#may new moon
alexsgrimoire · 5 months
Beltane & May New Moon Ritual Script - 2024
Here's the script I put together for my coven's combined Beltane and New Moon ritual that I'm leading this weekend! There were some scheduling issues with the UU Church we meet at and this date was the only one that really worked, so we decided to combine both into one since they're both close to the date and have similar correspondences! If you're using the script, please tag me in it!
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Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the air come in through your nose and out through your mouth. Take a moment to center yourself.
It’s a warm spring afternoon. The sky is cloudless as the Sun shines above, illuminating the prairie you stand in. The earth feels warm and tender underneath your bare feet. Wiggle your toes in the grass and feel the wildflowers in various colors tickle your toes and ankles. The fresh breeze smells of roses and honeysuckle, and birds chirp in nearby shrubs.
You spot a circle of people partaking in a dance before you. Colorful dresses and tunics flow in the wind, and flower crowns of daisies and daffodils sit on their heads. They cheer and sing, their voices floating on the wind. As you approach, those nearest you smile kindly and open their arms to allow you to join in. You enter and hold their hands, quickly feeling joy and warmth. You turn with them, the energy transferring from hand to hand.
Your hands release at the height of the energy, and you each dance independently. You use all the power you gathered to dance. Shaking your arms and legs, headbanging, spinning around, whatever brings you the most joy. You dance and dance until you’re worn out, then lie down in the grass and stare at the sky.
You regain your breath, breathing in and out deeply. As the Sun begins to set, the sky has turned from bright blue to shades of pink, purple, and orange. The Sun God starts to depart, taking the youthful energy of the day with Him. The Moon Goddess now enters, bringing the serenity of the night sky and stars. The people you danced with under the Sun lie on the ground with you, softly humming a hymn to welcome Her presence.
The Moon in Her New phase doesn’t shine as brightly as She does during her Full phase. Instead, she offers just a slice of light, letting the constellations and other celestial bodies take their time in the spotlight. Despite Her hidden figure, you can still feel Her energy, a soft feeling of abundance, protection, and love.
As you lie in the grass, think about what you wish to achieve in the coming weeks. What will be the best way to reach them, and what reward will lie in the end? The Moon will grant your wish as long as you put in the effort to achieve it. Don’t forget that you have the power to succeed, and She offers her assistance.
You gently close your eyes as you lie in the grass after setting your intentions. It is time for rest and recovery after a long day with the God and Goddess. You are safe from all danger, protected by those Above and Below. You drift off into a reverie, awaiting what the next day brings.
As we end this meditation, center yourself and take another deep breath. Feel your feet ground you as you return to this plane. Once you are ready, slowly open your eyes.
Chant & Calling the Quarters
We’ll sing “We Are a Circle” now. Feel free to stand, but don’t feel pressured to.
ALL: We are a circle within a circle, with no beginning and never-ending. (x3)
Form a circle deosil around the group with a wand (x1) to the pace of the chant.
Now, to call the quarters.
East/Air Quarter Caller: Guardians of the East, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the yellow candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
South/Fire Quarter Caller: Guardians of the South, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of energy and will, guided by Fire, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the red candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
West/Water Quarter Caller: Guardians of the West, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the blue candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
North/Earth Quarter Caller: Guardians of the North, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the green candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
Center/Spirit Quarter Caller: Guardians of Above and Below, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of grounding and balance, guided by Spirit, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the white candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
The Story of Beltane & the May New Moon
Beltane, also known as May Day, Walpurgis Night, and Floralia, marks the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. The name and festival Beltane are Gaelic in origin, which comes from the words “Bel,” meaning “bright,” and “Tene,” meaning fire, along with the God Belenus, who represents Fire. Beltane is considered the oldest holiday in Gaelic tradition, dating back to at least the 10th century. 
