#maybe I am maybe it would mellow y’all the fuck out
rigginsstreet · 2 years
antis be fr challenge lol. Speaking from experience too, Billy is from Cali, ain’t no way he gonna get high off the shit from some backwater midwest town when he’s had that good west coast shit
I was literally thinking the same thing lmfao
Eddie’s shit is not powerful enough to kill anyone be serious…be for real
You know the people saying this have never touched a drug in their life too 😂
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outoftheframework · 3 years
my proposal for tropes we as a fandom should adopt in all fanworks going forward: Duke Thomas edition
So every fandom has tropes and characterization quirks that have been generally accepted into fanon and, like, maybe? they were originally based on some obscure comic panel from the 80s or something but it doesn’t really matter because we’re all just,,, cool with it? Like for example- in the dc comics fandom, an art piece could show 3 of the bats that look virtually identical except one of them is holding a box of cereal so that one is obviously Dick Grayson. . . Y’know?
Anyway, these things usually come up naturally I guess but I’ve been here a while and it’s finally time to put my foot down. It’s high time for Duke Thomas to be more in fanon than “the sane one.” Because he might be the relatively new guy but he is certainly fears no gods or laws of the land just as much as the other bats, lemme tell ya. 
TL;DR here are character quirks (”canon-based” or otherwise) that we should all really latch onto seriously I’m begging y’all to make at least one of these happen-
Duke “Habitually Jumping Out of Moving Vehicles” Thomas
This one’s actually based in canon y’all; Duke did indeed yeet himself out of the back of a cop car and off of a bridge (in We Are... Robin). Normalize Duke’s wearing knee and elbow pads as Signal because jumping out of a car turns out relatively fine once and then suddenly Batman’s rooftop disappearing act seems mellow compared to the amount of times Gordon has whipped his head around to see a now Signal-less backseat. 
Like, he’s going 60 mph?? And he didn’t even hear the door open?? and tHE DOORS ARE STILL LOCKED??
Imagine this leaking into civilian life and Bruce waking up to a blurry photo of Duke mid-escape from a limousine on the front page of the Gotham Gazette.
(more under cut)
Duke “Puzzles are my Passion” Thomas
Duke is ~canonically~ very skilled at both solving and concocting riddles (as a child during that time where The Riddler just,,, controlled Gotham, he worked non-stop on riddles, trying to make the perfect one). Please y’all- let Duke solve puzzles. Have the other bats ask him for help after 36 hours straight of brooding over some brainteaser that Duke works out within the half-hour. He texts a picture of the solution scribbled out on loose leaf in the margins of his pre-calc homework because this boy shows his work. 
My guy is a word-cross FIEND. A mind-sweeper speed-runner. That guy who mails into the Gazette to correct a solution in the “fun & games” section and also ps that photo is not of me I am simply a polite young man who is much too busy writing into the paper in the year 2021 to jump out of limos-
I also would love to see this integrated into the type of cases he investigates / runs into on his daytime patrol. Like, obviously the criminal activity is going to dramatically differ before and after sundown, but that doesn’t make Duke’s work any easier or less important. It’s a different skillset; he has to work differently. Instead of jumping into fights, halting mob meetings, saving civilians in dark allies, etc. Duke has to sort through all of the moving pieces before they all converge into something catastrophic. 
It’s a known fact that criminal organizations in Gotham make and execute a lot of behind-the-scenes plans during the day specifically not to run into the bats. And Duke knows and monitors this shit all by himself; his work is crucial to logistics and information gathering for the bats as a whole. Now criminals have like, a 2 hour gap between bat-shifts to try and get stuff done. But Duke would 100% set traps on timers or lead them on this pre-set convoluted goose chase  to distract them until the night bats come out and to let himself enjoy the whole thing playing out on the news while he finishes homework that’s due at midnight.
Duke “I Know a Guy” Thomas
So in going off of the basic concept for the “We Are. . . Robin” run in combination to his general likability, Duke has a lot of friends all around Gotham. Okay, sure, he doesn’t have a Super best friend or a Speedster on speed dial, but he does know this guy who details cars up on West 35th and will tell them all about the new mods on Black Mask’s transport vans if they come through the third floor window and bring takeout. 
Bruce and Tim will be waiting for the facial recognition software to identify at least a partial match off of security cam footage when Duke pulls into the cave, takes one look at the screen, and says “Oh, that’s <insert name, address, abridged life story, and known associates here>.” This also brings in the opportunity for Duke to have some sort of perfect recall for faces, voices, names, etc. which I think could be a really cool element for his position as the batfamily member who has a lot more personal interaction with the people of Gotham.
I’m also into the idea of a lot of people knowing/telling stories about Duke. Not to reference the Chuck Norris meme but almost like the Chuck Norris meme lmao. Think about Jason mentioning his brother to someone and she replies, “Duke Thomas? Like that Duke Thomas? The one who swam across the harbor because he said it’d be faster than the subway and it actually was?” These stories have varying levels of truth to them but Duke will never confirm nor deny when he gets random calls from family members yelling “you dID WHAT”
So those are my top three, and the following is a little speed-round of headcanons :)
Duke has a super expressive face. Like when he’s relaxed around family, you can tell exactly what he’s thinking and how he’s feeling by his visual reactions to things
Duke rotates through picking up new and revisiting old hobbies at a pretty rapid pace. Some hobbies include: bullet journaling, origami, viola, cello, synth, conversational basics in multiple languages, up-cycling and embroidering clothes
Duke has a really fucking adorable smile. He can’t help it. He’ll try to grin sarcastically or smug to be annoying but his smile just cannot be anything other than endearing. He also has a very specific booming laugh that’s an absolute treasure to hear, because it’s the most genuinely happy thing ever. 
Duke unironically enjoys Signal by Twice even though the first time he heard it was after Steph had set it as his morning alarm.
Come and get your food, I guess.
Feel free to add on if you’d like! I’d love to see anything you guys write/draw/etc. based on anything from here if you feel compelled to do so!
Stay safe and be well :) 
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kechiwrites · 4 years
spit or swallow
Dentist!Eijirou Kirishima x Patient!Reader
wc: 1.5k
“he works diligently above you, latex gloved hands occasionally brushing your nose, jaw and throat. He’s nothing less than gentle with you, angling your face where he needs it with feather soft touches and honey smooth direction.”
warnings: afab reader, fantasizing about your dentist, a lil bit of praise kink, biting, oral sex, size kink if you squint, swearing, dick slapping but like make it tender, we’re light on warnings today y’all, 18+ 
author’s notes: kirishima....thank u to my lovely betas @lady-bakuhoe​ and @rivendell101​ yes i kept the arm hair thing in, im a simp ♡.
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There is absolutely nothing sexy about being a dentist. The visual of Dr. Kirishima up to his elbows in spit and god know what else is hardly erotic. But there’s very little you can do to stop the shivers that tingle down your spine at the sight of his bare forearms, revealed to you by the careful and precise folding of his doctor’s coat, dusted with fine black hair and corded with muscle when they reach over your face to adjust the light or peer at your x-rays. Your tongue is still thick and sweet in your mouth from the liquid he'd given to you in a little blue cup. The taste was just barely spearmint and you wish you could chase it with the sharp tang of his sweat. You wish you could wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down to you, bite and kiss and suck at the skin under his jaw you're becoming so familiar with. You want to create a flush so deep you find it blooming over his skin when you undo the little white plastic buttons of his dress shirt.
While you're musing, he works diligently above you, latex gloved hands occasionally brushing your nose, jaw and throat. He’s nothing less than gentle with you, angling your face where he needs it with feather soft touches and honey smooth direction. You get the distinct impression he’s a mellow guy, tossing easy smiles to anyone who meets his eye and he certainly doesn’t seem very intimidating. Even still, you can't help but think about the stretch. There's not a doubt in your mind that Eijirou Kirishima D.D.S. is packing like he's on a two month vacation. His shoulders are impossibly broad and when he escorted you through the bleach white hallway all you could think of was letting him loom over you and drag the heavy weight of his weeping cock up and down the plush skin of your face. You wish he would push past the softness of your lips and urge your head further and further down his length until the tip of his dick touches your fucking brain. You want him to spread your pussy open between latex covered thumbs and bury his tongue in you, let his unnervingly sharp teeth catch the hood of your clit.
You want him to hurt you.
You’re lost in the visual of his hands around your throat when he calls your name, trying to get you to angle your chin just a bit further downward. When you finally comply, he whispers “Good girl” and it takes every single bit of your self restraint to stop yourself from whimpering at the image the phrase conjures. You screw your eyes shut and behind your lids, Dr. Kirishima is holding you against the padded chair by the back of your neck, sinking his teeth into the exposed skin of your shoulder, hip, thigh, leaving aching, perfect half circles in their wake. He keeps you in place with one hand, and presses his cock against the throbbing heat of your cunt, not quite hard enough to enter, not yet. Instead he’s content to tease you into begging for it. And you do, you pant out platitudes and pleas for more until he blankets your body with his own, weighing you down as he pushes into you, fucking deeper and deeper until your slick covers both of your thighs. He fucks you with four fingers in your mouth, pushing down on your tongue while he calls you his favourite patient. His perfect patient.
“Am I hurting you?” You open your eyes in an instant, and the dentist is hovering above you, eyebrows furrowed with concern. You aren’t even sure how long your eyes have been closed, but the light overhead stings a bit and you blink owlishly before speaking.
I fucking wish.
“No, no I’m fine.” You steeple your hands together in your lap and try to shake off the reverie.
“Great, well we’re all done here,” he pulls his mask down to hang around his neck and blinds you with a beaming smile, before you can even feel guilty, the dentist spins around in his bone white office chair, rummaging in a shelf before coming back to you, with two closed fists held up for your choosing.
“Pick one.” When you can only respond with a confused tilt of the head he explains, “A treat for my favourite patient. I know you aren’t exactly lollipop age but…” Dr. Kirishima continues to speak but the sound of his voice is drowned out by the roaring in your ears. You interrupt him mid-sentence and tap your hand against his left and he opens his wide palm with a flourish to reveal a bright yellow sugar free wrapped candy and a packet of floss with a smiley little cartoon tooth emblazoned on the front.
You aren’t quite sure how, but you know it’s mocking you.
You take the gifts from his hand, trying hard to ignore the feeling of your fingertips dragging against his open palm. There’s maybe one hundred filthy thoughts slamming against the walls of your skull produced by the feel of his skin against yours, and honestly you’re just thankful they’re not readable in your eyes or pouring out of your fucking ears. You clear your throat and do your best to smile at Dr. Kirishima, swivelling in the dentist chair to place your feet back on the ground once he scoots back enough for you to stand. You gather your bag and coat while he rattles off what you need to remember; “easy on the sugar, red wine and coffee, brush twice a day, floss as often as you can, etc.” With the dentist now out of your immediate line of sight you can force yourself to calm down. Your heart rate finally returns to a steady pulse in your chest and a centering deep breath brings you back down the rest of the way. While you shove your hands into your coat pockets to check that your essentials are all accounted for, you can hear Dr. Kirishima quietly issue directions to the waiting dental assistant in the hallway. Finally back in your right mind, you turn with your things in hand to thank your dentist, half relieved and half disappointed to be leaving his close quarters, only to slam bodily into the hard planes of his chest beneath his thin dress shirt.
You stumble backwards and it’s the quick movement of Dr. Kirishima’s hands (one cemented around your forearm and the other on your hip) that stops you from colliding with his tray of instruments.
“Are you alright?” He questions you, palms iron hot against your skin, even through your clothes. His voice is just a bit too loud for how close you are to each other, and you shift backwards in his hold to look into his eyes. In the shuffle, you’d pressed both of your, embarrassingly, sweaty hands against his shoulders, one of them fisted tightly in the lapel of his doctor’s coat. Still, even as you blabber assurances to him looming above you, neither of you move to let go, opting instead to remain stock still, as though the slightest disruption could make your position any more inappropriate than it already was.
Kirishima’s hand tightens on your hip just the tiniest bit and when he opens his mouth to speak to you, your gaze focuses on the exceptionally vicious point of his canines. You force yourself to meet his eyes again, just fast enough to catch him staring at your lips, parted in surprise at the collision.
Slowly, as if approaching a frightened animal, Kirishima draws closer to you, and for a second you think he’ll kiss you, but instead his cheek brushes over yours, lips meeting the curve of your ear, warm breath rushing against your skin, eliciting full body shivers. The grip you have on his shirt turns to iron and you urge him closer, narrowing the minimal space between you until your chest is pressed so firmly against his.
Whatever he was going to say is cut short by the sound of the office door swinging open, heralding the dental assistant’s return. Thankfully, Kirishima’s assistant has their eyes on their clipboard, addressing you by your last name and rattling off the best date for your next cleaning. While their attention is split you force space between yourself and the man holding you. When they do finally raise their eyes, looking for confirmation, you bob your head in agreement, hoping to god they’d give you a form, or receipt or anything to remind you of the details currently being divulged only to be drowned out by the thud of your own heartbeat.
“I’d actually like for her to come in earlier, if possible, we didn’t get the chance to do a polishing today.”
Both you and the assistant blink at the doctor, and slowly his cheeks redden under your stare.
“If that’s alright with you?” He coughs, folding his arms over his chest.
It takes you a second to understand what’s going on but when you do, it snaps your willpower in half.
“Next week then! I’ve got time, if you do.” You reply and Dr. Kirishima’s answering smile is blinding in the best way.
“Sounds perfect.”
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starfanatic · 4 years
Luke Skywalker vs Rey... Nobody
I hate the argument that a lot of sequel trilogy stans use whenever anyone criticized Rey or labels her a Mary Sue. It’s probably the weakest argument a sequel stan can ever possibly say to me. (Besides the people hate Rey because she’s a women argument).
Lets compare them shall we?
Luke Skywalker in A New Hope is whiny, inexperienced, and very naive. There is multiple moments in a new hope that proves this. When he was whining about not wanting to stay on the moisture farm and wanting to join the Academy like his friend, Biggs. He constantly was slightly annoying throughout the film, especially to Han. When Han named his price and Luke was like “We can buy our own ship with that!” or when Han was flying the Milennium Falcon and Luke was practically yelling in his ear to go into hyperspace. Han and Luke did not get along at first because of Luke’s behavior. Luke went against Obi-Wan’s orders and saved Princess Leia, not thinking of the consequences. How he could possibly be killed or put in a cell with the Princess. He doesn’t think of a plan to get out AFTERWARDS only the spur of the moment. He was constantly shown to be inexperienced and needed his friends help or HE WOULD HAVE DIED THE FIRST MOVIE. While on the millennium falcon, Obi-Wan taught him things about the force. Maybe not a lot but he knew how to use the simple basics of it. Like sensing the force and letting it guide your actions (as Obi-Wan was trying to teach him before). For once Luke listened and trusted Obi-Wan and destroyed the death star.
Lets do Rey now WHOOP. So far the only personality flaw she seems to have is that she’s also naive? She had the same wide-eyed innocence as Luke had but it’s different and here’s why. Rey never suffers for any of her so-called almost non-existent flaws. Rey is experienced enough to hold her own in a fight against men WAY stronger then her (that’s realistic though but that’s one tool in her belt). She’s bilingual. She can fly the millennium falcon better then Han Solo even though she never flew one before. She is constantly saving people by herself, never the one being saved. (Before y’all bust my balls, Rey escaped that damn starkiller base by her damn self. Luke didn’t and couldn’t). She uses powers that takes years to learn and the excuse is the force dyad. So she downloads Kylo’s skills and training. Great. Magnificent. Rey is on a amazing start. And this is the first movie! She can only get stronger from here.
Luke is more mature and responsible in ESB. He’s a respected hero of the rebellion. Luke still struggles using the force. Even with the training Luke goes through with Obi-Wan he had to truly focus to pull the lightsaber to him. Plus as a common occurrence, he still needed help from his friends. He’s not invincible. He actually gets severely hurt (makes sense). He goes to Dagobah to get trained (because unlike Rey he doesn’t have the “learn force jedi shit that takes years to learn” cheatcode). And then he’s impatient. He wants to learn how to use the force so he can help his friends. Luke is again reckless, impatient, and he’s also insecure in his own belief. Him not believing he can lift the X-wing was why he couldn’t. Against his master’s and Obi-Wan’s orders he decides to save his friends. It’s a noble reason to but it still got him fucked up. He got his hand cut off, he was beaten and humiliated, and then he was told a horrifying revalation that twisted around everything he knew and believed. He was scared of Vader, you can see it on his face, but he did not succumb to fear.
Rey goes to the island to convince Luke to go help them fight the war. Why doesn’t Leia go instead? Who knows. Why does Luke act the way he does? Who knows. Luke dismissed her and was quite rude to her. Rey was having cute little talks with Kylie Renner in their little force dyad BS. She called him a monster and a murderous snake. I like the insults. It fills me with joy! But then she finds out the truth. Rey did do something reckless and stupid but as usual she doesn’t suffer the consequences to her actions. Technically she’s morally superior to Luke because she saw the good in him and felt like she could turn him to the light (after slicing his face open. Ok). Rey decides to give herself up to the First Order thinking Kylo would save her. And he does. So she wasn’t even wrong... Rey fight the very elite guards of the (bootleg emperor palpatine) Supreme Leader Snoke. Reminder, TFA and TLJ are like 3-4 days apart. She had zero training within these days. Luke refused to train her so don’t start that bullshit. Luke trained her for like 5 minutes and none of that training had anything to do with lightsaber dueling. Rey is then told she was a nobody. Now why did Rey cry about this? I truly don’t know. How the hell would Kylo accurately know that Rey’s parents were nobody? Didnt Rey been know this from the force awakens? Eh whatever. She tries to force pull the lightsaber from Kylo Ren and do a dumbass tug a war instead of walking up and grabbing it. It reminds me of JJ and Rian fighting over where the star wars sequels). Anakin must be screaming and yelling from above... or below... idk. The lightsaber then breaks. Rey then saves her friends by showing her once again superior piloting skills that rival or is possibly better then Anakin Skywalker himself. Hitting 3 in one shot? You go girl! She then uses the force to effortlessly move the big ass boulders out of the entrance to save the resistance. Last I remember... Luke struggled to do that with a few way smaller rocks and was also focusing hard to do.
