#max parker gif set
buckypascal · 2 years
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She likes the idea of somebody defending her like that...
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fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Max Parker in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Max plays the role of King Henry Tudor, the eighth.
King Henry VIII is most famous in English history for having six wives - Catherine of Aragon (just under 24 years), Anne Boleyn (just under 3 years), Jane Seymour (just over a year, as Jane passed away), Anne of Cleves (6 months), Catherine Howard (18 months) and Catherine Parr (3 years, 6 months - ended with Henry's death). He was also father to Mary Tudor (Mary I, Bloody Mary), Elizabeth Tudor (Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen) and Edward Tudor (Edward VI).
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Source - FabledEnigma
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medium-observation · 21 days
September Release!
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The Lord of the Rings - Chicago Shakespeare Theater
August 28, 2024 (Matinée) - Medium Observation
Spencer Davis Milford (Frodo), Michael Kurowski (Sam), Lauren Zakrin (Galadriel), Ben Mathew (Pippin), Will James Jr. (Aragorn/Strider), Tom Amandes (Gandalf), Tony Bozzuto (Gollum), Alina Taber (Arwen), Eileen Doan (Merry), Matthew C. Yee (Boromir), Justin Albinder (Legolas), Ian Maryfield (Gimli), Jeff Parker (Elrond/Saruman), Rick Hall (Bilbo Baggins/Steward), Suzanne Hannau (Rosie Cotton), John Lithgow (Voice of Treebeard), Joey Faggion (Ensemble), Mia Hilt (Ensemble), James Mueller (Ensemble), Jarais Musgrove (Ensemble), Hannah Novak (Ensemble), Adam Qutaishat (Ensemble), Laura Savage (Ensemble), Bernadette Santos Schwegel (Ensemble), Ty Shay (s/w Ensemble), Luke Nowakowski (s/w Ensemble)
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Fantastic capture of this incredibly immersive and beautiful production. there is a bar in the bottom right corner of the screen that doesn't take away except for one moment where Gandalf and Frodo are talking on the stairs in act one, but overall I worked around it and you can always see Frodo and sometimes Gandalf. At points people are in the audience and I wasn't able to capture them but you can always hear them and I do my best to always try to make sure to capture anything in the audience that I could. Some washout and shakiness throughout.
NFT Date: March 1st, 2025
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBFvi6
Video is $20
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Moulin Rouge! The Musical - First US National Tour
April 7, 2024 - Medium Observation
Christian Douglas (Christian), Nicci Claspell (u/s Satine), Amar Atkins (u/s Harold Zidler), Nick Rashad Burroughs (Toulouse-Lautrec), Andrew Brewer (The Duke of Monroth), Jordan Vasquez (u/s Santiago), Sarah Bowden (Nini), Renee Marie Titus (La Chocolat), Adea Michelle Sessoms (u/s Arabia), Max Heitmann (Baby Doll), Kamal Lado (Pierre), Tommy Gedrich, Tamrin Goldberg, Cameron Hobbs, Nathaniel Hunt, Chloe Rae Kehm, Melissa Hunter McCann, Luke Monday, Tanisha Moore, Kenneth Michael Murray, Elyse Niederee, Omar Nieves, Kent Overshown, Stefanie Renee Salyers, Connor McRory
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Really beautiful capture of Nicci, Amar and Jordan as Satine, Zidler and Santiago respectively. Some washout and shakiness throughout.
NFT Date: March 1st, 2025
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Screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/gp/196227588@N02/a6RiV4g980
Video is $20
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Beetlejuice - First US National Tour
June 30, 2024 - Medium Observation
Justin Collette (Beetlejuice), Isabella Esler (Lydia Deetz), Megan McGinnis (Barbara Maitland), Will Burton (Adam Maitland), Jesse Sharp (Charles Deetz), Sarah Litzsinger (Delia Deetz), Hillary Porter (Miss Argentina), Abe Goldfarb (Otho), Brian Vaughn (Maxie Dean), Maria Sylvia Norris (Maxine Dean/Juno), Madison Mosley (Girl Scout)
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Beautiful Capture of Abe, Larkin and Haley's last performance with the company. My camera was having a lot of issues for Act 1, 2 minutes is missing during ready set (still has audio), And then after every song there's a short 2 second blackout. Act 2 is perfect with no issues with my camera. Also the last US stop before a month break and then Mexico! Some washout and shakiness throughout.
NFT Date: March 1st, 2025
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Screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/gp/196227588@N02/7B2h6860bv
Video is $18
Videos can be purchased through me at [email protected]
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ZGMqkeb9p5
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elviola · 2 years
When the clock rewinds, would you choose me?
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Jake Sully x Reader
TIME: Set after the Avatar (2009) film.
PLOT: Formerly Intern from RDA, now a specialist in the reopened avatar program of Dr. Grace Augustine, you see the man–turned Na'vi, that was once almost yours.
NOTE: NOT PROOFREAD!!! i just wanted to write what i wanted to read so sorry in advance !!TT
part 2!!!
YOU ALMOST FEEL DEAD, the cup of coffee in your hand wasn't halfway drunk and you want to vomit on your work papers. Stacks of written reports surround you and the illuminating lights do not help with your drumming migraine in your head. Ever since you've arrived in Pandora, messy memories are what keeps you away from being sane. You've never expected to come back, after the war and Colonel Quaritch destroying the beautiful home of the Na'vi, you were certain that your body will be decaying on the earth that was once loved for. So when an envelope slipped through your broken door at your depressing apartment. You took the opportunity. "Anywhere but on Earth." you thought out of desperation, forgetting someone particular on the planet.
Awoken by a staff member from cryosleep, you're nearing Pandora's atmosphere. You remember the first time you ever did, amazed by even the little things you can see from the ship. You were even more amazed when you step foot on the ground, at the compounds when you noticed arrows at a certain dump truck's wheel. You looked around and saw many trucks, coming back with dirt, and pieces of floral. At that moment, you were innocent. Only wanting the good money the job application stated but little did you know, you would create history.
As soon as you step down, you went straight for the building. Wanting—needing to see your avatar form again, since you left years ago. Memories and adventures were done in that Avatar, an almost new life lived. Dr. Grace Augustine was a truly astounding scientist. She was an inspiration to all and you. You go inside the lab and spot Max. "Long time no see!!" You yell and Max jumps out of surprise, "_____!! It's been years! Didn't think you would come back!" He replies as you pull him in a hug. "I know, I just had to with the opportunity given to me. Where's Norm?" He points to the door where the old Avatars used to rest at. You look at him anxiously, striding to the door as you noticed new equipment in the lab. Yet dust remained on the untouched ones, where Grace used for research. As you push the door open, Norm is found sitting infront of the tubes. Taking a closer look, he was staring at your Avatar with an unrecognizable expression. "Hi Norm," You whisper, seeming like a private moment you disrupted. His shoulders shake upwards and whips his head towards you. Responding with a smile, he stands up to hug you. "_______, hi. How are you? I thought you wouldn't come," You're the first one to pull back, "Were you the one to suggest me? I recall last time, you were the last one to even mention my name at missions." Norm rolls his eyes, "That was 5 years ago."
