#may consistently being a bad month for him huh
daz4i · 1 year
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bewilderedbunny · 2 years
Weedman (Eddie x Reader fluff) 18+only!
This was originally going to be smut but I got distracted by the idea of flirting with Eddie while he makes bad jokes. Just over 800 words, no pronouns are used for reader.
Warnings: Lots of drug use talk, reader's mom speaks of food in a negative way, there's a joke about sex work but it isn't at any sex-workers' expense (it's just Eddie being silly) reader is a stressed out college student, I think that's all.
*I also wanted to mention, I did not come up with the joke Eddie makes at the beginning of the phone call, it's just something I've heard around and I'm not sure where it originates from
Part 2 is here
You had just finished exams for your Junior year of college and you were drained. Normally, you would stay in the city while working for the summer, but this year you decided to take a break and go back home to stay with your family. You had hoped this time off would provide some much-needed relaxation. Speaking of relaxation, you had become a bit of a pothead while away from home. The amount of weight that magic little flower would lift from your shoulders was incredible. You hadn't smoked in high school, but you remembered the local dealer at the time. "Reefer Rick" how could you forget a name like that? Unluckily for you, Rick was picked up last month and wouldn't be out until your break was long over.
You thought this may be for the best. You had been smoking pretty regularly to help alleviate the stress of school, maybe a tolerance break could help reset your nerves. Then that night your mom asked if you were really going to have dessert since you already had a roll with dinner. You realized weed might not be enough to get you through this break. Maybe horse tranquilizers or a lobotomy would do the job.
After dessert, which you savored every bite of, you went to your room and decided to try to find a new supplier. After a few unhelpful phone calls consisting of people reminiscing about high school (how could these people miss hell so much?), you decided to call Robert Swan. He was a friend of a friend who seemed to know just about everything about everyone in Hawkins. Robert let you know that Rick had someone dealing underneath him.
"Huh, I never took Rick for the "management" type."
"Well, he's not exactly running a Burger King but yeah, he's making his way up. Oh my god, did you hear about-"
Robert rambled to you, gossiping about people you couldn't care enough about to remember. After "oh really?" and "no way"-ing your way through the conversation, you got the information for the dealer, thanked Robert, and said goodbye before he could trap you into listening any longer.
You sighed while looking at the paper you had written the dealer's information on. "Eddie Munson" the name was unfamiliar to you.
You dialed the number given to you and after a few rings, a man answered.
"Hawkin's mortuary, you kill 'em, we chill 'em. Would you like to make a reservation?" You took a second to process what he said before realizing the joke.
"Yes, please. Embalming table for two?"
He laughed and sounded embarrassed "Oh shit, I thought you were someone else. Sorry about that. Thanks for playing along."
"No problem. Out of curiosity, who did you think I was?"
"My uncle, he calls me on his lunches at work sometimes to check in, it's fun to mess with him, make him laugh."
"That's sweet he checks on you."
"Yeah, I guess it is." Eddie leaned against the wall twirling the phone cable with his finger.
"Oh, who is this, by the way?"
You tell him your name and how you heard about him.
"Words getting around that I'm the new go-to man, huh? Maybe I should make business cards."
You reply, "What would they say? Eddie Munson: amateur herbalist?"
He laughs and says, "Was thinking: 'Eddie Munson: Dungeon Master, Musician, Weedman, Phone Sex Operator.' Maybe add a drawing of a wizard or a dragon too."
You giggle at his silliness and say, "Don't forget to add mortician to that. How's the phone sex business treating you?"
"Not great, still haven't figured out where my dick goes in the phone." you hold your head in your hands and laugh. He laughs along with you.
You look at the clock, it's already midnight.
"I guess I should ask you about buying since that's the reason I called."
"Oh yeah. Shit, this salesman stuff is hard. How much do you want?"
"What can $50 get me?"
"$50 worth of weed."
You roll your eyes "Sounds like a deal. Can we meet tomorrow? Say 10 am?"
"10 am?! What am I, a doctor?! Who gets up at 10 am during the summer?"
You laugh and say, "Sorry, I didn't think about your beauty sleep. Please forgive me. How about 2 pm?"
"He agrees and gives you his address
"It's a date. Have a goodnight, sweetheart."
"Sweet dreams, Weedman."
Once you hang up the phone, you realize you've been bouncing your leg this entire time. You're unsure if it's from the general nerves or the fact that you've been flirting with a stranger. Was that even flirting or were the two of you just idiots? You think about tracking down your old yearbook to see if he's in there, but decide maybe it'll be better to have the mysterious Weedman's appearance be a surprise.
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🦮🦮🦮����🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🩸🩸🩸📚📚🔮🔮 i"m so nice
ILY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Here we go!
48 sentences for 🦮:
This isn’t what he is supposed to be known for. 
He’s supposed to be a firefighter. 
Sam has a lot of instructions for him. They provide him with a binder, which he will admit is helpful. 
“The most important thing to remember is to hold her to consistent standards,” Sam says. “She’s a great dog, but she’s still a dog. If you let her get away with being naughty, or don’t keep up with her training, she’ll lose her edge and form bad habits. But if you’re having any issues or want a training session as a refresher, my number is in the binder. Don’t hesitate to reach out.”
Buck thinks he’ll probably be reaching out.
They leave Buck and Maddie standing with Cranberry out front of his Jeep, which has just been loaded with all her things. She has a fancy navy blue vest with white embroidered font. It’s meant to make her look like a member of the LAFD. She’ll match his uniform when he goes to work. 
Buck opens the trunk door of the Jeep. There’s a big, white, hard shelled crate taking up the majority of his trunk. A Ruffland Kennel. He’d picked it up yesterday at a sporting goods store. According to the fourteen collective hours he’s spent researching golden retriever ownership in the past three days alone, this is one of the better brands for crash-proofing. Buck has seen car accidents with dogs in the vehicle. It’s… Bad. And it’s not going to be Cranberry. 
“Do we lift her in?” Maddie asks, when Cranberry looks blankly at the Jeep’s trunk space. 
“Well, she’s an eighteen month old dog from a breed designed to clear farm fences on Scottish estate hunts, so I’m going to guess she can probably jump,” Buck replies. 
“Nerd,” Maddie fake coughs into her hand.
Buck opens the crate door and motions at it. 
“Okay, Cranberry. Uh… Get in?”
Cranberry blinks and wags her tail, but makes no move to jump into the crate.
“Maybe if it was a Scottish farm fence.” Maddie mumbles. 
Buck glowers at her. 
He pats the crate. “Cranberry, jump!”
“Cranberry, up!”
She puts her front paws up on the open floor of the trunk and looks back at him.
“I don’t know what to do,” Buck whispers. 
“Lift her?” Maddie suggests. 
“Maddie, what’s the point of needing to lift her, if her whole purpose is lifting things for me?” 
Maddie sighs and shrugs.
“Cranberry, go in the crate.”
Her ears perk at that last word and she shifts her body, like she’s thinking about jumping. 
Buck pats the crate and tries again. “Crate,” he repeats.
She hops up into the trunk, walks through the open crate door, and flops onto the plastic floor of the crate. 
“Huh,” Maddie muses.
9 for 🩸:
Eddie waits overnight for Buck’s shift to be done. Then, like some sort of stalker, he follows him home. Wherever that may be. 
He tries to stay a car or two behind Buck as he drives, but Los Angeles traffic makes it a little awkward. Eddie finds himself resisting the urge to honk at idiot drivers more than once, not wanting to draw attention to himself. However, he doesn’t need to trail him for too long. Within a few minutes, it becomes pretty clear where Buck is headed. 
South Bedford Street. 
Presumably, right back to the house Sophia walked out of this morning.
6 for 📚:
But love doesn’t always mean the ability to restructure your life to best meet someone in the middle. And Ravi, who couldn’t thrive in the property management world like his father, who wouldn’t be shrewd and strategic and charming like his brother, who had a limited capacity for it all, never found them in the middle. Eventually, he’d had to retreat back to his own side. 
He dropped out of school and he picked a new path. One that led him to the fire academy. 
And despite his parents’ vocal support of him, their unending love, he knows they don’t understand.
6 for 🔮:
“Eddie and Hen?” Bobby guesses. 
“Them, yeah. But not just them.” Buck replies. “Chim and Ravi are having just as crap a time right now.”
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nighty-night-nh · 6 months
I finished two books in the span of a month, be proud of me.
Here I stand on the other side of Eagle Strike and I have some Thoughts. A little negative to start but we go up from there.
First off, not gonna lie, I think I was less engaged with the book than the others for the first half. Unfortunately I didn’t find Damian Cray an interesting main villain at the start or when it was all over. He’s at the bottom of favorite main bad guys for me at the moment behind Julius Grief, and I like Grief so that’s an oof for him. He does get brownie points for the pennies execution method and his own ‘Syndrome from The Incredibles’ adjacent death.
Don’t get me wrong, there were definitely bits at the start I enjoyed. Like the fact that we hardly get 300 words into the book and Yassen is just There to ruin Alex’s holiday and the matador moment but overall it was a slightly sad “Ok he’s dealing with a madman with nukes that thinks he’s doing the world a favor two books in a row. Sarov did this way better than you months ago and this book is rapidly ending. Where is the third act shoe-drop that makes people like this book?”
And, um, the shoe certainly did drop. Several of them.
Starting with Sabina’s kidnaping at the hospital. Not only was it the first ‘normal’ thing in the book grounding it to reality but it just made me feel sick to my stomach because something like that happens to girls often irl. I really hope she does ok until the next time we see her. Then there’s the whole business with the plane. I’m not American but as somebody who watches videos speculating on hypothetical WWIII start points, the hijacking of air force one did properly freak me out.
And finally, what you’ve probably been waiting for me to get to: Yassen and The Big Reveal.
Yall just watched me get attached to this man knowing full well this is the book he died in, huh.
I was so enjoying him fighting himself on what he was doing with Alex and trying hard not to strangle Damian. Of course there’s the conflict of interest: Money vs not being able to live with himself if he killed the son of the man who saved him. No wonder he spoke so fondly of him. I mean he still put him in the bull ring but w/e. But this isn’t everything. He may be dead now but I’m still in the dark about a part of his story. Why and how did he start? How did he get to be this good, and this hardened to contract work? Where exactly did his code of not killing kids come from? It couldn’t have been from Alex, he already didn’t kill kids. I have so many questions that’ll probably get answered in the next few books.
My last point of note is realizing the Rider brothers were on two sides of the same coin. They both killed. John was a contract killer for money, Ian worked for MI6 and both hid it from people in their lives. Did they know? Did they ever know? We can’t ask dead men questions, can we.
Now with all of that out of my system, I move onto Scorpia. Which is the book I am actively scared of. I heard whispers of it in Never Say Die, Its consistently voted the favorite of the entire series and I’ve heard it’s the start of Alex’s even emo-er arc which he 100% deserves by the way.
I am in for a world of pain for this next book n’ I don’t think I’m ready.
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in33d4n4me · 2 years
"Try me"
Warnings: Swearing
Synopsis: Basically a shy aruji-sama is not letting nobody talk bad about their butlers
A/n: yaaay Vee is becoming consistent with their content
You really tried not to be rude.
But these damn nobles think they're better than everyone else
Your butlers risk their lives everyday and this is how they're repaid???
It didn't help that you were a shy person, so you didn't have the courage to snap back at them
Not at first.
But as time went on, and you truly saw how badly your butlers- no- your friends were being mistreated, you got even more upset.
When going on your first shopping trip in espoir, you were first exposed to how the townsfolk hated them.
You never understood why.
The butlers help them all day, every day.
Then, that same day, when ammon was beaten and the men that had taken part in his beating dared to tell him to fight?
You will never forget the rage you felt.
You never forgot their faces either.
You didn't forget the faces they made when they were taken by the angels either
Serves them right
Now, the butlers aren't very aware of how pissed off it makes you.
They understand that it makes you upset, but not how upset you are about it.
In all honesty, everyone should be borderline worshipping them with how much they save people's asses
When you were at the ball, and you bumped into that noble and sprained your wrist, when lucas came over to help, you'll never forget the words the noble spewed out of his filthy mouth
"Not a single one of you Devil Butler's is a good person."
What the hell was he saying?
Lucas was just making sure you were okay?
Yet another reason to despise the nobles, it seems
Well, that's just one reason added to many
You've been with the butlers for months now, and over and over, they're mistreated by townspeople and nobles.
The final straw was when a female noble had made fun of flure because he "looked too much like a girl", while he was shopping for fabrics in espoir.
"Care to repeat that, ma'am? I don't think I heard you properly."
To say you were pissed the fuck off would be an understatement, but your face held a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes.
You were now in front of flure, hiding him behind you while staring straight in to the nobles' eyes.
" I mean, look at him! He looks weak and frail, there's no way he could be a devil butler. He probably can't even fight!" The noble said as she giggled a little bit.
At this point, flure was now fully hiding behind you. He wants to dissappear.
"Honestly, this is why people keep getting attacked by angels, because we're trusting weaklings like him to defend us."
"Well then protect yourselves." You snap back with a harsh tone. If looks could kill, that noble would be in the grave already.
"Excuse me!?" She seems appalled, not expecting you to come at her. And apparently flure wasn't expecting it either. You were always so calm and quiet.
"You heard what I said." You snarled back at her
"If you think they're so weak, then defend yourselves. Don't ask them for anything. You insult them, and treat them like trash, and on top of that, you expect them to be perfect?!?!? Did it ever occur to you, oh-so- selfish noble, that they're also fucking human?!?!? They may have the power of devils, but they still have human emotions and limitations. You can't just say shit like that and expect them to work for assholes like you!"
At this point, a group of townspeople gathered around you, flure, and the noble, and needless to say, they're rethinking how they treat the butlers.
The noble looks around and realizes that others have seen her get called out, and tried to formulate a response.
"Well I've never seen such a disrespectful little-"
"If anyone is disrespectful, it's you lady. How about you acknowledge that fact first. And don't you ever talk to me about disrespect. Let's go flure."
You drag flure behind you while he's in shock. He's strangely happy though. His master defending him makes him smile a little while blushing.
When you get back to the mansion, you're still pissed off, but try to hide it. Flure is still in shock.
"Hm? What's this? Are you alright, you two?" Berrien seems to materialize in front of you, and while you're a little startled. You still answer him.
"Yes, we're alright, some noble was being a jerk while we were shopping though." You respond, looking displeased when mentioning that disgusting noble.
"Ah. I see. I'm sorry to hear that. And flure, are you sire you're alright? You look rather jarred."
"A-ah, yes I'm fine, it was a successful shopping trip. Sorry for worrying you."
Needless to say, the butlers were confused when everyone in town was treating them kindly.
A/n #2: wanted to write this bcs the nobles piss me off with how they treat the butlers smh
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everyone-with-a-para · 9 months
This is the response for the Pokémon ask thing. Sorry for the super late reply, got caught up into some real life things. But please enjoy this deranged ramble :>
Anyways! Grand choice! Grand choice! If I have to be honest, I was anticipating for either one of the Poké villains because they seemed very popular. Though, Cynthia is popular too. Also, a Cynthia dup, huh. Well, that's a first, I usually kept running into Lusa dups in the Daydreaming Discord server I'm in, lmao.
She may not be as lore heavy as the other blonde bitch, but she gets enough to the point of getting a backstory and some significant ties to the paracosm's big bad evil mouse guy.
So, Cynthia.
This Poké para is practically similar or the same as her canon counterpart personality wise. Just more serious and maybe a bit sassy/sarcastic given the trauma and suffering I put her through with the mouse alone. She was very well off at first in lore. A very respected actress for her job when on camera and a renowned fighter when off camera.
Yeah, the main cast in the paracosm are this skinwalker-esque species who are made mainly and solely to act and entertain the audience. In order to do that, they must wear the meat suits of their given characters and bear their names. Should they try to physically diverge or remove the meat suits, let's just say that bad things happen if they try to disown/change their names, and it'd hurt like shit if they remove the skin suit. They don't know who exactly are the audience, but they've been told by their creators over and over again that there are entities watching or playing their work. And these entities must be entertained, get something out of their performances.
Back to Cynthia, she's been very popular amongst the fellow actors thanks to her work/performance, and her character leaving a lasting impression on people. Because of her role as one of the good guys in the canon Pokémon storyline, she has the advantage and the privileges to navigate in a society that favors those who play that role more.
So, how did she got traumatized? How did all that fame, fortune, and privileges slipped past her finger tips?
It all started with a mouse.
In 2010, Cynthia had to perform for Mickey live for his birthday. It was a live performance for Pokémon Platinum. It was all fine and dandy at first. Though, over time, Mickey... Let's say his delusional episode started kicking in. You see, he can easily tell that his own project is an act all the time. But he can't easily tell if the others' works are real or not most of the time, so he has a tendency to attack the villain actors for what their canon personas did. Even if he does tell what is real and an act with some of the others' series, he'll still be a bigot towards villain actors and even commit hate crimes against them.
Towards the end of Cyrus's final act, Mickey tried to attack him in the Distortion World because of his delusions, insanity, and saviour complex. Cynthia saved Cyrus, but at the cost of losing a leg to Mickey. Right after they escaped from the mouse king, they tried to report him to the authorities of the Nintendo Empire. However, the trial kinda ended on a tie or a null. No one got guilty'd or taken to jail. Mickey is a king and can easily get away with a lot of things, this incident and the other Pokémon live performance incidents included. Cynthia still has privileges, so she's spared, and Cyrus just barely survived and only managed to escape from getting enprisoned because Cynthia had him cover.
Some months after the trial, rumours begin to spread, they were about the Sinnoh Champion herself. They can consist of her relationship with Cyrus and being brainwashed by the villain actors to help them overthrow the Nintendo Emperor, Mario. These made everyone become suspicious of Cynthia, leading up to robbing her wealth and her home, along with her socio-economic status. After that, she's been banished into the Villainous Underground, a ghetto-like place where villains, usually from very oppressive territories, live when off camera. Since then, she's been taken in by the residents and just lives there.
