#mathews va
denlojahund · 2 years
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anxieteaspooks · 1 year
dragon age absolution is good imo
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captainmera · 8 months
How do you think Caleb would sound? Like, would he have the same voice as Hunter or would he sound like “himself”?
I’m trying to think of VAs that would fit buts surprising hard
Mathew Baynton, hands down.
this character he plays is unrelated to Caleb but it has a fun compilation that gives you an idea of his voice range.
His voice has a similar soothingness as Belos, but turned up the volume on sassy and melodramatic. I love how flamboyant and theatrical his range is, it suits the Caleb I have written; since I've written him as a clever trickster with an overdose of desperation and comedy.
Can't believe I forgot about this wonderful man until you asked me this question. He's a brilliant actor and I love his voice.
Close your eyes and listen, imagine Caleb. 😂
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spanish music hcs for the gang because i'm latino and mentally ill:
darry curtis: bro TEARS up corridos. the first time steve showed him los tigres del norte he was nodding slightly, but i'll tell you he ATE UP the whole damn album the moment he left. same with vicente fernández, the moment he hears the grito in volver, volver he's a divorced dad with multiple kids that don't speak with him because they forgot spanish in america (not too far off to reality) his favorite song is hands down pedro y pablo, not that he'd admit it because the lyrics reminds him of himself and ponyboy and he cries every time
two-bit mathews: anything he can shake ass too. jk. but he really like reggaeton, especially daddy yankee. 9/10 times rompe is playing on full volume in his headphones. he's also chill with mexican party music. just. party music in general and he's eating that shit up. el sondito gave him a seizure in the best way possible fr. but rompe just hits different to his brain yknow
dallas winston: the first time he listened to gasolina he had an aneurysm. the second time and he was begging steve to tell him what the hell that genre was because it was fire. probably would tear up bad bunny, ozuna (😶), and a bunch of other reggaeton artists. tití me preguntó would have a special place in his heart, and every time he plays diles steve dies a little inside since it's basically dirty talk the song. but he doesn't have to know that. (and he'd probably play it anyways)
steve randle: ah the half mexican himself. he little bit of everything. to his friends, he's all dance music and bachata and reggaeton, but deep down he cannot get enough of señora music. ana gabriel, rocío dúrcal, yolanda del rio, he eats it up every time. and his love of boleros is genuinely concerning. he's like a 70 year old man with that taste. but he can't help but listen to eydie gormé's gorgeous voice, he just can't.
johnny cade: sad mexican mom/dad music. no se va, tu falta de querer, desvelado, he eats up the sad lyrics and sobbing out lyrics. it just feels powerful to his ears. he always smiling when listening to it too, and steve just watches in horror as he listens to amor eterno while giggling and shit. steve's always in his señora era when he's around him (not that he minds)
sodapop curtis: salsa and bachata (and reggae ofc) bro adolescentes orquestra does things to his brain dude. he is a proud romeo santos stan, he'd kiss that man on the mouth if given the chance. he just loves swaying to latin music, and he unironically loves the yoshi ai cover of la noche más linda. he forces steve to dance with him and steve (not so reluctantly) complies.
ponyboy curtis: indie spanish music. victor internet, cuco, juanpalitoschinos, juan pablo vega, he LOVES it. if he could have the lyrics of el rincón (chachachá) tattooed in his brain he would do it in a heart beat. he listens to shit like "el amor de tu vida tiene derecho encontrar el amor de su vida" and sodapop is already sleeping by the time he's finished the title. basically his music taste from english transfers to spanish.
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say0ranarts · 8 months
Hello! Im sure you get a billion asks about restocks all the time, but I can't help but ask if theres plans to restock the individual phantom thief mini prints? Mathew Mercer is coming to my university for a QnA panel type deal next month and I thought it would be really nice to get one of your Yusuke prints to see if I could get an autograph from him on it because just. Its a GORGEOUS print, but sadly it's sold out. Thank you!
yes for sure!! it's been taking me a while bc i've been a bit busy this month but restocks for a bunch of prints including the yusuke one should be back by the 27th! :D
thank you as well, i'm always so happy to hear people would like VAs to sign prints of my work 😭💕
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chuckecheesekid9000 · 5 months
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I don't ship Dipcifica, The reason why is because of Asklypper #13 Jealousy, (a Dipper Pines x Lynn Loud fanart made by Mathew-Swift-VA), But I respect the opinions from JaviSuzumiya, Turquoisespace35, Minijenn, admiraldt8, and everybody else. So I decided to have Dipper and Pacifica fully break up in the Omniverse Falls chapter called "Double Date", and after that, I will ship Pacifica with a different nerdy guy, probably Bradley Nicholson (from Milo Murphy's Law).
