#maybe Greg’s drunk?
gmaybe666 · 1 year
I’m literally puking blood (joking)
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tomwambsgans · 8 months
lbr if tom ever did convince greg to put on a wedding dress (or any other kind) he'd only proceed to find him significantly less attractive in it. like woops nah i'm more of a fag than i thought lol put the suit back on
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 6 months
Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader
Requested by anonymous
Synopsis: You go with your brothers to a bar, but things turn sideways when a stranger won’t leave you alone.
Warnings: creepy guy, scared reader, protective Sam and Dean
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Another hunt. Another town. Another bar.
After you guys had moved into the bunker, some stupid, stupid part of you thought that maybe some things would change. But some things would always be the same.
You didn’t mind the hunting, you really didn’t. You didn’t want to do it, and you wished your brothers had a safer life, but you understood at least. They helped people, and that was everything.
But you hated this; being in a town full of strangers in a bar full of people much older than you, huddling in a corner waiting for your big brothers. There was nothing like not belonging while being surrounded by drunk, adult strangers.
Usually, the adults would stare at you like you were an alien for a moment or two, then ignore you. Young teens weren’t common in bars, but it wasn’t interesting enough to keep them from their good times.
This time, something was different. A man near the bar had been staring at you ever since you walked in the door. You had even gone to the other side of the bar to avoid him, but he followed. He hadn’t approached you, but he wouldn’t stop staring. Since he’d yet to go near you, you didn’t see a reason to bother Sam and Dean about it.
But he was starting to freak you out, so you found yourself trying to locate Sam or Dean in the crowded bar.
You were so distracted looking for your brothers that you hadn’t seen the man approaching.
“Name’s Greg,” he greeted.
“Hi,” you muttered, still glancing around for Sam and Dean.
“What’s a sweetheart like you doing here alone?” Greg asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“‘M not—“ You were squirming in your seat now, and Sam and Dean were nowhere to be seen. “—not alone.”
“Now don’t be nervous.” Greg took the seat next to you and scooted it closer so that his knee was touching yours. You tried to scoot back, but you chair was already against the wall. You couldn’t go back, and Greg was angled in such a way that if you got up, he was blocking any easy exit.
“I have to find my brothers,” you said, deciding to risk it and stand up, attempting to squirm past the man.
Your whole body stiffened as though someone had dropped an ice cube down your back. Greg, still sitting in his own chair, and grabbed your leg right above your knee when you stood. His fingers were curled, gripping you much too tightly.
“Hey now,” he said, trying to keep up the sweet tone but sounding annoyed. “No need to rush off.” His fingers slackened their grip, but once he let go he stood, towering over you much too closely. And then the hand that was on your knee was on your shoulder, his fingers digging into the sensitive skin near your neck.
“I-I have to—“ your voice caught in your throat when his grip tightened painfully.
“No you don’t,” he all but commanded. “Just stay right here with me, nobody’s gonna miss you.” He shifted forward until all you could see was him. Your back was up against the wall; you had nowhere to go.
“Please don’t—“
As soon as Greg had appeared, he was gone, and in his place stood the men you’d been so desperate to find.
Dean was shoving Greg toward the exit, and Sam was right there with him until you called out for him.
Sam turned hesitantly, leaving Dean to deal with the creep as he rushed to you and began to examine you.
“Did he hurt you?” Sam demanded.
You shook your head even as you rubbed your sore shoulder. This didn’t go unnoticed by Sam, who pulled aside your sleeve just enough to see the bruises already forming near your neck. His jaw ticked, and he turned to go after Greg, but you grabbed onto his sleeve to keep him near you.
“Don’t go,” you pleaded, and he relented immediately. The moment his arms wrapped around your shoulders, you all but melted into him. The adrenaline that had been pumping through your veins since the moment the man laid his hands on you now felt like a foreign substance pulsing in you, clogging your lungs and burning your eyes and making your knees weak. Your big brother held your weight up effortlessly, rubbing your back and breathing with exaggerated slowness as an example for you to slow your own ragged, racing breaths.
“You’re ok, you’re ok,” he breathed over and over again. “You’re safe now, I’ve got you.”
“Hey.” Dean’s voice had you peaking out from the safety of Sam’s arms. He was standing next to you now, his knuckles suspiciously bruised and bloodied. “Hey, you ok sweetheart?”
You nodded weakly, still resting against Sam. Dean pulled his jacket off and draped it against your shaking shoulders, and the familiar weight and scent washed over you and seemed to abate the adrenaline in your system, at least a little. You took a slow, deep breath that matched Sam’s.
“Let’s get you to the Impala, ok?” Sam suggested gently. You nodded, and Sam kept his arm around your shoulder as the brothers ushered you out. There wasn’t a moment when you weren’t completely surrounded by their protective presence.
Sam guided you into the back of the Impala before joining Dean in the front seats.
Dean glanced back at you every few seconds in the rearview mirror.
“How’s it going back there?”
“‘M ok,” you mumbled, and Dean’s eyebrows curved downward as his mouth retreated into a thin line.
“Ok,” he sighed, and you knew he didn’t believe you.
It didn’t take long to reach the motel, and once the three of you were settled inside Sam spoke again.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You shook your head quickly, bringing your legs up to your chest and hugging your knees.
“I’m fine,” you said shakily. “He just—he got a little pushy…and grabby.”
“Grabby?” Dean gritted his teeth. “I knew I should’ve hit him harder.”
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” you sighed.
“Ok, ok.” Dean rubbed his face. “I’m sorry.”
“This isn’t your fault,” you said quickly. “It’s not—it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Yes it is,” Dean insisted. “And it’s not going to happen again. Either me or Sam is gonna be with you next time, we’re not gonna leave you alone again, ok?”
You nodded. “Ok, that…that sounds good. In case there’s another time.”
“There’s not gonna be another time,” Sam said, pulling you into his arms. “We’re gonna be there. Always.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale
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agaypanic · 8 months
Hi!! I saw you were writing for Rodrick and thought I could give an idea if you would like to write for it! So here's the basis, at Rodricks party (or just a party in general) the reader gets flat out wasted and doesn't realize that Rodrick is their boyfriend and says like 'my boyfriend would beat you up if he found out about this' while Rodrick is trying to take care of them. Preferably feminine or gender neutral pronouns. I hope this made enough sense. Have a great rest of you day :)
Blame it on the Alcohol (Rodrick Heffley X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Your boyfriend Rodrick tries taking care of you while you’re drunk, and you seem to forget that he’s your boyfriend.
A/N: warning for underage drinking
As soon as Rodrick’s parents were out of the house, he knew he was gonna throw a party. He didn’t care that his brother Greg would be there; he’d take care of him later. Maybe make him sleep over at Rowley’s or lock him in his room.
Rodrick threw himself on the couch and called you, wanting you to be the first to show up to his party. Then, after the call, the two of you texted all of your friends to come to Rodrick’s tonight.
A few hours later, the party was in full swing. Rodrick ended up locking Greg in the basement so he could focus on having fun with you without worrying about his brother ruining his party. 
“So, when are your parents coming home?” You asked your boyfriend before taking a sip of your drink. You didn’t really know what was in it; your friend had made it for you, but it was definitely giving you a bit of a buzz.
“Monday or something.” Rodrick shrugged, his arm wrapped around you, keeping you close to him. “We have the whole weekend to ourselves.” He said with a smirk.
“Isn’t Greg here?” 
“Yeah, but I can keep him in the basement.”
“Rodrick…” You pointed to the front door, where you saw Greg’s friend Rowley looking around in wonder. “What’s he doing here?”
Rodrick cursed, his wide eyes accentuated by the eyeliner that you helped him put on before people started coming to the house.
“I’ll be right back.” He said, handing you his red solo cup before racing over to the little redheaded boy and grabbing him by the back of his shirt. You snorted, taking another sip before going to find your friends.
It was a long while before you found Rodrick again. You were close to plastered, hanging onto one of your friends who was definitely more sober than you were. After a brief silence in the house, where apparently Susan had called to check up on Rodrick and Greg, your boyfriend let the boys out of the basement, and the party became livelier than before. You screamed along to music, dancing in a way that looked like uncontrolled thrashing, and drank until your friends decided it was time to cut you off and hand you back to your boyfriend.
“Finally! We’ve been looking for you for, like, forever!” One of your friends said with a giggle as she spotted Rodrick in the kitchen. 
“Who’s he?” You asked, pointing at the boy. He looked at you and then at your friend, growing confused.
“She’s wasted. Good luck.” Then you were pushed into his arms. Luckily, he caught you, or else you probably would’ve stumbled into something.
“Gee, thanks!” He called out to your friend before looking down at you. “Hey babe, feeling okay?”
“Who are you calling ‘babe’?” You asked incredulously. Rodrick snorted.
“Yeah, let’s get you to bed.” 
Luckily for Rodrick, the party was starting to die down a bit. He quickly kicked everyone out of the house, grabbed a bottle of water, and told Greg and Rowley that they could do whatever they wanted as long as they didn’t bother him before he took you up to his room.
“You better hope my boyfriend doesn’t find out about this.” You said in a bit of a slur as Rodrick sat you on his bed. “He’ll beat you up.”
“Y/n, I am your boyfriend.” Rodrick snorted, and you furiously shook your head.
“Nuh-uh.” You said, leaning back on your elbows. “My boyfriend’s prettier.”
Rodrick felt jealous for a minute before remembering that he was being jealous of himself.
“Oh really?” 
You nodded, watching Rodrick pull out a shirt from his dresser.
“He’s in a band.” You said with a smile before seeing the shirt’s design. You gasped, pointing at it with a grin. “That’s his band!”
“Yeah?” Rodrick asked, mirroring your enthusiasm. He figured it was better to play along by acting like he wasn’t your boyfriend right now. “I’m a big fan.”
“Well, I’m a bigger fan.” You smirked, flopping back onto the bed. You stretched your limbs, feeling fuzzy and warm all over. “I’m tired.” You said with a sigh.
Rodrick figured now would be the best time to get you changed. He pulled you back into a sitting position and held the shirt in front of you.
“Wanna put this on?” He asked in a tone that one would use with a baby. Seeing the name of your boyfriend’s band on the shirt, you nodded and snatched it from his hands. Rodrick turned around as you got changed, throwing you some shorts from one of the last times that you stayed over. 
By the time Rodrick was changed into his own pajamas and had turned around, you were sprawled out on his bed, the clothes you were previously wearing scattered around you.
Letting out a small laugh, Rodrick gathered your stuff into a small pile. Then he gently grabbed you, pulling you closer to the head of the bed. Rodrick opened up the water bottle he brought up and nudged you awake.
“Drink this.” Your eyes opened the slightest bit to see the bottle, which you grabbed and chugged. Rodrick’s eyes widened at the speed at which you drank, the bottle being emptied in just a couple of seconds.
“Thanks.” You say, crushing the plastic bottle and giving it back to Rodrick, who just tossed it over his shoulder. “You know, you’re really nice.” You grabbed one of Rodrick’s pillows, clutching it close to you and smushing your cheek against it. “But don’t try anything, because my boyfriend will kick your ass.”
“Wouldn’t want that.” Rodrick laughed, brushing some stray hair out of your face. “Goodnight, Y/n.”
“Goodnight.” You yawned, quickly falling into a deep sleep. When he knew you weren’t going to wake up, Rodrick laid back and closed his eyes, staying close to you as he fell asleep.
Rodrick Heffley Taglist: @tweedledipshit
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feelings are scary. ( gregory house x reader )
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gif belongs to me
He knew breaking up over a text message was the coward's way out, but there would be questions he didn't want to answer, uncomfortable feelings he tried to bury down and pretend didn't exist. Greg House didn't have healthy relationships. Especially not with a sexy ER nurse.
Before you started dating you were often lured to the clinic under false pretenses to see someone he considered interesting but it was just a way to see you. When his team failed to give him the answers he wanted, he would follow you around the ER and discuss his latest patient. You were always bubbly, smiling at his sarcastic remarks, and when he insulted your patients you always said, "Don't mind my friend here, he hasn't had his caffeine fix for the day."
You never turned him away. You were never exasperated by the amount of times he managed to trick you and when you started dating he realized you always knew it was a ruse, and went along with it anyway because you wanted to see him too.
Greg House didn't maintain healthy relationships. But for four blissful months, you did. And it terrified him.
Saying I love you opened doors he had long since locked. You admitted that you didn't need him to say it, but you wanted him to know how you felt. The next day you received his termination of your relationship and were stunned by how curt it was.
Once the knife stopped twisting, you realized you had expected this reaction and decided to give him time and space. For a week you pushed your feelings down, focusing on your job, and while he didn't visit you in the ER or get you to meet him somewhere in the hospital, you had felt the weight of his gaze more than once. He might not have spoken to you, but he still stopped by.
You did everything you could to stop thinking about the department head. Until a car crash victim died and everything came bubbling to the surface. You tore off your gloves and changed in the locker room, washing off the blood, and slumped on the bench, fending off tears that dried up as anger set in at how unfair it was that an eighteen-year-old was dead from a drunk driver.
When you made it to his department you noticed him on the balcony talking to James and stormed outside, gaining their attention.
"Uh, Y/N, h-hi -"
"Go away, Wilson."
"Right-o." He made a swift exit as House sighed, turning to look out at the view, resting his hands on the wall.
"I thought you'd crack sooner -"
"Shut up." You barked.
House raised an eyebrow, turning to look at you and seeing the tears in your eyes.
"You are an arrogant gasbag." His eyebrows rose at the insult as you were docile by nature. "What gives you the right to tell me how to feel? You don't. Do you think falling for you wasn't scary for me? Feelings are scary, Greg, and they feel like crap and sometimes they feel great and everything is butterflies and rainbows until an ego-maniac decides to stab you in the heart because he can't let himself be happy."
House listened quietly as you moved around, gesturing wildly with your hands.
"I know you are a gigantic pain in the ass. I know you're cynical. I know you use humor to keep people at arm's length but for a second, I thought that maybe you would finally let me in the door. And then you avoid me like I have the plague like a middle-grader! I mean, what the hell?"
You stopped pacing, finally meeting his gaze, and took a moment to catch your breath.
"Can I talk now?"
You rolled your jaw, nodding reluctantly.
"Come here."
You walked closer and when you were within arms reach, he brought you to his chest, kissing you hotly. You melted into his chest as he kept his balance by leaning on the wall. His arms wrapped around you, and the scent of his cologne made tears prick your eyes from how comforting it was.
The passionate kiss was the closest thing you would get to a confession. And right now that was enough.
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indianamgc11 · 8 months
“makes me want to wreck you.” from the prompt list woth ethan landry 😇
eyes on you
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a/n: hello! i wrote this with the intent of making a pt. 2, so lmk if you would be interested in that :)
warnings: cursing, mentions of weed and alcohol, touching, mentions of blood and the tiniest bit of violence, fighting, implications of sex, talking of body parts, ethan x f!reader (lmk if i missed any)
word count: 2,665
summary: reader and the group attend the frat party, but ethan and reader have their eyes, and minds, set on something else.
You never have really been a fan of parties, let alone frat college parties. But Chad had convinced you to go along anyways, saying you needed to “get out more.”
“C’mon! It’ll be fun! Maybe you could find a piece of eye candy to snack on.”
He laughs at his own comment and flexed his muscles in the air, jokingly referencing to himself, earning a playful eye roll and a sigh from you.
“Fine, I’ll go, just don’t try to find somebody for me, that didn’t go too well last time.”
