#taurus new moon 2024
alexsgrimoire · 5 months
Beltane & May New Moon Ritual Script - 2024
Here's the script I put together for my coven's combined Beltane and New Moon ritual that I'm leading this weekend! There were some scheduling issues with the UU Church we meet at and this date was the only one that really worked, so we decided to combine both into one since they're both close to the date and have similar correspondences! If you're using the script, please tag me in it!
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Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the air come in through your nose and out through your mouth. Take a moment to center yourself.
It’s a warm spring afternoon. The sky is cloudless as the Sun shines above, illuminating the prairie you stand in. The earth feels warm and tender underneath your bare feet. Wiggle your toes in the grass and feel the wildflowers in various colors tickle your toes and ankles. The fresh breeze smells of roses and honeysuckle, and birds chirp in nearby shrubs.
You spot a circle of people partaking in a dance before you. Colorful dresses and tunics flow in the wind, and flower crowns of daisies and daffodils sit on their heads. They cheer and sing, their voices floating on the wind. As you approach, those nearest you smile kindly and open their arms to allow you to join in. You enter and hold their hands, quickly feeling joy and warmth. You turn with them, the energy transferring from hand to hand.
Your hands release at the height of the energy, and you each dance independently. You use all the power you gathered to dance. Shaking your arms and legs, headbanging, spinning around, whatever brings you the most joy. You dance and dance until you’re worn out, then lie down in the grass and stare at the sky.
You regain your breath, breathing in and out deeply. As the Sun begins to set, the sky has turned from bright blue to shades of pink, purple, and orange. The Sun God starts to depart, taking the youthful energy of the day with Him. The Moon Goddess now enters, bringing the serenity of the night sky and stars. The people you danced with under the Sun lie on the ground with you, softly humming a hymn to welcome Her presence.
The Moon in Her New phase doesn’t shine as brightly as She does during her Full phase. Instead, she offers just a slice of light, letting the constellations and other celestial bodies take their time in the spotlight. Despite Her hidden figure, you can still feel Her energy, a soft feeling of abundance, protection, and love.
As you lie in the grass, think about what you wish to achieve in the coming weeks. What will be the best way to reach them, and what reward will lie in the end? The Moon will grant your wish as long as you put in the effort to achieve it. Don’t forget that you have the power to succeed, and She offers her assistance.
You gently close your eyes as you lie in the grass after setting your intentions. It is time for rest and recovery after a long day with the God and Goddess. You are safe from all danger, protected by those Above and Below. You drift off into a reverie, awaiting what the next day brings.
As we end this meditation, center yourself and take another deep breath. Feel your feet ground you as you return to this plane. Once you are ready, slowly open your eyes.
Chant & Calling the Quarters
We’ll sing “We Are a Circle” now. Feel free to stand, but don’t feel pressured to.
ALL: We are a circle within a circle, with no beginning and never-ending. (x3)
Form a circle deosil around the group with a wand (x1) to the pace of the chant.
Now, to call the quarters.
East/Air Quarter Caller: Guardians of the East, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the yellow candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
South/Fire Quarter Caller: Guardians of the South, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of energy and will, guided by Fire, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the red candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
West/Water Quarter Caller: Guardians of the West, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the blue candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
North/Earth Quarter Caller: Guardians of the North, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the green candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
Center/Spirit Quarter Caller: Guardians of Above and Below, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of grounding and balance, guided by Spirit, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light the white candle.
ALL: Hail and welcome.
The Story of Beltane & the May New Moon
Beltane, also known as May Day, Walpurgis Night, and Floralia, marks the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. The name and festival Beltane are Gaelic in origin, which comes from the words “Bel,” meaning “bright,” and “Tene,” meaning fire, along with the God Belenus, who represents Fire. Beltane is considered the oldest holiday in Gaelic tradition, dating back to at least the 10th century. 
In modern Pagan practices, Beltane represents the Sacred Union between the Mother Goddess and Horned God, conceiving the Harvest Child. The phallic maypole and yonic wreath of flowers and ribbons represent their Rite. As such, Beltane has become a time for fertility and sexuality, and it’s also associated with creativity and love. Bonfires represent fertility, protection, and the longer days of summer, and crops, beauty, and creativity continue to grow.
Beltane is also associated with fairies of Gaelic lore, specifically the aos sí. The veil is thinnest at this time, much like at Samhain, allowing them to pass through. The aos sí were appeased with offerings of food and drink to prevent their troublesome natures and in hopes that they would grant wishes.
Along with Beltane, we also celebrate the New Moon of May tonight. The New Moon is a time for setting intentions, manifestations, and new beginnings. It’s the beginning of the lunar cycle, where the moon is absent from the sky, and the stars shine brighter. The Moon’s energy is at one of Her highest, and it’s the perfect time for spellwork.
The May New Moon is in Taurus, representing creativity, sensuality, and abundance. These values align perfectly with Beltane, creating the perfect storm for intentions in these realms. It’s time to focus on achieving long-lasting results, especially those concerning money. However, the Earth element of Taurus reminds us to stay grounded and practical.
With Beltane and the Taurus New Moon coinciding near each other, the energy is high, promoting growth both in nature and within you. Take this time to focus on the pleasures in life and the abundance around you.
Cone of Power
Now, for the Cone of Power. Stand if you’re able, with hands linked. Left hand under, right hand over. As we chant, visualize the energy swirling around us and channeling into the sky.
ALL: Goddess and God
Moon and Sun
We link hands
And become One
Repeat louder & faster until the energy is built, then call release.
The Maypole Dance
((AUTHOR'S NOTE: I specifically wrote this section to accompany the song "Bard Dance" from the Baldur's Gate 3 soundtrack and this dance pattern. You do not have to use this same source material, and I encourage you to give the ritual your own spin! I'm simply copying/pasting exactly how my script is written.))
As I mentioned earlier, dancing around the Maypole is a Beltane tradition that dates back to before the Middle Ages in Europe, and we’ll be bringing that tradition to life today! Everyone grab a ribbon from the Maypole, and I’ll get my metronome set up.
Set the metronome app for 112 BPM and wait until everyone has a ribbon.
We’re going to split into two groups, 1 and 2.
Count out groups 1 and 2 (every other person) and start the metronome.
This is the tempo we’ll be using for the dance, in counts of four: four beats per measure and four measures for each dance phase. I’ll count it out like this as we dance.
Count "1 2 3 4 / 2 2 3 4 / 3 2 3 4 / 4 2 3 4" along to the tempo.
For the dancing, group 1 will walk to the pole for two measures and then walk back out for two measures.
Give an example with measure counting.
Group 2 will now do the same.
Give an example with measure counting.
Then, we turn clockwise for four measures and counterclockwise for four. And then the dance repeats! Do we want to try it without music and then start with the music?
