is driven by a desire for knowledge and understanding, Bill is driven by a desire for power and control. Bill’s complexity lies in his unpredictability and his capacity for manipulation. He is a master of deception, able to twist the desires and fears of others to suit his own ends. Unlike Ford, who is bound by his human emotions and flaws, Bill is unrestrained, reveling in the chaos he creates. He lacks empathy, seeing others only as tools to be used or obstacles to be destroyed. His lack of morality and his enjoyment of others' suffering make him a truly terrifying entity to come across.
BUT. They have similarities, too. Stay with me.
1. Intellectual Curiosity and Ambition
Both Ford and Bill possess an insatiable curiosity and a relentless drive to uncover the secrets of the universe. For Ford, this curiosity is rooted in a genuine desire to understand the unknown, to push the boundaries of human knowledge, and to make his mark on the world. His intellect is one of his defining traits, and it’s what led him to explore other dimensions and study the mysteries of Gravity Falls.
Similarly, Bill is driven by a desire to know and control everything. His curiosity, however, is twisted by his malevolent nature; it’s less about understanding and more about exploiting knowledge for his own gain. Bill’s intellectual prowess is evident in how he manipulates others, devises complex plans (or impulsive plans), and navigates the multiverse with ease. His fascination with the workings of the universe mirrors Ford’s own, but where Ford seeks to understand, Bill seeks to dominate and corrupt.
2. Rejection of Limitations
Both characters reject the limitations imposed on them by their respective worlds. Ford’s entire life has been a struggle against the boundaries set by society, by his family, and even by his own humanity. His six-fingered hands marked him as different from a young age, and this difference fueled his determination to transcend the ordinary. Ford’s rejection of these limitations led him to create the portal, opening a gateway to other dimensions, and ultimately, to his fateful encounter with Bill.
Bill, too, rejects any form of limitation. As a being from the Nightmare Realm, Bill refuses to be confined by the rules of any single dimension. His very nature is one of rebellion against order and constraint. He sees limitations as challenges to be overcome, often through manipulation and force. This shared disdain for boundaries creates a unique parallel between the two: Ford, the man who defied his world to expand his knowledge, and Bill, the demon who seeks to break the rules of reality itself.
3. A Sense of Superiority
Ford and Bill both harbor a sense of superiority, though it manifests differently in each. Ford’s superiority is intellectual; he knows he is smarter than most people around him, and this often leads him to act alone, believing that only he can solve the problems he encounters. This mindset can make him seem arrogant or dismissive, particularly when dealing with those who don’t share his level of understanding.
Bill’s sense of superiority, on the other hand, is rooted in his power and knowledge. He views himself as above all others, not just because of his intelligence, but because of his status as an interdimensional being. Bill sees humans as insignificant creatures to be toyed with, and he revels in the chaos he can create among them. His superiority complex is part of what makes him so dangerous; he genuinely believes that no one can match him, which drives his desire to control and manipulate.
4. Isolation and Loneliness
Both Ford and Bill are, in their own ways, deeply isolated figures. Ford’s intellectual pursuits and his strained relationship with his brother have left him lonely, often feeling like he is the only one who can understand or solve the mysteries he uncovers. This isolation is both self-imposed and a consequence of his choices; Ford often distances himself from others to protect them or to keep them from slowing him down.
Bill, despite his power, is also a fundamentally lonely being. His existence as a demon is one of isolation; he is a creature of chaos in a universe that generally strives for order. His interactions with others are almost entirely manipulative, and he lacks genuine connections. This loneliness could be a driving force behind his desire to dominate and destroy—if he cannot be understood or accepted, then he will make the world bend to his will instead.
5. Obsession with Control
Control is another trait that both Ford and Bill share, though their methods and motivations differ. Ford’s obsession with control stems from his fear of the unknown and his need to protect those he cares about. After his experiences with Bill, this need becomes even more pronounced, as Ford understands the dangers that lurk beyond the veil of reality. His attempts to control situations, however, often lead to unintended consequences, and his desire to keep everything under control can sometimes cause more harm than good.
Bill’s obsession with control is far more malevolent. He doesn’t just want control—he wants total domination. Bill thrives on bending others to his will, on twisting reality to suit his desires. His manipulation of Ford is a key example of this; by gaining control over Ford, Bill was able to bring chaos to the world in ways that would have been impossible otherwise. For Bill, control is both a means to an end and the ultimate goal itself.
Conclusion: A Complex Relationship
The similarities between Ford and Bill make their relationship all the more complex and tragic. Ford’s intellectual curiosity, his desire to break free from limitations, his sense of superiority, and his isolation all made him an ideal target for Bill’s manipulation. At the same time, these shared traits create a twisted mirror image between the two—Bill literally represents the dark potential of Ford’s own qualities, turned towards destruction rather than discovery. That is if you look at it that way.
Together, they form a complicated pair: Ford, the man who seeks to protect and understand, and Bill, the demon who seeks to control and destroy. Their similarities make them more than just adversaries; they are reflections of each other’s strengths and flaws, locked in a struggle that is as much about their own identities as it is about the fate of the world. This dynamic is what makes their interactions so compelling and their conflict so deeply resonant, as each tries to outmaneuver the other while grappling with the very qualities that make them who they are.
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I want to lick these senior citizens— WHAT WHO SAID TJAT
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mock-arts · 10 months
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In honor of me not having any more bangs on the schedule for the year, here's part 1/2 of my 2023 cover collection! This portion 100% star wars. The next bit will be up tomorrow. I've started a cover collection tag for the compilations like this, but you can always look through all my bang art in my big bang tag. Though, not all of these were for big bangs. Eh, whatever.
Links and summaries below the cut!
Cover collection 2023
So There's this Guy by @catbuirs-alt & @elsaanna007 (art) (with more art by @anstarwar)
The war is over!
Jesse, Kix, Echo and Fives live together in an apartment on Coruscant.
Echo finds himself in a new romance with a beautiful woman named Hehna. After finding himself lacking in experience, Fives offers to help him out with advice and practice.
Unfortunately for Fives, this awakens some feelings he thought were buried deep and he doesn’t know what to do about them. He decides to put them aside and be happy that Echo has found someone.
Fives’ advice does help Echo become more confident with his new girlfriend, but something is holding him back. His thoughts keep returning to his best friend and he’s not the only one who notices. Will Fives keep his role as the best friend, or will Echo realize that his attraction to Hehna pales in comparison to his feelings for Fives?
Keep by @tallnegotiations (art)
Vader is a technical genius, it is a well-known fact. So, following his defeat at the hands of his old Master on Mustafar and the rise of the Empire, Vader executes his greatest act of genius to prove his dominance: he creates an artificial intelligence modeled after Obi-Wan Kenobi.
After the rise of the Empire, nothing remains of Commander Cody except for CC-2224, just another rank-and-file stormtrooper among many. He goes where he is told to go, shoots where he is told to shoot, and doesn't question it because good soldiers follow orders.
A droid told to be human meets a human told to be a droid. They meet somewhere in the middle.
(Tooka) Cat-Scratch Fever by @pebblish (art)
Luke is lonely, and instead of joining space bumble decides to cure the problem with a tooka cat. When he visits a shelter, he stumbles upon the most unadoptable feline there- a scarred, jet black, mangy creature that tears apart the homes of any who dare to adopt him.
Darth Vader has been turned into a tooka cat by his former Master, Darth Sidious. And now, he's been adopted by some blonde brat who has no idea who he's dealing with.
The pair of them are in for some startling revelations, and each will have to learn that what you want isn't always what you need.
I Wear My Sunglasses at Night by Trillium Orchid (art)
Force Osik can make things difficult and decidedly strange. Sith versions of Cody, Fox, Thorn, Thire, and Stone get switched with the bodies of their alternate selves that are from a near-cannon timeline…
They decide to Help Things- and manage to kill the Chancellor. Meanwhile, the vod’e that they switch with is trying to get back home and hop a few universes before getting switched back… after the Sith versions kill the Chancellor.
Ripple in the Universe by @darthtarvera (art)
Jango Fett has done many things in service to Mandalore. Tricking a couple of Jedi so he can use them to get to the heart of a conspiracy seems simple enough to add to the list. Get the Jedi, get to Mandalore, and find the traitors. One more step to take on his path to fix the mistakes from the last time he did this.
Ripples on the water can have longer-lasting effects than you might think. Jango Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi meet years before they were supposed to.
This changes things.
An Hourglass in Hand by @ecarian (art) (with more art by @blog-o-randomness)
“I thought daemons didn’t eat,” Rex noted once, during a celebration feast, as he and Cody watched Boga devour her meal with some fascination. Varactyl she may be, but she was a tiny one. There wasn't much interior space for the truly momentous amount of meat she was ripping into. Boga daintily rubbed her beak against a folded serviette that looked kind of like a bird, and said, prim, “I can do anything a human can do.”
“Oh?” Obi-Wan said mildly, from where he’d been tapping at a datapad. “Shall I save you a portion of these reports then?”
No Trophies, Only Prisoners by @diviluscorner (art)
Jango’s life took a wrong turn somewhere around Geonosis and spat him out years later to haunt one of his clones.
Or perhaps Jango doesn't realize the Force has other plans for him.
Every Shadow by @kenobster (art)
The days on Kadavo were long, but the nights moved quickly. Hundreds of pairs of wide, sleepless eyes haunted the space of the holding cells. Droves of terror clogged the heavy, sweaty air, and every sound, however faint, was like a physical ripple across the crowd. Every sound. The jingling of keys, the clicking of locks, the thudding of boots, and that’s how the nights on Kadavo started—with a gradual increase in the degree of quiet.
OR—during the mass casualty event following Kadavo and Zygerria, Obi-Wan and Anakin seek ways to cope with trauma.