In modern Pagan practices, Beltane represents the Sacred Union between the Mother Goddess and Horned God, conceiving the Harvest Child. The phallic maypole and yonic wreath of flowers and ribbons represent their Rite. As such, Beltane has become a time for fertility and sexuality, and it’s also associated with creativity and love. Bonfires represent fertility, protection, and the longer days of summer, and crops, beauty, and creativity continue to grow.
Beltane is also associated with fairies of Gaelic lore, specifically the aos sí. The veil is thinnest at this time, much like at Samhain, allowing them to pass through. The aos sí were appeased with offerings of food and drink to prevent their troublesome natures and in hopes that they would grant wishes.
Along with Beltane, we also celebrate the New Moon of May tonight. The New Moon is a time for setting intentions, manifestations, and new beginnings. It’s the beginning of the lunar cycle, where the moon is absent from the sky, and the stars shine brighter. The Moon’s energy is at one of Her highest, and it’s the perfect time for spellwork.
The May New Moon is in Taurus, representing creativity, sensuality, and abundance. These values align perfectly with Beltane, creating the perfect storm for intentions in these realms. It’s time to focus on achieving long-lasting results, especially those concerning money. However, the Earth element of Taurus reminds us to stay grounded and practical.
With Beltane and the Taurus New Moon coinciding near each other, the energy is high, promoting growth both in nature and within you. Take this time to focus on the pleasures in life and the abundance around you.
Cone of Power
Now, for the Cone of Power. Stand if you’re able, with hands linked. Left hand under, right hand over. As we chant, visualize the energy swirling around us and channeling into the sky.
ALL: Goddess and God
Moon and Sun
We link hands
And become One
Repeat louder & faster until the energy is built, then call release.
The Maypole Dance
((AUTHOR'S NOTE: I specifically wrote this section to accompany the song "Bard Dance" from the Baldur's Gate 3 soundtrack and this dance pattern. You do not have to use this same source material, and I encourage you to give the ritual your own spin! I'm simply copying/pasting exactly how my script is written.))
As I mentioned earlier, dancing around the Maypole is a Beltane tradition that dates back to before the Middle Ages in Europe, and we’ll be bringing that tradition to life today! Everyone grab a ribbon from the Maypole, and I’ll get my metronome set up.
Set the metronome app for 112 BPM and wait until everyone has a ribbon.
We’re going to split into two groups, 1 and 2.
Count out groups 1 and 2 (every other person) and start the metronome.
This is the tempo we’ll be using for the dance, in counts of four: four beats per measure and four measures for each dance phase. I’ll count it out like this as we dance.
Count "1 2 3 4 / 2 2 3 4 / 3 2 3 4 / 4 2 3 4" along to the tempo.
For the dancing, group 1 will walk to the pole for two measures and then walk back out for two measures.
Give an example with measure counting.
Group 2 will now do the same.
Give an example with measure counting.
Then, we turn clockwise for four measures and counterclockwise for four. And then the dance repeats! Do we want to try it without music and then start with the music?
(IF TRYING WITHOUT MUSIC FIRST: Walk the group through one cycle of the dance, then play Bard Dance on Spotify for the full run time. Count out the measures during the dance.)
(IF STARTING WITH MUSIC: Set Bard Dance on Spotify and play/dance for the full run time. Count out the measures during the dance.)
Simple Feast
Take a moment to ground yourself after dancing, and take the time to think about how you engaged with your fellow dancers. Now is also a perfect time for refreshments, our cakes and ale! We have unleaded, ________________ provided by ________________, and leaded, ________________  provided by ________________. We also have ________________ for cakes, provided by ________________.
Pass around wafers, cups, and drinks.
May you never hunger.
ALL: May you never hunger.
May you never thirst.
ALL: May you never thirst.
Intentions & Bonfire
As this is the New Moon, we’ll set intentions, but this time on ribbons for a Beltane twist! If anyone would like a copy, I have a guide to ribbon colors and their meanings. Cut yourself a ribbon that connects to your intention for the coming weeks. ((AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ribbon color guide can be found here!))