Nowadays, she hangs out with the villain actors of her series since they're all she has now. Some of the champion playing colleagues who were once close to her now reject and disown her from their social group thanks to those rumours.
In a following Live Performance incident, Cynthia lost an eye while helping Lysandre. I just thought it'd be neat and cool to give her a key stone for an eye. In another incident, I decided she loses a forearm while helping Lusamine with Mickey's attacks. It doesn't help that it was Ms. President's very first gig and her live first audience was not the Sponge bestie she intended to invite over, but the deranged mouse king himself.
I forgot to add/mentioned that Mickey adn one of the high ranking cult members started a smear campaign on Cynthia's ass and that's how she got angsted
That sounds so much darker and more convoluted to my poké paracosm where they're all just silly little guys with their silly little mons and their silly little family relationships but I kinda love it. My Cynthia isn't a main character in my paracosm but she's trans and immortal and terrified (/hsrs) of a 15 year old that keeps kicking her ass and she's so iconic about it. Girl committed atrocities and it's coming back to bite her 250 years later
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Holloway Sibling Dynamics
The Holloway family consists of 6 kids, 4 boys and 2 girls, and their mother and father. Their dad was in the military and is often pretty strict on all of them. The siblings bonded over their hatred of waking up god awful early to go run laps around the neighborhood. Hand-me-downs and very limited shower times was the norm for these kids. The family tries to all get together at least once a month for family dinners, which probably became a tradition now that the parents are now grandparents.
Michael is the oldest, and while he had plenty of responsibilities around the house he was also, the first rebellious one. But he also didn't push it very far, either. He just partied and went out with friends on occasion ((has had to run several laps hungover much to his chagrin)) and tried to play a few instruments in hopes of getting into a band at some point. He gives his drums to Gabe when he moves out lol score. Once he left the house, he didn't have much need to rebel and prove himself, he's settled down now and doesn't look back with regret that the band thing never came to fruition. He's married now and has a son! Turns out being a dad can be fun and isn't about being The Big Boss Man! 👍
Rebecca rushed into getting married to get out of the house when she hit 18. Safe to say that didn't go well in the end, and she's divorced now. She's got an attitude problem and a bad habit of "borrowing" money without asking, and yet... still manages to be the perfect angel in her parents eyes by faking her sweet little persona to them. 😇 Most of the siblings see through this act...
Raphael is just tryin to make it through this you know? He spends his money as soon as the paycheck comes in, weird, wonder if any siblings forced that to become a habit somehow idk... He doesn't take the best care of himself or take things seriously, but he's having fun. His parents are literally begging him to learn how to balance a checkbook. huh, wha? 😎
Gabriel is our main character here lol most of the dynamics below will be his perspective. :) He was the easiest to pick on as a kid, and didn't talk much due to a speech impediment (so true buddy). He has a complex about this, but if you see him not talking much nowadays you’d probably just think he’s the strong silent type. He was diagnosed with narcolepsy as a teen, but only after the struggle of his parents Not believing that anything was wrong, chalking it up to him being a lazy teen. Christ.. Rebecca still seems to see him this way and finds it Annoying when it comes up. CHRIST. Anyway Gabriel becomes more rebellious and fed up with this shit when he gets older, yay! His parents don't like that he quit his job and joined a band, and that's not even mentioning the full sleeve of tattoos... but it seems like he's stable and all so they don't express their disappointment too much... He feels it though! 🥴
Hannah was lucky that by the time she was born the parents had let go of the expectation that they may have another child (and daughter especially), and let go of the many hand-me-down clothes she would have inherited. She gets to get a whole new wardrobe, yay! She doesn't know how she wants to style herself, though. Rebecca tries to help and loves to take her shopping, excited to have a little sister! Hannah dislikes that people won't take her seriously because she looks younger than she is. Please! Like a true 18 year old's mentality, she thinks she knows it all now that she's An Adult. She is however. Very 18 still. 🙄
Noah hm.. so far Noah is just chillin, and he takes things in stride. Like a true 15 year old's humor... He's always jokin around and he easily shrugs off any teasing that comes his way from his older siblings. Their father sees a lot of potential with Noah seeming so athletic, maybe his son will be interested in becoming military like him?? But really he's just got a lot of energy to burn. 😂
Okay that was a fun intro to the characters... actual dynamics time under the cut!
Gabriel and Michael get along ... okay. Now that they're older they're kinda building back what could have been. Michael realizing and admitting what Gabe went through was shitty, actually, and he promises he'll try and treat his son with more respect than what their parents gave Gabe. Gabe thinks his wife is nice and he loves having a little nephew. If ever the family dynamic otherwise imploded, I'm sure Gabriel would still try to be in touch with Michael and his newer tiny family. Michael's very excited that he's "following in his footsteps" drumming and getting into a band. Well, this is farther than his footsteps ever got, so good job lil bro!
Rebecca doesn't respect any of these bitches except Hannah. Michael and Raphael didn't really take any of her bullshit, but growing up Gabe always felt easier to pick on anyway. She continuously stole money from him as teens and she just played innocent to get away with it. Gabe avoids her as best as he can nowadays..
Gabe and Raph are closest in age and shared bedrooms growing up! Being in close quarters so often has given them the tightest bond between all the siblings. Despite having different interests, they still got along most of the time which made it work. Gabriel may not have specifically confided in Raph about being queer but Gabe knows that he can trust him with that information, however he learned about it. Context clues such as the posters on Gabe's walls and the Gay Ear piercing is all making sense now... They still hang out with each other pretty often.
When Hannah and Noah were young they were affectionately dubbed The Ketchup Kids by Gabriel and Raphael, because of their need to put ketchup on everything, as children do, of course. Gabe liked to tease them a little, since he got so much of that from his 3 older siblings, to varying degrees. They grew out of this phase but the name still stuck! Hannah is embarrassed by this now, but Noah fully embraces it. Amen, brother, pass the ketchup. 🍅
Gabe always wanted to be the Cool Older Brother TM that would take the lil guys to get ice cream for lunch, like Michael would do with him on occasion after he got his license. (Michael and Hannah being 7 years separated from Gabriel in either direction seems especially meaningful) But with his sleep disorder, the possibility of him learning to drive has flown out the window and the kids, not really thinking critically about the actual reason Gabe wants to hang out (being like 10 and 7 after all) just think "why would we take the bus with you we can just get mom to take us to the mall lol" :) haha... ha....... He takes this to heart and has a complex about it (as is tradition). When he confides in this to Michael, Michael offers to drive the whole group to get ice cream but god thats not the same you're still gonna be the cool brother who can drive and I can't!!!!!! It's fine...
Gabe doesn't reach out much now that they're older, he doesn't know them well and feels they won't have much in common. But they see each other at family dinners so not all is lost. There's still hope for them, seeing how Michael and Gabe's relationship is doing better, and him and Raph are still going strong... Maybe they just need more time to grow!
If you liked this deep dive into OC Families, Darla also wrote one about the Song siblings! Feel free to ask about other families you'd like to hear about, or leave comments if you enjoyed these, teehee!
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Side to Side
Chapter 238: Prisoners
Characters: Ruby Rating: Teen Warnings: Language, death Notes: I said I would be update faster and then this took me a month to get out. I am a sham.
Ruby felt like an idiot. 
Of course she didn’t feel that way at first. It was after she had woken up, dressed herself, and had eaten half of her breakfast. 
She was chewing on her potatoes before it dawned on her that she had been so tired and annoyed the previous night that she had let her two new companions convince her to leave before interrogating the captured bandit. 
How could she be so stupid?!
She knew that every time that these bandits were captured that they “somehow” managed to “escape.” A sinking feeling in her stomach told her that the bandits she had kept alive were already gone. She could not believe how badly she messed up. 
Ruby rubbed her face in stress with a groan. 
“Is it that bad?” She heard the bartender ask with a chuckle. 
Ruby blinked and looked at him through her fingers. “No, the food is delicious. These potatoes are nice and crispy.”
“Then what’s with the long face?”
“I, uh,” think Ruby. What was something perfectly normal to be groaning about? “I just realized I haven’t secured passage to Tamcier. I was kicking myself about it.” Oh fuck and she wasn’t even lying about that! She actually needed to do that!
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll be fine.” The bartender smiled calmly. “We don’t have many people leave the island, most people like it here, despite its misgivings.” 
“Ah. I see.”
“Jaal will be at the docks by now, just focus on finishing breakfast and when you’re done, head on over.”
Ruby nodded. She wished that getting a ticket for the boat was all she needed to worry about. She still had to stick to her word and actually take care of the bandits. And she may have already screwed that up.
She kept herself from groaning again and finished her meal. She drank her juice and swallowed the last bit of bacon. She thanked the bartender before rushing out of the inn. She stared towards downtown before sighing.
She turned towards the docks. She needed to secure passage to Tamcier. It was the absolute priority. Bandits could wait. Law and Dressrosa could not. 
She walked to the docks, remembering the way with no issues. She stood at the edge of the seafood stands and stared at the docks. When she thought about it, there weren’t nearly as many people here as she had seen on other islands. It was almost completely deserted. The consistent pirate attacks must have had everyone scared.
She saw Jaal and Saban and immediately started to walk towards them. She needed to figure out which ship was taking her to Tamcier and when it was leaving. 
She saw Jaal look at her. He turned to her as she approached him. He opened his mouth and then closed it, looking distraught.
“I never caught her your name,” he said apologetically.
“Huh? Oh. It’s Elissa,’ Ruby said. “I need to find the ship to Tamcier.”
Jaal nodded. “It’s The Sharke.” He said and pointed at a ship, one that was smaller than the Dependence, but still larger than the Polar Tang. 
Ruby stared at Jaal. “Shark?”
Saban laughed. “Don’t look at us! We don’t name them!”
Ruby sighed. “Right. I’ll head over.” She was in a rush, so she needed to move on. She would secure passage and then head over to Tas and Hanzi. She could only hope that the bandits hadn’t “escaped” yet. 
She really was such an idiot for going to the inn to sleep instead of questioning the bandits the way she had said she was going to do. She made such a grandstanding about not following rules and being rough for no goddamn reason. 
She walked up to The Shark and looked around for someone to help her. She stared at the ship that had “Sharke” in big fancy letters and rolled her eyes. She huffed and placed her hands on her hips. 
“Ma’am?” She heard someone beside her.
Ruby looked over to the tall woman with an eyepatch. She had thick, curly red hair and black lipstick. Ruby cocked her head. “Yes?”
“Are you looking to board The Sharke? We won't sail for three more days.”
Ruby blinked. “That’s perfect,” she said. “I need to go to Tamcier and your boat is the one to take me there. Who do I pay for a room?”
“Well, I’m the captain, so I guess you can pay me.” The woman grinned and revealed a diamond canine.
“Great!” Ruby pulled her wallet out of her purse. She looked back at the woman and Ruby realized she looked more pirate than some official ocean liner captain. Then again, she looked more like a stereotypical pirate than any real pirate she had ever run into personally, herself included. “How much do I owe you?”
“Hmm,” the captain brought her fingers to her chin like she was deciding the amount. She looked Ruby over and grinned. “How does 200 berries sound?”
Ruby’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. 200 berries?! That’s it? For a room all to herself?! Ruby quickly pulled out 200 berries and tried to stop her shaking hand. Suddenly a sword was placed on her hand. A man with long black hair and round glasses was attached to it. Ruby stared at him like he grew two heads.
He sighed. “Marlene…” he pushed his glasses. “You cannot undercharge every pretty girl you meet.”
Ah. So this was the man who was actually in charge of the money.
“I wasn’t undercharging her! I was giving her a fair price. Women who wish to be lost at sea deserve some nice things.”
The man sighed and pinched between his brows. 
““Lost at sea?”” Ruby questioned.
“Well, you look so damn sad and lost, I can only assume you lost your lover or are on the run or something like that.” Marlene grinned. 
“Whether she is or not we are not charging her only 200 berries for a room.” The man looked at Ruby. “800.”
Ruby nodded, disappointed that she was no longer getting her massive discount. She fished out 600 more berries from her wallet and handed it over to the man. As he counted the berries Ruby sighed. She wasn’t even trying that hard to play the part of the forlorn widow, she truly was sad and missing her nakama. They hadn’t been apart for very long but she felt an ache in her heart that she hadn’t felt in years.
The longing to be with loved ones again.
“Alright, Miss?” The man eyed her.
“Elissa,” she responded. 
“Miss Elissa. We set off in three days at dawn. Do not be late or we will either charge you more or leave you behind, it entirely depends on the crew’s mood.”
“You got it,” Ruby said. “I’ll be here.” She turned and started to walk away, a small smile forming on her lips as she heard Marlene complain to the man about overcharging her.
Ruby left the docks and rushed to the headquarters where Tas and Hanzi should have been. She must have looked quite determined and scary because people promptly moved out of her way as she sped walked to the headquarters. She arrived outside of the doors. She noticed many officers hanging around and chatting outside, some with coffee or food.
Ruby let out a breath and started to walk into the building. She immediately felt a shiver run up her spine. It felt so incredibly wrong to walk in the building to help these people. She should be avoiding them. She should be running from them.
She looked around the room with all of the desks. Most of the people were talking amongst themselves, there was laughter and camaraderie. Some were sharing pastries, others looked like they were working on things together. They didn’t seem to notice her. Maybe she should just go to Tas’s office. She had a feeling he was already in there with his nose to the grindstone.
“Darling!” Hanzi laughed. Ruby looked over to the happy man. “There you are! I was wondering if you had run off on us.”
“Er, nope, I said I would help and I try to stick to my word.”
“Great! Let’s get in Tas’s office!” He started to push her, rather hastily, into Tas’s office. 
“Whoa! What- Hanzi!” She took steps forward to ground herself and to stop herself from falling over. “What’s with all the shoving?” Ruby huffed.
Hanzi closed the door behind him with a sigh. He looked over to the desk and Ruby followed his line of sight. Tas was sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. Ruby frowned and then sighed.
“They’re gone, aren’t they?” Tas didn’t answer her. Ruby groaned. “Fuck! I can’t believe my dumbass went to bed instead of interrogating that bastard!”
Tas sighed. “I know,” he said, completely dejected. “We finally had a chance and we decided to rest instead.” He took his hands away from his face and leaned back in his chair. He groaned. “I can’t believe they escaped already. It had to have been that one that got away. He had to have been able to gather people to break them free.”
Ruby frowned and looked at Hanzi. He shrugged. “Maybe,” Hanzi said. “Is there a point to trying to figure it out?”
Tas stared at the two of them. Ruby sighed. “Weren’t there guards here last night? I assume that there had to be someone guarding the cells, right?” 
“Of course,” Hanzi said. “But they were knocked out. They said they were hit hard in the back of the head and didn’t remember anything until they were woken up this morning.”
“What about the others in the rest of the office? Did they not hear anything? Or see anything?”
“They were all called away from the office,” Tas said. “Every single one said that there was a call from someone that they needed to tend to outside of this office.”
“All of them? Were they all serious? Or were they just stupid shit like a cat up a tree?”
“I…don’t know. I haven’t gotten around to asking what the calls were exactly and their shifts are over so I’m not going to call them when they should be sleeping.”
Ruby huffed. “Fine.” She bit her thumb nail in frustration. “We’re back to the beginning, though and-”
“Tas.” A voice from the door called with a strong, calm voice. “Hanzi, as well.”
The three of them turned to the door and the two men stood up straight.
“Lucian,” Tas said stiffly.
“You’re here early,” Hanzi said with a grin. “Come to eat breakfast with the rabble?”
Lucian, who did look fairly tired, looked the two men over before his piercing gaze turned to her. He scrutinized her with his obnoxiously bright pink eyes. “Who is this?” He walked up to her. He was stupidly tall, too. 
Ruby immediately felt her body tense up in defense. Her spine straightened and she clenched her hands into fists, her nails poking her skin. Ruby tilted her chin up, squaring her jaw, trying to be as intimidating as she truly was. “My name is Elissa,” she said, self-assured, looking this man in the eye with so much confidence her captain would be proud. She was Sela D Ruby and some random man would not scare her.
“What are you doing here, Elissa?” He looked her up and down. He started to move aside but then Ruby realized he started to circle her like a shark that had found its injured prey. 
Ruby’s upper lip curled into a snarl. Hanzi grinned widely and panic flashed in Tas’s eyes.
“She’s been assisting me with the Nine Lives attacks,” Tas answered for her. 
“Why?” Lucian said from behind her. “Why is some random woman helping out the authorities?” He rounded in front of her. “Are you a marine?” He asked her.
Ruby’s nose scrunched in disgust. “No.”
“Then who are you?”
“Pretty sure I already gave you my name,” Ruby said. “I’m here to help, which you should be grateful for.”
“She defeated some pirates at the docks single-handedly,” Tas said. “And she has a devil fruit power. She’s strong. She managed to capture multiple offenders last night while we were escorting Farmer Brown and his cargo.”
Lucian raised his brow. “And where are these offenders?”
Tas and Hanzi looked at each other before sighing. “They…somehow escaped, sir. Someone came in when all the officers were doing their duties within the town and managed to sneak up on Percy and knock him out. They let the bandits go and-”
“And now you have nothing to show for the work you all put in last night,” Lucian finished for him. Tas flinched in response. 
“We do have a happy Farmer Brown,” Hanzi said. 
Ruby wouldn’t have called Brown happy, but nobody was asking for her opinion.
Lucian grunted. “What payment have you been promised?” He asked her.
Payment? She didn’t even think of that! Oh, she could be so stupid! “I’ve asked for nothing in return,” she responded. A sickly sweet smile spread across her lips. “I just want to help,” she said with enough brightness and innocence to be absolutely fucking annoying. 
And the man knew it. He knew she was full of shit. He narrowed his eyes at her and his mouth formed a slight frown. 
They stared at each other, the tension in the room growing thick and hot. They stared each other down, challenging each other to make the wrong move. Anything that would make this interaction go sour. 
Whether it be luck or fate, an officer walked into the room with a report for Lucian. The three officers turned to the door while Ruby glared holes into Lucian’s back. 