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yourfandomfriend · 3 months
Gravitation || IwtV Meta
While doing my bookkeeping, I was pleasantly surprised to find I'd left some shippy meta lying around for these yaoi-ass mother fuckers and didn't post it. Yeah, you know I've got it bad for a series when the analysis spills over into other folders.
** SPOILERS** for Interview with the Vampire, Season 2 & The Vampire Chronicles **SPOILERS**
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And Then What?
One of my favorite aspects of this series is the way it takes meta to the next level.
Anne Rice used the "interview" aspect of the novel to sew the tiniest seeds of doubt in her readers' minds, the idea being that the story could be true and Louis was out there somewhere. But then she retconned a lot from the book to justify making its villain, Lestat, the hero of the series. So any adaption of the book with a greater story in mind would basically be saying, "Yes, this story is all true! …Only it's not, this man is a liar. And his rebound is a psycho bitch!"
Meanwhile, with the benefit of decades of hindsight, the series doesn't just say, "The vampire story happened, it was an interview by some Boy." It treats the story with respect by interrogating it as if it can stand the sunlight.
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"So if the first one was a pack of lies, as later books insist, then why didn't The Boy notice? And why did Louis lie? Why go to the trouble of telling his story to a reporter if he was just gonna lie about his boyfriend all night? And how come he didn't notice that Armand guy was an unhinged puppet master, hoaxing his ass for years?"
Well! Not only is the interview itself split apart -- between the year of its release and the time of the series -- but Daniel Molloy himself is split and now becomes the way in which the series reconciles the first book with the rest.
Daniel becomes a brave and skeptical interviewer, buying the premise of vampires, yet daring to ask -- if the story was true -- then why This and why That? Many fans of the books react to this as an insult. "Are you calling the first book stupid? The people who loved it stupid?" As if that was the only explanation for treating the material as though it could hold up to scrutiny.
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I really love the idea of the series closing out Louis' story with his revelations. He has the truth now and is finally able to take control of his life. To accept himself completely in a way he never could before and stand on his own.
No longer forced to forget Paul, Claudia, and Lestat. No longer pretending he isn't a monster or a very human creature. No longer trapped in limbo, no longer an object at the mercy of the universe.
And can we all agree that Lestat got the best arc? One that wasn't possible in the books? Learning to respect Louis' autonomy and let him go with love instead of lying, cutting off his escapes, blackmailing, or breaking him? I'm way more impressed with the writing of the show here, for making Lestat learn his lesson instead of pretending, "Oh, no, he was perfect all along!"
Also, his behavior is juxtaposed with Armand's. We'd love to think he's the villain for the part he played in the Trial, but so many characters had done the wrong thing that led to that point --
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Claudia for rushing (against all logic and advice) to join a cult created by the guy she "killed," thinking she could BS her way through it forever. Louis for ignoring Claudia when she reported her red flags, telling her to sit in the choice she'd made, choosing a guy he'd just met over her, refusing to join or even be kind to the coven, leaving bodies in the open to piss them off, and playing carelessly with the heart of an ancient demigod vampire he barely knew, who he just happened to have shared a suss ex-boyfriend with --
Lestat for keeping his fledglings weak and ignorant, abusing them and refusing to let them go, destroying the Paris coven and remaking it in his image then abandoning it, crossing the ocean for revenge he didn't deserve, and using his power to save Louis, but only Louis.
No, Armand's pertinent villainous act was The Lie. He didn't just allow Louis to believe the conclusion he'd jumped to, he created an alternate universe where he was Louis' savior and nanny and made him live in it for seventy-five years. And it's not even that he was dishonest, per se -- they all lied to each other -- but that his dishonesty was fueled by a desire to limit Louis' movement.
Like the rocks in that coffin. As if he'd never taken Louis out of it.
He would give his lover all the power in the world, submit to him in any and every way imaginable, and put his life in Louis' hands… but never give him the freedom to leave. That was the power and control Armand exerted behind a mask of innocence and deference.
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It's the mask Lestat wore on more than one occasion, not realizing his guilt until the Trial's ludicrous, victim-blaming narrative inadvertently threw his cruelty, tyranny, and vanity in his face.
Which means that, as different as they were, Armand was used in the series as a Shadow Self of Lestat. Not the easy, shapeless alternative he was in Book One, nor the convenient scapegoat he was in Book Two, but a desperate, lonely, unaccountable Brat Prince playing with precious things that don't belong to him and breaking them.
Armand is more underhanded and tightly wound, but his greed and capacity for disaster are at least identical to Lestat's -- because they're godlike. No one can stop them, except themselves.
But now, the love triangle has been thrown into daylight and all parties are finally free of one another. Louis can visit Lestat to reconcile and greave and embrace without either being sucked into each other's orbit... For now.
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And what of the unmasked Armand? He didn't ask to be set free from either of their orbits or did he? and without the chase of Devil's Minion, he has no one to satellite now. Poor babby, all his friends are dead and everyone else thinks he's a hardcore bitch. Can he ever be happy alone, especially when there's no outside force to shake the shit out of him?
To the ancient texts!
In the books, Armand's relative wickedness was transparently both AR's alibi for Lestat and a way to keep him from undermining her OTP -- once he was no longer a threat to either, he was free to be as happy and lovable as a thing like him could be. So if Show follows Books, Armand is free now, too! Free of the toxic polycule! (And taking most of the toxins with him, but hey.)
The Bachelor Armand
A whole lot of fans who go from Armand in Book Two to Armand in Book Three have their minds blown by how… well? Cute and lovable and domestic he eventually becomes. You know… the further he gets from Louis.
Of course, Armand is never the healthiest, most stable character, but at least he's allowed to move on eventually. To finally grow and change. But must Show!Armand be lonely until that change happens? And if he's alone and won't introspect, what's the catalyst? Doesn't romance/love/the chase change him in the books? Why would anyone love him now that he's outed as horrible?
Well... all the other characters think he's a hardcore bitch... but one of them might think that's more a feature than a bug.
In the books, Daniel, the one remaining threat to loustat, is nerfed by AR throwing him to Armand like a wind-up cat toy. And as it turns out, he's a lot more into the evil nut-jobbery part of dating a vampire than the cute shit. Actually, he seems to find the cute shit annoying.
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Before you know it, the spares are paired, Daniel is turned, and Armand is transformed from a severe, obsessive, sadomasochistic ascetic, to a soft, obsessive, sadomasochistic hedonist. He's still a hardcore bitch, but now he's the hardcore bitch Daniel's always dreamed of.
Suspicious? Yes. AR showing her hand? Undoubtably. But they seemed so happy, I don't have the heart to question it. And if that Chuck Tingle book cover come to life is Armand and Daniel's fate in the show, I'll cheer them on so loudly.
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graythegreyt · 5 months
AU details now I am very interested (you don’t have to)
So basically. Cracks knuckles. The set-up of the AU is based nearly entirely on two concepts: 1. In the show, Bug Noire cannot stop grinning when she first unifies the Miraculous which I have capitalized on completely and taken to be a consequence of a power rush, and 2. Marinette in this scenario is the only one given both Miraculous, as Master Fu (or perhaps another, more strict order of guardians?) thought that entrusting the two most powerful Miraculous to multiple people was too dangerous.
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(GIF taken from the Wiki!)
So in this AU, Mari is Paris' only magic defender, and she is SCARY. She has all the same incredible forward thinking that Ladybug does in canon, but without anyone to support her or protect her, she's gotten used to absolutely tanking damage and pressing on regardless with a wild air of enthusiasm. The unity of the two Miraculous of creation and destruction in this AU are nearly unbearable for mortals to handle; because they, unified, are Gimmi, representation of all of existence, wielding both at one causes interesting consequences.
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(Screenshot also from the Wiki :3)
For Mari, that means she's full of a powerful joy and elation to be participating as an active agent of Existence (or Balance) in the universe, but she also revels in destruction and chaos, and every time she transforms she finds it harder to adjust to the more limited understanding that mortals possess. Tikki and Plagg are very worried about her, and Marinette is too, but under careful watch Mari cannot part with the Miraculous and instead presses on-- to her own detriment.
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Alya and Adrien, on the other hand, have never met Mari. They're both newcomers to the school, but Marinette as a full-time hero never makes an appearance there. Instead, both Alya and Adrien befriend Nino who is their guiding light. He mitigates Alya's relentless drive to investigate akumas and vouches for Adrien's goodness to the class when Chloe puts it into question. The three grow close, but something's missing.
Alya meets Bug Noire when she's put herself into the battlefield, eager to film the mystery of the akuma and record it to the public on her BugBlog, since Noire herself seldom interacts with the public. Adrien, on the other hand, meets Bug Noire when he's being targeted by the akuma, and his inner desire to help recognizes that Noire, as wild and energetic as she is, seems to be struggling in a way that others don't see.
Noire, drunk on power but still fighting tooth and nail to retain a sense of her identity and her desire for companionship, is ecstatic to speak with Adrien and Alya but tries to keep them away from the fights as much as possible. Adrien and Alya, being themselves, of course don't let this stand and repeatedly put themselves in positions where Bug Noire would be a fool not to rely on them to help wear down an akuma, or evacuate the area, or break an object, or make shaky banter to. This grounds Bug Noire in a way she clings to, and she begins visiting Alya and Adrien not as a Miraculous user but as their friend.
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In my head I feel like Alya and Adrien would convince Bug in the end to give them her Miraculous "to inspect" (can we see them!! They're so cool and you can use a break), and Marinette, Tikki, and Plagg would finally be able to speak to Alya and Adrien (and Nathalie and Alya's parents and Nino, presumably) to try to seek out the support they've been lacking after being out in this position. Perhaps this would be the catalyst for convincing the guardians that having multiple Miraculous active is a blessing rather than a needless risk?