Allow time for people to get/cut ribbons and grab pens.
Feel the ribbon in your hands. Think of what the color means to you and your goals for this lunar cycle phase. Imagine the ribbon tightly wound around a physical representation of your intention, a present of joy and success ready to be opened. When you're ready, write your intention on the ribbon and hold onto it for now.
Light the bonfire.
Bonfires are another Beltane tradition used as a method of protection and purification. Historically, Gaelic people walked livestock between two bonfires and sprinkled ashes over crops. The Fire element is also associated with new beginnings and transformation, which makes it the perfect method to activate intentions! As you toss your ribbon into the fire, visualize its Sacred power bringing your intention to life!
Let everyone toss ribbons into the bonfire.
Dismissing the Quarters & Farewell
Now, to wrap up and thank the quarters.
North/Earth Quarter Caller: Guardians of the North, powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the green candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
West/Water Quarter Caller: Guardians of the West, powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the blue candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
South/Fire Quarter Caller: Guardians of the South, powers of energy and will, guided by Fire, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the red candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
East/Air Quarter Caller: Guardians of the East, powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the yellow candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
Center/Spirit Quarter Caller: Guardians of Above and Below, powers of grounding and balance, guided by Spirit, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the white candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
The Circle is open, yet the Circle remains as its magical power is drawn back into us. 
ALL: Merry meet, and Merry part and Merry meet again! So mote it be.
Amanda. Beltane. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/10696117858758902/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Amanda. “New Moon Rituals for 2024: Anticipate New Spiritual Beginnings.” Thepeculiarbrunette.Com, 21 Mar. 2024, www.thepeculiarbrunette.com/new-moon/.
Arina. Ribbon Colors to Make Wishes at Beltane. 30 Apr. 2021. Tumblr, https://swm-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/649920725689466880/beltane-blessings-to-you-all-and-happy-midspring. Accessed 4 May 2024.
“Bard Dance.” Spotify, Larian Studios, https://open.spotify.com/track/4RyPvJk0n6DLCptEoe6PE7?si=164e9e8f768d41cf. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Beltane Correspondences. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/31666003614457079/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Beltane. 26 Apr. 2024. Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/p/C6PA1mtrXD8/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Beltane. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AVkyPjJ1KAjMZ2BVc5oVO1WzroMTbntG-SAaAezJAzJLiPyQxGAUb-E/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
“Beltane.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., www.britannica.com/topic/Beltane. Accessed 4 May 2024.
“Beltane.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 May 2024, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beltane.
“Best Crystals for New Moon.” Village Rock Shop, www.villagerockshop.com/blog/crystals-for-new-moon/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Cass. “May 2024 Witch Guide.” Tumblr, 29 Apr. 2024, greenwitchcrafts.tumblr.com/post/749095783179206656/may-flower-moon.
Cunningfolk, Alexis J. “Grounded Strength : The New Moon in Taurus - Worts + Cunning Apothecary: Intersectional Herbalism + Magickal Arts.” Worts + Cunning Apothecary | Intersectional Herbalism + Magickal Arts, Worts + Cunning Apothecary | Intersectional Herbalism + Magickal Arts, 24 May 2017, www.wortsandcunning.com/blog/grounded-strength-the-new-moon-in-taurus.
“A Detailed History of Beltane.” Beltane Fire Society, 25 Mar. 2015, beltane.org/a-detailed-history-of-beltane/.
Gladheart, Friday. The Practical Witch’s Almanac 2024. Microcosm Publishing, 2023.
Grant, Ember. The Second Book of Crystal Spells: More Magical Uses for Stones, Crystals, Minerals ... and Even Salt. Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd, 2016.
Hadas, Julia Halina. The Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magick: Your Complete Guide to Enhancing Your Magick with the Power of the Moon. Adams Media, 2024.