Lucian sighed. “Alright. Let’s go and we can go over it together,” he told the officer. The officer left and Lucian started for the door. He turned around to look at Tas and Hanzi, no longer acknowledging that Ruby was also in the room. “If you two are done playing hero, get back to work.” He walked out of the room without another word. 
Ruby stared at Tas and Hanzi in silence. Her silence was due to the fury in her heart. She did not like Lucian. Everything about him screamed “power hungry” and “domineering” and even “pompous.” 
Tas and Hanzi looked at each other and then turned to her. Tas looked taken aback but Hanzi laughed boastfully. 
“Darling, you look terrifying with that look on your face!”
Ruby sighed. She ran her fingers through her hair. She breathed in and breathed out for a moment, thinking of better things.
“Ruby,” Law called. “Will you be okay?” 
Ruby turned to him, her face hard with anger. “That asshole brought up my family,” she seethed. 
Law sighed. “I know, that’s why I took care of him.” He walked over to her. Ruby’s glare did not falter. She was furious. Law reached out and stroked her cheek, a soft look in his eyes. “You’re terrifying,” he said.
“That’s the point,” she responded bitterly. 
Law chuckled. “This is inappropriate, but you’re beautiful when you're pissed.”
Ruby blinked twice, her anger temporarily forgotten. “Huh?” She asked eloquently. 
Law leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Nothing incredibly deep. I just think that your fury is a sight to behold. When it’s not directed at me, of course.”
Ruby closed her eyes when he kissed her forehead again. She sighed. “What a lame way to get me to calm down,” she mumbled and tilted her head up. 
Law took the opportunity and kissed her lightly. Ruby felt the pleased grin he had on his lips and felt herself smile back. She was too busy enjoying being in his arms to care about the anger that dissipated from her heart. 
She sighed sadly. She wanted to see him. She just wanted to look into his tired gold eyes again. 
“Did I offend you?” Hanzi spoke up again, looking slightly concerned. 
“Oh. No. I just…my family used to talk about how terrifying I was when I got mad. I was just thinking about them.” She cleared her throat. “What do we do now?” She changed the subject. 
Tas groaned. “I don’t know. We lost the only lead we had.”
Ruby crossed her arms and huffed. 
This truly was bullshit. She had previously looked around the office and didn’t notice any recording den den mushis that were typically found in marine bases. She doubted there were any in the jail, seeing that no one had brought it up. How incredibly frustrating. 
“Well,” Hanzi said slowly. “Not…necessarily…”
Both Ruby and Tas looked at him. 
“What do you mean, Han?” Tas asked. “I checked the cells this morning. No one was in them.”
Ruby stared at him. “Are you…harboring someone?”
“No! Definitely not! I’m just…holding a prisoner…outside of their cell…” Ruby blinked in shock and Tas sputtered a bit. “Well, as our lovely lady has been very obviously implying, bandits are stupid. One of our bandits…lingered too long in the town, thinking no one would recognize him.”
“But because we did that job last night you did,” Tas said. Hanzi nodded. “Where is he?”
Hanzi grinned widely, with an almost feral tinge. 
“Let me show you.”
“You're keeping him in your apartment?!” Tas exclaimed as the three of them stood outside of an apartment door. “Do you know how much trouble you will get into?”
“It’s fine!” Hanzi laughed and opened the door.
Ruby silently followed the two men into the apartment. It was clean. Cleaner than she expected, at least. It was a well lived-in apartment with old carpet and popcorn ceilings. She sighed. 
Hanzi led them into a bathroom. He opened the door and revealed the bandit Ruby had originally planned on interrogating handcuffed to the toilet with tape over his mouth and tears in his eyes. 
“Oh, god, Han, you’re going to be in deep shit,” Tas groaned. 
Ruby’s lips twitched before she opened her mouth. “So, what, do we bring him back to jail?”
“Of course,” Hanzi said.
“Why did you wait to tell us?” Tas asked. “Why not just bring him in immediately?”
Ruby said nothing as the two men started bickering about what to do. She wondered if Hanzi had begun to suspect that someone on the inside was letting these bandits go. She sighed. Did this mean that he wanted to question this bandit outside of the jail? She was certain that wasn’t legal. That’s why she said she was going to do it.
She walked over to the bandit and knelt down. She stared into his fearful eyes with a dangerous look on her face. 
“I’m going to remove the tape,” she said, grabbing everyone’s attention. “If you scream for help, I will kill you,” she warned in a low tone.
The man’s eyes widened in fear before nodding. Ruby ignored Tas trying to get her to take back what she said and ripped off the tape. The man breathed out for a moment before taking a deep breath. Ruby immediately grabbed his face.
“What did I tell you?” She hissed. “You saw what I can do. I can make you disappear if I truly wanted to.”
He swallowed. “W-what do you want from me?”
“Oh, I think that’s painfully obvious.” She stood up. She looked at Tas and Hanzi. “We should bring him back. I think he’ll tell you guys everything you need to know.”
“What? Why do you say that? You know you can’t be in the room with us,” Tas said. 
“I know.”
“Then…” Hanzi started slowly. “Why do you think he’ll come clean?”
Ruby smiled and then looked down at the bandit. “Because I will kill him if he doesn’t tell the truth.”
“H-how will you know that I’m telling the truth? You may not believe me!”
“And you could even lie!” Ruby created a seed in her hand. She rolled it around in her fingers. She knelt down and shoved it in the bandit’s mouth quickly. He was so surprised he immediately swallowed it. “You know those old wive’s tales about people swallowing seeds and then it grows in your stomach? This can do that. It will grow and then cause your stomach to burst!” 
“What?!” Tas and the bandit exclaimed.
“At any moment I can cause it to grow rapidly and kill you. I assume you don’t want that.” 
“Elissa, this is ridiculous!” Tas choked out.
“If you cooperate. I won’t let that happen. Got it?”
The bandit nodded rapidly. “Yes, yes, I’ll tell you whatever you want!”
“Great! Not here, though. Like I said you’re going back to a cell.” She turned to Tas. “I think you can take it from here.”
Tas stared at her, looking upset and offended, but said nothing. He walked past her and gathered up the bandit, leading him out of the bathroom and out of the apartment.
Hanzi cleared his throat. “You’re so full of shit, Sela,” he chuckled. “There are no plants or seeds that can do that. Not even yours.”
“I know that and you know that, but those two don’t.” She shrugged. “Not my fault it’s easy to take advantage of dumb people.”
“Tas isn’t dumb he’s just…genuine.”
“Genuinely dumb.”
Hanzi chuckled. “Alright,” he sighed. “So you’re really not going to question him yourself?”
“No, I think he’ll give you the info because of my threat.” She turned to him. “Is that why you kept him here? So I could question him?”
He stared at her for a moment before closing his eyes. “Probably. Something told me to wait to bring him back there so I could show you and Tas.” He sighed and opened his eyes. “It’s different doing this than being in the Navy.” Ruby snorted. Of that she had no doubt. Sleepy little islands like this had different rules than the grand Navy and all of its vice admirals and admirals. “What kind of seed did you end up giving him?” Hanzi changed the subject.
Ruby grinned. “A pumpkin seed.”
Ruby paced back and forth in Tas’s office as she waited impatiently for her two companions to return to her.
Everyone in the office was in complete shock when Tas and Hanzi brought in that bandit. Lucian came out of his office when there was loud commotion and even he looked surprised that they managed to capture a bandit and bring them in. 
It was almost as if everyone had been excited that they managed to catch one of the Nine Lives. Lucian had to calm everyone down and tell them to get back to work. It was to no avail. Once Tas and Hanzi disappeared with the prisoner the whole office went into a tizzy. Everyone was so energized that they had captured a bandit and that they were being questioned right away.
Lucian tried to follow Tas and Hanzi but Hanzi just laughed and said that they could handle it. Everyone stared after the two men before Lucian barked orders at everyone to get back to work. He looked at Ruby, who was already halfway into Tas’s office. She caught his eye for a moment before her nose twitched and she closed the door behind her.
Now she was waiting. Simply waiting. They could have at least offered her coffee!
She huffed and sat in Tas’s chair. She crossed her arms and leaned back. She looked at the desk and how organized it was. It was so tidy and neat. She smiled, getting lost in thoughts of her lover and his need for things to be clean.
Of course, she never pointed out his hypocrisy when it came to his own personal desk in their room. It was such a mess! Covered in papers, books, ink, pens, maps, among other things. She remembered the first time she saw his desk and how she could barely believe that her neurotic captain had the capabilities of being so messy. 
She let out a light sigh with a small smile on her face. She loved him so.
She looked up when she heard the door open, glad that her companions were back. The soft smile she had on her face disappeared and she settled into a hard stare. 
“I see you’ve made yourself at home,” Lucian said. She didn’t say anything. “Who are you?”
“I told you who I was.”
“No. Who are you really?” He narrowed his eyes. “Random citizens can’t single handedly take down pirates, no matter how powerful their devil fruit is. That takes training. You clearly have some form of training. Who are you?”
Ruby glared at the man before an almost evil grin formed on her lips. “None of your fucking business.”
Lucian slammed his hands down on the desk but Ruby didn’t react. “I will find out who you are and why you’re stringing my men along. This island doesn’t need any more trouble.”
“Last I checked, I was the one actually dealing with that trouble.” Ruby leaned back and crossed her legs. “You should be thanking me, instead of trying to intimidate me.”
Lucian bared his teeth and practically growled at her. He opened his mouth to retort but the door opened revealed Tas and Hanzi. Ruby’s challenging stare turned neutral. She turned to the men and smiled like nothing happened. 
“Took you guys long enough.”
Hanzi laughed but Tas cleared his throat. “He actually confessed everything quickly. If his information is good, we should be able to discern the location of the hideout by the end of the day today.”
Ruby grinned. Yes! Soon she would be done with this! She wouldn’t have to be uncomfortable in this office anymore and she could spend her time in her room reading. She can get ready to leave and move on. She wouldn’t have to meet up with these people anymore. Her grin faded a little as she watched Hanzi laugh and Tas sigh at him.
Lucian cleared his throat. “Where’s the prisoner?” 
“In cell three,” Tas said. “We gave him some food and he’s been quiet since then.” Lucian nodded and started to leave. “Sir? What are-”
“I’m going to take a look at the prisoner.” He walked through the door. “I want to make sure that…he is well protected from the Nine Lives, seeing he just gave you all that information. No doubt they will try to kill him now.”
Tas nodded. “Good idea.”
Lucian gave Ruby a backwards glance before walking away. Ruby rolled her eyes. Hanzi closed the door after Lucian. They both turned to look at her with curious looks on their faces.
“Why was he all pissy?” Hanzi asked.
Ruby shrugged. “He doesn’t really like me. Can’t blame him. I’m not exactly a people person.”
Hanzi laughed. Tas stared at her weirdly. “What? You seem fine, Elissa.”
“Well, I guess. You were pretty nervous around me at first, too.” Ruby shrugged. “No big deal. Besides, we have more important things to discuss.”
“Right. Well, first of all, you need to make sure that seed doesn’t kill him.”
“It won’t.”
“Oh. Okay. Good.” 
Ruby and Hanzi shared a look before they both grinned at each other. 
“Alright, we need to get all this information we have to make sense. We need to write everything down while it’s still fresh and in our minds,” Hanzi said. He reached into his pocket. “We’ll need some good grub for that. Darling, do you mind picking us up some food while we compile this?” He searched through his wallet. He pulled out some berries. “I trust you won’t run off on us with my money in your hands.”
Ruby rolled her eyes. She stood up and walked over to him. She took the money and shoved it into her purse. She smiled sweetly. “No promises.”
After Ruby had bought enough pizza, breadsticks, and dessert to last the rest of the afternoon, she made her way back to Tas and Hanzi. She entered the office again, holding onto the food. She was almost brought to a halt when some of the officers greeted her kindly, like she was part of the crew. 
That was incredibly strange. 
She walked into Tas’s office with their food. The two men were busy at work, mumbling to each other. They had both taken off their jackets, as if it would make them concentrate better. Ruby was certain that the coffee they had would help more. There were scattered pages across the desk, with notes and scribbles and even doodles. There was a thick roll of paper to the side that Ruby could only guess was a map. 
“Darling,” Hanzi greeted her. “Looks like you got exactly what we needed.” 
Ruby nodded. “Food is the best fuel, after all.” She walked over to Tas’s desk and raised her brow. Hanzi immediately shifted the papers away from the middle of the desk, allowing Ruby to place the food onto it. Looking at the mess that was Tas’s desk brought memories back of her captain’s desk, littered with similar papers and books. Her tired captain with only a coffee cup, who hadn’t eaten in hours so he was grumpy and irritable. She remembered how the crew would take turns checking on him, bringing him snacks, water, and encouraging words. She blinked out of her memories and forced a smile “Can’t think clearly on only coffee.”
“You sound like you have experience in that area,” Tas said as he opened the box of pizza. He looked up at her. “I never asked, what did you do before your…husband died?”
Ruby swallowed. She briefly looked at Hanzi, whose brow was raised in amusement. “I was a gardener.”
“A gardener?” Tas repeated. “I guess that makes sense. I’m sure your fruit made things easier for you.”
“Yeah. Something like that.” Ruby cleared her throat and grabbed the spare chair in front of Tas’s desk and sat in it. She grabbed some breadsticks and cheese dipping sauce and immediately started to eat. 
Tas and Hanzi started to talk about the bandits again while Ruby became lost in thought. She ate her food as she thought about her pirate crew and submarine. She hoped that they were eating properly. She made sure to leave easy vegetables and fruits for Jean Bart to take care of so that they would never run out of the right nutrition. She also gave precise and detailed instructions on how to take care of the medicinal herbs so that Law had a steady supply and wouldn’t have to be forced to buy some.
She remembered their first real conversation about her skills, way back when they were still getting to know each other.
“So, if I’m understanding right, you’re a logia.” Law said, looking her up and down as if to examine her.
Ruby huffed. “Yes. I ate the mori mori no mi as a child and now I’m a plant logia.” She held out her hand and a white flower bloomed in her palm. 
“So you can just…make any plant that you want?” He asked slowly, like he was considering something.
“As long as I know it, sure. Why?”
“Can you make functional medicinal herbs? Ones that we can use.”
“Yeah,” Ruby answered immediately, thinking about her past use of whatever herbs she could to numb pain.
Law’s seemingly permanent annoyed crease in his brows relaxed as he considered what she said. “You’ll be my gardener,” he said confidently. “Your job is going to be making medicinal herbs for our meds.”
Ruby blinked and cocked her head. “Job?”
“Yes. Everyone on this crew has a job. There’s no slackers. I hope you didn’t think you’d get to be lazy here.”
“Well, no, I just didn’t expect to have such a…” soft title. Something so helpful. Something so…fulfilling. “Gardener just wasn’t something I expected. Did you want me to make me fruits and vegetables, too? You would probably save on the grocery bill. Which I can only assume would be good, seeing that pirates don’t actually have a stable income.”
Law stared at her perplexed, like he hadn’t even considered the idea. “Yes. That was my next request,” he lied. “We have an extra room. Could you use that? You wouldn’t be able to use the deck since we’re a submarine.”
“I could, but we would need to go shopping for some things to make it a proper greenhouse.”
“Consider it done.”
Ruby blinked out of her memory and looked over to Tas. “Sorry, what?”
Hanzi laughed and Tas sighed. “He asked whether or not you’ve decided to stay on the island.”
“Han! That’s not what I asked!”
“In so many words you did!”
Ruby took another bite of her breadstick, looking between the two men. “Then, what did you mean?”
“All I said was that you don’t have to search forever for somewhere to stay,” Tas grumbled. “There are plenty of places to stay here and I’m sure you could get a job on the island. Hell, you could even apply here and…” Tas started to ramble on about her staying permanently on the island.
Ruby was proud of herself for being mature enough to snort at the ridiculous idea of her becoming a cop. Yeah. Surely the job for a pirate would be some official guard or something stupid like that. She’d go insane. 
But she smiled. It seemed that Tas trusted her enough now that he wanted her to stay on the island. There were times where she thought about what a normal life would be. She spent so long just trying to survive, that it wasn’t until recently that she really thought about the comforts of life. Friends, family, and good food and drink. She had found that on the Polar Tang, although she sometimes wondered if there was a less dangerous path for her. 
Still, she loved the Heart Pirates, and her soul had been healed by the sea. She knew that if she and Law survived the events of Dressrosa that they would one day settle down with tons of loot and treasure. But that was years in the future, it was when wrinkles appeared on her face and her hair started to lose its color. 
“All I’m saying,” Tas interrupted her thoughts again. “Is that you don’t have to wander anymore, if you don’t want to. You could make a home here. Losing someone is hard, but if you’re looking for a new home, then this would be a great place to start.”
Ruby settled into a warm smile, one that seemed to take not only Tas by surprise, but Hanzi as well. “I appreciate it,” Ruby said genuinely. “Perhaps I’ll come back to this island,” she said. “Once the wanderer in me tires out.” She grabbed a slice of pizza from the box. “For now, let’s focus on the task at hand. Are we close to figuring out where they are?”
Tas and Hanzi looked at each other for a moment before looking back at her. Ruby chewed on her pizza and cocked her head.
“Well, I guess you can say that.”
Ruby swallowed. “What exactly did that guy say?”
“He mostly just cried,” Hanzi sighed, sounding incredibly exasperated. “He seemed to be one of those recruits that joined because he felt like he had no other choice. The reason why he was captured again so easily was because he was trying to see his family after weeks of no contact.” Hanzi crossed his arms and sighed. 
Ruby unscrewed her bottle of cola and sipped. “Did he give you any good info?”
“I think he gave us as much as he knew,” he replied. “He doesn’t really know the guy in charge. He mostly described him because he’s never talked to him one on one. He said that there are guard rotations and that their toughest fighters guard their hideout, while the weaker ones are the ones who do the raids.” 
“Which would explain why it was so easy for you to capture them,” Tas added. “If they keep their toughest fighters close, then I bet if we were to go to the hideout you’d have a tougher time.” 
Ruby just shrugged in response, not really wanting to go into how that was fairly insulting. 