You remember back to the last party you went to with the friend group, where Chad attempted to hook you up with a guy who ended up being some 30-year old freak who passed by the party scene, thinking he could get away with a girl or two. Chad ended up getting into a fist fight with the creep, leaving himself with bloodied knuckles and a red slap mark on his face, and the guy with a broken nose and a black eye. That was the last party you had gone too.
But you wanted to try again, seeing that you wanted to join this sorority with Tara for a bit, and figured that a party would be a good start (hopefully).
It was later in the day and you were getting ready with Tara in her room. Her, Sam, and Quinn were your roommates, and Sam wasn’t too fond of the “social gathering” that Chad had been talking about. She’s been very paranoid about letting Tara go out alone, or to any crowded event, since the recent Ghostface killings in your hometown of Woodsboro, California the previous year. Even with Chad saying him and the remaining friend group would be going, Sam still turned the idea down. Nevertheless, you and Tara still planned to go to the OKB party, you currently adding lavender body glitter to yourself while Tara was finishing pulling her hair up.
Tara is dressed as a pirate, while you were dressed as a fairy, sort of. Having a shimmery cropped top with feathers around the edge of the upper half, and a glittery skirt to go with it. It wasn’t a kiddy costume, but wasn’t an attempt to pick up any guys, they’d all be drunk or high anyways.
Quinn was, occupied, in her room with some guy you both didn’t know, so she definitely wasn’t going with you two. Instead she was going to cover for you both if Sam questioned your absences when she got home.
You both turn your lights off and shut your bedroom doors before leaving (so Sam might think you were sleeping), then shut the front door and started heading downstairs. Neither of you spoke a word, the only sounds to be heard were from your shoes hitting the floor and the air conditioning in the building. You did this just in case you ran into Sam, which was unlikely, but just for good measure. You make it out of the apartment building and join your group of friends, walking down the busy streets of New York. The sidewalks of the roads, and now the campus, are quite crowded, seeing various costumes on many bodies, including many Ghostfaces. You’re bumped out of your observations, literally, when you see a familiar face.
“Hey, Jason!” Tara says, glad to see her friend.
“Are you and Greg coming to the OKB party?” You ask him as you and Tara both stop to talk with him briefly, pointing behind you.
“Yeah, if he ever finishes his Spanish project.” Jason responds.
He continues to talk with Tara rather than you and asks if Sam would be there, seeming to take an interest to her. They finish conversing and you catch up with your group. You make it to the house, lit up with flashing lights, tables holding many plastic red cups and bottles of beer with lots of people around. You walk inside and are immediately hit with the smell of alcohol and many lit joints, which isn’t very surprising. You lose the friend group you arrived with, being left with Tara. It’s hard to hear nearly anything except for the loud bass of the music, and clips of conversations from everywhere you go. A course someone is taking, how Subway messed up their sandwich, or just plain horny college students at a poor attempt to start something up. But seriously, get a room.
“I’m gonna go find Chad”
You say to Tara, but end up nearly yelling for her to hear you, needing to repeat yourself. She gives you a thumbs up before you both wander off. You eventually see Mindy and her girlfriend, Anika, on a couch on the opposite side of the room. Anika has a pumpkin cropped shirt on with some blue flared jeans and a bucket hat, her legs over Mindy, who was dressed simply, but you could tell she was going for a simple costume look. You just couldn’t squint your eyes enough to see the same on the corner of her shirt. Your eyes lead you to Chad, who was without a shirt, but had a large cowboy hat, jeans, boots, and an obnoxious cowboy belt. Next to him stood his roommate, Ethan Landry.
Ethan was newer to the group, not always around but still present. You’ve known him for about 6 months, and within those 6 months slight came feelings for him. He was cute, really cute, having fluffy, curly black hair, plump lips, and eyes that could break your soul. You’ve always wondered how he doesn’t have any girls going after him. I mean, why wouldn’t they? He was also a typical nerdy guy. Being cute and a little dorky you thought was the perfect combination.
You walk over to the pair and see them both take a shot, but Ethan spit his back out into his shot glass. The guy wasn’t a fan of drinking, either.
“Hey cool kids”
You say to them sarcastically referring to their costumes, specifically Ethan. He smiles at you.
“Hey, y/n/n, you did come! I’ll bet you’re glad you did, huh?”
Chad says, nudging you with his elbow. You shrug your shoulders at the scene, looking around to the same wildness you saw before.
“Eh. It’s more of your scene definitely.” You shouted.
You look back to Ethan and scan him up and down, eyebrows knitting together, forming a guess in your head as to what he’s dressed as.
“I’m a knight from Murder Party.”
He says lightly to you, having that no one has been correct when seeing his cardboard costume. You nod your head and make an “ah” shape with your mouth. He then leans in so he can hear you better, and vise versa.
“A fairy? That’s not really what I thought you would go for,” He says closer to you.
“It’s what I got on short notice. Better than that stupid attempt at a sexy nurse or something. Also surprised that you got that.” You shrug.
Chad disagrees with the statement, but you nudge him in the side. You notice Ethan’s eyes linger on you every moment or so. Not to say you didn’t either. You never really noticed it, but the guy had muscles. He was wearing a plain long sleeve blue shirt underneath the cardboard, and even in the dark, his arms were defined.
It was hot. He was hot.
But that’s not something you would ever admit. Nobody had a clue, not even Tara, that you had a developing crush for Ethan. But you couldn’t help it. You were around him a lot of the time, and your eyes could just never seem to look somewhere else. Like at another guy.
You’re pulled from your thoughts when Anika approaches you three.
“Big guy. You’re needed.”
Chad glanced at you with quick worry along with Ethan, as you three follow Anika to the scene of some older looking guy dragging Tara up the stairs, mumbling something to her. You and Ethan make your way through the people gathering around to see what’s going on. Chad approaches the guy with a fake smile on.
“Hey pal. No private tours for this one, mkay?”
“Sorry bro, didn’t catch that.” The guy, Frankie, says, clearly drunk. His eyes were slightly glossy and his speech was slurred together, his eyelids drooping a little as well.
“Yeah, bro, you did. Tara’s good down here.” Chad says irritated.
Tara chimes in saying she wants to, followed by Frankie drunkenly agreeing with her and began dragging her by the arm upstairs, Tara’s expression turning from happy to discomfort, a tinge of fear evident. Chad grabs Frankie by his shirt and yanks him to ground level. Ethan quickly put his hand around your arm and pulled you back a little. You’re a bit surprised at his action but don’t try to pull away, leaning back to him. His fingertips were warm on your arm and his hands were soft. And you never realized how large his hands were. Pushing you once again from your thoughts, before Chad can show the guy, Sam comes in out of nowhere.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt, I’m just gonna taze you in the balls real quick.”
She then electrified Frankie and he fell to the floor screaming at Sam.
“Fucking bitch!” Frankie screams while groaning in agony.
Tara immediately storms through the crowd and out the door, mortified and angry. You glance behind at Ethan, then to Chad, seeing his face confused as to what all just happened, then you all follow suite to Tara and Sam.
You catch up, yet keeping your distance to the sisters as you hear them arguing, Tara fuming and unpleased. You all stop behind the two and witness the argument, eyes going back and forth from one girl to the other.
“That guy was an asshole and he was gonna take advantage of you-“ Sam starts but Tara cuts her off.
“So? If I wanna hook up with an asshole that my decision. My decision! You’re out of my life for five years and now you can’t leave me alone for five minutes!” Tara’s voice gets higher as she gets more agitated just talking about Sam’s actions recently.
“See why I don’t live with them? I love them, but the drama.” Mindy whispers to you, Ethan, and Anika. You purse your lips and look at Mindy.
“Sorry” Mindy whispers back, averting her eyes and stepping back to Anika.
Ethan leans down to your ear,
“Is it this bad all the time?” He questioned in a curious tone.
“Sometimes yes, sometimes no.”
Sam and Tara bicker quite often. Quinn has never been to bothered by it, usually doing other things, but you on the other hand, are always around to hear them. Occasionally you’ll go over to Mindy and Anika’s, but if they’re busy then you’ll go stay with Chad and Ethan. They normally know what it is when one of them opens the door to see you standing there with a pillow in your hand. Not that it’s a big deal, sometimes you just do it to spend more time with Ethan.
Usually you and Ethan would end up playing cards, study, or even watch a movie until you both fell asleep. You also used to just sleep on the couch, but Ethan has recently let you sleep in his bed while he either takes the couch or the floor. You refused at first, saying it wasn’t necessary, by the boy wouldn’t take no for an answer.
In the mornings it was Ethan who was up first, stretching and checking the time on his watch set on the nightstand. He was careful not to wake you, seeing as you were still sound asleep with the blankets all about. One leg would be over the covers while the other was under, you turned on your side and face against the pillow. One thing that Ethan noticed as well, was how you still looked perfect to him even after turning around all night. Your tank top accentuating your curves well, also being enough to where your cleavage would show a little. But Ethan wasn’t uncomfortable, in fact he got a little aroused by the simple sight of you a few times. But you also chose to wear that to bed, so maybe Ethan’s eyes might linger a little longer. Exactly how you intended.
What wakes you up is the closing of his bedroom door, leaving you alone to sleep for a bit. You sit up and stretch, feeling the warm sunlight through the cracks of the shut blinds. You swing your legs over to the floor and walk towards the door to the kitchen. You see Ethan, who is currently sipping a cup of coffee while reading his Econ textbook. His hair is quite fluffy and his eyes are intently focused on the schoolbook in front of him. When the cup moved away from his lips, they move against each other to savor the taste of the caffeine. He doesn’t even notice you standing there until you say something.
“Econ? Really?” You express as you walk over to sit with him.
He sets his mug down, giving a slight laugh and smile at your comment.
“I have an exam in two days, I can’t risk anything.”
You smile and shake your head, still loving the smart boy in front of you, even if he willingly reads from a textbook in his weekend free time.
You don’t notice it at first, but your eyes don’t leave him. He looks up at you before you can look away. He raises an eyebrow at you and smiles with the left of his mouth.
It stays silent for a while as you hold your coffee and take a sip, the steam still visibly coming from the caffeinated drink. Not many sounds are heard except the flipping of the textbook pages and the honks of cars from NY traffic.
You eventually finish your coffee and get up to refill it, knowing you have many lectures that day. You walk over to the machine and start to pour the liquid in the mug. You place the pot back in its place and then around, only to be met with Ethan’s tall frame facing you. You nearly shriek from the startle.
“Ethan! Why would you scare me like that?”
You say as you exhale and hold a hand over your chest, the other leaning against the countertop behind you.
Ethan doesn’t say a single word. He just continues to watch you, his eyes scanning over your figure.
“Eth? You alright?” You hesitated.
“Oh, I’m perfectly fine,” he nods and bits his lip a bit.
You then feel his hand snaking on your waist, slowly pulling you towards his.
“Last night, at the party..” He begins slowly.
“I couldn’t keep my eyes off you, you know.”
His voice is deep. He sounds like a sexy villain in a movie, almost. Why is he acting like this?
You can feel his breath on you.
“How could I not? Even going for a simple costume, I couldn’t look away..” He trails off.
You were now flush against him. Your mouth felt dry and you needed to clear your throat but didn’t want to ruin the silence. You felt your heartbeat quicken, your stomach whirl.
It felt good.
Ethan’s eyes were still on yours, burning with something. A passion. Something you couldn’t quite pinpoint, but so badly wanted to. His fingertips slightly squeezed your hip, his other hand to your side on the countertop. His arms were tanned, flexing from his hand slightly moving. His nostrils flared a bit with every breath out, his lips pursed a little bit.
He leaned closer to your ear, your eyes following him until they couldn’t anymore. Barely above a whisper, he muttered a phrase that made your heart beat everywhere, your palms sweaty.
“Really makes me want to wreck you.”
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s1utforfictionalmen · 6 months
Violent Night - Part 2
Summary - Rafe is there to protect you when your abusive ex shows up to the party.
Warnings - Violents Rafe, fighting
Part 1
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Ever since the night you broke into the Cameron's house, you and Rafe were inseparable. Mainly because he was worried about you and didn’t want you to be alone. He also didn’t trust Greg in the slightest. He wanted to make sure you were as far away from him as possible. Greg had tried to call several times, but you never picked up. Even came by your house once, and luckily, you weren’t home. Rafe wanted to kick his ass, but per your request, he said he wouldn’t go out of his way to do it; but he secretly hoped there would be an opportunity. Luckily for him, the opportunity came.  
Two months had gone by since the night of the incident and your relationship with Rafe progressed. Nothing more than soft kisses, cuddling, and nicknames. You hadn’t slept together yet, Rafe was doing his best to respectful your boundaries, but man did he want to bend you over. The two of you hadn’t officially labeled it yet, but he made sure that the whole island knew you were his. Tonight, Rafe invited you to join him at Topper’s party. It would be your first outing since Greg, and since you two had become an item. You loved the idea of going out with him, but you were also nervous about the possibility of Greg being there. As if reading your mind, Rafe spoke up. 
“I doubt Greg will be there, he doesn’t even know it’s happening. Plus, he never shows up to Toppers parties anyway, and if he does, well I’ll kick his ass into next week.” 
“Rafe” You said with a giggle and head shake as you applied your makeup, still debating if you wanted to go or not. Rafe comes up behind you and pulls you into his chest. 
“Please baby, it will be fun. I want to make it public that we’re together. Plus, you won’t leave my side once, I’ll even take you to the bathroom.” You laughed at that. 
“Rafe, I am plenty capable of going to the bathroom by myself. Also, the whole island already knows I’m yours, you’re not very discreet” you spoke with a smile “but you’re right, I need to get out.” 
“So, we’re going?”  
“We’re going” You smiled to him. He stepped back and through his fists in the air and let out a whoop.  
“I’m going to text Top and let him know we’re coming”. As he exits the bathroom you hear him holler “I finally get to take my girl to a party!”  
By the time you arrived at the party, your anxiety hit you like a 1000 pounds. Your grip on Rafe’s hand got significantly tighter.  
“Hey baby, you’re okay, I’m right here. We can leave whenever you want, but let’s get you a drink first, yeah?” You just nod. A drink sounds perfect right now. You make your way over to the drinks table and see a bottle of vodka, you grab it without thinking and take two huge swigs of it.  
“Woah settle down baby girl, don’t want to get too drunk, too fast.” 
“Yes, I do.” You said with a straight face, Rafe just laughed. 
“Alright, well I’m here for you.”  
“I know” you said with a shy smile before grabbing a seltzer and heading back into the thick of the party. The liquor was finally hitting, and it was hitting good. You drank the perfect amount to get you right on the cusp of being drunk but not reckless. You pulled Rafe to the dance floor and the two of you were moving like no one was watching. Grinding heavily, but you would stop occasionally to dance in some obnoxious way to whatever song was playing. Rafe would laugh and then pull you back into him. After quite some time you needed a break. 
“I need to get another drink, maybe some air.” Rafe just nods and grabs your hand directing you to the patio. Kelce and Topper were sitting out there with some girls and a joint.  
“Well hello gentlemen” you said with a giggle.  
“Hey y/n, glad you could make it out tonight” Top said with a smile. “Are you having fun?” 
“Yeah, I’m having a blast! I really need to do this more often.” You all started to laugh when you noticed Topper and Kelce's faces immediately drop. You and Rafe's heads turn to follow their line of sight and your heart sank. There he was, Greg, clearly drunk and pissed. Rafe stepped in front of you. 
“What do you want?” Rafe’s voice suddenly scary. 