Luke is finally at jedi status! Woohoo! Now Luke first saves Han from Jabba. It shows his very dark side tendencies by choking the guards (like father like son). Luke thinks of a actual plan before going in (CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT). Luke “Chanel Boots” Skywalker goes to Yoda on his death bed. All he wants is answers but Yoda wants to be cryptic as fuck. Luke has been lied to for years by his mentors and his family. Luke’s father isn’t hero Anakin Skywalker but actually a big, asthmatic, merciless, murderous asshole who has a choking kink. Luke then says he cannot kill his own father and Obi-Wan, who believes Vader isn’t a human but a machine, has no faith in Luke. He believes that Luke will fail and the Empire would win. Luke feels the conflict and good in him that nobody else does. He knows that Vader is unloyal to the emperor and he actually cares about his own son. When he is with Han and Leia he realizes he made a mistake and has a bad feeling about it. (*gasp* Luke is not being super reckless). He’s not arrogant (not in anyway) but he’s completely confident that Vader would turn. (He isn’t flawless there is still obvious problem with this plan he has. He fails, the empire wins. He dies, the emperor wins. Vader doesn’t turn, Luke fails. Luke almost succumbs to the dark side and it’s actually plausible he might fully turn. He wants to desperately save his friends and his father has done horrible things to Luke. Luke had every reason to kill Vader. But he doesn’t. He throws the lightsaber away and foolishly puts his life in Vader’s hand. Luke doesn’t save the galaxy because he can make things levitate with the force. He wins because he had the strength to resist the dark side and has so much love and pure good in his heart he saw the good in his father.
Rey starts off with a training session (no idc it’s too fucking late now. 3 movies in? Is she doing reverse character development?) and basically Poe gets mad at Rey for not accompanying them on missions. I still don’t know why she needs training, when she is at a decent strength to fight elite guards, fight kylo ren, and a variety of other things that typically takes a long time to learn. After finding out Palpatine returned, Rey goes on a mission to find the way finder almost like a shitty videogame. I don’t even want to talk about the force dyad anymore because it’s fucking dumb. Rey gets chased by the force order and hear this out, FORCE HEALS (i forgot what the animal was but idrc). Which means Rey had the power to stop the painful truth of death themself. Why am I not surprised? Rey did something that no other jedi nor sith or jedi have ever done this. Anakin went to the dark side to save the ones he love. This movie was just a slap in the face to Anakin. Rey then fights Kylo Ren and lost??? again it seems a little too late and it also didn’t make sense. Rey defeated those guards all by herself with Kylo needed help from her. She’s obviously the better lightsaber duelist but hey, at least JJ was trying to mellow her out a bit. Rey stabs him while our beloved Princess died. She then regrets her decision and as always, doesn’t have any consequence to her actions. By the force I forgot, the whole scene where she is revealed as a Palpatine? Completely invalidates the first two movies but eh whatever. She uses a power that only the elite sith does... something Kylo Ren himself could not do (and he’s on the dark side). Rey “killed” Chewie but actually no she didn’t because Chewie is perfectly fine. Rey is supposed to be all dark and edgy now, “you don’t know me” BS. Yeah I’m sorry I won’t tolerate this because my only allergy is the fish smelling coochie bullshit called the sequel trilogy. Rey got scared of her dark self. Well at least JJ tried? Rey then almost gives up but Luke was like “nah fam you cant”. Rey dies trying to fight Palpatine but then as usual, she gets zero consequence cuz Benny Simp saved her using the force. Then she kissed him... no. No. No. This made my eyes burn like they just threw bleach in my eyes. It made no sense. “A Kiss of Gratitude”? What the shit was that? GIRLS DO NOT INSPIRE TO BE REY.
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we-are-inevitable · 3 years
not moving on, not looking back // javid (ch. 10)
A/N: y’all know the drill
TW: discussion of abuse (physical and substance related)
Read On AO3!
And that’s how it starts.
They stop at David’s beforehand so he can change out of his slacks, shirt, and tie, and if David purposefully wears an outfit to elicit a certain response from Jack, he plays it off pretty well. He had changed into a tight white t-shirt and a pair of jeans that fit in all the right places, hidden under a baggy hoodie that he didn't take off until he was safe within the walls of Jack’s home. It feels… empty, now that Katherine isn’t there to fill the space with her voice, her presence.
It’ll be an adjustment, but as long as Katherine and Jack are okay with it, then David will follow their lead.
David sits alone on his phone while Jack goes upstairs and changes. He scrolls through twitter for a while, until he hears footsteps and-- oh, holy shit. Jack walks into view wearing a black sleeveless muscle shirt and gray sweats, and his hair looks so deliciously messy from combing the gel out. He’d clearly gone for the more comfortable look, and David has to stop himself from staring.
“You want anything to drink?” Jack asks as he walks into the kitchen, which prompts David to stand and follow him. Jack grabs a beer from the fridge, offering a second to David.
“Hey, I know we kind of talked already, but… How are you? Like, really?” David asks as Jack takes a drink.
Jack takes in a deep breath and shrugs as he hops onto the island in the middle of the kitchen, swinging his feet. He looks up at David, who has positioned himself to lean against the counter about two feet in front of Jack. “It… It tore me up for a while last night, after she told me, but honestly? I feel a lot better. Like a weight’s been lifted. I had a bad panic attack, but we talked more last night than we’ve talked to each other in ages, and I… I feel like I got my best friend back, y’know? I didn’t get a lot of sleep, though, just… because it’s makin’ me think about stuff I ain’t never thought about before.”
“Like what?” David asks softly, tilting his head before taking a sip of the beer. “Not that- I mean, you don’t have to tell me, but maybe I can help a little. I don’t mind.”
“It’s just… Family stuff,” Jack admits, then rubs his forehead. “We told my Ma last night and she was, y’know, a bit disappointed, but she understood. I just… The whole divorce thing makes me feel like my dad,” Jack explains softly, crossing his arms over his chest. For someone who is nearing thirty, Jack looks like a vulnerable teenager right then. He slowly looks up into David’s eyes, gulping. “He always said he regretted not getting a divorce. He wasn’t a good guy at all. Homophobic, real republican, but my mom married him because he had a good job and a good family. He was the one to kinda push the whole football thing on me, but I was never good at playin’, y’know? Loved the game, but I didn’t have any skill, trust me," Jack says with a chuckle, shaking his head.
“Did they get a divorce? Your parents?”
“No, my, uh… My mama died before anything was finalized, and everything kinda took a turn. I got… I don’t know. I was really fucked up for a long time. The school counselor suggested that I start drawing my feelings or starting a journal or something, and it worked. Really well, actually. I loved it.”
“Is that what got you into art? Kath mentioned that you wanted to go to art school,” David murmurs, moving to lean against the island, right next to Jack’s leg.
“Yeah, actually,” Jack says with a laugh, then gulps. “My dad wasn’t a fan of me doing the art stuff. I took an art class in middle school, and we had a showcase at the end of the year. I invited him to it, and he-- Do you, uh, do you mind if I talk about this? I don’t wanna force, like, heavy shit on you if you aren’t comfortable,” Jack cuts himself off, looking at David with a gulp. “I’ve only ever told my ma and Kath about this. My dad just… wasn’t a nice guy.”
“Thanks for checking in, but I don’t mind, okay? I’ll tell you if I’m ever not in the right headspace, but, Jack, you’re going through a lot. Just let it out,” David encourages with a sad grin.
Jack nods, then takes in a deep breath. “So-- Art show. Dad said he wasn’t gonna come. Told me he wasn’t gonna support me doing something ‘queer’, even though I’m- even though I told him I wasn’t,” Jack explains, taking a long drink from his bottle with a blank expression on his face. “But, uh, he didn’t believe me when I told him I wasn’t, and he… slapped me. That was when I was eleven. The physical stuff continued, ‘specially when football season started up again and he saw that I was on the bench every game, ‘cause I really wasn’t good at it. It got… rough. It only stopped when my coach noticed a bruise when we were practicing and I- I guess I was real stiff and limping real hard, so he told me to sit out, and when I took my pads off, my shirt lifted up, and… My dad was in police custody the next morning.”
“Fuck, Jack,” David says in an apologetic voice, staring at him with a lump in his throat. “I’m so sorry you went through that… Did he go to prison, or--”
“Yeah, there was a bunch of evidence, so- so he went to prison. Really easy case against him. He was supposed to get, um, ten years, I think. The last time I saw him, he told me that he was glad my mom was dead so she didn’t have to see me 'turn gay’- like I said, he was a shitty guy. That… I don’t know. I used to be like that, too, but then one of my friends, a coworker of mine, came out, like… eight years ago?” Jack bites his lip, looking down at his hands after putting his bottle down. “I’ve changed. I realized that I was just actin’ like him. I never realized he was so… bad, until I became an adult.”
“Are you still…” David gulps. “You haven’t talked to your father?”
Jack looks up at David, and smiles sadly. “He had a heart attack in prison, about five years in. So… yeah. I’m all that’s left.”
David is at a loss for words. He doesn’t know what to say. This is not how he thought the night would go, but at least Jack was getting to vent and David was getting to know him on an even more personal level but, good God, Jack had been through so much.
And adding being adopted, losing his daughter, and divorcing his wife into the mix…
Jack has hurt more in his life than he ever let on.
“Jack, I… I don’t know what to say,” David admits with a frown, but slowly reaches out, placing a hand on Jack’s shoulder. “Thank you for telling me all of that. You… You’re so strong, y’know? You’ve been through so much, yet you’re successful and smart and… I know we haven’t known each other long, but I am so, so proud of you. But- but you shouldn't have had to be so strong. You didn't deserve any of that. Not the… Not the abuse, or the homophobia, or the pressure. If you ever need to talk about it again, I’m just a phone call away.”
“Thank you, Davey, that means a lot,” Jack says with a tight-lipped grin, then gulps. “What about you? You got any skeletons in your closet? 'S only fair that you tell me somethin' sad now, y'know.”
David stares at him for a moment. He then holds up one finger and downs the rest of the beer in his bottle, taking in a deep breath once he is done. His eyes close and he tilts his head back, then begins speaking. “From the age of twenty-two to about a month and a half ago, I was addicted to cocaine. I had a brief stint in which heroin was a daily thing, but that stopped after a few months. Too expensive. I regularly had sex with drug dealers in exchange for pills, I’ve been kicked out of gay bars for showing up high out of my mind, I now go to Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and I have to spend, like, ten minutes every morning trying to convince myself not to call in sick just because I’m having bad withdrawals. Bad as in, like, shaking in the shower and crying because I feel like I need to shoot up.” He slowly opens one eye, shooting a sad grin toward Jack. “I guess we’re even, huh?”
Jack stares at him for a few moments, then lets out a laugh as he nods along. “I- I guess you can say that, yeah,” He murmurs, then looks at David with a gulp. “If you ever need anything, just let me know, ‘kay? I don’t… I don’t really have experience with that kind of stuff, but if you ever need anything, I’m here, whether you need to talk, or you… need somewhere to stay,” Jack says slowly, seriously, and David nods. “I’m right here, Dave. Just like you're here for me.”
“Thank you, Jack. I’ve been getting better, I think- the, uh, withdrawals are starting to mellow out, at least a little bit, but it’s just… getting used to sobriety that’s throwing me for a loop,” David admits. He watches Jack’s eyes shift from his face to the empty bottle in his hand, and David shakes his head. “I know what you’re thinking-- I never had an alcohol problem, it was just the drugs. I, uh, don’t drink often, though. Just to make sure.”
David doesn’t drink often because David has an addictive personality. David doesn’t drink often because David knows he’s susceptible to alcoholism if he goes down the wrong path.
It makes him feel better to know that Jack is watching out for him in that way, though.
“If you’re sure,” Jack responds with a kind smile. The two of them fall into a comfortable silence. Jack finishes his beer, David watches him, and everything is… calm.
But not for long.
“Dave? Can I ask you a kind of weird question?”
“How’d ya know you were gay?”
David’s eyes widen a bit. He wasn’t expecting... that. He looks up, but Jack refuses to meet his eyes. He’s instead staring at the cabinet above the sink, sitting eerily still, and David isn’t sure how to respond for a few moments. Slowly, David shrugs, and looks down at his hands. “I just never really found an interest in women. Plus, I used to be really into this guy in one of my classes… I don’t know, it was just kind of natural for me. My parents were religious, but they never really said anything about it if I brought guys home for dinner, or if I wore makeup to school. I never really had that… epiphany, I just… I was just gay. Never questioned it,” He explains, holding his breath in the heavy silence that follows. He slowly glances back up toward Jack, expecting to see him staring off into space, but to his surprise Jack is staring right back at him. “Can I ask why you’re asking?”
Jack gulps. There’s a long moment of silence, before he sits up a little straighter. “Kath has been talking about 'self exploration' ever since yesterday. Mentioned she’s, uh… curious.”
Jack meets David’s eyes. He stares for a few moments before locking his lips, straightening his posture, and saying, “I think I might be, too.”
There’s a beat of silence. David holds his breath. Holds Jack’s gaze. He waits for a few moments, waiting for Jack to back down, but it never comes. Finally, David gives in.
He asks, breathless, “Wanna find out?”
There’s no more speaking after that.
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Seventh week of dog grooming school
So...week seven was very unfortunately cut short. Today (thursday) a blizzard started so my dog for the second half of today got cancelled and school got cancelled tomorrow as well. so you’re getting my week seven update a bit early.
Day 31: Moose the shih tzu
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So...I yet again was asked per owner’s request to shave a shih tzu all over with a 10 blade. I’m not a very big fan of having to do this to a dog, especially during winter. I’m not really sure why people would choose to own a shih tzu if they want something like this honestly. At the very least Moose seems to pull this look off better than other shih tzus. I will say though he’s a terrible candidate for this sort of haircut because Moose hates his legs and feet touched, and the feet had to be poodled. Also...he just really did not want to get along with me during the groom. I had to muzzle him because his behavior towards me was quite aggressive. I also needed some help because he just really didn’t vibe with me. My instructor said that Moose normally does not act like that. At first I thought that Moose maybe just didn’t like me because sometimes dogs just decide from the get go that they don’t like people. But he was actually quite sweet with me once we were done, so I think maybe he just woke up in a bad mood that day and didn’t want to be groomed. My guess is he didn’t get much sleep the night before.
Lucy the shih tzu.
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So day 31 was like double shih tzu day. And yet ANOTHER Lucy. So, Lucy came in with her brother Rex (groomed by my classmate) and right after we got the two of them bathed and brushed and we were about to dry them, my classmate noticed a couple of fleas on Rex’s body. Normally the school would not accept dogs with fleas, but at that point it was too late. Since Rex and Lucy live together, we assumed Lucy probably also had them so they ended up getting a second (super long) bath with flea treatment. I never actually saw any on Lucy, but it was a safety precaution. Unfortunately this ate up quite a bit of time so we had to rush the rest of our grooms. It was a good learning experience though I guess.
Day 32: Jasper the cockapoo
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I’m giving you guys the before and after on him so you can see how much was changed. You might remember Jasper from week one. Our school doesn’t really get bichons, but Jasper has similar fur so he’s the dog I learned the bichon head style on. My instructor demonstrated most of the steps to the head on him for me, and then had me do the final step of blending with thinning shears. It’s hard. Bichon heads are like, the hardest type of head to do so it was a little confusing. I think I at least remember the steps though. The rest of the body is me though. Jasper’s a pretty good puppy and behaved better than even some adult dogs I’ve groomed. (He did bite once while I did feet, but he’s a puppy so it’s easy to forgive)
Loki the rat terrier
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So rat terriers are very simple grooms. All you do is bathe them, express glands, clean their ears, trim their nails, and card the coat. Loki for the most part was a real piece of cake. He’s a very difficult feet guy though so I had help with the nails since apparently not a single student so far has been able to do his unassisted. Otherwise he’s a great dog to groom! I love carding coats because dogs love it and you really feel like you are bonding when you do it. It was a real joy to see Loki chill out and basically melt into a puddle on the table.
Day 33: Josie the airedale terrier
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So, this is my first wire coated dog groom and my first terrier type hair style. This groom was easier than I thought it would be. When my instructor showed me how to do the head, it was way less complicated than our textbook made it out to be. And the body didn’t get clipped at all. Instead most of this groom was carding and hand stripping. However, we used a stripping knife to help do it instead of like, truly plucking the hairs by hand. This is a very long and very tedius process though so one other classmate did this with me to save time and so we can both learn it at once. I like Josie. She’s a very good girl as far of terriers go and one of the prettiest dogs I’ve seen.
Charlie the australian shepard
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I have never met a dog who enjoyed taking a bath as much as this dude. He got the big full-blown deshed treatment. He was really into it. Grinning the whole time I raked and brushed his coat out. It must’ve felt good getting rid of his excess loose fur. He had more of it than any other dog I’ve groomed. Charlie must’ve felt lighter. He’s my friend. He’s nice for the most part (except that he isn’t a paw pad guy), and I enjoyed my time with him.