“He also said that they keep everything they steal in their hideout. The money, jewels, food, all of that.” Hanzi spoke up again.
“That makes sense,” Ruby said. “Why else would they keep their toughest fighters at home?” Ruby sighed and picked up her dessert box which held a brownie in it. “Did he happen to give us the exact location of the hideout?”
“No, but he did give us landmarks. He said that there were higher ups who would lead them from the hideout but would take them in different ways everytime, so no one could truly know the exact way to it unless you’re higher up the chain.”
“That is…smart.” Much smarter than she expected some random island bandits to be. She ate a piece of brownie. In her experience, bandits were stupid and greedy. They would take what they wanted and cause chaos. They didn’t have intricate plans to recruit people to their side. They didn’t last 20 years without failures, only to continue to grow in numbers.
She was almost certain someone else was pulling the strings. Someone who was smart. Someone who had power.
It wouldn’t matter if Ruby took out every bandit, raided the hideout, and returned everything back to the citizens. If the person who was truly in charge wasn’t taken out, the cycle would just continue.
Could it be whoever was in charge of the island? Was it a cop? Could it even be a government official, who was blinded by the sparkling diamonds that were mined up? After hearing what had happened to Flevance from Law, it wouldn’t surprise her. People in power always took advantage of those less fortunate. 
“We have a map,” Tas said as he picked up the empty food boxes and placed them aside. He rolled out the thick piece of paper and revealed a map of what Ruby assumed was the Old Forest. “We just need to place the landmarks and we should be able to figure out where the hideout is.”
“...right…” Ruby said slowly. “But if it was that easy, wouldn’t you have already found the hideout.”
“Not really,” Hanzi said. “The bandits have pretty much taken over the Old Forest. Only stupid kids go in there these days. Most people stay out for their safety. In fact, Lucian made an announcement a few years ago saying that for everyone’s safety the Old Forest is off limits to anyone who isn’t an authority figure.”
“Ah, that makes sense.”
“Luckily for us, I was around before the bandits,” Hanzi said with a grin. “There are some good things about being an old bastard like yours truly.”
Ruby giggled. “That’s good to hear.” 
Tas and Hanzi started to go over the landmarks that the bandit had told them about. Hanzi started to mark on the map where he remembered things were. Ruby sat in her chair, sipping on her cola, feeling a little useless. She almost felt like she should just head back to the inn. If they figure out where the bandits were, they could do a raid. They could get every officer and gear up, taking on the bandits, saving the island, becoming heroes. 
Ruby would slip away, unnoticed and could move on with her life, as if she was never here.
She sighed. She wondered briefly if her power to “see” into the forest would make a difference. She paused. Wait. It absolutely would! Holy hell she really could be such an airhead.
She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the door swinging open. Ruby jumped and turned to the door with an annoyed look on her face.
“Lucian!” Hanzi greeted. “What can we do for you?”
“Didn't I say get back to work?”
“We are at work,” Hanzi said. “I believe that you said that if we found any information on the bandits then we should make that a priority.” Lucian stared at him. “We have information, we are putting it to use.”
Lucian sighed and pinched in between his eyes. “I found your bandit dead.”
“What?!” Tas and Hanzi said. 
Lucian stared at them. “He committed suicide. He hung himself with the blanket on the bed in the cell.”
“Was no one watching him?” Ruby asked, narrowing her eyes. 
Lucian ignored her. “He was one of Loiza’s kids. We’ll need to inform her of her loss.”
“Shit,” Hanzi hissed. 
“What are we doing if not protecting these people?!” Tas exclaimed. “Are we truly so useless? We can’t even keep an unfortunate prisoner alive in our own facility!”
Ruby swallowed anxiously. She opened her mouth to say something to him when she was rudely interrupted. 
“You,” Lucian grabbed her attention. “I’ve tolerated your presence long enough. You need to leave.”
Ruby blinked. She looked at Hanzi and Tas before looking back at Lucian. “Why?” She asked.
“Because you’ve been nothing but a distraction for these two. You’re filling their heads with ideas of heroism and grandeur. All you’ve accomplished is someone breaking criminals out of jail and someone needlessly dying.”
“That’s not my fault! Maybe you need to run your office better if these things are happening under your watch!” She snarled.
“I won’t say it nicely again. Get out of my office, before I have you removed.”
Ruby glowered at the man, the way she did to her enemies she was about to fight. She stood up straight, narrowing her eyes and flexing her fingers. She could kill this man. She could easily take his life like it was nothing. She felt insult and anger burn in her chest, daring her to just rid her of the nuisance.
Instead she grabbed her purse. She brushed past Lucian with an upward turn of her nose. She turned as she made it to the door. She smiled apologetically at Hanzi and Tas. “We’ll get lunch when you’re done saving the island.” And then she left as Tas went to stop her, her heels clicking on the fake wood floor.
She was angry and insulted. Her temper was flaring and her mind was wandering to violent places. But she didn’t say anything when she was questioned by the officers, she didn’t stop to turn around when she left the building, and she barely waved goodbye to Hanzi after he shouted at her through an open window. 
She wanted to give into her fury, but the love she had for Law would always win. He told her to stay safe, stay quiet, and don’t make a scene. Ruby was certain that killing the guy in charge of the local authorities would definitely make the news. She couldn’t disappoint Law like that.
She walked back to the inn, stopping for some ice cream on the way to help her calm down. She sighed when she reached the outside of the inn. She stared at the cute building before walking into it.
“Miss Elissa!” The innkeeper greeted her. “Were you able to get a room on the boat that’s on the way to the island you’re going to?”
Ruby smiled at him. “Yes. I’ll be ready to go in three days.” She started to walk towards the stairs. “I’m going to head up to my room for a nap. I’ll be down for dinner.”
“Wonderful!” He smiled at her. “Tonight we have some live music. Dinner will have a selection, but the cook is boasting about his meat pie.”
Ruby's smile widened. “I’ll make sure to get one then.”
Ruby walked up to her room and opened the door, once again sighing in relief that nothing of hers was touched or taken. She kicked off her heels and stripped naked. She sighed and stared at herself in the mirror on the dresser. 
She passed a hand over her stomach. She was back to the way she looked before her foot accident. She was hard and lean. She was ripped and muscled. She knew she had to be. She knew she needed to protect herself. She looked good. She knew she was attractive.
But part of her still liked the way she looked when she had grown softer. 
She sighed. She took her hair from her bun and let her hair fall down against her back. She stretched and rolled her neck. She was going to shower and take a nap.
She guessed that her part to play in this bandit thing was over. She had helped Tas and Hanzi out. They could take it from here.
Soon, she would be back on the sea. She’d feel more at ease, even on a boat that wasn’t her own. She’d be on her way to Tamcier, sailing on and not looking back.
And then, after that, she would be on Dressrosa.
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Le Joyau le plus precieux - Candyfloss
Chapter III
The entrance to the candy shop was ridiculously squashed at the sides by the facades of the two adjacent buildings. It consisted of a microscopic shop window and an equally small door, all supported by a chocolate-coloured frame. The sign above the entrance displayed in large letters "Billy's Candy".
Jesse's first impression on coming across it was that the architect had been inspired by some bizarre building from a Tim Burton film. He grabbed the brass door handle and opened it; the sound of an old bell alerted the owner of the presence of someone.
Billy emerged from behind the counter; when he realised it was the actor he smiled: -Hello, stranger! Not even a day has passed and here you are!- But the other was not listening to him. He was too busy looking at the rows of shelves full of jars filled with all kinds of delicacies, each with its own label and the price written under the name. The furniture was all the same colour as the door, even the counter looked like a chocolate bar. Of all this, Jesse made an almost murmured summary: -It's bigger on the inside...- -Ah! I see where you got this one from!- -Huh?- -The quote.- -I didn't make any quote.- -... Forget it. Back to us, were you really that eager to see me again?- The actor snorted: -You told me where to find you, I simply...- -Wait wait, I'll be right back.- Billy disappeared again under the counter; after a minute Jesse, not seeing him not return, decided to peek over it. There was an open metal trapdoor in the floor.
-What the...- He went behind the counter and approached: a wooden ladder led down, and a smell of caramel was rising along with a strange bubbling noise. Taking small steps down the ladder, the actor gradually detected other aromas such as mint, vanilla and chocolate, and even biscuits. He then found himself in a space as large as the one upstairs, full of ovens and cookers but also strange stills for distillation and pots of various shapes and sizes hanging from the ceiling. Two large refrigerators in the corners of the same wall sent out a low hum; on the opposite side a large red brick oven had just been switched off. Right around it was bustling Billy, who with red oven mitts was placing trays of biscuits on a shelf. All the furniture, curiously enough, was in the the same shade of colour as that of the shop.
-Just in time! The lady would kill me if I screwed up her order!- exclaimed the blond man taking the last batch. -Do you bake the sweets yourself?- -Sure, what did you think, that I had mini workers cooking down here?- -I thought you had at least one helper.- -I can't afford staff.- He removed his gloves and bent down to take from the lower counters some white boxes, like those you see in American movies for carrying doughnuts. -That's a lot of biscuits.- -Yeah, they're for the owner of a tea shop I know; she's three blocks away. She's a bit of a cranky spinster but not a bad one, and she pays well.- Being careful not to burn himself, he transferred the biscuits from the baking tins to the boxes. -How long have you been open, exactly?- -Three months. But things have only been running for two.- -And you did all this by yourself?- -Not really. There used to be a Chinese restaurant here, but they closed it down after the owner served accidentally bad shrimps for dinner. Twenty people intoxicated, can you imagine? Everything was already set up, I just had to redo the wiring and tidy up a bit here and there.- He closed the chat along with the last box: -Now I gotta make the delivery, man, so...- -Naturally. But could I know the shop's closing time?- Billy looked at him puzzled: -Why...?- -If I may be so bold, I would like to continue our conversation later.-
The blond was stunned. Was he making fun of him? After all, he was an actor, even if he was a little weirdo. -Do you want a date?- Jesse didn't flinch: -I'd say more like a walk. What do you think?- -That you're crazy.- He loaded the stacked boxes into his arms and walked towards the steps. The other followed him:  -Remember when I told you about being interested in someone?- -Vaguely.- -What if I told you that my interest is seriously about you?- Billy placed the boxes on the counter top and took some string from a drawer: 
-You don't have many friends, do you?- -You don't answer a question with another question.- -And I'll ask you another: why would someone like you would ever have an interest in me?- -Like me?- Tightening the knot of the string, the candyman added: -Yes, well, you seem to me a cultured an refined fellow, whereas yours truly is just a high-school graduate.- -You shouldn't belittle yourself like that.- -I'm used to it.- He picked up the boxes again and headed for the exit: -Thanks anyway; it's been a while since I had heard an excuse, even if it was a bit trite, to convince me to go out. It's almost flattering, daddy.- While talking, he had opened the door by pushing the handle with his elbow, and without giving the other time to reply, gave him a playful tongue with a wink, and ran out.
Astonished, Jesse stood motionless on the spot for a moment, trying to put the sequence of events in a logical order, but he was unable to do so, and he also had the feeling that he had been somehow misunderstood. But one thing became clear to him: the boy had a problem relating to others. And neither did he get angry at being mocked. With a sigh, he adjusted his scarf and prepared to leave. He noticed that the shop's timetable had actually been placed in a corner of the window in the form of a sticker.
-I was expecting you ten minutes ago, boy! Where have you been?- -I've been having trouble, ma'am...- -Miss!- Next thing you know, she'll be getting yelled at by that nutcase, so Billy handed her the biscuit tins and reiterated: -Miss Jane, if I discount you ten euros will you stop yelling at me?- She took the boxes under her arm and, huffing, adjusted a lock of her carrot-coloured hair behind her ear: -I'll go get the money, wait here.- Billy watched her disappear into the diner; meanwhile he felt a slight dizziness. "Here we go again..." He took from his inside jacket pocket a chocolate cigarette and began to eating it. When Miss Jane returned, with cash in hand, she could not help but ask: -That hypoglycaemia problem again? Have you gone to see a doctor?- -It's all under control. One sweet treat and I'm fine.- -Except your teeth will rot from all the damn sugar you swallow. -She shoved the money in his hand: -And now get out of here, I have to open the lounge. -Evening, Miss.- Shoving the money in his pocket, he walked back to his shop at a brisk pace. When he entered, he saw that Jesse was gone. Not that he had expected to find him still there, after all. "I almost feel sorry for ditching him so badly... Ah, but who has time to think about that; I have to prepare the gummy crocodiles and grenadine!"
Jesse returned to the front of the shop five minutes before closing time. He was clutching a brown paper bag with one hand, and found himself fiddling with the hem of his scarf with the other, just to pass the time. Finally he saw Billy come out to lock up; he approached him at a leisurely pace as he put the padlock to the shutter: -Hey, hello.- The other jumped up with a shriek, and putting his hand on his chest, recognising the actor he shouted: -You almost gave me a heart attack!!! Does tha look like the way?!?- Th darkie stifled the impulse to laugh on the spot: Billy had such a funny face at that moment. He handed him the bag: -I have a peace offering.- -Uhm?- Grabbing the object, he immediately opened it to examine its contents. It was sandwiches cut into triangles. -They're all for you. I thought you'd be hungry by now- the actor added, -In return I only ask to accompany you to... whatever place you need to return to.- -I don't need to be accompanied...- His stomach muttered slightly; the sweets he had eaten earlier had not been enough to satiate him, only delaying the need for a full meal. He grabbed a sandwich: -But if you want to, it's fine; I should warn you, however, that I also speak with my mouth full.- -I'll avoid watching you do it, then.-
The two set off towards the centre of Paris, in the residential area, wandering through increasingly deserted streets. It was Billy who broke the silence: -How come you brought me food?- -I thought I had offended you in some way, seeing how you cut the conversation short this afternoon.- Filling his mouth with a sandwich, his cheeks swollen, the other mumbled: -What the hell? No!- Jesse looked at him: with those funny protruding teeth and cheeks full of food he looked like a hamster. A smile came to his face. -What is it?- -Nothing.-
As Miss Jane threw out the rubbish and was about to close up in her turn, she noticed across the street Billy walking with a strange, tall, distinguished man. She stared at them for a while, muttering to herself: -Where did that handsome guy come from? Yeez. The little boy has more taste than I thought.-
Jesse took the conversation to another tone: -About today... I was serious when I was talking about taking an interest in you. I actually don't have many friends outside of show business, and we end up almost always talking about the same old things.- -Really?- Filling his mouth with another sandwich, he mumbled, scattering crumbs on the the floor: -You must be pretty bored if so little interests you.- -Little? For pity's sake, what drives you to have such a contemptible opinion of yourself?- -Ah, the list is long, but the sad story of my life can be summed up in a few words: absent parents, troubled adolescence, running away from home as soon as I turned 18... Take your pick. As for me as far as I'm concerned, I try to live day to day worrying only about my business.-
The actor did not know what to say. That boy who at first sight had seemed to him immature, cheerful and irreverent had, after all, his own reasons for not talking about his private affairs.
-Fortunately I'm not one of those who gets depressed about his past misfortunes, otherwise you would have called me a whiner!- joked Billy, who, having finished his meal, rolled up the bag and, locating a metal bucket, threw it in an attempt to go to the basket; he narrowly missed the target. -Argh!- He ran to retrieve the waste, followed at a slower pace by Jesse, -I never get it on the first shot!- He threw the paper ball into the basket, huffing. The other took a handkerchief from his pocket: -You have some sauce left on your cheek, wait...- -Huh?- Jesse wiped his face with a corner of the handkerchief, then smiled: -Done. The pink of the tuna doesn't match your freckles, you know?-
He received no reply. Billy stood motionless, staring at him with wide blue eyes. -Are you all right?- He slowly saw the boy's face turn redder and redder, going from a more mild to a true purple. Still without answering, he ran away so quickly that it took the actor a moment to realise he was gone. -What did I say?-
Back at home, if you can call it that, a tiny flat in total disarray, Billy  closed the door behind him and let his uniform jacket slip off his shoulders, took off his shoes without even untying the laces and threw them off, letting them go their way to finish the path by throwing himself face-first onto the bed, raising candy wrappers and wrinkled clothes, sighing heavily. He then curled up on his side, hugging the pillow, and threw his face into it, which had turned red like a traffic light; he began to make a sound like a little girl shrieking. It was not very common that they were kind to him.
0 notes
I come bearing a request! The Brothers with an MC who's really good at cooking and baking? Like, the stuff food blogs dream of. Master-level instagram pastries. Could compete with the chocolate guy if they put their mind to it.
👀 ooooo, I do love me some pastries-
(I know you have an *ahem* distaste for Lucifer, dear moot, so enjoy Lucifer acting like a bit of a dingus in his section!)
Oh, the human can cook. *insert asshole eyeroll here*. Great. Wonderful. Groundbreaking. That’s what’s got all his brothers acting like- what was that word Levi used? Simps? This human has turned six of the seven rulers of hell into a bunch of simps.
Sure, the human has near godlike cooking prowess. Sure, everyone looks forward to their day for cooking. And sure, everyone thinks the human’s pretty great.
Tsk, not him though. He’s a refined demon. Some silly food isn’t going to make him a lovesick fool… did he smell eclairs..?
Lucifer peered into the kitchen to see MC carefully taking a tray of eclairs out of the oven and letting them cool off on the counter. His favourite dessert… right there in front of him…
Due to not being a total moron, MC notices Lucifer and asks him what the hell he’s doing just standing ominously in the doorway. Lucifer makes up some bullshit excuse about reminding MC to do their homework and just leaves. Okay, game plan, he needs those fucking eclairs or he will spontaneously combust.
As he snuck into the kitchen that night, Lucifer took a moment to briefly wonder why he was creeping around his own house. He was the Avatar of Pride for pity’s sake! He could eat whatever he damn well pleased! Oh shit was someone coming- no? Okay, back to sneaking.
Lucifer crept into the kitchen, saw the eclairs, and all logic was thrown out the window. Time to eat!
“BEEL NO! NOT THE- Lucifer..?” “…” “…” “…you’re very talented, MC, do you mind making more of these?”