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t THE Rafe Cameron with my girl.” Greg turns to you.  
“She is not yours” 
“Come on y/n, really, Rafe fucking Cameron.” He stumbled closer and Rafe took a step forward. 
“You don’t get to talk to her.” You could feel the tension in Rafe, and his hands were in fists. You grabbed his arm to encourage him not to do anything rash.  
“Wow really y/n, you need Rafe to be your knight and shining armor? Hm? What, do you think I’m going to hit you again? Baby that as an accident, I will never do that again” he reached a handout to you “please come back to-”  
“I said don’t talk to her.” He was yelling. Calling you baby was crossing the line. At this point Kelce and Topper were on their feet, realizing the situation was about to head south. Frankly, they were shocked Rafe hadn’t beaten him already. He must really care about you to ignore his instincts just to keep you smiling. Gregs deminer changed when you didn’t go to him.  
“God, so pathetic. Both of you. I never thought I would see the day that Rafe Cameron is pussy whipped. Especially by someone like her” He gestures to you, his drunk gaze lingering a bit too long. Rafe stepping in front of you fully now. “She is hot and great for fucking.” You grabbed Rafe’s arm, pulling him back. “Don’t you agree Rafe, I know someone like you would only be with her to fuck” you heart shattered at that. Was that true? You hadn’t even fucked yet, but would he leave after you did? “She’s got the sweetest pussy-” Rafe lost it, he didn’t care how badly you wanted him to avoid this fight, he would not stand by and let some drunk, abusive, asshat talk about his girl like that. He charged Greg at full speed. You could see the pure fear in his eyes. Greg knew what Rafe was capable of, but the idiot somehow thought he could get away with it. At this point you were glad to have Rafe pound his face in, if it meant he would finally leave you alone. The sounds of Rafe’s fist colliding with Gregs face we’re getting to be too much. Greg got one good swing in, but it wasn’t much of a fight. You turned to Top. 
“Get him off.” You said through a sob. Him and Kelce run over and grab Rafe, pulling him off a very bloody Greg. You hated the bastard but seeing him fucked up still made your stomach twist. In a low and eerie voice Rafe said. 
“If you ever come near her again, I will kill you. I will fucking kill you. Got it?” He turned towards you, everything in him softened when he saw you. Kelce and Topper go to pick up Greg and throw him out of the house. Rafe steps closer to you, afraid to touch you.  
“You’re bleeding... and you’re knuckles...” You said through tears. Rafe couldn’t believe you were concerned. He expected you to be upset that he beat the living shit out of Greg. 
“Hey, I’m okay... really” He held your face now. Whipping away a tear. “Look I know you didn’t want me to fight him... But baby, I couldn’t just let-” 
“I know. It’s okay” you spoke softly, he smiled down at you.  
“He will never come near you again okay.” 
“I know, but Rafe...Please don’t actually kill him. I know you could...but just... maybe don’t do that.” You said with an uncomfortable laugh, Rafe’s smile grew.  
“I won’t baby, just needed to scare him that’s all. But you’re safe now, okay.” You just nod. After a moment you looked up into his stunning eyes. 
“Okay now it’s my turn to clean you up.” you spoke. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips before you grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom.  
You sat him on the edge of the bathtub and started to dab his lip with a wet cloth. His eyes piercing into you, which you did your best to ignore.  
“Can I ask you something?” he just hums in response. 
“Are you only looking for sex from me?” you finally look up to meet his gaze. He looks at you, with a tiny hint of pain in his eyes. 
“Is this because of what that prick said?” You look down again. Rafe takes your chin and holds it up so you’re looking at him. 
“y/n, I have been in love with you since we were kids.” His declaration made your mouth fall open. “I never did anything about it because you were my little sisters best-friend, and then you were with that fucker. His hands dropped to your waste to pull you closer. “I want to be with you because you have always made me smile, you’ve made me want to be a better man, and you have so much love inside you despite all the shit you have been put through.” he took a beat “and I mean, yeah, of course I want to fuck you, you’re sexy as hell” he chuckled “but I want to do it right, and when you’re ready.” The sincerity in his eyes is something you’ve never seen from him. “y/n, I really do...love you” it was his turn to look down. Rafe Cameron just admitted he loved someone, something most people thought was impossible. You grabbed his cheeks and forced his head up.  
“Rafe Cameron, I have been in love with you since the day we met. Even if you were a little punk, who gave me and Sarah a hard time.” You both laughed, but tears started to form in your eyes. “I never dreamed in a million years you would see me as anything more than your sister's friend, and the night I came over, I knew that there was something real here. I love you Rafe Cameron and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop.” Rafe grabbed you and pulled you into a deep and passionate kiss. You finally pulled back for some air, and Rafe put his forehead on yours, not wanting to let you go, ever.  
“Let’s go back to your place, yeah?” You spoke. He just smiled and nodded.  
It was only a few months after that night that he proposed. A lot of people on the island were shocked that it all happened so fast, more people were surprised it hadn’t happened sooner. It didn’t matter what anyone thought though. You were his, and he was yours. How it was always meant to be.  
To this day, you thank the heavens that Rafe was home that night you snuck into the Cameron's house.  
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faghubby · 4 months
"How you feeling this morning" Kelly giggled as she rubbed my lower back. To wake me up. I grunted and got out of bed. My head pounding how much had I drunk last night. I scramble off to the bathroom naked. My ass hurts. As I sit on the toilet. Suddenly I remember Greg fucking me as I screamed for more bent over the hotel balcony. That didn't happen did it. It started out as a prank.
For years my friend Greg and I had a strange tradition. We would play stupid pranks on each other. It had started in high school and grown from there. Now for some reason they had a lot of gay theme to them. Flirting with each other in public. Just all around idiot play.
But last night, Kelly had helped me. She had shaved my body hair off and bought me a pink thong. She made sure it got exposed to Greg in public. When Greg saw it Kelly noticed his reaction.
"Shh, I know he likes to wear my panties" Kelly whispered in Greg's ear. This peeked Greg. But he must of figured it was a prank. Because he tried to test it. He started opening doors for me. He even ran his hand across my ass a few times. I thought he was trying to get me to admit it was a prank. But I wasn't going down that easy. So I played back. Then the drinking. Lots of it. I am lost on how it progressed to him fucking me. I showered for a long time.
When I came out Kelly had left another thong out on the bed. I ignored it great she was going to bust my balls as well. I was dressed when Kelly came in the room. She saw the panties on the bed.
"What, you promised Greg you would be his bitch all weekend" Kelly teased but came up behind me she rubbed my ass. "Don't you remember?" She cooed. She opened my fly and pulled out my dick. She stroked it but I didn't get hard.
"Greg drained you good last night, not even a little bit for me" she teased. She then showed me a video of me on my knees sucking Greg's cock. As I came in the little thong she had gotten me.
"Kelly I don't know what happened but I'm not gay, I love you" I told her.
"Paul I know, but I think you may have a bit of some bisexual issues you need to work out. She sped up the video and there was me sucking her clit as Greg drove his fingers into my ass.
"You never made me cum like you did last night" she told me. "Now go put on your panties" she didn't wait she dropped my shorts and boxers. I slid on the thong.
"Maybe these shorts better access" Kelly told me handing me my basketball shorts.
"It was so hot when he fucked your throat. I couldn't believe you took it all" Kelly told me she then led me across the hall and opened Greg's room. She had key to his room?
"Strip down to your panties and go wake him in bed like you do me" Kelly told me. She lifted the blanket he was naked. His cock rock hard.
"Well if you won't" she smirked and started to take off her shoes. She smiled as she saw my cock grow in my shorts.
"Go get him, get it out of your system, then come back to me" she kissed me and left. I didn't want this did I. I stripped down to my thong. My dick straining to break free. I slid under the covers with my friend. I thought about how I would wake Kelly. I slid under the covers and kissed his stomach. I felt his hard cock against my chest. I slid down and kissed around his cock. I couldn't believe what I wanted to do what I was about to do. I kissed his cock and felt his hand run through my hair.
I took him in my mouth. I licked and sucked his cock. He forced my head down. I took it all. I felt proud that I could take all of his cock. It was bigger then mine. And tasted so good. I tasted his salty precum. He grunted and moaned and I felt good I had given him pleasure. Suddenly he grunted and grabbed my head forcing his cock deep down my throat and pumped his load into me. I licked him clean and rested my head on his stomach.
How did I do that? I wasn't gay. Or was I?
"You liked that didn't you?" Greg said softly playing with my hair.
"Somehow it felt right, Kelly thinks I need to get it out of me" I told him my hand reached up and rubbed his chest.
"What do you think?" He asked. I paused and raised my head and looked him straight in the eyes.
"I can't think?" I said confused. "I just feel it's right"
"That's good" he told me. "How do you feel about Kelly?" He asked.
"I love her" I stated.
"Good, how do you love her?" Greg said softly.
I thought about it for a moment "Like a friend. Like my best friend" I told him.
I started to jerk off.
"Stop that, sweety" Greg said pulling me up to his face.
"But I am so horny" I told him.
"I know, that's how we like you" he told me.
"We?" I asked
"Yes all of us. For a long time we knew what you needed. And helped you" Greg told me he pulled my hand away so I couldn't jerk off. But I started to dry hump his leg.
"You know what you really want" Greg told me. "Sit on it ride my cock" he told me. I pushed back the covers and mounted him. He slid easily into my still stretched ass. And I rode him in the cowgirl position. Until he pumped his load deep into my ass.
"Do you feel better" Greg asked me. Ashamed I nodded.
"I don't understand what is happening to me" I said tears forming in my eyes.
"I have been training you to be who you truly are for over a year. Kelly has been helping me" Greg told me.
"What? Why?" I cried
"Do you want Kelly, I mean really? She has basically had to convince you to sleep with her hasn't she?" Greg explained. "But you love cock, don't you? Just think about what movies turned you on, or what you search when you jerk off"
It was true, but I had never thought of myself as gay.
"You have always been in denial, Greg held me tight. "But I want you not to be gay. I want you to be a sissy. A little girlie boi" he told me. He teased my nipple. Again I started to dry hump him this time grinding my hard dick into his groin.
"No" he told me. Stopping me.
"Greg I am so horny" I begged.
"Go back to your room, Kelly has somethings for you, if you don't resist then I will let you cum" Greg told me. I got up and went back to my room. Kelly was waiting.
"How you feeling now? Would you like to see me naked or have me help you put on that dress?" She asked pointing to a pink dress hanging on the back of the door. I got hard looking at the dress.
"What is happening to me?" I cried Kelly held me as we sat on the bed.
"You have always wanted this sweety. Greg and I have been training you for almost a year. I shook my head.
"Simple things. I asked you to let your hair grow. Or the music that horrible heavy metal now you gladly went to see Taylor Swift with me. And sang every song. You even smell like a woman" she told me.
"Even when you do the most manly thing and eat my pussy. It's been a long time it wasn't full of a real man's sperm." She said brushing my hair. "Now let's get you all cleaned up" she told me. She led me to the shower. She stood outside the shower and washed me. She took the handheld nozzle and flushed out my ass. She even dried me off when I got out. She was gentle. I rubbed my lotion all over my smooth skin. Kelly had convinced me to start using I thought. Kelly sat me down and brushed and curled my hair. She had done this before.
Explaiming how it accented my face. But now she plucked my eyebrows thinner then before.
"So glad Greg got you to stop going to the gym. I hated when your shoulders where broad." Kelly told me as she placed a necklace around neck. She applied a bit of perfume and blush. Enough to make my eyes brighter as she would say. But then she applied lipstick a deep red. I had never worn lipstick. Bit as I sat there I realized how they had feminized me. Kelly then had me put on a sheer blue panties. With a matching chamisol. She then pulled out stockings. She rolled them up my legs.
"They will stay up all by themselves" Kelly told me. She then slid the dress on over my head.
"There you look gorgeous she spun me in front of the mirror. I was excited but scared.
"Kelly I don't want this" I wimpered.
"Do you want Greg's big cock?" Kelly smiled "this is what he wants" she produced a pair of pink shoes they had a small heel I adjusted to easily.
"Greg will want you to go further" Kelly warned me. But sent me back to his room. I had the pass key and let myself in. Only to walk in on Greg fucking a blonde woman pressed against the window.
"Sorry, I" I started.
"Wait" Greg said sharply as he pounded this woman. I stood there staring at the floor.
"Paul do you want her?" Greg asked me after he unloaded inside her cunt. I remained silent.
"Paul here is confused" Greg laughed. The woman joined in "just a bit" she lifted my dress.
"No just like you is in love with my cock is all" Greg told her she gave him the middle finger and left.
"You look pretty, do you feel pretty?" Greg asked me as he walked around the room naked.
"I feel silly" I told him. He grabbed me and kissed me. I melted into his arms his hand slid under my dress and cupped my throbbing erection.
"Some of you feel pretty" he told me. He rubbed me thru the panties.
"As me to not let you cum, as me to let you feel pretty" he said
"I want to" I wimpered.
"I know you do, you're a little slut" he teased pinched my nipple.
"Please don't let me cum" I cried. He stopped. And sat me down.
"I want you to continue to work with Kelly. Learn how to live like a woman" Greg told me
"Greg I can't all the time" I cried.
"You will learn, you are stressed would you like to suck my cock?" he asked. "It taste like pussy if you still like that" I lowered my head and sucked his cock. It took a few minutes to get him hard. And over a half hour to make him cum again. I got up
"Go here, they are expecting you. It will help you learn control" he told me. It was a card with an address.
"And Paul, you love big cock now, you have to except that" Greg told me. Kelly drove me to this store. I was ashamed to go in dressed as I was. Kelly assured me no one would know.i looked like a woman. She held my hand as we went in.
"You must be Paula?" A large man with tattoos covering his massive arms said. I was taken back but Kelly answered
"Here she is" the man sat me down behind a curtain. Without a word he lifted my dress. Reached up and pulled my panties off.i grasped Kelly's hand.
"Relax little one this won't hurt" he told me. He applied some cream and I instantly lost my erection. The chilling effect actually made it smaller then I could ever remember. He fidgeting with a bunch of different cold things I had no idea what he was doing then went in the back I heard tools. And when he came back he showed me a cock cage. At least what he called it. He locked it on me. It didn't allow for any movement beyond the one inch I currently was.
"$200" the man said. I had no wallet no money I looked at Kelly.
"Woman been paying for things with no money for a long time. With that this man wasted no time bending me over the chair.
"OH he has a nice thick cock for you" Kelly told me as I felt his lubed cock being shoved in my ass. Kelly left but didn't close the curtain so anyone walking by could see. This man fucked me right there for the world to see.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 2 months
Five Fics Friday: July 19/24
Happy Friday everyone!! It's been a long week, so let's settle in cozily and check out these fics on the radar this week! Enjoy!
Responsible Adults by J_Baillier (M, 16,279 w., 9 Ch. || Post-S4, Family, Illness, Suicide, Grieving John, Fatherhood, Injury, Psychological Trauma, Angst, Guilt, Substance Abuse, Major Character Death) – After the events at Musgrave Hall, those affected are trying, and struggling, to move on with their lives. And life is hardly going to stop throwing new challenges at them.
The Scientist's Method by spacemutineer (T, 26,607 w., 7 Ch. || ACD / Granada Holmes Canon || Angst with Happy Ending, Hurt / Comfort, Time Loop, Blood / Injury, Doctor John, Developing Relationship, BAMF John, Temporary Character Death, Guilt, Drug Use / Addiction, Grief / Mourning, Friendship / Love) – Sherlock Holmes has always known the world through the straightforward lenses of evidence, logic, and reasoning. But when Watson is caught in a tragic preventable disaster, his trusted clear lines of reality start to shift and blur, and the scientist detective begins to piece together a grand discovery far beyond even his exceptional imagination. Detection is a way of learning and science is a way of knowing, but as Sherlock Holmes is about to realise, love is a way of understanding.