Day 34: Aggie the shichon (shih tzu/bichon mix)
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So Aggie is a puppy so he sort of has an excuse for his behavior. But he was not easy. He squirms a ton and he does not hesitate to try to bite. I really tried hard to avoid doing it because he’s so young and I didn’t want him to cement it as what happens during grooming, but he bit me like three times so I was told to put on a muzzle. I had issues with him fighting every little thing I do. My instructor told me my problem is that I am too nice so he thinks he can just walk all over me. So I tried to be more firm. He was still pretty disobedient but at least mellowed out towards the end. I think I’m the proudest of his ears. His were super matted but I still managed to save them and make them look good by undercutting them. I was supposed to get a second dog today but we had to cancel because of weather.
Day 35: cancelled because there is gonna be a fucking big blizzard ☹️
So...next week will be my very last week of grooming school. Right when I get home, I already have a couple salons that are interested in maybe hiring me. I’m excited, but I am also super nervous. Two months is not a very long time...y’all pls wish me luck.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
HEY BAE OK CAN I GET AN AESTHETIC MATCHUP??? FOR MHA??? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE MY VIBES BUT IDK I THINK YOU KNOW ME P WELL AND YOU’VE SEEN ME BUT I’LL TELL YOU SOME STUFF: love love love piercings and tattoos! My closet (aside from work clothes) consists of mostly black, brown, gray, white, orange, and red and i like being scary goth sexy awooga😏😏 for music I LOVEEE midwest emo and pop punk but i’m also a total sucker for like indie folk and just vibey flowey music? idk how to describe it but it’s! so! good! my favorite animals are cows and i’m suPer into windmills. i think peak relationship/friendship is bullying the fuck out of each other like straight up cruelty but loving the absolute shit out of each other <3 i like to tease my friends and in person i’m pretty quiet and sarcastic (i’ve heard i’m rude and intimidating if u don’t know me :|) but i am also sweet asf. ok i know this isn’t a vibe matchup but i feel the need to clarify i can be super loud and energetic w my friends but i’m a big mf introvert and people always tell me i have a scowl on my face😐😐 i get asked what’s wrong so often for no reason pls i’m just trying to exist — i’m trying to think of more aesthetics uhhh. i’ll just list specific niche things.“under eye bags and dark circles, calling someone a dumbass with adoration, cigarettes in the dark, cold pavement on your feet early morning, walking in a forest at night, dim lighting and smoky rooms, a laugh filled kiss in secret, music playing in headphones way too loud, impulsive piercings, pushing your s/o around in a shopping cart, laughing too loud, playing with lighters, hair in bubble pigtails or double braids, hiding from the cops” ‼️‼️‼️
RAMSEY MY BELOVED!! When I tell you I was so incredibly excited to write your matchup I hope you take that at its full value because oh my gosh my brain exploded with all the possibilities here. There’s a couple options I think that could have suited you (because your vibe is incredibly chill and fun so it meshes well with a lot of characters), but in the end I without a doubt had to match you up with...
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I swear that this shit is not even pandering because I know you’ve got a soft spot for this man — he is the ideal person for you. And in the slim,, almost nonexistent chance that you don’t want this reliable, lovable, dorky dumbass by your side, I will personally step in to take your place because good heavens is he just incredible.
Denki is loud and energetic most of the time, although he does have his share of mellow and sometimes more serious moments. He absolutely adores being around other people, and that sociable attitude is only emphasized when he’s around his closest friends. If you have a bit of trouble meshing with a group or a specific conversation, Denki will notice pretty damn quick and do whatever he can to make you feel comfortable and/or involved.
And if it’s lovable insults you want, he can and will provide. My man is friends with Bakugo Katsuki and the iconic Kyouka Jiro, so he knows how to take a roast and then jab right back if he so pleases. He’ll call you a dumbass in so many subtle ways that it would almost be hurtful if you both didn’t love each other to pieces (which you do), and the fact that you retort with an even sharper tongue makes him incredibly happy. Oh, and if he ever thinks he’s overstepped a line regarding your comfort zone, he won’t hesitate to apologize sincerely.
Denki is canonically a HUGE music fan. That space in his head that was supposed to be for academic knowledge instead harbors extensive information on pop culture and entertainment, and he loves sharing new things with you. Punk? Rock? Indie? He’ll have a taste of it all in his multiple playlists on Spotify Premium. Man turns up his headphone volume so loud that you’re confused as to how he isn’t deaf yet. If you’re having a rough day, he puts those big chunky (noise blocking!) ones over your ears and kisses the top of your head, tossing you his phone and letting you pick any song of preference.
Y’all have mandatory vibe parties in his dorm room every week. They can last as long as five hours without breaks. FIVE FUCKING HOURS. There’s snacks, you help pick out the songs in the queue, and someone nearly breaks an ankle during a transition from Mom Jeans’ “Edward 40hands” into The Oh Hellos’ “Bitter Water” but it’s all good in the end. He’s definitely a hype man too, so expect to dissolve into fits of laughter at his energized attempts to cheer you on.
Oh, he can also play electric guitar, so do with that information what you will. Just kidding, I’ll help boost your imagination a little bit: him teaching you the chords to a song you love while sitting in between his legs on the common room couch. With his fingers just barely grazing over your own as he guides you through. Send tweet.
I just know he doesn’t have a stable sleep schedule, so prep your night owl ass for some late night dorm sneak-in shenanigans and a few deep conversations to follow it. Do you both sometimes fall asleep on the floor of each other’s rooms at 3 am? Yeah...sometimes y’all share three brain cells combined, but it simply adds to your charm.
You make runs off campus together all the time, too! It’s a known fact around the Class 1-A dorm that you both love volunteering for monthly grocery shopping, but everyone finds it hard to trust the sound decision-making of you dorks after the incident — otherwise known as you and Denki spending a good fraction of the school-provided food funds on multiple random snack brands. ‘It was a one time thing,’ you insist, and since no one else wants to go on the grocery store trek they’re inclined to believe it. Some classmates were more excited about that particular event than others (although Kaminari swears on his vintage record collection that he saw Iida indulge himself on a pack of Pretz), so it’s become a regular thing for students to include a couple snack requests on their shopping list.
To sum it up, Denki makes sure that every day is never completely boring, and his primary payment comes in the occasional glimpse of your smile — and maybe a little kissy if that’s okay (yes, he literally says kissy 😘, istg punch him in the stomach or something he’s so fucking dumb). He’s charming in a stupid, dorky way, but so sincere where it counts that you can’t help but love him at all times. He’d love your ass so much and I just know it in my bones that he’d take care of you, throughout all of the stupid shit you experience together.
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 05 + 07.12.20 lbs
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“tum saari property mere naam karoge.”
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BITCH WHAT NOW???????????
V like dadiiiiiiiiiii ko dhokaaaaaaaa?!!!!?!?!?! oh ho, lagta hai pair chhoote chhoote V ko asli waale feels aa gaye dadi ke liye, free of charge!
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also what else that tongue do (other than throw constant taane to guilt a bitch) baby boy mmmmmmmhmmmmmmm 😏😏😏
riddhima thinking ki property meaning khatra and she can’t allow it to stay on dadi, she has to take it on herself, so that if kabir tries hurting anyone, it’ll be her.
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this one’s paar ki nazar has recognized that train of thought, i think.
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she’s like think whatever you want idgaf, just do whatever the fuck i say or else. and don’t even think of charging me an extra paisa. jaake bhaanda phodna hai toh phod lo, phir you won’t get your remaining 4.5 cr. DAMN GIRL, WHERE THIS SHAATIR TAKE-CHARGE SIDE OF YOURS BEEN ALL THIS TIME???????/
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hubs thinking same thing. he’s never been more turned on by her as when she’s using maximum brain.
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“kya hai?????? aise taad kyun rahe ho?????????”
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“taadna ekdum free of cost hai. only for your pretty face!” I HATE HIM.
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face change from smiley eyes to shaatir eyes, as he contemplates the facts before him. unf, the things it does to me to see him emote.
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lijiye, iss show ke Idiot Brothers. and their plans to prove it’s not vansh and to get riddhima thrown out. i’ll pass.
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but this one’s face tho. cutest. 
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same, aryan. mera bhi yehiiiii reaction hai. taareeef karoon kya uskiiiii, jissne, tumhe banaaya!
some rando has come and is like hi, i’m your new lawyer; your old one appointed me before he left. no doubt he’s been sent by kabir.
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V’s face: chutiya samajh rakha hai kya???? that’s not how this shit works.
v is like you’re here about my will and lmao riddhima’s all happy thinking oh vihaan has started my work already. SIS TILL NOW WHAT HAS HE DONE ACC TO YOUR PLAN? TELL ME ONE (1) THING THAT HE’S DONE LIKE YOU SAID.
yadda yadda yadda lawyer is like the property cannot be transferred for a few months. because Reasons. sure. sounds legit.
kabir is ecstatic. needs to learn to hide his MWAHAHAHAHAHA MERA CHAAL KAAM KAR GAYA FACE better if he wants to win at this game. he’s up against poker face all india/tellywood champion.
fb to kabir bribe/threatening lawyer. zero surprise.
V telling dadi idc about all this, meri asli daulat toh aap hai. lmao he really just does not give the other grandkids a chance to be #1 in dadi’s books.
ishani is pakka sure this is vansh bhai itselfffffffffff. and lmao angre’s suspicious face. they’re legit like:
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V trying to negotiate salary increase (10% per month!!!!!!!!) and riddhima’s like bhakkkkkkk, sabzi mandi laga rakhi hai kya maine? yeh faltu ki bargaining nahi chalegi yahaan, jo karna hai karlo.
ishani’s back with bhai’s favvvvvvvvv chocolate cake and.... OH NO HE WAS SO FUCKING RUDE TO HERRRRRRRRRRRRR. riddhima ko sabak sikhaane ke liye ishani ko kyun sunaaaa rahe hoooo!?!?!?!!?
anyway riddhima tried to sametofy that raita by apologizing to ishani and.......... that went as well as expected.
kabir and aryan watching and lootofying mazze.
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lmaooooo aryan tubelight ko situation samajh hi nahi aaya and kabir is just like
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lmao have you seen a more pitying look????
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angsty piano playing time.
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lmaooooooooo she’s like “jahaan vansh banna tha, wahaan bann nahi paaye, yahaan yeh karke kya kya fayyda hai?” which......... troo. i really like this give-no-fucks version of riddhima who says what’s on her mind, instead of just doing lengthy internal monologues of stupidity. 
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as,kjdlkasjd;lksjd;lkjsa;ldkjsa;lk she’s like vansh never yelled at anyone if it wasn’t a big deal. to which V is reacting just the way i am rn.......
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‘lmao reallllllllly??? i don’t remember it like that.’
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more lecture and yeah, i relate to him.
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ishani over here crying to angre about bachpan se leke aaj tak vansh bhai ne kabhi nahi daanta. which again i’m like?????????? i have literally only seen V1.0 yelling at ishani for some bs or the other. literally never has he shown her any pyaar; the most he’s ever mellowed at her was when he gruffly told her sunny’s “truth” and made her understand that the wedding with angre would be good for her. nostalgia comes with some reallllll rose tinted glasses huh, ki everyone’s whitewashing asshole!vansh this way.
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soft ship gently chugging along!
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anyway angre has a plan and ishani like so help me god imma murder this fucker if he’s not vansh. there’s my girl!!!!!
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this one is driving a hardddddddd bargain and wow, really going to town on that piano. riddhima doesn’t find it shady at allllllllllllllllll that he’s an equally good piano player as vansh huh? zerooooo thoughts about that.
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“gunaah karne waale se bada gunehgaar hota hai gunaah sehne waala.” bhai waaah, isske victim complex ko mera salaam, ki bechaara is ONLY GETTING 5 CRORES, BOOOOOO HOOOOO.
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“jabse tumse yeh deal kii haina, badi gandiiiii waali feeling aa rahi hai!” lmaoooooo yeah sureee, i can see how torturous it is, to be paid OBSCENELY to......... play yourself.
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“mujhe teen guna chahiye. i want triple.”
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oh boy ishani and angre have entered hearing about “triple”.
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softttttttttttttttttttt siblingssssssss. baaaaabies.
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but hubs and wifey have come with some stress relief for bhai, lol.
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lmao riddhima’s reactionnnnnnnnn.
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lo ji yeh bhi aa gaya rang mein bhang daalne. wants to make things interesting via bet. some realllllll high stakes shit. good lord, don’t be gross and bet riddhima or something, maharabharat style.
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aaaaaand it’s on!
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no point screaming in your mind, riddhima. should have sent him to basketball camp before you recruited him.
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"bohut mazaa aayega!!!!” lmaooooooo seeeeee, i told y’all. all this big baby legit wants is someone to playyy with himmmmm. have you ever seen him look THISSSSS HAPPY EVERRRRRR??????????
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lmao @ his purposely bad dribbling.
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stressing Dollar Biwi out some more by saying he hasn’t even watched the game on tv.
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unffffff. Chehra Appreciation Break. these go out to my girl @nawaazishein​ (she knows exaaaaaaaactly why.)
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riddhima is like when you pick teams, pick me, and kabir is here to talk smack and say everyone’s gonna find outtttttt nowwww.
ok great, whole fam’s here. there’s a chalkboard set up for the score and everythinggggg. coz as per usual, no one else has nothing else to do. not even catch up on their podcasts or play some candy crush or nothing. they just wanna watch these two grownass men having a pissing contest.
V wins the toss but aryan’s bitch ass lies and says kabir won it. K selects riddhima first.
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he knew that kabir’s dumb ass would do exactly that. besides, he’s seen riddhima play. she sucks ass at it. best if she brings down K’s team from the inside, lol.
V’s picks: useless!chacha, angre. K’s pick: aryan. rules established, ki after every 10 points, rival team se player will be out.
all i can think of rn is that everyone went and changed and riddhima’s gonna play in her sari and heels?!?!?!?!!!?!?
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game faces on!
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lol such bball captain and his gf head cheerleader vibes. CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god are we supposed to sit and listen to chachi’s commentary?!?!!?!?
please note i’m literally only watching this ep to see the boys’ shirts move and expose chest and abs. 
riddhima gets the ball and is standing there in one place dribbling so that V can easily intercept and he’s just..........
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............. imitating a frilled dragon or some shit?????
kabir just took the ball from her and scored.
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first basket he made and he’s already telling vansh to give up. dude, hadh hoti hai overconfidence ki.
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V like haar-jeet ka faisla end mein hota hai. i would say i’ve already won, getting to see this much sweaty neck and chest, mmmmhmmmmmm.
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SCOREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! i mean, yeah V scored a point in the game or whateverrrrrrrr, BUT **I** GOT TO SEE SOME TUMMY WHEN HE JUMPED UP!!!!!
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lol idk what the sassy finger wave was for, but i liked watching it.
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aryan’s out.
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AND I SCORE AGAIN!!!!! ouff, the things i have to resort to coz they don’t gimme tellywood men shirtless anymore.
useless!chacha’s out.
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askljdlkjlkdjlsakjdlsakjdlsdjlaskjdlj bechaara kabir.
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“you. out, please!”
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sureeeeeely he will not pull the kkhh move in front of the whole fam??????/ will he?????????
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look at his face, ki awwwwww, how cute that she’s trying.
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riddhima is so stupid, if she scored all these points, why didn’t she pick V to leave the game instead of angre!?!?!?!!?!?
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BITCH DID THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“isski har harkat vansh se kyun milti hai?????” idk sis, take a wiiiiiiiiiild guess. if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck........... MAYBE THE FUCKING 6 FOOT 2″ DUCK LOOMING IN FRONT OF YOU AND RUNNING HIS HANDS ALL OVER YOU IS YOUR FUCKING HUSBAND??????
the way he’s smiling is practically challenging her to figure it out.
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she’s still like nope, not him. just a coincidence. while she mulls on that brain fart, imma stare at rrahul’s chest some more.
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of course.
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“yeh bonus hai. free of charge. just for your pretty face!”
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this dumbass is also hung up ki how overnight he became good at playing basketball. abbe oh gobar ganesh why can’t you just accept it’s him?!!?!?!?
aryan’s like dude, it’s him. i’ve seen him play. this is him.
but there must be somethinggggggg unique about vansh’s style right????
ahaaaa, ambidextrous.
kabir legit threw something like that looks like a clown’s nose. i guess he just carries that around full time coz he’s a 🤡🤡🤡
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blah blah we already knew this from the precap. i’m just fwding to when he plays with the left and wins.
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lmao V’s faaaaaaaaace. when kabir finally gets his day of reckoning, vansh is really nottttttt gonna hold back.
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never seen ppl THIS happy to see a left handed person, lol.
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“vihaan vansh ki tarah left hand se khel sakta hai??????”
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lmaoooooooooo his face is like jo toota nahi tha, woh bhi tod ke rakh degi.
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lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. asshole.
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uh huh honeyyyyyyyyy. did the Vansh Move.
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asking how you did all this when i never told you these facts about vansh?
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“tum zaroorat se zyaada sochti ho, Sweetheart.”
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“kya aisa humne pehle kabhi nahi kiya? kya yeh pal humaari zindagi mein kabhi bhi nahi aaya, riddhima?” he said her name The Vansh Way, not The Vihaan Way!!!!!!!
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“tum mere......”
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“haan riddhima, yeh tumhara veham nahi hai. main vihaan nahi, vansh hoon. tumhara vansh.”