Anyways that's all I've got for now!! Thank you for the ask Illy I am giving you a hug
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gaynglican · 10 months
I think we (Queer Christians) should bring back the Feast of Fools! Here's my pitch:
Medieval Christians celebrated the days following Christmas with societal inversion. If God became a vulnerable child born into poverty, then the best celebration should invert the social order: master and servant, clergy and laity, man and woman. The Feast of Fools–held on January 1st–was the most notable celebration of cosmic inversion. Developed in the late 12th and early 13th centuries, the tradition of the feasts continued until the 16th century. (1)
The festival is popularly misunderstood as a celebration of sacrilege, a result of its apparent burlesque of religion. Yet, the festival’s role reversals were prescribed by clergy, and the "fools" represented those chosen by God for their lowly status. From surviving 13th century manuscripts–notably, the Play of Daniel from Beauvais Cathedral and the Office of Joseph from Laon Cathedral–it is clear that some Catholic Churches in France sanctioned cross-dressing for liturgical purposes. (2) In fact, the Feast of Fools is remarkable for being sanctified rather than sacrilegious.
Many anthropologists of religion have argued that “sacred play,” or “ludic ritual,” is central to how religious behaviors function. (3) Although play may seem counterintuitive to religion, absurdity and holiness often go together, especially considering the role reversals and revelry of the Feast of Fools.
Literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin made a similar argument about the “carnivalesque.” (4) When absurdity is celebrated in religion–when a society’s usual rules are suspended–observant revelers can stretch the boundaries of their identities or reverse their social roles. Men become women; laity become clergy; God becomes a helpless infant; death becomes life. It is on the strength of the absurd that religions delve into hope and new ways of becoming. (5) “Sacred play” is reality altering work, a cornerstone of religious enlightenment and religious embodiment.
In 1969, theologian Harvey Cox proposed that an imitation of the medieval Feast of Fools could rejuvenate modern Christian spirituality, lamenting that the tradition has forgotten sacred play. (6)
As found in the Medieval Feast of Fools, the joy of inversion and freedom of death were, at one point, celebrated in Christian tradition through cross-dressing. Drag exists in Christian tradition as an artform that is capable of embodying the Divine. Sharing in Christ’s martyrdom is only part of Christian embodiment, and redemption and resurrection are essential to any imitation of Christ. Through embodying Christ, religious drag can become a project of resurrection.
(Taken from my Master's Thesis in Art History, "Crucifixion Can Happen To Anyone: Embodying Christ Through The Queer Artist")
1: “Feast of Fools.” n.d. Encyclopædia Britannica.
2: Harris, Max. 2011. Sacred Folly: A New History of the Feast of Fools. Cornell University Press. 113-127.
3: Turner, Victor. “Liminal to Liminoid, in Play, Flow, and Ritual: An Essay in Comparative Symbology.” Revista Mediações, vol. 17, no. 2 (2012): 214–57.
4: “Carnivalesque.” n.d. Oxford Reference. Accessed 12 July 2023.
5: Kierkegaard, Søren. “Fear and Trembling.” From Selections from the Writings of Kierkegaard. University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 1912.
6: Cox, Harvey. 1969. The Feast of Fools; a Theological Essay on Festivity and Fantasy. Harvard University Press
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teriteriteriteriteri · 6 months
Sane analysis of the descriptions of the two recent Myriad Celestia Trailers featuring Acheron. Below annotated are the description for the Acheron and Black Swan Dance video, and the Acheron backstory video:
The dual planets were intertwined in each other's tragic destiny, dancing an eternal rondo around a pitch-black great sun. In the beginning, one of the planets gave rise to humans. These people looked down, and named the land below "Izumo." These people looked up, and named the world above "Takamagahara."[1] One day uninscribed in the annals, the Yaoyorozu-no-kami descended from Takamagahara. These demonic beasts named Kami overturned the skies, burned the rivers and oceans, and shattered the land — People realized in horror that it was not an invasion for rulership, dominance, or plunder. The evil Kami came only to kill. As the planet stood on the brink of death, Izumo embarked on a Kami-slaying journey, exhausting the might of the entire country to slay the calamity "Sovereign of Revelation" and forging the very first Edict Edge using its bestial body. Giving the Kami a taste of their own medicine, the wielder of these swords can recite the mantra contained within the blade to master the divine power of Takamagahara, and use it to combat the evil Kami and save the masses.[2] From then on, Izumo started its long and arduous crusade, exchanging inordinate lives lost for the fall of one Kami after another, shattering countless mortal blades to forge the twelve Sentinels. In the merciless fight for survival, Izumo used the might of the Edict Edges to light up their uncivilized world of darkness in less than ten Amber Eras, building cities of dazzling neon lights. That distant Takama Divine Realm, once so far away, became so close within their reach — Yet history suddenly stopped there.[3] The existence of the two planets instantly evaporated, disappearing into nothingness. Nowadays, the past of the border planet Izumo can only be gleaned from the scattered whispers in the universe. Academics hold various views regarding its disappearance, but none can solve the mystery. Izumo's history should have been a long flowing river, but it was severed in one cut, and all its past and future voided on emptiness' other shore. Did it never exist, and was it no more than a fabricated story? Did its histories never occur, and it ran aground on the beach of reverse causation? Was it yet another appalling experiment by Dr. Primitive, or was it a sign of the Voracity returning from the end of the Cosmos? Only that pitch-black great sun knows the answer, yet THEY remain silent, never speaking.[1.1] Because everything that had happened will one day regress to the end, and everything that had ended is guaranteed to happen again. The universe undergoes an eternal recurrence under THEIR shadow,[1.2] and Izumo is nothing more than the footnote for an ellipsis.
Pinned comment below (although it's just a repeat of the last line of the next description):
The hobbling monk sings a dissonant tune, as those who hold the power of kami retreat towards divinity. Witnessed by the great sun, the land once known as "Izumo" stands bereft of its inhabitants — humans, oni, and kami alike — now vanished without a trace.
[1]. Dual planets Izumo and Takamagahara part of a system whose star is a black sun. Izumo is the one with humans.
[1.1]. The black sun can be inferred to be IX, what with the capitalized THEY being used exclusively for Aeons, and the black sun being a black hole as the one we see Black Swan get traumatized by in the dancing video.
[1.2] However? Universe undergoes an eternal recurrence under IX's shadow? Not implausible, given that the total annihilations of the honkai might attract IX. But the recurrence part is what gives me pause. If IX thinks all is hopeless, why eternally occur?
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters makes reference to an Orkron. We can rule Izumo out, so could this be the endonym of Takamagahara?
Perhaps unrelated, but the duel planet setup reminds me of LeGuin's The Dispossessed. But there one of the planets is actually a moon (I don't know how celestial bodies are classified). Just a parallel.
Black Dwarfs are theorized to exist. These would not be black holes though, merely burnt out 'normal' suns.
[2]. Yaoyorozu-no-kami, or simply Kami, described as demonic beasts, suddenly descended upon Izumo. Izumo is also the name of the person who forged the weapons that can kill the Kami. Can be inferred that the Kami are Honkai, through the Herrscher connections below. Honkai have different names across worlds: https://x.com/No9ah10_/status/1771043024904007706
Izumo slayed "the calamity 'Sovereign of Revelation' and forging the very first Edict Edge using its bestial body," implying a connection between Herrschers and the weapons forged from their cores. Sovereign = Herrscher, Edict Edge = Divine Weapon. This connection is further corroborated by the second video and description.
Here in the real world, Izumo is a Shintō religious center. (Mentioned in the wiki too; these people work fast.) Here for some more info: https://ancient-japan-izumo.com/
[3]. 'Uncivilized' is an interesting choice here, because the threat of honkai increases with the level of civilization. It's literally one of the first sentences in HI3. It is corroborated by the comics by the Pioneers, where Fu Hua specifically prevents CE exposure to PE technology for this reason. This is probably just pedantry, as civilization is relative, and the honkai has existed even during the time we would consider 'uncivilized', but it is noticeable enough to be worth pointing out.
Incredibly fast advancements in civilization could go a while without any real honkai interference, before facing a catastrophic event that instantly wipes everything out.
'World of darkness' is even more interesting. Is it metaphorical, referring to their primitiveness? Or is it literal, what with the black sun and all? This raises even more questions than it answers, but?
The dual planets were intertwined in each other's tragic destiny, and a dead song was scattered amongst the Cave Where Light Hid. The song had no beginning and no end, had no sound and no echo, came from no singer, and was heard by none. It thus uttered: Takamagahara endless like Izumo, for it was a paradise [1] perfect in its place. Yet the sky turned dark and the great sun pulled the tides [2], and the Kami left numerous trails as if migrating [3]. The Yaoyorozu no Magakami manifested and slaughtered without mercy, yet little did they expect their peerless authority to be stolen [4] and taken. Izumo broke seventy-thousand-and-thirty-three warrior's blades, forging the majestic Sentinels twelve in number.
The first was "Truth," forged with the slain Sovereign of Revelation. It allowed mortals to comprehend all laws and order, to dissect all things and to recreate miracles.
The second was "Sky," forged with the slain Eternal Zenith. It could turn the sky into walls and fortresses and pose obstacles for the Magatsu no Morokami's steps.
The third was "Howl," forged with the slain Almighty Thunder. It could summon lightning to tear the sky, and the soaring meteors and thunder dealt divine justice.
The fourth was "Mist," forged with the slain Everbreath. It could make winds break and shear the land, for gales to rage forever unceasing.
The fifth was "Frost," forged with the slain Heaven's Winter Cloak. It could freeze and still the very order of time, to create boundless frozen wastes and stretch one moment into eternity.