Tango Between Broken Hearts by curlyjohnlock (E, 38,333+ w., 10/25 Ch. || WiP || Post S4, Slow Romance, Slow Burn, BAMF John, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, Grief / Mourning, Angst with Happy Ending, Gaslighting, Possessive Behaviour, Unhealthy Relationships, Heartbreak, Flashbacks, POV Alternating, Bearded John, Depression, Drunk John, Hurt John / Sherlock, Denial of Feeling, Miscommunication, PTSD, Drug Addiction / Abuse, Family Drama / Secrets, Christmas, Cuddling / Snuggling, Hand Jobs, Protective Greg, Parenthood) – Fate brought Sherlock and John together, but a terrible incident tore them apart. A decade can feel like an eternity when you're forcibly separated from the person you've been desperately in love with. Now that fate is giving them a second chance, unpleasant memories resurface, and the heartbreak they both share is taking more than just time to heal. Will they be able to overcome the past, or will a higher power keep them forever apart?
Moribund by sticks_and_souls (T, 2,884 w., 1 Ch. || LOKI SERIES || S2 Deleted Scene, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Time Slipping, First Kiss, Making Out, Kissing, Time Looping, Heavy Angst) – Everyone keeps talking about how in all the infinite replays that Loki did, he would have taken time to make out with Mobius. So I manifested a version of that (with just a wee sprinkling of angst).
only looking for a little peace by RunnyYolk (M, 57,051 w., 5 Ch. || LOKI SERIES || Season 1 Divergence, Alternating POV, Developing Relationship, The Void, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Loki Variants, Flashbacks, Protective Loki, Protective Mobius, Action/Adventure, Referenced Torture, Canon-Typical Violence, Betrayals, Reunions, Grief/Mourning, Trust Issues, Self-Hatred, Jötunn Loki, Catharsis, Touch Starvation, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Affection, Implied Sex, Jealous Loki, Love Confessions, Crying, Emotional First Kiss, Emotional Love Making, Arguments Leads to Kiss, Hugs) – "Nothing in politics is 'quite' peaceful." "Well, I did no worse than any of the politicians opposite me, I can assure you." "No, that's true," Mobius concedes. "And you did great, really excelled at the game. You laid all the groundwork to be a very successful president. Maybe you would've turned that into more, after a while." "Perhaps." Part 5 of where the edge began
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alexendria-rose · 3 months
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~Dance with me~
Sherlock Holmes X Reader
Y/n watched as Sherlock Holmes played the violin so beautifully and elegantly for his closest friends. Her eyes completely focused on him. The way he felt the music beneath his fingers and soul made her smile in awe. His eyes open darting towards her giving her a small smile that was only for her, because as soon as his gaze wasn’t on her; his face went natural once again and she cherished that. Y/n was the person that has been by his side as long as John has. She was the person that would tag alone cases with him, the person that would grab him milk because he always forgot to when John asked and when she thought he died she was constantly wishing it was all fake, that it wasn’t real; finding out she was right made her open her eyes about how she felt about Sherlock. The way they would sit and talk about different cases and how to solve them at 1AM while they drunk tea, the way Sherlock made sure he wouldn’t let his legs go so fast so she could keep up. It was always Sherlock and Y/n and as she stared at the way he looked at Mary and John, she knew she wasn’t stoic and distant and cold. He was human, more human than anyone she’s ever met. She was in love with her best friend, the man who was content in being alone so he says.
Sherlock finishes the song, John dipping Mary giving his now wife a chaste kiss on her lips. Y/n grins clapping along with the crowd. She watched as Sherlock walks up to the two smiling and laughing with the newlywed couple. They soon disperse, as Mary and John continue to dance and talk to their families and friends. Sherlock looked around the room scanning for the person who mattered the most to him, his eyes immediately finding her a small smile playing on his lips about to take the steps to go towards her, realizing someone already got there first.
Y/n eyes were locked on Sherlock when Greg Lestrade comes up slurring his words.
“Oh bloody hell Greg how much have you had to drink?” She laughs putting a hand on his shoulder to keep him steady.
“Maybe a bit too much?” He groans leaning against the wall they were beside. Y/n rolls her eyes turning to head to look back at Sherlock noticing his presence was not there. She crinkles her eyebrows giving her glass to Greg.
“I have to go, don’t kill yourself with alcohol please.” She mumbles hearing Greg scoff before leaving her spot looking around the dance floor to see if she could spot Sherlock. She moves her head towards the exit noticing the curly mop of hair leaving the building. She follows swiftly behind him making her way out of the crowed room.
“Where are you going?” She says as soon as they’re outside. Sherlock whips his head around his coat in his arm as well as his scarf. He notices her confused expression, but her sad one as well.
“Weddings aren’t my thing.” He mumbles softly, keeping to himself the exact reason he was leaving. Because he knew he was going to end up alone anyways.
“I wouldve left with you.” She whispered shyly walking her way closer to him.
“I didn’t want you to leave your fun because of me.” He mumbles turning his face away from her his jaw flexing slightly.
“I was waiting for you.” She admitted to him placing a hand on his arm. “You played amazing tonight,” Sherlock glances at the way she rests her hand on his arm.
“You were?” He questions. She just smiles softly at him.
“I remember the time you told me that you always loved dancing as a child.” She giggled remembering the way he told her like it was a secret. “I wanted to watch you dance and enjoy your time. I know why you’re pushing away.” Sherlock laughs softly at her memory but soon as she mentioned him pushing away his face snapped away from hers.
“I’m not pushing anyone away-“
“Sherlock, you’re afraid of change.” She whispered softly keeping her hand placed on his arm. “You’re scared that it’s not just going to be the four of us chasing you around all the time.” Sherlock looks into her eyes trying to read her wondering why she was so soft spoken with him, why she’s never been offended at the way he was so blunt and honest.
“It may not always be the four of us, but I will always be here for you Sherlock.”
“Why are you?” He moves himself closer furrowing his eyebrows. “Why are you always here for me.” Y/n clears her throat shaking her head.
“It doesn’t matte-“
“It does, please tell me. I’ve been trying to deduce that for years and for the life of me. I can’t figure it out.” He steps closer to her noticing the way her breathing became more uneven, and her eyes dilating.
“Because I care about you.”
“It’s not just that.” He mumbles tilting his head grabbing her wrist to feel her pulse. “Your pulse is abnormal, your eyes are dilated…” he freezes his eyes lifting up from her wrist to her eyes. “Love?”
Y/n eyes widen moving her wrist away from his grasp.
“Sherlock it’s fine I’ve already come to terms with all of it.” She waves her hands to stop this conversation going any further, not wanting to hear that love is a defect, or even worse the rejection that he will never ever look at her that way. Instead he just chuckles, running his hand through his hair, setting his stuff down on the ledge of the fountain.
“Dance with me.” He says lifting his hand out to her. She looks at him with a confused look before taking a hold of his hand. He pulls her hand bringing him close to his chest starting to slow dance with her. She squeals as he brings her to his chest looking at him with flustered cheeks. “Do you know the reason why I always want you near me?” He asks his feet moving swiftly but slowly keeping her in her pace.
“Because I’m useful?” She laughs softly looking up at him noticing his eyes soften as he looks down at her.
“Well yes, you are one of the most intelligent people I have ever met but no.” He smirks softly their bodies moving gracefully together. “Because you are the one person who doesn’t see me as a robot, or just a detective, or just someone who’s impressed by me.” He pauses turning his face away from her. “You’re someone I want to spend my time with, someone I always think about whether I want to or not.” She bites her lip softly watching his face turn valnerable and completely in tune with her. “I’ve always said that love was a weakness, and now I know that isn’t the case because of you.” Her heart quickens at his words.
“But that would mean-“
“I love you, all I want to do is protect and hold you. You’re all I think about, so yes tonight scared me because I cannot bare the thought of things changing between us. I’m scared of losing you.” His gaze focusing on hers not noticing there dancing has stopped as his focus was on her and only her.
“I love you too.” She whispers softly and delicately afraid this moment would just end. He chuckles deeply lifting her chin up with his index finger.
“You have my heart Y/n.” He mumbles leaning forward to place a soft kiss on her lips. She sighs softly as there lips touch. It was quick but it was full of passion and love knowing this won’t be their last kiss, that it was just the beginning.
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aprilthearcher · 1 year
burning red [roman roy x reader]
word count: 1.8k
[somewhat angst]
warnings: curse words, ooc roman ?, english is not my first language, not edited, rushed ending.
a/n: somewhat inspired by “red” and “false god” by taylor, idk i was just listening to these two songs on loop. i’m also supposed to be studying, but instead i wrote this, so enjoy! love me some greg sprinkles, couldn’t not include him. alsooo, this could read as being part of the same story as my previous roman blurb, but you won't have any problems if you haven't read it.
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Loving Roman was complicated yet insanely easy, too tiresome at times and then incredibly invigorating. He had that effect on people, or maybe just her. Everyone else was probably too complicated for her to like. Not funny enough, not witty or smart enough, not loud enough. No one was Roman enough, not even across the whole damn world. 
Getting him off her mind had been more difficult than she’d expected, probably because (Y/N) only realised her feelings for him after she couldn’t stop thinking about him. He had taken over her whole body without knowing. It was Roman’s lips she imagined when kissing blonde, ginger, brunette guys at pubs; it were Roman’s eyes she thought of when her friends would ask her about her favourite colour; it was Roman’s face she conjured up in her head when they’d ask about her type of man. 
At first, she believed it to be some sort of sick joke the Universe was trying to play on her: discovering she had feelings for her long-time friend — one she’d known since they were in diapers, who would grab her by her ponytail whenever she was paying attention to his siblings instead of him (just him) —, barely two or three weeks in her first year of university, a university that was on a whole other continent, separated by an entire ocean. Still, (Y/N) knew she could fly back home in a couple of hours — “I’ll arrange a jet for you if you wanna come down”, her dad would always say over the phone —, but the idea of seeing him again with this new information in her head and heart (that couldn’t help but jump at the mention of him) terrified her.
Her mind would make her remember him and his antics in the worst possible times: while dancing with some random guy at a club, his hands on her hips, the cheap cologne contrasting the rich scented one Roman couldn’t get enough of. On a first date, set up by her friends who believed she had to let go of this “prude” behaviour and just let someone take her to their bed. When joking with the guys that approached her and her friends at the bar, knowing exactly what Roman would think of them, the cruel comments he’d throw, the silly faces. The soft eyes when they were both too drunk to even speak a coherent sentence, although most times nothing was coherent with Roman. She had tried looking for those same bright eyes; once more, she ended up disappointed. None of them were Roman. None of them ever will be, no matter how much (Y/N) tried to shape them into a replica of him. All of Roman was unique. 
Hence, the dreadful turmoil inside her stomach once Shiv, with some tint of malice in her eyes directed at Roman, introduced her to Tabitha. “Roman’s companion”, she’d said. The blonde, curly haired woman greeted (Y/N) with an eager smile on her face. She said her name at the same time both of them shook hands. A voice inside her head told her this was all wrong. How long? Where did it happen? Why? Why? Why now that she was back?
“Oh, you don’t need to tell me your name,” Tabitha mentioned playfully, a short roll of her eyes a second later. “You’re all Roman’s been talking about lately”.
“Only lately?” Shiv laughed, taking a sip from her glass she focused her eyes on Roman , then (Y/N). “Roman’s always talking about (Y/N). I mean, he was practically her lap dog when they were children.”
“Oh, fuck off Siobhan,” Roman bark back.
“Well, he only mentioned you as of now.” The knot in her stomach tightened. The worst part was she could see Tabitha hadn’t said it out of spite, nor jealousy, but as a fleeting comment to add something more to the conversation.
He hadn’t mentioned her to Tabitha? Not even once? She had tried everything to block him out of her head, to keep him out of her dreams and fantasies; to catch herself every time she was going to bring up him in a conversation again, and he didn’t say her name until he found out (Y/N) was coming back to New York? What kind of sick fuck was he? What kind of sick fuck was she, devoting probably her whole life to Roman fucking Roy?
“Oh,” (Y/N) managed to croak out before her father appeared beside her and whispered in her ear that she should spend some time chatting with the other guests.
                                                       * * *
Cousin Greg was great company, quite weird before you took in the awkwardness that seemed to surround him and make him stick out like a sore thumb in the midst of all these old, rich people, but great nonetheless. He had asked her about her years in London, what she studied and what she did for fun, her friends and hobbies. (Y/N) found herself enjoying the night, sitting on a couch by his side, meanwhile both of their cheeks were getting rosier and rosier with every new cup of alcohol brought to them. Greg was in the middle of telling her about how he had screwed up the first day at his job on one of the parks owned by Waystar, cracking up from time to time from how she tried to hide her laugh in order to keep the attention away from them, when two hands settled on his shoulders, hard and making a noise that was apparent that the gesture was meant to at least hurt him a little. Roman was behind him with a clench jaw and big, maniac eyes. 
“Greeeg, I think Tom was looking for you, man”.
“Oh, really?” Greg turned his upper body in Roman’s direction, which from the side looked somewhat weird because of his tall, lanky form. “Because, because I just saw him and he didn’t say anything”.
“Yes, oh really, man. And he said if you didn’t go talk to him right now, he would fire your sorry ass”.
Greg was on his feet quicker than she'd expected after seeing him drown glass after glass with her. He towered over her for a moment, saying a quick “see you later” before going in search of Tom. 
“You’re mean, Roman”.
“Yeah, well, tell me something I don’t fucking know”. 
They fell silent for a second. Around them, people were still in mindless conversation, setting down empty cups on the waiter’s tray while picking up new ones from another one. Alcohol seemed to be the only way to survive a family gathering at the Roy’s, even a harmless one. 
“You wanna get out of here?” Roman asked. She turned her head to the right to face him, he was already looking at her. His eyes no longer had the maniac fog blurring them, there was now a tranquil pool of honey.
“My dad is probably gonna be mad if he finds out I ditched the party”.
“Please, (Y/N), since when did you become such a goody two shoes?” Roman leaned against the railing of the terrace, following her with his eyes while she approached him and finally set her elbows on top of the banister. From this position, he looked taller. “Don’t tell me you were like this in London. I mean, with no one to hover over you, you sure had a looot to do, didn’t you?”
“I went to London to study, remember? Not to go out and get drunk every night.”
“Well, I’m sure if you had been with me, you could’ve done both.”
“Yeah, probably, but you weren’t with me.”
“Whose fault is that, huh?” He crossed his arms over his chest. Her eyebrows raised.
“Are you saying it was my fault? We haven’t seen each other for how long and it was all my fault?”
“Why are you acting like it isn’t? It literally is, (Y/N), you left m.. you left and, and you never came back.” He had walked a few steps away from her. 
“It’s not like you couldn’t have visited, Roman. Just ask daddy for one of his jets, it’s literally that easy.”
“Yes, but - but you left, (Y/N). You left, and it’s not like you chose some university a state away, you chose one a whole continent away! That’s got to mean something!”
“As if Roman fucking Roy couldn’t get one goddamn plane and fly over to London!” She had abandoned her previous position, now fully facing Roman, who was still a couple of feet away, getting closer to the door. He was trying to run, just like it he always did whenever they fought.