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haaaaaaye bechaari. at this point i’m feeling quite bad for her. it’s not her fault she’s so stupid. ab hai toh hai. kya kar sakte hain. bedagarkkkkkk ho tera, vansh. may you die of blue balls for fucking with her simple mind this way.
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i just did my homework reallllllllllly well, it seems. so my 3x payment is totally worth it. god i wish that pool was full, so that i could dunk his head into it and hold it there for a few minutes.
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and then he turns around and looks at her like this!?!?!?!!?!?!? OUFFFF. FUCK YOU MANNNNNN.
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blah blah talk about how now everyone must be convinced (except kabir) but yeah, i’m just here for The Face.
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shhhhhhhhhh, koi hai. yup. and not at all an excuse to get touchy touchy with wifey and give her some more mindfucky clues as to who you are.
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someone’s watching us, we gotta sort out the property shit realllll quickkkkkkkkk.
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he has An Idea, it seems. oh boy.
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
alright, here we go; long post coming up y’all
(sorry for any errors, or for too much repetition. i am incredibly tired today)
tdlr; bakugou is angry and deserves love and patience
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the name thing is what bothers me the very most about fanon bakugou. he frequently calls people by insults, but even lately in canon has shown to use them less and less, and with people he personally knows, or someone who’s being a dick
and for someone who has so much trouble opening up and developing close relationships in the first place, why the hell would he ever choose to call an s/o by these names? it’s an abusive behavior to do that; i know it’s fictional but could you imagine if your boyfriend called you a ‘fucking dumbass’? ‘endearingly’ or not, i just don’t see how some people could characterize bakugou like that and find it appealing
about showing respect by using names, notice how he hardly calls midoriya anything other than ‘damn deku’, but has rarely slung dumbass or idiot into the mix. he also would never adress his teachers or idols by those things, even though we all know he’s got enough balls and anger to
granted, he doesn’t spare this courtesy with his friends, but speaking realistically i think i say bitch and whore more times a day when talking to my friends than i do their names. i think platonically, with the right context, bond, and tone you can certainly use names like this to show affection. but never to hurt them with
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bakugou is definitely incredibly insecure, which of course we saw in the deku vs kacchan 2 fight when all might broke them up. he’s just a messed up kid with a warped perception of reality (which we’ll go more into on in the next part) a lot that goes into making bakugou the personality he is on fanon is this in the works, and yet it’s completely ignored and excused as an extremely confident dude who shows affection through violence and insults/threats. like, what? you can’t play that off as ‘haha he means well’ like no, no. any perosn with an inkling of sense knows you don’t act like that to people you care about
going off of him being insecure, you’d have to have to be forceful with him to get him to open up, as well as showing him a little bit of tlc because it’s not like literally anyone has ever offered that to him. deku has definitely tried to be close with him, but i don’t think he’s going as deep as he should and to no fault of his; his history with bakugou and bakugous feelings of inferiority prevent that from happening on his end. i don’t think bakugou would be able to be vulnerable to somebody unless they opened up to him first, and had written a reliable history with him. he’s someone who could stand to learn by example
still yet though, a lot of what i see with him on the other side of fanon (him not, y’know, basically being abusive) is that he’s a mellowed out fellow, doesn’t let things bother him, is super sweet. even without everything making him him the way that he is, that’s still his personality. even if he were to overcome all of his issues, that doesn’t mean his entire personality would change. he’s certainly aware of how he presents himself, and how people shy away from him, but as of currently where the anime left off (i’m not caught up on the manga) is okay with that. he focuses on his goals to distract himself from those matters weighing down on him but i think in the future as he had more time to bond with others he’d definitely try to make an effort to change, and from that point is where i tend to write him from. he can still be brash, confident, and teasing all while showing kindness to others, it’s just gonna take time
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mitsuki is, if you ask me, the root of his problems. for real. mitsuki literally criticizes him for the way he handles being kidnapped, makes him feel guilty for it, treats him as if he should have been able to solve everything in his own, shouldn’t have been there in the first place if he was really strong enough, and reinforces this idea in him that a hero should be able to work completely alone. she gives him the idea that needing help or asking for help is weak and he should be ashamed for ‘inconveniecing’ everyone, despite him literally being her 15 year old son kidnapped by the most notorious and dangerous group of villains in the country
that’s not tough love, that is emotional abuse. mitsuki and bakugou’s relationship is more than them both simply being rough around the edges, she sets out to degrade him and knock him down every time he shows an ounce of confidence. it is extremely toxic, and caused him to develop this inferiority complex that we see (only to be amplified by the one person he could confidently assert himself over becoming the all powerful successor to his idol)
if she would have showed him a little bit of weakness, a little bit of the motherly love expected of her, i don’t think he’d be nearly as insecure as he is now. his flashy quirk would still play into his personality, what with adults fawning over him and saying he should be a hero (seen in the beginning of the series) but i think more than anything it would be a not so intense fear of failure. if he had his own mother backing him up, it wouldn’t be nearly as bad
mitsuki has lead him to believe that unless he’s the best and achieves his goal without any help whatsoever, that he should be disappointed, pitied, and seen as a loser
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finally touching the lighter side of things, bakugou would be absolutely hilarious the first time he ever committed himself to a relationship. he’s genuinely never been interested in it, and the few crushes he’s had were completely ignored to fulfill his goals. so far we’ve established that he’s insecure, feels inferior, and has trouble expressing his emotions unless the right person caters to him patiently. there is absolutely NO way that he could go into a relationship confidently, he’d be completely flustered and nervous as hell. i think bakugou is definitely the type to play into cliche romance standards all while pretending he’s too cool to care, and it’s whimsical to say the least
all he cares about is being a hero, so unless someone willing to work with him slowly and show him kindness latches into him and cracks him open, i don’t see him starting a relationship in high school. he wouldn’t be concerned with those matters until he’s finally settled down into a routine work life, and even then wouldn’t be able to develop a good romantic relationship with someone he wasn’t already friends with
as for pda, his flashy show off style and embarrassed ‘never dated anyone and is terrified’ ordeal would clash and leave him wanting to be able to indulge in pda, but far too flustered to go through with it. he’ll hold hand with you, yeah, maybe leave a hand on your waist when you’re idle, but a kiss is taking it outside of his comfort zone. once he’s adapted and overcome these, he’s all over it though. so long as it doesn’t get gross, you know?
i think he would mimic his parents in one sense, that being banter. he’d argue with his s/o, but not in the aggressive manner you’d expect; more so, arguments are a way to exercise his mind and keep him entertained? so i think he’d need an s/o who can keep up with him and playfully bounce back and forth with him over useless things. he’d never take it to the point of anyone being hurt or actually angry, although there would be a couple times he’d lose his temper over something and start an ACTUAL argument that has the potential to escalate. after doing this once or twice though i think he’d work extensively on keeping his cool and having a peaceful albeit tense discussion
otherwise though, i don’t think he wants to be anything like them, and consciously works toward providing a relationship for his s/o much much different from theirs, once that’s open and nurturing
so sorry for the repeated thoughts and spelling mistakes, but those are my thoughts! feel free to add on anymore or elaborate on what’s here so far, and thank you for sending these in babe 😍
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pastelastronomy24 · 5 years
College!Chris Evans x POC! Plus Size!Reader
(College!CEvans x POC!Plus Size!Reader)
A/N: ah yes! My first CEvans fic. I just love the idea of Chris being a goof in college. He’s so cute lmao. Anyways this started off as a joke. My best friend Aliana found the picture below from an insta post about Chris in “The Perfect Score” and then when I said the prompt she gave was like actually pretty good she said I had no choice but to write it ���🏾‍♀️ I took some liberties with the prompt but I think y’all will still like it.
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‘A common misconception is that JFK was the civil rights president, when in fact it was LBJ. JFK only brought up civil rights because his brother Robert pushed for more civil rights issues to.....’
Furious was the hand that held the pen, and you were that hand. History was a pretty standard subject, you had your opinions but didn’t want to risk upsetting the less... melanin-ated people of your class. Honestly you weren’t really focused on the subject, it was all about your notes.
You may have not been an academic scholar but god damn could you write the hell out of some notes. The way your various colored gel pens came together to create an easy to follow and organized masterpiece was the essential key to you passing this class. Honestly if you weren’t such an amazing note taker you would have been fucked.
‘Alright, don’t forget to read pages 165 to 210 by Friday. Tomorrow we’ll talk about the Kennedy Assassinations. Yes, Assassinations PLURAL’
With a deep sigh you closed your notebook and threw your gel pens into your pencil bag. You were about to put your (godly) notes into your bag when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
When you looked up, you were met with a smile and “hey” from a boy who screamed ‘boy next door who pretends to be a pool boy to fuck the cougar from next door’
“Uh hey? You’re Chris right?” His eyes lit up in shock. You assumed it was probably because 1). He’s never talked to you a day in his life 2). He’s never been awake a day in this class.
“Oh...yeah I’m Chris. Listen can I ask you somethin” the second thing you noticed about Chris besides his charming aura, was his thick accent. You wanted to say it was maybe a New York or Bostonian one, but you couldn’t quite place it. You quirked your eyebrows at the sound of his request. He’d walked up to you all confident but he seemed unsure all of a sudden.
“Sure, whats up??” Chris scratched the back of his neck and a boyish grin appeared on his face.
“So.. I uh, I heard you were like the master at taking notes. And well, our Professor says if I don’t start paying attention she’s gonna fail me. So I was wondering if you would ya know, let me see your notes. That way, I can compromise. I could still pass, and do my thing ya know?”
I mean, you had to laugh. You couldn’t hold in your chuckle, looking up at Chris whose grin went from boyish to confused. He laughed out of awkwardness and confusion while you put your notes in your backpack and stood up. You had to look up at him as his stature dwarfed you.
“No.” You stated simply before attempting to walk away. Chris quickly grabbed your arm before you could get too far.
“Awe come on!! Look, I really need your help to pass and I don’t have any other options. I’m too far behind for tutoring and everyone else even says you have the best notes. I’ll even pay you! Name your price.” You looked up at him, and I mean really looked up at him, analyzing his pale blue eyes and pink lips drowning in panic before you sighed.
“Alright fine. But I don’t trust people with my notes, so if we do this I’m gonna be there and I’ll help you organize and copy them by hand. You can pay me 10$, I’m not gonna bleed you dry just because you’re struggling.” The load of stress had been lifted off of Chris’s shoulders as he thanked you profusely and began to walk away. You shook your head, slapping the palm of your hand on your face before yelling out his name. You laughed as he stopped abruptly and turned around jogging back to you.
“Oh uh, whats up? Did I forget something?” You nodded a slight smile on your face. It seemed hard not to smile at the bumbling dummy.
“You don’t know my name, how to contact me, or when and where we’re gonna do this Chris”
He looked genuinely dumbfounded, but before you could speak you began filling in the missing information
“ I’m Y/N, here’s my phone so you can give me your number, and we should start tomorrow after class. I guess the Starbucks or Library could work.” Chris paused while typing in his number to look at you.
“Well see, I was wondering if we could do it at my dorm because well, I’m really hyper and public places make it hard for me to concentrate. I’m afraid we won’t be able to get anything done I have the attention span of a peanut, and I don’t want you to get mad at me.” For the millionth time that day you sighed.
“Okay I guess. Your dorm tomorrow after class. Buy a big notebook. You have a lot of work to do. “
And thus a routine had started. Everyday for the past month you and Chris would saunter off to his dorm and spend hours copying notes and helping him make sense of them before guest hours were over. The first week and a half really tested your patience as Chris really did have the attention span of a peanut if not worse. You helped him concentrate (mostly by threatening to leave if he didn’t stop “going to the bathroom” and “getting something to drink”.) and he mellowed out after awhile. You couldn’t quite place when it happened, but you and Chris had become sort of like close friends. Chris had some crazy magnetic energy that made you always want to be around him but never be able to stand him. It was a friendship forged in fire (well, gel pens).
“Hey y/n, we’re gonna have to adjust our study location today” Chris jogged up to your table where you had just finished zipping up your backpack. He grabbed your bag and slung it over his shoulder like he’d gotten used to doing for the last few weeks (he may have been a big oaf, but he was a sweetheart. He would deny it every time, telling you not to call him a sweetheart for being a decent human being but you digress.) You paused and looked at Chris confused.
“Yeah my roommate just got this girl and they’ve been going at it like cats in heat. I mean they’ve really been fuc-“
“Okay Chris I get it. “ You choked on your laughter. “I was thinking we could start studying at your dorm instead since I’m not sure when they’re gonna let up”. You shrugged “I mean I guess, but you sure you don’t want to do it a Starbucks? We have a shit ton of notes today and I know how sleepy and restless you can get.” He shook his head vigorously. “Nah Y/N it should be fine, plus you know how I am in public spaces, we’ll never finish even with all the coffee in the world.” You sighed and nodded. He was right, the poor baby couldn’t concentrate in public to save his life. It’s probably why he slept so much and zoned out during class.
“Yeah love, you’re probably right. Lemme text my roommate and tell her. Make sure she knows we’ll try to be out of her way.”
You texted Valeria, you best friend and roommate about the situation.
Of course the first thing her little messy ass had to say was ‘oh the hot one who looks at you like you’re the moon to his stars?? I’m cool with that.’ You groaned in irritation which prompted Chris to try and sneak a peek at your text. You snatched the phone away from his view before he could see it.
“Heyyy!” He tried again and you shoved his shoulder.
“ ‘Heeyyy’ nothin! Get your nosey ass away from my phone!” You giggled, and Chris couldn’t help but do the same. It seemed like nowadays your laughs and smiles were infectious to each other. “What?! I’m just trying to see what Val said! That’s my -what do you call it?- oh yeah that’s my dawg!” He was grinning like the shit eater he was as you looked at him dumbfounded.
“Absolutely not. I don’t ever want to hear you say that shit again.” He threw his head back in fake annoyance as you continued walking towards your dorm.
“Awe come onnnn! You say it all the time. Maybe it’s only cool when you say it. “ you chuckled and reached over to pinch his cheek. He whined and swatted your hand away.
“Awe! Little Evans wants to sound like me. That’s so cuteee!” It was Chris’s turn to shove your shoulder. He almost made you tumble over, but he caught you by the waist and steadied your balance. “Ugh Y/N don’t do that you know that’s not what I meant! Sometimes you just say stuff and it’s kinda... it’s kinda cool ya know? Like the way you talk.” As you continued your trek towards your dorm, he kept his hand on the side of your waist very lightly. “All I’m hearing right now, is that you wanna be like me, and that’s all I’m acknowledging.” Chris threw his head down in defeat knowing that if he kept going you’d keep embarrassing you. You were on him like white on rice with the comebacks at all times.
“Yeah whatever. You continue to have selective hearing if you want to, but it’ll get you nowhere.“ He shrugged as you used your key card to get into the lobby of your dorm. You both flashed the front desk your key cards before signing in and approaching the elevator.
“After you, my favorite note taker” Chris ushered you into the elevator while you rolled your eyes. “I’m your only note taker. You don’t even take notes dingus. That’s why we’ve been doing this for two and a half months.” You told Chris to press the button to the 5th floor then he leaned back against the corner of the elevator while you stood beside him.
“That doesn’t mean you’re not my favorite note taker.” He reached over to boop your nose, and you scrunched it up in response. “You know what? I don’t like you” You poked his chest and all he did was smile while leaning closer to you. “That’s cool. You don’t have to like the people you love anyways.” You stood wide mouthed and shocked, but before you could retort the elevator doors opened and Chris began walking away.
“Come on Y/N it’s hot as shit and you said we have a lot of work to do.” You reluctantly stepped out of the elevator and found Chris, stepping ahead to lead him to your room. “Welcome, to the most comfortable place on earth.” You very dramatically threw your arms in the air to get him to marvel at your room. It was a good thing you’d cleaned it up earlier in the week (it was a disaster before). Chris walked around looking at the various nerdy posters you had on your wall and the pictures of friends on your desk while you went to turn on your fairy lights for better lighting. When you finished, you turned around to see Chris splayed across your bed and you scoffed. “At least you’re considerate enough to keep your dirty ass shoes off my white marble comforter. It would have been a shame if I had to end you today.” He sat up and reached for your arm, pulling you with him to sit down on your bed.
“It’s because I’m nice like that. You’re welcome.” You ignored the cheesey smile on his face while he passed you your backpack so you could get your galaxy spiral note book. Chris reached into his bag and did the same pulling out the notebook he bought to match yours (more receipts to prove that he wanted to be like you). “Shush. Your mouth wastes time and I don’t wanna hear you complaining to me when it’s twelve years later and we’re still organizing and going over these notes.” You pulled out your gel pens and the work began.
Three hours. Three whole hours. That’s how long you and Chris had been organizing his notes before he tapped out. “Good god I’m fucking wiped OUT!” Chris exclaimed. He threw his pencil down and plopped his head down on your thick thigh. “Y/NNN, can we please take a break?? I’m dyin over here. My hand has never cramped harder in my life!” He looked up at you with pleading eyes and a pout. He was a human puppy dog. You couldn’t deny that the action had caused a heat to rise in your cheeks and your heart to flutter, but you played it off, amused at his exasperation. “Fine! Your whining has won me over. And you’re also right we need a break. But I get to pick the show!” Chris did a little victory fist pump in the air and you patted his head. He jumped up and sauntered over to the pantry, looking through it before pulling out two bags of Extra Butter Movie Theater Popcorn and a bowl. While he put the first bag in the microwave, you got up and looked in the fridge, pulling out two bottles of Mountain Dew.