You were late to the meeting Colonel Quaritch had set, other soldiers giving you the side eye. You were assigned to his team after splitting the interns to two groups. Though you begged Parker Selfridge to put you to Dr. Grace's instead, you ended up in the harsh skinned group. Quaritch kept explaining the tasks until he gazed out at the back, some guy in a wheelchair. The other soldiers gave him an even meaner stare, you rounded the table and sat beside him. "Hey. Pretty cool planet, huh?" He looks to me and chuckles, "It's a weird one too. You've seen the arrows?" You nod in response, "Where'd you think they've come from, aliens?" Before he could reply, Quaritch dismisses the meeting. The man you were talking to gone. And you didn't even get his name.
"Hey, ______! How's it going with the camera for the video logs?" a husky voice said behind you, as you position the said camera to a good angle. Jake rolls up beside, checking out your work. "It's good, you probably hit it out of exhaustion one time." you reply as his face becomes a satirical hurt one. "What? I care for the technology here, as I know they are veeeery expensive. You're lying," Both of you bicker for a while about it back and forth 'til you were called out of the room. You exit with a smile on your face.
You sit on a seat at the cafeteria, it was break time, and all you could think was to eat. Put anything in your mouth if you will. You pick up your spoon when arguments come crashing into the entrance, other employees turning their heads to see. It was Grace and Jake. Obviously. Something about Na'vi language. Something that Jake doesn't know about. Grace dismisses him, says he should move on about it instead. His face falls at the reply but lightens up when he sees you. "Damn marine, you keep messing up huh?" you ask while scooping yogurt from your tray, "Well it's not my fault you're not helping me." he replies as he snatches the cup from your hands. You look at him at shock, "Give it back or I'll steal your wheelchair!"
You wouldn't want to admit Jake has been good company, the other soldiers disagreeing with your say. He's been the least grumpiest in the squad brought on Pandora, so you're at least grateful for that. Dr. Grace showed him the Avatar, him taking his twin's place. You were amazed, how they made it possible, you didn't know but you also didn't know that you had one too. "______, yours is on the far right. You saw how to link with it so I'll leave you to it," Jake nudges your hand, "Guess I won't be alone then."
You try not to blush at his words.
It was Jake's first day to try out his avatar, and yours. You were worried since he didn't have enough knowledge about it, nor he knew what was outside of the compound. Grace scolding him multiple times and Norm shaking his head in disbelief out of Jake's silly nature. You were laughing everytime you see the same scene. As he entered the pod, you quickly went to yours as well. Laying down and adjusting your hair to not get it stuck when it closed, Grace approached you, "Everything good?" You answered with a thumbs up as the door shut, all you remember was opening your eyes due to the bright light. Pointed ears roaming around to where sound resonated and tail swishing out of attention. You sit up to see Jake smiling to you, very blue, as he stands up and runs off.
After Jake practiced a few times to navigate in his avatar, (because of him running out of the lab out of nowhere) you, Grace, and Norm went out on a mission. Getting samples for the research the scientists need and you helping them along the way. Jake as a form of protection, Grace argued they didn't need him but persuading them was easy for you.
"I miss this on Earth." You speak out as you follow the science duo with Jake, he looks over to you. Sees your eyes shining with awe as you ogle around the plants, the trees, and to him. "Ours was beautiful too." His hand finding yours to hold, butterflies filling your stomach.
He's lost. Jake is lost and you're with the duo, panting and sweating throughout your body. A Thanator was running after us, Jake getting its attention before. You're worried and you're shaking to find him. Especially that he knows nothing about the forest, so you look back at Grace and Norm, and slowly walk away to find him. A hand hooks your wrist and you knew they wouldn't let you. "He might get himself hurt or even worse—killed? Who cares if it's dark when we got someone out in the wild?" You reason, "He'll survive one night, ______. Trust me." Norm replies as you stand under the big green leaves and the starry bright background. Your shadow casting over with the little light providing to it, the stars opposite to the feeling of dread. Sighing, you decide to trust their word. Walking back to the helicopter.
Jake says he would stay with the Omatikaya clan. He explains he had met the olo'eyktan's daughter. Grace approves, Norm is bitter, and you're happy that he's safe. A chance for him to learn about the Na'vi. Everytime he discharges from the pod, he tells you all about the village and you can't help but smile big at his stories. About Tsu'tey and soon-to-be mate, Neytiri. How the Omatikaya people treat him and how the forest is beautiful at a deeper look.
You don't see much of him anymore. You catch glimpses of him inside, recording a videolog after his journey in the forest. He's getting thinner, he doesn't meet with you at the cafeteria anymore. Feeling down when you wait minutes that turn hours for him to eat beside you, joking about your platter, and still, he doesn't arrive. Leaving you with an empty stomach. He rarely talks to you, and trying you do. When he's out of the pod, you ask him questions but all he does is quickly wheel to the camera to record a video log. Jake greets you yet his expression of a 'happy to see you' is nowhere to be found as he did before. He goes back into the pod without a single other word sent your way. Your heart slowly wearing out off your sleeve, you miss your talks, you miss the laughs, and you miss him.
The RDA is finally destrotying the Home Tree and the People of the Omatikaya clan freak out, you panic, telling them that they should leave and prepare when Jake and Neytiri come back.
They celebrated the night before, the ceremony of Jake becoming one of them. You're excited to see him, ton congratulate him about his long way of learning and accepting them. Tsu'tey arriving to see the ruinage of a forest the Humans brought and was to discuss about future plans. When Jake and Neytiri come back together, Tsu'tey eyed them suspiciously, "You mated with this woman?" Grace curses and hell breaks loose. You stare at him with shock as he reasons. Your heart finally falling out of you, the pieces shattering one by one on the ground. He doesn't see you anymore. He doesn't see you the way he sees her. So you stand behind the crowd forming, behind the great trees of Pandora, and you stay far from the man you once loved.
Quaritch is dead, Grace is Dead, and Jake is reborn as the Na'vi.
You're on your way back to Earth.
And you can't help wanting to pick up the pieces you left on Pandora.