“I didn’t - I didn’t want you to get annoyed by me! To realise what a true moron I was. Then you barely talked to me after you arrived at your fancy university and - and started your very difficult subjects.”
(Y/N) closed her eyes in confusion for a moment. Though it was easier to throw everything at him, (Y/N) knew that she was also responsible for their lack of communication over these last years. 
Only the bustling, almost never-ending nightlife of New York could be heard. Her chest hurted, her eyes would fill with tears at any point now. She was tired and drunk, and just fucking missed Roman too much for them to be fighting the first night she was back in the city.
“Now you are not saying anything?” Roman broke the silence. He was closer to the door, she noticed. “You know what? Fuck you, (Y/N). Fuck you for making feel all this – all this fucking, fucking shit!”
“What fucking shit?” She asked quietly, desperate for an answer, the answer.
“I - I don’t know what fucking shit, just shit, okay?”
“Say it.”
Roman didn’t respond, instead he turned her back on her, walking towards the door. Before he could reach the handle, she screamed at him.
“Fucking say it, Roman.”
“I’ve just told you, I don’t know. It’s just shit, okay? All of it,” he screamed back, opening up his arms, exaggerating his point. “I - I run out of breath and then my chest is all funny, and and I hate seeing you laughing with fucking Greg of all people. It’s shit, fucking shit!”
Drawing closer to him, she tested his limits. He was breathing hard from all the screaming and moving around the terrace to put distance between them, but he didn’t stop when (Y/N) got so close their bodies were almost touching. It was her with whom physical closeness wasn’t a problem, he always told himself it was because of how close they were pretty much their whole lives.
They only looked at each other for a few moments, the waves of conflict had calmed down fast and efficiently enough that for anyone else it would seem like nothing had happened between them. 
Roman wished — deep, deep down — that they could stay like this forever, without having to go back and confront his family, especially his father; that they could make this terrace, above Logan’s place ironically enough, a little haven, only for them; that they would never be found.
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alexhornefan · 10 months
ALEX HORNE & GREG DAVIES - extended version- THEY LIKE TO WATCH podcast P.1
Greg describes himself working as looking like a T-Rex as he lays down and has his laptop on his chest.
Alex described the gift from their manager last year as the most inappropriate present and that he took it straight to the charity shop (a gun that shot insects, Greg calls it a salt gun and says he still has his). Alex says he doesn't want to shoot things.
Greg says he is writing a series at the minute.
They talk about Greg's bad sleeping pattern he's in right now. He rules out having the male menopause and said he's been having the sleep issues for about a year (disturbed sleep where he sleeps 11pm-3am, then gets up, has tea, falls asleep at some point and wakes again about 9am, and he feels awful from it).
Alex talks about his frequent nudity on the show. He says he doesn't want to do it and his MIL doesn't want him to do it as she is constantly furious with him. Greg intervenes and says she's also furious at him and Alex explains she doesn't like Alex to be demeaned and it's often by Greg, but also can be contestants, such as Rhod. But Alex says he thinks becuase he has an average to below average body and he's the creator of the show, it's funny for him to be in those situations and he has no problem with it.
Alex says maybe he wants to be dominated.
Greg says anytime Alex is asked to do something just for fun, he will always do it and says it's one of the many things he admires about him. Alex says he likes fun.
Greg says Alex has removed all fun barriers. Greg talks about the story with Rosie Jones asking him to bring the stuffed owl to her at the Groucho Club. Greg says there was no pause between Alex being asked to get the owl and him going to get it.
Greg says he and Alex are clean living boys. Alex talks about being very drunk on the night out at the Groucho Club and says the message he got from Rosie the next day and it said 'It was so nice to finally meet you properly. What fun. Thank you for bringing the owl to the table' and Alex had to recollection of it and didn't know what the owl reference was and had to phone Greg or Tim about it.
Greg talks about his camping trip with Alex. The host asks if it was just the two of them and Greg says they were with friends, and Alex adds 'And a dog'. Greg says they arrived at the camp site, they set up the camp, they got out a BBQ and within 10 minutes they drank so much that neither of them remember any of the trip. Alex added it was a two hour evening and then they went to bed.
The host asks if they had a social event they were throwing, when they would invite the other and when it wouldn't be awkward not to invite them (he asks the number, like if they were inviting 50 guests, they'd have to invite the other person, or it if was more intimate and they were inviting 20 guests, would they get invited etc.) Greg says that in recent years the number has come down significantly.
Alex says their are many specific events where he won't invite Greg. Alex mentions parental social events, before Greg says that he thinks Alex presumes he won't like things. Greg says whenever Alex invites him to things he always follows it up with 'you probably hate the idea, don't worry about it'. Alex reminds Greg that they met up 2 nights ago and as soon as he got there Greg said he didn't want to be there. Greg says that it was a specific event and Aex says that there are a lot of specific events.
Alex is asked what he wouldn't invite Greg to and if it's down to Greg causing havoc. Alex says it's not to do with Greg causing havoc, more hassle. Alex says he had a Chesham Ladies Football match he didn't invite Greg to. Greg says that was right. Asked about a more grey area for an invite and Alex says about a pub quiz in Chesham he does with Tim Key and John Robins, he says that he thinks Greg would like it (and Greg says he would) but it's a long way and then how would Greg get home. Greg says he'd stay at Alex's and so Alex says Greg is invited. Alex then says that the pubs is a small pub and he'd get a lot of hassle and Greg says this is all stuff that Alex doesn't need to worry about and Greg can worry about it.
Greg says some of his friends call his FOA, for Fear of Authority and says he doesn't let go as quickly as Alex does, but he has the trench mentality where if one does it, he'll go too.
They talk about Greg being a fun guy and having a pile on with Carol Volderman and Self Esteem. Greg also says that one of Self Esteem's people screamed about her having a bad back, but she was on top of Greg.
They talk about comedians not knowing about Taskmaster. Greg says Jamali Maddox not knowing anything about TM and Greg is certain he didn't know who Greg himself was. Alex cites Daisy May Cooper as another. Alex also mentions Judi Love being another.
Alex and Greg says they both enjoy it when the contestants don't know much about the show, especially with how ridiculous the show is. Alex mentions the series 17 women not knowing anything about the show and how much he enjoyed it.
Alex talks about tasks per series and says not many get scrapped if they don't make the series.
Talking about the costs of tasks, Alex says it's about £250 per task and they like to have evetyday items rather than specific odd items for a task, like a metal cage. Alex also says he already had the giant inflatable ducks. Greg mentions that the origin of the show in Edinburgh was Alex bringing home-made things with him and it's good that it's maitained through the show.
About people saying no to doing the show. Alex mentions David Mitchell, but thinks it could happen. Dawn French had some diary conflicts and Stephen Merchant has neither said yes or no.
Greg says non-comedians that he knows have said no because it's not for them. Asked if he can still enjoy their work and not to it personally, Greg says yes and that the show, as silly as it is, isn't for everyone. Alex agrees.
Alex says there are people that they haven't asked because they don't think they'll do it, and mentions Mickey Flannigan, and Greg says Mickey has turned it down. He says he called Mickey's agent and asked him to do it and he just said 'Nah'. Alex said it's fine and they respect that and it's always worth an ask. Alex also says they haven't asked Ricky Gervais, for example. Alex also said that they were amazed that Victoria Coren Mitchell and Bob Mortimer both did the show.
They talk about cleaning up a body and hiding it (after Greg brings up The Cleaner). Alex talks about himelf and a friend seeing someone in Chesham with a large suitcase and they were convinced it had a body in it. Greg talks about he and a friend's discussion on who you would call up if you had to bury a body and Greg thought of a certain friend and when he saw him next he bought up the conversation and asked if he would help him bury a body and the friend said 'My friend, I wouldn't even ask you what happened'. The host asks Alex if he would help Greg with the body and Alex says yes, but Greg disagrees. Alex says he would ask what happened. Alex said he would bury a body *for* Greg and Greg asks would you bury one *with* me, and Alex says he would. Without being prompted, Greg says he would bury a body with Alex because he knows him well enough now to know that if he had a body to bury there'd be a good reason for it.
Alex tells the story of burying his dead pet snail santa and hitting a underground wasps nest and the wasps flying at his children and the fox digging up the snail, eating the snail and leaving the shell on the doorstep. Alex said he thought it was funny and the kids did too.
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thebetawolfgirl · 11 months
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Bonding Time
Pairing:Timmy x Reader
Warnings: Smut. There’s a teeny tiny bit of toxicity between the two.
A/N: If you don’t like complete smut Smut smut then this series won’t be your cup of coco!
Bonding Time
Y/n stood on the sideline as she watched her mother saying her vows with her new man. She wondered how long this marriage would last. Don’t get her wrong, Greg was a very nice guy and he was head over heels in love with her mother and treated her like a Queen, the problem wasn’t Greg it was her mother. She changed her mind like y/n changed her jewellery, she was actually surprised when both of them announced they were getting married. The only upside of this whole thing was Greg’s son, Timothée, they didn’t like each other at first in fact they hated each other. They constantly riled each other up to the point she would turn and throw something, anything at him, an ashtray, a glass. They were always arguing and fighting, but each parent eventually ignored them saying they would get used to being around each other at some point.
But over the past few weeks something was different, they didn’t argue as much. In fact it was their parents who had began arguing more and more and they had been spending more time together usually in each other’s rooms so as not to have to listen to the fighting alone. One night something happened, during the wedding preparations both parents were arguing downstairs again and y/n was in her bed listening to the raised muffled voices when her door opened and Timothée came in shutting the door behind him. ‘Hey you okay?’
‘Yeah I’m fine, just bored of this bullshit.’ She sighed sitting up slightly.
‘The fuck are they arguing about this time?’
‘Apparently your dad invited someone called Kerry or Carrie?’
‘Terri? All this noise because of Terri?’ She nodded.
‘Who is she anyway?’
‘She’s the daughter of an old friend of my dad’s. He’s known her since she was a baby. She used to babysit me. Jesus Christ!’
Y/n sighed hearing a glass break downstairs. ‘Can you stay? I don’t want my mother crawling in beside me when she’s drunk and crying.’
Timmy looked at her before nodding in beside her and draping his arm lazily around her waist. The room was still in complete darkness so they couldn’t see each other very well but they could hear each other’s breathing.
‘I’m sorry for throwing that ashtray at you, I was just in one of my bad moods’
‘It’s fine, I deserved it. I shouldn’t have handled you like that.’
They looked at each other in the dark their eyes adjusting slowly.
‘Why did you act offended when Stacey asked you that truth?’
She could feel his breath on her face as he asked the question.
‘I don’t know. I think it’s because she asked the question, if anyone else asked it would’ve been a simple no.’
She felt him nod and heard his hum.
‘Why do you care?’
‘I don’t, I was just as pissed off as you when Stacey asked it.’
‘I think she wanted to know because she wants to fuck you. I mean you have been dating for 3 weeks why haven’t you slept with her yet?’
‘She’s not as soft as you are’ he mumbled in reply before he pulled her closer getting more comfortable around her and she sighed shuffling down against her bed to get comfortable with him and ended up tangled with him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. ‘True I am built more softly than Stacey whereas she’s all muscle and hard and… manish.’ She made a face and began playing with his hair ‘What the hell is she training for’
‘Maybe she’s training to kick your ass’ he mumbled against her chest sniggering
She glared at his head in the dark and moved her knee between his legs but before she could reach her target he grabbed her throat and pushed her head back into the pillow ‘Don’t even think about it little girl’
‘Ow, Timmy fuck off, fine you win.’
She grabbed his wrist and struggled against him before he let her go ‘Good. And I always win.’
He smirked and wrapped his around again and she did the same mumbling ‘Dick’
She felt his smirk grow wider and sat up slightly pulling him up by his hair and licked a trail from his chin to his top lip hearing the noise in the back of his throat and smirked hearing him grumble ‘Fuck you’re such a bitch y/n.’
She chuckled at him laying back again. They started playing this game of having the last word, only it had become more physical although this was the first time she had done that. He lay down again this time on top of her and rested his chin on her chest between her breasts.
‘It’s gone quiet, who do you think walked out first this time?’ He asked as she listened too ‘Hmm sounds like both of them. It’s too quiet if that makes sense?’ He nodded agreeing with her.
‘Let’s just stay here and enjoy this peace while it lasts.’
She looked at his shadow and nodded in agreement and ran her hands up his back and brought her knees up so he was resting between her legs and listened to him sigh contentedly and moved her fingers through his curls ‘You don’t let Stacey do this do you?’
He closed his eyes and made a negative noise ‘I don’t let Stacy lick me either, I also don’t lay on her like this.’
She listens to his breathing calmly and continues to rub his back under his shirt before he sits up and removes it laying back on top of her. ‘Better.’ She instantly moves to run her fingers over his back when he lifts her pyjama top up mumbling ‘More skin’
She nods and pulls it off tossing it aside letting him bury his face in her chest.
‘Fuck this foreplay, Timmy just fuck me.’
‘Thank fuck’ he rips the rest of their clothes off and rams into her without warning knocking the air out of her lungs, as he flips them pulling her on top to ride him. Once she gets her breath back she does exactly that and goes hard not holding back as he runs his hands up and down her torso grabbing parts of skin he can reach.
He sits up with her and kisses and bites her neck and shoulder wrapping his arm around her waist and digs his fingers into her ribs making her gasp and throwing her head back.
‘Ah Timmy.’ She grabs him by his neck with both hands and kisses him open mouth pushing backwards riding him into the mattress. He felt the whole bed frame move with them the headboard hitting the back wall, he hoped the house was empty because no one would mistake these noises downstairs. They broke the kiss and y/n buried her head against his neck and rode him harder panting as he gripped onto her skin damp with sweat and he rammed his hips upwards to meet hers feeling his eyes roll back into his head from the joint force and heard her squealing against his neck and felt her nails drag down his back as they came together as their orgasms exploded around them. They were both sticking together on their skin with perspiration panting against each other heavily.
Y/n lifted her head and he pushed her hair from her face and kissed her sloppily which she returned with tongue. They broke away still licking each other trying to catch their breathes before rolling her over and laying on her chest.
‘What now?’ He asked as she played with his hair again.
‘Let’s call this our bonding time.’
He chuckled and moved his head up trailing his tongue and teeth up her chest and neck before reaching her mouth ‘We should have more bonding time.’ She smirked against his mouth before breaking away licking up his lips again. ‘We will.’
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beebeetheclown · 11 months
High by the Beach Pt. 2
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This one shot takes place in s1e8🤭
Tags: contains smut, threesome f/m/m
Uhh.. idk enjoy? Lol.
“Fuck, Ketamine? Coke? Just get me something man alright?” Kendall says to Greg as they walk down the hallway of the underground club.
You are hooking arms with Kendall as the two of you continue to follow Greg down the hall.
“Alright, just- where.. where can I get that exactly?”
Kendall stops and looks up at Greg, “Figure it out bro, I need some. Get back to me in five yeah?” He replies. Before Greg can say anything else, Kendall pats him on the arm then continues to walk down the hall with you.
The two of you planned on either getting super drunk or getting high. You both had the night off work, it was your break. You’ve both had a stressful two weeks and needed to feel “alive” again. Even though it meant that the next day the two of you would be laying in bed feeling like shit, it needed to be done. The both of you were losing your sense of thought tonight.
He kisses the side of your head and soon, the two of you are in this small little closed off dark purple lit room. There’s a couple of other people in the room as well, but he takes your hand and pulls you towards a couch that sat in the corner of the room.