You walked over to your TV and turned it on grabbing your Roku remote. “Hey Chris, since you think the way I talk is so ‘cool’ I’m making you watch The Boondocks.” You yelled over to him while he poured the popcorn into the bowl and walked over to you. Your TV was placed purposely in front of your bed, so you both popped up on it, with Chris getting comfortable on the corner of the wall that the bed touched and you sitting crisscross besides him. “Here” you handed him his drink and he said thank you before placing the popcorn bowl in your lap. “Okay so The Boondocks is probably the best cartoon made in television history. And I know that sounds dramatic but it’s true.” You looked over to see Chris laughing quietly. “I trust your opinion. You’ve never been wrong before. “ he shrugged and you shook your head in agreement. “You’re damn right. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” You hovered the remote over to the first episode titled “The Garden Party” and clicked play. “We’re only gonna watch THREE episodes before we get back to work okay??” Chris smacked his teeth and tossed his head on your shoulder. “That’s lame. What if I really like it?!” You pushed his heavy head off of you playfully. “What’s lame is you failing class when I’m supposed to be helping you do the opposite. We can finish it another time fool.” You vaguely heard him say ‘alright alright’ before the familiar theme song came on, you silently rapping along.
When you got to episode 2 “The Trial of Robert Kelly” Chris was dying laughing. When Huey got to his speech he was aggressively clapping, while you were aggressively pointing at the screen hollering “THATS WTF IM TALKIN ABOUT!! LET EM’ KNOW HUEY”. By episode 3, you and Chris were fighting to stay awake. Somehow, your head had drifted onto his chest, and his arm had shifted to around your waist. Your legs had been comfortably strewn on top of each other as you listened to Granddads crazy girlfriend drone on. You didn’t make it to episode 4.
You woke up before he did, groggy and confused. Your eyes were still closed as you tried to shift around only to be met with resistance. You felt a tightening around your waist as a still sleeping Chris pulled you closer into his body, nuzzling is face into your neck. “Oh shit...” you whispered, your eyes no longer closed and in fact, wide ass open. “Chris. Chrissss. CHRIS!!” Chris shot up involuntarily tightening his hold on you before looking down into your concerned face.
“Shiiiit. Y/N what time is it.” You searched the side of the bed for your phone before turning it on and checking the time. It was 7:46 A. M. “Oh fuck! We didn’t finish the notes!! Oh fuck Chris we slept past guest visitor time! How imma sneak you out?! Oh god I don’t wanna be the reason why you fail and get kicked out! I’m gonna lose my closest friend because I-”
“Hey wait...” Chris placed his hand under your chin and pulled you into him, looking up and down your face with hooded lids. All you could focus on, was him. The way his lashes brushed his freckle dusted cheek. The way is eyes peered at you mixed with a haze of sleepiness and something else more intense. “ Y/N look at me... everything is gonna be okay, I promise...” The room, the air, the god damn particles around you stilled. It was like all of time froze except for you and Chris.
You didn’t remember you had the ability to breathe until he licked his lips and leaned towards you, pulling you closer, completely halting your ability to breathe. Your lips intertwined in a soft battle of heat and passion. It was slow and intimate, you didn’t know you could muster up so much passion in a kiss. Before you knew it, Chris gripped your left thigh and swung it over the other side of him making you straddle his waist. The pillows of his lips never stopped their assault and only got more aggressive as he palmed your ass. Your body felt hot, and you NEEDED more. You rutted your core against Chris’s lap causing him to pull on your bottom lip with his teeth and smack your large thigh.
“Don’t play with the fire if you can’t put it out.” He groaned out, his voice strained as you both breathed heavily. You moved your lips down to his neck and began to nip and suck softly before smiling into his neck. “When have you ever known me to be afraid of the fire?” You heard the sharp intake of his breath before he flipped you over, slamming your back into your bed. Chris placed soft kisses all over your face making you giggle before he continued his tirade on your mouth. Maybe Chris was a good kisser. Actually, a phenomenal kisser. You gripped the back of his neck, your hands tangled in the nape of his hair. Chris’s hands were inside of your shirt feeling on your soft stomach before you both heard the snap of a camera. You both jumped up at the intrusion and sat up, banging your foreheads together on accident.
“Ahh shit!! Fuck!!” “God damn it! Fuck!” You and Chris both exclaimed as you heard the culprit, your roommate Valeria, laughing hysterically. You groaned rubbing your head and shot her the dirtiest look you could muster.
“HA! You got mad at me for saying he looked at you like you were the moon and stars in the sky, but you’re borderline fucking AND he stayed past guest hours!” You threw your head back on your pillow while closing your eyes and sighing. You could feel the pressure and warmth of Chris’s body leave you as he got up to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Val!! How’s it going big dawg?!” Valeria cringed and shook her head. She approached Chris and pat his head. “Hey Chris I think you’re great, but I don’t ever want to hear you say that again okay?” Chris grumbled an ‘okay’ and despite everything you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Anyways you guys can continue doing the do. I actually came in here to ask how note taking was last night, but I see it was pretty good.” Valeria winked before shuffling to the door and closing it, cackling after she closed it. Before you could even process what had just happened Chris took your chubby cheeks into your hand and rubbed his thumb along your bottom lip.
“Hey Y/N... you know how Val said I look at you like the moon and the stars?” He trailed off and his eyes darted down to your lips. All you could do was nod, too entranced in the way his lips moved and the shine in his eyes.
“Well, she’s not wrong. I don’t know exactly when, but for awhile you’ve been the sun and moon and the stars and everything in between. And god, every time you smile I wanna kiss you until my smile becomes as bright. Every time you laugh I can’t help but join in, because even when it sounds like a Windex spray bottle it’s the only sound I wanna hear.” You softly smacked his chest and buried your head in his neck running your hand down his chest.
“I love the way your cheeks puff up when you get irritated at me, and the way you look at me when you have no idea what the fuck I’m trying to say.” some how, you moved impossibly closer into his neck.
“You gonna let me take you out some time doll?” Chris sounded so soft and unsure of himself. It reminded you of the first time you’d ever talked to him. When he didn’t know you knew his name. You rose up from his neck and placed a long soft kiss on his pink lips.
“Of course Chris. I can’t say no to my favorite note copier.” Your foreheads pressed against each other and you both stayed completely still, trying to make the moment last. Chris moved first, taking his forehead off of you to place a kiss on top of your head and pull you into his embrace.
“I’m your only note copier.” He couldn’t help himself. You both started to giggle into each other.
“And it’s gonna stay like that. Just like I’m gonna be your only note taker.” Chris squeezed you tighter and pulled you into his lap, placing one last kiss on your curls.
Bloop! I’m finished. This took all day man yeesh. Anyways y’all know I’m a slut for comments so please for your favorite comment starved plus size POC writter, leave a comment.
@thequeerishere555 @willowtree42095 @tessathedragon @nina-sj @noire-griot @canumoveurseatup-no @thememoireeofme @overlordred @l-auteuse @bugngiz @mejustme06 @nonsensicalmetwhimsical @issa-blak @steveslulbaby
(Sorry some of the tags dont work)
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ravenbrenna09 · 5 years
Sobbe Hogwarts AU that I’m eventually going to write
Oh, why did I do this to myself? It’s 1 am and I have work at 10am and I want to get up early to ACTUALLY get some work done and... what am I doing? Writing this. 
Here you go.
Have an excerpt of the Sobbe Hogwarts AU that I’m eventually going to write.
*flips computer*
He needed to get out of here. 
There were too many people in the Ravenclaw Common Room, too many bodies, too much noise. His girlfriend of the month, Shelby, a nice Hufflepuff with brown hair and soft lips, was trying to drag him up to his dorm, pressing heated kisses against his neck and her hands getting lower, and he was running out of excuses and she was getting frustrated at his lack of wanting sex. When the rest of the Common Room, the rest of the victory party, had shouted out into cheers as Jens chugged half a dozen butterbeer and Shelby looked away from him, Robbe bolted out of the door, fleeing the tower.
Jana was still pissed at him and Robbe couldn’t blame her. He did pretty much fuck up the past three weeks for her and he couldn’t stand being in the same room as her, feeling like he didn’t deserve her friendship or any of her forgiveness. What he did was fucked up. He didn’t think that it would… blow up as it had. He wanted to be alone, away from the Ravenclaw Common room where he didn’t have the expectations of a boyfriend who should be having sex with his girlfriend after such a victorious victory against Slytherin for the Quidditch Cup. He wanted to be somewhere quiet, where he can mellow out and get his head back on straight. 
But, his favorite, go-to classroom, the one that the boys could never find him in was occupied. 
By Sander Driesen.
Sander Driesen was a sixth year Slytherin that was a couple of years above him. And he had a younger sister, Camille, a Ravenclaw, who was two years below Robbe. And, his cousin, Amber, was a Hufflepuff. The boy wasn’t a prefect and he wasn’t on the Slytherin Quidditch team, but everyone seemed to know him. Being best friends with Senne de Smet, a sixth-year Gryffindor, helped a bit, even with his silent, tortured-artist thing that he had going on. 
Sander was sitting on one of the desks near the window, which had been pushed open, letting in the warm summer night air. His brown hair was pushed off his forehead, his Slytherin robes were draped over a chair, exposing the pair of denim jeans and the Twisted Sisters shirt and the boots on his feet, where his wand was sticking out of his boots. There was a joint dangling on the edge of his fingertips, smoke billowing from his lips.
Lips… that he was definitely staring at a little too long.
“Umm,” Robbe mumbled, his throat suddenly dry.
Sander barely looked up, “You going to stand there gaping or are you going to shut the door?” Robbe stepped inside the classroom, closing the door behind him. It shut quietly and Robbe felt himself take a breath, trying to steady himself, before turning. “And, make sure you lock it too. The last thing I want to see is some couple on the verge of fucking come in from the Ravenclaw Common Room.” 
And, he locked it too. 
“What are you doing here?” Robbe questioned. 
Sander’s eyes flickered up to him, bright green, piercing through the darkness. “Why? You the abandoned classroom manager?” 
Robbe chuckled. “No,” he whispered, moving towards him. Sander chuckled, shaking his head. The last of his joint was in his fingertips, but there was a bag next to his thigh and another wrap. As if sensing this, Sander smashed out the ash and moved to make another joint, pulling the weed from the plastic bag and sorting it up with expert precision. “I just always come here, been coming here for years, and I’ve never seen you here before.” 
“There are infinite parts of the castle to explore, Robbe,” the Slytherin spoke, uncaring as he shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sure that it was only a matter of time before someone stumbled upon your hiding place and it just so happened to be me right now. Besides,” he looked up, a mischevious look on his face. “I’m pretty sure that I’ll find some other secret corner of the castle and you’ll have this one all back to yourself.”
His fingers rolled up the joint and he raised it to his mouth, his tongue darting out to wet the end of the seal. Robbe felt his breathing get a little deeper and Sander moved to pull out his wand, only to find Robbe’s a breath away, a small blue fire on the end. The blue hue lit up Sander’s features, bathing his face with blue embers, and he grinned, bright, brilliant, and absolutely contagious, reaching out to light the joint on the end. 
Once the joint was lit and the other end was back in his mouth, Sander inhaled deeply, exhaling smoke from his lips. 
Robbe banished the blue flame and slipped his wand back into his sleeve. 
“So, Robbe,” Sander spoke up, exhaling smoke through his lips. “Why aren’t you back in the Ravenclaw Common Room?” He reached out, the joint in his fingertips, extending it towards Robbe, who stared at it with wide eyes like it was a grenade. “Don’t worry, I didn’t poison it. You just saw me make it.” 
“I wasn’t thinking that at all,” Robbe spoke up, reaching up to take it from his fingertips. “Thank you,” he whispered. Sander grinned at him, leaning back on the desk and looking out the window. The moonlight that poured in from outside caught him the right way. He looked like he was glowing, an angel without his wings, and Robbe suddenly felt his chest grow lighter as he forced out, “I just… I didn’t know that you knew my name.” 
“Kind of hard not to know your name,” Sander replied, leaning forward. Robbe coughed, not expecting the response. Sander must’ve noticed, because he quickly added, “Especially after that game. I’m sure Jens is proud right now that you’re his best friend. Beating Slytherin when Gryffindor couldn’t.” 
Robbe scoffed, remembering the betrayed look that had plastered across his friend’s face last week, when he had told him what he had done. He inhaled the smoke, letting it sit in his lungs before he exhaled. Sander watched him, carefully, reaching out to take the joint when he offered it back. “Jens doesn’t want anything to do with me.” 
“Because of what happened with Jana?” Sander questioned. Robbe looked at him. “Jens talked to Senne. I just so happened to be there with him.” Robbe rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Great. If Senne and Sander knew, it was likely that the entire school knew. But, as long as no one knew… why he had done what he had done, he was good. “But, I get it. It must be hard, being in love with your best friend.”
Robbe’s eyes snapped up as Sander pushed himself off the table, the joint still in his lips. 
“What are you talking about?” Robbe questioned. 
Sander gave him a look, moving towards him. “Robbe,” Sander replied, tilting his head to the side. “You might think that you have everyone fooled. But, anyone with half a brain and knowing what to look for can see that you are in love with Jens.” Robbe scowled, turning to look down at his feet again. Great. Now, Jens was going to find out. “But, lucky for you, I’m the only one who can see it.”
“What’s the point? Once someone finds out, everyone finds out,” Robbe replied, his voice a little sharper than he had intended it to be. Sander’s eyebrow raised and Robbe ducked his head again. He couldn’t hide it anymore, unable to hide it anymore, and Sander Driesen was pissing him off. He had spent so long hiding his feelings for Jens, trying to be his friend, and now it had all fallen apart at his feet, his friendship, his crush on his best friend, and the only one who paid enough attention to him to notice was a Slytherin who kept to himself and hid in abandoned classrooms. “That’s how it works here.”
“Who says I’m going to tell anyone?” Sander questioned. 
“Why wouldn’t you?”
Sander shrugged his shoulders, slipping his robes back over his shoulders. “I know what it’s like to be in love with someone who doesn’t return your feelings, or, even worse, doesn’t even know,” Sander replied, his voice genuine and sad. Robbe glanced up at Sander, spotting the sadness in his eyes, as he stepped closer to Robbe, almost an arm’s length away. “And, there’s no reason that the Hogwarts Gossip Channels should thrive off of something like that.” 
Robbe nodded his head. 
“Maybe the summer will give you some space that you need to get over him,” Sander offered. “Are you going home for the summer?”
“Yeah,” Robbe replied. Even though, he wasn’t for sure where he would end up. Back home with his mom or off to wherever his dad had run off? Being a Muggleborn student meant that he needed to be careful of his school stuff, like his owl that his parents had gotten him for his eleventh birthday. At least, if he was with his dad, he could keep in touch with his mom… unless she… 
“That’s good,” Sander replied. 
He reached up, offering the joint before spinning it around in his fingers, so the ashing side was facing Sander’s face. The Slytherin’s hand got closer to Robbe’s face as he offered him the joint. Robbe opened his mouth, allowing Sander to place it on his bottom lip. Robbe took a deep breath in, the smoke filling his lungs as he looked up at Sander, whose green eyes were focused on Robbe’s face, on Robbe and Robbe alone. 
“Thank you,” Robbe replied. 
“You’re welcome,” Sander remarked, twisting his hand to put the joint directly in his own lips. He winked at Robbe, causing the latter’s stomach to flutter in his gut, before he was moving to the door to the castle, running his hand through his hair, making it messier and like he had just stepped off a broomstick. “Have a good summer, Robbe. Who knows? I might even owl you if that’s okay?”
“That’s chill,” Robbe replied. Sander grinned, moving to leave, opening the door a part of the way to step out of the classroom. “Sander.” The boy paused, half out the door with an inquisitive look on his face. There was a part of Robbe that wanted him to ask him to stay, to continue passing the joint between them, their feet dangling off the desk, but he shoved it down and settled on, “Have a good summer.”
Sander sent him a wicked grin. “See you in September.” 
And, then, he was gone.
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revengeworld · 5 years
The Circus X [END]
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Werewolf! Kylo x Reader Modern/Monster AU
Words: +3.600
Warnings: tiniest bit of Angst but mostly fluff
AN: Feedback plz! Couuldn’t reall find fiting gifs for the last chapter so enjoy these cute werewolf babies from Ame and Yuki and the Moodboard I made for this story.
MASTERLIST: Can be found in my bio if you are interested in more!
Everyone wanted to give Y/N and Kylo a quiet moment, except the intruder from before. Trying to pull something out of his coat he was quickly stopped from the director who was looming over him in his full height.
“Let’s discuss everything else in my buero, shall we Mister Solo? The leaders of your pack are already waiting on the other side of a portal.” the director showed his creepiest smile and Han saw no other way to follow for now.
Kylo watched them leave, before he gave all his attention to his mate who was cuddled up against his chest. It had worked! It really worked, she was a werewolf now, just like him. He wondered why her transformation had taken so long, but he quickly shook his head to get rid of these devastating thoughts. She was alive and that was all that matters.
“Alright, grace period over.” Poe suddenly shouted and all of the others agreed before they attacked them with a big group hug.
“Ow, fuck you gremlins get away from us!” Kylo barked and just now Y/N saw how beaten up her boyfriend was.
“What happened to you?” cupping his face he only smiled back.
“I protected you and I would do it again.” leaning his forehead against hers, he kissed her soft lips.
“How are you feeling, Moonshine. You must be exhausted...”
“Me?! You are the one still bleeding! I’m more exhausted from your reckless behaviour.” she sighed and looked at the bandages. 
“This will heal in just two days, don’t worry.”