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romancomicsnews · 1 year
My Adventures with Superman brings Hope back to the Man of Steel - REVIEW Ep 1 & 2
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*Spoilers for the first two episodes, now streaming on Max!*
Growing up, Superman always came off to me as a very nothing character. White bread. Good for the sake of good. Not funny like Spider-Man, not dark and cool like Batman, and too powerful to be in any real danger.
He was just there as the original cape and tights. He was important because he did it first, but that didn't make him interesting.
As I got older, and I read and saw him in more media, I realized the fun of Superman comes from the kindness. The hope he brings to those around him and that stable positive force is essential to the world and the Justice League. While he is the most powerful person in the room, because of who Clark is and his values, he's the person you fear the least.
He's gonna save your cat, he's gonna stop that burning building, and he's gonna get the bad guy, as unharmed as possible.
This is where the DCEU lost me, and where I think most Superman content does. That hope, that kindness, the gentle giant that Clark is has somehow been lost in translation.
While Henry Cavill is a great actor and can play the hopeful side, setting the tone of the movies as so dark and serious drained Superman of his charm.
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Superman and Lois has done a good job bringing Clark's hopefulness back in moments, but the Zack Snyder DCEU feel coupled with the CW drama still keeps Superman and Lois pretty dark and dire.
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While Hoechlin is a fantastic Superman, the world he inhabits has kept me wanting a true representation of the character I love.
Which is why My Adventures with Superman is such a breath of fresh air.
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Let's start with Jack Quaid. Using such a pure sounding soul like Quaid to embody Clark was a stroke of genius. While he is known for playing good-ish characters like Hughie in The Boys and Peter Parker/ The Lizard in Across the Spider-Verse, Quaid does not coast on his past charms for Clark.
This character equally feels fresh, different from Quaid's past characters, and like a kid who is transitioning into the Man of Steel.
Whether he is struggling to flirt, scold Lois for lying, or fight a robot, Clark feels genuine, kind, and strong.
As Superman, Clark does not change into a scary, super powered god. Instead, he is trying to help the bad guy, clean up the messes, and rescue kittens from trees. While we only get a glimpse of his true Superman form at the end of episode 2, it is enough for me to get so excited that I'm typing this all out. This is the Superman I've been waiting for!
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Rounding out the cast are Alice Lee and Ishmel Sahid as Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen.
Lee has a quality not always perfectly emulated for Lois in my opinion, which is spunk. Moxie. She is so clearly the leader of the team for the Daily Planet. Couple that with her comedy timing and clear chemistry with Quaid, this may be the blueprint for Clark and Lois in the future.
While usually Lois is a made journalist by the time Clark shows up, starting them at equal footing is an interesting development. I'm hoping they use this to show just how quickly Lois Lane can rise the ranks against others.
While Sahid is utilized the least so far, conspiracy theorist comic relief Jimmy is equally charismatic and likable. He is a character I think the DCEU and CW didn't quite understand the value of, but this show clearly does. My hope is this character goes on to go on as wacky adventures as he does in the comics.
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The chemistry between the three characters is very strong for the first couple of episodes. So much so I don't know if I'm more excited for more Lois and Clark romance, Clark and Jimmy bafoonery, or Lois and Jimmy investigating.
While the villains leave something to be desired in the first two episodes, the inclusion of overarching villains Deathstroke, Amanda Waller and General Lane lead me to believe they hope to build out this universe, at the very least into Batman.
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If that is true, I am so in.
I can see a world where we have 3-4 different anime shows introducing key members of the Justice League, all leading up to an anime style movie where they fight Brainiac, with Jack Quaid's Superman at the center of it.
But perhaps I am getting way ahead of myself.
All in all, My Adventures with Superman has me excited for Fridays to come. It has heart, it has comedy, and it seems to understand the Last Son of Krypton better than most pieces of media.
This should be the blueprint for Superman Legacy.
A Superman who brings donuts for all his coworkers.
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pochunts · 2 years
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— ✰ on the page linked below in the SOURCE LINK, you will find ( TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY ) hq gifs of JONETTA KAISER sourced from her role as SONYA KARP in the only season of VAMPIRE ACADEMY. jonetta is 27 (b.1994) but was 26-27 while filming this series; her ethnicity is currently unknown. all gifs were cropped at 245x145 and were made from scratch by feifer for roleplaying purposes only. therefore, i am taking full credit for these. DO NOT: add these gifs to any other gif hunts, gif sets, edit, redistribute, claim as your own, use in real-life celebrity rps, smut rps or for smut writing. DO: please give this post a like or reblog if you found these useful or have any intention of using these.
gifs feature: Mia Bruce-Mckenna, Max Parker, J. August Richards.
warnings/triggers: Kissing, open flames (candles), bar, bright light, neon lighting, powers, conversations/dialogue about the dead, visuals of self-harm (climbing on ledge), animals (bird, bats), transformations (black eyes, fangs).