(IF TRYING WITHOUT MUSIC FIRST: Walk the group through one cycle of the dance, then play Bard Dance on Spotify for the full run time. Count out the measures during the dance.)
(IF STARTING WITH MUSIC: Set Bard Dance on Spotify and play/dance for the full run time. Count out the measures during the dance.)
Simple Feast
Take a moment to ground yourself after dancing, and take the time to think about how you engaged with your fellow dancers. Now is also a perfect time for refreshments, our cakes and ale! We have unleaded, ________________ provided by ________________, and leaded, ________________  provided by ________________. We also have ________________ for cakes, provided by ________________.
Pass around wafers, cups, and drinks.
May you never hunger.
ALL: May you never hunger.
May you never thirst.
ALL: May you never thirst.
Intentions & Bonfire
As this is the New Moon, we’ll set intentions, but this time on ribbons for a Beltane twist! If anyone would like a copy, I have a guide to ribbon colors and their meanings. Cut yourself a ribbon that connects to your intention for the coming weeks. ((AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ribbon color guide can be found here!))
Allow time for people to get/cut ribbons and grab pens.
Feel the ribbon in your hands. Think of what the color means to you and your goals for this lunar cycle phase. Imagine the ribbon tightly wound around a physical representation of your intention, a present of joy and success ready to be opened. When you're ready, write your intention on the ribbon and hold onto it for now.
Light the bonfire.
Bonfires are another Beltane tradition used as a method of protection and purification. Historically, Gaelic people walked livestock between two bonfires and sprinkled ashes over crops. The Fire element is also associated with new beginnings and transformation, which makes it the perfect method to activate intentions! As you toss your ribbon into the fire, visualize its Sacred power bringing your intention to life!
Let everyone toss ribbons into the bonfire.
Dismissing the Quarters & Farewell
Now, to wrap up and thank the quarters.
North/Earth Quarter Caller: Guardians of the North, powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the green candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
West/Water Quarter Caller: Guardians of the West, powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the blue candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
South/Fire Quarter Caller: Guardians of the South, powers of energy and will, guided by Fire, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the red candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
East/Air Quarter Caller: Guardians of the East, powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the yellow candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
Center/Spirit Quarter Caller: Guardians of Above and Below, powers of grounding and balance, guided by Spirit, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!
Extinguish the white candle.
ALL: Hail and farewell.
The Circle is open, yet the Circle remains as its magical power is drawn back into us. 
ALL: Merry meet, and Merry part and Merry meet again! So mote it be.
Amanda. Beltane. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/10696117858758902/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Amanda. “New Moon Rituals for 2024: Anticipate New Spiritual Beginnings.” Thepeculiarbrunette.Com, 21 Mar. 2024, www.thepeculiarbrunette.com/new-moon/.
Arina. Ribbon Colors to Make Wishes at Beltane. 30 Apr. 2021. Tumblr, https://swm-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/649920725689466880/beltane-blessings-to-you-all-and-happy-midspring. Accessed 4 May 2024.
“Bard Dance.” Spotify, Larian Studios, https://open.spotify.com/track/4RyPvJk0n6DLCptEoe6PE7?si=164e9e8f768d41cf. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Beltane Correspondences. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/31666003614457079/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Beltane. 26 Apr. 2024. Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/p/C6PA1mtrXD8/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Beltane. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AVkyPjJ1KAjMZ2BVc5oVO1WzroMTbntG-SAaAezJAzJLiPyQxGAUb-E/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
“Beltane.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., www.britannica.com/topic/Beltane. Accessed 4 May 2024.
“Beltane.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 May 2024, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beltane.
“Best Crystals for New Moon.” Village Rock Shop, www.villagerockshop.com/blog/crystals-for-new-moon/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Cass. “May 2024 Witch Guide.” Tumblr, 29 Apr. 2024, greenwitchcrafts.tumblr.com/post/749095783179206656/may-flower-moon.
Cunningfolk, Alexis J. “Grounded Strength : The New Moon in Taurus - Worts + Cunning Apothecary: Intersectional Herbalism + Magickal Arts.” Worts + Cunning Apothecary | Intersectional Herbalism + Magickal Arts, Worts + Cunning Apothecary | Intersectional Herbalism + Magickal Arts, 24 May 2017, www.wortsandcunning.com/blog/grounded-strength-the-new-moon-in-taurus.
“A Detailed History of Beltane.” Beltane Fire Society, 25 Mar. 2015, beltane.org/a-detailed-history-of-beltane/.
Gladheart, Friday. The Practical Witch’s Almanac 2024. Microcosm Publishing, 2023.
Grant, Ember. The Second Book of Crystal Spells: More Magical Uses for Stones, Crystals, Minerals ... and Even Salt. Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd, 2016.
Hadas, Julia Halina. The Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magick: Your Complete Guide to Enhancing Your Magick with the Power of the Moon. Adams Media, 2024.
Howell, Aden. “Bard Dance – Borislav Slavov Baldur’s Gate 3 - Bard Dance, Flute Duet.” Musescore.Com, 18 Jan. 2024, musescore.com/user/37316127/scores/13632847.
Jordan, Krystle. “Beltane Celebration: Fires, Faeries, & Love.” The Wholesome Witch, 10 Apr. 2021, www.thewholesomewitch.com/beltane-correspondence-guide/.
Kiernan, Anjou. The Ultimate Guide to the Witch’s Wheel of the Year: Rituals, Spells & Practices for Magical Sabbats, Holidays & Celebrations. Fair Winds, 2021.
Lowery, Heather. “Maypole Dance 1-Dance Steps-All the Way to Galway (Level 1).” YouTube, YouTube, 24 Apr. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=K54KrDlbwSU.
Luna, Bri. “New Moon in Taurus.” The Hoodwitch, The Hoodwitch, 24 May 2015, www.thehoodwitch.com/blog/2015/5/16/newmoon-in-taurus.
Mitchell, Krista. “Taurus New Moon Crystals.” Krista Mitchell, Krista Mitchell, 25 Oct. 2023, www.krista-mitchell.com/blog/taurusnewmooncrystals2018.
“New Moon in Taurus Set: Indulge Your Senses.” Sage Goddess, 8 June 2022, www.sagegoddess.com/product/new-moon-in-taurus-set/.
Russell, Davy. “The New Moon in Taurus.” DavyandTracy, 3 May 2024, davyandtracy.com/spirituality/new-moon-in-taurus/.
Shadow, Forest. Beltane Correspondences. 1 May 2023. Book of Shadows by Cybercat Designs, https://cybercatdesigns.com/blog/beltane-correspondences/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Valkyrie. Beltane Correspondences. Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/951385490022713178/. Accessed 4 May 2024.