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ranx-lemon · 30 days
Hola, soy nuevo :DD te conocí por tiktok.
Hay algún rango de edad para la NV?:³
Cómo es la personalidad de Oliver y Mat?
Algun dato que puedas dar de la NV?:3 ya sea como algo corto de lo que maso va a tratar:D
(me encanta tu arte💖)
El rango de edad para la NV sera +14 debido a que contendra temas como el c4nib4lismo y habra un poco de gore :3
Oliver es alguien muy divertido y energetico, le encanta la musica y el k-pop, bandas como straykids solo que no le gusta admitirlo xd
Mathew es un poco mas reservado pero aun asi le gusta mucho divertise con los demas le encanta la cocinar y tiene un huron mascota llamado Alex con el que le encanta jugar por horas >u<.
Aun estoy agregando detalles pero la NV tratara acerca de como vamos descubriendo el pasado de Mathew, el cual esta enamorado del jugador y crimenes que han ocurrido en el restaurante que dirige Mathew ya que se rumora que la carne con la que se elaboran los alimentos, es carne humana.
Te dejo algunos dibujos de Mathew y su re-diseño <3 gracias 💞
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I’m going to die if we don’t get a Shadow VA soon. My top VAs (who haven’t voiced a Sonic character before) are:
Mathew Mercer
Robert Pattinson 
Oscar Isaac
Oooh! Oscar Isaac is an excellent choice! I love that one!
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pedanticat · 3 months
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I love how this show just straight-up gave Danny his own Kraven the Hunter villain. Though fun fact, before being replaced by Kevin Michael Richardson, the original VA was Mathew St. Patrick. I honestly forgot that Skulker had two VAs. What's funny is that even though this episode marks the debut of Skulker, it also marks the debut of the Box Ghost, one of the funniest characters in the entire series.
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mixedmiraculous · 7 months
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off rambles of episodes 1-5
OHMAN I FUCKING LOVE THE SUBVERSION AT THE END OF EPISODE 1!! The way it was animated as lots of shot-for-shot of the film up until the fight and then Scott looses!!!
Everyone is messy! and gay! Also Roxie and Ramona's fight and resolution! I loved it, like yeah relationships are messy and we hurt people and people carry that but closure can be so important to moving on. Also my girl Mae Whitman fucking killing it as Roxie! I mean she's a VA so like not surprised in the slightest but she's SOO GOOOD!! Roxie is such a gremlin I love her
tbh a lot of the voice acting is pretty good, there were a few characters where it definitely took a moment to get used to but others where it felt perfectly natural right off the bat.
I love where we're going with Knives and Mathew Patel, I can't wait to see what they're overarching stories will look like!
man I love scott pilgrim (the comics and movie) so much and this feels like such a fun cool new take on these characters and this story. It's taking so much of the heart of the comics (makes sense since Bryan Lee O'Malley is directly involved in this one) and also taking some lovely aesthetic inspiration from the movies and sort of lovingly poking fun at it
This is a fucking stream of conciousness tbh but oh well
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denlojahund · 7 months
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erina-leah · 1 year
Just found out that Law’s English VA is THE Mathew Mercer and I think I just nutted ong
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formidableluzmaria · 3 months
Ezperando ver a dr. Goldberg $120 .Ahor wl OHIP solo paga para ancianos diabeticos una vidita cada 2 años.
Me quité un gran peso de encima la sema que estuve de baja pagada
Conectè finalmente con St. Barbara, Kyle Montesano, de Baja?, La directora me dio ek more del coordinador del Oeste, Mathew Delay en st Clement Etobicoke, el me hablo de que Karl Leitmann en Cardinal Leger, era el coordinator, y me dio las fechaa de las competitions, teams, miercoles 20 de marzo st Richard, groups 27 de marzo Cardinal Leger, girls 3 de abril Si. Nicholas, Me llamò Karl y me dijo que incluiria a Goretti en las tres competitions. Y que no hay wue pagar $25 por participants.
Jenneelyn Santican los llevarà el 20, yo estoy suspended con paga hasta el jueves Santo 28 de marzo, por alegaciones ????