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comiiical · 11 months
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In honor of Upload season 3 being out, like for a starter from:
Stephen (Robbie Amell, Froy Gutierrez, Oliver Stark, Rudy Pankow, Chris Evans, Casey Deidrick)
Luca (Max thieriot) - His Twin
Bellamy (Grant Gustinm Rome Flynn) - Younger brother
Preston (Matt Cornett, Ed Skrein, Grey Damon) - His younger brother (although he has his own starter call so for him that one may have priority)
Allen (Brant Daugherty) - His next younger brother
Eric (Chris Wood, Lucien Laviscount) - His babiest brother
Jace (Dominic Sherwood) - His adoptive brother
Phillip Halliwell-Ward (Paul Mescal) - His son
Eri Halliwell-Ward (Danny Griffin) - His son
TJ Halliwell-Ward (Will Poulter) - His son
Sebastian Halliwell-Montgomery (Jack Gillinsky) - His son
Roman (Luke Mitchell) - His best friend
Astor (Mason Gooding) - His best friend
Frey (Dacre Montgomery) - Past life’s lover
Colt (Ryan Reynolds) - His brother-in-law
Prue (Jensen Ackles) - His dad
Andy Jr (Chris Hemsworth) - His cousin from dad's side
Piper (Murray Bartley) - His uncle
David Nolan (Josh Dallas) - His uncle
Wyatt (Jeremy Allen White) - Cousin
Mel (Tom Holland) - Cousin
Phelan (Frank Grillo) - His uncle
Teddy (Max Riemelt, Joshua Orpin) - Cousin
Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) - Cousin
Phoenix (Matt Daddario, Joshua Bassett) - Cousin
Percy (Greg Sulkin) - Cousin
Parker (Brenton Thwaites) - Cousin
Peyton (Gavin Leatherwood) - Cousin
Page (Tahmoh Penikett) - Uncle
Owen (Tom Hardy, Pablo Schreiber) - Cousin
Joel (Glen Powell, Michael Provost) - son of Owen
Tanner (Jacob Elordi) - Cousin
Keith (Nico Greetham) - Cousin
Henry (Ronen Rubinstein,Karl Urban) - Cousin
Brendon (Leo Howard, Oliver Jackson Cohen) - Cousin
Kody Jr (Tanner Buchanan) - Son of Tanner
Piers (Christopher Meloni) - Gramps
Alan (Tom Welling) - Distant ancestor
Charles (Craig Parker) - son of alan
Ken (Wes Chatham) - Son of alan
Xander (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) - distant relative
Colt (Ryan Reynolds) - Brother in law
Clive (Jake Aunstin Walker) - Son of Dacre
Yorick (Ryan Gosling) - His familiar
Penn (Oliver Jackson Cohen) - Long distant relative direct descendant from his uncle's past life
Porter (Max Irons) - Long distant relative direct descendant from his uncle's past life
Pascal or Prescott (Robert Buckley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan) - direct descendants from his father's past life
Patrick (David Harbour) - ^^ and the uncle of the ones above
Xavier Johnson (John Krasinski) - second uncle once removed
Bruno Johnson (Charlie Cox) - second uncle once removed
Gerard Johnson (Derek Theler) - second uncle once removed
Dacre Ward-Johnson (Boyd Holbrook) - second uncle once removed
JJ Johnson (Dylan OBrien) - second uncle once removed
John Johnson (Drew Starkey) - second cousin once removed
George Johnson (Harris Dickinson) - second cousin once removed
Because It is impossible for me to have them all open, I will stick to the few first set that are chosen, and stop there, if someone else is chosen and I don't haev a back and forth reply, then I will close that and make the starters for those I haven't made. I may do exclusively one liners as my brain is not in the right place right now though.
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raypakorn · 2 years
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New year for me to get back on this and show some extra love. The end of the year was a bit busy for me so I did look through November as well. So here are some of the awesome sets/fanart that have crossed my dash. Will be setting up my queue to give all these sets some more love that they deserve. Thank you for continuing to share your gifts with the fandom and giving y’all some creative good vibes for the new year!
Warrior Nun
Ava x Beatrice + Journey through Season 2 & Ava + AKA by @deenafier​
Ava x Beatrice + ship dynamics by @softavasilva​
Ava x Beatrice + Roommates by @great-sketch-pectations
Ava x Beatrice + domestic bliss by @blueeriver
Ava x Beatrice + sunshine & sunshine protector by @gibbarts
Ava x Beatrice + no use by @wenclair
Asian Dramas
Vegas x Pete + Strangers From Hell AU (kinnporsche) by @luna-lina
Ink x Pa + Episode 9 (bad buddy) by @kaonoppakao
Sol x Jiwan + quotes (nevertheless) by @weiwuxian
Kinn x Porsche + Episode 11 (kinnporsche) by @i-got-the-feels
Vegas + Vigilante Shit (kinnporsche) by @kimporchay
Vegas + astrology/moon shirt (kinnporsche) by @thatgothsamurai
Pat x Pran + Episode 12 (bad buddy) by @baifengxis​
Puen x Talay + LOVE (vice versa) by @talays-portkey​
Akk x Ayan + Blood Red Moon (the eclipse) by @dropthedemiurge​
Milk x Love + Cinematic Universe (multi) by @baifengxis​
Mork x Day + quotes (last twilight) by @talays-portkey
Vegas + Good Time Boy (kinnporsche) by @thoresque​
Sam + that white outfit (gap the series) by @mariemarion​
Episode 1 Poster (not me) by @magicaldreamfox1​
Pete + Are you a slut? (kinnporsche) by @thoresque​
The Bodyguards + Choose Your Player (kinnporsche) by @spicyvampire
Sean x White + I Burned So Long (not me) by @thoresque
Puen x Talay + Fates Intertwine (vice versa) by @oswlld
Yok + Get to Know (not me) by @spicyvampire
2022 BLs + Rainbow (multi) by @kaonoppakao
Best of 2022 BLs (multi) by @liyazaki
El x Max + What I Want (stranger things ) by @inadequate-nefelibata
Peter Parker + quotes (andrew garfield’s spiderman) by @sith-maul
Shelby Goodkind Emoji Meme (the wilds) by @viktorhargreeves
Prince Wilhelm + Vigilante Shit (young royals) by @van-eck​
Enola x Sherlock + quotes (enola holmes 2) by @ughmerlin​
Good Things Come in Threes (multi OT3′s) by @brittas-perry
The Jake Peralta Species (b99) by @jakeyp​
Btvs + Rainbow Set (btvs) by @slayerbuffy
Andrew x Neil + wall kiss (aftg) by @jordanshenessy
The Pogues + Google Search (outer banks) by @kiekiecarrera​
Nick x Charlie + Let it Snow (heartstopper) by @antoniosvivaldi​
Meet the Cast (knives out) by @david-tenant​
Kate x Anthony + 5SOS Songs (bridgerton) by @sith-maul
Every Sitcom Has... (abbott elementary & b99) by @justaleapoffaith​
Arthur x Merlin + Once Upon a Time (bbc merlin) by @arthurpendragonns
Favorite Media Discovered in 2022 (multi) by @eddiediaaz
Finals Girls + Top Trumps (multi) by @nick-nelson
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arachnophile0 · 11 months
*Master List//about me*
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I'm also Madmax68421 on Wattpad but I'm moving on here to post more frequently and Avkima is my other page on tumblr where you can find Avatar and Avatar Way of Water content!
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-Full Fledged Fics-
Stuck With Me AU ~*~*~* stuck with me: peter parker x oc Book 1: intro//1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14
~Imagines~ coming soon
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*Blurbs* coming soon
_Instagram Imagines_ coming soon
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/one shots\ coming soon
About me//
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My pen is Max and I'm addicted to Spiderman.
psa: any information given is my alter ego's, has been and always will be
I've been writing Stuck With Me on wattpad since 2019 and it's in need of a do-over so most of the chapters have gone into drafts to be re-edited. I have so many big plans for this series including 4 books in all.
My favorite spiderman is Toby, and I really do love Andrew and Tom the same! I choose to set the SWM universe in the MCU movies because of the coming of age movie aspect. I definatly will do some Gwen x tasm peter fics in the future!
Gwen in the amazing spiderman is the best love interest of any spiderman movie of all time change my mind no you cant
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glassheadcanon · 11 months
Dear Yuletide Santa,
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This will be my 3rd Yuletide (every year has been a lot of fun)! Thanks so much for being willing to write in one of my favourite, tiny fandoms. Gifts are enabled in AO3, so treats are more than welcome.