Wigington, Patti. “The Origins of the Maypole Dance.” Learn Religions, Learn Religions, 25 June 2019, www.learnreligions.com/history-of-the-maypole-2561629.
Willow. “Beltane Correspondences.” Flying the Hedge, 25 Apr. 2019, www.flyingthehedge.com/2019/04/beltane-correspondences.html.
Willow. “Elemental Magic: A Complete Guide to Fire Folklore & Correspondences.” Flying the Hedge, 18 June 2020, www.flyingthehedge.com/2020/06/fire-folklore-correspondences.html.
Wright, Jennifer. “Beltane Correspondences.” PaganPages.Org, 1 May 2021, paganpages.org/emagazine/2021/05/01/beltane-correspondences-12/. 
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 months
2024 Taurus New Moon
Wednesday, May 8, 03:22 UT, 18°02’ Taurus Chart
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The key phrase for the New lunar phase is “set a new intention for the month” - not necessarily a drastic overhaul, just a good habit you think you can establish on one month’s time. The temptation to set Big Grand Intentions is certainly there in the chart - the exact sextile to Saturn makes us ambitious - but try like hell to keep it simple.
Taurus, luckily for us, is all about Keeping It Simple. Sometimes this is because Taurus is comfortable right where it is, and wants to remain so. But it also represents the urge not to overcomplicate life. Leave that shit for the Geminis.
That sextile to Saturn gives us all kinds of perseverance, and a willingness to work hard. We’ve got the longer-term in view. Given that Nessus the Centaur is there too, with Saturn, there is a big emphasis on taking responsibility, accepting boundaries and limits, and doing what we think is correct no matter what. (Just remember, we want only one good new habit, not a complete life overhaul!)
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notastranger · 9 months
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Taurus 2024 New Years Resolution ✨
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saturniandevil · 4 months
June 2024 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's June Forecast. Cohost Austin Coppock is back, now as a new father!
Notable mundane alignments in May: through May 10th-13th we had intense geomagnetic storms from solar radiation cause auroras over a huge area in the world, happening right as the Sun in Taurus conjoined Uranus (electricity/unexpected) and Jupiter (expansion). On May 19th the president of Iran died in a helicopter crash due officially to poor visibility in foggy mountains (but with assassination suspected), the day Mars conjoined the North Node in Aries (with the Moon opposing them)--a date that Chris & Diana singled out last forecast as hitting eclipse points affecting world leaders & Iran specifically (during the April eclipses Iran fired back at Israel to retaliate for the destruction of its embassy). The ICC arrest warrants were also issued during this Mars-Node conjunction, a continuation of the eclipse story (both in April and October). In the sign of Aries, this is the time when hostilities became overt, and generally the Aries April eclipse was an exalted Sun being eclipsed, boding ill for leaders and heads of state. The North Node is also called "the head of the dragon," so it's fitting that leaders of three countries were affected--especially since these leaders were born under eclipses as well.
In celebrity news, Kendrick Lamar and Drake released a series of diss tracks at each other from late March to early May, also aligning with eclipse season this year. The precursor to this was a line from Like That, released March 22nd under an eclipse in Libra--Kendrick's rising sign. Drake was born after an Aries eclipse, and it was just after the April eclipse that this heated up with his track release. Mars joined the fray entering Aries and that's when the beef really heated up. Mars-Rahu (North Node) contacts indicate fights where parties cross the line because they can't see it, and indeed these shots went below the belt.
On April 30th the DEA announced it may reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III drug, which Chris connects to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus as a sudden change around a medicinal plant. Austin also connects int to Neptune in Pisces--he's been wondering if marijuana will finally be legally recognized before Neptune leaves. Also Uranus in Taurus: BitCoin and Etherium have approved ETFs now, bringing crypto to mainstream investment like retirement funds (Pluto's last peek into Capricorn is connected too, as it was invented when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2009). Also in currency, the BRICS group of nations are discussing bringing in a new currency as an alternative to the US Dollar and cryptocurrency is on the table--these talks also first began in 2009. The next BRICS meeting is in October in Russia, around the time of another eclipse. In other Saturn in Pisces finance news, Red Lobster has gone bankrupt, possibly because they gave away too much free shrimp (limits and seafood; the discussions were taking place during Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces even though the announcement was under an Aries Mars).
We're going into the month of June just as many planets shift into Gemini, a key signature for the month. We've had one stellium after another this year, but that trend will change as June wraps up.
June 2nd - Jupiter trine retrograde Pluto In Gemini this is good for travel, such as Boeing launching a new spacecraft (right before Mercury enters Gemini). This aspect is great for enabling Pluto's Aquarian endeavors like transformative new technologies or sci-fi...but mileage may vary for Jupiter. Chris relates this to voice AI translations opening up communication as Jupiter transits Gemini. With Mercury nearby, this month has a tone of trying a little bit of many different things, generally with positive growth and stability in the Gemini parts of our charts. Jupiter is also bound, decan, and triplicity ruler of the early part of the Gemini and has lots of power here. It's a great time to learn enough of something to do what you need with it, rather than pursuing deep expertise.
June 3rd - Mercury enters Gemini, Auspicious election
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Taking advantage of Mercury in Gemini this chart is at about 12:05PM local time. You'll want early Virgo rising and Mercury on the degree of the Midheaven at 0-1 Gemini. This places the Ascendant ruler (most important planet in elections) both in domicile and applying to a conjunction with Jupiter at 2 Gemini. In the 10th house this emphasizes career, reputation and work. Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto form a trine which bodes well for communication and technology, and is furthermore close in date to the Venus cazimi (exact conjunction to Sun) in the middle of Gemini. The Moon is exalted in the 10th house and applies to a trine with Saturn in Pisces. Overall this is great not only for career matters, but also communication, short travel, and other Mercury matters. This is one of the last days this week while Mercury will be visible, so there's a small window to take advantage of this auspicious Mercury-Jupiter conjunction.
June 4th - Mercury conjunt Jupiter, Sun conjunct Venus Also known as a Venus cazimi, the Venus-Sun exact conjunction marks a reset point in Venus's synodic cycle and a new epoch for Venusian themes, including women in society. Interestingly, Mexico's election is in early June with two female candidates (spoiler alert: a woman won!), and the Venus synodic cycle was been central to Mesoamerican astrology in the past--the 2012 news was due in part to a calendar marking these calculations. Mexico's inauguration takes place in September on a Mercury cazimi in Libra (Venus-ruled sign) and the day before a solar eclipse in Libra. Four years ago in June 2020 the Sun conjoined Venus during Black Lives Matter protests after George Floyd's and Breonna Taylor's murders, connecting Venus cazimi to questions of equality and fairness in society. However, a square from Saturn in Pisces days later brings obstacles to our hope. In fact, all the Gemini planets will go through this optimism & speed before hitting Pisces Saturn's big melancholy iceberg this month. The last Venus-Sun conjunction in Gemini was June of 2016, so it's a good time to look back and see how far we've come over the past 8 years, as well as to sow the seeds for a new cycle. With Venus invisible during a cazimi, much of this work is internal; similarly, often the biggest advancements made possible during these times isn't visible until later.