Ugh, stuck babysittin’ some dumb human, how lame…
As Mammon was throwing a “I’m broke and I’m stuck in a pact with a dumb human” pity party, the most heavenly smell entered his nostrils. Cooking… good cooking… was Barbatos visiting or somethin’? Nah, Lucifer woulda made a big fuss about gettin’ ready for Lord Diavolo. Huh, so what was goin’ on in the kitchen?
Huh? The human? The human can cook? Well damn, maybe this whole deal wouldn’t be so bad. Oi! MC! As payment for babysittin’ ‘em, he got to have an extra big share of- OW!
Did- did the human just hit him with a spoon?! Th-they can’t do that!
Apparently they fucking can. Mammon gets told to sit the fuck down and wait for the food like everyone else. He grumbles on the way to the dining room, but he can’t fully hide his excitement to try the food.
The food even looked pretty! How did they do that?! Magic. It had to be!
After everyone’s tastebuds were blessed with the heavenly substance that is MC’s culinary exploits, Mammon decides he needs to get on this human’s good side in order to receive more food! Maybe even find some way to make a profit or somethin’!
After weeks go by of trying to suck up to the human without looking like too much of a chump, Mammon eventually realizes… hey, this human ain’t so bad. They’re nice, they make him feel good about himself, they give him headpats… he’s really hit the jackpot here!
He’ll offer to help MC bake or cook, but beware, he will try and sample the food before it’s done. Don’t let him lick the spoon!!!
First thought? This human ain’t shit. Thought after seeing their food? WOAAAAAAAH! JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME-
He was unceremoniously cut off by Beel asking demanding seconds. Humph, fine, he doesn’t actually care about this dumb normie food anyway.
…well at least until Levi saw a little something something on TV that he just had to ask MC to try and make. He shyly knocked on their door and when they answered, Levi shoved the screenshot in their face and stuttered out a dinner request.
On the day MC was supposed to make dinner, Levi poked his head into the kitchen and tried to make it look like he was just standing in the same room as MC and not checking to see if they were making his dinner request.
Not that he’d blame them for not doing that… who’d wanna make some anime dinner for a yucky Otaku- OMG JAHSHSHABA THEY’RE MAKING IT! *fangirl squeals*
As Levi continues to commit the SIN of being in the kitchen at the same time as someone else, MC eventually just asks him if he’d like to help out.
“Here! Just keep turning the takoyaki.” “R-really? You trust me?” “Yes, Levi. You watched how they made it on your show, right?” “Yes! I won’t mess up! I swear on my honour as an otaku!”
All in all, it was a very cute bonding experience for the two. Now it’s a regular thing. Levi requests something for dinner or dessert, MC makes it, Levi helps out.
So, the human can cook. That’s nice. At least someone in this literally god forsaken house can.
He makes sure to thank MC every time they cook, then he makes sure to thank whatever deity is watching over him that Solomon wasn’t the human staying with them.
As the months progress, Satan realizes, he should learn how to cook better. I mean, Levi and Mammon were somehow both improving in their cooking endeavours, and if MC could teach those two, then he would be a breeze.
Satan walked into the kitchen and simply asked if MC needed any assistance with what they were doing. MC just slid him some garlic to dice and that’s how this mentor/student relationship was formed.
Satan was a star pupil, but Mammon and Levi weren’t above trying to sabotage Satan’s progress to get him to leave.
Here’s the thing, the sabotage worked, but it only worked once, and the two idiots didn’t stop to think that maybe they shouldn’t sabotage the meal they were going to have to eat later.
Well, cooking lessons continued uninterrupted after the ghost pepper incident…
Even when he’s ‘graduated’ their little cooking class, Satan’s always willing to lend a hand if needed. He also will slyly hand over some recipe books and cute baking supplies that he finds. MC should be prepared for lots of cat related things to come their way.
The human can cook? Oh frabcious day! He’s saved from a life of his brother’s mediocre cooking! And the human’s so cute too! What a bonus!
Not only is the human cute, but their food is just so… aesthetic??? Pretty???? Omigosh he just has to get a picture for Devilgram!
For the first few months, MC’s relationship with Asmo consists of Asmo not at all subtly asking to take pictures of their food and post it to his Devilgram. Listen MC, his followers would just love it!
Being the saint-sheep they are, MC lets Asmo sit in whenever they’re making anything in the kitchen. And Asmo slowly realizes “hey, this cute human with the awesome food is actually pretty cool too!”
New Mission: Make the human fall madly in love with him so they’ll want to hang out more.
Whether the mission succeeds is up to MC of course. (I mean, I’m already smitten with him sooooooooo-)
MC offers Asmo a lot of the pastries they make, but the Avatar of Lust almost always declines. Listen honey, he’s on a diet- wait, don’t make that sad face! He’ll eat it! Look! It’s- it’s delicious…
Diet cheat day is now every day MC makes dessert. The feeling of bliss Asmo gets when he takes a bite out of anything MC makes is only second of the treats is second only to the joy he feels at seeing MC happy that he likes their food. It’s just so wholesome I can’t-
MC’s food Devilgram has almost surpassed Asmo in terms of followers and honestly- he isn’t even mad.
Gasp! Lucifer finally got him the pet personal chef he’d always wanted! Thanks big bro! :D he’ll be sure not to eat this human!
On the first night MC was supposed to make dinner, Lucifer needed to hold Beel back from breaking into the kitchen to see what was causing that heavenly smell. It was, difficult… especially because Lucifer hadn’t slept in three days.
When they all sat down to eat, Beel practically inhaled everything and held up his half bitten plate for seconds.
We here at Stupid Headcanons incorporated recommend that MC have as many bodyguards as possible stationed around the kitchen at all times to ward off a hungry Beel. We don’t want him eating the ingredients and half-tempered chocolate.
A cinnamon roll through and through, he’ll eat everything MC gives him with a big ol’ smile on his cute little face. He’s not the best person to go to if MC wants advice or critique because the best thing Beel can usually muster is “it was really good.”
As Luke said in Lesson 5, Beel would make an awful food reporter. But we love him.
Similar to Levi, he’ll give meal requests on what to make for dinner. (At this rate, MC’s going to have to make some kind of list).
He kind of just waits by the door like a sad puppy whenever MC is making anything because he can’t get into the kitchen :(
The smell of freshly made chocolate chip cookies wafting through the house did reach the attic and it only fuelled his rage more. How dare the human win everyone over with cookies?!
After the attic incident, Belphie was won over with cookies.
Belphie just stands creepily in the kitchen doorway whenever MC is making anything and just makes shit really uncomfortable. Why’s he doing that, you may be wondering, well, he’s trying to calculate the energy needed to swipe the bowl of cookie dough and sprint to safety.
He never succeeds, mainly because once he gets to the bowl, MC already has the wooden spoon ready to smack him, so he just freezes mid-theft and slowly puts the bowl down.
“Oh my gosh, it says let the bread dough rest overnight? Let’s get a headstart and go to sleep now.” “Belphie what-” “I made a pillow Fort, come in. Let’s sleep.” “In the kitchen????”
How’d he make the pillow Fort without MC noticing? Years of experience. He’s trained in the art of- MC? What do you mean you can’t sleep right now and you need to get a head start on shaping fondant?
…he may have eaten the fondant while MC wasn’t looking… whoops… Beel may have rubbed off on him a little…
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etheriaaly · 3 years
Just The Two Of Us [C! Tommyinnit x GN! Reader]
FLUFF TO ANGST (PLATONIC)  WARNINGS: Mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts, character death, cursing
Reader pronouns: They/them 
A/N: Hi, this is my first DSMP fanfic so uhh I hope u enjoy lmao. There might be grammatical errors so pls do not mind it :D
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[Y/N] already lost count of all the pranks and chaos they made with Tommy. They didn't like causing havoc or pulling pranks on people but if Tommy asked them to tag along, they would. Tommy is their best friend after all. Plus, where's the fun in life without a little risk?
[Y/N] was just at their Cottage house, peacefully making the potions that Quackity ordered just hours ago. Since [Y/N] is a skilled witch, it was no shock when they owned a Potions business. Everyone in the SMP server knows about this and they usually come and buy their potions. 
They were about to finish the last set of potions that Quackity ordered until they ran out of ingredients. "Dammit." [Y/N] muttered under their breath. They turned around and immediately went to find if they have any stock ingredients in their barrels or chests.
When they saw no stock ingredients, [Y/N] sighed and decided to do some last minute ingredients grinding. It was until they opened the door and saw Tommy standing in front of their house door.
[Y/N] knew that his presence is no good because that motherfucker is grinning ear to ear. They playfully groaned and asked, "What is it this time child?"
"Hey, I told you not to call me a child anymore!" Tommy suddenly protested, feeling insulted but went back to his sly grin and said, "Let's prank Skeppy and Bad." 
"That's a horrible idea." 
"Come on, bitch. It'll be fun." 
And they did come with Tommy. A couple hours had passed and [Y/N] had already forgotten about the ingredients they were gonna get for Quackity's potions. Tommy said that Big Q's order can wait but the prank can't. 
It wasn't long after Bad and Skeppy saw the two teenagers doing their little harmless prank on them. 
[Y/N] caught sight of the two and immediately tugged on Tommy's shirt. "Fuck, Tommy we gotta go." 
Tommy, unfazed and still focused on the prank, said, "Just a little longer." 
[Y/N] nudged Tommy's side using her elbows as the two teenagers can now hear Skeppy and Bad's incoherent yelling drawing closer and closer to them. 
"RUN!" [Y/N] yelled as they both left the things they used to try to prank BBH and Skeppy. 
The two let out a laugh as they ran away. Tommy constantly turned his head back to see if Skeppy and Bad are still after them. 
[Y/N] and Tommy continued to run even though Bad and Skeppy stopped coming after them. It wasn't until the two teenagers finally stopped running so that they could catch their breath. 
"What now?" [Y/N] gasped, who is still out of breath from both running and laughing at the same time. They looked at Tommy. 
Tommy grinned again and then grabbed their arm, "I have something pog to show you." 
[Y/N] didn't question Tommy and just let him drag them to a mountain. 
Once they have reached the destination, [Y/N] let out a 'wow'. The view is breathtaking and it is very peaceful. The mountain isn't that very far from the SMP but it looks like very few have come across this part. 
"So, what do you think?" Tommy asked, looking at the view. The view consists of the calming ocean waves and a peaceful sunsetting with birds passing by. 
[Y/N] turned to Tommy and smiled, "This could be our secret spot." They slowly walked towards the edge of the mountain cliff but were immediately stopped by Tommy. 
"Oh, [Y/N] wait. Be careful, the edge of the cliff looks really faulty." Tommy warned. 
[Y/N] immediately stepped back a little and took note of what Tommy said. But, they were still curious and looked down at the edge of the cliff, only to see the water from below. 
If someone would fall from this cliff and took a heavy impact on the water, that person wouldn't survive due to how high the mountain cliff is. 
[Y/N] then proposed, "You know, when things are stressful and stuff. We can just go here, sit in silence and look at the view as the wind or the waves takes away our problems for a while." 
"Just the two of us." The blonde haired lad said and then they both stood in silence, admiring the view and beauty of the server. 
Oh, if only you could turn back in time and relive this memory. If only things are still the same the way it was before. 
It's been so long since [Y/N] had fun and peace. Probably so many months since Tommy first showed them their secret mountain hangout area. 
[Y/N] currently stood still, gazing at the view that was once calm and peaceful but was now replaced with sounds of flying TNTs, fireworks and screams from the background.
They were in no state of mind as of the moment. They don't even know what to do anymore. A lot has changed ever since the wars, the exilation of Tommy. 
[Y/N] sniffed, wiping their tears using their now mangy sleeves caused by the current chaotic event. They continued to stare at the ocean, a potion of poison glistening in their hands. 
[Y/N] looked at the Potion of Poison that they were holding and pondered whether to drink it or not. 
Maybe it's best to end it once and for all. They don't have anywhere to go anyways. They don't have any friends or family to turn back to since everyone is against them or thought badly of them now. 
[Y/N] can't even go back to L’manberg as well since they're now a wanted criminal for breaking the laws and escaping from their house since they're supposed to be on house arrest for the crimes they didn't even do. 
They opened the cork of the potion, but they didn't drink it yet. They let their mind wander for a while and process everything that has happened. 
Maybe Dream was right. Maybe the people they loved never even cared for them at all. Maybe it was all just a lie. Maybe—
"[Y/N]." A familiar voice that they haven't heard in a while. 
It was windy. The cool breeze of air touched their skins. But along with the wind, there are particles of TNT or fireworks dusts. 
The [H/C] haired person turned around and saw their best friend for the first time in months. 
"Tommy." [Y/N] replied. Their voice were hoarse and dry. "What are you- What are you doing here?" 
"I could ask you the same thing." Tommy glared at them.
[Y/N] quietly groaned, closed their eyes for a while and pinched their nose bridge, still holding the potion on their other hand. "So, you believe all that shit?"
"Enough for me to believe the fact you tried to murder Tubbo, burn my invites and team up with Dream." 
Tommy added, "Maybe they were right about you. You're Dream's sibling after all." 
[Y/N] scoffed and threw their available hand around the air, "He may be my sibling, but we are never alike." 
"Why, [Y/N]? Why did you do it?" Tommy asked, hands gripping tighter on his sword. "Did Dream finally get into your head for you to commit these crimes? Or did you just do it because it's in your blood?" 
"You don't know a thing that happened," [Y/N] harshly spit back, completely trying to avoid the topic of Dream. "Of course you don't. You were exiled."
Tommy never understood why. Why had they turned like this? He felt rage and betrayal. During his exiled time, Tommy thought that they were gonna be that one person who would try to find him. Comfort him or even send him secret coded messages. But no, he received nothing. 
It hurts. Hurts like hell to know your best friend turned their back on everyone. A best friend that he has known for years. A part of him wants to believe they didn't do it but the proofs are enough for him to believe it was really them. 
"Well, you really can't blame me can you? You can only blame yourself," [Y/N] said. "This all started because of you and your stupid discs. All you ever care about is the FUCKING DISCS. Wars started, lives were lost, relationships were destroyed, all just because of those discs." 
They had never done this before. This was their first time just being angry and shouting at each other. Although this might be new to each other, it was obvious that they have been bottling up their emotions way too long. 
"You know what?! Things would be so much better if only you didn't exist." Tommy instantly regretted what he said as soon as he saw a potion glisten from [Y/N]'s hands. 
He may not be an expert but he knew well enough of the potions due to him hanging out too much with them before. "What are you doing?" Tommy immediately asked. "Is that a potion of poison?" 
"Nothing for you to care about." [Y/N] turned back towards the cliff and stared at the view once again. 
"Just the two of us again here, huh?" They said as they pulled the potion towards their mouth, just inches away from the lips now until Tommy hurriedly ran towards [Y/N] and tackled them. 
"What are you, an idiot?!" Tommy scolded as they both fought each other while trying not to fall from the cliff. He tried to pull the potion of poison away but it was hard since they kept gripping on it. 
It wasn't until Tommy was finally able to remove the potion from [Y/N]'s grasps. He threw the potion far away as it got smashed on the ground. 
The two of them were too busy fighting over the potion to notice that one of them is now standing on the faulty edge of the cliff. 
[Y/N] was on the edge of the cliff and accidentally backed away from Tommy, thinking there was still space. A loud shriek came out of their mouth.
Tommy immediately ran towards the edge, scrambled on his feet and looked down. Luckily, [Y/N] was able to hold onto the edge but their hands are shaky and tired from all the things that just happened. 
"I got you, I got you." Tommy frantically muttered, his breath increasing as to not knowing what will happen next. 
[Y/N] grip is slowly failing. Once their hands slipped, Tommy instantly grabbed their hands and tried to pull them back up. But, he too was tired from everything that has been happening. 
He tried to pull them up again but it was no use. Stress was adding up even more the moment they both felt the edge of the cliff shaking once more. 
Tommy can't do it anymore. So, he let out all the tears he's been trying to fight back. 
"It's gonna be okay, Tommy. Let me go." 
The blonde haired teen's eyes widened at [Y/N]'s statement. He can't do it. He can't bear to lose another loved one in his life. 
"I can't lose you too, [N/N]." Tommy croaked. 
The two might've fought just minutes ago but this is now a life and death situation. Problems and angst aside, they still care for each other. 
"You already did." Tommy's eyes widened in confusion and sadness. [Y/N] forced their hand to slip from his as Tommy tried to tighten it even more. [Y/N] had a few energies remaining, so they used it to push themselves off the cliff with their foot, making Tommy let go. 
For Tommy, everything is going so fast that his mind almost stopped working. 
But everything was in slow motion for [Y/N]. The fresh wind was so refreshing, almost making them forget what is currently happening to them. 
They closed their eyes, not wanting to see anymore reactions from Tommy. This is their end. This was meant to be. 
The moment [Y/N] chose to fall out from Tommy's grip, the blonde panicked and set aside all items he had with him. Without thinking properly, he lunged himself off the cliff. The only goal he had in mind was to save [Y/N] before it's too late. 
But he was, indeed, late. 
Everyone's communicator beeped. They all took at least some time to look at what the message could be on the communicator. As soon as everyone read the 2 words, their jaws dropped. 
[Y/N] drowned. 
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Bad Dreams - Bucky Barnes x Avenger (f)reader
Summary: You and Bucky are adjusting to civilian life after the Blip, some nights he needs you more then he realizes.
Warning: bit o angst, soft Bucky, fluff
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It had been a long fucking five years alone, sure you had Nat and Steve around at the Avengers Facility. But no matter how much time you spent with them doing whatever to keep your mind busy, at the end of the day, you were undoubtedly alone. You liked it that way at one point in your complicated life as an Avenger, but after the blip, you absolutely despised it. 
No one had expected what would have happened to be so terrible and tragic, or it to even go the way that it did. You had never even heard of Thanos or what the fuck kind of weirdass monsters could exist from other parts of the galaxy until they showed up knocking. How rude huh.