Mary Mananayanam EA y Danielle Murphy...Santo cielo ayudanos
Greg me ayudo entrance en la computadora loa nombres really de los estudiantes por grado 1-8 y su nombre de chesskid.com . Un trabsjo de mas de 30 horas que he estado evitando/intentando hacer por meses
Tanto gastato en S.MG en 2023-4
Para frances $ 1,700
Para ESL $800, libros minibibliotecs $600 mobilization, estantes... $300
Ajedrez: gold memberships $800,
Chess sets books $200, chess com anual membership $154
ESL adultos
ENGLISH smart 4, 130 libros ×10 =
,,,,,$5,000 .... y tanto agotamiento, stress y abucheamientos..
Carlos vino a Toronto el sabado 9 de marzo a trader a Leah , a la Gate Susanna y sus coat en un vehiculo que conducia Steve.
Hablò con Emily, la madre de Leah y le a large que se separable ... 3s dependiente, abusive, no quiere tener hijos ningunis...
Mayra y Syed vinieron a xenar el domi go y se llevaron vomida, ropa y products de associated, un abrigo rojo de marca $279 ... $28 en National Thrift. Dos veces al año tienen todo a 50% de descuento.... gaste $150 pero incluso Syed se llevo 2 sweteres y calcetines...
Eve ya tiene menos nausea... 13 semanas tiene bb Lucia ya.
Greg va mejorando lentamente, ayer vio a Dr. Vertes le cambio un par de medicamentos, que le bajan la tendion y le hacen sentirse muy cansado.
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dipstar1489 · 4 months
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I found some more markers and a fineliner, so I’ll be able to have my art have the same color as my Gacha designs! I was trying Lorna Kelleher Art’s line art and shading.
Name: Mathew Yun
age: 18
gender: boy, he/him, cis
sexuality: gay
disabilities + mental health: ADHD
personality: a flamboyant boy, Mathew has little tolerance for ignorance and varies from passive aggressive to sarcastic when annoyed. He loves his friends with a passion, tho he hides shows it through gifts and he would only physical fight if things get personal.
likes: astrology, horoscopes, theatre (specifically musicals like Heathers), strawberry Frappuccino, blueberries, nail and hair salons, beads
dislikes: impatient/ungrateful customers, ginger, criticism, nursing homes
VA: Master Frown from UniKitty! or Red Son from Monkie Kid
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muznew · 6 months
VA - Selection 2023
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- Artists: J. Peacock, Steve Mill, Bongani Mehlomakhulu, Love Will Say no, Idan Hana, Petals In Sound, Mathew Ferness DATE CREATED: 2023-12-15 Label: Dirt Crew Recordings Tracklist : 1. J. Peacock - Philly Track(Original Mix) 2. Steve Mill, Bongani Mehlomakhulu - God Given featuring Bongani Mehlomakhulu(Original Mix) 3. Love Will Say no - Time Is the Perfect Lover(Original Mix) 4. Idan Hana - Mountain Peaks(Original Mix) 5. Petals In Sound - Dial Tone(Original Mix) 6. Idan Hana - Rolling Hills(Break 3000 Edit) 7. Mathew Ferness - In Dreams(Original Mix) 8. Petals In Sound - Lush(Pete Bandit Remix) 9. Mathew Ferness - The Ego(Original Mix) 10. J. Peacock - Midnight Standard(Original Mix) 11. Steve Mill - Dye the Bip(Original Mix) 12. Love Will Say no - This War Is Finally Lost(Original Mix)   Download FileCat Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 6 months
VA - Selection 2023
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- Artists: J. Peacock, Steve Mill, Bongani Mehlomakhulu, Love Will Say no, Idan Hana, Petals In Sound, Mathew Ferness DATE CREATED: 2023-12-15 Label: Dirt Crew Recordings Tracklist : 1. J. Peacock - Philly Track(Original Mix) 2. Steve Mill, Bongani Mehlomakhulu - God Given featuring Bongani Mehlomakhulu(Original Mix) 3. Love Will Say no - Time Is the Perfect Lover(Original Mix) 4. Idan Hana - Mountain Peaks(Original Mix) 5. Petals In Sound - Dial Tone(Original Mix) 6. Idan Hana - Rolling Hills(Break 3000 Edit) 7. Mathew Ferness - In Dreams(Original Mix) 8. Petals In Sound - Lush(Pete Bandit Remix) 9. Mathew Ferness - The Ego(Original Mix) 10. J. Peacock - Midnight Standard(Original Mix) 11. Steve Mill - Dye the Bip(Original Mix) 12. Love Will Say no - This War Is Finally Lost(Original Mix)   Download FileCat Read the full article
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