“Well whoever is feeling worse, we should still bring you somewhere safer.” Phasma told them, as much relieved as the others that they had Y/N back, but their work wasn’t done yet. The Circus had to be rebuilt as soon as possible.
“Why somewhere safer? What happened?” Y/N asked confused until they could hear something crash outside.
“What did you do?!” she immediately asked Kylo who scratched his head ashamed.
“Might have destroyed the camp...” he mumbled very quietly.
Taking a deep breath, she then shook her head with a little smile.
“My chaotic wolf...” brushing over his cheek, he leaned back into her warm touch before she kissed him.
Everyone helped them to pack the most essentials before bringing them into the meadow where everyone else from the circus was waiting. Kylo carrying Y/N in his arms while he nuzzled his face against her neck.
“Is everyone alright?” Sadie called to them and helped to bring Kylo and Y/N towards a small area where they treated a few light wounded. 
“How is this possibly… ” she whispered quietly while checking Y/N before taking her in her arms.
“Kylo turned me.” she explained while hugging the older woman back.
“I’m just glad you are alright my sweetheart! You must be starving now after your transformation. And you guys too!” she pointed at Kylo and Rey who where just laying on the ground, groaning with exhaustion.
Sadie shuffled away and for now Y/N laid beside her mate cuddling with him up in a soft blanket before the kitchen woman returned and gave them a few bags of various snacks she had horted for the day after the Full Moon.
Munching on their snacks, Kylo and her were just sitting next to each other in silence while he leaned his head against hers, the little creatures on her lap calmly sleeping while the sun was slowly rising.
For the time being, since they didn’t know when they could return to the circus grounds and start rebuilding, the werewolf let Poe get Kylos car over to the safe space so that Y/N would at least be sheltered. 
“You don’t have to pamper me anymore.” she chuckled while he let her down in the mountain of pillows and blankets on the backseat.
“You can’t blame me after tonight...” he sighed while Trico and Morgana flew by his head to cuddle up against Y/N, Mellow following shortly after to hide in the shadows of her hair.
“Y/N!! I’m so glad you are okay!” she suddenly heard a hissing voice scream until Kou slithered up Kylo and made his way towards her. The little snake was crying his little heart out while she held him close.
“I’m sorry for worrying you so much.” kissing his little snout, Kou sniffled slightly while curling up around her neck.
Soon Phasma cuddled up with them in the back seat while Finn and Poe took the front seat to sleep, Rey had made herself a little hiding space in the back of the open trunk.
Even though their home was destroyed, all of them were just glad that everyone was alright and survived this horrible night.
While everyone was exhausted and snoring beside her, Y/N was laying on Kylos chest with her eyes wide open. 
Gently lifting herself off Kylos body, she watched his sleeping face for awhile while she gently brushed with her fingers over his wounds.
“I love you, you stubborn wolf...” she whispered against his lips before she quietly left the car and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders, her foster children quickly following her.
“Come here...Darling.” picking Trico up from the ground she loosened the Talisman around his neck and let him run for awhile while he started to grow to his original size.
“That's better right?” she whispered, not to wake everyone else and brushed over Tricos snout when he came closer, quietly purring.
“How about you my fiery sweetheart? Want to fly a round?” petting the little dragon that was curled around her leg he stayed where he was not moving a bit.
“I’m not going anywhere, I will be right here waiting for you.” she reassured her scaled child who slowly made his way to her arms so that she could hold him up before it flew up into the sky.
Watching him for a while soaring through the sky, Trico soon joined him, Mellow who disliked sunlight, quickly rushed back into the car to Kylo to vanish into his raven black hair. 
Finally she was able to take a deep breath again, without pain, enjoying the chilly air on her skin and without the worry that her body would just gave out under her, she wandered around a bit, until she noticed the director walking towards them from the rubble of the circus.
Quickly making her way back to the car she gently shook Kylo who instantly wanted to sit up only to hit his head right at the roof of the car, waking everyone else up immediately.
“What is it?! Are you okay?!” he asked frantic while climbing out of the car. Pulling her in his arms, he saw why she had woken him up.
Instinctively, Kylo held her even closer when he saw that his Father was still with the Director.
Y/N quickly held out her arm to catch her dragon who roared at the unfamiliar intruder, same with Trico who stood behind them, glaring at the older werewolf.
“As you can see, Y/N is a Fairy and no ordinary human. Besides now she is even one of your own kind and she and Kylo are standing under my protection. If you have something against that, your pack has to interfere with the Ministry itself, who will be here any moment.” the Director still explained to Han, while a car was coming closer. 
“Oh for fucks sake...” Kylo mumbled and immediately shuffled behind Y/N as if he wanted to hide from someone, when a few people left the car and approached them.
“Now don’t be shy and greet your Mother!” an older, beautiful woman spoke up with outstretched arms and Kylo slowly approached her before she pulled him in a hug and pressed a kiss against his cheek.
“Mum...” he mumbled embarrassed while rubbing over his cheek with his sleeve. Y/N started to chuckle when she saw this shy side of him and walked over to greet his Mother as well.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.”
“She is my mate.” Kylo explained to his Mother with slightly red cheeks but a very proud smile.
“You can call me Leia, my Dear, since you are now part of our family.” she smiled and patted her cheek until she shot a glare at the silver wolf. 
“Han.” she only greeted him shortly before she continued to ignore him completely and turned her attention to the Director.
“How bad is the damage?” the three of them and the other people that came with Leia made their way back to the destroyed Circus.
In just a day the Circus got rebuild and everything that was destroyed would be replaced by the ministry who would let the werewolf pack pay for the costs.
“It was really nice meeting your Mother...” Y/N mumbled, with her mouth full of bloody steak and Kylo just watched her with adoration.
“Sure, Moonshine.” he grinned, brushing the mayo from her mouth after she stuffed her face with fries.
“Will I always be this hungry?” she asked and pushed her third plate away while patting her full stomach.
“Around full moon, yeah. Since you just transformed a few hours ago it’s basically the same.” he explained, taking his own last bite of steak.
“Maybe we should get you changed and cleaned up now.” he suggested when he noticed the still bloodstained clothing she was wearing.
“That counts for you too. We can take a nice bath together.” with a wide grin, she cuddled up against his side and Kylo quickly showered her face in kisses which made her even more giggle.
“Circus destroyed, got someone back from the dead and the only thing they think of doing is snogging, again.” Poe called over teasingly and Kylo just showed him the finger with a grin.
“And how are the new tents treating, y’all?” Kylo asked while they set down on the table with them.
“To be totally honest we should thank you for destroying most of this place.” Phasma laughed with a few snakes around her arms. 
“The new tents they provided have freaking extention charms on them. Yours is almost finished so just wait till you get inside.” Finn grinned, visible happy about this change.
“True that, every little one of my children has there own little bed now.” the blonde woman shook her head in disbelief.
“See my Darling. Everyone is happy with the chaos you have made. So don’t feel guilty about it anymore.” squishing his cheeks together with one hand, Y/N pulled his head down to kiss his pouty lips before she gathered the empty plates to bring them to Sadie and help her with washing the dishes.
“And how is she feeling?” Poe asked while pouring Milk on his cornflakes.
“Good! Pretty good, actually. She didn’t have to transform into a wolf yet so she has more energy than me. I’m just ready to take another nap to be honest.” he sighed while resting his head onto his hand until his love came jumping back to him.
“I have the best idea for our new tent! What would you think of a big hammock for us!” jumping next to him on the bench, his eyes knowingly wandered up to her head before he started to chuckle like the others around them.
“What? What is it? Is it such a bad idea?” she asked with disappointment. 
“No it’s a wonderful idea it’s just ...” taking her hand he lead them up to the fluffy ears that were poking through her hair.
“Oh! I got wolf ears?!” immediately she started petting them herself which made her even cuter than she already was.
“Well you are basically a cup right now who has to get used to its powers. It will probably happen a few more times when you get this excited, until you can control your wolfself.” he reassured her before nuzzling his nose against hers which made her smile.
“This will be so exciting...” chuckling to herself, she cuddled back up against his chest, wondering what the next few days would bring them.
“I got us pizza and beer!” tired and exhausted Kylo pushed away the tarp from their tent, just to find his clothes scattered around on the floor.
“Moonshine?” he asked confused but soon saw what the problem was.
Y/N was sitting inside their bed, his clothes chaotically placed in a somewhat circle around her.
“I don’t know! I just started and now I can’t stop. And just so you know I can accept zero criticism right now!” without even looking at him she pointed her finger at Kylo.
“Oh Moonshine...” he smiled and shook his head lightly.
“You're trying to build a nest.” he explained and carefully sat down next to her construction. 
“A nest? For what? I’m not a goddamn bird!” she huffed while crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“No you silly, you’re building a nest for our cups. That means you’re going into heat soon.” he growled seductively with a wide grin while kissind her temple.
“Cups? Heat? Already? But I just woke up a few days ago...” 
“Your body and instincts know best… just try to listen to them and I hate to say it but … if you want to know better you could ask Rey about the whole female view about it.” watching her for a moment, Kylo gently brushed over her arm. “How about we eat first and after that I help you...” pressing another kiss against her temple, she suddenly held onto him.
“We could have cups?” she asked again, her voice so hopeful, and he nodded before carefully leaning his forehead against hers. “Do you want to? Because if we let it happen, we will definitely have some.” laying his arms around her, she soon cuddled up against his chest.
“I don’t want to waste anymore of our time together … The last time we thought we had all the time in the world it was suddenly stolen from us… wait, some? How many would we have?” she asked suddenly surprised and looked back up at him.
“Werewolfs rarely have just one child in one pregnancy when it happens during their rut.” he explained.
“Lets eat before the food gets cold and I explain everything to you.” brushing over her head, she nodded while making space in her chaotic first build nest so that he could join her.
Making themselves comfortable while they munched on their pizza, Kylo explained to her what it would change for them if they really decided to give into their instincts and would have children.
“I mean we could always still wait, there is no ru-”
“I want cups.” she interrupted him and he looked down at her head that was resting on his chest. 
“Remember in the hospital…?” 
“How could I forget...” Kylo sighed, the thought still giving him chills.
“You were telling me not to leave you alone...” Y/N quietly whispered and he was shocked that she had even heard him in her weak state at the time.
“And I thought, that we didn’t even have the time to really plan our family. That I would leave you completely alone. And if something should ever happen again I want you to have at least a piece of me left with you...” hearing her voice break it immediately tucked at his heart strings and he wrapped his arms tight around her body.
“Oh Moonshine …” 
Y/N slowly robbed her way onto Kylo and brushed her tears away before she sat up on his lap. “Would you want some right now?” brushing over his chest he started to grin slightly. “You know I never could resist you...” he growled and let his hands wander up her side.
“Besides, I actually would love the idea to have a few little ones of our own, I guess our other little monsters warmed me up to the idea.”
“Perfect!” with one motion Y/N had pulled off her shirt and attacked him with kisses.
“Wait right now?!” he shouted surprised but already chuckled against her soft lips. Both of them giggling like lovestruck teenagers.
Walking through the leaf covered paths between the tents, Y/N tried to pull the cardigan closer around her figure. 
She was on her way to the big tent, since Kylo would finish his training at any minute. They had just arrived at this town yesterday and she was sure they would get to see the first snow of the year here.
Turning around the next corner she was suddenly attacked by three energetic bundles of joy.
“Mommy are they here already?!” one of the children called while it’s fluffy tail was wagging behind it.
“Sorry, my Darling but you still have to be patient.” Y/N told her little girl while one of the boys lifted her sweatshirt.
“Are you sure?” he asked and patted against the round baby belly.
“Yes my sweetheart, I’m pretty sure.” brushing over his head, she saw the little wolf ears poking out between his black curls.
The second boy was trying to shout out to the two babies inside of her, remembering them to wake up and come out to play.
Suddenly a loud and deep howl echoed through the area and the triplings gathered around their fathers legs to howl with him.
Lifting all three of them up with one arm, Kylo gave each of them a light headbutt.
“Didn’t I tell you little devils to go easy on your Mother?!” he asked them and they quickly started to pout.
“Oh don’t be so harsh to them… They are just excited to meet their new siblings.” Y/N cooed while pressing a loving kiss on each of their heads.
“Doesn’t mean they can run you over, my Love.” leaning down, Kylo gave her a gentle kiss on her smiling lips.
“EW!” the three rascals quickly jumped away from their fathers arm to run away.
“Hey where are you going?” he called after them with a wide grin.
“Stop teasing them so much, my Darling.” cuddling up against his side, Y/N looked after the three while they started to play catch.
“As soon as their little siblings are here they will realise how easy I was on them.” Kylo snickered and let out a barking laugh.
Shaking her head a little she suddenly grinned before taking Kylos hand to lay it on her round belly.
He could feel the usual kicks against his hand and his lips curled up in the widest smile.
Laying his arm around his beautiful mate he kissed her temple.
“Mommy!” her little girl, Trico hanging in her arms, was running back to them and quickly grabbing her mother's hand. 
“Luke heard whispers in a cave nearby. Do you think it is another friend?” 
“It could be, my little Sunshine. We will have to find out.” brushing through her little girls hair, Y/N walked alongside her gently smiling while Kylo followed a bit behind with a grin.
Soon they could see their two boys and the dragon stalking around the entrance of a small cave, where Y/N could hear the voice her son had noticed.
“What do you think, Darling? Do you want to help whoever it will be?” she asked her boy who nervously stared into the dark.
“Dad will help you. And you can take Morgana with you, he can light the way.” encouraging him, Kylo already lifted him up and sat him on his shoulders.
“Mommy can’t go so you have to help this time.” his father explained and the little boy hold tightly onto his father's head before he nodded.
After around half an hour while Y/N waited outside with the other two who started to play hide and seek, they soon could feel rumbling footsteps coming closer. Kylo came out of the cave, no sign of their little boy until a rubble of stone came out of the cave, a big figure made of stone standing in front of them her boy on it’s shoulders.
“Look mommy! It’s a golem!” he shouted excited and lead the creature out of the cave.
“You did great! I’m so proud of you!” Y/N called up to him, while shooting Kylo a light glare.
“What? He is fine up there.” Kylo shrugged his shoulders before soothing her with a gentle kiss on her soft lips.
Lifting her brow slightly her eyes softened, before she cuddled up against Kylos side, their children had already started to lead the golem towards the circus.
“They are wonderful siblings, even though Luke is the only one who can talk to creatures they support him.” she whispered and Kylo nodded proudly.
“Yeah, they will be wonderful when the other two will arrive.” laying his big hand against her belly, he could feel another nudge against it.
Bringing the golem back to their camp, Luke had the responsibility to translate for the director which he mastered perfectly. 
With flushed cheeks he cuddled up against Kylos legs who picked all three of them up. 
“We are very proud of you...” he reassured them, and all of them nuzzeld their heads against their fathers.
Cupping their faces, Y/N pressed a kiss on each of them before they started running through the paths again towards their tent.
It was a normal calm day, Y/N sat down with her girl to help her with her paintings, while Kylo tried to teach the boys how to control their wolfselfs until it was time to tug them in.
Each of them cuddled up with one of the creatures in their hammocks, while Y/N tugged them into their blankets and kissed them goodnight.
Looking at their sleepy faces while Kylo read them a good night story, Y/N wouldn’t be able to describe how thankful she was for this second chance.
Brushing through Kylos black locks, she sat down beside him and closed her eyes after resting her head on his shoulder, his deep voice echoing through the tent while she gently brushed over her round belly.
Tags: @celestiaelisia​​​ @sdavid09​​​  @ayatimascd​​​ @acunningstargazer​​​ @agirlwithlonelymusic​​​ @ev3e​​​ @ellie-emb​​​ @siren-queen03​​​​ @luna-xial​
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hellyeahomeland · 4 years
Things Carrie Wore This Week
TCWTW hive, last week we ate. This week, we feast. 
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This is the same ensemble Carrie was wearing at the end of last week’s episode but I just have to say I totally love it. Carrie in all black is perfection. 
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Her earrings are these little silver dome studs. Remember when Carrie wearing earrings was a surprising occurrence? Props to the costume department this season because Carrie has worn ALL THE EARRINGS and looked great doing it. 
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~the last Theory pantsuit~
She buttoned both buttons... again. I was exasperated last week... I’m now so mellow about it all that I don’t even care. Hey, it’s waist-defining. You do you, Carrie!
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She did TUCK IN HER SHIRT. I’m gasping!!! The shirt is (probably) a long-sleeve blouse, in this actually very nice olive-y green color that looks more brownish here. This is great, too! Sorry, I’m reveling in the tucked shirt. If she’d done a French tuck I would have passed through to another dimension.
Interlude the First:
Bonus ~Things Tasneem Wore This Week~
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This fucking gorgeous ~eggplant~ ensemble. This is officially my favorite of the season, but purple is my favorite color so I’m not impartial. And the pearls! Which, per Nimrat Kauer, are actually her mother’s? I love that! I love this show! Thank you life, thank you love, it is true, there are some angels in this city! 
Anyway, where were we? 
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Oh, right! Carrie goes to the West Bank and throws on this actually lovely dark teal Henley. This is fabulous! I love the sleeve length. The color is wonderful and looks tremendous on her. 
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Here’s the full look. Her dependable black skinny jean, the black suede boots. Oh, and the gun. This is your look, Carrie. This is an A. Bravo. 
Interlude the Second:
~Bonus Things Hugh Dancy Wore This Week~
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ANOTHER FUCKING KNITTED TIE. I am beyond amused at this homie and his tragique facial hair and his $10,000 suits and his Park Slope knitted tie. 