Life was peaceful before hand, well for the most part; you were an Avenger, someone who was part of the team. A conjurer of flame and ash, a Phoenix held within that was not afraid to use your power, and you used it well.
Then as per usual, shit went down and low and behold you met the one and only James Buchanan Barnes, Steve’s old friend with the metal arm and troubling history. Not to mention a face to die for, or at least one that would cause a bit of a chaotic scuffle between your two friends. They clearly had other priorities apart from yours at the time which was keep Steve out of jail, don’t burn anyone, and refrain from flirting with his 90 something year old friend. You tried your best in most of those areas. Most of them. 
Nonetheless, you fell hard and fast for the blue eyed man, and him the same for you, his feisty little firecracker with a heart as big and bright as a dragons. So when he went to Wakanda to lie low and get some much needed help. You followed.
With a heartfelt goodbye and a lasting kiss, he went under for a couple long weeks until Shuri and her expert team of scientists were able to fix what those bastards at Hydra had done to him.
For a short yet blessedly peaceful amount of time did you and your dark haired lover live safely within the Wakandan borders. In a small and beautiful little village by a lake, a hut all your own to shelter you from the heat and rain that poured hard onto the earth, and most wonderfully of all you had Bucky.
Life was simple for the first time in a long time, you spent the days helping out the locals and teaching the children how to properly swing a stick in defense, you know completely normal leisure activities. Spending the evenings making a big fire to tell stories under and cook the best food in Wakanda.
And the nights? You spent those wrapped up in Bucky’s arm, although most times you would be the big spoon which he loved more then anything in the whole world. Telling you it’s not just because you’re naturally warm, but that he’s been admittedly a bit touch starved from the years alone and lost. And for that you would always hold him closer.
Then that fateful day came crashing into your lives like a waterfall against rock, your friends had shown up claiming some being called Thanos was coming to take a stone out of Vision’s head. Yeah that was a new one.
The battle wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great either, you were able to save many lives by scorching the beasts that pursed onward. Letting whips of flame slash hard against the enemy with great skill and force from your bending. Then the world seemed to still, and the wind swayed the trees oddly.
Then HE came, the Titan from another world, he threw down all in his path without an ounce of mercy or remorse. You and Wanda were so close, so damn close to stopping him, but then he threw you back with the whole force of the gauntlet and a moment later Vision was dead.
Your head was bleeding and a fresh scar had marked your jaw in a bloody red slash from the impact. Though your mind didn’t have time to register nor care as Thanos abruptly disappeared into oblivion, leaving a confused Thor in his wake. Much like the rest of the Avengers.
Then to your horror, one by one, your friends began to turn to ash and dust. Gone. You raced for Bucky nearby, praying to who’d ever listen to spare him or you for that matter. You just needed ten more seconds and then you could have held him one last time, touched his precious skin, ran your fingers through his long dark locks.
Looked into his ocean blue eyes, but no, the universe laughed as you gasped in panic, then it snickered as you screamed. Cheering you on as you sobbed in a cyclone of your own fire until the ground was scorched to shriveled dry earth. And no more tears could fall, your throat raw and heart broken in two.
Your world was gone, a memory forever kept locked inside your heart and soul. He was gone, he was your world, Bucky made your life better and you his.
For the coming months you were a mess, an angry and frustrated wreck of a person. Functioning by sheer will power and Natasha to keep you afloat in your new dreary little world of nothingness. You envied Steve for his ability to keep most of his shit together, and where almost enraged by Tony who had everything still intact. Pepper and a child on the way, how cruel the universe appeared.
You would wake up in the middle of the night sweating, your heart racing a mile a minute and usually part of the wall behind you would be burnt and blackened. You never set fire to anything thank god, but fuck, your heart hurt so much.
You wanted to scream most days, but as one year rolled into two and then three, the dull dreary ache in your body subdued to a tiny flicker of sadness. It became almost nonexistent during the day as you went about Avenger business, only to burn hot and angry at night.
You wanted to move on and forget, but you couldn’t, he was too important. They all didn’t deserve to go like that, none of them. And so another year passed, then it was year five since the blip, more months passed on. Until out of nowhere something or perhaps someone miraculous lit the way into a new sense of hope.
Resulting in the return of everyone who had been lost before, including your Bucky. And from that moment after the battle, when at long last you had finally found him, you knew life would never be the same.
Rain pours relentlessly from outside your apartment window, a rhythmic pitter patter near your bedside that aids in keeping you asleep and unbothered for the time being. No sooner do you reach the climax of your dream that consists of you being chased by a giant monarch butterfly with no weapon but a sandbox plastic shovel, do you wake. Strange dream.
All your senses flooding back into you as you feel for your lover in the darkness, your eyes still closed as you do so. Your hand slides across the crinkled bedsheets to no avail, the spot next to you is undeniably empty and rather cold.
oh, Bucky.
Cracking one eye open you glance at the alarm clock where it reads 1:10am in big red letters, illuminating the nightstand that it sits on. You take in a deep breath and roll onto your back to stare up at the ceiling, this has become a reoccurring event with Bucky in the following months since his return.
In Wakanda things were different, it was like a nice prolonged vacation away from all your problems and responsibilities of the world. Now, you two have an apartment somewhere in New York City all your own. Bucky goes to therapy and does his best to integrate back into his new role as a civilian while you work as an Avenger part time. The other half used for being a supporting loving girlfriend to Bucky and a hacker on the side for extra cash in the bank.
You get it though, he’s adjusting the best he’s able to manage right now, and even when he swears the nightmares are gone for good. You know him too well to believe that shit, you can see it in his eyes, he may have been a master assassin at one point. Now he’s with a skilled and almost equally as weathered Avenger who’s seen her share of people really going through it.
It’s not like you were doing any better, you’d wake up screaming in the dead of night from another nightmare involving losing Bucky again. That only lasted for a month or so, but still, it sucked and hurt every damn time. So you get it, nightmares can be a bitch.
Blinking the bleariness out of your eyes, you yawn into the darkness and take a moment to listen to the sound of the rain. It’s peaceful and calm, and though you’d like nothing more then to roll over and fall back into the dark comfortable void of sleep. You long to see Bucky again, even if you saw him not even two hours ago.
Pulling the blanket off of your body, you slowly sit up and face the blurry window that overlooks the glowing city, well more so the park close by. Pushing some hair out of your face, you stand and take a brief moment to stretch before letting your right hand emit a beautiful blue flame.
It proptly lights up the dark room into a shadowed yet still visible one, with a lazy proud smile, you move for the opened bedroom door. Your flame lights the way down the hall until you wander past the tiny kitchen and stop in your living room to the sound of heavy breathing coming from the far end.
You give a lopsided smirk to no one in particular as you pad over to the man who’s sweaty and shirtless on the wooden apartment floor in nothing but his boxers and a single blanket that’s not covering much. Well he sure looks like a hot mess, your hot mess that is.
He gives you an apologetic glance before staring tiredly back at the nearby wall. You extinguish your flame and gently nudge his leg with your sock, “How’s the floor?” You ask with a tinge of humor to lighten the mood.
He lets out a breathy laugh before looking back up at you, “Solid.” Quips Bucky in reference to the hard floor and perhaps his take on the makeshift bed, always one for a bit of humor huh.
Chuckling you crouch down to better meet his shadowed gaze, “I guess so,” You mutter with a shrug, “....afraid I might burn you in my sleep?”
Shaking his head, he gifts you the flash of a smile, “No. Not this time Y/N.”
You smile back before sitting down next to him, you look down at his hand before reaching out to take it without any resistance, “I know it’s the nightmares Bucky.” You whisper softly, your eyes sincere and true, “You don’t have to hold it all in okay, I don’t.....I don’t want you to do that.”
Letting out a reluctant sigh, Bucky frowns, “I know Y/N....I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, I just love you too much to see you hurting. I’ve missed you for what feels like a hundred goddamn years and I don’t want you to slip away from me..” You add with a sad smile, “Never again.”
Squeezing your hand gently, Bucky nods, “You’re not going to lose me okay. I promise you that much alright. I love you Y/N.” And he means every word.
“That’s good then. Can you at least tell me something to ease your mind from what’s bothering you?” You ask with a hopeful smile, “Please. Remember what the therapist talked about with speaking your thoughts and feelings....it’s like emptying a treasure chest or some shit.”
“Right.” Laughs Bucky, “Can’t say you’re going to find any gold in here.”
“Shut up I don’t care.” You muse with a shrug, “I’m here to listen.”
“As the lady wishes.” Retorts Bucky with a half-assed bow that caused you to break out into a small smile at his cheekiness.
“Wait.” You pause.
“Can we sit on the couch for this I wanna lay next to you.”
Rolling his eyes, Bucky fakes his annoyance as you patiently await his answer, “Fine.” He confirms, quickly standing up and taking you with him, “But you gotta lay on me I’m kinda cold now.”
Bucky falls onto the large comfortable couch with a dramatic huff as he pulls you onto his shirtless body, “Weren’t you just all sweaty?” You wonder with a raised brow as he quickly wraps his arms around your waist.
Bucky chuckles, “Well you’re making me talk about my feelings.”
“That’s because you won’t talk about them with your actual therapist.” You sass back.
“I hate it when you’re right.” Mutters Bucky into your cheek as you snicker at his adorably dramatic self.
“I think your brain short circuited and misplaced the word hate for absolutely love and adore.”
“Maybe.” Adds Bucky as he steals a sweet kiss, “I’m still working through things you know.”
“Okay smartass. Now tell me what’s on your mind.”
His chest rises as he takes a deep heavy sigh, he stares out the nearby window that keeps the rainy city from being bothersome. You can’t completely see his face due to the darkened room, but you’re close enough to see the way his face turns into a frown.
Suddenly you think maybe you shouldn’t have bugged him to speak about his nightmares. Until he purses his lips together and glances those big beautiful blue eyes down at you, the flash of a smile revealing itself in a split second.
To give him a bit more confidence and perhaps to calm his nerves, do you reach a hand up to gently caress his stubbled cheek, “Was it the Starks again?” You whisper softly in question, knowing how much it still haunts him. Among all the others.
Closing his eyes, he leans into your touch, “Not this time.” Mutters Bucky before taking that hand in his as he rests his head against the couches puffy arm. “Someone else.....Someone who got in the way. Wrong place wrong time.”
“oh.” Slips from your mouth quietly, you’re not sure what else to say, but you’re still hoping he’ll speak a little more about it. “Do they have anything to do with your list?”
It’s a shot in the dark, but you’re well aware of Bucky’s goal to make amends with his past and the people tied with it, maybe someone might be linked to it by chance.
Bucky takes another weighted breath, you can just sense how terrible he feels about this person. “Bucky take your time, it’s okay I’m right here.”
Looking for a positive sign you watch as he closes his eyes once again before moving his head a little bit so that it rests against yours, “I know....it’s just, difficult.”
“Always is.”
Kissing your forehead, his flesh arm wraps around your waist as he makes himself more comfortable before continuing, “I was in some government building at night.....tasked with eliminating some special high end target. I finished the mission in under a minute, but uh....there was a civilian who saw everything.”
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah.” Mumbles Bucky against your skin as he takes a moment to gather himself, soon he shifts underneath you once more before letting out a soft breath, “I shot him.”
A bang of sadness washes over you in that brief second and then a sparking anger for what Hydra had forced him to do. You keep silent and wait for Bucky to continue on with his story.
“That guy I killed. He um....he uh, he didn’t deserve that....but I had to.” Bucky’s voice is shaky as he puts his words together, “And you know what’s the worst about this?”
“I’d like not to imagine it but I know you should tell me.”
“You remember Yori?”
“Of course, he takes us to that great sushi place sometimes.”
Bucky squeezes his eyes shut as he hugs you tighter against his bare chest for some kind of comfort, his voice nothing but a regretful whisper, “I killed his son.”
Your eyes soften as he reveals who this mystery civilian was, “Damn.”
“Out of all the people in this world and I meet the man who’s son I murdered for Hydra.”
“That’s almost a sick joke.”
“I know. God I’m so fucked up.”
“No.” You protest softly while he hides his face in your neck, “I know you’ve heard this a thousand times but that wasn’t you. It wasn’t the real James Buchanan Barnes alright, you didn’t have a choice. Those fuckers took that away from you.”
“I know Y/N, but I still did it.”
“Bucky look at me.” You ask kindly, to your genuine surprise he lifts his head from your neck to look into your determined gaze, “You’re not the only one here who was manipulated and had their freedom taken from them by Hydra. I’ve done terrible things too, but you know what? We were never truly ourselves then, they molded us into their weapons and now.....they can never touch us again. You understand me?”
Tears whell up in Bucky’s shimmering eyes at your truthfully honest words, he had temporarily forgotten that you were once an unwilling participant in Hydra’s mind stone experimentations many years ago.
“I understand....” Mutters Bucky as he swallows hard, “what would I be without you?”
Giving him a small tearful smile, you gently wipe away a stray tear from his cheek, “A little bit more alone I’d say.”
“You’re a hundred times braver then me you know that? I couldn’t image five years without you and these fucking nightmares.” Admits Bucky as he moves to rest his head in the crook of your neck, “I’d go insane.”
Appreciating this close proximity and his heartfelt confession, you smile into the darkness, “I think I did. Thing is about shitty situations like that....life moves on and finds a way. I have you now, I thought I would lose you forever.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Me too.”
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redbeansoups · 3 years
Move-In Day
Cove Holden x Reader
In which Cove Holden helps you move into your brand new dorm, and wishes you farewell before your freshman year.
Takes place after Step 3.
Like it or not, your life has always revolved around one Cove Holden. One bright-eyed, silky-haired, infuriatingly endearing Cove Holden. It’s always been him, in everything you’ve done, forever a spectator and participant in one. You have never known a time without him: your classmate, neighbor, best friend and boyfriend-extraordinaire.
Even now, as you edge into adulthood, Cove Holden is all you know: seated beside you with one hand on the wheel, wavy hair tucked behind his ears, his eyes longingly on yours. He catches your gaze, and offers you a smile, full of sincerity as always.
The journey upstate had been a long time coming; a goal, ever-present, but inching along so slowly that you’d opted merely to brush it off. But as the summer of your senior year came to a close, your move-in day had sprung up on you like an unpleasant (albeit somewhat enthralling) surprise.
Cove, forever a gentleman, had insisted on driving you all the way. You’d argued against him, only to be shut down–and quite firmly at that. “If you’re going to be moving so far away,” he’d told you one night, “then the least I can do is go and see you off.” He was a much better driver than you anyway, you’d reasoned with yourself, and it’d be nice to have another pair of hands to unpack. The idea of flying alone didn’t quite appeal to you either, so, after hardly a moment’s hesitation, you’d agreed to let him tag along.
College, all the way up north–you can hardly believe you’d come so far. You’d dreamt of this for years, spent months drafting application essays and crafting resumes. Years of preparation and research, though, hadn't seemed to brace you for the anxiety to come.
Even now, sitting in the car with Cove, hands intertwined, the idea feels more like a dream than your living, breathing reality. But the car trudges along, movements never once faltering for your thoughts.
You’d be on your own soon–a stray left for dead. You’d be nowhere near Sunset Bird anymore.
Lost in thought, it takes you more than a moment to grow cognizant of your surroundings. The scenery has shifted, the sky around you having faded to a pale purple hue. The change in atmosphere is instant. High-rise buildings litter the skyline; the shopping districts, no longer limited to a single street, bustle with activity.
It feels, beyond anything else, unfamiliar.
Realistically, you are far from alone. Derek, having gotten his scholarship, lives right down the hall. Your parents and sister are always a call away, and your friends have never failed to remind you of their presence. And Cove, despite being far from technologically adept, is still a better texter than most–and a relatively consistent one at that.
These thoughts, at least, are reassuring.
But the fear remains–and all you can do is try and work alongside it.
You turn to Cove. The window has been rolled down; you feel the cool evening breeze against your skin, fresh and foreign all at once. His hands are running mindlessly through his hair, detangling the inevitable wind-induced knots. Your eyes flit down to his fingers drumming against the steering wheel, then lower down to his scar, the pale white mark running gently down his forearm.
Sitting there, so unaware of himself, sunset illuminating soft features–Cove is beautiful, in every possible way.
You smile, content.
The hours pass, and before you know it, you find yourself on campus for the first time.
You tap the keycard to your door, and it opens with a soft click. The two of you are met with the sight of the dorm, the yellow-tinted wood somehow even less impressive than the photos you’d seen online. Barren walls, popcorn ceilings, worn-down linoleum from decades past. Sparsely decorated as it may be, the room puts you at ease.
You let Cove move past you to enter. “What a joy.” You scoff at the drawl in his voice. “Where’d you say your roommate’s from?” he asks, his shoulders nudging the door wider. His set of boxes is significantly larger than yours, and he looks smaller than ever with the stack cradled against his chest.
“Florida,” you answer, following his footsteps.
“Oh.” He sets the cardboard down on the ground, the impact resounding with a solid thump. “I hope they won’t mind the mess we’re about to make.”
That draws a laugh out of you; you think back to all the times you’ve stepped into his room, only to find it a complete bird’s nest. “They’re not moving in until tomorrow.” Another thump resounds as you drop your own load. “We have time to clean. But don’t mess things up too bad, please. I’d like a good first impression.”
“No promises.”
You roll your eyes, and, cracking open the first box, begin the arduous process of unpacking.
“Well,” Cove says finally, brushing dust away from his hands. “I think that was the last of your stuff.”
Setting the last of your books in place, you take a moment to revel in your surroundings. Despite his messy tendencies, Cove had done a pretty good job–with your assistance, of course. All your clothes had been folded neatly up in the closet, and your posters were hung all over the walls, like a delicate reminder of home. On the desk sat two small photo frames; one with you and your family, and one with you and Cove.
“I guess so, huh,” you mutter.
There’s a weight in the air around you, and you bow your head.
