#may Allah bless him
1winwin · 10 months
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Man Of The Year Motaz Azaiza - GQ Middle East
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ibyul · 2 years
my dad is so cute he saw something I painted and I was going to explain it to him and he’s like no! It’s art so I have to try to figure it out myself! And then spent 5 minutes looking thru the details trying to figure out the meaning of flying laptops in the clouds and how that’s related to ramadan 🤧💗
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mahamislamkhan · 1 year
I dont know if he'll ever know but for that person who's been with me in all the highs and the lows, I pray may allah bless you with everything and you deserve so much more.
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
oh munir...
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ark1os · 6 months
#i felt so good after talking to my therapist about the issue w my dad#and i didnt even come to any new conclusions or anything i just told her whats been on my mind what im struggling with and why im so afraid#to confront him and she validated me#which honestly was so new to me? like everytime italked about it it felt like people didnt see the seriousness and why im struggling so muc#with it#like Why are you so afraid of your dad. Why do you have such a hard time. Just do it . Just deal with it. girl i would if it was so easy#but she didnt react like this at all & she didnt ask anything that implied she might be thinking this way too. im v blessed alhamdulillah#she suggested to tell him that i want to wear the hijab through the phone for my own safety (which isnt an option personally but i#really appreciated the thought behind it)#and she also told me that i shouldnt do it if i dont feel ready yet to face him and its like. the first time ever someone told me this lol#she said i shouldnt put more weight on my shoulders because the situation will be a lot worse if i m not prepared#i do feel ready now though ive been dealing with this for months im just so so so scared. im so scared iwant to cry all the time#anyway. ive been sleeping much worse than usually and im waking up completely covered in sweat which is#so disgusting. i was worried that im sick or smth (cancer lol) but realised it started w ramadan!!! which is when i made up my mind when#i will talk to him#may Allah help me may Allah protect me#im about to cry again aaa
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b-lessings · 2 years
Last night before going to bed, I was looking through the random pictures I used to take of baba while he's not looking, and looking at our selfies and thinking of just how much it hurts that I miss him this much. Today after maghrib ( so less than 24 hours later) he video called me 😭 (Bonus he was with 3mayma and I got to see her too 😭). Conclusion : you don't even have to say the words, Allah knows , Allah sees, Allah answers, Allah gives 🤍
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forbiddnsky · 1 year
such a beautiful and soothing recitation mashAllah
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rabeahh · 1 year
All it takes is one look at the most beautiful little boy in the world
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slave-of-god · 2 years
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luverrgyal · 2 years
A real man ain’t gonna hurt you because that shit also gonna hurt him.
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pomefioredove · 5 months
Saw you took specific requests. Here's mine:
Jamil with a religious reader who gives him a protection talisman.
Fun fact, prayer beads are used in multiple religions as they help count prayers (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc).
So let's say reader comes from a world where magic exists but it's exclusively on religious grounds. Meaning if you wanna do magic you gotta pray to the right god or make a deal with some form of mythological creature.
Reader knows that Jamil's is always in danger due to the constant assassination attempts on Kalim, so they make a set of prayer beads and ask a diety to bless it in order to protect their boyfriend (could be Allah, Indra, Shiva, Buddha, Susanoo, whichever). Jamil accepts it and heads back home appreciating the sentiment but not really believing.
Except any form of danger keeps getting thwarted. Drink/food he's trying is poisoned? Conveniently spills over/has a whole in the bottom. Accident happens? Conveniently pushed out of the way. Someone tries to hurt him/kill him? Struck by lightning and straight up dies.
Not even his own parents are safe. They try to slap him to "discipline him" then they get zapped (lightly tho).
you know!!! I love this prompt so much... I'm a religious studies major so this kinda stuff is so ^w^ to me I get so excited.
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summary: giving jamil a protection spell type of post: short fic characters: jamil additional info: reader is gender neutral, the existence of religious beliefs in twst is. confusing. so we're keeping it vague, not proofread, reader is yuu
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Perhaps it was because your world was still considered "magicless" by Twisted Wonderland standards, or perhaps Jamil was never superstitious to begin with.
Either way, he wasn't exactly as excited as you'd been hoping for.
"It's nice. Did you make it yourself?" he asks, inspecting the beads. "A bracelet?"
"Prayer beads, actually. And yes, I did,"
"It's well made. What's the purpose?"
You hesitate. The nature of religion in this world is still confusing to you, although you can surmise there's got to be some kind of belief system. It's best not touching on for now.
Besides, Jamil has never been much of a believer in higher powers. For good reason.
"For protection," you explain. "Not that I think you can't handle yourself. But I worry about you over break, you know..."