The sixth was "Fate," forged with the slain Spurned Sister of Mortality. It could make flowers bloom and cover barren graves, for life and death to dance in a cycle and dissipate.
The seventh was "Flare," forged with the slain Flamebringer. It could summon fires to burn down the very world, to torch the skies and to char the earth.
The eighth was "Thought," forged with the slain Wisdom Supreme. It could discern the past and future with the mirror of water, to tell truth from lies over years beyond reckoning.
The ninth was "Root," forged with the slain Father of Lands. It could command islands to float into the heavens, for mountains and valleys to burst before armies.
The tenth was "Form," forged with the slain Nether Lord. It could make the masses join in unity, for endless forms to ebb and flow as one.
The eleventh was "Bind," forged with the slain Omen Ward. It drove misfortune into a binding cage, for evil and demons to instantly vanish.
The twelfth was "Maw," forged with the slain Woes Eighty. It could corrode and age the very mortal world and make equal Kami and Oni, leaving an entity's four souls to be sundered in twain. [5]
Then the underworld was cleared out, the wars called to a halt, and the twelve blades broken and locked. In the emptiness the dead souls grew restless, and under the black sun two blades were forged as Bearers of the world's destiny.[6] One was named "Origin" and the other named "End," for all begun with humanity and shall end with Oni-kind. The sounds of lamentation ceased, and the dead flowers rose and fell. The losers returned to the void, and the winners… became null. The hobbling monk sang the song without a tune, for those who hold the power of Kami are walking backwards, towards divinity. Witnessed by the great sun, the land once named Izumo became completely devoid… of humans, Oni, and Kami.
[1]. Takamagahara is described as a paradise, but also the place from with the Kami descended.
A once propsering civilization resided there, soon wiped out form the Honkai? Which then 'migrated' to Izumo?
[2]. This sentence I cannot make sense of.
Did the sky going black mean that the sun also went black, assuming it might not have always been so?
What tides did it pull? Did the star collapse into a black hole?
[3]. Left trails as if migrating is also a complete mystery.
Why 'as if' migrating? Why not migrating? Did they leave Takama, or enter Izumo, or leave entirely? The following sentence implies that they came to Izumo, but still.
[4]. Authority is a word very specifically used to refer to the power that the Herrschers wield. This paired with the direct parallels between the 12 swords and the 12 Herrschers, make a very good case that the Sovereigns are Herrschers, albeit not ones fighting for humanity.
[5]. Directly paralleling the Herrschers in order and ability. Crazy graph drawing the parallels: https://x.com/marisahonkai/status/1771067409988018236
[6]. 77,033 mortal blades -> 12 Sentinels -> 2 Bearers -> 1(?)
After the Bearers are forged, mention of "The world forged 77, 047 blades, but only one could save Izumo." That's 77,033 + 12 + 2 and a new blade. The final one. 'Naught' referred in the subtitles as 'Life'.
According to this comment, the mortal blade number is a reference to the Herrschers from GGZ: @duchong6213 If you listen closely, you can hear Honkai World Diva at 1:30 (dramatic ver.) 3:07 (slow ver.) "Izumo have 70,033 blades (ref GGZ total herrschers) and from them, they forged it again to make 12 Sentinel sword (ref HI3rd 13 Herrschers)." Cannot confirm, found referenced up until the 70th herrscher
From [2:48] and onwards:
Takama was surely as beautify as Izumo (before the Kami descended.)
Origin and End break each other.
Izumo forged these blades 'because of a lie. An end that never existed.'
Then she slashed the black sun with Naught, horns disappearing (oni-fication stopped?)
Possibly when she became an Emanator?
The slash from Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters and the slash here seem to be one and the same, further pointing to the fact that the black sun is IX. Then again, it might be a different one? Acheron can slash more than one black hole.
Questions remaining:
"Galaxy Ranger? No, I've made a grave mistake." Absolutely zero mention of Galaxy Ranger-dom in either account of Acheron's past.
The girl that tried to shoot her and presumably stood shoulder to shoulder with, thought…
However, Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters violently implies that Acheron's companion is Frebass (actually, it implies that Frebass' companion is Acheron, but I digress.) Frebass is a Nameless, so it's not a case of 'picking up the title of a dead friend'. They only journeyed for 30 days, so it might be a different companion.
WHO IS ACHERON AN EMANATOR OF????????? Torn between what everyone else is torn between: Finality and Nihility.
Who is the girl pointing the gun, the hobbling monk, and Ferbass?
Why is Acheron's memory so bad?
Why does she 'remember' us?
What the fuck is 'Naught'?
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emperorsfoot · 8 months
I watched Masters of the Universe: Revolution recently and I thought it was Better than Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 1 & 2. However there was a Moment in this MOTU Cartoon that completely Surprised me.
SPOILER ALERT for those who haven't seen Masters of the Universe: Revolution yet!
We all thought that Skeletor from Masters of the Universe: Revelation & Revolution was a Demon from another Dimension. The Masters of the Universe: Revelation Comic-Series (the Prequel to the actual Masters of the Universe: Revelation Cartoon) showed us the Homeworld of Skeletor & his Species. But the 3rd Episode of Masters of the Universe: Revolution showed us that Skeletor was never a Demon from another Dimension, but was Keldor the whole Time.
It surprised me too.
I read the tie-in comic they published for Revelation and it used the origin that Skeletor was from another dimension, and they gave him an unnecessary family and made him a hero to his people.
Now, knowing that those were fake memories implanted by Hordak, it actually makes more sense. It sounded fake when reading it, I just assumed Skeletor was an unreliable narrator. Turns out, to Skeletor that was true, but not for the reason I thought.
I love this man!
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To finally see him crowned king <3, then watch him deteriorate into the bitter shell of a man his poor life choices have made him, and see him defeated and brooding in a cell under Castle Grayskull~ *chef's kiss* Its the Keldor story I always wanted. The only thing it was missing was unnecessary bisexual mention between Lyn, Keldor, and Hordak. (But I have AO3 for that.)
And they gave me a flashback of his childhood too!
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Look at this precious child!
This mischievous little scamp grows up to become the single most evil being in the universe.
He is my son.
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artemistorm · 9 months
Master Sword Pt 4: Twilight, Legend, and the Power of the Master Sword
Part 1: Sky / Part 2: Time, Wars, Four, Hyrule, Wind / Part 3: Wild
What do Twilight and Legend think of the Master Sword? The answer is surprisingly complicated and it reveals some important things about the Power of the Sword.
First off: In New Time New Place, Sky asks Twilight what his opinion is of the Master Sword and Twi's response is very positive.
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Then there's the whole Divine Dark Reflections story arc which highlights an interesting revelation that Twilight and Legend figure out (In Divine Dark Reflections Pt 7): the power of the Master Sword to ward off evil is directly related to it's condition. When discussing ways to shift Legend from his dark world form back to Hylian, Twilight suggests the Master Sword, but Legend disagrees.
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So why did it work for Twilight but not for Legend? Well...
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Twilight's version of the sword was in perfect condition and thus was able to be used to shift Twilight from Wolf to Hylian at Will, but in Legend's adventure, it was in a decayed state and could not be used to shift from rabbit to Hylian without the aid of a moon pearl.
Because in Linked Universe, the Master Sword they are using is from Sky's era, the sword is at it's youngest and strongest state of existing and it has the most power against the forces of darkness (i.e. the Shadow). Therefore, it is indeed strong enough to transform Legend back to his normal Hylian self in Divine Dark Reflections Pt 10 and to transform Wolfie back into Twilight in Sunset pt 3.
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In Sunset Part 11, Legend spends 3 pages arguing with Wind and Four over the Master Sword's power to dispel darkness and evil. Legend is the Master Sword's staunch defender. And in the end when the fight is broken up by Warriors, Sky backs up Legend.
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So in summary, Both Twilight and Legend have positive views of the sacred blade and both are very strong supporters and witnesses of the Power of the Master Sword.
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historyhermann · 1 year
Villainous Review
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Villainous, also known as Villanos, is animated series which mixes the science fantasy, morbid humor, and comedy horror genres. Alan Ituriel, a veteran of the Mexican animation industry, is the series creator. This series is produced by Ituriel's A.I. Animation Studios and Cartoon Network. Humberto Cervera and Mayte Sanz are also executive producers. There will be spoilers.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs and Wayback Machine. This was the thirty-third article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on May 26, 2023.
This series flips the script often employed in superhero fiction such as Masters of the Universe: Revelation, Tokyo Mew Mew (and the reboot), Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon Crystal, Vixen, and Young Justice. It focuses on the Black Hat Organization, run by the villainous Black Hat (voiced by Ituriel). He is assisted by his team of three aides: Dr. Flug (voiced by Yian Riuz), Demencia (voiced by Cindy Eliz Pérez), and 5.0.5. (voiced by Mark Fischbach). They are contracted by other villains to "solve" their problems with heroes, either directly or indirectly, or sell inventions created by Dr. Flug. Their plans often go awry with comical and absurd consequences.
Villainous has garnered a massive following since the first webisodes premiered in 2012, followed by efforts by Ituriel to pitch the series to Cartoon Network. This resulted in the pilot airing in June 2019. The series had a backdoor pilot in the Season Two Victor and Valentino episode "Villainy In Monte Macabre", in October 2020. There were 29 shorts featuring the same characters, which aired from May 2017 to February 2019 on the Cartoon Network Latin America YouTube channel. Even one "episode" was released which consisted of the creators rick-rolling the show's fans.
Some have posted their own dubs of the show's six episodes, which were released in Spanish language in October 2021, on HBO Max LA, and other content. Their recent, and official, release as part of "Season 1a" on the newly renamed "Max" streaming service (formerly known as "HBO Max"), makes them more accessible to new and old fans alike.