Howell, Aden. “Bard Dance – Borislav Slavov Baldur’s Gate 3 - Bard Dance, Flute Duet.” Musescore.Com, 18 Jan. 2024, musescore.com/user/37316127/scores/13632847.
Jordan, Krystle. “Beltane Celebration: Fires, Faeries, & Love.” The Wholesome Witch, 10 Apr. 2021, www.thewholesomewitch.com/beltane-correspondence-guide/.
Kiernan, Anjou. The Ultimate Guide to the Witch’s Wheel of the Year: Rituals, Spells & Practices for Magical Sabbats, Holidays & Celebrations. Fair Winds, 2021.
Lowery, Heather. “Maypole Dance 1-Dance Steps-All the Way to Galway (Level 1).” YouTube, YouTube, 24 Apr. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=K54KrDlbwSU.
Luna, Bri. “New Moon in Taurus.” The Hoodwitch, The Hoodwitch, 24 May 2015, www.thehoodwitch.com/blog/2015/5/16/newmoon-in-taurus.
Mitchell, Krista. “Taurus New Moon Crystals.” Krista Mitchell, Krista Mitchell, 25 Oct. 2023, www.krista-mitchell.com/blog/taurusnewmooncrystals2018.
“New Moon in Taurus Set: Indulge Your Senses.” Sage Goddess, 8 June 2022, www.sagegoddess.com/product/new-moon-in-taurus-set/.
Russell, Davy. “The New Moon in Taurus.” DavyandTracy, 3 May 2024, davyandtracy.com/spirituality/new-moon-in-taurus/.
Shadow, Forest. Beltane Correspondences. 1 May 2023. Book of Shadows by Cybercat Designs, https://cybercatdesigns.com/blog/beltane-correspondences/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Valkyrie. Beltane Correspondences. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/951385490022713178/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Wigington, Patti. “The Origins of the Maypole Dance.” Learn Religions, Learn Religions, 25 June 2019, www.learnreligions.com/history-of-the-maypole-2561629.
Willow. “Beltane Correspondences.” Flying the Hedge, 25 Apr. 2019, www.flyingthehedge.com/2019/04/beltane-correspondences.html.
Willow. “Elemental Magic: A Complete Guide to Fire Folklore & Correspondences.” Flying the Hedge, 18 June 2020, www.flyingthehedge.com/2020/06/fire-folklore-correspondences.html.
Wright, Jennifer. “Beltane Correspondences.” PaganPages.Org, 1 May 2021, paganpages.org/emagazine/2021/05/01/beltane-correspondences-12/. 
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tio-trile · 17 days
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@scorpling: *galaxy brains* someone should draw the TLT necromancers as their corresponding Sailor Guardians
Me: Oh that sounds like a great idea. Too bad I've actually never watched Sailor Moon tho
Me: Palamedes in a miniskirt tho.
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art-is-kayos · 3 months
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Sketches I will probably never finish
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my-secret-shame · 3 months
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 9 months
May this year be a happy one
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astragatwo · 6 months
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I liked her a lot, actually
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lxnarphase · 4 months
seeing this picture just really makes me realize that satoru should've been treated like a prince who was genuinely loved by everyone and showered with praise and love
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look at him :( he's so handsome and beautiful, he deserves more than i could ever give him
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that-starry-freak · 2 months
"I can fix them"?
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crashquez · 4 months
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MARC MARQUEZ celebrates second place after the sprint race of the ItalianGP at the Mugello Circuit on June 1, 2024 in Scarperia, Italy.
Photo by Mirco Lazzari
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chibigalaxies · 2 months
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Art piece for pride month
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nerdyrevelries · 6 months
Castles in the Air
I'm extremely excited to announce that the game I've been working on for the past 4 years is coming to Kickstarter! Castles in the Air (CitA) is a tabletop RPG inspired by the novels of Louisa May Alcott and L.M. Montgomery. Players start as children with boundless dreams who will change over the years based on the relationships they form and choices they make. I think it's a really special game, and I'm looking forward to being able to share it with everyone.