There’d been too much to discuss. Hell, even now the topic was one you wanted nothing more than to avoid. The ‘what-ifs’ had littered your mind for months now, hanging over you like a constant reminder. And though Cove had tried his best to dispel them, they’d inevitably come back–and with a vengeance. You didn’t know what the future held, nor did you know whether the two of you would last. Uncertainty riddled your mind: what if he grew bored? What if the two of you lost interest? What if, after all your time together, the physical distance became too much?
His hand comes to rest on your shoulder. The gesture is light, gentle–a welcome pressure.
The tension dissipates.
You sigh, lifting your chin up to meet his gaze. There’s a softness in his eyes you’ve come to recognize as sadness. And there’s a warmth behind your own that threatens to grow hot, to liquify and pool before you. You choke back the urge to cry, stifling yourself by clearing your throat. “You’ll text me, won’t you?”
He chuckles softly at that, thumb stroking circles into your skin. “Of course. I’ll call you so often you’ll grow sick of me.”
“I’m counting on it, Cove.”
You give him one last hug, inhaling his scent and pressing your cheek to his chest. He smells like Sunset Bird, a mixture of the ocean and the beach and all the pleasantries that come along with it. His pulse, slow and steady, beats in your ear.
Devoting the moment to memory, you angle your head to plant a peck on his cheek. “Thanks for helping me move in.”
He grins at you. “Of course.” The expression sparks something strange in you, something equal parts melancholy and equal parts pride. You so badly want him to stay–you want to reach out, pull him down into the bed and sit right atop him so he might never escape your grasp.
“I love you,” you whisper, part-plea and part-farewell; you see the pain in Cove’s eyes. “Don’t get into too much trouble while I’m gone, alright?”
He lets out a breathy laugh and, shaking his head, shoots you a smile. "I love you too."
You smile, and breathe him in just once more. Then, with one last teary kiss, you let go, and wish him a safe journey home.
You’re on your own now–
But you know he’s with you, always.
A/N: Another self-indulgent piece as always, because I've fallen in love with one Cove Holden. My freshman year of college starts soon, and I guess my worries culminated in this piece. Thanks for reading, though–I hope this was alright! Any reblogs or likes are appreciated!!
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
He’s Lost - Bakugou Katsuki - Part 4
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, daddy kink, m!receiving, alcohol mentions, Cursing, fluff
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Summary: After 2 months of hard work and bonding, Bakugou was finally able to get his teddy bear back and he’s never been happier
A/N: Since there was no more room for me to write in part 3, here’s part 4, which is more of just a continuation of part 3 so but it’s still a closing chapter. You know? Yea, you know. Anyways, enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
When he finally reached you, he took notice of your eyes shut in relaxation. He used his fingers to tilt your head upwards to meet his eyes as you slowly open yours with a smirk. He leaned in and asked you,
“You know what comes next, right Teddy Bear?
“Maybe I do. Maybe I’m waiting for Blasty to do something first.” You said as you smiled and your seductive gaze traveled from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes. Bakugou took that as an invitation and dove right in.
As soon as his lips met yours, he felt a spark reignite in him, and he was sure you felt it too. The love you both had for one another was being delivered through this simple connection, and you both enjoyed every second of it. The way his warm lips pressed against yours made butterflies appear in your stomach. Soon his hand reached around, squeezing your ass, earning a gasp from you. He quickly took the opportunity to slide his tongue in and explore every crevasse.
The way his tongue glided across yours was as addictive as any drug. It was definitely something you could get used to. As the kiss grew stronger, and your breaths got heavier, both your hands began to roam each other. His hands grabbed and groped your body in every way possible. Fondling your breast so gently, and squeezing on your round peach. He let his hand go down to your thighs but not before letting his palm “accidentally” glide over your aching cunt. With that, you released a high pitch moan and your hands journied from his hair to his neck, all the way to his abs until a thought came into mind. As you smiled into the kiss, you dragged your hands past his abs down to his friend. You slowly took his large length into your hands and tightened your hold on it, releasing a moan from Katsuki.
As you began to jerk him off, his head fell onto your shoulders and he back you up into a corner while still holding onto you.
“What’s wrong...Suki?” You deviously smiled.
“Mm...F-Fuck.” Katsuki’s breath’s grew more ragged and he sounded so desperate for release. You could tell he was too. He was thrusting his hips forward and back, basically fucking your hand. He was so close to cumming until you pulled away.
“What the fuck, princess?!” He exclaimed.
“Awww, is daddy mad he didn’t get to cum?” You teased.
“Daddy’s a little more than mad princess,” he said as his eyes grew dark. With that look on his face, you just knew you had to push it even further.
“Then do something about it...Bakugou.” You purred.
Ohhh..you were fucked. Simple as that. You have all these choices ranging from Blasty to Suki to even Daddy, and you chose that name. Big mistake.
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to you damn brat?” He growled in your face.
“I know exactly who I’m talking to Bakugou.” Ohh, you said it again. May the gods have mercy on Y/N’s poor soul.
Before you knew it Bakugou was seated on the ledge and your face was being pulled up to his. His hand wrapped around your cheeks and held onto your jaw to pull you up so he could whisper in your ear.
“You got the wrong name on your tongue, princess. But don’t worry. Daddy’s gonna make sure you know exactly who you’re dealing with.” He said as he used his other hand to smack your ass. Hard. And you enjoyed the pain and even moaned for more.
“Awww, you want me to smack your ass some more?” Bakugou chuckled at you. “Brats don’t get rewarded, they get punished.” He pulled at your hair and tugged it back so he could get a clear view of your neck. He kissed at it and sucked your skin till a small purple hickey appeared. He gave the marking a quick kiss before saying,
“If you want your reward, you’ll call me daddy and suck my dick real good like a good little girl.” He softly said. This got you riled up and he could tell. “You seem excited. You wanna taste my cock?”
“Yes Daddy~” You desperately and said with a whine to your voice.
“Then do it. Suck my dick real nice for me princess and I promise you’ll get your reward.” He said as he kissed your forehead.
You bent down to take his member into your hands and Bakugou watched every second of this. He watched as you gave his red angry tip a kiss before licking at the precum that covered it. Your little kitten licks were only teasing him though, he needed the real deal.
When you opened your mouth and sucked at his tip, he sucked at his teeth and released a sigh. As you swirled your tongue around the top, you swallowed more of him. You pressed down until your nose his pelvis. You moaned around his cock and Bakugou gasped.
“Ah! Oh god..” he breathed out.
Your hand came up to grab his balls and play with them in your hand. You began to bob your head up and down in a consistent motion giving Bakugou chills that ran up his spine.
“S-hit princess..yess..” you felt his hand grab onto your hair and pull you back before pushing you back down. He was controlling the pace now and god was it fast. As you chocked on his dick, this only made his lust grow. You could hear his wanton moans and curses from above, and then you felt him stand up in shallow end of the water.
He was fucking your face now, thrusting in and out of your mouth. You moaned and gagged around his cock and Bakugou cried out in so much pleasure.
“F-fuck! Shit baby..you sucking daddy’s dick real good...ohh fuuckk,” you felt him give a little smack to your face while you continued to suck him off. “You like that? Huh? You like how daddy fucks your face, princess? God you’re doing amazing.” He moaned out.
He sped up until you could feel his dick twitch in your mouth.
“Ohh s-shit, you feel that? Ahh..Daddy’s gonna come in your mouth...you want that? You wanna swallow my kids? F-Fuck, c’mon..mm, I want you to show me princess..” You replied with a moan. You were so desperate to taste him. He fucked your mouth some more until he finally shuttered and released on your tongue. He filled your mouth with his salty, sweet almost caramel like cum and you savored every drop. You swallowed it all, happily, and opened your mouth to show him.
“Good girl.” Katsuki said before tilting your head and giving you a wet kiss. He then fell into the fresh and crystal clear water with you, and pushed you against the side of the pool wall.
“You ready princess?” He said with a smile.
“W-wait what? But you didn’t even-“ he cut you off.
“I know. No prep for you teddy bear. This is part of your punishment. You’re gonna take daddy’s giant cock just the way you are.” He explained. Now you were nervous. Katsuki was huge and long. Is it even safe for you to take his massive cock without prep? Only one way to find out.
He lifted your leg and pressed his tip against your pussy, then he spoke, “You’re gonna take me so good princess. Im gonna make you feel so good. I’m gonna show you all my love.” He ended each sentence with a kiss to your neck or cheek before asking.
“Can you take it princess?” You knew this wasn’t part of his pillow talk. He was genuinely asking if you were willing to take him without prep. You were ready.
“Give it to me daddy.” You proudly said. And with that, he slowly pushed in. Loud moans mixed of slight pain and pleasure came over you. Bakugou was always big, but having to take him without any preparation made you realize just how huge he was.
“Mm!...Suki!..” he kissed your face all over, trying to distract you.
“It’s ok, it’ll go away soon.” He reassured you as he pushed in deeper. When he was fully submerged, you both released a gasp. He waited a minute to let you adjust before looking at you for permission to move.
“Please..ah!..I want it so bad~” you begged. With your permission, he slowly started. He pulled in and out of you with deep strokes, earning soft moans from you. He rested his forehead against yours as he continue his thrust. He then spoke.
“I love you Y/N. I want you to know exactly how I much I do,” he said each word covered in love.
“I know you do Suki...I love you too.” You both shared a loving kiss along with the slow strokes of Katsuki’s dick.
“Mm...Suki...p-please...more!” You said in between kisses. Katsuki smirked at your request.
“You sure princess?” He said while speeding up, “you sure you can handle all of it?”
“Ahh! Yes, please daddy!” You begged.
“Ok teddy bear...ohh fuck..daddy’s gonna give it to you.” With that he picked up both of your legs and wrapped them around his waist. He had you pressed up against the pool’s wall and fucked you into tomorrow. The speed was driving you crazy, the way his tip reached your cervix and the strength of his thrust were receiving loud moans from you.
The water around you was splashing around as your grip around his neck grew tighter.
“Ohh..fuck.. YES! Oh my god..Katsuki!” You cried out.
His hands smacked against your ass as he spoke. “Ohh god, you like that princess? Fuck, this dick feel good?” He asked, speeding up even more.
You threw your head back and cried out even more. Katsuki attacked your neck as he continued his dirty talk.
“Mm...s-shit. You’re mine. You understand?” He said as he smack your ass again. “Mine only. Mine to hold, have, love and fuck.” He accentuated the last word with a sharp thrust that made you scream.
“M-More! More daddy please!” You asked. As Katsuki continued to thrust, he grabbed your legs and placed them atop his shoulders, allowing him to hit a deeper angle and more sensitive spot.
“Ahh! .....ohh yess~” you moaned. Katsuki groaned at the new position. “F-Fuck! Ohh god..your Pussy feels so good wrapped around my cock...damn baby.” He moaned out.
With his fast pace still going, your legs began shaking as a sign of a euphoric release coming.
“Oh my god! Yess...D-Daddy!” You cried out.
“You gonna cum princess?” His thrust became sloppy, signaling he was close too. “You gonna come on this cock?”
“Y-Yes! Yes daddy, let me cum..” you whined as he started to fuck you deeper.
“Ohh fuck... then do it..yeah baby, cum on my cock!”
With his permission, you released your cum and cried out in ecstasy. He continued to fuck you through your orgasm until he reached his, and filled you up.
He released a loud moan as he slowly fucked his cum into you. The once crystal clear water was now a milky color thanks to the cream pie and Bakugou released a sigh. As you both came down from the high, you relaxed in each other’s arms. After a minute, he pulled out of you and saw as more cum flowed in the water.
He chuckled a little, and picked you up princess style and swam to the middle of the watering hole, where it was clear of cum. Just floating there and holding you in his arms with your head against his chest. With the beautiful scenery around you, you both agreed. This was heaven. Bakugou just slowly hummed a tune to himself and you listened to his deep, sultry voice as you let your eyes rest.
“Yes princess?” He asked you.
You laughed a little before saying to him, “I really, really, really, really, really love you....a lot.” Bakugou opened his eyes and smiled even more at the familiar declaration of love. He was finally complete. He kissed your forehead and held you tighter.
“I love you too Teddy Bear.”
After spending some more time in the cave, you both decided to get dressed and head back to the beach. As Bakugou drove, you both noticed how the sun was rising. Had you guys really been at the beach all night? Wow. Whatever though, this trip was worth it. Bakugou’s hand was on your thigh as he drove off and you rested your head on the window and placed your hand on top of his. As he halted the car at a stop sign, he turned and saw how the sun’s golden rays glowed against your skin. Gosh, you were absolutely gorgeous. He was completely in love.
When he pulled up to the beach, you both walked with his arm wrapped around your waist holding you close. You guys made it back as the sky was still a gorgeous gold and purple mix, and a golden hour was beaming on the beach. Since you both still wore your bathing suits, there was nothing covering up your love marks. You walked up to your friends and saw the group had succumbed to Denki’s wishes and sang the campfire song.
“BUM-BUM-BUUU- woah.” Denki said as he took notice of yours and Bakugou’s neck. The group turned and saw Bakugou with his hold on you...and the hickies covering both of your necks.
“Ahh, so you two love birds took my advice?” Mina said with a cocky smirk. You both smiled and blushed as you looked at each other.
“Soo..you guys are back together?” Sero asked.
“Obviously you idiots,” Bakugou said.
“The hell you mean ‘obvious?’ You two have been marking each other up for the past month! It’s kinda hard to tell with you two, ok?!” Sero exclaimed. Everyone laughed and Kirishima jumped for joy.
“All that fucking suffering in my room, all that sleeping on the couch. Bakugou, you’re so fucking lucky she accepted you back ‘cuz if she didn’t, I don’t think I would’ve been able to take care of another depressed Bakugou. All that bullshit wasn’t manly at all” The red head cried out fake tears. The group gave a smile and small laugh as Bakugou and Y/N took their seats.
Before Y/N could reach her seat, a clearly touch starved Bakugou dragged her into his lap. That was her new seat.
“Suki?” You questioned.
“I was left touch starved for a month. Let me have this, princess.” He so casually explained as his chin rested on your shoulder.
The squad let out “awww’s” and squeals at the cute interaction. Y/N got comfortable on his lap as Mina went around passing beers to everyone around the bondfire.
“Cheers to the happy couple!” Mina cheered on.
“Cheers to no more sneaky links!” Sero said.
“Cheers to no more sad Kacchan!” Denki joyously spoke.
“Cheers to no more couch sleeping and care taking!” Kirishima cried out again.
“Cheers to us no longer being lost, Y/N.” Bakugou calmly added on.
“Cheers to us, Suki.” You said with love and admiration. Everyone raised their bottles to the sky and you and Bakugou clinked your glasses before taking a sip and sharing a quick peck.
When you guys packed up and decided to head back to Musutafu, in the same seats as before, the group all fell asleep. Well, except for the two up front. Bakugou and you were sitting hand in hand as he drove and you navigated.
Now the shining sun was fully up and the blue sky was absolutely perfect. Mina was right, this trip was exactly what you guys needed. Denki’s phone that was connected to the Bluetooth played all the newest and trending songs at a low volume. It made for perfect background noise. A small smile could be seen on both yours and bakugou’s lips.
This was the happiest he’s been in awhile. All peace and love. His girl right next to him once again. He had everything he ever really needed. As he drove home, he knew everything would be amazing from now on, because as he was going down the road, he had you to help him, and keep him from getting lost once again.
A/N: Sorry if the ending seems a little rush, I’m still in class and I made this last part all throughout my first 4 periods and lunch break. I really hope you bear Cubs enjoyed this short story. Props to you if you know about Spongebob’s campfire song! Also, I got the inspiration for the first car scene (in part 3) from a tik tok! I’m pretty sure it’s from a TV show, but I wouldn’t know which one. Sorry! I still can’t believe what was meant to be a simple oneshot turned out to be my first full story on tumblr! I love and appreciate you all so damn much! The positive feedback is so incredible and I’m so glad the lot of you stayed along for the journey and growth of this story. I hope you enjoyed reading bear Cubs! Thanks for the love! 💗🧸
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infernal-fire · 3 years
I love your dark Jake Jensen and I have a request for him, so the team gets in contact with reader for supplies for a mission an Jensen feels a spark between them so he makes every excuse to talk to reader to the point the team teased but helps him out with his grand scheme to get with reader but they don't know how far he'd go to make reader his ☺️💕 thanks
I love a good dark!jake fic!! I have changed the specifics a litttllle bit so i hope this is alright :)
Warnings: implied noncon/dubcon, some creepy behaviour, mention of stalking, drugging, mention of breeding kink
Summary: 5 days; that’s how long it takes him to become fixated on you.
Wc: 2k 
You’re My Delusion
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They could have gone to any supplier. Fate would have it that Aisha wanted you, and only you. 
The melodious tune of a piano ringtone chimed in your bag. You ask the other daycare teacher to take over for you and picked up the phone: Unknown Number. You watched the phone ring until the line went dead and resumed your day. 
It may have been an ‘unknown number’, but your subconscious unequivocally knew who it was. Grumbling at the thought of being contacted again, you twisted the handle to your condo. Of course, you didn’t bat an eye when there was an envelope on your countertop, one that you didn’t put there; Aisha knew that you knew the phone would ring again, and if you didn’t answer, she would pay you a visit.
When Unknown Number flashed across your screen for the second time that day, you considered letting it go to voicemail again, but picked up anyway. 
“If you’re gonna ask me for an assist-”
Aisha cut you off. “I know you don’t do missions anymore. We need a safe house that’s off the books.”
“Who’s we?”
“They’re all men.” As if on cue, you heard someone guffaw in the background. “It’s making me lose my goddamn mind,” she elucidated. 
“You know I don’t really do this stuff anymore,” you huffed, “But I’m making an exception this one time. For you.” You could hear Aisha let out a squeal of happiness, and realized how bad it must be if she uncharacteristically showed excitement.
While cleaning up your old warehouse-turned-safehouse, Aisha’s words echoed in the back of your head. “Some of them are a little... bulky. Let them sleep on the floor.” You tried to protest, asking her, what’s the point of a safehouse if they aren’t resting well, but she dismissed the question. “Trust me. They’re nothing more than cavemen.”