The first episode of Villainous sets the tone. A superhero named Sunblast (voiced by Roly Gutiérrez) beats up a villain, Penumbra (voiced by Rebecca Manriquez), because his new punching bag hasn't been delivered. It is also a good introduction to each of the characters: a nervous and nerdy scientist in his 20s named Dr. Flug who wears a paper bag over his head, a green-haired mischief-loving fan of Black Hat named Demencia, and a big blue bear named 5.0.5. The latter is a contradiction, as he was intended to be evil, but is very loving, and likes hugging people. He also serves as the housekeeper-of-sorts of the Black Hat Organization (BHO).
Even from the first episode you can somewhat sympathize with these villains, despite their trapping of Sunblast in a jar, punching Ringworm (voiced by Sean Davis) into submission, and dropping heroes in pits without a second thought. This sympathy is clear when the three protagonists are yelled at by Black Hat for doing a "mediocre" job. One character in particular, Dr. Flug, is scared of his boss (Black Hat), ghosts like Emilia (voiced by Jackie Rodriguez), wrestlers, and almost being killed by heroes.
I liked how the series mixes humor with violence and "course language". For instance, a group of kids, based on Scooby-Doo protagonists, are scared off by a possessed fence. Later, the unstoppable Bulldozer (voiced by David Steel) attempts to destroy the Outlaw House (voiced by Alex Texeira). He is stopped by 5.0.5., as bears terrify him after one bit him years ago.
Sometimes this comedy is continued during the episode credits. In the episode 2 credits, Bulldozer ends up in the cave house of the three protagonists of We Bare Bears (Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear), another CN series. In the credits of the fourth episode, the heroic Airlock (voiced by Jinon Deebs), a short-haired White woman, is eaten by a space monster. This is after she escaped the show's protagonists because she found them as very "annoying".
This brings me to another part which I enjoy about Villainous: crossovers with other series. The third episode, reportedly a homage to the Mexican wrestling films of the 1960s, features characters from Victor and Valentino and Helluva Boss in the stands. A few episodes later, Johnny Bravo, from the series of the same name, is a background character, while the robotic lawyers for Black Hat bring plagiarism cases against characters from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
That same episode also features Harvey Birdman from the Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, and characters from Grim and Evil like Hector Con Carne. Again, these are all CN series, which makes the crossovers all the more interesting.
In the third episode of Villainous, the three protagonists are tasked at eliminating a luchador named El Valiente (voiced by Jose Aparicio) by their client, Adelita Guerrero (voiced by Margarita Coego). It reminds me of three series: Carmen Sandiego, Elena of Avalor and Victor and Valentino.
In the latter two, there are episodes in which the protagonists, or supporting characters, are possessed by a mask, like Mascara Macabra (voiced by Aparicio) in this series, or another individual. As for Carmen Sandiego, the Season Three opening episode features Carmen attending a wrestling match in hopes of finding her mother.
The characters of Villainous become even more relatable in the last couple episodes. In the fourth episode, Dr. Flug's favorite series is spoiled by a sassy A.I. named V.I.R.U.S. (voiced by Sean Davis). Even worse, 5.0.5. is horrified when Black Hat ruins a children's show, almost akin to the Teletubbies. It becomes horrific after Black Hat causes the Sun to light the bears on fire.
The series pokes fun at itself. In one episode, the copycats/doppelgangers claim they are BHO in order to rake in profits for themselves. This is better executed than the "Pirates" episode of Cleopatra in Space, as each of the protagonists comes across a "stronger" version of themselves. Hilariously, and sadly, 5.0.5.'s counterpart is just a cactus. In that same episode, I liked how Dr. Flug blatantly interrupts the "origin story" of the other version of Black Hat, annoying him to no end.
The final episode of Villainous ends the series on bang. It focuses on a self-absorbed social media influencer named Miss Heed (voiced by Katherine Clavelo), who Dr. Flug knew when he went to the academy. She is far worse than those depicted in the first season of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, or the currently airing Kizuna no Allele.
In fact, Heed has a special concoction she sprays on the city residents to make them love her. In an indictment of such influencers, also known as internet personalities or internet celebrities, and their power, Dr. Flug is able to take her down, with the assistance of Demencia. His kiss with her, is streamed and goes viral. It causes all of her zombie "fans" to fall out of love with her.
While some series would have stopped there, Villainous goes the extra step. Heed is pushed into a vat of her own liquid, ending her plan to be the "most-loved" hero. She is locked up in a maximum security prison. Fitting with her personality, she falls off her rocker, and demands that people need to love her. In one of the best scenes in the series, Flug, after learning about Goldheart's plan to eliminate all villains, tells Heed that she needs to love herself first (i.e. self-love) before she can love anyone else.
The entire sequence, at first, appears to reinforce retributive justice paradigms. The latter involves punishment being imposed unilaterally, no option for remorse, and crime in the domain of the state. This is interlinked with the narrative that violence is justified as long as it is directed at those deemed as "evil". It further involves heroes in league with the criminal system and has an assumption that villains cannot be rehabilitated. On the other hand, Villainous turns this around, as Heed is a hero and Flug is a villain, meaning that a "hero" is being locked away for something a "villain" would do.
While Flug's kiss is a one-off interaction, Demencia's romantic obsession with Black Hat spans the series. She believes that her romantic feelings will be reciprocated, but he likely doesn't care much about her. However, her love saves her from Heed's concoction, as she only has love for him. More than anything, Demencia is an obsessed fan. Perhaps her character is symbolic of out-of-control fans which feel the same way about public figures, to the detriment of themselves and those personalities.
All in all, this series has many similarities to Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel, especially the former. BHO somewhat resembles I.M.P. (Immediate Murder Professionals). The latter is contracted by demons in hell to assassinate people in the world of the living. The difference is that BHO specifically focuses on heroes and is only contracted by villains.
The last episode of Villainous, at present, lays the groundwork for future episodes. Goldheart (voiced by Oliver Roberts) seems to know Dr. Flug, declaring "Flug, what did you do now?" The efforts of BHO to counter him could be an important storyline.
A possible second season, might not follow a serialized format. The six current episodes have the same characters, but are not, serialized. Each episode could stand on its own. This does not diminish the series, however.
The voice actors for this series stand out. Apart from Ituriel, Yian Riuz, Cindy Eliz Pérez, and Mark Fischbach, who voice the protagonists, are all talented. Fischbach is a well-known YouTuber, with this as his first voice role. In contrast, Pérez previously played a character in BoBoiBoy Elemental Heroes, and Riuz in Mashed!
Similarly, Sahid Pabon, Roly Gutiérrez, Connie Fernandez, Yenni Ann, Guia Burns, and Jason Kessler, who voice villains, wrestlers, henchmen, and others in the series, are equally talented. They have lent their voices to characters in Monkey King Reborn, Legend Quest, Gintama, Leo De Vinci, Rainbow High, Kageki Shojo!!, and Kemono Friends.
This is also the case for the Spanish-language voice actors, such as José Antonio Macías, Melissa Gedeón, Lourdes Arruti, and Diego Valenzuela. They have voiced characters in video games, animated shorts, and productions such as Guardians of Oz, and Top Cat.
The producers of Villainous worked on The Flying Machine, Hua Se, Frankelda's Book of Spooks, Pucca, Pandalian, Eden, Tonikawa: Over the Moon for You, and Xi you ji. Kevin Manthei, the music composer, worked on Ben 10, Spider-Man, Robot Chicken, Ultimate Spider-Man, Polly Pocket, Hanny Manny, Invader Zim, and Generator Rex.
Other than the amazing dubbing by VOA Studios, in Miami, the show's crew includes alums from many series. This includes Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, Dota: Dragon's Blood, Black Dynamite, Legend of Korra, OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes!, Danger House, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, and Scan2Go.
Villainous is more than a series with humor reminiscent of 1990s cartoons. It has themes about overcoming your inner demons and lampoons popular Cartoon Network series. This is accompanied by entertaining characters, which have intriguing dynamics and comraderie within the BHO, wonderful animation, character design, artwork, and creativity. What other series has villains traveling to their destination in a flying hat spewing smoke?
I haven't watched enough Invader Zim or The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy to say if Villainous is like those series. However, each character is interesting enough and the story is engaging that Villainous could run for many seasons. If Helluva Boss has aired 12 episodes, why can't Villainous do the same? Perhaps the cast could become even more diverse and LGBTQ characters could be added. The latter would further enhance the series.
Unfortunately, Villainous comes at a time of extreme flux at Max's parent company, Warner Bros. Discovery. This includes an error causing writers, directors, and creators to all be lumped together into one category. There has been an awful rollout of the "Max"  streaming service, in an inane effort to "attract" families.
This comes after the cruel content purge at HBO Max, former name for the service. It resulted in the removal of Infinity Train, Mighty Magiswords, Uncle Grandpa, Final Space, and Close Enough. None of them have been re-added to Max. The content purge on Hulu, and on Max, was discussed in a PCM podcast on May 22nd.
Despite the shenanigans of the corporate executives, I am hopeful that Villainous will be continued with additional episodes. All in all, I highly recommend Villainous as a series to watch.
Villainous is currently streaming on Max.
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© 2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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chaotic-creator · 3 months
Introducing Precursor!
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"My name is Precursor, Doctor. I am The Keeper of Secrets, The Mother of Lies, The Father of Mystery, The Ruler of Deception, The Liege of The Unknown. Your lives, all of them, each hidden existence you had, each lie and story hidden from that rather brilliant mine of yours. I know them all"
This is The God of Secrets and The Unknown. In my retelling, that would start with Doctor Who Season 12. Precursor is hinted at by The Master in Spyfall Part 2 where The Master states he was "told a secret, the secret that has kept us bound together all these centuries old friend".