“How are you feeling so far?” He asks you with a grin. You hadn’t taken any kind of drug yet but this was the last time he’d probably be able to ask you before the two of you were high out of your minds.
“Good.” You smile, “I feel good.”
He hums in satisfaction then brings his lips closer to yours, “That’s good.” He kisses your lips, “Can I just say this?”
You chuckle then kiss him again, not caring if anyone could see the two of you. “You can say anything you want Kendall.”
“I can’t wait to get high with you. Fucking you while I’m high is like- it’s fuckin’ unreal.”
You chuckle at his stupid little reply. “It’s unreal is it?” You tease.
“I just can’t find the words for it.” He laughs, “I can’t focus when you look this fucking good.”
You smile then lick his top lip. Before you can lick it again to tease him, his lips are on you. The kiss is sloppy and filled with need.
As you continue to kiss him, Stewy’s voice makes you pull away,
“Well, this isn’t something I see often.” He jokes “Kidding, I see it all the time. Exactly how high are the two of you right now?”
Kendall laughs, “We’re not high at all yet actually. Greg is supposed to come and give us something,”
“Greg? Oh I’m sorry, you hired Greg to get you something?” Stewy can’t help but laugh. “Is that supposed to be a joke?”
You decide to join in on the conversation, “Well, unless you’re going to get us something, Greg is our choice. Who knows, maybe he’ll bring us back the sickest coke ever.”
Kendall chuckles and kisses the side of your head, “She’s right man. Unless you have,”
Kendall doesn’t finish his sentence as Stewy throws a small bag of white powder on the table in front of the two of you.
You both look down at it and you huff out an excited chuckle.
“Look at that, Stewy saves the day.” You say.
He smiles then comes to sit next to Kendall.
“You can have it, it’s my treat.” Stewy replies.
“You don’t want any of this?” Kendall asks as he begins to open the bag and pours it on the table.
“No, I’m good man. Just share some with your girlfriend, yeah?”
Kendall uses his credit card to create small lines on the table. Soon, you and Kendall are inhaling coke together, finally getting what you both needed tonight.
When you both finish inhaling, you both laugh together.
“Fuck I needed this.” Kendall says and kisses your lips, slipping his tongue in your mouth.
“Hey come on now, let me join in on the fun yeah?” Stewy jokes.
Kendall pulls away from you to speak, “You’re gonna have to find another hot bitch cause this one’s already taken.” He laughs.
“I mean, it’ll be hard to top that. You’re expecting to have her to yourself when she’s wearing that? You expected no other man in this club to have his eyes on her?”
“Sure, they can look at her. You can look at her too I don’t give a fuck. But uh, they can’t have her.” He replies then looks at you, “Hey, we should put one of those fucking signs on you from those art galleries saying ‘please don’t touch the art work.’ That’s a damn good idea no?” He laughs.
You can’t help but laugh back, “You’re such an idiot.” You tease.
Before you can say anything else, Greg approaches the three of you and stops to stand in front of the table.
“Greg my man, you’re back!” Kendall says, “And? What do you have for me?”
Greg fidgets with his fingers then puts his hand through his hair, “Well um, I met this super cool guy and… here, just take it.”
In Greg’s hand, he holds out this little thing of Saran Wrap pulled together and sealed with a hair elastic. It was a small DIY-looking bag of coke.
You stare at the “bag” for a while, confused on what you are seeing before letting out a loud laugh. Stewy and Ken laugh along.
“W-what? It’s what you wanted, no?”
Kendall continues to laugh then speaks, “Greg, what the fuck is that?”
“It’s… it’s coke. You wanted it didn’t you?”
“Uh yeah, I wanted coke, not some hand crafted bullshit.” He chuckles, “I mean, what the hell even is that? Who- who gave you that?”
“He’s really cool, okay?” Greg replies then smiles when he remembers the guy, “He actually had this like Hawaiian shirt on, except instead of all the Hawaiian flowers, they were all pictures of cats!”
You let out another laugh and speak, “Okay so this guy is a psycho? Yeah, I’m not inhaling that. It’ll probably kill me.”
“Yeah man, how about you keep it to yourself. We’re good.” Kendall replies.
“What- hey, I went through a lot to get this okay?”
“Oh, I’m sure you did. But like, fuck off alright? Go dance or… drink, I don’t know, go have fun Greggy. And take your arts and crafts coke with you.”
Greg decides to not say anything else and just turns and walks away, now stuck with suspicious coke in his pocket.
“And that’s the guy you hired to get you drugs?” Stewy jokes before standing, “Hey well, I'm gonna go get a drink. You two are now free to do whatever your heart's desire.” He smiles then turns and walks away.
You turn and look at Kendall before wrapping your arms around his shoulders and resting your one leg on his lap.
“I think, I either want more drugs… or I want you to fuck me.” You admit.
This makes him grin, he brings his hand to touch your leg, rubbing his thumb against your skin.
“Oh I think I like both of those options. Which one do you choose? Which one do you need more huh?”
You lean in to whisper in his ear, “I think… I think I want you to fuck me Kendall. I can’t help it, you just look so hot. I’ve been wanting it ever since we got here.”
“That’s funny, cause so have I.” He replies. “You know, I was hoping to at least be able to last a few more hours before taking you back to the condo and fucking you all night, but if you’re gonna be so impatient about it, I guess I can give it to you now.”
And before you know it, you are following him through the crowd with a grin on your face and you make it to a small little bathroom. It wasn’t anything special. I mean, it was a club washroom. Of course you’d pick his bed over this, but you needed him to fuck you so badly, you didn’t care where you were.
“Fuck me over this counter Kendall.” You whine, “I need you right fucking now.” You pull your panties down so that they are at your ankles and bend over the counter.
He can’t help but let out a laugh, “God, you are so pathetic for me when even on the tiniest bit of coke.”
“Kendall, stop with your teasing and just fuck me.”
And soon, you are taking him in the club's small washroom, not caring how loud you were being since the music was loud enough to cover your pathetic noises. You cried out little praises for him, telling him how good it was and called out his name. It doesn’t take long for the both of you to finish. You just clean yourself up and take his hand and walk back out into the club. The both of you had the biggest grins on your face, satisfied at the outcome.
About 15 minutes pass and you both come across Stewy again. “Hey, I hope you didn’t get up to too much trouble.” He says over the loud music, “Look what I’ve got you two.” He says and hands over another small bag of coke.
“No fucking way!” You say in excitement, but before you can grab it, he pulls his hand away.
“Ah ah, not so fast. I have a deal for you alright?”
“Okay?” You reply curiously as Kendall hugs you from behind, listening to what Stewy has to say.
“I’ll give the two of you this coke, only if you let me join the two of you tonight.”
Kendall just nods his head and chuckles. You knew what Stewy meant but you decide to ask, “Join us?”
“Yeah sweetheart. Don’t tell me you don’t remember that time maybe four months back? When I had you on my couch… Kendall behind and,”
“Yeah, yeah I remember. How could I forget such a thing?” You reply.
“Well, how about we do something like that again? It was fun right?”
You turn your head to look at Kendall, he just shrugs before speaking his opinion, “I mean, if it’s to get more drugs why not?”
You smile, satisfied with his answer. To be honest with yourself, you were hoping that this idea would come up again. You thought about that night where you had the both of them a lot. You’d love to do it again.
You turn back to face Stewy. “Alright, you have a deal.”
Stewy grins and hands you the coke, “I’m glad sweetheart. Who knows, maybe Ken and I can make it better than last time?”
“Oh, I’d love to see what you slutty men can come up with this time.” You tease then open the small bag. You turn around so you are facing Kendall and he still has his arms wrapped around you.
Stewy watches and waits patiently as the two of you take turns rubbing coke on each other's gums.
“I think I’m going to take the two of you back to my place, it’s quieter there.”
Kendall kisses your neck, his light facial hair scratching your skin, as you turn to face Stewy, “Alright, if that’s what you want.”
“Yeah, that’s what I want. So let’s go, I’ve got my ride out waiting for us.”
“Already?” You ask, “You are so desperate for us that you get a driver that fast?”
“Well, I actually texted him about ten minutes ago, I was planning on leaving alone earlier. But I saw you two so I thought to ask if you were both slutty enough to come with me. I guess you are huh?” He teases.
You take Kendall’s hand in yours as you follow Stewy out of the club and towards the car.
When you’re climbing in the car, you are second to go in, meaning you would sit between the two of them the whole way there.
As the car starts moving, Stewy is the first to speak, “We are really doing this again?” He laughs in excitement.
“Yeah, I guess we are.” You reply then look at Kendall, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling as if I can’t believe you’re in this car with us, wanting to get fucked again even after taking me in that little washroom.”
Oh, the poor innocent driver, having to listen to this conversation.
Stewy raises his eyebrows, “You really took her in that tiny washroom?” He laughs, “That’s a little low for someone like the two of you, no? I expected you to only fuck in high rated luxurious places.” He teases, “Can’t be one of your proudest moments can it? Fucking in a club washroom. That’s honestly hilarious, cute but hilarious.”
Kendall chuckles lowly then puts his hand on your thigh. “Well, it isn’t really my style, no. But, I’d do anything for her.”
You just look over at him and smile, and Stewy just chuckles a little and speaks again,
“Awe, how romantic. You’d do anything for your girl even if that means to fuck her in a germ infested club washroom. How adorable.”
“You’d do the same Stewy,” he replies and keeps his hand on your thigh before he leans in to kiss your neck.
When Kendall has his face in the crook of your neck, Stewy brings his hand to sit on your other thigh while his foot wraps around yours to pull your legs further apart.
With the both of their hands on your thighs, with Kendall’s teeth nibbling your neck, you can’t help but let out a quiet moan.
“Look at you, already getting excited,” Stewy says into your ear, “can I kiss your girl on the cheek Kendall?”
“Go ahead, I’m sure she’d love that,” Ken replies, “wouldn’t you?”
Stewy wastes no time on kissing you cheek. He kisses it a couple of times before also moving down to your neck. You close your eyes and push your lips together, fighting another moan from falling out of your mouth.
Kendall was nibbling your neck and squeezing your thigh in his hand while Stewy just kept his hand still, licking your neck before kissing it softly.
The two of them were doing different things to you, both turning you on in different ways. Kendall turned you on by how needy and rough he was being. Stewy turned you on by being the opposite, being gentle with you.
You’re unsure what to do with your hands, you didn’t know whether to grab their hands or keep them gripping the edge of the car seat. You finally decide to put your hands on their thighs, one on Kendalls and one on Stewys.
You run your hands up and down their clothed thighs, squeezing them gently every so often.
The feeling of your hand groping Kendall’s thigh makes him groan impatiently and he brings his hand higher, close to your cunt. His pinky finger was so close to your clit and it makes you whisper out his name in a warning,
“Kendall,” you breath out but bring your one hand now up to Stewy’s hair so he isn’t missing out. “I- I can’t.”
The driver then turns up the radio a little, which makes you chuckle and feel bad for the poor man. You decide that you take your hands to remove theirs from your thighs, “Let’s behave ourselves yeah?” You say and chuckle.
They both pull their mouths away from your neck now, “Oh I’m sorry, was that too much for you to handle?” Stewy teases.
“Oh no, not at all. Don’t be too over your head, I can handle so much more. I just want to wait till we get to your house is all.”
They both let out a low chuckle.
And soon, the car comes to a stop in front of Stewy’s house. You honestly had no idea what surprises they may pull on you, but you weren’t at all nervous, you were excited out of your mind.
“Are you excited baby?” Kendall asks with a grin.
“Yes.” You reply softly. He lets out a little laugh then picks you up and carries you towards Stewy's front door.
When the three of you are finally inside, you are still in Kendall’s arms and you don’t say anything but smile, waiting to see what happens next.
Stewy is the first to speak when the door closes, “Well, I can think of a few ideas for what happens next. Kendall, will you set her on the couch, I want to share my ideas… but would hate to ruin the surprise.” He says as he looks over at you.
Kendall just grins over at him then carries you over to the couch and sets you down gently. “Behave yourself.” He teasingly whispers before walking over to speak to his best friend.
You can’t help but giggle quietly as the two of them speak quietly together. You just thought it was so silly how you were sitting on the couch, watching your boyfriend and his best friend talk about how they were both going to take you.
When they finish, Stewy looks over at you, “What are you being all giggly about?”
“Awe how cute, I think she’s excited for us again Ken, just like last time.”
Kendall chuckles, “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
The two walk over to you and look down at you sitting on the couch.
“Do you want to know the idea I’ve shared with your boyfriend?” You nod your head, waiting for him to continue. “Since Kendall is still not wanting me to fuck you properly because he doesn’t like to share, we each get three minutes to taste you, and whoever makes you finish first… wins.”
You can’t help but laugh “What is this some sort of fucked up challenge for the two of you?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Stewy replies, “So, unless you have something better in mind, I’d like to get this little game started.”
“Is that something you're up for baby?” Kendall asks you. Before answering you stand up to remove your panties so you are now only left with your top and skirt on.
“Yes.” You reply quietly.
“Want to flip a coin on who gets to go first?” Stewy suggests. Kendall can’t help but laugh a little.
“You want to flip a coin on who gets to eat her out first? This is ridiculous.” He laughs. “But alright sure, why not?”
“Heads or tails pretty boy?”
Stewy flips the coin up with his thumb before catching it in his one hand and placing it on the back of his other hand. When he reveals it, it’s on tails.
“Damn, tough luck my man. Looks like I get her first.”
You chuckle, “I have to say, this is probably the weirdest and kinkiest thing I have ever done.”
“Yeah? I’m honestly shocked that this is your kinkest.” Stewy teases while looking at the two of you, “But casual sex is boring. We all agree, right?”
“Not all the time it’s not, no.” You reply, “But I can agree that stuff like this is more fun.”
“Good, because what I want now is for you to sit between Kendall’s thighs while I taste you.”
You and Kendall smile at each other before doing what Stewy assigned you to do. You sit in front of Kendall on the couch so your back is against his chest, your legs are spread open for his best friend who’s on his knees in front of you.
The difference between Kendall and Stewy wasn’t a lot. During sex, they both liked to pleasure their woman, but Stewy was more teasing than Kendall was; Stewy was more gentle. Kendall would tease you often, but he wouldn’t be able to tease you for long before he needed you himself. He also always tended to be more rough with you rather than gentle, only on special occasions would he make love to you rather than fuck you and be gentle and slow, needing to take his time with you.
“Start the clock.” Stewy jokes. Well, you thought he was joking, but Kendall and Stewy deadass had one of their phones open on the timer app, setting it at three minutes.
When Kendall starts the timer, his best friend immediately begins to kiss your inner thigh. He didn’t want to just fuck you with his tongue just like that, he needed to warm you up first, needed to get you more turned on.
As he continues to kiss and nibble your thigh, getting closer and closer to your cunt, you lean your head back so it’s on Kendall's shoulder. Kendall takes his hands and lightly plays with your breasts through your shirt.
“You better not cum for him.” He whispers in your ear, “You better be good and not let yourself come undone on my best friend's face.” He was challenging you. You can’t help but close your eyes and let out a whimper as you take one of your hands to set it on the back of Kendall’s head.
“What if I want to?” You tease.
Stewy then brings his lips to your clit and kisses you softly.
“Don’t you dare.” Kendall growls.
Stewy now begins to now go a little faster since he was under a time limit. He begins to add his tongue in the mix.
You gasp and then let out a shaky, breathless moan.