He's quiet for a moment, inspecting the gift in the palm of his hand. And then he tucks the beads away in his pocket and smiles.
"I'll keep them with me, then. Thank you,"
Even if he's not exactly keen on the idea that these things will make his life any less terrible, they're from you.
And so he keeps his promise, and tucks them away after you part.
By the time he's "home" (back in Kalim's family home) he's all but forgotten about the little blessing at the bottom of his pocket. Not that you can really blame him- "vacation" is more of a title than a reality when he's back.
The first incident happens not even a day after.
The al-Asim summer mansion is certainly nothing to scoff at. Though it's only one of many, this one in particular houses a large sum of physical treasures, line with gold and ivory, stuffed full of spices and all the makings of a feast that could feed thousands, a shining jewel of the desert.
Jamil is not all that impressed.
Especially when it comes to navigating such an ornate building on orders. The polished-to-perfection floors present a challenge when you're carrying three crates worth of grain to the kitchen on the lowest floor.
Damn these stairs.
Though Jamil may not be a religious man, he still asks whatever deity may be up there to smite the slippery spiral staircase he's descending.
His arms strain to uphold the weight of the boxes, and his legs strain to keep a good footing on one of the many long and elaborate and narrow servant passages designed specifically so that the unwanted workers of the family can slip by undetected.
Quiet, diligent, and he has to be quick, too. Kalim is expecting him for a game in one of the many lounges soon.
Another unfortunate "vacation". How he'd much rather be spending it with you...
For a brief moment, Jamil swears he can feel the beads in his pocket warm against him, reminding him of their presence.
And then he slips.
The crates free themselves from his careful grasp and tumble down the stairs, creaking and thudding but mercifully staying intact.
Jamil, however, isn't made of wood. He winces as he feels himself tilting forward- and then... somehow, a strong draft pushes him on his back.
He lands just shy of his tailbone, luckily not hurting anything, except for his pride.
What a turn of luck.
The next happens at dinner.
Jamil keeps his earlier blunder to himself. His pride is damaged enough as it is, after all, and so he tries his best to conceal how shaken up the experience left him by moving swiftly across the kitchen.
"We have a dish ready for you to test," someone shouts.
He sighs. How many more evenings of this will he have to endure?
Though, he reminds himself- this may always be his last.
The thought makes Jamil chuckle as he's handed a hot dish and a clean fork. He can only stop to smell the roses for so long, so there's no chance of savoring such an exquisitely prepared meal before he's off to another part of the kitchen.
Just as the fork digs into the food, the dish slips out of his hand and shatters on the kitchen floor. Everyone falls silent.
His eyes widen. "How- ugh. My apologies,"
Now this is just getting ridiculous. How clumsy can he get in one evening? He's usually much more careful...
"Look," the head chef says, the whole kitchen crowding around the food as it dissolves.
Jamil's stomach lurches. Cyanide. It has to be. If he'd eaten that dish right there and then...
The kitchen is swiftly cleared out, and he's sent back to the lounge.
it only gets stranger from there.
What Jamil initially wrote off as clumsiness and luck seems to become a pattern-
a flying arrow at the archery range just narrowly misses him when he bends down to fix his sandal.
The al-Asim family tiger (because of course they have one) chooses to toy with a visiting prince rather than him in the courtyard.
A strong draft pushes him on his rear end seconds before a sandbag falls from an under-construction part of the mansion.
He would call it fortune if he believed in such a thing.
By the end of the vacation, everyone is absolutely perplexed by his string of good luck. Jamil isn't unfamiliar with how dangerous his family's position in life is, and he's had his fair share of injuries as a result, but this time all he has to show for it is a slightly lesser sense of annoyance than usual.
It's only the end of the trip where he ponders (unfortunately aloud) about the string of coincidences, and the beads in his pocket.
Kalim goes on to babble about Jamil's "good luck charm" to anyone who will listen, much to his annoyance.
"Oh, I want one too! Can you ask them to make me one, too?" he says, folding his hands in a pleading motion. "It's so pretty!"
"It was a gift. But... I suppose I can ask..." he sighs, and then smiles to himself.
Of course you'll come up with some excuse to say no. Because, for once, this charm is all his.
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1winwin · 9 months
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coverage continues despite the huge wound… - the hero Wael Al Dahdouh via @hamza_w_dahdooh
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qyukko · 7 months
Last one for the month with Toby !!
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Don't let Toby distract you from the fact that Aaron Bushnell had sacrificed his life to call an end to the 🍉 genocide. May Allah SWT bless him in the afterlife.