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On this graph of Venus's synodic cycle we're at the superior conjunction, where Venus is obscured from us by going behind the Sun. Her conjunctions when retrograde are also important turning points--April 2025 is the next conjunction (in Aries).
June 6th - New Moon in Gemini
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At this point Mercury is already separating from the conjunction with Jupiter but is still close, while the Sun, Moon, and Venus are all conjunct at 16 Gemini. Thus the Gemini stellium is really concentrated at this lunation. We have so many new beginnings in Gemini on different scales at this time; the events set into motion here won't go away when planets move into Cancer. Whatever was brought up by the cazimi on the 4th will continue here, though in mid-Gemini the lights & Venus are poised to square Saturn. Venus wants to connect people, while Saturn wants to push away, so the immediate aftermath of the New Moon may see cooling in relationships. Communication is important; can we address the obstacle hanging over us? Sometimes you can't talk your way out of the emotions freezing each other out. On a positive note, this can be productive for setting boundaries and expectations. Saturn in Pisces generally can indicate emotional, professional, or spiritual exhaustion: now's the time to take a rest and a step back. Darkness and silence are often needed for mental healing to begin.
June 9th - Mars enters Taurus This brings a tone shift, as Mars was activating eclipse points while he traversed Aries in April in May. On the 11th he'll immediately square Pluto (1♒), raising issues like the abusive of power, going overboard in conflict, and crossing the line because we can't see it. We can see disproportionate escalations where the person doesn't even really know why they did it, but also the very real power of those who aren't in the public eye, pulling strings behind the scenes. Mars-Pluto brings up control, manipulation, power plays, and covert actions--and the paranoia that makes us worry about these things when they're not there. Though an unpleasant introduction, this doesn't last for most of the sign.
As soon as he enters Taurus Mars also approaches a conjunction with Uranus (culminating in mid-July). We've had Jupiter transiting Taurus for the past year bringing a positive spin on events, but now we have the explosive tension on its own. A famous Mars-Uranus conjunction without Jupiter there was January 6th events. However, there are about 20 degrees between the Pluto and Uranus aspects, during which time Mars will make some nice sextiles to Mercury and Venus in Cancer, so we'll have a chill period for some time. Mars in Taurus is also generally less fiery (in detriment), which can be an advantage for us.
June 14th - Mercury conjunct Sun (cazimi) At 24 Gemini, this is the fourth and final peak/reset point in Gemini. In his home sign, Mercury really locks in the preceding resets. This also really marks the second half of the year where we won't have all these massive pileups in one particular sign. He also brushes past a square to Neptune (29♓) while conjoining Venus in the last 10 minutes of this sign. Beware of miscommunications.
June 17th - Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, Mercury conjunct Venus Venus and Mercury enter Cancer together, bringing communication and relationships together. Both planets are invisible at this point, but are working their way out from under the Sun's beams as evening stars and will be visible by the end of the month. Mercury-Venus connects our minds with the arts, giving us the technical know-how to implement aesthetic ideas and the charm to communicate our ideas in a beautiful way. Diplomacy and agreements are also signified here.
June 20th - Sun enters Cancer
June 21st - Full Moon in Capricorn
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This lunation occurs just a day after the Sun's ingress into Cancer and right after Mercury & Venus sextiling Mars, bringing a great directness and mental acuity. Once in Capricorn the Moon begins applying to Venus, though Neptune's proximity to the cardinal signs means its square to all the Cancer/Capricorn planets weighs in on things. Saturn has also begun to move within conjunction distance of Neptune, bringing questions around what's real and what's not to the end of June and into July. Some of the clarity we had before will seem to dissolve. We saw a lot of new tech developments earlier this month, but now it's muddied the waters.
June 29th - Saturn stations Retrograde This will likely activate news stories around danger in the water, water-borne pathogens, and events like the submarine disaster (A/N: or naval blockades). Jupiter will also square Saturn and later Neptune later this summer (Saturn entering Pisces corresponded with a spike in inflation) so continued issues with inflation and economy will likely come into play. Neptune stations within a week of Saturn as well, intensifying these issues and bringing what Austin calls season 2 of the Saturn-Neptune story--though season 3 is where things will get really crazy. This is another indicator of what kinds of contraction we'll experience in the Pisces parts of our charts. Saturn doesn't leave Pisces until next year, and even after entering Aries he'll retrograde back into Pisces for a bit.
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symbolicliving · 9 months
New Goals - New Moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Capricorn - This Week's Astrology
January 8 to 14, 2024 - This week we have a New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th and Mercury enters Capricorn January 13th.
It's officially a New Moon in Capricorn January 11, 2024 at 6:57 am ET
It's time to set new goals to climb that mountain.
Last week, we started the New Year with Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius going direct on January 1st to move us forward in a new direction. This week…
Mercury now direct is having another challenging interaction with Neptune in Pisces which can blur decisions, indicate a wavering of aims now.
We have the New Moon in Capricorn January 11, 2024 to put more focus on our goals,
Mercury enters Capricorn on January 13, 2024 to join Mars and the Sun already in Capricorn – Happy Birthday Capricorns.
Capricorn is a Cardinal sign which is great as a New Moon to start putting more energy toward new goals. What do you value? What do you want to achieve? What needs to be done for growth, productivity and prosperity? What is the goal of your efforts? What strengths and tools can you use to climb higher? What talents of yours do you want to manifest and improve? Working in cooperation with others also has the power to create potent change now, but there is also the potential of disagreements about the overall vision. Strong willpower and perseverance achieves.
Mars and Pluto are also in Capricorn now giving us extra willpower, determination and energy to achieve our goals, and transform abilities into tangible rewards.
Your New Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs are designed around the current trends in astrology with the Aspects and Transits of Planets through the Signs and corresponding Houses for January 8-14, 2024.
Thank you for being a friend.
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phoenixashvibes · 9 months
Today, Sunday, December 31, 2023 there is a Grand Earth Trine with the Capricorn Sun, Moon in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus this is a great energy to be in currently since it is time to enter into a new year. We will be more stable, grounded and determined to get concrete results heading into and well within 2024! Establish consistent routines, giving our best efforts to what we do and put out into this world will improve your success
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Cosmic Weather Forecast: 2024 Virgo Season
What: Virgo Season
When: Aug. 22 - Sept. 22
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but esp. Virgo (obviously)
Takeaway: Virgo’s energy might not be the flashiest, but it’s where the real magic happens—this is the time to refine your skills, polish your projects, and perfect your art.