For more information or to sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter launches on May 14th, please check out the game's page on the Storybrewers Roleplaying website. If that name sounds familiar, Storybrewers is the company that created Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG. I feel very honored that they reached out to me about publishing Castles in the Air. While Castles in the Air is a standalone game, its mechanics are inspired by Good Society, and if you like Good Society, I think you'll like CitA too as it allows you to tell similarly compelling stories.
I will be creating some blog posts talking about the literary inspirations for different parts of the game in the weeks leading up to the Kickstarter and during its run. I will be using this as a master post to keep track of all of them, so make sure to check back here or follow my blog if you are interested.
Blog Posts
Meg March: The Nurturer
Jo March: The Pragmatist
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bloo-the-dragon · 28 days
so *points at mer au eclipse and ruin* these bitches gay, obviously
but im curious as to like. how do they view each other. do they see themselves as human labels of relationships? do they kinda have their own word for each other or is it just "yeah im stuck with this fucker for the rest of my life and while i may act like its a horrible thing i really dont mind and even prefer it bc honestly i doubt we'd be able to survive without each other"
honestly they give an "idc wut its called we're bonded for life" vibe /silly
HJGFGH Oh definitely it's a 'bonded for life' kinda deal, literally as well as metaphorically. As for what to call it, well it's not romantic nor is it platonic - Queer-Platonic is the closest/best term for it and that's generally how i refer to their relationship! It's very much it's own special thing, and it differs greatly from typical human relationships. (Honestly if they were humans it would probably be super unhealthy lmao)
From Eclipse's perspective he doesn't really give any label to what he and Ruin have. At the very beginning it was a sort of mutual roommate situation that developed overtime into them becoming so much more, to the point that - as you correctly said - they would no longer be able to survive without the other.
Presently Eclipse is aware that Ruin is now his counterpart and has fully accepted that (again there's a story behind this happening that i hope to one day share should i ever manage to finish the fic gfjkg) but as far as an actual term goes? Hell if he knows, but he's content either way, even if he does grouch a lot!
For Ruin, it's more simple - to him Eclipse is his mate, his bonded, his partner for life. Now again this differs greatly from human and even your typical animal forms of relationships (especially with the mated for life deal) and it still falls very closely under the qpr catagory. Mers don't actually mate in the sexual sense (genderless beings and all) so for them to bond for life is to quite literally bind/tie their soul to another making them as one almost.
So long story short, it's a queer-platonic partnered for life kinda deal! Neither of them have any actual labels for it, it's just a 'we're attached at the hip and we ain't letting go'. It's truly queer!
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my-secret-shame · 11 months
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The Tomb
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
looking and staring at the fact bloodmoons jealous of lunar being brought back but not him but also disregarding the entirety LUNAR was the one to promise him a body.
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moongothic · 7 months
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...I... I do not know what on earth compelled me to make this nor why, but I will not be taking criticism at this time
#Moon posting#Break Week is rough y'all#Please I just needed to shitpost a little let me have this#OP Meta#I know this chart is incomprehensible you just have to accept it for what it is#No I was kind of thinking to myself it was kind of funny how of the OG Shichibukai half of them are either dads or borderline dads#And I was like. Can I make a chart of this. Can I make a Dad Chart of the Warlords.#I don't know why I made this nor what to do with this information but. Sure. Let me yeet this out.#Kuma is the Dadliest Dad to Ever Dad in One Piece. Moria canonically adopted Perona when she was little. We love the OG Goth Dad#Crocodad is real TO ME but if nothing else he does have the energy 100%. It's just short of Canon Confirmation at this point#Mihawk is a weird uncle to me. He has no dad energy. This man does not fuck. But he'll look after some kids (Zoro & Perona). Sure.#Blackbeard is like the opposite of Mihawk. He has never looked after a child but I'm sure he has spawned a bastard or two or three#(He may be a father but he is not a Dad) (But canonically as far as we know BB has no kids yet so I'm putting him in Not A Dad)#Jinbei is the new Token Father of the Strawhats according to Oda and so I'm putting him where he is based on that. Also vibes#Law's where he is kind of for similar reasons as Jinbei. This boy is too young to be a dad but dealing with Luffy gave him a few grey hairs#Doflamingo did arguably watch over Buffalo and Baby 5 as those two grew up so he's The Most Qualified in that square#Weevil is baby#Hancock could have Dad Energy in the right circumstances. Like she has THE POTENTIAL#Buggy does not fuck#...Thinking about it I probably should've switched Hancock and Buggy's placements on the chart but whatever it doesn't matter
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fandxmslxt69 · 6 months
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Hello friends!