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
oh benounnnnnnnnn
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suhyla · 5 months
The Quran repeatedly cites cases of people desperately begging Allah to save them. Once He does, they act as if they never begged him at all. As if it was nothing. Even though in the moment, their duaas were full of desperation and ikhlas. It’s a reminder to all of us to stop and consider how many times have we asked Allah for something desperately in the past, and now we rarely stop to say alhamdullilah. As if He didn’t bless us with things we never imagined. Or saved us from situations we thought were impossible. Allah says in the Quran that few of His servants are grateful. May Allah make us of them.
@dearallah on instagram
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sabrgirl · 4 months
dhul hijjah - a second chance after ramadan ♡
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what is dhul hijjah?
meaning 'the month of the pilgrimage' as many muslims go on hajj in this time, dhul hijjah is the twelfth and final month of the islamic year. the first ten days of this month are the best days of the entire year. yes - even better than ramadan:
it was narrated by Ibn Abbas that the Prophet ﷺ said: “There are no days during which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days,” meaning the (first) ten days of Dhul- Hijjah" - Sunan Ibn Majah 1727
these ten days encompass the day of Arafah, Hajj, and Eid ul-Adha
this month, we remember prophet Ibrahim (as) and how he was told by Allah to sacrifice his son, Hadrat Ismail (as). he took hadrat Ismail (as) on top of mount Arafat for the sacrifice, and just as he was about to sacrifice Ismail (as), Allah told him to stop as He was only testing him to see if he was truly obedient and willing to sacrifice everything for Allah's sake. the 9th day of dhul hijjah is the day of Arafah, commemorating this event.
we also remember how Allah told Ibrahim (as) to leave Ismail (as) and his wife, Hadrat Hajar, in a desert - which, today, is present day makkah.
this month is therefore about obedience, surrender and sacrifice for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ.
depending on the sighting of the moon, dhul hijjah is expected to begin friday 7th june!
what to do in these first ten days?
even if you're not going for hajj, you should use these blessed days for extra righteous deeds and worship, especially on the day of arafah - the 9th day (which falls on 16th june this year, Insha'Allah) - the day before eid.
it is a sunnah to fast the first 9 days of dhul hijjah. if you won't fast all 9 days, then it's best to prioritise the 9th day, the day of Arafah. this is because the prophet ﷺ said: “Fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah expiates for the sins of the year before and the year after.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 1730) however, unless you're going for hajj and you're actually at Afarah, then you cannot as it's forbidden to fast while on the mountain.
it's extremely important to increase your dhikr in this time. recite the tasbeeh, tahmeed, takbeer and tahleel often: tasbeeh - subhanallah (Holy is Allah) tahmeed - alhamdulillah (all praise belongs to Allah) takbeer - Allah Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) tahleel - laa ilaha ill-Allah (there is no God except Allah) Allah said “remembrance of Allah indeed is the greatest virtue” (29:46) - it brings you closer to Him, you feel more certain in His powers that He can remove any hardship which makes the heart feel less anxious, Allah becomes your Friend, you'll become successful (remember Allah often so you may prosper” (8:46), it cleans your heart, it protects you from harm, Allah becomes pleased with you. it truly is the greatest virtue.
also recite istighfar (astagfirullah) and repent for your sins
the best dua to recite on the day of Arafah itself is:
laa ilaaha ill-allaahu, waḥdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer - (None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner. To Him belongs sovereignty and all praise and He is over all things omnipotent)
do extra voluntary acts of worship (nawafil, sunnah prayers, duha prayers)
read a lot of Qur'an
listen to the Qur'an more
send many, many salutations to the Prophet ﷺ (durood sharif!)
practice gratitude. what are you thankful for?
pray tahajjud
give sadaqah / donate to a charity. make sacrifices!
be kind!
read translation and commentary of surahs
listen to islamic podcasts/read islamic books to increase your knowledge
memorise a surah
talk to Allah!!!! pray!!!!
try and increase your acts of worship throughout the 9 days and especially on the 9th day, the day of arafah, which is the day before eid! (16th june Insha'Allah, depending on where you are in the world)
10th day - eid ul adha
on the tenth day of dhul hijjah (eid), our beloved Prophet ﷺ used to give Qurbani (a sacrifice) every year to remember Ibrahim (as) almost sacrificing his son for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ's sake. muslims sacrifice animals all over the world to follow this sunnah, and donating qurbani is encouraged for every Muslim who is financially able to do so (this can be done online)
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may Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ make it easy for us to utilise these blessed and best 10 days to the best of our abilities, forgive us of our sins, draw us ever nearer to Him and allow us to become His best friends, Allahumma Ameen ♡
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