“Oh, Kendall, his mouth feels so good on me.” You breathe out, grinding your hips into Stewy’s mouth. It was true, he worked you well with his tongue, but you also loved to tease your boyfriend and make him jealous.
“Yeah?” He questions, squeezing your breasts harder now, “You think so?”
“Fuck, yes.”
Stewy grabs your ankles and puts your legs over his shoulders and fucks you with his tongue, leaving kisses on you over and over before going back to using his tongue, his soft facial hair tickling your inner thighs.
As you continue to grind your hips back and forth, your ass would brush against Kendall’s clothed crotch. You could feel how hard he was getting. You moan out before taking your hand off of the back of his head to bring it to slide in his pants. As soon as he realises what you're trying to do, he lets out a groan and undoes his pants to make it easier for you.
You spit on your hand then bring it back down to wrap it around his half-hard member and begin to stroke him. He lets out another sound and soon, he is fully hard in your hand.
Listening to Kendall’s sounds and having Stewy’s tongue fuck you, you can’t help but let out a loud moan.You bring your free hand to go through Stewy’s hair. This was most definitely the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done.
“Don’t you dare cum baby. I mean it.” Kendall grunts out.
“Try and stop me then.” You reply and let out another whimper.
You look down at the phone screen beside you; Stewy still has a minute and twenty seconds left. You honestly didn’t know if you could last that much longer. You arch your back and continue to stroke Kendall and tighten your grip on Stewy’s hair.
When Stewy brings his lips to your clit and nibbles down lightly, you can’t hold back and you are so close to the edge.
“I’m right there Ken. Fuck I’m so close baby.”
Stewy chuckles in satisfaction and keeps on going, his chuckle vibrates through you.
“No, don’t you even think about it. Don’t you,”
With the clock now at forty seconds left, you cry out a pathetic noise as your second orgasm of the night hits you. You remove your hand from Kendall’s cock to let it join your other hand in Stewy’s hair and tug lightly as you bring his face closer to you.
He licks you clean before pulling his face away. He has a satisfied grin on his face. “Look at that, I still have about thirty seconds to spare.”
You catch your breath and grin up at him before turning your body to face Kendall. He is putting his cock back in his pants even though he was still so painfully hard for you. “I told you I didn’t want you to cum for him. Get up.” He orders, “It’s my fucking turn with you.”
When you stand up, Kendall also stands before looking at Stewy, waiting for him to sit down on the couch with you. Stewy can’t help but chuckle,
“Damn Ken, I just gave your girl an orgasm and you’re not even going to let her catch her breath?” He jokes.
“No, she doesn’t deserve to get a break.” He replies and looks over at you, “Sit down, spread your legs.”
You look over at Stewy and he just looks at you before shrugging with a smile and takes Kendall’s place, sitting down so he can be behind you.
Kendall doesn’t waste another second. As soon as you’re sitting down, he pulls your legs apart and his mouth is on your cunt immediately.
“God, your boyfriend is so impatient when he’s jealous.” Stewy says, but he doesn’t even bother to restart the timer. He just wanted you to enjoy your boyfriend’s mouth, no matter how long you needed it for.
Kendall didn’t even care about this “challenge” anymore. All he cared about was getting you to cum quicker for him. He wanted to prove to you that he was the best one for you. That he could fuck you best, whether if it was with his tongue, fingers or his cock. He needed you to know that nobody else could do it like him. He needed to be the best… just like he always did for everything.
He fucks you with his tongue harder than his best friend did. He had eaten you out many times so he knew exactly how you liked it.
You begin to moan out, you were much more sensitive now since you came literally thirty seconds ago. You begin to bring your one hand down to Stewy’s crotch, as you wanted to do the same with him since it was only fair, but he pulls your hand away,
“No, no sweetheart. Don’t worry about me. Just focus on Kendall.” He says in your ear, “Focus on his mouth on you. How does it feel?”
“Good. It feels… good.” You whimper out.
“Yeah? Do you like when Ken eats your pussy like this?”
“Fuck… yes.” You bring your head down to look at Kendall’s face in between your thighs.
“What else do you like Kendall to do to you huh?”
“I- I like it when he… when he fucks me with his fingers.” You whisper.
“Don’t tell me that, tell him.”
You can’t help but whimper before you speak again, “I like it when you use your fingers on my Kendall.” Hearing you say this makes him groan into your pussy. “And I love it when you… fuck me Kendall. No one can do it like you can.”
“There you go. Keep telling him that, let him know that you mean it sweetheart.”
“Only you know how to fuck me the way I want it Kendall, only you.”
Kendall moans into you.
“I’m all yours Kendall, all fucking yours.” This is the last thing you say before you are cumming again, for a third time. Kendall doesn’t remove his mouth from you until you are fully over your orgasm. He kisses your clit softly a couple of more times before standing back up.
“I think that was better than last time.” Kendall says as he grins in satisfaction.
“Oh, one hundred percent.” His best friend replies. “How do you feel sweetheart?”
You smile, “Good. I feel good.”
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the-west-meadow · 2 years
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Kendall Roy x Reader
tw: suicidal thoughts, verbal abuse, drug/alcohol abuse, drunk driving
As you stood in the shade of Connor’s patio, watching Logan and his children walk towards the old adobe church, Kendall’s absence was painfully apparent. You had grown used to seeing him at his father’s side. But he had not come with his family to New Mexico. It was a shame, you thought; he would have liked it here.
Greg, standing beside you in a long peacoat, waved as they disappeared behind the wooden church doors.
“What do you think they’re going to talk about?” Greg said.
“Years of suppressed trauma, maybe.”
“Wow. You think?”
You shrugged. “They probably won’t get around to it.”
You strolled back towards the house, where the others were sitting by the pool. Anyone who was not a child of Logan Roy had been left behind. Marcia, Tom, and Willa eyed you as you entered the house with Greg.
Greg leaned on the kitchen counter as you poured yourself a shot of whiskey from the mini-bar.
“Getting right to it, huh?” said Greg.
“You want some?”
“I’m good. It’s a little early for my system.”
Tom strolled into the kitchen, hands in his pockets.
“Hey, rascals. I see you breaking into the liquor stash. You should have invited me.”
“Well, you’re invited now,” joked Greg.
Tom leaned on the counter and grinned at you both.
“Here we are. The outcasts.”
“I’ll admit, I do feel kind of left out,” said Greg.
“God, wouldn’t you give anything to be a fly on the wall in that room? The whole thing is so uncomfortable it makes me want to puke. I love it.”
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. The name on the screen made your heart jump: Kendall Roy.
“Excuse me a second,” you said, slipping out of the kitchen.
“Is that a new lover?” Tom called after you. You jogged through the house to the room where you were staying and shut the door behind you.
“Hey, what’s up?” you said, keeping your voice low.
“Hey, Y/N. How you doing?”
“Surviving,” you said. “How are you?”
“Can you come meet me? I’m somewhere outside of Albuquerque.”
“What? When did you get here?”
“I’ll fill you in. Are you coming?”
“I’m at the ranch right now. I don’t have a car.”
“Can you figure something out?”
You thought fast, rubbing your forehead. “Yeah. I’ll take care of it.”
“You’re the best.”
You hung up, heart racing. You hadn’t heard from Kendall in weeks. He texted occasionally to check in, but it had been a long time since you heard his voice. It was a painful reminder of how much you had missed him lately.
Tom and Greg looked up as you walked into in the kitchen.
“What’s up?” Tom asked.
“Just a family thing,” you said.
“Oh, come on. You can’t have a personal life. There’s only work, work, work!”
Tom tossed back the rest of his drink and set his glass down.
“Okay, I’ll fuck off. Both of you come sit by the pool and save me from Marcia and Willa. I mean it.”
You and Greg watched until he was out the door, then Greg turned to you in anticipation.
“That was Kendall. He’s here.”
“Are you serious?”
“He wants me to meet him. But I don’t have a fucking car.”
“Right.” Greg glanced around as if looking for an answer. “Okay, I’m not supposed to know this, but there’s a collection of old cars in Connor’s garage. And, stupidly, all the keys are hanging on a rack in the garage. So if someone wanted to take one of those cars out for a drive while everyone was in therapy, I doubt anyone would notice for a few hours at least.”
“Cover for me. Make up a story.”
“Okay, yeah-“
But you were already gone.
You felt like a thief, skulking around the sides of the huge adobe ranch house, past the refurbished church and towards the unlocked garage. Lined up in the cool darkness were half a dozen vintage cars. Spotless. Expensive. Fueled up and ready to ride. You slowed down, taking your time to choose your ride. This was a once in a lifetime chance, after all. When Connor found out, you’d probably be banned from the state of New Mexico.
You chose an aqua 1967 Cadillac de Ville convertible. Sitting in the smooth leather seat, you watched with giddy panic as the garage door opened. Then you gunned it, kicking up a cloud of red dust as you escaped down the long ranch road from Connor’s estate.
The roads in New Mexico were long, straight, and empty. Gnarled barbed wire fences emerged from the scrublands, and distant mountains rolled beneath white clouds. It was the antithesis of what you were used to in New York. Here, everything was low to the ground, wild, free. You flew down the roads, the wind roaring all around you.
It was an hour’s drive to Albuquerque. You kept driving until you reached a diner in a small desert town beyond the city. When you rolled into the parking lot, you saw Kendall standing outside, smoking. Your heart swelled at the familiar sight of him. He stared as the aqua Cadillac parked squarely in front of him.
You cut the engine.
“Hey,” you called.
“You’re fucking kidding me.”
Kendall strolled up to the car, looking it over. Then he shook his head and let out a short laugh.
“Alright. Not really what I had in mind. But it’s cool.”
As he came closer, you were able to take a good look at him. He looked different. He was tan from the desert sun, dressed in a denim jacket and black jeans. His eyes were hidden behind dark sunglasses. There was also an edginess, a restlessness to his movements that you didn’t recognize.
He dropped his cigarette, stepped on it, and put his hands in his pockets. You could feel him taking you in behind his dark shades.
“It’s good to see you,” he said.
“You too.”
“Let’s figure out a game plan. I feel like I just landed on an alien planet.”
You sat across from Kendall in the booth, squinting in the hard sunlight that slanted through the window. The waiter brought two mugs of hot coffee. You sipped it gratefully, feeling it nudge against your dull headache. As the waiter stepped away, you took in the sight of Kendall sitting across from you.
“How long have you been here?” you asked.
“A few days. Just clearing my head.”
“You seem good.”
“I feel good.” He sipped his coffee, eyeing you over the rim of his mug. “How have things been for you while I was gone?”
“I don’t know. I feel like I’m not getting anywhere. I don’t have many allies.”
“You and Greg seem pretty tight.”
“I guess so. You cling to each other for survival when you have an insane boss.”
“Pretty bad, huh?”
“It wasn’t this bad when you were around. You’re like a path through the insanity.”
“Well, thanks. But I’ve done plenty of fucked up things, too.”
“It’s different. This borders on abuse.”
Kendall looked alarmed. “Hold on, you don’t mean, like—“
“No, no. Nothing like that. Just psychological shit.”
“Are you okay, though?”
“I’m coping.”
“I’m drinking a lot more.”
Kendall nodded, still peering at you intently. “Uh-huh.”
You gazed into the steaming coffee for a moment before voicing the question that was on your mind.
“Does this mean you’re back?”
“I don’t know yet. I’m still working up the courage to see my family.”
He didn’t say any more. The waiter brought your food; huevos rancheros. Kendall stuck with coffee. He watched you dig in with a slight smile.
“You seem like you’re thriving here. Big blue Cadillac. Local cuisine.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “It’s very different here.”
“Seriously. I feel like never get to see the real you. We’re always under the cloud of my dad. You know what I mean?”
You nodded. ”Everyone’s been on eggshells around him this week. I don’t know how you live with it.”
“It’s fucking torture.”
He was smiling, but you could see the pain in his dark eyes.
“Are you going to eat anything?” you finally asked.
“Not that hungry. I guess the desert’s making an ascetic out of me.”
He smiled again and looked down at his hands, turning his sunglasses over and over. He hadn’t stopped fidgeting through the entire meal. You set your fork down and slid your empty plate to the side.
“Hey,” he said, “How long can you be away?”
“At least until someone notices the car is gone.”
“Come on. Let’s go somewhere.”
You drove the Cadillac as Kendall leaned back in the passenger seat, watching the desert fly past. An orange glow filled the sky as the sun sank lower.
“How far do you want to go tonight?” he asked.
Your heart skipped. “What are you asking?”
He laughed. “Jesus. Not like that. I mean how far do you want to drive? Mexico?”
“Are you serious?”
“I don’t know. Am I?”
You looked at him, and you still couldn’t tell. The sun was beginning to sink, casting long shadows on the black road. The mountains grew darker in the distance. Kendall leaned forward, peering out at the desert.
“Let’s stop up here for a second.”
You slowed the car, pulling to the side of the road. Low music drifted from the radio. You cut the engine, suddenly surrounded by a deafening silence. Kendall went very still, listening.
“This is a good place,” he said in a soft voice. He opened his door and started out. “Come on.”
You followed. Small jackrabbits leapt out of your way on the path, which was surrounded by yellow-flowering creosote. A low breeze set everything in motion; the shrubs, the sand, the furtive animals.
You climbed a low plateau that overlooked the sprawling desert. Kendall stood taking it all in. He pulled a small baggy from his pocket and flicked it with his fingernail. You watched in alarm as he dispensed a small amount onto the flesh of his thumb and sniffed sharply. His body seemed to relax. His expression grew lighter. He looked at you almost apologetically, as if awaiting your judgement.
“Yeah. Sorry. This is what I’ve really been doing.”
It was all starting to make sense. The restlessness, the edginess. The fact that he had been here for days without telling anyone.
“Shit, Kendall,” you murmured.
“I’m okay.”
“Are you, though?”
“Not really. You?”
You looked at his hands, which still held the bag of coke. Without a word, Kendall tapped out a rough line of powder onto the flesh of his thumb and offered it to you. You leaned forward, pressing one nostril closed, and snorted it off his hand. When you sat up, the world was reeling. The sunset had turned everything to flame. You looked at Kendall and smiled.
“I’m glad you came here,” you said.
“I’m sorry I left you alone with them. I just didn’t want to bring you down with me.”
“I’d rather work for you. I feel like I’m going to have a fucking panic attack when your dad comes into a room.”
“Now you know what my entire life’s been like.” He smiled. “If you’re not careful, you’ll turn into me.”
You turned to look at him. “But I admire you more than anyone.”
Kendall laughed. Tears slowly rose in his eyes.
“Wow. Never thought I’d hear those words.”
He sniffed, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
“I’m serious,” you said.
“You know, my dad never praises anyone. But everything I do is for him, just hoping that one day he’ll look up and say that I did a good job.”
You sat for a long time watching the sunset until the sky grew purple and dark. Eventually you wavered to your feet, then held out your hand for Kendall. With a big heave, you got him to his feet. He stumbled forward into your arms, then leaned heavily into you. You put your arms hesitantly on his back, feeling the dampness of his shirt. He rested his forehead on your shoulder.
“I missed you,” he said.
You squeezed your arms tighter around him.
“I missed you too.”
He quietly withdrew from your arms. You began to scramble down the plateau, busting your asses several times. By the time you reached the bottom, you were cracking up, covered in dirt. Kendall doubled over with laughter, his hands on his knees, wiping tears from his eyes. Then he looked up and smiled: that big, heart-melting smile.