     Buh-bye, Leo Season! Your time to shine, party, and strut your stuff has officially ended. The Sun has moved on, and so must you. It’s time to say hello to Virgo Season, which runs from Aug. 22 through Sept. 22. This earthy, meticulous, and borderline OCD zodiac sign is here to help you transition from lazy summer days to a productivity powerhouse.
     Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Virgo Season? Really? Why can’t Leo season last forever??.” (Well, OK. Maybe you’re only thinking that if you’re a Leo or Leo Rising…) But trust me, you need this. Because let’s be real, 2024 Leo Season was a hot mess of Mercury Retrograde slowdowns, Saturn square meltdowns, and enough drama to fill a season of Real Housewives. (Or maybe that was just me?) Leo had us all feeling like the star of our own show, demanding the spotlight and relishing in the chaos. But now, the Sun is packing up its glitzy bags and moving into something a bit more practical. Virgo P!nk being shocked and ultimately thrilled by the messes in need of cleaning, organizing, and fixing.
     Virgo is the zodiac’s meticulous manager, stepping in to clean up the mess Leo Season’s astrology left behind. This season is all about efficiency, productivity, and yes, a little bit of perfectionism. You’ll find yourself more critical of your work, but that’s a good thing—Virgo energy pushes you to strive for excellence. Whether it’s your life, career, creativity, or love life, Virgo season is the time to take stock, assess the damage, and put things back in order. Lists become your new best friend, and suddenly, you’re finding joy in color-coded calendars and neatly labeled storage bins. (In other words: it’s time to go to Target.)
Get YOUR Virgo Season Gifts for your favorite Virgo!
     While Leo season had you dreaming big and making bold moves (some of which may have backfired thanks to all those retrogrades), Virgo season asks you to get real. This is the time to focus on the details, perfect your craft, and set practical, achievable goals. It’s less about making a splash and more about laying a solid foundation. You’ll find yourself more critical of your work, but that’s a good thing—Virgo energy pushes you to strive for excellence. And let’s not forget the obsession with health and wellness. This is the season to start that new workout routine or finally tackle those tasks you’ve been avoiding.
Get the FULL Virgo Season Forecast on The Cosmic Almanac:
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astroseri · 5 months
New Moon in Taurus 5/8
This week could mark a pivotal moment in your finances. As Jupiter, the planet of fortune, is conjunct to Uranus the planet of change in this rare Taurus stellium.
♉ here's what it means for us...
During this new moon:
Uranus and Jupiter are also in Taurus, Conjunct to the new moon.
They are moving their fastest through the constellations as compared to the rest of the year.
As a result this is a dynamic time where we are making changes and growth to our finances and priorities.
The ruler of Taurus is Venus, and is at home during this transit.
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With such a stellium of planets in this sign, it is likely a time where we are putting finances, travel and freedom at a priority (Uranus & Jupiter).
Mars is soon conjuncting the north node in Aries, which indicates taking a more masculine (direct) approach to our destinies and to accomplishing what needs to be fulfilled in a general sense.
Saturn is in Pisces in an exact sextile to the new moon which is at 18 degrees of Taurus.
this aspect indicates that practical and financial changes in your life may be alleviating feelings of restriction (from Saturn).
and you could be experiencing a pivotal moment financially.
It's a good time to spend money on technology, travel and self-care. The money spent will come back to you multiple times over.
It is also Good time to invest into crypto, as Uranus in Taurus represents financial Technology and Jupiter represents good fortune.
To Get a natal chart reading -
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michelleberrybliss · 4 months
Vedic Astrology New Moon Forecast for June 2024: Rise Up!
The June New Moon in Taurus, under the Rohini Nakshatra, signals a time of transformation and renewal. With Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in Taurus, embrace abundant creativity and wisdom. Reflect on intentions for financial stability and personal values.
As the celestial tides turn, we find ourselves on the cusp of a new beginning with the June New Moon, gracing the skies on June 6th at 6:38 am MST. This new moon in the sidereal sign of Taurus, within the fertile and creative Nakshatra of Rohini, beckons us to rise up, embrace transformation, and recalibrate our paths. With Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury all in Taurus, we are presented with a potent…
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heartlilith · 5 months
New Moon in Taurus - Moon & Venus Transiting Your Houses
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sakurapandadreams · 20 days
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer.
Here's my masterlist
& if you have any questions here are the GUIDELINES
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🫐 Aquarius Mercuries also leave people on read thinking they'll reply later, dude reply now you guys will forget later on.
🫐 Venus square Pluto may get bullied by women and the men they reject.
🫐 Your Moon also shows what you overthink about :-
Eg : Virgo Moons overthink whether their intelligent enough or not.
Libra Moons overthink whether people love them or not.
Capricorn Moons are busy overthinking about who's lying.
Pisces Moons are busy overthinking about fictional characters or things that have not even taken place.
🫐 Mars in Taurus is also quite sensual and these people may have a high libido. Most of them know how to channel their energy.
🫐 Venus in Virgo tends to look good no matter what they wear [at times they may wear clothes that won't necessarily be their style but they will still end up looking good in it].
🫐 Cancer Moons are also good at manifestation.
🫐 Pisces Sun, Pisces Moons are better at hiding things, stuff, their personal life. Basically they lie where required.
🫐 Mars in Capricorn reminds me people who are more active mentally than physically. These people know when to play and when to be serious.
🫐 Cancer Risings I can't just blatantly state you guys get bad partners, it's just you guys often fall for people who have a tough time expressing themselves emotionally. You guys also end up being in karmic relationships many a times.
🫐 Moon square Mars tends to feel emotions very intensely. They should journal their anger on a clean piece of paper and then burn the paper.
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🫐 If you have a moon darakaraka, only in this placement you can marry a person with the same sign as yours.
🫐 Mars in the 2nd house may eat alot of meat, it's like they'll love meat and find it hard to be a Vegan or Vegetarian.
🫐 Also Mars in the 2nd house swears or curses a lot doesn't matter what sign. They can end up creating new cuss words too lol.
🫐 Rahu 10th house is a good placement however the natives with this placement struggle to choose a career for themselves.
🫐 Venus in the 9th house also tends to be asexual or sapiosexual.
🫐 Rahu in the 9th house makes you doubt your morals. Whether your a good person  or  not.
🫐 Sun-Mercury conjunction in the 7th house can give a spouse you has solutions to mostly all of your problems. Even if their not too educated they may still have solutions to your problems.
🫐 Sun Nakshatra people have so much perseverance like no matter what they go through they always stand tall facing their problems all by themselves.
🫐 Like 12th house reminds people of spiritual, paranormal, esoteric, escapism but what people forget is this house represents creativity as well.
🫐 12th house lord in the 9th house could mean your creative and would want to pursue a career in something artistic.