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I’m just... honestly kudos to Hugh Dancy for bringing the ultimate sliminess to this role. He was overjoyed, you could tell. But these knitted ties. How many does he have? Eighteen? In different shades of blue and grey? Anyhoozles, I’m sure John Zabel landed squarely on his feet and is headlining his own Fox News primetime show. 
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How does one describe the feeling when the camera slowly pans over to Carrie Mathison, hair perfectly curled, sitting in her beautifully- yet moodily-lit Moscow penthouse at her vanity, wearing a silk robe in a lovely shade of mauve, applying mascara? Remember that other dimension I mentioned above? I’M IN IT. 
I’m... speechless. You know that meme that’s like “when you listen to your new favorite song so many times that you eventually get sick of it”? I’m in danger of reaching that territory.
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She’s wearing lingerie?? She’s smiling?????? She!!!!!!!!!! 
(admittedly the lingerie doesn’t fit that well but WHO GIVES A SHIT)
(we’re all in agreement that everything Carrie wears in the last twenty minutes has been a gift from Yevgeny because he is apparently rolling in cash and loves to shower her with presents, right? and she indulges him because she loves him and she knows she looks fucking awesome?)
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PAUSE to just take in this scene:
The mid-century-style vanity with all her makeup neatly arranged. Y’all, I’m wheezing!!
His and hers stools at the foot of the bed. 
The largeness of it. This bedroom is massive!! I thought Saul’s bedroom was giant (it is), this is on another level. 
“I just like how he’s always leaning. Against stuff. He leans great.”
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Another smile. God, these close-mouthed smiles, I’m truly in another reality.
ANYWAY: the necklace. It’s a Dominique Cohen “diamond pendant necklace (large), in 18k yellow gold, 22-inch chain,” 0.85 carats of white diamonds. It is now officially called “the Carrie” and you can buy it for the low, low price of $3600 (really, it’s on sale).
Yevgeny being a man who knows jewelry is so damn on brand it’s ridiculous. 
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Not the series but IJLTP.
Interlude the Third: Carrie and Yevgeny: A Height Difference Made in Heaven
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(married couple) 
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(how is he so giant)
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(she’s wearing heels and still just comes up to his chin!!!!)
They’re a match made in heaven, and that’s actually where I am right now. 
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THE COAT. THE HEELS. It’s hard to tell in this photo but her toenails are also painted black. In case we had any doubt that Carrie is living her best life!! 
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This coat is gorgeous and so unexpected. They could have just had her wear a more standard black peacoat, but instead they went with this decidedly more elegant textured (beaded?) number. Also, Yevgeny had the coat waiting for her when she walked down the stairs. Did she pick this out beforehand? It’s very much an evening coat, I’m just wondering how he knew that’s what she’d want to wear. 
Good God the last twenty minutes of this episode are just Carrie looking stunning and radiant. It’s what we deserve, and we absolutely love to see it! 
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Ok, the earrings! They are also Dominique Cohen (and therefore almost certainly a previous gift from Yevgeny?), specifically the 1.5-inch oval diamond hoops in 18k yellow gold with 0.44 carats of white diamonds. You can get them for the low, low price of $2750 (again, they’re on sale!).
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My girl’s not just surviving, she’s thriving. 
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The outfit. The top is by Narciso Rodriguez, from his pre-fall 2018 collection: “matte black sequin embroidered one-shoulder silk top.” 
Given that Claire Danes’ favorite designer is Narciso Rodriguez and they are dear friends, do we think this is from Claire’s own wardrobe? ‘Twould be fitting, I’ll say that. The whole ~lewk (especially the asymmetry!) is so Claire it’s wild. 
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I”m fairly certain the skirt is Narciso Rodriguez too, because why not?! 
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The much-speculated-about purse is the Tango bag by Tissa Fontaneda (sells for $770, but she bought two so that’s $1540). Again, très distinct. The taste! 
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From which remote beach location did they just return? Croatia, maybe? Or Fiji? Please let me know your thoughts.
By the way, it goes without saying how fabulous Carrie looks. She looks gorgeous. The curled hair is... *chef’s kiss* It got me thinking whether this is a look (the curled hair) she goes with more often than not now... I can’t decide! 
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The ring! What an unusual ring. I love how geometric it is. God, Carrie wearing three distinct pieces of jewelry is something I’ll never get over. I’m also calling that this is one of Claire’s own, since my favorite ever credit in a Claire Danes photoshoot is “rings: Danes’ own.” 
Interlude the Last: Claire Danes Wearing Eyeglasses
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The ponytail.
Her Zoom username being “Le iPad (2)” is sending me. 
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I had to include this because this is a thing Carrie wore. Love the (presumably white) Oxford shirt. This photo will always haunt me. This is Carrie too. No one’s just one thing.
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What is Carrie wearing at the end? How about an honest-to-God smile? 
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I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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mccoys-killer-queen · 5 years
Here it is- this week’s playlist (1/31)
My attempt at a so called “radio show” where I recommend 10 songs to everyone. Take it or leave it, I’ll still do this either way lmao.
This week I gotta start off with some of my more obvious picks. There’s gonna be a lot of feel-good songs, as this is my first time doing this, and wanna start off strong. Plus, most of my all time favorites are feel-good songs.
Links to the songs are provided!
1.) I Don’t Want To Lose You- REO Speedwagon (1988) Okay, let’s get these guys out of the way first. As you all probably know by now, I’m the biggest sucker for REO on the planet, and I do believe I know I am the entirety of their fandom on this website. Some of the first music I ever remember hearing was by these guys, and even though you’re all probably sick of me talking about them, give this quick song a try to start things off. It’s super strong, and it BOPS- PERIOD. Today I had to pick up my sister and had this blasted the whole way there. This one is the leading song off of REO’s 1988 greatest hits album, and was made/included as a bonus track for it..
2.) Rockin’ Into the Night- 38 Special (1979) I feel like this list would be incomplete without including the first song I can recall ever listening to. My mother would normally drive me and my sisters to wherever she went when I was a toddler, and she’d always play her CDs in the car. One in particular that was circulated a lot was her 20th Century Masters: 38 Special disc. It was played so often that little me in the car seat behind her had it glued to the inside of my brain so early in life. I can’t say why I remember this song in particular as the “first one ever”, but I probably think it’s because of the over enunciated and consistent line of stressed syllables in the chorus. That ROCK-IN-IN-TO-THE-NIGHT just sounded like pure gibberish to a 3 year old. I guess it fascinated me somehow.
3.) Roll Away the Stone- Mott the Hoople (1973)
So far on this list, I’ve only included songs from my distant past. This song, I’ve only gotten into within the past two years (and that goes for Mott in general), so to me, it’s still a song from my very recent present. This is by far my favorite Mott song, cos it’s just so joyful, hopeful and fun (not to mention it has a nice, bright, mellow, catchy 70s vibe. Kind of half-hippie, if you will). That opening riff is undeniable. I feel like you guys will like this song apart from the others on this list- it gives off some energy that I feel will fit a lot of people I know on here. This song is definitely the odd man out on this week’s list.
4.) Sad Songs (Say So Much)- Elton John (1984) Ah, Elton. How do you pick only one song by him? I only picked this one because it was probably the only good thing that came out of my first job. I worked at a department store, and heard the same 50 songs EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I’d never heard of this when I started working there, but in due time, it was just about the only thing I had to look forward to every day in that job besides going home. It’s a real 80′s-sounding anthem about “suffering enough to write it down” in which he and Bernie really capture the universal feeling of shoveling sad songs into your ongoing dumpster fire of sadness.
5.) Shakin’- Eddie Money (1982)
I was deeply hurt by this wonderful man’s passing in September of 2019, and still find it hard to believe. I grew up on some of Eddie’s hits and hardly ever knew it until very recent years, and, like many, I wish he had more time with us. It’s songs like this one that act like a cage and trap the memory of any wonderful time, making Eddie still very much alive. This song was definitely my summer anthem of last year, and I feel like upon listening to it, y’all will suddenly feel like it’s a hot summer evening, you’re in love, and you’re heading out for a good drive. Eddie’s music lets the good times roll, indeed.
6.) My Kinda Lover- Billy Squier (1981) I know my followers really like The Dirt, and I watched it again this week, so I had to include one of the few non-Crue songs from the movie. This song was used when Vince is singing at the pool party, and the Crue guys meet him. This is one of those songs where when I willingly listened to it for the first time, I went “wait, that’s THIS song??” Of course I’ve heard this before, but I never knew the name of it, or who it was by. It’s such a swinging, confident, bold, happy song about sticking with your lover because you just can’t see yourself doing anything else. Fucking adorable, and catchy as all fuck. Probably in my top 3 out of everything on this list. Someone on this site recently said that Billy Squier deserves more love on here- and I AGREE.
7.) Urgent- Foreigner (1981) This song doesn’t just bop, or bang, but it grooves. That sax just hits you in the best spot, the bass is just uGh- so good, and I can’t stop myself from busting a move at least a little bit whenever this comes on. Yes, this song is very horny, but it does it so so poetically, maturely, and it does it in all seriousness. This seriousness, I feel, is partly because it’s about a relationship between two people that is purely for the passion, but both parties believe that their lust for each other is always of the utmost urgency. What a topic for a song! Great song about a bad relationship.
8.) Photograph- Def Leppard (1983) Duh. Of course Leppard was gonna come in here sooner or later. And I know, I’m starting off with a cliche Leppard song, but this one also just so happens to be my second most favorite song of all time. A fast-paced, tragic anthem of being in love with a photograph because the real person is either dead or not real. Maybe it hits a little too close to home, being in the classic rock fandom and all, but you can’t deny that this song just SLAMS in every way imaginable. Booming guitars, earth-shattering drums, tragic lyrics, and every time Joe screams in this, I just fall in love even more. Not to mention the backing vocals are to DIE for.
9.) Hammer to Fall- Queen (1984) Also duh. You want a song that gives off Queen’s Big Dick Energy? Here ya go. I personally never heard of this song until I saw Bohemian Rhapsody in theaters, but boy, am I glad I did. This is one of those Queen songs where you can clearly say “boy, this ROCKS”. Definitely one of Queen’s more mature songs, but in the best of ways. They just scream it flat out for you, “What the hell we fighting for?!” For me, Roger’s drums are the best part of this one. Hits a huge crowd through lyrics as well as the huge rock and roll energy it gives off. Truly a Live Aid-worthy song.
10.) Only the Young- Journey (1985) I’m ending this list with this song because it really gets my excitement up a lot. Every time that intro hits me, I just feel like sprinting up a fucking mountain, across a huge bridge, or through a wide open space. This one really makes me feel like I’m running to something that I’m really excited about, or heading on an exciting adventure. It gives off that 80s energy of having more power to the youth of the generation, talking about how they’re a “generation waiting for dawn”, even after the “golden age” that preceded them that they’re expected to live up to. They’re also called brave because they have to live through the promises and lies that they “dare to tell”. In a time with so much hate towards the younger generations, I think it’s important to remember an empowering song like this. Get that excitement up, take pride in your young generation- “the bold and the strong”- and go sprint up a fucking mountain. This one’s also the first track off Journey’s 1988 greatest hits album.
Even if you take the time to listen to one of these songs, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
what is a food that you’d hate to be allergic to?: Omg SEAFOOD. Can’t live without it. If I was allergic to it I’d be that person who brings tons of antihistamines everywhere I go so I can power through when eating crabs and mussels and shrimp. I just can’t live a life of being forced to watch others eat seafood while I can’t lol.
what color was the last towel you used?: Light blue.
would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter, or the same height as you? Same height or a tad bit taller is fine; I’m not super particular when it comes to height.
when was the last time your nose bled? My nose has never bled before and I dread the day it happens for the first time, because I’m totally unprepared and blood freaks me out and I will highkey probably pass out for a bit hahaha.
how old are you turning this year?: I already turned 22 last April. Considering the circumstances, my birthday had surprisingly gone really well too.
what is your favorite thing to snack on while watching a movie?: French fries from Potato Corner. My go-to bucket size is Mega and I will typically request my order to be 1/2 barbecue and 1/2 cheese fries. I’ll feel super uneasy if I don’t have that exact order when watching a movie at the cinema.
swimming pool or hot tub?: So I had to look up hot tub because I wanted to know how it’s different from a jacuzzi, and holyyyyy crap I’ve learned something new - Jacuzzi is a brand of hot tubs, wtfreak my life has been a lie I thought it was a word!!! Hahaha in any case, I do prefer hot tubs more. I’ve always felt dirty hanging around in swimming pools.
can you swim well? I’m not able to perform any of the strokes like an Olympic athlete, but I can tread well and for a good amount of time.
what body part do you wash first in the shower?: Not really a part of the body per se but I’ve always washed my hair first.
who would you allow to read your thoughts for one day? No thanks, I find that too invasive. 
what kind of first impression do you think you make? Cold and a little aloof, which isn’t too far off from the truth especially if I’m not approached first. If someone does talk to me for the first time, it’ll depend on their body language whether I’ll choose to continue to be reserved, or if I’d want to be bubbly and vibrant around them.
name your last reason for using a camera? My dad honked his horn as he parked in the carport to let us know he was home, and my dog ran up the screen door and sat patiently to wait for him to come inside, his tail wagging the whole time.
where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? Sometimes I’ll line up our dining chairs together so it can turn to some sort of bed, and I’ve been falling asleep on that often lately.
what are you excited about? To drink the rest of this milk tea my dad bought me :) He went out to run some errands and I guess he’s been hearing me talk about how I miss having milk tea, so he went out of his way to go to a Chatime and get drinks for me and my sister.
seven days from now, will you be in a relationship? Yes.
are you a happy person? My emotions are always all over the place. I’m never consistently in a certain mood.
when was the last time you laughed really hard & why? I was bored and missing normal life last night so I went through my uploaded photos on Twitter so I can see what I used to do before everything went downhill...and by doing that, I realized that I’m quite good at tweeting HAHAHA most of my captions made me laugh and my content/photos weren’t all that bland or bad either. Idk, this is one instance where I can confidently say that I’m funny hahaha.
what are you wearing? A UP shirt and a pair of shorts.
what do you want? For my college to post the official list of graduating students for this school year so that I can finally partake in the tradition of changing my Facebook DP to my senior photo. I REALLY love how my portrait turned out and I can’t wait for my loved ones to see it.
did you enjoy your weekend? It was okay I guess. My mom was annoyingly cranky throughout Saturday for no reason, but it mellowed out by the next day and that’s good enough for me. Other than that, it was just as uneventful as the last three months have been.
do you regret anything you’ve done recently? Just little stuff that I get over quickly like, “oh I regret making this coffee at 11 PM because it’s now 3 AM and I’m jumpy as fuck.” But no big regrets recently.
is there anybody you wish you could see? For fucking sure. I don’t even have to tell y’all who it is.
have you ever kissed anyone with a name that starts with j or m? Nope. I almost went out with an M, though.
how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 2 3/4 lol. I trust Andrew 110%...and I mooooostly trust my dad. Not with every single topic under the sun, but I still trust him a whole lot nonetheless.
do you think you’ll be married in 10 years? I hope I will be by then.
what makes you mad most about girls? Definitely wanna avoid generalizing in this question but the way some girls will fawn over men is super hypocritical and that bugs me to no end. Girls shaming other girls for a range of things is also annoying, whether it’s over wearing too much makeup, not wearing makeup, choosing to abort, physical appearances, their diet, etc. Some really need to mind their own fucking business.
have you ever been given roses? Yes.
do you even like getting flowers? I love receiving stems or bouquets but I’m not obsessed with them in that I wanna get them regularly. Giving me flowers for Valentine’s Day or on our anniversary is more than enough for me.
what’s your favorite flowers? Peonies.
could you go out in public looking like you do now? No. I’d change my shorts.
who’s the first person you texted today? I haven’t texted anyone today.
would you move to another state to be with the person you loved? That’s a toughie...it would depend on the opportunities I have wherever I live in the present, and whether there are better ones where my partner is. I’m young and still building up my career, so realistically I’d wanna look out for myself first instead of clumsily jumping in headfirst for love lol.
how’s the weather today? It’s strangely warm and humid and uncomfortable, which is annoyinggggg. News has said that the wet/rainy season already begun, so I don’t know why the sun is still hanging around and being, again, annoying.
what color are your eyes? Really dark brown, almost black.
do you like poptarts? In my country we only get the same five flavors but my favorite out of all of them is chocolate fudge. I really wish we had a wider selection though :(
where will you be 12 hours frm now? Getting ready for bed most likely.
is it easy for others to make you feel intimidated? No. I’m usually the one who involuntarily makes others feel intimidated, oops.
do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow? Not exactly but it’s definitely gonna be one of the several tops and shorts I’ve just been repeatedly wearing at home since March.
are you on a desktop or laptop? Laptop. I haven’t used a desktop in ages.
does anyone hate you for no reason? I’m sure one or two people do, but I genuinely can’t care less.
what are you planning to do today? Finish my milk tea, maybe take another survey or two, eat the salted egg chips that my dad bought, and, if it cools down later in the day, take a quick nap.
play an instrument? I can play the recorder. I also memorize several songs on the piano, but the key word there is memorize lmao. I just know which keys to press due to watching covers over and over; but I can’t read notes, I don’t know which letters match which keys, have no idea what major and minor is, and I basically know absolutely nothing about using a piano.
would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Just to get closure from certain people or events. If I can go back in time I’d spend more time with my late grandpa, for one.
where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now? I’ve already forgotten.
have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an r? No. I’m an R though, heh.