Your heart suddenly grew warm, despite the oncoming desert cold. As you drove, you snuck a glance at Kendall. His face was turned towards the red sunset, glowing with happiness. A false happiness, you knew. But he deserved all that he could get.
As you pulled up the driveway to Connor’s ranch, you saw a tall figure running out to meet you. It was Greg. Kendall hopped out of the car and pulled Greg to him in a hug.
“What up, Greg?”
“Hey man, I’m really happy to see you but I also have bad news. Turns out those cars are highly precious to Connor. Also, Logan is pretty unhappy about the situation.”
“Does he know I’m here?” Kendall said.
“Well, yeah. It was hard to explain otherwise.”
“That’s what he’s unhappy about. My dad doesn’t give a shit about the car.”
Kendall started towards the house with you and Greg following close behind.
“Is he okay?” Greg said quietly.
You just shook your head. “I don’t think he should be here right now.”
It was cool and silent inside the adobe house. Then, the unmistakable boom of Logan’s voice shook the air.
“Where the fuck are they?”
Kendall seemed to waver in his tracks, then forged ahead towards the kitchen.
Everyone stood together, waiting. They fell silent as you entered the room.
“Has everyone resolved their familial issues?” Kendall said as he strolled forward.
“Jesus, is he high?” said Shiv.
“Are you blind?” said Roman. “He’s completely fucking wasted.”
Logan made a beeline for you, causing your heart to drop steeply.
“I should have you fucking arrested. Car theft, drug possession. What else?”
“Hey, fuck off,” Kendall said, stepping between you. “She was just doing what I asked.”
Logan’s eyes pierced through you. You couldn’t move, couldn’t escape the vice grip of his gaze.
“Don’t you know him better than that? You’re his fucking assistant, no?”
“Actually, she’s my assistant,” Tom said in a low voice, but Logan didn’t hear.
“Yeah, she got loaded with me,” Kendall said, raising his voice. “That’s because she’s my only friend in this shitstorm of a life.”
Logan turned to Kendall, looking him dead in the eye. “You don’t deserve a life.”
Then, jabbing a finger at you: “And you’re fucking fired.”
Logan turned and walked away. Kendall was still reeling from the blow his father had just delivered. He looked like he was about to fall over from the force of it.
“She doesn’t work for you!” Kendall managed.
“Technically, she works for me,” Tom said, still unnoticed.
“Then you get rid of her,” Logan said to Kendall. “She’s not good for you.”
Logan turned and stalked out of the room. Kendall just stared after him, shaking. Finally, he seemed to snap out of it.
“Come on,” he said to you. You followed as he stormed away, painfully aware of the stares of his family as you left.
“You got the keys?” he asked.
“Good. Get in that car.”
“Jesus, Kendall-“
“Then give them to me. They can say I stole it.”
You didn’t hesitate to toss him the keys. You hopped into the passenger’s seat. Kendall started the car, peeling down the ranch road with red dust glowing in the taillights.
Kendall tore down the straight desert road, headlights cutting through a thick darkness.
“I didn’t want my dad to hurt you.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. It’s the worst feeling in the world.”
He was silent as he continued to drive, eyes fixed ahead. Finally he spoke.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. This is my fault.”
You couldn’t argue that, but you also couldn’t blame him. “It’s okay. I’m just trying to figure out what I’m going to do.”
“Work for me,” he said.
You looked at him, trying to gauge if he was serious.
“It’s either that or go back to my dad, begging for a job.”
“I’m not doing that.”
“I know. So I’m rehiring you as my assistant. Actually, I’m promoting you to senior advisor.”
“What does that involve?”
“Getting drunk with me until we both forget the pain.”
You bought a bottle of tequila at a nearby ABC store in the next town, then stopped at the first motel you saw, a cheap but clean place called The Desert Flower. You were both crashing from the cocaine. Kendall’s eyes were bleary and red, his face dark with stubble. He was going down fast. You sat in the car, taking turns with the bottle, unable to even make it to the room.
“I’m sick of wanting to fucking die.”
“You heard him, right? He said I don’t deserve a life. That’s how he makes me feel. Every day.”
You heard his voice break. Tears streamed down his face.
“What would it take? For him to smile at me once, to pat me on the fucking back? What do I have to do?”
“I don’t think there’s anything you can do.”
He stared at you, and for a moment it looked like his entire world was crashing down around him. You saw the loss playing out behind his eyes as he realized the truth of your words. Then he leaned forward, put his hand on the back of your head, and kissed you.
You didn’t hesitate to respond. Everything was falling apart, but at least you could feel the warmth of him, his searching hands, his desperate mouth. You squeezed his wrist as his hand gripped your thigh. Then you both suddenly pulled back.
“Fuck,” he said. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay.”
He was still holding your hand tightly. You wouldn’t let go. You both caught your breath, reeling from the touch.
“I need to go inside,” he said.
He leaned on your shoulder on the way into the room. When you got inside, he collapsed onto his knees, sobbing. You got down on the floor with him, stroking his back, trying to talk to him. But he didn’t seem to hear. He curled up on the floor, totally unresponsive, rocking himself as he wept.
You didn’t know what to do. The Kendall you knew was suddenly gone. You could only think of one ally who could still help you: Greg.
Need help, you texted.
Where are you?
You sent him the address of the motel. He responded immediately.
I’ll be there as soon as I can.
You finally got Kendall off the floor and onto the bed. He huddled there like a frightened child.
An hour passed. You heard a car pull up and saw headlights flare through the curtains. When you opened the door, Greg was sitting there in a red convertible. You laughed, unable to help it.
Greg got out of the car, looking completely out of place.
“Yeah, I know…” he sighed, looking at the car. “There aren’t many Ubers in the middle of nowhere.”
“Does anyone know?”
“Just Tom. He said he’d cover for me. So we’ll see how that goes.”
He peered past you into the room.
“How’s Kendall?”
“Not good.”
“What about you? You don’t look so good yourself.”
“I just need someone here to make sure one of us doesn’t die.”
“Okay, yeah. We should definitely try and prevent that.”
You moved aside, letting Greg through. Kendall was still curled on the bed, his head tucked into his arms.
You sat beside Greg on the edge of your bed, talking in low voices as you gazed at Kendall.
“What have you guys been doing?”
“A lot of coke and tequila.”
“Wow. So a pretty serious binge, then.”
“I think I’m in over my head.”
You gazed at Kendall, who had withdrawn so far into himself that you didn’t know if he was aware of your presence.
“I thought I could help him,” you said.
“That’s more than anyone else has done for him.”
“Why don’t they try to help him?”
“Honestly, I don’t think his family knows how to see him as a person. They only think of themselves.”
“Maybe it’s a good thing I got fired. I don’t know why I even want to work for them.”
“I frequently ask myself the same question. But even though they kind of suck, I still like them.”
“They’re your family.”
“That’s true.”
Greg looked thoughtful. “Then why do you stick around?”
You gave a slight nod towards Kendall’s sleeping form.
“I want to see him win. Not for anyone else. For himself.”
You couldn’t see it in the darkness, but a tear gathered in the corner of Kendall’s closed eye and slid down the bridge of his nose, then was gone.
Greg slept on the floor between your beds. You gave him half of your pillows and the top sheet of your bed.
Sometime in the night, both Greg and Kendall began to snore lightly. You could feel their resting forms in the darkness, the hum of the air conditioner, the traffic slowly streaming by outside. Cars rumbled in and out of the parking lot. Doors open and shut. Everything moved slow in the late hours of the night, the early morning.
They weren’t your family, but you loved them. You didn’t belong among them, but you had made a place for yourself in their lives. And they had become an inseparable part of yours. You held onto this thought as you waited out the long night.
It was early, and you were just beginning to fall asleep, when you heard vague sounds of movement in the room. You felt someone crawl into the bed with you. It was Kendall. He drew himself close, facing your curled form, mirroring it with his own body. He pressed his forehead against yours and reached pleadingly for your hands. You twined your fingers around his.
“Hey,” he whispered. He sounded as if he had been crying.
You felt his hands for the first time, stroking them with your fingers. He held tightly to you, drawing himself as close as possible.
“Am I going to be okay?” he rasped.
You put your hand on the back of his head. He was shaking, tears dampening the pillow.
“I promise.”
You held him for a long time, until his breathing calmed and he finally stopped shaking. He never let go of your hands, never moved. Your knees touched, arms intertwined. When you opened your eyes, he was looking at you. Neither of you said anything. He stroked your hand with his thumb.
Greg groaned from the floor, and both of you went still, listening. Then you started to giggle.
“Where the fuck am I?” Greg mumbled, rolling over in his sheets, still half asleep.
Kendall snorted, and you shushed him, still trying not to laugh. You could still see tears in his eyes. But he was smiling.
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gregoftom · 1 year
Re: Greg knowing Tom is into him,,
What if he's a little bit more of a slimeball. What if at first Greg isn't interested in Tom in the same way. (The razzing annoys him and Tom is so volatile and confusing, and sure he's good looking enough but the whole situation is far too complicated for it to matter. Hell, maybe at this point Greg actually believes he's straight, at most slightly bi-curious.)
Greg is sly and watchful and smart and he sees how Tom's marriage is fracturing, he sees how much Tom likes him and how Tom's gaze lingers on him sometimes... and Greg decides, you know what, fuck it. If flirting with his boss a little bit will keep him in his good books, that's worthwhile enough. If tying Tom to him will make his place in the company more secure, sure he can tuck his hair behind his ear and smile coyly. If going on little dates with Tom and exchanging subtle looks and lingering touches gets the man to buy him expensive gifts, then Greg is happy to do all that.
And maybe seeing how sad Tom is and how much spending time with Greg means to him makes Greg feel guilty because it's just a big lie, but he doesn't know how to stop. They party together and scheme and hang out all the time, and gradually Tom starts introducing kisses to their routine, first only when they're blackout drunk, and then later even when they're just hanging out watching movies,, and it's slowly killing Greg. On one hand it feel so good, Tom is a good kisser and Greg loves being wanted and cherished - but he knows it's all built on a lie. Tom looks so happy and honestly astonished after every kiss, barely believing that Greg wants this too - and Greg has to wipe that look off his face with more kisses because if he has to look at all that love for a second longer he'll break
And then Tom becomes CEO and his divorce is finally finalized and he takes Greg out for a celebratory dinner. Holds his hand at the table and pays for his food like always, calls him "my Sporus" and breaks out in the most beautiul joyous grin when Greg squeezes his hand and calls him Nero
They go home tipsy and trading kisses, and for the first time they end up in the bedroom. Tom lays Greg out and strips him so gently and kisses his chest and stomach, lube and condoms ready, and he softly asks if Greg is sure -
And that's when it happens. Greg's vision goes blurry and then the tears stream down his cheeks and he can't, he can't - and Tom is instantly back up with him, cradling his cheeks and worriedly looking in his eyes
"Sweetheart, we don't have to tonight, or ever", Tom tries to reassure him, "Don't ever think you have to do something you don't want, honey I never want to hurt you"
And Greg just sobs harder, pulls Tom into a tight hug, wailing that he doesn't deserve Tom and that it's all wrong
Tom has no idea what's going on but he holds Greg through it, petting his back and kissing hi forehead until he calms down a little
"How can you think that?" Tom asks after a while, "how do you not deserve me? If anything it's the other way around, you idiot! I'm the grouchy old divorcee here!"
And Greg shakes his head
"Remember when we first met? When you asked me if I'd kiss you if you told me to?"
Tom cringes at himself a little but nods. "Why?"
"Because", Greg says in a broken voice, "you know what I thought? I thought... 'ohh, maybe that's an angle. Older guy, influential, clearly in the closet - I could use that."
It's at this point Tom lets go of him and backs away a little, something breaking in his eyes
Greg swallows hard and keeps going
"I'm a fucking snake, Tom, a parasite like everyone says - I never meant for it to go anywhere, I never meant for you to get hurt but. But."
"What are you saying? It's all been fake all this time? You've secretly, what, you've been laughing at me behind my back this whole time?" Greg could understand anger, screaming and throwing things, but Tom is frighteingly calm instead
He's calm and he's _wrong_ and Greg is fucking this up, and he has to try and explain -
"No, Tommy, I haven't been! It was fake at first, I liked you but I was also thinking about my position - but lately I just. I like it so much now, I don't know when it happened exactly but I. It's real for me too now, maybe I could've just kept pretending like this whole mess didn't exist but I couldn't let you think I'm good anymore, because I'm not."
Tom is sitting up now, head in his hands, shaking. "What the fuck, Greg, what am I supposed to do with this? I'm just like every other pathetic rich asshole who gets fooled by a pretty young thing huh? What am I supposed to-" he can't even finish the sentence because his voice breaks. "Here I thought you actually fucking liked me? That for once someone actually did?"
Greg's crying again but he determinedly pulls Tom up to meet his gaze.
"There's nothing pathetic about you, I swear, you're one of my favourite people in the whole world. I'm... I'm horrible for doing what I did but it was... me going after what I want, whatever it takes. Only along the way it changed, you're not some step anymore, you're the goal, you're the finish line so to speak? If you can... if there's a world in which you might be able to forgive me then I want to try. If there's any way that I can prove that I...."
He can't continue because they've never actually said it before, but Tom demands it. "Prove what, Greg? That you're a shameless fucking thigh climber? That there's nothing you won't do for a, a bigger paycheck? What the fuck is there left to prove?"
But he's not leaving, he's letting Greg take his hands - and maybe it's wishful thinking on Greg's part but maybe there's a hint of hope in his eyes?
"Yeah, I am all that and I can't deny any of it but - what I want to prove is that I love you."
Greg says it with conviction, trying to put everything into the words.
Tom draws in a sharp breath and his eyes go wide - it used to be that he'd initiate the kisses, the handholding - used to be he'd be the first one to escalate things - but now Greg's charging ahead. And despite everything that's happened the words still fill Tom with happiness
"Please let me show you", Greg begs softly. "It may have been fake at first but it isn't anymore. I've never felt like this about anyone before, that's why it took so long for me to realize I was actually falling in love with you. And I'm so sorry I was such a monster about this all -"
And despite everything, Tom laughs.
"Back up a little bit, Gregory, you fucking snake. You what?"
"I love you. I love you!"
"What?" Tom pretends he's not getting it, but there's a little grin showing through his tears.
"I love you, Tom Wambsgans, with every inch of my horrible liar being. I swear."
And Tom heaves a great exhausted sigh and pulls Greg into a hug. Greg sobs and clings to him like a koala.
"I won't say it back", Tom grumbles, and Greg laughs wetly.
"Fair enough. I don't deserve it, I don't think - but maybe I can work for it?"
Tom nods and buries his face in Greg's neck. "Never lie to me again.
"I won't", Greg promises. "Thank you", he whispers, and, "I love you. I'll say it everyday until you believe it's the truth."
"See that you do", Tom says, cunty, and Greg loves him so much. He says that out loud, and kisses Tom's cheeks and forehead, so many times, until he teases a little laugh out of Tom.
They go to sleep like that, holding each other tightly. Greg keeps his promise and tells Tom every day, and shows it too with kisses and gestures and gifts. Eventually they'll be okay again - and eventually Tom trusts him enough to say it back.
anyway sorry for this mile long ask i made myself emotional and now i'm crying at a cafe :')
UUUUUUUNNNHHHGGGH ANOOOON i die i fully die this is like. so muchhhh poor tommyyyy but oughhhhhn the dialogueee tom forgiving greg anyway in the end because He Would ojhhghjnnhf plssss do a full proper fic bc hhhhf. i Also cried ty for my life oof ouch ouch
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