They finally appear on Galifrey in The Timeless Children, where they state to The Doctor and The Master "so this is Galifrey? A billion trillion years and a hundred thousand billion trillion miles from your companions, Doctor. The furthest edge of The Inner Plane of The Universe. Pitiful really"
Precursor mocks The Doctor and acts like (false) sympathy for The Master. When The Master leaves to claim The Cyberium, Precursor reveals the secrets to The Doctor. This wouldn't be like the show however, there would be two secrets and both would show the true cruelty of The Time Lords.
Precursor revels in the chaos and mental agony they've put The Master and The Doctor into, standing by as The Doctor is released from The Matrix and watches as she faces The Master and his CyberLords. When Ko Sharmus takes The Death Particle, Precursor simply fades away, reappearing as The Doctor lands on the outpost world.
The Doctor demands to know who Precursor is and they oblige, revealing their name in the monologue I quoted at the start. They then give The Doctor a warning. They state that "he watches you, at the edge of The Outer Plane. The one who waits, stews in his fury. You will face him again soon. You will face us all". Precursor then fades away and this little speech sets up The Pantheon to be the main villains for Season 13/Flux, The 2022 specials, The 60th Anniversary episodes and rolling into Season 14
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) "He's the Flame Alchemist - a military mage with a unique, unprecedentedly destructive ability to create fire on the scale of "destroying a few city blocks with a finger snap". Fire powers alone obviously do not make a Desolation Avatar, but this is absolutely not all he's got.
The Desolation's themes of pain, loss and destruction of potential are perhaps most evident in his relationship with his lifelong companion, Riza Hawkeye. He idealistically (to protect the people and to better the country in the future) enlisted in the military, and she was inspired to do the same. Flame alchemy was her father's treasured dangerous research that he tattooed onto her back, and that is how Roy learned it after her father's death - she metaphorically entrusted her back to him.
Then came the Ishvalan genocide - and he proved instrumental in it, implied to have the largest death toll even among other state alchemists with destructive powers, and earned the moniker "Hero of Ishval" - he's the poster child of Desolation in-universe. And genocide by an element, especially fire, is arguably the most Desolation thing to exist ever. Jude Perry's "blackened earth, the destructive agonizing heat of burning flesh and land scoured of life" is a line that could be lifted verbatim from a Roy-centric episode. And in a more individual fighting context, Roy also exemplifies Desolation's targeting nature - while he can spam fire, he also can and will target the most painful and important parts, torture and humiliate.
Coming back to Riza, who became a sniper and saw what Roy was capable of with the knowledge she trusted him with: after the war she begged him to burn off the tattoo on her back, so that there would at least be no more Flame Alchemists. Being forced to consider how you influenced your closest person and then having to hurt them unimaginably is a very Desolation moment. Finally, in their relationship after the war and during the series I can't not see the similarities between Roy and Agnes Montague, tensely attempting to do Things Normal People Do and usually romance-coded gestures but knowing he they could never be who they thought they could.
If I could, I would nominate the two of them as a single Avatar. But alas."
Dhwan!Master (Doctor Who) "Every incarnation of the Master is an angry, sadistic bastard to varying degrees, but Dhawan’s portrayal in particular makes clear that he is destroying things and killing people to hurt the Doctor first, and to further his ends second - save for when destruction is an end in and of itself. The previous incarnations of the Master all have ambitions of conquest, which requires something actually surviving to rule over in the end. Dhawan's Master, however, is deeply affected by a) the events leading up to his previous self's death, and b) numerous horrifying revelations about the nature of the Time Lords and of the Doctor. When the audience first meets him, he is already DEEP in a self-destructive spiral and only gets more unstable with each subsequent appearance, turning his rage outward all the while. He razes his home planet, draws out the reveals of his schemes to twist the knife for the Doctor, and eventually even tries to steal her very identity and being in order to tarnish her name and destroy every good thing she ever did. He hates himself and both loves and hates the Doctor on a deep, fundamental level, for things he wouldn't be able to change even if he were capable of letting go in the first place, so he leans ever harder upon his hatred for everything else in order to keep going."
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Shandi | Five
Warnings: violence, abuse, hardcore action, language
Word Count: 1,788
Synopsis: The guys of KISS are on a mission from the Elder to find his Avatar in order to save their home Khyscz, and the whole Universe from the threat of the Destroyer. With the help of their powers and music, only She can help them defeat him and restore peace to the universe. An original idea based off of the KISS comics! 
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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Chapter Five: Nothin' To Lose
Beth nervously stepped off the elevator onto her employer’s floor. Dominque, dressed as scantily as ever, her blond locks pulled back into a tight bun atop her head giving her an eyelift she so desperately needed. “Look who decided to show up.” She rolled her eyes at the younger female. Deciding to be the bigger person Beth bit her tongue as she walked past about to push open the door into Wicked Lester’s office. To her surprise, the door was locked. “Oh, you won’t need to go in there.” 
“Why? Am I finally fired?” 
"Regrettably, no," Dominque replied with a grumble, sifting through the clutter on her desk. "He left you some documents. Given Mr. Blackwell's untimely demise yesterday, he wants to ensure the next in line is well-informed." This revelation sent a shiver down Beth's spine. She had no desire to follow in the footsteps of the unfortunate Mr. Blackwell, surely destined for a one-way trip through some unholy portal. "You best get on with it." Beth accepted the documents and hurriedly departed the office, making her exit from the building as swiftly as possible. Unbeknownst to her, a pair of piercing emerald eyes watched her every move.
After a while, Beth had crossed the first few things off her list as her thoughts about her date with Paul later that day returned to her. She smiled like a drunken fool to herself, he was quite the looker despite what any of the polished business people on the subway this morning might’ve thought. He seemed nice enough too, certainly quite the charmer, but part of her wondered if jumping at the chance of a date with a random stranger on the train was such a good idea. After all, she would be blowing Ace off this evening as a result of it. She kicked a stone up the pavement as she mulled everything over. She had however told him that she might stop by if she could, so it wasn’t a total blow-off in actuality. 
Beth sighed as she stood on a street corner waiting to cross to the delicatessen across the way, she let out a surprised gasp as she felt something brush up against her leg. Her eyes darted down to see a grey tabby cat rubbing its head up against her. It let out a quiet meow as it glanced up at her with piercingly bright emerald eyes. Beth let out a breath of relief once realising it was, in fact, not a rat. “You scared me, little kitty.” She laughed before crossing the road. She made quick work of picking up a sandwich to bring with her to eat later before returning to the street, finding the cat sitting there waiting for her. “I’m not going to give you anything, little one, so run along.” She tried to explain to the cat, but it just cocked its head at her meowing once again. Beth rolled her eyes before continuing on with her work.
It was hours before she was able to take her lunch, and throughout every errand, every train, every cab she took, the grey cat continued to follow her. What it saw in her or what it wanted was beyond her, it’s not like she was giving it food or anything. She was surprised that it hadn’t lost interest yet. Beth sighed as she sat down on a bench in Central Park. It felt good to get off her feet for a little even if it was just to eat the deli sandwich. There was always something nice about the park, the fact that there was something this peaceful and serene in the centre of a bustling metropolis was a god sent. It helped her forget about how busy her own life was for even just a few minutes and it brought her back to reality, back to nature. Just seeing the squirrels and birds hanging about was calming enough to keep her from spiralling down the rabbit hole of her mind. Even as New York City proceeded to chug ahead at blinding speed, life still continued here at its own pace. 
Beth unwrapped the sandwich and was about to bite into it when she felt something brush up against her again. She jumped ever so slightly and turned to see those same glistening emerald eyes staring back at her. “Well, you certainly are persistent.!” She laughed. “Following me, all day.” The cat meowed as if responding, making her giggle. “I bet you’re hungry aren’t you?” She asked, breaking off a little piece of pastrami. “I don’t think cold cuts are good for kitties but here’s a little something for you. Think you’ve earned it, by now.” The cat meowed again, happily taking the pastrami from her. Beth turned back to her sandwich only to find another two solid black felines in front of her staring back at her with their forest green eyes. “What’s next, a tiger?” She asked no one in particular.
“Careful what you wish for, they do have a tiger in the zoo over there after all.” A male’s voice chuckled next to her, making her jump ever so slightly. She hadn’t noticed a man in a black leather jacket and sunglasses had taken up residence on the bench next to her. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologised, reaching out to stroke the back of the grey tabby cat. “These three with you then?”
“Never seen them before in my life.” She laughed trying to shoo away the cats in front of her. “Go on then, I’m sure there’s mice to be caught somewhere.” The cats continued to stare at her before glancing up at the man as if silently asking him what they should do. 
Had she been paying attention, Beth would’ve seen the man jerk his head off to the side ever so slightly as if saying ‘get outta here’. The two black cats meowed in response before scampering off into one of the nearby bushes, only the grey tabby cat stayed. “Looks like they got the message.” He chuckled as he sat down the grey cat climbing into his lap with a purr. “Though this little guy seems like he'd rather stay.” He grumbled, seemingly annoyed. The man looked up at her with a small smile. “I’m Peter by the way. Peter Criss.”
“Nice to meet you,” Beth said rather flatly before biting into her sandwich, she only had so much time to eat before she had to get back to work, and having someone there pestering her was only going to take away from what little time she had. 
He rolled his eyes, a smirk at the corner of his lips. “You know when someone introduces themselves the polite thing is usually to introduce yourself back.” Peter pointed out as the cat meowed as if agreeing. “I know right?” He laughed.
Beth raised an eyebrow at the man, he must’ve been one of the Central Park weirdos. “You know when someone is clearly trying to enjoy their lunch break, the polite thing is usually to leave them be.” She chastised him, mimicking his phrase.