While "optional details are optional", of course, here are some prompts in case you need more ideas, but please don't let them stop you from chasing your own plot bunnies - the most important thing to me is that you find joy in what you're writing.
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General likes: Characters as narrative foils; unreliable narrators; Banter (snark, companionable snark, wordplay); Fluff (especially slice-of-life); Found Families; Hurt/Comfort; heists/capers; action, adventure, the martial arts, battle couples; unresolved sexual tension; mysteries/investigative work, casefic; travel and exploration; secret/hidden/fantastical worlds beneath our own; Magical Realism; finding beauty and humour in the everyday/commonplace; the supernatural, fantastical and whimsical; missing scenes, pre-canon, post-canon; crossovers/fusions; crackfic, crack treated seriously; breaking the Fourth Wall; teamwork, especially with a motley crew
Fic/narrative styles: Open to reading different POV and tense styles, AUs, 5+1, fix-it fic, canon-divergent, drabble collections, non-standard formats, epistolary, verse - whatever inspires and works best for you!
DNW: Nothing Explicit or NSFW (Gen-Mature is fine); nothing needing Archive Warning categories such as graphic depictions of gore, violence, or sex, no rape/non-con, underage or incest (canon-typical violence is fine); no unrequested shipfic (mention of existing canon relationships is fine), sexuality or gender headcanons
...onto the fandom-specifics!
Fandom: Night Hood | Les exploits d'Arsène Lupin (1996)
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It's set in the 1930's, and from the Art Deco aesthetics to the witty, competent protagonists, these lighthearted adventures of this classy, suave, master-of-disguise version of gentleman burglar Arsène Lupin, his slowburn romance with bold investigative reporter Kelly Kincaid (and the found family/team-as-family vibes with her young protégé Max and Lupin's driver/sidekick Grognard) vs. their nemesis: billionaire arms manufacturer Karst, and his cunning and stylish team of Countess May Hem and Steel - are little known and woefully underappreciated. (Check out its TVTropes page for more of an idea what it's like.) Plus, it only has the slickest opening theme/intro sequence of all:
(Fave characters are Lupin, Kelly, and Max, but feel free to add Grognard and any other tagset characters as needed for the sake of the plot/dynamics!) Prompt ideas:
Casefic, pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes - anything that's fodder for more Kelly/Lupin companionable snark, banter, and UST, especially if they're situations where Kelly and Max hold their own more for a change (instead of needing to be rescued by Lupin) and/or brings to life 1930's Jazz Age Paris and New York's music, culture, fashion, and style
A crossover with Dorothy Sayers's Lord Peter Wimsey/Harriet Vane (even Bunter and Miss Climpson) and/or Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot characters (Chief Inspector Japp, Hastings, and Miss Lemon) would be absolutely fabulous
Kelly and Lupin encountering the infamous Dorothy Parker and her literary peers of New York's Algonquin Round Table
Fandom: Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
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Gally/Alita is one of my very first, all-time favourite anime characters. I've also watched the Battle Angel OVA, read all volumes of the first manga and its sequel, "Last Order" but haven't read "Mars Chronicle" yet. So far, I've greatly preferred the original Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm manga series (much more solid character/plot arc and satisfying ending, to me) to Last Order (far too much filler plot and gratuitous fan service, for my liking). But I digress.
What I appreciate about it: the application of martial arts in a sci-fi setting, kickass protagonist with amazing fight agility; she's a truly noble-spirited and kind-hearted hero and given this, how she navigates a dog-eat-dog post-apocalyptic world with single-minded determination. (Alita's my fave character, but feel free to include Ido or any other tagset characters as needed for the sake of the plot/dynamics! One exception: DNW for this particular fandom - I'd greatly prefer you leave Hugo out of the story)
Prompt ideas:
Alita exploring her new home and discovering more about everyday life in "Iron City"
Alita learning to use her new Berserker body and its combat capabilities
Motorball training sequences, matches, and other missing scenes filling in Alita's rise to Motorball champion (if you're familiar with the manga, feel free to more fully develop her respectful and mutually-strengthening competitive rivalry with Jashugan, which was never touched on in the live action film, and if you're interested, more of his "Maschine Klatsch" martial arts style vs. Alita/Gally's Panzer Kunst, and/or work in the story of how she came to wear the number 99)
Pre-canon of Alita's time learning Panzer Kunst/as a soldier for Mars
Fandom: バケモノの子 | Bakemono no Ko | The Boy and the Beast (2016)
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What I appreciate about it: the depictions of Tokyo (recognized so much from past travels here), the isekai, the found family vibes (especially between such a motley crew of disparate personalities - like Kumatetsu's larger-than-life, let-it-all-hang-out braggadocio bravado and how it inevitably conflicts with just about everyone), how Kyuuta/Ren learns the martial arts (and all of the training sequences). (Kyuuta/Ren and Kumatetsu are my fave characters, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - such as Kaede, Soushi, Tatara and Hyakushuubou, for the sake of the plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas - mostly post-canon:
Kyuuta/Ren as an older adult in modern Japan - are there situations in his new life in the human world, in which he's able to apply the martial thinking and skills he learned from life in the Beast Kingdom?
What's it like for Kyuuta/Ren, living his life with the spirit of Kumatetsu now residing within him? What conflicts or arguments might they get into, and over what?
Under what situations would Kyuuta/Ren return to the Beast Kingdom in the future? What circumstance might threaten the Beast Kingdom to such an extent that it forces the spirit of Kumatetsu and Kyuuta/Ren to return, and use his/their combined abilities to fight for its survival? How might this cause tension between the obligations of his human adult life, and his obligations to his friends in the Beast Kingdom?
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
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What I appreciate about it: One of my all-time fave OTPs (though if you're not one for this pairing in a romantic sense, no worries - above all, I love their friendship as well so feel free to stick to the platonic angle if that's what you're more comfortable with). I just really enjoy how well they complement each other in personality, and would love to see more of how this works out whenever they have to team up. And call me biased, but the gorgeous, nuanced voices of both their English VAs (Gideon Emery and Nicole Fantl) really sold it for me. (Fran and Balthier are my fave characters, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
Pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes, heist/caper fic
How Fran and Balthier met, and what situation made them decide to team up for good
What moment in the history of their friendship solidified their trust in, and loyalty to, each other?
In what ways did Balthier being Hume and Fran being Viera challenge or put a strain on their friendship/relationship?