🫐 Venus in Pisces in any nakshatra gives you such ethereal dreamy looking face these people never age.
🫐 Sometimes I feel Mars atmakaraka has trouble asking for help.
🫐 Sagittarius Moons and Capricorn moons easily argue with each other then 5 min later their bffs like dude [yeh rishta kya keh lata hai.]
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Credits for the images and dividers goes to the rightful owners
Copyright © 2024 sakurapandadreams | All rights reserved.
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cazshmere · 3 months
Astrology Observations Pt. 4
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🌷 venus in the 8th house peeps somehow always end up receiving gifts from people that like them 🎁🩷
🌷 I feel like you are attracted to the sign or element that is opposite to your venus sign. For instance a scorpio venus could be attracted or attract a lot of taurus/ earth placements yk? 😋🔥
🌷8th house merc synastry culture is never ever running out of things to talk about 🎙️
🌷 leo's and scorpio placements are probably the proudest of their signs, as I've seen many leo placements with a huge ass lion tattoo and scorpio placements with a scorpion tattoo ahaha 🦁🦂
🌷scorpio placements/major pluto aspects/ pluto dom definitely prefer dark mode over light mode when it comes to social media 🖤
🌷 sagittarius mars can handle confrontation much more easily than scorpio mars because scorpio mars are actually libra mars in sidereal astrology, and sagittarius mars are scorpio mars in sidereal astrology. so, natal scorpio mars individuals are literally very passive-aggressive. oh, and mind you, the pettiness is something else (coming from a fellow scorpio mars, lmao) 😭
🌷 gemini venus people have AMAZING handwriting fr, y'all should definitely try calligraphy!! ✍🏼📝
🌷 swati venus people could have very appealing and beautiful boobies/chest area hehe 😝
🌷 ardra moon/venus have striking and stunning eyes, absolutely mesmerising 👀
🌷 anuradha placements could have issues with their stomach (indigestion, IBS etc) 😬
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Please do not copy or steal any of my work <3. These are just personal observations so don’t take any of them too seriously (tried a new theme btw hehe, banner credits to @cafekitsune and @magicalboything) 💞🧿😙♥️
© cazshmere 2024 [All Rights Reserved]
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solanna888 · 12 days
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෫ੳ what do you need to know about your future love ?
© solanna888. All rights reserved by solanna888 in Tumblr 2024.
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A type of person who start something new without finishing up the other task, they do get bored easily and often seeking about something new for them. However the problem is that they should have done the first task before moving to the next cuz in the end they will be the one who will be stressed about it.
I'm getting gloomy for them, might be their appearance or just their overall aura maybe stress or worst — depression is visible to them. They might be alone or something was missing into their life? but do focus on negative sights than the positive one. They are thankful for every opportunity that life has given for them but mostly doesn't like to take it or keep refusing.
Also the person who has their own world in a room full of busy people, like they were just sitting in the corner minding their own business but once you get close to them they were talkative and witty it may probably not so obvious for them but they do have side like that.
I feel that they been through a lot in life and even in love, they may face disappointment, loneliness and even betrayal all through their years.
extra : fire signs ( sagittarius, leo, aries, ), moon in cancer, gemini, pisces, aquarius | an offer that keep refusing either be in career or in love, depression, heartbreak, honest and direct, romantic but possessive, insecure.
This is someone who is fearless and be able to take the lead on their own. You can see how brave and driven they were in their life.
Somehow talking or having conversation with them will bring you some inspiration and willingness probably loves to motivate and encourage you while chatting to them.
They will never be afraid to speak about a romantic date with you, if they were rejected then they willing to accepted it. Sometimes if you ever had a chance they would not accept it and doesn't want their ego to be ruin.
You can also see how accomplished and well proud they are about themselves but more likely to be positive side. This person likes to smile a lot or have this satisfied face as they probably thought that you were the one that they have been wishing for.
Whenever they are standing it is often in a good posture or when they are seating they have this crossarms posture or is sitting elegant— their back might be often straight and don't lean that much. This could also someone who dresses nicely and has a youthful or heart shaped face.
They could as well be a generous person and romantic/passionate individual. Mostly I see that this person could have dark feature/complexion or someone who's into dark colors and for few this is light feature/complexion individual.
extra: strong water sign and taurus, travel, nurturing like a mother, judgement or work related to law, great student?— study a lot perhaps, emotionally intelligent, likes having freedom, hard worker.
You will feel shock about meeting your true love. This might be a sudden meeting or you suddenly feel this person is your the one.
Uhmm, there will be a sudden situation that will happen for you that is pretty surprising for yourself but you would aware that situation will occur in you.
I'm all hearing suprise for you so the energy is kicking that they don't want to tell when they arrive in your life. At the present, they feel happy about not showing their true feelings their identity around people. specifically hiding
All the way up while shuffling, I'm getting a energy of being playful, she or he might have playboy or playgirl type of appearance. It take lots. of time to show their real self especially if this person have been hurt before.
extra: strong earth sign especially virgo, don't like to be told and get their way, failure and abandonment by their mother or someone feminine in their life, very feminine, loss someone important, likes adventure, sexy and flirt, soulmate, wealthy/ financially stable (secure).
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symbolicliving · 8 months
Taurus Astrology Horoscope - New Moon in Aquarius
♉︎ Taurus: Sometimes you may not feel like you really know which way to go and where the future is heading in the grand scheme of things. Then suddenly you have a realization, a great idea, but then it fizzles a bit, the doubts come up again, and you still aren’t sure. Though your mind could be jumping from one idea to the next this week, the New Moon signifies new, changing goals and efforts to build your future. Any challenges can give you the opportunity to look for alternative methods you may not have considered without the obstacle there to help guide you. Focusing on creating something valuable, on your own terms, helps you find stability where there is shaky ground. If you find you are too much in your mind, online or into technology and not feeling as connected to your body or the earth, new physical real-world goals can help correct your energy.
New Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs February 5-11, 2024
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greenwitchcrafts · 5 months
May 2024 witch guide
Full moon: May 23rd
New moon: May 7th
Sabbats: Beltane-May1st
May Flower Moon
Known as: Bright Moon, Budding Moon, Dyad Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Frog Moon, Hare Moon, Leaf Budding Moon, Merry Moon, Moon of the Shedding Ponies, Planting Moon, Sproutkale, Thrimilcmonath & Winnemanoth
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Taurus & Gemini
Nature spirits: Elves & Faeries
Deities: Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Cernunnos, Diana, Frigga, Flora, Horned God, Kali, Maia, Pan, Priapus & Venus
Animals: Cat, leopard & lynx
Birds: Dove, Swallow & Swan
Trees: Hawthorne & rowan
Herbs: Cinnamon, dittany of Crete, Elder, mint, mugwort & thyme
Flowers: Foxglove, lily of the valley & rose
Scents: Rose & sandalwood
Stones: Amber, Apache tear, carnelian, emerald, garnet, malachite, rose quartz, ruby, tourmaline & tsavorite
Colors: Brown, green, orange, pink & yellow
Energy:  Abundance, creative energy, faerie & spirit contact, fertility, intuition, love, marriage, material gains, money, propagation, prosperity, real-estate dealings, relationships & tenacity
May’s Flower Moon name should be no surprise; flowers spring forth across North America in abundance this month!