“Feisty are we?” Peter laughed. “I like that in a woman. Just like a panther. The most majestic and mysterious of the cats.” 
���Is this your idea of flirting?” She asked with a raised brow. “Because it’s kind of shit.” 
“Well you’ve got to admit, I’ve got nothin’ to lose.” He shrugged. “Judging by how you’re dressed I’d say you’re a personal assistant, am I right?” She nodded as she bit into her sandwich again. Peter chuckled ever so slightly. “You’d never catch me running that rat race of office work.” 
“And let me guess, you live with these three here in the park.” 
Peter laughed again. “Well that would be the obvious answer but actually no. I’m a drummer in a pretty successful band actually.” 
“Well if it’s successful why don’t I know you?” 
“I’m sure you would if I said the name, but I’m incognito at the moment.” He placed a finger to his lips as if trying to indicate it was a secret. “So how about you then woman? You looking for a change of pace at all? Guy like me, I could show you a good time. Have for countless others” 
Beth glanced at the cat, it stared at her as if waiting for her response as well which freaked her out a little. “Well, you obviously can’t take a hint. The answer is no, I’ve no interest in being another notch in your bedpost, assuming you even have one.” Beth groaned, wrapping up her sandwich. “So you stay here with your little cat buddy and I’ll just go find another bench or something.”
“I’ll go, you were here first.” He said as the grey tabby cat got up and ran off into the bushes. He stood, hands deep in the pockets of his leather jacket. “On one condition.”
Beth rolled her eyes with a silent groan. “What?” She scoffed.
“Just tell me your name. Or should I just call you sexy cat woman?” Peter winked. “Maybe just ‘She’ it’s shorter after all.”
“It’s Beth. Alright, bye now.” She grumbled getting her sandwich out once again. 
Peter chuckled again. “Beth huh? Think I like ‘Shandi’ more.” 
“Yeah well when I want your opinion I’ll ask for it, now fuck off.” 
“Deal’s a deal I guess. I’ll see ya around then, Beth.” Peter nodded before walking off. The three cats emerged from the bushes to follow him as if acting as his posse. 
Beth shook her head and went back to her sandwich. It was around twenty minutes later when the dread of having to get back to work on her latest fetch quest settled into her. She began walking down the path toward 5th Avenue, the same path that passed Central Park Zoo. What Peter had said about the cats seemingly stalking her, and the tiger lurking somewhere within the walls of the zoo sent a shiver up her spine. But there was no need to be afraid, right? Surely the tiger was locked up tight. Beth took a moment to glance over her shoulder, she breathed a sigh of relief seeing no tiger. Then again, she didn’t see a soul. Not a single solitary person in any direction. It was like she had walked into an alternate dimension where she was the only person in all of Manhatten. Beth couldn’t shake the feeling that something weird was going to happen before she turned her gaze forward. She stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of the path stood a large…creature. It had a lust for blood in its eyes. Her blood.
Chapter Six: Don't You Let Me Down
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dyns33 · 2 years
Bet on foolish hearts
Part 2 of the Morpheus x Hob!Reader I did for Flufftober. You can read it here. 
I have more ideas for them. 
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The heart was a small universe, and like all universes, there were sometimes storms inside of it, which gave rise to quarrels.
Sometimes it was hard not to get mad at Morpheus.
First, he had waited over seven hundred years to give her his name, and explain who he was, so Y/N considered it normal that she was a little hurt by this lack of communication. She was also scared that this won't be the last time something like this would happen.
The Master of Dreams therefore promised to answer all her questions.
It wasn't easy, because there were some subjects that he didn't like. He always ended up answering, as he had sworn, but by screaming, becoming gloomy and leaving to sulk in a corner.
Loving Morpheus could be complicated. He was a changing being. Sometimes selfish, sometimes overprotective.
Afraid of losing her, he took a long time before telling her about all his previous romantic relationships. He was an Endless, present since the beginning of Everything, and he had therefore known many lovers before her. And even after meeting her, since they weren't together yet.
So there had been Killala, an alien. Alainora, a being created by Desire. Nada, a queen. Calliope, a muse. Titania, a fairy. And Thessaly, a witch. There had been other people he had found beautiful, interesting, but nothing more than discussions had happened.
As he had feared, these revelations frightened Y/N a little.
           "I don't see how you can love me after loving all these women."
           "Why couldn't I ?"
           "They are... I'm not like them at all. I'm human. Immortal yes, but human. I have no power, no kingdom. I'm sure they were all beautiful."
           "As you are beautiful, my immortal love. You are not like them, because you are not them. You are you, and I love you, because you are yourself. I loved them, of course, and they'll always be dear to me in some way, but that's in the past. A painful past, because none of those relationships had a happy ending. I don't want to make the same mistakes again, I don't want to lose you or hurt you. We've known each other for centuries, we became friends before we were lovers, you're different. It's a good thing. You're not a queen, you have no responsibility, people you must take care of. You are not a witch, lying and treacherous. You are not an instrument of my brother-sister, created to harm me. You are not a muse, who inspires the world, only being my inspiration. Mine, and mine alone. I have never been happier than since I found you."
He wasn't always good at talking about his feelings, but when Morpheus was inspired, you could see why he was the God of stories and poetry.
This long confession reassured Y/N, who let him take her in his arms.
Unfortunately, the heart was the domain of Desire. And even if they hadn't created her, even if they had no right under the laws of the Family to go after her directly, because that would be a serious offence to their brother, they had the right to speak to her.
They came as Y/N and Morpheus were wandering around the waking world. Even though the Dreaming was wonderful, sometimes she needed to return to Earth. They had chosen a park, and the King of Dreams was having fun feeding the pigeons.
           "Hello dear brother. Hello, little human." purred the golden-eyed being, sitting down next to them on the bench. "It is a real pleasure to see you."
           "Leave us, Desire."
           "Oh, aren't you happy to see me ? It's been so long."
           "Not long enough. I warned you after the Vortex incident. Don't try to anger me, or the blood of the family might be spilled."
           "I'm just here to check that everything is okay. I'm worried. You've been away a long time, you've had a lot to do."
           "And who is responsible for this ?"
           "Not me." Desire replied smiling, before staring at Y/N. "So the betting continues ? Who is winning ?"
           "The bet ?" Y/N asked.
           "Desire. No."
           "He didn't tell you, little human ? The bet with our big sister ? The experience. They heard a young girl who said she didn't want to die, and my dear brother bet that the little idiot won't last more than a hundred years before claiming Death's embrace."
Slowly, Y/N turned to Morpheus. He didn't move, holding his bread tightly and staring at the floor.
           "... Is it true ? I'm a bet ?"
           "It's not exactly..."
           "I'm a bet, Morpheus ? A game ? Now what ? Are you having fun saying you love me and waiting to see how long it takes before I realize it's not true ? That a poor stupid little human can't be loved by an Endless ? You swore there would be no more secrets !"
           "You asked me how you became immortal and..."
           "You said it was a present from your sister. You don't know why ! You hid it, on purpose ! I don't want to see you again, ever again !"
Trying to stay dignified, too furious to cry, Y/N quickly left, not waiting for an answer from Morpheus, and ignoring Desire's laughter.
For several months, she had no news from him.
No doubt he had decided to respect her request, offering her calm nights, without dreams, leaving her alone. But part of her convinced herself that it was proof that he had never really loved her, that he didn't really care. He must have already found a new lover by now.
It was stupid, but she still loved him and missed him terribly, all the time, every day, even when she made tea and biscuits before watching a movie to try to think of something else.
           "My loneliness... Is killing me... And I, I must confess, I still believe, still believe. When I'm not with you I lose my mind, give me a si... Oh. Matthew ?"
           "Hi kid." said the little raven when she opened the window for him. Even though she was centuries older than him, he had decided to call her "Kid" and nothing seemed to be able to change his mind.
           "What are you doing here ?"
           "You know, same old. Missions to check that everything is fine here. I was passing by, I thought I was going to surprise you. You... You haven't been in the Dreaming for a while. The others worry, they miss you... I miss you, kid."
           "You're okay ?" he asked, staring at the knife she was holding.
           "Oh. Yes, it's to cut the grapes. Don't worry. I've been here for almost a millennium, I'm not going to call Death because her brother broke my heart. People who kill themselves for love are ridiculous, there are plenty of reasons to stay alive."
           "Cool. Good to hear. He was a bit worried... I mean, we were worried."
           "You don't have to lie to me. I know he didn't really want to be with me, and he's free now."
           "Hmm." Matthew sighed, shaking his little head. "You two... Listen, I was human before, and I wasn't really a nice person. It's true that sometimes there are stories that start badly, people who approach you for the wrong reasons, because they want something, or for fun. But then you get to know these people. You realize that you actually like them, and you stay because you wants to spend time with them. The boss is really in love. His eyes sparkle when he sees you. He smiles like an idiot, which is a bit scary. He writes poems, he sulks when you're not around. It's been raining for months in the Dreaming now, because he... OUCH ! Okay, I'll shut up, sorry."
           "I didn't say anything."
           "No. It's... It's the Boss."
Y/N then remembered that Dream's raven was tied to him. He was his eyes and ears in the waking world.
           "Sorry." he whispered. "He was so happy to see you, then worried. He kinda pushed me towards the window, he keeps screaming in my head, telling me to comfort you, but not to mention him, since it's it is because of him that you are sad."
This made her smile. Maybe Matthew wasn't wrong, even though she had become immortal and Morpheus had started talking to her because of a bet, things had changed. He had known for a long time that she would never want to die, and he had no reason to lie to her about his feelings.
           "I don't want you to serve as a carrier pigeon..."