As March comes to an end (my birth month wooo) I thought it would be a fun idea to have a little hang out during the last week! So from March 25 - 31 we are PARTYING !
Sort of!
My askbox is open to all sorts of silly dilly fun time! This is my first little hang out so PLEASE BE KIND TO ME i'm just a silly girl who wants to make friends and have some fun! I'm also hoping this might get me back into writing!
Yes, the poster is all Loki NO HE'S NOT THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION!! Here's a little info I guess (I am just winging this as we speak, it is not very thought out):
Rules & Info
The event will run from 03/25 to 03/31 - you can send in as many asks and hang out as much as you would like!!! No I will not kill you if you drop a hello in my askbox start of April - to be honest, I love friends so I won't ever turn anyone away
You can stop by my askbox to say hi, share some thoughts (or thots...) tell me anything, or play a game! (will talk about that in a bit)
Anyyyyoneeee is welcome I don't care if we aren't mutuals or we don't even talk, STOP BY AND SAY HI :D If you are rude or disrespectful in any way, I will kick your butt and break your nose.
This is a positive, fun zone. I just want to have my fun and mind my business, please don't be trying to cause problems. I'm a relatively small blog so thankfully no one really looks my way but I've had some bumps in the past.
Fuck, marry, kill - send me any three characters that you want me to decide a fate for....oh my god please don't make me kill anyone I love dearly....
Blurbs!! - send me a little prompt/kink/thought & a character and I will try SOOOOO HARD to put out a little itty bitty something of writing! Like 500 words or so!! Can be fluffy or smutty. Angst is not allowed unless its just a LITTLE sad and with lots of fluffy stuff after
Character Association - tell me about yourself and let me give you a character. This is literally my favourite game ever, and I swear I'm super good at it
Book Recs - tell me your reading vibes/popular tropes you like and I will give you FIVE (not one, not two, but FIVE!!!) book recs because I like talking about books. If you show up talking about non fiction, then sorry but I am not your gal at all.
Chat - Come talk!! Come chat!! Come say hi and giggle with me about anything!! Come be crazy with me over narratives and themes and character arcs!!! Tell me about school or your day, your OCs, latest WIPs or anything currently on your mind!
Okay that's all I could come up with but literally any and all games are free game. I am keeping this as chill and lowkey as possible.
You guys already KNOW my vibes and what I'm around and what I'm not, so feel free to send anything! I float around Marvel/DC (just send in any character and if I don't vibe with it I'll just let you know or leave it unanswered), I think it's obviously I'm Oscar Isaac obsessed....um. Pretty much anything. It's free game and I'll put my foot down if I'm down okay with something or don't want to answer :D
I'm..about to tag some friends...if that's okay...
@divine-knight-hand @romanarose @sarahscribbles @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @sailorholly @in-som-niyah @fictive-sl0th @mischief2sarawr @saturn-rings-writes @superficialdomina @planetwaynez...and I can't remember anyone else now I'm sorry LMAO
PS: If you're worried whether I'm comfy or not or familiar with a character or not, just send it in anyway and we'll figure it out from there!
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