have you ever passed out? Yeah numerous times. I’m a big fainter, which just sounds so uncool lmfao.
are you easily confused? Yes I feel lost quite easily. I’m often the butt of my friends’ jokes because of this, but I don’t mind hahaha.
do you think you would make a good wife/husband? I like to think that I would be, but I dunno. I’m still insanely young and I know I’ll be a completely different person with different priorities, mindset, attitude, etc., by the time I get married. It’s too early to tell.
what’s your favorite kind of ice cream? Cookies and cream. Queso real is also a really good flavor and it was my favorite for some time before my taste shifted to cookies and cream.
do you like coffee? Love coffee.
do you like summer? I like it when I get to go to the beach or when my family books trips out of town or the country, but I reeeeeally could do without the hot and sticky weather. It’s definitely not my favorite period of the year.
where were you at 8am this morning? I was asleep for half of it, then by 8:30 I was up and scrolling through Facebook.
do you fall for people easily? No. That is one thing I can’t do as a demisexual haha.
everything happens for a reason? This is usually my mindset, yes. It helps me process and accept circumstances better and much more quickly.
have you ever dated someone more than once? Yup, Gab and I have broken up before.
who have you texted in the last 24 hours? No one. Not really big on texting these days as I’ve been using Messenger to contact people throughout the quarantine.
what color nail polish is on your toes? My toes are never painted.
do you find members of the preferred sex confusing? People of any gender have the potential to be confusing. < This.
what are you listening to right now? Right now all I can hear is the work being done for the new house that’s being constructed in front of ours, so I’ll hear the occasional shoveling of stones and trucks coming in and out of the construction zone. The last music I listened to was the Presto from Summer of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons because Portrait of a Lady on Fire always makes me feel things.
how has the week been? It hasn’t been horrible, I’ll give it that. I’ve been revisiting my old fandoms out of boredom but it’s turned out to be a lot of fun; my mom brought home cupcakes at the start of the week; I had milk tea today; and we just had Kimi groomed this afternoon so his fur is all gone and now he looks like a giant rat.
is there something you wish you could tell someone but can’t? I wish I could have respectful debates with my Duterte- and/or Trump-supporting relatives, but I know that’s impossible.
what are your biggest turn offs? People who: can only hold shallow conversations, are disrespectful to those in the service industry; are casually homophobic, racist, sexist, transphobic, and/or fatphobic; take their religion way too seriously; and neglect their pets.
favorite shirt to wear? My CM Punk Best in the World shirt, without a doubt. I’ve been wearing it semi-regularly for nine years and have absolutely no intention of throwing it out.
favorite drink? Depends on my mood and the occasion. If I’m studying I’d wanna have coffee with me, if I’m casually dining at a restaurant I’d be happy with iced water, etc.
last person to say ‘i love you’ to you? Gab.
would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yeah, but when that’s gonna happen again I still have no idea...
what’s your favorite color gummy bear? I always find myself reaching for the red ones.
what is the nicest part of the opposite sex’s body? I don’t consistently stare at a certain part of a guy’s body.
have you ever run into a dishwasher? No, those aren’t common here.
ever had a song sung about/for you? Nope.
is there a baby in the room with you right now? No, not technically. But I do consider my pets to be my babies. < Same. Kimi, now a giant rodent, is walking around the living room at the moment but he never strays too far from me.
where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other? CAAAAAAAAAR. This is a big reason why I miss driving, I haven’t been able to belt out in a while.
what is your favorite thing that is green? I don’t own a lot of green stuff since it’s my least favorite color...buuuuut I do have a printed flowy dress that I just love to wear, and it’s mostly olive green.
what did your last text message say? It’s an automated text from a vet clinic I went to last December telling me that I should bring Kimi back for a checkup. I appreciate the gesture but I’m not going back there after how condescending the vet was acting towards me.
what is the way to your heart? Acts of service has been my love language for the longest time.
what do you smell like? I smell nothing off of me now but I do know that I don’t smell unpleasant, because if I did I would’ve noticed it immediately and would feel more conscious.
what’s in your pocket? I don’t have any.
anything in your mouth? Not right now but I’ve been sipping milk tea with pearls all afternoon.
ever hurt yourself playing wii? Only after my first day of playing Wii Sports. It was like a workout for my tiny 10 year old body and I woke up all sore the next morning.
do you have freckles? No, not a common feature here.
what’s the last movie you saw in the theater? Knives Out.
ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on? Noooooooooo. I feel like that’s super uncomfortable; I’ve always entered pools with a swimsuit or bikini. My glare is usually enough for people to understand that I wouldn’t appreciate being thrown into a pool while I still had clothes on.
are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday? Technically. I took a shower in the evening and changed into the clothes I’m wearing now, but that was in the evening so it’s not like I wore them all day yesterday.
name a song that you know all the words to: Every single Paramore song. Guaranteed.
what’s the last thing you watched on tv? If we’re really going with a physical TV, the last thing I watched was Descendants of the Sun when I used the Netflix app on our TV. The last series I watched in general was Friends.
what can you hear right now? Two fans whirring in the living room.
did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday? I’m slightly better today. I’m glad Kimi has finally been groomed since his fur had knotted up in the last couple of weeks. Plus I also have milk tea today, and that’s always a winner :)))
are you close to your siblings? With my sister, but we treat each other like buddies and are more of the tough-love type. We banter more than anything and we don’t hold heart to heart talks.
do you bite your nails? No we have a nail cutter at home that I use. If I’m going through a period of heightened anxiety I will bite my nails though.
do you like your feet? Uh, I guess. I’m not complaining about them? but I’m also not attracted to feet. Mine are just there and I’m fine with them.
do you sleep well at night? For the most part.
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kariachi · 5 years
Am I completely happy with the end of this? Not really. But It’s been like six hours and 2500 words and damnit this is what y’all are getting.
Some almost-OV-compliant royal Kev fic!
“Tell me I’m not set to inherit anything.”
“Well that all depends on you,” the Speaker said. “As a member of the Imperial clan you are, by default, in the running for any major clan position, including that of Imperial Heir.” Even with his face buried in his arms, Kevin’s groan was audible. Argit rubbed his back and muttered something in his ear in Erinaen that had him groaning all the louder.
“What if I don’t want to inherit anything,” he asked. Gracidea shrugged.
“You’ll have to take that up with the relevant members of the clan. I’m just Voice of the Clan.”
“Then shouldn’t you-” Argit began, only to be interrupted.
“I haven’t been given authority to speak for anyone on this matter.”
“Of course not, we couldn’t be so lucky.”
Things had gotten, rough, after the Rooters incident. Finding out your recently dead mother had never actually been your mother at all. Remembering your actual, not-so-recently-deceased mother. Learning your stepfather was a fake. Remembering your actual stepfather, who’d never been sober enough to be scared of you. Learning your relationship was started on a lie. Having that relationship strain as the traits that had been forced on you to facilitate it crumbled away. Finding out the man you’d been made to think was your father had never existed, remembering you at no point had any idea who your actual father was. The sudden influx of a load of forcibly-repressed trauma. These were all things that made life difficult for a young man who with every passing day really just wanted to buy some land in bumfuck-nowhere Chenango County and become a hermit raising sheep in the spaces he couldn’t restore to pre-colonial standard and occasionally throwing a new patent out into the galaxy.
There wasn’t much besides trauma Kevin’d gotten out of the situation. A few tentative friends? Siblings? Things did not stop being awkward there so… He’d gotten the Tennysons and some security out of the situation, which he supposed was a good thing. He didn’t count Argit on the list though, the longer they knew each other the more certain they each became that they would’ve found each other eventually. Nor did he count learning his species, unlike the Tennysons, because that he learned from Kwarrel.
His best father.
His only father.
No matter what anybody else said.
Gwen had been the one to spearhead the ‘find Kevin’s father’ campaign. She meant well, and it wasn’t as if her logic wasn’t sound- the Empire kept track of it’s citizens so in theory it shouldn’t have been too hard to find out who was on Earth and where at the appropriate time as log as they asked nicely. Very nicely. Exceedingly nicely. (In the end Kevin had had to ask, complete with a chunk of the story, because no Osmosian was going to give that sort’ve information to some random Plumberbrat.) In the end all Gwen wanted was for Kevin to have some loving, living family in his life. All Kevin wanted was for this to not turn out to be a shitshow.
At least one of them was getting what they wanted.
Kevin would’ve appreciated it being him for once.
They’d all been expecting- hoping, in Kevin’s case- to find something fairly mellow. Just some random shmuck passing through, who Kevin would be perfectly happy to have not want anything to do with him. (And where had that come from, when all his childhood he’d wanted to meet his actual father and have him at least give half a rat’s ass?
Oh. Yeah. Trauma.)
At best they’d thought they’d get a merchant, or maybe his father really was a Plumber at least. But no. Kevin didn’t get that lucky. What Kevin got was another Osmosian showing up at his door (the door for the house he’d bought his not-mother, the one he was thinking of giving to the other Amalgams), a Speaker for his father’s clan.
A Speaker for the Imperial clan.
Ben was never going to let him live this down.
If he didn’t just run away and buy that acreage tonight.
So he’d called up Argit, because like fuck he was getting any the Tennysons involved while he was off-kilter, and Argit had come out and the three of them started talking and-
And Kevin wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it.
Because apparently his father was a prince. And just because that title didn’t technically extend to him (“I mean, Mother’s sire is a territory holder, but that’s a separate clan, there’s nobody you could have inherited the title from.” “Wait, if it has to be through his ma, then he’s not part of your clan either.” “We’ll get to that.”) didn’t mean he wasn’t already feeling it weighing on his already well-worn shoulders. Because really, like couldn’t go his way just once without a fight-
“Okay, so, let me get this straight.” Argit leaned back in his seat, surprisingly little of his food eaten given Kevin felt like spending the next week stress-baking, and fixed Speaker Gracidea (his Aunt Gracidea) with a look that had once left Vulcanus fidgeting like a misbehaving third grader. She hardly even blinked. “Osmosians are part of their ma’s clan, which means Kevin can’t be part of the Imperial clan. But, he’s still in line for this shit.”
“Because…?” Gracidea smirked, and Kevin could just make out Argit muttering about it ‘looking familiar’.
“As an adult member of the Imperial clan I’m allowed to adopt new members into the clan as long as I have the approval of the Clanhead. Approval I happen to have.” She turned to Kevin, expression softening. “Vaca would’ve come out and done it himself, but it was decided having a higher level of authority involved would be for the best.”
“Understandable,” Kevin about managed to squeak out, even if it really wasn’t. Gracidea nudged his plate closer to him and continued.
“It wasn’t as if it was a hard decision, mind. You’re an underage orphan of Imperial blood, we weren’t about to just abandon you now that we know you’re here.” He kind’ve wished they would’ve. Just how interesting of a life was he going to get before this curse was satisfied? “Besides, even if you weren’t blood, some… research has been done and Astel intends to make some examples of people.” Argit’s mane rose in interest, ears somehow twitching even further forwards.
“Examples of who,” he asked with the heavily veiled excitement of someone who was trying to maintain authority but also really wanted some people made examples of.
“Starting with the Magistrata and working her way down.” Turning to Kevin, Argit flashed a grin.
“I think I like these people.”
“You just like the idea that I might end up on a throne,” Kevin replied, swatting him on the arm.
“Well yeah, but along with that, I think I like these people.”
Again, Kevin dropped his head on his arms and groaned. Louder and longer this time.
“If it makes you feel any better,” Gracidea said, “we have plenty of cousins eligible for the same positions you are. Unless you make yourself standout as someone prime for the position it’s unlikely you’ll end up head of the clan, nonetheless Emperor.”
“Does it have to be an option at all?”
“Like I said, talk to Chern and Astel about it.” More groaning. “Is he always like this?”
“He’s had a very long… life, really. I think he’s expecting this to be another thing that blows up or crumbles in his face.”
“Huh. Any advice on making him not feel that way?”
“Talking like I’m here might help.”
“Not really. I mean the problem is that he’s normally right. Sometimes he’s not, but even then he generally ends up with somebody rubbing his nose in it so in the end he still turns out right.”
“Poor thing.” Curling up and dying was starting to sound more and more appealing.
“How am I supposed to tell the Tennysons about this?!”
“Don’t,” Argit said, scoffing. “Not their business, let ‘em find out with the rest of the galaxy when the Emperor apparently makes heads roll.” Gracidea chuckled.
“Oh it won’t be anything so easy.”
“Can we focus on my struggles for a moment please?!” Argit reached out to pat his shoulder.
“Look, there’s no hurry. I’m sure the Emperor’ll hold off on shit long enough for you to at least get comfortable with the whole situation-”
“She will. You’re clan, and the problem people aren’t going anywhere soon.”
“-so just, take you time. Get used to shit.” Grumbling, Kevin leaned into his touch.
“I’m running away. Gonna be a hermit in the New York wilderness.” Gracidea raised an eyebrow, but Argit just chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah, give me a couple hours to pack, leave a note letting Helen know how much the rent is on this place.”
“You will charge rent over my dead body.”
“It can be arranged.”
“You wouldn’t, then you’d have to ward me again when you brought me back.” Across the table, Gracidea’s expression was getting more and more fond.
“Kev, buddy, at this point I just count warding supplies as the baseline cost of knowing you.”
“I do not die that often.”
“Three times.” That got the Speaker’s attention.
“How many times?!”
“It’s not that many.”
“Yes, it is Kev. That is an excessive amount of deaths.”
“Agreed!” With a final groan, this one finally with an aggravated air instead of a ‘please kill me now’ one, Kevin shoved away from the table and stood. The other two stayed where they were, Gracidea gaping at him and Argit rolling his eyes.
“Look, you two wanna discuss that, go ahead, I’m gonna be in the kitchen, making dinner or something.”
The problem was that Kevin was perfectly okay being a nobody. As a child he’d wanted attention, all the attention, any attention, but he’d grown up since then. He’d seen what having attention got him. How many times had he been kidnapped and/or enslaved now? And that was just as a result of his powers and being close to the Tennysons. How bad would things get for him if his being cousin to the Emperor of the Osmosian Empire got out? He was going to never know peace. And then add onto that the possibility of being chosen as Imperial Heir (was it likely? in a just world, no. in the world he lived in? practically guaranteed) This was his life, an ongoing disaster that sometimes tried to disguise itself as good things.
He didn’t want any part of it.
Oh there was a whole lot out there about how awesome loving families were, but it wasn’t worth the risk. Best case scenario, he ended up in charge on an Empire which he would probably ruin. Worst case scenario, everyone died. Most likely scenario, this whole thing fell apart around him, leaving him right back at square one but with even more trauma.
He had to stop listening to the Tennysons, really he did. They meant well, but they didn’t get it. Good things happened to them. Actual good things. Any good thing that happened to him was a trap. Which was why they couldn’t find out about this, because if they did not only would Ben never let him live it down, but Gwen would insist he go along with it. For his own good, she’d poke and prod and bulldoze right over him until he played along with a situation that was only going to end with him punching a wall.
It already felt like a five-puncher.
“Kevin?” He was scrolling through his phone when Gracidea walked into the kitchen, going through property listings as he waited for dough to rise and sauce to meld. And now considering if throwing himself out the front window would be rude.
“I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” She leaned against the opposite counter, giving him plenty of space. “I know having this dropped on you is probably rather…”
“Overwhelming? Disconcerting? A blow to the gut for somebody whose opinion on authority is generally ‘fuck off’?” He flashed her a half-hearted smile. “Tell me when I’ve got it.”
“That, all sounds about right,” she said, then sighed. “Nobody intends to force you into anything, you know. Not even having anything to do with us.” Clearly she had never met a Tennyson in her life. “Yes, it would give us more ammunition to tear down those who’ve denied you your rights and your justice, but even if you refuse to become part of the clan we’ll still pursue them, if just to prevent mistreatment of further chicks.” Scraping his teeth over his lips, Kevin sighed and put down his phone.
“Mike Morningstar.” Gracidea chirped questioningly. “He’s another Ossy hybrid, don’t know anything about his clan or if he even has one but, it’s not near as much as me-” thank fuck, he wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone “-but he’s been through some shit. Ya know, if you need more names to throw around.”
“We didn’t really but,” her eyes were narrowed as she spoke, “it certainly won’t hurt. I’ll have the matter looked into.” Kevin nodded and the room lapsed into silence as she looked him over. “You know, you might make a decent clanhead.” He actively kept himself from tensing. “Even if you don’t accept an adoption, at this rate within a few years you’ll have made enough of a name for yourself to start a clan of your own.”
“Yeah,” Kevin replied with an awkward chuckle, “that’s not the best idea. Not exactly the most stable person, in case that didn’t come up in your ‘research’.” Gracidea just shrugged.
“You get it from my mother, and she’s made a great leader.” She smiled at him. “I admit, I don’t know you well, yet, but from what I’ve seen there’s some potential there. I’d rather it be added to the clan, I’d rather you be added to the clan, but it’ll come out somewhere regardless.” He bit his cheek, checking the sauce for something to distract himself. “We’d love to have you, Kevin, but your comfort is more important. Just, consider it. Please.”
Kevin glanced at her. Easily as tall as Aggregor had been, if not more so, though maybe it was the antlers giving that illusion. Dark hair, dark scutes, and those same blue eyes that had come to Eric seemingly out of nowhere. Smiling at him, the asshole.
“I’ll… think about it,” he said, and her smile widened the slightest bit.
“It’s all I ask, nibling-mine.”
There was a good hundred acres of land available right where he wanted it for only a few hundred thousand.
Kevin put flying back out east on his schedule.
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