           "Oh, don't worry, kid. I'm a messenger, that's what I'm here for. Shoot."
           "Good. Can you tell Morpheus that I'm sorry for not giving him a chance to explain ? I... I'm going to need a little time, but I still love him. I think that I will always love him, and if he still wants me too, I would like us to meet in our pub, to start over as before."
           "He is down there."
           "You mean he accepts and will be there ?"
           "No. He's already there. He understood that you weren't going to join him right away, but he doesn't want to be late when the time comes. He's already been a hundred years late for your last date."
She could have sighed, being a bit mad, taking her tea and going to see a movie. Instead, Y/N sighed, threw away the tea, offered some grapes to Matthew, and went to the pub to join her stupid lover.
The King of Nightmares seemed very small. He remained seated, pouting, not daring to move or speak. It took several minutes for him to open his mouth, muttering an apology.
           "I did make a bet with my sister, and even though I didn't think you would want to live forever, I was hoping to be wrong, because I could see you had a fascinating mind. I'm glad I was wrong . You showed me that humans can be amazing. You and Hob, you..."
           "Hob ?"
           "Robert Gadling. My sister's project. She made him immortal a little before you. They're friends now, I visit him sometimes. He says we're friends too."
It was another shock to learn that she wasn't the only human who couldn't die. So there was this Hob, with a certain Mad Hettie. Alright. If Y/N had known, she would have sought to meet them, to have more company.
Maybe Morpheus was afraid it would ruin the experience. Or he had been jealous, possessive, thinking that she wouldn't want to see him anymore if she had other immortal friends. But he was talking to her about it now, and he even offered to introduce her to Hob.
           "Later, maybe. I have time. Now I'd like to go feed the pigeons with you. We were rudely interrupted last time."
           "That's a wonderful idea, my sweet Y/N."
After that, there were no more secrets, giving Desire no way to stir up trouble in their hearts.
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yourneighborhoodporg · 11 months
The Guardian
Series Playlist
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 1: The Accident — Sign of the Times (Harry Styles)
Chapter 2: The Revelation — Superwoman (Alicia Keys)
Chapter 3: The Escape — Independence Day (Neil Finn)
Chapter 4: Arrival Part 1 & Part 2 — Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up) (Florence + The Machine) & The Dog Days Are Over (Florence + The Machine)
Chapter 5: Identity — Across the Universe (Fiona Apple — Cover)
Chapter 6: Patience — Valley of Pain (Bonnie Raitt)
Chapter 7: Master — Willow Tree (Paul McCartney)
Chapter 8: Blackened Water Part 1 & Part 2 — Migraine (Twenty One Pilots) & Black Water (Of Monsters and Men)
Chapter 9: Ancient Instruments — Broad-Shouldered Beasts (Mumford & Sons)
Chapter 10: Troubled Water — Bridge Over Troubled Water (Simon & Garfunkel)
Chapter 11: Alone Part 1 & Part 2 — Widow's Peak (Neil Finn) & Alone (Neil Finn)
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onlygenxhere · 1 year
Master Fic List for OnlyGenXHere on AO3
It's far past time for me to pin a list of all my fics to the top of this page. So here we are... Total as of 4/11/23 is 27 Ratings from G to E.
Found Family Fluff (my 1st series)
Eat the Chip Rated G
It's a couple of weeks after the Orpheum and Julie is wondering what's going on with her and Luke and their interesting little relationship.
A Bigger Table Rated G
“It was no problem, we really needed a bigger table with all you boys staying here now.”
Not Today Satan Rated G (high G for cuddles)
Alex and Willie are hanging out, being super cute, going through music Alex missed in the last 25 years when Julie comes in and interrupts them with a surprising revelation.
Fix You Rated G (high G for sadness)
Sometimes a good cry is good for the soul.
Game Time Rated G
Carlos loves playing video games with the boys. He needs Julie’s help so he can communicate with them or they’ll never beat this level. Fun times.
Burn Baby Burn Rated T
Julie and Luke making out in a hammock
Faith Hope and Love Rated T (sickness and drama)
Luke is just trying to spend a quiet night on the beach catching up on 25 years of music but something is wrong with Julie.
Don't Want to Miss a Thing Rated G
Alex is feeling guilty for not coming when Julie was sick. Now she's home and he and the guys are all keeping her company in her room when he starts to notice something has changed between all of them.
Catching up with Tia Victoria Rated T (low T)
Victoria's take on all that has happened with some backstory of her and Rose too.
The Risk is Worth the Reward Rated T
Flynn is the last person in Julie’s immediate family that couldn’t see the guys without touching her. She's actively keeping them out of her heart. What will it take to get her to take the risk.
Like Real People Do Rated T
Julie and Luke are hoping to spend a nice quiet day alone just living in the now as much as they can after a crazy few weeks. Sometimes quiet can be overrated.
Falling Toward the Future College AU series
Falling Toward the Future Rated Mature (Main Fic)
College au - 29 chapters, 150K+
On a very special episode of Falling Toward the Future - Ch - 13a
Rated E - Explicit outtake
Let’s Forget for Awhile - Ch15a
Rated E - Explicit outtake
My favorite Alarm Clock – Ch-19a
Rated E - Explicit outtake
The Stars are Watching – Ch24a
Rated E - Explicit outtake
Happy Birthday Ray Rated G
Checking in with the band and family on Ray's birthday about 18 months after the end of FttF
An Unlikely Duo Rated T
Willie and Carrie buddy story that takes place while the band and Flynn off on tour for an extended amount of time. There are puppies.
Jukebox Baby series Rated T
We're Having a Baby Part 1
Aged up Juke decide to have a baby and get pregnant.
We're Having a Baby Part 2
First trimester of Juke's pregnancy
We're Having a Baby Part 3
Second trimester of Juke's pregnancy
We're Having a Baby Part 4
Third trimester and birth of baby LJ
We Had a Baby (meet LJ)
The family meets the new baby.
We Say We're Friends
Prequel to We're having a baby. How Julie and Luke meet and become friends.
We Play Pretend
Luke and Julie’s relationship never wavers as they navigate the stress of high school, parents and tragedy.
You're More to Me
Luke has graduated and Julie is finishing up her last two years of high school before heading off to college.
The Naughty Files - Rated M/E
When the Heart is Already Fond Absence Just Makes You Horny
Jukebox Mature, pwp, could be college years of juke from Jukebox baby universe
Bad Boys get Spankings
Luke has been an inattentive husband and Julie decides he needs to be taught a lesson. They had no idea they’d both enjoy it so much.
Love the Way You Love Me
Aged up established Julie, Reggie and Luke enjoying a night out at a club in the Caribbean where they're having a working vacation. They get up to a whole LOT of hanky panky. Rated E
Set Fire to the Rain
Julie is away at college. She’s been so busy since she got here she’s only seen Luke when she’d come home for gigs with the band every other weekend. She misses being alone with him desperately… She’s not the only one feeling this way. Rated M
Stand Alones
What if I’m someone I don’t want around Rated T
Title and prompt taken from Falling by Harry Styles. Super AU for how I think Luke really is.
As Long as We Have Each Other Rated T (high)
Aged up Juke go through a miscarriage
Maybe I Could be Yours
Explicit - Royalty AU
Fireworks - rated T
Three different stories between three different couples that take place during a fireworks show on the 4th of July.
Jukebox One-shots - rated T
Julie and Luke ficlets that don’t really have a place in any of my series.
JATP One=shots - rated T
ficlets that aren't specifically Juke, may include willex, rarrie and rukebox
The Truth if Finally Breaking Through - rated T
It’s the 1st tour for Julie & the guys the summer after they graduate High School. Julie & Luke have been dancing around their feelings for 3 years. 3 weeks crammed in tight quarters & singing together nearly every night may be more than the ever growing tension between them can take. Big Bang 2023 entry.
Julie and Luke's Book of Dares - rated T
Dash and Lilly AU featuring Julie and Luke. Christmas fic where Luke leaves a red notebook in a used bookstore for someone/Julie to find and they start writing back and forth with each other leaving dares in exchange for personal, heartfelt conversation.
A Day in the Life of a Ghost Bassist - rated T
Reggie’s day starts out pretty much like it has every day since Julie gave them her magical hug a couple weeks ago. But some things are changing too little by little.
Then some days, like today, something big changes all at once.
The Miraculous Files of Mariposaport, Maine(from Luke Patterson, S.E.O.) - Series
It's the End of the World as We Know It - rated M
Luke is a Supernatural Enforcement Officer employed by the government to protect the citizens of a small town in Maine from vampires & other supernatural creatures that might threaten the peace. He enjoys his job most days, except the paperwork, & has become friends with many of the sups that live and work in Mariposaport, Maine.
There’s a grumpy warlock that runs a bookstore. A family of vampires that run a prestigious casino and hotel. There’s a couple of strange friends that run the flower shop and the music store. Lots of weres… and a ghost.
These unlikely friends will come together when the world is in danger to save their town and hopefully their lives & the lives of all the people they care about.
Flynn's Story - rated T
Flynn reflects on the path her life has taken that has led her to this little town while the vampires & weres, the people she loves, fight the monsters threatening to overrun the town before the six that have gone out to the Duncan farm can stop the apocalypse.
The Truth Will Set You Free - rated M
It’s been three days since Alex last saw Willie. He thought they’d really cleared the air between them after what happened at the Duncan farm Halloween night. Told all the secrets that needed to be told and took care of the immediate threat to both their safety. But when Alex woke up alone the next day after falling asleep with Willie at his side that night, he’d thought maybe Willie had just needed a little space to process all that had happened.
Three days was enough space and time as far as Alex was concerned. He needed to know if Willie was ok and why he was obviously avoiding him.
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