It was 4 AM; foot tapping impatiently and sipping on the third coffee of the night, you smacked your forehead in frustration. It was way past bedtime. After living alongside Aisha for years, anyone would appreciate nights that consist of 8 hours of sleep. 
You could certainly appreciate it. Being a daycare teacher, living in a civilian condominium and not engaging in government work was something you couldn’t take for granted. Not after all the shit you’ve seen. 
3 brusque knocks sounded on the metal door to your right. Your head snapped to the source, waiting for Aisha to call out the code word. 
“LOSERS!” a voice hollered from the other side. You trudged to the door, trying to shake off the dizziness that came with standing up too fast. 
Opening the door with caution, you had only blinked a few times before a body pulled you into a tight embrace.
“You’re never this excited to see me. That bad, huh,” you sneered. 
“You have no idea.” Aisha pulled out of the hug and turned to face the men who had lined up nearby. 
“So… who’s this?” The guy with dirty blonde hair, nerd glasses and a horrible sense of fashion piped up. His whole appearance was an oxymoron to his build - muscles protruded out of the bright pink shirt that hugged him like a second skin. On the other hand, you couldn’t imagine him as anything more than a harmless golden retriever.
“Don’t ask as if you don’t know Jensen,” Aisha groused. You could practically hear her roll her eyes. 
“What’s your name, darling?” another guy spoke. He exuded the energy of a leader; you looked him straight in the eyes and gave him your name. 
The golden retriever repeated your name as if to try out the taste of it on his tongue. You gave him a lopsided, close-mouthed smile and asked Aisha for her teammates’ names. 
“You don’t need to learn their names.” She stalked off, unwilling to be a part of the conversation any longer. 
The guy you had assumed was the leader sighed at her attitude before introducing himself as ‘Clay’. He pointed at each person and gave you their titles. 
“Okay so you’re Clay, that’s Cougar, Roque,” you skipped over Jake, “and Pooch.” 
“Me?” Jake softly inquired.
The rest of the team began picking up their things and walking away, but not before Pooch nudged Jensen with his shoulder and winked. The puppy-like man flushed in response and rubbed the nape of his neck.
“What about you?” you asked once you were alone. 
“You didn’t say my name.” 
“I know it’s Jake… but can I call you ‘daddy’ instead?” 
He froze up, looking at you like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Relax Jakey,” you put a hand on his chest, “I’m only teasing.” You winked and strutted away, snickering to yourself at how he looked like he was about to pass out.
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The entire team was trying to egg you and Jensen on. Well, not the entire team. 
Aisha and Roque couldn’t care less, and Cougar did nothing more than smirk at your playful banter. 
Often, Jensen would start a conversation that would escalate quickly, your witty dialogue interrupting his rationale. You thought it was adorable how he didn’t know how to respond; a guy like him could have fantastic game, but he was too much of a sweetheart, not the mention, way too awkward. 
One particular night, you let down your guard, just enough to actually get to know him. 
“You seem like a really supportive uncle,” you commented at his excitement for his niece’s next soccer game. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. I wish my parents would have done this for me.”
“Done what?”
“You know… Tell me they’re proud of me.”
“Well Jake... I think you should know, that I’m proud of you for everything you’re doing for the country.”
Jake looked up at you, sporting the signature look of the uncertainty of how to respond. It didn’t take a genius to be able to tell that he wasn’t used to being praised. 
“Thank you. That means a lot more than you know,” he quietly responded. 
The rest of the night was spent in a solemn, yet understanding silence, one that both of you were oddly comfortable with. 
Unfortunately, that would also be the last time you saw him. 
Or so you think. 
The mission went sour, and for the first time since retirement, you wished you had assisted. Maybe if you assisted, the mission wouldn’t have gone south. Maybe if you assisted... you would have been able to say goodbye. 
Without even realizing it, Jake had burrowed a little hole into your heart. You hoped life could go on with the little leak in your pump. Regardless, there is no time for sulking; after all, no amount of reminiscing would change the way things happened.
It had been months after Aisha and the team went back into hiding but you were faring well. Life as you knew it had continued without a trace of the burly, soft man-baby. You almost forgot about the ordeal, up until that day. Perhaps it was fate that had you switch the TV on at that time. You would never know.
A team of rogue CIA agents, presumed to be dead, have now infiltrated a crime branch operating within the US government. They have been pardoned from their status as “Enemies of State” but can no longer work for the CIA taskforce, as their identities have been indefinitely compromised. 
You blinked at the screen, watching Aisha’s name and picture appear. Subsequently, there was Clay, Pooch, Jensen, Cougar and Roque. You were happy for them.
Pooch could go back home to his wife. It was hard to imagine what it must have been like for the missus; pregnant and alone. Though you didn’t know Pooch that well, you knew he was a good partner and husband. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your front door shutting and clicking in place. Your hand frantically pressed the ‘volume up’ button on the TV as you hurled for the handgun under your pillow. 
Sliding to the wall beside the door, you cautiously peered into the dark hallway and made out a large figure. You huffed quietly before appearing in the doorframe with your gun pointing straight at the mystery guy. At this point, you had a good idea of who it was, but you wanted to mess with him anyway. “Hands up, and not another step forward.” 
He tried to speak, but you cut him off. 
“Don’t. speak,” you punctuated each word. Reaching for the light switch, you flipped on the hallway light. The dim light revealed your golden retriever standing there with his eyes wide open in fear. 
“Don’t shoot?” he said, like a question. 
You grinned and tucked the gun into your waistband.
“What are you doing here?”
“Thought I should come see you.” 
“You could have knocked, like a normal person.”
He shrugged sheepishly. 
“How do you know where I live?” you questioned. To that, he fiddled with his fingers and looked down. 
“Only Aisha knows this place. And I know she would have never told you.” You intently stared at him while leaning into the nearest wall and folding your arms.
Jake didn’t want to tell you that he had been stalking you. Every spare moment he had during the remainder of the mission was spent tracking you. After a few weeks, it felt as though you had moved on. It pained him, to say the least.
“I- uhm,” he looked up at you and took a step forward, “Hey, I just-...” He stopped when you reached for your handgun again, now wary of his intentions.
He put his hands back up. 
“I wanted to ask you out properly.”
“What do you mean ‘properly’? We were never going out, to begin with.”
Before you understood the spur of movement, Jake lunged for you and plucked the handgun out of your pyjama’s waistband, throwing it over the railing of your staircase. You tried to kick him, but he pricked you without giving you a moment to react. 
“What did you give me?” You clutched your neck in the spot he sunk the needle. 
“I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to do that,” he exhaled. He tried to hold you, but you weakly pushed him off, still trying to recover from the shock of his betrayal. 
“Takes 5 minutes to really work,” he scratched his neck. 
Then there was the fight. You gave it your all but with no weapon or leverage, you were going up against 200 pounds of pure muscle who was hell-bent on restraining you for some reason. 
2 minutes into the fight, you began to really feel the effects of whatever he gave you. He point-blank caught a punch that you tried to drill into his sternum. You look up at him incredulously, unable to still believe that he was trying to take you down right now. 
At last, he snapped. 
“Listen to me,” he grasped both your hands.
You momentarily struggled, but your shoulders slumped and you gave up on trying to free your wrists. 
“How could you move on without me?” he asked, attempting to look you in your eyes. You wouldn’t meet them. 
“Jake, you are delusional! I barely had a crush on you for 5 days,” you cried, letting the wetness spread over your cheeks freely. At this point, it was clear, what he was here for. 
“You should know, those 5 days were some of the best in my 29 years of living. I want that for the rest of my life.”
“Why couldn’t you have done this like a normal person?” You finally met his eyes with an excess of tears blurring your vision. 
“You keep saying that,” he began, letting go of your arms and wiping your tears, “but you know that you and I are not normal.” Jake leaned down to kiss your forehead. 
Your legs were beginning to buckle, but Jake caught you, throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He strode into your bedroom as if he had been there a thousand times, put you down on the bed gently, and brushed the hair out of your face. 
Here we have Sergeant Linwood ‘Pooch’ and his wife reuniting. It is the first time he has seen her since his last mission, before disappearing. It is also the first time he will be seeing his child. Definitely, an emotion reun-
Your captor turned off the TV and turned to smile at you.
“Wouldn’t that be nice?” he asked, but seemed as if he were talking to himself. 
You couldn’t respond, all your muscles now refusing to attend to your demands. Instead, more tears streaked down your face. 
“A baby,” he whispered, “Yes, that would be nice.”
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Random date night with Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo
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Hello, anon! Ask and you shall receive! This prompt is very interesting and I will try to keep it in character as much as possible. To sum this up, Hisoka would take you to an ice cream shop, a carnival, or apple orchard while Illumi would rather go to an art or historical museum. Chrollo would persuade you to attend a book reading/author signing or go hiking. Depending on who you are and what your ideal date is, I’m sure you’d find them all fun. Going to a carnival or apple orchard is my go-to since I’ve barely been because they’re all in the suburbs. These headcanons are explained much more than the others. That is why Chrollo and Illumi seem to be short, but they’re not. Also, I can’t wait for Halloween because these headcanons are going to be amazing. I am extremely sorry if there are grammar errors! Taking classes on Zoom is frustrating and now my brain has to relearn everything that I lost in 3 months! Before we get started, I have a few announcements.
This post is more laid back than my other headcanons because I tried to keep it as canon as possible.
I want to thank you all for 65 followers! It means a lot! I’m happy to see that a lot of you enjoy my writing and like it enough to follow me! I have a challenge for you! When I reach 100 followers, I will host some type of writing event here...but I need ideas. I’ve seen some pages do specials where you can send an ask and pretend like you're talking to a character and I respond with what they’d say. SEND ME IDEAS! I WILL CREDIT YOU!
I will be stepping back a little more than before. I’ll still be logged in and re-blogging but as far as writing posts like this...it may only be once or twice a week. You see, I’m in college and I’m struggling financially and I have to work on scholarships. If you all send me an ask, be patient.
Voltron posts will only be created based on asks. I will not be writing posts about VLD if no one requests them. I do not receive any feedback from it anymore and no one seems to like them.
Now, let’s get into the post.
Let's start with Illumi first.
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Headcanon 1: Illumi has a secret admiration for different types of art but he specifically enjoys pop art and surrealism. He has commented on how surrealism makes his brain twist and his feelings swirl as he tries to figure out the piece and what inspires it.
He prefers not to participate in tours as he likes to digest the art at his own pace.
Headcanon 2: In his spare time, he paints on a canvas. His art style consists of both surrealism and abstract art. For a person with a dark personality, his compositions always contain bright colors and abstract techniques that leave you wondering about his TRUE personality. He is truly a good man with a bright personality but after being abused for so long, those behaviors/personalities have been shoved so far down his throat that they may not come back up.
He has a bad habit of asking you what you thought about every single piece of art you passed. The conversations were great but this is a date after all. The playful conversation slowly turns into a lecture about art. Although you loved your bf’s dictionary-like brain it also drained your energy.
One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gough. Although he favors surrealism, Van Gogh’s art style was mind-blowing to him. So amazed that he buys several Van Gogh t-shirts from the gift shop.
His favorite piece created by Van Gough is “Starry Night”.
He notices that you are becoming bored and decides that it is time for MORE excitement, one that you are certain to enjoy.
“Where are we going,” you ask, pretending to be interested.
“Down to the basement. We are going to have a bite to eat.”
Since Illumi rarely smiled, when he did smile it drove you wild. The anticipation of what his next move was going to be is what drove that wildness. Being a bounty hunter was thrilling already but dating a smart, badass assassin was totally out of your league but it worked out.
Headcanon 3: Illumi’s idea of being romantic is dramatically different from yours. He believes just spending time with you on the couch was enough. He is correct; but if you have the time and funds, your time together should be a little spontaneous. You insisted on dates outside of the house because his family will not stay out of your business.
“Illumi, I am too hungry for more trivia.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry. So am I. That is why I’ve decided to take you to a wine and cheese party.”
Huh? Wine and Cheese at 3PM? That’s ok. When was there a time limit on when you can drink alcohol?
Illumi has indirectly attended parties as such when he was 15 years old. He never drank, but he watched as his mother’s friends (surprisingly) talked about business and their children. This time, you weren’t going to talk about business for once. Instead, you two were going to actually talk about what couples discuss.
Headcanon 4: When introduced to alcohol for the first time, Illumi immediately stated how he hated brown liquor. That includes Hennessy, Jack Daniels, etc. It makes him sick to his stomach. He prefers to drink Smirnoff mixed with fruity drinks like strawberry or pineapple.
He loves it when you make these drinks for him on a summer day.
Hence the title wine and cheese, you both go to a stand-up table, place your brochures down, and actually have a wonderful conversation not involving work or hunting.
Illumi smiled a few times, more than usual. Whenever he appears to be softer even around you, that is because he has mellowed out and doesn't have the overbearing weight of his family on his shoulders. You set him free.
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According to a one-shot that another manga artist created, they expressed that Hisoka was found on the side of the road, was taken in by someone that worked at a local circus, and learned Nen in a matter of days. Hisoka’s clown look and having the skills of a magician proves that this has to be canon in some way.
Headcanon 1: Given this potential backstory, going to a carnival is his go-to every summer. He wants to take you to a circus but saves that for you as an engagement gift.
Everyone with a heart knows that whether or not you’re in a relationship or not the carnival is fun as hell! Expensive fried food, elephant ears, funnel cake, ICEE’s, rides, and stuffed animals are to die for!
Being at a carnival relaxes him so his bloodlust isn’t activated unless someone bumps into him and causes a scene.
Headcanon 2: PDA is something that Hisoka does well; he doesn’t overdo it but does it enough where people get the impression that you are a couple and aren’t “best friends”.
While completing a mission depending on how rough it may be, he insists that you tag along to see how he handles the situation. You’ve already seen his ruthlessness from Hunter’s exam but he insists.
His sense of pride gets the best of him sometimes. Sometimes his head is so big that it reminds you of a large birthday balloon.
Headcanon 3: ANYWAY, given his nature, he is very adventurous, dangerous, and courageous. If he wants to go on the Demon Drop, he’ll do it and you DO not have a choice in the matter. He’ll tease or guilt trip you into doing something that you would not like to do.
“Well, you wouldn’t want me to cling on to someone else, would you?”
“No. Of course not,” you reply.
“Let’s go then, scaredy-cat.”
As a hunter, you’ve seen worse. Why are you so afraid to go on a ride?
Headcanon 4: At apple orchards, cornfield mazes are one of his favorites. You cannot for the life of you figure out how to get out but he can. He grabs a scarecrow and scares you from behind. That annoys you but is nothing compared to later on that night.
Oh. My. God. It’s haunted house time!
“Hisoka, I’m not going in!”
“Why not? I’ll protect you.”
“Because they’re monsters and I already have to deal with one.”
It took him a second to catch on that you were talking about him.
“That’s going to bite you in the butt, kitten.”
Headcanon 5: Like Killua, Hisoka has a sweet tooth. Don’t allow his buff appearance to fool you!
He LOVES caramel apples, elephant ears, funnel cake, freshly squeezed lemonade, fudge, and cotton candy. How can this man manage to stay in shape? The world may never know.
Headcanon 6: He isn’t one to play by other people’s rules but he sets his own rules with your relationship that you both must obey. One of those rules says that neither of you can be on your phones while together.
Headcanon 7: Hisoka insists that you both wear either matching pants or matching shirts to avoid unnecessary flirtation.
He isn’t jealous but on “us time”, he doesn’t want to lose a single second.
Headcanon 8: Hisoka only jumps in when necessary. Given that you’ve passed the hunter’s exam and work as a bodyguard, he knows you can handle your business. If the person can’t take a hint, then he steps in. They almost back up immediately considering Hisoka is towering over them.
When the moon shines, you both go to the car and off to sleep in your comfy king-sized bed.
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We all know that Chrollo loves to read! What does he specifically like to read? What Genre? Does he like to read alone or with other people?
Although Chrollo is a thief and must be hidden in the shadows, the authorities have called off the search for him for at least 3 years. Slowly but surely, he begins to find himself in the outside world again.
Chrollo once discussed a book with the Phantom Troupe when they were being transported to another place for a mission. He read “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon M. Draper.
The reading sessions are opened with an affirmation and a reason to be thankful to be alive. He says he is thankful for the troupe, glances at you, and smiles. No one catches on to that sly face except for Phinks.
Headcanon 1: Chrollo is very silent and shy to an extent. He only associates with people he knows and trusts. You are the social butterfly at this moment.
Chrollo tags along behind you like a shy child, holding your hand while you stick out your free hand to greet everyone.
Today, the book club was going to read “Divergent”.
Headcanon 2: Although he loves to read, he hates it when others read out loud. Most people are drably read and it annoys him. After a while, he takes over. Chrollo was tense the first 30 minutes of the meeting because two cops were there but neither of them noticed it was him.
Headcanon 3: Chrollo often acts the part of the character that he is reading in the book. His tone, attitude, and emphasis on certain words keep the group engaged. He is complimented on his acting!
“Good Job, honey,” you whisper.
He responds by tightly squeezing your hand.
His tone was so impressive that the host insisted that he read for the entire night. He was ok with that because in between reads he was often distracted by a lovely pair of jeans and shoes you had on. You were into writing, so hearing others read and act out the characters helped.
Headcanon 4: In some settings, Chrollo is very braggadocious. He insisted that the group read one of your stories so you could be provided with feedback.
“We’d be delighted to view your story, y/n!”
“It will be fun!”
The book club wasn’t a stereotypical club that only consisted of soccer moms but instead consisted of men and women who were involved with a business, law enforcement, health, etc. This was an open space for everyone to relax and forget about their demanding jobs.
After the meeting, the group went to dinner at a nearby pizzeria. You all enjoyed large pizzas, beer, salads, and dessert. How could your stomach (or anyone’s stomach) hold that much?
Chrollo laughed so much that it made you question if he was your actual boyfriend or not. He even engaged in conversations with the two off-duty cops! For once, you helped Chrollo experience the greater things in life; true love, friendship, and happiness.
“Thank you,” he whispered and slyly placed a kiss on your hand. “For everything.”
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