• “Flower Moon” has been attributed to Algonquin peoples, as confirmed by Christina Ruddy of The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre in Pikwakanagan, Ontario.
May’s Moon was also referred to as the “Month of Flowers” by Jonathan Carver in his 1798 publication, Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America: 1766, 1767, 1768 (pp. 250-252), as a likely Dakota name. Carver stayed with the Naudowessie (Dakota) over a period of time; his expedition covered the Great Lakes region, including the Wisconsin and Minnesota areas.
Known as: Beltaine, May day, Roodmas & Cethsamhain
Season: Spring
Symbols: Eggs, faeries, fire, flowers & maypoles
Colors: Blue, dark yellow, green, light pink, orange, red, white yellow & rainbow spectrum
Oils/Incense: Frankincense, lilac, passion flower, rose, tuberose & vanilla
Animals: Bee, cattle, goat & rabbit
Mythical: Faeries
Stones: Bloodstone, emerald, lapis lazuli, orange carnelian, rose quartz & sapphire
Food: Beltane cakes, cherries, dairy foods, farls, green herbal salads, honey, meade, nuts, oat cakes, oats, strawberries & sweets
Herbs/Plants: Almond, ash tree, birch, bramble, cinquefoil, damiana, frankincense, hawthorn, ivy, meadowsweet, mushroom, rosemary, saffron, satyrion root, St.John's wort & woodruff
Flowers: Angelica, bluebell, daisy, hibiscus, honeysuckle, lilac, marigold, primrose, rose, rose hips & yellow cowslips
Trees: Ash, cedar, elder, fir, hawthorn, juniper, linden, mesquite, oak, pine, poplar, rowan & willow
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Areil, Artemis, Cybele, Danu, Diana, Dôn, Eiru, Elen, Eostre, Fand, Flidais, Flora, Freya, Frigga, Maia, Niwalen, Rhea, Rhiannon, Var, Venus & Xochiquetzal
Gods: Baal, Bacchnalia, Balder, Belanos, Belenus, Beli, Beltene, Cernunnos, Cupid, Faunus, Freyr, Grannus, The Green Man, Lares, Lugh, Manawyddan, Odin, Pan, Puck & Taranis
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, creativity, fertility, lust, marriage, the otherworld/Underworld, pleasure, psychic ability, purification, sensuality, sex/uality, visions, warmth & youth
Spellwork: Birth, Earth magick, healing, health & pregnancy
• Create a daisy chain or floral decorations
• Decorate & dance around a Maypole
• Set up an outdoor altar & leave offerings to faeries
• Prepare a ritual bath with fresh flowers
• Light a bonfire or candles & dance around them
• Set aside time for self care
• Gather flowers & use them to decorate your home or altar
• Prepare a feast to celebrate with friends/family
• Make flower crowns
• Bake bannocks, oat cakes or cookies
• Hang wreaths decorated with ribbons & flowers
• Plant flowers in your garden
• Start a wish book/box/journal
• Go on a walk & gice thanks to nature⁸
• Cast fertility or a bunch spells
• Fill small baskets of flowers & small goodies, then leave them on your friends/neighbors doorstep as a gesture of goodwill & friendship
Beltane is mentioned in the earliest Irish literature and is associated with important events in Irish mythology. Also known as Cétshamhain ('first of summer'), it marked the beginning of summer & was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures. Rituals were performed to protect cattle, people & crops, and to encourage growth. (Today, Witches who observe the Wheel of the Year celebrate Beltane as the height of Spring.)
Special bonfires were kindled, whose flames, smoke & ashes were deemed to have protective powers. The people and their cattle would walk around or between bonfires & sometimes leap over the flames or embers. All household fires would be doused & then re-lit from the Beltane bonfire.
These gatherings would be accompanied by a feast, and some of the food and drink would be offered to the aos sí. Doors, windows, byres and livestock would be decorated with yellow May flowers, perhaps because they evoked fire.
In parts of Ireland, people would make a May Bush: typically a thorn bush or branch decorated with flowers, ribbons, bright shells & rushlights. Holy wells were also visited, while Beltane dew was thought to bring beauty & maintain youthfulness.
• The aos sí (often referred to as spirits or fairies) were thought to be especially active at Beltane. Like Samhain, which lies directly opposite from Beltane on the Wheel of the Year, this was seen as a time when the veil between worlds was at its thinnest. At Samhain the veil between the worlds of the living & the dead is thin enough that we can connect & convene with our beloved dead, here at Beltane it’s the veil between the human world, and the world of faeries & nature spirits that has grown thin. Offerings would be left at the ancient faerie forts, the wells and in other sacred places in an effort to appease these nature spirits to ensure a successful growing season.
Some believe this is when The Goddess is now the Mother & the God is seen as the Green Man or the wild stag. It celebrates the symbolic union, mating or marriage of the Goddess & God & heralds in the coming summer months. It represents life rather than Samhain on the opposite side of the Wheel of the Year.
Other Celebrations:
• Rosealia- May 23rd
Rosalia or Rosaria was a festival of roses celebrated on various dates, primarily in May, but scattered through mid-July. The observance is sometimes called a rosatio ("rose-adornment") or the dies rosationis, "day of rose-adornment," & could be celebrated also with violets. As a commemoration of the dead, the rosatio developed from the custom of placing flowers at burial sites. It was among the extensive private religious practices by means of which the Romans cared for their dead, reflecting the value placed on tradition (mos maiorum, "the way of the ancestors"), family lineage & memorials ranging from simple inscriptions to grand public works. Several dates on the Roman calendar were set aside as public holidays or memorial days devoted to the dead.
Roses had funerary significance in Greece, but were particularly associated with death & entombment among the Romans. In Greece, roses appear on funerary steles  & in epitaphs most often of girls. Flowers were traditional symbols of rejuvenation, rebirth &memory, with the red & purple of roses & violets felt to evoke the color of blood as a form of propitiation
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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kakiastro · 9 months
2024: The Year of the Dragon
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Well, we made yall! This was a 7 ruled year, ruled by the Moon, Neptune, and South Node. This year had us all deep in our feelings. So many people had their first spiritual awakening, others psychic gifts has strengthened. This year was teaching us on how to listen to our intuition. If you’re a creative, then this year was really the year ideas and projects came to you. With the moon here, so many people started their own families, so many woman in my personal life had babies this year lol. Our family dynamics changed, our homes may have changed. Lots of early life/past lives issues smacked us in the face this year, a lot of people started their healing journey.