How the two managed to survive the crash-landing of the sky fortress, Bahamut
Swashbuckling sky pirate adventures with or without the airship Strahl; battles, and/or thievery - e.g. plans to steal an arcane treasure go awry and they need to use their wits and prowess to succeed (and of course they do - in style! :D)
Times when Fran's sensitivity to Mist either helped or hindered combat/these goals
Fandom: X-Men The Animated Series (Cartoon 1992)
What I appreciate about it: besides the epic opening theme song, you mean? :D The nostalgic early 90's vibes and fashion, any time there's lighthearted, snarky dynamics, and they competently coordinate/use their unique mutant powers in combination as a team; Rogue and Gambit is one of my earliest OTPs and the poignancy of their predicament with Rogue's ability has always held a special place in my heart. (Rogue, Gambit, Storm, and Beast are my fave characters in this fandom, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
Pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes or casefic
Christmas at Xavier's mansion, or New Years' Eve with the team
A fun girls' night out with Rogue, Storm, Jubilee, and Jean Grey turns into an adventure
Danger Room training sequences/combat practice
Rogue x Gambit in New Orleans
The first time that Rogue and Remy were able to safely touch, or the moment they did that was most memorable to them both
Fandom: Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex (full episodes available to watch online for free via Adult Swim!)
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What I appreciate about it: GitS (1995) was one of my very first fave anime films, and this series perfectly captures the cyberpunk vibes, the great dynamics and loyalty between members of a competent investigative team (especially between the Major, Batou and Togusa) and the philosophical issues surrounding the mind-body connection, sense of self/agency and the nature of humanity in a hyper technological age. The addition of the Tachikoma AIs in Standalone Complex bring an element of light-heartedness to the team that I've always enjoyed. (The Major, Batou, Togusa, and the Tachikomas are my fave characters in this fandom, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
The personalities of the different Tachikoma AI, and how they interact with each other and other members of their unit (especially Batou, Togusa and the Major)
How the Tachikoma respond to and navigate the aspects of everyday human life we take for granted, especially how they might attempt to interpret human emotional/interpersonal experiences they observe
Casefic, "heists", fun with hacking and infiltration
What if the Tachikomas and/or the other team members like Batou and the Major had to do a "ghost" dive on each other and/or their "ghosts" temporarily switched places/got trapped in each others' "shells"...what hijinks would ensue?
The friendship and trust between Batou and the Major; exploring whether or not there might have been room there for something more to have developed under the right circumstances
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thaiika · 2 years
Hocus Pocus is a masterpiece and I don't take criticism.
Hocus Pocus | 1993 
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IMAGE CREDIT: https://vizual-demon.tumblr.com/
about 300 years have passed since the Sanderson sisters were executed for practicing dark witchcraft. Returning to life thanks to a combination of a spell spoken before their demise and the accidental actions of Max, the new-kid-in-town, the sisters have but one night to secure their continuing existence…
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this 1993 comedy Halloween movie is a cult classic. in Brazil, it’s called “Abracadabra”. I’ve never seen this movie - even though I’ve been a vampire/witch/Halloween fan forever, but I remember seeing this on my neighbor’s movie shelf when I was a little girl. I’ve also seen some pictures and scenes here, and it always looked pretty charming; recently, Disney came up with a second movie, so I decided to watch the first one (since I saw a video critic about the second movie). And I made a great decision! This movie is indeed charming, fun, and creative. I’m not familiarised with the story, therefore I don’t know if it��s all fantasy or not, but I enjoyed it immensely. The main characters are so entertaining, spirited, and fun. They work great together and they’re amazing characters. I liked how since the beginning they’re set as villains and that doesn’t change. They’re witches and they literally want to suck the life out of children, and the movie feels like a fun, even funny, horror story more than just a direct horror story. This is charming and I liked it. The other characters, such as Max, and Dani are also good. I liked both of them during the movie, Dani is funny, and Max is charismatic (not as much as his little sister, though) even Allison, that was a character I didn’t much like from the start grew on me. The movie gave me a boost of good nostalgia, it reminded me of Beetlejuice and Matilda, those ’80s, 90’s kids’ movies that have some details that don’t go well with a kids’ movie, but you only realize that once you’re an adult. That gives you this good boost of nostalgia. The movie was so much fun, I wish I’d seen it before. I’m living for Sarah Jessica Parker. I know why this is a classic, now. I already wanna rewatch it. I’ll definitely do it every Halloween, though.
fav characters
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fav song (THIS IS ICONIC!!!!!!!)
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fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Amy James-Kelly and Max Parker in Blood, Sex and Royalty: Anne Boleyn.
Amy plays the role of Anne Boleyn, over the course of her late teens to the end of her life. Max plays the role of King Henry VIII.
Please use on a Desktop view for the best version.
Trigger Warning - Fire, Sexual
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Source - FabledEnigma
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jazy3 · 2 years
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I posted 2,255 times in 2022
That's 1,674 more posts than 2021!
111 posts created (5%)
2,144 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,232 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things - 1,446 posts
#strangerthingsedit - 705 posts
#steve harrington - 639 posts
#stancy - 403 posts
#nancy wheeler - 381 posts
#dailystrangerthings - 339 posts
#stedit - 269 posts
#tvstrangerthings - 193 posts
#st4 spoilers - 188 posts
#stranger things 4 - 182 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#there’s so many complexities in max’s grieving and if it’s dumbed down to ‘i’m sad the billy died’ i’m going to punch a hole in the tv
My Top Posts in 2022:
For all the Steve and Nancy shippers out there I highly recommend you check out the Rebel Robin: Surviving Hawkins Podcast! Even if podcasts aren’t usually your thing. The series is set during Season 1 of Stranger Things and is about what Robin was up to during that time and there’s lots of great Steve and Nancy content going on in the background.
47 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
Marry Me Review
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I was really excited to see this movie based on the trailers and it did not disappoint! It was so good! If you haven’t seen it yet I highly recommend that you find some time this weekend and go! It’s so funny and the music is so catchy! It’s exactly what I needed to see right now! At its core Marry Me is pure, fluffy, rom-com magic. As others have pointed out what makes it so special is that it recaptures so much of that magic that early 2000’s rom-coms had without any of the offensive jokes, patriarchal nonsense, or stupid misunderstandings that could have been solved with a five minute conversation. There’s a reason it was the number one movie on Valentine’s Day this year.
Based on the graphic novel of the same name by Bobby Crosby, Marry Me is about a pop superstar named Kat Valdez who minutes before she’s about to go onstage and marry her fiancé Bastian finds out that he’s been cheating on her with her assistant Tyra via a gossip website. Distressed and heartbroken she picks a man holding a ‘Marry Me’ sign out of the crowd and agrees to marry him onstage. The man turns out to be Charlie Gilbert, a divorced math teacher, who is there with his daughter Lou and was guilted into going to the concert by his best friend Parker.