This year is an 8 ruled year.
8 rules over the spiritual and materialistic world. 8 is balance, it means you need to balance being in our world and the spiritual.
8 is also an infinity symbol, hence why is it’s a loop. What loops(patterns)have you been stuck in? This year will show you that and what loops you need to get out of
8 also have a deep love for humanity, so I personally expect more protest against wars, those who are really suffering in our world. There’s going to be a strong empathy pull. Make no mistake though, the number 8 also rules over authority, social status, ego, inner strength and wisdom. While there’s a lot of love, there’s going to lots of people having unchecked egos so be careful of that. Listening to others opinions(whether you agree or not) will be a collective lesson.
The number 8 is ruled by Saturn and Capricorn. This is a Saturnian year. So to my fellow Saturnians/Capricorn placements/10h, we are the first in line the classroom (earth) this year lol.
Saturn is in Pisces, so fellow Caps, and everyone really, I feel we are going to continue being in our feelings and will begin to open our hearts to others. Capricorn is a reserved sign, doesn’t really show outward emotions, they would rather cry in private or in the shower😅. Not this year LoL, this year is teaching us that it’s okay to not be okay, it’s okay to be open about it as well. We will meet people who will show us the magical side of life. Saturn is a realism and pessimistic sign, but Pisces is the sign of hope, magic and fantasy. Remember, Pisces is also co ruled by Jupiter which is currently in Taurus. What is success to you? Is this success to you because this is what you were taught or is this what you really want? These are the type of questions you will be asking yourself.
8 is the number for Karma as well. Karma isn’t what many people think it is lol. Karma isn’t just some revenge type of thing lol. Also, Karma isn’t always bad either so get that out your mindset as well. Bad things happen to good people all the time, you being a good person doesn’t exempt you of messed up situations. If anything, it’s to make you become more empathetic and self aware of the bad things. Karma can be good as well
The etymology of karma is from the Sanskrit meaning “Action, Effect, Fate”
Karma is what you do that will cause a ripple/effect that can change your fate.
1. You get into a relationship and everything is going great for a year. Then you discovered your partner cheated. Your hurt and say “karma will get him and I can’t wait to watch.”
2. Months go by and you see your cheater ex is in a new relationship, treating this new partner better than you. You start thinking “karmas not real because if it was, why are they living the good life?” Meanwhile, you’re still picking up the pieces to heal but you’re healing is the key word.
3. Little do you know, your ex had cheated on you with someone who’s only using them and they end up getting cheated on. It wasn’t because of you, know they created that ripple for themselves. They let there ego and lust dictate there actions. If they would’ve had any control, they would’ve known not to do this so the Universe/God let the domino fall. They may end struggling with their career, health, spiritually to teach them to grow and learn. Now will they? That’s up to them. Just because someone appears to be doing well from the outside doesn’t mean that they really are or going to be.
4. You’ve done your healing and now know what you want and the red flags to look out for. You end up in an actual healthy relationship. A friend of yours suspects her partner of cheating and asked for your advice. Because you went through this, you know the signs. Because of this, you helped her. See that domino effect lol
That was long but I hope that makes sense you all! I have a mercury Rx in my chart so my thoughts go everywhere lol.
One of the first biggest events of 2024 is that Pluto enters Aquarius
Dates: January 20th - September 1st
Then: it will go back in Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime in September 1- November 20th.
Finally: it will go into Aquarius November 20th, where it will stay unto 2043. Y’all this is a 20 year transit!! So many changes are about to happen
I’ve already made a post about this transit, you can read it here!
2024 is the year of the dragon, in the element Wood.
Dragons are seen as honorable, strength, success
Wood represents vitality and creativity
-this is good year to pursue your goals and if you’re consistent, you will achieve success.
First Lunar eclipse will be on March 25th.
It will be in the sign of Libra! Which is where South Node currently is as well. Relationships with our family and within our home will be highlighted. The house that Libra rules in your chart will tell you how this will
First Solar eclipse will be on April 8th
It will be in the sign of Aries with NN being in it. Setting new goals for yourself, starting something new in your life, be bold and brave.
2nd Lunar eclipse is in Pisces on September 17th. Hello feelings lol! Pisces will have us sit alone and think about our most hidden thoughts and they will be highlighted. This is a good time for spiritual growth.
2nd Solar eclipse is in Libra on October 2nd. Relationships will be the hot topic for 2024. I predict so many people are going to be breaking up, finding love, having new friendships, family relationships are going to be changing, collaborating with people, justice, fairness will all be themes
Mercury Retrogrades will be in fire signs this year
First Mercury Rx is in Aries on April 1st-25th. Thinking and planning your goals, making sure everything is in order.
2nd Rx is August 4th-28th in the sign of Virgo and Leo. It’s giving say it with your chest energy but not too much lol. Be brave with your thoughts but try to think rationally as well.
3rd Rx is November 25th in Sagittarius. Time for us to reflect on our ideals that we’ve learned. Look at different philosophies point of view
Another big Astrological event is the Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus conjunction on April 20th.
Jupiter is the planet if expansion, higher learning, traveling and religion
Uranus is the planet of change, science of medicine, innovation and rebellion.
Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac and it rules over our finances, self worth, our possessions, food, beauty, nature such as forest and trees.
What do I predict with this transit:
-huge breakthroughs with regarding medicines and innovative discoveries
-something dealing with travel or immigration
-I suspect some type if change regarding the church or how people view the church (pastors, priest etc)
-something dealing with our food and us being more aware about our own dietary choices. What’s not good for us and what goes in our food basically
On May 25th, Jupiter leaves Taurus and enters airy sign Gemini. It will be in Gemini until 2025
The best way to describe this transit is communication!!! Remember Jupiter expands everything so we will be more open about our thoughts and standing on business on what we say! I feel there’s going to be a huge influx on the dire need to want to go back to school and learn new things. Big cars are going to the thing everyone will want to have! If you’re a writer, this can be a good year to write that book and get it published, all the way up until 2025 at least.
Mars Go Rx December 6th- February 23rd 2025, in the sign of Cancer and Leo!
This is poignant because Mars only go retrograde every 2 years! The last Rx was 2021-2022 ish and it was in Gemini
With it switching from water and fire, emotions will be be high. Really check your emotions during this time, this can be a good time to sort your home out, being motivated to start something like a creative outlet.
As you all can see, this is going to be an eventful year but I’m wishing you all happy and memorable one! To those who’ve been following me this year, I just want to say thank you! thank you! thank you!
With love and gratitude
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