Following the concert Kat decides to stay married to Charlie for a few months to avoid people thinking she’s manic and that there’s something wrong with her and to put a positive spin on an otherwise terrible situation. Charlie reluctantly agrees to the arrangement out of kindness and as time goes on the two grow closer after getting the chance to spend time together outside of the media spotlight and her management team. Kat bonds with Charlie’s daughter Lou and gets to know his students and eventually the two fall in love for real.
The movie stars Jennifer Lopez as pop superstar Kat Valdez, Latin pop star Maluma as Bastian, Owen Wilson as math teacher Charlie Gilbert, Sarah Silverman as Parker Debbs the school guidance counsellor and Charlie’s best friend, and John Bradley from Game of Thrones as Collin Calloway Kat’s long-time manager and friend. Rounding out the cast are Chloe Coleman from My Spy and Big Little Lies as Charlie’s daughter Lou and Michelle Buteau as Kat’s assistant Melissa. Jimmy Fallon also appears playing a fictionalized version of himself throughout the movie.
What makes this film work is the quality of the writing and the adorable odd-couple chemistry that Kat and Charlie share. They make you fall in love with their story and root for them. The film perfectly leans into the silliness and romanticism that made early to mid 2000’s rom-coms so fun! I loved how the movie stuck to its premise and didn’t try to be something that it wasn’t. The film never takes itself too seriously or tries to make some big profound point. It’s everything that I hoped Isn’t It Romantic? the 2019 rom-com staring Rebel Wilson and Liam Hemsworth would be but wasn’t.
And the reason is clear. The problem with Isn’t It Romantic as a movie was that it took itself too seriously, was always trying to prove some big point about the patriarchy or social norms, and leaned so heavily into parody that it was no longer funny. I had high hopes for that movie and I know a lot of other people did too and while it was ground-breaking for its casting of a plus sized lead the movie ultimately fell flat and just wasn’t the success everyone had hoped for.
Where Marry Me finds its strength is in working within the conventional norms of the traditional rom-com and romantic movie genre while also pointing out things that are problematic in more subtle ways. Because of this when Kat gives a speech at a press conference talking about how ridiculous it is that women feel like they have to wait for a proposal and are expected to take their husband’s last name it doesn’t feel preachy or overdone. It feels authentic. It feels like the genuine complaints of a frustrated woman whose been through hell and back and that is a feeling I think a lot of women can relate to.
There is so much expected of us and going against the grain to do what you want and be happy can often be an uphill battle and come with challenges that most men, the straight ones anyway, rarely have to face. In truth, Marry Me is the feminist rom-com for the modern age that so many other movies have tried to be but didn’t really pull off. There were so many things I loved about this movie. I was surprised at just how funny it was! I knew it would have humour in it based on the premise and the trailers, but I was pleasantly surprised at just how on point the jokes were.
Concentrated heavily in the first half of the movie the jokes, humorous dialogue, and comical situations had me laughing non-stop. The opening number of Kat’s concert is an upbeat tempo number called ‘Church’ that finds J.Lo dressed in an ornament, bejewelled, Catholic cross inspired body suit surrounded by back up dancers in sexy shortened nun outfits. I couldn’t stop laughing and the song is really catchy! It felt like a cross between a Madonna and a J.Lo concert in the best way! It honestly made me want to see her sing live in person. Both Wilson and Lopez have great comedic timing together and Silverman knocks it out of the park as always. Bradley and Coleman shine in their comedic moments as well.
The second half of the movie focused more heavily on emotional moments and power ballads which served to give the movie its emotional punch and sentimental centre. Something I really loved about this movie is that it addressed a whole bunch of things that most movies or TV shows usually leave out or don’t address which are particular pet peeves of my best friend and I who I went to see the movie with. For example, we see Kat talking to her manager about filling the paperwork to make the marriage legal. This is a big pet peeve of ours as in most films or TV shows you see people get married by an officiant, but you never see them actually sign the paperwork or talk about it.
Likewise, when Kat got to the airport to go after Charlie, we saw her manager come to her rescue with her passport, a ticket, and some money as you can’t get on a plane without those things. I had a moment when I thought they were just going to let her through and onto the plane because she was famous which would have been super unrealistic in this day and age. It made for a really sweet moment between Kat and her manager Collin who showed himself to be a loving and supportive friend who genuinely cared about her and did what he could to protect her. I also loved the moment when she tried to buy someone else’s ticket and he had to explain to her that that was illegal and that everyone, or almost everyone, knows that. I’m glad that they chose to go the realistic route as it made for some funny moments and added a sense of realism to the film that a lot of rom-coms, even good ones, tend to lack.
I loved the scenes of Kat and Charlie getting to know each other and them challenging each other to step outside of their comfort zones. Like Kat getting Charlie to try social media and become more tech savvy and Charlie getting Kat to do things for herself when she hadn’t in a long time. I felt like spending time with Charlie brought Kat back to her roots and that was what made her fall for him. I love that Kat found a way to help Charlie connect with Lou more and the scenes with Charlie and Lou’s dog were adorable and hilarious.
I particularly loved the scene with the Ferris Wheel where Kat got the park to reopen for a night so that they could go alone, and he could experience something that brought back fond memories of his mother. Sweet romantic gestures that bring back good memories are the kind of “I’m rich and famous so I can do this” uses of power or influence that I can get behind. I also loved the scene where Kat gave Lou the Chanel purse and we learned that she works with a non-profit that helps women dress for success and get back on their feet.
I have to say J.Lo’s hat game was on point in this movie! Her outfits were stunning! I loved all of them from her concert ensembles to her date night getups. And the music in this film was incredible! My friend and I both said that we wouldn’t be surprised at all if the tracks from this film wind up charting and that if people use ‘Marry Me’ as one of their wedding songs unironically in the years to come. I’ve personally been blasting the soundtrack since I got home from the theatre and have no intention of stopping.
My personal favourites are the pop and ballad versions of ‘Marry Me’ by J.Lo and Maluma, the religiously inspired pop smash ‘Church’, the self-love ballad ‘Love of my Life’, pop ballad ‘On My Way’, and the yearningly beautiful ‘After Love’. I was shocked and surprised to see Utkarsh Ambudkar as one of the mathalete coaches! As long time followers will know I loved him Free Guy and I love him in CBS’ Ghosts. He’s one of a handful of actors that’s been cropping up in everything lately now that all of the pre-pandemic content that was put on hold for the past year to two years is finally being released and I couldn’t be happier for him.
All this being said no movie is without its faults. To this end, I often found Michelle Buteau’s character annoying and felt like she was a bit much at times. However, humour is subjective and since her style of acting and humour has never really been my thing my dislike of her character was kind of inevitable and I can appreciate that other people do enjoy her particular brand of humour. Something I found odd was how Jimmy Fallon was portrayed throughout the movie.
While the opening late night monologue we see playing at Kat’s apartment was funny, talking about how she married a random guy from the audience and joking that she would likely leave him for her Uber driver and then a bellboy, each successive appearance made Fallon appear more and more cruel and mean spirited. I found this odd because out of all the male late night talk show hosts I find Fallon to be the most kind and genuine. He’s one of the better ones in my opinion and I honestly enjoy watching him interview celebrities and I find his monologues and various segments funny and entertaining.
A big part of his appeal I think is how warm and friendly he is and that seems to genuinely care about his guests and the people who work on his show. Which is why I found it odd that he came across as so villainous and mean spirited in the film. I know he’s playing a caricature of himself, but I think he’s usual persona would have worked just fine. Throughout the movie he seemed to go out of his way to make digs at Kat’s expense and during a live television interview tried to get her to admit that her and Bastion were back together. None of which seems to fit with the person he appears to be in real life or at least the person we see on TV normally.
For instance, when he interviewed RuPaul on his show in February of 2020 and thought that he had insulted them by accident he looked horrified and embarrassed so I found it odd that they had him portray himself as a villain when they already had the philandering Bastion to fill that role. All in all, Marry Me is a feel good, hilarious, and heart-warming film about trying something different and finding true love in the process. If you haven’t seen it yet I highly recommend it!
Until next time!
51 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
So for Season 5 of Stranger Things I really want to see the 1986 graduation and prom. If we don’t get it I will feel robbed! I want to see Nancy give the valedictorian speech talking about how her Barb used to joke about who would win. I want to see Nancy, Robin, and Vickie go prom dress/suit shopping and put on a fashion show for El and Max. I want to see Steve take Nancy to prom, but go as a group with Robin and Vickie so that they can go to prom together without drawing suspicion. I want to see the girls get ready at Nancy’s and when they come downstairs when Steve arrives to pick them up I want Karen to remark on how Steve looks like Tom Cruise and how Vickie looks like Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles, how Robin looks like Katharine Hepburn, and how Nancy looks like a movie star! I want Karen to take a million pictures and I want to see them have the best time. I can totally see Nancy dancing with Robin and Vickie so they can be close without it being noticeable and the girl dressed as a member of KISS from the Halloween party in Season 2 showing up to ask Jonathan if he wants to dance. I can picture it!
60 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
If we don’t get a Beetlejuice reference where one of the kids says Joyce looks just like the actress in that new movie everyone’s talking about and Joyce blushes and says, ‘You think I look like a movie star? That’s so sweet!’ and Hopper says, ‘You always look like a movie star to me.’ At the end of Season 5 of Stranger Things then what is even the point?
91 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Then Steve was in front of me, shoving me out of the way, squaring up with the bat like he'd face down the whole world and take a chunk out of it before he let anything get to us.
Max Mayfield in Runaway Max
This is probably the best description of Steve I have ever read! It’s exactly why I love him as a character! What makes it so funny is that in the book only a few pages prior Max is thinking to herself that Steve doesn't look like a hero and then this is the description you get when the monster climbs on the bus in the junkyard and tries to eat them. If you haven’t read Runaway Max by Brenna Yovanoff I highly recommend it! I also recommend Rebel Robin by A. R. Capetta. Both are good and great primers for Season 4 of Stranger Things! 
168 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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arcadiafm · 1 year
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here's our newest drop of wanted connections !!
[ AMELIA PARKER ] is looking for a [ LOVE INTEREST ] connection, who is [ 19-23 ] years old and looks like [ BRENTON THWAITES, SOFIA BRYANT/ UTP ]. [ PEPPER ] [ DOES ] require to be contacted prior to applying. ( since amelia is still new to being a spiderwoman she has a lot of heroes/villains left to meet. i'm pretty much open to any kind of storyline, but i would prefer if her love interest was in new york, so she could swing over and see them whenever she'd like. amelia is bisexual, so there's a lot of flexibility with whomever you'd be interested in pairing her up with. if you're interested, respond with a silly emoji to lmk )
[ CHIYO ] is looking for a [ ROMANTIC/QUEER PLATONIC EX/ITS COMPLICATED ] connection, who is [ 300+] years old and looks like [ LUCY DACUS, GINA TORRES, SANDRA OH, IRENE BEDARD, KEANU REEVES…. UTP have fun with it]. [ ROOK] [ DOES ] require to be contacted prior to applying. ( have you ever listened to two slow dancers by mitski? i think that’s the most bittersweet dynamic in the entire world. we can never go back to who we were. you can never go home if home grew up too. doesn’t have to be romantic but would have been the most important person in chiyos life ! )
[ MAXIME BEAUBIER-JINADU ] is looking for a [ BEST FRIEND / UNREQUITED LOVE INTEREST ] connection, who is [ 29+ ] years old and looks like [ FKA TWIGS, SUKI WATERHOUSE, MIA GOTH, CAMILLE ROWE, KIKO MIZUHARA ( ANYONE YOU COULD SEE WITH HARRY STYLES ) ]. [ KAMI ] [ DOES ] require to be contacted prior to applying. ( ok so. someone max and his former wife have known since they were children / teenagers. who has been with them for their first child ( maxime was 17 at that time ) and perhaps even further down the line. maybe the best friend of the baby mama or maxime himself, who had a crush on maxime / honest feelings for him but perhaps he lowkey led them on or had his heart set on the other woman already. could see them reconnect here in arcadia. soft, sadness. whether they still love max or not is up to you. — can also see them have some sort of fling before he ultimately falls for someone else ( again ), if you want them to be a bit more sad. i would be down to have him break their heart a second time and perhaps this time with a worse outcome ?? )
[ ORORO MUNROE ] is looking for a [ LOVE INTEREST ] connection, who is [ 40+ ] years old and looks like [ FEM PREFERRED BUT UTP ]. [ NAOMI ] [ DOES NOT ] require to be contacted prior to applying. (honestly just want lesbian milfs (don’t have to literally be a mother but we get it ) !
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lily-s-world · 4 years
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International Women's Day
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oetravia · 3 years
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20th Anniversary Roswell Rewatch
Disturbing Behaviour [5th February 2001]
"I can't put the words in your mouth, Michael. It's got to come from you. It's got to come from your - It's got to come from whatever organ you have sitting in for your heart."
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